Troubleshooting VMM



Troubleshooting VMMTroubleshooting VMM How to Troubleshoot VMM..................................................................................................................... 4 Configuration Settings Checked by the VMMCA ................................................................................. 4 Configuration Settings Checked by the VMMCA ..................................................................................... 4 You can use the VMMCA to check the following pre-installation configuration settings: ................. 4 You can use the VMMCA to check the following post-installation configuration settings: ................ 5 Troubleshooting Setup Issues ................................................................................................................. 6 VMM Server Installation Fails with Error 205 .................................................................................... 6 Possible causes ................................................................................................................................ 6 Solutions .......................................................................................................................................... 6 VMM Server Installation Fails with Error 319 .................................................................................... 6 Possible causes ................................................................................................................................ 6 Solutions .......................................................................................................................................... 6 VMM Server Installation Fails with Error 2917 .................................................................................. 6 Possible causes ................................................................................................................................ 6 Solutions .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Re-installing VMM After Renaming the Computer Fails with Error 257 ............................................ 7 Possible causes ................................................................................................................................ 7 Solutions .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Remote SQL Server Installation Fails with Error 404 ......................................................................... 7 Possible causes ................................................................................................................................ 7 Solutions .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Cannot Uninstall the VMM Self-Service Portal .................................................................................. 7 Possible causes ................................................................................................................................ 7 Solutions .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Troubleshooting Host Cluster Issues in VMM ......................................................................................... 8 Unsupported Cluster Configuration status for a virtual machine ....................................................... 8 Possible causes ................................................................................................................................ 8 Solutions .......................................................................................................................................... 8 Troubleshooting Virtual Machine Issues ................................................................................................. 9 No Option to Use SAN Migration ...................................................................................................... 10 Possible cause (or causes) ............................................................................................................. 10 Solution (or solutions) ................................................................................................................... 10 Troubleshooting Virtual Machine Conversion Issues ............................................................................ 10 Communication Issues (Offline P2V) ................................................................................................. 10 Possible cause (or causes) ............................................................................................................. 10 Solution (or solutions) ................................................................................................................... 10 Volume Shadow Copy Service Issues (P2V) ....................................................................................... 10 Possible cause (or causes) ............................................................................................................. 10 How to Troubleshoot VMM / Configuration Settings Checked by the VMMCA Page 1 Troubleshooting VMM Solution (or solutions) ................................................................................................................... 10 Agent Issues (P2V) ............................................................................................................................. 11 Possible cause (or causes) ............................................................................................................. 11 Solution (or solutions) ................................................................................................................... 11 Patch or Driver Issues (P2V) .............................................................................................................. 11 Possible cause (or causes) ............................................................................................................. 11 Solution (or solutions) ................................................................................................................... 11 Less than 512 MB RAM (offline P2V only) ......................................................................................... 11 Possible cause (or causes) ............................................................................................................. 11 Solution (or solutions) ................................................................................................................... 11 Offline P2V......................................................................................................................................... 11 Possible cause (or causes) ............................................................................................................. 11 Solution (or solutions) ................................................................................................................... 11 Firewall Issues (P2V) .......................................................................................................................... 11 Possible cause (or causes) ............................................................................................................. 12 Solution (or solutions) ................................................................................................................... 12 BITS transfer fails (P2V) ..................................................................................................................... 12 Possible cause (or causes) ............................................................................................................. 12 Solution (or solutions) ................................................................................................................... 12 Error with a Host in Limited State (V2V) ........................................................................................... 12 Possible cause (or causes) ............................................................................................................. 12 Solution (or solutions) ................................................................................................................... 12 Missing Hosts (V2V) ........................................................................................................................... 12 Possible cause (or causes) ............................................................................................................. 12 Solution (or solutions) ................................................................................................................... 12 Communication Issues (V2V)............................................................................................................. 12 Possible cause (or causes) ............................................................................................................. 12 Solution (or solutions) ................................................................................................................... 13 Updates ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Possible cause (or causes) ............................................................................................................. 13 Solution (or solutions) ................................................................................................................... 13 Permissions Issues (V2V) ................................................................................................................... 13 Possible cause (or causes) ............................................................................................................. 13 Solution (or solutions) ................................................................................................................... 13 Unrecognized .vmx or .vmdk File Format (V2V)................................................................................ 13 Possible cause (or causes) ............................................................................................................. 13 Solution (or solutions) ................................................................................................................... 13 Operating System Issues ................................................................................................................... 13 How to Troubleshoot VMM / Configuration Settings Checked by the VMMCA Page 2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 117 Access denied when specifying the Operations Manager server for VMM ................................................................................. 14 Error Messages .....................................................................................................................................................................Troubleshooting VMM Possible cause (or causes) .................................................................................................................. 117 Solution..................................................................................................................... 118 Solution (or solutions) ............................................................................... 14 User Interface Error Messages .......... 116 Possible causes ............................................................... and Reporting Issues in VMM ............... 116 Configure Operations Manager Setup option is not completed successfully ..................................................................... 13 Solution (or solutions) .......................... 118 How to Troubleshoot VMM / Configuration Settings Checked by the VMMCA Page 3 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 116 Solutions ....... 42 Troubleshooting Operations Manager.................................................................................................................................................................................. PRO........................ 42 Error Messages ...... 118 Possible cause (or causes) .. 117 Troubleshooting VMM Cmdlet Issues .................... 14 VMM 2008 Error Codes ......... 118 The Add-Patch cmdlet does not run on a VMM 2008 server installed on a Windows Server 2008 computer ..................................................................... 14 Command-Line Interface Error Messages .............................................................................................................................................................................. 117 Possible causes .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... To download the Virtual Machine Manager 2008 and 2008 R2 Configuration Analyzer. The prospective VMM database is accessible. The processor speed is not less than the required minimum processor speed for the prospective VMM server. How to Troubleshoot VMM / Configuration Settings Checked by the VMMCA Page 4 . To download the VMMCA. You should use this version of the VMMCA with VMM 2008 and VMM 2008 R2 only. Configuration Settings Checked by the VMMCA Virtual Machine Manager 2008 and 2008 R2 Configuration Analyzer (VMMCA) is a diagnostic tool that you can use to evaluate important pre-installation or post-installation configuration settings for computers that either might serve or are serving Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) roles or other VMM functions. VMM Administrator Console. The available memory is not less than the required minimum amount for the prospective VMM server. You can use the VMMCA to check the following preinstallation configuration settings: • • • • • • • • The correct version of Windows Remote Management (WinRM) is installed on the prospective VMM server. and VMM Self-Service VMM How to Troubleshoot VMM This section provides information about tools and methodologies available to help you troubleshoot issues that you might experience with Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 or Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2. go to System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 and 2008 R2 Configuration Analyzer (http://go.0 is installed for the prospective VMM Administrator Console and VMM Self-Service Portal. VMM Administrator Console. and VMM Self-Service Portal. If a computer restart is required on the prospective VMM server. This topic describes all the configuration settings that you can check by using the VMMCA. The VMMCA is a very useful diagnostic tool for troubleshooting VMM issues. Internet Information Services (IIS) is enabled and properly configured on the prospective VMM Self-Service go to System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 and 2008 R2 Configuration Analyzer (http://go. Configuration Settings Checked by the VMMCA Virtual Machine Manager 2008 and 2008 R2 Configuration Analyzer (VMMCA) is a diagnostic tool that you can use to evaluate important pre-installation or post-installation configuration settings for computers that might serve or are serving Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) roles or other VMM functions. Windows PowerShell The domain functionality level appropriately set for the prospective VMM server. The virtualization software services are running on the specified hosts. The number of jobs on the VMM server is less than the recommended number. Recommended Windows Remote Management (WinRM) update 971244 is installed on the VMM server. The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) virtualization store is in a healthy state on the specified hosts. The specified Hyper-V hosts that are being managed by VMM 2008 R2 are running Windows Server 2008 SP2 or later. No mounted VHD exists on the specified hosts. Reporting is configured on the VMM server. The Windows Remote Management (WinRM) Service is running on the specified hosts. The host update interval exceeds the recommended interval on the VMM server. Computers are being monitored by System Center Operations Manager on the VMM server. Recommended Failover Cluster Management console updates 951308 and 958065 are installed on the specified clustered hosts. The virtual machine update interval exceeds the recommended interval on the VMM server. All removable writeable disks are initialized on the specified hosts. The virtual machine properties update interval is within the recommended range on the VMM server. The specified VMware VirtualCenter servers are in a healthy state.Troubleshooting VMM You can use the VMMCA to check the following postinstallation configuration settings: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Recommended VMM update 961983 is installed on the VMM server. Configuration Settings Checked by the VMMCA / You can use the VMMCA to check the following post-installation configuration settings: Page 5 . VMM can access the Admin$ share on the specified hosts. The VMM database is accessible. Recommended Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) updates 958124 and 954563 are installed on the specified hosts. Recommended Windows update 955805 is installed on the specified hosts. The number of hosts on the VMM server is less than the recommended number. The following recommended Hyper-V updates are installed on the specified hosts: • 952247 • 956697 • 957967 • 958184 • 959978 • 971677 Virtual Server R2 SP1 is installed on the specified hosts that are running Windows Server 2003. The number of hosts in a single host group on the VMM server is less than the recommended number. The required updates of Hyper-V (updates 950050 and 956589) and BITS (update 956774) are installed on the specified hosts. The correct version of Windows Remote Management (WinRM) is installed on the specified hosts. Highly available virtual machines are not in an unsupported cluster configuration state. The Volume Disk Snapshot:Volume Shadow Copy Service is running on the specified target computers for P2V conversion. An up-to-date version of the HP MPIO DSM driver is installed on the specified hosts. For causes 1 and 2. Ensure that disk quota management is not enabled for the drive where the database is being created.mdf and the log file is named VirtualManagerDB_log. Solutions 1. Solutions 1. VMM Server Installation Fails with Error 2917 Possible causes the VMM data file is named VirtualManagerDB. A default VMM database might already exist on this computer.NET to the 64-bit version of ASP. 2.NET is installed on a 64-bit computer.Troubleshooting VMM Troubleshooting Setup Issues This topic provides guidance for troubleshooting issues with installing Virtual Machine Manager 2008 (VMM) and VMM 2008 R2 components. 2. Ensure that the SQL Server name does not contain more than 15 characters.ldf. log in by using credentials that are on the same domain as the VMM server or with credentials on a domain that has a two-way trust relationship with the domain of the VMM server. 3. the VMM database files are located in the %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL. 2.1\MSSQL\Data folder.0 according to the instructions at http://go. VMM Server Installation Fails with Error 205 Possible causes 1. and then try the operation again. and then run Setup again. The credentials used to set up VMM do not belong to a domain with a two-way trust relationship with the domain of the VMM Solutions 1. The user name or password specified is not valid. Either delete the existing VMM database files and then run Setup again or run Setup again and use a unique name for the VMM database. VMM Server Installation Fails with Error 319 Possible causes 1. The SQL Server name that you entered has more than 15 characters. 2. By default. 2. By default. Switch from the 32-bit version of ASP. There are issues with either the Kerberos tickets or the Service Principal Name (SPN) for the computer. The 32-bit version of ASP.NET 2. Troubleshooting Setup Issues / VMM Server Installation Fails with Error 205 Page 6 . Disk quota management might be enabled and enforced. Troubleshooting VMM 2. 2. Then reset the SPN for the VMM server by using setspn.exe.exe If this does not work. such as 10:26> /interactive cmd. navigate to the following subkey: \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager Server\Settings\Sql.exe is available from http://go. use the command at. Caution This will result in the loss of the VMM database and all management and configuration information. Solutions Uninstall SQL Server and the full SQL Server instance from the make the computer a member of a workgroup instead of a domain. To start a local system process. In the Solutions To connect to the VMM database. Solutions Troubleshooting Setup Issues / Re-installing VMM After Renaming the Computer Fails with Error 257 Page 7 .exe with local system credentials. Right-click and then join the computer to the domain again.exe <time in the future. purge the Kerberos tickets by using kerbtray. Cannot Uninstall the VMM Self-Service Portal Possible causes You cannot uninstall the Self-Service Portal if Internet Information Server (IIS) is not enabled. For more information about the underlying issue. Remote SQL Server Installation Fails with Error 404 Possible causes You entered the remote SQL Server location as an IP address during Setup. and then reinstall VMM. and then change the Server= value data by deleting the IP address and replacing it with the computer name for the remote SQL Server. Re-installing VMM After Renaming the Computer Fails with Error 257 Possible causes SQL Server Setup fails if you rename the computer after uninstalling VMM and then try to reinstall VMM. For example: At. see http://go. you must manually modify the connection string using the following steps: 1.exe. restart the computer. available at http://go. For cause 3. click Modify. Often. On host clusters that VMM is managing. These additional resources typically are thirdparty resources that provide functionality such as replicating storage within a multi-site cluster. If the virtual machine has Unsupported Cluster Configuration status. Virtual Machine Configuration. a highly available virtual machine connected to such virtual network might lose connectivity when it is migrated or fails over to another cluster node. This issue was resolved in VMM 2008 R2. display the Hardware Configuration tab of the Virtual Machine Properties dialog box in the VMM Administrator Console. and Physical Disk resources. Virtual networks that have identical settings are referred to as common virtual networks. click Availability. • A VMware HAVM is connected to a port group that does not exist on all nodes of the host cluster. The most common causes of Unsupported Cluster Configuration status for an HAVM are: • The HAVM is on a non-Cluster Shared Volume (CSV) LUN that contains more than one virtual machine. as Troubleshooting Host Cluster Issues in VMM / Unsupported Cluster Configuration status for a virtual machine Page 8 . Virtual Machine Configuration. in the Advanced settings. an ISO image is attached to the HAVM. and then try uninstalling the VMM Self-Service Portal again. and Physical Disk resources.” enable IIS. the Details area displays the error that placed the virtual machine in that state. in Windows Server 2008.Troubleshooting VMM If you receive the error “World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC) is either not installed or disabled. and the LUN is not on a Cluster Shared Volume (CSV). • The resource group for a Hyper-V virtual machine in a failover cluster that was created in Windows Server 2008 contains resources in addition to the Virtual Machine. Please make sure that IIS is present on your computer. Unsupported Cluster Configuration status for a virtual machine Possible causes To view the reason why a highly available virtual machine has Unsupported Cluster Configuration status. Solutions The following are solutions to the most common issues that cause an Unsupported Cluster Configuration status for an HAVM: • If you have configured highly available virtual machines in Hyper-V to share the same LUN. the virtual machine resource group in a Windows Server 2008 failover cluster can only contain Virtual Machine. each port group must be configured on all VMware ESX Server hosts in the cluster. Then. If the virtual networks on all hosts in the host cluster do not have identical settings. • The virtual machine is using non-clustered storage. you must update the virtual machine configurations in Failover Cluster Manager (previously known. • In VMM 2008. Troubleshooting Host Cluster Issues in VMM This topic provides guidance for troubleshooting issues with configuring and managing host clusters to support highly available virtual machines (HAVMs) in Microsoft® System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 (VMM) and System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2. For Hyper-V virtual machines managed by VMM.iso. • One or more virtual network adapters on the HAVM are not connected to a common virtual network. the ISO image will be c:\windows\system32\vmguest. To find the common virtual networks for a host cluster. For a description of the updates. In VMM 2008. 2009 (http://go. Troubleshooting Virtual Machine Issues / Unsupported Cluster Configuration status for a virtual machine Page 9 . see How to Add or Modify Virtual Networks on a Host (http://go. Virtual Machine Configuration. view the Networks tab in the host cluster properties. remove the image by using Hyper-V Manager. Virtual networks that have identical settings are referred to as common virtual networks. install the System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 Update (KB961983) (http://go. to resolve the issue. use the Networking tab in host properties. check whether the highly available virtual machine has an ISO image attached (for example. When it identifies common virtual networks. Ensure that all virtual network adapters on the virtual machine are connected to common virtual networks. This restriction was removed in VMV 2008 R2. refresh the virtual machine by using the Repair and then click Ignore. If the HAVM is stored on system drive C: or any disk that is not clustered. To configure virtual networks on the hosts. For more information about configuring virtual • The host network adapters to which the virtual network is attached on each host in the cluster must have the same location. c:\windows\system32\vmguest. For a VMware HAVM.Troubleshooting VMM Failover Cluster Management) and Hyper-V so that each virtual machine resides on its own unshared LUN. Troubleshooting Virtual Machine Issues The topics in this section provide guidance for troubleshooting issues with virtual machines when you are using Virtual Machine Manager (VMM). Right-click the virtual machine. Description of the hotfix rollup package for System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008: April ensure that the port group to which the virtual machine is connected exists on all nodes of the host cluster. For a virtual network to be considered common by VMM and available to highly available virtual machines on a host cluster. • The virtual network must have the same tag on each host in the cluster. After you update the virtual network configurations on all nodes. click Repair. If an image is attached.iso). • • • • • If the unsupported cluster configuration is caused by a resource group for a Hyper-V virtual machine in a Windows Server 2008 failover cluster that includes resources other than the Virtual Machine. virtual networks are recognized as common virtual networks only if the cases of all letters in the network names match. in the VMM Administrator Console. and Physical Disk resources. ensure that all files and pass-through disks belonging to the virtual machine reside on clustered disks. see KB article refresh the cluster to ensure that each virtual network is detected as common. Then check the Networks tab in the host cluster properties to verify that the networks have been added to it. each virtual network in the host cluster must meet the following requirements: • The virtual network name must be identical on each host in the cluster. in Virtual Machines view of the VMM Administrator Console. If you are using VMM VMM 2008 R2 does not evaluate the case of the letters in the network names. and for VMM 2008 R2. Troubleshooting Virtual Machine Conversion Issues This topic provides guidance for troubleshooting issues during physical to virtual (P2V) and virtual to virtual (V2V) conversions in Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 and VMM 2008 R2. and copy the driver packages to the Driver Import folder in the VMM installation root: for VMM 2008. and the “SAN Explanation” indicates that there is more than one virtual machine on the same LUN.Troubleshooting VMM No Option to Use SAN Migration When you try to use SAN to migrate a virtual machine. Volume Shadow Copy Service Issues (P2V) Possible cause (or causes) The Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) fails to take a snapshot of the contents of the source computer's drives.log. Find out which drivers are required. Solution (or solutions) Deploy or create only one virtual machine per LUN. Solution (or solutions) Determine whether Windows PE has storage or network drivers by examining the following log files on the source computer while it is under Windows PE: x:\Windows\inf\setupapi. You can also check the scvmm_winpe_setupapi.log file on the boot volume of the source computer after it is rebooted to the original operating system from WinPE. Possible cause (or causes) In non-clustered cases. %SYSTEMDRIVE%:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008\Driver Import. Communication Issues (Offline P2V) Possible cause (or causes) In an offline P2V conversion. %SYSTEMDRIVE%:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2\Driver Import. confirm that the source computer meets the requirements described in P2V: Requirements for Physical Source Computers or V2V: Requirements for Virtual Machines. Before beginning a formal troubleshooting process. Solution (or solutions) Troubleshooting Virtual Machine Conversion Issues / No Option to Use SAN MigrationPage 10 . only the network option is available.log and x:\Windows\inf\setupapi. LUNs are migrated through masking that prevents simultaneous access to the same LUN by multiple Virtual Machine Manager cannot contact the source computer after it reboots into the Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE).app. Solution (or solutions) If the installation of the VMM agent on the source computer fails. view the VMM*. and extract the files by using the Add-Patch cmdlet. Firewall Issues (P2V) Troubleshooting Virtual Machine Conversion Issues / Agent Issues (P2V) Page 11 . Less than 512 MB RAM (offline P2V only) Possible cause (or causes) The source computer has less than 512 MB RAM. Windows XP. download the requested patch and driver files to the Patch Import directory on the VMM server (the default path is <C>:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008\Patch Import). Solution (or solutions) If a patch file or driver is missing. create a file named scvmm_enable_winpe_tracing. Solution (or solutions) Add more RAM to the source computer to equal at least 512 MB.log on the source computer to gather additional information. which does not use VSS. A trace file named scvmm_winpe. Solution (or solutions) To enable tracing on the source computer during an offline P2V. Offline P2V Possible cause (or causes) Cannot troubleshoot offline P2V. If you cannot correct them.txt and save it to the root of the source computer's boot volume. or Windows Server 2003 or in C:\Users\All Users\VMMLogs with Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008.etl will be created and saved on the source computer. Patch or Driver Issues (P2V) Possible cause (or causes) A patch or driver file that is required for the P2V Fixup step is missing. Agent Issues (P2V) Possible cause (or causes) Installation of the VMM agent on the source computer fails. This file does not need to contain any data or information. The log files are saved in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMMLogs with Windows 2000 Server.Troubleshooting VMM View the system and application event logs for VSS errors on the source computer. try to do an offline P2V. msc>Computer configuration->Administrative Templates->Network->Network Connections->Windows Firewall. for open ports. Communication Issues (V2V) Possible cause (or causes) During a V2V conversion. For hosts in the OK (Limited) state. a virtual machine can be migrated only within the same VirtualCenter server. the Migrate Wizard displays the following warning: "Virtual machine <VMName> cannot be migrated from host <source host> because the host is in a state that has limited management functionality. BITS transfer fails (P2V) During a P2V conversion. How can I perform a V2V conversion to a Hyper-V host (or to any host that is not listed)? Solution (or solutions) Make sure that the default filter is expanded to show All Hosts. Possible cause (or causes) The HTTP SSL service might be down.msc to enable an exception for the IP address of the VMM host. communication fails between the VMM server or the destination host and the ESX Server host. The path is: GPEDIT. the VMM library. Missing Hosts (V2V) Possible cause (or causes) Migrate Wizard lists only ESX Server hosts. and then try the P2V conversion again. Error with a Host in Limited State (V2V) Possible cause (or causes) When a Hyper-V host is selected as the target host for a V2V conversion.Troubleshooting VMM Possible cause (or causes) Firewall blocks P2V by not allowing an exception for remote administration (RemoteAdmin service). and for authorized applications. the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) transfer fails with the error ERROR_NO_TRACKING_SERVICE. Troubleshooting Virtual Machine Conversion Issues / BITS transfer fails (P2V) Page 12 . Solution (or solutions) If the firewall is controlled by Group Policy. Solution (or solutions) Ensure that the HTTP SSL service is running. Solution (or solutions) Proceed with the V2V conversion as normal. This error is unrelated to V2V. use GPEDIT. or the Windows shared folder that stores the VMware configuration and data files. If the virtual machine and virtual machine configuration file are on a Windows or NFS shared folder. check WSMan permissions and settings and Windows Firewall exceptions for the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) and HTTPS ports. Solution (or solutions) Download the required patch and driver files to the Patch Import directory on the VMM server (the default path is %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008\Patch Import).vmdk file format. If the virtual machine is on an ESX Server host. Unrecognized . check WSMan on the destination host or Server Message Block (SMB). Operating System Issues Possible cause (or causes) Troubleshooting Virtual Machine Conversion Issues / Updates Page 13 .Troubleshooting VMM Solution (or solutions) The resolution depends on the scenario: • If the VMware virtual machine is on an ESX Server host.vmx or . make sure that the host is in an OK state. V2V conversion is not supported for that virtual machine in this version of VMM.vmx or . Permissions Issues (V2V) Possible cause (or causes) VMM does not have permission to access one or more files involved in the V2V process from the command line.vmx or . • If the VMware virtual machine is on the VMM library. • If the VMware virtual machine is on a Windows or NFS shared folder. Solution (or solutions) The resolution depends on the location of the source VMware virtual machine. Updates Possible cause (or causes) A patch or driver file that is required for the operating system fix up is missing. and then extract the files by using the Add-Patch cmdlet. Solution (or solutions) If the .vmdk File Format (V2V) Possible cause (or causes) A V2V conversion was performed on a configuration file with an unsupported or unrecognized . make sure that the machine account for the destination host (and the account under which VMM service is running on the VMM server) has access to the share. check Secure Shell (SSH) and HTTPS.vmdk file format of the source virtual machine is not recognized. vhd file. is not valid.msc. System Center Virtual Machine Manager Review the error log information and then try was not installed successfully. VMM will convert the VMDKs to VHDs and create the virtual machine but will not complete the operating system fix up. select and right-click the service %ServiceName. VMM cannot start the %ServiceName.Troubleshooting VMM VMM cannot find a supported operating system or does not recognize the physical disk layout on the new .. As a result. and then try the operation again. VMM cannot start the service %ServiceName. Check the Windows Event Log for troubleshooting information. service. Select a valid Application Data folder path. Setup cannot create the file %FileName. Close all open instances of the Virtual Machine Manager Setup program and then try the installation again. and then click Stop. Verify that Setup has permission to create the file.. Setup was unable to receive the system configuration. service. and then try the operation again. and VMM cannot complete the conversion. The Setup log file path %FileName.. Recommended Action Check the Windows Event Log for troubleshooting information. Error Messages Code 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 Message Cannot connect to the service %ServiceName. 208 209 210 VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 14 . select and right-click the service %ServiceName. Another instance of System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 Setup is running. Cannot ensure configuration of the service %ServiceName.msc. the virtual machine might not start up or function correctly. running Setup again. Solution (or solutions) If VMM does not support the disk layout or operating system of the VMware virtual machine.. VMM 2008 Error Codes User Interface Error Messages The following table contains error messages that you might encounter when using the System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 user interface. and then click Start. Run services. Run services. and then try the operation again. Ensure that the Windows Management Instrumentation service is running. Check the Windows Event Log for troubleshooting information.. Cannot connect to the Service Control Manager (SCM). is too long. to complete the installation. MB of disk space on the system volume to continue with the installation. MB. Create %BinaryDiskSpaceRequired. to complete the installation. MB of disk space on the volume to continue with the installation. and then try the operation again. and the recommended memory is %MemoryRecommended.Troubleshooting VMM 211 The Setup log file path %FileName. Virtual Machine Manager requires a computer that is a member of a domain. There is insufficient disk space on the 222 223 VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 15 .. This computer is not part of a domain. Create %DatabaseDiskSpaceRequired. and then run Setup again. MHz. Ensure that Setup has permissions to read the file. MB of 217 The remote SQL Server administrator credentials provided are not valid. Either upgrade the amount of memory in the computer or install Virtual Machine Manager on a different computer that meets the hardware requirements. There is insufficient disk space on the program files volume %BinaryVolumeDriveLetter. 216 The recommended amount of memory for optimal performance is %MemoryRecommended. The minimum required processor speed is %ProcessorClockSpeed. 212 213 214 215 Either upgrade the amount of memory in the computer or install Virtual Machine Manager on a different computer that meets the hardware requirements. This computer does not meet the recommended amount of memory. The minimum memory required is %MemoryMinRequired. The configuration data for this product is corrupted. Join this computer to a domain. Ensure that the remote SQL Server administrator credentials are valid. Setup cannot read the file %FileName. Contact your support personnel for further help. The computer does not meet the minimum processor configuration requirements to run Virtual Machine Manager. Either upgrade the processor speed in the computer or install Virtual Machine Manager on a different computer that meets the hardware requirements. and then run Setup again. Verify that the Application Data folder path has fewer than 260 characters. This computer does not meet the minimum memory requirements to run Virtual Machine Manager. and then try the operation again. Create %SystemDiskSpaceRequired. 220 221 There is insufficient disk space on the system volume %SystemVolumeDriveLetter. MB. MB. 225 226 227 228 The required service %ServiceName. Uninstall the existing %ProductName. The SQL Server database %DatabaseName. Beta is currently installed. and then try the operation again.0. Also ensure that %DatabaseName. go to requires Windows PowerShell 1. from SQL instance %SqlInstance. Select another database and try again. uninstall all Beta Virtual Machine Manager components and then install Virtual Machine Manager 2008. Enable the service and then run Setup again. to complete the installation. A different version of %ProductName. is not supported. http://go. is LinkId="117133". you must VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 16 . disk space on the volume to continue with the Uninstall MICROSOFT$VMM$ and then run Virtual Machine Manager Setup again to install SQL Express 2005 Service Pack 1. you must add the (IIS). The SQL Server instance %SqlInstance. 224 Setup has detected instance MICROSOFT$VMM$ running on an older version of SQL Express 2005.\n\nTo enable IIS for Windows Server 2008.0. To upgrade %ProductName. The existing Virtual Machine Manager database is not accessible. and then run Setup again. and then continue with Setup. Delete %DatabaseName. 229 System Center Virtual Machine Manager To download Windows PowerShell 1. 234 Ensure that SQL instance %SqlInstance. Virtual Machine Manager cannot be successfully installed because service %ServiceName. Windows Server IIS 6. 235 236 System Center Virtual Machine Manager To enable Internet Information Services (IIS) requires Internet Information Services for Windows Server 2003. refer to the upgrade documentation at http://go. and then continue with Setup.0 component.Troubleshooting VMM database volume %DatabaseVolumeDriveLetter. Reboot the server. is disabled. Setup has detected a database that is not compatible with the version being installed. Select "Use an existing SQL Server instance". is marked for deletion.. Setup has detected SQL instance %SqlInstance. To perform a new LinkId="77521". is currently in use by another program or process. on the local server. from Add/Remove Program and then run Setup again. is installed properly and running. is currently installed. 230 231 233 Use a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2 instance. is running.1.0. and then try the operation go to requires Windows Remote Management http://go. System Center Virtual Machine Manager requires Windows PowerShell 1. Setup has detected an unsupported version of Windows Remote Management (WinRM). 240 241 242 243 System Center Virtual Machine Manager To download WinRM 1. 239 Setup has detected an unsupported version of Microsoft WinFX Runtime Components or . Uninstall the existing version. The World Wide Web Publishing Service is not running on the computer. Verify that service %ServiceName. go to http://go. is not running on the computer. go to http://go. The Windows Remote Management (WinRM) service is not running on the computer. VMM cannot read the Virtual Machine Manager installation path registry key. and then to download Windows PowerShell 1.1. and then try the operation again. upgrade VMM Workgroup Edition.Troubleshooting VMM add the Web Server (IIS) role and enable the To download WinRM LinkId="77521". For information about upgrading. Some folders cannot be deleted. VMM server connection port cannot be 0.0. Virtual Machine Manager requires WinRM (WinRM) 1. go to Verify that World Wide Web Publishing Service is running. View the error log for a complete list of folders. LinkId="84599". Uninstall the existing version of Windows PowerShell. Enter different port 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 17 . Disk space cannot be calculated. System Center Virtual Machine Manager Workgroup Edition cannot manage more than five hosts. Select a different installation location.1. The specified Virtual Machine Manager database exceeds this limit. Specify a new database or a VMM database that contains a maximum of five hosts. Verify that WinRM service is running. Setup has detected an unsupported version of Windows PowerShell. and then run Setup again. Agent connection port and file transfer port cannot be of the same number. SQL service %ServiceName. and then try the operation again.NET.NET Framework 3. Enter a valid port number. To manage more than five LinkId="84599". IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility and IIS 6 WMI Compatibility server role services. and then try the operation again. and delete those folders manually. Select a different installation location. is on a compressed volume. 260 262 263 264 266 267 %InputParameterTag. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. 257 An error has occurred while trying to configure Virtual Machine Manager. Installation source %FolderPath. or a root volume. exceeds %MaxLimit. The location cannot be on removable media or a network share. Select a different location. Not all database files from a previous installation were found at %Location. 268 269 Delete the existing file or choose an alternative location for your database. Create additional disk space on this disk. The path %FileName. is empty or it exceeds %MaxLimit. The selected location %DirectoryPath. cannot be accessed. and then try the operation again. Select a different location. hidden. The product key is located on the back of the Virtual Machine Manager product CD. or choose a different location. The selected location %DirectoryPath. cannot be acquired. is neither 1 nor 0. Enter a valid input.. and then try the operation again. for installing prerequisites does not exist. Uninstall Virtual Machine Manager from Add or Remove Programs and then run Setup again. If the setup program from the CD fails. Ensure that the prerequisite CDs are copied correctly. 256 VMM cannot load the file %FileName. or Setup cannot find one or more prerequisite CDs at the location. Run the Virtual Machine Manager Setup program directly from the product CD. The product key is not valid. %InputParameterTag. Enter either 1 or 0. and then try the operation again. Select a different location. and then try the operation again. and run Setup again. is read-only. %InputParameterTag. The attributes of directory %DirectoryPath. The file may be corrupted or missing. Enter a valid input. and then try the operation again. a system folder. characters. 270 271 272 273 VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 18 . characters. Enter a shorter path name. obtain a new copy of the CD from your vendor.. There is not enough disk space for %InstallItem. characters.Troubleshooting VMM LinkId="117133".. and then try the operation again. Enter a valid product key and then try installation again. exceeds %MaxLimit. go to the System Center Virtual Machine Manager Web site at http://go. The parameter %CommandlineArgument. See "Installing Virtual Machine Manager" in the Virtual Machine Manager Setup help for information about parameter usage. and then try the operation again. see "Installing Virtual Machine Manager" in the Virtual Machine Manager Setup help. is not on an NTFS volume.Troubleshooting VMM 274 The directory %DirectoryPath. is not valid. Once the failure has been resolved.. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. A reboot is required to complete the deletion of the service %ServiceName. Select a valid path and verify the path is accessible. The passwords entered do not match. Virtual Machine Manager failed to uninstall. The specified path %FileName. try the uninstallation again. This program is for internal Virtual Machine Manager use only. 285 288 289 290 292 Configuration of Virtual Machine VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 19 . For more information. See "Installing Virtual Machine Manager" in the Virtual Machine Manager setup help for information about parameter usage. The volume information for directory LinkId="117146". To launch the Virtual Machine Manager Setup program. is not valid. must be an integer between 0 and 65535. Install prerequisite software and Virtual Machine Manager on an NTFS volume. Enter the passwords again. The .exe in the parent directory of the product CD. uninstall the existing version. The evaluation copy of System Center Virtual Machine Manager has expired. is already specified. See "Installing Virtual Machine Manager" in the Virtual Machine Manager Setup help for information about the specific parameter. For details about obtaining a license. run Setup. Review the error details for information on the failure and how to remediate To install Virtual Machine Manager. 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 284 Setup has detected an existing installation of Virtual Machine Manager on this computer.ini file is not specified in the command line. Enter the port number again. For more information about configuration. Select a different installation location. The parameter %CommandlineArgument. The parameter %CommandlineArgument. Try the operation again. does not have a value associated with it. cannot be acquired. %InputParameterTag. and then run Setup again. Reboot the machine. on server %ServerName. click "Run as". Setup was unable to remove Virtual Machine Manager from the Windows Firewall exceptions list. 298 299 300 303 304 Delete the folder manually. 293 Setup could not remove the shortcuts to the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console from: %CommaSeparatedShortcutLocations. and then run Setup again. does not exist on the VMM server.exe. from SQL instance %SqlInstance. Enter a different name for the library share. and remove from the list of exceptions. Share %ShareName. Virtual Machine Manager cannot be installed on a computer running this operating system. on server %ServerName. see "Troubleshooting" in the Virtual Machine Manager Setup help. Delete the login manually.0 or the most current version and then run Setup again. remove Virtual Machine Manager from the exceptions list. 305 306 307 308 Virtual Machine Manager is not installed For more information about installation. Delete the database manually. Virtual Machine Manager has detected an older version of Microsoft . see on this computer. The folder %FolderPath. The requested action cannot be specified by using the command line. 294 If Windows Firewall is enabled. In Control Panel. cannot be created. 296 Setup was unable to delete the database %DatabaseName. click the Exceptions tab.Troubleshooting VMM Manager failed. The folder %FolderPath. Delete the shortcuts manually. Delete the folder if it exists.NET Framework 2. To run Setup as an administrator. 297 For more information. "Installing Virtual Machine Manager" in the VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 20 . see "Installing Virtual Machine Manager" in the Virtual Machine Manager Setup help.. Install Virtual Machine Manager on a computer running Windows Server 2003 R2. already exists. Setup was unable to delete the SQL login %SqlLoginName.. click Windows Firewall.NET Framework. from SQL instance %SqlInstance. Administrative privileges are required to install System Center Virtual Machine Manager. cannot be deleted.. and then enter the credentials for a user account with administrative privileges. Enter the name of an existing share. The folder may already exist. right-click Setup. Install Microsoft . Share %ShareName. Run Setup again. and then run the configuration again. Setup could not configure the firewall exceptions. Database files in VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 21 . Virtual Machine Manager is already installed on this computer. contact your network administrator. Domain Controller. Then run Setup again. and then run Setup again. The prerequisite check was not successful. or use a unique name for the database. uninstall the VMM server and then install it again. If the configuration is being run from OEM Setup. 314 316 317 Setup has detected an existing database but cannot retrieve the physical location of the Virtual Machine Manager database from SQL Server instance %SqlInstance. Delete the files manually. 320 321 Setup could not delete the Virtual Machine Manager database. Also. 309 Either the existing Virtual Machine Manager database could not be accessed. verify that disk quota management is not enabled for the drive where the database is being created. Delete the shortcuts manually..... is running. 313 Active Directory Domain Services cannot Check the network connectivity to the validate user %UserName. Otherwise. If the problem persists. verify that Setup has the necessary privileges to configure firewall exceptions. Manually delete %DatabaseName. To uninstall Virtual Machine Manager.mdf and %DatabaseName. or the database is corrupted._log. go to Add or Remove Programs and select uninstall.. 319 The Virtual Machine Manager database was not created. Service %ServiceName. Restore to a valid database and ensure that the SQL Server service is running. The Virtual Machine Manager database was not created. view the errors and make the required changes. Verify that SQL Server is installed properly and that the SQL Server service %ServiceName. Run Setup again. Setup could not delete the service %ServiceName. from SQL instance %SqlInstance.Troubleshooting VMM Virtual Machine Manager Setup help... 310 311 312 Setup could not delete the shortcuts to the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console from: %CommaSeparatedShortcutLocations. View the errors in the Virtual Machine Manager Setup log file %SetupLogFile.ldf if they exist at %FolderPath. Delete %DatabaseName. must be manually deleted. for deletion. 322 323 Cannot locate the file SqlCmd. Run Setup from the product CD.. Enter a different port or a custom host header for the portal. Delete the files manually. and verify that the service is enabled. 336 337 Web site %SiteName. Delete the service manually.. Cannot mark necessary Setup files at %FolderPath. also ensure that the Web Server (IIS) role is added and that the IIS 6 Management Compatibility role service is installed. the CD is corrupted.. VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 22 .msc". Setup could not delete service %ServiceName. Could not install the necessary Setup files from %SourceLocation. or delete the conflicting Web site. could not be removed.exe. Ensure service %ServiceName.. has the same address binding as the specified port. Delete the existing files or choose another location for the database.Troubleshooting VMM %DataFilesCompleteLocation. find the service. Ensure that the IIS Admin Service is running and then try running VMM Self-Service Portal Setup again. Setup was unable to configure service %ServiceName. Reboot the computer.. 330 331 332 334 Setup could not configure the database %DatabaseName. If you are running it from the CD already. Check the Windows Event Log for troubleshooting information. to %InstallLocation... Request a new CD from your administrator. Setup could not query the Web site setting. Then try the operation again. is started by running "services. VMM cannot start Setup. Cannot enable the service %ServiceName. and then run Setup again.msc". and then verify that the service is started. find the service %ServiceName. Cannot delete necessary setup files from %InstallLocation. Enable the service in the Services MMC snapin by running "services. The Virtual Machine Manager database was not created from the existing database files. uninstall Virtual Machine Manager. If you are installing the portal on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008. Install the SQL Client Tools and then run Setup again.. 325 326 327 328 329 Cannot create service %ServiceName. Delete the files manually after Virtual Machine Manager Setup is complete. Ensure that Setup has access to the installation location. The SQL database %DatabaseName. You may not have permission to delete the file. 348 350 351 358 359 360 361 362 The SQL database %DatabaseName. Manually install %Prerequisite. Setup cannot connect to the SQL Server %ComputerName. see %SetupLogFile. Manually delete %DatabaseName. The Virtual Machine Manager database could not be upgraded.. Setup cannot write to file %FileName. Setup was unable to set permissions on folder %DirectoryPath. %Prerequisite. Ensure that the SQL Server service %ServiceName. or use an existing database. can be started and that you have permissions to query the SQL Server. An error has occurred while trying to delete database %DatabaseName. or type a new database name and then try the operation again. and then try installing the Virtual Machine Manager server again. or the file is locked by another application.. 346 Cannot access the registry key %RegistryKey. and then run Setup again. from SQL instance %SqlInstance. for the Microsoft SQL Server instance %SqlInstance. Uninstall the Virtual Machine Manager server selecting the "Retain data" option. Check the "Create a new database" check box to create a new database. does not exist. If you are installing VMM remotely. 363 VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 23 . An error has occurred while trying to connect to database %DatabaseName.. Verify that the SQL 2005 instance is installed and configured correctly.. and then try Setup again. Verify that SQL Server 2005 is properly installed and that the SQL Server service is running. ensure that remote connections are set up correctly. Either clear the "Create a new database" check box to use the existing database.. Delete the file if it exists. Ensure that the folder %DirectoryPath. Ensure that the server name and instance name are correct. Setup cannot find a SQL Server instance on %ComputerName. cannot be deleted. is a valid location and that the current user has permission to access the location. installation has failed. 342 343 344 %Prerequisite. The file %FileName.. Manually delete the file after completing the Setup program.Troubleshooting VMM 339 Setup cannot connect to the specified SQL Server instance. For error detail. already exists... Manually install %Prerequisite.. installation has failed.. Ensure that the server name is correct and that it is connected to the network.. go to http://go. failed.. Find information on upgrading at http://go.NET. 369 370 371 455 456 467 %Value. Static Content. Cancel the Virtual Machine Manager server LinkId="117300".microsoft. HTTP Errors.Troubleshooting VMM 364 Setup cannot find a database in the SQL Server instance %SqlInstance. with argument %CommandlineArgument. System Center Virtual Machine Manager To download the Windows Automated requires the Windows Automated Installation Kit. Open Server Manager. click "Add Role Services". Select the "Create a new database" check box to create the database. or select another SQL Server instance. To manage more than five more than five hosts.NET Extensibility. and then 501 VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 24 . Machine Manager go to http://go. before the Host can be deleted. http://go. cannot be removed because one or more virtual machines All virtual machines must be deleted from %ComputerName. Setup has detected an unsupported version of Windows Installer. Delete the virtual LinkId="117338". is not a valid entry %Value. go to Installation Kit (WAIK) to be LinkId="94662". select the Web Server (IIS) role. Run command restart the Open Server Manager. and Request Filtering. Please specify a value between 0 and 255. The VMM Self-Service Portal requires Web Server (IIS) role services that are not installed. upgrade VMM Workgroup Edition. To install the correct version of Windows LinkID="86477". hosts. your computer must be restarted. Please specify a value between 1 and 223. Verify that the command and arguments are correct and then run Virtual Machine Manager server setup again. Default Document. . 365 System Center Virtual Machine Manager For more information about installing Virtual is not preinstalled on this computer. ISAPI Extensions. Directory Browsing. and then run the Virtual Machine Manager server setup again. 366 367 368 To continue. select the Web Server (IIS) role. The virtual machine host %ComputerName. The VMM Self-Service Portal requires the IIS 6 Management Compatibility role service. is not a valid entry System Center Virtual Machine Manager Remove some existing hosts and then try the Workgroup Edition cannot manage operation ISAPI Filters. and ensure that the following role services are installed. and then install the IIS 6 Management Compatibility role service. ASP. xxx.x. The minimum value allowed for lease Enter valid lease time value. and then try the operation again. range. The host server reserves the first 16 IP addresses for its own internal use. does not exist. 514 515 516 The DHCP settings could not be saved.x. the lease rebinding time must be less than IP address lease time. 503 The specified virtual network %VirtualNetworkName. The network mask is not valid. Enter a valid network mask. The IP address is not valid. The last valid address of the subnet is reserved. The network IP address must be the base of the subnet. and then try the operation again Enter a valid lease time. Select a virtual network path. Then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. Also. and then try the operation again. Enter a valid DHCP server address. 517 518 521 522 523 Enter a valid lease time. Enter a valid IP address. The IP address lease time that has been entered is not in a valid range. The minimum value allowed for IP lease time is 60 seconds. Enter a valid IP address outside the range of first 16 reserved addresses. and then try the operation again. Enter a valid virtual network name. DHCP Server address should be between the first valid IP address and starting IP address. Enter a valid lease time. go to the Hardware tab and click the Virtual Network option. Enter a valid IP address that is the base of the subnet. The IP address is not valid. The lease renewal time must be less than the lease rebinding time. try again. and then try the operation again. Enter a valid IP Address within the range.Troubleshooting VMM are active on the virtual machine host. Enter a valid gateway address. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. A virtual network path was not selected. The network mask format should be xxx. A valid default gateway address must be either part of same network or left blank. and then try the operation again. The ending IP address is not in a valid range. and then try the operation again. and then The DHCP Server address is not in a valid try the operation again. and then try the VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 25 . The maximum value is 49710 days. 508 510 511 512 513 A virtual network name must be provided. Verify the virtual network name by refreshing the Host Properties dialogue box. VMM cannot access registry key value %RegistryKeyValueName. and then try the operation again. A system error occurred.. is incorrect. The registry key syntax %RegistryKey.. operation again. VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 26 .Troubleshooting VMM rebinding time is 45 seconds. and then try the operation again. Verify that the registry key exists. The subkey does not specify a valid registry subkey. The value for VM Memory is empty. VMM cannot access registry key %RegistryKey. Verify the registry key properties. You must enter at least one virtual machine path. under %RegistryKey. contains only valid characters and is less than 255 characters. A known floppy disk is not selected. contains only valid characters and is less than 255 characters. 524 550 551 The minimum value allowed for lease renewal time is 30 seconds. A known image file is not selected. 557 649 650 651 652 653 Add a default virtual machine path. has child subkeys or deletion of a root hive has been attempted. such as deletion of the key. and then try the operation again. Verify that the registry key value exists. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. Ensure that the key is not empty. Enter a valid lease time. Select an image file or choose a different capture mode. Select a floppy disk or choose a different capture mode. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. The type or name syntax of the registry key value %RegistryKeyValueName. 552 553 554 555 556 Verify that the registry key is present. Permissions have not been granted to access the registry key %RegistryKey. The value entered for VM Memory is not valid. The operation on the registry key %RegistryKey. Verify permissions on this registry key. VMM cannot delete the registry key %RegistryKey.. Ensure that the type of value name is correct. is incorrect. was not successful. Select a host drive or choose a different capture mode. A host drive is not selected. or an attempt to create a key in the LocalMachine root.. Enter a valid value for the amount of memory. the name is not empty. Enter a value for the amount of VM Memory. and then try the operation again. under %RegistryKey. and then try the operation again. or the nesting level exceeds 510. . Virtual hard disk %FileName. needs to be shared so its disk can be shared. This job cannot be restarted until the virtual machine %VMName. Upgrade Virtual Server on the selected host to the R2 SP1 version. Virtual machine %VMName. and then try the operation again. Move the disk to a shared SCSI bus and try again. MB specified for virtual machine memory is not within a valid range on the %VMHostName.Troubleshooting VMM 654 The value %MemorySize. The version of Virtual Server on host %VMHostName. Reduce the disk size or connect it to another bus type. Provide a virtual machine and try again. and then try the operation again. Enter a value between %MinMemory. Sharing virtual hard disks is only allowed between virtual machine objects. host. MB for virtual machine memory. Enter a MAC address in the format xx-xx-xxxx-xx-xx or choose to use a dynamic address. GB. 700 701 702 703 VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 27 . The selected virtual machine %VMName. needs to be in a virtual machine host to share its disks. and then try the operation again. Share the SCSI adapter and try again. 690 The disk size is larger than the available space. operation again. and then try the creating a new disk. 655 656 657 681 685 686 A destination file name is required when Create a new file name. cannot run Sysprep on host %VMHostName. Provide a virtual hard disk that is of fixed size and try again.. The disk size is %DiskSize. is repaired. 699 Deploy the virtual machine to a virtual machine host and try the operation again. is %MaxDiskSize. Destination for the disk is %ObjectType. and then try the operation again. The value entered for the MAC address is not valid. Select a virtual hard disk. SCSI adapter at bus %Bus. The maximum disk sizes are: IDE (127 GB) and SCSI (2040 GB). and %MaxMemory. needs to be in the SCSI bus for sharing to be allowed. and then try the operation again. is not the supported VS R2 SP1 version. and then try the operation again. A virtual hard disk is not specified. Run the repair action on this virtual machine to complete the job. The value entered for the MAC address is empty. needs to be of fixed size type for sharing to be allowed. Enter a MAC address in the format xx-xx-xxxx-xx-xx or choose to use a dynamic address. GB and the maximum amount allowed for bus %BusType. Virtual hard disk %FileName. Ensure the parameter is valid and try again. Enter a user name and then try the operation again. is online. VMM cannot remove the disk because it is the parent of a differencing disk. The file extension of %FileName. then try again. Set the SCSI adapter as destination for the shared disk and try again. To remove the library object. The selected machine %ComputerName.. first remove it from all virtual machines. cannot be contacted. template. Select a file with a file extension that matches %ObjectType. A valid name is required to complete this task. Unable to configure hardware because a Enter a named pipe and then try the named pipe is not specified. and then try the operation again. again. operation again. templates. connected to the network. Remove all differencing disks associated with the parent disk. VMM cannot remove this library object because a virtual machine. does not match the supported file extensions for %ObjectType. 800 812 814 815 816 817 829 Ensure that %ComputerName. hardware or guest operating system profile is using it. Cannot remove virtual disk because a virtual machine is using this virtual disk. To remove this virtual disk. and %MaxMemory. and then try the operation again. Ensure the path is valid. then try the operation again.Troubleshooting VMM 704 705 710 720 724 725 726 734 Virtual hard disk sharing is only allowed within the same host. Enter a value between %MinMemory. and then try the operation again. Ethernet address type %MACType. is not valid. MB for virtual machine memory. as %ObjectType. first remove it from the hardware profile of the virtual machine using this virtual disk. Move both virtual machines to the same host and try again. VMM cannot find %FilePath. and then try the operation again.. A user name must be specified. VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 28 .. and not blocked by a firewall. Unable to configure hardware because a Select a pass-through disk and then try the host disk is not specified. operation again. Enter a new name. Unable to configure hardware because a Enter a text file and then try the operation text file is not specified. The value %MemorySize. MB specified for virtual machine memory is not within a valid range.. and then try the operation again. VMM cannot add %FileName. Then try the operation again. Destination for the virtual hard disk %FileName. hardware and guest operating system profiles that are using it. is not a shared SCSI bus. \n2) If a firewall is enabled on %ServerName. If the problem persists.. was lost due to insufficient credentials. Make more resources available. Close and reopen the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console. Unable to create the virtual machine because no suitable host for this virtual machine was found. or click Browse to select an account. 1) Verify that %ServerName. Unable to connect to the Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName. because %VMHostName. was lost. and then try the operation again. characters.. 1408 1413 1417 1418 Unable to deploy the virtual machine because no suitable host for this virtual machine was found. is not a suitable host for this virtual machine. 1) Verify that %ServerName.. 1247 Unable to migrate virtual machine %VMName. ensure that it is not blocking requests for TCP port %RemoteUIPort. is online and accessible from your computer. because the specified computer name could not be resolved. is online and can be accessed from your computer. 1419 1601 1603 1612 1613 The connection to the Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName. Use the Migrate Virtual Machine Wizard to rate all available hosts based on their suitability for this virtual machine. contact your network administrator. VMM is unable to connect to the Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName. The connection to the Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName. Close and then reopen the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console. Cannot locate the user role because it no longer exists. The attempt to connect timed out. You must be logged on under an account that is a member of a valid Administrator or Delegated Administrator user role to open the Administrator Console. Then try to connect again. and then try the operation again. is too long. and then try the operation again. Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator. Contact your VMM administrator to gain access to additional hosts. and then try to connect again. The requested operation would exceed the assigned quota..\n2) Verify that the Virtual Machine Manager service on %ServerName. restart the Virtual Machine Manager service. is started. Specify a valid domain account. Virtual Machine Manager cannot find a domain account for member %UserName. and then try the operation again. then attempt to add it again. If the problem persists. Verify that the fully qualified path to the share has fewer than %MaxLength. A member of a user role must have an Active Directory Domain Services account.Troubleshooting VMM 845 The share path %FileName. VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 29 . The application requires a computer that is joined to a domain. and then try the operation again.. VMM cannot rename %FileName.Troubleshooting VMM 1614 Virtual Machine Manager was unable to start.. to a physical path on %ComputerName. in the Actions pane. Then. and then try the %VMName.. VMM cannot rename %FileName. and try the operation again. Windows XP without Service Pack 3. One or more virtual machine hosts could not be moved to the host group %HostGroupName. To restart the job. because the Virtual Guest Services feature is not available. join the machine to a domain and restart Virtual Machine Manager. select the job in the Jobs view. Unable to resolve the path %SharePath. Cannot connect to virtual machine %VMName.. To restart this job. 1700 1701 1736 1739 Cannot connect to virtual machine Start the virtual machine. If the Administrator Console is on a computer running Microsoft Vista without Service Pack 1. server stopped while this job was running. and click Restart. and that Enter a name for this host group. because the specified name is not valid. Ensure connectivity between your computer and the domain controller. 1758 1782 1783 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 VMM is unable to create folder VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 30 . A folder name cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |. The job was stopped by the user %UserName. Specify a valid folder name. The Virtual Machine Manager service on the %ServerName. because a file or folder with that name already exists. If your computer is not joined to a domain. To find out which hosts could not be moved and why. This may have been caused by a system restart. Unable to change the host group name because no name was specified. Specify a different folder name. because the virtual machine operation again. is not running. or Windows Server 2003. Select each virtual machine and migrate it individually. ensure that the component has not been disabled. Ensure you have sufficient permissions on %SharePath. Verify that the folder name is valid. and try the operation again. To open Jobs. The specified path is not a valid share path on %ComputerName. If Virtual Guest Services are already installed. click Restart. Unable to migrate multiple virtual machines at the same time. select Jobs on the View menu. you must install Virtual Guest Services manually on the virtual machine to enable connections. navigate to the Jobs view and select the job in the results pane. review your failed jobs in the Jobs window. Specify a valid folder path on %ComputerName.\nEnsure you have sufficient permissions.. Ensure you have the required permissions to shares on computer %ComputerName. Cannot install the VMware Infrastructure Client on virtual machine %VMName.\n1) Ensure that the folder name does not contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |. article Q315273 (http://support. or install the VMware Infrastructure Client manually. Try the connection again later.q315273). which the virtual machine will be saved VMM %FileName. or Server Operators group on %ComputerName. contact your administrator to verify that you have the needed permissions. the password is displayed as clear text when creating a virtual machine on a host. Print Use an account with limited privileges that can only create computer accounts and join them to the domain or use Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI) and Windows Script Host (WSH) to create a Visual Basic Script (VBScript) that automates the creation of computer accounts. because Virtual Machine Manager is waiting for an authentication ticket for the virtual machine. Either type an account. Domain Services account. VMM is unable to browse volumes on %ComputerName. because access is denied. 2407 2408 2409 The specified path is not a valid folder path on %ComputerName.. because Internet Explorer could not be found or accessed. A sample script is given in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.. VMM is unable to list shares on %ComputerName. Provide a name for this user role.. Power Users. This would permit anyone with access to the host or virtual machine access to the password. because access is denied. Unable to connect to VMware virtual machine %VMName. and try the operation again. and then try the operation again. Membership in the Administrators. and then try the operation again. you have the permissions to create the folder. 2405 VMM is unable to find a domain account The owner must have an Active Directory for owner %UserName. or click Browse to select an account. is required to enumerate volumes.\n2) If you still cannot create the folder. Ensure that Internet Explorer is in the system path. and then try the operation again. When using the Join Domain feature. 2410 2413 2416 Unable to create user role because no name was specified for the user role. 2417 VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 31 .aspx? scid="kb". Try the operation again.. When the job is complete. The volume %VolumeDriveLetter. This is usually caused by missing or incorrect storage drivers. Exclude this volume from conversion. Or. will be converted using an offline conversion. Unable to perform the job because one or more of the selected objects are locked by another job. If you want to perform an online conversion exclude the volume %VolumeDriveLetter. gather system information again by restarting the Convert Physical Server wizard. To find out which job is locking the object. %ComputerName. 3120 Specify a volume that exists on the source machine %ServerName. computer. if you are performing offline physical-to-virtual conversions. gather system information again by restarting the Convert Physical Server wizard. The SQL Server service account does not have permission to access Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). in the Jobs view. contact your network administrator. If the problem persists. Disk hardware or File System on volume %VolumeDriveLetter. If the configuration of the source machine has recently changed. create a new folder under %StaticDriverPath. VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 32 .' is not found on the source machine If the configuration of the source machine changed.Troubleshooting VMM 2418 The following errors were encountered while adding members to this user role: %InvalidUserRoleMembers. could not be resolved. selected for physical-to-virtual imaging is not accessible from Windows PE. may now need to be manually restarted into the original operating system using the boot LinkId="121054". on the VMM computer and then copy all of the storage or networks drivers to the new folder. see "Some applications and APIs require access to authorization information on account objects" in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at http://go. in the Volume Configuration page and choose Online conversion in Conversion Options. or TCP/IP is not bound and enabled on this network adapter. 3148 3206 %ServerName. try again.For more information. and find the running or canceling job for the object. Select a set of valid domain accounts to add to this user role. 2606 2607 2944 VMM is unable to complete the requested operation because the server name %ServerName. The volume %VolumeDriveLetter. Ensure that the SQL Server service is running under a domain account or a computer account that has permission to access AD DS. 3145 The operating network adapter '%MACAddress. is not supported by Volume Shadow Copy Service. is not present on the %ServerName. group by Status. characters. 10202 The portal host header %SspHeader. Ensure that the Microsoft Virtualization Reports management pack is installed and the reports are present under Microsoft. VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 33 .Virtualization. Ensure that Virtual Machine Manager management pack and its reports are installed on the Operations Manager server.Troubleshooting VMM 3231 Unable to convert the physical server. of disk space on the volume %VolumeDriveLetter. and then try the operation again. and periods or dashes. R2 SP1. exceeds the maximum allowed length by %DiffFromMaxLimit. Enter a different portal host header name and then try the operation again. is marked as unavailable for placement. There is insufficient disk space on the volume %VolumeDriveLetter.. Free %BinaryDiskSpaceRequired. or choose a different volume to continue with the placement. The account %UserName. user name. contains one or more characters that are not valid. 10204 Either the domain account or the password you entered are not valid. and then try the operation again. is not a domain account. Enter a valid reporting server address in the Reporting settings in the Administration pane. The folder containing Virtualization Reports was not found on the reporting server.Reports folder. A portal host header name can contain only alphanumeric characters. Not able to connect to the reporting server. A share name cannot contain any of the following characters: /\[]=?*+. contains one or more characters that are not valid or has too many characters. Error while connecting to the reporting server. The path %PathName. Use the "Add hosts" action in the Virtual Machine Manager requires a Administrator Console to add a host and then host with Hyper-V or Virtual Server 2005 try the operation again..<>|: and cannot be longer than 80 characters. Enter a valid reporting server address in the Reporting settings in the Administration pane. and user password and then try the operation again. The maximum length allowed in a path is %MaxLimit. to complete placement of the virtual machine. Enter a valid domain account name or click Add to select one. Please enter a valid domain name. Enter a shorter path. The entered URL is not valid. characters. Enter a different library share name and then try the operation again. Unable to save the virtual machine configuration files because volume %VolumeDriveLetter. 3406 3407 3450 3451 3452 3510 3511 3517 10201 Share name %ShareName. Select a different save path for this virtual machine and then try the operation again. . 10406 Virtual Machine Manager cannot contact %ComputerName.). use the Migrate Virtual Machine Wizard.. are missing. 10607 The VHDDrive operation requires either -VirtualHardDisk or -PassThroughDisk parameters. and then try the operation again.." and then try the operation again.) exceeds the maximum supported by the host virtualization software (%MaxLimit. The wizard rates all available hosts based on their suitability for this virtual machine. is not a member of the local Administrators group. 11001 The number of network adapters Either add the domain account to Administrators group.. 10634 Unable to store virtual machine %VMName. To select the most suitable host for virtual machine %VMName. Add the library server without adding any library shares. Provide credentials for %ComputerName. Select a different host or reduce the number of processors on the virtual machine and then try the operation again. Select "Transfer over the network. To be migrated. because the credentials for %ComputerName. (%TargetHostVSVersion. Specify the -VirtualHardDisk or PassThroughDisk parameter. The virtual machine contains SAN-attached disks and cannot be stored on a highly available library server.Troubleshooting VMM 10205 The domain account %UserName. The wizard rates all available hosts based on their suitability for this virtual machine. or use another domain account that is in the local Administrators group. 10650 Unable to migrate the virtual machine %VMName. the virtual machine must be stopped and should not contain any saved state. because the processor is not compatible with the host %VMHostName. Ensure that the cluster service is properly installed and running. 11000 The number of processors requested on the virtual machine %VMName. (%Count. 10811 The VMM server was unable to impersonate the supplied credentials. Select a different host or reduce the number VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 34 . 10683 Unable to contact cluster service on %ComputerName.) does not match the version of virtualization software on the source host (%SourceHostVSVersion.).. because the version of virtualization software on the host %VMHostName. on library server %ServerName. To select the most suitable host for virtual machine %VMName.Once that task has completed successfully add the library shares. 10649 Unable to migrate the virtual machine %VMName. use the Migrate Virtual Machine Wizard. ) is greater than the number of processors on the target host (%MaxLimit. Reduce the number of SCSI devices to %MaxLimit. The virtualization software on the host only supports devices attached to the IDE bus. 11004 The number of devices attached to the SCSI bus on the virtual machine %VMName. 11006 The virtual machine %VMName. and then try the operation again. (%MemorySize. of network adapters on the virtual machine and then try the operation again. (%Count. Select a different highly available host and then try the operation again. 11005 The number of processors on the virtual machine %VMName. exceeds the maximum number supported by the host virtualization software (%MaxLimit. Select a highly available host for the virtual machine and then try the operation again. Select a different highly available host and then try the operation again. 11002 The memory requested for the virtual machine %VMName. 11010 The Network location %NetworkLocation. is configured as highly available but the selected host is not a highly available host. 11009 The number of LUNs requested on the virtual machine %VMName. 11008 This configuration causes the host cluster to become overcommitted. (%Count. or fewer. VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 35 .). 11007 Host cluster %HostClusterName.). does not exist on host %VMHostName. The host must have an equal or greater number of processors than the virtual machine.) exceeds the maximum supported by the host virtualization software (%MaxLimit. and then try the operation again. 11003 A DVD drive is attached to the SCSI bus on the virtual machine %VMName. or fewer and then try the operation again.. Select a different host or change the requested memory for the virtual machine to a value within the supported range (%MemorySizeMinLimit.Troubleshooting VMM requested on the virtual machine %VMName.). %MemorySizeMinLimit. associated with the virtual machine %VMName.). is overcommitted. (%Count. Select a different host and then try operation again.). Select a different host or reduce the number of LUNs on the virtual machine. Select a different host or attach the DVD to the IDE bus and then try the operation again. Try the operation again. Select a different host or reduce the number of processors on the virtual machine to %MaxLimit.. MB) is not within the range that the host virtualization software supports.) exceeds the number of LUNs available on the host (%MaxLimit. on host %VMHostName. 11034 The network adapter associated with network location %NetworkLocation. Select a different host and then try the operation again.Troubleshooting VMM 11011 The Network location %NetworkLocation. 11018 All of the volumes on %VMHostName. 11033 The network adapter associated with network location %NetworkLocation. cannot be placed on Hyper-V host %VMHostName. some of the volumes may be marked as unavailable for placement. Ensure that the network adapter is enabled and connected. and then try the operation again. (%Count. network adapters on the virtual machine and then try the operation again. 11017 The number of %NICType. and tag %NetworkTag. associated with the virtual machine %VMName. Select a different host or add more storage and then try the operation again. are marked as not available for placement. 11012 The virtual machine %VMName. and tag %NetworkTag. network adapters requested on the virtual machine %VMName. 11014 The projected CPU utilization will exceed the available CPU on the host. Ensure that the network adapter is enabled and connected. because it has checkpoints in a format incompatible with Hyper-V virtualization platform. Select a different host and then try operation again. Select a different host and then try the operation again. is not connected. VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 36 . because the host's virtualization software does not support this virtual machine.) exceeds the maximum number of %NICType. is not connected. on host %VMHostName. network adapters that the host virtualization software supports (%MaxLimit. does not exist on host %VMHostName. Select a different host and then try the operation again. Select a different host or add more storage and then try the operation again.. Select a different host or reduce the number of %NICType. In addition. and then try the operation again. 11019 There are no volumes available for placement. For clustered hosts. 11013 Unable to place virtual machine %VMName. on host %VMHostName. all shared storage is currently in use or not available.). 11032 Virtual machine %VMName. is not configured as highly available but the selected host is highly available. Select a non-highly available host for the virtual machine and then try the operation again. Troubleshooting VMM 11035 There is no suitable network location for virtual machine %VMName; on host %VMHostName;. Ensure that at least one network adapter is enabled and connected. 11036 Virtual machine %VMName; cannot be placed on host %VMHostName; because the host is a node in a host cluster that is managed by Virtual Machine Manager. Virtual Machine Manager does not support performing a physicalto-virtual conversion (P2V) or a virtualto-virtual conversion (V2V) to a target host that is in a host cluster. Ensure that at least one network adapter is enabled and connected, and then try the operation again. Try the operation again, and select a host that is not in a host cluster. 11200 There is no disk selected to pass through Select a disk and then try the operation again. to a physical host drive. 11201 Disk %DiskName; is selected multiple times for pass though to a physical host drive. 11202 This virtual machine is currently paused. You must stop a virtual machine before it can be migrated. 11400 User role %FriendlyName; already exists. 11410 The user role no longer exists. Select a different disk and then try the operation again. Stop the virtual machine, and then perform the migration. Enter a different name for the user role and then try the operation again. Close and reopen the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console, and then try the operation again. Modify the existing Administrator UserRole or create a new UserRole from DelegatedAdmin profile to delegate administration. Select the ParentUserRole parameter for the new user role 11411 Cannot use Set-VMMUserRole with an Administrator profile. There can be only one Administrator user role. 11415 The -ParentUserRole parameter is required for Set-VMMUserRole with a Delegated Administrator profile. 11416 The -ParentUserRole specified must be a Select UserRole for the DelegatedAdmin Delegated Administrator user role. profile as the ParentUserRole and then try the operation again. 11424 As a delegated administrator, you cannot view or edit user roles that are at a higher level. 11425 The user role specified is not valid. Select a user role that is at a lower level. Provide a valid value for User Profile. Valid values are: Administrator, DelegatedAdmin or SelfServiceUser. VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 37 Troubleshooting VMM 11426 This virtual machine could not be deployed because it is not associated with any Self-Service user role. 11427 The ownership for this virtual machine cannot be changed because the new owner is not a member of a user role that has access to this virtual machine. Contact your Virtual Machine Manager administrator to have this virtual machine associated with a user role that you are a member of. Either change the new owner to a user who has access to this virtual machine, or contact your Virtual Machine Manager administrator to request access for the user you want to own this virtual machine and then try the operation again. The User Role provided is invalid because the Owner ( %UserName; ) of this virtual machine is not a member of the specified user role. Changing User Role only Add %UserName; as a member of the user role and try again or provide a different user role or a different owner. Attempt to set the user role again, additionally providing an owner who is a member of the user role. Specify a top level user role as the parent. Contact your Virtual Machine Manager administrator to associate this virtual machine to a Self-Service user role of which you are a member. 11429 The specified user role is not valid because owner %UserName; of this virtual machine is not a member of the specified user role. 11430 Either the specified user role or the specified owner (%UserName;) for this virtual machine is not valid. 11431 The user role specified cannot be applied to this virtual machine because no owner has been set for this virtual machine. 11432 The specified parent user role is not a top-level user role. 11433 This operation could not be completed because the virtual machine is not associated with any Self-Service user role. 11434 The virtual machine cannot be created Enter a valid virtual machine name and then because a virtual machine name was not try the operation again. specified. 11435 A library share path is required for users to store virtual machines to the library. 11436 The Virtual Machine Manager server could not validate user %UserName;. Select a library server and library share, or clear the "Allow users to store virtual machines in a library" check box. Contact your Virtual Machine Manager administrator to verify that there is a two-way trust relationship between the user domain and the domain of the Virtual Machine Manager server. Contact your Virtual Machine Manager administrator to verify that %ServerName; is running and connected to the network. ESX hosts must be in a host group that maps 11437 The Virtual Machine Manager server could not copy a required Hyper-V authorization file to %ServerName;. 11600 A VMware ESX Server host cannot be VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 38 Troubleshooting VMM moved to the root host group. to a Datacenter node in VMware VirtualCenter. The root host group does not map to a Datacenter node. To be implemented, a PRO tip must have Active status. Do not attempt to implement a PRO tip that has %PROTipState; status. Do not attempt to dismiss a PRO tip that has %PROTipState; status. Verify that the specified PRO tip has not been deleted. Ensure that the server exists and that System Center Operations Manager 2007 is installed, and then try the operation again. Add the VMM service account as an Administrator on the Operations Manager server, and then try the operation again. Ensure that the server exists, that System Center Operations Manager 2007 is installed on the server, and that Virtual Machine Manager has the appropriate rights to perform this action. Deploy the VMM 2008 Management Pack in System Center Operations Manager 2007. 11800 Cannot implement PRO tip because it is not active. 11801 Cannot dismiss PRO tip because it has been implemented or implementation is in progress. 11802 Unable to find the specified PRO tip. 11803 Unable to connect to the Operations Manager root server, %OperationsManagerServer;. 11804 The Virtual Machine Manager service does not have required credentials to access the Operations Manager SDK service on %OperationsManagerServer;. 11805 Unable to verify the connection to the Operations Manager root server, %OperationsManagerServer;. 11806 Discovery of PRO performance and usage data was terminated because the VMM 2008 Management Pack has not been imported into System Center Operations Manager 2007. 11811 Cannot implement PRO tip because no automatic recovery action is defined for the Operations Manager monitor that generated the tip. 12400 Unable to open Windows PowerShell because the path to PowerShell.exe could not be found. 12401 Unable to display Windows PowerShell script because Notepad could not be found. 12404 Unable to import templates because no library path was selected. 12407 You cannot open the VMM Review knowledge for the PRO tip for recommended actions to resolve the issue. Add the path to PowerShell.exe to the Path environment variable on the Advanced tab in Windows System Properties. Add the path to Notepad.exe to the Path environment variable on the Advanced tab in Windows System Properties. Select a library path and then try the operation again. Ask your VMM administrator to assign the VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 39 12424 Cannot add VMware ESX host %VMHostName. Specify a valid IPv6 network address. If you have recently changed your disk configuration. contact Microsoft Help and Support. 12418 Invalid port number for %InputParameterTag. Select a host group that represents its VMware VirtualCenter datacenter or a child of that host group. you must add it within a VMware VirtualCenter datacenter. Install an Operations Console for Operations Manager 2007 on the Virtual Machine Manager server. first remove the host from VMM. Try the operation again.. wait VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 40 . this time specifying the new VirtualCenter server.Troubleshooting VMM Administrator Console because your user role in Virtual Machine Manager does not have access to any host groups. was passed in with the following value "%ParameterValue. 12416 VMM is unable to process one of the provided parameters for %CmdletName. to host group %HostGroupName.". Enter the password. The parameter %ParameterName. host groups that you will administer to your user role. to Virtual Machine Manager because the host already is associated with a VMware VirtualCenter server (%VCSName. If the issue persists. 12419 Unable to display Diagram view because the Operations Console for System Center Operations Manager 2007 cannot be opened. 12412 This action does not allow an empty password. 12423 The specified network address is not valid.) that is managed by VMM. 12408 You cannot add hosts to Virtual Machine Ask your VMM administrator to assign the Manager because your user role does host groups that you will administer to your not have access to any host user role. Select an offline pass-through disk and then try the operation again. groups. and then add the host to VMM again. To add a VMware ESX host. 12422 Cannot add VMware ESX host %VMHostName.. 12708 The specified pass-through disk %FilePath. does not exist on host %ServerName. To associate the VMware ESX host with a different VMware VirtualCenter server. because the host group is not in a VMware VirtualCenter datacenter. \n\nThis happens when an administrator is given a Delegated Administrator profile but is not assigned any host groups to administer.\n\nThis happens when an administrator is given a Delegated Administrator profile but is not assigned any host groups to administer.. Enter an integer from 1 through 65535 for the port. Select a number of virtual processors between %RangeStart. Specify a network location and then try the operation again. 13249 Online physical-to-virtual conversion of a domain controller is not recommended. This error may be due to missing Windows PE drivers for local storage or the network on the source machine. create a new folder under %StaticDriverPath. This is usually caused by missing or incorrect storage drivers in Windows PE. into Windows PE. 13626 The specified virtual network does not exist. on the VMM machine and then copy all of the storage or networks drivers for %ComputerName. Run the Convert Physical Server Wizard again. %ComputerName. Then try the operation again. on the VMM machine and copy all of the storage or networks drivers for %ComputerName. 13230 Virtual Machine Manager encountered an error while connecting to the agent after restarting the computer %ComputerName. may now need to be manually restarted into the original operating system using the boot menu. and then try the operation again. VMM 2008 Error Codes / User Interface Error Messages Page 41 . Create a new folder under %StaticDriverPath. This error may be due to missing WinPE drivers for local storage on the source machine. was denied. to the new folder. selected for physical-to-virtual conversion is not accessible from Windows PE. if you are performing an offline physical-tovirtual conversion. 13618 A network location is required when overriding the network location. Exclude this volume from conversion. Create a new folder under %StaticDriverPath. go to the Hardware tab and click the Virtual Network option.Troubleshooting VMM approximately 30 minutes or you can manually refresh the properties selecting the host %ServerName. Or. and choose the Offline Conversion option on the Volume Configuration page. Verify the virtual network name by refreshing the Host Properties dialogue box. to the new folder. and %RangeEnd. on the VMM computer and then copy all of the storage or networks drivers to the to the new folder. in the Hosts pane and run the refresh action.. 13804 Access to the cluster %ComputerName. 13201 The specified number of virtual processors (value %ProcessorInfo. into Windows PE. 13244 The volume %VolumeDriveLetter.) is not within a valid range for the virtualization software of host %VMHostName. Ensure that the specified credentials have access to query cluster resources and then try the operation again. 13245 Virtual Machine Manager encountered an error while connecting to the agent after restarting the computer %ComputerName. For a newly created cluster. and try the operation again. Check the computer name. 401 402 403 404 %ComputerName. If the problem persists. and hosts joined to the domain by using an IPv6 address. Check the library server name. is not associated with this Virtual Machine Manager server. Check the remote server name. The server %ComputerName. contact your network administrator. ESX hosts. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 42 . Virtual machine host %ComputerName. Ensure that the provided name is a cluster name or the computer name of a node in the cluster. Recommended Action Select a value for the parameter. is already associated with this Virtual Machine Manager server. cannot resolve with DNS. you might need to wait for the cluster name to be added to Active Directory Domain Services. Check the virtual machine host name and then try the operation again. 13809 Unable to run WMI query on cluster %ComputerName. Library server %ComputerName. and that the cluster is listed in Active Directory Domain Services. and try the operation again. Ensure that the specified computer name is a cluster name and that the cluster service is properly installed and running. is not associated with this Virtual Machine Manager server. %ComputerName.. and try the operation again.Troubleshooting VMM 13805 Unable to contact cluster service on %ComputerName. Command-Line Interface Error Messages The following table contains error messages that you might encounter when using the Windows PowerShell – Virtual Machine Manager command shell. is missing. is not a valid network computer name. Ensure there is network communication with the DNS server. An IP address is valid only for hosts on a perimeter network. Only fully qualified domain names and NETBIOS computer names are valid. Error Messages Code 261 400 Message The parameter %InputParameterTag.. Try the operation again.. Verify that the selected user account VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 43 . and try the operation again.. Try the operation again. launch. Verify that DCOM access. Verify that the domain controller is operational and responding. %ComputerName. a valid password. 406 Access has been denied while contacting the server %ComputerName. and then try the operation again. If the problem persists. ensure that the VMM server is able to communicate with the managed computer. version %SoftwareVersion.exe to modify permissions. Wait for the installation to complete. was not successful. SCVMM cannot configure Virtual Machine Remote Client (VMRC) on host server %ComputerName. 1. 408 %ComputerName. Remove the association of %ComputerName. If the problem persists.. is already associated with a different Virtual Machine Manager server. and then try the operation again. Verify that the specified user account has administrative privileges on %ComputerName.. for the Administrators group.\n2. Verify that the correct user name.Troubleshooting VMM 405 The credentials provided do not indicate a valid domain user account. 409 410 Agent installation failed on %ComputerName. and the correct domain are entered and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. are missing from the Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName. Agent installation could not access the 412 413 Reinstall the missing files by running Virtual Machine Manager Server Setup.. 411 Agent installation failed because an installation is already in progress on server %ComputerName. on %ComputerName. has an unsupported version Uninstall the Virtual Machine Manager of the Virtual Machine Manager agent agent using Add or Remove Programs installed. A computer can only be associated with one Virtual Machine Manager server at a time. Try the operation again. install the agent locally and then add the managed computer.. 1. Use dcomcnfg... 414 1.\n2. The files needed to install agent. 407 The agent operation with server %ComputerName. and activation permissions are enabled on %ComputerName. from its current Virtual Machine Manager server or uninstall the Virtual Machine Manager agent using Add or Remove Programs on %ComputerName. Agent installation failed on %ComputerName. Ensure %ComputerName... There is a Virtual Machine Manager agent that is not responding or not compatible on %ComputerName.. navigate to Computer Configuration\Administrative 415 Agent installation failed copying %SourceLocation. Agent installation failed on %ComputerName. Verify the permissions on the ADMIN$ share of %ComputerName. Ensure that there is sufficient free space on the system volume. is online and not blocked by a firewall. install the WinRM component from http://go. exists. For more information. 417 418 419 Agent uninstallation failed on %ComputerName. If the ADMIN$ share does not exist. 420 421 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 44 .\n2. because of a WS-Management configuration error. Verify that the ADMIN$ share on If necessary. Ensure that the Windows Remote Management service is enabled and running on the server %ComputerName. because Agent is not installed. Ensure that the Windows Installer service is running on %ComputerName. is running either Windows Server 2003 SP2 or Windows Server 2003 R2 operating system. 416 Agent installation timed out while waiting on service %ServiceName. The ADMIN$ share must allow write access to the Administrator group. has administrative privileges on LinkId="84599".. Verify that the system time on the Virtual Machine Manager server and the server %ComputerName. 1. Uninstall the existing agent and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. reboot %ComputerName. on %ComputerName. is synchronized with the system time on the domain controller. because WS-Management is not installed or it is disabled. Verify that %ComputerName.. and try the operation again. because of an incompatible operating system version.\n2.Troubleshooting VMM ADMIN$ share on server %ComputerName.. In the Local Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc).. Agent installation failed on %ComputerName.\n3. see the installation instructions in the VMM Planning and Deployment Guide. Verify that Agent is installed on the computer. to %InstallLocation.\n3. right-click and then select Stop. 426 The agent is not responding on the perimeter network machine %ComputerName. Ensure that the required file exists and is accessible. that the parameter %Parameter. or %ComputerName. Verify that an incompatible version of Virtual Server is not already installed. Source machine is not associated with this Virtual Machine Manager server. because either the agent is not installed. The servers in domain %FriendlyName. Specify the administrator privileges. VMM was unable to import the user credentials from the security file..msc on %ComputerName. and then try the operation again.. Stop the service locally in the Services MMC snapin by running services.. is accessible from the Virtual Machine Manager server. Specify the location of the certificate obtained during local agent install on the host. and then ensure that there are no policy settings configured for WinRM Client or WinRM Service. and then try the operation again. 422 423 424 425 Machine %ComputerName. The file %FileName. If the error persists. and then try the operation again. Service %ServiceName. Check the source machine name. %ComputerName. restart %ComputerName.. run Virtual Machine Manager Server Setup again. points to was not found. and then try the operation again.Troubleshooting VMM Templates\Windows Components\Windows Remote Management (WinRM). is not accessible from Virtual Machine Manager server.. is not associated with this Virtual Machine Manager server. could not be stopped on %ComputerName. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. on a perimeter network. 427 428 431 432 433 The files needed to install Virtual Server are missing from Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName. To install the missing files. The agent cannot be uninstalled remotely from %ComputerName. without specifying administrator privileges for the machine. cannot be enumerated. Verify that the agent is installed on the computer. Certificate path not specified during addition of host %ComputerName. choose the service %ServiceName.. Check the name. 437 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 45 . and then try the operation again. Ensure that the security file is valid and the key used for encrypting the security file is correct. Check the machine name. Virtual Server installation was not successful on %ComputerName. To install the missing files. Ensure that the host is running Windows Server 2003 SP2 or LinkId="84599". Service %ServiceName. Active Directory Domain Services updates might still be pending. right-click and then select Start. by running services. Ensure that %ComputerName. as a managed computer because the server is not listed in Active Directory Domain Services.msc on %ComputerName. restart %ComputerName. 447 448 449 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 46 . and then add the host again. Verify that an incompatible version of MSXML is not already installed. Virtual Machine Manager is unable to add the server %ComputerName. is a Virtual Machine Manager server.. and then try the operation again. and try the operation again. run Virtual Machine Manager Server Setup again.. If the error persists. If the operating system was updated recently. Agent installation failed on %ComputerName. 439 VMM is unable to add the server %ComputerName. Uninstall the Virtual Machine Manager server from %ComputerName. Update the agent and virtualization software. The files needed to install Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6. 444 445 446 %ComputerName. On %ComputerName.. 440 441 Agent communication is blocked. and then try the operation again. is not a fully qualified domain name. and then try the operation again. choose the service %ServiceName. Download WinRM from http://go. as a managed computer because the operating system is not supported. using Add or Remove Programs on %ComputerName. could not be started on %ComputerName.0 installation was not successful on %ComputerName. Start the service locally in the Services MMC snapin by running services.msc. the version of virtualization software or the VMM agent is unsupported.. Wait until Active Directory Domain Services updates run. is a fully qualified domain name. because the supported version of Windows Remote Management (WinRM) is not installed. Verify that the server name and the domain name are correct. Managed computers must be running Windows Server 2003 SP2 or later. Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.. A Virtual Machine Manager server cannot be associated with another Virtual Machine Manager server..0 are missing from Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName. is not present on %ComputerName.Troubleshooting VMM 438 Service %ServiceName. and try the operation again. Check that the service exists in the Services MMC snapin on %ComputerName.. is not valid. and then try the operation again. 454 458 459 460 The file %FileName.. and then try the operation again. was found on the Virtual Machine Manager client. Uninstall the Virtual Machine Manager agent using Add or Remove Programs on %ComputerName. 463 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 47 . Ensure that the path does not include an incorrect value for file name. Agent update failed on %ComputerName. The Virtual Machine Manager agent could not be removed from %ComputerName. restart %ComputerName. 453 No Virtual Machine Remote Console (VMRC) certificate file %FileName. Verify that an incompatible version of Virtual Server is not already installed.Troubleshooting VMM 450 The specified host name %FriendlyName. Virtual Server installation was not successful on %ComputerName. Verify that an incompatible version of MSXML is not already installed. and then try the operation again. has Windows Installer version 3. Ensure that the specified path is valid. Virtual Machine Remote Console (VMRC) certificate request could not be saved to %FileName. since a file with that name already exists on the specified path. Virtual Machine Remote Console (VMRC) certificate file %FileName. If the error persists. restart %ComputerName. Delete the existing file. because of the error: %DetailedErrorMessage. Agent installation failed on %ComputerName.. 2. If the error persists. If the error persists.. The name in the security file is %ComputerName. 3.. Ensure that you have sufficient permissions to create %FileName. Ensure that the file is a valid certificate file. characters. Try the operation again.0 installation was not successful on %ComputerName.1 or later installed. points to exceeds the maximum size of %MaxLimit. 461 462 Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6. or specify a different path. Then try the operation again. reboot %ComputerName.. Ensure that the host name is correct in the security file and try the operation again.... does not match the name in the security file. that the parameter %Parameter. because of the error: %DetailedErrorMessage. The Virtual Machine Remote Console (VMRC) certificate request could not be saved to %FileName. 451 452 1. and then try the operation again. directory name. or volume label syntax. and then try the operation again. Ensure that %ComputerName. Ensure that you typed the path name correctly and that a certificate file exists on the specified path. Ensure that the required file is valid and then try the operation again... cannot be removed because one or more virtual machines are active on the virtual machine host. To manage more than five hosts. and then try to install Virtual Server using LinkId="117133". you must upgrade System Center Virtual Manage Manager. 502 503 The specified virtual network VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 48 .microsoft. Windows Remote Management (WS-Management).. Remove all virtual machines from virtual machine host %ComputerName. and Virtual Machine Manager Agent services are running on %ComputerName. 500 Verify that Windows Management Instrumentation.. Could not retrieve configuration data from the virtual machine host %ComputerName.. which cannot be added if the domain of the host does not have a twoway trust relationship with the domain of the VMM server or if the host is on a perimeter network. Run Get-VirtualNetwork and ensure 501 The virtual machine host %ComputerName.). you must upgrade System Center Virtual Manage LinkId="117133" Remove some of the hosts that you are trying to add and then try the operation again. 466 467 System Center Virtual Machine Manager Workgroup Edition cannot manage more than five hosts. Add the cluster as a trusted domain host. Restart %ComputerName. and then try the operation again. virtualization software. The selected network adapter does not exist on the virtual machine host. It may be damaged.Troubleshooting VMM 464 Virtual Server cannot be installed because the driver for mounting virtual hard disks (vhdstor) is present on %ComputerName. For information about upgrading. parsed correctly. is a Windows host cluster. because the valid and then try to register the virtual configuration file %FileName. go to http://go. 465 The virtual machine configuration could not be Ensure that the configuration file is added to %ComputerName. System Center Virtual Machine Manager Workgroup Edition cannot manage more than five hosts. Verify that the adapter is in the list obtained by running GetVMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost (GetVMHost -ComputerName %ComputerName. To manage more than five hosts. 468 The specified computer %ComputerName. go to http://go. could not be machine again. For information about upgrading. Then try the operation again. 522 523 524 525 526 550 551 552 553 554 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 49 . Verify that the registry key exists. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. Check the virtual network name. because of an incompatible operating system version. 521 The lease renewal time must be less than the lease rebinding time. that the virtual network is on the list. because no virtual machine paths are specified. The minimum value allowed for lease rebinding time is 45 seconds. already exists on the virtual machine host. is running either Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 operating system.. and then try the operation again. Enter a valid lease time. a virtual network name cannot contain any of the following characters: *?:<>/|\" Enter a valid lease time.. is incorrect. VMM cannot access registry key %RegistryKey. contains only valid characters and is less than 255 characters. does not exist. Ensure that the type of value name is correct. Ensure that at least one virtual machine path is specified. under %RegistryKey.Troubleshooting VMM %VirtualNetworkName. contains a character that is not valid. Virtual Machine Manager was unable to create a new virtual network %FriendlyName. For a host that is running Virtual Server.. and then try the operation again. Check the virtual network name and then try the operation again. Enter a valid lease time. Verify that the registry key value exists. Check the virtual network name. Host configuration failed on %ComputerName. Ensure that %ComputerName. The virtual network name %VirtualNetworkName. The type or name syntax of the registry key value %RegistryKeyValueName. The registry key syntax %RegistryKey. and then try the operation again. the name is not empty. Agent installation failed on %ComputerName. contains only valid characters and is less than 255 characters.. and then try the operation again. Verify permissions on this registry key. Also. the lease rebinding time must be less than IP address lease time. and then try the operation again. Ensure that the key is not empty. Enter a valid lease time. The minimum value allowed for lease renewal time is 30 seconds. under %RegistryKey. 504 505 506 The virtual network %FriendlyName. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. Permissions have not been granted to access the registry key %RegistryKey. The minimum value allowed for IP lease time is 60 seconds. VMM cannot access registry key value %RegistryKeyValueName. is incorrect. . Virtual Machine Manager cannot delete the file %FileName. has child subkeys or deletion of a root hive has been attempted. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. Virtual Machine Manager cannot delete the folder %DirectoryPath. Virtual Machine Manager was unable to find a value for the required Sysprep parameter %SysPrepEntry.inf file. and then try the operation again. Virtual Machine Manager cannot create the folder %DirectoryPath. You need to delete the file manually. Verify that there is sufficient disk space on the Virtual Machine Manager server. and then try the VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 50 . Either the virtual machine is not running or Virtual Machine Additions is not installed. but you cannot specify a value for both parameters in the same operation. Virtual Machine Manager cannot find or cannot access the location %FolderPath.Troubleshooting VMM 555 The operation on the registry key %RegistryKey. and then try the operation again. A system error occurred. was not successful. or the nesting level exceeds 510.. 609 610 611 612 613 616 617 619 620 Review the parameter. and then try the operation again.. 606 608 Ensure the specified answer file path is valid. The -ISO and -HostDrive parameters are mutually exclusive. Ensure that you have specified a valid path. and then try the operation again. Virtual Machine Manager cannot locate the specified answer file %SourceSysprepInfFile. Review the command. Specify the location of the virtual machine by its path. You cannot use a UNC name. or an attempt to create a key in the LocalMachine root.. You can specify a value for either the -ISO parameter or the -HostDrive parameter. Verify the status of the virtual machine by connecting to it using Virtual Machine Remote Client (VMRC). 556 Verify that the registry key is present. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. The DVD drive must be specified by the drive Verify the registry key properties.. You need to delete the folder manually. Virtual Machine Manager cannot write to the Sysprep. and then try the operation again. The subkey does not specify a valid registry subkey. Ensure that the path is valid. Enter the location of the virtual machine by its path. and then try the operation again. Virtual Machine Manager cannot detect a heartbeat from the specified virtual machine.. Add the missing Sysprep parameter either to the answer file or to the operating system configuration. such as deletion of the key. VMM cannot delete the registry key %RegistryKey. specified for the virtual machine. 622 623 The floppy drive must be specified by the drive Review the parameter. The virtual machine must be stopped before a virtual hard disk can be added. and or a name containing letters and numbers. The specified MAC address format is incorrect.:'". The computer name cannot contain spaces or any of the following characters `~!@#$%%^&*()=+[]{}\|. The product identification number must use the format xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx. The computer name must be a valid IP address Specify a valid computer name. If you are trying to add a virtual hard disk. operation again. and then try the operation again.Troubleshooting VMM letter. you cannot specify a value for the -PhysicalAddress parameter. When the value for the -PhysicalAddressType Static parameter is specified. add the disk to a SCSI bus. You can specify a value for either the VirtualFloppyDisk parameter or the -HostDrive parameter. Specify an additional virtual hard disk that is not attached to any other virtual machine. Channels are not available on the IDE bus for the addition of a new device. An additional virtual hard disk (VHD) can be attached to only one virtual machine at a time. 624 Review the command. 625 Enter a valid MAC address. 626 627 628 629 630 The SCSI bus cannot support the addition of new devices. Enter a MAC address for the missing parameter. and then try the letter. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation 631 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 51 . If the value for the -PhysicalAddressType Dynamic parameter is specified. The VHD %FilePath.<>/? .. operation again. Specify a valid product identification number. but you cannot specify a value for both parameters in the same operation. There are no available slots on the SCSI bus to add new devices. followed by a colon. 621 The -VirtualFloppyDisk and -HostDrive parameters are mutually exclusive. The MAC address format is 00-00-00-00-0000. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. a Media Access Control (MAC) address for the PhysicalAddress parameter must also be specified.. Stop the virtual machine. and then try the operation again. then try the operation again. cannot be attached to the new virtual machine because it is already attached to the virtual machine %VMName. which is located on the host %VMHostName. Review the command. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. followed by a colon. To join a workgroup. Virtual Machine Manager is unable to retrieve previously stored password information. or ProductKey. and domain password entries to join a domain. The virtual machine must be in either the Poweroff or Stored state before SCVMM can perform the specified hardware changes. transitional. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. such as FullName. MB. The virtual machine must be turned off before Virtual Machine Manager can update the network configuration changes. Change the state. and then try the operation again. ComputerName. One or more of the values you have entered for joining the domain are not valid. and domain password entries. and then try the operation again. domain user. such as FullName. or a failed state. 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 Turn off the virtual machine. enter a valid value for the workgroup name. Verify the values for the domain name. The value you have entered is not valid. and then try the operation again. or ProductKey.Troubleshooting VMM again. domain user. Ensure that all required values are specified. The workgroup name cannot contain more than 15 letters or numbers. Virtual Machine Manager is unable to find a value for one or more required Sysprep parameters. You must enter valid values for the domain name. 643 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 52 . Ensure that the Microsoft Cryptographic Service has been installed on the Virtual Machine Manager server and try the operation again. and then try the operation again. Either restore the key data from a previous backup or enter the information again. VMM cannot perform the specified media change because the virtual machine is currently in an error. and then try the operation again. Verify the values are specified in the Sysprep script. Ensure the virtual machine host has specified available memory. Turn off the virtual machine or store it to the library. 632 633 The passwords you have entered do not match. Virtual Machine Manager is unable to find a value for one or more required Sysprep parameters. Select a supported processor. Unable to set virtual machine memory to %MemorySize. Virtual Machine Manager does not support the specified processor type. and then try the operation again. Virtual Machine Manager is unable to securely store the password information on this machine. ComputerName. Enter the password again. ). LUN ID 7 is reserved for SCSI adapters and is not available for use.. Provide a valid name for the object. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again.. Select another destination for the disk. and then try the operation again. The specified host drive %DriveName. Modify the virtual DVD drive property to connect to an existing host drive. and then try the operation again. Verify that you are using the correct command.. Verify the contents of bus %Bus. The library virtual hard disk does not support SCSI. bus or LUN switches. The timezone is not valid. Slots are not available on the network adapters bus for the addition of new devices. and then try the operation again. Use the -RunAsUserCredential to specify the user account. and then try the operation again. A virtual hard disk %FileName. %Lun.) is not valid. Another device is already at the location (%BusType. does not exist on the host machine. This operation cannot be completed because the virtual machine must be turned off. Ensure the bus location values are valid.. at (%BusType.. does not exist on the host machine.. Shutdown the virtual machine and try the operation again. A SCSI adapter does not exist on bus %Bus. and then try the operation again. Verify that the virtual hard disks are stored in a valid location. Refer to the Sysprep documentation for valid values for timezone. Modify the virtual floppy drive property to connect to an existing host drive. %Bus. The network bus cannot support the addition of new devices. The swap operation requires a disk to be connected to a virtual machine or template. cannot be attached to the same virtual machine or template more than once directly or via differencing disk. IDE. Verify that both disks are connected to the same object. To perform a swap operation both disks need to be connected to the same object. and then try 658 The bus location for the object %FriendlyName. and then try the operation again.. Attachment of a virtual hard disk to a virtual machine or template multiple times is not supported. The -Name parameter cannot be empty or contain spaces for object %ObjectType. The swap operation is not supported on virtual hard disks stored in the library. Select another destination for the disk.Troubleshooting VMM 644 645 646 647 The specified host drive %DriveName. and then try the operation again. The virtual machine must be run under a user account in order to use the -StartAction and - 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 53 . %Lun. and then try the operation again. %Bus. Verify that there is a valid connection. 675 676 Specify a virtual machine that has the same boot and windows partition. the operation again. Run Repair-VM to complete the job.ini file does not contain the value for the entry Section = %SysprepSection. and then try the operation again.. and then run Sysprep. and then run Sysprep. and then try the operation again. The version of Virtual Server on host %VMHostName. Ensure you are using the version of Sysprep binaries that match with virtual machine's Windows version. The Windows and System partitions are different. Enter a valid account and password. Unable to run Sysprep because the boot virtual hard disk does not contain any volumes. The -RunAsSystem and -RunAsUserCredential command cannot be specified at the same time. Sysprep binary %FileName.. Add the missing Sysprep binaries for the specified Windows version in the specified folder. Specify a valid boot virtual hard disk. The template being created should contain at least one virtual hard disk. The selected virtual machine cannot run sysprep. Upgrade Virtual Server. is not supported when creating a template. Virtual machine %VMName. 672 673 674 Specify at least one virtual hard disk. and then try the operation again. 670 671 The -RunAsUserCredential command requires a valid account and password. Specify a valid boot virtual hard disk. Key = %SysprepKey. in Folder %FilePath. Specify a valid boot virtual hard disk. Stop or shut down the virtual machine. and then try the operation again. Run each command separately. 677 678 680 682 685 686 A template cannot be created from virtual machine %VMName. Sysprep is not supported. creation cannot restart. and then try the operation again. is not the supported VS R2 SP1 version. and then try the operation again.Troubleshooting VMM DelayStart parameters. Timeout occurred while waiting for Sysprep to finish processing on the virtual machine.ini file is not on specified boot virtual hard disk that Sysprep need to be run on. and then try the operation again. Provide a valid virtual machine to restart the creation process. does not exist for Windows version %SoftwareVersion. The Boot. is repaired. and then try the operation again. To restart a virtual machine must be in the Creation Failed or Customization Failed 687 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 54 .. This job cannot be restarted until the virtual machine %VMName. Select another virtual machine to create the template from. The Boot. This operating system %SoftwareVersion. cannot be attached to the same virtual machine. The -JoinWorkgroup and -JoinDomain parameters cannot be used together. to the domain without a network adapter. is not in a valid state. Verify that both parameters are included. cannot be cloned. JoinDomain and -JoinDomainCredential must be specified. %FriendlyName. and then try the operation again. template or hardware profile more than once. Can only convert virtual hard disks belonging to a virtual Machine that is present on a virtual machine host. Specify either -JoinWorkgroup or JoinDomain parameters. Attachment of an ISO image to a virtual machine. and then try the operation again. An ISO %FileName. 689 691 692 694 695 696 697 698 A virtual SCSI adapter can only be attached to Lun ID 6 or 7. template or hardware profile via multiple DVD drives is not supported. Select a template in that is in a valid state. Review your command parameters and try the operation again. 708 709 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 55 . Retry sysprep or remove virtual machine. template or hardware profile only once. and then try the operation again. Turn off the virtual machine or store it to the library. and then try the operation again.. Virtual Machine Manager cannot join %ObjectType. and then try the operation again. 688 To join a domain both parameters. If you specify parameter -NoConnection.Troubleshooting VMM state. Attach an ISO image to a virtual machine. Either use the -RunAsUserCredential to specify the user account or RunAsSystem to specify system account. Try the operation again. you cannot provide -VirtualNetwork. Add at least one network adapter to the virtual machine or template. Source template %FriendlyName. Specify either -NoConnection or VirtualNetwork parameter. Either user credentials are required to perform this operation or virtual machine has to be set to run as system. Cannot dismiss sysprep failure for virtual machine %VMName. Select a virtual hard disk attached to a virtual machine on the host. Virtual hard disk conversion is supported only for virtual hard disks that are fixed or dynamically expanding. Select a virtual hard disk that is either fixed or dynamically expanding. as virtual machine is not recoverable. A virtual machine must be in Poweroff or Stored state in order to be cloned. Virtual machine %VMName. and then try the operation again. 706 707 Sysprep failed for virtual machine %VMName. and then try the operation again. Please review your parameters and run the command again. To find the associated files. and then try the operation again. View the properties of the VM object to retrieve the location of the files. operation timed out after waiting for %VHDActionTimeoutInHours. in state %FromState. or a failed state. wait for the operation to complete. and then try the operation again. wait for the operation to complete. If the virtual machine is in a failed or unsupported state. is not supported for repairing the virtual machine %VMName.).. and then try the either a Poweroff or Stored state. Try the operation again. transitional.. repair the failure.Troubleshooting VMM 711 SCVMM cannot change the name of the virtual Turn off the virtual machine or store it machine because the virtual machine is not in to the library. If the virtual machine is in a transitional state. CPUReserve value (%CPUReserve. use the Get-VM cmdlet from the command line to retrieve the VM object. 712 713 714 SCVMM cannot modify the virtual machine because it is in either an unsupported. hours. The create virtual hard disk %FileName. 716 717 718 Try the operation again. operation timed out after waiting for %VHDActionTimeoutInHours. If the virtual machine is in a transitional state. The compact virtual hard disk %FileName. save the Poweroff. 722 Repair the virtual machine. or Stored state to change the virtual machine state. 715 The option %RepairOption. The convert virtual hard disk %FileName. operation again. repair the failure. or a failed state. Only the VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 56 . 719 Try the operation again. or store the RunGuestCredential virtual machine property. transitional. Otherwise. A virtual machine must be in either the Turn off the virtual machine. and then try the command again. virtual machine in the library. hours. The virtual machine cannot be repaired because the last job that ran on the virtual machine is no longer available. using the dismiss option if it is available. and then try the operation again. and then try the command again. hours. >Use an option supported by the state %FromState.) cannot be greater than CPUMax value (%CPUMax. Saved. operation timed out after waiting for %VHDActionTimeoutInHours. If the virtual machine is in a failed or unsupported state. Use the Repair VM action to repair the 723 Unable to restart the specified job. copy the files of the virtual machine to a new location and recreate the VM. SCVMM cannot modify StopAction property of the virtual machine because it is in either an unsupported. and then try the operation again. The template %FriendlyName. must be larger than its current size and less than the maximum size supported by Hyper-V. Specify the shared path as \\servername\sharename. and then try the operation again. Specify a new name for the virtual machine. and try the operation again. 800 801 802 803 804 807 808 VMM cannot access the specified file because access is denied. VMM cannot find %FilePath.. manually delete it from the host. file %FilePath. 733 735 Review the command. already exists on the virtual machine host %VMHostName. can be restarted. Retry the operation again. File %FileName. but it could not be deleted from host %VMHostName.. Specify a unique name for the template. 730 Please retry the operation without specifying guest operating system parameters. and then try the operation again. Virtual machine %FriendlyName. 728 The operation to expand virtual hard disk %FileName. is already in use by another %ObjectType. because VMM does not have sufficient rights to delete this file. If the fileis no longer needed. Parameters cannot be specified for the guest operating system when creating a noncustomizable template. and then try the operation again. state.. 809 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 57 . object %FriendlyName. and then try the operation again. virtual machine. and then try the operation again. VMM cannot remove the virtual machine because it is in the %FromState. The %ObjectType. 729 Specify a valid size and then try the operation again. VMM must have the proper permissions to the file for access. The file location path must be a shared path. Change the file access permissions. Change the virtual machine's state. VMM cannot find %ObjectType. Parameters cannot be specified for the guest operating system because the selected template was created as a non-customizable template (-NoCustomization parameter). Wait for the object to become available. timed out after %VHDActionTimeoutInHours.Troubleshooting VMM most recent job that ran on the virtual machine %VMName. The specified size for virtual hard disk %FileName. and then try the operation again. Ensure the path parameter value is valid. already exists. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. hours. Ensure the library object is valid. was removed from Virtual Machine Manager. already exists. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 58 . 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 823 824 825 826 Use an independent share. VMM cannot remove the disk because it is the parent of a differencing disk. Specify a valid Active Directory Domain Services account. VMM cannot find the library share. A valid name is required to complete this task. and then try the operation again. Specify a valid name.. Specify a valid library share. VMM cannot remove this library object because a virtual machine. and then try the operation again. Specify a file with a file extension that matches %ObjectType. VMM cannot link to this ISO because it is not a standalone ISO stored in a library.. %FriendlyName. Library share %FriendlyName. templates. is not a share. Remove all differencing disks associated with the parent disk. Specify a unique library share name. The file extension of %FileName. VMM cannot add %FileName. and then try the operation again. VMM cannot remove this library share since %ObjectType. To remove the library object. as %ObjectType. Compact the virtual hard disk on the virtual machine host instead. and then try the operation again. does not match the supported file extensions for %ObjectType. The specified owner is not a valid Active Directory Domain Services account. and then try the operation again. Unable to add library share %SharePath. remove this virtual disk object from the virtual machine using this virtual disk. hardware or guest operating system profile is using it. and then try the operation again. %FriendlyName.. Specify a valid path for the share. and then try the operation again. Specify a virtual hard disk that is not associated with a virtual machine. is referenced in both this library share and another library share. Remove %ObjectType. is the parent or child folder of an existing library share. Store the ISO image in the library or link to an ISO image in the library.Troubleshooting VMM 811 VMM cannot add a virtual hard disk that is associated with a virtual machine. and then try the operation again. %FilePath. hardware and guest operating system profiles that are using it. because the library share's local path. VMM cannot compact a virtual hard disk in the Library. template.. and then try the operation again. The path %SharePath. and then try the operation again. remove it from all virtual machines. Cannot remove virtual disk because a virtual machine is using this virtual disk. To remove this virtual disk. or select a different library share. If the virtual machine is in a failed state.Troubleshooting VMM 827 Unable to perform this operation because the destination share. VMM cannot expand a virtual hard disk in the Library.. The %ObjectType. Then try the operation again. Virtual Machine Manager cannot transfer the virtual machine %VMName. Fibre Channel SAN transfer cannot be used. SCVMM does not have permissions to access the share %ShareName. A Virtual Disk Service (VDS) error occurred on server %VMHostName. To be transferred. The path %FileName.. transfer the virtual machine over the LAN or install a VDS hardware provider on the host. A virtual machine in a failed state cannot be transferred You cannot migrate a virtual machine to the location where it currently resides. Instead. SAN transfer cannot be used. Ensure the share path is on a library share on the specified library server. cannot be transferred. Virtual machine %VMName. The server %VMHostName. over the SAN because the virtual machine resides on a volume that maps to a dynamic disk. is not a registered share path on the library server %ComputerName. Ensure that both Local System and Virtual Machine Manager Servers groups have full access to the share on %ComputerName. either is not a library share in Virtual Machine Manager or is not present on library server %ServerName. shut down. a virtual machine must be stopped.. shut down. does not contain any host bus adapter (HBA) ports. does not have a Virtual Disk Service (VDS) hardware provider installed. Virtual Machine Manager cannot transfer virtual machine %VMName. Expand the virtual hard disk on the virtual machine host instead. use "Repair virtual machine" to repair the virtual machine. in a saved state or stored in the library. Specify a different name for the %ObjectType. is on a volume which maps to multiple disks. Virtual Machine %VMName. add the share to Virtual Machine Manager as a library share. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN. %SharePath. over the SAN because the host %VMHostName. and then try the operation again. "%FriendlyName. on the library server %ComputerName.. being edited Specify a valid share path on %ComputerName. or see the Virtual Machine Manager Planning and Deployment Guide for information about using a SAN. Stop. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN..." already exists.. or save the virtual machine. or see the Virtual Machine Manager Planning and Deployment 1208 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 59 . Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN. Specify a new location to transfer the virtual machine. 828 834 835 842 1201 1202 1204 1205 1206 1207 Try the operation again. Virtual Machine %VMName. to complete the installation.. and then try the operation again. which contains virtual machine %VMName. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN. SAN transfer cannot be used.. 1209 Virtual Machine %VMName. was not transferred 1216 1217 1219 1220 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 60 . transfer the virtual machine SAN which does not support globally unique over the LAN. exists and the path %FolderPath. restart %VMHostName. exists and that the folder is empty. which cannot be found. Instead.1. 1211 1212 1213 1214 Virtual Machine %VMName. identifiers for LUNs. Instead. Then try the operation again. 1210 The Virtual Machine %VMName. SAN transfer cannot be used. is valid. and then try the operation again. The file system path %FolderPath. transfer the virtual machine over the LAN. resides on a LUN. For more information.Troubleshooting VMM Guide for information about using a SAN. or see Virtual Machine Manager Help for information about using a SAN. Unable to access Virtual Disk Service (VDS) 1. SAN transfer cannot be used. is unmasked to virtual machine host %VMHostName. To finish installing VDS 1.. Ensure the virtual machine %VMName. Ensure that the LUN. is placed on a basic disk which contains other volumes. is placed on a Instead. The files of virtual machine %VMName.. Ensure that another volume is not mounted at this path. Try the operation again. is not valid. reside on different LUNs. Ensure that the path %FolderPath. transfer the virtual machine over the LAN. and then try the operation again.1 interface on server %VMHostName.. Install VDS 1.. associated with virtual machine %VMName. The required version of Virtual Disk Service (VDS) is not installed on server %VMHostName. or see Virtual Machine Manager Help for information about using a SAN. The file %FileName.1 on the virtual machine host %VMHostName. SAN transfer cannot be used. and then try the operation again. 1215 An error has occurred while dismounting the volume at location %FolderPath.. on server %VMHostName. Unable to mount volume at %FolderPath. check the event log of the virtual machine host. or see the Virtual Machine Manager Planning and Deployment Guide for information about using a SAN. resides on a non SAN disk. . %SourceFile2.%SourceFile1. to transfer virtual machine %VMName. is placed on. is placed on. can recognize the LUN virtual machine %VMName. Virtual machine %VMName. Transfer virtual machine %VMName. cannot be transferred over the SAN because it contains virtual disks that are shared with other virtual machines. on server %VMHostName. cannot recognize the LUN that virtual machine %VMName. There is insufficient disk space on the volume %SystemVolumeDriveLetter. can connect to the iSCSI target Virtual machine %VMName. If server %VMHostName.. If you have recently changed your Fibre Channel configuration wait approximately 30 minutes and try the operation again. 1221 Virtual Machine %VMName. cannot be transferred because it is associated with two files with identical names . already exists on virtual machine host %VMHostName. is placed on. Verify that the virtual machine does not contain differencing disks that are shared with other virtual machines or transfer the virtual machine over the LAN. is a virtual machine host you can manually refresh 1222 1223 Virtual machine %VMName.Troubleshooting VMM correctly. is placed on. If you have recently changed your iSCSI configuration. cannot recognize the LUN that virtual machine %VMName. Check your iSCSI configuration to Ensure that the server %VMHostName. The server %VMHostName. on server %VMHostName. and then try the operation again. wait approximately 30 minutes and try the operation again. to a different host. MB of disk space on the volume %SystemVolumeDriveLetter. Disassociate the file from the virtual machine 2.. 1224 1227 The target location for a SAN transfer %FolderPath. 1228 1229 The server %VMHostName. or rename the file by performing the following steps: 1. Free %BinaryDiskSpaceRequired. Disassociate one of the files from the virtual machine %VMName. Check your Fibre Channel zoning policy to ensure that the server %VMHostName. Specify a different target location on an NTFS volume.. to %FolderPath. Associate the file with the virtual machine. cannot be on a FAT volume. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 61 . and then try the operation again. If server %VMHostName. to complete the transfer. Rename the file 3. is a virtual machine host you can manually refresh the properties by using the Refresh-VMHost cmdlet. . and then try the operation again.. does not have the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator installed.. is visible to virtual machine host %VMHostName.. For more information. and then try the operation again. 1231 Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN. 1240 1242 1244 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 62 . for more information. SAN transfer cannot be used.. is unable to log on to target %IscsiTargetName. are closed. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN. Check your iSCSI configuration and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. is already present on server %VMHostName. Ensure that the Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Hardware provider is installed and running on machine %VMHostName. check the event log of server %VMHostName. Verify that all open file handles on any of the disks of iSCSI target %IscsiTargetName. iSCSI transfer is not possible. 1232 1233 The iSCSI initiator on server %VMHostName. Check your iSCSI configuration and verify that iSCSI subsystem %FriendlyName. Ensure that the selected virtual machine is not in a perimeter network. iSCSI SAN transfer cannot be used. The file %FileName.. The iSCSI subsystem %FriendlyName. Check the event log of server %VMHostName. resides on a LUN. from target %IscsiTargetName. Specify a location that is on a library share.. The specified target path %SharePath.Troubleshooting VMM the properties by using the RefreshVMHost cmdlet. 1230 There are multiple virtual machines %NameList. and then try the operation again... The iSCSI target %IscsiTargetName. and then try the operation again.. which is not visible to the Virtual Disk Service (VDS) hardware provider on machine %VMHostName. on the LUN that virtual machine %VMName. Virtual Machine %VMName. is placed on. is not visible to machine %VMHostName. to a different location. An error occurred while logging off the iSCSI initiator on server %VMHostName. The virtual machine %VMName. is exposed to a target which contains other LUNs. 1234 1235 1236 1238 The virtual machine %VMName. The server %VMHostName. cannot be transferred because it is located in a perimeter network. is not on a VMM library share on server %VMHostName. is not visible to machine %VMHostName. Move the file %FileName. and try the operation again. Then try the operation again. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN. Try the operation again. The server %VMHostName. Remove the encryption from file or folder %FileName. already has the maximum %MaxLimit. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN. If the LUN was recently moved. If server %VMHostName. and retry the operation. Ensure the virtual machine does not contain an ISO that is shared with other virtual machines. Select a different server and try the operation again Select a different server and try the operation again 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 NPIV transfer cannot be used because the server %VMHostName. The format of the WWPN of virtual port %VirtualWWPN. resides on a LUN. Virtual Machine %VMName.. NPIV transfer cannot be used because the virtual machine %VMName. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN. The physical port %PhysicalWWPN.%FileName. NPIV transfer cannot be used because the physical port %PhysicalWWPN. because it is encrypted. Specify a valid WWPN and then try the operation again. or transfer the virtual machine over the LAN.%VMHostName. does not have an HBA which supports NPIV. is not stored on a LUN that is unmasked to a Virtual Port. A virtual port with WWPN %VirtualWWPN. The creation of virtual port %VirtualWWPN..Troubleshooting VMM 1248 VMM cannot access the file or folder %FileName. has enough memory and try the operation again Select a different server and try the operation again. Specify the FQDN of the library server in the target path. contains an HBA that supports NPIV. does not have a Microsoft MPIO solution installed. failed due to lack of resources. already exists on server %VMHostName. or transfer the virtual machine over the LAN. and then try the operation again. on server %VMHostName. 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 Ensure that server %VMHostName. 1259 1260 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 63 . that is shared with other virtual machines.. An unknown error occurred performing an NPIV operation on server %VMHostName. wait for the volume on the LUN to arrive and then try the operation again. is not valid. does not match the fully qualified domain name of the selected VMM library server . cannot be transferred over the SAN because it contains an ISO . which does not have a volume on machine %VMHostName. virtual ports. is connected to a fabric that does not support NPIV. on server %VMHostName. The server name specified in the target path %SharePath. on server %VMHostName. Virtual Machine %VMName. ensure that the right version of firmware and driver are installed.. Troubleshooting VMM 1261 An NPIV operation failed on server %VMHostName. The format of the symbolic name of the virtual port %VirtualWWPN. could not be moved to virtual machine host %VMHostName. Ensure that the server %VMHostName. Unable to move virtual machine %VMName. cannot be transferred over the SAN because it has passthrough disks. Virtual machine %VMName. is not valid. %VirtualSymbolicName. Virtual machine %VMName. Specify a valid target path and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. Try the operation again. 1262 1263 1264 The format of the tag of the virtual port %VirtualWWPN. is not valid. Remove all of the checkpoints and then try the operation again. because the target path was not specified. using this cluster configuration. The HBA %AdapterPNPInstanceName. of virtual port %VirtualWWPN. Check the cluster configuration and then try the operation again. could not be moved to Hyper-V host %VMHostName. remove the pass-through disks and then try the operation again. 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 Convert the pass-through disks to virtual hard disks. The virtual port %VirtualWWPN. Saved Virtual machine %VMName.. Virtual machine %VMName.%VirtualTag. does not exist on server %VMHostName. is not valid. Ensure that the adapter exists and then try the operation again. could not be moved to virtual machine host %VMHostName. . Try the operation again. The format of the WWNN . 1275 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 64 . could not be moved because it has checkpoints. Specify a valid tag and then try the operation again. Specify a valid WWPN and then try the operation again. because the SAN link is not operational. is not valid.. %DetailedErrorMessage. Virtual machine %VMName. Specify a valid symbolic name and then try the operation again.%VirtualWWNN. over LAN because pass-through disks are attached. is connected to the SAN and then try the operation again. Delete the saved state and then try the operation again. %DetailedErrorMessage. Specify a valid WWNN and then try the operation again. Otherwise. was not found on server %VMHostName. of the virtual port %VirtualWWPN. exists on server %VMHostName. Ensure that the virtual port %VirtualWWPN. The format of the WWPN of the physical port %PhysicalWWPN. 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 Remove all of the checkpoints and then try the operation again. Checkpoints are not supported for VMware virtual machines. cannot be migrated to or from VMware ESX Server host Select a volume that is available for placement. and then try the operation again. Virtual machine %VMName.Troubleshooting VMM because it has checkpoints. %VMName. Volume %SystemVolumeDriveLetter.. Retry the operation after the host is out of maintenance mode. cannot be moved to host %VMHostName. This functionality is not supported in the VMM library for Hyper-V virtual machines with saved state or snapshots. Virtual machine %VMName. on server %VMHostName. To end 1287 1288 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 65 . could not be stored because it is in saved state. over the SAN because this virtual machine is placed on multiple LUNs of different SAN types. Select a virtual machine instead of a template and try the operation again. Rename the virtual hard disks to have unique names and then try the operation again. 1278 Use a different destination host. Unable to migrate virtual machine %VMName. could not be stored because it has multiple virtual hard disks with the same name %FileName. over the SAN because SAN transfers between clustered and nonclustered hosts are not supported. to host %VMHostName. could not be moved because it has snapshot virtual hard disks. on %VMHostName. Remove all of the checkpoints and then try the operation again. on %VMHostName.avhd). Virtual machine %VMName. merge the snapshot virtual hard disks (. 1279 Remove all of the checkpoints. 1284 1285 Deploy the virtual machine to a Hyper-V host and then try the operation again.. Virtual machine %VMName. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN. cannot be transferred. 1286 Discard the saved state and then try the operation again. Virtual machine %VMName. VMM cannot transfer the virtual machine %VMName. 1277 Virtual machine %VMName. 1281 1282 1283 Ensure that virtual machine is placed on single type of SAN LUN or transfer the virtual machine over the LAN. because it has snapshots or saved state. could not be migrated because it is a VMware template. Virtual machine %VMName. is unavailable for placement. The source and destination hosts have incompatible virtualization software. could not be moved because it has checkpoints. Virtual Machine Manager cannot perform hardware configuration changes on virtual machine %VMName. If the problem persists. and then try the operation again. ensure that it is not blocking requests for TCP port %RemoteUIPort. Then try the operation again. Select a different template. Try the operation again with a valid domain account. because the specified computer name could not be resolved. Ensure that your account has access to the Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName. has already been added to this user role. 1602 1603 Unable to connect to the Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName.. 1) Verify that %ServerName. The user role member must have an Active Directory Domain Services account. Verify that Virtual Machine Manager has been installed on the server and that the Virtual Machine Manager service is running. If the problem persists..\n2) If a firewall is enabled on %ServerName. Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator to verify that your account is a member of a valid user role and then try the operation again. The credentials provided have insufficient privileges on %ServerName. Close and reopen Windows PowerShell. The attempt to connect timed out.. Cannot locate the user role because it no longer exists. Unable to connect to the Virtual Machine 1606 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 66 . Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator to obtain the appropriate permissions. and then try the operation again. restart the Virtual Machine Manager service.. because the host is in maintenance mode. and then try the operation again. Virtual Machine Manager cannot find a domain account for member %UserName. 1601 VMM is unable to connect to the Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName. Verify that the server name and port 1408 1410 1417 1600 VMM is unable to process one or more of the provided cmdlet parameters. Ensure that the computer name is correct. 1605 You cannot contact the Virtual Machine Manager server.. Then try to connect again. is online and can be accessed from your computer. The Virtual Machine Manager service on that server did not respond. use VMware VirtualCenter.Troubleshooting VMM %VMHostName. -full to view a list of defined parameters and complete descriptions.. Unable to connect to the Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName. maintenance mode.. 1604 You cannot access Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName. 1401 You do not have the permission required to perform this operation. contact your network administrator.. and then try the operation again. Type Get-Help %CmdletName. The template %FriendlyName. If the command fails again because of a connection failure. The job will continue running on %ServerName. on port %RemoteUIPort. restart the Virtual Manager service and then try the operation again. Then connect to %ServerName. is online and that you can access the server remotely from your computer. until it completes.\n\nTo find out the result of the job. 1610 1611 Unable to retrieve the result of the job because the connection to the Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName. Find information on upgrading at http://go. Use the troubleshooting mode of the Self-Service portal.. 1616 Unable to start VMMService because the VMM database has more than five hosts. The connection to the Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName. 1) Verify that %ServerName. Uninstall the Virtual Machine Manager server using the "Remove data" option.\n2) Verify that the Virtual Machine Manager service is started on %ServerName. type at the command prompt: Get-Help GetVMMServer -detailed. The credentials provided have administrator privileges instead of SelfService only privileges on %ServerName. Then connect to %ServerName. VMM Workgroup Edition can manage a maximum of five LinkId="94662". was lost. and run the following cmdlet:\nPS> Get-VMMServer you can ensure that the Virtual Machine Manager service is started on %ServerName. | Get-Job | where { $_. restart the Virtual Machine Manager service. and try the command again using the new connection.ID -eq "%TaskID. and then try the operation again. If the problem persists. is online and can be remotely accessed from your computer. or upgrade VMM Workgroup Edition to manage more than five hosts. re-connect to the server. Ensure that %ServerName. 1607 You cannot contact the Virtual Machine Manager server."} Use the Get-VMMServer cmdlet or the VMMServer parameter to connect to a Virtual Machine Manager server. For more information. 1615 VMM is unable to perform this operation without a connection to a Virtual Machine Manager server.. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 67 .Troubleshooting VMM Manager server %ServerName. and try the command again using the new connection. number are correct. Or. was lost.. and then try the operation again. Check the state of the virtual machine. Verify that the credentials specified are correct and then try logging on again. job cannot be restarted.ID -eq "%TaskID. | GetJob | where { $_."}) For a description of the cmdlets in this type of JobGroup. One or more of the cmdlets is not valid for inclusion in that JobGroup. Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator to verify that the user account is still active and then try logging on again. The %JobName. Unable to log on because a connection could not be established. The specified action could not be performed on virtual machine %VMName. Could not refresh virtual machine %VMName. Wait for the job to finish."}) Restart the job by running the following command:\n\nPS> Restart-Job -Job (Get-VMMServer %ServerName.. job. job requires alternate user credentials before it can be restarted. The job was stopped by the user %UserName.. server stopped while this job was running... 1700 The Virtual Machine Manager service on the %ServerName. Wait for the object to be updated automatically by the next periodic %JobName. and then run the command again. 1619 Unable to log on because access was denied. Restart the job by supplying the credential parameter to the Restart-job cmdlet. 1708 1709 1710 The %JobName. Ensure that the virtual machine exists and that the WMI service is running on virtual machine host %VMHostName.. 1730 1732 1733 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 68 . and verify that the selected job can be run on a virtual machine in that state. | GetJob | where { $_. see the help for cmdlet %CmdletName. for JobGroup %TaskID.Troubleshooting VMM 1617 1618 Unable to log on by using the specified credentials. Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator to verify that the SelfService Portal Web site is running under the NETWORK SERVICE identity and that no restrictions have been placed on this account that would prevent impersonation.ID -eq "%TaskID. This may have been caused by a system restart. 1701 1703 Unable to start the cmdlet %CmdletName. The %JobName.. job cannot be canceled. The request to change the state timed out. The selected action could not be completed because the virtual machine is not in a state in which the action is valid. Restart the job by running the following command:\n\nPS> Restart-Job -Job (Get-VMMServer %ServerName. Verify that the virtual machine is online. Troubleshooting VMM 1735 The virtual machines cannot be shut down because Virtual Guest Services is not installed on the guest operating system: %ObjectList;, or because the installed Virtual Guest Services does not support shutting down of the guest operating system that is running on the virtual machine. The virtual machine %VMName; cannot be stored to a library server because its host is on a perimeter network. To shut down, you must install Virtual Guest Services that support the shutting down of the guest operating system. 1737 Virtual machines cannot be transferred from hosts on perimeter networks because of security concerns. For more information about how to add a host in the perimeter network go to Virtual Machine Manager Help. Virtual machines cannot be transferred from hosts on perimeter networks because of security concerns. For more information about how to add a host in the perimeter network go to Virtual Machine Manager Help. 1738 The virtual machine %VMName; cannot be migrated to a different host because its current host is on a perimeter network. 1749 1750 The host group name contains a character that Specify a valid host group name. is not allowed (*?:<>/|\"). Unable to find the specified host group. The host group name may be incorrect, or the host group may have been moved or deleted. Verify that the host group name is correct, that the host group exists on the Virtual Machine Manager server, and that the host group is in the specified host path. Specify a unique name for the host, and then try the operation again. Specify a unique name or location for the host group, and then try the operation again. To update the list of host groups, restart the Virtual Machine Manager service, or wait until the host groups list is automatically refreshed. Remove all hosts from this host group and from any child host groups that the host group contains. Then retry this command. Specify a different parent host group for the host group %HostGroupName;. 1751 1752 Unable to assign the name %VMHostName; to this host because this name is already in use. Unable to assign the host group the name %HostGroupName; in the specified path because another host group at the same level already has that name. Unable to modify host group %HostGroupName; because the host group has been deleted. Unable to delete host group %HostGroupName; because the host group is not empty. The host group may have hosts assigned to it, or hosts may be assigned to child host groups of this host group. Unable to move a host group to itself. 1753 1755 1756 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 69 Troubleshooting VMM 1757 Unable to move this host group to the %HostGroupName; host group because the specified host group is a child of this host group. Virtual machine %VMName; cannot be cloned or migrated. To be cloned or migrated, a virtual machine must be stored in the library or turned off. To be stored in the library, the virtual machine must be stopped or in a saved state. Could not find the specified virtual machine checkpoint. Virtual machine %VMName; cannot be used for any checkpoint actions. For checkpoint actions, a virtual machine must be running, stopped, paused or in a saved state. A new checkpoint for virtual machine %VMName; cannot be created because it exceeds the maximum of %Count; checkpoints allowed. The Virtual Machine Manager database %DatabaseName; could not be backed up at %FolderPath;. Failed to recover database %DatabaseName; from location %FileName; to SQL server. The SQL error is:\n%DetailedErrorMessage; The path %FileName; specified for Virtual Machine Manager database backup file is not valid. An error has occurred while trying to remove all connections to database %DatabaseName;. The command is not valid. There are no virtual hard disks attached to %VMName;. Checkpoint actions on virtual machine %VMName; are unsupported because one or Choose a different host group to be the new parent of the %HostGroupName; host group. Stop or shut down the virtual machine, and then try the operation again. 1777 1778 Save state, stop or shut down the virtual machine, and then try the operation again. Ensure the specified virtual machine checkpoint exists and try the operation again. Ensure that the virtual machine is running, stopped, paused or in a saved state, and then try the command again. To create a new checkpoint for virtual machine %VMName;, remove an older checkpoint. Ensure that the specified folder exists, is not a root directory and is accessible to the SQL server. Ensure that the specified file is a valid VMM database backup. Ensure that the specified path is valid and that the Virtual Machine Manager database backup file exists on that path. Ensure that the SQL Server service can be started and that you have permissions to query the SQL Server. Check the specified parameters and try the command again. To create a checkpoint, add a virtual hard disk to the virtual machine, and then try the operation again. Ensure that the virtual machine doesn't share any hard disks with other virtual 2200 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 70 Troubleshooting VMM more hard disks are shared with other virtual machines. The shared hard disks are: %ObjectList;. 2216 Checkpoint creation on virtual machine %VMName; is unsupported because the virtual machine contains virtual hard disk %FileName;, and the path length of the checkpoint disk for this hard disk will exceed %MaxLimit; characters. Checkpoint actions can be performed only for virtual machines that are on a host. Virtual machine %VMName; is in the library. A new checkpoint cannot be created for virtual machine %VMName; because it is attached to one or more pass-through disks A new checkpoint cannot be created for virtual machine %VMName;. The virtualization software on host %VMHostName; does not allow a new checkpoint to be created for a virtual machine that is paused. A new checkpoint cannot be created for virtual machine %VMName;. The virtualization software on host %VMHostName; does not allow a checkpoint name that exceeds %MaxLength; characters. A new checkpoint cannot be created for virtual machine %VMName; on host %VMHostName; because virtual machine %VMName; has one or more virtual hard disks attached to a shared SCSI adapter. The specified path is not a valid share path on %ComputerName;. machines. Transfer the virtual machine to a location where the path is shorter, or reduce the length of the virtual hard disk's filename and try the operation again. Place the virtual machine on a host and then try the operation again. Ensure that the virtual machine is not attached to any pass-through disks and then try the command again. Ensure that the virtual machine is running, stopped, or in a saved state and then try the operation again. 2217 2219 2221 2222 Specify a shorter checkpoint name and try the operation again. 2223 Ensure that virtual machine does not have any virtual hard disks attached to shared SCSI adapters and then try the operation again. Specify a valid share path on %ComputerName; to the virtual machine to be saved, and then try the operation again. 1) Verify that the server name and the domain name are correct.\n2) Verify that the host is running Windows Server 2003 SP2 or a later version. If the operating system was updated recently, Active Directory Domain Services updates may still be pending. In that case, wait until Active Directory Domain Services updates run, and then add the host again. The update interval is 2401 2406 VMM is unable to add host %ComputerName;. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 71 . Unable to perform the job because one or more of the selected objects are locked by another job. restarting SQL Server corrects the problem. Ensure that SQL Server is running. it may be necessary to restore the VMM database. Ensure that the SQL Server is running and configured correctly. The specified computer name contains characters that are not valid. before trying this action again. Virtual hard disks assigned to the IDE channel cannot be bigger than 127 GB. then try the operation again. 2412 2600 2601 2602 2603 Unable to connect to the VMM database because the database is in an inconsistent state. Unable to connect to the database because of a fatal database error. Review the event log and take appropriate action. Unable to connect to the VMM database. 2604 Database operation failed. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 72 . use the SCSI bus. 2605 Unable to connect to the VMM database because of a general database failure. In some cases. Verify that computer name does not contain * / \ ( or ). contact Microsoft Help and Support. If so. It is possible that the problem is in the cache only and not on the disk itself. 2411 Virtual Machine Manager is unable to find host %ComputerName. Run DBCC CHECKDB to determine the extent of the damage. Contact an experienced SQL administrator whenever this error occurs. In some cases. Otherwise. that is not allowed (*?:<>/|\"). it may be necessary to restore the VMM database. Either cancel those running jobs.Troubleshooting VMM determined by the Active Directory replication policy for the domain. or wait for them to complete. If a larger drive is required. Database integrity is in question because of a hardware or software problem. Look at Windows Event Log for troubleshooting. use DBCC to repair the problem. and then try the operation again. Contact an experienced SQL administrator whenever this error occurs. It is unlikely that the database itself has been damaged. and then try the operation again. and try the operation again. Ensure that the SQL Server is running and configured correctly. 2606 2818 The virtual machine name contains a character Specify a valid virtual machine name. If the problem persists. Ensure that the SQL Server is running and configured correctly. is not valid on the %ServerName. Then try the operation again. Create additional disk space on the volume containing %FileName. Enter a valid unicast MAC address in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx. server. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. Resolve the issue in Virtual Server and then try the operation again. Try the operation again. 2902 2903 2904 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 73 ..vhd" virtual hard disk image extension and that the file is actually a virtual hard disk image. 2871 2890 Check the Windows Event Log on the %ServerName. on the %ServerName. server to determine the cause of the error and make corrections. 2891 VMM cannot complete the Virtual Server operation on the %ServerName. is actually a virtual hard disk image. and then try the operation again. server. Ensure that the virtual network has not been removed or deleted. server. The value provided for the MAC address is not valid or is an incorrectly formatted address for the VM %VMName. Ensure that you have specified a valid file name parameter. 2839 2845 A virtual network with the given ID could not be found on the %ServerName. 2901 The operation did not complete successfully because of a parameter or call sequence that is not valid. Ensure that you have specified a valid path parameter. An internal error has occurred. server. This virtual network might be required as part of another object. server. server. and then try the operation again. server because of the error: %VMAsyncTaskErrorMessage. There is not enough space on the disk to create %FileName. This file might be required as part of another object. VMM cannot complete the Virtual Server operation on the %ServerName. the maximum disk size is 127GB. Ensure that the parameters are valid. and that all necessary files are present. If you are attaching it to an IDE bus. and then try the operation again. on the %ServerName.Troubleshooting VMM 2838 An unknown error occurred attempting to access a virtual hard disk image %FileName. on the %ServerName. on the %ServerName. VMM could not locate the specified file %FileName. Ensure that the file has the ". server. server.. on the %ServerName. The virtual hard disk image %FileName. Ensure the file %FileName. VMM could not find the specified path %FileName. 2900 Restart the agent on the machine %ServerName. then restart the agent. The connection to the %ServerName. and then try the operation again. Ensure that the virtual machine host has sufficient memory and disk space to perform this action. Try the operation again. cannot be accessed because it is in use by another process on the %ServerName. and then try the operation again. Ensure that Virtual Machine Manager has the appropriate rights to perform this action. VMM does not have appropriate permissions to access the resource %FileName. reboot %ServerName. Ensure that the WS-Management service and the agent are installed and running and that a firewall is not blocking HTTP traffic. If the error persists. server.Troubleshooting VMM 2905 The file name. Ensure that the agent is installed and running. server. VMM is unable to complete the request. and then try the operation again. Wait until the other process is completed. reboot %ServerName. because the file name already exists on the %ServerName. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. The connection to the agent %ServerName. server. Ensure the WS-Management service is installed and running. server. on the %ServerName. Object not found on the %ServerName. VMM cannot create the file %FileName. was lost. or by using 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 A generic Virtual Server exception has occurred on the %ServerName. exceeds the maximum path length of 260 characters on %ServerName. The file %FileName. server. and then try the operation again. is incorrect on the %ServerName. Specify a unique file name. Try the operation again. server. or volume label syntax %FileName. Specify a valid path. server. is not valid on the %ServerName. Ensure that you have specified a valid path. Ensure the agent is installed and running. server cannot be established. folder name. 2916 2917 Virtual Machine Manager cannot process the request because an error occurred while VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 74 . and then try the operation again. Ensure the server is up and running along with the virtualization service. An internal error has occurred trying to contact an agent on the %ServerName. The WS-Management service cannot process the request. Ensure that the path name does not contain the characters (\ / : * ? " < > | ).. Insufficient resources are available to complete this operation on the %ServerName. server. If the error persists. Log in by using an account on the same domain as the VMM server. server. The specified path %FileName. The file name of file %FileName. exe available from http://go.Troubleshooting VMM authenticating %ServerName. and then try the operation again. Then. purge the Kerberos tickets on the VMM server by using kerbtray. VMM cannot complete the operation on the file %FileName. Possible causes are:\n1) The specified user name or password are not valid. Ensure that the path is valid and VMM has the appropriate rights to perform this action. The destination file %FileName. on the %ServerName. One of the following system errors occurred: a file is read-only.exe. by using setspn. server. or Virtual Machine Manager does not have the required permissions. and then try the operation again. reset the SPN for %ServerName. delete the file if it exists. server. Insert the appropriate media into the available device or specify a different path. server timed out. is a valid folder name. delete the file if it exists. make %ServerName. on the %ServerName. server.. A malformed response was received trying to contact the agent on %ServerName. and then try the operation again. If this still does not fix the problem. Ensure the agent is installed and running. already exists or the destination device is not ready on the %ServerName. 2923 2924 2925 Unable to complete the request. a member of a workgroup instead of a domain. A unique temporary resources and the appropriate rights to file name is not available. restart the computer. and then try the operation again. is not ready on the %ServerName. an account on a domain that has a twoway full trust with the domain of the VMM server. and then try the operation again. The device used to access the specified path %FileName. Ensure that you have specified a valid path. is not valid on the %ServerName. the specified path is a directory. An I/O error occurred while opening the file %FileName.\n2) The Service Principal Name (SPN) for the remote computer name and port does not exist. restart the agent and verify that WSManagement is installed correctly. Ensure that you have specified a valid path. Operation on the %ServerName. server. available at http://go. Ensure that 2920 2921 2922 VMM is unable to create a temporary file on Ensure that the system has enough the %ServerName. If the agent is running. and then try the operation LinkId="93710". If this does not work. server. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 75 . server.\n3) The client and remote computers are in different domains and there is not a two-way full trust between the two domains. Try the operation again. 2918 2919 The folder name %FileName. server. rejoin the LinkId="93709". and then try the operation again. server. 2941 VMM is unable to complete the request. Ensure that the Virtual Server service and the Virtual Machine Manager Agent are installed and running on the server %ServerName. server. Ensure that the communication is set up properly.. Ensure that the WS-Management service and the agent are installed and running and that a firewall is not blocking HTTP traffic. Ensure that the HTTP service and/or the agent on the machine %BITSServerName. VMM could not resolve the specified file %FileName.Troubleshooting VMM 2926 2927 Logon failure.. 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 A malformed response was received trying to contact server %ServerName.. Ensure that the share name provided is valid and then try the operation again. Try the operation again.. was not found on the %ServerName. Check that WinRM is installed and running on server %ServerName. Unable to connect to the Virtual Server service on the server %ServerName. server. VMM is unable to complete the requested file transfer. A Hardware Management error has occurred trying to contact server %ServerName. For more information use the command "winrm helpmsg hresult". has been lost. VMM is unable to complete the requested operation because the server name %ServerName. Resolve the issue and then try the operation again. Set a valid username and password and try the operation again. are installed and running. The network path %FileName. server. If the problem persists. The connection to the HTTP server %BITSServerName. The HTTP server %BITSServerName. VMM is unable to complete the requested file transfer.). Set a valid domain username and password and try the operation again. 2928 2929 2930 2940 The specified logon credentials are not valid on the %ServerName. because of the following error: 2947 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 76 . Ensure that the domain controller is up and running and that you have access to it. Ensure that the HTTP service and/or the agent on the machine %BITSServerName. returned access denied. contact your network administrator. The connection to the agent on machine %ServerName. Ensure that you have specified a valid file name. VMM is unable to complete the requested operation because there are no logon servers available. Virtual Machine Manager cannot complete the VirtualCenter action on the server %ServerName. are installed and running and that a firewall is not blocking HTTPS traffic. then try the operation again. Unknown user name or bad password on the %ServerName. on the %ServerName. (%DetailedErrorMessage. could not be resolved. could not be established. exe if the file is mounted.Troubleshooting VMM %DetailedErrorMessage. on Check Device Manager/System Devices the %ServerName.). Specify a different target volume or set the target volume to "Available for placement" and then try the operation again.. This error occurs when an operation is denied access because of insufficient privileges on a managed object. Set the run under credentials for %VMName. cannot be created on server %ServerName. (%Value. because of the following error: %DetailedErrorMessage. because the target volume is not set to "Available for placement. VMM cannot open the specified VHD file %FileName. (%Value. on the %ServerName. Virtual Machine Manager cannot complete the VirtualCenter action on server %ServerName. This error occurs when the key. Restart VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 77 . Specify a different server and then try the operation again. 2949 Virtual Machine Manager cannot complete the VirtualCenter action on server %ServerName. The virtual machine %VMName. This error occurs when a function contains an invalid argument. Ensure that the file is present and accessible. server. Unmount the VHD file by using vhdmount.). because of the following error: %DetailedErrorMessage. and then try the operation again.cannot be found. Provide unique values for those parameters and then try the operation again. Resolve the issue and then try the operation again. (%Value. Enter a valid account and password. This error occurs when a referenced component of a managed object either a data object type (such as a role or permission) or a primitive (such as a string) . 2950 2951 Virtual Machine Manager cannot complete the VirtualCenter action on server %ServerName. %FileName. to make sure that Microsoft Virtual Server Storage Bus is installed and functional. Try the operation again. A timeout occurred." VMware ESX Server host %ServerName. server. name. The credentials supplied for the virtual machine to run under are not valid. Resolve the issue and then try the operation again. server.. or identifier for the element that you are trying to add already exists for an element in the collection. 2952 2953 2971 2972 3100 3101 VMM failed to mount VHD file %FileName. Resolve the issue and then try the operation again. to valid credentials and try the operation again. because of the following error: %DetailedErrorMessage. install VHDMount component of Virtual Server.. is not in the same VirtualCenter as host %VMHostName. 2948 Virtual Machine Manager cannot complete the VirtualCenter action on server %ServerName. cannot be started because the run under credentials are not valid on the %ServerName. If it is not. because of the following error: %DetailedErrorMessage.). disable the failing writer and/or the writer corresponding to this writer application for online physical-tovirtual handling. and then try the operation again. With the Copy-VMDK cmdlet. on the %ServerName. and then try the operation again.vmx file points to. install VHDMount component of Virtual Server.vmx file points to a .vmdk file that contains the metadata. server. mount was canceled on the %ServerName. install VHDMount component of Virtual Server. That . server is not compatible with the VHD format. If it is not. If the problem persists. on the %ServerName.vmdk file in turn points to a binary .vmdk file is the . Check Device Manager/System Devices to make sure that Microsoft Virtual Server Storage Bus is installed and functional.vmdk file that the . Check Device Manager/System Devices to make sure that Microsoft Virtual Server Storage Bus is installed and functional. and then try the operation again.vmdk file. The format of the file %FileName. and then try the operation again. Check Device Manager/System Devices to make sure that Microsoft Virtual Server Storage Bus is installed and functional. 3106 3107 The VHD file %FileName. Try the operation again. on the %ServerName.. server. Restart the Virtual Disk Service.vmdk file that contains metadata. install VHDMount component of Virtual Server. is not recognized. If it is not. Ensure that the input .. 3102 VMM failed to mount VHD file %FileName. Try the operation server. is in the failed state %VssWriterStatus. 3108 3109 VMM is unable to create a snapshot set on %ComputerName. \n\nAdditionally make sure that both . \n\nThe . The format of the file %FileName.dll file on the %ServerName. contact Microsoft Help and Support at http://go. 3105 VMM failed to load the vhdmount . server. If it is not. use the . Restart the Virtual Disk Service. on server %ServerName. IOCTL Failed.Troubleshooting VMM Virtual Disk Service. If the problem happens again. and try the operation LinkId="45276". 3103 VMM failed to find the SCSI address for mounted VHD file %FileName.vmdk files are not corrupted. Ensure that the file is not corrupted. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 78 . The writer %VssWriterName. An unexpected error occurred during the Volume Shadow Copy service operation. VMM is unable to perform a snapshot set related operation on %ComputerName. An intermediate job in a JobGroup must specify the value for the -VolumeDeviceID parameter. and then try the operation again. was canceled. Specify a value for the missing parameter -VolumeDeviceID or supply the -Trigger parameter to start operation of the JobGroup again. 2) Check recent records from the VolSnap source in the Application Event Log to determine the issue. All binding parameters (-IDE or -SCSI. -Bus. An unexpected error occurred on an attempt to contact Volume Shadow Copy service on %ComputerName. Add a value to the -VolumeDeviceID parameter to specify a drive letter or name (in \\?\Volume{GUID}\ format) of a volume that exists on the source machine %ServerName. Create sufficient space on disk to create the initial snapshot set and to record changes during the physical-to-virtual time. 1) Ensure that Volume Shadow Copy service is enabled on this computer. VMM cannot create either the shadow copy storage file or other shadow copy data because there is not enough storage available on %ComputerName. The volume %VolumeDriveLetter. VMM is unable to create a snapshot set on %ComputerName.Troubleshooting VMM 3110 VMM is unable to create a snapshot set on %ComputerName.. and try the operation again. is not present on the %ServerName... Try the operation again. Try the operation again. Try the operation again. and then try the operation again. If a value for the -DiskSizeAdd parameter is specified. Check the recent records from the VolSnap source in the Application Event Log to determine the issue. If the configuration of the source machine 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 The snapshot creation set on %ComputerName. because of a transient problem. A timeout occurred. computer.. and then try the operation again. LUN) have to be specified as a set and accompany the -VolumeDeviceID parameter. This is a general failure in Volume Shadow Copy service. 3118 3119 3120 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 79 . Specify a value for the missing parameter -VolumeDeviceID or remove -DiskSizeAdd parameter. VMM is unable to create a snapshot set on %ComputerName. Try the operation again. 3111 Verify that Volume Shadow Copy service is enabled. a value for the -VolumeDeviceID parameter must also be specified.. 3) Try the operation again. Specify a value for the missing parameters or remove binding parameters.. The volume %VolumeDriveLetter. Ensure that the P2V agent is installed on %ComputerName.) back into the original operating system. -DriverPath. 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 Try the operation again. 3129 3130 The specified driver path %FolderPath. -ProcessorCount. -StartVM.Troubleshooting VMM changed.. -DelayStart. has read permissions to all the files under the specified path. -StopAction. and then try the operation again. StartAction. (temporary computer name is %ServerName. 3131 The job failed to restart %ComputerName. An internal agent error has occurred on %ComputerName. and that the P2V agent service is running. and then try the operation again. UseHardwareAssistedVirtualization can only be specified in a standalone or final JobGroup job. Automatic restart is scheduled to occur within VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 80 . -RunAsUserCredential. All virtual hard disks on the same Virtual Machine should have the same owner assigned to them. A timeout occurred while waiting on the agent service on %ComputerName. Resolve the conflict. gather system information again by running the newMachineConfig cmdlet. and then try the operation again. manually restart it back into the original operating system using the boot menu. Parameters -Name. If %ComputerName. Ensure that the Virtual Machine Manager agent service is started on %ComputerName. The job failed to configure %ComputerName. Ensure there are no duplicate values and then try the operation again. RunAsSystem. MemoryMB. Specify the destination locations. and then try the operation again. -Description. The -IDE and -SCSI parameters are mutually exclusive. Parameters -Path and -Name are required for a standalone or a final job in a job group. ProcessorType. Remove these parameters from the intermediate jobs and specify them on the final job. is already present in the selection of volumes. to respond. -RelativeWeight. 3121 The destination location for the virtual hard disks (VHD) or for the Virtual Machine on the host has not been specified. Ensure that the path exists and Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName. does not restart in 15 minutes. Specify the -Path and -Name parameters and try the operation again. to restart in Windows PE. is either not found or is not accessible. Specify the same value for the -Owner parameter for all jobs within the same JobGroup. and then try the operation again. Unable to convert physical server. reinstall the Windows Automated Installation Kit on %ServerName. is online and not blocked by a firewall. Virtual Machine Manager could not connect to the physical-to-virtual source computer %ComputerName. manually restart it back into the original operating system using the boot menu. and then try the operation again.. Try the operation again. If problem persists.. Automatic restart to the original operating system is scheduled to occur within 15 minutes. does not restart in 15 minutes. Failed to fully clean up %ComputerName. Remove %FileName... exists. 3138 3139 3142 3144 Unable to proceed because a SourceNetworkConnectionID is not specified.. 3132 The job failed to copy %SourceLocation. An internal agent error has occurred on %ComputerName. cannot successfully install into the Windows PE image required for the physical-to-virtual conversion.. on %ServerName. Verify that the ADMIN$ share on %ComputerName. and then try the operation again. 1. If %ComputerName. after it restarted into Windows PE (temporary computer name is %ServerName. This parameter must have a value if a value is VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 81 . Ensure that the correct boot loader is installed and remove all files named "$scvmm*. 3133 Virtual Machine Manager could not connect to source computer %ComputerName.. An error occurred executing %FileName. If %ComputerName. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. manually restart it back into the original operating system using the boot menu. to %InstallLocation. after it restarted to its original operating system. Ensure that there is sufficient free space on the system volume.*" from the root directory of the boot volume on %ComputerName. An error occurred while communicating with the agent on %ComputerName.\n2. The files needed to install the agent are missing from the Virtual Machine Manager server %ServerName.Troubleshooting VMM 15 minutes. Run Setup again to install the missing files.\n3.). does not restart in 15 minutes. is online and not blocked by a firewall. reboot %ComputerName. If the ADMIN$ share does not exist. 3134 3135 Try the operation again. Specify a value for the missing parameter SourceNetworkConnectionID or remove 3136 3137 The driver installation file %FileName. Ensure %ComputerName... Ensure %ComputerName. and then try the operation again. or TCP/IP is not bound and enabled on this network adapter. If the configuration of the source machine changed. VMM failed to extend volume on the VHD file %FileName. Or. create a new folder under %StaticDriverPath. Add a value to the SourceNetworkConnectionID parameter to specify the network connection name or the MAC address of a TCP/IP bound network adapter on source machine %ServerName.Troubleshooting VMM specified for any of the VirtualNetworkAdapter parameters. Specify a value for the missing parameter -Credential. Remove this parameter from intermediate jobs. The volume %VolumeDriveLetter. The network adapter '%MACAddress. may now need to be manually restarted into the original operating system using the boot menu. The -Fixed and -Dynamic parameters are mutually exclusive. 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3154 3155 Cannot connect to the local WMI service. 3146 The parameter -Credential can only be specified in a standalone or final JobGroup job. %ComputerName. any of the VirtualNetworkAdapter parameters and then try the operation again. on the VMM computer and then copy all of the storage or networks drivers to the new folder. An internal error has occurred trying to contact an agent on the %ServerName. and specify it on the final job. This is usually caused by missing or incorrect storage drivers. if you are performing offline physical-to-virtual conversions. gather system information again by running the NewMachineConfig cmdlet. The parameter -Credential must be specified on a standalone or final JobGroup job. 3145 The operating network adapter '%MACAddress. Ensure the WMI service is installed and running on the Virtual Machine Manager server. If a value for -Fixed or -Dynamic parameter is specified. Specify a value for the missing parameter -VolumeDeviceID or remove -Fixed or -Dynamic parameter. Resolve the conflict. Ensure the agent is installed and running. Ensure there are no duplicate values and then try the operation again.. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 82 .' is not found on the source machine %ServerName. a value for the -VolumeDeviceID parameter must also be specified. Exclude this volume from conversion. then restart the agent.' is already present in the selection of network adapters for conversion. server. and then try the operation again. Ensure the WMI service is installed and running. selected for physical-to-virtual imaging is not accessible from Windows PE. and then try the operation again. A timeout occurred.. Restart Virtual Disk Service. Ensure that the system has enough 3202 3203 Failed to extract patch file %FileName. 3201 VMM could not copy the patch file Ensure that the file does not already %FileName. cannot be found. the WMI object may not have been found. The patch file %FileName.. Ensure that there is enough disk space on a system drive and the destination folder.. The memory on the resulting virtual machine will be adjusted to the closest value within the valid range for this host. and then change the memory on the resulting virtual machine to the desired value. exists on the network. MB because the current limit on virtual machine memory has been reached on the %VMHostName. Or. was lost. server. Ensure that the computer %ServerName.. WMI service and the agent are installed and running and that a firewall is not blocking HTTP and WMI traffic. exist in the temporary folder.Troubleshooting VMM 3156 The WMI service cannot process the request.\n2. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 83 . VMM is unable to complete the request. The VHD is extended and will have unallocated space. 3159 Consider expanding the volume after starting up the resulting Virtual Machine. then try the operation again. 3200 Ensure that the patch file exists and is accessible by the machine account on the Virtual Machine Manager server. format is not valid. Ensure that the agent is installed and running. The name of the source virtual machine is either outside of the valid range for a Virtual Machine name supported by Virtual Server or contains one of the following characters: (one of *?:<>/|\").cab file. The virtual machine memory could not be set to %MemorySize. to temporary folder %FolderPath. Ensure the virtual machine host %VMHostName. 3160 Override the source virtual machine name with a valid Virtual Server-based virtual machine name. move the virtual machine to a host that has enough memory to start this virtual machine. Then try the operation again. The connection to the agent %ServerName. of source computer %ServerName. If the agent is installed. host. 1. cannot be extended to the size of the resulting VHD due to a system error. and then try the operation again. Specify a valid self-extractable executable file or a . Object not found on the %ServerName. 3157 3158 VMM is unable to emulate the exact configuration of the source machine %ServerName. 3204 Failed to populate the cache at %FolderPath. to folder %FolderPath. The patch file %FileName. has required available memory. The volume %VolumeDriveLetter. and then try the operation again. Verify that the patch file is extractable. and then try the operation again. resources and the appropriate rights to proceed.. Ensure that all patch files intended for import are in %FolderPath. has been detected and is not supported. Virtual Server supports only 32-bit operating systems. cannot be virtualized on host %VMHostName. enough space to accommodate the 3214 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 84 . GB) supported by virtualization software on host %VMHostName. %ServerName.Troubleshooting VMM because of an I\O error. Selected machine %ServerName. Either assign this volume to a SCSI channel or exclude the volume from imaging. found on the source cannot be virtualized. Volume %VolumeDriveLetter. Volume %VolumeDriveLetter. on the Virtual Machine Manager server. system file %FileName. was not selected or is not found on source machine %ServerName. and then try the operation again. Boot and\or System volume %VolumeDriveLetter. Specify the Offline parameter to perform an offline conversion. Upgrade Virtual Server on the selected host to Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 or select a different host machine.. Selected machine %ServerName. Contact Microsoft machine %ServerName. Selected machine %ServerName. 3205 No files were added to the patch cache. cannot be virtualized.. and then try the operation again. Verify that the boot and system volumes are selected for migration. Contact Microsoft Help and Support for further assistance. 3212 VMM cannot find the latest version of file %FileName. cannot be virtualized. GB) supported by virtualization software on host %VMHostName. Virtual Machine Manager cannot extract patch Verify that the physical disk contains file %FileName. cannot be virtualized. 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 An older version of Virtual Server on host %VMHostName. cannot be virtualized. Exclude this volume from imaging. 3206 Disk hardware or File System on volume %VolumeDriveLetter.. cannot be virtualized using an online conversion. The selected machine %ServerName. The selected machine %ServerName. Help and Support for further assistance. is not supported by Volume Shadow Copy Service. The selected machine %ServerName. Then try the operation again. cannot be virtualized. to folder %FolderPath. 3213 VMM does not support the specific type of the Selected machine %ServerName. that needs to be installed. Cannot create a virtual machine for the x64 Windows operating system. cannot be attached to SCSI controller because the volume exceeds the maximum SCSI disk size (%MaxLimit. cannot be attached to IDE controller because the volume exceeds the maximum IDE disk size (%MaxLimit. and then try the operation again... MB is required for this conversion. 3217 3218 NTFS boot volume %VolumeDriveLetter. 3216 Unable to convert %ServerName. 3215 The source computer %ServerName. The selected machine %ServerName. which is located at %%WINDIR%%\Driver Cache\%OSPlatform. cannot be virtualized. This configuration is not supported by Virtual Server. 3222 Reduce the number of channels selected for migration volumes or change the bus assignment of the boot volume to fit volume %VolumeDriveLetter. is less than 4 GB in size. %OSPlatform. then try the operation again. and try the operation again.. because files Download the update %FriendlyName. 3220 3221 Modify the bus assignments or volume selection to create space on the IDE bus for the CD or DVD drive. must be Modify the bus assignments to create space for the boot volume..domain. must be attached as the first hard drive for the virtual machine to start up. The selected machine %ServerName. Unable to convert %ServerName. Selected machine %ServerName. or on the %OSName. and then try the operation again. The channels are not available on the IDE bus for the addition of a DVD device to emulate the source machine configuration. because required files to convert the source computer are missing. 3219 Perimeter network host %VMHostName. (%Language. does not have enough memory to perform the offline physical-to-virtual conversion.Troubleshooting VMM patch file. The selected machine %ServerName. Note that nonboot volumes always follow the boot volume during bus assignment. Copy %FileName. cannot be virtualized. Specify a host located in a trusted cannot be used in physical-to-virtual or virtual." on the Virtual Machine Manager server. %OSPlatform. will be virtualized without CD\DVD drives.) from Windows Update to "%FolderPath.) installation media. missing from the patch cache. Add additional physical memory to %ServerName." on the Virtual Machine Manager server and then run the Add-Patch cmdlet. Boot volume %VolumeDriveLetter. to-virtual conversions. 3223 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 85 . %ServerName. Run the Add-Patch cmdlet.. The files are archived in %FileName. The channels are not available on the IDE or SCSI buses for the addition of volume %VolumeDriveLetter. to "%FolderPath.. Boot volume %VolumeDriveLetter. that are required for the conversion are for %OSName. %MemoryMinRequired. on %ServerName.. (%Language. cannot be converted. because required files are missing. Unable to convert %ServerName. Remove these parameters from the intermediate jobs and specify them on the final job. Ensure that the patch file applies to 32- 3229 3230 Selected machine %ServerName. from source server %ComputerName. %OSPlatform. Physical-to-virtual conversion failed because a -DriverPath or -Shutdown parameter was specified without specifying an -Offline parameter. This VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 86 ." on the Virtual Machine Manager server and then run the Add-Patch cmdlet. for %OSName.0 on %ComputerName.. Download the update %FriendlyName. Try the operation again. (%Language. on the VMM server. 3232 A Virtual Disk Service (VDS) error occurred on the %ServerName. 3225 3226 3227 Specify a value for the missing parameter -Offline or remove DriverPath. 3235 Failed to extract patch file %FileName. in Active Directory Domain Services. and then try the operation again. Verify that the server name and the domain name are correct. and check the Windows Event Log for troubleshooting information. Ensure that this service can be started on %ServerName. These parameters can only be specified in a standalone job or in the final job in a job group. The Windows Automated Installation Kit is not installed. After resolving the problem. cannot be virtualized. and then try the operation again. to folder %DestinationLocation. Unable to run job group because an -Offline. 3233 3234 Failed to extract patch file %FileName.Troubleshooting VMM attached to the IDE bus or SCSI bus 0 for the machine to boot up. server. and then try the operation again.. DriverPath. view details for this job. and then try the operation again. -Shutdown parameters to enable online physical-to-virtual conversion. retry the operation or copy the files required for virtualization manually. 3224 VMM is unable to locate the source computer %ComputerName.. Then use the add-patch cmdlet to populate the patch cache.) from Windows Update (Support Link: %URL.) to "%FolderPath. cannot be virtualized. Install Windows Automated Installation Kit version 1. and then try the operation again. Verify that the patch file is extractable.0. Modify the bus assignments for the boot volume which must be located on the first hard disk of the virtual machine.0. Failed to copy file %SourceLocation. For more information. or -Shutdown parameter is specified on a job other than the final job. Copy %FileName. If a more recent conversion job of the source machine %ServerName. 3238 Unable to convert %ServerName. The files are archived in %FileName. because required files are missing.. and then try the operation again. Run the Add-Patch cmdlet. And then run the Add-Patch cmdlet.. because required files for the conversion are missing from the patch cache. is missing. Virtual Machine Manager is unable to update the operating system of the source VMware virtual machine %VMName. 3236 Unable to convert %ServerName. to "%FolderPath. (%Language.." on the Virtual Machine Manager server. Remove or supply a solution. to "%FolderPath. For the list of supported Windows operating systems VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 87 . that is required to convert source computer %ServerName.. to enable conversion of this machine.Troubleshooting VMM patch applies to the operating system type or bit platform of an operating system that platform that is unsupported for virtualization.) from Windows Update (Support Link: %URL.) installation media. 3239 File %FileName. %OSPlatform. restart that job instead. 3240 Restart source computer %ServerName. Copy %FileName. for %OSName. The operating 3243 The converted virtual machine may not start or operate correctly. exists. Otherwise.) from Windows Update to "%FolderPath.. The job cannot be restarted. restart the conversion from the beginning.. or at i386\Uniproc directory on the %OSName." on the Virtual Machine Manager server and then run the Add-Patch cmdlet. 3241 3242 The converted virtual machine may not function correctly because it will not match the configuration of the source VMware virtual machine %FileName.. (%Language. which is located on the %OSName. (%Language. VMM discovered that a restart is pending after application of Microsoft updates on the source computer %ServerName.) installation media. The file might be located at %%WINDIR%%\Driver Cache\i386 on %ServerName. 3237 Unable to convert %ServerName. %OSPlatform. Download the update %FriendlyName. Then try the operation again. (%Language." on the Virtual Machine Manager server and then run the Add-Patch cmdlet. is supported for virtualization.." on the Virtual Machine Manager server. for %OSName. Download the update %FriendlyName.) to "%FolderPath. %OSPlatform. because required files are missing. Ensure that virtual LAN identification is 3514 3516 3518 VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 88 . Unable to verify the connection to the reporting server %ServerName. then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. Ensure that the Virtual Server service is installed and running on the library LinkId="117761". The specified virtual network adapter configuration is not supported by the host virtualization software. Enter a valid URL Review the command and then try the operation again. The -HostDrive and -AnyHostDrive parameters are mutually exclusive.Troubleshooting VMM system. file go to http://go.. Unable to connect to the Virtual Server service on the library server %ServerName. is not a domain account. The VLAN setting for one or more network Choose a different value below the maximum length. Unable to set the value for %Parameter. The entered URL is not valid. Update the virtual network adapter configuration and then try the operation again.. The event log for Virtual Machine Manager is missing or is not accessible.. The percentage reserved must be between 0 and LinkID="85858". Specify a valid virtual machine for V2V conversion and confirm that the virtual machine is shut down. is not a valid virtual machine for V2V conversion. The email address is not valid. but you cannot specify a value for both parameters in the same operation. The reserve amount is not valid. Reinstall the Virtual Machine Manager to access the event log.. The reserve amount is not valid. Ensure that the email address is correct. is not found in the list Ensure that the processor ID is valid and of supported processors. or disk layout is not recognized. Enter a valid domain account name. You can specify a value for either the -AnyHostDrive parameter or the -HostDrive parameter. The account %UserName. To download the management pack. The reserve amount must be greater than or equal to 0 and a valid integer. The sum of all elements exceeds the maximum length of 3509 3513 ID %ProcessorTypeGuid. 3244 Virtual machine %VMName. go to http://go. 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3415 3453 Ensure that System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 Management Pack and its reports are installed on the Operations Manager server. 10213 Setup could not install Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) related assemblies in the Global Assembly Cache.. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 89 . Change the computer name to be less than or equal to 15 characters and then run Setup again. and. go to http://go. 10206 Setup requires Microsoft System Center Operations Manager SP1 to be installed. Uninstall all management packs related to System Center Virtual Machine Manager and then run Setup again. Cancel Virtual Machine Manager Setup and then run Setup again. and then try the operation again. For help with setup and information about parameter usage. Setup will import the required management packs. is on the CD. and then complete the wizard. to download and install the command line LinkId="110393". run SQL Server 2008 Setup. To install the management tools. 10212 File %CopyFileFromCD. verify that file %CopyFileFromCD. is not compatible with the virtualization software on host %VMHostName.Basic or Command Line Utilities must be installed on the Virtual Machine Manager server. Install Operations Manager 2007 SP1 and then run Setup again Specify a different VMM server and then try the operation again. 10209 Setup could not install Virtual Machine Manager server because the computer name has more than 15 characters. run the command setup. 10207 Setup was not able to retrieve the service account from the specified Virtual Machine Manager server. Uninstall the VMM server. 10208 Setup encountered an error while importing management packs.Basic. If the problem persists. 10211 Another user or process is currently using the Server Manager console. on the Feature Selection page. 10214 To use an SQL Server 2008 instance and database. select Management Tools .Troubleshooting VMM adapters on virtual machine %VMName. disabled for all network adapters listed in the hardware configuration of virtual machine %VMName. 10200 Setup has detected an unsupported version of Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) on this Close the Server Manager console and then run Setup again. Uninstall WAIK from this computer and then run Setup again. Or. and then run Setup again. the SQL Server 2008 Management Tools . Setup will automatically install the correct version. or specify a different host. was not found on the Virtual Machine Manager CD.exe /?. contact Microsoft Help and Support. 10210 The parameter /prep is valid only for installing the Virtual Machine Manager server. Specify a memory reserve that is less than the total amount of memory. Install the correct virtualization software on %ComputerName.0.Troubleshooting VMM 10215 The specified SQL Server database. 10405 %ComputerName. because the specified memory reserve exceeds the total memory. or create a new database by typing a new database name. and then try adding the host again. which is not valid for this configuration. Ensure that the VMM server name is correctly specified in the . or enter a different computer name and then try VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 90 . is a Virtual Machine Manager 2007 database.ini file. and then selecting the "Create a new database" check box. Ensure that the VMM server has a service connection point registered in the Active Directory.0 or later) \n Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005 Management Pack \n You can download the management packs from the System Center Operations Manager 2007 Catalog at http://go.. then try the operation again. 10404 %ComputerName. To provide the missing component management packs. the host must be restarted.6278. If you are using disjoint namespace.. 10218 Setup could not import the System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 Management Pack into Operations Manager 2007 because one or more required management packs are missing. and then try the operation again. specify fully qualified Active Directory domain name of the VMM server. Either specify the database name that is provided with the OEM Setup. ensure that the following management packs have been imported into Operations Manager 2007:\n Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003 Internet Information Services Management Pack for OpsMgr 2007 (version 6. 10401 10402 Host configuration failed on %ComputerName. 10403 %ComputerName. The VMM 2008 Management Pack cannot be deployed unless the following component management packs are present in Operations Manager 2007:\nWindows Server Internet Information Services 2003\nWindows Server Internet Information Services 2008\nWindows Server Internet Information Services Library\nSQL Server Core Library 10400 Before Virtual Machine Manager can add a host. and then try the operation again. is not listed in Active Directory Domain Services. 10217 Setup could not retrieve the Virtual Machine Manager server name from the .com/fwlink/? LinkId="86411" Restart %ComputerName. already serves the specified Enter different computer name and Virtual Machine Manager role. and then try the operation again. %DatabaseName.ini file. Verify that the computer name and the domain name are correct. 10216 Setup could not retrieve the Virtual Machine Manager server information from Active does not have the specified virtualization software installed or enabled. because the credentials for %ComputerName. download and install the released version of Hyper-V from http://go. If you are not sure whether the host has hardware-assisted virtualization support or whether it is enabled in the BIOS. launch. is not the released version. Ensure that the cluster is running Windows Server 2008. Wait until Active Directory Domain Services updates run. If the operating system was updated recently. Active Directory Domain Services updates might still be pending.\n3. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 91 . 10413 Virtual Machine Manager is unable to add the cluster %ComputerName. Use dcomcnfg. go to http://go. if provided.Troubleshooting VMM the operation again. are missing. Specify a host group that is not a root host group and then try the operation again. Verify that the correct security file is specified. Specify a Virtual Server host and then try the operation again. Clustered hosts must be running Windows Server 2008 or later. 10408 This cmdlet can be run only on a Virtual Server host. the operation again. download the Virtualization Detect (DetectVp. as a Hyper-V host because the Hyper-V version detected on 1) If the host is intended to be used as a Hyper-V host. and then try adding the cluster again.EXE) tool and run it on the host to confirm it meets the requirements. Verify that DCOM access. 10410 Virtual Machine Manager cannot add an ESX host to host group "All Hosts. Run Associate-VMhost on 10414 Virtual Machine Manager cannot add %ComputerName. 1." 10411 The host group does not exist on VirtualCenter Specify a valid host group and then try server %ComputerName. and activation permissions are enabled for the Administrators group on %ComputerName.. 10406 Virtual Machine Manager cannot contact %ComputerName.\ LinkID="113199". as a clustered host because the operating system is not supported. 10407 Virtual Machine Manager could not query Active Directory Domain Services. 10409 Virtual Machine Manager cannot contact %ComputerName. are correct and then try the operation To download the tool as part of the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). providing root credentials and then try the operation again Verify that the domain name and the credentials.exe to modify permissions as needed and then try the operation again. Install Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 on the host %ComputerName. and then refresh %ComputerName. because the version of Virtual Server installed on the host is not supported. To download Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1. This property can be changed only by using the VMware VirtualCenter Server to change the host's maintenance mode setting. Specify a different account and then try the operation again. is not associated with this Virtual Machine Manager server. open Hyper-V Manager. go to http://go. In Administrative Tools. 10417 Virtualization manager %ComputerName. accept the license terms. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 92 . 4096. connect to from http://go. Check the remote server 2048.Troubleshooting VMM LinkId="121104". and then try the operation again. Check the virtualization manager name and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. before Virtual Machine Manager can manage the host. Valid key lengths are 512.\n2) If the host is intended to be used as a Virtual Server host. and 8192. To download the latest LinkId="120407" LinkId="120488" and then apply update 948515 from http://go. LinkID="120488". server. port and SSH public key. Install the Hyper-V Client Management Pack on the host or on another computer running Windows Server Resolve the conflict. 10419 The -SshPublicKey and -SshPublicKeyFile parameters are mutually exclusive. You must accept the Microsoft Software License Terms for Hyper-V on LinkId="121055".microsoft. Putting an ESX Server host into 10416 The specified key length for the Virtual Machine Remote Console (VMRC) certificate request is not valid. download and install Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 and the latest update on the host. go to http://go. 10418 Virtual Machine Manager cannot add host %ComputerName.. 10415 Virtual Machine Manager is not able to use Hyper-V on host %ComputerName. 10427 AvailableForPlacement property for a VMware ESX Server host cannot be changed directly within Virtual Machine Manager. 10420 VMM cannot establish a trust relationship for the SSH secure channel for %ServerName. in the Host view of the VMM Administrator Console. 10421 The specified user account cannot be the same as the VMM service account. 10601 The specified unattended installation xml file is not valid. You can change the HighlyAvailable 10604 Specified memory size %MemorySize. 10602 Virtual Server does not support 64-bit virtual machines. is not supported by the host %VMHostName. Ensure that the path exists and that the path is for a cluster disk in available storage. Specify unattend.Troubleshooting VMM maintenance mode sets the AvailableForPlacement property in VMM to false. 10609 Cannot create a highly available virtual machine because host %HostNames. Specify a valid memory size and then try the operation again. You can specify only one of these parameters.xml format answer file for a Windows 2008 or Vista template.. 10603 Specified memory size %MemorySize. Otherwise specify sysprep. to %MemorySizeMaxLimit. is not in a host cluster. 10605 The specified VLAN configuration is not valid. to %MemorySizeMaxLimit. and then try the operation again. 10607 The VHDDrive operation requires either VirtualHardDisk or -PassThroughDisk parameters. Specify either -VirtualHardDisk or PassThroughDisk and then try the operation again.. Ensure that the virtual network adapter is connected to a virtual network.. 10606 The -VirtualHardDisk and -PassThroughDisk parameters are mutually exclusive. Specify either -VirtualHardDisk or PassThroughDisk and then try the operation again. that a valid VLAN ID is specified.inf format answer file.xml file. Specify a host that is in a host cluster and ensure that the cluster service is running on that host. Valid memory size ranges from %MemorySizeMinLimit. or a GuestOSProfile. and then try the operation again. Select a host that supports the specified memory limits or change the memory specification. Valid memory size ranges from %MemorySizeMinLimit. 10610 Cannot change the Highly Available property VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 93 . is not supported. 10608 Cannot create a highly available virtual machine because Virtual Machine Manager could not locate or access %FolderPath. and then try the operation again. virtualization software. Place the virtual machine on a Windows Hyper-V or ESX host. Specify a valid unattend . 10600 The operating system specified for the template or guest operating system profile is not compatible with the answer file. and taking an ESX Server host out of maintenance mode sets the AvailableForPlacement property in VMM to true. You can only move virtual hard disks that are connected to a virtual machine on a Virtual Server or HyperV host. Ensure that the virtual disk drive attached at specified bus and LUN has a virtual hard disk attached. Ensure that the specified host disk is attached to a virtual machine and then try the operation again. Try the operation again. Provide a valid user name other than the built-in Administrator account name and then try the operation again.Troubleshooting VMM for a virtual machine that is deployed on a host.. 10613 Cluster resource group with name Virtual Machine %FriendlyName. Lun and BusType parameters for a New-VM or MoveVM JobGroup. 10612 Cluster resource with name Virtual Machine %FriendlyName.. select a clustered Hyper-V host. Specify a different name for the virtual machine and then try the operation again. already exists on cluster %VMHostName. and then try the operation again. Specify a different name for the virtual machine and then try the operation again. already exists on cluster %VMHostName. Check the parameters and then try the operation again. property only when the virtual machine is stored in the library. 10611 Virtual Machine Manager does not support creation of highly available virtual machines for the virtualization software on host %VMHostName. already exists on cluster %VMHostName. 10619 The user name provided is not a valid local administrator user name for Windows Vista. Ensure that the virtual hard disk is connected to a virtual machine on a Virtual Server or Hyper-V host and then try the operation again. 10615 Unable to move virtual hard disk. 10616 Unable to move virtual hard disk. 10614 Cluster resource with name Virtual Machine Configuration %FriendlyName. To create a highly available virtual machine. Specify a different name for the virtual machine and then try the operation again. 10621 The convert virtual disk drive operation timed out after waiting for %VHDActionTimeoutInHours. Only use the Move-VirtualHardDisk with Bus. 10622 The specified virtual disk drive is not Ensure that the specified virtual disk VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 94 . 10618 The virtual hard disk or its parent is attached to more than one Virtual Machine and cannot be moved. Ensure that the specified virtual hard disk is associated with one virtual machine and then try the operation again. 10617 Specified location has a pass-through disk attached. hours. 10620 The specified host disk is not attached to virtual machine on a host. Specify an operating system for which customization is supported and then try the operation again. Change the processor count and then try the operation again. Supported processor counts: %ValidProcessorCount. does not support setting the boot order in the BIOS. 10632 The virtualization software on the selected host does not support virtual hard disks on an IDE bus. Specify a virtual machine with different virtualization software and then try the operation again.Troubleshooting VMM connected to a host disk. Specify a host with different virtualization software or change the processor count.. Not all valid boot devices are specified. Specify a host with different VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 95 . 10628 Invalid memory size specified for virtual machine. 10636 The virtualization software on host drive has host disk attached and then try the operation again. Specify a memory size that is a multiple of 4 MB and then try the operation again. does not support a processor count of %Count. does not support integration services. 10629 The virtualization software on host %VMHostName. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. 10625 The virtualization software on host %VMHostName. 10626 Boot device type %BootDevice. Specify a host with Hyper-V virtualization software and then try the operation again. Specify a host that is running Windows Hyper-V or Virtual Server or change the bus type. 10624 The virtualization software on the host %VMHostName. 10635 Virtual machine customization is not supported for the %OSName. is not compatible with the virtualization software on the host %VMHostName. 10627 The specified boot order is not complete. 10623 The virtualization software for the virtual hard disk %FileName. is not supported. Specify a valid parameter and try the operation again. The virtualization software on host %VMHostName.. Include all valid boot devices in the boot order and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. 10633 The virtualization software on the specified host does not support user impersonation using the "Run As" parameter. 10631 The virtualization software for virtual machine %VMName.. Migrate the virtual machine to a host that is running Windows Hyper-V and then try the operation again. 10630 The processor count of %Count. does not support shared SCSI bus configurations. The supported processor counts are %ValidProcessorCount. is not valid. requires memory size to be a multiple of 4 MB. Do not specify "run-as" credentials and then try the operation again. Remove the specified virtual hard disk from the virtual machine or specify a different host. operating system. 10641 The virtualization software on the host %VMHostName. does not support the creation of dynamic virtual hard disk. does not support changing the BIOS configuration. \n\nThis feature is not supported for virtual machines that are deployed on hosts running Windows Hyper-V. 10638 The virtualization software on host %VMHostName. does not support the %OSName. 10645 Virtual machine %VMName. Hype-V does not support mapping a virtual COM port to a physical COM port or a text file. operating system. 10646 The source and target location for virtual hard disk %FileName. and then try the operation again. Specify a host with different virtualization software and then try the operation again. Specify a host that is running Windows Hyper-V and then try the operation again. operating system. Delete all checkpoints for the source virtual machine and then try the operation again. virtualization software and then try the operation again. Install WAIK and ensure that the Image Manager DLLs are installed in the GAC (Global Assembly Cache). Ensure that virtual network switch exists or disconnect the virtual network adapter. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 96 . does not support setting NumLock. could not be cloned because it has checkpoints. Delete all checkpoints for the virtual machine and then try the operation again. 10644 Virtual Machine Manager cannot access the WAIK (Windows Automated Installation Kit) Image Manager DLLs. 10651 Cannot create the template because source virtual machine %VMName. migrate the virtual machine to a host with different virtualization software and then try the operation again. 10647 The virtual network adapter is connected to a virtual network switch that is not valid. 10637 The virtualization software on host %VMHostName. Specify a host that is running Windows Hyper-V and then try the operation again. That functionality is not supported for Hyper-V virtual machines. 10639 The virtualization software on host %VMHostName. Specify a Fixed Virtual Hard Disk disk type and then try the operation again. are the same. Ensure that the source and target locations are different and then try the operation again. does not support customization of the %OSName. 10640 Hyper-V does not support the specified COM port setting. 10648 Windows Hyper-V does not support attaching a virtual floppy drive to a physical drive. Specify a named pipe for the COM port. To configure a virtual floppy drive.Troubleshooting VMM %VMHostName. has checkpoints. Make any hardware changes to the virtual machine after the cloning operation is complete. Migrate the virtual machine to a Windows Hyper-V host and then try the operation again. 10660 Cannot install virtualization guest services on virtual machine %VMName. LUN. on host %VMHostName. LUN. Repeat the %CmdletName. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 97 . generalized. and then try the operation again. 10662 Virtual machine %VMName. Delete all checkpoints for the virtual machine and then try the operation again. either directly (with the -OperatingSystem parameter) or by specifying a guest operating system profile (GuestOSProfile parameter).. and Bus Type are not specified.Troubleshooting VMM 10652 Cannot create template because source virtual Convert pass-through disks to virtual machine %VMName. has pass-through disks. cmdlet and specify a guest operating system. 10655 Hardware changes while cloning a Hyper-V. Specify a valid Bus. 10658 The %CmdletName. 10657 Unable to move the virtual hard disk because a valid Bus. Install the virtualization guest services after the virtual machine has been customized. 10656 Unable to delete cluster resource group %FriendlyName. This functionality is not supported for VMware virtual machines. cmdlet requires an OperatingSystem or -GuestOSProfile parameter. to empty string before starting Sysprep. 10663 The specified pass-through disk and virtual machine are not on the same host. Migrate the virtual machine to a host that supports the conversion of passthrough disks and then try the operation again. because the template does not generalized and then try the operation have a virtual hard disk attached that has been again. Use Failover Cluster Management to delete the cluster resource group. 10661 The virtualization software on the selected host does not support conversion of a passthrough disk to a virtual hard disk. 10653 The virtualization software on the host does not support the Limit Processor Functionality setting. hard disks and then try the operation again. 10654 Could not reset local Administrator password on %VMName. Change the local security policy on the virtual machine to allow an empty string as a password and then try the operation again. could not be cloned because the virtual machine has checkpoints. VMware or stored virtual machine are not supported and were ignored. and BusType. 10659 Cannot run Sysprep on virtual machine Specify a template that has been %VMName. Ensure that the pass-through disk and virtual machine are on the same host. because its virtual hard disks are generalized. and then try the operation again. and try the operation again. 10672 You cannot remove virtual hard disk %FileName. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 98 . has passthrough disks. Please use the -NoCustomization parameter to create a template with the specified operating system. resource %FileName. could not be deleted from host To add a pass-through disk (host disk) to a virtual machine.Troubleshooting VMM 10665 Cannot attach a pass-through disk to a virtual machine or template that is stored in the library. Make any hardware changes to the template after you create the template. or use an existing virtual hard disk. with the Remove-VirtualHardDisk cmdlet because this virtual hard disk is associated with a virtual machine on host. 10675 Virtual machine customization is not supported for the %OSName. Deploy the virtual machine to a Hyper-V host and then try the operation again. or use the NoCustomization parameter. deploy the virtual machine to a host that supports passthrough disks. 10667 The virtual machine being created from a template must contain at least one virtual hard disk. by using the VMware VirtualCenter server. Convert the pass-through disks to virtual hard disks and then try the operation again. To expand the hard disk. Either specify a compatible hard disk file or convert hard disk file %FileName.. 10674 Integration services cannot be enabled on a virtual machine that is stored in the library. and try the operation again. Manually delete resource %FileName. Use the Remove-VirtualDiskDrive cmdlet to remove virtual hard disk %FileName. on library server %ServerName.. does not support the expanding of a differencing virtual hard disk. is not valid. VMM cannot create a virtual hard disk on a library server that is not also a virtual machine host. 10676 Unable to create virtual hard disk %FileName. Ensure that the SCSI adapter has one virtual hard disk attached to location 0 and then try the operation again. 10673 Unable to share the SCSI adapter. Specify at least one virtual hard disk that is generalized and then try the operation again. from the host. 10668 Cannot clone the virtual machine because the source virtual machine %VMName. Specify an operating system for which customization is supported. which must be generalized. 10666 Hardware changes while creating a template from a virtual machine are not supported and were ignored.. operating system. 10677 The Hyper-V exported file %FileName. 10671 Hard disk file %FileName. Specify a valid Hyper-V exp file. 10670 The virtualization software on host %VMHostName. 10679 The virtual machine %VMName. Select a library server that is also a virtual machine host. is not compatible with the SCSI adapter on %VMName. migrate the virtual machine to a host that is running different virtualization software. A shared SCSI adapter can only have one virtual hard disk attached to location 0. VMM does not support it on an IDE bus. and then try the operation again. Specify a shorter virtual machine name and then try the operation again. 10680 Disk %FileName. is of type . 10689 Virtual Machine Manager does not support adding pass-through disks to virtual machines with checkpoints.. Ensure that the virtual machine has at least one virtual hard disk attached. cannot be attached as a passthrough to virtual machine %VMName. 10691 Hyper-V does not support boot and system Modify the bus assignments so that volumes on a disk attached to SCSI adapter. characters. or manually refresh the library share after the process completes. 10686 Virtual Machine Manager cannot clone virtual machine %VMName. 10803 Unable to refresh %FileName. The VMM server must run as the local system account to ensure that it can impersonate other users. and then try the operation again. does not contain checkpoints and then try the operation again. Ensure that virtual machine %VMName. does not allow a virtual machine name to exceed %MaxLength. and then try the operation again. 10687 To create a template from a virtual machine. 10688 Virtual hard disk %FileName. Please specify a disk resource that is not used by this virtual machine or any other virtual machine. must be moved to an IDE bus for the machine to boot up. 10811 The VMM server was unable to impersonate the supplied credentials. %Bus. 10690 Hyper-V does not support boot and system volumes on a disk attached to SCSI adapter. All boot and system volume disks are disks containing boot and system volumes located on an IDE bus. because the file is in use by another process. Disk at the location (%BusType. Wait for the next automatic library refresh. and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. Modify the bus assignments so that boot and system volume disks are located on IDE bus. 10684 The virtualization software on host %VMHostName.) must be moved to an IDE bus for the machine to boot up. because one or more volumes on the disk already are used by the same virtual machine..Troubleshooting VMM %VMHostName. the virtual machine must have at least one virtual hard disk attached. Either select a virtual hard disk of different type or select a SCSI adapter. doesn't allow boot and system volumes to be on a disk attached to SCSI adapter.. on the Virtual Server host to a Hyper-V host because the virtual machine is in a saved state. %Lun. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 99 . The disk at the location (%BusType.vmdk.. Modify the bus assignments so that boot and system volume disks are located on an IDE bus. Delete the saved state. 11020 Virtualization platform on host %VMHostName. %Lun. and then try the operation again... to enable full management functionality and then try the operation again. %Lun. 11025 Host %VMHostName. does not support shared DVD ISO images. 11030 Host %VMHostName. 11021 Virtualization platform on host %VMHostName. %Lun. %Lun.) by the virtualization software on host. Select a different host and then try the operation again. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 100 . for one of the following reasons:\n1. Configure the security settings of host %VMHostName. To use an ESX Server host for placement. The Bus exceeds the maximum number of SCSI adapters(%MaxBusCount. does not allow boot and system volumes to be on a disk attached to SCSI adapter.. is not available for placement. 11029 The disk at the location (%BusType...) must be attached to the IDE bus for the machine to boot up and work properly. 11028 Virtualization platform on host %VMHostName.) supported by the virtualization software on host. 11022 The specified source virtual machine cannot be used to create a new virtual machine because the disk at location (%BusType. and then try the operation again. The virtualization platform on host %VMHostName. %Bus. Remove the shared ISO image from hardware profile or select a different host. %Bus. 11027 Clustered host %VMHostName. Ensure that the bus location for the disk is valid.Troubleshooting VMM %Bus. \n2. Select a different host and then try the operation again. For the host to be available for placement. doesn't support pass-though disks. Modify the bus assignments so that boot and system volume disks are located on IDE bus. The LUN exceeds the maximum number allowed (%MaxLunCount. Please select a different host and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. doesn't have network adapter 11024 The bus location for the disk at (%BusType. the Cluster Service must be running on the host. Please select a different host and then try the operation again. 11026 Host %VMHostName. %Bus. is not responding and is not available for placement.) will be moved to the IDE bus.) is not valid on host %VMHostName.) is a pass-through disk and two virtual machines cannot share the same passthrough disk. you must Remove pass-though disk from the VM or try different host Specify a different virtual machine as the source.. is not available for placement. is not available for placement because it is in a state that has limited management functionality.. 11023 Host %VMHostName. 11418 You do not have permission to access one or more of the objects required by this operation. already exists. cannot be migrated from host %VMHostName. Specify a different user role name and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. 11411 Cannot use Set-VMMUserRole with an Administrator profile. Attempt to remove users from the Administrator role again but leave at least one user in the role. For hosts in the OK (Limited) state. 11422 The object used with the -AddScope or RemoveScope parameter is not valid.Troubleshooting VMM configure the security settings of the host to enable full management functionality. 11419 You do not have permission to modify this user role. by creating new Delegated Administrator user roles. Select the ParentUserRole parameter for the new user role and then try the operation again. 11420 A connection cannot be established with the specified virtual machine.0. Specify a different user role and then try the operation again. 11410 The user role no longer exists. Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator to verify that the user has access to this virtual machine and that the VirtualCenter host is running. 11402 Cannot remove member %UserName. 11416 The -ParentUserRole specified must be a Delegated Administrator user role. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 101 . Select UserRole for the DelegatedAdmin profile as the ParentUserRole and then try the operation again. 11400 User role %FriendlyName. and then try the operation again. to enable full management functionality. Close and reopen Windows PowerShell 1. There can be only one Administrator user role. is not a member of the specified user role. 11031 Virtual machine %VMName. or select a target host within the same Virtual Center server. Configure the security settings of host %VMHostName. Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator to obtain the appropriate permissions. a virtual machine can only be migrated within the same Virtual Center server. because the host is in a state that has limited management functionality. only the following types of 11421 There must be at least one member in the Administrator user role. because %UserName. 11415 The -ParentUserRole parameter is required for Set-VMMUserRole with a Delegated Administrator profile. Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator to obtain the appropriate permissions. For the -AddScope or -RemoveScope parameters. or delegate administration. You can add or remove members to the Administrator user role. ) for this virtual machine is not valid. Either add %UserName. 11429 The specified user role is not valid because owner %UserName. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 102 . specify a different user role for %UserName. of this virtual machine is not a member of the specified user role. 11430 Either the specified user role or the specified owner (%UserName. Set the user role again. Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator and have this virtual machine associated with a user role of which you are a member.Troubleshooting VMM objects can be used: Template. 11433 This operation could not be completed because the virtual machine is not associated with any Self-Service user role. valid value for -UserRole in this situation. as a member of the user role and the try the operation again. Specify a top-level user role as the parent user role. 11440 The current session with the Self-Service Portal has been lost. or specify a different owner. or LibraryShare. 11439 Virtual Machine Manager cannot add one or more objects to the scope of user role %UserRoleName. 11438 Virtual Machine Manager cannot add the library servers to the scope because the state of one or more of the library servers is not valid. Ensure that there is a two-way trust relationship between the domain of the VMM Server and the user's domain Ensure that all library servers you are adding to the scope are in the Responding state and then try the operation again. This might have occurred by changing the browser's current internet zone for the Self-Service Portal without Log on to the Self-Service Portal again. 11432 The specified parent user role is not a toplevel user role. If this problem occurs frequently. contact your administrator. DelegatedAdmin or SelfServiceUser. Add %UserName. 11436 The Virtual Machine Manager server could not validate user %UserName. specifying an owner who is a member of the user role. Valid values for the user profile are: Administrator. and then try the operation again.. as a member of the specified user role or provide a different user role. Ensure that all objects you are adding are in the scope of the parent user role and then try the operation again. 11428 The specified user role is not valid or no longer The SelfServiceUser value is the only exists. 11425 The user role specified is not valid. because the objects are not in the scope of the parent user role %FriendlyName.. 11431 The user role specified cannot be applied to this virtual machine because no owner has been set for this virtual machine. HostGroup.. Create a virtual machine from a user role which has permission or contact your administrator to gain the necessary permissions.Troubleshooting VMM restarting the browser.. 11446 Virtual Machine Manager could not place this virtual machine on host %VMHostName. If the problem persists contact your administrator. This can also occur if the Web server has been reset. 11445 Virtual Machine Manager could not place this virtual machine on host %VMHostName. associated with the virtual machine does not have access to the ISO. because there are no default virtual machine paths on this host. Contact your VMM administrator to request default virtual machine paths on this host or access to another host. Contact your VMM administrator to add the library share path for the ISO to user role %UserRoleName. 11441 The connection to the Virtual Machine Management server for this session has been lost. Log on to the Self-Service Portal again. Contact your VMM administrator to request at least one volume be made available for placement. Confirm that scripting is enabled for your browser and log on to the SelfService Portal again. If the problem persists. does not have create permissions. 11449 Virtual Machine Manager could not place this virtual machine on host %VMHostName. The server may have been reset or is no longer available. Contact your VMM administrator to enabled remote connections on this host or request access to another host. Select a valid user role member and try the operation again. 11443 Cannot attach the specified ISO to the virtual machine because user role %UserRoleName. 11447 Virtual Machine Manager could not place this virtual machine on host %VMHostName. This can be caused by changing the current internet zone for the Self-Service Portal without restarting the browser or by directly browsing to a SelfService Portal Webpage without first logging on to the site. Only domain users. security groups or computers can be user role members. to the user role %UserRoleName. 11448 Cannot create this virtual machine because the selected user role %UserRoleName. because there are no volumes available for placement on this host. contact your administrator. because the host does not have any default virtual machine paths on volumes that are available for placement. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 103 . 11442 The current session with the Self-Service Portal has been lost. 11444 Unable to add member %UserName. because remote connections are not enabled on this Host. or specify a different ISO and then try the operation again. Contact your VMM administrator to request at least one default virtual machine path on a volume that is suitable and available for placement. The host group may have hosts assigned to it. 11608 The ID %TaskID. Ensure that the server exists. Ensure that you typed the job ID correctly. because the host cluster in VirtualCenter server %ServerName. 11603 Unable to delete host group %HostGroupName. Ensure that the server exists and that System Center Operations Manager 2007 is installed and then try the operation again. because the host group for VirtualCenter server %ServerName. Upgrade the Virtual Machine Manager server and then try the operation again. status. 11802 Unable to find the specified PRO tip. %OperationsManagerServer. or hosts may be assigned to child host groups of this host group.. status. 11803 Unable to connect to the Operations Manager root server. Add the VMM service account as an Administrator on the Operations Manager server and then try the operation again.Troubleshooting VMM 11601 Unable to move the host cluster %HostClusterName. Do not attempt to dismiss a PRO tip that has %PROTipState. 11805 Unable to verify the connection to the VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 104 . Upgrade the Virtual Machine Manager client and then try the operation again. does not map to an existing VMM job. Do not attempt to implement a PRO tip that is has %PROTipState. 11800 Cannot implement PRO tip because it is not active.. to the specified path because another host cluster with the same name already exists at that level. a PRO tip must have Active status. is not empty. 11607 The Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console cannot connect to the specified Virtual Machine Manager server because the versions are not compatible. Remove all hosts from this host group and from any child host groups that the host group contains. Remove all hosts from the host cluster and then try the operation again. Verify that the specified PRO tip has not been deleted. is not empty. and then try the operation again. that 11801 Cannot dismiss PRO tip because it has been implemented or implementation is in progress. 11604 Unable to delete host cluster %HostClusterName. 11804 The Virtual Machine Manager service does not have required credentials to access the Operations Manager SDK service on %OperationsManagerServer. 11606 The Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console cannot connect to the specified Virtual Machine Manager server because the versions are not compatible. Specify a different location for the host cluster and then try the operation again. To be implemented. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 105 . to the given value. of the System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 11806 Discovery of PRO performance and usage data was terminated because the VMM 2008 Management Pack has not been imported into System Center Operations Manager 2007. To inherit PRO settings from the parent host group. Install the Operations Console for System Center Operations Manager 2007 on the Virtual Machine Manager server and then try the operation again. You can enter a number or a text string:\n\n Turn off PRO tips: "0" or "Off"\n Receive critical errors only: "1" or "CriticalOnly"\n Receive critical errors and warnings: "2" or "CriticalandWarning" Review knowledge for the PRO tip for recommended actions to resolve the issue. %OperationsManagerServer.Troubleshooting VMM Operations Manager root server.. 11808 Unable to set the Operations Manager root server in VMM because the Operations Console for Operations Manager is not installed on the Virtual Machine Manager server. Configure the Operations Manager root server connection using Set-VMMServer -OpsMgrServer. Use the Configure Operations Manager option of VMM Setup to import version %MPVersion. you must set InheritPROSettings="False" and then set both the PRO monitoring level (PROMonitoringLevel parameter) and PRO automation level (PROAutomationLevel parameter). that Virtual Machine Manager has the appropriate rights to perform this action. Manually configure the PRO monitoring and automation settings. and then try the operation again. Enter a valid value for %PROParameter. 11820 Cannot update PRO settings until the Operations Manager root server connection is configured. 11811 Cannot implement PRO tip because no automatic recovery action is defined for the Operations Manager monitor that generated the tip. System Center Operations Manager 2007 is installed. To set PRO settings for a host group or a host cluster. 11819 Unable to inherit PRO settings for the root host group. 11812 Cannot update PRO settings because the cmdlet includes invalid parameters. set InheritPROSettings="True". 11810 Unable to set %PROParameter. Ensure that VMM 2008 Management Pack is imported on the Operations Manager Server and then try the operation again. 11821 Operations Manager server cannot be specified because the VMM 2008 Management Pack has not been imported.. 11825 PRO tip implementation failed to start. cannot be reached. It is recommended that you use Setup instead of downloading the management pack from the System Center Operations Manager 2007 Catalog to ensure that other required Operations Manager configuration tasks are completed. This might be caused by a missing or outdated version of the System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 Management Pack in Operations Manager 2007. Ensure that the file is a valid certificate file. 11822 Operations Manager server cannot be specified because there is an incompatible VMM 2008 Management Pack on the Operations Manager server. It is recommended that you use Setup instead of downloading the management pack from the System Center Operations Manager 2007 Catalog to ensure that other required Operations Manager configuration tasks are completed.. of the System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 Management Pack onto your Operations Manager server. and then retry the operation. 12700 VMM cannot complete the Hyper-V operation VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 106 . 12421 The certificate file on the VMware VirtualCenter server is not valid. Verify network connectivity between the Virtual Machine Manager server and %ComputerName. To download version %MPVersion.Troubleshooting VMM Management Pack onto your Operations Manager If the issue persists. Resolve the issue in Hyper-V and then 11823 Discovery of one or more Virtual Machine Manager objects monitored by Operations Manager 2007 failed. open the System Center Operations Manager 2007 Catalog ( LinkId="86411"). and then try the operation again. contact your network administrator. of the management pack. 12409 %ComputerName. and then retry the operation. Ensure that the VMM Administrative Console is installed on the Operations Manager root management server and that the action account that Operations Manager uses has access to Virtual Machine Manager. Use the Configure Operations Manager option of VMM Setup to import version %MPVersion. Boot volume %VolumeDriveLetter. wait approximately 30 minutes or you can manually refresh the properties by using the RefreshVMHost cmdlet and then try the operation again. Wait until the other process is completed. must be attached to the IDE bus for the virtual machine to start up. cannot be virtualized. does not support the conversion operation on a virtual hard disk. 12708 The specified pass-through disk %FilePath. 13200 The selected machine %ServerName. does not support the compacting of a fixed virtual hard disk.. has adequate 12705 The volume does not contain a recognized file system.. Ensure that the parameters are valid. Modify the Bus assignments so that the boot volume is located on the first hard disk of the virtual machine and then try the operation again. 12703 VMM cannot establish a trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel for %ServerName. Ensure that the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management service (vmms) and the Virtual Machine Manager Agent are installed and running on the server %ServerName. server because of the error: %VMAsyncTaskErrorMessage. did not complete successfully because of the error: %DetailedErrorMessage. try the operation again. and then try the operation again. server. migrate the virtual machine to a host that is running different virtualization software. If you have recently changed your disk configuration. 12702 Cannot bind to TCP port %TCPPort. 12706 The virtualization software on the host %ServerName. Select an offline pass-through disk and then try the operation again. To compact the hard disk. because it is in use by another process on the %ServerName. server. Select a host with different virtualization software and then try the operation again. Ensure the virtual machine host %VMHostName.Troubleshooting VMM on the %ServerName. 12704 Unable to connect to the Hyper-V service on the server %ServerName. 12701 VMM cannot complete the VMware operation on the %ServerName. 12707 The virtualization software on host %ServerName. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted.. 12709 >The operation on %ComputerName. Install the certificate to the trusted people root store of the VMM server and then try the operation again. does not exist on host %ServerName. Resolve the issue in VMware and then try the operation again. and then try the operation again. 13202 Virtual Machine Manager is unable to emulate the exact configuration of the source machine VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 107 . server because of the error: %VMAsyncTaskErrorMessage.. Ensure that the host is running Virtual Server or Hyper-V virtualization software. Install the BCD WMI provider on %ServerName. Select a host running supported virtualization software and then try the operation again. The number of virtual processors could not be set to %ProcessorInfo. 13210 Timeout occurred while waiting for VM integration services to be installed on virtual machine %VMName. 13203 Host %VMHostName. 13204 Boot Configuration Data (BCD) WMI provider is not installed on the Virtual Machine Manager Server.Troubleshooting VMM %ServerName. is not corrupt. The virtualization software on the source virtual machine host must be VMware. Ensure that the file boot\BCD on the boot volume of the virtual machine %VMName. computational power and then adjust the number of virtual processors on the virtual machine. You can also move the virtual machine to a host with adequate computational power. 13209 Cannot insert integration services disk because virtual machine %VMName. cannot be specified at the same time. 13205 The Boot Configuration Data (BCD) file on virtual machine %VMName. cannot be used in physical-to-virtual or virtual-to-virtual conversions. and then try the operation again.. is not a valid VMware path. 13215 The file path %FileName. is not recognized. is not a valid host for the specified conversion... 13207 The file system of boot\system volume on virtual machine %VMName. 13213 %VMHostName. Ensure that the path is in the correct format and then try the operation again. Ensure that the version of the VM integration services binaries matches the version of the guest operating system in the virtual machine and then try the operation again. 13212 %VMHostName. Ensure that only one of these parameters is specified and then try the operation again.. does not have a virtual DVD drive. Ensure that the boot\system volume on the virtual hard disk has a valid file system. Ensure that the virtual machine has a virtual DVD drive and then try the operation again. is not recognized. 13208 Unable to insert integration services disk because it is not found on the system drive path on host %VMHostName. residing on host %VMHostName. on host %VMHostName. The number of virtual processors on the resulting virtual machine will be adjusted to the closest value within the valid range for this host. 13214 Parameters %NameList. is not a valid host for the specified conversion. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 108 . Ensure that the host is running Virtual Server or Hyper-V virtualization software. 13218 Virtual Guest Services are not available for the operating system on virtual machine %VMName. residing on host %VMHostName. Ensure that the source virtual machine contains each virtual hard disk only once. Virtual SCSI drives and virtual network cards may not function properly on this virtual machine. residing on host %VMHostName.. The service cannot be updated directly. residing on host %VMHostName. See Help for the Virtual Guest Services installer. must be attached to the IDE bus for the virtual machine to start up. go to http://go. Apply update 948515 to the Virtual Server software on host %VMHostName. For more information.. Ensure that the virtual machine has at least one virtual hard disk with a valid operating system and then try the operation again. does not support conversion of the %SoftwareVersion.. Uninstall the existing Virtual Guest Services on the virtual machine by using the same virtualization software that installed it and then try the operation again. more than once. Try the operation again.Troubleshooting VMM 13216 Some jobs in the jobs group have different source and target VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 109 . 13222 An internal error occurred while Virtual Guest Services were being installed on virtual machine %VMName. was installed by an early version of Microsoft Virtual Server. 13219 The existing Virtual Guest Services on virtual machine %VMName. 13224 Unable to install Virtual Guest Services on virtual machine %VMName. If the same error occurs again. the virtual machine must have at least one virtual hard disk. Hyper-V virtualization software volume %VolumeDriveLetter. because no virtual DVD device is available on the virtual machine. residing on host %VMHostName. 13225 The current version of Virtual Server on host %VMHostName. 13220 The selected machine %ServerName. 13217 To install virtual guest services on virtual machine %VMName. Add a DVD drive to the virtual machine or modify the bus assignments or volume selection to create space on the IDE bus so that a temporary DVD drive can be created. Ensure that all jobs in a job group have the same source and target cannot be virtualized. No DVD device is available on the IDE bus. and then try the operation again. 13223 An error occurred while Virtual Guest Services were being installed on virtual machine %VMName. 13221 The specified source virtual machine %VMName.. residing on host %VMHostName. residing on host %VMHostName.. Modify the bus assignments so that the system volume is located on the IDE bus on the virtual machine and then try the operation again. contains virtual hard disk %FileName. resolve any issues preventing the installation from succeeding. operating system. and no more channels are available on the IDE bus to add a temporary DVD device. Update the operation system on this virtual machine to the latest service pack and then try the operation again. contact your support personnel for further help. The Hyper-V Integration Services setup exited with error code %VGSInstallerError. Virtual Guest Services cannot be installed on a virtual machine that does not have a virtual hard disk and operating system LinkId="118036" and then try the operation again. Try an online physical-to-virtual conversion for the supported operating systems. Ensure that the format is listed as supported.. 13228 Virtual Guest Services cannot be installed on virtual machine %VMName. For more information. Attach a virtual hard disk and install an operating system on virtual machine %VMName. and then try the operation again. to the new folder.. The virtual machine will be created without network cards. and then try the operation again. refer to the Hyper-V documentation for virtual machine integration services at http://go. 13233 Unable to install Virtual Guest Services on virtual machine %VMName.. This error may be due to missing WinPE drivers for local storage on the source machine. 13235 Unable to uninstall the System Center Virtual Uninstall the System Center Virtual Machine Manager P2V Agent from virtual Machine Manager P2V Agent manually machine %VMName. on server %ServerName. does not have any virtual hard disks. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 110 . deployed on host %VMHostName. 13227 Network adapter drivers are not available for the operating system of the source computer. 13234 The format of the file %FileName.dll. cannot be mounted on host %VMHostName. Wait a few moments and then try the operation again. into Windows PE. 13226 Virtual hard disk %FileName. The host virtualization software must be either Virtual Server or Windows Server Virtualization. is not supported.Troubleshooting VMM LinkId="120407". on host %VMHostName. because it conflicts with other disks. 13231 Offline physical-to-virtual conversion cannot be performed on machines that have a nonACPI hal. Update the virtual machine with the latest service pack and ensure that Virtual Guest Services are installed.. Create a new folder under %StaticDriverPath. on host %VMHostName.. 13232 Virtual machine %VMName. 13229 This action is not supported on virtual machines that have pass-through disks. Refer to the Virtual Machine Manager help for the list of supported VMDK file formats. 13230 Virtual Machine Manager encountered an error while connecting to the agent after restarting the computer %ComputerName. on the VMM machine and copy all of the storage or networks drivers for %ComputerName. Install virtual guest services on the operating system of the virtual machine manually. from the virtual machine. 13242 One of the IP parameters provided for offline communication is not valid. OfflineSubnetMask. residing on host %VMHostName. Virtual SCSI drives and virtual network cards may not function properly on this virtual machine. 13243 The snapshot creation failed because VSS writer %VssWriterGuid. Confirm that the offline settings for IP address. This is usually caused by Specify all required parameters and then try the operation again.. 13238 The Virtual Machine Manager P2V Agent was not removed from the computer %ComputerName. Remove offline conversion parameters 13240 Parameters -OfflineIPAddress. subnet mask. Update the operating system on virtual machine %VMName. 13239 -Credential parameter must be specified if Force parameter is not specified.Troubleshooting VMM 13236 The -Check and -Trigger parameters cannot be specified together. OfflineDefaultGateway. did not respond within the expected time interval. If access to %ComputerName. to the latest service pack and then try installing Virtual Guest Services manually. The following parameters must be specified: OfflineIPAddress. and default gateway are valid. Specify the -Credential parameter to remotely uninstall the System Center Virtual Machine Manager P2V Agent from %ComputerName. 13244 The volume %VolumeDriveLetter. Ensure that VSS writer is functioning properly and then try the operation again. OfflineNICMacAddress can only be specified for offline conversion. Or. OfflineNICMacAddress and OfflineSubnetMask (for IPv4 addresses) or OfflinePrefixLength (for IPv6 addresses). 13237 Virtual Guest Services are not available for the operating system on virtual machine %VMName. -OfflinePrefixLength.. Exclude this volume from conversion. Uninstall the System Center Virtual Machine Manager P2V Agent using Add or Remove Programs on %ComputerName. prefix length. is not available. selected for physical-to-virtual conversion is not accessible from Windows PE. create a VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 111 . -OfflineDefaultGateway. 13241 One or more required parameters are missing. on source machine %ComputerName. Use the -Check parameter to check for errors without starting the P2V operation or use -Trigger to begin the P2V conversion. because -Credential parameter has not been supplied.. use Force parameter to remove the agent management records from System Center Virtual Machine Manager Server. if you are performing an offline physical-to-virtual conversion. Check the device manufacturer's website or try the following link: %SuggestedDriverLocation. The driver package files include the driver (.cat) files. must be attached to the IDE bus for the virtual machine to start up. To perform an offline conversion. on the Virtual Machine Manager server and then copy the necessary 32-bit Windows Vista driver package files for this device to the new folder.\n\nDevice Type: %DeviceType. %ComputerName. 13245 Virtual Machine Manager encountered an error while connecting to the agent after restarting the computer %ComputerName. on the Virtual Machine Manager server and then copy the necessary 32-bit Windows Vista driver package files for this device to the new folder. on the VMM machine and then copy all of the storage or networks drivers for %ComputerName.\n\nDevice Type: %DeviceType.inf and .cat) files. exceeds the maximum IDE bus disk size for Virtual Server. may now need to be manually restarted into the original operating system using the boot menu. Create a new folder under %StaticDriverPath. 13251 To perform a physical-to-virtual conversion. The driver package files include the driver (.. The offline physical-to-virtual conversion requires a driver for this device.sys) and installation (. 13247 No compatible drivers were identified for the device: %DeviceDescription. on the VMM computer and then copy all of the storage or networks drivers to the to the new folder. run the New-P2V cmdlet again.\nDevice Description: %DeviceDescription. The system volume %VolumeDriveLetter. for the necessary driver files.\nCompatible IDs (listed in order of preference):\n%CompatibleIDs. is a part of and then try the operation again. Create a new folder under %StaticDriverPath.. all virtual hard disks of a highly available virtual new folder under %StaticDriverPath.. to the new folder.inf and .sys) and installation (.\nCompatible IDs (listed in order of preference):\n%CompatibleIDs. cannot be virtualized. This error may be due to missing Windows PE drivers for local storage or the network on the source machine. and specify the -Offline parameter.\nDevice Manufacturer: %DeviceManufacturer. 13248 VMM does not recognize the format of INF file %FileName. try using a Hyper-V host.\nDevice Description: %DeviceDescription. 13250 The selected machine %ServerName. 13246 No compatible drivers were identified for the device: %DeviceDescription.Troubleshooting VMM missing or incorrect storage drivers in Windows PE. Create a new folder under %StaticDriverPath. into Windows PE. Specify the same location for all virtual hard disks and the virtual machine and VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 112 . If the size of the volume %VolumeDriveLetter.\nHardware IDs (listed in order of preference):\n%HardwareIDs. Check the device manufacturer's website for the necessary drivers. 13249 Online physical-to-virtual conversion of a domain controller is not recommended.\nHardware IDs (listed in order of preference):\n%HardwareIDs.\nDevice Manufacturer: %DeviceManufacturer. Ensure that the correctness of the driver package that %FileName. The offline physical-to-virtual conversion requires a driver for this device. Connect the physical network adapter to a virtual network and then try the operation again.Troubleshooting VMM machine must be placed on the same volume. 13607 The specified network location is not valid. listens for HTTP traffic on TCP port %TCPPort. 13252 There is already an SSL certificate associated with port %TCPPort. flag and then try the operation again. When using -VLANID or -VLANTrunkID. provide connectivity between the host and the VMM Server by using a different network adapter. Alternatively use registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager Server\Settings\P2VBITSTcpPort on the VMM server to change the P2V transfer port number and add the necessary firewall rule for TCP port %TCPPort. on machine %ServerName. Check connectivity from the Virtual Machine Manager server to the host. Disconnect the physical network adapter from the other virtual network and then try the operation again. 13602 VLAN IDs are specified without the VLAN mode. This might be the result of an incorrect VLAN setting. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 113 . If OverrideNetworkLocation is set to FALSE. specify only -VLANTrunkID. If there is no connectivity. because it is connected to another virtual network. specify only -VLANID. specify the -VLANMode. 13601 VLAN IDs are not consistent with the VLAN mode. specify -NetworkLocation. because it is not connected to a virtual network. try connecting a terminal to the host and reverting the changes by using the Hyper-V Virtual Network Manager locally on the host. after applying the network settings.. then try the operation again. 13605 Cannot set VLAN properties on physical network adapter %FriendlyName. to virtual network %VirtualNetworkName.. during the conversion. If -OverrideNetworkLocation is set to TRUE. on machine %ServerName. Ensure that no application on machine %ServerName. omit -NetworkLocation. 13600 The network location override flag must be set Specify the OverrideNetworkLocation when specifying a network location. 13603 The -OverrideNetworkLocation parameter is inconsistent with -NetworkLocation. For the VLAN Trunk mode. For the VLAN Access mode.. 13604 The Virtual Machine Manager server lost connectivity to host %VMHostName. If that is not possible.. 13606 Cannot connect physical network adapter %FriendlyName. Specify a different network location and then try the operation again. Specify a different cluster name and then try the operation again. by using the VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client or specify a different virtual network. 13621 The -Path parameter must be specified for New-VirtualNetwork. 13802 A cluster with the name %HostClusterName. from virtual network %VirtualNetworkName.%RangeEnd. A host cluster name cannot contain any of the following characters: : * ? < > / | \ ".Troubleshooting VMM 13609 The specified MAC address range conflicts with an existing Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) or reserved address. . because the virtual network has a VMware service console port on host %ServerName. Specify a different host network adapter and then try the operation again.Virtual Machine Manager default range is 00:1D:D8:B7:1C:00-00:1D:D8:F4:1F:FF. because the virtual network and then try the operation again. has no available ports. 13623 Cannot remove physical network adapter %FriendlyName. 13610 The specified MAC address range %RangeStart.\n\n2. Extend the MAC address range or specify a new range. 1. 13612 Cannot connect the virtual network adapter because virtual switch %FriendlyName. Check the host cluster name and then try the operation again. because the adapter is not connected to the virtual network. Specify a cluster node failure reserve 13801 A host cluster with the name %HostClusterName. 13619 The host physical network adapter cannot be removed from virtual network %VirtualNetworkName. Specify a different host cluster name and then try the operation again.Ensure that the first three octets of the start address and the end address for the range are equal. 13626 The specified virtual network does not exist. 13613 Cannot set VLAN properties on virtual network Connect the virtual network to the host %FriendlyName. already exists. on host %VMHostName. Use the VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client to increase the number of ports. is not bound to the host. which does not conflict with an existing OUI or reserved range. 13803 The cluster node failure reserve equals or VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 114 . Specify a MAC address range. Remove the service console port from virtual network %VirtualNetworkName.\n\nNote: This setting requires the host to be restarted. is not valid. Specify the -Path parameter and then try the operation again. Specify an end address for the range that is greater than the start address. 13800 The host cluster name contains a character that is not allowed. Run Get-VirtualNetwork and ensure that the virtual network is on the list... does not exist. 13611 All addresses in the MAC address range have been used. . Ensure that all of the virtual network adapters are either disconnected or connected to highly available virtual networks. is not highly available..Troubleshooting VMM exceeds the number of nodes in cluster %HostClusterName. Ensure that the computer %ComputerName. 13806 The host does not exist in cluster %HostClusterName. limit for host cluster %HostClusterName.. as a Library server. 13815 Virtual Machine Manager could not enumerate the network shares on %ComputerName. and connectivity exists on all hosts in the cluster. 13808 Unable to add %ComputerName. Ensure that the specified machine name is a clustered file server or a node of a cluster. 13922 Highly available virtual machine %VMName. and then try the operation again. Ensure that all of the virtual network adapters are either disconnected or connected to highly available virtual networks. Additionally..1). as a virtual machine host. ensure that a virtual network with the same name. configured on host %ComputerName. 13811 Virtual network %FriendlyName.) exceeds the %MaxLimit. that the specified credentials have administrative rights. (total nodes in cluster. VMM 2008 Error Codes / Command-Line Interface Error Messages Page 115 . Specify a different host name and then try the operation again. each port group the VM is connected to must be present on each of the nodes of the cluster. and then try the operation again. Ensure that the specified machine name is a cluster name or a node of a cluster. exists. less than the number of nodes in the cluster and then try the operation again. is not supported by VMM because one or more of its network adapters is not configured correctly. is not supported by VMM because one or more of its network adapters is not configured correctly. Ensure that the target resource pool belongs to the same computer resource and then try the operation again. 13813 The specified VMware resource pool was not found. and then try the operation again. Ensure that the resource pool exists in this virtualization manager and then try the operation again.. or equal to %MaxLimit. 13814 The virtual machine %ComputerName. 13807 Unable to add %ComputerName. tag. 13921 Highly available virtual machine %VMName.. To make the virtual network highly available. 13919 Specified failure node reserve Specify a failure node reserve less than (%ParameterValue. cannot be moved to VMware resource pool %FriendlyName.. is not supported by VMM because its cluster resource group is not configured correctly. Configure Operations Manager Setup option is not completed successfully Possible causes • • • • The root management server for Operations Manager is in a different Active Directory domain than the VMM server. remove the Virtualization Manager that it belongs to. A VMM Administrator Console is already installed on the root management server when you run the Configure Operations Manager option of the VMM Setup Wizard. Ensure that all of the files and passthrough disks belonging to the VM reside on highly available storage. and the integration of System Center Operations Manager 2007 with System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 and Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2. Ensure that the resource group only contains a single VM resource. reporting. That operation will fail unless you allow time for the service connection point (SCP) to replicate to your Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain controllers. cannot be removed directly from Virtual Machine Manager because it is a VMware cluster. PRO. If the two servers are in different domains. was not fully refreshed. The VMM server is in a disjointed namespace. 13924 Highly available virtual machine %VMName. and the server was not identified by its fully qualified domain name (FQDN). 13925 Host cluster %HostClusterName. is not supported by VMM because the VM uses non-clustered storage.Troubleshooting VMM 13923 Highly available virtual machine %VMName. The Setup Wizard attempts to add the VMM service account to the local Administrators group on the root management server. To destroy the host cluster. and Reporting Issues in VMM / Configure Operations Manager Setup option is not completed successfully Page 116 . manual configuration of Operations Manager is required. and Reporting Issues in VMM This topic provides guidance for troubleshooting issues with Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO). use the VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client. a single VM configuration resource. and zero or more disk resources all belonging to this VM. Ensure that all the nodes are online and do not have Not Responding status in Virtual Machine Manager. Then refresh the host cluster again. 13926 Host cluster %HostClusterName. The host cluster might appear to not have highly available storage or virtual networks. PRO. To remove the host cluster from Virtual Machine Manager. Troubleshooting Operations Manager. The Configure Operations Manager option of the VMM Setup Wizard is run on the root management server too soon after you install the VMM server. Troubleshooting Operations Manager. If the SDK service runs as Local System. run the wizard again. but it is manifested in VMM as an Access Denied error. Finish the wizard to allow it to remove the console. as described in How to Integrate Operations Manager with VMM 2008 R2. you must either manually register the SPNs for the root management server or you must grant the SDK service account the permissions that it requires to read and write the SPNs when the service starts. locations of your domain controllers. do not perform this procedure without first performing the integration tasks that precede this one. However. This is the most common cause of an Access Denied error message when you attempt to specify the Operations Manager server in VMM. Important This procedure explains how to perform one task in the integration process. and Reporting Issues in VMM / Access denied when specifying the Operations Manager server for VMM Page 117 . the account has the necessary permissions to read and write the SPNs and you do not have to update any configurations. follow the instructions in How to Manually Configure Operations Manager for VMM 2008 R2. depending on your network configuration. Run the Setup Wizard again after allowing time for AD DS replication. Every time the OpsMgr SDK Service starts on your Operations Manager root management server. the service must be able to register SPNs for itself in AD DS. • • • If the VMM server is in a disjointed namespace. Then. and the size and complexity of your AD DS environment. This error message is associated with error event 26371 (0x80006703) in the Operations Manager event log. If you run the Configure Operations Manager option of the VMM Setup Wizard immediately after you install the VMM server. Access denied when specifying the Operations Manager server for VMM Possible causes • • The OpsMgr SDK Service in Operations Manager 2007 (known as the System Center Data Access service in Operations Manager 2007 R2) is unable to register Service Principle Names (SPNs) for itself in AD DS. a message appears that states that the Setup Wizard will remove the console. The service account for the VMM server was not added to the Administrator role in Operations Manager. and identify the VMM server by its FQDN. AD DS replication time varies. If a VMM Administrator Console is installed on the root management server when you run the Configure Operations Manager option of the VMM Setup Wizard. do not use the Configure Operations Manager option of the VMM Setup Wizard.Troubleshooting VMM Solutions • If your root management server is in a different domain from the VMM server. Solution Use the following procedure to troubleshoot these issues. Instead. if you are using an Active Directory domain account as the service account. run the Configure Operations Manager option of the VMM Setup Wizard again. To ensure a successful integration. PRO. To troubleshoot Access Denied issues when specifying the Operations Manager server in VMM Troubleshooting Operations Manager. the service connection point (SCP) might not replicate to your AD DS domain controllers before the wizard runs. where <computername> identifies the root management server: SetSPN.) the service name is OpsMgr SDK If you still receive an Access Denied error message. 4.Troubleshooting VMM 1. Ensure that the VMM service account is a member of the Administrator role in Operations Manager. Task 1 provides steps to verify that an Operations Manager deployment meets the requirements of VMM. you can re-enable garbage collection by moving the vmmservice. The Add-Patch cmdlet does not run on a VMM 2008 server installed on a Windows Server 2008 computer Possible cause (or causes) Garbage collection is enabled on the server in the vmmservice. use the procedures in task 1 in How to Integrate Operations Manager with VMM 2008 R2 either to manually register the SPNs for the root management server or to grant the SDK service account the permissions that it requires to read and write the SPNs when the service starts. To verify that SPNs are registered correctly. and then run the following command. Solution (or solutions) Remove the vmmservice. 3. Specify the Operations Manager server in VMM by following the steps in How to Specify the Operations Manager Server for VMM. log on to a computer that is in an Active Directory domain by using an account that has Read SPN permission. restart the SDK service. follow the instructions in How to Add Members to the Administrator Role in Operations Manager 2007. the service name is System Center Data Access service. On the root management server. You can then run the Add-Patch cmdlet. see System Center Virtual Machine Manager Troubleshooting and Support (http://go.exe. If the command does not return SPNs for the root management server.exe. Restart the root management server. To add the account to the Administrator role. Troubleshooting VMM Cmdlet Issues / The Add-Patch cmdlet does not run on a VMM 2008 server installed on a Windows Server 2008 computer Page 118 . in Operations Manager 2007 R2. Troubleshooting VMM Cmdlet Issues This topic provides guidance for troubleshooting issues when you are working with System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) cmdlets. 6. contact Customer Support Services (CSS) for VMM.config file back to the %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008\Bin directory and restarting the Virtual Machine Manager service. (In Operations Manager 2007 SP1.exe. For more information about VMM support options. 7. After the Add-Patch cmdlet is finished running.config file. and then restart the Virtual Machine Manager service.exe –L <computername> 2.config file from the %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008\Bin directory.
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