Tratak Sadhana

April 2, 2018 | Author: Vishwanath Joshi | Category: Hatha Yoga, Yoga, Mind–Body Interventions, Spirituality, Nondualism



8/28/2010Tratak Sadhana Subscribe NOW** Print Edition Too little is known about Unani, one of the world’s major therapies rooted in a holistic perspective. Founded by Hippocrates, and built on by various cultures including the Arab world, Unani is a sophisticated therapy offering cures for an impressive range of maladies More>> HomeEventsProductsPractitionersBodyMindSpiritAsk our expertsWritersGreetingsArchivesAbout us Access over 5,000 pages of information on alternative health, holistic living, spirituality, positive thinking and inspiring people. Search Ads by Google Kundalini Yoga Yoga Breathing Babaji Kriya Yoga Hatha Yoga Mahavatar Babaji Statues Bring Home Life Like Sculptures of Mahavatar Babaji, Kriya Yoga See Miracles in Your Life Discover How: Advance Study Program + Membership - Start with Free Book Kriya Yoga Learn Kriya Yoga & Shaktipath From Madabusi Subramaniyam www.HealYourSelf.In Lose Weight & KEEP IT OFF Weight loss program that suits your lifestyle, body and taste! Yoga Teacher Training RYT 200 Yoga Alliance Certification 28 days in Bali that last lifetime…/tratak-sadhana.asp 1/5 SECRETS OF TRATAK SADHANA by Acharya Shree Dhruv Dhotirvastistatha Netishtratkam Nowlikam Tatha Kapalbhatischetani Khastkarmani Prachate — Hathayog Pradipika y ogav a. vasti. Three types of tratak sadhana (a) Inner tratak Sadhana (b) Middle tratak sadhana…/tratak-sadhana. tratak and kapalbhati. i. And a time comes when we are able to perform an unusual feat. there are six types of hathayoga: dhauti. 80 per cent of our energy is wasted and our central nerve system loses its balance. But what is tratak sadhana? It is defined as focusing your attention with concentration on a point or on the flame of a lamp continuously. The first four. tratak and kapalbhati. Ads by Google According to Hathayog Pradipika. are related to spiritual achievements. neti. These are all yogic processes (shat karma) which apart from imparting physical and mental peace also provide spiritual power. gradually we start experiencing peace of mind. while the last two. and thereafter we start getting rid of unwanted thoughts. How does tratak sadhana affect us The flow of thoughts in our brain is an on-going process. neti and nauli are related to purification of the body. But when we attain tratak sadhana. With this process we start gaining more and more energy.8/28/2010 Tratak Sadhana Yoga .asp 2/5 . vasti. nauli..e. Due to this. without blinking. preferably white. With suksham pranayama you can control your mind. 11. hypnotic and spiritual power. keep the lamp or shivlinga at a distance of 20 inches at eye level so that there is no strain or pressure on your neck. leprosy and eye diseases should not practise tratak. Benefits: Improves concentration. If you get a burning sensation in your eyes. 7. It will be better to start trarak sadhana after this. Benefits: With this yogic action you can hypnotise any person who is very far from you. It will also help in building your confidence. Those suffering from tuberculosis. Keep negative thoughts and lust away from your mind. you get foresight. you cannot be successful. Benefits: Helps in getting rid of mental disorders and improves motivational power and foresight. Outer tartak sadhna can be performed at anytime of the day or night. In the beginning you may feel some pain or heat in your head but do not worry. Besides. by focusing your eyes and attention on any object like the sun. stars. close your eyes for some time and then again repeat this kriya (process). Those who have a weak eyesight cannot perform this. where Lord Shiva’s third eye is located. do not move your body. 10. patience and concentration. focus your eyes and attention on either the flame of a lamp (which is lit by the oil of black sesame) or on a crystal shivlinga. as it will normalise…/tratak-sadhana. Do suksham pranayam before practising tratak because this sadhana requires mental peace. Practice after taking bath and wear loose clothes. Sit like a statue. neck and spine straight. Try to keep your entire attention on this point. intelligence and patience. 6. Choose any one of three kriyas and practice it continuously for three months. choose the one with which you feel comfortable. Always practise in a closed room and be by yourself. 8. If your mind is not peaceful or comfortable. You may be interested in lifepositive. heart diseases. 9. It is effective if practised at a fixed place and time. 12. While practising. This has to be done for 21 days regularly for 15 minutes a day. Leave all addictions. moon. memory and mental power. For this kriya.8/28/2010 (c) Outer tratak sadhana Tratak Sadhana Inner tratak sadhana is closing the eyes and focusing your attention on the middle of your forehead. For tratak sadhana: 1. Try to spend more or equal time in this sadhana as you spend on the first day.asp 3/5 . 4. 2. Rules of suksham pranayama: Sit in sukhasan without any body movement and take in and release long deep breaths slowly. It will even take away negative thoughts and desires from your mind and will give you peace. 5. In Middle tratak sadhana. 3. Do tratak with dedication. It also increases your working efficiency and the ability to read others' mind. Sit on a blanket in sukhasna or sidhasna and keep back. Out of the three ways of practising tratak. by: sanjeev Kumar Subject: god . Kindly guide to me for tratak meditation.. des dereglements totales etc.because in my both eyes have small catract from my birth and i am wearing glasses from past 10 years.asp 4/5 ..n .23 June 2010 Dear Sir. Mais quels sont les dangers d´ouverture du troisième oeil ? On parle surtout des avantages mais quels sont les inconvients ? IL y a des gens qui parle des troubles mentales .16 June 2010 Respected Sir... Thank you very much for giving details of how to do Tratak Sadhana....8/28/2010 Tratak Sadhana Yoga Top Send this Article to your Friend Life Positive August 2003 Post comment Reader's CommentsSubject: Yoga Tratak .…/tratak-sadhana..... by: Andre Subject: TRATAK SADHANA .Perfect.way to acheive the gods grace by: (The One) willing to Destroy the evils Post comment Pages: 1 2 3 ©Copyright 2000-2010 Life Positive Foundation MEMBER AREA Username: Password: Remember my passw ord on this computer Forgot Passw ord? Register here | Why should I register? INTERACTIVE FEATURES AYURVEDA lifepositive.15 May 2010 Great... Rao by: RANGANATHA Subject: Regarding Tratak advise .6 August 2010 Je te remercie sur la sujet de Tratak Yoga . meaningfully Positive Thinking : The Good Word Yoga : Yogasanas Personal Growth : Living with passion Enlightenment : Worthy to be a spiritual guru Islam : Clarification of a Fallacy Buddhism : Seeds of Social Transformation Mahatma Gandhi : Experimenter of Truth Meditation : Boardroom Enlightenment Science and Spirituality : Science of Maya Tratak Sadhana lifepositive.asp 5/5 .com/…/tratak-sadhana.8/28/2010 AIDS HOLISTIC CANCER CURE HEART HEALTH MEDITATION STRESS PRANIC HEALING REIKI YOGA ART OF LIVING CHINMAYA MISSION BREATH BUDDHISM ENLIGHTENMENT HAPPINESS HOLISTIC LIVING MAHATMA GANDHI NATUROPATHY POSITIVE CHRONICLES POSITIVE THINKING SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY Naturopathy : Deepcore healing Stress : Compete Within Health : Discover your Compassinate healer Healing : Living Without Pain Indian Psychology : The Ethics of emotions Psychotherapy : The stories of our lives Parenting : Children of a New World Relationships : Enlightened Relationships Positive Chronicles : Living with cancer.
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