Training Material - Transaction codes in SAP FICO.pdf

April 2, 2018 | Author: Siva Kumar | Category: Payments, Debits And Credits, Accounting, Economies, Business



Transaction code in SAP FICO.20/03/2014 Woolworths SabarishJanakiNeelakantan Assurance Services [email protected] Confidentiality Statement Include the confidentiality statement within the box provided. 2 . This has to be legally approved Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Notice The information contained in this document is confidential and proprietary to TATA Consultancy Services. duplicated or used for any other purposes. Tata Code of Conduct We. This information may not be disclosed. are self-regulated by a Code of Conduct as enshrined in the Tata Code of Conduct. The information contained in this document may not be released in whole or in part outside TCS for any purpose without the express written permission of TATA Consultancy Services. All communication received in this regard will be treated and kept as confidential. We request your support in helping us adhere to the Code in letter and spirit. We request that any violation or potential violation of the Code by any person be promptly brought to the notice of the Local Ethics Counselor or the Principal Ethics Counselor or the CEO of TCS. in our dealings. ................................................................1 Customizing Tables ...................................... 15 3 ............... 4 1................................................................................................................ Table of Content 1.............6 Accounts Receivable tcodes ............................................................................ 9 1... 9 1....10 General Ledger Accounting tcodes ................................................................................................ 10 1................................................................................ 12 1..................... 6 1...............................................................................................9 Funds Management tcodes..............8 Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable tcodes ...................................13 Special Purpose Ledger tcodes .............................................................. 11 1........................11 Lease Accounting tcodes....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.......12 Localization tcodes ........................................... 5 1................................................................. Important tables in SAP FI CO ...... 14 1......................................................... 5 1........................4 Asset Accounting tcodes ............................................................................................ 8 1.....................7 Bank Accounting tcodes ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 1................................................. 7 1................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 FI document ...........................................5 Accounts Payable tcodes .........................................................................................3 General tcodes ..............................................14 Travel Management tcodes ........................ KNVI Customer master tax indicator Vendor Master 1. KNA1 Customer master 2. BKPF Accounting documents 2. LFB1 Vendor per company code 3. KNMT Customer material info record Bank data 1. Important tables in SAP FI CO Master data G/L Accounts 1. LFM1 Purchasing organisation data 5. LFBK Bank details Customer – material info record 1. LFA1 Vendor master 2. SKB1 G/L Accounts (Company Code) Customer Master 1. KNVP Customer partners 7. LFM2 Purchasing data 6. LFB5 Vendor dunning data 4. KNB1 Customer / company 3.1. BNKA Master bank data Accounting documents 1. KNVK Contact persons 9. KNVS Shipment data for customer 8. BSEG item level 4 . SKAT G/L Accounts (Chart of Accounts: Description) 3. SKA1 G/L Accounts (Chart of Accounts) 2. KNVH Customer hierarchy 6. KNVV Customer sales data 4. KNBK Bank details 5. BSIK Accounting: Secondary index for vendors 5. BSIM Secondary Index. T009 Fiscal year variants 4.2 FI document 1.1 Customizing Tables Company code 1. T004 Chart of accounts 2. Documents for Material 6. T003 Document types 5. T012 House banks 5 . REGUH Settlement data from payment program 2. REGUP Processed items from payment program 1. T077S Account group (g/l accounts) 3. BSAD Accounting: Index for customers (cleared items) 9. BSAK Accounting: Index for vendors (cleared items) 10. T010O Posting period variant 2. BSIP Index for vendor validation of double documents 7. BSID Accounting: Secondary index for customers 4. BSIS Accounting: Secondary index for G/L accounts 8. BSAS Accounting: Index for G/L accounts (cleared items) Payment run 1. T001B Permitted Posting Periods 4.3. T880 Global company data 5. T010P Posting Period Variant Names 3. T014 Credit control area 1. Acquisition from purchase w.Recalculate Depreciation ABUMN .Parameters for Automatic Payment FB60 .Create Asset Master Record AJAB .Post Incoming Payments FB70 .Flow of cost trace FB03 .Post Document FERT .Create Old Asset AW01N .Transfer within Company Code F-90 .Fiscal Year Change AFAR .Account assignmt Acquisitions AJRW .1.3 General tcodes F110.Enter Incoming Invoices FB01.Enter Vendor Invoice F-32 .Display Asset Master Record OAAQ 6 .Enter G/L Account Posting FBZP. F-28 .Change Asset Master Record AS91 .Clear Customer 1.Change Document F-43 .Asset Explorer AS01 .Maintain Pmnt Program Configuration FB50 .Enter Outgoing Invoices F-53 .Post depreciation AS02 .G/L Acct Pstg: Single Screen Trans.Post Outgoing Payments FS10N .Year-End Closing AO90 .4 Asset Accountingtcodes AFAB . vendor AS03 .Balance Display FB02 .Display Document F-02 . Take back FI-AA year-end closing ABAVN Asset Retirement by Scrapping AFAMA View Maint. forDeprec. Key Method 1.5 Accounts Payable tcodes OCRD Number Range Maintenance: FCRP XK01 Create Vendor (Centrally) XK02 Change vendor (centrally) CRTD Payment Card: Create Example File XK03 Display vendor (centrally) MK01 Create vendor (Purchasing) XK05 Block Vendor (Centrally) MK02 Change vendor (Purchasing) MK05 Block Vendor (Purchasing) MK03 Display vendor (Purchasing) CRAM Archive Card Master Records FCHU Create Reference for Check XK06 .Mark vendor for deletion (centrally) 7 . XKN1 Display Number Ranges (Vendor) OBWW C FI Withholding Tax 1.6 Accounts Receivable tcodes OBYC C FI Table T030 XD02 Change Customer (Centrally) XD01 Create Customer (Centrally) FTXP Maintain Tax Code OB52 C FI Maintain Table T001B FD32 Change Customer Credit Management XD03 Display Customer (Centrally) OB28 C FI Maintain Table T001D OBA7 C FI maintain table T003 OBY6 C FI Maintain Table T001 OB40 C FI Maintain Table T030 OBC4 C FI Maintain Table T004V OB41 Maintain Accounting Keys 8 . Payment Medium Formats (Customer) FBPM .Payment Medium Selection Variants FBPM1 .Import Electronic Bank Statement F111.Maintenance of Pymt Medium Formats FCHV .Payment medium program of PMW F8BT .Parameters for Payment of PRequest FEBAN .FBKP .Reset Cleared Items: Payt Requests 1.Bank statement postprocessing OBPM4 .Display Payment Requests FCC1 .Display Electronic Bank Statement F8BW .7 Bank Accounting tcodes FI12 .Maintain bank chains for partner OBPM3 .Maintain Accounting Configuration OBXU .Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium FIBPU .8 Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable tcodes CASE CA Control: Role Type Grouping EMMA Log Analysis and Case Creation FQEVENTS Events FPL9 Display Account Balance FPY1 Payment Run / Debit Memo Run FPE1 9 .C FI Maintain Table TVOID FF_6 .C FI Table T030 1.Change House Banks/Bank Accounts FF_5 .Payment Cards: Settlement OBPM1 . 9 Funds Management tcodes DECK Cash Holding Years FMZ1 Create Funds Commitment FMX1 Create Funds Reservation FMCIA Edit Commitment Item FMZ3 Display Funds Commitment CJCO 10 .Demo CASA BP Control: Match Codes CASI BP Control: Activities CACH BP Cust: Field Grouping Activity CAA2 Change Contract Account MKK Mass Contract Invoicing FPCJ Cash Journal CAA1 Create Contract Account FPVA Dunning Proposal 1.Post Document EBPP EBPP . Carry Forward Project Budget FMX2 Change Funds Reservation FMX3 Display Funds Reservation FMWA Create Funds Transfer FMSU Change Status Assignment KOCO Budget Carryforward for Orders FMY3 Display Funds Precommitment FMZ6 Reduce Funds Commitment Manually OF16 Activate/Deactivate Funds Management FMWC Display Funds Transfer 1.10 General Ledger Accounting tcodes FS00 G/L acct master record maintenance FBL3N G/L Account Line Items FBL1N Vendor Line Items FBL5N Customer Line Items FBCJ Cash Journal FAGLL03 11 . Activity Groups OX15 Define internal trading partner FC10 Financial Statements Comparison 12 .27 Periodic Account Statements FSP0 G/L acct master record in chrt/accts FSE2 Change Financial Statement Version FSS0 G/L account master record in co code FBB1 Post Foreign Currency Valn FBCJC0 C FI Maintain Tables TCJ_C_JOURNALS FS01 Create Master Record 1.11 Lease Accountingtcodes FILATEST Process Processing Initial Screen FILAEXPL Display Lease Consolidation tcodes OCDE Maintain Cons.G/L Account Line Items (New) FAGLB03 Display Balances FAGL_FC_VAL Foreign Currency Valuation F. OCZ2 FI-SS: Change Cons Staging Ledger OCDZ Cons stag. ledger OX16 Assignment co.code->Internl.ptr OCCI Cons. ledger: delete trans data OCZ1 FI-SS: Create add.trad. Integration Settings FC11 Data Extract for FI Transfer FCMN FI Initial Consolidation Menu OCAL FI-LC: Print IC Eliminations FCMM C FI Preparations for consolidation GCEM Post extract in carryforward period OC08 C FI-LC : Table T856 OCAD C FI-LC: Display V_T862K 1.12 Localization tcodes J1IEX Incoming Excise Invoices J1ID Rate maint& amend open po's/so's J1BNFE Monitor for Electronic Nota Fiscal 13 . PurposeLedg.13 Special Purpose Ledger tcodes SLIS FI-SL Spec.Info.J1IIN Outgoing Excise Invoice DMEE DMEE: Format Tree Maintenance Tool J1IS Excise invoice for other movements J1IH Create Excise JV J1I5 Register creation for RG23 and RG1 J1INCHLN Challan Number Updation J1IJ Excise invoice selec.Enjoy J2I5 Extract 1. at depot sale J2IUN Monthly utilization J1BTAX Tax Manager's Workplace J1IG RG23D register receipt at depot J1B3N Display Nota Fiscal .System GGB1 Substitution Maintenance GGB0 Validation Maintenance 14 . GR22Change Library GS02Change Set GCX2FI-SL: Client-dependent user exits 1.14 Travel Management tcodes PR00 Travel expenses PR05 Travel Expense Manager HUGO Settings for Travel Planning PREP Import Program for Per Diems TRIP Travel Manager PRTS Overview of Trips PRRW Post Accounting Data GALILEO Galileo Bypass PRFI Posting to Financial Accounting 15 .Report Writer: Display Extracts GS01Create set GR55Execute Report Group GRR2RW: Change formula GB01Document Entry for Local Ledgers GRCTReport Writer: Control Tables GRR1RW: Create Row/Column Structure GRR3RW: Display formula GGB4Analysis tool for valid.GRP1 ./subst. PREC Travel Expenses Accounting Program FITVFELD Tree PR01 Maintain (Old) Trip Data AMADEUS Amadeus Direct APOLLO Apollo Bypass PRD1 Create DME 16 . visit us at www. No material from here may be copied.cdsfiodg@tcs. uploaded.tcs. recognized as the benchmark of excellence in software development. 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