TT (45)jk

May 6, 2018 | Author: Chaitanya Gaur | Category: Workweek And Weekend, Labor Rights, Working Time, Working Conditions, Business



BATCHES RENAMED AFTER AFTER RESHUFFLING (CLASS X GOING TO XI) Classes for BBE (For Class V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,X ANDXI) GOING to VI,VII,VIII,IX,X,XI AND XII DATE / DAY NETR80A01 NETW80A06 NETW80A05 NETW80A04 BBE-V(going to VI) BBE-VI(GOING TO VII) BBE-VII(GOING TO VIII) BBE-VIII(GOING TO IX) BBE-IX(GOING TO X) BBE-X(GOING TO XI) BBE-XI(GOING TO XII) OLD (NEFY60A01,NETH70A01) OLD NEFYW60A01/W60A02/W60A03/THW70A01 MONDAY 15.01.18 16-Jan-18 Tuesday 17-Jan-18 Wednesday 18-Jan-18 Thursday 19-Jan-18 Friday MAT-ABG 4.30-6.30 CENTRE 20-Jan-18 Saturday ` MAT-PR C-AS P-SK P-RK 4.30-6.30 4.30-6.00 4.30-6.00 4.30-6.00 P-KV C-AS C-AM 6.15-7.45 6.15-7.45 6.15-7.45 CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE P-NC 11.30-1.30 C-DK 21-Jan-18 MAT-PR 2.00-4.00 10.30-12.30 M-SP Sunday CENTRE 4.15-6.15 CENTRE C-14 30-3.30-11.18 16-Jan-18 Tuesday M-NKS 4.45-7.45 STUDY LEAVE C-14 NSEJS 9. JR Section DATE / DAY NEFY60A01 NETH70A01 NEFYW60A01 NEFYW60A02 NEFYW60A03 NETHW70A01 NEFYW71A01 NEFYW71A02 NEFY71A01 NETHW70B01 NEFYW71B01 MONDAY 15.30-7.30 Sunday RT-1 .30 IIT JEE ADV P-1 21-Jan-18 12.01.30 CENTRE 17-Jan-18 Wednesday STUDY LEAVE 18-Jan-18 Thursday STUDY LEAVE 19-Jan-18 Friday STUDY LEAVE 20-Jan-18 Saturday SAT/MAT/ENG 4. 30-7.07:45 05:45 .30 3.07:45 CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE C-14 17-Jan-18 Wednesday Please Take prior appointment Please Take prior appointment Please Take prior appointment with with the Teacher Before with the Teacher Before the Teacher Before comming for M-PS P-NC P-RK C-PKG P-DP P-PK comming for Doubts if any comming for Doubts if any Doubts if any 3.30 3.30-5.45 5.45-7.45-7.30-5.30 3.30-5.45 5.07:45 CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE C-14 20-Jan-18 Saturday 21-Jan-18 Sunday .07:45 5.30 3.30 3.30-5.30-5.07:45 05:45 .30-5.45 5.45 05:45 .45-7.45 5.45-7.30 3.30-5.30 P-AM P-NC P-RK C-PKG M-SB P-PK 05:45 .00 P-AM C-JG M-SNP P-LKS C-AM M-VG 5.30 3. CENTRE.30-5.30 3.30 M-PS C-RK C-PKG M-SB P-PK 5.30-5.30 3.45 CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE C-14 18-Jan-18 Thursday Please Take prior appointment Please Take prior appointment Please Take prior appointment with with the Teacher Before with the Teacher Before the Teacher Before comming for C-DJ M-SNP P-LKS P-DP M-VG comming for Doubts if any comming for Doubts if any Doubts if any 3.01.45-7.30-5.30-5.45 05:45 .45 5.45 5.30-5.07:45 05:45 .30-5.30 3.30-5.45-7.30-5.30-6.45-7.30 3.30-5.30 16-Jan-18 Tuesday Please Take prior appointment Please Take prior appointment Please Take prior appointment with with the Teacher Before with the Teacher Before the Teacher Before comming for C-DJ M-VG M-SNP M-VK C-AM C-DK comming for Doubts if any comming for Doubts if any Doubts if any 3.18 AIITS -7.30 3.45-7.07:45 05:45 .30 3.30-5.30 C-DJ M-VG C-RK M-VK C-AM C-DK 5.45-7.30-5.45 5.07:45 05:45 .30-5.45 5.45 5. 1 YR / 2 YR BATCHES DATE / DAY NETR68Z01 NETR68X02 NETR68D01 NETR79A02 NETR79A03 NETR79B01 NETR79C01 NETR79D01 NEER79A01 MONDAY 15. CLASS XII.45-7.45-7.30 3.07:45 05:45 .45 5.30 3.30 3.45-7.30-5.30 3.45-7.45 CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE RT-1 19-Jan-18 Friday Please Take prior appointment Please Take prior appointment Please Take prior appointment with M-PS P-NC C-RK P-LKS P-DP M-VG with the Teacher Before with the Teacher Before the Teacher Before comming for comming for Doubts if any comming for Doubts if any Doubts if any 3.45-7.30 3.30-5.30 3.30-5.4. 30 P-DAS 21-Jan-18 2.15 RT-1 RT-1 RT-1 RT-1 CENTRE 19-Jan-18 M-SB M-AG M-SNP C-RK P-SM 10.15 3.45-2.15 CENTRE .30 10.45 12.45 12.45 C-DJ C-PKG C-AM P-VM M-SP 3.00 PE-JV AIITS -7.20-5.30-12.30- MONDAY 15.45 12.15-5.15 3.30-12.15-5.15 3.45-2.45 C-14 C-14 C-14 C-14 CENTRE CENTRE C-DJ P-NIM M-SNP C-RK C-AGR 18-Jan-18 10.00-3.45-2.30 P-SM M-AG P-LKS P-VM M-SP Thursday 12.45-2.45-2.15-5.15 3.30 10.30 C-JG 5.15-5.30-12.15-5.15 3.30-12.45-2.45 12. CLASS XII.15 3.15 7.15 3.30-5.15-5.15-5.30-12.30 10.45 12.30-12.45-2.15 3.30 10.30 10.30-12.30-12.30-12.15 RT-1 RT-1 RT-1 RT-1 CENTRE C-DJ C-PKG P-LKS C-RK C-AGR 10.45-2.15 3.30 10.15-5.00 C-JG Sunday 4.30 10.30-12.45 12.30-12.15-5.15-5.30-12.15 3.30-4.45 12.30-5.45 M-SB P-NIM P-LKS C-AGR 3.30 M-VK 5.30-12.45-2.45 12.15-5.15-5.30-12.30-1.45 CENTRE M-VK 11.45 M-SB P-NIM M-SNP P-SM C-JG 3.30-12.30 10.30-12.15 3.45 12. 12TH PASS/12TH Studying Batches DATE / DAY NEPA78A01 NEPA78B01 NEPA78C01 NEPB78A01 NEIT79A01 NEER68A01 Weeklly Closure 1.30 10.35 CENTRE 16-Jan-18 P-SM C-PKG M-SNP C-RK M-SP 10.30 10.45-7.15-5.45-2.15-5.30 10.45 12.30 Tuesday C-DJ M-AG C-AM M-STR P-SM 12.30 10.45 12.30 10.45 12.45-2.15 3. CENTRE.15-5.45 12.30-12.45-2.30 10.30 Friday P-SM P-NIM P-LKS M-STR C-AGR 12.15-5.45-7.45 12.00-4.15-6.15 3.45-2.30 17-Jan-18 P-SM M-AG C-AM P-VM M-SP Wednesday 12.45-2.15 3.15-5.45- 3.30 10.45 12.45-2.45-2.30-12.30 10.15 3.30 E-ST 4.15 C-14 C-14 C-14 C-14 CENTRE 20-Jan-18 Saturday P-DAS 3.45 12.30-12.45 M-SB C-PKG C-AM M-STR P-SM 3.45-2.45-2.45-2. 30-7.30-5.45-4.00 3.45-2.00(TS) 21-Jan-18 M-AG C-RK Please Take prior Please Take prior Please Take prior 11.45 C-14 CENTRE C-14 19-Jan-18 M-SP C-PKG 10.45 5.15(TC) 12.30 4.05-1.45-2.00-6.15-3.00-5.50-6.30(SS) comming for Doubts if comming for Doubts if comming for Doubts if C-AM M-STR any any any 3. CENTRE.15-7.30-11.30 comming for Doubts if comming for Doubts if 4. 12TH PASS/12TH Studying Batches DATE / DAY NETR68X01 NETW68X01 NETW68Z01 NETW79A01 NETW79A06 NETR79A01 NEIC78A01 WORKSHOP(11) WORKSHOP XII OLYMPIAD-MATHS CSAP-XII(AITS PT-2) Workshop -12TH PASS MONDAY 15.P-BLOCK.30 P-NIM C-RK M-SP 5.30 for Doubts if any P-NIM P-SM any any C-14 6.00-6.15-7.30 Tuesday FULL T EST -1 C-PKG ( SYLLABUS OF REVIEW TEST -1 TO REVIEW TEST -10.45-4.30 3.45-7.00 P-SM 4.30-7.30(TC+SS) CENTRE CENTRE P-NIM P-LKS 9.OM.30-5. 2.30-7.30(TC+SS) 2.15-3.45-4.45 WC(5.00(TC) 9.30-5.18 AIITS -7.45-7.30(TC+SS) 9. Teacher Before comming 3.00 4.50(TC+SS) Sunday appointment with the appointment with the appointment with the P-NIM P-LKS Teacher Before Teacher Before Teacher Before 2.01.00 M-AG C-RK P-SM COMPLETE IIT JEE SYLLABUS) 3.30-1.50-6.50(TC+SS) 11.30(TC+SS) CENTRE CENTRE 20-Jan-18 M-AG C-RK 9.45-7.45-7.00) RT-1 C-14 C-14 C-14 CENTRE 17-Jan-18 Please Take prior Please Take prior CHEM WORKSHOP Wednesday Please Take prior appointment with the appointment with the C-RK appointment with the Teacher Before Teacher Before C-AM C-MKS EC.05-1.30 Friday C-MKS M-AG 1. CLASS XII.45 5.30-12.35(TC+SS) 3.00) CENTRE C-14 18-Jan-18 PHY WORKSHOP Thursday P-NIM C-RK C-MKS OP-MP 3.30 P-LKS M-SP P-NIM 5.45 5.30-1.30(TC+SS) Saturday C-AM P-LKS Please Take prior Please Take prior Please Take prior 12.30-5.30-12.30-5.15(SS) 2.30-7.30(TC+SS) 2.45 WC(5.30(TC+SS) 4.30 16-Jan-18 P-NIM 10.30-1.45-7.30-5.30-7.15(SS) comming for Doubts if comming for Doubts if comming for Doubts if P-NIM M-STR any any any 4.00-5.45 6.4.30-5.15(TC) appointment with the appointment with the appointment with the C-AM P-LKS Teacher Before Teacher Before Teacher Before 2.30-11.30 3.35(TC+SS) CENTRE CENTRE .30 3.15(TC+SS) 10.30-7.45-7. 30 C-JG 5.30-5. CENTRE.30-5.30 11.45 C-14 19-Jan-18 Friday 20-Jan-18 Saturday Please Take prior Please Take prior Please Take prior Please Take prior Please Take prior appointment with the appointment with the appointment with the appointment with the appointment with the C-MKS M-PS Teacher Before Teacher Before Teacher Before Teacher Before Teacher Before 3.30-5.18 AIITS -7.15-6.45-7.45-7. CLASS XII.45 5.30 3.15-6.00 2.45-7.15 4.4.30 M-SB 5.30-1.00-4.30 16-Jan-18 Tuesday C-MKS C-JG 3.30 3.45 CENTRE CENTRE P-LKS M-PS 11.45 C-14 C-14 17-Jan-18 Wednesday P-LKS 3.30 comming for Doubts if comming for Doubts if comming for Doubts if comming for Doubts if comming for Doubts if P-LKS P-RK any any any any any 5.45-7.30-5.00 appointment with the appointment with the appointment with the appointment with the appointment with the M-SB P-RK Sunday Teacher Before Teacher Before Teacher Before Teacher Before Teacher Before 4.00-4.45-7. WEEKEND 68 LOT BATCHES DATE / DAY NETW68X02 NETW68X03 NETW68X04+Z3 NETW68Z02 NETW68D01 NESW78A01 NESW78B01 MONDAY 15.30-1.45 C-14 18-Jan-18 Thursday P-RK 3.45-7.30-7.30 21-Jan-18 C-MKS C-JG Please Take prior Please Take prior Please Take prior Please Take prior Please Take prior 2.01.45 5.30 P-LKS M-PS 5.30-5.15 comming for Doubts if comming for Doubts if comming for Doubts if comming for Doubts if comming for Doubts if any any any any any CENTRE CENTRE .30-5. 15 2.00 4.30-5.30 P-RK M-VG P-SM P-DP P-NC M-SPS C-RKG M-IK 5.15-4.15-4.15 2.00-4.30-5.30 9.15 4.00 2.00-4.45 6.30 9.15-7.30-11.45-7.30 11.45 6.15-7.30-1.00-5.45-7.45-7.15-7.30-6.15 4.45-7.30-5.15-6.00 2.15-4.30 3.30 9.30-11.30-1.45-1.45 11.15-4.45 5.30-11.30 3.30 4.30-6.00 C-DJ C-DK C-JG M-VK M-SPS M-STR 5.30 11.15-6.30-11.45-7.45 C-14 C-14 C-14 C-14 C-14 C-14 RT-1 CENTRE 19-Jan-18 Friday 20-Jan-18 M-PS P-NC C-DK P-DP C-MKS P-AM M-STR P-DAS 9.45 6.30 3.30-5.15-7.00 4.15 4.18 16-Jan-18 Tuesday P-RK M-SP P-DP P-NC P-AM P-PK 3.45-7.30 11.30 21-Jan-18 P-RK P-NC M-SP P-DP M-VK M-SPS C-RKG M-IK 2.00-4.00 2.45-1.30 11.45 6.45 5.30 P-NC C-AGR 5.30 4.30 9.15-7.30-5.30-11.15-4.15 C-14 C-14 C-14 CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE C-DJ M-VG P-SM C-JG C-MKS C-DK M-STR P-DAS 11.00 2.30-1.45-1.15 2.45 5.30 11.30 3.30-1.45 6.45-1.45 11.45 5.45 11.45 6.30-1.45-1.15-6.15-6.15-4.45-1.30 9.15 C-14 C-14 C-14 C-14 C-14 CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE .45 11.45 11.15 4.00 4.30 3.00-4.30-5.15 4.45 C-DJ C-RK M-SP M-SPS M-VK C-DK P-PK C-AGR 2.00 2.30-1.30 9.30-1.45 11.45 C-14 C-14 18-Jan-18 Thursday M-PS P-NC M-SP M-SPS M-VK P-AM P-PK P-DAS 3.00 2.00 2.30-11.00-4.30-6.00 4.45 5.00-4.15 4.15-6.30-5.15 2.30 4.45-7.30 Saturday P-RK M-VG P-SM C-JG P-NC M-SPS C-RKG M-IK 11.30-6.30-1.45-7.15 2.15-6.45 5.30-11.45-1.00 4.15 2.30 11.45-1.30-5.15-4.15-7.00-4.45-7.30-6.45 5.00-4.30 11.45 11.15 2.45-7.00-5.15-6.15-4.00 Sunday M-PS C-RK C-DK M-SPS P-NC P-AM P-PK C-AGR 4.15 4.45 C-14 C-14 C-14 RT-1 RT-1 RT-1 17-Jan-18 Wednesday M-VG P-DAS 3.30-6. DATE / DAY NETW79A02 NETW79A03 NETW79A04 NETW79A05 NETW79B01 NETW79B02 NETW79C01 NETW79D01 MONDAY 15.30 9.30-11.15-6.01.
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