Trinity college Piano Syllabus 2012-2014_ 3rd imp.pdf

April 25, 2018 | Author: Khashayar Amri | Category: Chord (Music), Musical Compositions, Interval (Music), Test (Assessment), Rhythm



Piano SyllabusGrade examinations: Piano, Piano Accompanying Certificate examinations: Piano Solo, Piano Duet, Piano Six Hands 2012–2014 Trinity College London 89 Albert Embankment London SE1 7TP UK T +44 (0)20 7820 6100 F +44 (0)20 7820 6161 E [email protected] Charity number 1014792 Patron HRH The Duke of Kent KG Chief Executive Sarah Kemp Copyright © 2012 Trinity College London Published by Trinity College London Third impression, November 2012 Contents Introduction................................................................................................................................... 3 Range of qualifications.......................................................................................................... 4 Grade examinations — Piano, Piano Accompanying Structure.............................................................................................................................................. 5 Duration, Marking.............................................................................................................................. 6 Pieces.................................................................................................................................................... 7 Own Composition. .............................................................................................................................. 8 Technical Work . ................................................................................................................................ 9 Supporting Tests: Sight Reading .............................................................................................................................10 Aural . ............................................................................................................................................ 12 Improvisation .............................................................................................................................16 Musical Knowledge ...................................................................................................................18 Requirements: Piano (subject code PNO).......................................................................................................20 Piano Accompanying (subject code PAC) ........................................................................38 Certificate examinations — Piano Solo, Piano Duet, Piano Six Hands & Ensembles Structure, Marking..........................................................................................................................46 Repertoire..........................................................................................................................................47 Presentation Skills.......................................................................................................................... 48 Certificate examinations for Ensembles..................................................................................49 Requirements: Piano Solo (subject code PS)................................................................................................ 50 Piano Duet (subject code PDT).............................................................................................56 Piano Six Hands (subject code PSH)...................................................................................63 Music publishers ......................................................................................................................65 Trinity publications .............................................................................................................. 68 2 Piano Syllabus 2012–2014 Introduction This syllabus contains full details of Grade examinations in Piano and Piano Accompanying, and Certificate examinations in Piano Solo, Piano Duet and Piano Six Hands. It is valid from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2014. However, during the first examination session at any centre in 2012, candidates may perform Pieces and Technical Work requirements from either the 2009–2011 syllabus or the 2012–2014 syllabus, but not a mixture of both. A new syllabus will be published in July 2014 valid from 2015. Please check the website regularly for the latest impressions of this syllabus and updates at Also available from the website are details of mark schemes and assessment criteria for all examinations. These are also contained in the supplementary booklet Information & Regulations, available direct from Trinity’s London office or Local Area Representatives. Trinity College London has gained international acclaim for its unique syllabuses with innovative mark schemes, breadth of repertoire and flexibility of choice. This new syllabus builds upon the success of previous ones with new repertoire lists, newly commissioned Technical Work exercises and a flexible approach to the selection of Supporting Tests, enabling teachers to support the strengths and interests of their pupils. Performing is at the heart of Trinity Grade examinations, which is key to their continued success around the world. Certificate examinations offer an alternative to Grade assessments; designed as mini-recitals, they place increased emphasis on performance and presentation. We hope you enjoy exploring the music on offer in this syllabus, and wish you every success in your examinations and wider music making. Nicholas Keyworth Chief Examiner in Music Trinity College London is an awarding body recognised in the United Kingdom by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) in England, the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) and the Northern Ireland Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA). Trinity’s qualifications are accredited by these authorities within the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). Various arrangements are in place with governmental education authorities worldwide. 3 theory and composition qualifications. Grade examinations Initial Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Certificate examinations Theory examinations Grade 1 Grade 2 Foundation Grade 3 Grade 4 Intermediate Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Advanced Grade 8 4 . Certificates or any combination of the two. Beyond Grade 8. teaching. LTCL and FTCL levels. Each level is also supported by Theory examinations. candidates should consider Trinity’s suite of Diploma examinations at ATCL. Candidates may enter Grades.Range of qualifications The range of qualifications allows for a variety of routes through musical performance for candidates to demonstrate their ability as musicians. There are no prerequisites for any of these examinations. covering performance. indicating this to the examiner on entering the examination room. 5 . Piano Accompanying Structure Piano Initial–Grade 5 Three pieces Technical Work Scales & Arpeggios and Three exercises Supporting Tests Any TWO of the following: Sight Reading or Aural or Improvisation or Musical Knowledge Grades 6–8 Three pieces Technical Work Scales & Arpeggios and Three exercises Supporting Test 1 Sight Reading Supporting Test 2 One of the following: Improvisation or Aural Piano Accompanying Initial–Grade 4 Grade 5 Three pieces Technical Work Extracts set for the grade from Trinity’s Piano Plus 2 Supporting Tests (not available) Any TWO of the following: Sight Reading or Aural or Improvisation or Musical Knowledge Grades 6–8 Three pieces Technical Work Extracts set for the grade from Trinity’s Piano Plus 2 Supporting Test 1 Sight Reading Supporting Test 2 One of the following: Improvisation or Aural Order of examination Candidates may present their examination in any order and should write their preferred sequence on the appointment slip.Grade examinations — Piano. engages the audience and conveys a sense of the context of the music they are playing: ‘Me and the Audience’. tone colour. awarded for: · Notational Accuracy & Fluency (7 marks): How well the notes are prepared and realised: ‘Me and the Music’. pedalling): ‘Me and the Instrument’.g. · Technical Facility (7 marks): Instrumental control and the ability to draw the most from the instrument (e. Merit at 75 and Distinction at 87. · Communication & Interpretation (8 marks): How well the candidate interprets the music. articulation.Grade examinations Duration Examination Initial Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Duration (minutes) 10 11 11 12 16 16 22 22 27 Marking The marks available for all Grade Piano examinations are as follows: Component Piece 1 Piece 2 Piece 3 Technical Work Test 1 Test 2 Pass mark 13 13 13 9 6 6 Maximum mark 22 22 22 14 10 10 Total 60 100 Pass is awarded at 60 marks. The mark out of 22 for each piece is made up of three components. 6 . Details regarding the legitimacy of all forms of sheet music can be obtained from the UK Music Publishers Association’s Code of Fair Practice. any photocopies provided will be retained by the examiner and destroyed after the examination. Metronome marks are given as a guide. providing an original copy of the music is also in the room. available at www. If an unauthorised copy (including an unauthorised photocopy) is used. candidates should be aware that Trinity may not award marks in relation to the performance of that piece. Examiners of Grade examinations welcome the provision of reference copies of pieces not published by Trinity. Lento. It is not obligatory. Difficult page-turns should be overcome by photocopying the relevant pages. however. Music and copies It is essential that candidates bring an original copy of the music being performed into the examination room. and candidates should observe terms showing the tempo and/or character of the music (e. but repeats of more than a few bars should be omitted unless instructed otherwise in the syllabus or examination publications. 7 . Allowances cannot be made for delays in obtaining music.mpaonline. as should 1st and 2nd time bars (of moderate length) where the 1st time bar contains significant musical material. ornaments & tempi Grade examinations All pieces should be prepared in full unless otherwise stated. but may remain in the examination room only when needed. Trills and other appropriate ornamentation are encouraged. and no separate marks are given for memorisation. Allegro). Original copies of sheet music can be purchased or downloaded from music shops and publishers. Page-turners The examiner will not be able to act as a page-turner. All da capo and dal segno instructions should be observed. A page-turner may assist in Grades 6–8 and Certificate examinations if necessary. Pieces Repeats. Candidates who play from memory must ensure that an original copy of the music performed is brought into the examination particularly in the higher and to do so may well improve the security of their knowledge and their ability to communicate. Photocopies can legitimately be used for this purpose. for whom contact details are given at the end of this syllabus. Playing from memory Candidates are free to play any or all of their pieces from memory. 5–3.5–4.5 3.5 2.5–2. although the teacher may offer guidance as necessary. The timings given at each level should be observed carefully. and must be of a similar technical and artistic level to the other pieces performed.5–5. The piece should be substantially the candidate’s unaided work. Candidates must present a (photo)copy of the piece.5 1.5 4. the examiner will ask the candidate to explain how the piece was composed and will ask further questions about the notation and structure.5 Requirements A piece containing sudden changes A piece containing sudden dynamic contrast A piece contrasting legato and staccato passages A piece which starts quietly and simply. Content The composition should follow the specification given. grand climax A piece with long melodic phrases in both hands (though not necessarily at the same time) A piece containing many wide leaps A piece using a variety of pedal effects A piece featuring octaves in both hands A piece featuring at least two contrapuntal voices 8 .Grade examinations Own Composition Candidates may offer their own composition in place of a listed piece where indicated in the syllabus. the composition may be presented in any coherent form of notation. and builds to a loud. The specific composition requirements are listed below: Grade Initial Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Duration (minutes) 1–2 1. or produced and printed by the candidate using a score-writing program. At Initial–Grade 5. Marks will be deducted if the notation is incomplete or technically inaccurate or if the performance varies significantly from what is written.5–2.5 1.5–4. Assessment After the performance.5–2. the candidate’s name and number should be clearly shown on this copy.5 2. which the examiner will keep.5 3. credit will be lost if compositions fall significantly short of or exceed the indicated timespan. For compositions at Grades 6–8. Sixteen marks are awarded for the performance and six for clarity of explanation. The use of pre-recorded material or other instruments is not allowed.5–3. Notation The complete composition must be handwritten by the candidate. structure and presentation. staff notation is essential. Candidates and teachers are advised to take note of the Levels of Achievement statements in the current Information & Regulations booklet when preparing own compositions. but only two will be played during the examination. and the promptness and confidence of delivery. Technical Work Grade examinations The purpose of this section of the examination is to encourage the development of the necessary technical skills for the performance of pieces. The candidate will choose one exercise to play first. Higher marks are given for attention to musical shaping. = 50 q = 60 q = 70 q = 80 q = 90 q = 100 q = 110 q = 120 q = 60 q = 70 q = 80 q = 100 q = 110 q = 120 9 . Grade Scales Broken chords & arpeggios Scales in thirds Dominant & diminished sevenths Initial Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 q = 60 q = 70 q = 80 q = 90 q = 100 q = 110 q = 120 q = 130 q = 140 q. The fingering in the scale books is advisory but not compulsory. Full details of scale patterns are given in the two volumes of Piano Scales & Arpeggios. Candidates should aim for accuracy at an appropriate tempo with even control of rhythm and tone. Tempi for scales and arpeggios A minimum pace is required. Candidates must prepare three exercises. All scales and arpeggios must be performed in similar motion. with the right hand playing one octave above the left hand (unless otherwise stated). ascending then descending. increasing gradually grade by grade. Scales and arpeggios must be performed from memory. Rhythmic patterns are all even quavers in pairs or fours (except for Grade 1 which requires triplet broken chords). the examiner will then select one of the remaining two prepared exercises to be performed. Exercises may be played either from memory or using the music printed in the Trinity Examination Pieces & Exercises book for the grade. any logical fingering pattern giving a smooth legato is acceptable. The examiner will then invite the candidate to perform the test for assessment. Tests meet the parameters opposite. Grade 5 candidates will be given a piece of around Grade 3 level. During this time they may practise the music. Candidates will be allowed 30 seconds to study the test before they attempt it.Grade examinations Supporting Tests Sight Reading Sight Reading tests are set at the level of a repertoire piece prescribed approximately two grades lower than the grade undertaken. for instance. Examples of Sight Reading tests can be found in Trinity’s Sound at Sight original and 2nd series for piano (see page 68). 10 . rall. A major. a tempo. double sharps & flats) 6 and e. rit. Parameters for Sight Reading tests Grade Keys (cumulative*) Grade examinations Time signatures (cumulative*) Note values (cumulative*) Dynamics & tempi (cumulative*) Articulation (cumulative*) Initial Grade 1 C major G major. (as text) duplets & triplets ff and pp change in terms. E minor F. minors to dominant or relative major only) F# & C minor (majors modulate to dominant or relative minor only. andante slurs Grade 4 D major. x mp. different dynamics for RH and LH pedalling essential Grade 8 & changing time signatures tenuto * Tests may also include requirements from the preceding grade(s). minors to dominant or relative major only) E & Ab major (modulations to any related key) B & Db major. Bb. and ä Î. G# & Bb minor (inc. h and î w and _ · p.. Eb. pause. and ties allegretto Grade 3 D minor e and Î q. B & G minor (hairpin not text) staccato. and cresc. 11 ... allegretto simple pedalling Grade 6 pedalling required but not always marked Grade 7 9 2 2 any common terms dim. f and moderato mf simple phrasing Grade 2 h. A minor (white notes only) A minor (including G#) 2 4 3 _ q. accents Grade 5 (majors modulate to dominant only. after hearing the melody again. memory. played twice. using a simple. and indicate where the change occurs. after another hearing. Initial 1. To state. first as originally heard and then with a change in the rhythm or melody. Grade 2 1. 2. ii) the dynamic level at the start and how it changed during the piece. and to indicate a sense of the pulse and time signature during a second playing. To state. whether the last note was higher. understanding. 12 . To listen to the melody played twice more. To listen to one half of the melody played twice more. which was the highest or lowest. The examiner will bring the candidate in at the start of the second playing. To listen once to a short melody in 2 or 3. To clap back the rhythm of the melody after hearing it played twice. 3. To listen to the complete melody again and to state: i) whether it was in a major or minor key. Grades 2–5 and 8 may be in major or minor. provided the strong beats are indicated distinctly. played with the final note omitted. Candidates should respond by either conducting clearly. lower or the same as the first note. 2. hum or whistle the final tonic note of a four-bar melody in 2 time. The tests. analysis and response. whether the melody was played mainly legato or staccato.Grade examinations Aural Aural tests are designed to develop the candidate’s abilities in the fields of musical perception. 2. are carefully graded from basic skills to more advanced understanding. 3. lower or the same as the first note. To identify. 4. and to identify the type of change made. Grade 1 1. which are all based on the same example to encourage a deepening of knowledge. 3. after hearing the melody again. To state. first as originally heard and then with a change to the pitch at one point. whether the last note was higher. discrimination. To identify. Crescendo and diminuendo may be included. To sing. i) To clap back the rhythm of a four-bar melody in 2 or 3 time. 4. whether the melody was played mainly legato or staccato. ii) to state the time signature. 4. conventional beat-shape or alternatively by other methods. Grade 6 tests are major and Grade 7 are minor. The key chord will be sounded before the melody is played. tests for Initial and Grade 1 are all in major keys. after hearing three consecutive notes from the melody. Please note. after hearing the melody again. To listen once to a short melody in 4 or 6. and state: i) the time signature. how. provided the strong beats are indicated distinctly. as: a unison a minor second a major second a minor third a major third a perfect fourth a perfect fifth a minor sixth a major sixth Candidates may sing or hum the notes before answering. The candidate will be invited to indicate which changes occur in which bars. from within the key). Grade 3 Grade examinations 1. using a simple. conventional. To identify a triad played by the examiner as being either major or minor. Candidates may sing (or hum) the notes before answering. To listen to the piece again and to identify the cadence at the end as being either perfect or imperfect. played from low to high and held as a sounding interval as a major second. with a simple accompaniment and to indicate a sense of the pulse and time signature during a second playing. To listen once to a short melody in 3 or 4. and to indicate a sense of the pulse and time signature during a second playing. whether the cadence at the end was perfect. 2. 3. and if so. 4. The examiner will then play the original followed by a version (played twice) containing one change of pitch or rhythm. 3 or 6 played twice. followed by a version (played twice) containing two changes. 4. imperfect or interrupted. Grade 4 1. Candidates should respond by either conducting clearly. played consecutively. beat-shape or alternatively by other methods. The notes will be sounded together. The candidate will be invited to indicate the bar in which the change occurred in the rhythm or melody. To identify the interval formed by the first two notes of the melody. iii) if the tonality changed as the piece progressed. A printed copy of the melody line will be handed to the candidate. beat-shape or alternatively by other methods. 2. 13 . The candidate may begin right at the start. ii) if it began in the major or minor. using a simple. Grade 5 1. perfect fourth or perfect fifth (all diatonic. major third. After a further playing of the closing section of the piece. minor third. provided the strong beats are indicated distinctly. To identify the interval formed by the first two notes of the melody. A printed copy of the melody will be handed to the candidate. The examiner will then play this. conventional. one of pitch and one of rhythm. Candidates should respond by either conducting clearly. To listen twice to a short piece of music in 2. 3. or can join in once the melody is under way. To listen to a short piece in a major key in 2. 14 . imperfect. 2. plagal or interrupted. one to the rhythm and one to the melody. To listen to a phrase from the piece and identify its cadence as perfect. The candidate will have the opportunity to give comments after the first and/or second playing at their discretion. who will be invited to compare this with a version played twice by the examiner containing three changes. 3. To identify the interval formed by two notes selected by the examiner from the melody line. Grade 6 1.g. The candidate should identify the location and nature of the changes. 3. played consecutively. Grade 7 1. imperfect. phrasing. The candidate should identify and explain the changes. Candidates will be invited to comment on the main features of the piece such as phrasing. 4. The opening key will be stated and the tonic chord played before the start. 3. A printed copy of the complete piece will be handed to the candidate. A printed copy of the piece will be handed to the candidate who will then be invited to compare this with an amended version played twice by the examiner — this version will contain two changes. 2. the pitch or the articulation. and state the time signature. Keys used will be confined to dominant. To listen to the closing bars of the piece and identify its cadence as perfect. subdominant and relative minor. 4. These may be in the pitch (of the melody line only) or the rhythm. articulation and dynamics. To listen to the piece again and to comment on the articulation and the dynamics. The candidate will have the opportunity to give comments after the first and/or second playing at their discretion. A printed copy of the first section of the piece will be handed to the candidate. style and dynamics. To listen again to a part of the piece which modulates and state the key into which the music has modulated. Answers may be given as either key or technical names (e. The piece will be played once more as originally heard and then twice with two changes to the ‘top’ line. plagal or interrupted.Grade examinations 2. 3. 4 or 6 played twice. The candidate will be asked to locate and describe the changes. as: a unison a minor second a major second a minor third a major third a perfect fourth a perfect fifth a minor sixth a major sixth a minor seventh a major seventh an octave Candidates may sing or hum the notes before answering. These will be in the melody line only and may be to the rhythm. To listen twice to a short piece in a minor key and comment on the main features of the piece such as style. in C major: ‘To G’ or ‘To the dominant’). which may not be marked by the candidate in any way whatsoever during the examination. texture.B. dynamics. or both. A piece will be played twice.g. such as style. This section will take the form of a short discussion with the examiner. Changes may occur in the treble or bass clef lines. rhythm. A printed copy of the entire piece will be handed to the candidate. The candidate will be invited to describe the significant features of the piece. candidates and teachers should note that the copy will be a laminated page. dynamics or tempo. N. To listen to part of the piece played with a modified ending and identify the key to which the music has modulated. The candidate will be invited to identify and explain the changes. Grade examinations 4. credit will be given for the depth of perception in the candidate’s comments. Grade 8 1. articulation. In all sections of the Aural tests that involve the examiner handing the candidate a printed copy of the test. 15 . phrasing and articulation. The opening key will be stated and the key-chord played. Candidates are encouraged to make observations after the first playing and to supplement these after the second. G major in A minor). the relative major and the dominant of the relative major (e. harmony. Keys used will be limited to the sub-dominant minor. as supplied to the candidate. will be played again. before the version with the changes. the examiner will then play twice a version containing three changes which may be in the rhythm. 2. Answers may be given as key names or technical names. melody. The original version. inventiveness and logical progression.Grade examinations Improvisation The Improvisation test explores the candidate’s ability to respond creatively to a musical stimulus. form. Chordal Stimulus The examiner will give the candidate a copy of a 2-stave piano score containing notated chords with chord symbols printed above. F. Piano candidates may choose to perform the improvisation as a solo incorporating the chord pattern or may request that the examiner plays the chords while they improvise above them. For piano. E. The parameters are given in the chart overleaf. F. The examiner will then request that they begin their improvisation. The candidate should aim to perform a musically satisfying and balanced response. Candidates should repeat it on their instrument. Candidates should repeat the pitches on their instrument. Melodic Stimulus The examiner will give the candidate a copy of a series of written pitches and will play it through twice at a steady 16 . and then prepare and perform an improvisation using these pitches as the basis for the performance. Candidates should regard the note values and ranges given as the minimum that will be expected. and then prepare and perform a short improvisation based on this rhythm. A document giving example responses and guidance on expectations is available to download from the website www. harmonic & rhythmic creativity. until the improvisation reaches a natural conclusion. Bb. structure. G & B minor Grades 6. D.trinitycollege. Written Keys for Chordal Stimuli Initial–Grade 3 C. Marks are awarded for planning. candidates will be given 30 seconds’ preparation time to develop their response. 7 & 8 C. ‘instrumental resources’ implies the use of both hands. The candidate should then prepare and perform a short improvisation based on given chords. D. G major Grades 4 & 5 A. depending on length and speed. The phrase may be repeated several times. At Grades 6–8 this preparation time is extended to 60 seconds. The examiner will play this through twice at a steady tempo. melodic. using either chords or dividing the material between the hands. Eb and A major plus relative minors Up to Grade 5. Candidates must select any one of the following types of stimuli and identify their choice on the appointment slip: either or or melodic: based on a series of pitches rhythmic: based on a rhythmic idea chordal: based on a set of chord symbols. adding melodic material as appropriate. Rhythmic Stimulus The examiner will give the candidate a copy of an opening rhythm and then play it twice. G. but may extend these if they wish. appropriate length and use of instrumental 3 Grade 5 octave (simple chromaticism) semiquavers Grade 6 6 Grade 7 twelfth (chromatic) triplets Grade 8 7 * Tests may also include requirements from the preceding grade(s). minims 4-bar phrase major key I/V 2 bars per chord 4-bar phrase major key I/V 1 chord per bar 4-bar phrase major key I/IV/V 1 chord per bar 4-bar phrase major key I/IV/V/ii 1 chord per bar 4-bar phrase minor key I/IV/V 1 chord per bar 4-bar phrase minor key I/IV/V/vi 1 chord per bar 8-bar phrase major key I/ii/IV/V & 7ths 1 chord per bar 8–12 bar phrase major or minor key I/ii/III/iv/V/VI & 6ths/7ths 1 or 2 chords per bar 12–16 bar phrase major or minor key all chords 6ths/7ths/9ths & dim/aug simple suspensions 1 or 2 chords per bar Grade 1 3 notes — one step one leap — up to a 4th 4 notes — range up to a 5th quavers Grade 2 as above with dots Grade 3 5 notes — range up to a 6th as above with ties Grade 4 octave (diatonic) 2. Parameters for Improvisation tests Grade Melodic stimuli: max. range of given motif Rhythmic stimuli (cumulative*) Grade examinations Chordal stimuli (cumulative*) Initial 3 stepwise notes in 4 2 bars crotchets. 17 . and methods employed in. 2. Candidates should demonstrate their knowledge by reference to the printed score.  Comment on any significant. Grade 2 As for Grade 1. Questions will include discussions on most of the areas listed as relevant. double bass and other octave transposing instruments). minim) and durations of any notes in the pieces played.  Identify and explain p / f. in which the pieces played are written. Intervals may be asked from a lower to a higher note or vice versa. accidentals. 2. reed.  Identify and demonstrate an understanding of the keys (together with their relative major/minor). 4. sign or mark of expression. which must be free from annotation. note types (e. what is a Minuet? Why is this piece called ‘Squabble’?) Grade 1 1. 3. 3. including dotted notes and any leger lines. 3.  Pitch names. the context of their performance and knowledge of the instrument and its technical demands.  Questions about the titles of the pieces played (e.) and maintenance. interesting or unusual features.  The difference between sounding pitch of their instrument (transposing instruments only. 18 . bridge.  Identify clefs.  Very simple musical terms and signs in the pieces.Grade examinations Musical Knowledge (Initial–Grade 5 only) These questions test the candidate’s understanding of the pieces played. 2.  Be aware of appropriate basic posture when playing/singing. 4. etc.  Show an understanding of the reasons for. 3. Initial 1. tone holes. grace notes. time/key signatures and any common musical term/sign encountered.g. bar lines and key/time signatures. and additionally: 1. 2. pedals. ‘repeat’. ‘a second’ not ‘a minor second’). etc. stave. valves.g. and additionally: 1. 4.  Identify any common musical devices such as scale or arpeggio patterns. and durations of any notes (excluding those with leger lines except middle C). including descant recorder. f and p.g. ornaments. the instrumental or vocal warm up (of both instrument and performer). 4. Grade 3 As for previous grades. including the names of its main parts (e. phrase marks.  The numerical value (only) of any interval (within an octave) between any two successive notes (e.  The pitch names. such as U . including best practice for rehearsal and performance.  Identify and explain any metronome marks. 1st & 2nd time bars and staccato/legato. heads. Show a basic understanding of the instrument/voice.  Show an understanding of any term.g.  Clefs.  Comment on any particular technical or musical challenges encountered in the preparation of the pieces played. 4. Grade 5 As for previous grades. 2.  Identify/explain any main key encountered throughout the pieces played. though no detailed knowledge of modulatory processes will be expected. dominant and subdominant of the keys in which the pieces are written.g. 2. 3.  Show an understanding of the keys used in the pieces played. Baroque. ‘major second’ not ‘second’). 19 . Grade 4 As for previous grades. 3. Intervals may be asked from a lower to a higher note or vice versa.g. The full name of any interval (within an octave) between any two successive notes (e.  Comment upon any significant features of the musical style and period (e. including an understanding of modulations and a knowledge of tonic. Romantic). Grades 6–8 Musical Knowledge questions are not available at these grades. and additionally: 1.  Point out any interesting or noteworthy structural/formal aspects. and additionally: Grade examinations 1.  Name the tonic and the dominant (and the three notes of their triads) of any of the keys in which the pieces are written. 20 . The following pieces are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Initial 2012–2014 published by Trinity: Alexander Chwatal J Gruber U Gruber Hall Kabalevsky Keyworth Lockhart Macardle Sour Lemons! Little Playmates Sunshine [optional duet]* Kindergarten Blues The Secret Garden The Little Twins Alaskan Adventure April Shower Driving Force The following alternative pieces are also available: Composer Goedicke Kember Kendell Milne Salutrinskaya Piece Book Publisher Russian Dance More Classics to Moderns book 1 Yorktown YK20121 On the Run Starting Out Schott ED 12700 Thoughtful (from Moods) A Century of Piano Music Grades 1–4 Bosworth BOE005125 Flâneur [optional duet]* Very Easy Little Peppers Faber The Shepherd’s Tune More Classics to Moderns book 1 Yorktown YK20121 * The optional duet part (lower part) in Sunshine and Flâneur may be performed in the examination by the teacher.Piano — Initial Pieces (3 x 22 marks) Subject code: PNO Three pieces are to be played chosen from the lists below. Alternatively. another adult or another pupil. one piece only may be replaced by a solo piece of the candidate’s own choice (of similar length and standard to the others chosen) or by their own composition (see page 8). but may not be pre-recorded. The candidate will choose one exercise to play first. i) Scales — the examiner will select from the following: C major A minor (candidate’s choice of either harmonic or melodic or natural minor) mf legato one octave hands separately ii) Exercises — candidates to prepare 1a or 1b. Going Out to Play 3a. the examiner will then select one of the remaining two prepared exercises to be performed. When I Get Home for tone. First Thing This Morning or 1b. Super Smooth or 3b. The exercises are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Initial 2012–2014. Here and There or 2b. 1a. Out in the Sunshine 2a. and 3a or 3b (three exercises in all).Piano — Initial Technical Work (14 marks) All sections to be prepared. balance and voicing for co-ordination for finger & wrist strength and flexibility Supporting Tests (2 x 10 marks) Candidates to prepare two from: Sight Reading Aural Improvisation Musical Knowledge 21 . 2a or 2b. 98 no. L Mozart Czerny Wohlfahrt Trad. 22 . arr. Grades 1–2 Fugue IV Five Miniature Preludes and Fugues At Play with a Hoop More Classics to Moderns book 1 Minnie Mouse Hits Town! Up-Grade! Piano Grades 0–1 * First repeat to be played in the examination. 14 Allegretto Grazioso* Romantic Piano Anthology vol. The following pieces are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 1 2012–2014 published by Trinity: Telemann coll. Carroll Duncombe Grechaninov Gurlitt Last Rowley Satie Wedgwood Piece Book Publisher A&C Black Forsyth FCW01 Faber Schott ED 1100 Schott ED 12912 Forsyth FLJ05 Chester CH02270 Yorktown YK20121 Faber La Gamba Abracadabra Piano book 3 Raindrops The Countryside Fanfare Piano Progress book 2 The Little Traveller Children’s Book (Das Kinderbuch) op. Instead of one item. to form a balanced programme. 1 On the Trot Razzamajazz. candidates may offer their own composition (see page 8).Piano — Grade 1 Pieces (3 x 22 marks) Subject code: PNO Three pieces are to be freely chosen from the list below. Eben Barratt Hall/Drayton Milne Norton Gigue in G Menuett in F (from Notebook for Nannerl) Allegro in G Allegretto Our Old Stove is Bust Again Saturday Stomp The Very Vicious Velociraptor Cat’s Whiskers Walking Together The following alternative pieces are also available: Composer Anon. Piano — Grade 1 Technical Work (14 marks) All sections to be prepared. The exercises are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 1 2012–2014. 1a. Two at a Time 2a. Moving Out. Moving In for tone. i) Scales — the examiner will select from the following: F and G major D and E minor (candidate’s choice of either harmonic or melodic or natural minor) Chromatic scale in contrary motion starting on D ii) Broken Chords — the examiner will select from the following: F and G major D and E minor mf legato one octave hands separately hands separately mf legato one octave hands together                      iii) Exercises — candidates to prepare 1a or 1b. and 3a or 3b (three exercises in all) The candidate will choose one exercise to play first. Toast and Jam or 1b. balance and voicing for co-ordination for finger & wrist strength and flexibility Supporting Tests (2 x 10 marks) Candidates to prepare two from: Sight Reading Aural Improvisation Musical Knowledge 23 . 2a or 2b. Hill and Dale or 2b. Scherzo 3a. Up and Under or 3b. the examiner will then select one of the remaining two prepared exercises to be performed. Haydn Steibelt Tchaikovsky Lutosławski Plé DeHolt Chappell Menuet (from Suite quatrième pour le clavecin) Bourrée in D minor Scherzo (from Divertimento in F. vol. 118 Bartók Tramp’s Song Cornick Just Cruisin’ D’Indy Petite pièce Gurlitt Allegro non troppo Harris Hopscotch Neefe Canzonet Nevada Wenn Paris träumt Spindler Song Without Words Book Notebook for Anna Magdalena Young People at the Piano. to form a balanced programme. XVI/9) Andante Mazurka (from Album for the Young op. 42 Easy Blue Piano Romantic Piano Anthology vol. 1 Publisher Any reliable edition EMB ZO987 Universal UE 21260 Schott ED 12912 Alfred 00-6666 Faber Faber Schott ED 9048 Schott ED 12912 24 . Instead of one item. 1 Masterpieces with Flair book 1 Fingerprints — Piano Grades 1–4 Piano Progress book 2 Nacht und Traume Romantic Piano Anthology vol. 39) Gaik (Mayday Dance) (from Melodie Ludowe) Petit Mystère Summer Swing Fanfare for the Common Cold The following alternative pieces are also available: Composer Piece Anon. freely chosen from the list below. Menuet in Bb BWV Anh. The following pieces are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 2 2012–2014 published by Trinity: Mattheson Anon. Hob. 1 Sz. candidates may offer their own composition (see page 8).Piano — Grade 2 Pieces (3 x 22 marks) Subject code: PNO Three pieces are to be played. Contrasts in Touch or 2b. 2a or 2b. The Manatee Parade 2a.Piano — Grade 2 Technical Work (14 marks) All sections to be prepared. Weird Waltz or 1b. and 3a or 3b (three exercises in all) The candidate will choose one exercise to play first. The exercises are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 2 2012–2014. Leading with the Right or 3b. balance and voicing for co-ordination for finger & wrist strength and flexibility Supporting Tests (2 x 10 marks) Candidates to prepare two from: Sight Reading Aural Improvisation Musical Knowledge 25 . Chinese Dragons for tone. Rag Doll 3a. 1a. i) Scales — the examiner will select from the following: Bb and D major G and B minor (candidate’s choice of either harmonic or melodic minor) Chromatic scale in similar motion starting on Bb ii) Arpeggios — the examiner will select from the following: Bb and D major G and B minor mf legato two octaves hands separately f or p legato two octaves hands together iii) Exercises — candidates to prepare 1a or 1b. the examiner will then select one of the remaining two prepared exercises to be performed. Instead of one item. 119 no. candidates may offer their own composition (see page 8). 2* Rodrigo Canción del Hada Rubia Zilcher Wiegenlied Zipoli Versi (Fugetten) 1 Romantic Piano Anthology vol. 26 . 1 of Six Secret Songs Mayer Marche Miniature Monn Minuet Oesten Polka-Mazurka op. The following pieces are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 3 2012–2014 published by Trinity: Anon. K.Piano — Grade 3 Pieces (3 x 22 marks) Subject code: PNO Three pieces are to be played. 155 no. 17) Song of Twilight Jazzy Joey The following alternative pieces are also available: Composer Piece Book Publisher Bortkiewicz Through the Desert Grechaninov Nurse’s Tale op. 100 no. freely chosen from the list below. to form a balanced programme. 3 Romance Requiem for a Little Bird Bange Frage (Anxious Question) (no. Handel Mozart Burgmüller Mendelssohn Sandré Reger Nakada Rollin Polonaise BWV Anh. 1 Schott ED 12912 Das Grossvaterbuch (The Grandfather’s Album) Schott ED 1467 A Century of Piano Music Grades 1–4 Bosworth BOE005125 The Joy of Romantic Piano book 1 Yorktown YK21145 Little Piano Book: The Age of J S Bach Peters EP 4452 Sonatinen — Preparatory Sonatina Album Peters EP 3195 El Album de Cecilia Para Piano UMP 18876 Nacht und Traume Schott ED 9048 Little Piano Book: Masters Before J S Bach Peters EP 4451 * Play da capo repeat and the F major section repeat in the examination. 128 (from Notebook for Anna Magdalena) Sonatina HWV 585 Menuett in F. 8 Maxwell Davies No. 8 from Aus der Jugendzeit op. 5 Pastorale op. i) Scales — the examiner will select from the following: Eb and A major C and F# minor (candidate’s choice of either harmonic or melodic minor) Eb major contrary motion scale ii) Arpeggios — the examiner will select from the following: Eb and A major C and F# minor mf legato two octaves hands separately f or p legato two octaves hands together iii) Exercises — candidates to prepare 1a or 1b. the examiner will then select one of the remaining two prepared exercises to be performed. Up Hill and Down 3a. Mountain Mists or 2b. A Little Off-beat 2a.Piano — Grade 3 Technical Work (14 marks) All sections to be prepared. The exercises are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 3 2012–2014. 1a. balance and voicing for co-ordination for finger & wrist strength and flexibility Supporting Tests (2 x 10 marks) Candidates to prepare two from: Sight Reading Aural Improvisation Musical Knowledge 27 . Over and Under or 3b. 2a or 2b. Keeping One’s Balance or 1b. and 3a or 3b (three exercises in all) The candidate will choose one exercise to play first. Nimble Jack for tone. Instead of one item. 11 from Album for the Young op. Group A The following pieces are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 4 2012–2014 published by Trinity: Handel Beethoven Kuhlau Yuyama Allemande in A minor. 47 Peters EP 3563 Ragtime: 15 Pieces for Piano Solo Schott ED 12890 The Age of J S Bach — Intermediate Piano Book Peters EP 4452 Is it Still Raining? Hunt HE71 Sonatinen — Album for Piano band 2 Bärenreiter BA 6549 Group B The following pieces are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 4 2012–2014 published by Trinity: Mozart Schumann Kabalevsky Bullard Hammond Solfeggio in F. op. 1 25 Studies for Rhythm & Expression op. op. 68) A Sad Story (no. 393 (385b) no. 2) Kaki-no-Tane The following alternative pieces are also available: Composer Piece Book Publisher Heller Etude no. at least one from each group. 55 no. Anh 5) Allegretto (from Sonatina in G. to form a balanced programme. candidates may offer their own composition (see page 8). 7 Kember Louisiana Two-Step Nichelmann Allegro for Clavier Taggart Smile Voˇ ríšek Rondo in G. 3 28 . 2 Sicilienne (no.Piano — Grade 4 Pieces (3 x 22 marks) Subject code: PNO Three pieces are to be played. 3 Romantic Piano Anthology vol. HWV 478 Rondo (2nd movt from Sonatina in F. 6 from Thirty Pieces for Children op. 27) Tapping Heels Never Too Late The following alternative pieces are also available: Composer Benda Norton Pärt Wolf Piece Book Publisher Peters EP 54453 Boosey M060120497 Universal UE 33363 Schott ED 12914 Sonatina in G: The Classical Period Un poco allegretto (Intermediate Piano Book) Early Evening Microswing Für Anna Maria Schlummerlied no. K. 18 no. 1a. the examiner will then select one of the remaining two prepared exercises to be performed. 2a or 2b. and 3a or 3b (three exercises in all) The candidate will choose one exercise to play first. i) Scales — the examiner will select from the following: Ab and E major F and C# minor (candidate’s choice of either harmonic or melodic minor) Ab major contrary motion scale Chromatic scales in similar motion starting on Ab. balance and voicing for co-ordination for finger & wrist strength and flexibility Supporting Tests (2 x 10 marks) Candidates to prepare two from: Sight Reading Aural Improvisation Musical Knowledge 29 . Scuttlebugs 3a.Piano — Grade 4 Technical Work (14 marks) All sections to be prepared. Moving In Closer for tone. Floating High. C. E and F ii) Arpeggios — the examiner will select from the following: Ab and E major F and C# minor f or p legato two octaves hands separately f or p legato or staccato two octaves hands together iii) Exercises — candidates to prepare 1a or 1b. The exercises are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 4 2012–2014. Fun and Games or 1b. Sinking Low or 2b. Solemn Melody 2a. Open Spaces or 3b. Soldadinho) (from Scenas Infantis (Memories of Childhood)) The following alternative pieces are also available: Composer Piece Book Publisher J S Bach Prelude in D minor. BWV 935 J S Bach — Little Preludes (no. XVI/1) Bagatelle in G minor. 2 of Fünf Lieder ohne Worte) and Grown-ups op. 1 March. Group A The following pieces are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 5 2012–2014 published by Trinity: Purcell Arne Haydn Beethoven Pinto Prelude (from Suite in C. Z. little soldier! (Marcha. 3 from Sechs Kleine Präludien) and Fugues Wiener UT 50041 Heller Sanfter Vorwurf (Gentle Reproach). Hob. op. Music Book For Small Folks (no. 3 Shostakovich Gavotte Tchaikovsky Süße Träumerei (Sweet Reverie) A Century of Piano Music Grades 1–4 Bosworth BOE005125 American Piano Repertoire level 1 Faber 978-0-571-52078-7 Dances of the Dolls Boosey BH 2407 Kinderalbum op.Piano — Grade 5 Pieces (3 x 22 marks) Subject code: PNO Three pieces are to be played. to form a balanced programme. 666) Minuet with Variations (from Sonata VIII) Allegro (1st movt from Sonata in C. 3 from Night Thoughts) The following alternative pieces are also available: Composer Piece Book Publisher R R Bennett Two Turtle-Doves MacDowell Summer Song op. 571 Zachau Vom Himmel hoch. da komm ich her Little Piano Book: Masters Before J S Bach Peters EP 4451 Group B The following pieces are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 5 2012–2014 published by Trinity: Debussy Cornick Milne Nickol Page d’album Last Summer Vendetta Slink (no. 138 book 1 Universal UE 3516 McCabe Sports Car Afternoons and Afterwards Novello NOV100246 Pleyel 2nd movt: Adagio 2 Sonatas Doblinger DM 1410 from Sonata I B. Instead of one item. candidates may offer their own composition (see page 8). 119 no. 7 no. at least one from each group. 39 Wiener UT 50134 30 . balance and voicing for co-ordination for finger & wrist strength and flexibility f or p legato or staccato two octaves hands together legato or staccato hands together f or p two octaves Supporting Tests (2 x 10 marks) Candidates to prepare two from: Sight Reading Aural Improvisation Musical Knowledge 31 . Fun and Games for tone. Aperto 3a. and 3a or 3b (three exercises in all) The candidate will choose one exercise to play first. Run and Jump 2a. Loops and Leaps or 1b. the examiner will then select one of the remaining two prepared exercises to be performed. 2a or 2b. The exercises are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 5 2012–2014.Piano — Grade 5 Technical Work (14 marks) All sections to be prepared. i) Scales — the examiner will select from the following: Db and B major Bb and G# minor (candidate’s choice of either harmonic or melodic minor) G harmonic minor contrary motion scale ii) Arpeggios — the examiner will select from the following: Db and B major Bb and G# minor Diminished 7th starting on B iii) Exercises — candidates to prepare 1a or 1b. Espressivo or 2b. Lament or 3b. 1a. 8 (from 24 Preludes and Fugues op. at least one from each group. Instead of one item. 1 Henle HN 152 No. Hob. 2 (from Five Preludes) Dreamy The following alternative pieces are also available: Composer Debussy Glass Kabalevsky Peters Scriabin Piece Jimbo’s Lullaby Metamorphosis One Cavalryman Wheeler Dealer Prelude in E. 3 Stamping Dance (from Mikrokosmos vol. 10 no. 1 of Moments musicaux op. 94 D. Group A The following pieces are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 6 2012–2014 published by Trinity: C P E Bach Dussek Beethoven Raff Allegro di molto (1st movt from Sonata in F minor. 32 . op. XVI/35 Selected Piano Sonatas vol. 2* Waltzes op. to form a balanced programme. BWV 784 BWV 772–786 Wiener UT 50254 Waltz in E. 87) Prelude no. 39 Henle HN 42 3rd movt: Finale from Sonata in C. 9 Book Publisher Children’s Corner Bärenreiter BA 8767 Solo Piano Chester DU 10527 Thirty Pieces for Children op. Wq. 6) Menuetto and Trio (3rd movt from Sonata in D. 39 no.Piano — Grade 6 Pieces (3 x 22 marks) Subject code: PNO Three pieces are to be played. 41 no. 63/6) Allegro (1st movt from Sonatina op. 780 Impromptus and Moments musicaux Henle HN 4 Group B The following pieces are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 6 2012–2014 published by Trinity: Dohnányi Bartók Shostakovich Headington Bonsor Canzonetta op. 13 Two-Part Inventions in A minor. op. 27 Boosey M060113291 Ragtime Preludes Boosey BH 101592 Scriabin: Selected Works for Piano Schott ED 7523 * Repeats should be played in the examination. op. 11 no. 20 no. candidates may offer their own composition (see page 8). 5 SZ107) Prelude no. 2 The following alternative pieces are also available: Composer J S Bach Brahms Haydn Schubert Piece Book Publisher Two-part Invention no. 3) Romance op. and 3a or 3b (three exercises in all) The candidate will choose one exercise to play first.Piano — Grade 6 Technical Work (14 marks) All sections to be prepared. Three with Four 2a. balance and voicing for co-ordination for finger & wrist strength and flexibility legato or staccato four octaves hands together f or mf or p Supporting Tests (2 x 10 marks) Candidates to prepare i) and ii) i) Sight Reading ii) Aural or Improvisation 33 . Three-part Invention for tone. A Sad Waltz or 1b. 1a. The exercises are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 6 2012–2014. Off the Scale! or 3b. the examiner will then select one of the remaining two prepared exercises to be performed. A Neat Idea or 2b. i) Scales — the examiner will select from the following: Bb and D major Bb and D harmonic and melodic minor Chromatic scale in similar motion starting on Bb and D C major scale in 3rds f or mf or p legato or staccato four octaves hands together legato only one octave hands separately ii) Arpeggios — the examiner will select from the following: Bb and D major Bb and D minor Diminished 7th starting on Bb and D Dominant 7th in the key of Bb and D Dominant 7th starting on Bb and D iii) Exercises — candidates to prepare 1a or 1b. A Suite Idea 3a. 2a or 2b. 2nd movt: Andante Kind im Einschlummern Kinderscenen op. Group A The following pieces are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 7 2012–2014 published by Trinity: J S Bach Soler Hummel Mendelssohn Courante (from English Suite no. 1st movt: Allegro Piano Sonatas vol. 1 The following alternative pieces are also available: Composer Ibert Mozart Paradies Schubert Schumann Piece Book Publisher Leduc AL 16512 Henle HN 1 Banks IT250 Wiener UT 50196 Henle HN 44 La cage de cristal Histoires Sonata no. candidates may offer their own composition (see page 8). 283. BWV 807) Sonata in F. to form a balanced programme. 664. 8 Adagio and Allegro vivace (from Caprice op. no. 49) Song Without Words op. 22) Boosey BH 101359 Scott Water-Wagtail A Century of Piano Music Grades 5–7 Bosworth BOE005126 34 . 15 Group B The following pieces are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 7 2012–2014 published by Trinity: Ravel Poulenc Copland Henze Paynter Assez lent. 2 (from Valses nobles et sentimentales) Assez modéré. 10 (from Visions Fugitives op. 2 in A minor. 1 Giga in Bb Sonata in A. no. 1 (from Trois mouvements perpétuels) Sentimental Melody (Slow Dance) Ballade. K. 1 (from 6 Pieces for Young Pianists) Melting The following alternative pieces are also available: Composer Piece Book Publisher McGuire No. 5 of 5 Miniature Pieces A Century of Piano Music Grades 5–7 Bosworth BOE005126 Milne Wild Mushrooms Pepperbox Jazz book 2 Faber Prokofiev No. 120 D. at least one from each group. Instead of one item. op. R. 19b no. 5 in G.Piano — Grade 7 Pieces (3 x 22 marks) Subject code: PNO Three pieces are to be played. no. balance and voicing for co-ordination for finger & wrist strength and flexibility f or mf or p or crescendo/ diminuendo (p—f—p) legato or staccato four octaves hands together f or mf or p or crescendo/ diminuendo (p—f—p) four octaves hands together legato or staccato two octaves hands separately Supporting Tests (2 x 10 marks) Candidates to prepare i) and ii) i) Sight Reading ii) Aural or Improvisation 35 . the examiner will then select one of the remaining two prepared exercises to be performed. Con bravura for tone.Piano — Grade 7 Technical Work (14 marks) All sections to be prepared. i) Scales — the examiner will select from the following: Ab and E major G# and E harmonic and melodic minor Chromatic scale in similar motion a minor 3rd apart. 1a. A Russian Song or 1b. The exercises are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 7 2012–2014. and 3a or 3b (three exercises in all) The candidate will choose one exercise to play first. Basso espressivo 3a. starting on C and Eb E major scale in 3rds ii) Arpeggios — the examiner will select from the following: Ab and E major G# and E minor Diminished 7th starting on Ab and E Dominant 7th in the key of Ab and E Dominant 7th starting on Ab and E iii) Exercises — candidates to prepare 1a or 1b. Song of Sadness 2a. A Heavy Heart or 3b. 2a or 2b. Basso sostenuto or 2b. 119 no. 54) Bird’s Tale (from Romantic Sketches for the Young op. BWV 876 The Well-tempered Clavier book 2 Sonata in F. 5: Etwas rasch and 6: Sehr langsam Sechs Kleine Klavierstücke op.Piano — Grade 8 Pieces (3 x 22 marks) Subject code: PNO Three pieces are to be played. op. Group A The following pieces are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 8 2012–2014 published by Trinity: Handel Clementi Schumann Brahms Air and Variations in E (The Harmonious Blacksmith). 3: Sehr langsam. 2. 3 The following alternative pieces are also available: Composer J S Bach Beethoven Chopin Haydn Tchaikovsky Piece Book Publisher Any reliable edition Schott ED 0215 Henle HN 131 Henle HN 152 Henle HN 616 Prelude & Fugue in Eb. 2 Intermezzo op. Selection vol. candidates may offer their own composition (see page 8). 25 no. 1 [Fontana’s version] Waltzes Sonata in D. 1 June: Barcarolle The Seasons op. op. 1 from Two Pieces op. 1st movt: Allegro con brio Piano Sonatas. to form a balanced programme. 5 from Danzas españolas) Album for Piano Praeludium Ludus tonalis Fig Leaf Rag Complete Rags Nos. 54) La colombe (The Dove) (no. op. at least one from each group. 10 no. 1 The following alternative pieces are also available: Composer Granados Hindemith Joplin Schoenberg Piece Book Publisher Schirmer GS82219 Schott ED 3964 Schirmer GS82729 Andaluza (no. 37 bis Group B The following pieces are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 8 2012–2014 published by Trinity: Beach Medtner Messiaen Dring Rorem Scottish Legend (no. 19 Universal UE 5069 36 . op. XVI/37. 5) Romance in F#. 1st movt: Allegro Valse in Ab posth. Hob. Instead of one item. 28 no. 69 no. 1 from Préludes) Blue Air (from Colour Suite) Barcarolle no. HWV 430 Più tosto allegro con espressione (1st movt from Sonata in F# minor. balance and voicing f or mf or p or crescendo/ diminuendo (p—f—p) legato or staccato four octaves hands together f or mf or p or crescendo/ diminuendo (p—f—p) four octaves hands together legato or staccato two octaves hands separately for co-ordination for finger & wrist strength and flexibility Supporting Tests (2 x 10 marks) Candidates to prepare i) and ii) i) Sight Reading ii) Aural or Improvisation 37 . Eb and B Dominant 7th in the key of F#. Uncompromising for tone. Which way is up? I don’t know! or 1b. Deliberato or 2b. Eb and B minor Diminished 7th starting on F#. the examiner will then select one of the remaining two prepared exercises to be performed.Piano — Grade 8 Technical Work (14 marks) All sections to be prepared. Eb and B major F#. Eb and B major F#. and 3a or 3b (three exercises in all) The candidate will choose one exercise to play first. Follow My Leader 3a. i) Scales — the examiner will select from the following: F#. Eb and B harmonic and melodic minor Chromatic scale in similar motion starting on F#. Eb and B Dominant 7th starting on Eb and B iii) Exercises — candidates to prepare 1a or 1b. 1a. Song of Love 2a. Eb and B B major scale in 3rds B melodic minor scale in 3rds ii) Arpeggios — the examiner will select from the following: F#. The exercises are contained in the book Piano Pieces & Exercises Grade 8 2012–2014. 2a or 2b. Strides or 3b. 8) (from Violin Sonatas op. Bent & O’Neill Allegro Bärenreiter BA 5118 Wiener UT50236 Schott ED 11963 Cello Le Fleming Norton Air (from Air and Dance) Rough Justice (from Microjazz cello collection 2) 2nd movt: Siciliano (from Sonata no. 2 in Eb. (in A) Violin Dvor ˇák 2nd movt: Larghetto (from Sonatina in G. 5 no. 2 (from Edward Elgar: Chanson De Matin and Chanson De Nuit) Shostakovich arr. Kagen Chanson d’amour (from 30 Songs) IMC 1601/2/1131 Schubert Du bist die Ruh (from Schubert Lieder vol. Fraser Romance (from The Gadfly op. BWV 1031) (from Flute Sonatas vol. one from each group. 2 of 5 Dance Preludes Trinity Chester CH 55171 Group B Voice Fauré ed. 15 no. 5 vol. (in G). Group A Voice Arne Pergolesi Purcell Piece When Daisies Pied (from Selected Songs) Se tu m’ami (from 24 Italian Songs and Arias) Music for a While (from 15 Songs and Airs Set 2) Publisher Cramer 90142 Schirmer GS26114 Novello NOV170266 Violin J S Bach 3rd movt: Andante (from Sonata no. 5 — high voice) Bärenreiter BA 7008 Vaughan Williams Linden Lea (available in F. BWV 1014) (from Six Sonatas BWV 1014–1019 vol. op. It is the candidate’s responsibility to provide (and prepare with) the soloist(s) for the pieces in Groups A and B. op. 1) Corelli 2nd movt: Allegro (from Sonata in E minor. G or A) Boosey M060028434 (in F). 1) Busy Lizzie (from Woodwind World Flute book 4) Prelude (from Suite Antique) Chester CH 56275 Boosey M060111136 Flute J S Bach Cowles Rutter Peters EP4461AA Trinity OUP 978-0-19-358691-8 Clarinet Druschetzky Lutosławski Allegro (from Woodwind World Clarinet book 3) No.Piano Accompanying — Grade 5 Pieces (3 x 22 marks) Subject code: PAC Three pieces are to be played. 100) Elgar Chanson de matin op. 97) Peters EP 9363 Novello NOV120431R Fentone F 399-401 Cello Squire Trowell 38 Romance Meditation (from 12 Morceaux faciles) Stainer 2284 Schott 11212 . 1 in B minor. 1) Fiocco arr. 23) Daydreams (from Woodwind World Clarinet book 4) Trinity OUP 978-0-19-358691-8 Boosey M060030253 Trinity Clarinet Finzi Harris Group C Bizet Fauré Vivaldi Entr’acte (from Piano Plus) Agnus Dei (from Piano Plus) Propter magnam gloriam (from Gloria) (from Piano Plus) Trinity Trinity Trinity Technical Work (14 marks) Candidate to prepare: Extracts — set for Grade 5 from Trinity’s Piano Plus 2 Supporting Tests (2 x 10 marks) Candidates to prepare two from: Sight Reading Aural Improvisation Musical Knowledge 39 .Piano Accompanying — Grade 5 Flute Cowles Rutter Meadow-Sweet (from Woodwind World Flute book 3) Chanson (from Suite Antique) Carol (from Five Bagatelles op. Group A Voice Caldara Fauré ed. Kagen Head Schubert Après un rêve (from 30 Songs) Sweet Chance That Led My Steps Abroad An die Musik IMC 1601/2/1131 Boosey Any reliable edition Violin Elgar Elgar Fauré Chanson de nuit op. It is the candidate’s responsibility to provide (and prepare with) the soloist(s) for the pieces in Groups A and B.167 ) Chester CH 55171 Durand DF01006300 Group B Voice Fauré ed. 167) (from Sonata for Clarinet in Eb. 5 no. 78 Novello NOV120431R Schott ED 11174-02 Peters EP 7386 Cello Elgar Fauré Fauré arr. one from each group. 1 from 5 Dance Preludes 2nd movt: Allegro animato (from Sonata op. 1 Novello NOV120943 [archive] Sicilienne op. Sicilienne op. 24. Kagen Rutter Piece Sebben crudele (from 24 Italian Songs and Arias) Claire de lune (from 30 Songs) All Things Bright and Beautiful Publisher Schirmer GS 26114 IMC 1601/2/1131 OUP 978-0-19-342062-5 Violin J S Bach Corelli 4th movt from Sonata no. 7) Bärenreiter BA 5118 Stainer 7406A Cello Le Fleming Vivaldi Dance (from Air and Dance) Any Allegro movement from any of the 6 Sonatas for cello 4th movt: Allegro (from Sonata in F. op. 78 (from Elégie op. 1) 4th movt: Giga — Allegro (from Sonata in D minor. HWV 369) (from Eleven Sonatas for Flute & Basso Continuo) Waltz (from Suite Antique) Chester CH 56275 Schott 4927 Flute Handel Rutter Bärenreiter BA 4225 OUP 978-0-19-358691-8 Clarinet Lutosławski Saint-Saëns No. BWV 1014 (from Six Sonatas BWV 1014–1019. vol. Casals Chanson de nuit op. op. 15 no. 15 no. 1 in B minor. 78) Peters EP 7385 Après un rêve IMC 540 40 . 1 (from Edward Elgar: Chanson de matin and Chanson de nuit) Salut d’amour Sicilienne op.Piano Accompanying — Grade 6 Pieces (3 x 22 marks) Subject code: PAC Three pieces are to be played. Buesser Sicilienne op. 116) Mower The Great Outside (from Landscapes) Chester CH 55156 Chester CH55136 Itchy Fingers IFP 034 any reliable edition Weinberger JW 485 Clarinet Mozart Reade 2nd movt from Concerto in A.Piano Accompanying — Grade 6 Flute Fauré ed. 622 Prelude (from The Victorian Kitchen Garden Suite) Group C Borodin Handel Haydn Polovtsian Dance (no. 78 Godard Idylle (from Suite de trois morceaux op. K. 17 from Prince Igor) (from Piano Plus) And with His Stripes we are Healed (from Messiah) (from Piano Plus) Come gentle spring (from The Seasons) (from Piano Plus) Trinity Trinity Trinity Technical Work (14 marks) Candidate to prepare: Extracts — set for Grade 6 from Trinity’s Piano Plus 2 Supporting Tests (2 x 10 marks) Candidates to prepare i) and ii) i) Sight Reading ii) Aural or Improvisation 41 . one from each group. 1 from Summer Music) 2nd movt: Allegro (from Sonata in E minor. 301) Peters EP 7579a Cello Berkeley Andantino op. 16 The Swan (from Carnival of the Animals) Hamelle AL 26499/HA 09060 Durand DF00376700 42 . 73) Boosey 9790060038617 Henle HN 416 Group B Voice Chausson Elgar Fauré Schumann Le Colibri IMC IMC 1130/31 Is She Not Passing Fair? (from New Imperial Edition of Tenor Songs) Boosey Ici-bas IMC Der Nussbaum Peters EP 8160a/b/c Violin Kreisler Liebeslied Massenet trans. Marsick Méditation Schott BSS 29029 UMP Cello Fauré Saint-Saëns Berceuse op. K. 43) Hansen WH03537 2nd movt: Allegro (from Sonata no. HWV 359b) (from Eleven Sonatas for Flute) Novello NOV120560 Bärenreiter BA 4225 Clarinet Mozart arr. 581) No. 1: Zart und mit Ausdruck (from Fantasiestücke op. 2a Stravinsky arr. It is the candidate’s responsibility to provide (and prepare with) the soloist(s) for the pieces in Groups A and B.Piano Accompanying — Grade 7 Pieces (3 x 22 marks) Subject code: PAC Three pieces are to be played. Group A Voice Berlioz Gurney Schubert Sullivan Piece Villanelle (from Les nuits d’été) Desire in Spring (from 20 Favourite Songs) Im Frühling (from Singer’s World book 4: high) Orpheus with his Lute Publisher Bärenreiter BA 5784-90 OUP Trinity Boosey [archive] Violin Gade Handel Mozart Second Fantasy Piece (Allegro Vivace) (from Fantasy Pieces op. 21 no. Markevich Russian Maiden’s Song Chester CH 00945 Boosey M060027017 Flute R R Bennett Handel Allegro Tranquillo (no. K. 4 in D. HWV 371) Peters EP 2475b 2nd movt: Allegretto (from Sonata in G. Hyde Schumann 2nd movt: Larghetto (from Clarinet Quintet in A. Piano Accompanying — Grade 7 Flute Arrieu Roussel 1st movt: Sonatine Krishna (from Joueurs de Flûte op. 167) Amphion A126 Broekmans 1573 Novello NOV120541 Durand 1006300 Clarinet Horovitz Saint-Saëns Group C J S Bach Bizet Verdi Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder (from St Matthew Passion) (from Piano Plus) Trinity Entr’acte (no. 27) 2nd movt: Sonatina 1st movt: Allegretto (from Sonata op. 24: Allegro vivo from Carmen) (from Piano Plus) Trinity Va pensiero (Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves from Nabucco) (from Piano Plus) Trinity Technical Work (14 marks) Candidate to prepare: Extracts — set for Grade 7 from Trinity’s Piano Plus 2 Supporting Tests (2 x 10 marks) Candidates to prepare i) and ii) i) Sight Reading ii) Aural or Improvisation 43 . BWV 1041) Fourth Fantasy Piece (Allegro molto vivace) (from Fantasy Pieces op. BWV 1016) (from Six Sonatas BWV 1014–1019 vol. 1) 1st movt: Allegro ritmico (from Sonatina) Peters EP4461AA Peters EP4461AA OUP Clarinet Gade Lutosławski Poulenc Fourth Fantasy Piece (Allegro molto vivace) (from Fantasy Pieces op. op. 304) (from Violin Sonatas vol. 1 in B minor. 3 (from 5 Dance Preludes) 1st movt: Allegro con fuoco (from Sonata for Clarinet and Piano) Hansen WH 03537 Chester CH 55171 Chester CH 70972 Group B Voice Elgar Howells Rachmaninov Schumann The Shepherd’s Song (from Seven Lieder) Come Sing and Dance Vocalise op. 1) 1st movt: Allegro (from Concerto in A minor. 43) no. 3 in E. 109 Shostakovich 2nd movt: Allegro (from Sonata in D minor. It is the candidate’s responsibility to provide (and prepare with) the soloist(s) for the pieces in Groups A and B. 34 no. op. K. 40) Stainer R2247 Peters EP4748 Flute J S Bach J S Bach Mathias 1st movt: Allegro moderato (from Sonata no. 43) 2nd movt: Minuetto (from Sonata in E minor. 1) 3rd movt: Presto (from Sonata no. 2 in Eb BWV 1031) (from Flute Sonatas vol.Piano Accompanying — Grade 8 Pieces (3 x 22 marks) Subject code: PAC Three pieces are to be played. 14 Widmung Any reliable edition OUP Boosey M060022289 Any reliable edition 44 . 1) 1st movt from Sonatina in D. 137 no. 1 Bärenreiter BA 5118 Bärenreiter BA 5189-90 Hansen WH 03537 Peters EP 7579a Stainer 35592 Cello Mendelssohn Song Without words op. Group A Voice Armstrong Gibbs Purcell Quilter Schubert Schubert Piece Publisher Five Eyes Hark hark! the Echoing Air Love’s Philosophy Der Musensohn (from Selected Songs) Die Forelle (from Selected Songs) Boosey Novello NOV952908 [archive] Boosey Any reliable edition Any reliable edition Violin J S Bach J S Bach Gade Mozart Schubert 4th movt: Allegro (from Sonata no. one from each group. BWV 1030) (from Flute Sonatas vol. 2 in Eb) (from Sonatas op. 34 no. 43) Boosey M060112027 Stainer R10020 Flute Gaubert Poulenc Madrigal 1st movt: Allegretto malincolico (from Sonata) Enoch UNI14224 Chester CH01605 Clarinet Brahms Brahms Schumann 3rd movt: Allegretto grazioso (from Sonata no. 14 Peters EP 9363 Peters EP 1731 Boosey M060112010 Cello Rachmaninov Vocalise op. 120) 3rd movt: Andante con moto (from Sonata no. 73) Peters EP 3896W Peters EP 3896W Henle HN 416 Group C Beethoven Brahms Gershwin Ode to Joy (chorus from Symphony no. 9 in D minor from Piano Plus) How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place (from Ein Deutsches Requiem) (from Piano Plus) Bess. 2: Lebhaft. op. 64 Rachmaninov Vocalise op. leicht (from Fantasiestücke op.Piano Accompanying — Grade 8 Violin Dvor ˇák 4th movt from Sonatina in G. 1 in F minor) (from Sonatas op. 14 Saint-Saëns Allegro appassionato (from Allegro Apassionato op. 100 Mendelssohn 2nd movt from Concerto in E minor. 120) [without Allegro section] No. You Is My Woman Now (duet from Porgy and Bess) (from Piano Plus) Trinity Trinity Trinity Technical Work (14 marks) Candidate to prepare: Extracts — set for Grade 8 from Trinity’s Piano Plus 2 Supporting Tests (2 x 10 marks) Candidates to prepare i) and ii) i) Sight Reading ii) Aural or Improvisation 45 . 34 no. op. including Piano Six Hands & Ensembles Full details of Certificate examinations.Certificate examinations — Piano Solo. pedalling): ‘Me and the Instrument’.uk/CertificateExams Structure Foundation Intermediate Advanced Performance of Pieces of a set duration Presentation Skills (Technical Work and Supporting Tests are not applicable) Marking The marks available for all Certificate examinations are as follows: Component Performance Presentation Skills Pass marks 54 6 Maximum marks 90 10 Total 60 100 Pass is awarded at 60 marks and Distinction at 80. · Communication & Interpretation (30 marks): How well the candidate interprets the music. · Technical Facility (30 marks): Instrumental control and the ability to draw the most from the instrument (e. · Notational Accuracy & Fluency (30 marks): How well the notes are prepared and realised: ‘Me and the Music’. The accuracy of the timing of the programme. Piano Duet. personal presentation and comportment. Ranging from a brief description of each piece at Foundation to an extended and more insightful piece for Advanced. · Programme Notes (4 marks) Researched notes to increase the listener’s appreciation and understanding of the performance. tone colour. engages the audience and conveys a sense of the context of the music they are playing: ‘Me and the Audience’. based on the holistic performance. 46 .trinitycollege. are available on the Trinity website www.g. · Presentation Skills (2 marks) Presentation of the performance to the listener. The mark out of 90 is made up of three component marks. The mark out of 10 for Presentation Skills is split into 3 sections: · Programme Planning (4 marks) The effectiveness and overall balance of the pieces played and the way in which they show different facets of the candidate’s abilities. articulation. including repertoire descriptors and regulations. either by Trinity’s London office or by individual examiners. Certificate examination Foundation Intermediate Advanced Programme duration* Examination duration (minutes) (minutes) 8–10 15–20 25–30 13 23 33 * This time limit refers to the total duration of all the pieces performed. A candidate’s own composition(s) may also be included. Candidates are strongly advised to refer to the lists of indicative repertoire and the repertoire descriptors for each Certificate examination level which are available on the website. an Intermediate Certificate examination programme totalling 15 minutes may contain up to five minutes of own-choice repertoire). page 7) Each examination requires a performance of pieces in accordance with a set time duration. Certificate examination Foundation Intermediate Advanced Approximate Grade equivalent Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 8 There is no facility for pre-approval of any own-choice repertoire. including breaks between movements but does not include: · arrival/departure time · setting up · tuning · breaks or pauses between items. Each member will receive a certificate if the examination is passed. from which the entire programme may be freely selected are provided on pages 54–59. 47 . More than one item must be presented. Own-choice repertoire Candidates are permitted to make their own selections of repertoire taking up to one third (in time) of the recital programme (e. including drawn from current or past Grade syllabuses of any accredited board which relate to each Certificate level as indicated below.Certificate examinations For Piano Duet and Piano Six Hands examinations one written report will be issued for each ensemble. Repertoire (See also Pieces. Repertoire lists. rather than a specific number of pieces to be performed. These own-choice pieces may be taken from any source.g. All own-choice repertoire must be of a similar level of technical and musical demand as the pieces on the list. Certificate examinations Presentation Skills Programme notes should be formatted in a similar way to those used for public recitals. This work must be the candidate’s own. within the confines of the regulatory timings. a folded A4 (A5). The examiner will then let the programme flow. e. They may be in a language other than English. though a translation to English should also be provided. The translation need not be the candidate’s own work. The content should range from a brief description of each piece for Foundation Certificate to a more extended and insightful piece of work for Advanced.g. without comments between pieces to allow the candidate to proceed at their own rate. showing evidence of personal creativity and input and must include timings for each piece. 48 . Programme notes should be presented to the examiner at the beginning of the examination. typed or word-processed document. there is no restriction on the nature or size of ensembles. Repertoire No repertoire lists are provided. for which a syllabus already exists. Each member will receive a certificate if the examination is passed. Each part may be played by one player. except in cases where standard Grade examinations already exist (such as most single-line instruments with Piano or Piano Duet). Players may change instruments between pieces. For Ensemble examinations one written report will be issued for each ensemble. except in the case of Piano Six Hands. Entering A special Ensemble entry form — obtainable from Local Area Representatives or from Trinity’s London office — must be used for each ensemble. and which should be entered under its own subject code. ‘The Proctor Quintet’) which will be printed on the report form and certificates. but no extra credit will be given for performing on more than one instrument. as in chamber music. Duos will also be accepted. Any ensemble of three or more players and/or singers may be entered. as long as the examination centre can accommodate the performers adequately.g. Each must be given a name (e. Instruments and size of ensemble Provided that ensembles have repertoire of the appropriate level of difficulty and. Trinity also offers Certificate examinations for ensembles. A teacher may not take part in an ensemble examination except as a conductor. however repertoire should be chosen in line with the guidelines set out for solo Certificate examinations. 49 . These are structured in the same way as Certificate examinations for individual instruments. or by multiple performers according to the suitability of the music.Certificate examinations Certificate examinations for Ensembles Designed to encourage the co-operative skills essential for the development of a well-rounded musician. 20 & op. 1) Bartók Minuet (from The First Term at the Piano) Beach Weaving Song (from Fingerprints) Beethoven Allemande in A. 50 . Composer Piece Publisher Any reliable edition Faber 9780571523226 Any reliable edition Any reliable edition Faber 9780571520901 Any reliable edition Any reliable edition UMP ME00155000 Any reliable edition Any reliable edition Faber 9780571520901 FJH FJHFF1588 Any reliable edition Any reliable edition Broekmans BRP831 Kjos KJ15968 Faber 978057152320X Faber 9780571523226 Any reliable edition J S Bach Prelude in C minor BWV 999 Bartók A Joke from Mikrokosmos (from Keynotes Grades 2–3) Bartók Jest (no. 36 no. Salomon Vivace from Finale to Symphony no. 41 from Notebook for Nannerl) Norton Any performance étude [with improvisation] from American Popular Piano 3 — Etudes Book [accompanied by either the CD* or the second piano part contained in American Popular Piano 3 Repertoire Book] Pasquini Aria (from Keynotes Grades 1–2) Scarlatti (attrib. op. 1 (from 13 Easy Improvisations) Kuhlau Andante Cantabile from Sonatina in G. op. Coates Prisoner of Azkaban — Easy Piano) Zamecni Burglar Music (from Keynotes Grades 2–3) Novus Via Faber 978057152320X Faber 9780571523226 Any reliable edition Faber 9780571523226 Faber 978057152320X Warner Bros AFM0407 Faber 978057152320X Presentation Skills (10 marks) (see page 48) * It is the responsibility of the person signing the entry form to ensure that suitable playback equipment for CDs is provided. WoO 81 Beethoven Für Elise (complete) Cimarosa Sonata no. 3 Einaudi Le Onde Harris Twilight (from Fingerprints) Hässler Capriccio (from Succeeding With The Masters: The Festival Collection book 4) Haydn 4th movt: Allegro from Piano Sonata in G Hob.Piano Solo — Foundation Certificate Pieces (90 marks) Subject code: PS A programme within the duration of 8–10 minutes should be freely selected from the list below and must include more than one item. by contacting the centre to confirm arrangements. 1 (from 11 Sonatas book 1) Clementi 3rd movt from Sonatina in C. 27 from For Children vol.) Sonata in G (from Keynotes Grades 3–4) Schumann Wild Rider (from Album for the Young) Sculthorpe Sea Chants from Two Easy Pieces (from Keynotes Grades 3–4) Smetana Toccata (from Keynotes Grades 1–2) Williams Hedwig’s Theme (from Harry Potter and the arr. 37 from The Chelsea Notebook (from Keynotes Grades 2–3) L Mozart Allegro in G (no. Candidates may also include own-choice repertoire taking up to one third (in time) of the recital programme (see page 47 for details). 55) Lenehan Marching Tune [lower version] (from Keynotes Grades 1–2) Mozart Andante no. 55 no. XVI/8 Haydn arr. 96 in D Hengeveld Easy Improvisation no. 2 (from Sonatinas op. 94 D780) Andantino from Sonata on themes from the Magic Flute op. BWV 1048 [Die Hard] (from Cult Classics) Gigue from French Suite no. 16 in G minor Pasacaille from Suite no. 2 Any reliable edition Mad Scene from Lucia di Lammermoor [The Fifth Element] (from Cult Classics) Faber 0571520960 No. 55) 1st movt from Viennese Sonatina no.A. BWV 817 Les petits moulins á vent (from Hours With The Masters book 4) L’amusante (from Little Piano Book vol. op. 2) No. 19 no.Piano Solo — Intermediate Certificate Pieces (90 marks) Subject code: PS A programme within the duration of 15–20 minutes should be freely selected from the list below and must include more than one item. 2 The Age of J S Bach — Intermediate Piano) Le coucou (from Baroque Real Repertoire) Adagio from Sonata in D. 20 & op. 3 of 3 Sonatinas WoO 47) Bagatelle in C. 3 (from Sonatinas op. 6 in E. op. 2 (from Complete Bagatelles) Bagatelle in G minor. 7 no. 119 no. 129 (from Baroque Real Repertoire) 1st movt: Allegro Moderato from Brandenburg Concerto no. 48 (from Keynotes Grades 4–5) Any reliable edition Henle HN 158 Henle HN 158 UMP ME00155000 Kjos KJ15968 Schott ED 9021 Bärenreiter BA 6549 Henle HN 375 Faber 9780571523234 Group C — Romantic Habañera from Carmen [Trainspotting] (from Cult Classics) Faber 0571520960 No. op. 1 no. KV 439b (from 6 Viennese Sonatinas) Sonata in D (from Bärenreiter Sonatina Album vol. HWV 432 Toccata in G minor (from Classics to Moderns book 4) Publisher Trinity Faber 9780571523331 Faber 571520960 Any reliable edition Bosworth BOE003585 Peters EP 4452 Trinity Faber 9780571523331 Any reliable edition Any reliable edition Any reliable edition Yorktown YK20048 Group B — Classical 3rd movt: Scherzando from Sonatina in D major (no. Group A — Baroque C P E Bach J S Bach J S Bach Couperin Daquin Daquin Galuppi Handel Handel Leo Beethoven Beethoven Beethoven Cimarosa Kuhlau Mozart Myslivec ˇek Schubert Vogel Bizet Bruch Chopin Donizetti Gade ed. 4 Allemande from Suite for Keyboard no. 1 (from Complete Bagatelles) Sonata in Bb (from 11 Sonatas book 1) 1st movt: Allegro con spirito from Sonatine in C. Candidates may also include own-choice repertoire taking up to one third (in time) of the recital programme (see page 47 for details). 55 no. 6 (from Romantic Real Repertoire) Trinity Faber 9780571523358 Theme from Night on a Bare Mountain [Natural Born Killers] (from Cult Classics) Faber 0571520960 Un bel dì from Madama Butterfly [Fatal Attraction] (from Cult Classics) Faber 0571520960 Albumblatt (from Little Piano Book vol. 12) Breitkopf EB 8114 Mazurka in A minor. 2 in A. 19 Peters EP 3532 Overture from The Hebrides [L. 6: Andante Con Larghezza (from 6 Klavierstücke op. 3 (in F minor) (from Moments musicaux op. Ruthardt Mendelssohn Mendelssohn Mussorgsky Puccini Wagner Solo for the Cembalo BWV Anh. 7 in G minor. op. 2: Scherzo in E from Aquarelles op. 4: The Romantic Period) Peters EP 4454 51 . op. Confidential] (from Cult Classics) Faber 0571520960 Venetian Gondoliers Song op. 3 in G. 119 no. 6) Hansen Fast zu keck! [Almost too bold!] op. 1 from Woodland Sketches op. 11 no.Piano Solo — Intermediate Certificate Group D — Early Modern Frank Harvey MacDowell Nielsen Reger Satie Turina Adagio from Three Early Pieces (from Keynotes Grades 3–4) Faber 9780571523226 Rumba Toccata (from Twentieth Century Real Repertoire) Trinity Faber 9780571523366 To A Wild Rose. by contacting the centre to confirm arrangements. 52 . 3 (from Piano Works vol. 19/12 from Aus der Jugendzeit (from The New Sonatina Book) Schott ED 2511 Gnossienne no. 1) Schott ED 9013 The Peasant’s Boots (from The Turina Collection) Schott SMC 534 Group E — Contemporary Kember Norton Russell Schifrin Cuban Serenade (from Play Latin) Any performance étude [with improvisation] from American Popular Piano 6 — Etudes Book [accompanied by either the CD* or the second piano part contained in American Popular Piano 6 Repertoire Book] La Cumparsita (from Play Latin) Theme from the 1968 film Bullitt (from Cult Classics) Faber 05715518958 Novus Via Faber 05715518958 Faber 0571520960 Presentation Skills (10 marks) (see page 48) * It is the responsibility of the person signing the entry form to ensure that suitable playback equipment for CDs is provided. 51 (from Real Repertoire) Trinity Faber 9780571521193 Spilleværket [The Musical Clock] (from Humoresque-bagatelles op. no. op. BWV 860 (from The Well-Tempered Clavier book 1) Prelude from English Suite no. 5 in E minor. Hob. 10 no. 117 no. 475 Impromptu in Ab. 142 no. BWV 871 (from The Well-Tempered Clavier book 2) Prelude & Fugue in E. op. BWV 906 Prelude & Fugue in C minor. WoO 57 Rondo in C. op. 116 no. BWV 810 (from English Suites BWV 806–811) Fugue in G minor. 4 (from Fantasien op. Group A — Baroque J S Bach J S Bach J S Bach J S Bach J S Bach J S Bach J S Bach D Scarlatti D Scarlatti D Scarlatti Fantasia in C minor. 117) Brahms arr. op. 116) Brahms Intermezzo in Eb. 1: Allegro assai from Drei klavierstücke D. 946 Any reliable edition Henle HN 21 Henle HN 140 Peters EP 146a Peters EP 491 Any reliable edition Henle HN 69 Peters EP 7045 Bärenreiter Praha H 4136 Any reliable edition Henle HN 345 Any reliable edition Any reliable edition Group C — Romantic Brahms Ballade in D minor. XVI/31 Fantasy in C. 208 & 209 Publisher Any reliable edition Any reliable edition Any reliable edition Any reliable edition Any reliable edition Any reliable edition Any reliable edition Schott ED 7200 Any reliable edition Any reliable edition Group B — Classical Beethoven Beethoven Beethoven Clementi  Field  Haydn Haydn  Hummel Lipavský Mozart Mozart  Schubert Schubert 1st movt: Allegro or 4th movt: Prestissimo from Sonata in F minor. BWV 858 (from The Well-Tempered Clavier book 1) Prelude & Fugue in G. op. BWV 876 (from The Well-Tempered Clavier book 2) Prelude & Fugue in F#. Hob. 1 Andante Favori in F. K. BWV 854 (from The Well-Tempered Clavier book 1) Prelude & Fugue in Eb. 6 in F (from Nocturnes) 1st movt from Sonata in E. 116) Brahms Intermezzo in E. 2 (from Fantasien op. 51 no. Kp. op. 1 1st movt: Allegro con spirito from Sonata in C. op. 116 no. 1 Brahms Intermezzo in A minor.Piano Solo — Advanced Certificate Pieces (90 marks) Subject code: PS A programme within the duration of 25–30 minutes should be freely selected from the list below and must include more than one item. op. 34 no. 30 (The Cat’s Fugue)  (from Schott Piano Collection — D Scarlatti) Sonata in A minor. 1 (from Drei Intermezzi op. 332 Fantasy in C minor. XVII/4 Rondo in Eb. 2 no. 175 Sonatas in A. 2 (D. 11 Theme with 10 Variations (from 18th-Century Bohemian Variations) 1st movt: Allegro from Sonata in F K. op. Grainger Cradle Song (from Free Settings of Favourite Melodies) Any reliable edition Henle HN 120 Henle HN 120 Henle HN 121 Schott ED 12778 53 . Candidates may also include own-choice repertoire taking up to one third (in time) of the recital programme (see page 47 for details). 1 (from 24 Sonatas vol. K. 935) No. 1) Nocturne no. Kp. Piano Solo — Advanced Certificate Brahms Chabrier  Chopin Chopin Chopin Chopin Chopin Chopin Grieg Grieg Lavallée Liadov  Liszt Liszt Martucci  Mendelssohn Mendelssohn  Schumann Schumann Smith Smith Intermezzo in B minor, op. 119 no. 1 (from Klavierstücke op. 119) Henle HN 123 Ronde Champêtre (from Works for Piano) Dover Etude no. 1 in F minor (from Trois nouvelles études) Any reliable edition Mazurka in A minor, op. 59 no. 1 Any reliable edition Nocturne in C# minor, op. posth. no. 20a Any reliable edition Nocturne in F minor, op. 55 no. 1 Any reliable edition Valse Brillante no. 4 in F, op. 34 no. 3 Any reliable edition Valse no. 14 in E minor, op. posth. Any reliable edition March of the Trolls op. 54 no. 3 (from Lyric Pieces) Any reliable edition Wedding Day at Troldhaugen op. 65 no. 6 Peters EP 2922 Le Papillon [The Butterfly] op. 18 UMP 11399 Prelude in Db, op. 57 no. 1 (from Selected Pieces) Peters EP 9193 Consolation no. 2 Any reliable edition Notturno no. 1 in Ab: Hohe Liebe (from Liebesträume, 3 Notturnos) Henle HN 634 Scherzo op. 53 no. 2 UMP NR12800100 Song without Words in Ab major, op. 38 no. 6, Duetto Any reliable edition Prelude and Fugue in D, op. 35 no. 2 Any reliable edition Arabeske op. 18 (from Arabeske and Blumenstücke) Wiener UT50059 Aufschwung [Soaring] (from Fantasiestücke op. 12) Any reliable edition La Traviata fantasie brilliante op. 103 Lucia di Lammermoor op. 7 Group D — Early Modern Arndt Bartók Bartók Bowen Britten Confrey Copland Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Delius Dohnányi Gershwin Granados  Ireland Ireland  Khachaturian Moeran  Rachmaninov Scott Shostakovich 54 Nola — A Silhouette for the Piano (from In Recital — for the Advancing Pianist: book 1 — Popular) FJH FJHFF1796 Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm [any 1 or 2 movements] (from Mikrokosmos vol. 6) Boosey M060080067 Ostinato (from Mikrokosmos vol. 6) Boosey M060080067 Nocturne or Finale (Allegro) (from 4 Pieces op. 3) Schott ED 13061 No. 3: Fun-Fair (from Holiday Diary op. 5) Boosey M060014451 Kitten on the Keys Hal Leonard [single sheet download from] Jazzy (from Three Moods) Boosey M051282753 Arabesque no. 2 Any reliable edition La fille aux cheveaux de lins Any reliable edition No. 5: Bruyères (from Préludes book 2) Any reliable edition Prélude (from Suite Bergamasque) Any reliable edition Prelude no. 1 for piano (from Three Preludes 1923) Any reliable edition Gigue (from Suite in the Olden Style op. 24) Simrock M221110770 Three Preludes [complete] (1926) Any reliable edition No. 6: Zapateado (from Seis piezas sobre cantos populares españoles) UME UMP71040 Sonatina [complete]  OUP [archive] 193729407 The Darkened Valley  Stainer H 0642 Toccata Peters EP 4734 Windmills (from Fancies)   Schott ED 12343 Prelude in C# minor, op. 3 no. 2 Any reliable edition Lotus Land op. 47 no. 1 Novello NOV260322 Three Fantastic Dances [complete] op. 5 Boosey M060024603 Piano Solo — Advanced Certificate Turina Turina Villa-Lobos Exaltacion (from Danzas Fantasticas op. 22) Toccata y Fuga from Fantasia Sobre Cinco Notas op. 83 (from Piano Music of Spain) Dansa (Miudinho) from Bachianas Brasilieras no. 4 (from The Piano Music of Heitor Villa-Lobos) UME UMP21257 Chester CH68288 Amsco AM41732 Group E — Contemporary Causton  Chapple Einaudi Horne  Kapustin  Kats-Chernin  Lutosławski  McCabe Peterson Rawsthorne  Non mi comporto male  Nos. 2 & 3 from Bagatelles Diverses Divenire 4ths and 5ths (from The Boosey & Hawkes 20th-Century Piano Collection — 1945) Toccatina op. 36 No. 1: Russian Rag (from Book of Rags for Piano) 2 studies from The Most Beautiful Lutosławski [either or both may be played] Snowfall in Winter Pacific Ocean Blue Any 2 from 4 Romantic Pieces (from Selected Piano Pieces) OUP [Archive] 193558351 Chester CH74371 Chester CH72006 Boosey M060106729 MusT M708036081 Boosey M051246199 PWM PWM 10226 Novello NOV955207 Wirripang M720065885 OUP 193735651 Presentation Skills (10 marks) (see page 48) 55 Piano Duet — Foundation Certificate Pieces (90 marks) Subject code: PDT A programme within the duration of 8–10 minutes should be freely selected from the list below and must include more than one item. Candidates may also include own-choice repertoire taking up to one third (in time) of the recital programme (see page 47 for details). Group A — Baroque J S Bach J S Bach Boyce Handel Vivaldi Air from Suite in D (from Advertising the Classics book 1) Arioso (from The Joy of Piano Duets) Gavot from Symphony IV (from Two 18th-Century Gavottes) Hornpipe (from The Classic Experience) Spring (from The Classic Experience) Publisher Hal Leonard 017082Q Yorktown YK21111 Banks 13904 Cramer 90533 Cramer 90533 Group B — Classical Beethoven Clementi Diabelli Mozart Mozart Pastoral Symphony (from Advertising the Classics book 1) Hal Leonard 017082Q 1st movt: Allegro from Sonatina no. 1 (from 6 Sonatinas op. 36) Peters EP 1979 Rondo (from Studio 21 Duets) Universal UE 19174 La ci dare La mano Duet from Don Giovanni (from The Joy of Piano Duets) Yorktown YK21111 Minuet from A Little Night Music (from The Joy of Piano Duets) Yorktown YK21111 Group C — Romantic Burgmüller Arabesque (from The Library of Piano Duets)† Music Sales AM948904 Grieg Morning (from Advertising the Classics book 1) Hal Leonard 017082Q Grechaninov In the Meadows or Mother’s Song (from In the Meadows op. 99) Schott ED 1172 Grechaninov ed. Schüngeler Der kleine Gernegroß op. 98 no. 15 (from Original Piano Duets vol. 1) Schott ED 2892 Tchaikovsky Danse des Mirlitons (from Advertising the Classics book 1) Hal Leonard 017082Q Group D — Early Modern Bartók Carse Fauré Macdowell Ravel Satie Warlock Frolic (from The Joy of Piano Duets) Yorktown YK21111 Fair Exchange or Dance or Good-night (from Tunes For Two) Stainer H1125 Pavane (from Advertising the Classics book 1) Hal Leonard 017082Q To a Wild Rose (from The Library of Piano Duets)† Music Sales AM948904 Pavane de la belle au bois dormant (no. 1 from Ma mère l’oye) Durand 774600 Gymnopédie (from Advertising the Classics book 1) Hal Leonard 017082Q Pavane (from Capriol Suite) Curwen JC99059 Group E — Contemporary Cornick Cornick Cowles Drumheller Gilkyson Hall Helyer Hengeveld 56 Blues for Two or Chromatic Blues [with repeats] (from Jazzy Duets 1) Universal UE 19756 The Metamorphic Rock Boogie (from Boogie Piano Duets) Universal UE 18796 Preamble and Dirge (from 6 Easy Duets in the Modern Idiom) Griffiths GE0178 The Banjo Rag [with repeats] (from The Joy of Piano Duets) Yorktown YK21111 Bare Necessities (from Disney Movie Hits for Two) Hal Leonard HLD00292076 Donkey Ride or Ghost Walk (from Duets with a Difference book 1) OUP 19-372753-3 The Musical Box or Hornpipe (from Two’s Company) Novello NOV100139 Noorse Dans or Quick Fox (from Ten Folk and Rhythmical Dances) Broekmans BRP 756 com or www.Piano Duet — Foundation Certificate John Kember Khatchaturian Last Menken Norton Rodgers & Hammerstein Runswick Schmitz Schönberg Scott Shur arr.sheetmusicdirect. 2) DvfM DVFM31092 I Dreamed A Dream (from Les Misérables Piano Duet)† Music Sales AM947276 A Foggy Day (from Studio 21 Duets) Universal UE 19174 Any piece from Keys for Two book 2 Spartan SP315 We wish you a Merry Christmas with The Holly and The Ivy and either The First Nowell or Rocking Carol or Go Tell it on the Mountain (from Easy Pianoël) Spartan SP431 Daisy or Buttercup (from The Flower Duets book 1) Banks BE 71 Winter Scene and Bike Blues (from Microjazz Duets collection 1) Boosey M060106804 Presentation Skills (10 marks) (see page 48) † Available from 57 .musicroom. Shur Smith Norton I Just Can’t Wait to be King (from Disney Movie Hits for Two) Hal Leonard HLD00292076 Black-note Blues or Ragetty Waltz or Body and Soul (from On the Lighter Side) Schott ED 12615 Theme from Spartacus (from The Classic Experience) Cramer 90533 Echo Tune or Gliding or Comic Capers (from For You and Me book 1) Forsyth FLJ 15 A Whole New World or Beauty and the Beast or Under The Sea (from Disney Movie Hits for Two) Hal Leonard HLD00292076 Any 1 duet piece from American Popular Piano Repertoire book 4 Novus Via NVM 49 Edelweiss (from The Sound of Music: Early Intermediate Piano Duets) Hal Leonard HLW00290389 Ginger Baker or Treesa’s Blues or Orlando’s Boogie or Josephine Baker (from Play Boogie Duets) Faber 9780571513913 Take Five for Mini Player or Czerny-Jogging and Clementi Swing (from Mini Jazz vol. 4) Fentone F 612-401 Group D — Early Modern Elgar Chanson de matin (from The Classic Experience) Gershwin Melody from Rhapsody in Blue (from Piano Duet Series) Joplin Any piece from 5 Joplin Rags 58 Cramer CRA90533 Fentone 454 [Print on demand] Kjos KJ14445 . 331 (from Perfect Partners vol.Piano Duet — Intermediate Certificate Pieces (90 marks) Subject code: PDT A programme within the duration of 15–20 minutes should be freely selected from the list below and must include more than one item. 36) Peters EP 1979 Allegretto (from Sonata in G) (from Studio 21 Duets) Universal UE 19174 Allegro (from Sonatina op. 3) Fentone F 611-401 Any 3 pieces from 20 Ländler für Pianoforte Universal UE 31 958 no. Candidates may also include own-choice repertoire taking up to one third (in time) of the recital programme (see page 47 for details). petite femme (from Jeux d’enfants op. Johnson Canon in D Major (from Perfect Partners vol. 1) Schott ED 2892 Chopin Two Mazurkas no. 3) Fentone F 611-401 Sonatina no. 22) Peters EP 8747 Bruckner Drei kleine Stücke [complete] (from Original Piano Duets vol. 2nd movt: Andante and 3rd movt: Vivace (from 6 Sonatinas op. 1) Fentone F 602-401 Tchaikovsky Sugar Plum Fairy (from Advertising the Classics book 2) LGB 017083U Verdi Chorus of Slaves (Nabucco) (from Perfect Partners vol. 1) Rameau Tambourin en rondeau (from Court Dances) Vivaldi Winter (from Advertising the Classics) Whittaker Sarabande and Air with Doubles (from A Dance Suite) Publisher Cramer CRA90533 Fentone F 602-401 Fentone F 602-401 Stainer H 223 LGB Banks 13930 Group B — Classical Beethoven Clementi Dussek Kuhlau Mozart Mozart Schubert Vanhal Minuet in G (from Perfect Partners vol. XX (Polonaise) and no. 1) Handel Largo from Xerxes Pachelbel arr. XXI (Allegretto) (from 24 Little Duets) Schott ED 9027 Group C — Romantic Bizet La poupée or Petit mari. 1. K. 4) Fentone F 612-401 Gossec Tambourin Stainer H 297 Grieg Gavotte and Musette (from Holberg Suite op. Group A — Baroque J S Bach Badinerie (from The Classic Experience) J S Bach Sheep May Safely Graze (from Perfect Partners vol. 40) Peters EP 2266 Rimsky- Korsakov Song of India† Schumann Träumerei† Strauss Pizzicato Polka Ashdown EA11984 Tchaikovsky Love theme from Romeo and Juliet (from Perfect Partners vol. 2† Dvor ˇák Largo from New World Symphony (from Perfect Partners vol. 17) Kjos KJ 14460 A Musical Joke KV 522 Fentone F 296-401 Turkish Rondo from Sonata in A. 1) Rachmaninov Piano Concerto no. Shepherd. 5 (from Tunes for 4 Hands) Rowley Any piece from Six short dance impressions op.musicroom. 1) Ravel Petit Poucet or www. 41 Vaughan Williams Prelude: Rhosymedre Warlock Basse-Danse (from Capriol Suite) Fentone F 611-401 Fentone F 602-401 Boosey BH200097 Durand DR 774600 Universal UE 10191 Peters EP 4381 Stainer H 287 Curwen JC99059 Group E — Contemporary Batt Bright Eyes (from It’s Easy To Play Piano Duets) Wise AM62514 Bernstein America (from West Side Story) (from 20th-Century Classics vol. 1) Boosey BH200097 Cornick Blues no. 22 no. 2 (from Ma mère l’oye) Reger Walzer op. 2 (from Jazz Suite for Piano Duet) Universal UE 21548 Cornick Dissonant Boogie (from Boogie Piano Duets) Universal UE 18796 Cornick Sur la plage or Fugue (from Jazzy Duets Piano 2) Universal UE 16536 Hedges Hornpipe Rondo (from Studio 21 Duets) Universal UE 19174 Hengeveld Spaanse Dans or Rumba Cubana (from Ten Folk and Rhythmical Dances) Broekmans BRP 756 Horner My Heart Will Go On Hal Leonard HL00351795 James Angela (theme from Taxi) (from It’s Easy To Play Piano Duets) Wise AM62514 Joel Just the Way You Are (from It’s Easy To Play Piano Duets) Wise AM62514 Kabalevsky Comedians’ Galop (from The Joy of Piano Duets) Yorktown YK21111 Lennon/ McCartney Yesterday or Michelle (from It’s Easy to Play Piano Duets) Wise AM62514 Lloyd Webber Memory [single sheet download from www. 3) Prokofiev Peter and the Wolf (from Perfect Partners] Martin Boogie For Two (from The Joy of Piano Duets) Yorktown YK21111 Norton Any 1 duet piece from American Popular Piano Repertoire book 7 Novus Via NVM 8 Norton Brat Pack or Feeling Zany (from Rock Duets) Boosey BH 200128 Norton Plucky or Running Shoes or Sailboat or Waltz (from Microjazz Duets collection 3) Boosey M060106828 Rodgers & The Sound Of Music Hammerstein (from The Sound of Music: Early Intermediate Piano Duets) HLW00290389 Schönberg On My Own† Senneville Ballade pour Adeline (from It’s Easy To Play Piano Duets) Wise AM62514 Shur The Water Wheel or Celebration Waltz (from Keys for Two book 3) Spartan SP360 arr.Piano Duet — Intermediate Certificate MacDowell To a Wild Rose (from Perfect Partners vol. 1) Boosey BH200097 Copland Fanfare for the Common Man (from 20th-Century Classics vol. 2: theme from 1st movement (from 20th-Century Classics 59 .sheetmusicdirect. Shur Good King Wenceslas with O Little Town of Bethlehem and In Dulci Jubilo with I Saw Three Ships and God Rest You Merry Gentlemen (from Pianoël) Spartan SP312 Or O Come All Ye Faithful with Hark the Herald Angels Sing and either Sussex Carol or Rise Up. and Follow (from More Pianoël) Spartan SP531 † Available from www. 1) Boosey BH200097 Britten Theme from The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra (from 20th-Century Classics vol. Piano Duet — Intermediate Certificate Takács Walton Wedgwood Park in the Mist or Chimes Canon or Austrian Potpourri or Alborada (from 4x4 Piano Pieces for Four Hands) Universal UE 17419 Hop Scotch (from Duets for Children) OUP 19-368323-5 Just Another Day (from After Hours for Piano Duet) Faber 9780571522606 Presentation Skills (10 marks) (see page 48) 60 . 54 no. 358 (from Works for Piano Duets) Bärenreiter BA 4786 3rd movt: Allegro from Sonata in D. 4 (from Vierhändiges Klavierbuch) Schott ED 4550 Tritsch-Tratsch Polka Ashdown EA12008 Group D — Early Modern Bowen Debussy Debussy Elgar Fauré Joplin Poulenc Prokofiev Rachmaninov Ravel Serenade op. 39) Peters EP 3665 Waltzes 12–15 (from Waltzes op. 3 (from Hungarian Dances) Wiener UT50181 Waltzes 1–4 (from Waltzes op. 4) Fentone F 612-401 61 . 18 no. 90 no. 56) Peters EP 7430 Bethena (from 4 Joplin Waltzes) Kjos KJ14817 Final (from Sonata for four hands — 1918) Chester CH02907 Larghetto and Gavotte from Classical Symphony (from 20th-Century Classics vol. 6 (from Slavonic Dances op. 5 Schott ED 9023 Rondo from Sonata in C (from 3 Sonatas for Piano Duet) Peters EP 4516 1st movt: Allegro vivo or 2nd movt: Presto scherzando from Sonata in Eb Schott ED 9020 2nd movt: Adagio from Sonata in Bb K. 46) Schott ED 9004 Slavonic Dance no. 1) Boosey M060084782 Vocalise (from 20th-Century Classics vol. 381 or 1st movt: Allegro from Sonata in Bb. 3 (from Twentieth-Century British Composers) OUP 19-372117-3 Ballet (from Petite suite) Peters EP 7262 En bateau (from Petite suite) Peters EP 7262 Land of Hope and Glory (Pomp & Circumstance March no. Joy of man’s desiring Handel The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba OUP 9780193851726 [archive] Peters EP 7721 Group B — Classical J C F Bach J C Bach Benda Mozart Mozart Mozart 1st movt: Allegro con spirito from Sonata in A op. 1) Boosey M060084782 Berceuse or Kitty Waltz or Le pas espagnole (from Dolly Suite op. 381 (from Works for Piano Duets) Bärenreiter BA 4786 Group C — Romantic Bizet Brahms Brahms Brahms Dvor ˇák Dvor ˇák Dvor ˇák Grieg Schumann Strauss La Toupe or Le bal (from Jeux d’enfants op. Group A — Baroque Bach arr. 2) Boosey M060087790 Bolero (from Perfect Partners vol. 2 & no. 46) Schott ED 9004 Waltz in G minor op.Piano Duet — Advanced Certificate Pieces (90 marks) Subject code: PDT A programme within the duration of 25–30 minutes should be freely selected from the list below and must include more than one item. 39) Peters EP 3665 Slavonic Dance no. 66 no. K. K. 7 (from Slavonic Dances op. 40) Peters EP 2266 [archive] Bilder aus dem Osten op. 5 (from Vierhändiges Klavierbuch) Schott ED 4550 Air or Praeludium (from Holberg Suite op. Candidates may also include own-choice repertoire taking up to one third (in time) of the recital programme (see page 47 for details). 1) (from 20th Century Classics vol. Hess Jesu. 358 (from Works for Piano Duets) Bärenreiter BA 4786 1st movt: Allegro from Sonata in D K. 22) Peters EP 8747 Hungarian Dance no. 2 or no. 5: theme from 2nd movement (from 20th-Century Classics vol. Impératrice des Pagodes (from Ma mère l’oye) Durand DR 774600 Les entretiens de la belle et de la bête (from Ma mère l’oye) Durand DR 774600 Fugue de Papier (from World Renowned Piano Duets book 1) Lengnick AL0692 Symphony no. 3 or no. 2) Boosey M060087790 The Lake in the Mountains (from Twentieth-Century British Composers) OUP 19-372117-3 Pieds en l’air and either Bransles or Mattachins (from Capriol Suite) Curwen JC99059 English Dances Set One no. 12 from A Spaniard for Elise Breitkopf EB 8769 Sprat and Carp (from The Creel) OUP 19-373568-2 [archive] Danse nègre Novello NOV 260448 [archive] Negro Spiritual Fantasy Alfred PA9523 Popular Song from Façade (from Twentieth-Century British Composers) OUP 19-372117-3 Group E — Contemporary Presentation Skills (10 marks) (see page 48) 62 . 39 in Eb major) Chester CH02944 Happy Birthday — Humorous Variations on a Birthday Song Schott ED 9749 Temporary Diversion (from Blue Piano Duets) Universal UE 21006 Latin or Swing or Waltz or Boogie/Latin (from Jazz Suite for Piano Duet) Universal UE 21548 Strathspey (from Strathspey & Reel) Fraser-Enoch 40492 Paso-Doble or Rumba (from Ten Rhythmical Dances) Broekmans BRP 444 Vivace (from Divertimento) Novello NOV 100140 [archive] Mouvement perpétuel (from Badinages) Roberton 9919 1st movt: Allegro from Sonatina (from Five Pieces) Schott ED 7955 Spanish Dance no. 28) Schirmer GS28637 Jamaican Rumba Boosey M060012877 Andante (from Sonatina op. 4 (from World Renowned Piano Duets book 1) Lengnick AL0692 Pas de Deux (from Souvenirs from Ballet Suite op. 5 (from Spanish Dances op. 1 or no. 12 [complete]) Peters EP 2125 Any piece from American popular Piano Repertoire book 8 Novus Via Publications NVM 9 No.Piano Duet — Advanced Certificate Ravel Ravel Satie Shostakovich Vaughan Williams Warlock Arnold Barber Benjamin Berkeley Claus-Dieter Cornick Cornick Fraser Hengeveld Joubert Lane Ligeti Moskowski Norton Proksch Rawsthorne Scott Shur Walton Laideronnette. com . J S Bach Beethoven Cornick Cornick Dennys Dennys Gautier 2 Gavotten (from Klavierspiel zu dritt Band 3) Türkischer Marsch (from Klavierspiel zu dritt Band 3) Easy Going Blues (from 4 Pieces for 6 Hands at 1 Piano) Module Five (homage to Paul Desmond) § and Sempre legato (from 4 Pieces for 6 Hands at 1 Piano) Three-way Stretch and Clowning Around and Bumpy Road (from Three-way Stretch) Fantasy Dance The Secret Schott ED 7703 Schott ED 7703 Universal UE 21300 Universal UE 21314-27 Universal UE 21300 Novello NOV100264 Novello NOV100308 Faber 9780571507085 63 § Available from or www.musicnotes. arr.Piano Six Hands — Foundation Certificate Pieces (90 marks) Subject code: PSH A programme within the duration of 8–10 minutes should be freely selected from the list below and must include more than one item. Candidates may also include own-choice repertoire taking up to one third (in time) of the recital programme (see page 47 for details). Shur Wedgwood Passeggiata per pianoforte a 6 mani Encore (from 4 Pieces for 6 Hands at 1 Piano) Universal UE 21300 Blues for three (from 4 pieces for 6 Hands at 1 Piano) Universal UE 21300 At the movies § Universal UE 21520 Pie Jesu from Requiem (from Thirty Fingers Easy Romantic) Roberton 09934 The Haunted House (from Three’s Company) Lengnick AL3391 Slow Dance and Enchanted Castle and Donkey Ride (from The Microjazz Trios Collection Level 4) Boosey BH 200211 Bouncing Along and Net Surfer and Country Waltz (from The Microjazz Trios Collection Level 4) Boosey BH 200211 A Sad Day and Coffee Calypso (from More Tunes for Three) Novello NOV100283 Lazy River (from Tunes for Three) Novello NOV100272 and Clapping Song (from More Tunes for Three) Novello NOV100283 Choose any 3 from Christmas Tunes for Three Novello NOV100282 Happy Birthday Rock and Boogie for Six Hands (from Mini Jazz — 13 Easy Piano Pieces for Six Hands) DVfM DV 31093 Arabian Dance (from Thirty Fingers Easy Romantic) Roberton 09934 Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy § Greensleeves § Poppy (from Riverdancing. Campolleti Cornick Cornick Cornick Fauré Moy Norton Norton Shur Shur arr.universaledition.musicroom. Candidates may also include own-choice repertoire taking up to one third (in time) of the recital programme (see page 47 for details).freehandmusic. Shur Trad. Shur Schmitz Tchaikovsky Tchaikovsky or www. Three Pieces for Six Hands) Universal UE 21519 Universal UE 21518 Faber 9780571566624 Presentation Skills (10 marks) (see page 48) Piano Six Hands — Intermediate Certificate Pieces (90 marks) Subject code: PSH A programme within the duration of 15–20 minutes should be freely selected from the list below and must include more than one item. Three Pieces for Six Hands) Faber 9780571566624 Presentation Skills (10 marks) (see page 48) Piano Six Hands — Advanced Certificate Pieces (90 marks) Subject code: PSH A programme within the duration of 25–30 minutes should be freely selected from the list below and must include more than one item. Candidates may also include own-choice repertoire taking up to one third (in time) of the recital programme (see page 47 for details). Shur W F E Bach Beethoven Castérède Cornick Cornick Cornick Debussy arr. Shur Kaja Bjomtvedt Mendelssohn Missa Norton Norton Shur Shur Shur Shur Wedgwood Gavotta (from Klavierspiel zu dritt Band 2) No. J S Bach J S Bach arr. Shur Debussy arr.Piano Six Hands — Intermediate Certificate Gurlitt Haydn Joplin arr. Shur Glass Mendelssohn Norton Norton Rachmaninov Shur R Weber Zilcher Vivace from BWV 530 (from Thirty Fingers) Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring (from Piano Trio Series book 1) Dreyblatt (from Klavierspiel zu dritt band 3) Allegro con brio from Symphony no. 1 of 2 Menuette (from Klavierspiel zu dritt band 3) Schott ED 7258 Schott ED 7703 Maple Leaf Rag Peacock P347 Fast Forward (from Piquant Pieces) Musikk-Husets Frühlingslied op. 62/5 (from Klavierspiel zu dritt band 2) Schott ED 7258 Les Caquets du Moulin UMP M224407747 Strength of Feeling (from The MicroJazz Trios Collection Level 4) Boosey BH 200211 Free ‘n’ Easy (from The MicroJazz Trios Collection Level 4) Boosey BH 200211 Just Reminiscing (from Concert Tunes for Three) Novello NOV100307 Marching By (from Concert Tunes for Three) Novello NOV100307 Tropical Breeze (from Concert Tunes for Three) Novello NOV100307 Ragamatazz (from Concert Tunes for Three) Novello NOV100307 Riverdancing (from Riverdancing. 5 (from Thirty Fingers) Ménàge a trios Anyone for Tennis (from 3 Pieces for 6 Hands at 1 Piano) Baroque to the Blues (from 3 Pieces for 6 Hands at 1 Piano) Bénodet Breeze (from 3 Pieces for 6 Hands at 1 Piano) Clair de Lune Golliwog’s Cake Walk (from Piano Trio Series book 1) Playtime Wedding March (from Klavierspiel zu dritt Band 3) Regrets (from The Microjazz Trios Collection Level 4) Gliding (from The Microjazz Trios Collection Level 4) Valse or Romance (from Valse and Romance) The Clog Dance Vier Miniaturen (from Klavierspiel zu dritt band 2) Alla Tarentella (from Klavierspiel zu dritt band 2) Roberton 09936 Peacock P100 Schott ED 7703 Roberton 09937 UMP UN184353 Universal UE 21123 Universal UE 21123 Universal UE 21123 Peacock P346 Peacock P100 Griffiths GEO 169 Schott ED 7703 Boosey BH 200211 Boosey BH 200211 Belwin PA02284a Peacock P348 Schott ED 7258 Schott ED 7258 Presentation Skills (10 marks) (see page 48) 64 . banksmusicpublications. Trinity cannot guarantee that music will always be in stock with local Bärenreiter Praha (Bärenreiter Praha): c/o Bärenreiter Belwin (Belwin-Mills Publishing): c/o Faber Boosey (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd): Alfred (Alfred Publishing): www. London W1D 3QY T +44 (0)20 7758 0200. Candidates and teachers should always check with the publisher before it is assumed that any item has gone out of Norfolk PE14 7RR. These publishers may have different local agents in other parts of the world who may be able to supply music more easily or quickly. New House Farm. A-1010 Wien. UK T +44 (0)1653 628 Wath www. York YO63 4NN. Main Road. Harlow. www. UK. H-1370 Budapest. Broekmans (Broekmans & van Poppel): Van Baerlstraat publishers Please note that agents’ or distributors’ addresses are given for non-UK publishers. c/o Schott Bosworth (Bosworth & Co Ltd): c/o Music Sales Breitkopf (Breitkopf & Härtel): Walkmühlstrasse 52. www. Northants NN17 2SN. T +49 611 45008 58 In UK: c/o Main View Curwen (J. www. Elizabeth 65 . France T +33 (0)1 53 24 80 01. A & C Black (A & C Black Publishers Ltd): 36 Soho Square. c/o Faber Allegro (Allegro Music): 43 The Hop Pocket Craft Amphion (Amphion Music Publishing): c/o UMP Amsco (Amsco Publications): c/o Music Sales Banks (Banks Music Publications): The Granary.breitkopf. UK T +44 (0)1279 828 989.acblack. T +44 (0)1885 490375. Austria T +43 (1) 515 030. T +31 (0)20 7240 1612. Terrington St John.emb.cramermusic. Hovingham. Details of these may be obtained by contacting the publishers directly at the addresses listed Bishops Frome. www. Worcestershire WR6 5BT. in UK: c/o UMP DVfM (Deutsche Verlag für Musik): c/o Breitkopf Edwin Ashdown (Edwin Ashdown): c/o Music Sales EMB (Editio Musica Budapest): PO Box 332. Essex CM20 2HX.broekmans. in UK: c/o Faber Enoch (Enoch & Co): c/o UMP Faber (Faber Music Ltd): Burnt Mill. UK T +44 (0)1536 260981.alfred. 10. Chester (Chester Music Ltd): c/o Music Sales Consolidated (Consolidated Music Publishers): c/o Music Sales Cramer (Cramer Music Ltd): 23 Garrick Street. Wiesbaden D-65195. London WC2E 9RY.barenreiter. 1071 BB Amsterdam. www.doblinger-musikverlag. Elizabeth Way. UK T +44 (0)20 7240 1612. www. T +44 (0)1945 882221. Corby. 75009 Paris. Essex CM20 2HX. www. www. in UK: c/o Universal Edition Dover (Dover Publications): c/o Music Sales Dunvagen (Dunvagen Music Publishers): c/o Music Sales Durand (Durand et Cie): 5 rue du Helder. Earlstrees. www. UK T +44 (0)1279 828 Bärenreiter (Bärenreiter Ltd): Burnt Mill. in UK: c/o Music Sales Doblinger (Musikverlag Doblinger): Dorotheerg.dehaske.boosey. Curwen and Sons): c/o Music Sales De Haske (De Haske Music (UK) Ltd): Fleming Road. Hungary T +36 (0)1483 3100. www. 81476 München. Rackham Novello (Novello & Co Ltd): c/o Music Sales Novus Via (Novus Via Publications): 189 Douglas Street. www.): c/o Faber LGB (Leonard.tutti. www. 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