
March 26, 2018 | Author: Yogesh Mahajan | Category: Relational Database, Discrete Fourier Transform, Thread (Computing), Operating System, Parsing



SGGS Institute of Engg & Technology, Vishnupuri, Nanded The following shall be the scheme of Instructions and Examinations for the Third Year (Computer Science and Engineering) CSE B.Tech students. Third Year B. Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Sr. No. I Semester Name of the course Total No. of credits 4 4 5 5 4 22 4 5 4 4 4 1 Lectures/ week 3 3 3 3 3 15 3 3 3 3 3 15 Tutorials/ week 1 1 1 03 1 1 1 03 Practical/ week 2 2 2 2 08 2 2 2 2 8 CSE301 CSE302 CSE303 CSE304 CSE305 II Semester Computer Graphics Theory of Computation Design and Analysis of Algorithms Database Systems Operating System Concepts Total CSE306 CSE307 CSE308 CSE309 CSE310 CSE311 Data Communication and Networking Compiler Design and Optimization Software Engineering Unix System Programming Digital Signal Processing Technical Seminar Total 22 CSE401 Industrial Training Every student should undergo training for a period of one month during summer vacation and he/she has to prepare and submit a report that will be evaluated through a seminar given by him/her. The performance will be considered in the first term of final year. (NOTE: CR- No. of Credits, L- No. of Lectures/Week, T- No. of Tutorials/Week, P- No. of Practical/Week) Departmental Syllabus re-formation Committee Members 1. 2. 3. 4. Dr. U. V. Kulkarni Mr. R. K. Chavan Mr. P. S. Nalawade Mr. S. S. Hatkar Dr. U.V. Kulkarni HOD CSE Nonregular Languages: The Pumping lemma for regular languages. output devices and physical interactive devices. shadows. Non-context-free Languages: The pumping lemma for context-free languages. polygon clipping.rogers. displaying lines. fundamentals of antialiasing. scaling and translation. equivalence with other models. 3. transparency. Regular Languages: Finite Automata. References: 1. L-3. Newman sproull. The Church-Turing Thesis: Turing Machines. Bresenham’s algorithm . examples Variants of Turing Machines: Multitape Turing Machines. examples. combined Transformation. Foley. “Procedural elements of computer graphics”. Perspective Transform. Linear Transformations. equivalence with context-free grammars. painters algorithm. Hilbert’s problems. P-2) Prerequisites: Data Structures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction to Computer Graphics Overview of computer graphics. P-0) Prerequisites: Discrete Mathematics -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction: Automata. “Computer graphics principles and practice”. Z-Buffer algorithm. formal definition. the regular operations. Regular expressions: Formal definitions. examples. “Principles of Interactive computer graphics”. simple visibility algorithm. image compression. Coordinate systems. Perspective Projection. Computability. Ambiguity. David f. Pushdown Automata: Formal definition. Windowing and Clipping Viewing transformations. TMH. T-1. Nondeterministic Turing Machines. characters and polygons. formal definition. Enumerators.feiner hughes. Back face removal algorithms. examples. Decidability: Decidable Languages and the Halting Problem. Addison Wesley Indian Edition. . Raster Scan Graphics Line drawing algorithms. Rendering Introduction. Chomsky normal form. halftoning Geometrical Transformations 2-D Transformations. graphical user interfaces. Nondeterminism: Formal definition. DDA. Parallel projections. Two dimensional clipping. 3-Dimensional clipping Hidden surface elimination Floating horizon. graphics displays. The Definition of Algorithm.CSE301: Computer Graphics (CR-4.McGraw HIll Compan. Curve Design Properties of curves. 3-D Transformations. reflection about any arbitrary axis.scan conversion-generation of displays. Warnock algorithm. BSP Tree methods. L-3. equivalence of NFAs and DFAs. equivalence with finite automata. illumination models. rotation. Context-Free Languages: Context-free Grammars. other transformations. Bezier and b-splines. designing context-free grammars. T-0. _____________________________________________________________________________ CSE302: Theory of Computation (CR-4. and Complexity. Graphics image file formats. designing finite automata. 2. polygon filling algorithms. phongs and gouraud shading. formal definition.Van dam.circle generations . closure under the regular operations. Types of Proof. Breadth First Search. S Rajasekaran. Decision Trees.T. Pearson ducation. Input Enhancement in String Matching. 4. “Introduction to Language and The Theory of Computation”.S. Depth First Search. Sets representation. Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency: Analysis Framework. P.Kruskal’s Algorithm. edition. “Fundamentals of computer algorithms”. Asymptotic Notations and Basic Efficiency Classes. R. L-3. Hashing Dynamic programming:Warshall’s and Floyd’s algorithms. M. review of elementary data structures-Heaps and Heap sort. Greedy Technique: Prim’s Algorithm. T H Corman. Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning”.C. Topological Sorting Transform and conquer: presorting. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms A Strategic Approach. UNION-FIND.D. Lewis and C. “Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms”. “Elements of the Theory of Computation. Quicksort. TMH. “Introduction to the Theory of Computation.Tsai. Prentice Hall Inc”. 1996. Tseng.E. 2. J.Ullman. Dexter Kozen. Rivest. NP and NP-Complete Problems Coping with the Limitations of Algorithm Power: Backtracking. H. Rajeev Motwani and J. “Automata and Computability”. Sipser.R. Binary tree traversals and related properties. Branch-and-Bound. Ronald and stein Clifford. S Sahni. 2005. 5. Pearson Education. S. T-1. universities press.C. Languages and Computation”. P-2) Prerequisites: Data Structures Introduction: What is an Algorithm? Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem solving. 2002. 2nd edition. 1999. Dijkstra’s Algorithm. Exhaustive Search Divide and Conquer: Mergesort. 3. 2nd Edition. Springer Verlag.T. New York. “Introduction to algorithms”. Approximation Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems References: 1.References: 1. Mathematical Analysis of Nonrecursive and Recursive Algorithms. 2. C Leiserson. 2008. Sequential Search and Brute-Force String Matching. “Introduction to Automata. 3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ . R. balanced search trees. Binary Search. Example – Fibonacci Numbers Brute Force: Selection Sort and Bubble Sort. 2007. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CSE303: Design Analysis of Algorithms (CR-5. Hopcroft.H. Anany Levitin. 2001. John C Martin. E Horowitz. Lee. MGH. TMH.2nd 4.Papadimitrou. Space and Time Tradeoffs: Sorting by Counting. Huffman Trees Limitations of Algorithm Power: Lower-Bound Arguments. Hashing. Decrease and Conquer: Insertion Sort. heap and heap sort. Chang & Y. the knapsack problem and memory functions. Multiplication of large integers and Stressen’s Matrix Multiplication. implementation Atomicity and Durability. magnetic disks. microprocessors. windows concurrency mechanisms . symbol resolution. loading and linking shared libraries from applications. object files. extended relational algebra operations. 4th Edition. S. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CSE 305: Operating System Concepts (CR-4. characteristics of modern operating systems like windows. “Database system concepts”. interpreters. 4.process states. concurrency deadlocks. linkers. P-2) Prerequisites: Data Structures. Client Server. relocation. mutual exclusion-software approaches and hardware support. interrupts. message passing. set operations. loaders. Data Modeling. join strategies. Advantages of a DBMS over file-processing systems. Database system Architecture: Centralized. Data Models and data independence.objectives and functions. L-3. I/O communication techniques Operating system overview . position independent code. T-0. estimation of query processing cost. Linux process and thread management Concurrency: mutual exclusion and synchronization. comparison Query Processing: Query interpretations. monitors. Transaction definition in SQL.CPU registers. data dictionary storage. Solaris thread. decomposition and properties of decomposition. Solaris thread synchronization primitives. Web enabled System References: 1. null values. evolution of operating systems. deadlock avoidance. “Database systems: Design implementation and management”. description. Normalization using functional dependency. structure of query optimizer. semaphores. news and modifications SQL: Basic structure. Second Edition. Relational Model : Structure. other SQL features and views Relational Database Design: Concept of integrity and referential constraints Notion of normalized relations. and starvation – principles of deadlock. cache memory. 3. Sudarshan. Data abstraction. B-tree indexed files. Implementation of Isolation . 5th Edition. constraints. memory hierarchy. equivalence of expressions. transaction state. Parallel and Distributed Systems.”An introduction to Database system” . readers-writers problem. Johannes Gehrke. Computer Organization and Architecture -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction to system software. Abraham Silberschatz. tuple and domain relational calculus. embedded SQL. storage structures for object oriented databases Indexing and hashing: Index sequential files. SMP management. attributes. “Database Management Systems”.J. executable object files. relationships. 2. dynamic linking with shared libraries. entity. detection. RAID. Components of DBMS and overall structure of DBMS.principles of concurrency. Components of E-R Model. Pearson Education. static linking. Rob Coronel.Assemblers. symbols and symbol tables. B+ trees index files. Unix concurrency mechanisms. processes and threads. keys E-R diagrams. file organization. Korth. territory storage. loading executable object files. Raghu Ramkrishnan. symmetric multiprocessing. organization of records in files. static and dynamic hash functions. control. microkernels. Multi-valued dependency and Join dependency. Henry F. T-1. 7th Edition. McGraw Hill International Edition. integrated deadlock strategy. Transaction processing and management : Transaction concept. estimation of cost of access using indices. Thomson Learning Press. deadlock preventation. Storage and file structure : Physical storage media. aggregate functions.Date . Unix SVR4 process management. P-2) Prerequisites: Data Structures --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction :Basic concepts. data definitions. McGraw Hill International Editions. Linux Processes . Serializability. dining philosophers problem. relational algebra. relocatable object files. L-3. tools for manipulating object files Computer system overview . C. functional dependency. compilers. Unix. windows thread.CSE304: Database Systems (CR-5. compiler drivers. Concurrent Executions. P-2) Prerequisites: Theory of Computation. “Operating System Concepts”.hardware control structures. bottom up evaluation of S-attributed definitions. 2. type checking. 3. OS design issues. Galvin.types. optimization of DFA. a language for specifying lexical analyzers. specification and recognition of the tokens.its requirements. back patching. Windows IO File management . Prentice-Hall. Behrouz A. operating system software. space for attribute values at compiler time. Analog Transmission. symbol tables. organization of IO function. segmentation. windows memory management Scheduling – Uniprocessor scheduling . TMH 2. Bandwidth Utilization: Multiplexing and Spreading. the target machine. Pearson Education 4. memory partitioning. run . phases of a compiler. “Computer Networks” . assignment statements. bottom up evaluation of inherited attributes recursive evaluators.IO devices. disk cache. Data Link Control. traditional Unix scheduling multiprocessor and real time scheduling: Unix scheduling. top down translation. Network Models : ISO OSI model and Introduction to TCP/IP suite. Wired LANs: Ethernet. William Stallings. “Data Communications and Networking”. scheduling algorithms. record blocking. case statements. Run-time environments: Source language issues. access to nonlocal names. directories. Andrew S. using ambiguous grammars. Digital Transmission. procedure calls. Boolean expressions. Pearson Education. Multiple Access. SONET/SDH. T-1. Virtual-Circuit Networks: Frame Relay and ATM. __________________________________________________________________ CSE307: Compiler Design and Optimization (CR-5. Unix IO. Using Telephone and Cable Networks for Data Transmission. construction of syntax trees. “Data and Computer Communications”. parser generators Syntax directed translation: Definition. Unix and Windows file management References: 1. disk scheduling.. Switching. paging. Code Generation: Issues in the design of a code generator. Windows scheduling IO management and disk scheduling . P-0) Prerequisites: Data Structures.Memory management. LR parsers. parameter passing. “Operating systems: internals and design principles”. Prentice-Hall. Tanenbaum. L-3. secondary storage management. and Virtual LANs. Computer Organization and Architecture -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction. context free grammars. Backbone Networks. 4/e. storage organization. virtual memory . Transmission Media. Data and Signals. dynamic storage allocation techniques. file sharing. input buffering. Syntax analysis: Role of parser. Unix and Solaris memory management. Introduction to IP Addressing References: 1.file organization. raid. T-1. William Stallings. L-3. Uyless Black. Forouzan. IO buffering. top down and bottom up parsing operator precedence parsing. “Computer Networks”. Intermediate code generation: Intermediate language. Error Detection and Correction. compiler construction tools. _____________________________________________________________________________ CSE 306: Data Communication and Networking (CR-4. Linux memory management. Lexical analysis: Role of lexical analyzer. Connecting LANs. Addison Wesley. L-attributed definitions. Silberschatz. declarations. Data Structures ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction: Analysis of the source program. Design concepts and principles: s/w design and s/w engineering. user interface design. the RAD model. Jazayeri and Mandrioli. software process. “Compiler design in C”. principle and practice”. Holab A. unit testing. software myths. Software process and project metrics: Measures. effective modular design. decomposition techniques. Jeffry D. s/w characteristics. Software testing techniques: Testing fundamentals. behavioral modeling. implementation tools. and the process. 2. the mechanics of structured analysis. PHI _________________________________________________________________ CSE308: Software Engineering (CR-4. software risks. Prentice Hall 6. Andrew W. Ghezzi. L-3. code-generator generators References: 1. establishing s/w metrics program. architectures and applications. basis path testing. interface design activities. people. User interface design: golden rules. Risk analysis and management: reactive versus proactive risk strategies. system engineering hierarchy. P-0) Prerequisites: Data Structures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Product and the Process: The Product: The evolving role of software.time storage management. Software testing strategies: a strategic approach. software scope. T-1. McGraw Hill 5. Addison Wesley 3. safety risks and hazards. control structure testing. monitoring and management. risk projection. Ravi Sethi. Pearson Education 4. Pressman. integrating metrics within s/w engineering process. “Compilers principles. Lam. Software Project Planning: Project planning objectives. system testing and the art of debugging References: 1.J. resources. “Software Engineering”. task analysis and modeling. design process. register allocation and assignment. the formal methods model Managing Software projects: Project management concepts: The management spectrum. risk identification. techniques and tools”. strategic issues. fifth edition. software process models. testing for specialized environments. metrics for s/w quality. design concepts. software project estimation. risk refinement. s/w measurement. the relationship between people and effort. Aho. MacMillan publisher 4. “Fundamentals of software Engineering”. system modeling. design documentation. the dag representation of basic blocks. linear sequential model. Ian Sommerville. mapping requirements into a software architecture. component-based development. Pearson education Asia _____________________________________________________________________________ . “Compiler construction. Alfred V. requirements engineering. “Object oriented and Classical software Engineering”. generating code from dag. Analysis Modeling: data modeling. Project scheduling and tracking: basic concepts. “Modern Compiler Implementation in JAVA”. The process: Software engineering. David Gustafson. the product. Pankaj Jalote. “Software engineering”.. integration testing. Stephen R. functional modeling and information flow. validation testing. Software quality assurance: Quality concepts. TMH edition 2. Architectural design: Software architecture. basic blocks and flow graphs. next use information. Damdhere D. test case design. software quality assurance and software reviews. transform mapping. Schach. peephole optimization. Monica S. risk mitigation.. “Software Project Management in Practice”. design principles. a simple code generator. Conventional Methods for Software Engineering: System Engineering: Computer based systems. “Software Engineering”. s/w applications. black box testing. transaction mapping. the data dictionary. metrics and indicators. Ullman. defining a task set for the software project. prototyping model. the quality movement. business process engineering. data design. Appel. product engineering.M. white box testing. managing variation. 2/e. TMH edition 3. evolutionary software process models. kernel data structures. FT of product of two sequences. L-3. introduction to system concepts.P-2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction: Anatomy of digital filter. causality criterion for discrete time systems. PHI 2. layout of system memory. FT of special sequences. awaiting process termination. file creation. Comments about FFT and its performance. complex z plane. T-0. “The Design of the UNIX operating Systems”. system function of a digital filter. lseek. close. digital filter implementation from system function. saving the context of a process. geometric evaluation of Z transform in z plane. changing the size of a process. sleep Process Control : Process creation. its properties. combining filter sections to form complex filters. invoking other programs. John Muster. Memory management policies: Swapping. directories. DIT and DIF algorithms for FFT. Interprocess communication: Process tracing. UID of a process. Richard Stevens. read. stat and fstat . other realizations of DFT Z Transform: Definition and its properties. allocation of disk blocks. Inverse Z Transform Digital filter structures: Filter categories. change directory and change root. operating system services. M. reading and writing disk blocks Internal Representation of Files: Inodes. its properties. system boot and the init process. ROC in Z plane. frequency sampling structure for FIR filter FIR and IIR filter design techniques and inverse filtering . relation of Z transform to FT.T-0. file system abstraction. network communications. unit sample response. pipes. user perspective. process termination. use of FT. a hybrid system with swapping and demand paging I/O Subsystem: Driver interfaces. linear phase FIR filter structures. Conversions of a path name to I node. shell scripts examples Introduction to kernel: Architecture of the Unix operating system. application of DSP Discrete time description of signals and systems: Discrete time sequences. constants. other file types System Calls of the file systems : Open. Bach. frequency domain description of signals and systems. “UNIX Network Programming”. L-3. creation of special files. dup.CSE309: UNIX & System programming (CR-4. super Block. sampling a continuous function to generate a sequence. TMH Edition _____________________________________________________________________________ CSE310: Digital Signal Processing (CR-4. link and unlink. cascade and parallel combinations of second order sections. J. and system administration Buffer Cache: Buffer headers. the context of a process. The shell. Direct form First & second Form structures. superposition principal for linear systems. manipulation of the process address space. linear constant coefficient difference equations Fourier transform of discrete time signals: Definition of Fourier transform. terminal drivers. “UNIX made easy”. system commands. variables. computation of DFT. assumption about hardware Shell Programming: Bourne shell and C shell progamming. mounting and unmounting file system. control structures. change owner and change mode. performing linear convolution with DFT. demand paging. circular convolution. reconstruction of continuous time signals from discrete time signals Discrete Fourier transform: Definition of DFT. sockets References: 1. Structure of a regular file. system V IPC. properties of FT for real valued sequences. file and record locking. write. file system maintenance Structure of Processes: Process states and transitions. determining filter coefficients from singularity locations. Z transform of symmetric sequences.P-2) Prerequisites: Operating System Concepts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction: System structure. inverse FT. structure of buffer pool. signals. environments. Third Edition. time invariant systems. scenarios for retrieval of a buffer. PHI 3. disk drivers. I node assignment to a new file. stability criterion for discrete time systems. .Tech students. “Understanding DSP”. Roman Kuc. T-1. backtracking _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CSE304: Database Systems (CR-5. 8.Translation. P-2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Composite 3D transformations 7. Scaling 6. McGraw Hill Publication 2. L-3.To implement text and image compression algorithms. Prim’s algorithm. Two Dimensional transformations .Translation.Basic Operations on image using any image editing software. T-1.----------------------Searching and sorting algorithms. Vishnupuri. algorithms using Divide and Conquer method. L-3.References 1. “Introduction to DSP”. Creating gif animated images. finally Student has to deliver a seminar using audio/video aids. Cohen Sutherland 2D clipping and Windowing 5. He/she must explore information on the selected topic using reference books. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CSE301: Computer Graphics (CR-4. Composite 2D Transformations 4. Three dimensional transformations . P-2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Implement experiments 1-6 using Opengl 1. P-2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Experiments in the following topics: [1] Data Definition. Circle. Dijkstra’s algorithm. L-3. etc. Reflection. Ellipse. Dynamic programming based algorithms. 3. L-0. subject knowledge. Addison Wesley publication _____________________________________________________________________________ CSE311: Technical Seminar (CR-1. P-2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Each student must select a technical seminar topic based on current trends in Computer Science and engineering. Compression Algorithms . Image Editing and Manipulation . Shear. 2D Animation – To create Interactive animation using any animation software 9. G. The credits will be allotted based on his efforts. journals. Nqueen Problem. Image optimization _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CSE303: Design Analysis of Algorithms (CR-5. Manipulation of base tables and views [2] High level programming language extensions. Greedy algorithms. Internet. Scaling. T-0. _____________________________________________________________________________ SGGS Institute of Engg & Technology. Magazines. T-0. Lyons. 2. Nanded The following shall be the practical details for Third Year (Computer Science and Engineering) CSE B. Rotation. Implementation of Bresenhams Algorithm – Line. Rotation. Kruskal’s algorithm. R. Expressions with subscripted variables. L-3. Message queues. Segmaneation. DFT and its properties. scheduling algorithms. L-3. program for linear convolution. MATLAB filter design tools. Control structures. T-1. L-3. 8. Code generation for the given machine specification _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CSE309: UNIX & System programming (CR-4. 10. Use any high level language to do the following. Simulation of Page management. IDFT. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CSE 305: Operating System Concepts (CR-4. 6. 5. Scanner 2. Intermediate code generator for different statements and expressions like Assignment statements. circular convolution and linear convolution using circular convolution. Shared memory.P-2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Generation of discrete time sinusoidal signals with varying frequency. 7. File system related system calls. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CSE310: Digital Signal Processing (CR-4.T-0. Type checker 4. T-0. awk. 9. monitors. Grep. Process management – Fork. P-2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] Front end tools Forms Triggers Menu Design Importing/ Exporting Data Reports. 2. 1. 4. Basic UNIX commands. Database Design and implementation (Mini Project). Exec. L-3. Flow graph construction from intermediate code 6.P-2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. _____________________________________________________________________________ . Pipes. P-2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Use compiler generator tools to implement the following. 5. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CSE307: Compiler Design and Optimization (CR-5. Parser 3.----------------------Implemanastion of Simaphores. Shell Programming. Signals. sed. T-0. 3. Semaphores. FIFOs. Boolean expressions.
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