Tula Lagna

April 2, 2018 | Author: mahadp08 | Category: Planets In Astrology, Astrology, Science, Astronomy, Nature



TULA LAGNASanskrit Name 7 Tula Name English Name Principle Libra Harmony Lower Abdomen Guna (S=Satva, R=Rajas, T=Tamas) Maha Bhuta R Vayu (Air) Tula 7 Libra Limb Of Kalapurush Ruling Planet Gender Quality Shukra(Venus) Male Dosha (V=Vata, P=Pitta, K=Kapha) Cardinal Air Movable Male Fixed Female Dual V/P/K M Element Locomotion Dosha M Biped Tridosha Body Physiology/Disease Space below navel abdomen, belly, bladder, large intestine, buttocks urinary diseases, diabetes NO NAME ELEMENT MOBILITY GUNA RULER SEX BODY PART DIRECTION CASTE STRONG RISING 7 LIBRA AIR MOVABLE R VENUS M SEX ORGANS(EMOTIONS) W SUDRA DAY SIGN HEAD Appearance Medium Lord Venus Sign Libra Element Air R Modality Moveable Polarity Male Rashi Benefic Malefic Libra Sat, Merc, Sun, Jup, Ven Moon Guna Rajas Feet Biped Neutral Yogkarka Maraka Badhak Mars Saturn Jupiter 11th lord LORD HEAD 7 TULA LIBRA Sympathetic, co-operative, sociable, good in public relations, of sound judgement, diplomatic, intuitive, inspirational, constructive, creative, dynamic, good organiser, good power of concentration, intellectual, adaptable, courteous, charming, of pleasant nature, affectionate, popular among friends, has strong conjugal affection, loves comforts and conveyances, fond of beauty, art and music, artistic, refined, fond of dress, perfumes, ornaments, tends to be extravagant. Hora in Libra If the first Hora of Libra ascends at birth one will have a round face, elevated nose and back and large eyes, be sportive, will have a strong body and strong bones, be wealthy and will be affectionate to his men. A man born in the first Hora of Libra has a round face and an upturned nose, beautiful, broad, black eyes, and a thick body; he is solid with thick bones; he is a graceful man, dear to his people, who is clever in business and rich. The first Hora in Libra is a man who is black and white. He is clever and knows spells... He carries a pair of scales, and is steadfast in the five duties. Standing within the market-place, he wears bright and graceful clothes. He is in control of grain, etc., and of all sorts of coins. He carries a dart, a sword, and an arrow in his fist. He follows the vow of one who has renounced liquor. If the second Hora of Libra ascends at birth, he will be very wealthy, will have firm wealth, will be endowed with black and curly hair, be crafty, round-eyed, will have a strong lower body and attractive skin and will have defective feet. He who is born in the second Hora of the seventh sign (Libra) has much wealth and acts with firmness and courage; he is a black rogue with curly hair and round eyes, and the ends of his feet are split; he is an expert in crafts. The second Hora in Libra is one who is accustomed to pitiless and manly deeds. He has prominent teeth. Hating the accomplishment of protection, he carries bright-colored arrows, a knife, and a drawn sword (with which to assail his enemies). He is a smasher of houses who strikes others with his fist. His hair is erect, and he is wearing a woolen cover. Crying aloud in the market-place, he jingles a bell and causes fright among the people. Drekkana in Libra The first Decanate in Libra is a man in the market-place with the implements of his trade prepared. His limbs are covered with silk and bright ornaments; his body is black and his eyes beautiful. His places are those where there are gold, merchandise, mines, and treasure. The second Decanate in Libra is a fair-waisted woman who knows meanings and crafts. She wears bright garments and a bright, pendant necklace. She is clever in the office of an intermediary (between lovers) for the sake of the bridegroom. Her actions are like those of rogues and cheats. The third Decanate in Libra is a man about to attack. The tops of his teeth are far apart, and the hair on his body is long, He is wearing a heavy cover. He carries a bow and is armed with a helmet. He engages in the tricks of rogues. If the Ascendant be in the first drekkana of Libra, one will be akin to Cupid in physical charm, be skilful, will enjoy travels, be dark in complexion, fond of arts and business, will fulfil appointed tasks and be very learned. The first drekkan when rising makes the seventh house very important in the nativity. Marriage or partnership will play a crucial role in the life of the native. The native will be successful in a political, legal or business career. The 24th, 31st, 33rd and 40th years of life will be important. The first decanate of Libra ruled by Venus According to Yavanas, the First Drekkana of Libra, represents a man holding Scales or balances, thinking of his capital and goods, seated in a shop in the middle of the road, with expertise in weighing, and thinking to sell his goods & services. This is an urban and a male decanate. Since the first decanate of Libra is rising money from business ventures & legal occupations will come to them. Extravagance comes to the fore & they may indulge in luxury. They have to understand that speculative ventures are generally harmful. The most important years in their life are 17, 24, 31, 33, 40, 43 & 57. The 1st drekkana Libra ascending suggests a courteous, affable, kind and affectionate disposition. The fate is mostly in the hands of others, as there is little ability to mould or alter circumstances. The native is controlled principally by feeling and intuition, more so than reason. He is keen of observation, fond of company, and generally very artistic, refined and truly sympathetic. There is not much energy or incentive to action, and consequently life tends to run in grooves as the native is prone to lean on others for support. First Drekkana (l°-10°).—This is a peculiar sign. The subject may either become a worshipper of Mammon or he may renounce riches. This depends upon the disposition of planets in the horoscope. Financial success is likely to follow in business enterprises, legal and political occupations. He is also likely to indulge in luxury and an extravagant style of living. Large schemes of a speculative nature are. however, harmful. Important years will be 17th, 24th, 31st, 33rd, 40th, 43rd and 57th. One born in the first Drekkana of Libra is dark-skinned and looks like Cupid; clever and intelligent, he is wise in the ways of the fine arts and of merchandise and well versed in magic spells (mantra); he is a jester who engages in service and wandering. 25. 42nd. The influence of Mercury will join that of Venus and the third house will be to the fore. Writing will also pay him well provided Mercury is disposed favourably. and 32nd years of life will be important. The 18th. . 29th. They have an aptitude for hotel management. Beware of unnecessary expenses. so much so as to make the native a slave. They love music and the fine arts. affable in speech. from which he may gain. ungrateful. The most important years in their life are 16. Fate is affected by friends and associates. Second Drekkana (11°-20°). The early years of his career will be lack lustre. The 2nd Drekkana of Libra ascending accentuates the sympathetic side of the native. sometimes unscrupulous too. If the Ascendant be in the third drekkana of Libra one will be fickle minded. one will have eyes of the lotus-kind. be charming. They are not interested in the orthodox ways of making money. and generally take a keen delight in social intercourse. He will be much under influence of his friends. loving and appreciating all that pertains to the social side of life. 24. This is a Bird decanate and human. In the second Drekkana of Libra is born a famous man with eyes wide as lotuses and beautiful form and voice. decked with gems. 22. 29.If the Ascendant be in the second drekkana of Libra. 46 & 53. 31st. If the second drekkan is rising the influence of Venus will be modified by that of Saturn. The career best suited for the native will be fine arts. 23. social and intuitive. The native will be more sympathetic. 39. teaching. Since the third decanate of Libra is rising they have fiscal success. to friends and attachments. 27th. The important years will be 15th. 31. wearing golden quiver and armour and frightening the animals in the wilderness. The eleventh house will be to the fore. and 51st. 23rd. valorous. Since the second decanate of Libra is rising they have to prepare to face dire vicissitudes. Their life will be marked by sudden elations. 44th and 51st years of life will be important. The important years in their life are 15.. one who keeps the prosperity gained by his ancestors. crafty.18. He may spend money in unusual ways. 36. a man who is fond of laughter. He will get into trouble on account of misuse of others' moneys. 42nd. crooked. 44 & 51. will lose friends and wealth and will not be very intelligent. The native will not hesitate to adopt unscrupulous methods to earn wealth and may have to face charges of misappropriation of money.The native will have sudden financial reverses. or a friend of the king. The second decanate of Libra ruled by Saturn The middle Drekkana of Libra represents a vulture faced man hungry and thirsty. He will not be much attracted towards ordinary business routines. resembling a monkey and holding in the hand fruits and flesh. holding a pot which is ready to fall and thinking of his wife and children. The 36th. If the third house and Mercury are powerful he can be a successful writer. The third decanate of Libra ruled by Mercury The third Drekkana of Libra represents a man. They may have to struggle hard in early life. They can if you try make money out of literature . but behaves harshly. Many feel that they have resorted to unfair methods to grab money. 27. 22nd. Money will be made through unusual methods. 24th. Later he will have sudden gains and promotions. 25th. If the third drekkan rises the native will have to struggle in life and make a place for himself in society by his own efforts. 42. 36th. 44th. famous and will perform acts to increase the reputation of ones race and family. He will take a keen interest in intellectual matters and travelling. 32. catering or hoteliering. The native may be remarkably intuitive. a purplish person whose nose and lips are high and raised. In the first saptamsa of Libra is born a man with round thighs and body. a full and broad body. his friends are dead. 25th. and he is to be honoured among good men. and whose lips and nose are beautiful. he carries out great duties. he is a wise and quiet teacher who acquires possessions. 32nd. who is ruddy like a youth.—The financial disposition of the person born in the third Drekkana of Libra will be generally lucky. there will be sudden promotions. he will labour under disadvantages in the early years of life. beautiful arms. purplish eyes. he is clever in things pertaining to fine arts. The effects being stated will depend on the stronger of the two. 27th. long-faced. If the native should. financial success may attend him. Third Drekkana (21°-30°). This position of Libra suggests that the native can improve his fate through education. and laughs mischievously and charmingly. a bony man with limbs as soft as lotuses. In the second saptamsa in Libra is born a dark-skinned man with round mouth and eyes. shoulders. and he has little intelligence. and a colour like the dark shade of a lotus. happy and famous. brown hair. and an expanded and high nose. praiseworthy. somewhere in the horoscope there is usually an influence which provides the native with natural ability to rise up from unfortunate situations and to benefit through the experience. If in service. viz. with his intellect awakened by the meanings of righteousness (dharma) and the sciences. poetry. Music and fine arts will also attract him. he is a sinful thief whose voice is impaired and who desires to destroy. lazy. In the sixth (saptamsa) in Libra is born one whose limbs are symmetrical and whose face is handsome. and fickle. an elevated head. whose eyes are long and black with lashes that curve in front. and legs are fat. As hotel manager and caterer. and he chases after women. and hair are rough. whose nose hangs down in front of his mouth. In the third (saptamsa) in Libra is born a man with a raised nose. however. the Moons Navamsa dispositor and the Navamsa Lagna Lord. his body is slender and black. One born in the fifth (saptamsa) in Libra has handsome eyes and chest. First Navamsa: The native will be fair complexioned. One born in the seventh saptamsa in Libra is a hero with big eyes and a thick row of teeth. skilful in business. succumb to restlessness. voice. 46th and 53rd. 18th.The 3rd Drekkana of Libra rising weakens the influence of the sign as a whole. he wears a huge garland. he is dishonest. and story-telling. In the fourth is born a black man whose body. The important years will be 16th. and tends to make life more or less unfortunate. broad eyed. but possesses wealth and money. one who is hypocritically polite. thighs. eyes like a fish’s. and whose lips are open. disposition and appearance can be deduced based on the rising Navamsa at birth. looks. However. Effects of Navamsas A native’s complexion. A man born in the third Drekkana of Libra is an ungrateful rogue who is fickle and ugly. 39th. he speaks softly and aptly. and impatience it can work to his detriment. and mouth. whose neck. . In spite of this. whose face is long. Effects of Navamsas in Libra The various Navamsas out of Libra Ascendant at birth will produce following effects: Effects of Libra Ascendant. 23rd. and soft. and wide mouth and eyes. one who knows about merchandise. his shoulders and arms are thin. and teeth are like a horse’s. and is an expert in polity. and whose nails are smooth. with a small nose and no forehead. be a polite speaker and will have a beautiful chest and bruised head. and whose mustache is thick. Fifth Navamsa: The native will have majestic looks. be fair in complexion. elevated (ill formed) teeth. will enjoy pleasures. black eye-brows. contracted eye-brows. even-eyed and will possess a beautiful nose. ugly body and compact brows. even and beautiful bodied. his eyes are terrified like a deer’s and are wide. thick. and his nose is small. the row of his teeth is elevated. be fair complexioned. In the seventh is born one who is red and spotless. Effects of Libra Ascendant. be intelligent. rolling eyes. Sixth Navamsa: The native will have fleshy limbs. and lashes. a famous and haughty man who speaks nobly. long and dark brows. a thick pennon the tip of whose nose is long and bent. Moon in (each of) the navamsas. eyes. Ninth Navamsa: The native will have charming eyes. famous. and eyes. and protects his money. will have a coarse physique. charming neck. raised shoulders and cheeks. beautiful nose and white nails. an enjoyer whose speech is purified. a nose which is thin in the middle. and whose hair is red and spread out. whose body is heavy. Second Navamsa: The native will have squint and round eyes. be firm disposition. a cripple. Effects of Libra Ascendant. will have broad eyes. long-haired and long-nosed and will have beautiful legs. depressed waist. he is a fierce man who succumbs to sexual intercourse and singing. wide body. round. pale man whose mouth. an eloquent astrologer. Effects of Libra Ascendant. and litigation. be miserly. Effects of Libra Ascendant. though powerful. learning. watery eyes. . In the second is born a red. be thin-bodied. and broad chest. whose eyes are sweet and upraised. fond of arts. Third Navamsa: The native will be fair in complexion. thin below. raised shoulders. face. fierce and intelligent. Fourth Navamsa: The native will have weak hands. akin to that of a horse. large (physical) heart. a fearsome row of teeth. will have illformed teeth (some placed over others). and thick. Seventh Navamsa: The native will be blood-red in complexion. but small. be diplomatic and be learned in Shastras. a proud and steadfast man who is clever in business enterprises. nails. Eighth Navamsa: The native will have elevated shoulders and prominent neck. be skilful. tremulous. will have long physique and long arms and a big head. hair. weak body. Effects of Libra Ascendant. and black. he knows the meaning of the sciences. Effects of Libra Ascendant. he is timid and despondent and has a bad character. rough haired. be timid. one who is dear to his friends and enjoys the highest respect. rough skin. One born in the sixth navamsa is a fair-skinned. a protector who has obtained glory. handsome eyes. whose face is broad. head. dark complexion and be devoid of virtues and be miserable. a stiff. be not proud. whose body is heavy and firm. black-eyed man whose nostrils are beautiful.and black-limbed man with a slender waist. be charitable and jocular. One born in the fourth is dark and thin. Effects of Libra Ascendant. One born in the eighth is a dark-skinned man with wide shoulders and bead. One born in the fifth is a black man with inscrutable eyes. One born in the third is a weak. and body. One born in the first navamsa in Libra is a fair-skinned man whose eyes are wide. will have a face. pleased mind. whose face is long. small nails.Effects of Libra Ascendant. Lord of Libra is Venus. wheat and mustard. impartial in argument . commercial streets. linen. place of business or offices. left side limbs of kalapurusha Quadruped Body Parts – Belly Body Parts – Right side of the head Symbol – A man holding scales Abode Category – Gramya rashi. Shudra Varan. places of trading in a city in pursuit of money. a rich man's place of abode (the merchants used to be rich) a merchant's house. loins. fair-skinned man whose body is symmetrical and beautiful and whose eyes are handsome. Male. public places. he is an eloquent person. companies of merchants or dealers and high places of cultivation. Deaf in the forenoon Libra: a man seated in a thorough fare with articles for sale and a balance in his hand. Juka. white Direction – West Time of Day – Strong at day. body slender in youth but tends to corpulence. and dignity.In the ninth navamsa of Libra is born a pure. laughter. signifies place of business. high levels. the house of vaisa. fair appearance. navel. bazaars valuables or articles of trade. strong at twilight Nature – Dhatu or mineral Items – Black gram. Tula: is symbolized by a person carrying a balance. All markets. krura ( fierce) chara ( moveable or cardinal ) Type – Biped Limbs of KalaPurusha – Space below navel. Libra: High land where corn is grown (grain was the chief commodity or merchandise and libra represents the scales for weighing). and is clever in all the fine arts. round face. bazaar. shops. West directon. odd. solar sign medium ascension. Dhata Element – Air Nature – Male. markets. Vanil. Prone to Logic but sober. Diwabali. stock market and areas where traders sell their valuable merchandise are indicated by Tula. barley. Active towards DAY and rises by the head side(shirshodaya). having the character of a fop. Kidney and back indicates in Kala Pursha kundli. It is ruled by Shukra.Thauli. Libra (Tula): A man holding a weighing balance in his hand. roads. market place. crop growing lands Colors – Variegated. shirshodaya sign. a shop. Its inherent nature is airy and the caste is shudra. 7. mudga or kidney bean and other stored articles coming upto sesamum sacks Functions – Left testicle It is movable. cities large towns. town or village Abode – River water. markets. Libra (तुला): It resembles a man holding balance in his hands. Airy. he knows about courtesy. Tula Name . street shops. respect. . wardrobes. good complexion malef ic sign. black. brave. Represents lower abdomen and is a movable sign. river side. Mixed color. Colour – black. It is a male sign and the direction is west. city. abdomen. or balanced. Libra/Tula is a Seershodaya Rāśi. It is considered rajo guna and vayu tatva. It represents the Sudras. intelligent. a few sons. relationships are very important. and of the arts such as that of the six political principles (shadgunya) and that of inference.. strong.. Libra (Tula): Cardinal . can influence the masses. wares. idealism---Fixed Stars: Arcturus gives riches. exporters(? nairyanika). touchstones. attractive face impartial and balanced. rising with its head. rogues. sociable nature. wealthy. beautiful eyebrows. They are interested in arts and love beautiful objects and enjoy luxury. It is masculine and is predominant with Rajogur:a.. jewels. large eyes. and those who are clever at hearing the meaning and the things to be done in message-bearing.fever Typhoid Austria. act impartially as an arbitrator. measures. the sign is lorded by Shukha.Beautiful face and appearance. It has a medium build and is strong during daytime. Japan.Libra is a man bearing goods on a balance and standing in the market-place. and ripened grain. Libra: Fair or tall stature. It has a medium build physique and is a biped Rāśi. very attractive. roads. It is destructive or mischievous (‘Dhatin’). music. cities. love of truth. lean body. Libra is lord of such things as balances. coins. Argentaina . music lovers fond of neatness. hips. They find it difficult to make decisions and are preoccupied or indulgent with their spouse. It relates to the western direction and resorts to land. Libra: House of Vaisya First Half Biped Shirsodaya Movable Odd Dwara . skilful and leads a comfortable life. well-proportioned body. slender limbs. Ruled by Venus. dice. and bladder. reddishwhite rich complexion. Libra is vayu tattva. This sign rises head first from the horizon. Gujarat. It is black in complexion and is predominant with Rajo-Gun. harmony. devoted to gods and Brahmanas. Large hips. of public criers. fond of walking or travelling. liars. It is a biped sign. Its places are those of customs-duties. of playboys. Air . Its Lord is Venus/Śukra. those who live by (the skill of) their hands. clever in purchase and sale of goods.the scales. caravan-leaders. renown.. market-streets. graceful body. round and sweet face. very active. prominent nose. Libra/Tula described. and image-makers(? murtika). Tibet. caravanseries. parrot like nose. Burma. It is destructive or mischievous. rises with its head and is strong in daytime. broken. Tula Lagna . It symbolises air and is related to the mineral kingdom. Libra or Tula . Tula (Libra): Tall. gold. attractive countenance. guides. and pearls. it is the region of the navel. . It is ruled by Sukra (Venus).Balance. Venus. Thula (Libra): It is black in complexion and has a medium build. money. It represents Sudras. sweet smile. lyres. or the 4th Varna. and of letters. Tula is strong in daytime. suffers in some limb.colour. It is a movable rasi and is sudra by caste. It is a western sign and resorts to land. It is symbolised by a balance and those who are born in the Thula Lagna are constantly seeking harmony in their lives. clothes. smooth hair.Rasi Mineral Fierce Male West Dark .Rasi Trade Brain . often political. prosperity and success in the fine arts. graceful appearance. has two popular names (one of them after a God). good looking people Libra: Tall. gets setbacks in health due to slight causes but easily recovers. (Yavana Jataka) Libra is a biped sign and is black in complexion. Lower-Abdomen Day Weighing-Balance Shudra Vayu Tatwa Human . justice. love of the arts. Substantial increase in wealth and status only in the latter part of life. clean. judicious in dealings Thula: Sweet. and even fanaticism. I find it interesting that all of the air signs (Gemini. and is a lover of art and female society. Libra is ruled by Venus. His wife will be of a quarrelsome nature. touchstones. and pearls. Life insurance . Libra will initiate using ideas and concepts. power. good looking. hotel business. Attributing discrimination to the air element perhaps sheds light on this interpretation. and of the arts such as that of the six political principles (shadgunya) and that of inference. symbolizing a more pleasant and enjoyable world. A lady holding a scale symbolizes Libra. clothes. gold. As a side note. If the Ascendant be Libra. I seek stability in my home. merciless and impartial in his arguments. Libra . Cardinal is ambitious in seeking change towards new improvements. and of letters. markets. This portrays how Libra does not hold on to old things and seeks to trade the old for something new and better." Working through the air element.(Male Venus . patient and intent on being first. etc.Lower Abdomen . the person born will rever gods. bank. Tula: Jewelry shop. I am open minded and interested in everybody's point of view. I value marriage and partnership. Libra and Aquarius) are all represented by humans instead of animals.. Air is associated with mental constructs and intellectuality. Libra: Groins. Libras make excellent leaders as they are able to ‘weigh’ important matters and then.Libra : The Libra-born is lean and of middle height. This will lead to their transcendence. Libra is reform. prophets. wares. those who live by (the skill of) their hands. at exactly the right time. toilets. wise. cosmetics. Music. command of ideas and idealism.Moveable Air) Key: To realize the love of beauty includes the love of truth. I am diplomatic. He will be tall in stature. amusement parks. make the perfect decision. revolution. is mainly interested in making the world a better. He will often have two names. He is popular. commission agents. and am emotionally attached to my job. good talker. but also fair trade and exchange. Libras initiate new ideas and that is where their creativity is at its highest. fancy shop. dice. liars. Libra: Venus + Cardinal Air Venus. of public criers. balanced. market-streets. Scales symbolize justice and fairness. exporters(? nairyanika). Libra encourages a more pleasant world through liberal enthusiasm for new and better ways of life. and those who are clever at hearing the meaning and the things to be done in message-bearing. Tula: Good talker. (according to Phala Deepika) Libra: "I seek harmony and beauty in the world. When she cultivates this quality through cardinal air. pleasing to others. I take pride in my friends and like to be of service to others. Air is curious and mobile and likes to change in search of new things. Dancing Hall. and image-makers(? murtika). entertainment. He is clever at making schemes as he possesses a sound judgment. jewels. money lending. handicrafts. trade centers. and Brahmins but he will be active and will possess a lean and thin body. The lady is fair and beautiful. impulsive relationships and make money secretly. rogues. cloth merchant. perfume shop. Would be dominating in nature. intrested in arts. . guides. Libra is leadership. measures. Cinema Libra is lord of such things as balances. deft in trading. remember. broken. I am attracted to the unusual. social. 7. bar and Restaurant. I am a dreamer in daily life. caravan-leaders. He will be brave. in creates a very liberal nature. more enjoyable place. of playboys. He will have few children and he will be fond of wandering. I have a turbulent family life. By nature he is practical. law dept. Businessmen. Dance . 7. hotels. This communicates the liberal ideal of fairness. banks. Beauty parlor. gracious. charming. and naturally romantic. Libra is an Air sign. a peacemaker. ruled by the planet Venus.Libra: Libra is idealistic. It is because of this that Libra native are often seen as indecisive since too often they aren’t sure of what their own feelings are. clarity. venereal diseases. If Venus is weak and sign Libra is occupied by enemy or aspect closely by malefic planet then the native born under this sign suffers by way of diseases connected with the parts ruled by this sign and diabetes. When the sign Libra rising in the Ascendant it gives magnetic personality. Libra and the 7th house govern the lower abdomen and the lumbar region. airy and semi-fruitful sign and signifies sense of justice. it is violent. cooperative. performing arts. sociable. which suggests a good balance between the spiritual and material sides of life. Librans are usually concerned with other people. a weak. A man of phlegmatic and windy humour whose body is slender and tall. They tend to see every side of an argument before choosing sides. and usually somewhat indecisive. but himself has many sorrows. black. has black Complexion. Libra native can become overly concerned with outward appearances and will judge others by their looks and apparent disposition on more than one occasion. positive. Libra described: The sign Libra rises with its head. law. they will go to any lengths to achieve it. They possess elegant tastes and enjoy all the good things in life that money can buy. diplomatic. thanks in part to the influence of the planet Venus. a man who tramples on others. kidneys and bones of lumbar region. including the kidneys and internal genitalia. kind. one who is famous in his business and possesses property. Libra: Venus is the lord of this sign and it rules skin. They attract the respect of those who interact with them for their sense of fair play and charm. Its lord is Venus. Hard working and optimistic. or even business partnerships. affable. Libra native are known for being great partners in business and team sports. poised. Libra: Libra is an air sign. an intelligent person whose eyes are big. Diamond is known best for this sign. acting art. It often indicates the ability to engage in profitable partnerships. and beautiful. is Rajoguna in nature. is strong in day. and lazy person. Since peace is paramount to Libras. charming and balanced. Libra Sign in the Ascendant If Libra is in the ascendant. It is a talkative. the native is a valet whose body and character are coarse. and optimism and is highly sensitive. Libra native strive for balance and harmony in life. one fond of strife who is attached to sexual intercourse which is against righteousness (adharma). is of Shudra Varna (race) and has medium sized body and is biped. . ungrateful. Their admiration of the beautiful tends to make them just as hungry for the praise and attention of others. Libra native are defined by a highly developed social sense that draws them towards people. They may not save the world. courteous. honesty or justice deep within and frequently wish to perform activities aimed at helping the underprivileged or downtrodden. whether it be art. and its symbol is the Scale. extroverted. Its symbol is the scales. The Sun gets debilitated and Saturn gets exalted in this sign. it resides in the West and wanders on the earth. artistically creative. They have a special need for companionship and for contact with the public. refined. even if it means betraying their own internal feelings. pleasant. Libra native have a natural attraction to beautiful things. arthritis and gout pains etc. but they will do everything in their power to make it a better place to live in. fickle. venereal diseases. Libra native are warm-hearted. sexual problems and infertility troubles. Libra is ruled by Venus. Potential problems if afflicted include urinary problems. and on many occasions will try to smooth over disputes between others. fairminded. They make good counselors and have a keen sense of the human psyche. dance. will respect preceptors (or elders). or defects. A person born in this ascendant is a scholar. will possess beautiful and black eyes. will be affectionate to brothers. A man who is not resolute in many kinds of activity and who is attached to objectives whose results are harsh and terrible. more often than not they are tall and slender. One whose family is injured by serving evil people. breaking. Libra Ruled by Venus: The characteristics of a native with Libra in Ascendant (Lagna) are tiredness. very devoted to Gods and Brahmins. be truthful. be bereft of physical happiness. be phlegmatic and windy in humour. be respectable. and impartial in speech. bold. They are talented in business and have desires to make themselves an asset to the masses of people by their actions. They get bald in adult age. be fond of promoting quarrels. fewer children. They are constructive critics. weakness in the limbs. Honest. very intelligent. proficient in exchange and barter. They have fertile imagination. Libra Rising: This sign is under the rulership of Venus giving a love of art. Gods and Brahmin. One born in Libra Ascendant will have a crooked physique. Their limbs are slender but strong.An industrious man who delights in being hospitable to gods and Brahmans. Effects of Birth in Libra Ascendant . They get bald in adult age. Their nose is like that of a parrot. be fickle minded. will have increasing and decreasing wealth. They love happy and harmonious life. be charitable. Their appearance is graceful and attractive. one whose mind is busy with reasoning in dharma. They possess good intellectual capabilities and are good at dealing impartially with other people. and whose relatives and son are hostile to him. correct intuition. one who is clever in serving and honouring the elders. be religious and base minded. with dual names. will injure others' honor. . be virtuous. will have a beautiful body. They are popular and have a spirit of sacrifice in them. Tula Lagna: The natives of this lagna grow tall with age and have a well proportioned body. Tula Lagna (Libra Ascendant): If Libra (Tula) is the ascendant house in the horoscope. proficient in arts. although they may be quite opinionated. very miserable. Their nose is like that of a parrot. will have a long face and a long physique. with light skin and hair. earns his livelihood by virtuous means. a father of sons who is to be honoured among wise men. They are also modest. wealthy and is respected by everybody. beauty and the good things of life. a man whose wife is ill-mannered and whose foes are feeble. They like changes in their life and environment.. The natives of this lagna are level headed. They want peace at all costs. They are reasonable and just. a purposeful. They have an affinity for sensual pleasures and prefer an opulent environment. quadrupeds. equal minded. drinking. will have mean profession. Their limbs are slender but strong. refined and gentle. wandering. be bereft of virtues. Their domestic and married life is generally happy. family and property. will honor guests. bondage. They love their home. restrained and pure man who is dear to his brothers. brilliant intellect and pleasant nature. learned. be pre-eminent. They have a love for other people and are helped by friends and family. drugs. Tula Lagna: The natives of this lagna grow tall with age and have a well-proportioned body. Those affected are adept at balancing the different sides of human life. chaste. They are fun-loving and helpful to those close to them. The natives of this lagna are level headed. taking compassion on those less fortunate in life. with good discretion. They are fond of good things and comforts. women. They are usually philosophical or religious and care sincerely for others. Believes in Justice. its lagna is said to be Tula. They seldom lose their temper. one who dies from phlegm (-diseases). Their appearance is graceful and attractive. will yet help sinners. will perform Yagnas etc. will help the helpless. They weigh the merits and demerits of a subject and then express their decision. . Their fixed nature is well hidden by their cooperative demeanor. This is partially true for Taurus natives too. He will have few children and he will be fond of wandering. however. These people are able to see both sides of the issue and make the right decision. He will be brave.7. which indicates both the public and one's profession. They always have a valid point to support their content and ultimately is acceptable by all. and Brahmins but he will be active and will possess a lean and thin body. Libra is a sign of balance and justice. They need to readjust themselves constantly to align themselves along with the forces around them to get in inner sense of balance. but does not do so here to great degree because Saturn does not indicate children. serving the justice. They are gracious. no scales of justice). They prefer top stay away from discordant environment. who are stubborn bulls. Libra Lagna Libra's symbol. This situation makes marriage more likely to endure for Arians and Librans than for natives of Taurus or Scorpio lagnas. because he indicates government. This debility may lead them into sexual escapades that they may live to regret. but not argumentative. clubs and societies important to Librans. these people tends to wear neutral colors. Because Venus is Jupiter's enemy. This predilection is forced by Libra's position as the natural zodiac's seventh house. People with Libra in the first house are peace lovers and harmonious in nature. and Librans have difficulty accepting wise counsel. a mutual friend of lagna lord Venus. He will often have two names. which makes them fair player of strong sense. 1st House Libra: Libra rising in the first house makes a native naturally diplomatic and sociable. Saturn. the scales (a shopkeeper's weighing scales. patient and intent on being first. As Libra is the seventh house of the natural zodiac it reinforces this likelihood. the lord of wisdom and intuition. and because he is exalted in the ascendant. is the lord of the tenth house. gives Libra pronounced interest in politics because he rules both the forth house (the masses) and the fifth house (the formation of government bodies). He will be tall in stature. compatible and social in nature. the person born will rever gods. With Libra in the ascendant the native is a good debator. Librans often have difficulty controlling expenditures and tend to waste their resources both physical and financial. in a Libra lagna the lord of the seventh house relationship is identical with the lord of the second house of family. Also Libra is a fierce. particularly like public professions because the Moon. Librans do. Being balanced in nature. because lagna lord Venus is a social planet. If the Ascendant be Libra. a public planet. Thereby. and over concern their social lives may cause them to permit their friends to waste their time. When coupled with Jupiter's ownership of two dussthanas in this lagna. The Sun rules the eleventh house for this lagna and. friends. deft in trading. They also tend to be fashion conscious. Neatness and order must be maintained to make them comfortable in every situation. Venus is disinclined to accept any well-intended advice from Jupiter. while Taureans are merely passive ignorers of good counsel. As for Aries ascendant. That Saturn as fifth lord is exalted in the first house might also indicate children. but is less pronounced for them because in a Taurus lagna Jupiter owns the eleventh house of friends. this tendency causes a Libran's wisdom to become somewhat clouded. Since Venus is debilitated in the twelfth house of a Libra lagna. makes natives of this mercantile rashi less likely to be lawyers than retailers or merchants. because Venus is a 'flashy' planet. active rashi which ignores advice actively. merciless and impartial In his arguments. But they are often led astray by bad comp since the Sun is debilitated in the first house. They are artistic. creative. They always try to give their best shot. The hide their true feelings for the sake of winning the approval of others inorder to maintain order and harmony. You have a natural ability to reflect the identity of others as well. lawyer. charming and have the ability to please everyone around. diplomat. People with Libra rising in the ascendant can make a good arguer.These people are even. have a good color sense. On the negative side of Libra rising in the first house is that they are always try to maintain the status quotient. who are very much calmed in their approach and carry a diplomatic & positive attitude. They will become the center of attraction without any effort of them. and tend to see themselves through other’s eyes and reactions. which they won’t let go waste. They possess a friendly approach towards everyone for which they will help and become friends with almost everyone. Libra rising sign or Tula Lagna natives seek for all possible comforts at their place besides which they are the lovers of beauty and would wish their surroundings to be well adorned and organized though they are not strict for the same like Virgo natives.change in life. Besides this. due to this they many sometimes fail in the primary job of taking care of others. they will also pursue beautification of themselves as their dressing. These people are deep believers of peace & harmony and plays the role of pacifiers many a times. People with Libra in the first house are the lovers of beauty and seek harmony everywhere. They avoid the disruption and avoid bringing any kind of . They are natural negotiator. and know are well known to bring beauty into the surroundings. Libra people are bestowed with creative and artistic blend for which they would be somewhat involved in art and creative pursuits and would be interested in the same. The Libra rising people would be attached to their culture norms and family values and will respect them but they are flexible and adaptable as well for the changing environment. They are usually well mannered and carry etiquettes and appear like wiser personalities besides which they are endowed with intellect and sharp composures of mind. In the end. rather than saying what they actually feel. The natives of Libra ascendant or Tula Lagna enclosure are soft at their core but they are not fragile personals as these natives are courageous and strong personalities but they are not stubborn people for which they are believed to be the most balanced personalities. They have a natural tendency to say what they think will please others. hair style and make up will be among their best concerns. the free living attitude of these people makes them appear as fun loving personalities as they are but they also possess a sincere and serious approach towards life. They are not very good at aggressively advancing themselves and need to concentrate on learning how realize their own identity. They might adopt an opposing view to what might be their natural inclinations and have strong ability to maintain balance in the discussion. THULA LAGNA OR THULA ASCENDANT . Libra Ascendant or Rising sign or Tula Lagna | People of Libra rising sign The Libra Ascendant or Tula Lagna are born with immense and irresistible charm for which they are well known for their attractive personalities as even if they would not be fairer in complexion and beautiful at face. they will surely possess some charisma & magnetism in their personality to bring everyone close to them. have many personal contacts. They are inborn peace-loving and diplomatic in nature. These people are socially active. and a natural matchmaker. Libra Ascendant natives are truly humanitarian and generous souls. Besides this. There is also the presence of a judiciary vision in them for which they analyze things and keep on walking over the right path. They will be generally known by more than one name. They are likely to be vindictive & revengeful. The second and seventh house ruled by Mars gives finances and marriage a bit of a sting. They always have an underlying fear in the bottom of their minds. depth of character with issues of betrayal and trustworthiness. In career. They are likely to be disappointed in love as their love may not be reciprocated. You have the habit of taking decisions in a confused way and often get into things in complication. They are interested in entertainments which involve the opposite sex. Saturn as the Yoga Karaka for Libra ascendants brings a sense of power and purpose. strategies. They are well informed and interested in logical & legal aspects. You will have a slow and steady earnings and will elevate to higher positions in life periodically. liaisons etc and you will be successful in it. Proper food habits are necessary. foreign relations etc. Jupiter is the planet that rules health. only the planets themselves will be different. You love everything beautiful and you talk less with powerful communication. As the ruler of the third it can represent high. Mars as the Maraka planet can cause injury or trouble. major changes will happen only from the time of your marriage. Raja Yoga is when the ruler of a Tricona house is brought together with a Kendra house. and competition. marketing. This called a Yoga Karaka. What to do? World is like that. mostly your life partner. But in your life. Libra will have the same patterns. They are keen observers of human nature and psychologists. or political. but when it comes on your own life. Saturn. In health. Venus will rule the individual (first house) but with the taint that the eighth house will give. They have domineering personalities & they are forceful and given to their ways. you will have a caring life partner. On the financial side.minded brothers. Ascendant . your partner may become restless as you are little bit slow in actions when compared to your life partner. enemies. but at times.Libra (Thula): Libra rising creates an all rounder. you may have problems connected to digestion and heat related troubles mainly. Libra: As the opposite sign of Aries. you could be in Finance. religious extremes. You will be selective in choosing friends and once started believing. there is no full stop for it. Their eyes have a peculiarity of their own. Mercury is the planet of spirituality with rulership of houses nine and twelve. mostly you will spend less for you and more for your family and then friends. Saturn as the ruler of both the fourth and fifth house makes Saturn the most powerful planet of all. They may have very few sons. Since Venus itself gives sweetness these qualities will not be as abrupt as with Aries ruled by Mars. You can be successful in developing ideas. The planet that rules the ascendant will also rule the eighth house only here it is Venus. They are lovers of Poetry & the fine arts as they are ruled by the poet Venus. consumer industry and anything in terms of consultancy. you will miss your perfect decision and hence you need to take your well wishers directions. You are good for giving solution to others. bringing out the realization of purpose. On the personal side. a person who is a generalist and well accepted in society. In this case one planet by itself fulfills this requirement. They have a special talent in business dealings. The spiritual tendencies will be more . Mars as the seventh house ruler can give marital problems that are associated with money issues (second house). Saturn here rules a Kendra and a Tricona giving it Raja Yoga status. The third and sixth house ruler is Jupiter. They are likely to be of a wavering mind They believe that God is love and their love will embrace all creatures. The Sun ruler of the eleventh can gives gains from the father and high ideals.You are calm and a conservative person. The Moon as the ruler of the tenth house can bring fame and attraction of followers. They want to see heaven on earth. managers. But under the rule of Venus do like beauty around them. sometimes much like Taurus types. Goddess Lakshmi. Saturn. If Saturn is placed in this sign it gets exalted because Saturn ruling servants occupies the sign of luxuries and pleasures. strong will-power. talkative. idealistic. skin. positive. LIBRA: It is an airy sign ruled by Venus. adaptable. They like to have circles of beautiful or famous friends. Travel to gain knowledge and teaching will be tied to Mercury. idealists and fanatics. This is the mooltrikona sign of Venus. male. particularly in the realm of ideas. They are not much concerned with home and family. skin diseases. charm and aesthetic sense. justice. artistic. If Venus is strong. These factors render the Libras a magnetic personality. if Venus is strong. arthritis. humanitarian. thinker and able of considering different aspects of standpoint and judgment or offensive. and Mercury are the friendly planets for Libra ascendants. . etc. They have a strong sense of the world or history as a whole as moving towards some ideal. in which sphere they often become leaders. power and command of ideas. they are vulnerable to diseases connected with parts ruled by this sign. talkative. revolutionaries. cardinal air. the significator of vitality and status. 7. optimism and is highly sensitive. charismatic. clarity. which for them becomes a vehicle of social change. uterus.intellectual with Mercury. justice and balance. Depending on the influences on the ascendant and/or Venus. The influence of other planets on the tenth. rajasic. the planet of hard work and discipline. even great generals. the significator for materialistic pursuits and comforts. Libras become actors. renal problems. is exalted in this sign and the Sun. the Libras enjoy good health. balance. Saturn. In its stronger manifestation it is the sign of reformers. If the Sun which rules the soul is involved in this sign which rules luxuries and pleasures. Otherwise. gout pains. venereal diseases. the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be mother divine. is debilitated. bladder and inner sexual organs such as ovaries. testicles and prostate gland. the sign Libra usually gives their natives a strong sense of harmony. it gives leadership. They are sensitive. changeable and indecisive. They often like to live in the clouds and have strong connections with the higher astral plane. diabetes. They like public professions. semi-fruitful and biped sign and signifies sense of justice. This sign rules lumbar region and lumbar bones. physicians. Libra is a moveable. first or second houses changes the professional pursuits. Libra (Thula): Libra is the positive sign of Venus. tri-dosha. making them spontaneous. independent. urination problems. humanitarian. lower part of large intestine. Libra individuals have a strong sense of harmony. harmonizing. prophets. musicians. Depending upon the strength of the Moon. legal advisors. They love the truth and are devoted to their ideals but may go too far in their zeal and become propagandists. inconstant. Venus. As sign no. the Sun and Venus. financial advisors. the lower abdomen of the Cosmic Man. and excitable and have the power to arouse and influence the masses. etc. hoteliers. Their orientation is often political. 7. actresses. the spiritual development of the person is obstructed and that is why the Sun gets debilitated in this sign. Librans are usually attractive and have a charisma that may become sexual. Libra has a somewhat different meaning in the Vedic than in the western system. They like fame and recognition and like to have an audience for their ideas and have a strong social sense. They can attune themselves to the love of truth and thereby quickly learn to transcend the world. the scales or balance. If Libra rises as the ascendant. Their idealism may also express itself through art and drama. Being a positive sign you will be assertive. bold. . love of ambition. It is a Seershodaya rashi rising with its head. will lose his wife. Being a movable sign or a Chara Rasi. They like business situations that give them administrative power or ability to influence others. refined and humane in nature. It has a medium build physique and is a biped rashi. It is owned by the planet Sukra who is considered a benefic or Shubha Graha. Thula (Libra) . fond of reasoning. a harsh nature and a phlegmatic and windy temperament. indecisive. You will be tactful in all your dealings. fearing. Fame recognition and popularity and ability to complete plans and execute them in a short time are your major plus points. It is an airy. airy and male sign.confidence and You will have much of executive ability in your profession. Tula Rashi/Libra: The 7th sign is Tula/ Libra. physical union and establishing justice in the world. By their sociable nature they are often successful and want to make a mark upon the world. you will show enterprise. You like to do the work. will thoughtlessly begin a work. Being an Airy sign you will be cheerful. amiable. will power and force. You will have determination. Your mind is cultured. You will be known for your smile on your face. will be of short neck. generally well-behaved and level-headed. symbolizing an innate affinity with considering balance. In case the following are found in you learn to control them .They can attune themselves to the love truth and thereby quickly learn to transcend the world. will become famous by his acts of liberality. and in this airy sign these qualities get expressed in more abstract forms. You will be more self expressive. and less passive in Your reactions. You will be generous and helpful in nature. diplomacy. A person born when Libra is the rising sign will be of a rough body. enthusiasm. He will meet his death by a famous man. male and positive sign. expressive. politics.is the 7th sign of the Zodiac. Tula is strong during daytime. forcefulness. flirtatious These qualities may occur from time to time depending upon other factors in your horoscope like dasa/bhukti or through Gochar effects. will be fond of travels. by mind quadrupeds. You will be full of ideas opinions. courteous sympathetic.Indolent nature. by separation from an object of desire or by the fatigue of journey. It relates to the western direction and resorts to land. and a go-ahead spirit. You will be oriented towards partnerships and relationships. will conceal himself to escape troubles from his kinsmen. You have good intellect and fertile imagination. Shukra is the graha for harmony and grace. brothers and others. It may include a weakness for the opposite sex. Your refined way of life will attract attention. It is a Moveable sign.It represents Sudras or the 4th Varna. And you are capable of dealing with any situation or emergency. proper relations and the harmonious exchange of things. Yet they can lose themselves in their goals and projects. Its lord is Shukra. gentle. active and somewhat offensive by nature. by calamity. The symbol of Tula is a man holding scales. You are idealistic. will be respected by his father. who rise in life on their own in spite of continuous obstacles. musical. Shukra (Venus) is the ruler and Tula is a movable. artistic and wellinformed. will be fond of fight and will suffer from grief. You are likely to be pioneers in your chosen field. not talk about it. You will be interested in music harmony. It is destructive or mischievous . will be grateful. You will not hesitate to change whatever you dislike and whenever you want. You will make use of your rational ideas which will improve the condition of people around you. by his kinsmen. It is black in complexion and is predominant with Rajo guna. inquisitive. will serve under his preceptor. You represent the busy people. over cautious. You will act quickly with unbounded self. will acquire much wealth. will be virtuous. although they will almost always use a “soft sell” approach when they want to win others over. Even if they were not endowed with good looks. People born under the sign love beaded bags and jewelry. On the other hand. However. Pedicure and nail polish could enhance the beauty. all the shades of pink. Even if anybody talks rude to them they ignore. They are idealistic. Libras should practice their winning smile. These people are like psychologists. and generally wear a signature scent that is flower-based. charm and social grace is noticeable. white. and pastel colors are among their favorite forms of expression. and these nice people may have had quite a few problems in their relationships. The neck is like conch so the neck would be prettier with a heavy necklace. They know what is right and what is wrong. Libra Ascendant: Everybody seems to like Libra Ascendant natives. Besides. brave and impartial in arguments. Green (light airy shades). active partners. The native born with Libra as their birth sign have respect for god and Brahmins. a gentle approach with others. There is a sense of commitment here as Libra is a sign of fairness. they are attractive. Libra rising generally appear to be smoothing everything over. and it can be hard to imagine why! These natives attract others to them effortlessly. flowing materials. justice and beautiful communication. they are active. Libra The house with the placement of Libra on the cusp shows the area of life where beauty. they can make excellent mediators and will generally be the first to accommodate you. and blend well. Always want a smooth atmosphere. Lucky Color: Soft pastel shades. and an easygoing image.Libra (October 17th to November 16th): The 7th sign is Libra. . Libra rising people can be enormously persuasive. fond of wandering. and fair. quick witted. stay away from red and yellow. Libra’s are imaginative considerate and negative thinkers. vindictive. Filmy fabrics. Colors that are soft. Libra is the fashion maven of the zodiac. the way they walk. forceful and positive. Libra rising natives are usually attracted to competent. have sharp reasoning. navy blue and gray are the colors that will help you in climbing up the ladder of success. they simply don’t know what to do with themselves without a significant other. They are pious and spiritual. They have charming smiles. They love all beautiful things and would like to possess. They just come across as nice. The element is Air and planet is Venus. Their relationships are often characterized by bickering or competitiveness until they learn to drop their sweet image once in a while and to stop blaming their partners for everything that goes wrong. They are keen observer. their hair. which is all of the time! A tendency to pass the buck and keep up that “nice guy/gal” image are their worst qualities. Look a little closer at their lives. as they are harmful for you. Look to this sign for the latest trends and smartest looks of the season. firm in conviction and unmoved by mean motives and they are more idealistic than realistic. Some of them have had a string of relationships. pleasant. never involve in arguments and balanced in personality. The feet are clumsy so closed sandals should be preferred. Most pay a lot of attention to their personal appearance — the colors they wear. They are less sensitive to what others say for them and they are not easily amenable to reason. They judge the things and decide themselves regarding any issues. Blue. harmonious. There may be frequent tension in their domestic life. The natives of this lagna are very level headed. They are constructive critics. Pictoral symbol of their sign is balance. Librans Give Importance to Family and Social Life Libra is the 7th zodiac sign which is symbolized by the image of a weighing scale. Their family life is never in short of luxury and happiness.They are tall. A striking nature of the natives of Libra is that though they carefully listen to others. Librans have deep faith in love and that’s why they are caring and always cheerful. They have clear and logical concepts. According to astrological principles the natives of Libra will get a bright future if they study subjects . This sign gives its natives full scope of enjoying family life. long face. The basis of a harmonious family life of the Libra natives is their energetic nature. They are very keen to acquire domestic happiness. They have physical beauty. In this article we will discuss what astrology says about the characteristics of the natives of Libra.Physical characteristics. they act according to their will. Tula is movable sign therefore tula lagna person likes changes in their life and environments. family and their property. Astrology says that Libra is the lord of the west direction. They keep changing their principles. Venus is the lord and Saturn is exalted and Sun is debilitated in Libra. but they cannot be bullied. The appearance is graceful and attractive. truthful disposition. They can also become good actors. possess a lean and thin body. On their side they are against such things. They get bold in adult age. They love and adore their partners. Libra natives are very individualistic and they do not bow down in front of any pressure. Tula lagna persons are most suited for business and 'law. They have fine skin and gleaning eyes. curly hair. You cannot get anything out from them by threatening them or by force. Natives of Libra are known for their social behavior. Tula Tula lagna or when chandra is on tulya rashi in the birth chart. Astrologer says that air elements are prominent in the nature of the Libra natives. architects salesman and story writers As Tula lagna people love peace. The limbs are slender but strong. Due to this nature they are inconsistent in their comment and work. Many illustrious saints of the world were born with Tula lagna. lean body and uneven limbs. Astrology says that Libra natives are intelligent and are able to manage other people. Tula lagna girls are tactful. Natives of Libra are usually very ambitious and try their best to achieve their goals. Tula lagna natives have an unassuming nature and 'humanitarian instincts. This trait develops critical attitude in them for which they just cannot praise but find out weak points in others nature. Their honest effort in doing the best uplifts them from time to time in their life. They never let indolence ride on their active life. They weight the merits and demerit of the subject and then express their opinion. The natives of this lagna grow tall with the age and have the well proportioned body. They are popular and have the sprits if sacrifice in them. baldness in capital region in middle age. musicians. They are fond of good dress and other comforts as Shukra is the lord of this sign. Tula lagna natives love peace alright. They can establish good relations with people in a short time. They lean more to the spiritual side than to the pure physical one. their domestic and married life is generally happy. They love their home. intelligent and wise. Natives born in Libra sign have erratic mind. fair complexion and fine eyes. They have a tall. but we must also balance that need to compromise and interact harmoniously with honoring our own individual strength and power. This hesitation tends to make the situation even worse. which is also impulsive.Ascendant Libra rising produces a personality that is naturally diplomatic and sociable. and there is always a demand in your nature that justice be served. The primary quality associated with Libra is a strong sense of fair play. Astrology after a lot of research has found that Librans may have profitable and successful career options in pharmacy. thus they should be especially careful about these problems. Vedic Astrology Signs: Libra Libra is ruled by Venus. This includes social contacts. A good number of the world’s most famous political leaders have Libra as their Ascendant. fruit and sweet related business are also favorable for the Libras. Agriculture. diamond. especially if they’re in the position of authority. interactions with the world of beauty and form and culture. work contact. This is why they are notorious for hesitation. Through the sign of Libra.like Ayurveda. someone might be disappointed. art instrument businesses. They are good at debate. but of course that’s not possible. a Libra person will hesitate. and sociability are your obvious traits. business contacts. Hernia and limb problems. we must do our best with the information we have and then make a decision and live with it. Libras often will then become frustrated with the situation and act in a very impulsive way. we activate that by interactions with others. and show us initiating contact with others and initiating harmonious communications and connections. Besides these professions milk. Radiology. Libra is very good at diplomacy and jobs that require this kind of interpersonal skill because they’re so aware of everyone’s needs and everyone’s values. Venus shows our desire for happiness and through Libra. Graciousness. expressing herself in a masculine way. But many times. as a way to bring in the opposite qualities of the sign of Aries. and they would like everyone to feel taken care of. You can see both sides of any issue. So Libra’s are often very good negotiators. as well as accommodate the desires of others is the big growth process for them in this lifetime. musician. but are not likely to be too argumentative. Library Science. if they’re not sure how everyone can get their needs met. Journalism. The nature of Libra puts a high importance on partnerships and all sort of intellectual connections. and global connections as well. Libra. But the nature of Venus makes Libra a sign of high desires. They don’t want to disappoint anyone. Kidney problem is a common disease amongst the Libras. artist and film related works. The external nature of Venus is related to the element of air.Lagna. . The hesitation of a Libra person comes from the fear that if they make a decision. In life. and then satisfy them. able to find the most important needs and qualities of each person in a negotiation.Tula. Science. Aesthetics and Textile Engineering. Neatness and order must be maintained if they are to remain comfortable in any situation. Venus wants to initiate beauty as well. textile. compatibility. Astrologers say that Libra natives are inclined to diseases like urine and skin problems. and learning to manage their desires. A Libra person will inherently want to make everyone happy. that you can usually please nearly everyone. People born with Tula Lagna (Libra Ascendant) need harmony in their lives and surroundings as well. You are one who reacts to others. Tula(Libra): Its ruling planet is venus. The persons belong to this sign are firm believer of laws and always try to abide by them. That is why they are always thoughtful while making any decision. But Mercury also encourages a nervous temperament. rather than what you really feel. The native always prefer fair dealing that means he will not leave his money on others nether he will let others take away his money. you are sometimes prone to fail in the primary job of taking care of others. They have the quality to judge matters in an unbiased manner. especially when in comes to details. In their relationships. Any disturbance may make them feel uncomfortable in their environments. a tendency to criticize or complain about details and to worry. The reason for this is that they have an inherent need to please other people. excluding their subjectivity. Disharmony in their surroundings can lead them to mental and physical disturbances. It represents abdomen. There may be a flair for science or writing. people may impose their decision upon them. So in night sky this sign is where the stars makes the outline of scale. sarcasm. By nature people born with Tula Lagna (Libra Ascendant) are curious and their curiosity leads them to varying experiences. You want to avoid the disruption of change and avoid making waves. they can look into many different fields. The influence of the Mercury bestows a logical mind and acute powers of observation. It represents air element. You are not very good at aggressively advancing yourself. they are better able to reflect their true selves and their passions about relationships. Because of your inborn peace-loving and diplomatic tendencies. In zodiac its symbol is a man with scale in his hand. The native will be intelligent will save them from various traps.You have such an even disposition. It is a male sign and by nature it is a moving sign. and that is not their inherent characteristic. On the negative side of Libra rising is the tendency to maintain the status-quo. They are very good at behavior and people likes taking to them. . In these states of indecisiveness. You may give in sometimes to the temptations of indolence. which makes them unstable. So this is the need of people born with Tula Lagna (Libra Ascendant) to be loved and praised by others. This need for harmony force them to avoid risk taking in life and choose safe paths. and so much charm. so in pleasing other. Tula Lagna (Libra Ascendant) People with Tula Lagna (Libra Ascendant) bring quality of parity in their nature. Verbal meaning of tula is scale. and this situation doesn’t change until they closely judge their own motives. You may have a natural tendency to say what you think will please others. They are said to be good advisors and good listeners. The native can be a good businessman. In their need to explore. and you are better suited to making your way by being agreeable . Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. they may lose their objectivity about the matter. Sometimes people with Tula Lagna (Libra Ascendant) cannot maintain their objectivity. Libra(Thula) Lagna Palangal You will have an impressive personality. You will be helpful to others. You are fond of traveling to religious places. You have a very prominent nose. You have very attractive and impressive eyes. You have a broad face. You are attractive, good-looking and have an impressive personality. You are very ambitious. You are a competent businessperson. You are fond of astrology. Your voice is very sweet and impressive. You are not greedy. You will travel to many places. You may live far from your family. You would have had some unhappiness in your childhood but will be happy later in life. You will have a normal life. You will rise in life after 31-32 years of age. You make many friends. You have a dignified personality. You are susceptible to cough. You are wise and are always smiling. You are very able and dutiful. You can read others thoughts. You are kind-hearted. You are famous for your judgments. You are a competent administrator. You are peace loving. You are fond of art and music. You will succeed in big ventures. You are fond of physical pleasures, luxury and perfumes. Though you come from an ordinary family, you will rise high. You will acquire a lot of success in government and social affairs. You will head projects. You are skilled in many arts. You will travel to many countries. You are truth loving. You take interest in social work. Know Your Signs – Libra In Vedic Astrology, Libra is considered as the seventh zodiac signs among the twelve zodiac signs which are considered for astrological calculations according to Vedic Astrology. The last two padas of Chitra Nakshatra, all four padas of Swati Nakshatra and the first three padas of Vishakha Nakshatra are ruled by this sign called Libra. Libra is an important sign and should be given proper attention while studying a horoscope as this sign is ruled by Venus which is general signifier for Marriage, Married life and Love life of a person. Libra is an airy sign ruled by Venus and Saturn gets exalted in this sign which means that out of all the twelve zodiac signs, Saturn is considered as the strongest when placed in this sign. The placement of a positive and clean Saturn in this sign in a horoscope can bless the native with many kinds of materialistic successes and pleasures depending upon the other factors of his horoscope. And whereas Saturn gains extra strength by virtue of its placement in Libra, the Sun which is the source of energy and life for all living beings, gets debilitated in this sign which means that out of all the twelve zodiac signs, the Sun is considered as the weakest when placed in this sign called Libra. The weakness of the Sun by placement in this sign in a horoscope can make the native suffer from lack of decision making power, weak immunity and some other problems depending upon the other important factors of his horoscope. Placement of some strong positive planets like Saturn and Venus in Libra in a horoscope can bless the native with good to extreme materialistic pleasures and great earthly successes depending upon the rest of the horoscope. A good positive Venus placed in Libra generally makes the native beautiful and attractive and the people from the opposite gender get attracted to such natives. A combination of positive Saturn and Venus in this sign in a horoscope can do wonders for the native and can bless him with name, fame, luxuries and many more such things depending upon the other factors of his horoscope. On the other hand, weakness of Libra in a horoscope by virtue of placement of negative planets in it or by aspect of negative planets can cause serious concerns for the native. Libra represents the sexual organs, some part of the large intestine, urine bladder and some other organs in the same region in the human body. A strong Libra and Venus in a horoscope generally indicate good working of sexual organs whereas serious weakness to this sign by afflictions from negative planets can make the native suffer from Venereal disease, Urinal Infections and other such problems related to the parts and organs of the body ruled by Libra. Apart from these diseases, the sexual life, married life and the love life of the native can also get disturbed if this sign is afflicted by some specific negative planets in a horoscope. Thula – Libra – Barbara Pijan Lama Parashara says: "[They] grow tall with age and have a well proportioned body. Their limbs are slender but strong. Their appearance is graceful and attractive. They get bald in adult age Their nose is like that of a parrot. the natives of this lagna are level headed. They weigh the merits and demerits of a subject and then express their decision. They are constructive critics. They are reasonable and just. They are also modest, refined and gentle. They love happy and harmonious life. They want peace at all costs. They seldom lose their temper. They like changes in their life and environment. They are popular and have a spirit of sacrifice in them. They have fertile imagination, correct intuition, brilliant intellect and pleasant nature. They are fond of good things and comforts. Their domestic and married life is generally happy. They love their home, family and property. " BPHS Chapter 4: 15-16 "Thula is a Seershodaya Rashi, rising with its head Thula is strong in daytime. It is black in complexion and is predominant with Rajo-Guna. It relates to the western direction and resorts to land. It is destructive, or mischievous (‘Dhatin'). It represents Shudra, or the 4th Varna. It has a medium build physique and is a biped Rashi. Its Lord is Shukra ." Das/ Behari comment on Thula Lagna: "A Libra Ascendant usually bestows a long face, an attractive appearance, tender eyes, and sparsely set teeth. You are generally above average height, lean and thin. Mentally, you are disorganized, emotionally unstable, and socially unbalanced. You are extravagant, generous, helpful and simple at heart. You crave social contact and the assurance that other people need you. You are also subject to contradictory thoughts and actions; you are fond of justice and law but easily irritated. Your friends and benefactors tend to be well-placed individuals, but you can also associate with dishonest people who, unfortunately, stick with you for years. Physically you appear strong and healthy but you may secretly suffer from diseases relating to the loins and kidneys, and should take precaution against urinary tract infections. You may have a strong desire for artistic achievement but fail to actualize it. Saturn is a very powerful planet for you. Jupiter is also very good. Fond of helping the lowly, and so much so that you may use base acts to achieve your goals. You respect spiritual leaders because they respect principle centered persons, but you are often too driven to stick strictly to principles yourself, but would rather see to it that the objective gets carried out. " General Traits of Thula in radix Lagna = Chandra in Thula Chandra in Thula = wealth from Surya Bargaining, deal-making, brokerage, negotiation, seeking balance of weights; diplomacy; design Contracts, promises, trust; agreements, alliances; law courts, legal remedies and conflict resolution ; marriage, partnerships, pairings, polarities, sexual relationships; satisfaction, equity; crime-andpunishment, truth-and-consequences; social justice Any type of paired, partnered , fair, equitable, yoked-yoga, balanced phenomenon or activity. Pairs of Equal Opposites, Polarities, Positive-Negative, Black-White, Self-Other, Subjective-Objective, Alpha-Omega Thula Chandra when Chandra occupies Thula rashi, Chandra owns the 10th from His bhava of residence. 5: benefic: Mangala (2 + 7). Jivatma differs from Paramatma.V. element) . protective energy was widely celebrated as a model of motherly care.vayu tattva = air or gassy element Planet Owner . Shani (4 + 5) malefic: Surya (11). Shukra (1 + 8). Delhi. Similarly. (1881). while the other is free. and sheltering specialties.the native typically enjoys a strong public career in one of the parenting. (The number of Tatwams is different according to the views of different philosophers but by Sakteyas generally and by several of the ancient Rishis. She sought no public praise. This sign. "The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac" "VII. Also can be defensiveprotective professions such as homeland security or police. His leadership roles have included (but not limited to) Habitat for Humanity which builds simple homes (Karkata) for needy families. Theos. (10th ed. 1991. validating attention to one's public leadership service in the specialty areas of nurturing and protecting. parental. etc. "Baddha" differs from "Mukta" * in being encased as it were within these 36 Tatwams. and in general one is regarded as a model parent. Subba Row. T. therefore. school-teaching. Tula.. USA Pres-39. Three Hundred Important Combinations.g. Vimshottari dasha periods and sub-periods of Chandra bring respectful. Guru (3 + 6) . energetic action manushya group = humane.)" Guna . Dvrasa and Parasurama. marine industry. E. Chandra (10). "Malefics. Raman. St. human-being Mithuna Kanya Thula tattva ("that-ness".Shukra = Venus zirshodaya = shirsho-daya group= head-first = daya = presentation. lands ownership-stewardship.rago-guna = rajas . the number of Tatwams has been stated to be 36). Benefics. yet the purity of her nurturing. or showing-portion Benefic Malefic According to B. or gardening professions. is evidently intended to represent the 36 Tatwams. When represented by numbers according to the method above alluded to. and stabilization (Chandra) of democratic elections in weak. (* As the Infinite differs from the Finite and the Unconditioned from the Conditioned. The public respects one's caretaking behavior. such as Agastya. and Neutrals" p.--Ed. This sign prepares the way to earthly Adam to Nara. As the emblem of Nara it is properly placed as the seventh sign.. 1947). caretaking. Catherine Laboure worked tirelessly for decades in the very common and humble profession of caring for the weak and vulnerable elderly in a religious shelter. this word will be converted into 36. Budha (9 + 12).. or to state the same thing in other words. delivery. caretaking. Jimmy Carter enjoyed a long career in several patriotic. emerging democracies that were vulnerable to oppressive corruption. the glamorous. who receives acclaim and applause the Entitled Bright Dry Burning Red Ones children. the Thula native becomes very selective in the choice of friends and may consider only the truly brilliant ones as suitable company for voluntary association. literary genii and performance artists. leaders (10th-from) of secret empowerment and charismatic agents of sudden. ~~ BPHS . because Chandra = L-10 and does not rules any other house (exceptions may be prescribed for those carrying important leadership responsibilities) Mangala ratna = no. the brilliant. because Lord Guru = L-3 + L-6 Shukra ratna = probably yes. and the native 's personal goals inter alia. the active Vimshottari time lords. 40. Sl. the fashionable. depends on Rahu's lord Ketu-ratna = unknown. Raja Yoga for Thula lagna = Thula Chandra + Shukra-Karkata An exchange of Rashi between Karma's Lord and Lagna-Lordwill make the native associated with the king in a great manner. General Suitability of Gems for Thula lagna Aid to three friends of Shukra:  Nilam Shani-ratna = blue sapphire supports yogakaraka Shani  Panna Budha-ratna emerald supports dharmapati Budha)  Hira Shukra-ratna = diamond supports lagnesha Shukra Surya ratna = generally. because Yogakaraka Shani = L-4 + L-5 Rahu-ratna = unknown. no. Ch. forced-changes (Vrischika) If Surya = swakshetra.11th-from = Natural Friendship Community-Economy-Sahangha befriends "Simha-05" types: kings and super-stars queens (including 'drama-queens') center-stage personalities the Very Confident (including "cons") the charming and the charismatic literati and glitterati attention-getters. almost always. the dramatically oriented those disconnected (12th-from) service work and medicine (Kanya). (There are some specific exceptions = see Surya below) Chandra ratna = no. 13 . because maraka Mangala = L-2 + L-7 Budha ratna = yes. politicians. celebrities. persons of genius and creative intelligence. Surya a natural enemy of lagnesha Shukra = L-11. royalty. depends on Ketu's lord There are exceptions to all of these general rules. because Budha = L-9+ L-12 (quite good for religious intellect) Guru ratna = almost always no. because lagnesha Shukra = L-1 + L-8 Shani ratna = Yes. Exceptions are caused by the position of Chandra. idealists. Difficult Vimshottari Dasha periods for the Thula native  measure from Thula radix lagna for social-material effects  measure from Thula Chandra lagna for psycho-emotional and spiritual effects In general. the most challenging life periods for any lagna occur during the Vimshottari dasha lordship of graha which rule no trikona in the nativity. For Thula lagna. Shani. acquisitive lagnesha Shukra will determine the conditions of social satisfaction. those who take center stage. and may prefer the social environments of materially elegant. Shani. Even when some features of the life experience are challenging due to evocation of the karma of their non-trine bhava (8. 12) the effects of their trikona will be rewarding enough that one will plod along with reasonable amounts of validation from society and spiritual hope. friendship networks. reputation and power. They will confer high position. Sl. Shani. One may be socially most comfortable in the advocate or peer-adviser role and in company of other match-makers and balancers. enriched.  No matter how much challenge from other factors such as difficult transits or the effect of the other non-trine bhava. 41 Natural communities. placement. children. 9 respectively. periods Lord Chandra = L-10enjoy the special compensation of a distinguished public reputation despite a very heavy leadership workload. 4. idealists. Budha  Shukra. and sangha female Thula natives may have many male friends Simha: befriends those who are in the center of power royalty. and Budha. Moderate Periods = Chandra. males and father-figures. persons of genius and creative intelligence. fashionable. 5. the father himself is a friend the glamorous. Thula natives are typically very aesthetic. celebrities. Surya  For Thula natives. drishti re: gracious. ~~ BPHS . over time. politicians. the dramatically oriented Lagnesha Shukra Identifies with Partners and Pleasures Nativity = Thula lagna or Thula Chandra = strongly identified with peer relationships and fair agreements. those less concerned with service work and medicine. most natives of Vrishabha and Thula become wealthy and knowledgeable.If the lord of the Lagna and the 10th exchange houseswith each other then they form a Raja Yoga . A highly developed Shukra (Hillary Clinton) may become an extraordinary diplomat and agent of social justice. . the character. charismatic. Easier Periods = Shukra. literary genii and performance artists. and brilliant. 5. with an advanced sensitivity to balance in art and design. and Budha rule domains 1. Barring damage to dhana-bhava or to the dhana-pati. there is always some positive compensationfor the Thula native during periods of Shukra. luxurious cultures.Ch. brokers. Harry Truman. She graduated from a top law school.  Mohandas Gandhi. some Thula nativities contain powerful corrections to this Thula-lagna leadership disability. The negotiation skills are fueled and sharpened like a fierce warrior's sword. Jimmy Carter . punitive. protective kindness in leadership roles.  For example. and patriotic emotion is generally a trusted feature of their leadership regime. forgiving. Reza Pahlavi. the Thula native may become associated with a soft. attorneys.. lawful Shani sees tolerant. 5. Mangala will provide the sharp scissor which cuts that silver cord linking the spirit into the flesh-body. Lord Surya L-11 while not a trikona pati does facilitate achievement of social-material goals and development of the conceptual and social network. Difficult Periods = Guru. . children and society's most vulnerable members is not a source of weakness but rather a source of civilized strength. Charles de Gaulle. Clinton's success in matters of leadership and law is due to her powerful parivartamsha yoga. etc. Chandra = intensely patriotic. Chandra in bhava that are located 4. there may be improved public appreciation of one's parental style during periods of Chandra in these locations. Nevertheless Mangala brings death. inconsistent or overly feminized (Chandra) leadership style. In the earlier years Mangala will be the agent of death for the mother. Chandra-Mesha is especially strong after age-50 due to Shani = L-10 from Chandra lagna. for the Thula native.  Mangala periods have a certain compensatory power. Chandra-Vrischika.  L-10 Parental Chandra rules karma bhava Despite their natural. Chandra-Thula. 7. Benazir Bhutto. Nelson Mandela Other compensations: If Chandra is positioned at a favorable angle from Karma Bhava. Chandra-Makara. L-2 can energize the Treasury (2) of money and knowledge. and other family members. emotional Chandra as an enemy. M. Margaret Thatcher. and enjoyed a lifetime career in private legal practice followed by a second career as a public legislator (senator) and diplomat. Hillary Clinton's parivartamsha yoga = L-10 Chandra + yogakaraka L-4+L-5 Shani = enormously strengthening. L-7 can energize the building of alliances. Mrs. In the later years. 9. Clearly her competence in matters of the social order (Shani) is publicly trusted. Chandra-Meena in 9th-from-10th is better for leadership in academics. On the plus side. Mangala  for Thula. ineffective. father.  female Thula leaders face a particular challenge to overcome the public perception that Chandra's natural interest in the welfare of women. 10 from karma bhava are better suited i.e. Compensations: However. From a Jyotisha perspective. the inherently most difficult periods can be expected occur under the auspice of Lord Guru = L-3+L-6 and maraka Lord Mangala L-2+L-7. public leadership prospects are improved. Chandra-Meena. and connect the native to new advisers such as physicians. Thula's love of homeland = palpable. Workplace leadership issues for the Thula native: L-10 Chandra rules natural bhava of Shani Strict. Adolph Hitler. and Chandra-Mesha are better suited for leadership roles. but Guru intensely dislikes Budha Periods of Budha are less difficult overall due to the Kumara's auspice as dharma-pati nevertheless somewhat stressful due to the fact that mentalized Budha has been tasked with revealing the true philosophy (dharma) which results in all the typical frustrations of putting the cart before the horse. superficial Budha-style processing. and get out. the native may become unpopular at work. L-3+L-6 Guru rules 2 natural bhava of Budha. pragmatic information (Budha) The Thula person tends to go into teacher-preacher configuration (Guru) when the workplace situation calls for collaborative. twinning. In Budha's worlds. Technical" L-3+L-6 Guru rules natural bhava of Budha L-9+L-12 Budha rules natural bhava of Guru Wise. L-9 + L-12 Budha governs the two natural bhava of Guru. The Thula native may be seen as an obstacle to efficient workflow in many cooperative workplace settings.However even with the more favorable placements. technical collaboration is normally required. Thula leaders may struggle to overcome emotional softness in order to appear strictly lawful in their professional social-ordering and regulatory roles. discriminating Budha as an enemy. The Thula person tends to talk in terms of broad conceptual knowledge (Guru) when it is time to use short-term. straying off target. announcements and reports. short-term clinical assessment. Guru substitutes philosophical long-view teaching behavior in Budha environments where shortterm. The Thula person who indulges in teaching (Guru) behaviors while employed in a technical (Budha) job may find oneself working a great deal of unpaid overtime. accusative litigation. sermon-preacher Guru as neutral. Yet. chatty Budha sees broadly wise. cooperative behavior (Budha) The natural worlds of Budha = commercial business. They want to get in. teacher-centered. Coworkers may feel that neither the staff nor the patients-clients-customers have time for philosophical rumination nor deep discussions upon the meaning of life. Guru tries to solve daily problems from a higher philosophical perspective. The workplace exception = pastoral counseling or other forms of human services ministry such as social work where it is understood that the client might benefit from a Guru-style compassionate outreach to the deeper meanings of life. Detail-oriented. and creating mountains out of molehills. and normal daily exchange of trivial information. there is often a caseload waiting for quick. No graha sees Guru as an enemy. team-centered. superficial. the Thula native may give the impression of being a bossy know-it-all. L-6 = "the problematizer". Crazy-making "opposite style" workplace communication issues for the Thula native: "Philosophical vs. get the process done. Periods of Guru = problematic for Thula lagna folk. even in these more humanistic environments. . inclusive Guru sees argumentative. Guru L-6 produces a style of problematization (framing and describing a problem) that is often far too religious or moralistic for the mundane clinical environment of bhava6. This process of judgment can be likened to the balance of a scale. Budha the Analyzer cannot accept Guru's guidance "on faith" Budha wants to instruct. social ethics. meditation or clairsentient apprehension. in the west if someone is known as a "heavyweight".The ceremonially ritualized temple and university environment (9) and the reflectively imaginative and clairsentient private sanctuary environments (12) are NOT places that evoke natural teacherpreacher-believer behaviors. instructing. intellectual history. Uchcha Budha in 12 or swakshetra Budha in 9 can mature into an excellent instructor of the philosophy and history of religion. "--. and similar analytical specialties which problematize the human experience of religious ritual. such as judges) Often the Thula native experiences periods of Budha as intellectually frustrating In matters of dharma-bhava and vyaya-bhava. scriptural 'fundamentalism'. because a well-placed Budha is capable of explaining almost anything! In particular for the Thula nativity+ L-9 Budha is gifted in the development of philosophical argumentation in any of the university intellectual disciplines. and perceptions which occur on the boundary between life and death. clairsentient perception and reporting. Indeed if Guru happens to be the lord of 10th navamsha. Budha's engagement with religious practice and clairsentient intuition is not always completely dysfunctional. classify. and assertions of "holy mystery" based on unaccountable or unexplainable phenomena.Das Goravani Writing . Compensations: For Thula natives. comparative meditation practice. discriminate. Budha asserts a critical and analytical method of inquiry. and cataloging processes of dream interpretation. anthropology of religion. "Literally means scale. explain. priestly sacraments. in these holy places. For example. orthodoxy. position or stance in relation to others. exegesis and critical literary analysis of sacred scripture. theology. and articulate human religious traditions. It refers to the seventh sign of the zodiac also known as Libra. imagination. L-9+L-12 Budha "the questioner" is particularly challenged by attributes of religious culture (Guru) that explicitly forbid or transcend questioning such as dogma. spiritual conscious. priestly empowerment. and prayer. Budha imposes logical rules of evidence upon matters of religious belief (Guru). Budha is unable to prima facie accept. Thula has a natural talent for delivering detailed explication and instruction in religious studies such as critical social ethics. history of consciousness.. or "a major player". The two main problematics (endless argumentative loops) generated by Budha when He encounters Guru's two bhava of religion = unquestioned or unquestionable religious beliefs lack of transparency and accountability in the entitled priesthoods (including the civil religion's priesthood. Thula also means one's position or stance. which is similar to one's weight on a scale. and meditative visions. Rather. history of religions. [Thula ]. such references are in regard to one's 'Thula'. The word 'Thula' is used throughout Indian languages to mean one's position. Uchcha Budha in 12 is particularly gifted at explaining. without credible explanation. the Thula native may somewhat ironically find oneself teaching in the problematic university and temple environments. the efficacy of temple rituals nor accept "on faith" the guidance of dreams.. prophets. They always like to look good and attractive. If the key phrase for Aries is "I Am".“the apprentice”) prepare him/her for fruitful participation in the larger social arena depicted in the second half of the zodiac wheel. Libra is the match for Aries in terms of enthusiastic and direct competitiveness. They are very calculative.As sign no. power and command of ideas. People of Libra Ascendant are generally born in upper middle class or rich family (Because Venus is the lord of this sign and Mercury becomes the lord of 9th house). vii. The signs preceding Libra symbolize the development of the individual's identity and (conspicuously in Virgo. or partnerships. Despite the friendly. They always try to judge people again and again because of their nature. as balance is the sign of Libra. competitive confrontations. Gemini ascendant person and normal relation with Cancer and Virgo Ascendant person. LIBRA: Libra is the positive sign of Venus. iii. Aries. Libra . on the zodiac wheel. cardinal air. v. Libra is the union of two “I Ams”. iv. the scales or balance. Libra is the middle-point of the zodiac (dividing it into two equal halves. Their financial status generally improves after their marriage. Libra (or “marriage”) is a type of initiation into the collective. then Libra's would be "We Are". 7. ii. Libra (and by extension the 7th House) represents the idea that one's sense of Self or Identity (Aries/1st House) is largely defined by and evoked through “face-to-face” encounters. They adjust themselves to different situations. and this weighing of things with or against each other reflects the Libran themes of relationship.Libra i. it does belong to the dynamic Cardinal Cross. They can get success from their early ages. a love of beauty and harmony. Libra. a union of two equal. They are like their sign. They always calculate the risk and effort in any work before doing it. socially-orientated half of the zodiac that follows. partnership or confrontation. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. In its stronger manifestation it is the sign of reformers. ix. Most of the actresses in film industries have Libra Ascendant. courteous and amicable attributes associated with this sign. viii. they are very balanced people. You can find a Libra person in cinema or in fashion industries. vi. The generally get good position in their office. They have good relation with Aquarius. They generally attract to opposite sex person of Aries ascendant. and therefore potentially artistic inclinations. They have beautiful face and attractive personality. Libra has a somewhat different meaning in the Vedic than in the western system. idealists and fanatics. like the even symmetry of the balance). This nature creates some confusion in their mind about every person. They spend more money on their garments and beauty products in comparison to any other sign. and this suggests qualities of grace and gentleness. opposite and (ideally or potentially) mutually complementary entities. it gives leadership. x. the lower abdomen of the Cosmic Man. revolutionaries. and the Masculine Airy Triplicity. whether they be consultations. and is thus opposite the first sign. the Balance Things are weighed and compared in the Scales of the Balance. the personification of divine knowledge and life sustaining water. They have a strong sense of the world or history as a whole as moving towards some ideal. In Aries. which for them becomes a vehicle of social change. while in Libra matter is predominant and spirit subordinate to it. The first six signs of the zodiac involve the immersion of the spirit in matter. it is said to be a kind of balance. the merchant. one who weighs. Yet they can lose themselves in their goals and projects. They like business situations that give them administrative power or ability to influence others. At the same time the sacred Ganges. Nataraja denotes the complete submerging of the divine essence in matter. or spiritual evolution. the upper line with a semi-circular bulge in the middle. flowing outwardly without seeking anything for itself. puts his feet on the Goddess* who represents the passive cosmic energy. though inwardly remaining highly alert. 'Yukta'. excitable and have the power to arouse and influence the masses. spirit is pronounced and materiality is subordinate to it. The various . humanitarian. This standstill posture of Nataraja represents the stage of manifestation when the powerful cosmic energy. Nataraja is engulfed in radiant flames. They can attune themselves to the love truth and thereby quickly learn to transcend the world. sometimes much like Taurus types. particularly in the realm of ideas. a scale. even great generals. It joins the involutionary or outgoing path with the evolutionary or ingoing path. They want to see heaven on earth. They like fame and recognition and like to have an audience for their ideas and have a strong social sense. Its diagram is formed by a double horizontal line. At this point in evolution the Divine Spark becomes fully entrenched in matter. They love the truth and are devoted to their ideals but may go too far in their zeal and become propagandists. justice and balance. Shiva. As Libra stands at the crucial juncture separating the materialization trend from spiritualization. As a symbol for Libra. In this dance stance (mudra). flows down. with flames raging all around his body. The cosmic dance of Lord Shiva as Nataraja and the yin-yang symbol of Chinese philosophy display this delicate balance. Librans are usually attractive and have a charisma that may become sexual. They are not much concerned with home and family. Aries denotes the primeval subjectivity prior to the manifestation whereas Libra represents the stage when the primeval essence is completely absorbed in materiality. known as involution. as if stunned. They are sensitive.individuals have a strong sense of harmony. several names are given to it: 'Tauli'. Their idealism may also express itself through art and drama. and becomes completely still. at all levels from the subtle to the gross. The second six give the involved soul the task of breaking through its bondage to matter to return to the pure spirit. fire is the life-force manifest in the different forms of existence. and 'Tula'. They like to have circles of beautiful or famous friends. Their orientation is often political. what is joined. 'Vanika'. Nataraja at this stage of the cosmic dance puts his right foot out to crush the dwarf. Essentially. By their sociable nature they are often successful and want to make a mark upon the world. Those who have seen Indian dance note that the dancers must often balance themselves in difficult positions. is activizated to such a high speed that it takes the appearance of complete stillness. Ignorance symbolized as a dwarf arises from materialism. But under the rule of Venus do like beauty around them. in which sphere they often become leaders. As a cosmic dancer. the symbol of ignorance. In Sanskrit. The legend around the dance of Shiva is very profound. They often like to live in the clouds and have strong connections with the higher astral plane. 7 Libra – Tula David Frawley Libra is universally represented as a balance. Whatever interaction of this impulse with the external world. Even the spirituality aroused at this stage is based on some kind of thirst or reaction. it is difficult to predict whether Libra born persons will pursue the paths of materialism or spirituality. In either case. Yet if the soul is not ready. three main currents flow. The two sides. It represents the balance between day and night. all beautifully poised in the circular disc representing the evolutionary course of manifestation. so that the limitations of the dwarf are well recognized. in complete ignorance of the supremacy of spirit over matter. During this phase of metamorphosis. ethnic or social differences. external stillness is counterbalanced by inner movement. or it may take the next step and begin its return journey. The first makes the individual like a pig in the mud. black and white. . The upper line symbolizes the volcanic fire inside the being. Libra is the stage where the thirst for material indulgence is the most intense. the basic substratum is that of materiality represented by the horizontal line. The third brings about the downpour of pure wisdom. As the symbols indicate. the upper line having a semi-circular bulge in the middle. Under Libra. Libra stands for dynamic balance. the final goal is the turn to the spiritual quest. the horizontal line describes the negative or Prakriti aspect of manifestation. he becomes thirsty for his spiritual goal as for the pure water of the Ganges. the materializing spark has reached its deepest point. Depending upon the experiences gathered. experience momentous events in life which destroy their attachment to matter and awaken their spiritual knowledge. This suggests that in Shiva's dance when he. In the second. the virgin. individuals irrespective of their geographical. the dwarf supports Nataraja. At this point. the clouds and the Sun. is a synonym of Goddess or 'Devi'. * Virgo. hot and cold. This principle has wide implications. Even in the Nataraja dance. material pleasure is bestowed on them so as to saturate their craving and help bring it to an end. They can slide towards the enjoyment of worldly pleasures or they may proceed onward to the realization of their inner purpose. the individual is attached to materiality and the pleasures of the senses are dominant. materialism is waning and spiritual awareness waxing. black and white. then Virgo's impulses are over and he begins to radiate Libra's impulses. External tranquility accompanied by internal strife without losing psychological composure is expressed by this geometrical representation. The Libra diagram is a double horizontal line.impulses generated so far immerse the soul in deeper layers of matter causing greater degrees of ignorance. but as his intelligence is aroused and he becomes aware of his lost purity. It is the outflow of the Ganges from the locks of the Lord Shiva and represents the spiritual urge. as the embodiment of cosmic prime energy. There is no greater material depth to which the soul can sink. Virgo produces Libra. Librans have a deceptive external composure in which a fire burns creating turmoil on the psychic level. Libra represents both ignorance and wisdom. It is not that the opposing forces are completely neutralized. The Chinese yin-yang symbol expresses the balance between the two opposing forces driving forward the evolutionary pilgrim. the former in completion and the latter in its beginning stage. At this stage. The upper line with the spiritual bulge gives a balance to this line. are so balanced that one drives the other in constant motion. The lower line shows complete submergence in matter. the soul may linger at this point dwelling on the delights of matter. thereby emphasizing the foundation of materiality for all the activities of this stage. From this level the upward movement begins. perfect balance exists under Libra despite the action of opposing forces. For this reason. At this stage. This involvement is greatest under Libra. As we have seen earlier. but both are in readiness for action and equally powerful. places his foot on the Goddess. 6) Suwarna and 7) Padma-raga. He sometimes does not have his own independent view on matters and prefers to echo those of the others to please them. religious. A man of phlegmatic and windy humour whose body is slender and tall. He will like to overeat and drink without moderation in company. 3) Udwaha or Dhanta. the seven colors of the spectrum are all contained in the horizontal line. The perfect straightness of the horizontal line contains within it the possibility of arousing all the powers latent in nature. 5} Wivaha Sasahwa. graceful a nd social. black. a purposeful. He will also have diseases indicated by Pisces in the sixth house. but any wrong step will create a retrograde movement or sliding back in evolution. a man who tramples on others. 3) Sweta. one who is clever in serving and honouring the elders. These flames are also known by other names. He will be very well dressed. Such a fall from the spiritual possibility has many times been spoken of as descent into the blazing inferno. The social obligations will hardly leave any time for himself. He can be a good teacher and also good at such jobs where he has to have contact on almost individual basis such as teachers. He suffers due to his excesses. Shanker Adawal If Libra is in the ascendant. psychiatrists etc. a weak. The seven planets. and lazy person. ungrateful. *The seven Prana Vayus are: 1) Aavaha or Ugra. an intelligent person whose eyes are big. Females having this ascendant like to use good perfumes.From an occult point of view. the seven life-breaths (Pranas*). jewellery. 6) Pravaha or Abhiyugwa and 7) Parivaha or Vikshita. loquacious. one who is famous in his business and possesses property. and fond of female company. 2) Dhumini. Libra has great importance. Appearance is of importance to them. He likes to please people. The spiritual bulge shows its susceptibility to the slightest human effort. Material and spiritual forces finely equipoised has the possibility of easy distortion if the individual can somehow influence them. He will be attractive. restrained and pure man who is dear to his brothers. one fond of strife who is attached to sexual intercourse which is against righteousness (adharma). It stands for the electric energy in its septenary differentiation. The extrication of the soul from such an infernal fire is described as almost impossible. Libra Sign in the Ascendant Dr. It therefore represents longevity and death. He will have good relations with the government. the seven flames** from which arise the seven rays of human temperament. and beautiful clothes. An industrious man who delights in being hospitable to gods and Brahmans. Decision making is not an easy exercise for him. Venus is the owner of the first and also the eighth house. but himself has many sorrows. **The seven flames of fire are named 1} Karali. the native is a valet whose body and character are coarse. There will be a grain shop or the establishment of a potter near his house. 2) Nivaha or Bhima. The seventh zodiacal impulse provides one of the most powerful and at the same time most dangerous possibilities to mankind. To avoid such an eventuality. The geometrical symbol has also succeeded in deflecting the public gaze. By habit he is easy going and does not like to exert himself. He will be tall and proportionately built. The right impulse leads the individual onward. 4) Lohita. fickle. Libra: The native will be truthful. 4) Samvaha or Dhuni. the various features of this stage of evolution have been concealed. and beautiful. They are associated with different deities and have differentiated functions. 5) Neela-Iohila. The analysis for Venus can be done in the same way as for Mars under Aries to determine the longevity and nature of death. His acceptance in society will be a matter of great concern to him. . a father of sons who is to be honoured among wise men. If Venus is strong. legal advisors. But as political leaders and religious reformers they exert tremendous influence over masses and sometimes their zeal and enthusiasm goes to such a high pitch that they force their views upon others of opposite thoughts not realising the baneful after-effects of such procedure. breaking. wandering. the significator of vitality and status. the significator for materialistic pursuits and comforts. drinking. Firm in conviction and unmoved by mean motives they are somewhat susceptible to the feelings of others' minds. If the Sun which rules the soul is involved in this sign which rules luxuries and pleasures. semi-fruitful and biped sign and signifies sense of justice. eyes fine. quadrupeds. a man whose wife is ill-mannered and whose foes are feeble. talkative. humanitarian. etc. the sign Libra usually gives their natives a strong sense of harmony. balance. optimism and is highly sensitive. clarity. artistic. idealistic. face broad. first or second houses changes the professional pursuits. skin diseases. managers. Depending upon the strength of the Moon. hoteliers. appearance handsome. Libras become actors. If Saturn is placed in this sign it gets exalted because Saturn ruling servants occupies the sign of luxuries and pleasures. They can attune themselves to the love of truth and thereby quickly learn to transcend the world. the spiritual development of the person is obstructed and that is why the Sun gets debilitated in this sign. They like public professions. thinker and able of considering different aspects of standpoint and judgment or offensive. gout pains. chest broad and light. changeable and indecisive. bondage. They are more idealists than realists or practical men and often contemplate upon schemes like building castles in the air. financial advisors. they are vulnerable to diseases connected with parts ruled by this sign. uterus. etc.One whose family is injured by serving evil people. inconstant. This sign rules lumbar region and lumbar bones. LIBRA It is an airy sign ruled by Venus. testicles and prostate gland. and whose relatives and son are hostile to him. male. women. arthritis. Libra have a special . rajasic. the planet of hard work and discipline. A man who is not resolute in many kinds of activity and who is attached to objectives whose results are harsh and terrible. The influence of other planets on the tenth. They are not amenable to reason. making them spontaneous. physicians. Saturn. sensual disposition and keen observation. lower part of large intestine. adaptable. one whose mind is busy with reasoning in dharma. skin. This is the mooltrikona sign of Venus. or defects. drugs. LIBRA (TULA) The complexion of persons born in Libra or Tula sign will be fair. independent. is exalted in this sign and the Sun. harmonizing. constitution rather phlegmatic. their stature middle-sized. talkative. the Sun and Venus. urination problems. justice. Libra are not sensitive to what others say to them. strong will-power. They love excitement and have the power of intuition upon which they often rely for their own guidance. They have keen foresight and reason out things from the standpoint of their own views. tri-dosha. musicians. bladder and inner sexual organs such as ovaries. actresses. charm and aesthetic sense. Goddess Lakshmi. is debilitated. the Libras enjoy good health. diabetes. Libra are great lovers of music. venereal diseases. These factors render the Libras a magnetic personality. positive. charismatic. one who dies from phlegm (-diseases). renal problems. Otherwise. Libra is a moveable. If Libra rises as the ascendant. the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be mother divine. if Venus is strong. Depending on the influences on the ascendant and/or Venus. That is why the true name of the seventh sign is not yet given out to the world of intellect. The Libra people are extremely conscious of the impact of the external world on their psyche. Their countenance is calm. Their tremendous Soul-power is terribly suppressed. Outwardly. In almost all cases they are extremely unhappy with themselves as well as with the society in which they live. the sign of balance. Much about this sign has been left to the intuition of the student. They are very much preoccupied with their social obligations. But our humanity has yet been evolving. Their mind-principle is over active. In ordinary life however this balance is difficult to attain. and they do not get proper opportunity for their expression. in the realm of occultism it is still in its infancy. This urge to control the external ripples by the inner equanimity is often so great that the unfathomable latent faculties of the Libra ascendants remain concealed. there is also a tendency to balance the individual's likes and dislikes. Obviously therefore our task in describing the basic urges of the Libra ascendants and the true nature of such egos is extremely difficult and dangerous. The real meaning of this can only be intuited which comes with the development of Buddhic consciousness. Despite the volcano within.liking for truth and honesty and do not hesitate to sacrifice even their lives at the alters of freedom and fair play. One must therefore try to turn the secret key of the inner knowledge several times before its true meaning could be comprehended. They are generally aware of their psychological reactions to the world of physical relationships. Probably it was for this reason that the sign was not even made exoteric for a very long time. An understanding of the mysteries of this sign is liable to provide the key to the nature of a large number of people which might be used for the good or for harming them. Domestic life of Libra may be crossed by frequent tensions. . In such cases we find that the individual is terribly repressed. healthy. His emotions are surprisingly controlled often giving the impression that he is insensate but in fact it is the inner power of the ego controlling the external vibrations that gives this impression. however they show superb quietitude. It is not without reason that almost all Libra ascendants show powerful conflicting forces operating on them. It has been said that the main cause for this secrecy was the fact that tremendous power was concealed in this sign which could be used for the advancement of humanity as well as for its annihilation. Vanika( merchant). The names such as Tauli (weigher). Inwardly they are volcanoes. Apart from the fact that there is a tendency of balance between the inner and the outer forces operating on the individual. As a result of this condition they are very much dissatisfied with the existing circumstances. They are very poised. Yuka(that which joins) and Tula (Scale) given in the ancient astrological scriptures do not enlighten the students about the true significance of the sign. The safe use of this knowledge depended upon spiritual evolution of the individual possessing this knowledge. conceals profound depths. They are very sensitive to every change occurring in the external world. The symbol of it is as difficult as its implications. that is between the forces going from within to without and vice-versa and operating on the individual. loyal and very conscientious citizens. The seventh sign of the zodiac is by no means simple. such individuals are sane. Libra: The Dynamic Balance of The Cosmic Dance Bepin Bihari Libra. The various names so far given out for this signs are only suggestive. there is perfect balance between the centripetal and the centrifugal forces. They are more blinding than revealing. As an ideal condition. This is the turmoil inside the Libra born. They appear balanced in their social behaviour. a conscious knowledge of the latent powers in the Libra ascendants could make them super-dictators and powerfull autorcrats: It was to save this eventuality that the ancient seers had given out only ten signs of the zodiac to the profane. The balance---harmony. society. Blavatsky has stated. In the absence of such controls it is better that the latent powers are not tapped. During that period the seventh sign was highly esoteric and they had veiled it by uniting Virgo and Scorpio as one. These sentiments acted like the Guardian Angel to the young humanity. They are suited admirably well for this practice. This Mudra (posture) of the celestial dancer represents that stage of divine creation when the immensely vital and dynamic spiritual powers flowing outward without seeking anything for itself has been activated at such a speed that it gives an outward appearance of stillness though inwardly it is functioning at a tremendous speed. love. That is. This may cause immense harm to the society in which they live. These nobler sentiments and emotions provided the protective shield to the mankind. Virgo and Libra so far considered as two in one were made to represent directly and symbolically the primeval dual man and his separation into two sexes. or the country in which they live. But if the object has speed faster than anything known so . This could however be controlled by developing the absorptive capacity for the great spiritual forces flowing through the sign. The theory of relativity as enunciated by the modem scientists suggests that an object moving at the speed of light would appear stationary. A little contemplation would indicate that the balance achieved in the Cosmic Dance by Nataraja has some inner connection with the seventh sign of the zodiac and his standstill posture. At times therefore one finds the Libra ascendants unhesitatingly becoming martyrs for their family. They must learn Yoga. It is universally accepted that the colossal destructive power of Adolf Hitler would have increased manifold if he were aware of the enormous occult power at his command . This reformation took place at the beginning of the Lemurian age when the hermaphrodite humanity was separated between two sexes which aroused in them the feeling of affection. Libra was added as the twelfth sign. supremely subtle and difficult to control and manage. Unless that is done. care and sympathy for the opposite sex. If unconsciously motivated individuals could produce such results. The stillness or the balance of Nataraja achieved at this moment is the result of the tremendous speed at which he is functioning.P. But humanity has not so far achieved remarkable progress in altruism and spiritualism.desires and aversions as well as his social obligations and responsibilities. That is why a little of the esoteric astrological knowledge concerning the Libra sign was made exoteric at that time. rhythm and poise--achieved by Nataraja in his Cosmic Dance specially at the moment of his standstill posture seems to resemble the characteristics of the seventh sign of the zodiac. These traits of Libra ascendants clearly demonstrate the possibility of their psychological imbalance. During this reformation of the zodiacs. the real meaning of Libra will not be given out. subordinate and bend individuals and organizations to accepting what he wanted. They are capable of doing so. the Libra ascendants must direct their attention towards acquiring the technique of assimilating spiritual power. The Divine Dancer at this stage is functioning at such a high speed. India has already seen how Mahatma Gandhi used his soul-energy to subjugate. It is said that the ancient Greeks got an inkling of it and they established Libra as the seventh sign. It should however be noted that these forces are very powerful. Madame H. faster than the lightning. that he seems poised still and balanced. though it is simply an equilibrating sign. they would be fully involved in it. the consciousness of the individual endeavours to penetrate the veil of the physical and the seen in order to discover the underlying nature of things. Obviously. Time and fire are essential for every transformation in life. At that moment of dynamic stillness. But all changes are troublesome. We have seen above that the signs of Virgo and Scorpio were separated only with the introduction of Libra. They are extremely sensitive to every aspect of their life. In his two upper hands the Lord carries His Damaru--the drum shaped like an hour-glass--and fire. the symbol of life. The two lower hands of the Lord are in blessing mudra. In this way. to spirituality. The proportion of these forces however differs in different things. gush forth. From this. the Cosmic Dancer takes step to crush materialism which is symbolized by the dwarf. as a result of the centripetal tendency. the real symbol of Libra seems to be the Cosmic Dance of the Lord Shiva in his Nataraja form. On the other hand. This condition is reflected in the case of Libra people. from the subtlest spiritual to the crudest physical. Such individuals always hanker after material prosperity. Both these are purifying agencies which destroy the dross and purify life. whereas the centripetal forces would guide the neophyte to philosophical resignation caused by insight into the occult. multiplication. It is an aura electrically surcharged with highly explosive spiritual potentiality. Why the Libra ascendants should be full of conflicts is not very difficult to understand. there is significant balance as well as movement. the personification of divine knowledge. As the Lord Shiva dances. the inner cause of the outer phenomena. If they are conscious of their spiritual nature. generation etc. spiritually speaking. propagation. At this moment. Shiva in that pose is shown with flaming halo around his body which is suggestive of the dynamic nature of the situation. In this connection it has been said that it represents the intersection of the centrifugal and the centripetal forces in nature. Fire is the essence of existence at all levels of manifestation. Almost in all cases. that is. The crushing of the dwarf and resurrection of the Ganga are important items in this image. but the sacred Goddess Ganga. This symbol is very significant for Libra sign. This signifies that all Libra ascendants do receive the Lord's blessing. When the span of life ebbs out. These two forces are always operating on everything that exists in nature. Centrifugal energy is that which has been trying to move out. there would be an equilibrium whose direction would be difficult to determine. Libra is very incomprehensible. Centrifugal forces lead the individual towards material attainments. the ignorance and to give right place to wisdom. if they are materially inclined. it is extremely difficult to categorize Mahatma Gandhi either as a materialist or a spiritualist. stands on one of the symmetrically standing locks of the Lord with her hands joined in adoration. what would be its condition? The fact is that the dynamic stillness of the Cosmic Dancer is the result of the terrific speed at which he is moving. It is very difficult to decide whether it is a materialistic sign or a spiritualistic one. the Pravritti Marg which is the process of involvement in matter. It resembles the path of involution. his right foot crushes the dwarf. the Libra individual does get the divine benediction which often seems in life as disillusionment. For example. Under the influence of this energy one is involved in procreation. It is extremely difficult to categorize Libra ascendants. the symbol of ignorance.far. they are vitally concerned with it. the Libra people suffer in life which of course makes them purer. Where these two tendencies meet. one concludes that the Libra ascendants irrespective of their pattern of life must experience certain momentous events which are intended for the annihilation of their materialistic propensities so that the divine knowledge might enlighten them. the Libra ascendants are reflections of this stage of cosmic manifestation. In this . meticulously and with a martyr's zeal. the Libra ascendants would be much better off. Mercury is the lord of its 9th house. His special gift would be in skilled craftsmanship. These persons are good in carrying out instructions of others. is an important trait of this sign. the desire to suggest that their marital relation has been Platonic has not been wanting under the influence of this sign. They desire their sexual skill to be appreciated. crude and ungrateful. selfish. the Libra ascendants have been able to carry out the orders accurately. logical reasoning and in special engineering problems. Moreover. whether they can acquire plenty of money or not would depend upon other conditions. mechanical engineering. failed to arouse deeper spiritualism in himself because of such opposing tendencies. capable of undergoing severest discipline and austerity. A combination. distinct and positive. whether from them 'Inner Voice' or from the external boss. the planet of materialism. conjunction or aspect of these planets makes the individual artistic. Even marriages are often performed without much publicity. being debilitated in Libra. unless the partner is aggressive. whenever the Sun and Saturn are located together in Libra. have been clear. the Libra ascendants are not poor. They . the planet of divine illumination. Generally speaking. Fidelity in partnership is not a strong point of Libra ascendants. When the instructions. specially an art critic. This process continued upto the lowest depth.way Libra stands between Virgo and Scorpio. The Libra ascendants are often much misunderstood persons. all subsequent levels of manifestation took place. positive and full of passion. they expect easy success with the opposite sex. particularly if it happens to be the ascendant. He is often very proficient as literary reviewer. But they do not have courage to justify their misdeeds which they like to conceal as far as possible. Libra maintains the balance. Any profession where intellect and logical mind is required would suit the Libra ascendants. or in expressing and developing the ideas propounded by their superiors. Similarly Adolf Hitler. Scorpio is the self-stinging insect. Claiming intellectual superiority. Compared with persons born under similar social circumstances. Venus is the lord Libra. not necessarily on sound foundation. the Libra ascendants feel miserable. Scorpio for all that is crude. In married life. In everyday life therefore Libra may be found having conflict between these two signs. The Libra born are not simple and relaxed individuals. But logical nature devoid of intuition often makes the individual headstrong. In the struggle between spirituality (Virgo) and materiality (Scorpio). As an interaction of these two principles. Mahatma Gandhi lost many glorious opportunities for occult advancements because he remained too much preoccupied with material things. they are often boastful of their virility. The depth of Libra conflict can be felt in another way. But Virgo represents the World Mother sacrificing herself for the welfare and growth of humanity. Virgo stands for all the noble qualities of human beings. They are quite keen to have clandestine affairs. they are much sorry for the lost opportunities. The first differentiation was between Mool Prakriti (Primordial Matter) and Daivi Prakriti (Cosmic Ideation). Astrologically this situation is suggested by Saturn. The essential characteristic of Libra is the undercurrent of conflicts. being exalted in this sign and the Sun. they may be stewing though outwardly they may look composed. This also explains spiritual loss despite favourable opportunities. This point is reached when involution in matter is complete and evolution to Spirit has not yet started. Similar results may be expected even when the Moon and Rahu are there. The cosmic evolution began with differentiation. the individual is liable to suffer from acute conflicting ideologies often bringing schizophrenic symptoms. prejudiced and eager to establish his own standpoint. Inwardly. It is the sign at which begins the Path of Withdrawal which is made possible in subsequent reincarnations. Whatever one's level of prosperity. as well as Saturn's aspect on Mercury and Mars should be noted. Outwardly. TULA: Tula. depression. Libra will always induce the ego to thirst for more. Libra is masculine. however. There is a seeming quietude at the surface. The Sun. Chart I is of an excellent chemical engineer who secured first class all through his career. Earned well and got a family with children but he suffers acutely from blood pressure and anxiety neurosis of a type which baffles even psychiatrists. for which reason it is said to be airy. The seventh sign of the zodiac is full of deeper implications. These qualities show the method of its operation. As such he has performed many difficult and austere religious pilgrimages. The Sun's debilitation and Saturn's exaltation in this sign have connections with this trait. Libra bestows material riches but does not allow the person to enjoy them. has been bad for his finances. It is the mid-point between Spiritualism and materialism. however. Intellect of Libra ascendants is very sharp. it will create an impact. the life of Libra people is a preparation for the forthcoming arduous uphill journey of the soul. Wherever and however it operates. Saturn with Ketu in the 2nd house. It can never remain stationary: it will always impart a thirst for greater and greater achievement.should however take precaution against exhaustion. Libra is that dynamic balance which is attained by Nataraja in his Cosmic Dance. Venus owns the sign. the lord of the 7th and the 2nd posited in the 9th has given in his life a great importance to his wife and to wealth. though from foreign sources he is likely to get some wealth. in some way. symbolizing that this is where immersion in materiality ceases and spiritual awakening begins. Fasting should be generally good for such persons. In this context the position of Saturn with Jupiter aspecting Moon posited with Rahu in Lagna. The existing state of affairs does not meet the psychological requirements. Moon and Mercury in Lagna aspected by Jupiter has given him a good soul and a very cooperative wife. and an understanding of its mysteries might unveil many clues to the finer forces m. movable and airy. represents that stage of cosmic ideation in which Spirit is completely immersed in matter. He also secured a top ranking job. it does not create much of a show. Wherever Libra appears. anaemia and accidents. Chart II is of a man who is intelligent and he feels that he has missed many opportunities in life. Libra does not depend upon other influences to be effective. materialization is intensified and the indicated aspect of life has become ready for spiritualization. signifying that the sign is operating primarily in the realm of materiality. This situation arises due to the dawning of spiritual awareness. the seventh sign of the zodiac. At this stage. but inwardly there is dissatisfaction. for a great deal of its operation is psychological. This sign represents a critical balance between Matter and Spirit. the soul is ready for a change. the aspect of life affected by Libra has fullness — but that fullness is not satisfying. Libra is enigmatic. That is its positive or masculine quality. The sign is rightly represented by a scales of balance. the fullness of materiality is not enjoyed because there is an inner quest for the life Divine. Therefore. Nature as well as those hidden dimensions of human . as well as to religious activities. Mars. Both forces being of almost equal intensity. To sum up. beings which can be employed either for useful or nefarious objectives. Many of the meanings of this sign are suggested indirectly by such attributes as Tauli (weigher), Vanika (merchant), Yuka (the link), and Tula (balance). Libra( Tula): Moveable, Airy, Odd, Male, its Lord is Venus. Tall, usually long face, curly hair, lean body and uneven limbs, fine skin and gleaning eyes, physical beauty, truthful disposition, baldness in capital region in middle age, possess a lean and thin body, tall, fair complexion, fine eyes. He will respect Gods and Brahmins, will be active, have few children, fond of wandering brave, merciless ,impartial in his arguments only , keen observer, sharp reasoning, firm in conviction and unmoved by mean motives, more idealists than realists, they build castles in the air , they are not sensitive to what others say of them, they are also not easily amenable to reason their domestic life may see frequent tensions. Those who have Tula Lagna: Akbar the great, Hyder Ali, Narshimha Bhar ti, Shri Ramana Maharishi, Nizam of Hyderabad, Adolf Hitler Tula Tula lagna or when Chandra is in Tula rashi in the birth chart: The natives of this lagna grow tall with age and have a well-proportioned body. The limbs are slender but strong. The appearance is graceful and attractive. They get bold in adult age. The nose is like a parrot. The natives of this lagna are level-headed. They weigh the merits and demerits of a subject and then express their opinion. They are constructive critics. The pictorial symbol of their sign is 'balance'. The Tula lagna natives are, therefore, reasonable and just. They are also modest and gentle. They love happy and harmonious life. They want peace even if they are losers in transaction. If they lose their temper, they soon subside. Tula is a movable sign. Therefore, Tula lagna persons like changes in their life and environments. They are popular and have a spirit of sacrifice in them. Tula is an airy sign. All airy signs make the native intellectual. So they have fertile imagination, correct intuition, brilliant intellect, refinement and pleasant nature. Tula lagna natives have an unassuming nature and humanitarian instincts. They lean more to the spiritual side than to the pure physical one. Many illustrious saints of the world were born with Tula lagna. Tula lagna natives love peace alright; but they cannot be bullied. You cannot get anything out from them by threatening them or by force. On their side they are against such things. They are fond of good dress and other comforts as Shukra is the lord of this sign. Tula lagna persons are most suited for business and law. They can also become good actors, musicians, architects, salesmen and story-writers. As Tula lagna people love peace, their domestic and married life is generally happy. They love their home, family and their property. Tula lagna girls are tactful, intelligent and wise. They love and adore their partners. Tula: The native is artistic, refined, intuitive, perceptive. He loves pleasure, beauty, harmony, elegance and order. He has mental balance and arrives at an impartial judgement. He is a good judge of style, elegance, fabrics, ornaments. He probes into the affairs of others. He has an unquenched curiosity. He observes and compares every detail. He is deeply interested in fashions, ceremonies, conventions, family histories and scandals. When provoked, he goes to extremes. Being critical, they can create troubles in marriage. The native's children are elegant and charming. The native can have moral lapses; and he may become a gambler. He is sensitive and flexible, has strong feelings and emotions, sweet and harmonious nature. He is for justice, generosity, kindness, courtesy. tle has charming manners. He seeks mental improvement and becomes accomplished. He is subject to many moods and fancies. He has a great interest in the occult. He has intuition and is good at clairvoyance. He loves music, poetry, painting, law. He tends to delay decisions. The sign rules kidneys. Excess in eating and drinking affects kidneys and bladder. There can be stone. He is subject to pains in the limb, and lower part of the back. He frets and becomes melancholic. Here we have lawyers, musicians, actors, artists, secretarial workers, decorators. Trade in antique works of art, perfumary, fancy stationery, and fabric is good. The body is of average to tall height. he has a fine body, round face, soft complexion, smooth hair, fatness, fine eyes and broad chest. fle has a phlegmatic constitution. He has good foresight and reasoning power. He is an idealist. He can be a good political leader or a religious reformer. He forces his views on others. He refuses to be argued. He loves truth and honesty. His domestic life is subject to tensions LIBRA (i) This sign is described as a man holding a pair of scales in his hand. The key words for this sign are balance and harmony. It is rajasik in nature. (ii) Please refer to paragraph (ii) under ARIES above for an important clarification. (iii) The native will be level headed, gentle, popular, refined with good taste, sympathetic, peaceable, and modest. He will be imaginative, warm, impressionable, amiable and intuitive. He can control his mind and concentrate effectively. He will not lose his temper for long. He will like comforts and will enjoy luxuries of life. He will be interested in fine arts. He will not be decisive but his judgement will be correct. The native will not be selfish and will be ready to forego his benefit for the welfare of others. Being the seventh sign from Aries, Libra is in many ways opposite of it. Taurus is also seventh from Scorpio. Thus the two signs of Venus are opposed to the signs owned by Mars. Thus Mars and Venus are the greatest enemies. (iv) The native will get along well with his partner and business in partnership will suit him. He is likely to be extravagant and charitable. (v) He will be close to his family and enjoy being with his wife and children. He will like female company. He will be a good conversationalist. He will like his home to be elegantly furnished and neat. He will be a steady friend and enjoy being with friends. He will be socially a success. He will like a wife who would live according to his tastes but in case this does not work out, he will try to adjust and will not think of divorce or dissatisfaction. (vi) The native will be tall, proportionately built and good looking. He will be slender with a good complexion and dark hair. He will have a round face with regular features. He is prone to baldness in middle years of his life. The female of the sign will be beautiful and attractive. More details relating to the physical characteristics of the sign can be found in paragraph 38 under FIRST HOUSE in Chapter Four. (vii) The part of human body below the navel upto the genitals relates to this sign. This sign also is responsible for a good skin. The native is prone to suffer from disturbances in these parts of the body. (viii) The native will be engaged in teaching, fine arts, diplomacy, arbitration, therapy, consultancy, marketing etc. (ix) Shops in the town where luxury and valuable goods are sold, outhouses and sides of hills are represented by this sign. The influence of Libra in the ascendant - Yavanajataka - If Libra is in the ascendant, the native is a valet whose body and character are coarse; a weak, ungrateful, fickle, and lazy person; one who is famous in his business and possesses property; - a man of phlegmatic and windy humour whose body is slender and tall; one fond of strife who is attached to sexual intercourse which is against righteousness (adharma); a man who tramples on others, but himself has many sorrows; an intelligent person whose eyes are big, black, and beautiful; - an industrious man who delights in being hospitable to gods and Brähmaëas; one who is clever in serving and honouring the elders; a father of sons who is to be honoured among wise men; a purposeful, restrained, and pure man who is dear to his brothers; - one whose family is injured by serving evil people, and whose relatives and son are hostile to him; a man whose wife is ill-mannered and whose foes are feeble; one whose mind is busy with reasoning in dharma; - a man who is not resolute in many kinds of activity and who is attached to objectives whose results are harsh and terrible; one who dies from phlegm (-diseases), breaking, quadrupeds, women, bondage, wandering, drinking, drugs, or defects. The Sign Thula (Libra) Thula (Libra) is the seventh sign of the zodiac extending from 180 to 210 and including the last three quarters of the asterisms Chitra 2nd half, Swathi and Visaakha 1st 3 quarters. When the sun enters this sign day and night are of equal duration and gradually thereafter the nights exceed the days in duration for the next six months. Thula owned by Venus, is a masculine sign and is airy. Saturn has its exaltation point while Sun has its debilitation point in this sign. Thula is a friendly sign for Mercury and Saturn and inimical sign for Sun and Jupiter. It is neutral for Moon and Mars. The sign is symbolised by a man holding a balance on the bazaar. The Characteristics of the sign are summarised by Paraasara as Seershoedayee-dyuiveeryaadhyoa sthathaa hrishnoa rajaogune~ paschimoa bhoochroa ghathee soodro madhyathanur dwipaad Thus the sign is rising by the head (Seershodaya) strong at day dark in colour, with Rajo-guna, dwelling in the west and moving on land, cruel in nature, soodra in caste, of medium body and biped. Thula native would have the qualities of Venus as well as of the sign blended together. The general nature of the Thula natives are summarised in the following verses Deva-braahmana-sajjanaarchanarathoa vidwaan vivaadee chala Chchitha sthrcejanakamakaelichathura: swakshoa maheekshitpriya: Thula being the exaltation sign of Saturn. They maintain the balance of mind under all circumstances. if favourable confers ability in sweet music and light music which attract the audience deeply. The special capacity to mediate and to make peaceful settlement of disagreements and disputes makes them able to earn quick acceptance of the people and to attain leadership in a short time. sweets. the native might become spiritually elevated and would rise as top public figure. drama. They would have taste in dresses. be travelling much. Mars would confer interest in war songs and moon. Even if they fail in public activity. cinema etc. It must be remembered that if the sign and the lord are weak or afflicted the general characteristics described above would have to be suitably modified if the prediction is to be true. righteousness and justice for selfish motives. engineering. especially those associated with love. prestige. Even when they lose their temper they would quickly fall back to normalcy. generally. As indicated by the balance symbolising the sign. backbone. be interested and active in sexual affairs. Luxuries. if Saturn is favourably placed. Thus tenth-lord being Moon. handsomeness. instrumental music.sanchaaryalpasuthoa dwinaamasahitho dahsha: krayee vikaryee Bheerussaaanthamathi: krusoacchrithathanu: Jjookaangajaathoa bhavaeth (The Thula native would honour devas. would be learned. With good power of speculation. be an expert in buying and selling. happiness. Uthra and Utharaashaada governed by the Sun. they would continuously work till they regain success. They are essentially idealists and they serve the society nation or organisation rather than individuals. In women there is possibility of diseases of the uterus. They spend much for luxury and also for social purposes. Their own work may become harmful to them. There is always a tinge of artfulness and beauty in all their work. anus and sexual organ. salesman. would be their interests and they may concentrate on one of these at any period. but there is possibility of contagious disease. Brahmins and virtuous people. Sun being the lord of the eleventh house. . receptionists and liaison officers. be of fickle mind. they would have to associate themselves with government and government employees. the Thula native can weigh the consequences before taking a proper decision. diseases associated with kidney. dairy. they would get benefits from those born in the asterisms krithika. Photography. diabetes. They like contact with woman very much and would try to please them. drawing. politicians and public men. Mahatma Gandhi and Ramana Maharshi are Thula natives. fruits and the like. they would shine in professions and occupations associated with paints. If sun is favourable. painting. They are liked by others. dance. They have a natural skill and aptitude in running industries and trade. enjoyment of pleasures and arts. the Thula natives would shine as social workers. Mildness. grace. be with few children. Jupiter's aspects make them take interest in music of a divine nature. are conferred on the Thula native by the sign-lord Venus. sometimes to the point of being lavish. They also shine as musicians. They would be very just. Transactions with partners chosen by Thula natives would become prosperous. Thula natives might have interest in music. Like the Vrischika natives Thula natives would have an attractive personality and a smiling face. gardening. Thula natives would generally have an attractive appearance and a handsome body. pleasant attitude etc. be interested in legal affairs. be liked by authorities. be with two names. They are specialists in impartial criticism. a rich intellect and brilliance. would not be very courageous. It is noteworthy that the Thula native has Venus as the lord of Lagna and also as the lord of the unfavourable eighth house. would be a lover of peace and be of tall but lean body). be of very nice eyes. honour. Yet they would never sell their truthfulness. and will have a special respect in his own family. Cayenne Flower : Rose. Venus is neither benefic nor malefic to them while Mercury (as the lord of the ninth) is benefic. Association of Moon (lord of the 10th quadrant) and Mercury (lord of the 9th trine) will signify Raajayoga. White Ruling House : 7'th House Body Parts : Lower Back. Buttocks Gems : Opal Metals : Copper Favourable Planets : Lucky Numbers : 6. Pink. However there is a difficulty that their love and affection sometimes are suddenly born and might also be ending with the same suddenness.The married life of the Thula native would generally be happy. For the Thula native. According to Parasara Jupiter (lord of 3rd and 6th houses) Sun (eleventh lord) and Mars (Maaraka as lord of the 6econd and seventh houses) are malefics to Thula natives. Another important aspect for the Thula natives is that the lords of the houses 2. Yellow. especially when they deal with money and when they have to keep secrets. But when they love they love in all its fullness. 9 Lucky Day : Friday Nature : Positive Trees : Ash Herbs : Mint. If the fifth house has the lordship of planets friendly to Venus. For Thula natives the lord of the third houses (signifying younger co-born) Jupiter being the lord of the sixth house also (signify enemy) there is high possibility of disagreement with the younger coborn and younger brother might become inimical. Pale Green Lucky Colour : Blue. Bhargavi Samhita: A native born in Libra lagna will be an expert in business. Being little weak in women's affairs Thula natives should be careful to avoid dealings with women. having many good qualities. Since he or she would have the quality of attracting the partner and to maintain the affection. or their aspects the children would rise to high positions. Like the Vrishabha natives Thula natives also would generally have very obedient and affectionate children who would help their parents in their old age. Kidneys. They may not be misunderstood. Black. Saturn is a Yogakaaraka. Therefore the partner of the Thula native would be masculine in nature and so the Thula natives are advised to be careful in their dealings with their partners in life. and Sun and both Mars and Sun are very powerful and masculine planets. being the lord of the quadrant (fourth) and the trine (fifth) and also Saturn has Thula as the sign of exaltation. and to tolerate their masculine aspect. Daisy . Your Lagna in Zodiac Sign : Libra Element : Air Symbol : The Scales Quality : Cardinal Animals : Color : Blue. 7 and 11 (who control the marriage) are respectively Mars. Aries Most Clashes : with Taurus. The Scale. and differentiate what is wrong and right. cinema and TV artists. Administrator. Balances Keyphrase : I Balance ! Principle : Cooperation Health Problems : Lumber Region. They have strong ethics. : Long : Strong during day : Seershodaya or rises with its head : Dry : Biped sign. interior decorators.Libra . Scorpio. Lower Back. Saturn is exalted in this sign and Sun is debilitated. Sympathetic. Creativity and Speculations: Saturn  Planet of Health and Work: Jupiter  Planet of Home and Family Life: Saturn  Planet of Travel. fashion models.Thula Symbol of this Rasi Place indicated by this Rasi Short/medium/long Day or Night strong Rising of Rasi Watery/Dry Rasi Foot or padha Class or Varna Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva Body part LIBRA Tula Seventh sign of zodiac Lord : Venus Symbol : the scales : A person with a balance in his hand. 7. : Sudra or worker : Mineral or Dhatu : Groin . fashion designing. beauticians. Balance Weaknesses : Indecisive. acting. They love to taste every tits and bits of life but do not compromise in any terms. : The bazaar of a city abounding in all kinds of valuable things. Profession connected with advocates. The natives of Libra are the very personification of refinement and affection. Artistic. air hostess. Balanced. They are calm person though aware of the worldly bustles did manage to link with spirituality. Peace maker Energy : Yang Keywords : Harmonious. They are the perfect host of any social gathering. Leo. They are fun and peace loving individual. Confused Suitable Profession : art. Kidneys. Libra is the sign to be represented by an inanimate object . Lowyer Special Qualities : Fair. writing. perfume and costly and costly garment business. Bladders Most compatible with : Gemini. music. Education and Religion: Mercury Libra (Tula): Libra is ruled by Venus. Sagittarius Planets and the Libra zodiac sign  Ruling Planet: Venus  Career Planet: Moon  Love Planet: Mars  Money Planet: Mars  Planet of Fun.Trait : Charm. Virgo. Capricorn. Aquarius. Long ascension. 26 degrees Sepharial’s Critical degrees: 0. nerves. adaptability. Appearance & looks: Tall. Watery. agreeable person. red. Venus Badhakasthana : Leo (11th) Badhakapati : Sun Yog karaka : Saturn Exalted : Saturn 20 degree Debilitated : Sun 10 degree Mooltrikona : Venus (0-15 degree) Ideal match signs : All signs except Cancer. Mars. Capricorn Moon’s auspicious degree: 24 degrees Moon’s inauspicious degrees: 4. over indulges in sex. Movable. Positive. regular features. nephritis. weighs pros and cons properly before taking decision. Jupiter Neutral : -Maraka : Jupiter. peace makers. clean. lean but well-proportioned body with long & slender limbs. Deaf in the forenoon. Phelgm. persuasive. very active. Saturn Malefics : Sun. Mars. renal calculi. Wind. artistic inspirational & sensual temperament. West. positive. resentful. vindictive. Librans : a. Libra-thy name is justice. highly susceptible to flattery. Bile. musical. Saturday. a malefic (krura). white topaz. Parts of body ruled: Kidneys. Male (masulines). gets set backs in health due to minor causes but recovers easily. fair complexion. b. lumbar region. romantic. level headed. lumbar nerves. rhythmic. curly hair. unmoved mean motives. loves justice peace and order. easy going. Tuesday. 4. cooperat ive . voice. blood vessels. Biped. Acute. Solar sector. green and yellow be avoided Day of fast : Tuesday Qualities of Libra : Airy. lumbago. syphilis. sharp reasoning. chara rasi. indolent or sulky. odd. lean and thin body. overbearing. sign of justice and balance. refined. white. 2. Diurnal. not easily amenable to reasoning. Moon. Moon stone Lucky colours : Orange. have strong conjugal affections and preserves traditions. Shudra (serving class). 26 degrees Lucky Perfume : Galbanum Lucky number : 1. kidney and bladder disorders. fine eyes. are susceptible to diseases so take prophylactic measures c. impotency. blue sapphire. eczema. arteries: Adrenal glands. quick-witted. flirtations. Mercury. over indulges in sex. habit of building castles in air. Kartika (15 Oct-15 Nov). peace-makers. haunches to buttocks Glands. skin diseases. broad face and chest. manipulative. 13. nose prominent. slow worker. urinary tract. fearful. avoids hot discussions and controversies. diplomatic. abscesses. intellectual sign. Possible diseases : Bright’s disease. harmony and sympathy. Barren Shirhodaya. Monday. diabetes. 7 Lucky days : Sunday. humanitarian. far-sighted. more idealists than realists. vein disorders. Wednesday Lucky gem : Diamond in gold in 3rd finger. Positive traits : Charming. fond of walking. changeable.day sign. . acts impartially as an arbitrator. they force their views upon others. Negative traits : Indecisive. intelligent. are a ‘peace-maker’ who weigh the truth and merit dispassionately d. Dakshinayan. handsome appearance. communicative . Dhatu (metals minerals clay). idealist. easily influenced.Benefics : Venus. unassuming. 6. Mars is not a maraka for this ascendant. plastics. 16. 10. Powerful Mars makes one rich through marriage. Jupiter in 10th and Sat in 4th gives property. believer in justice & equality. Moon Mars in 7th. textiles. a proficient business man. in 9th gives father's longevity lessened. 11. 9. liaison work. Jupiter in 8th gives wealth in its dasa. Sun in 12th denies 'throne of judgement'. 3. Dhana yogas for Libra lagna 1. Moon conjunct Mercury is auspicious. in 5th gives attachment to son in law. valorous. Moon in lagna. Mercury Venus Sun in lagna. litigation. Moon in Cancer gives a great rajayoga. rubber. Sun is bad in exaltation but is good in debilitation. The Sun. Merc is a benefic for Libra despite its ownership of 12th. 5. Mars and Venus devoid of benefic influence is injurious for longevity. 13. as they become rajayoga karakas. suppression of urine. 15. Saturn in lagna with Moon in 10th or with Mars in 4th gives rajayoga. Venus Kethu in 2nd. 12. servant. 2. Mercury and Venus in Libra ascendan t confer prosperity and wealth. 6. 5. 22. Saturn in 4th gives rajayoga. grains. 4. Jupiter is better relegated to 12th. Sat urn. Venus in 12th gives death in foreign land. Sun in lagna makes one a govt. cinema actors and directors. broad minded. Characteristics of an individual born in following drekannas : 1st: calculative. physicians. aeronautics. vegetables. transport. As per hora anubhava darpana. 11. 7. Jupiter in 6th or 12th gives fortunes during Saturn dasa. fruits. jewellery. Venus in 4th gives attachment with father/elders. 10. Moon in the 12th gives excellent rajayoga in the dasa of Jupiter. Mars in 8th-sickly spouse. Venus in 7th. 8. Mercury in 6th gives millions but keeps native sickly. Jupiter in 8th. Moon in 4th. Saturn in 12th gives many sons and daughters but makes poverty stricken native. cattle. 17. Venus in Libra lagna may cause death. Venus in lagna is a dhanayoga. 21. 19. 2. 8th or 3rd or in debility. Saturn in lagna. 8. Sun Saturn or Mars Saturn conjunction creates troubles from children. Mars in 4'" house. 14. 18. beautician. teachers. advisory. esp. gold. Jupiter and Venus prove marakas for Libra lagnas. . Some observations when Libra is lagna 1.sterilization. 9. judge. 9th or 10th indicates successful persons. trade and partnership. 20. 4. space. Venus in 1st conjunct or aspccted by Mercury and Saturn. gems. fine arts. Mercury Saturn Venus in lagna. sophisticated arts. 7. Professions & trades (career suggestions): Lawyer. silver. courageous. 3. good physique. Jupiter or Mercury in 9th makes one a religious person. justices and court of law. if with Venus. but Venus dasa proves maraka. opposite sex. bathrooms. Navy. expert in love affairs. Sign: Libra Ruling Places: Rules groins. 12) Libra Ascendant Body: You may have middle sized stature or sometimes tall and lean body. proud of his family. graceful. Sun in Libra gives a rich wife from a high status family. Health: You will have a sensual disposition. You will be somewhat susceptible to feelings of others. just. forceful and positive. writers. architects. kidney. reproductive organs. amusement centre. You will be more of an idealist than . hasty and harsh. brownish black hair. good talker but some time rude. You may have a youthful appearance. tend to adjust in married life. Libra as 7th makes the spouse too much caring for family & children. well formed body. hospitable. storied building. You will suffer in some limb. You will love justice. Libra Tall. public life. good features. extravagant. passions rise and die quickly. hotels. toilet. You will have sensual disposition. kidney stones. You will have keen foresight and reason out things from the standpoint of your own views. vindictive. urinary track Diseases: Urinary disorders. You will be a keen observer of human nature. pictures etc. 24. You may get setbacks in health due to slight causes but you will easily recover. 26. representation of a thing viz. fair &just minded. 25. also trade. order and you will be an agreeable person. Body parts: Kidneys. Temperament and Personality: You will be idealistic. pimpled or freckled skin. fond of dress. peace.2nd: famous. affectionate. good looking. Nature: Either too balanced or tends to lose balance on trifles. painters. art and music. limited children. cheerful. Libra Symbol: A scale with two plates Cause: Vaayu Guna: Tama It represents balanced ideas. charming manners. courteous. unhelpful attitude. comforts. transport. You will be ambitious. not much wealth. perfumes. electric engineers. comparison or test. Your features may be regular with broad chest and prominent nose. quick witted. ostentation. movable and airy. indolent. chemists. businessmen. musicians. balancing ideas by judgment. upright and judicious. good salesmen Match: 3. banks. mean minded. You will be intelligent. Appearances: Vivacious sparkling temperament and appearance. clean. distillation. 10. slender but stout with age. Moon in 2nd in Libra does not enable one to rise very high. playback singers. conventional. 11 (Disagree with 4. skin diseases Professions: Govt servants. passionate. 3rd: selfish. tall elegant with slim bodies. actors. God fearing. very active and devoted to gods and brahmins. in liquid items. sexy. You will be firm in convictions and unmoved by mean motives. mischievous. officers. market place. imaginative. pleasant looking. You may have a handsome appearance with broad face and fine eyes. You will exert tremendous influence over the masses as political leaders and religious reformers. Sometimes your zeal and enthusiasm may go to such a high pitch that you will force your views upon others of opposite thought. Physical Tendencies. says ''yes" to everybody. and that of its ruling planet Venus. gap in teeth. handsome appearance. a middle-sized stature. They have keen foresight and reason out things from the standpoint of their own views. You will not be easily amenable to reason. nose little bent like parrot. They are more idealists than realists or practical men and often contemplate on schemes that are like building castles in the air. capricious. baldness in middle age. You will be skilful and act impartially as arbitrator. flexible. broad chest and regular features. can see both sides of an issue. waits too long to act. sneaks away from conflict or responsibility. friendly. sees positive outcomes. You will be clever in purchase and sale of goods. General Tendencies. desperado. ineffectual. eyebrows add to the beauty. order and are agreeable persons. phlegmatic constitution. vindictive. Focus is on harmony. works to establish themselves in the good graces of others Unfavorable: Ambivalent. quick-witted. As political leaders and religious reformers they exert tremendous influence over the masses and sometimes their zeal and enthusiasm can go to such a pitch that they can force their views upon unwilling minds. adaptable. Their appearance will be generally youthful.a realist and often contemplate upon schemes like building castles in the air. charmingly manipulative. chameleon. forceful and positive. Basic Nature: Favorable: Reassuring. well proportioned strong body. balanced. vacillates. General : . can be anything with anybody. They are not sensitive to what others say of them. to the interpretation of the eleventh house of a chart. You will not hesitate to sacrifice even your living at the altar of freedom and fair play. too adjusting or compromising. comforting. flair for fashion. Thula (Libra) Rising Mental Tendencies.—They generally possess fair complexion. They are keen observers of human nature. raised forehead. Transfers its in±1uence. You will not be sensitive to what others say about you. not realising the baneful aftereffects of such a practice. You will be great a lover of music. peace. fine skin. They are ambitious. handsome appearance. They are great lovers of music. dual personality LIBRA Physical features : Tall slender. You will love excitement. good diplomat. graceful. broad face.—People V>rn in this sign are generally of a sensual disposition. Libra-Thula Symbol: Balance Scales Key Concept: Balancing and resolving opposites. You will have special liking for trust and honesty. Seventh sign of the natural zodiac. They love justice. They are not easily amenable to reason. fine eyes. narcissist. states weaknesses in a positive manner. ingratiating.—Persons born in Libra are idealistic. Truth and honesty have a special appeal for them. They use discretion and like to weigh the consequences before making a decision. and dual in nature. losing contact to reality. 35. which may lead to an inability to make timely decisions. laziness. Always for justice. Vishakha Favorable traits of Libra include the ability to be balanced. friendly.relating to surroundings/ environment. charisma. Jupiter Spica at 0° Libra defines the 7th Rashi of the Zodiac. Swati. Covets the prosperity of others but never fails to help dependants. painting. They do not like to argue at all. Love high standard of living. liaison officers. . and other comforts. Females may have problem in uterus. humanitarian.Upright and sympathetic but flexible and sensitive. They may have trouble in early marriage. Usually popular. Raahu. Lover of art and female society. fanatic. Libra likes to maintain harmony. leadership. gardening. Can argue with clarity and foresight. It is exaltation of Saturn and Mool-trikon of Venus. Expert trader. Make good progress during the age of 18 to 27. helpful. soft spoken people. idealistic. narcissistic. graceful. drawing. Take interest in their dress. weighs pros and cons thoroughly before coming to a conclusion. false in dealing with others. insightful regarding issues. Liable to suffer from problems in kidneys. air) the energetic impulse . Changes abode to undertake frequent travels. in opposition to the first Rashi Aries. liking for friendships. Nakshatra posited in Libra: Chitraa (1/2). harmony and justice. and adaptive to others. gained new ideas and insights in analytical and discriminating Virgo period are now to be spread in outer world. They are often interested in photography. Their "pleasure seeking" tendencies may lead to narcissism. social. overindulgence in relationships. seek fairness. Make good salesman. living in their own mind Venus spreads this energy in Zodiac. They are deeply interested in justice and they want to serve others to create a better society. 62 and 64 are inauspicious years in life. are sensual. Often their sexuality gets sublimated by their professional interests. and are patrons of the arts.are: Mars. and the cinema. furniture. Anger is soon pacified. too compromising. Thinks of others more than self. Even when they lose their temper they fall quickly back to the middle. activities directed fulfilling these ideals.wish for balance.specifying Libra's energies . harmony. makes a good business partner. reforming. who have a pleasant attitude and a balanced mind. Loved by fortunate females. Libra/Tula (movable. diplomatic. reforming and ameliorating the reality. Wins goodwill and popularity in public. Swaati. ardent lover of nature and its beauties. compassionate. They do not like to be alone and may adjust their personalities to fit those around them. and drug/alcohol abuse. dance. overly sensitive to criticism. pleasant. love and peace at any cost. earn wealth during the age of 28 to 42. Due to the influence of Venus. They are focused on relationship and are liked by others. Libra – Tula Symbol .Chitra. Famous for judgement.Gentle. and receptionists. conveyance. Being airy sign. courteous and honest. 8. and lead a balanced life. socially oriented. pain in spines and infectious diseases. pushing ideas in society. they enjoy luxuries. Vishaakhaa (3/4) Their lords . drama. They are mild. positive. Have another name in the name of god/goddess. therefore relating to outer world actively resulting in . 15.Balance Scales Ruling Planet – Venus Birth stars . Unfavorable traits of Libra include the ability to be indecisive. "She" may be of the extremely feminine dimpled type. especially if this can be through "the other" or with a partner. "he" may be so good-looking that he is almost effeminate. "The other" is a necessary part of the furnishings to complete the harmony. Diseases Usually healthy. since that would "upset the balance. musician. because he himself wants company and wants to create an atmosphere of pleasant delight. Jimmy Carter. He is rarely rough or rude. in love with love itself. Sigmund Freud." Another phrase which has stuck is "Lazy Libra loathes a duster. In love he is charming. The Pure Libra Native He is companionable and easy to be with." The constant "seeing both sides" leads to indecisiveness and vacillations. The Libra native is unhappy and nervous if in ugly or dirty or inadequate or uncongenial surroundings. painter. care sincerely for others. Johnny Carson. in its very nature." Overstress or misuse of these traits can mean a discontent with real life which. Napoleon." He has been called "Lazy Libra. psychologist. He tries too hard to please too many people. Way to living The Libran is at his best in any sphere where his natural urges can be reasonably expressed. Unless of the completely vapid "chocolate-box" type. He is usually tactful in his dealings with others and likes to bring people together for some desirable end. Professions which are best suited to Libra include: tradesperson. can never be completely harmonious. receptionist. He is therefore better in clean. Joseph Stalin. the eyes gentle. "I think" rather than "I feel. which must be obtained. engineer. the colour good. being far too interested in getting what it wants. lawyer. The most characteristic feature is the spontaneous smile which comes so readily to eyes and mouth. The figure will be well proportioned. He is perhaps the most popular of all children since he is so naturally sweet and lovable.They can be philosophical. He is better at . and fails. Famous People: Mahatma Gandhi. The voice is usually softly modulated and often a little drawling. but inclined to headaches. Resnetful "Air" becomes inactive. "He" will have a pleasantly furnished home and "she" will wear pretty clothes and usually be "easy on the eye" and be welcoming and happy. rarely quarrelling. Ramana Maharshi. Diane Keaton. salesperson. and kidney trouble. yielding and easy to train to charming manners. As a child the Libran attracts because he is so pretty. Frank Sinatra. Physical Characteristics There is usually a regularity of the features that is pleasing and beautiful. he is usually intelligent and says. Jackie Onassis. ambassador. The Libran finds it very hard to say "No" and then suffers regret. Adolph Hitler. but it is only the beauty of calm restfulness till the next occupation begins. and statesperson. He is very ready to be friendly and is thought a credit to his parents because of his good looks." but this Cardinal sign is not really lazy. longing to attract. liason officer. beautiful surroundings which satisfy his idea of harmony. Gloria Steinman. The customary pose is that of languor. and be compassionate and generous to those less fortunate in life. Also a fatal tendency to "sit on the fence. Inhibition of his natural traits will be caused if subjected to loneliness or to ugly depressing surroundings. His love of the other is more as a complement to himself than to satisfy any deep emotion and his marriages are not always successful for this reason. Birth in Libra Sign Physical Appearance. They are fond of beauty in all forms. Hobby Any lazy happy occupation. uterus. curves and contours of body are regular. take interest in their dress. or at artistic pursuits. just. conveyance and other comforts. One can concentrate. make up perfumes. Mental Tendencies. tall. writing. happy at home and in social life. spines. sunny and mirthful people. reading in comfort. Fertile imagination and correct intuition. generous and compassionate. Fond of opposite sex. Librans enjoys good physical structure. idealistic. courteous and generous. smooth. making lovely clothes. Imaginative or artist. having beauty treatments. Librans are affectionate. Personality. kind. parrot like nose round or oval face. slender in youth but tendency to stoutness in middle age. often have dimples. reliable and true to them. loins. Good complexion. well formed body. Painting. sexy. Kidneys. passionate and of compromising nature.blue or brown eyes. Librans have limited number of children. male's private parts. perfumes. argue with clarity and foresight.hopeful. They are everlasting friends as they are honest in love.So one can expect troubles in these parts. will be popular throughout the life. impressionable and inspirational. If in trade. They are more benefitted by a few sincere friends. Librans should keep their emotions in check. His tactfulness makes him a good diplomat or "contact" man of any kind. The planetory significator is Venus. good features. fond of society and amusements and usually amorous. furniture. art and music. supreme indemnity and pleasant nature. admirable refinement. meditate and reach a higher plane of spiritual life. Sunbathing. Almond eyes which speak themselves. they cannot remain together for a moment. lumbago and polyuria etc. .pineal glands and lumber vertabrae are the indicated body parts by Libra sing. But they are prone to infectious diseases. brown to black hair. quick in temper which will soon be quitened. They are very affectionate and gentle. They must keep check on their expenditure as they are extravagant. Librans have such strong conjugal affection that they do not consider anything else more important than pleasure. intuitive. also enjoy the life to the full. passionate. the objects made or sold should be beautiful or for the obtaining of beauty. chatting with a friend from the arm-chair. forethought. Librans are very courteous and hospitable. artistic. good looking graceful and youthful appearance with sweet smile and with attractive countenance. Health and Diseases. Without friends they cannot pass life. dancing. easily appeased. happy. Libran is fond of fine dress. Such persons look younger than age normally. should not allow things to get out of hand. orderly. brilliant intellect. He is better with a partner than by himself. enjoy always the society and company of brave. They should forgive but never forget. some times they will have partners who cannot satisfy them. constructive. Generally Librans do not have such younger brothers who are as useful. They marry early in life. cheerful. Appendicits. loving but changeful. adoptable. are the diseases indicated. humane. Librans enjoy happy family life generally. who will be helpful to them in old age. They have warmth and charming manners. Full of charms and manners.the learned professions than at anything rough. sympathetic. They are expert in love affairs and they are sincere. so they become easily popular. social gatherings. dress. If children are born when Saturn is in Libra sign. Much of the time will be wasted in love and sex as they combine business and pleasure which should be avoided.They love their home.logic. In case they do not get response of love from their partner they become disappointed and do not seek divorce but try to adjust.They should not be extravagant. peace loving.They try to accommodate to a good extent. so checking of their emotions is a must for them lest they go out of bound and allow things to go out of hand. Best suited for law and may engage themselves in liquid items. Romance and Marriage. their partners look to them for guidance and correct decision. Librans should control their emotional nature. They love high standard of living. They are everlasting friends. dress.Finance and Fortune. Professions. Librans have much to do with government servants and officers. so they are most lovable people for sex life. fashion etc. they should . romantic. Children. Happy and harmonious domestic life is essence of Librans. Librans gain through fortune or good will. generosity of an affectionate and influential people or associates. Librans are extravagant. generous and fond of parties at home and with friends without whom they cannot live. Ideal Match. Sometime they cannot have partner who can satisfy them. Domestic Environments. they attract the opposite sex. polite and submissive.They take care of their children well. dutiful and helpful in old age. diplomatic. musician. they spend on luxuries. moderate. wealth and good conveyance. foresight and judgement. Librans are expert in love affairs. luxuries and necessities of life. so the partner in life will be of rash and short tempered and are of independent views. teachers and good salesmen. impartial. be decisive. transport. Navy and painters etc. Sincere and affectionate in love and their charming manners. They keep the house decorative. they will manage with others except Pisces. Husbands.. Librans are best suited to Gemini and Aquarius born. family and children. obedient. Librans will have limited children. Librans are cheerful. Librans enjoys most in the company of opposite sex. then they will be renowned. avoid copying mannerisms from others. Also they can be writers. Also good critics and suited for law so they are blessed with finance. so they are popular. Being of liberal nature.honest king. Good expressive of love. They will provide the family with all comforts. happy at home and cheerful. Traits to be Corrected. electrical engineers. also chemists.Costly ornaments will be in their possession of which such ladies are fond of.Partner in life is indicated by 2. Fond of life of amusement. architects.7 and 11th houses whose lords are Mars and Sun. They do not hurt others. So Librans has to tone down the fiery nature of partner with their diplomacy and tact to maintain peace at home. well furnished and quite charming. Mostly they will be martians and Leos. play back singers. Capricorn and Cancer born people who will not agree with them. They will donate for good causes. They marry early in life. they will lead mostly a public life with both financial and social success. good debator. generous and liberal. curios etc. Their passions rise and die quickly. Since Librans excel other people in matters of reasoning. passionate and of adjusting nature. region around hips. groin and lower abdomen. low semen count etc. like Consultancy firm. Engineer. white.4 and 7 whereas 5. Librans mostly prefer to have friends of opposite sex and one can see them surrounded with plenty of them while they are studying in school and college. Libra natives are highly passionate towards opposite sex and they get attracted towards natives of opposite sex irrespective of their relationship with them. and red. They may get attracted towards their office colleagues.not be fooled. Green and Yellow be avoided. They like music. peaceful and calm and by the time their opponents realize what is happening. . They have forgiving nature and people take advantage of this nature. peace-loving. Librans are more prone to diseases related to kidneys. Although apparently Libra sign looks to be highly material but these significations do not last through out their life. cheerful. you can expect impartial justice. Urinary area. Librans native spend lot of money on their friends and their friends hardly take out their purse while moving around with Librans. They prefer to have many servants to look after their comforts. Libra sign rules our Kidneys.6. Libra natives mix up well with others. subordinates and even to immediate boss. Although Librans are intelligent but they quickly get impressed by polished appreciation. passionate. You will rarely them traveling on local city bus or non AC trains. easy-going. diplomatic. Libra born natives are very intelligent. As they grow. Lucky days are Sunday. Fully AC house and office.Lucky colours are orange. they may get attracted towards own student of opposite sex. perfumes. Saturday. gentle. they are already cornered. Administrators. If they are asked to give their judgment. advisor. genital organs. Libra natives can take up in all professions requiring high level of intellect and diplomacy.3 and 9 are inharmonious. modest. They can defeat their enemies without even touching them. luxury Cars. practical and intuitive They are fond of luxuries life and they look for everything of best quality. they highly elevate themselves on spiritual plane. When Venus is in fall or unfavourable use white coral or white sapphire. birth sign is not enough to recommend gemstone. You can see them wearing one of the costliest brand clothing even if it is beyond their pocket limits. they are easily identified by their peaceful and clever analysis of the subject.Monday. Numbers. lower legs. art. If they are teachers. Advisory.2. impotency. They should also learn say 'No' to the people. Tuesday and Wednesdays. and form the habit of forgiving but not forgetting. Libra natives are highly passionate about their marital and sexual life. In public discussions. Libra sign Tula Rashi Characteristics The Libra is indicated by a balance and ruled by Venus. Bankers. imaginative. 8 stands for investment and profit to one with whom Librans transact. they bend towards spiritual life and if there are other good combination in the horoscope. Lucky Days. Colours and Stones. Ministers.Lucky stone is diamond in gold or platinum in 3rd finger on Friday morning after offering prayer. Venus is a planet of intellect and ruled by Shukracharya (a preacher). urinary stones. and all comforts of life. Their strategies and methodology is deep. Politics. whereas Thursday is evil and Friday offers mixed results.Day of fast is Tuesday to mitigate or reduce the evils in life. Teachers.Lucky numbers are 1. Venus natives know the art of balancing and can take fair decisions in difficult situations. They analytical ability is extremely good and they know the art of criticizing people without hurting them on emotional front. Gemstone Warning: Consult good astrologer for Gemstone. pursue it alone and finish it alone in a grand way. Film producers. Saturdays are very good for purchasing property. easily appeased. Libra girl’s features are almost even and well balanced. They are highly courteous and rarely forget obligation of other people. blue.You are fond of beauty in all forms. Capricorn. light green. Tuesdays are good for romance and wealth. angles. cheerful. Public Relations. argue with clarity and foresight. Fond of opposite sex. art and music. Markedly pleasant expression on the face. Virgo. 4. Ro (roast). Beautiful knees with dimples.9. light blue. colors. supreme indemnity and of pleasant nature. Emerald Libra sign Tula rashi Love Romance and Compatibility Very Good with Aquarius.6. Pisces Bad with Sagittarius Libra sign Tula Rashi name Letters: Ra (rust). Film actors. spiritual activities. Mental Tendencies Librans are fond of dress. Ta (Taj Mahal). likes partnership in business and in every walk of life. affectionate and kind.They are pleasing. quick in temper but soon be quietened. Tu (Tuglakabad). Happy. Mondays are good for professional aspects. Personality You beautiful Libra damsels are very courteous. that they do not consider anything also more important than pleasure. Ray (razor). stones. 7. Lucky Days: Wednesdays. You have warmth and charming . are not good. admirable refinement. brilliant intellect. forethought. but not very noticeable. Ambassadors. pink and cream.Diplomats. Number 3. romance. Aries. dating. hopeful. grey. fond of society and amusement and generally amorous. proposing your love partner purchases etc. Usually too smart. Lucky stones: Diamond. Number 2 gives mix results. Typically sweet and clear voice. Libra natives need to check on expenses and they are suggested to get married early. Fridays. joining new job. argumentative. Sundays are good for financial gains. courageous to do any thing alone. She is diplomat. reciting divine sentences (mantras) etc. Tay (TainaliRama) LIBRA Physical Appearance It is an Airy and movable sign. Ru (ruby). Cancer. Moderate with Leo. Raa (rahu). They will usually have a dimple in the cheeks or one in the chin. You librans have such strong conjugal affection. Wednesdays are extremely good for your luck and destiny but avoid shopping on Wednesdays. Fridays are good for all activities. Writers etc. perfumes. Imaginative or artist. Gemini Good with Scorpio. so it is easier to start with the dimples. fond of lovely things and of materialistic nature. Fertile imagination and correctintuition. Saturdays. loving but changeful. Due to her charm many will many will join her. Thursdays are bad except for taking loans. artists. starting education or new business. Your body is full of curves. Libra sign Tula Rashi Lucky days. Impressionable. humane. orderly. You does not like solitaire. not necessarily fat. Blue Sapphire. Lucky colors: White. Lucky numbers: 1. love. passionate and of commanding nature. Taurus. sexy. Singers. curly hair. Musicians. hospitable. Ti (Tibbet). Librans are the most faithful love partners among twelve signs and they can adjust with almost all other Zodiac signs. are the body parts where trouble can be expected. good and peaceful domestic life. Keep the house decorated. Romance And Marriage You are expert n love affairs. Since you excel others in matter of reasoning. Traits to be Corrected You should control your emotional nature.manners. Fond of amusements. which attract the opposite sex. Ready to forgive and forget as you are amiable. courteous and generous. Full of charms and manners. You are not dogmatic. Sincere and affectionate with your charming manners. Finance and Fortune Blessed with wealth and good conveyance. Be decisive. well furnished and quite charming like them. but you adjust You cannot be imposed upon in home or in any walk of life. Friends of yours will be more helpful being sincere to you than your won relations. sometimes you can not have partner who can satisfy you. Being extravagant. Sometimes your partner can not satisfy you intellectually or through sex. perfumes. avoid spending much. spine. In love you are sincere to the opposite sex. You are not diplomat but wise to keep your outside life away from your home satisfying your friends who are everlasting and sincere to you without whom you can not live. fashion etc. You love high standard of living. foresight and judgement. avoid copying others. so you are warned for emotional check. logic. friends are useful. Numbers and Colors . all round. family and children are your basic traits. Generally Librans generally do not have younger brothers. sexy and passionate you may come into contact with influential people or associates who may not take undue advantage by going out of bound. Domestic Environments Happy and harmonious domestic life is essence of Librans. balanced judgement. You Librans marry early. you must keep cheek on your spending. You enjoy the family life to the full and have everlasting friends as they are honest in love. She needs cash for luxurious things of life. Avoid arguments and bossing over others. Your passions rise and die quickly. you make money through right investment by taking correct decisions. reliable and true to them. Ideal Match You will not agree with Pisces. Limited number of children who are helpful in old age. Without friends you damsels can not pass life. Health and Diseases You will enjoy good health generally but are prone to infectious diseases. You are expert in love affairs but sincere. Being sexy and passionate you enjoy life more in the company of opposite sex. uterus. Gemini and Aquarius persons with their Ascendants. Capricorn and Cancer born people. To love your home. Kidney. Being social. You are generous and liberal which pay you in solving your financial problems if any and not diplomat as many will think of you. You should forgive but never forget. Lucky Days. this is must as you are generous and liberal. dress. Venus girls work both before and after marriage. You will be popular through out life. You should learn to say ‘NO’ to the people. Love for money. your habits of commanding sometimes are subsided and you become just like a lamb which is most creditable to you. You do not seek divorce but adjust and in case of failure you can not then remain together for a moment. loins. opinions of others deserves as much respect as her own until the decision is made. so you are most lovable for sex life. You will marry early in life. Best suited are Leo. Body parts: Kidneys. 11 (Disagree with 4. officers.Sunday. tend to adjust in married life. brownish black hair. No fluctuation denoted. affectionate. fond of dress. Dual on third cusp make the mind more receptive. one can act as a middleman. distillation. Majority planets are in movable or when they are in kendras. 12) LIBRA Broad Outlook (M) Represent movement from one place to another. painters. Represent the busy people. 4 and 7 where as 3. injuries to head and knees. Lucky numbers are 1. Dislike dependence on others and averse to subordination. in liquid items. Will never feel fully satisfied unless they are at the head of things. skin diseases Professions: Govt servants. love of ambition. Monday. opposite sex. passionate. methodical. headaches. imaginative. Friday offers mixed results. kidney stones. fame recognition and popularity. urinary track Diseases: Urinary disorders. Show enterprise. The day of fast is Friday to mitigate or reduce evils in life. enthusiasm. one can expect to have a fixed income. expert in love affairs. actors. and editor speaker. the best businessmen. Who rise in life on their own and those who make headway against heavy odds and impediments? Native independent in spirit and self-assertive. systematic and easily affected by surroundings. charming manners. sexy. business. pioneers. 2. Fond of changes in life and will have many changes too. forcefulness. kidney trouble. and ability to complete plans and execute them in a short time. chemists. Afflictions from movable sign indicate acute ailments. architects. Thursday is evil. playback singers. good salesmen Match: 3. Libra Tall. art and music. 10. cheerful. just river flows smoothly without going back. electric engineers. extravagant. Wednesday and Saturdays are lucky. well formed body. just. Finance Fixed sign bring gain through authoritative influence investments and accumulation of unearned income. politics or profession. hospitable. slender but stout with age. perfumes. Sani in 11th signifies fixed sign -delay and hindrance through friends. Dual sign connected with 6. transport. Lucky Colours are orange. kidneys and all movable/functional disorders tend to brain fever.10 one is best fitted to serve others. good looking. White and Red. limited children. Tuesday. Avoid Green and Yellow. Always loves change and reform. disorders of stomach. which usually run their course and leave no particular trace. public life. graceful. musicians. Ailments affecting the head. courteous. 8 stands for investments and profit. good features. it shows that one will hold a prominent position be it trade. stomach. . cold. writers. passions rise and die quickly. 6 and 9 are inharmonious. Will exhibit ambition and enterprise to a great degree. and go-ahead spirit. agent clerk. 5. Navy. comforts. For instance. leads romantic life. Tactfulness is needed to maintain peace.. Appearance will be graceful with a sweet smile and attractive countenance. sympathetic. Poorvabhadra and Aslesha. Purchase peace at any cost. Denotes intellectual pursuits best fitted to be advisers. limbs will be slender but strong. You will waste money on those born in Punurvasu. Gemini/Aquarius brides will match. correct intuition. You do not hurt others. Artistic and literary minded. music and arts. conveys once and comforts. You try to lead a pleasant life enjoying all the fruits of life. spine case should be taken. Children limited only and are helpful in old age. courteous and gentle. suffer nervous troubles. eyebrows add to his beauty. Lucky Colour Orange. white. Well informed. novelists. Any profession where mind and brain are more exercised than body fits them. Humanitarian instincts. Health With regard to stomach and appendix. Nose will be attractive like artists. amiable. fond of reasoning. photography. brilliant intellect. poets. lawyers. Saturday expenses. JYESTHA and Revathi stars. Will not be assertive but tactful. well informed. Fertile imagination. Capricorn and Cancer will not agree with them. inquisitive. red. courteous. Pisces. green and yellow should be avoided. gardening. scientists. drawing etc. fertile. Marry early and preserve the tradition. artists. likes everybody you very much during your childhood. Active circulation gives plumpy body with complexion good. Popular and prosperous.Nature (A) Connected with mental experience and mind. modest. General Predictions Physical Native grows tall with well-proportioned body. Majority is talented. Accountants. Thursdays are evil. (Pundit Ravi SHANKER Mr Pran) Characteristics Weighs merits and demerits and pass a dispassionate opinion. fertile. Friends Without friends you can not pass on your time. inventors. Do not use blue. Visaka. They will exert much. Do not believe in hot discussions but you will try to bring about compromise. Will not rub on the wrong side. painting. get exhausted and due to overwork. You would not allow outsiders to be interviewed at home. which will assist the opposite person. Lucky Days Sunday . refined. Spends on luxuries. imagination idealistic and artistic nature. well behaved and level headed. lecturers. supreme indemnity. Fond of dresses. furniture. idealistic and often inconstant. reporters. Wednesday show long journeys.. Offer good intellect. perfumeries. Finance Best suited for business with partner. Points to be kept in mind: . Hobbies. courteous. Scientific pursuits advantageous. gentle. Will have a short tempered and rash partner. you will forego your personal comforts but work hard for the benefit of others. regained and human nature. Take interest in dress. Have the capacity to handle any situation tactful. Less vitality. Mind is cultured. Monday and Tuesdays are good for competition. lead mostly a public life with social and financial success. if well connected they show cheerful. be happy. You will be neat and orderly. then you will be tamed by an unscrupulous person of opposite sex who has the desire to dominate and possess you. it is advisable to know your ability and so to have a limit. You are generally unassuming and simple. you should try to take quick decision then and there and act. fairly disposed to extravagance and unsteady habits. Therefore. They may act against your interest. you forgive and forget the faults of such people. fine brown hair carefully parted near the middle. enjoy life by listening to light music. elegant figure with blue eyes. fair skin. You will just. mind will be fructifying and well-balanced. You nature will be generous.Grecian type.You have to keep your emotions in check. You have to be very careful with the other sex as you are gentle. try to avoid the company of the other sex. You should know what harm is done by a person and how he had misbehaved. You should not appoint persons of opposite sex as your pvt. You will have a real happy marriage and substantial wealth. clever people will take advantage of your innocence and try to fool you. In case of a woman the peril is graver. artistic and initiative. kind and amiable. In early years. Yet you are sure to become duly compensated by having rise in life by the strength of your own merit. but you do not require so much as you use. You are likely to have change in pursuits but still be clever in business-dealings. You also believe that very new occasion demand a new dress and therefore. To maintain good health it is necessary for you to take rest and retire whenever you feel like that. persuasive. You should not allow things to get out of your hands. It is your habit to observe how you try to copy them and waste a lot. secretaries. genial and kind nature and will be fond of show and approbation. You have a restless mind and shifting objectives. You have a fertile brain. You should deal with them carefully because you have broad outlook and even when you find them to be wrong. Therefore. A little of the makeup may do. You will have many journeys in connection with your . soft and weak with the opposite sex. have balanced diet. You waste money on that score. So you have to consider carefully and make the best choices of the associates. there are possibilities of trouble and grief. You should know that God has given you enough charm. Your Lagna (Ascendant) is Libra Libra Appearance According to your Horoscope. attractive sets of teeth and beautiful finger-nails. Libra Special Characteristics You will have a genial but weak nature. You will gain honour and rank by business and will acquire property. You generally mix business and your pleasure. keep yourself cheerful. understand that individual cannot be relied upon. you will have a tall. You may be somewhat amorous and fickle. kidney may be affected. but don’t forget their action. You will be 'faithful in love and dauntless in war' . Therefore. even of financial difficulties. Libra Mental Qualities You will have a happy go lucky disposition. you can come to know of it and forgive them. many ideas will flash in your mind and they spring up one after another quickly. This will prove to be harmful in the long run. Your main characteristics will be fondness for home-life and steadfastness in affections. You may have appendicitis or uterus trouble. if you remain for a long period unmarried and if you live in a hostel away from your home for some length of time. You will be wasting much of your time. you will spend much more than what you can afford on cosmetics and perfumes. Your nose will be straight .a worthy friend and generous enemy. You may have some disharmony in married state. is placed in exalted position Saturn gets placed in an exalted position Which fragrance is auspicious for the Libra sign Galabnam fragrance is auspicious for the Libra sign Which planet is debilitated in Libra sign Sun is debilitated in Libra sign This sign is which Planet’s Multrikon. Libra Sign Meaning | Libra . Which is the Badhak Bhava for the Libra sign 1st Bhava is Badhak for the Libra sign Which planet is Badhkesh for the Libra sign Sun is the planet of Badhakesh for the Libra sign Which planet is YogaKaraka for the Libra sign Saturn is the Yoga Karaka for the Libra sign Which Planet of the Libra sign. They are responsible and work according to their principles in life. Mars and Venus are Marak planets for the Libra sign. or for simply touring purpose. when Venus lies between 0degree and 15 degree it forms Multrikon Rashi. Which is the lucky stone for the Libra people Diamond and Sapphire are the lucky stones for the Libra people . Moon is considered to be inauspicious at which degree for Libra. You will be loved and respected for your sense of justice and probity. sun is considered to be auspicious for Libra. cultural or intellectual mission. Wednesday and Saturday are the Lucky days for the Libra People. Moon is considered to be auspicious at which degree for Libra. Venus. sun is considered to be auspicious for Libra. 2. At 24 degree .profession.An Introduction | Which is the lucky stone for the Libra people People of the Libra sign are extremely attractive. Let us get familiar with the Libra sign. At 4 degree and 26 degree. In Libra . Libra is Venus’s Multrikon sign. Monday . The symbol of the Libra sign is a Scale Which planets are considered auspicious for the Libra sign Mars. The most important trait of Libra people is that they think thoroughly before reaching a decision. They can easily tackle even the most difficult situations. Moon and Jupiter are inauspicious Planets for the Libra sign Which are Neutral planets for the Libra sign There are no Neutral Planets for the Libra sign Which are the Marak planets for the Libra sign Jupiter. Such people are stable. Which are the Lucky numbers for the Libra sign 1. Mercury and Saturn are considered auspicious Planets for the Libra sign Which Planets are inauspicious for the Libra sign Sun . Tuesday. Who is the Lord of the Libra sign Venus is the Lord of the Libra sign What is the Symbol of the Libra Sign . 4 and 7 series of numbers are lucky for the Libra people which are the lucky days for the Libra people Sunday. Inspite of the fact that many a times they are extremely brash and satirical. Venus gives a varied effect. But when caught up in the hurricane process of being balanced. A Libran thinks that he wont be able to stick to a decision taken in throws of moments. Each Libran is an artist at heart. Especially the females have the most envious wardrobe of all. his mere flash of smile is the most charming Argument he can make to win over every logical discussion. is the seventh Zodiac in the system. With the kind of looks and charisma they are endowed with. Irony being that at times he will contradict himself to get the blissful pleasure of an intellectually stimulating argumentative discussion. when he takes a decision. such kinds of cupid`s arrows are but natural. And everyone knows that how difficult it is to follow all these ideals at once.Living the life in fun while balancing the scales. are atleast pleasant looking. and bases his decision on what he sees and perceives. and they are often keen on the pleasant interior décor. And they do it with such sweet manners and gentle smile. Their wardrobe is elegant. And many Librans if not beautiful. So. Chitra. loving a Libran is just inescapable. Fact is a fact. It is ruled by Venus. and Hema Malini and you will know). Libran charm can topple any heart out of balance within seconds. A Libran is also a judge. elegant surrounding. no matter the what`s the emotion or reason behind it. Why? Because a Libra argues everything back and forth. if not happily married. and quite a few heartbreaks. he follows it with ardent persuasiveness. and is unable to reach any conclusion. It`s not easy to live along a Libran with all those conflicts raging within a single soul. Venus also rules the earthy sign of Taurus. combined with his irresistible persona. People born under this Zodiac have deep sense of aesthetics and beauty. and usually are avid book readers and collectors. Health . they are a social delight with loads of compassion. But more often than not. Apart from his exquisite features. they are born with warm affectionate hearts. They love knowledge. atleast not easily. Inspite of their seemingly flighty nature. Librans are the seekers of love and harmony. he takes a lot of time and a lot of thinking. They are also fair and logical. Good music. That is what a Libran is all about . but in case of airy Libra. arguments. Sometimes. restless energy. A Libran. and hopelessly romantic. with a pleasant stimulating conversation is all it takes to bring the bright side of a Libran. Libran women are known to be superbly elegant with loads of hidden strength within their feminine grace. known as "Tula Rashi" in Hindi. Sun transits through this Zodiac every year on September 23rd to October 22nd. Venus is goddess of beauty. it results in indecision. (Consider all the Libran film stars like Rekha.On which day should the Libra people fast Libra people should follow the fasting rules on Tuesdays Libra Astrology Libra. optimism and charm. They also honor HONOR in a relationship and also in general life. that the environment around a Libran seems simply heavenly. The result is excessive chaos and stormy thinking task to strike a balance. will always be in love with someone or the other. Swati and Vishakha are the Nakshatras under this Zodiac. But given his gentleness and intelligence. good food and wine. much more than needed. love life is all about ups and down and a challenge to keep it smooth and balanced. With other signs. A Libran can still go along with Pisces and Cancer. all the others representing either humans or animals. harmony (both in music and social living) and the pleasures that these bring. very gentle. are naturally kind. sonorous voice and good body. But their love for food and drinks at times going in excess can create many problems. Libra Astrology Libra is the most interesting sign of the zodiac. For them and the one paired with them. Librans are nothing if not romantic. and are in it before they even know it. velvet voice and the most romantic soul on this side of the earth. Though some people are shocked at their tendency to have full-fledged affair when still trying to avoid marriage. Librans have wonderful complexion. They are attracted to the opposite sex ever since their childhood. There is a sense of relaxation in the air as mankind enjoys the last of the summer sun and the fruits of his toil. Their marriages. Romance The goddess of love herself rules Libra. The negative Libran character may show frivolity. At the same time they prove the efforts worthy by their dimpled smile. however.The zodiac of Libra rules kidneys. when the harvest of all the hard work of the spring is reaped. You see. impatient of routine. charm and good taste. But most of all people are jealous at the ease at which others find them attractive and irresistible. lawyers and civil servants. trying to resolve any differences by compromise. They loathe cruelty. Many astrologers regard it as the most desirable of zodiacal types because it indicates the zenith of the year. They can be good writers. easy going to the point of . the gentle Venusians might feel restrictive (compatibility depends upon other factors). uterus and vasomotor system. Leos and Sagittarius bring special flairs to the romance. it`s really not easy to be a Libran! A love affair between a Libran and Aquarian is mentally and verbally stimulating. But on the whole their characters are balanced. composers. People with inflicted sign can go through Lumbago and urinary problem. and lovers of beauty. stand a fair chance of success. It can be changeable and indecisive. interior decorators. They have elegance. And some people are equally taken aback to see them going from one affair to another with surprising ease. and are often willing to allow claims against themselves to be settled to their own disadvantage rather than spoil a relationship. colorlessly conventional and timid. Skin. viciousness and vulgarity and hate conflict between people. Librans are most civilized among all the twelve zodiacal characters and are often good looking. In their personal relationships they show understanding of the other person's point of view. But then again their indecisive nature is responsible for the situation. But they have Zero tolerance power for statement that challenge their opinion. Their charm and looks assist them to be irresistible of all the whole lot. flirtatiousness and shallowness. so they do their best to cooperate and compromise with everyone around them. They have better ability to judge matter. actors. Librans are the most charming and beautiful human beings. the high point of the seasons. Aries. Career Librans are inherent artists and are quite successful in arts related fields. So the people of this sign have absolutely no problem in being the leaders of this field. But that`s again because they can`t even breath without romance. They are very social human beings. Usually. diplomatic and even tempered. and their ideal for their own circle and for society as a whole is unity. to establish a self-idealism. writers. and yet Librans can shock everyone around them with sudden storms of rage. It is tools or implements. * The symbol associated with your sign is the scales of balance representing the balance that you continually seek in your self and your life. Tula seeks harmony. composers. is many-sided. to accomplish a task. buying and selling and a storehouse. Likes * The finer things in life * Sharing * conviviality * Gentleness Dislikes * Violence * Injustice * Brutishness * Being a slave to fashion Some more interesting facts about your sign: * Your ruling planet is VENUS. to remain engaged in various types of work. It can be a tribunal. welfare workers or valuers. They can succeed as administrators. lawyers (they have a strong sense of justice. antique dealers. It strives to possess things in the same degree and assortment . It is always restless. a tall figure. It is warm. 7. an active worker and likes to rule over others. calm. others may find success as artists. roaming. seldom angry when circumstances demand a show of annoyance at least.inertia. Gender: Male. TULA (LIBRA) Linga (Symbol): A Man With Scales. civil servants and bankers. Ruler: Sukra (Venus). It has the speed of wind (Vayu). characteristic of spreading hither and thither. an even but pleasant talker. unsteady in a place. and they have an ability in the management of all sorts of public entertainment. which cynics might say could handicap them in a legal career). Swati and 3/4 Vishakha. business. Characteristics Of The Ascendant: . * Your starstone is the precious Sapphire. Attributes Of The Sign: Like the balancing scales. counter-balances and analyses things. Limb of Kalapurush: Lower Abdomen. Nakshatras: 1/2 Chitra. It compares. social. examines. Some Librans are gifted in fashion designing or in devising new cosmetics. full of sound. Siddhant (Principle): Harmony. critics. Quality: Cardinal. * The color of choice for Libra is Blue. interior decorators. assessment of real worth.systematizing and changing. Mahabhuta (Element): Air. scrutinizes. The natives of this Tula Ascendant grow tall with age and have a well-proportioned body. Their limbs are slender but strong. Their appearance is graceful and attractive. They get bald in adult age. Their nose is like that of a parrot. The natives of this Ascendant are level headed. They weigh the merits and demerits of a subject and then express their decision. They are constructive critics. They are reasonable and just. They are also modest, refined and gentle. They love happy and harmonious life. They want peace at all costs. They seldom lose their temper. They like changes in their life and environment. They are popular and have a spirit of sacrifice in them. They have fertile imagination, correct intuition, brilliant intellect and pleasant nature. They are fond of good things and comforts. Their domestic and married life is generally happy. They love their home, family and property. Lagna - Thula (Libra) Lord Shukra Symbol: a scale balance with two plates Guna: tamas Mental: idealistic, quick-witted, vindictive, forceful and positive. Physical: fair complexion, a middle-sized stature, phlegmatic constitution, handsome appearance, broad face, fine eyes, broad chest and regular features. generally youthful appearance. General: generally of a sensual disposition... keen observers of human nature... keen foresight and reason out things from the standpoint of their own views.... love justice, peace, order and are agreeable persons... ambitious ..more idealistic than realistic or practical men and often contemplate on schemes that are like building castles in the air. They are not sensitive to what others say of them. As political leaders and religious reformers they exert tremendous influence over the masses and sometimes their zeal and enthusiasm can go to such a pitch that they can force their views upon unwilling minds... not easily amenable to reason... great lovers of music... truth and honesty have a special appeal for them. Ideas: Compare, examine, counterbalance, ponder; equality, balanced ideas, balancing ideas by judgment, comparison, test, representation of a thing. What my horoscope indicate? | Libra Ascendant If you are born in Libra Ascendant; you may be tall, handsome and have a slim/athletic physique. You may have sharp facial features; and the teeth may be a bit spaced. You may be volatile in thoughts and actions. You may be popular in your social circle and may like to enjoy or spend time with your friends. You may be extravagant in nature and may like to help others in the hour of need. Venus, being lord of the first house, may also give you natural and strong inclination towards music and arts. You may be fond of traveling and may be of adventurous nature, specifically if Venus and Jupiter are well disposed in your horoscope. You may be friendly, social and may have many friends. You may be a bit skeptic about the cleanliness or having things in precise order, specifically if Venus and/or first house is having afflictions or badly disposed. You may like to remain in company of friends and relatives; and may also be religiously inclined. You may also be truthful, committed, and honest; and may also have varied interest in education. You may be a bit weak or soft in confronting others; and may like to resolve issues amicably. Libra born people are usually quite active on mental levels; and they tend to be having deep interests in thinking, imagining and finding new things/ideas in life. And, if Moon, Mercury and Saturn are well disposed; you may be quite successful in academics and may have success in finding new things/ideas/inventions in your professional arena. The above mentioned positive results are subject to the conditions that the Venus is well disposed and the first house of your Ascendant is also safe from any malefic planetary influences. Weak and afflicted Venus may give weak or ugly physique and there may be fear of psychological issues. If both Venus and Jupiter are badly disposed; this may also cause accidents, injuries, operations and obstructed growth. If the Moon is also weak/afflicted; you may suffer from emotional setbacks in relationships; trouble in profession as well as lack of support from parents. The planets Saturn, Mercury and Venus are most auspicious planets for Libra Ascendant; and sometimes, the good placement of any one of these (Saturn, Mercury or Venus) can generate strong positive results during their Mahadasa. Saturn is a Yogakaraka Planet and capable of not only generating auspicious Yogas but cancelling/diluting the other inauspicious planetary influences on the horoscope. Jupiter and Mars are inauspicious planets; and, capable of damaging the positive attributes of the planets/houses under influence. The union of the Sun with Mercury or Venus also generates a good Raj Yoga, required these planets are not weak and well disposed in both Lagna and Navamsha Charts. Jupiter and Mars are usually giver of inauspicious results; and, sometimes even Sun is capable of damaging the positive attributes of the houses/planets under its influence. Mars also act as a Maraka planet for Libra Ascendant; and sometimes, even minor weaknesses or affliction on the part of Mars may generate troubles in marriage and health. Moon is giver of mixed results; and if under auspicious planetary influences and well placed; it may bless with foreign residence, successful journeys, and high positions in profession. The strength and clean disposition of both Mars and Venus is must for expecting peaceful domestic life. Generally, Libra Ascendant people are best suitable for independent intellectual work, specifically in law, judiciary, education and research related fields. A well placed and strong Jupiter (when under auspicious planetary influences) can also give good rise in politics and social activities. The best placement of Nodes (Rahu and Ketu) takes place when Rahu is in fifth and Ketu is in eleventh house of the Lagna Chart; and also devoid of any malefic planetary influences, specifically of Jupiter and Mars. The placement of Rahu in fourth and Ketu in tenth house (under auspicious planetary influences) is also capable of generating positive results. Exaltation of Nodes does not generate any significant positive results as such Ketu goes to second house; while Rahu is in eighth house. Professional sectors related to Judiciary, religion, spirituality, politics, education, research, Administration, Training, Language, Banking, Finance, Fashion, Art, Movie, Cinema, Advertising and Event management are usually most suitable for you. The best part of being born in Libra Ascendant is having high morals and values in life. Libra Ascendant people are great admirer as well as follower of having justified and balanced approach in overall aspects of their lives. They are also good at in-depth analysis and capable of keeping their focus intact during complex situations. The weak part of your personality and nature is being over-expressive and too much lenient even in serious matters. You may tend to suffer due to emotional traumas and are also vulnerable to be negatively affected and influence by others. Therefore, you should be very careful in making relationships and choosing friends. In addition to this, you should also try to remain under positive environment. Cautions to be exercised: If you are born in Libra Ascendant; you should be extra careful about the following: Social Circle & Vices: You should be careful in making friends and choosing your social circle. The chances of having friendship or relations within bad or unsocial community are usually more prominent for Libra Ascendant people; specifically when, the Lagna lord Venus and Jupiter both are badly disposed. Besides this, the vulnerability towards getting addicted to vices, bad habit is also a bit more for Libra Ascendant. Therefore, you should also be careful in keeping and maintaining clean and healthy habits. Personal Relationships: This is another aspect of your horoscope requiring attention and care. Venus is a fast moving planet; and, remains vulnerable to get combust quite often. Besides this, the tenth house lord Moon is also a very fast moving planet. Therefore, the chances of making wrong decisions under emotional or other type of pressure situations are also there; and, you may find yourself under complex situations, when you did make some commitment without being ready for it. Health and profession: This aspect is also to be looked upon with a bit more attention. The chances of having problems in professional matters due to health and mood are also observed to be high in Libra Ascendant people. The primary reasons are the same i.e. vulnerability of Venus of getting combust (natal or transit) as well as the lordship of the tenth house by the Moon. Health issues related to back, spine, urinary track, throat, liver, immune system and eyes are more likely to create problems for Libra Ascendant people. Given above are some of the basic traits for Libra Ascendant people; and the disposition of other planets, divisional chart, dasa and transit may also have their respective say in modifying the results. For personal astrology report on your horoscope; you may consult via following link to get online horoscope reading and astrology consultation. Tula Lagna (Libra Ascendant) The natives of Libra rising have a reputation of being too submerged in sensuality, but they are also quick-witted, forceful, and skilled at observing human nature with clarity. They are idealistic rather than practical, and the power of their ideals may wield a great, perhaps even hypnotic, influence over others. In such cases, it is difficult to reason with them. Due to the influence of Venus, they appreciate beauty and love music and arts. . luxury loving and given to vice. the natives of this Ascendant are very long lived. if Venus the lord of this Ascendant is very strong and is under the influence of Jupiter and Mercury. For example if the 1st and 8th houses and Venus are under the influence of Mars. death is by accident or injury. fond of truth and devoted to religion. The natives of this Ascendant are generally handsome. On the other hand. by fall or by bullet. The reason therefore is that the natural planets like Saturn become the best friends of the Ascendant in addition to the natural benefic planets who are of course already disposed to do well. If Venus is heavily afflicted they are short lived for the obvious reason that Venus who is lord of the Ascendant as well as the 8th house represents "Longivity" par excellence and as such its affliction naturally detracts from "Longivity". such as by fire.12 Bhava counted from Thula Lagna Libra Ascendant – Signs in Houses This is one of the best Ascendants to possess. The nature of the influence on Venus in such cases indicates the mode of death. graciousness. Thereby. They always have a valid point to support their content and ultimately is acceptable by all.1st House Libra: Libra rising in the first house makes a native naturally diplomatic and sociable. He will like to overeat and drink without moderation in company. Venus is the owner of the first and also the eighth house. People with Libra in the first house are the lovers of beauty and seek harmony everywhere. He will also have diseases indicated by Pisces in the sixth house. due to this they many sometimes fail in the primary job of taking care of others. You remain comfortable in a situation where neatness and order are maintained. With Libra in the ascendant the native is a good debator. Appearance is of importance to them. You have a natural ability to reflect the identity of others as well. It therefore represents longevity and death. Being balanced in nature. He sometimes does not have his own independent view on matters and prefers to echo those of the others to please them. serving the justice. They are artistic. and know are well known to bring beauty into the surroundings. By habit he is easy going and does not like to exert himself. His acceptance in society will be a matter of great concern to him. Females having this ascendant like to use good perfumes. religious. compatible and social in nature. They are natural negotiator. jewellery. You may have a tendency to maintain a statuesque and want to avoid the disruption of change. lawyer. You are a good debater but not very much argumentative. Details can be seen in paragraph (vii) under the relevant sign in the Chapter on Signs. and tend to see themselves through other’s eyes and reactions. Libra is a sign of balance and justice. These people are able to see both sides of the issue and make the right decision. rather than saying what they actually feel. They are not very good at aggressively advancing themselves and need to concentrate on learning how realize their own identity. Libra is a sign which represents balance. He likes to please people. He will be very well dressed. Libra: Libra rinsing on the cusp produces sociability. Their fixed nature is well hidden by their cooperative demeanor. He suffers due to his excesses. creative. These people are even. Libra: The native will be truthful. He can be a good teacher and also good at such jobs where he has to have contact on almost individual basis such as teachers. He will be tall and proportionately built. and a natural matchmaker. They have a natural tendency to say what they think will please others. but not argumentative. People with Libra in the first house are peace lovers and harmonious in nature. diplomat. these people tends to wear neutral colors. and beautiful clothes. The social obligations will hardly leave any time for himself. compatibility and justice as personality traits. They are gracious. They need to readjust themselves constantly to align themselves along with the forces around them to get in inner sense of balance. They always try to give their best shot. graceful and social. They prefer top stay away from discordant environment. and fond of female company.change in life. They might adopt an opposing view to what might be their natural inclinations and have strong ability to maintain balance in the discussion. have a good color sense. Neatness and order must be maintained to make them comfortable in every situation. Decision making is not an easy exercise for him. have many personal contacts. He will be attractive. psychiatrists etc. loquacious. which makes them fair player of strong sense. People with Libra rising in the ascendant can make a good arguer. On the negative side of Libra rising in the first house is that they are always try to maintain the status quotient. The hide their true feelings for the sake of winning the approval of others inorder to maintain order and harmony. They are inborn peace-loving and diplomatic in nature. The analysis for . He will have good relations with the government. justice and a strong sense of fair play. These people are socially active. They avoid the disruption and avoid bringing any kind of . charming and have the ability to please everyone around. or other catastrophic style of rebirth. (Particularly the Vishaka Shakti-folk!) Thula natives love mysteries and secrets(8).11 Bhava 1 * Thula Appearances . psychic healing. alliance-building folk who have a strong aesthetic interest in counseling and advising others.  They strive to maintain a competitively attractivepersonality and physical appearance. stability and change. psychotherapy. Thula. Thus this native is a lover of both birth and death. Thula-1 seeks to develop the physical personality identity through association with Attorneys and conflict resolution through the law courts. emergency. and Death Shukra's co-lordship of bhava-8 Vrishabha can be problematic. of creation (1) and destruction (8). form and content. Iconic-Symbolic or Photo-Image representations Great pride in one's children and in the products of one's own unique intelligence. one prefers an aesthetic response to life.4. of the beauty of the stable physical human form (1) and its sudden transformation through surgery. and relationships which enhance mutual wealth and pleasure of the partners.5. both personal and professional (whether favorably or not). Architecture and design. Metonymic. mass and energy. at least in the public perception. Thula-1 may be a skilled director of stable. Thula can.Venus can be done in the same way as for Mars under Aries to determine the longevity and nature of death. Lagnesha Shukra rules a natural house = swabhava of neutral Kuja. seem rather macabre in the extent of one's tolerance for the violence of the cycle of death-and-rebirth. of appearances (1) and disappearances (8). making of contracts and alliances.  Thula natives are generally agreeable. and which eventually create the perfect conditions for the death of ones own self (8). There will be a grain shop or the establishment of a potter near his house. Social Personality.  Thus Thula possesses has a surprising and peculiarly aesthetic appreciation for the shocking beauty of traumatic disasters(8. and luxurious surroundings.6. works of fine art and musical composition. Clothing Style Physical Body. one is simultaneously quite aware of the presence of those cyclical forces which cause the death of relationships (8). harmonious relationships and good design in all things. ironically. Yet. The social personality has an inherent affinity for balancing and arranging. Bhava-1 signifies personal competition for social validation through a winning combination of physical behaviors and traits. design-loving. Life. the natural specialty of Mangala) and forced. and Thula does not complain about the necessity of having to die in exchange for the possibility of a better new life. negotiation and brokering. One holds a broad affection (Shukra) for matters of birth (1) and re-birth (8).  For Thula-1. Thula accepts death as an aesthetically vital part of life's constant re-balancing. Thula-1 = particularly influenced by one's partners. Most difficult bhava = 3. tantric magic. both of the natural houses of Mangala are ruled by Shukra. catastrophic change of all types(8). harmony-seeking. Physical Appearance . but you can also associate with dishonest people who. you are fond justice and law but easily irritated. You are also subject to contradictory thoughts and actions. religious leaders. generous. and sparsely set teeth. by malefic planets either by association or by aspect. lean and thin. through skillful use of scents. Thula lagna's signature capability is the power to create and sustain many layers of supportive agreements. Guru as L-3+L-6 is a naturally inauspicious influence upon this native. Ideally Guru should be weak. gains from his inlaws and is particularly happy in the period of his youth. In addition to being naturally gifted with physical beauty (presuming Shukra is auspicious). Fond of helping the lowly . tender eyes.)  Thula-1 is attractive to both men and women. Das / Behari comment on Thula= bhava-1: [applies as well or better to Chandra lagna] "Libra Ascendant usually bestows a long face. This nativity will flourish when Shukra. Saturn is a very powerful planet for you. helpful and simple at heart. If on the other hand. has a long-living wife. but would rather see to it that the objective gets carried out. unfortunately. is a man of prowess possesses logical speech. an attractive appearance. You respect spiritual leaders because they respect principle centered persons. You are often too driven to stick strictly to principles yourself. Jupiter is also very good. Your friends and benefactors tend to be well-placed individuals . Their appearance is normally impeccable. You are extravagant. If Scorpio falls in the second house. and Kuja/Surya/Guru do not interfere. you are disorganized. relative to the patterns within one's genetic group. You are generally above average height. Mars is weak and afflicted. You may have a strong desire for artistic achievement but fail to actualize it. You crave social contact and the assurance that other people need you. Shani and Chandraare strong. Thula succeeds through a combination of  personal attractiveness (L-1 Shukra)  respect for cultural customs (L-4 Shani)  active crafting of agreements (L-7 Kuja)  emotional engagement in leadership roles (L-10 Chandra) The list of global power brokers. You should take precaution against urinary tract infections. Physically you appear strong and healthy but you may secretly suffer from diseases relating to the loins and kidneys. the man's financial losses result from . tendency toward a more fair or pastel type of complexion. and so much so that you may use base acts to achieve your goals. Balanced physical features. and Mars is strong. and socially unbalanced. and Guru casts a golden glow. and celebrities at left indicates how inordinately influentialare Thula nativities in the world. Thula-1 easily accepts professional "handling" to improve their presentation. (However a strong influence from Kuja can darken the overall coloring. emotionally unstable. Mentally. the native becomes rich. paints and costume. stick with you for years." Scorpio in the Second House. he will rise high in his profession. It's not just a barrier against unwanted intrusion. there can be some major ups and downs in financial life A second house Scorpio indicates that the native has potential to work long and hard to earn his livelihood. He will play truant from school in his early years since he could not feel interested in school work. Such a Mars will make the native's maternal uncle (his mother's younger brother) wealthy with substantial property. seeks friendship of ladies. People with a second house Scorpio are resourceful and energetic in their means of making money. Such people like to maintain their privacy and resent anyone prying into their business. and friendly. The native will have to keep a careful watch on his expenditures since he has a tendency to over spend on equipment and machinery for business purposes. occultism. but the key to your magical powers. People with this placement tend to be secretive regarding financial affairs and always put intense efforts in managing such affairs. He will not desist from making money through foul or unscrupulous means. if the planet is strong. They possess an ability to transform useless material into something valuable and useful. However. Despite of the natural inherent possessiveness. He may face accidents or undergo major operations. You dislike anyone interfering into your financial affairs. This may be due to a sense . His wife is short lived. They should learn to measure their own talents without giving any cruel judgment. People with a second house Scorpio can be sometimes objective about what others have to offer that enables to help them make the best of what they are. The native's concentration is solely on money and other resources that help in earning it. They are often provided with money to satisfy their taste for elegant objects. 2nd House Scorpio: A second house Scorpio brings natural patience and potency to work hard and achieve goals. The owner of the second is also the owner of the seventh house here. such people are more concerned about their possessions and how to use them aesthetically to turn them into something of monetary value. humourous. Basically. fond of sex & pleasures. The greatest talent of people with a second house Scorpio is their ability to get to the source and utilize it in the best possible way. His son will be a self made man who may join the military or a uniformed service and. People with a second house Scorpio are advised not to take any kind of undue risks related to work and business. Scorpio: Religious and of good conduct.business and also as a result of the wrong advice etc. always speaks in a curious manner. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Taurus above. People with a second house Scorpio fail to get the worth of their money and efforts. Scorpio: He will be religious. in order to ascertain the mode of death of his wife. Such a person also suffers in his youth. Scorpio: Scorpio on the cusp of the second house shows that you are very secretive regarding your financial affairs. Most part of the money they earn is spent on their innovations and inventiveness at a rapid rate. When Scorpio is in the second house. The nature of influence being received by Mars should be carefully studied. of his wife. They can see opportunities at places where others see loss. A weak and afflicted Mars will be very dangerous for the father of the native. and respects gods and Brahmins. fond of female company. They are gifted with the ability to transform lead into gold by combining disparate forces. He has natural patience that makes him work hard for long periods of time to get invariably good rewards for his work eventually. the native adheres to his religion. See observations that have been recorded for Venus as a maraka under Taurus above. they are ready to share these possessions with their partners and friends. He will be a good physical education teacher or an expert in callisthenics. . subterfuge. emergency. archeological. In bhava-2. family upheaval is much amplified. or money. from hidden resources. shooters. excavators. Thula-1 may hail from a family lineage of engineers (Kuja) such as miners. Controls an appreciable amount of wealth increasing throughout the lifetime.g.of insecurity that diminishes sharing tendencies. Stored wealth may be increased by inheritance. values. Memory-storage mechanism is internally deep and recycling. teeth and jaw. history. tantrik approach to knowledge. Hoards + Storage. Acquisitions. The Vrischika lineage also executes transmission of secrets and hidden treasures. speech and song. Thula natives have an ambitious and competitive approach to matters of partnership and wealth-storage. depending on graha in bhava-2. keepers of repository and cache of mysterious values. drillers. A penetrating drive toward ancient knowledge. For Thula lagna. if Rahu in bhava-2. Add in more details from also 2nd-from-Chandra. infiltration. detonators. Native stores knowledge and wealth deep within the self. Thula-1 is raised with an active (Kuja) even Aggressive but also mystically Ambivalent approach to asserting one's wealth-building behaviors. Secretive about their acquisitions. and styles of dress. Ketu afflicts the second house of treasuries. Appearance of face. wealth. surgeons. food. hunters. hair etc. divers. Appreciates the dark sideof human nature and the instructional value of pain. cutters. Periods of Kuja may time surgeries to the face and neck. The changes may range from slightly unsettling to massive and catastrophic.) The scale of the forced changes may be hidden from public view. mystical. Able to call forth. Treasuries of Wealth + Knowledge Because Kuja is lord of 2nd-from-lagna and 7th-from-lagna. Values are self-reflective. Rahu + Yogakaraka Shani suffers a variety of competitive avarice for values-based knowledgealong with expressions of highly educated (4 + 5) taste: "classic" art. insurance settlements. invasion. history of one's people. furniture. (E. Bhava 2 . Thula-1 may experience intense hunger. machinists. and forced transformation. or similar Mangala expertise. music. the values and knowledge needed for the task at hand. and hidden sources.Vrischika = Scorpio Kuja's governance is not impeded in the natural house = swabhava of neutral Shukra. The family history suffers from secrecy. There can be frequent ups and downs in your financial life. bankers. and focused on psychic power. driving one to eat furiously. forced changes during periods of Kuja (and other graha in bhava-2). Kuja family knowledge-values-action Vrischika = penetration. tantrik. dynamiters. Hoarded wealth commodities and volume depend on condition of Kuja. One requires forward movement in relationships. and is always bent on acquiring more knowledge. lotteries. knowledge of languages. . punctuated with severe losses due to the catastrophic cycle of Vrischika. Less interest in accumulating knowledge or goods which do not facilitate deeper understandings. and historical values esp collections of material wealth. poisoners. Collection + Portfolio. Knowledge of the cycle of birth and death. Historical Values. stored wealth and collections of mystical art and music. therefore sometimes money-handlers. The disposition of Mangala and graha within bhava-2 will add more puzzle-pieces to the family lineage picture. languages. and is subject to sudden. Exploratory. is slightly sharp. indicates that the person will develop contacts with highly spiritual people. They are philosophic and visionary in expressing thoughts and ideas. A third house Sagittarius indicates that the native will experience a considerable amount of short distance travel. People with third house Sagittarius are very fond of travelling and equally friendly in nature. . Das / Behari: says of Vrischika = bhava-2: Sagittarius in the Third House. He will like travelling and will have interest in religion and philosophy. 3rd House Sagittarius: A third house Sagittarius makes a person talkative. expressive. The wife of the native may travel abroad during the major or sub-periods of such a Jupiter. especially for business concerns. Such people have a natural ability to communicate. These people are generous toward brothers. Sagittarius: The native will be popular among friends and neighbours and will be liked by his brothers/sisters. The owner of the third is Jupiter which is also the owner of the sixth house. education. They are likely to be bugged by old friends constantly living in faraway places. the native may have to incur debts during this time. People with third house Sagittarius are mainly inclined to the studies of philosophy. on the other hand. sisters. and often breaks away from the lineage values. earns wealth through good means. and religion. and languages. (3rd) denotes the acquisition of friends. the family lineage values material wealth acquisition. broad-minded and unsettled when it comes to the matters of the mind. People with third house Sagittarius are enthusiastic communicators and enjoy learning. happy continence. It suggests a very cheerful attitude towards life. therefore. Thula-1 typically feels a considerable ambivalence toward the historic values of one's own family. The beauty of the country appeals them a lot and makes them relax. He may talk in hyperbole or be very forthright. religious. especially important issues such as politics. They have an inherent desire to understand people and life in depth. The younger brothers/sisters will be learned and wealthy but may suffer from ill health in the major or sub-periods of Jupiter if it is weak and badly placed. It is extremely appealing to him and so he prefers road travel if it can be arranged comfortably. natural exuberance and optimism. They usually have a huge circle of friends and relatives and are emotionally dependent on them. and neighbors and maintain good relationships in the long term. sympathetic.  On the one hand. moral in nature. They are religiously awakened and work in accordance to their social values. law. He will have good relations with the government. The family history may become distant (Ketu) or aggressive (Kuja). Learning is a part of their life that helps them to set long term goals. bold. A strong Jupiter will be inclined to confer wealth on the children of the native during its major or sub-periods. They are organized and prepared to face every unexpected situation in life. history. They rank ideas in terms of their usefulness in the larger social order. It's location in the house of morality. They always keep in touch with their friends no matter where they go. Jupiter becomes the lord of two houses that are evil. He may also work in association with his maternal uncle or may even be in his service. Weakness of Jupiter bestows wealth. Jupiter being lord of the house of friends. there is a psychic or mystical undertow (Ketu) which suggests that higher and more "portable" (cross-incarnational) values should be the goal. They possess an executive mind that helps them to transform their visions into reality. They have a great instinct to judge other’s character that rarely fail. viz the 3rd and the 6th. Sagittarius: Holds 2nd position in the office. They have the ability to inspire others through speech or writing. An natural teacher-trainer in many subjects. able men. The daily thoughts are infused with religious awareness. writing. Seeks the "teaching opportunity" to conferences. Great for politics and corporate success.When Dhanusu becomes the 3rd Bhava the native acquires friendship of government officers. If Saturn is strong it confers much wealth property. Likes to coach. and fond of amusements. position. Saturn becomes the lord of a Kendra (4th) and a trine (5th). wealthy persons. debt. regional) setting. Das / Behari : says of Dhanavana = bhava-3: Expansive and humanistic Guru rules a house of mentalized Budha. the thinking process itself is inclusive. Mental Process. Conflict between Brihaspati's wisdom-teaching agenda and Budha's data-detail orientation leads to a frustration with most administrative roles. You are active and like law and order. comprehensive. one may be unable to tolerate modern office jobs. and facilitate in the local (department. Manual Skill Guru's governance is strongly impeded in the natural house = swabhava of enemy Budha. guide.Dhanusha = Sagittarius The company one keeps. or disease (6). Enjoys building contacts and participating in teams. Supports favorable relationships with siblings if the third bhava from Chandra is favorable. enjoys the company of teachers. and persons well-versed in systems and procedures. communicative style may tend toward unsupportably optimistic generalizations. but Attention to administrative detail may be distracted by higher concepts. Repetitive Tasks. when the job calls for detail management. Friendly.. If Guru is ill-disposed. a planet of affluence and power. Mental machinery of speech. In Guru's view. The native is devoted to the general public.small group interactive relationships. Courageous and optimistic mental viewpoint. town. Liberal (book-study) minded. positive and non-confrontational." Capricorn in the Fourth House.  Your spouse has a good influence on you.. . pious platitudes. When Capricorn is in the 4th house. Native has a large toolkit of communicative devices. One accepts the repetitive daily communications as a positive social experience and there is even a degree of embrace for the internal argumentativeness which causes external conflict. Co-workers and teammates may find Thula-1 to be ponderous and overly concerned with the big picture. meetings and repetitive social engagements. Guru = lord of 3rd-from-lagna and 6th-from-lagna. and humanistic. train. promotion honour etc. Sahaja Bhava. and truisms. it's all good: nothing is rejected.e. and can "get out the message" on a large scale.  "You gain courageby self-discipline. Hence Saturn becomes a Raja Yoga karaka i. persons with clear thinking. and gesture are broad and expansive. o and find brethren who lead you to situations of transformation. unless they have a teaching dimension. persons compassionate to animals.  an expansive and tolerant approach toward group communications (3)  also expresses tolerance toward the perpetual human conflict (6) that causes animosity. Thus health imbalances and communication dysfunctions may be tolerated for a long time. Thula-1 's enthusiasm is indeed dulled by repetitive tasks which do not facilitate wisdom-learning (Guru's only goal) and as a consequence. people of charitable disposition. If Saturn is weak the native meets . If Brihaspati is well placed.3 . 4th House Capricorn: A fourth house Capricorn brings responsibilities of home and family. Such a person tends to dominate his home and home environment. the native is selfish. Everything should be efficiently organized and precisely placed at home. Some of the early conditions may have been quite difficult to face. but the placement indicates that there was little show of emotion from their side. such a person works hard to rectify this drawbacks from his life and gains financial benefits very early in life. Such a person is strong and never hesitates to take up responsibilities. practical and hard headed. He possesses a sense of permanency and likes to settle down in one place. looks after his parent s. A person with a fourth house Capricorn does not like changing his place of residence too frequently. Capricorn: Gains from farms. As a consequence. Capricorn: The native will be born in a domestic environment where discipline will be considered of much importance. As the native grows up. The native will like to stay at home and enjoy his surroundings which will be neat and pleasant. A fourth house Capricorn suggests that the early life of the native will be secluded and restricted. . The native will have happiness from his children and will be very attached to them. Such a person does not like anyone playing around with the comfort of his home. A powerful Saturn will signify prosperity and gain for the native since it being the owner of the fourth and fifth houses. Parents may feel protective. Native’s father might undergo certain downfalls and losses in the business resulting financial or emotional difficulties. Providing security and comfort to the family may be the sole responsibility of a person with this placement. He will be unhappy with his mother. The native's early life and background were limited in financial advantages. Such a person becomes ambitious in life as a consequence of his early childhood life. Moving things around is one activity that bothers him a lot. Such a person is very particular about the matters related to home. will be a superb beneficial planet for Libra ascendant. He builds a castle for himself with all kinds of comforts and luxuries. Many earlier hopes and wishes will be realized and the native will experience financial gains through these realizations. A person with a fourth house Capricorn can be possessive of his home. Some personal ambitions will be connected with home and family life and will be realized after marriage has taken place. His parents may not have cordial relations with each other. wealth from water sources. A person with a fourth house Capricorn was not able to enjoy financial privileges as a child. strict. orthodox with old principles and a lofty code of ethics. He will have a bright intellect and sharp mind. If Saturn has on it the influence of Rahu. The native may get a position of confidence and power as a result of his popularity with the masses. A fourth house Capricorn indicates that the native will live an active life in the later years of his life.sorrow at the hands of his son. A fourth house Capricorn makes a person disciplinarian. The mind may easily get depressed and worried. He will lead a comfortable existence. He tries to fulfill his needs and his family needs as well. She will be hard working. Others might feel impersonal about the surroundings. Parents’ attitude plays an influential role in the development process of the native’s personality. his maturity level and sense of responsibility will begin to grow. He works hard so that his children are not deprived of the things he couldn't enjoy in his childhood. prudent. thrifty. gardens and friends. A fourth house Capricorn provides a protective and loving home environment in childhood. His mother has harsh speech unless Saturn is well aspected. He will like to visit water bodies and green and sylvan places with his friends. or other royalist assertions. have faith in family traditions and ethics and the issues of security can be of paramount importance for you. effect of mother's culture Yogakaraka Shani  regulator of security  involved with social ethics. wooden. One tends to "normalize" human society into an aggregate structure. brick. and social station. Others may cherish their parents. However lagnesha Shukra = great friend of Shani and therefore the early childhood situation is stable. unpretentious home property  property may be clay-colored. rankings. and every variety of letter-of-thelaw bureaucracy. Rules.  If Shani = a problematic graha due to its role in the overall nativity. education. strict.Capricorn: The placement of Capricorn in the fourth house shows that you are very particular about your home and family and you want that everything in your home should be efficiently organized and precisely placed. this native takes a law-giver role at home. (unless Mangala or Rahu disturbs the house) Homeland Defense Drive to achieve education and emphasize the common structure underlying all systems of cultural customs. lawful.  Whether male or female. . government. constriction. Scarcity (Shani) and respect for rules (Makara) are key elements of the upbringing. cultural acceptance. stages and steps. viewing these dedicated caretakers uncritically or even worshipfully. The family home is bound by numerous strict rules of order. indoctrination. You have a practical outlook and a solid sense of community involvement and feel a sense of responsibility in this regard. Thula-1 may not be too sentimental (Chandra) about defense of the homeland. that is how these natives were raised. bland in character. Thula will assess those objectively. the early childhood home. and bondage to Time.Makara = Capricorn Home. security. The parents = "hierophants" dedicated to the promotion and maintenance of large pyramid-shaped social institutions from which they derive their primary identity. safe. yet Thula natives are not sentimental. Bhava 4 . Rules Shani gives a shrewd practical survival approach and ongoing resistance to the conditions in place within one's childhood home. Iiving in pleasant places with tank and garden. o A poorly placed Shani may indicate childhood resistance to hierarchical structures. rules. indulging in sensual delights and respected by friends is the happy person with Capricorn as the 4th Bhava. Parents are sensitive and respectful to all matters of class. You are well disciplined. normative appearance Shani rules the natural house = swabhava of enemy Chandra. Freed from grief. denying any claims about cultural superiority (Surya) of one's own cultural roots. ethnic customs  needs a conventional. and not unduly contentious. Shani is the fixed enemy of "special genius" Surya. Parents and early childhood education = Rules. dogma. Your family responsibilities may increase in the later part of your life. stone or bone. and the childhood education follows the mainstream public conventions of the time. rank. Thula shows respect to parents but not always affection and certainly not uncritical affection. the upbringing can repeat the narrative of deprivation. enforced conformism. If there are criticisms of the parents. family. Thula natives regularly succeed in obtaining difficult diplomas. that is never the whole story. .Prefers a home made of wood and stone. Shani in bhava-4 gives discipline and successful suppression of emotional needs in order to complete the education.          If Shani is well-disposed. Emotional needs for security and comfort must be suppressed in order to achieve security and comfort! The childhood home emphasized public conformity. o Even when childhood conditions are difficult. duty. Parental negligence. oppressive. Shani = yogakaraka L-4+L-5 gives favorable longer-term results in the adult years. o Can tolerate and may indeed prefer long separations from the home for purposes of work or structured study. and relationship to parents is more a duty than a desire. Shani in bhava2makes the education gainful. licenses. or emotionally deprived. Cultural indoctrination levels of education carry forward ethnno-cultural values of emotional discipline and austerity. Thula-1 's childhood home appears comfortable or privileged. (Shani = enemy of genius-Surya) Known for their disciplined and austere approach toward the task of completing examinations. Education is interrupted or delayed at several points. or even bones. o Yet even when Shani is good. These natives are known for self-denial and their power to postpone pleasures in favor of longer term goals. Volatility in the home is intolerable. Seeks to establish "law and order" culture in the home. and if volatility persists. anti-entertainment discipline. and certifications (4). The rules of the home will ensure that the childhood is experienced as a time of significant workload. o The Thula child may find it easier to cooperate with (or pander to) authority figures and may indeed appear to be a "parent-pleaser" obsequiously cow-towing to school or church authorities. o Thula natives often become leaders in their fields due at least partly to their serious attitude toward study and the early anti-genius. and school-teachers. o Thula-1 feels stable and secure in life when one can have a modest roof over one's head and a regular schedule. Inner strictness of parental rules and the deeper anxiety about potential instability of the social order as a whole marks all Thula natives. Even if. this privileged will be outweighed by a deep responsibility toward social order inculcated early by one's parents. Thula-1 does well in school. caretakers. Shani in bhava-3 may dissolve educational opportunities during Shani periods. Often scarcity of parental affection (Shani overriding Chandra) and a culture of constraint in the childhood home. Thula-1 will simply leave. Thula-1 may have to "go back to school" repeatedly. and lawful responsibility. Thula-1 may enjoy a certain level of material privilege. A non-indulgent childhood actually prepares Thula to face most adult situations with sobriety and a time-management plan. Thula natives train their intelligence (5) and finish their homework (4). o Shani does not like the natural emotional fluctuations of Chandra. from the outside. . Appearance of the home and vehicle is modest and unimposing.  ". However.. sensitive and comfort-seeking Chandra. makes a fine school teacher. but personal property ownership is much delayed. such a person is cool and detached as far as love matters are concerned. Therefore. concerned with obtaining public approval via conformism. He is often attracted to unusual and interesting people.  Sample placements: o Shani ( Enemy of Chandra) rules bhava-4. Understands the rules of vehicle operation and land management. vehicle engineer. He is of mediocre intelligence.  Requires and imposes orderly process in basic education. Such a person has a flair for artistic activities. < ul>  During Shani periods. .  If Shani is auspicious. who are not emotionally demonstrative and who emphasize performance of duty rather than affectionate bonds. Companionship provides him with a sense of comfort and happiness in life. disciplined. home-builder. showing his unconventional outlook towards love and romance. skill-based training on a fixed schedule with rule-driven outcomes. therefore expect some complications along the path to achieving the deepest physical and emotional security in life. Conservative. Most of his friends will be associated with some or the other kind of progressive movement or belong to scientific background. and has not much wealth. vehicles. especially music. The native usually has a huge circle of friends and acquaintances.  You are really driven. A person with a fifth house Aquarius has a distinct personality. may live in collective housing. He possesses the attribute to entertain others and himself at any point of time. 5th House Aquarius: A fifth house Aquarius makes a person carefree in nature. or town manager." Aquarius in the Fifth House. due to rigidity and resistance. and likely one of a large number of identical properties. makes you inwardly rebelliousand full of desires that you probably don't show to the outside world. Respect for ethnic custom and tradition. o Shani or Mangala (fortunate) = competitive. Such a person tends to enter into unconventional and unusual relationships throughout his life. The native is also likely to gain property through his son. A person with a fifth house Aquarius has a creative outlook towards life. prefers practical. A fifth house Aquarius ensures occasional luck in gambling and speculations. Creativity is the way to express his rebellious and nonconforming nature. Saturn in such a case becomes a yoga karaka as it owns then the 5th house (a trine) and the 4th house (a Kendra). very uniform. conventionalized relationship to parents. the native is forced to live away from his place of birth most of his life time. A strong Saturn ensures comforts through the native's own son. Thula-1 is patriotic and church-going or involved with community associations in order to gain social security. future success in realestate. yet he enjoys companionship. If Saturn is weak and afflicted by association or aspect. or guardianship of the land (including military and policing careers) o Surya (weak) = parents are very conventional and probably narrow-minded. He is inclined towards learning and playing piano. but you may show calm outwardly. Das / Behari comment on Makara = bhava-4:  Work master Shani rules a house of sheltering. The native will have a good chance of getting power and position through his popularity among the masses. but in his later life suffers due to a bad son. They are well-prepared to face most situations because Thula natives train their intelligence and do their homework. and relations with children. The native will gain through his children if Saturn is powerful. Bhava 5 . gives a steady upward climb in large organizational hierarchies. This will surely not be an easy decision to make. A fifth house Aquarius indicates a small-to-moderate size family. The domestic life will be peaceful and nurturing. These natives are known for skillful problem-solving. You enjoy recreational activities shared with the group of your friends and associates. The children will be few but highly intelligent and creative. A weak Saturn will reduce the income of the younger brothers/sisters of the native. The native may consciously decide to have children late in life due to his social and other preoccupations. Aquarius: The Aquarius influence on the fifth house makes you very social and cooperative in nature. Results of Shani as lord of enemy Surya's bhava are surprisingly favorable as a rule. Love affairs will develop through social contacts or may be a long lasted friendship will turn into a love affair that will consequently lead to marriage. love-making. . is good-natured. rule-driven systems  performance art of marketplace networks of association. He possesses a carefree attitude towards everything in life. Thula natives have a disciplined and austere approach toward matters of cultural education and expressions of creative genius. Each member of the family will be treated with equal respect. The native will feel strong and genuine love for his children. has children. You are very concerned to your children and your main concern is to enhance their mental and intellectual ability.Kumbha = Aquarius Shani =Yogakaraka Romance. A person with a fifth house Aquarius is very sociable and enjoys recreational activities with his friends. The owner of the fifth is also the owner of the fourth house. Creativity.Such a person does not care about what people has to say about him. The native may have to make a decision in the event of two or more love interests. You may possibly fall in unlikely romances which may end up as break up in relations. complex. When Aquarius is the 5th house. progressive social movements Shani's governance is strongly impeded in the natural house = swabhava of enemy Surya. Performance Art. Children. Authorship. status and comforts on the native if powerful. Shani is yoga-karaka for Thula lagna. The mother of the native will also be wealthy and will have a happy family life. Such a person will be genuinely concerned about his children’s upbringing and future. Controlled self-expression prevents going overboard. Because Shani is lord of 4th-from-lagna and 5th-from-lagna. electro-magnetic device networks. As far as romance is concerned he may have to experience sudden breakups. He will not give much time to his children. Children may have a rebellious nature and need to be taught discipline at an early age to avoid future consequences. The native cannot compromise with his independence for anyone at any point of time in life. He is blessed with a rare kind of luck in relationships with others through romance. Aquarius: The native will have a sober and dignified son. Also in such a situation Saturn will act as a great beneficial planet and will confer prosperity. Genius  theatre of large. the person is having a pleasing personality and happy in his riches and grains. L-9 Budha as well as periods of putrakaraka Guru. Children may compensate for lack of direct parenting by forming valuable relationships with the parents' friends. Das / Behari comment on Kumbha = bhava-5:  ".  but your life in other spheres of activity will make you much renowned. Rahu afflicts fifth houseof children. the Self may express in a reserved or eccentric way. For Thula lagna. hot bright stream and cold dark stream mixing in the same channel. Children are a stress source for Thula even while Thula-1 loves the children very much. influences you in very important ways. Number of children is typically limited because L-5 Shani is a karaka for scarcity. childbirth is not easy.. Shani as lord of Kumbha gives visionary scientific and conceptual thought which mentality. reduction of available resources . Native is considered interesting and philosophical. Conditions for producing and raising children. creativity. Their vision is socially egalitarian and inclusive. and one's ability to receive praise for acts of creative genius (5) will occur in the context of a certain scientific rigidity(Shani) combined with sudden attacks of upheaval due to passionate behavior of the children(especially the eldest child). even visionary -. can produce some extraordinary research intelligence. Children may also receive benefits of parents' social position. The Thula female often has a maternal instinct for governance due to Chandra as L-10.  Your scrupulous adherence to an ethical way of life will often put you to serious trials. Thula-1 may hold an idealized view of childhood and of one's own children. theatre. Thula-1's children (5) are subject to mixed signals:  On the one hand.  You will be interested in making life useful o and will study those subjects which can help society.but still conservative and group-oriented. Children Children can be produced or acquired in periods of L-1 Shukra+ L-5 Shani. and Divine intelligence.  Only after great effortwill you succeed in begetting children.. The children will be scientific-minded and culturally unusual. limitation.  On the other hand. Because Guru the karaka for children is also L-3+L-6 for Thula lagna. Shani rules a house of Surya = incompatible influences.Depending on the condition of Shani. due to the parent's public duties. Children can be problematic. therefore much of the parenting instinct may be parlayed into taking care of entire societies and not focused on one's own family. . overlaid upon the house of Genius. Most common issue is physical and emotional distancing. Community child-raising is favored. and child-raising tends to induce dissolution of the home (3) and dissolution of marriage bond (6). politics. but you will be able to withstand the ordeals of principled living. often accompanied by illness or injury. inspiring students to reach high standards.particularly Time. which prevents intimacy and acceptance. Rahu contributes a taboo-breaking enthusiasm toward children and celebration of one's own genius which results in a higher enthusiasm for risky adventure in the acts of self-expression and receiving applause. If Shani is auspicious Thula-1 may be an exemplary educator. This can be harmful to your health. cosmetology. Jupiter being the owner of the sixth is also the owner of the third house. The health of the native is likely to suffer if he becomes disillusioned with his dream and work. His maternal uncle will be a mild hearted. The essence of this concern is an overriding fear of failure. Pisces: Pisces influence in the sixth house suggests a sense of emotional responsibility towards work. He may have oedema. idealism and vision. His father will have a powerful position in service. It is advisable to avoid indulging into any kind of gossips. 6th House Pisces: A sixth house Pisces indicates that the native has a tendency to overwork and get excessively worried about his job.however well-meaning. Personal cleanliness and the cleanliness of surroundings is essential for the maintenance of good health.  You will be prepared to be a martyrfor the sake of attaining the goal in life. Pisces: Native wiII always experience enmity caused by or due to children or women with his own people. A sixth house Pisces indicates that the native will be prone to feet. A sixth house Pisces indicates numerous problems arising in the working environment. especially about surrounding conditions since it is likely to create bad impression in the mind of others. Jealousy or unfriendliness with colleagues is indicated under sixth house Pisces. A strong Jupiter shows the existence of and benefit from younger brothers and uncles. He should avoid eating contaminated food and maintain a clean environment in and around his home and workplace. Such discord is also likely over women. This placement indicates weak influence of the planet on the native’s body. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Sagittarius in the third house. Preventive measures should be taken with regards to health. This may be due to the fear of failure or an ambition to become the best at what you do. the 3rd and the sixth. toe. So much concern can severely affect the native’s health. will create problems for you and your parents. A person with a sixth house Pisces can do well in various areas of employment such as chemicals. Uncongenial conditions may resist the native to perform efficiently. The native should avoid overwork or any activity that can cause exertion to physical body. Your ideas. You may have a tendency of over work and excessive worry about your work. Pisces: The native will be highly self centred and this will lead to disharmony with wife. children and other relatives and friends. and feet. He must constantly strive to maintain his physical and emotional strength. The weakness of Jupiter is a desirable feature here. theater. impractical and visionary sort of a person. At work the native will prefer to be his own master in the form of a partnership where he can express his creativity. This placement provides the native with dreams. he needs to have a dream to achieve. and lymphatic system diseases and disorders." Pisces in the Sixth House. . A person with a sixth house Pisces needs to take tremendous care of his body to maintain good health. But the relation or link by association or aspect of Jupiter with the lord of the second and the 11th houses creates financial stringency and debt. His elder brother/sister may not have any children or may lose a child. The native is advised to follow up with general check-ups on a regular basis to insure that he is not affected by any health ailment. liver. fishing etc. He will have trouble with his back. Such a person may be susceptible to the ill effects of alcohol and drugs when taken in excess. Such a person always thinks that he will not be able to give his best in the work he is assigned. for Jupiter assumes the lord-ship of two evil houses viz. The native with this placement should be satisfied with his work and to attain satisfaction. Bhava 6 = 6th from Thula lagna = 6th from ThulaChandra= 6th from Thula navamsha Guru's governance is strongly impeded in the natural house = swabhava of enemy Budha.  Dissolution of contracts and agreements. Quarrels, arguments, war.  "Social work", servants, servitude, ministries of service.  Medicine, physicians, illness, conflicts,  Poverty, exploitation, money loans, usurious practices,  prostitution, hotels and restaurants, traveler's aid,  Criminal attorneys, litigation,  jail (not prison), criminals and crimes. Tolerant Meena governs the ministries of service, dissolution of mutually supportive agreements, and capacity for logical argument.  Compassion for servants, animals, the exploited and the dispossessed  Multiple, diverse quarrels  Tolerance for problematicity  Broad awareness of human suffering  One serves, ironically, via arguing the cause of wisdom Flipped:  Compassionate Guru the non-discriminating wise sage who accepts all phenomena = dharma  governs the natural house = swabhava of mentalized Budha the detailed, superdiscriminating Lord of Logical Categories. There is a great openness and kindly acceptance toward all sorts of people who suffer from crippling poverty (6) toxic jealousy (6) bitter animosity (6) exploitative behaviors (6) extreme narrowness of viewpoint (6) and chronic argumentativeness (6). The problem-solving mind is positively bulging with an abundance of humanistic philosophical conflicts Caution = Psychic overextension Due to their well-meaning openness toward all beings, Thula must consciously enforce their psychic boundaries.  Thula natives and to a nearly equal extent also Karkata natives (for whom Guru also rules 6) may suffer disease originating in toxic environments which are ultimately caused by the blaming, accusative, toxic argumentation of 6  proliferation and abundance of a great amount of conflict in Thula-1 's social, physical, emotional, financial, mental, even spiritual environments.  Both Thula and Karkata may overexpand physically with some tendency toward fleshly obesity in a misguided attempt to "include" all these many problems in one's personal "space"  It should be understood that the originators of the conflicts are largely "others" and the problems rightfully "belong" to persons who belong to a class below the class of Thula-1 o the psychic principle applies: one who insists on solving the problems of others will be suitably punished Excellent placement for  physicians, criminal - divorce attorneys, ministers of charitable service, social workers,  professorial teachers (Guru) to all of these service professionals Special affinity to handle conflicts (6) regarding social policy and social governance(10).  Brihaspati = lord of 3rd-from-lagna and 6th-from-lagna Thula natives have an expansive and tolerant approach toward those expressions of social conflict which results from an internal narrative of blaming and accusation (6). In Guru's non-discriminatory view, "it's all good": nothing in the many realms of material-spiritual manifestation is ever rejected. Health imbalances, blaming behaviors, poverty, and conditions of war may be tolerated for a long time.  Thula can put up with a lot of conflict. Health can be compromised by excess and abundance. Extensive public duties may lead to much grazing at social events, and excess unmonitored intake of food and drink may lead to portliness or indigestion. However in general if Guru is even reasonably well positioned, Thula-1 will enjoy good health and good company. Depending on condition of Guru, tends to have few real enemies. Many people will feel obliged to follow one's instructions or commands despite feeling exploited by one's higher knowledge. Guru is a priest and this native is a pries to the unbalanced and unfortunate, those unable to locate a point of agreement in their own lives. Thula-1 is a beacon of wisdom-light and yet many will disagree with the wisdom; Thula-1 's beliefs may not be well liked or trusted and yet one will be respected, and one's commands will be heeded no matter the amount of complaining (and often depending on Lord Guru the amount of complaining may be significant!). Thula-1 may be unpopular at times, but Guru as lord of the evil 6th house assures that Thula-lagna's balanced, attractive, relationship-valuing assets are stronger than the potential animosity deficit which attends Ari bhava in any nativity. They get into trouble during periods of L-6 just like everyone else, but their virtues tend to balance out their faults, and their friends will outnumber their enemies. Generally when they err or irritate it will be perceived by their colleagues that they received bad advice. This person makes their fair share of mistakes. But they value relationships, and they are quick to repair the damage. Rarely suffers long-lasting ill will. Das / Behari: says of Meena = bhava-6:  Expansive Guru rules a house of argumentative Budha = troublesome  "Out of fear or respect many people obey you.  You wield some power which is society-directed.  To follow your goals, you have to sacrifice.  You get into quarrels with powerful forcesin order to pursue your work or objectives." Das / Behari comment on L-10 Chandra-Meena = bhava-6:  "The Moon fails to protect and makes you vulnerable to severe hostile onslaughts.  In public office, the situation may deteriorate to such an extent that you may face suspension or demotion.  Physically you may be afflicted with pleurisy or indigestion.  Expenditures will much exceed your income and you will be in debt.  Allegations of moral turpitude may be leveled against you. " Aries in the Seventh House. Mars becomes the lord of the 7th and the 2nd houses. A strong Mars denotes long life for partner in life i.e. wife or husband as the case may be. On the contrary if Mars is weak, the wife or husband gets short life. Since the sign Aries i.e. the first sign of the zodiac falls in the 7th house the house of the partner in life, it is easy to see that in the event of any house and its lord being weak and afflicted there are greater chances for the wife or the husband to suffer from trouble in the limb of the body denoted by the sign or house afflicted, as all the relevant factors denoting the limb would be weak and afflicted. Mars is double markesha as it is lord of two Maraka houses viz the 2nd and the 7th and as such its weakness particularly in the 6th, 8th and 12th houses would lead to much physical trouble in its Dasa and bhukti. 7th House Aries- A seventh house Aries indicates that the native’s life partner will be assertive. Despite of being easy going, the native will be attracted to energetic, aggressive, sexy, innovative partners. It is good to have a partner who is not deterred by obstacles and knows well how to handle them. A person with a seventh house Aries cannot be dominated easily. He knows how to stand up and speak up for himself when being offended. A person with a seventh house Aries is highly idealistic in the areas concerning his attractions and marriage. He should adopt a sense of practicality in the actual forming of associations. A considerable amount of emotional impulse is indicated which is intensified by a natural desire for companionship with the opposite sex. Marital bliss are indicated if the native will not be able to control the impulsive side of his emotions. The native should avoid doing business on partnership basis or be very discriminative towards his partners. Otherwise, it can cause numerous problems. A person with a seventh house Aries is easy going in his approach, but does not like to take initiatives. Such a person prefers to wait for the others to break to ice and has to be turned on by others. He is considerably subject to discard domination in most of his affairs. This is generally an unfavorable situation for a smooth relationship with partner. The native allows others to control him yet resists at the same time that leads to fights and aggressive acts. Strong attractions and emotional impulses serve a great deal to the native to form attachments. Such a person tends to find a companion and life long partner to share his most cherished moments of life. The native should avoid being too shy when it comes to the fulfillment of hopes and desires. There is a natural tendency of going after his dreams and desires until achieved. Such a person finds an active and energetic soul mate, but there may be a tendency to dominate the relationship which could cause frictions. The more rigid an agreement might be, the more problems could develop over the long haul. Such a person is a peace lover, but seventh house Aries indicates conflicts in marital life. Anyone who wants to live with him must live up to to his expectations. Aries: The influence of Aries on the seventh house denotes an energetic, aggressive, innovative and sexy partner. You like to live in peace and harmony but when you find that you are crossed you may find a way to get even. One must live up to your expectations to live and to work effectively with you. Aries: This sign in the seventh house makes the native commit bad deeds if Mars is weak or afflicted. He may be impotent. His wife may be badly behaved, ill tempered and greedy. She would not be the right match for the native. He may marry more than once. He will be miserly and fickle minded. The first house for the wife of the native also has the first sign. Therefore if a sign is afflicted that part of the wife's body represented by that house will either have trouble or defect. Mars, the owner of the seventh house, is also the owner of the second house. If it is powerful the wife will be long lived. Mars will be the significator of death for the native. If it is placed in an adverse house, i. e., the sixth, eighth or the twelfth house, it will cause much physical trouble to the native. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Scorpio and Taurus in the second house as given in Chapter Four. Aries: Quarrelsome, cruel and greedy spouse. Mesha governs the character of shared-equity alliances + one's capacity to keep promises and maintain trust. The partner requires vigorous movement and has primitive. more sensually attractive wives from each of whom Thula-1 eventually withdraws (L-12 Budha). therefore her diplomatic capabilities are so magnificent as to endure her husbands numerous very public indiscretions o In typical Thula style she has accommodated his vulgarities in order to further her own objectives. crusading Mangala goes out to Act. sporting. animal tendencies which can aid success in competitive business but also harm the prospects for long-term harmony in relationships.accommodate the primitive selfishness of the partner and maintain the public alliance Mangala is impatient therefore longer term marriages for Thula may require considerable accommodation of the restless. Mangala-8 + youthful Kumara produces a frequentturnover cycle of increasingly younger.  Hillary Clinton suffers the consequence of neechchamsha L-7 Kuja -.  At times of Mangala-driven peak energetic movement.  Luckily. willing-to-negotiate. yet his vitality is the key to her career (10). Yet if Mangala is ill-disposed no matter the intent of Thula's diplomacy. aggressive. irascible. innovative. o Mrs. Clinton's swakshetra lagnesha Shukra + neechcha-bhanga Surya in lagna is spectacularly strong. The thrice-married action-hero film dramatist Tom Cruise = L-7 Mangala in bhava-8yuti Budha. impulsive. Her husband is notoriously impulsive in matters of the flesh. Move. Thula's Martian partners may be constitutionally unable to consider anyone else's concerns. as Kuja's focus is entirely contained within the individual birth-body  a fact of working marriage practice for Thula is that Thula's own stake-holder equity interest in the partnership is relatively less important to Thula's partners than it is to Thula. and balanced perspective to matters of marriage.albeit her troubled Kuja is involved with a Throne Yoga (Kuja yuti Shani in Karkata-10).  Kuja = lord of 2nd-from-lagna and 7th-from-lagna. Thula is possessed of Shukra-based negotiating and re-adjustment skills that can depending on the strength of Shukra . muscular. Mating Behaviors Characteristics of bhava-7 define the spousal behaviors. which behaviors are the result of Thula-1 's own subconscious expectations. vital. Thula-1 has a more complex and balanced character in contrast to the spouses that the Thula expects to acquire who are in comparison more simple and direct. Native = inclined toward mysterious liaisons. Challenge and Conquer. and muscularly active personality. Thula-1 applies their harmonious. and sometimes angry expressions of the more simplistic nature of the spouse. Generally Thula-1 expects (whether consciously or not) to mate with a person (male or female) of hot. A conundrum for Thula marriage =  self-propelled. impulsive life-force energies of the flesh. Agreements (7) of all types = somewhat aggressive and volatile.Bhava 7 = 7th from Thula lagna = 7th from Thula Chandra = 7th from Thula navamsha Kuja's governance is not impeded in the natural house = swabhava of neutralShukra. . the primitive animal urgency of Mangala may force the spouse to seek outlets for the sexual. For Thula.  Fundamentally. "alpha". the spouse's career is complementary to Thula-1 . and is always bent on acquiring more knowledge." Taurus in the Eighth House. 8th House Taurus: An eighth house Taurus indicates a good business mind and a sense for sound investments.. legal discussions. so important is yuvati bhava to the total career success. Native’s pleasant disposition helps him acquire what he desires in life. divorce is less common. Contracts. shloka 22-25 Das / Behari comment on Mesha = bhava-7  ". and higher levels corporate management. not decrease it. 8th house and on Venus denotes the mode of death of the native. Thula natives have an ambitious and competitive approach to matters of partnership and wealthstorage. Co-operation in relationships may be lacking. Despite a tolerance or even enjoyment of protracted negotiations in small-group and public settings.Such a mate generally behaves in a competitive and dominating style toward members of their own gender whilst they focus a sexually ambitious and conquesting energy upon members of the gender with whom they prefer to partner. politics.  This sign will increase the sex drive. Depends as always on the condition of Kuja. marriage is conflicted and the career will not develop to full potential.  You may see marriage more as a release than as a duty. Career-wise. all types of advising are actively pursued and negotiated. Compromising a need may be difficult for the native. Venus becomes the lord of the 1st and the 8th house. and afflicted it makes the native short lived. Combative. food. Marriage relations can be predominantly physical. the 7th bhava or the setting Navamsha be that of Mars." ~~ Bhrigu SutramCh. and unafraid. the spouse is vital and embraces challenge. The sub-period of Venus does not give bad effects because of the simultaneous lordship of the Ascendant by Venus. with early attraction inspired by competitive success. If Kuja is auspicious. the husband will be fond of other women and will be of an irascible temper." ~~BPHS Ch. One requires forward movement in relationships. Although the native tends to experience many ups and downs in the financial affairs. agreements. angry but devoted to her. 80. Such a person tends to marry for money or security more than love. but eventually matters turn out profitable for him. aggressive streak in marriage is noted. A person with an eighth house Taurus will be highly sensitive to the matters of death or to the problems related to deaths. If Kuja is inauspicious. Even disorders or illness of the throat can . If Shani is auspicious.. "If Aries. If Venus is strong it bestows long life on the native.  but on the other hand. aggressive. An eighth house Taurus implies that causes of death point towards a problem with the heart. this argumentative or actively negotiating character can be beneficial in law. Due to Shani's strength in Thula nativities. He possesses a quality of getting his work done by any possible means as per his desire and need. you may be very competitive with the spouse as well.in relationships you are an explorer. but marital unhappiness may increase with time. Spouse is generally athletic or professionally competitive. Thula-1 may need to feel a quick 'win' in intimate relationships. If it is weak. Scorpio be descending. or money. The nature of influence exerted on the 1st. the woman will get a husband. or some form of throat infection. 2 4 Shloka 11 "If at woman's birth. or Mars' Navamsha be descending. You may marry for money or security as well as for love. healing. This could include dealing with antiques since they are the artifacts of a dead society. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Libra in the first house. His first child may go in for higher studies and may have good vehicles. The native will die at home of excesses like overeating at night or of injuries inflicted by cattle. the native in this position tends to be hyper sensitive in handling property which is connected with the affairs of the death of close ones. Thus. the native is recognized in their will as a recipient of cash or something that can be easily converted into cash. Venus will be the significator of death for native's spouse. He seeks to live a peaceful life. If Venus is weak. creating experiences which radically redefine the social-material identity. Bhava 8 = 8th from Thula lagna = 8th from Thula Chandra = 8th from Thula navamsha Shukra's governance is not impeded in the natural house = swabhava of neutral Mangala. The owner of the eighth house here is also the owner of the first house. fond of eating and drinking and other pleasures of life.lead to native's death. in-laws. He tends to inherit land or a property of a considerable value. This phenomenon is due to the fact that lagnesha Shukra rules both the fleshlyform. She will have some independent source of earning. catastrophic upheavals. disruption-of-development 8th bhava. Venus may cause illness to the younger sister/brother of the native. A person with an eighth house Taurus is easy with friends and loved ones. Taurus: The influence of Taurus on the cusp of the eighth house shows your strong personal attachment to your possession and a sense for sound investment. speech and values of the spouse Nativities developed from a baseline of Thula lagna(similar to nativities developed from a baseline of Mesha lagna) must accommodate the psycho-physical reality that one's social identity is subject to regular upheavals. social-attribute-package baseline of the Thula lagna.  therapeutics.  Joint assets of marriage. tantra. The wife of the native will be thrifty and will be careful with money. secret matters. Such a person has a potential to operate his best with others at a time of crisis or emergency. taxes. the native will be able to form strong business bonds with the partners. as well as the sudden-change-of-form. It will be easier to earn profits in partnership basis. The native may travel over water. There is a tendency of gaining through death of someone known. In such a situation. Vimshottari periods of Shukra function as a double-edged sword. often via some challenge or alteration to the integrity of the physical appearance. As far as money through partners is concerned. forced changes.  Sudden. Such a person should be cautious with any throat infection and consult the doctor immediately. the native will suffer from reproductive or urinary system disorders and may have worries on account of females. taboos. Taurus: Phlegmatic constitution. Such a property may already be the source or place of a prospering business that will bring considerable benefits throughout the native’s life. An eighth house Taurus suggests excellent prospects for inheritance. careless for children and wife. As far as business partnerships are concerned. His father may be sensual. There may be a lack of the spirit of sharing and cooperation in financial affairs as you prefer to handle them personally. the native tends to benefit from it. . Although there might be some amount of litigation involved in the settling of an inheritance. Taurus: This is quite opposite of Aries in the eighth house. disasters. such as the middle eastern oil wealth of USA Pres-43 GW Bush. Spouse's Family Dealings with in-laws are eased from the natural adversarial Kuja-driven situation into more pleasurable and balanced relation Speech and values of the spouse are pleasure-oriented. 1st marriage: The joint assets of marriage will accumulate on a balanced program. Charles de Gaulle with Rahu-Vrishabha was notoriously anti-money. stability and change. o [By contrast the uchcha Rahu in 11 can bring extraordinary gains of income from taboo or foreign sources. diplomatic behaviors in the process of defining and stabilizing all of the highly complex agreements which are required to be in place before manifestation of the forthcoming fleshly development (1) and vitalizing a physical human form (1). One is forced to assume a higher viewpoint of the greater cycles of life and in the process one becomes open to absorption of transformative "tantrik" knowledge (8). Thula natives have lifelong relationship (Shukra) to mysteries and secrets (8). mass and energy. Adversarial conversations between the partners are extremely rare. incoherence in Thula-1 's psycho-physical self-recognition. form and content. sudden death-and-rebirth = very much altered by occupants of the house and condition of lagnesha Shukra. with each spouse contributing their fair share. un-sticking. one destroys it. Vrishabha governs the experience of sudden. For example. o Even the difficulties of L3-L-6 Guru in 8 are well compensated by Viparita Raja Yoga= L-6 in 8. there can be truly catastrophic upheavals in the material-social identity during Shukra periods.  Guru or Shukra in 8 indicates significant material wealth of the spouse. o For example. The total outcome is often positive in a life-defining spiritual way. Outcome of rapid-change events such as emergencies. Thus this native is a natural negotiator of the continuing albeit often awkward (6/8) cycles of birth and death. anti-capitalist. sensual and sweet.If there are exacerbating contributors such as malefic graha in either bhava-1 or bhava-8 (esp in 8) or Shukra has a relationship to 8th-from-Chandra.] Shukra lagnesha =lord of 8th-from-lagna. o Shukra in swakshetra Vrishabha is very fortunate for the spouse's treasury. Therefore Guru in 8 for Thula lagna usually brings prosperity via the spousal treasury even while the spouse may be unfaithful to the marriage contract and relationship with the in-laws is contentious. forced changes as the life-force moves from one form into the next. Shukra periods cause Thula-1 to hold as firmly as possible to the material identity (lagnesha function) while simultaneously the function of the L-8 is explicitly a breaking apart. In the preliminary negotiations which occur in the astral plane before Thula-1 is allowed to take birth. and demonstrably proud of his lifelong penury. spins the cycle of destruction-andrebirth too quickly. due to seeking a higher value. The minute one has some sort of wealth. Spouse's family wealth originates from cattle and historic family lands. while occupation by Rahu the impostor or Ketu the abandoner or drishti of or occupation by Shani the reducer can show poverty of the spousal treasury. although purported exalted in Vrishabha. Sensual fruits . o Rahu. one is possessed of harmony-seeking. Spouse's Wealth. You especially enjoy travel mostly for sake of meeting and observing different people and places. attaining self-realization requires connecting with something greater and moving nimbly among differing truths. prize etc.of the land including wines and liqueurs." Gemini in the Ninth House. for the reason that Mercury who by nature tends to give quick results gives such results all the more being lord of the 9th house and acting for Rahu or Ketu (suddenness) with reference to two Ascendants. If Rahu or Ketu is in the 9th house and Sun or Moon is in the Ascendant. a ninth house Gemini is usually ruled by the planet Mercury. then a strong Mercury brings sudden and unexpected gains such as an out of turn promotion. So look to the position and sign of Mercury for more clues regarding the sphere of life with a ninth house Gemini. Vrishabha rules the mouth. In this house. it becomes saturated with such high qualities of the 9th house as morality. 9th House Gemini: A ninth house Gemini usually shows that serious matters such as philosophy and religion attract your interest in a passing way. music or musical instruments including the voice. confidential information and secret relationships are pleasurable and well-balanced. perfumes. Your curiosity will help you grow through experience. therefore. You discover personal power by being perceptive of where others are coming from. we tend to be changeable and emotionally detached regarding the birth chart house with Gemini on the ninth house. A ninth house Gemini usually means that you are becoming a bright adventurer. . Hidden. You may not be the most profound thinker around. For a person with a ninth house Gemini.. Your central purpose is to gain perspective on varying viewpoints while staying true to your own – without missing a beat. You respect the energy of nature perhaps more than the idea of the creator of nature. or is linked to the lord of the 1st house it makes the native spiritually inclined.  and may use the marriage for advancing themselves. word and movement that you believe in yourself. 's first husband USA Pres-35 John. Hence when Mercury is located in the 1st house. Das / Behari comment on Vrishabha = bhava-8: "Your spouse may be unsympathetic. you need to obtain a variety of experiences and be curious or inquisitive. You have much curiosity about life and about people.  Example: the family wealth of Jacqueline Kennedy O. service etc. Mercury is the lord of the 9th house. Since Gemini is mutable air. and dairy products of the cattle are often the source of spousal family wealth. Surgeries if needed will enhance bodily alignments and provide cosmetic benefits. If Shukra occupies 8. it causes not only Set backs in career but is also dangerous to the life prospects of the elder sisters and brothers of the mother of the native for whom the 2nd house stands. wealth from speeches. Extramarital affairs are easy to conduct and do not disturb the fabric of married life. common sense. When. They must be presented with reason. and throat. F Kennedy was developed from selling liquor. If Venus is weak and afflicted. Coming into your own requires communicating through every little gesture. self sacrificing and unselfish. With the placement of a ninth house Gemini. teeth. You can hold your own mentally in most crowds. and logic. One of the epithets of Mercury is "Vishnu". In your personal birth chart. mental restlessness and the need for constant activity or stimulation is evident. You shine when you let your mind expand to take in the bigger picture while being aware of what is happening immediately in front of you.  though at the same time they also advance your goals. Being yourself means that your mind and body are free to roam. spirituality. lovely oils. fine foods. but you're never at a loss for words. lottery. the native will be spiritually inclined and interested in the occult. the Temple. The mother of the native may be taken over a long distance or abroad for treatment of a disease and may be admitted to a hospital there. advertising and publicity and since the owner of the ninth house here is also the owner of the twelfth house. This child is also likely to practise secret Tantric rites. Theological studies are favored and publications on philosophical topics will succeed if Budha is well placed. religion and philosophy must be practical in applications and logically comprehensible. Bhava 9 = 9th from Thula lagna = 9th from Thula Chandra = 9th from Thula navamsha Budha rules a natural house = swabhava of neutral Guru. When Mercury is weak and afflicted. Priesthood. Serious matters like religion and philosophy are not the areas in which you have profound interest rather you have much curiosity about life and people. Gemini: The native will study current and international affairs extensively. If Mercury has connection with the first house or the Moon.  Guru. For you.With a ninth house Gemini. Though you may not be an eminent thinker but you need a constant mental activity or stimulation. Professor. wisdom and reality. Thula natives especially like to communicate (Mithuna) about ceremonial religions (9) and wisdom teachings esp sacred texts. devoted to elders and saints. Father. University.  Religious teachers and dogma.  Ceremonial Religion. The native will be engaged in religious practices and will visit religious places. You love traveling and enjoy meeting and observing different people and places.  small details from the big pulpit .  Divine Law Mithuna governs the teacher-preacher knowledge delivery roles and capacity for wisdom via world travel  Budha= lord of 9th-from-lagna and 12th-from-lagna. the native's first child is likely to lose one of his children. beliefs. The native will be good at teaching. A powerful Mercury is a clear indication that native's elder sister/brother will be wealthy. They favor a priestly or professorial style (9) of making reports and announcements (Mithuna) . or subscribe to more than one religion or philosophy. he may go abroad in this connection.  Wisdom. Gemini: The influence of Gemini on the cusp of ninth house shows that you believe in logic. Gemini: Religious. Thula-1 may sound like (Mithuna) a know-it-all "brainiac" due to a tendency to reverse the proper forms: Discourse styles "flipped"  big ideas in the small-talk. You may often be involved in numerous religious activities. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Virgo in the twelfth house below. The father will have an aptitude for mathematics or science. Budha's governance is not impeded by Guru. His father will be a learned man whom the native will like to emulate. You may like to write about and discuss those matters. good natured. you are curious about the world. and may enjoy overseas trips and academic studies as means to satiate your curiosity. You need a constant mental activity or stimulation. ruling powers and honour etc. Hence. Such people solve many problems related to the society. Can mirror the dominant ideology out to the public very successfully. If it is in the 4th house i. Such a person can do well with biology. When positive. " Cancer in the Tenth House. Such a person usually excels in politics. presuming Budha is competent. botany. scholarly studies (9) in sociolinguistics and discourse analysis (3). The choice of career may even be influenced by the family. in a worldly sense. especially by the mother. Thula also suffers the reverse problem of bringing an expansive philosophical discourse style (Dhanushya) into their daily life chat with workmates and neighbors (3) which can make them sound ponderous and egg-heady. it boosts the 10th house by aspect and takes one to high status. the "flipped" communications situation is good for publication (3) of philosophical (9) writings (3) and professorship (9) in topical areas of mundane media communications (3).e. A person with a tenth house Cancer is usually renowned in his professional life and has a good reputation when it comes to his work. He can also excel in areas related to medicine. A person with a tenth house Cancer is usually interested in a career that works for the benefits of public. You have money for affluent living. They are likely to have a good feel on the pulse of public whims and desires. marine life etc. However if properly handled. etymology (3) and grammatical forms (3) of written and spoken texts (3) Can be a bit of chameleon. adopting various belief systems for pragmatic purposes. A person with a tenth house Cancer gives importance to responsibility and self-respect.g. The professional goals of such people are often involved in the administration of social resources and public service. and Venus is in 9. real estate and counselling. 10th House Cancer: A person with a tenth house Cancer is very concerned about his career and the general status in life. Das / Beharicomment on Mithuna = bhava-9: "You gain polarizationmental empowerment to and discriminateabout spiritual matters. Capricorn. Such people are very sensitive about their reputation in the society. Good career choices for a person with a tenth house are food related activities. there is the tendency to acquire a career that deals with nurturing others or is involved in some way with cultivating popular appeal and playing to the crowd.Thula often will substitute a common." "You are concerned. But your involvement with social services is to gratify your own senses and to glorify yourself. with the comfort of others. Due to the presence of Moon. a . everyday talk style (Mithuna) into their professorial discourse (9) which can give the impression of trivializing the deeply held convictions of faith and religious practice." Das comment = "Gemini is in 9. Such a person is restless which may cause many changes or may face some ups and downs in the professional life. You will travel widely. and university studies (9) on individual words e. In the presence of a tenth house Cancer. this is an influence that contributes to a person who feels that the whole world is his or her family. such people are in areas that are closely related to the public. A person with a tenth house Cancer may also change his careers several times as such people are restless and unsure about what they want to do. Moon becomes the lord of the 10th house. then moving on to a new set of beliefs when expedient.  Executive capabilities. Cancer: Merciful. as he will have inherent sympathy with the suffering people. kind and without sins. o For Thula. They do not express their feelings easily. similar to the ocean tides. such people are usually kind of a solitary person who keep to themselves. This involves the goals and ambitions which make him sensitive to following the dictates of those whom he senses will in some way affect his/her outcome. loves his kith and kin and is a likeable character. The recognition that such a person receives will be controlled by those who are in a higher authority than him.person with a tenth house Cancer is usually pious. They also do not want people to analyze them and demand respect. But. He will also like running a hotel or an antique shop.  Regulatory and law-enforcing powers. and organizational affiliations throughout life. interior decoration or architecture. . The father will be soft spoken and may have a large number of female relatives. A person with a tenth house Cancer is subject to the filter treatment which is also evident in the fourth and seventh house positions of the moon. Career such as counselling. but he will have a very congenial family life.  Thula-1 should never fear if a job or rank is lost. The native's father will have hotel or timber business and his finances will fluctuate. Cancer: The influence of Cancer in the tenth house shows that you are very sensitive about your reputation and your standing in your profession. another surge of responsibility will indeed follow any lost position. professions that involve helping others or coming in contact with a large number of people such as nursing or social service. People usually think that a person with a tenth house Cancer is nurturing and enjoys public acceptance. The native may be an employee of a woman. The father will have danger from water. whichever bhava is ruled by Chandra the Lord of tides and flows will have an estuarial character = sometimes dry and sometimes flooded. There is a need to feel responsible and respectable. teaching. Cancer: The native will delight in constructing tanks. responsibilities. studying history. Karkata governs the public reputation + one's capacity to accept and fulfill social leadership responsibilities Career. You may professionally succeed in the areas that caters to the public in some sense because you are sensitive to the public needs and desires. Here the Moon is the owner of the most powerful angle. If the Moon is powerful and well placed. it will make the native respected and prominent in his field.  Leadership responsibilities.  Thula-1 will hold numerous positions. you may even have restlessness about your career and general status of life which may cause changes and sometimes ups and downs in your professional life. Such people are also creative and bring good ideas. prosperous and well-recognized. titles. Profession. working with women can be good for such a person.  Ability to determine social law and make decisions that influence those below one in the social hierarchy. Bhava 10= 10th from Thula lagna = 10th from Thula Chandra = 10th from Thula navamsha Chandra rules a natural house = swabhava of neutral Shani. and Regulatory Roles  Naturally. therapy. public reputation and recognition. the dignity of career (10) will inevitably fluctuate. They may also participate in legal or religious organizations. or gardens. security. there is an emotionally instinctive (Chandra) inclination to invest effort in leadership roles. corporate. aspects to bhava-10. domineering.is the only assured path to success. The highly fluctuating and impressionable Chandra provides direct. Chandra = L-10 in 10 provided the instinctive parental leadership style. and drishti. attention to detail. It is reputedly the most successful radix lagna for recognition in public life. professional. A world leader slowly but inexorably (YogakarakaShani) took his place in history(Chandra-Shani). Thula natives apply their deepest nurturing feelings to their social leadership position. and asserting seniority. Bhava-10 is about public trust. Shani the Worker becomes Yogakaraka. personal discipline. Thula lagna is famous for creating strong government. In maturity. Thula lagna's public presentation has a strongly emotional appeal. parental. rashi. Mother Thula lagna natives are often born to professionally recognized.  The mother's social-leadership or professional responsibilities make a deep impression on the child in one's early years. 3) to express their humanistic views via world travel and teaching. Thula-1 is rewarded for effort (Shani). Career recognition for one's capacity to govern (to regulate social environments) is strongest during periods of Chandra. Style is authoritative. Example: Mahatma Gandhi's 5/9 angle of Shani-Chandragave his profound capacity to accept Austerity in the circumstances of leadership. Because Chandra is lord of 10th-from-lagna.  One is raised by such a mother to expect that one will also serve society in a compassionate. Thula enjoys business administration when they have an adequate scope (Dhanushya. psycho. while Guru the Lord of Abundance rules mental (3) and physical (6) health. If L-10 Chandra is well-disposed.emotionally intuitive leadership.delayedgratification. Thula lagna is known as a "maker of leaders". parental. working mothers. Public can project their needs for parenting.depending on highly impressionable Chandra. also be patronizing. whenever the time (Chandra period) should arrive. Professional reputation flourishes in specialties of caretaking and schooling. and authoritative guidance upon Thula-1in a leadership role. Much depends on Chandra's Nakshatra. or even tyrannical . nurturing attitude in leadership roles. Chandra is reflective and absorptive. May evoke fanatic trust and support when they lead in emotionally troubled times. and punished for excess (Guru). . For the Balance lagna. bhava. But even a poorly placed Chandra will contribute intuition and a gentle. It is essential to track Soma's behavior in D-9 and D-10 to know where the career will go. and 10th-from-10th yuvati bhava. decision-making capacity. Not only is Shani the Yogakarakafor Thula lagna but also Chandra the 'parenting planet' is lord of the bhava of public trust. Thula-1eschews the "easy way" (Guru) knowing from hard experience that only Shani's methods . A parental sense of responsibility in their leadership style. One brings a caring and parental approach to organization governance and positions of social responsibility. Professional Success depends on Chandra Ideally Chandra will be angular and receive friendly drishti. and military careers. Also the angle of Shani-Chandra and Guru-Chandra will significantly shape the leadership potential. and the planet Jupiter is also weak and afflicted the native is likely to be denied elder brothers. Das / Behari comment on Karkata = bhava-10: "You generate profound ideas in approaching life's everyday problems. much depends upon the lord of the 10th navamsha as well as any graha occupying Bhava10 or 10th-from-10th = Bhava-7. a person with an eleventh house Leo does not dominate his friends. If your attachment to carnal passions is not yet over. or a great saint. Your stage of soul-development is key.  but a great debauch may also be born under this influence. Unlike other conditions. 3). A person with an eleventh house Leo usually has friends who are socially prestigious. Thula are typically great advocates of education for children. Hence.  you may be assigned an important task to perform in the interest of humanity. If Sun is weak and afflicted by malefic planets either by association or by aspect. Deep insight and adaptability enable you to function smoothly on many levels. This means that the person likes to socialize a lot with his friends. You will probably specialize in something that helps society." Leo in the Eleventh House. A person with an eleventh house Leo may tend to draw strength from his friends as if they fulfilled a special need in his life. matters related to foundational education in literacy and numeracy. Management roles Thula enjoys managing transactions (3) that contain humanistic. He is also frank. Some of the friends of such a person may even be very rich and famous. Such a person is always conscious about how he looks and may even be interested in what other are . An efficient administrator. poet. This is primarily because Leo is the sign influencing the eleventh house. outspoken and cares about all of his friends. such a person is very proud of his friends and sometimes tends to show this off. Of course. This sign in the 10th house makes you a little special. In fact. enjoying the bliss of spirituality. he asks for the support of his friends whenever he needs them. If you are already spiritually advanced. It also indicates the likelihood of some stomach trouble to the wife of the native. Such a person can not live in isolation and needs friends throughout his life. A person with an eleventh house Leo has a very deep need of friends and associations.Shani being yogakaraka L-4+L-5. ruler.  you will become immersed in a situation where an over-abundance of sensual gratification makes you realize its futility. A strong Sun in this: case indicates the likelihood of much gain from the govt. for which the planet Sun stands. A person with an eleventh house Leo is usually interested in clothes and dressing sense. Otherwise. will constitute their heaviest professional burden. 11th House Leo: A person with an eleventh house Leo denotes leadership qualities within a group or an organization. The elder brother of the native would rise in status and his mother would be normally long lived. a person displays his friendliest and most outgoing demeanor. You are capable. and an interesting person to meet or know. In this placement. an evolved soul under this influence will be immersed in universal consciousness. as well as structured expressions of individual intelligence such as writing. philosophical teachings (Dhanushya) and collaborating with people who possess wisdom (Dhanushya. forest.  distributive and associative networks of connection between people. such a person should try make realistic goals and should have realistic ideals. Leo: The native will be fond of hunting. His conduct will not be commendable. A person with an eleventh house Leo often has a very wide circle of friends. call attention to the Self. If there is no other influence on this house.wearing. atoms. A person with an eleventh house Leo usually has very high ideals. travelling and physical fitness. Such a person can face some problems in life due to this factor. ideas. civilizations. A person with an eleventh house Leo is usually born to do something for the society. He is always accompanied by his friends to wherever he goes. He is always involved in some kind of charity works or other matters related to the development and improvement of the society. most of your friends have very good reputation in the society. or horticultural produce. A person with an eleventh house Leo is also very spiritual. Such a person is not selfish and considers the society to be his family. He will be engaged in business in timber. a politicized understanding of scientific conceptual systems. Hence. planets. These gains may or may not be financial in nature.  Goals and achievements. Such a person has a good taste when it comes to wearing clothes. he can never be seen alone or in isolation.  and anything that can be connected to anything else. Leo: Receives help from friends. his ambitions will be fulfilled. A powerful Sun will also be helpful in making the elder brother of the native rise high in life. A person with an eleventh house Leo socializes a lot and thus. He may or may not be religious. You need the company of friends and associates and draw strength from them. The native will have limited number of children. You are very particular about your outfit always dress in good taste and notice what others are wearing as well. Such a person gains a lot from his father. Simha governs the social networks + one's capacity to set lawful goals and achieve objectives in a regulated fashion Because Surya is lord of 11th-from-lagna. increase personal creativity. elders. electrical signals. generations. Others may consider a person with an eleventh house Leo to be arrogant or unrealistic. the native's spouse will suffer from heart or stomach ailments. His friendship will be among highly born or highly placed persons. and in large assemblies they tend to assume directive roles. Many of these friends usually respect such a person. You have a wide friend circle. . If the Sun is afflicted and the house also has adverse influence. Goals and achievements for Thula must reflect the presence of Divine intelligence. Thula natives have self-focused view of the global marketplace. becomes prosperous. advantages through elders and government. Bhava 11 = 11th from Thula lagna = 11th from Thula Chandra= 11th from Thula navamsha Surya's governance is impeded in the natural house = swabhava of Ravi's enemy Shani. He will be able to get his work done through show of anger. he will be very loyal to them and expect the same from them.  social progress movements. A person with an eleventh house Leo always benefits from his father. and open the heart. He will be highly ambitious and if the Sun is powerful and the house has beneficial influence. But. the native will only have elder brothers. Leo: The influence of Leo on the cusp of the eleventh house displays your ability to lead a group or organization. such a person will always be interested in knowing his inner self. as well as successful in building very large connection networks. particularly the networks which one has developed around one's own intelligence. One may become genuinely friendly with one's children. theatre. Thula networks in elite political settings and is especially suited to the top ranks of international diplomacy. Surya should be well disposed for the connectedness and profitability of this lordship to give full fruit. Thula-1 's style of goal-achievement may be at loggerheads with conservative social practice. in politics. However even a strongly placed Surya will have to do lifetime battle with the influence of Shaniover His natural house. Indeed. regulated. or manufacturing one's own product. austere.  If Surya the brilliant and confident karaka of Truth should become compromised by unfortunate association. promoting one's individual genius and personal power in order to channel the force of divine inspiration that drives creative social change.Hillary Clinton  Charles de Gaulle . impersonal. When Surya is empowered. Found often in the "company (11) of kings (Simha)". Thula-1 must earn through independent means such as consulting.  Jimmy Carter. procedural. politicians. This work tends to earn a low salary. all are equal participants under the law. One becomes an iconic symbol for a social progress movement.. Thula-1 may develop a self-righteous (Ravi) style of association that . sharing with the offspring a regal sense of self-entitlement and its concurrent (for Thula) engagement in social change.Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi  Julian Assange * Benjamin Franklin Centrality Entitlement Ego The ideal community networking style = Shani = neutral. and amusements.Creative intelligence (Surya) = focused on gainful relationships in the marketplace. and one's method of earning income will certainly be distinctively independent. more intelligent world for all. orderly. Rather. those with a celebrity lifestyle or some form of personal brilliance. selfowned business. Thula natives are ego identified with large networks of associations and independent goal achievement. Something about this native strikes people as " goal-assisting" or a " positive connection". one may hold the prestigious center position within a large network of talented. by their self-entitlement. members of the network are distinguished by their remarkable intelligence in performance art (including certain inspired forms of teaching). games. They develop strong friendship networksearly in life.Margaret Thatcher  Pope John Paul II . A good deal of effort is expended in developing connective community relationships. Seeks the company (11) of royals (Simha). one often serves on a volunteer basis in order to advance one's vision of a better. Thula finds one's friends mainly among the ranks of the very bright and talented (depending of course on Ravi's character in the nativity). Thula-1 holds leadership position in several networks. If Surya occupies 11. large-aura persons who hold various creative entitlements in the society. which facilitate greater individual opportunity for material and spiritual achievement. self-focused. literary authorship. theatricals. Generally a Thula native will be well-known and respected. The friends are not necessarily all leaders or holders of socially recognized high title. International diplomacy A king-maker in the best sense of shining the light of genius upon each person and commodity in the social and economic network . Such a person’s physical weakness can be easily misunderstood to be some negative life forces.  You are a strict disciplinarian. 12th House Virgo: Virgo is the ruler of the twelfth house. if it is strong. and politicized rather than participatory and distributive. He is also unlucky i. though you may not necessarily be soft and kind.  If such a disability develops.  You become interested in life sciences. Since the other sign of the lord of the 12th house falls in this case in the 9th house.is solipsistic. acquaintances. opportunistic. political missionary." Das / Behari comment on "The Sun is in 11. " Das/ Behari comment on "The Sun is in Leo. but you are generally reserved. If Mercury is weak one suffers financially through one's father.  As an executive officer. Such a person makes a good career in fields related to craft. servers etc. The presence of a twelfth house Virgo also helps in eradicating many negative life forces related to the native.  You are not selfish.  You are strongly motivated to contribute significantly to your people. you can make an imprint wherever you go.  You can forge strong bonds of friendship with a few persons.e. with a very exclusive sense of individuality."  "Gives daughters. o you can subject yourself to austere religious observances or wage cruel wars. and Libra is in 1. and the Sun is in Leo. of the day. in which the only acceptable behavior of friends. A person with twelfth house Virgo is not usually strong and has a short life span.  You are unhappy with your children. it may manifest in a friendship culture of exaggerated entitlement. is full of deprivations. however.  your fascination with occultism will also be deep and genuine. and often suffer from serious strain on your nerves."  "When the Sun occupies this sign the missionary spirit is greatly heightened." Virgo and the Twelfth House."  "This placement gives good fortune and a full span of life. Marketplace associations may be stifled by an attention-hungry participant who wishes the public to see one as a Central Connection. either. Virgo – There remains the possibility of friends turning into foes. A person with a twelfth house Virgo can be easily related to some kind of service. . Das / Behari comment on Simha = bhava-11:  "you are born to do some special work for society . or eminent philosopher. intolerant. and the govt. Mercury becomes the lord of the 12th and the 9th houses.  so that human beings may have greater opportunities for self-expression.  but at the base of all these enterprises will be your primary motivation of social change. and the elder siblings is that which directs praise and applause upon the center-stage native. prove very beneficial in its effects. has to suffer setbacks in his career unexpectedly. the results of the 9th house would be experienced and as such Mercury would.  Your personal life. a more unified social organization. You want to make the world a better place to live. paper pushing. A person with a twelfth house Virgo should understand the fact that in order to achieve success. a person with a twelfth house Virgo should try and get involved with people and should not reserve himself too much. such a person has the ability to devote meticulous attention to secondary details that others may well overlook. Mercury will be beneficial to the native if strong. But. . dream-worlds. construction of temples. Such a person destroys himself by worrying a lot about things that should not matter. This is not out of some kind of fear. mentally hyperactive or very categorical personalities. tend to be gender-neutral conversationalists and writers with articulate. and the subconscious terrain (12). Mercury. But. He will spend his wealth on charitable and good works like marriages. Bhava 12 = 12th from Thula lagna = 12th from Thula Chandra= 12th from Thula navamsha  Budha's governance is not impeded in the natural house = swabhava of neutral Guru. on the other hand. and to keep his life and affairs in proper order. Virgo in the twelfth house also shows your strong interest and concern about health matters as this sign is associated with the matters of health. A person with a twelfth house Virgo may have a tendency for obsessive-compulsive thoughts. such a person may have spent a good deal of time rehearsing the whole situation with himself when he was alone. Kanya governs the character of reflective. Such a person’s repressed anxieties can give rise to various psychic energies. Such a person does not show this outwardly and is reserved in this matter. Virgo: The Virgo influence in the twelfth house shows an outward friendly gesture but there may be a strong critical nature present in your subconscious. These critical tendencies may be in play just under the surface and it is not likely to be shown by you outwardly. Hence. imaginative knowledge + one's capacity to travel the bridge between worlds of material and spiritual life Because Budha = L-9+L-12 from-lagna. the owner of the twelfth house here is also the owner of the ninth house. analytical. because a person with a twelfth house Virgo wants to express himself in the best possible manner. the imagination. Even when being outwardly friendly. Hence. Such a person should avoid running his life in such a way that others may regard him as being careless. always indicated by the L-12 and graha within vyaya bhava.  Enemies of the marriage. pilgrimages etc. A person with a twelfth house Virgo can be closely related to matters of health. Thula natives especially like to communicate about ritual religion and moral teachings (9) and to articulate matters of psycho-intuitive knowledge. frustration of aspirations & assets remain under mortgage. The native will have immense capacity for work or meditation in solitude for long periods.The presence of a twelfth house Virgo suggests a strong critical nature present in the subconscious. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Gemini in the ninth house above. Virgo: The native will be at peace with himself. he has to work for it rather than sitting and waiting for a miracle. a critical tendency may be in play just under the surface. or even sloppy. and fear letting himself go in case his imperfections are revealed. A person with a twelfth house Virgo is always well planned and organized. the native will suffer losses through his father or wife's younger brother/sister. Virgo: Relations/ friends bear ill -will. disorganized. A person with a twelfth house Virgo is straight forward and does not take much time in expressing his view while talking to others. Such a person has a tendency to overlook important details that sometimes might be vital for reaching a conclusion. A person with a twelfth house Virgo may well be inclined to limit and retard his ability to organize things. if weak. such a person may have strong interests in health matters and harbor secret concerns about health issues. But. being able to quickly. swift and accurate psychological profiling of personalities. A quick study. foreign residence. narrative function and may struggle to claim access to deep sanctuary of non-verbal reflection and prayer. pilgrimages) * Saturn is the secondary karaka of property. o As a benefit.Native does not need as much sleep as peers. Das / Behari: says of Kanya = bhava-12:  "You feel a sense of responsibility which affects your every day life. For this reason: o an excellent position for negotiators and diplomats (Jimmy Carter . although the mentality is highly activated : majority of the attention is focused on surface consciousness. Hillary Clinton) who are able to speedily. mercurially move around subconscious blockage.  You would rather act than talk about virtues. o Thula-1 is perpetually busy in the mental. financial dearth Saturn Fourth property* Mars Seventh Venus Eighth Mercury Ninth & Twelfth sexual passion spirituality. and meditation. this native is not bogged down by much intrigue or covert dealings. can almost "hear" the interior mental narrative of others  Budha grants a mentalized and conversational approach to the cosmic matters of private imagination. assure and assuage the unacknowledged psychological resistance which people often bring into controversial or adversarial situations. A capable instructor and explainer of the phenomena of subconscious life." Libra Planet Houses Ruled Signified Themes Mars Second & Seventh life-threatening diseases. long-distance travel. foreign sojourns. o As a downside.  Easy travels. verbally. The Lord of Houses if your Lagna is Thula Lagna (Libra Ascendant) Lord of House 1 is – Sukra rules Health Lord of House 2 is – Kuja rules Wealth Lord of House 3 is – Guru rules Help Lord of House 4 is – Sani rules Comforts Lord of House 5 is – Sani rules Children Lord of House 6 is – Guru rules Enemies Lord of House 7 is – Kuja rules Partner Lord of House 8 is – Sukra rules Longevity Lord of House 9 is – Budha rules Fortune Lord of House 10 is – Chandra rules Livelihood Lord of House 11 is – Ravi rules Desire . there is little rest in this life.  You would like to spread goodwill amongst all. Shani is Yogakaraka and can bring rise on its own. attraction and other areas ruled by Shukra. Link between Moon (Lord of X) and Mercury (Lord of IX) creates Rajyoga. 3rd. 9th. VII Mercury Malefic Lord of VIII. 3rd. 3rd. 8th. Mercury rules Bhagya so emerald is also a good choice but avoidable for the newly married. 5th. III Venus Benefic Lord of I Saturn Benefic Lord of IV. 4th. 7th. always. 10th. 8th. 10th and 11th houses Mars: 2nd. 5th. 3rd. 10th.Lord of House 12 is – Budha rules Loss Good Placement of Planets . Grahas/planets and Tula (Libra) Lagna. 9th. Jupiter is a functional malefic so the gemstone should not be lightly worn. 10th. Tula/ Libra Lagna: Private sector. Mars may be taken as a feeble benefic. love. — Saturn. 7th. 4th. In a Dusthana it can give Vipreeta Raja Yoga. XI Jupiter Malefic Lord of VI. Jupiter and the Moon are malefics. 9th. 10th and 11th houses Thula lagna Friendly and Non-Friendly Domain Lordships  bhava with planetary animosity between natural and temporal lord are marked in yellow  bhava with lordship conflicts are inherently problematic And require conscious management Domain Natural Lord Temporal Lord Domain Natural Lord Temporal Lord 1 Kuja Shukra 7 Shukra 2 Shukra Kuja+ Ketu 8 Kuja + Ketu Shukra 3 Budha Guru 9 Guru Budha 4 Chandra Shani 10 Shani Chandra 5 Surya Shani + Rahu 11 Shani+ Rahu Surya 6 Budha Kuja Guru 12 Kuja Budha LIBRA ASCENDANT Planet Benefic/ Reason Malefic Sun Malefic Lord of XI Moon Benefic Lord of X Mars Malefic Lord of II. Saturn being the best. 11th and 12th houses Mercury: 1st. 2nd. The Sun.Libra Ascendant: Sun: 2nd. 4th. V: Yogakarak Link between Moon (Lord of X) and Mercury (Lord of IX) creates Rajyoga. 9th. 11th and 12th houses Venus: 1st. Thula (Libra). 5th. 4th. . Avoid the red coral as Mars is Maraka. 11th and 12th houses Moon: 1st. 6th. 5th. Mercury and Venus are benefics. 4th. Shukra is also the 8th Lord so the potential for changes in life is implicit. 10th and 11th houses Saturn: 1st. 7th and 11th houses Jupiter: 2nd. social focus. In addition to this suicide. chest. and the masses in general is ruled by Saturn. Mars also owns the 7th house of male female relationship. Aries-Mars. Sagittarius-Jupiter. spirituality. violence and fear from thieves. pilgrimage. Venus also represents the 8th house of losses. Sun being the lord of Ekadash becomes Badhkesha. Chandra and Budh will cause Raj Yog. Cancer-Moon. disappointment and defeat all fall under the domain of the 8th house. semen and its use. legacy. Śukra is neutral. He is also 4th lord being natural malefic. power to advise. face. The third house of self initiative. Sun is taken to be a stern task master or a cruel planet. Gemini-Mercury. Each of these signs is ruled by a planet which is called Rashi Pati or sign lord. accidents. and vehicles as also comforts. Mangal is a killer. however transfers evil effects to other planets positioned in his sign or navamsa or constellation. brothers. Of the nine planets mentioned above. privation. wills. dejection. he gives good results for 4th (angular house). Mercury is neutral and gives the results of the benefic or malefic planets he associates with. and drowning are also represented by this house. AquariusSaturn. amusements and amusement parks etc. The first house representing self. Saturn also rules over the fifth house of progeny. favors from the government etc. private parts. natural or unnatural death. The following list giving planets against the signs makes it clear. The farther she is the more beneficial she becomes. while Mars and Saturn are malefic planets. The second house representing family. father. Moon as a lord of 10th house give good result. injuries. miseries. The fourth house ruling over mother. Libra (Thula): Lord of ascendant and also 8th house Venus. communications etc. Why is Libra the most successful Lagna in Vedic Hindu Astrology? Part I Starting with Mesh or Aries and ending with Meen or Pisces. lungs. Mercury give good results to Libra. mind. insurance. arms. Mercury as a lord of 12th house. and is a malefic planet. and in female charts the uterus also falls under the domain of the fifth house. Jupiter being the lord of third and sixth house gives bad results. misfortunes. Foreign travels. Saturn gives Raja yoga to Libra ascendants. Pisces-Jupiter. death. delay. Guru and other malefics will also acquire a disposition to inflict death. property. wastage. Capricorn-Saturn. Sun and Moon own one sign each while all other planets own two Rashis or signs. Jupiter Lagnesh is an enemy of Venus. destruction and dishonor. Sun as a lord of 11th house acts as badhaka and give bad results. Auspicious are sani and Budh. Let us now analyze the house ownerships for Libra ascendant based on what has been written above. romance. wealth and ruling powers is owned by Mars. friends. is ruled by Jupiter. Mars being Dwitiyesha and Saptmesh is a Marak Planet. worries. Virgo-Mercury. Libra Lagna: Venus is the Lagnesh of Libra ascendant and Mercury being Navmesh gives good results. health. leadership. Lord of 5th house Saturn and lord of 9th house. body structure and personality is ruled by the prime benefic Venus. Leo-Sun. Moon can be beneficial or malefic depending upon how far she is from the Sun. Surya and Mangal are malefics. impotency etc. Taurus-Venus. losses . who also rules the sixth house of enemies. Lord of 2nd and 7th houses Mars is powerful killing planet to Libra. Lord of 3rd and 6th houses Jupiter gives bad results. if it is waning (malefic) and bad results if it is waxing (benefic). there are twelve zodiac signs in Hindu astrology. the emotional nature. is ruled by Mercury. Libra-Venus. Mercury also rules over the 12th house of expenditure. theft. education. The belly. food. progress. Scorpio-Mars. Jupiter and Venus are benefics. over use. The ninth house of good fortune.Guru. who owns the ninth and the twelfth house. Eleventh lord becomes bad for health but not for wealth. gains will be adversely affected. pilgrimage and honours from the government also fall under this house. superiors. speculation. 2. Similarly Mercury.and separation. so he too will rise well in life. 7. this is irrespective of whether they are benefic or malefic. dawn of fortune. shall give his results connected to the ninth house alone. he does not give adverse results and if a benefic he gives neutral results. Enjoyment of luxuries. In addition to this wife’s digestion will suffer as eleventh is the fifth house from seventh. 5. she too is a royal planet. Mars becomes the owner of the second as well as the seventh house. prosperity. Sun and Moon are not tainted by the ownership of eighth house. gold. the results given by it will not pertain to the second or the twelfth house but be connected to the other house ruled by that planet. If Sun is however weak. the lordship of the eleventh house by the royal planet Sun is very favorable for Tula Lagna. The strength or weakness of Mars and Mercury will mainly boost or deflate the seventh and ninth house only. 4. Planets owning the third. A royal planet ruling over the house of governance and peak performance is extremely favorable for Tula Lagna. Fame. Sun gives excellent results if placed in this house. easy gains. adopted children and step children is ruled by the father of all planets Sun. Let us now apply these rules to the nine planets and see what we get. Strong Moon . This happens because sun is a royal planet and a confirmed representative of the ruling elite. The tenth house for Libra ascendant is ruled by the royal planet Moon and under its domain fall the government. pleasure. A strong sun will ensure her long life. Moon Moon rules over the tenth house and like Sun. sixth and eleventh houses become malefics. When a planet owns the second or the twelfth house. Why is Libra the most successful Lagna in Vedic Hindu Astrology? Part II In the previous Blog we discussed the house owner ship of the twelve houses for Tula or Libra Lagna (ascendant). provided that Karak (significator) for elder brother Jupiter is also strong. 1. ambition. The eleventh house ruling over income. 4. If a malefic. These rules are given below. ruling powers. In the present article we shall see how these planets give their results in the light of rules laid down by Maharishi Parashar. employer. Broadly speaking though. 3. professional status and dignity. The eleventh house is the eighth from the fourth and so represents the longevity of mother. What does it mean? Let us take the example of the second house for Tula Lagna. In the sequel to this Blog we shall use some dicta laid down by Maharishi Parashar and apply these to the chart. Sun Sun becomes the lord of the eleventh house and if strong gives much gain from the government. Planets owning the fifth and ninth houses give uniformly good results. victory in litigation. afflicted and ill placed. promotion. The wife may also suffer from uterus trouble if the eleventh house is also afflicted. This house also represents the elder brother. sexual union and sleep also fall under the 12th house. and 10 becomes neutral. A planet owning the Kendra houses 1. He shall therefore give the results pertaining to seventh house only. If Moon or Sun owns the twelfth house. the good or bad results will be dependent on their strength and placement. This rule holds true even though the Mool Trikon Rashi of Mercury falls in the twelfth house. and along with it another house. concerts. Librans tend to have an idealistic egoism and selfrighteousness. It is this that makes it the most successful Lagna of all. The Sun is generally impulsive and inauspicious for Libra. ethics and selfless service to society. If placed in the eighth house. Since Aries is falling in the seventh house. Mars is a malefic planet and a potent killer. According to Bhavarth Ratnakar. Mars placed in the sixth. both represent spirituality. Nine Graha from Thula lagna Sun: Being 11th lord if strong then good income. . Venus Venus rules over the two houses of longevity. is a planet of gains. They can attempt too much and overextend themselves. Mercury also represents ‘Lord Vishnu’ and it is for this reason that he becomes imbued with spirituality. he gives a great deal of money due to Vipreet Rajyog. If strong. casinos etc. Venus should not be weak or afflicted as that would have a direct bearing on health and life span. yet also impulse. his results will be excellent. It is this neutralization of Mars that works so well for Tula Lagna. eighth or twelfth house will be detrimental to the health of the partner. violence. it is quite easy to see that it becomes the Lagna for the life partner. Similar results though somewhat weakened will accrue if moon is placed in the fourth house. Mercury placed in Lagna or linked to Lagna Lord Venus makes a person very spiritual. Saturn also gives a strong liking for amusements of all kind and one spends money freely on cinemas. Sun: The Sun. If weak then less income but good health. Jupiter is a beneficial planet for Tula Lagna and his aspect on the second house promotes a lot of wealth. Saturn Saturn rules over the fourth and fifth houses and becomes a powerful Yog Karak. power. Mercury Mercury rules over the ninth and twelfth houses. but bad health. wife may have stomach problem. They have great goals for themselves that are hard to achieve. as ruler of house 11. respect. prowess. but the sign falling in the seventh house is Aries. both are houses of scarcity and insufficiency.but following the rules mentioned above he will give results relevant to the seventh house only. In addition to this he gives high class intelligence and an illustrious son who proves lucky for the native. Mars Mars rules over the second and seventh house . Any planet and house which is weak will create problems in that part of the partner’s body which is ruled by that planet. It thus becomes clear that all malefic planets lose their malfeasance for Libra Ascendant while the benefic remain benefics. The strength of Mars has a direct bearing on the longevity and general health of the life partner.greatly enhances the tenth house. he bestows power and affluence. Should mars be placed in the fourth or the seventh house. disease and enmity. theme parks.Both are houses of death . The most malefic planet thus becomes most beneficial for Tula Lagna. the Lagna and the eighth house but as the Mool Trikon Rashi falls in the Lagna her results are mostly beneficial. Additionally the two royal planets become the rulers of the house of profession and house of gains. Mars thus becomes a neutral planet. aspirations and ideals. If placed in the eleventh house she gives a high status and professional excellence. Jupiter Jupiter becomes the lord of the third and sixth houses. opportunity.  dissolution (12) of privacy (12) Great pride in one's systematizing skills.Being lord of 11th it is bad for this Ascendant. one's community. then a strong and unafflicted Sun for the Libra ascendant will enjoy the patronage of highly placed friends.  spouse (7) of the eldest child (5)  hidden wealth (8) of the parents (4)  wisdom (9) from conversations and narrative texts (3)  the social rank (10) of the family history(2)  social connections via the fleshly genetic appearance. a Trishadaya house. but bad only for health. politics and politicians.  children (5) from the first partner (7). trouble to father. problematic persons and behaviors include: Father. theatre and entertainers. A weak Sun on the other hand will have less income and even losses as also bad health. a strong Sun will give much income. participation in an economy and the products of one's networking skills. friends. and males in general Marketplace earnings. Surya = material gains + social achievements Double-trouble from Surya: + Ravi L-11 = enemy of lagnesha Shukra + Ravi L-11 = enemy of Shani the natural 11th lord For Thula. connections. A weak heart and trouble to the father could be a factor Sun. networks of friendly association. or legally inconsistent with the marketplace rules (Shani). . development. as desires are not fulfilled. the wealth of the government  writing and discussions (3) about religion (9)  stability (4) following emergencies (8). networks.The sun. or partner-effects from Thula navamsha  gains. friendly networks. especially during the major Vimshottari periods of Surya. then there could deficient funds and a general discontentment. elder brothers and sisters. the self-righteous. Surya = L-11  as measured from Thula lagna. friends and desires. the Sun is inauspicious. owns the 11th house. the elder sibling or father's brothers the native 's independent earnings (Surya) may seem too bright. Therefore. Weak end afflicted Sun: Deficient income. speculative ventures. gamblers and gaming. celebrities and 'stars'. If the Sun is weak and afflicted. the elder sibling or father's brothers Ravi L-11 = an enemy of Shani the natural 11th lord Selfishness or autocratic behavior causes trouble in relationship to marketplace earnings. weak heart and discontentment. Since the Sun has its mooltrikona sign in Leo in the eleventh house ruling income. ego-bright personalities. So far as wealth is concerned. income. Thula Chandra. winnings (5)of partnership (7)  servitude (6) and debt of servants (6). too individualized. achievements. mentors  the bosses' family. kings and royalty. Income can be abundant and there will be great activity in fulfilling one's desires. patriarchy. market rules) period and dragged on for political reasons. social-material and financial connectivity. systems development. Surya = the Central Hub of the wheel. in general the earnings are modest and do not attract negative attention unless they suddenly get big and bright. the native could become a sort of a negative idol or a scapegoat. the attention may have positive or negative consequences. depending on drishti to Surya. or uchcha Mesha-7. Normally L-11 Surya = constrained by Thula's balancing agenda and Shani's lawful orderliness. (explained exception: Adolf Hitler's uchcha-Surya megalomania). and literary empowerments. the switchboard. When Surya = L-11. for six years. . was harassed by inquiry into her market gains during the Whitewater Controversy. This double constraint upon Surya contributes in no small measure to the notable public service success record of Thula nativities. Thula-1 in big-ego politics will almost inevitably have the social propriety of one's income called into question. fundraising. intelligent. Thula-1 is generally advised to prevent their earnings from becoming politicized or attracting too much attention (Surya).g. which hub radiates its strength into the spokes that move the outer rim. For example with unfortunate drishti. social progress movements.g. The government investigation of her investment profits (11) shared with a group of her friends (11) began in Ketu-Shani (government. electrification and computerization. and one-to-many (Surya-to-Kumbha) settings such as the large lecture hall where Surya takes the attention of the assembled audience. is also leery of distraction and corruption by wealth (Shukra). However. While the native is better suited to independent earning methods than to fixed institutional salary systems. truth). One receives considerable public attention throughout life. There is a Sun-star at the center of every universe. Hillary Clinton. creating linkages between groups such as cross-cultural exchanges. L-11 = a many-to-many exchange relationship such as a human marketplace or an electronic network. Ravi's creates a distinctively powerful one-to-many relationship wherein the native becomes a central figure who maintains a large network of diplomatic (Thula) associations. whose earnings are normally modestly similar or below her professional peers.L-11 Surya is materially gainful. the economic policy committee. However due to the nature of the "web that has no center" 11th amsha. Therefore the best environments are very large networks within which bright-light Surya moves along the linkages whilst conferring political. with strength e. She was completely exonerated in Shukra-Surya (independence. economic networks. E. such as community associations. Environments include the computer system. L-11 Surya = best as a hub of connectivity rather than as a constant center of authority. L-11 Ravi = prefers visible roles in realms related to labhasthana. Ravi = radiation and attention.. Radiation and focus of attention Center-stage Roles Because Surya = center-stage recognition. in swakshetra Simha-11. The Thula nativity with strong L-11 Surya = one who is a central figure in their network yet is distinctively cautious regarding the force of gravity (lowest common denominator) in large-group systems (Shani). Despite a normally modest income. Labha bhava = dissolution of privacy (12th from 12th). Therefore even when Ravi becomes empowered during Surya mahadasha or energizing transits. the mass assembly. one becomes neither autocratic nor selfish nor addicted to the applause. dramatic. Compared to her equally placed leadership peers. and of course all of the electro-magnetic device networks in the world of communications. and connectivity at all levels. Ravi generally produces less income than might be expected for the intelligent and well-educated Thula native. Ravi controls goal-setting. For example Hillary Clinton enjoys a neechcha-bhanga Surya in Thula in lagna yuti swakshetra Shukra. class-hierarchy conformism. lawful. networking with friends. . Surya periods are materially gainful. science and engineering. energizing the circuitry of ideas.Except possibly during Vimshottari periods of the shy and retiring L-12 Budha. As an associate member of a variety of interconnected large groups and assemblies one is recognized and admired by many. creative brilliance. Periods of Surya are gainful bringing marketplace income and obtainment of social-material goals Surya periods also favor hiking in the hills and other travel by foot toward the tops of high mountains. however the total income will be lesser than normal compared to others with similar educational level and same broad scope of social connection. achievements. she has invested a great deal of her professional time into non-profit. taking a regally authoritative yet encouraging role. periods of L-11 Surya will facilitate achievement of social-material goals and development of the social network. associates. Throughout Thula-1's lifetime. typical of L-11 Surya for Thula. status-conscious. earnings in the marketplace. her income is less than commensurable with education and experience. Her income levels have historically registered within the USA upper-middle class tax brackets. and regal entitlements. and those who share a conceptual ideology (network of ideas). yet a regal aura of exclusiveness and a preference for friends with high entitlements (Simha) will prevail. However. self-development. Mithuna = skill) Vimshottari periods of Surya L-11 = gainful for Thula-1. the native is highly selective regarding one's inner circle of friends. One may develop an excellent professional career and develop many types of worth both social and spiritual. Yet as an enemy of lagnesha Shukra = karaka for wealth. (Simha = courage. thus the experience is validating both socially and via increased marketplace income. (Unless those peers are also pro-bono inclined Thula natives : ) Intelligence Surya = karaka for divine intelligence as the seed of self . self-promoting creativity Shani's sober. Surya periods are usually rather stressful due to the natural tension between Surya's confident. this native will never be a wallflower. Labhapati Ravi shines a brilliant light into the network of friends. Nevertheless. Surya functions as a mentor within the networks. As L-11. Bhava-11 = swabhava of Shani 11 = upa-chchaya = improvement of the material results over time. regal. therefore Surya will need more than half of the lifetime to show His best results. pro-bono community development work. Presuming that Ravi is well-disposed. any type of 'community' or common-purpose association. and bhava in order to give full results. business mentor. Surya periods can generate an agent. electro-magnetic device networks (e. family history examples: Ravi in bhava-3 Dhanushya = a natural center-stage placement using the bright image of the self to achieve goals via self-owned commercial business in sales. Surya periods may be successful in many ways but the quality of ego-collision and feeling rather oppressed by the typical male figure will also be noticed. or imposing the personal willpower upon the will of others. from Chandra lagna. which exacerbates the identity-assertion conflict. who is a member of one's social or conceptual network. association. This agent may manifest an ego disorder or display excessive or domineering willfulness. internet. marketing. food and drink. especially during process of setting and achieving goals (11). of State Hillary Clinton Ravi in bhava-2 Vrischika = a natural center-stage placement using the bright image of the self to achieve goals via treasuries of wealth and lineage knowledge. personal profit in the marketplace. Surya badhesha Badhakahouses = the 9th from a fixed lagna. drishti. marketplace earnings. or senior-associate type. Fundraising. The agent thereby blocks the native 's ability to act upon one's own intention or to realize one's own goals . enjoyment of the company of friends in a large assembly. usually in the figure of an elderbrother. . Assess the characteristics of Surya's house. 11th from a cardinal lagna 11th from Thula = Simha. publication. electronic connectivity and social networks examples: Shah of Iran M. Career L-11 Surya= a karaka for career and public recognition Thula-1 = somewhat disposed toward to accept public roles and professional leadership responsibilities within large. Surya must be strong by rashi. "NGO" principled social activism.One achieves one's goals with the help of willing associates. usually male. rule-driven systems (11) and large groups assembled in voluntary but purposeful association (11) . Surya is also an enemy of lagnesha Shukra. Ravi will also rule one houses vis-à-vis Chandra. Alternatively. scientific data networks) or extensively linked marketplace associations. and apprehension of the interconnectedness of all things are included in the range of experience of Surya periods for Thula-1. for a fuller appreciation of Surya periods. 7th from a changeable lagna. therefore Surya = the badhakalord for Thula lagna L-11 Ravi is capable of causing harm through (usually inadvertent) ego-motivated dominating behavior. Center Stage L-11 Ravi Ravi in bhava-1 neechchamsha Thula [typically but not always gets neechcha bhanga] = a natural center-stage placement using the bright image of the self to achieve goals in community development. economics. USA Sec. advertising. Example environments that extend the social network and produce economic gain: broad-based social networks. Reza Pahlavi .g. Surya is a gainful and social graha for the Thula lagna native. such as a photo of the owner. King of Egypt 1936-1952 Farouk al-Awwal = parivartamsha L-11 Shani Ravi in bhava-5 Kumbha = a natural center-stage placement using the bright image of the self to achieve goals using the bright image of the self in theatre. .S. negotiation. publisher T. children. and distant travel examples: social justice activist Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi. "Miraculous Medal" St Catherine Laboure Ravi in bhava-8 Vrishabha = a natural center-stage placement using the bright image of the self to achieve goals via examples: Ravi in bhava-9 Mithunaya = a natural center-stage placement using the bright image of the self to achieve goals via examples: Wikileaks Julian Assange Ravi in bhava-10 dik-bala Karkata = a natural. promises. very high visibility center-stage placement using the bright image of the self to achieve goals via institutional leadership. trust examples: genocidal murderer Adolph Hitler. UK-Princess Anne Laurence. spiritual community work. cultural icon Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis . Jerry Falwell. Guru Ammachi. missionary work. examples: "Moral Majority" Rev. bargains. poet. yokes. social ordering. politics. royalty . Ravi in bhava-11 swakshetra Simha = a natural center-stage placement using the bright image of the self to achieve goals via community outreach. home-based Folkways. human rights activist . charismatic and iconic roles within a network that has no center examples: Larry Ellison Ravi in bhava-12 Kanya = a natural center-stage placement using the bright image of the self to achieve goals via interpretive research. UK-PM 1979-1990 Margaret Thatcher. sheltering. corporate directives. USA Pres-39 Jimmy Carter . rhythmic. examples: Ravi in bhava-4 Makara = a natural center-stage placement using the bright image of the self to achieve goals via the bright image of the self in patriotism. parenting. writer-publisher Benjamin Franklin. In Karkata: customary.all electronic musician Beatle George Harrison Ravi in bhava-6 Meena = a natural center-stage placement using the bright image of the self to achieve goals via examples: Ravi in bhava-7 uchchamsha Mesha = the force of Will = a natural center-stage placement using the bright image of the self to achieve goals via diplomatic agreements. pilgrimage. Eliot Vitality. fashion. Social Personality and Physical Appearance As lord of 11th-from-radix lagna. customs ambassador. inventor. The business is associated with the bright image of the self. games and gambling. boundariesborders-fences.media-messaging . caretaking. Malefic graha occupying or ruling an upachaya bhava tend to give better results with acquisition of moral maturity and the passage of time. and properties As lord of 8th-from-4th And 4th-from-8th . belongingness. Surya's leadership capability is pronounced in areas of banking and finance. Surya periods bring transformation of the shelter space (buildings. Qualities of the masculine. goods. Periods of Surya encourage Thula-1to enjoy the romantic aspect of relationships. self-directed persons in the network read according to the characteristics of Ravi. partnered agreements. collections and records. span 8th-from-4th = Thula lagna indicates a life plan to use the personal independent will-power . Recognition achieved through the native 's ability to create an orderly environment in knowledge collections of all kinds. Career. if other factors conspire. cultural. however success will indeed occur for Thula natives if Surya is well disposed. Surya enforces sudden transformations in the native 's relationship to the childhood home.) Marriage. Some component of the career (Surya) is concerned with organizing collections and hoards. even on scraps of paper and the backs of envelopes. span Surya challenges the conventional upbringing by projecting the native into A large marketplace (11) of mingled people. vehicles) such as additions. bright. Thula pursues social validation through acceptance of decisionmaking positions. has been preserved by the organization he created to support his historical values. intelligent. and ownership of property. Periods of Surya bring goal achievement and emphasis on strong-willed and egocentric personalities who are players in one's social network. Peer and Advising Relationships As lord of 5th-from-7th and 7th-from-5th .11th-from. scientific. span In the inter-networked circles of thought including the world of rational science. (Nearly everything Mohandas Gandhi wrote. the native may be a charismatic genius of documentation and setting up recordkeeping systems. Surya. as a primary tool to transform the childlike attachments to protected shelters whether emotional. conventional education. Surya is a charismatic. houses. Partnership. history and languages. speculative agent who brings amusement and entertainment into the environment of contractual. Should bhava-11 receive drishti of Shani . schools. the native 's perspective emerges from parochial to global. willful response to networking and goal achievement. Creating an Orderly Environment As lord of both 10th-from-2nd And 2nd-from-10th . banking and finance. or literary campaigns. Ability to Govern. the native projects a series of political. 5th-from-7th = On the basis of relationships. theatrical. or mental. and cosmological understanding. . 10th-from-2nd = on the basis of the values of the family history. as well as leadership on the basis of speeches and proclamations (2). and ideas. Education. the native is publicly perceived to be well-connected socially and. both intimate and professional. physical. renovations and redecorating. cultural customs. history and languages. collections and records. If Surya and L-2 are strong.lagna = charismatic . well-connected conceptually through possession of philosophical. quite a bit of time (decades) is required for the native to reach one's material goals. new contracts and agreements with speculators and game-players new partnerships with brilliant. small-group and team interactions. so that the native acquires only the resources which promote social approval and develop the native 's ability to create orderly social environments. " Team player" prognosis is improved if the Sun is somewhat weakened within the nativity. Highly personalized and egocentric style in administrative roles. children. Social organizational knowledge is developed through Surya. . 9th-from-3rd =on the basis of sibling. Disposition of Surya indicates the spouse's attitude and expectations toward children. and the spouse of the eldest child in particular. disinterested in protocol and therefore somewhat unreliable. speculative intelligence. and game-players of all varieties. and authoritative. If Ravi is problematic e. Surya's intelligent charm may bring much romance into marriage. family history. romantic. typically on rational basis such as studies in sociology. where apparently simple and routine matters in the business office quickly become a platform for the display of personal intelligence. Surya generates leadership ability based on the historic values lineage of the family history. vis-a-vis the family history and within the second marriage if any.g. seniority. economics. children. Children and Divine Creativity As lord of 7th-from-5th and 5th-from-7th . the native generates environments of wisdom. knowledge. Surya periods bring Artha development (2 and 10 are both Artha bhava). Surya may be good for writing Autobiographies and political analysis. privileged. 7th-from-5th = on the basis of charisma. Publications 9th-from-3rd 3rd-from-9th Confident. Teamwork. assertive Surya gives Thula-1 a fatherly role in sibling relationships. Acquisition of Money and Knowledge As lord of 10th-from-2nd And 2nd-from-10th . or human psychology. and historic family lineage values. charming but needing a good deal of attention. yuti Rahu) Surya periods could indicate a spate of spousal gambling. Ravi represents the spouses of one's children as a group. Acquisitive and hoarding behaviors are streamlined. Thula-1 is too much focused on personal goals (11) to be the ideal boss. If Surya (L-10 from 2) and Chandra (L-9 from 2) are even modestly well disposed. flamboyant. and willful intent to make announcements and publications. and royal entitlements. And moral certainty. a charismatic style of narrative discourse. 10th-from-2nd = on the basis of one's wealth. due in part to the values basis established in the family lineage (2). or celebrity persons. creative artists. Thula natives are generally quite effective in leadership roles. a somewhat imperious or paternalistic role in daily communications with the work-group.. wise. In social settings where communicative routine and protocol are paramount (such as the classic office environment) the native may be perceived as "high maintenance". Communication. Periods of Surya in the Thula nativity may signal marriage of the eldest child. the native projects a partnering and negotiating intelligence into relationships with politicians.Despite other negative factors which may be present. Siblings. Although well-liked in general. The communicative environment is permeated with gamesmanship and political excitement. criticized. They will not stay there but they must start there. or comingle with the exploited and dispossessed. Imbalance. and Seva offered to persons and nations which suffer from a chronic state of imbalance. both material (income to provide for his family) and social (advance of civilization). human services ministry. The profitable by-product was increased Admiration (Surya) within his community (11) leading to earnings opportunities in the solicitor's profession as well as empowerment to promote progressive social goals. Thula-1 who mistakenly refuses to accept humble jobs. is Surya. Debt 6th-from-6th and 8th-from-6th . and even enslaving relationship to persons who live in a state of conflict. One becomes a slave or the slaves. located in the bottom rungs of his own society. One's earnings (11) will be at least partly derived from unpaid or underpaid service to the suffering. transformative. Vrischika) or by placement (in kendra) or through a parivartamsha or other extraordinary yoga. 6th-from-6th = on the basis of the practice of medicine. the exploited. is founded upon the sixth house Of human service ministry (seva). Then. disfigured. Labha bhava = gains of income = 6th-from-6th. sick. the marginalized. . Common labor such as serving food and cleaning. in order to generate gains of income and obtain social goals. Simha. Disease. the underappreciated. A servant of the servants . Mahatma Gandhi famously organized the "Indian Ambulance Corps" as a volunteer service of second-class citizens offering emergency medical aid to the wounded (mainly third-class citizens) during South Africa's Boer War. demanding. If Surya is strong by rashi (Mesha. on the basis of human service ministries. For Thula. Service to the victimized classes forms the essential foundation of Thula's Ability to earn wealth (11) and claim lifetime achievements. the graha which shows the nature of the gains achieved . shall have no basis upon which to achieve one's step-wise lifetime objectives nor to earn much materially. Thula natives will make a profit! (11) Surya obliges Thula-1 to earn on the basis of willful (Surya) service (6) to the weak. For anyone (not just Thula!) one fast route to empowerment toward earning a large income (11) or toward achieving exalted goals for the betterment of one's social community (11) or to the achievement of nearly any major life goal (11) is to offer unpaid service (6) to persons who are poor.balance established through negotiation amidst ongoing contests and games Conflict. was he was driven from power. conflicted. as the basis for their later income. wartorn. serve the poor and sick. The Thula lagna native's early wage-earning activities are often quite humble. Only after he became disconnected from his service base. Even those who ultimately rise to great power (as Thulaoften does) will recall underpaid service work or charitable volunteer work with the needy classes. was greatly concerned in his younger years with the welfare of the lowest of the low. and otherwise unbalanced (6). Ultimately. Thula-1 may exhibit spectacular and brilliant gains in this life. he completely lost his ability to achieve material and social goals. the sick. Gandhi's genius organized the exploited to serve the exploited: a classic solidarity and social networking behavior of Thula lagna. and the criminal-minded. Gandhi's gainfulness . Thula lagna Examples the deposed Shah of Iran 1941-1979 Mohamed Reza Pahlavi although famous for his later-life excesses. manual "grunt work". disagreeable. Surya gives a difficult. and jobs dealing with human filth or misery will often provide the entry level work experience for Thula natives. 4th-from-8th = sudden emergence of the unknown into life's stable patterns is what makes bhava-8 such a scary place. Clinton was ultimately able to achieve numerous cherished goals of social transformation such as the development of "safety net" organizations for families. The foundation for her ability to achieve extraordinary goals began with high school church-based charitable works and continuing to her first professional engagement with the Children's Defense Fund. Hitler's books generated widespread public admiration. And . and criticism. Chandra brings saturation with religious and moral instruction received in the temple. Mrs. or death-threatening knowledge and package that information in a way that is acceptable for conventional consumption. Gandhi was able to educate the public on some of the most ancient "secrets" (8) of tantrik philosophy by putting mysterious knowledge of "atman" and "satya" into conventional language with a practical domestic (4) goal. The frightening threat of sudden change is made understandable to the people through the patriotic (4) and parental (4) care of Thula educators.she ultimately achieved a very high personal income.not to be forgotten . Thula-1 = positioned to explain. violence. signifying big ideas combined with a complete lack of empathy . Financially. mysterious. therefore on the basis of one's religious knowledge (which does not have to arise from an orthodox tradition. Wisdom Teachings and Teachers 3rd-from-9th and 9th-from-3rd.) Hillary Rodham Clinton's spectacular lifetime goal achievements are traceable to her lifetime commitment to service. Transformative Change As lord of both 4th-from-8th and 8th-from-4th. She was never far from her service base. crime. may be quite independently gained) one is able to publish. Surya provides a good influence on the Thulanativity. expressed in the fulfillment of leadership which creates an orderly social environment. they were written in jail. Goals Achievement. She enjoys substantial royalties from her books about ministries of service. Throughout her career. Sudden. 3rd-from is an angle of self-made wealth. and advertise higher truth in a popular and conversational (3) style. and Gains of Income . visible to all. which are 12] for Hitler is yuti Chandra + Ketu. poverty. Networks of Friendship. Mrs. Clinton applied her professional training in service of charities for families and children. announce. addiction. On the basis of her experience with the world's most powerless people (poor children). Guru lord of short-sentence jails (6) [not long-term prisons. up to the point of her husband entering the USA presidency.Adolph Hitler's gainfulness was based on his jail time (6). and communicate about higher truth for a profit. write. 3rd-from-9th = on the basis of wisdom teaching acquired from spiritual or religious study. perpetual animosity. On the basis of his association with criminals (6) Hitler networked himself into a leadership position supported and eventually enforced by an Army of thugs . For example. Thula can take violent. Surya becomes an educator who can parlay occult information and secrets into the public consciousness. and during one famous bhukti she earned a spectacular profit from investment in cattle (bhava-6 = animals). a super-powerful empathy in bhava-10. Upon entering national service (as a First Lady then as Senator and finally as Sec'y of State) she had acquired had a powerful understanding of the realities of the lives of those enslaved to illness. (Compare to Gandhi's Chandra + Rahu. To strengthen Ravi in this case is to also strengthen the "lieutenant" graha who takes direction from the superior Surya. Spirit Guides. If both Chandra (L-10 for social recognition) And Surya are empowered. and nearly always quite confident in dealing with large groups of the assembly.our own little section of one rather fringe galaxy. So long as Surya is reasonably well disposed. Specifically. 12th-from-12th = Activity on the astral plane. however. Remedial Ratna for Surya . indicate the dissolution of sleep due to "keeping the midnight oil burning" as the native works overtime to achieve one's goals. Dreams. but matters of bhava-12 are more conscious and less dissolving for Thula than for most. and also Thula tends to gain measurably from extended journeys in foreign lands. or beset with some chronic problem . reflective thought. bhava-11 does not yield good results until after the first Shani return. Thula natives are definitely human. Surya dissolves loss (12) thereby creating gain (11) from intuition and psychic perception (12). Thula-1 is always friendly.As lord of 11th-from-radix lagna . reflective.Manika (pure Ruby) . Simha-11.yet despite other karma. due to the natural animosity between badhesha Ravi and Shukra. Surya promotes the ego-personality within one's network of social and conceptual associations. transactions of the subconscious. and also the upachaya nature of bhava-11. Kapoor (below) does mention the natural animosity of Surya and Shukra.. the native assumes an egalitarian (11) role in the marketplace of goods and ideas. Surya does. after age 31. and Sanctuary Life 12th-from-12th. The Willpower is strong to organize social movements. and constant background communication with beings who do not currently use bodies (such as ancestors) can take a tremendous energy toll on most incarnate humans. OK = Vrischika-2.. Ravi should not control via possession of the highest degree in the rashi. deeply patriotic. Thula-1 is naturally friendly and confident in social settings. There is a deep humanistic equality in Thula's understanding of networks. the native is like earth's Sun in our solar system admittedly a small part of a very large network. Preconditions for success with the Manika stone include: Chronological maturity. Ravi not yuti with L-3+L-6 Guru Ravi not yuti with the L-12 Budha Ravi not yuti with His natural enemy the L-8 Shukra. but he suggests that Surya's potential to increase earnings (which is true) is perhaps more important in material life than any smaller conflicts. yet very much the radiant center of one what matters locally . conscious in dreaming. Prayer. IMO Thula-1 should take care when wearing the Ravi-ratna. Other factors may contribute to an ego style that is studious. Yet as Surya rules the connectivity house. Thula natives are prone toward progressive social thought and idealistic views on the advance of human civilization. another unfavorable graha in His residential house. Mesha-7. Karkata-10. Thula = conscious in the act of prayer. Dr. Ravi must possess strength in a favorable rashiand bhava. the native can become an iconic leader who combines the large-group affiliation of 11 with the elite executive authority of 10. 1st-from-11th = on the basis of membership in established social and conceptual networks. S. physicalemotional security and groundedness in a fixed place. G. parenting and protection of the weak. and deeply rooted patriotism Mahadasha of Chandra = era of the maximum public visibility for a person with overall private and home-centered nativity. Moon. generally the leadership style features parental qualities of protectiveness. The beneficial results will be more apparent during the major period and sub-periods of Sun. children's school. this can give them power over the masses. 89 "For the Libra (Thula) Ascendant. The person's mother will be pleasant and caring and the person would have more stability and a general peace of mind within oneself. trouble to mother and wife. farms and fisheries. The Moon is generally neutral but sometimes considered inauspicious (as a benefic ruling a trine). the 10 years of Chandra Mahadasha may signify an exceptionally strong engagement with public organizations such as church-temple. famous. which they help initiate. folkways customs and ways one's people live upon the land. then a good and unafflicted Moon will bring about great creativity in the Libran's career. Moon: The Moon. Chandra = L-10/a> measured from Thula lagna. Librans gain influence and fame through a lunar sympathy with others. If weak in prakash bala and badly place in the chats then it is bad and gives bad results. p. (1994). The person can work in the public arena and make a great public relations person as well as working in the healing arts or in nursing and social work. nurturing. as ruler of house 10. Moon has the defect of losing her benefic nature. Since the Moon has its mooltrikona sign Cancer in the tenth house for Libra. Ranjan Publications. New Delhi. but perhaps unable to come out professionally.from ~~ Dr. the native of this Ascendant can always wear a Ruby when there is loss of wealth or when there are Obstructions in acquisition of wealth on account of ill disposition or affliction of the Sun in any way. or Thula navamsha Chandra = Leadership capabilities and Style Chandra L-10 = natural capability to lead and govern. honours. houses and schools. honoured and will own conveyances and property. The wearing of Ruby will also improve his health and longevity. Gems and Astrology . the Sun as lord of the 11th is the enemy of Venus and the lord of the Ascendant. If the Moon is weak and afflicted. Weak end afflicted Moon: Changing professional activities time and again. property ownership. If she is in house exchange with the 9th lord Mercury or both of them are conjunct in the 9th or 10th house.Being a natural benefic lord of 10th an angle. they give RajaYoga results. emotional sensitivity. then there will be changes in profession often with lack of mental peace and perhaps troubles to the mother. In order that Moon may give good results in the financial sphere it should be strong. loss of mental peace. prestige. On a political level. is a planet of power. action and realization. ruling power. to make decisions which provide social order and lawfulness with special emphasis upon matters of : home and homeland. the wearing of Ruby will make the native very fortunate and he will become wealthy. If the Sun is in his own sign. The Moon owns the 10th house and does not get blemished if weak vide Sloka 11. or charitable group ." Moon: As 10th lord if strong then will give good result like high status. Kapoor. Thula Chandra . They are usually progressive and aware of social trends. The creativity may be within. tribal chief. in Meena the rashi of distant lands. prime minister. in particular when karma bhava contains leadership seeking. marine life and mother-child welfare. manager. Factors of putra-bhava (bhava-5. 5th from Chandra. More than any other lagna. a judge who delivers "sentences". the Soma Mahadasha predicts 10 years of relentlessly high public exposure. and females in general Chandra = L-10 = Thula natives often develop career responsibilities associated with patriotism. and periods of Chandra will reflect the specific traits of that bhava-rashi environment which contains the impressionable. etc) predict fame Factors of bhava 10 suggest public responsibilities. one may be a police officer who issues "tickets". problematic persons and behaviors include: Mother. Thula lagna and to some extent Thula Chandra indicate that the caretaking. Naturally. matriarchy. social-regulation duties. Thula women virtually all have careers. During periods of Chandra. whether a parent in charge of children or the president of a nation. schooling. customs-teaching roles are parlayed out of the traditional home location and into higher visibility of professional. The key factor is that one becomes the locus of social regulation and one is authorized to apply various laws and policies to others. Charles de Gaulle 's career = international military officer due to his L-10 Chandra in ripu bhava the house of conflict. the period of Chandra will maximize the executive authority. patriotic actions and feelings. vehicles including boats and airplanes. Depending on the nature of Chandra+ L-10 job description could range from president. executive director. prestige and public respect. Whatever the scope of the social order which one regulates. caretakers and nurturers. Elizabeth Taylor 's career = modeling and film imagery due to her L-10 Chandra in tanu bhava = fleshly appearance. lord of 5. a schoolteacher who marks "grades" or a government official who gives "approvals". official. schoolteacher or parent. The hierarchy upon which one holds a top-ranked status may range from a humble home to a great nation. responsibility-bearing graha. 5th and 11th navamsha. and one's ability to create and manage an orderly environment in . home and homeland. especially during the periods of Chandra. the native occupies a highly visible rank or professional position that is instrumental in imposing an orderly environment in one's society.for a person with an overall public-service oriented nativity. parenting. in Thula = Shukra-ruled attraction = beauty. or supervisor to team captain. schools and schoolteachers. headmaster. marine environments. shelters and security. home owners and homeland defenders. reflective L-10 for Thula. obligation to provide a lawful and reliable environment for social ordering . If Chandra is naturally strong in the nativity. the placement of Chandra in the nativity wields a powerful influence upon career.weighty effort but not glittering fame at all. unless the 10th bhava contains some very significant graha Double-trouble from Chandra: + Chandra L-10 = enemy of lagnesha Shukra + Chandra L-10 = enemy of Shani the natural 11th lord For Thula. The highly fluctuating and impressionable Chandra is lord of bhava-10 for leadership responsibilities. shelter and protection. For example. promotion of folk customs and national practices. Like all Thula lagna natives. the native is publicly perceived to be intuitive and emotionally responsive. reactive. Mahadasha of Chandra indicates 10 years of parenting. Chandra is a supreme career graha for the Thula lagna native. Chandra in 6 for Thula lagna .lagna = empathetic response to public responsibilities and leadership roles. sheltering. or one may be professionally associated with products of the ocean. female bosses will be either good or bad influences. Adolph Hitler Periods of Chandra may bring intensification of the need to acquire and maintain a dignified and respected social position. evaluated within the radix. and the motivation for choosing and maintaining a particular profession will be known via the bhava and rashi of Chandra. and educating function. and disease of 6. Depending on Chandra's house. jealousies. M. many opportunities for leadership in this life are provided through basic caretaking and nurturing functions. the career responsibilities become quite substantial. For example. teaching. Career. and social leaders in life will tend to be women. Chandra's condition will determine the quality of law-and-order as well as systematic promotion through the ranks of leadership within the native 's professional life. The success or failure of the response will be known from the character of the Moon. 10th-from. the native may become CEO of a gigantic corporation which serves the needs of women and children. de Gaulle chose the professionalized Seva of military service but he might also have chosen medical surgery or other invasive approach to animosity. parenting. Charles de Gaulle has a Meena moon in 6 placing the foundation of her career in the business of managing inequities. and the native is socially recognized. her career has an emotional foundation: it is a pure and intense expression of her instinctive.society. receives a great deal of support from the other graha. protecting. poverty. The authority figures. Charles de Gaulle. one may become a beloved school teacher or administrator serving parents and families. and conflicts (6). In chronological maturity (10). bosses. securing. is also predictive. Chandra can focus Thula-1's career upon sheltering. In other bhava = generally a harmonious effect which allows one to balance parenting and professional responsibilities with good structure. or during periods of Chandra. Creating an Orderly Environment 10th-from-radix lagna.while the lord of his 10th navamsha is (ostensibly) Budha. One of the reasons for the success of his career as a world leader is that Budha occupies the 9th from Chandra and Budha. The nature of career leadership skill is dictated largely by the lord of 10th navamsha. presuming Chandra is in good condition. The relationship between lord of the 10th navamsha and Chandra. responsive emotional nature. vehicles (moving shelters) home-making. which is the logical strategic planning function of the mind. Ability to Govern. beginning with mother and grandmother and continuing through female schoolteachers and well into the business environment. protecting a 'way of life' Rudolf Steiner protecting home and homeland Hillary Clinton. For both genders. Chandra in a dusthamsha gives trouble from women in positions of authority. so that the native acquires the best quality of material resources and importantly does not acquire things which are not needed. depending as always on the character of sensitive Chandra. Chandra is a favorable graha. be argumentative in the professional discourse. Chandra is a provider of nurturing support in matters of education and property. After age 50. land owners. being disliked or mistrusted one may still earn well if Surya is strong) After age 50. pursuit of social validationthrough decision-making positions. 4th-from-7th = attention to ownership. and move from one exploitive workplace to the next. Marriage. Acquisition of Money and Knowledge As lord of 9th-from-2nd . Although he remained a somewhat controversial figure nevertheless de Gaulle attained a long presidency of France and was hailed internationally as a great hero. His books were read more by the Germans (enemies. span 7th-from-4th = Thulaforms advising and consulting relationships with teachers. Then he turned 50. Chandra periods bring A rtha development (2 and 10 are both A rtha bhava). Acquisitive and hoarding behaviors are streamlined.Chandra in 6 for Thula lagna will dislike one's job (10). conservative and educational agent who brings the customs of the spouse's people in public prominence. and the career difficulties posed by natal L-10 in 6 will be washed away by the tides of time. Recognition and enforcement of an orderly environment via the social personality. Chandra is a stabilizing. and his Surya mahadasha began. Education. the bhava occupied by Chandra as counted from the lagna becomes increasingly less important. or gifted in school. Chandra brings an innate leadership capability to Thula-1. or other early opportunities to assume executive roles. parents. both intimate and professional. 9th-from-2nd = on the basis of one's wealth. the Chandra Lagna gains superior strength. the military career of Charles de Gaulle born in 1890 was very unsettled and contentious until about 1941. (The salary or other income is not affected by L-10 but is controlled by L-11 Surya. Chandra generates wisdom and religious teachings through the historic values lineage of the family history. 10th-from-1st = on the basis of one's own body and vitality. and properties As lord of 7th-from-4th . belongingness. Social Personality and Physical Appearance As lord of both 10th-from-1st and 1st-from-10th . knowledge. vis-a-vis the family historyand within the second marriage if any. and historic family lineage values. 6) and criticized (6) by his own French colleagues. education and sheltering in relationships. Vitality. family history. Religious . the Moon occupies the horizon. Chandra becomes L-1 in 1 after age 50. and other staunch members of the "guardian" class. lands and vehicles. be professionally underappreciated or disliked. patriotic citizens. By the onset of his Chandra mahadasha he was approaching 60 and his executive commands were obeyed by many who once dismissed him. Partnership. One is born in a state of leadership to some degree. Peer and Advising Relationships 4th-from-7th and 7th-from-4th . perhaps by being the eldest child. until age 50. Example of the Magic age 50 for Thula career Although he was well-educated with a strong foundation for his profession (yogakaraka Shani) and he wrote important books in military science. Their advice is generally supportive. Financially. and from the Chandra Lagna. Siblings. For example. small-group and team interactions. Minimal tolerance for mental boredom. Chandra is definitely good for occult understanding of the apparently mundane daily realities of life. Chandra's strength in the Thulanativity is based in His ability to create orderly environments such as governments and institutional structures. manipulative and emotionally unstable. There is much respect. Conflict. but no divas Allowed. children and creative chaos hold an adversarial role in regard to the large. the debt is small and the illness is minor. chronically ill and addicted persons. where apparently simple and routine matters in the business office quickly become affected by hidden information. criminals. Significant instability in administrative roles. Debt As lord of 5th-from-6th and 6th-from-5th . Communication. will form the basis of a creative strategy for leadership. Disease. 5th-from-6th = relationships with physicians. narrative discourse. dogmatic teachings are also available and may be useful via Chandra's role as L-10 and even strict orthodoxy is not rejected by permeable Soma. In environments where communicative routine and protocol are paramount values. highly regulated environments such as large corporations or government institutions during Chandra periods. 6rd-from-5th = on the basis of charisma. (These karmic events may be important learning curves for the children.) Periods of Chandra also indicate exaggeration of the natural conflict between individuality and personal intelligence (5) vs. social imbalance. Yet. Teamwork. and those few produced will (according to the character of Chandra) always be perceived as a conflict with other duties of career. the native may be perceived as a "loose cannon".knowledge is developed through Chandra. tightly regulated systems of karma bhava. the native generates environments of sudden and catastrophic change. Publications 8th-from-3rd And 3rd-from-8th . The communicative environment is permeated with innuendo and intrigue. One helps the underclass and is kind to animals. Chandra is not good for holding lower-level functionary jobs. One with significant leadership or iconic recognition will typically choose to have very few children. the native projects conflict and imbalance into the public management role. Search for occult interpretation of the banal. If Chandra is well-disposed. and royal entitlements. daily communications with the work-group. social workers. Imbalance. Appreciation and applause from the underserved classes will contribute to the native 's positive public reputation and empowerment to make decisions affecting the downstream. Chandra provides the Thula lagna native with servants and employees who bring good fortune and personal creativity in support of one's governing duties. the public need for its iconic figures to conform to the law. and publications for the Thula lagna native. servants. employees. or debt for one's children. 8th-from-3rd =on the basis of sibling. Children and Divine Creativity 6th-from-5th and 5th-from-6th . . children. typically on an intuitive and very personalized basis. Chandra may be good for writing mystery novels. Periods of Chandra in the Thulanativity may signal illness. Naturally. speculative intelligence. Chandra has a deleterious effect on sibling relationships. Thula-1will typically be associated with lawful. the dispossessed. and members of the marginalized classes including refugees. Chandra is a difficult influence upon children and expressions of divine intelligence and creativity. tantrik healing traditions. Through iconic public roles and large scale role-modeling. Chandra creates a mental fascination with occult information and secrets which may eventually propel the native to write about magical and tantrik practices. and withered in times of peace. Mahatma Gandhi's career similarly was based in his creative solutions to the chronic exploitation (6) and disenfranchisement of the Indian masses. Methods and degree of publication of this information depend on the L-3 and L-8. Thus Thula-1does well in professional roles where access to and processing of confidential information in part of the job. and instead prefers deep and transformative conversation. healing recipes and esoteric formulae.g. If Chandra is well-disposed. Sudden. May have knowledge of superstitious practices and the ability to manipulate the fears of others. or confidential materials. exotic. Vimshottari dasha periods of Chandra can signal the death (2) of the father (9) however in practice it is more likely that 2nd-from-Surya or 7th-from-Surya will have agency of father's death. the deposed Shah of Iran. Thula-1receives a very good religious and moral upbringing. Chandra dissolves the larger network of social and conceptual associations. and drains away the income. Thula-1manifests religious teachings through public service in executive and law-issuing capacity. and the philosophy of law. Chandra brings saturation with religious and moral instruction received in the temple. Wisdom Teachings and Teachers 2nd-from-9th . Networks of Friendship. promising to reverse centuries of oppression of the lower classes. tantrik. started his career as a great friend of the marginalized villagers. Gifted in the articulation of spells and curses. Goals Achievement. 2nd-from-9th = on the basis of wisdom teaching acquired from childhood. As 9th-from-2nd. Thula-1is aware of the principles of orderly social relation. particularly one can stimulate and manipulate the human fear of change. temple teachings. Shah of Iran 1941-1979 Mohamed Reza Pahlavi. Financially. Charles de Gaulle enjoyed a career focused entirely on war (6) and political-economic conflict. Shocking information is not problematic and in fact is solicited. the family wealth and values forms the basis of the child's religious education. the native may not be trusted by small work groups that bond through intensely repetitive and superficial routines. Chandra = 2nd-from-9th and 9th-from-2nd . secret. magical mind (8). president of a .. if the Moon is is especially difficult condition. 3rd-from-8th = publication or announcement of hidden. and one's own father. Transformative Change As lord of both 3rd-from-8th and 8th-from-3rd. Interest in alchemy and magic. and other "hidden" sources of knowledge. In severe cases (for example a neechcha Chandra) one may be falsely accused of crimes or even tried for insanity. he thrived both militarily and politically when conflict was high. This is a very difficult juxtaposition because the mundane daily communication mind (3) is bound to the transformative. world travel. Soma indicates savings and hoards derived from university education. Lifetime interest in occult knowledge. As 2nd-from-9th. magical. Normally however one is impatient of talking about the mundane. exhausts the resources available to develop new connections. the time demands of high-profile social leadership roles (e. due to one's mental and verbal ability to pronounce the unseen.the career of AdolphHitler was famously created from the massive discontent of the German working classes who felt victimized by the Treaty of Versailles. after WWI. Naturally. expressed in the fulfillment of leadership which creates an orderly social environment. and Gains of Income As lord of 12th-from-11th . equities. One's every thought. Chandra generates gain (11) from intuition and psychic perception (12). or conversation are tightly managed by the protocols of leadership. glitterati. a customary or lawful authority. purchase. During the period of holding directive rank. Natives in positions of social responsibility often do not have the leisure to long reflect or delay their decisions until a complete set of rational information is available. advocate. contracts. performing arts. pairing. a figurehead. Mom is the first role model in the native 's developing professional identity. Top leadership positions are highly constrained. Mother In the Thula nativity. the native will not be free to socialize in an egalitarian style and frequently will not earn much income. Prestige. yes. one's relationship to the marketplace is dissolved. Sudden breakthrough in meditation or reflective prayer. the native takes positions of power which are less distributed across the larger group (11) and more concentrated in the hands of the smaller executive elite (10). forced changes in the astral world of dreams and intuitive perceptions. Chandra in 1 or 10 = mother's career in symbolic imagery or iconic representation. Prestige as a basis for future gains of income. fashion. negotiations. one's own mother will have a strong career Details of her profession = bhava of Chandra. or politics Benjamin Franklin Chandra in bhava-6 = mother's career in servitude. forming and maintaining peer-to-peer social relationships. brokerage. and these will blossom to the fullest extent during major Vimshottari periods of the Moon. bargaining. police. expressions of genius. A good deal of trust is publicly invested in the native 's character and personal judgment. shelters. elder care. Often the mother's primary purpose in society is to promote the native to positions of social recognition. (mom was a pro-socialite) . reports and announcements. Prayer. knowledge libraries) Chandra in bhava-3 = mother's career in daily talking. Wikileaks Julian Assange. yes. Jimmy Carter + Shani . Richard Nixon. real estate. music. national defense. and decisions must frequently be made on an intuitive basis. communications with neighbors and workgroups. vehicles. 11th-from-12th = eruptive. balladeer Phil Collins Chandra in bhava-2 = mother's career in banking or collections-of-values management (art. independent scholarship. attorney Jacqueline Kennedy O. farming. and Sanctuary Life As lord of 11th-from-12th and 12th-from-11th . human services ministry Charles de Gaulle. Elizabeth Taylor . Hermann Hesse (mom was a missionary health server) Chandra in bhava-7= mother's career = counselor. evangelism.nation. Taking iconic and exclusive social regulatory positions deprives the native of one's freedom to mix and mingle socially. health sciences. Dreams. balladeer George Harrison . manager of a business) are enormous. school-teacher. military. general commerce Adolph Hitler = Chandra + Ketu Chandra in bhava-4 = mother's career at home. Hidden information emerges regarding foreign lands and matters of the private bedroom. deal-maker. Spirit Guides. celebrity. partnerships. 12th-from-11th = on the basis of membership in established social and conceptual networks. social work. Rainer Maria Rilke + Shani Chandra in bhava-5 = mother's career in literature. The fruits (11) of one's dreams and intuitive pattern-recognition skills are manifest through Chandra. and the native is thereby deprived of the time or energy that would be needed to develop one's own presence in the marketplace of goods and ideas. However during periods of L-10. and financial income is flat or drops. property ownership and management. games. licensing. match-maker. a figurehead. university teaching. Moon is not a friend of Venus. studio seclusion. If weak & afflicted then financial lose. He is a Maraka planet. as ruler of houses 2 and 7. 93 Remedial Ratnafor Chandra . Rudolf Steiner + Shani. Kapoor. G. Chandra in bhava-10 = mother's career in symbolic-iconic representation. secrets . . honours. wisdomknowledge. Mars is not considered a killer. Moon is lord of 10th house. The mooltrikona sign for Mars is Aries which is in the seventh house. fantasies. Therefore. (1994). Ranjan Publications. Margaret Thatcher. confidences. If Mars is strong and unafflicted. socialite. p. ill health in his dasha & bhukti. Gems and Astrology . It will also give proper equilibrium to the mind . However. The results will be more pronounced if the Pearl is worn in the major period of Moon. possesses logical speech. Pearl is the gem stone to remove such evil effects. Mother's career in management of hidden information. is a planet of wealth and relationship and can indicate conflict over finances. he is weak Maraka. Chandra-8 may become a great healer based on the experience of trying to extract nurturing from one's traumatized mother.Benito Mussolini + Shani Chandra in bhava-9 = mother's career in preaching. when it gives rise to a powerful Raja Yoga . healer. transformations. temple priest. Mars: Mars. He owns the 7th house and the 2nd house. causing obstruction in the advancement of profession or career. The brothers of the individual could also be successful and there will be a good competitive rapport between them. if strong then it gives good result like gain from his inlaws. The mother may be an agent of discipline and social regulation. Mars is a malefic planet. If Moon is not auspiciously disposed or is afflicted by aspect or conjunction. surgery. Mars ruling the seventh makes relationship a potential source of conflict. deep healing. goal-setting. the mother is so traumatized that she is emotionally unavailable. networking. if weak and placed in 2nd 6th 8th or 12th house then gives ill health etc. Princess Anne Laurence Chandra in bhava-122 = mother's career in hospitals. Kendradhipatya Dosha does not occur to him. Libras can project an aggressive energy into relationship or experience one through it. pure natural Pearl) for Thula lagna: "For the Libra Ascendant. That is why. Guru Ammachi ." Mars: Being the lord of 2nd & 7th houses. advancement in sign career and wealth And particularly if the Moon is in his own sign in the 10th. fame. monasteries. S. Often. As lord of two maraka houses. Mohandas Gandhi = Chandra + Rahu Chandra in bhava-11 = mother's career in fundraising. Rudyard Kipling . The person will have strong vitality and energy. but wearing of a Pearl for the native s ascendant brings them name. foreign lands from ~~ Dr. long living wife.Chandra in bhava-8 = a dicey placement. There could be difficulties with business partners and troubles to younger brothers. Mars is generally inauspicious for Libras. then there will be dynamic partners in business and in marriage. wife sort lived. lawful authority.Mukta (moti. If the mother is functional (a surgeon. rich. New Delhi. Mars gives inauspicious results. the lord of the Ascendant. midwife) Chandra-8 may receive a direct tantrik healing transmission from her. then there will be little dynamic energy and disagreements with the spouse and possible separation. in own dasha and Antardasha. If Mars is weak and afflicted.. tender health. are weak. Kuja = L-2 + L-7 measured from Thula lagna or Thula Chandra. In the later years. leaving a slower-thinking. and business relationships L-2 regulates the family history. USA Sec of State Hillary Clinton's Kuja yuti Shani where Shani holds the "throne yoga" in 10 and the neechchamsha Kuja gains considerable dignity if not actually a complete neechcha bhanga in the public-duties bhava-10. Speeding past these outdated relationships (7) one no longer interacts with the former connections. Mangala encourages Thula-1 to move forward individually much faster than the whole family group can move together. and psychological control.Weak end afflicted Mars: Steals dynamism. and other family members. especially in regard to psychological separation from difficult family members and ending of outdated interpersonal relationships. Mangala = lord of 10th-from-10th. food and mouth. L-7 can energize the building of alliances. As the site of counseling and professional advising relationships. Death: fleshly and metaphorical Nevertheless Mangala brings death. focused on "alpha" dominance and winning. slower-adapting family far behind as one races toward the winner's line in matters of the treasury of wealth and knowledge. brokers. advising. family member or other person. L-2 Mangala rules the family history. Kuraja the fast-running warrior often has a rather competitive relationship to members of the birth family. Thula-1 may find oneself rather quickly out-pacing the limits of the original family-culture. attorneys. speech and song. Kuja's fast. medical-surgical skills. The negotiation skills are fueled and sharpened like a fierce warrior's sword. Often Kuja's "death" action = metaphorical. treasury of wealth and knowledge Kuja = wealth + alliances Vimshottari Dasha periods of Mangala have a certain compensatory power. Thus a periods of empowered Mangala can signify the end of a romantic relationship. . L-2 can energize the Treasury (2) of money and knowledge. For example. leaving behind the relationship with a friend. etc. The Thula leaders who benefit most from advising and who can hold diplomatic roles successfully will have some constraint upon Kuja. penetrating insight. lover. marital. direct and competitive style. Mangala periods typically indicate fleshly death for the mother. partner-effects from Thula navamsha L-7 regulates the interpersonal consulting. With no necessary malice aforethought. father. In the earlier years of the Thula nativity. secrecy. is not always helpful in leadership roles which require more slow-paced and group-oriented movement. Thula natives are typically raised in a family lineage tradition which values competitive ambition. Thula natives have an overall pattern of "running faster" than the family group. Mangala = the sharp scissor which cuts that silver cord linking the spirit into the flesh-body. face and eyes. and connect the native to new advisers such as physicians. Metaphorical death = one runs ahead. too. Yuvati bhava is nearly as influential in governance behaviors as is the karma bhava-10. Thula-1 may bolt forward. Family lineage Due to competitive and vital Mangala's rulership of the house of historical accrual (skanda). or a cutting of family ties. loss of spouse early if Venus and Moon. independent. business or marital partner. Mangala signifies a burst of self-directed energy which tells the native to get ahead. Angaraka is an excellent career graha for the Thula lagna native. belongingness. Competitive. food. sensing and discovering Kuja controls: bhava-2 of family historyand values acquisition Periods of Mangalabring wealth acquisition. Vitality. and language collections. Ability to Govern. active engagement (positive or negative) with the family history and their values lineage. life-loving. periods of Mangala/Rahu And Mangala/Ketu when either node = yuti Mangala. the native is publicly perceived to be gifted and bright. activity re: paired organs in the physical body. accumulation of values such as art. Angaraka periods yield results consistent with lordships: Career. Excellent period for educators and parents. This behavior itself is often enough to facilitate a split with a family that may not be ready to hear Thula's truth. or either node = in a rashi of Mangala. pursuit of mutually beneficial agreement with others. and may signal a new food diet. animal-nature. hunting. dynamic counseling and advising behaviors.L-2 Mangala also energizes the mouth. One tends to speak the truth and rather directly too. Angaraka is an empowered maraka for the Thula lagna native. Saturation (2) with physical incarnation. The characteristic results of Mangala periods detailed below will give a more dramatic experience if the mahadasha-pati receives the drishti of Kuja. Creating an Orderly Environment As lord of both 10th-from-10th and 5th-from-10th .1st. Social Personality and Physical Appearance As lord of both 7th-from-1st And 2nd-from. energetic marriage and business contract negotiations. bloody. Balancing and re-adjustment of the social personality. 11th-from-4th = gains through foundational education. for the Thula lagna native. span 4th-from-4th = deep and stable involvement in the "roots" of cultural education. fulfillment of capacity for wealth and knowledge. Mangala is an empowered maraka for Thula lagna. Angaraka is secure and gainful in matters of education and property. Each Vimshottari mahadasha provides nine sub-periods (bhukti). vital consideration of mutual interest between any two equal parties. or bhava. 7th-from-1st = on the basis of one's own body and vitality. gains of shelters. and periods of Mangala can trigger physical death. Education. attention to the face and hair. music. 10th-from-10th = excellent career effects through reputable advisors 5th-from-10th = very fortunate expression of speculative intelligence in leadership roles. One of the nine bhukti periods is ruled by Mangala. Mangala/Mangala periodsyield very strong effects presuming that Kuja is not handicapped by rashi. penetrating. vital. development of speech and song. such as homes and vehicles. and properties As lord of both 4th-from-4th and 11th-from-4th . 2nd-from-1st = On the basis of one's own body and vitality. to the point that one cannot continue in a state of word-made-flesh. gain through mother's cultural customs. Also. pursuing. active development of the relationships which support the career (7th = 10th-from-10th) For Thula lagna. bhava-7 of alliances and contracts Periods of Mangalabring heightened pro-active physical and social energy to build equal partnerships. drishti. may give striking results. . muscular. Mangala periods often bring Thula to the dentist's chair. competitive. Mr. Mohandas Gandhi's wife. In contrast to Thula-1. Mangala often brings a new male partner. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis had a financially-empowered Mangala which produced two dashing. The male spouse is usually a meat-eater.htm">moudhya . For example. and was said to have preferred the company of prostitutes. Margaret Thatcher's husband Denis Thatcher was mainly known for his soldiering exploits and his passion for rugby. nevertheless had to compete for her husband's attention against hundreds of diplomatic engagements and social justice causes of a momentous nature. vital energy invested into competitive. marriage can sometimes present the greatest difficulty. widely acknowledged to be a gracious person. Although it is undoubtedly well-placed to support her career. Thatcher had to manage only one marriage. Hillary Clinton's husband is world famous for his brilliant vitality. L-7 Mangala is weakened by combustion (asta) being only 10 degrees away from Surya. Clinton's sexually and competitively Mangala nature has gotten him into "hot water" (Mangala-Karkata) more than once! The male Thula is usually paired with a female of simple behaviors. aggressive behaviors. The female Thula is attracted to male partners of a vital. Much depends on the character of Mangala in the nativity. Angarika is a sexualized and transformative relationship agent for the Thula lagna native. the partner is typically a more straightforward and quite physical person not inclined toward sophisticated negotiations or elaborate deals. Mrs. Due to problems of L-9 Budha = combust . therefore Mrs. Hitler's deadly strong but troubled Mangala explains why he did not marry until the day of his death. and also Mangala occupies vyaya bhava. involved a mate who remained married to another woman. As lord of both 1st-from-7th and 8th-from-7th . while much more civilized. For all the negotiating skill inherent in Thula. but Mangala L-7 is the karaka for fighting and primitive. Adolph Hitler's mates were known to be quite primitive in character. and sexualized type. Clinton's neechcha-bhanga Mangala is very complex as a marker of marital life. her second husband has a similar military and athletic profile. Peer and Advising Relationships Thula natives have a marked tendency to marry partners of a competitive or even primitivenature. if Kuja is not well configured. vital. It is indeed often a display of athletic courage which convinces the Thula to accept this otherwise unlikely mate. athletic. interested in competitive sport and perhaps rather overly full of male vitality.Marriage. Thula is the rashi of harmony and diplomatic relations. She too is a sexualized person. and his often unbridled sexual impulse. and if her Thula husband is more concerned with business or social justice her life force may wither and fail. rich and notoriously promiscuous husbands. of course. slim-hipped and boyish. . active and pretty. her third union of 14 years. whilst she was conducting complex affairs of state for decades. and capable of great braverywhen his brood are in danger. but as a general rule the native 's friends and family may be rather surprised by Thula's choice of mate. sexual and athletic partnerships. but she operates mainly on the fleshly plane and is not naturally sophisticated unless the Thula's placement of Kuja is quite unusual. The first husband of UK Princess Anne Laurence was a military man and athlete. no stranger to knives or firearms. Such a partner may be a great helpmate. his enthusiasm for competition. 1st-from-7th = attention to one's own role in relationships. who has plenty of life-force energy and welcomes a challenge. Because Mangala from the Thula lagna rules both the first marriage and the second marriage. Partnership. Meet the in-laws. political power. ences. business administration and publications. Imbalance. can bring surgery. Siblings. hair. narrative discourse. writing. Acquisitive and hoarding behaviors are over. and historic family lineage values.) The first spouse (7) is the conflict agent. or celebrity creativity. Kuja lord of cutting and sharp edges. 5th-from-3rd = creative intelligence expresses practical skill-based expertise through writing. Communication. Money and knowledge are pursued and acquired.stimulated. charisma. public validationor attention to one's literary. out of balance. smallgroup teaching and training. Publications As lord of both 12th-from-3rd and 5th-from-3rd . Acquisition of Money and Knowledge As lord of both 6th-from-2nd and 1st-from-2nd . face. against the family or origin and/or against the second marriage. Mangala periods bring animosity with the family historyand within the second marriage if any. Health consequences re: what goes in the mouth. and exploitation. Angaraka is provides the Thula lagna native with wealth and wisdom from the experience of illness. creativity. Disease. However Mangala is also lord of 12th-from-3rd therefore the writing may not be published quickly or the native 's duties regarding collecting and storage (2) of historical knowledge may drain the energy from present-era publications.8th-from. and publications for the Thula lagna native. and children. If the children are born too early it is unfortunate for the children. Children and Divine Creativity As lord of both 10th-from-5th and 3rd-from-5th . political. perhaps sporting contests or strong emphasis on the physical appearance. and speech (often a dentist expense. 6th-from-2nd = on the basis of one's wealth. Mangala brings savings (2) and disagreement about money and values (6thfrom-2nd). 1st-from-2nd = despite the conflict arising from Kuja's role as lord of 6th-from-2nd. Transformation of the marriage contract. Conflict. and family-lineage values. Angaraka creates physical contact and confrontation with the family historyfor the Thula lagna native. Teamwork. games. family history. Financially. Relatives "come out of the woodwork". Angaraka has a mixed effect on communications. knowledge. Sudden breakthrough in negotiations due to emergence of new facts or influ. 12th-from-3rd = dissolution of effects from siblings. There is competitive and physical energy involved in the family discourse. 3rd-from-5th = writing and discussing about intelligence. Hidden information emerges regarding the spouse or partner. Thula lagna should wait to have children until after age 30. 10th-from-5th = increased respectability and leadership roles for one's children.7th = circumstantially forced and possibly shocking changes in peer-to-peer agreements. small-group and team interaction. When Mangala periods occur in the native 's maturity (after age 28) the impact on children is favorable due to the native having overcome immature competitive impulsiveness. knowledge. the native is placed into direct contact with the family history. Debt from and medications for teeth. Periods of L-2 Kuja will weaken the impact of group-oriented and verbose bhava-3 and empower pro-active personal acquisition of money. conflict. Angaraka's effects on children "improve with time" since 10 and 3 are both upachaya angles. publications. Debt As lord of both 9th-from-6th and 2nd-from-6th . Mangala will place . receive historical knowledge from lineage medical traditions. The family history(2) are the conflict agents in matters of religion. equal-to-equal contractual agreements. Illness of an important teacher. After the age of 28 the native will find that one's vital power to perform service work such as cleaning and food-handling. especially in the workplace. if Mangala supports it. 6th-from-9th = animosity with university professors. and general imbalance of religious understanding due to Kuja's intense focus on material acquisition (2) and human-to-human contracts (7). Goals and gainfulness As lord of both 4th-from-11th and 9th-from-11th . Transformative Change As lord of both 7th-from-8th and 12th-from-8th. transformative healers. and one's incipient medical knowledge gained through poverty situations where no doctor will treat the disease. Dreams. will lead to appreciable wealth and wisdom. 2nd-from-6th = energizes the wealth and knowledge of one's enemies. temples and priests. Prayer. Sudden. or conflict within the religious order. Angaraka is disruptive and destructive. and Sanctuary Life As lord of both 8th-from-12th and 3rd-from-12th . 8th-from-12th = eruptive.. Wisdom Teachings and Teachers As lord of both 6th-from-9th and 11th-from-9th . 4th-from-11th = energized development of foundations upon which to build a larger and more detailed social and conceptual network 9th-from-11th = fortune through wisdom teachings provided by networks of association. one's physicians. Periods of L-7 Kuja will weaken the impact of malefic bhava-8 and empower straightforward. particularly males. the native goes to work early in life and muscular labor is required. 9th-from-6th = fortune through wisdom teachings provided by adversaries. through illness. . to the point that one cannot continue in a state of disagreement. Revealed information about spousal monies. for the Thula lagna native. Fortune through servants. 12th-from-8th = dissolution of the protective wall that surrounds secrets. no matter one's station in life. Kuja may trigger the death of a member of the first spouse's family. 7th-from-8th = agreements with surgeons. tantriki. spousal family (in-laws). obtained during periods of Kuja. forced changes in the astral world of dreams and intuitive perceptions. Builds relationships with the community of believers in the sangha. Angaraka brings both gainfulness and conflict in the temple. Angaraka is a highly auspicious Yogakaraka graha in regard to one's ability to set and attain one's goals. the university itself. Mangala periods are sleep-deprived because the native is so energized and competitive in the physical world. through repetitive or exploitive labor. for the Thula lagna native. Angaraka brings Access to secrets for the Thula lagna native. 11th-from-9th = gains from wisdom-teachings and religious knowledge. A new balance (7) is achieved. overmentalized and secretive. friends and mentors Spirit Guides.Thula-1in difficult and occasionally dangerous work situations. Sudden breakthrough in meditation or reflective prayer. Networks of Friendship. and through debt or usury. One may. the father. for the Thula lagna native. and alliance with sources of hidden or occult knowledge. Saturation (2) with animosity. force in the matter of prayer and reflective practice. Hidden information emerges regarding foreign lands and matters of the private bedroom. who will goad you to indulge in self-seeking and money-making activities. As far as the 7th house is concerned. Mars is the lord of two death inflicting houses (maraka houses). mystical and intuitive perception. long-lived. king or equal to king. attractive body. if there is Ruchaka yoga present in the nativity. Libran spirituality requires a strong intellectual base (Mercury) as they tend to be carried away by speculation and ambition (Jupiter). According to Das. identical with his other sign. Kapoor. Red Coral can be worn with advantage during the Major period of Mars. the 2nd and the 7th. Govt. "You may be cruel. religious mind long jouraney etc. wealthy. As 12th house lord. Mars is an enemy of Venus. if Mars is there in his sign. Ranjan Publications. Moreover. Since Mercury is such a quick moving planet. He will have a ruddy complexion. it is also recurring. Rudolf Steiner (social change philosopher and mystical educator). however if Guru is strong there may be other live births when Mangala is not the time lord. Mercury owns the 9th house (a Trikona). Hence Mercury gives auspicious results. So although Mercury's malefic impact is short-lived. the problems or difficulties for the Libra ascendant are shortlived. which will cause much sorrow. You will derive inspiration from your spouse. prayer and sanctuary life. charitable disposition. if Mars is in his own sign in the 2nd. . and leader of an army. favour. Therefore. Adolph Hitler (mass murderer). G. he gives results according to house. (1994). New Delhi. the result of which has been described as under: The person born in Ruchaka yoga will have a strong physique. and will be famous. the lord this Ascendant. Therefore he is auspicious." Mercury: 9th and 12th houses lord if strong then gives good luck. which is the 9thhouse. wealth. it is in the person's most effective point of each house every ten days of the month bringing about nervous energy and erracticness quite often. as ruler of houses 9 and 12. The second house is the house of wealth also. Mangala in a rashi of Shani in 5 suggests miscarriage or therapeutic abortion of at least one conception. "For the Libra Ascendant. particularly in the Major and sub-period of Mars. well versed in ancient lore. S. Wearing a Red Coral by the native s of this ascendant should be generally avoided.' Thus. Mercury: Mercury. the competitive L-2 + L-7 engages both the native and the life-partner toward earnings (L-7 in 11th from swakshetra) Predictably. Mercury is the functional malefic planet being lord of the twelfth house. 97 Remedial Ratna * munga (flawless red coral) for Thula lagna [BPL adds: cf. conforming to traditions and customs. ruthlessly striving to attain the objects of desire and causing terror to your adversaries. For Libra ascendants. " from ~~ Dr. Since Mercury moves so quickly. Gems and Astrology . If afflicted or weak then gives reverse results. is a spiritual planet giving renunciation through wisdom. p.3rd-from-12th = writing and discussing about dreams. There may be a still-birth. an idealistic sense of self-sacrifice. the Red Coral can be worn with great advantage. Mercury is generally the best planet for Libra both for the affairs of the inner as well as the outer life. when Mangala occupies Kumbha. this disposition will give rise to a powerful Panchamahapurusha yoga known as Ruchaka yoga. networks and opportunities Writing the native is prone toward religious. career and Governmental favour. progressive humanism. it is best for the chart that Mercury has very little influence on the other planets and houses. Mohandas Gandhi Budha/Thula/1 wrote about making and keeping agreements. There can be difficulties in the intestines and digestive system. then there will be possible mental strain and nervous disorders leading to possible mental illness. For luck. Great matters of wisdom teachings and ceremonial ritual (9) and human imagination in sanctuary meditation (12) become the subject of Budha's ongoing (and often published) conversations. If the malefic Mercury is aspecting any natal planets. Hillary Clinton is quite similar to M. Budha may give a detailed explanation and instruction in sacred matters (9) without much priestly (Guru) engagement .Since Mercury rules the twelfth house for the Libra ascendant and is a functional malefic planet. Weak end afflicted Mercury: Disturbed married life. public religion (9) + distant lands. There can be hearing defects and the person can suffer from vertigo and dizziness. then there is a possibility of mental disturbances. and achieving social goals. For example: Mohandas Gandhi = professing upon the nature of self = "atma" Jimmy Carter = professing upon community . moral. E. talkative Budha L-9 + L-12 = Thula-1 = particularly gifted in theological discourse and unusually capable of describing the private states of meditation and prayer. Mercury. Gandhi. religious writings Budha = philosophical wisdom. If the Moon is afflicted. Hillary Clinton. Jimmy Carter Budha/Simha/11 writes about politics. Rudolf Steiner Budha/Meena/6 wrote about spiritual medicine. Guru-oriented deeply interiorized spiritual practice might not be available to Budha the Administrator. in terms of the personalization of moral discourse. as the Moon indicates our emotional mind. If this is the case and Mercury is strong and unafflicted. more physical ailments in later part of the life and nervous nature. and philosophically reflective writings per the placement of Budha by rashi and bhava. Often a lay professor of religion or other non-priestly expert in liturgical-spiritual practice. these disruptions do not last long because of the fast motion of planet Mercury. On the one hand.. marketplace economy.As lord of the 12th house it would give the results of the 9th house and hence the results would be good. then those planets will indeed endure losses in whatever field the afflicted planet signifies. which can be erratic and time consuming. L-9 Budha = a natural professor. particularly keep promises to oneself. Budha = L-9 + L-12 measured from Thula lagna or Thula Chandra. then there will be less mental strain and nervousness. There will be more focus and less energy loss through constant thinking.g. There can be a disturbed marital life. partner-effects from Thula navamsha Loss of regulatory career. Fortunately. If Mercury is weak and afflicted. Religion Conversational and sexual Budha is generally beneficial. What one professes = depends on the bhava and rashi (et al) Budha. If weak it can suddenly give set back in these things. private religion (12) Budha controls Guru's bhava of religious practice = 9 + 12. . although Thula-1 = rather busy mentally. priestly roles. particularly for children. intellectualized meditation and reflection. acquiring educational credentials. L-9 grants access to higher knowledge. 3rd-from-10th = the native may have more skills for talking about decisions than for actually making decisions. transits to bhava-9 will make a big difference in the educational. Even if other factors promote one's professional entitlement to impose an orderly environment on those below (10). Thula lagna is better equipped to talk about public religion than to practice it. Shani transit through dharma bhava . and property-owning outcome. and the exchange of information. social security. Thula-1 must ride the waves of psychic shift as one assumes and releases social rank and entitlement. During periods of impressionable Budha. Ironically.. and written discourse is not always helpful in Thula's educational pursuits. belongingness. Education. while skillfully articulating the imaginative and divinatory processes of the deep subconscious which normally remain protected in the privacy of meditation halls or prayerful silence. Good results begin to accrue in regard to the native 's ability to communicate in positions of leadership and dominion. since Budha deprives the native of the respect accorded to the pious.e. and properties As lord of both 6th-from-4th and 9th-from-4th . However should Shani be strong. Much energy dissipated (12) in petty debates. and Astrong Budha is often the signal of a weak career for Thula-1. Thula-1 chats blithely about matters of religious principle and moral observance which many find too sacred to express with words. Budha is largely an a-moral graha.g. and shelter. but Budha the karaka for personal speech. which is to say that Budha can always see things from the other fellow's point of view. Budha has an upachaya effect on career. On the other hand. unless Budha is very strong i. but only with the passage of time. 12th-from-10th = the great irony of the all-good ninth house is that as 12th-from-10th. the native may be well versed in a variety of religious practices and belief systems due to Budha's natural intellectual curiosity. acceptance. and assuming some professorial or other indoctrinating roles. periods of Budha indicate a waning of one's power to act influentially in leadership roles because the native becomes absorbed in religious thought. Therefore Thula-1is less suited to the more dogmatic and ritualized style of moral teaching which has a definite right and wrong. The Kumara is above all an agent of narrative discourse. conversation. and entering high leadership positions at times of significant institutional fluctuation (Chandra being L-10. but L-9 is never good for bourgeois reputation and career. so that the native can study philosophy and deliver wisdom teachings from the divine world. Rudolf Steiner. the native may indeed enter into the religious professions in a priestly role and ascend the religious hierarchy in the same way that Thula ascends any other hierarchy: by building relationships. E. Career: As lord of both 3rd-from-10th and 12th-from-10th . Mohandas Gandhi One has some potential to be a religious teacher although most likely in a facilitator rather than a guru role. swakshetra in 9 or uchcha in 12.Jimmy Carter. dharma bhava drains energy away from public leadership roles in the human world. Budha periods that occur during the adolescent and young-adult years are generally unfavorable careerwise. Thula natives are strongly associated with education through YogakarakaL-4+L-5 Shani. Budha gives mixed results in regard to social credibility. gesture.) However Budha as lord of 12th-from-10this a negative influence for career. and tribes) which lead up the same mountain. therefore all these areas of "relationship administration" tend to be unsatisfying. Budha as L-9 is an agent of conflict toward the natural restrictions of bhava-4. caretaking. 3rd-from-7th = the all-good bhava-9 is not really all-good for everything. etc. bhava-4 requires exclusive and boundaried habits and customs while bhava-9 demands inclusive. whereas bhava-9 represents the higher education in the relationship of humans to the divine. socially invisible bedroom (12) or fantasy (12) relationships. The liberation from nationalism and parochialism occurs not via the social personality but through the dreamlike. is naturally adversarial toward established peer-to-peer agreements. and patriotic protection of the land. vocabulary. which are the natural enemies of the exclusive marriage vow. L-9 brings the amazing education of travel. Family history. many paths (individual cultures. Private. Budha brings wisdom teachings through world travel particularly to holy places (pilgrimage+ L-12 Budha) and association with world teachers. Periods of Budha may cause Thula-1 to feel mentally or physically sick from the imbalanced conditions in marriage. 9th-from-1st = On the basis of one's own body and vitality. material structure that ensures true equity and provides a foundation for lifetime agreement. Marriage.7th = In the Thula nativity+ L-12 Budha. Budha is a major trouble-maker in human partnerships. Budha is an agent of conflict and discontent in regard to the marriage contract. Budha tends to make the Thula lagna native a bit mentally apathetic toward the body and its appearance.during a Budha period could abort the conventional education (4) while enforcing pursuit of higher truths (9). bhava-4 represents the foundational education in cultural manners and customs. orders of priesthood. unbounded freedom. and if Budha is well-disposed one may undertake a university study (9) of religious phenomena (dharma) such as belief systems. and the spouse's siblingscousins. and all the administration of married life including planning. Spirit communication consumes most of the life force energy. "one road is worth 1000 schools". communications technology and its usage. Thula-1 is advised to gain consciousness of a pastlife tendency to criticize and argue in peer-to-peer relationships. may be developed as a way of coping with the stress caused by conflict in the partnership. span 6th-from-4th = bhava-9 is a natural adversary of bhava-4. parenting. Social Personality and Physical Appearance As lord of both 12th-from-1st And 9th-from-1st. 9th-from-4th = Budha's control of bhava-12 provides a path to moksha (freedom) from the basis of teaching. nations. Peer and Advising Relationships As lord of both 3rd-from-7th and 6th-from-7th . and a general miscreant in marriage. 12th-from-1st = on the basis of one's own body and vitality. Dharma bhava rules the day-to-day life conversations of the partnership. Vitality. Even if the L-7 and 7th-fromChandra are strong. Partnership. periods of Budha may excite internal argumentation that can damage partnership negotiations and harm an otherwise good marriage. 6th-from. meetings. the native is curious (Budha) about religion. who is also L-3 and L-6 from Yuvati bhava. As they say in Nepal. Budha sets in motion a drain of life force which sucks out prana from the physical body and pumps it back into the astral body. Budha is impatient by nature and He is also the lord of 6th-from-7th. constructing a valid logical argument for the viability of partnerships which do not in fact possess the practical. reflective and meditative perceptions on the many. Acquisition of Money and Knowledge . Thula-1 may overly rationalize relationship alliance choices. Budha periods produce gains of stored wealth. 7th-from-3rd = On the basis of conversation and extended discourse. ashrams. Budha period may originate the "work marriage" which is the non-sexual.As lord of both 8th-from-2nd and 11th-from-2nd . with arguments or scheduling-planning challenges that occur in prayer or dreams (generally. parties. Debt As lord of both 4th-from-6th and 7th-from-6th . Conflict. . Thula's good capability to stabilize (4. There will be quick recovery due to Budha's inherent speed and the excellent auspice of Budha's L-9 role. 11th-from-2nd = on the basis of one's wealth. sometimes betrayal. alters one's acquisitive and hoarding behaviors. speculation. Also. May signal an emergency situation for the children. non-contractual pairing of partners in the team who function in a marriage-type twosome. If any difficult short term effects. Budha has a grounded and balanced approach to the reality of human conflict. 7) conflicted. Siblings. celebrations. Thula has a detailed. Children and Divine Creativity As lord of both 5th-from-5th and 8th-from-5th . Thula advances to a leadership role during Budha period. dormitories or encampments. 8th-from-5th = on the basis of clever speculation. Teamwork. Transformative experience. exploitive. During Budha periods. ill. Periods of L-12 Budha There may arise some difficulties connected with the dissolution of vitality during foreign travel. Disease. Budha periods are troublesome in marriage and partnership. Communication. One may come to receive confidential information regarding the family lineage and emergence of hidden monies may realize an inheritance. Budha period generates equalto-equal relationships that serve an advising and consulting purpose. 5th-from-5th = on the basis of brilliant intelligence. hospitals. walled environment such as sanctuaries. and historic family lineage values. Budha provides both divine creativity for one's children (including the production of grandchildren for the native ) and also sudden shocks and forced changes for one's children and for one's own creative endeavors. 10th-from-3rd = on the basis of team communication skills. yet Thula1 has the mental and communicative skills to negotiate a path through the conflict. Imbalance. Budha is generally favorable for accrual and personal finance. or exhaustion-erosion of identity can occur in regard to enclosed. and who share more time with work partner than with their avowed spouses. and one is generally able to earn income through mental behaviors such as writing and skillsteaching. both children of the mind and children of the flesh are created. Budha periods create a sudden transformation of one's mentality. or unbalanced situations will be evoked. 8th-from-2nd = the family history and the second marriage partner (if any) generate secrets and emergencies which force the native to make sudden changes. Budha has good auspice for gaining respect via one's writings or media communication and for advising relationship based in the small-group or business team. Periods of Budha evoke commercial instincts for the native . Budha-ruled dream life). Good fortune in gaming. for the Thula lagna native. and creative pursuits including wins of political elections. knowledge. Publications As lord of both 10th-from-3rd And 7th-from-3rd . contemplative thought. commercial and communicative Budha is a networker and a money-maker.4th-from-6th = on the foundation of poverty. illness. or chronic conflict and illness. 5th-from-8th = on the basis of sudden and catastrophic life changes. Budha make the native a teacher of religion and about religion. Mahatma Gandhi) the native may be social identified with reflective mentality and prayer. or insurance payment. When Budha is in lagna (Hillary Clinton. Jimmy Carter. and Sanctuary Life As lord of both 1st-from-12th and 10th-from-12th . fortune through wisdom teachings provided by association with well-connected people Spirit Guides. Usually. Budha is surprisingly helpful for making sense of dreams and intuitive perceptions. 10th-from-12th = moral leadership on the basis of personal prayer. . Thula can create a sheltered home. or externalized discourse. and aesthetic traditions of world religions. written. and interiority. forced changes. Budha permits relationships to be "reimagined" (12) or re-negotiated Sudden. money emerges in the form of inheritance. Transformative Change As lord of both 2nd-from-8th and 5th-from-8th. the native is psychically sensitive and generally able to communicative one's pattern recognition information in a sensible and coherent way (presuming Budha is well disposed). Wisdom Teachings and Teachers As lord of both 1st-from-9th and 4th-from-9th . Particularly good results from apparent tragedy such as from death of spouse or divorce (8). With strength for Budha. during Budha periods. Mahatma Gandhi). Budha is a highly auspicious influence upon the wisdom-learning process (with minor kendra-adhi-pati dosha) 1st-from-9th = on the basis of religious knowledge brought in from previous lives and the ritual indoctrination in the current life. Budha likes to talk about religion. 4th-from-9th = on the basis of religious knowledge brought in from previous lives and the ritual indoctrination in the current life. secure school. Dreams. periods of Budha evoke research (12) and reflection (12) upon the great moral. literary. particularly from sudden deaths. conversational mentality of Budha naturally handles a vocabulary of prayer. 1st-from-12th = the discursive. conscious access to spirit guide direction. Generally. alimony. the native 's executive capabilities are grounded in reflective mental practice. Budha brings surprising wealth and good luck from shocking. meditation. via detailed logical discussion. or divorce settlement. 2nd-from-11th = on the basis of a network of friends and mentors (classically the prime mentor is the 'elder brother' but it can be any agent who is more knowledgeable and better connected in the world) 9th-from-11th = on the basis of a network of friends and mentors. 2nd-from-8th = on the basis of hidden forces. protective sanctuary. Prayer. or safe vehicles 7th-from-6th = from a basis of severe disagreement. Goals and gainfulness As lord of both 2nd-from-11th and 11th-from-11th . Periods of Budha stimulate mental development of Thula's knowledge base re: moral and religious traditions. Splendid influence for theologians and dogmatists (Hillary Clinton. Thula may develop authentic religious scholarship. remarkable good fortune emerges. debt. Networks of Friendship. Budha generates a mental narrative which is partially articulated as spoken. A strong and well-placed Jupiter that has Sagittarius. The person will lack initiative and have communication difficulties. the twlefth lord while spiritually an agent of guidance and reflection = a social identity-drainer may be associated with temporary "job loss" or other public indignities. The father's flaws are well known and not masked unless L-9 is with Rahu . Jupiter: Jupiter. but the upside = the release of public duties also opens the door to a gain of religious wisdom. it will do good to the native if he wears an Emerald in the major or sub-periods of Mercury. both are Trishadaya houses.Budha and Thula's Career Budha = L-9 = twelfth from 10th as well as L-12 from radical lagna • the 9th lord while often an auspicious graha is nevertheless often the culprit for loss of professional dignity. with Saturn in the 9th and Mars and Mercury in the 11th house. New Delhi. Jupiter is not always so and can give good results if it is aspected by Mercury and Venus. ministries of service L-3+L-6 = "The Problematizer" One takes a skeptical and indeed inimical view of professors." Jupiter: Lord of two bad houses 3rd & 6th it should be weak to get good result for financial. ambition. patriarchal authority figures Thula lagna typically takes the Father's advice with a grain of salt at least. owns the 3rd and 6th houses. Gems and Astrology. highly spiritual mind. Lack of communicative power. Though generally inauspicious. partner-effects from Thula navamsha Guru = commercial business. but bad for sibling. communications + conflicts. It shows conflict with friends. egoism. impulse. and a tendency to political or religious zeal. As lord of the ascendant Venus is a friend of Mercury. as ruler of houses 3 and 6. less enterprising and lack of fame.Being lord of two bad houses it gives bad results. If Jupiter is weak and afflicted there will be a lack of happiness from younger siblings and from children (An indication of Jupiter). Librans suffer from trying too much to change the world. preachers. and the 12th. disease and enmity. As 9th is a trine. being in the house of communication. Hence Jupiter is essentially inauspicious. G. 101: "for the Thula lagna Mercury is lord of the 9th. Kapoor. the house of Bhagya. (1994). it will prove very beneficial if an Emerald is worn always along with a Diamond. a critical mind. Jupiter. Remedial Ratna: Flawless Emerald (panna) for Thula lagna ~~ Dr. S. Jupiter. that for a person born in Libra a powerful Rajyoga is caused in 8th house. is a planet of energy. p. Weak end afflicted Jupiter: Lack of happiness from male progeny and younger brothers. Guru = L-3 + L-6 measured from Thula lagna or Thula Chandra. gains. But good according to Bhavarth Ratnakar with which we agree. Ranjan Publications. priests. its mooltrikona sign in the third house will give the person good initiatives that may enhance their status in an authority position. If strong then good for sibling. Happiness with younger siblings is evident and the person will be courageous and ambitious. little patience with those who confuse the large and abstract wisdom-teachings with the agenda of commerce and exploitation expands the litigious and argumentative capabilities Most difficult placements of Chandra for the Thula lagna = Thula lagna + Makara-Chandra = Guru "double-L-3" damages sincere faith. Thula(and Karkata) natives are particularly challenged to maintain balanced relationships with teachers of all kinds. Medicine is also a sensible ministry if other graha support the medical arts. and with religious dogma. and complaint can use faith-based arguments to advantage. Thula lagna + Karkata Chandra=Guru ="double-L-6" [Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi] does not damage faith due to Guru = L-9 from Chandra. . However as in the very instructional case of Mahatma Gandhi. those who claim privileged knowledge on the basis of faith alone (faith does not create knowledge per se. and this combination is also beneficial for academic publishing. which means that if Guru is welldisposed in the kundali. This combination can however help a self-owned business in religious trainings such as conferences and seminars. This karma is not a show-stopper since Guru is also the L-3.and thus he was exquisitely well positioned to handle skillfully an incarnation which promised an endless volley of argument and accusation. university) are in good condition. Thula= karma of problematic relationships with fraudulent or exploitive professors. it just creates more faith). Thula has the harder time of it. but gets the native into an endless series of confrontational arguments and generates a need to advance a seemingly endless flow of litigation often using the legal conflict management apparatus of the enemy (6) as the tool for developing (Guru) the perpetual argument. Thula-1is generally a capable learner (3). litigation. the native lives in a state of emotional exhaustion due to the constant disagreeableness of women (esp one's mother) in the life. and pater-noster: Because L-6 = Guru. Gandhi was trained as a solicitor (Barrister. It is less difficult for Karkata however because Guru also = L=9 for Karkata. and blessed with easy access to literature (3). Religious teachers such as lineage guru or university preceptors such as the academic adviser or dissertation director will pose the most difficult challenge. priests. significant poverty (L-6 ) due to religious and philosophical convictions (Guru) the native born in Thula-Karkata configuration is well advised to undertake training in one of the conflict-management professions.in the belly of the beast legally speaking . preachers. guru.Disagrees with university ivory tower truths. as these may stimulate a feeling of servitude or victim mentality due to past-life abuses. tendency to reduce all wisdom into a container of commercial business. Even if bhava-4 (conventional schoolteachers) and bhava-9 (temple teachers. attorney) in London . There is a chronic underlying experience of disappointment and dishonesty in most relationships to teachers. which seems to not fulfill its promises (6). Thula-1will nevertheless struggle with preachers and professors. the native who is professionally trained to enter a lifetime of accusation. a skillful reader-writer (3). Thula lagna suffers from a dual disabilityof both L-3+L-6 Guru and L-9+L-12 Budha. conversational. chatty. In cultures dominated by the modern information economy. One seems to one's co-workers to be "making mountains out of molehills". This is awkward and uncomfortable for the native. argumentative.This karmic condition often presses the native to inquire more deeply into the gap between promised outcomes (dogma) and actual outcomes (reality). logical. Brihaspati does the best He can to express great ideas within the chatty and short-term settings of commercial business and vocational "adult" education. exclusive. and short-course education such as seminars and conferences. The first husband will mirror back: Thula-1's special difficulties in Budha's natural houses: bhava-3 and bhava-6. In fact. one-to-many Guru. one-to-one Budha are overtaken by the generalizing. preaching. However Thula natives are unlikely to fall prey to any pretense from a human claiming to be divine. administrating. because Budha is lord of both a trikona and a dusthamsha) When Guru controls Budha's natural houses. and to eliminate guru-worship from their religious practice. Budha's natural house = swabhavais typically a busy. particularly in economically functional skill specialties such as the teaching of communication arts. conciliatory. One chooses the marriage partner who will mirror-back the invisible parts of oneself. a primary "acting out" vehicle of natural frustrations of the native 's own bhava-3 and bhava-6 will be the first husband. the fact that Guru = L-6 does not ultimately harm one's religious sensibilities. bhava-3 writing and publishing activities may claim majority brainshare and calendar time-share in the life. For Thula lagna+ L-3 is Guru = Thulaare rather natural teachers and trainers (Guru). ecumenical. Because Guru among other significations is definitely the karaka for a women's first husband. Guru attempts to over-expandthe natural limitations of administrative (3) and human service ministry (6) into grand and cosmic ritual undertakings (Guru). Thula naturally has a tendency to "make mountains out of molehills" in mundane business administration (3) and unequal relationships (6). Guru may be a great philosopher but when He is forced to operate in the restricted area of Budha's "island" of mundane narrative of daily life. broad-view. Guru = significator of the first husband Thula lagna or Thula-Chandra indicates characteristics of Guru-ruled 3 and 6 will manifest through the agency of the first husband. technology and tools. and one's own father. denominational. inclusive. intuitive. a philosophical view of the fundamental inequalities in human relationships (6) can much increase one's appreciation for the the purity of genuine truth. (Other actors carrying karaka portfolio of Guru include religious teachers. interactive area of life that is concerned with the superficial yet defining mental process. The native annoys one's workmates and suffers philosophical frustration in trying to apply Brihaspati's "grand understanding" to work that is properly just "done" in a quick and efficient Mercurial style. university professors.) . The difficulties occur because 3 and 6 which are properly ruled by the detailed.(Budha is less damaging per se. L-6 = the Victimizer Thula natives may feel victimized by: those who hide their crimes behind the facade of a church or temple. those who intentionally exploit others in the name of religion Lord of bhava-3 is the custodian of the native 's internal narrative. specific. If L-9 and dharma bhava are strong. Thula lagna is better equipped to teach about practical matters than to act practical! In a female nativity. Naturally.The first husband is typically good-humored. father's team-mates. optimistic disregard for medical advice L-6 = specific one-to-one agreements = difficulty to narrow and establish. who may seem to try to argue his way out of all accountability using Guru-style sophistic semantic philosophy of language. detached. Clinton. L-3 = Guru's philosophy is forced into Budha's narrow daily conversation container. Guru = an especially difficult graha when BOTH: Guru = L-6 from radix lagna (material basis for broken contracts. father's relatives overall). Guru + Ketu provides a rather eccentric. and little practical communicative output occurs unless servants (6) are available to assist L-3 = if Guru is directly supported by Surya. However. His health problems are related to over-expansion. EXAMPLE = Hillary Clinton (Thula lagna) + Bill Clinton (first husband of the Thula lagna female) For Mrs. tendency to over-communicate yet still be unclear L-3 = tends toward criticism based in frustration that a large-scale plan [Guru. The father's brothers = dedicated adversaries of one's enemies (including father's cohort. generous and religious (karaka features of Guru) with L3 and L-6 disabilities: L-6 = health = imbalance related to over-expansion . . fighting. Father's brothers (11 = 3rd from 9th) = enemies of one's enemies. and occasionally frustrating experience of the first husband. due to an all-inclusive. self-righteous resistance to needed changes in the administrative and conflict-management strategies. disease) Guru = L-6 from Chandra lagna (emotional basis for dissolution of agreements) The nativities which suffer the worst effect of Guru periods = Thula radix lagna + Thula Chandra = Jimmy Carter Thula radix lagna + Karkata Chandra = Mohandas Gandhi Karkata radix lagna + Thula Chandra = Tom Cruise Father's brothers Mother's brothers Enemies Guru the Expander in 6th from 6th: L-6 in 11 produces an interesting species of "friend" who is not necessarily in affinity with the native but who is helpful in economic and networking tasks because this "friend" is the stated enemy of one's own enemies.tends to disrespect the need for details at all L-3 = highly conversational in nature due to Brihaspati's visionary expansion of 3. generalist perspective. a favorable rashi and location for Brihaspati. the rashi and incoming drishti to Guru in the nativity are extremely important factors. Guru occupies radix bhava-2 in Vrischika. 3] could not be achieve without implementing so many petty details . The Guru-ruled bhava-6 suffers resistance to fixed agreements via rhetoric of 'staying open-minded' L-3 = planning. scheduling. the talk = all Big Ideas with limited practical implementation L-3 = engagement with the superficial. written communications = substitutes a very broad knowledge for the pragmatically necessary specific details . day-to-day business (3) becomes dysfunctionally philosophical (9). Politics (5) and drama (5) are profitable. such as injuries and illness. an adult child may be profitably invited to join the parent in a business venture during Guru periods. yet much less gain is realized. Even the relatively crude sorts of gambling games are favorable. even as He may disappoint grand idealistic expectations (Simha idealism) of expansive largesse. there is no harm. Yet for Thula-1. whatever the other obstacles in their nativity. Guru can even signify a divorce under the provenance of the satkona. Ranjan Publications. S. On the other hand. games. this L-6 representing the mother's brothers = Brihaspati the Generous One. Mangala can do some physical harm in the process of creating gain via enemies. too frequency short-term travel (3). There should be a nice graha in either 3 or 6 to bring the best results. (1994). But Guru will not harm. Little harm is possible but also gain is reduced. The mother's brother may have been expected to be an agent of significant economic gain.Because 3rd-from-6th = 6th from 3rd-from-4th. periods of Jupiter are highly empowered to bring a child into the life. 11). father's brothers are the natural adversaries of mother's brothers. 107 BPL note: on p. Bhava-11 = a hospitable place for the father's brothers but being 6th from 3rdfrom-4th. and creative speculation = L-2 from 5 and L-11 from 5. overly abundant commercial transactions and administrative (3) messages. politics. "pukhraj" yellow sapphire Dr. " the native got a good relief in his long continued illness by wearing Yellow Sapphire because Jupiter is in the 3rd in his own sign". Romance (5) produces money (2. Periods of Guru for Thula-1 may be filled with many annoyances. and the expected mental-physical health stress (6) resulting from the breakdown of trusts and contracts. p. Kapoor. Gems and Astrology. New Delhi. G. Periods of Brihaspati = good for gambling -. This quirk allows the L-3 + L-6 to produce wealth from children. Works of creative literature which express a personal genius (5) produce wealth (2) and income (11). over-expansion (Guru) of the naturally Argumentative. Thula natives who are in a family way will delight in knowing that. creating a new live child. Kapoor includes a sample nativity with retrograde Guru in 3 for which he says. However one of the best features of both Guru for the Thula lagna and Budha for the Mesha lagna is one quirk of house lordship. Compare for example the harm that could be done when a papagraha such as Mangala the L-6 for Mithuna lagna might inhabit the vriddhisthana. bhava-11 is an inhospitable place for the mother's brothers. conflicted. the mother's brothers bring a certain hostility and adversarial behaviors into the field of economic gains.including that biggest of all gambles. When the lord of satkona significator of mother's brothers will reside in bhava-11. undue amounts of writing and reporting (3). Remedial Ratna Guru ratna "pushkaraja. . socially disproportionate and exploitive behaviors (6) overabundance of enemies however those enemies produce economic gains for the native Exceptionally broad web of social connections but amongst the widely associated linkages may lurk many enemies within the network Good for Gambling Politics = Profitable surprisingly for this trouble-maker. 106. the L-3 + L-6 Brihaspati has a shining bright underbelly. Children (5) become money-makers during Thula's Guru periods. literature. the woman's first life partner = involved with political. however.. Raman who has written a commentary on Bhavarth Ratnakar says in his comments ". drug-dealers (6) in debt (6) or involved with usury he is possessed of expansive writing skills (3) this Guru will be lord of 5th-from-11 = commerce-3. we stick to the view that Yellow Sapphire should be worn by the natives of the Libra Ascendant only when Jupiter is in his own sign in the 3rd or the 6th. and his political or theatrical reports and announcements will be a source of his fame . be advisable for the natives of this Ascendant not to wear Yellow Sapphire. therefore his commercial business is good particularly in publishing and making announcements however his good fortune in business (3) and his easy bhagya (blessed) ability to form partnerships (7 = 9th from Guru. B. You sometimes face danger.But the combination is quite against the ordinary rules of astrology which suggest that the lords of the 3rd. drug-dealers (6) husband may be unfaithful (6) to trusts due to seeking fame (Simha) or to his political or celebrity (Simha) associations ill from a disease of over-expansion + intense inner heat (Simha) . therefore. but Bhavartha Ratnakar considers him a yoga-giving planet. be worn if necessary. according to Parashara." Guru for Thula lagna = female. V. As we have said above. his publicity is good. It may. husband believes (Guru) that he should consort with characters from the underworld. prostitutes. human traffickers. In view of what is stated above. in the major period of Jupiter if Jupiter is in his own sign in the 3rd or the 12th. in debt due to theatrical (Simha) aspirations this Guru will be lord of 5th-from-11 = commerce-3. Dr. first marriage Woman's first husband = 3+6 = a difficult character The Thula lagna woman has much reason to complain about her husband's infidelities Guru expands both the range of her criticism and the range of his illicit association argumentative (6) ... therefore. not considered an auspicious planet for this Ascendant. charismatic (Simha) exploiters-polluters-usurers for political reasons. theatrical (Simha) royalty or entertainment-celebrity (Simha) criminals (6) high-entitlement." Das say of Guru-11-Simha for the Thula lagna: "Jupiter in this position activates your mind so much that your mental balance may be disturbed if your work does not progress according to plan. Jupiter is considered an inauspicious planet for the Libra Ascendant. and if your domestic life doesn't provide adequate opportunities for the expression of your feelings. fashionable. the 6th and the 11th are always bad". It will..often a litigious lawyer ill from a disease (6) of over-expansion (guru) husband may be unfaithful (6) to trusts consorts with characters from the underworld. human traffickers. including sexual liaison) is nevertheless a source of animosity and criticism in the marriage Guru in Simha for female first marriage When Guru karaka for first husband occupies Simha in a female nativity."Jupiter is lord of the 3rd and 6th houses and is. therefore his business is good. or trying to be seen as king-like (Simha) . prostitutes. treasuresand-pleasures. imprisonment. if any children. Rama Yatna Ojha and others declare that Venus is auspicious only. and argumentative.L-3 + L-6 in 11 = difficult . disease. Hence a strong Venus will give long life. If Venus is strong and under the influence of Jupiter and Mercury then person handsome. represents self. stubborn. are some of the unfavorable results seen under this Jupiter. partner-effects from Thula navamsha Shukra = vital body birth + self-destruction and rebirth Sensual Shukra = possessiveness. it is tainted by its rulership of the eighth. separation or 2nd marriage. so is also when own sign in the 8th house giving thrust to both the signs. then if Venus is strong and unafflicted for the Libra ascendant. It shows a tendency towards vice or passion on one hand. religious and found of truth. arthritis and even venereal diseases. diseases of rheumatism and renal. If it is weak it will give short life. There could be weak health being lord of the ascendant and the person could be lacking affluence as well as lacking charming manner. honour. A weak and afflicted Venus can make the Libra person depressed. lack of affluence and lack of charm. by fire or in battle etc. satisfaction. loss in business. so it is benefic and give good results. daughters only.e. Weak end afflicted Venus: Weak health. This is perhaps due to the fact that when in Lagna his auspiciousness as Trikona lord gets boosted. Many celebrated astrologers have found Venus giving undesirable results. live long life. sensual pleasures. In Sloka 9. Dispute with partner. it is said that Venus does not give undesirable results. disrepute. life and longevity. giving the person a magnetic personality and charm while boosting one's artistic ability. The health issues affected may be diabetes. Venus: Being a Lagna and 8th lord.for children from the first marriage Eased by Guru in kendra from Chandra Eased by L-5 well disposed More likely than barrenness there may be a miscarriage or therapeutic abortion due to disagreement (6) in the marriage Das says: "Few. as ruler of houses 1 and 8. if he is placed in the Lagna or 8th house and is undesirable in other houses. in the Lagna or the 8th house. indebtedness.but not impossible . leaving birth place etc. Venus: Venus. design or in business. Our experience also is like this. wealth etc. It will bring about comforts and enjoyment in the person's life while enhancing one's career. foreign travel etc. 1st and 8th houses are afflicted by malefic like Mars then person will meet his end by accident. poverty. serious illness to the elder brother.Its Mooltrikona sign falls in Ascendant. whether it is in the healing arts. Since Libra is the mooltrikona sign for Venus and is the ascendant or is in the first house. or profound idealism and aspiration on the other. Venus. luxuries (Laxmi) and all types of sweets. . Shukra = L-1 + L-8 measured from Thula lagna or Thula Chandra. Some versions declare Venus is neutral. acquisitive tendencies. If Venus. or partner is barren or ailing. Venus owns the Lagna and the 8th house. Though generally auspicious as the ruler of the ascendant. Pt. this will enhance many of the positive qualities that the Libra ascendant has already. Only exception can be his placement in own houses i. His ownership of Lagna as Trikona lord cannot eradicate the dire blemish of 8th house lord when in other houses. Swabhukti of the lagnesha Shukra can be an extremely influential and significant period of the lifetime. If possible a Jyotisha remedial Diamond should be worn during Shukra mahadasha. but the disease conditions will recede before actually killing the native . They are both behaviorally self-determined retaining a strong individual identity within marriage (1) and loyal secret-keepers and keeper of the partner's wealth (8). acquisition of wealth. The Thula lagna native may live "on death's doorstep" for a portion of the period of Shukra/Shukra period but one will recover. especially cosmetic. Assess the two houses from Chandra for a fuller appreciation of Shukra periods. Shukra will also rule two houses vis-à-vis Chandra. balancing of all types. For the thula nativity. Shukra is especially possessive of one's own individual body and social identity (1) and their knowledge of secrets. Expect some residual Post-Traumatic Shock effects after the Shukra period is complete. Career. The male native will enjoy the company of women who exemplify the two domains. Through the "sudden change" agency of the 8th lord. only the L-2 and the L-7 are causers of death. the even more powerful offering of Seva will be highly effective. are favored. Seva for Shukra includes assistance in pair-making. Period of L-8 is often shocking spiritually even if the body remains peaceful. and paired limbs such as hands-feet-arms-legs. and knowledge or skill in the fine arts.) Yet. ears. One may see horrors. kidneys. Mysterious undiagnosable illness may arrive with great force. diplomacy. equityyoking. Creating an Orderly Environment . L-8 causes sudden. Shukra is especially important for males because Shukra rules marriage and the female partner. the native may experience . Her gracious presence will contribute to the native 's material enjoyment of one's own flesh-body and social identity. Shukra periods bring praise for the beauty of the physical appearanceand recognition for the social identity. are favored. counselor. including the medical and emotional balancing of of two-part fleshly organs such as eyes. SEVA Alternatively. and diplomat. agreements. Only the 6/8 angle is really problematic. For the entire twenty years of the Shukra Mahadasha. The L-8 enforces knowledge of things previously hidden.As lord of 1 and 8 for Thula lagna. alliances. forced transformation. Seva should be offered on behalf of those who need help with contracts. Surgeries. including their entitlement to control complete cycles of transformation (8) Shukra = lagnesha + secret-holders positions Thula-1 for excellent performance in the roles of negotiator. 1 and 8. Potential for shocking transformation of the body-mind-spirit apparatusis much enhanced if Shukra is also lord of 8thfrom-Chandra. likely she will have an attractive physical appearance and an interest in the occult. Behaviors which increase material luxury. embassies and marriage-matching. physical attractiveness. (Ah.willingly or unwillingly . lungs. perhaps at the cellular level. as one is forced to watch the turning of the cycle of birth and death in conscious real time. As Lord of Lagna(physical body appearance) and lord of randhra bhava (magical and catastrophic changes) the sweet and sensual Guru of the Demons gives two separate but equally powerful results for Vaanija (the trader) natives. this too. Ability to Govern. as well as architectural decoration and design. which Shukra commands from Thula lagna. and but fidelity to the marriage contract is uncertain and there is some degree of mystery. bargaining.radical transformations of the body. Effects of bhukti of Shukra during other Vimshottari mahadasha will be determined by the angle from the mahadasha pati to Shukra. Presuming that Shukra is welldisposed. speculative advance occurs. so a considerable amount of the "personality development" energy may be focused on the appearance. parenting. 4th-from-10th = Public respectability and position remain stable during Shukra periods. 11th-from-10th = Despite the upheaval in identity and often a physical transformation which occurs during Shukra periods. E. Shukra periods nearly always signal a type of creative gambling that expresses self-confidence based on the already-established levels of security such as based on one's education.s entitlements. based on one's patriotism. belongingness. Shukra supports the education of one's children .Shukra helps define the materialized appearance. Careerbased education is supported. Periods of Shukra develop the social personality and iconic material appearance. Reza Pahlavi = Shukra/11 . Placement of Shukra in bhava. behaviors.As lord of both 11th-from-10th (Vrishabha) and 4th-from-10th (Thula). the native continues to earn an adequate income (unless there are very difficult graha in bhava-8. The unconfirmed birth time for Larry Ellison (Oracle Corp. or other culture-sustaining service that expresses individual intelligence. Shukra periods = accumulating (Shukra) the traits and historical personal experiences which shape the social personality. the native establishes one's "look". insurance settlement. lagnesha. as well as cyclical self-destruction and rebirth. The material body attracts "regalia" (Simha). Education. the native is generally attractive with balanced physical features. the native and those who look to him as an exponent and exemplar of a particular set of values (Shukra) will refer to the personality-defining experiences and traits again and again.) The sources of income may include others' monies.) is similar: Thula lagna + empowered lagnesha Shukra in 11. Shukra tends to be physically attractive.physical.) Education. . Shukra is a provider of nurturing support in matters of education and property. (unless there are difficult graha in bhava-1. acquisition of properties. and properties 5th-from-4th (Vrishabha) and 10th-from-4th (Thula). Shukra brings stability (4) and gains of income (11) in career. Social Personality and Physical Appearance radix lagna (Thula) And 8th-from-lagna (Vrishabha) Shukra regulates birth and the body. for the Thula lagna native. and in particular the assets of the spouse. and history of a single influential individual. On the basis of one's own education. Vitality. and incoming drishti defines the social affiliations. During Shukra periods.which define the person. 10th-from-4th and 4th-from-10th. The creative result is placed in bhava-8 therefore the result is not permanent. or based on one's knowledge of cultural manners.. profits.M. cultural. and the development of teaching. The risk is transformative (8) but life-affirming and generally successful.defined orientation to the marketplace and profits. It is a time for thinking out of the box.g. the native may experience a burst of creativity and ingenious speculative behaviors in response to the need to sustain personal security. resulting in a very distinctive wealth-and-luxury persona focused on marketplace transactions within a network of buyers. rashi. diploma. based on one's properties. and mental . in the quest to define a particular variety of social awareness through the appearance. Yet. and ascending to a respected social rank are frequent results of a well-placed Shukra during Shukra's periods As lord of 5th-from-4thand 4th-from-5th. During periods of Shukra one Accumulates (Shukra) a "curriculum vitae" of important attributes and facts of personal lore . such as inheritance. accumulated collections of art or knowledge. making agreements. sensual pleasures from art. Periods of the L-1 Shukra are self-defining. Adolf Hitler's Shukra occupies Mesha/7 with empowered mega-maraka Mangala.lagna = cycles of birth. which is generally as an agent of negotiation. balanced design. Carter's Shukra Mahadasha occurred during his age 56-76 . Acquisition of Money and Knowledge A s lord of 7th-from-2nd (Vrishabha) and 12th-from-2nd (Thula) Shukra controls the mutually supportive agreements made between the native and one's family. release. when he was wise and had already Accumulated major accomplishments e. wealth. orderly distribution networks. death. 7th-from-2nd = Shukra periods express new attempts to balance one's relationships with the family as a unit. music. Shukra periods bring an apparent catastrophic collapse or destruction of the physical and social identity. Occasionally a severe and mysterious illness (8) is required to effect the conditions of death. 2nd-from-7th = Periods of Shukra bring increased accumulation and hoarding empowerment to increase the holdings of the joint assets of marriage (8). wealth. By contrast. and artistic satisfaction. he took the high road. and the experience of beauty. Rahu/Shukra. Shukra periods may also bring inheritance money. developing the ideologically progressive networking aspect of bhava-11 = egalitarianism. Favorable period for marriage and business agreements. Lineage Values. family history. Mahatma Gandhi = swakshetra Shukra in Thula lagna. reconstitution. . Shukra in . Lagnesha in 11 assures that Carter will be exceptionally well-connected. and to the lineage values of the family history. one's own values (originally from the family) and one's speech and facial appearance. followed by a rebirth. Shukra Mahadasha did not occur during Hitler's incarnation The final period of his life. voice. in 9 provides affiliations with temples and universities. Iconically (what others see or project upon the material personality) the Shukra-ruled Thula native = fundamentally oriented toward attractiveness. and systematic social progress movements. or access to the suddenly revealed (or suddenly offered) monies of the spouse or business partner. Partnership.Jimmy Carter= lagnesha Shukra/Simha/11. Shukra periods define the native 's role in partnership. Peer and Advising Relationships 2nd-from-7th (Vrishabha) And 7th-from-7th (Thula) Shukra is a wealth-and-pleasure agent in the world of human relationships. his life focus = War and Alliances of War. 12th-from-2nd= loss and dissolution of attachment to stored wealth. and learning. acquired and accumulated learning of history and languages. and rebirth are particularly vivid for Thula-1during periods of Shukra. the USA presidency. brought his own death. however he is a more mature personality and he uses those connections not for personal gain but rather for the common gain of large groups of humanity .g. suggesting that the focus of the social personality is embedded in the iconic material appearance . diplomatic alliance making. one may generate new relationships of mutual benefit. a cult of personality . financial gifts from unexpected or mysterious sources. 8th-from. Shukra = the native looks attractive for one's face. One is inclined to support the mutual interests of both self and partner. living in harmonious balance with other humans . one's own role in partnerships. Yet. Relations with in-laws move to prominence but if Shukra is well-disposed the family of the spouse (8) are pleasurable companions and wealthagents. One strikes off on one's own.indeed. and rebirth at a cellular level. 7th-from-7th = oneself. Marriage. On the basis of one's own knowledge. The period 1981-2001 developed his famed "Carter Center" promoting distribution of power throughout the social network via Election Observations. These leaders were able to articulate the narrative of conflict in a journalistic. and producing messages in all communications media. the native with Shukra natally in 8 can do this every day. exploitation and oppression. (Oneself taking vows = often a period of L-9 Budha. loss of equality). for example on the basis of speculation (5) one may purchase a home or vehicle at a favorable price (Shukra). the children may begin to develop their own wisdom-awareness during a bhukti of Shukra. the native may experience a temporary deficiency of courage and general downswing in mental health due to daily conversations becoming somewhat adversarial. 9th-from-5th = good fortune and higher education for one's children. Nevertheless. Siblings. and disease. balanced narrative of conflict. mental process. wait for periods of Shukra to trigger good luck in acquisition (Shukra) of properties and vehicles. poverty. debt.periods of Shukra may signal illness or poverty for the younger sibling. Which is a good thing! 3rd-from-6th = Shukra controls the mental narrative regarding conflict in human relationships. writing. Hitler certainly articulated the narrative of German victimization (6) at Versailles. 11th-from-3rd = on the basis of team work. Through the auspice of the philosophical development level of the parent. Children may enjoy global travel. one dissolves the lineage bond a bit. If Shukra is well disposed. balance-loving Shukra dignified in lagna. However the base house is bhava-8. 4th-from-5th = Shukra periods support the education of one's children. Teamwork. Priesthood or taking vows for the children. ambassadorial style. architectural. Adolph Hitler's moudhya lagnesha Shukra is severely compromised in Mesha. religious enlightenment. licensing or social approval given to one's creative endeavors. and imbalance in the tasks of making announcements. and every other manifestation of inequality (6 = 12thfrom-7th. For example both Hillary Clinton and Mahatma Gandhi feature the diplomatic. and participation in philosophical discussions. If Thulalies elsewhere. Publications A s lord of 6th-from-3rd (Vrishabha) and 11th-from-3rd (Thula) Shukra is overall an inauspicious influence on sibling relationships and scripted daily communications in general. and his writings called for war as a response to oppression of the German nation.) Conflict. Whether the family historyinterest is fundamentally positive or negative. disease. Imbalance. dominated by Surya + Mangala. the native may be a highly skilled and sensitive diplomat able to produce and develop an attractive. Communication. the native is able to attain goals related to the development of the social personality. Children and Divine Creativity A s lord of 4th-from-5th (Vrishabha) A nd 9th-from-5th (Thula) Shukra gives a highly auspicious a Yogakarakaeffect upon children And creative intelligence. conversations and narrations. He was not able to . conflict with team-mates. 6th-from-3rd . publications. Debt A s lord of 3rd -from-6th (Vrishabha) and 8th-from-6th (Thula) Shukra provides a particularly pernicious influence upon matters of animosity. and moves forward into a deeper focus on individual self. the outcome will be related to security obtained. which means that Thula-1tends to be somewhat mystified by the education which one's children are receiving. writing and generating messages. If no children are presently being socialized. Disease. However Shukra is such a strong natural benefic that personal sweetness will compensate for most of the crabby conflicts.Attachment to the Self is strengthened. good results in the children's education are to be expected. through sudden and forced change.negotiate. the native may have an iconic charisma as one who magically transforms the irresolvable arguments of 6 through enforcement or encouragement to move through cycles of upheaval and change. the lord of 8th-from-6 can move the consciousness of the conflict. the static conflict in human relationships. 6th-from-8th =sudden and shocking change on the basis of physical illness or pronounced disagreements in relationships. Shukra provides a g racious handling of others' secrets and natural access to the tantrik worldview (eternal life force essence. and refinancier. An excellent position for the diplomat. often using illness (potentially severe. As 9th-from-2nd. Wisdom Teachings and Teachers As lord of 12th-from-9th (Vrishabha) and 5th-from-9th (Thula) lagnesha Shukra provides the dissolution of orthodox religious dogma (12th-from-9th) as well as expression of creative. harmonize. the radix lagna. Through iconic public roles and large scale role-modeling. Thula-1manifests religious teachings through public service in executive and law-issuing capacity. but the sick body is reborn (8) without literally needing to die physically. Chandra = 2nd-from-9th and 9th-from-2nd . and other manifestations of inequality. the family wealth and values forms the basis of the child's religious education. .1). Sudden. defines the physical appearance and social personality. the native holds a naturally reflective (12) and aesthetic (5) orientation toward matters of faith. 5th-from-9th Financially. If Chandra is well-disposed. The public rather natural invests the native with confidential information. Transformative Change A s lord of both 1st-from-8th (Vrishabha) and 6th-from-8th (Thula) Shukra induces significant and sometimes violent forced changes in the native 's lifestyle. temple teachings. or balance the needs of parties in conflict: his only available narrative of conflict was war. with a sensual. Thula-1is aware of the principles of orderly social relation. In the throes of bodily imbalance. related to or stimulated by alcohols and sugars) as the vehicle for dramatic personal breakthrough experiences. Thula. its energy-state. When Shukra is strong. rather. Thus Thula natives are famed for their gracious presence in times of extreme strife. Shukra is not empowered to permanently resolve debts. and the philosophy of law. Soma indicates savings and hoards derived from university education. As 2nd-from-9th. 12th-from-9th = on the basis of wisdom teaching acquired from childhood. 8th-from-6th = Shukra controls the power to transform. Thula-1receives a very good religious and moral upbringing. disease. Shukra can kill and rebirth experiences of poverty. 1st-from-8th Shukra-ruled nativities are particularly open to receipt of mystery knowledge. Vimshottari dasha periods of Chandra can signal the death (2) of the father (9) however in practice it is more likely that 2nd-from-Surya or 7th-from-Surya will have agency of father's death. world travel. to a new peak. beauty-seeking view of religious practice. and their personality-power to manage the process of bringing long-standing conflict (6) to a state of transformative crisis (8). speculative religious genius. and the role of confidante is frequently held. the physical body encounters the conditions of death. and one's own father. negotiator. and thus initiate a rebirth or renovation of the old imbalance . exploitation and oppression. bound to endless cyclical change-of-form). Shukra/Shukra period may bring experiences of intense and transformative illnesswhich is the method of choice for transformation of the psycho-physical body (lagna. Prayer.g. and the native is thereby deprived of the time or energy that would be needed to develop one's own presence in the marketplace of goods and ideas. the time demands of high-profile social leadership roles (e. sweet winning of competitions and fights Shukra in bhava-2 environment = sweet money. 3rd-from-11th e highly constrained. and Gains of Income span As lord of 10th-from-11th (Vrishabha) A nd 3rd-from-11th (Thula) Shukra Chandra dissolves the larger network of social and conceptual associations. and Sanctuary Life A s lord of 9th-from-12th (Vrishabha) and 2nd-from-12th (Thula) Shukra generates gain (11) from intuition and psychic perception (12). 10th-from-11th = on the basis of membership in established social and conceptual networks. one's relationship to the marketplace is dissolved. yes. Taking iconic and exclusive social regulatory positions deprives the native of one's freedom to mix and mingle socially. and these will blossom to the fullest extent during major Vimshottari periods of the Moon. Naturally. However during periods of L-10. sweet death. Prestige as a basis for future gains of income. Sudden breakthrough in meditation or reflective prayer. One's every thought. E. lagnesha and karaka for marriage. sudden and often catastrophic change via: Shukra in bhava-1 environment = pleasure in one's own body. and drains away the income. Goals Achievement.g. and financial income is flat or drops. forced changes in the astral world of dreams and intuitive perceptions. president of a nation. Hidden information emerges regarding foreign lands and matters of the private bedroom. The fruits (11) of one's dreams and intuitive pattern-recognition skills are manifest through Chandra. the native takes positions of power which are less distributed across the larger group (11) and more concentrated in the hands of the smaller executive elite (10). yes.. George Harrison) for Thula lagna + Chandra-Meena ( Charles de Gaulle) Shukra. A good deal of trust is publicly invested in the native 's character and personal judgment. During the period of holding directive rank. Jimmy Carter . Dreams. the native will not be free to socialize in an egalitarian style and frequently will not earn much income.. Natives in positions of social responsibility often do not have the leisure to long reflect or delay their decisions until a complete set of rational information is available. Spirit Guides. becomes the shock-agent L-8 from radix lagna = physical and social-status shocks AND L-8 from Chandra = psycho-emotional shocks The location of Shukra will reveal the environment which usually produces these transformative. sensuality of the second marriage . exhausts the resources available to develop new connections. and decisions must frequently be made on an intuitive basis. Prestige. purchase. self-destructive (and self-regenerative) shocks. manager of a business) are enormous. magical change. 11th-from-12th = eruptive.Networks of Friendship. or conversation are tightly managed by the protocols of leadership. for Chandra-Thula or Chandra-Meena. sweet knowledge of history. the social personality identity. for Thula lagna + Chandra-Thula( Elizabeth Taylor . Periods of Shukra can be filled with emergency and sudden. delight in cultural roots and established customs. temples Shukra in bhava-10 environment = pleasure in corporate leadership and responsibility to impose an orderly environment. Shukra in bhava-3environment = delights in the interior mental narrative. he has undergone countless radical changes of lifestyle ranging from a very surprising election to USA president through many dangerous democratic election-reform campaigns worldwide. G. magic and magicians. sweet love of cars and houses. 113" "For the Libra Ascendant. (1994). Ranjan Publications. It will be immensely profitable to wear it in the major and sub-periods of Venus. Elizabeth Taylor suffers the extreme case of the double-L8 = uchcha Shukra + Rahu = just as strong a double-whammy as possible. love of conflict. particularly amongst women or in regard to feminine cultural artifacts. if Shukra is strong. delights in creative genius. S. pleasure in emergencies. Actually Diamond is a life time protective charm for the Libra natives. private sweet "bedroom-based" relationships Remedial Ratna for Shukra: Flawless Diamond (hira) for Thula lagna Dr. Shukra in bhava-8 environment = secret information. . universities. love of business administration. sweet patriotism. the in-laws. pleasure in conversations. Venus is lord of the Ascendant (and the 8th house). Drug-alcohol addictions. charmed by publications. p. Shukra in bhava-11 environment = pleasure in social networking and progressive political movements with goals to expand the opportunity to network. a classic effect of Shukra/6. the romantic lover Shukra in bhava-6 environment = pleasure in the interior mental argument. Beatle George Harrison had a strong case of double-L8 as uchcha Shukra. no doubt exacerbated the extreme situation even further. sweet spouse's money. enjoys schooling and basic education Shukra in bhava-5 environment = sweet winning of speculative challenges and games. priests. taxes Shukra in bhava-9 environment = religious awakening. Ms. monastic withdrawal from the social ego. leading to breakdown of contractual agreements. He is considered as an auspicious planet for this Ascendant and wearing of a Diamond promisesgood health. imbalance in the social relationships. eight marriages occurred with shocking turnover. The sensuality of marriage and the marriage partner have agency of constant upheaval and change. Gems and Astrology. New Delhi. Jimmy Carter's Shukra in Simha is particularly political in nature.The Jyotisha nativity of General Charles de Gaulle has a very complex bhava-2 containing Surya + Shukra+ Budha + Ketu in invasive. media production Shukra in bhava-4 environment = pleasure in home and security. Kapoor. sweet power. Shukra in bhava-7 environment = karako bhavo nashto. which yielded a beautiful and artistically gifted but duplicitous spouse as well as lifetime substance addictions. each as hugely sensual and catastrophically disagreeable (6) as the next. charmed by children. penetrating Vrischika. Shukra in bhava-12 environment = pleasure in long residence in foreign land. philosophical study. pleasure in world travels . loves to write. imbalance in the physical body due to excessive sweet. For her. Not possible to generalize with so many graha influencing Shukra. long life and success in life. love of hospitalization or sanctuary space. Shani is a harsh ruler for Putra Bhava. as ruler of houses 4 and 5. spinal problems. The well-placed Saturn therefore can make the person worldly and shrewd. Librans are stern about their principles and. They may have only a few children.It becomes lord of Angle and Trine. . If Saturn is weak and afflicted. Hence is best planet for this Ascendant. through which they succeed in life. when these are pure. a kendra house and a trine house. bhava-5. Saturn is very auspicious. after the native has completed substantial education (4) and learned to discipline the intelligence (5) to produce true confidence in the divine will. can accomplish much inwardly as well as outwardly. partner-effects from Thula navamsha Shani = parenting." Saturn: Lord of 4th and 5th houses become Rajyoga karaka for this Lagna and highly benefic. and time-regulated character. Weak end afflicted Saturn: Difficulties in academic and professional career. then education may suffer as well as professional career. disciplined. concentration. Yogakaraka Shani releases His favorable results only very slowly. well-structured speculative ventures. The only condition is that it should not be weak. slow. Periods of Shani lord of Time and Scarcity = never fun. thus forgets his malefic nature and becomes neutral. Saturn. austere. Saturn: Saturn. games (5) Vimshottari periods of Shanirequire skillful management of scarce resources. delaying. For Thula-1. focus and direction. Saturn is also exalted in the sign of Libra. hard-working. intelligence. but will be proud of them and very connected to them. schooling. again by owning the 5th (a Trikona) house he becomes auspicious. This planet acts as a Yokakaraka planet owning the fourth and the fifth house. endurance and profundity. structuring. scholarly performances. If it is weak. A strong and well-placed Saturn enhances the benefic qualities that Saturn belies for the Libra ascendant.If Venus is in Libra in the Ascendant he causes Malavya yoga And wearing of diamond with such disposition will enhance the good effects of the yoga. lack of mental peace and possible problems with the back area or joints. is a planet of intelligence and happiness. There will be a lack of children or difficulties with children. Shani does not lose His responsible. Yet Shani periods of any length = structured and responsible on the material plane. root-culture (4) + children. giving Raja Yoga. However Yogakaraka Shani periods for Thula-1 also produce abundant social-validation compensation due to advances in formal education (4) and recognized expressions of creative genius intelligence (5). license to practice a profession. a natural malefic owns the 4th house (a Kendra). speculation. Children are born under auspice of the L-5 and every rule of proper childraising will be applied to their care. Thula natives will successfully complete schooling and earn a diploma. a natural house = swabhava ofShani's enemy Surya. Shani = L-4 + L-5 measured from Thula lagna or Thula Chandra. political empowerments earned by accepting responsible duties. The mooltrikona sign is Aquarius placed in the fifth house. and lawful production of well-raised children. still it gives good results. Saturn. the chain of nine Shani bhukti which can occur from birth to death will leave a legacy of lasting legitimations including educational diploma. In this way Saturn becomes a Rajayoga karaka by owning the 4th and 5th houses. Even as yogakaraka. It indicates Librans’ tenacity. giving strong intelligence. lack of mental peace and intelligence. Beatle George Harrison = yogakaraka Shani in 8 = great achievements in mystical rebirth and discovery of secrets (8) via education (4) and creative intelligence expressed through stage performance and song writing (5) with many threats and setbacks both personal and social. not oppression and slavery. the dark force of ignorance and unnamed fears. = yogakaraka Shani in 3 = great achievements in media communications and small-group structure (3) via education (4) and creative intelligence expressed through politics and new media (5) with many threats and setbacks both personal and social. partner of USA Pres-35 Jacqueline Kennedy O. French General and President Charles de Gaulle = yogakaraka Shani in 11 = great achievements in social progress movements (11) via education (4) and creative intelligence expressed through politics (5) with many threats and setbacks both personal and social. The scholarly (5) native becomes a "lifelong learner" or "chronic student" who remains in karmic bondage to studies. and perfect the process. For Thula lagna. and more to what doesn'thappen. If the worst threat to human happiness is indeed doubt. polish. The lord of bhava-5 is especially beneficial. Typical for scarcity-Shani. results in matters of bandhusthana and putra bhava are slowed and socially responsible with numerous delays and setbacks. Some examples: Anthroposophical teacher Rudolf Steiner = yogakaraka Shani in 11 = parivartamsha yoga + Surya = great achievements in progressive social change movements (11) via education (4) and creative intelligence expressed through literature (5) with many threats and setbacks both personal and social. but this fact does not make Shani an "easy results" graha! Thula natives have such a favorable prognosis for both cultural education (4) and individual intelligence (5) because Shani provides the lifetime discipline to shape. USA Sec of State Hillary Clinton = yogakaraka Shani in 10 = great achievements in leadership and governance (10) via education (4) and creative intelligence expressed through politics and literature (5) with many threats and setbacks both personal and social. For Thula lagna. Shanaicarya will bring the security of bhava-4 and the creativity of bhava-5 along with Him. the number of children is normally limited due to the significant public duties of the native . Whatever domain Shani occupies.) Thula makes plenty of mistakes in life. Shani's results give discipline and structure. (For example: professional mentor. the lord of bhava-5 which brings confidence is the antidote to life's worst distress. does His work through the agency of cultural education (indoctrination and licensing systems) (4) and intelligence (5). educational advisor. literary agent. Although parenting (4) is satisfying it is also obligatory in nature. Shani. numerous instructional-guidance roles. perhaps even even more than average for an intelligent human being. .the native can expect to experience many failures and setbacks on the road to substantial material achievements in education and sheltering (4) and creative arts or political empowerment(5). (Shani + neechcha-bhanga Mangala) Success in public life during Shani periods in particular and throughout life in general for Thula-1 = due less to what happens in the Thula nativity. working always as a student or a teacher in some capacity. Shani is Yogakaraka for Thula lagna. Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi = yogakaraka Shani in 2 = great achievements in true knowledge and true wealth [satya graha] (2) via education (4) and creative intelligence expressed through politics and literature (5) with many threats and setbacks both personal and social. Rahu gives passionate and unusual children. This single trait is responsible for the extraordinary number of Thula lagna nativities in positions of executive power and authority in the world. creativity. The wearing of a Blue Sapphire during the major period of Saturn will prove very advantageous. In a female nativity. Due to austeritykaraka Shani's rulership of the house of children. Gems and Astrology. Ranjan Publications. therefore. and requiring austerities (4 and 5). However . the second husband (if any) tends to have qualities of maturity and personal discipline. New Delhi. However Rahu in rashi of maraka Mangala = "sudden erratic movements" for Thula lagna. G. Consequently. politics and entertainments. time and age bring the best results in any undertaking governed by Shani. wealth from speculation and games (5) Kumbha. 116 "For the Libra Ascendant. high ly structured "architectonic" viewpoint. in Rahu-Chandra period. speculative investment and gambling. example: Thula lagna Jacqueline Kennedy O.However Yogakaraka Shani compensates for deficiencies in personal intelligence "content" by imposing the conceptual structure from educational "form". Shani must be well-disposed in order to produce self-discipline from the inside rather than social discipline (oppression) from the outside. (1994). the lord of this Ascendant is also a friend of Saturn. the lord of the 9th house. a Yogakaraka planet. the lord of this Ascendant and Emerald the gem stone of Mercury. Shani = significator of the second husband. the Rahu-ratna should be considered only if the lord of bhava-5 and its occupants are highly auspicious. Naturally." Rahu = co-lord of bhagya bhava-5 measured from Thula lagna or Thula Chandra. S. Chandra = L-10 but both Rahu + Chandra occupy the Makara yuvati bhava and Rahu owns the dominant degree Even if the target is enhancement of creativity and acquisition of children. disciplined intelligence (5). numerous delays. Rahu-ratna (gomedha) may become a beneficial amplifier-gem for self-elevating promotion of creative intelligence. typically acquired with difficulty. Measuring from Thula lagna or Thula-Chandra. p. Thula natives typically have few offspring.Blue Sapphire(Nilam) for Thula lagna from ~~ Dr. the native of this Ascendant will enjoy very beneficial results by wearing a Blue Sapphire. and may work in the teaching professions (4 and 5). Saturn is lord of the 4th and the 5th houses and is. The good effects of the Blue Sapphire will be fortified if it is worn along with Diamond. died of lung cancer from lifetime cigarette smoking age 64. scarce resources in the childhood home (4). partner-effects from Thula navamsha chalakaraka Rahu = children. As a dramatic Agent. the gem stone of Venus. high levels of educational attainment. and as a result the native actually learns from one's mistakes. procreativity. Kapoor. Also Rahu in dhana-bhava or yuvati-bhava is associated with the end of life. note the characteristics of Shani-ruled bhava-4 and bhava-5 in the second husband. Venus. intelligence. As co-lord (with Shani) of Kumbha/5. Remedial Ratnafor Shani . Also. [cf.if the lord of bhava-2 and its occupants are auspicious.) Ketu = co-lord of dhana-bhava measured from Thula lagna or Thula Chandra.those few produced are complex. adventurous. rashi. R-K will give good results when Mangala and Shukra are well-disposed. For more detailed evaluation. Mangala = neutral toward lagnesha Shukra Shukra the temporal lord of 8-Vrishabha. Expect a family history (2) that is disconnected from the mainstream and which disregards the conventional polarities that make family narratives coherent. and passionate taboochallengers by nature. and 11th bhava from the lagna or from Chandra. some authorities posit that since R-K are exalted in Vrishabha-Vrischika (per BPHS). and also Ketu scatters the effects of the lord of His occupied Rashi. Ketu Ketu = temporal co-lord of bhava-2 = 7th-from-8th = Vrischika Ketu = the natural co-regulator of bhava-8-Vrishabha. previous spouse of the 2nd life partner. Ketu is co-lord of bhava-2 Vrischika. Numerous other schemes for evaluating the elusive aprakasha graha also exist. Ketu contributes to an eccentric and peculiar family history for Thula-1. including the special effects for 7th-from-2nd. Vaidurya could be a beneficial gem in the case that Shukra and Mangala are both well disposed. knowledge of history. un-gluing. . Even if auspicious. (More details in the summary provided by Dr. see Ketu in 12 bhava. Ketu amplifies the effect of any graha sharing Ketu's house. Ketu contributes detachment and misfit qualities to the family identity. and surrender is the aim. To predict the effects of Ketu Mahadasha. partner-effects from Thula navamsha Ketu's effects depend significantly on Ketu's bhava. 6th. therefore Ketu-ratna may be a beneficial gem for matters of wealth and language acquisition. Hillary Clinton's daughter Chelsea Clinton] Rahu and Ketu are said to give positive results in the 3rd. In addition. scientific. Special case: Ketu in Vrishabha-8 = in 9th from 12th (clairsentience) Das says of Ketu in Vrishabha-8 : "Ketu arouses supernatural powers. and your intuitive understanding of relationships will be surprising. G. measure: the influence of Ketu's planetary lord the disposition of both Shukra and Mangala Ketu-ratna = helpful for spiritual "witness" practice which can be a component of Thula's "relationship" diplomatic negotiating consciousness.S. the nature of marital and other alliances shall certainly get "scattered". Shukra is neutral toward Mangala. and relations with the family history-. For Thula lagna. Ketu-ratna may prove beneficial in those rare activities wherein disconnection. Kapoor. but the stronger regulators of family character= both Mangala L-2 and also whichever graha functions as L-2 from Chandra. and drishti. ambitious. Lord Ketu = associated with Mangala = temporal co-regulator of 2 + natural co-regulator of 8. Saturn and Mercury are auspicious. while Taureans are merely passive ignorers of good counsel. The Moon and Mercury cause Rajayoga. Mars does not inflict death rather Jupiter and others cause it. in a Libra lagna the lord of the seventh house of relationship is identical with the lord of the second house of family. In this way good and bad results of planets be decided for Libra lagna native. both physical and financial. For Libra Lagna. best combination. As for the Aries ascendant. Saturn alone is productive of Rajayoga in his Dasa. Sun and Mars are inauspicious. 2. a public planet. because Venus is a 'flashy' planet. clubs and societies are important to Librans. Libra Lagna For Libra Lagna. which indicates both the public and one's profession. Saturn. Librans often have difficulty controlling expenditures and tend to waste their resources. this tendency causes a Libran 's wisdom to become somewhat clouded. because lagna lord Venus is a social planet. and over concern with their social lives may cause them to permit their friends to waste their time. Jupiter and other inauspicious planets becomes Marakas. though is endowed with Maraka characteristics but does not kill. Since Venus is debilitated in the twelfth house of a Libra lagna. is the lord of the tenth house. particularly like public professions because the loon. This situation makes marriage more likely to endure for Arians and Librans than for natives of Taurus or Scorpio lagnas. Saturn is able to mend Venus. 3. the scales (a shopkeeper's weigh1ng scales. since the Sun is debilitated in the first house. But they are often led astray by bad company. however. because he indicates government. Mars. Saturn evidently is the only Rajayoga karaka planet. They also tend to be fashion conscious. Jupiter. friends. Venus + Saturn.You will acquire much fame. Venus is disinclined to accept any well-intended advice from Jupiter. Saturn + Mercury. Thus one should understand the results for a person born in Libra Lagna. gives Librans a pronounced interest in politics because he rules both the fourth house (the masses) and the fifth house (the formation of governing bodies). . This debility may lead them into sexual escapades which they may live to regret. When coupled with Jupiter's ownership of two dussthanas in this lagna. and Librans have difficulty accepting wise counsel. The Sun rules the eleventh house for this lagna and. but is less pronounced for them because in a Taurus lagna Jupite r owns the eleventh house of friends. who are stubborn bulls. but does not do so here to any great degree because Saturn does not indicate children. That Libra is the seventh house of the natural zodiac reinforces this likelihood. a mutual friend of lagna lord Venus. Saturn and Mercury are auspicious. Jupiter. That Saturn as fifth lord is exalted in the first house might also indicate children. makes natives of this mercantile rashi less likely to be lawyers than retailers or merchants. not the scales of justice). This is partially true for Taurus natives too. " Libra Lagna Libra's symbol. this is the opinion of the knowledgeable. the lord of wisdom and intuition. and because he is exalted in the ascendant. Because Venus is Jupiter's enemy. Sun and Mars are evil. active rashi which ignores advice actively. Librans do. Also Libra is a fierce. Fruitful Yogas: 1. a predilection which is reinforced by Libra's position as the natural zodiac's seventh house. 4. 7. 5 Emerald. It rules lumber region. optimism and is highly sensitive. Its semi-fruitful characteristic blesses the native with affluence and resourcefulness in life. kidneys and bones of the lumber region. and enjoy successes of a high order. restless. being Yogakaraka planet for this nativity. Venus + Mercury. elder brothers. obstructions caused by its transit over natal positions are short lived. if Venus is fully strong. gout pains and renal diseases. Librans are intelligent. arthritis. It gives advisory roles in the fields of finance and law. artistic. royal Blue Numbers: Gem Stones: 6 Diamond Unfavorable Green. strong will power. The sign Libra rising in the ascendant gives a magnetic personality. smoke gray. interested in learning. makes the person worldly wise and shrewd. They want to win others with love and hate violence. confident. both spoilt. The sign Libra signifies sense of justice. The life and business partners of Librans are highly active as they are signified by Mars. They easily conduct their professional affairs as their tenth house is ruled by the Moon. 6. They have keen interest in performing and fine arts. gentle. stubborn. steel gray and dull colors. Mercury is the only planet which acts as a functional malefic for Librans. Moon + Mercury. and capable of getting out of difficult situations. venereal diseases. Enterprises of Librans are signified by Jupiter as per its strength in the nativity. The eleventh house. Mercury capable of mending Venus. good-natured and have a pleasant disposition. The lord of the sign is an affluent planet and is significator for enjoyments and comforts. is ruled by the royal planet. airy and semi-fruitful sign. Its positive characteristic makes the person a contributor instead of being only a consumer. 2. friends and desires. clarity. that apart from Rahu and Ketu. the Sun. gomedh and cat's eye Remedial Measures Charities to poor students (Upaya) Fasting on Tuesday The sign Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. It is a talkative. Mars + Mercury. better combination. the person suffers from diabetes. Its airy characteristic makes the person a thinker. Its talkative characteristic provides the person capacity to communicate. including the use of body language and facial expressions for making the communication more effective. Libra Lagna Colors: Favorable white. They enjoy the patronage of . The person makes use of the body language for communicating with others. It is the mooltrikona sign of Venus. Mars + Venus. Librans are cautious. positive. both spoilt. Strong Saturn. The reason is. 5. skin. The weakness and affliction to Venus can turn them into depressed. signifying income. a Rajayoga combination. only Mars is spoilt. makes the person a life saviour through the practice of medicine and tremendous growth in business activities. A strong. Spoilt Yogas: 1. Mars + Saturn. argumentative and annoying persons. As Mercury is a fast moving planet. Saturn + Moon. They think big. well placed and unaffiliated Venus blesses all good things mentioned herein before. If Venus is weak and/or afflicted in a Libra nativity. Libra is a comparatively fortunate sign to be born in. the sign Libra signifies a sense of justice. elder brothers and governmental authorities. Moon and Mercury. Libra's are usually attractive people with charisma that borders on sexuality. A strong Mercury assures a disease-free and happy married life for Librans. Librans act with decisiveness once they are clear about their principles. confident. egoism or disease.Mercury and Saturn Malefic. if conjunct. interested in learning. Jupiter with Mars can create violence. Libra is often considered to be the best Ascendant. They want to win people over with love and they hate violence. They have a capacity to draw people in with their body language and have a good ability for communication. become Raja yoga Karakas. whenever the Sun is strong in the nativity. Jupiter with Mercury and Venus gives a high idealism and love of truth and harmony. Libra Ascendant/ Thula People born under this ascendant usually have a magnetic personality. and good-natured with a pleasant disposition.Sun. They love fame and recognition and are often attracted to circles of friends where artists and fame are found. As a cardinal and air sign. This is the reason why big industrialists are always friendly with top political bosses. restless. gentle and artistic. as the main negative planet becomes Jupiter. Ultimately. Libra Ascendant – Benefic & Malefic Dr. whose great benefic nature often makes it function in a positive way. Libra's are cautious. depending on his strength. Shanker Adawal . as they are highly sensitive.highly placed friends. Saturn by itself (lord of houses 4 and 5) gives Raja Yoga or with the Moon (ruling house 10). clarity. Jupiter and Venus will cause Maraka. strong will power and optimism. does not himself cause Maraka evil. Libra persons have a strong sense of harmony and justice as this is the sign for balance. Mars. Libra natives have a keen interest in theatre and fine arts. Facial expressions are another characteristic of Libra. even against the rules of house lordship. Mars and Jupiter Saturn can independently confer Raja Yoga. Functional Malefics: Ruler: Exaltation: Debilitation: Body Parts: LIBRA Overall Saturn and Mercury (lords of houses 5 and 9) in combination give spiritual growth. Planets for Libra Ascendant – Karaka and Maraka Yogas for Libra Ascendant Dr. They are intelligent. Shanker Adawal Benefic. in spite of lordship over 2nd and 7th. the native will take bath in Ganges if Rahu is placed in Cancer for this Ascendant whilst Mars. 13. Y-5. Y-8. Raja Yogas Powerful and strong Raja Yogas arise for the Moveable signs when they become ascendants coupled with the following Yogas: Libra Ascendant 1.If Saturn conjoins the above planets in Libra Ascendant whilst Mars and Moon occupy the 7th. 2. during the Jupiter or Venus dasas and bhuktis. also in this company denotes Kingly status. Note: Lords of evil houses in another evil house confer auspicious results according to Sage Sukracharya. If Jupiter and Venus are associated or are aspected by Saturn and Mars. This May be the background for this Yoga. 9. Mars doesn't become a maraca. a rajayoga is produced. Y-4. If Sun. If Moon is in Ascendant with Jupiter either in Virgo or Pisces.Mars does not become a Maraka for this Ascendant. it produces immense good. 3. the native suffers from skin infections and wounds. or the Moon and Mars in Aries. placed together in Libra Ascendant denotes wealth and prosperity. Mercury. the native will enjoy kingly status and position in the Major period of Mercury. Saturn and Mercury. although it is lords the 2nd and 7th houses. 7. 10. Jupiter.A great Raja Yoga arises for this Ascendant if Jupiter is in 8th. Y-3.Sun. Saturn in Ascendant whilst Moon is in Cancer.Sun-11th lord. 6. the father will be fortunate. the native gets very fortunate and wealthy. in other words become a Maraka. Mars-7th lord. 12. the Mercury dasa will prove fruitful. If Mars is in association with Sun. Saturn and Venus.Venus placed in Libra Ascendant may cause death. Mercury and Venus placed in this Ascendant indicates prosperity and wealth. Y-7. Mercury and Mars are in Aquarius. whilst Moon is placed in 12th for this Ascendant. Saturn is a yogakaraka. Moon-10th lord. Though lord of 3rd and 6th. a rajayoga results.In the Major period of Rahu. Jupiter is also capable of producing yogas . if Jupiter is placed in 8th. Saturn in 9th whilst Mercury and Mars are in 11th.Y-1. Libra: Yogas from Bhavartha Ratnakar etc. Though lord of 3rd and 6th. If there's a Sun-Venus-Mercury combination in Ascendant. If Sun and Mercury are in Virgo and aspected by Saturn. The presence of Mars and Mercury in Leo. If Saturn. the Saturn dasa brings in wealth and fortune. Saturn is a yogakaraka. 8. Libra: 1. the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga during the Rahu dasa. 5. Mercury-9th lord and Saturn-5th and 4th lord. Jupiter is also capable of producing yogas. Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Gemini creates a rajayoga. 1. 2. If the Saturn is in Ascendant and Moon in Cancer. 4. Venus becomes a maraca if he's in the ascendant. Mercury and Saturn are combined with either Moon or Mars.The major period of Jupiter will confer stronger effects. If in Ascendant there are Mercury. and Rahu is in Cancer. Y-2. Jupiter and Saturn stand together in Aquarius. 11. Saturn in Ascendant whilst Mars is in Capricorn. Y-6. If in lagna there are Mercury. Mercury and Saturn are combined with either Moon or Mars. positive. Its talkative characteristic provides the person capacity to communicate including the use of body language and facial expressions for making the communication more effective. Its semi fruitful characteristic blesses the native with affluence and resourcefulness in life. during the Jupiter or Venus dasas and bhuktis. Venus becomes a maraca if he’s in the ascendant 12. Strong Saturn being yogakarka planet for this nativity. argumentative and annoying person. If Sun and Mercury are in Virgo and aspected by Saturn. Libra is a comparatively fortunate sign to have birth. the father will be fortunate 5. airy and semi fruitful sign. stubborn. . The weakness and affliction to Venus can turn them into a depressed. confident. Its positive characteristic makes the person a contributor in place of being only a consumer. the native suffers from skin infections and wounds 4. It is a talkative. skin. the native gets very fortunate and wealthy 8. Its airy characteristic makes the person a thinker. although it lords the 2nd and 7th houses 3. If Saturn. If the Saturn is in lagna and Moon in Cancer. Saturn and Venus. Venus. The life and business partners of Librans are highly active as they are signified by Mars. Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Gemini creates a rajayoga 10. The reason is that apart from Rahu and Ketu. optimism and is highly sensitive. artistic and are able to clear themselves out of difficult situations. As Mercury is a fast moving planet. gentle. The sign Libra signifies the sense of justice. It is the mooltrikona sign of Venus. If Moon is in lagna with Jupiter either in Virgo or Pisces. makes the person life-saviour through practice of medicine and tremendous growth in business activities. Enterprises of Librans are signified by Jupiter as per its strength in the nativity. Mercury is the only planet which acts as a functional malefic for Librans. Saturn and Mercury. If Sun. good natured and have pleasant disposition. It rules lumber region. the person suffers from diabetes. They have keen interest in performing and fine arts. The sign Libra rising in the ascendant gives magnetic personality. Librans are cautious. They want to win others with love and hate violence. the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga during the Rahu dasa Libra Ascendant The sign Libra is ruled by the planet.2. a rajayoga results 13. The person makes use of the body language for communicating with others. kidneys and bones of the lumber region. They easily conduct their professional affairs as their tenth house is ruled by the Moon. Mars doesn’t become a maraca. It gives advisory roles in the fields of finance and law. clarity. If Venus is weak and/or afflicted in a Libra nativity. interested in learning. The lord of the sign is an affluent planet and is significator for enjoyments and comforts. it produces immense good 6. Mercury and Mars are in Aquarius. If Mars is in association with Sun. Librans are intelligent. arthritis. strong will power. Jupiter. The presence of Mars and Mercury in Leo. and Rahu is in Cancer. or the Moon and Mars in Aries. A strong. a rajayoga is produced 7. the Saturn dasa brings in wealth and fortune 11. If there’s a Sun-Venus-Mercury combination in lagna. If Jupiter and Venus are associated or are aspected by Saturn and Mars. the Mercury dasa will prove fruitful 9. venereal diseases. well placed and unafflicted Venus blesses all good things mentioned hereinbefore. gout pains and renal diseases. restless. if Venus is fully strong. makes the person worldly wise and shrewd. obstructions caused by its transit over natal positions are short lived. as follows: a) The centre top (square) of your horoscope contains the number 7. A strong Mercury assures a disease free and happy married life for Librans. optimism and is highly sensitive. restless and good natured and have a pleasant disposition. artistic. confident. the Sun. that apart from Rahu and Ketu. It gives advisory roles in the fields of finance and law. . stubborn. Vedic Jyotish : Libra & You : A self-intro Vedic Astrology is the light of life and it is based upon the movement of sign rising at the horizon at the time of the birth of the native. the sign in which the Moon is located. The reason is. kidneys and bones of the lumbar region. strong will power. then if your name starts with any of the following alphabets : ‘raa’. signifying income. skin. That is the reason that big industrialists are always friendly with top political bosses. and/or b) the slots (square or triangle) containing Moon contains the number 7. and/or c) if you do not have a horoscope. and capable of getting out of difficult situations. ‘ree. Librans are intelligent. They want to win others with love and hate violence. 2. venereal diseases. gomedh and cat's eye. Mercury is the only planet that acts as a functional malefic for Librans.The eleventh house. ‘rou’. Its talkative characteristic provides the person capacity to communicate. It rules lumbar region. Librans are cautious. interested in learning. including the use of body language and facial expressions for making the communication more effective. The weakness and affliction to Venus can turn them into depressed. The lord of the sign is an affluent planet and is significator for enjoyments and comforts. is ruled by the royal planet. They think big and enjoy successes of high orders. gout pains and renal diseases. The person makes use of the body language for communicating with others. The Western Astrology is based upon Sun sign and the Vedic astrology is based on Moon sign which is more accurate in timing an event. 3. 5. ‘ta’. argumentative and annoying persons. ‘rey’. elder brothers. ‘too’. It is the mooltrikona sign of Venus. Libra is a comparatively fortunate sign to be born in. Unfavourable Stones Emerald. elder brothers and governmental authorities whenever the Sun is strong in the nativity. airy and semi-fruitful sign. 4. They enjoy the patronage of highly placed friends. Its airy characteristic makes the person a thinker. Check your horoscope if you are a Libra native. ‘tey’. Its semi-fruitful characteristic blesses the native with affluence and resourcefulness in life. It is a talkative. and also most importantly. friends and desires. if Venus is fully strong. the person suffers from diabetes. ‘tee’. Unfavourable colours Green. The sign Libra signifies sense of justice. The sign Libra rising in the ascendant gives a magnetic personality. ‘roo’. They have keen interest in performing and fine arts. gentle. The sign Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. Its positive characteristic makes the person a contributor instead of being only a consumer. If Venus is weak and/or afflicted in a Libra nativity. arthritis. positive. 1. makes the person a life saviour through the practice of medicine and gives tremendous growth in business activities. clarity. steel grey and dull colours. smoke grey. The three gems can be studded in a locket and worn in the neck. 2. loss of mental peace. Saturn : Difficulties in academic and professional career. large eyes and dignifies stature. obstructions caused by its transit over natal positions are short lived. is ruled by the royal planet. it must be propitiated. and of nervous nature 5. Sun : Deficient income. The direction of Libra is North. Mercury makes the stature proportionate and well shaped Jupiter adds the fair complexion. lack of affluence and lack of charm 7. softness and greater delicacy. Venus adds beauty. lack of mental peace and intelligence. They easily conduct their professional affairs as their tenth house is ruled by the Moon. Lack of communicative power. If a planet is adverse. whenever the Sun is strong in the nativity. Mars : Steals dynamism. elder brothers. inactive Libra is the seventh Zodiac sign of all 12 Zodiac Signs. Moon : Changing professional activities time and again. for example if the Sun is in the Lagna it adds nobleness. But is practically implied only if there is no planet in the first house or Lagna. trouble to father. 6. This is the reason why big industrialists are always friendly with top political bosses. Venus : Weak health. 9. 4. physical and personal characteristics. the Moon adds better proportion and greater delicacy. under advice. more physical ailments in later part of the life. rheumatism and renal diseases. They enjoy the patronage of highly placed friends. the Sun. trouble to mother and wife. and the relevant deity mantra or jap may be useful to alleviate sufferings. Endeavours of Librans are signified by Jupiter as per its strength in the nativity.1. Libra Lagna | Tula Lagna | Libra Ascendant | Tula Rashi | Libra Sign Each Zodiac sign when ascending carries its own definite mental. Strong Mercury assures a disease-free and happy married life for Librans. Libra natives can safely wear Diamond or Blue Sapphire or Emerald as adjudged by an able astrologer with detailed reading. It is movable in nature. Presence of planet can modify the results. too. As Mercury is a fast moving planet. 8. The life and business partners of Librans are highly active as they are signified by Mars. . 3. Strong Saturn. spinal problems. makes the person worldly wise and shrewd. The eleventh house. loss of spouse early if Venus and Moon. The Sun in Libra is debilitated while Saturn is Exalted in Libra The Lord of Lagna is the Venus that makes the native aesthetic and generous. Weak and afflicted Planets Effects: 1. Saturn makes a man tall. 6. elder brothers and governmental authorities. Jupiter : Lack of happiness from male progeny and younger brothers. Mercury : Disturbed married life. A strong and unafflicted Venus blesses all good things mentioned herein before. tender health 4. 7. are weak. 3. friends and desires. being yogakaraka planet for this nativity. Libra is an Airy sign and male Zodiac . weak heart and discontentment. Mars in lagna gives a fair ruddiness and healthy constitution. and enjoy successes of a high order. less enterprising and lack of fame. 10. If a benefic planet turns weak it must be strengthened by wearing gems or correctly prescribed rudraksha and also reciting planetary mantras. 2. They think big. signifying income. 5. fair. Truth and honesty has a special domination for them. courteous. perceptive. positive/ They are also at times vidictive and forceful. The diseases prominent in Libra if afflicted are Bright’s disease. Sun in the first house aspects the seventh house (Aries sign) with the seventh aspect. broad face. Due to . self earned wealth. tactful. love for opposite sex and farsightedness. Saturn in Libra is a very beneficial placement. sociable and discreet. The Moon in Libra develops reverence and repect for holy and learned people. sanguine temperament and fond of adulation. Judge. love for art. phlegmatic constitution. It also makes hasty. pleasing. thin. Let us find out what placement of planets in Libra ascendant mean for the native. They sometimes in zeal and enthusiasm go to the pitch that they can force the unwilling minds to follow. charitable. They become ambitious. Malefic planets placed with Sun in the Ascendant or aspecting it gives the person an aggressive nature. They can also be successful in the business of Incense. passionate. arrogant. They have keen foresight. This position of the Sun in Libra makes them pompous. Libra is Diwasbali. Mercury in Libra develops material tendencies. philosophical. Mars in Libra gives a tall body. self confident. it influences the economic status and sometimes causes an economic loss for the native. exchanges. generous. Moon in Libra makes the native wealthy. They are ambitious. fine eyes. respected. They are more idealist than realist.The colour of Libra is varied blues and place is Market. proud. peace and order. The appropriate careers for Liberians are good Actors. Jupiter in Libra makes native handsome. As the lord of the house of income. They look generally youthful. intelligent. materialistic. lumbago. open minded. The locations covered are Racing and gambling centre. Sun Placed in Libra Ascendant: Sun becomes malefic in the Birth Chart of the Libra Ascendant which is why it creates problems related to eyes. calculi.Kidneys. Advocate. rich. quick witted. religious. amicable. self conceited. commercial places. They are successful as political leaders and religious reformers as they have the power to influence masses. Generally natives born in Libra have sensual disposition. founder of institutions. wicked. They love justice. The effect of planets when placed in Libra Ascendant The placement of planets in ascendant has a special significance for a person as ascendant is considered the most important house in the horoscope. streets. In the study of Mundane Astrology Libra governs navel of Kalapurusha. philosophical. Industrialist. In the Medical Astrology Libra governs Lower belly. Musical instruments. lumbar regions and loins. business-like. . symmetrically built.sales and purchase centre. Milk. The Sun in Libra is debilitated. Venus in Libra makes Statesman. renal. attractive. . This placement makes them tall with raised nose. Television and Radio can be beneficial fields for them. competent. This placement can make them to loose morals. Silver. They are keen observers of human nature. They develop love for family. faithfulness. Venus placement makes a successful marriage. nephritis. That means that this rashi gets stronger in the day time. It makes them popular but tactless. They are not easily amenable to reason. It makes the native famous. tall. Physically Libras possess fair complexion. They are great lovers of music. frank and base drunkard. The Mental Tendencies of Libra rising natives are idealistic. Jupiter aspect the 5th. Because of the full aspect of Venus on the 7th he may have several affairs and there might be conflicts with the life-partner because of this. He would get support of the life partner and his children. It also helps in maintaining a supportive and loving relationship with the life partner. He likes to spend money on luxuries. Mars Placed in Libra Ascendant: Mars is the lord of the 2nd and the 7th house in the birth-chart. It is lord of the 3rd and the 6th houses. It makes the person religious and intelligent. He would get affection and support from his parents. the childhood of the person is difficult and full of struggle. If Moon is in combination with benefic planets or it aspects the benefic planets then people will get good results in the field related to the seventh house. Marriage would be delayed and there may not be much support from the life-partner due to this combination. Because of the placement of Moon in the birth-chart he may not have a very affectionate relationship with his mother. . You will earn money and your place in the society on the strength of your own wisdom and capabilities. brave and ambitious nature. intelligence and high-education. Difficulties may occur in married life. Due to its aspect on the seventh house. His worldly life may not be very happy due to this combination. 7th and on the 8th houses. It plays the role of a beneficial planet and gives good results in the fields related to the 9th house and the 10th house. Saturn Placed in Libra Ascendant: Saturn becomes very influential as it becomes the lord of a Kendra and trine house when it is placed in the Ascendant. the spouse would have an aggressive. The placement of Venus in the 1st house makes the native enthusiastic and self-confident. Moon makes him virtuous and clever. Because of the positive effects of Venus. 7th and the 9th houses. Jupiter Placed in Libra Ascendant: If your Ascendant is Jupiter then it is not a very lucky planet for you. If the 8th house becomes inauspicious during the Dasha period of Mars. He will have an interest in music and arts. Venus Placed in Libra Ascendant: Venus is the Ascendant lord and the 8th lord in the Kundli of Libra Ascendant. He might not get much help from brothers because of the aspect of Mars on the benefic houses. Moon is inauspicious if it is the tenth lord in the Ascendant. . Jupiter in Ascendant gives confidence and makes you intelligent and courageous. Aspect of Jupiter on the 7th house gives happiness from children. As Mars in the 1st house becomes the lord of the 2nd house it gives economic growth to the native and also gives success in business. then the person may face health related problems. The person would benefit from an independent business and a partnership may not be fruitful for him or her. He has respect for their elders and would get respect and support from the government. Moon Placed in Libra Ascendant: When Moon is placed in the Libra Ascendant. If Mercury is influenced by maleficial planets then the amount of wealth and happiness in married life might be limited. the person would be healthy and he would have an unusual attraction for beauty in others. He has a fertile imagination and a mind that does not stay on one topic for long. the adolescence and adulthood is joyful. He would have a good education and may achieve success in the engineering field. He would be blessed with helping friends and mother. A person would get affection and support from his parents. Mercury Placed in Libra Ascendant: Mercury is the 9th lord and the 10th lord in the Kundli when placed in the Ascendant.the aspect of Sun on Mars’s sign the person is brave. Mercury aspects the 7th house which gives him happiness in married life. It plays a beneficial role when placed in the Ascendant. The full aspect of Mars is on the 4th. employees. learning and accomplishments. short journeys. hardworking. clever in speech. courageous. Saturn – Shani: Intelligent. respectful to seniors. Venus – Shukra: Good looking. Jupiter – Guru (Brihaspati): Good memory. He might not get much help from the spouse and children and might not be very lucky. religious. writings. hospitable host. very active and wealthy. Rahu Placed in Libra Ascendant: The person born with Rahu in the Libra Ascendant may have problems related to health. 2nd House. Ratnakar it will act as benefic. small . He may eye other people’s wealth and feel jealous. 7th or the 9th houses then he would have problems in education. fond of flowers and clothes. A career in theater and films could suit such a subject. lean body and face. Mercury – Budha: Generous. pleasing personality. music etc. antagonistic to friends. The subject may have many liaisons. Indications of Planets in Libra: Sun – Surya: Matters governed by the sun would not show very good results as the Sun is debilitated here. comfortable living. involved in work that does not augur well for reputation. But according to Bhavarth. wealthy. 7. Ketu aspects the 5th. When well aspected then gain through service. earns money and respect. Dragon’s head – Rahu: Very sweet in speech. cunning. Ketu Placed in Libra Ascendant. Lord of 3rd and 6th house in Ascendant indicates comforts and gain from children (since it aspects 5th house). talkative. Gain through educational affairs. May get benefit from land. Moon – Chandra (Soma): Prominent nose. that is why they never discuss any task before its completion. very wealthy. Loss through servants and sickness through irregularity. happy person. harsh.Full aspect of Saturn is on the 3rd. gets a good name and fame. He may not be very religious and feel an unknown fear in his mind. Saturn makes him rich as well and gives him property and vehicles. There are strong chances that he will have a delayed marriage and conflicts may occur with the life partner as well as relatives. servants and animals. Rahu makes a person introvert. 7th and the 9th house in the birth-chart when it is placed in the ascendant. Mars – Mangal (Kuja): Good appearance. Generally lack of recognition. attached to more than one partner. It makes a person brave and hard working and he has the ability to complete his work by his bravery and hard work. pilgrimage (9th house) and a comfortable life. When Rahu aspects the 5th. the Jupiter will act as a. generous in giving. He will not be very lucky at gambling. Likely to do well in international trade and travel and tourism. tendency to waste money. 1st House. If they talk about it then they would get difficulties in achieving the objective. Losses through sickness. attached to spouse and children. strong. writing. malefic and will give bad results. Concern with affairs of brothern and neighbours. blessed with long life and religious. famous. problems with litigation. have a problem in some limb. due to this influence he may not be a very kind and compassionate person. 7th and the 10th houses. very rich. Has several good children and good friends. may have tendency to quarrel. LIBRA ASCENDANT Jupiter for Libra ascendant is lord of 3rd and 6th houses and since both houses are malefic. Dragon’s tail – Ketu: Subject may lack confidence. and respected. Sickness or work in large institutions. short journeys. many brothers and gain through them. In middle of life one becomes under debt. learned and generous comforts from conveyance. Many enemies who will be source of worry. Average life up to middle age. Troubles in early life. Financial condition not sound. Work in connection with foreign affairs of universities. financial record for faithful work and service. gain through relations. 12th House. 7th House. inns. Interest in studies and method of healing and industrial economy. If afflicted reverse results. A teacher or professor. Intelligent and learned. command over foreign languages. Troubles with employees. Death at the hand of a cruel enemy. Respected. 9th House. grief of brothers and friends. good rank and favour from Govt. interest in study of social economy. Hopes depend too much on acquaintances. Work of secret mysterious nature. If ill aspected. Generous. intelligent. A wealthy and respected native. mental pleasure through children but they will remain sick. Death of nearest relative. study. Sickness of native through anxiety and troublesome through home or domestic affairs. pleasure through young people. Occult learning. and charitable places. Correspondance with friends. wealthy. There may be some strained relations with brothers or kindered and sickness also if Jupiter is afflicted. 8th House. animals. accomplishments and travel to pleasure places. through journeys and gain through them. Long life. Long life. 5th House. publishing and science. Pleasurable journeys. sickness abroad at sea while travelling. Danger of enemity. 4th House. Seclusion or estrangements from brothers or kindered. sickness amongest friends and family. dangerous illness. Respected and comfortable old age. If afflicted reverse are the results. or troubles on account of death or bequests. generous and truthful. poultry etc. 11th House. renown also through writings or other accomplishments. Pleasure through brothers. Benefits through learnings. Interest in legislatives activities. Professional and honourable journeys and gain through them. Difficulty through brethern.Command over foreign language.animals. journey to foreigns land. 6th House. False accusations. Some severe illness. Hopes and wishes accomplished through progressive studies. intelligent and famous. Troubles through servants in the home. impressionable and sweet speech. Honest and respected man. and imprionment while travelling. Interest in Archeology and submarine life. Wealthy. quarrels through servants.and comforts from conveyance. 3rd Honse. Long life. Last part of life comfortable. danger through over study. A few brothers. Intelligent. Generous and well respected. Marriage as a result of journey. Respected. Expenditure on religious and charitable institutions. Many enemies and losses through relatives and friends. Intelligent and gain through brothers. difficulties with disreputed women and sickness. Unwanted and uncalled for expenses. builder of temples. worried. Grief from children. political and social welfare. Travelling and writing in connection with home affairs and property. Under debt. Since it is 6th lord it will give sickness of father through worry and changes. reverse results are indicated. Great sorrows through brothers. Respect and authority from Govt. writing or with one of kin. Lucky and wealthy. Respect. . Fortunate through brothers. secret sufferings. grief and worries from wife and children. Illness due to over indulgence in pleasures and sports resulting in loss of accumulated wealth. 10th House. death of servants. reading. famous and wealthy. gain through philosophy. Pilgrimage. Knowledge of many languages. Learned and intelligent. Partner or opponents may cause imprisonment or fear of it. finance company failures etc. Public enemies. 4th House. Annoyed over trifles. An average financial condition. difficulty through writings or contracts. loss through legacy. When afflicted. Journeys to land in the company of religious person. Brave and courageous. 12th House. Gain by books trading at sea. Religious or legal disputes. Handsome. Victory over enemies. law suits after middle age. and gain of wealth and respect. Abortions. public enemies. land or mines. When Mars is afflicted. Gain from the death of brother in the middle age. a chaste wife and happy married life. Gain by partner's relatives. robbery in house. Death of wife or partners. partnerships. Gain by occupation. secret sorrows. 6th House. Estate's benefits through parents. as bank. 2nd House. Money comes readily. philosophy. law suit. law suits. A honourable partner beneficial to the professional career. A native of independent views and livings. reverse results. It is in debilitated sign. love of women and gain through them. Loss of money through marriage and partnership if afflicted. profession. Strained relations with relatives. wealthy. Govt. It denotes gain through education. Contract business and dealing with others specially with opposite sex. Loss of earned and accumulated money. Being lord of two maraka houses it becomes weak. vexation and sickness. brave and of rash temperament. Gain by speculations. troubles on short journeys. Gain through inferiors and servants. 1st House. Prosperous brothers. Marriage below status. contracts. Bad stomach and afflicted eyesight. Hard to accumulate money. Friends becomes public opponents or enemies. Weak stomach. Native will lead independent life. 11th House. has sickly wife and evily disposed employees. A progressing partner. jealous.. but likely one who grows cold or proves untrue or hostile. So when strong it gives good results. 3rd House. entertain-ment and young people and children. obstacles and loss of money. If afflicted reverse results are indicated. Marriage to a widow or widower with children but liable to troubles through them. . and wife's parents. but enmity with some of the brothers or neighbours. if in 2. writings. brothers. pleasure. Danger of death at the hands of enemies if 8th house lord is afflicted. of money through the financial loss of the others. Being 2nd house lord it is malefic whereas being kendra lord it is good.8 or 12th house gives ill health in its dasa and bhukti but only when other mahadasa lord other antradasa lord also denotes ill health. Loss through women and death of partner. Science and wife's relations. and short journeys. partnership. many enemies. If afflicted. partner's journey to foreign lands. Loss through enemies. Marriage in a good noble family and gain thereby at latter stage. A native of rash temperament. Ill famed or disrespected. Property by marriage.6. heavy losses in early age and through unions. Connections with law. long journeys. Mars is in exalted sign. Gain by affairs of secret nature. Loss of ancestral property. 7th House. some inheritance but difficulty over it. favourable. Gain by legacy and goods of the dead or through money of the partner. indicates litigations over property. If afflicted. merchandising. occult investigations and by large animals. and through hospitals.Mars is Lord of 2nd and 7th house. Gain by marriage and own hard work. hygiene and service. The native marries and enjoys much pleasures thereby. loss by investment in property and mines. Many enemies. 5th House. Unions.. Unhappy marriage. 8th House. from a far. 10th House. Gain or loss by friends and accidental fortune Fond of company of religious persons. religion. Marriage through stranger. neighbours. Afflicted health of mother. Mars here is in his own sign. investments. 9th House. Wife is lovely. Religious. devoted to virtuous deeds. Not much fame and troubles from family. Venus in 3rd house proves detrimental and dasa of Venus will bring miseries. Blessed with good friends and children. Keeps relation with other women. Endowed with power of writing poems and can become a good writer. cold and cough and fear of water. Thus Venus becomes benefic. writer of books and engaged in doing good to others. conveyance and house etc. dear to all and blessed with wealth. There may be some misfortune in appropriate sub periods of Venus dasa. Differences with parents. Fond of composing poems and hearing the same. Sweet tongued. It is also lord of eighth house where the Taurus sign falls. It gives good education. Fond of love marriage and so keep on flirting with number of girls. Gets rich dowry. fame through own efforts. Married life not happy with second marriage after the death of first wife. and pleasures. We shall keep this aspect in view while considering the result of Venus in various houses. Psychic and mysterious experiences. Lot of anxieties and foreign travels. skilled. profit in business. expenses and loss of income. Wealth will be gathered by native with great difficulties and hindrances. learned. lives abroad fond of music law and knowledge of law and other languages. Instability of mind. Very choosy in selecting partner and in rejecting number of proposals even an opportunity to have a charming wife slips out of hands. 1 House. number of brothers and sisters. blessed with wife. He likes extramarital relations and sex dwells in his mind. If Moon sign is favourable then these adversities will disappear. beautiful and educated. attractive. This position thus gives incomplete education. gain of success in jobs requiring hard work. poet. promotions if in service.In this position Venus will give the results of malavya yoga ensuring good health. 3 House — Venus will be in Sagittarius sign owned by enemy Jupiter. intelligent.Venus becomes lord of Ascendant where its mooltrikona sign falls. According to some authorities Venus is considered neutral for this lagna. The spouse is intelligent. . Fortunate after marriage. Marry not for love but for money and so always frustration in love. and mental happiness. frustration in love and defamation because of illicit relations with some vicious women. Remains under the influence of an older lady because of money. 4 House . gives government service but not much progress and lot of obstructions in promotion. happiness. Very passionate and licentious. the child antenatally caused distress to the mothers physique. haughty. restricted development and break in education. writer or teacher etc.Good education. As 4th house indicates land and property. change of place. Business. fame and honours from government. Afflicted Venus may give death of father and troubles from property. poet. Native is woman seeker. Blessed with food and wealth. Blessed with brothers and sisters. But experience has shown malefic results of Venus for this lagna. Family life moderately happy. Average wealth and religious. Allure other women through beautiful and sweet words. Patrimony and troubles to father. Handsome. Recognition by public. house. Not very smooth relations with friends.Here Venus will be in Capricornus sign owned by Saturn which is inhabiting and restrictive in characteristics but a raja yoga Karaka for this ascendant. However Venus is lord of ascendant and 8th and so represents longevity and being lord of mooltrikona sign falling in Ascendant gives the good result in respect of finances. Secret diseases. Foriegn voyage. If Venus and Moon are in 4th house. When Venus is afflicted there could be troubles. Less issues. Fond of decorative and scented articles. industrious. dear to relatives and brothers. This native is educated and can be an artist. Talk ill of preceptor. Thus there will be ordinary wealth and learning in the dasa of Venus. 2 House . wealth not steady. May indicate troubles or risk of death during journeys.land. children and conveyance. By nature simple and earns his livelihood normally through art of writing or service. Life is better after marriage. Secret diseases. Education is incomplete. Wife is always sick with physical troubles. Inclined towards religious and virtuous works. Union with other women. Education completed. Success in business can also be there. Not much pleasure from children. Married life will be generally happy. 7 House . Fond of white clothes and scented things. He will have a medium span of life. Diseases of cold and cough and any disease connected with semen. Highly licentious and passionate and inclined to intercaste marriage. Spend money in pilgrimage. Wife is rich and gains through her. Two marriages are possible. Incomplete education. Corrupted before the age of 20 years. Because of independent views less money and more fame. inimical to business community. financial troubles. this ailment is doubly certain. always sick. 6 House . cunning and selfish. amorous acts. Suffer from secret diseases of diabetes and hernia. Being debauchee keeps illicit relations with many girls. They are saved if any risk of life arises during sea journey or swimming. Wife is beautiful but native still keeps secret relations with another woman which causes loss of money and fame. sweet tongued. Here even if education is not complete one is learned writer and proficiency in editing and intelligent. He will be miserable in his old age and will be dependant on others. Gain money and fame because of being learned. Blessed with long life and may live up-to pretty age of 120 years proving the adage that a sinner lives longest lives. 9 House . is strong.Here Venus will be in Pieces sign owned by enemy Jupiter. Fortunate after marriage. This does not mean that he will be an insignificant person in early periods with Venus in the 6th in peak ( exalted). Normally live well. Earns livelihood through business or other small vocations. Wife calm honest and well aware of behavioural etiquettes.5 House . innocent face and attractive eyes. Many ambitions. No savings because of luxurious life and expenditure on speculations. Partner gets due respect but a second marriage may take place. troubles of mind and body. a friendly sign. Devoid of marital pleasures or remains unmarried. Both husband and wife suffer from one disease or the other. Happiness in business and journey. If Venus is afflicted loss through law. Obstacles in promotion if in service. A man of rank and powers. blessed with elders and conveyances. Very passionate and licentious. licentious. Disturbed married life because of natives licentious mature. Marriage is late. 8 House . Some child may die. Never very wealthy.Here Venus will be in Aquarius sign which is a friendly sign. Inclined to have inter caste marriage but consideration of friends and society are great deterrents. sports or loss in recreations. Earn money and fame through drama. dependant. Daily . blessed with brothers and sisters. proficiency in artistic works. If Sun karaka of heart is there. Romantic and lover of poetry. Skilled in amorous acts. This power grants Venus to elevate the native to a high class of society. desirous of becoming wealthy. Handsome. He will suffer from diseases relating to heart. slow progress and mental worries. always miserable. he learns a number of arts for progress and fame but being greedy is not able to complete the jobs. They have number of friends who help at times. Unfortunate in respect of children. makes him affluent and very happy. Besides these general results. misery etc. If married marital life is not happy. More daughters than sons and even there may not be any male issue. women and open enemies. worried about more wealth. wife will be of short life unless Mars rulling 8th from 7th.Here Venus will be in own sign of Taurus. Keep relations with either a widow or a divorcee. Sweet tongued and lover of sweetness. poetry and music etc. earns livelihood through proferssorship or lecturer or writing work. Feels frustrated if partner is not very educated and polite.Venus here will be in Gemini. Expert in skilled job. Blessed with parents. suffers from number of diseases. Complete education. debauchee.Venus will be in Aries sign owned by Mars and inimical planet. Travels and journeys. Not much happiness from children. His later part of the life will be full of sickness. defamed. miser and very sharp intelligence. No discrimination for religious or irreligious. Education completed with interruptions.new functions. Marriage is normally denied and if it comes then issues don't survive. changes in position. Success in skill of writing. Life being dependant on elder brother. Gets money from wife for business. Two marriages are possible. Death in affluence Venus generally in ninth denotes a second wife for Libra. Victorious over enemies. Loss of eye sight due to ones own fault. It could also be there if instead of Mars. establish relations with foreign girl. Addicted to drinking and seek union with other women. Occassionally troubles are there. Blessed with father but not a good time with father in-law. Tempramenlally lazy. If Mars occupies the 10th the effect is doubly confirmed. Very much inclined even to intercaste marriage. Education very less. profits through business. Early marriage and downfall after death of wife. A mole or scar on the ears may be noted. They have natural aptitude for acting. Loss through women. though there are various opportunities for him to satisfy his sexual urge. This position of Venus is considered highly auspicious. Blessed with house. spend a lot during journeys. failures and losses in business. Waste of money because* of other women. Gain of money through friends and assistance from them. comforts and happiness. Fond of music. it is an organisation where more girls are employed. If afflicted by Saturn either no marriage or marriage out of caste. proficient in art of drama and great fondness for love marriage. Married life unhappy. Despite financial gains there is not much saving. Generous and good temperament. Gain of wealth through wife. Knowledge of art of poetry. Neither sexual nor inclined towards women. 12 House — Here Venus will be in sign of debilitation Virgo. However in case of survival girls are more. lands and conveyance etc. Generous and of good temperament and endowed with fame and respect. painting of natural sceneries or jobs of making earthen toys etc. Earn livelihood either through business or artistic work as poetry. In event of foreign journey.Here Venus will be in inimical sign of Leo. Profits can be from skills as well. Miser and could not care less type. These persons are highly intelligent and capable of encashing all possible influence from government sources as well as from persons in position is denoted. Worry about cold and cough. 10 House . 11 House . The native is generous and socially popular but addicted. Not inclined to do service and likes to run his independent business. cinema etc. Married life is harmonious and wife helps the native in profession and earns herself. In middle life more luck. These people are generally with short life. literary fields and through precious stones. natural beauty. There could be early demise of wife. Sun is there. Libra Ascendant (Thula Lagna) – Vimsottari dasas and results . If in service. Honoured by public.Here Venus will be in Cancer sign belonging to Moon. However this position is more favourable for fame and wealth through agriculture. Very passionate and licentious. In this place Venus in combination with a benefic indicates skill in drama and cinema etc. and it is in these fields they get name and fame. Education is not completed but still blessed with wealth. If Venus is afflicted here. Benefit through occult sciences and secret mission. Spouse good and beautiful. sick physique and suffer from many chronic diseases and even secret diseases. Income very meagre and scared of journeys. Always scared of watery diseases. relations with other women may adversely affect the good name. worry about debts. Pleasures and comforts in life. Being unsettled mentally are not able to stick to any profession. Foreign travel and job/business in foreign countries will prove to be beneficial. Hard earned money will be lost to some extent. agriculture. You will try to bring harmony among your co-workers but you cannot escape few blames. During 10 years of Moon (chandra) dasa. airlines. Parents will be satisfied with your progress. Controversial issues will turn favorable for you. Relatives will no co-operate and few will develop jealousness on you without reason. During 7 years of Mars(kuja) dasa. But you will reach higher positions with your own efforts. For more favorable saturn dasa. Writers will publish new books after some research or about social problems. lost money will be recovered. Relation with mother will influence and effect your life. You will help friends and relatives. Sun and Jupiter dasas give unfavorable results. . political issues will be profitable. feed bread or rotis made of wheat flour to black color dogs. You will create disputes between your enemies and weaken them. Rahu and Ketu dasas give partially succesfull results. Spouse will become biggest hurdle to reach peaks in your profession.People born under Libra Ascendant (Thula Lagna) will have favorable period during Saturn. aeronautical engineering will have prosperous period. Court cases and litigations will bother to some extent. Except finance business. One such case can extend for long term. Will also gain properties under litigation. Few will discover new things. During favorable 17 years of mercury (budha) dasa. you will gain ancestral property. Small business will slowly spread into big industry. Speakers will become more popular for their speeches and command over the subjects. Mars and Venus dasas. During a highly favorable 19 years of saturn (sani) dasa. There will be obstacles but you will overcome them easily. Skin and digestive system related diseases will bother for a while but overall dasa will give satisfaction. all other businesses will flourish during sani mahardasa. Will also take up responsibility of siblings and upbringing of family. Writers will become famous but their works will be controversial. you will eliminate or suppress all your enemies. You will also face disputes with your spouse but you will compromise with them without taking them too further. many will become famous for their knowledge. Businesses related to food. political power. while Moon. Family matters will be resolved but with some conflicts. Mental and Physical strength will be at its peak. People working in air force. Real estate. dairy will flourish. victory in competitions will be seen. Will be less philanthropic but will have good name in society. Mercury. Mass attraction. Political circle will spread and you will be noticed for your political tactics. Insults and suspiscion among family and relatives will cause ternsions. During unfavorable 16 years of Jupiter (Guru) dasa. To overcome few of these bad effects. literature. Students will have great progress in higher education. performing Sudarsana Homam is best remedy. many will marry the person they loved. religion and spirituality. infections etc health problems will bother throughout the dasa. defamation. Kids will go out of control. Tootache. financial problems. royal entitlements. You will have close relations with people in power. soul. Health related issues will bother. cinema. and awareness of Truth. cheating by partners. pride. fake documents robbing you from your ancestral properties. During 20 years of Venus (Sukra) dasa. increase in income. More income will be seen from businesses in foreign countries. Business in foreign countries will prove to be profitable. Will be respected for being a good person but no help will be offered at personal level. performing Rudra Paasupata Homam once in a year is best remedy. loss of assets and gold. Students will also have good results in competitive examinations. . Philanthrophy will be a secret for you. Few ailments related to genital organs will trouble during this disease. If unmarried. During 18 years of Rahu dasa. temporary loss of power and prestige. loss in business. You will gain sympathy but not love. You will gain enough knowledge about ancient scripts. Ketu dasa of 7 years will also be favorable but you will chose spiritual or religious path. diabetes. Few will get attracted towards other religions and will also change their faith. Vimshottari Period Rulers Surya L-11 Gains and Goals Surya = the karaka for Divine Self. health problems. criminal cases. 70% results will be in your favour but few of your near and dear will pass away and cause some agony to you. Close persons will become hurdles to your freedom. you will lose many oppurtunities to marry because of your attitude. seperation from spouse will be experienced. music etc will help you make noticeable progress in those fields. This will irritate you and stop you from offering your help to them. differences with spouse are possible. health problems. properties from parents or in-laws will be written in your name and they will be useful for investments in new business. Few will permanently seperate from spouse and even go for divorce. Good kids. Few will fall in trap of fake gurus and get cheated. Taking advises of women will be helpful in career related issues. confidence. During unfavorable 6 years of Sun (Ravi) dasa. stable job or business. To reduce ill-effects of this dasa.Interests in dance. pressure for repayment of loans. Siblings and cousins will be helpful but at home you will be bound by few decisions of your spouse against your wish. continous disputes with everyone. drama. confortable family life. especially in overseas. their mutual relationship to lagna and Chandra lagna. perhaps the entire studio dissolves.When Thula = radix lagna+ L-11 Surya controls the networks of gainful association. the Thula native rarely receives the amount and quality of attention that Surya requires. and prayer. loss of bed pleasures. . Invalidationor marginalization by large groups. However Surya is an enemy of lagnesha Shukra. "lowest common denominator" public standards occurs especially during the Surya-Shani period when the Thula native will be oppressed by rules meant to contain the masses..g. (If the lord of Chandra's Nakshatra is friendly toward Surya. Surya-Shukra period is often challenging due to Shukra's lordship of the lagna (validating) but also of randhra bhava (ego destructive). in kendra or in Simha or Mesha. A young child may lose their bed or bedroom. During Surya Mahadasha . Artists and musicians lose studio time. Males Surya periods for any lagna will attract strong-willed males. Much depends of course upon the mutual angles of Shani. and Surya. Loss of hospitalization. the answer is often 'not'. and to be positioned during the mahadasha for superior future earnings. Losses Lord of 12th-from-12th=loss of sanctuary. and the Nakshatra of Chandra. for the Shukra-ruled native who prefers a balanced and harmonious relationship rather than courtly service to a petty king.) All things considered. Dissolution of engagement with fantasies. the Thula native may expect to achieve important life goals during these six years. Loss of sanctuary. Therefore Surya Mahadasha is problematic for self-contentedness and self-validation(portfolio of the lagnesha) Surya period is overall constrained by a need to participate rather anonymously in plebian activities (Shani) such as community work when the basic instinct of regal Surya is to be in the center of attention. If Surya is well-placed. results may be emotionally rather easier. vision quests. loss of privacy. Gains of income. dissolution of imprisonment. Shukra. Return of faith in personal creativity and increase in the number of interlocked friendships. A yogi hermit may be called out of cave retreat. Refugees may be called out of hiding. the period is likely to be materially and socially gainful but at the price of personal integrity. therefore it depends on Thula-1 's capacity for handling male behavior and especially that male's need to be the center of attention whether the six year period is happy or not. loss of connection to distant lands. Unless Surya is damaged. Embarking on a new (1) programme of goal-setting (11) and expansion of marketplace connections which facilitate earnings (11). A nun may leave her convent to embark on missionary (11) work in the world. Loss of reflective and imaginative practice. achievement of goals. Expansion of the social network based on shared vision for the future. increased recognition and mobility in the marketplace. Ironically when Surya is strong e. loss of clairsentience and dissolution of ability to communicate with spirit guides and ancestors. and furthermore Surya is an enemy of the natural regulator of labha who is Shani. It may be easier for the Shukra ruled nativity which features a relatively weak Surya which represents much less flamboyant demands from kingly males. Gains Lord of 11th-from-1st = gain of vitality and engagement of the social personality. Ravi period = confidently gainful and well connected through networks of friends. Both abstract. fundraising. socially recognized via community engagement and participation in social networks. and results are extremely good. Thula-1 is busy promoting a future vision. material life goals may certainly be realized. e. during the major period of L-8 Shukra + minor lord Surya)  marriage or business alliance (if Surya = associated with Shukra karaka for partnership. Jimmy Carter.. from Chandra lagna. Assess the angle to Surya's house.L-11 will nevertheless bear influence upon a large network of people.  The effect of Surya's periods will necessarily be influenced by the house-lordships of any graha sharing the bhava with Ravi. expanded influence in the assembly. Benefits from an L-11 Ravi-Rahu sudden "great leap forward" gain will endure only if Rahu is also with a kendra lord. look for graha associated with Ravi to provide other varieties of social and material gain. business initiation. Jerry Falwell. e.  Surya will also rule one houses vis-à-vis Chandra. often initiated in the Surya-Ravi period followed by a collapse or disconnection at the Surya-Ketu period. Depending on the planetary relationships. passing exam and receiving certifications. yuti. creating opportunity for greater participation within large networks of shared belief. Guru Ammachi. Thula-1 withdraws into royal privilege.If Surya is well-disposed. Thula-1 becomes a principled and effective leader in the assembly. but one's instructions to the multitudes benefit from the clarity of distance. While engaged in large-group function.g.  the positive Surya dispositionof Libra natives Pope John Paul II. Similarly. But results will be morally corrupt. o Ravi + Rahu or in association with Rahu = sudden and dramatic gains via culturally proscribed methods. Accomplishment of high goals and lifetime objectives. o Increase in number of children or in prosperity or connectedness of those children = Surya involved with (drishti. strength of ethical perspective and leadership through moral certainty. for a fuller appreciation of the emotional impact of Surya periods. Periods of Suryabring gains of income. gain may arrive in the form of  salary (most common)  inheritance (if Surya = associated with L-8 Shukra. in Simha or Mesha with no drishti of Shukra or Shani. conceptual goals and practical. parivartamsha) the L-5 Shani or the L-9 Budha. Community development. and large groups of associates gathered for mutual validation.much gain can materialize. If Surya is super-strong. true faith or political vision. or in number or market value of properties or material enhancements to the residence = Ravi involved with L-4 Shani. Adolf Hitler. If Surya is damaged. Whilst remaining egalitarianin style and attitude. The most tangible and immediate form of gain manifests as financial income. Thula-1 is typically an agent for some element of higher truth or brilliance. gains and goals achieved from L-4 = educational diploma. One is honored for creativity and for providing a light of awareness.g. within the community of practice. . or with L-7 Mangala = alliance)  additionally. Compare:  the negative Surya dispositionof Libra natives Mussolini. o Increase in vehicles. Thula-1 is busy. home-loving. from clandestine or hidden sources of knowledge such as monasteries and sanctuaries. in this service. the demand for one's governing and regulating abilities will be strong. Chandra is very impressionable! Assessment of the Thula native's final career empowerment must consider His Nakshatra . Leadership roles place Thula-1 in a bit of a lock. Also the angle of YogakarakaL-4+L-5 Shani toward Chandra will significantly shape the leadership potential. Loss of relationship to elder sibling. Strongest themes are the essentials of Chandra's natural bhava-4: education. community organizations. There is no lack of work during periods of the L-10 unless Chandra is damaged. loss of interest in pursuing additional goals and achievements. Gains directed by spirit guides and ancestors. Gains from distant lands. Also. Gains from the bridge between material and astral plane. the Thula native provides a parental style of leadership:patriotic. and incoming drishti to Soma. Much depends on Chandra's rashi lord (see examples below). and nurturing. Along with Kanya lagna. L-10 provides leadership responsibility and grants a respectable social reputation. the angle between the current mahadasha pati and Surya will be determinative. Acquisition of respectable titles and responsibilities but no measurable increase in financial income. loss of mobility within the marketplace network. Graha in 6th-from-Surya are least fortunate. L-10 raises the social dignity but financially and philosophically L-10 gives fairly static results. psycho. Increase in earnings from clairsentient perception. The downside is work and lots of it.emotionally intuitive leadership instincts. Attention to application of law and order (10) precludes free association (11) and focuses Thula-1 's attention "up" rather than "out". who have lower rank or status. The highly fluctuating and impressionable Chandra provides direct. Losses Lord of 12th-from-11th=loss of earnings. Thula-1 's expertise is wanted socially and particularly if Chandra Mahadasha occurs in the more mature decades when Thula-1 has a bit of grey hair. His bhava. one's own security is also achieved. One must (karmic 'must') ensure an orderly environment for those who reside below one in the hierarchy. As lord of both 11th-from-12th and 12th-from-11th + L-10 Chandra giveth and L-10 Chandra taketh away. Chandra L-10 Thula lagna is known as a "maker of leaders". Gains Lord of 11th-from-12th = gain of earning power from research and reflective practice. One's time is consumed with maintaining governance and enforcing regulations. The professional career is directed to provide security for others. and the perpetuation of cultural roots. mentors. Thula lagna sets the bhava progression so that Thula-1 is predisposed to achieve leadership recognition in public life. In general. lateral or distributive social or conceptual networks. . Society (10) calls upon the Thula-1 to produce recognizable step-wise methods for social attainment and lawful institutional governance. physical and economic security. Mahatma Gandhi = L-10 Azlesa Chandra in bhava-10 Karkata. film actor. She expressed in song what perhaps could never be expressed in law or policy .The effect of Chandra's periods will necessarily be influenced by the house-lordships of Any graha sharing Soma's bhava. Mahadasha of Chandra =1961-1971. where his Satyagraha platform was established. After age 42. justice. Moon-ruled Moon Tom Cruise. Thatcher had a more masculine ethical "right" authority style (Magha). His public persona as a parent is well-developed. His message (if any) involves his own religious righteousness (Pushya = piety) and the signal to "admire my image". his age 34-44. his age 28-38. minus the luxurious Shukra! Gandhi's charismatic leadership message with super-strong L-10 swakshetra Chandra in karma bhava + Rahu="be like me. her age 31-41. Chandra + Rahu + Shukra Although not an elected leader. His leadership style is characterized by visually attractive appearance (Shukra) and risk-taking behaviors (Rahu). Mr.a basic human entitlement to freedom. feel my feelings". in bhava-7 Mesha. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis = L-10 Azvini Chandra + Rahu. American 'televangelist' conservative-reactionary Christian preacher. Falwell captured the attention of millions of TV viewers during his conservative. Kuja-ruled Moon Jerry Falwell = L-10 Bharani Chandra in bhava-7 Mesha. Although leading with a message of economic security and defense of the territory (even if the territory is in Argentine waters). "Religious Right" TV talk shows in the 1960's. Administration driven by politics (Simha) but she provided a powerful matriarchal figure to the citizenry. = L-10 Pushya Chandra in bhava-10 Karkata. His Chandra Mahadasha occurs his age 60-70. the great soul songstress. Cruise is a world famous icon of masculine personality and athletic strength. His Chandra Mahadasha 1904-1914. Chandra in His own house is self-reflexive. Sources of leadership strength: first and foremost the economy (11). and so was Gandhi's career. pro-conformist. Azlesa embroils and entwines a person with endless manipulation and intrigue. Similar to Tom Cruise above. Chandra Mahadasha would be her age 79-89. JFK was assassinated in 1963 = Chandra/Rahuperiod. Also. Budha-ruled Moon Aretha Franklin. Married Aristole Onassis (at that time) the richest man in the world 1968 = Chandra/Ketuperiod. Extraordinary public exposure and social leadership through her marriage relationships.Impetus for leadership based in his personal relationshipsand public conversationswith other politico-religious antiprogressive activists. L-10 Punarvasu Chandra in bhava-9 Mithuna. largely off the public radar. anti-minorities. The period 1904-1914 was Gandhi's famous leadership period struggling for the right of Exotics (Rahu) in South Africa. Examples: Surya-ruled Moon: UK-PM 1979-1990 Margaret Thatcher= L-10 Magha Chandra in bhava-11 Simha. the angle between the current mahadasha pati and Chandra will be determinative. Chandra Mahadasha = 1961-1971. Graha in 12th-from-Chandraare least fortunate. Her leadership style was directed by her religious values and culture (Chandra in bhava-9) and characterized by the mother- . and love. Franklin had a tremendous influence on several generations of American citizenry. (See A. Vrishabha. Thula. then elected office (governor. Vrishabha. Pope John-Paul II= L-10 uchcha Krittika Chandra in bhava-8. murder-cult leader = L-10 Shravana Chandra in Maraka bhava-10 + exact yuti Rahu. Career began in military (defense of homeland). Jimmy Carter = L-10 Vishaka Chandra in bhava-1. Promoted himself as infallible parent.gardener passion for life of Punarvasu Nakshatra . Vladmir Putin = L-10 uchcha Krittika Chandra in bhava-8. Hitler Ketu + L-10 Chandra below). due to Ketu in bhava-10.that Ketuin bhava-10 mayprovide dehumanization which annihilates compassion in leadership. then patriotic (homeland values) support of democratic elections worldwide. An iconic. Chandra + Ketu + L3+L-6 Guru.Interestingly. his age 83-93. in the belief that democratic governments are the most stable and secure. keeping her message directed to women and honoring the working class. Sources of leadership impetusinclude his writings (Mein Kampf) (3) and his detachment (Ketu) from his own crimes(L-6 Guru). and utilizing on a vocabulary of Security through Purification(Chandra + Ketu). invoking passionate love and defense for the Fatherland. her age 1-11. YET severely evil results.This is the period of his ascending to leadership in the German Workers Party (Nazi)in Munich. Shukra-ruled Moon Guru Ammachi = L-10 uchcha Krittika Chandra in bhava-8. Results = pure evil. According to Das. Chandra Mahadasha = 1955-1965. Main source of leadership strength is his social personality + core values from uchcha YogakarakaShani. Positioned himself in a morally authoritative parentalrole. A dangerous exception. president). Shani-ruled Moon Charles Manson. Chandra Mahadasha = 2008-2018. giving dehumanizationwhich destroys compassion. Chandra Mahadasha =1913-1923. Similar leadership to Guru Ammachi. who she sees as her children. and re-building a great (Guru) ethnic Nation (4). economic and emotional security for those who would follow him absolutely. L-6 Guru + Ketu = dehumanizationwhich cancels compassion. Hitler's leadership focused on economic security. criticized as 'controlled by his mother'.The maternal leadership styleis extremely strong. As with Vladmir Putin above. not so successful as a president. See also Tom Cruise L-10 Chandra + Rahu. Similar to Guru Ammachi and Pope JPII -.EXCEPT -. Guru-ruled Moon Adolf Hitler = L-10 Purvashadha Chandra in bhava-3 Dhanau. Manson preached a message of total physical. Carter's presidential judgment was perceived as weak and too empathetic. sources of leadership strength include secret practices and hidden information. Hitler had the "Great Communicator" leadership style (Chandra + L-3 Guru). Chandra in super-gainful 11th-from-10th. Vrishabha. Famous for leadership initiativesto provide shelter and secure livelihoods to the poorest citizens. also in lagna with Chandra. then his strongest expression: providing homes (Habitat for Humanity) to the working poor. Shani and Shukra aspect bhava-10. his age 24-34. . defense of the homeland. extraordinary publiccharisma due to L-10 Chandra + Rahu. protection of customary values. parental figure. periods of Kuja may unlock much wealth not only money but also a great legacy of languages and ancient knowledge. your spiritual path suffers somewhat in the periods of the 10th lord. Kuja will kill via metal implements and engines. the angle between the current mahadasha pati and Mangala will be determinative. banked values and new (Kuja) business contracts. Sudden and forced changes in the marriage contract creates a time of vigorous transformation in marriage and business partnerships. Mesha = 4th-from-4th + 11th-from-9th. Good luck and intelligence in the more advanced philosophical education (9).Mangala is lord of both 7th and 8thfrom-7th for Thula lagna.If " The lord of the 10 is in 6 or the lord of the 10 is in 12. Lord of 12th-from-8th=loss of shared monies. Marriage-Alliances Vrischika = 8th-from-7th. temples. reading of sacred scripture. Via Mesha-7. for a fuller appreciation of the emotional impact of periods of Angarika. hidden and mysterious causes Of death. Increased vigor for sexual activity and property ownership in marriage. . Lord of 11th-from-9th = income from universities. income from working at home. Gain of security via deep roots in a fixed place. undiagnosed conditions. performance of religious rituals. Graha in 12th-from-Mangalaare least fortunate. advising and consulting relationships aregroundedin shared cultural values but also competitive according to the nature of Mangala. Mangala will also rule two houses vis-à-vis Chandra. Gain of fruitsfrom the basic formal cultural indoctrination (4) and from ownership of vehicles and properties. dissolution of hidden treasuries Gains Lord of 11th-from-4th = gain of diploma. Assess the two houses. gains based on schooling and property ownership. Often one significant relationship will end and another one will suddenly emergefrom the karmic script. collected wealth. Contracts and agreements energized. Education-Property Vrischika = 11th-from-4th + 5th-from-9th. pass examination. The effect of periods of Mangala will necessarily be influenced by the house-lordships of any graha sharing the bhava with Mangala. Natural and temporal Maraka Mangala is an empoweredkiller for Thula lagna. from Chandra lagna. liver disease and infections of the blood. due to fire outside and fever inside. philosophical discussion. in battle and in pursuit of a prize or prey. fatal systemic sepsis. diseases of the uterus and anus. via weapons of every type. Gain of fruitsfrom the more advanced philosophical education (9) main fruits are new relationships and agreements. Also. Losses Lord of 12th-from-3rd=loss of commercial acumen. Gain from association with the mother. losses caused by writing. as well as much activity in the worlds of stored food." Kuja L-2+ L-7 Vital and competitive Kuja influences both the first (7) and second marriages (2). Periods of Kuja may initiate contracts. If bhava-2 is favorable. Gains of vehicles. from knowledge of orthodox wisdom teachings. loss of spousal wealth. Gain from association with priests and from relationship to the father. Via Vrischika-2. vital. The external losses have a positive effect of calling back Thula-1 's intention toward meditation and reflective practice. toward the teaching and preaching roles of temple and university culture.) Should Rahu occupy Vrischika rashi or Mesha rashi. or should Rahu join Mangala in a shared bhava. Money comes available for building of universities and temples. bhava-7 signifies the underlying one-to-one relationships that create the structure of an institutional career. Yuvati bhava is a very important career house. Usually the travel occurs with a commercial or administrative agenda. may be duplicated and indeed much amplified during Rahu periods also. One may realize the highest goals of wisdom-acquisition and transmission empowerments. competitive. institutional promotion. this wealth is not intended for individual hoarding.Check for the character of Kuja's agency vis-à-vis Chandra. Mars will also rule two houses measured from Chandra lagna. Strong focus upon philosophical and religious discourse calls Thula-1 's energy away from high-visibility public roles in government and industry. Good luck and intelligence in career matters. and travel to a land which does not recognize the importance of those features. The wealth will manifest for missionary purposes (11th) in order to bring "good news" to those who need to hear it. advising and consulting relationships aregroundedin shared cultural values but competitive in nature. active person who is "new" to one's cast of dramatis personae. but as always with the Dharmastana. . Assess the role of the two houses from Chandra. Typically the loss of identity is a consequence of the loss of local social meanings associated with physical attributes. Contracts and agreements energized. (Not really "new" of course but emerging from the subconscious script. with long-distance travelling or sojourns in foreign lands. a sudden upheaval in established agreementsmay be a difficult experience for Thula1 . Career-Leadership Vrischika = 5th-from-10th. from long-term travel or from meditation retreat. Lord of 11th-from-11th = gain of goals and achievements. Mangala implies warrior-like action and a need to win the battle. There may be an inflow of tremendous wealth if Budha is well disposed.from research. If Mangala is an auspicious lord from Chandra lagna. Losses Lord of 12th-from-10th=loss of regulatory. Competitive and dynamic negotiations establish mutual interests and result in new contractual agreements. Thula-1 benefits from a vigorous challenge which results in a change of alliance. Mesha = 7th. Lord of 12th-from-lagna =loss of physical body vitality and body-based personality identity. Gains Lord of 11th-from. Budha L-9+ L-12 Many interesting travels in foreign lands (12). Contracts and agreements are energized. Dharma bhava is the ultimate achievement house. It is quite likely to meet and form a relationship with a vigorous. advising and consulting relationships aremade more respectable(presuming that Mangala is reasonably dignified) and new (Kuja the innovator)partnersenter the scene. order-imposing leadership roles. raise in prestige and entitlements through creative or speculative means. If Mangala is a dusthamsha lord from the Chandra lagna. For example one may leave a land in which the shape or color of one's facial features is very significant. Mesha = 10th-from-10th. the above results for Thula lagna assigned to Mangala.2nd = gain of knowledge. Budha periods may indicate withdrawal from public life. approvedhierarchy leadership roles of the day. with sacred worship and public liturgies. Assess the two houses from Chandra lagna for a fuller appreciation of the emotional impact of Budha periods. the narrative mentality. The effect of Budha's periods will necessarily be influenced by the house-lordships of any graha sharing the bhava with Budha.during Ketu/Budha period. muscular power. 8th-from5th pointing to unexpected changes for one's children + sudden shocks in political elections. On the negative side = Dharmasthana = 6th from 4th suggesting possible illness of the mother during period of L-9. symbols. including agents of the bedroom and the fantasy imagination. with grandchildren (5th from 5th). Budha = L-12 from Thula lagna Periods of L-12 signal more intensive engagement with imagery of past lives. with sanctuary and cloistered environments. and with long sojourn in distant lands Additional implications of this gentle dushthamsha lord = 12th-from-12th suggesting gains via network association in the sanctuary setting (such as friends from the school dormitory). with global travel. camps and ashrama. Yet his actions during Budha periods rather specifically damaged his access to conservative. or the sibling-cohort during period of L-9. accusations. with ritualistic male-dominated environments. pilgrimage) also destroyed any chance Gandhi may have had (at the time) to gain validated leadership under the auspices of the British Raj. Graha in 3rdfrom-Budhaare least fortunate. and with the wisdom traditions of patriarchal culture. Carter's Budha is exceptionally strong because Budha achieves uchcha L-12 status through a parivartamsha with Surya the temporal L-12. monasteries. customary. Budha = L-9 from Thula lagna Periods of L-9 signal more intensive engagement with the father. The collective unconscious seems uninterested in utilizing Thula-1 as a symbol and Thula-1 fades from public view. In Mar-April 1930. with dreams. with clairsentience. the angle between the current mahadasha pati and Budha will be determinative. Gandhi's Budha is powerfully positioned in Thula lagna yuti lagnesha Shukra and yuti L-2 Mangala (speech). with ancestors and spirit guides. and social validationof the fleshly appearance. with priests and the temple. physical awkwardness. Incumbent USA president 39 Jimmy Carter lost his 1980 bid for re-election to the presidency normally a fairly easy election for a sitting president to win . Mohandas Gandhi undertook the Salt March. with university studies and professors. with research and private study. prayer and meditation. Guru L-3+ L-6 Overexpansion of Budha's natural behaviors: inflated suspicions.Budha will also rule two houses vis-à-vis Chandra. 8th from 3rd suggesting sudden. Also. Shri Gandhi's visage did become legendary amongst the masses. As lord of 12th-from-1st. unexpected changes to the administrative duties. with enclosures such as hospitals. conflicts and arguments (6) . but the Salt March (L-12. and a deep interiority leading to articulation of meditative or fantasy insights. Budha drains away the physical identity. therefore Gandhi's Budha periods did not damage his public visibility. 12th from 10th suggesting a dissolution of the most visible public roles during period of L-9. Also. and 6thfrom-7th which often promotes the appearance of enemies of the marriage. one has access to wisdom in the task of regulating. practical. conflict.and conversational narrative (3). Shani = a disciplined. However Guru will *eventually* produce some form of growth. Marriage is delayed. However. The normally auspicious Brihaspati unfortunately over-expands Budha's natural territory of business meetings. and digestive imbalance (6) too much talking and excessive administration (3). more diverse work-commutes (including international junkets = Guru) (3) Often a comically ridiculous yet frustrating period = one administrative SNAFU after the next. should Guru be located in 12th (prison) from the mahadasha pati is it not impossible for a short imprisonment resulting from false charges (6) to develop. increase. swelling. Predictive note: Outcome of any Guru bhukti depends very significantly upon the relative positions of the Mahadasha Pati and the Bhukti-pati. Career: L-6 = 9th-from-10th yet L-3 = 6th-from-10th. and shelter-space becomes unstable (L-12th from 4). neighbors. over-communicative mentality and over-busy daily habits (3). officiating yet the administrative duties can multiply (Guru) to the point where the higher career functions are decimated. Support for professional advancement may be seen in favorable placement of L-10th navamsha and over age 50 the role of the lord of the 10th from Chandra becomes weightier. If the lord of the mahadushthamsha is born into 8 or 12 then a corrective Viparita Yoga Harsha Yoga will apply and most of the inconveniences will disappear. or disease (L-6 in 8). Check these items before issuing any career forecast. too frequent short-term travel. non-work) (3) increased daily transportation. Yet the ever-wise and expansive Guru = a big troublemakerfor Thula lagna. governing. Best advice for an adult worker during this period is to accept that numerous employee-servant issues as well as a wide range of administrative-communicative-messaging tasks are likely to consume the professional calendar. The agents of Brihaspati as L-3 (for Thula lagna and Makara lagna) tend to "make mountains out of molehills" as they exaggerate the . expansion. Significant interpersonal conflict despite overall generosity in the environment. yet. Everyone apparently has good intentions.Guru the notorious L-3 + L-6 should occupy bhava-8 or bhava-12. L-6 in 12 =dissolution of the conflicts into the realm of the imagination (12) L-6 in 8 = conflicts processed very quickly (albeit somewhat abruptly) via sudden upheavals which eliminate the circumstances of animosity. L-6 Guru = not in 6 or 8 = the whole bhukti = a big pain and the swabhukti is nearly insufferable. Exception: IF -. too many meetings (including siblings. For example. prediction = easier circumstances. but Guru is generally so philosophical and generous that inflated accusations and unfair legal settlements (12th from 7th) would rarely lead to imprisonment. conservative. In general. Every kind of mental-physical crankiness may arise. agreements alliances and contracts break down ( L-12th from 7).illnesses of pregnancy. Home-culture. vehicles. increased bloating. L-6 Guru for the Thula lagna or for the Karkata lagna = always prone to blaming and lawsuits. due to L-3 = L-6. and wisdomgain although He might require the length of the entire bhukti to produce this welcome result. Diploma from schooling is delayed. career-building asset to the nativity. short travel. L-6 Guru inflates the scope of accusation.importance of the daily mundane and confuse the petty world of business with the greater pursuit of philosophical truth. Children (Guru) Last but not least. may be part of the picture. an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Guru brings multiples and often the Guru-period scene produces many doctors. Brihaspati = an inherently adversarial agent who damages both physical health and mental health. with conflicting medicines and philosophies (Guru) who seem to distrust (6) each other. and whether Guru's optimistic faith can also put food on the table and a roof over one's head is also a tangential question. periods of Guru ALWAYS have an upside even in the worst cases. temporary loss of citizenship or passport . The primary blessing of Lord Guru is indeed children for a parent and students for a teacher. during His Vimshottari periods. license-diploma. For women. Whether the children are wanted just then is a secondary issue. Thus during Guru periods. vehicle. the digestion may not tolerate fruit (Guru dislikes Shukra-sweet fruit). Yet. including complications due to weight gain (Guru) and conflicting medical (6) opinions or treatments. However. Destabilization of Two Kendra For Thula lagna. Further. the Chara lagna will suffer certain dissolving effects = Guru-driven destabilization. Guru tends to bring on the diseases of His rashi. no matter the temporary manifestation of events. exploitation. Medicine and health (satkona) Normally. Expansion of busy. during periods of L-6 Guru. Mesha lagna (including Mesha-Chandra) = Guru drains 1 and 10 (pulling energy from the public validation) Karkata lagna (including Karkata-Chandra) = Guru drains 7 and 10 (pulling energy from the professional peerage) Thula lagna (including Thula-Chandra) = Guru drains 4 and 7 (pulling energy from alliance and spouse's career) Makara lagna (including Makara-Chandra) = Guru drains 1 and 4 (pulling energy from body and parents) Lord of 12th-from-4th = Guru can dissolve the Old Ways and Roots. school-study. regardless of the bhava of His residence. as well as the diseases associated with reproduction and dietary patterns of eating to suppress conflict (anger absorption into body fat. and exacerbates the natural tendency to developillness/conflicts (6). Brihaspati will expand the material karaka outcome of His bhava of residence. whether the route is bio-child or grand-child or adoptee is also not Guru's concern. owned property. litigation. distrust.) for Thula lagna. health problems during pregnancy. short-term traveling (3) suggests temporary loss of home-habits. Guru periods can produce children under nearly any material or mental circumstances. and He will also provide a continuous attitude of optimistic faith in the goodness of all Being. Guru siphons the resources of kendra-pillars = Home Habits (4) and Peer Agreements (7) Dhanushya-3 = 12th from Makara-4 Meena-6 = 12th from Mesha-7 For all Chara rashi (cardinal signs) Guru rules the Apoklima bhava. the Thula native who loses roots during periods of L-3 will quickly regain stability of schooling. but also good communication abilities and a special intelligence for language. one may wish for a temporary loss of house + loss of roots in order to enjoy an international holiday vacation (3) Losses may be undesirable if they are forced Because L-4 Shani periods always follow L-3 Guru periods. As L-3 Guru can bring temporary loss of licenses and diploma. Knowledge becomes information. after dietary excesses of L-6 Guru. If Guru is not well located then loss of domicile may occur under less fortunate circumstances. guru. If expectations are not inflated and Thula-1 is able to utilize religious teachings (Guru) for guidance (without becoming disillusioned or distracted by the false philosophers) then the difficulties will pass without trauma. and other protections during the subsequent period of L-4 Shani. 9 or 11). Guru periods require close mental attention to the conditions of medical and social health. Guru-eternal wisdom and higher truth. broken promises (6). Thula is never rootless for long. jail time. Guru L-6 bhukti signals the breakdown of contractual agreements. alienation. lawsuits. For both men and women. scriptural study deteriorates into sloganism. exploitation. poverty. ownership. one may easily recover a more balanced health through Shani's austerity and personal discipline. a Vimshottari bhukti of soberly intelligent Yogakaraka L-4+L-5 Shani always follows Guru bhukti. Periods of Guru= disagreement. The Guru-agent(s) may suffer from a constitutional confusion regarding Budha-temporary commercial mentality vs. Thula-1 may have more intensive encounters with language (Guru) during Guru periods due partly to increased frequency of travel to diverse places. after an interruption of education during L-3 Guru period. reproductive organs(Guru) in particular may get out of balance. professor. Therefore most of Guru's mischief can be expected to become corrected during the subsequent Shani period. Losses may be desirable e. Performance of religious ritual (Guru) may degenerate into the most superficial and socially scripted behavior (3). . one may easily return to school during L-4 Shani period. The dysfunctional L-3/L-6 agency of Brihaspati invests far too much importance into repetitive. periods of L-3 Guru = timing agent for loss of grounding roots and shelter If Guru is well located the family house can be lost via profitable sale (Guru in a money house = 2. Unless L-4 is damaged. Also generally trouble from "religious" physicians and overly optimistic medical treatments.g. priest. 5.for Thula lagna or Makara lagna. grandfather. short-term thinking. and medical troubles due to imbalance in internal body systems. After an exhausting Guru Mahadasha. religious authority. affecting the entire body's wellness. patronizing know-it-all personality (male). stemming from good-willed confusion of the physical vs the philosophical. Shani to the Rescue Luckily for Thula lagna natives. illness and debt. Agent of the distress = father. a reconstructive Shani Mahadasha will begin. how to rear the infant. If a child is born. illness and ill-will arise in social relationships. Periods of Guru may bring a burst of wisdom. Marriage-Alliances Dhanusha = 9th-from-7th. fences for Thula lagna. for Thula lagna. Examinations Habits and Rhythms of Life Property ownership boundaries. there may be significant disagreement regarding the child. Guru supports educational publications and the commercial sale of properties and vehicles. good will. Assess the two houses from Chandra lagna for a fuller appreciation of the emotional impact of periods of Brihaspati. Home. If Guru is strong Thula-1 may become a global educator (but Thula-1 would not be accepted as a local educator). Meena = 3rd-from-4th+ 10th-from-9th. inflated-accusation break-ups of L-6 Guru. or should Rahu join Guru in a shared bhava. and possibly procreativity based in the marriage contract resulting in the birth of a child Or other act of great good fortune Meena = 12th-from-7th. Buildings Vehicles Parents Roots License. Effect of Guru's periods = influenced by the house-lordships of any graha sharing the bhava with Brihaspati. Guru = L-3 from Thula lagna . Under Guru's auspice.After the over-confident. Dissolution of the basic formal cultural indoctrination and attachment to roots (4) due to Dhanusha's humanistic expansion . pragmatic and respectable relationships during periods of L-4 + L-5 Shani 10th-from7th and 11th-from-7th. During Guru periods. Guru forms peer relationships (7) with those who enjoy the more advanced philosophical education (9). Note: should Rahuoccupy Dhanusha or Meena rashi. the pratya-antara-dasha of any graha residing in 6th-from-Guru = typically imbalanced. dignified public position = accrue to Thula-1 based on one's more advanced philosophical education (9) . Diploma. Guru dissipated the alliance-balance energy. etc. the above results for Thula lagna assigned to Brihaspati. one may easily re-establish more gainful.it is impossible to maintain Makara's parochialism during periods of traveling (L-3) wisdom-teacher Guru. Customary Education Shelter. Guru periods also bring loss of grounding to personal vehicles and properties.Periods of Brihaspati eschew the locally educated. Contracts and agreements between partners are dissolved. and welcome the globally educated. On the more difficult side. Dhanusha = 12th-from-4th +7th-from-9th. Read spiritual and emotional environment from Chandra lagna Guru owns two houses vis-à-vis Chandra. may be duplicated and indeed much amplified during Rahu periods also. adversarial conditions related to the karaka and bhava of the graha in 6th-from-Guru. For the entire twenty years of the Shukra Mahadasha. balancing of all types. shoulders. recorded items. Hair falls out. it will not be possible to pry away their attachment to their suffering! As Guru period ends and Shani begins. failure to receive raise in prestige and entitlements due to jealousy or disagreement. collected. While there is no direct career progress during Guru periods there is a savvy awareness that some people like to solve problems and move forward. Guru periods bring animosity and conflict in career matters. Seva for Shukra includes assistance in pair-making. Loss of accumulated. 12th from 4th points to a dissolution of the established habits. bargaining. 6 = the underlying tension in disproportionate human relationships due to exploitation and victim-mind. agreements. Dhanushya = 6th-from-10th. loss of knowledge. including the medical and emotional balancing of of two-part fleshly organs such as eyes. with commercial and administrative environments. kidneys. voice. with siblings and cohort-team. Career-Professional Dignity . with talking. with planning and schedules. and paired limbs such as hands-feet-arms-legs. diplomacy. very similar to the role of Kuja for Mesha lagna. alliances. On the negative side. ears. loss of language. Loss of things in storage. the even more powerful offering of Seva will be highly effective. Loss of the second marriage. during period of L-3 vikramasthana = 6th from 10th suggesting possible illnesses of the father's family . Loss of family identity and history. arms. equity-yoking. As lord of Sahaja bhava = corporate department. teeth. loss of face. the servants-employees. and lungs. and commercial communications. Overall. and the customers' problems (which one is paid to handle). as well as architectural decoration and design. 8th from 8th promotes sudden. Guru brings sage wisdom about disproportions and flaws inherent in the human condition and a wise withdrawal from the making of new contracts and agreements. Meena = 9th-from-10th. hair. Native may be living or traveling in a place where one does not understand the local languages. verbal fluency is reduced and powers of memory and story-telling from memory may dwindle.Leadership From Thula lagna. For thula-1. while other people are quite ego-attached to their problems and try as one might. Sweet and sensual Shukra = a mixed blessing. and with mental activities overall. perhaps a shift of living quarters or withdrawal from school . reports and announcements. workplace gossip leading to resistance to institutional promotion. Ripu bhava is strongly engaged in the professional experience = workplace conditions. embassies and marriage-matching. publications. Loss of appetite -cannot eat much. Also. and career ascent resumes. Seva should be offered on behalf of those who need help with contracts.Periods of L-3 signal more intensive engagement with the hands. with the family finances (2nd from 2nd). lungs. From Thula lagna. writing. Shukra L-L-1+ L-8 Swabhukti of the lagnesha Shukra can be an extremely influential and significant period of the lifetime. a Jyotisha remedial Diamond may be worn during Shukra mahadasha. the chronic problems pass away. Alternatively. No savings or storage of valuable items during . unexpected changes in hidden liaisons or marital in-laws. May be rejected or disdained by the family history. the work-team. Periods of Shukra for the Thula lagna: Losses Lord of 12th-from-2nd=loss of hoarded wealth. with short-term travel (business and holiday). one receives validation for the appearance its life-force. Thula-1 's charismatic attractiveness increases. needles. Normally. Increase in the power of written expression. scissors. above) one's social dignity in public will rise. Shukra will also rule two houses vis-à-vis Chandra. periods of Shukra bring Thula-1 into direct contact with the circumstances of death without however causing death itself. both personal and professional. Thula-1 is praised for attractiveness. death of wife is typically experienced during periods of 2nd from Shukra. Gains Lord of 11th-from. suddenly brought to light. gain of commercial acumen. the university. Good results from acquisition of privileged information about the psychology of human relationships. Lord of 11th-from-10th = gain of status in social hierarchies. or invitation to join a higher rank. Effect of Shukra's periods will necessarily be influenced by the house-lordships of any graha sharing the bhava with Shukra. For males. secretarial skills. Increased ability to create an orderly environment for those in one's downstream may result in career promotion. the pratya-antara-dasha of any graha residing in 4th-from-Shukra = typically stressful conditions brought on by a tension between the primary peer union vs. comes into the field of awareness. As lord of bhava-8. Even electronically recorded images and texts may dissolve during this period of the loss of recorded knowledge. During Shukra periods. and for females death of the first husband is actually more common during periods of 2nd from Guru. As lord of bhava-1. Sometimes the hidden intentions. balance. Dissolution of visible relationship to priests. tend to be mutually validating on the basis of shared beauty and grace. ability to communicate in any medium. and pleasing character. temple culture. and partnership balance in general. brushes. team-work in corporate departments. gain a more elevated place. Via esoteric or confidential knowledge (8) one may obtain coveted positions and titles. Assess the two houses from Chandra lagna for a fuller appreciation of the emotional impact of Shukra periods. Good results from therapies or surgeries intended to beautify and improve love relationships. Shukra validates the physical body and social personality. or conducting private secluded relationship to priests. Hidden information. pressure of home duties. More likely. attending meetings and maintaining calendars. especially regarding personal identity and the primary partner. However. there is some tangible event which threatens the life-force but the full conditions for physical death are rarely satisfied . Although the family historyis not supportive (see 12th-from-2nd. Social relationships are easier to start and sustain. philosophical and religious inquiry. numerous conditional factors must all coordinate to bring about such a dramatic event.3rd = gain of writing composition. once revealed. necessitate the end of the partnership. using hand tools such as pens. Dissolution of relationship to the father. Shukra reveals hidden knowledge. Lord of 12th-from-9th =loss of religious orthodoxy and emphasis on secret or esoteric traditions (8). Fascination with magic and healing. As L-8 from Thula-1 .this period. However+ L-8 = 2nd-from-7th lord. and related to the karaka and bhava of the graha in 4th-from-Shukra. elite club. Interactions with women. and typically Shukra may bring a sudden end to marriage or the Periods of spousal marana-karaka Shukra may bring the death of the first mate. On the negative side. military. creative worlds of royalty. Randhra-pati L-8 deploys a rapid and often disturbing eruption of unexpected force which induces the death of a previous identity and the rebirth into a new identity. vehicle and as L-5 Shani = 12th-from-6 = dissolution of the poverty or injury caused by the L-6. Native prospers in priesthood/professorship and conventional group leadership. Also. The effect of Shani's periods will necessarily be influenced by the house-lordships of any graha sharing the bhava with Shanaicarya. During Shani periods. Should the L-6 Guru cause a vehicular accident causing loss of vehicle+ L-4+L-5 Shani comes next to restore the vehicle because Shani L-4 brings seats (foundations) including moving seats e. light). publications. and possible purchase of land or vehicle. formalization and structured development of the creative intelligence. Pragmatic and conventional Shani Confers prestige through conventional ascent of a hierarchy. eruption. common-sense view of the rhythmic. Agents of L-8 include surgeons. randhrasthana = 6th from 3rd suggesting possible conflict or illness the administrative duties. habitual customs of one's own people (4) and the fashionable. the narrative mentality. and education. secretkeepers and tantriki. 8th from 1st = sudden. Shani fixes problems caused by Guru: If L-3 Shani dissolves the Roots+ L-4 Shani comes next and reestablishes any lost grounding. the pratya-antara-dasha of any graha residing in 6th-from-Shani = typically imbalanced. unknown forces. Graha in 6thfrom-Shani Are least fortunate. and politics (5). Also Shani brings children for Thula lagna. Periods of L-8 signal more intensive engagement with mysteries. commerce. therapists. Success in government. tunnelers. celebrity. Assess the two houses from Chandra lagna for a fuller appreciation of the psycho-emotional impact of Shani periods. renovation. revelation.As L-8 from Thula-1 L-8 = not the physical event of death = not the final cessation of vitality. Thula native may have to abandon studies during periods of L-3 but can resume them quickly during L-3. Excellent sense of balance and restraint. theatre. emergency. rebirth. Also. discoveries. unexpected changes to the physical body. adversarial conditions related to the karaka and bhava of the graha in 6th-from-Shani. In general whatever problems L-3+L-6 Guru will cause (and there are many) the L-4+L-5 Shani will promptly repair Shani will also rule two houses vis-à-vis Chandra. resurgence. celebrity.g. dynamiters. It is only a change of form. drillers. revolution. explorers of the unknown. license-diploma) and bhava-5 intelligence (genius. Shani L-4 + L-5 from Thula-1 Pragmatic and conventional Shani = Yogakaraka due to His governance of bhava-4 foundations (shelter. rejuvenation. Periods of Shani = additional skill-based education regardless of one 's age (education is usually formalized but may be apprenticeship). facilitators of radical identity change. cultural recognition of personal genius. cultivates relationships steadily. glittering. . the angle between the current mahadasha pati and Shani will be determinative. schooling. or the sibling-cohort during period of L-8. Shanaicarya provides a somewhat legalistic. 12th from 9th = dissolution of the public worship and disinterest in priestly dogma. children. induces wandering. wandering. Relations with opposite sex. respected and comforts from children. honours through merits. Worried and of doubtful nature.. the angle between the current mahadasha pati and Rahu will significantly influence the outcome of the period. They are even tempered. Emphasizes the karaka effects of Ketu's lord and the bhava owned by Ketu's lord. learning and accomplishments. passion for entitlement. Public enemies. success through industrious efforts. expedient use of illicit or unbalanced associations for self-promotion. The native is courteous. Connections with the law. Comforts from conveyance. comfortable life. Graha in 6th-from-Rahu = strongest instrumental. tails and tailings. Good for meditation and clairsentient perceptions. may be afflicted with rheumatic pains. scattering. successful hopes and fortunate actions. illicit actions. wife’s relatives and voyages. taboo-breaking. pilgrimage. Self made man. Mercury. foreigners. Venus. pleasant and agreeable. Preferment and dignities. poetry and perfumes. When afflicted obstacles through money which may be hard to accumulate. High ambitions. Bestows power over enemies. Fond of music. Good for any task which requires ambition. leaping up. also in unions and partnership. Also. victory over enemies. Loss through servants and sickness through irregularity. Jupiter. the angle between the current mahadasha pati and Ketu will significantly influence the outcome of the period.Ketu = strongest scattering of material focus. Vimshottari periods of Ketu Ketu Scatters attachments. fortunate with strangers. Medium age. Lords of 9th and 12th houses when posited in Lagna or Ascendant. Bad stomach and afflicted eyes. gain through mother and Government. writings. Legacies and money. splitting. affectionate and generous. relations with opposite sex. Moon. Good for ministries of service to those in a lower class from oneself. abandonment. Loss through woman. adventure. wealthy. Mars. Danger of imprisonment or disablement. Loss through enemies. Tula Lagna – Libra Ascendant First house Sun. skipping steps.Vimshottari periods of Rahu Rahu Amplifies and magnifies the karaka effects of Rahu's lord and the bhava owned by Rahu's lord. Also. blessed with long life. indicates long journeys. learning. pulverizes barriers. dance. disperses focus. peace and harmony. There will be many ups and downs in life. Sun is in debilitated sign in Lagna. loss through enemies. Disrespect in old age. Wealthy. harmony in married life if not afflicted. love of women and benefit through them. desire. Sun gives love of justice. class-mixing. detachment. Death by irregularity. selfpromotion. Good for any task which requires dispersion. wealthy and licentious. Animosity. Graha in 12th-from. Concern with affairs of brethren and neighbours. religious. Handsome. Money comes readily. sorrow. Eyes will be afflicted. Good health. Respectful to elder. loop-holes. requiring hospitalisation. Loss through Govt. heavy troubles. . wealthy and respected. Comforts and gains from children. Gain through women. long life. Well aspected gain through service. two marriages or women. low type profession. One will be licentious and sweet spoken. Gain through women and hard work. Danger from reptiles. It will bestow fortunate inheritance. Gain by partnership. Less progeny. a few brothers. Gain through deals in land. Gain by marriage and own hard work. Gain through secrets and the occult and large animals. respected and fond of music. Wealthy. strained relations with elder brothers. Losses through sickness. losses through unions. Saturn. subject to throat disease. inventions and banking. but enmity with some of the brothers or neighbours. collecting debts. Mercury. knowledge of many languages. unhappy. Loss through enemies. Long life. Journeys in life. Learning. writings.. Saturn is a Yogakarka for Libra ascendant and it is exalted in Lagna. In latter part of life. Second House Sun. If afflicted poor education. respected. Average life span. troubles or short journeys. Interest in domestic science. short journeys. property and estates. wealthy. If afflicted losses and wants. dance. Loss through partnerships etc. It denotes gain through education. pleasure and children. Rahu or Ketu. heavy losses in early life. Command over foreign language. Moon. Gain through business trips and Governmental commission. gain through land. contracts. Disrespected. servants and animals. and gain through the deceased. Gain through educational affairs. Loss through women and death of partner. Gain from maternal relations. Third House Sun. The native will feel happy but will not be respected. Gain through trade. gain in honours and advancement through partner’s relatives. changeable residence and of bad thoughts. devoid of progeny and if blessed gain through them. Venus. many enemies. Mars. Friends through writings and journeys. there will be comforts and wealth. property or parentage. neighbours and short journeys. of good habits and nature. Worries and loss through enemies and generally fortunate conditions. Devoid of comforts from brothers. Religious or legal disputes. no gain from brothers. brave and or rash temperament. A cruel and quarrelsome native Swelling in eyes. writings brother. Gain of money through foreign merchants or the sea. Number of brothers. Moon. Makes the native. many enemies. pleasure or young people. drama etc. A native of brave and sanguine temperament. difficulty through writings or contracts. many enemies. Mars. Pleasure seeking. Rahu or Ketu. diseased mother. An average financial condition. music etc. Honours through short journeys. dishonest. Annoyed over triples. gain through friends and acquaintances and hard work. Respected. public enemies. Gain of money through unauthorised sources. partnerships. Gain of ancestral property. employees and small animals. weak eyesight and bad teeth. or parents. Good luck in old age. Jupiter. law-suits. benefit through industrious activity. An average financial condition. science publications. In middle age adulterous. Lords of second and seventh houses is posited in third house. healthy and cordial relations with people. . writings and accomplishment.Saturn. Respected and comfortable old age. Friendship among kindred and neighbors. Wealthy and respected. industry and Govt. Money through personal efforts. Gain through investments. Faith in religion. sweet and soft spoken. death of brothers. When Venus is afflicted. wife’s secret sufferings. friends or neighbours. Learned and intelligent. intelligent. land or mines. there will be break in educations. Beautiful or handsome native. Many brothers and gain through them. May deny birth of male child. drama. Less gain from brothers and relations. gloomy. Troublesome short journeys and writings. investigations. Sickness of native through anxiety and troublesome home or domestic affairs. Property by marriage. strained relations and loss through brothers. The parents may be separated in early age. Litigations and disputes in life. psychic and mysterious experiences. Fortunate in property. General life full of ups and downs and turmoils. Successful in hopes and plans. Accomplishments and progress through research. Gain through brothers. Jupiter. Wealthy. Fickle minded and of bad temperament. Many brothers and gain through them. Moon. Knowledge of many languages. Success at close of life. Journeys with or through children or young people. Interest in reclamation. soft and sweet spoken. Rahu or Ketu. Generous and well respected. Mercury. In debilitated sign. land and property. restrictions or limitation at the end of life. indicates litigations over property. When strong being a yogakarka for Libra ascendant. Gain and honour through parentage land and property. Afflicted health of mother and may be disrespected or ill famed. it will confer pleasure through kindred. Lucky and wealthy. Learned. restricted developments. If afflicted reverse are the results. liking for travel. Troubles through servants in the home. possessions through wife’s relations. explorations. short journeys. A worried or troubled life. architecture and archaeology. horticulture. Love for father.Mercury. Poor. Travelling and writing in connection with home affairs and property. writings. mental development. Jupiter. Benefits through learnings. Ecclesiastical or scientific. comforts from wife. Fourth House Sun. Travel on account of family affairs or wife’s mother. Last part of life happy. and troubles through some of the kindred. many brothers. respect and comforts from conveyance. When Mercury is weak or combust reverse results. inheritance. builder of temples. and charitable places. Since it is 6th lord it will give sickness of father through worry and changes. father. inns. Disappointments. There may be some strained relations with brothers or kindred and sickness also. Saturn. Troubles and worries from internal relations. Wealth. colonization. Estate or benefit through parents. mining. May there be loss or great difficulty through property. Intelligent and learned impressionable and sweet speech. Inheritance and gain. Pilgrimage. Interest in studies and methods of healing and industrial economy. short journeys. powerless enemies and under debt when Saturn is ill placed and badly aspected. Since 8th house lord is in third house it may indicate danger of death on short journeys. travels or writings. sorrows. robbery in house. a chaste wife and happy married life. troublesome relations. Quarrelsome and obstinate. travel. Mars. . cooperative movements. loss by investment in property and mines. Respected and famous. Interested in knowledge of occult science. sports and adventure. Venus. Worried and Owner of house etc. When Mars is afflicted. respected. Success and accomplishment of hopes. Favourable for children with land.Venus. Mars. Unfortunate children or death of some one. It may deny the native from any issue or may portend their destruction suddenly or violently and may become disobedient. Gain by speculations. investment. Rahu or Ketu. Kidney trouble. knowledge of law and other languages. Moon. it will give death of parents. Gain and honour through speculations. probably by the death of parents (being 8th Lord) When Venus is afflicted. inheritance and possessions. The native marries and enjoys much pleasures thereby. danger through falls and falling buildings. Ketu in 5th house is not good. Mercury. pleasure. Gain from superiors and Govt. entertainment. young people and children. famous and wealthy. defamed due to some accusation and eye trouble. Secret sorrows and difficulty through love. pleasure. Pleasure through brothers. Sixth House . But when aspected benefically reverse results. Assistance of father. Illness due to over indulgence in pleasure and sports resulting in loss of accumulated wealth. Wealthy and learned. Death of some nearest relative. Yoga karka planet in fourth house is in his own sign and denotes gain from immovable property. foreign investments and speculations. Lord and property. Loss of earned and accumulated money. mines. Many love affairs. There can be loss through speculations also. young people. Middle part of life troublesome. Excessive or irregular pleasures produce much harm. worried life. respected and owner of land and property. acquisition of property and conveyance. floods and storms. Gain in property through the deceased. life and are fortunate. speculations. Wealthy. Lucky and happy in last part of life. Abortions. ill health to mother. Respected. danger through excessive pleasures. Free living. Rahu or Ketu. airflights. Devoid from the comforts of parents. More troubles and turmoils in middle part of life. Respected and wealthy. mental pleasure through children but they will remain sick. Liberal or of unconventional ideas. study accomplishments and travel to pleasure places. good health. occult investigations. Enmity with relations. Saturn. Respected and famous. A propensity to pleasure through gambling and children. Venus. not well educated. sports or the stage. Saturn. Pleasure journeys. death of child. Troubles over inheritance. takes pleasure in science. Fond of music. Unwanted expenditures in life. reading. Residence or travel to foreign land. Limited progeny. Comforts from conveyance. Gain through lands. home connection and affairs with the father. Grief of children may result in untimely death of a progney. The native’s children profit through gifts from their grandfather. benefits and profit in the place of birth. philosophy. Love of home.. Rahu frees the native from many troubles calamities and dangers. Success late if life. A native of rash temperament. Learned. A worried and troublesome life. Children may suffer from sickness but rise to honours. The native gains some public employment or office and fond of pleasures. sports and recreations. Under debt and poor. loss of money. Gain from children in life. Fifth House Sun. voyages. Jupiter. Few children and difficulty through them. Fond of opposite sex. Sickness.. Brave and victory over enemies. change of residence. Friends among working and army. gain by marriage. Grief from parents. Many enemies and loss through women. Travel in foreign country. Jupiter. Jupiter. reverse results are indicated. If afflicted reverse results. Rahu or Ketu. Gain through law suits and dealing with the public generally. Connections with many women. Saturn. Brothers will be prosperous and gain of wealth and respect through them is also indicated. Grief from wife in middle age. Public enemies through religious. Knowledge of many languages. Loss of ancestral property. Average life up to middle age. Moon. servants and animals. When well aspected reverse results. Licentious and adulterous. Financial condition not sound. army or navy affairs. Faithful servants and beneficial circumstances. partnerships and law suits. Moon. Some servere illness. disputes with relations. contracts. troubles through employees. may be disreputed. Intelligent and learned. he will be short-lived. Troubles through deceit and treachery through unions. Many enemies and losses through relatives and friends. employment. success in law suits. loss of money earned by employment and through those who may keep it. diseased. Weak stomach. and business. the native will suffer stomachial diseases. scientific or sea faring people. Long life. difficulty through work in foreign lands or in connection with exporting limitations on account of sickness. If the Moon be in 6th. Difficulty through brothers. trouble through women generally. Worried or troubled through enemies but victory over enemies. Brave and courageous. writing or with one of kin. Many enemies. grief and worries from wife and children. A worried and troubled native. worried. Dangerous sickness. success in law suits. contract business and dealing with others. navy or service people. Mercury. Learned and intelligent. Last part of life will be comfortable. Loss of professions through sickness. loss of ancestral property and through law suits. generous and truthful. Marriage as a result of journey. If well aspected. If it be the weak Moon. loss of property and respect through the Govt. under debt. Seventh House Sun. loss of agricultural land. . Marriage in a good family. Respect and gain through mother’s relations. a progressing partner. Mars. interest in study of social economy. are indicated. Disease of wind etc. Modest wordly position. Venus. under debt. discord and opposition of partner. Gain through inferiors. gain and honour through service. Mercury. Honours and reputation assisted by an honourable marriage and partnerships in responsible concerns. Stomach trouble. command over foreign languages. disrespected. quarrels through servants difficulties with disreputed women and sickness. Marriage below status. hygience and services. Respected. Strained relations with relatives.. Troubles with employees. Blessed with land and property. Victory over enemies. A loving partner with desirable friendship and social connections. May face worries and troubles upto middle of life and face debts. famous and wealthy.Sun. Gain from Govt. Mars. specially with women. Gain through brothers. Marriage to a stranger be opposed to the native. Many enemies. but likely one who grows cold or proves untrue or hostile. has sickly wife and evily disposed employees. dangerous illness. poultry etc. Gain by legacy or estate. diseases in early life. Birth of sons. Saturn. also through law suits. law suits. insurance etc. Death of partner’s kindred. If afflicted loss and trouble through law. Troubled early life. Death of friends. Danger from poison. Marital happiness. Saturn. accident or war. some inheritance but difficulty over it. Many enemies. Death of wife of partner. difficulties in early part of life. Rahu or Ketu. If afflicted loss of legacy. Favoured. sudden or violent death. A jolly and submissive nature. Persecution regarding religious. Psychic experiences. calumines raised by enemies or competitors. Suffers through children who may die before the native. respected. Foreign journey. Ninth House . Moon. False accusations. Troubles through relations. increased profit dealing with others and portends delight and gain through opposite sex whose influence may benefit the native. Association with other women and fond of opposite sex. mainly remain in foreign country. influence of opposite sex. Ugly women. a comfortable fixed partner. Short life. gifts or legacies from friends. more sons than daughters. Generous. Gain by long journeys concerning legacies or good of deceased persons. respected. testimony for gifts and legacies and gain by those deceased. and reputed. Gain and honours in handling the estate or money of others. inheritance. trouble over inheritance. Saturn is in enemy’s camp. contentions and diff Eighth House Sun. slow workers. Spiritualistic experiences. diseased and comforts from conveyance. danger of death by violence. No gain from journey and business. Strained relation with learned persons. loss of money through marriage and partnerships if afflicted. A man of rank and powers. occult experiences. danger to respect and may face punishment. Rahu in 8th house promotes health and conduces to longevity. Short life (subject to afflicted or weak Moon and other checks). Death at the hand of a cruel enemy. Gain by legacy and goods of the dead or through money of the partner. or trouble on account of death or bequests. as bank failures etc. difficulties in childhood. Many enemies and opponents. It is testimony for a wise and wealthy partner. An unsatisfactory end and medium life. disturbed family life. grief of brother and friends. union and open enemies. mediumistics. Comfortable middle life. money through the financial loss of others. respected. concern over affairs of dead and with money of partner and finances of others. legacies. Loss of ancestral property. Jupiter. May there be death of partner. worried and troubled. A rich partner or one to whom money comes unexpectedly. Last part of life will be very lucky. suicide. Devoid from the comforts of parents. An easy demise. Mercury. Ketu denotes loss of goods through deception. secret enemies die. Venus. rash temperament greedy. Many misfortunes. diseased wife. animals. death of servants. Mars. of deceased person.Venus. Financial rewards for faithful work and service. Rahu in 7th house lessens the number of enemies. scientific or educational convictions also through publications. Loss through speculation and gambling. Ketu denotes many enemies. Comforts in old age. Death through irregularity. Long life. Honest and respected man. gain and comforts from conveyance. many enemies. . journey to foreign land. gain through relations. wealthy. Mars. wife’s parents. honorary office or Govt. Friends among educators. writings. Gain by occupation. respected and famous. sickness abroad at sea while travelling. Moon. wealthy and famous.. research. trading at sea. Rahu. Pleasure in foreign land. philosophy. Professional and honourable journeys and gain through them. partner’s journey to foreign lands. Favourable for voyages and foreign affairs. favour and gain from Govt. Wealthy.Sun. Comforts after troubles and worries. invention. prophetic dreams. A beautiful and well versed wife. religious or psychic experience. training and efforts. happy. profession. influence of opposite sex. Wealthy. Acquisition of money.. publishing and science. intelligent and famous. philosophy and matters of higher mind. Old age will be comfortable and lucky.. Success in foreign affairs. Gain by partner’s relatives. Work in connection with foreign affairs or universities. Success aided by mother’s care. Jupiter. respect and gain through her. business or Govt. exploration. Ancestral property. Gain and success through long journeys. legal or studies. respect from officers and rulers. Learned. friendship through travel or learning. Venus. Mars. A religious or intellectual. Gain by books. Discredit and preservation from superiors and authorities. scientific or religious purposes. True dreams and prophetic intuition. many fine qualities. respect. intelligent. honours through learning. renown also through writings or other accomplishments. Splendid possibility through culture and development. science and wife’s kindred. Long journeys. Generous. Afflicts the faculty of faith and portends miserable or unfortunate voyages. writers. merchandising. . Expenditure on religious and charitable institution. Happiness and gain from brothers.. Mercury. Honour. Trouble or danger of imprisonment in foreign lands. long journeys. unreliable promotions. Govt. Dutiful children and gain from them. Tenth House Sun. high status. Interest in science. publishing. If afflicted reverse the results. adulterous and esteem through science. Moon. explores and inventors. curious dreams. Mercury. Liability to disgrace. gain from parents property. Pilgrimage. law. Gain and honours through those of high standing in social. long journeys. secret missions. mother’s care. secluded. investigations. professional journeys. Rahu indicates the improvement in the mental qualities and gives success in educational. credit. Friendship among those of good position. research or philosophy. circles. comforts from conveyance. Wealth and honest. Respect and authority from Govt. travelling for education. Respected. training and efforts. Profit from ancestral property. gain through philosophy. employee. Reverse results when afflicted or weak. religion. ministers. respected. Ketu. Marriage through stranger. danger through overstudy. good and harmonious relations and gain from father and mother’s brothers. A honourable partner beneficial to the professional carrier. Intelligent and gain through brothers. Saturn. Prophetic dreams. Honourable voyages. intelligent and generous. A native of power and authority. literature or travel. Long life. from a far. comfortable during young life. Gain and honour through profession. Jupiter. Sorrows through mother or inlaws. fear of secret diseases. Adulterous and fond of opposite sex. litigation when afflicted. Rahu in eleventh house indicates meritorious friendships. Mercury. one becomes under debt. Eminent friends among legislators and those in high or professional position. Comforts from conveyance. be an author of treatises. Intelligent. good rank and favour from Govt. be very skilful. Happy conclusions to the hopes and wishes. Gain from in laws. and helpful to others. Wrong advice and false friends. original or radical people. according to the planet’s aspect. Gain and comforts from conveyance. Hopes and wishes accomplished through progressive studies. work or by fruits of earth. Respect. Fond of company of religious persons. Grief from the death of brother in the middle age.. virtuous. a comfortable and happy life after middle age. Rahu confers on the native honours. political and social welfare. profession. treachery and adverse public conditions such as sudden depressions. Wealthy and a native of rank and power. Interest in legislative activities. irritable temperament.Venus. Many hopes and wishes attained in old age. Ketu denotes loss of position through deception. Gain through brothers.. Acquaintances among travellers. Ketu denotes undesirable associations. merit. Sickness amongst friends and family. brave and courageous. ambassadors and sportsman. disrespect and litigations. Correspondences with friends. Sufferings on account of religious or other convictions. loss of opportunities. strained relations with brother. Mars. credit and high position by merit of industry and ability. public or Govt. Fortune friendships on voyages and friends among foreigners and foreign lands. Saturn. Twelfth House . Friends become public opponents or enemies. changes or failures. Fortunate through brothers. rheumatic pain. friends through speculation or pleasure among legislators. perfermental success. Jupiter. and be endowed with many sons and wealth. Friend among unique. loss of wealth. In middle of life. Eleventh House Sun. will be learned. cheat. The native is helpful to his associates and others. A native will lead an independent life. acquaintances which assist in the realisation of hopes and wishes. Journeys to lands in the company of religious persons. Gain of parental property. Under debt. danger of defamation. learned and generous. Other person will lose money by him. No dearth of enemies. Hopes depend too much on acquaintances. Gain or loss by friends and accidental fortune. Respect. and of hopes. waste and loss of money through women. renown in speculations. regards and wealth well defined hopes and successful wishes. Honourable children. Many friends and beneficial acquaintances. charitable. honour. An honourable fortune. Rahu. When afflicted it makes the native antireligious. he will be liberal. dear to people. When well aspected reverse result are denoted. Marriage to a widow or widower with children but liable to trouble through them. Successful in hope. Ambitious and ideal. through journeys and gain through them. Saturn. A wealthy and respected native. Moon. A law suits but recovery from worries. rise to high social or professional position. reversal in business and profession. Gain in possession by trade. If afflicted reverse the results. scientists and legislators. But when well aspected then great attachment with children and friends. Venus. ingenious. liar. Libra rising generally appear to be smoothing everything over. Gentle. and fair. Great sorrows. Success in middle life. generous and of sanguine thinking. If well aspected and strong then favourable results. Danger of enemity and imprisonment while travelling. Rahu. vexation and sickness. Unfavourable to health. Besides. Interest in archaeology and submarine life. In middle or latter part of his life seeks seclusion for development. Many enemies who will be source of worries. journeys. Partner or opponents may cause imprisonment or fear of it. Unwanted and uncalled for expenses. a gentle approach with others. Even if they were not endowed with good looks. A native of independent view and living. occult learning etc. harmonious or secluded places. Professional secrets. Kind to everybody. loss through enemies. dignity etc. Libra Rising Sign Everybody seems to like Libra Ascendant natives. Sorrowful friends.Sun. Some of them have had a string of relationships. Respected. Sickness or work in large institutions. and it can be hard to imagine why! These natives attract others to them effortlessly. fear or anxiety due to death or imprisonment. Unhappy marriage. Afflicted health. Children may cause secret sorrows. Rahu denotes gain by secret methods or in seclusion. Pleasure in peaceful. Intelligent. Mercury. Seclusion or estrangements from brothers or kindred. Deceitful friends who may cause much sufferings. Danger of death at the hands of enemies if 8th house lord is afflicted. Great sorrows through brothers. Limitations relieved by the studies of recondite science or metaphysics. Law suits after middle age. Venus.. Powerless enemies. They have charming smiles. Mars. Early life full of difficulties. secret investigation. and makes long journeys for the same.iculties with partner but is also portends the death or destruction of enemies. they simply don't know what to do with themselves without a significant other. science. If a writer or inventor has a hard time to complete his work and put it to the public. secret sorrows. Indicates frequent harassment by the mechanisations of the secret enemies. Gain by affairs of secret nature through hospitals. Sorrows through religion. through business associates who become secret enemies. Unfortunate environments and conditions. End of life in seclusion or devoted to the study of occult subjects. Grief from children. Occult learning. A teacher or professor. Look a little closer at their lives. fondness of animals. Many enemies. A happy man inspite of many adversities. It indicates loss of office or honour. Jupiter. Difficulty and loss in business. jealous. Ruin through speculations. loss of money and expenditure more than income. Gain from Govt. Ketu. Moon. and these nice people may have had quite a few problems in their relationships. Position of 10th lord in 12th house is derogatory. occult investigations and by large animals. They just come across as nice. Work of secret or mysterious nature. Less respect. and success in occultism. and an easygoing image. respected and will hold a power and authority. Unhappy life. pleasant. Limitations. Pleasure through the investigation of things of mysterious and research nature. Difficulty in employment. quiet. Liability to imprisonment or restraint and restrictions. afflictions and adversities prove to be blessing in disguise by developing inner growth of understanding. Libra Ascendant. . Saturn. Good friendship amongst occult people. Secret sufferings. inclines to self undoing. Difficulty over inheritance. difficulties in early life. Loss through opposite sex. death of secret or private enemies. One may become worried due to unwanted expenditure but will soon control them. Gain and benefit through understanding of the occult and secret missions. Libra rising natives are usually attracted to competent. the Moon. your ruling planet. Venus. It describes the way you engage and merge with the outer world and how you bring through into life the energies depicted by the Sun. by sign. the peacemaker. is in the fiery and self-assertive sign of Aries. Libra rising people can be enormously persuasive. Libra Rising and Venus in Taurus . The Ascendant shows our natural defenses and how we cope with day-to-day issues. Libra Rising and Venus in Aries However. The sign position of Venus modifies your Libra Ascendant characteristics.the colors they wear. The Ascendant (or rising sign) is often considered the mask one wears when meeting others. It indicates your soul's function and thus a key part of your destiny. active partners. of giving and receiving. For example. However. the friend. Similarly. of Venus. of style. Everything is filtered through the Ascendant from an esoteric point of view. also with a Libra Ascendant. planets that aspect the Ascendant.they are attractive. and the fine arts of compromise. suggesting that direct confrontation and even conflict (when necessary) is how you seek to create harmony and relationship. and future. the way they walk. You are the dove. and the Moon your subconscious predisposition and past. While the Sun describes your conscious direction and current life focus. These interpretations are from the Karmic Insight Report. The energies of the sign and condition of the Ascendant are most overt and obvious to others. and about personal integrity and honesty in the context of intimate relationships. the ruling planet of Libra. Venus. You are learning about the true nature of love. natural reaction to new people and situations. and an awareness of beauty. the diplomat. of relationship. Perhaps it is most aptly thought of as the automatic responses to one's environment. in Sagittarius will respond to the environment a little differently than another person. The characteristics of Libra Ascendant described above are modified by planets conjunct the Ascendant. the Ascendant indicates a way of being that transcends and embraces past. a person with a Libra Ascendant who also has Saturn conjunct it will "behave" differently than someone with a Libra Ascendant who does not have that aspect in their natal charts. Reconciling opposites and finding "the middle way" is your path. Libra Rising . negotiations and cooperation are key elements. present. although they will almost always use a "soft sell" approach when they want to win others over. you nevertheless aim to fulfill your own intentions. Their relationships are often characterized by bickering or competitiveness until they learn to drop their sweet image once in a while and to stop blaming their partners for everything that goes wrong. which is all of the time! A tendency to pass the buck and keep up that "nice guy/gal" image are their worst qualities. Most pay a lot of attention to their personal appearance -. The point that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth is called the ASCENDANT. and the rest of your birth chart. and harmony in your world. and how things fit or blend together. While appearing to oblige or give in. a person with a Libra Ascendant with its ruling planet. they can make excellent mediators and will generally be the first to accommodate you. but whose Venus is in Scorpio. and the position of the ruling planet of the sign on the Ascendant. The Ascendant shows an individual's first. or rising sign.General Your soul function involves establishing balance. and are written from an esoteric viewpoint. Libra Rising with Venus (Ruler of Libra) in the Signs The following interpretations incorporate the position. their hair. partnership and personal relations are your forte. language. as for Oscar Wilde "In all important matters. Words. is in the warm. and peace. Venus. Your sense of beauty. Venus. You are a big romantic that loves to celebrate love. You may serve as an assistant. service to others will be your strength. which suggests that you magnetically attract whatever you want and need into your life. finesse. Libra Rising and Venus in Libra Your ruling planet. elegance. is in the willful and passionate sign of Scorpio. devoted. is in the nurturing. proportion. a depth of desire and of feeling which is belied by your surface equanimity: you appear mild and conciliatory but possess surprising drive and tenacity. putting on a show. is in the modest. and beauty. and refinement. suggesting an emotional intensity. vulnerable side of people. style is number one. Finding "the middle way" regarding marriage partners and children is essential to your unfoldment. an audience. aesthetic vows.and may avoid direct confrontation. however. entertaining. you are also in some way a star. and this tender feeling and care is your particular gift to life. or "getting your hands dirty". comfort. is in Libra as well suggesting that you influence the world through your considerable personal charm. Intimate relationships are not only a tremendously impatient means of fulfillment and self- . Venus. a disinclination to exert yourself. and your ability to speak their language. In all unimportant things. suggesting that you have a gentleness and sensitivity towards others that is remarkable. or faithful helper to another as a significant aspect of your life. Your innate curiosity about and interest in others. you too believe that "In all important things. You are truly a lover of beauty. style is number one. disarming ingratiating obliging . life. and you can not flourish in an atmosphere of intense pressure or interpersonal conflict.Your ruling planet. Laziness. sympathetic sign of Cancer. righthand man. direct and passionate involvement. Like Oscar Wilde. mediator. dramatic selfexpression. the support person. or charm. Libra Rising and Venus in Virgo Your ruling planet. neglecting yourself for others' sake or allowing more assertive. whole-heartedly loving sign of Leo." You need a stage. No matter how far you go. For you. Libra Rising and Venus in Gemini Your ruling planet. beauty. creative arts. style is number one". and that you influence the world through your considerable physical beauty. Libra Rising and Venus in Cancer Your ruling planet. Venus. and taste are instinctual aspects of your soul-function. is in the friendly and very sociable sign of Gemini: social relations and facilitating communication and understanding between people is truly your forte. personal magnetism. Venus. composition. generous. for although you are tactful and concerned about others. harmony. an avoiding conflict even when it is necessary and fruitful are potential pitfalls for you. devoted sign of Virgo. in order to fulfill your soul function. Libra Rising and Venus in Leo Your ruling planet. You have a feeling for children or the childlike. are gifts that enable you to fulfill your soul purpose as a messenger. Leadership and/or personal achievement and recognition are a part of your path. You have a gift for performing. harmony. At times you may be too "other-oriented". or music is your forum. You are agreeable. Libra Rising and Venus in Scorpio Your ruling planet. is in the pleasure-loving sign of Taurus. dominant or needy individuals to take too much from you. or teacher. especially regarding your loves. Venus. suggesting that your humility and your genuine desire to help and serve others are among your most endearing qualities as well as important aspects of your soul function. Venus. and creative purposes. heal your loved ones anyone. and a love of adventure infuse your relationships and your approach to life. Your restlessness and love of freedom may cause you to renege on commitments or to avoid depth and "the hard stuff" in your relationships. they are also. A concern for social justice and social betterment are woven into your very fabric. You have an "us" (rather than "I") approach to life. a crucible. so your persona reflects that kind of calm. friendship. playful spontaneity. Venus. Active involvement in your community. and unconventional sign of Aquarius. a care giver in the deepest sense of the word. and acceptance for many different kinds of people. Libra Rising and Venus in Pisces Your ruling planet. is in the sensitive. healing. suggesting that you seek new solutions and alternatives in order to create harmony and make the world a better place. especially in conflict resolution and facilitating or coordinating groups of people to cooperate and help one another. Traveling or at least moving around quite a bit in order to make connections is a part of this. You are a "bleeding heart". Active involvement in your community. Libra Rising and Venus in Sagittarius Your ruling planet. also. with an impulse to save. however. all behavior is acceptable. Venus. Part of your soul function is to spread good will. or which can turn destructive and negative. sympathetic. The arts or entertainment may well be a key part of this. Libra Rising and Venus in Aquarius Your ruling planet. The arts or entertainment may well be a key part of this. easily influenced. You will touch many.expression. especially in conflict resolution and facilitating or coordinating groups of people to cooperate and help one another. or have very weak or distorted personal boundaries: everything's okay. free-thinking. Beware of your tendency to be somewhat irresponsible towards others or of promising anything because it seems good at the moment (and you want to be agreeable) but which you can not or will not follow through on. for you. is in the objective and unemotional sign of Capricorn. Metaphysically you appreciate the space between activities. too malleable. As you learn to . also. actually. tolerance. This contemplative expression indicates that you can achieve a balance between your physical life and your soul life. tolerant. Venus. and this is undeniably an essential aspect of your soul function. At best you are a champion of the weak and an instrument for grace to flow into the lives of those around you. and angel. You have an "us" (rather than "I") approached to life. rescue. A concern for social justice and social betterment are woven into your very fabric. and possibly learning. A Spiritual Interpretation of Libra Rising "In some ways your persona is the balance of an object at rest. you tend to be too yielding. Take care not to fall into the "co-dependent" or "enabler" role. indicating that generosity. suggesting that you seek new solutions and alternatives in order to create harmony and make the world a better place. Beware of allowing yourself to be ruled by those to whom you have a passionate attachment. compassionate sign of Pisces: you are kind hearted. Libra Rising and Venus in Capricorn Your ruling planet. is essential to fulfilling your soul function. is in the idealistic and optimistic sign of Sagittarius. At your best you bring people together in an atmosphere of openness. giving and forgiving. who is broken or in need. is in the idealistic. bringing you (and others with you) down. Venus. You have a very exotic and creative force which can be used for love. and/or of wielding your own attractive powers to manipulate others through their desire for you. is essential to fulfilling your soul function. When out of balance. You cultivate harmony among the people around you. bladder and sexual organs. This can result in a variety of ailments involving the kidneys. You do everything in good taste. You appreciate beauty and have a natural sense of balance. ideas. They investigate whatever catches the eye. Others see you as an agreeable. one that especially interests you and one that you are usually quite skilled at. Sometimes we see an older couple hanging out together. Marriage is very significant to you and finding the right person to share your life with is extremely important. You have a strong desire for harmonious and pleasant relationships. Finding the balance between being yourself and blending and uniting with another is a challenge for you. this is the sort of face you show to the world. noncombative manner. Being part of a close couple seems natural to you . You so much want to please that often you will suppress your own intense or unpleasant feelings in order not to offend others. The outer appearance reflects an inner spiritual attunement that is the hallmark of the Libra Ascendant. As your spiritual path unfolds. You can be counted on to enrich conversation both by listening actively and participating with clear questions. The tendency to balance and calm is part of what makes you a welcome guest. Instead of engaging in sex for the sake of sex." Libra Ascendant from the Cosmo Natal Report: "You are a natural diplomat. always willing to listen to varying viewpoints. your persona becomes calmer and you are able to effect change in the world without stirring up the energy more than necessary. but your motivations take on the quality of spiritual aspiration. You are still a physical beings with needs and desires. and thus make a strong team member who can be counted on to keep the goal in mind in the midst of discussion. and ready to see the other side of an issue. tolerant.you are not an independent loner. not rushing their activity but following its natural pace. reasonable. not simply functional or utilitarian. you seek partners who share a spiritual affinity that allows you both to experience ecstasy through your relationship. symmetry. however. Sometimes your politeness is interpreted as phoniness or wishy-washiness. but we can see that they are attuned to each other. You possess personal charm and an understated. They are calm. Sometimes this even means engaging in activities that transcend the physical realm without using physical contact as the avenue of approach. you are easily influenced by others' opinions.work with duality in a conscious way. harmonious. Having a partner increases your self-confidence. compromise. In this way you demonstrate respect for yourself and your partner on the physical and spiritual level. friendship. with a sense of style and art. and an occasional opinion. you will try to find points of similarity and agreement rather than emphasizing the differences. You often avoid taking an extreme or one-sided stance on anything. fair. everything must be aesthetically appealing. and proportion. for you possess tact and acute awareness of other people. Though there may be much more to you. You can enjoy life best by exercising s degree of moderation. especially when young. From your home furnishings to your choice of clothing. Your motto could be "you catch more flies with honey than . Your need to create harmony extends to your physical environment and personal appearance as well. you find that your sexual and other material desires change. You very much want to be liked and because of your need for approval and acceptance. and fairness. You do have a tendency. Even if you strongly disagree with someone. You also feel that relationships are an art. Libra Ascendants are vulnerable to any excess that throws the physical body out of harmony. and "nice" person. to become overly dependent on your partner and perhaps not to develop a clearly defined identity outside of the relationship. smooth. They don't seem to talk very much. and express a spirit of cooperation. pointing out things to each other. Venus in Pisces) Neil Diamond (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Leo) Redd Foxx (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Libra) Sally Field (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Virgo) Monica Lewinsky (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Aries) Robert Blake (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Pisces) Jimmy Connors (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Leo) Roman Polanski (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Leo) Shari Lewis (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Gemini) Chad Lowe (Libra Ascendant.with vinegar" for you usually take a friendly. Venus in Pisces) Carole King (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Leo) Chevy Chase (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Aquarius) Emeril Lagasse (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Pisces) Sonny Bono (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Capricorn) Chrissie Hynde (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Aquarius) Barry Gibb (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Pisces) Ewan McGregor (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Sagittarius) Harrison Ford (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Pisces) Geena Davis (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Pisces) Nell Carter (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Scorpio) Jon Bon Jovi (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Aquarius) Alice Cooper (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Scorpio) T.S. Venus in Pisces) Gates McFadden (Libra Ascendant. I'm-going-to-conquer-the-world attitude. Venus in Scorpio) Arnold Palmer (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Capricorn) Leonardo DiCaprio (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Virgo) . Venus in Taurus) Jerry Garcia (Libra Ascendant. cooperative approach rather than a strong." Famous People with Libra Rising: Paula Abdul (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Gemini) Stephen Foster (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Capricorn) Courtney Love (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Libra) Andy Griffith (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Pisces) Crystal Gayle (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Virgo) Colette (Libra Ascendant. forceful. Venus in Scorpio) Erich Fromm (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Virgo) Tim Conway (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Aries) Rock Hudson (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Sagittarius) Lee Majors (Libra Ascendant. Eliot (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Aries) Deidre Hall (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Leo) Jennifer Aniston (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Pisces) Tatum O'Neal (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Virgo) Quincy Jones (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Cancer) James Garner (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Scorpio) Anne Heche (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Sagittarius) Venus Williams (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Leo) Jean-Claude Van Damme (Libra Ascendant. (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Scorpio) Eddie Van Halen (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Gemini) Debra Winger (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Aries) Natalie Wood (Libra Ascendant. Venus in Virgo) . Venus in Aquarius) John Ritter (Libra Ascendant.Freddie Prinze Jr.
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