ultimate-guitar-valveking - Amp Mods - Electronics.pdf
ultimate-guitar-valveking - Amp Mods - Electronics.pdf
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20/1/2015ultimate-guitar-valveking - Amp Mods - Electronics Amp Mods - Electronics (/Amp+Mods++Electronics) Editar 84 (/page/history/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics) … (/page/menu/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics) Amp Mods Electronics THIS SECTION IS NOT A COMMENTS PAGE MODS ONLY Many users buy the Valveking and are not satisfied with the tone straight out of the box. These users (myself included) modify the amp so that a much better tone can be gained You are not a member of this wiki. Join now (http://ultimate-guitarout of it. It really is quite extraordinary how much of an improvement can be made with a valveking.wikispaces.com/space/join) Dismiss few simple mods. Here is an overview of the more technical Electronics mods. Please read the disclaimer below, we don't want any electrified guitarists on our hands :). Please be sure to read the Warnings page before doing any mods to your amp. "...Pulling the chassis and poking around inside the amp however is dangerous deadly dangerous...." *DISCLAIMER* The standby switch does not turn off the voltage to the o/p valves anodes (plate) You can safely drain the capacitors by leaving the standby ON and turning OFF the power. The o/p valves will continue to draw current as the heaters cool down and drain the caps to a safe level.Remember to turn the standby switch OFF before you power up again to prevent cathode stripping the valves, Always remove the power connector before working on the internals. (recklessrog) The capacitors inside the Valveking Chassis are NOT selfdraining. Be sure to let them drain efficiently. Be careful! One method I use (cap47) is to pull a power tube with amp unplugged. Use a meter to check the voltages of each pin to ground. If voltages are present use a test lead with alligator clips clipped to chassis on one end. In the remaining end clip a resistor by one end and wrap the resistor with insulating tape exposing the remaining end as a probe to probe the socket. Probe each hole for each pin for approximately ten seconds to drain the charges. Recheck with a meter before proceeding with your work. If charge remains then repeat and recheck until the voltage is very low or gone. Recheck voltage occasionally for safety. The use of the resistor eliminates sparking when the charge drains. VK112 owners please read this first before modifying your amp. Please note there are now two versions of the VK112 those made before JanJune of 2011 (we can't place it exactly but it's in that range of dates somewhere) and those made after that that have now been dubbed Version 2's. We now have PDF schematics for both versions here on this page Warnings The difference is in the circuit just after V2 gain stage 2 and before the lead channels tone stack where Resistor 173 is now changed to 100k and placed in series with a new http://ultimate-guitar-valveking.wikispaces.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 1/26 20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking - Amp Mods - Electronics Capacitor at C105 a 50volt 2.2nf Capacitor. Like this Signal from C100>C105>R173 >AGND1. C149 is changed from 50Volt 1nf to a 50Volt 820pf. C100>C149>AGND1 This supposedly brightens the amp slightly (needs verification) ala the clip out C149 mod in a version 1 amp. This change may have ramifications to some of the amp modifications posted below. If your not sure by all means ask either here or at the VK thread at Ultimate Guitars "Guitar gear and Accessories" forum.ValveKing Thread MKII The second change made... The circuit board trace from the send/return loops return side to the power amp circuit board has been replaced with a plug and a shielded cable running from a plug near the return jack to the power amp board. This change was made to eliminate a slightly louder hum some users where experiencing in the VK112. The VK212 and VK100 already have this cable from the factory. Of course Peavey does not officially acknowledge that there are now two versions of the VK112 amp. Lucky us ::eyeroll:: The only way to tell for 100% certain is ask peavey when your VK112 was made or drop out the chassis and check for a fat cable that goes from near the return jack from a plug to the power amp board. Or look at R173 to see if it is a 100k resistor. Version 1 boards will have a 3.9 megaohm resistor in this spot. Anyone with information on whether or not the VK212 and VK100 have had the above factory circuit mod near the tone stack done to them please let us know. I wondered why there had been a tail off of posts on the VK thread about the amps sounding dark and muddy. R100 mod The r100 mod is said to improve the gain boost control and make it less trebly, cutting and overall harsh when used. (Credit stratoJim) The r100 mod is easy with minimal soldering experience. Just get a resistor (any will do) and use the solder lead to go from lead to lead on resistor 100 (which is labeled) thereby bridging the resistor. The r100 mod made the gain boost feature usable and great for a classic rock tone with the gain less than noon. (Credit ilyav) About the R100 mod: Remove the resistor and slam a 1M pot there. What do you think the Noise Gate on the Peavey JSX is? R171 clean boost mod (Credit 65 SG, submitted to wiki by Sadistic Sponge) This mod allows the gain function to work on the clean channel. The end result is a volume/treble boost for the clean channel that helps give it a bit extra punch. To do this mod simply locate R171 and cut it. That is all! Original thread: http://forums.peavey.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=12702&p=84667 http://ultimate-guitar-valveking.wikispaces.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 2/26 com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 3/26 .Drill 6. Peavey VK112 Bias Mod (credit cap47) By Charles Peck 06/06/2009 In this package I will discuss the steps I took to mod my VK112 so that it can be biased manually. Besides the parts that are shown you will need tools for the job. (recklessrog) Bias Pot Mod The bias pot mod allows the amp user to adjust the bias of the valves using a dial that is modded into the back of the amp. You need one each. Just about any 25KL or 50KL would work.Good quality soldering iron.Wrenches to remove jack and pot nuts and Standby Switch 12.Countersink for deburring 5. http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. they are not locking though. Below is a list.Small diameter electrical solder (rosin core) 9. long enough to reach across chassis and not too thick 11. This does NOT impact this mod's functioning as far as I know. If the Weber bias pot is not availible try Mojotone 25KL or 50KL pot. This picture shows the parts for the bias pot mod.Bias Rite or similar 8. meaning that the gain boost is always engaged.Small Phillips screwdriver and medium size.Amp Mods . 1. Anyone doing This Mod may be interested in also adding a BALANCE pot to equalise the bias to each O/P valve. Small flat blade. meaning R122 is removed.Cut yourself some wood blocks to prop board on. Also 50K Trimmer Pot # 9010105. 6/01/12 cap47 Also Weber WP253slotlock is a 25K bias pot. Even matched sets can draw differrent amounts of current and as they age this can become quite pronounced. This allows the user to dial out some of the sterility in the tone and generally "warm up" the amp. (Credit stratoJim) The bias mod really warmed up the amp and took out a lot of the grittiness and increased responsiveness. 2.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . It sounds great and adds a little functionality I can imagine it being super useful and it's easy as all hell. It was very noticable in the clean channel but affected the whole tone.Cutting pliers (small) 3.Electronics Sadistic_Sponge notes: I have the mesa mod engaged here.wikispaces.A shoe horn or paint can opener to remove knobs 10.17/64 drill bit 4. If anyone is Interested I will post details of how to do it.Multimeter 7. Using alligator leads on the terminals and your multimeter leads so you can adjust setting. I also took readings across the 15k resistor touched at left terminal and probed center terminal. Remove the Peavey logo at front and the metal plate at front just under chassis.Electronics To start. The reverb has white plug at the chassis so you don't need to unplug at the tank. Unplug speaker and reverb.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 4/26 .wikispaces. Now you are ready to disassemble the amp.Drains Caps! Remove all tubes. http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. Now remove the 4 long bolts at the top of the amp and support the chassis. You then slide the chassis out and put on your work bench.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking .. Make sure amp is unplugged leaving standby on. power and preamp. Now it is time to gently pry the knobs off each pot on the front of chassis using the shoe horn as shown. Same as the resistor you will be removing. Take out the two screws under back ledge. I inserted my bias probes and took readings on each tube before proceeding and recorded those readings. Just pull gently.Amp Mods . I then preset the resistance for pot with 15k resistor to 33k. don't do it. Power switch stays in. The reason the standby switch is removed is to give you room to flip the main board. The capacitors are not accessible until board has been removed and flipped.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . If you don't have the experience. VK is NOT self draining See Disclaimer above. http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. do not remove. Clip and remove it.Amp Mods . You will find a plastic wire tie that holds the wires near the switches. Always check voltages for safety. pots and front jacks.Electronics Use appropriate wrench to remove nuts from Standby switch. I assume no responsibility if you undertake this mod. Check standby switch with mm for voltage before proceeding.wikispaces.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 5/26 . mark it's position on the opposite side when board is gently flipped. With board turned slide the wood blocks under the board for support. Approximately 7 or so. Beware tho. Note this process can be followed for the 39k resistor for the VK212 and VK100 head. Take the new resistor and cut one lead about 1/4” on one end only. Remove them with the appropriate size Phillips screw driver.Amp Mods .com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 6/26 . Locate resistor R205 on the board.wikispaces. This is the baby you will remove. If all is good voltage levels you can proceed to unsolder the 33k resistor at R205. http://ultimate-guitar-valveking.Electronics Now you will find small black screws holding the board in. With the standby switch loose you can gently lift and slide the board out of front pot and jack mounts. Insert that end thru far enough to get it soldered to the board at the left hole shown in picture. Now you can check voltage at Capacitors. Shouldn't be any. Before going too far tho you should test place the bias pot to determine where to drill the 17/64 hole for mounting to chassis.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . See picture. Use a probe to pull it down on each pin until it comes out. Only difference is preset the pot and resistor in series to 39k. Clean out the 2 holes. Electronics The board is shown here where it mounts but is not yet screwed back in. Once you have ample clearance to get pot connections soldered drill and deburr the hole in chassis. Clean all chips out of the chassis and board areas using a small vacuum or blow it out good with a can of air.wikispaces.Amp Mods .com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 7/26 . Don't want any chips shorting things so check good. http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. Mount the bias pot as shown and gently tighten.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . Push the knobs back on and reassemble the amp in reverse of taking it apart. Damage can be done if it is not a good connection.wikispaces. Now you have to use the Bias Rite or similar to set the bias. Put the plastic nuts on all the jacks and only finger tight. don't over tighten. Notice which terminals were used. Check all your work and make sure it is clean. The pot should be close enough to get it fine tuned. Repeat with the jumper and solder. Remember we preset the ohm rating of the pot with the 15k resistor. My jumper is actually two resistor leads soldered together. Play the damn thing! http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. very important. Be sure you made good solder joints. Now the good part. By using the left one and the middle it gives you an increase in milliamps going clockwise. Once you are confident every thing works right you can put in the good tubes and tune it in. Put the standby back in. Flip the board back to its final assembly spot and gently bend the resistor with small pliers until it meets the pot terminal shown.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 8/26 . It is best to use an old set of tubes to start with. The nuts will split if over tightened.Electronics Now insert the jumper into the other board hole and solder at the circuit side. Put the screws in the board snug. In this picture the far right is not used. Put a shim under the terminal so the lead does not short to chassis and solder it to the terminal.Amp Mods .20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . Put the metal nuts on the pots and snug them. If the other end terminal were used instead of the one shown the increase in milliamps would have been CCW. wikispaces.Amp Mods .20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking .Electronics http://ultimate-guitar-valveking.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 9/26 . Electronics Bias Test Jacks Done by Jason43 on his 212head conversion VK. 1 watt resistor across pin 8 of each power tube and ground. it could damage your test meter if you have it set on a low range.Test jacks: For this. There is a jumper on each socket that connects pin 8 to a ground trace on the pcb. http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. The jacks are sold through Weber speakers. Ideally the main power fuse should blow BEFORE the resistor!!!! (recklessrog) Alternative Bias Pot & Test Jack Positions Credit: Nik Player (sizzlingbadger) 5th Feb 2011 This allows the bias to be measured and adjusted via the rear panel of the amp. Once you mount the test jacks in the chassis. it will burn out and go open circuit leaving the test point at a possibly HIGH VOLTAGE!!! Apart from the obvious shock hazzard. This is because if the valve should develop a short circuit and a 1watt metal film or carbon resistor is used. you need to install a 1 ohm. The black jack connects to ground.wikispaces. >Allows each individual power tube bias to be tested with ease.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 10/26 . PLEASE NOTE!!! the resistors should really be 3 Watt wire wound. Remove each jumper and replace with the resistor.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . run a wire from pin 8 of each power tube socket to each of the red test jacks.Amp Mods . Amp Mods .com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 11/26 .Electronics http://ultimate-guitar-valveking.wikispaces.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . 6 * 30) / 470] * 1000 0. Suggest the formula for the bias.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 12/26 . on my ValveKing.wikispaces.Amp Mods .20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . It should be the same on other versions. based on the plate voltage of the ValveKing: mA = [(0.7 = 70% of the power (suggested calculation from 50% to 70%) http://ultimate-guitar-valveking.Electronics Tips on bias Credit GioBos Measuring the voltage of the plate. the result was of 470V. suggested for metal tone. Could you please clarify if: A. suggested for Warm tone. I would recommend going by ear and taste.wikispaces. Below is a copy of the email correspondence between a VK user and Peavey Technical Support: (credit Mathamology) Originally Posted by me! Hi there. I assume this is the correct address to send this message to! I own a Peavey Valveking 112 (serial number K0238806). low headroom) These data based on a calculation of the correct bias of the 6l6 tubes on valveking. Footswitch Delay Fix (C124 mod) (only applicable to older models) The footswitch mod is designed to fix the slight delay when changing channels on the footswitch (this only happens on older models so users who have not experienced this problem need not carry this mod out). high headroom) Average bias: approximately 38ma (60% power at idle.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . tube long life.Amp Mods . from 30 to 45. mid headroom) Warm Bias: approximately 45ma (70% power at idle.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 13/26 . tube short life. If it is true. After a bit of research. tube normal life. do I need to replace the capacitor with anything? C. http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. just too cold!! and main reason for the stock crossover distortion. and many thanks in advance. I believe it is one of the older models. As I'm sure you are aware. but does this capacitor have the potential to shock? I hope to hear from you soon.Electronics 30 = Maximum wattage dissipation of 6L6 470 = plate voltage Recommended bias: Cold bias: approximately 31ma (50% power at idle. suggested for all. I know it's not really associated with the power section. Stock bias in my ValveKing was 21. Here is their response: Originally Posted by Peavey Hello Matt. I found something that suggested the removal of the C124 capacitor in the curcuit would solve this issue. there is a delay when switching between the two channels. This is true B. Amp Mods . so complete removal should do the job. This means that the muting will be complete and the audio will return when R138 has pulled the gate of Q101 up to roughly 7. which is about 53% of the total voltage. (credit ilyav) "SAG Resistor" Mod w/bypass http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. well you can reduce the size of C130 or R138. 470k is probably the lowest you should go. this FET is used as a switch that temporarily mutes the audio signal while the relays switch channels. I've changed R138 to 1M in my VK100 and found that channel switching from clean to lead was much faster and not noticeable anymore. or a footswitch. This was added in order to remove the short pop that is created when switching from clean to lead. The gate of Q101 will remain at ground until it is pulled back up to +14V by R138. So let's get to business; the way this circuit works is as follows. So how can you make this faster. C131 only lets the change in voltage reach the Triac and pulls down the gate of Q101 very fast. as advised by Peavey The removal of the C124 capacitor in the Valveking should improve switch response. and by the Vgsoff of Q101. some channel popping might start showing up at the speaker since you're inhibiting the muting circuit. you'll know that R138*C130 = time it takes to reach 63% of the total voltage. What I mean is that you can remove some muting. So let's use the median value of 7. you'll find that Vgsoff can be anywhere from 5V to 10V. The capacitor does not have to be replaced. If you understand time constants. When either the front panel switch. but remember that if you make R138 too small. Of course. Therefore. First of all. Regards Brian Fixing the switch delay. The change is removal and will not need substituted. but it doesn't have to be so long as it currently is. but shouldn't remove all of it.Electronics Thank you for your question. the temporary muting is necessary. is used to change channels the voltage at R142 changes from ground to +14V. notice Q101. If you look at the datasheet of Q101 (J174). this muting time is definately long enough for anyone to hear.wikispaces. Peavey Forums for source) Here's what I've done to reduce channel switching delay in my VK100 head. so I recommend reducing the value of R138. you might not get the same effect by using 1M in R138. This results in Q101 muting the audio signal for some time.4ms (the actual time is a bit less due to 63% > 53%). but reducing C130 will affect both the turn ON and turn OFF times of the muting circuit.2M by 22n and you get 48. you need to understand why there is a delay. So experiment with smaller values. So take out your calculator and multiply 2. You have to be very careful with all valve amps as they can store extremely high voltages even when the unit is not powered up.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking .com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 14/26 . due to the huge range of Vgsoff in Q101 (5V to 10V).5V.5V for simplicity's sake. Yes this does improve switching. (Credit ilyav for finding. A small pair of clippers will be suffucient to remove the capacitor. The exact amount of time it takes for R138 to do this is dictated by 2 factors: The RC time constant formed by R138 & C130. If you have the schematic. Also lowers the bias from 40ma (460v. leave it connected clip the 3 others.eku. Oh well.. But when playing loud (Power tubes need more current) The resistor acts like a Tube Rectifier. (credit ilyav) *Also made the Distortion channel tighter by changings the C103 from 2. *Added a Marshall Switch which leaves the Distortion channel with only http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. *Modded the PI to this scheme : http://www.5.Amp Mods .20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . Got me a Tube Rectifier Emulation Sag Switch.wikispaces. Link: http://studentweb. A/AB Pot removal *Removed the A/AB class Pot.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 15/26 .2n to 1n. The resistor lowers the Plate Voltage by 25v (Bias unchanged) like a 5V4GA.html Beautiful. Edit by ilyav:There is a ground wire in the 4 wires of the A/AB pot. But when I rebias to 40ma the voltage drop is 50v like a 5R4GYB. Here is what ilyav said he did: Remove A/B pot and it's wires {leave ground wire per his edit) (clip/unsolder them) Change C144 to 47N (to be = toC135) or you can use the existing C144 in series with unsoldered C1 from the A/AB board. 45v) to 25ma (435v.Electronics No sound difference in low volumes. Caps in series behave like resistors in parallel. (Made the amp alot louder) no shit in the signal..co.uk/valvewizard/cathodyne.freewebs. Ex. Cap47 in series with Cap47 is Cap23.edu/justin_holton/sag. 45v).html *Removed the FX loop mod I did earlier. Now solder a small jumper from pin 8 to the C144 leg near it. made the bass roll off at 700hz (300hz old). My (old) JCM 800/Marshall mod. 7. 5. Sounds BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!! I've got amazing CLEAN sound with gain till 5. or here: http://soundclick.Amp Mods . Very Plexi like drive with gain on 10. *(this is essential to the Marshall sound). but was added later on the DPDT switch. What it does: It bypasses one gain stage. 10 (no boost). *The first few riffs Gain on 3.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 16/26 . on the edge of the cap. The JCM 800 has 3 then EQ & Plexi has 2 then EQ. its HEAVEN.wikispaces. Now I can actualy control the Amps drive with my guitar volume.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . (mind the playing. *I actually like the Cleans on the lead channel better now. With the Gain boost On. thats why its too saturated & not articulate enough. The one with the diodes (which I removed anyway). (credit ilyav) JCM800 mod I've got to post it guys. *One SM57 1 inch aways from grill. to return the VK to its original sound. it was cutting the high end other amps have. No boosting Pedals needed just articulate beautiful ROARING distortion. http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. And leaves you with 3 gain stages & the EQ on the gain channel..Electronics 2 gain stages (instead of 4) and EQ. *Not shown on the photo. (on the photo).com/share?songid=8456721 *Everything was recorded ONLY on the Lead Channel of the VK (on the JCM 800 mod). Yes CLEAN sound. Here it is: Click my Avatar for Sound Samples. (just like JCM800). *VK has 4 gain stages on the distortion channel. *Played with the Neck & Bridge PU in no order (EMG 85 & 81). It was only for the demo). (like Marshall Plexi).. Also I bypassed the C149. Electronics How does it work: Use DPDT ONON Switch. 2. & to the bottom leg of where it was. Credit 65 SG! Use this link http://forums. Take the signal from the C106 & R106 junction to one of the swithes legs. All it does is selects if 2 (JCM) or 3 (VK) stages going into the last stage then EQ. Read all for info and comment! Testimonial by Sadistic_Sponge: I modded my VK112 with both the MESA mod (see below) and the JCM800 mod. I wanted to install the ppi master volume to make the clean channel cruch. The master volume is pointless now. The Center leg goes to where you unsoldered the R107 (left hole). as I can have anything from clean to Crunch to Full on Metal just by playing with the Gain & Mod Switch. Solder the Center to ground.php?f=19&t=27933 Added by cap47. Don't need to anymore. while the mesa mode is a bit tighter. upper leg of where it was (on the photo) Thats it.peavey.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 17/26 . There is a new JCM mod from the Peavey Forums.Amp Mods .com/viewtopic. Both sound MUCH better than the stock VK distortion and http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. *if you want the C149 back: Solder C149 to the VK side on the switch. 1. 3. The JCM channel feels a tad thicker with more balls to it but less gain. Unsolder R107's left leg (on photo) solder it to the other leg.wikispaces.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . . Remove R122 (no jumper needed). potential for worse sound junk in signal. Everything at 12 o clock on the gain channel makes a nice Bush Machinehead tone. And it lowers the high gain mode a bit and makes the sound much. tried it out. Clean channel stayed the same and was completely unaffected which I really liked. The structure and articulation of the gain now is fenomenal . and plenty & tighter gain on the gainon. 22K has less. much cleaner and defined but http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. If we did primarily metal stuff I'd go with the MESA mod. thanks to 65SG's tutorial) don't have a difference in volume. If you can live with that. tightness of tone depends on EQ and setup) The tone stack cap & resistor are crutial to Mesa sound; C2 to 470pF R4 to 47k If it's too dark remove C149 (cut one leg of it). *But still can be very low or Very high gain. as I didn't have a 750k resistor handy.wikispaces. with less gain [10k]). and I wish I had done this sooner..(10K has more gain. While both mods are. Mesa and Bogner like (Not exaggerating). Anywho. do this mod. You'll lose the low gain option (always high gain now. but crank the distortion and tweak the EQ and you can now do metal. Added by LivingExperiment Just a note: I did 65SG's 'new' JCM mod to a tee. (it has plenty of gain now on the normal gain. Soldano(off). The Mesa mod removes the low gain mode completely. Mesa/Bogner(on[tighter]) *If you liked the gain channel with a boost pedal.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . VK212 had to be cranked (just like any Marshall) to get the same tone that the VK112 has at lower volumes.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 18/26 .Electronics they have MUCH more definition and the fizziness of the distortion is now gone! Testimonial by LivingExperiment: I modded my VK112 and ALSO my VK212 with ilyav's JCM800 mod. and for some reason my two modes (while they sound like they should. which is AWESOME now. R116 to 10k (Wattage don't matter here). I have also done the MESA mod. Leave R124 in place (Don't touch it).Amp Mods . PRS_Tim (credit ilyav) MESA mod It makes the gain channel million times better (exaggerating). etc). I put it all back together. When you complete this mod all your favorite EQ settings will have to change for the distortion channel. you'll "Die" from happiness on this mod. no joke. The gain button now controlls C115 (470n) on/off. I am running a peavey valveking 212 (one of the newer revisions). just the difference in gain/tone. except the resistor across the switch contacts to even the volume between the two lead channel 'modes'. Both of my VK's sound amazing now. and didn't want to run any in series (extra solder joints. The clean is unaffected. I prefer JCM800 to the MESA mod since my band Living Experiment does "danceable rock" cover band stuff and some metal. 10x times better than stock VK distortion. i´d use max. If you need a low gain rock tone and a high gain mode ( cover band ).wikispaces. I tried once 39k and this almost disabled this stage. http://ultimate-guitar-valveking..Electronics still with plenty of gain. 4k. So if you want keep a noticable difference between the 3stage gain and 4stage gain.. 10k. The gain switch now acts like a fat button. This is VERY easy and . This varies depending on your tube setup. You will need: a mono 1/4" standard jack. (credit Stefan_L_01) Just a note about the Mesa Mod: The higher the resistor value. which lets me take the channel lower gain than the JCM mode to ultra high saturation. speaker wire. however. This already reduces gain a lot.. the 2 gain channels get closer together. reducing it to the "normal" gain mode. now is a lot more defined and clear. And what was with the gain boost on.. the lower the gain. I also changed R101 to 100k to make the mesa mode more distinct. with a 100k or so you would have the cathodyan phase splitter with gain 1.. so you might need to trouble shoot. that you should put a 2k resistor attached to the pot or it will squeal like a stuck pig when you turn it all the way! WARNING: You have to be very careful with all valve amps as they can store extremely high voltages. Lastly. Based on Stefan_L_01's observations changing R116 to 5k helps the issue immensely. I've also put a 20k pot in place of R116.. or increase it slowly and find the best setting for your style mix (2k. I have 470k and 220k and it works great.. leave it the way it is. a suitable jack plate..Amp Mods .20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . DOES NOT REQUIRE THE REMOVAL OF ANYTHING. make sure that you use appropriate resistor values if you use 65SG's mesa mod. Note. You can compensate with a higher gain setting of the control. a 11. speaker jack it shuts off the internal speaker... It´s logic. when using the "stock" ext. What was the low gain (off) now has plenty of gain.5' length of 16 ga.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 19/26 . Sadistic Sponge notes: After doing both Mesa and JCM mods I had difficulty telling the two channels apart. 10k. even when they are not powered up! You have been warned! ___ VK 112 External Speaker Jack for internal/external speaker use: As we already know. 20k). but again.bummer !!! So I have added an external speaker jack of my own. php?p=25566983&postcount=10147 http://ultimate-guitar-valveking...wikispaces... Solder the the speaker wire to the jack.. Luckyman77 _ This link is a mod taken from a UTube mod and refined upon by cap47. http://www. Second. Third.. Seventh.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 20/26 .. makng note of plus and minus. The link takes you to the original post detailing the mod. Thread the speaker wire through the "guides" on the inside of the VK112 cab and out through the hole in the lower panel that you drilled .. Fifth.Electronics a couple of female solderless spade connects. again making note of plus (tip) and minus (shield)... Drill a hole in the bottom rear panel of your VK 112 with the 7/8" bit.. Sixth. Be careful to ONLY use a 16 ohm external cab with this configuration !!! Peavey recommends a MINIMUM 8 ohm load for the VK112....Amp Mods . Enjoy !!! May God Bless. First. Mount the jack to the plate.com/forum/showpost. Then attach them to the corresponding terminals on the "stock" speaker. Vacuum the inside of the cab to remove the sawdust. Fourth. a drill and 7/8" wood bore bit and screws to mount the jack plate..20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking .ultimateguitar. Attach the solderless connects to one end of the speaker wire... Mount the plate assembly to the cab's lower panel..... That's it !!! You can now plug in and run an external cab with the internal VK 112 speaker simultaneously !!! WARNING!!! This wires the internal speaker and an external cab in parallel. Amp Mods . Save the 100n cap (C1) and install it in series with the 100n cap (C144) on the power amp board. You must use this set of caps to bridge the gap left by removing the Texture circuit. Here's what I've got: Remove C149 (improves Gain Channel brightness) Replace R101 (150k) with a 100k resistor.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . This allows you to do the same thing as in a Marshall. R103 and R104. where you could pull either the inside or outside pairs of tubes to cut it from 100W to 50W. one from each side of the push/pull. I've actually removed both. as this would affect how glassy the clean channel is. this won't affect anything in "JCM mode. This closely matches the other side of the splitter (C135 47nF). Q103 somehow broke down and became fused. or just solder to that fat ground trace and bring that to the two common contacts on your DPDT switch. I went with 1/2 watt CF. While it was malfunctioning. Once you've accomplished this. Take a lead from the pin 8 side of the jumper from each of the two tubes you've chosen and run each of those leads to their own contact on the switch. very simple. we can't just http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. I got a lot of time in experimenting with my Valve King 212. Since the VK uses series heaters.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 21/26 . I felt it was lacking a bit. I found that GS3 was a great stage to fool around with to remedy this loss. Locate the cathode jumpers for either V7 & V6 OR V5 & V4. It softens the sound of the amp slightly. with 100k resistors as well. This is how Mesa does it in the Lonestar 100W series. not V7 & V5 or V4 & V6. I did not. which seemed to affect the bias of gain stage #2. In this case put a 470pF resistor in place of C149.wikispaces. pin 8.Electronics Gain Stage #3 Enhancement (by jdoorn01) Through a malfunction. When I fixed it. imo. What this does is disconnect two of the power tubes. the tone of the gain stage was great. What this does is decrease the gain slightly of the third gain stage while increasing the proportion of even order harmonics (good distortion). and deactivates the cathode ground. Alternatively you could replace the pair with a 50n cap. *Be sure that you are deactivating one tube out of each pair that forms the push/pull. If you remove the Texture board. If you wanted to go the extra mile. though the sound might we a little too sharp for some people. This gets it a little closer to JCM 800 territory. Note that if you have the JCM 800 mod from ilyav. you can have something better. it might be worth swapping the first two gain stages load resistors. Take the ground side of the jumper. That would mean you would use V7 & V6 OR V5 &V4. 50/100W Switch (VK100/212 ONLY) (jdoorn01) Here's an idea lifted from Mesa/Boogie Lonestars. Refer to the VK100/212 schematic for details." Sadistic Sponge notes: You can also get away with removing C117 to brighten the amp as well. throw a DPDT switch in its place. equalization and sound are very similar to the sound without a buffer.and giving cream.005 uf). but more "open". and the other leg of the capacitor to the right leg of r169 (the signal goes to ground here). cutting the crossover frequency.010uf that goes to right leg of r169.wikispaces.Electronics do that. The difference in volume is slightly above the sound without the buffer.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . Buffer Mod (take out annoying treble) (Credit Giordano Boschetti giobos) Please be sure to read the Warnings page before doing any mods to your amp. The difference in volume is almost like the buffer stock. especially in higain. Unsolder pot texture.Amp Mods . positioned between the midrange and treble pot. I found a convenient and fast way to do this. I used a DPDT switch for this. the right pin is ground.010uf 50v (103pf or 10nf) capacitor Solder one leg of the capacitor to the right leg of r174.010 uf capacitor on send. This gets around it and is slightly more convenient. Sovtek LPS V3 A/AB pot removal (pratical alternative) (Credit Giordano Boschetti giobos) First. IMO. the result is two very different sounds. DONE! Sound unbuffered. In fact. thanks to ilyav & cap47 for the informations. between pin 8 and the left leg C144 (C144 & C1 connected in series. I use Tungsol Reissue V1. and c1 Cut the central pin of the clip (the left pin is the resonance. feels very annoying treble that make the sound often confused.010 uf capacitors in series to the send (. China 12ax7B V2. the pot "treeble" now controls the mid / high frequencies. This is a very simple mod. including myself. ValveKing 112) Solder c1. http://ultimate-guitar-valveking.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 22/26 . Solution: Low pass filter! Material: one or two . buffered: with a . the sound is more oriented to the medium frequencies. in effect a bypass of the pot) The picture says it all much more simply. cutting a part of the crossoverfrequencies. one capacitor or two capacitors in series (bright). and crossover distortion like. Not everyone likes the effect of highend buffer loop. the center pins are connected to the pot texture. so as to allow an fine adjustment. with two . it is also possible to solder a 5k pot to right leg of R173 with the capacitor . 20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . though.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 23/26 ..wikispaces.. change R144. I also sent my mod into a Peavey engineer who replied "Should be fine. your amp won't work. Simply put. This can usually be done because the two left and two right tubes are in parallel. we must act as he said ilyav. Following is what I did to take out the outside power tubes without permanently altering/damaging your amp." This brings the full power to 50W and I would assume the class A power is 25W. this cannot be done because the heater circuit is wired in series.Amp Mods .. http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. On the VK212&100.Electronics If instead you want to change the capacitor. pin8 connected with a jumper at R144 HalfPower Mod (how to pull the outside tubes on VK212 and 100) (Credit jmjlai) One of the easiest tricks to reduce the power on a AB pushpull amp is to pull the two outside or inside power tubes.no warranty. I mounted these to perf board and wired the resistor banks to the heater plugs on the tube socket (DON'T MESS THAT UP!!!) Make sure you look at the pinout.Electronics The key to this mod is that heaters have a running resistance when hot which must be matched to: 1.3V @ 900mA when running. Therefore the resistance per tube we are shooting for is 7 Ohms capable of dissipating at least 6W. I crimped the wires to spades and used locking washers to ensure a solid connection.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . not overheat the tube 3.Amp Mods .wikispaces. http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. As for tube pins. not underheat the tube A 6L6 tube is spec'd to run at 6. I found that 440 machine screws work great. 5W resistors in parallel per tube. not overload the transformer 2.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 24/26 . I used 3 22Ohm. Remove C144 and replace it with a 47n 400v Polyester similar to the type fitted at position C135. which is caused by grounding issues. I then screwd the perf board into the side of the amp and presto! I now have a 50W amp! One thing you will have to remember.Electronics I also added a cpu heat sync to the resistor bank because the resistors were giving out enough heat to burn the perf board. 8 to 4 ohm etc.wikispaces.). http://forums. This helps to eradicate this problem. Fit the other end of these wires into the pins 2 and 3 position of P313. Fit a wire link in place of C1.php?t=11148 Peavey VK112 Modifications Quick Guide Texture Pot/R100 conversion Remove wires 2 and 3 from the P303/313 jumper.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 25/26 . I have linked the thread below scroll down a bit.Amp Mods . make sure you leave your amp on about 5 minutes before you take it out of standby.com/viewtopic. Submitted by Sadistic_Sponge) Some VKs have too much hum when idling. resistors are much more linear than heater filaments so your 2 power tube heater filaments will take 35 times longer to start glowing. Remove R100 and fit two lengths of insulated wire in its vacant holes. have fun being able to turn your amp past 2! When pulling 2 power tubes on a 4 tube amp the ohm setting of your speaker should be reduced by 1/2 (16 to 8. the solution you want has you using soldering wick to ground the potentiometers and inputs.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . http://ultimate-guitar-valveking. You now have controllable gain boost and removal of the noise inducing. cap47 Killing Excess Hum (Credit to 65 SG. Fit a jumper link between pin 8 of V3 and the terminal of the new C144 nearest to it. Remove C1 and R3 from the output breakaway PCB.peavey. Note that this thread also gives detailed information on how to test and drain the filter capacitors on the VK board without sticking things in your power tube pins (which is actually my preferred method). 0 License. remove C103. fit C149 into position C103 and leave C149 position empty.Amp Mods .wikispaces.Electronics power sapping Texture control. remove R138 and replace with value 1M. Decrease channel switching delay Remove C124 and leave its position empty. Remove R101 and replace with value 100k. Portions not contributed by visitors are Copyright 2015 Tangient LLC http://ultimate-guitar-valveking.com/Amp+Mods+-+Electronics 26/26 .com/ are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.20/1/2015 ultimate-guitar-valveking . Ayuda · Acerca de · Blog · Precio · Privacidad · Términos · Apoyo · Elevar de categoría Contributions to http://ultimateguitarvalveking. Improve distortion character Remove C149.wikispaces. 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