
March 17, 2018 | Author: Maitry Shah | Category: Control Engineering, Cybernetics, Applied Mathematics, Systems Science, Signal Processing



TOHO ELECTkOMÌC5 ÌMC.0l6lIkL IEMFE8kIü8E 60ßI80LLE8 IIM - J4 J5 VarsaI||a 0onIro||ar Ior w|da ßanga oI App||caI|onsI Easy ûparaI|on & Econom|ca| Pr|caII 0l6lIkL IEMFE8kIü8E 60ßI80LLE8 IIM - J4 J5 üpgradad û|g|Ia| TamparaIura 0onIro||ar W|Ih Var|ous FuncI|ons, Easy-Io-üsa & Nu|I|p|a InpuIs ■Features ●Self-Tuning PID M ost appropriate PID constant is autom atically reckoned up for control objects. PID constant is calculated w hen m aking alteration of setting value, or it is corrected w hen occuring disturbance/hunting etc. ●Blind Function A t the request, desirable param eter screen is only displayed and set up. ●Sim pli ed Tim er O N /O FF setting control is available after som e certain interval. Function of O N /O FF alarm output is independently usable. ●Priority D isplay D em anding param eter screens are m onitored and set up under operational m ode screen.(m ax. 9 screens) ●M ultiple Inputs Therm ocouple/R.T.D .(Pt 100 & JPt 100) are selectable by front key. ●Com pact Size It is a com pact size. The depth is only 77m m ! ●M anual Control (Balanceless & Bum pless) M anual output function is applicable for versatile applications of instrum entation system s. ●D igital PV Filter For abrupt alteration of input value, filter effect is operational on softw are. ●PID O ver-Shoot Protection It is functional to inhibit PID O ver-Shoot. ●H eating/Cooling Control PID control is available on cooling side. ●O ther Shift setting of O FF position during O N /O FF control, for both output 1 & 2. ■Panel Installation ■A dvanced Features ●Self-Tuning PID (Standard) Self-tuning is O N ① SV A lteration ② H unting/D isturbance Tem p. Tim e ●Blind Function (Standard) M O D E A M O D E B M O D E C M O D E I M O D E L A M O D E 1 M O D E 2 M O D E 3 M O D E 35 M O D E 36 1 The m ode screen or the param eter screen w hichever you dem and can be displayed by m erely pressing a key, at the request. W hen the SV screen is erased, the set value is norm ally not indicated but the m easured value (PV) is only show n. ●Tim er Function (Standard) 1. Bread O ven M achine ●Put dough into oven and press the tim er start key. ●W hile setting tim er, tem perature in oven is controlled by heater. ●A fter tim er counts up, control of oven is stopped autom atically. (This exam ple is for control stop after the tim er counts up.) Start Key Tim er A ction Control O utput Setting Tim e Tim e-up 2. Package M achine and Industry M achinery (In case of start of control after the relative equipm ents are prepared) ●W hen pow er is "O N ", the tim er starts to count. ●W hile setting tim er, control output is stopped. ●A fter the tim er counts up, control is started autom atically. (For control start after the tim er counts up.) Pow er Tim er A ction Control O utput Setting Tim e Tim e-up ●A utom atic/M anual Control (Standard) A utom atic/M anual control can be sw itched by front key for D I or com m unication. W hen checking the m anipulation action for value and heater during a system test run, or w hen norm al control is not operational due to sensor failure, the system can be operated m anually in this m ode. A utom atic Control M anual Control Previous M anipulation Value Balanceless・Bum pless Sw itching Change of M nipulation Value A utom atic Control M anual Control Balanceless Bum pless Balanceless・ Bum pless (Ineffect) Sw itching For this panel installation, please be careful sufficiently to avoid any of dam age. ●TTM -J4 ●TTM -J5 ■Front Panel O U T1 O U T2 A L1 A L2 M O D E FU N C PV SV RD Y U P Key D O W N Key A L1 O utput m onitor for event output 1 A L2 O utput m onitor for event output 2 O U T1 O utput m onitor for output 1 O U T2 O utput m onitor for output 2 RD Y Lighting w hile being operation ready M O D E M ode key for shifting display FU N C Function key for digit shift, A T(A uto-Tuning), RU N /REA D Y, Tim er Start/Reset PV Indication of process value & character display for alarm , PID etc. SV Indication of setting value, m anipulation value & residual tim e of tim er. △ ▽ U p/D ow n key for alteration of setting value Pressing 1∼ 10sec: 1 d ig it/100m s 10∼ 20sec: 10 digits/100m s over 20sec: 100 digits/100m s TTM -J4 (48×48m m ) TTM -J5 (96×48m m ) ■Standard Speci cations Input Sw itchable Therm ocouple K, J, T, R, N , S, B (JIS1602∼ 1995) R.T.D . Pt100, JPt100 (Load resistance : 10Ω or less) Indiacation PV (Character) 4 digits, 7 segm ents G reen 10m m height SV (Setting Value) 4 digits, 7 segm ents Red 8m m height Various Function Indication LED : Red (A L1, A L2, O U T1, O U T2 or RD Y) Control M ethod PID A uto-Tuning PID Self-Tuning Proportional band (P1) 0.1 to 200.0% of setting lim iter span Proportional band (P2) at O utput 2 0.10 to 10.00 tim es (Tim es per P) Reset tim e (Integral) (I) 1 to 3600 sec (0 : O FF) Rate tim e (D eviation) (D ) 1 to 3600 sec (0 : O FF) Cycle tim e (T1, T2) 1 to 120 sec D ead band (D B) -100.0 to + 100.0 or -100 to + 100 (℃) O N /O FF Control sensitivity (C1, C2) 0 to 999 or 0.0 to 999.9 (℃) O FF Point of O utput 1 & 2 Position of setting -199 to 999 or -199.9 to 999.9 (℃) Control O utput Relay Contact 250V A C, 3A (Load resistance) 1a contact (O n heating/cooling operation, output 2 is 250V A C, 2.4A load resistance, 1a contact) SSR D rive Voltage 0 to 12V D C (Load resistance : M ax 600Ω or m ore) Sam pling Tim e 0.5 sec (O utput change period is the sam e) Setting and Indication A ccuracy Therm ocouple ±(0.3% + 1 digit) of process value or ±2℃, either of bigger num erial values is taken. (A m bient tem perature : 23℃ ±10℃) -100 to 0℃ : ±3℃, -200 to 100℃ : ±4℃ Therm ocouple B under 400℃ is not regulated. R.T.D . ±(0.3% + 1 digit) of process value or ±0.9℃, either of bigger num erial values is taken. (A m bient tem perature : 23℃ ±10℃) A m bient tem perature 0 to 50℃ : ±(0.5% + 1 digit) or 1.5℃, either of bigger num erial values is taken. M em ory Elem ent EEPRO M Voltage Source 100V A C to 240V A C (50/60H z) W eight TTM -J4 : less than 180g. TTM -J5 : less than 240g. Pow er Consum ption Less than 10VA (240V A C) A ccessories Instruction m anual & installation attachm ent (TTM -J4) or installation m etal instrum ents (TTM -J5) O perating Condition 0 to 50℃, 20 to 90% RH (under non-condensation) Storage Condition -25 to 70℃, 5 to 95% RH (under non-condensation) Functions M anipurated Variable Lim iter (M L1, M H 1, M L2, M H 2) 0.0 to 100.0% Setting Lim iter (SLL, SLH ) See Input and Range . Selectable Control M ode (CN T) A uto-Tuning PID Type A ←→B, N orm al←→Reverse, A uto-Tuning PID ←→O N /O FF PV Correction Setting 0 Point (PVS) -199 to 999 or -199.9 to 999.9 (℃) PV Correction Setting G ain 0.50 to 2.00 (tim es) Input Filter 0 to 99 (sec) M anual Reset (PBB) 0.0 to 100.0% , -100.0 to 100.0 (heating & cooling) of proportional band. Tim er O peration M ode (TM M ) 0.00 m inute to 59.59 m inutes, 0.00 hour to 99.59 hours: A ccuracy : ±(1.5% + 0.5 sec) of setting tim e. D ecim al Point Shift (D P) D ecim al point display available (up to 999.9) M anual Control A uto/M anual control can be sw itched by key. Run/Ready Run and Ready can be sw itched by key. Blind Function N o indication available for non-required display. A uto-Tuning (A T) Coefficient A fter A T, the com puted PV band is new ly to set up w ith another coefficient. FU N C Key   D igit Shift A T RU N /REA D Y Tim er Start/Reset Priority D isplay A rbitrary param ater screens are shifted to indication of operation m ode by key. (m ax : 9 screens) Lock Function (LO C) 4 m odes (O FF, A LL, O peration Lock, Lock except O peration M ode) W atch D og Function D ata checked by EEPRO M (Err0), A /D converter check (Err1), and A uto-Tuning check (Err2), Built-in w atch dog tim er. Event O utput 1 (A L1) Event O utput 2 (A L2 or O U T2) Function : PV contact output (8m odes), Special contact output (3 m odes), additional functions (3 m odes) Setting Range : -199.9 to 999.9 or -1999 to 9999 (℃) Sensitivity : 0.0 to 999.9 or 0 to 9999 (℃) Rating : 250V A C 2.4A (Load resistance) 1a contact W hen selecting output 2 at contact output 2, the output generates on cooling side during heating/cooling. Contact polarity is selectable, either norm al open or norm al close. H eating & Cooling See Control O utput in standard specifications. ●D igital PV Filter (Standard) This is a function to realize a CR filter effect on softw are by m eans of prim ary delay arithm etic on the m easured value (PV). The filter effect can be set by tim e constant (t). (The tim e constant is a period to reach 63% of PV value, w hen the input changes stepw ise.) Tim e 0% 100% Input Signal Tim e 0% 100% Tim e Tim e Constant (t) 0% 100% 63% Reading N on-D igital PV Filter Tim e Constant (t)= 0 Reading D igital PV Filter Tim e Constant (t)>0 D igital PV filter w ith the follow ing uses 1) To elim inate high frequency noise : W hen electric noise is added to the input, the adverse effect is reduced. 2) W hen input changes abruptly, the response delay is possibly m ade. ●O ver-Shoot Protection PID (Standard) TYPE B (O ver-Shoot Protection) TYPE A SV SV TYPE A PID (Form er PID ) TYPE B PID (O ver-Shoot Protection) ●H eating/Cooling PID Control (Standard) H eating PID Con g PID D B ℃ Low Cost Type ●Shifting O FF Position in O N -O FF Control (Standard) W hen the Shift value is set to 0 (zero), the O FF position is the set value position. =Changed to 5 SV-20 Controlled Tem perature ( = 15) SV-10 SV+ 10 Set Value (SV) O N O FF SV-20 Controlled Tem perature ( = 15) SV-10 SV+ 10 Set Value (SV) O N O FF W hen the O FF position setting is shifted by + 5, O N /O FF position shifts to that of + 5 m inutes upper than the original position, though the set value is not changed. W hen the O FF position setting is shifted tow ard the m inus direction, the O FF position shifts in the reverse direction. H ead O ffice: 1-13-21, Tanashioda, Sagam ihara Kanagaw a 229-1125 Japan. Phone: + 81-42-777-3311 FA X: + 81-42-777-3751 E-M ail: overseas@ W eb site: http://w w w ●Specifications are subject to change w ithout notice. N ote: The color printed in this catalog m ay be different from actual color. ■W iring TTM -J4 ■O peration Flow ■Term inals Relay O utput C ; Com m on. N O ; N orm al open SSR D rive O utput Connect directly to + & - input of SSR EV 1, 2 Changeable norm al open & norm al close R.T.D . Input Connect to A , B and b Therm ocouple Input Connect to porarity (+ , -) ■D im ensions ■Input and Range (Therm ocouple & R.T.D . sw itchable by key) Therm ocouple Setting Range D isplay Range N on-decim al point D ecim al point N on-decim al point D ecim al point K ℃ -200∼ 1372 -199.9∼ 990.0 -210∼ 1382 -199.9∼ 999.9 J ℃ -200∼ 850 -199.9∼ 850.0 -210∼ 860 -199.9∼ 860.0 R ℃ 0∼ 1700 ――――― -10∼ 1710 ――――― T ℃ -200∼ 400 -199.9∼ 400.0 -210∼ 410 -199.9∼ 410.0 N ℃ -200∼ 1300 -199.9∼ 990.0 -210∼ 1310 -199.9∼ 999.9 S ℃ 0∼ 1700 ――――― -10∼ 1710 ――――― B ℃ 0∼ 1800 ――――― -20∼ 1820 ――――― R.T.D . Setting Range D isplay Range N on-decim al point D ecim al point N on-decim al point D ecim al point Pt100 (JIS/IEC) ℃ -199∼ 500 -199.9∼ 500.0 -199∼ 520 -199.9∼ 530.0 JPt100 (JIS) ℃ -199∼ 500 -199.9∼ 500.0 -199∼ 530 -199.9∼ 520.0 Blind Priority display setting Set up Control Event 1 Event 2 Tim er M O D E key M O D E key M O D E key M O D E key M O D E key M O D E key Sellection display or setting m ode O peration M ode Initial D isplay (4 secs) Pow er O n Shift by special key operation Press m ode key m ore than 2 secs   Input type display is indicated for 4 seconds after pow er is O N , then shift to O peration M ode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 3 2 3 N O C +   N O C + O U T1 N o used EV2/O U T2   EV1 PO W ER 13 14 15 13 14 15 B b A RTD TC PV +   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7 8 7 8 1 2 3 1 2 3 B A b O U T1 +   +   + N O EV2/O U T2 RTD TC PV N o used N O C PO W ER EV1   C M odel a b c d A B C D L TTM -J4 45 + 0.6 -0 45 + 0.6 -0 60 48 24 48 3.5 96.5 (B(d)×N -3) + 0.6 -0 TTM -J5 92 + 0.6 -0 45 + 0.6 -0 120 48 96 48 6.5 76.5 (B(d)×N -3) + 1 -0 W hen you use com pressed lead w ire to install m ultiple units, please be careful sufficiently not to touch the other lead w ires. c a d L b N0ûE luhC 0uT1 0uT2 AL1 AL2 C0N RûY ûl B C D 2 A ■O rdering Infom ation TTM A B M odel O utput 1 M odel J4 48×48m m J5 96×48m m O utput 1 R Relay contact P SSR drive voltage 12V D C ※1 Input is selectable either therm ocouple (K, J, R, T, N , S, B) or R.T.D . (Pt100, JPt100), w ith front key. ※2   A (EV1 : A larm 1) and B (EV2 : A larm 2 or O U T2 : Relay contact) equipped as standard specifications. ■Event Contact O utput M ode (A larm ) A bnorm al PV code N one A bnorm al PV contact output A dditional Functions N one H olding A w ating sequence H olding + aw aiting sequence W hen special function is 0, only code 0 or 1 selectable. PV Event Code (A larm ) N one D eviation high and low lim it D eviation high lim it D eviation low lim it D eviation high and low range A busolute value high and low lim it A busolute value high lim it A busolute value low lim it A busolute value high and low range ■Tim er O peration M ode Start M ode A uto start : O N delay M anual start : O N delay Event start : O N delay A uto start : O FF delay M anual start : O FF delay Event start : O FF delay SV start : O FF delay O N delay : Control start or event output is O N , after tim e-up O FF delay : Control stop or event output is O FF, after tim e-up * O utput is selectable, either m ain control output or event output. ■Tim er D rive Setting N on-use tim er function Control output Event 1 output TTM -J5
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