Types of Welding Rod and its uses.docx



Types of Different Welding RodsWelding in the field Welding rods, or electrodes, are used in the stick welding process and will not be found in MIG, flux-core, TIG or any other welding application. They are a long, skinny steel rod with a flux coating. They are placed into the positive (+) clamp of the welding machine and are used to weld with. The negative (-) clamp gets attached to the metal being welded. 6010 This rod or electrode provides deep penetration of the metal, while at the same o time providing minimum spatter, or debris. This electrode is used mostly in heavy applications such as structural steel or farm equipment. The welder must be set on DC (direct current) to weld with this rod. 6011 The 6011 rod works well on dirty, rusty, or painted surfaces and is a favorite of o pipe welders in the field. It is also a heavy-duty electrode and can be used in the same fashion as 6010 rod. Like 6010, it has deep penetrating qualities and low spatter but can run on either AC (alternating current) or DC machines. 6013LV This particular electrode provides much less penetration and works great on light o materials such as sheet metal. It can also be welded using either AC or DC settings and is very compatible with low-power hobby welders. Not intended for structural or heavy steel. 7014 ©Mesbah Ul Musfiq Dreamers Corporation Bangladesh Page 1 This rod can be welded in all positions as well. 7018 This electrode is the most commonly used rod by welders today. Colors may vary depending on manufacturer. rod near vertical / 1/8" 90-140 AMPS 2) 6011: mild steel / 60. 6) Stainless 308.The 7014 electrode is powder-coated to provide a flatter weld. & the last digit is the type of flux coating.000 PSI / for all weldable aluminum / use a short arc. 5) 7024. ©Mesbah Ul Musfiq Dreamers Corporation Bangladesh Page 2 . The next digit expresses the welding position(s). This DC welding rod is the choice of many beginners as well. The 7014 can provide faster welding speeds and is very easy to strike an arc on. & condition. This rod is an AC or DC application. It produces a o high quality weld in mild steel applications and works very well out in the field. Below you'll see various common types of welding rods & other information: ROD/TYPE/STRENGTH/USES/COMMENTS/MACHINE SETTINGS: 1) Aluminum 4043: common aluminum rod / 25. deep penetration. It is easy to use and starts with a nice arc. which can be o useful on ill-fitting joints or other jobs that cannot be ground down afterward. This type of rod cannot be welded with when wet and must be kept in a rod oven to reduce moisture when not being used.000 PSI / for mild steels / all position. age. Welding Rods: Common Types and Usages Note that the first 2 digits on welding rods indicate the tensile strength in PSI (Times 1000). 7018AC o This rod has all the same weld qualities that can be found in the 7018 rod but is intended for AC welders. 4) 7018. Below are pictures of the above stated rod types. plus cutting / 1/8" 80-130 AMPS 3) 6013. Keep as warm & dry as practical for your situation. Then they will last longer & perform better.These are all fairly new rods. One example is ©Mesbah Ul Musfiq Dreamers Corporation Bangladesh Page 3 . You need to keep your rods out of the weather & humidity. Above are electrodes in this order (top to bottom): 1) Stainless 308's 2) 7024 Carbon Electrodes 3) 7018 Carbon Electrodes 4) 6011 Mild Steel 5) 6013 Mild Steel 5) 4043 Aluminum Weyerheauser Timber Company uses a variety of hard surfacing electrodes. A "rod oven" should be used to store 7018 at 250 degrees." which prevents oxidation of the metal being welded. The metal is surrounded by "flux. 308L AC/DC This rod is used to weld stainless steel and is resistant to cracks and corrosion. then hard surfaced. along with flux to assist with the welding process. & then weighed to help with balancing.for the big "hog" teeth which chews up large chucks of scrap wood in the sawmills. 6010 This is a very common type of welding rod. 7018 This is a very versatile type of welding rod and is a little easier to use than 6010. wrought iron. to get 60. 4 DIFFERENT TYPES OF WELDING RODS EXPLAINED Welding rods. The first two digits of the welding rod number indicate the strength of the weld. the welding rod is also the electrode. Multiply the 60 in 6010. are metal rods that melt and become part of the strong bond that holds metal together. Choosing the right kind for your job is very important because the wrong kind can weaken the weld. It also works well in all welding positions.000 pounds of pulling force. Types of Welding Rods Welding rods are used during the welding process to add material into the weld zone. They come in a wide variety of sizes and metals. The rod must be run on welders that use Direct Current (DC). or welding electrodes. The welding rod generally consists of the same material the work piece is made of. piping. It's a lowhydrogen rod and moisture can't be allowed to get into the flux. Welding rods are generally held by an electrode holder that insulates the welder from ©Mesbah Ul Musfiq Dreamers Corporation Bangladesh Page 4 . for instance. In some types of arc welding. Each "tooth" of this hog weighs over 100 pounds!! The cutting edge is built up first. It is used for farm equipment. and many kinds of general maintenance. 24 AC/DC This rod is used to join two different kinds of metal and works in all positions. the welding rod also acts as the electrode to guide the electric arc to the weld location. continuous welding rod Welding Electrodes  In most types of arc welding. and welding rods are available in many different steel alloys to meet the needs of any particular application. The American Welding Society (AWS) uses the "E" prefix in welding rod classifications to label welding rods that can be used for arc welding. metal inert gas (MIG) equipment and tungsten inert gas (TIG) equipment. which is a thin. welding rods with a flux coating are used. Steel Welding Rods  The most widely welded material is steel. Flux core welding rods have the flux located in the center of the welding ©Mesbah Ul Musfiq Dreamers Corporation Bangladesh Page 5 . The flux vaporizes at the tip of the welding rod. Composite Welding Rods  Advances in welding technology have led to the creation of composite welding rods. Aluminum Welding Rods  Aluminum welding rods are used for welding aluminum parts together. Aluminum welding rods can be used with standard arc welding equipment. Automated welding systems use a wire. resulting in a clean weld. Common types of steel welding rods are mild steel. For arc welding methods that do not use a shielding gas. Brazing using bronze welding rods offers increased resistance to salt water corrosion. low alloy steel and stainless steel. joining copper to other metals. These rods consist of two or more layers of material whose combination results in a stronger. and are particularly suited for welding dissimilar aluminum alloys together. higher quality weld. Steel welding rods are available with or without flux coatings. and repairing bronze and brass parts.the electric current. creating a gas that pushes the air away from the weld. Bronze Welding Rods  Bronze welding rods are used for brazing applications. Let's fire up the welder. overheads. I have here three different kinds of rod.000-pound rod before the weld breaks. 60.000 pounds before that weld breaks. How to Select Rods for Arc Welding The Voice: Hey.the only difference is the rod itself. Let's talk about rod a little bit.000 pounds worth of tensile strength. This one is a 6011. This is a 7018. The 1: It's still good for flat. It gets confusing after awhile ? that's why they have books on it. Here's a 6013. Kevin. teaching himself how to weld. As you can see. verticals. so you can see the difference between the rods and their respective welds. and for which type of welding machine. just like me. the second 1.000-pound rod. So. "How do you know which rod to use? Which rod do you use for general purpose welding. that would mean it's good for flat or horizontal. that would mean it was only good for flat welding. This one is marked AC. The last number. I'll run them all on the same setting on this little Lincoln buzzbox I use here in my studio. If it was a 2. the first 1. What are you looking at? Kevin Caron: These are welding rods for an arc welder. This allows flux materials to be used that may wear off if they were deposited on the outside of the rod. I had a question the other day from one of my YouTube video subscribers. horizontals. vertical. The 6-0 means 60. Metal-cored welding rods have a mild-steel outer layer and are filled with a custom mix of metal powders to meet the exact alloy needs for an application. stands for what kind of coating it is. a 6021. I'll talk about that a little bit later. that's the only difference. overhead. means it's good for all positions: flat. there are many variations out there regarding how you can use the rod.rod. so it's strictly for AC welding rather than AC/DC or DC welding. His question was. this is a 70. What's the difference between the 6011 and 6013? It's the type of coating. which rod to use for which type of welding. same settings . He's a new welder. The 1. which rod for a special job?" I thought that was a great idea for one of my how-to videos. If it was a 3. We'll use the same piece of metal. But first ©Mesbah Ul Musfiq Dreamers Corporation Bangladesh Page 6 . so instead of a 60. the weld is nice and clean. Can you see all the burn? Notice how dusty and dirty it is. It was actually a little over amperage. and I've got it set on 105 amps. not a lot of splatter. (American Welding Society) numbering system and are made in sizes from 1/16 to 5/16. so it can handle the higher amperage. with same characteristics but this one can be used with both AC and DC current. The difference between the three rods is the 6011 and the 6013 are eighth-inch. We'll call this one 6011. this one 6013. Deep welding penetration with high spatter while welds are made. I'm only going to change the rod. works on all types of steel and you can use it in almost any conditions with DC current. Not really pretty. which are usually referred to as “welding rods”. it?s three-thirty-seconds. It shows lots of penetration. so you can better pick the rod you want. with the 6013. I would?ve turned it down to 100 amps. Now let's try a little of that 6013. There's lots of splatter around. I think. However. Let's go back over to the 6011 for a second. First up will be the 6011. You can find out all this information online.we?ll mark the metal. Finally. and this one 7018. See you next time Types of Welding Rods Depending on what kind of welding operation which you will perform is necessary to use electrodes to. Hope that answers your question. It's an AC-225 amp.  6010 welding rod is mainly used for all welding positions. and we'll make some sparks. Just Google "what welding rod do I use?" You can get lots of information there. An example would be a welding rod identified as a 1/8″ E6011 electrode.S. ©Mesbah Ul Musfiq Dreamers Corporation Bangladesh Page 7 . came out nice and clean. This is the 6011. let's fire it up. The 6013: That's a nice-looking weld. So. The 7018 is the next size up. let's try some of that 7018 and see what we get with that. clean-looking weld. I'm not going to change that. or 95 amps. Nice.  6011 welding rod is related to 6010. Here's the little Lincoln welder.W. Get your helmet on. Now you can see the difference between the welds. It's a little bit bigger rod. The 7018 looks even better. If I could have. Let me chip the slag off real quick. Arc welding electrodes are identified using the A. flux-cored arc welding. which means it can be used as an electrode. tubular rods. The low moisture composition of this welding rod reduces the introduction of hydrogen into the weld. It’s mainly used for general tasks such as vehicles. sheet metal. brittle or easily torn. The four main types of welding are metal arc welding. low hydrogen.or five-digit number to guide the process of choosing the right rod. It’s a great way for beginners to learn welding on AC machine using this rod. ©Mesbah Ul Musfiq Dreamers Corporation Bangladesh Page 8 . How to Pick the Right Welding Rod A welding rod or filler metal helps to fuse or weld two metals. The American Welding Society gives each rod a four. Step 1: Determine the type of welding that will be done. ship building and repair.  7024 welding rod is made for flat and horizontal positions it makes the molten metal to solidify slowly.  7018 welding rod can be used with both AC and DC current. gas metal arc welding and submerged arc welding. too soft. low penetration and in all positions. If electrode is not kept dry and is exposed to humid air won’t work. Choosing the wrong rod will produce a weld that is too hard. Ensure the welding rod has an "E" setting. and they are used for different purposes. 6013 welding rod is a medium penetrating electrode with the same characteristics like 6010 and 6011 but works with AC or DC current. bare welding electrodes and welding fluxes. Choosing the right welding rod is the major factor in determining the success of a weld and the strength of the joint. Four types of rods are covered rods. Welding rods are available in different types. Welding rods range from a tensile strength of 7.Fillers perform as electrodes in arc welding applications Step 2: Consider the type of metal to be welded. match arc welding with carbon steel and an "E" welding rod.018 to 111. Step 3: Check the tensile strength of the rod. the stronger the rod. The higher the number is. Ensure the metal in the welding rod matches the material to be welded. It is very important to know the strength when choosing the right welding rod.s tensile strength.000 lb. Rods made of multiple materials are called combination or composite rods. look at its first three digits. For example. The tensile strength is the strength the rod will add to metal. ©Mesbah Ul Musfiq Dreamers Corporation Bangladesh Page 9 . To check a rod&#039. s size. Choose Inkontel. Choose a Radnor rod to weld metals with a crystalline core. vertical. horizontal and overhead positions. It can perform flat. The American Welding Society standard determines welding position for the rod. The right rod for welding cast iron is a high-nickel rod. Look on the packing box for the rod to check the rod&#039. Choose an "all position" rod. the temperature to use and the thickness of the material to ensure it is the right rod to use. ©Mesbah Ul Musfiq Dreamers Corporation Bangladesh Page 10 . Step 5: Choose the right rod to perform specialized welds.Step 4: Verify the welding position. when welding cast iron. The welding position is the position in which the weld will be performed. Select a carbon rod when welding steel or iron. The right rod to choose for welding brass is a rod with flux coating. a rod made of iron and nickel. Flux coatings often cover steel welding rods. (Technical weld image by Brenton W Cooper from ©Mesbah Ul Musfiq Dreamers Corporation Bangladesh Page 11 .
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