Tsd Emu & Memu-2015 App Format

April 4, 2018 | Author: K John Peter | Category: Relay, Switch, Mechanical Engineering, Manufactured Goods, Machines



TROUBLE SHOOTING DIRECTORYPUBLISHED BY EMU CARSHED - TIKIAPARA SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY EDITION - 2015 SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY V. K. AGGARWAL Chief Electrical Engineer. Garden Reach, Kolkata – 43. Dear Railway men, EMU services were introduced on S.E.Railway since 1.05.1968. EMU Car Shed, Tikiapara is the pioneering car shed on S.E.Railway having vast and varied experience in various facets of maintenance of EMU coaches. The car shed has acquired deep insight into the diagnosis of the defects of various sub – assemblies & components of the EMU and their trouble shooting in a systematic manner. The EMU services were hitherto confined to Howrah – Kharagpur – Midnapur, Panskura – Haldia, Panskura – Digha , Santragachi – Shalimar and Santragachi – Amta sections of Khargpur Division .With the introduction of MEMU services, there has been a compelling need to encompass the trouble shooting experiences treasured by the Tikiapara Car Shed in a lucid manner so that the motorman and supervisors involved in running and maintenance of EMU/MEMUs are exposed to the whole gamut of trouble shooting in a structured manner. Picking up abnormal signs correctly in case of trouble experienced on line and proceeding in a systematic manner as outlined in the directory is imperative to avoid repercussions on traffic and loss of punctuality of the sensitive services. The defects have been arranged according to their probability of occurrence and a step – by- step procedure has been prescribed. The TSD is Motorman – friendly. Due care has been taken to indicate the terminology commonly used by the Motormen. The TSD which is culmination of efforts of a team of experienced supervisors of Tikiapara Car shed catalogues rudimentary technical details and other salient features as well. Relevant details and sketches have been juxtaposed with the associated texts to avoid cross – references to the extent possible. Entry of the defects and abnormalities experienced online in the log book offers important clue to the maintenance personnel to zero in on the root cause of the defects .As such detailed account of such observations and corrective action taken must be entered in the log book to facilitate quick diagnosis & rectification of the defects by the shed. The TSD has been revised and updated with latest developments in EMU/MEMU pertaining to introduction of Air Suspension & Parking brakes. I am confident that the concise and structured TSD will become an unfailing companion of the Motormen and hone their knowledge and skill in quick trouble shooting of the defects experienced during operation of the EMU/MEMUS. Wishing you happy, punctual and safe journeys. Date:- 06.01.2015 V. K. AGGARWAL Chief Electrical Engineer. CHECK BRAKE POWER OF TRAIN AT FIRST OPPORTUNITY. KEEP YOUR SOUL AWAY FROM SEDATIVES AND ALCOHOL WHICH IMPAIR YOUR PERSONALITY. EYE SIGHT. 17. REPORT ON DUTY IN TIME WHICH WILL ENABLE YOU TO GO THROUGH ALL THE PROCEDURE ORDERS AND CAUTION ORDER. OBSERVE THE COASTING BOARD RIGIDLY. TAKE PROPER REST AT HOME AND RUNNING ROOMS. OBSERVE ALL THE SPEED RESTRICTIONS RIGIDLY. DO NOT BACK THE TRAIN WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORITY. MAKE LOG BOOK ENTRY CORRECTLY IN CASE OF TROUBLE EXPERIENCED IN THE RAKE ON LINE. 12.07 WHILE PASSING AUTO SIGNAL AT 'ON'. 7. DO NOT DRIVE THE TRAIN ON TRACK SUBMERGED BY 6 INCHES OR MORE WATER. 8. ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE CORRECTAUTHORITY TO PROCEED. 2. 6. 14. WHISTLE AS PER RULE WHILE APPROACHING LEVEL CROSSINGS. CONCENTRATION AND CAPACITY FOR PERFORMING DUTY. 13. 11. 15. REPORT TIME LOSS OR ABNORMAL DETENTION OF THE TRAIN ON ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION. . 3. STATIONS AND PASSING THROUGH STATIONS. STRICTLY FOLLOW GR/SR 9. 9.(i) DEAR MOTORMAN 1. 10. KEEP A SHARP LOOK OUT FOR SIGNAL TILL IT IS PASSED AND OBEY THE ASPECT OF THE SIGNAL RIGIDLY TO AVOID “SPAD”. 16. DO THE BP CONTINUITY TESTAT THE TRAIN ORIGINATING STATION. 5.02 AND 9. 4. DO NOT CARRY ANY UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IN DRIVING CAB. BE ENERGY CONSCIOUS. . .  (iv) This page intentionally left blank. 1. Changing of cab 50 10. TSD for EMU and MEMU 1 5.     a) Power Circuits 56   b) Control Circuits 58 2. Standard instructions for Motormen v 3. OHE and Pantograph Parts and Photographs of Important Equipment 67 & 69 .21 41 6. Electrical Circuits for reference Page Nos. Complete Preparation of EMU/MEMU 47 9. Different Isolating Cocks 66 4. Abbreviation used in EMUs / MEMUs xv 4. Bell code communication between Motorman and Guard and GR 4. General Data of EMU and MEMU 44 8.  (v) CONTENTS PART – 1 Page Nos. Stabling of Rake 51 11. Scope of the Manual v 2. Addendum & Corrigendum 53 PART – 2 1. Pneumatic Circuits for reference 62 3. Technical details 43 7. .  (iv) This page intentionally left blank. Tail Light. Motorman must record it in the Log book of particular Motor coach and inform LC/CC carshed at the first available opportunity. 5. 6. Head Light. Auto Warning Light. This manual deals with the trouble shooting of rakes having two to four motor coaches. In case of tripping and traction failures Motorman should try to work the train with good unit whenever possible (without punctuality loss). During trouble shooting in block section/station. the Motorman must record in the log book of concerned Motor coach all cases of Unit trouble/other unusual occurrences/ wheel slipping clearly mentioning the time loss in block section/station. If unsuccessful. The abnormal sign should always be picked up from leading unit. Detonators. 9. ii) Fire Extinguishers. 3. 8. Whenever any equipment (including Tr. The prescribed trouble shooting procedures lay emphasis on quick trouble shooting. STANDARD INSTRUCTIONS FOR MOTORMEN 1. Alarm Bell & wiper. Horn. . he should proceed to the affected motor coach and refer to these guide lines for trouble shooting. Both incoming & out going Motorman or outgoing Motorman & ESD should ensure proper functioning of rake while handing and taking over charge. 2. all efforts should be made to minimise and contain detentions in block section/station as far as possible. Bell code. Check the availability/ working of following safety equipments: i) Flasher Light. 7. Motor/relay) is isolated on a Unit. Try to trouble shoot by isolating traction motors. Motormen should do traction test at originating station without moving the train. On line. Do not put HEFR (P) in 'Fault' position in case of tripping through EFR. Thereafter all the observations and interventions shall be made on the defective Motor coach.  (v) SCOPE OF THE MANUAL This manual briefly describes the various steps to be taken by the Motorman in case of Unit trouble on line. time and place of occurrence as well as information given to LC/CC Carshed. 4. PFD FUSE BLOWN This indication will glow in case of any of the permanent field diverter (PFD) fuse blown. 2. PRV TRIP This indication is provided in addition to the unit fault lamp to indicate whether PRV act or not 4. 5. A buzzer will ring with this indication.  (vi) The following new indication lamps are provided in driving desk of new EMU Motor Coach from 638 onwards. if Parking brake is not applied intentionally. No attention on line is required. the indication lamp will glow along with 'buzzer' ringing. 6. NO. PURPOSE 1. Colour red . PARKING BRAKE LAMP INDICATION This indication will glow when Parking brake is applied Motor man should trouble shoot. 3. PASSENGER ALARM In case of Alarm Chain pulling. Motorman has to follow the instructions as detailed below in case of glowing of any of these indication lamps.Push button switch to apply Parking Brake and red lamp will glow. Motorman will make log book entry only for necessary attention at shed. Work with other units. AV WARNING Not in service.Push button switch to release Parking Brake and green lamp will glow. SL. Existing instruction to be followed. Don't reset & close VCB of affected unit. PUSH BUTTON SWITCH WITH LAMP INDICATION FOR PARKING BRAKE.   -do- . 7. LAMP INDICATION ACTION TO BE TAKEN Existing instructions for Alarm Chain is to be followed. Existing instruction to be followed. Colour green . 8. UNIT FAULT INDICATION This indication is provided in addition to the unit fault lamp outside the driving cab. WARNING LIGHT This indication is provided instead of auto warning light. EP SUPPLY Lamp for EP Brake supply available. FUSE CHBA SWITCH BLOWN. TRIP         INDICATION WHITE BLUE YELLOW MOTOR RECT. MOTOR SWITCH TRIP (MSWL) Lamp for Motor Contactor opens indication. FAILURE TRIP INDICATION   LAMP PURPOSE ABB / VCB Lamp for Circuit Breaker opens indication. RECTIFIER TRIP Lamp for indication of No Tension. CHBA FAILURE INDICATION Lamp for CHBA. Panto lowered / damaged. It glows when battery charger not working but unit is closed.  (vii) INDICATION LAMPS FOR MEMU AND EMU RED GREEN WHITE ABB / VCB EP SUPPLY AUX. ii) CBAR tripping with MSWL glows. AUX. LTR tripped. . RECT. RECTIFIER FUSE BLOWN Lamp for i) Only when one fuse in rectifier panel is blown. 2 (viii) MCS II OFF EMERG. ABR. NORMAL LIGHT CONTACTOR. BIR. CBAR. CONTACTOR FAN CONTACTOR RFAR. 1 F F OR ON NORMAL SEQUENCE TEST SWITCH CONTROL CHANGE OVER SWITCH OFF MCCB N HEFRA II HOBA N EFRA II OLP EFR RESET TING COIL (EFR/OLP . TTR. AUX. ARR NVR SR LTR CR NORMAL MCS I 2 OUT 1 OUT 4 OUT 1 & 2 OUT OFF ON NORMAL TEST RUN BIS 3 & 4 OUT RUN TEST 3 OUT EMERG. COMP. PANNEL LATCH SYSTEM.  (viii) CONTACTOR AND ROATATING SWITCHIES IN CAB RELAY LATCH SYSTEM. CONTACTOR NORMAL MAIN COMP. N. RADIATOR RADIATOR MOT-I MOT-II 5A.HL. SPAR E 35 A. RELAY 2. SPARE 100A. RELAY-II 2. N/L STAB 15 A. SPARE 32 A. 50% LIGHT LIGHT LATCH 2. 5A. O P & RECT.-II 10 A. MAIN COMP. 2. 110 V AC AUX. NVR 5A.5 A. FAN-I 10 A. LIGHT 10 . FAN NEUTRAL 63A.C. FAN-II EM. D. FAN-II 35 A.A ABB & BTY SPARE ACP POSITIVE 15A.A CAB EM. SPARE 10 A. RETURN 32 A. H/L STAB INPUT 16A.L-II MCP LT ACP COMP 5 A. RELAY-I 2.5 A FAN TRIP 2. 10 A. T. RADIATOR MOT. EM.HC.L-I 5 A.5 A LIGHT TRIP 2.5 A FAN SPARE LATCH 2.5 A. O P PHASE 15A. MAIN POSITIVE 63 A. BATY.L.A EM. EM. HLS 5 A.L.L.5 A.-I 10 A. MOT 10A. L. D. MAIN NEGATIVE 63 A. N/L NEUTRAL 63A. FAN-I 35 A.5 A. 141 V AC SPARE 63A.5A. 15 A. RECT. 160 A.. SPARE 15 A. LIGHT 10 .       110 V AC CONTROL 32 A. 35A. SPARE 10 A. H/L STAB INPUT 10A. L. EM. COMPR NEGATIVE 16 A. N. CHARG INPUT 35 A. EM. POSITIVE FAULT 5 A. 2.  (ix) FUSES AND MCBS PANNEL 266 V AC AUX-I MAIN 50A. SPARE 50A. 2. 2. (ix) N/LIGHT 63A. CONTROL RELAY CONTROL SYNCH. 1&2 RETURN 18A BATY.5 A 2.5A.C. AUX-II MAIN 100A. SPARE 16 .5 A .. FUSE 63A. SPARE 160 A. CHARG INPUT 32 A..5A. 5A dc 5A dc TL normal 2.5A dc 10A dc Spare 5A ac TL EMER 2.5A dc (x)   Bell push 5A dc Tail Light 2.5 dc Spare 2. Fans Cont.5A ac Light Cont.5A dc Voltmeter (0-150V) 2. 5A dc Light Cont. / 5A dc 2.  (x) Control MCBs in driver's desk/cab Convensional EMU M/coach Spare 15A dc Flashing Light 2.5A dc Parking brake 5A dc   Alarm bell 2.5A ac Spare. Fans.5A ac 5A ac ELCAB LT EQ. Cont 15A dc 15A dc HLS int light 2.5A dc HL & TL EMER 2. 6A ac   Voltmeter (0-30v) 3A dc Spot Light 3A ac MEMU M/coach Spare 15A dc Panto. Cont Head LT 15A dc 15A dc 15A dc     Gd.5A ac 2.5A ac   CAB & TL Lights 5A ac HLS int light 2.5A Flashing Light 2. ABB Mast.5A dc 2.5A ac (0-30v) LT & EQ comp. Spare 2.5 dc Panto.5A ac 5A ac EP brake 5A dc Main com 5A dc Fault ind.5A dc Gd. Walkie Talkie Spare 6A ac converter 2. Head light (0-30v) LT & EQ comp. 5A dc 5A dc     Cab fan 2.5A ac HC normal TL normal Voltmeter NL CAB.5A dc 10A ac 2.5A ac 2. supply EP brake 5A dc 5A dc Main com 5A dc Voltmeter Speedometer (0-150v) 2.5A dc HC EMER 2.5A ac Bell push 5A dc Alarm bell 5A dc Spare 5A dc Voltmeter NL CAB.5A dc Speedometer Heed Code Auto Flasher 2. 10A ac 2. 2.5A dc   Flasher light 2. Cont 15A dc 15A dc Spare BA Voltmeter W/light (0-150v) 2.5A ac 2. ABB Mast. Cont. comp. / 5A dc Head light stabilizer 5A ac EMU M/coach filled with air spring Twin Beam Panto.5 dc Gd. supply 5A dc Cab fan 2. 5A dc HC normal 2.5A dc Cab fan 2. 5A dc Lights Cont.5 dc DC-DC Auto Flash PA Ampl.5A ac Fault ind. supply 5A dc   EP brake 5A ac Main Com 5A ac   Fult Ind. ABB Mast. 10A ac 2.5A ac 2. 5A dc 5A dc Bell push 5A dc Alarm bell 5A dc Spare 5A dc ELCAB HLS ins LT EQ.5A dc Spare 15A dc PA Transf 10A ac PA Ampl.5A dc . light comp.5A ac 2. Fans Cont.   (xi) LAYOUT OF DRIVING MOTOR COACH (xi) . 6. 11. 10. SIDE BEARER BRAKE CYLINDER WITH ARRGT. 9. 2. 7. FAN CHAMBER NOSE SUSPENSION ARRGT. TRACTION MOTOR GEAR CASE AXLE & WHEEL 8.  (xii) MOTOR COACH BOGIE ARRANGEMENT (xii) 1. SUSPENSION BEARING AXLE CAP BOLSTER . 4. BRAKE BEAM CENTRE PIVOT ARRGT. 5. 3. 6. 4. 2. WITH SPRING ROLLER BEARIGN AXLE BOX ARRGT. 9. 11. 10 RAIL LEVEL .  (xiii) MOTOR COACH BOGIE ARRANGEMENT 1 13 12 9 8 870 7 6 2 11 BOGIE FRAME BOGIE BOLSTER HELICAL SPRING AXLE BOX GUIDE ARRGT. 13. HANGER BLOCK & PIN PULL ROD BRAKE HEAD & BLOCK COMPLETE BRAKE LEVER OUT RH/LH BRAKE LEVER INNER RH/LH LOWER SPRING BEAM SHOCK ABSORBER SWING BOLSTER 3 4 5 (xiii) 1. 5. 8. 12. 7. 3. WHEEL HANGER. 10.   (xiv) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MOTOR COACH BOGIE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT WITH AIR SPRING . 7. 8. 45. 38. 39.2. 11. 30. 34. 2. Abbreviation ABB ABR ARR AF1. 31. 32. 46. 15. 17. 35. 23. EMERGENCY LIGHT RELAY ELECTRO PNEUMATIC BRAKE ISOLATING COCK EARTHING SWITCH Grounding EQUIPMENT GOV. 41. 26. COMP. GOVERNOR EQUIPMENT GOVERNOR CONTROL GOVERNOR MAIN COMPRESSOR ISOLATING COCK DROPPING REACTOR EARTH FAULT RELAY(PRIMARY CIRCUIT) SWITCH FOR BYPASS EARTH FAULT RELAY(PRIMARY) EARTH FAULT RELAY IN AUX. 37. . 5. 21. 40. 33. 24.3. 3. 14. 1.No. 36.  (xv) ABBREVIATION USED IN EMUs/MEMUs SL. 10.4 AB AS ASR ASS ASIC AFL ASBIC AWL AOVR BIR BIS BUD BPS BP BIC BI BCFR BA CHBA CR CBR CBAR CLR CLAR CIC CT CF CG-1 CG-2 CG-3 CG-4 CIC DL EFR(P) HEFR(P) EFRA-II HEFRA-II ELR EPIC EAS GD GS-1 Description AIR BLAST CIRCUIT BREAKER AIR BLAST CIRCUIT BREAKER RELAY AIR BLAST CIRCUIT BREAKER RESET RELAY AUXILIARY FUSE FOR AUXILIARY I & II ALARM BELL AMMETER SHUNT AUXILIARY SUPPLY RECTIFIER AMMETER SELECTOR SWITCH AIR SPRING SUSPENSION ISOLATING COCK AUTO FLASHER LIGHT AIR SPRING SUSPENSION BOGIE ISOLATING COCK AUTO WARNING LIGHT OVER VOLTAGE AUX. GOVERNOR AUX. 25. BYE PASS SWITCH. 12. 16. 6.-II CIRCUIT SWITCH FOR BYPASS EARTH FAULT RELAY IN AUX-II CIRCUIT.RELAY BUCHHOLZ INDICATION RELAY BATTERY ISOLATING SWITCH BUCHHOLZ DEVICE BATTERY PARALLEL SWITCH BRAKE PIPE BOGIE ISOLATING COCK BRAKE ISOLATING VALVE BATTERY CHARGER FAILURE INDICATION RELAY BATTERY BATTERY CHARGER COMPRESSOR RELAY CURRENT BALANCING RELAY CURRENT BALANCING AUXILIARY RELAY CURRENT LIMITING RELAY CURRENT LIMITING AUXILIARY RELAY COMPRESSOR ISOLATING COCK CURRENT TRANSFORMER CONTROL FUSE MAIN COMP. 42. 44. 13. 27. 18. 43. 28. 20. 9. 19. 29. 4. 22. GOV.COMP.2.4 OVER LOAD RELAY FOR TAP CHANGER OVERLOAD PRIMARY OVER VOLTAGE RELAY OIL PUMP PARKING BRAKE Pantograph PRESSUER RELIEF VALVE PEMANENT FIELD DIVERTOR RECTIFIER FAN MOTOR RECTIFIER FAN RELAY RECTIFIER FAN AUXILIARY RELAY SIGNAL BELL SMOOTHING REACTOR STARTING RELAY SPEEDOMETER TRANSITION RESISTOR TRAIN LINE CABLE TRANSFORMER THERMOSTAT TRANSFORMER THERMOSTAT RELAY TAP CHANGING CONTACTOR 1 TO 9 TAPPING REACTOR TEST SEQUENCE SWITCH TRANSFORMER TRACTION MOTOR Unit fault light VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKER Winding change over switch WINDING GROUPING RELAY WINDING CHANGE OVER SWITCH .6 OLP OVR OP PB PT PRV PFD RF RFR RFAR SB SL SR SM TR TLC T.3.4 OL1.2.3.T. REVERSER 1&2 RADIATOR FAN 1&2 LOW TENSION PROVING RELAY MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER MOTOR CUT OUT SWITCH MOTOR CONTACTORS 1-4 MOTOR SWITCH WHITE LIGHT MOTOR COACH MAIN RESERVOIR MOTOR NEGATIVE CUT OUT SWITCH MASTER CONTROLLER NO VOLT RELAY NOTCHING RELAY 1 & 2 NEGATIVE CONTACTOR 1.4 OVER LOAD RELAY FOR TM 1.  (xvi) 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 GS-2 GS-3 GS-4 HOBA HLS HL HC ICA/BPIC K1&K2 KF1&KF2 LTR MCB MCS M 1-4 MSWL MC MR MCOS MP NVR NR1 & 2 NC1. BYE PASS SWITCH AUX. HAND LAMP SOCKET HEAD LIGHT HEAD CODE ISOLATING COCK FOR AUTO BRAKE/BRAKE PIPE ISOLATING COCK.3.2.4 OL5. BYE PASS SWITCH MAIN COMPRESSOR GOV.BYE PASS SWITCH EARTHING SWITCH FOR BATTERY NEGATIVE CIRCUIT. TTR T1 TO T9 TL TSS TFP TM UFL VCB WCO WGR W1-W2 CONTROL GOV.3.2.   (xvii) NOTES .   (xviii) This page intentionally left blank. . CHAPTER – IV MISCELLANEOUS FAILURES 33 . A) TOTAL LOSS OF TRACTIVE EFFORT 13 B) REDUCTION OF TRACTIVE EFFORT 21 CHAPTER – III 23 PNEUMATIC FAILURES 4. CHAPTER – I PAGE NO 3 TRIPPING FAILURES 2. A) ICABB/VCB 5 B) ABB/VCB CLOSING BUT NOT HOLDING 7 C) ABB/VCB TRIPS ON POWER 9 CHAPTER – II 11 TRACTION FAILURE 3.  (1) PART – 1 TROUBLE SHOOTING DIRECTORY EMU / MEMU CONTENTS 1. 4.  (2) PRELEMINARY CHECKING In case of any TROUBLE and also taking over charge:1. where applicable. Auto warning lamp switch (AWLS) is in 'OFF” position when not required. Parking brake is in released condition. 6. All the operating keys are operated correctly. PROBABLE CAUSE OF ABB/VCB TRIPS ON POWER (M/MAN HAS TO TROUBLE SHOOT) I) EFR TRIPS ON POWER II) OL5/OL6 TRIPS . PROBABLE CAUSE OF ICABB/VCB (M/MAN HAS TO TROUBLE SHOOT) I) MR AND RS PRESSURE LESS II) BA VOLTAGE 'LESS' OR 'NIL' III) ABB/VCB FAULT MCB TRIPS IV) ABR UNLATCHED V) EFR/OLP(COMMON PALLET) NOT RESET BY O/L VI) BIR TRIPS VII) EFRA – II TRIPS VIII) PRV ACTED(PILOT LAMP INDICATION IS GIVEN IN AIR SPRING SUSPENSION RAKES) PROBABLE CAUSE OF ABB/VCB CLOSING BUT NOT HOLDING (M/MAN HAS TO TROUBLE SHOOT) I) LESS MR AND RS PRESSURE II) OLP TRIPS III) ABB CLOSING COIL OPEN CKT / BURNT / ABR TRIP COIL ENERGISED PERMANENTLY. Put 'OFF' Control switch to reset overload and put back the control switch 'ON' after resetting the overload. 5. MR & BP pressure should be as follows:MR – 6 to 7 kg/cm2 BP – 5 kg/cm2 3. 2. Battery voltage is above 90V. ABB/VCB RED LAMP GOES OUT BUT COMES AGAIN IMMEDIATELY(ABB/VCB CLOSING BUT NOT HOLDING) 7 C. A. 2 7. 3. Ensure Panto & ABB/VCB MCB at “SET” position(operate PT & ABB/VCB MCB 2/3 times & keep at “SET” position) 6. Put the control switch 'OFF'. Abnormal Sign Page no. 4. If successful resume traction. Check BA volt. ABB/VCB RED LAMP REMAINS GLOWING( ICABB/VCB) 5 B.  (3) TRIPPING FAILURES CHAPTER .I TRIPPING FAILURES PREPARATION & OBSERVATION At every tripping on line:Bring back MP to 'OFF' Try to close ABB/VCB through ABB/VCB close switch. ABB/VCB RED LAMP GOES OUT BUT COMES AGAIN WHEN MP ON POWER ( ABB/VCB TRIPS ON POWER) 9 Note : In case of tripping failure Motorman should work the train with good unit whenever possible & trouble shoot in a convenient place when time permits. Ensure MP on 'OFF'. Check MR pressure more than 6kg/cm . 1. If unsuccessful follow the following instruction as per sequence. Put the control switch 'ON' 5. 2. . Then press &release ABB/VCB close switch and observe ABB/VCB RED Lamp. Try to reset overload. More than 90V.   (4) This page intentionally left blank. . renew the fuse.parallel the BA.Renew the same.check control fuse:i) If good .If ABB/VCB closes .Reset the same and close ABB / VCB. ii) If control fuse is blown . Give message to TLC/CC on duty for withdrawal of the rake. 3. then close ABB/VCB and resume traction.  (5) ICABB / VCB A: ABB / VCB RED LAMP REMAINS GLOWING ICABB Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman 1. If BIR cannot be reset .keep HEFRA II in 'F' position and reset EFRA II . If fuse blown on renewal . 2. ABR UNLATCHED Ensure BL is unlocked properly by operating BL key 2 to 3 times and try to close ABB/VCB . close ABB/VCB and resume traction.Keep HOBA in 'F' position in all Motor coaches. close ABB/VCB and resume traction. close ABB/VCB & resume traction. If EFRA II cannot be set or trips again . ABB / VCB FAULT MCB TRIPS If MCB trips . 5. BIR TRIPS Remove gas by operating BUD cock. close ABB and resume traction. If MCB trips again .work the train with other units. a) BA VOLTAGE 'LESS' THAN 90V If BA Voltage is less than 90V -parallel the BA by keeping BA Paralleling switch (BPS) either in E1 or E2 position after isolating BIS / MCCB. Ensure BA voltage is more than 90 V. reset BIR.'0' Operate BIS/MCCB few times . . b) BA VOLTAGE .work the train with other units. If ABR is still not getting latched then latch ABR manually and press ARR . EFRA II TRIPS (Indication Lamp glows or not glowing) Reset EFRA II and close ABB/VCB & resume traction. 4. close ABB/VCB & resume traction.Resume traction.   (6) Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman 6.Comp.SQ.5 KG/CM. EFR/OLP NOT RESET BY OVER LOAD SWITCH WITH OR WITHOUT DROPPING RED FLAG. put back the bypass switch in normal position after closing ABB / VCB and resume traction. Work with other units by isolating 4TMs and keep the TSS on 'TEST' of the affected motor coach.close ABB / VCB .GOV) UPTO 6. close ABB / VCB and resume traction. 9. PRV TRIPS If all the above items from 1 to 7 are found OK then it indicates that ICABB may be due to PRV trips (PRV trips pilot lamp glows if provided). . Reset the pallet of EFR /OLP manually with the non metallic stick.5 KG/CM2 . 8. 7. Do not reset and close ABB/VCB of the affected unit. TSS BAD CONTACT If all the above items from 1 to 7 are found OK then it indicates that ICABB/VCB may be due to TSS bad contact:.Operate TSS 2/3 times and put it in "RUN". MR & RS PRESSURE IS LESS THAN 5. Close the ABB/VCB and work the train. Build up RS pressure through ACP (By Pass Aux. Close ABB/VCB and resume traction. Isolate all the four Traction Motors and then work the train with other unit. Build up RS pressure with the help of Auxiliary compressor. ABB / VCB CLOSING BUT NOT HOLDING . Do not close ABB / VCB.  (7) ABB / VCB CLOSING BUT NOT HOLDING Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman 1. Inform to TLC/CC on duty for the necessary course of action.5 KG/CM. Keep TSS in 'TEST” position.SQ. 2. OLP TRIPS If OLP is tripped with any smoke emission :Extinguish fire. Lower PT . if any from HT compartment. MR & RS PRESSURE IS LESS THAN 5.   .  (8) This page intentionally left blank. If successful – carry on in this way. If unsuccessful. Motors and close ABB/VCB.  (9) C. close ABB / VCB and resume traction. EFR TRIPS Isolate Tr. ABB / VCB TRIPS ON POWER Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman 1. reset overload. assume ABB/VCB Trips through OL5/OL6. Take power notch by notch. Motors one by one. Motors. Work with other unit. If ABB/VCB trips again – Isolate all Four Tr. close ABB/VCB and work with other unit. OL5/OL6 TRIPS If EFR is not tripped. Reset overload. ABB/VCB TRIPS ON POWER . 2. isolate all Four Tr.Reset overload and close ABB/VCB.   (10) NOTES . MSWL FLICKERS 21 Note : In case of traction failure. . MSWL FLICKERS 19 TRACTION FAILURES B.  (11) CHAPTER . trouble shoot in a convenient place where time permits. motorman should work the Train with good unit. 1. MSWL REMAINS GLOWING 15 3. TOTAL LOSS OF TRACTIVE EFFORT : ABNORMAL SIGN PAGE NO.II TRACTION FAILURES A. MSWL REMAINS GLOWING 21 2. Whenever possible. MSWL NOT GLOWING AT ALL 13 2. REDUCTION OF TRACTIVE EFFORT:   ABNORMAL SIGN PAGE NO. 1. . OL2. MP CONTACT FAILED. 3. 4. 3. TOTAL LOSS WITH MSWL NOT GLOWING AT ALL 1. TTR . 6. 4. 3. OL1. RFAR. TOTAL LOSS WITH MSWL FLICKERS 1. 5. “NVR” – DE-ENERGISE. MR AND BP PRESSURE LESS.  (12) PROBABLE CAUSES OF TRACTION FAILURE 1. CONTROL SWITCH DEFECTIVE. BI KEY NOT OPERATED PROPERLY. MASTER CONTROL MCB TRIPPED. 2. 2. 2. EQUIPMENT GOVERNOR AND PARKING BRAKE GOVERNOR DEFECTIVE IN OPEN CONDITION. BA VOLTAGE LESS. CONTROL GOVERNOR. BA VOLTAGE '0'. BL NOT UNLOCKED PROPERLY. 5. OL3& OL4 TRIPPED. “SR” – NOT PICKING UP. 6. CBAR TRIPPED. 2. TOTAL LOSS WITH MSWL REMAINS GLOWING 1. REVERSER IS NOT THROWN IN DESIRED DIRECTION. put back MP to 'off' position.Keep HOBAin 'F' position in all the motor coaches and renew the fuse (32A) . If it is 'ON' Operate 2/3 times and resume traction. TOTAL LOSS OF TRACTIVE EFFORT 1. If control fuse is good:Make the battery parallel through control change over switch (BPS) after isolating BIS. CONTROL SWITCH DEFECTIVE If it is 'off':Make it 'ON' and resume traction. 2. take MP on Power and check MSWL. If it melts again . Fix BI key in that position and resume traction. Preparation/observation:Press Dead Man Handle properly.21. If unsuccessful work as per GR 4. Operate BL few times and resume traction If unsuccessful:Trip and close ABB to ensure BL is unlocked properly. BL NOT UNLOCKED PROPERLY. BI KEY NOT OPERATED PROPERLY Take MP to shunt power. If unit responds .  (13) A.Check control fuse. operate BI key gradually. If control fuse is melted:Renew the same. 3. If unsuccessful work as per GR 4. BA VOLTAGE '0' Operate BIS /MCCB few times and check BA voltage:If it is still '0' . 4.21. TOTAL LOSS OF TRACTIVE EFFORT . if MSWL does not glow/flicker at all:Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman 1. Close ABB/VCB and resume traction. Close ABB/VCB resume traction. TOTAL LOSS WITH MSWL NOT GLOWING AT ALL. Isolate 4 Traction Motors of leading motor coach and resume traction. keep all traction motors in normal position and disconnect 'B' jumper in rear of leading motor coach and resume traction. 6.Release PB in leading motor coach with parking brake magnet valve bypass cock.Release PB in rear Motor Coach as per procedure of releasing parking brake through magnet valve bypass cock. If trips again Reset the same.21 & in MEMU . For MEMU . If trip again Work as per GR 4. MASTER CONTROL MCB TRIP Reset the same and resume traction If trips againReset the same. MP FAILED If all the above items are OK conclude MP failed.  (14) Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman 5.21 . So work the train as per GR 4. proceed to rear motor coach. If unsuccessful . reset overload.If the unit moves . BA VOLTAGE LESS If it is less . make control switch 'on' and resume traction. Equipment Governor and PB Governor one by one and resume traction.Before by pass PB Gov. CONTROL GOVERNOR . If MSWL still remains glowing and units not responding. MR AND BP PRESSURE LESS Allow MR and BP pressure to come to normal.Trouble shoot for the causes of MSWL glowing in the motor coach. TOTAL LOSS WITH MSWL REMAINS GLOWING Preparation /observation – Make control switch 'off'. If Parking brakes are released. reset overload and work the train as per GR 4. If unsuccessful . If still MSWL remains glowing and units are not responding. 3. 4. Proceed to rear cab with all the keys. then conclude that defect is in all the units and trouble shoot for the causes of MSWL glowing in individual motor coach. trouble shoot as detailed below: Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman 1.21.parallel the battery ( Put BIS / MCCB off and keep Control change over switch (BPS) in position Emergency 1 or 2) 2. then by pass Control Governor. ensure that Parking brakes are in released condition in air suspension EMU & MEMU. If it does not glow.Put MP on '0'. Ensure PB is released.  (15) 2.Ensure the intactness of MR & BP pressure. EQUIPMENT AND PARKING BRAKE GOVERNOR DEFECTIVE Check Unit fault Light in leading motor coach. REVERSER NOT THROWN IN DESIRED DIRECTION ( AFTER CHANGING CAB) Throw reverser in reverse direction and take shunt notch . throw reverser in reverse direction and take shunt notch. Note :. . Inform car shed conveniently to withdraw the rake.check RF MCB & common fuse of RF &OP. If still unsuccessful then check RFAR.isolate one block of TMs to reduce the load. ii) If RF is working and still RFAR is not picking up a) Isolate all TMs and work the train with other units up to the destination.conclude that reverser was not thrown from leading cab. iv) If all of them are working . 5. TTR will set as soon as oil cools down. Work the train with other units.  (16) Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman If it moves . TTR TRIPS Check working of OP and KF1 &KF2 i) If any one of them is not working Check corresponding MCBs and fuses. If MCB trips or fuse melts . Proceed to leading cab and resume traction.Work the train with other units. iii) If one of the KF is not working . reset over load in the particular motor coach and try to resume traction. TTR will set as soon as oil cools down. (Normal cab driving.(Now do not operate reverser in reverse direction from leading cab. RFAR TRIPS Check working of RF i) If RF is not working . Reset/Renew if found tripped or melted.) . ensure working of RF and resume traction. RFAR may be wedged to clear the block section or up to the maintenance point from where M / staff will accompany the train. (Normal cab driving).) If MSWL still glows. TTR.Reset/renew. If it glows. b) If other units are not responding.isolate all four Tms & work with other units. ii) If OP does not work . and CBAR. 6. check unit fault light in leading motor coach. e either put MCS1 on "TM 1&2 out" or MCS2 on "TM 3&4 out".( Refer miscellaneous failure page no.39 ) . iii) If experience same trouble from rear Motor coach . reset CBAR and resume traction.  (17) Probable defects/ observation /checking 7.Try to work as per GR 4. If successful proceed with leading unit. Motors i. IF MSWL GLOWING WITHOUT ABOVE INDICATIONS I) Disconnect 'B' Jumper of the leading Motor coach and try to resume Traction.21. Note:. that particular pair (block) should be isolated because one MCS must be kept in normal position. Motor is previously isolated. If one Tr. CBAR TRIPS Action to be taken by Motorman Ensure Rectifier fuse blown blue lamp glows along with MSWL Isolate one pair of Tr.In MEMU or EMU -638 onwards(modified EMUs) Motorman may get TLTE with MSWL glowing due to parking brake not releasing in any of the units.21. ii) If unsuccessful . 8.Disconnect 'B' Jumper in rear Motor Coach and work with Single unit as per GR 4.   .  (18) This page intentionally left blank. 21. Take MP on power and observe MSWL. reset overload and work as per GR 4. if MSWL flickers – check the energisation of SR: Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman IF SR NOT ENERGISED THEN CHECK NVR If NVR is not energised – Check NVR MCB . If unsuccessful – To avoid failure NVR may be wedged (if it is not a AC NVR) after ensuring the working of RF. . TOTAL LOSS WITH MSWL FLICKER Preparation / observation – Press Dead man handle properly. If unsuccessful – pick up abnormal sign of total loss of tractive effort in that cab and trouble shoot accordingly. If NVR is energised – check SR again. Work the train up to the maintenance point from where M/staff will accompany.  (19) 3. If SR is not picking up – keep MP in 'Off' position – Isolate traction motor one by one and try to resume traction. In trailing cab. Otherwise proceed to trailing cab. reset the same if tripped.   (20) NOTES . 16. CBAR as per page no 15. 16. If still reduction of Tractive effort – work with other units. TTR. REDUCTION OF TRACTIVE EFFORT . IF DEFECT IN TRAILING UNIT Proceed to rear unit. reset it by overload if unsuccessful isolate TMS through MCS and resume tractions. RFAR. 17 respectively. Note:-MSWL may glow due to Parking Brake not release or PB Gov. trouble shoot as per the following directives A. ii) If any of the overload relay (OL -1. ONE OF THE UNITS NOT RESPONDING Work with other units. and do traction test. If time permits. 17 respectively. 3&4) acts. 39. if less. 2. Equipment & PB Governor. MSWL REMAINS GLOWING Action to be taken by Motorman Probable defects/ observation /checking ONE OF THE UNITS NOT RESPONDING. CBAR. Equipment Governor& PB Governor as per page no 15. B. IF DEFECT IN LEADING UNIT i) Trouble shoot for Control. put BIS/MCCB 'off' and parallel the battery. 2. Defective. ii) Check for Auto Warning Switch – whether in 'off' position(operate two to three times) iii)if the speed is not picking up work the train as per GR 4.21. SPEED IS NOT INCREASING MORE THAN 15 KMPH OR AS DESIRED BY MOTOR MAN. MSWL FLICKERS Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman 1. Reset overload and try to resume traction. If MSWL remains glowing – trouble shoot for low BA voltage. If time permits. Control Governor. NVR in defective unit as per page no 19. TTR. RFAR. i) Check BA Voltage is above 90 volts. By pass PB Governor or isolate PB as per the instructions on Page No.  (21) B. 2. do trouble shooting for SR. REDUCTION OF TRACTIVE EFFORT ABNORMAL SIGNS 1. reset overload.   (22) NOTES . PNEUMATIC FAILURES . If MCP is not working refer page no 36. BP is dropping – Conclude leakage in BP pipe line. b) Put EP switch “OFF” and check . iii) Always check the air leakage in the train physically with BI is in charged condition.  (23) CHAPTER .III PNEUMATIC FAILURES   PAGE NO. ii) If MCP is working – To ensure whether air leakage from BP or MR pipe line – Isolate BI and observe MR/BP Gauge – a) If MR pressure is raising. 2) In case of brake binding. A. check physically & ensure that the binding exists in a particular coach/bogie.If both MR & BP are dropping – Conclude leakage in MR pipe line. BRAKE BINDING 31 NOTE:1) In case of MR and BP pressure drop:i) Ensure Main compressor is working before checking the air leakage in the train. BP PRESSURE DROPS 27 C. MR PRESSURE DROPS 25 B.   (24) NOTES . 21 to clear block section only as horn will not sound from leading motor coach. (INSIDE CIC) 5.  (25) A. put off MCP control MCB. trip ABB . 1. MR RUBBER PIPE BURSTS 2. HEAVY AIR LEAKAGE FROM AIR DRYER. 3. EP brake will not be available in affected coach(Normal Drive). MR RUBBER PIPE BURSTS. AIR LEAKAGE IN THE AREA FROM MAIN COMPRESSOR TO CIC IN MOTOR COACH . AIR LEAKAGE FROM SWITCH GROUP OR TAP CHANGER. MCP synchronizing MCB and close ABB. MR METALLIC PIPE BROKEN IN MOTOR COACH. MR METALLIC PIPE BROKEN OR SUPPLIMENTARY RESERVOIR DRAIN COCK WORKED OUT IN TRAILER COACH. Work the train from leading motor coach up to the destination. 8. . CONTINUOUS AIR LEAKAGE FROM EP UNITS. 6. 7. MR METALLIC PIPE BROKEN IN MOTOR COACH (OUT SIDE CIC) In case of leading Motor Coach — Isolate MR coach end cock. Work the train as per GR 4. 2. in rear of Motor Coach. AIR LEAKAGE FROM THE AIR SPRING SUSPENSION OR ITS ASSOCIATED FITTINGS. Isolate MR coach end cocks at both end of MR rubber pipe and work the Train (Normal drive). MR PRESSUER DROPS: THOUGH MCP WORKING. In case of Trailing M/Coach Isolate MR coach end cock and stop MCP as indicated above. (OUT SIDE CIC) 4. AIR LEAKAGE FROM ABB / VCB CHAMBER. Isolate both MR coach end cocks of the particular coach. 9. MR METALLIC PIPE BROKEN OR SUPPLEMENTARY RESERVOIR DRAIN COCK WORKED OUT IN TRAILER COACH. Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman 1. 3. AIR LEAKAGE FROM SWITCH GROUP-1.  (26) Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman Guard will not be able to sound horn. AIR LEAKAGE FROM THE AIR SPRING SUSPENSION OR ITS ASSOCIATED FITTINGS(METALLIC AND RUBBER PIPE LINE) Detect the air leakage and try to arrest the leakage by isolating individual bogie air spring suspension COC (ASBIC). . at particular unit to get traction. 8. 5. If leakage is from any particular unit then isolate EPIC of that particular unit. Motors. 4. Keep TSS in "TEST" and isolate all 4TMs and work the train normally with other units. MR reservoir or in the pipe line. inter cooler or after cooler. 9. isolate all Tr. Isolate control reservoir cut out cock. If there is a continuous air leakage from EP unit/units during the EP application then put "OFF" EP switch and work the train with Auto brakes.otherwise isolate the Main MR supply isolating cock for air spring suspension (ASIC) and work the train at a speed not exceeding 60 Kmph Upto the destination. Note: If MR pressure is not available in M/Coach release PB manually. CONTINUOUS AIR LEAKAGE FROM EP UNIT/UNITS. safety valve. Isolate CIC and stop working of MCP as per procedure mentioned against item 3 above. 7. SWITCH GROUP-2 OR TAP CHANGER. by pass PB Gov. AIR LEAKAGE IN THE AREA FROM MAIN COMPRESSOR TO CIC IN M / COACH (INSIDE CIC) There may be air leakage from air dryer. AIR LEAKAGE FROM ABB / VCB CHAMBER. 6. Close the Air Dryer isolating cocks (Two cocks) and open the Air Dryer by pass cocks (One cock). HEAVY AIR LEAKAGE FROM AIR DRYER. Isolate the cut out cock provided before the ABB/VCB reservoir pipe line. resume traction and work the train with other good units. AIR LEAKAGE FROM BRAKE CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY. Auto brake should be available in minimum four coaches. 2) Please follow the guide lines exists in the RDSO's letter no : MC/EMU/AVB dtd. otherwise work the train as per GR 4.  (27) B. 5. 4. i) Isolate BP coach end cocks on both sides of the affected coach. 3. BP RUBBER PIPE BURSTS. ii) Isolate EPIC. BP METALLIC PIPE BROKEN IN TRAILER COACH. 23/24. 2. ii) First charge BP from the non driving cab. BP METALLIC PIPE BROKEN IN MOTOR COACH. .2004(at the TSD page no. then on the driving cab and resume traction. BP RUBBER PIPE BURST i) Isolate BP coach end cocks at both end of BP rubber pipe. which states that• During the day's service if the number of effective brake cylinders goes below 90% but above 85% the service may be continued at a restricted speed of 75 kmph. EP brake will be effective in all the coaches but Auto brake or Emergency brake will be effective up to the point where BP coach end cock is isolated. 2.21. Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman 1. BP PRESSURE DROPS 1. Note:1) For normal driving.08. Then isolate both BICs. BP METALLIC PIPE BROKEN IN TRAILER COACH. 46). AIR LEAKAGE FROM DEADMAN ASSEMBLY OR ITS DISCHARGING VALVE. • If the number of effective brake cylinder goes below 85% the motor man should operate at the restricted speed of 70 kmph or which he feels is safe and the rake should be withdrawn from service after the completion of the service.ICA and release brake cylinder pressure through release valve properly and check physically that brake blocks are released . . ICA and release brake cylinder pressure through release valve properly and check physically brakes are released then isolate both BICs. otherwise work the train as per GR 4.21 to clear block section only as Guard will not get “emergency brake” in leading cab as BP pressure will not be available. 2) Please follow the guide lines exists in the RDSO's letter no : MC / EMU / AVB dtd. otherwise work the train as per GR 4. Note:1) For normal driving. BP METALLIC PIPE BROKEN IN MOTOR COACH In case of Leading Motor Coach:i) Isolate BP coach end cock in rear of driving M/coach.21. ii) Isolate EPIC . In Middle Motor Coach:i) Isolate both side BP coach end cock. 23/24.21. and inform Car shed. iii) First charge BP from the non driving cab. EP brake will be effective in all coaches except the isolated coach and Auto/Emergency brake will be effective up to the point where BP coach end cock is isolated. then on the driving cab and resume traction.2004 (at the TSD page no 46). ii) Isolate EPIC. iv) Work as per GR 4. then on the driving cab and resume traction. Auto brake should be available in minimum four coaches. EP brake will be effective in all the coaches except the isolated coach and Auto brake or Emergency brake will be effective up to the point where BP coach end cock is isolated. Note:1) For normal driving. iii) By pass Control Gov.ICA . Auto brake should be available in minimum four coaches.release brake cylinder pressure through release valve properly.08. 3. check physically brakes are released then isolate both BICs.  (28) Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman iii) First charge BP from the non driving cab. In case of Trailing Motor Coach : Do the same trouble shooting as above but normal driving from leading cab will be available.  (29) Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman 2) Please follow the guide lines exists in the RDSO's letter no : MC/EMU/AVB dtd. ICA and release brake cylinder pressure properly through release valve. Train examiner or some other person conversant with the operation of the brakes in emergency should travel with the Motorman . iii) Ensure BI valve is in isolated position in rear cab.InformCarshedaccordingly. iv) By pass Control Gov.2004(at the TSD page no 46). as BP pressure will not be available for Guard's emergency brake. ICA and release brake cylinder pressure properly through the release valve.08. AIR LEAKAGE FROM DEADMAN ASSEMBLY OR ITS DISCHARGING VALVE. and inform Car shed. Isolate dead man cock. iii) By – pass Control Gov. – Normal drive up to destination. iv) If still leakage & BP pressure is not maintaining then isolate BP coach end cock . Isolate EPIC . bypass Control Governorandworkasper GR 4.21 to clear block section as GD will not get emergencybrake. ii) Isolate EPIC. In the event dead man's device becoming defective when a rake is in service. 4. iv) Work with normal driving to clear the block section only as Guard will not get “emergency brake”. 23/24. In case of Trailing Motor Coach:i) Isolate BP coach end cock. Clear Block Section. AIR LEAKAGE FROM BRAKE CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY (MR AND BP NOT MAINTAINING) 5. check physically the brakes are released and then isolate both BICs. isolate both BICs. In case of Leading Motor Coach : i) Apply emergency brake quickly 2/3 times. ii) Operate BI key 2/3 times. it should be either promptly withdrawn from service or a Guard.   (30) NOTES . AIR LEAKAGE FROM EP UNIT. Work the train ignoring BC gauge pressure in the driving cab. then trouble shoot according to page no. 3. conclude “brake binding” on train. If still pulling heavy: Put off EP switch and resume traction. 25. Trouble shoot for brake binding. a) Brake binding in all coaches:Motorman should verify MR/BP pressure from the leading and trailing motor coaches. 5. EP BRAKES APPLIED BUT DO NOT GET RELEASED. If unsuccessful. BRAKE BINDING 1. Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman 1) ALL INDICATION LAMPS NORMAL BUT TRAIN IS PULLING HEAVY. If unsuccessful normal both BICs.  (31) C. then release BC pressure through release chain. 2) PNEUMATIC AND MECHANICAL BRAKE BINDING. Step – 3 : Isolate EPIC. then isolate both BIC and work the train. if less. 27 respectively. Step – 4 : Isolate ICA. Apply and release emergency brake 2/3 times and resume traction. PARKING BRAKE NOT RELEASING IN MOTOR COACH. Physically check brakes are released then isolate both BICs and work the train. Check physically the brakes are released. b) Brake binding in a particular coach:If there is a brake binding in a particular coach( Motor coach or trailer coach) then follow the following steps:Step – 1 : Take precautions to avoid rolling down. 2. Release full BC pressure or till hissing sound stops – check physically – if released. . 4. Step – 2 : Isolate both BICs. normal both BIC. If still pulling heavy. Observe the BC pressure vented through the vent holes of BICs. ALL INDICATION LAMPS NORMAL BUT TRAIN IS PULLING HEAVY PNEUMATIC AND MECHANICAL BRAKE BINDING. iii) If only driving M/coach or any T/coach brakes are not released. in a particular wheel or wheels by the procedure mentioned above – adjust the hole of brake pull rod / tie rod. place the rake in a suitable place for trouble shooting and take necessary precautions to avoid rolling down as per rule. i) Put 'off' EP switch – If released.1. 5 & 7. this may be due to parking brake is not released refer miscellaneous failure Page no 39. . If unsuccessful. If there is a brake binding on wheel No. 3) AIR LEAKAGE FROM EP UNIT AFTER PUTTING EP SWITCH “OFF”. EP and Auto brakes will be available in all coaches except the isolated coach. PARKING BRAKE IS NOT RELEASING IN MOTOR COACH. Then do the trouble shooting as per item No-2 above (Brake Binding). ICA and release brake cylinder pressure through release valve properly. check physically brake blocks are released. If leakage arrested drive the train normally. c) Mechanical brake binding:If brake binding are not released. and then isolate both BICs. then Isolate EPIC. EP BRAKES APPLIED BUT DO NOT GET RELEASED. First isolate EPIC.  (32) Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman Note :.Before going to attend the brake binding. 3. 4. item no 16. ii) If not released – Apply and release emergency brake few times. work with Auto Brake. 5. PARKING BRAKE NOT RELEASING. 39 17. EP SUPPLY GREEN LAMP NOT GLOWING 39 15. SMOKE EMISSION FROM ABR COIL OR ABR NOT HOLDING. COMPRESSOR (ACP) NOT WORKING 36 7. 35 3. 38 13. EP BRAKE POOR OR EP BRAKE NOT WORKING OR AIR LEAKAGE FROM EP UNITS OF ALL THE COACHES 39 16. TRACTION MOTOR PINION SEIZED 39             MISCELLANEOUS FAILURES . ALL NORMAL LIGHTS NOT GLOWING 37 11. PANTOGRAPH FAILS TO RAISE OR LOWER 36 5. HEAD LIGHT NOT GLOWING 37 9. AUXILIARY WHITE LIGHT GLOWS ALONE BUT UNITS RESPOND.       1.IV     MISCELLANEOUS FAILURES   PAGE NO. ALL FANS NOT WORKING 38 12. AUX. SMOKE EMISSION/FIRE FROM ELECTRICAL JUMPERS(INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE COACH) 38 14.  (33)   CHAPTER . MAIN COMPRESSOR(MCP) NOT WORKING 36 6. FLASHER LIGHT NOT GLOWING 37 10. AUXILIARY WHITE LIGHT GLOWS WITH MSWLAND UNITS RESPOND. SIGNAL BELL CODE NOT SOUNDING 37 8. 35 4. AUXILIARY WHITE LIGHT GLOWS WITH MSWL AND UNITS DO NOT RESPOND(NO TENSION ON LINE) 35 2.   .  (34) This page intentionally left blank. Check OHE . If there is frequent "No Tension" . Inform LC/Car shed to withdraw the rake & act accordingly. Check all the Pantographs.close ABB and resume traction and work the train. Work with other MCPs.reset and resume traction.protect & secure the train as per rule. In any case. Then proceed to the faulty M/coach and check for any abnormality. Take MP on shunt notch and ensure . Inform LC/Car shed for withdrawal of the rake for thorough checking of the affected M/Coach. Stop the train immediately. . Use Flasher light. If un successful . the pantograph of the affected M/coach should be isolated and also isolate all four traction Motors and keep TSS in 'TEST' position. Train. 3. If any flash or detonating sound from any one of the M/coachesImmediately trip ABB and lower the Pantograph inform TLC/KGP or CC/TPKR within five minutesSecure & protect the train as per rule. and OHE in front & rear from both side.energised. 2. Pantographs. Trains &Track from both side.energised and MCP is not working conclude Aux II circuit is de .MSWL is glowing and train does not move . If any of the Pantographs is broken or any defect in OHEisnoticed. If any of the pantographs is lowered Trip ABB and try to raise the pantographs.Protect & secure the train as per rule. AUXILIRY WHITE LIGHT GLOWS ALONE BUT UNITS RESPOND. AUXILIARY WHITE LIGHT GLOWS WITH MSWL AND UNITS DO NOT RESPOND(NO TENSION ON LINE) Stop the train immediately.conclude "No Tension" .observe for any flash or detonating sound from the roof of the M/Coaches. Switch OFF Flasher light. Track. if no abnormality noticed.work with other units. If LTR is de .  (35) Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman 1. AUXILIRY WHITE LIGHT GLOWS WITH MSWL AND UNITS RESPOND. Then raise the pantographs of other units and close ABB and resume traction and work the train (normal drive) up to the destination. If successful . Check the working of MCP If MCP is working Check LTR and its MCB If tripped . Inform LC/TPC /Car shed & act accordingly. comp. If unsuccessful raise pressure with other units to raise PT and close ABB. Compressor positive MCB. . iv) Raise or lower pantograph manually. 5. ii) Ensure ABB is tripped and ABB & Panto MCB in the driving cab is "ON".work with other compressors.Set CR by CR set switch on the driving desk. If melts again . Comp. Compressor contactor. if the Panto does not rise from the leading unit. If Aux. Fuse OK and check Aux.ensure i) ABR is latched.5 Kg/cm2. Note: while energising from dead condition.renew the same after taking safety measures. Compressor. MAIN COMPRESSOR (MCP) NOT WORKING On run . iii) Control MCB is 'ON If unsuccessful . Gov. If it is open . try to create pressure from rear unit. iii) Ensure MR/RS pressure is more than 6. Contactor MCB is 'ON' By -pass Aux. If still pressure is not building up then after stopping at the station or at the convenient place a) Check MCP contactor . b) If MCP contactor is closed Check MCP fuse If melts .By -pass MCP Governor. if MCP is working and pressure is rising then work the train. COMPRESSOR (ACP) NOT WORKING Check Aux. Comp. PANTOGRAPH FAILS TO RAISE OR LOWER i) Ensure pantograph is not damaged. Contactor is closed:Ensure Aux. ii) Synchronizing MCB is 'ON'. ii) Aux. And check the working of Aux. 6.  (36) Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman 4.If it is open ensure i) If CR is unlatched then latch manually if unsuccessful put MCP MCB 'OFF' in the driving desk and latch CR manually. raise PT and work the train. AUX. Comp. bright and dimmer switch two to three times and put "ON". If contactor is open .check light contactor.change the fused/damaged H/L bulb with new one after putting H/L MCB s and rotating switch "OFF". iii) Operate H/L switch. change the same with spare one. FLASHER LIGHT NOT GLOWING i) Check the BA voltage more then 90 volts. check the glass fuse on the F/L box if provided with a new one. Auto warning light or horn for bell code. Press and release "N/Light ON" switch. HEAD LIGHT NOT GLOWING i) Check the BA voltage more than 90 volts. v) If still unsuccessful. H/L DC -DC converter MCB two to three times and put it 'ON' and check Head light fuse(10Amps both +ve and ve). iv) If still unsuccessful. ALL NORMAL LIGHTS NOT GLOWING Ensure 004 is unlocked in Guard's cab.  (37) Probable defects/ observation /checking 7. 10. .If any of the fuse found melt. ii) Check the F/L MCB on the driving desk and operate it two to three times and put it "ON" iii) Operate the F/L switch two to three times and put it "ON".unlock 004 in leading Driving cab and press and release "N/Light ON" switch properly. ii) Operate H/L MCB . If still contactor is open Check light latch MCB in MCB panel. iv) Change the position of DC-DC converter change over switch. SIGNAL BELL CODE NOT SOUNDING Action to be taken by Motorman Ensure that the BA voltage is more than 90 volts and check signal bell MCB is at 'ON' ensure 004 key is unlocked properly. v) If still the H/L is not glowing . vi) If it is still not glowing contact with CC/TLC on duty. otherwise work with Intercom. If unsuccessful . change the position of the F/L filament selector toggle switch on the F/L box. 8. 9. vi) If still the Headlight is not glowing contact CC /TLC on duty . Make BIS "ON".Latch the contactor manually.unlock 004 in leading Driving cab. ALL FANS NOT WORKING Ensure 004 is unlocked properly in Guard's cab. Extinguish the fire.Make BIS "OFF" . If contactor is open . Disconnect jumpers from both side of the affected coach. If still fan contactor is open Check Fan latch MCB in MCB panel. uncouple "A" jumper next to Motor coach and trip off "ABB & Panto" MCB in the leading Driving Cab. 12.reset the same.reset the same. In this case Guard will have no communications with the Motorman. Work the train up to the destination by auto brake. Ensure fire is extinguished properly. Press and release "Fan ON" switch properly. If unsuccessful . SMOKE EMISSION/FIRE FROM ELECTRICAL JUMPERS(INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE COACH) Stop the train immediately. If unsuccessful . Trailing unit should be made dead. If contactor is closed and still fans are not working conclude fan circuit fuse is melted .make it dead and work the train as per GR 4.Work the train and inform LC/Car shed for Maintenance staff to attend. Trip ABB and lower Panto graphs . by applying fire extinguishers.21 to clear the block section only as bell code is not available. lower the pantographs. if any . If contactor is closed . Inform to CC/LC/SCR and act accordingly. 13. Unlatch ABR manually. If unsuccessful .conclude fuse is melted work the train with emergency light.  (38) Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman If MCB trips . Press and release "N/Light ON" switch. . raise pantograph and close ABB in leading unit. He will work with horn. If MCB trips . -Press and release "Fan ON" switch properly. Work the train as per GR 4.check fan contactor.Latch the contactor manually. Press and release "Fan ON" switch again. In case trouble in leading unit . 11.21 up to the destination with Auto brake. SMOKE EMISSION FROM ABR COIL OR ABB NOT HOLDING. b) "P/B applied" push button switch glows on the driving desk. EP SUPPLY GREEN LAMP NOT GLOWING Check : BA Voltage is more than 90V.P/B MCB. EP switch is 'ON' and BL is unlocked. BI key is properly charged. 16. If the temperature is high .  (39) Probable defects/ observation /checking Action to be taken by Motorman 14. Apply EP brake .In case of B jumper disconnected .P/B switch) if P/B electrical ckt. . TRACTION MOTOR PINION SEIZED Check P/B electrical circuit (BA voltage.check the temperature of the wheels.if working. EP MCB in 'ON'.call the guard and advise him to check whether wheels are rotating or not after taking MP to shunt notches. trip and close ABB. c) By pass the P/Brake Governor. To ensure BL key is properly unlocked. iii) If unsuccessful:a) Isolate P/Brake isolating cock. d) In MEMU " Parking brake application on" will remain glowing but in a new EMU rake it will extinguish and work the train.5&7 by means of release chain. If any pair of wheels fails to rotate conclude pinion/bearing seized. d) P/B gauge in the Driving Desk shows '0' Pressure. Is OK then:i) Detect the faulty M / Coach (P / B gauge will show'0') ii) In the faulty M/coach put the magnet valve 'BY PASS' cock in normal position if provided P/Brake application indication will extinguish andgaugewillshow5kg/cm2 thenworkthetrain. If brake binding is reported in a M/Coach but on checking found brake blocks are free from the wheels . conclude LED is fused. Note : In case of MEMU / M/Man will get reduction of Tractive effort instead of TLTE 17. PARKING BRAKE NOT RELEASING. magnet valve by pass cock should be made normal in MEMU rake rear M/coach. EP BRAKE POOR OR EP BRAKE NOT WORKING OR AIR LEAKAGE FROM EP UNITS OF ALL THE COACHES Put 'OFF' EP switch and work with Auto Brake. c) M/M will get TLTE with MSWL glowing. Inform CC/Car Shed to send maintenance staff.3. 15. b) Release manually P/Brake of wheel no 1. Note :. Indications:a) P/B pilot lamp glows on the driving desk. It is not required in New EMU rake provided with 'E' Jumper. BL.   (40) NOTES .   (41) BELL CODES Sl. No. CODE OF BELL SIGNAL 1. 0 Stop the train. 0 2. 0-0 Speed restriction Zone is over. 0-0 3. 00 Start the train. 00 4. 00 During run through a station. 00 5. 00 - 0 Proceed with caution while working as per GR 4.21(2)(a). 00 - 0   INDICATION         6. 00 - 00 Passing Automatic signal at "ON". 7. 000 Guard required by Motorman and vis - a - versa.   ACKNOWLEDGMENT   00 - 00 000   8. 000 - 0 To push back the train. 000 - 0 9. 000 - 000 Guard's warning to Motorman if EMU train exceeds the prescribed speed restriction of 15 KMPH after passing on Automatic signal at "ON". 000 - 000 10. 0000 Protect the train in rear. 0000 11. 0000 - 0000 Information to Motorman about Guard leaving the cab.   0000 - 0000   12. 00000 Brake tested and found alright. 00000 13. 00000 - 0 Brake tested and not found alright. 00000 - 0   (42) DRIVING AN ELECTRIC TRAIN WITH DEFECTIVE LEADING DRIVING APPARATUS GR 4.21 1. In the case of electric train, the Loco Pilot / Motorman shall be in the leading driving compartment when the train is in motion or when the train is standing on any running line except as otherwise prescribed in these rules. 2. (a) In the case of single or multiple unit train If the driving apparatus in the leading driving compartment becomes defective, the train shall be driven cautiously from the nearest driving compartment which is serviceable; in this event, the Guard shall travel in the leading driving compartment and shall convey the necessary signals to the Loco Pilot; the Guard shall sound the horn or whistle as necessary and apply the brake in case of emergency and shall be responsible for stopping the train correctly at signals, stations and obstructions. SR 4.21.01 a) In case of EMU trains, if the driving apparatus in the leading driving compartment becomes defective, the Motorman shall arrange to inform the fact to the Traction Loco Controller and the Deputy Chief Controller. c) In case of Single or Multiple Unit trains, the Motorman shall also inform TPKR Car shed. The Train shall be moved in the manner prescribed in General Rule 4.21. (2) (a) at a speed not exceeding 40 Kmph. After detraining the passenger, at the destination or other station, according to the instruction received, the train shall be taken to the nearest siding for examination.   (43) TECHNICAL DETAILS GAUGES IN THE CAB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Brake cylinder gauge. Duplex MR and Equalising reservoir gauge. Traction Motor Ammeter ( for TM1 &TM3). Battery Volt Meter (UBA). OHE Voltmeter. Brake Pipe Gauge. Parking Brake Gauge. SETTING OF VALVES AND EQUIPMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. MR safety valve - 7.75 Kg/cm2 Inter cooler safety valve - 3.50 Kg/cm2 MCP Governor - 6.00 Kg/cm2 to 7.00 Kg/cm2 ACP Governor - 5.7 Kg/cm2 to 6.7 Kg/cm2 ABB Governor - 4.60 Kg/cm2 to 5.60 Kg/cm2 Equipment Governor - 3.2 Kg/cm2 to 4.2 Kg/cm2 Control Governor - 3.2 Kg/cm2 to 4.2 Kg/cm2 PB Governor - 3.5 Kg/cm2 to 5 Kg/cm2 /Sec 400 774 1148 20 .32T 1 hr.6 Km/Hr.  (44) GENERAL DATA OF THE EMU AND MEMU S/ No. Feb’03 & for EMU T/C EMU -2/A -9-0-501 and EMU -2/D -9-0503. Cont. 1994 & Manufacturer’s maintenance manual.0 -- 952 857 877 865 1hr. Jan’01   ACTM Volume -III. HCC Gear ratio Train performance per unit rating Horse power Tractive effort (T) Traction motor rating: Type Output (KW) RPM 16 17 KVA rating of transformer Normal acceleration to 40 Kmph Level track. Unit formation Train formation No.0 20. BHEL Maintenance Manual no. Description Type of Stock   2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Coach Builder Manufacturer of Traction equipments including Tr. Motor.32 -- 952 857 865 20:91 Cont. Wheel Diameter (Condemning) mm. 535 465 227 1120 Reference 1hr. 563 455 228 1135 ACTM Volume -III. of pass. MM/AC M/EMU/003. 535 340 167 1260 Volts (V) Current (A) EMU M/C T/C AC BG EMU WAU4 ICF & BEML -- Cont. CLR set at 500 Amps. RDSO manual no. 896 4. of Driving Cabs Type of Traction Wheel arrangement Brake system Axle Load capacity in Tonnes i) Conventional EMU/MEMU ii) HCC Wheel Diameter (New) mm.8 -20:91 4303BY (BHEL) 13. 563 415 210 1170                   RDSO specification no.32 877 13.8 1004 5. 18 No. 1994 . Transformer etc. CMI -K001 (Apr’2000) ACTM Volume -III.32 20. 535 535 380 425 187 207 1182 1170 1000 1. 1994 C1005 TM (CGL) 1hr. K3 -B-01./unit - MEMU M/C T/C AC BG MEMU BHEL & CGL BHEL DMC+TC+TC 3/4 units DMC+TC+TC+TC 2 units Normal Crush Dense crush ICF & RCF 2 2 25 KV AC 25 KV AC Bo-Bo Bo-Bo Self lapping electro pneumatic brake system 20. 4601AZ/BZ/BX/BY 4303AZ/CZ Cont. No. No.5T 112 (C type) 88 (D type) MEMU MC TC 61 T 33. (iii) MEMU/TC -9-0001. of Seats 98 Vendor Coach -- 21 Max. As measured. i) Drg. MEMU/TC 2 -9-0-201. EMU -2-6046. MEMU/DMC 2 -9-0201. No. MEMU/DMC -9-0012 68/81 (i) Drg. ---140 m (approx.) -Do- .3T TC C-30.) 162 m (approx. (ii) MEMU/DMC 2 -9-0201. (v) EMU -2/D -90-503 i) Drg.5T D-31.do -- No. MEMU/DMC 2 -9-0201.  (45) EMU 19 Tare weight MC 59. ii) EMU/M -9-0006. No. (iv) EMU -2/A -9-0501.638m. length of the body 20726 mm 21567 21337 mm mm 23 24 Max. height above rail to top of roof 3810 mm 3886 mm 22 Max. No.15T For MEMU (M/C) Drg.616m. -177. 80/108 i) Drg. MEMU/DMC 2 -9-0201 ii)EMU/M -9-0-006 i) EMU/M -9-0-006 ii)EMU -2/A -9-0-501 iii)MEMU/DMC 2 -9-0201 iv)MEMU/TC -9-0001 -.) -- No Vendor -0 188 (for air spring coaches) 194. height above rail level to the lowest fitting on under frame under tare 210+5 mm 210+5 mm 20 28 29 Length of 9 car rake Length of 8 car rake Length of 12 car rake Distance between front & rear pantographs: 12 car rake 9 car rake 8 car rake -- -0 226. 258m. width of the body Floor height from rail level 3658 mm 1197mm 3245 mm 1278mm 26 Height of coach (rail level to panto at home) 4398mm 4255mm 27 Min.5 m (approx.12m 172. ii) EMU/M -9-0006. i) Drg. No. ii) Drg. DMU/ DPC3-2-6-301. No. of permissible ineffective brake cylinders for other formations like 8 car. of ineffective brake cylinders 4 8 12 No. RDSO letter no SV.2004 : •Rakes leave car shed should have 95% effective brake cylinder. 12 car etc. Speed restriction on EMU and MEMU in deflated condition of air suspension system (Ref. of ineffective brake cylinders 2 4 6 For 9 -car rake with HCC bogie no.  (46) SOME IMPORTANT GUIDELINES OF RDSO 1.AS. 23/24. • If the number of effective brake cylinder goes below 85% the motor man should operate at the restricted speed of 70 kmph or which he feels is safe and the rake should be withdrawn from service after the completion of the service. Brake power 95% 90% 85% For 9 -car rake with non -HCC bogie no. MC/EMU/AVB dtd.EMU. Permissible brake power in EMU stock as per RDSO's letter no. • During the day's service if the number of effective brake cylinders goes below 90% but above 85% the service may be continued at a restricted speed of 75 kmph.08. •Rakes leave night stabling points should have 90% effective brake cylinders.2008) : May be operated upto a maximum speed of 60 kmph up to the terminal point for maintenance. 04.04.RAS dtd. Permissible no. 2. may be determined accordingly. of ineffective brake cylinders as per the above conditions. . Ensure that MCS 1&2 are in normal position.Ensure that HEFRAII.In trailing Motor coach. Energization of 110 V DC Circuit: . .  (47) COMPLETE PREPARATION OF EMU/MEMU Motorman will carry the following: i) Reverser key ii) BI key iii) BL key iv) 004 (Guard's key) v) Detonator box containing 10 nos. . .Drain out control reservoir.Ensure that oil level in conservator tank is above 15 mark. . .When ACP stops at 6.Study the Log books after entering into leading driving Motor Coach. Panto reservoir. . Kg/cm . 0 . ensure that Deadman's isolating cock is in open position.Check that rake is under OHE. of detonators.Close BIS and check that UBA shows more than 90V. do visual examination of various equipments including brake riggings and brake blocks etc.Ensure that Panto air supply cut out cock is in open position.Ensure brake controller and Guard's emergency brake are in release position.Ensure that the Dead man's isolating cock is in open position. . compressor starts.Ensure that Brake Controller handle and Guard's emergency handle are in release position. After that.Press and release 'ABB close' switch ( Start Aux. . .Ensure all MCBs are in 'ON' position and all fuses are intact and normal. . .Unlock BL and check ABB red lamp glows. .7 Kg/cm2.Press and release ABB trip switch. .Ensure that MR &BP isolating cocks at the extreme ends of the rake are in closed position.While proceeding to rear Motor coach.CBAR. TSS is on run position and battery control change over switch is on Normal position.5 2. press and release ABB close switch and ensure that ABB closes.Press and release Panto raising switch and ensure Pantograph is touching with contact wire.Press and release ABB close switch and ensure that Aux. .Close BIS and check that UBA shows more than 90V. . .Press and release 'MCP set switch' and ensure that MCP is working and MR pressure increases.Check that the relay targets TTR.Unlock 'BL' and check ABB red lamp. . . . .HOBA and HEFR(P) are in Normal(N) position and all Governors bypass switches are in 'off' position. Take all keys and proceed to the trailing driving Motor coach.Ensure that all electrical jumpers are properly coupled and all coach end cut out cocks are in open position. . relays and MCBs.EFR and OLP show 'set' indication but RFAR shows 'Trip' indication.Check all the switches. . compressor if pressure is less than 6.BIR. . . 6 Kg/cm2. B. ii) Check that BP pressure drops to '0' and Br. move brake controller handle between 3&4 position and ensure that brake cylinder pressure increases correspondingly and BP pressure starts dropping.Switch 'ON' Parking Brake switch& ensure PB lamp indication is extinguished and PB 2 2 pressure gauge is showing 3.0 Kg/cm2. PB 'ON' indication glows in the driving desk( both pilot lamp and push button switch)and PB gauge shows '0'.AUTO BRAKE i) Keep EP switch 'off' . ii) Move the brake controller handle to position 2 and check that the brake cylinder pressure 2 is 1. C – EMERGENCY BRAKE i) Move brake controller handle to Emergency position and ensure that BP pressure drops to '0' and Br. ii) Switch 'OFF' the PB switch.5 Kg/cm . Cylinder pressure raises to 1.5 Kg/cm2 to 5 Kg/cm .0 Kg/cm2 and brake cylinder pressure comes to '0'. . operate BI key to charge BP .  (48) . F – PARKING BRAKE TEST IN MEMU/EMU MOTOR COACH (638 AND ONWARDS) i) Put the brake control handle on “Release” position.When pressure builds up. Cylinder pressure comes to '0'. Cylinder pressure raises to 1. Cylinder pressure raises to 1.5 Kg/cm to 5 Kg/cm .Press the Deadman's handle and ensure that BP pressure raises to 5 Kg/cm2 and Br.When MR pressure builds up more than 6. trip ABB raise Panto & close ABB then start Main compressor. D – DEADMAN'S DEVICE i) Press Deadman's handle and throw reverser in Forward/Reverse position and release the Deadman's handle. ii) Move brake controller handle to position 1 and ensure that BP charges to 5 Kg/cm2 and Br. Ensure BP pressure increases to 5. .5&7. Cylinder pressure comes back to '0'. BC gauge shows '0'(Apply skid to avoid rolling down).6 Kg/cm2. iii) Check physically the brake application in the wheel no :-1.Switch 'ON' EP control switch and ensure that EP supply lamp is glowing.0 Kg/cm2.6 Kg/cm2. . . ii) Release Guard's emergency brake and ensure that BP pressure rises to 5 Kg/cm2 and Br. iv) Put the PB switch 'ON' – PB 'ON' indication extinguish in the driving desk( both pilot lamp 2 and push button switch)and PB gauge shows 3. BRAKE TEST A – EP BRAKE i) Move the brake controller handle between 1&2 positions in steps and check that the brake cylinder pressure increases correspondingly. E – GUARD'S EMERGENCY BRAKE i) Apply Guard's emergency brake and ensure that BP pressure drops to '0' and Br.3. Cylinder pressure comes back to '0'. ii) Move brake controller handle back to position 1 and ensure BP starts charging to 5.3.5&7. iii) Bring back brake controller handle to position 1and ensure that brake cylinder pressure comes to '0'.Then check physically the brakes release in the wheel no 1. Do Brake Test and Traction Test and check all the items as checked in the trailing cab. MSWL glows but immediately extinguishes and train moves. close EP control switch and keep control switch 'ON' and ensure EP supply lamp is glowing.6 Kg/cm2.Unlock BL. .Check the glowing of Tail lights.e converter . . press Deadman handle. . . throw the reverser to 'forward' direction. & Dr's ID in the ESMON type speedometer. Charge BP and ensure that BP pressure rises tp 5. .e. iv) Move MP to 'off' position and stop the train. . Pressure comes to '0'. . . . Cylinder pressure rises to 1.Change the destination board and train number as required.PB& control switch. Press and release Fan and Light 'ON' switches and ensure that they are working.Check Head/Tail lights. iii) Ensure MSWL flickers i. .Move brake controller handle to Emergency position operate BI key 'OFF' position and take out BI key. head code and flasher light.Ensure that Two Fire Extinguishers are provided in each cab and they are in charged and sealed condition. v) Throw the reverser to reverse direction and repeat test. Now the rake is ready to leave the shed.Cyl.Ensure that the signal bell is in working order. . ensure that Auto warning lamp glows in either cab. No. Head code and Flasher lights .Unlock Guard's control switch(004) and ensure its pilot lamp is glowing.While going to leading cab check visually the mechanical parts on the other side of the rake.Proceed to leading cab. Enter the Tr. move MP to shunt position and observe MSWL.1as well as of converter – 2. No. Ensure that brakes are properly released. . Ensure BP pressure dropped to some extent and Br. .Ensure ABB trip/close test and pantograph lower/rise test. .Check the glowing of Headlight by both position of DC – DC converter i.Change the destination board and train numbers as required & enter the Tr. & DR's ID in the ESMON type speedometer. . ii) Close EP .On arrival at leading cab ensure that BP& BC pressure is same as in the trailing cab.0 Kg/cm2 and Br.  (49) TRACTION TEST i) Ensure that Hand brake/Parking Brake is properly released. Test tripping and closing of ABB. put all the keys in proper places and ensure that BP pressure is dropped equal to that of the other cab and brake cylinder pressure is not '0'. & Dr's ID in ESMON type speedometer.T. . Check head light and flasher light. working of signal bell and Auto warning light. .Switch off EP. PB and control switch.Unlock BL.Operate BI key to 'off' position.Switch 'off' head light and switch 'on' Tail lamp/Tail board during night/day time. .Apply emergency brake and check that the brake cylinder pressure rises and BP pressure drops.On arrival at the other end. . compartment doors are properly locked. In the cab.Charge BP and ensure BP pressure raises up to 5 Kg/cm2 and brake cylinder pressure drops to '0'. Functioning of EP/Auto brake. working of deadman's device. put control.While proceeding to other cab check electrical jumpers and pantographs visually and ensure that M/coach H. ensure Tail light/tail board is kept 'off'. Change the destination board and train number as required.  (50) HOW TO CHANGE THE CAB After stopping the train:. PB and EP switch 'ON' and ensure EP supply light is glowing and PB application light extinguished. .Place the reverser key in neutral position. . . Ensure that fire extinguishers in the cabs are duly tested and sealed. . take out BI key. Enter the Tr.Check the correct display of the destination board and train number. No &Dr's ID in the ESMON type speedometer. No. . Put the Brake controller handle in release position and lock BL. . Enter the Tr. c) Destroy the Brake Pipe pressure. b) Trip the main circuit breakers and drop the pantographs.  (51) HOW TO STABLE EMU/MEMU RAKE AT STABLING YARD (ACTM vol. When stabling an EMU train in the Car Shed or on a stabling line. d) Apply the hand brakes/Parking brake fully. the Motorman/ LP (S) should invariably be at the leading driving cab. Backing an EMU rake to a siding with the Motorman/ LP (S) at the rear cab is strictly forbidden. the Motorman before going off duty should convey to the supervisor. f) Lock the equipment compartments and driving cabs. isolate the brake controller and return brake controller to the “release” position.charge of the Car Shed or stabling line (or to the TLC) any defects or abnormalities noticed during the previous trips requiring immediate attention. 2) When the rake is to be stabled. the Motorman or LP (S) who has taken over the rake will carry out the following essential operations:a) Switch off the lights and fans. . e) Put off the main battery switch in the motor coaches. III Para no.in. 3) After stabling an EMU train or handing it over to the LP (S) . g) Any other operations prescribed under local instructions. 30713) 1.   (52) NOTES .   (53) ADDENDUM & CORRIGENDUM .   (54) ADDENDUM & CORRIGENDUM . Pneumatic Circuits for reference 62 3. Different COCs 66 4. 1.  (55) CONTENTS PART – 2 Page Nos. Electrical Circuits for reference a) Power Circuits 56 b) Control Circuits 58 2. 67 & 69 . OHE & Pantograph Parts & Photographs of important equipments. ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS FOR REFERENCE a)Power Circuits .  (56) 1.   (57) AUXILIARY -I CIRCUIT AUXILIARY -II CIRCUIT . PANTO & ABB CONTROL CIRCUIT.  (58) CONTROL CIRCUITS COMBINED AUX.COMPRESSOR . .   (59) CONTROL CIRCUIT OF MP. REVERSER. MOTOR CONTACTOR. OVER LOAD RELAY & MSWL Master controller .   (60) SR CONTROL CIRCUIT LAMP INDICATION CIRCUIT .   (61) UNIT FAULT LAMP CIRCUIT MODIFIED UNIT FAULT LAMP CIRCUIT . PNEUMATIC CIRCUITS FOR REFERENCE MR/BP PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION IN EMU/MEMU PNEUMATIC CIRCUIT OF EP BRAKE .  (62) 2.   (63) PARKING BRAKES SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF EP/PARKING BRAKE IN MOTOR COACH – EMU/MEMU. MODIFIED PARKING ARRANGMENT PARKING BRAKE ARRANGEMENT IN AIR SUSPENSION RAKE .   (64) PARKING BRAKE IN EMU AND MEMU This system of brake is provided in all the MEMU motor coaches and EMU motor coaches provided with air spring in secondary suspension. Parking brake is applied while the rake is stabled and thus to prevent rolling. Hence parking brake is a substitute of hand brake. Four numbers of parking brake cylinders have been provided in each motor coach adjacent to wheel number 1, 3, 5 and 7. These cylinders are mechanically coupled with existing brake cylinders' piston through lever arrangement. Function of parking brake cylinder is just opposite to the normal brake cylinder. When the air pressure is applied to parking brake cylinder, the brake gets released and when there is no pressure in the parking brake cylinder the brake is applied by the spring action. The spring is provided inside the parking brake cylinder. Working of the cylinder is being controlled by a magnet valve provided in MR pipe line and is located in driving cab. The magnet valve is energized through a switch in BL box in driving cab. During running condition the switch will remain in 'ON' position and thus air will be supplied to the parking brake cylinder through a limiting valve (known as parking brake limiting valve set at 5 2 kg/cm and is provided in driving cab) and parking brake will be in released condition. In stable condition, the parking brake switch is to be put 'off' and thus brake will be applied. A governor is provided on parking brake cylinder line. This governor has two interlocks-one N/O contact connected in motor contactor control circuit and one N/C contact provided for indication of parking brake application in driver's LED indication panel. When parking brake is applied, there is no air in the parking brake cylinder. Then N/O contact of the governor will be opened causing non-closing of motor contactor and at the same time parking brake application indication will glow through its N/C interlock. During release of parking brake air will be available in parking brake cylinder line. This will cause closing of N/O contact resulting in closing of motor contactor and opening of N/C contact to extinguish the parking brake application indication. A bypass switch is connected in parallel with parking brake governor, so that in case of non-functioning of governor, the switch is to be put 'ON' to bypass the governor. A manual release device (release handle) is provided in the system to uncouple the parking brake manually if required. A bypass isolating cock is provided in parallel to parking brake magnet valve and is normally kept isolated. In case of failure of magnet valve, this cock is to be made normal to supply air to the parking brake cylinder bypassing the magnet valve. During shunting work in dead condition of motor coach, it is required to release the parking brake. So the release handle is to be operated to uncouple the parking brake lever which is coupled with the brake cylinder piston. Conditions warranting for mechanical release of Parking Brake. 1. Parking brake not released by putting PB switch in 'on' position due to any electrical fault or defect in magnet valve. 2. Non-availability of MR pressure. 3. Disconnection of 'A' or 'B' jumper in MEMU and 'E” jumper in EMU motor coaches provided with air spring in secondary suspension (parking brake in rear M/C to be released manually). 4. For movement of loose M/C in dead condition. 5. Any mechanical fault in the system.   (65) Instructions for Motormen for mechanical release of parking brake on line due to any of the reasons mentioned above. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Provide skid, release EP & Auto brake. Keep the parking brake switch 'on' in BL box. Ensure parking brake MCB in driving desk is 'on'. Isolate parking brake isolating cock in affected M/C. Manually release the parking brake on wheel no. 1,3,5,7 in affected M/C & ensure brake blocks are released from wheels. 6. Put the parking brake governor bypass switch 'on' in affected M/C. Note: In case of manual release of parking brake, 'parking brake on' LED indication in driver's desk will remain glowing. Improved version of Parking brake In improved version (modified arrangement) of parking brake system, if there is a pressure drop in MR, PB system will not be affected as there is a 3/2 way selector valve & this valve will not allow the PB cylinder to exhaust until PB application valve is operated. Also there is a 9 ltr. capacity auxiliary reservoir which will keep the PB released in case of MR pressure drop. In case this air reservoir also gets exhausted then only PB are to be released manually by manual release mechanism. In modified system electrical failure will not cause PB application or release because unlike earlier the present magnet valves used are energize to apply & energize to release (two separate 3/2 way magnet valves are provided). In modified arrangement air will always be in PB system for keeping the PB in released condition. But if this air also leaks out then manual release mechanism has to be operated. This will happen in case of extreme emergency only. A current pulse has to be given to the release magnet valve, which will shift the spool in the selector valve so the air supply from MR is connected to the PB cylinder to release. Similarly for application of PB the application magnet valve is to be made energized. This will shift the spool in the selector valve so the air in PB cylinder will be connected to atmosphere through exhaust port & PB will be applied. The magnet valves are not always energized. There is an electrical signal in the driver's cab. Whenever there is a pressure drop in the PB system due to bursting of air pipe or any air leakage & PB gets applied this indication will glow in driver's desk. At the 2 same time there will be traction cut through the pressure switch (set at cut in 3Kg./cm & cut out 2 Kg./ 2 cm ) provided in PB circuit. A separate MCB is provided in PB circuit. In modified arrangement PB application is independent of power failure as it has energized to apply & energize to release type magnet valves. In case of disconnection of 'A' jumper PB is to be released manually in rear M/coaches. Mechanical arrangement is same as in earlier PB system. Quality of manual locking/ release mechanism has been improved.   (66) 3. DIFFERENT ISOLATING COCK The isolating cock are provided in the different areas of pneumatic pipe lines to facilitate the isolation of a particular circuit or equipment whenever required. When the handle of the isolating cock is parallel to the pipe line it indicates the cock is opened to air supply & when 0 the handle is at 90 , the cock is closed to air supply. Various isolating cock are: i) CIC – Compressor isolating cock to stop air supply from the main compressor. ii) BIC – Bogie isolating cock to stop air supply to the brake cylinder of a particular bogie. Each bogie is having an individual isolating cock. iii) EPIC – EP unit isolating cock to stop air supply to the EP unit of a particular coach. iv) ICA – Isolating cock for auto brake to isolate auto brake of a particular coach. v) MR Isolating Cock – Provided at both end of each coach for cut out MR pressure supply to a particular coach whenever required. vi) BP Isolating Cock – Provided at both end of each coach for cut out BP pressure supply to a particular coach whenever required. vii) Horn Isolating Cock – Provided in driving cab to stop air supply to the horn circuit. viii) Dead-man Isolating Cock - To stop air supply to the dead-man valve & is provided on BP pipe line below driving cab. ix) Isolating Cock for Control circuit - To stop air supply to the pneumatic control circuit of tap-changer and switch group & is provided in HT compartment. Generally this cock is known as control cock. x) Panto Isolating cock - To stop air supply to the Panto circuit. xi) Air dryer isolating cock – To stop air supply to the air dryer in case of air leakage/non- functioning of air dryer. There are three cock viz. 'A', 'B' & 'C'. In normal condition, cock 'A' & 'B' are to be kept open and cock 'C' will remain closed. In case of isolation of air dryer, cock 'C' is to be made open and cock 'A' & 'B' are to be made isolated. xii) Parking brake isolating cock with vent hole (located in driving cab/LT compartment where parking brake is provided) - To stop air supply to the parking brake and release the air from parking brake cylinder. Thus parking brake needs to be uncoupled mechanically when parking brake is isolated since parking brake gets applied when there is no air in the parking brake cylinder. In new EMU rakes parking brake isolating cock is provided in each bogie. xiii) Parking brake magnet valve by-pass cock (where parking brake is provided) Normally the cock will remain in isolated condition. In case of failure of parking brake magnet valve, the cock is to be made open so that MR pressure will directly go to the parking brake cylinder by-passing the magnet valve. The cock is located in LT compartment/driving cab. In modified parking brake arrangement, Rotex make magnet valve is provided which is having two push button, application & release. Therefore by-pass arrangement is not required in the coaches provided with modified parking brake arrangement. Following isolating cock are provided in newly supplied coaches provided with air spring: i) Air spring isolating cock (ASIC) – To stop air supply to the Air spring in entire coach. ii) Air Spring bogie isolating cock (ASBIC)- To stop air supply to the Air spring in each bogie.   (67) 4. OHE & PANTOGRAPH PARTS OHE PARTS .   (68) PANTOGRAPH PARTS .   (69) PHOTOS & LOCATION OF IMPORTANT EQUIPMENTS PANTOGRAPH ON ROOF EMU & MEMU BOGIE .   (70) SECONDARY SUSPENSION ARRANGEMENT WITH AIR SPRING .   (71) Parking Brake Cylinder Parking Brake Manual Releasing Chain for Parking Brake Manual Releasing Chain for uncoupling Parking Brake Cylinder PARKING BRAKE ARRANGEMENT . .  (72) This page intentionally left blank.
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