Turbo Commander 690-A Training Manual

March 30, 2018 | Author: Andre Peli | Category: Rudder, Relay, Valve, Gas Turbine, Engines



RockwellTurbo Commander 690A Training Manud General AviationDivision Rockwell Interrethnal OCM(9-74) ROCKWELL TURBO TRAINING COMMANDER MANUAL 690A The material only. contained herein is are to be used not intended for training to supersede i. e. and purposes The contents issued the official Maintenance Flight aid publications Manual, but are with the aircraft: Catalogue, Illustrated Parts only Manual, to be used courses as an instruction at during the training Training conducted the Aero Commander Center. DATED: October 1, 1974 . (i. 2. closely order of classroom presentation. INDEX TO SECTIONS General Control Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 1. 3. 5. identified by Text pages code at the in each section two-digit a are which identifies bottom-right. Page 3. page. 6. Aircraft Flight Electrical Powerplant Hydraulic Fuel System System System System Control 7. 4. 8. Airframe). the Section and Page Number: Example: Page Page 1-4 3-5 is Section is Section 1.INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF THIS MANUAL which are sequenced. Environmental Miscellaneous System Systems . in A the as as for identidivider with precedes each section quick index tab. 1. This Training Manual into sections is divided possible. margin of the revision. Each section is identified by a number fication. Page 4 5 Each Revised with an expanded page is provided will pages carry a notation as right-hand to the date for notes. e. . t 1- . Wing and fuselage are interconnected to form a single tank and store 384 gallons of usable The retractable hydraulifuel. The forward and aft fuselage sections are joined at fuse254. provides ready access spar A removable equipment aft nacelle installed in assembly to the aft nacelle. in the center fuselage.15. full-feathering. and the wing is attached lage station to load carrying fuselage bulkheads stations 178. sub-assemblies. bleed air is used to air condition and pressurize compressor The airplane is the cabin up to 5. Power is a pressurized supplied by two Garrett TPE-331-5-251K AiResearch turbofixed shaft engines. having extruded 2014 aluminum caps and 2024 aluminum 160 members. 690A is an all metal. (1) forward (2) wing. and (3) aft fuselage. Commander twin engine airplane featuring cabin. 1-2 . reversible propellers. Two built-up the spars are used.SECTION AIRCRAFT 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION The Turbo high wing. extends from Station The center section panels with the outer Station 160 RH across the fuselage ing from Station AN rivets. tricycle landing gear is operated with an independent cally and is provided pneumatic emergency baggage extension 600 pound capacity A large volume system. Engine constant speed. anti-ice for all and de-ice equipped with complete systems fuel cells weather operation. below the wing. gear 2014 gear trusses surface are attached to the wing an extremely and wing to provide Built-up engine extend mounts are attached to the front spar from the front forward and the wing surface. at fuselage When The mating and joining is completed. equipped with Hartzell three-blade prop. center panels.81 and 209. Standard bolts and AN and MS hardware the are used to assemble The wing and web LH to extendhuckwing. 160 to the wing tip. is located compartment AIRFRAME airframe in three major is manufactured semi-monocoque fuselage. is achieved. 2 PSI differential pressure. the two outer spars aluminum forged and lower the to spars rugged attachment. structure an integral fuselage and wing WING ASSEMBLY section is constructed in three sections. station the latch A plug type emergency door. floor incorporates The fuselage through which a tunnel-way fluid flight control cables. Manual for The cabin seams are sealed with 3-M and Coast pro-seal Maintenance Refer to Section 11 of the Aircraft data and application sealant techniques. leading edge wing and out fuselage through the upper to the engine section. hydraulic is routed primary the lines and other fluid or pneumatic lines. These surfaces incorporate interconnecting ribs and stressed skin. The pilots side are single pane acrylic window direct vision window. by ten bayonet and door is secured type latches. extrusions 2014 and 7075 billets using conventional chined and is assembled and Skin laps compounds. the panes provides thermal insulation "aircon" structural bulkheads carrying in the tail cone provide attach horizontal for and vertical flight structure the the surfaces.FUSELAGE The airframe ASSEMBLY from 2024. structure tape strips This and of design provides installation stery screws. The enpressure "Controlex" cables and these are gine controls are flexible routed along the windshield centerline of the center post. laminated The windshields plate glass are Pittsburgh heated. design cabin interiors are attached to the cabin by channeled Velcro upholand slots. and mafasteners. Load . rubber The door an inflatable seal pressure regulator below the floor. Cabin pressure the hatch seal to retain The modular opposite exit hatch is located the cabin helps acting hatch on the to compress cabin pressure. type and re-installation for airframe as required easy removal service All interior fabrics and inspection. the pane are This provides structural redundancy and the air gap between and noise suppression. in general is fabricated structure alloy aluminum sheet. is located forward of fuselage 69. flight dual spars. locked mechanism when the aircraft is electrically electrical with system is turned on. The cockpit side windows and electrically and eyebrow windows plexiglass. Double incorporates or vent a acrylic plexiglass windows featured in cabin. The door is equipped seal to retain cabin pressure. reare flame sistant in accordance with the Federal Aviation Regulations. and given an alodine then primed spray paint. air dried. parts into the fabricated are then an solution. This leaves base film coating a chromic This is followed up by a zinc-chromate spray on the parts. control is cleaning and etching corrosion by started process The immersed parts. of the painting. exterior component parts. All these steps are taken prior to assembly The completed aircraft is cleaned. service thereby preventative life and reduced The maintenance costs. bath. with painted Aero "alodine" "alumigrip" 1-4 .CORROSION CONTROL fabricated parts Commander are treated to resist airframe insuring increased corrosion. 35" 5' - 7 00" 44' - 4.. 00" 14' - 11. 30" Rockwell Turbo Commander 690A 46' - 6. 19' - 9. 25" 1-5 . 24" 15' - 5. 64" l' - 2. 23'-3" 81'-10" 58'-7" 35'-4" 27'-0" 22 23 Figure 1. Minimum Turning Distances 1-6 . 28 6 INTERSTAGE TURBINE TEMPERATURE 923°C 1149°C Red White TAKEOFF START LIMIT '//76 GX 100 54 30FF 2837 ENGINE GAGE OIL TEMPERATURE -400C +55°C +55 +93°C +93°C OIL PRESSURE 50 PSI 50-70 PSI 70-120 PSI 120 PSI FUEL PRESSURE 15 PSI 15-25 PSI 25-80 PSI 80-90 PSI 90 PSI -40 - UNIT MINIMUM CAUTION NORMAL MAXIMUM MINIMUM CAUTION NORMAL MAXIMUM MINIMUM CAUTION NORMAL CAUTION MAXIMUM Red Line Yellow Arc Green Arc Red Line Red Line Yellow Arc Green Arc Red Line Red Line Yellow Arc Green Arc Yellow Arc Red Line •• es * * . 5 40 50 . Instrument Markings (Sheet 1 of 3) 1-7 .6 4 20-'- ENGINE TACHOMETER ~ oo 't.. PERCENT : 96-100% -101% 80 RPM RPM Green Arc Red Line NORMAL MAXIMUM 70 so \' . "" Figure FAA Approved 1-2.. 8-5. CONT.-- VACUUM 3. FLAP OPER BEST S.se . 0 IN.E. 0 IN.\260 aso 2oo ISO 250 \ KNOTS 40 40 60 60 --- / 300 AIRSPEED 77 86 140 115 243 243 Knots Knots Knots Knots Knots Red Line White Arc Blue Line Green Arc Red Line MIN S. Hg 5. E. 8 IN. ROC NORMAL OPER MAX OPER AIRSPEED 2o - MPH 160 ioo go 82 ioo - 160 14o N 2817 HYDRAULIC PRESSURE -o 2oooHYD PRESS 1250 PSI Red Line MAXIMUM 28 3 upii N .. Instrument Markings (Sheet 2 of 3) 1-8 . Hg 3. Hg Red Line Green Arc Red Line MINIMUM NORMAL MAXIMUM o 10 28 3 Figure FAA Approved 1-2. \ 20 28 17 \ . 5 HP Red Line MAXIMUM H. 3.oomm 5 4 2 "/ 6 7. = SHAFT HORSEPOWER 717. Instrument Markings (Sheet 3 of 3) 1-9 . X 100 28 10 Figure FAA Approved 1-2.P.4 PSI Red Line MAXIMUM 40 I5' / 3025. so DIFF PRE " ALTITUDE AND DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE 5.iooo 500 EMERGENCY GEAR EXTENTION 425 PSI 425-525 PSI 525 PSI Red Line Green Arc Red Line MINIMUM NORMAL MAXIMUM A IR LBS PER SQ lN 2000 o 283 '. ELECTRICAL GENERATOR EXT PARPWR LIGHTS BUS DOOR BATTERY L R CONTROL TlE DISTR CABIN LOCK BELTS NO SMOKE CABIN PANEL POS ANTI-COL STROBE GND START NTS TE5T SER- ° F F - OFF - - OFF/RESET - OFF OPEN OFF OFF UNLOCK L R BELTS OFF LEFT ENGINE HP L IT FUELNPUMP AIR 5T VNRD FUNEL HMYDR L LANDING EXTEND O GND O OFF PUSH FOR GND START MOTOR EMER OFF - OFF DO NOT - RETRACT EXTEND ABOVE 156 KNOTS ICE PROTECTION L AVIONICS GEN INLET W5HLD LOW RUDDER ENG L INLET R PITOT L - FUEL VENT R W5HLD PROP LOW AMP5 INVERTER RADIO 1 SPKR AUTO PILOT R l 2 AMPL O F F O F F O F F HIGH OFF HIGH PROP GEN 2 - OFF --- EMER OFF OFF BOOT5 RIGHT ENGINE WING LIGHT WIPERS HP AIR LIMIT L FA5T TEST - DIMMEROVHD-5UB DEFOG BLOWER ONECY FUEL-HYDR NORM IGN OVRD FUELPUMP ON R EMER OFF MAN - OFF - MOTOR PUSH FOR GND START OFF PARK SLOW PARK Overhead Switch Panel . Rotary movement a pulleys. rudder and left aileron with conare equipped balanced". the then passes fuselage rudder assembly which is connected to a torque tube base of between rudder. assembly The rudder is trollable trim tabs. are provided AILERON CONTROL (See Page 2-4) ailerons to the aft wing spar at are attached with sealed bearings and are 100¶o statically points of the control wheel moves balanced. of four sections type. to each inboard aft through the pedal horn under cabin floor. A balance cable is connected the to the control the rudder. craft floor by pillow blocks and structure The control mechanism contained inside each column conmounted Turnand ball bearing sprockets. A out through the wing tunnel to the aileron cable is connected balance between the right and left aileron belleranks Two turnbuckles to complete the system. under columns rods from the control cranks and push-pull compartment. bellcontrol cables. the floor to the aft side of the baggage up and belleranks. pressure "horn CONTROL COLUMNS columns constructed from magnesium Two flight control aluminum alloy tubing are attached and castings to the airroller bearings. the pilot or co-pilot elevators. pilot co-pilot rudder and connect tubes the pedals A rudder cable is attached together. are cable located in the baggage while the balance compartment nacelle turnbuckle is in the left wing area. The all metal three RUDDER Dual rudder CONTROL control (See Page 2-5) pedals enable the pilot and co-pilot to brakes A system of and nose steering. permitting columns and dual rudder/brake them to be controlled The from either seat. sprockets.SECTION FLIGHT 2 CONTROLS INTRODUCTION control The Turbo Commander is equipped with dual flight pedals. and the slot between horn and the vertical stabithe rudder lizer is thermally de-iced. The wing flap is single slotted mechanically interconnected. system of chains. consisting and hydraulic actuated. concentric torque 2-1 . sists of chains buckles for tension and rigging adjustments. Tab movement control is edge of their respective accomplished by rotating hand wheels. the to of and which provide adjustment turnbuckles tension. 2-2 . of drums. two are and one in the top of the nose located in the lower aft fuselage landing gear wheel well. Adjustable the aft Turnbuckles in the aft transfer tube to elevator tube. for the cable systems are located position mounted adjacent tab trim transmitters to their re spective trim tabs actuate trim tab indicators on the instrument The left aileron panel. aft to a transfer extend tube mounted Cables connect the forward transfer tube to a transfer tube push-pull rods attach in the aft f uselage. chains. flexible shafts and screw cables. jacks provide the necessary movement. "UP". infinite of flap position selections thereby permitting throughelectric flap out the operating position An transmitter range. Four large holding down action provide springs the elevators a bungee while the aircraft is on the ground and provide better elevator single engine operation. ELEVATOR CONTROL (See Page 2-6) by fore and aft movement of the The elevators are operated control column. "DOWN" provides and "NEUTRAL". cast At the base of each column magnea below the cabin floor. torque coil fuselage provide adjustment and tension. of sheaves and A system cables interconnects The cockpit control lever the four flaps. Attached sium arm extends to the push-pull The push-pull rods.the TRIM (See Page 2-7) and elevator The rudder trim tabs are mounted on the trailing surfaces. The flaps controlled by a lever of spar are on the control pedestal by a single hydraulic engine and actuated cylocated linder in the aft fuselage. rods arms are adjustable between floor beams. Two flow valves mounted in the hydraulic strument lines adjacent cylinder provide slow and smooth to the actuating flap travel. WING FLAP CONTROL flaps are hinged Two all metal attached to brackets to the rear each wing. complete forward Three cabin bulkhead the system. actuator. in the aft fuselage indicator actuates a flap position on the inpanel.RUDDER of CONTROL (Continued) the front side up and across the pedals and routed forward. system a pulleys. three selections. Adjustable trim tab turnbarrels Electrical in the aft fuselage. tab is driven by an electrical mounted in the left aileron. balance during stalls and slow speed . TURNBARRELS SLAVE SHEAVE ACTUATING CYLINDER WING FLAP FLOW CONTROLVALVE MASTER SHEA E HYDRAULIC LINES TO LANDING GEAR FLAP CONTROL LANDING GEAR AND WING FLAP VALVE CONTROL 27 37 AND WING VALVE Flap Control System 2-3 . INSPESCTA BELLCRANK ° G MECHA PULLEY CABLE DRUM ELEVATOR PUSH-PULL ROD PULLEY AILERON PUSHPULL ROD BALANCE TURNBARREL CABLE TURNBARRELS 2732 Aileron Control System 2-4 . TURNBARREL TURNBARRELS BALANCE CABLE ACCESS DOOR ENMNOE CE CR R UEDRDEE R RU D RUDDER T UBE TORQUE o \ DR NL R RE AL TORQUE ARM 27 4 Rudder Control System 2-5 . Blevator 2-6 .SEE DETAIL B / TURNBARRELS SEE DETAIL A 2734 ELEVATOR FORWARD TRANSFER TUBE ELEVATOR TORQUE TUBES ELEVATOR STOPS CONTROL COLUMN ' \ ' PUSH-PULL ' ' ROD IDLER PULLEY PUSH-PULL IDLER PULLEY ROD AFT TRANSFER TUBE ASSY 276 ELEVATOR BUNGEE SPRINGS Control System 27. SEE DETAIL B TURNBARRELS SEE DETAIL A 27 35 ELEVATOR TRIM TAB 0 ROLLER CHAIN BRACKET CABLE DRUM ROLLER CHAIN . GEAR AND ELEVATOR o PINION ELEVATOR TRIM TAB WHEEL / o TRIM TAB ELEVATOR INDICATOR TRIM TAB TRANSMITTER 27 7 27 7 Elevator Trim Tab Control System 2-7 SYSTEM ELECTRICAL 3 SYSTEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The electrical is designed supply system to provide an abundant regulated direct for operation of voltage of current power the The primary aircraft various systems. components are two Nickel-Cadmium batteries, storage two engine driven starter/ split bus distribution The system with a system. generators automatically devices which disconnect load sensing incorporates fault. overload and isolate any BATTERIES 40 ampere batteries at 24 volt, The 20 cell air cooled are rated designed and are specifically for jet engine hours, For starts. loads of 1000 amps or more momentary this purpose, may be cells The nylon case battery drawn from the battery. are packed lined stainless The manufacturer's in a neoprene steel case. instructions adhered must be rigidly the batto when servicing The batteries with a temperature monitor, tery. are equipped isolation switch. Refer indication and battery temperature to airplane Flight Manual for test and operating procedures. STARTER/GENERATOR starter/generators 6650The air cooled are wide speed range, for 300 amps 26 volts with 1. 25 ohms in exciter 12000 RPM, rated by Lear Siegler, field. The units are manufactured and are clamp drive pad adaptor. mounted Routine maintenance on to an engine brush and commutator involves The generator is servicing. equipped with internal filters. radio noise - VOLTAGE REGULATORS Electric carbon pile voltage regulators, mounted in the aft fuselage, voltage. regulate used These output generator to are regulators calibration have voltage should adjust be pots and set at 2 28. 7 + and engines VDC when at operating temperature running at 96% RPM. The regulator base assembly contains the generator load paralleling adjustment The generators be should pot. load paralleled within 30 amps. General .0 - . 3-1 occurto as speed are ring RPM. switch No. Maintenance to ELECTRONIC SPEED SWITCHES receives The engine speed sensor an input front the engine is calibrated for three driven This sensor tach-generator. No. heavy duty remote reset via a distribution electrical is supplied loads power to airframe bus. engine lever the power have both batteries to of the battery Activation is accomplished in the following system When BAT MASTER SW is turned on. 50% and 90% of engine is used in the electrical speed autosystem to provide sensor functions. 2 and No. be kept secure. Through circuit breakers. contactors 3-2 . This terminal X1 and then to terminal X1 of BLC-1. Another wire attached to terminal X1 of BLC-2 is routed through D2-D3 of SR-2. voltage for battery is the control circuit BSC BLC-2. Page 3-7 to Figure design incorporates The system main bus. BUS AND CONTACTOR BOX This box assembly. and a layComponent are stenciled identification out diagram may be found in Section X of the Manual. is not permitted sensor on the speed BATTERY Refer AND BUS SYSTEM No. electrical the sequence. is designed mounted in the aft fuselage.D. 2 battery Al of BLC-2 at terminal is routed power diode through a to a terminal post and to terminal X1 of BLC-2. signals RPM's. MASTER switch. These signals selected output engine output at referred 3. C. also terminals D2-D3 of SR-1 and to terminals X12 of BSC. house and protect the heavy duty battery. objects. BATTERY SELECT switch on a pedestal position must be in the NORMAL on. centrally locate. Through engine start an external receptacle be powered from an plug bus start may the power If batteries and external is external unit. 1. am on power power applied. relays and starter plus engine control start generator miscellaneous equipment. parallel with external operating in unit is the the power batteries. The in sequence at 10%. from No. and the assembly free of foreign identifications in the box. 1. All and other electrical system wire supports and ties in this box must terminal connections. relays. a battery-generator bus and start auxiliary bus. bus and a control The batteries by a BATTERY are controlled however. of certain Field starting matic sequencing engine repair assembly. a parallel When a series for BSC and BLC-1 during battery engine start. and BSC connects No. The engine lever is power or shutdown positioned flight for all ground starts. Then an electrical start signal from the engine con12-13 of BLC-1 to terminal tactor is routed through terminals X11 of BSC. SELECT SW to the BAT MASTER When these contactors No. 1 battery to the start bus and BLC-1 Thus the two batinterconnects the start bus and main bus. The engine control circuits and aircraft fuel supply start circuits are integrated switch controls the starting so that a single of the turboprop engine. OFF-ON switch. from the bus is isolated is disconnected and the start battery main bus. (SOVR) are incorporated applied to limit start bus voltages to the START AUX BUS. 2 battery BLC-2 connects to the main bus. are energized. in parallel. A remote source RCB-1 ENGINE Refer STARTING SYSTEM 2. secondly it it functions power as an external parallel battery configuration is used to preselect for or series engine from aircraft batteries. There at terminal terminating are two circuits SELECT SW is 24VDC power on one pole of the START POWER BAT start applied to terminal X1 of BSC when EXT PWR/PAR battery holding circuit This provides is selected. parallel battery control circuits can be seen on Figure X1 of BSC. Each segment of the distribution or to the aircraft control bus is limited loading by circuit breakers and to 35 amperes bus transfer load is limited by the bus tie circuit to 20 amperes breakers. Note: starts Always follow airfor engine starting. from terminal SW combines POWER SELECT The START first two functions. idle position at The engine 3-3 . The electrical the BAT SELECT X2 of for BSC and BLC-1 is from terminal ground path circuit 1-2 of BAT BLC-1 to terminal X2 of BSC through terminals SW. battery provides This action input power a series relay and start overvoltage An overvolt sensor to the start bus. 1 BSC and BLC-1 to drop out. is selected control circuit eminating from start the BSC-BLC-1 by the engine relay start terminal X1 of BLC-2 is interrupted (SR-1 or SR-2) causing Thus No. teries are operating BLC-1.BATTERY and AND BUS SYSTEM (Continued) for BLC-2 is The electrical ground path circuit closed 5-6 of X2 through the normally terminals SW to the BAT MASTER SW. Page 3-8 to Figure No. (RCB-2) breaker circuit reset on the main bus is the of electrical distribution bus and power to the aircraft of electrical auxiliary bus is the source power on the start control bus. plane Flight Manual The seriesprocedures 3-1. sequence fine propeller is latched in air start except that the the same as motor pitch and the starter engine when the is used to crank START. relay start through pole "A" arms the ground start circuit. engine the power to the The "detent" Motoring by is accomplished the engine without holding override switch and placing in motor position the ignition (EMR). off and starter then acce1erates For all on to idle RPM on the gas turbine energy. blades propeller Zero at ground starts secured the thrust are pitch angle by ground start propeller blade latches. engine fuel valve and ignition vibrator. switch is rotated GROUND start through the to Flight Manual procedures for engine Note: Always use airplane starts. When the order schematic in the following (follow switch -FUEL boost engine rotated ON-. This action and provides holding circuit energizes relay start the to SAR a while engine RPM is below 50% RPM. thus fuel and ignition chamber. propeller unfeathering through pole "B" causes pump to operate (IR) circuit. and from switch. The engine relay motor the start switch at ground start. When engine RPM increases to 10% SS-1 (IR). start the pump to (BPR) relay is energized and fuel at boost pump pressure. when energized. 50% RPM. profile crank engine with engine is start general the the to and fuel are starter In doing so. and through pole "C" arm the ignition relay If inflight will spool windmilling propeller air is start this the an the engine RPM up. are not admitted to the combustion "light-off" 3-4 . start the to completes AIR START the circuit through SS-2-50% speed (SR). ignition up to 50% of RPM. (SAR) is energized The start auxiliary relay and through the "A" and "B" poles arms (SR) and circuits relay start the to (FR) to field relay the generator through "C" pole causes break" before switch Rotating energize. circuits fuel interrupts start pressure to the regulator. and "B" pole of SAR to the start relay SR through "A" pole of SAR to terminal X1 of SAR. automatically sequenced is turned on at 10% RPM and ignition released The engine at 50% RPM. fuel valve and start relay The SPR "A" engine pressure pole supplies fuel regulator. Engine start power to the pressure should light off and accelerate with windmilling propeller assist. 15 PSI minimum is supplied to the engine fuel pump adaptor. WhenRPM increases SS-2 opens. will close and energize ignition relay The IR "A" pole the electrical circuit completes ignitor unit. to approximately is The ground start This deactivates all start circuits. "make (SPR). The electrical relay sequencing for starting the engine occurs diagram).ENGINE condition STARTING SYSTEM (Continued) lever The is positioned at low RPM for starting. signal connecting the generator to the bus and a D. power is off. is provided Generator panel. opening The FCR picks up the generator the B2-B3 contacts. 7 +. the generator a circuit of FCR to the switch of GCR through B2-B3 A2 terminal terminals (SW) terminal of the reverse relay. GENERATOR FAULT PROTECTION Generator fault protection includes (1) undervoltage. and (4) field fault. 3. feeder fault. FCR automatically to become turns off.GENERATOR Refer SYSTEM No. A field fault or the generator feeder fault or overvoltage fault would allow the field control relay energized. start is completed. During generator field circuit The generator is traced from GEN terminal on the (RCR) relay (CS) current current through sensor reverse to B2of the field relay and L+ of voltage A2 terminals G terminals to regulator regulator and from F+ on voltage to A terminal on field winding generator terminal block and through generator to E terminal circuit is output voltage Generator ground. monitor light in the annunciator voltage regulators and lead paralleling adjustments The generator Manual shall be set in accordance with the airframe Maintenance The carbon regulators procedures. current two reverse two Hartmann carbon Electric pile voltage regulators and control General recharacteristics lays necessary switching the desired to provide off information by a and fault protection. circuit and the generator through the A2-Al contacts a holding (3) 3-5 . The voltage when making ting temperature be 28. C. .0 engine start the field relay (FR) is energized to open the field circuit. After engine the field relay will automatically de-energize. The reverse will relay current disconnect if it goes undervoltage. 2 VDC when 20 cell batteries setting should are relays should be set at 30. starter/generators. voltage (IND) terminal from the RCR indicator will cause the GEN-OFF light on the annunciator panel to extinguish. . when control relay from is completed is energized. installed. relay applied control The to X1 terminal of generator switch when turned "ON" provides master ground generator a If external for the generator control relay. pile voltage must be at operaregulator adjustments. +. this on (GCR). If generator voltage current is 3 to 6 volts higher the RCR will close than main bus voltage. relays. When this occurs. 9 VDC. C. Page to Figure 3-9 includes The generator system two engine driven 300 amp D. The overvoltage -. This automatic safety circuit protects when the starter-generator is being used as a high torque the system cranking motor. (2) overvoltage. 3-6 . should and if it will not attempt to reset the failed generator he should satisfactorily. a failed Refer to Section and X of maintenance the aircraft troubleshooting Maintenance procedures.GENERATOR FAULT PROTECTION (Continued) Of course. Manual for service. failed switch reset generator turn the Flight Manual off and follow airplane procedures pertaining to generator. light will be illumiswitch. master the GEN-OFF annunciator nated on the panel since the reverse relay current The operator under is also de-energized a fault condition. PARBAT ON ' -- SEOR AT g ' 3§ 35 ISTR RESET e RESET CONIBUS 35 SELECT a A L BC MAIN BUS --- - --- A2Lo.B. START POWER SELECT BUS TlE N/O CONT BUS) N/O BUS TIE DISTR BUS " CONT 35 e SW OFF BS BAT DISTRBUS 20 3EXIPW.J - Rca-2 C Rce- ×\o X22 Al D2 BSC A\ X2 X 2 ---- SlSTART AUX BUS 8 2 A2 X2 - DETAIL OF oAl 8 SC BI S 2 SOVR SR-! - XI XII - -- 2E : -- 4 - START BUS OVERVOLT SENSOR A lo 12 X1 a --- - BAT-2 xx A2 BLC-I X2 EPR EPC xi al3 B AT-I r- + T 1 i t .24V STA RT C. A2 --- SR C2 FR -. - A2 5 82 Aug so.XI OILVEN T V.Cû 1 CO CONTROL START BUS IGN OVRRD < 550°C ITT (ENG START SW) OFF . e li i E / S/G C A2 6 v'MSTART Al BUS .. ENGOFF FUEL ON IGN O VRRD -- AIR SS-2 50 SS-1 A2 - N ENG O MTR R M \ « Le 10°/o - ON 82 - C2 A --- BPR ¯ XI XI B2 .s À2 .. REG EG - G sw A la o BUS oMAIN GEN -D g II I E LH GEN .-GEN SW CONT BUS OVRNRD DISTR BUS IN D \ O FF ON C2 - JSA R GENLTOFF FCR X / a3 L XI 3 B2 --- 7 A FR 2 2 GCOSV R 5 EPR X 2 2 L2 - LI EB + Si RCR IND A BAT SHUNT L+ VOLT. Bus 35 Tie C. B. Control Sw· Ens Cont. -N/O Bus ITstr. Bus 35 Distribution Bus Sw._ BLC-2 GSC-2 GSC-1 S/Gen Engine Bat-1 Start Bus a S/Gen EPC BSC I| -- - Bat-2 I ER r .( c 35 sus Bus I t . 35 ) rnp V ol t' Reset Start Aux. Bus Volt/Reg FR Reset CB i FR Volt/Reg Bat/Gen RCR SOVR --- - Ma n Bus RCR _ BLC-1. 26VAC OXY HDG2 RMI NAV1 COM1 ATC1 AUDIO LT AUX ANN 3 FUEL ALTM ADC1 AHRS PFD ENC1 TRIM A/P Y/D FLOW FIRE EXT OIL DOOR INV GYRO 2 COM 2 ATC 2 ADF RADAR MFD UNFEATHER INV 5 VT 115 VAC NAV 2 ENC 2 TCAD ADC2 HF L R 2 LTG AIRCON C/B UNDER PANEL . ese es est 1: so 3-12 . < «viravyt vo la _mes a avr o o zins cV0AV7/79]H i - srrws revis swa soss i o- .re. F -- - - MA7 .di: 4 ' ohoo 1. NV F o I wanonsa i srrws aus aw_tra says lli 3-14 . and the propeller During ground the fuel governor. are adapted to the engine reduction gear housing. Ambient air is drawn in and compressed by a two stage centrifugal The compressed air compressor. A fourth mount attaches All the turbine case to the nacelle. taxi or reverse fuel is scheduled lever and the propeller by the power governor propeller blade pitch angle. produces power combustion in into rotating mechanical the energy energy gases in the gas turbines. box limited and rated gear facturer The engine incorporates to 725 SHP. jet a slight See Figures 4-1. box. two stage centrifugal three compressor. pitch control tube servo. This as a horsepower engine. manufactured by mander Garrett are is designated Model TPE 331-5-251. 690 Turbo ComThe engine is an 840 shaft by the manuan integral gear stage axial tur- shaft power The turboprop engine produces rotating to drive a propeller. and the accessories for engine and airnecessary heat by converting The engine craft operation. maintains engine speed by modulating MOUNTING The PROVISIONS which are structurally attached primary engine mounts. plenum. to Airframe Maintenance Manual for engine mount installation torque valves. control The principal engine components are the fuel control (Bendix propeller oil transfer DP-K2).SECTION POWERPLANT 4 INTRODUCTION The fixed shaft turboprop engines in the Model AiResearch. Spent gases coming off the turbine are delivered back to atmosphere by an exhaust This gas flow creates tailpipe. thrust. engine refer mounts must be kept in good condition. The expanded combustion gases are routed imparting stage turbine the three to energy to the turbine wheels. the wing 4-1 . 4-2 and 4-3. three torque spar These mounts. is collected and delivered in a combustion the to annular combustion chamber where fuel is added and atomized high temperature ignited. bine and a single annular combustion chamber. operations. which drive and the reduction the compressor gear train. maintains required engine speed by moduunderspeed governor fuel flow to the combustion chamber in response lating to engine of the propeller load changes pitch controller caused by movement During flight for forward operations thrust power. to isolating of vibration consist system. P1 Ambient P2 Compressor P3 Compressor P4 Turbine P5 Turbine Pressure Inlet Pressure Pressure T1 Ambient T2 Compressor T3 Compressor T4 Turbine T5 Turbine Temperature Inlet Air Temperature Temperature Discharge Inlet Pressure Discharge Inlet Temperature Temperature Discharge Pressure Discharge FUEL l AMBIENT P1 T1 AIR P3 a DRAWN IN COMBUSTOR PA T4 T3 COMPRESSOR TURBINE -- P5 T5 OS F REDUCTION GEARS P2 2 ENGINE STATIONS AND BASIC GAS FLOW Figure 4-1 4-2 . REDUCTION GEAR SECTION COMPRESSOR SECTION TURBINE SECTION INPUT HOUSING ASSEMBLY INTERMEDIATE GEARBO× HOUSING- ACCESSORY MOUNT PADS En CURVIC COUPLING PROPELLER SHAFT FIRST STAGE o MPELLER COMBUSTION CHAMBER TURBINE PLENUM ASSEMBLY EXHAUST PfPE ASSEMBLY SECOND STAGE IMPELLER -STATOR ASSEMBLIES TS QUE ASSEMBLY o HELICAL DRIVE GEARSHAFT o OUTPUT HOUSING ASSEMBLY ' uLCET MAIN SHAFT TORSIO SHAFT COMPRESSOR HOUSING ASSEMBLY TRANSITION LINER ASSEMBLY TAIL CONE MATCHED HELICAL GEARSHAFT SET (HIGH SPEED PINION) F-44A-20385 FIRST STAGE TURBINE WHEEL SECOND STAGE TURBINE WHEEL THIRD STAGE TURBINE WHEEL i CD . \d s í 4-4 Figure 4-3 . the assures should output the ignition on on on on - (1) (2) (3) The igniter high-voltage bine casing. raises in the high-tension secondary the voltage transformer to approxi18. 65-joule. IGNITION The SYSTEM ignition coil is a 4. voltage The output circuit contains in operation of one igniter be open or short-circuited. of current surge flows through the primary of the high-tension and transformer This spike of current into the high-tension capacitors. - plugs are of applications. 10 to 30 volts two igniter vibrator mechanically interrupted de is by the the to achieve The action necessary transformer the voltage. 1 minute 2 minutes 2 minutes 5 minutes 1 minute - - 2 minutes off. access are provided door is provided for lubrication oil tank dip stick and filler. Since the rectifier characteristics. panels of the engine Suitable access the remainder for adequate engine A small servicing. but is stored in the tank capacitor until a voltage level equal to the voltage ionization of the trigger discharge When gap is reached. it changes from device to a conductthe gap ionizes. to increase from the transformer secondary current through a passes rectifier and is stored in a tank capacitor. radio-noise suppressed. 23 minutes off. The duty cycle for a divider network which the event coil that the other is as follows: off. 55 minutes off. exhibits undirectional will not the current flow back through the transformer secondary to ground. 000 volts. highcapacitor-discharge dual output type which provides The input of from for firing plugs. With both the trigger air gap and the two igniter in the tank state. the air-gap The type and are are locat designed ed on for igniters the tur- 4-5 . which in turn ionizes mately the air gap in the spark igniter. the remaining energy gaps in a conducting capacitor is placed where of the spark igniters the airgaps across it ignites mixture in the engine combustion chamthe combustible ber.ENGINE COWLING enclose A nose cowl and inlet duct assembly the forward porcowl panels metal covering tion of the engine with removable installation. a blocking from the tank capacitor The first ing device. right side of the reduction The oil on the lower gear section. oil to the oil tank. This air surrounds combustion enters that the through four holes covering in the base of the shroud end the inserted of the plug. full mark 6. Use turbine Type I or Type II synthetic tains 5. 00 quarts. The valve is opened when break suction is oil starter the the turned on to pumps on the easily in cold thereby allowing the engine to be motored more weather. air separating is ionized. An internal pressure provides jet and mist oil is accomplished by the use of a conventional lower oil heat cooler mounted behind and fuel firewall the a installed valve exchanger in the oil tank. the dipstick.IGNITION SYSTEM (Continued) discharged from the ignition unit is applied to the electrode plugs. is installed An oil vent solenoid on the RH forward portion of the gear case. plugs be removed recommended and cleaned that the igniter 200 hours. from the ignition The high-tension leads coil Lead sufficiently flexible plugs bending igniter permit to the to are Each lead is covered with a metallic for installation and removal. the tank conoil. in the reduction two scavenge pumps. and out the tip. bypass A thermostatic Oil cooling 4-6 . In addition providing lubrication for various to the lubricating oil is also used for propeller actuation components. The oil tank is mounted and by the torque sensing components. return normal of the scavenge The capacity is such that during pumps engine operation of inside engine operates at the the pressures less than atmospheric. Care should be taken during installation to prevent leads. wire braid. the them gap ing electric charge in the ignition coil discharges the across electrode ionized and creates a high-energy gap to the grounded spark. chafing of the high-tension Ignition - The by an engine speed switch The ignition system is energized and override switch in the cockpit) at 10% (or by an ignition It is switch is turned off by another engine at 50% RPM. center grounded tial the the When the potential between reaches the electrodes a sufficiently The remainhigh level. along the the body of the plug. 00 contains when level quarts at is tank the the on When the level is at the add mark. of the igniter forming center potena voltage between electrode and electrode. gear section and oœ in the turbine section. The air then flows under shroud. replaced every or LUBRICATION SYSTEM 90 to 120 psi pressure pump developing lubrication for the various engine gears Three and bearings. Current body of the plug is cooled discharge by the compressor air liner. Basically the bypass valves function fuel pressure regulator by maintaining as a metered drop across valve. reaches the cooler until the oil temperature side of the reA bypass type oil filter is mounted on the right through and it should be serviced in accordance duction gear housing If the oil procedures and intervals. Inlet Sensor compensator located in and provides A TS-R1 temperature inlet inlet air senses the engine temperature air a compensated 4-7 . pin after is replaced. pump. start manifolds primary and secondary and nozzle and drain valve. bypass bypass valve filter and (incorporating a valve. aircraft. use new packings element and housing. on the bypass a bypass filter valve. The filter Reset indicator by unscrewing ring. bypass torque limiter regulator. Fuel flow to the engine is restrained by the closed valve opens valve. it is necessary the propeller to feather to redome. on the lower. When reinstalling the filter. is removed the adaptor then removing the filter housing. with approved inspection should become filter obstructed to the point that the bypass indicator pin will be exposed opens. fuel is then supplied into the engine mounted The high pressure is routed output jector pump. governor (OSG). assemblies. combustion. on the filter When preparing to change engine oil and prior to removing which are located portion the drain plugs. and the main metering pressure a constant (See figure bypassing surplus pump output back to pump inlet. vane type indicator). fuel control. pump to the fuel control.forward plug) of the reduction housing magnetic base and at the (a gear of the oil tank. Prior starting boost to the the pump is turned on. 4-5). The drain valve closes and fuel is routed the to fuel manifold and nozzle assemblies for primary and secondary (See Figure 4-4). main governor metering valve and a bypass valve. fuel pressure flow divider fuel shutoff valve. Fuel The Control Bendix DP-K2 fuel control overspeed contains an engine engine underspeed (USG). T2 inlet sensor. move the oil from the propeller FUEL SYSTEM ENGINE The major of the engine fuel system components are the infuel high boost jector type pressure pump. fuel shutoff The fuel shutoff at approximately 10¶o engine fuel to enter and permits speed and the flow divider drain valve.LUBRICATION is installed SYSTEM (Continued) in the oil cooler the oil from passing to prevent 1800F. (-) -C") Secondary & Nozzles Manifol .I oo Engine Boost Pump High Press Gauge Press Pump Filter Start Press Regulator Flow Rate Gauge Flow Divider / Drain Valve Primary Manifold § Nozzle O Tank - trol Boost PumP & Fuel Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Eypass Return Line Torque Eypass Fuel Heater Limiter Valve ..... changes inlet characteristics in air temperature. The valve is a dual solenoid type and is mechanically latched in either position. the fuel-on or fuel-off solenoid is energized The fuel-on speed by the 10% RPM engine solenoid switch override switch. loaded engine drain valve will open and the spring manifolds draining vent primary and secondary to atmosphere. the the proper engine established by the the power required the to provide as control levers. 5500 ITT. fuel fuel schedule for control determines thusly. pneumatic Start The Fuel start Regulator regulator with is plumbed in parallel pressure regulator only This fuel pressure functions for the purpose of assuring start an adequate for light-off and accelerating It is the engine. 4-9 . The secondary the combustion manifold supplies axially mounted around the ten fuel nozzles aft end of the combustion chamber. port to the secondary through the secondary manifold assemblies and secondary and nozzle now both primary fuel requirement. On the increasing are operating to provide shutdown. Flow Divider and Drain Valve fuel to the primary The flow divider and drain valve directs fuel manifold Initially and secondary and nozzle assemblies. within by circuits the ITT instrument. the fuel fuel control. during engine of fuel supply deactivated at Fuel Shutoff Valve fuel valve acts as a fuel shutoff in the metered The fuel shutoff line to the nozzles. the maximum to prestall and excessive vent compressor turbine temperature. As fuel pressure manifold and nozzles. and the fuel-off is or ignition energized by placing switch at engine-off the engine control position. vary with fuel schedule must be altered therefore. fuel flows through the primary primary manifold port to the fuel flows and nozzles during starting. the fuel from these manifolds. The TS-R1 engine compensator temperature schedule of the fuel control alters the maximum to compensate inlet Engine variations for in compressor air temperature.Inlet Sensor (Continued) The two units function signal to the fuel control. Fuel Manifolds manifold The primary supplies five fuel nozzles cirmounted cumferentially around chamber. rises. The fuel nozzles should be checked and cleaned in accordance with engine Maintenance Manual requirements and schedules. satisfactory torque test operation of the system. Fuel Control Characteristics device The Bendix DP-K2 is a mechanical incorfuel control fuel bypass fuel metering valve. Figure section and See a a The pneumatic which measures section. test switch and note a drop power If the system is inoperative. which fuel back to the fuel pump then bypasses some of the metered of 120 PPH). switch in OFF position and the operator must monitor tor ue limit as well as will If system ITT limit. governor The RPM underspeed flapper is adjusted to ground idle low RPM idle high RPM. Thus these regulated bellows and acceleration presfunction acting valve bellows. inlet (up to a maximum engine thereby limiting also furnishes The torque transducer torque. torque . Px output provides two as pressures valve these pressures to the main metering are applied governor bellows. a torque signal in the cockpit. These flapper valves three Py flappers are closed and are opened by the flyweight at a initially governors predetermined flapper engine RPM. engine valve porating and a driven speed Functionally it sensing flyweight governors. valve Through metering of system. compressor and Py identified flow. computes the transducer. and ground - - "orifices" 4-10 . 5% to 104% RPM. air 4-5. is operative and "ON' the operator other engine and monitor ITT limit need to observe gauges. to bypass two funccalibrated flow bench and are not field adjustable. que signal from the torque pressure limiting incorporates system an ON/OFF/TEST A limiter function will verify switch. With condition lever ín low RPM and depress lever in flight idle. place in fuel flow. pneumatic fuel contains section. and flapper Px and Py the to pressures are metered fuel schedule. The derichment and enrichRPM's flapper and alter ment the acceleration open at intermediate fuel schedule These the engine surge zone. is adjusted are to provide an overspeed controlled engine RPM of 103. to mechanical motion by the torque motor bypass valve assembly.Torque Limiter and (if limits generates error. servo a system regulated valves. four orifices flapper and schematic this simplified we see and one Px flapper. indicator to a shaft horsepower The receives The torque limiter computer a signal from the engine The torque limiting computer accepts the tortorque sensor. the desired valves. tions are on the The set points of the RPM overspeed and RPM underspeed flappers field The RPM overspeed adjustable. In provide See Figure 4-6. are exceeded) a corrective signal action This electrical is converted signal. on the metering as the sures. increase the underspeed governor valve to unseat release and will cause the flapper some Py to steady condition higher and state at the pressure resume sea valve position 1ected RPM. overriden underspeed additional fuel the the governor. with the underspeed speeder have. thrust by propeller governor failed If the propeller to limit RPM or governor in the underspeed occurred Py nozzle. flapper Py again and seat the toward the moves stroking additional increases. leaf spring force By integrating the force. the condition to high RPM. force spring the the speed cam rise increases on and drives flapper it closer Py pressure increases to the nozzle. set then it the to would limit Py pressure increase and the engine 104¶o overspeed 103. For example. the main leaf valve cam rise applied underspeed metering to the governor valve spring. the RPM flapper RPM overspeed point. relative of position the to a from a ground idle steady condition.Principles of Operation of operation is that Px or Py pressure varies The principle as valve orifice function flapper nozzle. flow caused RPM to rise control point to the propeller governor wherein propeller the increa sed engine torque is converted to pitch change action. valve open to supply the metering fuel scheduling fuel flow. Thus the flapper is determined by flyweight forces against of force balance imbalance the governor or speeder spring forces. in spring we governor effect. the fuel con- 4-11/4-12 . 5 RPM. flyweight forces increases. governor lever If the power is now advanced from flight idle. relative differential force the to Px and the increased on goverstrokes valve further the metering nor bellows open to increase fuel flow and RPM increases As the RPM to the high selection. state the RPM underspeed flapper is slightly unseated and the Px-Py valve differential has positioned the main metering pressure If we advance lever for ground idle fuel flow. at to governor These pneumatic a blockage would increase would unseat to be running on the and trol unit must lines be kept between the inlet sensor free of contamination. . ...... O OVERSPEED DISCS BI-METALLK T2SENSING ........... DERKH LO RPM PCDMAX FUEL POWER T2 SENSOR MS3065 - ENRKH 14 Figure Pneumatic 4-6 Section 4-15 .. .5 100 % ENGINE ROTOR SPEED Fuel Schedule "On the Locks" when the Minimum steady state engine speed is requested is position and the speed lever lever in the START power The speed lever is in the LOW RPM position.. B is called The line between these two points droop line.6 START SCHEDULE . is sometimes only fuel required is normally to provide this acceleration 4-16 .¾ GROUNDIDLE 4'y UNDERSPEED GOVERNOR DROOP LINE wlTH SPEED LEVER AT HIGH RPM POWER LEVER AT START 70 97. ACCELERAT10N SCHEDULE 3.Speed The Lever propeller Operation - LOW RPM Position is "On the Locks" following the previous Assume that the engine is experiencing a successful start and is accelerating through the 50-55¶o RPM range. SURGE ZONE - OVERSPEED \/GOVERNOR (MAX POWER) wf s3 UNDERSPEED GOVERNOR DROOP LINE WITH SPEED LEVER AT LOW RPM POWER LEVER ATSTART s ( .. reducing fuel flow which slows down the of acceleration until it reaches rate its steady state requirebreak and Point ment at Point B. is called the governor Speed Lever Operation - HIGH RPM Position the speed lever to the HIGH RPM position parincreasing fuel flow and tially closes the USG servo valve. This the engine accelerates up to and stabilizes Advancing point of The amount called High Ground Idle. stop on the adjusted fuel control is so that the USG servo valve starts opening at Point A. Point A is called governor GROUND IDLE. Refer to chart.. shutdown. at Point C... The Power Lever rise is holding at cam the USG servo valve off of null towards its closed condition. more break place intersection. If the prop governor direction. in the underspeed the USG will eventually take over fuel flow to keep the engine rotor and increase speed up. the "On the Locks" ACCELERATION SCHEDULE SURGE ZONE OVERSPEED GOVERNOR (MAX. Here is how the name Underspeed Governor was deFLIGHT IDLE rived. sents the power leaf spring of this line are where it intersects the USG line and the OSG line.6-- Wf/Ps3 INTERMEDIATE UNDERSPEED GOVERNOR DROOP LINE WITH SPEED LEVER AT HIGH RPM.Speed Lever Operation - HIGH RPM Position (Continued) slightly Governor than the steady state requirement. not fuel the engine is being prop governed. POWER LEVER POSITIONS POWER LEVER AT FLIGHT IDLE 7'O Y O 100 % ENGINE ROTOR SPEED Fuel Schedule. The working extremities rate. control malfunctions (USG) governed. speed direction.POWER) 3. In other words. destructive Refer to Chart tion for Power for an illustration 4-17 . take over and decrease the OSG will eventually fuel flow to prevent overspeed. Point B and Point A line is often drawn between C to illustrate Load Line. Propeller Governing of the fuel control operaFLIGHT IDLE and position between Lever The line drawn through Point X and Point Y repreMAX. malfunctions if the prop governor in the overConversely. fuel flow at decreases takes that and the rate of acceleration slows down until Point C is reached. POWER POWER) LEVER AT INTEERMEDIAD GEPOERENROR INTERMEDIATE POWER UNDERSPEED GOVERNOR DROOP LINE WITH SPEED LEVER AT CRUISE (96°) | | °/o 70 ENGINE ROTOR SPEED Fuel Schedule. 100%. accomgovernor connecting plished by linkage the fuel control to the prop govwould operation is also retarded. "requested" . simultaneously Retarding speed lever resets the the This is underspeed and the prop governor. lever is not power partially will schedule. If the power lever ernor. 100%. increased the USG servo is converted to higher torque or power. SCHEDULE 3.6 SURGE ZONE OVERSPEED GOVERNOR (MAX. 4-18 . fuel combustion Again. If the setting lever mid at be identical to some power ' walk" back along fuel flow will retarded.XXg ACCELERATION POWER LEVER AT MAX . The enrichment valve maximum the fuel flow so as not to encounter close to lower the surge zone. spring and further closing loading the leaf to valve. This condition Max at Power occurs (Takeoff). can be bet ween 96% and power. energy Eventually fuel flow by increasing the increased lever equals rise maximum allowed by the the power cam acceleration schedule.Power Lever Operation - FLIGHT IDLE to MAX of the Power Lever from FLIGHT IDLE toAn advance MAX merely wards "walks" the control output up the 100% speed line. Further closing of the USG servo valve is ineffective. 96 100 Cruise Operation Cruise Cruise Power Operation actually cruise RPM. at many While operation intermediate is possible. by speed power lever and (speed) power settings lever positions must be approved the engine manufacturer. The Power Lever cam rise continues increase. to unlock pitch is now controlled by the power lever. controlled This is manually in this range. the propeller no longer governor into reverse posiMoving the power lever control which in turn changes the propeller blade angle. fuel flow s eed.ACCELERATION SCHEDULE SURGE ONE MAX REVERSE s3 DNDERSLIENEEDW THESRNEOERD MIN REVERSE LEVER AT CRUISE (96%) BETA MODE SPEED BY CONTROLLED UNDERSPEED GOVERNOR I O O 70 %ENGINE ROTOR SPEED Fuel Schedule. 4-19 . Beta Mode operation during is encountered ground handling (Taxiing) After the engine has been and reverse pitch braking. the and causes Reverse pitch loads the propeller the engine to try and go underspeed. by the power lever is in contrast IDLE and above wheree at FLIGHT to operation automatically propeller pitch is maintained by the prop governor. This extreme speed loss cannot this intersection. speed until it reaches the maximum be avoided. will line in its attempt up the underspeed to governor maintain After schedule. "On the Locks" and checked and started out with the propeller momentarily it is desired aircraft. the pitch "walk' Beta Mode Operation Operation below the FLIGHT with the power lever IDLE position is referred Propeller pitch control to as Beta Mode operation. and even then for only short condition encountered is seldom durations. governs RPM. Operation Reverse Pitch Operation 96 100 Reverse In this Pitch mode of operation. does not contact The power lever cam the undermode speed governor beta leaf spring during of operation. tions. results in The tendency to go underspeed close and flow increase fuel the USG servo valve starting to to maintain If full reverse pitch is selected. lever is the power to taxi the Propeller pulled back towards REVERSE the blades. P. E OFAU 0 EV ENG STOP CONDITION 0 \ LEVERS THRUST EMERGENCY \ FEATHER FRICTION LOCKS Engine Control Quadrant .0 L\D o POWER MOP ON LEVERS FLT IDLE LATCH ARM SYNC R.M. Ground Idle. tions: integral and the condition incorporate flight idle latches. condition lever quadrant is marked with the following posilevers Low RPM and High RPM.Gov. Flight Idle and Maximum. is placed close the engine valve. have a "gate Engine Speed Control The condition lever is interconnected underto the fuel control (P. The power Feather. fuel shutoff then propeller feather valve. The power the power lever and the condition lever is marked quadrant with the following positions: The Reverse. the High RPM Low RPM ondition uadrant When it will unseat Lever Underspeed Governor Propellor 3overnor the condition manually the lever in the feather position. High RPM Low R Fuel 3hutof f' \/alve Feather Condition Lever Feather Valve Quadrant 4-21 .ENGINE CONTROLS levers of the Two cockpit the operation are used to control engint: lever.) speed governor and propeller (USG) the governor when operated between the low RPM and high RPM stops on quadrant. latch" levers between low RPM and Feather. pitch control. "head 4-22 . must performance For optimum and handling.) degree gree angle and flight idle -40 to the propeller lever quadrant. the controls maintenance manual specifications. and through a propeller low pitch stop. power. adjustments at each end of the push-pull "push-pull" making Trimming those permissable the fuel control means for optimum fuel schedules adjustments will provide that the fuel flight idle and cruise.Engine Power Control lever The engine interconnects power control and fuel control servo power units have rig pin holes (. goverThe controlling is a nor or overspeed governor. adjustments in a specific These are accomplished fuel density setting. are three separate controls. control to main metering and the quadrant levers to propeller to governor governor.125" Dia. at full reverse angle. -0 pitch These de- Forward Thrust Flt Idle Thrust Power Lever Propellor Pitch control Fuel Valve Quadrant The power lever sets fuel schedules. Rigging involves governor (Beta tube adjustment). flight and idle fuel flow. pressure". sets the propeller lever selects The condition engine RPM. propeller pitch control to propeller underspeed valve (fuel control). be rigged and trimmed to propeller pitch setting RPM limits. NOTE: There engine controls. density. governor function of mode of operation or condition. engine maximum start. sequence. Engine RPM may by the propeller be controlled underspeed governor. is which (1) (2) start fuel flow. (4) (3) max power or accordance These should be accomplished in strict adjustments with maintenance manual procedures. Lot /we og/ 4-23 . Slight Rev. G. S. 5% 100. ITT. I. 92% - 8. 103. Prop RPM on the locks check. check Unlock Max. 99. 7. Engine start P/L F. RPM checks. 5% 94. U. Cruise separation. power Reduce ITT inc. O. High 104% 3. G. S. Engine RPM: Revload 10 PPH inc. U. starting Condition 1. ITT. from Min. Gov. I. S. Low Engine RPM: Revload 10 PPH inc. - 6. from Min. High 4. I. plus 10 PPH WF toward reverse. High 96% - 97% NOTE: Oil High temp must 500SHP 500SHP be 66oC High High to 80oC for prop Engine RPM gov. - engine for C/L Low Data Required Tolerance 60 Sec. Prop Prop Gov. 93% 4-24 . G. 5% Low Engine RPM: Reduce C/L setting until no further drop in RPM - NOTE: For Step 7. High G. Min. 69% - 71% 5. and within ITT limit. P/L to Min. Max. prop.The following for making is a typical procedure (Observe speed checks: Flight Manual procedures engines). 2. G. the tolerance listed C/L mid-travel before reaching 500SHP 96% should be obtained position. 5% 93. 5% - Time from rise in ITT to 70% RPM. to increase to that selected this mode the power lever func- throttle propeller blade angle engine and converts and the propeller modulates governor by the the torque power produced to absorb produced this power to propeller thrust. the anti-icing the manifold 4-25 . manipulates forward direction. a selected angle (13. lever. 4-8).ENGINE The OPERATION Ground Ground in three different modes: engine may be operated mode. and the condition lever is at high RPM or within 96% to 100% RPM. is A micro-switch on the lower valve installed in the anti-icing solenoid to provide a cockpit indication when the system is turned on. operation supply engine is not sufficient on the proto support peller oil propeller reduces so pressure governor governor angle to the minimum angle selected propeller blade by the propeller pitch control. mode - (1) referred sometimes is selected to as Beta from full reverse by placing the power lever at any position to The fuel flight idle. within of of 70 the tion range to setting designed specifically for the airFlight Idle is a power landing characteristic and is the minimum in flight power frame Flight Idle incorporates propeller pitch setting. and (3) Flight mode. ANTI-ICING Engine bleed SYSTEM air is directed from the turbine plenum through valve solenoid manifold. cruise (See Figure range Flight - Additional by fuel causes engine In RPM the propeller tions as a fuel governor. (2) Flight idle. From to the anti-icing shell the hot bleed air is directed to the anti-icing inlet duct. in either the pitch control. (which warms the engine inlet duct) and to the nacelle valve The anti-icing solenoid and its associated plumbing are located left side of the engine. Figure 4-7. a speed is controlled by the propeller Mode or when engine flight lever is advanced beyond when the power occurs governor idle range. and a predetermined At this should symmetrical setting produce the engines thrust power sink and provide desired rate. 5 degrees) fuel flow. See Beta Mode Schematic. When the operator or reverse the power lever either forward or aft of ground idle propeller by the pitch control blade angle will be changed and the fuel control underspeed sensing load change the on the governor will modulate engine chamber the fuel supply to the combustion condiselected RPM required maintain by engine the that to to 97% RPM. At this time the Beta Mode light will pitch angle is now selected indicating by illuminate the propeller This mode is used for ground taxi. "" c i FIGURE Emissa-same-- POWER LEVER CONNECTION 7-2 BETA MODE . FROM LUBE TANK OIL RANGE NTS REGULATOR 100±5PSIG . ... 7 MAX SPEED STOP CAM SET TORQUE R SENS A RELIEF _350 a- VALVE PSID e- am as am um CONTROL SPEED LEVER COORDINATED SETTING WITH SPEED SHAFT LEVER ----A em ma SF PEE 7A 5 NTS PRESSURE SWITCH NTS L VENT CASE TO MANUAL PROP FEATHER BETA LIGHT CKOUT NT (NC) SOLENOID LVE FEATH OSELOC VE OE CAM G VALVE CH SWITCH PROPELLER V E PROPELLER PROPELLER FEATHER OIL BETA) TUBE PITCH CONTROL DIRECTION H-#-(+) D CASE TO FUEL CONTROL MANUAL FUEL VALVE a------ . errv/ CHECK VALVE Ma Y .. E---ma--mma V#7 GEAR PUMP CHECK VALVE RESET PISTON # Æ## MIN SPEED ST°" ... ' IN--a PROPELL GOVERNO y UNFEATHERING PUMP 's../BETA VENT CASE TO DUMP CASE LUBE OIL PRESSURE TO ..1 INOP... . . . PROPELLER GOVERNOR UNFEATHERING PUMP 5 TORQUE SENS R MAX SPEED STOP A CH CK vALVE RELIEF VALVE CONTROL SPEED LEVER COORDINATED SETTING WITH SPEED 75L WS RES O HAELR NTS L saname BETA LIGHT a . / .a NTS CHECKOUT (NC) SOLENOID y CHECK VALVE I L FEATHERI NTS LOCKOUT VALVE ABOVE 35° CLOSED mm CAM --------mus J G VALVE + BETA PRESSURE SWITCH L L _a ---7 a um .. .e. J / y CHECK PROPELLER VALVE " PRO E IL (BETA) BE OPELCLEORTROL L \ TO '../BETA FROM LUBE OIL TANK RANGE NTS REGULATOR 100*5PSIG TO DUMP CASE LUBE OIL PRESSURE TO ammmmmmmm RESET PISTON um em ---- Ÿ///// /// // ////// M1N SPEED= STOP o •• IN - "- p / . CASE be ==-- mim ww.um mmmmammaamm a..mi TO FUEL CONTROL MANUAL FUEL VALVE i i PROP GOVERNING MODE - a-ass ENGINE ON SPEED POWER LEVER CONNECTION .eGEAR CHECK PUMP VALVE VENT 1NOP. Negative tion. torque cause very loads to be applied If a positive severe to the airframe. torque device is sensed. The engine Therefore. exchanger discharge of the fuel filter. torque pressure NTS The NTS system is rendered inoperative when the power lever setting is reduced below flight idle. This feature is provided by incorporating torque oil dump valve into the proa negative peller In addition pitch controller. heatwhich fuel icing can occur fuel with inlet fuel to the boost pump. unit matched is matched transducer torque sensing if this unit should require replacement. to this.ANTI-ICING An oil-to-fuel system icing. measuring device develops the torque an oil pressignal posi·that moves the propeller toward the feather sure loads. develops the torque measuring an oil presin the cockread on an instrument that is ultimately sure signal pit as shaft horsepower. A torsion shaft is used to couple the turbine to the reof duction The torsion shaft resembles gearing. a calibrated from AiResearch A negative is made system Manufacturing Company. to or concurrent must be operating satisfactory prior to flight. the propeller 4-28 . torque is sensed. Heated fuel heat exchanger providing fuel is supplied unit from the exchanger disto the fuel control Internal in unit and charge side. and check test switch switch. The fuel mixing upstream occurs TORQUE SENSING SYSTEM (See Figure 4-9) by the turbines developed by the engine is recovered The power reduction and transmitted gearing to the output through the shaft. porting in the the fuel-control high-pressure directs the heated fuel to a thermopump assembly externally unit. the torque (power) being developed by the engine The torque (twist) may be measured. of forward installed measuring device portion in the lower is reduction capable of measuring both housing and is the gear positive If a negative and negative torque conditions. a section 5/8 inches long. The static valve located to the fuel control partially valve all fuel flows is at thermostatic open during and permits mixing of the hot. if Note: excessive. to the engine will have to be obtained to the engine. An NTS operational are standard prior with engine The start. this twist. light NTS indicator equipment. and SYSTEM heat provides (Continued) into the fuel fuel-filter anti- is incorporated exchanger controlled automatically is taken of heat transferred Advantage to the fuel by the oil-tofuel-filter for anti-icing. twists a predictable are By measuring amount. about inch in diameter and 24 As loads tubing applied shaft the torsion to the engine. This is a D. The engine oil pressure and gauge unit provides oil temperature information. functional check procedures are: 1. See Section engine ITT limits. powered. ground 5. (ITT). is measured in thus it will be referred the second to as "Inter- The system compensator Manual for incorporates a thermocouple and gauge unit. is reset (See Figure to 105% RPM. engage observe Slowly move power lever toward ground idle. Slowly light lever The NTS move the power to flight idle. 2. 4. harness. When negative is the proppressure torque servo. C. fuel pressure. it can be calibrated 700 to horsepower with a calibration screw on the front of the instruThe instrument receives developed by ment. oil pressure fuel prestransducer. and at zero should indicate 700 horsepower. engine ITT I of Airframe Flight instrument The horsepower is a voltmeter movement type involts or power off the instrument strument. observe NTS test light "ON". idle setting. a D. NTS test switch. C. C. system the torque transducer.TORQUE SENSING SYSTEM (Continued) RPM reset with an oil pressure operated is equipped governor oil dumped. ENGINE Engine stage INSTRUMENTS exhaust turbine nozzle turbine temperature" gas temperature vanes. Power Battery Place lever switch engine in flight on. If not. come on Flight Manual for functional check and check valve See Airframe test procedures. powered system. 4-9). and a temperature sure transducer 4-29 . lever until the power reaching and prior to is just behind idle. governor A complete involves checkout of the NTS system check and NTS oil check valve test. consisting of a gauge unit. bulb. The NTS light must not extinguish NTS test light. a rigging The rigging check. 3. voltage Thus the HP instrument is D. before reaching flight idle must stop. flight idle stop. control switch at "AIR START". FLOW SENSOR-TURBINE TRANSMITTER FLOW SENSOR-TURBINE TRANSMITTER LJ LJ SIGNAL CONDITIONING UNIT FUEL FLOW RATE INDICATOR FUEL CONSUMED INDICATOR-TOTALIZER FUEL FLOW RATE INDICATOR 4-30 . forces The pitch change toward high pitch and feather are defrom blade springs counterweights and feathering rived operating against the pitch change piston of the propelle r. for conunit. depending or the propeller on the operation. spider The propeller is a one piece unit to which the aluminum blades and indexed by two piece blade clamps. pulses to the signal conditioning are transmitted which drive ditioning and conversion the flow to analog signals The signal conditioning unit through separate rate indicators. The prospinner equipped and spinner a metal peller mounted is flange to the engine output shaft. The fuel flowing (turbine transthrough the fuel flow sensors ducer) pulses is converted at a rate that is proto electrical These portional to the volume of fuel flowing to each engine. The propeller engine. 24 inches and prop tip ground clearance. 14. The 106 inch diameter reversing propeller has 14. Propeller control oil pressure is used to move the blades togovernor ward low pitch and reverse. and rotates when counterclockwise from behind viewed the nac elle. 3 blade. lock and start thrust bearings plates.ENGINE INSTRUMENTS (Continued) instrument scaled The engine RPM gauge is a vernier movement °7o in of RPM. See Figure The propeller by either is controlled the propeller governor pitch control mechanism. clearance. capability. (transducer) for each engine. H+4 constant feather. and is powered by a standard meter generator. 4-10. 5 inches The propeller is tip to fuselage with bulkhead. 4-11. either allows a reciprocating governor oil to be sent to the propeller (less pitch) or drain from the propeller engine the selected (higher pitch) in order to maintain speed. PROPELLERS The propellers used on the Model 690 Turbo Commander are HC-B3TN-5L/LT10282 full Hartzell speed. sensor a signal a flow rate indicator and a fuel consumed for each engine totalizer. channels drives the fuel consumed totalizer. The blade bearings through grease gun are lubricated zerk fittings. 4-31 . When the propeller mode of engine is controlled by the propeller its operation is similar to that on governor. conditioner. are attached incorporating counterweights. See Figure No.. jet engine tacho- provides The fuel flow measuring system an accurate of the fuel flow rate to each engine and the total measurement of a flow fuel consumed The system consists by both engines. as the piston moves aft so does the Beta tube. once the pro+ 25 RPM pellers synchronized within are manually (propeller synchronizing speed) and prop sync switch is turned on. access service manuals for exact rigging and Consult the applicable procedures. which is connected by a flexdrive shaft to the slave governor rod end fitting and special the governor (trimmer) resets assembly. of The aft end of the Beta Tube contains around ports a group its circumference that mate with a corresponding group of Power propeller pitch control unit. the propeller to drain from the propeller (a higher pitch is and the propeller piston aft. (right) engine. Magnetic a master electric pulses in each propeller supply synchthe to governor ronizer box. its operation is somewhat A long tube (Beta tube) is attached to the front end of the propeller aft through the hollow and extends engine piston output shaft. prevents range the slave engine from losing more than a fixed amount of RPM in case the master while the prop sync engine is feathered system is turned on.PROPELLERS When control (Continued) by the propeller pitch is being controlled different. by the exact synchronize needed amount the to precisely slave engine with the master Propeller (left) engine. match system will automatically the RPM of the slave engine with the master This limited feature engine. When the propeller moves moves corresponding to the position to a "Ground Idle" blade angle pitch control and on the Beta tube the ports in the propeller will be covered further pitch change. ¯he 4-32 . governor control and operation remains normal except that. and It is extremely important adthat the Beta tube be properly The Beta tube is adjusted by screwing it in or out. Lever selected) Oil is allowed "Reverse" Power setting between Lever In this manner every "Flight Idle" will result in a predetermined blade angle. it. unit. control box. the ports in such a position that be allowed oil will either to go to the propeller or drain from of illustration. propeller maintenance PROPELLER SYNCHRONIZATION SYSTEM is comprised of a transThe propeller system synchronization istorized synchronization actuator. ports When the the on "Reverse" between position and Lever is moved to some "Flight Idle" the propeller will assume pitch control a defiThis places nite position. a speed setting pickups and slave governor with trimmer. The up thereby stopping until a different blades will now stay in this position Power setting is made. control will in these pulse rates Any difference lobox to actuate the speed setting actuator the control cause cated on the slave The speed setting actuator. For purposes that the Power assume "Reverse" from Lever is moved to "Ground Idle". being from the forward end of the propeller dome. justed. SPINNER SAFETY FLEXLOCK NUT BOLT O-RING OIL TRANSFER (BETA TUBE) TUBE FEATHERING SPRINGS PISTON O-RING DUST SEAL BLADE BEARING REVERSE PITCH STOP TUBE o COUNTERWEIGHT AUTO HIGH PITCH STOP UNITS MOUNT BOLT PROPELLER SHAFT FLANGE HARTZELL HC-B3TN-5FL/LT OIL SEAL PROPELLER 10282 H + 4 Figure 4-10 4-35 . IN - PROPELLE GOVERNOR ED UNFEATHERING PUMP CAM SET 7E IR SF PE TORQUE SENS R . a mm MIN SPEED STOP .I mm ------ VENT CASE FROM LUBE OIL TANK NTS REGULATOR 10015PSIG TO DUMP TO CASE LUBE OIL PRESSURE f -4 GEAR PUMP mm CHECK VALVE ------- RESET PISTON ..) LSPEEDCOOND NATED SETTING WITH SPEED LEVER SHAFT summmesmaså mm um - CH CK VALVE RELIEF VAL E a -a em PSID 300-350 em um em-- 5 NTS NTS L PRESSURE VENT CASE TO MANUAL HER BETA LI E EC CK L H ALVE CLOSED BEEG BETA PRESSURE SWITCH CHECK PROPELLER VALVE 35 CAM PROPELLER CONTROL PITCH E CT TO FUEL CONTROL MANUAL FUEL VALVE POWER LEVER CONNECTION PROP GOVERNING MODE - ENGINE SPEED LOW . See Airframe maintenance Maintenance for preventative Manual and adjustments of this system. 4-37 . slightly After take-off prop RPM should be decreased manually off stop) high cruise RPM the range (back to synchronized and the prop sync switch turned on.PROPELLER SYNCHRONIZATION SYSTEM (Continued) The prop sync system is to be turned off during take-off and landing. EREA i PROPELLOR PITCH CONTROL ARM / COMPRESSOR (REFERENCE) CASE PROPELLOR FEATHERING VALVE ITT COMPENSATOR 690/690A ENGINE CONTROL LINKAGE INSTALLATION / ' " y ENGINE FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE 4-38 . wwy.. wy. er so-77. WHEEL WELL DOORS ACTUATING CYLINDERS - .L FUEL-HYD N AUXILIARY HYDRAULIC PUMP HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR FLEL HYD PRESSURE WITCH G DRIVEN ENG EYDD U o SHUTOFF VALVE VSHUTOFF VALVE ACCUMULATOR-REGULATOR PRESSURE GAGE FLAPS UP LANDING GEAR UP 1 FLAP CYLINDER W1NG FLAP R LIEF VALVE (1250 LBS) POWER BRAKE VALVES LANDItsG G AR WING VAl VE I LAI' COtTHOL FLA S LAfsDING GEAR w/77477. ..rry rr METERING VALVES y PRIORITY VALVE WHEEL DOORS CONTROL VA E WHEEL WELL DOORS I I LEFT MAIN GEAR UPLOCK CYLINDER PRIORITY VALVE -RIGHT MAIN GEAR UPLOCK CYLINDER PARKING BRAKE VALVE I TN ACYNLEAR UA G CYLINDERS EMERGENCY AIR STORAGE CYLINDER TO WHEEL BRAKES -LEGENDAIRPRESSURE RRE FROM PARKING BRAKE VALVE SUPPLY RETURN OWCONTROL ACTUATING NOSE GEAR CYLINDER NOSE GEAR STEERING CYLINDER ---- CHECKVALVE MECHA OCNAL T L CJI i .... a-tr. GEAR UP POSITION SYSTEM PRESSURE RETURN AUXILIARY PRESSURE FLAP UP POSITION / GEAR UP GEAR UPLOCK GEAR DOWN FLAP UP FLAP DOWN PSRESSSEU E RETURN AUXILIARY PRESSURE 4 † GEAR DOWN POSITION GEAR UP GEAR UPLOCK GEAR DOWN FLAP FLAP DOWN N FLAP DOWN POSITION UP PWÆiWJ FWES'S - SYSTEM PRESSURE RETURN MECHANICAL ACTUATION 23 16 Landing Gear-Wing Flap Control Valve Schematic 5-2 . main uplock mechanisms and wing flaps. nose steering auxiliary which is supplied hyThe electrically-driven pump. brakes. In it event landing of presthe the gear fluid retained the hydraulic system. a pressure 30) psi auxiliary operate system. tion the nose gear. system A the pump pressure hydraulic located in system center inthe pressure gauge. inbrake system systems.SECTION HYDRAULIC 5 SYSTEM INTRODUCTION hydraulic hydraulic provides system for operapressure landing flaps. system. shutoff valves electrically operated to the engine-driven valves. wheel and of wing steering. of fluid contained. auxiliary hydraulic available is system system the to brakes. and parking operate the wing flaps. 900-1075 hydraulic maintains of the a system pressure pumps.in draulic fluid from an emergency source produces of 500-570 the bottom of the reservoir. on the housing of each engine section supply system accessory upper Hydraulic fluid flows from the reservoir through pressure. pulsations caused by intermittent psi and absorbs pressure fluid flow from the engine-driven hydraulic A prespumps. strument in psi. releasing The nose landing gear is retained by hydraulic from the in the up position pressure 5-3 . the (+ to The Hydraulic cylinders actuate the nose and main landing gear. The cylinders are controlled landing through a (dual-functioning) gear wing flap valve. In the event of normal hydraulic failure. located in the supply hydraulic The shut-off pumps. shutoff accumulator-regulator valves. are in of an of hydraulic fluid to an engine-driven event the pump hydraulic fire and to facilitate maintenance engine on the installed downstream from The accumulator-regulator. sure loss in the hydraulic cylinders will prevent in the uplock the main gear from extending until the landing control placed lever is in the down position. Major hydraulic components are nacelle stalled and consist of a hydraulic in the left engine fluid reservoir. installed in line at the bottom relief the fluid return sure of the hydraulic reservoir protects the system from overpressure caused by thermal expansion. provided off the flow line to each hydraulic shut to pump. valve. retains fluid in the uplock when main is retracted. and auxiliary hydraulic and switch. panel and connected into the pressure system. gear fluid from the uplock cylinders. control mechanically linked to landing gear and wing flap control leverso check valve incorporated in the landing A gearcylinders of wing flap control valve. hydraulic registers During normal system pressure installed operation. engine driven hydraulic pumps. portion of the rudder-brake system. A drain plug is located in the bottom cover. and nose wheel steering through power brake are controlled valves. which are linked pedals. on the upper "Red" hydraulic with MIL-H-5606. in the hydraulic steering system prevents the nose wheel The wheel brakes from being turned when it is retracted. Access filler cap is gained through an access to the reservoir located nacelle service door. 5-4 . hydraulic leak in the normal supply of fluid system. gear will An air storage bottle containing compressed nitrogen is loand connected cated in the baggage compartment to the main landing actuating cylinders by gear hydraulic-pneumatic nitrogen is utilized Compressed tubing and hoses. and lift filter remove cover Filters from the reservoir. draulic is held in place by a spring-loaded plate. is serviced with 3. S. The wheel The hydraulic located in the bottom of the hysystem filter. to the reservoir The reservoir fluid foaming. reservoir To filter. of the reservoir bottom into each of the main supply standpipe outlets and on to the engine-driven In the event of a pumps. to assist in lowering system the hydraulic the main gear during normal and provides needed for emergency the pressure gear operation extension of the main gear in the event of hydraulic system failure. 2 U. a reserve below the reservoir contained flows out through the standpipe outlet hydraulic system emergency to supply fluid to the auxiliary Hydraulic fluid is returned through a pump.INTRODUCTION normal landing locked (Continued) If normal is lost the nose system pressure position free-fall and be to the extended down" by action of the nose gear bungee spring. installed in the left engine of fluid and inwell. Power to the rudder-brake brake valves by applying pressure to the upper are actuated pedals. draulic installed in the fluid flows through a replaceable filter. at should be cleaned or replaced inspection prescribed in the aircraft intervals guide. quarts Hycorporates a fluid expansion space equal to 1.06 quarts. left engine surface. Nose actuating is accomplished wheel steering through a hydraulic A bypass valve installed cylinder attached to the nose gear. fluid. reduce hydraulic system the remove to zero. port. RESERVOIR nacelle hydraulic reservoir. to decrease tangential return is vented overboard in the reservoir through a vent line installed of the reservoir. pressure reservoir retaining bolt and cover. The guard covering vent accidental is secured with a which is easily safety wire. pressure sure adjusting and accumulator The hydraulic adjusting piston. which absorbs for the hydraulic pulsating system the pressure -0) 5-5 . make it possible and switch circuit shutoff valves to stop the in the event fluid to the appropriate flow of hydraulic engine of emergency. The unloader valve is adjusted hydraulic system to maintain between 900 psi (minimum) and 1050 (+ 25. accessory on an pump becomes inoperative. remaining event one hydraulic the pump of supplying sufficient fluid flow and pressure pump is capable in Check valves installed system. which is 600 charged with nitrogen psi provides to an air cushion gas. The piston type accumulator. in the operating switches OPEN position and are protected by a switch guard to preeach switch closing. and consists of a hydraulic engine presvalve. Each valve is actuated by a reversible d. fluid prevent an operative pump from discharging inoperative through an pump. c. relief valve. Hydraulic also facilitate mainshutoff valves of hydraulic by of providing system the tenance a means fluid flow at the reservoir. by a 5-amp circuit located push-to-reset on the edge of the trim tab control forward panel. installed drive In the engine is pad. ACCUMULATOR-REGULATOR accumulator-regulator is installed The hydraulic in the left nacelle wheel-well. event in system the the valve malfunction. pressure valve controls unloader valve.SHUTOFF The VALVES hydraulic fluid supply line to each engine is connected shutoff attached valve to a to the bottom of the hydraulic fluid reservoir. the hydraulic to operate hydraulic and accumulatorlines between supply the pumps the regulator. pump pressure The hydraulic relief valve is adjusted fluid to return pressure hydraulic when reservoir 1300 exceeds system to the pressure This protects hydraulic of unloader psi. and protected shutoff valve is actuated switch by a guarded breaker. stops the valve gate when it is driven Each to the fully open or closed position. electric which automatically motor. pressure When system 1050 exceeds unloader allows psi the pressure the system and return to bypass to the reserpump pressure voir. stopping hydraulic "break-away" ENGINE-DRIVEN HYDRAULIC PUMP hydraulic engine-driven positive-displacement. unloader valve. the unpressure loader valve permits to be applied to the system. When system is decreased to 900 psi. The hydraulic broken to open the guard and close the switch. Under normal shutoff valve remain conditions. -which regulates hydraulic the received from hydraulic engine-driven the pressure pumps. A gear-type. psi. ACCUMULATOR-REGULATOR resulting (Continued) and operation of hydraulic from regulator modulation regulating in Malfunctions system components. the pressure by usually caused accumulator-regulator of functions the are be of operation and indicative hyvalve faulty poppet may draulic fluid contamination to clean the hydraulic or failure intervals. filter at required LANDING GEAR AND FLAP SELECTOR VALVE valve is located The landing on the gear and flap selector floor below control pedestal. immediately engine cabin the of three basic components: The valve consists (1) The valve floor); The assembly above cabin seal plate the (2) (located (mounted on the cabin floor skin); (located below the cabin floor). of the system plumbing most and out of the cabin and the when necessary. servicing assembly (3) the manifold By using a valve of this type, below the floor may be routed accessible for valve is readily of the assembly consists of steel The actual valve portion nylon seats. A check valve is inplates that bear against of the valve stalled between the landing gear and flap portions from entering system pressure the the emergency to prevent landing gear system. FLAP SYSTEM flows from the flap selector valve through flow control cylinder located to a single flap actuating on the left valves side of the aft fuselage. The flow control are installed in such a manner the return that they are at times restricting cylinder. This allows flow of fluid from the actuating the flaps of whether slow rate regardless they are to travel at a uniform being extended aircraft During cruise when the or retracted. or is parked, is left in the up position exposing the selector one side of the actuating cylinder at all times. to hydraulic pressure Fluid valves If the aircraft for an extended is parked of time, it is period for the flaps to extend normal drops. as the system pressure because This occurs the mass or weight of the flaps is concentrated behind the hinge line. LANDING The nose GEAR SYSTEM cylinder to extend, a single actuating gear utilizes and lock the nose wheel. retract, To assist in extending the should loss is bungee spring nose wheel pressure occur, a a provided. The spring bungee also helps lock the nose wheel in the down position. 5-6 lill III 4 12 \ 12 h 11 UNLOADED CONDITION 10 11 10 CONDITION LOADING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ENGINE-DRIVEN HYDRAULIC PUMP PRESSURE SYSTEM PRESSURE VALVE POPPET REGULATED PRESSURE TO SYSTEM (RETURN) PUMP PRESSURE TO RESERVOIR HYDRAULIC PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE UNLOADER VALVE 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. HYDRAULIC PRESSURE ADJUSTING VALVE (UNLOADED ADJUSTING) UNLOADER BLEED (RETURN) ACCUMULATOR PISTON AIR PRESSURE VALVE AIR FILLER SCREEN Hydraulic Pressure Regulator Unit Schematic 5-7 1 2 26 18 1. 2. 2521 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. SYSTEM PRESSURE CHECKNUT GUIDE POPPET OUTLET SPRING POPPET INLET PUMP PRESSURE RETURN POPPET & SEAT ASSY SPRING GUIDE SPRING (Relief) ADJUSTING CAP (Relief) (Transfer) PLUNGER SPRING (Transfer) ADJUSTING CAP (Unloader) PLUNGER SEAT BALL GUIDE 24 ¯' 23 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. SPRING (Unloader) CAP ACCUMULATOR PISTON CHECKNUT AIR VALVE PISTON GUIDE RINGS BODY LOCK NUT 23 5 22 Accumulator - Regulator 5-8 the spring bungee. causing against When the the air or nitrogen to retract pressure. the to one from unlocking uplock cylinder of side preventing the gear the until gear cylinders is selected. the or fully. is directed to the up position is as pressure cylinder causing it to retract the nose to the nose gear actuating wheel and compress At the same time. The actuating emergency (2) Two aft door actuating cylinder. cylinder The normal actuating uses hydraulic pressure operate it to both the up and down positions as determined valve position. the nose wheel would be pressure regardless by the spring bungee of selector valve The main gear. be over utility system Should the nitrogen should the should fluid of inflated enter this portion the system. this makes it unnecessary additional operations in order to perform to extend the gear fail. The pressure rises in the actuating mum volume 500-700 psi as the landing (the process of gear is retracted retraction decreases causing the volume of the nitrogen the within It could be said then the cylinders to rise). The utility system fail. however. and close the open type The "down" "clamshell" of events that occur when the gear is selected sequence Hydraulic follows. viced to 425-525 psi when the landing (maxigear is extended cylinders). pressure is at all times opposing system that the nitrogen gear retraction There and is aiding are no valves or controls gear extension. uplock cylinder.MAIN GEAR cylinders Five actuating on each main gear: (1) are utilized actuating The normal cylinder. valve is actuated to close the aft doors and uplocks are engaged holding the main gear in the locked position. would be held up until the position. associated with the nitrogen system. The door closing well aft wheel doors. serviced through a combination gauge and filler pressure is serThe cylinder assembly located in the left nacelle. The nitrogen in a cylinder a gear extension The system is periodically in the baggage compartment. by the selector to operated cylinder is hydraulically actuating The emergency cycle and nitrogen operated during during a gear retraction is stored cycle. gear will not retract uplock cylinder is hydraulically moved to the locked operated and hydraulically and spring position to the unlocked installed in line leading check valve is A position. (4) (3) The cylinders. safe speed and pilot first slowed the airplane to a minimum Should extended 5-9 . cylinders is directed to the door actuating to open pressure the aft doors and to each cylinder the on the main gear causing and compress uplock cylinder the spring that to move forward cylinder actuating is installed the emergency on it. main gear reaches the wheel well door control the up position. to the nose steering Cam-operated check valves to provide parking brakes. as the gear started would contact the aft doors to open them. gear type pump. the centering of whether the nose wheel regardless to center or not the brake pedal is depressed. between As the by-pass valve is moved the by-pass the nose gear retracts. installed the front of the immediately in front of the The Sta.MAIN GEAR (Continued) At this time the springs on the upgear down. then selected lock speed to reduce selecting gear down to reduce main gear as much as possible. At low output pressures. (2) A pressure relay. It is necessary BRAKE Power AND brake NOSE valves WHEEL are to 100 to 105 KIAS before by the the drag encountered STEERING on SYSTEM side -pilot. Restricted are are cylinder installed in the lines to the nose steering to prevent excessively rapid respons e to hard pedal application. 5 bulkhead brake valves in brake meter response to power pressure and have a variable of from output pedal pressure zero to full system pressure. internally contained in the strut. A nose by-pass valve steering cylinder. switch turns the electric pressure pump "ON" when the drops when the to 500 psi and turns the pump "OFF" pressure rises The electric to 600 psi. 5. further pedal in the valves to causes prescylinder and nose steering to the brakes sure to be metered simultaneously. fittings not. providing every 5-10 . cylinders would unlock the main gear and nitrogen presdown. first inch of brake pedal travel causes ports the return deflection close. to be trapped in the brake EMERGENCY The emergency electric motor are installed When actuated lines. in the brake they cause lines fluid HYDRAULIC SYSTEM (3) A Control The hydraulic of: (1) An system is composed driven switch. The between is installed the lines linkage with a mechanical valve and the nose wheel trunion. pass position. the wheels sure would extend it. mechanism. to the byallowing turning off the nose wheel steering. the nose steering but the brakes is effective. pressure pump will normally cycle (turn "ON" and "OFF") 3 to 5 seconds. three the brakes are Goodyear. accomplished single disc assemblies. between have steel The brake linings the sets of brake linings. type strut of nitrogen serviced or dry 5-11 . Braking is spot. the brakes are Goodyear disc type consisting Tri-Metallic Multiple principally of abrake and housing. 022 inch or pin recedes with brakes applies. 030 inch minimum. and the back plate with the tube is bolted between the housing disc stack installed on the torque tube. The operation of pressure switch is the electric pump is automatic any time the master "ON" manipulation requiring pilot.EMERGENCY HYDRAULIC SYSTEM (Continued) for the brakes and flaps only. keyed to the inner wheel half. by no turned thereby the Approximately in the hydraulic one quart reservoir of fluid supplies trapped below the standpipe system. The torque back torque tube. the emergency WHEELS AND BRAKES on all three landing tires or tubeless always properly be and nose wheel Conventional split rim type wheels are used with either tube-type gears and are equipped specified The by the owner. "flat-spotting" 11100 through 11194. plate. On aircraft On aircraft and should have an operating The brakes are self adjusting measured disc clearance plate and first between pressure for overof 0. tires should as inflated excessive to prevent shimmy. caps providing increased life of the linings. by squeezing the brake disc. into the spring housing more - STRUTS NOSE GEAR STRUT is a conventional strut fluid and hydraulic oleo 100 psi The nose wheel with MIL-H-5606 air. disc stack. 11195 and subsequent. from service Remove brake haul when end of any brake return 0. The brake service in such a manner housing is constructed that the brake linings changed without airplane may be jacking the the or removing wheel. in the upper extremely strut operate to is that the gear rotates vation being accomplished by the use and The the gear truss. to be the while taxiing. The friction collar assembly of a consists split collar is attached loaded spring devices. the cam engages pin causing and remain in that the centering the strut to center position until it is compressed again. fluid and dry air or nitrogen. an over-center fitted drag and and downstop. the wall of the strut. brake to which material. gear truss members. "soft" during retraction. drag brace asprovide mounting for main and trunnion the gear The drag brace design incorporates knee sembly. is strut as proper main gear struts incorporate strut contains the a contained portion. cords brace Rubber bungee to the mechanical down latches. For proper and follow the instructions consult Manual the Maintenance very extremely closely servicing important. gear with no adjustments its operation (See Page 5-13). The "floating" piston This two novel innovations. made of brake lining The brake devices bear against portion of inhibiting rapid relative strut outer body thereby the a motion between this ass embly and the gear p. strut as serve gear (See Page 5-14). Another The of a torque link attached to the mechanical in is entirely system being possible or necessary.NOSE GEAR STRUT (Continued) wheel centering is accomplished by a centering cam installed pin extending piston and a centering on the strut through As the strut extends. MAIN GEAR STRUT The main with MIL-H-5606 hydraulicgear strut is serviced servicing instructions. Nose Nose is dampened shimmy out through the use of a friction collar assembly. (See Page 5-12) wheel . that allows the fluid arrangement allows First. innorotation attached Forged landing to the wing spars.iston. to which the must collars friction This assembly be kept are secured. 5-12 . absolutely free from oil and grease to be effective. NITROGEN VALVE BODY PIN UPPER BEARING CENTERING PISTON CAM \ COLLAR ASSY ROD ' CENTERING ATTACH PIN BOLT ORIFICE TUBE DOWN STOP AND PIN CENTERING ANTI-SHIMMY FRICTION SHOE \ \ COLLAR BUSHING CYLINDER BRACKET ATEEAIGNGPOCY SCISSORS ASSY -t' BE ARING GLAND SNAP RING BUSHING STEERING CYL ATTACH POINT SCISSOR FORK ASSY 26 4 Nose Landing Gear Strut 5-13 . TORQUE LINK SHAFT LOCK BOLT THRUST RING * FILLER PLUG /< DO NOT REMOVE LOCK SCREW AND CHANGE POSITION OF THREADED BUSHING TORQUE PIN LINK RETRACT CYLINDER / ' TORQUE THREADED LINK BUSHING LOCK SCREW SN UBBE R CLE VIS T HR E A DE DB US HIN G N NN GO SU HN SR R IAN GN pE ER SN A P RING COULDLAR MOUNTING PIN SNUBBER SPRING TORQUE LINK SHAFT NEEDLE BEARING BEARING SPACER OUTER BODY UPLOCK BRACKET PISTON BEARING SPACER ' O INNER BUSHING ' FLOATING PISTON ' BUNGEE YS INN R BHO PISTON OO SNCL NGEN SPGACER UPPER SCISSONæK PLUG FELT WIPER VALVE BODY PLUG BUSHING BEAp ORLIFICE . NITROGEN VALVE BODY BOLT RRNG BE RENTAINER FORK BEEAR NG G XLE WASHER SNAP RING 262 Main Landing Gear Strut Assembly 5-14 . +----MAIN GEAR ACTUATING I LANDING GEAR TRUSS NOTE LEFT GEAR SHOWN RIGHT GEAR OPPOSITE CYLINDER 'O o TORQUE LINK HYDRAULIC FILLER FLUID PLUG . TO INSTRUCTIONS IN TEXT.- UPPER BRACE TRUNNION BUSHINGS DRAG / y// STRUT BODY < ' ----g DRAG BRACE PIN RETAINING BOLTS LOWER DRAG BRACE ADJUST SWITCH BY ROTATING JAMB NUTS GEAR SAFE LIGHT SWITCH e a DRAG BRACE PINS ==R BUNGEES SCISSORS PISTON AIR VALVE WHEEL - UPLOCK BRACKET FORK ASSEMBLY AND BRAKE ASSEMBLY 2625 Main Landing Gear Installation .ADJUST CYLINDER OVEHTRAVEL TO OBTAIN DRAG BRACE PRELOAD REFER HERE. . S. volume The tank is gallons and usable fill located fitted with non-siphoning on the top side type caps of the engine nacelle. and nylon lacing by a combination for Maintenance Manual must be referred Airframe proper to interconnect lacing patterns. incorporates two two submerged a drain valve. flight and prevent Fuel vent thermal heaters during if installed equipment. (See sump boost pumps. light weight fuel interconnected of twenty-two (22) to form a single tank. of 384 U. tube clamp torque valves and bolt torque valves. fuel flows through electric boost pumps and gate type fuel shutoff valves to each engine. The in the baggage Figure compartment. The tank has a total volume of 389 U. which is located proof compartment in a vapor opening below the center wing. outboard and inboard nacelle. VENT SYSTEM for The wing inboard and outboard cells are interconnected from and an atmospheric vent purposes vent line is routed the outboard cell through the lower The exposed wing surface. valves and a quantity probe. installed of each lower surface inboard and outboard on the are nacelle. FUEL CELLS (See Figure 6-1) of the in the wing outboard The twenty (20) fuel cells located plates of installed fuselage the wing. FUEL SUMP below the lower fuselage fuel cell. 6-1 . The fuel sump is installed 6-2). The main sump drain quick is accessible through a release door on the fuselage skin under the right wing. in the fuselage The of snap fasteners cord. of of each wing. fuel shutoff measuring are all enclosed in a vapor proof Wing cell sump drains compartment. through an access are installed The cells are held in place cell compartment. through access on top are in the center fuel The fuel cell located wing and the fuselage directly cell. the heaters may be installed as optional will function with the airspeed pitot heaters.SECTION FUEL 6 SYSTEM INTRODUCTION Commander consists in the Model 690 Turbo The fuel system cells. S. fuel right engine From section center the the sump. vent perpendicular line protrudes wing and is vent the tube to the scarfed forward at 45 degrees pressure use to provide a slight siphoning. gallons. It is turned off when the engine Off". Hyd.) fuel remaining. only for ground maintenance and emergency operating conditions requiring supply be fuel fuel off cut at the the to sump. It is started at the "Fuel the engine "Air Start" "Ground and operation is continuous and tion the Start" positions of the switch. The quantity gauging system to indicate of a quantity installed indicator in the right inis comprised installed panel and three fuel quantity strument transmitters wing). See the Airframe for component replacement information and fuel quantity gauge calibration The fuel level low warning procedures. for continuous duty and output presThe fuel boost pump is rated 50 of is about flow. (center wing. probe long range The variable resistance type of the fuel transmitters jointly measure the density pressure within Maintenance Manual the fuel tank. and are closed in the open position. Emer The are normally Normal switch position. inboard wing and outboard outboard is also installed with the An auxiliary transmitter optional cells. FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE AND BOOST PUMP fuel shutoff valve is controlled by the Fuel and The electric S/O shutoff valves left switch. control switch is placed at "Engine 6-2 . in the wing. and will illuminate at approximately 31 gallons (217 lbs.FUEL QUANTITY GAUGE SYSTEM light are indicator and a fuel level low warning A fuel quantity provided fuel quantity. It at PSIG zero turned off and on by sure On" posicontrol switch. system light is actuated by a float switch. 7. OUTBD FUEL CELLS LEFT FWD OUTBD FUEL CELL LEFT AFT OUTBD FUEL CELL LEFT FWD INBD LARGE FUEL LEFT AFT INBD LARGE FUEL LEFT FWD INBD SMALL FUEL LEFT AFT INBD SMALL FUEL CENTER WING FUEL CELL FUSELAGE FUEL CELL RIGHT FWD INBD SMALL FUEL 11. CELL CELL CELL CELL 12. 3. 15. 17. 6. 14. 20. 4. 13. 16. 10. CELL 19. RIGHT AFT INBD SMALL FUEL CELL RIGHT FWD INBD LARGE FUEL CELL RIGHT AFT INBD LARGE FUEL CELL RIGHT FWD OUTBD FUEL CELL RIGHT AFT OUTBD FUEL CELL FLAP CHECK VALVE FUEL SUMP FUEL PUMPS FUEL QUANTITY TRANSMITTER FUEL FILLER CAP Figure 6-1. 18. 5. 8.16 16 16 16 FUEL EIEEE EB FUEL SUPPLY VENT SYSTEM PRESSURE SHUTOFF VALVE SE 20 19 20 19 20 ' FUEL FUEL 19 20 20 18 LOOKING AT FUEL FWD SYSTEM 1. 9. 2. Fuel System Schematic 6-3 . BOTTOM CELL TRANSMITTER OF BOTTOM OF FUSELAGE CENTER WING CELL USEORGE SUM GASKET TTER FILTER SCREEN LD L PLATE DRAIN FITTING FUEL LINE ONNECTION GASKET F EL ET SKET DRAIN VALVE ASSY FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE 2555 Figure 6-2. Fuel sump and Transmitter Installation 6-4 . created within The resultant low pressure the jet pumps causes with the engine bleed air atmospheric air to combine ambient velocity. - the actual aircraft pressure altimeter alti- c. standard some terms PRESSURE altitude This is the actual within the cabin. - Refers to the operating remains pressure words. This compressed unit. is routed If cooling is required. no pressuri- the cabin in other 7-1 . which may be up to 500oF. the the source and an expansion turbine (air cycle through heat exchangers machine) cabin. its in pressurized two pressures. of as an The amount of pressure carried in the (air tank) cabin will be proportional air outlet through a controllable to the amount allowed to escape valve). Diffusers high flows it at the through jet pumps as end convert high velocity low pressure on the jet pump discharge high pressure air in the cabin compressor air to low velocity is a heat air. DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE The absolute difference between aircraft. aircraft cabin is sealed thus it may be tank" that is to be pressurized. shut-off compressors. routed from the engine through tubing. b. valves and nozzles air flow multiplying motivates jet pumps. d. valve outflow air (cabin The thought "air TERMINOLOGY It will be helpful associated with a. inch difference between cabin the pounds per square altitude altitude. air for cabin. before it enters the during manufacture. RANGE in which pressure. and aircraft pressure pressure UNPRESSURIZED of a system range equal to ambient zation. CABIN pressure with to be familiar pressurized aircraft - and understand operations. usually tude outside altitude.SECTION 7 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM Introduction environmental control provides The Turbo system Commander volume flow aircraft large of compressed air cabin. the to a "Bleed Air" for air conditioning and pressurization purposes. - altimeter AMBIENT PRESSURE This is of the cabin. This of operation is a range in remains constant. 7-2 . MACHINE AIR CYCLE This unit consists of two parts air and stage exchanger to air heat a two an expansion This cabin cooling device.TERMINOLOGY e. integral is required About 15 seconds to open gear train. 000 RPM. 000 provide cooling. driven during axial slow blower flight c. a cabin rate of change - AIR Refer a. In this pertaining and "BARIC" pressure. air It will is the turbine. - b. - DUCT This duct is designed RAM AIR INTAKE to provide path for ambient air with engine into and mix to enter a bleed air flow through the jet pumps. motor exchanger functions air pump heat as a and ground operations. craft pressure RATE OF CHANGE change per unit of PER MINUTE". at the "Ram Air" valve. with the cabin air ducts. transition on the as a cabin check valve serves during air conditioning operation. -- d. and as a ram air inlet valve when air conditioning is inoperative. less of the ambient pressure RANGE DIFFERENTIAL differential which the cabin altitude and cabin pressure altitude. BLEED AIR SHUT-OFF These VALVES are butterfly by a reversible operated and D. C. to even or constant from the prefix "ISO" meaning derived even or constant. It also provides a high volume flow through the cooling turbine heat exchanger. 26. C. as the turbine may rotate service instructions must be adhered to. CONDITIONING COMPONENT DESCRIPTION to Figure 7-1. pressure changes proportional to airaltitude in "FEET g. - f. This intake duct also interconnects for cooling purposes. motor type valves. or close the valve. RAM AIR VALVE A split flapper type check valve located air unit. to barometric remains altitude regardconstant the cabin pressure range altitude. BTU's of It is important up to lubrication. It is usually pressure expressed h. This instrument cabin air outflow control. GROUND BLOWER This D. e. CABIN ALTITUDE CONTROLLER An instrument designed reference constant pressure to the to provide a selective also incorporates valve. Refers to cabin time. (Continued) - ISOBARIC RANGE Refers pressure. receive that the turbine shaft bearing proper The vendors at 50. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SWITCH A three position. respectively. represent It generally between and provides operates extremes. Environmental -· Ground Bleed Max blower select NORMAL. 4. Let's first operation. through the turbine. and It is used to turn the air (2) AUTO. switch. OVERRIDE. normal consider switches arrange sub-panel: control switch switch - operations. h. 7-3 . air conditioning turn Start desired When engine on as follows: 1.AIR f. 2. OFF/RAM. C. the cooling These positions. and conditioning and select mode of cabin system control. C. sensor will It selective of provide range temperature sensor. a 600 to 110oF approximately. hot used regulate air duct in the primary is compressor to air that bypasses the amount of conditioning the cooling turWhen this valve is full open all incoming bine. 3. environmental control to - AUTO. TEMPERATURE CONTROL VALVE cycle time A 40 second with integral butterfly valve driven by a reversible D. motor This modulating valve gear train and travel limit switches. two full hot position and full cold position. in the following on the pilot's switch ON. - Flo/Gnd Cool Switch NORMAL. controller operating torized on the electrical controller Electrical inputs to the are from the temperature cabin temperature and a duct temperature selector. (3) "Off" "On". powered transisbalance principle. temperature - g. Manual procedures. someTre these two mixture air of hot and cold desired a to give the temperature. instrument 1. with Flight idle RPM. Detented positions rotary are (1) OFF/RAM. 2. To place in the system condition. five deck. - AIR CONDITIONING OPERATION variations There in engine bleed air control are several meet desired operation of extreme the the requirements to operations well weather and cold weather as as normal - to provide hot operations. CONDITIONING COMPONENT - DESCRIPTION (Continued) AUTO-TEMP CONTROLLER A D. Place Rotate engine in accordance stabilizes at ground bleed select switch to operating switch engine. air bypasses fully cooling closed all when incoming air flows turbine. use Flight Manual approved procedures. If an in-flight emergency shutdown engine becomes the bleed select switch should necessary. (Note 4. may the to has reached its limit and system that the normal an indication enough heat isn't available. if not all. system the temperature takeoff power. if condition continue operation to opposite isolated. for condition quirements When the auxiliary stated. Allow least for the at that to one condition If bleed change. condition persists. isolating engine. This is at high altitude. under cold condition. with faulty If condition doesn't system improve. bleed to - NORMAL. feathered be used to isolate engine. is cooled then the temperature to variable mixing mode. jet pump valve 7-4 . select switch selector reaches idle RPM). even in moderately most. increase at to approximately are operated will have control Thus. 6. CONDITIONING OPERATION (Continued) selector Rotate auto-temp incoming air flow at floor to desired outlets). usually Max Flo encountered cabin begin cool. the "BLEED or smoke might be used determine which engine switch be may to desired To isolate. Placing there just the "DIRECT energy BLEED/AUX JET PUMP" switch will control to Max Flo cause the auxiliary jet pump valve to open to supplement the primary jet The additional hot air input will meet rethe cabin heating pumps. 5. panel. cold weather. Adjust auto-temp as desired. Observe (1) GND annunciator COOL.AIR 3. ratio 1:1 about mixes with bleed air air in the jet pumps at a to provide air flow into the cabin for air conditioning a high volume and pressurization. engine. air through the cooling turbine to to divert some of this incoming from becoming keep the cabin temperature too hot. the following MAX FLO. (2) Refer This to Figure mode normal of operation the primary jet pump causes air) bleed air now flows valves engine shutoff to open. Start Place remaining engine. (bleed Ambient through the jet pumps and into the primary compressor. and 7-1. (When engine position. compressor when engines 4000F. place select to switch clears. the If noxious SELECT" extremely operation. switch the source. The primary air temperature compressor moderate is very at (less than 200oF) when engines are operating Primary air temperature will ground idle power. to engine this will cause the jet pump shutoff valve on the opposite minute close. lights are extinguished. place bleed select engine. air some fumes is entering the cabin. of the In hot weather cooling incoming air is routed through the turbine until the cabin valve modulates control down. the "Max Flo The Max Flo selection annunciator panel. jet pump valves to close and the direct bleed valve to open.AIR CONDITIONING OPERATION (Continued) in the light will be illuminated is not closed. can be used during recommended either However. formance " implies. below 80% RPM. to "GROUND as outlined. To gain access operations and engine operations COOL" first select normal air conditioning mode. direct the "Gnd Cool" light will panel. for optimum Manual procedures should be followed Flight perand operations. previously place then with engines "DIRECT BLEED/AUX control switch JET PUMP' to Ground Cool This selection and auto-temp switch the primary causes to cool. by positioning in lieu of automatic the environture control mental control switch selection. control system. use manual temperacontrol. 7-5 . air flow to the cabin. to ground below 90% RPM. thus undiluted direct engine bleed air enters the primary compressor. and toggle the HOT / to override COLD selector switch and maintain to establish as required desired cabin temperature. close to isolate (Air check valves the inlet on the jet pump outlets This high temperature direct bleed air drives air duct). environmental control switch The to "OVERRIDE" regulated by toggling the cabin temperature can then be manually "HOT -COLD" override switch Should temperature as required. illuminate in the annunciator Ground Cool operation tion to provide the most In warm "fogging" select humid weather system the air conditioning with smoke do not confuse in the cabin with the temperature temperature a warmer - - may cause if this occurs. When the as well as to the under valve bleed is not fully closed. ground or flight operations. the performance cooling maximum and will turbine at approximately approximately cooling provide 26. is as the name a mode of operamethod of cooling down a expeditious Its use is limited heat soaked cabin in hot weather. 000 BTU/HR. Cooling air is ducted turbine discharge to the cabin overhead "GASPERS" floor ducts. If the auto-temp control system the selection. he may at his discretion the pilot so desire. should rotate fail to function. The outflow valve reacts to the rate of change of reference pressure which controls During descent the rate of change of cabin pressure. valve tometering rate control diaphragm then moves the isobaric ward close to limit the flow of air from the cabin reference chamber. spring. schedule OPERATION In a static - (See Figure 7-2 ). in reacts pressure to limit the rate of increase to the reference cabin pressure. pressure sense differential relief valve.PRESSURIZATION COMPONENT DESCRIPTION - outCABIN PRESSURE CONTROLLER The cabin air pressure controlling controller flow valve contains pressure two separate variable isobaric. systems. and selective rate of change. D. The poppet port and a calibrated pressure negative cabin differential return spring limits to approxipressure mately 0. As the cabin OUTFLOW VALVE - . a constant reference in the outflow valve remains and variconstant pressure air inflow ations in compressed to the cabin acts direct ly to position altitude. 25 P. the isobaric (by spring force) metering valve opens. The valve contains (See Figure a control reference chamber.1 SOLENOID OPERATED DUMP VALVE (See Figure valve interconnects controller. the cabin selected reference chamber is reduced. 7-3 ).4 ). pressures baric reference control system now maintains pressure. bellows the isobaric the selected valve expands sufficiently control of the isobaric metering to assume The isoas the rate and cabin reference are equalized. or as one. is set at 5.D. 7-6 . During and the isobaric take-off if the aircraft rate of climb exceeds rate. The two valves on cabin forwird pressure are pneumatically interconnected to act in unison. This instrument When the solenoid inoperative. is used to select desired and This controller cabin climb and descent rate of change. the rate control moves air from the valve (toward open) to a metering position and more valve reference The outflow chamber is bypassed to atmosphere. I. and rate the reference If the cabin altitude selection is greater pressures are equal.I. the cabin approaches altitude. to the cabin pressure (dump) source and the outflow safety valves.2 + located There are two of these valves bulkhead. controlling cabin pressure at the selected the outflow valve. bellows is compressed than field altitude. if the resultant in cabin reference exceeds rate of increase pressure diaphragm the isobaric the selected rate. valve. resulting in a pressure pressure because differential the rate diaphragm the rate metering across valve position limits in rate chamber The the reduction pressure. atmosphere condition. diaphragm and poppet poppet pressure dump/reference sensing return static port. enters the controller through chamber air orifice and filter.S. pressure cabin altitude. The positive cabin differential relief valve P. vacuum is energized controller is rendered the cabin pressure - 7. S. (2) For flights above 27. to prevent pressure or. For descent in the controller set cabin altitude to NOTE: landing and set cabin rate as required. to minimum cabin rate proportional readjust rate schedule to actual aircraft of climb. 000 feet. This should provide that would cause the a schedule slightly cabin to reach planned before altitude or at the same time altitude.PRESSURIZATION COMPONENT DESCRIPTION (Continued) is vented and a vacuum pressure to the outflow valves reference chamber. the planned 7-7 . comfort cabin rate of climb should be no For passenger or descent greater than what is necessary to cause the cabin to reach planned altitude reaches slightly ahead of or at the same time the aircraft altitude. pattern altitude. by means switch of a cabin depress The solenoid is energized switch mounted on left main landing or ground contact gear scissor link. cabin altitude to flight plan altitude until desired aligns with index knob clockwise flight plan altitude pointer. this action causes the valves to unseat to dump cabin cabin pressurization. cabin altitude with the cabin pressure Utilizing this 27. The following reaches planned formula the aircraft may cabin rate schedule: be used as a guide in determining - Cabin Aircraft Change-Thousands Change-Thousands Feet Feet X Aircraft Rate of Climb=Cabin Rate and landing. select a 10. if unpressurized. 000 feet or less. 000 feet would be method all operations above approximately differential maximum basis. 000 feet controller. pressure on a constant (3) Set cabin rate control rate for take-off and after take-off. flight plan altitudes set cabin pressure controller by rotating the. When the solenoid is de-energized is pressure vacuum removed from the control system and the outflow valves are referenced controller. start cabin air conditioning take-off and cabin rate control set cabin altitude (1) For as follows of 27. to the cabin pressure CABIN PRESSURE CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATION After Before engine is turned on. CABIN AIR ORIFICE VALVE OUTFLOW CONNECTION WITH FILTER ATMOSPHERE PRESSURE SENSING CONNECTION RATE CHAMBER AIR FILTER REFERENCE CHAMBER ISOBARIC METERING VALVE RATE CONTROL DPRING CAPILLARY TUBE- RATE CONTROL DIAPHRAGM RATE CHAMBER AOLŒR TION SPRING Ë'TEERC AMB RVE AOLŒRRACTION L RATE SELECTOR KNOB SCREW CABIN ALTITUDE CABIN ALTITUDE SELECTOR KNOB POINTER ISOBARIC CONTROL BELLOWS Figure 7-2 Cabin Pressure Controller Schematic 7-10 . 5 BULKHEAD OUTFLOW VALVE DIAPHRAGM (ACTUATOR PORTION) I i REFERENCE CHAMBER BASE ASSY POPPET VALVE OUTFLOW OUTFLOW VALVE COVER PLATE POPPET VALVE RETURN SPRING PLUG - ADJUSTING SCREW CHECK NUT ADJUSTING SCREW : STATIC PRESSURE DUMP CONNECTION i do OUTFLOW GUIDE BAFFLE VALVE PLATE VALVE TO CONTROLLER OUTFLOW PILOT HEAD ASSY OUTFLOW VALVE DIAPHRAGM (VACUUM RELIEF AND BALANCE PORTION) AMBIENT REFERENCE PRESSURE PRESSURE CABIN PRESSURE Figure 7-3 Outflow Valve Schematic 7-11 . 5.STA. 5 PRESSURE BULKHEAD Cabin CABIN PRESSURE CONTROLLER Figure Pressure Control Schematic 7-4 7-12 .SAFETY-OUTFLOW VALVE FWD PRESSURE BULKHEAD SAFETY-OUTFLOW VALVE -- STATIC AIR (SEE NOTE) STAATICCPORRT STATIC AIR STATIC PORT REF CHAMBER PORTS THORENE-WAY SOLE OID VACUUM SOURCE CABIN PRESSURE CONTROLLER EFFECTIVE A C 11121 AND SUBS MAX FLO OUTFLOW PORT N GROUND CONTACT GND COOL INTERNAL FILTER) CHECK VALVE STATlc PORT ENVIRONMENTAL stansa ovaan 0 0E ¢OOL WARM AUTOTEMP 00FO RATE A NOR CAABIN L COOL GND (0DL PRESSUWilATl0R ROT PERMlTTED ouRING TAKEOFF AND LARolNG NOTE STATIC SOURCE FOR CONTROLLER IS LOCATED ON 5. t oommo a a le 7-13 . HG.. 000 SL. 19 17 15 9 8 7 13 6 11 5 9 4 3 7 5 2 3 -40.000 -- - 35..tililiilliittilisilillilillrillillillatillisillili:IlslillisiillillillillililillillIIIIIIIIIIIIIIslillililltililililPSI lil|Iirillillisililitiillilililillilililliilililliiiiiriitilliliiililliallilillillililillillilillillililli.i¡.ilillilillillisililil|t:IN...14 29 27 13 25 12 23 11 21 10 . 000 15..000 3C.000 ¯ -- -5.¡. 5 10 AIRCRAFT 15 ALTITUDE--THOUSAND 20 25 30 35 40 50 ( J FEET . 000 10. COO \ I \ | \ | | ll \\ IIIlill llIIll!\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ll ll I I I I I II llllml M I MI IW1\\\l ¯ ¯ ¯¯ 20. (suction) BLEED AIR PRESSURE REGULATOR located The bleed air pressure behind regulator. to deSee Figure sired valve for the instrument No. The instrument has a green are between normal yellow 19 between psig indicating and are pressure a is operating and 22 psig indicating that the regulator on the relief setting. side of the fuselage below the wing. when either Vacuum is obtained The air ejector has from the venturi port of an air ejector. a low pressure it is directed After the air passes system. An interthe bleed pressure (30-150 psig) down to 18+ 1 psig. through the venturi value where its velocity is reduced to the diffuser to a suitable The air is exhausted for exhausting through to the atmosphere. system. nal relief valve should regulator fail. cally in soap and water improper system to prevent 8-1 .8 and 5. EJECTOR containaluminum assembly is a forged ejector venturi chamber. an opening on the right VACUUM RELIEF VALVE valve relief is adjusted The vacuum the vacuum to maintain being 3.SECTION MISCELLANEOUS 8 SYSTEMS VACUUM The SYSTEM provides instrument system vacuum vacuum a filtered instruments. by pressure regulated engine and is powered parts no moving bleed air. of the air operated for operation source aircraft engine is operating. protects the the system A cockpit by limiting instrument 21+ 1 psig. O inches Hg. the pressure to indicates at the inlet to the vacuum the regulated pressure 18 and 19 ejector. type filter is cleaned operation.0 inches level at between Hg. 1. VACUUM The vacuum ing a nozzle. Air flow through the ejector creates a high vacuum at the venturi This high vacuum is then regulated port. mixing Air and passes a a into the throat of the venturi thereby creating through the nozzle Ports connect this area to the vacuum area. The usual value periodiThe poly-foam 5. the rear wing used to restrict is a mechanical poppet type regulator spar. valve is in the normally closed position boots deflating and holding is directed them to the edges. continuous flow oxygen is available. air pressure to the the distributor STATIC Two static SYSTEM ports side of the aft fuselage on either are located horizontal stabilizer Plumbing edge. valves installed bank and adjacent indicators to the turn are 2. head located side of the forward static source on the right forward of fuselage. ward bulkhead storage oxygen of the baggage 8-2 . which directs or pressure to the boots as required vacuum for system When vacuum operation. face mask storage mask box mask is opened. When the boots them against the leading are cycled "ON" an electric valve solenoid position the moves to a and directs from the turning "OFF" the vacuum pressure bleed regulator boots. When and built-in boxes. bottle is composed located manual regulator located compartment. inches reduce Hg. will drop and out when storage the the pin is pulled. leading the is routed from the static ports up to the top of the aft fuselage beside the then forward and down to a static drain port located Plumbing right rudder co-pilots pedal. 1 the vacuum to them to to DE-ICER Pneumatic the wing BOOT SYSTEM tributor either boots edges of de-icer to the leading are bonded and empennage. OXYGEN The oxygen SYSTEM of a 22 cu.VACUUM INSTRUMENT SYSTEM The inlets instruments together to the vacuum are manifold and are connected located in the compartfilter to a common Restrictor ment on the right side of the nose wheel well. on the a co-pilots side panel. ft. controls disAn electric timer a valve. the lanyard system in the baggage OXYGEN STORAGE CYLINDER cylinder is mounted on the forcompartment and is removed for The 22 cu. ft. It is imperative the various that the static system of cabin be absolutely into the leakage pressure as any secure affect would of flight seriously instrusystem the accuracy the alternate with a heated The aircraft is also equipped ments. is then routed up to instruments. located behind the rear wing spar. There and at 700F should measure sensor are repairs field adjustments permitted no or on tEe temperature controllers. Oxygen is delivered in a continuous flow to the user in an amount with the existing commensurate cabin altitude. the knob To operate the system the pilot rotates the regulator until the altitude corresponds with indicated the on the gauge existing cabin altitude. open and close on a temperature surrounding rise above a preany one of the thermo-switches value. light in the annunciator warning HEATED WINDSHIELDS electrically heated The aircraft is equipped with glass laminate windshields. The rudder one mounted rudder horn rib and one mounted side of on the upper 8-3 . close and turn on a fire determined the switch contacts panel. FIRE DETECTOR SYSTEM radially around Three (3) Fenwall thermo-switches are located normally engine firewall. on the the antenna consists electric heated This system of three separate slot has two heater elements. The oxygen supply valve must be turned on prior valve is flight as access gained through the baggage to the compartment. include high and low heat Electrical components felays located in the right side of the fuselage nose section controllers located and automatic on the right temperature bulkhead side of cabin aft pressure (fuselage station 178). The contacts thermo-switch the are Should the temperature rise. At normal the room temperature. The electrical 1 through 5 terminals on windshields are numbered and terminal 3 is ground. to OXYGEN REGULATOR side on the co-pilots knob are provided on and monitoring system the altitude to which is mounted The Scott oxygen regulator panel. terminals 1 and 2 are for the temperature 310 ohms + 3. Two gauges and an adjustment the regulator to be used in regulating operation.OXYGEN STORAGE CYLINDER (Continued) filling. A pressure gauge indicates regulator is adjusted. low heat element 1. 24 ohms (terminal 5 and 3) should read + 15% and high heat element (terminal 4 and 3) should read 799 ohms + 15%. - RUDDER ANTI-ICING SYSTEM elements. Upper Lower 0. in the heating trouble is suspected be made. 32 + - 2. trim tab check of each element sistance should check: should meet the following Trim a reElements tab horn rudder rudder element slot 3. 05~ohms.05 0. Airplane be in accordance 8-4 . If ANTI-ICING SYSTEM (Continued) The third element is located on the rudder elements. horn.18 - 2. ohms.RUDDER housing. 25 + 1. must ohms .05 slot forward aft leads leads 3. 64 + 0. 72 ohms. with of the rudder Operation slot heat system Flight Manual procedures. PRESSURE REGULATOR AND RELIEF VALVE TO REGULATED GAGE PRESSURE VACUUM RELIEF VALVE EJECTOR PUMP //) EXHAUST CHECK VALVE BLEED TO ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM (REF) AIR LINE BLEED AIR PRESSURE VACUUM 288 Vacuum System Schematic 8-5 .l VACUUM FILTER ATTITUDE TURN & BANK INDICATOR GYRO VACUUM MANIFOLD AIR VACUUM GAGE DIRECTIONAL GYRO . y VACUUM CONTROL VALVE LEFT ENGINE INSTRUMENT VACUUM MANIFOLD RIGHT ENGINE . INSTRUMENT PANELS OVERHEAD PRESSURE GAGE BOOTS ONECY SWITCH PANEL MAN LEFT WING DEICER BOOT RIGHT WING TIMER LEFT ENGINE FROM VACUUM INSTRUMENTS PRESSURE REGULATOR FUSELAGE / RIGHT ENGINE .. SKIN / AIR EJECTOR i DISTRIBUTOR VALVE CHECK VALVE TO JET BLEED AIR PUMPS EMPENNAGE DEICER BOOTS REGULATED SUCTION REGULATED ---- PRESSURE PRESSURE ACTUATION AND SUCTION R211 20 ELECTRICAL Wing and Empennage Deicer System Schematic 8-6 . Oxygen System 8-7 .COPILOT'S OUTLET OXYGEN REGULATOR PASSENGER (TYP) OUTLETS PILOT'S OUTLET OXYGEN SUPPLY ¯ OXYGEN MASK FLOW INDICATOR RED TO GREEN R211 9 Figure 9-10. . / . . . .. Break Dec·25o 3/O PSI PSI 75 PSI '*"CHCONNECTION Make Inc... Break Dec...CHECK VALVE Make Inc.. NEG SWITCH IVE TO O CONNECTION 60 PSI UNPEATHERING PUMP CONNICTION -i---------Ei---------Illi MP NEGATIVE yogogg CHECKOUT MALY 1 NEGATIVE TOROUE SEN50R PRESSURE CASE CHECK g VALVI E CLOSED) . -NEGATIVE LOCKOUT TOROUE VALVE SENSOR FEATHERINC VALVE • • PROPELLER OIL FLOW TUBE FEATMit DIBECTION s . ... I C e / PROPELL ER ONCHROL & ---me - - a-aPITCH CONTROL LEVER COORDINATED WITH POWER SETTING SHAFT COCKPIT POWER LEVER CONNICilON Figure 4 9 4-33 4-34 . REGULATOR FILTERED ENGINE OIL SSURE \ DUMP UM CHECK VALVE RESET PISTON CAM DUMP 5E MIN SPEED STOP su TO UE INSOR PMSSURE ULATOR o TORSION u - AIN mÕ! Rotot 5HAFT - SE HYDRAULIC RAW D SHAFT TOROUS SIGNAL HIGH FRESSURE RELIEF VALVE SPEED CONTROL LEVER COORDINATED WITH SPEED SETTING LEVER SHAFT TORQUE SENSING SE CT10N CASE ZEROASLOPE ..^¿UMMENT DUMP CASE --8-851 -lilli-5 -- Mililil-Illililim - r -ELECTRIC PRESSURE TRANSDUCER PAD PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL TRAN5DUCER MANUAL PROP FEATHER PROPELLER GOVERNOR r PROPELLER SERVO PO$lTIONING PliTON -- Elisillii 1-5 Ilillipas---Hiiiinliinill--- - (NOT FURNISHED) .. . --- Psa TO ATMOSPHERE -- EXHAUST Li EUE MO R PASS FLOW METER INLET ¯¯ TEMPERATURE SENSOR / / TURBINE PLENUM DRAIN VALVE † iiiii FUEL SHUT OFF VALVE ..-..MPSOOST (INJE h 55URE FILTER VALVE BYPA VANE TYPE) -HIGH PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE • - MAXW ESSEURIZING o CHMENT STOP OVERBOARD OVERSPEED -- DRAIN ... oDERR L ARD ..CAVENGE OIL f.....\. .... . - A 'MANIF OR41N FLOW DIVIDER VALVE OVERBOARD DRAIN 4 -R 4-13 4-14 ..... .'"JPENEED TNIN -FLIGHT IDLE FLOW ADJ OIL-FUEL HE A T EXCHANGER FU EL CONT ROL ANL EICINC INCREASE NCREÅ5E -POWER SEHA TMG BODY VENT PROPELLER PITCH CONTROL LEVER CONNECTION :'N RD E R START OW ::CHMENTMETERING VALVE FLOW ON ADJ THERMOSTAT FUEL F ILT ER OO FUEL PUMP FUEL INLEy- -- MIN FLOW ADJ PROPELLER GOVERNOR SPEED CONTROL LEVER CONNECTION OVERSPEED GOVERNOR .. = L FUEL INLET VISCO JET ANTI-ICINC VA LVE L FLOW DIVIDE A ND DRAIN VALVE Figure ..
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