Uitm Course Info

March 25, 2018 | Author: Adora Kamalia | Category: Design, Qualitative Research, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Scientific Method



UNIVERSITITEKNOLOGI MARA (UiTM) CONTACT COURSE INFO Head of Graduate Studies Siti Farhana Zakaria (Dr.) | 03-5544 4059 GRADUATE STUDIES Coordinator Graduate Studies - Coursework Mumtaz Mokhtar (Dr.) | 03-5544 4092 (COURSEWORK) Administration and Academic Liaison Officer Cik Erni Mustafa Bakri| 03-5544 1723 Encik Ahmad Padzir Mohammad | 03-5521 1725 Puan Sazurah Sajuri | 03-5544 4076 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UiTM) (MARCH-JULY 2014) PROGRAMMES Universiti Teknologi MARA |Faculty of Art & Design Jalan Kreatif, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor Tel: 03-5544 4063 / 4059 /4092 | Fax: 03-5544 4011 www.ad.uitm.edu.my FACULTY OF ART & DESIGN AD701 Master of Art History and Cultural Management AD 702 Master of Fine Art and Technology AD703 Master of Visual Communication and New Media AD 704 Master of Design Technology DEAN’S MESSAGE Reminiscing our humble beginning in 1967, we take pride in the legacy of the faculty’s role as one of the pioneers of modern Art & Design Education in the nation. Moving forward, we believe that the faculty journeys with the realization that, the only constant… is change. With that, we swim in our own blue ocean where we develop each student as a unique individual through programmes that is an able to create an all rounded professionals in Art & Design disciplines encompassing Islamic values and indigenous culture and heritage. Accepting the university’s challenge towards a world-class status, our Art& Design family will continue to grow and learn from each other, evolving as a united body. The faculty is proud to say that we are not just an academic institution… We are shapers of future generation. Professor Dr. Haji Mustaffa Halabi Bin Haji Azahari Website : http://mustaffa.uitm.edu.my Facebook : Dekan FSSR UiTM TABLE OF CONTENT Curriculum Structure AD701: Master of Art History and Cultural Management 1 AD702: Master of Fine Art and Technology 7 AD703: Master of Visual Communication and New Media 14 AD704: Master of Design Technology 23 Electives Courses 28 CURRICULUM STRUCTURE . OR AD704 3 AMT805 Graduate Seminar 3 CORE ACM800 Dissertation 9 CORE 1 . OR AD704 2 AMT757 Art History Methodology 3 CORE ACM750 Contemporary Islamic Art of Asia 3 CORE ACM752 Art Criticism 3 CORE ACM753 Art and Cultural Management 4 CORE CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD702.Curriculum Structure|AD701|Full Time Master of Art History and Cultural Management SEMESTER COURSE CODE COURSE NAME CREDIT HOURS STATUS AMT708 Issues on Contemporary Art and Design 3 CORE AMT 709 Research Methodology 3 CORE 3 CORE FACULTY CORE 1 PROGRAMME CORE ACM710 History of Arts of the Malay World CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD702. AD703. AD703. Curriculum Structure|AD701|Partime Master of Art History and Cultural Management SEMESTER COURSE CODE COURSE NAME CREDIT HOURS STATUS FACULTY CORE AMT708 Issues on Contemporary Art and Design 3 CORE AMT 709 Research Methodology 3 CORE ACM710 History of Arts of the Malay World 3 CORE 1 2 3 PROGRAMME CORE CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD702. OR AD704 AMT757 Art History Methodology 3 CORE ACM750 Contemporary Islamic Art of Asia 3 CORE ACM752 Art Criticism 3 CORE ACM753 Art and Cultural Management 4 CORE CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD702. OR AD704 4 AMT805 Graduate Seminar 3 CORE ACM800 Dissertation 9 CORE 2 . AD703. AD703. At the same time. This involves the arts writings in Malaysia as well as international. Topics will be examined through reading. AMT709: Research Methodology Course Description This course discusses theoretical and practical research methods. artists and art observers. the students will embrace understanding in producing alternative paradigm in contemporary art via holistic appreciation model of intergraded approaches which are historians. Apart from understanding art from various aspects such as meaning.Course Description|AD701 Master of Art History and Cultural Management AMT708: Issues on Contemporary Art and Design Course Description This course describes and discusses the development of Eastern and Western contemporary arts in a critical manner. the course will explore key issues in contemporary design practice as it relates to social. 3 . critics. writing and discussions and projects to address contemporary design challenges. including their research questions (topic). economic and political contexts. quantitative. which are subdivided into qualitative. Students will be guided on formulating their research design. A combination of methods and processes of implementing research will help students to achieve the proposed aims of research planning. and mixed method approaches. Students will critically review philosophies and thoughts which inform contemporary design practices towards greater consciousness for application in practical design practices. concept and philosophy in arts. appreciating. They are exposed to the history and methodology of important information of art of the Malay World. 4 .Course Description|AD701 Master of Art History and Cultural Management ACM710: History of Arts of the Malay World Course Description History has proven that the Malay art and crafts do not only reflect fine craftsmanship but also the importance of its aesthetics essence. The descriptions and exposure about this ethical heritage and cultures will form basic assumptions. Thus. AMT757: Art History Methodology Course Description This course discusses the different approaches in art history methodology beginning 15th century until the present day. Students will be able to use these approaches in their Art History writings and researches. These methodologies will include those of the Euro-American centric. their collective social integrity has played an overriding factor with deep sense of value in terms of creativity and resourcefulness. the art and crafts of the Malay have inspired many through expression. spirit and intellectuality. beliefs and practices for students in understanding. devotion. inventing and managing an innovative area of art and design. For the Malays and Islam. This course objectively introduce students to the world of the Malay art and craft that was once being exercised with awareness towards nature that embodies the society way of life and their philosophical values. the decolonization of methodologies and the Islamic art history methodology. It will enable students to develop a better understanding of the various methods in art history methodology. Students will be equipped for senior positions of responsibility in a variety of educational and art industry contexts and become able to assist their organizations to address strategic priorities in a systematic and effective manner. this course aim to produce. develop and extend their profesional knowledge. while provide students with the opportunity to recognize.Course Description|AD701 Master of Art History and Cultural Management ACM751: Contemporary Islamic Art of Asia Course Description This course covers the essential aspect of studies in Asian contemporary Islamic art. critical. scope and approach. reflective and ethical practitioners committed to making a substantive contribution and the community. 5 . It also discusses in great detail several approaches of art criticism introduced by major Western critics. AMT752: Art Criticism Course Description The course describes art criticism as a discipline in art by considering its definition. In addition to relating these theories and approaches with selected art works and art articles. in cooperation with the education. context and form in accord to the Islamic worldview on the unifying concept of Tauhid will be the central issues for discussion. the students will be able to analyze and use them in their research and writing. The content. attitudes and value within a flexible framework. high skilled. training and arts industries. AMT753: Art and Cultural Management Course Description This course offers practical knowledge of the methods and tools necessary for managing cultural activities and institutions. skills. The introduction to major approaches of art criticism will enable the students to understand the various methodologies and develop proficiency of art appreciation. Specifically. critical thinking and writings. Students will organize a mini series of presentations in which they will be exposed to arguments. resolving. and references. In order to produce a good quality dissertation. The students are required to submit and present their research proposals in the Art History Methodology course in the second semester. methodology. Case Study. as well as allowing students to think critically on issues pertaining to their related art and design disciplines. Social. Outcomes of research and significance. or Experimental. Students need to come up with an issue that will include several phases such as researching. the course will among others focus on such aspects of research as Developing a framework of research. process. such as Descriptive. and reflecting of research problem using appropriate research terminologies. Academic arguments. critical discourse and reflection. The students may suggest supervisors but the final decision will be made by the Postgraduate Academic Committee of the faculty (JKAPS). 6 . dialogues. Comparative. Developing the content of a dissertation. and the Writing Process.Course Description|AD701 Master of Art History and Cultural Management AMT805: Graduate Seminar Course Description This course offers students an ability to enhance their presentation skills. developing. debates and communication on identified issues. Art Historical. ACM800: Disertation Course Description This course requires students to conduct research and write a dissertation based on their choice of research approaches. Cross-referencing. AD703. OR AD704 AMT757 Art History Methodology 3 CORE FNT725 Contemporary Malaysian Art 3 CORE CHOOSE ONE (1) SPECIALIZATION OFFERED FROM THE LIST 2 FNT752 Painting 6 CORE FNT754 Print Media 6 CORE FNT756 Sculpture 6 CORE CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD701. AD703. OR AD704 3 AMT805 Graduate Seminar 3 CORE AMT800 Master Degree Project 6 CORE AMT801 Art & Design Practiced-Based Report 3 CORE 7 .Course Description|AD702|Full Time Master of Fine Art and Technology SEMESTER COURSE CODE COURSE NAME CREDIT HOURS STATUS AMT708 Issues on Contemporary Art and Design 3 CORE AMT 709 Research Methodology 3 CORE 3 CORE FACULTY CORE 1 PROGRAMME CORE FNT712 Thematic Drawing CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD701. Course Description|AD702|Part Time Master of Fine Art and Technology SEMESTER COURSE CODE COURSE NAME CREDIT HOURS STATUS AMT708 Issues on Contemporary Art and Design 3 CORE AMT 709 Research Methodology 3 CORE 3 CORE FACULTY CORE 1 PROGRAMME CORE FNT712 2 Thematic Drawing CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD701. OR AD704 AMT757 Art History Methodology 3 CORE FNT725 Contemporary Malaysian Art 3 CORE CHOOSE ONE (1) SPECIALIZATION OFFERED FROM THE LIST 3 FNT752 Painting 6 CORE FNT754 Print Media 6 CORE FNT756 Sculpture 6 CORE CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD701. AD703. AD703. OR AD704 4 AMT805 Graduate Seminar 3 CORE AMT800 Master Degree Project 6 CORE AMT801 Art & Design Practiced-Based Report 3 CORE 8 . AMT709: Research Methodology Course Description This course discusses theoretical and practical research methods. Apart from understanding art from various aspects such as meaning. which are subdivided into qualitative. artists and art observers. Students will be guided on formulating their research design. the students will embrace understanding in producing alternative paradigm in contemporary art via holistic appreciation model of intergraded approaches which are historians. writing and discussions and projects to address contemporary design challenges. Topics will be examined through reading. concept and philosophy in arts.Course Description|AD702 Master of Fine Art and Technology AMT708: Issues on Contemporary Art and Design Course Description This course describes and discusses the development of Eastern and Western contemporary arts in a critical manner. the course will explore key issues in contemporary design practice as it relates to social. quantitative. economic and political contexts. Students will critically review philosophies and thoughts which inform contemporary design practices towards greater consciousness for application in practical design practices. 9 . including their research questions (topic). A combination of methods and processes of implementing research will help students to achieve the proposed aims of research planning. At the same time. This involves the arts writings in Malaysia as well as international. and mixed method approaches. critics. However. The course will be conducted in a studio environment where student’s personal idea is the focus of mass discussion which leads to the development of artwork. in the post-colonial period. among others. Students will be able to use these approaches in their Art History writings and researches. AMT757: Art History Methodology Course Description This course discusses the different approaches in art history methodology beginning 15th century until the present day. elicit the 10 . Personal thematic inquiry through drawing in relation to their critical exercise is emphasized.Course Description|AD702 Master of Fine Art and Technology FNT712: Thematic Drawing Course Description The purpose of the course is to revaluate and extend to a higher level of understanding and appreciation of drawing while recognizing its merit as a coordinated link between the hand and eye/brain. the appropriation and transformation of tradition. It will enable students to develop a better understanding of the various methods in art history methodology. Within the program. Consequently the process of westernization ensued and became embedded in local visual art scene for more than five decades resulting in the marginalization of traditional art which once was central in traditional Malay society. students are encouraged to critically question and expand their knowledge on the concept of drawing. due to its overarching aesthetic appeal. the decolonization of methodologies and the Islamic art history methodology. FNT725: Contemporary Malaysian Art Course Description This course covers the essential aspects of studies in contemporary Malaysian whose development emerged from the modern Malaysian art which was introduced during the British colonization. These methodologies will include those of the Euro-American centric. Course Description|AD702 Master of Fine Art and Technology emergence of contemporary Malaysian art which since the 1990s the art scenarios underwent a constant flux and fragmentations specifically in the explorations of post-modernism. 11 . practice and literature and art/artist references. Discussions on the content. These materials will become a personal journal towards their own inquires and studio development. in investigating your ideas in relation to the social. Each student is encouraged to keep visual diary or any given documentation medium. FNT752: Painting Course Description While on the course student will continually engage with what it means to practise as an artist today and the position taken by an art-practice in relation to art's complex history and its currency in wider social and cultural processes. which reflects on their own personal interests. This will becomes a personal journal of your development. In this course students are brought through into a practice-based research engagement that deals with painting as a mode of practice and also as an inquiry. FNT754: Print Media Course Description Printmaking makes a vital contribution to the language of contemporary art practice. that have influenced your work and how the works address that audience. The artists both historical and contemporary. context and forms of contemporary Malaysian art under these different eras will be central in this course. At the end of the semester each student will be ask to prepare a viable portfolio via exhibition. post-colonialism and globalization era. enabling artists to combine traditional print processes with digital media towards a wide range of creative solutions. You are encouraged to keep a visual diary. Advances in printmaking technology have broadened the definitions of the medium. which in it consist of a written report and a body of artwork(s). which reflects your personal practice. cultural and historical context. individual interests and the work of other artists. resolving.Course Description|AD702 Master of Fine Art and Technology FNT756: Sculpture Course Description Encompasses the relationship between a contextual application and individual creative direction in generating an art work. methodology. Students will organize a mini series of presentations in which they will be exposed to arguments. and reflecting of research problem using appropriate research terminologies. analysis. Student will experience their art making processes through multiple approaches or models which applicable to their own topic. AMT800: Master Project Course Description Master degree project encompasses practical approaches in developing and producing an art and design work through various mode of knowledge discovery such as experiential learning cycle. artwork. dialogues. debates and communication on identified issues. media. photography. model making. process. design work. interpretation and critical review of work will determine the creation on an artwork. and references. seminars and documentation such as analog and digital drawing. etc. Visual exploration. The art and design works for Master degree project allows student 12 . developing. as well as allowing students to think critically on issues pertaining to their related art and design disciplines. issues or problems which proceed by the appointed supervisor. prototype. AMT805: Graduate Seminar Course Description This course offers students an ability to enhance their presentation skills. problem based learning and inner directed. video. Student will conduct research and ideation process through various ways of critical dialogue. and technique. constructivism approach. Students need to come up with an issue that will include several phases such as researching. experimental. AMT801: Art and Design Practice-Based Report Course Description This course encompasses research as an approach in contributing to new knowledge. content and function of their art and design works. art styles.Course Description|AD702 Master of Fine Art and Technology to explore various art theories. techniques and issues with critical visual study and contextual analysis to support their form. dimensions. historical and practice-based research. Several methods will be introduced including comparative.000 words). subject. 13 . Student will be able to use these approaches to conduct a research project based on specialization area and publish a research report (7.000 – 10. AD702. Documentation and 3 Background studies SPECIALIZATION 2: NEW MEDIA STUDIES Interactive Multimedia and Digital 3 Video for Web Casting Animation and Digital Games Design CORE CORE CORE 3 CORE SPECIALIZATION 3: PHOTOGRAPHY VCM774 Motion and Photographic Design 3 CORE VCM775 Photographic Discourse 3 CORE SPECIALIZATION 4: PRINTING TECHNOLOGY VCM776 Cross Media in Printing and Publishing 3 CORE VCM777 Quality Control in Graphic Arts 3 CORE CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD701.Curriculum Structure|AD703|Full Time Master of Visual Communication and New Media SEMESTER COURSE CODE CREDIT HOURS STATUS AMT708 Issues On Contemporary Art and Design 3 CORE AMT 709 Research Methodology 3 CORE 3 CORE COURSE NAME FACULTY CORE 1 PROGRAMME CORE VCM713 Academic Discourse in Visual Analysis CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD701. Image and Print 3 Research. OR AD704 AMT 759 Graduate Visual Research 3 CORE AMT758 Visual and Context 4 CORE SPECIALIZATION 1: VISUAL COMMUNICATION VCM770 VCM771 VCM772 2 VCM773 Idea. AD702. OR AD704 3 AMT800 Master Project 6 CORE AMT801 Art/Design Practice Based Report 3 CORE AMT805 Graduate Seminar 3 CORE 14 . Image and Print 3 Research. AD702. Documentation and 3 Background studies SPECIALIZATION 2: NEW MEDIA STUDIES Interactive Multimedia and Digital 3 Video for Web Casting Animation and Digital Games Design CORE CORE CORE 3 CORE SPECIALIZATION 3: PHOTOGRAPHY VCM774 Motion and Photographic Design 3 CORE VCM775 Photographic Discourse 3 CORE SPECIALIZATION 4: PRINTING TECHNOLOGY VCM776 Cross Media in Printing and Publishing 3 CORE VCM777 Quality Control in Graphic Arts 3 CORE CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD701. AD702. OR AD704 2 AMT 759 Graduate Visual Research 3 CORE AMT758 Visual and Context 4 CORE SPECIALIZATION 1: VISUAL COMMUNICATION VCM770 VCM771 VCM772 3 VCM773 Idea.Curriculum Structure|AD703|Part Time Master of Visual Communication and New Media SEMESTER COURSE CODE CREDIT HOURS STATUS AMT708 Issues On Contemporary Art and Design 3 CORE AMT 709 Research Methodology 3 CORE 3 CORE COURSE NAME FACULTY CORE 1 PROGRAMME CORE VCM713 Academic Discourse in Visual Analysis CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD701. OR AD704 4 AMT800 Master Project 6 CORE AMT801 Art/Design Practice Based Report 3 CORE AMT805 Graduate Seminar 3 CORE 15 . the course will explore key issues in contemporary design practice as it relates to social. including their research questions (topic). A combination of methods and processes of implementing research will help students to achieve the proposed aims of research planning. writing and discussions and projects to address contemporary design challenges. quantitative. Topics will be examined through reading. and mixed method approaches. artists and art observers. At the same time. Students will be guided on formulating their research design. the students will embrace understanding in producing alternative paradigm in contemporary art via holistic appreciation model of intergraded approaches which are historians. 16 . Students will critically review philosophies and thoughts which inform contemporary design practices towards greater consciousness for application in practical design practices. concept and philosophy in arts.Course Description|AD703 Master of Visual Communication and New Media AMT708: Issues on Contemporary Art and Design Course Description This course describes and discusses the development of Eastern and Western contemporary arts in a critical manner. AMT709: Research Methodology Course Description This course discusses theoretical and practical research methods. economic and political contexts. which are subdivided into qualitative. This involves the arts writings in Malaysia as well as international. critics. Apart from understanding art from various aspects such as meaning. critical designers and creators of design with an intention to equipped them with theory. television shows. videogames. metamorphic thinking and other methods of idea generation. the course looks at the role and functions of media. and digital forms).Course Description|AD703 Master of Visual Communication and New Media VCM713: Academic Discourse in Visual Analysis Course Description This course is designed for students. and judging the factors that directly or indirectly influences the visual design problem.Analyzing through active exploration for pre-testing. theory and application of problem in structuring methods used in design. photographic. and discussions as well as students own writing in conducting content and contextual analysis.Characterization by value of subject matters based on individual’s experiences and prior knowledge. Through an interdisciplinary comparative/various lens (including oral. visual. AMT759: Graduate Visual Research Course Description Graduate Visual Research encompasses and focuses on experiential learning which relates directly to the theory of visual analysis and synthesis learning. through readings. 17 . explore and debates about the role of creativity. 2. narratives through intense discussion and academic discourse. print. 3. concepts and methodologies on valuing textual media in visual communication discipline such as films. based on three key principles: 1. lectures. Over the course of the semester. students will have the opportunity to theoretically analyze.Synthesizing of visual data in preparation to the next level of study. photography and graphic design. animation and interactive multimedia.Course Description|AD703 Master of Visual Communication and New Media This subject is compulsory for Graduate students in Art and Design and related visual/creative disciplines doing a research degree and/or whose study involves •Developing and • Implementing a research project AMT758: Visual and Context Course Description This subject is a combination of Visual communication study inclusively graphic design. New Media. which is covering the issues of social culture. commercial value and art expression. students will perform series of design research through specific discipline such as print. packaging design. Throughout their learning process students will need to apply critical project management and planning methods in the generation of ideas as relevant visual communication solutions for either products or services of their choices. VCM770: Idea. advertising. creative illustration. The subject will emphasize in both visual and context meaning to visual communication study. Thus in order to qualify the aims and objective of this course. Development of ideas and concepts will be continuously discussed during 18 . Photography and Printing Technology. corporate branding. A review of design portfolio (consists of comprehensive integration of visual media) and written presentation will be an instrument in measuring the level of students’ learning outcomes. Image and Print Course Description This course is concerning critical and creative studies in design thinking and development. encompassing typography design. By the standards of needs from the entertainment and multimedia industry. as well as on the understanding of their storyline. and students can develop a stronger understanding of their fields and will be able to document them. representation and identity. debate. disseminated and taught in class can be tested against what actually happens in the real world.Course Description|AD703 Master of Visual Communication and New Media critique session. through the presentation of research documents and visual sketches. Topics of issues in the discussion or critique will be on the materials related to visual communication design of both either print or electronic media VCM771: Research. terminologies and policies in design documentation will be introduced. Documentation and background Studies Course Description This course will facilitate students to document and conduct research from various approaches such as Historical and Theoritical. VCM772: Interactive Multimedia and Digital Video for Web Casting Course Description This is a comprehensive program involving selected medium of design application and fabrication toward webcasting. Concepts such as the analysis of research content together with critical theory. structure and immersive factors. VCM773: Animation and Digital Games Design Course Description This course focuses on two essential categories of new media which are animation and gaming design that involves extensive care of two and three-dimensional aspects. students are required to provide a portfolio that will exhibit both their art and technical skills within either or both 19 . In these way ideas. models found in books and journals. VCM774: Motion and Photographic Design Course Description In this course. gameplay and mechanics. student will be exposing to the current overview of the multiple disciplinary in photographic trendsetter’s industry. equipped with related skills and knowledge. the goal is to focus on the design of the story (story board and character development) and technical skills (digital animation of 2D and 3D designs). students will be able to embark on the animation and games industry. With these experiences.Course Description|AD703 Master of Visual Communication and New Media of these two fields. VCM775: Photography Discourse Course Description The course focuses to expose and familiarises students to the significance of photographic images in human daily lives. as well as the immersiveness factors. as well as its related business properties. the importance of a Games Design Document. For the field of animation. the goal is to expose the students to games design and development. As for the field of games design. Students are expected to work as a team and be allowed to create collaboration with any respective industry partners. It becomes very fundamental as a part of human culture and civilisation on par as important as verbal and written language in social institution. Via process visualization and presentation. With these skills. The research will be forms via brainstorming approaches to use motion and photographic images in delivering narrative scripts related to visual communication in electronic media. students will be able to produce a contemporary visual presentation with related skills and knowledge. the candidate will choose to research in a specific discipline in motion and photographic design in visual communication perception. 20 . VCM777: Quality Control in Graphic Arts Course Description This course discusses the concept of quality and the importance of quality printing in relation to business survival and competitiveness. Class sessions are a combination of lectures. debates and communication on identified issues. This course will also explore the way companies create and utilize digital asset management systems. Students need to come up with an issue that will include several phases such as researching. as well as allowing students to think critically on issues pertaining to their related art and design disciplines. and when appropriate. Students will explore the role of management and its involvement in addressing the need for change and making quality improvement program work. dialogues. Students will learn the fundamentals of statistical process control (SPC) as a defect prevention approach to print production processes. resolving. 21 . It will also introduce students to concepts and copyright laws and also intellectual property.Course Description|AD703 Master of Visual Communication and New Media VCM776: Cross Media in Printing and Publishing Course Description Publishing today is a highly competitive and exciting international industry. AMT805: Graduate Seminar Course Description This course offers students an ability to enhance their presentation skills. Students will organize a mini series of presentations in which they will be exposed to arguments. discussion. guest speakers. digital publishing and materials used in print media reproduction system. This course is designed to expose students to all elements needed to master a cross media printing and publishing workflow in response to the changes in technology. developing. The hands-on portion of the course focuses on producing a publishing work from idea to finished print product. Students will be expose to print imaging workflows. issues or problems which proceed by the appointed supervisor. 22 . research AMT800: Master Project Course Description Master degree project encompasses practical approaches in developing and producing an art and design work through various mode of knowledge discovery such as experiential learning cycle. art styles. Student will be able to use these approaches to conduct a research project based on specialization area and publish a research report (7. and references.Course Description|AD703 Master of Visual Communication and New Media and reflecting of research problem using appropriate terminologies. process. content and function of their art and design works. The art and design works for Master degree project allows student to explore various art theories. Student will experience their art making processes through multiple approaches or models which applicable to their own topic. AMT801: Art and Design Practice-Based Report Course Description This course encompasses research as an approach in contributing to new knowledge. problem based learning and inner directed. historical and practice-based research. subject. constructivism approach.000 – 10. experimental. dimensions. methodology. techniques and issues with critical visual study and contextual analysis to support their form. Several methods will be introduced including comparative.000 words). OR AD703 3 AMT800 Master Project 6 CORE AMT801 Art/Design Practice Based Report 3 CORE AMT805 Graduate Seminar 3 CORE 23 . AD702. AD702. OR AD703 DTC750 Design for Industries 3 CORE DTC755 Graduate Design Research 3 CORE DTC756 Design Culture & Issues 3 CORE 4 CORE 4 CORE 4 CORE 4 CORE 4 CORE 4 CORE SPECIALIZATION 1 DTC761 Fashion Design and Clothing SPECIALIZATION 2 DTC762 2 Fashion Textiles Design SPECIALIZATION 3 DTC763 Footwear Design and Technology SPECIALIZATION 4 DTC764 Metal Design SPECIALIZATION 5 DTC765 Integrated Product Development SPECIALIZATION 6 DTC766 Ceramic Design CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD701.Curriculum Structure|AD704|Full Time Master of Design Technology SEMESTER COURSE CODE COURSE NAME CREDIT HOUR STATUS FACULTY CORE 1 AMT708 Issues on Contemporary Art and Design 3 CORE AMT 709 Research Methodology 3 CORE 3 CORE PROGRAMME CORE DTC710 Integrated Modeling Prototype CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD701. OR AD703 2 DTC750 Design for Industries 3 CORE DTC755 Graduate Design Research 3 CORE DTC756 Design Culture & Issues 3 CORE 4 CORE 4 CORE 4 CORE 4 CORE 4 CORE 4 CORE SPECIALIZATION 1 DTC761 Fashion Design and Clothing SPECIALIZATION 2 DTC762 3 Fashion Textiles Design SPECIALIZATION 3 DTC763 Footwear Design and Technology SPECIALIZATION 4 DTC764 Metal Design SPECIALIZATION 5 DTC765 Integrated Product Development SPECIALIZATION 6 DTC766 Ceramic Design CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD701.Curriculum Structure|AD704|Full Time Master of Design Technology SEMESTER COURSE CODE COURSE NAME CREDIT HOUR STATUS FACULTY CORE 1 AMT708 Issues on Contemporary Art and Design 3 CORE AMT 709 Research Methodology 3 CORE 3 CORE PROGRAMME CORE DTC710 Integrated Modeling Prototype CHOOSE ONE (1) ELECTIVE COURSE OFFERED BY AD701. AD702. OR AD703 4 AMT800 Master Project 6 CORE AMT801 Art/Design Practice Based Report 3 CORE AMT805 Graduate Seminar 3 CORE 24 . AD702. Topics will be examined through reading. the course will explore key issues in contemporary design practice as it relates to social. the students will embrace understanding in producing alternative paradigm in contemporary art via holistic appreciation model of intergraded approaches which are historians. Students will be guided on formulating their research design. artists and art observers. and mixed method approaches. critics. AMT709: Research Methodology Course Description This course discusses theoretical and practical research methods.Course Description|AD704 Master of Design Technology AMT708: Issues on Contemporary Art and Design Course Description This course describes and discusses the development of Eastern and Western contemporary arts in a critical manner. Apart from understanding art from various aspects such as meaning. which are subdivided into qualitative. writing and discussions and projects to address contemporary design challenges. economic and political contexts. Students will critically review philosophies and thoughts which inform contemporary design practices towards greater consciousness for application in practical design practices. 25 . At the same time. quantitative. concept and philosophy in arts. This involves the arts writings in Malaysia as well as international. including their research questions (topic). A combination of methods and processes of implementing research will help students to achieve the proposed aims of research planning. Students 26 . sub-culture. DTC755: Graduate Design Research Course Description This course introduces the advance level in gathering document and visual information by exploring. DTC755: Design For Industries Course Description This course emphasis on the emphasis on the expose towards concept studies that related into innovative ideas and creations which are justified to the industrial needs. This is a study of modern prototyping and machining methods.Course Description|AD704 Master of Design Technology DTC710: Integrated Modelling Prototype Course Description An introductory course that demonstrates the integration of ComputerAided-Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided-Manufacturing (CAM). analyzing. identity. synthesizing and communicating research finding towards achieving a sound and concrete projects. consumer needs. The course commences with a brief revision in the use and application of 3D software in the design profession. DTC755: Graduate Design Research Course Description This course introduces a theoretical context which includes cultural. Student are exposed to actual industry discipline through visits and observation. These linkages are value added as preparation for future designers and researchers. gender and design as commodity. teaching the use of specific software for converting 2D and 3D CAD drawing geometry directly. techniques and processes in creative and innovative production will be the main focus of this course. Upon formulation of their design concepts. The body of works include theoretical input. Students from this course pick specific issues and problems of significance for their project research. DTC762: Fashion Textile Design Course Description This course offers textile knowledge with a combination of fashion design. Exploration of media. 27 . The focus of study will be on understanding the usage of appropriate designing textile that suited the students’ interests and needs towards their research. design portfolio and finish products that will be presented for assessment at the end of the course.Course Description|AD704 Master of Design Technology are further exposed to the value of design practice as a means of testing usability and as a focus for the integration of theory from a range of different disciplines. students will then interpret and realise their design ideas into products through problem solving activities in research and development processes carried out in practical studio works. This course also focuses on modest clothing designs and Islamic wear considering the growing and rapid growth of the sector both locally and globally. art and technology that include on how to appreciate the materials in both theory and practical emphasizing on their relation with current issues. DTC761: Fashion Design and Clothing Course Description The dynamics of the fashion world is spurred by issues both global and industry related. It offers a wider opportunity for the students to explore material. The approach is emphasis on innovative design ideas. This will be done through aspect of market study. lifestyle and integration between craft. and ready to pursue jewelers and metalwork ideas and aesthetic on a professional level. It involves advanced study in ‘metal-working’ covering masterwork production utilizing formal concepts and processes of individual choice. supported by theoretical input and fieldwork. collaborate to design and produce products. methods. DTC764: Metal Design Course Description Metal Design Technology is contingent on student being committed. innovation and design rational through exploratory and scientific research methods. whether real or virtual. That will examine / asses at the end of the course. 28 . technically competent. design.Course Description|AD704 Master of Design Technology DTC763: Footwear Design and Technology Course Description Relevant methods on research focusing on current issues and trends for the development of creative and innovative ideas in footwear designs is taught in this course. Such cooperation and interaction from various disciplines is important to establish people. technology. material use and technical exploration together with technological tools with the purpose of increasing students’ creativity. Students will produce a body of works base on theoretical and practical research input together with end product. to produce samples and test pieces for data collection and documented report related to the findings and results. DTC765: Integrated Product Development Course Description Integrated Product Development (IPD) is based on the integration of different disciplines in an organization. culture and technology. This course is based on studio practices. and reflecting of research problem using appropriate research terminologies. exploration.source resource. DTC766: Ceramic Design Course Description This course focuses on the individual projects through experimentation. Students will organize a mini series of presentations in which they will be exposed to arguments. AMT805: Graduate Seminar Course Description This course offers students an ability to enhance their presentation skills. resolving. This shift in the relationship of the `one-off’ to the `multiple’ creates space for a high level of formal experimentation and material investigation. process. and references. Research involves marketing trends. The IPD concepts is to reduce development cycle time and improve product quality and value. technology and processes involve either in-house or out. as well as allowing students to think critically on issues pertaining to their related art and design disciplines. discovery materials. 29 . Therefore this course aims to provide a thorough grounding of IPD that is based on the integrated design of products and manufacturing and support processes. dialogues. manufacturing. culture and production constraints encouraging flexible attitude and awareness of design. technology. Students need to come up with an issue that will include several phases such as researching. debates and communication on identified issues. Recent advances in prototyping technologies provide designers with more direct means for transforming concepts into physical form. as well as developing wider applications in the general methodology. process and technology towards the production of new products with primary focus given to the aspect of understanding and rational design of ergonomic and user requirements. Due to the high degree of technical learning required for the successful creation of prototypes. developing. methodology. the design projects will primarily be collaborative with the real industries.Course Description|AD704 Master of Design Technology administration. Student will be able to use these approaches to conduct a research project based on specialization area and publish a research report (7. art styles. historical and practice-based research. dimensions. problem based learning and inner directed. experimental. AMT801: Art & Design Practice-Based Report Course Description This course encompasses research as an approach in contributing to new knowledge. Student will experience their art making processes through multiple approaches or models which applicable to their own topic.000 words). 30 . techniques and issues with critical visual study and contextual analysis to support their form. subject. Several methods will be introduced including comparative. content and function of their art and design works. The art and design works for Master degree project allows student to explore various art theories. constructivism approach.000 – 10. issues or problems which proceed by the appointed supervisor.Course Description|AD704 Master of Design Technology AMT800: Master Project Course Description Master degree project encompasses practical approaches in developing and producing an art and design work through various mode of knowledge discovery such as experiential learning cycle. Curriculum Structure|Electives List Of Elective Course Offered SEMESTER 1 2 COURSE CODE COURSE NAME CREDIT HOURS COURSE OWNERSHIP EAH711 Malay Editorial Cartoon 3 AD701 EAH712 Islamic Ornamentation 3 AD701 EAH713 Art as Therapy 3 AD701 EFT712 Extended Painting 3 AD702 EFT713 Extended Print Media 3 AD702 EFT714 Comparative Aesthetics East & West 3 AD702 EVC711 Finance and Marketing for Designers 3 AD703 EDT700 New Product Development for Manufacturing 3 AD704 EAH714 Malay Art 3 AD701 EAH752 Indigenous Art 3 AD701 EAH753 Independent Study 3 AD701 EFT715 Object Art 3 AD702 EFT716 Contemporary Art of Southeast Asia 3 AD702 EVC712 Design Project Management and Organisation 3 AD703 EVC713 Contemporary Photo Project 3 AD703 EDT701 Practice Based design Thinking 3 AD704 31 . themes. Art therapy is relatively new discipline. caricaturists and the media that publish editorial cartoons. critical. 32 . The course will focus on cartoonists. Art therapy is thus a relative newcomer to the range of available therapeutic practices. Examples of artifact from the past and present will be discussed chronologically. The focus will be on the aspect of chronology. humor. high skilled. and satire. training and arts industries. this course aim to introduce the concepts of art therapy. This course is an attempt to change that situation and hoping that through this process the students believe that there is more art than paint on paper. the continuity and change of styles. its concepts and aims are not widely known and understood. EAH712: Islamic Ornamentation Course Description This course covers the essential aspect of studies in Islamic Ornamentation. Specifically. EAH713: Art as Therapy The term ‘art therapy’ was popular in the 1980s. reflective and ethical practitioners committed to making a substantive contribution and the community. outside a small number of practitioners. The content.Course Description|Elective List Of Elective Course Offered EAH711: Malay Editorial Cartoon Course Description This course aims to introduce the students with the history and development of Malay editorial cartoon in relation to the socio-cultural development of the country as well as the styles of global cartoon and caricature. artist as therapist. context and form in accord to the Islamic worldview on the unifying concept of Tawhid will be the central issues for discussion. 33 . A combination of manual skills such as drawing and carving and scientific knowledge related to the materials is essential. Printing techniques. Each student are encourage to experiment with not only different media (medium) but also different concept and understanding in painting. is aimed at artists from a variety of creative disciplines who wish to expand their visual practice within a supportive and critically engaged environment. EFT713: Extended Print Media Course Description This is an advance level course. You are encouraged to keep a visual diary. This becomes a personal journal of your development during the course. which reflects your personal practice.Course Description|Elective List Of Elective Course Offered EFT712: Extended Painting Course Description This course explores the theory and visual / practice as research in painting experimentation. At the same time. through their own reflection on their field of specialization. the course encourages the search for innovative techniques and exploration of the full potential of printmaking. This course will also be directed through supervision by establish lecturers-artist through theoretical and also studio engagement and practice. individual interests and the work of other artists. Each studio projects will require the student to do an exhibition as the summative outcome. which exploit the nature of the printing surface. This module aims to artistically and critically open up and question on the idea of how experimentation can be investigate and develop within the students own specialized field within the context of painting. and paper expand the range of opportunities for expression and inspire printmakers to develop their own artistic world. and acts as a powerful creative stimulus. ink. influence of religious and cultural norms and values and the sustenance of such values in post-modern time. Buddhism. and new product development. including marketing research. pricing. Cases are utilized in the development of methods and in specific areas of application. The essential aspects of this study will delve into the background history of aesthetic study in each culture and its development/development till the impact of globalization that is now pervasive in all aspects of life. physical distribution. EVC711: Finance and Marketing for Designers Course Description This course provides the students with both research and managerial perspectives in the development and application of finance and marketing research tools and procedures. trade policy. 34 .Course Description|Elective List Of Elective Course Offered EFT714: Comparative Aesthetics East & West Course Description This course focuses in comparative studies of aesthetic concepts of Western origin with selected cultures in the East such as Islam. Comparisons are carried out in terms of similarities and difference of different traditions. This course covers the theories and practices in marketing management. Taoism and Zen. Hinduism. in attitude and appreciation to natural beauty. advertising. Class participants will develop the ability to prepare and interpret financial statements and construct cash forecasts. language. religion. NPD is an identifiable research field focused on understanding characteristics of interdependent group work with the objective of designing adequate design technology development to support such cooperative work. students will able gain a wide view on the needs of the industry nature and prepared to align their knowledge to the real managing practice. On the other hand.Course Description|Elective List Of Elective Course Offered EDT700: New Product Development for Manufacturing Course Description This course will be preparing students to understand the important of New Product Development (NPD) as a design-oriented academic field that is interdisciplinary in nature and brings together economists. this course will allows student to see the present nation of Malaysia. with its rich panoply of crafts as well as a skills. 35 . and basketware are material. house. jewellery. Textiles. mats. Through this advanced manufacturing approaches. yet they are integral parts of the culture and link with the material culture. So. design styles and motifs. designers and scientist to work together in one organization based on real industrial practices. weapons. NPD is a design team which responsible to create the product enhancement based on the production plant. The same production process need to be sustained with a consideration of new risks and uncertainties are introduced. EAH714: Malay Art Course Description Malaysia’s material culture consists of all those items that can be seen and felt. and kinship pattern are not material. style and social or cultural meanings. 36 . photography. In order to produce a good quality seminar paper. The students are required to submit and present their research papers in a seminar. EFT715: Object Art Course Description The course is to link relevant areas of knowledge in student’s major/specialization studies and experience a broader object making practice that is relevant to sculptural approach. it will also develop and expose aesthetic and conceptual considerations that are relevant in contemporary practice. The interdisciplinary approach will engage students in a range of creative working process and designs that explore a range of materials in ways that expand. and the Writing Process. Cultural and artistic artifact from the pre and post Islamic periods in Malaysia will be the focus of the study. EAH753: Independent Study Course Description This course provides opportunities for students to conduct research on their areas of interest in Art and Design. Whilst the focus is more on object orientated. Academic arguments.Course Description|Elective List Of Elective Course Offered EAH752: Indigenous Art Course Description This course examines indigenous art from the perspective of chronology. Developing the content of a dissertation. Outcomes of research and significance. transform and deepen the personal approach to object making. Cross-referencing. critical discourse and reflection. Student will also learn how to conduct research and ideation process through various ways of documentation such as analog and digital drawing. the course will among others focus on such aspects of research as Developing a framework of research. video. artwork. skills and funds organization at various stages of the design project. Indonesia and Thailand. philosophies and aesthetic orientations from pre-modern. themes and theories in art and design practices. through modern and post modern epochs will be central issues for discussions in this course. Pertinent differences in the underlying worldview. The course will also look at resource implications in terms of material. EFT716: Contemporary Art of Southeast Asia Course Description This course concentrates on the development of contemporary art on selected three Southeast Asian countries. design work & etc. topics of discussions will be approached thematically.Course Description|Elective List Of Elective Course Offered model making. Malaysia. that is major themes that are pivotal and crucial in the evolution of contemporary art in these three countries. It calls attention to relationship equilibrium between the creative grounds in design and the structured trait of managerial and organizational practices. with specific emphasis on issues and ideas relative to contemporary image making. Rather than adopting the chronological and linear approaches. EVC712: Design Project Management and Organisation Course Description This course discusses the conventions of project management and organization as a new discipline in the design field. prototype. EVC713: Contemporary Photo Project Course Description This course will explore the vitality and range of photography as a discursive practice by analysing the way images are structured and deployed in contemporary movements in photography. It will also explore key concepts. Students will be introduced 37 . group discussion and project-based work. develop understanding on how design shapes the physical and environment in which design can be used to shape society in cultural. EDT701: Practice Based Design Thinking Course Description The course generate the students to design awareness and design solution. readings.Course Description|Elective List Of Elective Course Offered to the key issues surrounding photography through lectures. exploring a range of formal strategies and thematic frameworks that affect the meaning of their images. A series of photo assignments challenge the students to integrate critical thought with practice. both historically and in contemporary practice. environmental and business contexts. 38 .
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