Treatise of Palo Monte Mayombe Brillumba

March 26, 2018 | Author: Wade Long | Category: Columbidae, Nature



Treaty of Palo Monte Mayombe Briyumba CongoBatalla Cuaba Sácara Mpeño Nkisi Unganga Ngonda Nkisi Foundation Unganga Treatise of Fundamentals Palo Monte Briyumba Malongo Palo Cruzado ********** O ********** Unganga Ngonda Nkisi This comprehensive treaty Mpungo ******* O ******* This Unganga is the same moon, that is, the godmother of mayomberos. The Unganga this up is simple, but on the contrary have a strong spiritual, because the moon is the guide in the darkness of the Nfumbes Ungangas good and the bad. Mom Canasta, Canasta Kiyumba is that several of the names are given, together with Naná Solé, Unganga Mom, Mom Kiyumba etc. This is Mpungo female live in lagoons, swamps and hills. Your home is at the helm favorite brava (bamboo). The land surrounding this kills it owns and is in every kindembo, which is reflected in the ceremony along with root of it. On Good Friday morning or rather the morning of Thursday to Friday, is a light leave the flower of wild cane, which is spirituality of this Mpungo. The person who has not received this Mpungo, is at risk if you see this. The mother and creator of the eyes water. Living alone or accompanied by his guide, Lucero. This leads one to explain its mounting. Get ceremonies in the eyes water, wetlands and ponds, the latter being preferred. In Palo not the mother of Kowayende but a Deity accompanying it, although not as the problem of determining stock this. This is Mpungo that controls the dead as determined above, but it is incredible how he does. Its base is maintained Kowayende similar to that of the lighting is done with oil lamps and water lagoon. Always come on a white cloth with the signature in black, as This represents the brilliance of the moon and the signature Nfumbe who lives within the Unganga. Is the lamp that illuminates the forest at night, it illuminates that the Deity grove of dead and represents the birth of the mysteries of dead. It has to do with Eggún Burukú (dead aimlessly), and is a deity has to do with women, which are represented by breasts. Represents the drowning of people, namely asphyxia and death caused by choking. Lives in a clay pot, similar to that of Kowayende ie cazuelas of 2 clay, which serve to represent their basis. Both are black, the above representing the upper skull, bears and snails and 7 holes Inside the signing of Ngunda. The bottom is divided into 4 stages to be painted out. In turn each stage is divided by 4 lines of snails. Represents the spirituality of Ceiba, and in the same area. To be exact, the Deity lives on top of La Ceiba, and its flowers are pink. There is that old Tatas Mom said Kanasta is the spirit of the trees. One of the secrets of the enshrinement of pot, which is within the same to feed the pot with Ngunda before mounting, 9 flowers placed Ceiba inside, and this gives the 2 poise in light of the moon. The garment eat animals several forms, from drowning in ceremonies to slaughtered as usual, but in this basis can not be killed iron utensils. He was done with a knife or awl brava cane. Mom eats Basket: small pig, pigeon, chicken, guinea, goose, although this latter is for certain ceremonies and certain homes only. Most eating is common pigeon and guinea. Leads to complement this basis a more important piece of wild cane, which is loaded and stuffs accounts. He was subsequently made ceremonies, along with the feature of this tool Mpungo. It puts out another is larger and it adds the same charge, only that this is the one that takes for all parties if you do ceremonies. This is covered with mariwó of Half down and signed out as illustrated in the signatures at the end of treaty. The secret is its Ozuna this Unganga and acts as mediator of the moon phases. Burden of wild cane: achés (ut, obi, Ozuna, cola, obi motiwao), skin tigre, horse's head of Maja, a land of lake, river, Leri of akukó, fish fresh Mpolo of nfumbe, fabric and sand hairy spider, hawk head of guinea, pigeon, a rooster, ox, gold, silver palm real root, Ceiba, flowers Ceiba, powder slug or snail Land, Nsasi tiny Matari 1. Ceremony of the wild cane. In this wild cane tube is made with a omiero Ceiba only and is given the blood of a pigeon that omiero. The way is as is customary and season with the same that is used to wash everything about this Unganga. So this is where omiero washes before mounting and then seal the caña brava. The head of the dove is left in the pot of omiero and it is one that is the secret later. The first thing that is done is mix with Ntoto Mpolo of nfumbe, and it mixes with everything else to load the cane. At the end you are asked if Cheche, if you say that if, given a pigeon so that the blood is inside too. And is then sealed and is. All this is done before the foundation of the house more, which is where we will guide, and always with a mpemba carire on. When finished, are tools and is prepared fresh or ndiambila Mamba is the same as for continue the installation and continue to wash as follows: Tool: 7 mataris (1 reef, 1 Mar, 2, river, 3 lake or swamp ), 3 Majas of 3 dissimilar metals (copper, silver and nickel), 3 daggers brava cane for kill the animals, 2 balls of porcelain material, one white and one colors, 2 shields representing the female breasts, lungs 1 lead 7 moons of silver or lead. Then the omiero: roasted corn, smoked fish and Jutía powder, water river, Rain, blessed, orange blossom, rum, and Meng pigeon. Now when you are finished riding and everything is dry, it becomes a thread accounts that are of colors: red 7 green 7, 7 Purple, Black 7, White 7 glimmer with black. The cycle is repeated again until the full lining. The edges are sealed with wax and virgin puts a snail. This is made to the little secret of wild cane. Then turn to the casserole, which is painted with black stripes 4 pink are those that divide the pot into 4 parts. This is painted on the outside on the color black. (Signatures to the end of the treaty). Then you can leave the inside color of mud, but the sky at night is not that color, so it must be exposed to paint the signing of the basket fund, ink on white and black color. This means that inside the pot is color black as well. The mają enveloping signature, is the guardian of his secret, so this should lead Unganga ntu mboma of mandatory and This is one of the messengers of the moon. The firm represented the pan to the moon phases, working on Earth, and signature of the cover is the moon in the sky with their children Luceros. After this selection is loaded in the manner and with the following loading: It gives you 2 black and 2 white doves, representing the full moon and rising 2 white and the waning moon and the black dead. This makes the empty bowl and washed but already signed with the piece of Nfumbe around which were placed 7 and 7 sticks marpacífico Ceiba flowers. Now on signature is given the mother animal singing: Gallo: siguaraya sows, Makuto Bilongo .. Chorus: siguaraya sows. Gallo: Ngonda my Unganga .. Chorus: sowing the siguaraya Gallo: I Ngonda fire, as mpemba carire .. Mpungo Ochukuán Fundamentals of Treaty 6 Chorus: siguaraya sows. Gallo: I Unganga Mystery seeding .... Chorus: siguaraya sow ..... Then the head is left inside and placed in the position of each moon. About This began to load the basket with the following: Roasted corn, smoked fish and Jutía 21 ewereyeye (Peony), 1 double mirror, 1 cuchillito bamboo, a land of wild cane (dissolve in ceremony), a quagmire or mud (mud) of Loma, in the full moon of Ceiba, 4 corners of an eye of water, river, lake, the Kalunga kampofinda (cemetery), roots malanga and yam, 1 pomito crystal analysis with river water, pond, well and azogue which cover so that we get out and go inside, 7 ikines (which sink in the water that these are good), 7 Red-mates, Matt Gray 7, 7 to mataris are: 1 reef, 1 Mar, 2 River 3 lagoon or swamp, shook shook, spider peluda much Alacran, 7 metallic stars, metallic moons 7, 1 majacito metal, which is wound on the main Matari that asks which, if not the reef. Powder 7, 14 or 21 clubs strong among those who can not miss the ceiba. In its absence, 7 sticks ceiba that are compulsory at the ceremony. 21 guinea pepper, corojo, 21 seeds of wonder, quartz 7. Heads or feathers of guinea, susundamba, bat, pigeon, akukó, Ganz. Gold, silver, all sorts of acheses, moss river Mpolo of nfumbe. Procedure: Ntoto the mix and they all added something omiero, corn and roasted the Jutía everything else. That is a compact mass which is used for selling. The glass tube with water and quicksilver is placed at the bottom of the casserole, along with seeds and others. Matari The reef is hollow and it introduces the Nfumbe same lagoon with sand. All that is solid should be washed omiero with the previously determined above. When finished, it is already completed assembly of the foundation. Now we begin with the ceremonial because it determines who is not only heavy, but the ceremony cause the expression of Mpungo inside the pot. To mount the ceremony. Wanted a wicker basket or the like, which fits the Unganga, and within is loaded with great roasted yams. This is placed on and around the Unganga basket add 7 Milk dishes. Now we give weight to the base 7 and at 7 so that dishes are shared. Doves and the yam basket carried on the river or lagoon. Upon his return is cleaned well with a guinea and given to remove the force of a moon above, as the Cold Moon mata. To that end, the river is the largest wild cane and put into the lake or River so that water coma with the cane. This must be stopped, this is what will keep us stop. This has devoted the Unganga. If a person is going to swear on this base are made other ceremonies, which are according to the ceremony of the Lake. Is serious and careful. But usually he swears on 7-ray and given this Unganga after a while. The next day when the fence to feed, goes to the mountain with all kinds of tubers, similar to when you dig San Lazaro, is a hollow at the foot of a tree and clean the person there. Everything is plugged with a blue and white cloth, was happens to a chicken and the person is present and gives the tree and the hole. Is all buried at the end. Holding 1 or better by 2 chicks and guinea give a Ceiba. And finally is the eye with water and give 2 pigeons. Now when the house was removed to give everything as normal. Animals to devote Kanasta Mom: 1 goat, 1 Ganzo, 2 chickens or roosters white and 2 white doves. ********************* O ********************* Notes on this Mpungo This Unganga always live with a little moisture, so the above has always had a jícara water river or lake. ******* O ******* This represents Mpungo Moon and is the spiritual symbol of birth, so in the house when someone is going to scratch, always gives a dove so that the Moon is conducive to their birth. The Moon is the mother of witches. ******* O ******* Mom Kanasta sweet wine, anise and rum. ******* O ******* On the first point is important ceremonies take baths while mounting Unganga with nfinda rue, basil and bitter brush. If it lasts 2 days process bathes the 2 days. ******* O ******* Treatise of Signatures Signature Unganga Ngonda Ochukuán basis. (Yaya Ngonda Duerme Rose). This firma represents the Moon World, which is a basis for signatures Ngonda Nkisi mount. This is care. Signature of Full Moon, or Plenilunio (Mato Nzambi Ngonda Cunamato) Firma that represents the full moon or Tam. It is used for ceremonies and Unganga Nkisi mount any kind. This signature is placed next to the Nkisi which is devoted to the powers conferred Nfumbe Ngonda world. To Nkisi Ngonda ceremony is used as the full moon or to food. ******* O ******* Signature of Waning Moon (Muna Mperimpembe Malondanda). Signature Ngonda Waning phase. The Moon is used to reduce situations or to harm someone or something. To reduce diseases such as situations, counter wars or enemies. Damage to lights and is made with beef chiva, which is drying on a tree trunk Drago. This has the power to sap bleed red like human blood, instead of wise. ******* O ******* Signature of crescent moon (New Moon Sacuata Mete Brisa) The Moon is used to contrast the above, and also for the same. His function is to increase the determination by the work and ceremony. It is very good for swearing in ceremonies and planting for Tataitoko. ******* O ******* Signature of New Moon (New Moon Media Night Wind Brisa). The Moon is very dangerous because it represents Death. Used to get rid of bad is that energy and gives life to things. Everything that exists first was to bring death to life, hence the importance of death in the life of everything. Signature basis to mount Kindembo Ngonda This signature is used to paint on the floor at the time of the consecration of Unganga Ngonda. Is going in the basket if you want depth and Nfumbe Ngonda is determined as valid.
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