Tripartite Bodies - Industrial Relations Management Tutorial _ Wisdomjobs
Tripartite Bodies - Industrial Relations Management Tutorial _ Wisdomjobs
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3/7/2016Tripartite Bodies Industrial Relations Management tutorial | Wisdomjobs.com Are you an Employer? (http://www.wisdomjobs.com/recruiter/) Industrial Relations Management This course contains the basics of Industrial Relations Management Course introduction (e-university/industrial-relations-management-tutorial-357.html) Interview Questions (e-university/industrial-relations-management-interview-questions.html) Pragnya Meter Exam (http://www.wisdomjobs.com/pragnyameter/pmredirect.php?category=Industrial Relations Management) List of Topics Introduction of Industrial Relation Management (e-university/industrial-relations-management-tutorial357/introduction-of-industrial-relation-management-1860.html) Concept and determinants of Industrial relations and its position in India (e-university/industrial-relationsmanagement-tutorial-357/concept-and-determinants-of-industrial-relations-and-its-position-in-india-1866.html) Managing Industrial Relations changes, Industrial Relations and Productivity (e-university/industrial-relationsmanagement-tutorial-357/managing-industrial-relations-changes-industrial-relations-and-productivity-1870.html) Changing Technology, effective Communication and I.R management Structure (e-university/industrial-relationsmanagement-tutorial-357/changing-technology-effective-communication-and-idotr-management-structure-1877.html) Indian Culture, Industrial Relation International Labour Organization (e-university/industrial-relations-managementtutorial-357/indian-culture-industrial-relation-international-labour-organization-1880.html) TRADE UNION (e-university/industrial-relations-management-tutorial-357/trade-union-1884.html) TRADE UNION LEGISLATION (e-university/industrial-relations-management-tutorial-357/trade-union-legislation1885.html) MULTIPLICITY OF TRADE UNIONS (e-university/industrial-relations-management-tutorial-357/multiplicity-of-tradeunions-1886.html) CONFLICT RESOLUTION 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(e-university/industrial-relations-management-tutorial-357/tripartite-bodies- 1893/evolution-of-tripartite-bodies-11723.html) Collective Bargaining in India (e-university/industrial-relations-management-tutorial-357/collective-bargaining-in-india1905.A DISCUSSION (e-university/industrial-relations-management-tutorial-357/ir-strategies-a-discussion1896.html) Labour administration machinery of the central government (e-university/industrial-relations-management-tutorial357/labour-administration-machinery-of-the-central-government-1910.html) BIPARTITE BODIES (e-university/industrial-relations-management-tutorial-357/tripartite-bodies- 1893/bipartite-bodies-11732.html) Employee Discipline (e-university/industrial-relations-management-tutorial-357/employee-discipline-1901.3/7/2016 Tripartite Bodies Industrial Relations Management tutorial | Wisdomjobs.com Prelude (e-university/industrial-relations-management-tutorial-357/tripartite-bodies-1893/prelude- 11721. 3/7/2016 Tripartite Bodies 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The aim of the consultative machinery is to bring the parties together for mutual settlement of differences in a spirit of cooperation an goodwill´Thus these bodies play the role of consultants!!The Planning Commission has summarized the role of tripartite bodies as http://www.IT (job-listings-corporate-communications-media-relations-it-bangalore-5-to-10-years3607866) Test Architect/staff Engineer .com Manager .Public Relations .Supply Chain Management .Industrial Pumps/Valves (job-listings-manager-supply-chain-management-industrial-pumpsvalves-bangalore-8-to-16-years-3620459) VP Projects.Plant Hr/factory HR (industrial Relations) (job-listings-head-plant-hr-factory-hr-industrial-relations-bengaluru-bangalore-pond-10to-15-years-3447204) Public Relations Specialist (job-listings-public-relations-specialist-bengaluru-5-to-10-years-3610524) Manager .Industrial Projects (job-listings-vp-projects-industrial-projects-hyderabad-15-to-25-years-3632451) VP Projects.Media (job-listings-manager-public-relations-media-bangalore-4-to-8-years-3627830) Manager .Driver Engagement (job-listings-olacabs-head-industrial-relations-driver-engagement-bangalore-15to-20-years-3510392) Industrial Relations Manager (job-listings-industrial-relations-manager-alandur-bangalore-bengal-15-to-24-years-3548061) Remote Guest Relations Manager (job-listings-remote-guest-relations-manager-bengaluru-mumbai-delhi-10-to-16-years-3622724) Head .Industrial Relations .Industrial Relations .Industrial Microcontroller (job-listings-test-architect-staff-engineer-industrial-microcontroller-bengaluru-15to-19-years-3628844) Industrial Relations Management TRIPARTITE BODIES Prelude Industrial relations in India have been shaped largely by principles and policies evolved through tripartite consultative machinery at industry and national levels.com/euniversity/industrialrelationsmanagementtutorial357/tripartitebodies1893.Industrial Relations .html 3/18 .Human Resources .Head .Employee Relations Role (job-listings-infosys-employee-relations-role-hyderabad-5-to-12-years-3626093) Head .Industrial Product/Heavy Machinery (job-listings-manager-human-resources-industrial-product-heavymachinery-hyderabad-10-to-12-years-3631655) Manager .Industrial Projects (job-listings-vp-projects-industrial-projects-hyderabad-15-to-25-years-3621653) Industrial Designer (job-listings-industrial-designer-bengaluru-2-to-4-years-3624988) Industrial Engineer (job-listings-industrial-engineer-ahmedabad-bengaluru-bang-0-to-3-years-3578490) Olacabs . Some important measures agreed to by the Indian Labour conference in past are: 1. Some of the notable bodies’areThe Indian Labour Conference (ILC) The Standing Labour Committee (SLC) The Committee on Conventions The Industrial committee Other bodies of tripartite nature which deals in various aspects of labour problems Steering Committee on Wages Central Implementation and Evaluation Machinery Central Boards of Workers· Education National Productivity Council Tripartism promotes the idea of partnership between the labor and the management. It initiated proposals like worker participation in management. Following proper grievance and disciplinary procedures.html 4/18 . The three participants are the trade union. Encouraging voluntary arbitration for the settlement of industrial disputes. it initiates in bringing the management and representatives of workers on the same platform. 5. http://www.com/euniversity/industrialrelationsmanagementtutorial357/tripartitebodies1893. Adoption by employers and unions of a voluntary code of discipline. advice one another and try reaching a consensus. 4. joint consultative and production committees. Rationalizing and revising wage structures of important industries through non statutory wage boards. The government plays the most important part in this process. They should work in synergy towards the building up of the national economy. 2. operating on a voluntary basis. TRIPARTITE BODIES Tripartite bodies have been set up by the government to provide a forum of discussion and consultation on various labour related issues. As the name suggests. employer and the government. The two main principles of tripartism are: Management and workers should share a relationship of partnership rather than that of employer and employee. Deciding norms for fixing need based wages.com UGC NET Study Material Download Free UGC NET Material prepared by experts Register Now Labour policy in India has been evolving in response to the specific needs of the situation in relation to the industry and the working class and has to suit the requirements of planned economy A body of principles and practices has grown up as a product of joint consultation in which representatives of government. which conduct meetings to review all aspects of a situation. 3. The Annual Labor Conference is the chief instrument for tripartism. the working class and the employers have been participating at various levels. Setting up of bipartite works committees.wisdomjobs. and 6. worker education and minimum wages legislation. tripartism involves three parties that participate in reaching a consensus or peace pertaining to the matters of industrial dispute. The legislative and other measures adopted by government in this field represent the consensus of opinion of the parties vitally concerned and thus acquire the strength and character of a national policy. It holds the whole community liable for protecting the interests of workers and ensures that workers are not deprived of their due share in gains of economic development.3/7/2016 Tripartite Bodies Industrial Relations Management tutorial | Wisdomjobs. labour and government. ii.in 1931. congstar http://www. Representation of certain interests (unorganized employers and unorganized workers). Tripartite Bodies Indian Labour Conference (ILC) and Standing Labour Committee(SLC) have been constituted to suggest ways and means to prevent disputes. on an adhoc basis through nomination by government.html 5/18 .It envisaged a statutory organization which should ensure adequate representation of the various interests involved: employers. Nomination of representatives of organized employers and labourers was left to the concerned organizations.. Equality of representation between the government and the non-government representatives. The delegates are free to bring one official and one non-official adviser with them.com Industrial relations in India have been shaped largely by principles and policies evolved through tripartite consultative machinery at the industry and national levels.com/euniversity/industrialrelationsmanagementtutorial357/tripartitebodies1893. Parity between employers and workers. and iv. recommended a body be set up to look into the needs for consultation on labour matters. It ensured: i. These two bodies work with minimum procedural rules to facilitate free and fuller discussions among the members. whereas the SLC meets as and when necessary. They recommended that labour members should be elected by registered trade unions and employers· representatives should be elected by their association. The pattern of representation was governed by the obtaining in the International Labour Conference.wisdomjobs. They should meet regularly. where necessary. Evolution of Tripartite Bodies The Whitley Commission.3/7/2016 Tripartite Bodies Industrial Relations Management tutorial | Wisdomjobs. iii. The representatives of the workers and employers are nominated to these bodies by the Central Government in consultation with the All-India organizations of workers and employers. The Labour Ministry settles the agenda for ILC/SLC meetings after taking into consideration the suggestions sent to it by member organizations. 24 days 7 hours 46 minutes 50 seconds It was only after the 4th Labour Conference held in 1942 that permanent tripartite collaboration machinery was set up Indian Labour Conference(ILC) and Standing Labour Committee (SLC) Initially the ILC consisted of 44 members whereas the SLC was about half the size of the ILC. The ILC meets once a year. 2 per point of the Consumer Price Index (1960 series). It also decided that bipartite efforts to improve productivity and quality should be institutionalized. they carry considerable weight with the government. For absorption of surplus labour. In regard to retraining and redeployment.it arrived at the following conclusions4. iv. They also wanted productivity linked bonus as prescribed under the law. Enhancement of the limits of exemption of income tax substantially. Though the recommendation of tripartite bodies is of advisory nature. The functions of ILC are a. workers and employers. The 30th Session of the Indian Labour Conference The 30th Session of the ILC was held on September 7-8. The trade unions indicated that the first National Commission on Labour was appointed about 25 years ago and a time had come to set up another National Commission on Labour to examine the issues that labour was facing today in view of the many changes that has occurred in the meantime. On the impact of New Industrial Policy. The conference also wanted to know how labour of one unit would be redeployed in another unit. 1. Tripartite deliberations have helped reached consensus on statutory wage fixation. wage policy.The function of SLC is to consider and examine such questions as may be referred to it by the central government and to render advice. the conference suggested diversification and broad-basing by working the units round the clock and on all days of the week. 4. as for maximizing capacity utilization.. taking into account suggestions made by the provincial government. After deliberations. Other subjects processed by tripartite bodies are workers education. wie Du es brauchst! ILC and SLC are both important constituents of tripartite bodies and play a vital role in shaping the IR system of the country. The conference expressed its serious concern at the low productivity of Indian industry and expressed its determination to improve wherever necessary its productivity.wisdomjobs. the states and representative of the organizations of workers and employers´. workers participation in management.The function of ILC is to advise the Government of India matter referred to it for advice. ii. To discuss matters of All-India importance as between employers and employee According to the National Commission on Labour these 2bodies have contributed to attainment of the objectives set before them. Enhancement of the rate of interest on Employees’ Provident Fund to at least 13 per cent. Permission for the managements of the public sector units to commence negotiations with the unions on their charter of demands immediately. 5. criteria and procedures for the recognition of unions.3/7/2016 Tripartite Bodies Industrial Relations Management tutorial | Wisdomjobs.html 6/18 . SMS und MB. enactment of the Standing Employment Order Act1946. So. The Trade Unions demanded: i. v.com/euniversity/industrialrelationsmanagementtutorial357/tripartitebodies1893. 2. workers and employers. To lay down a procedure for the settlement of industrial disputes c. Minimum Wages Act1948.com Jetzt 30€ Startguthaben Mix dir Minuten. They have facilitated the enactment of central legislation on various subjects to be made applicable to all the states and union territories in order to promote uniformity in labour legislation. the chairman referred to the assurance by the Prime Minister that it would not lead to any human distress and the legitimate interests of labour would be protected. The immediate implementation of the DA rate of Rs. Code of Discipline. 7. A detailed account of various resolutions adopted by the ILC’s in their last two sessions is presented here: a. The removal of ceiling on bonus both for eligibility and for computation by promulgation of an ordinance. if any. To promote uniformity in labour legislation b. 6. The employers wanted postponement of the decision on removal of ceiling on bonus both for eligibility and computation of bonus by one year so that a well. 1993 at New Delhi. Clearance by government to the agreement regarding pension and for the pension scheme for its early introduction.thought out scheme could be evolved. the conference desired identification of labour for such retraining and redeployment and a scheme for industry-wise and occupation-wise redeployment. 3. vi. http://www. Employees· State Insurance Act 1948. iii. Provident Fund Scheme 1950. Industrial Disputes Act 1947. The conference also expressed the view that Government should identify the agency for retraining and their redeployment. The Mines Act 1952 etc. The conference decided to strive for improvement in discipline and attitude to work at all levels. enhance its quality and reduce the price of goods to make them internationally competitive. training.taking into account the suggestions made by various governments. introduction of a health insurance scheme. L.O. The constitution and the functioning of the National Renewal Fund should be reviewed such that the Fund truly serves the purpose of industrial renewal and regeneration and creation of employment opportunities. It discussed various issues concerning employment. labour standards and international trade.L. 7. 14. The government should give special attention to streamlining the public distribution system. The government should introduce the Pension for Provident Fund subscribers on priority basis and there should be tripartite consultations before its introduction. 8. The risks involved in formulating and implementing economic policies to avail of these opportunities should be so handled as to minimize human distress. 16. The Labour Ministry should set up an Advisory Body to review. industrial and plant levels. 8.3/7/2016 Tripartite Bodies Industrial Relations Management tutorial | Wisdomjobs. The Central and State Governments and the social partners should come together in making the comprehensive industrial relations law a reality and an instrument of production. The Constitution of the Child Labour Advisory Committee should be reviewed to ensure that it is fully representative of the social partners. 3.In this session various problems of industrial relations in the context of changed economic environment were discussed. The 31st Session of Standing Labour Committee The 31st session of S. 13.L. The view expressed by the participants in the conference with regard to employment policy may be conveyed to the Planning Commission for its consideration and for the consideration of the two Sub-Committees of the Planning Commission/ NDC which are considering strategies for implementation of the employment policy.18. employment generation and enhancement of living standards.html 7/18 . particularly in centers of concentration of working people. child labour elimination and bonded labour were fully endorsed.wisdomjobs. 17. 31st Session of I. 2. vocational training.com of the many changes that has occurred in the meantime. 9. The resolutions of the 32nd Session of the Standing Labour Committee in respect of the social clause. productivity. The Central and State Governments should give high priority to allocation of resources for elementary and vocational education. 1. d.C was held in New Delhi on July 25. The worker’s representatives demanded that the eligibility and calculation ceilings under the Payment of Bonus Act should be scrapped. The Government should review the situation arising out of the wage negotiations in Central Public Sector Undertakings and should facilitate speedy conclusion of wage negotiations and settlements.minimizing distress for the workers and disabilities for the employers. 3. Productivity of economic enterprises as a whole is of paramount importance. It was resolved that future sessions of the Standing Labour Committee(SLC) should carry fewer items on the agenda so that these could be discussed in greater detail. It was resolved that Government may bring specific proposals for new Industrial Relations Law in the ensuring session of Indian Labour Conference which should reflect the needs of the qualitative change in the industrial /economic scenario in the national/global context. 4. bonded labour.C was held at Delhi on 3rd-4th January 1995. on priority basis. b. and all other fora any attempt to introduce “Social clause”. It was resolved to set up an autonomous Bipartite Productivity Councils at the national. 12. The social partners should take further follow up action on the resolutions. 1994. Special attention should be given to the education of women. It adopted three important resolutions discussed below: a. Representatives from workers’ and employers’ organizations should be included in the National delegation to the World Summit for Social Development. Further. 1992. Social Clause: It was agreed that the government along with employers and labour organizations would resist in I. The Labour Cell in the Planning Commission may be revived to facilitate consultation with trade unions while formulating policies concerning labour. The Committee arrived at the following conclusions: 1. It was resolved to set up a tripartite sub-committee to review the implementation of important Labour laws.C This session of I. 11. 15. c. laws for covering agricultural and construction workers. Steps should be taken for speedy and orderly investigation into the rehabilitation of sick industrial enterprises registered with the BIFR. The Vocational Training System in the country should be reorganized. in relation to carrying our marketing at the international level.it advocated sustained national and international http://www. The various resolutions adopted at the said conference are as under. 10.L. the status of women. contingent upon enforcement of labour standards. whereas the employers’ representatives demanded that a quick decisions should be taken on introduction of DA slabs. regional. Management of Social Security Funds should be professionally handled so as to maximize the returns on investments. Implementation of training programmes should be undertaken within the framework of a well thought-out plan. The government should enact. The institution of the Indian Labour Conference should be strengthened further 2. 4. The 32nd Session of Standing Labour Committee The thirty second session of the Standing Labour Committee was held in New Delhi on October 27. child labour.com/euniversity/industrialrelationsmanagementtutorial357/tripartitebodies1893. The new International Economic Order holds out vast opportunities for economic betterment and up gradation of the living standards of the people. 5. from time to time. 6. primary vocational training.it is obliged to report regularly on measures it has taken to implement it. The Experts come from different geographic regions. labourers association & organizations and independent experts.legal systems and cultures. The government must submit reports regularly detailing the steps they have taken in law and practice to apply any of the conventions they may have ratified. To draw a wage map of India. National Productivity Council: It encouraged the productivity in the country and consists of the government. contingent upon enforcement of labour standards. These committees provide a forum for the discussion of proposals for legislation and other matters connected with the labour policy and administration before they brought before the legislature. They are not published in the report but are communicated directly to the governments concerned.3/7/2016 Tripartite Bodies Industrial Relations Management tutorial | Wisdomjobs. Steering Committee on Wages: It was set up in 1956 and consists of representatives of state government.To make suggestions with regard to a phased and speedy implementation of ILO standards. agreements and Code of Discipline. To help laying down principles which will guide wage fixing authorities2. It is generally composed of eminent jurists appointed by the Governing Body for three-year terms. workers and an economist. iv. Other committees 1. It also emphasized that both Central and State Governments should implement time bound and action plans to take away children from work and provide them education.html 8/18 . To study trends in wages.it advocated sustained national and international action for upgrading labour standards without any trade linkage. Direct requests relate to more technical questions or requests for further information.wisdomjobs.Committee in Conventions is a three-man tripartite committee set up in 1954. they may also send comments on the application of conventions directly to the ILO. Industrial Committees Industrial Committees are tripartite bodies where the number of workers· representatives are equal to the employers· representatives. health and nutrition and concurrently provide to the parents of such children gainful employment.com/euniversity/industrialrelationsmanagementtutorial357/tripartitebodies1893. Governments are required to submit copies of their reports to employers· and workers· organizations. c. The Committee's annual report consists of three parts. employers associations. Central Implementation and Evaluation Machinery: This is setup to ensure proper implementation of labour awards. These observations are published in the Committee's annual report. employers.When examining the application of international labour standards the Committee of Experts makes two kinds of comments: observations and direct requests.Observations contain comments on fundamental questions raised by the application of a particular convention by a state. The object was To examine the ILO conventions and recommendations which have not so far been ratified by India.com level. Child Labour: With respect to child labour. which includes comments about member states' respect for their Constitutional obligations and highlights from the Committee's observations Part II contains the observations on the application of international labour standards Part III is a General Survey. Bonded Labour: It exhorted that all states should take fresh surveys for the identification release and rehabilitation of bonded labour. measures shall be initiated to check the relapse of bondage of such labour. 3. It consists of 4 representatives each of central employers· and workers organizations with union labour minister as chairman http://www. Central Boards of Workers Education: This was constituted to encourage growth of strong and well informed trade union movement on responsible and constructive lines and comprised of representatives of central & state government. Part I contains a General Report. These organizations may comment on the governments· reports. iii. it remarked that the “Central and State Governments and Organizations of employers and workers should take co-ordinated action for the elimination of child labour in hazardous occupations by the year 2000 and in other employments progressively”. production and price. employers and workers 2. ii. These were set up to discuss various specific problems special to the industries covered by them and suggest ways to overcome them. The Committee's role is to provide an impartial and technical evaluation of the state of application of international labour standards.Besides this. Committee on Conventions: Once a country has ratified an ILO convention.Its functions were i. Further. b. Evolution of Such Bodies The importance of bipartite consultative machinery was first recognized as early as in 1920. reducing cost and eliminating waste. Facebook® Account Sign Up World's Largest Online Community. wherever possible.html 9/18 .” The second Plan also stressed the need for “joint consultation and progressively associating the workers and technicians.3/7/2016 Tripartite Bodies Industrial Relations Management tutorial | Wisdomjobs. viz. improving quality. through the consultative committee at all levels.com/euniversity/industrialrelationsmanagementtutorial357/tripartitebodies1893. between employers and employees for the purpose of increasing production. between employers and employees for the purpose of increasing production. The bipartite consultative machinery comprises two important constituents. The importance of bipartite consultation was further highlighted by the First-Five-Year Plan which maintained: “There should be the closest collaboration. wherever possible.. when a few joint committees were set up in the presses controlled by the Government of India. This consultative joint machinery. usually at the enterprise level.” The second Plan also stressed the need for “joint consultation and progressively associating the workers and technicians. the works committees and the joint management councils. They were also introduced in Tata Iron and Steel Company at Jamshedpur. through the consultative committee at all levels.599 Rs 400 Evolution of Such Bodies The importance of bipartite consultative machinery was first recognized as early as in 1920. They were also introduced in Tata Iron and Steel Company at Jamshedpur.wisdomjobs. improving quality. in management.com representatives each of central employers· and workers organizations with union labour minister as chairman BIPARTITE BODIES Bipartism is a system of industrial relations where social and labour issues are discussed between trade unions and management. ‐60% Black Regular Fit Formal Trouser Rs 1. Join for Free & Enjoy the Benefits! Bipartite Bodies The two important constituents of bipartite consultative machinery are http://www. in management.with equal representation of the employers and the workers has been set up exclusively for dealing with disputes affecting the plant or industry. The importance of bipartite consultation was further highlighted by the First-Five-Year Plan which maintained: “There should be the closest collaboration. These are purely consultative and not negotiating bodies.reducing cost and eliminating waste. when a few joint committees were set up in the presses controlled by the Government of India. In many Asian countries bipartism has been viewed as the relationship between each of the http://www. It shall be the duty of the Works Committee to promote measures for securing and preserving amity and good relations between the employer and workmen and. in the case of all undertakings or any class of undertakings in such industry. to train the employees in understanding the responsibilities of management of the undertaking and in sharing such responsibilities to the extent considered feasible : and 6. Joint Management Councils. B. 1. The Council shall be consulted by the employer on all matters relating to the management of the undertaking specified in subsection (1)and it shall be the duty of the council to advice the employer on any matter so referred to it. Joint Management Council If in respect of any industry.wisdomjobs.com The two important constituents of bipartite consultative machinery are A.or relevant to. To do such other things as may be prescribed. the appropriate Government may by general or special order require the employer to constitute in the prescribed manner a Works Committee consisting of representatives of employers and workmen engaged in the establishment so however that the number of representatives of workmen on the Committee shall not be less than the number of representatives of the employer. However. to promote cordial relations between the employer and employees. to promote measures which lead to substantial increase in productivity. to secure better administration of welfare measures and adequate safety measures. It may. if any. Works Committees In the case of any industrial establishment in which one hundred or more workmen are employed or have been employed on any day in the preceding twelve months. consisting of such number of members as may be prescribed. 4. to that end. 2.1926 (16 of 1926). the state Government is of opinion that it is desirable in public interest to take action under this section.the representative of the employees on the Council shall be elected in the prescribed manner by the employees engaged in the undertaking from amongst them: Provided that a list of industries in respect of which no order is issued under this sub-section shall be laid by the State Government before the State Legislature within thirty days from the commencement of its first Session of each year.com/euniversity/industrialrelationsmanagementtutorial357/tripartitebodies1893. as may be prescribed BIPARTISM’S LINK WITH TRIPARTISM 4>Introduction Introduction The state of bipartite relations has an impact on the effectiveness of tripartism. that the number of representatives of employees on the Council shall not be less than the number of representatives of the employers. 2. in which five hundred or more employees are employed or have been employed on any day in the proceeding twelve months. 5. orderly and economical manner.3/7/2016 Tripartite Bodies Industrial Relations Management tutorial | Wisdomjobs.One of the members of the Council shall be appointed as Chairman in accordance with rules made in this behalf. The council shall be charged with the general duty to promote and assist in the management of the undertaking in a more efficient. registered under the Indian Trade Unions Act. and for that purpose and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provision. The Council shall be entrusted by the employer with such administrative functions. appearing to be connected with. to build up understanding and trust between them. it shall be the duty of the Council 1. Works Committee.html 10/18 . so however. to comment upon matters of their common interest or concern and endeavor to compose any material difference of opinion in respect of such matters. A brief review of these bodies is given here. 3. it is necessary to be clear about what is meant by bipartism in this connection. The representatives of the workmen shall be chosen in the prescribed manner from among the workmen engaged in the establishment and in consultation with their trade union. by general or special order. require the employer to constitute in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed time limit a Joint Management Council. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act. comprised of representatives of employers and employees engaged in the undertaking. the discharge by the Council of its duties under this section. as in the case of social security schemes operative at the national level. as does bipartism at the national. Third. dealings. at the enterprise. But implementation was determined on a bipartite basis. on the other hand.com meant by bipartism in this connection. at the micro level. there are several points of distinction between them. When such failure leads to disputes. which define the basic relationship and objectives of the social partners in the labour market. There is an interplay and interaction between tripartism and bipartism. As in the case of joint consultation in Japan. industry or provincial levels can have a major influence on tripartite consultation and macro level policies. or at the enterprise level. it is not tripartism. Further. Bipartism. or the power of employers in business friendly countries. Singapore's decision in the second half of the 1980s to introduce a flexible wage system was the result of a tripartite consensus. the matter is taken out of the enterprise level. Since macro level decisions (which may be taken through tripartite consultation) have little value if they are not translated into practice at the enterprise level. more particularly and frequently at the enterprise level. In tripartite dialogue issues addressed are policy-oriented. For example. Bipartism is not a process intended only to give effect to tripartite decisions. This is not the sense in which the term bipartism is used. industry or provincial levels. Bipartism in this context means the relationship (dialogue. With the increasing emphasis on workplace relations. macro level policies and decisions are influenced by what takes place. bipartism may lead to 'social contracts' as evidenced in some of the Scandinavian countries and Germany. In many Asian countries bipartism has been viewed as the relationship between each of the social partners separately with the government and public authorities. and are of a more practical nature. industry and national levels. This view has been engendered by factors such as the power of some governments which have no equivalent in the West. and at the corporate level through joint consultation committees consisting of management and union representation. of course. or what is needed to support practices. It is conceivable for bipartism to operate in the same enterprise with or without a union at different levels. Apart from the number of parties in the two relationships. First. operates at all three levels. Tripartism can become an important means to settle issues when bipartism does not result in a consensus. tripartism operates at the national.wisdomjobs.html 11/18 . This is also the case in bipartite relationships when they occur at the national or industry level. Even though labour inspection is a process undertaken by the State with a view to ensuring the observance of laws and rules required to be observed by enterprises. some tripartite decisions which do not call for implementation at the enterprise level. the outcomes of bipartite relationships at the national. Bipartism can take place at the enterprise level even if there is no union. A good example is Sweden. it does not mean that the marriage relationship involves State participation. At the workplace level issues relate to the particular workplace. A second distinction is based on the subject matter. where in the 1960s and 1970s the labour market was regulated by the social partners and national policies reflected their agreements on labour market issues. tripartite processes involve representatives of employers and employees. However.3/7/2016 Tripartite Bodies Industrial Relations Management tutorial | Wisdomjobs. the politicization of unions. There are. in the same way that though the State prescribes rules relating to marriage. it may be argued that when an employers' organization enters such negotiations. thus leaving employers and employees (and their representatives) to opt between a profitability or productivity model (or a combination of both). bipartism may operate in the form of workplace information-sharing through group activities without the union. in regard to parties to the dialogue. wages and terms and conditions of employment. But at the enterprise level. industry or provincial level. bipartism can be a process for giving effect at the enterprise level to tripartite decisions. though such involvement does occur in countries where the employers' organization negotiates on behalf of the employer in respect of workplace issues such as disputes and strikes. In its most advanced form.com/euniversity/industrialrelationsmanagementtutorial357/tripartitebodies1893. there is less scope for the involvement of employers' organizations. It cannot simply that tripartism operates at that level. the State's involvement (including through conciliation and adjudication) brings into play the tripartite process. Tripartism’s contribution to Bipartism http://www. negotiation) between the organizations of employers and employees. grievance redressals. In some cases.html) Searches relevant to you MUMBAI CHENNAI HYDERABAD NEW DELHI BENGALURU PUNE KOLKATA NOIDA http://www. Externally imposed Interview Questions (e-university/industrial-relations-management-interview-questions. information sharing.3/7/2016 Tripartite Bodies Industrial Relations Management tutorial | Wisdomjobs. (1987) suggests a direct and active role for tripartite consultation at macro level. The interests of employers and workers are affected by government policies in areas other than industrial relations such as fiscal. the following tripartite declaration played a useful role. Code of Conduct. In the Indian context. taxation. for instance. communication.that is plant level. Bipartite arrangements can contribute in the following ways to facilitate meaningful and effective tripartite social dialogue at industry and national level: 1.wisdomjobs. procedures for recognition of unions.com Tripartite consultations and agreements can exercise profound influence in directing and shaping collective bargaining and industrial relations. consultations and cooperation at work place. The three-tier frame work of industrial relations proposed by Kochan. than in tripartite dialogue. 1. collective bargaining. to be reinforced by bipartite consultations. 2. 3. and conclusion of national agreements. and employee participation at industry and firm/plant level. particularly collective agreements. monetary. automation. trade. tripartism begins where bipartism fails. tripartite initiatives played a substantial role in setting up internationallabour standards. 2. Code of discipline. In countries where the representative character of the social partners is very much limited due to the predominant characteristics of an economy (large unorganized. collective bargaining. when bipartite dialogue does not result in dispute avoidance or settlement.html 12/18 . the outcomes of tripartite discussions do not necessarily reflect the wishes of the large majority of the working population. may reduce the need for tripartite interventions. in formal-sector economy). For instance. In these and similar other situations it is better to adopt a bottom-up approach through bipartite dialogue at enterprise level. licensing. Whether it was the arrangements for the avoidance/settlement of disputes. enactment of national legislations. Automation Without Tears. The parties/persons directly affected should be involved in consensus-building social dialogue. 3.com/euniversity/industrialrelationsmanagementtutorial357/tripartitebodies1893. etc. in influencing bipartite relations and agreements relating to union recognition. or collective bargaining on a host of matters relating to industrial relations and human resources.html) Practice Test (e-university/onlineexam. The effects of these aspects is. tripartite interventions such as conciliation/mediation and arbitration/adjudication become imperative. Consensual approaches are best planned and implemented if they are developed by parties at the grass root level. at least for a number of years. which is a key instrument of bipartism.more closely and effectively reckoned and evaluated in bipartite consultations. not to speak of the society at large. 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