Tv 21fu6rl
Tv 21fu6rl
March 27, 2018 | Author: Jhonatan Quiñonez | Category:
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Internal Use Onlywebsite:http://biz.LGservice.com TELEVISOR A COLORES MANUAL DE SERVICIO 21FU6RL MODELO : 21FU6TLG MODELO : 21FU6TL CHASIS : CW81B 21FU6RL-L4 21FU6TLG-L4 21FU6TL-L4 ATENCIÓN Antes de dar servicio al chasis, lea las PRECAUCIONES DE SEGURIDAD en este manual. CONTENIDO PRECAUCIONES DE SEGURIDAD............................................................................................................................................................3 INSTRUCCIONES DE AJUSTE .................................................................................................................................................................4 SVC REMOCON .......................................................................................................................................................................................14 BÚSQUEDA DE FALLAS ..........................................................................................................................................................................15 DIAGRAMA EN BLOQUE .........................................................................................................................................................................19 VISTA EN DESPIECE ..............................................................................................................................................................................22 LISTA DE VISTA EN DESPIECE ..............................................................................................................................................................23 LISTA DE PARTES DE REPUESTO ........................................................................................................................................................24 DIAGRAMA ESQUEMÁTICO ....................................................................................................................................................................... TABLERO DE CIRCUITO IMPRESO ........................................................................................................................................................... ESPECIFICACIONES POTENCIA DE ENTRADA ..................................................................................................................................... AC100-240V~50/60Hz CONSUMO DE ELECTRICIDAD ......................................................................................................................................................... 85W IMPEDANCIA DE ENTRADA EN LA ANTENA .......................................................... VHF/UHF: 75 Ohmios desbalanceado (solamente.) RANGO DE LOS CANALES 12 canales VHF..................................................................................................................................................................... Canales 2-13 56 canales UHF .................................................................................................................................................................. Canales 14-69 125 canales CATV ................................................................................................................................... Canales 01, 02 al 13, 14 al 125 FRECUENCIAS INTERMEDIAS Frecuencia Intermedia portadora de la Imagen ........................................................................................................................ 45.75MHz Frecuencia Intermedia portadora del Sonido ............................................................................................................................ 41.25MHz Frecuencia sub-portadora del color ........................................................................................................................................... 42.17MHz Frecuencia del centro ..................................................................................................................................................................... 44MHz CONSTRUCCIÓN DEL CHASIS .................................................................................................. Chasis Estado Sólido ("solid state") I.C. TUBO DE IMAGEN .................................................................................................................................................................A51QGT420X SALIDA DE SONIDO ............................................................................................................... (a 10% de distorsión armónica) 3W (MAX) GABINETE ................................................................................................................................................................... De Madera, portátil ABREVIACIONES UTILIZADAS EN ESTE MANUA AC ...................................................................... Corriente alterna GND .................................................................................... Tierra ACC ............................................... Control automático del croma H.V. ............................................................................ Alto Voltaje ADJ ..................................................................................... Ajuste ITC ......................................... Centro intermedio de conmutación AFC ...................................... Control automático de la frecuencia OSC ......................................................................... Osciloscopio AGC ........................................... Control automático de ganancia OSD ............ Desplegado en pantalla ("ON SCREEN DISPLAY") AF ..................................................................... Audio Frecuencia PCB ................................................. Tablero del Circuito impreso APC ................................................... Control automático de fase RF ............................................................. RADIO FRECUENCIA AMP .......................................................................... Amplificador SEP .............................................................................. Separador CRT ....................................................... Tubo de rayos catódicos SYNC .................................................................... Sincronización DEF ............................................................................... Deflexión SVC ..................................... Controles de volúmen de la pantalla DET ................................................................................. Detector S.I.F. ........................................ Frecuencia intermedia de sonido DY ........................................... Yugo deflector ("deflection yoke") V.I.F. ......................................... Frecuencia intermedia del video ES ................................................... Electrostáticamente sensible H ................................................................................... Horizontal FBP .................................................................... Pulso de retorno V .......................................................................................Vertical FBT ...................................................... Transformador de retorno IC ...................................................................... Circuito integrado Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved. Only for training and service purposes - 2 - LGE Internal Use Only El tubo de la imagen es de alto vacío y. Es importante utilizar un medidor de voltaje que sea preciso y confiable. 2. el reemplazo que se haga del tubo debe ser con otro del mismo tipo especificado en la lista de partes. reemplácelo con otro especificado en la lista de partes. Cuando reemplace un resistencia de vataje (resistor de película de óxido metálico) en el Tablero o Plaqueta de circuitos. mantenga la resistencia a un mínimo de 10mm de distancia. cuidadosamente enrolle sus alambres alrededor de las terminales antes de soldar. Las piezas que tienen estas caracteristicas de seguridad se identifican por la marca impresa sobre el diagrama esquematico y la marca ★ impresa en la lista de partes. para estar seguro de que el equipo funciona sin peligro de choque eléctrico. Inc. Antes de reemplazar alguno de esos componente. La única fuente de RADIACION DE RAYOS-X en este receptor de televisión es el tubo de la imagen. Antes de devolver este aparato al cliente. palancas de control etc.000-29. una manija metálica. 6.. Estas caracteristicas frecuentemente pasan desapercibidas en las inspecciones visuales y la proteccion que proporcionan contra la RADIACION DE RAYOS-X no siempre necesariamente se obtiene al mismo grado cuando se reemplazan piezas o componentes diseñados para voltajes o vatajes mayores. Para protección contínuada de la RADIACION DE RAYOS-X.5 miliamperios. 7. el voltaje no debe exceder el límite especificado. 2. cubiertas de metal. El valor nominal para el alto voltaje de este receptor es de 25KV en brillantez máxima bajo la fuente especificada. Repita la prueba cambiando la posición del enchufe en el tomacorriente. como se especifica en la lista de partes. El voltaje excesivo puede causar RADIACIÓN POR RAYOS "X" potencialmente peligrosa. All right reserved. Para que la protección sea continua. La lectura no debe (READING SHOULD exceder 0. 5. Mantenga los alambres lejos de componentes de alto voltaje o de alta temperatura. tales como antenas. electricas y mecánicas en este chasis tienen caracteristicas relacionadas con la seguridad.) especialmente cualquiera de las partes metálicas expuestas que puedan ofrecer un camino hacia el chasis. (1) Nadie debe intentar dar servicio si no está debidamente familiarizado con las precauciones que son necesarias cuando se trabaja con un equipo de alto voltaje. Cuando la unidad está ya conectada a la AC. Si se quemara algún fusible de este receptor de televisión. se debe verificar el alto voltaje y registrarlo como parte del historial de servicio del aparato. "INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD" y "AVISO SOBRE SEGURIDAD DE PRODUCTOS" PRECAUCIONES RESPECTO A RADIACION POR RAYOS "X" 1. terminales. la selección de partes de repuesto se debe hacer solo después de haberse referido al AVISO SOBRE SEGURIDAD DE PRODUCTOS que aparece mas abajo. Operar el receptor fuera de su gabinete o con la tapa trasera removida puede causar peligro de choque eléctrico. lea "PRECAUCIONES RESPECTO A RADIACION POR RAYOS X". No utilice una línea aislada de transformador durante esta verificación.) a todas las partes metálicas expuestas del receptor de televisión (antenas. si se rompe. Algunas partes de este receptor tienen caractéristicas especiales relacionadas con la protección contra RADIACION DE RAYOS-X. tapas de metal. 3.. haga una verificación de fuga de corriente sobre las partes metálicas del gabinete expuestas.PRECAUCIONES DE SEGURIDAD ADVERTENCIA: Antes de dar servicio a este chasis. de 28KV. gabinetes de metal. Cuando el receptor está en operación. Only for training and service purposes . tal como una (cañería de metal. palancas de control etc. lea cuidadosamente la lista de este manual.5mA) LEAKAGE Probador CURRENT de fuga de corriente TESTER Aparato DEVICE bajo UNDER TEST examen +Pruebe todas TEST ALL MET AL lasEXPOSED superficies SURFA metálicas CES 2-WIRE CORD Tambien pruebe cón ALSO TEST WITH los enchufes al reves PLUG REVERSED (utilizando (USING AC adaptador ADAPTER en caso PLUG AS necesario) REQUIRED) Tierra EAR TH suelo GROUND AVISO SOBRE SEGURIDAD DE PRODUCTOS Muchas de las partes. una tubería etc. (3) Descargue completamente el alto potencial del tubo de imagen antes de manipularlo. bajo ninguna circunstancia. INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD 1. pulse el conmutador primero poniéndolo en "ON" (encendiendo) y luego en "OFF" (apagando). (2) Siempre descargue el ánodo del tubo de la imagen a tierra para evitar el riesgo de choque eléctrico antes de remover la tapa del ánodo. Enchufe el cordón directamente al tomacorriente de la línea de AC 100-240V. Ninguna medición de corriente eléctrica debe exceder de 0. Cada vez que el receptor requiera servicio. 3. cabezas de tornillos. mida desde un punto de tierra conocido. Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. 4. manijas de metal. Este receptor de televisión debe conectarse a una fuente de 100 a 240 V AC. los fragmentos de vidrio salen despedidos violentamente. Cualquier medición que no esté dentro de los límites especificados aquí representan un riesgo potencial de choque eléctrico que debe ser eliminado antes de devolver el equipo al cliente. etc. Use un voltímetro de 1000 Ohmios por voltio de sensibilidad o más.000 voltios. El alto voltaje no deberá exceder. se producen voltajes potencialmente tan altos como 25. Cuando reemplace tableros o plaquetas de circuitos. Para evitar tales peligros. puede crear Radiacion de Rayos-X.3 - LGE Internal Use Only . El uso de partes de reemplazo que no tengan las mismas caracteristicas de seguridad.5mA NO T BEde ABO VE 0. en la forma que se describe a continuación. (Exit screen voltage adjustment by press “Enter(V)” key of factory remote control. (2) Connect the multi-meter to J105(AGC Check Marking) 3-3.INSTRUCCIONES DE AJUSTE 1. Necessary Instrument (1) Digital Multi-Meter : 1 set . (3) CAUTION: Since the signal strength can be easily changed by the condition of signal cable. 2) Demagnetize the CPT and Cabinet with a degaussing coil. 480NC) (2) Press the “ADJ” key of factory remote control once to make the TV set display horizontal line.4 - 6) Pull the DY slowly backward and fix it when the whole screen becomes red. it must be done in following conditions. AGC Voltage Adjustment 3-1. 5) Turn the purity magnet(2-pole magnet) so that the “green” color portion of left side and the “blue” color portion on the right side have equal amount of color. Scope of Application 4. (65dB±1dBuV) LG standard signal means the digital pattern 13CH (480NC) 5. However.03% 1) Pre-adjust the static convergence(STC) with the 4 and 6pole magnet. Screen Voltage Adjustment These adjustment instructions are applicable to CW81A/B Chassis. Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. APC ON is APC CLEAR (DYNAMIC). (2) Press the VOL +/-(F/G)Key until the multi-meter shows reading as shown below. it is not necessary to use an isolation transformer. 4) Push the DY(deflection yoke) all the way to the CPT funnel. 3-2. Notes (1) Because this is a cold chassis. it can be changed in a pre-permitted range. for better productivity. 50/60Hz (5) If not specified. However. Inc. you need to check the signal strength frequently in order to prevent misadjustment. Purity and Convergence Adjustment 5-1. 2) If the horizontal Line is inline with CPT Mark. Adjustment Preparation (1) Input in the 75X cable 65dB(±1dB) LG standard signal. (2) Adjustment (7) If not specified.) 2. operating it using a transformer between the power supply line and chassis input to prevent electric shock and to protect the test instrument.2-Pole magnet should direct 3-9 o’clock direction 3) If not. the receiver must be operated for more than 20 minutes prior to the adjustment. All right reserved. (The specified torque for fixing DY screw should be 10Kg/cm.Measurement Range : 10mV-100mVdc / Accuracy : 0. Only for training and service purposes . Use factory Remote Control (1) Input in the 75X cable LG standard signal (Digital Pattern. 1) Temperature : 25°C ± 5°C 2) Humidity : 65% ± 10% (4) Power supply of SET : 100 ~ 240V ±10%. (6) Signal: Received the standard color signal. 3.direct 2-Pole magnet handle toward 6-12 o’clock direction and adjust the Horizontal Line to fall onto the mark opening the magnet at an angle. Purity Adjustment (1) Adjustment Preparation 1) Received Red Raster Pattern for purity adjustment (51CH). (3) Turn the screen volume on the FBT clockwise until the horizontal line is visible and turn it counterclockwise until horizontal line faintly visible. Adjustment (1) Press the “INSTART” key of factory remote control and select “VP0 (RF AGC)” adjustment mode.) LGE Internal Use Only . (2) All adjustments must be done in correct sequence. (3) Environment conditions: If not specified.Max Input Current : Over 1A / Max Input Voltage : 500Vdc . 6) Converge the R. At this time. adjust it using “Volume . (3) Static Convergence (STC) Adjustment 1) Received the Cross Hatch Pattern for Convergence (09ch).5Ft-L by change the “CONTRAST” and “BRIGHTNESS”.G. Focus Voltage Adjustment Adjustment must be done after operating the TV set receiver sufficiently. 2) Before adjusting Static Convergence(STC). 2) Using degaussing coil. 3) Make the picture luminance 4. Manual Adjustment (1) Adjust using white balance meter and factory remote control. 6. 6-3. Adjustment Turn the focus volume on the FBT upper direction to have the best focus vertical line (A) and horizontal line (B) as shown below. Only for training and service purposes . [ In case there is excess RED color at screen voltage adjustment. Convergence Adjustment 6-4. All right reserved. do not change the angle between the 2 tabs.5-2. 3) Converge the RED vertical line and BLUE vertical line in unity(same line) by changing the angle between the 2 tabs of 4-pole magnet. Ch. Color Temperature X-AXIS Y-AXIS 13000 268±5 273±5 7. Auto Adjustment (1) Adjust using Auto White Balance Meter. 5) Repeat steps 1)~4) until both low and high light have same reading as shown below.G. (2) Enter CPU OFF mode by press the “IN-START” & “MUTE” key of factory remote control in turn before adjustment. 2) Adjust X data of high light with R DRIVE and Y data of high light with B DRIVE to have color temperature as shown below.(F)” Key of factory remote control until the RED color disappear. 7-1.VOLG Key to change item data.5 - LGE Internal Use Only . Adjustment preparation Prior to this adjustment. 5) Converge the R.09) and set the picture condition on “APC ON” (CLEAR) mode. 4) Adjust X data of low light with R BIAS and Y data of low light with B BIAS to have color temperature as shown below. Exit CPU OFF mode by press the “MUTE” key of factory remote control after adjustment finished.adjust the focus first seeing to it that the WHITE color picture quality is sharp enough. (3) Use the CHD. CHE key to choose adjustment item. Necessary Instrument (1) Auto white balance meter (Low/High Light Pattern generator) (2) CRT Color Analyzer. At this time. (5) Adjustment Procedure 1) Make the picture luminance 45Ft-L by change the “ONTRAST” and “BRIGHTNESS”. Copyright©2008 LG Electronics.B vertical line in unity(same line) by changing the angle between the 2 tabs of the 6-pole magnet. 3) Received the Cross Hatch Pattern for Convergence (09ch). the Screen Voltage adjustment should be finished. 7-2.do not change the angle between the 2 tabs. 4) Let the Contrast in normal luminance level. 2) X-axis Adjustment: Adjust convergence of X-axis (horizontal) by moving the deflection yoke(DY) up and down. (1) Necessary Instrument 1) Degaussing Coil 2) Convergence fixing instrument(special tools) (2) Adjustment Preparation 1) Operate the unit at the least 15 minutes before adjustment. (4) Use the VOLF. 4) Converge the RED horizontal and BLUE horizontal line unity(same line) by turning the 2 tabs of the 4-pole magnet.remove the stains on CPT & Cabinet. White Balance Adjustment 6-1. (4) Dynamic Convergence (DYC) Adjustment 1) Y-Axis Adjustment :Adjust convergence of Y-axis(vertical) by moving the deflection yoke(DY) left and right. Adjustment Preparation Received the LG standard pattern(Crosshatch pattern. (2) Enter white balance adjustment mode by press “INSTART” key of factory remote control. Inc. CA-100 :1 set (3) Factory Remote control 6-2.B horizontal line in unity(same line) by turning the 2 tabs of the 6-pole magnet. (2) Vertical Linearity Adjustment. (2) Vertical Position Adjustment Select SVC02 (V-POS) and adjust so that the horizontal center line coincide with geometric horizontal center of the CPT. (5) Horizontal Size Adjustment Select SVC02(EW WIDTH) and adjust so that the outer line of the left. (2) Change the Sub-Brightness data by pressing the VOL F. Adjustment (21” Super Slim. 13CH) coincide with the effective screen of CPT. within 2. Adjustment Preparation (1) Deflection setting data adjustment can be done only with remote control. VOL G KEY so that the number 1 in gray scale of mono scope pattern almost disappear. For manual adjustment. 10-1. do in the signal of Ch. Only for training and service purposes . it is also possible by the following procedure. it can be omitted if the picture has good tint. (2) Press the “INSTART” Key on the factory remote control continuously to enter to Deflection Adjustment mode.0 column) (6) Parabola Adjustment Select SVC02 (EW PARAB) and adjust so that the vertical line of the remotest grid at the left or right side of the screen will be parallel to the vertical line of the center of screen (or the remotest grid of CPT) Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. Sub-Tint Adjustment This adjustment has to be done only if the picture has bad tint otherwise. 10-2. 9. (3) Press the “ADJ” key of the factory remote control three times to enter to “SUB-TINT” adjustment mode. (3) Vertical Size Adjustment. 8-1. (2) Set the picture condition on “APC ON” (CLEAR) mode.[ In ultra NTSC model. G Key to change the data. NTSC : 13CH). Select SVC02(V-LIN) and adjust so that the size of the upper circle is alike with the one of the lower circle at LG standard pattern signal (PAL : EU05CH. E Key to select adjustment item. (The remotest grid. VOL G Key until the upper and lower CYAN color becomes same color. (3) Press the CH D. 2CH).5 ~ 3. Select SVC02(VA) and adjust so that the middle circle of the Digital Pattern (480NC. All right reserved. 8. 13CH) coincide with the effective screen of CPT.09 (Crosshatch pattern 10. Do until the number “1” completely disappear. Inc. SUB-BRIGHTNESS Adjustment This adjustment must be done after the White balance Adjustment. right and the remotest grid will correspond to the effective boundary surface. Adjustment (1) Horizontal Position Adjustment Select SVC02 (H-POS) and adjust so that the left and right vertical line are symmetrical as possible. In the ultra slim. (4) Change the Sub-Tint data by pressing the VOL F. (4) Press the VOL F. 10-3. (4) Horizontal Position Adjustment Select SVC02(H-POS) and adjust so that the left and right vertical line are symmetrical as possible. (1) Received LG standard Mono scope pattern (CH14). 8-2. (1) Received LG standard pattern signal (SMPTE. Deflection Setting Data Adjustment These adjustment will be done by Auto Adjustment Equipment.6 - LGE Internal Use Only . Adjustment Preparation (3) Vertical Size Adjustment Select SVC02 (VA) and adjust so that the middle circle of the Digital Pattern (480NC. (2) Set the picture condition on “APC ON” (CLEAR) mode. Adjustment (1) Press the “ADJ” key of the factory remote control twice to enter to “SUB-BRIGHTNESS” adjustment mode. Ultra S/S Model) (1) Vertical Position Adjustment Select SVC02(V-POS) and adjust so that the horizontal center line coincide with geometric horizontal center of the CPT. All right reserved. Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. EW LOCOR) and adjust so that the vertical line in the four corners become straight line. (8) EW UPCOR/ LOCOR Adjustment Select SVC02(EW UPCOR.7 - LGE Internal Use Only . Only for training and service purposes .(7) Trapezoidal Adjustment Select SVC02(EW TRAPE) and adjust so that the width of the upper part of screen is alike with the one of the lower part of screen. Inc. (9) BOW Adjustment Select SVC02(HP BOW) and adjust so that the vertical line in the four corners become straight line. All right reserved. Only for training and service purposes .11.8 - LGE Internal Use Only . Inc. IIC BUS Adjustment Data Table Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. 9 - LGE Internal Use Only . Only for training and service purposes . Inc. All right reserved.Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. 10 - LGE Internal Use Only . All right reserved.Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. Only for training and service purposes . Inc. Inc. All right reserved.Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. Only for training and service purposes .11 - LGE Internal Use Only . Inc.12 - LGE Internal Use Only .Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. All right reserved. Only for training and service purposes . Inc.13 - LGE Internal Use Only . Only for training and service purposes . All right reserved.Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. 14 - LGE Internal Use Only .Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. All right reserved. Inc. Only for training and service purposes . 15 - LGE Internal Use Only .Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. All right reserved. Inc. Only for training and service purposes . All right reserved. EEPROM Option Table Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. Inc.12. Only for training and service purposes .16 - LGE Internal Use Only . 17 - LGE Internal Use Only . Only for training and service purposes . Inc. All right reserved.Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. All right reserved. Inc.SVC REMOCON Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. Only for training and service purposes .18 - LGE Internal Use Only . ) OPT.B JA01 ST-5V IC02 EEPROM 24C04/16 SDA SCL DVD ● ● H-OUT 24 Vcc 17 5V 22 R620 7. Sound Sound Max Max SOUND SOUND AMP.G.) ● 10 11 13 Y(G)/Cr(R)/Cb(B) 9 H-Vcc VDD 5V 3.19 AV ID Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. Inc.5.5V EW IN EW-OUT 16 31 32 (FLAT (FLAT OPT. Only for training and service purposes M_R/L OUT(ST) IIC Bus Line Vcc 6 2 185V FBT EW OUT HDT 3 B+ ● ● ● 14 B+ (110/115V) 10.6 11 1 4 7 21 19 20 SIF IN 23 24 H/P SPK.5V STEREO ( ~ A43L) ● MONO ( ~A43K ) SMPS TRANS (17V/11V) Q402 MD1803 1 V_DY L401 AC INPUT (100~240V) 9 AUDIO B+ 12 9 HEATER Collector 8 ABL ● ● SOUND SOUND 5V 5V 24V 10 AFC FBP in ● IC401 TDA8145 V-in V-OUT ● VERTICAL AMP STV9326 IC301 R610 5V IC804 9V REG IC04 ST-5V REG ST-BY TRANS (1W Opt) DIAGRAMA EN BLOQUE LGE Internal Use Only .3V 19 5v 9v 9v ST-5v From From From From IC803 IC804 IC804 IC04 USOC 46~48 RGB OUT IC803 IC803 5V 5V Monitor V OUT(ST) LA76213 LA76213 9v From IC804 CPT DRIVE 9v From IC804 Rear_AV(1) ● ●● AV1(V/R/L)-IN 5 EXT Video-in IF IN 57 56 TV IN(ST) SIF 54 out 50 SPK L/R 51 OUT Ext R/L IN 1 2 ● SDA SCL R/L Out AV2(V/R/L)-IN AV-IN IC751 IC751 LA72730 LA72730 15 (STEREO (STEREO Opt) Opt) 3. All right reserved.5. CW-81A BLOCK DIAGRAM FB Option Part V-OUT (Mono) . STEREO. LA42102(N) LA42102(N) JA02 (Mono) M L-OUT SPK.6 From USOC TUNER Z102 5V 33V SAW IF SDA SCL LC75024E IC661 A2/NICAM 2 7 17 18 LIN-TV ● ● R-OUT L-OUT RIN-TV IC701 BTSC LA72702 9 10 SDA SCL MONO SOUND SOUND AMP AMP LA42101 LA42101 STEREO. Front-AV(2) HIC291 HIC291 Game Game Pack(Game Pack(Game Opt) Opt) 4.1V 9V From IC804 27 26 5 12 SDA SCL 18 2 5 9 14 8 Audio(Game) Video(Game) 7 ● ● ● (( PHONE) PHONE) ● ● 64 61 RGB 9V 49 IF 5V 62 8 33 SCART R. VISTA EN DESPIECE 400 170 150 510 101 174 112 A2 A21 520 120 300 102 330 570 320 103 560 Copyright©2008 LG Electronics. Only for training and service purposes .20 - LGE Internal Use Only . Inc. All right reserved. ITC A51QGT420X 31 K 21INCH Ultra Slim +0.MAIN M.NONE Button.MOLD HIPS 51SF Supporter HIPS 51SF CPT 2nd LGERS EXPORT 112 EAK39334404 CPT.3ohm AL 44Ts 0. Only for training and service purposes .Power MOLD ABS HF-380 21FU6 ABS HF380 POWER 2nd LGERS EXPORT 400 ACQ35867503 Cover Assembly. 101 4980V00265A Description Supporter.Assembly EARTH SPRING 21INCH 64T RT-21FDRX 174 174-019S 300 ABJ35609302 Supporter. 560 EBR49016002 PCB Assembly.MOLD HIPS Supporter HIPS .I CW81B 21FU6TL-L4 LED+IR .21FU6RL-T4 CW81B 21 LGERS 320 320-062H 330 MBG41428401 Spring. All right reserved. Part No.I CW81B 21FU6TLG-T4 KWPQCCR .MOLD HIPS NON HIPS PCB PS 40AF FBT CA-14T30 102 343-B52A 103 MJH41432101 Supporter.21 - LGE Internal Use Only .Rear 21FU6RL-T4 CW81B 21 LGERS 510 EBR49015302 PCB Assembly.KPC-10WL/YFH-800-02/SPT-2(length:300mm) KJ-10 YFH-800-02 2.I CW81B 21FU6TL-L4 CPT BOARD ..Full Range 5B084 ND 10W 8OHM 82DB 140HZ 147 X 42 X 31 LUG ESTEC ELECTRONICS 150 EAP39589601 Coil.COMPLEX MC059A 21FD15G OLD_6710V00090N SC023A MC059A Copyright©2008 LG Electronics.LISTA DE VISTA EN DESPIECE No.13M Cabinet Assembly.CONTROL M.Degaussing 16. 570 EBR49016302 PCB Assembly. 520 EBR43378905 PCB Assembly.SUB M.I CW81B 21FU6TL-L4 KEY -CONTROL .5mm SQUARE 21INCH 2500mM WIRE=300mM L11:190mm 170 6858V21001A Drawing. Power Cord Assembly. Inc.SUB M. A2 MKJ33981409 Remote Controller.2G 4/3 60HZ 6150Z-6222A LG PHILIPS 120 EAB33496901 Speaker.CUTTING STSC304 COIL STSC304 . 1K FBP TH401* 300ohm R308 43K C311 2200uF 25V <ULTRA OPT.9K R517 5.7uF C633 C639 0.34V GND <KEY MATRIX> JA02 FRONT AV GND G 4 2 G V2 5 G R2 3 P201 Headphone Option 12 VERSION 1.7uF 50V 6dB AUDIO_L_OUT J289 T/W ALC BUFF 20 VIN-TV 21 RIN-TV 22 REG 3 2 1 J225 T/W LIN-2 Slave Address=0x92 LIN-3 J287 J288 T/W T/W J224 T/W R654 2. R806(RN 39K) R853 T/W 1 LP05 10uH BD 7 C852 0.01uF P13 30 SDA J292 T/W <W/O PIP> J687 T/W C683 R667 2.5W(SS CPT)* R902 2.01uF R69 220 VIF AMP SEOAM DECODER DOWNLOAD_DATA GND RF AGC FM DET TONE P119 ZD502* 9.2M 23 24 LIN-TV IC751 LA72730 10 FRONT/SIDE GAME RF VS 9 7 8 HS SCL SDA 6 4 5 GND TV_VIDEO AV2 GND 3 2 AV1 GND 1 P551A @value 10 9 Cr-IN Y-IN Cb-IN 8 7 6 5 5V REAR VIN2 VIN3 VIN-TV LIN-1 12 Spectral RMS DET 11 10 INPUT VIN1 BIAS_FILTER C672 1uF 50V SCL J721* T/W J803 T/W J802 T/W T804 150-F06T 3 1 2 C833 100uF 10V KIA78L05BP J283 T/W C702 C704 0.3V MONO OPTION J704 T/W R706 J281 T/W T/W 10 NICAM/A2 3.2K <DOWNLOAD OPT.5MHz J806 T/W J808 T/W SCL SDA TV-R TV-L R536 J553 J291 T/W T/W T/W P17 35 J672 T/W HOT COMBEWTXT Surround SYSTEM LV76230 SK901 P802 TO DG COIL OUT J222 T/W J643 T/W 9V VIDEO/NC GAME-VIDEO COLD C806* 0.6mH L404 450uH J403 T/W <FLAT.1uF AVSS AOUTR AVDD33 1 R614 T/W 2 C602 330uF 25V C627* ? C601* 0.1uF C106* 103 C131* 100P J557 T/W VCO AC-IN J801 T/W GND 3 ZD102 5.432MHz 7 3 CPT BOARD Q10 C3198Y 98.> C115 0.5W (RF) R455 20K C432 0.’ ‘SAFETY PRECAUTION’ AND PRODUCT P01 R662 1K GAME/FM CLK/IR C662* 0.01uF 50V CP30 47uF 10V CP04 47pF 50V 1/6W 5% RP31 22K 10 GPO2 POR VSS18_2 VDD18_2 RESET VIN UIN YIN VDD33ADC VSS33ADC CVBS4 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 CP31 0.0/0.7K R60 10K D805 1N4148 9V GAME/FM DATA W/O HP RSTB 28 IOVDD33 29 NC 31 IOVSS 30 NC 32 NC 33 36 NC 34 TEST 35 TESTB0 38 TESTB1 37 NC 39 AVDD33 AVSS 40 MRVREF 41 AVDD33 42 FRONT-R R-SPK R72 680 R1 680 ZD804* 5.7uF 50V L224 T/W FB810 125-022K HS Y 6700MF0018A(CIS) 6700MF0018B(PAL) 6700NFNS11E(KOREA) 6700NFNS11F(NTSC FR TYPE) 6700NFNS11G(NTSC PHONE TYPE) 6700NFNS11H(NTSC DIN TYPE) J638 T/W 2 J511 100 J522 T/W 5 R815 91K(RN) C847 1uF 250V J822 T/W ZD601* 5.3K C502 0.7uF 250V D505 TVR06J FR501 0.1uF J645 T/W AVSS 16 AVDD33 15 AVDD33 14 AVSS 13 VRB 11 9 VRT AVDD33 AOUTL LRVREF 4 3 C675 4.3K C661 0.2uF 50V +OUT2 8 C606 0.7K I/O PORT 0 PLL VS ZD407* 9.5W (RP) D301 TVR06J R518 36K(RN) D405* 1N4148 30V R538* 330K R202 100 C417 560P/2KV B+ R401 47 0.5W Q901 C2330-Y C3229(21") -UP IN2 Out AMP G 9 PUMP C608 2.01u R620 5.2 C672 4.7K IN J284 T/W R760 R761 100 100 C280 4.5V REG.2K COLOR CLAMP COLOR CLAMP MNT_V-OUT C104 0.01 L3 T/W R66 3.1uF 100V R632 1k C688 4700p J521 T/W AMP C684 0.1V C243 4.01uF 50V FB844 125-022K D845 UF4005 J828 T/W KIA78R05API R816 91K(RN) J506 T/W Cr 3 X X 1kV C808* ? <W/PIP OPT.01uF 50V I2C1 I2C2 34 22 SDA 35 21 SCL 36 20 INTR 37 19 VDD33PAD38 18 ICP01 VSS33PAD39 17 VSP 40 PVP9390A-QG-A1 16 HSP 41 15 GPO142 14 CLKOUT43 13 44 12 CP06 47pF 50V 3 13 11 VIN-3 GND 10 C307 100uF 35V R409 1.> Z602 4.43MHz APC1 FSC (EHT) X X R801 1/7W 1 1 3 R223 T/W W/ NICAM C130* 100P CS NC 2 1 R516 220 SCL J112 T/W C114* 0.01uF DDS J507 T/W J539 T/W J117 T/W OSD CONTRAST VER SEP APC2 X PAL/NT/SECAM TH803* 6322A00030A TH801 163-051F(3P) R VER-OUT R523 100 510 C677 0.2 J605 1 <MUTE OPT.> IIC SIF2 12 16bit DAC 8 S-Vcc POWER J650 T/W 18.7K/2W (RS) J413 T/W R405 2.5W ADC J554 100 ST-5V P15 32 P14 31 P02 29 R311 30K(RN) R305 12K(RN) <SS/ULTRA OPT.> BASE TIMER BUS Cb 4 <V-OUT> 5 <L-IN> <DVD_L-IN> <L-OUT> 6 IC806 C807* ? R810 30 FB808 125-022R R403 2.6KV R807 6. R806(RN ???) STEREO:IC810(W6554A).1uF 50V 50V C767* 0.2K R18 1.7uF 50V 4 1.2uF 1uF 50V 50V 50V R678 4.7K C28 100uF 10V 0V ?? WARINNG 2 <EYE OPT.01uF C607* 10uF 16V T/W GND XVDD33 22 DVSS 23 SA 25 DVDD15 24 SCL 26 SDA 27 1 C664 0.1uF 0.047uF MYL R563 100 X X CEM GND FB817* 123A C850 1000uF 16V J830 T/W C222* 470p R114 30K VER RAMP C512* R537 330 R562 100 HOR C/D BUS C524 0.5W J813 (RP) T/W J829 T/W D303 1N4148 CPU CORE R42 1M R528 620 C223* 470p L222 T/W R532 30K <W/PIP OPT.5W Q902 C2330-Y C3229(21") R 8 7 GAME ID/FM CE 6 GAME-AUDIO XIN 20 XVSS 19 AVSS 18 AVDD15 17 XOUT 21 C689 12pF CC C690 12pF CC 5V_1 BTSC EYE 9V ST-5V ST-5V KEY EYE 2 4 3 ST-5V GND 5 IR KEY POWER/FM_CE POWER 1 2 3 4 IR L502 10UH C294 1000P X661 18.01uF FM AMP R111 4.1uF SPK_L R904 P910 CPT EARTH J509 100 R-OUT 1.01uF 1CHIP_VDD[3.5 MONO LV76210 LV76220 <B+ : 115V> IC04 D804* EU1ZV 5V_1 J520 T/W J510 T/W J527 T/W R40 T/W 2 RL801 6920VB1001E R873 8.88V 3.0KV (MPP) D406 RS4FS 1 3 5V_1 J518 T/W C211 0.1uF C528* 0.5V R665 J656 100 T/W R666 100 FRONT-V R211 75 C30 0.3V REG.1uF 275V 2 3 10.7uF 50V X PAL/NT LV76221 R884 T/W R610* 33/2W (RS) J665 T/W 1 2 IC606 ABNORMAL 2 W/O ST-BY 1W POWER/FM_CE J24 T/W 9 W/ST-BY 1W D501 1N4148 POWER <R-IN> R154 1K R803 4.047uF MYL J532 T/W P401 R317* J402 T/W R414 5.5W L902 T/W 9V R923 18K/2W (RS) R912 18K/2W (RS) V-IN 2 PREGND3 Power GND C687 4700p C632* 0.1uF 0.2uF 50V ZD412* 9.7K 4 CP34 0.> 3 C816 0.5V 6 5 R221 75K C760 C758 C759 1uF 1uF 1uF 50V 50V 50V J285 T/W DVD-Cr/R BPF DET ALC BUFF 19 J290 T/W RIN-3 RIN-2 4 RIN-1 R222 75K J226 T/W C681 22uF 50V FB_OUT 1 R606 1K R825 4.> J303 T/W 8 R450 1K 112V EHT C225* 470p 4 P211A 1 HOR-OUT ABNORMAL GAME/FM_DATA ST-5V FBP R451 15K C C421 2200P/500V CKJ409 T/W J404* R441 T/W 330/0.1uF R704 T/W SPECIFIED IN THE PARTS LIST. 9V SPK-L RGB_VCC[9.1V R415 T/W C242 4.01u 1 HIC291 PGA(AGC)+10bit ADC (STEREO) 5V_1 2 CAUTION : THE MARKS IN THE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND THE PARTS LIST DESIGNATE 1 G-OUT <GAME. READ ’X-RAY SAFETY NOTICE IN THIS MANUAL P902-1 C653 330p C645* 0.6/2W (RS) KIA7805API TELE TEXT VDD5 RESET SYNC SEP J558 T/W R780 T/W J564 T/W 30V R565 1K PET_IN CONTRAST BRIGHT J552 T/W J520 T/W C283 T/W R104 22 ABL ACL V DET RESET C542* 0.6K C40 100uF 10V DVD-Y/G_IN AV1-ID <W/FM TX OPT.47uF 50V R250 T/W <W/ST-BY 1W OPT> SDA 2 C853 100uF 10V FS FBP VER C/D E/W X X I C564* 0.2uF 560K R666 R665 50V 100 100 J651 T/W J905 T/W D903 1N4003 D901* 1N4003 GAME_ID//FM_CE GID/SW/DL C676 C631 4.5uH A 4 C401 473/630V C412 334/400V D304 TVR06J L403 1.2/0.26 <SIDE A/V OPT>. IC810 R839 W6553A(MONO) 75K W6554A(STEREO) RP05 1K ICP04 KA75270Z CP19 0.6K J811 T/W R841 1K C832* 100UF 10V 3 R843 39K Q840 KA431 R840 47 J708 T/W 2 R845 1K C818 0.5W (RP) IN 1 2 OUT S GND 4 3 VS FILT 25 CPU_VDD[ST-5V] 24 FBP 23 20 HOR_OUT HOR_VCC[5V] VCO_IREF 19 22 R410 10K R513 300 C245* 100p TUNER Slave Address=0xC0 SDA P04 37 P05 38 P06 39 P07 40 RESET 41 FILTSLC 42 1CHIP_GND 44 ABL 45 B_OUT 46 CPU_GND 43 R404 150 J203 T/W 7 2 IR MUTE NICAM_RESET EYE KEY RESET ABL B-OUT G-OUT G_OUT 47 V-RAMP 18 17 Horizontal AFC-FILTER 21 C517 0.01uF 50V CP20 47uF 10V R838 220 1/2W C843 2200P/4KV B C S1117-33PIC BI R806 39K(RN) B 1/10W 5% C QP02 2SC3875S GND LP06 LP03 10uH 10uH CP27 0.2uF 50V ZD503* ZD504* 9.01uF MYL GAME_CLK/FM_CLK 1 KS 2 SAW R207 100K DVD-Cr/R_IN DVD-Cb/B_IN 3 GND GND C210 0. V 6 R L2 HEADPHONE Copyright © 2008 LG Electronics.1uF C634 0.1uF C650 47uF 10V C603 4.01uF 50V E 1/10W 5% GI 5 1/10W 5% RP01 220 CP03 47pF 50V 1/6W 5% 1/10W QP01 2SC3875S 5% E RP28 10 9 4 1/10W 5% CVBS3 TM CVBS2 TEST CVBS1 VSS18ADC VDD18ADC IN1 IN2 IN3 FSW LP01 10uH FB 6 5 J842 T/W VIN CP33 0.1uF 100pF 50V 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 J653 GND J282 T/W PILOT LEVEL DET FB-IN 4 3 B-OUT R-OUT G-OUT 2 1 P551B @value 13 14 15 FB-OUT 5V_1 IC605 LA72702 J280 T/W STEREO PILOT PLL CANCELLER T/W C648 1uF 50V C630 0.1uF 50V 4 C842 3300pF MYL R814 8.1V J523 T/W R11 100K 8 12 VER-OUT J818 T/W MNT_L-OUT FB_IN C246 220uF 10V R249 75 R226 75 21 TU101 J646 T/W C699* 100uF 10V Q813 C102M J513 T/W C515* 0.33uF C908 1200P/2KV SOUNDIC W/O ST-BY 1W VS HS TV-L TV-R 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 R684 5.2M/0.432MHz C681 47uF 10V J672 T/W C672 10uF 50V C675 10uF 50V 5 P902-2 C26 330uF 10V R618 10K LA42101 (10W MONO MAX) LA42102L(10W+10W MAX) LA42102N(15W+15W MAX) 6 L903 T/W GND HEATER C295 10uF 16V R631 T/W C633 0.304MHz NC J607 T/W NICAM DECODER (A2/DQPSK) 6 L-SPK SRC (MONAURAL) AVDD33 MONO 5 IC651 L-HP LC75024E R-HP P703 DEMODULATOR 16bit DAC R58 4.1V Q801 C5343 R832 4.2/2W (RF) T403 H-DRIVE 151-C02B C408 10uF 100V Q402 2SC6092(SS/ULTRA) 2SC6093(Normal/FLAT) C404 470P/500V CK L213 T/W R519 12K(RN) CPT BOARD T402 EBJ34806701 3 C406 D407 RU4AM 273/630V 2 4 <SS/ULTRA OPT.01uF 4 -OUT2 9 P602 C635 0.1uF 50V C105 0.1uF 50V 6 AV2 AV1 CP36 0. Q903 C2330-Y C3229(21") 510(14") R908 1.25MHz D 1 NC 2 XOUT XIN VSS18_1 VDD18_1 GPO0 SEL OUT3 OUT2 OUT1 VSS33DAC VDD33DAC C859* 221/2KV P551B 35238-1010 MNT_L-OUT MNT_R-OUT AV1_ID/DOWNLOAD_DATA NARROW RANGE OPT.PIP> ST-5V IF J712 T/W DVD-Cb/B R103 1.0/0.> IC401 C549* 1000p L211 T/W V-DY J401 T/W R456 120K EW 7 C509 22uF 50V L212 T/W R208 240K L223 T/W C212 0. Only for training and service purposes LGE Internal Use Only .22uF MYL C322 10000pF R313 22K(RN) C301 3900uF MYL RAM J301 T/W C313 1uF 50V R301 18K(RN) R318 47K TIMER 0 R302* 620/0. * : OPTION 1.8K GAME_DATA/FM_DATA <AV STEREO OPT.7uF 250V J541 T/W *ASSEMBLE SUSOC(AV/ST)IC WITH RF/ST IC FOR RF-ST MODEL P6 SCREEN GK SPK_R MODE L+R L-R/SAP -6dB LPF dbx processor MUTE L-R Offset DEMOD ST/SAP LPF Cancell SW Control SAP DEMOD SYSTEM ST SAP CONTROL SAP LPF SAP BPF DET Address I2C SIF DEMOD DECODE FOCUS J906 T/W 390P(14") RK D902 1N4148 ST-5V <PIP OPT.7uF 50V J503 T/W R612 2K J604 7 2 1 B O/ STAGE C604 0.01uF J559 T/W DRIVE/CUT-OFF RGB MATRIX C521 100uF 10V 5V_1 3 A2 8 7 J534 100 R507 100 1 R543 100 1CHIP VDD C548* 0.7K J516 100 R461 1K R21 4.3V] Video/Chroma/Vertical VCC[5V] 3 INT-V_IN 2 CLMP <PRE AMP OPT.1uF 275V J807 T/W 61709MC016D L804 125-022R D826 RU3AMV D824 SFAF504G C831 1000uF 35V VCD Slave Address=0xBA R515 39 VCO R113 2.01uF J101 T/W J563 T/W EEPROM Slave Address=0xA0 C103 10uF 50V R503 100 L503 4.02/0.> C314 0.> COL 1 FR401 1.1uF C668* 0.Normal OPT.1uF 2 FB905* 123A 180V 180V R921 100 R922 390 510(14") C907 270P H-GND DEGAUSS C687 330P C638 C670 C657 1uF 2.7uF 50V MUTE J617 2 Input AMP +OUT1 C673* 0.01uF EXT RGB CONTRAST DRIVE CUT-OFF EXT RGB SW 9V SCL 6 2 A1 J634 T/W 9V C764 0. FM TX OPT.5W(LG CPT) 1.5W AFC D502* 1N4148 26V GND C303 470P/500V (CK) 4 12V 5 FOCUS R416 1K/1W(RS) AFC 10 R550 10K/0.01uF C237 220P C691* 47uF 10V J23 T/W 5 C236 220P T/W J22 T/W J550 T/W 3 J221 C233 470P P03A GND FB201 2UH C666 47uF 10V REAR-L L231 10u T/W L662 10UH 5V C201 10uF 16V L665 10UH 2 J223 T/W J227 T/W R711 J705 T/W T/W P02A ?? LD11 LED R82 4.1V 9.01uF 50V CP10 330uF 10V CP08 47uF 10V CP16 47pF 50V CP17 47pF 50V CP11 0.0V] 52 SPK-L_OUT 50 SPK-R_OUT 51 53 SIF_OUT 54 IF_GND 55 56 VIF_IN2 57 RF_AGC 58 YC-C[FB_IN] 8 EW 16 C545 0.01uF <MONO OPT.1uF 50V RP17 10 CP32 47uF 10V G RP15 10K CP02 22pF 50V S/GND 3 SS/ADJ GND C841 0.5K/0.1M REGUL MODE MUTE MATRIX ATOR OUT PILOT PLL FR932* 2.01uF Q601 A1266 D603 1N4148 Ripple Filter 1 R604 2.33uF C20 50V 0.3V C235 470P SIDE-V L216 J/W (10u) SIDE-L SIDE-R L218 10UH SW11 TV/VIDEO(MENU) SW13 VOL- SW14 VOL+ 3 2 1 R20 620 1.Normal OPT.01uF C631 0.> <MONO OPT.1 (PP) HS VS HOR OUT R521* ? FB_OUT FRONT/SIDE-V EXT_V-IN FRONT/SIDE_L EXT_L-IN RF_AGC Q104 C102M HOR VCC R539* 39K J201 T/W Q241 A1266 Q103 A1275Y SCL IC603 3 C636 100uF 10V KIA78R09API C857* 100uF 10V J664* T/W 3.01uF MNT_R DOWNLOAD R101 100 W/O TEXT C13 2.022uF MYL R835 3.> 9V C523 100uF 16V X501 4.5W (RS) ABL 8 C514 223/200V (PP) SCREEN 180V 2 180V D403 1N4148 7 6 R110 33K/0.PIP> C527 0.0K/0.2 1 T/W T/W T/W J698 J623 J609 B 5 R920 1.01uF 16V CP18 47pF 50V RP06 100 1/6W 5% RI GND FBI 8 6 5 7 1/10W 5% 5V 1/10W 5% RP11 100 1/10W 5% RP12 10 1/10W RP13 5% 10 GO RP14 RO 10 FB0 BO 4 3 1 VS 10 SDL SCL GND RF HS 9 8 7 GND RP07 22K 1/10W 5% 2 CP35 0.7uF 4.5W SIZE J504 T/W D R304 1.8K I CP21 47uF 10V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 XP01 20.W/O SCART OPT.1uF <SS OPT.2UH J537 T/W Z601 4.8K R463 330 C22 1uF 50V R315 180/2W (RS) R316 2.> SCL SDA TDA8145 ABL R406 2.5/0.2M/0.01uF <NICAM> R511 100 C19 100P AFT <W/SCART.W/SCART OPT.2 D604 1N4148 2 -OUT1 11 C613 0.5V CLOCK R41 100 C16 2.05/0.> J3 T/W 5 S-Vcc C615 100uF 10V J702 T/W <MONO/AV ST OPT.3V DATA PHASE SHIFTER AFC2 R512 R522 12K R564 100 J540 T/W RST CPU CLOCK VDD3 POWER_IN HOR VCO 1/256 22K(RN) C533 0.5W C901 4. BEFORE REPLACING ANY OF THESE COMPONENTS.> C532 100pF C101 0.02.068uF MYL C310 0.1uF 50V RP09 1K MONO :IC810(W6553A).43MHz TRAP VIF_IN1 5V_1 C538* 103 MNT_V-OUT R556 T/W R555 120 DVD-Cr/R_IN FB_IN J535 T/W C552* 30P R553 510 R552 36K R554 15K 3 4 <W/O RELAY> D847 1N4148 C814 220uF 160V C813 CK 1000P/1KV BUFF R706 75K L802 82uH CHOKE C835 100uF 160V J820 T/W 1.7uF 50V LP02 2 10uH OUTPUT 3 INPUT ICP02 1/10W 5% GND CP28 47uF 10V 1 3 INPUT LP04 OUTPUT 2 10uH ICP03 S1117-18PIC CP07 0.5W R_MONITOR 12 C757 1uF 50V C283 0.2/0.7K/2W(RS) J306 T/W J526 T/W J528 T/W HOR-OUT HS EW LV76231 PIP BOARD R805 47K/2W (RS) J864 T/W R842 30K(RN) ABL <V-IN> X D815 TVR06J C840 22uF 50V 7 I/O PORT 1 P01 28 P00 27 CPU_VDD2 26 C_SYNC R251 75 R203 75 X X CP23 0.1V J6 B-OUT FRONT-L J720 T/W R235 R236 150 150 1/2W 1/2W MONO:330/0.> J508 T/W VIDEO AMP SW R622* 100K PAL/NT C805 C804 1000P 1000P C812 470P/1KV (CK) J709 J804 J551 5V_1 T/W T/W T/W R504 330 TRAP J116 T/W 4 IF AGC C511 100uF 10V C507 0.81V 1 PA01 SW12 MENU(OK) R17 1.1uF 50V RP33 1K 1/10W 5% RP34 1K 1/10W 5% STV9326 PUMP-UP R421 300 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R407 10K/0.7K(RN) OCP Q16 C5343 HOT COLD C828 47uF 10V 1/10W 5% RP10 1K 1/10W 5% R808 5.> IC02 J13 T/W C15 0.01 <W/O SCART.01uF R617 18K J620 T/W C605 47uF 16V R609 100 P902 NC R701 T/W OSCILATOR PLL SCL 10 D602 1N4148 R615 1K C609 0.9K ZD851 9.5K/0.5W C226* 470p X X PAL/NT/SECAM PAL/NT A2+NICAM BTSC C540 4.01uF 16V CP12 0.018 MYL J286 T/W R100* 75 TINT ? 0.7K C17 0.> R460 3.5W (RF) TH402* 300ohm R457 39K C434 0.01uF P801 C802 0.01uF 4 T802 150-06T 6200JB8008G J810 T/W T803 C821 470P/1KV CK J626 J635 J826 J601 T/W T/W T/W T/W 3 J625 T/W C546 33pF L501 10uH C520 33pF/ 10pF R524 560 R502 39K R531 680 J624 T/W <MONO/AV ST> MNT_L R530 510 J562 T/W SIF_OUT J519 T/W SDA SCL FRONT/SIDE-V REAR-V DVD-Cb/B_IN DVD-Y/G_IN RF_AGC C526 100uF 10V <RF ST> C503 33pF J515 T/W J544 T/W SIF_IN PALNTSC J512 T/W C531 0.7K D411 1N4148 J501 100 J517 100 R314 180/2W (RS) R309 6.00V POWER/FM_CE MENU/OK VOL+/VOL+ SW15 CH-(PR-) SW16 CH+(PR+) VOLTAGE NT/PAL TV_VIDEO/MENU 1.022uF 50V <PAL> D111 BA282 SPK-R SIF_OUT VIF_IN2 C541 220P C504 1uF 50V <MONO/AV ST OPT.01uF J647 T/W CHASSIS.1uF 2 R109 100K B <FLAT.01uF MYL C845* ?? CP29 0. All right reserved.01uF 16V CP13 0.1uF MYL R459 100K R566 4.1uF 9V PAL SW DEMO REAR-V TEST 7 1 A0 VD801 TVR621D J841 T/W D813 J621 J602 J825 RU3AMV T/W T/W T/W GND 11 C836 D833* RU2AMV470P/500V CK ???V 10 IC804 J819 T/W IC803 J281 T/W R711 T/W <W/O NICAM> C29 0.7uF 50V J652 T/W P5 NC FM_ON_OFF <IC VERSION> P1 ANODE(HV) BK 270P(14") 390P(14") 1 1 R906 100 C902 270P J907 T/W 1 R632 R633 1K 1K J641 T/W 2 R905 390 510(14") C904 270P J903 T/W R826 47K C675 1uF 50V C656 C654 C682 J642 4.5W J556 T/W C309 470uF 35V R547 56K/0.5W STEREO:510/0.1V R22 100K BPF DL SHARP BPF ADC SW C518 100uF 10V 24C04/24C16 NC VIF_IN1 60 61 VIF_AGC APC-FILTER 59 62 VIDEO_OUT/SVO IF_VCC[5V] FM-FILTER 63 1 EXT-L_IN VIF_IN2 RESET R102 3.05/0.1uF 50V 5V OSD SW 1 F801 T4AL250V J812 T/W 1kV 14 FB805* 123A D806 TVR06J C838 2200uF 25V IN 1 2 OUT S GND 4 3 C855* 0.7K/2W (RS) R402* 3.5W (RS) R250 75 R252 75 C414 153/2.9K R509 3.018uF MYL J690 T/W BE REPLACED ONLY WHICH TYPES IDENTICAL TO THOSE IN THE ORIGINAL CIRCUIT OR CPT R917 18K/2W (RS) GND J707 T/W COMPONENTS WHICH HAVE SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR SAFETY.018uF MYL 3 CAREFULLY THE PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE IN THIS MANUAL.5W (RC) CP01 22pF 50V 1/10W 5% RP02 220 3 O 1 2 P552B 35238-1010 C817 1000pF 1.01uF C56* 330P C692* 47uF 10V R661* 10K R664* 10K 4 FB601 125-022R C667 0.<SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF CW-81A> (MONO) L 1 1 IR AUDIO/FM ON_OFF C108 330uF 10V R514 220 OSD PAL/NT/SECAM AV-ST LV76212 LV76222 X X X X PAL/NT/SECAM X X X LV76232 PAL/NT/SECAM X X LV76213 PAL/NT X X X X LV76223 PAL/NT/SECAM LV76233 PAL/NT/SECAM RF-ST LC75024 A2/NICAM IC LA72702N BTSC X X X X 3 2 1 J814 T/W IC802 PC17L1 R420 240K C409 100uF 10V Q403 BF421 C407 10uF 25V C415 4.01uF BEFORESERVICING THIS RADIATION PRECAUTION.1uF 50V J560 T/W J565* T/W R247 510 L221 T/W C215* 220K <DVD_R-IN> R108 18K J106 C110 10uF 16V 3 18 REAR-V FRONT/SIDE-R REAR-R FRONT/SIDE-L REAR-L EXT_R-IN EXT_L-IN EXT_V-IN 49 R_OUT 48 VEROUT Chroma APC-FILTER FSC[EHT] 15 14 4.7K Q401 C3228 9V X PAL/NT/SECAM LV76211 DB801 TS4B05G(ULTRA/SSlim) DB802 D2SB60 (Normal/FLAT) C803 330uF 450V S-GND FR816 0.82 Q101 C3197 BPF 900K DET DVD-Cr/R R105 390 SPLL BS SG CLMP C534 0.2/0.01uF C680 0.01uF SDA 5 SCL R506 100 2 R542 100 YC-Y NC/MONI-R EXT-V_IN 5 4 C535 0.> C506 0. R918 V-OUT R607 10K 8 R J525 T/W R630 1M T/W J667 J606 T/W D601 1N4148 R611 2K C611 47uF 25V IC601 R668 10k C630* 0.> C688 330P 4 3 =>Initial model: 21"ULTRA S/S(21FU1R).7uF 22uF 50V 50V T/W 50V C645 0. AND SHOULD Q904 C2330-Y R913 L901 T/W 5V_1 R605 2K J622 J636 MONO 3 R602 2.01uF J534 T/W R132 39/2W RS CVBS G OSD AFC1 MNT_R-OUT R150 100K SDA R535 * <MONO> 560 <STEREO> 5V_2 30V ZD103 33V EXT_R-IN MNT_L-OUT <W/O ST-BY 1W OPT> C107 1000P C562* 0.6K V/Y SW YC SW J109 T/W SDA LIM AMP VIDEO SW DOWNLOAD_CLK C51 82P SOUND DET VIDEO DET TRAP DC VOL EXT-R_IN PALNTSC C111 47uF 16V W/TEXT R13 1K J542 T/W XTSEL SW VIF_IN1 R65 220 2 J809 T/W TH802 163-054D(2P) B+ S-Vcc C826 1000uF 16V C839 ? C765 10uF 16V R567 T/W C766 100uF 16V R705 75K B Q111 C102M C116 0.7K 3 L664 10UH J549 T/W 17 C678 0.7K EW C312 0.01uF C50 82P DC REST DC ADJ SW DVD-Y/G VCC 8 NC 7 6 C529 0.0K/2W (RS) FR403 1.9K R508 3.01uF L102 0.5K/0.01uF R501 3.5W R408 100K R423 82K 1 RP08 100 IC301 R844 4.5W KEY 1.1uF 3 I.1uF J703 T/W R916 100 DEG OPTION J637 T/W C691 47uF 10V 4 R654 T/W J568 T/W 16 C666 1uF 50V R915 390 1 J108 T/W <STEREO.7K <NTSC> C510 0.6K R19 560 NICAM_RESET L217 10UH 2.> C642 4.1V R621* 100K R505 100 CR_IN[R_IN] 11 R112 2.7uH <MONO 4PIN OPT.2K J111 T/W M1971M(NTSC) K7260M(PAL) FM_OUT[MONI-L] 64 5V_2 C574 0.5K 26V P11 33 P16 DEGAUSS/FM_ON_OFF/USB_SW/DOWNLOAD 34 P03 36 J843 T/W ZD846 15V R811 T/W RP03 100 1/6W CP05 1/6W 5% 47pF 5% 50V RP04 100 R804 47K/2W (RS) 2 SCL SDA 14 NC 15 BUFF 9 VIN-2 FRONT/SIDE-V POWER/FM_CE ROM RP30 1K CP25 47uF 10V V-REF L_MONITOR 16 ALC_FILT VIDEO_OUT 17 MODE SELECT 1 NORMAL ABN D302 1N4005 V-NECK 5V_1 R310 1. <NICAM/A2 OPT.68uF 50V R307 2.1 MYL 9V 5V_1 EHT L225 T/W C229* 470p 10.5V R-OUT R561 <MONO 4P.5W R312 15K Q301 C103M C308 47uF 16V CLOCK CONTROL R306 82K C306 0.6/2W (RF) HV HEATER 9 HEATER INNER FR301 0.> J673 T/W L904 T/W GAME_CLK/FM_CLK L604 10UH Slave Address=0x80 G HEATER H-GND J555 T/W DO NOT DEGRADE THE SAFETY OF THE RECEIVER THROUGH IMPROPER SERVICING.> C610 4.047uF MYL C305* 0.48V CH-/PR- J633* T/W C685* 47uF 10V L230 10u J220 L663 10UH C231 470P C232 470P 14 J646 T/W REAR-V VOL-/VOLCH+/PR+ T-SOUND T-PICTURE SDA 13 11 Slave Address=0x38 3.033uF MYL R303 1.47uF 50V SIF APC-FILTER Q502 C102M J110 T/W PAL/NTSC J286 T/W 1.> R462 620 R23 4.> 100 J543 L528 T/W 1.9K <MONO/ AV ST OPT.5W (RP) C551* 1 19 20 V-IN 18 16 FB 9 11 R 14 12 5 7 G 10 1 3 L-OUT B 8 6 D/S L-IN 4 R-OUT 2 R-IN JA01 (FULL SCART) JA01 (DVD) SCL JA01 (PHONE) 13 15 17 V-OUT 1 GND R831* 4.5V J611 ST 3 R616 2K J706 T/W TV-L 12 Standby J641 T/W TV-R * P601 * Vcc J648 T/W C670 47uF 10V J642 T/W VCOM 10 5 7 C614 0.1uF <W/O BPF OPT.READ R919 VCC MUTE 6 R603 2.43MHz CB_IN[B_IN] 13 12 DVD-Y[G_IN] 10 9 REAR-L REAR-R C525 C516 470uF 1500P 10V J524 T/W R541 10K J102* T/W X FB801 125-022R 13 FR825 0.11 2008.> Q672 2SC5343 2 VCC VIN-1 C761 C762 C763 10uF 1uF 1uF 16V 50V 50V J293 T/W DVD-Cb/B SIF SIF DVD-Y/G J567 T/W 2 5V_1 1 Q845 1 C5343Y SW801(SUB:SW1801) R858 470K 0.REF Vcc 6 4 GND OUT 5 C402 334/400V L401 6mH J405 T/W 2 3 H-DY L405* 60uH L406* ? L402 26.05/0.7uF 50V 9V J647 T/W Input AMP C612 0.022uF J546 T/W LV762xx IC501 2 3 1 4 5 Z111 R510 3.1uF ST J637 * 4 IN1 Out AMP R601 2.1V VXO C563* 0.01uF AUDIO_R_OUT C756 10uF 16V <STEREO OPT. Inc.1uF R633 1k C665 0.> R16 750 5V_1 C234 470P 0.> J502 T/W <R-OUT> J151 AGC P101 3. All right reserved. Inc.MAIN CPT(TOP) MAIN CONTROL(TOP) PRE-AMP(TOP) CONTROL(BOTTOM) PRE-AMP(BOTTOM) CPT(BOTTOM) Copyright © 2008 LG Electronics. Only for training and service purposes LGE Internal Use Only . 2008 Printed in Korea .P/NO : MFL42466401 April.
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