Transformer Bushing Type GOE
Transformer Bushing Type GOE
March 22, 2018 | Author: MMonticelli | Category:
Insulator (Electricity)
Electrical Engineering
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1ZSE 2750-105 en, Rev.7 Transformer bushings, type GOE and GOE(2) Technical guide This Technical Guide has been produced to allow transformer manufacturers, and their designers and engineers, access to all the technical information required to assist them in their selection of the appropriate Transformer Bushing. The Guide should be used in conjunction with the Selection Guide to allow the optimum selection to be made. The technical information pertaining to bushings manufactured by ABB has been divided into separate documents, with one document for each type. The information provided in this document is intended to be general and does not cover all possible applications. Any specific application not covered should be referred directly to ABB, or its authorized representative. ABB makes no warranty or representation and assumes no liability for the accuracy of the information in this document or for the use of such information. All information in this document is subject to change without notice. Content Design............................................................................................................................. 4 GOE features............................................................................................................. 4 GOE(2) features......................................................................................................... 4 Features and benefits................................................................................................. 5 Shed profile............................................................................................................... 6 Common specifications............................................................................................. 6 Testing............................................................................................................................. 7 Test tap...................................................................................................................... 7 Test tap adapter......................................................................................................... 7 Oil sampling valve...................................................................................................... 7 Dimensions...................................................................................................................... 8 GOE 250-210 to GOE 950-650................................................................................. 8 GOE 1050-750 to GOE 1800-1360........................................................................... 10 GOE 2550................................................................................................................. 12 GOE 2600................................................................................................................. 13 GOE(2)....................................................................................................................... 14 Current capacity.............................................................................................................. 16 Short-time current...................................................................................................... 16 Overload capacity of bushings................................................................................... 16 Connection details........................................................................................................... 17 Draw rod system........................................................................................................ 17 Draw lead system...................................................................................................... 19 Outer terminal............................................................................................................ 21 End-shields..................................................................................................................... 22 Ordering particulars......................................................................................................... 24 Packing........................................................................................................................... 25 Additional GOE and GOE(2) bushings available on request.............................................. 26 see Figs. 3D models and dimension drawings can be downloaded from the ABB website. The bushing is built up around a centre tube on which the condenser core is wound. as well as special tests. The top housing has expansion space for the oil sufficient for temperature variations in the bushing between -40° and +80 °C. Variations in the length of the centre tube and the housing are compensated by a flexible connection inside the top housing. 24 4 | Transformer bushings. The mounting flange and the top housing are shot blasted to obtain a thoroughly smooth surface finish. On the flange there is a test tap. the top housing is equipped with a magnetic oil level indicator. The foils are located so that the best possible combination of external flashover and internal puncture strength is achieved. GOE(2) features A set of springs in the top housing provides adequate pressure on all gaskets. For GOE 250 to 900 the top housing is equipped with two oil level gauges of prism type. are given on request. 18. The current shall be reduced for horizontal mounting and up to 15° from horizontal. The shield may be mounted on the lower end plate of the bushing. etc.. independently of temperature and load conditions. 19 and 22-26. Please refer to the applicable section. For GOE 1050 and larger. . For bushings up to 550 kV paper of full width is employed. or on the bottom contact of the draw rod. The maximum stresses in the oil at the surface of the shield insulation must be limited to those values normal for insulated conductors and similar components in the same transformer. ABB manufactures shields of this type. Quotations for modifications in design and additional parts such as special terminal studs. The mounting flange is an aluminium alloy casting. the lower insulator and the mounting flange are held between the end plates by the centre tube and sealing is accomplished by oil-resistant rubber gaskets in grooves. Technical guide and 26. type GOE and GOE(2). For GOE(2) the upper insulator is cemented to a flange which is bolted to the mounting flange. which are quoted for and delivered separately. The purpose of this shield is to avoid excessive electrical stresses in the oil at the lower end plate and at the connection between the insulated lead from the transformer winding and the draw lead or other conductors in the bushing. which is made in one piece without gaskets. The upper insulator on bushings GOE 1050 and larger are equipped with retaining rings mounted with stainless steel details. The rated current is defined according to IEC 60137. It is valid only when the centre tube is used as conductor. It is of great importance that the shield is placed in the right position in order to protect the bottom end of the bushing. The bushing is designed to be mounted at an angle not exceeding 30° from the vertical. shields. providing space for current transformers. Guidelines for positioning of the shield are given in Figs.Design The GOE bushing is available in two designs: GOE and GOE(2). The bushing is designed to be mounted at an angle of up to 30° to 60° from the vertical. A higher inclination can be obtained on request. Bushings for higher voltages are wound from paper strips in a manner similar to that used for cables. GOE features A set of concentric tubes are pre stressed and serve as springs which hold the main bushing components together and provide adequate pressure on the gaskets in all expected temperature and load conditions. The shields are made of aluminium and are insulated with epoxy or a lining of pressboard. This tap is automatically earthed by a protective cap when the tap is not connected to external test or measuring circuits. Bushings GOE 450 and larger require a shield at the oil end. sufficient for temperature variations in the bushing between -40° and +80 °C. Dimensions and recommendations. The gasket surface is machined flat. ABB can also provide assistance with field calculations to confirm the performance of other shielding systems. Variations in the lenght of the centre tube are compensated by the flexible cover of the housing. The mounting flange can be equipped with extensions on the oil side. rod gaps. thus improving the current-carrying capacity and thermal stability of the bushing. The top housing is made of aluminium and has expansion space for the oil. For draw lead applications the permissible current will be lower. The upper insulator. The annular space formed between the tubes makes an efficient cooling duct for dissipation of the heat. 2. Technical guide | 5 . Never any failures in the field. Fig. Features and benefits • • • A complete range and outstanding operational experience from the most demanding applications for more than 30 years. Transformer bushing type GOE. Our test criteria and margins exceeding international standards. air side Porcelain insulator. 1. The worlds most used 800 kV bushing. Transformer bushing type GOE(2). oil side Porcelain insulator. air side Transformer oil Sealing plug Oil level gauge Pre-stressed tubes Transformer oil Condenser core Condenser core Clamping ring Cemented flange Mounting flange Extension for current transformers Mounting flange Extension for current transformers Porcelain insulator. Our unique draw rod system facilitates easy field installation and removal without lowering the oil level. Transformer bushings. type GOE and GOE(2). oil side Bottom end nut Bottom end nut goe_0028 Fig. We use a sealing system proven since 40 years around the world. Only extra long creepage shed profile. • • • • 3D models makes it easy to incorporate the bushing in its context.Top end nut Top end nut Set of springs Sealing plug Flexible connection Top housing Top housing Oil level gauge Porcelain insulator. For each pair of sheds. minimum value acc.0.”) Immersion medium: Transformer oil. Technical guide . Maximum daily mean temperature 90 °C. For each pair of sheds. Maximum temporary oil temperature 115 °C.5 27 R8 65 R5. Pollution level: According to specified creepage distance and IEC 60815 (“Guide for the selection of insulators in respect of polluted conditions. pressure of surrounding medium: 100 kPa over pressure. GOE The shed profile is designed according to IEC 60815. Shed profile GOE(2). 4. Max. Altitude of site: < 1 000 m Level of rain and humidity: 1-2 mm rain/min. type GOE and GOE(2). Oil level in transformer: Not lower than 30 mm from the bushing flange. goe_0029 Fig. 3. Common specifications Application: Transformers Classification: Oil impregnated paper. to temperature class 2 of IEC 60137.94. horizontally and vertically. as per IEC 60060-1. capacitance graded. Shed profile GOE. the ratio between nominal creepage distance and the axial length is 4. 6 | Transformer bushings. please consult ABB. This shed profile is developed and tested specially for heavy pollution.5 18° R4.Shed profile The shed profile for all GOE bushings is of the anti-fog type with alternating long and short sheds. outdoor immersed bushing Ambient temperature: +40 °C to -50 °C.5 goe_0045 Fig. 65 66 45 51 R10 R7 R8 R5. Markings: Conforming to IEC/ IEEE For conditions exceeding the standard specification above. the ratio between nominal creepage distance and the axial length is 3. GOE(2) The shed profile is designed according to IEC 60815.5 R10 R9 18° 12° R7 12° R9.5 10° 18° 31 18° 10° 70 R4. In connection with an external capacitance the test tap can be used as a voltage tap. 7. service voltage is 6 kV. No sign of leakage is allowed. (Pg 16 acc. Type test reports are available on request. These measurements are carried out at the same time. The test is made at room temperature with the lower end of the bushing submerged in oil. Catalogue number 2769 522-C. 0. However. and at the same levels. which is maintained for one minute. A tightness test is carried out on the assembled bushing after the final drying and impregnation. Requirements for tan d are max. Capacitance. goe_0054 Fig. The PD value must not exceed 30 pC at the withstand voltage. Test tap Fig. 50 Hz for one minute. Test tap adapter For permanent connection of the test tap to measuring circuits. 6. test voltage of the tap is 20 kV. Oil sampling valve All GOE bushings are equipped with an oil sampling valve. Technical guide | 7 .Testing During manufacture and on completion the bushing is subjected to a number of routine tests. Each bushing is subjected to a final electrical routine test.5 % for U m between 362 and 550 kV and max. in addition to what has been described. Oil sampling valve. The oil sampling valve can also be used as connection to pressure sensor or pressure switch using the ISO-G 1/4” inside thread. Transformer bushings. The test tap has dimensions according to IEEE Potential tap type A. The test is made at an oil overpressure of 180 kPa (1.55 % for Um ≤ 362 kV. according to IEC 60137 and IEEE bushing standards. Max.4% for Um > 550 kV. as the tan d test. Test tap All GOE bushings are equipped with a test tap connected to the outer layer of the condenser core. It is always demonstrated that the PD value is below 5 pC at rated voltage (=√3 times bushing service voltage). The max. 0. Test tap adapter. to DIN 40430) Pr 22. tan d and internal partial discharge are also measured with decreasing voltage at the same voltage levels as before the one minute test. 5.8 bar) for 12 hours at ambient temperature. Capacitance and tan d are measured in steps up to the power frequency withstand voltage.5 Turnable in optional direction goe_0019 Fig. ABB’s requirements for acceptance are generally higher than IEC and IEEE standards. type GOE and GOE(2). max. Type tests have been carried out according to IEC 60137 and IEEE. Bushings with Um ≥ 245 kV are routine tested with a dry lightning impulse voltage withstand test. a test tap adapter is required. 0. 3 GOE 650-500-5000-0.3 650-500-5000-0.6 950-650-3150-0.6 0.3 GOE 380-300-3150-0.6 0. Dimensions GOE 250 to 950.6 0.6 GOE 950-650-3150-0. RMS kV. Bushing Catalog Number Creepage Rated 48 48 38 38 48 48 38 38 48 48 38 38 48 48 Dry 305 605 305 605 305 605 305 605 305 605 305 605 305 605 mm L3 Routine 1335 ±25 1335 ±25 1335 ±25 1335 ±25 1335 ±25 1335 ±25 1335 ±25 1335 ±25 1810 ±33 1810 ±33 1810 ±33 1810 ±33 2310 ±42 2310 ±42 mm L2 Wet 825 ±20 825 ±20 825 ±20 825 ±20 825 ±20 825 ±20 825 ±20 825 ±20 1300 ±27 1300 ±27 1300 ±27 1300 ±27 1800 ±37 1800 ±37 mm mm Phase- mm 2955 ±80 2955 ±80 2955 ±80 2955 ±80 2955 ±80 2955 ±80 2955 ±80 2955 ±80 4775 ±125 4775 ±125 4775 ±125 4775 ±125 6820 ±175 6820 ±175 L1 D1 Wet 375 670 375 670 375 670 375 670 400 700 400 700 315 615 mm L4 685 985 685 985 685 985 685 985 835 1135 835 1135 835 1135 mm 3150 3150 5000 5000 3150 3150 5000 5000 3150 3150 5000 5000 3150 3150 A 52 52 52 52 72.6 GOE 250-210-5000-0. 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 264 264 264 264 264 264 mm 120 120 120 120 175 175 175 175 325 325 325 325 395 395 120 120 120 120 170 170 170 170 315 315 315 315 395 395 kV. type GOE and GOE(2).3 250-210-5000-0.6 GOE 650-500-3150-0.6 GOE 380-300-5000-0.5 72.6 650-500-3150-0.6 Bushing Catalog Number Table 1.5 145 145 145 145 170 170 30 30 30 30 42 42 42 42 84 84 84 84 98 98 250 250 250 250 380 380 380 380 650 650 650 650 950 950 kV.3 650-500-3150-0.3 GOE 250-210-3150-0. RMS AC 400 400 400 400 550 550 550 550 650 650 650 650 750 750 kV.6 380-300-3150-0.6 0. 250-210-3150-0. RMS Nominal 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 400 400 400 400 400 400 mm D3 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 mm D4 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350 350 350 mm D6 Max.3 GOE 380-300-5000-0. test 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 mm D5 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 90 90 90 90 90 90 A2 20 (6x) 20 6x) 20 (6x) 20 (6x) 20 (6x) 20 (6x) 20 (6x) 20 (6x) 20 (8x) 20 (8x) 20 (8x) 20 (8x) 20 (8x) 20 (8x) mm H1 Max permitted load 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 45 45 45 45 45 45 A1 IEC 60137 conductor C 1±10% (pF) 448 5700 594 5700 448 5700 594 5700 448 5700 594 5700 448 5700 594 5700 392 5700 498 5700 392 5700 498 5700 377 5000 466 5000 (C1) and test tap (N) acc.3 0.3 0. peak dry 50 Hz frequency impulse kv. Data GOE 250 to 950.6 1ZSC902052-AAA -AAB -ABA -ABB 1ZSC902072-AAA -AAB -ABA -ABB 1ZSC902145-AAA -AAB -ABA -ABB 1ZSC902170-AAA -AAB 8 | Transformer bushings.3 380-300-3150-0.6 GOE 650-500-5000-0.6 0.GOE 250-210-3150-0.3 0.3 950-650-3150-0.6 650-500-5000-0.6 380-300-5000-0. peak RMS 210 210 210 210 300 300 300 300 500 500 500 500 650 650 SI LI UY impulse impulse voltage Um kV.6 250-210-5000-0.3 0.3 250-210-3150-0.5 72.3 0.6 0. peak kV.6 extension distance Flange Dimensions GOE 250-210 to GOE 950-650 Nominal voltages 52 kV to 170 kV Lightning impulse 250 kV to 950 kV Maximum current 3150 A to 5000 A .5 72.3 0.3 GOE 250-210-5000-0. to between 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2500 2500 0° 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2000 2000 30° 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1500 1500 60° mounting angle switching capacitance load 1 min (N) in operation at Dry 230 240 270 290 230 240 270 290 330 350 390 410 405 420 kg L5±5 Mass D2 current voltage to-earth lightning switching test 1 min power Rated mm 0. Technical guide GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE 1ZSC902052-AAA -AAB -ABA -ABB 1ZSC902072-AAA -AAB -ABA -ABB 1ZSC902145-AAA -AAB -ABA -ABB 1ZSC902170-AAA -AAB Table 2.3 380-300-5000-0.3 0.6 GOE 380-300-3150-0.3 GOE 950-650-3150-0.3 GOE 650-500-3150-0. D1 L5 D3 L4 D2 L3 25 115 L1 L2 D4 D5 130 D6 Position of oil sample valve Mounting hole H1 A2 Position of test tap A1 Earthing hole M12 . Technical guide | 9 Fig 8. type GOE and GOE(2). Dimensions GOE 250 to 950.Transformer bushings. 3 0.3 1675-1300-2500-0. to between 6500 6500 6500 6500 6000 6000 4500 4500 4500 4500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 0° 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 2500 2500 2500 2500 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 30° 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 60° mounting angle switching capacitance load 1 min (N) in operation at Dry 755 775 735 765 810 830 1070 1090 1070 1090 1750 1785 1750 1785 1750 1785 kg L5±5 Mass D2 current voltage to-earth lightning switching test 1 min power Rated mm 0. RMS kV.6 extension distance Flange GOE 1050-750 to GOE 1800-1360 Nominal voltage 245 kV to 550 kV Lightning impulse 1050 kV to 1800 kV Maximum current 2500 A to 5000 A . peak kV.3 1175-850-2500-0.6 1675-1300-2500-0.3 0.6 1800-1360-2500-0.6 1050-750-5000-0.6 0.3 0.3 0. 1050-750-2500-0. Dimensions GOE 1050 to 1800.3 1550-1175-2500-0.3 1550-1175-2500-0.3 1050-750-5000-0.3 1050-750-2500-0. Technical guide GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE 1ZSC902245-AAA -AAB -ABA -ABB 1ZSC902362-AAA -AAB 1ZSC902420-AAA -AAB -BAA -BAB 1ZSC902550-AAA -AAB -BAA -BAB -CAA -CAB Table 4.6 0.3 1425-1150-2500-0. 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 428 428 428 428 428 428 mm 505 505 505 505 560 560 630 630 695 695 750 750 750 750 870 870 480 480 480 480 540 540 650 650 695 695 750 750 870 870 870 870 kV.3 1050-750-5000-0.6 1050-750-5000-0.6 0.3 1675-1300-2500-0.6 0.6 Bushing Catalog Number Creepage Rated 48 48 38 38 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 Dry 2230 2230 2230 2230 2470 2470 3620 3620 3620 3620 4710 4710 4710 4710 4710 4710 mm mm Phase- mm 8190 ±210 8190 ±210 8190 ±210 8190 ±210 9120 ±240 9120 ±240 13745 ±355 13745 ±355 13745 ±355 13745 ±355 18020 ±470 18020 ±470 18020 ±470 18020 ±470 18020 ±470 18020 ±470 L1 D1 3070 3070 3070 3070 3310 3310 4460 4460 4460 4460 5751 5751 5751 5751 5751 5751 Wet ±55 ±55 ±55 ±55 ±55 ±55 ±56 ±56 ±56 ±56 ±55 ±55 ±55 ±55 ±55 ±55 mm L2 305 605 305 605 305 605 305 305 605 605 305 605 305 605 305 605 Routine ±60 ±60 ±60 ±60 ±60 ±60 ±61 ±61 ±61 ±61 ±61 ±61 ±61 ±61 ±61 ±61 mm L3 Wet 390 655 390 655 335 610 320 320 620 620 310 610 310 610 310 610 mm L4 1035 1335 1035 1335 1035 1335 1035 1035 1335 1335 1285 1585 1285 1585 1285 1585 mm 2500 2500 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 A 245 245 245 245 362 362 420 420 420 420 550 550 550 550 550 550 141 141 141 141 209 209 242 242 242 242 318 318 318 318 318 318 1050 1050 1050 1050 1175 1175 1300 1300 1425 1425 1550 1550 1675 1675 1800 1800 kV.3 0.3 1425-1150-2500-0.3 1175-850-2500-0.3 0.3 1300-1050-2500-0.3 1300-1050-2500-0. peak dry 50 Hz frequency impulse kv.3 0. test 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 600 600 mm D5 IEC 60137 conductor C 1±10% (pF) 383 13000 450 13000 383 13000 450 13000 420 12000 490 12000 536 9000 570 9000 536 9000 570 9000 500 13000 512 13000 500 13000 512 13000 500 13000 512 13000 (C1) and test tap (N) acc.GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE GOE 1ZSC902245-AAA -AAB -ABA -ABB 1ZSC902362-AAA -AAB 1ZSC902420-AAA -AAB -BAA -BAB 1ZSC902550-AAA -AAB -BAA -BAB -CAA -CAB 10 | Transformer bushings.6 1300-1050-2500-0.6 1550-1175-2500-0. RMS AC 960 960 960 960 950 950 1155 1155 1265 1265 1300 1300 1430 1430 1500 1500 kV.6 0.6 1425-1150-2500-0.3 1050-750-2500-0.6 1800-1360-2500-0.3 1800-1360-2500-0.6 Bushing Catalog Number Table 3. Data GOE 1050 to 1800.6 1300-1050-2500-0.6 1675-1300-2500-0. type GOE and GOE(2).6 0.3 0.6 0.6 1175-850-2500-0. 1050-750-2500-0.6 1550-1175-2500-0.3 1800-1360-2500-0.6 1425-1150-2500-0.6 1175-850-2500-0. peak RMS 750 750 750 750 850 850 1050 1050 1150 1150 1175 1175 1300 1300 1360 1360 SI LI UY impulse impulse voltage Um kV. RMS Nominal 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 720 720 720 720 720 720 mm D3 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 565 565 565 565 565 565 mm D4 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 30 30 30 30 30 30 A1 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 24 24 24 24 24 24 (8x) (8x) (8x) (8x) (8x) (8x) (8x) (8x) (8x) (8x) (12x) (12x) (12x) (12x) (12x) (12x) mm H1 Max permitted load 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 660 660 660 660 660 660 mm D6 Max. D1 L5 D2 L3 L4 28 196 L1 L2 D4 D5 D6 Position of oil sample valve Mounting hole H1 150 90° Position of test tap A1 Earthing hole M12 . Technical guide | 11 D3 Fig 9. type GOE and GOE(2). Dimensions GOE 1050 to 1800.Transformer bushings. Data GOE 2550. peak RMS 1675 1675 SI LI UY kV. peak kV. impulse impulse voltage Um 1075 1075 kv. RMS 1760 1760 610 660 C 1±10% (pF) test tap (C1) conductor and between 6690 8051 ±63 kV.6 -AAB GOE 2550-1675-2500-0. Technical guide Ø780 Ø528 L3 L4 Dry Wet mm 605 905 L3 Dry mm kg 1955 3500 2255 3560 L5±5 Mass Routine mm 640 940 L4 Nominal A 28 196 800 800 Ø665 462 462 2550 2550 kV.9 2500 Catalog Number Table 5. Rated Flange extension mm 1ZSC902800-AAA GOE 2550-1675-2500-0.9 Catalog Number GOE 2550 .9 0. Ø48 L5 Earthed layer Table 6. Dimensions GOE 2550.6 0. test load Max permitted load 150 Ø616 Nominal voltage 800 kV Lightning impulse 2550 kV Maximum current 2500 A Fig 10. Phase- mm 25720 ±670 25720 ±670 Creepage distance current voltage to-earth lightning switching test 1 min switching capacitance Rated 1ZSC902800-AAA GOE 2550-1675-2500-0.Bushing Bushing 12 | Transformer bushings.6 2500 AAB GOE 2550-1675-2500-0. peak dry 50 Hz impulse Ø711 12200 12200 0° 6100 6100 12 mounting holes Ø32 90° 30° 2900 2900 Ø565 Position of test tap 30° Earthing hole M12 60° - mounting angle (N) in operation at Position of oil sample valve IEC 60137 (N) 1 min acc. Dimensions GOE 2550. RMS kV. to Max. type GOE and GOE(2). Bushing Bushing Ø1000 Earthed layer 2385 ±5 Phase- 6000 kg Dry Wet Routine Nominal A 38 300 Ø690 505 595 300 Ø755 kV.5 0. impulse impulse voltage Um 1200 kv. RMS 9585 ±75 11536 ±80 C 1±10% (pF) 770 and test tap (C1) 8000 dry 50 Hz between conductor IEC 60137 (N) 1 min acc. Rated mm >33000 Mass current voltage to-earth lightning switching test 1 min capacitance Rated 1ZSC902110-AAA GOE 2600-1950-2500-0.5 Catalog Number GOE 2600 Transformer bushings. RMS kV. Data GOE 2600.5 2500 Catalog Number Table 7. Dimensions GOE 2600. peak kV. peak 635 2600 1950 RMS 1100 SI LI UY kV. to Ø930 0° 2500 60° - 12 mounting holes Ø32 Earthing hole M12 30° - mounting angle (N) in operation at Max. test load Max permitted load Position of test tap 30° Ø567 Ø600 Nominal voltage 1100 kV Lightning impulse 2600 kV Maximum current 2500 A Fig 11. type GOE and GOE(2). Dimensions GOE 2600. Ø48 Table 8. Creepage extension distance Flange mm 1ZSC902110-AAA GOE 2600-1950-2500-0. Technical guide | 13 150 . 3 1675-1300-1600-0.6 1550-1175-1600-0.3 0.6 1425-1050-1600-0.6 Bushing Catalog Number Creepage Rated ±4 ±4 ±4 ±4 Dry 2540 2540 3250 3250 ±10 ±10 ±10 ±10 Wet 3426 3426 4136 4136 mm mm Phase- mm 9150 ±400 9150 ±400 11750 ±350 11750 ±350 15200 ±350 15200 ±350 15200 ±350 15200 ±350 L2 L1 300 600 300 600 300 600 300 600 mm L3 Routine 335 635 328 628 339 639 339 639 mm L4 Wet 925 1225 1090 1390 1285 1585 1285 1585 mm 565 580 750 770 1020 1055 1020 1055 kg 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 A 362 362 420 420 550 550 550 550 209 209 242 242 318 318 318 318 1175 1175 1425 1425 1550 1550 1675 1675 kV.3 0.6 1425-1050-1600-0. Data GOE(2). peak kV. peak dry 50 Hz frequency impulse kv.3 1425-1050-1600-0.3 1550-1175-1600-0.3 1550-1175-1600-0.3 1175-850-1600-0.6 1675-1300-1600-0. test Max permitted load IEC 60137 conductor 407 470 474 532 482 535 482 535 C 1±10% (pF) (C1) 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 and test tap (N) acc. Technical guide Table 10.6 extension distance Flange GOE(2) Nominal voltage 362 kV to 550 kV Lightning impulse 1175 kV to 1675 kV Maximum current 1600 A .6 1550-1175-1600-0.6 0. impulse impulse voltage Um 400 400 450 450 mm D6 560 560 695 695 750 750 750 750 560 560 690 690 750 750 750 750 kV.6 1675-1300-1600-0.14 | Transformer bushings. peak RMS 850 850 1050 1050 1175 1175 1300 1300 SI LI UY kV. to between 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 0° 4400 4400 4100 4100 3900 3900 3900 3900 30° - 60° mounting angle switching capacitance load 1 min (N) in operation at Dry 450 450 500 500 mm L5±5 Mass D3 current voltage to-earth lightning switching test 1 min power Rated mm 0.3 0. RMS Nominal Max. RMS kV. GOE(2) GOE(2) GOE(2) GOE(2) GOE(2) GOE(2) GOE(2) GOE(2) 1ZSC903362-AAA -AAB 1ZSC903420-AAA -AAB 1ZSC903550-AAA -AAB -BAA -BAB 1175-850-1600-0.6 Bushing Catalog Number Table 9.3 0.3 1675-1300-1600-0.6 0.3 1425-1050-1600-0. GOE(2) GOE(2) GOE(2) GOE(2) GOE(2) GOE(2) GOE(2) GOE(2) 1ZSC903362-AAA -AAB 1ZSC903420-AAA -AAB 1ZSC903550-AAA -AAB -BAA -BAB 1175-850-1600-0.6 0. RMS AC 950 950 1050 1050 1175 1175 1300 1300 kV. type GOE and GOE(2).3 1175-850-1600-0. Dimensions GOE(2). type GOE and GOE(2). Technical guide | 15 . Dimensions GOE(2) 1675. Ø50 Earthed layer L5 25 310 25 310 Ø462 Ø422 4160 ±4 5046 ±10 L1 L2 Ø382 Ø450 Ø382 Ø450 158 158 Ø450 12 mounting holes Ø23 30° Position of test tap Earthing hole M12 30° Position of test tap Earthing hole M12 120° 120° Position of oil sample valve 12 mounting holes Ø23 D6 Position of oil sample valve ØD6 Transformer bushings. Dimensions GOE(2) 1175-1425.D3 Ø300 Ø500 Fig 13. Ø50 Earthed layer L5 Ø300 L3 L4 L3 L4 Fig 12. Rated current. Rated current Current IEC IEEE A A Short-time current Dynamic current I th I th Id 1s 2s peak kA kA kA 1600 1450 100 75 250 2500 2100 100 100 250 3150 2700 100 100 250 5000 4250 100 100 250 Table 11. For draw lead of stranded copper with the area 100 mm2 the short-time current (Ith) is 9. Technical guide Overload capacity of bushings If the conductor for the bushing is selected with 120 % of the rated current of the transformer. For other areas the short-time current is directly proportional to the area. short-time current and dynamic current as defined in IEC 60137.6 kA for 1 second and 6. 16 | Transformer bushings. This recommendation complies with IEC 60137. is listed in Table 11 for draw rod and fixed bottom end terminal. for draw rod and fixed bottom end terminal.Current capacity The rated currents specified in this catalogue are based on thermal tests and are in accordance with IEC 60137 and apply to the built-in conductors of the bushings. Short-time current The rated thermal short-time current (Ith).5 times the 1 second short-time current. The GOE bushings conform to the requirements of IEC 60137 and IEEE for currents given in Table 11. the bushing is considered to be able to withstand overload conditions according to IEC 60354 without further clarification or tests. .8 kA for 2 seconds. as defined in IEC 60137 clause 5. type GOE and GOE(2). The rated dynamic current (Id) is 2. 15. Table 12. 16: This contact is drawn against the lower end of the bushing tube by a thin steel draw rod. For the air side connection the same outer terminals are provided for both systems. 17. 15: The transformer leads are fitted with cable lugs. 14. 16. Fig. Fig. No. Technical guide | 17 . The bottom contacts are made of copper and have rounded edges.Connection details The oil side connection can be made with either a draw-rod system or a draw-lead system. 17: During installation on the transformer. please specify the items stated below. Bottom contacts with 4 or 6 threaded holes for cable lugs are available. Ordering particulars for draw rod system. 1) Lower draw rod includes bottom contact. GOE type GOE GOE(2) BIL Cat. Draw rod system At the level of the flange the draw rod is split into two parts. the upper end of this rod is bolted to a spring device beneath the outer terminal. type GOE and GOE(2). If required to meet the transport conditions. Fig. which consists of two concentric tubes of different materials and is so designed that it gives the required contact load at all temperatures. The lower part with contact end shield can then be secured to the cover during transport and storage of the transformer. Lower draw rod 1) 250-2600 LF 170 059 LF 170 098 Upper draw rod 250-2600 LF 170 057 LF 170 097 2) Fig. which are bolted to a bottom contact. No. Fig. guiding cone and draw rod up to bushing flange level. 2) Upper draw rod includes the complete draw rod above mounting flange level and the temperature compensation device. When ordering. a joint at any desired level below the flange can be offered on request. so that they may be used without any shield for low insulation levels (BIL <450 kV). 14: The centre tube of the bushing is used as current conductor. Type of draw rod Fig. Fig. Transformer bushings. Cat. Fig. 19. type GOE and GOE(2). 18 | Transformer bushings. Selection as per Table 12. Technical guide 60 Additional joint on request L5 H1 110 65 51 65 50 25 Small N1=4 bottom contact 65 51 N1=4 ∅110 Large bottom contact goe_0033 Fig. Draw rod system for GOE. −− Perfect guiding of the bushing into the transformer. This system has been supplied by ABB since the seventies with an excellent service record and has the following advantages compared to other methods used for high currents: −− No hand holes required in the transformer tank. − − No mechanical forces exerted on the leads from the transformer windings at any time. For all currents up to rated current of the bushing. . − − Easy bushing installation and removal – no connection work inside the transformer at site.∅150 D2 ∅125 D2 Outer terminal Outer terminal H2 H2 Threaded hole M8 for pulling wire Threaded hole M8 for pulling wire L2 L2 Mounting flange Mounting flange M16 25 M16 60 L5 Additional joint on request H1 240 58 39 N1 = Number of holes M12. For all currents up to rated current of the bushing. Selection as per Table 12. Draw rod system for GOE(2). − − No special supports required in the transformer as is the case with plug contacts. for cable lugs. depth 20. 18. −− The lower end shield may be fixed to the contact and will thus be correctly positioned with respect to the lower end plate of the bushing. N1=4 Small bottom contact ∅125 N1=6 Large bottom contact Fig. equipped with thread insert with screw lock. No.Draw lead system GOE Suitable copper terminals for flexible draw leads are available for currents up to 1600 A.7 Table 13.2 -D 4. inner diameter Conductor area Current. When mounting the outer terminal. Inner terminals. The connector is fastened by a hexagon nut to a copper plate placed at the top of the bushing. Technical guide | 19 . The terminal system consists of a two-part cable connector with a hole for brazing of the cable or cables. The terminal is attached by means of a divided ring at the top of the centre tube.4 4.0 30 - - 285 630 540 -C 0. The GOE outer terminal stud is placed on top of this plate.2 -B 3.4 0 1) 45 48 - - - -E 0 1) - - - - - LF 170 091 -A 1. A Complete inner terminal mm mm D1 of bushing.2 -C 3.1 15 - - 95 300 260 -B 1. mm mm 2 IEC IEEE Cat. 1) With pilot hole D=5 Transformer bushings. The two parts are screwed together in such a manner that normal tolerances in the cable and bushing lengths can be compensated. Bushing type GOE D3 D9 Min. 35 45 38 48 50 205 200 95 390 370 150 615 540 285 1000 830 450 1300 1100 600 1600 1360 Mass kg LF 170 056 -A 3. the ring becomes locked. 0 1) 35 38 - - - 15 35 38 30 40 GOE(2) GOE(2) The terminal system is made in one piece for connection of a draw lead.9 42 - - 740 1300 1110 -D 0. type GOE and GOE(2). . Selection as per Tables 13 and 14. and outer terminal for GOE. type GOE and GOE(2). 21. 20.∅125 ∅150 D2 D2 Outer terminal H2 Outer terminal Threaded hole M8 for pulling wire H2 Threaded hole M8 for pulling wire 53 L2 350 L2 End of cable D3 46 30 D9 D3 End of cable goe_0037 Fig. Selection as per Tables 13 and 14. LF 170 056. Draw lead system. 20 | Transformer bushings. Draw lead system. and outer terminal for GOE(2). Technical guide goe_0034 Fig. LF 170 091. current rating and internal connection system. regardless of size. rated current (A) Mass (kg) GOE LF170073-A Al 60 125 2500 3 LF170073-B Cu 60 125 4000 8 LF170073-G Cu/Ag 60 125 4000 8 LF170073-L Cu/Sn 60 125 4000 8 LF170073-BA Cu/Ag Thread 2“-12UN 125 3000 7. Technical guide | 21 . The stud is first fastened to the bushing top with M10 bolts. The mounting arrangements are the same for all GOE bushings.5 LF170073-AA Cu 96 125 5000 9 LF170090-A Al 30 125 1250 1 LF170090-B Al 60 125 1600 1. Transformer bushings. a retainer ring. the retainer ring with the gasket is pressed against the stud by means of M8 bolts. The terminal stud assembly consists of a stud.9 GOE(2) Table 14. Bushing type Article No. Finally. The contact surface is located inside the gasket and is thus well protected from corrosion. Copper and aluminium studs are available.1 LF170090-G Cu/Ag Thread 2“-12UN 125 1600 3. Outer terminals.8 LF170090-C Cu 30 125 1600 2.8 LF170090-E Cu 60 125 1600 5. bolts and washers. a gasket. The electrical contact function and the sealing function are completely separated. Material D2 (mm) H2 (mm) Max. which give the proper electrical contact.Outer terminal The outer terminal consists of a cylindrical stud. type GOE and GOE(2). (Not possible for small bottom contact with N1 = 4. The withstand voltages in a specific case depend upon many factors beyond the control of the bushing manufacturer. 18. kg Epoxy Pressboard insulated insulated 1) 250-1425 262 174 265 170 90 492 30 8 2. To be used Dimensions according to Fig. and 6 mm for -XP and -CBP. Technical guide .) 18 Fig. ABB can also provide assistance with field calculations to confirm the compatibility between the transformer and our bushings. The thickness of the pressboard is 3 mm for -UP and -VP. Therefore the configurations and distances given below are only intended as guidelines.4 LF 170 046 -CB -CBP Table 15. type GOE. 22 | Transformer bushings. which is used as a base. mm with GOE D4 D5 H4 H5 H6 Mass R1 R2 R3 Cat. See Fig. 23. Recommendations for positioning. 22. No. Mounting alternatives.1 LF 170 046 -U -UP 1550-1800 352 207 365 240 120 351 24 10 2. 60° ø102 ø125 20° Shield mounted on the bushing 60° Large bottom contact N1= 6 13 Shield mounted on the draw rod bottom contact. 18. 24. tank or core clamp Fig.5 LF 170 046 -V -VP 2550 420 230 420 290 125 533 44 25 3.g. A mm 45° Rmin 5 60° 1000 Edges within this area should be rounded to Rmin=5 mm Earthed layer 500 A Shield -X/-XP Shield -V/-VP R1 H6 H4 Shield -U/-UP R3 H5 No shield 0 D5 D4 0 0 R2 500 1000 500 1500 2000 1000 2500 (kV) U (kV) LI U = Power frequency LI = Lightning impulse A = Distance to flat surface e. type GOE. Recommended minimum distance A for different shields and test voltages.End-shields The maximum stresses in the oil at the surface of the shield insulation and the parts surrounding the bushing must be limited to those values normal for insulated conductors and other similar components in the same transformer. type GOE and GOE(2).2 LF 170 046 -X -XP 2600 500 260 500 350 145 652 57 30 6. Insulated shield. Fig. 1) All dimensions refer to the epoxy insulated shield. Transformer bushings.g. 25. type GOE(2).8 1550-1675 258 142 265 180 80 350 32 9 470 1. type GOE and GOE(2). 21. H5 R3 D5 D4 R2 A = Distance to flat surface e. The thickness of the pressboard is 3 mm. Insulated shield.8 Cat.) A H6 H4 R1 Fig. which is used as a base. 19. Recommendations for positioning. mm with GOE(2) D4 D5 H4 H5 H6 R1 R2 R3 A Mass kg 1175 250 142 230 163 62 230 25 8 370 1. type GOE(2). Epoxy Pressboard insulated insulated 1) LF 170 092 -A -C LF 170 092 -K -L LF 170 092 -K -L Table 16. See Fig. tank or core clamp 60° 60° ø13 ø110 ø87 ø18 goe_0032 20° Fig.45° Rmin 5 60° Edges within this area should be rounded to Rmin=5 mm Shield mounted on the bushing Earthed layer Large bottom contact N1=4 Shield mounted on the draw rod bottom contact. No. 26. Mounting alternatives. 1) All dimensions refer to the epoxy insulated shield.5 1425 258 142 265 180 80 350 32 9 430 1. To be used Dimensions according to Fig. (Not possible for small bottom contact. Technical guide | 23 . 1ZSC902145-AAA Outer terminal: LF 170 073-A or -B Inner connections: Draw lead. the full catalogue number must be given. H2=100 Inner connections: Draw rod.3. lower part LF 170 059.6.Ordering particulars When ordering. small contact (On request the lower part of the draw rod can be sent separately at an earlier delivery date. (A shield is recommended for BIL 450 kV and higher. small contact (On request the lower part of the draw rod can be sent separately at an earlier delivery date. or if a non. 1ZSC902420-AAA Outer terminal: Silver plated. D2=50. the size of the bottom contact (small or large) must be specified. diameter D2 and height H2.standard terminal is requested: material.) Insulated shield: Pressboard coated. please state the following: −− Type and catalogue number for bushing. upper part LF 170 057. Technical guide . − − If a draw rod system is chosen. LF 170 046-VP Other requirements: Test voltage 690 kV Tan d over C2<1.) Insulated shield: Pressboard coated.) − − Other special requirements. See the ordering examples: Example 1 Bushing: GOE 650-500-3150-0. 1ZSC902550-AAB Outer terminal: LF 170 073-A or -B Inner connections: Draw rod. lower part LF 170 059.3. − − Specify draw rod or draw lead system. − − If a draw lead system is chosen. − − Catalogue number for the outer terminal. LF 170 046-U Example 2 Bushing: GOE 1550-1175-2500-0. LF 170 046-VP Example 3 Bushing: GOE 1300-1050-2500-0.0 % 24 | Transformer bushings. upper part LF 170 057. LF 170 056-A Insulated shield: Epoxy insulated. type GOE and GOE(2). − − Catalogue number for insulated shield. When end shields are ordered. Packing crate. L Bushing Wooden crate L (mm) B (mm) H (mm) Mass (kg) GOE 250-380 3000 540 640 111 GOE 650 3600 590 690 134 GOE 950 4100 590 690 159 GOE 1050 5200 670 770 219 GOE 1175 5400 670 770 227 GOE 1300-1425 6500 670 770 268 GOE 1550-1800 8200 1000 1170 709 GOE 2550 11400 1070 1230 999 GOE 2600 14806 1560 1375 2940 GOE(2) 1175 5300 640 740 213 GOE(2) 1425 6200 690 790 268 GOE(2)1550-1675 7300 690 790 307 B H goe_0053 Fig. the same crate used for all flange extensions. type GOE and GOE(2).Packing The bushings are delivered in wooden crates. 27. they will be delivered together with the bushings in the same crates. All crates are heat-treated according to ISPM15. Transformer bushings. Technical guide | 25 . Rating plate data Rated Phase-to- voltage earth voltage impulse Dry lightning Wet switching Routine test impulse 1 min dry Um UY LI SI 50 Hz kV. please contact ABB.3 -A/-AA 3150 0. type GOE and GOE(2). Bushings are also available according to certain established customer specifications.6 -B/-AB 2500 0.6 -B/-AB 2500 0.6 -B/-AB 3150 0.3 -C/-AC 2500 0 -A/-AA 2500 0. peak kV.6 -D/-AD 5000 0.3 26 | Transformer bushings.3 -C/-AC 2500 0.3 -A/-AA 3150 0.3 -A/-AA 2500 0. Technical guide All GOE bushings with rated voltage from 52 kV to 800 kV can be supplied with a current rating of 5000 A.3 -A/-AA 3150 0.6 -B/-AB 3150 0.3 -C/-AC 5000 0.6 -D/-AD 5000 0.6 -B/-AB 1600 0.3 -C/-AC 5000 0. Bushing type Catalogue Insulator Rated Flange Number colour current extension Brown/ A mm Light grey GOE 250-210 GOE 380-300 GOE 450-400 GOE 650-500 GOE 900-650 GOE 1050-750 GOE 1175-850 GOE(2) 1175-850 GOE 1300-1050 GOE 1300-1150 LF 121 051 LF 121 052 LF 121 053 LF 121 054 LF 121 055 LF 121 063 LF 121 061 LF 121 560 LF 121 071 LF 121 071 -A/-AA 3150 0.3 -A/-AA 3150 0.6 -D/-AD 2500 0. peak kV.6 -E/-AE 5000 0.3 -F/-AF 5000 0 -A/-AA 1600 0.3 -C/-AC 5000 0.3 -C/-AC 5000 0.6 -B/-AB 3150 0.6 -D/-AD 5000 0.6 -D/-AD 5000 0. RMS kV.6 -B/-AB 2500 0. RMS kV. For full details.6 -B/-AB 3150 0. Keep in mind that lead times may be longer than for the standard range.3 -C/-AC 5000 0.3 -A/-AA 2500 0.6 -D/-AD 5000 0.Additional GOE and GOE(2) bushings available on request The following types of bushings are available on request.6 -B/-AB 3150 0.3 -C/-AC 2500 0 -D/-AD 5000 0. RMS 52 52 250 210 120 123 84 450 300 185 170 123 550 400 260 245 155 650 500 325 245 170 950 650 395 362 220 1050 750 505 362 220 1175 850 530 362 220 1175 850 560 420 245 1425 1050 630 420 245 1425 1175 680 . Other data for information Max. Max permitted load (N) in operation to IEC 60137 (N) Wet power Dry switching Nominal capacitance between frequency impulse conductor and test tap (C1) AC kV. RMS at mounting angle 0° -30° -60° 120 400 810 / 594 5700 2800 2300 1700 170 550 594 / 448 5700 2800 2300 1700 240 650 543 / 423 5000 2500 2000 1500 315 650 498 / 392 5700 2800 2300 1700 395 750 448 / 365 5000 2500 2000 1500 480 960 430 / 383 / 308 13000 6500 4300 3100 540 950 490 / 420 / 345 12000 6000 4300 3100 560 1030 470 / 407 10000 5000 4400 - 650 1050 575 / 560 10000 5000 3000 1500 650 1175 575 / 545 9000 4500 2500 - Transformer bushings. type GOE and GOE(2). test load 1 min acc. Technical guide | 27 . peak C1±10% (pF) kV. 3 -C/-AC 2500 0 -A/-AA 2500 0.3 -A/-AA 2500 0.6 -B/-AB 2500 0. Technical guide Rating plate data Rated Phase-to- voltage earth voltage impulse Dry lightning Wet switching Routine test impulse 1 min dry Um UY LI SI 50 Hz kV.6 -B/-AB 2500 0.3 -C/-AC 2500 0 -D/-AD 2500 0.3 -A/-AA 2500 0.6 -B/-AB 2500 0.6 -B/-AB 2500 0.3 -C/-AC 2500 0 -A/-AA 2500 0. peak kV. RMS kV.Bushing type Catalogue Insulator Rated Flange Number colour current extension Brown/ A mm Light grey GOE(2) 1425-1050 LF 121 570 GOE 1550-1050 LF 121 072 GOE 1675-1175 GOE 1675-1300 GOE(2) 1675-1300 GOE 1800-1300 GOE 2100-1425 GOE 2550-1550 GOE 2550-1600 LF 121 073 LF 121 073 LF 121 580 LF 121 074 LF 121 081 LF 121 082 LF 121 083 -A/-AA 1600 0. RMS 420 243 1425 1050 690 550 318 1550 1050 750 550 318 1675 1175 750 550 318 1675 1300 750 550 318 1675 1300 750 550 318 1800 1300 800 800 485 2100 1425 970 800 485 2550 1550 1000 800 485 2550 1620 1000 .6 -E/-AE 2500 0.3 -C/-AC 2500 0 -A/-AA 2500 0. peak kV.6 -B/-AB 2500 0. type GOE and GOE(2).3 -A/-AA 2500 0.6 -B/-AB 1600 0.6 -B/-AB 1600 0. RMS kV.3 -C/-AC 2500 0 28 | Transformer bushings.3 -F/-AF 2500 0 -A/-AA 1600 0.6 -B/-AB 2500 0. Other data for information Max. RMS Transformer bushings. Technical guide | 29 . test load 1 min acc. type GOE and GOE(2). peak C1±10% (pF) 0° -30° -60° 690 1140 532 / 474 10000 5000 4100 - 660 1050 457 / 390 / 342 16000 8000 4700 2500 730 1300 521 / 440 / 433 16000 8000 4700 2500 790 1300 500 / 490 / 450 13000 6500 4300 1500 750 1410 525 / 482 10000 5000 3900 - 800 1300 500 / 490 / 450 13000 6500 4300 1500 900 1550 600 / 575 15700 7850 5400 3600 950 1675 574 / 522 / 476 14000 7000 4400 2500 1000 1760 600 / 550 / 506 13000 6500 3700 1600 kV. Max permitted load (N) in operation to IEC 60137 (N) at mounting angle Wet power Dry switching Nominal capacitance between frequency impulse conductor and test tap (C1) AC kV. . . 2010-04-30 Contact us .abb. All rights reserved.ABB AB Components SE-771 80 Ludvika.com/electricalcomponents © Copyright 2010 ABB. Sweden Phone: +46 240 78 20 00 Fax: +46 240 121 57 E-Mail: sales@se. 7. 1ZSE 2750-105 en. Rev.com www.abb.
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