UCT Student Fees Handbook 2016

March 26, 2018 | Author: LukeMin | Category: Academic Degree, Master's Degree, Doctor Of Philosophy, Cheque, Postgraduate Education



UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWNSTUDENT FEES 2016 Postal Address: University of Cape Town Private Bag X3 7701, RONDEBOSCH All correspondence on fees should be addressed to the Executive Director of Finance. Please quote your student number in all correspondence E Mail: [email protected] Fax: +27 21 650-4768 Website: http://www.uct.ac.za/apply/fees Telephones: General Enquiries +27 21 650-9111 Accounts and Fees +27 21 650-1704 Fee Enquiry and Mondays to Fridays 09h00 - 15h30 Cashiers Thursdays 09h30 - 15h30 Office Hours: Student Self Only available to registered students: Service: http://studentsonline.uct.ac.za This handbook is part of a series that consists of Book 1: Information for applicants for undergraduate degrees and diplomas Book 2: Authorities and information of record Book 3: General rules and policies Book 4: Academic calendar and meetings Book 5: Student support and services Books 6-11: Handbooks of the Faculties of Commerce, Engineering and the Built Environment, Health Sciences, Humanities, Law, Science Book 12: Student fees Book 13: Financial assistance for undergraduate students Book 14: Financial assistance for postgraduate students CONTENTS 1. TERMS OF PAYMENT........................................................................................... 1 1.1 Tuition Fees ................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Residence Fees ........................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Method of Payment ..................................................................................................... 4 1.4 Payments Received ..................................................................................................... 5 1.5 Outstanding Fees ........................................................................................................ 5 2. ACADEMIC FEES .................................................................................................. 7 2.1 Typical 1st Year Tuition Fees ...................................................................................... 7 2.2 Notice to Leave: Withdrawal of Registration (UCT & GSB students) ........................ 8 2.3 Drop an Individual Course .......................................................................................... 9 2.4 Add an Individual Course ........................................................................................... 10 2.5 Sibling Rebate Bursary ............................................................................................... 11 2.6 Undergraduate Students Wishing to Take Additional Courses ................................... 11 2.7 Leave of Absence ....................................................................................................... 12 3. OTHER FEES AND LEVIES .................................................................................. 13 3.1 Sports Clubs and Societies .......................................................................................... 13 3.2 Supplementary or Deferred Examinations .................................................................. 13 3.3 Ordinary Examinations without Re-attendance at Course ........................................... 13 3.4 Credit and/or Exemption ............................................................................................. 13 3.5 Duplicate Degree and Diploma Certificates ................................................................ 13 3.6 Fee for Academic Records .......................................................................................... 13 3.7 Verification of Academic Record ............................................................................... 14 3.8 Verification of Past Training in Faculty of Health Sciences ...................................... 14 3.9 Fees for Hiring Academic Apparel ............................................................................ 15 3.10 Fee for Replacement Student Identity/Access Control Card ....................................... 15 3.11 Late Registration Fee .................................................................................................. 15 3.12 Late Changes of Curriculum ....................................................................................... 15 3.13 Student Wellness Services .......................................................................................... 15 3.14 Parking Tokens ........................................................................................................... 15 3.15 Incidental Charges ...................................................................................................... 16 4. INFORMATION FOR SPONSORS........................................................................ 17 5. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS............................................................................. 18 5.1 Semester Study Abroad (SSA) Programmes ............................................................... 19 5.2 Students on Centralised Academic Programmes/Exchanges ....................................... 19 5.3 International Occasional Students ............................................................................... 19 5.3.1 Independent International Occasional Students .......................................................... 19 5.3.2 International Students taking a course as part of a Jointly Offered Qualification ........ 20 5.4 International Affiliates ................................................................................................ 20 5.5 International Students who intend to study for a full South African Degree/Diploma/Honours ........................................................................................... 20 5.5.1 Undergraduate Degrees ............................................................................................... 21 5.5.2 Honours Degrees ........................................................................................................ 21 5.5.3 Postgraduate Diplomas and Undergraduate Diplomas ................................................ 21 5.5.4 Coursework Master’s Degrees .................................................................................... 22 5.5.5 Research Master’s Degrees ......................................................................................... 22 5.5.6 Doctoral (PhD) Degrees .............................................................................................. 22 5.6 Qualifications Offered by the Graduate School of Business ....................................... 22 5.6.1 Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDip) ......................................................... 23 5.6.2 Master of Business Administration (MBA) Full time ................................................. 23 5.6.2 Master of Business Administration (MBA) Modular .................................................. 23 5.6.2 Master of Business Administration specialising in Executive Management .............. 23 5.6.3 GSB: Master of Commerce in Development Finance ................................................. 23 5.6.4 Master of Philosophy in Inclusive Innovation............................................................. 24 5.7 International Scholarships........................................................................................... 23 5.8 Residence Fees ........................................................................................................... 24 5.9 Cancellation Policy International Fees ........................................................................ 24 6. VISITING POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS AFFILIATED TO UCT ................. 26 7. STUDENTS REGISTERING FOR RESEACH MASTER’S OR PHD ................ 27 8. SUBMISSION OF DOCTORAL THESES AND MASTER’S DISSERTATIONS .................................................................................................... 27 9. DOCTORATES ........................................................................................................ 28 10. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ................................................................. 29 10.1 Master of Business Administration (MBA) ................................................................ 29 10.1 Master of Business Administration specialising in Executive Management ............... 29 10.2 PGDip: Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice............................................. 29 10.3 GSB: Master of Commerce in Management Practice.................................................. 29 10.4 GSB: Master of Philosophy ....................................................................................... 30 10.5 GSB: Master of Commerce in Development Finance ................................................ 30 10.6 GSB: Master of Philosophy in Inclusive Innovation ................................................... 30 10.7 GSB: PhD specialising in Business Administration & Management Practice ............ 30 10.8 PGDip: in Management Practice (Customised offering to corporates) ....................... 30 10.9 Associate in Management Practice (Customised offering to corporates) .................... 31 10.10 Withdrawal of Acceptance ......................................................................................... 31 11. UCT ONLINE BLENDED LEARNING ................................................................. 32 11.1 Advanced Diploma in Business Project Management................................................. 32 11.2 Postgraduate Diploma in Management in Marketing .................................................. 32 11.3 Initial Fee ................................................................................................................... 32 11.4 Notice to leave: Withdrawal of Registration ............................................................... 32 12. UCT ACADEMIC FEES.......................................................................................... 33 12.1 Typical 1st Year Tuition Fees ...................................................................................... 33 12.2 Faculty of Commerce ................................................................................................. 34 12.3 Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment ...................................................... 41 12.4 Faculty of Health Sciences.......................................................................................... 43 12.5 Faculty of Humanities ................................................................................................ 48 12.6 Faculty of Law ............................................................................................................ 51 12.7 Faculty of Science ..................................................................................................... 52 13. UCT ACADEMIC COURSES ................................................................................. 53 14. RESIDENCES........................................................................................................... 123 14.1 Terms of Payment ....................................................................................................... 123 14.2 Withdrawal from Student Accommodation after the start of the Academic Year ...... 123 14.3 Residence Fees and Occupancy .................................................................................. 125 A. First Tier (Catering) Accommodation .................................................................... 125 B. Second Tier (Catering) Accommodation ................................................................ 126 C. Second Tier (Self Catering) Accommodation ........................................................ 127 D. Third Tier (Self Catering) Accommodation ........................................................... 128 The University has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in its handbooks. we reserve the right at any time. if circumstances dictate. . However. Our students are given every assurance that changes to opportunities will only be made under compelling circumstances and students will be fully informed as soon as possible. or (ii) add to or withdraw any of the opportunities on offer. to (i) make alterations or changes to any of the published details of the opportunities on offer. .. refer to 14........ This includes students who intend registering after the payment date. it is their responsibility to verify the correctness of this information.. 1. (a) All students with South African citizenship or permanent residence for qualifications not listed below .......... R 46 112 . as follows..... R 21 500 (b) Students registering at the Graduate School of Business MBA . TERMS OF PAYMENT 1 FEES Fees are determined by Council from time to time and are subject to revision without notice. notwithstanding any pledges of support or bursary that they may have received.. page 123.......Modular 1st year (1st payment due prior to 15 January 2016)... INCLUDING SADC.Full-time local students (1st payment due prior to 15 January 2016). of this handbook............... for example postgraduate students..... 1..... R 92 225 MBA . subject to a one-off late payment fee of 10%. For the initial payment of residence fees......... TERMS OF PAYMENT A registered student (or legal guardian) is personally liable for all tuition and accommodation fees...1...... page 18.. It is therefore the responsibility of the student to pay the initial payment as set out below by the due date.... Initial payment is due on or before 5 February 2016 We do not issue detailed statements of account prior to the initial payment date..........1 Tuition Fees Students will be charged for all academic courses for which they register.. SHOULD REFER TO FEES FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS........... It should be noted that the contract which forms part of the application form for admission to the University of Cape Town and which to that end was signed by the student and/or their legal guardian. R 46 112 MBA .......1 Each student must make an initial payment of academic fees.1... 1... POINT (e) OR (f) BELOW AND Section 5. by 5 February 2016......Modular 2nd year (1st payment due prior to 19 February 2016) ... ALL STUDENTS FROM OUTSIDE SOUTH AFRICA........ This liability is not affected nor reduced through ignorance on the part of the student/guardian regarding the rules and regulations of the University of Cape Town or of the validity of his/her registration in terms of the said rules and regulations. legally binds those parties to pay the full tuition and accommodation fees for a particular year of registration as determined by the University... Balance of all fees is due by 30 June 2016... Since a student’s fee account is based on his/her academic record and accommodation choices.... ...... ZAR 29 480 Master of Philosophy in Inclusive Innovation (1st payment due prior to 26 January 2016)........................................... whichever date occurs first.............2 TERMS OF PAYMENT MBA .. ..... R 13 038 Master of Commerce in Development Finance 2nd year International students (Full fees due prior to 29 January 2016) ................ R 30 000 Note: The amounts reflected above are the totals that must be paid and are inclusive of the acceptance fee paid (applicable to first year GSB students only) to secure your place..... ZAR 112 225 Master of Commerce in Development Finance 2nd year (1st payment due prior to 29 January 2016) ................ full fees PLUS R 3.. R24 775 Allow at least 14 working days for payment to appear in UCT bank account to avoid delays in registration clearance being granted................................. ZAR 281 670 Master of Commerce in Development Finance 1st year (1st payment due prior to 01 March 2016)................................. ZAR 350 900 MBA – Modular international students (Full fees due prior to 15 January 2016) .................................Full-time international students (Full fees due prior to 15 January 2016) ........August 2016 intake................... (e) Students from SADC countries and non-South African students who do not have permanent residence but pay local fees............................................... ZAR 281 670 MBA – Executive 2nd year Full-time international students (Full fees due prior to 22 January 2016) ........................ must pay the minimum initial fee for academic and residence PLUS the SADC Administrative fee of R3.......... full fees PLUS R 3.... R 45 250 Master of Commerce in Development Finance 1st year International students (Full fees due prior to 01 March 2016) ........................................ R 30 000 Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice international students (1st payment due prior to 5 February 2016) ....275 prior to registration or by 5 February 2016..... R 95 000 Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice international students (1st payment due prior to 1 August 2016). R 67 108 MBA – Executive 1st year Full-time international students (Full fees due prior to 12 February 2016) ...275 ......................... R47 500 Master’s (Dissertation only) full-time international fee paying students (payment due prior to registration) .................. R 67 108 MBA – Executive 2nd year (1st payment due prior to 22 January 2016) ........................................... R75 000 Master’s (Coursework and dissertation) full-time international fee paying students (payment due prior to registration) ......... (f) All UCT full-time international fee paying students for qualifications not listed below (payable prior to registration) ..................................................................... R 44 250 Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice (February 2016 intake) (1st payment due prior to 5 February 2016) ........................... whichever date occurs first....................................... (c) Full fee if total annual fee is less than R 21 500 (d) School for Legal Practice students must pay the full fee of R 11 900 on registration or by 5 February 2016.275 PhD full-time international fee paying students (payable prior to registration) ........... ZAR 175 450 MBA – Executive 1st year (1st payment due prior to 12 February 2016) ........... 1.11 A student to whom an advance is to be made.10 All fees due to the University are a first charge on any scholarship.7 Where a student registers for the first time in the second semester of an academic year. 1.uct. Interest is charged on overdue accounts at 1% per month. blocked e-mails or postal service deficiencies resulting in statements of account not being received. provided that the Fees Office receives a confirmation letter from the bank. 1. We send out detailed statements of account every month from March onwards.9 For fee purposes the same rules and conditions apply to a student who is provisionally registered at the University of Cape Town as for a registered student. 1.1. 1. Bursaries and Sponsorship Any student who has been made a firm offer of an external bursary or scholarship must provide the Fees Office with written evidence from his/her sponsors and may deduct one half of the annual award from the initial payment of fees due.1. the balance may be drawn by the student in two equal instalments after 11 March and 31 July.8 Where a student adds one or more courses at the start of the second semester of an academic year. No further extensions will be granted.1.6 Interest is charged on overdue accounts at 1% per month.1. 1. the initial payment deadline will be extended until 31 March 2016. Such awards when confirmed will be credited towards fees due by 30 June 2016.1. which subsequently does not materialize.5 Final payment must be made by 30 June 2016 Payment of the balance of fees is due on 30 June 2016. Payments are made by electronic funds transfer and cannot be processed unless bank details . 1. 1.ac. Students who gamble on receiving an unconfirmed bursary.za. bursary or loan granted by the University or paid to the University from other sources for the benefit of the student. It is the responsibility of the student to make enquiries should he/she not receive a statement of account. the fees in respect thereof are due immediately and payable within 30 days of registration. If the total of bursaries/scholarships exceeds fees due.3 Where a student has applied to the bank for a student loan. or to whom residual funds are to be disbursed. TERMS OF PAYMENT 3 (g) UCT online blended learning: Refer to section 11 page 33 of this handbook Allow at least 14 working days for payment to appear in UCT bank account to avoid delays in registration clearance being granted 1. is required to capture his/her banking details on the PeopleSoft Student System via the Student Portal URL: http://studentsonline. if the University has received payment of the bursary and the refund is agreed to by the sponsor. The fact that no statement of account has been received will not be accepted as a reason for failure to pay the university fees by due date.2 The University of Cape Town does not accept responsibility for incorrect addresses.1. the full fees (including residence. will not have an adjustment made to the 10% penalty fee raised on short payment of the initial fees or to interest charged. if applicable) are payable on registration or prior to registration for International Students including those from SADC countries.1.1. Awards which have not been confirmed by the due date for payment of fees may not be used to reduce the initial payment due. page 123.2 Residence Fees Students who will be entering UCT student accommodation should refer to Section 14 of this handbook. to the Cashiers Office: +27 21 650 5093. 1. or by completing the Credit Card form and faxing it. Payments made by online credit card will be refunded back to the same credit card. 1. will not be refunded until at least 14 days have elapsed from the credit of the payment to his/her fee account 1.ac.za. Cash payments to a maximum of R1 500 will be accepted at the Cashiers Office. Branch Code 025009. 1. Forms can be obtained from the Cashiers. Students need to keep these current to avoid delays and payments being processed to incorrect bank accounts. Post-dated cheques will not be accepted and will be returned to the drawer. The student number must be used as the reference.1. Rondebosch. Debit card payments can be made but only at the Cashiers Office by the card holder as the card holder must enter his/her PIN when authorising the transaction. Payment will be limited to the card holders’ daily limit. Account Number 27 068 9982. A R150 administration fee will be charged on all unpaid cheques.14 Any case which may not be provided for in these rules will be subject to the ruling of the Council. Credit card payments can be made at the Cashiers Office by the card-holder.4 TERMS OF PAYMENT have been entered.1. on-line directly to the student fee account via the UCT website URL: http://payonline. payment . Where payment is being made for students from outside the rand currency area. together with a copy of the credit card (both back and front) and ID/passport of the cardholder.13 Student identity cards must be produced at the Fees Office when withdrawals or refunds from fees accounts are requested. Prior to making payment by credit or debit card at the UCT Cashiers Office please obtain bank authorisation and code to expedite the payment process.3 Method of Payment When making payment the alpha/numeric student number must be used as the reference to ensure prompt credit of payment to the student fees account. or from our website. Fees Office.1. Cheques should be crossed and made payable to the “University of Cape Town” and the student name and number written on the back of the cheque. Direct Deposits/Internet Transfers/Cash Payments can be made into the University's bank account at Standard Bank.uct.12 A student who has a credit balance on his/her fee account as a result of an external payment. if request is done within the allowable period. 1. 1. (b) will not receive their examination results. Branch Code 025009. (f) will have any offer of a place in residence cancelled on Friday 22 January 2016 if outstanding fees are not paid by Thursday 14 January 2016. External Bursars Allowances. Swift address SBZA ZAJJ. (g) will not have any subsequent application processed until debt has been settled in full. interest is charged on outstanding balances at 1% per month from 31 July and at the end of each succeeding month. 1. (d) will not be permitted to re-register in the following year. University of Cape Town. and who has not produced evidence of . interest or dues will not be awarded degrees or diplomas in: (i) June. TERMS OF PAYMENT 5 must be made by telegraphic transfer into the University’s bank account at Standard Bank. Students paying International fees should consult the International Office (see Section 5. Rondebosch. Thereafter payments made will be applied against current year debt in the following order: Tuition charges. (e) will not be permitted to register for Summer Term programmes which start in the next academic year. Residence and meal charges. 1.3 A student whose fees are not paid by the due date. Rondebosch. Account Number 27 068 9982.5 Outstanding Fees Students with outstanding balances on their fees account: (a) will not be permitted to graduate.1 Students who have outstanding fees. Students should allow at least 14 working days for such foreign payments to reach the UCT bank account. Branch Code 025009. 1. if any amount is unpaid by 31 October 2016 1. fines.2 We charge interest monthly on outstanding balances at 1%.1 UCT on-line blended learning (distance) programmes Payments must be made into the UCT/GetSmarter bank account at Standard Bank. if any amount is unpaid by 30 April 2016 (ii) December.5.5. Finance administration and miscellaneous charges.4 Payments Received All payments received will be applied in the first instance to any amount outstanding from the prior year debt. Clearance will only be given when payment has been received. (c) will not receive an academic transcript. +27 21 650 4768 to assist with the timeous allocation of payments to the appropriate fees account.3.5. Where the final fee payment date is 30 June. 1. Account Number 270 600 035. page 18). The student number must be used as the reference. A copy of the deposit slip/transfer form should be faxed to the Fees Office. uct. traffic fines.za. . and these include library fines. may be excluded from attendance at classes or from a residence or a student housing unit.6 TERMS OF PAYMENT receipt of a bursary/scholarship/loan.5 A student must check his/her fee account on a regular basis. followed by the oldest debt. payments received will be allocated to clear unpaid interest first.ac. Such charges will often appear on fee accounts late in the year.4 Where a student has prior year outstanding fees. 1. 1. Various charges may be debited to fee accounts if the student has not settled these in cash. Students can access their fee account from the UCT website via the Student Portal URL: http://studentsonline. This is especially important prior to the year-end.5. student health charges and residence damage costs.5. ................ The University’s all-inclusive course-based fee structures published in Section 13 of this booklet...25................................. including students from SADC countries.. In order to assist first time applicants............. catering and miscellaneous fees such as subscriptions to clubs and societies are itemised and charged separately on the student fee account...................... R 62 430 BBusSc Academic Development.................................... R 64 370 MBChB ...........uct... Use this code to look up the all-inclusive cost of the course in this booklet.1 Typical 1st Year Tuition Fees International students must add the relevant Administrative Service Fee / International Term fee to the cost of the typical fee................ The Faculty handbook will indicate the courses that can be taken in pursuing a qualification and the relevant course code.......... R 61 260 BSc (Audiology) ............. Faculty handbooks containing the curriculum for each qualification can be obtained from the relevant faculty office and this information is also available on the UCT web site: https://www........... R 48 570 to R 62 620 BCom specialising in Actuarial Science...................... R 51 620 to R 53 330 ENVIRONMENT BSc (Geomatics) ... will enable students to accurately calculate the cost of their academic studies at UCT in 2016..................... R 55 680 ...... R 31 220 to R 37 730 BBusSc........... They may vary a bit depending on actual choice of courses 2....................................... Please note that residence......... the table below lists fees for typical first-year undergraduate degrees for South African applicants................... Thus................... it is the student’s responsibility to verify the correctness of his/her enrolment for courses in the current year......................... R 52 630 BUILT BSc (Engineering) ................... R 62 620 BCom Academic Development ......... R 28 000 to R 37 540 ENGINEERING & Bachelor of Architectural Studies........ ACADEMIC FEES 7 2... The University of Cape Town operates on a course-based fee structure inclusive of all “add- ons”............. ACADEMIC FEES All students from outside South Africa...... R 50 830 BSc (Property Studies) ................................ the dictum that ‘the price you see is the price you pay’ applies to all academic offerings across the University. R 49 600 to R 62 430 BBusSc specialising in Actuarial Science ......................... R 51 890 HEALTH SCIENCES MBChB ..........................ac............................za/apply/handbooks. pages 18 ....1st year Intervention Curriculum ... together with the relevant Faculty handbook................ Since a student’s fees account is based on his/her academic load.. The sum of these costs will give you the total cost for the set of chosen courses as there are no levies or additional academic charges.... should also refer to fees for international students in Section 5 of this handbook.......... COMMERCE BCom ... It will give you an idea of what the fees are likely to be............. R 43 040 BSc (Construction Studies) ...... ....2........................8 ACADEMIC FEES BSc (Occupational Therapy) ................................................................................... .9 A reduction on the academic fees may be considered in special circumstances......................................................................... International students........................................................ Students or their legal guardians must give notice of intention to discontinue studies in writing by completing the Cancellation of Registration Form and submitting this together with their student card to their Faculty Office in person or by registered mail............................................ R 49 500 BMus .......................... R 56 170 HUMANITIES BA and BSocSc ............................................ R 51 300 BSc (Physiotherapy) .......... R 46 000 BA(Fine Art) .................................... depending on when the notice of intention to discontinue studies is received by the Faculty Office............ ......1..................................... R 51 840 SCIENCE BSc ...................................... R 45 500 LAW Undergraduate LLB ........................................ R 48 620 BSc (Speech & Lang Pathology) ............................................................................................50% adjustment (c) Second Semester Courses starting in July: 22 July 2016 ........................................ Any fees owing are due immediately on 2..................50% adjustment (d) Online blended learning: Full year programme starting in second semester 22 July 2016 ............. R 52 000 BMus (Dance) (Performers’ stream) ...................2 Notice to Leave: Withdrawal of Registration A registered student (or legal guardian) is personally liable for all tuition fees notwithstanding any pledges of support or bursary that they may have received.....................................................................................100% adjustment 24 February 2017 ........... 50% adjustment (b) First Semester Courses starting in February: 19 February 2016..........100% adjustment 5 August 2016 .............................................................................................100% adjustment 4 March 2016............................................. R 25 000 2...... refer to Section 5..................... including those from SADC countries. R 50 000 BSc – 1st year Intervention Curriculum ............................................................ R 46 420 Graduate LLB ..................................... R 56 000 BA specialising in Music Education (Jazz) ....................... Note: These dates will be strictly adhered to................................................. If notice is received before: (a) Whole Year Courses starting in February: 19 February 2016.................................50% adjustment No reduction will be granted if the notice of intention to discontinue studies is received after the above deadlines............. ........................ A R500 Administration Fee will be charged on all cancellations / withdrawals......... cancellation of studies...... 100% adjustment 22 July 2016 ..................................................... R 51 000 BA (Theatre & Performance) .................. the following reduction in the academic fees may be considered in special circumstances. Any fees owing are due immediately on cancellation of studies. starting. course has been presented/run. the course. or if the student is registered for the School for Legal Practice course. ACADEMIC FEES 9 GSB students Rebates for tuition fees (acceptance and administration fees are not rebated) may be granted depending on when the written notice of intention to discontinue studies is received by the GSB Faculty Office. Consequently. No withdrawal is possible after the ‘cancel transcript’ entry date. GSB Modular Friday of Friday of the Friday of Monday after Qualifications the first first week of week three of which two week of starting. thirds of the starting. thirds of the starting. any fee reduction is dependent upon the date of withdrawal. the course. depending on when the notice of intention to discontinue studies is received by the Faculty Office: Last date to drop a qualification Programme / Last date Get 75% fee Get 50% fee Cancel Qualification to add a adjustment adjustment transcript course entry GSB Full Time Friday of Friday of the Friday of Monday after Qualifications the first first week of week three of which two week of starting. starting. Note: These dates will be strictly adhered to. If the course duration is less than one semester. Programmes commence on the day a student is required to be at orientation. Last date to drop a course Course Last date to Get 100% fee Get 50% fee Cancel add a course adjustment adjustment transcript entry Whole year 19 February 19 February 22 July 29 July courses First term 19 February 19 February 4 March 25 March courses Second term 22 July 22 July 5 August 26 August courses Other Friday of the Friday of the Friday of Monday after courses: first week of first week of week three of which two the course. course has been presented/run.3 Drop an Individual Course When students withdraw from individual courses of a minimum duration of one semester. 2. thirds of the (Day 5) (Day 5) (Day 15) . The unique nature of GSB programmes precludes the organisation from replacing students once a programme has commenced. and with due consideration of Section 17(2) of the Consumer Protection Act. No reduction will be granted if the notice to withdraw is received after the above deadlines. there is no fee reduction if a student withdraws from the course after it begins. ..10 ACADEMIC FEES course has been presented/run.….………. After the last date to withdraw from a course but before the tenth last teaching day of a semester or year course. Winter Term Friday of the Not Monday after week the applicable which two course begins. thirds of the (Day 5) course has been presented/run. 2. Block 1 week or less Not Release :Before 12 applicable noon of day 1 2 Weeks: Before 12 noon of day 2 3 weeks: Before 12 noon of day 3 Longer than 3 weeks: Friday of the week the course begins.R 4 000 .R 3 000 After the course examination has been written: Semester Course.R 2 000 Year Course. No withdrawal is possible after the ‘cancel transcript’ entry date..…….……. (Day 5) Summer Friday of the Not Monday after Term week the applicable which two course begins. In this case the course remains on the record with a result of INC.. No reduction will be granted if the notice to withdraw is received after the above deadlines..R 1 500 Year Course.. During the last ten days of a semester or year course such notifications will no longer be accepted and a result of DPR or AB will be awarded by the department.4 Add an Individual Course The following minimum penalties may be charged per course which is added: After the first Friday of the commencement of the course: Semester Course……….…. a student may notify the faculty office that he or she does not intend to complete the course.….. thirds of the (Day 5) course has been presented/run..  who is permitted in any given year by Senate to take one or more courses in addition to the full standard curriculum. Ordinarily this is taken to be students on the Dean’s merit list. may.uct. and a credit will be given to reduce the overall cost in line with the above paragraph. Funding will be adjusted should a sibling cancel a course/s or receive alternate funding.  where the student or siblings are not in receipt of financial assistance. have the course fee waived for such additional course(s) Where courses chosen are priced differently. on successful application to the Senate Committee responsible.za/apply/funding/undergraduate/financial/ Application Closing Date is 31 March in the year of study.  whose total family income is below R660.5 Sibling Rebate Bursary Undergraduate Full-time Students with South African Citizenship or Permanent Residence An undergraduate full-time student –  who is a South African citizen or has South African permanent residence.  in order to enrich and enhance his/her curriculum. Families with more than 2 siblings in full-time undergraduate study at UCT and whose income exceeds the stated cut-off may apply for special consideration.000. will on successful application to the Manager. the student will effectively be charged and pay for the most expensive set of courses making up a full standard curriculum.  on the grounds of a good academic record. 2. ACADEMIC FEES 11 2.ac. the price for all courses taken will be raised on the fees statement. This concession does not apply to the tuition fees of the first child and funding received will be limited to the costs of all courses registered for at the start of the academic year. sponsorship or the UCT Staff Tuition rate. Application forms are available on the UCT Student Financial Aid website at http://www. . This funding is not automatically renewed and must be applied for every year. receive a bursary equivalent to 20% of their sibling’s tuition fees. In such cases. No late applications will be considered.6 Undergraduate Students Wishing to Take Additional Courses A student –  other than a student who is catching up on his/her studies.  who has siblings at UCT also studying towards a full-time undergraduate degree. Student Financial Aid Office. .............................. 100% adjustment 5 September 2016 ........................................................................................................ 50% adjustment These dates will be strictly adhered to.................................................................................................................16........ 50% adjustment (c) Second Semester Courses starting in July 22 July 2016......................................................... ..................... If Leave of Absence is granted before the following date for the remainder of the academic year: (a) Whole Year Courses starting in February 19 February 2016 ............................................................................ 100% adjustment 4 April 2016 ... Students are required to pay the minimum prescribed academic fees prior to graduation............................................... 25% adjustment (b) First Semester Courses starting in February 19 February 2016 ... 100% adjustment 4 April 2016 ............ Refer Rule G.......................................................12 ACADEMIC FEES 2................................. No further concessions will be granted if Leave of Absence is granted after the above deadlines.7 Leave of Absence A student who is granted a prospective academic concession for Leave of Absence will be entitled to a fee rebate depending on the date and period for which the Leave of Absence is granted. 75% adjustment 22 July 2016............................. 50% adjustment 5 September 2016 ............. ...................... variable up to R 1 500 Membership lapses at the end of each academic year and students have to re-register each year should they wish to continue their membership.6 Fee for Academic Records Any student who qualifies for a degree or diploma will be posted three original copies of an academic transcript (without charge) within one month of the Graduation Ceremony...................... signed and attested to before a Commissioner of Oaths........................... 3......... 3..... R 600 Certain MBChB courses..... Diploma certificates are issued to successful candidates in the same way....................................................2 Supplementary or Deferred Examinations Any subject: ........................................... and/or credit for a course completed at another university.......3 Ordinary Examinations without Re-attendance at Course Education courses (per unit) and courses where the fee is less than R 600 ... 3.. R 1 000 3........ No Charge 3...................1 Sports Clubs and Societies Additional fees for registered students are payable in respect of the following: Subscriptions to Clubs and Societies ............... A duplicate certificate of any UCT qualification will be issued at a fee of R 500 where satisfactory evidence of destruction or irretrievable loss of the original is submitted................................... Academic transcripts other than these may be obtained on application to the Registrar and on payment of the relevant fees as per the schedule below: (a) An electronic copy of official transcripts with or without transcript ...... OTHER FEES AND LEVIES 13 3........ OTHER FEES AND LEVIES 3............. There is no refund if a student cancels his/her membership during the year..... must accompany this application.. R 300 Any other subject: including students writing it for purpose of entrance examinations .4 Credit and/or Exemption The fee for exemption from a course.5 Duplicate Degree and Diploma Certificates Degree certificates are handed to graduates presented for their degrees at the graduation ceremony or posted as soon as possible thereafter to graduates admitted to their degrees in absentia....... An affidavit to the effect that irretrievable loss has occurred... is R50 per course or per half course with a maximum fee of R 250...................................................... ........................ (a) Completion of forms requiring detailed course information from 1990 – 2010 (academic transcript included).................. within or outside Southern Africa)........................ If documents are to be sent by express courier............................. availability of information and the required form of transmission (e.......... The verification of postgraduate medical training is done by individual departments but coordinated by the Faculty Office............ The usual period of preparing verification documentation is 6 to 8 weeks... R 400 Where academic transcripts are requested along with verification documentation.............. to be mailed/faxed to an address within Southern Africa ......... If an applicant requires the documentation sooner... Academic Administration.... to be mailed/faxed to an address outside Southern Africa ............... Dean’s Office...................g........7 apply 3.8 Verification of Past Training in Faculty of Health Sciences The verification of the undergraduate training of UCT graduates is done by the Faculty Office of Health Sciences...... R 150 (d) Completion of basic documentation..... Foreign professional boards have different requirements for the registration of South African health sciences graduates in those countries................ the charges in 3.. R 2 350 Requests for the verification of UCT Faculty of Health Sciences graduates may be sent to the Faculty Manager: Academic Administration.. R 100 (c) Completion of basic documentation............ Faculty of Health Sciences). Faculty of Health Sciences.. Verification fees at the UCT Faculty of Health Sciences depend on the complexity of the documentation to be completed............ R 200 (e) Completion of complex documentation to be mailed or faxed .... .. to be mailed/faxed to an address outside Southern Africa .................... Please include e-mail contact details in all requests.. R 75 (c) Up to three printed copies of official transcripts without transcript supplement to be posted to an address outside South Africa R 120 (including postage) 3..... to be mailed/faxed to an address within Southern Africa ... by registered airmail or by courier......7 Verification of Academic Record (a) Basic verification of qualification and of graduation date.... 7925..... or faxed to 021- 404 7652 (for attention: Faculty Manager.............................No charge (b) Basic verification of qualification and of graduation date............... R 1 390 (b) Completion of forms requiring detailed course information before 1990 (academic transcript included) . South Africa....................................... R 50 (b) Up to three printed copies of official transcripts without transcript supplement to be collected by the student or an authorised third party or posted to an address within South Africa .... an additional R 250 should be added to the fees below.... Barnard Fuller Building..................... an additional R200 should be added to the fees.....................14 OTHER FEES AND LEVIES supplement to be sent via e-mail up to five e-mail addresses .... Anzio Road. Observatory...... This fee also applies to any external parties who hire academic attire from the University. The prices for these tokens are set annually and are published on the University’s website.14 Parking Tokens Parking tokens are sold to staff and students who wish to park motor vehicles (motor cars. R200 will be refunded if the hired articles are returned in good order within the prescribed timeframe. Middle Campus. or have your own gown and only need a hood. Penalties will apply. which is reducible by the Dean on a sliding scale. 3. Should they fail to pay by cash or card for these services the debt incurred will be debited to his/her fee account and is subject to interest on late payment. Students must present proof of payment together with his/her identity document when collecting the replacement card.01. The loss of the card must be reported immediately to the Access Control Office in the Geological Sciences Extension Building. 3.10 Fee for Replacement Student Identity/Access Control Card A lost or damaged replacement Student Identity/Access Control card may be obtained on payment of a fee of R120. Students are required to pay for parking tokens when they are applied for. motor cycles. Room 2. 3. . Kramer Law Building. Upper Campus. Students on UCT Financial Aid are not charged for consults with a Medical Practitioner if they are referred by a Clinical Nurse Practitioner. A valid student card must be produced when making use of this service. Refer 2. OTHER FEES AND LEVIES 15 3. 3.9 Fee for Hiring Academic Apparel The University hires gowns and hoods at a net charge of R150 (R350 deposit. R200 refund). and the costs of parking tokens cannot be charged to student fee accounts. Level 3. The same fee applies if you only want to hire a gown. 3. motor scooters or motorised bicycles) on any of the campuses.11 Late Registration Fee A fee of R2 000 will be levied on students who fail to register on the appointed day. for good cause shown.4 on Page 10.12 Late Changes of Curriculum A student who wishes to add a course to his/her curriculum after the Friday of the first week after the start of the course requires a concession in terms of rule G15 of the General Rules and Policies handbook. Payments are made at the Cashiers Office. psychologist. Students remain responsible for dispensary charges.13 Student Wellness Services Students who utilise the Student Wellness Service are expected to pay for consultations with a medical practitioner. dispensary services and certain investigations. . will be debited to the students' fees accounts should they be incurred by students and not settled timeously.16 OTHER FEES AND LEVIES 3. library fines and the cost of replacement of library materials. These include parking fines.15 Incidental Charges Certain charges. Note that all charges debited to student fee accounts are subject to interest on late payment. which vary according to circumstances and which should be paid in cash. disciplinary fines (including those imposed in Residences). damage charges raised by Residences. ................3........ pocket money and sundries ..3 Students accommodated in a catering residence who have not chosen the full meal option will require the following additional funds to cover meals taken elsewhere: 4......3 additional approximate amount required by students who have chosen meal option (4)..............3..... per year ...... We suggest that sponsors require from their students verifiable board and lodging expense accounts if the students reside outside official University accommodation................2 additional approximate amount required by students who have chosen meal option (3).............. ignore credits of this nature when calculating the amount due by you..... accommodation and subsistence.g............. Please return to the Fees Office any fee statements which are not for your account or which have been addressed to you in error............ transport).................................... In most cases........ INFORMATION FOR SPONSORS 17 4.......... Sponsors must inform UCT in writing if surplus funding is not to be paid out to a student........... 4. students use funding from additional sources to help them meet expenses incurred in connection with their studies (for example................. R 4 000 4. food and lodging outside University residence........ local transport......1 additional approximate amount required by students who have chosen meal option (2). R 6 000 Educational Equipment .... after settlement of fees.....2 The estimated minimum amount required for board and lodging by students not accommodated in residence is R 64 300 per year or R 72 300 for Medical Students who have a longer academic year....... Additionally it is supplied to assist sponsors in their calculation of funds needed by their students for costs which do not appear on fee accounts e..... per year .4 Students accommodated in self-catering residences will require an approximate amount of R17 300 per year (R1 730 per month) to cover the cost of meals................................ INFORMATION FOR SPONSORS The following information is supplied to help a sponsor to interpret the fee accounts sent during the year. per year ...................................5 We estimate that the following ancillary expenses could be incurred by each student in 2016: Books and Stationery ..3................ will be refunded to the student on receipt of your payment...... 4..... R 3 000 Living expenses........ R 5 600 4. R 7 500 ....................................... R 4 300 4.... 4.. education material required and sundry expenses....................1 The balance of any scholarship or award... Please therefore...... 4.... books and stationery.......... 275 IAPO Administrative Service fee in addition to their tuition fees. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS International Academic Programmes Office: Tel: +27-21-650 2822/ 3740. is called the International Term Fee. Honours or Coursework Master’s Degrees are advised to check section 5. who are returning to UCT and in the process of completing their current degrees will be treated as local South African students for the purposes of fees and accommodation. Special Circumstance Students: Official Refugees (i. and is charged in addition to the individual fees for all courses taken.e. Fax: +27-21-650 5667 Email: int-iapo@uct. Namibia. Mauritius. Botswana. Mozambique.Citizens and Permanent Residents of the SADC countries are treated the same as South African Residents. Non-SADC international students studying Postgraduate Diplomas. Accounts are sent out by the Fees Office. Democratic Republic of Congo. but will be liable to pay the R3. Rwandese students registered at UCT since 2012 for their degree.18 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 5. South Africa. Seychelles. once they have their RSA ID Refugees Book) and documented asylum seekers are deemed South African citizens and for fees purposes classified as local students. Refer to pages 1 and 119.e. Malawi.ac. Rest of the World) Students: Non-SADC International Students are billed in South African Rand (ZAR) and required to pay an International Fee over and above the local course fees for tuition. Zambia. (Note that study visa regulations. etc. do still apply) The SADC member countries are Angola. Both the International Term Fee plus the individual course based fees must be paid prior to registration.7 for information regarding Scholarships offered to them. except for GSB studies under 5. and Zimbabwe. Accredited Diplomatic Representatives of a foreign government in South Africa (or their dependants) are entitled to pay fees at local rates PLUS a non-refundable R3. Tuition fees are to be paid prior to registration. The ‘out-of-state’ or ‘international’ levy. Swaziland. . SADC students will be charged a non-refundable R 3.275 Administrative Service Fee which is payable prior to registration. Madagascar.6 of this handbook which are billed by the Graduate School of Business. Tanzania. Accounts are managed and sent out by the Fees Office.za SADC Students: For the purposes of fees . Non-SADC (i.za Website: http://www.uct. Rwandese Citizens who register at UCT for the first time and are not in receipt of the Rwandese Ministry of Education bursary/scholarship. not in receipt of the Rwandese Ministry of Education bursary/scholarship.ac. Students from SADC countries must pay the minimum initial payment for tuition and residence prior to registration or by 5 February 2016 whichever date is the earlier. will be charged an applicable International Term Fee in addition to their tuition fees and/or IAPO Administrative Service Fee.275 Administrative Service Fee. Lesotho. and housing placement) will be applicable.. and (b) thereafter local fees plus International Term Fee US$ fee per course .... In certain cases an Exchanges Levy (which could include orientation.......1 ... Exchanges Levy payable prior to registration ......................................... airport transfer....................US$ 200 5... Students participating in a semester study abroad programme see 5.... that will not count towards obtaining a South African degree (but could count towards a degree in another country)............ All queries should be directed to the International Academic Programmes Office (IAPO)........ Package tuition fee: Per semester cost ... INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 19 A SADC or International UCT staff member or their dependents who receives the HR staff tuition concession will not be liable for the International Term Fee....3.. prior to registration at UCT. A student’s academic fees will be charged in line with their residency status at time of registration. SADC or International Administration Fee....................... prior to registration at UCT....... 5.. 5.. Only the Green SA BARCODED ID book or South African Smart identity card will be accepted as proof of SA citizenship............ A certificate of attendance will be available on request.....US$ 6 000 Fees will be payable in advance.. A South African matriculation exemption is required in order to get acceptance into this programme.. If residency status changes are presented after 31 July it will only be applied to the following academic year. Students must have completed a degree..2 Students on Centralised Academic Programmes/ Exchanges Fee is dependent on the programme....1 Semester Study Abroad (SSA) Programmes Any student (regardless of nationality) taking courses for one or two semesters only.................................. If a student presents proof of South African citizenship or permanent residence to the International Academic Programmes Office before the 31 July in an academic year the student’s residency status may be changed for the current academic year....3 International Occasional Students 5........... International (rest of the world and outside the SADC region-rest of Africa) occasional students pay: (a) the US$ course fee when registering for one or two courses in a semester...................1 Independent International Occasional Students Students are required to write exams..... Students are accepted to study through the programme only in terms of signed inter-institutional agreements......... No further concessions will be granted......US$ 2 630 Fees will be payable in advance....... 20 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 5. Affiliate Fees per month or part thereof .3..Refer to Section 6 Fees will be payable in advance.5....... 275 non-refundable International Administrative Service Fee..... ......1 to 5.5 below) In addition the minimum initial residence payment is required prior to registration. 100% of the International Term Fees plus Course Based Fees plus a non-refundable International Administrative Service Fee are to be paid prior to registration or by 5 February 2016 whichever date is the earlier..2 International Students taking a course as part of a Jointly Offered Qualification An international student taking a course or courses as part of a jointly offered qualification offered by a partner institution and where there is an inter institutional agreement for the jointly offered qualification.. Students who registers in ANY faculty in the second year of one academic and intending to graduate by the end of the first semester of the following academic year will be charged the IAPO Admin Fee/SADC Admin fee for EACH academic year of registration. NB! Students registering for the first time in the SECOND semester MUST pay the full tuition fees PLUS the IAPO Services fee/SADC Admin fee PLUS the applicable International Term fee prior to registration. a non-refundable International Administration Service Fee of R3.. 5. prior to registration at UCT.. 275 PLUS the fees as indicated below: Please consult the Faculty/Student Fees Handbook for the cost of courses.4 International Affiliates Visiting international students and academics who are not taking UCT courses but wish to pursue research towards studies at their own University by using UCT’s libraries.... work at UCT.. A visiting Affiliate does not attend lectures. UCT’s academic year runs from January to December..... 5.5.. Thereafter application should be made through IAPO.1 of this handbook.. will register at UCT as an occasional student and will pay an international administrative fee of R3 275 plus the course fee(s) for the course(s) for which he or she enrols at UCT.... The amounts listed below must be added to the total amount calculated from the courses selected plus the R3. have any supervision or write examinations.... see section 14.. must first make contact with a UCT department to ensure they will be welcome and obtain an assurance that there are necessary resources (and with mutual understanding of expectations) to accommodate them in the host department. (For International Fees contained in sections 5.. page 123.....5 International Students who intend to study for a full South African Degree/Diploma/Honours International full-degree students will be charged the cost of the courses for which they register..... from the Student Fees Handbook plus an International Admin Service Fee of R3.5.3 Postgraduate Diplomas and Undergraduate Diplomas * See 5. If from outside If from Africa Faculty Africa (rest of (non-SADC) World) Commerce ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 Engineering & the Build Environment ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 Health Sciences ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 Humanities ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 Law ZAR 16 790 ZAR 12 240 Science ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 .1 Undergraduate Degrees Students must pay the Course Fee/s for the selected courses. etc Law LLB.5. 275 plus the International Term Fee listed below. If from outside Africa If from Africa Faculty (rest of World) (non-SADC) Commerce ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 Engineering & the Build Environment ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 Health Sciences ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 Humanities ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 Law ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 Science ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 5. BMus.5.2 Honours Degrees * See 5. If from outside If from Africa Faculty Typical Africa (rest of (non-SADC) Qualification World) Commerce BCom. ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 BA (Fine Art). 275 plus the International Term Fee listed below. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 21 5. etc ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 Science BSc ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 5. BSC (Eng) etc ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 Built Environment Health Sciences BSc (Med) etc ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 Humanities BA. etc ZAR 46 290 ZAR 34 550 Engineering & the BSc. BEd. BSocSc. from the Student Fees Handbook plus an International Admin Service Fee of R3.7 Students must pay the Course Fee/s for the selected courses. BBusSc. from the Student Fees Handbook plus an International Admin Service Fee of R3.7 Students must pay the Course Fee/s for the selected courses. 275 plus the International Term Fee listed below. ...................5 Research Master’s Degrees Academic Fees (per year) Total of Course Fees PLUS Non-Refundable International Service Fee If from outside Africa (rest of the world) ...........000...5.. for the second year of enrolment) will be adjusted to make provision for annual fee increases.......... Withdrawal of Acceptance All requests for cancellation shall be in writing and addressed to GSB Admissions.. This is credited against the fees due upon registration......... Postgraduate Diploma level students must pay an acceptance fee of ZAR 20..........000 is payable on acceptance of study offer and is applicable to all GSB International students applying for Masters level programmes.6 Doctoral (PhD) Degrees Academic Fees (per year) Total of Course Fees PLUS Non-Refundable International Service Fee If from outside Africa (rest of the world) ........ ZAR 3 275 5.. a cancellation fee is payable as follows: (a) 20% of the amount will be forfeited if notice of cancellation is received six weeks or more prior to the start of the programme orientation and (b) the entire amount is forfeited if the notice of cancellation is received less than six weeks prior to the start of the programme orientation......................... We do not accept payments in cash or on Diners or American Express cards..4 Coursework Master’s Degrees * See 5.e.7 Students must pay the Course Fee/s for the selected courses...ZAR 3 275 If from Africa (non-SADC) ...............ZAR 3 275 5...5........... the fees for 2017 (i...6 Qualifications Offered by the Graduate School of Business Note that all Citizens or Permanent Residents from African countries qualify for local South African fees for GSB qualifications.5. 275 plus the International Term Fee listed below. An acceptance fee of ZAR 30... Subject to section 17(2) of the Consumer Protection Act...... from the Student Fees Handbook plus an International Admin Service Fee of R3..... ZAR 3 275 If from Africa (non-SADC) .... In cases where programmes are offered over 2 years.... If from outside If from Africa Faculty Africa (rest of (non-SADC) World) Commerce ZAR 37 000 ZAR 27 580 Engineering & the Build Environment ZAR 37 000 ZAR 27 580 Health Sciences ZAR 37 000 ZAR 27 580 Humanities ZAR 37 000 ZAR 27 580 Law ZAR 16 790 ZAR 12 240 Science ZAR 37 000 ZAR 27 580 5..............22 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 5..... .......... ...e.......... 5............... for the second year of enrolment) will be adjusted to make provision for annual fee increases..ZAR 108 000 ......... ZAR 350 900 (MBA Modular international students pay half this fee per annum) Master of Business Administration (MBA ) Modular students For 1st Year Modular students the balance of fees is due by 15 January 2016..6................ ZAR 95 000 5.......... Total Fee 1st year students . for the second year of enrolment) will be adjusted to make provision for annual fee increases....1 Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice (PGDip) Balance of fees is due prior to registration or 5 February 2016 whichever is the earlier. Total Fee 1st year students .... INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 23 5............. 5........ ZAR 175 450 Total Fee 2nd year students* ................................... ZAR 281 670 *The fees for 2017 (i....6............... Total Fee……………………………………………………………………................................. 2nd Year returning students must settle their fees by 29 January 2016 Total Fee 1st year students ………………………………………………… ZAR 112 225 Total Fee 2nd year students*………………………………………………............................ Total Fee ..............................................6.6......2 Master of Business Administration (MBA ) Full time students For Full Time and 1st Year Modular students the balance of fees is due by 15 January 2016..... ZAR 281 670 Total Fee 2nd year students* . ZAR 29 480 *The fees for 2017 (i..... Total Fee (per year) ... 2nd Year returning Modular students must settle their fees by 19 February 2016............................................................. ZAR 175 450 *The fees for 2017 (i..4 Master of Philosophy in Inclusive Innovation Fees are due by 26 January 2016................... 2nd Year returning students must settle their fees by 22 January 2016.e....................................e................3 GSB: Master of Commerce in Development Finance For 1st Year students the balance of fees is due prior to registration or by 11 March 2016 whichever date is the earlier................... Master of Business Administration specialising in Executive Management (EMBA) For 1st Year students the balance of fees is due by 12 February 2016.................................................................. for the second year of enrolment) will be adjusted to make provision for annual fee increases............ 9 Cancellation Policy International Fees Semester/Study Abroad Programme A US$ 100 administration fee will be applied to all cancellations received after a student indicates acceptance but prior to arrival. Master’s or Occasional student studies. A 50% fee rebate of the Semester Study Abroad tuition fee will be applied to all cancellations or withdrawals received after arrival or registration at UCT. financial need and faculty requirements. cases where a student changes status to an Affiliate. (Further information can be obtained from Student Housing/Campus Accommodation and Letting).8 Residence Fees The initial payment as stated in 14. In the case of residence offers made after this date. 11 November 2016. 5. consequently most international students share rented accommodation in the vicinity of the University.24 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 5. The same withdrawal rules apply to international students leaving residences as for local students (refer to 14. The opening date for new students is Monday. or reapplies for Full Degree. page 123). Applications must be made via the Post Graduate Centre & Funding Office – refer UCT’s website. i. The closing date is 31 July of the year preceding study. but not be limited to. Note: There is only limited accommodation available for international students in residences. Master’s & PhD students/applicants are advised that the University offers a limited number of scholarships to deserving international applicants. 5. Please apply at the relevant Faculty Office. (50% fee rebate) .1 (refer to page 123) is required prior to registration for all international students and non-South African students who do not have permanent residence. The residence fee for 1st Tier residences excludes the winter vacation between the first and second semesters.7 International Scholarships International Honours. The balance of all residence fees is due by 30 June 2016. but includes the short vacations in the first and second semesters.2. This is in addition to the 100% of International Tuition Fees. 1 February 2016 and the closing date for student housing is Friday. POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA AND COURSEWORK MASTER’S STUDIES. THE ABOVE AWARDS ARE ONLY APPLICABLE TO HONOURS. Postgraduate Diploma and Coursework Master’s students there are also bursaries available which will reduce the International Term Fee and these are awarded at the discretion of the Faculty Dean based on academic merit. Residence fees for SADC and non-South African students All students admitted to residence must pay the initial payment by 5 February 2016. the initial payment is due immediately and must be made prior to signing into residence. ENSURE YOU APPLY FOR THESE SCHOLARSHIPS PRIOR TO COMING TO UCT! For Honours.e. This will include. For 2nd and 3rd Tier. R25 500 in the case of catering accommodation and R16 500 for self-catering. (International terms of payment will still apply). the fee is inclusive of the winter vacation between the first and second semester. ..275 International Administrative Service Fee is non-refundable under any circumstances.......... including Student Housing fees/levies etc......2.. Dropping or changing of courses..... INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 25 There will be no fee rebate for any cancellation or withdrawal received after the 31 March for Semester 1 intakes and after the 31 August for the Semester 2 intakes.... 100% adjustment before 18 July 2016 ...... page 9........ ........ International Affiliates who decide to leave early may apply to their host department for a pro-rata refund of fees.... refer to 2. Any outstanding fees are due immediately upon cancellation of studies. Note: The R3... If registration is cancelled before: (a) the beginning of the first quarter... (If the stated date falls on a weekend or public holiday – then notice must be received on the last working day prior to stated date) Full Degree Students (GSB students refer to Section 2.... 18 July 2016 ............ 15 February 2016. ...3..............1) Students or their parents or guardians must give notice to discontinue studies in writing by completing the Cancellation of Registration Form and submitting this to their Faculty Office in person or by registered mail........ 100% adjustment after 18 July 2016 No adjustment No reduction of the International Term Fee will be granted if registration is cancelled after the 18 July 2016..... A reduction on the International Term Fee may be considered in special circumstances depending on the date of cancellation..... if these have not already been paid.. 50% adjustment Students registering in the second semester who cancel/withdraw before: (b) the beginning of the third quarter.. No International Fee reductions will be considered where withdrawal occurs after the second or fourth quarter has begun... International Occasional Students and Affiliates When students withdraw from individual courses..... any fee reduction is dependent on the date of withdrawal. ..................... R 8 770 4 months to 6 months ...............................................................................................................................................................................26 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 6............................................................... VISITING POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS AFFILIATED TO UCT The fees for visiting postgraduate students (excluding those in the Faculty of Science and Health Sciences) are dependent upon the length of their stay at the University of Cape Town and are as follows: 2 months or less ................................ R 17 240 Science and Health Science Faculty students should consult their Faculty Officer................. R 12 930 6 months to 12 months ............. R 4 660 2 months to 4 months .......................................... .... ....... Note: Full annual fees will be billed from the date on which the student is notified to revise and resubmit and any fee rebate will be processed on resubmission.............. 5 September 2016............................ 75% adjustment (b) submission before 12 noon on Monday..... this applies in the third or subsequent year in which the thesis is being completed.... This rebate also applies to students registering for the MMed............. 25% adjustment (d) submission after 12 noon on Monday. the start of the 2016 academic year.....1 In the case of a master’s dissertation.. 8.. 8........ the beginning of the second quarter..... if the candidate must work for up to one quarter.....e........ 4 April 2016. do not need to reregister. 5 September 2016 .... he/she will pay 25% of the full fee....... STUDENTS REGISTERING FOR RESEARCH MASTER’S OR PHD Students registering for the first time for a research Master’s or Doctoral thesis in the second semester (from 1 July) will be granted a 50% rebate on the annual academic fee.. 18 July 2016..... .......... SUBMISSION OF DOCTORAL THESES AND MASTER’S DISSERTATIONS A rebate on the annual academic fee for a doctoral thesis or master’s dissertation is granted according to the following schedule: 8... (a) submission before 12 noon on Tuesday........ SUBMISSION OF DOCTORAL THESES AND MASTER’S DISSERTATIONS 27 7..... 8. for up to two quarters.............. nil Students who intend submitting by 12 noon on Monday 15 February 2016.................. he/she will pay 50% of the full fee and so on)................................. the beginning of the fourth quarter......... this applies in the second or subsequent year in which the dissertation is being completed......3 Revise and Resubmit Where a student is required to revise and resubmit a thesis or dissertation the academic fee will be charged per quarter (i......2 In the case of a doctoral thesis.... . the beginning of the third quarter.... ................ 50% adjustment (c) submission by 12 noon on Monday. ................... DSc (Med) (For distinguished published work) ......................................... DOCTORATES (Note: We no longer offer the ChM) For each year of registration: PhD................................. MD........ LLD......... R 16 520 PhD in Philosophy in Economics (By coursework and thesis) Coursework year 1 .... DSocSc....................... DSc (Eng)... R 56 880 Thesis per year . DLitt........................ DEd.............................. DEconSc..................... R 16 520 DSc.................... DArch.... DMus : (By Thesis) ......28 DOCTORATES 9............ R 6 210 ................. DMus............................... DFA........... ... R 184 450 st Modular (1 year) Total Fee(depending on course selection) ......………………………….......... This is credited against the fees due upon registration. YEAR 1 Total Fee ..............3 GSB: Master of Commerce in Management Practice An acceptance fee of R15 000 is payable on acceptance of study offer. All fees quoted in this handbook are for the 2016 academic year........................... This is credited against the fees due upon registration....….................... Full-time Total Fee...R 134 210 *Students registering for their 2nd year in 2017 must make provision for annual fee increases 10..........R 134 220 YEAR 2 * Total Fee ........ GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 29 10...............................................R 28 700 2nd and subsequent years of enrolment*.... Modular Total Fee....... GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS All students from outside South Africa and other SADC countries should refer to fees for international students on page 22.........1 Master of Business Administration (MBA) An acceptance fee of R15 000 is payable on acceptance of study offer........... R 60 000 10.... This is credited against the fees due upon registration......…………………………………………................... R 91 950 *Students registering for 2nd year in 2017 must make provision for annual fee increases Master of Business Administration specialising in Executive Management (EMBA) An acceptance fee of R15 000 is payable on acceptance of study offer........................…........................ R 92 500 Modular (2nd year)* Total Fee(depending on course selection) .......………..2 PGDip : Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice (Open Enrolments) An acceptance fee of R10 000 is payable on acceptance of study offer........ This is credited against the fees due upon registration...R 7 600 *Students registering for their 2nd year in 2017 must make provision for annual fee increases ..........................……….............. 10.... Academic Fee…………........................... ..........R 7 600 * Students registering for their 2nd year in 2017 must make provision for annual fee increases 10.. customization fees may be applicable) ..R 7 600 * Students registering for their 2nd year in 2017 must make provision for annual fee increases 10.............8 PGDip: Management Practice (Customised Offering to Corporates) Academic Fee…………………………………………….6 GSB: Master of Philosophy in Inclusive Innovation An acceptance fee of R15 000 is payable on acceptance of study offer............4 GSB: Master of Philosophy An acceptance fee of R15 000 is payable on acceptance of study offer... YEAR 1 Academic Fees ..…….. This is credited against the fees due upon registration.........………………….....…….....................…..……..........................30 GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 10.….... Academic Fee……………………………………….... Amount represents base fees...............…………………............... YEAR 1 Academic Fees ............... R 23 920 3rd and subsequent years of enrolment*…………………………….... R 88 500 2nd and subsequent years of enrolment*……………………………..R 62 000 (Fee is conditional on a minimum intake of 30 students)......R 28 700 2nd and subsequent years of enrolment*………………………………...5 GSB: Master of Commerce in Development Finance An acceptance fee of R15 000 is payable on acceptance of study offer...………... This is credited against the fees due upon registration..... R 91 080 YEAR 2 * Academic Fees .. in addition.7 GSB: PhD Specialising in Business Administration & Management Practice (GSB6000W) Academic Course Fee (per annum or part thereof) …….…..............…………R 7 600 * Students registering for their 2nd year in 2017 must make provision for annual fee increases 10...R 16 520 10.........................………………. This is credited against the fees due upon registration.... .. and (b) the entire amount is forfeited if the notice of cancellation is received less than six weeks prior to the start of the programme orientation. Subject to section 17(2) of the Consumer Protection Act. GSB Cancellation of Registration Policy: Refer to Section 2...1 of this handbook ..2. in addition. customization fees may be applicable) 10.…………………R 62 000 (Fee is conditional on a minimum intake of 30 students). Amount represents base fees.10 Withdrawal of Acceptance All requests for cancellation shall be in writing and addressed to GSB Admissions....9 Associate in Management Practice (Customised Offering to Corporates) Academic Fee……………………………………………. a cancellation fee is payable as follows: (a) 20% of the amount will be forfeited if notice of cancellation is received six weeks or more prior to the start of the programme orientation. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 31 10. .... due before the 15th of January 2016............R26 050 *Students registering in 2017 must make provision for annual fee increases 11. If you have been accepted onto the programme....2 POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT IN MARKETING An acceptance fee of R10 000 is payable on acceptance of study offer. R 24 200 .3 INITIAL FEES RSA and SADC students. accessible across Africa: The UCT Advanced Diploma in Business Project Management. as well as the initial fee of R11... 11.... . access to the Virtual Learning Environment will only be granted to you upon receipt of both the R10........... This is credited against the fees due upon registration.......... YEAR 1 Academic Fees . This is credited against the fees due upon registration.………………..….32 UCT ACADEMIC FEES LEARNING ONLINE BLENDED 11... 500 is the minimum financial obligation to ensure access onto the programme... 11. Balance of fees is due on 30 June 2016..R 38 840 11.... Interest is charged on overdue accounts at 1% per month. Academic Fee………………………………………......... UCT ONLINE BLENDED LEARNING The University of Cape Town’s faculty of Commerce. due on receipt of an offer from the University.... R21......500. R 22 350 YEAR 2 * Academic Fees ....4 Notice to leave: Withdrawal of Registration Refer to section 2. If payment is not received on or before the due date......1 ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS PROJECT MANAGEMENT An acceptance fee of R10 000 is payable on acceptance of study offer.... a once-off late payment fee of 10% of the unpaid amount will be charged... the minimum financial obligation to ensure access onto the programme is the full academic fee to be paid in full before the 15 January 2016..............000 deposit.. is now offering the two postgraduate diplomas delivered online....... in partnership with GetSmarter..... International students. and the UCT Postgraduate Diploma in Management in Marketing.…….....2 of this handbook..... ................ Note: The following typical fees for South African students are only guidelines and will vary with the students’ actual choice of courses.............. R 62 620 BCom Academic Development ............................... should also refer to fees for international students in Section 5 of this handbook.......... R 48 570 to R 62 620 BCom specialising in Actuarial Science .................. R 43 040 BSc (Construction Studies) ............ together with the relevant Faculty handbook.... R 51 890 HEALTH SCIENCES MBChB ....... including students from SADC countries................... R 62 430 BBusSc Academic Development .......... COMMERCE BCom .... R 51 000 . 12.............. UCT ACADEMIC FEES All students from outside South Africa........................1 Typical 1st Year Tuition Fees International students must add the relevant Administrative Service Fee / International Term fee to the cost of the typical fee..................................... will enable students to accurately calculate the cost of their academic studies at UCT in 2016......... R 50 830 BSc (Property Studies) ............ R 49 600 to R 62 430 BBusSc specialising in Actuarial Science .................. R 55 680 BSc (Occupational Therapy) ....................................................... the dictum that ‘the price you see is the price you pay’ applies to all academic offerings across the University..................................................................... In order to assist students and fee payers’ budget for their academic studies at UCT for 2016 we have set-out below the cost of fees for a typical qualification by faculty and year of study.. R 31 220 to R 37 730 BBusSc .......................................................... it is the student’s responsibility to verify the correctness of his/her academic record................ R 51 620 to R 53 330 ENVIRONMENT BSc (Geomatics)................... R 48 620 BSc (Speech & Lang Pathology) ............................ R 28 000 to R 37 540 ENGINEERING & Bachelor of Architectural Studies .............. Since a student’s fees account is based on his/her academic record......25. R 56 170 HUMANITIES BA and BSocSc .................... UCT ACADEMIC FEES 33 12........... The University of Cape Town operates on a course-based fee structure inclusive of all “add-ons”........ R 61 260 BSc (Audiology)..... The University’s course-based fee structures............ R 52 630 BUILT BSc (Engineering) .......................1st year Intervention Curriculum .............. R 51 300 BSc (Physiotherapy) ........... R 64 370 MBChB ............................................................ Thus..................................... pages 18 ............................................................................... R 46 000 BA(Fine Art) ................................... ....... R 50 000 BSc – 1st year Intervention Curriculum......................... R 46 420 Graduate LLB ............................................................................................................................ R 56 310 2nd Year ......................... R 25 000 12........................................................................................... R 52 000 BMus (Dance) (Performers’ stream).................................................................. R 45 500 LAW Undergraduate LLB ....................................no repeat courses 2nd Year......................................................................................... R 68 060 3rd Year ..... R 63 580 3rd Year ................................................................................................................................................................................................... R 56 310 3rd Year ..... R 49 500 BMus ............................................... R 54 780 3rd Year .......................................... R 44 070 BCom specialising in Economics & Statistics 1st Year .... R 55 510 BCom specialising in Actuarial Science Quantitative Finance Stream 1st Year ................................................................................................ R 62 620 2nd Year ................................................................................................ R 50 180 ...................................... R 63 710 ................... R 62 620 2nd Year ................................................................................................................................................................ R 56 310 2nd Year ......... R 50 180 2nd Year ........................................ R 47 830 BCom specialising in Economics & Finance 1st Year ......................................................................................................................................................... R 63 580 3rd Year ............................................2 FACULTY OF COMMERCE Degrees Bachelor of Commerce specialising in Financial Accounting General Accounting Stream Chartered Accounting Stream Regular curriculum 1st Year ................................................................. R 54 530 3rd Year ........................................... R 49 280 BCom specialising in Actuarial Science 1st Year ...................................................... R 51 840 SCIENCE BSc ...........34 UCT ACADEMIC FEES BA (Theatre & Performance) .... R 56 000 BA specialising in Music Education (Jazz) .................................................................................................................................................... R 61 830 BCom specialising in Financial Accounting: Accounting with Law Stream 1st Year .................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ R 56 310 2nd Year . R 47 860 BCom specialising in Information Systems 1st Year ........................................ R 62 430 2nd Year ......................................... R 49 200 BBusSc specialising in Actuarial Science: Quantitative Finance Stream 1st Year ..................... R 50 180 2nd Year ................ R 57 440 3rd Year ................. R 62 430 2nd Year ........................................... Politics & Economics 1st Year .................................. R 62 630 4th Year ................................................................................................................................ R 48 570 2nd Year ....................................... R 61 140 – 62 480 3rd Year ............................................ R 55 590 Bachelor of Business Science BBusSc specialising in Actuarial Science 1st Year ...................................................................................... R 56 870 BCom specialising in Information Systems & Computer Science 1st Year ..................................................................................................................................................... R 68 150 4th Year ....... R 63 580 3rd Year ....................................... R 55 870 3rd Year ..................................................................................................................... R 58 170 3rd Year .............................................................................................. R 56 310 2nd Year ........ R 56 820 ...................................................... R 50 490 – 74 670 BCom specialising in Philosophy...................................................... R 49 230 BBusSc specialising in Finance (Non CA Option) 1st Year ................................................................................... R 74 070 4th Year ............................................................................. R 57 980 3rd Year .................................................................................................................................................. R 49 830 2nd Year ..................................... UCT ACADEMIC FEES 35 BCom specialising in Economics with Law 1st Year ................................... R 58 340 3rd Year ......................................... R 63 580 3rd Year ......................................................................................................................................... R 53 280 3rd Year ............................................. R 49 800 2nd Year ..................... R 62 770 4th Year .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R 62 090 2nd Year ............................................................................... R 62 000 BCom in the field of Management Studies 1st Year ............................................................... R 44 180 BBusSc specialising in Finance with Accounting (CA Option) 1st Year ........... ............................................................ R 43 480 3rd Year .................................................................................................... R 37 730 2nd Year ............................................................ R 62 090 2nd Year ........................................ R 55 210 2nd Year ....................... R 56 310 2nd Year .................. R 54 010 4th Year .............................................................................................. R 75 040 4th Year................... R 49 470 BBusSc specialising in Economics 1st Year .................... R 79 550 BBusSc specialising in Marketing 1st Year ......................................................................................................................................................................................... R 62 800 BBusSc specialising in Organisational Psychology 1st Year ..................................................................... R 70 270 3rd Year ............................ R 53 640 3rd Year ....................................................................................................................................................................................... R 59 140 Bachelor of Commerce Academic Development specialising in Financial Accounting General Accounting Stream 1st Year ............................................................................ R 63 640 4th Year ................................................................................... R 66 520 4th Year...................................... R 51 660 3rd Year ..........R 56 710 to R 78 490 4th Year................................................................................................................................................................................................................ R 62 240 2nd Year .............................................. R 56 310 2nd Year ................................................................................................................................................ R 63 170 BBusSc specialising in Economics with Law 1st Year .......... R 56 890 3rd Year ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R 56 540 3rd Year ............................................ R 69 490 BBusSc specialising in Information Systems 1st Year ..... R 43 500 .................................................................................................. R 63 580 3rd Year .........................................................................................................36 UCT ACADEMIC FEES BBusSc specialising in Analytics 1st Year .......................... R 56 700 4th Year .... R 56 880 3rd Year ............................................. R 56 310 2nd Year ........................................................ R 68 180 4th Year ................................................. R 49 600 2nd Year ............................ R 52 380 BBusSc specialising in Computer Science 1st Year ................................................................................................................. R 43 670 4th Year ....... ......................................................................................... R 43 670 BCom Academic Development specialising in Actuarial Science 1st Year ....................................................................................................................................................................................... R 50 170 3rd Year ...................... UCT ACADEMIC FEES 37 BCom Academic Development specialising in Financial Accounting Chartered Accounting Stream 1st Year ............................................................... R 47 150 4th Year .................................................................................................................................................................................. R 49 820 4th Year ...................................... R 37 000 2nd Year . R 37 730 2nd Year ............................................................................ R 59 700 BCom Academic Development specialising in Actuarial Science Quantitative Finance Stream 1st Year .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R 56 080 BCom Academic Development specialising in Economics with Law 1st Year ............. R 31 410 2nd Year ..................... R 37 730 3rd Year .......... R 50 940 4th Year ......... R 41 920 4th Year ......................... R 42 060 4th Year ............................................................... R 45 310 4th Year ........... R 37 540 3rd Year ....................................... R 37 540 3rd Year ................................................... R 45 160 4th Year ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ R 37 540 3rd Year .......................................................................................... R 43 480 3rd Year ................................................................................. R 31 410 2nd Year .................................................................................................................................. R 42 090 ......... R 35 740 BCom Academic Development specialising in Economics & Finance 1st Year .......................................................................................................................................................................... R 61 830 BCom Academic Development specialising in Financial Accounting: Accounting with Law Stream 1st Year ............................................................................................................ R 44 240 BCom Academic Development specialising in Economics & Statistics 1st Year ............................................ R 31 410 2nd Year ............. R 37 540 2nd Year ... R 43 340 3rd Year ............... R 31 410 2nd Year ................................ .................................................................................................................................................................................... R 57 320 5th Year .. R 61 830 5th Year .................................. R 44 250 4th Year ..................................... R 49 230 BBusSc Academic Development specialising in Analytics 1st Year ................................................................ R 57 260 4th Year ........................................................................................................................................................................38 UCT ACADEMIC FEES BCom Academic Development specialising in Information Systems 1st Year ................ R 53 180 Bachelor of Business Science Academic Development specialising in Actuarial Science 1st Year .......................................................... R 49 640 3rd Year ..................................... R 33 080 4th Year ........................................................................... R 54 010 4th Year ..................... R 31 410 2nd Year ................... R 43 440 BCom Academic Development in the field of Management Studies 1st Year ................. R 30 490 3rd Year ...................................... Politics & Economics 1st Year ................................................................... R 44 240 BCom Academic Development specialising in Philosophy........................................................................... R 49 660 3rd Year ............................... R 31 410 2nd Year ............................. R 31 220 2nd Year . R 37 000 2nd Year ................................... R 37 540 3rd Year ................ R 49 200 BBusSc Academic Development specialising in Actuarial Science: Quantitative Finance Stream 1st Year ................................ R 52 380 ................................................................................................... R 61 830 5th Year ...................................................................................... R 42 060 3rd Year ..... R 37 910 BCom Academic Development specialising in Information Systems & Computer Science 1st Year ................................................................................................................................................ R 31 410 2nd Year .......... R 37 540 3rd Year .......... R 37 350 3rd Year ..................................................................................................................................................... R 50 940 4th Year ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R 45 880 4th Year ............................................................................................................................................................... R 37 540 2nd Year ........................................................................................................................................... R 57 800 4th Year .......................................................................................................................................................................... R 37 540 2nd Year ........... ............................................................................................................................. R 45 860 3rd Year ....................................................... R 37 750 4th Year.......................................... R 31 220 2nd Year ............. R 42 000 5th Year .......................... R 63 170 BBusSc Academic Development specialising in Information Systems 1st Year ............ R 44 050 3rd Year .................................................................................................. R 49 470 BBusSc Academic Development specialising in Economics 1st Year .................... R 58 660 4th Year ....................................................................................................................................................................................... R 49 990 5th Year ..................................... R 49 660 3rd Year .......... R 45 860 3rd Year .... R 45 000 5th Year ..................................... R 43 690 3rd Year ...................................................................................................................................................................... R 28 000 2nd Year ................................................................................................................. R 58 130 BBusSc Academic Development specialising in Marketing 1st Year ............................ R 43 840 5th Year .......................................................... R 53 500 .......................................................... R 37 000 2nd Year ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R 62 800 BBusSc Academic Development specialising in Organisational Psychology 1st Year ....... R 42 450 4th Year ........................................... R 37 000 2nd Year ............................................................................................................................................... R 47 310 5th Year ................................................................................................................................................ R 37 000 2nd Year ...... R 49 760 5th Year ........................ R 63 500 BBusSc Academic Development specialising in Economics with Law 1st Year .................................................................... R 51 480 4th Year ............. R 52 210 4th Year ......................................... UCT ACADEMIC FEES 39 BBusSc Academic Development specialising in Finance with Accounting 1st Year ............................ R 44 230 5th Year .................................................................................................. R 50 500 BBusSc Academic Development specialising in Computer Science 1st Year ........................................................... R 40 000 4th Year................................................................ R 37 500 2nd Year ............................................................................................................................................................................. R 36 810 2nd Year ........................................ R 38 000 3rd Year ...................................................................................................................................... R 46 000 3rd Year ............................................................. R 48 000 4th Year......................................................................................... ....... R 45 090 specialising in Taxation .............. R 8 370 specialising in Applied Economics 1st Year ........................................................................................................................................... R 8 370 specialising in Mathematical Finance......... R 46 530 specialising in Statistics .......... R 44 240 specialising in Economics Development 1st Year ...................... R 28 320 + Dissertation ....... R 25 280 2nd Year ...................................................................................... R 44 580 specialising in Taxation (South African Taxation) 1st Year .... R 67 750 specialising in Information Systems (Coursework) .............. R 42 040 specialising in Taxation (International Taxation) ............................................................................... R 44 610 Masters in Philosophy in Development Policy Practice.............................. R 37 920 2nd Year ............ R 44 580 specialising in Demography...................................................................................................................................... R 66 300 Masters in Philosophy in People Management ..................................................................................................................................................................................... R 56 880 specialising in FAPM ............. R 40 510 specialising in Information Systems .................................................... R 73 400 ......... R 56 880 specialising in Finance ............... R 31 600 specialising in Economics & Demography ..................................................................................... R 36 590 specialising in Economics ............ R 58 160 specialising in Organisational Psychology Change Management ......................................................... R 6 320 specialising in Finance (Financial Management) ..........................40 UCT ACADEMIC FEES Postgraduate Bachelor of Commerce Honours Per year of study specialising in Accounting ....... R 48 460 2nd Year ................................................... R 40 740 + Dissertation ........................................................................................................... R 16 520 PhD in Philosophy in Economics (with Coursework) ............................................................................................................................................................. R 70 790 specialising in Finance (Investment Management) ......... R 70 180 specialising in Organisational Psychology (Coursework) ...... R 58 390 Master of Commerce......................................................... Master of Business Science or MPhil where appropriate: specialising in Actuarial Science by Coursework ................. R 26 100 specialising in Programme Evaluation............................... R 62 780 specialising in Actuarial Science ............................................................................ R 60 920 specialising in Finance (Financial & Risk Management)........ R 140 000 Doctoral (PhD) (per year) ...................... R 80 730 specialising in Economics . R 58 160 specialising in Management Information Systems...................... R 8 370 specialising in Economics Science 1st Year ......... R 25 280 2nd Year .......................... ...................... R 52 400 BSc (Geomatics) 1st Year ................................................................................................................... R 61 580 BSc Eng (Chemical) 1st Year ........ R 57 140 BSc Eng (Civil) 1st Year ..................................... R 55 500 Postgraduate Diploma in Management specialising in Actuarial Science Conversion ...... R 58 210 ........................................................no repeat courses 2nd Year . R 52 570 2nd Year .................................. 12................................... R 60 730 3rd Year ........ R 44 700 ...... R 58 780 3rd Year .......................... R 53 780 Postgraduate Diploma in Actuarial Science ..................... R 52 820 specialising in Tourism ...............................R 26 050 Postgraduate Diploma in Management in Sports ..................................... R 52 630 .......................................................... R 50 810 4th Year .................................................................... UCT ACADEMIC FEES 41 Diplomas Advanced Diploma in Accounting ................................... R 22 350 2nd Year ..............................................................R 48 400 Postgraduate Diploma in Public Sector Accounting ................................................................................................ R 44 700 ................... R 24 200 .........................3 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT Degrees Bachelor of Architectural Studies Regular curriculum 1st Year ................................................ R 43 040 2nd Year ............................. R 38 840 Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting .. R 65 620 specialising in Information Systems ..................................................................... R 66 550 *Advanced Business Project Management ............................................................................................ R 53 220 4th Year ................... R 44 600 ................................. R 55 680 4th Year ................. R 51 330 3rd Year ..................R 48 400 *Postgraduate Diploma in Management in Marketing (distance) 1st Year .........................................................................................................................................................................R 48 300 Postgraduate Diploma in Management in Marketing (residential) .................. R 44 700 ...............R 48 400 *Denotes that the qualification is offered as a Residential & Distance (on-line blended learning) qualification Students registering for Distance qualifications do not pay the International Term or Administration Fees..................................................... R 51 620 2nd Year ........ R 69 370 Postgraduate Diploma in Management in Entrepreneurship ............ R 50 150 3rd Year ....................................................................................................................... ............................ R 49 150 BSc Eng (Electrical & Computer) 1st Year ................................. R 53 080 BSc in Construction Studies 1st Year ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R 49 720 Bachelor of Nuclear Power (Hons) ........................................................................................................................................... R 27 800 Master’s by Dissertation (120 credits) and Coursework 1st Year ................................................................42 UCT ACADEMIC FEES BSc Eng (Electrical) 1st Year .. R 56 040 4th Year .......................................................... R 50 160 4th Year ....................................... R 56 010 3rd Year .............. R 58 170 Per year of study BSc (Hons) (Construction Management) ......................................................................... R 53 330 2nd Year .......................................................................................................................................................... R 57 900 Bachelor of Architectural Studies (Hons) ............................................................................ R 26 920 .................. R 55 160 3rd Year ...... R 53 330 2nd Year ........ R 54 330 3rd Year ...... R 56 720 Master’s by Dissertation only (180 credits) ............................... R 56 980 4th Year .................................................. R 50 430 4th Year .......... R 50 450 3rd Year ............................................................................................................... R 47 910 Postgraduate BSc (Hons) (Geographical Info Systems) ........... R 53 960 BSc (Hons) (Property Studies) ............. R 54 750 BSc (Hons) (Materials Science) ................. R 55 470 Bachelor of City Planning (Hons) ............................................................................................ R 49 850 3rd Year ........................................... R 53 310 BSc Eng (Mechatronics) 1st Year ....................... R 56 940 4th Year ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ R 53 170 BSc Eng (Mechanical) 1st Year .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R 51 960 2nd Year ....................................... R 50 830 2nd Year ....................... R 51 960 2nd Year .................................... R 56 010 3rd Year .................................................................... R 51 960 2nd Year ........................................................... R 57 180 3rd Year ................ R 51 890 2nd Year ................................. R 52 540 BSc in Property Studies 1st Year .................... R 54 370 BSc Eng (Electro-Mechanical) 1st Year ................................................................ R 45 430 BSc (Hons) (Quantity Surveying) ................................... ........................................................................................... R 61 260 BSc (Audiology) 1st Year ........................................................................................ R 65 600 MPhil (Urban Infrastructure Design & Man........ R 76 950 3rd Year ... R 75 240 Master of Landscape Architecture 1st Year ............................................................................................................................................. R 55 680 2nd Year ................................................................................ R 64 370 2nd Year ..................... R 58 760 Postgraduate Diploma in Property Studies .......................................................................................................................... R 64 190 2nd Year ................. R 50 040 Master of Transport Studies 1st Year ............................................ R 28 570 2nd Year ........................... R 53 570 1st Year – Intervention Curriculum .......................... R 56 710 2nd Year ............................. R 51 300 2nd Year ..................................................................................... R 58 760 12...........................................................................................................4 FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES Degrees MBChB Regular curriculum 1st Year ........................................ R 36 100 Master of Geotechnical Engineering ................................................................................................... R 63 820 6th Year ........................................................................................................................................................................ R 55 580 Master of City & Regional Planning 1st Year ...................... R 55 370 4th Year ......................................................................................... UCT ACADEMIC FEES 43 2nd Year .......................................................................................................... R 55 420 1st Year – Intervention Curriculum ... R 44 340 ............................................... R 35 870 MPhil In Conservation of Built Environment 1st Year ....... R 74 770 5th Year ....... R 93 720 1st Year – Intervention Curriculum ............ R 65 870 Doctoral (PhD) (per year) ............................................. R 59 400 2nd Year ...................................... R 84 410 Master of Science in Project Management ................................... R 44 590 BSc (Occupational Therapy) 1st Year .............................................. R 78 490 4th Year ........ R 22 950 Master of Architecture (Professional) ............................................... R 49 590 3rd Year ........................................................................................................................................................ R 43 510 4th Year ................ R 24 620 MPhil (Transport Studies) .................................. R 16 520 Diplomas Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management ....) ................................................................................... R 61 090 3rd Year ......... R 8 140 Master of Science in Property Studies ............ ........................ R 23 400 ..................................... R 38 020 Minor Dissertation (60 credits)....R 48 500 Postgraduate BMedSc (Honours) ............ R 50 300 1st Year – Intervention Curriculum ...... R 56 170 2nd Year ............................ R 61 430 2nd Year ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R 15 620 MPhil specialising in Forensic Mental Health Coursework (per year) ..................................................................... R 44 520 4th Year ................................................... R 4 760 MPhil specialising in Biokinetics Coursework (per year) .................. R 15 620 MPhil specialising in Clinical Paediatric Surgery Coursework (per year) ................................................ R 55 710 3rd Year .................. R 15 620 MPhil specialising in Intellectual Disability Coursework (per year) .......................... R 48 620 2nd Year ................................................................................................................................................................ R 48 490 Per year of study BMedSc (Honours) in Nutrition & Dietetics 1st Year ............................................................................................ R 10 550 Minor Dissertation (60 credits) ......................................................................... R 23 460 Minor Dissertation (60 credits)....................................................................... R 36 130 MPhil specialising in Addictions Mental Health Coursework (per year) ............. R 15 620 MPhil specialising in Biomedical Forensic Science Coursework (per year) ............. R 47 030 3rd Year ................................................................44 UCT ACADEMIC FEES BSc (Physiotherapy) 1st Year ................... R 46 270 BSc (Speech & Language Pathology) 1st Year ............................................................................................. R 45 790 BMedSc (Honours) specialising in Medical Physics .................................................................................. R 42 960 BSc (Med) ........... R 23 400 Minor Dissertation (90 credits) ............................................ R 4 760 MPhil specialising in Clinical Pharmacology Coursework (per year) ...................................... R 53 770 4th Year ............................ R 40 000 ............. R 10 550 Minor Dissertation (60 credits).................................................... R 53 570 1st Year – Intervention Curriculum ...................... R 31 990 Minor Dissertation (60 credits) ........................... R 31 220 Minor Dissertation (60 credits) .......................... ..................................................................................................................... R 4 760 MPhil specialising in Maternal & Child Health 1st Year (Coursework) ...................................................................................................... UCT ACADEMIC FEES 45 MPhil specialising in Liaison Mental Health Coursework (per year) ...............R 24 070 2nd Year ............................... R 31 220 Minor Dissertation (60 credits)......................... R 11 760 Minor Dissertation (60 credits) ............................................................................................................................................................. R 7 840 Minor Dissertation (90 credits) ..................................................... R 10 550 Minor Dissertation (60 credits). R 15 620 MPhil specialising in Exercise and Sports Physiotherapy Coursework (per year) ....................................... R 19 350 2nd Year (Coursework) .................................R 15 680 .......................................... R 23 400 MPhil in Emergency Medicine (Patient Safety & Clin Decision-making Stream A) 1st Year ................................................................... R 17 290 Minor Dissertation (60 credits)........................................................................................... R 4 760 MPhil specialising in Paediatric Pathology Coursework (per year) ................................ R 10 430 3rd Year (Coursework) ........................................... R 15 620 MPhil in Emergency Medicine (African Emergency Care Stream) 1st Year ................................................................................ R 23 400 MPhil specialising in Sport & Exercise Medicine 1st Year (Coursework) ......................... R 31 410 Minor Dissertation (60 credits)............................................................................................................. R 10 430 Minor Dissertation (60 credits) ......... R 14 380 ............................. R 10 550 Minor Dissertation (60 credits)...... R 23 400 Minor Dissertation (90 credits).......... R 10 550 Minor Dissertation (60 credits)....................... R 15 620 MPhil in Emergency Medicine (Clinical Emergency Care Stream) 1st Year .................................................R 19 600 . R 15 620 2nd Year (Coursework) .R 20 150 2nd Year ....................................... R 4 760 MPhil specialising in Palliative Medicine Coursework (per year) ...................................................... R 15 620 MPhil specialising in Occupational Health Coursework (per year) .... R 14 380 2nd Year ................. R 15 620 MPhil specialising in Paediatric Forensic Pathology Coursework (per year) ............................................... .. R 15 620 Master of Public Health (Health Economics) Coursework (8 courses @ R3 430 each) ............... R 23 400 MPhil in Health Innovation Coursework (per year) .................................... R 23 400 MSc in Nursing in Child Nursing 1st Year (Coursework) ................................................... R 10 550 Minor Dissertation (60 credits) ............................................................. R 11 440 Research-related Independent Study............... R 23 400 MMedSc specialising in Genetic Counselling Coursework (per year) ......................... R 13 140 Electives variable depending on choice Minor Dissertation (90 credits) ................................................................. R 23 400 MMed (Speciality training) Training per year (Years 1 – 4)..................................... R 27 440 Minor Dissertation (90 credits) .......................... R 34 300 Minor Dissertation (60 credits) .............................. R 23 400 MSc in Occupational Therapy (by coursework and dissertation) Coursework (per year) ......................................................................... R 6 540 ................................................................................ R 25 800 . R 34 880 Two Electives at R5000 each .... R 27 190 2nd Year (Coursework)....................................................................... R 15 620 MSc in Nursing (by coursework and dissertation) Compulsory coursework ... R 15 620 Master of Public Health (All streams except Health Economics) Coursework (10 courses @ R3 430 each) . R 10 000 Minor Dissertation (90 credits) ...............46 UCT ACADEMIC FEES Minor Dissertation (60 credits) ............................................... R 15 620 MPhil in Emergency Medicine (Patient Safety & Clin Decision-making Stream B) 1st Year ............................................................................ R 14 380 2nd Year ......................................... R 7 750 MPhil (Sub-speciality training) Training per year (Years 1 & 2) ..................... R 4 760 MMedSc in Biomedical Engineering Compulsory coursework ....................................................R 7 840 Minor Dissertation (90 credits) ........................... R 47 180 Minor Dissertation (60 credits) .. R 11 730 .............................................. R 25 640 Minor Dissertation (60 credits) ........................................... R 10 960 Minor Dissertation (60 credits) ................................R 30 810 Minor Dissertation (90 credits) .................................................................................... ................................................. R 27 860 PG Dip in Dermatology Nursing ..... R 39 110 specialising in Diabetes Mellitus Nursing & Education .......................... R 36 120 PG Dip in Paediatric Gastroenterology ................................................. R 22 990 MSc(Med) by Research & Dissertation (per year) ... R 19 470 2nd Year . R 36 120 PG Dip in Disability Studies ............................................... R 39 110 specialising in Critical Care Nursing (Child) ............................... R 24 340 PhD (per year)................................................................................... R 37 500 PG Dip in Health Economics 1st Year ... R 39 110 PG Dip in Occupational Health (per year x 2) ............................. R 18 640 PG Dip in Maternal & Child Health 1st Year ................................ R 39 110 PG Dip in Developmental Paediatrics ....... R 39 110 specialising in Critical Care Nursing (Neonate) ............................................. R 19 530 PG Dip in Healthcare Tech Management ........... R 18 640 2nd Year ...... R 24 780 PG Dip in Paediatric Cardiology ....................................... R 16 520 MD (per year) ......... R 38 300 PG Dip in Clinical Hepatology ......... R 11 720 MPhil by Research & Dissertation (per year) ........ R 39 230 Research Report ........... R 16 520 Diplomas PG Dip in Addictions Care .............. R 15 800 PG Dip in Neonatology ............................................... R 26 180 MSc by Research & Dissertation (per year) ................................................................... R 39 110 specialising in Child Nursing ...................................................................................................................... UCT ACADEMIC FEES 47 Professional Master’s in Paediatric Neurosurgery Coursework .. R 36 120 PG Dip in Paediatric Nephrology ................................................................................ R 36 120 PG Dip in Paediatric Emergency Care ............ R 37 490 PG Dip in Family Medicine 1st Year ...... R 39 110 specialising in Nephrology Nursing ............ R 43 630 PG Dip in Community Eye Health .......................................................... R 35 520 PG Dip in Emergency Care ................................ R 39 110 specialising in Critical Care Nursing (General) ................. R 36 120 PG Dip in Paediatric Physiotherapy ............................................ R 36 120 PG Dip in Paediatric Diabetes .......................................................... R 17 910 2nd Year ....................................... R 36 120 PG Dip in Paediatric Electrophysiology & Epilepsy ........................................................ R 36 120 PG Dip in Paediatric Critical Care ................... R 39 110 specialising in Ophthalmic Nursing ................................................................................................................................................................................................. R 36 120 PG Dip in Nursing: (per stream) specialising in Adv Midw & Neonatal Care ................................................................................ R 39 030 PG Dip in Health Professional Education . R 36 120 ......................... R 39 110 specialising in Neurosciences Nursing ............ R 36 270 PG Dip in Community & General Paediatrics .................. R 36 120 PG Dip in Paediatric Haematology & Oncology ....... ....... R 45 000 ......................................... R 52 000 3rd Year .... R 52 000 2nd Year ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R 46 000 3rd Year ................ R 37 120 PG Dip in TB-HIV Management .................................................................................48 UCT ACADEMIC FEES PG Dip in Paediatric Pulmonology ...................................... R 57 000 3rd Year .............................................................................................................. R 42 000 BA (Fine Arts) 1st Year ..... R 54 000 4th Year ......................... R 56 000 BA (Theatre & Performance) 1st Year .......................................... R 39 000 PG Dip in Pesticide Risk Management ........... R 50 000 3rd Year .............................................................................................................. R 41 000 Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) 1st Year ..... R 41 000 BMus (General) 1st Year ..................................................................................................... R 56 000 3rd Year ............................................................................................................................ R 47 000 4th Year ........ R 36 110 PG Dip in Paediatric Rheumatology ........ R 55 000 BMus (Dance) (Performers’ stream) 1st Year .................................... R 56 000 2nd Year .......................................................... R 46 000 4th Year ...........no repeat courses 2nd Year ........................ R 37 720 Certificate Higher Certificate in Disability Practice .. R 48 000 4th Year .............. R 45 000 2nd Year ......... R 37 560 PG Dip in Psychotherapy .................................................................................................. R 45 000 4th Year ............................................................................................................................................................................................ R 46 000 ........................................................................................................................ R 32 540 12........................................................................................................................................ R 53 000 3rd Year ................................. R 36 120 PG Dip in Palliative Medicine .............................5 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES Degrees Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Science Regular curriculum 1st Year ............................................................................................ R 47 000 2nd Year ............................................................................................... R 36 120 PG Dip in Paediatric Radiology ............................ R 47 000 3rd Year ........................................ R 46 000 2nd Year .............................................................................................................................................. R 36 000 Bachelor of Social Science in PPE 1st Year ................................... R 51 000 2nd Year .......................................... . UCT ACADEMIC FEES 49 BA specialising in Music Education (Jazz Stream) 1st Year .......................................................................................... R 46 500 2nd Year ...... R 33 500 3rd Year...... R 29 280 BA Hons in Drama 4 Honours courses + research essay .................................................................................................... R 48 500 3rd Year ........................................................................................ R 49 500 2nd Year ...................................... R 45 500 3rd Year ................................................................................................................................... R 33 810 .................................................................. R 37 000 2nd Year ................................. R 46 000 2nd Year .......................................................................... R 41 500 Postgraduate Full degree fees can vary depending on electives taken Per year of study Honours 4 Honours courses + research essay ............................................................ R 65 500 BA specialising in Film and Media Production (Interactive stream) 1st Year ....................... R 45 000 3rd Year ................................. R 37 050 BMus Hons specialising in Performance ............................................................................................. R 34 000 Diplomas Performer’s Diploma in Music (Jazz Studies Stream) 1st Year ..................................................................... R 45 000 2nd Year ................... R 33 900 BEd Hons (4 Honours courses) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R 45 000 3rd Year ............................... R 33 890 BMus Hons specialising in Dance Studies ....................................................................................................................................... R 45 000 2nd Year ............................. R 41 500 Diploma in Dance Education 1st Year ............................ R 36 060 BMus Hons specialising in Musicology ........................................................................................................................................ R 49 000 3rd Year............ R 54 000 3rd Year ................................ R 32 500 BA specialising in Film and Media Production (Digital media and informatics stream) 1st Year ...... R 44 500 Performer’s Diploma in Music (Opera Stream) 1st Year ........................................................................... R 43 000 2nd Year ...... R 33 900 BMus Hons specialising in Composition.. R 61 000 Performer’s Diploma in Theatre and Performance 1st Year . .... R 30 640 Minor dissertation ... R 41 290 ............. R 22 040 2nd Year Recitals .............................................................................. R 16 520 Diplomas Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Art ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R 33 900 Postgraduate Diploma in Education .............................................................................. R 30 560 Minor Dissertation ......................... R 22 990 Master of Music by Performance & Dissertation 1st Year Recitals .................................................................................. R 22 990 Masters in Theatre & Performance 2 Master’s course work courses ............................. R 52 350 Masters in Television Production or Media Theory & Practice 4 Master’s course work courses ............................................. R 13 990 Masters in Music specialising in Choreography ................................................................................... R 29 280 Postgraduate Diploma in Music Performance 4 Courses .......................................................................................................................50 UCT ACADEMIC FEES Master’s by Coursework 4 Master’s course work courses ......................................... R 30 640 Research Project .... R 27 980 Doctoral (PhD) (per year) ................................................... R 11 080 nor Dissertation ................................................................. R 22 990 Master of Music by Dissertation Dissertation ...................... R 36 740 Minor dissertation ....... R 29 730 Master of Fine Art By dissertation ...................... R 13 990 Research Master’s ...................... R 13 990 Master of Music by Composition and Dissertation Coursework ...................................... R 42 070 Postgraduate Diploma in African Studies. R 33 120 Certificates Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Foundation Phase ................... R 22 990 Master of Music specialising in Dance by Performance and Dissertation or in Performance and Choreography 2 Master’s course work courses ..... R 29 730 Masters in Applied Drama and Theatre studies 5 Master’s course work courses . R 41 250 Master of Music specialising in Choreograph and Dissertation 2 Master’s course work courses .................................................................... ..................................... R 34 370 12................ R 57 440 Research Project ..................................... R 57 440 Research Project ................................................................................................ R 5 970 Master of Laws in Intellectual Property Law Coursework (4 courses) .................................................................................................................................. R 57 440 Research Project .......... R 57 440 Research Project ..................................................................................................6 FACULTY OF LAW Degrees Undergraduate LLB Regular curriculum 1st Year – depending on electives ............ R 57 440 Research Project ................................................. R 7 210 Master of Laws in Commercial Law Coursework (4 courses) ........................... R 53 100 3rd Year – depending on electives ................................ R 55 400 Graduate LLB 1st Year ... R 35 820 Further Education ..... R 5 970 Masters of Laws in Marine & Environmental Law* Coursework (4 courses) ................................................................................................................................................................................................ R 57 440 Dissertation ........ R 52 760 3rd Year ..... UCT ACADEMIC FEES 51 Intermediate & Senior Phase .. R 51 840 2nd Year ........................................................................... R 5 970 Master of Laws in Dispute Resolution Coursework (4 courses) .. R 5 970 Master of Laws in Private Law & Human Rights* Coursework (4 courses) ................... R 5 970 ........................................................................................... R 57 440 Research Project ....... R 5 970 Master of Laws in International Trade Law Coursework (4 courses) ...................................no repeat courses 2nd Year – depending on electives ............................................................... R 44 180 Senior Phase & Further Education .................................................... R 55 400 Postgraduate LLM/MPhil by Coursework and Dissertation Coursework (4 courses) .................. R 46 420 ........................................................................... R57 440 Research Project ... R 52 760 4th Year – depending on electives ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R 5 970 Masters of Laws in Environmental Law* Coursework (4 courses) .......................... R 5 970 Master of Laws in Labour Law Coursework (4 courses) ........................................... R 57 440 Research Project ..... ................................................................ R 23 000 MSc by Coursework & Dissertation Coursework (full year) ............................................. R 45 500 Per year of study Master of Science & MPhil MSc by Dissertation only .............................................................. R 25 000 Programme (EDP:2nd Year of EDP................ R 57 440 Research Project .......................................... R 57 440 Doctoral (PhD) (per year) .......................................... R 5 970 Master of Laws in Tax Law Coursework (4 courses) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R 57 440 Research Project ................................................. R 16 520 .................................................................................. R 16 520 *pending CHE accreditation 12....................... R 50 000 Extended Degree 1st Year of EDP.........7 FACULTY OF SCIENCE Degrees Bachelor of Science Regular curriculum 1st Year .no repeat courses 2nd Year ....... R 50 000 3rd Year .................................................................................................................................................................................... R 23 000 Doctoral (PhD) (per year) ......................... R 50 000 .......... R 45 500 Coursework (half year) ...................... R 27 500 1st year over 2 years) Postgraduate Bachelor of Science Honours .....................................52 UCT ACADEMIC FEES Master of Laws in Shipping Law Coursework (4 courses) .................................... R 5 970 Per year of study LLM/MPhil by Dissertation only ....... R 3 610 Postgraduate Diploma in Regulatory Compliance Management* Coursework (4 courses) . R 13 640 Diplomas Postgraduate Diploma in Law Coursework (2 courses) .................................................................... R 23 000 Dissertation ............ R 28 720 Research Project ...................................... Please note that residence.za/apply/fees COURSE CODE DESCRIPTION TUITION FEE 20202 R AAE2001S SPECIAL STUDY MODULE 4 500 AAE4002W ANAESTHESIA 7 040 AAE4012W ANAESTHESIA EXT CREDIT 1 460 AAE5001W ANAESTHESIA EXT CREDIT 2 570 AAE6000W ANAESTHESIA 7 040 AAE6001W ANAESTHESIA PART II FOR EXTERNAL CREDIT 2 570 AAE7000W ANAESTHESIA THESIS 16 520 AAE7001W MD ANAESTHESIA 16 520 AAE7002W ANAESTHESIA MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 AAE7003W MMED ANAESTHESIA PT 1 10 960 AAE7004W MMED ANAESTHESIA PT 2 10 960 AAE7005W MPHIL CRITICAL CARE PT 1 10 550 AAE7006W CRITICAL CARE M/DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 ACC1006F FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 6 320 ACC1006S FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 6 320 ACC1012S BUSINESS ACCOUNTING 6 320 ACC1106F FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 6 320 ACC2011S FINANCIAL REPORTING I 6 320 . Since a student’s fees account is based on his/her academic load. The University of Cape Town operates on a course-based fee structure inclusive of all “add-ons”. There are no levies.ac.uct. Faculty handbooks can be obtained from the relevant faculty office and this information is also available on the UCT web site: http://www. The sum of these costs will give you the total cost for the set of chosen courses. together with the relevant Faculty handbook. Courses added after the publication of this handbook will be listed on the Fees website at http://www. UCT ACADEMIC COURSES All students from outside South Africa.za/apply/handbooks. The Faculty handbook will indicate the courses that can be taken in pursuing a qualification and the relevant course code.uct. it is the student’s responsibility to verify the correctness of his/her enrolment for courses in the current year. UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 53 13. catering and miscellaneous fees such as subscriptions to clubs and societies are itemised and charged separately on the student fee account.25. pages 18 . the dictum that ‘the price you see is the price you pay’ applies to all academic offerings across the University.ac. Thus. will enable students to calculate the cost of their academic studies at UCT in 2016 accurately. should also refer to fees for international students in Section 5 of this handbook. The University’s course-based fee structures. Use this code to look up the all inclusive cost of the course in this booklet. including students from SADC countries. 54 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES ACC2012W FINANCIAL REPORTING II 12 610 ACC2018S CORP GOVERNANCE I 6 320 ACC2022F MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING I 6 320 ACC2022S MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING I 6 320 ACC2023F TAXATION I 6 320 ACC2023S TAXATION I 6 320 ACC2111S FINANCIAL REPORTING I 6 320 ACC3004H TAXATION II 6 320 ACC3009W FINANCIAL REPORTING III 12 610 ACC3020W CORPORATE REPORTING 12 610 ACC3022H CORP GOVERNANCE II 6 320 ACC3023S MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING II 6 320 ACC3500W FIN REPORTING CONVERSION 26 590 ACC3501W MAN ACC & FIN CONVERSION 14 200 ACC3502H CORP GOVERNANCE CONVERSION 10 210 ACC3503H TAXATION CONVERSION 10 210 ACC2012W FINANCIAL REPORTING II 12 610 ACC2018S CORP GOVERNANCE I 6 320 ACC2022F MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING I 6 320 ACC2022S MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING I 6 320 ACC2023F TAXATION I 6 320 ACC2023S TAXATION I 6 320 ACC2111S FINANCIAL REPORTING I 6 320 ACC3004H TAXATION II 6 320 ACC3009W FINANCIAL REPORTING III 12 610 ACC3020W CORPORATE REPORTING 12 610 ACC3022H CORP GOVERNANCE II 6 320 ACC3023S MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING II 6 320 ACC3500W FIN REPORTING CONVERSION 26 590 ACC3501W MAN ACC & FIN CONVERSION 14 200 ACC3502H CORP GOVERNANCE CONVERSION 10 210 ACC3503H TAXATION CONVERSION 10 210 ACC4000H BUSINESS ANALYSIS & GOVERNANCE 6 320 ACC4002H TAXATION III 13 070 ACC4020W MANAGERIAL ACC & FINANCE 2 13 070 ACC4023W FINANCIAL REPORTING IV 14 570 ACC4025H CORP GOVERNANCE III 13 070 ACC4036W PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 16 650 ACC4037W PUBLIC SECTOR FINAN REPORTING 16 650 ACC4038H PUBLIC SECTOR STRUCT & FUNC 11 100 ACC4039H AUDIT COMPLIANCE & ETHICS 11 100 ACC4050W TOPICS IN ACC & RES REPORT 9 990 ACC4505S BUS ANALYSIS & GOVER CONVRSION 5 340 ACC5000W MASTERS IN ACCOUNTING 16 940 AGE1002S ARCHAEOLOGY & OUR HERITAGE 6 280 AGE1004S INTRO EARTH & ENVIRO SCIENCES 6 280 AGE2011S HUMAN EVOLUTION 8 300 AGE2012F THE FIRST PEOPLE 8 300 AGE3006H DIRECTED READING & RESEARCH 11 450 AGE3011F ROOTS OF RECENT AFR IDENTITIES 12 490 AGE3012S DIASPORAS & HISTORICAL PAST 12 490 AGE3013H ARCHAEOLOGY IN PRACTICE 12 490 AGE4000W ARCHAEOLOGY HONOURS 45 330 AGE4001W ARCHAEOL & ENV SCI HONOURS 45 330 AGE5000W ARCHAEOLOGY DISSERTATION 22 990 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 55 AGE6000W ARCHAEOLOGY THESIS 16 520 AGE9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 AHS1003F SPEECH AND HEARING SCIENCES 5 190 AHS1025S EARLY INTERVENTION 2 660 AHS1032S OCC PERSPCTV ON HLTH & WELLBNG 5 930 AHS1033F MOVEMENT SCIENCE I 4 280 AHS1034S INTRO TO APPLIED PHYSIOTHERAPY 4 280 AHS1035F HUMAN OCCUPATION & DEVELOPMNT 5 930 AHS1042F HUMAN COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMNT 4 280 AHS1045S BASIS OF HEARING & BALANCE 5 230 AHS1054W SA SIGN LANGUAGE 2 660 AHS2043W OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY II 15 000 AHS2046F DIAGNOSTIC AUDIOLOGY 5 680 AHS2047S PAEDIATRIC REHAB AUDIOLOGY 5 510 AHS2050H CLINICAL PHYSIOTHERAPY I 10 020 AHS2052H MOVEMENT SCIENCE II 10 060 AHS2053H APPLIED PHYSIOTHERAPY 1 7 840 AHS2054S SPECIAL STUDY MODULE 4 500 AHS2106F CHILD LANGUAGE 5 130 AHS2107F CHILD SPEECH 4 410 AHS2108W CLINICAL SPEECH THERAPY 1 5 870 AHS2109S SCHOOL-BASED INTERVENTIONS 5 130 AHS2110W CLINICAL AUDIOLOGY 1 7 560 AHS2111S DIAGNOSTIC AUD IN SPECIAL POPS 4 730 AHS3004H CLINICAL SPEECH THERAPY II 10 730 AHS3008H CLINICAL AUDIOLOGY II 11 470 AHS3062F REHABILITATION TECHNOLOGY 8 420 AHS3065S ADULT REHABILITATIVE AUDIOLOGY 6 890 AHS3069W CLINICAL PHYSIOTHERAPY II 15 110 AHS3070H BECOMING A REHAB PROFESSNL I 5 950 AHS3071F ACQUIRED NEUROGEN LANG DISORD 7 870 AHS3072S PAED MOTOR SP DIS & DYSPHAGIA 7 860 AHS3073F ADULT DYSPHAGIA & MOTOR SPEECH 7 870 AHS3075F OAE'S & ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY 8 420 AHS3076H MOVEMENT SCIENCE III 7 190 AHS3077H APPLIED PHYSIOTHERAPY II 5 880 AHS3078H RESEARCH METHODS & BIOSTATS I 6 040 AHS3102F CHILD LANGUAGE II 5 370 AHS3103S VOICE 5 370 AHS3104S VESTIBULAR MANAGEMENT 5 730 AHS3105F PUBLIC HEALTH AUDIOLOGY 5 740 AHS3107W OT THEORY & PRAC IN PHYS HLTH 8 710 AHS3108W OT THEORY& PRAC IN MENTAL HLTH 8 660 AHS3113W FOUNDATION THEORY FOR OT PRC I 8 660 AHS4000W RESEARCH REPORT 12 960 AHS4005H CLINICAL SPEECH THERAPY IIIA 19 440 AHS4006H CLINICAL SPEECH THERAPY IIIB 19 440 AHS4008H CLINICAL AUDIOLOGY IIIA 19 440 AHS4009H CLINICAL AUDIOLOGY IIIB 19 440 AHS4065W CLINICAL PHYSIOTHERAPY III 28 810 AHS4066H BECOMING A REHAB PROF II 7 840 AHS4067S SEMINARS IN COMM SCIENCES 1 730 AHS4071H APPLIED PHYSIOTHERAPY III 7 840 AHS4072H RESEARCH METHODS & BIOSTATS II 5 810 AHS4089F INTRO: DISABILITY AS DIVERSITY 9 310 AHS4091W DEVELOP CRIT RESEARCH LITERACY 9 670 AHS4117S CRIT PRIOR DISABIL & DEVELOPMN 9 280 . & SPORTS-REL COND 3 150 AHS6000W OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY THESIS 16 520 AHS6001W PHYSIOTHERAPY THESIS 16 520 AHS6007W DISABIL STUDIES DISSERTATION 24 340 AHS7000W AUDIOLOGY THESIS 16 520 AHS7001W SPEECH-LANG PATHOLOGY THESIS 16 520 AHS7002W NURSING THESIS 16 520 AHS7006W DISABILITY STUDIES THESIS 16 520 AHS9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 APG1003W TECHNOLOGY I 8 870 APG1004F HISTORY & THEORY OF ARCH I 4 190 APG1005S HISTORY & THEORY OF ARCH II 4 190 .56 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES AHS4118S MONITOR DISABILITY IN SOCIETY 7 260 AHS4119W OT RESEARCH & PRACTICE MANAGEM 19 440 AHS4120W FOUNDATN THEORY FOR OT PRAC II 17 990 AHS4121W OCC THER PRAC & SERVICE LEARNG 17 990 AHS4122W PROFESSNL DEVELOPMENT STUDIES 9 780 AHS4123F CLIN SCIENCES FOR ADV MIDWIF 6 530 AHS4124W ADVANCED MIDWIFERY PRACTICE A 11 400 AHS4125W ADVANCED MIDWIFERY PRACTICE B 11 400 AHS4128W CHILD NURSING PRACTICE B 11 400 AHS4129F CLIN SCIENCES FOR CHILD NURS 6 530 AHS4130W CRIT CARE CHILD NURS PRAC A 11 400 AHS4131W CRIT CARE CHILD NURS PRAC B 11 400 AHS4143F CLIN SCI FOR NEPHROLOGY NURS 6 530 AHS4144W NEPHROLOGY NURS PRAC A 11 400 AHS4145W NEPHROLOGY NURS PRAC B 11 400 AHS4149F CLIN SCI FOR OPHTHALMIC NURS 6 530 AHS4150W OPHTHALMIC NURS PRAC A 11 400 AHS4151W OPHTHALMIC NURS PRAC B 11 400 AHS4157W CHILD NURSING PRACTICE A 11 400 AHS4158W CLIN MGT IN PAED PHYSIOTHERAPY 27 080 AHS4163S DISABILITY STUDIES IN ED 9 310 AHS5000W AUDIOLOGY DISSERTATION 24 340 AHS5001W SPEECH-LANG PATH DISSERTATION 24 340 AHS5007W NURSING DISSERTATION 24 340 AHS5011W OCC THER MIN DISS (90 CRED) 23 400 AHS5014F RESEARCH METHODS 4 300 AHS5015F HUMAN OCCUP: THEORY & CRITIQUE 4 300 AHS5016F OCC THERAPY: IDENTITIES & PRAC 4 300 AHS5018S RESEARCH METHODS II 4 300 AHS5019W PHYSIOTHERAPY DISSERTATION 24 340 AHS5022S THEORETICAL FOUND OF NURS PRAC 8 840 AHS5024W NURSING MINOR DISS (90 CRED) 23 400 AHS5027W OCCUP THERAPY DISSERTATION 24 340 AHS5031W DISABIL STUD MIN DISS (60 CRD) 15 620 AHS5032H RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1 3 150 AHS5033W EXERCISE & SPORTS PHYSIO 9 400 AHS5034W EXERC&SPRTPHYSIO M/D (60 CRED) 15 620 AHS5044S OCCUP THER IN PRIM HLTH CARE 4 300 AHS5045S OCCUP-BASED COM DEV PRACTICE 4 300 AHS5046W INDEPENDENT STUDY PROJECT 11 730 AHS5047W CLINICAL LEADERSHIP 8 590 AHS5048W ADVANCED NURSE PRACTICE B 11 440 AHS5049W ADVNCD CHILD NURSE PRACTICE A 10 010 AHS5050W CLINICAL RESEARCH 8 590 AHS5051W RESEARCH METHODOLOGY II 3 150 AHS5052W MGT EXER. UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 57 APG1016F GEOMATICS I 6 220 APG1020W DESIGN & THEORY STUDIO I 26 510 APG1021W REPRESENTATION I 8 870 APG2000F HISTORY & THEORY OF ARCH III 2 800 APG2003S HISTORY & THEORY OF ARCH IV 2 800 APG2009F THEORY OF STRUCTURES III 2 110 APG2011S THEORY OF STRUCTURES IV 2 110 APG2014S GEOMATICS II 8 860 APG2015F GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYST I 8 860 APG2016W SURVEYING I 8 860 APG2017X BASIC SURVEY CAMP 3 410 APG2018X GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEMS CAMP 1 630 APG2021F TECHNOLOGY II (SSA) 4 440 APG2021S TECHNOLOGY II (SSA) 4 440 APG2021W TECHNOLOGY II 8 870 APG2026F CONSTRUCT SURVEYING 5 530 APG2026S CONSTRUCT SURVEYING 5 530 APG2038F ENVIRONMENT & SERVICES II SSA 2 100 APG2038W ENVIRONMENT & SERVICES II 4 190 APG2039F DESIGN AND THEORY II (SSA) 13 660 APG2039S DESIGN AND THEORY II (SSA) 13 660 APG2039W DESIGN & THEORY STUDIO II 27 270 APG3000F HISTORY & THEORY OF ARCH V 2 800 APG3001S HISTORY & THEORY OF ARCH VI 2 800 APG3011S GEOGRAPHICAL INFO SYSTEMS II 8 860 APG3012S GEOMATICS III 8 860 APG3013F NUMERICAL METHODS IN GEOMATICS 5 910 APG3014X CONTROL SURVEY CAMP 3 410 APG3016C SURVEYING II 4 160 APG3017D SURVEYING III 4 160 APG3023W TECHNOLOGY III 8 870 APG3027Z CADASTRAL SURVEYING & REG PRO 9 260 APG3033W LAND AND CADASTRAL SURVEY LAW 5 530 APG3034W ENVIRONMENT & SERVICES III 2 140 APG3035F THEORY OF STRUCTURES V 2 140 APG3036F MANAGEMENT PRACTICE & LAW 4 190 APG3037W DESIGN & THEORY STUDIO III 29 460 APG3038S PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION 4 860 APG4001S GEODESY 8 260 APG4002Z LAND USE PLNNG & TOWNSHIP DES 5 910 APG4003Z GEOMATICS PROJECT 15 330 APG4005F ENGINEERING SURVEYING & ADJUST 6 410 APG4007F INTRODUCTORY GIS 8 540 APG4008S ADVANCED GIS 8 540 APG4009F COMPUTING FOR GIS 6 410 APG4010X GEOINFORMATICS CAMP 3 410 APG4011F GEOMATICS IV 8 540 APG4012S GEOMATCS MANAGEMENT& PROFESSIO 8 860 APG4020F PLANNING THEORY & PRACTICE 2 860 APG4021F URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE 4 270 APG4022F PLANNING PROJECT A 11 250 APG4023S URBAN ECONOMIC DEV PROCESSES 4 270 APG4024S PLANNING & GOVT SYSTEMS 4 270 APG4025S REGULATORY & LEGAL FRAMEWORK 4 270 APG4026S PLANNING PROJECT B 11 250 APG4028F ASPECTS OF CITY DESIGN 4 270 APG4029F NATURAL SYSTEMS 4 270 . 58 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES APG4030S HAT LANDSCAPE ARCH A 3 830 APG4031F LANDSCAPE REPRESENTATION 4 270 APG4032S CONSTRUCTING LANDSCAPE SYSTEMS 3 980 APG4033S LANDSCAPE TECHNIQUES II 2 670 APG4034F TERRAIN ANALYSIS 3 980 APG4035F PLANNING TECHNIQUES I 4 270 APG4036F LANDSCAPE ARCH. STUDIO I 11 250 APG4037S LANDSCAPE ARCH. STUDIO II 12 630 APG4038S PLANNING TECHNIQUES II 1 460 APG4039F ADV HIST & THEORY OF ARCH 3 990 APG4041S ADVANCED BUILDING TECHNOLOGY 3 990 APG4042F ARCH DESIGN STUDIO I 12 440 APG4043S ARCH DESIGN STUDIO II 12 440 APG4044S PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 3 990 APG4047S PLANTS & DESIGN 3 980 APG4048S ARCHITECTURE RESEARCH METHOD 4 330 APG4049F ASPECTS OF HISTORY & THEORY 3 830 APG4050W GEO-INFORMATICS PROJECT 15 330 APG4053F LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE PRACTIC 2 670 APG4054F LANDSCAPE SYSTEMS 3 990 APG4055S ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY PROCESSES 2 670 APG5000W MASTERS DISSERTATION GEOMATICS 25 200 APG5020F REGIONAL PLANNING PROJECT 11 250 APG5023F REGIONAL PLANNING THEORY 7 050 APG5024S PLANNING TECHNIQUES III 2 670 APG5025F CONTEMP. THEORIES OF LARCH. 3 980 APG5026F DETAIL LANDSC. DESIGN & DOC 3 980 APG5029F ADV. LANDSCAPE ARCH. STUDIO 12 630 APG5051Z MCRP MINOR DISSERTATION 15 130 APG5052S MLA DISSERTATION 12 610 APG5057F ADV TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH 10 510 APG5059F ADV THEORY RESEARCH 10 510 APG5071S RESEARCH PROJECT 10 840 APG5073F LAW OF CONSERVATION & DEV 4 190 APG5074F CONSERVATION DISCIP & PRAC 2 800 APG5077F CONSERV DEV & IMPACT ASSESS II 6 890 APG5078F RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES 6 890 APG5079W DESIGN DISSERTATION 34 560 APG5080F HISTORY OF CONSERVATION 6 960 APG5081S RESEARCH & ASSESS HERITAGE RES 6 960 APG6000W PHD IN GEOMATICS 16 520 APG7000W MASTERS ARCH & PLANNING DISS 24 800 APG8000W PHD IN ARCH & PLANNING 16 520 AST1000F INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY 6 280 AST2002H ASTROPHYSICS 8 300 AST2003H ASTRONOMICAL TECHNIQUES 8 300 AST3002F STELLAR ASTROPHYSICS 12 490 AST3003S GALACTIC & EXTRAGALACTIC ASTRO 12 490 AST4002Z OBSERVATIONAL TECHNIQUES I 6 760 AST4003Z GENERAL ASTROPHYSICS I 3 380 AST4004Z GENERAL ASTROPHYSICS II 3 380 AST4005Z COMPUTATIONAL METHODS 3 380 AST4006Z GALAXIES 3 380 AST4007W ASTRO & SPACE SCI HONOURS 45 330 AST5000W ASTRONOMY DISSERTATION 22 990 AST5001W ASTRO & SPACE SCI MINOR DISS 22 990 AST5001Z CATACLYSMIC VARIABLES 4 600 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 59 AST5002Z EXTRAGALACTIC ASTRONOMY 4 600 AST5003F ASTRO & SPACE SCI COURSEWORK 22 490 AST6000W ASTRONOMY THESIS 16 520 AST9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 AXL1100S UNDERSTANDING GENDER 5 720 AXL1200S AFRICA: CULTURE ID & GLBLSN 2 570 AXL1300F INTRO TO LANGUAGE STUDIES 5 720 AXL1301S INTRO TO APPLIED LANGUAGE STUD 5 720 AXL1302S LINGUISTICS FOUNDATION 5 720 AXL1303F SOCIOLINGUISTICS FOUNDATION 5 720 AXL1400F WORDS DEEDS BONES & THINGS 5 720 AXL1401S INTRO TO SOC ANTH OF DEV & DIF 5 720 AXL2100F GENDER SEXUALITY POLITICS 7 630 AXL2103S GENDER & HISTORY 7 630 AXL2200S CULTURE ID & GLBLSN IN AFRICA 7 630 AXL2300F LINGUISTICS IIA 7 630 AXL2301S LINGUISTICS IIB 7 630 AXL2400Z ANTHROPOLOGICAL FIELDWORK 1 440 AXL2401F MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 7 630 AXL2401L INTRO TO MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 7 630 AXL2402S ANTHROPOLOGY OF POWER & WEALTH 7 630 AXL2404S ANTHROPOLOGY OF RURAL ENVIRON 7 630 AXL3100F THEORIES POLITICS AND ACTION 7 630 AXL3101S POLITICS OF GENDERED KNOWLEDGE 7 630 AXL3300F LINGUISTICS IIIA 7 630 AXL3301S LINGUISTICS IIIB 7 630 AXL3400F THE CHALLENGE OF CULTURE 7 630 AXL3401S ANTHROPOL THROUGH ETHNOGRAPHY 7 630 AXL3402F SPECIAL TOPIC 7 630 AXL3402S SPECIAL TOPIC 7 630 AXL4100W RESEARCH ESSAY/PROJECT 6 780 AXL4101F GENDER AND VIOLENCE 6 780 AXL4102W GENDER ANALYSIS & RES DESIGN 6 780 AXL4103S DEVELOPMNT/CONFLICT/POL CHANGE 6 780 AXL4104F GENDER PEACE & JUSTICE 6 780 AXL4105F GENDER AND PSYCHOLOGY 6 780 AXL4106F INTRO TO GENDER/TRANSFORMATION 6 780 AXL4107S BODIES GENDER & POWER 6 780 AXL4200W RESEARCH ESSAY/PROJECT 6 780 AXL4201F DEBATES IN AFRICAN STUDIES 6 780 AXL4203F PUBLIC CULTURE IN AFRICA 6 780 AXL4204S PUBLIC CULTURE INTERNSHIP 6 780 AXL4205S THE AFRICAN STUDIES ARCHIVE 6 780 AXL4206S DECOLONIAL THEORY 6 780 AXL4300W RESEARCH ESSAY/PROJECT 6 780 AXL4301F LANGUAGE CONTACT/BILINGUILISM 6 780 AXL4303F MODERN LINGUISTIC THOUGHT I 6 780 AXL4304S SPECIAL TOPIC: READING COURSE 6 780 AXL4306S LANGUAGE VARIATION 6 780 AXL4307F TYPOLOGY & UNIVERSALS 6 780 AXL4312F AFRICAN LINGUISTICS 6 780 AXL4313S AFRICAN LANGUAGES IN EDUCATION 6 780 AXL4314S MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT 6 780 AXL4400W RESEARCH ESSAY/PROJECT 6 780 AXL4401F ETHNOGRAPHIC RESEARCH METHODS 6 780 AXL4402S ANTHRO SOCIETIES IN TRANSITION 6 780 AXL4404F SPEC TOPICS: SOC-CULTRL ANTHRO 6 780 60 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES AXL4404S SPEC TOPICS: SOC-CULTRL ANTHRO 6 780 AXL4405S VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY 6 780 AXL5012F RESEARCHING BEYOND BORDERS 7 660 AXL5100W MASTERS IN GENDER STUDIES 22 990 AXL5101F GENDER RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES 3 870 AXL5200W MASTERS IN AFRICAN STUDIES 22 990 AXL5201W MINOR DISSERTATION 13 990 AXL5202F PROBLEMATISING THE STUDY OF AF 7 660 AXL5203S CRITICAL ISSUES IN HERITAGE ST 7 660 AXL5204F LAND & AGRARIAN QUESTION 7 660 AXL5205F RETHINKING AFRICA'SDEVELOPMENT 7 660 AXL5206S PAN-AFRICANISM & REGIONAL INT 7 660 AXL5300W MASTERS IN LINGUISTICS 22 990 AXL5301W MINOR DISSERTATION 13 990 AXL5302S LINGUISTIC ANTHROPOLOGY 7 660 AXL5310F LANGUAGECONTACT &GLOBALISATION 7 660 AXL5400W MASTERS IN SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY 22 990 AXL5401W MINOR DISSERTATION 10 520 AXL5402F ANTHROPOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT 7 660 AXL5402W RESEARCH DESIGN 3 530 AXL5403F FURTHER SPECIAL TOPICS SAN 7 660 AXL5404S FURTHER SPECIAL TOPICS SAN 7 660 AXL5406S ANTHROPOLOGY OF YOUTH: RES/DEV 7 660 AXL5407S ANTHROPOLOGY/CONTEMP THEORY 7 660 AXL5409F ETHNOGRAPHIC PROBLEMATIQUES 7 660 AXL5409S ETHNOGRAPHIC PROBLEMATIQUES 7 660 AXL5411W RESEARCH DESIGN 3 530 AXL5412F MEDICINE & THE ARTS 7 660 AXL5414S RESEARCHING THE ANTHROPOCENE 7 660 AXL5415F EARTH ECOLOGY HUMANITIES A 960 AXL5416F SCIENCE NATURE DEMOCRACY 7 660 AXL6100W PHD IN GENDER STUDIES 16 520 AXL6200W PHD IN AFRICAN STUDIES 16 520 AXL6300W PHD IN LINGUISTICS 16 520 AXL6400W PHD IN SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY 16 520 AXL9000Z POSTDOC FELLOW (AFRICAN STUD) 0 AXL9001Z POSTDOC FELLOW (GENDER STUD) 0 AXL9002Z POSTDOC FELLOW (SOC ANTHROP) 0 AXL9003Z POSTDOC FELLOW (LINGUISTICS) 0 BIO1000F CELL BIOLOGY 6 280 BIO1000H CELL BIOLOGY 6 280 BIO1004F BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY 6 280 BIO1004S BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY 6 280 BIO2010F PRINCIPLES OF ECOL & EVOL 8 300 BIO2011S LIFE ON LAND: ANIMALS 8 300 BIO2012S LIFE ON LAND: PLANTS 8 300 BIO2013F LIFE IN THE SEA 8 300 BIO3002F MARINE ECOLOGY 12 490 BIO3013F GLOBAL CHANGE ECOLOGY 12 490 BIO3014S CONSERVATION:GENES BIODIVERS 12 490 BIO3015F ECOLOGY 12 490 BIO3016S EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 12 490 BIO3017S MARINE RESOURCES 12 490 BIO4000W BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES HONOURS 45 330 BIO4001W MARINE BIOLOGY HONOURS 45 330 BIO5000W BOTANY DISSERTATION 22 990 BIO5003Z BIODIVERSITY & CLIMATE CHANGE 3 710 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 61 BIO5004W ZOOLOGY DISSERTATION 22 990 BIO5005H APPLIED MARINE SCI COURSEWORK 22 490 BIO5006W APPLIED MARINE SCI MINOR DISS 22 990 BIO5007H CONSERVATION BIO COURSEWORK 22 490 BIO5008W CONSERVATION BIO MINOR DISS 22 990 BIO5009W CONSERVATION BIO DISSERTATION 22 990 BIO5010W BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES DISSERTATI 22 990 BIO5011H CLIMATE CHANGE MINOR DISS 22 990 BIO6000W BOTANY THESIS 16 520 BIO6001W ZOOLOGY THESIS 16 520 BIO6002W CONSERVATION BIOLOGY THESIS 16 520 BIO6003W BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES THESIS 16 520 BIO9000Z POSTDOC FELLOW (BOTANY) 0 BIO9001Z POSTDOC FELLOW (ZOOLOGY) 0 BIO9002Z PDOC FELLOW BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE 0 BUS1003H INTRO TO ACTUARIAL SCIENCE 6 320 BUS1004F INTRO STRATEGY & MARKETING 6 320 BUS1007S INTRO TO ORG PSYCHOLOGY 6 320 BUS1036F EVIDENCE-BASED MANAGEMENT 6 320 BUS1036S EVIDENCE-BASED MANAGEMENT 6 320 BUS2010F MARKETING I 6 320 BUS2010S MARKETING I 6 320 BUS2011E INTRO TO MARKETING 6 320 BUS2011F INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING 6 320 BUS2016H FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS 6 320 BUS2018F ORG BEHAV EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 6 320 BUS2022S RESOURCING & PERFORMANCE 6 320 BUS2033F PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION 6 320 BUS2033S PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION 6 320 BUS2035S PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION 5 770 BUS3002F ORG LEARNING & WELLNESS 6 320 BUS3004S RESEARCH METHODS 6 320 BUS3008W MARKETING RESEARCH I 6 320 BUS3014E INTRO TO MARKETING RESEARCH 6 320 BUS3018F ACTUARIAL SCIENCE II MODELS 6 320 BUS3024S ACT SCI II CONTINGENCIES 6 320 BUS3038E INTRO TO PROJECT MANAGEMENT 6 320 BUS3038S INTRO TO PROJECT MANAGEMENT 6 320 BUS3039F PEOPLE MANAGEMENT 6 320 BUS3039S PEOPLE MANAGEMENT 6 320 BUS3041F MARKETING IIA 6 320 BUS3043S MARKETING IIC 6 320 BUS3095S SOCIAL IMPACT ENTERPRISE 4 470 BUS4006W ORG PSYCH HONS COURSEWORK 38 160 BUS4016E INT MARKETING COMMUNICATION 4 470 BUS4016S INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNI 4 470 BUS4017E CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR 4 470 BUS4017S CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR 4 470 BUS4018E RETAIL MANAGEMT & SERV MRK 4 470 BUS4018S RETAIL & SERVICE MARKETING 4 470 BUS4019E STRAT & INT MARKETING 4 470 BUS4019S STRATEGIC AND INT MARKETING 4 470 BUS4026W MARKETING III 32 530 BUS4027W ACTUARIAL SCIENCE III: ASSETS 12 610 BUS4028F ACT SC III: FIN ECONOMICS 6 320 BUS4029H ACTUARIAL RESEARCH PROJECT 11 340 BUS4030H ORG PSYCH HONS RESEARCH PAPER 8 370 . 62 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES BUS4034S PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION 6 320 BUS4035F INTRO TO SPORT MANAGEMENT 4 470 BUS4039S SPORT MANAGEMENT IN PRACTICE 4 470 BUS4040S SCIENCE OF SPORT 4 470 BUS4041S SPORTS ADMIN & BUS 4 470 BUS4049W ORGANISATIONAL PROJECT 8 840 BUS4050W STRATEGIC THINKING 12 610 BUS4052H MARKETING RESEARCH PROJECT 11 340 BUS4053H QUANT FINANCE RES PROJECT 11 340 BUS4058F STRATEGIC MARKET MANAGEMENT 5 680 BUS4067E BUSINESS IN CONTEXT 4 470 BUS4074E E-MARKETING 4 470 BUS4074S ELECTRONIC MARKETING 4 470 BUS4075S MANAGEMENT THEORY IN PRACTICE 4 470 BUS4078F ENTREPRENEURIAL STRATEGIES 4 470 BUS4085E STRAT MANAGEMENT PROJECT 4 470 BUS4087S FINANCE HONS SELECTED TOPICS 6 320 BUS4088S ACTUARIAL SCIENCE III ASSETS 6 320 BUS4090F CREATIVITY IN BUSINESS 4 470 BUS4091E ORGANISATION & MANAGEMENT 4 470 BUS4091F ORGANISATION & MANAGEMENT 4 470 BUS4092E BUS RESEARCH & COMMUNICATION 4 470 BUS4092H BUS RESEARCH & COMMUNICATION 4 470 BUS4094E EVENTS MANAGEMENT 4 470 BUS4094S EVENTS MANAGEMENT 4 470 BUS4103E EFFECTIVE PEOPLE PRACTICES 4 470 BUS4103F EFFECTIVE PEOPLE PRACTICES 4 470 BUS5000W MASTERS IN BUSINESS SCIENCE 16 140 BUS5002W MASTERS DISSERTATION IN BUSSCI 8 370 BUS5003W PEOPLE MANAGEMENT I 17 390 BUS5004W PEOPLE MANAGEMENT II 17 390 BUS5005W MINOR DISS 60 CREDITS 8 370 BUS5006W PEOPLE MGT RESEARCH PROJECT 9 830 BUS5018F LIFE INSURANCE 12 610 BUS5019F PENSIONS 12 610 BUS5032F SA FINANCIAL MARKETS 5 260 BUS5033W ORG PSYCHOLOGY MASTERS (CRSWK) 34 750 BUS5034H ORG PSYCHOLOGY MASTERS (DISS) 9 830 BUS5035S SPECIALIST FINANCE-INVESTMNT A 12 610 BUS5036H MONITORING & PROG EVALUATION 9 830 BUS5037W MONITORING & PROG EVAL CRSEWRK 34 750 BUS5038Z MATH COMPUTING SKILLS 3 180 BUS5042F HEALTH AND CARE 12 610 BUS5043F NUMERICAL METHODS IN FINANCE I 10 510 BUS5044S RISK MANAGEMENT OF FIN INSTRU 5 260 BUS5045F INTRO TO FINANCE & DERIVATIVES 3 170 BUS5045Z INTRO TO FINANCE & DERIVATIVES 3 170 BUS5046F STOCHASTIC CALCULUS FINANCE I 10 510 BUS5047S STOCHASTIC CALCULUS FINANCE II 10 510 BUS5048S NUMERICAL METHODS FINANCE II 10 510 BUS6000W PHD IN BUSINESS SCIENCE 16 520 CEM1000W CHEMISTRY 1000 12 490 CEM1008F CHEMISTRY FOR ENGINEERS 6 280 CEM1009H CHEMISTRY 1009 6 280 CEM1010H CHEMISTRY 1010 6 280 CEM1011F CHEMISTRY FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS 6 280 CEM1011X CHEMISTRY FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS 3 150 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 63 CEM1111S CHEMISTRY FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS 6 280 CEM2005W INTERMEDIATE CHEMISTRY 16 590 CEM3005W CHEMISTRY 3005 24 910 CEM4000W CHEMISTRY HONOURS 45 330 CEM5000W CHEMISTRY DISSERTATION 22 990 CEM5002W COMPUTATIONAL SCI DISSERTATION 22 990 CEM5004W TERTIARY CHEM EDUC DISSERTATIO 22 990 CEM6000W CHEMISTRY THESIS 16 520 CEM6001W TERTIARY CHEMISTRY EDUC THESIS 16 520 CEM9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 CHE1001Z INTRO TO CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 7 600 CHE1005W CHEMICAL ENGINEERING I 16 210 CHE2000X FIELD TRIP 4 420 CHE2005W CHEMICAL ENGINEERING II 25 120 CHE2006S INTRO TO BIOTECHNOLOGY 8 300 CHE3005W PRINCIPLES OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING III 35 500 CHE3067S DESIGN AND OPERATION OF CATALYTIC REACTORS 6 000 CHE3068S BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS 6 000 CHE3069S MINERALS AND METALLURGICAL PROCESSING 6 000 CHE3070S NUMERICAL SIMULATION FOR CHEMICAL 6 000 CHE4029Z ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION 2 800 CHE4036Z CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN 10 730 CHE4042F PROCESS DYNAMICS & CONTROL 5 910 CHE4045Z CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROJECT 16 170 CHE4048F BUSINESS SOCIETY & ENVIRONMENT 6 890 CHE4049F PROCESS SYNTH & EQUIP DESIGN 7 680 CHE4050F MINERAL& METALLURGICAL PROC II 2 800 CHE4054Z ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP 5 970 CHE4056Z SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 5 300 CHE4057F INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY 2 800 CHE4058Z LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT 2 800 CHE5000W MSC CHEMICAL ENG DISSERTATION 25 200 CHE5002Z MSC CHEMICAL ENG PART DISSERT 22 950 CHE5022Z INTRODUCTION TO CATALYSIS 5 400 CHE5033Z APPLIED MATHS & MODELING II 2 800 CHE5047Z INTRO TO MOLECULAR MODELING 2 760 CHE5051Z MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY & DYNAMIC 2 760 CHE5054Z BIOTECHNOLOGY LABORATORY 1 430 CHE5055Z RESEARCH COMM & METHODOLOGY 5 400 CHE5070Z ADV BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING 5 400 CHE5082Z DISSERTATION PREPARATION 6 230 CHE5083Z TECHNOLOGY:LAB TO MARKETPLACE 680 CHE5087Z RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 5 940 CHE5088Z PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF CATALYSIS 2 800 CHE5089Z CATALYST CHARACTERIZATION 4 430 CHE6000W PHD IN CHEMICAL ENG 16 520 CHE6001W PHD IN ENG EDUCATION 16 520 CHE9004Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 CHM2001S SPECIAL STUDY MODULE 4 500 CHM4000F COMM EYE HEALTH 2020 9 680 CHM4001F HLTH PROM&HR DEV FOR VIS 2020 4 860 CHM4002F MANAGEMENT FOR VISION 2020 9 680 CHM4003W IMPLEMENTATION OF VISION 2020 12 050 CHM4016F INTRO TO POSTGRAD STUDIES 3 180 CHM4017F CLINICAL RESEARCH METHODS 4 680 CHM4018F CONCEPTS OF EMERGENCY CARE 4 680 CHM4019W ADULT EMERGENCY CARE 6 240 . 64 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES CHM4020W PAEDIATRIC EMERGENCY CARE 6 240 CHM4021W RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT 12 470 CHM5001W MSC(MED) SURGERY DISS 26 180 CHM5002W UROLOGY DISSERTATION 26 180 CHM5003W SURGERY 12 190 CHM5004H TRAUMA 3 060 CHM5005H ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY 3 060 CHM5006W SURGERY EXT CREDIT 10 190 CHM5007W NEURO AND NEURO SURG 6 110 CHM5008W OPHTHALMOLOGY 3 060 CHM5009W OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY 3 060 CHM5010W UROLOGY 3 060 CHM6000W SURGERY (INCL ALLIED DISC) 15 660 CHM6003W MPHIL GASTROENTEROLOGY PT 1 10 550 CHM6004W GASTROENTEROL M/DISS (60 CRED) 4 060 CHM6005F CLIN RESEARCH METHODS I 3 920 CHM6006F CLIN RESEARCH METHODS II 3 920 CHM6007F EMERGENCY CARE I 3 920 CHM6008F EMERGENCY CARE II 3 920 CHM6008S EMERGENCY CARE II 3 920 CHM6009S HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS 3 920 CHM6010F RESUSCITATION & CRITICAL CARE 3 920 CHM6010S RESUSCITATION & CRITICAL CARE 3 920 CHM6012F DISASTER MEDICINE 5 830 CHM6013S EDUC & TRAIN IN EMERGENCY CARE 3 920 CHM6016W MPHIL EMERGENCY MED DISS 15 620 CHM6018S AFRICAN EMERGENCY CARE 3 920 CHM6019W EMER MED MINOR DISS (90 CRED) 23 400 CHM6020W SURGERY EXT CREDIT 2 570 CHM6021W BIOMATERIALS DISSERTATION 26 180 CHM6022F COMMUNITY EYE HEALTH I 3 430 CHM6023F COMMUNITY EYE HEALTH II 3 430 CHM6026S CRITICAL THINKING IN EMER CARE 3 920 CHM6028S MANAGMNT & LEADERSHIP IN HCARE 3 920 CHM6029S DISASTER MED RESPONSE TRAIN 6 480 CHM6030S AMBULATORY CARE & TRAVEL MED 3 920 CHM6031F PATIENT SAFETY & FLOW 3 920 CHM6032S CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 3 920 CHM6036W ANAT & PHYS PAED NEUROSURG 14 300 CHM6037W MGT CLIN COND PAED NEUROSURG 12 870 CHM6038W SURG & CRITCARE MGT PAED NEURO 11 440 CHM6039W FINAL INTEGR CLIN EXAM 620 CHM6040W RESEARCH REPORT 11 720 CHM6041W SURGERY DISSERTATION 26 180 CHM7001W SURGERY THESIS 16 520 CHM7002W MD SURGERY 16 520 CHM7004W MMED SURGICAL DISCIPL PT 1 10 960 CHM7005W PLASTIC&RECONSTRCT SURG THESIS 16 520 CHM7008W MMED SURGERY PT 2B 10 960 CHM7009W SURGERY MINOR DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 CHM7010W MMED SURGICAL DISC PT 2A 10 960 CHM7012W MMED PLAST&RECON SURG PT 2B 10 960 CHM7013W PLAST&RECONSURG MIN DISS (60) 7 750 CHM7016W CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY DISS 26 180 CHM7017W CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY THESIS 16 520 CHM7018W MD CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY 16 520 CHM7019W MMED CARDIOTHOR SURG PT 2B 10 960 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 65 CHM7020W CARDIOTHOR SURG MIN DISS (60) 7 750 CHM7024W NEUROSURGERY THESIS 16 520 CHM7025W MD NEUROSURGERY 16 520 CHM7026W MMED NEUROSURGERY PT 2B 10 960 CHM7027W NEUROSURGERY MIN DISS (60) 7 750 CHM7030W MMED OPHTHALMOLOGY PT 2B 10 960 CHM7031W OPHTHALMOLOGY MIN DISS (60) 7 750 CHM7032W MMED OPHTHALMOLOGY PT 1 10 960 CHM7033W ORTHOPAED SURG THESIS 16 520 CHM7034W MD ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY 16 520 CHM7035W MMED ORTHOPAED SURG PT 2B 10 960 CHM7036W ORTHOPAED SURG MIN DISS (60) 7 750 CHM7037W OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY DISS 26 180 CHM7038W ORORHINOLARYGOLOGY THESIS 16 520 CHM7039W MD OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY 16 520 CHM7040W MMED OTORHINOLARYNGOL PT 2 10 960 CHM7041W OTORHINOLARYNGOL MIN DISS (60) 7 750 CHM7042W UROLOGY THESIS 16 520 CHM7043W MD UROLOGY 16 520 CHM7044W MMED UROLOGY PT 2B 10 960 CHM7045W UROLOGY MINOR DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 CHM7046W PLASTRECON&MAX-FACSURG THESIS 16 520 CHM7047W MD PLASTIC REC & MAX-FAC SURG 16 520 CHM7050W OPHTHALMOLOGY THESIS 16 520 CHM7051W MD OPHTHALMOLOGY 16 520 CHM7052W MPHIL VASCULAR SURGERY PT 1 10 550 CHM7053W VASCULAR SURG M/DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 CHM7055W EMERGENCY MEDICINE DISS 26 180 CHM7056W MMED EMERGENCY MEDICINE PT 1 10 960 CHM7057W MMED EMERGENCY MEDICINE PT 2 10 960 CHM7058W EMER MED MINOR DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 CHM7059W MMED PAEDIATRIC SURGERY PT 1 10 960 CHM7060W MMED PAEDIATRIC SURGERY PT 2 10 960 CHM7061W PAED SURG MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 CHM7062W NEUROSCIENCE (SURG) DISS 26 180 CHM7063W NEUROSCI (SURG) THESIS 16 520 CHM7064W EMERGENCY MEDICINE THESIS 16 520 CHM7065W BIOMATERIALS THESIS 16 520 CHM7066W CARDIOVASCBIOMECHANICS THESIS 16 520 CHM7067W MPHIL CLIN PAED SURGERY PT 1 10 550 CHM7068W CLINPAEDSURG M/DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 CHM7069W MMED OPHTHALMOLOGY PT 2A 10 960 CHM7070W MPHIL TRAUMA SURGERY PT 1 10 550 CHM7071W TRAUMA SURG M/DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 CHM7073W MUSCULOSKELETAL SCIENCE DISS 26 180 CHM7074W TRAUMA SCIENCE DISSERTATION 26 180 CHM7075W INFECTION MGT DISSERTATION 26 180 CHM7076W SPORTS INJURIES DISSERTATION 26 180 CHM9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 CIV1005W INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING 9 360 CIV1006S BUILDING SCIENCE I 5 530 CIV1007S ENGINEERING MECHANICS 5 530 CIV2011F MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 5 530 CIV2039S GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING I 5 530 CIV2040S FLUID MECHANICS 2 800 CIV2041S STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS I 5 530 CIV2042F CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 5 530 . 66 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES CIV3042F GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING II 5 530 CIV3043F HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING 5 530 CIV3044F ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 2 760 CIV3045S TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 5 530 CIV3046S WATER TREATMENT 4 180 CIV3047S URBAN WATER SERVICES 4 180 CIV3048F STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS II 5 530 CIV3049S STRUCTURAL DESIGN I 5 530 CIV4035C DESIGN PROJECT 9 250 CIV4041F PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 5 530 CIV4042F WASTEWATER TREATMENT 5 530 CIV4044F RESEARCH PROJECT 18 380 CIV4044S RESEARCH PROJECT 18 380 CIV4045F STRUCTURAL DESIGN II 6 620 CIV4046F TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 6 620 CIV5000W MSC CIVIL ENGINEERING DISSERT 25 200 CIV5000Z MSC CIVIL ENGINEERING PART DIS 22 950 CIV5002Z STRUCT CONCRETE PROP & PRACTIC 5 400 CIV5006Z ADV STRUCTURAL CONCRETE ENG 5 400 CIV5017Z MINOR DISSERTATION 10 850 CIV5032Z INTR TO WASTEWATER TREATMENT 1 400 CIV5045Z THE ACTIVATED SLUDGE SYSTEM 3 500 CIV5046Z SEDIMENTATION IN WATER TREATMT 2 760 CIV5047Z SEWAGE SLUDGE TREATMENT 2 760 CIV5048Z DESIGN OF BIO NUTR REMOVAL SYS 9 170 CIV5050Z INTEGR WSTWTR TRTMT PLNT DESGN 9 170 CIV5064Z DEVELPG CITIES ISSUES & STRAT 9 170 CIV5065Z URBAN RENEWAL 9 170 CIV5067Z ADVANCED INFRASTRUCTURE MNGMNT 9 170 CIV5100F PLATE & SHELL STRUCTURES I 5 400 CIV5107Z URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT 9 170 CIV5108Z ADV MECH OF MATERIALS 5 530 CIV5109Z DISSERTATION PREPARATION 6 230 CIV5113S STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS WITH APPL 5 400 CIV5114Z FOUNDATION DESIGN 5 400 CIV5115Z BRIDGE MANAGEMENT & MAINTENANC 9 170 CIV5116Z DURABILITY & COND ASSESSMENT 9 170 CIV5118Z SAFETY OF SPECIAL STRUCTURES 9 170 CIV5119Z STRUCT PERFORM ASSESSMENT & M 9 170 CIV5120Z REPAIR & REHAB CONCRETE STRUCT 9 170 CIV5121Z DESIGN & MODEL WATER DISTR SYS 5 400 CIV5123Z CONTAMINATED LAND &REMEDIATION 5 400 CIV5124Z GEOSYNTHETICS ENGINEERING 5 400 CIV5125Z LATERAL EARTH SUPPORTS 5 400 CIV5126Z SLOPE STABILITY 4 080 CIV5128Z WATER PRESSURE MANAGEMENT 9 170 CIV5130Z WATER LOSS MANAGEMENT 9 170 CIV6000W PHD CIVIL ENGINEERING DISSERT 16 520 CIV9000Z INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATE 2 MTH 4 660 CIV9001Z INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATE2-4 MTH 8 770 CIV9002Z INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATE 4-6 MT 12 930 CIV9003Z INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATE 6-12 M 17 240 CML1001F BUSINESS LAW I 5 780 CML1001L BUSINESS LAW I 5 780 CML1004S BUSINESS LAW I 5 780 CML2001F COMPANY LAW 5 780 CML2001L COMPANY LAW 5 780 . LLB 5 230 CML4006W COMMERCIAL TRANSACTIONS LAW 10 430 CML4401H INDEPENDENT RESEARCH OPTION 2 990 CML4501F DISPUTE RESOLUTION 2 990 CML4502S INSURANCE LAW 2 990 CML4503F INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW A 2 990 CML4504S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW B 2 990 CML4505F INT TRADE AND MARITIME LAW 2 990 CML4506F TAX LAW A 2 990 CML4507S TAX LAW B 2 990 CML4508S TRUSTS AND ESTATE PLANNING 2 990 CML4509S WAYS OF DOING BUSINESS 2 990 CML4601F REGULATION AND GOVERNANCE 2 990 CML4602S COMPETITION LAW 2 990 CML4604F CURRENT DEV IN COMPANY LAW 2 990 CML4605F LAW AND DEVELOPMENT 2 990 CML4606H MOOT CAPUT 2 990 CML5600W MASTERS IN COMMERCIAL LAW 13 640 CML5601F ADVANCED COMPANY LAW 14 360 CML5606W MASTERS IN COMMERCIAL LAW DISS 7 210 CML5607W PG DIP LAW (LABOUR) RES PAPER 3 610 CML5611W MASTERS IN TAX LAW DISS 7 210 CML5613S COLLECTIVE LABOUR LAW 14 360 CML5614W MASTERS IN LABOUR LAW DISS 7 210 CML5615W PG DIP LAW (TAX) RES PAPER 3 610 CML5616W MASTERS IN SHIPPING LAW DISS 7 210 CML5617W PG DIP LAW (SHIP) RES PAPER 3 610 CML5619F THE LAW OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE 14 360 CML5620W PG DIP LAW (COMM'L) RES PAPER 3 610 CML5624F ADMIRALTY JURISDICTION & PRACT 14 360 CML5625F MARITIME LAW 14 360 CML5626S CARRIAGE OF GOODS BY SEA 14 360 CML5631S MEDIATION 14 360 CML5632W MASTERS IN DISPUTE RES DISS 7 210 CML5634W PG DIP LAW (DISPUTE) RES PAPER 3 610 CML5641S COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION 14 360 CML5651F INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT LAW 14 360 CML5654S COMPETITION LAW 14 360 CML5657F ELEC INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW 14 360 CML5658S ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS LAW 14 360 CML5661W TAX LAW 28 700 CML5663W ADVANCED TAX LAW 28 700 CML5664F LAW & REG INTEGRATION IN AFR 14 360 CML5671F NEGOTIATION 14 360 CML5672S CORPORATE FINANCING 14 360 CML5673S INT'L COMMERCIAL TRANS LAW 14 360 CML5674W MASTERS IN INT TRADE LAW DISS 7 210 CML5676S DISCRIMINATION & EQUALITY LAW 14 360 CML5677F ISLAMIC LAW AND FINANCE 14 360 CML5678F PRINCIPLES OF IP LAW 14 360 CML5680S ADVANCED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 14 360 CML5681W MASTERS IN INT PROP LAW DISS 7 210 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 67 CML2005F LABOUR LAW 5 780 CML2005L LABOUR LAW 5 780 CML2010L BUSINESS LAW II 5 780 CML2010S BUSINESS LAW II 5 780 CML3001W CORPORATION LAW 10 430 CML4004H LABOUR LAW . 68 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES CML5682W PG DIP LAW (IP) RES PAPER 3 610 CML5683F COMPARATIVE LEGAL SYSTEMS 14 360 CML5684F AFRICAN LAW 14 360 CML5685F COMMON LAW 14 360 CML5686S CIVIL LAW 14 360 CML5687S CHINESE LAW AND INVESTMENTS 14 360 CML5688W MASTERS IN COMP LAW DISS 7 210 CML5689W PG DIP LAW (CLA) RES PAPER 3 610 CML5691S IP DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION 14 360 CML5692F GOVERNING COMPANY RELATIONS 14 360 CML5693S MARINE INSURANCE LAW 14 360 CML5694W MASTERS IN INTL TAXATION DISS 7 210 CML5695F CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 14 360 CML5695S CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 14 360 CML5696F INTRO TO COMPLIANCE MANAGEMENT 14 360 CML5696S INTRO TO COMPLIANCE MANAGEMENT 14 360 CML5697F PRACTICAL COMPLIANCE STUDIES 14 360 CML5697S PRACTICAL COMPLIANCE STUDIES 14 360 CML5698F STRATEGIC COMPLIANCE STUDIES 14 360 CML5698S STRATEGIC COMPLIANCE STUDIES 14 360 CML5700W RESEARCH PROJECT (COMMERCIAL) 5 970 CML5701W RESEARCH PROJECT (DISPUTE RES) 5 970 CML5702W RESEARCH PROJECT (IP LAW) 5 970 CML5703W RESEARCH PROJECT (INTL TRADE) 5 970 CML5704W RESEARCH PROJECT (LABOUR LAW) 5 970 CML5705W RESEARCH PROJECT (SHIPPING) 5 970 CML5706W RESEARCH PROJECT (TAX LAW) 5 970 CML6700W PHD IN COMMERCIAL LAW 16 520 CML6701W LLD IN COMMERCIAL LAW (THESIS) 16 520 CML6702W LLD IN COMMERCIAL LAW (PBL WK) 6 210 CON1004W CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY I 10 970 CON1010S CONSTRUCTION INFO SYSTEMS 2 960 CON1011F PROPERTY STUDIES IA 5 530 CON1012S PROPERTY STUDIES IB 4 410 CON1015S PROPERTY INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2 960 CON1017S PROPERTY INVESTMENT MATHS I 2 240 CON1018W BUILDING TECHNOLOGY I T 5 530 CON1019F PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION 5 530 CON1019S PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION 5 530 CON2006W CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY II 10 970 CON2020S CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT I 4 410 CON2022W MEASUREMENT&DESIGN APPRAISAL I 5 530 CON2024S PROPERTY STUDIES IIA 4 410 CON2027F REAL PROPERTY LAW I 5 530 CON2029S MEASUREMENT 2 240 CON2030F PROPERTY INVESTMENT MATHS II 2 800 CON2031S PROPERTY STUDIES IIB 4 410 CON3012W CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY III 10 970 CON3030S CONSTRUCTION COSTING 4 410 CON3031W MEASUMNT & DESIGN APPRAISAL II 10 970 CON3032W APPLIED CONTRACT LAW I 4 160 CON3033F PROPERTY STUDIES I 5 530 CON3034F PROPERTY STUDIES IIIA 5 530 CON3035S PROPERTY STUDIES IIIB 4 410 CON3036W PROPERTY & CONTRACT LAW 5 530 CON3038W CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT II 10 970 CON3039S CONSTRUCTION MANAGMENT I T 5 530 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 69 CON3040W COST ENGINEERING I T 5 530 CON3041F PROPERTY STUDIES IIIC 5 530 CON3043W COST ENGINEERING 5 530 CON4030F PROPERTY STUDIES II 5 340 CON4032F MEASUMNT& DESIGN APPRAISAL III 3 990 CON4033W APPLIED CONTRACT LAW II 5 340 CON4034W PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 7 190 CON4037S CIVIL ENGINEERING MEASUREMENT 4 280 CON4038F ADV CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 5 340 CON4039S INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT PROJECT 5 340 CON4041S ADVANCED PROPERTY STUDIES A 4 280 CON4042H ADVANCED PROPERTY STUDIES B 4 280 CON4043S APPLIED PROPERTY LAW 4 280 CON4045F HOUSING DEV & MGMT I T 5 340 CON4047W RESEARCH REPORT 11 420 CON4048S ADVANCED PROPERTY STUDIES C 5 340 CON4049S CONSTRUCTION INNOVATION 5 340 CON5006Z PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT 9 170 CON5007Z PROPERTY LAW 9 170 CON5008Z URBAN LAND ECONOMICS 9 170 CON5009Z PROPERTY FINANCE 9 170 CON5010Z MINOR DISSERTATION 10 850 CON5014Z PROJ MGMT & SYSTEMS THEORY 9 170 CON5016Z PROJ PLAN & IMPLEMENTATION 9 170 CON5018Z HRM & COMMUNICATION 9 170 CON5021Z PROPERTY PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 9 170 CON5022Z TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT 9 170 CON5023Z RESEARCH REPORT PROJECT MGMT 10 850 CON5024W MSC CEM DISSERTATION 25 200 CON5029Z PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT 9 170 CON5030Z PROJECT FINANCE & PROCUREMENT 9 170 CON5034Z MSC PROPERTY STUDIES DISSERT 22 950 CON5036Z INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH 1 870 CON5037Z RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2 840 CON5041Z BASIC APPLIED STATISTICS 1 870 CON5042Z FURTHER APPLIED STATISTICS 2 790 CON5043Z PROP VALUATION THEORY & PRAC 9 170 CON6009W PHD IN CONSTR ECO & MAN 16 520 CON9004Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 CSC1010H COMPUTER SCIENCE 1010 6 130 CSC1011H COMPUTER SCIENCE 1011 6 130 CSC1015F COMPUTER SCIENCE 1015 6 130 CSC1016S COMPUTER SCIENCE 1016 6 130 CSC1017F PROGRAMMING FOR ENGINEERS 6 130 CSC2001F COMPUTER SCIENCE 2001 8 130 CSC2002S COMPUTER SCIENCE 2002 8 130 CSC2003S COMPUTER GAMES & SIMULATION 8 130 CSC2005Z RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 8 130 CSC3002F COMPUTER SCIENCE 3002 12 240 CSC3003S COMPUTER SCIENCE 3003 12 240 CSC3020H 3-D & DISTRIBUTED GAMES DESIGN 12 240 CSC3022H C++ WITH APPLICATIONS 12 240 CSC3023F COMPUTER SCIENCE 3023 8 130 CSC4000W COMPUTER SCIENCE HONOURS 45 090 CSC4003W TOPICS IN COMPUTER SCI HONOURS 36 860 CSC4007Z HONOURS MODULE IN COMPUTER SCI 6 800 CSC4012Z NETWORK & INTERNET SECURITY 3 400 . 70 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES CSC4013Z VISUALISATION 3 900 CSC4016W IT HONOURS 45 090 CSC5000W COMPUTER SCIENCE DISSERTATION 22 990 CSC5001W COMPUTER SCIENCE COURSEWORK 45 400 CSC5002W COMPUTER SCIENCE MINOR DISS 22 990 CSC5004W IT MINOR DISS 22 990 CSC5005H IT COURSEWORK 1 22 700 CSC5006H IT COURSEWORK 2 22 700 CSC6000W COMPUTER SCIENCE THESIS 16 520 CSC9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 DOC1001F SKILLS FOR COMMERCE 0 DOC1002S CAREER DISCOVERY 0 DOC4002F BIOSTATISTICS FOR DEMOGRAPHERS 2 960 DOC5000Z DISSERTATION 10 980 DOC5001F BASIC DEMOGRAPHY 3 040 DOC5002S TECHNIQUES OF DEMOGRAPHIC EST 3 040 DOC5003S POPULATION PROJECTIONS & MODEL 3 040 DOC5004F TOPICS IN POPULATION STUDIES 3 040 DOC5010S RISK MANAGEMENT GOVERNANCE 10 510 DOC5011F RM QUANTITATIVE MODELLING 15 760 DOC5012W RM RESEARCH 21 020 DOC5013F RISK MANAGEMENT MARKETS 15 760 DOH1002F LANGUAGE IN HUMANITIES 5 720 DOH1002S LANGUAGE IN HUMANITIES 5 720 DOH1005F LANGUAGE IN PERFORMING ARTS 5 720 DOH1009F CONCEPTS IN SOCIAL SCIENCE 5 720 DOH1009S CONCEPTS IN SOCIAL SCIENCE 5 720 DOH1010S TEXTS IN THE HUMANITIES 5 720 DOH2001F 1ST SEMESTER EXCHANGE 21 190 DOH2001S 2ND SEMESTER EXCHANGE 21 190 DOH5000F SEMESTER EXCHANGE 7 660 DOH5000S SEMESTER EXCHANGE 7 660 DOH5001F SEMESTER EXCHANGE 7 660 DOH5001S SEMESTER EXCHANGE 7 660 DOL3001X COMMUNITY SERVICE 0 DOL3002X INT YEAR SKILLS COMPONENT 0 DOL3003H AFRICAN CUSTOMARY LAW 5 230 DOL4000H INTEGRATIVE ASSESSMENT PROJECT 1 660 DOL4500H LEGAL PRACTICE 2 990 DOL5600F LEGAL PRACTICE 11 900 DOL5600S LEGAL PRACTICE 11 900 DOL5600Z LEGAL PRACTICE 11 900 DOL9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 DOL9007Z FOREIGN ELECTIVE (2-4 MONTHS) 8 770 DOL9008Z FOREIGN ELECTIVE (4-6 MONTHS) 12 930 DOM9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 DOM9006Z MEDICAL ELECTIVE (4-6 MONTHS) 12 730 DRM1017H STAGECRAFT A 6 660 DRM1018H STAGECRAFT B 6 660 DRM1027F INTRO TO THEATRE & PERF A 5 720 DRM1028S INTRO TO THEATRE & PERF B 5 720 DRM1029F INTRODUCTION TO THEATRE A+ 0 DRM1030S INTRODUCTION TO THEATRE B+ 0 DRM1040W T&P STUDIOWORK 1A 26 570 DRM1041W T&P STUDIOWORK 1B 26 570 DRM2010F MAKING THEATRE MEAN(ING) 5 950 DRM2011S LEARNING THRU DRAMA & THEATRE 5 950 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 71 DRM2040W T&P STUDIOWORK 2A 26 570 DRM2041W T&P STUDIOWORK 2B 26 570 DRM2042F MAKING THEATRE MEAN(ING) + 0 DRM3010F CONTEMPORARY PERFORMANCE 7 920 DRM3018S INTRODUCTION TO DIRECTING 7 920 DRM3040W T&P STUDIOWORK 3A: TM 35 260 DRM3041W T&P STUDIOWORK 3B: TM PRAC 35 260 DRM3042W T&P STUDIOWORK 3A: ACTING 36 060 DRM3043W T&P STUDIOWORK 3B: ACTING PRAC 36 060 DRM3044H PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE A 3 040 DRM3045H PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE B 3 040 DRM4000H THEATRE AND RESEARCH 6 780 DRM4004H THEATRE AT WORK 6 780 DRM4017F READINGS IN DRAMA & THEATRE A 6 780 DRM4019S MULTI-CAMERA TV DRAMA 10 520 DRM4022W APPLIED DRAMA & THEATRE 13 550 DRM4023W DIRECTING FOR STAGE 13 550 DRM4024S READING IN DRAMA & THEATRE B 6 780 DRM4035W PLAYWRITING 13 550 DRM4036W TECHNICAL THEATRE MANAGEMENT 13 550 DRM4038F VIDEO PRODUCTION 10 520 DRM4040W T&P STUDIOWORK 4: ACTING 35 260 DRM4041W T&P STUDIOWORK 4: TM 26 450 DRM5000W MASTERS IN DRAMA 22 990 DRM5003W THEATRE & PERFORMANCE PART A 25 720 DRM5010W DRAMA & THEATRE STUDIES: RES 13 990 DRM5013W THEATRE & PERFORMANCE PART B 11 020 DRM5014H TOPICS IN APPLIED THEATRE ST 7 660 DRM5015H APPLIED THEATRE PRACTICE 11 520 DRM5016H APPLIED THEATRE FIELDWORK 7 660 DRM5017H APP DRAMA/THEATRE STUDIES 11 520 DRM5018W MINOR DISSERTATION/PROJECT 29 730 DRM5019W ADAPTATION 7 660 DRM5020W DIRECTING ACTORS (SCREEN) 7 660 DRM5021W PRE-PRODUCTION 7 660 DRM5022W SCRIPTWRITING 7 660 DRM5023S DRAMATURGY 11 520 DRM6000W PHD IN DRAMA 16 520 DSC2001F FIRST SEMESTER EXCHANGE 24 650 DSC2001S SECOND SEMESTER EXCHANGE 24 650 DSC6000Z DOCTOR OF SCIENCE 6 210 DSC9005Z POSTGRADUATE AFFILIATE 0 ECO1006F ECONOMICS FOR NON-SPECIALISTS 6 320 ECO1007S ECONOMICS FOR ENGINEERS 6 320 ECO1010F MICROECONOMICS 6 320 ECO1010S MICROECONOMICS 6 320 ECO1011F MACROECONOMICS 6 320 ECO1011S MACROECONOMICS 6 320 ECO1110F MICROECONOMICS 6 320 ECO1110H MICROECONOMICS 6 320 ECO2003F MICROECONOMICS II 6 320 ECO2003P MICROECONOMICS II 6 320 ECO2004P MACROECONOMICS II 6 320 ECO2004S MACROECONOMICS II 6 320 ECO2007S COOPERATION AND COMPETITION 6 320 ECO2008S DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS 6 320 ECO3009F NATURAL RESOURCE ECONOMICS 6 320 . REGUL. INTERN. & FIRMS 6 320 ECO4051S DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS 6 320 ECO4052S ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS 6 320 ECO4053S FINANCIAL ECONOMICS 6 320 ECO4100F SECURITIES LEGISLATION 6 320 ECO4100S SECURITIES LEGISLATION 6 320 ECO4101F CORPORATE FIN & EQUITY VAL 6 320 ECO4101S CORPORATE FIN & EQUITY VAL 6 320 ECO4102F PORTFOLIO OPTIMISATION 6 320 ECO4102S PORTFOLIO OPTIMISATION 6 320 ECO4104F FINANCIAL MODELLING & STATS 6 320 ECO4104S FINANCIAL MODELLING & STATS 6 320 ECO4105F ECONOMICS MODULE 6 320 ECO4105S ECONOMICS MODULE 6 320 ECO4106F HONOURS LONG ESSAY 6 320 ECO4106S HONOURS LONG ESSAY 6 320 ECO4108F FUTURES OPTIONS & DERIVATIVES 6 320 ECO4108S FUTURES OPTIONS & DERIVATIVES 6 320 ECO4109F ACCOUNTING FOR PORTFOLIO MANAG 6 320 ECO4109S ACCOUNTING FOR PORTFOLIO MANAG 6 320 ECO4111F FIXED INCOME SECURITY ANALYSIS 6 320 ECO4111S FIXED INCOME SECURITY ANALYSIS 6 320 ECO4112F MATHS AND STATS FOR ECONOMISTS 6 320 ECO4113S LABOUR ECONOMICS 6 320 ECO4114S THE ECONOMICS OF CONFLICT 6 320 ECO4115F CONSUMPTION MICROECO THEORY 8 500 ECO4116F CROSS-SEC ECONOMETRIC METHODS 8 500 ECO4117F PANEL DATA METHODS 8 500 ECO4118S APPLIED LABOUR ECONOMICS 8 500 ECO4119S ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX SURVEYS 8 500 ECO4120S RESEARCH PROJECT 8 500 ECO4121S WELFARE MEASUREMENT 8 500 ECO5000W MASTERS IN ECON FULL DISS 12 400 ECO5003F GOVERNANCE & GROWTH 6 320 ECO5011F QUANTITATIVE METHODS OF ECO 6 320 ECO5020F ADVANCED MICRO ECONOMICS 6 320 ECO5021F ADVANCED MACROECONOMICS 6 320 ECO5023W MINOR DISSERTATION 6 320 ECO5030S ECO GROWTH:THEORY & EVIDENCE 6 320 ECO5046F ADVANCED ECONOMETRICS 6 320 .72 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES ECO3016F HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT 6 320 ECO3020F ADV MACRO & MICRO ECONOMICS 6 320 ECO3021S QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN ECON 6 320 ECO3022S ADVANCED LABOUR ECONOMICS 6 320 ECO3023S PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS 6 320 ECO3024F INTERNATIONAL TRADE & FINANCE 6 320 ECO3025S APPL. TRADE BARGAINING 6 320 ECO4006F MACROECONOMICS 6 320 ECO4007F MICROECONOMICS 6 320 ECO4013S INTERNATIONAL FINANCE 6 320 ECO4016F ECONOMETRICS 6 320 ECO4020S ECONOMIC CHALLENGES IN AFRICA 6 320 ECO4021W RESEARCH & WRITING I 6 320 ECO4026S ECONOMY & ITS FIN. MARKETS 6 320 ECO4027S THE ANALYSIS OF SURVEY DATA 6 320 ECO4028S POLICY ANALYSIS 6 320 ECO4029S EXPERIMENTS IN ECONOMICS 6 320 ECO4032S ECOS OF INDUS. UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 73 ECO5050S INTERNATIONAL FINANCE 6 320 ECO5052S NATURAL RESOURCE ECONOMICS 6 320 ECO5057S LABOUR ECONOMICS 6 320 ECO5062S APPLIED INTERNATIONAL TRADE 6 320 ECO5064S INSTITUTIONAL BEHAVIOURAL ECON 6 320 ECO5066W MASTERS IN ECON HALF DISS 8 370 ECO5069S APPLIED TIME SERIES ANALYSIS 6 320 ECO5070S MICROECONOMETRICS 6 320 ECO5073S PROBLEMS OF GLOBALISATION 6 320 ECO5074F RESEARCH & POLICY TOOLS 6 320 ECO5075S MACROECONOMICS POLICY ANALYSIS 6 320 ECO5076S DEVELOPMENT MICROECONOMICS 6 320 ECO5077S INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION 6 320 ECO6000W PHD IN ECONOMICS 16 520 ECO6007F MICROECONOMICS II 6 320 ECO9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 EDN2000H FOUNDATN OF ADULT LEARNG THRY 2 620 EDN2001H FIELD STUDY 5 230 EDN2016W FIELDS & SITES OF ETD PRACTICE 2 620 EDN2507W NUMBER SP 4 250 EDN2508W ALGEBRA SP 4 250 EDN2509W EUCLIDEAN GEOM & MEASURE SP 4 250 EDN2510W DATA HANDLING & STATISTICS SP 4 250 EDN2511W MATHEMATICS ASSESSMENT SP 1 430 EDN2512W CURR RESEARCH IN MATH ED SP 1 430 EDN2513W MATHEMATICS PRACTICUM SP 1 430 EDN2514W NATURAL SCIENCES INSTRUCT SP 4 250 EDN2515W MATTER AND MATERIALS SP 4 250 EDN2516W ENERGY AND CHANGE SP 4 250 EDN2517W LIFE AND LIVING SP 4 250 EDN2518W EARTH AND BEYOND SP 4 250 EDN2519W NATURAL SCIENCES PRAC WORK SP 720 EDN2520W NATURAL SCIENCES PRACTICUM SP 1 430 EDN3200W EDUCATION 11 070 EDN3201W ENGLISH IP 3 080 EDN3202W ENGLISH FIRST ADD LANG IP 3 080 EDN3203W EXP ARTS & SKILLS FOR LIFE IP 3 080 EDN3204W GENERAL METHOD IP 1 550 EDN3205W NUMERACY IP 3 950 EDN3206W SCHOOL EXPERIENCE SP AND FET 8 610 EDN3209W MATHEMATICS IP 3 950 EDN3210W NATURAL SCIENCES IP 3 950 EDN3211W SOCIAL SCIENCES IP 3 950 EDN3212W XHOSA IP 3 950 EDN3213W AFRIKAANS IP 3 950 EDN3216W CHILDHOOD STUDIES FP 3 950 EDN3217W LIFE SKILLS FP 3 950 EDN3218W SPECIAL STUDIES IN FP TEACHING 3 950 EDN3219W LITERACY (HL AND EFAL) FP 3 950 EDN3220W MATHEMATICS FP 3 950 EDN3221W SCHOOL EXPERIENCE FP 8 610 EDN3222W ACCOUNTING SP & FET 7 140 EDN3223W AFRIKAANS SP AND FET 7 140 EDN3224W VISUAL ARTS (PRAC) SP & FET 7 140 EDN3225W DANCE STUDIES FET 7 140 EDN3226W DESIGN STUDIES FET 7 140 EDN3227W DRAMATIC ARTS FET 7 140 . SKILLS IN XHOSA(L) 0 EDN4131H TEACHING NATURAL SCIENCES A 2 150 EDN4132H TEACHING NATURAL SCIENCES B 2 150 EDN4160W SCHOOL LEADERSHIP & MGT IN SA 4 250 EDN4161W COMPUTER LITERACY 4 250 EDN4162W EFFECTIVE LANGUAGE SKILLS 4 250 EDN4163W OUTCOMES-BASED ASSESSMENT 4 250 EDN4164W MANAGEMENT PORTFOLIO 4 250 EDN4165W LEADING & MANAGING PEOPLE 4 250 EDN4166W MANAGE RESOURCES 4 250 EDN4167W POLICY PLANNING & GOVERNANCE 4 250 EDN4168W MANAGING TEACHING AND LEARNING 4 250 EDN4169W MODERATION OF ASSESSMENT 4 250 EDN4170W MANAGE SUBJECT/LEARNING AREA 4 250 EDN4172H FOUNDATION CURRIC LEADERSHIP A 4 250 EDN4173H FOUNDATION CURRIC LEADERSHIP B 4 250 EDN4174W LEARNING IN FOUNDATION PHASE 4 250 EDN4175W TEACHING IN FOUNDATION PHASE 4 250 EDN4176W FOUNDATION PHASE NUMERACY 4 250 EDN4177W FOUNDATION PHASE LITERACY 4 250 EDN4178H INTERMEDIATE CURR LEADERSHIP A 4 250 EDN4179H INTERMEDIATE CURR LEADERSHIP B 4 250 EDN4180W LEARNING IN INTERMEDIATE PHASE 4 250 EDN4181W TEACHING IN INTERMEDIATE PHASE 4 250 EDN4182W INTERMEDIATE PHASE MATHEMATICS 4 250 EDN4183W INTERMEDIATE PHASE LANGUAGE 4 250 EDN4184F ADULT ED & DEVELOPMENT 4 250 EDN4185F ADULT ED & THE WORKPLACE 4 250 EDN4186F LITERACY & ADULT BASIC ED 4 250 EDN4200W RES IN SCHOOL SUBJECT CONTENT 7 320 .74 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES EDN3228W ECONOMICS SP AND FET 7 140 EDN3229W ENGLISH SP AND FET 7 140 EDN3230W EXPRESSIVE ARTS SP 7 140 EDN3231W FRENCH SP AND FET 7 140 EDN3232W GEOGRAPHY SP AND FET 7 140 EDN3233W GERMAN SP AND FET 7 140 EDN3234W HEBREW SP AND FET 7 140 EDN3235W HISTORY SP AND FET 7 140 EDN3236W INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FET 7 140 EDN3237W JEWISH STUDIES FET 7 140 EDN3238W LIFE SCIENCES FET 7 140 EDN3239W LIFESKILLS SP AND FET 7 140 EDN3240W MATHEMATICS SP AND FET 7 140 EDN3241W MUSIC CHOIR TRAINING SP & FET 7 140 EDN3242W MUSIC THEORY & HIST SP & FET 7 140 EDN3243W NATURAL SCIENCES SP 7 140 EDN3244W PHYSICAL SCIENCES FET 7 140 EDN3245W RELIGION STUDIES FET 7 140 EDN3246W VISUAL ARTS FET 7 140 EDN3247W XHOSA SP AND FET 7 140 EDN3248W MATHEMATICS SP & MATHS LIT FET 7 140 EDN3249W SCHOOL EXPERIENCE IP 8 610 EDN4107W SCIENCE CONTENT A 4 250 EDN4108W SCIENCE CONTENT B 4 250 EDN4109W SCIENCE CONTENT C 4 250 EDN4120W EVALUATION RESEARCH PROJECTS 4 250 EDN4129W NATURAL SCIENCE IN NEW CURRIC 4 250 EDN4130W COMMUN. UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 75 EDN4500W EMERGING TECH IN EDUCATION 7 320 EDN4501W ONLINE LEARNING DESIGN 7 320 EDN4502W RES & EVAL OF EMERGING TECH 7 320 EDN4503W LEARN TEACH & EMERGING TECH 7 320 EDN4504F LEARNING & TEACHING IN HE 7 320 EDN4505S ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION IN HE 7 320 EDN4506F SOUTH AFRICAN EDUCATION IN CONTEXT 7 320 EDN4507F LEARNING AND TEACHING 7 320 EDN4508W DOING RESEARCH IN EDUCATION 7 320 EDN4512S CURRICULUM: TH RES & PRAC 7 320 EDN4513S HISTORY ED: THEORY RES PRAC 7 320 EDN4514S LANG/LIT: THEORY RES PRAC 7 320 EDN4515S KNOWLEDGE PRAC MATHS ED 7 320 EDN4516S KNOWLEDGE PRACTICE SCIENCE ED 7 320 EDN4517S EDUCATIONAL MGT & LEADERSHIP 7 320 EDN4519F TEACHING ENGLISH IN MULTILINGUAL CONTEXTS 7 320 EDN5101S ON-LINE LEARNING DESIGN 7 320 EDN5500W MINOR DISSERTATION 13 990 EDN5501F ADVANCED RESEARCH DESIGN 7 660 EDN5501S ADVANCED RESEARCH DESIGN 7 660 EDN5502F KEY TRADITIONS IN ADULT ED RES 7 660 EDN5503F ADULT LEARNING FOR SOC CHANGE 7 660 EDN5504S THEORISING EDUCATION POLICY 7 660 EDN5505S CHANGING FRAMEWORKS 7 660 EDN5506F PEDAGOGY KNOWLEDGE & SOCIETY 7 660 EDN5507F EMERGING TECH & ED PRACTICES 7 660 EDN5508F RESEARCH IN EDUCATION TECH 7 660 EDN5509S LEARNING WITH TECHNOLOGIES 7 660 EDN5510S RESEARCH DESIGN & METHODOLOGY 7 660 EDN5514F KNOWLEDGE & CURRICULUM IN HE 7 660 EDN5515S THINKING CLASSROOMS & COMM 7 660 EDN5517F LANG & LIT IN THEORY & PRAC 7 660 EDN5518F LANG IN MULTILINGUAL SCHOOLS 7 660 EDN5519S EARLY LITERACY IN SCHOOL &HOME 7 660 EDN5520S ACADEMIC LITERACIES 7 660 EDN5521S LITERACY AT WORK & IN ADULT ED 7 660 EDN5522F RES MATHS ED: CURRICULUM 7 660 EDN5523S RES MATHS ED:TEACHING/LEARNING 7 660 EDN5524F EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT & REFORM 7 660 EDN5525S EDUCATION POLICY & CHANGE 7 660 EDN5526F SCHOOL LEAD & CHANGE CONTENT 7 660 EDN5527F PRIMARY SCHOOL LEARN & DEVELOP 7 660 EDN5528S TEACHING IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOL 7 660 EDN5529F LEARNING SCIENCE ED & TEACHING 7 660 EDN5530S CONTEMP ISSUES IN SCIENCE ED 7 660 EDN5531F THEORIES OF CHILD & CHILDHOOD 7 660 EDN6000W MED 22 990 EDN6001F PEDAGOGY KNOWLEDGE & SOCIETY 7 320 EDN6004S CHANGING FRAMWKS OF CURRICULUM 7 320 EDN6005S KNOWLEDGE/LEARNING/ORG OF WORK 7 320 EDN6006F ADLT LEARN IN INFORMAL CONTEXT 7 320 EDN6015F ADV ED RES DESIGN & METHODS 7 660 EDN6015S ADV ED RES DESIGN & METHODS 7 660 EDN6016S EMERGNT LITERACY 7 320 EDN6057W MINOR DISSERTATION 13 990 EDN6070F ENG AS ADD LANG IN SCHOOLING 7 320 EDN6076F LANG & LITERACY IN THEORY/USE 7 320 . 76 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES EDN6079S LITERACY WORK & ABE 7 320 EDN6080S ACADEMIC LITERACIES 7 320 EDN6081F SPECIAL TOPICS IN EDUCATION 7 320 EDN6081S SPECIAL TOPICS IN EDUCATION 7 320 EDN6091F ADULT LEARNING & EXPERIENCE 7 320 EDN6092S WORKPLACE ED / TRAINING POLICY 7 320 EDN6094F LEARNING & TEACHING:SCIENCE ED 7 320 EDN6095S CONTEMPORARY ISSUES:SCIENCE ED 7 320 EDN6100F ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION IN HE 7 320 EDN6100S ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION IN HE 7 320 EDN6101F CURR KNOWL & POL IN HE 7 320 EDN6101S CURR KNOWL & POL IN HE 7 320 EDN6104F TEACHING CURRICULUM & RES 7 320 EDN7000W PHD IN EDUCATION 16 520 EEE1006F INTO TO ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 4 430 EEE1007S INTRO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 4 430 EEE2026S ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PART 2 6 890 EEE2030F ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I 4 160 EEE2031S ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING II 4 160 EEE2035F SIGNALS & SYSTEMS I 4 160 EEE2036S PROBABILITY & STAT DSGN IN ENG 4 160 EEE2038W FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL ENG 8 260 EEE2039W FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONIC ENG 13 280 EEE2040F BASICS OF ELECTRONIC ENG 8 260 EEE2041F ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS 4 160 EEE2042S ANALOG ELECTRONIC DESIGN & LAB 4 160 EEE3017W DIGITAL ELECTRONICS 5 910 EEE3031S ENERGY UTILIZATION 2 800 EEE3044S ENERGY CONVERSION & UTILISATIO 2 800 EEE3055W ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING 6 890 EEE3057S POWER ENGINEERING 6 890 EEE3061W MECHATRONICS DESIGN I 4 160 EEE3062F DIGITAL ELECTRONICS 4 160 EEE3063F TRANSMISSION LINES 3 500 EEE3064W DIGITAL ELECTRONICS & MICROPRO 5 530 EEE3068F ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS 4 160 EEE3069W CONTROL ENGINEERING 6 890 EEE3070S MEASUREMENT & MICROPROCESSOR 2 800 EEE3073S PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION 4 860 EEE3074W EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 6 890 EEE3078W DIGITAL EMBEDDED & ADAPTIVE SY 15 070 EEE3081F CONTROL ENGINEERING A 3 500 EEE3082S CONTROL ENGINEERING B 3 500 EEE3083F COMM SYSTEM & NETWORK DESIGN 1 4 160 EEE3084W COMM SYSTEM & NETWORK DESIGN 8 260 EEE3085S COMM SYSTEMS &NETWORK DESIGN 2 4 160 EEE3086F SIGNALS & SYSTEMS II 4 160 EEE4001F DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING 6 890 EEE4006F PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION 2 800 EEE4022F RESEARCH PROJECT 15 330 EEE4022S RESEARCH PROJECT 15 330 EEE4036A ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN 2 610 EEE4036C ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN 2 610 EEE4051F NEW VENTURE PLANNING 2 800 EEE4084F DIGITAL SYSTEMS 6 890 EEE4086F MICROWAVE ENGINEERING 6 890 EEE4087F MOBILE BROADBAND NETWORKS 6 890 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 77 EEE4088F COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 5 530 EEE4089F POWER DISTRIBUT & TRANS NETWKS 6 890 EEE4090F POWER SYST ANAL OPER & CONTROL 6 890 EEE4093F PROCESS CONTROL & INSTRUMENTA 6 890 EEE4096F NEURAL FUZZY & EVOLVING SYSTE 2 800 EEE4099F ELEC MACHINES & POWER ELECTRON 6 890 EEE4101F INTRO NUCLEARPOWER ENGINEERING 6 890 EEE4103F NUCLEAR POWER SOURCES 4 160 EEE4104C ELECTRICAL MACHINES & DRIVES 2 800 EEE4106Z INTRO NUCLEAR PHYSICS& RADIAT 5 910 EEE4107Z THERMO FOR NUCLEAR STATIONS 5 910 EEE4108Z ELEC& MEC EQUIP IN NUCLEAR STA 5 910 EEE4109Z THEORY& DESIGN NUCLEAR REACTOR 5 910 EEE4110Z OPS& SAFETY NUCLEAR REACTORS 5 910 EEE4111Z REGULATORY STDS NUCLEAR POWER 5 910 EEE5000W MSC ELECTRICAL ENG DISSERT 25 200 EEE5002W ELEC ENGINEERING DISSERTATION 22 950 EEE5004Z MINOR DISSERTATION 10 850 EEE5032Z DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS 6 730 EEE5103Z DISSERTATION PREPARATION 6 230 EEE5105Z FUNDAMENTALS RADAR SIGNAL & DP 6 730 EEE5108Z ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATHS 6 730 EEE5109Z MULTI-TARGET MULTISENSOR 6 730 EEE5110Z CLUTTER & DETECTION IN CLUTTER 6 730 EEE5111Z HIGH RESOLUTION &IMAGING RADAR 6 730 EEE5112Z RADAR SYSTEM MODELLING 6 730 EEE5117Z SPECIAL TOPICS IN RADAR D 3 380 EEE5119Z INTRO TO RADAR SYSTEMS 6 730 EEE5120Z INTRO TO ELECTRONIC DEFENCE 6 730 EEE5124Z SPACE AND SOCIETY 5 060 EEE5125Z SPACE APPLICATIONS 5 060 EEE5126Z SPACE MISSION ANALYSIS& DESIGN 5 060 EEE5127Z SPECIAL TOPICS IN SPACE STUDIE 1 690 EEE5128Z NUCLEAR REACTOR THEORY& DESIGN 6 730 EEE5129Z NUCLEAR REACTOR OPS & SAFETY 6 730 EEE5130Z REGULATORY REQS NUCLEAR POWER 6 730 EEE5135Z INFORMATION THEORY 6 730 EEE5136Z STATISTICAL SIGNAL THEORY 6 730 EEE5137Z OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS 6 730 EEE5139Z WIRELESS DATA NETWORK CONVERGE 6 730 EEE5140Z SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO 6 730 EEE6000W PHD IN ELECTRICAL ENG 16 520 EGS1003S GEOG DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRO 6 280 EGS1005F INTRO ENVIRO ASSESSMENT 6 280 EGS2013F THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 8 300 EGS2014S URBAN CHALLENGES IN SA CITY 8 300 EGS3012S ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE 12 490 EGS3021F SUSTAINABILITY & ENVIRONMENT 12 490 EGS3022S GEOGRAPHIC THOUGHT 12 490 EGS3023F ANTHROPOCENE ENVIRONMENTS 12 490 EGS4001W ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE HONOURS 45 330 EGS4004W ENVIRO & GEOG SCI HONOURS 45 330 EGS4011F ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 9 120 EGS4011S ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 9 120 EGS4016F CAPITAL POLITICS AND NATURE 9 120 EGS4016S CAPITAL POLITICS AND NATURE 9 120 EGS4017F RES SKILLS FOR ENVIR MANAGEMNT 9 120 . 78 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES EGS4017S RES SKILLS FOR ENVIR MANAGEMNT 9 120 EGS4021X RES PROJECT IN EGS (BA) 9 120 EGS4023F RES METHODS FOR NATURAL SCIENT 9 120 EGS4023S RES METHODS FOR NATURAL SCIENT 9 120 EGS4024F CLIMATE MODELLING 9 120 EGS4024S CLIMATE MODELLING 9 120 EGS4025F REMOTE SENSING 9 120 EGS4025S REMOTE SENSING 9 120 EGS4027F QUATERNARY PALAEOECOLOGY 9 120 EGS4027S QUATERNARY PALAEOECOLOGY 9 120 EGS4033F GEOG OF DEVPT & THE ENVIRON 9 120 EGS4033S GEOG OF DEVPT & THE ENVIRON 9 120 EGS4034S GLOBALISATION & THE ENVIRON 9 120 EGS4035F RISE FALL & RECONST OF SA CITY 9 120 EGS4035S RISE FALL & RECONST OF SA CITY 9 120 EGS4037F UNDERSTAND & MANAGE CONFLICT 9 120 EGS4037S UNDERSTAND & MANAGE CONFLICT 9 120 EGS4038F CLIMATE CHNGE & PREDICTABILITY 9 120 EGS4038S CLIMATE CHNGE & PREDICTABILITY 9 120 EGS4039F URBAN FOOD SECURITY 9 120 EGS4039S URBAN FOOD SECURITY 9 120 EGS4040F SPEC TOP IN HUM/ENV INTERACT 9 120 EGS4040S SPEC TOP IN HUM/ENV INTERACT 9 120 EGS4041F APPR & ISSUE IN PHYS & ENV SCI 9 120 EGS4041S APPR & ISSUE IN PHYS & ENV SCI 9 120 EGS4042F CULTURAL GEOGRAPHIES 9 120 EGS4042S CULTURAL GEOGRAPHIES 9 120 EGS4043F LIVING WITH ENVIRON CHANGE 9 120 EGS4043S LIVING WITH ENVIRON CHANGE 9 120 EGS4044F URBAN ECOLOGY 9 120 EGS4044S URBAN ECOLOGY 9 120 EGS4045F GEOMORPHOLOGY 9 120 EGS4045S GEOMORPHOLOGY 9 120 EGS4046F WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 9 120 EGS4046S WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 9 120 EGS4047F POLICY AND GOVERNANCE 9 120 EGS4047S POLICY AND GOVERNANCE 9 120 EGS4048F ALTERNATIVE ECONOMIES 9 120 EGS4048S ALTERNATIVE ECONOMIES 9 120 EGS4049F TOOLS&TOPICS IN EARTH SYSTEMS 9 120 EGS4049S TOOLS&TOPICS IN EARTH SYSTEMS 9 120 EGS4050F GEO-PHILOSOPHY & ANTHROPOCENE 9 120 EGS4051F ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE METHODS 9 120 EGS5000W ENVIRO & GEOG SCI DISSERTATION 22 990 EGS5003W ENVIRO & GEOG SCI DISSERTATION 22 990 EGS5008H ENVIRO & SUSTAIN COURSEWORK 22 490 EGS5009W ENVIRO & SUSTAIN MINOR DISS 22 990 EGS5012W CLIMATE CHANGE COURSEWORK 0 EGS5023H SNR RES PROJ IN EGS (MA) 11 390 EGS5024F MGING COMPLEX HUM ECO SYSTEMS 11 390 EGS5024S MGING COMPLEX HUM ECO SYSTEMS 11 390 EGS5025F EVAL & MONITOR IN ENVIRO MAN 11 390 EGS5025S EVAL & MONITOR IN ENVIRO MAN 11 390 EGS5029H CLIMATE CHANGE MINOR DISS 22 990 EGS5030S CLIMATE MODELLING 5 640 EGS5031F INTRO TO CLIMATE CHANGE 5 640 EGS5032F CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION 5 640 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 79 EGS5038F CLIMATE CHANGE PREDICTABILITY 5 640 EGS5043S LIVING WITH GLOBAL CHANGE 5 640 EGS6002W ENVIRO & GEOG SCI THESIS 16 520 EGS6003W ENVIRO & GEOG SCI THESIS 16 520 EGS9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 ELL1009F ENG LITERARY STUDIES + 0 ELL1010S ENG LITERARY STUDIES II + 0 ELL1013F ENGLISH LITERARY STUDIES 5 720 ELL1016S ENGLISH LITERARY STUDIES II 5 720 ELL2007F AFRICAN LIT & LANG STUDIES I 7 630 ELL2010S AFRICAN LIT & LANG STUDIES II 7 630 ELL2014F SHAKESPEARE & COMPANY 7 630 ELL2015S ROMANCE TO REALISM 7 630 ELL2016F AFRICAN LIT & LANG STUDIES I+ 0 ELL2017S AFRICAN LIT & LANG STUDIES II+ 0 ELL3005F MODERNISM 7 630 ELL3009S CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE 7 630 ELL4001H RESEARCH ESSAY / PROJECT 6 780 ELL4019S CONTEM BLACK SA LIT & LIT THEO 6 780 ELL4035S STUDIES IN THE MODERN NOVEL 6 780 ELL4036F SPACE PLACE&LIT NON-FIC IN AFR 6 780 ELL4061F LITERATURE/LANGUAGE STUDIES I 6 780 ELL4062F LITERATURE/LANGUAGE STUDIES II 6 780 ELL4063H DIRECTED READING IN ENGLISH 6 780 ELL4068S STUDIES IN GENRE & PERIOD 6 780 ELL4069S EARLY MODERN LITERATURE 6 780 ELL4070S DECONSTRUCTION & AESTHETICS 6 780 ELL4074S CURRENT THOUGHT IN AFRICAN LIT 6 780 ELL5000W MASTERS IN ENGLISH 22 990 ELL5001W MINOR DISSERTATION 13 990 ELL5024S CREATIVE WRITING POETRY 7 660 ELL5025W CREATIVE WRITING PART B 13 990 ELL5027F CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP 7 660 ELL5029F EARTH ECOLOGY HUMANITIES B 1 920 ELL5030F LANG/LIT/MODERNITY I 7 660 ELL5031S LANG/LIT/MODERNITY II 7 660 ELL5032F THEORIES/HIST OF MODERNITY 7 660 ELL5033H DIRECTED READING PROJECT 7 660 ELL5041F INT CONTEMP FICTION & PROSE 7 660 ELL6000W PHD IN ENGLISH 16 520 END1019L SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURES 6 280 END1020F MATHS1A FOR ENGINEERS EXTENDED 6 130 END1020S MATHS1A FOR ENGINEERS EXTENDED 6 130 END1021F MATHS1B FOR ENGINEERS EXTENDED 6 130 END1021S MATHS1B FOR ENGINEERS EXTENDED 6 130 END5035Z MANAGMNT OF TRANSPORT SUPP & D 9 170 END5036Z LOCAL AREA TRANSP PLAN MAN & 9 170 END5037Z MINOR DISSERTATION 10 850 END5038Z INTEGRATED LAND USE TRANSPORT 9 170 END5039Z NON-MOTORISED TRANSPORTATION 9 170 END5042Z SUSTAINABLE URBAN SYSTEMS 9 170 END5043Z COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 9 170 END5044F PROF COMMUNIC STUDIES POSTGRAD 9 170 END5047Z TRSNPT DEMAND ANAL & PROJ ASSM 9 170 END5048Z TRANSPORT MODELLING 9 170 END5050X MASTERS PAPER REQUIREMENT 0 END5069W MINOR DISSERTATION CLIMATE 22 130 . 80 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES END5070Z PUBLIC TRANSPORT POLICY&REGULA 9 170 END5071Z PUBLIC TRANSPORT DESIGN& MANAG 9 170 END5127Z CHOICE MODELLING AND DESIGN 9 170 FAM1000L ANALYSING FILM AND TV 5 720 FAM1000S ANALYSING FILM AND TV 5 720 FAM1001F MEDIA AND SOCIETY 5 720 FAM1001P MEDIA AND SOCIETY 5 720 FAM1009F MEDIA AND SOCIETY + 0 FAM1010S ANALYSING FILM AND TV + 0 FAM2000F WRITING & EDITING IN THE MEDIA 7 630 FAM2003S MEDIA POWER AND CULTURE 7 630 FAM2004F INTROD TO HISTORY OF CINEMA 7 630 FAM2009S DESIGNING ONLINE MEDIA 10 520 FAM2010S PRINT JOURNALISM PRODUCTION I 7 630 FAM2011S SCREENWRITING I 7 630 FAM2013S TELEVISION DRAMA 7 630 FAM2014S SCREEN PRODUCTION I 10 520 FAM2015F WRITING & EDITING IN MEDIA + 0 FAM2016S MEDIA POWER AND CULTURE + 0 FAM2017S BROADCAST JOURNALISM I 7 630 FAM3000F THE MEDIA IN SOUTH AFRICA 7 630 FAM3001S ADVANCED MEDIA STUDIES 7 630 FAM3003S ADVANCED FILM STUDIES 7 630 FAM3005F FILM IN AFRICA 7 630 FAM3007F DESIGNING INTERACTIONS 10 520 FAM3008S DYNAMIC WEB DESIGN 10 520 FAM3009F PRINT JOURNALISM PRODUCTION II 7 630 FAM3010F SCREENWRITING II 7 630 FAM3012S SENIOR RESEARCH PROJECT PRINT 7 630 FAM3014S SENIOR PROJECT SCREENWRITING 7 630 FAM3016F SCREEN PRODUCTION II 10 520 FAM3017S SENIOR RESEARCH PROJECT SCREEN 10 520 FAM3018F BROADCAST JOURNALISM II 7 630 FAM3019S BROADCAST JOURNALISM III 7 630 FAM4000W VIDEO PROJECT 15 070 FAM4001W RESEARCH ESSAY/PROJECT 6 780 FAM4004S AVANT-GARDE FILM 6 780 FAM4006S TRAVEL WRITING 6 780 FAM4007F NARRATIVE JOURNALISM 6 780 FAM4008F MEDIA THEORY & MEDIA RESEARCH 6 780 FAM4009H MEDIA RESEARCH PROJECT 6 780 FAM4010F MEDIA MARKETS & MEDIA STRATEGY 6 780 FAM4011F MEDIA INTERNSHIP 6 780 FAM4011S MEDIA INTERNSHIP 6 780 FAM4012H MEDIA CREATIVE PRODUCTION 6 780 FAM4013F POLITICAL COMMUNICATION 6 780 FAM4014S POLITICAL JOURNALISM 6 780 FAM4015S ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTARY 9 980 FAM4017F ADV TELEVISION ANALYSIS 6 780 FAM4018S CRISIS COMMUNICATION IN AFRICA 6 780 FAM4030H RESEARCH ESSAY/PROJECT 6 780 FAM4031S SA PUBLIC RHETORIC 6 780 FAM4032F UNDERSTANDING PUBLIC ARGUMNT 6 780 FAM4033F SCREENWRITING 6 780 FAM4034S THEORIES & FORMS OF ADAPTATION 6 780 FAM4036S FILM AND ENVIRONMENT 6 780 FAM4037F APPROACHES TO FILM & TV 6 780 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 81 FAM4038F AUTHORSHIP IN CINEMA 6 780 FAM5000W MASTERS IN FILM STUDIES 22 990 FAM5002W MASTERS IN MEDIA STUDIES 22 990 FAM5006W MINOR DISSERTATION 13 990 FAM5011S MEDIA AND THE PUBLIC DOMAIN 7 660 FAM5012W MEDIA CREATIVE PRODUCTION 13 990 FAM5013F ADV MEDIA METHODOLOGY 7 660 FAM5014S MEDIA & NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 7 660 FAM5015W MAKING CRITICAL DOCUMENTARY 7 660 FAM5016S CREATIVE NON-FICTION 7 660 FAM5030W MASTERS IN RHETORIC STUDIES 22 990 FAM5031W MINOR DISSERTATION RHE 13 990 FAM5038S MOBILE MEDIA & COMMUNICATION 7 660 FAM5039F APPROACHES TO AFRICAN CINEMA 7 660 FAM5040S CONCEPTUALISING SA CINEMA 7 660 FAM5041F WRITING FOR FILM 7 660 FAM5042H THEORIES OF SCREENWRITING 7 660 FAM5043S WRITING FOR TELEVISION 7 660 FAM5044F EARTH ECOLOGY HUMANITIES E 1 920 FAM6001W PHD IN FILM STUDIES 16 520 FAM6002W PHD IN MEDIA STUDIES 16 520 FAM6003W PHD IN RHETORIC STUDIES 16 520 FAM9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 FIN1001F STUDIOWORK I SSA 10 180 FIN1001W STUDIOWORK I 20 350 FIN1005W FINE ART FOUNDATION COURSE 13 620 FIN1006F EMERGENCE OF MODERNITY 5 720 FIN1008W FOUNDATIONS OF VISUAL LITERACY 13 620 FIN1009S IMAGES IN CONFLICT 5 720 FIN2011F PAINTING 2 (SSA) 9 050 FIN2011S PAINTING 2 (SSA) 9 050 FIN2011W PAINTING 2 9 050 FIN2012F SCULPTURE 2 SSA 4 530 FIN2012W SCULPTURE 2 9 050 FIN2013F PHOTOGRAPHY 2 (SSA) 9 050 FIN2013S PHOTOGRAPHY 2 (SSA) 9 050 FIN2013W PHOTOGRAPHY 2 9 050 FIN2024F PRINTMEDIA 2 (SSA) 9 050 FIN2024S PRINTMEDIA 2 (SSA) 9 050 FIN2024W PRINTMEDIA 2 9 050 FIN2025F NEW MEDIA 2 (SSA) 9 050 FIN2025S NEW MEDIA 2 (SSA) 9 050 FIN2025W NEW MEDIA 2 9 050 FIN2026F CORE PRACTICE 2 (SSA) 9 050 FIN2026S CORE PRACTICE 2 (SSA) 9 050 FIN2026W CORE PRACTICE 2 9 050 FIN2027F ART NARRATIVES: TRAD & TENSION 7 650 FIN2028S DISCURSIVE STRATEGIES 7 650 FIN2029F ENVISIONING THE BODY 7 630 FIN2030S VISUAL CULTURES: SPACE & PLACE 7 630 FIN3011F PAINTING 3 (SSA) 10 180 FIN3011S PAINTING 3 (SSA) 10 180 FIN3011W PAINTING 3 20 350 FIN3012F SCULPTURE III (SSA) 10 180 FIN3012W SCULPTURE 3 20 350 FIN3013F PHOTOGRAPHY 3 (SSA) 10 180 FIN3013S PHOTOGRAPHY 3 (SSA) 10 180 82 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES FIN3013W PHOTOGRAPHY 3 20 350 FIN3024F PRINTMEDIA 3 SSA 10 180 FIN3024W PRINTMEDIA 3 20 350 FIN3025F NEW MEDIA 3 (SSA) 10 180 FIN3025S NEW MEDIA 3 (SSA) 10 180 FIN3025W NEW MEDIA 3 20 350 FIN3026F NEW ART: NEW PERSPECTIVES 7 650 FIN3027S STRATEGIES FOR ART 7 650 FIN3028F ART AND THEORY 7 630 FIN3029S CRITICAL STUDIES IN ART HIST 7 630 FIN3030H STUDIOWORK ELECTIVE 3 9 050 FIN3030W STUDIOWORK 3 ELECTIVES 9 050 FIN4012W THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ART 15 300 FIN4015W FINE ART 4 40 710 FIN4050W RESEARCH ESSAY/PROJECT 6 780 FIN4051S ART CRITICISM 6 780 FIN4052F POLITICS & ETHICS OF COLLECTNG 6 780 FIN4053S STUDIES IN HISTORIOG OF ART 6 780 FIN4054F CRIT ISSUES CONTEMPORARY ART 6 780 FIN4055S ART HISTORY READING COURSE 6 780 FIN4056F CRITICAL THINKING: CURATORSHIP 6 780 FIN4057F CURATING COLONIAL CONNECTIONS 6 780 FIN4058F PRACTICAL COMMUNICATION 6 780 FIN4059F WORKING WITH COLLECTIONS 6 780 FIN4060S VIRTUAL DISPLAY 6 780 FIN4061S LOCAL ISSUES IN CURATORSHIP 6 780 FIN5002W MASTER OF PHIL IN FINE ART 22 990 FIN5003W MASTER OF ART IN FINE ART 22 990 FIN5004W MASTER OF FINE ART 22 990 FIN5008W POSTGRAD DIP IN FINE ART 42 070 FIN5012F IMAGING THE WORLD IN PHOTOS 7 660 FIN5013F EARTH ECOLOGY HUMANITIES D 1 920 FIN5050W MINOR DISSERTATION 13 990 FIN5051W ART HIST READING COURSE 7 660 FIN5053W MA IN ART HISTORICAL STUDIES 22 990 FIN6000W PHD IN FINE ART 16 520 FIN6001W PHD IN ART HISTORICAL STUDIES 16 520 FIN7001W DLITT IN FINE ART 16 520 FTX1004S INTRO FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 6 320 FTX1005E MANAGERIAL FINANCE 6 320 FTX1005F MANAGERIAL FINANCE 6 320 FTX2000S PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGMT 6 320 FTX2020F BUSINESS FINANCE 6 320 FTX2024F CORPORATE FINANCIAL MANAGEMNT 6 320 FTX2024S CORPORATE FINANCIAL MANAGEMNT 6 320 FTX3044F FINANCE IIA 6 320 FTX3045S FINANCE IIB 6 320 FTX4010F ADVANCED TAXATION 24 260 FTX4035W TAXATION TECH REPORT 9 870 FTX4036F RESEARCH METHODS IN TAXATION 0 FTX4036S RESEARCH METHODS IN TAXATION 0 FTX4037S TAX OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS 24 260 FTX4051H FINANCE RESEARCH PROJECT 12 610 FTX4052H FINANCE HONOURS RES PROJECT 12 610 FTX4056S APPLIED INVESTMENTS 6 320 FTX4057F APPLIED CORPORATE FINANCE 6 320 FTX4086F ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS 6 320 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 83 FTX5000W MASTERS IN FINANCE 16 940 FTX5003W MINOR DISSERTATION IN FINANCE 17 780 FTX5028W TOPICS IN FINANCIAL MANAGE 17 780 FTX5029W MINI DISS IN FINANCIAL MNGMT 9 870 FTX5030W TAXATION COURSEWORK 48 460 FTX5031W TAXATION MINOR DISS 90 CREDITS 17 780 FTX5032W TAX MINOR DISS 60 CREDITS 17 780 FTX5033S INTERNATIONAL TAX II 24 260 FTX5034F INTERNATIONAL TAX I 24 260 FTX5042W CORPORATE FIN & VALUATIONS 28 730 FTX5043F CAPITAL MRKTS & FIN INSTRUMENT 14 410 FTX5044H EMPIRICAL FINANCE 17 780 FTX6000W PHD IN FINANCE 16 520 FTX6001W PHD IN TAXATION 16 520 GEO1006S MINERALS ROCKS & STRUCTURE 6 280 GEO1008F INTRO GEOLOGY FOR ENGINEERS 6 280 GEO1009F INTRO TO EARTH & ENVIRO SCI 6 280 GEO2001F MINERALOGY & CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 8 300 GEO2004S PHYSICAL GEOLOGY 8 300 GEO2005X GEOLOGICAL FIELDWORK & MAPPING 4 200 GEO2006S MINERALOGY FOR ENGINEERS 4 200 GEO3001S STRATIGRAPHY & ECONOMIC GEOL 12 490 GEO3005F PETROLOGY & STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 12 490 GEO4000W GEOLOGY HONOURS 45 330 GEO4001W GEOCHEMISTRY HONOURS 45 330 GEO5000W GEOLOGY DISSERTATION 22 990 GEO5003W GEOCHEMISTRY DISSERTATION 22 990 GEO5004Z PAST CLIMATE CHANGE 3 710 GEO5005H CLIMATE CHANGE MINOR DISS 22 990 GEO6000W GEOLOGY THESIS 16 520 GEO6001W GEOCHEMISTRY THESIS 16 520 GEO9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 GPP5001F STRAT POL FOR DEV -ANAL & PRAC 25 000 GPP5002S POLICY IMPLEMENT & REG MARKETS 25 000 GPP5003W LEADERSHIP I 20 000 GPP5004W TOPICS IN DEVELOPMENT POLICY 25 000 GPP5005W MINOR DISSERTATION 60 CREDIT 25 000 GPP5006S ADVANCED ELECTIVES 10 000 GPP5007F LEADERSHIP II 10 000 GSB1021F FINANCIAL AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING 3030 GSB4013S ADVANCED FINANCE 6000 GSB4087S INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION 6000 GSB4187W WINE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 12000 GSB4222F SYSTEMIC EXECUTIVE PRACTICE 53700 GSB4223F MANAGING FOR SHAREHOLDER VALUE 40260 GSB4223S MANAGING FOR SHAREHOLDER VALUE 40260 GSB4224S MANAGING FOR CUSTOMER VALUE 40260 GSB4301S MANAGERIAL STATISTICS 4000 GSB4302F MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS 4000 GSB4303S OPERATIONS & INNOVATION MANAGEMENT 4000 GSB4305S MANAGING PEOPLE OF ORGANISATIONS 4000 GSB4307S MARKETING 4000 GSB4309S FINANCIAL VALUE MANAGEMENT 4000 GSB4310S INTRO TO STRATEGY 4000 GSB4401F ACCOUNTING 9000 GSB4402F BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT & SOCIETY 9000 GSB4403S COMPANY ANALYSIS 12000 THEORY & POLICY 6000 GSB4482S SUSTAINABLE ENTERPRISES 6000 GSB4487F EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE 6000 GSB4488S APPLIED SRI 6000 GSB4489S COMPLEXITY. LEARNING 6000 GSB4491S STRATEGY BY DESIGN 6000 GSB4492S SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP 6000 GSB4493S STRATEGIC BRAND BUILDING 6000 GSB4495F ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR SOCIAL 6000 GSB4496S INNOVATION SOCIAL INNOVATION LAB 9000 GSB4497S INTRODUCTION TO LEGAL COMPLIANCE 6000 GSB4498S BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN EMERGING MARKETS 6000 GSB4499S STRATEGY TRENDS 6000 GSB4501F ACCOUNTING 9 000 GSB4502F BUSINESS.84 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES GSB4404F ECONOMICS FOR BUSINESS 9000 GSB4405F FINANCE 9000 GSB4407F LEADERSHIP & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 9000 GSB4408F ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR & PEOPLE 9000 GSB4409F MANAGEMENT MARKETING 9000 GSB4410F OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 9000 GSB4413S RESEARCH METHODS & DISSERTATION 34450 GSB4414S STRATEGY 9000 GSB4415S FINANCIAL MODELLING 6000 GSB4416S E-MARKETING 6000 GSB4417s STRATEGIC MARKETING 6000 GSB4419S CAPITAL FLOWS AND EMERGING MARKETS 6000 GSB4420S INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 6000 GSB4421F ORGANISATIONAL LEADERSHIP & VALUES 9000 GSB4426F MARKETS IN EMERGING COUNTRIES 6000 GSB4426S MARKETS IN EMERGING COUNTRIES 6000 GSB4427S BUSINESS MODEL LAB 9000 GSB4428F SOCIAL INNOVATION ENTREPRENEURING 6000 GSB4451S ADVANCED LEADERSHIP 12000 GSB4452S COACHING 6000 GSB4453S COMPANY VALUATIONS 6000 GSB4454S THE COMPLEXITY OF CHANGE (PREV CHANGE MGT) 6000 GSB4456S CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 6000 GSB4460S DOING BUSINESS IN AFRICA 6000 GSB4461S DOING BUSINESS IN AFRICA (INTERNSHIP) 6000 GSB4462S DOING BUSINESS IN ASIA & CHINA 6000 GSB4464S MBA ELECTIVES BLOCK 24000 GSB4466S EMERGING ENTERPRISES CONSULTING 12000 GSB4471S GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 6000 GSB4474S MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS 6000 GSB4476S NEGOTIATION 6000 GSB4477S NEW VENTURES AND BUSINESS PLANNING 12000 GSB4479S MODERN FINANCE . ORGANISATIONS. GOVERNMENT & SOCIETY 9 000 GSB4504F ECONOMICS FOR BUSINESS 9 000 GSB4505F FINANCE 9 000 GSB4507F LEADERSHIP & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 9 000 GSB4508F ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR & PEOPLE 9 000 GSB4509F MANAGEMENT MARKETING 9 000 GSB4509S MARKETING 9 000 GSB4510F OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 9 000 GSB4510S OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 9 000 GSB4513W RESEARCH METHODS & DISSERTATION 34 450 GSB4514W STRATEGY 9 000 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 85 GSB4519W ORGANISATIONAL LEADERSHIP & VALUES 9 000 GSB4526F MARKETS IN EMERGING COUNTRIES 6 000 GSB4527S BUSINESS MODEL LAB 9 000 GSB4528F SOCIAL INNOVATION ENTREPRENEURING 6 000 GSB4587F EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE 6 000 GSB4596S SOCIAL INNOVATION LAB 9 000 GSB4601F EMERGING MARKETS IN CONTEXT 12000 GSB4601S EMERGING MARKETS IN CONTEXT 12000 GSB4602F SOCIAL INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP 12000 GSB4602S SOCIAL INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP 12000 GSB4603F BUSINESS ACUMEN II 12000 GSB4603S BUSINESS ACUMEN II 12000 GSB4604F VALUES BASED LEADERSHIP AND SUSTAINABILITY 18000 GSB4604S VALUES BASED LEADERSHIP AND SUSTAINABILITY 18000 GSB4605F BUSINESS ACUMEN 12000 GSB4605S BUSINESS ACUMEN 12000 GSB4606F ACTION LEARNING PROJECT 6000 GSB4606S ACTION LEARNING PROJECT 6000 GSB4607S LEAN THINKING & OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE 6000 GSB4608S CONTEMPORARY LABOUR RELATIONS 6000 GSB4613F RETAIL MANAGEMENT 12000 GSB4613S RETAIL MANAGEMENT 12000 GSB4615F LEADERSHIP IN HEALTH CARE 12000 GSB4615S LEADERSHIP IN HEALTH CARE 12000 GSB5001F DESIGNING SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODELS 53700 GSB5002S MANAGING FOR SOCIETAL VALUE 40260 GSB5003W DISSERTATION 40250 GSB5100F MICRO ENTERPRISE FINANCE 11390 GSB5102S PROJECT FINANCE 11390 GSB5104F QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN DEVELOPMENT 11390 GSB5105F FINANCE ISSUES IN DEVELOPMENT FINANCE 11390 GSB5106F RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT 11390 GSB5107S PUBLIC SECTOR FINANCE 11390 GSB5108F FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT 6210 GSB5109F SOVEREIGN DEBT MANAGEMENT 6210 GSB5109S SOVEREIGN DEBT MANAGEMENT 6210 GSB5110F WTO AND TRADE NEGOTIATIONS 6210 GSB5110S WTO AND TRADE NEGOTIATIONS 6210 GSB5111F GLOBAL FINANCIAL ARCHITECTURE 6210 GSB5112F FINANCIAL SERVICES REGULATION 6210 GSB5113F INTERNATIONAL TRADE POLICIES 6210 GSB5114F CORPORATE FINANCE AND INVESTMENT 6210 GSB5114S CORPORATE FINANCE AND INVESTMENT 6210 GSB5115S RESEARCH METHODS 11350 GSB5117W MINOR DISSERTATION 11500 HSE1001S FUNDAMENTALS OF INTEGRATED HEALTH 22 560 HSE1002F SCIENCES PART I OF INTEGRATED HEALTH FUNDAMENTALS 22 990 HSE1003S SCIENCES PARTFOR PREPARATION II ENTRY-LEVEL PSYCHOLOGY 9 170 HSE1004S FOR HEALTH ANDOF FUNDAMENTALS REHABILITATION SCIENCES SPEECH AND HEARING 7 350 HSE1005S SCIENCES FOUNDATIONAL CONCEPTS IN HUMAN 3 700 HSE1006F COMMUNICATION FOUNDATIONAL AND DEVELOPOMENT CONCEPTS IN EARLY 5 530 HSE1007F INTERVENTIONOF HEARING AND BALANCE FOUNDATIONS 7 350 HSE1008S (AUDIOLOGY FUNDAMENTALS STUDENTS) OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 1A 7 350 HSE1009F FUNDAMENTALS OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 1B 7 350 HSE1010S FUNDAMENTALS OF HUMAN OCCUPATION AND 7 350 HSE1011F DEVELOPMENT 1A FUNDAMENTALS OF HUMAN OCCUPATION AND 7 350 HSE1012S DEVELOPMENT 1B FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOSCIENCES FOR 3 700 PHYSIOTHERAPY 1A . STUDIES 6 780 HST4034F ORAL HIST: METHOD PRAC THEORY 6 780 HST4053F DEBATES IN ECONOMIC HISTORY 6 780 HST4054F TOPICS IN SA ECONOMIC HISTORY 6 780 HST4055S RACISM COLONIALISM & GENOCIDE 6 780 HST4056S THEMES IN EVERYDAY HISTORY 6 780 HST4057F THEMES IN INDIAN OCEAN HISTORY 6 780 HST4058S THEMES IN CONTEM SA RURAL HIST 6 780 HST5000H READING COURSE IN HIST STUDIES 6 780 HST5005S ENVIRON CONFLICTS: FISHERIES 7 660 HST5007W MASTERS IN HISTORICAL STUDIES 22 990 HST5011W MINOR DISSERTAION 13 990 HST5012S TOPICS IN ECONOMIC HISTORY 7 660 HST5013F ECON HIST: THEORIES METH DEBAT 7 660 .86 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES HSE1013F FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOSCIENCES FOR 3 700 HSE1014S PHYSIOTHERAPYOF FUNDAMENTALS 1B MOVEMENT SCIENCE AND 3 700 HSE1015F APPLIED PHYSIOTHERAPY FUNDAMENTALS 1A OF MOVEMENT SCIENCE AND 5 530 HSE4000F APPLIED TECH PHYSIOTHERAPY & LEARN 1BHPE THEORIES IN 9 270 HSE4001F LEARNING & TEACHING PRACTICE 9 270 HSE4002S ASSESSMENT IN HPE 9 270 HSE4003S CURRICULUM DEV & COURSE DESIGN 9 270 HSE4004S INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT 420 HSE5000W HEALTH SCI EDUC DISS 22 900 HSE6000W HEALTH SCI EDUC THESIS 16 520 HSE9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 HST1005F MAKING OF THE MOD. WORLD ECONO 5 720 HST1011F MAKING OF MODERN WORLD ECON + 0 HST1013F WORLDS IN CONTACT 5 720 HST1014S WORLDS IN COLLISION 5 720 HST1015F WORLDS IN CONTACT + 0 HST1016S WORLDS IN COLLISION + 0 HST2011S THE HOLOCAUST 7 630 HST2028F 20TH CENTURY INDUSTRIALISATION 7 630 HST2034L AFRICA: COLONIAL & POST-COL 7 630 HST2034P AFRICA: COLONIAL & POST-COL 7 630 HST2037S AFRICAN ECONOMIC HISTORY 7 630 HST2039S THEMES IN AFRICAN HISTORY 7 630 HST2040F EMPIRES AND MODERNITIES 7 630 HST2041F EMPIRES AND MODERNITIES + 0 HST2042F CONFLICT AND CONQUEST 7 630 HST2043S SUBJECTS TO CITIZENS? 7 630 HST2044F AFRICA IN QUESTION 7 630 HST2045L GENOCIDE: AFRICAN EXPERIENCES 7 630 HST3005F FILM AND HISTORY 7 630 HST3022H HISTORICAL APPROACHES 7 630 HST3037S MEMORY IDENTITY AND HISTORY 7 630 HST3038F ECONOMIES OF FEASTS & FAMINES 7 630 HST3039H ECONOMIC HIST RESEARCH PAPER 7 630 HST3041F GENOCIDE: AFRICAN EXPERIENCES 7 630 HST3042S MINORITIES IN THE MODERN WORLD 7 630 HST4000S READING COURSE IN HIST STUDIES 6 780 HST4001H RESEARCH ESSAY/PROJECT 6 780 HST4010F ANALYSING HIST DOCUMENTRY FILM 6 780 HST4011F TOPICS IN PRE-INDUSTRIAL WC 6 780 HST4016S AFRICAN ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY 6 780 HST4021H ADV HIST METHODS APPROACHES 6 780 HST4026F SPECIAL TOPICS: HIST STUDIES 6 780 HST4032S ADDITIONAL TOPIC HIST. UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 87 HST5014S TRAUMA TRACES: HIST MEM & BEY 7 660 HST6002W PHD IN HISTORICAL STUDIES 16 520 HST9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 HUB1006F INTRO TO INTEGR HLTH SCI PT 1 17 440 HUB1007S INTRO TO INTEGR HLTH SCI PT 2 17 830 HUB1014S ANATOMY FOR COMM SCIENCES 5 930 HUB1019F ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY IA 6 840 HUB1020S ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY IB 5 930 HUB1022F BIOSCIENCES FOR PHYSIO IA 3 070 HUB1023S BIOSCIENCES FOR PHYSIO IB 3 320 HUB2005F INTRO TO MEDICAL ENGINEERING 2 660 HUB2015W ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY II HRS 14 400 HUB2017H INTEGRATED HLTH SYSTEMS PT IA 25 570 HUB2019F INTEGR ANAT & PHYSIOL SCI PT A 8 300 HUB2020S SPECIAL STUDY MODULE 4 500 HUB2021S INTEG ANAT & PHYSIOL SCI PT B 8 300 HUB2022F ANAT FOR BIOMED ENGINEERS 6 400 HUB2023W BIOSCIENCES FOR PHYSIO II 3 320 HUB3006F APPLIED HUMAN BIOLOGY 12 490 HUB3007S HUMAN NEUROSCIENCES 12 490 HUB4000W BMEDSCHONS MED CELL BIOLOGY 45 790 HUB4001W BMEDSCHONS BIOL ANTHROPOL 45 790 HUB4002W BMEDSCHONS APPLIED ANATOMY 45 790 HUB4007F BIOMECH OF MUSCULOSKELETAL SYS 5 000 HUB4027F HLTHCARE TECHNOL ASSESSMNT 4 320 HUB4028F HLTHCARE PLANNING & ACQUISIT 4 320 HUB4030S PROJECT MANAGEMENT 4 320 HUB4032H PROJECT HLTHCARE TECHN MGMNT 4 470 HUB4033F CLINICAL ENGINEERING PRACTICE 4 320 HUB4040W BMEDSCHONS PHYSIOLOGY 45 790 HUB4041W BSCMEDHONS EXERCISE SCIENCE 45 790 HUB4043W BSCMEDHONS EXERC SCI BIOKIN 45 790 HUB4045F INTRO:MED IMAG&IMAGE PROCESS 5 000 HUB4046F NUTRITION SCIENCE I 3 700 HUB4047F NUTRITION SCIENCE II 3 700 HUB4048F NUTRITION SCIENCE III 3 700 HUB4049H COMMUNITY NUTRITION I 4 100 HUB4050H COMMUNITY NUTRITION II 4 100 HUB4051S COMMUNITY NUTRITION III 4 270 HUB4052S CLINICAL NUTRITION I 3 700 HUB4053S CLINICAL NUTRITION II 3 700 HUB4054S CLINICAL NUTRITION III 3 700 HUB4055W DIETETICS PRACTICE 8 150 HUB4056W FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT 7 520 HUB4057F FOOD SCIENCE 3 700 HUB4058F NUTRITION RIGHTS 3 860 HUB4059H RESEARCH THEORY 3 700 HUB4061W COMMUNITY INTERNSHIP 9 920 HUB4062W CLINICAL INTERNSHIP 9 270 HUB4063W FOOD SERVICE MNGMNT INTERNSHIP 8 470 HUB4064W RESEARCH PROJECT 8 470 HUB4065F MED DEVICES & INSTRUM OVERVIEW 4 320 HUB4066H MED DEVICES INNOV & INTREPREN 4 320 HUB4068S ASSET MAN OF HLTHCARE TCH&INFR 4 320 HUB4069S HLTH FAC DESIGN PLANN&ASSESSM 4 320 HUB4070S HOSPITAL ENGINEERING PRACTICE 4 320 HUB4071F APPLIED ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY 5 000 . 88 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES HUB4071S APPLIED ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY 4 540 HUB4072F HIGH PERFORMANCE ATHLETE 3 970 HUB4073F HLTH INFO EHLTH & MNG INFO SYS 4 320 HUB4074S AIRB INFEC CNTR: A SYS APPR 4 320 HUB4075W BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING OVERVW 3 330 HUB5002W MSCMED BIOMED ENG BY DISS 24 340 HUB5003W MPHIL BIOMED ENG BY DISS 24 340 HUB5004W PHYSIOLOGY DISSERTATION 26 180 HUB5005W EXERCISE SCIENCE DISSERTATION 26 180 HUB5006W MPHIL SPORTS MEDICINE PT 1A 15 620 HUB5007W SPORT&EXERCMED M/D (60 CRED) 15 620 HUB5010W EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY 12 570 HUB5012W EXERC&SPRTPHYSIO M/D (60 CRED) 15 620 HUB5014W DIETETICS DISSERTATION 24 340 HUB5015W NUTRITION DISSERTATION 24 340 HUB5016F PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & EPIDEMOLGY 3 970 HUB5017W RES METH & STATS PHYS ACTIVTY 4 200 HUB5018F BIOKINETICS IN THE WORKPLACE 3 970 HUB5020S ADV STRNGTH &COND ATHL PERFOM 3 970 HUB5021S BIOKINETICS & NEUROMUSC DISORD 3 970 HUB5022S NUTRITION & ERGOGENIC AIDS 3 970 HUB5023S ADV CLIN EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY 3 970 HUB5024W BIOKINETICS MIN DISS (60 CRED) 15 620 HUB5025W MPHIL SPORT & EXERCISE MED 1B 10 430 HUB5026W MPHIL SPORT & EXERCISE MED 1C 10 430 HUB5027F HEALTH & COMMUNITY DEVELPMNT 3 430 HUB5029W HLTH INNOV MIN DISS (60 CRED) 15 610 HUB5030W MSC(MED) MECHANOBIOLOGY 26 180 HUB5031F HEALTH INNOVATION & DESIGN (A) 6 010 HUB5032S HEALTH INNOVATION & DESIGN (B) 6 010 HUB5033F HEALTH INNOV ENTREPRENEURSHIP 3 430 HUB5034W MED CELL BIOL DISS 26 180 HUB6000W BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING THESIS 16 520 HUB6001W PHYSIOLOGY THESIS 16 520 HUB6002W MD PHYSIOLOGY 16 520 HUB6005W NEUROSCIENCE (PHYSIOL) DISS 26 180 HUB6006W BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN 10 840 HUB6007W BIOMEDICAL ENG M/DISS (90) 23 400 HUB6008W PHD MECHANOBIOLOGY 16 520 HUB6009W MED CELL BIOL THESIS 16 520 HUB7000W ANATOMY DISSERTATION 26 180 HUB7001W ANATOMY & CELL BIOLOGY THESIS 16 520 HUB7002W MD ANATOMY 16 520 HUB7003W CELL BIOLOGY DISSERTATION 26 180 HUB7004W MD BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING 16 520 HUB7006W EXERCISE SCIENCE THESIS 16 520 HUB7007W NUTRITION THESIS 16 520 HUB7008W DIETETICS THESIS 16 520 HUB7010W NEUROSCIENCE (PHYSIOL) THESIS 16 520 HUB7011W ANATOMY THESIS 16 520 HUB7012W CELL BIOLOGY THESIS 16 520 HUB9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 IBS3020W MOLECULAR MEDICINE 22 990 IBS4000W BMEDSCHONS MEDICAL BIOCHEM 45 790 IBS4001W BMEDSCHONS BIOINFORMATICS 45 790 IBS4002W BMEDSCHONS STRUCT BIOLOGY 45 790 IBS4005W BMEDSCHONS BIOINFORMATICS 45 790 . IN BUSINESS 6 320 INF2006F BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS 1 810 INF2007F APPLYING DATABASE PRINCIPLES 4 520 INF2009F SYSTEMS ANALYSIS 6 320 INF2010S I. 7 030 INF4027W SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT PROJECT II 14 040 INF4028E ADV DIP BUS PROJ MANAGEMENT 38 840 INF4028F ADV DIP BPM PART A 38 840 INF4028S ADV DIP BPM PART B 0 INF4029F ADV DIP BPM PART B 0 INF4029S ADV DIP BPM PART A 38 840 INF5000W IS MASTERS: DISSERTATION ONLY 16 140 INF5004W INFO SYSTEMS MASTERS CW 40 740 INF5005W INFO SYSTEMS MASTERS DISSERT 8 370 INF6000W INFORMATION SYSTEMS THESIS 16 520 INF6001W RESEARCH METHODS IN INF SYS 15 730 LAB4008S MEDICINA FORENSIS 5 200 LAB6012W MMED CLIN PATH PT 1C MEDMICRO 3 320 LAB7001W MD PATHOLOGY 16 520 LAB7005W CLIN PATH MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 LAB7013W MMED CHEM PATH PT 1B 10 960 LAB7030W MD CLIN SCI & IMMUNOLOGY 16 520 LAB7042W MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY THESIS 16 520 LIS5020W RESEARCH METHDS & USER STUDIES 6 780 LIS5021W INFORMATION RESOURCES 6 780 LIS5022W RESOURCE PLANNING & USE 6 780 LIS5023W RESOURCE DESCRIPTION & COMMUN 6 780 LIS5024W KNOWLEDGE ORG & MANAGEMENT 6 780 LIS5025F PRINCIPLES OF DIGITAL CURATION 15 270 LIS5026S CURATING IN CONTEXT 7 000 LIS5027S CURATION DIG MEDIA & FORMATS 7 640 .T.T.T. PROJECT MANAGEMENT 6 320 INF3012S BPM & ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS 6 320 INF3014F ELECTRONIC COMMERCE 6 320 INF4000E MANAGERIAL INF SYSTEMS 6 320 INF4000S MANAGERIAL INF SYSTEMS 6 320 INF4012W ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS & BPM 40 740 INF4015W INFORMATION SYSTEMS CW 40 740 INF4016W COMPUTER FORENSICS CW 40 740 INF4017H INFORMATION SYSTEMS PROJECT 6 320 INF4018W BUSINESS AND SYSTEMS ANALYSIS 46 500 INF4024W IS RESEARCH PROJECT 17 420 INF4025S INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 7 030 INF4026F APPLICATION & TECHNICAL DEV. ARCHITECTURE 6 320 INF2011S SYSTEMS DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT 6 320 INF3003W SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT I 18 950 INF3011F I. UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 89 IBS5000W MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRY DISS 26 180 IBS5001W BIOINFORMATICS DISSERTATION 26 180 IBS5002W MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY DISS 26 180 IBS6000W MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRY THESIS 16 520 IBS6001W BIOINFORMATICS THESIS 16 520 IBS9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 INF1002F INFORMATION SYSTEMS I 6 320 INF1002S INFORMATION SYSTEMS I 6 320 INF1003F COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMING 6 320 INF1102F INFORMATION SYSTEMS I 6 320 INF1102S INFORMATION SYSTEMS I 6 320 INF2004F I. 90 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES LIS5028S INFO ARCHITECTURE & METADATA 7 640 LIS5029S RESEARCH DATA MANAGEMENT 7 640 LIS5030S TECH ENABLERS FOR DIG CURATION 7 640 LIS5031W MINOR DISSERTATION 13 990 LIS5032F LIS LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT 15 270 LIS5033F RESEARCH LIBRARIANSHIP 15 270 LIS5034S INTERNSHIP 15 270 LIS5035S DIGITAL CURATION 15 270 LIS5036S TEACH & LEARN FOR LIS PROFESS 15 270 LIS6018W MASTERS IN LIBRARY/INF SCIENCE 22 990 LIS7000W PHD IN LIBRARY&INFORMATION SCI 16 520 MAM1000W MATHEMATICS 1000 12 250 MAM1004F MATHEMATICS 1004 6 130 MAM1004S MATHEMATICS 1004 6 130 MAM1005H MATHEMATICS 1005 6 130 MAM1006H MATHEMATICS 1006 6 130 MAM1010F MATHEMATICS 1010 6 130 MAM1010S MATHEMATICS 1010 6 130 MAM1012F MATHEMATICS 1012 6 130 MAM1012S MATHEMATICS 1012 6 130 MAM1013F LAW THAT COUNTS 6 130 MAM1013S LAW THAT COUNTS 6 130 MAM1014F QUANT LITERACY FOR HUMANITIES 6 130 MAM1016S QUANT LITERACY FOR SOC SCI 6 130 MAM1019H FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICS 6 130 MAM1020F MATHEMATICS 1A FOR ENGINEERS 6 130 MAM1020S MATHEMATICS 1A FOR ENGINEERS 6 130 MAM1021F MATHEMATICS 1B FOR ENGINEERS 6 130 MAM1021S MATHEMATICS 1B FOR ENGINEERS 6 130 MAM1022F NUMBERS IN THE HUMANITIES 6 130 MAM1042S ENGINEERING STATICS 6 130 MAM1043H MODELLING & APPLIED COMPUTING 6 130 MAM1044H DYNAMICS 6 130 MAM1110F MATHEMATICS 1110 FOR CADP 6 130 MAM1110H MATHEMATICS 1010 6 130 MAM1112S MATHEMATICS 1112 FOR CADP 6 130 MAM2000W MATHEMATICS 2000 16 260 MAM2001H MATHEMATICS 2001 8 130 MAM2002S MATHEMATICS 2002 8 130 MAM2003Z MATHEMATICS 2003 4 080 MAM2004H MATHEMATICS 2004 8 130 MAM2046W APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2046 16 260 MAM2047H APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2047 8 130 MAM2048H APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2048 8 130 MAM2053S NUM ANALYSIS & SCI COMPUTING 4 080 MAM2082F COMPUTER PROGRAMMING IN MATLAB 2 760 MAM2083F VECTOR CALCULUS FOR ENGINEERS 7 080 MAM2083S VECTOR CALCULUS FOR ENGINEERS 7 080 MAM2084F LINEAR ALG & DE FOR ENGINEERS 7 080 MAM2084S LINEAR ALG & DE FOR ENGINEERS 7 080 MAM2085F VECTOR CALCULUS FOR ASPECT 7 080 MAM2085S VECTOR CALCULUS FOR ASPECT 7 080 MAM3000W MATHEMATICS 3000 24 440 MAM3001W MATHEMATICS 3001 24 440 MAM3002H MATHEMATICS 3002 12 240 MAM3003S MATHEMATICS 3003 12 240 MAM3004Z MATHEMATICS 3004 6 120 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 91 MAM3040W APPLIED MATHEMATICS 3040 24 440 MAM3041H APPLIED MATHEMATICS 3041 12 240 MAM3048H APPLIED MATHEMATICS 3048 12 240 MAM3050F NUMERICAL MODELLING 6 120 MAM3080F NUMERICAL METHODS 4 110 MAM3085F COMPUTING FOR CHEM ENGINEERS 4 110 MAM4000W MATHEMATICS HONOURS 45 090 MAM4001W APPLIED MATHEMATICS HONOURS 45 090 MAM4007W MATHS OF COMPUTER SCI HONOURS 45 090 MAM4009Z QUANTUM MECHANICS 3 380 MAM4010Z GENERAL RELATIVITY 3 380 MAM4011Z ASTROPHYSICAL FLUID DYNAMICS 3 380 MAM4012Z OBSERVATIONAL TECHNIQUES II 3 380 MAM5000W MATHEMATICS DISSERTATION 22 990 MAM5001W APPLIED MATHS DISSERTATION 22 990 MAM5005W ASTRO & SPACE SCI MINOR DISS 22 990 MAM5005Z HOT TOPICS IN COSMOLOGY 4 600 MAM5006Z ADVANCED GENERAL RELATIVITY 4 600 MAM5007Z HIGH ENERGY ASTROPHYSICS 4 600 MAM5008Z OBSERVATIONAL COSMOLOGY 4 600 MAM5009Z GEOMAGNETISM & AERONOMY 4 600 MAM5015W MATH SCIENCES COURSEWORK 0 MAM5016F MATH SCIENCES MINOR DISS 0 MAM6000W MATHEMATICS THESIS 16 520 MAM6001W APPLIED MATHEMATICS THESIS 16 520 MAM9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 MCB2020F BIOLOGICAL INFO TRANSFER 8 300 MCB2021F MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCE 8 300 MCB2022S METABOLISM & BIOENGINEERING 8 300 MCB2023S FUNCTIONAL GENETICS 8 300 MCB3012Z MCB RESEARCH PROJECT 0 MCB3023S MOLECULAR EVOL GENETICS & DEV 12 490 MCB3024S DEFENCE & DISEASE 12 490 MCB3025F STRUCTURAL & CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 12 490 MCB3026F MOLECULAR GENETICS & GENOMICS 12 490 MCB4002W MOLECULAR&CELL BIO HONOURS 45 330 MCB5005W MOLECULAR&CELL BIO DISSERTATIO 22 990 MCB6002W MOLECULAR&CELL BIO THESIS 16 520 MCB9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 MDN2001S SPECIAL STUDY MODULES 4 500 MDN2002W CLINICAL SCIENCES I 4 350 MDN3001H INTRO TO CLINICAL PRACTICE 24 210 MDN3004W CLINICAL SCIENCES II 4 350 MDN4004W HONS IN CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY 45 790 MDN4011W MEDICINE 21 110 MDN4015W PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS 7 040 MDN4016W MEDICINE EXT CREDIT 24 650 MDN4030F CLIN MGT OF HIV IN A PHC SETT 6 230 MDN4031S CLIN MGT TB IN A PHC SETTING 6 230 MDN4033S OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 9 350 MDN4034F BIOSTATISTICS 3 750 MDN4035F INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT I 620 MDN4036S INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT II 620 MDN4037W CLIN MNGMNT IN HEPATOLOGY 37 400 MDN4038W ESSAY:TRANS&TRANSL OFKNOWLEDGE 6 230 MDN5003H PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS 5 800 MDN5004W PHARMACOL & THERAP EXT CREDIT 3 010 . 92 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES MDN5005W DERMATOLOGY 3 060 MDN5006W RHEUMATOLOGY 3 060 MDN6000W MEDICINE (INCL ALLIED DISCIP) 16 160 MDN6003W MEDICINE EXT CREDIT 15 780 MDN6004W EXIT EXAM PROCEDURAL COMP 1 790 MDN6006W TRICHOLOGY & COSM SCI DISS 26 180 MDN6007W NEPHROLOGY DISSERTATION 26 180 MDN6008F SYSTEMATIC REVIEW METHODS 3 430 MDN7000W MEDICINE DISSERTATION 26 180 MDN7001W MEDICINE THESIS 16 520 MDN7002W MD MEDICINE 16 520 MDN7005W MMED MEDICINE PT 1 10 960 MDN7006W MMED MEDICINE PT 2 10 960 MDN7007W MEDICINE MINOR DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 MDN7015W MPHIL PULMONOLOGY PT 1 10 550 MDN7017W MPHIL CARDIOLOGY PT 1 10 550 MDN7018W MPHIL RHEUMATOLOGY PT 1 10 550 MDN7020W MPHIL NEPHROLOGY PT 1 10 550 MDN7021W MPHIL ENDOCRINOLOGY PT 1 10 550 MDN7022W MPHIL GASTROENTEROLOGY PT 1 10 550 MDN7023W PHD DERMATOLOGY 16 520 MDN7024W MD DERMATOLOGY 16 520 MDN7025W DERMATOLOGY MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 MDN7026W MMED DERMATOLOGY PT 1 10 960 MDN7027W MMED DERMATOLOGY PT 2 10 960 MDN7028W MMED NEUROLOGY PT 1 10 960 MDN7029W MMED NEUROLOGY PT 2 10 960 MDN7030W NEUROLOGY MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 MDN7031W CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY DISS 26 180 MDN7032W CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY THESIS 16 520 MDN7033W MD PHARMACOLOGY 16 520 MDN7034W MMED CLINICAL PHARM PT 1 10 960 MDN7035W MMED CLIN PHARM PT 2 10 960 MDN7036W CLIN PHARM MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 MDN7037W PULMONOLOGY MIN DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 MDN7038W CARDIOLOGY MIN DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 MDN7039W RHEUMATOLOGY M/DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 MDN7040W NEPHROLOGY MIN DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 MDN7041W ENDOCRINOLOGY M/DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 MDN7042W MPHIL GASTROENTEROLOGY PT 2 4 760 MDN7043W MPHIL GERIATRIC MEDICINE PT 1 10 550 MDN7044W GERIATRIC MED M/DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 MDN7050W MPHIL INFEC DIS & HIV MED PT 1 10 550 MDN7051W INFECDIS&HIVMED M/D (60 CRED) 4 760 MDN7053W MPHIL ALLERGOLOGY (ADULT) PT 1 10 550 MDN7054W ALLERGOLOGY M/DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 MDN7056W MPHIL ADV HEPAT&TRANSPLANT PT1 10 550 MDN7057W ADVHEPAT&TRANSPLANT M/D (60) 4 760 MDN7058S DRUG DEVELOPMENT 5 220 MDN7059S DRUG ASSAYS 7 810 MDN7060F PHARMACOMETRICS 7 810 MDN7061F PK-PD PRINCIPLES 2 620 MDN7062W DISSERTATION 23 400 MDN7064W NEPHROLOGY THESIS 16 520 MDN7065W CLINICAL HAEMATOLOGY MIN DISS 4 760 MDN7066W MMED MEDICAL GENETICS PT 1 10 960 MDN7067W MMED MEDICAL GENETICS PT 2 10 960 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 93 MDN7068W MED GENETICS MIN DISS (60 CRD) 7 750 MDN7069W MPHIL CLINICAL HAEMATOLOGY PT1 10 550 MDN9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 MEC1002W ENGINEERING DRAWING 6 280 MEC1003F ENGINEERING DRAWING 3 150 MEC1005W INTRO MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 9 370 MEC1007F INTRO ENGINEERING DRAWING 3 140 MEC1008S INTRO TO MECH DESIGN 3 140 MEC1017F PROGRAMMING FOR MECHANICAL ENG 6 130 MEC2022S THERMOFLUIDS I 6 280 MEC2023F DYNAMICS I 5 530 MEC2023S DYNAMICS I 5 530 MEC2025F MECHANICS OF SOLIDS I 4 160 MEC2026S PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2 800 MEC2042F MATERIALS SCI IN ENGINEERING 4 710 MEC2043F ELECTRICAL & MECH MATERIALS 4 420 MEC2044S MACHINE ELEMENT DESIGN I 6 280 MEC3023F MECHANICS OF SOLIDS II 4 710 MEC3031S DYNAMICS II 6 280 MEC3033F THERMOFLUIDS II 7 810 MEC3035F COMP INTEGRATED MFG & ROBOTICS 3 150 MEC3035S COMP INTEGRATED MFG & ROBOTICS 3 150 MEC3037S PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION 4 420 MEC3044S THERMOFLUIDS III 4 710 MEC3045F EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 4 160 MEC3060F MATERIALS UNDER STRESS 3 150 MEC3069S PRODUCTION PROCESSES 3 150 MEC3072F MACHINE ELEMENT DESIGN II 3 200 MEC3073S MACHINE ELEMENT DESIGN III 5 670 MEC4022Z INDUSTRIAL LAW 3 150 MEC4045F NUMERIC METH/HEAT & FLUID FLOW 4 420 MEC4047F MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS 4 710 MEC4053Z MEASURE & CONTROL IN ENG SYST 6 280 MEC4063C INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY 3 150 MEC4091S HONOURS RESEARCH PROJECT 17 740 MEC4096Z MANUFACT & PROPS OF COMPOSITES 3 920 MEC4097Z MANUFACT & PROPS OF CERAMICS 2 640 MEC4098Z PROPS & MFG METALLIC MATERIALS 5 220 MEC4099Z PHASE TRANSFORMATION MATERIALS 2 760 MEC4100Z MANUFACT & PROPS OF POLYMERS 3 920 MEC4103F PRODUCT DESIGN 4 710 MEC4104F MANUFACTURING & NANOTECHNOLOGY 3 150 MEC4105F FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS 3 150 MEC4107S FUNDAMENTALS OF CONTROL SYSTMS 3 150 MEC4108S SYSTEM DESIGN 4 710 MEC4109S ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALISM 3 150 MEC4110W FINAL-YEAR PROJECT 17 500 MEC4111Z NUCLEAR ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT 4 680 MEC4113F HEAT TRANSFER AND PSYCHROMETRY 4 710 MEC4114Z EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES 5 220 MEC5000W MSC MECHANICAL ENG DISSERT 25 200 MEC5010Z MSC MECHANICAL ENG PART DISS 22 950 MEC5024S STRUCTURAL IMPACT 4 080 MEC5025Z MSC ENG MGMT HALF DISSERTATION 22 990 MEC5035Z PROJECT MANAGEMENT 9 170 MEC5046Z SYSTEMS ENGINEERING PRACTICE 18 340 MEC5047W MSC ENG MANAGEMENT 25 200 . 94 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES MEC5054Z INTRO TO BUSINESS ADMIN 18 340 MEC5056Z ENERGY EFFIC& DEMAND SIDE MNG 6 730 MEC5059Z ENERGY MODELING 6 730 MEC5060W MSC SUSTAINABLE ENGY ENG DISS 25 200 MEC5061Z MSC SUSTAINABLE ENGY ENG DISS 22 950 MEC5063Z INTRO TO FINITE ELEMENTS 4 080 MEC5064Z FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS 5 400 MEC5065Z PROGRAMG SCIENTISTS&ENGINEERS 4 080 MEC5066Z CONTINUUM MECHANICS 4 080 MEC5067Z NONLINEAR MATERIAL BEHAVIOUR 4 080 MEC5068Z COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MECH 4 080 MEC5069Z COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS 4 080 MEC5070W MSC MATERIALS ENG DISSERTATION 25 200 MEC5071Z MSC MATERIALS ENG DISSERTATION 22 950 MEC5075Z NEW & RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOL 6 730 MEC5080Z MANAGING NEW VENTURE PROJECTS 9 170 MEC5087Z ENERGY MARKETS & GOVERNANCE 6 730 MEC5088Z ENERGY POVERTY & DEVELOPMENT 6 730 MEC5089Z ENERGY PROJECT 6 730 MEC5090Z ENERGY & CLIMATE CHANGE 6 730 MEC5091Z INTRO TO ENERG POL & SUS ENERG 6 730 MEC5092Z MSC ENGY & DEVELMNT STUD DISS 22 950 MEC5093W MSC ENGY & DEVELMNT STUD DISS 25 200 MEC5095Z ENG MGMT RESEARCH REPORT 14 060 MEC5097Z DISSERTATION PREPARATION 6 230 MEC6000W PHD IN MECHANICAL ENG 16 520 MEC6002W PHD IN ENG MANAGEMENT 16 520 MEC6003W PHD SUSTAIN ENRGY ENG THESIS 16 520 MEC6004W PHDIN MATERIALS ENG 16 520 MEC6005W PHD ENERGY & DEV STUD THESIS 16 520 MEC6006W PHD ENG EDUCATION THESIS 16 520 MEC9003Z INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATE 6-12 M 17 240 MEC9004Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 MUZ1201F AFRICAN INSTRUMENT B1 (SSA) 3 260 MUZ1201H AFRICAN INSTRUMENT B1 6 510 MUZ1201S AFRICAN INSTRUMENT B1 3 260 MUZ1203H AFRICAN INSTRUMENT D1 3 720 MUZ1204H BASS GUITAR B1 6 510 MUZ1205H BASS GUITAR D1 3 720 MUZ1207H BASSOON B1 6 510 MUZ1209H BASSOON D1 3 720 MUZ1211H CELLO B1 6 510 MUZ1213H CELLO D1 3 720 MUZ1215H CLARINET B1 6 510 MUZ1217H CLARINET D1 3 720 MUZ1219H CONDUCTING B1 6 510 MUZ1220H CONDUCTING D1 3 720 MUZ1223H DOUBLE BASS B1 6 510 MUZ1225H DOUBLE BASS D1 3 720 MUZ1226H DRUM SET B1 6 510 MUZ1227H DRUM SET D1 3 720 MUZ1229H EUPHONIUM B1 6 510 MUZ1231H EUPHONIUM D1 3 720 MUZ1233H FLUTE B1 6 510 MUZ1235H FLUTE D1 3 720 MUZ1237H GUITAR B1 6 510 MUZ1239H GUITAR D1 3 720 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 95 MUZ1241H HARP B1 6 510 MUZ1243H HARP D1 3 720 MUZ1245H HARPSICHORD B1 6 510 MUZ1247H HARPSICHORD D1 3 720 MUZ1249H HORN B1 6 510 MUZ1251H HORN D1 3 720 MUZ1252H JAZZ GUITAR B1 6 510 MUZ1253H JAZZ GUITAR D1 3 720 MUZ1254H JAZZ PIANO B1 6 510 MUZ1255H JAZZ PIANO D1 1 890 MUZ1257H OBOE B1 6 510 MUZ1259H OBOE D1 3 720 MUZ1261H ORGAN B1 6 510 MUZ1263H ORGAN D1 3 720 MUZ1265H PERCUSSION B1 6 510 MUZ1267H PERCUSSION D1 3 720 MUZ1269F PIANO B1 6 510 MUZ1269H PIANO B1 6 510 MUZ1269S PIANO B1 6 510 MUZ1271H PIANO D1 3 720 MUZ1274H RECORDER B1 6 510 MUZ1276H RECORDER D1 3 720 MUZ1278H SAXOPHONE B1 6 510 MUZ1280H SAXOPHONE D1 3 720 MUZ1281H SECONDARY PIANO 1 1 890 MUZ1283H SINGING B1 6 510 MUZ1285H SINGING D1 3 720 MUZ1287H TROMBONE B1 6 510 MUZ1289H TROMBONE D1 3 720 MUZ1291H TRUMPET B1 6 510 MUZ1293H TRUMPET D1 3 720 MUZ1294H TUBA B1 6 510 MUZ1296H TUBA D1 3 720 MUZ1298H VIOLA B1 6 510 MUZ1300H VIOLA D1 3 720 MUZ1302H VIOLIN B1 6 510 MUZ1304H VIOLIN D1 3 720 MUZ1305H VOCAL STUDIES 1 7 090 MUZ1306H JAZZ SINGING B1 6 510 MUZ1307H JAZZ SINGING D1 3 720 MUZ1320H ACCOMPANYING I 2 810 MUZ1322F AFRICAN MUSIC I 5 570 MUZ1323H AFRICAN MUSIC ENSEMBLE I 3 850 MUZ1324H AURAL I 4 660 MUZ1325H AURAL INTRODUCTORY 7 090 MUZ1326F BUSINESS MNGMT FOR MUSICIANS 2 810 MUZ1327F CAREER STUDIES 6 910 MUZ1328F CHAMBER MUSIC I (SSA) 3 260 MUZ1328H CHAMBER MUSIC I 6 510 MUZ1333H ENSEMBLE 1 2 810 MUZ1335H FIGURED BASS AND SCORE READING 2 810 MUZ1337H FOUNDATION MUSIC THEORY 7 090 MUZ1338H GENERAL MUSIC KNOWLEDGE I 6 040 MUZ1339H HISTORY OF JAZZ I 5 570 MUZ1340H HISTORY OF MUSIC I 5 570 MUZ1342F JAZZ ENSEMBLE I SSA 1 430 MUZ1342H JAZZ ENSEMBLE I 2 810 . 96 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES MUZ1343H JAZZ IMPROVISATION I 5 570 MUZ1347F MOVEMENT I SSA 1 860 MUZ1347H MOVEMENT I 6 910 MUZ1350H MUSIC THEORY I 6 910 MUZ1351H MUSIC THEORY AND ANALYSIS I 6 510 MUZ1353F OPERA WORKSHOP I (SSA) 3 450 MUZ1353H OPERA WORKSHOP I 6 910 MUZ1356H REPERTOIRE I 2 810 MUZ1363F THEORY OF JAZZ I SSA 3 260 MUZ1363H THEORY OF JAZZ I 6 510 MUZ1365H TEACH METHOD & REPERTOIRE I 2 810 MUZ1366H WORLD MUSIC ENSEMBLE I 3 720 MUZ1367F WORLDS OF MUSIC I 5 570 MUZ1368H ENSEMBLE ADDITIONAL I 2 810 MUZ1369H JAZZ ENSEMBLE ADDITIONAL I 2 810 MUZ1374H SECONDARY MARIMBA I 1 890 MUZ1375H AFRICAN MUSIC THEORY I 6 510 MUZ1377H LYRIC DICTION I 6 910 MUZ1379H JAZZ EAR TRAINING I 4 670 MUZ1380H AFRICAN AURAL I 4 660 MUZ1381H MUSIC TECHNOLOGY 1A 3 270 MUZ1382H MUSIC TECHNOLOGY 1B 3 270 MUZ1383F MUSIC BIBLIOGRAPHY 2 810 MUZ1384H TOPICS IN MUSIC HISTORY 6 040 MUZ1386H CLASSICAL SAXOPHONE B1 6 510 MUZ1388H CLASSICAL SAXOPHONE D1 3 720 MUZ1389H JAZZ BASS B1 6 510 MUZ1390H JAZZ BASS D1 3 720 MUZ1391H JAZZ CLARINET B1 6 510 MUZ1392H JAZZ CLARINET D1 3 720 MUZ1394H JAZZ FLUTE D1 6 510 MUZ1395H JAZZ TROMBONE B1 3 720 MUZ13963 JAZZ FLUTE B1 6 510 MUZ1396H JAZZ TROMBONE D1 3 720 MUZ1397H JAZZ TRUMPET B1 6 510 MUZ1398H JAZZ TRUMPET D1 3 720 MUZ1399H PRACTICAL STUDIES AM 6 910 MUZ1400H PRACTICAL STUDIES JAZZ 6 910 MUZ1401H PRACTICAL STUDIES WCM 6 910 MUZ1403H WORLD MUSIC INSTRUMENT I 9 250 MUZ1404H OPERA TRAINING I 5 570 MUZ1800F AFRICAN DANCE 1 (SSA) 7 630 MUZ1800S AFRICAN DANCE 1 (SSA) 7 630 MUZ1802F AFRICAN DANCE PRACTICE I SSA 7 630 MUZ1802H AFRICAN DANCE PRACTICE I SSA 7 630 MUZ1804Z BODY CONDITIONING I 0 MUZ1805H CHOREOGRAPHIC STUDIES I 4 000 MUZ1806F CLASSICAL BALLET I (SSA) 7 630 MUZ1806H CLASSICAL BALLET I 7 630 MUZ1806S CLASSICAL BALLET I (SSA) 6 470 MUZ1808F CONTEMPORARY DANCE I (SSA) 6 470 MUZ1808H CONTEMPORARY DANCE I 6 470 MUZ1808S CONTEMPORARY DANCE I (SSA) 6 470 MUZ1816H PERFORMANCE STUDIES I 4 000 MUZ1817H WESTERN DANCE MUSICOLOGY I 6 470 MUZ1819H DANCE TEACHING METHOD I 6 470 MUZ1820H DANCE TEACHING METHOD II 8 590 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 97 MUZ1821S AFRICAN DANCE HISTORY I 4 000 MUZ1822F WESTERN DANCE HISTORY I 4 000 MUZ1902H AFRICAN DANCE PRACTICE I (DIP) 7 630 MUZ1906H CLASSICAL BALLET I (DIP) 7 630 MUZ1908H CONTEMPORARY DANCE I (DIP) 6 470 MUZ2200H AFRICAN INSTRUMENT A2 9 270 MUZ2201F AFRICAN INSTRUMENT B2 (SSA) 7 420 MUZ2201H AFRICAN INSTRUMENT B2 7 420 MUZ2201S AFRICAN INSTRUMENT B2 (SSA) 3 720 MUZ2202H AFRICAN INSTRUMENT C2 7 420 MUZ2203H AFRICAN INSTRUMENT D2 6 910 MUZ2204H BASS GUITAR B2 7 420 MUZ2205H BASS GUITAR D2 6 910 MUZ2206H BASSOON A2 9 270 MUZ2207H BASSOON B2 7 420 MUZ2210H CELLO A2 9 270 MUZ2211H CELLO B2 7 420 MUZ2212H CELLO C2 7 420 MUZ2213H CELLO D2 7 420 MUZ2214H CLARINET A2 9 270 MUZ2215H CLARINET B2 7 420 MUZ2216H CLARINET C2 7 420 MUZ2217H CLARINET D2 6 910 MUZ2219H CONDUCTING B2 7 420 MUZ2222H DOUBLE BASS A2 9 270 MUZ2223H DOUBLE BASS B2 7 420 MUZ2224H DOUBLE BASS C2 7 420 MUZ2225H DOUBLE BASS D2 6 910 MUZ2226H DRUM SET B2 7 420 MUZ2227H DRUM SET D2 7 420 MUZ2229H EUPHONIUM B2 7 420 MUZ2232H FLUTE A2 9 270 MUZ2233H FLUTE B2 7 420 MUZ2234H FLUTE C2 7 420 MUZ2235H FLUTE D2 1 890 MUZ2236H GUITAR A2 9 270 MUZ2237H GUITAR B2 7 420 MUZ2238H GUITAR C2 7 420 MUZ2239H GUITAR D2 6 910 MUZ2245H HARPSICHORD B2 7 420 MUZ2248H HORN A2 9 270 MUZ2249H HORN B2 7 420 MUZ2252H JAZZ GUITAR B2 7 420 MUZ2253H JAZZ GUITAR D2 6 910 MUZ2254H JAZZ PIANO B2 7 420 MUZ2255H JAZZ PIANO D2 1 890 MUZ2256H OBOE A2 9 270 MUZ2257H OBOE B2 7 420 MUZ2260H ORGAN A2 9 270 MUZ2261H ORGAN B2 7 420 MUZ2264H PERCUSSION A2 9 270 MUZ2265H PERCUSSION B2 7 420 MUZ2268H PIANO A2 9 270 MUZ2269H PIANO B2 7 420 MUZ2270H PIANO C2 3 720 MUZ2271H PIANO D2 6 910 MUZ2273H RECORDER A2 9 270 98 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES MUZ2274H RECORDER B2 7 420 MUZ2275H RECORDER C2 7 420 MUZ2278H SAXOPHONE B2 7 420 MUZ2279H SAXOPHONE C2 7 420 MUZ2281H SECONDARY PIANO 2 1 890 MUZ2282H SINGING A2 9 270 MUZ2283H SINGING B2 7 420 MUZ2284H SINGING C2 7 420 MUZ2285H SINGING D2 6 910 MUZ2286H TROMBONE A2 9 270 MUZ2287H TROMBONE B2 7 420 MUZ2288H TROMBONE C2 7 420 MUZ2290H TRUMPET A2 9 270 MUZ2291H TRUMPET B2 7 420 MUZ2292H TRUMPET C2 7 420 MUZ2293H TRUMPET D2 6 910 MUZ2294H TUBA B2 7 420 MUZ2297H VIOLA A2 9 270 MUZ2298H VIOLA B2 7 420 MUZ2299H VIOLA C2 7 420 MUZ2300H VIOLA D2 6 910 MUZ2301H VIOLIN A2 9 270 MUZ2302H VIOLIN B2 7 420 MUZ2303H VIOLIN C2 7 420 MUZ2304H VIOLIN D2 6 910 MUZ2305H VOCAL STUDIES 2 7 090 MUZ2306H JAZZ SINGING B2 7 420 MUZ2307H JAZZ SINGING D2 6 910 MUZ2320H ACCOMPANYING II 2 810 MUZ2322S AFRICAN MUSIC II 6 510 MUZ2323H AFRICAN MUSIC ENSEMBLE II 5 570 MUZ2324H AURAL II 4 660 MUZ2328H CHAMBER MUSIC II 7 420 MUZ2330H COMPOSITION I 5 570 MUZ2333H ENSEMBLE II 2 810 MUZ2339H HISTORY OF JAZZ II 6 510 MUZ2340H HISTORY OF MUSIC II 6 510 MUZ2342H JAZZ ENSEMBLE II 3 720 MUZ2343F JAZZ IMPROVISATION II SSA 4 180 MUZ2343H JAZZ IMPROVISATION II 8 360 MUZ2347H MOVEMENT II 8 240 MUZ2349H MUSIC EDUCATION I 6 510 MUZ2350H MUSIC THEORY II 6 910 MUZ2351H MUSIC THEORY AND ANALYSIS II 7 420 MUZ2352H OPERA HISTORY I 6 040 MUZ2353H OPERA WORKSHOP II 8 240 MUZ2354H ORCHESTRAL STUDIES I 9 270 MUZ2356H REPERTOIRE II 2 810 MUZ2360H TEACHING METHOD I 3 040 MUZ2363H THEORY OF JAZZ II 7 420 MUZ2365H TEACH METHOD & REPERTOIRE II 2 810 MUZ2366F WORLD MUSIC ENSEMBLE II SSA 1 860 MUZ2366H WORLD MUSIC ENSEMBLE II 3 720 MUZ2367S WORLDS OF MUSIC II 6 510 MUZ2368H ENSEMBLE ADDITIONAL II 2 810 MUZ2369H JAZZ ENSEMBLE ADDITIONAL II 3 720 MUZ2370H SECONDARY TEACHING METHOD I 3 040 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 99 MUZ2372H MUSIC TECHNOLOGY IIA 6 510 MUZ2373H MUSIC TECHNOLOGY IIB 6 510 MUZ2374H SECONDARY MARIMBA II 1 890 MUZ2375H AFRICAN MUSIC THEORY II 7 420 MUZ2377H LYRIC DICTION II 6 910 MUZ2378S SOUTH AFRICAN MUSIC 6 510 MUZ2379H JAZZ EAR TRAINING II 5 570 MUZ2380H AFRICAN AURAL II 4 660 MUZ2384H JAZZ ARRANGEMENT A 14 800 MUZ2385H CLASSICAL SAXOPHONE A2 9 270 MUZ2386H CLASSICAL SAXOPHONE B2 7 420 MUZ2387H CLASSICAL SAXOPHONE C2 7 420 MUZ2389H JAZZ BASS B2 7 420 MUZ2390H JAZZ BASS D2 6 910 MUZ2391H JAZZ CLARINET B2 7 420 MUZ2392H JAZZ CLARINET D2 6 910 MUZ2393H JAZZ FLUTE B2 7 420 MUZ2394H JAZZ FLUTE D2 6 910 MUZ2395H JAZZ TROMBONE B2 7 420 MUZ2396H JAZZ TROMBONE D2 6 910 MUZ2397H JAZZ TRUMPET B2 7 420 MUZ2398H JAZZ TRUMPET D2 6 910 MUZ2402H TUBA A2 9 270 MUZ2403H WORLD MUSIC INSTRUMENT II 11 100 MUZ2404H OPERA TRAINING II 6 510 MUZ2802F AFRICAN DANCE PRACTICE II (SSA 8 590 MUZ2802H AFRICAN DANCE PRACTICE II 8 590 MUZ2804Z BODY CONDITIONING II 0 MUZ2805F CHOREOGRAPHIC STUDIES II (SSA) 6 910 MUZ2805H CHOREOGRAPHIC STUDIES II 6 910 MUZ2806H CLASSICAL BALLET II 8 590 MUZ2808F CONTEMPORARY DANCE II (SSA) 8 590 MUZ2808H CONTEMPORARY DANCE II 8 590 MUZ2808S CONTEMPORARY DANCE II (SSA) 8 590 MUZ2816H PERFORMANCE STUDIES II 6 910 MUZ2817H WESTERN DANCE MUSICOLOGY II 8 590 MUZ2820H DANCE TEACHING METHOD III 8 590 MUZ2821H AFRICAN DANCE HISTORY II 6 910 MUZ2822H WESTERN DANCE HISTORY II 6 910 MUZ2902H AFRICAN DANCE PRAC II (DIP) 8 590 MUZ2906H CLASSICAL BALLET II (DIP) 8 590 MUZ2908H CONTEMPORARY DANCE II (DIP) 8 590 MUZ3200H AFRICAN INSTRUMENT A3 11 100 MUZ3201H AFRICAN INSTRUMENT B3 9 270 MUZ3204H BASS GUITAR B3 9 270 MUZ3205H BASS GUITAR D3 6 910 MUZ3206H BASSOON A3 11 100 MUZ3207H BASSOON B3 9 270 MUZ3210H CELLO A3 11 100 MUZ3211H CELLO B3 9 270 MUZ3213H CELLO D3 6 910 MUZ3214H CLARINET A3 11 100 MUZ3215H CLARINET B3 9 270 MUZ3222H DOUBLE BASS A3 11 100 MUZ3223H DOUBLE BASS B3 9 270 MUZ3226H DRUM SET B3 9 270 MUZ3227H DRUM SET D3 6 910 100 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES MUZ3232H FLUTE A3 11 100 MUZ3233F FLUTE B3 SSA 4 640 MUZ3233H FLUTE B3 9 270 MUZ3234H FLUTE C3 7 420 MUZ3235H FLUTE D3 6 910 MUZ3236H GUITAR A3 11 100 MUZ3237H GUITAR B3 9 270 MUZ3239H GUITAR D3 6 910 MUZ3245H HARPSICHORD B3 9 270 MUZ3248H HORN A3 11 100 MUZ3249H HORN B3 9 270 MUZ3252H JAZZ GUITAR B3 9 270 MUZ3253H JAZZ GUITAR D3 6 910 MUZ3254F JAZZ PIANO B3 (SSA) 4 640 MUZ3254H JAZZ PIANO B3 9 270 MUZ3255H JAZZ PIANO D3 6 910 MUZ3256H OBOE A3 11 100 MUZ3257H OBOE B3 9 270 MUZ3260H ORGAN A3 11 100 MUZ3261H ORGAN B3 9 270 MUZ3264H PERCUSSION A3 11 100 MUZ3265H PERCUSSION B3 9 270 MUZ3267H PERCUSSION D3 6 910 MUZ3268H PIANO A3 11 100 MUZ3269H PIANO B3 9 270 MUZ3270H PIANO C3 3 720 MUZ3271H PIANO D3 6 910 MUZ3273H RECORDER A3 11 100 MUZ3274H RECORDER B3 9 270 MUZ3275H RECORDER C3 7 420 MUZ3276H RECORDER D3 6 910 MUZ3277H SAXOPHONE A3 11 100 MUZ3278H SAXOPHONE B3 9 270 MUZ3281H SECONDARY PIANO 3 3 430 MUZ3282H SINGING A3 11 100 MUZ3283F SINGING B3 9 270 MUZ3283H SINGING B3 9 270 MUZ3284H SINGING C3 7 420 MUZ3285H SINGING D3 6 910 MUZ3286H TROMBONE A3 11 100 MUZ3287H TROMBONE B3 9 270 MUZ3288H TROMBONE C3 7 420 MUZ3289H TROMBONE D3 6 910 MUZ3290H TRUMPET A3 11 100 MUZ3291H TRUMPET B3 9 270 MUZ3294H TUBA B3 9 270 MUZ3297H VIOLA A3 11 100 MUZ3298H VIOLA B3 9 270 MUZ3301H VIOLIN A3 11 100 MUZ3302H VIOLIN B3 9 270 MUZ3303H VIOLIN C3 7 420 MUZ3304H VIOLIN D3 6 910 MUZ3305F VOCAL STUDIES 3 (SSA) 3 790 MUZ3305H VOCAL STUDIES 3 7 090 MUZ3306H JAZZ SINGING B3 9 270 MUZ3307H JAZZ SINGING D3 6 910 MUZ3320H ACCOMPANYING III 2 810 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 101 MUZ3322F AFRICAN MUSIC III 7 420 MUZ3323H AFRICAN MUSIC ENSEMBLE III 7 640 MUZ3328H CHAMBER MUSIC III 11 100 MUZ3330H COMPOSITION II 7 420 MUZ3333H ENSEMBLE III 2 810 MUZ3340H HISTORY OF MUSIC III 7 420 MUZ3342H JAZZ ENSEMBLE III 3 720 MUZ3343H JAZZ IMPROVISATION III 14 800 MUZ3344H JAZZ MASTERCLASS (PDM) 6 910 MUZ3346H MASTERCLASS (DMP) 6 910 MUZ3349H MUSIC EDUCATION II 7 420 MUZ3351H MUSIC THEORY AND ANALYSIS III 8 360 MUZ3352H OPERA HISTORY II 11 100 MUZ3354H ORCHESTRAL STUDIES II 11 100 MUZ3355H ORCHESTRATION I 5 570 MUZ3360F TEACHING METHOD II SSA 1 520 MUZ3360H TEACHING METHOD II 3 040 MUZ3366H WORLD MUSIC ENSEMBLE III 13 710 MUZ3367F WORLDS OF MUSIC III 7 420 MUZ3368H ENSEMBLE ADDITIONAL III 2 810 MUZ3369H JAZZ ENSEMBLE ADDITIONAL III 3 720 MUZ3371H MUSIC TECHNOLOGY IIIA 7 420 MUZ3372H MUSIC TECHNOLOGY IIIB 4 540 MUZ3373H JAZZ EAR TRAINING II 5 570 MUZ3375H AFRICAN MUSIC THEORY III 8 360 MUZ3377F LYRIC DICTION III SSA 1 860 MUZ3377H LYRIC DICTION III 6 910 MUZ3379H JAZZ STYLES & ANALYSIS 6 510 MUZ3380H JAZZ PEDAGOGY 7 630 MUZ3381H JAZZ MASTERCLASS 6 910 MUZ3384H JAZZ ARRANGEMENT B 14 800 MUZ3386H CLASSICAL SAXOPHONE B3 9 270 MUZ3388H CLASSICAL SAXOPHONE D3 6 910 MUZ3389H JAZZ BASS B3 9 270 MUZ3390H JAZZ BASS D3 6 910 MUZ3395H JAZZ TROMBONE B3 9 270 MUZ3396H JAZZ TROMBONE D3 6 910 MUZ3397H JAZZ TRUMPET B3 9 270 MUZ3398H JAZZ TRUMPET D3 6 910 MUZ3402H TUBA A3 11 100 MUZ3403H WORLD MUSIC INSTRUMENT III 14 800 MUZ3404H OPERA TRAINING III 11 100 MUZ3701H ADVANCED LYRIC DICTION 7 040 MUZ3702H ADVANCED VOCAL STUDIES 8 500 MUZ3703H ADVANCED MOVEMENT 8 240 MUZ3704W ADVANCED OPERA WORKSHOP 8 240 MUZ3802F AFRICAN DANCE PRACTICE 3 (SSA) 11 450 MUZ3802S AFRICAN DANCE PRACTICE 3 (SSA) 11 450 MUZ3802W AFRICAN DANCE PRACTICE III 11 450 MUZ3805H CHOREOGRAPHIC STUDIES III 11 450 MUZ3806W CLASSICAL BALLET III 11 450 MUZ3807F CLASSICAL BALLET IIIA SSA 7 630 MUZ3807H CLASSICAL BALLET IIIA SSA 7 630 MUZ3808W CONTEMPORARY DANCE III 11 450 MUZ3809F CONTEMPORARY DANCE III (SSA) 7 630 MUZ3809H CONTEMPORARY DANCE IIIA 7 630 MUZ3809S CONTEMPORARY DANCE III (SSA) 7 630 . 102 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES MUZ3817H WESTERN DANCE MUSICOLOGY III 11 450 MUZ3820H DANCE TEACHING METHOD IV 11 450 MUZ3821H AFRICAN DANCE HISTORY III 7 630 MUZ3822H WESTERN DANCE HISTORY III 7 630 MUZ3902H AFRICAN DANCE PRAC III (DIP) 11 450 MUZ3906H CLASSICAL BALLET III (DIP) 11 450 MUZ3908H CONTEMPORARY DANCE III (DIP) 11 450 MUZ4200F AFRICAN INSTRUMENT A4 SSA 8 330 MUZ4200W AFRICAN INSTRUMENT A4 16 650 MUZ4201W AFRICAN INSTRUMENT B4 14 800 MUZ4204W BASS GUITAR B4 14 800 MUZ4205H BASS GUITAR D4 6 910 MUZ4206W BASSOON A4 16 650 MUZ4207W BASSOON B4 14 800 MUZ4210W CELLO A4 16 650 MUZ4211W CELLO B4 14 800 MUZ4214W CLARINET A4 16 650 MUZ4215W CLARINET B4 14 800 MUZ4222W DOUBLE BASS A4 16 650 MUZ4223W DOUBLE BASS B4 14 800 MUZ4225H DOUBLE BASS D4 6 910 MUZ4226W DRUM SET B4 14 800 MUZ4227H DRUM SET D4 6 910 MUZ4232W FLUTE A4 16 650 MUZ4233W FLUTE B4 14 800 MUZ4234H FLUTE C4 6 910 MUZ4235H FLUTE D4 6 910 MUZ4236W GUITAR A4 16 650 MUZ4237W GUITAR B4 14 800 MUZ4238H GUITAR C4 6 910 MUZ4239H GUITAR D4 6 910 MUZ4245W HARPSICHORD B4 14 800 MUZ4249W HORN B4 14 800 MUZ4252W JAZZ GUITAR B4 14 800 MUZ4253H JAZZ GUITAR D4 6 910 MUZ4254W JAZZ PIANO B4 14 800 MUZ4255H JAZZ PIANO D4 6 910 MUZ4256W OBOE A4 16 650 MUZ4257W OBOE B4 14 800 MUZ4260W ORGAN A4 16 650 MUZ4261W ORGAN B4 14 800 MUZ4264W PERCUSSION A4 16 650 MUZ4265W PERCUSSION B4 14 800 MUZ4268W PIANO A4 16 650 MUZ4269W PIANO B4 14 800 MUZ4270H PIANO C4 6 910 MUZ4271H PIANO D4 6 910 MUZ4273W RECORDER A4 16 650 MUZ4274W RECORDER B4 14 800 MUZ4275H RECORDER C4 6 910 MUZ4276H RECORDER D4 6 910 MUZ4278W SAXOPHONE B4 14 800 MUZ4281H SECONDARY PIANO IV 3 430 MUZ4282W SINGING A4 14 800 MUZ4283W SINGING B4 14 800 MUZ4284H SINGING C4 6 910 MUZ4285H SINGING D4 6 910 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 103 MUZ4286W TROMBONE A4 16 650 MUZ4287W TROMBONE B4 14 800 MUZ4288H TROMBONE C4 6 910 MUZ4290W TRUMPET A4 16 650 MUZ4291W TRUMPET B4 14 800 MUZ4297W VIOLA A4 16 650 MUZ4298W VIOLA B4 14 800 MUZ4299H VIOLA C4 6 910 MUZ4300H VIOLA D4 6 910 MUZ4301W VIOLIN A4 16 650 MUZ4302W VIOLIN B4 14 800 MUZ4305W VOCAL STUDIES 4 8 500 MUZ4306W JAZZ SINGING B4 14 800 MUZ4307H JAZZ SINGING D4 6 910 MUZ4322S AFRICAN MUSIC IV 11 100 MUZ4323F AFRICAN MUSIC ENSEMBLE IV SSA 4 250 MUZ4323H AFRICAN MUSIC ENSEMBLE IV 8 500 MUZ4330H COMPOSITION III 11 100 MUZ4333H ENSEMBLE IV 2 810 MUZ4340H HISTORY OF MUSIC IV 11 100 MUZ4342H JAZZ ENSEMBLE IV 7 420 MUZ4351H MUSIC THEORY AND ANALYSIS IV 11 100 MUZ4354H ORCHESTRAL STUDIES III 16 650 MUZ4355H ORCHESTRATION II 7 420 MUZ4364H TREATISE 5 570 MUZ4367S WORLDS OF MUSIC IV 11 100 MUZ4368H ENSEMBLE ADDITIONAL IV 2 810 MUZ4369H JAZZ ENSEMBLE ADDITIONAL IV 7 420 MUZ4371H MUSIC TECHNOLOGY IV 22 200 MUZ4372H MUSICOLOGY 7 420 MUZ4377H LYRIC DICTION IV 7 040 MUZ4378L HISTORICALLY INFORMED PERFORM 7 420 MUZ4382W JAZZ IMPROVISATION IV 14 800 MUZ4383F RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 7 420 MUZ4384H JAZZ ARRANGEMENT C 14 800 MUZ4386W CLASSICAL SAXOPHONE B4 14 800 MUZ4388H CLASSICAL SAXOPHONE D4 6 910 MUZ4389W JAZZ BASS B4 14 800 MUZ4390H JAZZ BASS D4 6 910 MUZ4395W JAZZ TROMBONE B4 14 800 MUZ4396H JAZZ TROMBONE D4 6 910 MUZ4397W JAZZ TRUMPET B4 14 800 MUZ4398H JAZZ TRUMPET D4 6 910 MUZ4404H OPERA TRAINING IV 14 800 MUZ4802W AFRICAN DANCE PRACTICE IV 12 900 MUZ4805H CHOREOGRAPHIC STUDIES IV 11 450 MUZ4806W CLASSICAL BALLET IV 12 900 MUZ4807H CLASSICAL BALLET IVA 7 630 MUZ4808W CONTEMPORARY DANCE IV 12 900 MUZ4809H CONTEMPORARY DANCE IVA 7 630 MUZ4815H FINAL YEAR PROJECT 11 450 MUZ5008W MASTERS IN MUSIC 22 990 MUZ5013W COMPOSITION COMPONENT 30 560 MUZ5023F ADVANCED MUSIC ANALYSIS A 6 780 MUZ5024F ADVANCED JAZZ ARRANGEMENT 6 780 MUZ5025H MAJOR RECITAL .HONOURS 14 620 MUZ5027H MINOR RECITAL I .HONOURS 7 330 . HONOURS 6 780 MUZ5031H COMPOSITION PORTFOLIO-HONOURS 27 030 MUZ5032H ORCHESTRATION PORTFOLIO 6 780 MUZ5033H RESEARCH ESSAY 6 780 MUZ5035F ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSIC METHODOLOGY 6 780 MUZ5036F SEL TOPICS .ETHNOMUSICOLOGY 6 780 MUZ5040F ADVANCED ORCHESTRATION 6 780 MUZ5041S ADVANCED MUSIC ANALYSIS B 6 780 MUZ5042F ADVANCED MUSIC ANALYSIS C 6 780 MUZ5043F MUSIC HISTORIOGRAPHY 6 780 MUZ5044L HISTORICALLY INFORMED PERFORM 6 780 MUZ5045W ADVANCED MUSIC ANALYSIS D 6 780 MUZ5050H INTERIM MAJOR RECITAL PGDIP 11 020 MUZ5051H MINOR RECITAL II PGDIP 5 540 MUZ5052H FINAL MAJOR RECITAL PGDIP 11 020 MUZ5053H MINOR RECITAL I PG DIP 5 540 MUZ5080W HONS IN DANCE STUDIES 37 050 MUZ5081W HONS IN CHOREOGRAPHY 37 050 MUZ5082W HONS IN PERFORMANCE 37 050 MUZ6000W PHD IN MUSIC 16 520 MUZ6004W DOCTOR OF MUSIC .HONOURS 7 330 MUZ5029H MINOR RECITAL .JAZZ/AFRICAN 13 520 MUZ5030H COMPOSITION ELECTIVE .DANCE 13 990 MUZ6084W CHOREOGRAPHY COMPONENT 13 990 MUZ7080W DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY 16 520 MUZ9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 OBS4003W OBSTETRICS 10 550 OBS4005W OBS & GYNAE EXT CREDITS 11 020 OBS5001W OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY DISS 24 340 OBS5005W GYNAECOLOGY 6 110 OBS6000W OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY 15 660 OBS6001W OBS & GYNAE EXT CREDIT 15 270 OBS7001W OBS & GYNAE THESIS 16 520 .104 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES MUZ5028H MINOR RECITAL II .THESIS 16 520 MUZ6005W DOCTOR OF MUSIC COMPOSITION 6 520 MUZ6006W DOCTOR OF MUSIC PERFORMANCE 6 520 MUZ6007W INTERIM MAJOR RECITAL (MMUS) 11 020 MUZ6008W MINOR RECITAL I (MMUS) 5 540 MUZ6009W MINOR RECITAL II (MMUS) 5 540 MUZ6010W FINAL MAJOR RECITAL (MMUS) 11 020 MUZ6011S CODICOLOGY AND PALAEOGRAPHY 7 660 MUZ6012H CHANT INDICES THEORY & PRAC 7 660 MUZ6014F TOPICS IN HIST MUSICOLOGY A 7 660 MUZ6015S TOPICS IN HIST MUSICOLOGY B 7 660 MUZ6016F TOPICS IN HIST MUSCICOLOGY C 7 660 MUZ6017F TOPICS IN MUSIC THEORY A 7 660 MUZ6018S TOPICS IN MUSIC THEORY B 7 660 MUZ6019F LITURGY AND LITURGICAL BOOKS 7 660 MUZ6020F SELECTED TOPICS IN MUSICOLOGY 7 660 MUZ6020S SELECTED TOPICS IN MUSICOLOGY 7 660 MUZ6021W MINOR DISSERTATION MMUS 13 990 MUZ6022S TOPICS IN MUSICOLOGY A 7 660 MUZ6023S TOPICS IN MUSICOLOGY B 7 660 MUZ6024S SELECTED TOPICS INMUSICOLOGY C 7 660 MUZ6080W MASTERS IN MUSIC 22 990 MUZ6081W MASTERS IN CHOREOGRAPHY 22 990 MUZ6082W PERFORMANCE COMPONENT 27 260 MUZ6083W MINOR DISSERTATION . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 105 OBS7002W MD OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY 16 520 OBS7006W MMED OBSTETS & GYNAE PT 2 10 960 OBS7007W OBS&GYNAE MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 OBS7008W MPHIL REPRODUCTIVE MED PT 1 10 550 OBS7009W REPRODUCTIVE MED M/DISS (60) 4 760 OBS7010W MPHIL GYNAECOL ONCOLOGY PT 1 10 550 OBS7011W GYNAECOL ONCOLOGY M/DISS (60) 4 760 OBS7013W MPHIL MATERN & FETAL MED PT 1 10 550 OBS7014W MATERN & FETAL MED M/DISS (60) 4 760 OBS7015W MMED O&G PT 1B 7 310 OBS7016W MMED O&G PT 1A 3 660 PBL2000F CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (PART A) 5 780 PBL2000W CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 11 570 PBL2002W CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (EC) 11 570 PBL2800F CRIME & DEVIANCE IN SA CITIES 5 780 PBL3001F INTERNATIONAL LAW (PART A) 5 780 PBL3001H INTERNATIONAL LAW 5 780 PBL3801F CRIMINAL LAW (PART A) 5 780 PBL3801W CRIMINAL LAW 10 430 PBL3802H CRIMINAL PROCEDURE 5 230 PBL4001W ADMINISTRATIVE LAW 10 430 PBL4401H INDEPENDENT RESEARCH OPTION 2 990 PBL4402H INDEPENDENT RESEARCH OPTION 2 990 PBL4501F CRIMINOLOGY: SELECTED ISSUES 2 990 PBL4502S ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 2 990 PBL4503F EUROPEAN UNION LAW 2 990 PBL4504F INTERNAT CRIM LAW AND AFRICA 2 990 PBL4505F INT'L HUMAN RIGHTS LAW & CONST 2 990 PBL4601S CONSTITUTIONAL LITIGATION 2 990 PBL4602F CRIM JUSTICE & CONSTITUTION 2 990 PBL4604F SOC JUSTICE & THE CONSTITUTION 2 990 PBL4605F WOMEN AND LAW 2 990 PBL4606H MOOT CAPUT 2 990 PBL4801H EVIDENCE 5 230 PBL4802H CRIMINAL PROCEDURE 5 230 PBL5045S ENVIRONM LAW FOR NON-LAWYERS 4 880 PBL5046S CLIMATE LAW & GOVERNANCE 4 880 PBL5047H CLIMATE CHANGE ( MINOR DISS) 7 210 PBL5600W MASTERS IN PUBLIC LAW 13 640 PBL5601W MASTERS IN PUBLIC LAW DISS 7 210 PBL5602S INTERNATIONAL LAW OF THE SEA 14 360 PBL5602W MASTERS IN CONSTIT & ADMIN LAW 7 210 PBL5605W PG DIP LAW (HUM RTS) RES PAPER 3 610 PBL5611W PG DIP LAW (PUBLIC) RES PAPER 3 610 PBL5615F INT'L LAW IN THEORY & PRACTICE 14 360 PBL5618S LAW ON DISPUTES USE OF FORCE 14 360 PBL5619F INTERNAT'L ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 14 360 PBL5623F GOVERNING UNDER CONSTITUTION 14 360 PBL5624W MASTERS IN MAR & ENV LAW DISS 7 210 PBL5625W MASTERS IN CONST'L LAW DISS 7 210 PBL5626W MASTERS IN HUM RIGHTS LAW DISS 7 210 PBL5627W MASTERS IN INT PUB LAW DISS 7 210 PBL5628S INTERNAT RIGHTS OF THE CHILD 14 360 PBL5631F INT PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS 14 360 PBL5632W PG DIP LAW (ENVIRON) RES PAPER 3 610 PBL5640F PRINCIPLES OF ENVIRON LAW 14 360 PBL5641F LAND USE PLANNING LAW 14 360 . 106 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES PBL5642S NATURAL RESOURCES LAW 14 360 PBL5643S POLLUTION LAW 14 360 PBL5651F INT PROT WOMEN'S HUMAN RIGHTS 14 360 PBL5652S MUSLIM PERSONAL LAW & RIGHTS 14 360 PBL5654W MASTERS IN ENV LAW DISS 7 210 PBL5655W PG DIP LAW (CONST) RES PAPER 3 610 PBL5656W PG DIP LAW ( INT'L) RES PAPER 3 610 PBL5657W PG DIP LAW (MAR ENV) RES PAPER 3 610 PBL5658S ADMIN JUSTICE & OPEN GOVT 14 360 PBL5659S HUM RTS LEG PLUR REL & CULT 14 360 PBL5660S ORGANISED NON-STATE VIOLENCE 14 360 PBL5661F LITIGATING SA BILL OF RIGHTS 14 360 PBL5662S CONSTITUTION-MAKING IN AFRICA 14 360 PBL5700W RESEARCH PROJECT (ENVIRONMENT) 5 970 PBL5701W RESEARCH PROJECT (MARINE) 5 970 PBL5800W MASTERS IN CRIMINOLOGY 13 640 PBL5802W MASTERS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE 7 210 PBL5807S INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW 14 360 PBL5809W MASTERS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE 13 640 PBL5815S PUNISHMENT & HUMAN RIGHTS 14 360 PBL5820F THEORIES OF CRIME & SOC ORDER 14 360 PBL5822S VICTIMS & VICTIMOLOGY 14 360 PBL5844S POLICE AND POLICING 14 360 PBL5847S FORENSICS AND THE LAW 14 360 PBL5848F LAW AND SOCIETY IN AFRICA 14 360 PBL5849F LAW IN ACTION 14 360 PBL5850W MASTERS IN CRIM LAW & SOC DIS 7 210 PBL6700W PHD IN PUBLIC LAW 16 520 PBL6701W LLD IN PUBLIC LAW (THESIS) 16 520 PBL6702W LLD IN PUB LAW (PBL WK) 6 210 PBL6703W PHD IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE 16 520 PBL6704W PHD IN CRIMINOLOGY 16 520 PBL9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 PED2001S SPECIAL STUDY MODULE 4 500 PED4002F EPIDEMIOLOGY 2 640 PED4003F ORGANISATION & MANAGEMENT 3 680 PED4004S BIOSTATISTICS 3 160 PED4005S CHILD HEALTH POLICIES 2 640 PED4006F OPTIM CLINCARE F LNGTRM CONDIT 3 610 PED4007W EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING 7 890 PED4008F ADVOCACY & CHILDREN'S RIGHTS 2 640 PED4009S HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2 640 PED4010S COMMUNICATION EDUC & TRAINING 2 640 PED4011S LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT 2 640 PED4016W NEONATOLOGY 3 510 PED4017F HEALTH & DEVELOPMENT 3 160 PED4018F EPIDEMIOLOGY 3 670 PED4019F INFO EDUC & COMMUNICATION 2 620 PED4020S FOUNDATIONS OF MAT & CHLD HLTH 3 160 PED4021F PRIORITIES IN MATRNL&CHLD HLTH 5 220 PED4022S PSYCHOSOCIAL CONTEXT OF MCH 3 160 PED4025W INTRO TO MATERNAL & CHILD HLTH 3 160 PED4026W MATERNAL MENTAL HEALTH 3 160 PED4028S PGDIP MCH INTEG ASSESSMENT 420 PED4029F ORG & ACADEMIC COMMUNICATION 3 160 PED4029S ORG & ACADEMIC COMMUNICATION 3 160 PED4030F ORG & MGT OF HEALTH SERVICES 3 670 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 107 PED4030S ORG & MGT OF HEALTH SERVICES 3 670 PED4031W CLIN MNGT IN PAED HAEM & ONCOL 27 080 PED4032W ESS: TRANSIT&TRANSLAT OF KNOWL 9 040 PED4033W CLIN MNGT IN NEONATOLOGY 27 080 PED4034W CLIN MNGT IN PAED CARDIOLOGY 27 080 PED4035W PAEDIATRIC ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY 27 080 PED4036W CLIN MNGT OF PAED DIABETES 27 080 PED4037W CLIN MNGT OF PAED EPILEPSY 27 080 PED4038W CLIN MNGT IN PAED GASTROENT 27 080 PED4039W CLIN MNGT IN DEVELOPMENT PAEDS 27 080 PED4040W CLIN MNGT IN PAED EMRGNCY CARE 27 080 PED4041W CLIN MGT IN PAED CRIT CARE 27 080 PED4042W CLIN MNGT OF PAED RHEUMATOLOGY 27 080 PED4043W CLIN MNGT IN PAED PULMONOLOGY 27 080 PED4044W CLIN MNGT IN PAED NEPHROLOGY 27 080 PED5001W PAEDS & CHILD HEALTH 12 190 PED5002F INTRO TO CLINICAL RESEARCH 6 190 PED5003W PAEDIATRICS EXTERNAL CREDIT 13 890 PED5005S RES METH F HLTH PROFESSIONAL I 2 620 PED5011S MPHIL MCH INTEGRTD FINAL ASSMN 420 PED5012W MATRN&CHILDHLTH M/DISS (60CRD) 15 620 PED5013F RES METH F HLTH PROFS II 2 620 PED6000W PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 15 820 PED6001W PAEDIATRICS EXT CREDIT 13 760 PED6002W CLINICAL SCI & IMMUNOLOGY DISS 26 180 PED7000W PAEDIATRICS DISSERTATION 24 340 PED7001W PAEDIATRICS THESIS 16 520 PED7002W MD PAEDIATRICS 16 520 PED7004W MMED PAEDIATRICS PT 1 10 960 PED7006W MMED PAEDIATRICS PT 2 10 960 PED7007W PAEDIATRICS MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 PED7009W MPHIL PAED NEPHROLOGY PT 1 10 550 PED7010W MPHIL NEONATOLOGY PT 1 10 550 PED7011W MPHIL PAED ONCOLOGY PT 1 10 550 PED7012W MPHIL PAED CARDIOLOGY PT 1 10 550 PED7019W PAED NEPHROLOGY M/DISS (60) 4 760 PED7020W NEONATOLOGY M/DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 PED7021W PAED ONCOLOGY M/DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 PED7022W PAED CARDIOLOGY M/DISS (60) 4 760 PED7023W MPHIL PAED ENDOCRIN PT 1 10 550 PED7024W PAED ENDOCRIN M/DISS (60) 4 760 PED7025W MPHIL PAED NEUROLOGY PT 1 10 550 PED7026W PAED NEUROLOGY M/DISS (60) 4 760 PED7027W MPHIL PAED CRITICAL CARE PT 1 10 550 PED7028W PAED CRITICAL CARE M/D (60) 4 760 PED7029W MPHIL DEVELPMNTL PAEDS PT 1 10 550 PED7030W DEVELOPMENTL PAEDS M/D (60) 4 760 PED7031W MPHIL MATNL&CHILD HLTH BY DISS 22 990 PED7032W MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH THESIS 16 520 PED7033W MPHIL PAED INFEC DISEAS PT 1 10 550 PED7034W PAED INFEC DISEAS M/D (60) 4 760 PED7035W MPHIL PAED PULMONOLOGY PT1 10 550 PED7036W PAED PULMONOLOGY 4 760 PED7037W HEALTH COMMUNICATION THESIS 16 520 PED7038W CLIN SCI & IMMUNOLOGY THESIS 16 520 PED7039W MPHIL PAED GASTRO PT 1 10 550 PED7040W PAED GASTRO M/DISS (60) 4 760 . 108 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES PED7041W MPHIL PAED RHEUM PT 1 10 550 PED7042W PAED RHEUM M/DISS (60) 4 760 PED7043W MPHIL ALLERGOLOGY (PAED) PT 1 10 550 PED7044W PAED ALLERGOLOGY M/DISS (60) 4 760 PHI1010S ETHICS 5 720 PHI1024F INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY 5 720 PHI1025F CRITICAL THINKING 5 720 PHI2012F PHILOSOPHY OF PSYCH & MIND 7 630 PHI2016S PHILOSOPHY OF ART & LITERATURE 7 630 PHI2037F APPLIED ETHICS 7 630 PHI2041S GREAT PHILOSOPHERS 7 630 PHI2042F POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY 7 630 PHI2043F BUSINESS ETHICS 6 150 PHI2043S BUSINESS ETHICS 6 150 PHI2044F PHILOSOPHY OF MATHEMATICS 7 630 PHI2045S PHILOSOPHY OF RACE 7 630 PHI3023F LOGIC AND LANGUAGE 7 630 PHI3024S METAPHYSICS & EPISTEMOLOGY 7 630 PHI4000W HONOURS IN PHILOSOPHY 33 830 PHI4004H PHILOSOPHICAL TEXTS 6 780 PHI4012S PHILOSOPHY OF PSYCHOLOGY 6 780 PHI4015S CONTEMP PHILOSOPHY OF THOUGHT 6 780 PHI4019W RESEARCH ESSAY/PROJECT 6 780 PHI4021F TOPICS: RATIONAL DECSIONMAKING 6 780 PHI4022S MORAL PHILOSOPHY 6 780 PHI4023F HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 6 780 PHI4024F PPE TEXTS 3 400 PHI4024S PPE TEXTS 3 400 PHI5000W MASTERS IN PHILOSOPHY 22 990 PHI5001W MASTERS COURSEWORK 30 560 PHI5002W MINOR DISSERTATION 13 990 PHI5003F CONTEMPORARY METAPHYSICS 7 660 PHI5006W PHILOSOPHICAL TEXTS 7 660 PHI5008S MORAL PHILOSOPHY 7 660 PHI5009F RATIONAL DECISION MAKING 7 660 PHI5010S CONTEMP PHILOSOPHY OF THOUGHT 7 660 PHI6000W PHD IN PHILOSOPHY 16 520 PHY1004W MATTER AND INTERACTIONS 12 490 PHY1012F PHYSICS A FOR ENGINEERS 6 280 PHY1012S PHYSICS A FOR ENGINEERS 6 280 PHY1013F PHYSICS B FOR ENGINEERS 6 280 PHY1013S PHYSICS B FOR ENGINEERS 6 280 PHY1014F PHYSICS A FOR ASPECT 6 280 PHY1014S PHYSICS A FOR ASPECT 6 280 PHY1015F PHYSICS B FOR ASPECT 6 280 PHY1015S PHYSICS B FOR ASPECT 6 280 PHY1023H PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS A 6 280 PHY1025F PHYSICS 1025 6 280 PHY1031F GENERAL PHYSICS A 6 280 PHY1032F GENERAL PHYSICS B 6 280 PHY1032S GENERAL PHYSICS B 6 280 PHY2004W INTERMEDIATE PHYSICS 16 590 PHY2010S ELECTROMAGNETISM FOR ENGINEERS 8 300 PHY3004W ADVANCED PHYSICS 24 910 PHY4000W PHYSICS HONOURS 45 330 PHY5000W PHYSICS DISSERTATION 22 990 PHY5001W THEORETICAL PHYSICS DISSERTATI 22 990 . AFRICA 7 660 POL5038Z SPECIAL TOPICS III 7 660 POL5039Z SPECIAL TOPICS IV 7 660 POL5042F PEACEBUILDING: ISSUES&PROBLEMS 7 660 POL5044S SOUTH AFRICAN POLITICS 7 660 POL5045S THIRD WORLD POLITICS 7 660 POL5046S DEMOCRATISATION 7 660 POL6000W PHD IN POLITICAL STUDIES 16 520 .AFRICAN POLITICS 7 630 POL3043F DEMOCRATIC THEORY & PRACTICE 7 630 POL3044S FOREIGN POLICY ANALYSIS 7 630 POL4002F THEORIES OF INTERNAT RELATIONS 6 780 POL4005H INTERNSHIP COMPONENT I 6 780 POL4006F PUBLIC POLICY 6 780 POL4007H RESEARCH ESSAY/PROJECT 6 780 POL4012F COMPARATIVE POLITICS 6 780 POL4013S COMPARATIVE PUBLIC ADMIN 6 780 POL4032F COMPARATIVE TRANSITNL JUSTICE 6 780 POL4033F AFRICAN POLITICS 6 780 POL4044F GLOBAL POLITICAL THOUGHT 6 780 POL4049S COMPARATIVE FOREIGN POLICY 6 780 POL5000W MASTERS IN POLITICAL STUDIES 22 990 POL5001S COMPARATIVE POLITICS 7 660 POL5003W MASTERS IN PUBLIC ADMIN 22 990 POL5005H INTERNSHIP COMPONENT 2 7 660 POL5006F PUBLIC MANAGEMENT 7 660 POL5007S POLICY EVALUATION & IMPLEMENTN 7 660 POL5010W MINOR DISSERTATION 13 990 POL5019S PUBLIC SECTOR REFORM 7 660 POL5023S POLITICAL BEHAVIOUR & RESEARCH 7 660 POL5026F SPECIAL TOPICS I 7 660 POL5027F PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIVE THOUGHT 7 660 POL5032F INTERNATIONAL POL ECONOMY 7 660 POL5035F DATA ANALYSIS IN POL SCIENCES 3 870 POL5036S SPECIAL TOPICS II 7 660 POL5037S POST-CONFLICT JUSTICE . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 109 PHY5003W ASTRO & SPACE SCI MINOR DISS 22 990 PHY5006W TERT PHYSICS EDUC DISSERTATION 22 990 PHY6000W PHYSICS THESIS 16 520 PHY6001W TERTIARY PHYSICS EDUC THESIS 16 520 PHY9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 POL1004F INTRODUCTION TO POLITICS 5 720 POL1004P INTRODUCTION TO POLITICS 5 720 POL1005P INTRODUCTION TO POLITICS B 5 720 POL1005S INTRODUCTION TO POLITICS B 5 720 POL1009F INTRODUCTION TO POLITICS + 0 POL1010S INTRODUCTION TO POLITICS B+ 0 POL2002S POLITICAL THEORY 7 630 POL2022F STATE MANAGEMENT & ADMIN 7 630 POL2038F COMPARATIVE POLITICS 7 630 POL2038P COMPARATIVE POLITICS 7 630 POL2039F POL OF INT ECONOMIC RELATIONS 7 630 POL2041S INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS 7 630 POL2042S COMPARATIVE PUBLIC INSTITUTION 7 630 POL3029F POL OF AFRICA & THE GLOBAL S 7 630 POL3030F CONFLICT IN WORLD POLITICS 7 630 POL3037F POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION 7 630 POL3038S URBAN POLITICS AND ADMIN 7 630 POL3039S ADVANCED S. 110 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES POL6001W PHD IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 16 520 PPH1001F BECOMING A PROFESSIONAL 7 510 PPH1002S BECOMING A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL 7 620 PPH1003F PRE-ADMISSION EXAM MBCHB 7 390 PPH2000W BECOMING A DOCTOR PT 1A 16 690 PPH2002S SPECIAL STUDY MODULE 4 500 PPH2003S SPECIAL STUDY MODULE 4 500 PPH3000H BECOMING A DOCTOR PT 2A 19 020 PPH4004F PRINCIPLES OF FAMILY MEDICINE 4 860 PPH4005S EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE 3 960 PPH4006S CLINICAL MEDICINE (A) 6 370 PPH4007S ETHICS 3 660 PPH4011S CLINICAL MEDICINE (B) 5 430 PPH4018F HEALTH ECONOMICS 1 4 660 PPH4019S ECONOMIC EVALUATION 4 660 PPH4020F MICROECONOMICS FOR HEALTH SECT 4 660 PPH4021S PRIOR SETT RES ALLOC & EQUITY 4 660 PPH4022F HEALTH ECONOMICS 2 4 660 PPH4023F ECONOMICS OF HEALTH SYSTEMS 4 660 PPH4024S HEALTH ECONOMICS 3 4 660 PPH4025S CURR DEV IN HLTH ECONOMICS 4 660 PPH4028F CHILD & FAMILY HEALTH 6 370 PPH4029H PREV & PROM OF CHRONIC ILLNESS 6 370 PPH4030S CLINICAL PALLIATIVE CARE 19 500 PPH4031S PAEDIATRIC PALLIATIVE CARE 19 500 PPH4032H PALLIATIVE CARE PRINCIPLES 19 500 PPH4033F PESTICIDE RISK MANAGEMENT 6 190 PPH4033S PESTICIDE RISK MANAGEMENT 6 190 PPH4034F HEALTH & SAFETY MANAGEMENT 6 190 PPH4034S HEALTH & SAFETY MANAGEMENT 6 190 PPH4035F MANAGEMT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RISK 6 190 PPH4035S MANAGEMT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RISK 6 190 PPH4041S CHEMICAL CONVENTIONS 6 190 PPH4042F PUBLIC HEALTH & PESTICIDES 6 190 PPH4044F TECH & LEARN THEORIES IN HPE 9 270 PPH4051F ALTERN & RISK REDUCTION STRATE 6 190 PPH4054S INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT 420 PPH4056W HEALTH IN CONTEXT 14 070 PPH4057W CRIT HEALTH MGT PRACTICES 8 000 PPH4058W LEADING HEALTH SYS IMPROVEMENT 8 000 PPH4059S HEALTH SYS INTERVENTION PROJ 14 400 PPH4060S WORKING IN COMPLEX HEALTH SYST 8 000 PPH6000W FAMILY MED AND PALLIAT MEDICIN 7 900 PPH6001W PRIMARY HEALTH CARE ELECTIVE 2 000 PPH6005W SHORT ELECTIVE 1 000 PPH6030W MPHIL PALL MED BY DISS 24 340 PPH7008W PG DIP OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 24 780 PPH7015W MPH MINOR DISS (60 CRED) 15 620 PPH7016F PUBLIC HEALTH AND SOCIETY 3 430 PPH7018F INTRODUCTION TO EPIDEMIOLOGY 3 430 PPH7021F BIOSTATISTICS I 3 430 PPH7022S EVIDENCE-BASED HEALTH CARE 3 430 PPH7029F ADVANCED EPIDEMIOLOGY 3 430 PPH7033W MMED PUBLIC HEALTH PT 1 10 960 PPH7034W MMED PUBLIC HEALTH PT 2 10 960 PPH7035W PUBL HLTH MED M/DISS (60CRED) 7 750 PPH7039F THEORY&APPL ECONEVAL IN HLTH 3 430 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 111 PPH7041S HEALTH POLICY AND PLANNING 3 430 PPH7048W PALL MED MIN DISS (90 CRED) 23 400 PPH7050F MICROECONOMICS FOR HLTH SECTOR 3 430 PPH7051W FAMILY MEDICINE THESIS 16 520 PPH7053F PUBL HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS 3 430 PPH7053S PUBLIC HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS 3 430 PPH7054F GENDER & HEALTH 3 430 PPH7054S GENDER & HEALTH 3 430 PPH7055W PUBLIC HEALTH THESIS 16 520 PPH7056W MMED OCCUP MEDICINE PT 1 10 960 PPH7057W MMED OCCUP MEDICINE PT 2 10 960 PPH7060W OCCUP HLTH MIN DISS (60 CRED) 15 620 PPH7063S EPIDEMIOL OF INFECT DISEASES 3 430 PPH7064F QUANTIT METHODS FOR HEALTHECON 3 430 PPH7065S EPIDEMIOL OF NON-COMM DISEASES 3 430 PPH7070S QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS 3 430 PPH7071F QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS 3 430 PPH7072W MMED FAMILY MEDICINE PT 1 10 960 PPH7073W MMED FAMILY MEDICINE PT 2 10 960 PPH7074W FAMILY MED MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 PPH7077S ECONOMICS OF HEALTH SYSTEMS 3 430 PPH7080H ADV PALL MED RESEARCH METHODS 23 400 PPH7084F INTRO TO HLTH SYST RES & EVAL 3 430 PPH7084S INTRO TO HLTH SYST RES & EVAL 3 430 PPH7086S CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY 3 090 PPH7087W MPH HEALTH ECONOMICS DISS 23 400 PPH7089F PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICUM 3 430 PPH7089S PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICUM 3 430 PPH7090F SEMINARS IN EPIDEMIOLOGY 3 430 PPH7090S SEMINARS IN EPIDEMIOLOGY 3 430 PPH7091S QUALITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS 3 430 PPH7092S BIOSTATISTICS II 3 430 PPH7093F INTRO TO HEALTH SYSTEMS 3 430 PPH7094S HEALTH SYSTEMS RESEARCH & EVAL 3 430 PPH9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 PRY2001S SPECIAL STUDY MODULE 4 500 PRY2002W PSYCH FOR OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY 6 040 PRY4000W CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY 10 550 PRY4008W EVIDENCE-BASED TREATM APPROACH 4 710 PRY4009F SCREEN&ASSESM ADDICT DISORDERS 4 710 PRY4010S CASE MANAGEMNT&SERVICE MONITOR 4 710 PRY4011F MANAGING COOCCUR MENT DISORDER 4 710 PRY4012S ETHICS & PROF DEVELOPMENT 4 710 PRY4013F UNDERSTANDING ADDICT DISORDERS 4 710 PRY4015F MAN CHILD&ADOL W ADDICT DISORD 4 710 PRY4016S WRKING W FAM & SOCIAL NETWORKS 4 710 PRY4018F INTRO PSYCHDNY CONCPTS PSYCHTH 7 730 PRY4019F BASIC THERAPEUTIC COMPETENCIES 9 270 PRY4020F INTRO TO COGN BEHAV THERAPY 7 730 PRY4020S INTRO TO COGN BEHAV THERAPY 7 730 PRY4021S ETHICAL PRACTICE PSYCHOTHERAPY 4 660 PRY4022F EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE 7 730 PRY4022S EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE 7 730 PRY4023F INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT 620 PRY4023S INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT 420 PRY6000W PSYCHIATRY AND MENTAL HEALTH 7 900 PRY6001W PUBLMENTHLTH DISSERTATION 22 990 . 112 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES PRY6002F ADVANCED MENTAL HEALTH RESRCH 2 560 PRY7001W PSYCHIATRY THESIS 16 520 PRY7002W MD PSYCHIATRY 16 520 PRY7006W MPHIL CHILD& ADOLES PSYCH PT 1 10 550 PRY7007W MMED PSYCHIATRY PT 1 10 960 PRY7008W MMED PSYCHIATRY PT 2 10 960 PRY7009W PSYCHIATRY MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 PRY7010W CHILD&ADOLSPSYCH M/DISS (60) 4 760 PRY7011W MSCMED PSYCHIATRY 24 340 PRY7012W PSYCHIATRY DISSERTATION 26 180 PRY7013W MPHIL FORENS MENTAL HLTH PT 1 31 220 PRY7016W MPHIL ADDICT MENTAL HLTH PT 1 10 550 PRY7017W ADDICMENTHLTH M/DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 PRY7018W MPHIL NEUROPSYCHIATRY PT 1 10 550 PRY7019W NEUROPSYCHIATRY M/DISS (60) 4 760 PRY7020W MPHIL LIAISON MENTAL HLTH PT 1 10 550 PRY7021W LIAISMENTHLTH M/DISS (60 CRD) 4 760 PRY7022W NEUROSCIENCE (PSYCH) DISS 24 340 PRY7023W MPHIL INTELLECTUAL DISABIL PT1 23 400 PRY7024W INTELLDISABIL M/DISS (60CRD) 23 400 PRY7025W NEUROPSYCHIATRY THESIS 16 520 PRY7026W NEUROSCIENCE (PSYCH) THESIS 16 520 PRY7027W COUNSELL & PSYCH SERV DISS 22 990 PRY9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 PSY1004F INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY PART 1 5 770 PSY1005S INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY PART 2 5 770 PSY1006F INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY PART 1 + 0 PSY1007S INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY PART 2 + 0 PSY2003S SOCIAL PSYCH & INTERGROUP REL 7 630 PSY2006F RESEARCH IN PSYCHOLOGY I 7 630 PSY2009F DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 7 630 PSY2010S COGNITION AND NEUROSCIENCE 7 630 PSY2011F CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY I 7 630 PSY2012F RESEARCH IN PSYCHOLOGY I+ 0 PSY3005F CRITICAL PSYCHOLOGY 7 630 PSY3007S RESEARCH IN PSYCHOLOGY II 7 630 PSY3008F HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 7 630 PSY3009F APPLIED COGNITIVE SCIENCE 7 630 PSY3010S INTRO TO CLINICAL NEUROPSYCH 7 630 PSY3011S CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY II 7 630 PSY4000W HONOURS IN PSYCHOLOGY 33 830 PSY5002W MASTERS IN CLIN PSYCH C/WORK 36 590 PSY5003W MASTERS IN CLIN PSYCH DISS 13 990 PSY5011W MASTERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 22 990 PSY5015W MINOR DISSERTATION 13 990 PSY5016F PROGRAMME EVALUATION 7 660 PSY5019W MINOR DISSERTATION 18 560 PSY5022F INTRO TO NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 7 660 PSY5023S NEUROPSYCHOLOGY DISORDERS 7 660 PSY5025W CLINICAL PRACTICALS 7 660 PSY5026W RESEARCH DESIGN 7 660 PSY5027W PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH C/WORK 15 320 PSY5028W NEUROANATOMY & NEUROPATHOLOGY 7 660 PSY6000W PHD IN PSYCHOLOGY 16 520 PSY9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 PTY2000S INTEGRATED HEALTH SYSTEMS PART IB 22 560 PTY3009H INTEGRATED HEALTH SYSTEMS PART II 27 630 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 113 PTY4000W BMEDSCHONS HUMAN GENETICS 45 790 PTY4001W BMEDSCHONS INFECT DIS&IMMUNOL 45 790 PTY4002W BMEDSCHONS FORENSIC GENETICS 45 790 PTY4008S MEDICINA FORENSIS 5 200 PTY5000W HUMAN GENETICS DISSERTATION 26 180 PTY5001W GENETIC COUNSELLING M/DISS 15 620 PTY5002W GENETIC COUNSELLING PRACTICE 18 930 PTY5003F PRINCP OF GENETIC COUNSELL: CW 6 390 PTY5003S PRINCP OF GENETIC COUNSELL: CW 6 390 PTY5004F PRIN OF GENTC COUNS: APP LEARN 7 080 PTY5004S PRIN OF GENTC COUNS: APP LEARN 7 080 PTY5005F MEDICAL GENETICS I 7 390 PTY5005S MEDICAL GENETICS I 7 390 PTY5006F MEDICAL GENETICS II 7 390 PTY5006S MEDICAL GENETICS II 7 390 PTY5007W GENETIC COUNSELLING DISS 26 180 PTY6000W HUMAN GENETICS THESIS 16 520 PTY6001W BASIC & APPL RESEARCH IMMUNOL 3 920 PTY6002W BIOMEDFORENSCI M/D (60 CRED) 15 620 PTY6003F FORENSIC ANTHROPOL & ANATOMY 5 810 PTY6003S FORENSIC ANTHROPOL & ANATOMY 5 810 PTY6004F FORENSIC PATHOLOGY 6 380 PTY6004S FORENSIC PATHOLOGY 6 380 PTY6005F FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY 6 380 PTY6005S FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY 6 380 PTY6006F MOLECULAR FORENSICS 6 380 PTY6006S MOLECULAR FORENSICS 6 380 PTY6007F APPLIED FORENSIC SCIENCE 6 780 PTY6007S APPLIED FORENSIC SCIENCE 6 780 PTY6008W FORENSIC MEDICINE DISS 26 180 PTY6009W GENETIC COUNSELLING THESIS 16 520 PTY6010F FORENSIC STATISTICS 3 430 PTY6010S FORENSIC STATISTICS 3 430 PTY6011F RESEARCH METH IN FORENSIC SCI 3 430 PTY6011S RESEARCH METH IN FORENSIC SCI 3 430 PTY6012W FORENSIC MEDICINE 2 790 PTY7000W MMED CLIN PATH PT 1A CHEM PATH 3 320 PTY7001W MMED CLIN PATH PT 1B HAEM PATH 3 320 PTY7002W MMED CLIN PATH PT 1C MICRO PAT 3 320 PTY7003W MMED CLIN PATH PT 1D VIROL PAT 1 110 PTY7004W MEDICAL VIROLOGY DISS 26 180 PTY7005W ANATOMICAL PATHOLOGY THESIS 16 520 PTY7006W MMED ANATOMCL PATH PT 2 10 960 PTY7007W ANAT PATH MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 PTY7008W MMED CLINICAL PATH PT 2 10 960 PTY7009W ANATOMICAL PATHOLOGY DISS 26 180 PTY7010W MMED ANATOMCL PATH PT 1A 10 960 PTY7011W MPHIL PAED PATHOL PT 1 10 550 PTY7012W PAEDPATH MINOR DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 PTY7013W CHEMICAL PATHOLOGY DISS 26 180 PTY7014W CHEMICAL PATHOLOGY THESIS 16 520 PTY7015W MMED CHEM PATH PT 1 10 960 PTY7016W MMED CHEM PATH PT 2 10 960 PTY7017W CHEM PATH MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 PTY7018W MMED FORENSIC PATH PT 2 10 960 PTY7019W FOREN PATH MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 PTY7020W HAEMATOLOGY THESIS 16 520 . 114 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES PTY7021W MMED HAEM PATH PT 2 10 960 PTY7022W HAEMPATH MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 PTY7023W HAEMATOLOGY DISS 26 180 PTY7024W MMED HAEMATOL PATH PT 1 10 960 PTY7025W CLIN SCI & IMMUNOLOGY DISS 26 180 PTY7026W CLIN SCI & IMMUNOLOGY THESIS 16 520 PTY7027W MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY DISS 26 180 PTY7028W MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY THESIS 16 520 PTY7029W MMED MICRO PATH PT 1 10 960 PTY7030W MMED MICRO PATH PT 2 10 960 PTY7031W MICROBIO PATH MIN DISS (60 C) 7 750 PTY7032W MMED VIROLOGICAL PATH PT 2 10 960 PTY7033W VIROL PATH MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 PTY7034W MMED VIROLOGICAL PATH PT 1 10 960 PTY7036W MEDICAL VIROLOGY THESIS 16 520 PTY7037W FORENSIC PATHOLOGY THESIS 16 520 PTY7038W FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY THESIS 16 520 PTY7039W FORENSIC MEDICINE THESIS 16 520 PTY7040W MPHIL PAED FORENSIC PATH PT 1 10 550 PTY7041W PAEDFORPATH M/DISS (60 CRED) 4 760 PTY7042W BIOMED FORENSIC SCIENCE THESIS 16 520 PTY7043W MMED FOREN PATH PT1 10 960 PTY9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 RAY4000W BMEDSCHONS IN RADIOBIOLOGY 45 790 RAY4006W PG DIP PAEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 36 110 RAY4010W QUANTUM MECHANICS 3 530 RAY4011W RADIATION INTERACTIONS 3 530 RAY4012W COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS 3 530 RAY4013W DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING 3 530 RAY4014W PHYSICS OF RADIOLOGY 3 530 RAY4015W NUCLEAR MEDICINE 3 530 RAY4016W RADIOTHERAPY 3 530 RAY4017W RADIATION PROTECTION 3 530 RAY4018W TREATMENT PLANNING 3 530 RAY4019W RADIOBIOLOGY 3 530 RAY4020W HONS MED PHYS RESEARCH PROJECT 8 190 RAY5000W RADIOTHERAPY DISSERTATION 26 180 RAY5001W MEDICAL PHYSICS DISS 26 180 RAY6000W MEDICAL PHYSICS THESIS 16 520 RAY7000W RADIOBIOLOGY DISS 26 180 RAY7001W RADIOTHERAPY THESIS 16 520 RAY7009W MMED RADIATION ONCOLOGY PT 1 10 960 RAY7010W MMED RADIATION ONCOLOGY PT 2 10 960 RAY7011W RAD ONCOL MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 RAY7012W MMED NUCLEAR MEDICINE PT 1 10 960 RAY7013W MMED NUCLEAR MEDICINE PT 2 10 960 RAY7014W NUCL MED MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 RAY7015W NUCLEAR MEDICINE THESIS 16 520 RAY7017W MMED DIAGN RADIOLOGY PT 1 10 960 RAY7019W RADIOLOGY THESIS 16 520 RAY7020W MMED DIAGN RADIOLOGY PT 2 10 960 RAY7021W DIAG RADIOL MIN DISS (60 CRED) 7 750 RDL1003F FOUNDATIONS OF SA LAW (PART A) 5 780 RDL1003S FOUNDATIONS OF SA LAW (PART B) 5 780 RDL1003W FOUNDATIONS OF SA LAW 11 570 RDL1004H COMPARATIVE LEGAL HISTORY 5 780 RDL1006W FOUNDATIONS OF SA LAW (EC) 11 570 . PG 6 780 REL4053F RELIGION & CULTURE IN AFRICA 6 780 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 115 RDL1007H COMPARATIVE LEGAL HIST (EC) 5 780 RDL1008H LAW OF PERSONS & FAMILY 5 780 RDL1009H LAW OF PERSONS & FAMILY (EC) 5 780 RDL2002H LAW OF PROPERTY 5 780 RDL2003H LAW OF SUCCESSION 5 230 RDL3001H LAW OF SUCCESSION 5 230 RDL3003H LAW OF DELICT 5 230 RDL3005W LAW OF CONTRACT 10 430 RDL3006H JURISPRUDENCE 5 230 RDL4005H AFRICAN CUSTOMARY LAW 5 230 RDL4006H JURISPRUDENCE 5 230 RDL4008H CIVIL PROCEDURE 5 230 RDL4401H INDEPENDENT RESEARCH OPTION 2 990 RDL4501S HIV/AIDS BIOETHICS & THE LAW 2 990 RDL4503F SELECTED STUDIES IN ROMAN LAW 2 990 RDL4504S SOUTH AFRICAN MINERAL LAW 2 990 RDL4505F THE LAW OF CESSION 2 990 RDL4506S UNJUSTIFIED ENRICHMENT 2 990 RDL4601F ADVANCED PROPERTY LAW 2 990 RDL4602S CIVIL JUSTICE REFORM 2 990 RDL4604S LAW AND POST-APARTHEID LIT 2 990 RDL4605S LEGAL PLURALISM & HUMAN RIGHTS 2 990 RDL4606F PRIVATE LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS 2 990 RDL4608S SA DELICT IN PERSPECTIVE 2 990 RDL4609H MOOT CAPUT 2 990 RDL5606W MASTERS IN PRIVATE LAW 13 640 RDL5620S ADVANCED CONTRACT LAW 14 360 RDL5623F HUMAN RIGHTS & AFR CUSTOM LAW 14 360 RDL5624F HUMAN RIGHTS AND PRIVATE LAW 14 360 RDL5625F PROPERTY LAW AND CONSTITUTION 14 360 RDL5626S HUMAN RIGHTS GENDER & FAMILY 14 360 RDL5627S DELICT ENRICHMENT HUMAN RIGHTS 14 360 RDL5628W MASTERS IN PRIVATE LAW DISS 7 210 RDL5629W RESEARCH PROJECT (PRIVATE LAW) 7 210 RDL5630S MINERAL LAW 14 360 RDL6700W PHD IN PRIVATE LAW 16 520 RDL6701W LLD IN PRIVATE LAW (THESIS) 16 520 RDL6702W LLD IN PRIVATE LAW (PBL WK) 6 210 RDL9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 REL1002F RELIGIONS PAST AND PRESENT 5 720 REL1006S JUDAISM CHRISTIANITY AND ISLA 5 720 REL1015F RELIGIONS PAST AND PRESENT + 0 REL1016S JUDAISM CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM+ 0 REL2040F RELIGION AND SOCIETY 7 630 REL2047F RELIGION SEXUALITY AND GENDER 7 630 REL2048S PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION 7 630 REL2053S AFRICAN RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS 7 630 REL2054F RELIGION SEXUALITY & GENDER + 0 REL3037F RELIGION CONFLICT AND VIOLENC 7 630 REL3039F THE DEATH OF GOD" & MODERNITY" 7 630 REL3042S RELIGION AND MEDIA 7 630 REL4010F CRITICAL TERMS IN RELIGIOUS ST 6 780 REL4011H RESEARCH PROJECT / ESSAY 6 780 REL4046S BUDDHISM 6 780 REL4048S CRITICAL THEORY 6 780 REL4049F ISLAMIC STUDIES: INTRO. 116 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES REL5000W MASTERS IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES 22 990 REL5003W MINOR DISSERTATION 13 990 REL5020S PHENOMENOLOGY OF RELIGION 7 660 REL5111F READING RELIGIOUS TEXTS 7 660 REL6000W PHD IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES 16 520 REL9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 SEA2004F PRINCIPLES OF OCEANOGRAPHY 8 300 SEA2005S MARINE SYSTEMS 8 300 SEA3004F OCEAN & ATMOSPHERE DYNAMICS 12 490 SEA4001W OCEAN & ATMOS SCI HONOURS 45 330 SEA5000W OCEAN & ATMOS SCI DISSERTATION 22 990 SEA5001W PHYS OCEANOGRAPHY DISSERTATION 22 990 SEA5009H OCEAN & CLIMATE SCI COURSEWORK 22 490 SEA5010W OCEAN & CLIMATE SCI MINOR DISS 22 490 SEA6000W OCEAN & ATMOS SCI THESIS 16 520 SEA9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 SLL1002F WORD POWER 5 720 SLL1002L WORD POWER 5 720 SLL1002P WORD POWER 5 720 SLL1002S WORD POWER 5 720 SLL1016S SOTHO ADDITIONAL A 5 720 SLL1018S XHOSA ADDITIONAL A 5 720 SLL1022F SESOTHO COMMUNICATION IA 5 720 SLL1023S SESOTHO COMMUNICATION IB 5 720 SLL1028H XHOSA FOR HRS 5 720 SLL1042F AFRIKAANS INTENSIVE A 5 720 SLL1042S AFRIKAANS INTENSIVE A 5 720 SLL1044S BEGINNERS' AFRIKAANS FOR MBCHB 1 410 SLL1046S AFRIK MEDIA: THEORY HIST PRA 5 720 SLL1048H AFRIKAANS FOR HRS 5 720 SLL1050F LATIN I A 5 720 SLL1051S LATIN I B 5 720 SLL1052F GREEK I A 5 720 SLL1053S GREEK I B 5 720 SLL1054F THE WORLD OF ODYSSEUS 5 720 SLL1055S INTRO TO CLASSICAL LIT & THOUG 5 720 SLL1057F ANCIENT EGYPT 5 720 SLL1058F INITIAL ARABIC A 5 720 SLL1059S INITIAL ARABIC B 5 720 SLL1060F INITIAL FRENCH A 5 720 SLL1061S INITIAL FRENCH B 5 720 SLL1062F GERMAN STUDIES IA 5 720 SLL1063S GERMAN STUDIES IB 5 720 SLL1064F ITALIAN INTENSIVE A 5 720 SLL1065S ITALIAN INTENSIVE B 5 720 SLL1073F INITIAL SPANISH A 5 720 SLL1074S INITIAL SPANISH B 5 720 SLL1075F INITIAL PORTUGUESE A 5 720 SLL1076S INITIAL PORTUGUESE B 5 720 SLL1082F HEBREW INTENSIVE A 5 720 SLL1083S HEBREW INTENSIVE B 5 720 SLL1091H FRENCH FOR MUSICIANS A 5 720 SLL1092H GERMAN FOR MUSICIANS A 5 720 SLL1093H ITALIAN FOR MUSICIANS A 5 720 SLL1094H FRENCH FOR MUSICIANS B 5 720 SLL1095H GERMAN FOR MUSICIANS B 5 720 SLL1096H ITALIAN FOR MUSICIANS B 5 720 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 117 SLL1097S INTRODUCING ANCIENT HISTORY 5 720 SLL1101F XHOSA COMMUNICATION 1A 5 720 SLL1102S XHOSA COMMUNICATION 1B 5 720 SLL1121F MANDARIN 1A 5 720 SLL1122S MANDARIN 1B 5 720 SLL1131F ISIXHOSA LANG & LIT IA 5 720 SLL1132S ISIXHOSA LANG & LIT IB 5 720 SLL2002H BECOMING A DOCTOR: PART IB 7 630 SLL2025F SESOTHO COMMUNICATION 2A 7 630 SLL2026S SESOTHO COMMUNICATION 2B 7 630 SLL2040F AFRIKAANS IIA 7 630 SLL2041S AFRIKAANS IIB 7 630 SLL2050F LATIN II A 7 630 SLL2051S LATIN II B 7 630 SLL2052F GREEK II A 7 630 SLL2053S GREEK II B 7 630 SLL2055S ATHENIAN LIFE AND CULTURE 7 630 SLL2057F THE CITY IN THE ANCIENT WORLD 7 630 SLL2058F ANCIENT MYTHOLOGY 7 630 SLL2060F FRENCH LANG&LITERATURE IIA 7 630 SLL2061S FRENCH LANG&LITERATURE IIB 7 630 SLL2062F GERMAN STUDIES IIA 7 630 SLL2063S GERMAN STUDIES IIB 7 630 SLL2064F ITALIAN II A 7 630 SLL2065S ITALIAN II B 7 630 SLL2073F SPANISH IIA 7 630 SLL2074S SPANISH IIB 7 630 SLL2075F PORTUGUESE IIA 7 630 SLL2076S PORTUGUESE IIB 7 630 SLL2080F ARABIC IIA 7 630 SLL2081S ARABIC IIB 7 630 SLL2082F HEBREW LANG & LITERATURE IIA 7 630 SLL2083S HEBREW LANG & LITERATURE IIB 7 630 SLL2101F XHOSA COMMUNICATION 2A 7 630 SLL2102S XHOSA COMMUNICATION 2B 7 630 SLL2121F MANDARIN IIA 7 630 SLL2122S MANDARIN IIB 7 630 SLL2131F ISIXHOSA LANG & LIT IIA 7 630 SLL2132S ISIXHOSA LANG & LIT IIB 7 630 SLL2133F ITALIAN CINEMA 7 630 SLL3001F SEX FROM SAPPHO TO CYBER 7 630 SLL3002H BECOMING A DOCTOR: PART 2B 7 630 SLL3003W CLINICAL LANGUAGE 900 SLL3040F AFRIKAANS IIIA 7 630 SLL3041S AFRIKAANS IIIB 7 630 SLL3050F LATIN III A 7 630 SLL3051S LATIN III B 7 630 SLL3052F GREEK III A 7 630 SLL3053S GREEK III B 7 630 SLL3055S ATHENIAN LIFE AND CULTURE 7 630 SLL3057F THE CITY IN THE ANCIENT WORLD 7 630 SLL3060F FRENCH LANG&LITERATURE IIIA 7 630 SLL3061S FRENCH LANG & LITERATURE IIIB 7 630 SLL3062F GERMAN STUDIES IIIA 7 630 SLL3063S GERMAN STUDIES IIIB 7 630 SLL3064F ITALIAN III A 7 630 SLL3065S ITALIAN III B 7 630 . 118 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES SLL3070W FRENCH ADDITIONAL 15 200 SLL3073F SPANISH IIIA 7 630 SLL3074S SPANISH IIIB 7 630 SLL3075F PORTUGUESE IIIA 7 630 SLL3076S PORTUGUESE IIIB 7 630 SLL3080F ARABIC IIIA 7 630 SLL3081S ARABIC IIIB 7 630 SLL3082F HEBREW LANG & LITERATURE IIIA 7 630 SLL3083S HEBREW LANG & LITERATURE IIIB 7 630 SLL3084F BUSINESS FRENCH IIIA 7 630 SLL3085S BUSINESS FRENCH IIIB 7 630 SLL3101F XHOSA COMMUNICATION 3A 7 630 SLL3102S XHOSA COMMUNICATION 3B 7 630 SLL3114W XHOSA COMMUNICATION FOR EDUCAT 1 860 SLL3131F ISIXHOSA LANG & LIT IIIA 7 630 SLL3132S ISIXHOSA LANG & LIT IIIB 7 630 SLL4000H RESEARCH ESSAY/PROJECT 6 780 SLL4025F TOPICS IN ITALIAN STUDIES 1 6 780 SLL4026F TOPICS IN ITALIAN STUDIES 2 6 780 SLL4027S TOPICS IN ITALIAN STUDIES 3 6 780 SLL4028S TOPICS IN ITALIAN STUDIES 4 6 780 SLL4044F CREATIVE WRITING 1 6 780 SLL4045S CREATIVE WRITING 2 6 780 SLL4048F TOPICS IN AFRIKAANS STUDIES I 6 780 SLL4049F TOPICS IN AFRIKAANS STUDIES 2 6 780 SLL4050F PRE-SOCRATICS TO ARISTOTLE 6 780 SLL4054S TOPICS IN AFRIKAANS STUDIES 3 6 780 SLL4055S TOPICS IN AFRIKAANS STUDIES 4 6 780 SLL4060F CONTEMP FRENCH LITERATURE I 6 780 SLL4061S CONTEMP FRENCH LITERATURE II 6 780 SLL4063F THEORY/PRAC OF TRANSLATION I 6 780 SLL4064F TOPICS IN GERMAN LITERATURE I 6 780 SLL4065F TOPICS IN GERMAN LITERATURE II 6 780 SLL4066S TOPICS IN GERMAN LIT III 6 780 SLL4067S TOPICS IN GERMAN LITERATURE IV 6 780 SLL4072S THEORY/PRAC OF TRANSLATION II 6 780 SLL4074W DIDACTICS 6 780 SLL4081F CLASSICAL STUDIES TOPICS I 6 780 SLL4082F CLASSICAL STUDIES TOPICS II 6 780 SLL4083S CLASSICAL STUDIES TOPICS III 6 780 SLL4084S CLASSICAL STUDIES IV 6 780 SLL4085F GREEK LANG & LIT TOPICS I 6 780 SLL4086F GREEK LANG & LIT TOPICS II 6 780 SLL4087S GREEK LANG & LIT TOPICS III 6 780 SLL4088S GREEK LANG & LIT TOPICS IV 6 780 SLL4089F LATIN LANG & LIT TOPICS I 6 780 SLL4090F LATIN LANG & LIT TOPICS II 6 780 SLL4091S LATIN LANG & LIT TOPICS III 6 780 SLL4092S LATIN LANG & LIT TOPICS IV 6 780 SLL4093F HEBREW AS MINORITY LITERATURE 6 780 SLL4094F THE BIBLE AS LITERATURE 6 780 SLL4095S TOPICS IN HEBREW LITERATURE 6 780 SLL4096F ADV HEBREW LINGUISTICS 6 780 SLL4097S TOPICS IN ROMANCE LITERATURE 6 780 SLL4100F TOPICS IN ARABIC LANG/LIT 1 6 780 SLL4101F TOPICS IN ARABIC LANG/LIT 2 6 780 SLL4102S TOPICS IN ARABIC LANG/LIT 3 6 780 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 119 SLL4103S TOPICS IN ARABIC LANG/LIT 4 6 780 SLL4104F TOPICS IN AFRICAN LANGUAGES 1 6 780 SLL4105F TOPICS IN AFRICAN LANGUAGES 2 6 780 SLL4106S TOPICS IN AFRICAN LANGUAGES 3 6 780 SLL4107S TOPICS IN AFRICAN LANGUAGES 4 6 780 SLL4200F TOPICS IN ROMANCE PHILOLOGY 6 780 SLL4201F TOPICS IN SPANISH 1 6 780 SLL4202S TOPICS IN SPANISH 2 6 780 SLL4203S TOPICS IN SPANISH 3 6 780 SLL5000W MINOR DISSERTATION 13 990 SLL5001W CREATIVE WRITING PART A 13 990 SLL5002S CREATIVE WRITING FICTION 7 660 SLL5004W CREATIVE WRITING PART B 13 990 SLL5005S THE WRITER AS HISTORIOGRAPHER 7 660 SLL5010W MASTERS IN AFRICAN LANGUAGES 22 990 SLL5012H CONTEMPORARY AFRIKAANS POETRY 7 660 SLL5013F ADVANCED CREATIVE WRITING I 7 660 SLL5014S ADVANCED CREATIVE WRITING II 7 660 SLL5020W MASTERS IN CLASSICAL STUDIES 22 990 SLL5030W MASTERS IN SPANISH 22 990 SLL5040W MASTERS IN AFRIK/NETH STUDIES 22 990 SLL5051W MA IN ARABIC LANG/LITERATURE 22 990 SLL5061W MASTERS IN FRENCH 22 990 SLL5062W GERMAN (100% DISSERTATION) 22 990 SLL5063W FRENCH FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES 7 660 SLL5064F THE FRENCH SPEAKING WOR(L)D 7 660 SLL5065S TRAINING CONCEPT MANAGEMENT 7 660 SLL5066S LANG TEACHING/TECHNOLOGIES 7 660 SLL5072W MASTERS IN ITALIAN 22 990 SLL5082W MASTERS IN HEBREW LANG/LIT 22 990 SLL6010W PHD IN AFRICAN LANGUAGES 16 520 SLL6030W PHD IN SPANISH 16 520 SLL6040W PHD IN AFRIK/NETH STUDIES 16 520 SLL6050W PHD IN CLASSICS 16 520 SLL6060W PHD IN FRENCH 16 520 SLL6061W PHD IN GERMAN 16 520 SLL6070W PHD IN ITALIAN 16 520 SLL6080W PHD IN HEBREW LANG/LITERATURE 16 520 SLL6100W PHD IN ARABIC LANGUAGE/LIT 16 520 SOC1001F INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY 5 720 SOC1005S INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY 5 720 SOC1006F INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY + 0 SOC1007S INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY + 0 SOC2004S RACE CLASS & GENDER 7 630 SOC2015S COMP INDUSTRIAL & LABOUR STUDY 7 630 SOC2019S SOCIAL THEORY 7 630 SOC2030F POVERTY DEVMNT & GLOBALISATN 7 630 SOC2032F CULTURE AND SOCIAL LIFE 7 630 SOC2034F POVERTY DEVMNT & GLOBALISATN+ 0 SOC2035S COMP INDUSTR & LABOUR STUDY + 0 SOC2036F POWER AND SOCIETY 7 630 SOC3007F SOCIAL RESEARCH 7 630 SOC3027F SOCIAL RESEARCH (INDUST SOC) 7 630 SOC3029S INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY & CHANGE 7 630 SOC3031S SOCIAL JUSTICE AND INEQUALITY 7 630 SOC4000H RESEARCH ESSAY / PROJECT 6 780 SOC4003S LABOUR REGULATION 3 390 . 120 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES SOC4004S POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY 3 390 SOC4010F DEVELOPMENT THEORY 3 390 SOC4013F SOC RES METHODS: QUANTITATIVE 3 390 SOC4015F SOC RES METHODS: QUALITATIVE 3 390 SOC4019F GENDER FAMILIES & THE STATE 3 390 SOC4021S INTRO TO POLITICAL ECOLOGY 3 390 SOC4025S ART & SOCIOLOGY OF POP CULTURE 3 390 SOC4028F SOCIAL THEORY 3 390 SOC4036U INTRO TO QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH 3 390 SOC5000W MASTERS IN SOCIOLOGY 22 990 SOC5002W MASTERS IN IND SOCIOLOGY 22 990 SOC5003F DIVERSITY AND SOCIETY 3 830 SOC5007F ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL CHANGE 3 830 SOC5010F ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT THEORIES 3 830 SOC5011S SOCIETY AND NATURAL RESOURCES 3 830 SOC5012S SOCIOLOGY OF DEVIANCE 3 830 SOC5013S ACTION RESISTANCE ALTERNATIVES 3 830 SOC5014S SOCIOLOGY/GENDER/GLOBALISATION 3 830 SOC5015S WORKERS CHANGE & CONTINUITY 3 830 SOC5018F EARTH ECOLOGY HUMANITIES C 1 920 SOC5020S SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS TODAY 3 830 SOC5024S DEVELOPMENT THEORY & PRACTICE 7 660 SOC5028S ADVANCED SOCIAL THEORY 3 830 SOC5030F IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW/ANALYSIS 3 830 SOC5032W MINOR DISSERTATION 13 990 SOC5034S GPNS DEVELOPMENT & DECENT WORK 3 830 SOC5036U QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGN 3 830 SOC5052F SURVEY DATA ANALYSIS 3 830 SOC6000W PHD IN SOCIOLOGY 16 520 SOC6003W PHD IN INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY 16 520 SOC9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 STA1000F INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS 6 130 STA1000L INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS 6 130 STA1000P INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS 6 130 STA1000S INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS 6 130 STA1001F STATISTICS 1001 6 130 STA1006H MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS I 6 130 STA1006S MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS I 6 130 STA1007S BIONUMERACY 6 130 STA1008F STATISTICS FOR ENGINEERS 4 080 STA1008S STATISTICS FOR ENGINEERS 4 080 STA1100S STATISTICS 1000 FOR CADP 6 130 STA1106H MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS 6 130 STA2004F STATISTICAL THEORY & INFERENCE 8 130 STA2005S LINEAR MODELS 8 130 STA2007H STUDY DESIGN & DATA ANALYSIS 8 130 STA2020F APPLIED STATISTICS 8 130 STA2020S APPLIED STATISTICS 8 130 STA2030S THEORY OF STATISTICS 8 130 STA3022F RESEARCH AND SURVEY STATS III 12 240 STA3030F INFERENTIAL STATISTICS 12 240 STA3036S OPERATIONAL RES TECHNIQUES 12 240 STA3041F MARKOV PROCESSES & TIME SERIES 12 240 STA3043S DECISION THEORY & GLMS 12 240 STA3045F ADVANCED STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 12 240 STA4006W STATISTICAL SCIENCES HONOURS 45 090 STA4007W STATISTICAL SCIENCES HONOURS 45 090 . UCT ACADEMIC COURSES 121 STA4010W OP RES & STATS HONOURS TOPICS 39 770 STA4011W SPECIAL TOPICS IN STATISTICS 20 630 STA4016H SPECIAL TOPICS IN STATS HONOUR 10 340 STA4019H STATISTICAL SCI FOR ACTUARIES 29 300 STA5000W STATISTICS DISSERTATION 22 990 STA5001W OPERATIONAL RES DISSERTATION 22 990 STA5003W ADVANCED ANALYTICS COURSEWORK 45 400 STA5004W ADVANCED ANALYTICS MINOR DISS 22 990 STA5005H SPECIAL TOPICS IN STATISTICS B 7 540 STA5013W STATISTICAL ECOLOGY DISSERTATI 22 990 STA5014Z STATISTICAL METHODS 2 610 STA5056F BIOSTATISTICS III 2 900 STA5057W BIOSTATISTICS COURSEWORK 40 900 STA5058W BIOSTATS MINOR DISSERTATION 20 710 STA5059Z TOPICS IN BIOSTATISTICS A 6 800 STA5060Z TOPICS IN BIOSTATISTICS B 6 800 STA5088H FINANCIAL MATHS MINOR DISS 13 800 STA5089F BASICS OF MATHEMATICAL STATS 2 900 STA6001W STATISTICAL SCIENCES THESIS 16 520 STA6002W STATISTICAL ECOLOGY THESIS 16 520 STA9000Z POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW 0 SWK1004S BASIC PROFESSIONAL INTERACTION 5 720 SWK1013F COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS 5 720 SWK2001F INTR POL ECON/SOCIAL SERV PROF 7 630 SWK2013S COMMUNITY & YOUTH DEVELOPMENT 7 630 SWK2060F SOCIAL WORK ASSESSMENT 7 630 SWK2065S SOCIAL WORK INTERVENTION 7 630 SWK2070F FIELD PRACTICUM I 4 410 SWK2075S FIELD PRACTICUM II 4 100 SWK3001F POL ECON OF SOC SERV PROF 7 630 SWK3061F SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH 7 630 SWK3066S CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL WORK ISSUE 7 630 SWK3070F FIELD PRACTICUM III 4 100 SWK3075S FIELD PRACTICUM IV 4 100 SWK4000F SOCIAL RESEARCH 6 780 SWK4001S RESEARCH ESSAY/PROJECT 6 780 SWK4002S ASSESSMENT & INTERVENTION 6 780 SWK4003F PRINCIPLES:PROB/CORREC PRAC 6 780 SWK4004S YOUTH JUSTICE 6 780 SWK4007S WORKING WITH INDIVIDS & FAMILI 6 780 SWK4011F ORGANISATION THEORY 6 780 SWK4012S PROGRAMME PLANNING/MANAGEMENT 6 780 SWK4013F THEORIES & APPLIED APPROACHES 6 780 SWK4014S INTRO: SOCIAL & ECONOMIC DEV 6 780 SWK4015F SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH II 6 780 SWK4016S SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH PROJECT 6 780 SWK4026S DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 6 780 SWK4030F CONTEMPORARY FAMILIES 6 780 SWK4031S PSY FUNCT & EMPOWERMENT 6 780 SWK4032S SOCIAL POLICY & MANAGEMENT 6 780 SWK4033F FIELD PRACTICUM V 6 780 SWK4034F THE FIELD OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE 6 780 SWK4035S SUBSTANCE ABUSE INTERVENTIONS 6 780 SWK5000F COMP SOC POLICY IN AFRICA 7 660 SWK5001W MINOR DISSERTATION 13 990 SWK5007F CHANGE MGT & STRAT LEADERSHIP 7 660 SWK5007W MASTERS IN SOCIAL WORK 22 990 . 122 UCT ACADEMIC COURSES SWK5009S FINANCIAL & INFORMATION MNGMNT 7 660 SWK5010H PROB/CORR PRAC INTERNSHIP 7 660 SWK5011H CLINICAL PRAC INTERNSHIP 7 660 SWK5012H SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNSHIP 7 660 SWK5013H SOC POLICY/MNGMNT INTERNSHIP 7 660 SWK5014S SOCIAL/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 7 660 SWK5034W MASTERS IN SOC PLANNING/ADMIN 22 990 SWK5035W MASTERS IN SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 22 990 SWK5053F PSYCHIATRY FOR SOCIAL SERVICES 7 660 SWK5054S CONTEMPORARY ISSUES PROBATION 7 660 SWK5056F SOCIAL INCLUSION AND THE YOUTH 3 850 SWK5057F PEACE-COMM DEV NEXUS 3 850 SWK5058S FAMILY AND GROUP PRACTICE 7 660 SWK5059F HUMAN DEV & ASSESSMENT 7 660 SWK5060S INTERVENTION CLINICAL PRACTICE 7 660 SWK6000W PHD IN SOCIAL WORK 16 520 SWK6002W PHD IN SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 16 520 . .......2... however. The Director of Student Housing may....1 Terms of Payment Post-dated cheques will not be accepted and will be returned to the drawer..3 Students who have not been living in student housing for the first semester and who are accepted into residence for the second semester will be required to pay one half of the annual residence fee on registration or prior to registration for international students including those from SADC countries Interest will be charged on a monthly basis at 1% on all outstanding fees. R16 500 This initial payment must be made by 5 February 2016 in the case of both new and readmission students.... In the case of residence offers made after 5 February...275 prior to registration or by 5 February 2016......1 Initial payment of Residence Fees is as follows: i) Catering Residence (First and Second Tier) ..... subject to a late payment fee of 10%. Students from SADC countries and non-South African students who do not have permanent residence but pay local fees..1.......2 Balance of all residence fees is due by 30 June 2016.... must pay the minimum initial fee for academic and residence fees PLUS the SADC Administrative fee of R3. A student moving into university residence after registration is also required to pay the initial fee as stated above 14. shall be liable for a pro-rata charge plus a cancellation fee of R500. exercise his/her discretion in approving a rebate under special conditions pertaining to the reason for withdrawal... RESIDENCES 14...1.1 Fee rebate for students who withdraw after the start of the academic year (a) A student who enters residence and withdraws during the first semester and before the commencement of the second semester.......2 Withdrawal from Student Accommodation after the start of the Academic Year 14....... R25 500 ii) Self Catering Residences (Second and Third Tier) .. Please allow at least 14 working days for payment to reflect in UCT bank account to avoid delays in registration clearance being granted. . 14. (b) A student completing his/her studies at the end of the first semester shall be eligible for a rebate equivalent to 50% of the annual fee (excluding levies)... 14. (d) A student who withdraws during the second semester shall be liable for the full annual residence fee... 14.. (c) A postgraduate student who is required for the purposes of his/her research to move out of Cape Town shall be eligible for a rebate on a pro-rata basis (excluding levies)....1.. the initial payment is due immediately and must be made prior to signing into residence.. whichever date occurs first.. RESIDENCES 123 14.... 2.2 Annual Residence fee For the purposes of determining the penalties and refunds referred to in the rules above. early February and the mid-year vacation. provided that he/she has complied with the application procedures laid down by the Residences Committee. the annual residence fee shall be deemed to be the sum of the room and catering overhead charges and meal option charges.3 Student vacation accommodation for academic reasons during December. A student who for academic purposes or for other purposes deemed to be acceptable by the Director of Student Housing has to be in Cape Town before his/her residence. however. breakfast and dinner R252 per day Room. The Director of Student Housing may. . exercise his/her discretion in approving a rebate under special conditions pertaining to the reason for withdrawal. The annual residence fee for these purposes shall not be deemed to include residence life and service charges.124 RESIDENCES (e) A student who enters residence for the first time during the second semester and who withdraws from residence shall be liable for the full fee for that semester. lunch and dinner R256 per day Second Tier: Self-catering Single room in flat R132 per day Bachelor flat R197 per day Single room en-suite R176 per day The charge in Third Tier accommodation will be based on the day rate of the respective residence.2. house or flat opens or after his/her residence. 14. 14. Vacation Accommodation rates for academic purposes 1 Jan – 31 Dec 2016 First Tier: Catering Room only R200 per day Room and three meals R280 per day Room. January. He/she shall pay for this accommodation at a daily rate to be determined from time to time by the Residences Committee. house or flat has closed may be accommodated in a residence which has been opened for the purpose. .. JP Duminy Court opens on Monday..................... RESIDENCES 125 14.................. The fees shown below are inclusive of all compulsory levies and other compulsory charges. per student ..... R 38 500 Single Room (Health Science) ................... will be cancelled.................. Clarendon (Health Science)................................................ will need to book and will be charged accordingly...... Offers of accommodation to students....................... or loss of......... The closing date for First and Second Tier residences is 12h00 on Friday........... R 43 800 Double Room... R 38 500 Small Single Room .... R 47 700 College House Single Room ....... December 2016........................ The fee for the First Tier accommodation excludes the winter vacation between the first and second semesters.......8) for international students on page 24............... but includes the short vacation in the first semester and that in the second semester........................ R 38 500 Single Room (Health Science) ........... who have not signed into residence by 22h00 on Wednesday........ 3 February 2016 (30 January 2016 for JP Duminy)........ 22 January 2016 if outstanding fees for the preceding year are not paid by Thursday..... will be charged directly to the students' fees accounts...... per student ............... on the official closing date of the residence each semester............................... R 43 800 Double Room.................. R 42 200 Carinus Single Room ...... 11 November 2016 and Third Tier accommodation Sunday................ R 47 700 Clarendon House Single Room . Medical Residence. Baxter Hall Single Room ............ For the purposes of a student housing place the academic year shall be deemed to end 72 hours after the student's last scheduled examination or in the case of a graduand........ The cost of the meal option is not included in the residence fee........................... The opening date for all residence students is Monday......... if this charge is not paid in cash to the Residence concerned........ 1 February 2016..... 11 December 2016.......... R 43 800 Double Room.. 4 January 2016 and closes on Sunday 11...... University property............................ per student .......... Meulenhof....... FIRST TIER (CATERING) ACCOMMODATION Students have a choice of 4 meal options........ Returning students who have been offered a place in residence will have their place cancelled on Friday.. The fee for Second and Third Tier includes these vacations... R 38 500 Small Single Room ................................ 14 January 2016............................ or are required to be in attendance at the University after the official closing date............................ with the exception of Carinus (Health Science).............. per student ......... A.................. Obz Square (Health Science only) and Rochester House being Sunday.. Students who are required to be in attendance at the University prior to the official opening dates.. The chosen meal option must be added to the residence fee.... Any charges incurred by students for damage to.. R 43 800 Double Room..3 Residence Fees and Occupancy All students from outside South Africa and the other SADC countries should refer to (5............ 3 January 2016... R 42 200 . for new and returning students. ................. R 43 800 Double Room............................. R 38 500 .............................................. per student ............................. R 49 800 Forest Hill G Single Room ................. R 47 000 Double Room........................ R 38 500 Single Room (Health Science) R 47 000 Smuts Hall Single Room .............................. R 43 800 Fuller Hall Single Room .................................................... R 43 800 Double Room................ R 43 800 Varietas Single Room ................ R 38 500 Small Single Room ................... per student ........................... R 38 500 Kilindini Single Room ............................................................ per student ............ R 43 900 Double Room...................................................................... R 38 500 Small Single Room R 42 200 Graca Machel Single Room ................................. R 43 800 Double Room with Private/Semi Private Bath..... R 47 000 Double Room.................................................................................................. R 38 500 Rochester House Single Room ......... per student ............................................. R 43 800 Double Room............................................. per student ............................................. R 40 100 Small Single Room ................. R 40 100 Small Single room ............................................................................................126 RESIDENCES Dullah Omar Hall Single Room ........................................................................... R 44 500 Residence Small Single Room ..................................... R 38 500 B.................... R 43 800 Double Room............................................ R 43 800 Double Room .......................................................................... R 43 800 Double Room................................ R 38 500 Single Room with Private/Semi Private Bath.... R 43 800 Double Room...................................... per student .............................................................................................................. SECOND TIER (CATERING) ACCOMMODATION Groote Schuur Single Room ............................................................. per student ....................................... R 42 200 Leo Marquard Hall Single Room .................................. R 43 800 Kopano Single Room .......................................................... per student ..................................... R 43 800 Glendower Single Room ....................................................................................................................................................... R 38 500 University House Single Room ................................................ R 43 800 Tugwell Hall Single Room .......... per student ........................................................................ per student .................. R 39 200 Medical Residence Single Room .... ...................................... R 35 800 Four Students in Four-Room Flat................ R 13 300 Groote Schuur Residence / Forest Hill G .. R 33 400 Liesbeeck Gardens Large Bachelor Flat .................. per student................... R 33 600 Two Students in Three-room Flat........................................................................ R 11 700 Groote Schuur Residence / Forest Hill G ................................... R 35 800 Three Students in Three-Room Flat............... per student . R 14 600 Health Science .................................................................. R 38 700 Three Students in Three-Room Flat....................... week days only First Tier .... R 13 700 Health Science ............................... per student ......................... R 54 000 Two Students in Two-Room Flat....... R 16 100 C................................... R 20 300 Health Science .. R 15 200 Meal Option 4 (MOW): 3 Meals per day.................. RESIDENCES 127 MEAL OPTIONS Add the cost of your selected meal option to your estimated room cost above.... R 13 000 Groote Schuur Residence / Forest Hill G ........................................... per student................. per student ............. per student ..................................... R 42 800 Single En-suite Room (Health Science) R 46 600 The Woolsack Single Room . R 44 700 Two Students in Two-room Flat............................................................... R 36 400 Small Room in Three-room Flat.................... R 17 300 Groote Schuur Residence / Forest Hill G ........................................................................................ per student ......................... R 38 700 Obz Square Single En-suite Room ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... per student............. R 33 400 Three Students in Three-room Flat.. per student ................................................................... R 47 500 Small Bachelor Flat ............. R 15 200 Health Science ........................................................................... per student ..................................................................................... per student ............ R 35 800 Small Room in Four-Room Flat...................... per student......................... Meal Option 1 (BLD): 3 Meals per day for seven days per week First Tier ............................................... per student R 33 900 Groote Schuur Flats Two Students in Three-room Flat................................................................... SECOND TIER (SELF CATERING) ACCOMMODATION Forest Hill Complex Bachelor Flat ....... per student ..................................... R 37 100 Large Single Room ... R 16 800 Meal Option 3 (BAD): Breakfast and Dinner seven days per week First Tier ............ R 30 400 Three Students in Three-room Flat................................................................. per student ............................................................................................................... R 33 600 Meulenhof Bachelor Flat .. R 50 100 Two Students in Two-Room Flat................................................................... R 33 400 Four Students in Four-room Flat....... R 33 600 Four Students in Four-room Flat................................... R 44 800 Two Students in Two-room Flat... R 43 500 ................ R 22 500 Meal Option 2 (LAD): Lunch and Dinner seven days per week First Tier . ........ R 40 800 Single En-suite room ......... R 46 600 Inglewood Single Room in House with Lounge ...................... R 88 300 Linkoping Small Single Room .......................................... per student . R 41 600 Single Room with Bath ......................... R 40 800 Harold Cressy Hall Single Room ............................................... R 40 800 and North Grange Three Students in Three-room Flat........................................... R 40 800 Two students in Three-roomed Flat............................................................... R 68 900 One Student in Three-room Flat.......... R 44 400 Edwin Hart Annex Bachelor Flat.................................. R 59 200 Two Students in Two-room Flat....................................................... THIRD TIER (SELF CATERING) ACCOMMODATION Amalinda House Single Room in House with Lounge ..................................................... R 55 700 Small Bachelor Flat .. R 59 300 Three Students in Four-room Flat....... per student ... R 46 600 Rondeberg Flats Bachelor Flat................................ per student .............................................................. R 54 100 Three Students in Three-room Flat...................... R 44 400 Avenue Road 8 Single Room in House with Lounge ........................................... R 40 800 Woodbine Road Single Room ...... R 59 300 Two Students in Two-room Flat........................... per student ........ R 40 900 Ex-Air Single room in flat.... R 46 100 ........................................................................................ per student ................................... R 30 000 Obz Square Single En-suite Room ..... R 44 400 J P Duminy Large Bachelor Flat .......... R 52 400 One Student in Two-room Flat ............................................................................ per student .................. per student .......................... per student ............................ R 40 800 Forest Hill (F) Two students in Two-roomed Flat........................128 RESIDENCES D.................. R 54 200 T B Davie Bachelor Flat................................
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