March 26, 2018 | Author: SmileTriorigin | Category: Earth, Universe, Heart, Nature, Human



TRIORIGINTHIS WORLD IS INFACT TRIORIGIN WORLD. EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD HAS A BEGINNING AND AN END. QUESTIONS THUS ARISE… Q Where is the origin of this world, the point from where variety of things have come into existence? Q. Is there any way to cognize the very first phase of existence? Q.Who has created this order and how it has been created ? Q. From where and how, this order is being operated ? Q. What is the Intention and Essence behind this Orderly World ? Q. Is this world an Orderly world ? Q. Is there any Order in this World ? HOW THIS WORLD LOOKS LIKE !  Within the unlimited, deep and silent Universe, infinite number of four armed galaxies, are spinning spirally on self axis.  Within every huge arm of galaxy, infinite number of solar systems is moving in an orderly path.  Within every solar system, around a sun, all the nine planets and infinite number of meteoroids are self spinning, rotating around the sun in an orderly path.  In every 24 hours, Earth spins on its axis and the moon completes a rotation around the planet Earth, in a orderly path.  Seasons change in a cyclic pattern. From Spring to Summer, Summer to Autumn, Autumn to Winter, Winter again to spring in a definite pattern.  The Sun rises everyday from the east and sets in the west- This cycle is repeated every day.  Every living or non-living entity, which takes birth(integrate) in this world of life from somewhere and after completing the life cycle, again returns back somewhere through a process of death(disintegration).  Movement is a sign of life. Material world around us, which is fundamentally made up of particles, is expressing life through movements, in the form of a wave. These waves are known as electromagnetic waves. Every wave is simply an orderly pattern of self vibration and path of moving particles.  Within an atom, four sub - atomic particles remain integrated in an order. Electron moves around its nucleus in an orderly path.  Only a human can give birth to another human being, dog to dog , all species reproducing the species similar like themselves, reflects a strong , order behind.  Human beings, in a day , from morning to night, follows a life cycle , starting from rising up , going to work, returning from work and sleep again to start next day again , reflects a order behind.  There is an order behind walking as well. At first, one leg, starts rising from the surface of the earth, reaching a peak height and then returns back to earth. Repeating the same cycle with both the legs create the phenomenon of walking  Similarly, talking, eating, drinking, listening, thinking, sensing, defecating, urinating, all reflects some order behind.  Passing through a gate, writing, watching TV etc... All reflects some order behind.  Fetal movement inside a mother's womb, Heart pumping movements, lungs' breathing movements, menstrual cycle, stomach movements, and intestinal movements - all reflect order behind.  Every country is regulated by a government i.e. a governing system which has its own law and order.  In chemistry, Mendeleyev table expresses the position of an atom according to the character of an atom -- reflecting an order.  We breathe in with the expansion of chest, and breathe out with the contraction of chest. All animals and plants go on continuously repeating this sign of life in an orderly way  Heart relaxes and contracts rhythmically and continuously.  From heart, arteries carry the fresh oxygenated blood with essential food and oxygen away from the heart, and deoxygenated blood again returns back to heart though veins. This transportation order, continues to provide bio energy to cells. TRIORIGIN THEORY DEALS WITH ALL QUESTIONS The Triorigin theory provides us the possibility to deal these fundamental questions with logical sense. PHILOSOPHICAL SPECULATION: Behind every creation and behind every function in this Real World, there is presence of some unseen scientic order which creates, operates, regulates and harmonizes the existing creations and all functions. Q- If There Is An Order, Then…. What Is That Order? Ans- Triorigin Order is the Fundamental order operating this universe. It can be understood by following concepts-  In the universe, there exist some fundamental forces that are manifested in various forms. We, for example, can observe not only a force that pulls things but also a power that pushes them away. Besides, we have a neutral force that neither attracts nor expels things.  As there is also an ascending force and a descending one, so there is a power that maintains the present state rather than moving upwards or downwards. While one type of power moves forward and the other moves backward, there is the third power holds things in place moving in neither direction.  One power integrates things and another disintegrates them, and still other just connects all being.  While there are a heating power and a cooling one, there is also a force that neither heats things up nor cools them down.  A humid power damps things, while a dry power, on the contrary, dehydrates them. The third power neither wets nor dries things out. One force pleases our feelings and another hurts them, but the third force makes us free from such feelings leaving us with no definite frame of mind.  The first and the second power are used to construct or deconstruct things, respectively, but the third leaves them just as they are. One power produces new things; another destroys or makes them ragged. Meanwhile, the third power purifies or restores them.  One power simplifies things and another makes them complicated or pushes them into disorder. There, however, also exists the third power that restores order. THE MAIN IDEA TRIORIGIN FORCES The main idea is that all the phenomena and influences we witness either in our lives or in natural surroundings are determined by four fundamental forces. These four forces are called TRIORIGIN FORCES named as Neuto, Hetero,Homo and Neutro. These fundamental forces became fundamental order named Triorigin Model. TRIORIGIN MODEL ORDER When these fundamental forces work together as inseparable one unit, it is TRIORIGIN MODEL ORDER. Hetero is the fundamental power that produces changes while Homo force is the fundamental power that keeps things unchangeable,Neutro combines both with perfect harmony, thereby helping all existences to realize themselves during evolution. The Neutro force appears as a fresh force born from the combination of the other two forces, Hetero and Homo. These powers join as one unit to exercise influence over both the physical and the metaphysical worlds. They exert influence over space,time and all being without exception. TRIORIGIN SEQUENCE Based on the basic model of Triorigin, one stage develops into the next stage. The mode of the Triorigin Model is recapitulated and developed until the final stage of the Triorigin Model structure where the new order and mode of existences is constructed. The Triorigin Model is all composed of the fourdimensional level in total. It begins from the zero dimension (point) of Neuto and experiences the one-dimension (line) of Hetero, the two-dimension (plane) of Homo, and the three-dimension (solid) of Neutro and finally the dynamic dimension of change with four-dimension (again Neutro). The order of the Triorigin Sequence also begins with the zero dimension and already completes the basic order of the Triorigin Model in the onedimension. As it goes further into the twodimension, it moves to the final stage of the threedimension. The order of the Triorigin Sequence, in short, constitutes the order systems of the four-dimension that include the beginning of the zero-dimension. The expansion and the generation of the existing beings are composed of a unit of the Triorigin Sequence that is composed of the four-dimension. It means that the second process of the all the existing beings is the recapitulation of the basic order of the Triorigin Model. ANALYSIS  Modern science has come to the conclusion that four fundamental forces exist in the universe we live in. They are gravitation, the strong force, the electromagnetic force and the weak force. These are the four fundamental forces of nature limited by the mode of the Triorigin Model.  Entire Universe , including Time, Space, Particles, Atoms, Stars, Galaxy, Solar system , Earth , Moon , Water, Fire, Soil , Rock, Air , Living creatures, Bacteria, Animal , Plants, Fungus and finally Human Being etc. They all exist in the form of Triorigin Model Order basically.  These forces Hetero, Homo and Neutro has strong power, so no other forces can stand against them.They are omni present and help each other, but sometimes restrain one another by their natural counteraction.  These forces have originated from the zero world of Neuto. When they meet together, they demonstrate their power and drive the existing phenomena as the TRIORIGIN ORDER. TRIORIGIN THEORYFUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH OF PROF PARK JAE WOO Triorigin Theory is the result of Prof Park Jae Woo’s restless research, studies and meditations in all the fundamental fields of human knowledge, from natural to human sciences, from medicine to metaphysics and theology. Prof. Park Jae Woo is valued all over the world as a most prominent scholar in the field of medicine and acupuncture and He is also known as the inventor of many scientific theories, therapies and techniques as Sujok ,Sujok Ki, Zone Energy System, Six Ki Theory, Onnuri Theory and Therapy, Eight Origins Theory, Diamond Energy System Theory, M Particle Theory, Triorigin Theory, Triorigin Fengshui,Triorigin Direction Therapy etc. Triorigin Theory is the fundamental base of all his researches and therapies. He also developed Triorigin Smile Taiji, Triorigin Smile Gymnastic, Triorigin Smile Yoga, Triorigin Twist Therapy, Triorigin Smile Meditation etc. PROF PARK’S DEEP PHILOSOPHICAL STUDY OF FUNDAMENTAL LAWS The Triorigin Theory by Professor Park Jae Woo is a deep philosophical study of fundamental laws of the real world that underlie its development toward perfection. He dwells on specific features, characteristics and purpose of the powerful Homo, Hetero and Neutro forces, determines the essence and direction of evolution, and also the role of humankind in this process. Touching upon complex world-view issues about the source of Triorigin Neuto and about the mysterious zero world, Prof Park Jae Woo provides a vision to approach to the issue of life and death, helping mankind to overcome the fear of the other world. His ideas about the unique phenomenon of life, when the eternal, incomprehensible play of the Triorigin forces embodies a strict and beautiful order, are substantiated by vast factual material from various fields of science: physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, genetics, etc. PROF PARK JAE WOO’S UNIQUE INTENTION All these theories and discoveries came out from Prof Park Jae Woo’s unique intention and a purpose to understand the fundamental laws of the physical, metaphysical and spiritual world and the purpose to widespread this great understanding to the mankind. Triorigin research is considered to be Prof. Park Jae Woo’s magnificent, gigantic, most significant, most intelligible and fruitful attempt to unify the universe and to discover about the meaning, the origin and the purpose of each existence in this world. PROF PARK JAE WOO GAVE THIS WORLD MOST SIMPLE, LOGICAL AND SYSTEMATICAL THEORY With the help of his simple, intelligent theories and innumerable evidences, Prof Park Jae Woo tried to explain the subject in the most logical and systematical manner clearly showing the signs that the Creator of this universe is with the strong intention to help the mankind to achieve good health and harmonious development of soul, mind, body and life. Understanding the Creator as Supreme Force who created this UNIVERSE is the way to grow and become perfect. Universal wisdom is endless deep and vast. Even if we compile all the wisdom of each in the world and measured to compare with this Universe wisdom then it would be nothing. But Triorigin vision helps to understand these universal laws and orders Understanding the Triorigin Model is the master key to all knowledge systems and phenomena of this existence world. By understanding Triorigin Model order, we can always find the missing links in a system, thus enhancing the quality of our knowledge in any field. Actually Triorigin philosophy has the great merit of unifying the encyclopaedia of all sciences under a unique model order which is called TRIORIGIN MODEL ORDER. TRIORIGIN FORCES ARE OPERATING THE WHOLE UNIVERSE  From a tiny particle to the whole universe, all existences are being operated by some fundamental order. Triorigin is the fundamental order and this fundamental order is consisted of four fundamental forces NEUTO, HETERO HOMO, NEUTRO. Forces and orders of Triorigin are operated in every existence and phenomena in this world without any exception. Their operation orders and methods are observed everywhere around the environment including the human body. TRIORIGIN FORCES ARE FUNDAMENTAL FORCES These Triorigin forces are fundamental so they are embodied at each stage of development, being present in all objects and phenomena of the existing world. The three dimensions of space (length, width and height), time triad (past, present, and future), trinomial components of gene code, triple embryonic structure (three germinal layers) etc. all are but the result from the action of the universal Triorigin principle. INTERRELATIONS OF TRIORIGIN FORCES The Triorigin forces interact with each other and its application is seen to the world of Existence. These four forces are inseparably bonded as one unit and working together to realize the will of Existence Spirit. It has the intention to continue to manage this world in an orderly and harmonious manner. In the world of Triorigin, certain order of creation, rhythm and law are established. Since these forces are fundamental, the principle of reciprocal actions directly affects other existing beings as dominant and unchangeable. BIRTH OF TRIORIGIN FORCES The Existence Spirit that resides in the zero world is the source origin of the first ever appearing fundamental forces. These forces are first to appear in succession at the time of beginning of creation of this real world and are therefore practically responsible for creating all varieties of existences of this world. Before this world, there existed only the Existence Spirit, pure and contained. This unencumbered -Existence Spirit exists in the zero world. As the soul of the existence world has intention to create this world then this Existence Spirit in the zero world casts its shadow onto the borderline of this world. As a result all forces start taking birth into this world. The Triorigin forces have appeared first in this real world one after the other and govern, manage, evolve and influence all other existences, principles and phenomena following them by their mutual interaction. Hetero appeared at first in this world, Homo followed Hetero. They became a pair to repeat their struggle in the symmetrical formation and they grow and expand their power through mutual empowerment. At some moment, some part between formed an asymmetrical harmony and then the shadow of Neuto joined to mingle with them in a spiral whirl. All of a sudden, an entirely new entity appeared in the mixture of Hetero, Homo and Neuto. This was the moment of birth of Neutro the third fundamental force. Hetero, Homo, Neutro and Neuto as a whole are called Triorigin in general. Triorigin projects its absolute forces on this world, influencing thoroughly any of its existences. And Triorigin exercises its forces to give orderliness to this world with the orders of Triorigin Model and Triorigin Sequence . TRIORIGIN WITH THE ESSENCE OF SMILE Smile and Triorigin is the essence behind the existence of the Whole World.Triorigin Consciousness is ABSOLUTE CONSCIOUSNESS. The Supreme Force or Great Spirit which has created this universe has pure aim to create harmonious existence which is also termed as Existence spirit. This Great Spirit is endowed with divine smile called Existence Spirit. Existence Spirit’s Smile is the Origin Smile which is present in Absolute state, before the birth of this present world, with the determined consciousness to create this perfectly harmonious Smile World. Existence Spirit smile implies the celebration of success on the creation of this wonderful world, the gratitude for this achievement, the self respect for this greatness, the glory for the harmonized beauty.* Whenever human consciousness achieves Oneness with Origin Smile, he will receive and understand HIS consciousness to the fullest. At this state he is capable to see and understand His eternal wisdom and Universal Laws with which this world was created in orderly form and is being continuously operated with smile. UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS OF TRIORIGIN FORCES The Triorigin forces are endowed with their unique characteristics and special energies from birth. When the zero world creates the real world some special environment awakens to activate all potential energies for the creation process. NEUTO FORCE  It has zero nature as one body with Zero Neuto.But it is this world force. So there are two kinds of the Neuto conception, namely independent Neuto and Neuto as part of Neutro.  Neuto is the incarnation of Spirit Neuto.  The potential characteristics of the zero world are directly connected with the characteristics of Neuto. Neuto as one unit with the Triorigin forces joins the Triorigin Model. There are two kinds of the Neuto conception, namely, independent Neuto and Neuto as part of Neutro.  Neuto is the fundamental existence contributing to the evolution of this existence world by providing infinite energy and information to Triorigin forces through connecting to the zero world. So that Triorigin forces could operate this world without shortage of energy and necessary resources and without stopping for their operations.  Even a single cell inside the human body is connected with the zero world. The Neuto has relations with every speck of dust, any remote spot on the Earth, all planets of the Solar system and their satellites, all stars in the universe and their surroundings.  The zero world, in terms of mathematics, may be both zero or infinity.Neuto is closely related to all existing beings.  The potential characteristics of the zero world are directly connected with the characteristics of Neuto. Neuto as one unit with the Triorigin forces joins the Triorigin Model. It is natural force without any intention. Often it is not noticed and it is discovered later than other three forces.  Neuto is located between the zero world, and this world, and stretches its territory to encapsulate the both worlds. Neuto is the first existence that appeared in this world in the form of a shadow. Neuto is the window to connect this world to the zero world, and all energies and information are delivered to this world through this Neuto channel.  It is because of Neuto involvement that there is empty space in the universe as well as in the atom.  It inherits Existence Spirit from Spirit Neuto, and it is the fundamental existence that locates across the zero world into this world with zero nature.  Accordingly, Neuto covers the entire sphere of both the zero and real world and prepares the ground for future Neutro to realize the Existence Spirit when Neutro succeeds this entire territory from Neuto. Now Neutro occupies the whole territory. Therefore, even though Neuto is too limited to participate directly in this world business due to its zero nature, it performs a much more fundamental role than practical participation in the creation of this world. Neuto keeps a transcendental position and leaves everything as it is and lets it flow naturally without any artificial intervention. In the Neutro state, the door to the zero world is opened because Neutro already contains Neuto within itself. Neuto does not directly participate in the practical matters of this world. But it is one of the components of Triorigin Model order itself. Since Triorigin Model as a fundamental order regulates all matters to maintain this framework in this world, Neuto influences the entire real world as a result. HETERO FORCE Hetero is based on the infinite world. Hetero is substantially the first force that jumped out this world through the Neuto gate of zero world.  Hetero is the fundamental force to bring all existing beings to the world. Hetero is great majestic, lively cheerful force. Hetero likes bright side and avoids dark sides.  Hetero is derived from Infinite world which always seeks to change things and bring them to the infinite world. It can also create new things..Hetero never allows things to return to the original point as Homo wanted.  Hetero expands and amplifies things. Homo is reluctant to move, but Hetero is quick to move.       It is vigorous force. Hetero quickly decides something without any thoughts and moves promptly, Hetero appears suddenly without any notice but can also disappear quickly. Expansion separation, increasing numbers is Hetero phenomena. Hetero brings growth as growth is accompanied by division and multiplication. Separation leads to independence. Hetero avoids touching with other things. While the Homo force simplifies things but Hetero diversifies them by increasing their number through multiplication . The return instinct of Homo is the contracting force that binds all to the Zero World. Hetero is the expanding, separating, diversifying that brings all the things to the infinite world. Hetero brakes stability into imbalance. Pride, self respect, shining, positive, active, attractive, power are the symbol of Hetero. Hetero is always running fast because of great ambition. Hetero stays with mental, metaphysical world. Hetero is also pure mind because Hetero has come out to this world through Neuto Gate so primitive nature was purified enough to follow the will of the Existence Spirit in order to join in the construction of this world as long as there is some harmonious restriction of Homo and guidance of Neutro Hetero received all such many qualities from Existence Spirit to initiate and create this wonderful smile world. When Hetero is guided by Neutro force it becomes so beautiful wonderful great force. Wonderful Hetero! you are the creation bearer Thanks to Hetero Force “you could escape through the Zero World with a initiating power to create this world”. HOMO FORCE Homo is the reacting force to restrict Hetero's activities. For this purpose Homo came out to this world against its will.  It there was no Homo restriction power involved, Hetero would enter into the Infinite      Neuto World momentarily as soon as it came into this world as a result this world would not exist at all. Viewing from the position of Existence Spirit, Homo has come out to this world in order to join in creating all the existence of the world. Homo charges every Hetero activity and this charging phenomenon contributes to form this world. HOMO is also fundamental force for this world's existence. Such a contracting power of Homo condenses the scattered water molecules into the raindrops. HOMO power consolidates, unify, fuse, harden, condense, simplify, and combine things. .Homo instinctively brings all existing beings to the original state in the most appropriate way considering the present situations. The heart pumps blood through the body, and the blood returns again to the heart. Thanks to HOMO FORCE for bestowing peaceful resting time on all existences. Homo Force results in circular and circulating movements. The Earth moves round the sun in a circular orbit ; the Earth returns to the original place after rotating the sun every year. Likewise, the same season appears to us repeatedly. .All living creatures unavoidably face death and finish their lives as part of the returning phenomenon.  It creates circulation and spin phenomenon, It creates the circulation of planets in Solar system. It creates blood circulation system in the body, Similarity phenomena among living creatures keep the sameness between existences.  Slow down of the change indicates that Homo force is already engaged in every existence to limit their changing speed. Baby is growing slowly, time is changing slowly, river is flowing slowly, earth spins slowly, stars moving slowly, particles move with limited speed, light moves in limited speed, sound moves slower than light speed. Thanks to HOMO force, we can enjoy the beauty of stable Mountains and hills.  We praise HOMO in absolute contribution to this world. By assisting Neutro HOMO is equally participating as HETERO, in the construction and creation of this world.  NEUTRO FORCE  Neutro was born during the unification process of Hetero, Homo and Neuto. This unification or mingling also symbolizes the unification between this world and the zero world as well. Neutro has ability of Hetero, Homo and Neuto, and it has its own additional instinct and ability, which have been newly created during their integration process.  Neutro is an orderly force, a spontaneously guiding force to the further developed harmonious state and a moral force, which is originated from the Existence Spirit.  Neutro has harmonization instinct and creation instinct for the new harmonized entity. Those instincts and abilities received from Hetero, Homo and Neuto are sublimated to a realistic level in order to use them in this world for the purpose in consonance with the Existence Spirit. Neutro is a sincere force.  Neutro makes tireless efforts to preserve the prosperity of public existences, as the worker ants, as Neutro, always devote themselves for the ant community spontaneously and tirelessly.      The Neutro force is characterized by a spirit of Help and Care with Love. It has the spirit of Justice. Neutro comes out to be a Guiding Light for human beings and all living creatures on their way forward towards happiness and well being in the course of their evolution. Neutro force by its own nature provides us smile and all sorts of Satisfaction. Neutro ought to possess an enormous bravery and strength as well as the spirit of Protection and Preservation of existences. Neutro has the omnipotence to cover, this world and the zero world as well and keeps the transcendental nature and Existence Spirit within itself. This is the force with an infinite variety of capability, instincts and harmonious power. Neutro is a connecting, adjusting and mediating force. Neutro is a friendly force without enimity.It brings practical, productive and successful results. This is an equalizing and an impartial force and has adaptability and flexibility. Neutro is a gradually progressing force with harmony, beauty and has rhythm and regularity. Neutro is a continuation force and reconciliation force.It is an improving force and salvation force.  Neutro is a relief and rescue force.It is a solution,execution and administrative force which follows natural laws. Neutro protects fairness and justice and provides orderly freedom.  Neutro is an encouraging force,an efficient and economic force.Neutro provides peace, comfort, satisfaction and promotes morality. Neutro is a guiding force helping to attain the perfect state. Neutro is the force helping to realize the Existence Spirit.* When harmonious creation of all forces were done, Existence Spirit of Zero world, after confirming that perfect Neutro was created, HE smiled practically and whole world with smile came into existence after this wonder. HIS smile implies the celebration of success on the creation of this wonderful world, the gratitude for this achievement, the self respect for this greatness, the glory for the harmonized beauty OPERATING NEUTRO  There are two types of Neutro, Operating Neutro and Element Neutro. Operating Neutro will be there always as a purpose for all the actions/things.  While element Neutro may be there or may not be there. Operating Neutro is EXISTING SPIRIT operating the whole Universe.  Neutro as perfect force was created by integration of Neuto,Hetero and Homo .Through Neuto, Existence Spirit joined Neutro and became Operating Neutro.Thus, Existence Spirit was with Neuto, Hetero, Homo and Neutro .  All existence are being managed, controlled and operated by this Operating Neutro. Neutro was born during the unification process of Hetero, Homo and Neuto. This unification or mingling also symbolizes the unification between this world and the zero world as well.  Behind Neutro is Existence Spirit.That is why Neutro has all the instincts and abilities of Hetero, Homo and Neutro which is helping to operate this universe in orderly form.  Neutro force by its own nature provides us smile and all sorts of Satisfaction. Neutro ought to possess an enormous bravery and strength as well as the spirit of Protection and Preservation of existences. TRIORIGIN MODEL IS EVERYWHERE It looks a quite surprising coincidence that all scientific facts which have been well studied and proved as truths including natural phenomena and social phenomena are all showing exactly the same order as that of the Triorigin Model. As the Triorigin Model is the fundamental order as the first ever evident order in this world, all existences and phenomena in this existence world are supposed to keep this Triorigin Model order, and if this order is not maintained properly, they lose the stability of harmony and have to leave this world to go to the zero world. There in the zero world, they have to be purified by the spiritual Triorigin Model for a new start of their existences to this world. All living creatures including the human being would suffer from mental and physical disorders caused by the disharmony of this Triorigin Model order. And they are obliged to leave this world for the zero world when they fail to keep this order. All existences in this world, therefore, keep this Triorigin Model order, and they change and operate within the framework of the order. Anything that is not harmonized by this order cannot stay in this world. SUJOK HAS TRIORIGIN SPIRIT SIMILARITY is one of the most beautiful characteristic of HOMO force and in human body hand posses the most clear similarity to the human body. All the stages of the development of the human body;the cellular, the embryonic, and the stage of perfect body is presented on the hand. As a result number of correspondence systems appeared representing every stage of the body eg--Round and Stem Correspondence Systems as Neuto -Limbs Correspondence System as Hetero -Hand and Feet Correspondence System as Homo -Finger and Toes Correspondence Systems as Neutro Su Jok Therapy as a philosophical system and healing method which is full of the Spirit of Love of Our Creator for all beings in the cosmos, which gives it universal healing power. Through Sujok with Triorigin background, Prof. Park Jae Woo showed this world a clear indication that the Creator of the universe is strongly trying to inform human beings that is why Nature has made the hand and foot most similar to the body which is easily available curing hardware systems. They are caused to exist by the Creator’s Will. Su Jok theories and techniques are well understood within scientific and a teleological vision of the cosmos and life. The human being, exist in an enormous universe, coexisting at the same time with other beings, objects and events. The human body is a vital organism which is influenced by many factors and is in an absolute causal relationship with all forces existing in the universe. All changes in the human body occur in accordance with universal laws and principles under TRIORIGIN MODEL ORDER. Therefore, the individual’s health condition is not only determined by one’s individual traits, but is greatly influenced by all forces in the surrounding environment. It is nature's beauty that our hand and foot are most similar to our body which are also carrying all universal information. TRIORIGIN PRINCIPLE IS THE BASIS OF ORGANIZATION OF MAN’S PHYSICAL BODY AND THE ENERGY SYSTEM. Since the Triorigin principle is fundamental, immutable and manifested in all, it provides the basis of organization of man's physical body and the energy system both. When these four energies are all involved, disease is expressed on body energy system and certain organ or some parts of the body. The Triorigin of Hetero, Homo and Neutro manifests itself in the real world and the human body both in the integral relationship with each another. The theory of Triorigin has contributed to our understanding of human health, the source of activity and long life, time and space, evolutional trends in nature and society and also of the fundamental laws underlying any subject, motion, complex mechanism of relationship between all things and phenomena. TRIORIGIN HELPS TO EXPAND OUR AWARENESS, IT TAKES US TOWARDS THE UNIVERSAL AWARENESS After recognizing the existence of Triorigin Neuto, Hetero, Homo and Neutro, a new awareness reveals that this world is created and operated by the forces and orders of this Triorigin. And it is realized that this Triorigin has created wonderful orders and it has the intention to continue to manage this world in an orderly and harmonious manner. After understanding that the forces and orders of Triorigin are operated in every existence and phenomenon of this world without any exception, their operation orders and methods start to be observed everywhere around the environment including the human body. TRIORIGIN CONSCIOUSNESS LEADS TO SELF AWARENESS Triorigin consciousness contains all kinds of consciousness orders in this world, which was created by Existence Spirit. Triorigin consciousness system, operates all things which is called Absolute Consciousness. Awareness of this Absolute Consciousness is the grand perfection state of the self, where His Origin Smile is persistent. It is Heavenly Smile. Self awareness starts from the understanding that the essence of the self lies in the soul and each soul is the part of Origin Smile (His Perfection) This is the original feature of the self. If the self reaches to the level of realization in which self could show constant soul smile within His Origin Smile, it is the awareness state of original self where the self can find himself /herself staying in the beautiful world, harmonious world, orderly world, smile world and perfect world.This stage is Absolute awareness of the self. OUR GRATITUDE TO PROF PARK JAE WOO By introducing Triorigin Theory to this world, great Prof Park Jae Woo has given the most precious gift to the mankind. His continuously did tirelessly great efforts to expand our Triorigin consciousness to the highest level to have the ability to appreciate NATURE’S design and to feel the bliss and celebration in all creations in this universe. The philosopher’s mission is not only to understand the application of the Triorigin Model order and Triorigin consciousness», but even to share and widespread this understanding in order to realize a perfect Smile World and to feel the continuous bliss of being the citizen of SMILE CIVILIZATION. Smile thanks to Prof Park Jae Woo for bringing us gently to his deeper knowledge which he received from the nature Supreme Force. We are learners, trying to understand Universal laws through Triorigin Consciousness which is helping us to look at ourselves in relation to this UNIVERSE, in relation to Infinite power, in relation to absolute joy and smile now. Prof Park Jae Woo’s smile work continues with smile spirit... After he passed away in March 2010 in Moscow, his two sons, DR. PARK MINCHUL and DR. PARK MINKYU, President of International Sujok Association successfully continues Prof. Park’s international Smile activities. They share their late father’s Smile spirit, which is Neutro, meaning Love, friendly, harmony, caring, smile, adaptability, flexibility. and generosity, . They are blessed with TRIORIGIN SPIRIT and are highly dedicated to spread this wonderful knowledge to every corner of this world. They are continuously working with smile and triorigin spirit to realize their father’s dream. Their work contributes in spreading this precious knowledge which is widely increasing awareness, expansion of consciousness, tolerance, smile, health improvement and spiritual development among the masses... ETERNAL SMILE Bhupinder kaur India ==================================
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