Types of Agitators, Agitator's Design and Significance - Pharma Engineering

April 2, 2018 | Author: Muhammad Erwin Yamashita | Category: Turbine, Propeller, Chemical Engineering, Gases, Chemistry



Calculations Contact Me Documentation Equipment Design Forum How To Softwares Write For Us About MePharma Engineering an engineer's choice  Home  agitator  design  Types of Agitators, Agitator's Design and Significance PO PULAR PO STS RECENT PO ST Types of Agitators, Agitator's Design and Signi cance Types of Agitators, Agitator's Design and Significance  Ajay Kumar Kalva  year ago  agitator, design [How To] Select a Motor Capacity for Agitator Tonne of Refrigeration, How to Calculate required TR [How to] find Reactor Heat Transfer Area Theoretically [HOW TO]Calculate the Volume Occupied by Torispherical Dish Search this site... Search Join Our Newsletter  Get All The Latest Updates Delivered Straight Into Your Inbox For Free! ENTER YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS... JOIN NOW   Save The Children Hello readers.....!! Today i gonna give you a description that limits upto my knowledge, and most of you may find it useful, about the Industrial Agitators, Types of Agitators, their Power Numbers, Design Equations and their significance in production. but just an idea that "what is an agitator ?. etc.. Do U ..!!! Sharing is Caring ❤.. work up's.. Trust Me.Introducing or discovering the types of agitators in pharma field is certainly a revolution because different agitators will have different purposes and different advantages.. Rs.. and still these agitators are sub divided into types. for knowing the types of agitators and their significance you don't need any basic knowledge. but most commonly used agitators are Anchor.... in a pharma industry it can be used in multiple operations like Outlines for Designing a Chiller Plant reactions. So. Paddle etc..Can Make a Difference.... for example Round Anchor and Anchor combined with Gate are two types of Anchor. And what it can do ??"   "What is the difference between Agitation and Mixing ??" We Care For Children.!!! Agitator : An agitator is something which is used to stir liquid or mixture of liquids. Turbine. drying.. Propeller.. What it can do ?? : It can be used in various operations..... Pressure and its Altitude Dependence Pumps in Series Vs Pumps in Parallel Overall Heat Transfer Co-Efficient Calculation . filtration.. 500/.!!!! Also Read: Blog Archive ► 2017 (3) How to Select a Condenser? ▼ 2016 (33) ► December (1) ► November (1) What Does a TR exactly means?  ► October (3) ► September (1) How to Calculate the Energy of Steam? ► June (5) ▼ May (10) Overall Heat Transfer Co-efficient Calulation base.. . Now i'll go into our topic. Agitator's Design and Signific. found The server can't be found. DNS is the network service that There are two types of Agitators commonly used.. Types of Agitators. 2.. Mechanical Agitators. lookup failed. Electronically Controlled Agitators.Difference between Agitation and Mixing : Agitation Scale up [How To] Select a Condenser Tonne of Refrigeration. Mixing refers to the actual stirring of different liquids and/or materials to blend them together into an end product or mixture.  1.. I'll demonstrate commonly used Mechanical Agitators. [How To] Select a Motor Capacity for Agitator ► April (6) ► March (5) ► February (1) ► 2015 (5) Like Us On Facebook  Agitation is the process of keeping a mixture that has been mixed in the proper mixed state required for the 'end' product. Page not Once this mixture is 'mixed' it may require agitation to keep the mixture in the proper 'mixed' state. because the DNS So.. How to Calculate required . Paddle agitators are used where an uniform laminar flow of liquids is desired. Anchor Agitators : This simple agitator consists of a shaft and an anchor type propeller and can be mounted centrally or at an angle. . It is mainly used in reactors.Recommended For You: How to Select Motor Capacity of an Agitator?  How to do Scale Up calculations?  How to Design an Industrial Column? Paddle Agitators: This is one of the most primary types of agitators with blades that reach up to the tank walls. . They consist of two to four blades that move in a screw like motion. propelling the material to be agitated parallel to the shaft.Radial Propeller Agitators : Radial agitators consist of propellers that are similar to marine propellers. Send us a message  Turbine Agitators : Yet another type of process agitator is the turbine agitator.Propeller Agitators : A propeller agitator is shaped with blades tapering towards the shaft to minimize centrifugal force and produce maximum axial flow. Turbine agitators can create a turbulent movement of the fluids due to the combination of centrifugal and rotational motion. . Propeller agitators are popular for simple mixing jobs. Helical agitators are most useful for mixing viscous liquids. just like the threads of a screw.Helical Agitators : These agitators have blades with a twisted mechanism. A simplified brief description has been tabulated below. The curves result in a vigorous motion of the fluids to be agitated.  Agitator Applications Advantages Disadvantages Type .  dispersion operations Blade *Disk Blade * Have to use in addition * Uniform mixing  to other agitators. * Apt for Slow operation. * Not preferred for *Pitched * Highly used during solvents with high Blade Reaction and Extraction * Highly used for  viscosity[NMT 20 cP] *Curved Operations. * Inefficient Mixing * Used during Crystals * Can have 2 or 4 blades  forming phase during Super saturated Cooling Turbine *Straight * Liquids and Gas reactions. * Heavy duty. Paddle * Slurry Mixing. * Not preferred for im-miscible Screw type of High viscous solvents. Helical Blade * Most Probably used in * Can handle Visco * Low possibility for Radial *Ribbon . * Mostly used in Food processing. * Mixing of Solids. masses. * Power Consumption is very high. * Generates high Blade  Radial Flow. It is generally 1/3rd the diameter of the tank for Marine Propeller. can handle Corrosive materials * Can be used in two different with Glass lining. avoid solid settlings * Suitable for GLR's. Propeller ANFD's. when both liquids and gases Gate * Highly used for blending Operations * Can handle Psuedo combine -plastic liquids. . Diameter of Agitator: Usually the diameter of agitator depends on the Diameter of the vessel. Disc Blade turbine. surface * Required high Power.  to Mass. patterns for * Need to be drying and pressing. * Highly used in Pharma Industry for Efficiency Gear Anchor from reactor heat transfer Several Operations box. Backward Blade turbine. Turbo Propeller. in reactors.  operated at low speeds in drying operations. * Provides efficient * Not preferred Mixing and agitation control. Axial flow turbine.Type Paint industry. Flat Blade turbine. -elastic liquids efficiently mixing *Helical Screw * Increase possible heat * Required high  transfer rate in reactors. involves  * Need to be operated * Will increase the at high speed to homogeneity. These have tapering blades. These push and rotate the liquid in a laminar flow. For Flat Blade Turbine. Paddle. Anchor. . and it can be calculated as  Number of agitators = (Maximum liquid height x specific gravity) / Diameter of tank. Gate. The diameter of impeller is 25% to 60% of tank diameter. Standard angle is 45 degrees. The width of blade is 1/8th or 1/10th of the agitator diameter. Cast agitators have two basic advantages. Axial Flow Turbine. Power requirement increases with higher pitch angle. There is no axial or radial mixing. These extend close to the tank wall and have tip speeds between 80 to 150 meters per minute. This produces maximum axial flow. These have tip speeds between 300 to 500 meters per minute.It is generally 4/5th of the diameter of the tank for Paddle. These have tip speeds between 200 to 300 meters per minute. Number of Agitators: There can be many number of agitators connected to a shaft. For Axial Flow Turbine and Turbo Propeller. uniformity of material and hard surface. Anchor. and angle of blade varies from root to tip. and disk diameter is 60% to 70% of the diameter of impeller. the angle of blade varies from 30 degrees (for less viscous liquids) to 60 degrees (for more viscous liquids). Type of Agitators and their functions: Marine Propeller is generally an item produced by casting process in a foundry and it has 3 or 4 blades. The diameter of Marine Propeller impeller is 15% to 30% of diameter of tank. Turbo Propeller and Flat Blade Turbine have blades ranging from 3 to 6. or Gate have only 2 blades. the length of blade is 25% of diameter. 1/3rd of tank Marine Propeller 100 . * 0.0 0.69 for 4 bladed. dia * 1.0 Agitator Shaft length = vessel length + (vessel dia x 0.300 RPM 5.300 RPM * 0. 1/3rd of tank Turbo Propeller 100 .6 for 3 bladed. * 0. * 1.6 for 6 bladed.6 for 6 bladed.45 for 5 bladed.33 for 3 bladed.0. * 0.25) For Rectangular Tanks.7 .35 for 3 bladed. * 0. 1/3rd of tank Disc Blade Turbine 100 .85 1/3rd of tank .  dia * 1.5). * 0.6 for 3 bladed.0.34 for 4 bladed.300 RPM * 1. many factors for impeller can be decided. Agitator Speed Power Number Pumping Factor Impeller Diameter * 0. * 0. * 0.0  0. dia * 1.8  dia Flat Blade Turbine 100 .4 for 4 bladed.  Basic Design Equations for a Vertical Vessel and Agitator: Vessel Volume = (pi x vessel dia x vessel dia x vessel length) / 4. * 1.3 for 3 bladed impeller.300 RPM 5.300 RPM * 1.87 for 6 bladed.87 for 6 bladed.33 for 4 bladed impeller * 0. * 1. Gap between two Agitators = Liquid height / (Number of impellers . * 0.35 for 3 bladed.7 .78 for 5 bladed. * 0.69 for 4 bladed. Tank Volume = Vessel Length x Vessel Breadth x Vessel Height Agitator Shaft length = Vessel Height  Based on geometry of vessel.0. 1/3rd of tank Axial Flow Turbine 100 .78 for 5 bladed.4 for 4 bladed.45 for 5 bladed. 0 0. mixing and heat transfer are major factors in maximizing the efficiency of a process.300 RPM 5.0  dia AGITATOR COMPARISON CHART: Today.0 0. Agitation.65 . making it possible to use a scientific approach to agitation and heat exchange techniques that will optimize your process.07  dia 80% of tank Gate 50 RPM 5.  dia 1/3rd of tank Backward Blade Turbine 100 .85  dia 80% of tank Paddle 50 RPM 5. the major concerns of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries are improving performance and reducing production costs.0 1.0 0. The chart below illustrates the different types of blades available and the characteristics of each. .03  dia 80% of tank Anchor 50 RPM 5. The various blade designs in our agitator product range have undergone significant research and testing.0. . but from a generous Genius "Satish Lele" Related Articles: .. Comments are most appreciated..... if you understand.!! Cheers..  Excel Sheet has been simulated for design of Agitator and you can download it here...That's it...! Note: Some of the Data Interpreted here is not of my own.. DOWNLOAD HERE Any Queries feel free to ask.. How to calculate Reactor Heat Transfer Area ?  How to calculate Distillation Time cycle ? How to select a Vaccum pump ? How to Calculate Volume occupied by Torispherical Dish ?   About The Author Hi! I am Ajay Kumar Kalva. Currently serving as the CEO of this site. and a chemical process engineer by profession. hacking and pharma technology. i'm interested in writing articles regarding technology. Agitator's Chiller Plant Design and Signi cance [How To] Design a Condenser  May 29. 2016  May 05. 2016  Apr 21. Follow Me on Twitter AjaySpectator & Computer Innovations Share This:  Facebook  Twitter  Google+  Pinterest  Linkedin CHILLING AGITATOR CALCULATIONS Outlines for Designing a Types of Agitators. 2016 15 comments: . a tech geek by passion. and in the process of condensing the vapour will exchange only latent heat. centigrade or brine -10 degree centigrade. UNKNOWN 1 JANUARY 2017 AT 17:37 which utility is suitable for condensing acetone vapours under vacuum and under atmposphere in condensor. 2.. and if you are able to maintain the vapour temperature above 15 deg C under vacuum. because the reaction mass temperature will be around 15-20 degC under vacuum.. there will be exchange of sensible heat also. give ur mail id so that i can share the sketch. remember to have a equalisation line from secondary condenser to collection receiver.pls. so mostly the vapours will reach equillibrium with utility outlet. AJAY KUMAR 2 JANUARY 2017 AT 21:13 using a better utility for condenser will enhance the rate of distillation. Reply Replies 1. ANSHU BHARGAVA 2 JANUARY 2017 AT 09:51 Can you explain theoretically and calculate and tell how to select utility as per the above post. if the temperature below 15 degC then use chilled brine at -20 degC. then go with -10 degC Brine or 5 degC chilled water. whereas in case of -10 degC brine. and in case of the vacuum distillation.chilled water 8 deg. the temperature difference can be considered as 7-8 deg C.. directly go with RT water at below 30 degC. for a chilled brine at -10 deg C. then go with chilled water for primary and chilled brine for secondary. and if you want to calculate it theoretically .1. if you are having two condensers. and for a utility like chilled water having a inlet temperature of 8 deg C.Anonymous. the temp difference will be around 3-4 degC.. AJAY KUMAR 1 JANUARY 2017 AT 17:52 Hey Mr. 3. if the distillation is an atmospheric one. blogspot. then you will get a clear idea. HIRENKUMAR KAYASTH 1 FEBRUARY 2017 AT 19:55 Please tell me how to do piping? How to design pipeline Header and Tappings from it? Reply . I am chemical engineering student I am doing my final year project on extraction of oil from slurry in oil refineries. Reply 2. http://pharmacalc.com Reply 4. mail me @ [email protected]/2016/09/how-to-calculate-rate-of-distillation. Give your best good luck. right?? Thats a good one. which uses brine at -10degC and chilled water at 8degC.html try to do a reverse calculation basing upon the fixed rate of distillation and find the LMTD of both cases.can you suggest us some ideas Reply 3. AJAY KUMAR 7 JANUARY 2017 AT 06:59 so i think. then you will come to know the difference. and regarding extraction any possible help i'll do. ANONYMOUS 6 JANUARY 2017 AT 22:26 Hello sir. then read the post in this link. and i too tried that during my project but finally got diverted. it is something like Lube oils refining. Regards. D^2 = D1 ^2 + D2 ^2 + D3 ^2 + .............. V = V1 = V2 = V3 = ... the number of tappings given should satisfy the above derived eqn.......... .. ANONYMOUS 3 MAY 2017 AT 14:52 what is the major difference between impeller...propellerand agitator Reply Replies 1.... [this is as per thumb]. that's it..... and the agitator that was usually called as propeller in pharma industry is strictly called as Retreat curve agitator.. PHARMA ENGINEERING Reply 5.. AJAY KUMAR 4 MAY 2017 AT 20:38 Mostly there wont be anything like a Propeller.. because Propeller is what you see in a table fan...... Replies 1........ AJAY KUMAR 1 FEBRUARY 2017 AT 20:41 A x V = A1 x V1 + A2 x V2 + A3 x V3 +. A = A1 + A2 + A3 +. But....... may be i've mentioned above that's just for understanding purpose........ . D = 2. and for example if an retreat curve is having two agitators then it is said to have 2 impellers. Reply Replies 1.. N = 48 rpm..m / Kg.!!!! . For Propeller.. rho = 1000 Cu.5m. and RPM is 110. Reply 6.. Coming to your question. That's it.8 = 2m.. That's it. Np = 5.5/3 = 0. and the dia be 2.. P = 5 x 1000 x ( (48/60) ^ 3 ) x ( 2 ^ 5 ) = 81920 Watts = 81.. N = 110 rpm. D = 2.5 x 0.. AJAY KUMAR 6 MAY 2017 AT 10:04 Let it be a 10KL GLR... For Anchor.83 ^ 5 ) = 3641 Watts = 3. Np = 1.5 P = 1. Impeller is nothing but an agitator.5 x 1000 x ( ( 110/60 ) ^ 3 ) x ( 0. ANSHU BHARGAVA 5 MAY 2017 AT 13:01 How can we calculate power for propeller & anchor used in glass lined reactor.9 KW..83m.64 KW. by thumb dia of propeller will be 1/3rd of reactor dia. .. those many nozzles you need to consider for a spray ball. Cheers Anuj Reply 8... If you know any such individuals...........how to select number of holes and flow from holes in spray ball? Reply Replies 1... V = V1 = V2 = V3 = . ANUJ GANDHI 4 JULY 2017 AT 17:31 Hi.. D is line size. D2... Great site...... A*V = ( A1 * V1 ) + ( A2 * V2 ) + ( A3 * V3 )+. D3. So.....com... D1... as like previously mentioned. We are currently looking for professionals who can independently design agitators for the process and mechanical aspect.. for how many nozzles the equation satisfied. are nozzle sizes.. We are a 30 year old manufacturing firm specializing in chemical and pharmaceutical reactors. please ask them to reach out to me at anuj@thermotechengg......... Reply 7.. (D^2) = (D1 ^2) + (D2 ^2) + (D3 ^2) + . AJAY KUMAR 12 JULY 2017 AT 14:07 Hello. and great work.. A = A1 + A2 + A3 + .. ANSHU BHARGAVA 7 JULY 2017 AT 17:08 how can we design spray ball ... Regards.... PHARMA ENGINEERING ... Comment as: M Erwin Yamashita (Google) Sign out Publish Preview Notify me Links to this post Create a Link Newer Post Older Post ... Reply Add comment Enter your comment. i'm iq network analysis OOS OQ interested in writing articles regarding technology. 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