Two Year Crp (1416) Pt-1 a Lot Paper-2 Set-b

March 24, 2018 | Author: Shlok Sah | Category: Radiation, Emission Spectrum, Force, Acceleration, Chlorine



FIITJEEPHYSICS, CHEMISTRY & MATHEMATICS CPT1 - 2 CODE: Time Allotted: 3 Hours   PAPER - 2 Maximum Marks: 198 Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 minutes specifically for this purpose. You are not allowed to leave the Examination Hall before the end of the test. BATCHES – 1416 INSTRUCTIONS Caution: Question Paper CODE as given above MUST be correctly marked in the answer OMR sheet before attempting the paper. Wrong CODE or no CODE will give wrong results. A. General Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. Attempt ALL the questions. Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheets. This question paper contains Three Parts. Section-1 is Physics, Section-2 is Chemistry and Section-3 is Mathematics. Rough spaces are provided for rough work inside the question paper. No additional sheets will be provided for rough work. 5. Blank Papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculator, cellular phones, pagers and electronic devices, in any form, are not allowed. B. Filling of OMR Sheet 1. Ensure matching of OMR sheet with the Question paper before you start marking your answers on OMR sheet. 2. On the OMR sheet, darken the appropriate bubble with HB pencil for each character of your Enrolment No. and write in ink your Name, Test Centre and other details at the designated places. 3. OMR sheet contains alphabets, numerals & special characters for marking answers. C. Marking Scheme For All Three Parts. (i) Part-A (01 – 08) contains 8 multiple choice questions which have only one correct answer. Each question carries +3 marks for correct answer and – 1 marks for wrong answer. Part-A (09 – 14) contains 3 paragraphs. Based upon paragraph, 2 multiple choice questions have to be answered. Each question has only one correct answer and carries +3 marks for correct answer and – 1 mark for wrong answer. Part-A (15 – 20) contains 6 multiple choice questions which have one or more than one correct answer. Each question carries +4 marks for correct answer. There is no negative marking. Name of the Candidate :____________________________________________ Batch :____________________ Date of Examination :___________________ Enrolment Number :_______________________________________________ FIITJEE Ltd., North West Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000 [ frightened by the jeep’s noise. In an African wildlife reserve your jeep is traveling at a constant speed of 105 km/hr in a circle alongside a cheetah running at constant speed in another circle concentric with circle of jeep.. Then acceleration of block A will be (A) 3 m/s2 upwards (B) 3 m/s2 downwards (C) 6 m/s2 upwards (D) 6 m/s2 downwards A a= C B 4 m/s2 2 m/s2 2. New Delhi . West Avenue Road. Not having paid much attention to the surrounding landscape. The velocity displacement graph of a particle moving along a straight line is shown. The average power developed in time interval of 0 to 20 sec is (A) 10 W (B) 1 W (C) 20 W (D) 2 W v 5. 31-32-33. (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Ph: 011-45634000 [ x0 x .Two Year CRP(1416) -PT-1_Paper-2-PCM-IITJEE/16 2 S SE EC CT TIIO ON N–– 1 1:: P PH HY YS SIIC CS S PART – A (Single Correct Choice Type) This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. The cheetah. In the figure shown acceleration of block B & C is 2 m/s2 & 4 m/s2 as shown in figure. you suddenly realize that your jeep is passing the very same spot where it was 60 seconds before. Central Market. A block of mass 10 kg accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 2 m/s in 20 sec. Punjabi Bagh (West). keeps at a constant distance of 60 m from the vehicle. Each question has four choices (A). (B). North West Delhi Centre. The most suitable acceleration – displacement graph will be v0 0 FIITJEE Ltd. 1.110026. A stone is projected with a velocity 202 m/s at an angle of 45° to the horizontal. The speed of the cheetah is approximately (A) 105 km/hr (B) 94 km/hr (C) 99 km/hr (D) 82 km/hr 3. The magnitude of average velocity of stone during its motion from starting point to its maximum height is (take g = 10 m/s2) (A) 20 m/s (B) 205 m/s (C) 55 m/s (D) 105 m/s 4. A particle moving in a straight line covers half the distance with speed 3 m/s. New Delhi .8 m/s 7. Paragraph for Question no.5 m/s respectively. 9 to 10 A particle is projected vertically with velocity v0 wind is blowing and is providing a constant horizontal acceleration a0.5 m/s and 7.45 m. 31-32-33. If a man drops a coin from a height of 2. There is a vertical wall at some distance from point of projection. (B). The average speed of the particle during this motion is (A) 4 m/s (B) 5 m/s (C) 5. Based upon the paragraphs 2 multiple choice questions have to be answered. Punjabi Bagh (West). y v0 x FIITJEE Ltd. North West Delhi Centre. If particle strikes the vertical wall perpendicularly then calculate. For a system in equilibrium as shown in figure elongation in spring will be 2mg mg (A) (B) k k mg mg (C) (D) 2k 3k k m 8. An elevator in which a man is standing is moving with a speed of 10 m/sec.Two Year CRP(1416) -PT-1_Paper-2-PCM-IITJEE/16 (A) a 3 (B) a x x (C) a (D) a x x 6.110026. Ph: 011-45634000 [ . Central Market.5 m/s (D) 4. Each of these questions has 4 choices (A).. (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. it reaches the floor of the elevator after a time 1 (A) 2 sec (B) sec 2 1 (C) 2 sec (D) sec 2 (Paragraph Type) This section contains 3 paragraphs. West Avenue Road. The other half of the distance covered in two equal time intervals with speed of 4. Central Market. observer? mg cos  (A) mg cos (B) (C) mg (D) mg sin Choose the correct free body diagram of the block w. because it is not    applicable w. This is exerted to apply Newton’s laws on the particle. Now answer the following questions based on the above paragraph 11. The potential FIITJEE Ltd. besides the real forces acting on the particle to draw the free body diagram of the   body with respect to him.. F  ma. Punjabi Bagh (West). New Delhi . 12. North West Delhi Centre. 13 to 14 In a conservative force field we can define he radial component of force from the du potential energy function by using F =  . This F is called PSEUDO FORCE.t. an accelerating frame. Here.t.4 Two Year CRP(1416) -PT-1_Paper-2-PCM-IITJEE/16 9. a positive force means repulsion and a dr negative force means attraction.110026. Distance x is given by v 2 (A) 0 2g (C) 10. the observer T T T ma (A) (B) (C) ma ma (D) T mg mg mg mg Paragraph for Question no. What is the magnitude of tension T in the string when block is in equilibrium w. where m is the  mass of the body and a is the acceleration of the observer. We can also find the ionization energy which is the work done to move the particle point at a distance ‘r’ from the centre of the force.t.r. Ph: 011-45634000 [ a . then the observer has  to apply an extra force F vectors on any particle. 31-32-33. West Avenue Road.r. Negative   sign shows that direction of F ’is opposite to the a An observer is standing inside a trolley and observing a block inside the trolley as shown in the figure Mass of the block is m. a0 v 0 2 2g2 (B) v 02 g (D) a0 v 0 2 g Horizontal component of velocity with which particle strikes the vertical wall is a v 2a0 v 0 (A) 0 0 (B) g g 3a0 v 0 a v (C) (D) 0 0 g 2g Paragraph for Question no. 11 to 12 When an observer is in an accelerating frame.r. For the given potential energy function U(r) we can find the equilibrium position where force is zero. The two vectors A and B are drawn from a common point and C  A  B . where ‘r’ is the distance from the centre of the force and A r r and B are +ve constants.. the acceleration is positive 18. 15. (C) and (D) out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct. Answer the following questions: energy of the particle is U = A 5 2  13. the velocity and acceleration are positive (C) between B and C.8N on the table (D) The block has an upward acceleration 16. Assume g = 9.8 m/s2 (A) The block exerts a force of 10N on the table (B) The block exerts a force of 19.8 N on the table (C) The block exerts a force of 9. Punjabi Bagh (West). Central Market. West Avenue Road. Ph: 011-45634000 [ t O . New Delhi . (B). A block of weight 9. Which of the following are possible (A) The lighter man is stationary while the heavier man slides with some acceleration (B) The heavier man is stationary while the lighter man climbs with some acceleration (C) The two men slide with the same acceleration in the same direction (D) The two men slide with acceleration of the same magnitude in opposite direction C D m1 m2  FIITJEE Ltd. the velocity is negative and acceleration is positive (D) between D and E. Which of the following statements are true with respect to the motion. 31-32-33.Two Year CRP(1416) -PT-1_Paper-2-PCM-IITJEE/16 B . North West Delhi Centre. Each question has four choices (A). (A) in motion between 0 to A. The work required to move the particle from equilibrium distance to infinity is B 4B (A) (B) 4A A B2 4B2 (C) (D) 4A A 14.      S A B E Two men of unequal masses hold on to the two sections of a light rope passing over a smooth light pulley. The equilibrium is (A) stable (C) neutral (B) unstable (D) cannot be predicted (Multi Correct Choice Type) This section contains 6 multiple choice questions.110026. then angle   between A and B is (A) 90o if C2 = A2 + B2 (B) greater than 90o if C2 < A2 + B2 o 2 2 2 (C) greater than 90 if C > A + B (D) less than 900 if C2 < A2 + B2 17. the velocity is positive and acceleration is negative (B) between A and B. The table surface exerts an upward force of 10N on the block. A particle has a rectilinear motion and the figure gives its displacement as a function of time.8N is placed on a table. Punjabi Bagh (West). 31-32-33. North West Delhi Centre.. having tensions T1 and T2 respectively. 6 1 T1 B 2 T2 C Let v and a denote the velocity and acceleration respectively of a body in one dimensional motion  (A) v must decrease when a <0 (B) speed must increase when a > 0 (C) speed will increase when both v and a are less than zero (D) speed will decrease when v < 0 & a > 0 FIITJEE Ltd. New Delhi .110026. Central Market.Two Year CRP(1416) -PT-1_Paper-2-PCM-IITJEE/16 19. The strings AB and BC are light. (A) tan 1  1/ 2 (B) tan 2  1 (C) T1  5 mg (D) T2  2 mg 20. Ph: 011-45634000 [ F= mg . West Avenue Road. Two blocks B and C in the figure have mass m each. The system is in equilibrium with a constant horizontal force mg acting on C. 1.110026. Punjabi Bagh (West). Based upon the paragraphs 2 multiple choice questions have to be answered. (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. FIITJEE Ltd. West Avenue Road. (B). Which of the following characteristic of the elements of group-1 or IA decreases on moving down the group? (A) Nuclear charge (B) Ionic radii (C) Number of core electrons (D) Hydrated radii 2. 0. New Delhi . At very high pressure the van der Waal’s equation for one mole of any real gas changes to a (A) PV = RT (B) PV = RT V a (C) PV = RT + Pb (D) PV – RT = P V 4.. Which of the following property of H2O is higher than that of H2O2? (A) Boiling point (B) Acidic strength (C) Bleaching action (D) Thermal stability 6. Which of the following orbital undergoes head to head overlapping by maximum extent? (A) s-orbital (B) p-orbital (C) sp3-hybrid orbital (D) sp-hybrid orbital 3. 0 (B) 3. The orbital represented by which of the following wave function has maximum number of radial node? (A) 4. Central Market.Two Year CRP(1416) -PT-1_Paper-2-PCM-IITJEE/16 7 S SE EC CT TIIO ON N–– 2 2:: C CH HE EM MIIS ST TR RY Y PART – A (Single Correct Choice Type) This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.2H2O + 4H2O (C) Mg(OH)Cl + HCl + 5H2O (D) Mg(OH)2 + HCl + 5H2O 5. Ph: 011-45634000 [ . What will be the value of 2 at the nucleus of an atom? (A) 1 (B) Zero (C) Infinity (D) None of these 7. The final heating product(s) of MgCl2. Each of these questions has 4 choices (A). 1 8. 3. 31-32-33. North West Delhi Centre. 1 (D) 4. 1.6H2O is/are (A) MgCl2 + 6H2O (B) MgCl2. 2. 0 (C) 3. What is the n-factor of Cu2S in the following reaction? Cu2S   Cu2  SO2 (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 7 (Paragraph Type) This section contains 3 paragraphs. Each question has four choices (A). (B). Consider the following reaction. 2Na3 AsO 4  3 CaCl2   Ca3  AsO 4 2   6NaCl The reaction is initiated by adding 800 mL of 0.5 M calcium chloride solution. 11 to 12 Chlorine exhibits oxidation states of -1. A sample of hydrogen like atoms are supplied with 12. New Delhi .110026. o o (A) 10000 A (B) 1600 A o o (C) 6000 A (D) 1800 A How many different set of photons. In ground state chlorine exhibits 0. +3. +1 and -1 oxidation states. emission of radiations with different frequencies are observed. Answer the following questions on the basis of above write up. The positive oxidation states are displayed by chlorine when it forms compounds with fluorine and oxygen. A radiation with a particular frequency and wavelength contains same type of photons. Answer the following questions on the basis of above write up. The hybridization and the type of excited state used by chlorine in ClO3 ion are respectively: (A) sp2 and second excited state (B) sp3 and second excited state 3 (C) sp and third excited state (D) sp3 and first excited state Paragraph for Question no.4 M sodium arsenate solution into a vessel which contains one litre of 0. 31-32-33. West Avenue Road. Oxygen provides higher positive oxidation state than fluorine because the number of covalent bonds formed by oxygen is higher than that formed by fluorine.. 11. Central Market. During de-excitation. What will be the wavelength of the highest energetic radiation if the wavelength of the o lowest energetic radiation is 8000 A and that of the radiation emitted when electron o jumps from the third orbit to first orbit is 2000 A ? 10.75 eV of energy. Which of the following statement is correct for the unstable compound which is formed by chlorine in +4 oxidation state? (A) The compound is paramagnetic in nature (B) Chlorine undergoes sp2 hybridization in the compound (C) The compound does not contain any lone pair (D) The compound should contain axial as well as equatorial covalent bonds 12. North West Delhi Centre. Punjabi Bagh (West). The oxidation states +3. If a sample of hydrogen like atoms are heated. +5 and +7 in its stable compounds. +5 and +7 are exhibited by it in the excited states respectively. The reaction is accelerated by formation of precipitates. +1. 13 to 14 The reaction between salt solution takes place by ions. 0. FIITJEE Ltd. different electronic transitions takes place as the atoms absorb different amount of energy.8 Two Year CRP(1416) -PT-1_Paper-2-PCM-IITJEE/16 Paragraph for Question no. 9. are emitted in the process? (A) 1 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 3 Paragraph for Question no. 9 to 10 Absorption and emission of radiation by an atom take place when its electron jumps from one orbit to another. Ph: 011-45634000 [ . Answer the following questions on the basis of above write up. 48 M (Multi Correct Choice Type) This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Cr2O72  Fe2  H   Cr 3   Fe3   H2O Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct for the above equation? (A) The coefficient of Fe3+ is 6 in the balanced equation.M (D) It’s dipositive ion contains four electrons with  = 2 FIITJEE Ltd.55 M (D) 0. (C) and (D) out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct. 14 and 2 electrons respectively in K. (B) Fe2+ behaves as an oxidizing agent. What is the molarity of Cl– (Chloride) ions in the resulting solution after completion of the reaction? (A) 0. What is the molarity of AsO34 ions in the resulting solution after the reaction? (A) 0.17 M (C) 0. N N H3C CH3 SiH3 SiH3 CH3 SiH3 [X] [Y] Which of the following property/properties of the above compounds is/are correct? (A) Basic strength: X > Y (B) Bond angle: CNC > SiNSi (C) Boiling point: X < Y (D) Dipole moment: X > Y 16. West Avenue Road. Central Market. L.12 M (B) 0.9 Two Year CRP(1416) -PT-1_Paper-2-PCM-IITJEE/16 13. 15. 17. Which of the following substance(s) is/are thermally less stable than CaCO3? (A) BeCO3 (B) MgCO3 (C) SrCO3 (D) BaCO3 18. 8..42 M (B) 0.88 M (D) None of these 14. Each question has four choices (A). 31-32-33. Which of the following substance(s) convert(s) I–(iodide) to I2(iodine)? (A) H2O (B) H2O2 (C) D2O (D) HDO 19. M and N orbits. Ph: 011-45634000 [ . (D) HNO3 can be used in the reaction to provide acidic medium. (C) The colour of reaction mixture after reaction becomes green. Punjabi Bagh (West). New Delhi . North West Delhi Centre.110026. An atom contains 2. (B).53 M (C) 0. Which of the following gas(es) effuse at the same rate under identical conditions? (A) NO2 (B) CO (C) N2 (D) C2H4 20. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct for the atom? (A) it is a d-block element (B) it contains eight electrons with  = 0 (C) It’s spin magnetic moment is 2 6 B. . 1.. Punjabi Bagh (West).. 6. (B). 4. (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. If the circle (B) –1 (D) none of these x 2  y 2  4x  22y  c  0 bisects the circumference of the circle x  y  2x  8y  d  0. then the numerical value of tan  tan 2 tan 3. (6.Two Year CRP(1416) -PT-1_Paper-2-PCM-IITJEE/16 10 S SE EC CT TIIO ON N–– 3 3:: M MA AT TH HE EM MA AT TIIC CS S PART – A (Single Correct Choice Type) This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. North West Delhi Centre.tan  2n  1  is equal to (A) –1 (B) 0 (C) 1 (D) 2      3    The expression 3 sin4      sin4  3      2 sin6      sin6  5     is equal  2  2      to (A) 0 (B) –1 (C) 1 (D) 3 Which of the following limit is in the indeterminant form? x  1 (A) lim   (B) lim 1x x  7 x    1  (D) lim  1   x  x  (C) lim 5 x x  7. 31-32-33. 8) and (–4.. West Avenue Road. then m is equal to (A) 1/5 (C) –2/3 2. If  4  9   9  (A) 2 (C) 10 log 3 log2 4  10  logx 83 x . 0). 8.. New Delhi . then c + d is equal to (A) 60 (B) 50 (C) 40 (D) 56 2 3... If the angle between the two lines represented by 2x 2  5xy  3y 2  6x  7y  4  0 is tan1  m  .. Each question has four choices (A). 3) is 125 5 (A) unit (B) unit 8 2 FIITJEE Ltd.110026. Central Market. 5. 2 If the lines a1x  b1y  c1  0 and a2 x  b2 y  c 2  0 cut the coordinate axes in concyclic points. Ph: 011-45634000 [ . then a b (A) a1b1  a1b2 (B) 1  1 a2 b2 (C) a1  a2  b1  b2 (D) a1a2  b1b2 If 4n  ... then x is equal to (B) 3 (D) 30 The distance between the circumcentre and orthocentre of the triangle whose vertices are (0. a particle moves k units in the counter clockwise direction... y) = 0 between x and y which is satisfied by each point on the locus and such that each point satisfying the equation is on the locus is called the equation of the locus. The motion of the particle continues in this manner.110026. let Ck denotes the circle with radius k units and centre at the origin. 13 to 14 Increasing product with angles are in GP cos  cos 2 cos 22 .. 0). 0) (D) (2.. On the circle Ck. a locus represents the ‘set of all points’ which lies on it. (b sin t.Two Year CRP(1416) -PT-1_Paper-2-PCM-IITJEE/16 (C) 11 5 5 unit 2 (D) 5 5 unit (Paragraph Type) This section contains 3 paragraphs.. 1) be vertices of a ABC. A relation f (x. is 2 2 2 2 (A)  3x  1   3y   a2  b2 (B)  3x  1   3y   a2  b2 (C)  3x  1   3y   a2  b2 2 2 (D)  3x  1   3y   a2  b2 2 2 Paragraph for Question no. Punjabi Bagh (West).. After completing its motion on Ck. Each of these questions has 4 choices (A). Ph: 011-45634000 [ .. West Avenue Road.. If the particle crossing the positive direction of the x – axis for the first time on the circle Cn .. Locus of centroid of the triangle whose vertices are (a cos t. – b cos t) and (1. 0) (C) (4. in the radial direction. 0) (B) (1. (B). 0) 12. Central Market. (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. If the centroid of this triangle moves on the line 2x  3y  1. 11 to 12 For each natural number k. the particle cross x axis again at (A) (3.. answer the following questions: 9. Let A (2. North West Delhi Centre. 31-32-33. the particle starts at (1. 9 to 10 The locus of a moving point is the path traced out by that point under one or more given conditions. New Delhi . Paragraph for Question no. Based upon the paragraphs 2 multiple choice questions have to be answered.. a sin t). 11.... Let   1 . where   0 . If k  N and   1 . where t is a parameter. 0). the particle starts at (–1. the particle moves to Ck  . 0). Technically. On the basis of above information. –3) and B (–2.cos 2n1  FIITJEE Ltd. then the locus of the vertex C is the line (A) 2x  3y  9 (B) 2x  3y  7 (C) 3x  2y  5 (D) 3x  2y  3 10. then n is equal to (A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 8 Paragraph for Question no.. If the coordinates of the vertices of triangle are rational numbers. (B) 1 (D) logb a. 14. Each question has four choices (A).     5   7  The value of sin   sin   sin   is  18   18   18  1 (A) 16 1 (C)  8 The value of cos (B) 1 8 (D) –1 2 4 6 is cos cos 7 7 7 (A) –1/2 (C) 1/4 (B) 1/2 (D) 1/8 (Multi Correct Choice Type) This section contains 6 multiple choice questions.Two Year CRP(1416) -PT-1_Paper-2-PCM-IITJEE/16 12  sin 2n  . 31-32-33. then which of the following points of the triangle will always have rational coordinates (A) centroid (B) incentre (C) circumcentre (D) orthocentre 17. if  n 2 1 2   1 if  n  2n . West Avenue Road. (C) and (D) out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct. if   n  n  2 sin   1  n. Punjabi Bagh (West). then ab  c . c a b is equal to b  c   c  a   a  b  (A) 0 (C) a + b + c 18. North West Delhi Centre..110026. where  &  lies in the first quadrant. 2 1  Where. n  I (Integer) On the basis of above information. Ph: 011-45634000 [ . 3x  y  4  0 and x  4y   2  0 are concurrent. bc  a . New Delhi .logc b.loga c (D) x 2  y 2  30x  30y  225  0 If the lines x  2y  6  0. If cos   16. then 5 13 33 56 (A) cos       (B) sin       65 65    1 63    (C) sin2  (D) cos        65  2  65 15. If loga logb logc   . –6) and touching both the axes is (A) x 2  y 2  6x  6y  9  0 (B) x 2  y 2  6x  6y  9  0 (C) x 2  y 2  30x  30y  225  0 19. Central Market. then (A)   2 (B)   3 (C)   4 (D)   4 FIITJEE Ltd. 3 5 and cos   . The equation of circle passing through (3. answer the following questions: 13. (B). Ph: 011-45634000 [ . 31-32-33. North West Delhi Centre.110026. 13 Consider the circles C1  x 2  y 2  2x  4y  4  0 and C2  x 2  y 2  2x  4y  4  0 and the line L  x  2y  2  0. West Avenue Road.Two Year CRP(1416) -PT-1_Paper-2-PCM-IITJEE/16 20. then (A) L is the radical axis of C1 and C2 (B) L is the common tangent of C1 and C2 (C) L is the common chord of C1 and C2 (D) L is perpendicular to the line joining centres of C1 and C2 FIITJEE Ltd. New Delhi . Punjabi Bagh (West). Central Market.. C C110306 2. North West Delhi Centre. D P110420 7. A M110731 2. D P110316 2. B C110006 18. Con. AB P110201 16. D P110301 3. B M110724 11. ACD M110707 17.14 Two Year CRP(1416) -PT-1_Paper-2-PCM-IITJEE/16 FIITJEE INTERNAL TEST Batches: Two Year CRP(1416) IIT – JEE 2016 PHASE – I PAPER – II ANSWERS QP CODE: SECTION – I (PHYSICS) SECTION – II (CHEMISTRY) SECTION – III (MATHS) PART – A PART – A PART – A Q. AD M110725 20.Code Q.N. B C110113 6. D M110602 7. A P110409 1. M110706 FIITJEE Ltd. Central Market. CD P110306 20. Punjabi Bagh (West). C M110802 12. D M111402 15. A C110204 11. A P110325 5.. Con. B C110109 9. C P110402 12. BD M110202 18.Code 1. C111006 C110107.N.Code Q. Ans. BCD M111304 16. C M110202 8. C M110802 13. D C110702 1. B P110403 11. West Avenue Road. AD P110404 15. AB C110904 17. BCD C111208 19. A P110420 14. D 5. C C110104 10. C C110207 14. C C111204 3. A M110724 10. Ans. C M111301 5. B M111402 14. AC C110205 16. A P110310 10. ABC 20. Ans. New Delhi . C C111101 8. B C110113 7. B P110504 4. C 9. ABCD P110403 19. D M110801 4. B M110814 3. B C110305 12. C110108 M110705.110026. ACD C110306 15. AD M110808 19. C P110310 9. B P110308 8. C C110908 4. ACD M110819 C111004.N. 31-32-33. A P110327 6. ABD P110416 18. Con. C M111403 6. Ph: 011-45634000 [ . D C110207 13. ACD P110325 17. C P110420 13.
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