TV Flyback Transformer Datasheet List


Description TV flyback transformer datasheet list Label: flyback datasheet, Flyback pin, flyback serial number A flyback transformer (FBT), also called a line output transformer (LOPT), is a special type of electrical transformer. It was initially designed to generate high current sawtooth signals at a relatively high frequency. In modern applications it is used extensively in switched-mode power supplies for both low (3V) and high voltage (over 10 kV) supplies. flyback transformer Unlike conventional transformers, a flyback transformer is not fed with a signal of the same waveshape as the intended output current. In particular, very high voltages are easily obtained using relatively few turns of winding which, once rectified, can provide the very high accelerating voltage for a CRT. Many more recent applications of such a transformer dispense with the need to produce high currents and just use the device as a relatively efficient means of producing a wide range of lower voltages using a transformer much smaller than a conventional mains transformer would be.[citation needed] The flyback transformer is used in the operation of CRT-display devices such as television sets and CRT computer monitors. The voltage and frequency can each range over a wide scale depending on the device. Unlike a power (or 'mains') transformer which uses an alternating current of 50 or 60 Hertz, a flyback transformer typically operates with switched currents at much higher frequencies in the range of 15 kHz to 50 kHz. These are many TV flyback transformer datasheet list : 1. Samsung TV Flyback Number : FSV 14A001 FSV 20A001 FCK 14A033 FCV 20A001 PIN : 16,5V_NC_H_46V_185V_GROUND_NC_ABL_B+125V_COL 154-064P (Goldstar) 154-177B FCK 14B047 (Akari) COL_185V_B+_GROUND_16V_24V_40V_ABL_H_AFC 154-064G (Goldstar) 154-177E COL_180V_92V_125VBOOST_24V_12V_GROUND_ABL_H_AFC FCM 14A025 (Samsung, Blaupunkt) FCM 1411L01 16,5V_AFC_H_24V_180V_GROUND_B+90V_ABL_125VBOOST_COL DCF 1577 (Daewoo, Mitsuba) DCF 2077 FSA 16012M COL_B+_AFC_125VBOOST_16,5V_ABL_24V_GROUND_180V_H FTK 14B011 (Aiwa) COL_B+_25V_GROUND_180V_H_ABL_GROUND_AFC_15V FCK 1411E10A (Etron) 190V_COL_NC_B+_NC_24V_ABL_GROUND_15V_H JF 0208-0208C (Solitron) COL_B+_GROUND_185V_H_ABL_GROUND_15V_AFC_24V JF 0208-0210B (Sansui) JF 0501-0501 COL_B+_180V_14V_24V_H_GROUND_ABL_AFC_NC FCM 14B014N (Polytron, Digitec) FCM 20B061N JF 0601-19577 COL_B+_GROUND_200V_NC_H_NC_ABL+12v_-12v JF 0501-1206 (Sansui) COL_B+_180V_16V_25V_H_GROUND_ABL_AFC_NC L40B17100 (Sanyo) COL_B+_NC_180V_AFC_GROUND_ABL_NC_H_GROUND L40B09000 (Sanyo) COL_B+_NC_AFC_GROUND_H_ABL_16V_NC_180V L40B05500 (Sanyo) COL_B+_NC_AFC_GROUND_H_GROUND_NC_NC_ABL L40B09001 (Sanyo) COL_B+_NC_AFC_GROUND_H_ABL_NC_NC_180V 6174Z-6040C (LG) BSC 23-N0107 COL_185V_B+_GROUND_-14V_+14V_GROUND_ABL_H_AFC BSC 24-08B (Tv China) BSC 24-01N362 BSC 25-4803 BSC 25-N1616 BSC 25-0106 COL_B+_NC_AFC_GROUND_H_ABL_NC BSC 25-T1010A (Tv China) . 5V_ABL_H_AFC TFB 4067BD (Toshiba) TFB 4125CH TFB 4122HY/ES/CS/DY BSC 23-N0102 COL_B+_185V_GROUND_NC_24V_12V_ABL_H_AFC FCK 14A028 (Fuji Electric) NC_B+_14V_24V_H_GROUND_ABL_180V_B+_COL 154-189C (Fuji Electric) 154-277C FCM 20B027 .BSC 24-01N4014K BSC 25-09N21A BSC 25-09N20E TEP_COL_TEP_B+_TEP_TEP_GROUND_H_ABL_180V BSC 60HZ (Changhong) COL_B+_190V_GROUND_11V_16V_45V_ABL_H_AFC BSC 24-2231HC (Panda) COL_B+_46V_16V_GROUND_AFC_ABL_H_180V_NC BSC 65A (Changhong) COL_B+_190V_GROUND_NC_NC_14. OK) FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 KFS 60844A NC_NC_GROUND_185V_15V_H_24V_ABL_B+_COL_ 154-138K (Etron) 154-182H 190V_NC_COL_AFC_B+_43V_ABL_GROUND_12V_H CF 0801 (Fujitec) COL_B+180V_15V_24V_H_GROUND_ABL_NC_NC CF 0854 (Fuji Electric. Siera) CF 0582 COL_B+_GROUND_AFC_185V_H_25V_15V_GROUND_ABL FSA 28027M (Fuji Electric) COL_NC_NC_123V_12V_ABL_25V_GROUND_185V_H BSC 24-01N4009A (Tv China) .COL_B+_180V_14V_22V_H_GROUND_ABL_AFC_NC FUY 20C009 (Akari) COL_180V_B+_GROUND_NC_24V_NC_ABL_H_AFC FCK 14A006 (Digitec. Polytron. 5(vertkl) _ Gnd(vertkl) _ +16.5 _ Heater _ Gnd _ B+ _ 180v _ Gnd _ Abl _40v 154 189H 154 277C FCM 20B027 C _ B+ _ 180v _ 16v _ 24v _ Heater _ Gnd _ Abl _ Afc _ Nc 8-598-858--00 8-598-811 C _ B+135v _ 200v _ Heater _ Gnd _ -16.132C C _ 40v _ 16.COL_NC_B+_GROUND_NC_TEP_NC_ABL_H_AFC BSC 22-2314H (Fujitec) COL_B+_180V_15V_24V_AFC_GROUND_ABL_NC_NC BSC 22-01N40J (Tv China) COL_180V_115V_GROUND_22V_16V_ABL_H_NC_NC F 0193 PEN1-SA (Sharp) F 0194 PEN1-SA COL_B+_GROUND_42V_12V_AFC_185V_GROUND_H_ABL (cat: teg 12v pada FBT F0194= 16V) 154 .132A 154 .5(vertkl) _ Nc _ Abl . 5v _ Abl _ Heater _ Afc DCF 2217J C _ B+ _ afc _ boost-up _ 16.BSC 22-01-06 BSC 25-48 BSC 25-4803 BSC 24-01N362 C _ B+ _ Nc _ afc _ gnd _ Heater _abl _ nc BSC 24-01N4014K BSC 25-T1010A BSC 25-09N21A BSC 25-05N2110A BSC 25-09N20E Tep _ C _ Tep _ B+ _ Tep _ Tep _ gnd _ Heater _ abl _ 180v BSC 65A C _ B+ _ 190v _ Gnd _ Nc _ Nc _ 14.5 _ 24 _ abl _ gnd _ 200v _ heater F 0101KM-SA F 0141 PE-M C _ B+ _ Gnd _ 24v _ 16v _ Afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ Heater _ Abl FCK 14A006 FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 . 16.14A001 C _ B+125v _ Abl _ Nc _ Gnd _ 185 _ 46 _ Heater _ Nc _ 16.20A001 FCK .14A033 FSV .5 .5v FCG 2045 BL Afc .5 _ Abl _ 25v _ Gnd _ 185v _Heater FUY-20C009 (akari) C_180_B+_gnd_nc_24_nc_abl_Ht_afc FSV .B+ .C _ B+ _ Abl _ 24v _ Heater _ 16v _ 180v _ Gnd _ Nc _ Abl FCK 1411 L 01 FCM 14A025 C _ Boost-up _ Abl _ B+ _ Gnd _ 180v _ 24V _ Heater _ Afc _ 16.Afc _ Boost-up _ 16.5v _ Heater _ Boost-up _ B+83v _ Gnd _ Nc _ C _ Abl _ 175v _ 24v FCM-20B061N (polytron) C_B+_gnd_185_nc_Ht_Nc_abl_+12_-12 FSA 16012M DCF 2077A DCF 1577 FSA 16012M C . FBC-015 LCE CF0854 C _ B+ _ Gnd _ Afc _ 185 _ Heater _ 25 _ 15 _ Gnd _ Abl TFB 4125 DY (tosiba) TFB 4125 HY C _ B+ _ 180 _ Gnd _ Nc _ 26v _ 12v _ Abl _ Heater _ Afc K 148 TC C .Gnd _ Afc _ 16v _ Abl _ Heater _ Nc _ Nc 154-064P Goldstar 154-177B FCK-14B047 .FTK-14A004P (samsung) C_B+125v_ABL_ Nc_ Gnd_ 180v_24v_Ht_afc_16.180v _ B+ .5 JF 0501-1206 C _ B+ _ 180v _ 16v _ 25v _ Heater _ Gnd _ Abl _ Afc _ Nc JF0601-19577 (polytron) C_B+_gnd_200v_nc_Ht_nc_abl_+12_-12 MC . Afc _ Boost-up _ 16.Gnd _ Afc _ 16v _ Abl _ Heater _ Nc _ Nc FCG 2045 BL Afc .16.5 _ Abl _ 25v _ Gnd _ 185v _Heater JF 0501-1206 sansui C _ B+ _ 180v _ 16v _ 25v _ Heater _ Gnd _ Abl _ Afc _ Nc JF0601-19577 (polytron) C_B+_gnd_200v_nc_Ht_nc_abl_+12_-12 v .C _ 180v _ B+ _ Gnd _ 16v _ 24v _ 40v _ Abl _ Heater _ Afc F 0101KM-SA F 0141 PE-M C _ B+ _ Gnd _ 24v _ 16v _ Afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ Heater _ Abl K 148 TC C .5v _ Heater _ Boost-up _ B+83v _ Gnd _ Nc _ C _ Abl _ 175v _ 24v FSA 16012M DCF 2077A DCF 1577 FSA 16012M C .180v _ B+ .B+ . 5v 154 189H 154 277C FCM 20B027 C _ B+ _ 180v _ 16v _ 24v _ Heater _ Gnd _ Abl _ Afc _ Nc MC .FBC-015 LCE CF0854 C _ B+ _ Gnd _ Afc _ 185 _ Heater _ 25 _ 15 _ Gnd _ Abl .5v _ Abl _ Heater _ Afc 154 .FCM-20B061N (polytron) c_B+_gnd_185_nc_Ht_Nc_abl_+12_-12 FUY-20C009 (akari) C_180_B+_gnd_nc_24_nc_abl_Ht_afc BSC 65A changhong C _ B+ _ 190v _ Gnd _ Nc _ Nc _ 14.5 _ Heater _ Gnd _ B+ _ 180v _ Gnd _ Abl _40v FCK 1411 L 01 FCM 14A025 C _ Boost-up _ Abl _ B+ _ Gnd _ 180v _ 24V _ Heater _ Afc _ 16.132C C _ 40v _ 16.132A intel 154 . 20A001 samsung FCK .FSV .14A001 C _ B+125v _ Abl _ Nc _ Gnd _ 185 _ 46 _ Heater _ Nc _ 16.5(vertkl) _ Nc _ Abl 8-598-960-00 sony KV-G21P1 C_b+115V_200V_ht_ gnd_-13v_gnd_+15v_nc_abl TFB 4125 DY (thosiba) TFB 4125 HY C _ B+ _ 180 _ Gnd _ Nc _ 26v _ 12v _ Abl _ Heater _ Afc BSC 22-01-06 BSC 25-48 BSC 25-4803 BSC 24-01N362 C _ B+ _ Nc _ afc _ gnd _ Heater _abl _ nc .5(vertkl) _ Gnd(vertkl) _ +16.5 FTK-14A004P (samsung) C_B+125v_ABL_ Nc_ Gnd_ 180v_24v_Ht_afc_16.5 8-598-858--00 sony KV-PG21P70 8-598-811 C _ B+135v _ 200v _ Heater _ Gnd _ -16.14A033 FSV . 5 _ 24 _ abl _ gnd _ 200v _ heater DATA PIN-OUT FLYBACK FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C _ B+ _ Abl _ 24v _ Heater _ 16v _ 180v _ Gnd _ Nc _ Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 .BSC 24-01N4014K tv china BSC 25-T1010A BSC 25-09N21A BSC 25-05N2110A BSC 25-09N20E Tep _ C _ Tep _ B+ _ Tep _ Tep _ gnd _ Heater _ abl _ 180v BSC25-2678S konka K2169TC C_200v_B+_ gnd_afc_16v_abl_ht_nc_nc JY0301-0206 tv china 29 C_B+_nc_afc_gnd_HT_abl_tep_tep_tep DCF 2217J C _ B+ _ afc _ boost-up _ 16. 185V _H+_AFC_B+_16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H/T POLYTRON : JF0501-19577 H_B+_GRND_+VID_+VID_H/T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL 154-064P (goldstar14") 154-177B (goldstar21") FCK-14B047 (akari14") c _ 180v _ b+ _ gnd _ 16v _ 24v _ 40v _ abl _ htr _ afc.BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B+ _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL : BSC 25=0252S C _ B+ _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ GRND _ ABL _ 200V _ H/T TCL : JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. 6174Z-8005C (LG 20") . 24 .180v .132A (intel) 154 .gnd .abl .gnd .b+ .180 .abl .N0107 (LG 14") c _ 40v _ 16.b+(92v) .132C 6174V .600H (LG 21") 6174Z . 6174V-6002U (LG 21") BSC 26-N2121(N) (LG 21") c .nc .24v .180v .b+ .c . 154-064G (goldstar14") 154-177E (goldstar20") c .htr .26v .nc .12v .boost up .6040C (LG 21") BSC 23 . 154 .ht -afc.afc BSC 65 A (changhong) .afc.gnd .5 _ htr _ gnd _ b+ _ 180v _ gnd _ abl _ 40v 154 189 C 154 189 H 154 277 C BSC 22-2314 H CF 0801-3701 FCM 20B027 c _ b+ _ 180v _ 16v _ 24v _ htr _ gnd _ abl _ afc _ nc.abl .gnd .12v .ht . BSC 22-01N401 BSC 22-01N402 BSC 22-01-06 BSC 22-0201 BSC 22-2314B BSC 23-4404A BSC 23-14H BSC 24-14L BSC 24-01N36 BSC 24-01N362 BSC 24-01N362B BSC 24-08A BSC 24-09G BSC 25-48 BSC 25-4803 BSC 25-4803F BSC 25-4803T BSC 25-N0803A BSC 25-Z601A c _ b+ _ nc _ afc _ gnd _ htr _ abl _ nc. BSC 25-2678S (konka K2169TC) c _ 200v _ b+ _ gnd _ afc _ 16v _ abl _ ht _ nc _ nc .5v _ abl _ htr _ afc.c _ b+ _ 190v _ gnd _ nc _ nc _ 14. BSC 24-01N4014K (china) BSC 25-01N4010GA (14") BSC 25-05N2110A BSC 25-0909 BSC 25-09N20E BSC 25-09N21A BSC 25-1003A BSC 25-1194D024 (14") BSC 25-2108A BSC 25-4813P (cina multy) BSC 25-N1003A-4-R (21") BSC 25-T1010A BSC 25-Z603F (21") BSC 26-0221 (29") Tep _ c _ tep _ b+ _ tep _ tep _ gnd _ htr _ abl _ 180v. 20R200. F 0101 KM-SA (sharp 14R20 14") F 0102 KM-SA (sharp 20R20B. 51R200) F 0141 PE-M F 0147 c _ b+ _ gnd _ 24V _ 16V _ afc _ 180V _ gnd _ ht _ abl F 0122 PE-M (sharp 20Q250) . DCF 2217 J c _ b+ _ afc _ boost-up _ 16.5 _ 24 _ abl _ gnd _ 200v _ htr. 51U200.c _ b+ _ 24V _ 16V _ nc _ afc _ gnd _ ht _ 180V _ abl F 0193 PEN1-SA (sharp 14U15) c _ b+(115) _ gnd _ 40V _ 12V _ afc _ 180V _ gnd _ ht _ abl F 0194 PEN1-SA (sharp 20R200MKII. 20W200) F 2037 PE-B (sharp 20AG2-S) c _ b+ _ gnd _ 40V _ 16V _ afc _ 180V _ gnd _ ht _ abl F 094 FA 061 WJ-SA (sharp 51X200) c _ b+(130V) _ gnd _ 24V _ 12V _ afc _ 185V _ gnd _ ht _ abl FA 113 WJ-B (sharp 51DXF250E) c _ b+ _ gnd _ 24V _ nc _ afc _ 180V _ gnd _ ht _ abl FA 122 WJ-B c _ b+(130V) _ gnd _ 24V _ nc _ afc _ 180V _ gnd _ ht _ abl FA 011 WJ-B (sharp) c _ b+ _ gnd _ 24V _ 16V _ afc _ 180V _ nc _ ht _ abl FA 060 WJ-SA (sharp 14S20MKII) c _ b+ _ gnd _ nc _ 12V _ afc(-12V) _ 180V _ gnd _ ht _ abl FCG 2045 BL . 5v _ htr _ boost-up _ B+83v _ gnd _ nc _ c _ abl _ 175v _ 24v FCK 1411 L 01 FCM 14A025 c _ boost-up _ abl _ b+ _ gnd _ 180v _ 24V _ htr _ afc _ 16. FCK 14A006 (14") FCM 2015HE (21") FCM 14A032 (21") FTK 21R002 (21") KFS 60844A (21") nc _ nc _ gnd _ 180 _ 15v _ ht _ 24 _ abl _ b+ _ c FCM 14B014N (polytron 14") FCM 20B061N (polytron 21") c _ b+ _ gnd _ 185 _ nc _ htr _ nc _ abl _ +12 _ -12. FUH29VH02 (polytron29) c _ b+ _ gnd _ 185v _ nc(16v) _ htr _ nc _ abl(bcl) _ 12v _ 12v FSV 20A001 (samsung) FCK 14A033 FSV 14A001 c _ b+125v _ abl _ nc _ gnd _ 185 _ 46 _ htr _ nc _ 16.5v.afc .16.5 FTK-14A004P (samsung) . 5v _ htr _ boost-up _ b+83v _ gnd _ nc _ c _ abl _ 175v _ 24v.5 _ abl _ 25v _ gnd _ 185v _ htr. JF 0501-1206 c _ b+ _ 180v _ 16v _ 25v _ htr _ gnd _ abl _ afc _ nc. FCG 2045 BL afc _ 16. HTF2904 c _ b+ _ 24v _ 16v _ gnd _ htr _ grnd _ afc _ nc _ 180v FSA 16012M DCF 2077A DCF 1577 FSA 16012M c _ b+ _ afc _ boost-up _ 16. JF 0601-19577 (polytron 21'' MX5203R) c _ b+ _ gnd _ 200v _ nc _ htr _ nc _ abl _ +12 _ -12. FUY-20C009 (akari) c _ 180 _ b+ _ gnd _ nc _ 24 _ nc _ abl _ htr _ afc. JY 0301-0206 (china 29") c _ b+ _ nc _ afc _ gnd _ Htr _ abl _ tep _ tep _ tep K 148 TC .c _ b+125v _ abl _ nc _ gnd _ 180v _ 24v _ htr _ afc _ 16.5. 5(vertkl) _ nc _ abl BSC25-Z305A (Goldstar) BSC25-Z3201 FCM20B058 154-064 154-177B c _ 180v _ B+ _ gnd _ 16v _ 24v _ 40v _ ABL _ H/T _ AFC FCG 2045BL BSC 24-0406D c _ 180v _ B+ _ gnd _ 24v _16v _ ABL _ H/T _ NC _ NC 190v _ NC _ HOUT _ AFC _ B+ _ 43v _ ABL _ gnd _ 12v _ H/T BSC 22-2314H 154-189C JF 0501-1206 HOUT _ B+ _ 180v _ 16v _ 26v _ H/T _ gnd _ ABL _ AFC _ NC .5(vertkl) _ Gnd(vertkl) _ +16. 8-598-858--00 (sony KV-PG21P70) 8-598-811 c _ b+135v _ 200v _ htr _ gnd _ -16. MC FBC-015 LCE CF0854 c _ b+ _ gnd _ afc _ 185 _ htr _ 25 _ 15 _ gnd _ abl.c _ 180v _ b+ _ gnd _ afc _ 16v _ abl _ htr _ nc _ nc. BSC 24-01N4004U HOUT _ B+ _ +13V _ -13v _ gnd _ H/T _ AFC _ ABL _ NC _ NC 6174Z-8040C HOUT _ 185v _ B+ _ gnd _ -14v _ +14v _ gnd _ ABL _ H/T _AFC MC-FBC-015 LCE CF 0854 HOUT _ B+ _ gnd _AFC _ 185V _ H/T _ 25V _ 15V _ gnd _ ABL BSC25-4813 BSC 25-N0301CY BSC 25-1003A BSC 25-Z603F BSC 25-09N20ER BSC 25-N0312A BSC 25-T1010A BSC 24-N40G1 BSC24-01N4001M TP _ HOUT _ TP _ B+ _ TP _ TP _ gnd _ H/T _ ABL _ 180V BSC 25-4803T BSC 25-4804TC BSC 25-03F69F BSC 25N1616T . BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0449 BSC 24-01N36 BSC 23-N0124R BSC 22-01016H BSC 25-0236 BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0803A BSC 22-N65T BSC 25-0251 BSC 25-3604V L 40B10602 C _ B+ _ NC _ AFC _ gnd _ H/T _ ABL _ TP SHARP : F0101KM-SA F0141PE-M F0102KM-SA F094 FA061WJ-SA FA060WJ-SA FA135 F0147 BSC-250216F FA093WJ-SA Hout _ B+ _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H/T _ ABL . FO193PEN1-SA Hout _ B+ _ Grnd _ 45v _ 16v _afc _ 180v _ Grnd _ h/t _ ABL KONKA : BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C _ 180v _ B+ _ GND _ AFC _ 16v _ ABL _ H/T _ NC _ NC FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C _ B+ _ Abl _ 24v _ Heater _ 16v _ 180v _ Gnd _ Nc _ Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B+ _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL : BSC 25=0252S . C _ B+ _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ GRND _ ABL _ 200V _ H/T TCL : JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. 185V _H+_AFC_B+_16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H/T POLYTRON : JF0501-19577 H_B+_GRND_+VID_+VID_H/T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) BSC 22-2314H 154-189C JF 0501-1206 HOUT _ B+ _ 180v _ 16v _ 26v _ H/T _ gnd _ ABL _ AFC _ NC BSC 24-01N4004U HOUT _ B+ _ +13V _ -13v _ gnd _ H/T _ AFC _ ABL _ NC _ NC 6174Z-8040C HOUT _ 185v _ B+ _ gnd _ -14v _ +14v _ gnd _ ABL _ H/T _AFC MC-FBC-015 LCE CF 0854 HOUT _ B+ _ gnd _AFC _ 185V _ H/T _ 25V _ 15V _ gnd _ ABL . BSC25-4813 BSC 25-N0301CY BSC 25-1003A BSC 25-Z603F BSC 25-09N20ER BSC 25-N0312A BSC 25-T1010A BSC 24-N40G1 BSC24-01N4001M TP _ HOUT _ TP _ B+ _ TP _ TP _ gnd _ H/T _ ABL _ 180V BSC 25-4803T BSC 25-4804TC BSC 25-03F69F BSC 25N1616T BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0449 BSC 24-01N36 BSC 23-N0124R BSC 22-01016H BSC 25-0236 BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0803A BSC 22-N65T BSC 25-0251 BSC 25-3604V . L 40B10602 C _ B+ _ NC _ AFC _ gnd _ H/T _ ABL _ TP SHARP : F0101KM-SA F0141PE-M F0102KM-SA F094 FA061WJ-SA FA060WJ-SA FA135 F0147 BSC-250216F FA093WJ-SA Hout _ B+ _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H/T _ ABL FO193PEN1-SA Hout _ B+ _ Grnd _ 45v _ 16v _afc _ 180v _ Grnd _ h/t _ ABL KONKA : BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C _ 180v _ B+ _ GND _ AFC _ 16v _ ABL _ H/T _ NC _ NC FCM 2015HE . FCM 14A032 C _ B+ _ Abl _ 24v _ Heater _ 16v _ 180v _ Gnd _ Nc _ Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B+ _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL : BSC 25=0252S C _ B+ _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ GRND _ ABL _ 200V _ H/T TCL : JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. 185V _H+_AFC_B+_16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H/T POLYTRON : JF0501-19577 H_B+_GRND_+VID_+VID_H/T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL . (Samsung) BSC 24-01N4004U HOUT _ B+ _ +13V _ -13v _ gnd _ H/T _ AFC _ ABL _ NC _ NC 6174Z-8040C HOUT _ 185v _ B+ _ gnd _ -14v _ +14v _ gnd _ ABL _ H/T _AFC MC-FBC-015 LCE CF 0854 HOUT _ B+ _ gnd _AFC _ 185V _ H/T _ 25V _ 15V _ gnd _ ABL BSC25-4813 BSC 25-N0301CY BSC 25-1003A BSC 25-Z603F BSC 25-09N20ER BSC 25-N0312A BSC 25-T1010A BSC 24-N40G1 BSC24-01N4001M TP _ HOUT _ TP _ B+ _ TP _ TP _ gnd _ H/T _ ABL _ 180V BSC 25-4803T BSC 25-4804TC BSC 25-03F69F BSC 25N1616T BSC 25-03P79 . BSC 25-N0449 BSC 24-01N36 BSC 23-N0124R BSC 22-01016H BSC 25-0236 BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0803A BSC 22-N65T BSC 25-0251 BSC 25-3604V L 40B10602 C _ B+ _ NC _ AFC _ gnd _ H/T _ ABL _ TP SHARP : F0101KM-SA F0141PE-M F0102KM-SA F094 FA061WJ-SA FA060WJ-SA FA135 F0147 BSC-250216F FA093WJ-SA Hout _ B+ _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H/T _ ABL . FO193PEN1-SA Hout _ B+ _ Grnd _ 45v _ 16v _afc _ 180v _ Grnd _ h/t _ ABL KONKA : BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C _ 180v _ B+ _ GND _ AFC _ 16v _ ABL _ H/T _ NC _ NC FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C _ B+ _ Abl _ 24v _ Heater _ 16v _ 180v _ Gnd _ Nc _ Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B+ _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL : BSC 25=0252S C _ B+ _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ GRND _ ABL _ 200V _ H/T . TCL : JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. 185V _H+_AFC_B+_16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H/T POLYTRON : JF0501-19577 H_B+_GRND_+VID_+VID_H/T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) 6174Z-8040C HOUT _ 185v _ B+ _ gnd _ -14v _ +14v _ gnd _ ABL _ H/T _AFC MC-FBC-015 LCE CF 0854 HOUT _ B+ _ gnd _AFC _ 185V _ H/T _ 25V _ 15V _ gnd _ ABL BSC25-4813 BSC 25-N0301CY BSC 25-1003A BSC 25-Z603F BSC 25-09N20ER BSC 25-N0312A BSC 25-T1010A BSC 24-N40G1 . BSC24-01N4001M TP _ HOUT _ TP _ B+ _ TP _ TP _ gnd _ H/T _ ABL _ 180V BSC 25-4803T BSC 25-4804TC BSC 25-03F69F BSC 25N1616T BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0449 BSC 24-01N36 BSC 23-N0124R BSC 22-01016H BSC 25-0236 BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0803A BSC 22-N65T BSC 25-0251 BSC 25-3604V L 40B10602 C _ B+ _ NC _ AFC _ gnd _ H/T _ ABL _ TP SHARP : F0101KM-SA F0141PE-M F0102KM-SA F094 . FA061WJ-SA FA060WJ-SA FA135 F0147 BSC-250216F FA093WJ-SA Hout _ B+ _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H/T _ ABL FO193PEN1-SA Hout _ B+ _ Grnd _ 45v _ 16v _afc _ 180v _ Grnd _ h/t _ ABL KONKA : BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C _ 180v _ B+ _ GND _ AFC _ 16v _ ABL _ H/T _ NC _ NC FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C _ B+ _ Abl _ 24v _ Heater _ 16v _ 180v _ Gnd _ Nc _ Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 . 185V _H+_AFC_B+_16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H/T POLYTRON : JF0501-19577 H_B+_GRND_+VID_+VID_H/T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) MC-FBC-015 LCE CF 0854 HOUT _ B+ _ gnd _AFC _ 185V _ H/T _ 25V _ 15V _ gnd _ ABL BSC25-4813 BSC 25-N0301CY BSC 25-1003A BSC 25-Z603F .BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B+ _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL : BSC 25=0252S C _ B+ _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ GRND _ ABL _ 200V _ H/T TCL : JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. BSC 25-09N20ER BSC 25-N0312A BSC 25-T1010A BSC 24-N40G1 BSC24-01N4001M TP _ HOUT _ TP _ B+ _ TP _ TP _ gnd _ H/T _ ABL _ 180V BSC 25-4803T BSC 25-4804TC BSC 25-03F69F BSC 25N1616T BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0449 BSC 24-01N36 BSC 23-N0124R BSC 22-01016H BSC 25-0236 BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0803A BSC 22-N65T BSC 25-0251 BSC 25-3604V L 40B10602 C _ B+ _ NC _ AFC _ gnd _ H/T _ ABL _ TP SHARP : . F0101KM-SA F0141PE-M F0102KM-SA F094 FA061WJ-SA FA060WJ-SA FA135 F0147 BSC-250216F FA093WJ-SA Hout _ B+ _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H/T _ ABL FO193PEN1-SA Hout _ B+ _ Grnd _ 45v _ 16v _afc _ 180v _ Grnd _ h/t _ ABL KONKA : BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C _ 180v _ B+ _ GND _ AFC _ 16v _ ABL _ H/T _ NC _ NC FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C _ B+ _ Abl _ 24v _ Heater _ 16v _ 180v _ Gnd _ Nc _ Abl BSC24-014001D . BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B+ _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL : BSC 25=0252S C _ B+ _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ GRND _ ABL _ 200V _ H/T TCL : JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. 185V _H+_AFC_B+_16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H/T POLYTRON : JF0501-19577 H_B+_GRND_+VID_+VID_H/T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) BSC25-4813 BSC 25-N0301CY BSC 25-1003A . BSC 25-Z603F BSC 25-09N20ER BSC 25-N0312A BSC 25-T1010A BSC 24-N40G1 BSC24-01N4001M TP _ HOUT _ TP _ B+ _ TP _ TP _ gnd _ H/T _ ABL _ 180V BSC 25-4803T BSC 25-4804TC BSC 25-03F69F BSC 25N1616T BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0449 BSC 24-01N36 BSC 23-N0124R BSC 22-01016H BSC 25-0236 BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0803A BSC 22-N65T BSC 25-0251 BSC 25-3604V L 40B10602 C _ B+ _ NC _ AFC _ gnd _ H/T _ ABL _ TP . SHARP : F0101KM-SA F0141PE-M F0102KM-SA F094 FA061WJ-SA FA060WJ-SA FA135 F0147 BSC-250216F FA093WJ-SA Hout _ B+ _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H/T _ ABL FO193PEN1-SA Hout _ B+ _ Grnd _ 45v _ 16v _afc _ 180v _ Grnd _ h/t _ ABL KONKA : BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C _ 180v _ B+ _ GND _ AFC _ 16v _ ABL _ H/T _ NC _ NC FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C _ B+ _ Abl _ 24v _ Heater _ 16v _ 180v _ Gnd _ Nc _ Abl . 185V _H+_AFC_B+_16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H/T POLYTRON : JF0501-19577 H_B+_GRND_+VID_+VID_H/T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) BSC 25-4803T BSC 25-4804TC .BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B+ _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL : BSC 25=0252S C _ B+ _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ GRND _ ABL _ 200V _ H/T TCL : JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. BSC 25-03F69F BSC 25N1616T BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0449 BSC 24-01N36 BSC 23-N0124R BSC 22-01016H BSC 25-0236 BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0803A BSC 22-N65T BSC 25-0251 BSC 25-3604V L 40B10602 C _ B+ _ NC _ AFC _ gnd _ H/T _ ABL _ TP SHARP : F0101KM-SA F0141PE-M F0102KM-SA F094 FA061WJ-SA FA060WJ-SA FA135 F0147 BSC-250216F FA093WJ-SA . Hout _ B+ _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H/T _ ABL FO193PEN1-SA Hout _ B+ _ Grnd _ 45v _ 16v _afc _ 180v _ Grnd _ h/t _ ABL KONKA : BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C _ 180v _ B+ _ GND _ AFC _ 16v _ ABL _ H/T _ NC _ NC (Samsung) SHARP : F0101KM-SA F0141PE-M F0102KM-SA F094 FA061WJ-SA FA060WJ-SA FA135 F0147 BSC-250216F FA093WJ-SA Hout _ B+ _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H/T _ ABL FO193PEN1-SA . Hout _ B+ _ Grnd _ 45v _ 16v _afc _ 180v _ Grnd _ h/t _ ABL KONKA : BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C _ 180v _ B+ _ GND _ AFC _ 16v _ ABL _ H/T _ NC _ NC FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C _ B+ _ Abl _ 24v _ Heater _ 16v _ 180v _ Gnd _ Nc _ Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B+ _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL : BSC 25=0252S C _ B+ _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ GRND _ ABL _ 200V _ H/T . TCL : JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. 185V _H+_AFC_B+_16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H/T POLYTRON : JF0501-19577 H_B+_GRND_+VID_+VID_H/T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) FO193PEN1-SA Hout _ B+ _ Grnd _ 45v _ 16v _afc _ 180v _ Grnd _ h/t _ ABL KONKA : BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C _ 180v _ B+ _ GND _ AFC _ 16v _ ABL _ H/T _ NC _ NC FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C _ B+ _ Abl _ 24v _ Heater _ 16v _ 180v _ Gnd _ Nc _ Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 . BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B+ _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL : BSC 25=0252S C _ B+ _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ GRND _ ABL _ 200V _ H/T TCL : JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D, 185V _H+_AFC_B+_16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H/T POLYTRON : JF0501-19577 H_B+_GRND_+VID_+VID_H/T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) KONKA : BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C _ 180v _ B+ _ GND _ AFC _ 16v _ ABL _ H/T _ NC _ NC FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C _ B+ _ Abl _ 24v _ Heater _ 16v _ 180v _ Gnd _ Nc _ Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B+ _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL : BSC 25=0252S C _ B+ _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ GRND _ ABL _ 200V _ H/T TCL : JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D, 185V _H+_AFC_B+_16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H/T POLYTRON : JF0501-19577 H_B+_GRND_+VID_+VID_H/T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C _ B+ _ Abl _ 24v _ Heater _ 16v _ 180v _ Gnd _ Nc _ Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B+ _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL : BSC 25=0252S C _ B+ _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ GRND _ ABL _ 200V _ H/T TCL : JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D, 185V _H+_AFC_B+_16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H/T POLYTRON : JF0501-19577 H_B+_GRND_+VID_+VID_H/T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B+ _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL : BSC 25=0252S C _ B+ _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ GRND _ ABL _ 200V _ H/T TCL : JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. 185V _H+_AFC_B+_16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H/T POLYTRON : JF0501-19577 H_B+_GRND_+VID_+VID_H/T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) TCL : . 185V _H+_AFC_B+_16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H/T POLYTRON : JF0501-19577 H_B+_GRND_+VID_+VID_H/T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) TCL : JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. 185V _H+_AFC_B+_16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H/T POLYTRON : JF0501-19577 H_B+_GRND_+VID_+VID_H/T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) POLYTRON : JF0501-19577 H_B+_GRND_+VID_+VID_H/T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) (Samsung) .BSC 25=0252S C _ B+ _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ GRND _ ABL _ 200V _ H/T TCL : JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. 5V_NC_H_46V_185V_GROUND_NC_ABL_B+125V_COL 154-064P (Goldstar) 154-177B FCK 14B047 (Akari) COL_185V_B+_GROUND_16V_24V_40V_ABL_H_AFC 154-064G (Goldstar) 154-177E COL_180V_92V_125VBOOST_24V_12V_GROUND_ABL_H_AFC FCM 14A025 (Samsung.5V_ABL_24V_GROUND_180V_H FTK 14B011 (Aiwa) COL_B+_25V_GROUND_180V_H_ABL_GROUND_AFC_15V FCK 1411E10A (Etron) 190V_COL_NC_B+_NC_24V_ABL_GROUND_15V_H JF 0208-0208C (Solitron) COL_B+_GROUND_185V_H_ABL_GROUND_15V_AFC_24V . Mitsuba) DCF 2077 FSA 16012M COL_B+_AFC_125VBOOST_16.5V_AFC_H_24V_180V_GROUND_B+90V_ABL_125VBOOST_COL DCF 1577 (Daewoo. Blaupunkt) FCM 1411L01 16.FSV 14A001 FSV 20A001 FCK 14A033 FCV 20A001 16. Digitec) FCM 20B061N JF 0601-19577 COL_B+_GROUND_200V_NC_H_NC_ABL+12v_-12v JF 0501-1206 (Sansui) COL_B+_180V_16V_25V_H_GROUND_ABL_AFC_NC L40B17100 (Sanyo) COL_B+_NC_180V_AFC_GROUND_ABL_NC_H_GROUND L40B09000 (Sanyo) COL_B+_NC_AFC_GROUND_H_ABL_16V_NC_180V L40B05500 (Sanyo) COL_B+_NC_AFC_GROUND_H_GROUND_NC_NC_ABL L40B09001 (Sanyo) COL_B+_NC_AFC_GROUND_H_ABL_NC_NC_180V 6174Z-6040C (LG) BSC 23-N0107 COL_185V_B+_GROUND_-14V_+14V_GROUND_ABL_H_AFC BSC 24-08B (Tv China) BSC 24-01N362 BSC 25-4803 BSC 25-N1616 BSC 25-0106 COL_B+_NC_AFC_GROUND_H_ABL_NC .JF 0208-0210B (Sansui) JF 0501-0501 COL_B+_180V_14V_24V_H_GROUND_ABL_AFC_NC FCM 14B014N (Polytron. Polytron.5V_ABL_H_AFC TFB 4067BD (Toshiba) TFB 4125CH TFB 4122HY/ES/CS/DY BSC 23-N0102 COL_B+_185V_GROUND_NC_24V_12V_ABL_H_AFC FCK 14A028 (Fuji Electric) NC_B+_14V_24V_H_GROUND_ABL_180V_B+_COL 154-189C (Fuji Electric) 154-277C FCM 20B027 COL_B+_180V_14V_22V_H_GROUND_ABL_AFC_NC FUY 20C009 (Akari) COL_180V_B+_GROUND_NC_24V_NC_ABL_H_AFC FCK 14A006 (Digitec.BSC 25-T1010A (Tv China) BSC 24-01N4014K BSC 25-09N21A BSC 25-09N20E TEP_COL_TEP_B+_TEP_TEP_GROUND_H_ABL_180V BSC 60HZ (Changhong) COL_B+_190V_GROUND_11V_16V_45V_ABL_H_AFC BSC 24-2231HC (Panda) COL_B+_46V_16V_GROUND_AFC_ABL_H_180V_NC BSC 65A (Changhong) COL_B+_190V_GROUND_NC_NC_14. OK) FCM 2015HE . FCM 14A032 KFS 60844A NC_NC_GROUND_185V_15V_H_24V_ABL_B+_COL_ 154-138K (Etron) 154-182H 190V_NC_COL_AFC_B+_43V_ABL_GROUND_12V_H CF 0801 (Fujitec) COL_B+180V_15V_24V_H_GROUND_ABL_NC_NC CF 0854 (Fuji Electric. Siera) CF 0582 COL_B+_GROUND_AFC_185V_H_25V_15V_GROUND_ABL FSA 28027M (Fuji Electric) COL_NC_NC_123V_12V_ABL_25V_GROUND_185V_H BSC 24-01N4009A (Tv China) COL_NC_B+_GROUND_NC_TEP_NC_ABL_H_AFC BSC 22-2314H (Fujitec) COL_B+_180V_15V_24V_AFC_GROUND_ABL_NC_NC BSC 22-01N40J (Tv China) COL_180V_115V_GROUND_22V_16V_ABL_H_NC_NC F 0193 PEN1-SA (Sharp) COL_B+_GROUND_42V_12V_AFC_185V_GROUND_H_ABL F 0194 PEN1-SA COL_B+_GROUND_42V_16V_AFC_185V_GROUND_H_ABL F 0042PE-M (Sharp) 15V_COL_24V_B+_ABL_AFC_GROUND_NC_180V_H F 0063PE-M (Sharp) . Fuji Electric) COL_(B+135V)_200V_GROUND_GROUND_25V_16V_ABL_H_NC BSC 25-N0363 (LG 21FU6RL/Pearl Black) COL_180V_B+_GROUND_INNER_26V_NC_ABL_H_AFC 8-598-858-00 (Sony) 8-598-11 COL_B+_200V_H_GROUND_-16.F 0067PE-M COL_B+_24V_12V_NC_AFC_GROUND_H_185V_ABL F 0102KM-SA (Sharp) COL_B+_GROUND_24V_14V_AFC_180V_GROUND_H_ABL FA 060WJ-SA (Sharp) COL_B+_GROUND_NC_12V_(AFC/-12V)_185V_GROUND_H_ABL FA 061WJ-SA (Sharp) COL_(B+130V)_GROUND_24V_12V_AFC_185V_GROUND_H_ABL FA 113WJ-B (Sharp) COL_B+_GROUND_24V_NC_AFC_180V_GROUND_H_ABL FA 122WJ-B COL_(B+130V)_GROUND_24V_NC_AFC_180V_GROUND_H_ABL FTK 14A004P (Samsung) 16.5V_GROUND_+16.5V_NC_ABL QQH0132-001 (JVC AV-1438) COL_B+_40V_NC_25V_GROUND_H_ABL_180V_GROUND JF 0501-19539 (Polytron MX5262RF/Zepelin) COL_B+_GROUND_185V_NC_H_25V_ABL_12V_Hpulse BSC 25-1194D030 (SANKEN) .5V_AFC_H_24V_180V_GROUND_NC_ABL_(B+125V)_COL 154-279C (Siera. 5V_24V_H_-16. but from time to time actually experienced a slight development in the way it works. June 13.Thus will be helpful in .Therefore.5V_24V_H_46V_180V_GROUND_NC_ABL_B+125V_COL FTK 14A004F(S) (SAMSUNG) 16.5V_185V_GROUND_NC_ABL_B+125V_COL 8-597-041-20 (SONY KV-LS21M61) COL_B+_200V_H_GROUND_-13V_GROUND_+13V_NC_ABL FUH 29VH04 (POLYTRON PS30UV25BM) U-SLIM COL_B+(135)_GROUND_185V_NC_H_BCL_+12V_-12V JF0501-32611 (SANYO CG21SF1T) FLAT 21 COL_B+(125)_NC_185V_AFC_ABL_ABL_NC_H_GROUND 154-138K Thursday. here we spoke to understand the development of horizontal oscillator circuit Philips and understand the characteristics of each. 2013 - 0 comments How it Works Philips IC Horizontal oscillator (TDA series) Horizontal oscillator circuit seems to be almost the same.FSV 20A099 16. • Here the horizontal and vertical oscillator circuit still separate stand alone as an oscillator • horizontal frequency is determined by the parallel resonant circuit RC (resistor and capacitor).Vcc (start) got the Vcc supply voltage of 8V • Although rarely used .the voltage on pin-40 H OUT voltage will rise to more than 6V >>> cause Tr basis Hor drive high voltage so that the collector >>> -emitornya like dishortkan >>> collector voltage when measured zero (but if tr base in Horopen drive voltage at the collector there). 1 = active) Therefore if the horizontal not work it needs to be checked are: • Voltage suply H Vcc • Resistor pull-ups on a pin-H Out (possibly breaking) • Check whether Mikrokontrol own work (check power on-off with remote) • Check the lines SDA / SCL to ic more (there may be short). Tetapai Horizontal oscillator will only work if: (a) Pin35 H Vcc've got a supply voltage 8V and (b) Pulse clock SDA / SCL already baktip work (meaning Mikrokontrol already working) • Have two pieces of input X-ray protector that can cause horizontal the oscillator does not work. Changes in the value of the capacitor can cause image collapse. Then this frequency is divided by a divider circuit in order to obtain the horizontal frequency. Series TDA836x • Communication with Mikrokontrol still uses an analog system (system voltage) • Horizontal Horizontal oscillator adopt Count-down system.In the example image below is a component of the pin-14. namely• Pin-48 EHT input. even if the value changes too ekstem may sometimes lead Tr Horizontal damaged. If the pin is received over voltage of 5v will cause the pin H OUT does not emit a signal. which may be the voltage is high (more than 5v)Series TDA884x / 885x • How the horizontal section is almost the same as the TDA8366 • How to check if horizontal section oscillator does not work is like TDA8366 • characteristic if horizontal oscillator does not work on this ic . • Horizontal oscillator will start working if the pin-36 H. TDA8366 and series TDA837x • this IC technology has been adopted 12Cbus (data communication via the data SDA / SCL) • How it works just like its predecessor oscillator Line TDA356x. • EHT protector can be activated / in non-aktipkan through adjustment service menu PRD and XPR (0 = non active.Pin-39 PH2 input filter can also be used as input X-ray protector. Normal voltage is around 3v. therefore.can cause death horizontal section. This leads to protectionism inactive and horizontal working again. Frequency can diadjust with a variable resistor (VR) • Horizontal oscillator will start working if the pin-16 gets supply Vcc voltage of 12v. Normal voltage is around 3v.Line oscillator generates a frequency of 2 x horizontal frequency. TDA2579• TDA 2579 is ic Horizontal / Vertical oscillator earliest introduced by Philips. • When horizontal die .This sometimes causes engineers deceived. Due to the characteristics of each component is likely little changed . require a resistor connected to Vcc. The next generation ic Horizontal / Vertical ic is sometimes called "Jungle".Where the horizontal will die if the voltage on the high PH2 close to the voltage Vcc. • check the voltage on the X-ray protector input pin-EHT and pin-PH2. • Pin-11 H Out is an open collector. If this pin voltage is more than 4v will cause pin H OUT does not emit a signal. If PH2 receive high voltage. • Capacitors for resonant circuit type of paper (the paper) was chosen because it has a good tolerance (1%) and stable values are not easily changed by a change in temperature.the analysis while doing trobelshuting. • Pin-39 PH2 filter.EHT voltage or PH2 will go up again and horizontal back dead protectionism . • H vcc start is the door 37 • H Out is pin-40 • EHT input is pin-50 Series UOC TDA935x / 6x / 8x and TDA955x / 6x / 8x PS / N2 • How it works remains like its predecessor • H Vcc start is pin-39 • H OUT is pin-33 • EHT input is pin-36 • How to check if the oscillator does not work . mistaken ic damaged. It is very important that the horizontal frequency is stable.will cause the voltage on pin-EHT or PH2 back down. will cause the pin-37 H OUT voltage rises H Tr base >>> >>> ride driver and collector Tr Hor driver when measured zero voltage (but if there is voltage removable tr) >>> and the horizontal part is not H OUT does not work because meng output as a is so stable oscillator in the calibration with a frequency of X-tal color.the same as TDA8366 • TDA955x / 6x / 8x produced in two different versions namely SDIP and QFP (ic paste) To ic types of QFP: • H Vcc is pin-9 • H OUT is pin-30 • EHT input is pin-34 • PH2 filter is pin-11 sometimes encountered horizontal die-life • If EHT PH2 protector protector and active . • But once again horizontal work . April 11. 2013 - 0 comments .Thursday. Because SMD assembled by placing it directly on the solder side PCB. and its value. This means that SMD components directly in contact with the copper surface of the PCB.Without these documents then we will be hard to determine the polarity and foot function components SMD with certainty. The process of repair of electronic equipment that is constructed using SMD components. High heat on the surface of the PCB affect any existing components. Polular form factor. The advantages of SMD compared with conventional components include: The surface area of PCB is required to place an electronic circuit to be much smaller than if we make a PCB using components conventional electronics must provide holes for the legs of the component (Trough-hole component).27 mm. among others: It is very difficult to make the IC with the number of legs very much (raster 0. then SMD has two or more sides / parts surface in the form of a special metal that functions like a conventional component foot. High density packaging materials. Highly resistant to shocks and mechanical stresses. which generally only use letters and digits. The assembly can be done more simply without having to cut foot component first assembly process will automatically be easier performed and lower costs Due to its small size. use a special system and standardization. we often need a document component datasheets.5 to 1.Distance leg component has a certain size (not flexible). the density of packing materials and the final circuit components becomes higher. 148 feet) where the distance between the foot placement is what is the main problem. Because of its small that. it becomes more complicated to do Resistors Resistors SMD is available in a box shape (rectangular form) or in the form of MELF or cylinder (cylinder form). Not all SMD components dapart clearly marked. The form was much smaller compared with conventional components. and even many who are not marked at all. type. . Therefore to be able to know the data for a complete SMD components. then labeling to inform SMD type. Do not require drilling and other machining processes. The lack of SMD or the limits to its use. Electronic circuit layout design becomes very complex. where the value is between 1Ω sd prisoner 1MΩ. better known commonly used are 1206 and 0805.KNOW COMPONENTS SMD (SURFACE MOUNTED DEVICE) SMD are electronic components that the assembly is placed directly on the solder side (hereinafter we use the term "Solder Side") of the PCB. Can use copper surfaces (PCB) which is thinner cheap or cost-effective for mass production. max. cause problems at high temperature. In contrast to conventional electronic components which have a specialty as a wire or metal legs. then both sides of the PCB can be used in making electronic circuits so that the needs of the active surface area of PCB is reduced by 50%. dimensions and distance between legs or between the components being dependent on the technology used by the plant.The heat dissipation of components due to the power used components will be directly channeled through PCB copper surface. MARKING RESISTOR SMD For resistors with a tolerance of 5% to 2% available in standard value according to the requirements of IEC E24 and marked with the following code: A = The first digit value resistor B = second digit value resistor C = Number Zero Sample readings SMD Resistor 5% and 2% . For SMD Resistors with a tolerance of 1% is available in the standard value according to the provisions of E24 (E96) and is characterized by 3 or 4 digit code. such as a table beside. . 2W. which components are installed / assembled on an automated roller. Form factor depends on the value of capacitance and voltage limit works.0 x 3. Capacitors SMD Ceramic Multilayer Chip Capacitor . The fourth leg is a foot that just serves as a mechanical amplifier when these components are installed. but the only active rotation angle of 270 °. Values range from 100Ω resistance is up to 1MΩ. Polarity + is marked with a white line or the letter "M" in white.3 x 4.8 mm • 3.3 mm . Power wasted by SMD trimpot is 0. These values are written in seven form factors.A = The first digit value resistor B = second digit value resistor C = The third digit value resistor D = Total Zero table above examples reading Resistor SMD 1%. available in a very wide range of values. Here is the form factor of a standard capacitor Tantalium SMD: • 3. However this is very dangerous for a technician to make repairs because they can not read the value of the capacitor.2 mm • 7. the resistance value resistor MELF marked with 4 or 5 ring color standards such as the resistor conventional. Part slides can be rotated 360 °. Tantalum Capacitors SMDCapacitors SMD Tantalium provided in a form factor that is diverse. Trimpot SMDTrimpot SMD is available in 2 forms / functions different mechanical 3 feet and 4 feet.8 mm • 6.5 x 2. while value is encoded with a system digit and character number and letters Encoding with a digit: • Position the first digit indicates the first digit of the value of capacitance • Position the second digit indicates the second number of the capacitance value • the position of the third digit indicates the number of zeros in units of pico farads pF . and some of them do not even accompanied by a description (printed) value. But this fact does not become a problem for the industry.2 x 1. starting from 0:47 till 1μF pF. Unfortunately this component is not marked by any good digital value and a color code. Meanwhile.The most widely known form is 0805 and 1206. Shape is determined by the value of the capacitor. .. 35 V ..2mF. .Example. Description of the printed code "224" means 220 000 pF = 220 nF = 0:22 mF : Encoding of character numbers and letters Example 1: 1. 16 V ...3 V .. VJ * 2....22mF. 6....0mF.. CA *0. JJ * . 0 pF 6 = 106 So A6 = 1. 2. 2.16V = 1mF......C = 16V A = 1pF 6 = X105 Then CA6 = 1pF x 105.. 2013 - 0 comments CALCULATION OF POWER TRANSFORMER AND AMPLIFIER .0 x 106 pF = 1..0 mF.... April 10... 16V Example 2: A6 .0 x 106 pF = 1.2 x 106 pF = 2. 1....0 mF J5 . 35V Wednesday.2 x 105 pF = mF 0:22 J6 .2 mF A = 1... 4Vdc) is capable of producing approximately 424. P = power (VA / Watt) V = Voltage / Voltage (Volt) I = Current (Amperes) as an example. what is the power that is generated from an X 30V 10A transformer? before included in the formula on a 30V voltage transformer is VAC (voltage Ac) then it should be changed before the VDC because in general electronic devices using a DC voltage.414 (1. conclusion: .2 VA / Watt Power Power Amplifier can be calculated from the final transistors. having known it will be easy to determine the power amplifier. eg a mono amplifier uses two pairs of transistors Sanken then generated power 400Watt where each pair Sanken transistors capable of producing around 200Watt and transistors Jengkol Malaysia 100watt.414 is the standard unit) Vdc = 30Vac X 1414 Vdc = 42.How to calculate the power that produced a tranformer to the amplifier amplifier (with a record of calculated transformer transformer pure / kw1).2 VA / WattTrafo 10A x 30Vac (42. I Where. which need to be considered first is knowing the power load will be supplied in this case is the power of speaker.420VDC X 10A P = 424. I P = 42. power amplifier can actually produce power if power 400Watt power supply adequate power at least the same or more. as well as the power supply of power the ampplifier must meet at least the same or more power speakers.420 then P = V. Vdc = Vac x 1. the following formula: P = V. and in the manufacture of power amplifier. 2013 - 6 comments DATA-OUT PIN FLYBACK 2015HE FCM FCM 14A032 C B + _ _ _ Abl 24v 16v _ _ _ Heater 180v Nc _ _ _ Gnd Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B + _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL: BSC 25 = 0252S C _ B + _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ grnd _ ABL _ 200V _ H / T TCL: JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. .Power Power supply should be able to handle the power amplifier and the power amplifier should be able to handle the power Speaker. Wednesday. March 13. 185V _H + _AFC_B + _16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H / T Polytron: JF0501-19577 H_B VID_ + + + _GRND_ VID_H / T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL 154-064P (goldstar14 ") 154-177B FCK-14B047 c 180v _ (goldstar21 _ _ b + 16v gnd _ _ _ 24v 40v htr _ _ ") (akari14") _ abl afc. 180v b + nc - 24 - b + (92v) - boost up - 24v 20 gnd - - - 154 6174V 6174Z BSC c 16. - ") 21") afc 21 (N) 26v 12v _ nc nc A _ - ") -afc.htr .6174Z-8005C c 180 - 154-064G 154-177E c . ") (goldstar20") .afc. - 6174V-6002U BSC c 180v - BSC c + (LG - gnd (goldstar14 154 C 154 154 BSC CF FCM c + - nc 14.5 - abl - 12v - gnd - ht abl 132A - 600H - 23 _ _ _ 40v gnd (intel) (LG 6040C N0107 _ b _ _ htr 14 _ _ 154 189 277 22-2314 b _ _ b _ _ _ 24v 16v 180v _ _ _ gnd htr (LG 26-N2121 b + gnd _ 65 gnd 190v - _ 132C ") 21") ") 40v abl 21 (LG (LG _ 180v gnd + afc _ _ 189 H C H 0801-3701 20B027 _ nc abl. .5v (LG abl htr _ _ ht (Changhong) _ abl afc. .22-01N401 BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC 24-09G BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC c + BSC c + BSC 22-01N402 22-01-06 22-0201 22-2314B 23-4404A 23-14H 24-14L 24-01N36 24-01N362 24-01N362B 24-08A BSC 25-48 b b BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC Tep tep _ _ _ _ _ nc 25-2678S 200V gnd _ afc afc _ _ gnd _ _ htr _ (concha 16v abl 24-01N4014K 25-01N4010GA 25-4803 25-4803F 25-4803T 25-N0803A 25-Z601A _ nc abl. _ ht _ _ (14 25-1194D024 25- 4813P 25-N1003A-4-R (china (21 25-Z603F _ c _ b 26-0221 _ _ + _ tep tep _ (29 gnd htr _ _ _ K2169TC) nc nc (china) ") 25-05N2110A 25-0909 25-09N20E 25-09N21A 25-1003A (14") 25-2108A Multy) ") 25-T1010A (21") ") _ 180v abl. (sharp _ _ gnd 180V afc _ _ WJ-SA 24V 12V _ afc gnd 20W200) 20AG2-S) _ ht abl 094 51X200) _ ht abl _ _ ht 14U15) ht abl 51DXF250E) _ gnd abl _ WJ-B gnd abl .5 24V _ F-SA 061 (130V) gnd + b _ _ 0193 gnd _ 0194 b _ KM-SA KM-SA + b PEN1 c _ b boost-up WJ-B afc _ _ _ _ 180V gnd (sharp gnd 180V nc 180V _ _ _ (sharp _ gnd afc _ _ 20Q250) _ ht abl _ _ 185V _ 122 _ _ 24V _ (sharp _ gnd afc (sharp nc 180V 180V afc ht _ _ _ _ _ _ J htr.DCF c b F F F F c + _ _ _ afc 0101 0102 _ PE c + b PEN1 F c + F FA c _ FA c + FA c _ _ _ 0122 _ _ 16V + gnd (115) b _ b _ + (130V) _ 24V _ gnd 2217 _ 24 _ 24V F-M afc _ _ 16V gnd nc _ F-SA 40V 12V _ _ _ abl 200V _ _ _ (sharp 14R20 14 (sharp 20R20B. ") 51R200) PE-M 0147 ht _ abl _ 20R200MKII. 51U200. 20R200. 0141 (sharp PE-B 40V gnd _ 2037 _ 16V 113 _ _ 16. WJ c + WJ c + b b _ _ _ _ 16V 060 _ gnd _ FA 24V nc _ gnd _ _ _ FA-SA _ afc 12V 011-B nc 180V (12V) (sharp 180V _ afc _ _ _ _ (sharp) ht abl _ 14S20MKII) _ gnd abl ht FCG 2045 BL afc . b ") (21") ") (21") ") _ c (14 2015HE 14A032 (21 21R002 nc b _ _ FUH29VH02 c + b _ _ gnd _ _ _ 60844A 180 _ 14B014N 20B061N _ gnd htr 185 gnd 185v _ nc 15V _ ht _ (21 24 _ abl (Polytron _ (16v) _ _ htr nc _ _ _ + 14 (Polytron nc abl _ _ nc abl _ (bcl) _ + 12 ") 21") -12.5v htr _ _ _ boost-up B + 83v gnd _ _ _ nc c abl _ _ _ 24v 175v FCK FCM c boost-up FCK FCM FCM FTK KFS nc _ FCM FCM c + 1411 _ _ _ abl gnd L b + _ _ _ 180v 24V 14A006 afc _ _ _ 01 14A025 htr 16. (polytron29) _ _ 12v 12v .5v.16. HTF2904c + b _ _ _ 16v 24v gnd _ _ _ htr grnd afc _ _ _ nc 180v 16012M DCF DCF FSA c + b _ _ JF c + b _ JF c + b _ JY c + b _ _ _ afc-up _ 25v 0601-19577 _ _ gnd _ boost 16v 200V 0301-0206 _ nc gnd of 16.FSV FCK FSV c b 20A001 + 125v FTK-14A004P c b + 125v _ _ _ FUY-20C009 c _ 180 _ _ b _ nc _ + nc abl gnd abl gnd _ _ gnd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24 185 htr _ _ 24v nc 46 _ 180v nc abl nc _ _ _ _ (samsung) 14A033 14A001 _ 16.5v boost-up _ b + 83v gnd _ _ _ nc c abl _ _ _ 24v 175v. FCG 2045 BL afc htr _ _ _ 16.5 afc. _ _ _ _ 0501-1206 _ nc abl. _ (akari) htr afc.5 180v _ _ _ _ (Polytron htr _ _ afc _ _ _ abl 25v gnd 185v htr afc 21 _ nc (china _ _ HTR nc abl abl '' _ tep _ FSA 2077A 1577 16012M gnd htr. 29 _ _ _ tep ") tep . _ _ MX5203R) + 12 -12.5 htr _ (samsung) 16. MC-015 CF0854 gnd abl.5 (vertkl) _ Gnd (vertkl) _ +16.K c 180v FBC LCE c + _ b _ _ _ _ gnd _ b gnd + htr 148 _ _ 16v afc 8-598-858--00 _ 185 _ _ afc 25 abl _ htr 15 _ _ _ _ (Sony _ nc TC nc.5 (vertkl ) _ _ nc abl BSC25-Z305A BSC25-Z3201 FCM20B058 154-064 154-177B c 180v _ _ (Goldstar) _ B + 16v FCG BSC c 180v _ _ _ B + 24v 190v Hout _ _ _ NC AFC gnd _ _ _ ABL 40v 24v _ _ H / T _ AFC 2045BL 24-0406D gnd _16v _ _ _ ABL H / T _ _ NC NC B + _ _ _ ABL 43v 12v _ _ _ gnd H / T BSC 22-2314H 154-189C JF 0501-1206 Hout B + _ _ _ 180v 16v 26v _ _ H / T _ gnd AFC _ _ _ ABL NC BSC 24-01N4004U Hout _ B _ + _ + 13V gnd -13v _ _ H / T _ AFC _ ABL _ NC _ NC6174Z-8040C Hout _ 185v _ B + _ gnd _ -14v _ + 14v _ gnd _ ABL _ H / T _AFCMC-FBC-015 LCE CF 0854 Hout _ B + _ gnd _AFC _ 185V _ H / T _ 25V 15V _ _ _ gnd ABL BSC25-4813 BSC 25-N0301CY BSC 25-1003A BSC 25-Z603FBSC 2509N20ER BSC 25-N0312A BSC 25-T1010A BSC 24-N40G1 BSC24-01N4001M TP Hout _ _ _ _ B + TP TP TP _ _ _ gnd H / T _ _ ABL 180V BSC 25-4803T BSC 25-4804TC BSC 25-03F69F BSC . _ KV-PG21P70) 8-598-811 c + b _ _ htr 200V 135v _ _ _ gnd -16. 25N1616T BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0449 BSC 24-01N36 BSC 23-N0124R BSC 2201016H BSC 25-0236BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0803A BSC 22-N65T BSC 25-0251 BSC 253604VL 40B10602 C _ + _ B _ gnd AFC NC _ _ H / T _ _ ABL TP SHARP: F0101KM-SA F0141PE -M F0102KM-SA F094 FA061WJ-SA FA060WJ-SA FA135F0147 BSC-250216F FA093WJ-SA Hout _ B + _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H / T _ ABL FO193PEN1-SA Hout _ B + _ grnd _ _ 45v 16v 180v _afc _ _ _ grnd h / t _ ABL KONKA: BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 050119188 C 180v _ _ _ GND B + 16v _ _ _ AFC ABL _ H / T _ _ NC NC FCM 2015HEFCM 14A032 C B + _ _ _ Abl 24v 16v _ _ _ Heater 180v Nc _ _ _ Gnd Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B + _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL: BSC 25 = 0252S C _ B + _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ grnd _ ABL _ 200V _ H / T TCL: JF0501-1619 BSC25 -0299D.1003A BSC 25-Z603FBSC 25-09N20ER BSC 25N0312A BSC 25-T1010A BSC 24-N40G1 BSC24-01N4001M TP Hout _ _ _ B + _ TP TP TP _ _ _ gnd H / T _ _ ABL 180V BSC 25-4803T BSC 25-4804TC BSC 25-03F69F BSC 25N1616T BSC 2503P79 BSC 25-N0449 BSC 24-01N36 BSC 23-N0124R BSC 22-01016H BSC 25-0236BSC 2503P79 BSC 25-N0803A BSC 22-N65T BSC 25-0251 BSC 25-3604VL 40B10602 C _ + _ B _ gnd AFC NC _ _ H / T _ _ ABL TP SHARP: F0101KM-SA F0141PE-M F0102KM-SA F094 FA061WJSA FA060WJ-SA FA135F0147 BSC-250216F FA093WJ-SA Hout _ B + _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H / T _ ABL FO193PEN1-SA Hout _ B + _ grnd _ 45v _ 16v _afc _ 180v _ grnd _ h / t _ ABL KONKA: BSC 25-0106 BSC 25 -2678S JF 0501-19188 C 180v _ _ _ GND B + 16v _ _ _ . 185V _H + _AFC_B + _16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H / T Polytron: JF0501-19577 H_B + _GRND_ + VID_ + VID_H / T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) BSC 24-01N4004U Hout _ B _ + _ + 13V gnd -13v _ _ H / T _ AFC ABL _ _ _ NC NC6174Z-8040C Hout 185v _ _ B _ + _ gnd -14v + 14v gnd _ _ _ _ ABL H / T _AFCMC-FBC-015 LCE CF 0854 Hout _ gnd _AFC B + _ _ _ 185V H / T _ 25V 15V _ _ _ gnd ABL BSC25-4813 BSC 25-N0301CY BSC 25.4803T BSC 25-4804TC BSC 25-03F69F BSC 25N1616T BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0449 BSC 24-01N36 BSC 23-N0124RBSC 22-01016H BSC 25-0236 BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0803A BSC 22-N65T BSC 25.0251 BSC 25-3604V L 40B10602 C _ + _ B _ gnd AFC NC _ _ H / T _ _ ABL TP SHARP: F0101KM-SA F0141PEM F0102KM-SA F094FA061WJ-SA FA060WJ-SA FA135 F0147 BSC-250216F FA093WJSAHout _ B + _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H / T _ ABL FO193PEN1-SA Hout _ B + _ grnd _ 45v _ 16v _afc _ 180v _ grnd _ h / t _ ABL KONKA: BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 050119188 C 180v _ _ _ GND B + 16v _ _ _ AFC ABL _ H / T _ _ NC NC FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C _ B + Abl _ _ _ Heater _ 16v 24v 180v _ _ _ Gnd Nc _ Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25N1534BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 H2 _ H _ _ _ 110v B + H3 _ _ _ GND H4 HT _ _ _ ABL AFC TCL: BSC 25 = 0252S C B + _ _ _ NC NC NC _ _ _ ABL grnd AFC _ _ _ 200V H / T TCL:JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. 185V _H + _AFC_B + _16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H / T Polytron: JF0501-19577 H_B VID_ + + + _GRND_ VID_H / T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) BSC 22-2314H 154-189C JF 0501-1206 Hout _ 180v B + _ _ _ 16v 26v _ H / T _ gnd AFC _ _ _ ABL NC BSC 24-01N4004U Hout _ B _ + _ + 13V gnd -13v _ _ H / T _ AFC ABL _ _ _ NC NC 6174Z-8040C Hout 185v _ _ B _ + _ gnd _ _ + 14v -14v gnd ABL _ _ H / T _AFC MC-FBC-015 LCE CF 0854 Hout _ gnd _AFC B + _ _ _ 185V H / T _ 25V 15V _ _ _ gnd ABL BSC25-4813 BSC 25-N0301CY BSC 25-1003A BSC 25-Z603F BSC 2509N20ER BSC 25-N0312A BSC 25-T1010ABSC 24-N40G1 BSC24-01N4001M TP Hout _ _ _ B + _ TP TP TP _ _ _ gnd H / T _ _ ABL 180V BSC 25. AFC ABL _ H / T _ _ NC NC FCM 2015HEFCM 14A032 C B + _ _ _ Abl 24v 16v _ _ _ Heater 180v Nc _ _ _ Gnd Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 H2 _ H _ _ _ 110v B + H3 _ _ _ GND H4 HT _ _ _ ABL AFC TCL: BSC 25 = 0252S C B + _ _ _ NC NC NC _ _ _ ABL grnd AFC _ _ _ 200V H / T TCL: JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. 185V _H + _AFC_B + _16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H / T Polytron: JF0501-19577 H_B + _GRND_ + VID_ + VID_H / T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC12VOL (Samsung) 6174Z-8040C Hout 185v _ _ _ gnd B + _ _ + 14v -14v gnd _ _ _ ABL H / T _AFC . . . . . . 185V _H + _AFC_B + _16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H / T Polytron: JF0501-19577 H_B VID_ + + + _GRND_ VID_H / T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) MC-FBC.03P79 BSC 25-N0449 BSC 24-01N36 BSC 23-N0124R BSC 22-01016H BSC 25-0236 BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0803A BSC 22-N65T BSC 25-0251 BSC 25-3604V L 40B10602 C B + _ _ _ NC AFC _ gnd _ H / T _ ABL _ TP SHARP: F0101KM-SA F0141PE-MF0102KM-SA F094 FA061WJ-SA FA060WJ-SA FA135 F0147 BSC-250216F FA093WJ-SA Hout _ B + _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H / T _ ABL FO193PEN1-SA Hout grnd _ B + _ _ _ 45v 16v 180v _afc _ _ _ grnd h / t _ ABL KONKA: BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C 180v _ _ _ B + GND AFC _ _ _ ABL 16v _ H / T _ _ NC NC FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C B + _ _ _ Abl 24v 16v _ _ _ Heater 180v Nc _ _ _ Gnd Abl BSC24014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B + _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL: BSC 25 = 0252S C _ B + _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC ABL grnd _ _ _ _ 200V H / T TCL: JF0501-1619 BSC250299D.MC-FBC-015 LCE CF 0854 Hout _ gnd _AFC B + _ _ _ 185V H / T _ 25V 15V _ _ _ gnd ABL BSC25-4813BSC 25-N0301CY BSC 25-1003A BSC 25-Z603F BSC 25-09N20ER BSC 25.N0312A BSC 25-T1010A BSC 24N40G1 BSC24-01N4001M TP Hout _ _ _ B + _ TP TP TP _ _ _ gnd H / T _ _ ABL 180V BSC 254803T BSC 25-4804TCBSC 25-03F69F BSC 25N1616T BSC 25.015 LCE CF 0854 Hout _ gnd _AFC B + _ _ _ 185V H / T _ 25V 15V _ _ _ gnd ABL BSC25-4813 BSC 25- . 185V _H + _AFC_B + _16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H / T Polytron: JF0501-19577 H_B VID_ + + + _GRND_ VID_H / T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC12VOL (Samsung) BSC25-4813 BSC 25-N0301CY BSC 25-1003A BSC 25-Z603F BSC 2509N20ER BSC 25-N0312A BSC 25-T1010A BSC 24-N40G1 BSC24-01N4001M TP Hout _ _ _ B + _ TP TP TP _ _ _ gnd H / T _ _ ABL 180V .N0301CY BSC 25-1003A BSC 25-Z603F BSC 25-09N20ER BSC 25-N0312A BSC 25T1010A BSC 24-N40G1 BSC24-01N4001M TP Hout _ _ _ B + _ TP TP TP _ _ _ gnd H / T _ _ ABL 180V BSC 25-4803T BSC 25-4804TC BSC 25-03F69F BSC 25N1616T BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25N0449 BSC 24-01N36 BSC 23-N0124R BSC 22-01016H BSC 25-0236BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25N0803A BSC 22-N65T BSC 25-0251 BSC 25-3604VL 40B10602 C _ + _ B _ gnd AFC NC _ _ H / T _ ABL _ TP SHARP: F0101KM-SA F0141PE-M F0102KM-SA F094 FA061WJ-SA FA060WJSA FA135F0147 BSC-250216F FA093WJ-SA Hout _ B + _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H / T _ ABL FO193PEN1-SA Hout grnd _ B + _ _ _ 45v 16v 180v _afc _ _ _ grnd h / t _ ABL KONKA: BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C 180v _ B _ + _ GND AFC _ _ 16v ABL _ _ H / T _ _ NC NC FCM 2015HEFCM 14A032 C B + _ _ _ Abl 24v 16v _ _ _ Heater 180v Nc _ _ _ Gnd Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25 -Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B + _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL: BSC 25 = 0252S C _ B + _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ grnd _ ABL 200V _ _ H / T TCL: JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. . . . 25-4803T BSC BSC 25-4804TC BSC 25-03F69F BSC 25N1616T BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0449 BSC 24-01N36 BSC 23-N0124R BSC 22-01016H BSC 25-0236 BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0803A BSC 22-N65T 25-0251 BSC BSC 25-3604V L 40B10602 C _ + _ B _ gnd AFC NC _ _ H / T _ _ ABL TP SHARP: F0101KM-SA F0141PE-M F0102KMSA F094 FA061WJ-SA FA060WJ-SA FA135 F0147 BSC-250216F FA093WJ-SA Hout _ B + _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H / T _ ABL FO193PEN1-SA Hout _ B + _ grnd _ 45v _ 16v _afc _ 180v _ grnd _ h / t _ ABL KONKA: BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C 180v _ _ _ GND B + 16v _ _ _ AFC ABL _ H / T _ _ NC NC FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C _ B + Abl _ _ _ Heater _ 16v 24v 180v _ _ Gnd _ _ Nc Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 H2 _ H _ _ _ 110v B + H3 _ . 185V _H + _AFC_B + _16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H / T Polytron: JF0501-19577 H_B VID_ + + + _GRND_ VID_H / T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC12VOL (Samsung) FO193PEN1-SA Hout grnd _ B + _ _ _ 45v 16v 180v _afc _ _ grnd _ h / t _ ABLKONKA: BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C 180v _ _ _ GND B + 16v _ _ _ AFC ABL _ H / T _ _ NC NC FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C _ + _ B abl Heater _ _ _ 24v 16v 180v _ _ _ Gnd Nc _ abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706BSC25-N0313 H1 H2 _ H _ _ B _ + _ 110v H3 GND H4 _ _ _ _ AFC HT _ ABLTCL: BSC 25 = 0252S C B + _ _ _ NC NC NC _ _ _ ABL grnd AFC _ _ _ 200V H / T TCL: JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. 185V _H + _AFC_B + _16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H / T Polytron _ H _ H2 _ B + _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL: BSC 25 = 0252S C _ B + _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ grnd _ ABL _ 200V _ H / . 185V _H + _AFC_B + _16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H / T Polytron: JF0501-19577 H_B VID_ _GRND_ + + + VID_H / T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) BSC 25-4803TBSC 25-4804TC BSC 2503F69F BSC 25N1616T BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0449 BSC 24-01N36 BSC 23-N0124R BSC 22-01016H BSC 25. 185V _H + _AFC_B + _16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H / T Polytron: JF0501-19577 H_B VID_ + + + _GRND_ VID_H / T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC12VOL (Samsung) KONKA:BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C 180v _ _ _ GND B + 16v _ _ _ AFC ABL _ H / T _ _ NC NC FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C B + _ _ _ Abl 24v 16v _ _ _ Heater 180v Nc _ _ _ Gnd Abl BSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25N1634 BSC25-Z1003 BSC25-Z2705 BSC25 -Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B + _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL: BSC 25 = 0252S C _ B + _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ grnd _ ABL _ 200V _ H / T TCL:JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D.0236 BSC 25-03P79 BSC 25-N0803A BSC 22-N65T BSC 25-0251 BSC 253604V L 40B10602 C _ + _ B _ gnd AFC NC _ _ H / T _ _ ABL TP SHARP: F0101KMSAF0141PE-M F0102KMSA F094 FA061WJ-SA FA060WJ-SA FA135 F0147BSC250216F FA093WJ-SA Hout _ B + _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H / T _ ABL FO193PEN1-SA Hout _ B + _ grnd _ 45v _ 16v _afc grnd 180v _ _ _ h / t _ ABL KONKA: BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C 180v _ _ _ GND B + 16v _ _ _ AFC ABL _ H / T _ _ NC NC (Samsung) SHARP:F0101KM-SA F0141PE-M F0102KM-SA F094 FA061WJ-SA FA060W J-SAFA135 F0147 BSC-250216F FA093WJ-SA Hout _ B + _ Ground _ 24v _ 16v _ afc _ 180v _ Gnd _ H / T _ ABL FO193PEN1-SA Hout _ grnd B + _ _ _ 45v 16v 180v _afc _ _ _ grnd h / t _ ABL KONKA: BSC 25-0106 BSC 25-2678S JF 0501-19188 C 180v _ _ _ GND B + 16v _ _ _ AFC ABL _ H / T _ _ NC NC FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C B + _ _ _ Abl 24v 16v _ _ _ Heater 180v Nc _ _ _ Gnd AblBSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25-N1634 BSC25-Z1003BSC25Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 _ H _ H2 _ B + _ 110v _ H3 _ H4 _ GND _ HT _ ABL _ AFC TCL: BSC 25 = 0252S C _ B + _ NC _ NC _ NC _ AFC _ grnd _ ABL _ 200V _ H / T TCL: JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D._ _ GND H4 HT _ _ _ ABL AFC TCL: BSC 25 = 0252S C B + _ _ _ NC NC NC _ _ _ ABL grnd AFC _ _ _ 200V H / T TCL: JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. 185V _H + _AFC_B + _16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H / T Polytron: JF0501-19577 H_B VID_ + + + _GRND_ VID_H / T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 C B + _ _ _ Abl 24v Heater _ _ _ Gnd 16v 180v _ _ _ Nc AblBSC24-014001D BSC25-N0321 BSC25-N1534 BSC25N1634 BSC25-Z1003BSC25-Z2705 BSC25-Z2706 BSC25-N0313 H1 H2 _ H _ _ _ 110v B + H3 _ _ _ H4 GND HT _ _ _ ABL AFC TCL: BSC 25 = 0252S C B + _ _ _ NC NC NC _ _ _ ABL grnd AFC _ _ _ 200V H / T TCL: JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D. Digitec) FCM 20B061N JF 0601-19577 COL_B + _GROUND_200V_NC_H_NC_ABL + 12v_12v JF 0501-1206 (Sansui) COL_B + _180V_16V_25V_H_GROUND_ABL_AFC_NC L40B17100 (Sanyo) COL_B + _NC_180V_AFC_GROUND_ABL_NC_H_GROUND L40B09000 (Sanyo)COL_B + _NC_AFC_GROUND_H_ABL_16V_NC_180V L40B05500 (Sanyo)COL_B + _NC_AFC_GROUND_H_GROUND_NC_NC_ABL L40B09001 (Sanyo) COL_B + _NC_AFC_GROUND_H_ABL_NC_NC_180V 6174Z-6040C (LG) BSC 23-N0107 COL_185V_B + _GROUND_-14V_ + 14V_GROUND_ABL_H_AFC BSC 24-08B (Tv China) BSC 24.5V_ABL_24V_GROUND_180V_H FTK 14B011 (Aiwa)COL_B + _25V_GROUND_180V_H_ABL_GROUND_AFC_15V FCK 1411E10A (Etron) 190V_COL_NC_B + _NC_24V_ABL_GROUND_15V_H JF 0208-0208C (SOLITRON) COL_B + _GROUND_185V_H_ABL_GROUND_15V_AFC_24V JF 0208-0210B (Sansui) JF 05010501 COL_B + _180V_14V_24V_H_GROUND_ABL_AFC_NC FCM 14B014N (Polytron. 185V _H + _AFC_B + _16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H / T Polytron: JF0501-19577 H_B VID_ + + + _GRND_ VID_H / T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung) Polytron:JF0501-19577 H_B VID_ + + + _GRND_ VID_H / T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC-12VOL (Samsung ) (Samsung) FSV 14A001 FSV 20A001 FCK 14A033FCV 20A001 16. 185V _H + _AFC_B + _16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H / T Polytron: JF0501-19577 H_B VID_ + + + _GRND_ VID_H / T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC12VOL (Samsung) TCL:JF05011619 BSC25-0299D.T TCL: JF0501 -1619 BSC25-0299D.5V_NC_H_46V_185V_GROUND_NC_ABL_B + 125V_COL 154-064P (Goldstar) 154-177B FCK 14B047 (Akari) COL_185V_B + _GROUND_16V_24V_40V_ABL_H_AFC 154-064G (Goldstar) 154177ECOL_180V_92V_125VBOOST_24V_12V_GROUND_ABL_H_AFC FCM 14A025 (Samsung.185V _H + _AFC_B + _16V_24V_ABL_GND_NC_H / T Polytron: JF0501-19577 H_B VID_ + + + _GRND_ VID_H / T_NC_BCL_12VOL_HSINC12VOL(Samsung) TCL: BSC 25 = 0252S C B + _ _ _ NC NC NC _ _ AFC ABL grnd _ _ _ _ 200V H / T TCL: JF0501-1619 BSC25-0299D.5V_AFC_H_24V_180V_GROUND_B + 90V_ABL_125VBOOST_COL DCF 1577 (Daewoo. OK) FCM 2015HE FCM 14A032 KFS 60844ANC_NC_GROUND_185V_15V_H_24V_ABL_B + _COL_ 154-138K (Etron) 154-182H 190V_NC_COL_AFC_B + _43V_ABL_GROUND_12V_H CF 0801 (FUJITEC) COL_B + 180V_15V_24V_H_GROUND_ABL_NC_NC CF 0854 (Fuji Electric.01N362 BSC 25-4803 BSC 25-N1616 BSC 25-0106 COL_B + _NC_AFC_GROUND_H_ABL_NC BSC 25T1010A (Tv China) BSC 24-01N4014K BSC 25-09N21A BSC 25-09N20E TEP_COL_TEP_B + _TEP_TEP_GROUND_H_ABL_180V BSC 60Hz (Changhong) COL_B + _190V_GROUND_11V_16V_45V_ABL_H_AFC BSC 242231HC (Panda)COL_B + _46V_16V_GROUND_AFC_ABL_H_180V_NC BSC 65A (Changhong) COL_B + _190V_GROUND_NC_NC_14. Siera) CF 0582 COL_B + _GROUND_AFC_185V_H_25V_15V_GROUND_ABL FSA 28027M (Fuji Electric) COL_NC_NC_123V_12V_ABL_25V_GROUND_185V_H BSC 24-01N4009A (Tv . Mitsuba) DCF 2077 FSA 16012M COL_B + _AFC_125VBOOST_16.5V_ABL_H_AFC TFB 4067BD (Toshiba) TFB 4125CH TFB 4122HY / ES / CS / DY BSC 23-N0102 COL_B + _185V_GROUND_NC_24V_12V_ABL_H_AFC FCK 14A028 (Fuji Electric) NC_B + _14V_24V_H_GROUND_ABL_180V_B + _COL 154-189C (Fuji Electric) 154-277C FCM 20B027 COL_B + _180V_14V_22V_H_GROUND_ABL_AFC_NC FUY 20C009 (Akari)COL_180V_B + _GROUND_NC_24V_NC_ABL_H_AFC FCK 14A006 (Digitec. Blaupunkt ) FCM 1411L0116. Polytron. 5V_AFC_H_24V_180V_GROUND_NC_ABL_ (B + 125V) _COL 154-279C (Siera. Fuji Electric) COL_ (B + 135V) _200V_GROUND_GROUND_25V_16V_ABL_H_NC BSC 25-N0363 (LG 21FU6RL / Pearl Black) COL_180V_B + _GROUND_INNER_26V_NC_ABL_H_AFC 8-598858-00 (Sony) 8-598-11COL_B + _200V_H_GROUND_-16.5V_24V_H_46V_180V_GROUND_NC_ABL_B + 125V_COL FTK 14A004F (S) (SAMSUNG)16.5V_GROUND_ + 16.5V_185V_GROUND_NC_ABL_B + 125V_COL 8-597041-20 ( SONY KV-LS21M61) COL_B + _200V_H_GROUND_-13V_GROUND_ + 13V_NC_ABL Fuh 29VH04 (Polytron PS30UV25BM) U-SLIM COL_B + (135) _GROUND_185V_NC_H_BCL_ + -12V 12V_ JF0501-32611 (SANYO CG21SF1T) FLAT 21 COL_B + (125) _NC_185V_AFC_ABL_ABL_NC_H_GROUND .5V_24V_H_-16.5V_NC_ABL QQH0132-001 (JVC AV-1438) COL_B + _40V_NC_25V_GROUND_H_ABL_180V_GROUND JF 0501 -19 539 (Polytron MX5262RF / Zepelin) COL_B + _GROUND_185V_NC_H_25V_ABL_12V_Hpulse BSC 25-1194D030 (SANKEN) FSV 20A099 16.China) COL_NC_B + _GROUND_NC_TEP_NC_ABL_H_AFCBSC 22-2314H (FUJITEC) COL_B + _180V_15V_24V_AFC_GROUND_ABL_NC_NC BSC 22-01N40J (Tv China)COL_180V_115V_GROUND_22V_16V_ABL_H_NC_NC F 0193 PEN1-SA (Sharp) COL_B + _GROUND_42V_12V_AFC_185V_GROUND_H_ABL F-SA 0194 PEN1 COL_B + _GROUND_42V_16V_AFC_185V_GROUND_H_ABL F 0042PE-M (Sharp) 15V_COL_24V_B + _ABL_AFC_GROUND_NC_180V_H F 0063PE-M (Sharp) F 0067PEM COL_B + _24V_12V_NC_AFC_GROUND_H_185V_ABL F 0102KM-SA (Sharp) COL_B + _GROUND_24V_14V_AFC_180V_GROUND_H_ABL FA-SA 060WJ (Sharp) COL_B + _GROUND_NC_12V_ (AFC / -12V) _185V_GROUND_H_ABLFA-SA 061WJ (Sharp) COL_ (B + 130V) _GROUND_24V_12V_AFC_185V_GROUND_H_ABL FA 113WJ-B ( Sharp)COL_B + _GROUND_24V_NC_AFC_180V_GROUND_H_ABL FA-B 122WJCOL_ (B + 130V) _GROUND_24V_NC_AFC_180V_GROUND_H_ABL FTK 14A004P (Samsung) 16. . . . . . . . . . March 5. DV5935H. 2013 - 0 comments SERVICE MODE TV SHARP Chassis BCTVA 66AS06H. DV6640H and 66AS05H 1. Tune to this signal 3. DV5937H and DV6635H 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal 2.Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal 2. Connect a jumper wire between terminals 2 (GND) and 6 (Service) of the service slot on the Video Unit 4.154-138K Tuesday. Tune to this signal 3. Connect a jumper wire between terminals 2 (GND) and 6 (Service) of the service slot on the Text Unit 4. Remove the jumper wire Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the options Use the volume control buttons to change the Data Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data is Turn the receiver off at the mains to exit the service mode 4BS Chassis -C DV5940H. SOFTWARE SERVICE will Appear on the screen 5. SOFTWARE SERVICE will Appear on the screen 5. DV5932H. Remove the jumper wire . 51DS03H. 59ESD7H. 37DT25H. Turn the receiver off using the mains button 4. Release the two buttons Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the options Use the volume control buttons to change the Data The Data is stored automatically at switch off To exit the service mode. Tune . Keeping Reviews These buttons pressed. Tune to this signal 3. 59DS05H. 66DS05H. 37EM33H and 51DT25H 1. 59ES05H.When the set starts up it will be in service mode 7. CA1 Chassis 37DM23H. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal 2. 59DS03H. 66DS03H. 66ES05H and 66ESD7H 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal 2. Press the volume down and channel up buttons on the front of the receiver at the same time 5. 51DS05H. turn the mains on 6. 37ET35H. 59ES03H.Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the options Use the volume control buttons to change the Data Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data is Turn the set off at the mains to exit the service mode. press the standby button on the remote control CA10 Chassis51DS02H . to this signal 3. 37AT25H and 51AT15H 1.Keeping Reviews These buttons pressed. When the set starts up it will be in service mode 7.Release the two buttons Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the options Use the volume control buttons to change the Data Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data is Turn the set off at the mains to exit the service mode.D3000 Chassis DV51083H. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal 2. Turn the receiver off using the mains button 4. 59CSD8H. Tune to this signal 3. DECO-4 and DECO-5 Chassis DV5105H (DECO-4). Keeping Reviews These buttons pressed. Tune to this signal 3. DV3770H and DV5161H 1. Press the MODE button on the remote control 5. Tune to this signal 3. Remove the jumper wire To select an adjustment use the channel up and down buttons To change the Data press the Data buttons The changes are stored automatically Turn the set off at the mains to exit the service mode. Press the volume down and channel up buttons on the front of the receiver at the same time 5. 66CS05H and 66CSD8H 1. Tune to this signal 3. Press the volume down and channel up buttons on the front of the receiver at the same time 5. 'SERV' will Appear on the screen six. turn the mains on 6. Turn the receiver off using the mains button 4.Turn the receiver off using the mains button 4. Note that the wire is used just like a passing contact switch 5. Release the two buttons Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the options Use the volume control buttons to change the Data Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data is Turn the set off at the mains to exit the service mode. Turn the receiver off using the mains . turn the mains on 6. DV5132H and DV5135H (DECO-5) 1.'SHARP Software Service Ver' will Appear on the screen Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the options Use the volume control buttons to change the Data Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data isTurn the receiver off at the mains to exit the service mode 4BSA ChassisDV3760H. Tune to this signal 3. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal 2. When the set starts up it will be in service mode 7. Turn the receiver on 4. 5BSA Chassis 37AM12H. DV5107H. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal 2. Press the volume down and channel up buttons on the front of the receiver at the same time 5. turn the mains on 6. CS Chassis51CS03H. 66CS03H. DV6603H and DV66083H1. CW100 Chassis 66DW18H and 76DW18H 1. Connect a jumper wire between terminals momentarily 2 (GND) and 6 (Service) of the connector of CN1 on the video unit. 59CS03H. When the set starts up it will be in service mode and SERVICE SOFTWARE will Appear on the screen 7. 51CS05H. 37AM23H. Tune to this signal 3. Press the service switch (S1401) located on the Video PWB Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the options Use the volume control buttons to change the Data Use the standby button on the remote control to store the Data Press the service switch again to exit the service mode 4BS-B ChassisDV5165H and DV5180H 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal 2. Keeping Reviews These buttons pressed. turn the mains on 6. Turn the receiver on 4. Turn the receiver off using the mains button 4. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal 2. Release the two buttons Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the options Use the volume control buttons to change the Data Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data is Turn the set off at the mains to exit the service mode. Keeping Reviews These buttons pressed. Release the two buttons Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the options Use the volume control buttons to change the Data Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data is Turn the set off at the mains to exit the service mode. DV59083H. DV5903H. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal 2. Connect a jumper wire between terminals 3 (GND) and 6 (service) of connector TB on the Main PWB 4. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal 2. Tune to this signal 3. 59CS05H. Press the volume down and channel up buttons on the front of the receiver at the same time 5. When the set starts up it will be in service mode 7. DV5131H and DV5150H 1. Press the volume down and channel up buttons on the front of the receiver at the same time 5. . Remove the jumper wirUse the channel up and down buttons to move between the options Use the volume control buttons to change the Data Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data is Turn the set off at the mains to exit the service mode. Press the MODE button on the remote control 5. Release the two buttons Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the options Use the volume control buttons to change the Data The Data is stored automatically switch off at S3B Chassis DV3750H. Tune to this signal 3.button 4. Keeping Reviews These buttons pressed.'SERV' Appears on the screen 7. turn the mains on 6. DV3751H. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal 2. Connect a jumper wire between terminals 2 and 6 of the service slot on the video PWB 4. When the set starts up it will be in service mode . 'SERV' will Appear on the screen six. . Saturday, March 2, 2013 - 0 comments TYPES OF DAMAGES TV TV COMMERCIAL DAMAGE Damage to the TV is not necessarily caused by a faulty TV components. Sometimes damaged by soldering tin is not good so the legs component is not connected perfectly to the PCB. Symptoms and causes damage to TV assortment. The symptoms may be totally dead, no sound or image produced ugly. TV damage can be caused by components that are already with age or the relationship between the components is less than perfect. Here are a few references in identifying damage to the TV, but this was not to be the benchmark in handling damage your TV, please develop in order to be an experience for you. 1. NO PICTURE AND SOUND Some of the damage that could lead to air TV can not work at all. In general, this kind of damage occurs in the power supply (Power Supply) or horizontal deflection circuit. A. TV total dead and indicator lights off. Cause: Most likely damage to the power supply circuit.Action: Check the grid, regulator circuit input to output. In general, the power supply has a TV output voltage of 115 V, 24 V and 5 V, depending on the brand TV- her.Replace damaged components and fix the circuit path is less than perfect. B.Audible squeal vibration switching transformer. Cause: Usually the output voltage short because no component is damaged. Action: Remove the burden of the regulator by disconnecting the output transistor base horizontally or one leg horizontal transformer and measure the output voltage. If the output indicates voltage regulator in accordance with the instructions contained in the PCB, check the entire distribution channel output voltage of the regulator and a whole series of horizontal. C. Indicator light turns on but the picture and sound does not appear. Cause: Possible damage to the horizontal or regulator circuit. The voltage generated by the regulator usually If the output voltage is low.Action: Check components. If the power supply voltage is normal. The damage that often occurs is dropping so the CRT filament does not emit light.Normal? If normal. CRT cathode voltage all be great because of interference on the video amplifier. Chances are there Elko is dry. Normal? If normal. Check the condition of the yoke. Normal ? If normal. or sometimes occur in the circuit AGC and noise removal circuit (noise canceler). If the indicator remains unchanged but the color or just a flash means there is a protection. A) Synchronization Horizontal Ugly Strip black can not be missing from raster though synchronization has been set. check the video amplifier circuit. C) Shortening Image Height Cause: The amplitude of the sawtooth wave in the vertical deflection coil is too small so that the vertical deflection circuit output is not enough. check the high voltage circuit. Check the high voltage to the cathode of the CRT. D. Weak? If yes. Maybe regulator vertical TV long output is worn. check the synchronization signal amplifier. Action: Check the high voltage connected to CRT. it is usually caused by a component that is worn age. Cause: video amplifier circuit. check the high voltage circuit. If all normal. DISABLED (Distortion) RASTER PATTERN a) Figure Narrow Cause: The output voltage thus lower horizontal sawtooth current circuit on the horizontal deflection coils (yoke) getting weaker. high voltage divider or CRT damaged. especially a transistor in it. while in the new TV damage caused by ceramic capacitors leak. Action: Check the voltage regulator output. Check the output voltage of the power supply. check the anode voltage CRT CRT if the anode voltage is too low. the horizontal deflection circuit or power supply circuit. If the synchronization signal separator circuit normal.Action: Check the output voltage of the power supply. 2) RASTER THE LINES HORIZONTAL Cause: Sources of interference depends on the oscillator used TV. check the output voltage of the regulator. B) Some Pictures Displaced Horizontal video signal that is produced is mixed with the input signal synchronization in the circuit AFC. every few seconds to turn green or die and TV shows can be enjoyed. If the measured voltage is not there. When the TV is turned on red indicator. check the high voltage cathode CRT. 5. action: Check the vertical and horizontal synchronization. Action: Check the horizontal oscillator circuit. If the normal synchronization signal amplifier section. Diodes are used usually has a serial number and R2KY R2M. check the signal separator circuit sinkrosasi.Action: Check Elko dry or diode leak in the range of synchronization. a series of video buffer and AGC . Check the horizontal deflection circuit. Action: Check the vertical oscillator circuit. Usually indicated by the back of Elko that looks dull or broken. No Raster But Sounds Good. If not normal. check the CRT cathode voltage. Cause: CRT anode voltage is too low as a result of damage to the high voltage circuit. 4) synchronization HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL UGLYCause: Most of the damage occurred on the divider synchronization signal and the amplifier circuit synchronization signal. check the AGC circuit and circuit noise eraser. This kind of damage is usually common in old TV output. 3) Sync vERTICAL UGLY Cause: the damage lies in the integrator or the vertical oscillator circuit. check the circuit change the value of VR. If the voltage does not normally mean regulator circuit is interrupted or no component is damaged and needs to be replaced. CRT cathode voltage checks. check its components. if there is no change in the VR dressing. Action: on some TV usually there are 2 color indicator light. Check the output voltage of the regulator to the load. If not normal. Cause: this kind of damage is rare on TV new output. Action: Check V . check the CRT anode voltage. Action: Check the circuit vertical deflection Check all electrode IC or a transistor with multitester. check the CRT circuit. If the damage happens. If the output voltage is greater high-voltage amplifier. if damaged or frayed should be replaced b) Widening Horizontal Cause: This kind of damage caused by Vr damaged.hampered because the diode voltage divider is broken. Normal? If normal. Not all brands of TVs have this diode. Red arrow is R and Tr in the vertical deflection circuit is broken. Solution: Check there is a resistor whose value has enlarged or short. D) Depreciation The Top Or Bottom Cause: Caused by the value Vr is not appropriate or electrolytic capacitors dry. red. Use coaxial cable for antenna TV 5) Horizontal Black Cause: Usually caused by a device that uses a small motor. 2) Contrast Picture Low Cause: Damage is located between the circuit mixer until a video amplifier. check the audio amplifier circuit or check speaker. the setting can be done by remote control set on the Adjustment menu. Action: Set VR. Fix path antenna cables Check solder on the block tuner and AGC. Action: Turn the antenna direction to obtain a good image. F) Figure Ugly 1) Noise Snow On Fig. E) Figure Vertical AftCause: The current sawtooth at deflection coils vertical too low.action: Adjust the height of antenna TV Set the value Vr at AGC circuit 7) interference color TV picture looks blue. Check Elko are still good or it is dry.Action: Keep the TV from the noise source. If no component is damaged adjust RGB VR If you still do not get results. If not. measures: Keep away from the TV antenna and frequency sources of interference. If there is no change in R and Tr check the vertical deflection circuit. there is usually a resistor value that expand or soldering has been ugly. 6) are Shadow Of Other Channel Cause: There was a cross-modulation by the channels that have the emittance large . cyan or green Cause: Usually the damage occurs due to disturbances in the circuit RGB or CRT. yellow. if nothing changes may Elko was already dry. In digital TV. check CRT 8) Disorders Sound No Sound / Sound Weak Cause: There was damage to the audio circuit and speaker. . Action: Set VR. if no significant change VR damaged. Cause: the intensity of the field at a low-frequency signal reception. Actions: Touch input audio amplifier circuit with his fingers. cars or high voltage power distribution wires. action: Check the circuit matrix RGB. 4) Noise White spots Cause: disruption of the spark plug for motorcycles. If there was a hiss in the speakers. check the audio IF. measures: Keep away from the TV antenna and high voltage power cables.SIZE and V LIN. TV antenna system is damaged high-frequency amplifier circuit is damaged. 3) Appears Dashes Cause: Usually disruption of radio transmitters. . 2013 - 0 comments GENERAL PART OF TV List Transistor Transistor power supply C4932 C4237 C5144 C5460 D1655 D1887D1886 D1885 D1884 D1883 D1882 D1710 D1656 D5703 D2498 List IC Power Supply STR-W6753 STR-W6754 STR-W6756 STR-S6706 STR-F6653 STRF6654STR-G6653 STR-50213 TEA 2261 List IC Vertical LA7838 LA7837 KA2131 AN5521LA7830 IX0640 LA7840 AN5510 AN5512 AN5515 LA78040 TA 8445 UPC1378HList IC Signal Processor (IF) TDA 8360 TDA 8361 TDA 8362 AN 5601 AN 5436 KA 2134 AN 5440 List of IC Sound TDA 2003 TA 82480K AN 5265 List of IC eeprom24c08 24C04 24C02 24C01 24C16 24C32 . February 8.Friday.
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