Type 2 Charts

March 18, 2018 | Author: Mahasweta Mitra | Category: Relay, Fuse (Electrical), Engines, Manufactured Goods, Electric Power



Selection of DevicesFor Type - 2 Co-ordination About us Larsen & Toubro is a technology-driven company that infuses engineering with imagination. The Company offers a wide range of advanced solutions in the field of Engineering, Construction, Electrical & Automation, Machinery and Information Technology. L&T Switchgear, which forms part of the Electrical & Automation business, is India's largest manufacturer of low voltage switchgear, with the scale, sophistication and range to meet global benchmarks. With over five decades of experience in this field, the Company today enjoys a leadership position in the Indian market with growing presence in international markets. It offers a complete range of products including controlgear, powergear, motor starters, energy meters, wires and host of other accessories. Most of our product lines conform to international standards, carry markings and are certified. Switchgear Factory, Mumbai Switchgear Factory, Ahmednagar 01 Selection Chart Ø Fuse Protected Starter Feeder DOL Star-Delta 10 11 Ø Protected Starter Feeder with MCCB Fuseless DOL Star-Delta 12 13 Ø Protected Starter Feeder with MPCB Fuseless DOL 13 .Index Content Selection of Protective Devices for Motor Feeders Pg. No. Protection of motor. IEC 60947-4-1(IS13947 Part 4/Sec1) has facilitated selection of a relay by defining a ‘Trip Class'. 1 Motor Thermal Overload relay Thermal overload relay should protect the motor against single phasing and overloading or blocked rotor condition. hence has assumed extreme importance so as to keep these processes functioning safely and continuously. under voltage and single phasing which are the primary causes for high temperatures in motor. fans. More importantly. single phasing & short circuit. Unbalanced supply voltage can also lead to overheating in motors. it should permit starting of the motor. submersible pumps under loading can also result in overheating in motors. that will make motor windings to exceed safe working temperature. In case of motors where the motor is cooled by the medium it drives e. it should withstand starting current for a duration equal to the starting time of the motor. Hence it is extremely important to select effective motor protection devices to safeguard motors against any of the above faults. the protection devices should be co-ordinated. The use of motors is also rapidly increasing in commercial establishments. Studies show that about 40% of the motor failures are due to electrical faults like over current. over voltage.Selection of Protection Devices for Motor Feeder Introduction Motors are the backbone of industry. At the same time.g. In other words. SCPD ( Fuse / MCCB / MPCB ) Starter ( Overload relay + Contactor ) M Fig. overloading. The main purpose of motor protection system is to protect the motor windings from excessive temperature. 1 . Lower 'l2t let through' and 'cut-off current’ indicate a more efficient SCPD and hence better short circuit protection. A relay of appropriate trip class can be selected by comparing 'locked rotor current withstand time' for the motor with maximum trip time. 'l2t let through' signifies thermal stresses.2 times the relay setting. While they are generally fast in clearing S. in some applications. New generation of thermal overload relays incorporating 'differential mechanism' provide excellent protection against phase unbalance and phase failures even when motor is not running at full load.C. the relay should have trip time less than 15 seconds at a current equal to locked rotor current. MCCB & MPCB are widely accepted as the SCPDs for motor feeder protection. voltage unbalance is unavoidable and some derating might be necessary. they do take finite time to operate. For example. 2. ‘Cut-off current (Ic)' is indicative of electro-dynamic stresses that various devices and links / cables will have to withstand. 1.Trip classes are reproduced in Table 1. faults. selection of overload relay should take into account the derating factor. The two important parameters which indicate the extent of stresses generated by short circuits are 'l2t let through' and 'cut-off current'. Hence. a relay of 10A trip class will provide adequate protection. is the single line diagram showing components of a typical direct-on-line motor starter feeder. with reference to Table 1. All the downstream devices and cables in the protected circuit are subjected to stresses corresponding to this energy. Short Circuit Protective Devices (SCPD) Fuse. Table 1: Trip Class for Thermal Overload Relays Trip Class Tripping Time. These are explained in Fig. Though balanced voltages are preferred. By the time SCPD interrupts short circuit current. Unbalanced voltages result in high unequal currents in stator windings and consequently higher temperature rise. Tp. 2 . certain amount of fault energy passes through the protected circuit. Where a motor is derated. Seconds* 2<Tp< = 10 4<Tp< = 10 6<Tp< = 20 9<Tp< = 30 10 A 10 20 30 * at 7. Fig. for a motor with 'locked rotor current withstand time' of 15 seconds. MPCB will trip and interrupt for all type of faults & contactor will be used purely for switching ON or switching OFF the load. the let through energy & cut off current of MCCB are still higher compared to H. a separate undervoltage protection will be required. Fuse is used along with a switching device (SDFs) and has minimum let through energy & cut off current. fuse offers the most economical protection package (along with starter) for motor protection. Following two aspects need to be considered to achieve proper co-ordination: l l Discrimination between thermal overload relay and SCPD Adequacy of short circuit protection Discrimination To understand various considerations for proper co-ordination. Co-ordination of thermal overload relay & SCPD IEC / BS / EN specifications require that thermal overload relays and SCPD are co-ordinated to ensure that they operate satisfactorily under all load and fault conditions.C. fuse is the most efficient and popular short circuit protection device. 3. Since MPCB combines thermal as well as short circuit protection. It can be used directly for switching of a motor. This is very cost effective.R. in such protection scheme. While MCCB offer the major advantage of low downtime & enhanced flexibility due to availability of various accessories.R. H. Hence H.R. Moreover. fus (curve C).Ip Current Ic I t (let .C. Fuses. Motor Protection Circuit Breaker can be used in two ways. time-current characteristics of thermal overload relay (curve B). However the electrical life of MPCB is limited compared to that of a contactor. MPCB can be used along with a contactor. it obviates the need of a relay. Hence. Alternatively.C. 2 H. The development of current limiting Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) has brought wider acceptance of MCCB as SCPD for motor protection.R. Intersection of characteristics of thermal overload relay and Fuse / MCCB is termed as 'cross-over point' and corresponding current as 3 .C. MCCB with only instantaneous release (curve D) and MPCB (curve E) are superimposed on motor starting characteristics (curve A) in Fig.through energy) " the area under the curve 2 T Total fault clearing time Time Fig. it is necessary to co-ordinate the selection of components for a motor feeders. IEC / BS / EN standards require that the contactor should be able to withstand at least current equal to 8 times AC-3 rating (6 times for ratings higher than 630A) for 10 seconds l While using MCCB or MPCB. instantaneous release is chosen as 12 times the full load current of the motor. rating of contactor is so chosen that lco is less than rated breaking capacity of the contactor l Relay and contactor should be able to withstand lco for a duration equal to trip time of the relay. an improperly co-ordinated system can lead to l l l l l High electro-dynamic force (magnetic force proportional to Ipeak) Lower thermal stresses leading to reduced heat (It) Nuisance tripping of / operation of SCPD under small overloads leading to reduced life of SCPD Nuisance tripping of SCPD during motor starting (DOL) Nuisance tripping of SCPD during transient conditions like open transition starting of a Star Delta starter Selection of components involves co-ordination of characteristics of various devices i. ensure safety to the user & secondly. relay will respond faster than SCPD and hence contactor will interrupt the fault current. For such application. This is to be done keeping in mind the capabilities of the individual components.'cross-over current' lco. To avoid operation of MCCB / MPCB during starting. Following points are to be ensured while selecting components to have properly co-ordinated motor protection: l l Contactor rating (AC-3) should be more than or equal to motor full load current (if application is AC-3 duty) Thermal overload relay of appropriate 'Trip Class' is selected. Such a co-ordinated selection will firstly. 3. There are two types of co-ordinations specified in the standards. starting currents could be about 8 times full load current. Hence. 4 . Type 1 and Type 2 Co-ordination In Motor Feeders Standards like IEC: 60947-4-1 and IS: 13947-4-1 specify motor protection requirements. Specifically. They are Type 1 Co-ordination & Type 2 Co-ordination. Similarly. Hence. possibility of nuisance tripping needs to be considered while using MPCB for protection of high efficiency motors or for star delta starter. Instantaneous release of MPCB is normally set at 12 times the rating. Time current characteristics of the relay should remain above motor starting characteristics as shown in Fig. l For fault currents lower than 'cross-over current lco'. consideration needs to be given to peak current associated with change over from Star to delta. These requirements are for selection of switching & protection device for motor feeders. Since there are more than one switching & protection device. Fault currents higher than lco will be interrupted by SCPD. This thumb rule assumes motor starting current equal to 6 times full load current In case of high efficiency motors. while using MCCB as a SCPD for Star-Delta starter. provide the expected performance & life of the feeder components. of the overload relay & of short circuit protection device of the motor feeder. attention needs to be given to motor peak starting current.e. MCCB rating need to be selected such that instantaneous release setting is higher than 12 (about 14) times full load current to avoid nuisance tripping during starting. L&T’s charts are given in the pages from. Selection of components according to these Type 2 Co-ordination charts gives the optimum benefit to the end user in terms of safety.Type 2 Co-ordination means that the starter must exhibit little or no damage following a short circuit test and should be able to be returned to proper service without replacing any parts. That is. Table 2: Short Circuit Performance: 'r' Current Rated Operational Current Ie AC-3 A 0<Ie< = 16 16<Ie< = 63 63<Ie< = 125 125<Ie< = 315 315<Ie< = 630 630<Ie< = 1000 1000<Ie< = 1600 1600<Ie 'r' Current KA 1 3 5 10 18 30 42 To be agreed 5 . As described earlier. IEC / BS / EN 60947-4-1 have specified elaborate tests for verification of performance under short circuit condition. after being subjected to a short circuit current. 'r' current is defined corresponding to AC-3 rating of the starter. Tests at 'r' current are closer portrayal of actual application conditions.... This can be established only through extensive testing. In the case of Type 1 Co-ordination on the other hand. 'r' current and 'q' current. 'q' current is the maximum short circuit current the combination can withstand as specified by the manufacturer. relay and fuse / MCCB / MPCB should be reviewed for short circuit protection. These are shown in Table 2. It is important to note that the validity of the product selection is contingent on using components from the same manufacturer... These charts show the selection of different product combinations for a motor feeder. selection of contactor. After ensuring proper discrimination. the starter after undergoing a short circuit test may get damaged & can be reused only after carrying out major maintenance work like replacement of contacts or relay. These tests are carried out at two currents. Type 2 Co-ordination charts are usually published by the manufacturers of motor feeder components. reliability & durability. the selected contactor and relay should be able to withstand 'l2t let through' of chosen SCPD. the device does not require major maintenance like replacement of contacts of the contactor or replacement of relay-thus saving considerable downtime. 3 6 .6 In Current 12 ln Co .Co .ordination with MPCB T i m e Cross over Point (in Built) Motor Current Curve E MPCB 5 .ordination with MCCB Contactor Breaking Capacity (>12in) Curve D T i m e Motor Current Cross over Point Overload Relay MCCB 5 .6 In Current 12 In Fig.ordination with Fuse Curve A Contactor Breaking Capacity T i m e Cross over Point Motor Current Curve C Curve B Overload Relay Fuse 5 .6 In Current 12 In Co . a 18A Contactor is selected with a relay having rating of 0. 12*6 = 72A. This problem can be rectified by de-rating the contactor. the MCB will not trip as 60A is lesser than 15*5 = 75A. With proper de rating. Now the MCB has to trip for currents between 10-20 times its nominal current. 7 .16 hp motor with a full load current of 0.2A i. the overload relay will have to give a tripping command to the MCB and there will be similar consequences as in the previous case. A C curve MCB of rating = 72/5 = 14.Co-ordination of Contactors and Overload Relays with MCBs Types of MCBs The Classes of MCBs and the corresponding magnetic settings are tabulated below: Curve Type B C D Magnetic setting (Multiples of In) 3 .e. This is Type 1 Co-ordination and not Type 2 Suppose a D curve MCB is selected.5.10 times 10 . 60A is greater than 8*6 = 48A as a result the contactor will get damaged. the initial starting current will be around 5.4A. MCB is a peak sensing device. in order to ensure it does not trip during the starting of the motor. The IEC standard specifies the breaking capacity of a contactor to be 8 times its AC-3 rating. Select a 6A AC-3 rated contactor and a relay having a range of 4 .45A. then for the above case. one must be fully aware of the possible damages that might be caused to the contactor and overload relay.3 . for a fault current of 140A. This will cause permanent damage to the relay. the crossover between the relay and the MCB will take place at 5*2 = 10A which is 20 times the upper limit of the relay. Now in this case. Now suppose a C curve MCB is selected. 15A will have to be selected.5A. As a result the overload relay will have to give a trip signal to the contactor to break this current. For eg: for a motor having a full load current of 6A.e. There is no solution to this problem as de-rating a relay is not possible. an 8A MCB will have to be selected. i.6A Suppose a fault occurs and the motor starts drawing a current of 60A. 12 times the motor full load current should be lesser than 5 times the MCB's nominal current. 160A). These transients are usually of the tune of 12 times the full load current. while selecting an MCB for motor protection which may be a cost effective solution.20 times ‘C’ MCBs are popularly used for Motor protection applications Main problem while using an MCB for Motor protection Unlike a fuse unit. While providing SC protection to the motor it is imperative that the MCB does not trip on the starting transients of the motor.0. The second more serious problem can be described by considering the below case: Consider a 0. This care has to be taken while selecting the rating of the MCB. As in the earlier case a C curve MCB of 2A will have to be selected. For the worst case in which the MCB trips at 20 times (i. Thus in conclusion. a 72/10 = 7.5 times 5 .e. If the motor back emf and the line voltage are in phase. Star Delta starting can be of two types: a. the transient current peaks may be as high as 16 .R. winding connection is changed to Delta mode. Types of Motor starting The most common method of motor starting is either Direct On Line (DOL) and Star . When the Delta contactor closes.Delta method is adopted in the motor feeders where high starting current is not acceptable. The possibility of high current peak & higher starting time during starting must be kept in mind. Closed Transition In the case of most commonly used open transition starting. care has to be taken while selecting the SCPD & relay. the motor will experience a jerk. however it leads to a high starting current. DOL starting is simple direct switching of a motor. Hence it is recommended to select MCCB & MPCB with magnetic threshold of at least 12 times of motor full load current for all standard motors & at least 14 times of full load current for high efficiency motors. 8 .Delta.Summary Effective motor feeder protection should protect motor against any over current including short circuit current that can cause excessive temperature in the motor windings. Star / Delta starting Star delta starting method is popularly used to reduce the motor starting current.C. thermal overload relay and SCPD need to be properly co-ordinated to ensure that they operate satisfactorily under all loads and fault conditions. This can lead to nuisance tripping of the SCPD (especially in feeders involving MCCB or MPCB as SCPD) in the protection system. Star . This is especially important while choosing MCCB & MPCB as SCPD as these device can sense current peaks & may trip. which in some cases may be critical. In addition. Contactor. the supply to the motor gets disconnected for few milliseconds. DOL starting While DOL starting method is simple & most commonly used. IEC / IS / EN 60947-4-1 specify elaborate tests. fuse is most effective and proven motor protection. Combination of thermal overload relay and H. MCCBs and MPCBs are being increasingly used for motor feeder protection. Performance of a contactor and a relay backed up by a SCPD under short circuit conditions can be proven only through extensive testing. In such connection. full line voltage appears across the motor terminal. Hence the tripping characteristic of the SCPD must be properly selected to avoid any nuisance tripping during the change over from Star to Delta mode. the motor winding is connected in Star mode to start with.18 times the full load current of the motor. during change over from Star to Delta mode. Open Transition b. When it reaches a certain speed the motor (usually 80% of full speed). During this period there is no voltage across the motor terminals and the motor acts as a generator momentarily. reliability & durability of the installation. the change over from Star to Delta takes place through three resistors. Contactors / S-D-Fs indicated are of the minimum ratings. are very crucial for selection of proper motor protection devices to achieve Type 2 Co-ordination & hence ensure safety. starting time & current of the motor. Hence factors like type of starting. All S-D-F ratings are AC-23A as per IS/IEC 60947-4-1 8. Compliance to Type '2' Co-ordination is not assured in case these combinations are changed to accommodate another brand / rating of products like S-D-F / Fuse etc 7. For your ready reference. The charts are for Iq = 50kA at 415V. method of change over from Star to Delta. Higher rating of contactors and S-D-Fs can be used 3. squirrel cage motor with average power factor and efficiency 4. the change over from Star to Delta mode is made without disconnecting the motor from the line.300 hp . Selection is valid only for complete L&T combinations. 50Hz as per standards: IS/IEC 60947-4-1 Notes: 1. Upto 10 hp . Motors considered are with speeds more than that mentioned below.500 rpm 10 .30 hp . Normal motor starting time (<=5 Sec) is assumed.With closed transition starting.750 rpm 30 . this method is used only in critical & sensitive motors as it leads to an increase in installation & maintenance cost. These resistors do not allow full line voltage to appear across the motor terminal and also there will be no break in the supply to the motor.125 hp .375 rpm 2. efficiency of motor etc. The Full Load Current (FLC) indicated for single phase motors are of 'capacitor start motors' and for 3 phase motors are of 'squirrel-cage Induction motors' at full load. # : Only size '00' fuses should be used with FNX 160 S-D-F 6. In this case. 3Ø. * : Only size '000' fuses to be used with FNX 100 S-D-F 5. However. Selection chart is for standard 3-phase.600 rpm 125 . Type-2 Co-ordination charts for selection of various components of a motor feeder are given in the following pages. Hence closed transition method eliminates problems of high transient current peaks in the system & jerks to the motor. All the MCCBs are Instantaneous type only 10. ‘MNX' relays can be replaced by equivalent 'MN' relays 9 . Selection for motors with longer starting times can be made available on request 9. 5 .0 .25 3 3.5 0.0 0.5 1.4 .2 1.25 0.15 0.75 0.2 0. 50Hz hp 0. 3 Range (A) 2 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 10 10 16 16 16 20 20 20 25 32 32 50 63 63 63 80 80 100 100 100 125 125 160 200 200 200 250 250 315 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 630 630 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 63 / FNX 63 FN 63 / FNX 63 FN 63 / FNX 63 FN 63 / FNX 63 FN 100 / FNX 100* FN 100 / FNX 100* FN 100 / FNX 100* FN 100 / FNX 100* FN 100 / FNX 100* FN 125 / FNX 125 FN 125 / FNX 125 FN 160 / FNX 160 # FN 200 / FNX 200 FN 200 / FNX 200 FN 200 / FNX 200 FN 250 / FNX 250 FN 250 / FNX 250 FN 315 / FNX 315 FN 400 / FNX 400 FN 400 / FNX 400 FN 400 / FNX 400 FN 400 / FNX 400 FN 400 / FNX 400 FN 630 / FNX 630 FN 630 / FNX 630 FN 630 / FNX 630 FN 630 / FNX 630 FN 630 / FNX 630 SwitchDisconnectorFuse Type MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 12 MNX 12 MNX 18 MNX 25 MNX 25 MNX 32 MNX 32 MNX 40 MNX 45 MNX 70 MNX 70 MNX 70 MNX 80 MNX 95 MNX 110 MNX 140 MNX 140 MNX 185 MNX 185 MNX 225 MNX 265 MNX 265 MNX 325 MNX 325 MNX 325 MNX 325 MNX 400 MNX 550 MNX 550 MNX 550 MNX 550 Type MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12L MN 12L Range (A) 0.19 0.4 7.450 270 .3 2.4 .37 0.5 9.10 6 .75 7. Iq=50kA at 415V.40 30 .0. 2 HN.5 14 1 0.1 2. 3 HN.1.3 .5 5.3. 50Hz hp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 1.5 .1 1.0 .2.18 0.5 0.5 9 11.5 .1.6 .2 14.6 kW In (A) Motor Rating: 3Ø 415V.7. 2 HN. 0 HN.7 3 3.9 1.75 1. 1 HN.300 180 .225 135 . 1 HN. 2 HN.3 3-5 4.9 .15 9 .5 1.3 1.6 2.3 .23 20 .5 0.25 8 9.Selection Chart: Fuse Protected DOL Starter Feeders Type '2' Co-ordination.4 2 3.23 14 .0. 000* HN.45 0.25 0. 00 HN.450 270 .450 340 .3 11 13 15 18.9 1.10 9 .150 90 . 00 HN.5 10 12. Nos.5 3 4 5 5.09 0. 3 HN.5 4.15 14 .5 26 30 33.5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 75 90 100 110 125 150 175 197 200 215 225 245 270 300 335 400 430 kW 0.3.5 0.450 270 .10 6 .300 180 .33 20 .5 0.5 6 7. 000* HN.5 4.1.5 7.6 .5 1.0 0.5 6 . 3 HN.7. 3Ø. 2 HN.570 10 .55 0. 0 HN. 50Hz as per IS/IEC 60947-4-1 standards Sr.25 2 3 0.110 90 .7.0. 00 # HN.110 66 .125 0.5 2.75 45 .450 270 .9 8.570 340 .3 1.5 15 17.150 135 . 2 HN. 000* HN.7 4 4.57 0.75 0.75 45 .25 0.8 2.33 24 .5 4.50 30 .6 22.300 270 .225 180 .16 0.2.12 0.300 180 . Motor Rating: 1Ø 240V.8 19 22 24 29 35 40 47 55 60 66 80 100 120 135 139 165 200 230 260 275 280 300 320 340 385 425 500 535 Contactor Overload Relay Nominal Backup fuse Type HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HN.75 2 2. 000* HN.75 66 .5 37 45 55 67. 0 HN. 3 HN.8 5 6.150 90 .75 1 1.50 45 . 000* HN. 1 HN.3 2.33 0.5 75 80 90 110 130 147 150 160 168 180 200 225 250 300 315 In (A) 0.45 .4 0. 5 . 3 HN.5 5.5 5 6.75 1.1 1.25 3 3. 3Ø. 50Hz as per IS/IEC 60947-4-1 standards Sr.75 66 . 000* HN.7 4.7 3.4 .5 8. 000* HN. 0 HN.3.6 2.110 66 .7. 000* HN. 00 # HN.7 20.8 19 22 29 35 40 47 55 60 66 80 87 94 100 120 135 165 200 230 275 310 325 360 385 500 550 615 Phase 1.3 1.75 4. 3 HN.3 2 .5 52 55 67. Iq=50kA at 415V.7 69. 000* HN.9 3.2 50.5 26 30 33.5 11.3 11 15 18. 3 HN.8 179.23 14 .4 .7 317. 1 HN. 00 HN.50 30 .225 135 .5 2 3 4 5 6 7.1.2 1. 50Hz Nos.1 Star MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 12 MNX 12 MNX 18 MNX 18 MNX 25 MNX 32 MNX 32 MNX 32 MNX 45 MNX 45 MNX 45 MNX 45 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 Contactor Overload Relay Nominal Backup fuse Type HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HN.9 .50 30 .110 90 .225 135 .5 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 65 70 75 90 100 125 150 175 200 240 250 275 300 400 450 500 kW 0.33 20 .6 22.5 6 .450 270 . 3 HN.1 27.6 38.0 2.75 45 .5 9.50 30 .3 57. 2 HN.23 20 .6 207.150 135 .7 16.4 7.5 4.2. 1 HN.5 1.3 77.3 3-5 3-5 4.1 31. 3 Rating (A) 4 6 6 8 10 16 16 20 20 32 32 40 50 63 63 63 80 80 100 100 125 125 160 160 200 250 250 315 400 400 400 500 500 630 630 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 32 / FNX 32 FN 63 / FNX 63 FN 63 / FNX 63 FN 63 / FNX 63 FN 100 / FNX 100* FN 100 / FNX 100* FN 100 / FNX 100* FN 100 / FNX 100* FN 100 / FNX 100* FN 100 / FNX 100* FN 125 / FNX 125 FN 125 / FNX 125 FN 160 / FNX 160 # FN 200 / FNX 200 FN 200 / FNX 200 FN 250 / FNX 250 FN 250 / FNX 250 FN 315 / FNX 315 FN 400 / FNX 400 FN 400 / FNX 400 FN 400 / FNX 400 FN 630 / FNX 630 FN 630 / FNX 630 FN 630 / FNX 630 FN 630 / FNX 630 SwitchDisconnector-Fuse Line MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 12 MNX 18 MNX 25 MNX 25 MNX 25 MNX 32 MNX 32 MNX 40 MNX 45 MNX 70 MNX 70 MNX 70 MNX 70 MNX 80 MNX 95 MNX 95 Delta MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 12 MNX 18 MNX 25 MNX 25 MNX 25 MNX 32 MNX 32 MNX 40 MNX 45 MNX 70 MNX 70 MNX 70 MNX 70 MNX 80 MNX 95 MNX 95 Type MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 Range (A) 0.9 95.5 .300 270 .2 6.225 180 .7.5 75 90 110 130 150 175 185 204 225 300 335 375 Line 2. 000* HN.3 288.225 135 .6 5. 415 V.9 9 11.8 222.8 158.5 355. 1 HN.0 187. In (A) hp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 1.2 23. 2 HN.50 45 . 0 HN.2.5 2.5 37 45 48.2 14.0 12. 00 HN.33 30 .75 45 .450 MNX 95 MNX 140 MNX 140 MNX 110 MNX 140 MNX 140 MNX 140 MNX 185 MNX 185 MNX 140 MNX 265 MNX 265 MNX 140 MNX 265 MNX 265 MNX 265 MNX 265 MNX 265 MNX 265 MNX 265 MNX 265 MNX 265 MNX 325 MNX 325 MNX 400 MNX 550 MNX 550 MNX 400 MNX 550 MNX 550 11 .2 54. Motor Rating: 3Ø.75 45 .150 90 . Motor Current.15 14 .Selection Chart: Fuse Protected Star Delta Starter Feeders Type '2' Co-ordination. 000* HN.15 9 .300 180 .5 7.5 10 12.10 9 .1 2.8 34.1 46.5 132.0 115. 75 1.75 66 .450 Type DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM 16 DM100 DM 100 DM 100 DM 100 DM 100 DM 100 DM 100 DM 100 DM 100 DM 100 DM 160 DM 160 DM 160 DM 160 DM 250 DM 250 DM 400 DM 400 DM 400 DM 400 DM 400 DM 400 DM 400 DM 400 Rating 0. 50Hz as per IS/IEC 60947-4-1 standards Sr.3 3.25 3 3.10 9 .0 .1 2.5 .300 270 .15 14 .125 0.4 0.3 2.12 0.3. Iq=50kA at 415V.5 10 12 16 25 25 30 35 50 50 60 70 70 80 100 120 160 160 200 200 275 325 325 325 350 350 400 400 12 .5 5.7 4.300 180 .15 9 . 415V.5 37 45 55 67.5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 75 90 100 110 125 150 175 197 200 215 225 245 270 Motor Rating: 3Ø.5 4.150 90 .3 11 13 15 18.5 0.5 6 .5 15 17.5 7.75 45 .2.450 270 .5 1.6 .450 270 .63 1 1 1 1.9 1.4 .16 0.5 9. 50Hz kW 0.8 19 22 24 29 35 40 47 55 60 66 80 100 120 135 139 165 200 230 260 275 280 300 320 340 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 32 MNX 32 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 95 MNX 110 MNX 140 MNX 140 MNX 185 MNX 225 MNX 265 MNX 265 MNX 265 MNX 325 MNX 325 MNX 325 MNX 325 MNX 400 Contactor Type Overload Relay MCCB Type MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 Range (A) 0.5 2.9 9 11.4 7.7.3 1.5 4.7 3 3.8 2.9 .5 4 4 5 5 7.110 90 .6 2.19 0.2 1.Selection Chart: Fuseless Protection for DOL Starter Feeders (with MCCB) Type '2' Co-ordination.33 20 .5.37 0.0 .0.5 4.2 14.7.225 180 .6 2.50 30 .75 1 1.75 0.45 0.300 180 .63 0.55 0.33 20 .25 0. 3Ø.75 2 2.3 2.1 1.3 1.25 0.150 135 .5 75 80 90 110 130 147 150 160 168 180 200 FLC.5 0.5 .0 .1 0.15 0.6 . hp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 0.75 0.110 66 .75 45 .23 14 .0 4.5 .3.5 3 4 5 6 7.45 .09 0.33 0.6 1.75 0.33 30 .300 180 .150 90 .225 135 .1 26 30 33. Nos.2.2 0.5 1.5 10 12.8 5 6.23 20 .50 45 .45 .6 22.5 1.75 45 .5 7. In (A) 0.57 0.0.4 .3 . 50 45 .2 14. hp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12.1 1 . Selection Chart: Fuseless Protection for DOL Starter Feeders (with MPCB) Type '2' Co-ordination. 50Hz kW 0.1.100 90 .1 0.32 28 .4 2.10 9 .75 1 1.4 .20 19 .63 0.33 0.5 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Motor Rating: 3Ø.25 19 .75 60 .4 7.3 11 13 15 18.25 3 3.150 90 .Delta conversion.40 35 .9 9 11.4 2.5 133 159 Star MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 95 MNX 95 MNX 95 MNX 140 MNX 140 MNX 225 MNX 225 MNX 265 Contactor Overload Relay MCCB Delta MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 95 MNX 95 MNX 95 MNX 140 MNX 140 MNX 225 MNX 225 MNX 265 Main MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 80 MNX 95 MNX 95 MNX 95 MNX 140 MNX 140 MNX 225 MNX 225 MNX 265 Range (A) 9 .3 11 15 18. 50Hz kW I line (A) I phase (A) 9.7 20. Iq=50kA at 415V. 50Hz as per IS/IEC 60947-4-1 standards Sr. 415V.3 .5 20 25 30 35 45 Motor Rating: 3Ø.3 4 .10 6.2 1. Iq=50kA at 415V.8 5 6.5 9.25 0.45 0.6 22.225 Type MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 MN 12 Rating In (A) 30 35 50 50 60 100 100 160 200 250 325 325 400 Type DM 100 DM 100 DM 100 DM 100 DM 100 DM 160 DM 160 DM 160 DM 250 DM 250 DM 400 DM 400 DM 400 I mag (A) 360 420 600 600 720 1200 1200 1920 2400 3000 3900 3900 4800 MCCB Selection Basis: I mag (A) > 18 x I line (A) to avoid nuisance tripping during open transition Star .5 .23 20 .5 10 12.15 14 .63 .8 19 22 24 29 35 40 47 60 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 12 MNX 12 MNX 12 MNX 12 MNX 12 MNX 12 MNX 12 MNX 12 MNX 12 MNX 12 MNX 18 MNX 25 MNX 25 MNX 32 MNX40 MNX 40 MNX 45 MNX 70 MNX 80 Contactor Type Type MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-H1 MOG-H1 MOG-H1 MOG-H1 MOG-H1 MOG-H2 MOG-H2 MOG-H2 MOG-H2 MPCB Rating 0.55 0.63 0.23 14 .2 0.75 1.6 1 .16 0.150 135 . In (A) 0.1 2. Nos.Selection Chart: Fuseless Protection for Star Delta Starter Feeders (with MCCB) Type '2' Co-ordination.15 0.5 5.0.50 30 .5 2.3 .33 30 .7 4. 415V.40 28 .2 23.25 .12 0.5 .4 .3 115.5 FLC.19 0.3 1.6 .7 78 95.4 4 .1 57.75 0.37 0. 50Hz as per IS/IEC 60947-4-1 standards Sr.0. Nos.2.15 9 .63 13 .4 0.57 0.1 31.25 0.16 14 .13 11 .9 1.1.5 7.75 2 2.4 0. 3Ø.5 30 37 55 75 90 110 130 150 19 22 29 35 40 55 66 100 135 165 200 230 275 11 12.50 45 .5 1.6.5 0.6 22.7 3 3.5 3 4 5 6 7.10 6.6.125 0.1 1.5 15 17.5 26 33.5 1.09 0.6 1.150 90 .0.25 24 .5 . hp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 0.6 2.63 . 3Ø.3 6.7 16.8 2.3 .5 4.8 38. 5 2.8 19 22 24 29 35 40 47 Rating 0.33 20 . Motor Rating: 3Ø.6 2.3 .3 .5 .2.4 .2.1 0.75 0.3 1.50 45 .5 9.2 1.5 0.25 0. 415V.6 .75 1 1. 50Hz as per IS/IEC 60947-4-1 standards Sr.4 2.5 3 4 5 5.9 1. Iq=50kA at 415V.2.55 0.8 2. 3Ø.5 1.125 0.63 14 .9 .4 .57 0.37 0.8 5 6.5 9 11.9 8.0. 50Hz Contactor Type Type MO 9 MO 9 MO 9 MO 9 MO 9 MO 9 MO 9 MO 9 MO 9 MO 9 MO 9 MO 9 MO 9 MO 9 MO 9 MO 9 MO 12 MO 12 MO 18 MO 25 MO 25 MO 32 MO 32 MO 40 MO 40 MO 50 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-S1 / MOG-H1 MOG-H1 MOG-H1 MOG-H1 MOG-H1 MOG-H1 MOG-H2 MOG-H2 MOG-H2 MOG-H2 MPCB hp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 0.1 2.33 0.3 .3 1.4 7.1 2.37 0.3 10 13 16 25 25 25 32 40 40 50 63 63 Selection Chart: Fuseless Protection for DOL Starter Feeders (with MPCB) Type '2' Co-ordination.5 15 17.6.75 2 2.10 6.15 0. Nos.8 2.5 .75 2 2.63 0.75 Type MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H1M MOG-H2M MOG-H2M MOG-H2M MOG-H2M MOG-H2M Rating 0.1 0.6 22.7 3 3.6 2.2 14. hp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 0.6 1.1 1 .75 1.32 24 .50 45 .5 .19 0.55 0.09 0. Nos.63 .6 22.5 1.33 0.33 30 .75 0.5 5.15 14 .63 .8 19 22 24 29 35 40 47 55 60 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 9 MNX 12 MNX 12 MNX 12 MNX 25 MNX 25 MNX 25 MNX 25 MNX 25 MNX 32 MNX 32 MNX 32 MNX 40 MNX 45 MNX 45 MNX 70 MNX 70 MNX 70 Contactor Type Overload Relay MPCB Type MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 2 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 MN 5 Range (A) 0.2 1.5 9 .5 4.6 .57 0.50 35 . 50Hz as per IS/IEC 60947-4-1 standards Sr.63 0.5 0.5 9.3 .2 0.25 3 3.15 0.1 1.2.4 4 .3 6.1.16 0.63 0.50 30 .125 0.1.3 11 13 15 18.3 11 13 15 18.5 15 17.10 6.4 .4 0.20 19 .16 0.6 .5 6 7.0.6 1.5 5.40 35 .7 3 3. 50Hz kW 0.25 0.5 0.15 9 .7.12 0.5 10 12.5 1.0.5 20 25 30 35 kW 0. 3Ø.5 0.6 2.3 1.5 1.5 7.5 3 6 7.3 3-5 3-5 4.4 0.25 0.5 4.75 1. In (A) 0.0.09 0.6.5 26 FLC.10 9 .7 4 4.63 1 1 1.75 45 .5 20 25 30 35 40 45 Motor Rating: 3Ø.5 7.50 30 .3 2 .8 5 9 11.6 .3 4 .Selection Chart: Fuseless Protection for DOL Starter Feeders (with MPCB) Type '2' Co-ordination. 415V.3 2 .5 4 4 4 6.15 9 .13 11 .45 0.5 26 30 33. Iq=50kA at 415V.0.3.5 FLC.19 0.3 .4 .23 14 .16 14 .45 0.75 1 1. In (A) 0.45 .2 0.1.1 1.12 0.75 0.6.5 1.1 0.25 0.4 0.25 4.5 1.2 14.6 1 .32 28 .23 20 .3 6.5 10 12.3.25 24 .3 4 .9 1. Notes: . Notes: . Sakar Complex I Opp.com Milanpur Road. Pudur Madurai 625 007 Tel: 0452-2537404.com A28.com EBG North Wing Office-Level 2 Gate 7. Club House Road Chennai 600 002 Tel: 044-28462072 / 4 / 5 / 2109 Fax: 044-28462102 / 3 e-mail: esp-maa@LNTEBG. 2559849. Ernakulam Kochi 682 016 Tel: 0484-4409420 / 4 / 5 / 7 Fax: 0484-4409426 e-mail: esp-cok@LNTEBG. 559.com 131/1.com #12. Dwarakanagar Visakhapatnam 530 016 Tel: 0891-6620411-2 / 3 Fax: 0891-6620416 e-mail: [email protected] Akashdeep Plaza. Group MIG-5 Padmanabhpur Durg 491 001 Tel: 0788-2213833 / 14 / 21 / 29 Fax: 0788-2213820 Khairasol.com D-24. Powai Campus Mumbai 400 072 Tel: 022-67052874 / 2737 / 1156 Fax: 022-67051112 e-mail: [email protected] L&T House P. Prithvi Raj Road. C-Scheme Jaipur 302 001 Tel: 0141-2385915 / 16 / 17 / 18 Fax: 0141-2373280 e-mail: esp-jai@LNTEBG. Annapurna Complex Lewis Road Bhubaneswar 751 014 Tel: 0674-6451342. Gandhigram Rly. Shivaji Marg P. Electrical Standard Products Larsen & Toubro Limited Powai Campus.com ELECTRICAL STANDARD PRODUCTS (ESP) 501. Station Ashram Road Ahmedabad 380 009 Tel: 079-66304007-11 Fax: 079-26580491 / 66304025 e-mail: esp-ahm@LNTEBG. For the latest information and special applications. 8th Street K. O.com No: 73.com 48-8-16. O. 2436696 Fax: 0674-2537309 e-mail: esp-bbi@LNTEBG. 2521068 Fax: 0452-2537552 e-mail: [email protected] Website : www. 2nd Floor P.com Plot No.com L&T House. 4646853 Fax: 0172-4646802 e-mail: esp-chd@LNTEBG. Fateh Maidan Road Hyderabad 500 004 Tel: 040-66720250 Fax: 040-23296468 e-mail: esp-hyd@LNTEBG. Karpaga Nagar.com SP 50541 030211 .com 3rd Floor Vishwakarma Chambers Majura Gate. Box 6223 New Delhi 110 015 Tel: 011-41419514 / 5 / 6 Fax: 011-41419600 e-mail: esp-del@LNTEBG. Shivaji Nagar North Ambazari Road Nagpur 440 010 Tel: 0712-2260012 / 3 Fax: 0712-2260020 / 30 e-mail: esp-nag@LNTEBG. O. Appuswamy Road Post Bag 7156 Opp.LNTEBG. Box 5098 Bangalore 560 001 Tel: 080-25020100 Fax: 080-25580525 e-mail: [email protected] Product improvement is a continuous process.Electrical Standard Products (ESP) Branch Offices: REGISTERED OFFICE AND HEAD OFFICE L&T House. Mumbai 400 072 Customer Interaction Center (CIC) BSNL / MTNL (toll free) : 1800 233 5858 Reliance (toll free) : 1800 200 5858 Tel : 022 6774 5858 Fax : 022 6774 5859 E-mail : [email protected] II Floor. Bamuni Maidan Guwahati 781 021 Tel: 0361-2550568 Fax: 0361-2551308 e-mail: esp-gau@LNTEBG. Vasantha Chambers 5-10-173. Golmuri Jamshedpur 831 003 Jharkhand Tel: 0657-2340864 / 387 Fax: 0657-2341250 e-mail: esp-jam@LNTEBG. Dhole Patil Road Pune 411 001 Tel: 020-26135048 Fax: 020-26124910. Ring Road Surat 395 002 Tel: 0261-2473726 Fax: 0261-2477078 e-mail: [email protected] 3-B. Box 119 191/1. Indira Nagar. Road Ravipuram Junction.com 10.com 38. Nirmala College Coimbatore 641 045 Tel: 0422-2588120 / 1 / 5 Fax: 0422-2588148 e-mail: [email protected] Skybright Bldg. Degaul Avenue Durgapur 713 212 Tel: 2559848. M. Box 278 Mumbai 400 001 Tel: 022-67525656 Fax: 022-67525858 Website: www. O. Sector 26-D Madhya Marg.com SCO 32.com 67. Zone II Maharana Pratap Nagar Bhopal 462 011 Tel: 0755-4098721 / 7 / 8 / 9 Fax: 0755-2769264 e-mail: esp-bho@LNTEBG. please contact any of our offices listed here. P. G. Faizabad Road Lucknow 226 016 Tel: 0522-2312904 / 5 / 6 Fax: 0522-2311671 e-mail: [email protected] Radhadaya Complex Old Padra Road Near Charotar Society Vadodara 390 015 Tel: 0265-6613610 / 1 / 2 Fax: 0265-2336184 e-mail: esp-bar@LNTEBG. Ballard Estate P. 26135048 e-mail: esp-pnq@LNTEBG. Shakespeare Sarani Kolkata 700 071 Tel: 033-44002572 / 3 / 4 Fax: 033-22822589 e-mail: esp-ccu@LNTEBG. O. Box 14 Chandigarh 160 026 Tel: 0172-4646840.com 32. P. 2559844 Fax: 0343-2553614 e-mail: esp-dgp@LNTEBG. O. Cubbon Road.
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