May 28, 2018 | Author: Pauljam Onamor | Category: Socialization, Sociology, Kinship, Anthropology, Society



Northern Quezon College, Inc.Brgy. Comon Infanta, Quezon 4336 I. STRAND: STEM and HUMSS (GRADE: 11) II. COURSE CODE: UNDERSTANDING CULTURE, SOCIETY AND POLITICS III. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course uses insights from Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology to develop students’ awareness of cultural, social and political dynamics, and sensitivity to cultural diversity; provide them with an understanding of how culture, human agency, society and politics work; and engage them in the examination of the country’s current human development goals. At the end of the course, students should acquire ideas about human cultures, human agency, society and politics; recognize cultural relativism and social inclusiveness to overcome prejudices; and develop social and cultural competence to guide their interactions with groups, communities, and institutions. IV. COURSE CREDIT : 24 Units V. TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS : 80 hours/40 hours per week VI. CORE VALUES : Service, Innovation, Integrity, Excellence and Professionalism Page 1 3. 2. the students can: COGNITIVE DOMAIN: 1. realization and learning experience that will be useful to prepare the learner to face the demands and challenges of the 21st century and to take advantage of the opportunities present in the community. Recognize cultural relativism and social inclusiveness to overcome prejudices. Acquire ideas about human culture.VII. AFFECTIVE DOMAIN: 1. society and politics. culture and politics within a global perspective in the 21st century. 2. Actualize one’s potentials. Contextualize the study of Philippine society. Stimulate insights. 2. talents and commitment towards social change and national development. Apply theories into practice. human agency. Page 2 . PSYCHOMOTOR DOMAIN: 1. OBJECTIVES GENERAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the semester. Develop critical thinking and other skills that are expected from a 21st century learner-centered environment. Develop social and cultural competence to guide their interactions with groups. communities. networks and institutions. 4. appreciate the nature of CHAPTER 2: Defining culture and culture and society from and society WEEK sociological perspectives the Our culture and society in the 21st 3&4 on perspectives of century culture and society anthropology Relationship between culture and Page 3 . Designing Presentation of social differences. and political and politics identities identities  Social. articulate observations 1. cultural and political Creative WEEK 2. and political social change. adopt an open and being: journey in Making Outputs 1 & 2 and an critical discovering the self comic strip.VII. Life-long and 3. culture human cultural variation. TER CULTURE AND POLITICS 1. social differences. and Political Science as social sciences 1. Sociology. observation and reflection Why study anthropology. society Discussion Joey Output change. and cultural Significance of studying culture. explain anthropological 1. political. Understanding culture. variation. COURSE CONTENT LEARNING TIME LEARNING ASSESSMENT/ LEARNING OUTCOMES LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING AREA/TOPIC METHODS/ FRAME ACTIVITIES EVALUATION STRATEGIES FIRST UNIT 1: BROAD SPECTRUM OF QUAR CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY. demonstrate curiosity 2. acknowledge human CHAPTER 1: Starting points for on cultural understanding society. analyze social. appreciates the value of sociology and political science Learning cultural change disciplines of Assessment Science. and different in many respects Collaborative/ or meme Reflections culture and society. Cooperative political identities phenomena through society and politics Learning 3. openness to explore the attitude toward different  One biological nature yet short skit Critical origins and dynamics of social. social and politics Lecture. and Sociology Anthropology. political. agrarian/ agricultural and society specialized museums. local. 2. describe society and and sociology society Problem-Solving Research Presentation of culture 2. Critical 2. evolution modern humans cultural and sociopolitical Human Biocultural and Social Lecture. values cultural heritage Collaborative/ site 4. demonstrate a holistic Characters of culture on different Outputs as a complex whole understanding of culture Ethnocentrism and cultural UNESCO 3. become aware of why being ethnocentric and how cultural relativism mitigates ethnocentrism 6. and  Early civilization and the archaeological and rise of the state Page 4 . identify forms of tangible and intangible heritage and the threats to these 1.horticultural Learning E-fieldtrip Connect the and and pastoral society dots economic. identify aspects of and relativism World culture society Cultural heritage Heritage and society 3. raise questions toward a and Cooperative holistic appreciation of express pride of place Learning cultures and societies without 5. including political  Neolithic age. trace the biological and Analyze key features of CHAPTER 3: Looking back at cultural evolution of early interrelationships of human biocultural and social to biological. explore the significance processes in human Evolution Discussion viewing Reflection of evolution that Biological and cultural evolution (Wall-e) WEEK human material remains can still be used and Cultural and sociopolitical 4 & 5 and developed evolution Simulation Presentation of artefactual evidence in  Hunting and gathering Collaborative/ Activity Outputs interpreting cultural and society Cooperative social. Film. recognize national. processes  Neolithic revolution- 3. identify the context. recognize the value of Forms of deviance 4. historical  Democratization sites as venues to  Industrial society appreciate Post-industrial society and reflect on the complexities of biocultural and social evolution as part of being and becoming human UNIT II: CULTURAL. Community- processes. and  Innovation the common good  Rebellion Human dignity. advocate inclusive human  Conformity citizenship rights and promote the  Ritualism 5. and 2. and Philippine Society Cooperative Reflection enculturation the Enculturation Learning V for WEEK 2. SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PRAXIS 1. these rules Agents of socialization (Film. promote protection of common good  Retreatism human dignity. identify norms and CHAPTER 4: Becoming a of values to member of society one’s self and others as a be observed in interacting Becoming Kapwa in the Collaborative/ The Gift Critical product of socialization and with others in society. explain the development 1. Identifies the social goals the role of innovation in  Statuses and roles Game Output and the socially acceptable response to problems and Conformity and deviance Design means of achieving these challenges Social control goals 3. rights and the common good Page 5 . consequences of ignoring Socialization Vendetta 6 & 7 content. assess the rules of social Both enculturation and viewing) based output consequences of interaction to maintain socialization talk about enculturation and stability of everyday life  Identity formation Focused-Group socialization and  Norms and values Discussion Presentation of 3. rights. nature of social life and groups and institutions secondary and Intermediate rules governing behavior In-groups and out-groups Lecture. Parokya ni 100 word 3. chiefdoms. Game culturally: monogamy vs. and nation-states Types of authority Political legitimacy THIRD QUARTERLY EXAMINATION 1. social and organization and its economic transaction such political institutions impacts as Understanding Cultural. traces kinship ties and 1. recognize other forms of CHAPTER 6: Cultural. analyze social and  Kinship by blood Cooperative Assessment political  Descent and marriage Learning Creating structures  Kinship by marriage Board  Marriage rules cross. 1. tribes. compare different social Reference groups Discussion Edgar’s essay forms of social Networks song organization Functions of social networks “Barkada” according to their manifest Kinship. analyze economic 3. states and nations. analyze aspects of social CHAPTER 5: How society is social organization organized Networks 2. Social and Page 6 . marriage and the Life-long WEEK and latent functions household Collaborative/ Learning 8 & 9 4. polygamy  Post-marital residency  Kinship by ritual (compadrazgo)  Family and the household  Politics and kinship Political and leadership structure Political organizations: bands. identify one’s role in Organizing People and Society 2. describe the organized social Groups within society: primary. Round Critical WEEK society redistribution in his/her Economic institutions Discussion Table reflection 10 & 2. on the lives of people in the sharing. attend. recognize the practice of  Types of religion medical pluralism in light  Ecumenism and interfaith of dialogue cultural diversity and  Religious conflicts relativism Health 1. identify characteristics of and social inequality Discussion (campaign Output the Rural and urban poverty against systems of stratification Poverty sector in the Philippines poverty) Page 7 . poster Presentation of 13 2. promote primary International Philippines education  organizations as a human right Education 5.. evaluate how functions unions Collaborative/ Building a Life-long of  Transnational advocacy Cooperative map of the Learning education affect the lives of groups Learning future city Assessment people in society  Development and agencies of the 4. differentiate functions of own Nonstate institutions Discussion 11 nonstate institutions in society  Banks and corporations society  Cooperatives and trade 3. and Political Institutions Lecture. examine stratification CHAPTER 7: Social and political from stratification the functionalist and Poverty: Social and Political Designing a WEEK conflict Stratification digital 12 & perspectives Defining the problem of poverty Lecture. observe elections Religion and belief systems practices)  Social functions of religion 6. and reflect on a  Self-actualization religious ritual of a  Primary education as a different human right group. the society describe.g. conduct participant  Functions of education in observation (e. gift exchange. identify new challenges CHAPTER 8: Cultural. cultural. Group Creative faced by human political change Discussion collaborati presentation WEEK populations Broad stokes of Social. describe how human Sources of social. suggest ways to address Programs in alleviating poverty global inequalities Conditional cash transfer program Collaborative/ A peso a Five Biggest Slums of the world Cooperative day Other forms of social and political Learning inequality: gender inequality Ethnic minorities Persons with disabilities Global inequities UNIT III: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century 1. identify new challenges CHAPTER 9: New challenges to faced by human population human adaptation and social WEEK in contemporary societies change 16 & 2. and Quick Critical societies adapt to new political change Collaborative/ bubble reflection challenges in the physical. describe how human New Challenges to Human 17 societies adapt to new Adaptation and Social Change challenges in the physical. Cultural on 14 & in contemporary societies and Political Change 15 2. social and Lecture. Natural disasters Page 8 . 3. and cultural  Diffusion Learning environment  Acculturation and Video clips Oral reactions 3.  Innovation Cooperative queries social. develop a plan of action assimilation presentation for Social contradictions and tensions on current community-based response issues and Presentation of to change events output 1. war and migration climate Challenges and technological change breakthroughs Infographic Presentation of s for outputs Filipinos 1. social and cultural  Earthquake Video clip environment  Tsunami presentatio Oral recitation  Typhoon n (Man by Man-made problems: global Steve warming and climate change Lecture. develop a plan of action Create a community based CHAPTER 10: Responding to WEEK for community-based plan as a response to social. political and cultural Lecture- 18 response to change change change Discussion Inclusive citizenship and Research Research participatory governance paper Defense New forms of media and social Collaborative/ networking Cooperative Social movements Learning FOURTH QUARTERLY EXAMINATION Page 9 . Cutts) Other man-made problems Discussion Global issues and development goals Research Transnational migration and on how the Overseas Filipino Workers Collaborative/ governmen (OFW’s) Cooperative t will Presentation of Effects of transnational migration Learning address the Findings of Filipinos issue of Refugees. Understanding Culture. Inc. and Politics.com. Sara S.google. Published & Distributed by Rex Bookstore. Nuncio. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Chapter Tests. PhD.com (free e-books) and www. PhD. GRADING SYSTEM: Prepared by: MS. COMBALICER Instructress e.IX.mail: shielamaecombalicer@yahoo. Phils. Raymundo. recitations. Culture and Politics Books Atbp.youtube.com X. Elizabeth Morales-Nuncio. Raychelle R. Long Tests. Artuz. Manila. SHIELA MAE B. and assignments/research works XI. Publishing Corp. Philippine © 2016 Websites: www. Barangka Drive. Mandaluyong City ©2016 Gerry M. Lanuza. Understanding Society.ph Page 10 . SUGGESTED REFERENCES: Rhoderick V. Society. MA.
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