Trouble in Tahiti Score Part II

March 26, 2018 | Author: sir Sor Bela | Category: Musical Forms, Leisure



h{ \{ - r-:;igr&pii! niossoJ..nF,,,,, { +,: \ .'l! 8Í | }t (' |."t7 s, il H- í J'r. /./( ill t h'Í,/ __ )t-. cn ev- er -=- trrrn tcr golrt, #- Anrl their r- { \ i .t -í {- a .r -,ry a ! I eJ a I ( a de - ci-sion lvill al-r.r-avs be ri oht Thc:re are nren >. \ > -r' . 4.é.; -.-- I *-* #- e$p--f han-dle the work & of sev- en men, Ánrl stitl man.age to sleep Selr-tn >>'\ | -{a iÜ hot115 ,. -w: I I I I ltolrlins > |---'rial'+ You can back, ztn.Íhiforce throv' a1l 1'ourweight :> .> II ! i i { ?ttenO ntOSsO J:=gZ (rnerto ? h o s s r . t 1 ).;-92 > a - gainst them, )'our 8? i- : >^ > >--._..=-- * snorv ancl gainst them: l:- The,v'11 re-spondr1-itha :- 1ff semltre tenuto - / \ t p suhíto' ö , a \ - - \ { i l- \ "ffi gt"*P' !(-B/acA'out) O \\- í \- \ { / \t 4 31 3 3 It r r.I I lL- L t- Scene VX ...:.'/,;!'Í/)' sÍltge rlgflÍ. Á dressílt,g ÍrtIl/c,tt:ith . '::.,,,,,, sta,rts / n,ale o.ff-strtge, ttiti , tt, ttt,it,roz,', .fitLzs/tes o it BB hcÍ-tl,ee at the httttg talle. Sie tt,ith is assot,tert arkrl'ei,,',g e?:t},(,7)ag(,?Lt u,, ztttlgínu,rg {liegro molto á =,* \Á|hat a ter. ri - ble, áw- fu1 I i i1/ (bLrttgnan,Ítt1 iltT) It',s a lentouittg her gloues, hut, etc,) crime what they put on the screenl can hard-lv be lieve v'hat I've T' :>.1' seen! Do ;> & y thinkwe're a 1ot of chil-dren? > It u,'ou1dbore an-y Í *b. four-year-o1d! What driv- ell \Vhatnon-senselWhates- capisr Tech-ni-col- or twad-dlc II > \ I I I l poco raII. L- 1i t "Trouble d e e d! ii \- i ; I -V - - - í F d I (x.l,om here on, she uses the aar,iotls ltctts she i,stl"t1ing on to tt,elp illu,straíe tlt,eptot.) Recit. ,. lllp II rít. accel' , ---l ! There she is l- in her inch or two of l: - I : , t i t - i - F t- Í loat-ing, all I a-mong the f-loat l- :- tF lF hand- some i a : ! 43033 - F F - P L L L--l t \-l 8á (DJ \-r LL_L- > l\.1 real- ly a Six man: feet ta11,_ and each foot just in- cred G L-l t: \{ !-.r t- (6) -)- t{ ble!) Well,they're mad-ly in love,- \!{ But there'stroub-.lea - head: - > There's a > le - gend:> L LI ! L.t E- l irt "srtrrth Pucilfii' - -a b ..If a uteenl ) prin.cess mar-ry white man, and raín fall that auf- rt.n the white man shall be ! { ! .i t { I --a I)) Y f- (nornul aceent) { s a c - r l - fice with - out { { { -! .a -a I I a Sure e - nough.- on the night of {= :tr their wed - ding day, @ - :> Tid - al and hur - ri - - canes; L- t- t- t(9) v (nasally ) F The vo1 > F 1_l F F F ll- lr-J L L L L L L L 87 l--r í I I l-/ i l--r l. ----/ -*" '--------- qf-É ;L --------=\ '*.flI éA r f-l r--r @ r-J L L f-J o - 1ó! They go CÍaz- y- drum-mlng and the Temple r.-J L L Blocks l-Jf I t ! r-J L \ I í \ r-J L L L L L L L I---r l--r While the bal-lad ofSouth Sea f---r t-- f--r B f*- \ I L f-- L f---r L--r L f*-r I ,t *\ { L 1 * I .t { l Í * ba:*<t+-/>> tT l Ú l88 k,er'e o'rt, slt,e $)(a,ronz íess surcastie, T wish I tl3L .irttke ?Ne?,e sittr:er,eÍy r:augÍtt could think tellitlg of of .the qliot, da dee da 1c uí,no \,urtÍil .she os eueniccallg da 6Sl entirelg clvrl.erl dee t- rt't0{r4/.) "Is da. - land I Ma tL- { I D l- E \ :- t- "ff su,b. I think it riias. Oh, a I re - mem-ber it ! ..IS.LAND I L. ts F I \ E \ iL_ l.- ! rll- 4 { .:Gi -J 8S { She ei--6 -J q?r?:te s.t.?taer"e ztt lt'*!n.g is nu}s doÍee MAG-IC, Where the fhis song.) mi<l-nightbreez-es ca - ress us. Ánd íhe { LJ LJ -J l-- "? ---r StaÍs a - bove seem to bless us,, That's IS-LA}íDMAG . Io ----/ IS-LANI) { i -J t i - \ , I t -J - /'sttr|rlett14 t.eaa/IÍ ttg ,,-, /he an-ycase,the he-ro J- -J is tied to a t r e e .- (n í d l i I \ -J I - í I -J ttll you his í l , v- e r u ' l r o g u t lost Jt sta?-) t .',.-!0 3 ll -J -J , - \&l- @ :> @ + An - ). - way,- all the J J J J J J J -t ---l --J tlves aÍe cÍaz - y now' Run - ning wild with lanc - es and .--J '-J _l _l .-l t-J Then they pile- up ri - fice, the rvood for Anrl the witch-doc-tor comes, J _t \-J _t !-l \-f 1ff(as And he sets it on fire.\ -J @ before >-, ) \-J J -J -J As the na-tivessing:Ah s--l !--l \--f ffiY'"'q'' fi-í \ ( í ) \.J _l _l l--l _t _t _t r--l r--l \-f r-J -J -l t..' = = = = tt1l--r űö ->- this point l 1 pesanle' altra ,]túrcia d:d." l í r l Comes the good old Theycome swarm-ing downin U. S. p.rr- a- chutes,a thou- sand a.=e 1- 1-l-_ l--r L\--r r- l- l-J f-f-- l-- L-- r-l-á f--. \l--. L-l-_ f-ll-d I f--f-i r-__ L-l l.-_ r--r coTL &nz?lao T\.D a- - - - rit. U. S. Na-vy boys,Ánd a r=li3-} hun-dred-piecesym-pho-ny or-ches-trai "IS-LAND AA ;-> L s l- (n.onrit.l l- l- - rv > -ccm!ffip. l,tÁG-IC]l on.,riÁd*yü ad lih. Where t h c --.::-*-p p a l m - t r t ' e sn h i s - p r r to geth-er, .1 ,-- iri Ah, Boy1 - {bS ('Pirlsh is eir.cí.zng. rtarzcitzg, all ouer the stüge") ;Í,'z,t.í{y, J= J -:--.p ----:--p - Áh, - .---á-_------- tseguino(a ^> > t\ | J.J(21 \_-/ 6i.t 6L. - - ÁL ói,t hr"aa,der íhan lefore) b,,i-E J T*-T_-al-ways mid- sum-mer weath-er, That'.s IS-LAND IS - LAND MAG.IC >. Áh w_u that's IS-LAND MAG-IC_ r------;------'l - Ah, that's IS-LAND r--- .? --- IS-LAND MAG-IC_ { i E { g \ 'X When possible, the upper octar.e is prefe:ab1e. until &BÜ33 @ " iS-LÁND MAC-IC, :> iS-LANDMÁCrIC, - IS.LAND MAGIC, 94 Th.rt's IS - LANI) r-----J-- N Í A G- I C ! IS - LAIVD MAG - IC! That's r----.---;-....--.l t3 Oa Ah, p ts> b;=7 :- 1) b{ ( I : LAND MAG IC, That's IS - LAND MÁG IC. IS - LAND MA G IC. r---;-?------- That's Í-'T-;-r ,3 Vs Thats IS - LAND bt l> ?,e MAG - ( \ { p ---=------=--- I i - a a : gá a I / De\ -:- : MAG - IC, IS - LA]VD laco >:> : : : N,IAG- IC, S . LAND NIAG.IC, Ah, b== bo tl S . LAND ^h I ta IS - LANI) MAG. IC, /oo\ \!) { l:ssyq IS - LAND f legato IS - LAND f legaÍo @ " t - IS - LAND > / \ I \e a I \ t - a - ! MAG - IC! I On - ly my dar - 1ing, could my dar - 1ing, could weave my dar - \{'eaye And - ! You' I MAG - IC! a I 1 E a ( ) i I \ a I 43033 I I And 1) ?8 I a it, ling, could And I g& I * er wíll leave Axd s 1 m -p 1 y c a n - n o t lievc r - c a l- l y i s Ii > nev - eÍ ev- er li- - plv Anci >> can - not be sim - ply oan - not be l> nev - er e v - er And t>. 0R > nev- ef ev - er And le ave I I s í m- p l v can - nrit P- be & I B {I Í \ a --=--i aí > ( 2 L-/ \ \-- ( p ten. mine! p IS - LAND r/LotríO r--- >>.- s-t, real -tt It p real - 1v ?nollL-t--'3--1 4 l ] Üi i : ] M ra,ll. IS - LÁND > ra< >-- IS - LÁND p ra.{l. is >-> ;>> 4) , rc! >>------ @( í n E AG IS - LAND M A G - I C ! p rall.. mine!- t 'd1jr3i3 t"rr.I l, >_ mJ E -> I S - I.AND t > I S - LAND bá oJ IS - LANTD } Í A G . I C ! I \ & > IS. LANI) Lento -+ -J 'it 'Íel-npo pr"ili-l* íalleg'r..3 incltCI) -7 >_- - llilte Í:'aille'.] í;o he? 3 ffi se1L:;es'}> T"iA-,, Yúhat a a\\ fui mov =*É? - =_ \- rÉ ll- MÁ-" Tempo prímolailegro molt,o) - L # ll- tL- t--D ? > Recit. ,,> p 1-=----: | ? l ' ' . t í Í / yg a f h e r i n g "jg tt1o y'ter' t?língs ) r---.:-.-.-.r E I o wl o n g h a v e I b e e n s t a n d _ i n gh e r e ctiat_ter- If I don't get - t> - setnjtre.iff -l--.r >go - lng thís min.ute, ihere won't be an-y din-ner When '1,gpor. Sam comes h o m e ! (ín ten { R 6 { I \ 43038 (ó.herushes out^Blackout' ?he fr on t drop fa IIs. S.isru.l,taneouslu the ?rio takes dts origdna! gtttsi,tim,,un lzt, d,oun-stagi r r:ght.) !t- eB i7le 'erht|te house l,s Írctnt r|t,r,tpof tll,e little ttouir. Sairt eitters left, drag;ging hts cup t.titlt SceneWa >. T"qrÍcea s s l o w (r'u,lato) =- ) _)There's a Jf=p ,> b.p |.?>-- lvhat he That a man has to pay for =- J-,-.-...'.---. :- \y :- á l r---;--?l gets, And that r- r---:-------r 'or e - ven the win- ner must pay through the there :=--(ru.illr ht.s /rrtzrt on tlte rlcor-krtob) r---:------.r al-ways ar - rives the _'.r__--rmo-ment When the pay-ments be - gin; And I rutlL íp) \c/ l- have to \- l- J* 43033 \- !-* Erl &o Scene VII I -l i E-- ($17y17 4a:z.ts, Íhr'ottgll ;" Siow Blues tempo GirI - B o v1 6\' ibe dool, ittto the h,ouse') I á=6;] Ttio ( sloul Ía'rJe-in a ) L / ' ? ? o ) h E Eve shad ows _ Are splead soft shari ows_ Are spre ad ,qoft shad ows Are spread cnft t' Eve Boy2,P Eve - - nín'- - t.r Slow Blues tempo ) =u,, { Á I E I ;l \ t I -.f I \ -a - r--------;------ -+ - Bring - irg We11e-s t the Í-----7-.=.--. . - Bring - ing S'el1es t loved -_* ones to q-31 the l o----ved olres to the loved ones to -------"--l rJí4, 't t Weiles I I' Í 1 I 1 t I t, 43033 IIi 1ls, Bring - ing (D - r----:-T- i-----F--------r {6fr - C?ESC, r--_a.---t geth- er' SaÍ'e dolce by warmth of the -.^.----.r--_, the r_-.--.-;-.---1 geth - er, Safe dotrce by the warmth í--T--: Safe of fi re - li ght; The ==::* the - by the v'armth of - o-d.rof c,tv3c. r.r - dor cresc. t-------;-------1 of Í-'J----;---1 the The l--.r-- r___7-1 { --:JL_r o-dor f--------;---- of 3. B { g g $ \ (T/re drojt rises. Dina,h nnd Sanz are seated ot'e hored anrl tertse. .Dinc,h kttits., Sa.,rn r.eads í'] \:./ J--, ? r-='=l T'efu.e the fir,e-plclce, rciíh tlzeir, after,-dznnel, cqffee' ?heg tlle paper. Ít |oofrs like rlornestic blíss, lttl 'it f,ee\s au,fu,t')" eirysc. ,?> q gles v'íth s;-^Tl cook . íng Min - gles, -"b Min - mtn c?tsc. r--;-1 cook - b-a 3>- gles, gles with Eve T =-F;t aa lz gles with !--3--=' & s ú il \ i * Ealsetto is admissible. 43033 , tr i É. ,,:w ,* É t a, : {Ü1 : -_ ! I I = 1 ir Anrl eve O d.irn, = And = - zone ,P---...........'.-Dz. & eve shad - r- 1 i - : ) - I '---'-'.-.-\- I I I s rnl - IIl (a.ttenzpttng A-bout ) I Is - n't - it That we had a - bout a a I .---'-----\I ., I Pa(r - @ a i i', i{ É al = I t 4 3 03 B us.- - \l\\- L(Padlure. Where to be Sarn goes back to his paper.) \\\- c!!:7-- @.----t- \\\\\\l- ll-- tl-- á.03 L- sub. tI r---;:1 t--1 Tell - ing all those lit - tle su,b. p crvsc. - things- That are on - ly meant : r = Tell - ing all those lit _ tle c.?vsc. sub. p '-e - L l-F-:l things- That for r-s-1 are Shar f ./> Shar - --F. - f 9* = T e l l - i n g all sub. p - ile things_ That T-7--* T r - T-J--] - those lit are r3---1 on - ly meant TJ- for Shar - | i"-.', crpac. --a Con - fid iog, lov - ing- dim.. Con dim. fid lov - ing--dine. dim. smil - ing,_ - t I Con- fid - i.g, lov - ing, =.__ I J r-?- ( I !I \ d,i,m. 43033 In F?9 :-:' - land - Pa(rk). -PW - ^n=*x '.'--__----\- h - land ___12 7rP - \- L- L- E L- - What r^ r_ rl 'n t - il r, r' br'r ? You n(.v er shut s ío5 -------- have said? oh, up! _ lt s (rk.) ! ( ,, a \ @ -1 - {-nt,,,,n > stl,zres (lft,tes tt,lterlrl oJ hez,, t,rgirtg tteltittd to Íin(t so??re uaE o.f repn.tlt,z'tt.g t/t.e drttiurtge.) ltds neuspaltel) use! '----"--------r a Bring - ing the r--é----1 loved c"rnes to - geth - er, r----T-: Bring - ing Bring - @,_-r-( I ( 43033 by the -----the ÍW,-n= - Safe the loved ones I--,r to -----r loved ones to t------;------ geth - er, Safe by warnrth tfi' t-----' the t the warmth ol the the warmth of the -.1-í-geth - er, Safe by r----J-' r---.-T----2 \- !- dim. nom c,resc. r---_----fire-light;The fire-1ight;The í--\ fire-light;The g-;-r o-dor of no?L cresc. r___3 __-__ cook-ing o-dor of nolb crcsa. -J' cook-ing o-dor cook-ing T-r of -' Min - gles, .rlt|m. Ll,,to. áá ' S-;---] min dim. >3 - min .r>> gles, r-----;---r gles rl'ith 3; Min - g1es, Min - (- -- s) ,,3_', - FI t r'-'-':--1 ,t ^- gleswith I the- b:TÉ-gles with min the _ \- the- ,3 r---;--1 l- rtzp ,( f enÍa,tia,eI,!/ ) oh, T- J -----1 lL hy the way, The car-pen-ter came (.No response To fin Jrorn Sun.) the frarne . . . !- t- ! ! L L L 43033 \ L LLJ \-ra L- d.o7 L.-a LL. LL_ L_ (petertng'out) p,iü p ( laxtely) pp|-i--.--.1 (Dtnah gioes u.p.) L.J Ought to l o o k p r e t - t y . . . \-a (Stlru remetins I thought may - be green...? hidrÍen behind,ze1aspaper.) \-f ppw r---T------a \--. ,----''--- L. \-J \--a L- ^-:--...-x L-a f f Tell - ing l--a of t t l \ I t \ L ].a L L Lra r---':---..--.] L--J L L I oűre|u a i l f l 1 a t e . / scnz& cre$c. in - tim- ate L-J r--7- al nielúc (tang) r-;-l m a t - t e r s , Tell- ing all thbse lit - tle things- That are ón l ly meant forsenza' cresc :l_rle!ÍL---:---] r-:--r 3 3 ^.' *- | r-i-: f--J L L L l. in - tim- ate r----T, r in - tim - ate f--a f---l r--l L L L t I ( t I I \ f-r L-r f-a mat-ters, 430"3:J Te1l - ing all those l i t - t l e things- That are on - iy meant for_ al nientc senza, crasc. '- - : - t l ., mat-ters, I ^ll+v t I - ing a1l those :tt .?- ' things- -e- ^' That are on - ly meant for_ &Ü8 ! Linah, (spo}en tllllÍy, ton,etressly, ltíthout m,oz,irtg ) It doesn't matter. Sam: (s7toA.e.rt, front. palter ) Ztehtnd his (,tension ) L (Sain. set,,s"s the hol,telessness itt, Iter, ztr.ticeonrl ttuhes a ttg.) W h a t d i d y r o us a y ? ! L (as before) I didn't go. Uh. . . how was Juníor's p1ay ? ( stitl ( anrl í r l , e s a g u . i n . ) ( t e n s . t o n ) L o o k , D i n a h . . . maybe we ought to go out somewhere t o n i g h t . A m o v i e ,o r . . . (ten,sion,) zcitltctu,t r:ho,tlging \ L ) We went last night. L BLrt there's a different one tonight. Ju-qt opened (r,ort,stt//.irtg rtet,.spaper). That new musical .. . sontething about Tahiti . . . ( sÍdlI tarueless ) S u r e . Why not (.Dt)nnh utinces,) ( co m.ittg ultrtost How to Jte r tendr:r|11) about Lllises rcittt e1ffor.t.i A n i r t h i n g . I ' 1 1g e t m y h a t . I L it? L 43038 L L L L (E,rtÍ. aer4 stautg') f.--l (Soln l--,1 L-i í09 L L L-i t r,ettrt'i,Ls stű?Ldt'?LE1,motxonless.) f--i (?he 7río btt,cks slott,Iy off-stage in a f a d e o u t . ) p-- tt'irn, L L-l Shar - ing,- fff= t_ Con fid dirn, o 1n Shak - er p:- f--t f t-- Shar - f-- l-- tn Sh f--J t_ fid - fff*. l--a l--J Con lnü Shak P--- u0n €,) { t B ( I í t t_ (1o)' L--). (Dtnah 8A L l-r p ev)r t_ L- retu,rns tozih her hat t'l.n,.) nlp esÍ)r,. there a a- A- r'--;-:1 f-- Is p:p - L-- t_ f-- L f-d t_ L--r f--. l_ r--..] LLf f--i f--. f--a - \ ( I there a day- or a night, Wait-ing in Time some-where? er - {to - in u'ith-out de - Time some-where, - A day of light- A qightv'ith-out and - {r-------;--t ----:' -J One day, c?'esc. . --7 - night of oh, the -r-Z---) :--------: qui-et-t)ess. Í--1 cresc, titoJlrt t9 r- -T-=--1 cresc. 'tttttlto I L L L L L L L L É l--L l-.- l-- I f-5 et! qul na'- J7-lflo t!?."''.---.'- . dirn. ntotrto (u,/f-st,tge, on miA'e.) f-- Eve .trá. f-- L "f,., @ f-- L L L,-- l-r L l--> Í shad - pleas ureS- pleas ures- And pleas ures And Eve 3F> l-5 L nin' - nin'eve rIirn. ?il,1lto One for pW P- L - kins El t&:- kíns E1 p- Pa(rk)- ppp (ah) f-- va. f-- L f--. L l--r f---J # k i f-- L o\{s - r-----5---"1 L- f--J sh ad - t f-- f--l ows- 8 f-5 l_ L l_ 1_ shad \ I \ L L (" t I t t { t 48O33 ows- b *' "u" I Pa(rk) ppp a(rk) tanl tlro h.ioht - - -- o_ = - = cwsc. dark se?]t?re wp scream - With- out r----5----1 Safe irg- Í-.=..;.-] 2 by the by the of the r--j-: B i i n g - i n g-pp4 the se?rryre r-s f-3_ Bring - ing 6D x Safc the Safe ) by - the t---T-'--\ se?]?pre pp - l_ r-b L L L L L L L l-=L [!3 *l-: CTYSC l-l lVith- out the lent scream-1ng: night! *_- Ü l-.E lence: f-.b f-- One fi rc - 1ight; lnc -, o - rior cre,1c. r.'f o - clor crvsc. r---3--'--'1 of o-d0Í of day! nlfr Min - c<.rok 4 C?tSC. /r5-i- r--;---r =É g - ies, min glcs wíth the_ r--:1 >^ .-,? --. --j=, !v;i , ;_ J f-- í\ L l.-- L The f- 'i -r- c - i -i o i ." t ' bh -^ The l'.- L L l_ L l=- f--b f-->r cook - ing cook - ing f Níin . g l e s , c/T,sc, I Min - gJcs, Í-7_] -;;1 theJ { l t \ hő ':> @ ,t/p espr. ?tp e:;Iir. I\{ay - be sub.-- L- L L L L L L sub. -- L* ]- sub. - L- L-. L-- ].- rE.í gleswith B t L L thesles \ .ith '. á' Jr:> '- ,?,' L> be^ m1n l::.El f:-- L- J1)_ -:--7------1 f-i L min 43033 Ntay r-é-| tirere's time to go back And takeyour hand a - gain, be thi:re's l- to go '--.---_--*\- back ! And look in - side- t- t- -f f:-e"--I don't - r! I ? tl g\_ ??w c?vsc, l?r!f r--7---'-1 r--Y--'-Álluw' :-r kno$', -- -3"--1 - I I Tlrzrt-rt',' dorit know an - y rtt'olto r--1-3--1 more' I dorit r-E L t_ t_ 4.á5 L..L ILI ' YJ EP .#, L..! L L L L know. Mean l-.E ffiá f-L Trio t-- ^--, fttluw..--_ -"-ffi> é& EI uu:- I!íean while,)^ there is the d,itt, a___3--____1 w rlllqr- there is the l-L l-L L f-*. Ah!!! ff=* f-- L L L l-- f-- L-. f--E L L f-E, f-- L L oth - er mag oth mag - lc' The b o u g h t - a n d - p a i d - f o r nw mílg - iC' *:' in s L.- l-G L L L eÍ Solo Vln.I€ The bought-and- paid - for I .t L-- \- f-d L L--J t-- L t L.- L-- p espr. Wait - ing SoIo Vln.II il.--TTr =- T= á{6 on a - ?ne,Ilo ?nosso 'yr.lL p . S u- p e r Screen. - i I ,_,n____--t \ ( Su - per Sil - ver - Screen. l- t 1-1-t )bA 4 f P? ----- -----'t Vln.n'l ! 3. J#4 - Viola Solo \ (r (Ihey trookat each a. brief instartt; thett he takes lter arm and theg go ozt,t stroul.yto the mooies.) n ! - PWP CurtaÍn A ru,l \-/ !- '--/ IS - L,\ND WW .ra,ll. .IS - LAND I U A G .I C . .IS . 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