Tutorial Material & Energy Balance

March 17, 2018 | Author: Muiz Zahuri | Category: Methanol, Mole (Unit), Flow Measurement, Physical Chemistry, Chemistry



TUTORIAL SEPT 2014CHEMICAL PROCESS PRINCIPLES (CLB 10904) CHEMICAL PROCESS PRINCIPLES (CLB 10904) TUTORIAL 1 CHAPTER 1: BASIC CONCEPTS (PART 1) 1. Convert: a. 0.5 g/min.in3 to lbm/hr.ft3 (Ans: 114.29 lbm/hr.ft3) b. 6000 in/lbm.hr to all ISI Units (Ans: 0.093 m/kg.s) c. 0.005 N to lbm.cm/min2 (Ans: 3968.32 lbm.cm/min2) d. 500 m3/day.kg to cm3/min.g (Ans: 347.22 cm3/min.g) e. 50.37 kJ /min to hp (Ans: 1.13 hp) 2. Determine which of the following is dimensionless? a. 70˚ (Ans: Dimensionless) b. e70 (Ans: Dimensionless) c. Force d. 6 (Ans: Dimensionless) e. Energy f. Power 3. Determine the dimensions of the following quantities. a. Volume (Ans: L3) b. Acceleration (Ans: L/T2) c. Density (Ans: M/L3) d. Force (Ans: M.L/T2) e. Pressure (Ans: M/L.T2) f. Energy (Ans: M.L2/T2) g. Power (Ans: M.L2/T3) h. Frequency (Ans: 1/T) i. Displacement (Ans: L) 4. Determine if the following equation are dimensionally homogenous. 1 X = X 0 +V0t + at 3 2 Where: X is the displacement at time t, X0 is the displacement at time t = 0, V0 is the velocity at time t = 0 and a is the constant acceleration. (Ans: Not dimensionally homogenous) 1 DR. KELLY 2014 what are the dimensions of the constant 2 and 5? (Ans: L/T. ft) 2 DR. Given the unit of D as ft and t as second.min.Θ) 6.g. T as given below in the Arrhenius equation.314? (Ans: mol/dm3.314T % The units of the quantity 10. and T is absolute temperature.min % " 8. what are the units of 2 and 5? (Ans: ft/s. KELLY 2014 . (Ans: k = M. ho is the weir height and g is the acceleration gravity. ! mol $ ! −10. If the equation is valid. g is gravitational acceleration. If the equation is consistent in its unit.hd . k depends on the temperature. Boltzmann’s constant in the equation below if given it is dimensionally homogenous.21×10 exp # & " dm .TUTORIAL SEPT 2014 CHEMICAL PROCESS PRINCIPLES (CLB 10904) 5. Determine if the following equation are dimensionally homogenous E = mc 2 Where: E is energy. ρ and ρ1 are densities. J/mol. ln N d −V . L) b.415(L − 0. D = 2t + 5 a. hd is distance.21 X 105 and 8. (Ans: Dimensionally homogenous) 7. The reaction rate constant. m is mass and c is the speed of light. q = 0.000 $ 5 k# 3 & = 1. V is volume.5 ( 2g ) Where L is crest height. Consider the following equation. Determine the dimension of k.L2/T2. and T is in K (kelvin).K) 8.2h0 )h01.( ρ − ρ1 ) = Na kT Where: Nd and Na are number of particles. (Ans: L3/T) 9.000 are J/mol. Determine the dimensions of q in the following equation for flow through a rectangular weir below if it is determined the equation is dimensionally homogenous. What are the units of 1. 42 kg) b. Determine: a. kg C7H8 (Ans: 276. (Ans: 274.7 lbm total/lbmol total) 3 DR. Convert 30. 55.39kg) 5.314mol) b. Consider the interval from 100 °F to 200 °F. K. Given a mixture of 200 lbm/hr of A (MW = 20. KELLY 2014 .175.33.56K. Ibmol C7H8 (Ans: 66.877.57) c. mol C7H8 (Ans: 30. Calculate directly the interval in °C. The mole fraction of A and B (Ans: 0. Calculate the average molecular weight of the mixture. (Ans: 55.14 lbmol) 2. What is the mass flow rate of this stream in kg/hr? (Ans: 486.43. How many Ib-mol are in 200 Ibm of Phenolphthalein (Ans: 0.628lbmol) c. Given SG of Ethyl acetate is 0.10. What is the molar flow rate in lbmol/hr? (Ans: 12. How many mol are in 100 g of Phenolphthalein (Ans: 0.0) flow through a pipe. Liquid Ethyl acetate (C4H8O2) is flowing through a pipe at a rate of 150 L/s.77 lbm/min) c. The mass fraction of A and B (Ans: 0. 559. and oR. What is the mass flow rate of this stream in lbm/min? (Ans: 17.77oC.0 kmol of toluene (C7H8) (MW = 92.67) b.001 Ib-mol of Phenolphthalein (Ans: 144.14) to a. (Ans: 25. oC. a. What is the molar flow rate in kmol/min? (Ans: 92.56oC.901 and MW = 88.32. a. 0. Consider the following compound Phenolphthalein (C20H14O4) with MW of 318.000 mol) c. 37.67oR) 3. and oR between the temperatures.0) and 400 lbm/hr of B (MW = 30.92K. 0. The total molar flowrate of the mixture (Ans: 23. 100oR) 4. Convert 100 °F to K.33 lbmol total/hr) d.540 kg/hr) b. How many g are in 0.TUTORIAL SEPT 2014 CHEMICAL PROCESS PRINCIPLES (CLB 10904) CHEMICAL PROCESS PRINCIPLES (CLB 10904) TUTORIAL 1 CHAPTER 1: PROCESSES AND PROCESS VARIABLES (PART 2) 1.56 lbmol/hr) 6.05 kmol/min) d. Calculate the total mass of the solution that contains 300 lbm of B. KELLY 2014 . it is found that the flow rate of the mixture is 5000lbm/hr.48 g total/mol total) c. (Ans: 0. Calculate the molar flowrate of A that corresponds to a molar flowrate of 28 mol B/s (Ans: 112 mol A/s) 9.76 g total/mol total) 10.216 kg total) 4 DR. 1. 0.0 mol of ethyl acetate? (Ans: 21.792) and 150 ml (SG 0. The volume of a liquid mixture contains 100 ml methanol (SG 0.6) b. CHEMICAL PROCESS PRINCIPLES (CLB 10904) Given a solution contains 15% of A (MW = 50. Calculate the molar flowrate of A and B in a stream of solution flowing at a total rate of 53 lbm/hr (Ans: 0. Calculate the mass fraction of A and B with total flowrate of 40 lbmol/s (Ans: 0.08.94 lbm total) 8. Calculate the mass flowrate of A in a stream flowing at a total rate 100 kmol/min (Ans: 3200 kg A/min) b. a. a. (Ans: 0.06) c. (Ans:636.0). Calculate the mass of A and B in its 100 kg of the solution. Calculate the mass fractions of each compound in the mixture. 0. 85 kg) b.45) c. Calculate the flow rate of nitrogen into the reactor in lbm/hr. Calculate the mass fraction of methanol and acetone in the mixture. 75. (Ans: 43. Determine the mass (kg) of the mixture if it contains 25.04 and Acetone MW = 58.0) a. a.159 lbmol A/hr. SG 0. Given a solution contains 20 mole% of B (MW = 10. (Ans: 352.0) and the remaining A (MW = 40. (Ans: and the balance hydrogen gas (MW 2. Calculate the mole fraction of methanol and acetone in the mixture. 0. SG 0.049). Calculate the average molecular weight of the mixture. 0.10.0 mole% ethanol (MW 46.55.21 lbm N2/hr) 11.791) of acetone. (Ans: 4722.04) b.TUTORIAL SEPT 2014 7.0 mole % ethyl acetate (MW 88. Given the feed to ammonia synthesis reactor contains 55 mole% nitrogen gas (MW 28. A mixture contains 20. SG 1.94.05. In addition. Calculate the average molecular weight of the mixture. 0.126 lbmol B/hr) c. (Ans: 15 kg.016).0) by mass and the remaining B (MW = 40.84.789).901) and the remaining acetic acid (MW 60. Given Methanol MW = 32.12.
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