March 25, 2018 | Author: Atul Gangwar | Category: Higher Education, Technology, Further Education, Business, Teaching And Learning



Quality Assurance in Technical Education Krishnkant Shukla*, Senior Technician Member Atul Karki*, Senior Technician Member This paper emphasizes the adoption of concurrent quality drives for technical education system in order to help nations to produce technologically competitive human resource and thereby bring quality products in the market. This paper analyses the contents and practices of TQM and six sigma, and compares them against twelve dimensions. INTRODUCTION Total quality management (TQM) has been enjoying popularity in industries of all types since its development in the mideighties. However, in recent years, interest in TQM has declined in industries. In contrast, six sigma, especially in its present form implemented by General Electric (GE-6σ), has become a popular management tool in the world. As a result, some researchers and practitioners assert that firms should implement six sigma in preference to TQM. It is observed that TQM cannot be replaced by six sigma. However, TQM cannot obtain the radical results achieved by six sigma. It is suggested that the implementation of six sigma can make up for this deficiency in TQM. Although the manipulation and management practices of TQM and GE-6σ are somewhat different, however, there is congruence between their quality concepts, leadership and culture. In addition, TQM and GE-6σ share the same goals of pursuing customer satisfaction, business performance and the integration of TQM and GE-6σ should, therefore, has some synergistic effects. This study utilises customer loyalty and business performance as the strategic goal of an integrated model of the two programmes. The proposed model discusses management principles, implementation practices and cultural changes implied by integration. This integrated model is of significance for practitioners and academics alike. A lot of problems may come in industry which can be related to technical function during the production, and, therefore, it is required to overcome these issues by imparting proper technical education. In technical education, TQM-six sigma tool is an important one. Therefore, six sigma training is very much needed for industries in order to quality production and also for customer satisfaction. In many cases, innovation happens at unexpected moments of time and is done in a different context altogether. According to one renowned industrialist of India: ‘every individual has to think of how s/he can make a difference to the world where s/he lives in’. As collectively human being moves into * Krishnkant Shukla and Atul Karki are the Senior Technician members attached to the Jharkhand State Centre of IEI. This paper was presented and discussed at the Seminar Session held concurrently with the Nineteenth IEI Convocation at Ranchi on November 19, 2011. the future and, therefore, there must be an endeavour by a professional group that makes a difference and that leaves its mark, not because of the profit it makes but because of what it has done to mankind around them. The total quality management concept can be sub-divided into a number of broad areas, namely, theme selection, process mapping, quality function deployment, failure mode and effects analysis and brainstorming. Theme Selection (Activity Focusing) The steps of focusing any problem can broadly be classified as follows: Define the problem areas (namely, process mapping, rolled throughput yield, quality function deployment, failure mode and effect analysis, Pareto, benchmarking). Decide the action theme and also the irregular members (irregular members need to be improved). Extract the detailed issue on theme activity (process mapping, brainstorming, logic tree, Pareto, etc). Decide the benefit (quality, quantity) related to theme activities (clarify the improved amount and guarantee its performance). Describe the problem on theme activity (elaborate the present and ideal appearance through phenomenon analysis). Control project schedule (monitor the overall agenda with the detailed chart through phenomenon analysis). Process Mapping Process mapping can be made by the following attributes: It is used to document process to examine part and information flow. It is a key tool in identifying opportunities for improvement. It defines the process boundary (general area or specific process improvement). It provides brainstorm and order process amongst the members of the team. It provides code activities using symbols for easy analysis. It demonstrates the process correctly to validate map. It adds key process metrics, such as, yield, costs, rolled throughput yield, scrap, overtime, capacity, percentage schedule, percentage OTD. 3 Volume 92, December 2011 Rank cues by importance and translate them into technical specifications required to meet customer cues. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis The Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is used to proactively identify and rank risks in a product design and assign appropriate actions to be taken to prevent the failure mode. Do not discuss ideas. Issue (on ‘X’ axis) against frequency (on ‘Y’ axis) is drawn which depicts the Pareto chart. The FMEA process can be classified as under: Brainstorm potential failures of the product design. namely. are eligible for examination re-registration (proforma available on website) and registration for Section B on the prescribed proforma (printed in Vol. Do not interpret inputs. Determine existing control measures being taken to eliminate significant failure modes. Encourage wild ideas. It translates the voice of the consumer into the voice of the engineer. Develop actions to be taken to eliminate or reduce risk on all remaining significant failure modes. payable at Kolkata to appear afresh in Section B. reliability requirements. The QFD is performed by a team of process experts. obtained up to and including Winter 2011 Examination.and ` 3. Everyone participates. candidates. payable at Kolkata to appear afresh in Section A. forfeiting their subject exemptions. To find 80% of the problems which come from 20% of issues. Applications received after the stipulated date will not be considered for Summer 2012 Examination. Assign severity and probability (likelihood of occurrence) ratings to each potential failure mode. who were registered to appear in Revised Scheme in Section A Examination in Summer 2006 and their six-year period to pass the examination had expired with Winter 2011 Examination. the details of processes are given hereunder: Identify key consumer cues by reviewing market. There is no provision for further extension to pass the examination. general requirements and current quality issues. up to and including Winter 2011 Examination. Rank technical specifications by impact on customer cues and translate them into potential part characteristics (CTQ’s). process loss or waste. cycle time improvements. are eligible for examination re-registration on the prescribed proforma (available on website) with a fee of ` 1. Count the frequencies by each issue.000/-. Brainstorming Brainstorming is a process in which a team discusses the core areas of the problem and approach towards generating best solution of the problem in time-bound manner. 4 IEI Journal-TC . Rank part characteristics by impact on meeting technical specifications (CTQ’s). 1 : Rules on page 39 and also available on the website) with a fee of ` 1. Quality Function Deployment The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is used to link key consumer requirements (cues) to technical specifications and potential part CTQ’s.500/. quality improvements and flow improvements. Similarly. if any. registered to appear in Revised Scheme in Section B Examination in Summer 2006 and their six-year period to pass the examination had expired with Winter 2011 Examination. respectively by separate demand drafts in favour of ‘The Institution of Engineers (India). Pareto Analysis This type of analysis is generally used for the following purpose: To find the important issue among the problem. All ideas are recorded. Round robin (team members take turn suggesting ideas) Card method (team members write ideas on cards with no discussion).500/. Pareto Chart Process Pareto chart can be drawn from the following inputs: Data from the each issue. Trust on ideas of others.It demonstrates the key business issue. ANNOUNCEMENT Technician/Senior Technician members. if any. Types of Brainstorming Brainstorming can broadly be classified as under: Free wheeling (spontaneous flow of ideas by all team members). There is a general guideline of brainstorming as appended below: No ideas are criticized. Last date for receiving re-registration and/or registration for Section B forms at the headquarters of the Institution is 31 Mar 2012 to become eligible to appear afresh with effect from Summer 2012 Examination.by demand draft in favour of ‘The Institution of Engineers (India). forfeiting their subject exemptions. Instant acknowledgement of amount and documents by receiving Request Reference Number and Authorization Code. as follows: Need not to make the draft and payment of commission to the bank. from US $ 120 to US $ 150. interested to remit online payment of requisite fee by credit card for appearance in the examination/ registration for Section B/re-registration of examination/extension of examination registration/change of optional subjects.000/(US $ 400 for overseas candidates) Revised Fee. Volume 92. ONLINE PAYMENT FOR EXAMINATION-RELATED SERVICES Candidates. are requested to visit our website www. with effect from Winter 2010 examination. the Institution has implemented Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) at its Headquarters. Candidates passing Section B in Winter 2011 Examination are required to apply for the same with a demand draft of ` 250/. Technician/Senior Technician/Associate/Corporate members are to remit the requisite revised fee by demand draft along with the prescribed form duly filled-in: Type of Service Examination Fee for Section A/ Section B Examination Appearance in additional subject by Associate/Corporate members Registration Fee for Section B Fee for Laboratory Experiments Earlier Fee. Avoid risk of misplacement of document with draft during postal/courier transit.org and click on Payment Gateway for Guests and Members under webenabled services at home page.000/(No change) ` 5. Please ensure receipt of Authorization Code along with Request Reference Number for valid transaction. Avoid inordinate delay to receive the document with draft at HQs. Existing T/ST/Associate/Corporate members of the Institution interested to know the roll number/examination results/ payment details or any other queries related to Examination/Membership may dial the number 033 4015 5400.REVISION OF EXAMINATION FEE AND FEE FOR OTHER EXAMINATION-RELATED SERVICES The Council at its 658th and meetings decided to enhance the examination fee and fee for other examination-related services. Transaction without Authorization Code will not be considered as valid. namely. Procedure for Calculating the Percentage of Marks The procedure for calculating the percentage of marks is based on summation of maximum marks in the range of respective letter grades of each subject and dividing by the number of subjects.in favour of ‘The Institution of Engineers (India)’. Photo Identity Cards for the membership grade of ‘Associate’ (AIE) have been introduced with effect from April 1. December 2011 5 . as given below.000/(US $ 200 for overseas candidates) ` 4. IMPLEMENTATION OF IVRS AT IEI HQS In order to give better and timely service to our T/ST and other members. for overseas candidates will be effective from Winter 2011 Examination. ` ` 1. A proforma for this purpose would be sent along with the pass marksheet/grade card of Winter 2011 Examination. 2011 with a fee of ` 250/-.200/(US $ 120 for overseas candidates) ` 300/(US $ 30 for overseas candidates) ` 2. payable at Kolkata. It has a numerous advantages. ` ` 2.000/(No change) * Revision of Examination Fee.ieindia. including the project work and the laboratory experiments. Introduction of Photo Identity Cards for ‘Associate’ Pursuant to the decision of the Council at its 660th meeting held at Shimla.000/(US $ 150* for overseas candidates) ` 500/(US $ 50* for overseas candidates) ` 3. Members are to key-in 7 digit membership number and first 11 digits of the reference number received through sms or letter from IEI (as applicable) and follow the instruction as sounded by the system. Bhupesh Nandi and Rekha Nandi Award .W’10 ST 509743-1 Section B Institution Prize . Second Best and Third Best Chapter. Second Best Polytechnic Students’ Chapter: K K Wagh Polytechnic.000/.S’10 ST 526214-9 Section A (Diploma) Institution Prize .W’10 T 149396-9 Section B Institution Prize . and Third Best Polytechnic Students’ Chapter: Sri Ramakrishna Polytechnic College.000/-.W’10 Section B Institution Prize . respectively: Best Technicians’ Chapter: JAMSHEDPUR TECHNICIANS’ CHAPTER (Jharkhand).S’10 Section A (Diploma) Suman Sharma Award .W’10 ST 288508-0 Section A (Diploma) Suman Sharma Award . The Institution of Engineers (India) [IEI] congratulates the following Technicians/Senior Technicians. Sivakasi (Tamilnadu). Engg.S’10 (for Women Candidates) T 152164-4 Ms Soumya K Highest Section A (Non-diploma) Suman Sharma Award .S’10 Best Polytechnic Students’ Chapter: P A C Ramasamy Raja Polytechnic College. the following awards were presented in numerous categories. Nashik (Maharashtra). Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh). on page 7 6 IEI Journal-TC . who obtained prizes/awards in various categories under different engineering disciplines on the basis of marks obtained at the Nineteenth IEI Convocation and Students’/Technicians’ Convention held at Ranchi on November 20. Certificate and Cash award of ` 20.S’10 ST 495944-8 Section B Institution Prize . Best Engineering College Students’ Chapter: Mepco Schlenk Engineering College (Computer Science and Engineering Department).W’10 ST 402982-3 Section B Institution Prize .) T 149961-4 Ms Aswathy V S Highest (Electrical Engineering) Section B Institution Prize . and Third Best Technicians’ Chapter: ORISSA TECHNICIANS’ CHAPTER (Orissa). 2011. and Engg.S’10 Section B Institution Prize . Section A (Non-diploma) Suman Sharma Award .Presentation of Trophies.W’10 Suman Sharma Award .W’10 ST 404673-6 Section B Institution Prize . Pune (Maharashtra). and ` 10. ` 15.W’10 ST 488249-6 Section B .W’10 (for Women Candidates) T 152735-9 T 152223-3 T 149403-5 Dharmendra Nath Pandey Highest (Textile Engineering) Azhar Ahmad Bhat Highest (Civil Engineering) Gourav Joardar Highest Ms Viji P C Highest Ms Sreerekha P Second Highest T 152241-1 Third Highest Ms Soumya Sarangan Section B Institution Prize . Second Best Engineering College Students’ Chapter: GITAM Institute of Technology (Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department). Rajapalayam (Tamilnadu).000/-.W’10 (for Women Candidates) (for Women Candidates) Section A (Non-diploma) Suman Sharma Award . Second Best Technicians’ Chapter: WEST BENGAL TECHNICIANS’ CHAPTER (West Bengal). Trophy. and Comm.S’10 (for Women Candidates) ST 509242-1 Section A (Diploma) Suman Sharma Award .S’10 ST 380527-7 Section A (Non-diploma) Institution Prize .S’10 ST 496624-5 (for Women Candidates) Section A (Diploma) Institution Prize .W’10 ST 415632-9 T 145206-5 Virenkumar Govindbhai Chocha Second Highest Ms Deepika Singh Second Highest Sanjeev Singh Highest (Chemical Engineering) Mushtaq Rasool Pandit Highest (Civil Engineering) Samresh Hazra Highest (Computer Sc.S’10 ST 370119-6 Section B .W’10 Section A (Diploma) Institution Prize .S’10 ST 462902-2 Section B Institution Prize .S’10 (for Women Candidates) ST 529441-5 ST 380527-7 Section B Institution Prize .S’10 Ms Jesintha J Second Highest Ms Ritu Gupta Third Highest Azhar Ahmad Bhat Highest (Civil Engineering) T 148652-0 Ms Aswathy K S Suresh Kumar Jakhar Durga Pada Bagchi Highest (Mining Engineering) Highest (Electrical Engineering) Highest (Mechanical Engineering) Section B Institution Prize.Glasgow Auld Students’ Award ST 380527-7 Ms Resmi S Arun T V Kamlesh Kumar Highest (Mining Engineering) Ms Devaki R Highest (Textile Engineering) Mushtaq Rasool Pandit Highest (Civil Engineering) Azhar Ahmad Bhat Highest (Civil Engineering) Highest (Elec.were given to Best. Prizes and Awards at the Nineteenth IEI Convocation Based on entries received from various Technicians’ Chapters operating under the State/Local Centres of IEI and also from a large number of Engineering College/Polytechnic Students’ Chapters in the country. and Third Best Engineering College Students’ Chapter: Bharati Vidhyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department). Coimbatore (Tamilnadu).Bhupesh Nandi and Rekha Nandi Award .W’10 (for Women Candidates) ST 497496-5 Section B Institution Prize .S’10 (for Women Candidates) Section A (Non-diploma) Suman Sharma Award .W’10 ST 402982-3 Section B .W’10 Section A (Non-diploma) Section A (Non-diploma) Suman Sharma Award .S’10 ST 503195-3 (for Women Candidates) T 152164-4 T 151997-6 Ms Soumya K Highest Ms Anusree M Second Highest T 151004-9 Ms Nitha P A Third Highest Uttam Paul Highest Sarathlal S Second Highest Ms Pratibha Highest Section A (Diploma) Suman Sharma Award . Section A (Non-diploma) Institution Prize .) Highest (Mechanical Engineering) Contd. Sumit Kumar (W’10). Suman Sharma Award]. Institution Prize]. Institution Prize]. from page 6 Vikas Kumar Singh Chunduru Venkata Rajesh In addition to all above awardees. Ms Anjana Nayak (S’10). Dehradun Uttarakhand Bronze Medal AEROSPACE ENGINEERING M V I T. Bombay Powai. Karnataka Silver Medal M Vivekanandhan MECHANICAL ENGINEERING U C E. Volume 92. Ms Preeti Kumari (W’10). Highest Marks in Production Engineering [Section B. Yelahanka Bangalore. Tamilnadu Bronze Medal Sanjay K COMPUTER ENGINEERING M A N I T. who are unable to pass Section A/Section B Examination completely. Institution Prize]. Tamilnadu Silver Medal Gold Medal Indrajit Mandal ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING T C E. Karnataka Silver Medal R Sreenivasan ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING K E College Erode. the details of which are given hereunder during the Nineteenth IEI Convocation held at Ranchi on November 20. Madurai Tamilnadu Silver Medal Shobhit Agrawal ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING H I T S. Ashish Kumar Vishwakarma (S’10). Padur Chennai Gold Medal Puneeth Patil S MECHANICAL ENGINEERING NTTF Bangalore. Karnataka Gold Medal AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING T A University. Madras Tamilnadu M Gowtham METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING NIET Nalgonda. a peripheral body of IEI. December 2011 7 . Maharashtra Kaustubh G Deshpande MECHANICAL ENGINEERING VCET Madurai. for the immediate next examination. Yelahanka Bangalore. AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Silver Medal I I T. Binit Kumar Giri (W’10). a host of Technicians/Senior Technicians were also honoured. This service would be available for each term of examination normally after 2-3 weeks after declaration of result till the announcement of registration details. Kanpur Uttar Pradesh Gold Medal AEROSPACE ENGINEERING U P E S. Third Highest Marks [Section A (Diploma). AP Bronze Medal Silver Medal G D Bala Kumar PRODUCTION ENGINEERING SRKREC Bhimavaram. Suvendu Muduli (S’10). Third Highest Marks [Section A (Diploma). can download their marksheets/ grade cards from our website www. Suman Sharma Award]. Karnataka Gold Medal K Vivek ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING BAIT Erode. Highest Marks in Production Engineering [Section B.org. Karnataka Atul Anand Prabhu Contd. Tamilnadu Gold Medal CHEMICAL ENGINEERING N I T. A P Prashant Kumar TEXTILE ENGINEERING SKSJTI Bangalore. Second Highest Marks [Section Ramesh K S Suresh Yaradoni Ms Heena Khanum A (Non-diploma). Gujarat Puneet Singh CIVIL ENGINEERING U C E Tindivanam. Institution Prize]. Institution Prize]. Highest Marks [Section A (Diploma). Second Highest Marks [Section A (Non-diploma). Karnataka Silver Medal Gold Medal Mujahid Khan TEXTILE ENGINEERING SKSJTI Bangalore. Institution Prize] and S N Ghosh Memorial Prize. Institution Prize]. Highest Marks in Electronics and Communication Engineering [Section B. Prakash Sharma (S’10). Highest Marks in Computer Science and Engineering [Section B. Ahmedabad. Highest Marks in Civil Engineering [Postgraduate Diploma Examination. Highest Marks in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering [Section B. Avijit Dey (W’10). Ms Sadhna Sharma (S’10).Presentation of NDRF Awards at the Nineteenth IEI Convocation The Institution of Engineers (India) congratulates the following students representing various engineering colleges. Suman Sharma Award]. Coimbatore. Highest Marks in Chemical Engineering [Section B. Glasgow Auld Students’ Award]. Maharashtra Shubhendu Satish Deshmukh PRODUCTION ENGINEERING GIT Visakhapatnam. Highest Marks in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering [Section B. 2011. Vivek Ranjan Mallik (W’10). Highest Marks [Section A (Diploma). Institution Prize]. Tamilnadu Ms Jani Khushbu D ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING M V I T. Institution Prize] and S N Ghosh Memorial Prize. who obtained medals in diverse engineering disciplines in the 42nd All India Students’ Design Competition Awards – 2011 constituted by NDRF. ONLINE AVAILABILITY OF MARKSHEET/GRADE CARD Candidates. Tamilnadu Silver Medal Gold Medal Udit Bhavesh Shah COMPUTER ENGINEERING Sastra University Thanjavur. Karnataka Bronze Medal Rahul Deb Das TEXTILE ENGINEERING SKSJTI Bangalore. Umrer Nagpur. Ms Priyanka Joshi (W’10). including roll numbers. Rajesh Parshottam Bhai Patel (S’10). Mohamed Ibrahim K (S’10). Tamilnadu Bronze Medal Ms Sudha M METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING Gold Medal I I T.ieindia. Bhopal Madhya Pradesh Gold Medal Ms Jayashree G C ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AIT Bangalore. Subhasish Barman (W’10). Mumbai Gold Medal P Prasant PRODUCTION ENGINEERING A I SS M S C E Pune. Institution Prize]. AP Silver Medal Gold Medal Nikhil John MINING ENGINEERING I I T. Tiruchirapally Tamilnadu Gold Medal CIVIL ENGINEERING Nirma University. and vision of your institutional management. A large number of Technician/Senior Technician members. Second Best and Third Best Technicians’ Chapter amongst all the Technicians’ Chapters of IEI for the session 2010-11. Prof Khan mentioned about the importance of Sections A & B examinations and its wide recognition not only in India. The theme of the seminar. K K Wagh Polytechnic. students of engineering colleges/polytechnics students’ chapters attended this event. VicePresidents of IEI. Nashik (Maharashtra). GITAM Institute of Technology (Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department). and Bharati Vidhyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department). A view of the dignitaries sitting on the dias at the Inaugural Function of Convocation Prof A A Khan. A total of 1794 candidates. Idealism without ambition might not achieve much but an ambition without idealism could be dangerous. Vice-Chancellor of Ranchi University. passed Sections A & B Examinations in ten engineering disciplines during the year 2010. Please remember that your future is intertwined with the future of this great civilization. Second Best. was the Chief Guest at the Inaugural Function on October 20. Addressing to all the passout students of Sections A & B examinations. said Prof Khan. Prof Khan appealed to students’ community at large to combine these two qualities in the right proportion in their life to become true professional in the long run. and to P A C Ramasamy Raja Polytechnic College.Report on Nineteenth IEI Convocation and Technicians’/Students’ Convention Organized by the Jharkhand State Centre of the Institution. Pune (Maharashtra) as the Best. “The IEI Convocation marks the completion of one stage in your life and another is about to begin. To enhance professional ideals and standards. To update the curriculum and educational processes keeping in view the contemporary need clubbed with the future prospects of emerging technologies to changing International scenario and to cultivate the art of creative thinking. Create the opportunity for an individual on a professional career path and ensure that s/he has achieved the right skill set for the same. It is your hard work. the 19 th IEI Convocation and Technicians’/Students’ Convention was held at Ranchi during November 18–20. 8 President of IEI lighting the lamp with other dignitaries present The Chief Guest also presented Dr Amitabha Bhattacharyya Memorial Trophies to the Mepco Schlenk Engineering College (Computer Science and Engineering Department). industry and society. 2011. 2011. Sivakasi (Tamilnadu). Rajapalayam (Tamilnadu). Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh). The President of IEI. To make an individual a good citizen of the society. Chairmen of All-India Students’ Committee and All-India Technicians’ Committee. Prof Khan underscored the need of proper attention of IEI on the following broad areas to become the global player in the education sector in the long run. along with a large number of corporate members representing various parts of the country graced the occasion. Sri Ramakrishna Polytechnic College. council members. devotion to quality. was ‘Development of Technical Education — Issues and Challenges’. Opportunities for such holistic development should be paved by IEI by designing different professional courses keeping in view the contemporary need of the society clubbed with future potentiality of emerging technologies to shape the budding engineers of future. Prof Khan made a clarion call to all mentioning that you should not dilute your strength of character and mind and always keep your head high and mind without fear. Coimbatore (Tamilnadu) IEI Journal-TC . Mentioning the role being played by IEI in the area of technical knowledge propagation in the country. You also have an opportunity to shape it”. To bring about effective linkage between technical institutions. In his thought-provoking address. which was held concurrently with the apex function of Technician/Senior Technician/ Students members of IEI. The Chief Guest then presented the Institution Trophies to the Jamshedpur Technicians’ Chapter. and Third Best Engineering College Students’ Chapter. but also in various parts of the world. West Bengal Technicians’ Chapter and Orissa Technicians’ Chapter as Best. were given the combined certificates in person as well as in absentia. Prof Khan felt that youths are always driven by idealism and ambition. India being a signatory of WTO is bound to open up its market for trade in services including education but it does not have a clear policy for strengthening its education sector to compete with the giants in the world. The Institution stand committed to encourage such students and has been doing a pioneering work in conducting the examinations for last nine decades. Second Best and Third Best Polytechnic Students’ Chapter. National Board of Accreditation (NBA) by MHRD. they suffer Volume 92. Secretary. Vice Presidents. higher education sector in the country is adversely affected. the enforcement process is not stringent. it imparts engineering education through non-formal mode in ten engineering disciplines. For example. Chairman of AITC. information and communication technologies. The major chunk from youth opts for professional courses leading to early employment and faster growth. Further political interference and corruption dilute the role and impact of these institutions in ensuring the desired quality standards. Chairman of AISC. Though. a scheme to provide career orientation through education at the first degree level was launched in 1994-95. Distance Education Council (DEC) by NCTE etc are at present working in this area. the 42nd All India Students’ Design Awards-2011 were given to best three candidates (Gold. a number of job-oriented programmes lasting for approximately six months to one year were introduced in the colleges/ universities. Therefore. and Mr Indranil Sen. respectively. In addition. welcomed the dignitaries. December 2011 from two major deficiencies. At the end. has lead to shift in choice for studies. First. The theme for the Seminar selected this year was ‘Development of Technical Education – Issues and Challenges’. The changing economic structure. Economic growth led by industrial and service sector during the last decade has created more opportunities and faster career growth for the young talent. where technical papers on topics of contemporary interest were presented and discussed. a Technical Session was also organised. Dr S Nagabhushana Rao. Mr K K Mehrotra. There are a large number of students who cannot pursue a formal course of study in engineering but are enterprising enough to follow up their career objectives through non-formal education in engineering. respectively in 15 engineering disciplines promoting the advancement of engineering education and research in the country. a university / college could introduce one to three vocational courses in 35 identified subjects. poses the challenge to the sustenance and the development of these basic pillars of knowledge. In addition. Secretary and Director General. Honorary Secretary of Jharkhand State Centre. another colourful programme was organised. literature. Maj-Gen (Retd) R K Sanan. 1986. The higher educational institutions suffer from large quality variation in so much so that a NASSCOM-MacKinsey Report2005 has said that not more than 15% of graduates of general education and 25%-30% of technical education are fit for employment. The key elements of globalization include the knowledge society. In conformity with the National Policy on Education. the teaching and research in such faculties is able to attract the best of the talent leaving only a few for fundamental research in basic sciences. As a result. Silver. India possesses a highly developed technical education system which offers facility of education and training in almost all disciplines of engineering. namely. He said that the Institution of Engineers is the only multidisciplinary professional engineering body in the country embracing 15 engineering disciplines and various Fora. It is a big challenge for higher education sector to sustain in future due to lack of availability of faculty. and Bronze Medals). All-India Technicians’/Students’ Seminar on ‘Development of Technical Education – Issues and Challenges’ and the Technical Session on 19 Nov 2011 during which members of Technicians Chapters and student 9 . Globalization has resulted in significant changes in the knowledge economy and ushered new conditions for the provision of higher education to cater the skill requirement all across the globe. Besides the Convocation. It is a subject of worldwide interest. The Institution has been providing the unique opportunity to them for learning and qualifying the courses. there exists autonomous bodies for assessment and monitoring quality standards in the institutions of higher education. the market economy. At present. Under the scheme. students and other delegates present on the occasion. It. Accreditation Board (AB) by ICAR. addressed the gathering after exhorted the newly-admitted graduates. National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) by UGC. President of IEI. Dr L V Muralikrishna Reddy. the Chief Guest presented the award and prizes to the candidates who secured highest/second highest/third highest marks in Section A / Section B examinations. Chairman of the Organising Committee. thus. Policy restrictions stop the competent institutions from making necessary changes in the process of admission. Organising Committee. The various regulatory bodies regulating higher education have constituted an autonomous body for monitoring quality standards in the institutions under their purview. art and languages. At present.as the Best. which was very apt in today’s context. Other dignitaries present on the occasion were: Mr P K Maity and Mr V L Malhotra. Higher education in India which has been passing through transition on account of privatization and withdrawal of financial support from the government has been finding it difficult to attract adequate number of young talent to teaching job. Further. coupled with cultural transformation in terms of life style. These elements of globalization have impacted significantly the education sector. proposed the vote of thanks. In lack of proper policy provisions in time. Mr G Prabhakar. recruitment and salaries of faculty/ staff and opening campuses abroad.VSM. the quality norms of such councils are not comparable with international standards. Apart from this. Earlier. trade liberalization and changes in governance structures. the lucrative salaries and glamour have acted as catalyst in attracting talent to such fast growing sectors. Higher educational services have emerged over the last few years as a major economic sector for trade worth several billion dollars. Second. Mr M I Alam. the Technical Session was chaired by Mr P R Seshadri. A number of suggestions for improving the examination system emerged which needed thorough introspection by IEI. who finally selected the following papers for the award in various categories: Group I : Senior Technician / Technician First Krishnkant Shukla Employee Empowerment and Leadership Innovation and Atul Karki for Growth Group II : Engineering College Students’ Chapters Power Market First Manjeet Singh and Kunwarpal Singh Second Smart Socket R Azhagesan Future of Grid Management Kunwarpal Singh Third “Smart Grid” and Manjeet Singh Group III: Polytechnic Students’ Chapters First T Vinoth Kumar and DNA Computing P Tamilselvan Second V Siva Rama Krishna Brain Finger Printing Third Ergonomics in S Deepak Raj and P Plant Layout Muthaiya The above two sessions were attended by a large number of students/Technicians/Senior Technicians/members of IEI/ council members/educationist in and around Ranchi. Member of the All India Students’ Committee. Maj Gen (Retd) R K Sanan requested student members present in the session to interact with IEI as and when needed in their respective areas and also requested all pass-out students to pass on this message to their colleagues in order to achieve a win-win situation for both. 10 IEI Journal-TC .The seminar session in progress members of engineering colleges/polytechnics students’ chapters presented the technical papers. Assuring all possible support to each member of the student community. REVISED FORMAT FOR REPLACEMENT OF IDENTITY CARD Candidates intend to apply for replacement of identity card must apply for the same only on the revised format (page 20 and also available on IEI website). i. a panel of three judges comprising Dr Arbind Kumar. Secretary & Director General and Dr A K Gupta. Based on the laid down guidelines for selection of best papers. These two sessions witnessed the presentation of technical papers on contemporary engineering topics as well as on various emerging areas of engineering interest with possible suggestions of application of knowledge presented in the paper to combat the problems being faced by mankind at large in the society. The authors.e. were then given the cash reward and participation certificate at the Inaugural Function of the Convocation. A General Session was organized on this occasion where Maj Gen (Retd) R K Sanan.. who presented their technical papers. clarified all the doubts raised by a number of students/Technicians/Senior Technicians/members of IEI regarding the examinations being conducted by the Institution. students community at particular and the Institution in general. Dr K K Singh. In this session. Both the sessions were highly interactive in nature and evoked keen interest amongst all participants. Dr A K Sinha and Dr R C Jha were the judges in this session. The seminar session was chaired by Dr S Nagabhushana Rao in which six papers were presented and discussed. Dr Vinay Sharma and Mr K P Singh adjudged the following papers which were endorsed by the Chairperson of the Seminar Session as the winners of the competition in various categories: Group I : Senior Technician / Technician Quality Assurance and TQM Krishnkant Shukla First in ‘Technical Education’ and Atul Karki Group III: Polytechnic Students’ Chapters First Development of Technical M Keerthiga and Education – Issues and N Karthik Challenges Second N Ramya and Development of Technical V Ranganayagi Education The technical session in progress Similarly. Director (EEA). altogether six papers were presented and discussed. Mr Sachin Kumar Jain and Ms Preeti Choudhary were elected as Chairman and Honorary Secretary. BOAT. 2011) and the annual general meeting (September 8. respectively for the session 2011-12. respectively. wherein Ms Sharda and Ms Sunita Soy were elected as Chairman and Honorary Secretary. 2011. Kota During the period April 2011–September 2011. Department of Mechanical Engineering. Mr K V Anand and Mr Syed Mishal were elected as Chairman and Honorary Secretary. Kanpur). three film shows and one technical visit. wherein Mr S Sharma and Mr B Patra Kanpur During the period April 2011–September 2011. was present on the occasion and delivered a through-provoking lecture. Kanpur). Jharkhand During the period April 2011–September 2011. Kota was organized during this period. The Chapter also conducted short-term guidance classes for the students of IEI of Section A (Diploma and Non-diploma) stream. Assistant Director. (i) ‘Role of Engineers in Preventing Environment Degradation’ and (ii) ‘Need of Alternative Source of Energy in Today’s Scenario’ delivered by Mr Lalit Kumar Mehta and Mr Avinash Kumar. respectively for the session 2011-12. The Chapter also conducted three committee meetings. Heavy Water Plant. respectively for the session 2011-12. Lecturer. the Jamshedpur Technicians’ Chapter conducted election of the executive committee and the annual general meeting (August 28. three lectures. Durgapur During the period April 2011–September 2011. the Durgapur Technicians’ Chapter conducted election of the executive committee (August 30. (ii) ‘Material Science (Heat Treatments)’ (delivered by Mr S N Maurya. two paper meetings on the theme. 2011). The Chapter also conducted two committee meetings. (iii) ‘Fluid Mechanics’ (delivered by Mr C S Sathua). wherein Mr Karmesh Sharma and Mr Amar Deep Shukla were elected as Chairman and Honorary Secretary. The chapter also organised a get-together of members during this period. December 2011 A view of the dias of the lecture session committee and the annual general meeting on September 24. A technical visit was organized at NTPC–SAIL Power Company Private Limited. Government Polytechnic. eight lectures and two film shows. namely (i) ‘Introduction of C++ Language’ (delivered by Mr Rohit Kumar Tiwari). 11 . Jamshedpur During the period April 2011–September 2011. 2011). the Kanpur Technicians’ Chapter conducted election of the executive committee. four lectures on the topics. namely. respectively for the session 2011-12. and (iv) ‘Apprenticeship and Job Facilities for Young Engineers’ (delivered by Mr Hem Chand. Dr A Achuthan. Kozhikode The newly established Kozhikode Technicians’ Chapter conducted its election of the executive committee and the annual general meeting on September 23. A lecture on ‘Energy Conservation – A Necessity for Development’ delivered by M L Parihar. Durgapur. former Honorary Secretary of the Kozhikode Local Centre. the Kota Technicians’ Chapter conducted election of the executive A view of the guidance class were elected as Chairman and Honorary Secretary. 2011. the Jharkhand Technicians’ Chapter conducted three committee meetings.News from IEI Technicians’ Chapters Dharwad During the period April-September 2011. respectively for the session 2011-12. A I E Training in-charge. Volume 92. respectively. the Dharwad Technicians’ Chapter conducted three committee meetings. 2011 and the annual general meeting on September 11. the Orissa Technicians’ Chapter conducted election of the executive committee on August 10. 2011 are included above. and (ii) ‘Nano Electronics : A New Paradigm’. During the period. 2011. Mr Dattatray Hariba Sankpal and Mr Yuvraj Rajendra Sawant were elected as Chairman and Honorary Secretary.Dr A Achuthan delivering his lecture Madurai During the period April 2011 – September 2011. Two lectures were also organized by the Chapter during the period. the Nashik Technicians’ Chapter conducted election of the executive committee and the annual general meeting on September 29. Maharashtra During the period April 2011-September 2011. respectively for the session 201112.February 28/29 (next year) Eligible to appear for the first time in Winter Examination (same year) Summer Examination (next year) The first examination that the candidates are eligible to appear shall depend on their date of election as mentioned above. Mr Saroj Kumar Das and A sectional view of T/ST members present in the AGM Mr Balakrushna Dash were elected as Chairman and Honorary Secretary. 2011. Nashik During the period April 2011–September 2011. the Madurai Technicians’ Chapter conducted election of the executive committee and the annual general meeting on September 25. the Chapter also conducted one committee meeting and two lectures on the topics. 12 IEI Journal-TC . 2011. which were well attended by the Technician/Senior Technician members attached to the Chapter. respectively for the session 2011-12. 2011 and the annual general meeting on September 13.August 31 September 1 . namely (i) ‘Water Resources Project Construction’. the Maharashtra Technicians’ Chapter conducted election of the executive committee on July 24. respectively for the session 2011-12.) The Council at its 639th Meeting at Nagpur Approved the following for Amendment of Examination Rules : FIXATION OF TERM OF EXAMINATION BASED ON DATE OF ENROLMENT Candidates enrolled between March 1 . 2011. Mr V Dhanaraj and Mr P Rajamani were elected as Chairman and Honorary Secretary. The stipulated six-year period shall be counted from the date of eligibility. A section of audience present on the occasion of a lecture session Orissa During the period April 2011–September 2011. 2011 which evoked keen interest amongst the participants present. wherein Mr Amol Kulkarni and Mr Rajiv V Shirodkar were elected as Chairman and Honorary Secretary. (Reports for the period April-September 2011 received at Headquarters till November 15. One lecture was also organized by the Chapter on August 28. respectively for the session 2011-12. branch and subject(s) in which s/he desires to appear in the Examination Application Form. Telephone/Mobile number and e-mail. and also accompany the fee by draft drawn on Bank at Kolkata in favour of The Institution of Engineers (India). Do not staple the draft along with the letter/examination form. Please avoid sending more that one draft and also any other fee along with the Examination Fee. money orders are not accepted. Applications submitted during the period mentioned hereunder shall only be considered for Summer 2012 Examinations: Candidates not appeared at February 20 to Winter 2011 Examination March 19. and permitting to appear in the next subject available to them in the sequential order of subject code. the subjects will be allotted giving preference to the choice of subjects but excluding the exemptions. will automatically result in allotment of the 13 2 6 3 7 8 4 Volume 92. A candidate should mention the correct code numbers of the examination centres.THE INSTITUTION EXAMINATIONS SUMMER 2012 The Summer 2012 Examinations of IEI shall be conducted in 65 examination centres both in India and abroad during June 2-8. 2012 Candidates appeared at March 19 to Winter 2011 Examination April 20. candidates should submit the forms within the stipulated date mentioning the subjects in order of preference. Each application.ieindia. Examination fee shall be refunded only to passed candidates as per rules. Examination fee once paid is neither refundable nor transferable to the subsequent examination or to any other account. Name and membership number of the candidate must be mentioned on reverse side of the draft. No covering letter is necessary for submission of the form. Cheques. if any. accompanied by exact Examination Fee for admission to the examination.ieindia. The photocopy of GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE INSTITUTION EXAMINATIONS 1 Only one form should be submitted. 2012 as per the Programme printed on pages 15-17. should reach on or before the last date of submission of forms. In such case. IPOs. Fee will not be refunded or adjusted for submission of duplicate Examination Form. should be quoted in the Examination Application Form. Examination Fee (` 2. Plea of ignorance in this respect shall not be accepted under any circumstances. The Examination Form duly filled-in should be sent directly to the Headquarters of the Institution with requisite fee. 5 Candidates intend to appear in Section A/Section B must use the Examination Application Form given in the Enrolment Pack or available on the website www. if mentioned in the form. Particulars of the draft/online payment should be mentioned in the form at appropriate place. Submission of Examination Form after the last date shall be rejected automatically. Wrong code numbers of centres.org. if any. In case of non-receipt of the result of Winter 2011 Examinations for any reason whatsoever. including the subjects appeared at the last examination. The Institution of Engineers (India). All payments must be made directly to the Headquarters at Kolkata by online through credit card or by demand draft only. 8 Gokhale Road. Submission of more than one form may cause automatic rejection of applications. 2012 A candidate shall not be allowed to appear in the following schemes exceeding the number of subjects as mentioned against each scheme: Section A (Non-diploma) Section A (Diploma) Section B 4 subjects All subjects 4 subjects the Examination Form shall be accepted only if copied clearly on A-4 size bond paper. The details of passing Sections A and B Examinations or exemption therefrom should be stated clearly in the Examination Form with the grade of membership. Kolkata 700 020. branch or subject(s).org. Use gems clip or pin only. Time Limit to Carry Forward Subject Exemptions A candidate shall be required to pass the Institution Examination within a specific period as mentioned hereunder : Section A : 6 years Section B : 6 years Examination Form is available in the Membership Pack as well as on our website www. Both the Section A (Diploma and Non-diploma schemes) and the Section B Examinations shall be held as per the Programme. December 2011 .000/-) should be paid by ` online through credit card or by demand draft. Forms are to be sent only to the Secretary & Director General. candidates may be permitted to appear from the Centres outside the jurisdiction of their State Centres provided they enclose with their Examination Forms the satisfactory evidence of their being required to appear from other Centres. who have not paid composite subscription. 22 Certain requests. phone/mobile number and e-mail ID. The previous exemption(s) stand valid. A Corporate Member or an Associate desirous to appear in additional subject is expected to apply for an Identity Card. without the prior approval of Headquarters in writing. provided they secure Grade ‘C’ or higher grade in such subject(s). will not be allowed to appear at the examination from that Centre. is required to apply and collect the same before the commencement of examination.(US $ 200 for overseas candidates) by demand draft. 26 For correspondence in regard to any examination. in which Section B examinations are being conducted at present. year and month in which s/he has passed Section A Examination. Balance examination fee will not be adjusted to any other account. 25 Mobile and programmable calculator are not permissible in the Examination Hall. s/he can submit a fresh examination form along with a demand draft of ` 1. as per fixation of term of examination given on page 5 subject to timely submission of their examination forms with requisite fee. whose name does not appear in the ‘List of Candidates’ provided to an Examination Centre. Appendix VI)] or can be downloaded from www. acknowledgement of receipt of examination form. etc shall not be entertained. the centre of examination and roll number. Technician members. 19 The Institution reserves the right to reject incomplete or illegible examination forms without any reference to the candidates. to the Officer-in-Charge for provisional appearance in the examination. 17 A Corporate Member or an Associate. No candidate shall be allowed to appear at the examination without the Valid Identity Card. duly filled in and attested by a Corporate Member. 18 Request for change of subject(s) shall not be entertained after submission of Examination Form. Candidates should normally select the examination centre within the jurisdiction of their respective State/Local Centre. revaluation of answerscript.org. and send along with registration fee of ` 3. Appearance from a different centre. will only be permitted to appear in additional subject(s) of Section A or Section B on payment of an examination fee of ` 500/. who passed Section B Examination in one branch in revised scheme shall be eligible to claim exemption in common subject(s) of same nomenclature in the additional branch. The candidates. will only be permitted to appear in any one additional branch of engineering in Section B. for quick response.or US $ 150 (as applicable) in each examination subject to fulfilling the requirement given in Clause 15 above. with photocopies of her/his original examination form. however. who is not eligible to appear at the Institution Examinations. will not be permitted to appear in the examination.for processing the examination form shall be deducted while refunding the examination fee. Candidates elected as Senior Technician/Technician members can appear in the immediate next examination after their election. In exceptional circumstances. if any. 21 Any candidate. In case the candidate’s claim is found to be not in order.at least two months prior to examination. will be intimated duly assigning the reason for rejection of his/her examination form. A candidate should also mention in the Examination Application Form her/his roll number. A Corporate Member or an Associate.ieindia. The application with fee must be sent at least three months prior to the commencement of examination. shall be considered as irregular. examination in which they appeared. No application for a change of Examination Centre will be entertained after the last date of submission of application forms.per subject. details of the demand draft and a copy of the postal receipt. such as. award of grace marks. despatch of grade card/marksheet to a temporary address. is permitted in the Examination Hall. who has already passed Sections A and B Examinations or is exempted therefrom. A candidate.000/.500/-. Re-appearance in subject(s) in which a candidate has already secured exemption(s) will be considered as cancelled. enclosing a demand draft of ` 150/. on payment of examination fee of ` 2. The grade secured in the additional subject(s) will not be added to the original pass result of Section A or Section B under any circumstance. 20 The charge of ` 150/. candidates should always mention the membership grade and number. 24 In case a candidate claims that in spite of submitting an examination form in conformity with Rule. IEI Journal-TC 14 .9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 centre or branch or subject(s) to which those code numbers belong. s/he has neither been provided with Admission Card nor provided any information about the rejection of her/his application. Nonprogrammable calculator. 23 A candidate.000/. subsequent corrections in the form. who has not yet applied for Identity Card. who has already passed Sections A and B Examinations or is exempted therefrom. the fee deposited by him/her shall be forfeited and his/ her appearance shall be treated as irregular. Such candidates are expected to apply for registration in Section B Examination in the prescribed format [printed in Volume I: Rules — The Institution Examinations (page 39. 2012 FOURTH DAY (TUESDAY) 05.06.2012 AN 205 Mechanical Science AR 413 Theory of Structures AN AN 206 Engineering Physics and Chemistry AN 207 Engineering Drawing and Graphics AR 405 Quantity Surveying.2012 AN FN FIFTH DAY (WEDNESDAY) 06.06.06. Specifications.2012 FN AN SECOND DAY (SUNDAY) 03. Building Chemical Process Principles Construction and Materials CH 414 AR 414 Fluid Mechanics Prestressed and Precast CH 424 Concrete Structures Chemical Process Technology AR 434 CH 434 Computer Graphics Fertilizer Technology AR 415 Structural Design AR 407 Architectural Design CH 415/425/435 Instrumentation and Control CH 407 Chemical Engineering Equipment Design CV 406 Principles of Geoinformatics CV 414 Structural Dynamics CV 424/434 Design of Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems CV 415 Seismic Design of Structures CV 435 Construction Management Systems CV 407 Analysis and Design of Structures AN 208 Electronics and Instrumentation SEVENTH DAY (FRIDAY) 08.2012 FN AN 209 Engineering Mathematics AN 210 Electrical Science AN Forenoon Session : IST 1000 h – 1300 h Afternoon Session : IST 1430 h – 1730 h Volume AN AR 406 CH 406 Surveying. Contracts and Valuation CH 405 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics FN SIXTH DAY (THURSDAY) 07.06.PROGRAMME OF SUMMER 2012 EXAMINATION SECTION A DAY/DATE OF SESSION EXAMINATION NON-DIPLOMA SCHEME AN 201 Fundamentals of Design and Manufacturing DIPLOMA SCHEME AD 301 Fundamentals of Design and Manufacturing ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 03) AR 411 Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering AR 421 Ekistics AR 431 Professional Practice AN 202 Material Science and Engineering AD 302 Material Science and Engineering AR 423 Climatology AR 433 Interior Design CH 412 Heat Transfer Operations CH 422 Biochemical Engineering CH 432 Petrochemical Engineering AN 203 Computing and Informatics AD 303 Computing and Informatics AR 412 Construction Technology AN AR 422 Town Planning and Landscape Architecture AR 432 Mapping a Thesis Project FN AN 204 Society and Environment AD 304 Society and Environment AR 403 History of Architecture AR 404 Building Services CH 403 Chemical Reaction Engineering CH 404 Transport Phenomena CH 413/423 Mechanical Operations CH 433 Industrial Pollution and Control CH 431 Polymer Materials and Technology IC 402 Engineering Management CV 412 Design of RCC and Prestressed Concrete Structures CV 422 Environmental Engineering Processes and Management CV 403 Civil Engineering Materials and Construction Practices CV 404 Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering CV 413 Design of Steel Structures CV 423 Air Pollution and Its Control CV 433 Town Planning and Urban Development CV 405 Water Resources Systems SECTION B CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 04) CH 411 Mass Transfer Operations CH 421 Fuels and Combustion CIVIL ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 05) CV 411 Advanced Structural Analysis CV 421 Principles of Environmental Engineering CV 431 Transportation Engineering CV 432 Traffic and Transportation Systems CV 425 Waste Management and Environmental Impact Assessment FIRST DAY (SATURDAY) 02.06. December 2011 15 .2012 FN AN FN THIRD DAY (MONDAY) 04. 2012 FN AN FN FIFTH DAY (WEDNESDAY) AN EL 414 Power System Performance EL 424 Electrical Power Utilisation EL 434 Instrumentation Systems MC 421 Design of Mechanical Systems MC 413 Non-conventional Energy Systems MC 433 Tool and Die Design FN THIRD DAY (MONDAY) 04.2012 AN CP 413/423/433 Operating Systems EL 423 Electrical Drives EL 433 Process Control Systems EC 435 Control Systems MC 404 Mechanics of Fluids CP 405 Pulse and Digital Circuits EL 405 Electrical Machines EC 412 Radar and Antenna Engineering EC 422 Pulse and Digital Circuits EC 406 Electronic Circuits EC 405 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers EC 414 Optical and Satellite Communication EC 424 Solid State Physics and Semiconductor Devices EC 434 Signal Processing MC 415 Turbomachinery MC 425 Computer Aided Engineering Design MC 435 Production Management MC 406 Manufacturing Technology MC 405 Thermal Science and Engineering MC 414 Internal Combustion Engines MC 424 Design of Machine Tools SIXTH DAY (THURSDAY) AN IC 402 Engineering Management CP 412/422 Computer Networks CP 432 Theory of Computation CP 403 Data Structures CP 404 Programming Languages EC 413 Microwave Engineering EL 412/422/432 Power Electronics EC 423 IC Design Techniques EC 433 Biomedical Electronics EL 403 Power Systems EL 404 Circuit and Field Theory EL 413 High Voltage Engineering and Power Apparatus EC 403 Communication Engineering EC 404 Circuit Theory and Control MC 412 Power Plant Engineering MC 422 Optimisation-Theory and Applications MC 432 Computer Aided Manufacturing MC 403 Mechanics of Solids MC 434 Manufacturing Automation FOURTH DAY (TUESDAY) 05.2012 FN CP 406 Computer Architecture CP 425 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers EL 406 Measurements and Control EL 415/425/435 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers AN CP 414 Artificial Intelligence SEVENTH DAY (FRIDAY) CP 407 Systems Analysis and Design EL 407 Design of Electrical Systems FN CP 424/434 Computer Graphics AN EC 407 Design of Electronic Devices and Circuits MC 407 Design of Machine Elements Forenoon Session : IST 1000 h – 1300 h Afternoon Session : IST 1430 h – 1730 h 16 IEI Journal-TC .PROGRAMME OF SUMMER 2012 EXAMINATION SECTION B DAY/DATE OF SESSION EXAMINATION COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 06) CP 411 Graph Theory and Combinatorics CP 421 Parallel Processing AN CP 431 Pattern Recognition and Image Processing CP 415 Database Management Systems CP 435 Software Engineering ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 07) EL 411 Energy Systems EL 421 Advanced Aspects of Electrical Machines EL 431 Control Theory ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 08) EC 411 Broadcast and Television Engineering EC 421 Digital Hardware Design EC 431 Sensors and Transducers EC 415 Computer Networks and Communication EC 425 Software Engineering EC 432 Industrial Instrumentation and Computer Control MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 11) MC 423 Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanisms and Machines MC 431 Manufacturing Science MC 411 Refrigeration and Air-conditioning FIRST DAY (SATURDAY) 02.2012 FN FN SECOND DAY (SUNDAY) 03. 2012 AN MN 424 Quality.2012 FN MM 403 Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Kinetics MM 404 Extractive Metallurgy MN 403 Mining Geology and Development of Mineral Deposits MN 404 Exploitation of Mineral Deposits MN 413 Electrical Equipment and Instrumentation in Mines MN 423 Geostatistics MN 433 Mine Planning and Excavation MN 405 Mining Machinery and Material Handling MN 406 Mine Ventilation and Environmental Hazards PR 403 Mechanics of Solids PR 404 Manufacturing Automation AN FIFTH DAY (WEDNESDAY) 06.06. Process Economics and Quality Control TX 407 Design and Mechanisms of Textile Machines SEVENTH DAY (FRIDAY) 08.06.2012 FN MM 411 Mineral Engineering TX 411 Advanced Yarn Manufacture AN MM 432 Welding and Allied Processes MM 412 Fuels. Design and Maintenance PR 431 Materials Management TEXTILE ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 15) FIRST DAY (SATURDAY) 02. Furnaces and Refractories MM 422 Electrometallurgy and Corrosion TX 421 Advanced Fabric Manufacture and Design SECOND DAY (SUNDAY) 03.PROGRAMME OF SUMMER 2012 EXAMINATION SECTION B DAY/DATE OF SESSION MATERIALS AND EXAMINATION METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 12) MINING ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 13) MN 411 Advanced Mine Ventilation MN 421 Mine Systems Engineering MN 431 Advanced Rock Mechanics MN 412 Environmental Pollution and Control in Mines MN 422 Economics of Mining Enterprises MN 432 Advanced Methods of Mining PRODUCTION ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 14) PR 411 Manufacturing Science PR 421 Facility Planning.06.2012 FN PR 425 Work Study and Ergonomics AN FN PR 413 Tool and Die Design TX 431 Advanced Chemical Processing and Finishing IC 402 Engineering Management TX 412 Modern Yarn Production and Control Systems TX 422 Non-woven. Reliability and Safety in Mines TX 414/424 PR 415 Textile Machinery and Maintenance Inspection and Product Control TX 434 PR 424/434 Operations Research Energy Conservation. Knitting and Industrial Fabrics TX 432 Garment Technology TX 403 Textile Fibres and Testing TX 404 Yarn Manufacture TX 413/423 Engineering Design of Textile Structures TX 433 Chemistry and Technology of Man-made Fibres TX 405 Fabric Manufacture and Design TX 406 Chemical Processing and Finishing THIRD DAY (MONDAY) 04.2012 AN MM 421/431 Polymer Materials and Technology MN 414/434 Mine Surveying PR 412/432 Computer Aided Manufacturing PR 422 Project Management FOURTH DAY (TUESDAY) 05.2012 FN MN 415/425/435 Mine Management and Legislation MN 407 Geomechanics and Mine Design PR 414 Design of Machine Tools PR 435 Operations Planning and Control PR 407 Design of Machine Elements AN Forenoon Session : IST 1000 h – 1300 h Afternoon Session : IST 1430 h – 1730 h Volume 92.06. December 2011 17 .06. Environmental and Pollution Control TX 415/425/435 Mill Organisation.06.06.2012 FN MM 413 Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy MM 423/433 Advanced Physical Metallurgy PR 423/433 Quality Management AN MM 405 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials MM 406 Physical Metallurgy MM 414 Non-ferrous Extractive Metallurgy MM 424 Materials Characterisation MM 434 Foundry Engineering MM 415 Instrumentation and Control MM 425 Ceramic Materials MM 435 Mechanical Working Processes MM 407 Metallurgical Design PR 405 Production Management PR 406 Manufacturing Technology FN SIXTH DAY (THURSDAY) 07. Section AD means Section A (Diploma Stream). the Institution’s Examinations will be conducted at the following locations with the scheme/s as stated below. MC. Section B (CV. MN) All Schemes Only Section AD All Schemes Only Section AD All Schemes Only Section AD All Schemes Only Section AD All Schemes Only Section A All Schemes Only Section AD All Schemes Only Section AD All Schemes Section A means both the Diploma and the Non-Diploma Streams. EC. CP. 18 IEI Journal-TC . Centre Code 001 002 003 004 005 110 121 132 141 160 171 180 190 201 202 208 211 226 231 247 302 324 342 380 390 400 403 407 411 422 431 440 452 Place Scheme/s Centre Code 462 482 All Schemes 490 492 500 516 Only Section AD 517 520 530 All Schemes Only Section AD All Schemes Only Section AD Only Section A All Scheme Only Section AD All Scheme Only Section AD All Schemes Only Section AD All Schemes Only Section AD All Schemes Only Section AD All Schemes Only Section AD 781 799 800 831 834 GUWAHATI AGARTALA PATNA JAMSHEDPUR RANCHI All Schemes 560 570 580 600 607 620 625 641 673 682 695 700 713 721 735 744 751 769 Place Scheme/s KATHMANDU ABU DHABI BAHARAIN DOHA KUWAIT DELHI FARIDABAD KARNAL LUDHIANA CHANDIGARH SHIMLA JAMMU SRINAGAR GHAZIABAD ALIGARH KANPUR ALLAHABAD LUCKNOW ANPARA ROORKEE JAIPUR KOTA JODHPUR AHMEDABAD VADODARA MUMBAI GOA BELAPUR PUNE NASHIK AURANGABAD NAGPUR INDORE BHOPAL JABALPUR BHILAI RAIPUR HYDERABAD KADAPA TIRUPATI VIJAYAWADA VISAKHAPATNAM BANGALORE MYSORE DHARWAD CHENNAI NEYVELI TIRUCHIRAPALLI MADURAI COIMBATORE KOZHIKODE COCHIN THIRUVANANTHAPURAM KOLKATA DURGAPUR KHARAGPUR JALPAIGURI PORT BLAIR BHUBANESWAR ROURKELA Only Section AD All Schemes Section A.IEI EXAMINATION CENTRES Until further notification. EL. All Schemes mean both the Section A and the Section B. who are not in a position to complete Section A/Section B Examination within the remaining time of stipulated period. They would be required to apply for Registration of Section B on the prescribed proforma (printed in Vol I: Rules on page 39) with a demand draft of ` 3. Before applying for Examination Re-registration.(US $ 200 for overseas candidates). Candidates. shall be permitted to appear in Section A Examination.EXAMINATION RE-REGISTRATION AFTER EXPIRY OF SIX YEARS IN WINTER 2011 EXAMINATION As per Clause 8. Subject(s) exemption(s) secured during six years. 1 (Rules & Syllabi).000/. as applicable. a separate demand draft of ` 150/(US $ 15 for overseas candidates) should be sent by the candidate along with the prescribed proforma duly filled-in.500/.for Examination Re-registration with filled-in prescribed format. In such cases. are eligible to apply for Examination Re-registration. a new identity card shall be issued to all such candidates.(US $ 200 for overseas candidates). The eligibility criterion and other details are given hereunder: Eligibility: Candidates. who failed to pass Section A Examination in six years. subject(s) exemption(s) secured during six years. On receipt of the application for examination re-registration and registration for Section B. shall be forfeited and they would need to pass Section B Examination afresh as per the revised scheme within another stipulated period of six years.000/-. if completed. failing which they will not be eligible to appear in Summer 2012 Examination. 2 3 PREMATURE RE-REGISTRATION FOR EXAMINATION The Council. 1 : Rules on page 39 and available on IEI website) with a demand draft of ` 3. under category 2. December 2011 19 . Candidates. with requisite fee. 2012. shall be forfeited. if any. shall be forfeited. For Section A candidates. For Section B candidates. at its 656th meeting.000/. if any. Candidates are advised to read the following carefully: 1 Candidates. shall be forfeited. are eligible to apply for premature re-registration of examination for another six year period afresh.(US $ 150 for overseas candidates). should apply for Examination Re-registration as per the format (available on IEI website) along with the fee of ` 1. the status of Section A will remain unaltered. How to Apply: Candidates are expected to apply on the prescribed format for Application for Examination Re-registration/Premature Re-registration (available on IEI website) along with a demand draft of ` 1.(US $ 150 for overseas candidates) by demand draft. They would be required to pass Section A Examination afresh as per the revised scheme within another stipulated period of six years. Candidates. project work and/or laboratory experiments. subject(s) exemption. they would be required to do project work and laboratory experiments during the six-year period of Examination Re-registration. However.500/. they would also be required to apply for registration of Section B on the prescribed proforma (printed in Vol. Also. who would be unsuccessful in Section A or in Section B Examination after the expiry of six year period with Winter 2011 Examination. under category 1 and 2 above.7 of Examination Rules printed in Vol. if any. extended the facility for premature re-registration for revised scheme candidates. the prescribed period for passing Section A or Section B Examination is six years. who have already passed Section A Examination but would fail to pass Section B Examination in six years shall be permitted to appear afresh in Section B Examination in revised scheme retaining their Section A status. if any. in addition to a demand draft of ` 1. subject(s) exemption. Volume 92. should also apply for Registration of Section B along with a demand draft of ` 3. In case of Section B candidates. Candidates are advised to apply for the same so as to reach at the Headquarters office latest by April 6. Candidates. Condition: Six year period shall be counted from Summer examination of the year in which a candidate submits his/her application for this purpose.500/. If there is any change in address recorded with the Institution. .................................. I above only) b) *Original Identity Card (for nos..... who have lost their Identity Cards issued by the Institution/possess defective Identity Cards/changed their recorded addresses.. Draft No..... F/M/AM ......REPLACEMENT OF IDENTITY CARD ST/T members...... II and III only) c) Demand Draft of ` 150/..... Note: The candidate must apply at least 90 days prior to the commencement of any Examination............... The draft must be in favour of ‘The Institution of Engineers (India)’...with blank Identity Card. ......... Thanking you.. Note : The photograph and signature are to be verified by the supporter........................... Name of the Candidate (in capital letters) Full Signature of Candidate with Date ST/T No............... APPLICATION FOR REPLACEMENT OF IDENTITY CARD The Director (Membership) The Institution of Engineers (India) 8 Gokhale Road....... III) * I have changed my address as below (existing Identity Card enclosed): Yours faithfully.............. Kolkata 700 020 REPLACEMENT OF IDENTITY CARD Dear Sir. payable at Kolkata.... 20 IEI Journal-TC ....... may apply for new Identity Card as per the format given below......... You are requested to issue me a new Identity Card due to the reason as ticked ( ) in appropriate box below: I) My Original Identity Card is lost.... I enclose the relevant documents for your ready reference.. ______________________ Membership Grade and No...... For this purpose.............. Signature (preferably in English) with date . II) * There are following defects in my Identity Card (existing Identity Card enclosed): Membership Number without check digit No signature of Secretary & Director General Mutilated/defaced Identity Card Recorded address is not mentioned or different from the address recorded at the HQ........ The application must be sent to the Headquarters along with a demand draft of ` 150/......... Enclo: a) Copy of FIR/GD (for no..... Date of Issue New Address (in capital letters) Pin Mobile E-mail State Country Specimen Signature of the applicant (preferably in English) Passport or stamp size photograph to be pasted here The signature should not touch the box (Use black ink only) (do not sign on the photograph) Supporter : Verified the photograph and signature of the applicant Name (in Capitals) Membership No... who must be a Corporate Member in the grade of FIE/MIE/AMIE only.......and documents as stated in the format... Volume 92. Eligibility Criteria 1. of IEI examination and other examination-related forms may be obtained by writing a letter. Other Relevant Information Passout candidate in Architectural Engineering will be eligible to practice as an Architectural Engineer not as an Architect. 5. with complete mailing address and membership number. available on IEI website. B. They will get six years period afresh to pass Section B Examination.(US $ 200 for overseas candidates) be sent so as to reach in the Headquarters office at Kolkata by 15 Mar 2012.7 of Examination Rules as follows for more clarity: Existing A candidate shall be required to pass the examination within a specific period as mentioned hereunder: Section A: 6 (six) years for the date of election for Technician/ Senior Technician member. etc. th Re-conduct of Section B Examination in Architectural Engineering Pursuant to the decision of the Council. Section B: 6 (six) years from next term of passing Section A Examination. vide its notification dated 16 Jan 2006. Diploma holders in Architectural Assistantship/Civil/Electrical/ Mechanical Engineering are eligible to become Senior Technician members provided they studied Physics. Government of India. 3. Associate/corporate members interested to appear in additional branch in Architectural Engineering would be exempted to appear in Section A examination of the Institution and eligible to register for Section B Examination. The filled-in proforma for registration of Section B.REVISED EXAMINATION CLAUSE The Council as its 667 meeting held at Belapur approved the amendment of Clause 8. can apply for change of registration of Section B in Architectural Engineering. Syllabi. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering disciplines may apply to become Associate/Corporate member to became eligible to appear in additional branch in Architectural Engineering. they would be eligible to opt Architectural Engineering in Section B examination. they will be exempted to appear in Section A examination and would be eligible to submit their application for registration of Section B examination with requisite fee. Therefore. 2. ST/T members. it has been decided to conduct Section B Examination in Architectural Engineering with effect from Summer 2012 Examination (02 – 08 Jun 2012). Revised A candidate shall be required to pass the examination within a specific period as mentioned hereunder: Section A: 6 (six) years for the date of election for Technician/ Senior Technician member. The examination will be conducted as per approved syllabi of Architectural Engineering by the Ministry of Human Resource Development. to Director (Finance) with a demand draft of ` 600/. who will pass Section A examination in Winter 2011 Examination. The duration of examination for the subject ‘Architectural Design’ will be of 3 hours only.(US $ 60 for overseas candidates) in favour of ‘The Institution of Engineers (India)’ payable at Kolkata.Tech. registered with the Council of Architecture. After their election as Senior Technician members and passing Section A (Diploma) examination. and Engineering Drawing and Graphics in the diploma courses approved by AICTE. A copy of Rules & Syllabi (Vols. December 2011 21 ./B. Section B: 6 (six) years from next term of passing Section A Examination. ST/T members. English. degree holders in Civil. 1 & 2). can opt Architectural Engineering for Section B while submitting their Section B Registration Form with requisite fee. already pursuing Section B examination in any other branch of engineering. After their election as Associate/Corporate member. Rules. approval of the course by the Council of Architecture does not arise. Examination Forms. with a demand draft of ` 3000/. Mathematics. No further extension shall be permitted beyond the stipulated period.E. Chemistry. 4. . Technician/Senior Technician members can visit our website to read the Journal after due login free of cost.. T/ST ADDRESS (in capital letters) PIN MOBILE NUMBER PHONE NUMBER (with STD Code) E-mail Id : I enclose a demand draft of ` 100/. T/ST members....... the requisite amount must reach at the headquarters of the Institution by 30 Mar 2012...... In absence of written application with requisite fee within the stipulated date.. Membership no.. The Technician/Senior Technician members desiring to subscribe the Technicians’ Journal are requested to fill in the following application and arrange to return the same with a requisite demand draft drawn in favour of ‘The Institution of Engineers (India)’ payable at Kolkata...... the Council at its 658th meeting held at Hyderabad during 20-21 Mar 2010 decided to publish the Technicians’ Journal twice in a year in the month of June and December.......……………… drawn on……………..org with effect from June 2011 issue....ieindia... TECHNICIANS’ JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION APPLICATION The Secretary & Director General The Institution of Engineers (India) 8.. Gokhale Road Kolkata 700 020 Sir....AVAILABILITY OF TECHNICIANS’ JOURNAL ON WEB In order to nullify complaints of non-receipt of the Technicians’ Journal in time by Technician/Senior Technician members.for one year and ` 500/........ A separate request letter is required to be forwarded to the Secretary and Director General for this purpose..... in respect of availability of Technicians’ Journal on web and agree to subscribe the Technicians’ Journal for which I forward herewith my application with the demand draft as follows: NAME (in capital letters) Membership no...... who will not be interested to read the softcopy on the web..for six years.. ....... the hardcopy of the Technicians’ Journal to respective T/ST members will not be despatched by IEI. I have gone through the decision of the Council.. as stated above. would be required to subscribe the hardcopy of the Journal on payment of the subscription of ` 100/..……............ Members who wish to receive the hardcopy of the Journal from June 2012 issue and have not yet paid the requisite fee..(strike out the non-required item) bearing no.... T/ST Signature of the Technician/Senior Technician Member with date 22 IEI Journal-TC .. and place on to the web www. for one year/six years with effect from June 20 ……… to June 20 ……… . However. as per practice. as mentioned above./ ` 500/.
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