March 25, 2018 | Author: Krishna Chandavar | Category: Transformer, Insulator (Electricity), Switch, Inductor, Relay



Location :: Lucknow;Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 SECTION-III TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF EQUIPMENTS AND MATERIAL Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS – INDEX Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Tech Specn. No. TS-1 A TS-1 B TS-1 C TS-2 A TS-2 B TS-3 TS-4 A TS-4 B TS-5 A TS-5 B TS-6 TS-7 TS-8 TS-9 TS-10 A TS-10 B TS-11 TS-12 TS-13 TS-14 TS-15 TS-16 TS-17 TS-18 TS-19 TS-20 ITEM 20 MVA 132/33 KV TRANSFORMERS 40 MVA 132/33 KV TRANSFORMERS 250 KVA 33 /0.4 KV TRANSFORMERS 145 KV SF 6 CIRCUIT BREAKERS 36 KV VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKERS 145 KV AND 36 KV CURRENT TRANSFORMERS 145 KV POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS 36 KV POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS 145 KV ISOLATORS 36 KV ISOLATORS 145/ 36KV POST INSULATORS 120/ 30KV SURGE ARRESTORS CONTROL & RELAY PANELS WITH SAS 0.2 ACCURACY ABT TRIVECTOR ENERGY METERS 110 V 200 AH BATTERIES 110V 200AH BATTERY CHARGER & DC DISTRIBUTION BOARD L T DISTRIBUTION BOARD 33 KV 10 MVAR CAPACITOR BANK CONTROL CABLE, FIBRE OPTICAL & POWER CABLE LATTICE TYPE MAIN & AUXILIARY STRUCTURE ANCHOR BOLTS CLAMPS & FITTINGS. ANTI FOG TYPE DISC INSULATORS, BUS BAR CONDUCTORS FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENTS LIGHTING SYSTEM D.G. SET, 63 KVA Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 TS-1 A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF 20 MVA 132/33 KV POWER TRANSFORMER 3.1 SCOPE This specification covers the design, manufacture, shop testing, delivery and, if desired by the purchaser supervision of commissioning of 20MVA, 132/33 KV power transformers as detailed in these specification. 3.2 STANDARDS 3.2.1 The transformers shall conform in all respects to IS-2026 / 1977 or latest amendment thereof, and CBIP specification except where specified other wise. Equipment meeting any other authoritative standard, which ensure an equal or better quality than the standard mentioned above could also be considered. 3.3 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS The transformer shall be suitable for operation under climatic conditions given in “Instructions to tenderer” TYPE RATING AND QUANTITY The transformers shall have core type construction, ONAN, ONAF cooled and shall be suitable for outdoor service The salient rating and electrical characteristics of the transformer shall be as follows:- 3.4 3.5 3.5.1 PARTICULRS (i) (a) Continuous capacity (ONAF Cooling) (b) Continuous capacity (ONAN Cooling) (ii) Rated HT voltage (KV) (iii) Rated LT voltage (KV) (iv) Frequency (C/S) (v) No. of phases (vi) Percentage impedance at 75°C (vii) Connections a) HV winding b) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) LV winding Vector Group On Load Tap Changer Type of cooling Quantity Earthing 20 MVA 16 MVA 132 33 50 Three 13.75% Star Star YNyn0 Later in specification ONAN/ONAF Both sides effectively earthed. 3.5.2 All the transformers shall be oil immersed weather proof and suitable for outdoor installation in lightning areas. 3.5.3 The transformers shall be capable of withstanding thermal, transient and mechanical effects of a short circuit on the terminals of any winding with full voltage maintained on all other windings for a duration of 2 seconds as per IS:2026-1977. Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 3.5.4 Technical and guaranteed particulars of the transformers offered shall be furnished as per ‘SCHEDULE-R’ enclosed. 3.6 INSULATION 3.6.1 The dielectric strength of the winding insulation of the bushings shall conform to the values given in IS:2026 3.6.2 For rated system voltage of 132 KV and 33 KV following minimum impulse test voltages of 1.2/50 micro second full wave will be offered:System voltage Impulse test voltage 132 KV 550 KVP 33 KV 170 KVP 3.6.3 The HV winding shall have graded insulation, the neutral end insulation being of 95 KVP (impulse) and 38 KV (power frequency) withstand value. The LV windings of the transformer shall have uniform insulation. 3.7 TEMPERATURE RISE 3.7.1 Each transformer shall be capable of operating continuously at their normal rating without exceeding temperature rise limits as specified below:i) Winding Temperature rise 55°C by resistance measurement ii) Oil (hottest layer) 50°C by the thermometer measurement 3.8 FREQUENCY 3.8.1 The transformer shall be suitable for continuous operation with a frequency variation of plusminus 5% from normal of 50 Hz without exceeding the specified temperature rise. 3.9 PARALLEL OPERATION 3.9.1 The 20MVA, 132/33 kV transformers procured against this specification shall operate satisfactorily in parallel among themselves and with similar 40MVA transformer units already acquired by the purchaser. 3.9.2 The new 20MVA, 132/33 KV transformers may also be required to operate in parallel with the 63MVA & 40 MVA, 132/33 KV transformers presently installed at various substation. It shall therefore be ensured that the transformers to be purchased against this specification shall operate satisfactorily with the above existing units. 3.10 IMPEDANCE The guaranteed impedance with tolerance shall be as required for parallel operation as per details given in cl.3.9. Impedances shall include positive and zero sequence and shall be expressed in terms of the branches of the star connected equivalent diagram, all on the same MVA basis. Impedance percentage volts at normal tap, and 75°C winding temp. shall be subject to I.S. tolerances, and as indicated in cl.3.5.1(vi) MAXIMUM FLUX DENSITY The maximum flux density in any part of the core and yoke at normal voltage and frequency, on normal tap shall not exceed 1.5 Tesla (15,000 lines per TRANSFORMER LOSSES 3.11 3.12 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 3.12.1 The no load loss in kilowatt at rated voltage and rated frequency and the copper losses in kilowatts at rated output, rated voltage, rated frequency and at 75°C shall be guaranteed under penalty for each transformer. If losses are guaranteed with tolerance as per I.S.S. these shall be increased by 10% for computation and for working out penalty. The purchaser reserve the right to reject the transformer, if the tested losses are more than 10% of the quoted figures. The rates of computation shall be :i) Rs. 2,12,500.00 per KW of guaranteed no load loss ii) Rs. 86,700.00 per KW of guaranteed copper loss iii) Rs. 85,000.00 per KW of guaranteed auxiliary losses. The rates mentioned above may be revised as per current provision in CBIP and REC manual. 3.12.2 The penalties shall be separately evaluated from (i) the excess of the test figures of the no load loss over the corresponding guaranteed values @ Rs. 2,12,500.00 per KW, (ii) the excess of the test values of copper loss, over the corresponding guaranteed values @ Rs. 86700.00 per KW, (iii) the excess of test value of guaranteed auxiliary loss @ Rs. 85000.00 per KW. It shall be at the discretion of purchaser to reject the transformers having losses more than 10% in excess of guaranteed quoted value or accept them after having penalty at the above. 3.12.3 The contractor shall submit calculations along with relevant documents for no load losses, load losses and auxiliary losses. 3.13 3.13.1 COOLING The transformers shall have ONAN and ONAF cooling. The transformers shall be capable of giving a continuous output of at least 80% of their rating with only natural air (ONAN) cooling without exceeding the specified temperature rise limits. 3.13.2 The cooling arrangement shall consist of detachable radiators which should be directly mounted on the transformers. Connections between the radiators and tank shall be made with flanges provided with gaskets and an indicating shutoff valve provided at both connection ends, which can be fastened in open or closed position. Separate oil tight blank flange shall be provided for each tank connection for use when the radiator unit is detached. All radiators shall be completely interchangeable. Bottom of the radiators should be supported on angle frame also to reduce the oil leakage from radiators joints and distribute and mechanical load uniformly. 3.13.3 The radiators shall be so arranged that these can be detached from tank without disturbing the oil in the transformer. These shall be designed to withstand the vacuum and pressure specified for the tank. Radiators shall be so designed as to be accessible for cleaning & painting & to prevent accumulation of water on the outer surface to completely drain oil from the tank or bank & to ensure against formation of pockets when the tank is being filled. All connections between the radiators and tank shall be provided with blank flange when the particular item is dispatched. Each radiator shall have a lifting eye and oil drain valve and vent at top. 3.13.4 Number of cooling fans for forced air cooling purposes must not be less than 8 running and 2 standby i.e. 4+1 in each group. Which shall be mounted on the frame connected with tank in such a manner, that no separate foundation work shall be required for the fans or the radiators or for the marshalling kiosk. Fans should be of High quality noise less and durable. These shall be readily accessible for inspection, maintenance or repairs. All the radiators shall be completely interchangeable. One No. standby cooling fan is to be required in both HV&LV side. Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 3.13.5 The fans for air blast cooling shall be so mounted that no damage to the coolers can arise from the vibration due to the operation of fans. Galvanized wire mesh screens shall be fitted to prevent accidental contact with the blades. The mesh being not greater than 2.5 cm. 3.14 3.14.1 COOLER CONTROL Cooler scheme shall be suitable to operate with 440 volts 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz external power supply with a voltage variation of + 10%. 3.14.2 A marshalling box cum cooler control cabinet of weather proof construction shall be provided for housing the control equipment of cooler scheme. This unit shall be provided with doors in the front as well as on the back. All the fittings, switches fuses and contactors etc. would be mounted on the front side of the marshalling box and the wiring shall be done from the back side. The terminal blocks shall be provided in the side. The marshalling box shall be mounted on the transformers tank in such a manner that both the doors could be opened for operation or repairs etc. without any difficulty. 3.14.3 The cables between this unit and fans, W.T.I, O.T.I., buchholz relay etc. shall be provided by the tenderer. Cables should be of copper and 1.1 KV grade. It shall be complete with hinged doors, padlock arrangement, thermostatically controlled space heaters to prevent condensation, cubicle light and the terminal glands for the cables. 3.14.4 Cooler control scheme shall consist of the following equipments. i) A miniature circuit breaker for the incoming A.C. supply with thermal overload and short circuit protections which will also initiate an alarm when this breaker trips ii) A three phase motor starter with each fan (Max. 10 nos.) to start the fans manually, as well as in the auto mode. Auto operation of fans will be initiated through 2 nos. of W.T.I, contacts, such that the starting of fan is through a contactset on a higher temperature and the switching off of fans is through another W.T.I. contact set on a temperature lower than required for the starting of fans. iii) Individual fan starting in manual operation on the transformer is also required. However a remote emergency manual starting switch for fans shall also be provided on the RTCC panel. Only cam operated rotary switches shall be used wherever required. iv) Cartridge fuse units for each fan motor v) Provision for an alarm be made in case, the WTI contact has operated, and any one or more fan(s) have not started. vi) All the terminal nos. and device code to be adopted will be as finalized by this office. vii) The marshalling box cum cooler control cubicle shall be mounted on the transformer and no separate foundation shall be required for the same. 3.14.5 The terminal blocks to be provided with the marshalling box shall be rated for 15 amps and will be suitable for uninterrupted duty. The terminal blocks shall be of 440 volts grade complete with insulated barriers, terminal studs, washers, nuts, lock nuts and identification, strips and shall also have disconnecting and shorting links. These should be suitable to receive at least two cores of 2.5 mm sq.copper conductor cables. The terminal blocks should be preferably of Kirloskar make catalogue No. TK-45 Elmex make or equivalent reputed make. Similar terminal blocks shall also be provided for RTCC and driving mechanism units. 3.14.6 Provision for the fan working remote indication on OLTC panel shall be made. Fan trip annunciation for each fan shall also be provided through the contacts of starters. Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 3.14.7 The fan motors shall be automatically controlled by the winding temperature indicator (WTI), which shall have at least four sets of contacts, which could be set independently for desired temperatures. The first two contacts will be used for starting the fans. The third contact will be used to initiate an alarm and the last contact will be used for tripping the transformer. The WTI and OTI shall be suitable for local as well as remote indication (on RTCC panel) of temperature. 3.14.8 A manual auto changeover switch shall be provided in the marshalling box for operation of cooler fans, for testing as and when needed. An indication for manual / auto mode be provided on RTCC panel. Engraved single line diagram on non rusting steel plate will be provided on RTCC/Marshalling Box on back of front door. 3.14.9 3.15 CORE 3.15.1 The core shall be built up with high-grade cold rolled non-aging, low loss, and high permeability grain oriented silicon steel laminations specially suitable, for transformer cores. The successful bidder shall have to produce the relevant documents towards use of proposed input materials of prime quality of CRGO as per the following details: (a) Invoice of supplier; (b) Mills test certificate: (c) Packing list; (d) Certificate of origin: (e) Bill of lading; (f) Bill of entry certified by Custom Deportment; Further, these materials shall be directly procured either from the mill or through their accredited marketing organization of repute and not through any agent. 3.15.2 After being sheared the lamination shall be treated to remove all burrs and shall be reannealed to remove all residual stresses. At least one side of each lamination shall be coated with an insulating coating as may be approved by the ISS and as per the modern manufacturing practice, which shall be inert to the action of hot transformer oil. The nature of insulation on core should be specified, in the tender. The core shall be rigidly clamped or bolted to ensure adequate mechanical strength and to prevent vibration during operation. The bolts used in the assembly of core shall be suitably insulated and clamping structure shall be so constructed that eddy currents will be minimum. The core shall be provided with lugs suitable for lifting the complete core and coil assembly of the transformer. The core and the coil shall be so fixed in the tank that shifting does not occur when the transformer is moved or during a short circuit. 3.15.4 3.15.5 3.16 3.16.1 WINDING The winding shall be so designed that all coil assemblies of identical voltage ratings shall be interchangeable and field repairs to the windings can be made readily without special equipment. The coil shall be supported between adjacent sections by insulating spacers and the barriers/ bracings etc. Insulation used in the assembly of the windings shall be arranged to ensure a free circulation of the oil and to reduce hot spot in the windings. 3.16.2 The coil shall be dried under vacuum and submerged in dried insulating oil to develop the full electrical strength of the windings. All materials used in the insulation and assembly of the The copper conductor used in the construction shall be best suited to the requirements and all permanent current carrying joints in the windings and the leads. January 12. chemically inactive in the hot transformer oil. The tank and the cover / shall be of welded construction.3 3. or brazed as far as possible. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Density at 29. Following tests will be required to be performed on a sample of oil from each transformer and witnessed by UPPTCL’s representative and the test certificates shall be furnished with the routine test reports of the transformer. 3. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.17. 3. Ethane (C2 H6) TANK The transformer tank and cover shall be fabricated from good commercial grade low carbon steel suitable for welding and of adequate thickness.4 The winding shall be clamped securely in place so that they will not be displaced or deformed during short circuits. 2011-13:54:39 windings shall be insoluble. All leads from the winding to the terminal board and bushings shall be rigidly supported to prevent injury from vibration.16. All seams shall be welded and where practicable they shall be double welded.Location :: Lucknow.1 .2 The quantity of oil for first filling of each transformer shall be stated in the tender and in G. 3. The cost of the oil shall also be given separately.3. non catalytic.17.18. PPM (Karit Fisher Method) 3. The oil shall comply in all respects with the insulations of IS:335.16. 3. Dissolved gas analysis of the oil for the transformer in respect of the gases named below shall be performed on the one transformer on which impulse and heat run test have been performed.18 3.1 Oil for first filling together with ten percent extra oil shall be supplied with each transformer. The tank shall have sufficient strength to withstand without permanent distortion (i) filling by vacuum and (ii) continuous internal gas pressure of 0. Methane (CH4) 5. Ehylene (C2 H4) 6. 1. Carbon Monoxide (CO) 4.17. Guide tubes shall be used where practical. drawing.17 INSULATION OIL 3.A. shall be welded. Hydrogen (H2) 2. Particular attention shall be paid to deliver the oil free from moisture having uniform quality through out in non-returnable steel drums. Carbon di-oxide (CO2) 3. and shall not soften or otherwise be adversely affected under the operating conditions. One number oil sampling bottle is to be provided alongwith the Transformer.7 atmospheres with oil at 3.3 All threaded connections shall be provided with locking facilities. Acetylene (C2 H2) 7.17.1 The test certificates of oil suppliers shall not be accepted in this respect.5°C Kinematic viscosity at 27°C Interfacial tension Flash point Neutralization value (total acidity) Dielectric strength (Break down voltage) Dielectric dissipation factor (Tan delta) Specific resistance ohm-cm Water content. The upper filter valve shall be on the side opposite to the side of lower filter valve. In addition.18. earthing strip of size 75x10 mm shall be clamped either in horizontal direction or in vertical direction with 4 no.Location :: Lucknow. The manhole shall be of sufficient size to afford easy access to the lower ends of the bushings terminals etc. This device shall be mounted so that oil from the device should fall on the ground. Lifting eyes or lugs shall be provided on all parts of the transformer.18. At the opinion of the contractor a large valve may be furnished with an accentric reducer. iv) One oil filling cum filter valve in the oil conservator. ii) One upper filter valve located at the top of the tank. and month of manufacturing on transformer tank & core frame shall be done before offering for inspection.18.I. with the help of semi-skilled labour. The opening of this valve shall be baffled to prevent aeration of the oil. Each tank shall be equipped with the following valves with standard flange connection for external piping. Special attention shall be given to the methods of making the hot oil tight joints between the tank and the cover as also between the cover and the bushings.6 3. earthing strip. January 12.18. The tank cover shall be bolted to the tank and the transformer design shall be such that the tank will not be splitted between the lower and upper cooler connection for untanking. the transformer tank shall be provided with lifting lugs and bosses properly secured to the sides of the tank. The tank shall be provided with two suitable copper alloy pads for the purpose of grounding. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.9. Suitable guides shall be provided for positioning the various parts during assembly or dismantling. for lifting the transformer either by crane or by jacks.18. Adequate space shall be provided between the core and winding and the bottom of tank for collection of any sediment or sludge. studs without drilling any hole in the G. this valve can be located at any convenient position to suit connection.18. iii) Pressure relief valve should operate at a pressure below the test pressure for the tank. to the filter machine but may be connected to upper part of the tank by means of internal piping. Alternatively.4 3.1 Engraving of Transformer serial No.8 3.9. 2011-13:54:39 operating level. All other outlets to ensure that the joints can be remade satisfactorily and with ease.3 3. 3. . The design of the tank.7 3.18. 3. where the G. 3.1. All bolted connection to the tank shall be fitted with suitable oil tight gaskets which shall give satisfactory service under the operating conditions.5 3. requiring independent handling during assembly or dismantling. i) One drain and lower filter valve placed to completely drain the tank. the lifting lugs and bosses shall be such that the complete transformer assembly filled with oil can be lifted with the use of these lugs without any damage or distortions.2 There should be provision on PRV with dome on top on tank with tripping arrangement instead of explosion vent.18.1.I. Where-ever compressible gaskets are used stoppers shall be provided to prevent over compression. This valve shall be equipped with a small sampling cock.2 A manhole with a welded flange and a bolted cover shall be provided on the tank cover.18. 1 UNDERCARRIAGE The transformer tank shall be supported on a structural steel base equipment with forged steel or cast steel single flanged wheels suitable for moving the transformer completely filled with oil.18. 3.25% each i. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.C.20. ii) Diverter switch with transition resistance iii) Separate compartment for diverter switch with independent oil conservator and oil surge protective device iv) Motor driven mechanism v) Control & protection devices vi) Local tap changer position indicator. 2011-13:54:39 3.1 3. The OLTC shall be properly type tested and OLTC of such vendors who have got done type test on OLTC be accepted within five years. The supplier will provide an auxiliary 440 volts/55-0-55 volts transformer in the driving mechanism of the OLTC to operate the control scheme for the OLTC.4 .e. 3.20.18. for its easy accessibility.1 3.4 Supporting plate-form is to be provided for attending the Buchholz Relay. The on load tap changer shall be so designed that the contacts of tap selector switch do not interrupt the arc.20. of taps. It shall be possible to change the direction of the wheels through 90° when transformer is lifted on jacks to permit movement of the transformer both in longitudinal and transverse directions. Suitable audio as well as visual alarm shall be provided in case of failure of A. OLTC gear shall be suitable for bi-directional flow of full power. The OLTC shall include the following:i) An oil immersed tap selector switch.20. The diverter switch shall be located on separate oil filled 3.19 3. vii) Manual operating device. January 12.20. A 440 volt 3-phase 50 cycles external supply will be available for the operation of the changer.19. All the transformers shall have rail gauge of 1676.9.3 Air cell of best quality rubber (having no reaction with T/F oil) should be provided inside conservator tank to avoid oil contamination.50% error from rated ratios on any of the 17 nos.19. Jacking steps shall be provided.4 mm in both the directions. 132/33 KV Transformer) The transformer shall be provided with full capacity speed non inductive transition resistance type On load pattern taps on HV neutral end to vary voltage on LV side from – 5% to + 15% in equal steps of 1. Reports of type/ Routine tests carried out on OLTC at vendor’s works has to be enclosed with final test report. The tested ratios shall not have more than + 0.2 3. 3. Once the tap changing operation has been initiated it must be completed even if the supply to the driving mechanism interrupts. Tap changing mechanism shall be suitable for remote operation from RTCC panel in the control room in addition to being capable of local manual as well as local electrical operation. which shall not interrupt the load current during tap change.20 3.3.2 3.Location :: Lucknow.3 Pulling eyes shall be provided to facilitate moving the transformer and they shall be suitably braced in a vertical direction so that bending does not occur when the pull has a vertical component.1. TAP CHANGING MECHANISM (20 MVA. supply to OLTC cubicle.1. 17 taps including one normal tap position.19.9.3 3. 3. the arrangement must be such as to switch off supply to the motor so that an out of step condition is limited to one tap difference only. The panel should be self-supporting. 3. and all rotating parts and shafts shall be covered by protective caging or covering.20.20. instrument wiring terminal blocks. It shall be completely vermin proof and arrangements to prevent ingress of vermin through cable entry holes or ventilation slots shall be provided. Tap changers are not required to be suitable for automatic voltage sensed operation. The rated current of the tap changer shall not be less than 300 Amps for 20MVA transformers 3.20.C.9) The transformers shall give full load output on all taps. and the odd and even tap matching scheme shall not be acceptable. Details of out of step protection provided for the taps should be furnished in the tender.12 3. It shall be strong and robust in construction.10 3. so that under normal conditions the tap changer will not become out of step.3. internal light etc. made of sheet steel. The OLTC panel shall be of light grey colour corresponding to I. The panel shall be provided with doors opening at the centre on which nothing shall be mounted. The contactors and associated gear for the tap change driving motors shall be housed in a local kiosk mounted on the transformer. In addition.5 The tap changer shall be capable of permitting parallel operation with other transformers of the same type covered by this specification.20. as well as. The compartment shall be provided with means of releasing the gas produced by the arcing. . This panel shall be complete with all necessary fittings.20.21 3.Location :: Lucknow. cable glands. these already acquired by the purchaser (cl. supply only.11 Complete particulars of the tap changing gear including capacity of the motor shall be stated in the tender.S.20.6 3.8 3.20. The manual operating device shall be so located on the transformer that it can be operated by a man standing at the level of the transformer track.1 REMOTE TAP CHANGER CONTROL PANEL (RTCC) All tap changing control equipments shall be mounted on a separate panel for each transformer which will also be quoted separately. Under abnormal conditions such as may occur if the contactor controlling one tap changer gets stuck. Necessary interlock blocking independent control when the units are in parallel shall be provided. which can be 500700mm.20. For this each of the seventeen taps shall be matched with the taps of the follower transformer. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. It shall be designed so as to prevent the oil in the diverter switch compartment from mixing with the oil in the main tank or the tap selector.9 3. provision shall be made to enable parallel control also so that the tap changer will be operated simultaneously when one or more units are in parallel. January 12. The panel is required to be matched with existing panels of the purchaser of height 2250 mm and depth. 2011-13:54:39 compartment.20. All devices except the OLTC motor shall operate on 55-0-55 volts A.21.13 3. The control scheme for the tap changer shall be provided independent control of the tap changer when the transformers are in independent service. 631.7 3. Additional feature like master and follower as well as an audio visual indication during the operation of motor shall also be incorporated. In the independent position it shall be possible to change the taps of any transformer independently.21. alarm O.T.1 Following non trip flag indications with alarm shall be provided i) Fan trip (separate flag for each fan) ii) M. A sequence selector switch comprising of four positions shall be provided which will indicate whether the transformer is in independent. supply on (red colour) iv) Fault on indication lamp v) OLTC motor protection switch open indication (green colour) vi) Tap change in progress(Amber colour with one independent buzzer) vii) Tap position of transformer (digital indication) viii) Winding temp. supply to fans and tap changer fail iv) Main conservator oil level low v) OLTC conservator oil level low vi) W.P codes and which has been adopted by the purchaser. 2011-13:54:39 3.C.T. in respect of the existing transformers of various other makes. Necessary auxiliary transformers of 440/55-0-55 volts A.3 3. (Annexure VII). indicator 3.21. supply is taken into the RTCC panel except for the purpose of light and heater. shall be supplied by the contractors. follower or in off position. The contractor shall ensure that terminal nos. independently.21.21.C.5.5. The required terminal blocks for them shall be provided on the transformer marshalling box as per the attached drg.I. the taps of all other follower units will change automatically with the master and it will not be possible to change the taps of the follower transformers.C. operated fans not started vii) Tap changer motor stuck viii) Taps not in synchronism (out of step) ix) 55-0-55 A.Location :: Lucknow.21.2 .B.5 3. This auxiliary transformer shall be installed in the driving mechanism as per latest practice to ensure that no 440 or 230 V A. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. January 12.C. a) i) ii) iii) iv) TRIP ALARM Buchholz alarm W. The scheme will give step by step. Following indications shall be provided on RTCC panel i) Fan running indication (red colour) one for each fan ii) Auto / manual indication for fan controls switch iii) 55-0-55 volts A. trip Tap changer oil surge relay trip 3.21. Annunciations required on purchaser’s transformer control panel The following flag indications are required to be passed on to the purchaser’s transformer control panel. indicator ix) Oil temp.T. The OLTC control scheme and the Master follower parallel operation shall be identical to the standard control scheme based on the recommendations of C. tap changing operation.I. for cooler control trip iii) A. Any one transformer can be made ‘Master’ and on changing the taps of this transformer.C.4 3.C. The OLTC control scheme shall be designed for 55-0-55 volts A. voltage low. and the device codes as adopted by the Purchaser shall be followed by the supplier.I.2 The tap changing scheme shall be such as to operate the steps of two or more transformers in parallel simultaneously as well as independently as and when desired.C. master.I.B. All bushings shall have puncture strength greater than.2 3. one at the bottom at one end.21. There shall also be an oil conservator for the OLTC which could either be provided separately or a partition in the main conservator. the later so arranged as not to interfere with oil lines.2 3.22.1 Pressure release device trip NON TRIP ALARM W. high Buchholz alarm The alarm scheme should be such that it will be possible to silence the alarm after its receipt and immediately after receipt.22. It should not however be possible to reset the flag unless the cause of the fault is removed.I.T.22.L. high O. Tenderers recommendations are also invited in this respect. temp.23. 2099. .0 3. temp. The conservator shall have two filter valves.6. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The magnetic oil level gauge shall be mounted on the conservator.O.T. Special adjustable arcing horns are also to be provided for all bushings. All bushings shall comply with I. 2011-13:54:39 v) b) i) ii) iii) 3. Bushings of identical voltage shall be interchangeable.22 3. 3. 132/33 KV transformers.3 3.S. (i) HV 145 KV oil impregnated condenser type bushing of 800 Amps (ii) LV 36 KV plain porcelain oil communicating type bushings of 1000 Amps The bushings shall be suitable for heavily polluted atmosphere (anti fog type) and shall have high factors of safety against leakage to ground and shall be so located as to provide adequate electrical clearance between bushings and between the bushings and grounded parts. gap to the purchaser to decide the actual gap setting. with an independent M. the dry flashover value. The porcelain used in bushings shall be of the wet process homogenous and free from cavities or other flaws.21. January 12.Location :: Lucknow. The insulation class of the neutral bushing shall be properly coordinated with insulation class of the neutral end of the winding. BUSHINGS The following type of bushing shall be provided on the 20MVA.1 i) ii) iii) iv) The tenderers are required to give the guaranteed withstand voltages for the above bushings and also furnish a calibration curve with different settings of the coordination. OIL PRESERVING EQUIPMENT Oil preserving equipment shall be conservator.23. the other at the top at opposite end and in addition to the valves specified in the accessories for the main tank. The conservator shall also have a shut off valve and a sump with a small drain valve and sampling cock. adequately.I. it shall be available for next operation.6.1 3. Each bushing shall be so coordinated with the transformer insulation that all flashovers will occur outside the tank. The glazing shall be uniform in colour and free from blisters burs and other defects. All bushings shall be equipped with suitable terminals of approved type and size and all external current carrying contact surface shall be silver plated.G. There should be a provision of electronic Annunciation window instead of mechanical relay for different indications at RTCC panel. 25. a bleed valve for gas venting. Heat exchangers or radiators with shut off valves at top and bottom. If the center of gravity is accentric relative to track either with or without oil. An oil conservator for main tank as well as OLTC Cooling fans supported on the main tank or the radiators xi) xii) xiii) . The gauge shall be readable from the transformer base level. its location shall be shown on the outline drawing. and a test valve.5 system particulars of this specification. arrangements shall be made to prevent. The minimum creepage distance of all the bushings shall not be less than 25 mm per KV of the max. These will have lifting lugs and oil filling and drain plugs. the gases forming in the tank from rising into the safety valve pipe and thereby by-passing the buchholz relay. CENTRE OF GRAVITY The center of gravity of the transformer shall be low and as near to the vertical central line as possible. The transformer shall be stable with or without oil and radiators. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The HV & LV bushings should be placed coinciding with the centre line of the transformer rollers.) iii) Two magnetic type oil level gauge with low level alarm contact and a dial showing minimum. 2011-13:54:39 v) vi) vii) The 132 KV bushings shall be condenser type and the 33 KV bushings shall be oil filled and these shall be identical to drawings attached as Annexure-V & VI. and normal oil level. middle and bottom oil sample ix) ix) Pressure release device of a safety valve of the chimney type with an equalizer pipe interconnecting the top of the conservator and upper most part of the safety valve should be provided to permit rise of oil in the pipe. max. iv) Two oil filling valve (in let) one for main conservator tank and one for OLTC conservator tank. v) Two oil drain valves one from main conservator and other from OLTC conservator. x) One double float English Electric or equivalent make type OBG M-3 E gas detector relay (buchholz relay) with alarm and tripping contacts to detect accumulation of gas and sudden change of pressure. 3. A stop cock should also be provided in the interconnecting pipe. January 12. An air release cock shall also be fitted in a convenient position. complete with shut off valves on both the ends and flange couplings to permit easy removal without lowering oil level in the main tank or conservator.25 3. ii) A winding temperature indicator with repeater and alarm / trip fan starting contacts (08 nos.24 3. vi) One filter valve located at the top of the tank on one side vii) One filter valve located near the bottom of the tank on the other side of transformer viii) Oil sampling valves for top. System voltage as specified in clause 3.Location :: Lucknow. In case if the pipe is taking off from the top of tank cover. The safety valve pipe shall preferably take off from the side of the transformer tank near to the tank cover and not from the top of tank cover.1 ACCESSORIES Each transformer shall be provided with the following accessories:i) A dial type indicating thermometer of robust pattern mounted inside the marshalling kiosk at a convenient height to read the temperature in the hottest part of the oil and fitted with the alarm and trip contacts with a repeater on RTCC panel to give oil temperature. 2 3..1 Eye bolts and lugs on all parts for ease of handling Oil surge relay for the OLTC diverter switch compartment. Engraved single line diagram on non rusting steel plate will be provided on RTCC/Marshalling Box on back of front door. ii) S.1. 3. switchgears and contactors etc. Diagram and rating plate (for ease of identification at site and stores).S. ii) The clamp should be designed with large factor of safety and should comply in all respects of temperature rise.Location :: Lucknow. of transformer Guaranteed as well as measured values of percentage impedances and No load / Load losses / and Auxiliary losses without any plus tolerance at 75°C shall also be inscribed on the diagram and rating plate. resistance and short circuit current with stand capacity and other conditions specified in I. 2011-13:54:39 xiv) xv) xvi) 3. This kiosk shall be weather proof and vermin proof and shall be provided with a front door as well as a back door and mounted on the transformer on its side so that it will be possible to open both the doors during service. All the fixtures will be provided with a level plate in the front as well as in the back side for identification. It is desired that in addition to diagram and rating plate all equipments shall carry a metallic plate giving following information got marked by the manufacturers itself. Information shall be furnished by the tenderers for following items: i) Material of clamps ii) Name of manufacturer iii) Drawings of clamp iv) Weight of clamp v) Metal of clamp vi) Testing facility for terminal connectors available at manufacturer’s work as per relevant I. The tenderers are required to note that :i) 132 KV clamps should have at least 2 pairs of bolts on conductor.No.2 . oil / winding temp.1. as well as terminal end. indicators and magnetic oil level gauges shall be brought out to suitable terminals.1. All connectors should be suitable for horizontal as well vertical take off. The font side shall be used to mount all the fittings. No.. nuts and check nuts viii) Make of washers. The terminal blocks shall be provided in the side. v) The prices of clamps should be quoted separately.I. 5561-1970 iii) A check nut should be provided on each bolt to avoid loosening of nuts due to vibration etc and these should be hot dip galvanized.3 3.25. iv) Bolts and nuts should be manufactured by a highly reputed concern. vii) Make of bolts.25.25. January 12. and the back side for the wiring. fuses.25. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.S. Two grounding pads suitable for 75x10 mm G. The transformers shall be complete with marshalling box or kiosk in which all the leads from Buchholz relays. as per the bill of material iii) Year of order iv) Sl. i) Name of equipment with specification No. flat with four studs. TERMINAL CLAMPS Bimetallic terminal connectors for HV & LV: shall be suitable for ACSR PANTHER for 132 KV bushing and for 33 KV bushings the connectors shall be suitable for twin Zebra ACSR conductor. January 12.28.5 3. It shall be complete with hinges and padlock arrangement. pad lock. Bill of Material: The supplier shall make available a consolidated bill of material for one transformer unit complete in all respects required as per cl. Any fittings accessories of apparatus which might not have been mentioned in the specifications but which are usual and necessary in the equipment of similar design and are recommended by the manufacturer for satisfactory operation are to be provided by the contractor without extra cost. Boxes and crates shall be marked with the tender specns.28 3.3 3. inspection and maintenance. required for the operation of the OLTC. all steel surfaces. All parts shall be adequately marked to facilitate identification and erection.2.3 3. alarm and relay equipment shall have contacts suitable for operation with 110 Volts D.27.26.4 3. supply. The interior surface shall be painted according to the contractor’s standard practice/ provision in ISS.2.26 3. and this no. and shall have a packing list enclosed showing the parts contained therein. Indication. All valves shall be provided either with blind companion flanges or with pipe lugs for protection.27. No. light and protection devices shall be provided into it.. The equipment and accessories required with the transformer shall be suitably mounted on the transformer for ease of operation. space heater. The bill shall be made out on drg.3 of General Requirements of Specifications.1 Necessary cable glands shall also be provided at the base of this kiosk. PAINTING Before dispatch. space heater.25. for each item of fitting and accessories required for one transformer. The transformer shall also have a separate motor drive unit to accommodate the motor drive for the OLTC along with the contractor’s relays and auxiliary transformer etc.4 3. not under oil. and the mounting details shall be subject to the approval of the purchaser.1 FACTORY ASSEMBLY AND TEST (a)Stage inspection: . Necessary cable glands.6.25. cubicle light.1 3.25.1 3.27 3. The necessary cables between transformer and the marshalling box shall also be provided by the tenderer.Location :: Lucknow. fuses etc. shall be painted with a primary coat of anti-corrosive paint of durable nature and final two coats of light grey shade corresponding to IS: 631 paint of best quality.27. The transformer shall be dispatched filled with oil or if necessary with insert gas with a pressure gauge and a spare gas cylinder to replenish the gas pressure in transit or during its storage at the destination until it is filled up with oil. This will also be weather proof and vermin proof and shall be mounted on the transformer. All apparatus must be complete in all details whether mentioned in the specification or not. of A-3 size giving a serial no.6 3. PACKING The packing may be in accordance with the tenderers standard practice so as to ensure safe transit by goods train or road. 2011-13:54:39 3. 3. shall be mentioned in the packing list and the challan to facilitate the cross checking of all the items by the consignees and to ensure that all the components of the transformer unit have been received. Special arrangements should be made to facilitate handling and to protect the projecting parts against damage in transit. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.C. 0. FURTHER TESTS SHORT CIRCUIT TEST: If it is so desired that short circuit test at CPRI.0. all tests shall be witnessed by him. the purchaser shall carry out the following tests on transformers:i) Insulation resistance test ii) Ratio and polarity test iii) Di-electric test on oil.29. sides. radiators. X) Tan –Delta of complete Transformer 3. 3. cooling coils. Vacuum and pressure test . 0.1 .8 lagging power factor (calculated) viii) Exciting current at 90%. (atmosphere) ii) All tanks.29 3. x) Magnetic balance test on HV/LV winding on all the transformer xi) Exciting current measurement on both the HV/LV winding of all the transformer at 440 Volts. iii) Routine tests as per IS-2026-1977 or its latest amendment iv) Temperature rise test on one unit as per IS:2026-1977.13 of IS2026-1977. If the purchaser selects to send a representative. iii) TANK : Physical dimensions. thickness of bottom. 100%. vii) Regulation at rated load at 1. However.OD of HV.7 atmosphere for a period of 24 hours or not less than 1. the tests shall be conducted again till all leaks have been stopped. overall height.30 3. Banglore/Bhopal may be carried out on any unit randomly selected for short circuit test. their parallel conductors &calculation of copper used in manufacture of transformer. vi) Zero phase sequence impedance measurement on each Transformer. cms. Weight of tank.cross section area & flux density ii) COIL : ID. v) Impulse test on all limbs of HV & LV windings of one unit as per CI. following will be hold points where the bidder will have to offer advance inspection call notice.Location :: Lucknow. width.1 TEST AT SITE After erection at site. radiators and conservator tank sheet. Tests shall be performed in compliance with I S 2026-1977 or latest amendment thereof. number of turns. (b) Final inspection: The transformers shall be completely assembled and tested at the factory. January 12. single welds. cross sectional area of copper conductor used. If leaks occur. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. expenditure on above will be reimbursed by department on actual basis.2 The following tests shall be made on transformers :i) All double welds shall be tested for leaks with dry nitrogen at a pressure not less than 7 kg/sq. 110% and 120% of rated voltage ix) Excitation losses at 90. i) CORE: Thickness of laminations. 110 and 120% percent of rated voltage measured by the average voltmeter method. 3.9. window height & width . valves and other parts necessary for complete transformer shall be tested for leak and strength by applying to the completed tank filled with oil an air pressure not less than 0. LV & Regulating windings.28. 100.30. Firm will make all necessary arrangements for above test. Atmospheres for a period of six hrs.0. 2011-13:54:39 Purchaser shall have the option to depute their representative to check the progress during any stage of manufacturing of each transformer. size or more.2 3. In this context no correspondence will be entertained.3 3. The size of letters and the numerical figures on the reduced drg. The wiring drawings and the general arrangement drawing.C.6. be claimed by the contractor only after supplying the above. After all tests have been completed.O. if necessary.32.31 3.32. In case some of the drgs. This amount can.6 3..32. and interpretation of results for each test. commissioning.Location :: Lucknow.4 3. In case the transformer dispatched without proper dispatch authorization. the manufacturer shall supply three copies of all the drgs. so that these could be understood and read correctly. after approval (made in ink) shall be photographically reduced and printed in A-3 size on a plastic film only to be used as a master copy.5 3.32. where applied. In the event of non-supply of aforesaid drawing & manuals in the quantity and in the manner as required above. of the transformer ii) Method of application. The transformers shall be dispatch only after issue of dispatch authorization. (d) One good quality direct reading reproducible of each approved drawing and also of bill of material to Engineer of Contract (E. iii) Losses / Impedance corrected to 75°C Drawings and instructions book for erection. January 12. shall be of 2 mm. operation and maintenance manual to be furnished by the supplier On placement of the order.32.32. which will describe the equipments in detail as per the provisions of cl.6. After approval the contractor shall submit to the engineer and consignee(s). the contractor shall deduct from his bill(s) an amount equal to two (2%) of ex-works price of the equipments.30. Drawings All the drawings are required to be furnished in A-3 size only. on placement of the order:General Arrangement Drawings 3. The following drawing shall be required to be supplied by the successful tenderer.(a) i) Six sets of prints of each approved drawing for each consignee ii) Total six sets of prints per contract to the engineer of the contract (b) i) Six set of bound copies of approved manuals for each consignee and six sets for the engineer of the contract (c) Six set of detailed bill of material for each consignee & six set for E. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 3.C).32 3.1 .2.2 The purchaser reserves the right of having other reasonable tests carried out at his own expense either before dispatch or at site to ensure that the transformer complies with the requirements of these specifications.32... for proper filing and making folders having card paper covers of the same size. however. of the General Requirements of Specifications for approval. six certified copies of each test report shall be furnished.O. Each report shall have following information:i) Complete identification data including serial no. duration.. cannot be prepared directly in A-3 size. penalty will be deducted on the basis the date of issue of dispatch authorization and transit period. within a reasonable time but before commencement of any dispatches of equipment.1 3. Additional prints on ammonia paper or photo copies on white sheets of A3 size shall be made out from the master copy. the following:. could be splitted into more than one A-3 sheet. these could be prepared on larger sheets and submitted for approval. These large size drgs. L. buchholz relay. 9. 5. LV and tap windings. The purchaser will decide on the actual spares to be ordered on the basis of the list and the item-wise prices of spare parts. 4. The timing diagram for mechanical switches of OLTC for one operation cycle. 10. and cooler controls cubical 9. indicator.32. 13. showing the minimum lift required to takeout the core & windings out of the transformer tank. bushings. Write-up operation of the O. 2011-13:54:39 1. Spare The tenderer shall quote separately for the spares recommended for five years normal operations.T. 7.V. 3.P.V. tap changer gear etc.C. Schematic diagram of marshalling kiosk and cooler control scheme 5. windings. Consolidated bill of material for the transformer. Wiring diagram of marshalling kiosk cum cooler control panel 8. bushing with their electrical and mechanical characteristics General arrangement of LV. operation and maintenance manual along with descriptive literature and data on transformer construction.V & H. with required cable trench position Bi-metallic terminal connectors drawings for H. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.C. Outline dimentions of the core and winding along with the weight of the active parts to be lifted for over-hauling of the transformer. Outline general arrangement drg.T. Wiring diagram of driving mechanism 7.L. heat exchangers. frontview as well as rear view development General arrangement of marshalling kiosk cum cooler control panel General arrangement of driving mechanism.B. M. 2.bushings Braded copper strip drawing with clamping arrangement for neutral bushing Winding temp.C. transformer and purchaser’s transformer controls panel 10. Erection. 3. OD/ID of H. marshalling kiosk. LV(N) and HV (N) bushings with their electrical and mechanical characteristics L.V. 12. should be shown in the write-up. panel driving mechanism. General arrangement of H. 13. bushing without current carrying parts with make and type (porcelain part) Foundation plan of transformer. 2. 2. C.V.1 3.O. indicator.33 .I. and pressure release device drawings. Cable routing drawing showing the routes of the cables and their clamping arrangement on the transformer tank 11.T. 12. 8.2 Schematic and wiring diagrams 1. Schematic diagram of O. of transfomer Details of winding and core as per schedule of technical particulars with specific mention of size of conductor in L.Location :: Lucknow. and cooler control scheme giving the sequence of operation of different contactors. oil temp. Wiring diagram of RTCC panel 6. Diagram of alarm and annunciation scheme 4.L. Terminal block arrangement of R.V as well as L. January 12. control scheme.6. Interconnection and external cabling details between OLTC. 11. Any additional drawing which the supplier may consider necessary. General arrangement of OLTC panel.C. Transportation sketch or transformer super imposed on the loading diagram of the railway wagon (in two views) 3. R.C. commissioning.T. silicagel breather. control scheme also showing coordinated drawing for master follower operation of two transformers based on the standard. and their relative placement and position. 6. The driving mechanism portion of the scheme to be shown inside a box.G.V.C. due to external short circuit conditions.O.35 3. short supplied parts within the period of one month from the date of notifying them the list of all damages / shortages by the consignees. If this is not done.38.. to show the thermal short circuit capability of the transformer. The supplier shall keep the purchaser informed in advance about various stages of manufacturing program.6 .2 3. is enclosed as per Annexure-II. Routine test report of the goods offered for inspection will have to be submitted with inspection call letter.38.1 The tenderer has to submit the calculation as per the method stipulated in IS:2026 or amendments thereof. The period of 4 weeks shall be for works situated in U. The call for final inspection shall be given by the supplier when the goods have actually become ready in all respects in the works of manufacturer and not on the basis of anticipated date of completion. Tenderers are requested to offer F. Union Territory of Delhi.38. 2011-13:54:39 3. The postal address of the purchasing authorities for the similar transformers must be attached with ‘tender’ Bid Part-II in the schedule-3 attached. The IEEMA price variation formula applicable for the transformer. This period of 4 or 6 weeks will be from the date when inspection call is received by UPPTCL. 3.Location :: Lucknow.38.R.30 (Maintenance) of Form ‘B’. January 12.38. In case the firm is unable to supply the replacement within the above period. 3. the successful tenderer will be required to supply all damaged. destination deliveries matching the desired deliveries. It shall be at the option of the purchaser whether or not to avail the service of supplier’s engineer and other staff for supervision of erection and commissioning or to award some other for commissioning only without absolving the supplier of his obligations under cl. Tenderers shall quote their rates of material after consideration and absorption of benefits of “MODVAT”. The tenderers are required to follow these formula in respect of transformers offered by them.4 3. A period of 4 weeks or 6 weeks shall be allowed for UPPTCL for making travel arrangements for their inspecting officer to reach their works. The schedule of prices should be given as per Schedule-Q. 3.38.3 3. Rajasthan. the necessary amount would be deducted either from the security or bank guarantee or their other pending bills with the Corporation.36 Schedule of required delivery and prices The schedule of desired deliveries are indicated in Annexure-I. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 3.P.34 Replacement parts In the event of an order being placed.37 Supervision charges The tenderer shall quote separately in the schedule of prices the rates of supervision charges for erection and commissioning of transformers on daily basis along with their other terms and conditions. damages or short supplies.5 3. so that arrangement can be made for stage inspection if so required. then they should agree to refund any payment that might have been paid for the entire equipment which cannot be used as a result of loss. Deviations from specifications Deviations from these specifications should be clearly listed and brought out separately. Location :: Lucknow.38. January 12. 3. . Firm may quote the rates for unloading at site in the price schedule-Q separately. This amount shall be paid within 30 days from the date of demand. In case the goods are not available for inspection at the time of the arrival of the inspecting officer the firm shall pay to UPPTCL towards futile journey charges.7 The unloading of the transformer and its accessories at site shall be the responsibility of the tenderer/supplier. a sum decided by Chief Engineer (Transmission) and demanded by the Engineer of Contract. Further action for inspection of material shall be taken only after the said amount is deposited. 2011-13:54:39 Bihar and West Bengal. and 6 weeks for all the remaining States. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The site of unloading shall be decided by the concerned consignee. 3 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS The transformer shall be suitable for operation under climatic conditions given in “Instructions to tenderer” TYPE RATING AND QUANTITY The transformers shall have core type construction. if desired by the purchaser supervision of commissioning of 40 MVA.2 STANDARDS 3. 3. transient and mechanical effects of a short circuit on the terminals of any winding with full voltage maintained on all other windings for a duration of 2 seconds as per IS:2026-1977.5 3.Location :: Lucknow. 132/33 KV power transformers as detailed in these specification. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. . 3. Equipment meeting any other authoritative standard.3 The transformers shall be capable of withstanding thermal.5.1 SCOPE This specification covers the design. 3. ONAN. of phases (vi) Percentage impedance at 75°C (vii) Connections a) HV winding b) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) LV winding Vector Group On Load Tap Changer Type of cooling Quantity Earthing 40 132 33 50 Three 13. 3. and CBIP specification except where specified other wise. ONAF cooled and shall be suitable for outdoor service The salient rating and electrical characteristics of the transformer shall be as follows:- 3. delivery and. which ensure an equal or better quality than the standard mentioned above could also be considered. Both sides effectively earthed.5.1 PARTICULRS (i) Continuous capacity (MVA) (ii) Rated HT voltage (KV) (iii) Rated LT voltage (KV) (iv) Frequency (C/S) (v) No. 3.5. 2011-13:54:39 TS-1B TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF 40 MVA 132/33 KV POWER TRANSFORMER 3.4 Technical and guaranteed particulars of the transformers offered shall be furnished as per ‘SCHEDULE-R’ enclosed.1 The transformers shall conform in all respects to IS-2026 / 1977 or latest amendment thereof. manufacture.4 3.2.2 All the transformers shall be oil immersed weather proof and suitable for outdoor installation in lightning areas.75% Star Star YN-yn0 Later in specification ONAN/ONAF 67 Nos.5. January 12. shop testing. the neutral end insulation being of 95 KVP (impulse) and 38 KV (power frequency) withstand value.5.2/50 micro second full wave will be offered:System voltage Impulse test voltage 132 KV 550 KVP 33 KV 170 KVP 3. and 75°C winding temp. The technical particulars of existing 40 MVA.9. 132/33 KV transformers are given in Table-I. 132/33 kV transformers procured against this specification shall operate satisfactorily in parallel among themselves and with similar 40 MVA transformer units already acquired by the purchaser. 132/33 KV transformers presently installed at various substation.1(vi) .S.7 TEMPERATURE RISE 3. 2011-13:54:39 3.6. shall be subject to I.7. Impedance percentage volts at normal tap.1 The dielectric strength of the winding insulation of the bushings shall conform to the values given in IS:2026 3. Impedances shall include positive and zero sequence and shall be expressed in terms of the branches of the star connected equivalent diagram.10 IMPEDANCE The guaranteed impedance with tolerance shall be as required for parallel operation as per details given in cl. and as indicated in cl.8.9.2 The new 40 MVA.3 The HV winding shall have graded insulation.1 The transformer shall be suitable for continuous operation with a frequency variation of plusminus 5% from normal of 50 Hz without exceeding the specified temperature rise.9. Technical particulars of these 20 MVA 132/33 KV transformers are given at Table-II.9 PARALLEL OPERATION 3. It shall therefore be ensured that the transformers to be purchased against this specification shall operate satisfactorily with the above existing units. 132/33 KV transformers may also be required to operate in parallel with the 63MVA & 20 MVA. January 12. The LV windings of the transformer shall have uniform insulation.9 FREQUENCY 3.2 For rated system voltage of 132 KV and 33 KV following minimum impulse test voltages of 1. all on the same MVA basis.3.6. 3.6. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. tolerances.6 INSULATION 3.Location :: Lucknow. 3. 3. 3.3.1 The 40 MVA..1 Each transformer shall be capable of operating continuously at their normal rating without exceeding temperature rise limits as specified below:i) Winding Temperature rise 55°C by resistance measurement ii) Oil (hottest layer) 50°C by the thermometer measurement 3. 89 BHEL SD-266 winding Transformer 24/40MVA HV 105/175Amps LV 420/700Amps -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do40 BHEL SD-311 132/33 15.90 13.40 13.06 15. 2011-13:54:39 T-4(A) Table giving details of 40MVA 132/33KV Transformers Sl.75 13. of tap 17 -do-do- 40 -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- NGEF TELK GEC GEC GEC TELK BBL BHEL GEC NGEF ALSTOM BBL ABB SD-181 SD-198 SD-266 SD-311 ESD-57 ESD-57 ESD-57 ESD-75 ESD-75 ESD-75 ESD-103 ESD-103 ESD-103 -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- 15.13 13.75 13.61 9.09 13. No .75 13.Location :: Lucknow.4 15.47 Arrangement of Tapping details winding 1 10 11 Two winding Taps provided on HV neutral star Group YYO end to vary voltage on LV without tertiary side from –5% to +15% in 16 equal steps of 1. Ratio Normal Extreme Tap(1) Tap(5) Tap(1 7) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40MVA.70 -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- .1 11.8 15.25% each No. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.60 15.62 15.06 14. January 12.55 10.00 15.75 13.27 10.68 9.5 9.15 3Phase two 40 132/33 15.75 13.67 11.No Load 40MVA at 75oC Extreme .02 9.53 14.5 15.40 16. Rating of T/F Description existing transformers with which parallel running is required required to run in Rating Make Our No % Impedance volts at parallel MVA Specn.75 13.74 14.27 9.75 9.132/33KV 40 BHEL SD-133 132/33 16.76 12.8 15.62 9.25 15.7 10.75 13.89 13.18 14.75 13.3 14. January 12.97 13.75 13.56 13.00 15.54 9.75 13.00 9.75 13.688 10.263 15.15 15.39 15.80 15.20 13.90 11..220 11.73 12.82 13.818 13.00 10.733 14.75 13.00 15.30 15.75 13.53 14.88 9.94 13.73 9.43 15.10 9.75 13.15 15.61 15.75 13.75 13.73 13.60 15.00 15.78 10. 2011-13:54:39 -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- APEX KANOHAR EMCO ALSTOM EMCO ABB CGL BBL ALSTOM EMCO KANOHAR TECHNICAL TARIL BBL ALSTOM KANOHAR TARIL TECHNICAL KANOHAR ACCURATE ADITYA BBL AREVA KANOHAR TARIL TECHNICAL ACCURATE ESD-103 ESD-103 ESD-103 ESD-123 ESD-123 ESD-123 ESD-123 ESD-123 ESD-143 ESD-143 ESD-143 ESD-143 ESD-170 ESD-189 ESD-189 ESD-189 ESD-189 ESD-189 ESD-194 ESD-194 ESD-194 ESD-209 ESD-209 ESD-209 ESD-209 ESD-209 ESD-209 -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- 14.80 9.0 9.02 15.56 12.00 9.15 15.60 15.20 9.97 15.39 13.212 -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- .50 9.75 13.Location :: Lucknow.05 10.50 9.30 15.9 10.72 14.64 8.56 13.61 14.00 15.5 13.75 13.54 9.63 10.17 13.16 15.89 9.69 9.00 10.30 14.00 9.40 15.53 9.75 13.53 15. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.37 14.00 15.00 12.75 13. 58 10.22 14.18 9.220 15.51 10.48 13.48 15.47 9.66 14.109 14.05 13.15 14. 2011-13:54:39 -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- EMCO ADITYA KANOHAR BBL TECHNICAL ACCURATE AREVA TECHNICAL ACCURATE KANOHAR BBL ADITYA BBL ECE ADITYA PME ACCURATE ESD-209 ESD-209 ESD-220 ESD-220 ESD-220 ESD-220 ESD-220 ESD-241 ESD-241 ESD-241 ESD-241 ESD-241 ESD-261 ESD-261 ESD-261 ESD-261 ESD-261 -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- 15.17 13.21 9.20 9.63 13.68 15.71 9.442 9.08 15.63 13. January 12.732 13.58 9.454 13.84 9.04 13.34 15.42 9.80 14.95 13.081 15.54 9.70 9.46 9.75 15.76 9.23 9.90 15.822 -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.Location :: Lucknow.77 13.60 9.69 13620 13.111 13.79 15.65 13.96 15.96 15.14 13.70 15.78 13. T/Fs -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 CGL BHEL C.25% each No.7 13.81 9. Load 40MVA at 75oC parallel No.5 14.34 13.04 13.8 9.G.22 14.24 13.8 13. January 12.85 9.12 9.75 9.75 13.98 10.34 10 9.98 13.Location :: Lucknow.9 .04 14. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.48 9.4 15. Ratio Extreme Normal Extre me Tap(1) Tap(5) Tap(1 7) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 16/20MVA 20 NGEF SD-332 132/33 16.68 9.75 13.95 15.71 15. 10 11 winding star Group Taps provided on HV neutral YYO end to vary voltage on LV side without tertiary from –5% to +15% in 16 equal steps of 1.91 Arrangement winding of Tapping details 1 1.055 13.14 15 15.65 15.07 15.4 15. of tap 17 132/33KV 3Phase. Rating of Description existing transformers with which parallel running is required T/F required Rating Make Our No % Impedance volts at to run in MVA Specn. NGEF NGEF NGEF GEC TELK GEC NGEF KANOHAR SD-332 SD-332 SD-332 SD-101 SD-134 SD-187 SD-187 SD-231 SD-75 SD-75 SD-75 132/33 132/33 132/33 132/33 132/33 132/33 132/33 132/33 132/33 132/33 132/33 15.48 9.6 15.92 9. 2011-13:54:39 T-4 (C) Table giving details of 20MVA 132/33KV Transformers Sl.65 13. No . No . 2011-13:54:39 T-4 (D) Table giving details of 63 MVA 132/33KV Transformers Sl.Location :: Lucknow. of tap 17 -do-do-do-do- . Load 40MVA at 75° C parallel Ratio Extreme Normal Extre me Tap(1) Tap(5) Tap(1 7) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 38/63MVA 63 BBL ESD-219 132/33 15. Rating of Description existing transformers with which parallel running is required T/F required Rating Make Our No % Impedance volts at to run in MVA Specn. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 10 Two winding Group YYO without tertiary -do-do-do-do- 63 63 63 63 AREVA BBL BBL ADITYA ESD-219 ESD-242 ESD-262 ESD-262 132/33 16.71 09.25% each No.27 09. January 12.68 132/33KV 3-phase.70 13.No. T/F Arrangement winding of Tapping details 1 1.55 -do-do-do-do- 11 star Taps provided on HV neutral end to vary voltage on LV side from –5% to +15% in 16 equal steps of 1.29 9.71 10.140 9.16 14.78 132/33 15.60 13.059 132/33 14.80 132/33 15.26 13.189 13. 500. which can be fastened in open or closed position. 2.13 3. these shall be increased by 10% for computation and for working out penalty.00 per KW of guaranteed copper loss iii) Rs.12. 2. Separate oil tight blank flange shall be provided for each tank connection for use when the radiator unit is detached.S.00 per KW. If losses are guaranteed with tolerance as per I.13. rated voltage.5 Tesla (15. 3.00 per KW of guaranteed no load loss ii) Rs. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.00 per KW of guaranteed auxiliary losses. on normal tap shall not exceed 1.2 COOLING The transformers shall have ONAN and ONAF cooling.700. rated frequency and at 75°C shall be guaranteed under penalty for each transformer. 85.3 The radiators shall be so arranged that these can be detached from tank without disturbing the oil in the transformer. 86700. 3.13. All radiators shall be completely interchangeable.00 per KW. 3.000 lines per sq. January 12. The transformers shall be capable of giving a continuous output of at least 60% of their rating with only natural air (ONAN) cooling without exceeding the specified temperature rise limits.12.3 The contractor shall submit calculations along with relevant documents for no load losses.11 MAXIMUM FLUX DENSITY The maximum flux density in any part of the core and yoke at normal voltage and frequency. 3.12. Bottom of the radiators should be supported on angle frame also to reduce the oil leakage from radiators joints and distribute and mechanical load uniformly. load losses and auxiliary losses. The purchaser reserve the right to reject the 85000.12 TRANSFORMER LOSSES 3. These shall be designed to withstand the vacuum and . if the tested losses are more than 10% of the quoted figures.1 The no load loss in kilowatt at rated voltage and rated frequency and the copper losses in kilowatts at rated output.12.000.500. 86. (ii) the excess of the test values of copper loss. The rates of computation shall be :i) Rs. 3. It shall be at the discretion of purchaser to reject the transformers having losses more than 10% in excess of guaranteed quoted value or accept them after having penalty at the above.S. over the corresponding guaranteed values @ Rs.2 The cooling arrangement shall consist of detachable radiators which should be directly mounted on the transformers.2 The penalties shall be separately evaluated from (i) the excess of the test figures of the no load loss over the corresponding guaranteed values @ Rs. 3. The rates mentioned above may be revised as per current provision in CBIP and REC manual. Connections between the radiators and tank shall be made with flanges provided with gaskets and an indicating shutoff valve provided at both connection ends.12.00 per KW.13.Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 3. (iii) the excess of test value of guaranteed auxiliary loss @ Rs. buchholz relay etc. as well as in the auto mode. cubicle light and the terminal glands for the cables. padlock arrangement.14. 50 Hz external power supply with a voltage variation of + 10%. 3. 3.13..I.e. such that the starting of fan is through a contactset on a higher temperature and the switching off of fans is through another W. One No. contacts. Galvanized wire mesh screens shall be fitted to prevent accidental contact with the blades. Auto operation of fans will be initiated through 2 nos.14.T. 3. The terminal blocks shall be provided in the side. without any difficulty. 3.C. supply with thermal overload and short circuit protections which will also initiate an alarm when this breaker trips ii) A three phase motor starter with each fan (Max. 4 wire. Fans should be of High quality noise less and durable.T. shall be provided by the tenderer. All connections between the radiators and tank shall be provided with blank flange when the particular item is dispatched. switches fuses and contactors etc. W.5 cm. 2011-13:54:39 pressure specified for the tank. standby cooling fan is to be required in both HV&LV side.5 The fans for air blast cooling shall be so mounted that no damage to the coolers can arise from the vibration due to the operation of fans. Each radiator shall have a lifting eye and oil drain valve and vent at top.4 Cooler control scheme shall consist of the following equipments.I.14.) to start the fans manually.T.3 The cables between this unit and fans. O. of W. thermostatically controlled space heaters to prevent condensation.I. Cables should be of copper and 1. 3.4 Number of cooling fans for forced air cooling purposes must not be less than 8 running and 2 standby i. 4+1 in each group. All the radiators shall be completely interchangeable.Location :: Lucknow.I. Radiators shall be so designed as to be accessible for cleaning & painting & to prevent accumulation of water on the outer surface to completely drain oil from the tank or bank & to ensure against formation of pockets when the tank is being filled.1 KV grade. All the fittings.T. would be mounted on the front side of the marshalling box and the wiring shall be done from the back side. January 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The marshalling box shall be mounted on the transformers tank in such a manner that both the doors could be opened for operation or repairs etc.14 3. Which shall be mounted on the frame connected with tank in such a manner. contact set on a temperature lower than required for the starting of fans. i) A miniature circuit breaker for the incoming A. 3. The mesh being not greater than 2. It shall be complete with hinged doors. This unit shall be provided with doors in the front as well as on the back. maintenance or repairs. 10 nos.14.2 A marshalling box cum cooler control cabinet of weather proof construction shall be provided for housing the control equipment of cooler scheme. These shall be readily accessible for inspection. that no separate foundation work shall be required for the fans or the radiators or for the marshalling kiosk.1 COOLER CONTROL Cooler scheme shall be suitable to operate with 440 volts 3 phase.13. 30 . for guidance (Annexure-VII).5 The terminal blocks to be provided with the marshalling box shall be rated for 15 amps and will be suitable for uninterrupted duty. An indication for manual / auto mode be provided on RTCC panel. for testing as and when needed. 3. 31 . These should be suitable to receive at least two cores of 2. The successful bidder shall have to produce the relevant documents towards use of proposed input materials of prime quality of CRGO as per the following details: (a) Invoice of supplier. 3. 2011-13:54:39 iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Individual fan starting in manual operation on the transformer is also required.5 mm sq.15 CORE 3.7.14. Cartridge fuse units for each fan motor Provision for an alarm be made in case. One standard drawing for cooler control scheme is being attached with the specn. and any one or more fan(s) have not started.14.copper conductor cables. January 12. and high permeability grain oriented silicon steel laminations specially suitable. The marshalling box cum cooler control cubicle shall be mounted on the transformer and no separate foundation shall be required for the same. 3. nuts. All the terminal nos. the WTI contact has operated. 3. TK-45 Elmex make or equivalent reputed make.1 The core shall be built up with high-grade cold rolled non-aging. which shall have at least four sets of contacts.6 Provision for the fan working remote indication on OLTC panel shall be made. which could be set independently for desired temperatures. strips and shall also have disconnecting and shorting links. low loss.14. The terminal blocks should be preferably of Kirloskar make catalogue No.15. 3.1 The WTI and OTI shall be suitable for local as well as remote indication (on RTCC panel) of temperature.14. for transformer cores. 3. terminal studs.14. lock nuts and identification. The terminal blocks shall be of 440 volts grade complete with insulated barriers. Only cam operated rotary switches shall be used wherever required.7 The fan motors shall be automatically controlled by the winding temperature indicator (WTI). Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The third contact will be used to initiate an alarm and the last contact will be used for tripping the transformer. washers. The first two contacts will be used for starting the fans.14.8 A manual auto changeover switch shall be provided in the marshalling box for operation of cooler fans. 3. and device code to be adopted will be as finalized by this office. Fan trip annunciation for each fan shall also be provided through the contacts of starters.10 Engraved single line diagram on non rusting steel plate will be provided on RTCC/Marshalling Box on back of front door.Location :: Lucknow. However a remote emergency manual starting switch for fans shall also be provided on the RTCC panel. Similar terminal blocks shall also be provided for RTCC and driving mechanism units. these materials shall be directly procured either from the mill or through their accredited marketing organization of repute and not through any agent. 3.Location :: Lucknow.4 The winding shall be clamped securely in place so that they will not be displaced or deformed during short circuits. The copper conductor used in the construction shall be best suited to the requirements and all permanent current carrying joints in the windings and the leads. The coil shall be supported between adjacent sections by insulating spacers and the barriers/ bracings etc. At least one side of each lamination shall be coated with an insulating coating as may be approved by the ISS and as per the modern manufacturing practice. in the tender. WINDING The winding shall be so designed that all coil assemblies of identical voltage ratings shall be interchangeable and field repairs to the windings can be made readily without special equipment. The core shall be provided with lugs suitable for lifting the complete core and coil assembly of the transformer.16. or brazed as far as possible. All leads from the winding to the terminal board and bushings shall be rigidly supported to prevent injury from vibration.2 The core shall be rigidly clamped or bolted to ensure adequate mechanical strength and to prevent vibration during operation. (f) Bill of entry certified by Custom Deportment. 32 .16 3.3 All threaded connections shall be provided with locking facilities.16. 3. The bolts used in the assembly of core shall be suitably insulated and clamping structure shall be so constructed that eddy currents will be minimum.1 3. non catalytic. 3. shall be welded. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.3. 3.3 After being sheared the lamination shall be treated to remove all burrs and shall be reannealed to remove all residual stresses.5 3. and shall not soften or otherwise be adversely affected under the operating conditions. which shall be inert to the action of hot transformer oil.16. The core and the coil shall be so fixed in the tank that shifting does not occur when the transformer is moved or during a short circuit.4 3. chemically inactive in the hot transformer oil.16. Guide tubes shall be used where practical. January 12. The nature of insulation on core should be specified.2 The coil shall be dried under vacuum and submerged in dried insulating oil to develop the full electrical strength of the windings.15. 3.15.15. Insulation used in the assembly of the windings shall be arranged to ensure a free circulation of the oil and to reduce hot spot in the windings. (d) Certificate of origin: (e) Bill of lading. All materials used in the insulation and assembly of the windings shall be insoluble. 2011-13:54:39 (b) Mills test certificate: (c) Packing list.15. Further. The tank shall have sufficient strength to withstand without permanent distortion (i) filling by vacuum and (ii) continuous internal gas pressure of 0. Hydrogen (H2) 2.3. January 12.18.5°C Kinematic viscosity at 27°C Interfacial tension Flash point Neutralization value (total acidity) Dielectric strength (Break down voltage) Dielectric dissipation factor (Tan delta) Specific resistance ohm-cm Water content. Following tests will be required to be performed on a sample of oil from each transformer and witnessed by UPPTCL’s representative and the test certificates shall be furnished with the routine test reports of the transformer. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. PPM (Karit Fisher Method) 3. The tank cover shall be bolted to the tank and the transformer design shall be such that the tank will not be splitted between the lower and upper cooler connection for untanking.3 3. Methane (CH4) 5. The tank and the cover / shall be of welded construction.2 33 . The oil shall comply in all respects with the insulations of IS:335.17.18 3.7 atmospheres with oil at operating level.17.Location :: Lucknow. 1. Carbon Monoxide (CO) 4. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Density at 29. Ehylene (C2 H4) 6. The manhole shall be of sufficient size to afford easy access to the lower ends of the bushings terminals etc.1 The test certificates of oil suppliers shall not be accepted in this respect.2 The quantity of oil for first filling of each transformer shall be stated in the tender and in G. Carbon di-oxide (CO2) 3. All seams shall be welded and where practicable they shall be double welded. A manhole with a welded flange and a bolted cover shall be provided on the tank cover. Ethane (C2 H6) TANK The transformer tank and cover shall be fabricated from good commercial grade low carbon steel suitable for welding and of adequate thickness.A.18. Acetylene (C2 H2) 7.17 INSULATION OIL 3. drawing. 3. 2011-13:54:39 3. The cost of the oil shall also be given separately.17.17. 3. Particular attention shall be paid to deliver the oil free from moisture having uniform quality through out in nonreturnable steel drums. Dissolved gas analysis of the oil for the transformer in respect of the gases named below shall be performed on the one transformer on which impulse and heat run test have been performed.1 3.1 Oil for first filling together with ten percent extra oil shall be supplied with each transformer. and month of manufacturing on transformer tank & core frame shall be done before offering for inspection.18.18.18.Location :: Lucknow.5 Engraving of Transformer serial No. 2011-13:54:39 3. Lifting eyes or lugs shall be provided on all parts of the transformer.6 There should be provision on PRV with dome on top on tank with tripping arrangement instead of explosion vent.7 3.1. This valve shall be equipped with a small sampling cock.9.18. earthing strip of size 75x10 mm shall be clamped either in horizontal direction or in vertical direction with 4 no. Each tank shall be equipped with the following valves with standard flange connection for external piping. Special attention shall be given to the methods of making the hot oil tight joints between the tank and the cover as also between the cover and the bushings. studs without drilling any hole in the G. with the help of semi-skilled labour. 3.18. this valve can be located at any convenient position to suit connection. the transformer tank shall be provided with lifting lugs and bosses properly secured to the sides of the tank. The tank shall be provided with two suitable copper alloy pads for the purpose of grounding. earthing strip.18.4 3. The opening of this valve shall be baffled to prevent aeration of the oil. i) One drain and lower filter valve placed to completely drain the tank. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.I.8 3. At the opinion of the contractor a large valve may be furnished with an accentric reducer.18. Adequate space shall be provided between the core and winding and the bottom of tank for collection of any sediment or sludge. The upper filter valve shall be on the side opposite to the side of lower filter valve. All other outlets to ensure that the joints can be remade satisfactorily and with ease. to the filter machine but may be connected to upper part of the tank by means of internal piping. Suitable guides shall be provided for positioning the various parts during assembly or dismantling.3 All bolted connection to the tank shall be fitted with suitable oil tight gaskets which shall give satisfactory service under the operating conditions.6 3.5 3. where the G. The design of the tank.1.I.18.9. This device shall be mounted so that oil from the device should fall on the ground. ii) One upper filter valve located at the top of the tank. 34 . requiring independent handling during assembly or dismantling. January 12. the lifting lugs and bosses shall be such that the complete transformer assembly filled with oil can be lifted with the use of these lugs without any damage or distortions. iii) Pressure relief valve should operate at a pressure below the test pressure for the tank. Alternatively. v) One oil filling cum filter valve in the oil conservator. In addition. for lifting the transformer either by crane or by jacks. 3. Where-ever compressible gaskets are used stoppers shall be provided to prevent over compression. 9. of taps. OLTC gear shall be suitable for bi-directional flow of full power. Once the tap changing operation has been initiated it must be completed even if the supply to the driving mechanism interrupts.1. 3.8 Supporting plate-form is to be provided for attending the Buchholz Relay. ii) Diverter switch with transition resistance viii)Separate compartment for diverter switch with independent oil conservator and oil surge protective device ix) Motor driven mechanism x) Control & protection devices xi) Local tap changer position indicator.4 mm in both the directions.2 :: Lucknow. A 440 volt 3-phase 50 cycles external supply will be available for the operation of the changer. for its easy accessibility. 17 taps including one normal tap position. 35 .19.3 Pulling eyes shall be provided to facilitate moving the transformer and they shall be suitably braced in a vertical direction so that bending does not occur when the pull has a vertical component. 132/33 KV Transformer) The transformer shall be provided with full capacity speed non inductive transition resistance type On load pattern taps on HV neutral end to vary voltage on LV side from –5% to + 15% in equal steps of 1. Tap changing mechanism shall be suitable for remote operation from RTCC panel in the control room in addition to being capable of local manual as well as local electrical operation. The tested ratios shall not have more than + 0. 2011-13:54:39 3. 3. It shall be possible to change the direction of the wheels through 90° when transformer is lifted on jacks to permit movement of the transformer both in longitudinal and transverse directions. All the transformers shall have rail gauge of 1676. TAP CHANGING MECHANISM (40 MVA.7 Air cell of best quality rubber (having no reaction with T/F oil) should be provided inside conservator tank to avoid oil contamination. 3. Suitable audio as well as visual alarm shall be provided in case of failure of A.19 3. The supplier will provide an auxiliary 440 volts/55-0-55 volts transformer in the driving mechanism of the OLTC to operate the control scheme for the OLTC.1 3.3 The OLTC shall include the following:i) An oil immersed tap selector switch. January 12. supply to OLTC cubicle.20.20 3.19.C.e. xii) Manual operating device.18.18.1 UNDERCARRIAGE The transformer tank shall be supported on a structural steel base equipment with forged steel or cast steel single flanged wheels suitable for moving the transformer completely filled with oil. 3.50% error from rated ratios on any of the 17 nos.25% each i. Jacking steps shall be provided. which shall not interrupt the load current during tap change.20.19.2 3. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. and the odd and even tap matching scheme shall not be acceptable. these already acquired by the purchaser (cl.3. The compartment shall be provided with means of releasing the gas produced by the arcing.20. provision shall be made to enable parallel control also so that the tap changer will be operated simultaneously when one or more units are in parallel.12 3.20.1 The OLTC shall be properly type tested and OLTC of such vendors who have got done type test on OLTC be accepted within five years.20.20.11 3. The manual operating device shall be so located on the transformer that it can be operated by a man standing at the level of the transformer track. The diverter switch shall be located on separate oil filled compartment. Under abnormal conditions such as may occur if the contactor controlling one tap changer gets stuck. The control scheme for the tap changer shall be provided independent control of the tap changer when the transformers are in independent service. the arrangement must be such as to switch off supply to the motor so that an out of step condition is limited to one tap difference only. so that under normal conditions the tap changer will not become out of step.13 .9 3.10 3. For this each of the seventeen taps shall be matched with the taps of the follower transformer.8 3. January 12.20. supply only. It shall be strong and robust in construction.3.20. The rated current of the tap changer shall not be less than 300 Amps for 40 MVA transformers 36 3. Complete particulars of the tap changing gear including capacity of the motor shall be stated in the tender. Additional feature like master and follower as well as an audio visual indication during the operation of motor shall also be incorporated.Location :: Lucknow. In addition. The on load tap changer shall be so designed that the contacts of tap selector switch do not interrupt the arc. It shall be designed so as to prevent the oil in the diverter switch compartment from mixing with the oil in the main tank or the tap selector.5 3.4 3. 2011-13:54:39 3. and all rotating parts and shafts shall be covered by protective caging or covering. as well as.6 3.C. Details of out of step protection provided for the taps should be furnished in the tender. Tap changers are not required to be suitable for automatic voltage sensed operation. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.8 3.20. Necessary interlock blocking independent control when the units are in parallel shall be provided. All devices except the OLTC motor shall operate on 55-0-55 volts A.9) The transformers shall give full load output on all taps.20. The contactors and associated gear for the tap change driving motors shall be housed in a local kiosk mounted on the transformer. The tap changer shall be capable of permitting parallel operation with other transformers of the same type covered by this specification.20.20. Reports of type/ Routine tests carried out on OLTC at vendor’s works has to be enclosed with final test report.20. cable glands. instrument wiring terminal blocks. IX & X. shall be supplied by the contractors. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Necessary auxiliary transformers of 440/55-0-55 volts A. Following indications shall be provided on RTCC panel i) Fan running indication (red colour) one for each fan ii) Auto / manual indication for fan controls switch iii) 55-0-55 volts A. follower or in off position. indicator 3. The contractor shall ensure that terminal nos. January 12. The OLTC panel shall be of light grey colour corresponding to I.21.21 3. The scheme will give step by step. The tap changing scheme shall be such as to operate the steps of two or more transformers in parallel simultaneously as well as independently as and when desired. The panel is required to be matched with existing panels of the purchaser of height 2250 mm and depth.4 3. This auxiliary transformer shall be installed in the driving mechanism as per latest practice to ensure that no 440 or 230 V A. The panel should be self-supporting.P codes and which has been adopted by the purchaser.1 REMOTE TAP CHANGER CONTROL PANEL (RTCC) All tap changing control equipments shall be mounted on a separate panel for each transformer which will also be quoted separately.I.C. and the device codes as adopted by the Purchaser shall be followed by the supplier. VIII. Any one transformer can be made ‘Master’ and on changing the taps of this transformer. in respect of the existing transformers of various other makes. 2011-13:54:39 3.5 37 .C. for the RTCC driving mechanism and the alarm and annunciation scheme are attached for the guidance of the tenderer as Annexure No. The OLTC control scheme shall be designed for 55-0-55 volts A.21. 631.21. the taps of all other follower units will change automatically with the master and it will not be possible to change the taps of the follower transformers. made of sheet steel. It shall be completely vermin proof and arrangements to prevent ingress of vermin through cable entry holes or ventilation slots shall be provided.C. internal light etc. tap changing operation. In the independent position it shall be possible to change the taps of any transformer independently.21. The tentative drawings for terminal block nos.2 3. supply is taken into the RTCC panel except for the purpose of light and heater.B. indicator x) Oil temp. This panel shall be complete with all necessary fittings. The panel shall be provided with doors opening at the centre on which nothing shall be mounted. master. The OLTC control scheme and the Master follower parallel operation shall be identical to the standard control scheme based on the recommendations of C. independently. which can be 500-700mm.3 3. A sequence selector switch comprising of four positions shall be provided which will indicate whether the transformer is in independent.Location :: Lucknow.S. supply on (red colour) iv) Fault on indication lamp v) OLTC motor protection switch open indication (green colour) vi) Tap change in progress(Amber colour with one independent buzzer) vii) Tap position of transformer (digital indication) viii) Winding temp.21.C. I.3 The alarm scheme should be such that it will be possible to silence the alarm after its receipt and immediately after receipt. supply to fans and tap changer fail iv) Main conservator oil level low x) OLTC conservator oil level low xi) W. 3.21.O.I. The required terminal blocks for them shall be provided on the transformer marshalling box as per the attached drg. it shall be available for next operation. trip iv) Tap changer oil surge relay trip v) Pressure release device trip b) NON TRIP ALARM i) W.21.21. temp. high v) Buchholz alarm 3. operated fans not started xii) Tap changer motor stuck xiii) Taps not in synchronism (out of step) xiv)55-0-55 A. a) TRIP ALARM i) Buchholz alarm ii) W.T.Location :: Lucknow.6.5.4 3.G. The conservator shall also have a shut off valve and a sump with a small drain valve and sampling cock.I. It should not however be possible to reset the flag unless the cause of the fault is removed.6.22. for cooler control trip iii) A. the later so arranged as not to interfere with oil lines. There shall also be an oil conservator for the OLTC which could either be provided separately or a partition in the main conservator.5.C.1 Following non trip flag indications with alarm shall be provided i) Fan trip (separate flag for each fan) ii) M. alarm iii) O.2 3.C.L. 3. The conservator shall have two filter valves. OIL PRESERVING EQUIPMENT Oil preserving equipment shall be conservator.B.I. high iv) O.3 38 .T.2 Annunciations required on purchaser’s transformer control panel The following flag indications are required to be passed on to the purchaser’s transformer control panel. There should be a provision of electronic Annunciation window instead of mechanical relay for different indications at RTCC panel. the other at the top at opposite end and in addition to the valves specified in the accessories for the main tank. 2011-13:54:39 3.22. one at the bottom at one end.21.I.T. temp. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.T. with an independent M.T. (Annexure VII). January 12.22. voltage low.22 3.1 3.C. The magnetic oil level gauge shall be mounted on the conservator. Location :: Lucknow. 39 vii) 3. the dry flashover value. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Bushings of identical voltage shall be interchangeable. Special adjustable arcing horns are also to be provided for all bushings. vi) All bushings shall have puncture strength greater than.25. All bushings shall comply with I. 132/33 KV transformers. its location shall be shown on the outline drawing.23. adequately.S.0 BUSHINGS The following type of bushing shall be provided on the 40 MVA. CENTRE OF GRAVITY The center of gravity of the transformer shall be low and as near to the vertical central line as possible. 2011-13:54:39 3. system voltage as specified in clause 3.1 . All bushings shall be equipped with suitable terminals of approved type and size and all external current carrying contact surface shall be silver plated. gap to the purchaser to decide the actual gap setting. i) Each bushing shall be so coordinated with the transformer insulation that all flashovers will occur outside the tank. ACCESSORIES Each transformer shall be provided with the following accessories:i) A dial type indicating thermometer of robust pattern mounted inside the marshalling kiosk at a convenient height to read the temperature in the hottest part of the oil and fitted with the alarm and trip contacts with a repeater on RTCC panel to give oil temperature. The insulation class of the neutral bushing shall be properly coordinated with insulation class of the neutral end of the winding. The HV & LV bushings should be placed coinciding with the centre line of the transformer rollers. (i) HV 145 KV oil impregnated condenser type bushing of 800 Amps (ii) LV 36 KV plain porcelain oil communicating type bushings of 1000 Amps 3. If the center of gravity is accentric relative to track either with or without oil. iv) The tenderers are required to give the guaranteed withstand voltages for the above bushings and also furnish a calibration curve with different settings of the coordination. The glazing shall be uniform in colour and free from blisters burs and other defects. ii) The porcelain used in bushings shall be of the wet process homogenous and free from cavities or other flaws.1 The bushings shall be suitable for heavily polluted atmosphere (anti fog type) and shall have high factors of safety against leakage to ground and shall be so located as to provide adequate electrical clearance between bushings and between the bushings and grounded parts. The transformer shall be stable with or without oil and radiators. January 12. Tenderers recommendations are also invited in this respect.24 3.25 3.5 system particulars of this specification. v) vi) The 132 KV bushings shall be condenser type and the 33 KV bushings shall be oil filled and these shall be identical to drawings attached as Annexure-V & VI. 2099.23. The minimum creepage distance of all the bushings shall not be less than 25 mm per KV of the max. 2011-13:54:39 ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) x) ix) A winding temperature indicator with repeater and alarm / trip fan starting contacts (08 nos. An air release cock shall also be fitted in a convenient position.1. x) One double float English Electric or equivalent make type OBG M-3 E gas detector relay (buchholz relay) with alarm and tripping contacts to detect accumulation of gas and sudden change of pressure. One filter valve located at the top of the tank on one side One filter valve located near the bottom of the tank on the other side of transformer Oil sampling valves for top. a bleed valve for gas venting.) Two magnetic type oil level gauge with low level alarm contact and a dial showing minimum. The gauge shall be readable from the transformer base level. middle and bottom oil sample Pressure release device of a safety valve of the chimney type with an equalizer pipe interconnecting the top of the conservator and upper most part of the safety valve should be provided to permit rise of oil in the pipe. i) Name of equipment with specification No. xi) xii) An oil conservator for main tank as well as OLTC xiii) Cooling fans supported on the main tank or the radiators xiv) Eye bolts and lugs on all parts for ease of handling xv) Oil surge relay for the OLTC diverter switch compartment. and normal oil level.No. Two oil filling valve (in let) one for main conservator tank and one for OLTC conservator tank. These will have lifting lugs and oil filling and drain plugs. max. complete with shut off valves on both the ends and flange couplings to permit easy removal without lowering oil level in the main tank or conservator. flat with four studs. It is desired that in addition to diagram and rating plate all equipments shall carry a metallic plate giving following information got marked by the manufacturers itself. No.1 Diagram and rating plate (for ease of identification at site and stores). arrangements shall be made to prevent. 40 . ii) S.25.I. A stop cock should also be provided in the interconnecting pipe. as per the bill of material iii) Year of order iv) Sl. Heat exchangers or radiators with shut off valves at top and bottom. January 12. xvii)Two grounding pads suitable for 75x10 mm G. Two oil drain valves one from main conservator and other from OLTC conservator. and a test valve. of transformer Guaranteed as well as measured values of percentage impedances and No load / Load losses / and Auxiliary losses without any plus tolerance at 75°C shall also be inscribed on the diagram and rating plate.Location :: Lucknow. The safety valve pipe shall preferably take off from the side of the transformer tank near to the tank cover and not from the top of tank cover. In case if the pipe is taking off from the top of tank cover. the gases forming in the tank from rising into the safety valve pipe and thereby by-passing the buchholz relay. 3. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Necessary cable glands shall also be provided at the base of this kiosk. switchgears and contactors etc. resistance and short circuit current with stand capacity and other conditions specified in I. and the back side for the wiring. 2011-13:54:39 3. 3.2. The transformer shall also have a separate motor drive unit to accommodate the motor drive for the OLTC along with the contractor’s relays and auxillary transformer etc. xii) Make of bolts.2 TERMINAL CLAMPS Bimetallic terminal connectors for HV & LV: shall be suitable for ACSR PANTHER for 132 KV bushing and for 33 KV bushings the connectors shall be suitable for twin Zebra ACSR conductor.25.3 3. cubicle light.. indicators and magnetic oil level gauges shall be brought out to suitable terminals.Location :: Lucknow. 3. fuses etc. All connectors should be suitable for horizontal as well vertical take off.3 41 . space heater. The necessary cables between transformer and the marshalling box shall also be provided by the tenderer.25. It shall be complete with hinges and padlock arrangement. January 12. All the fixtures will be provided with a level plate in the front as well as in the back side for identification.1 3. vii) Bolts and nuts should be manufactured by a highly reputed concern.. nuts and check nuts xiii)Make of washers.25. This will also be weather proof and vermin proof and shall be mounted on the transformer.1.3 The tenderers are required to note that :i) 132 KV clamps should have atleast 2 pairs of bolts on conductor. The transformers shall be complete with marshalling box or kiosk in which all the leads from Buchholz relays. This kiosk shall be weather proof and vermin proof and shall be provided with a front door as well as a back door and mounted on the transformer on its side so that it will be possible to open both the doors during service. The terminal blocks shall be provided in the side. Engraved single line diagram on non rusting steel plate will be provided on RTCC/Marshalling Box on back of front door..1. as well as terminal end. Information shall be furnished by the tenderers for following items: i) Material of clamps ii) Name of manufacturer iii) Drawings of clamp ix) Weight of clamp x) Metal of clamp xi) Testing facility for terminal connectors available at manufacturer’s work as per relevant I. fuses. The font side shall be used to mount all the fittings.25. required for the operation of the OLTC. oil / winding temp.25. viii) The prices of clamps should be quoted separately.S.S. 55611970 iii) A check nut should be provided on each bolt to avoid loosening of nuts due to vibration etc and these should be hot dip galvanized. ii) The clamp should be designed with large factor of safety and should comply in all respects of temperature rise. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 26. width.4 The equipment and accessories required with the transformer shall be suitably mounted on the transformer for ease of operation. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.28 3. shall be painted with a primary coat of anti-corrosive paint of durable nature and final two coats of light grey shade corresponding to IS: 631 paint of best quality. No. shall be mentioned in the packing list and the challan to facilitate the cross checking of all the items by the consignees and to ensure that all the components of the transformer unit have been received. The transformer shall be dispatched filled with oil or if necessary with insert gas with a pressure gauge and a spare gas cylinder to replenish the gas pressure in transit or during its storage at the destination until it is filled up with oil. and this no.6. All parts shall be adequately marked to facilitate identification and erection.Location :: Lucknow. inspection and maintenance.2. for each item of fitting and accessories required for one transformer.28.3 of General Requirements of Specifications. of A-3 size giving a serial no.27 3.cross section area & flux density 3. PACKING The packing may be in accordance with the tenderers standard practice so as to ensure safe transit by goods train or road.27. All valves shall be provided either with blind companion flanges or with pipe lugs for protection. Bill of Material: The supplier shall make available a consolidated bill of material for one transformer unit complete in all respects required as per cl. not under oil.4 3. pad lock. Indication. all steel surfaces. window height & width .1 42 .1 3. PAINTING Before dispatch.27.3 3. overall height. space heater.6 3. and the mounting details shall be subject to the approval of the purchaser. Boxes and crates shall be marked with the tender specns.27. Any fittings accessories of apparatus which might not have been mentioned in the specifications but which are usual and necessary in the equipment of similar design and are recommended by the manufacturer for satisfactory operation are to be provided by the contractor without extra cost.5 3.25. All apparatus must be complete in all details whether mentioned in the specification or not. Special arrangements should be made to facilitate handling and to protect the projecting parts against damage in transit. alarm and relay equipment shall have contacts suitable for operation with 110 Volts D. The interior surface shall be painted according to the contractor’s standard practice/ provision in ISS. However.2 3. and shall have a packing list enclosed showing the parts contained therein. supply. light and protection devices shall be provided into it. January 12. following will be hold points where the bidder will have to offer advance inspection call notice.C. The bill shall be made out on drg. 3. 2011-13:54:39 Necessary cable glands.26 3.25.1 3.27. FACTORY ASSEMBLY AND TEST (a)Stage inspection: Purchaser shall have the option to depute their representative to check the progress during any stage of manufacturing of each transformer.25. i) CORE: Thickness of laminations. 100. expenditure on above will be reimbursed by department on actual basis. vi) Zero phase sequence impedance measurement on each Transformer. number of turns. thickness of bottom. 110 and 120% percent of rated voltage measured by the average voltmeter method. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. the purchaser shall carry out the following tests on transformers:i) Insulation resistance test ii) Ratio and polarity test iv) Di-electric test on oil. 110% and 120% of rated voltage ix) Excitation losses at 90. 3. single welds. cross sectional area of copper conductor used. iii) Routine tests as per IS-2026-1977 or its latest amendment vi) Temperature rise test on one unit as per IS:2026-1977. If leaks occur. TEST AT SITE After erection at site. 0. Atmospheres for a period of six hrs.29.OD of HV. vii) Impulse test on all limbs of HV & LV windings of one unit as per CI. LV & Regulating windings.31. valves and other parts necessary for complete transformer shall be tested for leak and strength by applying to the completed tank filled with oil an air pressure not less than 0. Weight of tank. the tests shall be conducted again till all leaks have been stopped.0.9. Banglore/Bhopal may be carried out on any unit randomly selected for short circuit test.13 of IS-2026-1977. 100%. 3. cms. (atmosphere) ii) All tanks. their parallel conductors &calculation of copper used in manufacture of transformer. January 12. (b) Final inspection: The transformers shall be completely assembled and tested at the factory. FURTHER TESTS SHORT CIRCUIT TEST: If it is so desired that short circuit test at CPRI. If the purchaser selects to send a representative.Location :: Lucknow. cooling coils. radiators and conservator tank sheet.31 3.0. x) Magnetic balance test on HV/LV winding on all the transformer xi) Exciting current measurement on both the HV/LV winding of all the transformer at 440 Volts. vii) Regulation at rated load at 1. 0. iii) TANK : Physical dimensions. sides.2 The following tests shall be made on transformers :i) All double welds shall be tested for leaks with dry nitrogen at a pressure not less than 7 kg/sq.8 lagging power factor (calculated) viii) Exciting current at 90%. radiators.7 atmosphere for a period of 24 hours or not less than 1. 2011-13:54:39 ii) COIL : ID.29 3. Vacuum and pressure test .1 3. all tests shall be witnessed by him. Firm will make all necessary arrangements for above test.1 43 . Tests shall be performed in compliance with I S 2026-1977 or latest amendment thereof.28. 6. could be splitted into more than one A-3 sheet.C. 2011-13:54:39 3. Drawings All the drawings are required to be furnished in A-3 size only. cannot be prepared directly in A-3 size. these could be prepared on larger sheets and submitted for approval.O.32.Location :: Lucknow. penalty will be deducted on the basis the date of issue of dispatch authorization and transit period. The wiring drawings and the general arrangement drawing.. Each report shall have following information:i) Complete identification data including serial no.. duration. if necessary. the manufacturer shall supply three copies of all the drgs.. of the transformer ii) Method of application. These large size drgs.32 Drawings and instructions book for erection.32. After approval the contractor shall submit to the engineer and consignee(s). six certified copies of each test report shall be furnished. commissioning. for proper filing and making folders having card paper covers of the same size.31 3. so that these could be understood and read correctly.32. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. and interpretation of results for each test. size or more..(a) i) Six sets of prints of each approved drawing for each consignee ii) Total six sets of prints per contract to the engineer of the contract (b) i) Six set of bound copies of approved manuals for each consignee and six sets for the engineer of the contract (c) Six set of detailed bill of material for each consignee & six set for E. Additional prints on ammonia paper or photo copies on white sheets of A-3 size shall be made out from the master copy. 3. where applied.4 44 .2 The purchaser reserves the right of having other reasonable tests carried out at his own expense either before dispatch or at site to ensure that the transformer complies with the requirements of these specifications. within a reasonable time but before commencement of any dispatches of equipment. iii) Losses / Impedance corrected to 75°C 3. In this context no correspondence will be entertained.2 3. which will describe the equipments in detail as per the provisions of cl. In case the transformer dispatched without proper dispatch authorization. the following:. The transformers shall be dispatch only after issue of dispatch authorization. operation and maintenance manual to be furnished by the supplier On placement of the order. In case some of the drgs. of the General Requirements of Specifications for approval.1 3. shall be of 2 mm. after approval (made in ink) shall be photographically reduced and printed in A-3 size on a plastic film only to be used as a master copy.30. January 12. The size of letters and the numerical figures on the reduced drg. After all tests have been completed. control scheme.O. bushing with their electrical and mechanical characteristics. buchholz relay.B. The following drawing shall be required to be supplied by the successful tenderer.32. and pressure release device drawings. Wiring diagram of driving mechanism 45 3. Diagram of alarm and annunciation scheme 4.O. January 12. General arrangement of LV. 3. 3.L. be claimed by the contractor only after supplying the above.V. 7.V as well as L. oil temp.C.5 In the event of non-supply of aforesaid drawing & manuals in the quantity and in the manner as required above.V.V.32. Schematic diagram of O. indicator. and cooler control scheme giving the sequence of operation of different contactors.V. 6. silicagel breather. LV(N) and HV (N) bushings with their electrical and mechanical characteristics 8. Braded copper strip drawing with clamping arrangement for neutral bushing 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 3.bushings 11. on placement of the order:General Arrangement Drawings 1. LV and tap windings.L. General arrangement of marshalling kiosk cum cooler control panel 5.Location :: Lucknow. Outline general arrangement drg.T. L.V & H.2 .T. Details of winding and core as per schedule of technical particulars with specific mention of size of conductor in L. The driving mechanism portion of the scheme to be shown inside a box. Foundation plan of transformer. bushing without current carrying parts with make and type (porcelain part) 9.P. with required cable trench position 10. however.1 3.6. frontview as well as rear view development 4. 14.I. Winding temp. 2011-13:54:39 (d) One good quality direct reading reproducible of each approved drawing and also of bill of material to Engineer of Contract (E. 3.6 3. Schematic diagram of marshalling kiosk and cooler control scheme 5. General arrangement of OLTC panel. showing the minimum lift required to takeout the core & windings out of the transformer tank. control scheme also showing coordinated drawing for master follower operation of two transformers based on the standard. Wiring diagram of RTCC panel 6. of transfomer 2. General arrangement of H. M. and their relative placement and position. should be shown in the write-up. 2.C.32.C). C. OD/ID of H.L. The timing diagram for mechanical switches of OLTC for one operation cycle.32. This amount can.6. the contractor shall deduct from his bill(s) an amount equal to two (2%) of ex-works price of the equipments. Bi-metallic terminal connectors drawings for H.V.G. Transportation sketch or transformer super imposed on the loading diagram of the railway wagon (in two views) Schematic and wiring diagrams 1. Write-up operation of the O. General arrangement of driving mechanism. indicator.1 Outline dimentions of the core and winding along with the weight of the active parts to be lifted for over-hauling of the transformer. then they should agree to refund any payment that might have been paid for the entire equipment which cannot be used as a result of loss. Rajasthan.36 3. 8. 46 3.35 3. The tenderer has to submit the calculation as per the method stipulated in IS:2026 or amendments thereof. Wiring diagram of marshalling kiosk cum cooler control panel Terminal block arrangement of R. Union Territory of Delhi. the successful tenderer will be required to supply all damaged. A period of 4 weeks or 6 weeks shall be allowed for UPPTCL for making travel arrangements for their inspecting officer to reach their works.34 Replacement parts In the event of an order being placed. 10. short supplied parts within the period of one month from the date of notifying them the list of all damages / shortages by the consignees. panel driving mechanism. 2011-13:54:39 7. Routine test report of the goods offered for inspection will have to be submitted with inspection call letter. to show the thermal short circuit capability of the transformer. bushings. transformer and purchaser’s transformer controls panel Cable routing drawing showing the routes of the cables and their clamping arrangement on the transformer tank Consolidated bill of material for the transformer. damages or short supplies.C. Deviations from specifications Deviations from these specifications should be clearly listed and brought out separately. marshalling kiosk. The supplier shall keep the purchaser informed in advance about various stages of manufacturing program. 12.39 . Any additional drawing which the supplier may consider necessary.37 3. 3. The purchaser will decide on the actual spares to be ordered on the basis of the list and the item-wise prices of spare parts. In case the goods are not available for inspection at the time of the arrival of the inspecting officer the firm shall pay to UPPTCL towards futile journey charges.P.C. tap changer gear etc.C. January 12. Spare The tenderer shall quote separately for the spares recommended for five years normal operations.C. and cooler controls cubical Interconnection and external cabling details between OLTC. due to external short circuit conditions. and 6 weeks for all the remaining States. 9. heat exchangers. R. so that arrangement can be made for stage inspection if so required. The call for final inspection shall be given by the supplier when the goods have actually become ready in all respects in the works of manufacturer and not on the basis of anticipated date of completion. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The period of 4 weeks shall be for works situated in U. In case the firm is unable to supply the replacement within the above period. operation and maintenance manual along with descriptive literature and data on transformer construction. If this is not done.T.38 3. Tenderers shall quote their rates of material after consideration and absorption of benefits of “MODVAT”. Bihar and West Bengal. commissioning. 3. This period of 4 or 6 weeks will be from the date when inspection call is received by UPPTCL. the necessary amount would be deducted either from the security or bank guarantee or their other pending bills with the Corporation. windings. Erection. 11.Location :: Lucknow.33 13.T. However if any firm provides less losses in the Power Transformers. Load Loss. rated frequency and without any plus tolerance should not be more than 18. Calculation for caplization of losses shall be done on the basis of above fixed losses only. 3. This amount shall be paid within 30 days from the date of demand.Location :: Lucknow. Guaranteed No load loss at normal ratio.40 VARIOUS LOSSES OF TRANSFORMERS The various losses eg. January 12. rated output rated voltage and rated frequency at 75o C average winding temperature without plus tolerance should not be more than 124KW. Further action for inspection of material shall be taken only after the said amount is deposited. ii. it will be appreciated. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.0KW. Guaranteed copper loss (Load Loss) at normal ratio. 2011-13:54:39 a sum decided by Chief Engineer (Transmission) and demanded by the Engineer of Contract. No Load Loss and Auxiliary losses has been fixed as given below : i. 47 . Location :: Lucknow. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. January 12. 2011-13:54:39 . January 12. 2011-13:54:39 49 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.Location :: Lucknow. Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 50 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. January 12. Location :: Lucknow. January 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 51 . January 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 52 .Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 53 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. January 12.Location :: Lucknow. January 12.Location :: Lucknow. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 54 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 55 .Location :: Lucknow. January 12. Location :: Lucknow. January 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 56 . In case the Bidder who wish to offer material conforming to the other standards.3 ISS – 2026 ISS – 3347/1967 Specification for Power Transformer Specification for Transformer’s Porcelain Bushings Specification for Transformer Oil General requirement for switch-gear & control gear for voltages not exceeding 1000 V. .0 STANDARDS The materials shall conform in all respects to the relevant Indian Standard Specifications with latest amendments indicated below: Indian Standard Title International & Internationally Recognized Standard IEC 76 DIN 42531.4 kV CLASS POWER TRANSFORMERS 1. salient points of difference between the standards adopted and the specific standards shall be clearly brought out in relevant schedule.2. IEC 296 ISS-6600/1972 ISS – 1271 ISS-2099/1973 IEC 76 BS 148 IEC 36 A ISS-2393/1980 ISS-2633/1986 ISS – 5 Equipment conforming to other internationally accepted standards. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Four copies of such standards with authentic English Translations. 2011-13:54:39 TS-1 C TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR 250 KVA 33 /0 . which ensure equal or higher quality than the standards mentioned above would also beacceptable. shall be furnished alongwith the offer. Guide for Loading of Oil immersed transformers Insulating Material Specification for high voltage Porcelain Bushings.Location :: Lucknow. January 12. Cylindrical pins Methods of testing uniformity of zinc coated articles Colours of Ready Mixed Paints. ISS – 335 IS-4237 BS 148. ii. Provided on iii. i. Tap steps 12. 4. 5. C. The transformer shall conform to the following specific parameters.2/50 micro second wave shape impulse withstand (kVp) Power frequency withstand voltage (kV rms) Maximum continuous operating system voltage (kV rms) (a) 250 kVA 33 kV 0. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Oil immersed and naturally cooled (Type ON). Bushings (i) Voltage rating (amps) (ii) Current rating (amps) 58 36 As per required . 50 Hz.Core type. For 250 kVA ( Tolerance ± 10% ) 10. 50 deg. 2011-13:54:39 2. of phase Method of connection HV LV 7.0 2. Tap changing gear i. Type ii. 6.4 kV 50 Hz ±5% Three Delta Star Dyll ONAN % impedance 4. Insulation Levels for windings a) b) c) 1. Percentage impedance voltage on normal tap on kVA base corresponding to HV/LV rating and applicable tolerance as per ISS .Location :: Lucknow.5% 33 kV 170 70 36 13. Permissible temperature rise over ambient. 3. 1. conventional type copper wound distribution transformer . Type of cooling 9.75% 40 deg. C Off Load HV winding -5% to + 10% 2. of winding measured by resistance 11. Tap range iv. Continuous rated capacity 2.15%. Rated Voltage HV Rated Voltage LV Frequency No. January 12. 33 kV system in which Neutral is effectively earthed and they should be suitable for service under fluctuation in supply voltage from +10% to . of top oil measured by thermometer. Vector Group 8.1 PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS The transformer shall be suitable for outdoor installation with three phase. means shall be provided for the easy lubrication of all bearings for any mechanism or moving part.9 .2.10 . All taper pins used in any mechanism shall be of the split type complying with the relevant Standards.g. All apparatus shall also be designed to ensure satisfactory operation under such sudden variations of the load and voltage as may be prevalent with under working conditions on the system. brass or gun metal to prevent sticking due to rust or corrosion.1. All mechanism.1.1. including bushing insulators with their mounting. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS DESIGN AND STANDARDIZATION The transformer and accessories shall be designed to facilitate inspection .3.0 3. which is in tension or subject to impact stresses. including those due to short circuits. 3.1.1. January 12.7 3.6 3.1. 3. All connection and contacts shall be of ample section and surface for carrying continuously the specified currents without undue heating and fixed connections shall be secured by bolts or set screws of ample size.1. 59 3. All materials used shall be of the best quality and of the class most suitable for working under the conditions specified and shall withstand the variations of temperature and atmospheric conditions arising under working conditions without undue distortion or deterioration or the setting up of undue stresses in any part and also without affecting the strength and suitability of the various parts for the work which they have to perform. where necessary shall be constructed of stainless steel. large value bodies. shall be designed so as to avoid pockets in which water can collect. This clause is not intended to prohibit the use of suitable grades of cast iron for parts where service experience has shown it to be satisfactory.1. Corresponding parts liable to replacement shall be interchangeable. Cast iron shall not be used for chambers of oil filled apparatus or for any part of the equipment.1.1 3.8 3. 3. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.5.repairs and for operation.1. where the continuity of supply is primary consideration. 2011-13:54:39 (iii) Insulation Level (a) Lightening impulse withstand (kVp) (b) One minute power frequency withstand voltage (kV rms) 170 70 3. 3. e. adequately locked. The design shall incorporate every reasonable precautions and provision for the safety of all those concerned in the operation and maintenance of the equipment keeping in view the requirements of Indian Electricity Rules. All out door apparatus. Lock nuts shall be used on stud connections carrying current.Location :: Lucknow. that is not oil immersed.1. Where necessary. Bolts and Nuts external to the transformer shall be provided with double flat washer and one spring washer.3 5. Surfaces which are in contract with oil shall not be galvanized or cadmium plated. clean and of uniform thickness and free from defects. January 12.631 of IS:5.0 PAINTING The internal and external surfaces including oil filled chambers and structural steel work to be painted shall be shot or sandblasted to remove all rust and scale of foreign adhering matter or grease.1. 4. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.1 4. second coat of oil and weather resistant varnish of a colour distinct from primary and final two coat of glossy oil and epoxy light gray paint in accordance with shade No.0 4. insulating varnish. GALVANIZING Galvanizing shall be applied by hot dipped process or by electro galvanizing process for all parts and shall consist of a thickness of zinc coating equivalent to not less than 610 gm zinc per square meter of surface.Location :: Lucknow. all bolts. BOLTS & NUTS Steel bolts and nuts exposed to atmosphere with suitable finish like cadmium plated or zinc plated shall be used for diameters above 6mm. nuts and washers in contact with non ferrous parts which carry current shall be of phosphor bronze where the transfer of current is through the bolt. All paints shall be carefully selected to withstand extremes of weather.0 6. All steel surface exposed to weather shall be given a primary coat of Zinc chromate.0. punching. All steel surfaces in contact with insulating oil shall be painted with two coats of heat resistant. oil insoluble. Alternative to galvanizing. The minimum thickness of each coat of outside painting of tank shall be 20 60 . suitable special spanners shall be provided by the supplier.2 4. If bolts and nuts are placed so that they are inaccessible by means of ordinary spanners.0. aluminizing may also be considered. The quality will be established by test as per relevant standard. bending and welding of parts shall be completed and all burrs shall be removed before the galvanizing process is applied. All drilling. 2011-13:54:39 3.0.0. All Nuts and Bolts shall be locked in position with the exception of those external to the transformer. The preparation for galvanizing and the galvanizing itself shall not adversely affect the mechanical properties of the coated material. The paint shall not scale off or crinkle or be removed by abrasion due to normal handling. The zinc coating shall be smooth. On out door equipment. birds of vermin.11 All apparatus shall be designed to minimize the risk of accidental short circuit caused by animal. cutting. 0 TRANSFORMER LOSSES The Bidder shall indicate values of iron losses and copper losses at normal tap. or loading guide at their continuous maximum rating and at any ratio irrespective of the direction of flow of power and with the voltage of the untapped winding .0 11. on continuous full load with a maximum ambient temperature 50 0C. when tested as per IS-2026 (Part-II) Any transformer exceeding above temperature rise limit shall be rejected.0 TEMPERATURE RISE The transformers shall be capable of carrying out its full load normal rated current continuously under the highest temperature and at any tapings. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.1 OIL The transformers& all associated oil filled equipment shall be supplied complete with the first filling of transformer oil. On testing if it is found that actual losses are more than the values of guaranteed losses indicated by him.500.00 per kW Rs.0 9. 7.00 per kW Purchaser reserves the right to reject the transformer if the losses exceed declared losses beyond tolerance limit. 9. He shall indicate whether losses are firm or subject to tolerance .12.Ceiling for tolerance shall be indicated. 8.0 VOLTAGE RATIO 61 .700. If ceiling is not specified it will be taken as +10 % as per IS2026. the Purchaser shall deduct penalty charges for each kW above the guaranteed value at double the rate indicated above.Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 microns and the total thickness shall be minimum 80 microns. 10. the following standard UPPTCL rates for capitalization the losses will be used : Iron losses : Copper Loss: Rs 2. LOADING OF TRANSFORMERS The transformers shall be capable of operating continuously in accordance with IS 6600. January 12. For the purpose cost evaluation. The temperature rise of hottest layer of oil shall not exceed 400C as measured by thermometer and temperature rise of winding shall not exceed 50 0C as measured by resistance method. The oil to be used shall conform to ISS:335. 86. 62 . burrs and beads. development of short circuit paths within itself or to the earthed clamping structure and the production of flux components at the right angles to the plane of the laminations which may cause local heating.4 kV. 13. 2011-13:54:39 The voltage between phases on the higher and lower voltage windings of each transformer measured at no load and corresponding to normal ratio shall be 33 kV and 0. treatment and handling of core steel to ensure that as far as is practicable.0 MAGNETIC CIRCUIT The design of the magnetic circuit shall be such as to avoid static discharges. The bidder shall provide saturation curve of core material proposed to be used and calculation to demonstrate thr core is not over fluxed in any worst condition of transformer operation. the laminations are plain and the finally assembled core is free from distortion.Location :: Lucknow. the thermal & mechanical effects of an external short circuit between phases according to ISS without any damage. 17. Transformers with amorphous core material shall also be acceptable. at rated kVA voltage and frequency at any tap shall not exceed 1. 12. Every care shall be exercised in the selection.0 FLUX DENSITY The maximum flux density in any part of the core and yoke ..0 FREQUENCY The transformers shall be suitable for continuous operation with frequency variation of ± 5% from normal 50 c/s without exceeding specified temperature rise.0 CORE The core shall be constructed from high grade low loss. Every lamination shall be insulated so as it will not deteriorate due to mechanical pressure and the action of hot transformer oil. The star point on LV side is to be brought out to a fully insulated terminals . 16. 14. January 12.0 DUTY UNDER FAULT CONDITIONS All the transformers shall be capable of withstanding without injury. M4 or superior grade. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.5 Tesla . one in LV cable box and other on the transformer tank.0 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Transformers shall be connected in Delta /Star in accordance with vector group symbol DY 11 .non aging grain oriented silicon steel lamination . 15. high permeability cold rolled . All casting shall be settled and structural steel adequately cleaned and painted before being built into the structure.0 SUPPRESSION OF HARMONICS The transformers shall be designed with particular attention to the suppression of harmonic voltages. delta connected stabilizing winding should be avoided. The framework and clamping arrangements shall be earthed. installation and service. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Core clamping bolts shall be effectively insulated with craft paper and fiberglass tubes. The winding structure and major insulation shall not obstruct the free flow of oil through such ducts. The bolts used in assembly or core shall be suitably insulated and clamping structure shall be so constructed that the eddy currents are minimum. Suitable provision shall be made for the storage of any removable portions of the lifting lugs on the transformer tank.25 mm thick. 3. All structural members of the assembled cores shall be of steel. transport. For achieving this. January 12. tinned copper strip bridging pieces shall be inserted to maintain electrical continuity between pockets.0 MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION OF CORES 1. The class and type of in insulation used on the core bolts and under the nuts and side places shall be stated in ordering schedule. 63 2.Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 Oil ducts shall be provided where necessary to ensure adequate cooling. 4. Adequate fitments shall be provided to enable the core and windings to be lifted. . All parts of the cores shall be of robust design capable of withstanding any shocks to which they may be subjected during lifting. Adequate provision shall be made to prevent movement of the core and winding relative to the tank during transport and installation or while in service. 19. inductive effect or of circulating currents between the neutral points at different transforming stations reaching such a magnitude as to cause interference with communication circuits.0 VIBRATION AND NOISE Every care shall be taken to ensure that the design and manufacture of all transformers and auxiliary plant shall be such as to reduce noise and vibration to the level of that obtained in good modern practice. Where the magnetic circuit is divided into pockets by cooling. So as to eliminate wave from distortion and any possibility of high frequency disturbances. 5. especially the third and fifth. 20. Any non magnetic or high resistance alloy used shall be of established quality. Ducts parallel to the plane of the laminations or by insulation material above 0. 18. shall be of uniform density and thickness free from pin holes and free from any foreign particles. The insulation of coils shall be treated with suitable insulating varnish or equivalent compound or impregnated in transformer oil to develop the full Electrical Strength in the windings.V. January 12. Inter phase vertical barriers of proper insulating paper of adequate thickness should be provided in order to avoid inter phase flashovers. The kraft paper used for this purpose shall be in conformity with relevant standard (paper for Electrical purpose). Conforming to the relevant standards. These barriers should be suitably fastened & supported to avoid their lateral movement. ooze out. Kraft paper used for inter layer insulation of H. The conductors used in the coils shall be best suited to the requirements and all permanent current carrying joints in the winding and leads shall be welded or brazed. Ordinary paper or Bamboo paper should not be used in any case. No strip conductor shall have a width exceeding six times its thickness. The insulation of transformer windings and connections shall be free from insulating compositions liable to soften.Location :: Lucknow. non catalytic and chemically inactive in the hot transformer oil and shall not soften or otherwise be adversely affected under the operating condition.0 WINDINGS i) The windings shall be so designed to reduce to a minimum out of balance forces in the transformer at all voltages ratios. The winding shall be compact and symmetrical about the centre line of core and shall be framed on suitable synthetic resin bonded paper sheets type I. shrink or collapse during service. The Kraft paper shall have a minimum thickness of 4 mils. 2011-13:54:39 6. The windings shall also be designed such that all coil assemblies of identical voltage rating shall be interchangeable and repairing of the winding can be made readily without special equipments. The end turns of each layer shall be properly and fully covered to avoid inter layer flashover. All leads from the winding to the terminal board and bushing shall be rigidly 64 ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) . The supporting frame work of the cores shall be designed as to avoid the presence of pockets which would prevent complete emptying of the tank through the drain valve or cause trapping of air during filling. 21. All threaded connections shall be provided with locking facilities. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Wherever necessary barriers of insulating paper of adequate thickness should also be provided in order to avoid phase to earth flash over. All the materials used in the insulation and assembly of the windings shall be insoluble. The tank cover shall be bolted to the tank and the transformer design shall be such that the tank will not be split between the lower and upper cooler connection for untanking. Each tank shall be equipped with the following values with flanges for external connection. the lifting lugs and bosses shall be such that the complete transformer assembly filled with oil can be lifted with the use of these lugs without any damage or distortions. the bushings and all other out lets to ensure that the joints can be remade satisfactorily and with case. Lifting eyes or lugs shall be provided on all parts of transformers requiring independent handling during assembly or dismantling. with the help of semiskilled labour. limbs for proper circulation of the insulating oil and to reduce hot spots on the winding. January 12. x) Proper number of oil ducts and spacers should be provided between the sections of H. xi) 22.V. 65 ii) .7 Atm with oil at operating level. This valve shall be equipped with a small sampling cock. The tank shall be provided with 2 suitable copper alloy pads for the purpose of grounding suitably for 50 x 6 mm G. In addition. All seems shall be welded and where practicable shall be double welded. The design of the tank. All bolted connections to the tank shall be fitted with suitable oil tight synthetic rubber and cork composition gaskets.I earthing strip shall be clamped without drilling any hole into it.I strip. steps shall be provided to prevent over compression. which shall give satisfactory service under the operating conditions. The G. Where compressible gaskets are used. Adequate space shall be provided between the cores and windings and the bottom of the tank for collection for any sediment. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The tank shall have sufficient strength to withstand without permanent distortion (I) filling by vacuum (II) continuous internal gas pressure of 0. Special attention shall be given to the methods of making the hot oil tight joints between the tank and cover as also the between the cover. i) One drain cum lower filter valve fitted on the transformer and placed to completely drain the tank.Location :: Lucknow. The opening of this valve shall be baffled to prevents deration of the oil. One filter valve shall be located at the top of the tank on the side opposite to this lower value. the transformer tanks shall be provided with lifting lugs and basses properly secured to the side of the tank for lifting the transformer either by crane or by jacks. 2011-13:54:39 supported to prevent injury from vibration.0 TANK The transformer tank and cover shall be fabricated from good commercial grade low carbon steel suitable for welding and of adequate thickness. The number of sections on each HV limb shall be minimum four. between two surfaces of the pads. Suitable guides shall be provided for positioning various parts during assembly or dismantling. The tank and the cover shall be welded construction. COOLING METHOD Transformers shall have ‘ONAN’ cooling only. The neutral of the L.C armoured cables.Location :: Lucknow.V. IS-8605 and IS-3347 with suitable arcing horns.V.0 H.V. 25. Bus Bars. In addition to above. January 12.T.0 UNDER CARRIAGE The transformer tank shall be support on a structural steel base equipped with cast iron flat wheels suitable for moving the transformer complete (with oil) The gauge of wheels shall be 1000 mm. 26. terminals shall be brought into separate weather proof solid porcelain bushing conforming to IS-2099.V.V. bushings rods should be locked in position so that twisting of the H. L. leads is avoided during tightening of nuts of bushing rods. terminals shall be brought out on bushings provided inside the cable box suitable for 4 x 1C – 400 sq. TERMINAL ARRANGEMENT The H. and L. another neutral bushing shall also be provided on the transformer tank 66 . Pulling eyes shall be provided to facilitate moving of the transformer and they shall be suitably dragged in a vertical direction so that bending does not occur when the pull has vertical component. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.0 27. 28. P. The H. These steps shall be controlled by hand and provisions shall be made for indication of tap position and locking on any particular tap.0 All metal parts of the transformer with the exception of the individual core laminations.V. mm per phase as well as neutral for. 2011-13:54:39 23. core bolts and associated clamping plates shall be maintained at some fixed potential and core should be earthed at points. side shall be brought out on a bushing inside the cable box.V.V.0 PARALLEL OPERATION The transformers shall operate satisfactorily in parallel among them selves when connected across the same H.5% to give a constant L.V. 24. TERMINAL ARRANGEMENT The L.V. The inner ends of the bushing shall be completely immersed in the oil.0 TAP CHANGING MECHANISM The transformers shall be provided with off-circuit tap selector switch on HV windings for HV variation from – 5% to (+) 10% in steps of 2. The size of the cable box and position of glands should be such that it is convenient to carry out cabling work i. 4” dia dial type thermometer for oil temp. Air release plug on the transformer tank to release trapped air inside the tank when filling oil through conservator. pointer and two sets of contacts for alarm and trip purpose. Lifting lugs for complete transformers Thermometer pocket in accordance to IS:3639. Shut off value in inter connecting pipe between conservator and main tank. between conservator and main tank. Lifting lugs for core inside the transformers.V. etc.. above bottom of conservator to erect sump for collections of impurity. 30 mm. Terminal connectors for H. indicator with max. All the L. Lifting lugs for tank cover.V. The dimensions of cable box and position of glands should be shown clearly in the outline drawing of the transformer. and fixing of cable box covering and to attend operation and maintenance.Location :: Lucknow. oil fillings hole with cap on the top of the conservator. 29. 2011-13:54:39 for separate earthing. Dehydrating breather. No load/load losses must also be engraved on the diagram plate. One filter valve on the Upper top side of the tank. dia drain value. Inspection hole. projecting 20 mm.P.e. to make connections. bushings suitable for ACSR conductor and horizontal take off. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. One winding temp. xix) .I. pointer and set of contact for alarm. One drain cum sampling value having narrow orifice with locking arrangement on the bottom of tank. with max. Oil level gauge with toughened glass with minimum marking. Two nos. as well as neutral bushing shall be interchangeable. strip. January 12.0 FITTINGS & ACCESSORIES i) Conservator tank having inter connections pipe. Anodised aluminum non-detachable engraved rating and diagram plate containing reference of purchase order and “Property of U. Power Transmission Corporation Ltd ” apart from the essential details as per IS:2026/1977. Explosion vent with diaphragm. earthing terminals suitable for 50 x 6 mm G. 67 ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) xvii) xviii) Unidirectional flat rollers. the supplier shall get them conducted within 8 weeks of placement of order and before start of manufacture.3 SITE TEST 68 Impulse voltage withstand test Temperature rise test. No time extension shall be granted for these tests. Measurement of no load loss and current.0 30. The Bidder shall also give an undertaking that all the balance type tests as per relevant standard have also been conducted on the equipment offered. The date of type test conducted shall be the latest and not earlier than 5 years as on the date of bid opening. b) Following type test shall be conducted on one transformer of each rating from the first lot. .Location :: Lucknow. without any additional cost to Purchaser. based on which clearance for manufacture shall be given”. if any. of the remaining type tests have not yet been conducted. immediately on conducting the tests. Measurement of Impedance Voltage / Short circuit impedance (Principal tapping) and load loss. The test reports for successful conduct of the tests shall be sent for approval to the Purchaser. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Measurement of winding resistance Measurement of voltage ratio and check of voltage vector relationship. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. January 12.1 Any other accessories normally required for such transformers. However. 30. Dielectric tests. Short circuit test. Measurement of insulation resistance. Temperature rise Pressure and vacuum tests. 2011-13:54:39 xx) 30.2 ROUTINE TEST All standard routine test in accordance with IS:2026 shall be carried out on each transformer. (i) (ii) (iii) 30. TESTS TYPE TESTS (a) All the equipment offered shall be fully type tested by the bidder as per the relevant standards. The offer received without these type test reports shall be treated as Non-responsive and rejected. The bidder shall furnish following type test reports along with the offer. 5 (ii) (iii) (iv) 31. net and shipping weights. DRAWING & DATA 1. net weights and shipping weights. i) General outline drawing showing front and side elevations and plan views of the transformer and all accessories and external features with detailed dimensions. coils. Sectional view showing the general constructional features of the transformers core. 30. ii) iii) 32.0 Drawing to be furnished by the Bidder for Purchaser’s/engineers approval. cranes lift for untanking. bushing lifting dimensions. Crane requirements for assembly & dismantling. The Prices of spares and gasket shall be quoted separately 69 . transformer shall be subject to following tests: i) ii) iii) 30. quality of insulating oil etc. Dimensions of the largest part to be dispatched. size of lifting lugs & eyes. tap charger. quantity of insulating oil etc. HV & LV bushing assembly drawings. clearances between HV & LV terminals and ground.4 Insulation Resistance test Ratio and Polarity test Dielectric test The Purchaser reserves the right of having other reasonable test carried out at his own expense either before dispatch or at site to ensure that the transformer complies with the requirement of this specification. Name plate drawings with terminal markings & connection diagrams. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Adequate number of prints of drawing incorporating the following particulars shall be included in the proposal: (i) General outline drawings showing dimensions.0 SPARE PARTS The supplier shall indicate in its proposal a detailed list of spares parts for five year satisfactory operation. shall include the following particulars. 2011-13:54:39 After erection at site. January 12. after acceptance of his proposal.Location :: Lucknow. the position in which it would be transported. 3.7285 Specification for alternating Breakers. Main Connections and auxiliary wiring. 9. hot dip 1. Seamless high carbon steel cylinders for permanent and high pressure liquefiable gas. Degrees of Protection Provided for enclosures for low voltage switch gear and control gear. 10. 2011-13:54:39 TS-2 A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF 145 KV SF6 CIRCUIT BREAKERS 1.5578 & 11353 IS .1 S.2147 IS . Voltage. 4.2099 IS . current circuit Specification for acceptance of new supply of SF6.C. 7. Recommended Practice for galvanizing of iron and steel. Bushing for A.2516 IS .376 IEC . 12.No. 6.2629 IS .71 IEC . Electrical Clearances. January 12.694 IS . 8. IEC 62271-100 and IS-13118 IEC . STANDARDS Standard Title 1.2 P RINCIPAL PARAMETERS FOR 145 kV SF6 Circuit Breakers 70 .137 IEC .Location :: Lucknow. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. High voltage Porcelain bushings. Identification of the contents of Industrial Gas Cylinders. 2. Specification for circuit Breaker Making and arrangement for switch gear bus bar. 5.4379 IS . Common clauses for high voltage switch gear and control gear standard. 11. B. Total breaking time 1. January 12. Rated frequency System neutral earthing Type of C.5 value of 4 parameter as per IEC62210 As per IEC 80 KA 0-t-co-t1 -co t = 0. 12. 10. component current of the rated short circuit breaking current 31.100 11.5KV for 1 Sec. 15.) 275 KV (RMS) Final Steady State Temperature rise of current carrying part shall not exceed the limits specified in IEC 62271-100 with a site reference ambient temperature of 500C Mechanical spring/Electro pneumatic. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2. 8. Rated nominal system voltage Rated voltage Rating of C. t1 = 3 min. of poles Installation Rated normal current Rated short circuit breaking 132KV 145KV 7900 MVA 50 Hz Effectively earthed SF 6 3 . Terminal faults Short line fault Rated short circuit making capacity (peak) Operation duly cycle 17. 3.(gang operated) Outdoor 1250 Amp. 16. 2011-13:54:39 1.Location :: Lucknow. 14. 20. RMS value of A. D. 9. 19.C. 6.2/50 microsecond lightning impulse withstand voltage to earth One minute power frequency dry withstand voltage to earth Temperature rise 3 cycles 650 KV (min.C. 1. The rated transient recovery voltage of the breaker shall be used on 4 parameters method as defined in IEC 62271-100 1st pole of clear factor 1. Operating mechanism . 2. 71 21.component as per IEC-62271 . No. 13. 5.3 Sec.B. 4. 18. Rated duration of short circuit Transient frequency voltage 1 Sec. 7. 31. operation counter. of break per phase Tripping and closing control circuit voltage CIRCUIT BREAKER REQUIREMENTS Trip free 12 Nos NO.Location :: Lucknow. and gas density detectors (Temperature compensated gas pressure switch). pressure gauges.2 RESTRIKING VOLTAGES 72 .3 i) The Circuit Breaker shall comprise of three identical pole units linked together electrically and pneumatically. One 110 V. unit air compressors with common local air receiver. 29. 2 nos. air and gas piping.5 KA (RMS) 25 milliseconds. supporting column for mounting the circuit breaker shall also be supplied along with the breaker. ADDITIONAL DUTY REQUIREMENTS The SF6 circuit breaker shall be capable of meeting with the following additional duty requirements.1 RECOVERY VOLTAGE & POWER FACTOR The circuit breaker shall be capable of interrupting the rated power with recovery voltage equal to the rated maximum service voltage at rated frequency and at power factor not exceeding 0. 26. Suitable steel structures. 28. and 12 Nos NC 2 Nos. 23. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. operating mechanism. complete with Terminal Connectors / anti pumping device and wiring etc. 50 Amps. of closing coils Breaking line charging current Interrupting capacity in KA for kilometric faults Arcing time (at 100% interruption capacity) Minimum dead time No. complete with first filling of SF6 gas. 300 milliseconds. Each breaker shall also be provided with space heater (thermostatically controlled). The local air receiver.15. 30. 25. January 12. 2011-13:54:39 22. 24. 1 No. 27.DC 1. at 145KV 31. The circuit breaker units shall be suitable for mounting at ground level with concrete plinth including standard supporting frame. of trip coils No. pipes and fittings shall have adequate mechanical strength and shall remain air tight. ii) iii) 2. Type of tripping Number of auxiliary contacts No. 2.0 2. The breaker shall conform to the requirements of latest edition of IEC-62271-100 for re-striking voltage.3 LINE CHARGING CURRENT INTERRUPTING CAPACITY The circuit breaker shall be designed so as to be capable of interrupting line charging currents without undue rise in voltage on the supply side and without any re-strike voltage and without showing signs of undue strain .7 AUTOMATIC RAPID RECLOSING The operating duty of the circuit breaker shall be “O-Dead Time-CO-Reclosing Time-CO” in accordance with latest edition of IEC-62271-100.e . respectively. it shall break the currents up to guaranteed values without exceeding the over voltage as indicated in IEC-62271-100 2. The design of the breaker shall be such that even without using any shunt resistance across contacts. 2.e. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 132/33 KV power transformers at 145 KV without giving rise to undue over voltage and without re-strike.3 second and 3 min.5 KA rms for 1 second for 145 KV breakers. 2. the breaking capacity shall be equivalent to fault current of 31.6 TRANSFORMER CHARGING CURRENT BREAKING CAPACITY The breaker shall be capable of small inductive currents i. breaking steady and transient magnetizing current those occurring while switching unloaded transformers having rating 40/20 MVA .8 TEMPERATURE RISE The maximum temperature attained by any part of the equipment when in service at site under continuous full load conditions and exposed to the direct rays of sun. shall be within the limits of concerned IEC. January 12.4 BREAKING CAPACITY FOR KILOMETRIC FAULTS Clearing short line faults (kilometric faults).9 CAPABILITY TO WITHSTAND MECHANICAL STRESSES The complete circuit breaker assembly shall be able to withstand a wind force of 150kg/m2 and 0.phase opposition conditions as per IEC-267 2. with the source impedance behind the bus. The values of dead time and reclaiming time shall be 0. natural frequency etc.3 g of seismic accelerating force in any direction due to earthquake shocks for such occurrence. 73 . 2.5 OUT OF PHASE CLOSING The breaker shall be capable of breaking 25% of the rated symmetrical short circuit breaking capacity at twice the rated voltage under out of phase i..Location :: Lucknow. 2. 2011-13:54:39 The breaker shall be re-strike free. 2. rate of rise of re-striking voltage. with the mechanism housing closed. IEC62271-100) for closing of breaker electrically and either mechanically or pneumatically. rigid. Bolts.4.1 3. bolts.1. nuts and other parts shall be adequately pinned or locked to prevent loosening of charging adjustment with repeated operation of the breaker.1 3.1. Bearing pins.0 3. Bearings which require grease shall be equipped with pressure type grease fittings. It shall be strong. positive and fast in operation. 3. Working parts of the mechanism shall be made of corrosion resisting material bearings which require grease shall be equipped with pressure type grease fittings.C.Location :: Lucknow.1 74 . 2011-13:54:39 Provision shall be made for local electrical control and a local/remote selector switch with enough contacts in the cubicle of breaker in local position the switch shall isolate the close and trip circuit completely. There shall be no objectionable rebound and the operating mechanism shall not require any critical adjustment. nuts and other parts shall be adequately pinned or locked to prevent loosening of charging adjustment with repeated operation of the breaker. control circuits including breaker trip coil take place preventing remote electrical tripping.5. Bearing pins. Working parts of the mechanism shall be made of corrosion resisting material.1 3. Provision shall be made for local electrical control and a local/remote selector switch with enough contacts in the cubicle of breaker. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. This emergency trip is intended for use should a failure of any part of D.1.1 OPERATING MECHANISM GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The circuit breaker operating mechanism shall be highly reliable and will have sufficient energy to provide full making and latching current ability of 80 KA on all the poles. January 12. so that a man standing on ground may easily see it. Breaker shall be provided with ON/OFF mechanical indicator in a position.1. An operation counter shall also be provided which shall be visible from the ground even with mechanism housing closed. if technically compatible with design of breaker a manual emergency local tripping arrangement shall be provided on the breaker for use in an emergency of during maintenance. In local position the switch shall isolate the close and trip circuit completely. The circuit breakers shall be power operated by compressed air pneumatic/ mechanical mechanism. simultaneously. 3. Change The three poles of the breaker shall operate simultaneously through a mechanical coupling. Operating mechanism shall be suitable for high speed re-closing and shall be trip free and with anti-pumping device (as per definition of clause-5.1 3. provision shall be made for local electrical controls for this purpose.2. Opening spring and closing spring with limit switch for automatic charging and other necessary accessories to make the mechanism. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.0 3. Such facilities shall be provided for the following conditions : 1.4 3. coils each connected to different sets of protective relays. Trip lockout pressure 2. The scheme should permit operation of all blocking and alarm relays as soon as the pressure transient present during the rapid pressure drop has been damped and a reliable pressure measurement can be made.2. pressure switches. Purchaser shall feed both the trip circuits from independent station batteries of 110 Volts DC.1. The pressure switches with adjustable contacts and isolating values to actuate a lockout device shall be provided.Location :: Lucknow.4 After failure of supply the local air receiver and operating mechanism shall be capable of two closing and two opening operations at rated fault currents.2 The breaker shall be provided with a compressor system. CONTROL Electrical tripping of the breakers shall be performed by shunt trip coils. The mechanism shall normally be suitable for remote electrical operations from control room. Auto re-close lockout pressure 3. Operating mechanism shall be capable of operations with (2) two trip coils by independent trip circuits. This lockout device. 3.3 3.0 3. SPRING OPERATED MECHANISM Spring operated mechanism shall be complete with motor.1. A complete operating unit shall also be 75 However. PNEUMATICALLY OPERATED MECHANISM 145 KV Breakers pneumatically operated mechanism shall obtain supply of compressed air system with one compressor only.2. The closing coil shall operate correctly at all values of voltage between 85% and 110% of the rated DC voltage.3 3. Close lockout pressure 3.2. Low pressure alarm 4. Independently adjustable switches with insulated contacts shall be provided on each circuit breaker for purposes of lower pressure alarm and lockout in case of insufficient pressure to complete a closing.1 .7. January 12. opening or re-closing duty. 2011-13:54:39 3.7 3. The shunt trip coil shall operate correctly under all operating conditions of the circuit breaker and all values of supply voltage between 70% and 110% of voltage.1 3. with provision for remote alarm indication shall be incorporated in each circuit breaker to prevent operation whenever the pressure of the air operating mechanism is below the required value for satisfactory operation.2. When closing springs are discharged after closing a breaker.3.1 3. Mechanical interlocks shall be provided in the operating mechanism to prevent discharging of closing springs when the breaker is already in the closed position.8 3. All mechanical and electrical components inside the cabinet shall be mounted on angled frame. The housing latch shall accommodate pad lock requiring a 12 mm dia hole pad lock and duplicate keys shall be furnished by the Bidder. Dust and vermin proof.Location :: Lucknow.3.2 As long as power is available to the motor.3. The cubicle shall have padlock arrangement on door.7 3. January 12. The spring operating mechanism shall have adequate energy stored in the operating spring to close and latch the circuit breaker against the rated making current and also to provide the required energy for the tripping mechanism if case the tripping energy is derived from the operating mechanism. A common marshalling box for the three poles of the breaker shall be provided along with supply of tubing The operating mechanism shall have aluminum casting suitable for outdoor duty. The cabinet shall be duly painted and IP55 protected suitable for out door purpose. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.2 . Closing springs shall be automatically charged for the nest operation and an indication of this shall be provided in the local and remote control cabinet. Facility for manual charging of the closing spring shall also be provided.3. Vermin proof mechanism cabinet of high strength epoxy base painted/ galvanized steel sheet construction of appropriate thickness hinged doors giving access to the mechanism at the front shall be provided.3. Provisions shall be made to prevent a closing operation of the breaker when the spring is in the partial charged condition.3 3. The motor rating shall be such that it requires not more than 30 seconds for full charging of the closing spring Closing action of circuit breaker shall compress the opening spring ready for tripping.3 3. a continuous sequence of the closing and opening operations shall be possible. Control coils and auxiliary switches shall be fixed on operating mechanism. All electrical accessories including heater other than control coils and auxiliary switch shall be mounted inside one common control cabinet (marshalling box) which shall be made of 2mm thick sheet steel.6 3. Break operation shall be independent of the motor which shall be used solely for compressing the closing spring. The motor shall have adequate thermal rating for this duty.5 3. 76 3. OPERATING MECHANISM HOUSING Operating mechanism and all accessories shall be enclosed in a weather proof. 3.3.3. After failure of power supply to the motor one close open operation shall be possible with the energy contained in the operating mechanism. Suitable gaskets shall be provide to make the mechanism housing water proof. 2011-13:54:39 provided. 4 4. mm. 3. For studs and screws female threads shall be provided by using flawless taps to get strong threads. 4.C. The contact pressure shall not be transferred through insulating material. For the safe contact condition and lightness of screws the terminal body. TERMINAL BLOCK AND WIRING : Terminal connectors in the terminal block shall be of ELMEX make and have the following features and must be provided with shorting and disconnecting links to facilitate isolation of any desired connection or circuit. The outer surfaces of all metal parts shall be coated suitably for protection against atmospheric effect. copper conductor cable without any preparation viz.0 4. 2011-13:54:39 3.4 THREADING The threading parts shall be such that if the screws are adequately tightened for checking purposes it shall not break or become free.1 4.C. shall be provided separately and isolated from each other. Spare terminals for control wiring shall be provided.. and A.C.3 4. For easy connections of even the thinnest conductor and providing rigid connections without any damage. the bottom of the terminal body shall be flat.3. Gripping of conductor shall be made effective by a pressure pad between metal surfaces only.C.5mm2 copper conductor cable leads. bridge. All wiring in the house shall be of standard insulating material and shall be such that it shall not support combustion. lugs. supply shall be provided in the mechanism to enable the control supply to the breaker to be cut off. SCREW LOCKING All the screws shall be secured by reaction principals against unintentional self loosening. While tightening the screws/nuts the terminal connectors shall not move or get displaced. January 12.3. CLAMPING OF CONDUCTORS Terminal connector shall be such that the conductor can be fixed with adequate contact pressure and without undue damage to the conductor.5 77 . ON/OFF switch and fuses/MCB shall also be provided. Suitably rated switches for A. Terminal block shall be furnished in the mechanism housing. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. clamping soldering etc.5 sq.2 4. The terminal connector shall also be suitable for accommodating at least 3 crores of 2. pressure pad and the screws shall be of high strength brass. A light point with a control switch shall also be provided.Location :: Lucknow. heaters shall be amounted in the housing to prevent condensation and shall be controlled by thermostat so that the cubicle temperature is always maintained approximately 10 deg C above the outside Air temperature. Terminal for the control and other circuit shall be suitable for accommodating 3 core 2. Terminals for D.3 Suitable 230 volts A. 2011-13:54:39 4.9 MOUNTING DEVICE The terminals shall be mounted by clipping action at two points on the aluminum/steel channel as per DIN 46277/1 and these shall be easily removable without affecting the mounting of adjacent terminals.V. 4.5mm2. C.8 SHORTING LINKS Circuit Isolation Link The circuit isolation link shall be provided in each and every connector of terminal blocks. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.10 MARKING/ LABLES/FERRULES/TERMINAL NOS The marking labels on each side of ends shall be fitted permanently with duly engraved descriptions. The size shall be such that these may easily be inserted on the P.12 END CLAMPS To avoid side ward movement and to hold the terminals closely together. 4. 4.6 TERMINAL BLOCK HOUSING These shall be made from high grade melamine.3. testing method must be adopted as per clause II of IS 2221 of 1962. 4. January 12. The embossing shall be of permanent type scratch proof and suited to tropical climatic condition.7 TERMINAL BLOCKS Terminal blocks shall be of disconnecting type.2 table 1 of IS:3669 B-1966. so that any two adjacent terminals can be shorted effectively (maximum) to consecutive five terminal Connectors. thermosetting molding powder having the highest unit tracking property. 4.11 MOUNTING FOR TERMINALS The terminal connectors shall be mounted in such a fashion that connections are made on lifting up the disconnecting link. Shorting Links The provision of permanent (removable) shorting links in each terminal connector shall be done (whenever required). the end clamps shall be provided at both the ends of the terminal. 4. The impact strength shall be in between 0017-0019 kg-m tested in accordance with clause 0. copper conductor cable and shall not come out itself. 78 . insulation 2.Location :: Lucknow. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.3 AUXILIARY CIRCUIT BREAKERS CONTACTS (USED IN TRIPPING AND CLOSING CIRCUITS) Circuit breaker’s auxiliary contacts used in the tripping/closing circuit for breaking of tripping/closing currents shall be rated for not less than 10 Amps.14 COLOUR OF TERMINAL BLOCKS The following colours of terminal blocks shall be used: a) For A. 110 Volts D. 5.C.000 operations.2 D.C. 5.C.13 TESTING BUSH AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM The testing bushes shall be provided on the top and bottom of each terminal of terminal block.C.1 A.0 5. link and switch/MCB for the heater shall be provided in its own pole cabinet. complete with insulting barriers at both end of terminal block (if necessary). The material of contacts and their arrangement shall be such that the contact resistance shall be minimum to avoid unnecessary heating and contact pressure shall not reduce before at least 10. The thermostat at a preset of 50 deg C permanently shall be provided in the cubicle to control the individual heater.C. A schematic diagram shown on a PVC plate with screen printing of permanent nature (non-scratch able. 2011-13:54:39 4. CIRCUITS HEATERS The controlling fuse/MCB. circuits. 4. January 12.C. clearly visible) shall be riveted / affixed on the side of control cubicle door. 4. electrical trench on both sides of terminal for removing dust with blower.Location :: Lucknow. circuit terminal block : : Red colour Conventional colour 4.16 ELECTRICAL TRENCH Terminal connector housing shall be provided with a through and through running recess i. CIRCUIT No local fuse and links shall be provided in the circuit breakers cubicle for the D. Suitable rotary switch/MCB shall be provided in such cases. 5. 79 .e.C for uninterrupted duty. circuit terminal block b) For D.15 VOLTAGE AND CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY The rating of terminal connector shall be of 15 Amps. and 250 volts D. Similarly the terminal block arrangement on separate plate shall be riveted on the control/cubicle door. Surface of the porcelain parts shall be made smooth by grinding and metal parts by machining. circuit Earthing : Black : Grey : Green 6. insulating porcelains and the external insulator supports etc.4 PRESSURE LOCKOUT CONTACTOR For the purpose of locking out. The basic insulation level of the bushings.3 6. Glazing of the porcelain shall be uniform and brown in colour. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.5 6.0 6. tough and impervious to moisture. January 12. bums and other defects.1 BUSHING AND INSULATORS Porcelain used for bushing shall be homogenous free from lamination.Location :: Lucknow.6 6. insulators. Air pressure equal to twice the normal working pressure. Bushing shall be designed to have ample insulation. an auxiliary contactor in conjunction with air/gas pressure switch in closing/tripping circuits to be used. circuit D. Oil filled bushing should be free from oil leakage and should be designed to prevent accumulation of explosive gases and to provide adequate oil circulation to remove internal heat. Bushing design shall be such as to ensure a uniform compression on the joints. 5.7 .C. there shall be no electric discharge between the conductor and bushings which would cause corrosion or injury to conductors. mechanical strength and rigidity for the conditions under which they will be used all bushings of identical rating shall be interchangeable. shall be 1050KV (peak) and shall be suitable for insulation in heavily polluted atmosphere with minimum total creepage distance of 6125mm as per relevant IEC. Adequate means should be provided to accommodate conductor expansion and there should not be any undue stressing of any part 80 6. or supports by the formation of substances produced by chemical action. The high pressure air passage in the hollow insulator should be protected by suitable insulating tube which should withstand static.4 6. All iron parts shall be given zinc chrome coating hot dip galvanized and all joints shall be airtight. The minimum clearance in air between phases and live parts to earth shall be as per relevant IEC. Puncture strength of bushings shall be greater than flashover value. cavities and other flaws or imperfections that might affect the mechanical or dielectric quality and shall be thoroughly vitrified. 2011-13:54:39 5.C. When operating at normal rated voltage. No radio disturbance shall be caused by the bushings when operating at the normal rated voltage.5 COLOUR OF WIRING The following colour shall be used in the wiring : a) b) c) A. free from blisters. Surfaces of the joints shall be airtight.2 6. The following air / gas pressure alarm / inter lock shall be provided on the circuit breaker each with 2 contacts : i.1 8. Necessary arrangement for draining the condensed moisture from the lower points in the pneumatic system should be incorporated. 7.0 9.0 UNIT COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM 81 . The gaskets used for these joints shall have a long life under climatic conditions as already specified in this specification. Main contacts shall be the first to open and the last to close so that there will be little contact burning and wearing. Tips of arcing and main contacts shall be silver plated or have a tungsten alloy tipping. shall be the first to close and last to open and shall be easily accessible for inspection and replacement. Contacts shall be easily replaceable and shall have a minimum of movable parts and adjustments to accomplish these results.0 7.1 CONTACTS : Main contacts shall have ample area and contact pressure for carrying the rated current and the short time rated current of the breaker without excessive temperature rise which may cause pitting or welding. All switches shall be positively driven (not by spring) in both directions. Low pressure auto re-closing lockout interlock.0 11. Arcing contacts.1 Low pressure pre-locking alarm switch Low pressure closing / tripping lockout interlock.0 8.2 8. 9. Pole discrepancy timer relay shall be supplied with each breaker to trip the breaker as well as to give a remote trip discrepancy alarm. INTERLOCKS All the three poles shall trip simultaneously on a pneumatic/electrical command.2 AUXILIARY SWITCHES Each circuit breaker shall be provided with10 normally open & 10 normally closed cotacts on each pole and 12 normally open and 12 normally closed contacts common for all three pole operations. ii. January 12. 9.Location :: Lucknow. PNEUMATIC SYSTEM All compressed air cabin connections specially between ceramic and metallic components shall be completely tight for pressures up to twice the rated pressure for breaker operation. 7.2 10. if provided. 2011-13:54:39 due to temperature changes. iii. They should be equipped with liquid level indicators and means for sampling and draining oil from the nushings. Normal position of auxiliary switches refers to contact position when circuit breaker is open. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The minimum running time of the compressor for replenishing the air system from the present starting pressure to the rated pressure shall not be more than 10 minutes.4 11. The unit compressor shall be capable of building up required pressure for another 2 CO operations within 30 minutes. Each compressor shall be capable to feed air for all operations of the circuit breaker satisfactorily. January 12. of operations / cumulative operation time of the compressor unit. safety valves. A clock / counter shall be provided in the control cubicle of the compressor unit for registering the total nos. The complete details of compressor unit air receivers.75 minutes (approx) with compressor running under normal operating conditions. All necessary electrical/pneumatic connections between compressors and each pole of circuit breaker shall be carried out by Bidder.2 11. Total running time of Compressor to build up the Rated pressure from Atmospheric pressure. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The other compressor shall be as stand by for emergency purposes although both will run simultaneously. The initial filling time of the compressed air system shall not be more than 72. piping accessories. The Unit compressed air system shall meet the following requirements:a) The compressed air system shall be provided with necessary piping. drain ports etc. The air receiver shall have stored energy for 2 CO operations of the breaker at the blocking pressure for auto re closing duty without refilling.3 11. The complete system scheme and layout of automatic control equipment and air compressor equipment shall be furnished with circuit breaker/compressor plant. control valves.5 b) c) 11. the automatic control equipment and other accessories included in the plant shall also be supplied along with the breaker and compressor units. isolating valves. 11. reducing valves. Air Compressor The air compressor shall be of air cooled type complete with cylinder fabrication. The compressors shall be of air cooled type and mounted within the operating mechanism housing OR on civil foundation with canopy(cover). Not exceeding 15 minutes . Also the unit compressed air system shall be provided with suitable anti-vibration pads.Location :: Lucknow.6 a. filters. The flow capacity of all the valves shall be at least 20% greater than the total compressor capacity. Normal running air changing 82 Not exceeding 80 minutes ii. drive motor etc. 2011-13:54:39 11. The compressor shall be rated for the following duty : i.1 Each SF6 Circuit Breaker should consist of two number unit compressors. Accessories such as suitable sized safety valve to relieve full compressor discharge at a set pressure equal to 1. Control and Control Equipment The compressor control shall be of automatic start/stop type initiated by pressure switches. auto drain tap with isolating and by-pass valve. 11.10 .7 a.0 mm shall be provided for shell and dished ends. c. January 12.8 11. Arrangement for conditioning the compressed air if required shall be provided as an integral part of air compressor system. 2011-13:54:39 considering 10% leakage per day iii. Quality of Air Compressed air used shall be dry and free of dust particle and fully compatible with the materials used in the pneumatic operating mechanism. All the necessary compressor control equipment shall be housed in a totally enclosed sheet steel cabinet also conforming to requirements. Pressure gauges and other indicating devices control switches shall be mounted on the control cabinet. drain and relief valves shall be flanged type or screwed type only. Receivers shall be hot dip galvanized. Connections for air inlet and outlet. A glass window shall be provided for viewing the indicating instrument/ gauges. The compressor shall be provided with automatic adjustable unloading device during starting. Air receiver shall have at least 50% spare capacity. Air Receivers Air receiver shall be designed in accordance with the latest edition of the ASME Code for Pressure Vessel – Section VIII of BS 5179 A corrosion allowance of 3.9 a. b. Compressed Air Piping. c.1 times the maximum operating pressure. 11. blow off valve. dial type pressure gauge and drain valve and test connection shall be provided. 11. Air changing time after one Closeopen operation from Rated pressure Not exceeding 15 minutes Compressor shall be driven by automatically controlled motors conforming to the requirements. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. b. c.Location :: Lucknow. calculated on the basis of total air requirement for 2 CO operations. Valves and Fittings 83 b. d. Necessary bolts. 2011-13:54:39 a. These shall be suitable for ACSR ZEBRA conductor.0 a. each suitable for clamping the grounding conductor. Tests In accordance with the requirement. c. All compressed air piping shall be bright annealed. The high pressure cylinders in which the SF6 gas is shipped and stored at site shall comply with requirements of the following standards and regulations: IS:4379– Identification of the contents of industrial gas cylinders.3 sec-CO operation the breaker shall be capable of performing one CO operation within 3 minutes..2 12. Two clamp type grounding terminals. shall be included in the Scope of Bidder. b.11 12. shall be provided on each circuit breaker. terminal connectors shall be provided with each circuit breaker. the compressors and its accessories shall conform to type tests and routine tests as per applicable standards. seamless phosphorous Deoxidized Non-Arsenical Copper alloy as per BS : 2874 or stainless steel pipe (C-106 of BS : 2871-1957) All joints and connections in the piping system shall be brazed or flared as necessary.e. tensile strength and short circuit current withstand capacity tests as specified in IS:5561-1970 or latest revision thereof. nuts. 11. d. b. The flow capacity of all valves shall be a least 20% greater than the total compressor capacity. Aluminum alloy. January 12.0 12. SULPHUR HEXAFLUORIDE GAS (SF6) The SF6 gas shall comply with IEC-376. f. All compressed air piping shall be carried out in accordance with BS : 162.1 TERMINAL CONNECTORS 6 nos. e. if required.Location :: Lucknow. 84 . The high pressure pipe and air system shall be such that after one O-0.3 13. Compressed air piping system shall be completed with Saddle clamps to support the piping system at suitable intervals. 376A and 376B and shall be suitable in all respects for use in the switchgear under the operating conditions. resistance. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The temperature of the clamps shall not exceed 80 deg C Corona rings shall be provided at the breaker terminal. pipe fixing clamps etc. The terminal pad of equipment and terminal connector shall be manufactured from same materials i. 12. Terminal connector should be designed for current ratings and shall comply in all respects including temperature rise. Material used in the construction of circuit breakers shall be such as to fully compatible with SF6. Rate of leakage of SF6 gas shall not be more than 1% per year. c. In the interrupter assembly there shall be an absorbing product box to eliminate SF6 decomposition products and moisture. Circuit breakers shall be so designed that upon loss of pressure the gap between open contacts shall be suitable to withstand at least the rated voltage at zero gauge pressure of gas.3 14. Sufficient SF6 gas shall be provided to fill all the breakers installed at a substation.B. Facility shall be available so that a complete pole unit can readily be replaced by another pole unit without disturbing the other poles. be tested for purity. Each pole shall form an enclosure filled with SF6 gas.0 14. in which the SF6 gas is dispatched and stored at site. The SF6 gas shall.10 14.7 14.4 14. much higher than the rated operating pressures to minimize damages to operators in the event of gas or vapors escaping under pressure.9 14.12 . When pole unit (interrupter) is removed SF6 gas shall not drain out from the pole. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT OF SF6 C. Adequate Oring seals with test hole for leakage test of the internal seal shall be provided on each static joint. shall comply with the requirements of the local regulation and by-laws. The high pressure cylinders. Sufficient SF6 gas shall be provided to fill all the circuit breakers installed plus 85 14.1 14. SF6 gas shall comply with IEC-376 and be suitable in all respects for use in circuit breakers under the operating conditions.2 14.5 14.6 14. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The pressure of pole shall be monitored and regulated by individual pressure switches. Circuit breakers shall be of single pressure type with two air compressor for pneumatic operations. 376-A and 376-B and test certificates shall be furnished to Purchaser.8 14. dew point air hydrolysable fluorides and water contents as per IEC-376. The Circuit Breakers shall be designed for pressure withstand values.Location :: Lucknow.11 14. The circuit breaker shall have facilities as to reduce the gas pressure within the circuit breaker to a value not exceeding 8 mill bars within 4 hours or less. The breaker shall be capable of withstanding this degree vacuum without distortion or failure of any part. Design and construction of the circuit breaker shall be such that there shall be no possibility of gas leakage and moisture content. 2011-13:54:39 IS:7311– Seamless high carbon steel cylinders for permanent and High pressure liquefiable gases. January 12. 2011-13:54:39 an additional 20% of the quantity to compensate for losses during future operations. iii.5 meters apart center to center. The minimum clearance in air between phases and live parts to earth should be as per IEC. supporting column for mounting the circuit breakers shall also be supplied along with the breaker. 15. January 12.0 15. All cables to be used by Bidder shall be armored and shall be as per IS-1544 (1100 volts grade) only copper conductor shall be used. 18. Pneumatic operating mechanism housing completes with provisions of padlocks and keys.1 MOUNTING STRUCTURE The circuit breaker shall be suitable for mounting directly on plinth. INTERPOLE WIRING Necessary electrical wires/air pipes required or inter pole connections shall also be in the scope of supply. the insulation between open contacts and the insulation between phases of the completely assembled circuit breaker shall be capable of withstanding satisfactorily dielectric test voltage corresponding to the basic insulation level of 1050KV (peak). vii. i. Two unit compressors with common air receiver for 245 KV Breaker & One unit compressor with air receiver for 145 KV Breaker Operation counter Pressure gauges Gas density detectors (Temperature compensated pressure switch) Local/remote change over switch. v.). The drawing of the offered steel structure should be sent with each breaker along with other technical details etc. Minimum size of conductor shall be 2. The breaker poles should be suitable to be placed 4. 17. mm (copper). vi. Space heaters with automatic thermostat control. .5 sq. viii. Suitable steel structures.Location :: Lucknow.0 ii. The steel structures shall be pillar/lattice type and galvanized as per relevant IS.0 INSULATION REQUIREMENT OF CIRCUIT BREAKERS The insulation phase to ground. Manually operated tripping push button/lever (mech.0 FITTING AND ACCESSORIES Following fittings and accessories shall be provided as an integral part of the equipment. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. conveniently 86 16. iv. iv. c) Temperature rise tests of the main and auxiliary circuits and measurement 87 . Serial No. 19. x.Location :: Lucknow. Rated supply voltage of closing and opening device.C. Manufacturers name and trade mark. xi. Fuses as required Two earthing terminals Anti pumping relay Pole discrepancy relay Rating and diagram plate as per IEC. Specification No. NAME PLATE Each circuit breaker shall be provided with a name plate and following information shall be provided : i. xiv. v. ix. January 12. xii. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. b) Operation tests and mechanical endurance tests. xvi. 2011-13:54:39 located to trip all 3 phases simultaneously ix. xiii. vii. vi. ii. They shall include but not limited to the following testsa) Making capacity breaking capacity and short time current rating tests. xi. xiii.0 TYPE TESTS The Bidder shall furnish the certified copies of type tests already carried out on offered 145 KV SF-6 circuit breaker. Rated pressure of compressed gas supply for operation. x. Rated voltage Rated insulation level Rated frequency Rated normal current Rated short circuit breaking current Weight Rated duration of short circuit. supply only). Year of supply Name of Purchaser 20. xii. xv. iii. viii. Main jumper terminal connectors (6 nos.0 Control switch to cut off control power supply (A. xiv.) Spare 20% SF6 gas with cylinder. Routine test performed on breaker operating mechanism as per IEC. Line charging breaking current test.1 Measurement of the resistance of the main circuits as per IEC 62271-100.3 At 110% of rated voltage and maximum pressure At 70% of rated voltage and minimum pressure At rated voltage and rated pressure Tripping at 70% of rated voltage and minimum pressure 20. travel of contact opening. 2011-13:54:39 d) e) f) g) H) I) j) k) l) m) of the resistance of the main circuit. shortest time between separation and meeting of contact at break/make operation etc. Out of phase switching tests Braking small. opening time.2 20. whether included in the manufacturer’s routine test or not. ROUTINE TESTS 20. The test shall show the speed of contact at various stages of operation. closing time. January 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. One minute power frequency voltage dry withstand test as per IEC-62271-100 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 20. Tests to prove the rated transient recovery voltage and RRRV of the circuit breaker.4 20.2. inductive current test.6 . Measurement of RIV level.1 The Bidder shall completely assemble and test each SF6 circuit breaker in accordance with IEC-62271-100 amendment there of to ensure satisfactory working of all the component parts and assembled breaker as a whole.Location :: Lucknow.2. Impulse voltage dry and wet withstand tests and one minute power frequency voltage dry and wet withstand test. Following routine tests. shall be carried out on each circuit breaker. 88 20.2 20. High voltage test on control and auxiliary circuits.2.5 20. Short line fault tests.2.2.2. Partial discharge test. Switching impulse voltage test. Routine test reports of compressor unit associated with the circuit breaker shall be furnished. Speed curves for each circuit breaker shall be obtained with the help of suitable operation analyzer to determine breaker contact movement during opening. closing auto-re closing and trip free operation under normal as well as limiting operating conditions (control voltage) pneumatic pressure etc. Corona extinction voltage tests. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. SITE TESTS The test mentioned under clause nos. test results identification. material composition. details of test carried out and reference standards.2. January 12.7 Routine test report of terminal connectors shall be furnished in accordance to IS-5561-1970. date of manufacture and test.0 21.2. 20. mark.2. drawing’s number.1 21. working and design pressure.Location :: Lucknow..2. no. 2011-13:54:39 20. 21. Description of item. name and seal of approval of testing authority shall be furnished by the Bidder.2.4 shall be conducted on the completely assembled breaker at site All vessels / accessories which operate under pressure shall be tested according to relevant standards and six copies of the test certificate incorporating the following minimum information shall be submitted for each breaker.20.2 89 .3 and 20. Bidder/manufacturer sl. 0 PRINCIPLE PARAMETERS The 36KV Vacuum circuit breaker shall be suitable for outdoor operation in solidly grounded system under climatic conditions specified and should have the following ratings:i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) Nominal system voltage Highest system voltage Rates voltage Interrupting capacity Rated normal current Rated frequency Rated basic insulation level Rated short circuit current Rated short circuit making current Rated operating sequence Total break time for any current up to the rated breaking current Control circuit voltage 33 KV 36 KV 36 KV 1000 MVA 1250 A 50 c/s 170 KV 25 KA 35 KA 0-0.Location :: Lucknow.1 GENERAL The 36KV Vacuum circuit breaker shall be supplied as a complete unit in all respects. January 12. loading or logging reactive currents. The rate of rise of restriking voltage across the circuit breaker. The total break time for the circuit breaker throughout the range of their operating duly shall be 90 3.2 . should not exceed 2. 2.5 times the normal phase to neutral voltage. completely suppressing all undesirable phenomenons. switching on inductive or capacitive load.0 STANDARD The 36KV Vacuum circuit breaker shall comply with the requirements of latest issue of IEC-62210 except where specified otherwise in this specification.0 3. 2011-13:54:39 TS-2 B TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF 36 KV VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKERS 1. The Vacuum circuit breakers shall provide for rapid and smooth interruption of current under all conditions.-Co-3 min-Co 5-6 c/s 110 VDC 3. 3 Sec. even under the most severe conditions or while interrupting small currents. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Equipment having better quality than the standards mentioned may also be considered provided documentary evidences are furnished. 3. The mechanism of breaker shall be a such 91 3.e.4 Sec. OPERATING DUTY Operating duty of the breaker should be 0-0. The three poles of the breaker shall operate simultaneously through a mechanical coupling.1 CONSTRUCTION The circuit breaker shall consist of three identical phases used with a common operating mechanism Circuit breaker should include the prices of necessary special tools for the erection & maintenance. The operating mechanism shall be strong. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. List of such tools should be furnished with the Bid.2 OPERATING MECHANISM General The circuit breaker operating mechanism shall be highly reliable and will have sufficient energy to provide full making and latching current ability of all the poles simultaneously. these shall not exceed when corrected for the difference between ambient temperature at site and the ambient temperature specified in the approved specification. CO-3 min-CO.4. 3. 170 KV.4.8.Location :: Lucknow. The prices of necessary structures for mounting the circuit breakers shall be included in the cost of circuit breakers. When the standards specify limits of temperature rise.3 MOUNTING The circuit breaker shall be suitable for mounting on galvanized steel structures.2 3. 3.8. shall not exceed the permissible limit specified in the relevant standard. 3.1 3.4 3. when in service at site under continuous full load condition and exposed to the direct rays of sun. January 12. 2011-13:54:39 stated in the Bid and guaranteed particulars of the breaker. 3.8 3.7 INSULATION OF CIRCUIT BREAKER The insulation to ground between open contact and between phases of the completely assembled circuit breakers shall be capable of withstanding satisfactorily dielectric test voltage corresponding to the basic insulation level i.5 3.6 TEMPERATURE RISE The maximum temperature attained by any part of the equipment.4 . positive quick and removable without disturbing other parts of the breaker.8. 3.3 The circuit breakers shall be power operated by motorized spring mechanism.8. dust proof and vermin proof. rigid. A common marshalling box for the three poles of the breaker shall be provided suitable 230 volts A. There shall be no objectionable rebound and the operating mechanism shall not require any critical adjustment. 230 volts. heaters shall be mounted in the housing to prevent condensation.8. Working parts of the mechanism shall be made of corrosion resisting material. The operation counter shall be provided. bolt-nuts and other parts shall be adequately pinned or locked to prevent loosening or changing adjustment with repeated operation of the breaker. with the mechanism housing closed. Bearings which require grease shall be equipped with pressure type grease fittings. Electrical tripping of the breaker shall be performed by shunt trip coil. Provision shall be made for local electrical control and local/remote selection with enough contacts in the cubicle of the breaker.8.7 3.10 3. 3. OPERATING MECHANISM HOUSING Operating mechanism and all accessories shall be enclosed in a weather proof cabinet of high strength steel sheet construction. It shall be strong. Hinged doors giving access to the mechanism at the front shall be provided. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. control circuits including trip coil takes place preventing remote electrical tripping. the thickness of which shall not be less than 2 mm. positive and fast in operation. Manual emergency local tripping arrangement shall be provided on the breaker for use in emergency during maintenance. January 12. Bearing pins. 3. 2011-13:54:39 that the failure of spring will not prevent tripping.8.6 3. The control circuits shall be designed to operate on 110V DC 3.Location :: Lucknow.C.0 4. 50 Hertz or 110 volts D.8. single phase.8. A shunt trip coil shall operate correctly under all operating conditions of the circuit breaker and all values of supply voltage between 70% to 110% of the rated voltage.8 Breaker shall be provided with ON/OFF mechanical indicator in position so that a man standing on ground may easily see it. Power supply for auxiliaries will be available at 415 volts 3 phases 50 hertz.8. The housing latch shall accommodate padlock.9 3. so that the cubicle temperature is always maintained approximately 100C above the outside air temperature.11 4.5 All working parts in the mechanism shall be of corrosion resistant material and all bearings which require grossing shall be equipped with pressure grease fittings.C.C. shall a failure of any part of D. Suitable anti pumping feature shall be incorporated in the circuit breaker. This emergency trip is intended for use. Suitable gaskets to make the mechanism housing water proof.1 92 . The mechanism shall be trip free electrically and mechanically.8. A closing release shall operate correctly at all values of voltage between 80% to 110% of the rated voltage. 5 nos. Spare terminals for control wiring in the housing shall be provided. supply shall be provided in the mechanism to enable control supply of the breaker to be cut off. free from lamination. 3 pin plug point with a control switch shall be provided. Total requirement and size of the cable glands will be as below: 1. 6. cavities and other flaws of imperfections that might affect the mechanical or dielectric quality and shall be thoroughly vitrified. All iron parts shall be given hot dip zinc/chrome coating and all joints shall be air tight. Bushing design shall be such as to ensure a uniform compression on the joints. Terminal for the control and other circuits shall be suitable for accommodating 2.Location :: Lucknow. Terminal board shall be furnished in the mechanism housing. Necessary cable glands for the cables of the operating mechanism shall be provided along with a large common gland plate. stranded copper conductor cable leads. Puncture strength of bushings shall be greater than flashover value. 4. Insulation material shall be such that it shall not support combustion. Cu Cable 4 x 2. suitable rated switches for A. burns and other defects.C. A 5A. 3 nos.5 sq.0 Cu Cable 4 Terminals for sq. No radio disturbance shall be caused by the bushings when operating at the normal rated voltage.6 5. 5. Cu Cable 10 x 2. mechanical strength and rigidity for the conditions under which they will be used.3 5. 1 no. 2. insulator supports etc shall be 170KV peak and shall be suitable for insulation in heavily polluted atmosphere with minimum total creepage distance as per relevant IEC.7 CONTACTS 93 . The basic insulation level. There shall be no electric discharge between the conductor and bushings which could cause corrosion or injury to conductors. The minimum clearance in air between phase and live parts to earth shall be as per IEC.5 sq.5 sq.C. insulators or supports by the formation of substance produced by chemical action. Porcelain parts shall be designed by grinding and metal parts by machining. tough and impervious to moisture. January 12.1 BUSHING AND INSULATORS Porcelain used for bushing shall be homogenous. Glazing of the porcelain shall be uniform and brown in colour. of the breaking chamber porcelain.5 5. 2011-13:54:39 Miniature circuit breaker shall also be provided. shall be isolated for each other. Cu Cable 6 x 2.2 Bushing shall be designed to have ample insulation. 5. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.4 5.0 2 x 2. All bushing of identical rating shall be interchangeable. free from blisters. when operating at normal rated voltage.5 sq. The terminal connector shall conform in respect of temperature rise.2 8. 2011-13:54:39 Main contacts shall have ample area and contact pressure for carrying the rated current and the short time rated current of the breaker without excessive temperature rise which may cause pitting or welding.0 7. For the safe contact conditions and tightness of screws. AUXILIARY SWITCHES Circuit breaker shall be provided with 6 normally open and 6 normally closed contacts.2 7. as per IS 5561-1970 or its latest revision thereof.1 8.1 INTERLOCKS Provision shall be made to enable mechanical/electrical interlocking with opening or closing of the isolator with the circuit breaker 3 nos. Two number grounding terminals suitable for clamping the ground conductor shall be provided on breaker. pressure pad and the screws shall be of high strength brass.e.1 7. January 12. 94 7. Spare contact for tripping. A switch (KS) which will be actuated by the insertion of key shall be provided The following interlocks shall be provided on the vacuum circuit breaker each with 2 contacts.2 . centre to centre spacing shall be provided with each circuit breaker. body bridge. (not by spring) in both directions.2. Normal position of auxiliary switches refer to contact positions when circuit breaker is open. 10. the terminals.2.1 TERMINAL BLOCK AND WIRING Terminal connection in the terminal block shall have the following features and must be provided with shorting links.0 10. The temperature at the clamp shall not exceed 800C. rigid type aluminum terminal connectors each suitable for ACSR Twin Panther/ Twin Moose conductor with 90 mm. castel locks with one key for each circuit breaker as well as associated isolators shall be supplied along with the circuit breaker.0 10. TERMINAL CONNECTORS 6 nos. All switches shall be driven positively i.2 9. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The outer surface of all metal parts shall be nickel plated for protection against atmospheric effects.Location :: Lucknow.0 8. 7. tensile strength and short circuit breaking current withstanding capacity tests etc. All the three poles of the breaker shall trip simultaneously on an electrical command. 5 sq. the terminals connectors shall not move or get displaced. female threads shall be produced by using flaw less taps to get strong threads.2 table-1 of IS 3669 B-1966. terminals for current transformers as spares shall be provided in the circuit breaker cubicle on a separate terminal block. The impact strength shall be between 0017-0019 tested in accordance with clause no.6 10. clamping. 10. These terminals shall have a facility of inserting testing bushes. Four number testing bushes shall also be supplied fitted in the terminal block. copper conductor cable without any pre-operation vis lugs. 10. the bottom of the terminal body shall be flat. 3. Terminal blocks shall be snap on type to facilitate easy removal of terminal from the channel and thus the dust may be removed from the terminal block housing. CLAMPING OF CONDUCTORS Terminal connector shall be such that the conductors can be fixed with adequate contact pressure and without undue damage to the conductor.8 SHORTING LINKS The provision of permanent (removable) shorting links in each terminal connector shall be provided (where over required so that any two adjacent terminals can be shorted effectively. For studs and screws. THREADING The threading parts shall be such that if the screws are adequately tightened for checking purposes shall not break or become free. SCREW LOCKING All the screw shall be secured by reaction principle against unintentional self loosening.4 10. 2011-13:54:39 10.5 10. 10. The terminal connector shall also to suitable for accommodating at least 2 cores of 2. Testing method must be adopted as per clause-II of IS 2221 of 1962. 10.7 TERMINAL BLOCKS These shall be made from high grade melamine thermosetting molding power having the highest unit tracking property. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.3 24 nos. Elmex make terminals shall be provided. For the easy connections even the cheapest conductor and providing rigid connections without any damage. January 12.10 MARKING LABLES 95 . soldering etc.Location :: Lucknow. while tightening the screw or nuts. mm.9 MOUNTING DEVICE The terminal shall be mounted by clipping action at two points on the aluminum/steel channel as per DIN 46277 and these shall be easily removable without affecting the mounting of adjacent terminal. Sl. ii. 5. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 96 . 2011-13:54:39 The marking labels on each side of ends shall be fitted permanently duly engraved descriptions. circuit terminal block 11.V. January 12.No. 10. 10.C.13 END CLAMPS To avoid side ward movement and to hold the terminals closely together. 4. 1. insulation of 2. circuit terminal block b) For D.C. Conventional colour. the end clamps shall be provided at both the ends of the terminals.0 FITTING AND ACCESSORIES :Following fittings and accessories shall be provided as an integral part of the equipment. 10. Mechanical ON/OFF indicator Spring charged indicator Quantity 3 3 1 1 1 Red colour. 2. The size shall be such that these may easily as inserted on the P. copper conductor cable and shall not come out itself. 10. Description of fitments Vacuum interrupters Set of porcelain insulator housingVacuum interrupter and glass fiber drive rod Galvanized steel support structure with foundation bolts Three phase interphase assembly connected to common Operating shaft. 3.Location :: Lucknow.5 mm. Motor/manually charged independent spring closing mechanism having :i.11 DIMENSION OF CLEARANCES AND CREEPAGE DISTANCES This will be such that auxiliary circuitry can withstand the routine test requirement of 2KV for 1 minute in line with IEC 62210. a) For A.12 MOUNTING FOR TERMINALS The terminal connectors shall be mounted in such a fashion that connections are made on lifting up the disconnecting link.C. The embossing shall be of permanent type scratch proof and suited to tropical climatic condition.14 COLOUR OF TERMINAL BLOCKS The following colours of terminal blocks shall be used. 0 12. viii. ii. Antipumping contactor. vi. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. iv. 2011-13:54:39 iii.Location :: Lucknow. castel lock with 1 key Spare terminals for CT Earthing terminals NAME PLATE The firm shall affix a name plate on each vacuum circuit breaker having following informations: i. 9. Manual trip/close device (mechn. vii. Local/remote selector switch Control I/R/C with pistol Grip handle (spring return to neutral type) pole MCB suitable 'or AC supply rated 6 Amps for heater circuit. iv. x. v. v. iii.1 Spring charging handle Set of 3 nos. Number Rated Voltage Rated insulation level Rated frequency Rated normal current Rated short circuit breaking current Weight Rated supply voltage of closing and opening devices Year of supply 97 . ix. ii. 230 V & anticondensation heater with thermostat and switch. vi.) to trip all the three phases simultaneously Operation counter Spring charging motor Tripping and closing coil suitable for 110V DC Local contril panel comprising i. Cable gland plate. Manufacturer's name and trade mark. 6. 8. 1 1 24 2 1 7. control cable glands. vi. iv. Set of 13 Nos. iii. 10. Sr. January 12. 12. vii. v. 75 watt. suitable treated and galvanized for outdoor duty as per relevant ISS.C.Location :: Lucknow. The materials of contacts and their arrangement shall be such that the contact resistance shall be minimum to avoid unnecessary heating and contact pressure shall not reduce before at least 10. embossed over it shall be affixed in the control cubicle of the breaker. The mounting structures shall be made of steel.1 13. A. 13.0 13. 2011-13:54:39 12. TESTS TYPE TEST Each circuit breaker shall comply with the type tests and test reports shall be furnished alongwith the Bid. 13.4 COLOUR OF WIRING The following colours shall be used in the wiring a.B.2 A metallic plate containing schematic diagram/wiring diagram etc. for the heater circuit of the control cabinet shall be provided. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. CIRCUITS HEATERS The controlling M. Circuit c.0 12.3 AUXILLIARY CIRCUIT BREAKER CONTACTS (Used in Tripping and Closing Circuits) Circuit breaker auxiliary contacts used in trip closing circuit shall be rated for not less than Amps at 110 volts D.1 98 . Circuit b.2 D. January 12.C.1 MOUNTING STRUCTURES Suitable mounting frames for installing the circuit breaker shall be supplied alongwith the breaker. The drawing of the steel structures shall also be furnished for approval.000 operations.0 13.C. Earthing 12.C. A. 13. CIRCUITS No local fuse and links shall be provided to the circuit breaker's cubicles in the D.2 ROUTINE TEST : Black Grey Green 13.C. circuits. D. 13.C.C. 2. but which are usually necessary for the equipment of similar nature. All apparatus must be complete in all detail whether mentioned in the specification. control voltage etc.4 13.Location :: Lucknow. are to be provided by the Bidder without extra cost.1 13.2. All test reports shall be submitted and get approved from the before the dispatch of the equipment.3 99 .5 shall be conducted on the completely assembled breaker at site provided that testing equipments are made available at site by the Purchaser.2 to 14. closing time.2.0 COMPLETENESS OF CONTRACT Any fittings.2. High voltage test on control and auxiliary circuits. SITE TESTS The tests mentioned under clause 14.2. TS . One minute power frequency voltage dry withstand tests as per IEC 62210 Routine tests of breaker operating mechanism as per IEC 62210 or its latest version.2. closing operation under normal as well as limiting operating condition.2 13. January 12. shortest time between separation and meeting of contacts at break/make operation etc. 13. Following routine tests whether included in the manufacturer's routine test or not shall be carried out on each circuit breaker.2.2.5 14. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.1 Routine tests as per IEC-66 shall be carried out in each circuit breaker in the presence of Purchaser’s representative if so desired. accessories or apparatus which might not have been mentioned in the specn.3 13. Measurement of the resistance of the main circuits as per IEC 62210 To determine breaker contact movement during opening. 2011-13:54:39 13.2. The tests shall show the speed of contacts at various stages of operation travel of contacts.2.2.2. or not. the Current Transformers and accessories shall be in accordance with the latest editions of the following standards:IEC Publication 185 Draft Supplement to IEC publication 185 (1966) IS:2705 (Part-I to IV) 1991 & IEC 60444-1 IS : 2099 IS : 3347 IEC : 60-1973 IS : 335 IS : 3202 IEC-270-1968 IEC-44(4)-1980 UPPTCL prevalent practices & operational experiences.m. . : Instrument transformers measurement of partial discharge.s. oil immersed. hermetically sealed. : Dimension for porcelain T/F : High voltage test techniques.2. : Insulating oil for T/F and switchgear. : Partial discharge measure-ment. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2. 2.1 1.0 1. 10.No. TYPE & RATING : The CTs should be of the outdoor type. The CTs shall comply with requirements indicted below:Particulars Nominal system voltage Highest system voltage Frequency Earthing of 145 KV CTs 132 KV (r. The CTs should also be suitable for use in area subject to heavy lightning storms. 6. 11. 3.s.) 36 KV (r.) 50 Hz Effective 100 36 KV CTs 33 KV (r. 1. 4.1 STANDARDS: Except as modified in this specification.s. suitable for operation in humid atmosphere in the tropical sun with climatic conditions as indicated in Clause 4. 8.m. 9. 3.s. 5.) 50 Hz Effective : Current Transformers : CTs for protection system for which transient performance is significant.Location :: Lucknow. : Code of practice: climate proofing of electrical equipment. 7. 4.m. self cooled. single phase.0 of General Technical Requirements. : High voltage porcelain bushing.3 S. 1.) 145 KV (r. January 12. 50 c/s.2 1. 1. : Specification for CTs.m. 2011-13:54:39 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF 145KV/36KV CURRENT TRANSFORMERS 1. 5 KA for 1 sec. 10. Continuous secondary current rating.) 900 mm (min) 11. Two /Three 25 KA for 1 sec.Location :: Lucknow.5) times of short time current rating. One minute power frequency withstand voltage (KV) Primary reconnection & secondary tapings 120% of rated Primary current. January 12.0 1. system Insulation level (BIL) Transformation ratio 650 KV (peak) 170 KV (peak) 400-200-100/1A 400-200/1A (For Feeders) Three Cores Two cores. 15. (For 40 MVA T/F) 800-400-200/1A Three Cores (For Feeders) Three 31. 101 .4. 2011-13:54:39 5. Twice the rated current. 8. Primary reconnection & secondary tapings. 9. 12.4. 6.1 CONSTRUCTION: Current Transformers shall be in appropriate voltage class oil filled shaded porcelain bushings. 2 Amps. 2 Amps. Rated withstand dynamic current (2. 7. No. Continuous primary current Short time primary current.W-04611/ESDC. 120% of rated primary current. 14. (min.5 KA (peak) 275 KV 70 KV 1. Ratio selection 3625 mm (min. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. of cores Short time current rating (Corresponding to 6500 MVAfault level) Creepage distance of bushing. Twice the rated current. 13. suitable for outdoor service and upright mounting on steel structures as per drg.) 78.75 KA (peak) 62. 800-400/1A (For T/F) Three cores. No. PVC insulated. 1.4. The core laminations shall be of cold rolled grain oriented silicon steel or other equivalent alloy.4. CT shall be provided with name plate showing the particulars and diagram of the current transformer in line with the relevant IEC. besides being of low reactance type.6 1. The exciting current shall be as low as possible and the current transformer shall be capable of maintaining its rated accuracy for burdens and saturation limits specified. These shall be provided with oil level gauge and pressure relieving device capable of releasing abnormal pressure.4. “METERING” & “PROTECTION” should be clearly indicated on each compartment door respectively by engraving or by providing the metallic plate.4 1. The secondary terminals should be provided with short circuiting arrangement. CT secondary terminals shall be brought out in a weather proof terminal box.3 1. Polarity marks shall be indelibly marked on each current transformer and at the lead terminations in the associated terminal block. 102 . Magnetization curves should be furnished for metering and protection cores. 2011-13:54:39 1.11 CT cores used for protective relaying purpose should be of accuracy class specified. CTs shall be hermetically sealed to eliminate breathing and prevent air and moisture from entering the tank.5 mm2 copper conductor cables. 2x2. The secondary terminal box and junction box should be partitioned in two compartments comprising two hinged doors so as to house the metering & metering terminals separately with locking and sealing arrangement. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The secondary terminal box should be partitioned so as to house the metering terminals separately with the provision of sealing and locking of the metering terminals. Current Transformers shall be suitable for outdoor use. The cores to be used for protection shall.2 Design and construction of CTs shall be sufficient to withstand the thermal and mechanical stresses resulting from the specified short circuit current.4. The sealing arrangement of secondary terminals should also be provided in a compartment of two sides of CT terminal box.8 1. Facility shall be provided for short circuiting and grounding the CT secondary at the terminal blocks.4. Current Transformers shall have high accuracy commensurate with the faster protection schemes employed in the system. produce undistorted secondary currents under transient condition on all the ratios.4.Location :: Lucknow. therefore. Continuous current rating of secondary winding of core should be as per requirement specified. The terminal box shall be provided with five glands suitable for 1100 V grade.7 1.4.4. January 12. PVC sheathed. clearly specifying the type of CT design. The secondary leads should be adequately reinforced to withstand normal handling without damage.5 1. The secondary terminal should be brought out in a compartment on one side of CT for easy access. Bidders should quote.9 1. washers.0 1.1 BUSHINGS : Bushings shall be made of homogeneous. Bushings conforming to IS-2099 & 3347 shall be hollow porcelain type hermetically sealed to prevent ingress of moisture and with suitable facility to indicate oil level.6. MATERIAL: For non-current carrying parts. Cast metal end caps for the bushings shall be of high strength.5. January 12.2 1. Glazing of porcelain shall be of uniform brown or dark brown colour with a smooth surface arranged to shed away rain water. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.5. hot dip galvanised malleable iron. washer and check nuts up to 10 mm size should be of stainless steel and 12 mm size or above should be hot dip galvanized marked with ISI certification mark. the bolts.Location :: Lucknow.6. bolt for current carrying parts should be tinned copper. The connector shall hold the conductor and terminal very tightly so that the connector withstands the mechanical stresses set up by vibration.5. nuts. 2011-13:54:39 1. The connector shall have sufficient mechanical strength and shall completely enclose the conductor and terminals.1 1. Nuts.6.3 1.6.0 1.6. They shall have smooth surface to prevent discharge taking place between the metal parts and porcelain as a result of ionisation.2 1. TERMINAL CONNECTORS All instruments transformers shall be provided with terminal connectors suitable to receive ACSR ZEBRA/PANTHER conductor in case of 145 KV CTs & ACSR Twin PANTHER conductor in case of 36 KV CTs as per Cl 4. wind and short circuit current.4 DESIGN: The design of the connectors shall be such as to give intimate contact between the conductor and terminal and offer protection to the contact surfaces against effects of electrolytic (between two dissimilar metals) and atmospheric corrosion.3 1. vitreous porcelain of high mechanical and dielectric strength. The connector should be designed with large factor of safety and should comply in all respect of temperature rise. Two grounding terminals shall be provided on the tank of each transformer on opposite sides. The grounding conductor shall be of MS flat of size 75x10 mm.02 of “Technical Specifications for Handling Erection Testing & Commissioning”. resistance and tensile strength withstand capacity as per ISS-5561-1970 or amendment thereof. 103 . The conductivity of connectors shall be high to minimize power loss. These should be manufactured by a reputed concern and conform to IS-1363-1967 and IS-1367-1967 or latest amendment thereof 1.5. 1. : As per IS: 2705 : As per IS: 2705 : should be for + 15 Impulse.8.1 1.8. on which distance protection is to be installed. 1. oil sight glass.1. 1. 2011-13:54:39 1. weather proof terminal box etc. 104 .1.0 1.4 1. Insulating oil shall meet requirements of IS-335 for use in electrical apparatus.8.7.1. Reports of following type tests are to be submitted with offer. (As per IS: 2705) Over voltage inter turn test. This test report shall be based on the basis of previous job executed by the bidder or on the prototype.8.1 1.2 1.8.1. grounding lugs.0 1.2 ROUTINE TEST: The following routine tests shall be carried out:- 1.e.2 1.3 1. The Bidder shall submit 4 sets of test reports of oil being filled in CT covering in all the tests specified in IS besides giving complete dissolved gas analysis of oil prior to filling.Location :: Lucknow. INSULATING OIL: A sufficient quantity of oil for the base top and porcelain housing shall be furnished with each CT. GENERAL: Instrument transformer shall be provided with suitable lifting arrangement to lift the bushings and the tank.1.2.8. of IS/IEC.8. (As per IS: 2705) High voltage power frequency tests on secondary windings. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.5 Verification of terminal marking and polarity.2.8. January 12.3 Instrument transformers shall be complete with accessories like terminal connectors. TESTS: Type Tests: All the equipments offered shall be fully type tested as per the relevant standard. 1.6 All other type tests shall be in accordance with the latest rev.5 Short time current test Temperature rise test Impulse voltage withstand test Radio interference test One minute power frequency (Wet)withstand test.8.7.4 1. (As per IS: 2705) for cores 1 and 2 i. not less IS: 2705 : As per IS-8263-1976 : As per IS:2705 1. filling and draining plugs. If leakage occurs the CT shall be retested after all leakage has been stopped.10. current carrying capacity etc. The test circuit for the measurement of partial discharge shall be in accordance with Sub-Clause 4. The CT shall be tested for leakage and strength by applying to complete CT and porcelain housing filled with oil at a pressure not less than 0.0 1.2 General outline drawing showing complete dimensions. a) b) 1. iv) Temperature rise test at least once against the order. or not less than 1 Kg/Cm2 above the maximum operating pressure for a period of 6. a) General outline drawings showing front and side elevations.Location :: Lucknow. January 12.9.0 hours. shall be given in English and dimensions marked in Metric units). b) 1. The partial discharge test shall be carried out after all tests are completed. 2011-13:54:39 1. with complete detailed dimensions. Connection diagram and rating plate particulars.0 1. single phase 145 kV CTs as per drawing shown in fig. shall include the following particulars (all explanations legends etc. 1(a).2 JUNCTION BOX: Junction Box: Type-I (For 145 kV CTs) a) One junction box shall be provided for each set of three nos.1 DRAWINGS: Drawings incorporating the following particulars shall be submitted with the offer for the purpose of preliminary study. The drawings to be furnished by the Bidder for approval after acceptance of his Bid. quantity of insulating oil etc.8.7 Kg/cm2 above the maximum operating pressure for a period of 24 hrs. permissible temperature rise. The partial discharge level shall not exceed 10 Picocoulombs. Each junction box shall be equipped as below: 105 .9. quantity of insulations oil etc. net and shipping weights. size of lifting lugs. i) An excitation curve with voltage in volts on ordinate and magnetization current in mA on abscissa plotted up to that voltage level above knee point voltage when 10% increase in voltage causes 50% increase in magnetization current. 1. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. net weights.2. ii) iii) Tan delta measurement. top and bottom plan views.2 of IEC-270-1968.10. all accessories and external features.6 Partial discharge test (in accordance with IEC-44(4)-1980). shipping weights. Name plate drawings of terminal connectors showing material composition.9. These terminals shall be suitable to receive at least 2 cores of 2.5 mm PVC cable e) Quantity 3 nos. These terminals should be suitable to withstand up to 5 kV. These terminals shall be suitable to receive at least 2 cores of 2. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.Location :: Lucknow. copper conductor cable. Terminal blocks shall be provided with serial no. All apparatus must be complete in all respect whether mentioned or not. ELMEX/TOSHA make terminals with shorting links. 3 nos.0 mm thick sheet on all sides suitable for mounting on and shall be hot dip galvanized or painted inside and outside as mentioned in 1. copper conductor cable. tags from 1 to 38.10.3 Junction Box: Type-II (For 36 kV CTs) a) For the outgoing 33 kV feeders one junction box shall be provided for three nos. single phase 36 kV CTs as per drawing shown in fig. Following water tight brass cable glands shall be provided on the removable gland plates at the bottom: Glands suitable for a) 2C x 2. The boxes will be completely water tight. 2011-13:54:39 b) Junction box shall be equipped with at least 38 nos.5 sq.5 sq. The front cover shall have a glass window for inspection of fuses. 1(b). All other provisions shall be the same as mentioned in para 1. It shall be provided with hinged cover on the front and removable covers to be fixed with screwed stands on three sides. The junction box shall be suitable for mounting in outdoor substation either on supporting structures of the CTs or on concrete pedestals.5 mm PVC cable b) 4C x 2.11. ELMEX/TOSHA make terminals with shorting links.10. accessories or apparatus which might not have been mentioned in this technical details but which are used or necessary in the equipment of similar nature are to be provided by the Bidder without any extra cost. 106 .10. b) c) d) The junction box shall be of sheet steel construction not less than 3. January Each junction box shall be equipped as below: Junction box shall be equipped with at least 20 nos. Terminal blocks shall be provided with serial no.1 e). tags from 1 to 20. dust & vermin proof as per IP 44.0 COMPLETNESS OF THE EQUIPMENT: Any fittings. These terminals should be suitable to withstand up to 5 kV.1 c) to i) 1. 2 0. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.A (For 132 kV Feeders) Core No.Location :: Lucknow.5Ω 5Ω 5Ω 2.2 0. Application Current Ratio (A/A) Output Burden (VA) Accuracy Class as per IEC185 Minimum Knee point Voltage (Volts) Max. Metering* III 3 400/1 200 /1 100/1 400/1 200 /1 100/1 400/1 200/1 100/ 1 4 20 20 20 5 PS PS PS PS PS PS 0. January 12.2 6 1100 1100 550 1100 1100 550 - 7 20 at VK/2 20 at VK/2 40 at VK/2 20 at VK/2 20 at VK/2 40 at VK/2 - Maximum CT secondary winding Resistance at 75 deg C (Ohms) 8 5Ω 5Ω 2.C (For 132 kV side of 40 MVA 132/33kV kV Transformers) 1 I 2 Differential Protection II Over Current & E/F Protn.2 0. 107 .2 6 1100 550 550 1100 550 550 - 7 20 at VK/2 40 at VK/2 40 at VK/2 20 VK/2 40 VK/2 40 VK/2 - 8 5Ω 2.5 Ω 2.2 0.5 Ω 2. 2011-13:54:39 Annexure (B) 145 KV C.Exciting current at half knee point voltage ( mA) 1 I 2 Distance Protection Over Current & E/F Protection Metering* II III 3 800/1 400 /1 200/1 800/1 400 /1 200/1 800/1 400/1 200/ 1 4 20 20 20 5 PS PS PS PS PS PS 0.5Ω 5Ω 2.Ts REQUIREMENTS TYPE.5 Ω - * Instrument Security Factor for Metering Core should not exceed 5.5Ω - * Instrument Security Factor for Metering Core should not exceed 5. TYPE. 2011-13:54:39 Annexure (C) 36 KV C. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. REQUIREMENTS TYPE.2 0. 108 .A (For 40 MVA Transformers) 1 I II III 2 Metering* Protection Protection 3 800/1 400/1 800/1 400 /1 800/1 400 /1 4 10 10 - 5 0.B (For 33 kV Feeders) 1 I II 2 Metering* Protection 3 400/1 200/1 400/1 200 /1 4 10 10 20 20 5 0.Location :: Lucknow.T.2 5P10 5P10 6 - 7 - 8 - * Instrument Security Factor for Metering Core should not exceed 5.2 0. January 12.2 PS PS PS PS 6 400 400 400 400 7 30 30 30 30 8 4Ω 4Ω 4Ω 4Ω TYPE. 2011-13:54:39 109 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. January 12.Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 110 . January 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.Location :: Lucknow. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 111 . January 12. 3. 2. 5. No 1. 7. 2.000 / 110 √3 / √3 Solidly Grounded 650 275 3 kV 3625 Voltage ratios and other requirements of the Voltage Transformers shall comply with the requirement indicated in Annexure-I (B) for 145kV PTs respectively. Mounting on steel structures 50 Hz ± 5% 145 kV 132. Creepage Distance mm. 112 . 1. January 12. 6. IS: 2629 Recommended practice for hot dip galvanizing of iron & steel. 2011-13:54:39 TS-4 A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF 145 KV POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS 1.Location :: Lucknow. Oil immersed. 8. Parameters 2 Type of installation Type of mounting Suitable for system frequency Highest system voltage Transformation ratio on all windings Method of earthing 1. self cooled.0 PRINCIPAL TECHNICAL PARAMETERS The Potential Transformers shall conform to the following specific parameters: Sl. 9. Hermetically sealed. 10. 4. the rating as well as performance and testing of the 145 KV Potential Transformers along with associated accessories shall conform but not limited to the latest issues/ amendments of standards available at the time of placement of order of all the relevant standards as listed hereunder.2/50 micro second lightning impulse withstand voltage kV (peak) 1 minute dry power frequency withstand voltage kV (rms) One minute power frequency withstand voltage on secondary Min. Title IS:3156:1992) Transformers Specification for Voltage (Part I to III) & IEC 186: 1987 IS:2099 Specification for High Voltage porcelain bushing IS:335 Specification for Insulating oil for T/F & Switchgear IS:3202 Code of practice: climate proofing of Electrical equipment IS:4146: 1983 Application Guide for Voltage Transformers.0 STANDARDS: Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this specification. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Outdoor type. Standard No. Specification 145 kV 3 Single phase. All potential transformers shall be paper insulated oil filled type. 3. The potential transformers will consist of a top tank to accommodate primary terminal assembly. No joints shall be provided in the porcelain.0 BASIC DESIGN AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT FOR 145KV POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS: GENERAL: The PTs shall be single phase. The housing shall be made of homogeneous. Glazing of porcelain shall be of uniform brown or dark brown colour with a smooth surface arranged to shed away rain water or condensed water particles (fog). and a bottom tank to accommodate secondary cores. The potential transformers shall be hermetically sealed to eliminate breathing and prevent air and moisture from entering into the tank. The designed dielectric values of external & internal insulations shall be clearly brought out in the guaranteed technical particulars.3 MAIN TANK (METAL TANK): Special precaution will have to be taken towards selection of material for the main 113 .2 3. Please note that epoxy casting in primary & secondary core is not acceptable. vitreous porcelain of high mechanical and electric strength. The core of PTs should be of high grade. complete in all respects confirming to the modern practice of design and manufacture. The dielectric withstand values specified in this specification are meant for fully assembled potential transformers. 3. The insulation as per the latest version of IS: 4800 or equivalent International Standard of the potential transformers shall be so designed that the internal insulation shall have higher electrical withstand capability than the external insulation.1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 3. 2011-13:54:39 Maximum permissible temperature rise of windings of voltage transformers shall be 45 0C over an ambient of 500C. The details of hermetic sealing should be given in the Bid. electrical silicon laminated steel of low hysteresis loss and high permeability to ensure high accuracy at both normal and over voltage. oil immersed and self cooled type suitable for outdoor direct in Sun service. terminal boxes etc. non-aging. The potential transformers unit after providing paper insulation shall be housed in the tank containing oil. The profile of porcelain shall be aerodynamic type as per the latest version of IEC: 815. January 12.Location :: Lucknow. pressure relief device etc. PORCELAIN HOUSING: The equipment should be designed using single porcelain housing. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. If necessary these shall be provided with oil level gauge and shall be provided with pressure relieving device capable of releasing abnormal internal pressures. oil level gauge. In any case welding in horizontal plane shall be avoided. Finally the inside of tanks should be painted with two coats of white enameled paint or any other paint which is non-reactive to oil. The star winding to be used for metering. All welded surfaces need to be smoothening and shall be covered with pressboard or other insulating material of good mechanical properties.Location :: Lucknow. The slot / hole cutting in the bottom tank should be done smoothly to avoid any sharp edges within the tank. January 12.2 SECONDARY WINDINGS: All PTs shall be provided with 3 separate secondary windings each rated for110 / √3 volts for connection in star and delta separately. relaying (distance relays) and synchronizing should be of accuracy class specified. 2011-13:54:39 tank and the following will have to be ensured: (a) Material for main tank which should be minimum 3 mm thick mild steel / stainless steel / aluminium alloy.0 4. Welded joints have to be minimized to avoid possibility of oil leakage. WINDINGS: PRIMARY WINDING: All primaries of PTs shall be connected in phase to neutral with the neutral solidly earthed. The material selected for the tank shall be justified with suitable explanation. 4.1 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The secondary of the PTs should be capable of simultaneous loading at their individual rated capacities. “METERING” & “PROTECTION” should be clearly indicated on each compartment door respectively by engraving or by providing the metallic plate. 5. The neutral of the system is also solidly earthed. This problem should be avoided by selection of tank of suitable material. The top & bottom tanks should be painted with two coats of zinc chromate primer both inside and outside after proper cleaning and pickling.0 INSULATION: The equipment shall withstand satisfactorily dielectric voltage corresponding to basic 114 (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 4. Fabrication of bottom tank shall be done by utilizing fresh sheet steel only. The bottom tank should not have any dents and pitting to ensure proper tightening of gasket and to avoid any oil leakage. The rated burden of all 3 windings shall not be less than the specified VA burden. The secondary terminal box should be partitioned so as to house the metering terminals separately with locking and sealing arrangement of metering terminals. The practice of providing inserts of non-magnetic material in the body of the tank with suitable welding to reduce eddy current shall not be acceptable. Location :: Lucknow. 6.1 . 7. The supplier shall submit the test reports of oil being filled in PTs covering in all the tests specified in IS besides giving complete dissolved gas analysis of oil prior to filling. The necessary flanges.2 times rated primary voltage when applied continuously at rated frequency and simultaneous rated burden on both the secondaries shall not exceed the above specified limits and the temperature rise at 1.0 TYPE OF MOUNTING: The PTs shall be suitable for mounting on steel structures as per drawing enclosed with specification.0 INSULATING OIL: The quantity of insulating oil in each transformer and complete specifications of the oil shall be stated in the Bid. The corresponding temperature rise should be reduced by 10 C as specified in 7.5 times rated voltage when applied for 30 seconds starting from previous stable operating condition at rated frequency and simultaneous rated burden on both secondaries should not exceed the above temperature limits by more than 10C. bolts etc. 8. therefore.2. washers and checknuts shall be hot dip galvanized marked with ISI certification mark.0 TEMPERATURE RISE: The PTs shall be designed to limit the temperature of windings and other parts as specified in the Indian Standard but owing the maximum ambient temperature being 50 C instead of 40C. The temperature rise at 1.2 of IS: 3156 (Part-I) 1992. for the base of the PTs shall be supplied and these shall be hot-dip galvanized. nuts. The maximum attainable temperature of the windings cores etc. The connector shall have sufficient mechanical strength and shall completely enclose the 115 9. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. shall not exceed 90C while the maximum temperature of oil at the top should be limited to 85 C. The oil shall confirm to the requirements of IS: 335.0 TERMINAL CONNECTORS: Bi-metallic terminal connectors for connecting "ACSR Panther" conductor to the PT terminals must be supplied along with the PT. All steel bolts and nuts shall confirm to IS: 1363-1967 and IS: 1367-1961 or amendment thereof. The PTs shall be supplied completely filled with oil. the conductor and terminal and offer protection to the design of the connectors shall be such as to give firm and full contact surface against effects of electrolytic (between two dissimilar metals) and atmospheric corrosion.1. Foundation details of the equipment must invariably match the provisions as shown in the above drawing. 2011-13:54:39 insulation level of 650 KV. 9. January 12. 9. Bolts and nuts should be manufactured by a reputed concern.2 DESIGN: The design of the connectors shall be such as to give firm and full contact between connector. MATERIAL: All the steel bolts. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Bolt diameter should be such as to give desired clamping and contact pressure. All current carrying parts shall be designed and manufactured to have minimum contact resistance. the allowable maximum temperature rise is 350C only. as mentioned below:(a) TEMPERATURE RISE TEST: The temperature rise of terminal connectors above a reference ambient temperature of 400C when carrying rated current shall not exceed 45 0C. cracks & other casting defects. (c) TENSILE TEST: The test will be carried out in tensile testing machine and test load will be applied in direction of the conductor as below: (i) A tensile load of about 5% of the breaking load of the conductor shall be applied and the conductor shall be marked in such a way that movement relative to the conductor can easily be detected without any subsequent adjustment of terminal connector. A check nut shall be provided on each bolt nut to avoid loosening nuts due to vibration. The contact surface shall be ground finished to the required diameter of the conductor. 116 (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) .25 m of a conductor including one terminal connector such as splices or elbows shall not exceed the resistance of 1. of bolts and these should be located as close to the conductor as possible and should be opposite to each other. The edges of the connectors shall be adequately round so as to minimize the corona effect. Connector shall have at least 4 nos. by more than 10%. The connector shall hold the conductor and terminal very tightly so that the connector withstands mechanical stresses setup by vibration.25 m of the identical conductor without connector. If the ambient temperature exceeds 40 0C the permissible temperature rise shall be reduced by an amount equal to the excess ambient temperature. wind and short circuit current. January 12. All casting shall be free from blowholes. (b) RESISTANCE TEST: The resistance of 1. There will be no movement of the conductor relative to the terminal connector due to slip during this1minute period and no failure of the connector will take place. 2011-13:54:39 conductor and terminal. The conductivity of connectors shall be high enough to minimize power loss. So with the ambient of 500C in our climatic conditions.Location :: Lucknow. The connectors shall be designed with large factor of safety and shall comply in all respects of temperature rise resistance and tensile strength withstand capacity as per IS: 5561-1970 or amendment thereof. This load shall be maintained for 1 minute. The load shall be steadily increased to 10% of the breaking load. The cover and the flanges shall be provided with suitable packing and gaskets so as to make these junction boxes completely water tight. copper conductor cables.0 10. In the case of fabricated construction the gauge used should at least be 16 SWG and not less than this gauge. The junction boxes should be painted with one coat of Zinc Chromate primer and two coats of light Grey Enamel paint or any other approved paint both inside and outside after proper cleaning and phosphatising. Year of Order 3. January 12.5 mm sq.Location :: Lucknow. 12.2 12. terminal studs. water tight and suitable for mounting in outdoor substations either on supporting structures of the equipment or on concrete pedestals. These should be dust and vermin proof. The terminal blocks provided with these junction boxes shall be rated for 15 Amps. Elmax make terminals or equivalent.1 IDENTIFICATION PLATES: The Supplier is required to affix a plate on the PT inscribed with the following information:1. Essan. The fuse links employed should be of 117 12. nuts and identification strips and shall have also disconnecting and shorting links. and should also have convenient space to house various cable glands.0 RATING & DIAGRAM PLATE: A non-corroding metal name plate shall be attached to each instrument transformer and located in a conspicuous position clearly readable to a person standing on the ground.0 12. These should be suitable to receive at least 2 cores of 2. The PT sealed at the factory. shall have this fact indicated on the name plate or label if it is undesirable that oil samples be withdrawn periodically for test purposes. and will be suitable for uninterrupted duty. miniature circuit breaker and various terminal connectors providing sufficient earth clearance. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Blanking washers should be provided in the cable glands. 2011-13:54:39 10. Also appropriate instructions for handling and precautions to be exercised shall be indicated. The terminal blocks should preferably be made of Kirloskar-Asea type OTFA-46. Property of UPPTCL 11. The terminal blocks shall be400 volt grade complete with insulated barriers. The name plate marking shall comply with IS and shall includes connection diagram. The fact that the instrument transformers should not be titled more than 30 degrees from the vertical or normal position during transportation or while in storage should be indicated on the name plate or label. The junction boxes should be of cast iron or fabricated construction. washers. 2.3 . Each junction box shall have slanting top and shall be provided with front hinged covers and with suitable water tight cable glands as per approved drawings.1 PT JUNCTION BOX: Junction boxes shall be adequately designed and dimensioned to accommodate the fuse links. Specification No. International Standard make mounted in such a fashion that these can be easily taken out and replaced without removing any wiring. The NS type fuse links should be provided with fuse carrier and base assembly such that visual indication of blown fuses may be possible from the inspection window without removing the cover of fuse fittings.0 13.1 TESTING OF PTs: TYPE TESTS: The Bidder must have got the following type tests carried out on their offered PTs as per latest edition of IS: 3156: 118 12. miniature circuit breakers etc. PVC copper cable . 2011-13:54:39 high rupturing capacity non deteriorating. it is at the discretion of the Bidder to alter the dimensions slightly to suit his designs. continuous rating having thermal over load protection LVPAS or MORARJI DORMAN or equivalent make and with one normally closed and one normally open set of auxiliary contacts and should confirm with the relevant ISS. however. Watertight brass cable glands suitable for 2 core. January 12.Location :: Lucknow. If any major alteration is required after approval of the drawings at the manufacturing stage. The junction Box should be partitioned in two compartments comprising two doors hinged in the middle so as to house the metering & protection terminals separately with locking & sealing arrangement.7 . 2. The wiring should be provided as shown in the sketch. 110 V A. Watertight brass cable glands suitable for 4 core. . DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS: 132 KV 3-PHASE PT JUNCTION BOXES (MULTI CIRCUIT) Terminal blocks with 65 nos. Each junction box shall be provided with glass windows on the front cover for inspecting the fuses periodically from outside. PVC copper cable . 12. Necessary internal connections between the terminal block and other apparatus such as fuses.4 The junction boxes should be as far as possible in accordance with sketches enclosed with the specification. Standard make terminals and associated 33 nos.6 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. OTFA-46 terminal or equivalent to International accessories as specified above.2 nos. 13.14 nos. “METERING” & “PROTECTION” should be clearly indicated on each compartment door respectively by engraving or by providing the metallic plate.C. 10 mm sq. are shown as in sketches enclosed. The miniature Circuit Breakers should be single pole 5 Amps. HRC-ND-cartridge fuse link type NS-10 with carrier and base assembly (International Standard make).5 12. the same may be got approved by this office with specific reason thereof.5 mm sq. 119 . ROUTINE TESTS: The following tests shall be performed on each PT unless otherwise specified: (c) (d) (e) 13. hermetic sealing arrangements.Location :: Lucknow.2 Manufacturer’s type designation.3 (a) (b) Full cross-section of assembled PT showing primary winding. (vii) Temperature rise test with terminal connector at least once against the order. 2011-13:54:39 (a) (b) Temperature rise test. clamping secondary leads and terminals. drain & sampling valves. arrangement of parts and class of insulation used. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.2 accuracy class. Partial discharge tests.0 hours. The PT shall be tested for leakage and strength by applying to complete PT and Porcelain housing filled with oil at a pressure not less than 0. oil gauge. Outline dimensions of assembled PT (drawing and dimensions sheet may be submitted). If leakage occurs the PT shall be re-tested after all leakage has been stopped.2 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Verification of terminal marking and polarity. Power frequency dry withstand tests on primary & secondary windings. Determination of errors or other characteristics of 0. 14. January 12. Its principal design features. 14.0 DESIGN DATA: The following information for PT shall be submitted: 14. Induced over voltage withstand test. cores and secondary windings. General description of equipment offered.2 accuracy class. grounding of cores etc.7 Kg. High voltage power frequency wet withstand voltage test on outdoor voltage transformers. Determination of errors or other characteristics of 0. All other type tests shall be in accordance with the latest revision of IS: 3156.1 14. Lightening impulse test for voltage transformers for service in electrically exposed installation. /cm2 above the maximum operating pressure for a period of 24 hours or not less than 1 Kg/cm2 for a period of 6. Tank & fittings. Core. January 12.8 Quantity of oil in litres.4 14. make. rating and weight. coils.5 (a) (b) (c) (d) 14. Net weight in Kg. PT with oil. 2011-13:54:39 14. Total shipping weight and size of package.Location :: Lucknow. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.7 14. Porcelain housing. cover and porcelain housing. Type of insulation and impregnation used in primary and secondary (Photographs may be submitted) and details of processing. Oil.6 14. type. 120 . Oil immersed.Location :: Lucknow.No. 8. 9. 5.2 continuous and 1. Hermetically sealed.) 12. Outdoor type. of secondary windings 3) 50 Hz.2 to be maintained up to and including a total simultaneous burden of 100 VA on all the windings. 3P 3P 7. 4. 6. 1. of 0. Phase angle error Output burden Creepage distance of bushing Total simultaneous burden One minute power frequency withstand voltage on secondary.2 Note: Acc. 13. Single phase. 3. 100 VA 3 KV (r. 1. 132. Winding I Winding II Winding III Protection Protection Metering 0. 11.s. 2011-13:54:39 ANNEXURE-I (B) REQUIREMENT OF 145 KV PT S. Rated Power Factor Class of insulation in windings 10.5 for 30 seconds.8 A 121 . As per relevant IS 50 VA 50 VA 50 VA 3625 mm (minimum). January 12.m. 0. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.000 / 110 3 3 (No. self cooled. DETAILS PARTICULARS Transformation ratio on all windings Supply frequency Type Rated voltage factor Application Accuracy 2. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. January 12.Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 122 . 2011-13:54:39 123 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. January 12.Location :: Lucknow. 4. 7. single phase. 6.2 for metering 3P for protection 170 KV (Peak) 900 mm (minimum) (a) Continuous 1. 50 Cycles/sec. 3. 8.Phase A. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 5. 2011-13:54:39 TS-4 B TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF 36KV POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS 1. 33 KV Solidly Grounded system where the short circuit level of the system is of the order of 1000 MVA under the tropical climate conditions specified under General Requirement of Specification. Rated Burden: Winding – I 50 VA each Winding –II 50 VA each 10. testing at manufacturers’ works. three phase system. self cooled.. 2. Type & Rating : 1. Rated Voltage Nominal System Voltage Highest System Voltage Type of Supply Frequency Earthing No. 14. Creepage distance 13.0 SCOPE : This Specification covers the design. Accuracy Class: Winding – I Winding – II 11. oil immersed.C. assembling.5 Outdoor.3 (a) GENERAL: The PTs shall be single phase. Service Conditions 1. supply and delivery of single phase Potential Transformers with terminal connectors and junction boxes for service in 33 KV. manufacture. suitable for operation on three phase. oil immersed. 50 c/s. 1.1 The potential transformers shall be outdoor type.1 (b) 30 seconds 1. of Secondary Windings Transformation Ratio: 33 KV 33 KV 36 KV 3. Rated Voltage Factor: 0. January 12. Solidly Grounded Two Winding – I & II 33 KV/√3 / 110 Volt/√3 9. self cooled type suitable for outdoor direct in Sun service complete in all respects confirming to the modern 124 .Location :: Lucknow. direct in Sun service. The potential transformers should have the following ratings:1.2 STANDARDS: The potential transformers should confirm in all respects to latest edition of ISS: 3156/1965 except wherein specified otherwise. Basic Insulation Level (Impulse) 12. WINDINGS: PRIMARY WINDING: All primaries of PTs should be connected in phase to neutral with the neutral point solidly earthed. The two secondary of the PTs should be capable of simultaneous loading at their individual rated capacities. 1. The star connection is to be used for metering and shall be of accuracy class specified. The delta connection is to be used for protection relaying (directional relays) should be of accuracy class specified. The temperature rise at 1.1 times rated primary voltage when applied continuously at rated frequency and simultaneous rated burden on both the secondaries shall not exceed the above specified limits and the temperature rise at 1. 1. The potential transformers should preferably be hermetically sealed to eliminate breathing and prevent air and moisture from entering into the tank. (b) SECONDARY WINDINGS: All PTs shall be provided with two separate secondary windings each rated for 110 / √3 volts for connection in star and delta separately. The rated burden of this winding shall not be less than the values specified. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.5 times rated voltage when applied for 30 seconds starting from previous I 1. (b) hysteresis loss and high permeability to ensure high accuracy at both normal and over voltages. The details of hermetic sealing should be given in the Bid.4 (a) 125 . The neutral of the system is also solidly earthed. “METERING” & “PROTECTION” should be clearly indicated on each compartment cover respectively by engraving or by providing the metallic plate.5 INSULATION: The potential transformers should withstand satisfactorily dielectric test voltage corresponding to basic insulation level of 170 KV for 36 KV PTs. January 12. If necessary these should be provided with oil level gauge and pressure relieving device capable of releasing abnormal internal pressures. instead of 40 C specified in Note 1 of Table-3 of IS: 3156(Part-I) o 1965 the corresponding temperature rise should be reduced by 10 C. The maximum attainable temperature of the windings.Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 practice of design and manufacture. cores etc. The secondary terminal box should be partitioned so as to house the metering terminals separately with the provision of sealing & locking of the metering terminals.6 TEMPERATURE RISE: The PTs should be designed to limit the temperature of windings and other parts as specified in the Indian Standard but owing to maximum ambient temperature o o being 50 C. thereof should not exceed 95oC while the maximum temperature of oil at the top should be o limited to 85 C. The conductivity of connectors shall be high enough to minimize power loss. checknuts should be hot dip 126uthorized marked with ISI certification mark. the conductor and terminal and offer protection to the contact surface against effects of electrolytic (between two dissimilar metals) and atmospheric corrosion. January 12. washers. 1. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The connectors should be designed with large factor of safety and should comply in all respects of temperature rise.10 BUSHING / INSULATORS: The basic impulse level of the bushings and insulators should be as specified and they should be suitable for installation in heavily polluted atmosphere. mounting holes (15 mm) are required at rectangular spacing of 370x250 mm.7 INSULATING OIL: The quantity of insulating oil in each transformer and complete specifications of the oil should be stated in the Bid. bolts etc. The connector shall hold the conductor and terminal very tightly so that the connector withstands mechanical stresses setup by vibration. The connector shall have sufficient mechanical strength and shall completely enclose the conductor and terminal. 1. Steel bolts and nuts shall confirm to IS: 13631967 and IS: 1367-1961 or amendment thereof. for the base of the PTs should be supplied and these should be hot-dip 126uthorized. Suitable terminal earth connector for earthing connections shall also be supplied. 1. The oil should confirm to the requirements of IS -335. The Bidder is required to fill up Annexure-I and should also furnish copy of routine and type tests of the terminal connectors carried in. 1. The necessary flanges.9.9 TERMINAL CONNECTORS: Bi-metallic terminal connectors suitable for connecting ACSR “Panther” conductor to the PT terminals should be supplied. 4 nos.1 MATERIAL: All the steel bolts and nuts. Drawing of the connector shall also be submitted with the Bid.9.Location :: Lucknow.8 TYPE OF MOUNTING: The PTs shall be suitable for mounting on steel structures. resistance and tensile strength withstand capacity as per ISS: 5556-1970 or amendment thereof. Bolts and nuts should be manufactured by a reputed concern. wind and short circuit current. 2011-13:54:39 stable operating condition at rated frequency and simultaneous rated burden on both secondaries should not exceed the above temperature limits by more than 10oC. 1. 1. The 126 . The PTs shall be supplied completely filled with oil.2 DESIGN: The design of the connectors shall be such as to give intimate contact between connector. The NS type fuse links should be provided with fuse carrier and base assembly such that visual indication of blown fuses may be possible from the inspection window without removing the cover and fuse fittings. Each junction box shall have slanting and protruding outward top on all the four sides and shall be provided with hinged covers on the front and removable covers to be fixed with screwed studs on 3 sides flanged together with suitable water tight 6 nos. however. water tight and suitable for mounting in outdoor substations either on supporting structures of the equipment or on concrete pedestals. The terminal blocks should preferably be made of KirloskarAsea type OTEA-46. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.11. The junction Box should be partitioned in two compartments comprising two doors hinged in the middle so as to house the metering & protection terminals separately with locking & sealing arrangement. 1. The junction boxes should be painted with one coat of Zinc Chromateprimer and two coats of light Grey Enamel/ epoxy paint or any other approved paint both inside and outside after proper cleaning and phosphatising.2 The junction boxes should be of cast iron or fabricated construction. 1.5 mm sq.e. 1. its minimum value shall be 36x25xKD where KD is the correction factor for average diameter of insulator. The bushing shall be entirely free from external and internal corona. Bushing should be designed to have ample insulation mechanical strength and rigidity for satisfactory operation under the conditions specified. The terminal blocks shall be of 400 volt grade complete with insulated barriers.11.Location :: Lucknow. are shown as in sketches enclosed.11 JUNCTION BOX: 1. In the case of fabricated construction the gauge used should at least be 16 SWG and not less thanthis gauge. These should be dust and vermin proof. January 12. nuts and identification strips and shall also have disconnecting and shorting links. 2011-13:54:39 minimum total creepage distance of the bushing / insulator shall be as per clause 7.4 The junction boxes should be as far as possible in accordance with sketches enclosed with the specification. 1. “METERING” & “PROTECTION” should be clearly indicated on each compartment door respectively by engraving or by providing the metallic plate. And will be suitable for uninterrupted duty. miniature circuit breaker and various terminal connectors providing sufficient earth clearance. terminal studs. The puncture strength of bushing should be greater than the flashover value. The cover and the flanges shall be provided with suitable packing and gaskets so as to make these junction boxes completely water tight. and should also have convenient space to house various cable glands. Elmax make terminals or equivalent. copper conductors cables.0 of latest edition of IS: 13134-1992 i. The porcelain used should be homogenous and free from cavities or other flaws.11. miniature circuit breakers etc. it is at the discretion of the Bidder to improve and alter the dimensions slightly to suit his designs subject to approval of the 127 .1 Junction boxes shall be adequately designed and dimensioned to accommodate the fuse links.3 The terminal blocks provided with these junction boxes shall be rated for 15 Amps. International Standard make mounted in such a fashion that these can be easily taken out and replaced without removing any wiring. The fuse links employed should be of high rupturing capacity nondeteriorating. cable glands as specified under item and sketch. Necessary internal connections between the terminal block and other apparatus such as fuses.11. washers. Blanking washers should be provided in the cable glands. These should be suitable to receive at least 2 cores of 2. HRC-ND-cartridge fuse link type NS-10 with carrier and base assembly(International Standard Make). 2. 2. 4. PVC copper cable2 nos.13 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS: Guaranteed Technical Particulars as called for in the schedule of Technical andGuaranteed particulars. The Purchaser will decide the actual quantities of spare parts to be ordered on the basis of the list and the itemized prices of spare parts.11. The drawings of the Junction Box shall also be submitted with the Bid.15 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENT & PRICES: The schedule of Requirements and Prices should be indicated as per Schedule- 2. 3.5 36 KV PT junction boxes (Three Phase) shall be equipped as follows: 1. 1. OTEA-46 Essan or Elmax or Tosha make terminals or equivalent and associated accessories as specified. The test reports shall be submitted in the proforma enclosed at Schedule-R. 3 nos.5 mm sq. 1. 1. 1. Each PT should be subjected to routine tests as specified in IS: 3156 in the presence of Purchaser’s representative. which are subject to guarantee should be clearly marked in enclosed Schedule – R. 2011-13:54:39 Engineer ofthe contract.Location :: Lucknow. PVC copper cable4 nos. Watertight brass cable glands suitable for 4 core.14 SPARE PARTS: A list of spare parts recommended for five years operation for each PT along with itemized prices should be furnished with the Bid. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.5 mm sq. desired by the purchaser. January 12. The wiring should be provided as shown in the sketch. The Bidder is required to fill up the schedule of technical and guaranteed particulars for junction boxes enclosed at Schedule-R and also furnish the copies of type and outine tests reports carried out by them or their sub-Bidders in the past as per relevant ISS. Each junction box shall be provided with glass window on the front cover for inspecting the fuses periodically from outside. Terminal blocks with 12 nos. 128 . 1.12 TESTS: Reports of all type tests as stipulated in ISS: 3156 should be supplied. Watertight brass cable glands suitable for 2 core. All test reports should be submitted and got approved by the purchaser before 128uthoriz of the equipment. if so. This will be applicable only when the Firm is specifically 129uthorized by the purchaser to deliver the PTs by Rail instead by Road.18. U.16 IDENTIFICATION PLATES: The Bidder is required to affix a plate on the PT inscribed with the following information:1. January 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.P. 1. Year of order 3.1 PTs shall be depatched by Road Transport only.18. Specification number 2. 1.2 In the event of despatches made by Rails. 2011-13:54:39 Q. date of RR (Railway Receipt) shall be deemed as the date of delivery. 1. In this case the date of receipt of equipment at site shall be deemed as the date of delivery.Location :: Lucknow.17 MODE OF DESPATCH: 1. Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. 129 . DETAILS PARTICULARS Transformation ratio on all windings Supply frequency Type Rated voltage factor Application Accuracy 2. 6. 12. Phase angle error Output burden Total simultaneous burden One minute power frequency withstand voltage on secondary. 10. 8.s. 9.No.2 3P to be maintained up to and including a total simultaneous burden of 75 VA on all the three windings. 5.000 / 110 3 3 (No. 3.m. January 12. 2011-13:54:39 ANNEXURE-I I REQUIREMENTOF 36KV PT S.20 Note: Acc of 0. Winding I Metering Winding II Protection 0.Location :: Lucknow. 13.1 continuou 1. Rated Power Factor Class of insulation in windings Method connection which will be adopted -Primary winding -Secondary winding I -Secondary winding II 0.5 for 30 seconds. Single Phase wound electromagnetic type PT 1.) 7. 4. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. As per relevant IS 50 VA 50 VA 75 VA 3 KV (r.8 A Star/earthed Star/earthed Open delta 130 . 11. 33. 1. of secondary windings 2) 50 Hz. Location :: Lucknow. January 12. 2011-13:54:39 131 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. January 12. 2011-13:54:39 132 .Location :: Lucknow. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 133 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. January 12. D. I T E M-II: (Line Isolator) Three pole.0 STANDARDS: Except where modified by this specification. Motor operated 01No. I T E M-I : Three pole.C. 1250 Amps. Motor operated 145KV Isolators without earth switch.C. Including draft reviation of Feb.0 SCOPE: This specification covers Design. A.C. the single central break isolators and accessories shall conform to the requirements of the latest edition of the following standards: IS: 1818 IS: 2544 IS: 3202 IEC: 129 Specification for outdoor single central break Isolators and earthing switches for voltages upto 220KV A.. Testing. Electric Power Connectors. I T E M-III: (Bus Isolator) Three pole. Motor operated 145KV Isolators with suitably rated A. 1250 Amps. earthing switche. January 12. Inspection. IS: 5561 (1970) 134 . 2011-13:54:39 TS-5(A) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR 145KV A. Specification for outdoor single central break Isolators and earthing switches for voltages (3.Location :: Lucknow. Motor operated 145KV Isolators without earthing switch suitable for Tandem operation. 2. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Alternating current Isolators (Line connectors) and Earthing switches. A. Performance.C. A. MOTOR OPERATED ISOLATORS SUITABLE FOR 110V. Packing and Delivery of following outdoor type 145KV Isolators with/without earthing switches (wherever mentioned) complete in all respects with terminal connectors and motor operating mechanism etc.C. Manufacture. 1971.C.3 KV and above) Code of practice for climate proofing of electrical equipment. CONTROL VOLTAGE 1. 1250 Amps.C. C.9.1.1. 3 sec.16 3.Location :: Lucknow. 80 KA (Peak) Conductor take off Horizontal/vertical According to actual requirement.9.+3NC) for protection change over Interrupting 5A DC.1 3. 3.1.2 Across the isolating distance fro main blades. Rated mechanical load As per IEC amendment February. ing mechanism and earthing switch Operating mechanism. January 12.1.2. 3. 80 KA (Peak) Rated circuit making. 135 3.2/50 Micro sec.2.8 1.8. Rated short time current (for main & earth switches) 31.2.1 To earth and between poles 650 KV Peak 3.6 A.2.18 3.1 To earth and between poles 275KV (r m s) 1972 Auxiliary switch contacts i) Six (6) make before break contacts (silver plated) suitable for (3No. full wave positive & negative impulse withstand voltage :3. 315 KV (r m s) 3.2 3.1.3 3. Operating device for Isolator /earthing switch Operated 3.2.2. Terminal Connectors As per site requirement Interlock for main blade Electrical Interlocking between main operatElectrical and Mechanical also.4 TECHNICAL PARTICULARS: Rates System Voltage System Frequency System Earthing Type 145 KV 50 HZ Effectively Earth Outdoor.1 3. Horizontal single central break. 3.2.7 Phase to Phase spacing for Isolator At Item-I for Isolator at Item-II&III 3000 mm 3000 mm 3.13 3.2 Across the isolating distance for main blades.11.14 Type of contacts Hard drawn electrolytic Copper with silver plating. One minute power frequency withstand voltage:3.2. current (for earth switches). 750 KV Peak 2011-13:54:39 3.1.5 KA (r m s) for Rated peak short circuit current for main and earth switches.1. From one bus to another. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.5 Continuous current rating under site conditions. suitable for upright mounting 1250 Amps.17 3.15 3. Motor 3.1.20 .1.12 3. 2. Operating time of the isolator shall not exceed 12 seconds. simple and effective operation. Emergency manual operation shall be provided to enable operation of isolator in case of power failure.3 The earthing switch shall be motor operated and shall be constructionally interlocked with the Isolator such that earthing switches can be closed when the isolator is open and vice versa OPERASTING MECHANISM AND CONTROL : 8.21 3.1 8.Location :: Lucknow.7 amps. Each earthing switch shall have Six normally open and six normally closed contacts.2. 7. 5.1 The AC motor operating mechanism shall actuate individual drive switches with controls. ii) INTERLOCKS: The isolator will be electrically interlocked with the associated circuit breakers in accordance with switchyard safety interlocking scheme.2 A flexible copper connection (tinned for suitably treated against corrosion) between rotating shaft of earthing switch and the frame (for connection to the station ground grid) shall have a cross section suitable to withstand short time fault current. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The design shall be such that a minimum of energy is required for the operation and one man shall be above to operate the isolator without undue effort. The operating mechanism shall be capable of providing a quick.0 7. January 12. 7. 2011-13:54:39 3. open and 12 N. The operating pipes and rods shall be sufficiently rigid to maintain positive control under most adverse conditions when operated in tension or compression for isolator operation. All accessories required on the isolator for satisfactory operation of the scheme shall be deemed to have been included in the scope of supply.1 Isolators shall be equipped with earthing switches as specified complete with operating mechanism and auxiliary contacts and will be an integral part of the isolator. When the manual operation is in progress the power operation shall 8. The Isolator shall be designed to withstand seismic acceleration equivalent to 0.3 dg.2.2. The type of connectors to be provided by the contractor shall be as per IS-5561 (1970) & subject to Purchaser’s approval EARTHING SWITCHES: 6.O.2.2 7. TERMINAL CONNECTORS : Terminal connectors for all type of Isolators shall be as per site requirement.2 136 .0 SUPPORTING STRICTIRES : Isolator shall be sutaible for mounting on standerd structures drawing for which shall be provided by purchasure. The isolator shall be provided with positive continuous control through out the entire circle of operation.23 4.0 12 N.0 6.1 6. The Isolator shall be capable for making and breaking capacitive current of 0.22 3.C. Similarly there shall be separate GANG OPERATED drives for the earth switches i. January 12. Limit switches should be provided to prevent over travel. Rust proof parts will be protected by grease retainers and covers. The terminal blocks shall be properly identified. The auxiliary wiring with auxiliary device shall be cable of withstanding a test voltage of 2 KV for one minute.11 8. There shall be one operating drive for all the three poles of the isolators which shall be GANG operated. 8. For manual operation operating handle shall be directly coupled to gear drive having 1/33 ratio. Arrangement shall be provided to pad-lock the emergency handle when not in use.6 The control shall be so arranged that the desired operation shall be completed when corresponding push button is pressed even momentarily. Guide bearings shall be provided if necessary. 8. There should be two numbers phase coupling pipes one on each side of the insulator base plate for Gang operation of isolators.10 8. 8. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Bus Isolator without E/S will have one drive.8 The operating handle shall be mounted on the base supporting structure. The motor enclosure shall conform to IP-55. 8. so as to provide true indication of the position of isolator whether operated manually or with power driven devices.3 Motor shall conform to IS: 325. The control wiring shall be carried out with a minimum of 2. Line Isolator with 1 E/S will have two drives. 8. The insulated winding conductor shall be of copper and insulation shall be given fungicidal and tropical treatment as per IS 3202 Gear drive assembly shall be suitable for operating the isolator with minimum of energy.12 137 .9 An out of step relay for the three poles shall be provided to give remote pole discrepancy alarm in the purchasers control panel.13 Tandem Isolator will have one drive. 8.e. 8.4 A weather proof control cabinet conforming to IP: 55 shall be provided to house the driving mechanism and other accessories. 8.7 The auxiliary contacts shall be actuated from the isolator shaft.5 mm cu wire of 1100V grade insulation. solenoid type. 2011-13:54:39 become inoperative.: i) ii) iii) 8. The push buttons for remote operation will be mounted on the purchasers control panel. All bearings should have first filling of grease and provided with nipples for servicing.Location :: Lucknow.5 Fail safe. interlocking feature shall be provided. The control cabinet shall be fitted with 1100 volt grade barrier type of terminal blocks. A local/remote selector switch with a set of open/close push buttons (for local operation) shall be provided on the control cabinet of the isolator. They shall also be capable of withstanding all terminal and bending stresses due to operation of the isolator. All the contact joints for centre break type isolators shall be maintenance free type if possible.3 POSITION INDICATIOR : A position indicator to show the ON & OFF position of the isolator shall be provided on each isolator pole.5 The isolators shall be provided with high pressure current carrying contacts on the hinge and jaw ends and all contact surfaces shall be silver plated. 9.3 The contact head where the bus bar jumper is connected to the isolator arm should be provided with a suitable contact bearing to avoid external flexible (braided) connections.S. otherwise the tenderers may quote for contact joints requiring very little maintenance.Location :: Lucknow. Isolators and earth switches shall be capable of withstanding the dynamic and thermic effects of the maximum possible short circuit current of the system in their closed position. so that the mechanical strength is ensured. 10. Flat of size 75x10 mm shall be provided on each isolator. 10. 2011-13:54:39 For adjusting the coupling pipe lengths there should be a turn buckle type arrangement. It is preferable if the current carrying parts of the isolator arms are separately fastened to a galvanized steel arm.15 The operating mechanism should be placed directly and centrally below one of the post insulators on which the two numbers phase coupling pipes are connected and the operating mechanism should directly rotate the rod placed below the centre line of the post insulator.2 The contacts should be protected by a rain hood to avoid direct exposure to rain water. The base shall be rigid and self supporting. due to wind pressure or due to short circuit forces etc.0 10. No eccentric connection of the operating mechanism with the phase coupling pipes should be made.0 9.4 COUNTER BALANCE SPRINGS : 138 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.4 The ground terminal pads with studs each suitable for connecting to the earth mat through M. 10. January 12.1. 10.1 ACCESSORIES: Contacts: 10. 10.1 The isolator poles shall be so designed that the contacts in service (closed position) do not open out or cause loose contact.2 10. 10.1.2 The operating mechanism/lever arrangement of the isolator should be such that the isolator shall not open out in service (nor close from the open position) without a positive impulse.1. CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES: The isolator arms should be mechanically strong.1 9. 8. BASE : Each pole of the isolators shall be provided with a completely galvanized steel base designed for mounting on a supporting structure to be provided by the Purchaser. 10.1. They shall be so constructed that they do not open under influence of short circuit current.1. .Rated mechanical terminal load. .Serial Number.Impulse withstand voltage to earth. .Rated Voltage. 2011-13:54:39 Counter balance springs shall be provided for balancing the isolators to prevent impact at the end of travel both on opening and closing of the isolator. . .Rated maximum duration of short time current.Rated current.C.Location :: Lucknow. .Weight. NAME PLATE: Isolators earthing switches and their operating devices shall be provided with a name plate. .P. .Weight.Rated short time current.Specification Number. . 139 . .Rated A. January 12. .Weight. . .Designation type.Impulse withstand voltage to earth.Name of manufacturer.Rated mechanical terminal load.Rated short time current. . .Rated Voltage. .Designation type.Designation type. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. c) Operating Devices : . . . . . . The details of the name plates shall be as given below:a) Isolators : .Serial Number. b) Earthing Switch: . Voltage and H.Name of manufacturer.Specification Number. .Name of manufacturer.Rated maximum duration of short time current. January 12. i) Voltage test of auxiliary circuits (Clause-46) ii) Mechanical operating test (Clause-46). 11. mounting dimensions etc.0 . Any offer which does not include type test report is liable to be rejected summarily.0 11. earthing switches complete with details of operating mechanism.3 11. 10% of insulators will be subject to test. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The following acceptance/routine test in accordance with the recommendation of IEC129 & ISS 9921 shall be furnished for Purchaser’s approval before dispatch of the isolators.2 11. for all the test performed in accordance with the relevant IS/IEC recommendation of the IEC-129 titled 'Alternating Current' isolators (line connector) and earthing switches including the draft revision of Feb. of remaining. b) Bearing & sag compensating soaring. iii) Measurement of the resistance of the main circuit (Clause-47) The following type tests as per relevant IS/IEC shall be performed on one unit and report be submitted with the tender:Dielectric Test Lightning Impulse Voltage tests Switching impulse voltage tests Power frequency voltage tests Artificial pollution tests Test of auxiliary and control circuit Temperature rise tests Short time withstand current & peak withstand Operating and mechanical endurance test Tests for measuring radio interference level Corona extinction voltage tests:DRAWNGS : Drawing incorporating the following particulars shall be submitted with the offer for the purpose of preliminary study :i) Complete assembly drawing showing plan and elevation views of the 3 phase and single phase isolators.4 ROUTINE TESTS : (IEC-129-1975): The isolators before transportation shall be subjected to following routine factory tests :- i) Power frequency Voltage (Dry & Wet) Tests: One pole complete with insulators shall be tested in the works. 1971 and ISS 9921 shall be furnished alongwith the proposal.5 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) 12. 2011-13:54:39 11.1 TEST & TEST CERTIFICATE : Type test certificates for the Isolators. ii) Sketches and descriptive details of : a) Isolators.Location :: Lucknow. 140 11. Electrical control schematic diagrams. Final drawings shall be certified as correct for construction. 2011-13:54:39 c) d) e) f) g) h) i) iii) iv) a) b) c) d) e) f) Jaw contacts and main isolator baldes. Interrupting device for making and breaking. weight. material composition current carrying capacity and temperature rise. shall be given in English and dimensions shall be marked in Metric Units). and indicating purpose for use. After approval of the preliminary drawings. reproducible copies of each drawing shall be supplied.. Terminal Board drawing of common control Board showing wire No. January 12. shall include the following particulars (all explanations. Spring operation etc. Exhausting itemized bill of materials. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Earthing switches. It is essential to furnish drawings to satisfy the purchaser about the suitability of the jaw design. interconnection diagrams on the equipment. indicating devices. Operating mechanism. including Alarm protective devices. Complete assembly drawings showing plan and elevation views of the isolator with mounting dimensions net and shipping weights etc. Fully dimensional drawing of Terminal Connectors showing all the views. instruments and space heaters.Location :: Lucknow. and Terminal block No. Control & wiring diagram (including inter pole wiring diagram) clearly indicating various No/NC contacts used as well as spare for individual pole and earthing switch. wiring diagrams. Foundation Plan including weights of various components and impact loadings. The drawing to be furnished by the Contractor for approval after acceptance of his tender. 141 . legends etc. Interlocking devices. PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS Details Rated Voltage System frequency System Earthing Type of Isolator Continuous current rating Operating mechanism Phase to phase spacing Rated short time withstand current Rated peak short circuit current Temperature rise Seismic co-efficient 1. 70 kV (peak) 13. 1250 A. 2. No. 1250 A. Standard isolators without earth switch. Standard isolators with one earth switch. . 36 kV manually operated.5 kA (peak) As per IEC-129 derated for an ambient of 500C 0. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.0 Sl. Horizontal air break suitable for upright mounting 1250 A Manual 1500 mm 25 kA (rms) 62.0 TYPE OF ISOLATORS a) Three phase.Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 TS-5(B) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR 36 kV ISOLATORS 1. 36 kV manually operated. b) 3.2/50 microsecond full wave positive and negative impulse withstand voltage to earth One minute power frequency withstand voltage dry & wet to earth Auxiliary Contacts Insulation level of insulators i) Impulse voltage withstand test (1.3 g. 15 70 kV (rms) 4 normally open and 4 normally closed. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 14.2/50 micro second full wave) 142 170 kV (peak) 36 kV Isolator 36 kV 50 Hz Effectively earthed Outdoor.0 STANDARDS For standards please refer the specifications for 145 kV isolators. Three phase. January 12. 2011-13:54:39 ii) Power frequency withstand voltage to earth (dry & wet) 16 Creepage distance of insulators : i) Total ii) Protected 17 Minimum strength : i) Torsional ii) Cantilever 18 19 20 21.0 ACCESSORIES: As per 145 kV isolators 9. The bidder will furnish details of the electrical interlocking scheme proposed by him.0 CONSTRUCTION FEATURES: As per 145 kV isolators. 5. 7.0 4.0 OPERATING MECHANISM AND CONTROL: A lever shall be provided for manual operation of the isolator. Interlocking arrangement shall be of failsafe type.0 6. Arrangement shall be provided to padlock lever when not in use. INTERLOCKS It is proposed to electrically interlock the Isolators with the associated 33kV circuit breakers in accordance with switchyard safety interlocking scheme such that the Isolators can not be manually operated if the 33 kV breaker is on.Location :: Lucknow. 1500 mm TERMINAL CONNECTORS Each Isolator shall be provided with appropriate number of suitable for twin ACSR Zebra/Panther conductors as specified in ‘General Technical Requirements’ and approved drawings.0 NAME PLATES: 143 . Any and all accessories required on the isolator side for satisfactory operation of the scheme shall be deemed to be in the scope of the supply. short circuit and operating forces 1 set of electrical and castel type interlocks. Hard drawn electrolytic copper with silver plating Horizontal/vertical according to actual requirement.1 Interlocks with circuit breaker Type of contacts Conductor take off Phase-to phase clearance 70 kV (rms) 900 mm 450 mm Suitable to withstand wind. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 8. 4. January 12. 144 . It shall carry the following informations: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 10. 12. It shall be mounted in such a position that it shall be visible in the position of normal service and installation. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. of 127 mm.0 SUPPORTING STRUCTURES The isolators shall be suitable to be mounted on auxiliary structures as per general technical requirements.0 DRAWING AND DATA As per 145 kV isolators 13.0 TESTS For details of test certificates. The name plates shall be weatherproof and corrosion proof. as mentioned in the 145 kV isolators.Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 Isolators shall be provided with the name plates.0 Name of the manufacturer Designation type Serial number Rated voltage Impulse withstand voltage to earth Rated current Rate short time current Rated maximum duration of short time current INSULATORS The Bus post insulators will have a top housing pitch circle Dia. January 12. The insulators will confirm to IEC-168. 11. routine and type tests to be performed. 00 mm 3. tough imperative to non-impress of moisture. January 12. Equipment meeting any other authoritative standards which ensures equal or better quality than the IS mentioned above. These should be thoroughly verified. The glazing of the 145 .0 DESIGN & TYPE : The porcelain used for the manufacture of the insulators should be homogenous.2 mm BIL : 650 mm Height of insulator : 1460 mm FOR 36 KV POSTINSULATORS Nominal voltage : 36 KV Highest system voltage : 36 KV Sytem frequency : 50Hz. Number of phases : 3 (Three) Neutral : Effectively earthed. Short circuit current : 25.2 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) REQUIREMENT FOR INSULATORS FOR 145 KV POST INSULATORS Nominal voltage : 145 kV Highest system voltage : 145 kV Sytem frequency : 50 Hz.0 meters Height of the insulator support : 2750 mm structure.0 KA Phase to phase spacing : 1.5 KA Phase to phase spacing : 3.0 STANDARDS Insulators should conform to the latest publications of IS 2544 & IEC in all respects except BIL which should be 650 kVp for 145 kV withstand. structure.5 meters Height of the insulator support : 2750 mm. Number of phases : 3 (Three) Neutral : Effectively earthed Short circuit current : 31.Location :: Lucknow. 2.0 2. (9) PCD of Top Flange : 127 mm.1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 2. free from laminations and other flaws or imperfections which might affect the mechanical or dielectric quality. PCD of Top Flange : 127 mm PCD of Bottom Flange : 184+ . 2011-13:54:39 TS-6 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR 145/36KV SOLID CORE POST INSULATORS 1. (10) BIL : 250 KV (11) Height of insulator : 508. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. is also acceptable. MECHANICAL STRENGTH i) ii) 6. pins and washers etc. which relates to the shed/shape to the profile of the insulator.Location :: Lucknow.Top metallic flange holes are to be co-ordination with respective UPPTCL drawings.1 Metallic Flange Top Flange Co-ordination. M 4.2 5. Bottom Flange Co-ordination . January 12. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP : The successful Bidder should assume full responsibility for co-ordination with insulator manufacturer and adequate design. The metal cement porcelain joints should be painted with suitable paints to offer protection against different thermal expansions. The Bidder should therefore give full detail of shed/shape/profile of the insulator (for vertically used insulators) to safeguard the requirement of projected profile/protected creep age distance. All similar parts should be accurately finished and interchangeable. used should also be 146 . All ferrous parts should be heavily hot dip galvanized as per relevant ISS Bolts. The total fittings for the insulated material made from reliable cast iron or grey iron and galvanised thereafter.0 CREEPAGE DISTANCE The minimum nominal specific creep age distance should not be less than 6125 mm as applicable for heavily polluted atmosphere as per latest edition of IS-2544/IEC 815 as per provisions made in IEO-815. well finished and of approved design and make. This requirement is very vital.0 4.0 Banding strength Torsion strength 420 Kg. burns and similar other defects. and equipments not meeting the minimum requirements shall not be acceptable. 7. in order to apply the specific creep age distance concept certain dimensional parameters characterizing the insulator should be taken into account. free from bilaters. The insulator units shall be such that the length of shortest breakdown path through valid insulating material is at least equal to half the length of the short break down path through air outside the insulator. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 4. As per above provisions the insulator may be type tested for heavy polluted atmosphere conditions and the type test report may be submitted with the offer. nuts. Cementing between metal to porcelain should be carried out by high grade port land cement with special filler to check the expansion and contraction problem. All materials used in the construction of the equipment shall be of appropriate class.Bottom metallic flange are to be cocoordinated with respective UPPTCL drawings.0 DESIGN. 2011-13:54:39 porcelain should be of uniform brown colour. F 450 Kg. 0 BOLTS AND NUTS FOR FIXING TOP AND BOTTOM : Bidder shall quota their price including the prices of nuts and bolts but will give technical specification of the recommended size of bolts and nuts for fixing top and bottom and any intermediate point if any in schedule item-27. rust. Visible discharge test as per IS 2544-1973 Radio interference test as per IEC 437-1975. Switching surge test as per IEC 506-1975.1 TEST & TEST CERTIFICATES : TYPE TEST : The test for the offered insulators shall be performed in accordance with mentioned standards or any other relevant IS or IEC and test certificates shall be furnished along with the proposal standards to which these tests will conform. Switching surge test.0 GALVANISING : All metal parts of insulators shall be made of forged steel and shall be hot dip galvanized after all machining work in accordance with the latest edition of IS 2639-1964 and shall satisfy the test mentioned in IS 2633:1964. white deposit and blisters etc. smooth. Special attention should be paid to give tropical treatment to all the equipment as it will be subjected during service to extremely severe exposure to atmospheric moisture and long period of high ambient temperature. RIV test. Porosity test. Insulators units after assembly shall be concentric and coaxial within limits as may be permissible by the relevant 1SS/IEC. 8. Impulse voltage withstand test.0 10. a) Power frequency withstand/ Flashover test. mechanical & electrical type tests and results test as per IEC 168-1984 and/or ISS 2544-1973.2 The type test shall include at least the following tests :a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Visual discharge test. The zinc operating shall be adherent.Location :: Lucknow. bulky. Puncture test. ash. Impulse withstand/ flashover test. Certified pollution test as per IEC 507-1975. strains. 10. Temperature cycle test. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 9. b) c) d) e) 10. reasonably bright continuous and free from such imperfections such as flux. January 12. 2011-13:54:39 galvanized. The galvanized material shall be guaranteed to withstand at least six dips under the standard test galvanizing. Dry and wet 1 minute power frequency withstand test. All surface of the metal parts shall be relatively smooth with no projecting points or irregularities. 147 . As longitudinal ultrasonic testing is possible only on unassembled insulators.4 ROUTINE TESTS The following routine tests as contained in IEC-168-1 and IE-2544-1973 shall be performed by the Bidder on each insulator. 2011-13:54:39 i) k) l) 10. it is the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure that. Test for mechanical strength. TOTAL CREEPAGE MEASUREMENT TEST The creepage distance of each unit shall be measured by applying a thin inextensible cord along with shortest distance from the upper metal fitting to the lowest metal fitting.3 Test for mechanical strength. Galvanizing test. Artificial pollution test. Puncture test. shall be tested before assembly with Ultrasonic wave or by other approved means to detect any possible voids. The Bidder submitting a quotation shall describe in detail the proposed method of carrying out this test. Temperature cycle test. Galvanizing test. a) b) c) d) Visual examination test. In addition to above routine. January 12. crack. the cord to be in contact with the external surface of the unit. Mechanical routine test.Location :: Lucknow. the Flaw detection test and High frequency voltage dry flashover test shall also be conducted as follows :FLAW DETECTION TEST Every porcelain body of the insulator to be supplied. if using the ultrasonic method this test be conducted before cementing the metal fittings on the porcelain and be directed from both ends of the porcelain. SAMPLE OF ACCEPTANCE TEST The following sample tests as per IEC 168-1964/IS 2544-1973 shall be conducted by the (a) (b) (c) (f) (g) (h) i) Verification of dimensions. The total creepage distance shall be obtained by adding the values obtained above for the relative units and shall be not less than the value nominated under minimum 'Total creepage Distance' in clause above. 10. In addition to above sample test the total creep age measurement test shall also be conducted by the controller. porosity or similar defects. Electrical routine test. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. i) 148 . 149 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 ii) HIGH FREQUENCY VOLTAGE DRY FLASHOVER TEST Every porcelain part of the insulator shall be set up between suitable terminals and subjected to a high frequency (200 or more KHz) voltage sufficient to cause vigorous flashover. The flashover shall be maintained for period of not less than three seconds without puncturing the porcelain.Location :: Lucknow.0 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Technical and guaranteed particulars as required in the Schedule-'R' should be furnished with the Bid. failing which the Bid is likely to be rejected. 11. January 12. Standard IEC 99 . 4.No. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 6. rules and codes some of which are listed herein for ready reference: Sl. continuous operating voltage (MCOV) at 500C Nominal discharge current Rated frequency Minimum line discharge capacity Power frequency reference voltage Max.1 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS Rated system voltage System neutral earthing Installation Rated arrester voltage Max.4 for Lightning Arrester without gap for AC system Specification for lightning Arrester for alternating current system Part Recommended Practice for hot dip galvanizing of iron and steel Method for testing uniformity of coating on Zinc coated articles Specification for large hollow porcelain for use in electrical installation Degree of protection provided by enclosure for low voltage switch-gear and control Electrical Clearances Classification of degree of protection provided by enclosure of electrical equipment. 1.0 STANDARDS The Lightning Arrester shall conform to the latest revision with amendments available of the relevant standards. 5. 1.Location :: Lucknow. 8. January 12. Residual voltage at nominal discharge current of 10 KA and 8/20 Micro Sec. 3. 150 145 KV Outdoor 120 KV 102 KV 30 KV 24 KV 36 KV Effectively earthed 10 KA (8/20 microwave) 50 Hz 2 KJ / KV Not less than MCOV 400 KVP 100 KVP .4 IS: 3070 IS: 2629 IS: 2633 IS: 5621 IS: 2174 IEC: 71 IS: 12063 Title Specification Part . 7. 2. 2011-13:54:39 TS-7 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF 120 KV/30 KV 10KA METAL OXIDE GAPLESS SURGE ARRESTERS 1. 2.3 1.05 MCOV One minute power frequency voltage of arrester housing Impulse withstand voltage of arrester housing with 1.2/50 micro second wave.1 ARRESTER DUTY The surge arrester shall be single pole. The surge arresters shall be capable of discharging energy equivalent to class-3 of IEC as required by the UPPTCL’S 132 KV/33 KV system on two successive operations.2 1.1 40 KA Not more than 500 micro volts. The details of the equipments to be protected by these surge arresters are as under:- 1.2 1. Class 3 (as per IEC) The duty cycle of the circuit breakers installed in the 132KV/33 KV system of UPPTCL is 0-0.3 1.3.3. 1.3 sec-CO-3 min-CO.3. The surge arresters shall be suitable for this circuit breaker duty in system.3 g. the parameters of the arresters indicated in this specification and confirm their suitability for the system and duty requirements as specified herein.4 151 .3. Class-A 40 KA 0. Minimum prospective fault current. The reference current of the arrestors shall be of the order of 5mA. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. self supporting heavy duty station class zinc oxide gapless type without any series or shunt spark gaps.Location :: Lucknow. Radio interference voltage Pressure relief class Current for pressure relief. The nonlinear resisters shall be connected in series or in parallel. The Bidder shall verify and establish by preliminary study. January 12. Seismic acceleration Long duration discharge class SERVICE REQUIREMENT 100 KA 25 mm/KV Net more than 50 Pico coulombs 275 KV 650 KVP 70 KV 170 KVP p) q) r) s) t) u) 1. 2011-13:54:39 k) l) m) n) o) Peak & value of high current (4/10 Microwave) Creepage distance Partial discharge test on 1. High enough to eliminate the influence of grading stray capacitance on the measured reference voltage. 6. The arresters shall be fully stabilized thermally to give a life expectancy of 20 years under site conditions.5. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.3 1.6. The porcelain used shall be homogenous free from laminations.0 1.4 1. even after repeated operations. Indian Electricity Rules.4. January 12.2 1. 2011-13:54:39 Equipment i) ii) 1. even when discharging the maximum lightning current. and shall take care of the effect of solar radiation etc.4.6 1.4 1.4.0 1.5. unused and of finest quality. Arresters shall incorporate adequate creepage distance (25mm/KV) in order to prevent arrester failure due to uneven voltage gradient across the stacks in the event of contamination of the arrester porcelain.4.1 . The surge arresters shall be fitted with pressure relief devices and diverting posts.2 1.5. Arresters shall be suitable for hot line washing. Indian Electricity Act.Location :: Lucknow. CTs and CVTs CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES Basic Insulation level 132 KV 550 KVP 650 KVP 33 KV 170 KVP 170 KVP The non-linear blocks shall be sintered metal oxide material. cavities and other flaws or imperfections 152 1. and other applicable statutory provisions rules and regulations. Seals shall be provided in such a way that these are always effectively maintained. The porcelain housing shall be so coordinated that external flashover will not occur due to application of impulse or switching surge voltage up to the design value of the arrester. suitable for preventing violent shuttering of porcelain housing and providing path for the flow of rated fault currents in the event of arrester failure.1 Transformer 220 KV side Switchgears. All the materials used in the manufacture of surge arresters and its accessories should be of reputed manufacturer The Purchaser reserves the right to ask for documentary proof of the purchases of various materials to be used for the manufacture of surge arresters and its accessories and to check that the Bidder is complying with quality controls as per this specification PORCELAIN The porcelain used in the surge arrester housing shall be from the best available materials. ISI. All materials should comply with the applicable provisions of the tests of this specification.4. These shall be so arranged in the final assembly as to provide excellent mechanical and electrical properties.1 1. MATERIAL All material used in the manufacture of surge arrester shall be new.5 1.4. FITTING AND ACCESSORIES INSULATION BASE Insulating base offered for the surge arrester. galvanised. January 12. The discharge counters shall be suitably mounted on the support structure of the surge arresters so that the counter shall be visible through an inspection window and should be readable from ground level.3 MILLI AMMETERS Suitable milli ammeters (without push buttons) on each pole of the arrester. bolts each. These shall be so located that incoming and outgoing connections are made with minimum possible blend and incoming & outgoing connections shall be provided with at least 2 nos.8. 1.7 1. 2011-13:54:39 which might affect the quality and shall be thoroughly vitrified tough and impervious to moisture.1 1. Joints shall be made air tight surfaces of joints shall be turned up porcelain parts by grinding and metal parts by machining to ensure a uniform compressive pressure. washers and check nuts should be hot dip galvanised conforming to IS:1363-1967.Location :: Lucknow.8.8 1. burrs and other defects. conductor on supports.8. The cubicle housing the surge counters shall be made of 12 SWG sheet and it should be water tight and vermin proof. IS:1367-1961 and latest amendment thereof. shall be provided for each single pole unit. 1.2 1. nuts. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.7. shall be supplied to measure the leakage 153 . The following tests shall be required for porcelain components:i) ii) iii) 1.2 SURGE COUNTER Self containing discharge counter. Steel bolts. This should be of reputed manufacturer and should bear ISI mark. Visual examination METAL PARTS All iron parts shall be hot dip. shall be manufactured from the best available porcelain. Glazing of porcelain shall be free from blisters. One number insulating base shall be supplied by the Bidder with each surge arrester. When operating at normal rated voltage there shall be no electrical discharge which might cause corrosion or injury to insulator. The surge counters on cyclometric dial shall be robust and of adequate size.7.1 Temperature cycle. It shall have ample insulation mechanical strength and rigidity for the conditions of use. enclosed suitably for outdoor use & requiring no auxiliary or battery supply for operation. The internal connections of surge counters shall be provided to carry large surge currents as per surge arrester specifications. Porosity. with appropriate connections. 3 1.9 1. 2011-13:54:39 currents.9.9 1. The terminal connectors should be suitable to carry large surge currents for duration of microseconds and short duration short circuit power frequency currents.9. clean.2 1.9.10 . The Bidder shall submit the detail drawing of the terminal connectors and their test certificates. All castings shall be free from blow holes. The design of connectors shall be such as to give firm contact between connectors. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The conductivity of the connectors should be high so that the power loss is minimum. It shall hold the conductor and terminal so that the connector with stand mechanical stresses set up by vibration. suitable means to differentiate between the internal grading currents and external leakage currents shall be indicated. 154 1.9. The contact surface should be neat.9.1 TERMINAL CONNECTORS The arresters shall be provided with line side terminal connectors made out of hot dip galvanised suitable for specified ACSR conductors for vertical as well as horizontal entry.8 1. 1. They should offer protection to contact surface against effects of leakage between dissimilar metals and atmospheric corrosion.8. January 12. 1.6 1. It should be designed with high factor of safety and conform in respect of temperature rise.9. wind and short circuit currents. tracks sharp edges and other casting defects.9. The connectors shall have sufficient mechanical strength and shall completely enclose the conductor and terminal. The milli ammeter shall be suitably mounted on the support structure of the arrester.9.4 1. Two ground terminals diagonally opposite suitable for connecting 50x6 mm GI earth strip shall be provided each with two holes of size M-10 horizontally and suitable for the above strip.4 GRADING CORONA RING Suitable grading corona ring shall be provided on each complete arrester unit as required for proper stress distribution.9.5 1.7 1.Location :: Lucknow. The connectors shall have at least 4 nos. All current carrying parts shall be designed and manufactured for the minimum contact resistance.9. smooth and should be such that the corona effect is minimum as far as possible. of 12mm dia bolts and nuts with washers and check nuts and should be located as close to the conductor as possible. resistance and tensile strength to ISI 5561-1970 and latest amendment thereof. 2. 4. 2. Partial discharge test on each arrester unit. of holes in the base mounting flange shall be in accordance with the Purchaser's requirement to suit the auxiliary structure. 2. 3. Measurement of reference voltage on complete arrestor unit. 3. Measurement of power frequency reference voltage on complete arrester at the reference current. 1. Electro galvanized steel bolts. 1. The PCD and no.1 TYPE TESTS The type test reports as per IEC 99-4 its latest amendment or any other relevant IEC/ISS along with the Bid. Tests for correctness of leakage current indicating meter before and 155 .2 ACCEPTANCE TESTS AS PER IEC-99-4 (CLAUSE 8.12. 1.12.1 ROUTINE AND ACCEPTANCE TESTS ROUTINE TESTS AS PER B-8 IEC-99-4 (CLAUSE-8.1) 1.Location :: Lucknow. January 12.11 TESTS The surge arresters shall conform to type tests and shall be subjected to routine and acceptance tests in accordance with IEC 99. washers and check nuts for mounting the lightning arresters shall be supplied by the Bidder along with arresters. Lightning impulse residual voltage on complete arrester or arrester unit at nominal discharge current of 250 A. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The reports shall be duly authenticated by the laboratory/agency by whom these tests have been performed and shall include full identification detail of the equipments as well as of the manufacturer: 1.3 TESTS ON SURGE MONITORS 1.12. Tests for correctness of surge counter corresponding to discharge.1) Following tests shall be carried out on the nearest lower whole number to the cube root of the number of arresters to be supplied1. 2011-13:54:39 1.4 (1991) and other relevant standards. 1.10 TYPE OF MOUNTING The surge arresters together with insulating case and surge monitors should be suitable for upright mounting on auxiliary steel structure as per UPPTCL standard drawing.12 1.2. Partial discharge test on complete arrester or arrester unit. The specified residual voltage tests on complete arrester or arrester unit or a sample comprising resistor elements.11. Sealing leakage test on each unit. nuts. 156 . Year of manufacture. Continuous operating voltage (MCOV) Long duration discharge class. accessories or apparatus which might not have been mentioned in the contract but are usual or necessary in the equipment. Rated frequency. Manufacturer's name. Visual examination test. type & other identification. are to be provided by the Bidder without any extra cost.14 COMPLETENESS OF THE EQUIPMENT Any fitting. January 12.13 after the discharge. Specification No.Location :: Lucknow. Total weight of the arrester. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. of order of assembly units. No. trade mark. Nominal discharge current. Pressure relief class. 2011-13:54:39 3. 1. NAME PLATE AND MARKING The surge arresters shall be provided with legible name plate marked with date as per IEC with at least following date:i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) Rated voltage. The apparatus must be complete in all respects whether mentioned in the specification or not. 1. 2011-13:54:39 TS-8 CONTROL & RELAY PANELS WITH SUBSTATION AUTOMATION SYSTEMS 157 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.Location :: Lucknow. January 12. 0 1. All doors.2 2. XLPE gaskets can also be used for fixing protective toughened glass doors.6 CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES: The Control and Relay Board shall be of panels of simplex at up coming 132KV substation specified in UPPTCL. if provided shall have screens and filters. There shall be sufficient reinforcement to provide level surfaces. It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that the equipment specified and such unspecified complementary. door top and bottom portions. Each cubicle assembly shall be provided with doors on the rear having handles with built in locking facility.0 mm for sides.Location :: Lucknow. The panels shall be completely metal enclosed to ensure a dust. These panels shall be of the following approximate dimensions: Height: 2250mm + 15mm ant vibration pad + 50 mm (base) Depth: 800mm to 1000mm Width: 800 mm to 1000 mm 2.3 2. However. so that they may be installed and leveled when concrete 158 . The opening required for mounting the equipment shall be punched or cut and filed smooth. Metal sills in the form of metal channels properly drilled shall be furnished by the Bidder along with anchor bolts and necessary hardware for mounting the panels. No price increase at a later date on this account shall be allowed. The enclosure shall provide a degree of protection not less than IP 31 in accordance with IS-2147. These shall be dispatched six months in advance of the despatch of the respective panels. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.1 TYPE OF PANELS: Simplex Panels: Control Board and Relay Panels shall consist of separate vertical stationary front panels with equipment mounted thereon and having wiring access from the rear. 2011-13:54:39 CONTROL AND RELAY PANELS GENERAL 1.5 2.4 2. All structural members shall be bolted or welded together. The screens shall be made of either brass or GI wire mesh. equipment required for completeness of the Protection/Control Schemes be properly accommodated in the panels without congestion and if necessary. January 12. Panels shall be rigid free standing and floor mounting type and comprise of structural frames enclosed completely with specially selected texture finished. cold rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 3 mm for weight bearing members of the panels such as base frame. Ventilating louvers. moisture and vermin proof atmosphere. It shall have double leaf doors with lift off hinges at the back for panels of width more than 800 mm. front sheet and door frames and not less than 2. provide panels with larger dimensions. resistance to vibration and rigidity during transportation and installation. Necessary arrangement shall be provided for bolting together the adjacent panels as well as for fastening them to the floor.0 2. All joints shall be made flush and all edges shall be bent at right angles and rounded.1 2. removable covers and panels shall be gasketed all around with synthetic rubber gaskets Neoprene/EPDM generally conforming to provision of IS 11149. The immersion time shall be 4-5minutes. Purchaser's external cable connections will be terminated on the terminal blocks to be provided by the Bidder. 2011-13:54:39 foundations are poured or roof ceilings are laid. inside and outside with no welds. the immersion time shall be 15-20 minutes. The immersion time shall be 30-40 seconds.8 Design. modular construction of standard 19" 483 mm) width in accordance with IEC 297 shall also be acceptable. Immerse the Phosphated and rinsed components (wet condition) in Passivation tank. grease contamination. The immersion time shall be 20-30 minutes. the size of which shall suit the purchaser's external cables to the panels. 2. 159 .1 PAINTING: I Prior to painting the Bidder has to ensure that all sheet steel work shall be pretreated by as per the following seven tank cleaning procedure. Transfer the components to the next water-rinsing tank (running water). Cable entries to the panels shall be from the bottom. The bottom plates of the panels shall be fitted with removable gland plates for fixing the cable glands. Immerse the components in the Degreasing solution tank. Cable gland plate fitted in the bottom of the panel shall be connected to the earthing of panel/station through a flexible braided copper conductor rigidly. Rinse thoroughly and the surface should be clean without any contaminant. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Cable gland plates shall be fitted without glands.9 The dimensions of the panels shall be as mentioned in Clause-1. All necessary arrangements shall be made inside the control panel to hold the cables so that no load comes on terminals due to the weight of hanging cable. Entry holes in concrete floor shall be provided by the purchaser.1 of this section. rivets or bolt head apparent from outside with all exterior surfaces tune and smooth.Location :: Lucknow. 3. 2. After Phosphating the components shall be rinsed in water (running) tank thoroughly.7 All control cables shall be laid in a cable gallery or trench under the control room/Bay Kiosk/ PRR. Rinse thoroughly and ensure that the surface is clean without any oil.0 3. Necessary foundation drawings showing cables entry positions and foundation belt locations shall be supplied by the Bidder. Immerse the components in Derusting solution tank. 2. Panels shall have additional rolled channel plinth at the bottom with smooth bearing surface. dirt. Transfer the components to the next water-rinsing tank. But once rust/scale removed the components should not be over pickled. The immersion time shall be extended depends on the extent of rust/scale contaminant. The panels shall be fixed on the embedded foundation channels with intervening layers of antivibration strips made of shock absorbing materials which shall be supplied by the Bidder 2.10 Relay panels of modern. Rinse the components while taking out. material selection and workmanship shall be such as to result in neat appearance. January 12. Then immerse the components in the Hot Phosphate solution tank. 2 4. mounting and wiring of the Purchaser’s issue items supplied by others which are to be mounted in his panel in accordance with the corresponding equipment manufacturer's drawings. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Welding shall not be done after Phosphating the Phosphated surfaces shall be rinsed and passivated prior to application of stoved red oxide primer coating. Equipment shall be mounted such that removal and replacement can be accomplished individually without interruption of service to adjacent devices and are readily accessible without use of special tools. shall be matched. The Centre lines of relays. Transfer the components into hot air drier to eliminate water contents.1 MOUNTING: All equipment on and in panels shall be mounted and completely wired to the terminals blocks ready for external connection. Terminal marking shall be clearly visible. If water content is still available (corners. push buttons and indicating lamps shall be not less than 750 mm from the bottom of the panel. After primer application. The Centre lines of switches.5 160 . 4. The Bidder shall carry out cutout. two coats of power coating with light grey (shade 631 of IS: 5 shall be applied. of 60-80 deg. air drier temperature shall be max. The inside of the chargers shall be glossy white. The appearance of Phosphase-Passivated components shall be in uniform light grey colour (shade 631 of IS: 5) 3. corrosive points or cracks. The Centre lines of switches. push buttons and indicating lamps shall be matched to give a neat and uniform appearance. meters and recorders shall be not less than 450 mm from the bottom of the panel. unless required otherwise by the owner).C. The heat remains in the parts from the hot Passivation bath will facilitate the drying.Location :: Lucknow. The equipment on front of panel shall be mounted flush. as specified in IS: 6005. 4.0 4. Each coat of finishing synthetic enamel paint shall be properly stoved. provided for future mounting of equipment shall be properly blanked off with blanking plate. So the drying shall be completed as soon as components are free from moisture & the drying time should not be clasped. After hot air drying ensure that the component should not have any water content. crevices) air-dry the components to eliminate the remaining water content. Note: The Phosphate coating shall be ‘Class-C’. Cutouts if any. The paint thickness shall not be less than fifty (50) microns. 2011-13:54:39 II Subsequent to pretreatment.3 4.2 Power coating shall be done with light grey (shade-631) colour. relays and recorders etc. the components shall be further processed as follows. January 12. Like wise the top lines of all meters.4 4. which shall have oxygen index not less than 29 and temperature index not less than 250 deg.0 5. Engraved core identification plastic ferrules marked to correspond with panel wiring diagram shall be fitted at both ends of each wire.1 No equipment shall be mounted on the doors. Auxiliary bus wiring for AC and DC supplies. buses shall be divided into two sections to permit two independent supply points. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.6 Longitudinal troughs extending throughout the full length of the panel shall be preferred for inter panel wiring. All wires directly connected to trip circuit breaker or device shall be distinguished by the addition of red coloured unlettered ferrule. The wire numbers shown in the wiring diagram shall be as per IS 305. Insulated sleeves shall be provided on all the wire terminations.5 mm sq. Ferrules shall fit tightly on the wire and shall not fall off when the wire is disconnected from terminal blocks. The minimum size of the stranded copper conductor used for internal wiring shall be as follows a) b) c) All circuits except current transformer circuits and voltage transformer circuits meant for energy metering one of 1. All the equipment connections and cabling shall be designed and arranged to minimise the risk of fire and damage which may be caused by fire. Voltage transformer circuits (for energy metering): Two of 2. The minimum No.7 5. per lead . January 12. When panels are arranged to be located adjacent to each other all inter panel wiring and connections between the panels shall be furnished and the wiring shall be carried out internally. All wiring shall be carried out with 650V grade.3 All internal wiring shall be securely supported. Current transformer circuits one 2.6 4. Copper. Numbers 6 and 9 shall not be included for ferrule purposes. Inter-connections to adjacent panel shall be brought out to a 161 . PANEL INTERNAL WIRING AND OTHER ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT: Panels shall be supplied complete with interconnecting wiring provided between all electrical devices mounted and wired in the panels and between the devices and terminal blocks for the devices to be connected to equipment outside the panels. voltage transformer circuits. Wire termination shall be made with solder less crimping type and tinned copper lugs which firmly grip the conductor and insulation.5 5. of strands per conductor shall be three. 5. stranded copper conductor wires with PVC insulation and shall be low smoke flame retardant grade and vermin and rodent proof. readily accessible and connected to equipment terminals and terminal blocks. These buses shall have a nominal cross section equivalent to a copper diameter of 6 mm and shall be suitably insulated all along their run.5 Sqmm copper. 5. annunciation circuits and other common services shall be provided near the top of the panels running throughout the entire length of the panels. C. 2011-13:54:39 4.Location :: Lucknow. neatly arranged. Wiring gutters & troughs shall be used for this purpose. single core.2 5.5 mm sq.4 5. These adjacent inter panel wiring shall be clearly indicated in the drawing furnished by the Bidder. D.C. Location :: Lucknow. aluminum. The side of the terminal block opposite the wiring duct shall be reserved for the purchaser's external cable connection. At least 20% spare terminals shall be provided on each panel and these spare terminals shall be uniformly distributed on all terminal blocks. January 12.8 .2 6. Arrangements shall permit easy inter-connections to adjacent panels at site and wires for this purposes provided by Bidder shall be looped and bunched properly inside the panel. Terminal block design shall include a white fibre markings strip with clear plastic.5 6. The terminal blocks shall be fully enclosed with easily removable covers and made of moulded. An adjacent terminal block shall also share this field wiring corridor. Also. The terminal blocks shall be arranged to provide maximum accessibility to all conductor terminations. 5. copper.3 6. Arrangement of the terminal block assemblies and the wiring channel within the enclosure shall be such that a row of terminal blocks is run parallel and in close proximity along each side of the wiring duct to provide for convenient attachment of internal panel wiring. preferably vertically mounted on the side of each panel. troughs shall be provided at the top for interconnecting wiring between front and rear section of duplex panels. A steel strip shall be connected between 162 6.5 Sqmm. Unless otherwise specified. slipon/clipon terminal covers. Wiring gutters. 2011-13:54:39 separate set of terminal blocks located near the slots of holes meant for taking the inter-connecting wires. terminal blocks shall be suitable for connecting the following conductor's of purchaser's cables: i) All circuits expect CT and voltage circuits one 2. the clearance between two rows of terminal blocks shall be a minimum of 150 mm.0 6. complete with insulated barriers. iii) AC/DC power supply circuits one of 6 mm sq. Also current transformer secondary leads shall be provided with short circuiting and earthing facilities. moulded piece. Markings on the terminal strips shall correspond to wire number and terminal numbers on the wiring diagrams. Not more than 2 wires shall be connected to any terminal. nuts and lock nuts.6 6. There shall be a minimum clearance of 250 mm between the first row of terminal blocks and the associated cable gland plate or panel side wall as per the terminal block mounting arrangement adopted.1 6. washers.4 6. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. TERMINAL BLOCKS: All internal wiring to be connected to the external equipment shall terminate on terminal blocks. stud type terminals. Terminal blocks for current transformer and voltage transformer secondary leads shall be provided with test links and isolating facilities. Suitable supports shall be provided for the incoming cables. non inflammable plastic material with bases and barriers moulded integrally. Terminal blocks shall be 650 V grade and have 10 amps continuous rating. copper ii) All CT and PT circuits’ minimum of two of 2.7 Bidder shall be solely responsible for the completeness and correctness of the internal wiring and for the proper functioning of the connected equipment.5 mm sq. In case of duplex panels separate set of terminal blocks shall be provided with separate internal cable entries for the front and rear sections.7 6. All relays and other devices shall be clearly marked with manufacturer's name and type. Also on the top of each panel on front as well as rear side large and bold name plates shall be provided for circuit/feeder designation. The name plate inscription and size of name plates and letters shall be submitted to the Purchaser for approval. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. packing glands. 163 7. wiring troughs and gutters etc. "ON-OFF".g. anchor bolts. January 12.Location :: Lucknow.0 . If any switch device does not bear this inscription separate name plate giving its function shall be provided for it. serial number and electrical rating data.5 7. serial numbers and electrical rating data. All necessary cable terminating accessories such as gland plates.).4 7. Each switch shall bear clear inscription identifying its function e.6 8.g. Embedded parts with detailed instructions shall be delivered in time to meet the schedule for insertion in the building structure.2 7. sills. Similar inscription shall also be provided on each device whose function is not other wise identified. Name plates shall be black with white engraving lettering. crimp type tinned copper lugs supporting clamps and brackets. channels and other parts for supporting and fastenings the panels and vibration damper shall be supplied by the Bidder. shall be provided in the interior of each cubicle with ON-OFF switch for connection of hand lamps. "R-Y-B-OFF" etc. for purchaser's cable shall be included in the Bidder's scope of supply NAME PLATES AND MARKINGS: All equipment mounted on front and rear side as well as equipment mounted inside the panels shall be provided with individual name plates with equipment designation engraved. 2011-13:54:39 adjacent terminal block rows at 450 mm intervals for support of incoming cables. "Trip-Neutral-Close". 6.g. These circuit labels shall be larger than the other name plates. kV. All front mounted equipment shall also be provided at the rear with individual name plates engraved with tag numbers corresponding to the one shown in the panel internal wiring to facilitate easy tracing of the wiring. manufacturer's type. Single Phase. 9. SUPPORTING STEEL: All necessary embedded levelling steel.0 9. Switch shall also have clear inscription for each position indication e. 50 Hz AC socket with switch suitable to accept 5 amps and 15 amps pin round standard plug. All wiring shall be provided with adequate support inside the panels to hold them firmly and to enable free and flexible termination without causing strain to terminals. Name plates shall be made of non-rusting metal or 3 ply lamicoid.9 All number and sizes of the purchaser's multicore incoming cable will be furnished to the Bidder after placement of the order.3 7. MW etc. 'BREAKER' '52A'. "SYNCHRONISING" etc.1 MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES: Plug Point: 240 Volts. Each instrument and meter shall be prominently marked with the quantity measured (e.0 7.1 7. All relays and other devices shall be clearly marked with manufacturer's name. A. The name plates shall be mounted directly by the side of the respective equipment and shall not be hidden by the equipment wiring. Heaters shall be complete with isolating switches. of DC and AC supplies for various control.2 164 . Other Accessories: Test link.1 10. When several panels are mounted adjoining each other. However voltage transformer circuits for relaying and metering shall be protected by fuses. Secondary. The fittings shall be complete with switch-fuse unit and switching of the lighting shall be controlled by the respective panel door switch.Location :: Lucknow. Test block covers shall be removable from the front of the panels and shall be provided with suitable sealing arrangement to prevent unauthorized access to the test studs.2 9. The material and the sizes of the bus bar shall be at least 50 x 6 mm GI flat or equivalent copper unless specified otherwise. The size of Owner's earthing grid connections will be furnished later to the Bidder. special terminal boards and other accessories normally required for testing operation and maintenance of all relays and meters shall be furnished by the Bidder. Test Blocks: Switchboard type. HRC fuse on phase and link on the neutral of the heater supply and its switching shall be controlled by a thermostat. Location of earth bus shall ensure no radiation interference for earth systems under various switching conditions of isolators and breakers. Each MCB shall be provided with one potential free contact and the same shall be wired for annunciation purpose. 2011-13:54:39 9. The earth wire or screens should be clearly bonded and earthed at the gland plate. Selection of the main and sub-circuit MCB ratings shall be such as to ensure selective clearance of sub-circuit faults. the earth bus shall be made continuous and necessary connectors and clamps for this purpose shall be included in the scope of supply of Bidder. signaling.0 10.3 9.5 9. If any test plugs are to be used with the test studs. of each type of such test plugs shall be supplied free with the main equipments. Fuse carrier base as well as MCBs shall have imprints of fuse rating and voltage. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The earthing scheme shall be got approved. 50Hz supply for the interior illumination of the panel during maintenance. Necessary terminal clamps and connectors for the purpose shall be included in the scope of supply of Bidder. secondary or to enable short circuiting of the CT. 10. All fuses shall be HRC cartridge type conforming to IS: 13703 mounted on plug in type fuse bases. single phase. 240V. The incoming and sub-circuits shall be separately provided with miniature circuit breakers (MCB). distributing isolating. 50Hz supply shall be provided inside each panel to prevent condensation of moisture on the wiring and panel mounted equipment when the panel is not in operation. back connected semi flush mounting type test blocks with contacts suitably rated shall be provided with links or other devices to enable insertion of a series device into the circuit without causing open circuit in the CT. These shall not be mounted close to the wiring or any panel mounted equipment.6 Interior Lighting : Each panel shall be provided with a energy saving fluorescent lighting fixture rated for 240 Volts. January 12. Switches and Fuses: Each panel shall be provided with necessary arrangements for receiving. Space Heater: Tubular space heaters of adequate capacity and suitable for connection to single phase. Provision shall be made on each earth bus bars of the end panels for connecting Owner's earthing grid. lighting and space heater circuits. EARTHING: All panels shall be equipped with an earth bus securely fixed. MCBs shall confirm to IS : 13947. 6 Nos. Provision shall be made for extending the earth bus bars to future adjoining panels on either side.4 9. 0 11. The detailed earthing scheme shall be submitted for approval. black finished cases and shall be suitable for tropical use. The indicating instruments shall have red marks on the dial corresponding to rated values of the associated primary equipment. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.4 10. METERS. 165 INSTRUMENTS.5 sq. They shall be suitable for flush mounting with only flanges projecting on vertical panel and back connected. The dial shall also be free from parallax error. All indicating instruments and recorders shall be provided with separate individual transducers conforming to Annexure-XI and they shall be calibrated along with transducers to read directly the primary quantities. fading. and discoloring. January 12. However.5 sec. scale and with a dial of 96 mm x 96 mm. Ammeters and current coils of wattmeters and varmeters shall continuously withstand 120% of rated current and 10 times the rated current for 0. capable of being safely handled while the instrument is in service. Such earthing shall be made through links so that earthing may be removed from one group without disturbing continuity of earthing system for other groups.5 10. Instruments dial shall be with white circular scale and black pointer and with black numerals & lettering and knife edge pointers. They shall be accurately adjusted and calibrated at works and shall have means of calibration check and adjustment at site. instruments and other panel mounted equipment shall be connected to the earth bus by independent copper wires of size not less than 2. 2011-13:54:39 10. Indicating Instruments: a) Unless otherwise specified all electrical indicating instruments shall have circular 240 deg. Spring controlled instruments shall be provided with front of board zero adjuster. Their elements shall be shock resistant and shielded from external magnetic fields.Location :: Lucknow. The design of the scales shall be such that it can read to a resolution corresponding to 50% of the accuracy class index.6 11. Looping of earth connections which would result in loss of earth connection to other devices when the loop is broken shall not be permitted.3 All metallic cases of relays. Instrument covers shall be of shadow proof design. looping of earth connections between equipment to provide alternative paths to earth bus shall be provided. RECORDERS & TRANSDUCERS: All instruments. recorders along with transducers and energy meters offered by them are suitable for connecting to the instrument transformers having the technical particulars given in the associated schedule of details of instrument transformers. meters recorders and transducers shall be enclosed in dust proof.5 or better. utilising all available light.2 b) c) d) e) . All accessories including the test switches and test plugs. The colour code of earthing wires shall be green. The bidder shall confirm that the instruments. moisture resistant.1 11. Earthing wire shall be connected on terminals with suitable clamp connectors and soldering shall not be permitted. Instruments shall conform to IS:1248 and shall have accuracy class of 1. The dial shall be free from warping. VT and CT secondary neutral or common lead shall be earthed at one place only at the terminal blocks where they enter the panel. where applicable shall be furnished. 2011-13:54:39 f) g) h) without loss of accuracy.5 and shall have digital display of five (5) and four (4) digits respectively with display size not less than 25 mm (height). Voltmeters and potential coils of wattmeters and varmeters shall withstand 120% of rated voltage for 0. 11.1 Energy Meters: Energy meters shall be static type conforming to IEC:687 and suitable for inter utility EHV bi-directional power flow and for CT/CVT connection. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.2 for active energy and 1 for reactive energy.3. Pulse rate shall be 100 pulses per MWH and 100 pulses per MVARH from to separate devices. The rated voltage drop for the shunts shall be 75 mV.5 seconds without loss of accuracy. DC ammeters shall be provided with external shunt wherever the current exceeds 5 amps. The voltage monitoring of all the three voltages shall be provided. Date and time of VT interruption and restoration shall be automatically stored in non-volatile memory. 166 . All these readings shall be displayed on demand. Meter shall display on demand the energy sentout/received during the previous 15 minute block. Each meter shall have a unique identification code provided by purchaser and shall be marked permanently on the front and also on the non-volatile memory. The active and reactive energy shall be directly computed in CT & VT primary ratings and stored in four different registers of the memory of the meter as MWH(E). The meter shall normally operate with power drawn from VT supplies.Location :: Lucknow. The meter shall have means to test MWH accuracy and for connecting it to time-of-day tariff equipment.5 of this section. Meters shall compute the energy sentout/received from/to the station bus bar during each successive 15 minute block and store in the respective registers. MVARH(E) and MVARH(I) along with a plus sign for export and minus sign for import. Further the meter shall continuously integrate the energy readings of each register upto that time. Synchronising Instruments shall also meet the requirements of Clause 10. MHH(I). The static meter shall have an optical port at the front of the meter for data collection by a hand held device. The necessary software shall be provided to accept the data from DCD and store in memory and on a floppy diskette and also to print the same . The static meter shall have a built-in clock and calendar having an accuracy of atleast 1 minute per month or better. An automatic backup shall be provided by a builtin life time battery and shall not need replacement for atleast ten years with a continuous VT interruption of atleast two years. The power supply to the meter shall be healthy even with a single phase VT supply. The static meter shall carryout measurement of active energy (both import and export) and reactive energy (both import and export) by 3-phase four wire principle suitable for balanced/unbalanced 3-phase load.The meter shall have means to communicate with sub-station monitoring system. January 12. Date/time shall be displayed on demand.3 Metering Instruments: 11. These readings shall be stored for a period of 40 days before being erased. The accuracy of energy measurement shall be 0. Cumulative reading of each register shall be stored in non-volatile memory at the end of each hour of the day starting from 0100 hrs. Digital bus voltage and frequency meter shall be of class 0. The clock shall be synchronised by GPS time synchronising equipment being provided or other time signals. Also. calculation of MAX/MIN frequency. 11. open delta voltage & neutral current. If there are any constraints for one Evaluation unit to accept the data from number of acquisition units under the present scope. It shall have a facility to calculate the fault locator and Transfer the data. phase difference values. reliable hardware. during fault and post fault and time taken for each digital values activated after fault occurred. In case of extension of existing Sub-Station(s). The hard disk capacity of PC shall not be less than 40 GB and RAM capacity shall not be less than 256 MB.4. such processing of input signals shall in no way distort it waveform.4 Disturbance Recorder A. Deleted 11. of analog channel. The acquisition units shall be located in the protection panels of the respective feeders.4.Location :: Lucknow. one set of Evaluation unit shall be supplied for each substation where ever disturbance recorders are specified. January 12.7 The Evaluation unit shall consist of a desktop personal computer (including VGA colour monitor. the disturbance recorder shall have stable software.4.8 Evaluation software shall be provided for the analysis and evaluation of the recorded data made available in the PC under WINDOWS environment. . Any device required for processing of input signals in order to make the signals compatible to the Disturbance recorder equipment shall form an integral part of it.5 The acquisition unit shall be suitable for inputs from Current Transformers with 1A rated secondary Current and Capacitive/Electromagnetic Voltage Transformers with 63. adequate number of Evaluation units shall be supplied. 11.4 Acquisition units shall acquire the fault data for the pre fault and post fault period and transfer them to Evaluation unit automatically to store in the hard disk. 11. 11. 11. Also.2 The Disturbance recorder shall consist of individual acquisition units. 11. simplicity of maintenance and immunity from the effects of the hostile environment of EHV switchyard which are prone to various interference signals typically from large switching transients. mouse and key board) and printer. voltage.4. or as a part of Bay Protection Units and an Evaluation unit which is common for the entire Sub-Station. recording of MAX/MIN values etc. 11.3 Disturbance recorder shall have minimum 8 analog and 40 digital channels for each feeder for distance protection.4.4.6 The equipment shall be carefully screened. The Disturbance recorder shall have a facility to Transfer the Analog values during pre fault.5V (phase to neutral voltage) rated secondary. open or closed position of relay contacts and breakers during the system disturbances and built in feature of Line Distance relay is acceptable and shall be activated in Both Numerical Protections. The desktop PC shall have PentiumIV processor or better and having a clock speed 2GHz or better. The Software features shall include repositioning of analog and digital signals selection and amplification of time and amplitude scales of each analog and digital channel. earthed and protected as may be required for its safe functioning. group of signal to be drawn on the same axis etc. necessary hardware and software shall also be supplied for on line transfer of data from all acquisition units of Evaluation unit.4. 2011-13:54:39 11. listing and numbering of all analog and digital channels and current. frequency and phase difference values at the time of fault/tripping. Whenever. The disturbance 167 . shielded. However. the software should be capable of carrying out Fourier/Harmonic analysis of the current and voltage wave forms. more than one acquisition units are connected to an Evaluation unit.4. For Line B. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.1 Disturbance recorder shall be microprocessor based and shall be used to record the graphic form of instantaneous values of voltage and current in all three phases. DF/DT RELAY OPERATED In Case of Transformer 1. 87 BUSBAR RELAY OPERATED 6. 3. MAIN CB LBB OPERATED 15.4. Evaluation unit and printer shall be switched automatically to the station DC through Inverter of adequate capacity which shall form a part of Disturbance recorder system.10 Disturbance recorder acquisition units shall be suitable to operate from 220V DC as available at Sub-Station Evaluation unit along with the printer shall normally be connected to 230V. HV MAIN CB OPEN HV TIE TIE CB OPEN LV 33 kV CB OPEN 87 T1 LZ DIFF RLY OPERATED 168 . 87HZ / LZ TEED-1/2 OPERATED 14.Location :: Lucknow. SOTF OPERATED 10.9 The Evaluation unit shall be connected to the printer to obtain the graphic form of disturbances whenever desired by the operator. PSB OPERATED 9. TIE CB LBB OPERATED 16. single phase AC supply.4. b) The open delta voltage and neutral current shall be derived either through software or externally by providing necessary auxiliary transformers. MAIN CB A/R OPERATED 7. 67N DEF/TEF RLY OPERATED 21. processor/memory fail etc and same shall be wired to annunciation system. 21 MAIN2 RELAY OPERATED 5. HV MAIN CB OPEN 2. 2011-13:54:39 records shall also be available in COMTRADE format (IEEE standard – Common Format for Transient data Exchange for Power System). 11. 86 GR-A/B RELAY OPERATED 20. January 12. 51 STUB-1/2 OPERATED 13. TIE CB A/R OPERATED 8. 11. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 27 O/V STG-2 OPERATED 12. 21M1 CARRIER RECEIVE 18.11 The acquisition unit shall have the following features. DIRECT TRIP CH-1/2 RECEIVEDTRIP 17. a) Facility shall exist to alarm operator in case of any internal faults in the acquisition units such as power supply fail. HV TIE TIE CB OPEN 3. 21M2 CARRIER RECEIVE 19. 2. 4. In case of failure of AC supply. 11.4. 21 MAIN1 RELAY OPERATED 4. c) The acquisition unit shall be typically used to record the following digital channels: In Case of Line 1. 27 O/V STG-1 OPERATED 11. NDR RLY OPERATED 10. Further. it should be quoted for both Main and backup (for 100% redundancy). 87 T2 HZ DIFF RLY OPERATED 6. if allowed to run with out synchronisation. Any digital signal can be programmed to act as trigger for the acquisition unit.4. 51 O/L RLY OPERATED 9. time generator of any one of the disturbance recorders can be taken as master and time generators of other disturbance recorders and Event loggers in that station shall be synchronized to follow the master. 11.12 The printer shall be compatible with the desktop PC and shall use Plain paper. HV 67 ABCN OPERATED 7.Location :: Lucknow. AT/F NEUTRAL CURRENT TRIP d) If offered as inbuilt feature of Line Distance Relays. minute and second up to 100 th of a second). Voltage signal : Potential free contact The recorder shall give annunciation in case of absence of synchronising pulse within a specified time. above digital channels may be interfaced either externally or internally.14 Sub-Stations where Time Synchronisation Equipment is not available. The print out shall contain the Feeder identity. PRD 1/ 2 TRIP 16. HV 86 GR-A/B RELAY OPTD 11.4. Similarly for Transformer 87 T1 and 87 T2. The clock of the time generator shall be such that the drift is limited to +/.15 The disturbance recorder shall be capable of being triggered by the following user specified quantities : (a) overvoltage and undervoltage (b) overcurrent (c) negative sequence voltage (d) zero sequence voltage 169 . In case DR is inbuilt function of Bay Protection units (BPU) and the SAS is implementing in IEC 61850 Time Synchronization achieved through SNTP network protocol. OIL TEMP HIGH TRIP 13. identity of trigger source and Graphic form of analog and digital signals of all the channels. Ten packets of Z-fold paper (500 sheets in each packet) suitable for printer shall be supplied. Date and time (in hour. In case the disturbance recorder is in-built part of Bay protection Unit.0. Analog channels should have programmable threshold levels for triggers and selection for over or under levels should be possible.5 seconds/day. Disturbance recorder shall have facility to synchronise its time generator from Time Synchronisation Equipment having output of following types. LV 86 GR-A/B RELAY OPTD 12.4.4. 11. January 12. WNDG TEMP HV/IV/LV TRIP 14. 11. LV 67 ABCN OPERATED 8. BUCHHOLZ MAIN/OLTC TRIP 15. 2011-13:54:39 5. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.13 Each disturbance recorder shall have its own time generator. e) f) 11. Test block and switches shall be located immediately below each relay for testing. Bucholz /OLTC Bucholz alarm / trip 5. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. LV breaker status ((Main) 4. 'On-line' type Built-in display unit The display shall be directly in percent of line length or kilometers without requiring any further calculations. during faults and disturbances for the pre fault and post fault period. The testing facilities provided on the relays available at Manufacturer/Supplier works shall be specifically stated in the bid. 2011-13:54:39 (e) overfrequency or underfrequency (f) power swing 11.5 Fault Locator: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Electronic or microprocessor based type. Accuracy for all types for faults and fault levels. HV breaker status (Main) 3. Relays shall be suitable for flush or semi-flush mounting on the front with connections from the rear. All protective relays shall be in draw out or plug-in type / modular cases with proper testing facilities.4. Built in feature of line distance relay is acceptable provided the requirements of above clauses are met. January 12.0 12. dull black or egg shell black enamel painted cases with transparent cover removable from the front.Location :: Lucknow. 87 T2 protection operated 2. Facility for remote data transmission. As an 170 12. Shall meet IEC-255 or any other equivalent internationally recognized standards.The disturbance recorder shall have the facility to record the following external digital channel signals apart from the digital signals pertaining to differential relay.1 RELAYS: All relays shall conform to the requirements of IS: 3231 or other applicable approved standards.2 . 1.16 The transformer relay panel shall have a disturbance recording feature to record graphic form of instantaneous values of current in all three windings in 6 analogue channels for lower voltage transformers. WTI/OTI/PRD alarm/trip of transformer 11.C.17 Necessary hardware and software for down loading the data captured by disturbance recorder to the personal computer available in the substation shall be included in the scope. vii) viii) ix) x) xi) 12. shall have mutual zero sequence compensation unit if fault locator is to be used on double circuit line . Have built in supervision and testing facility. Necessary test plugs shall be supplied loose and shall be included in Bidder's scope of supply. The above accuracy should not be impaired under the following conditions: a) Presence of remote end in feed b) Predominant D. 11. Relays shall be rectangular in shape and shall have dust tight.4. component in fault current c) High fault ARC resistance d) Severe PT transients e) Magnitude of line loading before occurrence of faults. Short time delays in terms of milli seconds may be obtained by using copper slugs on auxiliary relays.8 12. Provision shall be made for easy isolation of trip circuits of each relay for the purpose oftesting and maintenance. if any shall be done at the terminals on the casing of the relay. relays shall be suitable for operation at 50 Hz. subject to Owner's approval. Pneumatic timers are not acceptable. No control relay which shall trip the power circuits breaker when the relay is de-energised shall be employed in the circuits. rms voltage for one second. and also required for the complete protection schemes described in the specification shall be provided. All relays shall withstand a test voltage of 2.12 shall be applicable.5 KV. In such case it shall be ensured that the continuous rating of the relay is not affected.3 12.Location :: Lucknow. temperature protection. lockout relay monitoring circuits etc. Relay case size shall be so chosen as not to introduce any limitations on the use of available contacts on the relay due to in-adequacy of terminals. Voltage operated relays shall have adequate thermal capacity for continuous operation. Voltage operated relays shall be suitable for 110 Volts or 110//3 VT secondaries and current operated relays for 1 Amp CT secondaries as specified in this specification.6 12. The protective relays shall be suitable for efficient and reliable operation of the protection scheme described in the specification. All protective relays which do not have built-in-hand reset operation indicators shall have additional auxiliary relays with operating indicators for this purpose.C. The Owner reserves the right for accepting any one of the above two testing facilities. auxiliary relays and timers except the lock out relays and interlocking relays specified shall be provided with self-reset type contacts. fire protection etc. All protective relays and timers shall be provided with externally hand reset positive action operation indicators. Relay cases shall have adequate number of terminals for making potential free external connections to the relay coils and contacts including spare contacts.7 12.C. A. The above tests shall be carried out without short circuiting the CT secondary connections. Paralleling of contacts. provided with inscription.5 12. Auxiliary relays and timers shall have pairs of contacts as required to complete the scheme. All A.9 alternative to test block and test plug arrangements the Bidder shall also quote alternative testing facility of protective relays by providing push button which when pressed connects the testing equipment to the relay coils and injects current in the coil and automatically disconnects the trip circuits and on operation of relay gives a signal that the equipment and the circuits are healthy. 171 . Timers shall be of the electromagnetic or solid state type. 50 Hz. In case of static relays the Clause 13. and shall operate satisfactorily between 80% and 110% of rated voltage. contacts shall be silver faced with spring action. 2011-13:54:39 12. Unless otherwise specified all auxiliary relays and timers shall be supplied in non-draw out cases/plug in type modular cases. All protective relays shall be provided with at least two pairs of potential free isolated output contacts. Necessary auxiliary relays and timers required for interlocking schemes for multiplying of contacts to suit contact duties of protective relays and monitoring of control supplies and circuits. January 12. All protective relays.4 12. DC auxiliary relays and timers shall be designed for the DC voltage specified. Similar separate operating indicator (auxiliary relays) shall also be provided in the trip circuits of protections located outside the board such as bucholz relays. Time delay in terms of milli seconds obtained by the external capacitor resistor combination is not acceptable. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. All relays shall be self reset type unless otherwise specified. 12. contacts should close to initiate annunciations. if any.e. All devices required for correct operation of each relay shall be provided by Bidder without any extra cost. All connections with the connector pegs shall be through wire wrapping.C.Location :: Lucknow. Provision of DC cells in the protective relays as reliable standby power supply will however not be acceptable.10 Auxiliary seal-in-units provided on the protective relays shall preferably be of shunt reinforcement type. 12. Supply voltage is minimum. in CT & VT connections due to extraneous sources do not cause damage to static circuits. Impedance of the seal-in-unit shall be small enough to permit satisfactory operation of the trip coil on trip relays when the D. disturbance tests. IEC 255-4 regarding impulse test at 5 KV and fast transient test as per IEC 801-4. The relays must withstand the requirements of IEC 255-4 appendix-E Class III regarding H. The resistors shall be of carbon composition or metal oxide type and the capacitors shall be plastic film or tantalum type. DC/DC converter shall be provided in the solid state protective relay wherever necessary in order to provide a stable auxiliary supply for relay operation. b) Seal-in-unit shall obtain adequate current for operation when one or more relays operate simultaneously. The type of relay case size offered shall not create any restrictions on the availability of the contact terminals for wiring connections. 2011-13:54:39 12. that Bidder proposes to use which differ from specified requirements. special requirements. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 172 . for DC input arrangement or cabling considered necessary for satisfactory operation of solid state relays quoted by him. Insulation barriers shall be provided to ensure that transients present.11 All protective relays and alarm relays shall be provided with one extra isolated pair of contacts wired to terminals exclusively for Owner's use.12 Wherever solid state relays are used the following requirements shall be met with: a) The printed circuit cards shall be of fibreglass type and the contact shall be gold plated. if any.F. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Stringent measures including shielding of long internal wiring should be taken to make relays immune to voltage spikes. The Bidder shall ensure that the terminals of the contacts of the relays are readily brought out for connections as required in the final approved scheme. The Bidder shall state clearly in his bid. All relays shall be designed for satisfactory performance under tropical and humid conditions specified under Volume-II Annexure . The components shall be "adequately rated to carry twice the normal expected loads".C. All solder joints on the printed circuit boards shall be encapsulated or covered with varnish. All relay contacts used for remote annunciation shall be making type i. The solid state relays shall be stable and suitably protected against transient/induced over voltages and noise signals. Special mention shall be made in the technical deviations schedule of the bid for those relays. If series relays are used the following shall be strictly ensured: The operating time of the series seal-in-unit shall be sufficiently shorter than that of the trip coil or trip relay in series with which it operates to ensure definite operation of the flag indicator of the relay. January 12. Safety equipment such as protection cover and interlocks shall be provided.1 Self reset auxiliary/monitoring voltages relays for specified D. The Bidder shall be responsible to ensure that the monitoring relay ratings are such that they shall positively pick-up through the breaker coils/lockout relay coils monitored. Should have sufficient configurable LEDs for main relay and for annunciation of backup relays & BCPUs. Numerical relays are provided with built in Event / Disturbance / Fault Recorder features. All Protection Relays shall be of Numerical relays.. The following information / confirmation shall also be furnished in the bid. Shall be communicable on IEC61850 protocol without any protocol converter. and for monitoring of control supplied and circuit. Voltage shall be provided for use in the interlocking schemes for multiplication of contacts. Ground terminals with isolating links shall be provided where required. Appropriate indications shall be available to enable speedy internal fault location. 2011-13:54:39 h) i) j) k) l) 12. Monitoring relays for lockout relay circuit shall be connected in series with lockout relay coils. The bidder shall bring out in the bid that the Numerical relays providing different protection features / application in a single unit if any one of the application/feature goes out of service the other feature/application (s) will remain un-effected. ii) iii) 13.0 AUXILIARY MONITORING RELAYS 13. All Numerical Relays should have following minimum features. All components shall be clearly and unambiguously marked and complete wiring shall be column coded and tagged wires only in flat ribbon cable will be exempt from tagging. Goose messaging. 173 . All components shall be readily accessible for easy disassembly and replacement. The Bidder shall include in the bid a list of installations where the relays quoted have been in satisfactory operation. I/Os shall be configurable. KEMA certificate confirming interoperability. Shall have front minimum 4 lines LCD display with Alpha numeric key pad. Equipment shall use solid state components and integrated circuits of latest design/techniques. Screw clamp terminals shall be provided for interconnection with relaying equipment. but the breakers/lockout relays shall not operate with such a connection.Location :: Lucknow. rear FO port for connectivity to SAS over IEC61850 protocol. The design shall permit rapid and positive recognition of defects and facilitate easy repair. front RJ45 or RS 232 or USB port for Local Relay setting/ Parameterization and one No. Should have sufficient Binary Inputs and Binary Outputs for 132 KV & 33 KV system.13 i) All equipment shall be of modular construction and the modules as a subunits shall be of plug in type for easy replacement. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Readily accessible and clearly marked test prints shall be provided at all important points in the circuit. Shall have one no. It shall be possible to test the protection channels with the equipment fully operational without rendering the equipment ineffective for genuine signals.1. as per IEC61850 standard shall be submitted along with the Bid.C. January 12. January 12. The relay shall have a 'time delay on drop-off' of not less than 100 milliseconds and be provided with operation indicator/flag.6 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROTECTIONS: The protection. Indicating lamps to act in conjunction with trip circuit supervision relays for healthy trip indication of 2 sets of trip coils shall be supplied wherever called for.C. Trip circuit supervision relay shall be provided for each pole of breaker for each DC source. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Necessary external resistors for trip circuit supervision relays shall be supplied. 13.1. ii) have adequate hand resetting type contacts. supply to which it is connected. operated v) Be provided with operation indicators for each element/coil. Otherwise.2 The supply and circuit monitoring relay shall be connected to initiate an alarm upon failure of respective supply circuit.C.4 High Speed Tripping Relay i) be instantaneous (operating time not to exceed 10 milli seconds). The scheme shall continuously monitor the trip circuit both before closing and after closing of the breaker. It shall have adequate potential free contacts to meet the scheme requirement. The re-setting time shall be within 20 milli seconds for self-resetting relays. Supply Supervision Relay: The relay shall be capable of monitoring the failure of d. which drop when the relay is de-energized. an indicating lamp shall be provided with each monitoring relay for indication of its operation. The relays shall have necessary contacts to be connected to either the alarm bell or to the annunciator available in the control panel for visual and audible indication of the failure of trip circuit and for connection to event logger.2 TRIP CIRCUIT SUPERVISION RELAYS The trip circuit shall be supervised by means of relays. preferably operated by push-button where used in bus bar protection. 13. 13. They shall preferably have reverse flags. 174 . iii) have necessary supervisory relays iv) be D.3 D.Location :: Lucknow. Also 2 Nos. 13. The relay shall have time delay on drop off of not less than 200 milli seconds and be provided with operation indications for each phase. auxiliary relay and timers that are required to be provided and included in the list of equipment and the detailed description of each protection and the associated equipment are described below: The setting ranges of the equipment offered. 2011-13:54:39 13. The Bidder shall quote the protection equipment meeting the following requirements. 13.5 FLAG REALAYS: They shall have a) Hand reset flag indication b) Two elements c) Have necessary NO/NC contacts for each element/coil to meet scheme requirements and other functions like event logger. The scheme shall detect (i) Failure of trip supply to trip coil of each phase (ii) Open circuit of trip circuit wiring and (iii) Failure of mechanism to complete the tripping operation. disturbance recorders etc. if different from the ones specified shall also be acceptable if they meet the functional requirements.c. 1 Line protection for 132 KV Lines. The power supply unit if provided as an integral part of relay scheme shall be fully rated with liberal design in capacity. 2011-13:54:39 The Bidder may also quote any alternative/additional protections or relays considered necessary by him for providing complete effective and reliable protection. Relay shall have continuous self monitoring & diagnostic feature in both Main & Backup Distance Protection relays. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The sampling rate of analogue inputs. January 12. DC supply. Insulation barriers shall be provided to ensure that transients present in CT & VT connections due to extraneous sources do not cause damage to static circuits. analogue and digital filters. 14. The circuits must comply with IEC recommendation for impulse withstand values. Directional earth fault feature shall be available in both Main and backup protection relays. The DC supply for solid state relay shall be from DC/DC converters and these shall be amply & fully rated for all operating conditions in service. selectivity and full sensitivity to all type of faults on lines. The following protections shall be provided for each of the 132 KV Transmission Lines. The Protective Relays shall be suitable for use with capacitor voltage transformers having non-electronic damping and transient response as per IEC. The acceptance of this alternative/additional equipment shall lie with the Owner.Location :: Lucknow. event recorder . Adequate measures shall be taken to ensure that equipment is protected against voltage spikes occurring in Aux. The general concept is to have primary & back up protection having equal performance requirement specially in respect of time as provided by Main protection called Main and Backup Protection. Disturbance recorder. 14. The maximum fault current could be high as 31. processing units A/D and D/A converters. A1) Numerical protection: i) The numerical distance protection shall have all the functional and operational requirements as given for the distance protection scheme specified hereinafter. DC supply modules etc. These equipment shall be quoted separately as an alternative/addition to the main offer stating the price separately. The scheme shall have input transformation modules. It should be ensured that there is no additional delay in relay operating time created intentionally to have stable operation. The starting & measuring relays characteristics should work satisfactorily under these extremely varying conditions.5 KA near power station but the minimum fault current could be as low as 20% of rated current.0 TRANSMISSION LINE PROTECTION: The Line Protection Relays are required to protect the line and clear the faults on line within shortest possible time with reliability. and distance to fault locator relay function as an integral part of line protection relay and meeting the specification requirements as per relevant clauses of these equipment shall also be acceptable. the processing speed 175 ii) . 21 Main: Backup: Numerical Distance Protection Scheme (with backup IDMT Earth Fault Protection) Numerical Directional O/C & E/F Scheme (built-in of BCU is accepted) Suitable for use with permissive under-reach and over reach transfer tripping. vii) Have two independent continuously variable time setting range of 0-2 seconds for zone-2 and for zone-3. and all the relays. The relay shall have an adjustable characteristic angle setting range of 30 deg.Location :: Lucknow. iii) The offered scheme shall have continuous self monitoring and cyclical test facilities. shall be provided. ii) have high speed non switched distance relays for three phase systems to clear all type of line faults within the set reach of the relay. devices etc. v) a) Have stepped time distance characteristics and shall have at least two directional and one non-directional independently variable time graded distance protection zones to cover two adjacent line sections. viii) Be selective between internal and external faults. under-voltage relays may also be used as supplementary relays. b) The reach of the relay for zones 1. Display on demand of various measured parameters. ix) incorporate three separate high speed trip relays for single phase faults and a fourth high speed trip relay for multi-phase faults. Each of 176 . relay identification. it shall be possible to have polygonal/circular characteristics or offset mho type or lens shape characteristics. Memory circuits with defined characteristics shall be provided in all three phases to ensure correct operation during close-up 3 phase faults and other adverse conditions. (or) shall have independent resistance (R) and reactance (X) setting. clock. Have a continuously variable ohmic range of 1-80 ohms. c) Accuracy of better than or equal to 5% of set value for reach measurement in Zone-I and better than or equal to 10% of set value for Zone –II & Zone . Zone switching to extend the reach of the measuring elements is not allowed. The reach of each zone shall be independently & individually adjustable and shall have setting in steps of 1%. Have 6 nonswitched measuring elements for each zone of protection (3 for Phase/ Phase faults and 3 for Phase /E faults). iv) The relay equipment’s shall measure all type of faults without the need to switch the measuring elements to the faulty phase or phases. alarms. should be able to cover line lengths as per Clause (iii) above.III. during normal as well as fault conditions on individual phase basis shall be provided. d) Accuracy of better than or equal to 5 % of set value for time measurement of zone-II & zone – III. 2 & 3. If so characterised by system requirements. settings etc. If the characteristics of starting relays are such that it cannot pick-up because of very low infeed. January 12. 2011-13:54:39 A2) and processing cycle of digital values shall be selected so as to achieve the operating time specified. vi) Shall ensure that this long coverage is consistent with limitations imposed by heavy loading and sound phase component of fault current. iv) The Bidder shall be responsible for complete engineering of the carrier aided protection scheme. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. iii) Have at least 3 starting directional impedance relays for multi-phase faults and for phase to ground faults. Distance Protection Scheme: i) be modular in construction. The clock of this system shall be synchronised through time synchronising system wherever it is available. to 85 deg. Operation of the scheme shall be immune to the presence of DC transients during fault condition in the voltage/current inputs to the relays. wherever considered necessary to install out of step tripping relays to isolate the affected system from the rest of the system. Include continuous DC supply supervision.g. vii) Incase of 132 KV Transformers it shall be suitable for three phase two winding transformer (have Two bias windings per phase). Include fuse failure protection which shall a) Monitor all the three fuses of P. 15. These trip relays shall conform to Cl. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. d) Block tripping during power swing conditions. Have built in supervision and testing facility. d) Remain inoperative for system earth faults e) Be of solid state type or built in numeric/static distance relay. f) It shall be possible to select the power swing blocking in Zone 1. Provision shall also be incorporated. c) Have an operating time less than 7 milli seconds. iii) have three instantaneous high set over current units. 2 or 3 or any combination of the zones.Location :: Lucknow. viii) have an operating current setting of 15% or less. January 12. use of timers to block relay operation or using disc operated Relays.14. b) Inhibit trip circuits on operation and initiate annunciation. 2011-13:54:39 x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) xvii) these shall have adequate contacts to meet the complete scheme requirement. 177 15. b) Have suitable setting range to encircle the distance protection described above. e) Be of solid state type or built in numeric/static distance relay. Include power swing blocking protection which shall a) Be of triple pole type . v) be suitable for rated current of 1 Ampere. f) Shall have sufficient number of contacts. c) Have a continuously adjustable time delay on pick up of setting range 0-2 seconds.4 of Section Technical of Volume-III but with self reset type contacts.1 . one for alarm and others for blocking the tripping.T. vi) have second harmonic restraint feature and fifth harmonic by-pass/restraint feature and also be stable under normal over fluxing conditions. The relay shall have indicators to show the phase or phases involved in a fault and the zone in which the scheme has operated. and associated cable against open circuit. Suitable number of potential free contacts. Magnetising inrush proof feature shall not be achieved through any intentional time delay e. ii) have an operating time not greater than 30 milli seconds at 5 times setting.0 POWER TRANSFORMER PROTECTION: Transformer details 132KV Transformer Capacity: 20 MVA Numerical Transformer Differential protection (87 T1) i) be triple pole high speed percentage biased differential type. iv) have an adjustable bias setting range of 20-50% . . shall be numerical and using conventional CTs. have a characteristic angle of 45 deg. iii) 3 Nos. 15. side shall be provided. ii) Shall have necessary VT fuse fail relay for alarm purpose. Directional E/F relay for I. g) Accepted as inbuilt feature of offered BCU Transformer over load Protection Relay on 132 KV side i) be single pole type. side & one no. have a variable setting range of 50-200% of rated current with adjustable time multiplier settings. low transient over reach.V.Location :: Lucknow.2 15. Directional E/F relay for H. Both the inverse and high set relays shall be directional e) include hand reset flag indicators or LEDs. ii) be of definite time over current type and built in feature with differential relay(87T1) or 67HV shall also be acceptable (alarm only). Directional O/C relays for IV side shall be provided. 67 T HV (P+N) i) Shall have three over current and one earth fault element(s) which shall be either independent or composite unit(s). Both the inverse and high set relays shall be directional. iii) have a continuously adjustable setting range of 50-200% 178 . b) have IDMT characteristic with a definite minimum time of 3 seconds at 10times setting c) have an adjustable setting range of 20-80% of rated current with adjustable time multiplier settings d) have a characteristic angle of 45/60 deg. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.. have features to provide stability under over excited conditions. interposing CTs.3 Numerical Back up Directional over current and Earth Fault Protection Relay with high set feature (Inbuilt of BCU is accepted) : I. In case of Numerical relays this shall be taken care i. include hand reset flag indicators or LEDs per phase. high set instantaneous unit of continuously variable setting range500-2000% of rated current. angle and ratio correction. with lead feature a directional controlled. shall have disturbance recording feature to record graphic for instantaneous values of current in all three ways. lag a directional controlled. high set instantaneous unit of continuously variable setting range 200-800% of rated current. f) Shall be numerical type. 2011-13:54:39 ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) the relay must be stable on heavy through faults. Accepted as inbuilt feature of offered BCU v) Directional Earth Fault relay shall -a) One No. Include necessary separate interposing CTs for angle and ratio correction or have internal features in the relay to take care of angle and ratio correction. be immune to magnetising in-rush current. January 12.V. Directional O/C relays for HV side and 3 Nos. low transient over reach. Shall be numerical type. iv) Directional over current relay shall -be triple pole type have IDMT characteristic with a definite minimum time of 3 sec.e. at10 times setting. Master trip relay for transformer: Transformer relay panel shall be provided with two sets of master trip relays to trip the circuit breakers through the two separate D. all special cables and processing equipment etc. Equipment shall give real time corresponding to IST (taking into consideration all factors like voltage. DAS and optional trip facility to be connected by purchaser where needed. vii) The equipment shall have a periodic time correction facility of one second periodicity. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Operating time of master trip relay shall be less than 10 ms. The relay shall have adequate number of contacts as will be required for the scheme.0 TIME SYNCHRONISATION i) The Time synchronisation equipment shall receive the coordinated Universal Time (UTC) transmitted through Geo Positioning Satellite System (GPS) and synchronise equipments to the Indian Standard Time in a substation. second. and L. sources. January 12. Disturbance recorders and SCADA at a substation through individual port or through Ethernet realised through optic fibre bus. xi) The equipment shall also have real time display in hour. iv) Equipment shall operate up to the ambient temperature of 50 degree centigrade and 100% humidity. v) The synchronisation equipment shall have 2 micro second accuracy. The equipment shall have periodic time correction facility of one second periodicity. ii) Time synchronisation equipment shall include antenna. minute.V. Provide sufficient number of potential free contacts to cater the needs of connection to alarm annunciation. 179 . & temperature variations.Location :: Lucknow. 16.C.V. mili seconds. 100 mm height. The master trip relay shall be wired up to inter-trip both the H. including communication time for satellite link to achieve real time signal. viii) Time synchronisation equipment shall be suitable to operate from 220V DC supply available at the sub-station with voltage variation of + 10% and -15%. iii) It shall be compatible for synchronisation of Event Loggers. be acceptable HV T/F Over Load Alarm is inbuilt feature of 87 T1. vi) Equipment shall meet the requirement of IEC 60255 for storage & operation. 2011-13:54:39 iv) v) vi) vii) 15. propagation & processing delays etc). (24 hours mode) and shall have a separate time display unit to be mounted on the top of control panels having display size of approximately 144 mm height. x) The cable connecting Antenna and Time Synchronising unit should be run through HDPE pipe or GI pipe from the location of Antenna fixing to Time Synchronising panel with suitable fixtures and no provision to enter rain water and should not be affected by atmospheric conditions. circuit breakers. second (24 hour mode) & have a separate time display unit to be mounted on the top of control panels having display size of approx. minute. ix) Equipment shall have real time digital display in hour.4 have a drop off/pick up ratio greater than 95% have separately adjustable time delay relays for alarm having a setting range of 1to 10 seconds continuously. The prices of individual items shall be given. 2011-13:54:39 17. The detailed Bill of Materials for Mandatory spares are also given.2 of this Section shall be submitted along with the Bid. January 12. Unit price of all equipment 180 . 19.0 RELAY TEST KIT: Deleted 18. Relay & Protection panels is listed in Annexures.21. The details of each equipment and instrument shall also be furnished.Location :: Lucknow.0 TESTING INSTRUMENTS: A list of all instruments and equipments recommended for testing and of the meters and those required for commissioning of C&R Panels specified other than those specified in Clause No. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.0 LIST OF EQUIPMENTS: The detailed Bill of Materials to be provided in the various Control. The Bidder shall give a complete list of equipment provided in each panel as called for in Schedule-G. Schedule of Bill of Materials. This will not be considered for evaluation. However purchaser reserves the right to order for the items and quantities at his discretion at the rates quoted in the bid. in his proposal. v) Verification of wiring as per approved schematic. specifically state the details of testing facilities available at his own at his principals works. meters. Type testing of the relays shall be carried out based on general guide lines specified in CIGRE committee 34 report on simulator/Network Analyser /PTL for all relays offered including disturbance recorder. Six (6) certified copies of tests reports of the type and routine tests on the Relay panels as per the relevant standards shall be submitted by the Bidder along with the Bid. 20. along with the total list of numeric. indicating instruments & cables etc. iii) High voltage test/Insulator Resistance Test. as per relevant Indian Standards/IEC Standard. He shall however substantiate his reasons for such additional equipment in his bid proposal. v) Bidder shall furnish the QA document package in duplicate as per general terms & condition which shall include but not be limited to following: a) Details of Inspection/Tests/Checks carried out as per agreed QP for main equipment. iv) UPPTCL reserves the right to carry out Quality Audit on quality management & manufacturing systems & procedures etc. January 12. iv) Electrical control. The Bidder shall. 2011-13:54:39 as listed in separate Annexure shall also be furnished along with the bid.Location :: Lucknow. ii) Verification of degree of protection as per IS:2147.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE. Disturbance recorder & event logger etc. Bidder shall carry out Burn out test at the variable voltages to prove the performance of Event logger/Disturbance recorder. 181 21. 2 Bidder shall carry out H. static and electromagnetic relays covered by the QP. interlock & sequential operation test. iii) Bidder shall submit the Quality Plan for Bought Out items/imported items etc. b) Routine test & type test on all associated equipment including disturbance recorder & event recorders. Impulse test and fast transient test (as per IEC 801-4) on principal numerical/static relays (of each type).0 3 4 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The Bidder shall clearly state any additional equipment found necessary to give a complete and comprehensive offer. The control and relay panels shall be completely assembled and subjected to the various type and routine and acceptance tests as per the relevant standards and respective equipment sections in the presence of the purchaser's representative if desired by the purchaser. ii) One control copy of quality manual will be submitted within one month of Letter of Award. fault locator and event logger shall meet fast transmit level-III as per IEC-255-22-4 & IEC-1000. as per relevant standards besides others as specified elsewhere in this specification. TESTS: The equipment offered shall be fully type tested as per the relevant standards. 1 Control & Relay Panel shall also be subjected to following tests: i) Mechanical operation Test. Bidder shall carry out type tests on all principal relays fault locators. in UPPTCL format. INSPECTION AND TESTING: i) The Bidder shall finalise with UPPTCL the quality plan for manufacturing activities in UPPTCL format within 60days of Letter of Award.F. Disturbance test. All equipments shall however be suitable for installation in a tropical monsoon area having hot. performance and accuracy test as per IEC 60255 * Steady state Characteristics and operating time * Dynamic Characteristics and operating time for distance protection relays and current differential protection relays * For Disturbance recorder and Event logger only performance tests are intended under this item. 2011-13:54:39 22. a) Insulation tests as per IEC 60255-5 b) High frequency disturbance test as per IEC 60255-4 (Appendix -E) Class III (not applicable for electromechanical relays) c) Fast transient test as per IEC 1000-4. varmin and other harmful effects due to tropical environment. TYPE TESTS 24.0 23.2 Steady state & Dynamic characteristics test reports on the distance protection relays. All control wiring. Single source dynamic tests on transformer differential relay shall be/ should have been conducted based on general guidelines specified in CIGRE committee 34 report on Evaluation of characteristics and performance of Power system protection relays and protective systems. 25. TROPICALISATION: Control room will be normally air-cooled/air-conditioned. January 12.0 STANDARDS: The design. BS:142 IS: 1248 & Indicating Instruments BS: 89 IS: 2419 IS: 6236 Recorders BS: 90 IS: 722 Energy Meters BS: 37/IEC-521 (Part-I to 182 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.0 24. Alternatively. the files generated using Electromagnetic transient Programme (EMTP) can also be used for carrying out the above tests. humid climate and dry and dusty seasons with ambient conditions specified in the specification. Disturbance recorder and Event Logger. Fault locator. Level III(not applicable for electromechanical relays) d) Relay characteristics. e) Tests for thermal and mechanical requirements as per IEC 60255-6 f) Tests for rated burden as per IEC 60255-6 g) Contact performance test as per IEC 60255-0-20 (not applicable for Event logger. Distance to fault locator and Disturbance recorder) 24.1 The reports for following type tests shall be submitted by the bidder for the Protective relays. equipment and accessories shall be protected against fungus growth. manufacture and performance of all the equipment and material provided under this specification shall generally conform to the latest issues of the following:Indian Title International & Standard Internationally Recognized standards IS: 3231 Electrical Relays for Power system IEC-255 Protection Part 1 to 3.Location :: Lucknow.0 FIRE PROTECTION: All equipment connections and cabling should be designed and arranged to minimise the risk of fire and damage which may be caused by fire. condensation. as type test. shall be based on test programme on simulator/network analyser/PTL. Pub Generator Transformers and 220kV & No.274 400kV network CBIP Manual on Reliable fault clearance Pub No: and Back up protection of EHV & 296 UHV Transmission Networks IEC 60870 Communication Protocol IEC 61850 Substation Automation Protocol IEC: 337 & 337-1 IEC: 185 IEC-186 BS: 142 IEC-255 Part-V & VI. (Part-I & Electrical Relays & Electrical Power II) System Protection IS: 2705 Current Transformers IS: 3156 Voltage Transformers IS: 375 Marking & Arrangements for Switchgear. IS: 3842 Application guide for Protective (Part-I to Relays VIII) IS: 4483 Preferred Panel Controls and (Part-I & Dimensions II) IS: 9224 HRC Cartridge fuse links (Part-II) IS: 2147 Degrees of Protection provided by enclosures for LV switchgear and control gear IS: 6005 Code of Practice for Phosphating Iron and Steel IS: 8686 Specification for static protective relays & tests IS: 4237 General requirement of switchgear and control gear for voltages not excluding 1.Location :: Lucknow. January 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Main connection and Auxiliary wiring IS: 5 Colours for ready mixed paints and channels stability tests IS: 1554 PVC insulated cables upto and (Part) including 1000 Volts. 2011-13:54:39 IX) IS: 6875 Control Switches (LV switching devices for Control and Auxiliary circuits) IS: 1885 Electro-Technical Vocabulary. Busbar. IEC-801-4 IEC 60870 IEC 61850 183 .1 kV IS: 5578 Guide for marking of insulated conductors IS: 11353 Guide for uniform system of marking and identification of conductor & apparatus terminals IS: 13010 Energy Meters CBIP Manual on Protection of Generators. 3 Pos.25)  . 2011-13:54:39 1.Scheme Communication  . Item Description Simplex Panel (Powder coated). 1 6. 132 KV FEEDER BAY Sl. 1 7. polyphase meter.Power Swing Detection  -Week end infeed  -Broken Conductor check  .THREE Phase Tripping  .Monitoring  .Auto Recloser Line Distance protection relay as per IEC 61850 protocol with Quadrilateral characteristics with following features:  .Event Recorder (RDRE)  . 3 Phase.Disturbance Recorder(RDRE)  .Disturbance Recorder  . with KWH (Import & Export). suitable for unbalanced loads. 10.Residual O/C protection  .Event Recorder  -LBB (Breaker failure protection) Numerical relay relay type as per IEC 61850 protocol with following functions:  Directional O/C & E/F protection DELETED DC Supply supervision relay Trip circuit supervision relay Three phase trip relay with Supervision and Reset push button 184 Qty (Set / No) 1 2.Synchrocheck & Energising  Check(RSYN. 1 3. KVARH (Import & Export). Lead & Lagging VAR SCADA Compatible and with standard parameter. 4. Pistol Grip Handle.94)  . Accuracy: 0.Tripping Logic  . 2 6 Set 1 .Tripping Logic(PTRC.Fuse fail supervision  . No 1.Location :: Lucknow.Metering  .Fault Locator  . 9. 3 element. 1 8.2. BILL OF MATERIALS FOR 1 NO.Two Step Over voltage  Protection  . Panel Dimension : As per design of original Manufacturer Metering: ABT Compliant Trivector meter. 11. 1 1 5. January 12. 10Ways Protection Numerical Bay Control unit with MIMIC with the following functions:  . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 4 wire. Test terminal block Control & Indication Control Switch for CB Type: Spring Return with LMD.Automatic Switch on to fault  . 94)  . 4. Contact multiplication & lock out relay Panel Accessories Mounted inside:  1 no.Auto Recloser Qty (Set / No) 1 2. KVARH (Import & Export).2. Test terminal block Control & Indication Control Switch for CB Type: Spring Return with LMD. 2(one each for HV & MV) 185 . Item Description Simplex Panel (Powder coated). 3 pin 15A socket with ON/OFF switch  1 no. 3 Pos.Metering  . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 4 wire. suitable for unbalanced loads. with KWH (Import & Export).Event Recorder (RDRE)  . Space heater with switch  1 no. 3 Phase. Auxiliary flag relays. January 12.Disturbance Recorder(RDRE)  .Monitoring  .25)  . Pistol Grip Handle. No 1. 2 3.Tripping Logic(PTRC. Illumination lamp with ON/OFF switch  1 no. 10Ways Protection Numerical Bay Control unit with MIMIC with the following functions:  . 14. 2011-13:54:39 12. Accuracy: 0. 3 element. BILL OF MATERIALS FOR 1 NO. 2 1 5. Lead & Lagging VAR SCADA Compatible and with standard parameter.Synchrocheck & Energising  Check(RSYN. 20 MVA TRANSFORMER BAY 2 Set 1 1 Sl. Earth Bus  1 set Terminal Blocks 2. 13. polyphase meter. Panel Dimension : As per design of original Manufacturer Metering ABT compliant Trivector meter.Location :: Lucknow. No 1. Numerical relay with following functions:  Directional O/C & E/F protection DELETED Auxiliary relays for bucholtz trip/alarm. 10.Event Recorder . Numerical relay with following features:  Two winding differential  . 8. 15. 16.Non Directional O/C & E/F protection DELETED 1 7. 13.Location :: Lucknow.Disturbance Recorder  -LBB(Breaker failure protection) For 33KV 1 No.Tripping Logic  . 132 KV BUS COUPLER BAY Sl. Item Description Simplex Panel (Powder coated). Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.Disturbance Recorder  .Metering  . for HV & LV other annunciation relay Trip circuit supervision relay DC supply supervision relay High Speed trip relays Panel Accessories Mounted inside:  1 no. high trip/ alarm etc. BILL OF MATERIALS FOR 1 NO.Over load Protection  . 11. 14. 3 pin 15A socket with ON/OFF switch  1 no.Tripping Logic  . January 12. Illumination lamp with ON/OFF switch  1 no. 12.Monitoring  . 9.Numerical Bay Control & Protection unit without MIMIC with the following functions shall be provided in the same panel.  . 2011-13:54:39 6.. winding temp. Earth Bus  1 set Terminal Blocks 3 5 8 2 Set 1 1 3. Panel Dimension : As per design of original Manufacturer Metering: Qty (Set / No) 1 186 . Space heater with switch  1 no. 25)  . Test terminal block Control & Indication Control Switch for CB Type: Spring Return with LMD.( LBB) DELETED Trip circuit supervision relay DC supply supervision relay Trip lock out relays High speed tripping Panel Accessories Mounted inside:  1 no. KVARH (Import & Export). 3 pin 15A socket with ON/OFF switch  1 no. 8.Monitoring  . Accuracy: 0. suitable for unbalanced loads.Tripping Logic(PTRC. 3 Phase. 132 KV SPARE FEEDER BAY Sl.Synchrocheck & Energising  Check(RSYN. 12.Event Recorder (RDRE) Numerical relay for Non directional O/C & E/F protection with built in breaker failure protection. KVARH (Import & Export). 5. 1 . 4 wire. No 1.Location :: Lucknow. January 12. Space heater with switch  1 no. Item Description Simplex Panel (Powder coated). ABT compliant Trivector meter. with KWH (Import & Export). polyphase meter. 7. 3 Pos. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. polyphase meter.94)  . Test terminal block Control & Indication 187 Qty (Set / No) 1 2.2. Lead & Lagging VAR SCADA Compatible and with standard parameter.Disturbance Recorder(RDRE)  . 11. Earth Bus  1 set Terminal Blocks 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Set 1 1 4. suitable for unbalanced loads. Illumination lamp with ON/OFF switch  1 no.2. 6. 2011-13:54:39 2. 4. 3 element.Metering  . 4 wire. 1 3. 10Ways Protection Numerical Bay Control unit with MIMIC with the following functions:  . BILL OF MATERIALS FOR 1 NO. 3 Phase. 3 element. 9. 10. Accuracy: 0. 3. Panel Dimension : As per design of original Manufacturer Metering: ABT compliant Trivector meter. Pistol Grip Handle. with KWH (Import & Export). Lead & Lagging VAR SCADA Compatible and with standard parameter. 3 pin 15A socket with ON/OFF switch  1 no.Monitoring  . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.Automatic Switch on to fault  .Fault Locator  . Pistol Grip Handle.Tripping Logic(PTRC. 2011-13:54:39 4. 14. 6. January 12. 7.THREE Phase Tripping  .Metering  .Auto Recloser Line Distance protection relay with Quadrilateral characteristics with following features:  . Earth Bus  1 set Terminal Blocks 1 1 1 1 2 6 Set 1 2 Set 1 1 188 .Disturbance Recorder  . Illumination lamp with ON/OFF switch  1 no.Two Step Over voltage  Protection  .Tripping Logic  . 10.Residual O/C protection  . Control Switch for CB Type: Spring Return with LMD. 12.Event Recorder  -LBB(Breaker failure protection) Numerical relay with following functions:  Directional O/C & E/F protection DELETED DC Supply supervision relay type Trip circuit supervision relay Three phase trip relay with Supervision and Reset push button Auxiliary flag relays Contact multiplication & lock out relay. 9.Disturbance Recorder(RDRE)  .Power Swing Detection  -Week end infeed  -Broken Conductor check  . Panel Accessories Mounted inside:  1 no. 11.Fuse fail supervision  . 5.Synchrocheck & Energising  Check(RSYN.Location :: Lucknow.Scheme Communication  . 3 Pos. 8. 10Ways Protection Numerical Bay Control unit with MIMIC with the following functions:  .94)  . Space heater with switch  1 no. 13.25)  .Event Recorder (RDRE)  . polyphase meter. Earth Bus  1 set Terminal Blocks Qty (Set / No) 1 2. 3 Pos. suitable for unbalanced loads. 3 element. 1 3.Event Recorder  . 3 pin 15A socket with ON/OFF switch  1 no. Item Description Simplex Panel (Powder coated). 4 wire. Illumination lamp with ON/OFF switch  1 no. Lead & Lagging VAR SCADA Compatible and with standard parameter. 2011-13:54:39 5. Space heater with switch  1 no.Monitoring  .Metering  . 1 4.2. BILL OF MATERIALS FOR 1 NO. 14.Non Directional O/C & E/F protection DELETED DELETED DELETED DC Supply supervision relay type Trip circuit supervision relay Three phase trip relay with Supervision and Reset push button Auxiliary flag relays Contact multiplication & lock out relay. 2 6 Set 1 2 Set 1 1 189 . with KWH (Import & Export). 1 5. No 1. 7. 12.Tripping Logic  . 10Ways Protection Numerical Bay Control & Protection unit without MIMIC with the following functions:  . Accuracy: 0. Panel Accessories Mounted inside:  1 no. 3 Phase. Panel Dimension : As per design of original Manufacturer Metering: ABT compliant Trivector meter. Test terminal block Control & Indication Control Switch for CB Type: Spring Return with LMD. 10.Location :: Lucknow. Pistol Grip Handle. January 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 33 KV FEEDER BAY Sl.Disturbance Recorder  . 9. 1 6. 8. 13. KVARH (Import & Export). 11. January 12. Earth Bus  1 set Terminal Blocks Qty (Set / No) 1 2. Pistol Grip Handle. 2 2 1 Set 1 1 190 .Metering  . 7. BILL OF MATERIALS FOR 1 NO.Monitoring  . Panel Dimension : As per design of original Manufacturer Metering: ABT Compliant Trivector meter. 3 Phase. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 3 pin 15A socket with ON/OFF switch  1 no. 10. Accuracy: 0. 1 3. KVARH (Import & Export).Event Recorder  -Numerical relay for neutral unbalance & over/under voltage protection DELETED DELETED Trip circuit supervision relay DC supply supervision relay Trip lock out relays module High speed tripping Module Panel Accessories Mounted inside:  1 no.281) ( This is covered in one set of 33 kv capacitor bank complete in schedule Q1 ) Note: This information has to be communicated to SCADA Sl.Tripping Logic  . 4. 1 1 5. BILL OF MATERIALS FOR 10MVAR 33kV Capacitor Bank Bay BILL OF MATERIALS FOR 10MVAR 33kV Capacitor Bank Bay (Page No. No 1. Space heater with switch  1 no. polyphase meter. 1 6. 8. suitable for unbalanced loads. 2011-13:54:39 6. Test terminal block Control & Indication Control Switch for CB Type: Spring Return with LMD.Disturbance Recorder  . 3 Pos. 11. 10Ways Protection Numerical Bay Control & Protection unit without MIMIC with the following functions:  . 9. with KWH (Import & Export). 12.Location :: Lucknow.2. Item Description Simplex Panel (Powder coated). 4 wire.Over current & Earth Fault protection  . Lead & Lagging VAR SCADA Compatible and with standard parameter. 33 KV BUS COUPLER BAY DELETED 7. Illumination lamp with ON/OFF switch  1 no. 3 element. including system configuration.1 no FO Cables for connecting IEDs to Switches 191 1 set 3. Bill Of Material For Substation Automation System Sl No Item Description 1.2 nos.  Managed IEC 61850 compliant 16/8 port Ethernet switches 1 no. 132 KV bay & 2 no. for all 33 KV bays interbay bus LAN connected in fault tolerant ring configuration. IEC 61850 communication system. : of HP/Dell/Compaq/Laxsons/equivalent make PC with Core 2 Duo Processor. The following hardware is included:  2 nos.  1no.  RS232 port . January 12. Remote HMI. switch for 3 nos. Meinberg/Arbiter/equivalent make GPS receiver on SNTP protocol including antenna and cable with following ports for time synchronization:  RJ45 . 1x 24x DVD Combo Drive. database engineering.Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 8. 1set . OS: Windows Vista Professional for station servers. cable  1 no A4 size Black Laser Printer for Graphics & reports Functionality Qty No.  1 no. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. integrated gateway on IEC101/104 2. 1 x 320 GB HDD. 1GB RAM.  1no DR workstation. including fiber optic cable. 1 set All Basic Monitoring functions All Basic Control functions Advanced monitoring functions:  Measuring reports and trends  Remote parameter setting and reading  Uploading disturbance fault record files  Disturbance record analysis Communication with RLDC protocol. Simplex type panels equipped with the following: icro SCADA Pro based Control and monitoring system. APC/equivalent UPS with 30 mins battery back up (1x1000VA)  1 no: 80 column Dot Matrix Printer incl. 2011-13:54:39 192 .Location :: Lucknow. January 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. January 12. 2011-13:54:39 SUBSTATION AUTOMATION SYSTEMS 193 .Location :: Lucknow. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 0 1.  IEC61850-6 for communication & Sub-station Configuration Description Language for 1.  Station Human Machine Interface (HMI)  Redundant managed switched Ethernet Local Area Network communication infrastructure with hot standby. The Bay Control and Protection IEDs shall communicate on the IEC61850 standard for Communication Networks and shall comply with the IEC61850-5 for communication data modeling. The SAS shall contain the following main functional parts:  Bay control Intelligence Electronic Devices (IEDs) for Control and Monitoring.  IEC61850-7-1 to 7-4 for Data Model and Services. All the IEDs shall be directly connected to the Ethernet Interbay LAN without use of any gateways. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 SUBSTATION AUTOMATION SYSTEM 1. It shall be the bidder’s responsibility to integrate his offered system with existing SLDC system for exchange of desired data. The SAS system & Control & Relay panels should be from the same original manufacturer for better interface. key boards.  Remote HMI.  Peripheral equipment like printers.Location :: Lucknow.2.  Gateway for State Load Dispatch Center (to SLDC). The bidder will quote for the equipment required for data transfer to the existing SCADA network to interface communication equipment. the gateway should be able to communicate with SLDC on IEC 60870-5-101 & 104 protocol.1. Integrated Switches (built-in bay IEDs) are not acceptable.  Bay Protection Intelligent Electronic device (IEDs) for Protection. Mouse etc. The Substation Automation System (SAS) of “Distributed Type”(Kiosk consisting bay/bays in switchyard) shall be installed to control and monitor all the sub-station equipment from remote control centre (RCC) as well as from local control centre. The exact I/O point shall be decided during detailed engineering.  Gateway for remote control via industrial grade hardware (to RCC) through IEC60870-5-101 protocol. manufactured. The bidder shall ensure that proposed automation system is compatible with the existing SCADA network. The specific protocol to be implemented shall be handed over to successful bidder. All the IEDs shall be directly connected to the Ethernet Interbay LAN without use of any gateways. Dedicated Bay Control Units (BCUs) and Bay Protection Units (BPU) shall be provided for Three bays in One Kiosk in case of 132KV and Eight Bays in one Kiosk in case of 33 KV for Control and protection functionality on IEC-61850 standard . tested. display units. KEMA certificate/ equivalent certificate from development center authorized by UCA working group for having products including all IEDs and Ethernet switches conforming to IEC 61850 is to be furnished . GENERAL The substation automation system shall be offered from a manufacturer who must have designed. January 12. 194 . installed and commissioned substation automation system which must be in satisfactory operation on 132 kV system or higher voltage. which shall contain an extensive range of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) functions. The bay level intelligent electronic devices (IED) for protection and control shall provide the direct connection to the switchgear without the need of interposing components and perform control. (Hz.Single Status Information Control All feeders & Transformers All feeders. Master Trip Relays . 1.7 Bay level intelligent electronic devices (IED) for protection and control shall be provided near each bay.single status information. Reactors and Bus Bar Presently not Required – future if Required provision shall be available. All the numerical IEDs must be fully IEC 61850 compliant and must have the following features.Location :: Lucknow. It shall enable local station control via a PC by means of human machine interface (HMI) and control software package. Following information is required to be communicated to RCC/ALDC/SLDC for 132 KV s/s. ISO. Each IED will be directly connected to the Hot-standby Server PC of the Station Automation System through a Single Fault Tolerant Ethernet LAN on fiber optic medium and shall communicate as per the IEC61850 standard. Analog Data MW & MVAR MWH(units) & MVAR(units) if required by ALDC/SLDC Voltage (kV) & Freq. 1. Transformers.  Should be interoperable with third party IEC 61850 compliant devices  Should generate XML file for integration/engineering with vendor independent SCADA systems. Connections of bay protection IEDs to the IEC 61850 bus through the bay control units is not acceptable.8 195 .) Transformer Tap Position Oil / Winding Temperature Digital Data CB.3. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.Double status information.  Should be directly connected to the inter bay bus on IEC 61850 without the use of any gateways. intelligent electronic devices (IED) for bay control and inter IED communication infrastructure The communication gateway shall facilitate the information flow with remote control centers. 1. 2011-13:54:39 1. and monitoring functions. Traformers (132/33 kV) 1 measured per Each Main Bus All Transformers For all Transformers All Circuit Breakers All Bus and Line isolators All feeders . January 12. protection. 1. The SAS shall be equipped with Gateway for remote communication as detailed further in the specification. It shall include communication gateway.6 1.  Have peer-to-peer communication using GOOSE messages (IEC 61850) for interlocking.4.5. follow the latest engineering practice. The use of Ethernet Hubs is not permitted as they do not provide collision free transmission. The operator interface shall be intuitive such that operating personnel shall be able to operate the system easily after having received some basic training. The switches shall support priority tagging and open standards for ring management like fast scanning tree to ensure that e. modules and communication shall be incorporated to increase the availability and the reliability of the equipment and minimize maintenance. earth switches and instrument transformer). event recording and evaluation of disturbance records. measuring as well as memory functions. bay mimic along with relay and protection panels housed in air-conditioned Kiosks/Portable Relay Rooms suitably located in switchyard and Station HMI in Control Room building for overall optimization in respect of cabling and control room building.g. for later system extension utility has not to rely on one switch supplier only. EMC. The systems shall be of the state-of-the art suitable based on IEC61850 under electrical environment present in Extra high voltage substations. the same data as common for numerical protection. 196 . performance and availability at least the following described criteria’s have to be fulfilled concerning the Ethernet switches and the topology.Location :: Lucknow. The system shall be designed such that personnel without any background knowledge in Microprocessor-based technology are able to operate the system. External switches are preferred as they have the advantage that there is no interruption or reconfiguration of the Ethernet ring if one or several bay devices are taken out of service. The offered SAS shall support remote control and monitoring from Remote Control centers via gateways.0 2. signaling and testing facilities. ensure long-term compatibility requirements and continuity of equipment supply and the safety of the operating staff. modification or extension of components may not cause a shutdown of the whole substation automation system. i. Bidder shall offer the Bay level unit (a bay comprises of one circuit breaker and associated disconnector. power supply (110 V DC from the Station Battery) and complying to 61850 part 3 of the specification suitable to be installed in substations shall be provided. The system shall incorporate the control. 2011-13:54:39 2. January 12.e. Ethernet Topology The Ethernet communication infrastructure to ensure a certain level of quality. monitoring and protection functions specified. Self-monitoring of components. Maintenance.1 System design General system design The Substation Automation System (SAS) shall be suitable for operation and monitoring of the complete substation including future extensions as given in single line diagram(SLD). self-monitoring. Ethernet Switches Ethernet switches that fulfill the hardened requirements concerning temperature. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 2. Clear control priorities shall prevent operation of a single switch at the same time from more than one of the various control levels. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Hydraulic and SF6 Pressures).e. The typical SAS architecture shall be structured in two levels. the IEDs shall provide all bay level functions regarding control. monitoring and protection. Each bay control IED shall be independent from each other and its functioning shall not be affected by any fault occurring in any of the other bay control units of the station. However it shall be alarmed in SAS.Location :: Lucknow. OLTC Tap Position & Operation (not AVR) can be interfaced with BCU or any Other device interface through Transducers. These parameters shall appear in Substation Automation System at Local and RCC and should be monitored regularly. The SAS shall contain the functional parts as described in para 1. The data exchange between the electronic devices on bay and station level shall take place via the communication infrastructure.e.3 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The high-voltage apparatus within the station shall be operated from different places:  Remote control centres  Station HMI. alarm list or event list related to the entire substation. i. The GPS time synchronizing signal (as specified in the section relay & protection) for the synchronization of the entire system shall be provided. the entire station shall be controlled and supervised from the station HMI. if SF6 CTs are Utilizing the Pressure of SF6 Gas.I conduit pipes. The main process information of the station shall be stored in distributed databases. in a station and a bay level. The IEDs should be directly connected to the switchgear without any need for additional interposition or transducers. inputs for status indication and outputs for commands. bay level or apparatus level. e. distributed intelligence. At bay level.2 System architecture The SAS shall be based on a decentralized architecture and on a concept of bayoriented.g. Transformer / Reactor Oil/ Winding temperatures. 197 . RCC. The fiber optic cables shall be run in G. The station level contains the station-oriented functions. At station level. The communication shall be made in 1+1 mode. thereby guaranteeing disturbance free communication.2 above. 2. which cannot be realised at bay level. Air/ Pneumatic. gateway for the communication with remote control centers.e. Data exchange is to be realized using IEC 61850 protocol with a redundant managed switched Ethernet communication infrastructure. Operating Mechanism Pressure (i. January 12. The priority shall always be on the lowest enabled control level. Each fibre optic cable shall have four (4) spare fibres. It shall also be possible to control and monitor the bay from the bay level equipment at all times. Functions shall be decentralized. station HMI. i. object-oriented and located as close as possible to the process. excluding the links between individual bay IEDs to switch. such that failure of one set of fiber shall not affect the normal operation of the SAS. But incase of Circuit Breaker SF6 Gas Pressure. This shall be realized using fiber optic cables. 2. If the control action is not completed within a specified time.3. A software interlock override function shall be provided which can be enabled to bypass the interlocking function. etc. 2. the command should get cancelled. 2. January 12. additional logics (AND-gates.4 Self-supervision Continuous self-supervision function with self-diagnostic feature shall be included. complex voltage and currents. 2.5 User configuration The monitoring. OR gates and timers). For software interlocking the bidder shall describe the scenario while an IED of another bay is switched off or fails. controlling and configuration of all input and output logical signals and binary inputs and relay outputs for all built-in functions and signals shall be possible both locally and remotely. easy to test and simple to handle when upgrading the station with future bays. logic functions. such as interlocking. It shall also be possible to interconnect and derive input and output signals. earth switches and instrument transformer) Level Functions System Level Functions 198 . In addition to software interlocking hardwired interlocking are to be provided for: (a) Bus Earth switch Interlocking (b) Transfer Bus interlocking (if applicable) It shall be a simple layout.1 Select-before-execute For security reasons the command is always to be given in two stages: selection of the object and command for operation under all mode of operation except emergency operation.2 Command supervision Bay/station interlocking and blocking Software Interlocking is to be provided to ensure that inadvertent incorrect operation of switchgear causing damage and accidents in case of false operation does not take place. Final execution shall take place only when selection and command are actuated. (Multiactivation of these additional functions should be possible).3.3. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The operation shall depend on the conditions of other functions. 2011-13:54:39  Local Bay controller IED (in the bays) Operation shall be possible by only one operator at a time.Location :: Lucknow. synchrocheck. b. The Functional requirement shall be divided into following levels: a.3 Run Time Command cancellation Command execution timer (configurable) must be available for each control level connection. (see description in ”Bay level control functions”). Bay (a bay comprises of one circuit breaker and associated disconnector.3. using built-In functions. 2.3. 1. Bay control functions 3. During normal operation bay control unit allows the safe operation of all switching devices via the bay control IED. 199 . Bay level functions In a decentralized architecture the functionality shall be as close to the process as possible.1.1.1.  Bay protection functions For 132 KV backup protection & bay control function may be combined in one IED And for 33 KV One IED shall cater for both Bay Control function (BCU) and Bay Protection function (BPU). (Electrical Parameters & Transformer/ Reactor Parameters)  Local HMI (local guided.Location :: Lucknow. January 12.  Hydraulic pump/ Air compressor control and runtime supervision  Operating pressure Monitoring & supervision (CB SF6 Gas Pressure.2. 3. 2011-13:54:39 3.1. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.1. Air/ Pneumatic / Hydraulic and SF6 CTs).1.e.  Display of interlocking and blocking  Breaker position indication per phase  Alarm annunciation  Measurement display. EMERGENCY Operation It shall be possible to close or open the selected Circuit Breaker with ON or OFF push buttons even during the outage of bay IED. emergency mode)  Interface to the station HMI. Control mode selection Bay level Operation: As soon as the operator receives the operation access at bay level the operation is normally performed via bay control IED. In this respect. CB Operating Pressure i.1. Overview Functions  Control mode selection  Select-before-execute principle  Command supervision:  Interlocking and blocking  Double command  Synchro-check. voltage selection  Run Time Command cancellation  Transformer Tap Changer control (for Power Transformer bays)  Operation counters for Circuit Breakers and Pumps. the following functions can be allocated at bay level:  Bay control functions including data collection of Switch Gear Parameters functionality.  Data storage for at least 200 events  Extension possibilities with additional I/O's inside the unit or via fiber optic communication and process bus 3. The correct voltage for synchronizing and energizing is derived from the auxiliary switches of the circuit breakers. i. Isolator. Control operation from lower levels shall not be possible in this operating mode. Synchronism and energizing check The synchronism and energizing check functions shall be bay-oriented and distributed to the bay control and/or protection devices.1.e.  Energizing for dead line . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. System level functions Continuous monitoring of switching objects i.1. shall be connected to the communication infrastructure for data sharing and meet the real-time communication requirements for automatic functions.1.2. live line . the position of each switchgear.2. Bay Protection functions bus.1. Every detected change of position shall be immediately displayed in the single-line diagram on the station HMI screen. Circuit Breaker.g. phase angle. shall be supervised continuously. and frequency difference. recorded in the event 200 3. 3.2. General The Protection functions are independent of Bay Control function. This shall give alarm if 70% memory is full. IEDs. the isolator. These features are:  Settable voltage. 2011-13:54:39 REMOTE mode Control authority in this mode is given to a higher level (Remote Control Centre) and the installation can be controlled only remotely. The data presentation and the configuration of the various IEDs shall be compatible with the overall system communication and data exchange requirements. The disturbance recorder function shall be as per detailed in section C&R. Earthing Switch. on the positions of the circuit breakers and/or the isolators.1. Event and disturbance recording function Each IED should contain an event recorder capable of storing at least 200 time-tagged events. Transformer tap changer etc. Transformer Tap Changer control Raise and lower operation of OLTC taps of Transformer shall be facilitated through Bay controller IED. and earthing switch and shall be selected automatically by the bay control and protection IEDs. Status supervision .1. The Protection shall be provided by Protection IEDs (numerical relays) and other Protection devices as per section Relay & Protection. e.. January 12. 3.dead bus or dead line – dead bus with no synchro-check function.e.  Synchronizing between live line and live bus with synchro-check function Voltage selection The voltages relevant for the Synchro-check functions are dependent on the station topology. 3.Location :: Lucknow. 3. Threshold limit values shall be selectable for alarm indications. and the rms. 2011-13:54:39 list. January 12. reactive power (VAR). The alarms and events shall be time-tagged with a time resolution of 1 ms. 3. which shall give ambivalent signals. and the appropriate control execution button shall be pressed in order to close or open the corresponding object. and a hard copy printout shall be produced.2. Hydraulic and SF6 Pressures).4. Max / Min values for voltage (U) and current (I) shall be calculated. Operating Mechanism Pressure (i. the selection shall not be possible and an appropriate alarm annunciation shall occur. All. Max / Min values for the above parameters shall be calculated.3. In case of a blocking or interlocking conditions are not met. 3. The values of active power (W).1. or a freely selectable group of events and alarms shall also be printed out on an event printer. Control operation from other places (e.e. If a selection is valid the position indication will show the possible direction.2. 201 . They shall be recorded in an event list in the station HMI. OLTC Tap Position can be interfaced with BCU or any Other device interface through Transducers. An alarm shall be initiated if these position indications are inconsistent or if the time required for operating mechanism to change position exceeds a predefined limit.g.2. Substation HMI Operation: On the HMI the object has to be selected first. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Transformer / Reactor Oil/ Winding temperatures. by the control IEDs.2. normally closed (NC) and normally open (NO). 3. Station HMI 3. or by the station level unit.Location :: Lucknow.2. The measured values shall be displayed locally on the station HMI and in the control centre. The switchgear positions shall be indicated by two auxiliary switches. The status and control of auxiliaries shall be done through separate one or more IED and all alarm and analogue values shall be monitored and recoded through this IED. Measurements Analogue inputs for voltage and current measurements shall be connected directly to the voltage transformers (VT) and the current transformers (CT) without intermediate transducers. REMOTE) shall not be possible in this operating mode. Incase of Circuit Breaker SF6 Gas Pressure. Alarms shall be initiated in the case of spontaneous position changes.4. Air/ Pneumatic. The analogue values shall be updated every 2 seconds. if SF6 CTs are Utilizing the Pressure of SF6 Gas. These parameters shall be appear in Substation Automation System at Local and RCC and can monitor regularly. The abnormal values must be discarded. Event and alarm handling Events and alarms are generated either by the switchgear. The SAS shall also monitor the status of sub-station auxiliaries. Alarms shall be recorded in a separate alarm list and appear on the screen. frequency (Hz). 2. Pressure values (wherever required) and measured values including OLTC Tap Position. and all unacknowledged alarms shall be accessible from any screen selected by the operator. In addition to above Transformer WTIs. frequency.4. not in use or not sampled  Alarm or faulty state  Warning or blocked  Update blocked or manually updated  Control blocked  Normal state 3. An acoustic alarm shall indicate abnormalities.  Measurement dialogues.  Control dialogues with interlocking and blocking details. voltages. 202 . SF6 gas Pressures of Circuit breakers . The HMI shall give the operator access to alarms and events displayed on the screen. WTI. station / bay-oriented  Event list.2. The object status shall be indicated using different status colours for:  Selected object under command  Selected on the screen  Not updated.4. The operator shall give commands to the switchgear on the screen via mouse clicks or keyboard commands. January 12. obsolete values. there shall be a printout of alarms or events in an event log.Location :: Lucknow. Aside from these lists on the screen. colours. active and reactive powers as well as the positions of circuit breakers. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Presentation and dialogues General The operator station HMI shall be a redundant with hot standby and shall provide basic functions for supervision and control of the substation.3. Non-valid selections shall be dimmed out. This control dialogue shall tell the operator whether the device operation is permitted or blocked and Tap changer operation & Select before Execute.4. OTI. isolators and transformer tap-changers shall be displayed in the station single-line diagram. Statistics & Trends  Alarm list.2. HMI design principles Consistent design principles shall be adopted with the HMI concerning labels.2.4. 2011-13:54:39 3. The following standard pictures shall be available from the HMI:  Single-line diagram showing the switchgear status. Process status displays and command procedures The process status of the substation in terms of actual values of currents. OTI. Hydran DGA & Analog set values. station / bay-oriented  Substation Auxiliaries  System status 3. dialogues and fonts. CTs and CB Operating mechanism Pressures shall also be displayed. isolators and earthing devices Indication of protective relay operations Fault signals from the switchgear Indication when analogue measured values exceed upper and lower limits. It shall be possible to store all events in the computer for at least one month. The interlocking statements shall be checked by the interlocking scheme implemented at bay and station level. IEDs. Such faults are recorded as a faulty status in a system supervision display. After the "selection" of a switch.2. After command execution the operator shall receive a confirmation that the new switching position has been reached or an indication that the switching procedure was unsuccessful with the indication of the reason for non-functioning. The operator shall be able to call up the chronological event list on the monitor at any time for the whole substation or sections of it. The event and associated time (with1 ms resolution) of its occurrence has to be displayed for each event. A printout of each display shall be possible on the hard copy printer/Dot matrix Printer / Line Printer of 132 Column. After the “execution” of the command the operated switching symbol shall flash until the switch has reached its new position. communication infrastructure and remote communication links. As communication between control centre and device to be controlled is established. 2011-13:54:39 In order to ensure a high degree of security against undesired operation. the operator shall be able to recognize the selected device on the screen. the operator shall be prompted to confirm the control action and only then final execute command shall be accepted. Loss of communication.Location :: Lucknow. Suitable provision shall be made in the system to define two level of alarm on either side of the value or which shall be user defined for each measurand. Hourly time Stamping 203   . possibly before they develop into serious situations. etc. This display shall cover the status of the entire substation including all switchgear. 3. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. January 12. a "selectbefore-execute" command procedure shall be provided.6.4. if the switch is not blocked and if no interlocking condition is going to be violated. System supervision & display The SAS system shall be comprehensively self-monitored such that faults are immediately indicated to the operator. The information shall be obtainable also from a printed event log. The chronological event list shall contain:     Position changes of circuit breakers.4. Event list The event list shall contain events that are important for the control and monitoring of the substation.5. The operator shall be in a position to execute a command only. and all other switchgear shall be blocked. and printers at the station level. The events shall be registered in a chronological event list in which the type of event and its time of occurrence are specified.2. 3. 3. Data entry is performed with the keyboard. It shall also be possible to use the keyboard for command activation. Each alarm shall be reported on one line that contains:  The date and time of the alarm  The name of the alarming object  A descriptive text  The acknowledgement state. The date and time of occurrence shall be indicated. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The state of the alarms shall be shown in the alarm list (Unacknowledged and persistent. it should appear in a steady (i.4. Unacknowledged and cleared.2.4. After acknowledgement of the alarm.7. trips. Control dialogues The operator shall give commands to the system by means of mouse click located on the single-line diagram.4.2.8. and shall constitute an evaluation of all station alarms. protection operations etc. Whenever an alarm condition occurs. Filters for selection of a certain type or group of alarms shall be available as for events. The filters shall be designed to enable viewing of events grouped per:  Date and time  Bay  Device  Function e. Acknowledged and persistent). In the selected object picture. The alarm should disappear only if the alarm condition has physically cleared and the operator has reset the alarm with a reset command.  Alarm class 3. 3.e. the alarm condition must be shown on the alarm list and must be displayed in a flashing state along with an audible alarm. not flashing) state and the audible alarm shall stop.g. all attributes like  Type of blocking  Authority  Local / remote control  ALDC / SLDC / SAS control  Errors  etc. 2011-13:54:39 Filters for selection of a certain type or group of events shall be available.2. The alarm list shall substitute a conventional alarm tableau. Shall be displayed. January 12.Location :: Lucknow. Object picture When selecting an object such as a circuit breaker or isolator in the single line diagram. The alarm list shall consist of a summary display of the present alarm situation.. Alarm list Faults and errors occurring in the substation shall be listed in an alarm list and shall be immediately transmitted to the control centre. Dedicated control dialogues for controlling at least the following devices shall be available: 204 . It shall contain unacknowledged alarms and persisting faults. the associated bay picture shall be presented first.9. Weekly trend curves for real and derived analogue values.:  Display only  Normal operation (e. 3. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. e. 205 .. open/close of switchgear)  Restricted operation (e.Location :: Lucknow. peak)  Month (mean.. Daily voltage and frequency curves depicting time on X-axis and the appropriate parameters on the Y-axis. The data displayed shall comprise:  Trend reports:  Day (mean. It shall be possible to select the time period for which the specific data are kept in the memory. peak)  Year (mean. Reports The reports shall provide time-related follow-ups of measured and calculated values. by-passed interlocking)  System administrator For maintenance and engineering purposes of the station HMI.g.g.g.2. peak)  Historical reports of selected analogue Values:  Day (at 15 minutes interval)  Week  Month  Year It shall be possible to select displayed values from the database in the process display on-line. Unsure values shall be indicated. apparatus. User-authority levels It shall be possible to restrict activation of the process pictures of each object (bays.5. peak)  Semi-annual (mean. days shall be possible.g.6. The time duration of the curve is 24 hours. Only the system administrator shall be able to add/remove users and change access rights. Following printouts shall be available from the printer and shall be printed on demand: i.2. January 12. ii. Each user shall then be given access rights to each group of objects.) within a certain user authorization group. 2011-13:54:39   Breaker and Disconnector Transformer tap-changer 3. Scrolling between e. the following authorization levels shall be available:  No engineering allowed  Engineering/configuration allowed  Entire system management allowed The access rights shall be defined by passwords assigned during the login procedure. 2. iv. temperatures (WTIs. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. binary and analogue data. v.2. Automatic disturbance file transfer All recorded data from the IEDs with integrated disturbance recorder as well as dedicated disturbance recording systems shall be automatically uploaded (event triggered or once per day) to a dedicated computer and be stored on the hard disc. The trends shall be displayed in graphical form as column or curve diagrams with a maximum of 10 trends per screen. 3.3. vii. Current. The Substation Automation System shall have communication ports as follows: 206 3. 3. vi. Equipment operation details shift wise and during 24 hours. Printout on adjustable time period as well as on demand for MW.9.1 Communication Interface . or difference) on-line in the window. MVAR. 3. IED parameter setting It shall be possible to access all protection and control IEDs for reading the parameters (settings) from the station HMI or from a dedicated monitoring computer. viii. Adjustable time span and scaling ranges must be provided. 3. Printouts of the maximum and minimum values and frequency of occurrence and duration of maximum and minimum values for each analogue parameter for each circuit in 24 hr period. Voltage on each feeder and transformer as well as Tap Positions. Automatic sequences The available automatic sequences in the system should be listed and described. mean. Trend display (historical data) It shall be possible to illustrate all types of process data as trends – input and output data. 3. sequences related to the bus transfer).2. Printout on adjustable time period as well as on demand system frequency and average frequency.11. Gateway The Substation Automation System shall have the capability to support simultaneous communications with multiple independent remote master stations. It shall be possible to change the type of value logging (direct.3. Reports in specified formats which shall be handed over to successful bidder. Disturbance analysis The PC-based work station shall have necessary software to evaluate all the required information for proper fault analysis. It must be possible to initiate pre-defined automatic sequences by the operator and also define new automatic sequences. (e.2.Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 iii. 3. The setting of parameters or the activation of parameter sets shall only be allowed after entering a password. sum.8. It shall also be possible to change the update intervals on-line in the picture as well as the selection of threshold values for alarming purposes.2. January 12.7. Provision shall be made for logging information about breaker status like number of operation with date and time indications. OTI) and status of pumps and fans for transformers.10.g. 2. If the Protection Couplers also should have Modbus or any open Protocol system and this can be connected to SAS for monitoring the send and receive commands all channels along with Events & Alarms and password for configuration. However.4 Communication Protocol The communication protocol for gateway to control centre must be open protocol and shall support IEC 60870-5-101 & 104 and IEC 61850 for all levels of communication for sub-station automation such as Bay to station HMI. the communication channels available for this purpose are specified in section project.4. and digital loop-back. 2011-13:54:39 (a) Two ports for Remote Control Centre (b) Two ports for Area Load Dispatch Center / State Load Dispatch Centre (ALDC/SLDC) The communication interface to the SAS shall allow scanning and control of defined points within the substation automation system independently for each control centre. gateway to remote station etc.2 Remote Control Centre Communication Interface Employer will supply communication channels between the Substation Automation System and the remote control centre. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. January 12. All necessary hardware and software shall also be in the scope of bidder except the communication link along with communication equipment between substation control room and Remote Control Centre..5 3. 4. In case of PLCC communication any modem supplied shall not require manual equalization and shall include self-test features such as manual mark/space keying.Location :: Lucknow.5. and/or communication protocol to each remote control centre.2.3.3 Interface equipment: The Bidder shall provide interface equipment for communicating between Substation Automation system and Remote control centre and between Substation Automation system and Area Load Dispatch Center / State Load Dispatch Centre (ALDC/SLDC). 3. If PLCC / Microwave / Optical fibre /VSAT/ Leased Line equipment should have Modbus or any open Protocol system and this can be connected to SAS for monitoring. each control centre’s data scan and control commands may be different for different data points within the substation automation system's database. The configuration of tones and speed shall be programmable and maintained in non-volatile memory in the modem. The modems shall provide for convenient adjustment of output level and receive sensitivity. The protection coupler Equipment system supervision & display as mentioned in section 3. Also.4.3.0 System hardware: 207 . the details of which shall be provided during detailed Engineering . The modem should be stand alone complete in all respects including power supply to interface the SAS with communication channel. The communication channels provided by Employer will consist either of power line carrier.3. optical fibre. VSAT or leased line . The substation automation system shall support the use of a different communication data exchange rate (bits per second). scanning cycle. Events & Alarms and password for configuration. 3. microwave. analogue loop-back. The substation automation system shall simultaneously respond to independent scans and commands from employer's control centers (RCC & ALDC/SLDC). The communication Equipment system supervision & display as mentioned in section 3. Supplier shall demonstrate these features. Plexiglas windows shall be used to provide visual inspection of 208 . 2011-13:54:39 4. Storage of all necessary software. Storage of all analogue data (at 15 Minutes interval) and digital data including alarm. The RAM. Supplier shall demonstrate that the capacity of hard disk is sufficient to meet the above requirement. HMI View Node. decluttering etc.1. The enclosure shall be designed to permit full enclosure of the printers at a convenient level. The printer shall have in built testing facility. paper insertion etc. 4. The capacity of hard disk shall be selected such that the following requirement should occupy less than 50% of disk space: 1.1. January 12. Processor and RAM shall be selected in such a manner that during normal operation not more than 30% capacity of processing and memory are used. The display shall accommodate resolution of 1280 X 1024 pixels. The maintenance should be simple with provisions for ease of change of print head. Operation shall be by a user friendly function keyboard and a cursor positioning device. It shall use industrial grade components. one for redundant HMI and one for DR work station(Laptap). 4. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 100GB space for OWNER'S use.1. The printing operation shall be quiet with a noise level of less than 45 dB suitable for location in the control room. 4. Remote HMI and Disturbance Recorder Work station(Laptop): The Bidder shall provide redundant station HMI in hot standby mode.2 Visual Display Units/TFT's ( Thin Film Technology) The Bidder shall provide three display units. Failure of the printer shall be indicated in the Station HMI. ribbon changing. event and trend data for thirty (30) days. The user interface shall be based on WINDOWS concepts with graphics & facility for panning. zooming. High stability of the picture geometry shall be ensured. 3. All printers mounted in the control room shall be provided with a separate printer enclosure each. The printer shall have an off line mode selector switch to enable safe maintenance. It shall be capable to perform all functions for entire substation including future requirements as indicated in the SLD. The screen shall be at least 25" diagonally (3:4) in size or more and capable of colour graphic displays. The HMI shall be able to switch the key board and cursor positioning device.Location :: Lucknow. one for station HMI. scrolling.1 Redundant Station HMI. Printer shall accept and print all ASCII characters via master control computer unit interface. All event and alarm annunciation shall be selectable in the form of lists.1 HMI (Human Machine Interface) The VDU shall show overview diagrams (Single Line Diagrams) and complete details of the switchgear with a colour display.3 Printer It shall be robust & suitable for operation with a minimum of 132 characters per line for Dot Matrix Printer. Hard Disk and Bus should latest and with maximum Values. These shall have high resolution and reflection protected picture screen. as unit among all the monitors at a consol vis push button or other controls. 2. They shall be directly connected to the switchgear.5 Switched Ethernet Communication Infrastructure: The bidder shall provide the redundant switched optical Ethernet communication infrastructure for SAS. They shall perform all bay related functions. fault indications. The daily data is stored in a day file of Particular Month and Year automatically from 00. data acquisition.1. shall use numerical techniques for the calculation and evaluation of externally input analogue signals. measured values.Location :: Lucknow. Bus Sectionaliser and Bus bar for 132 kV Switch yard Kiosk accommodating . Bay level unit shall be provided for supervision and control of each 132 kV bay (a bay comprises of one circuit breaker and associated disconnectors. One no. and indications shall be stored in a mass-storage unit of CD-ROM & DVDROM with 700 MB or more capacity i. The necessary switches are provided for yard to communication infrastructure as follows. They shall incorporate select-beforeoperate control principles as safety measures for operation via the HMI. The unit should support at least Read (48X).  One switch shall be provided to connect all IEDs for Bus coupler. The monthly back up of data shall be taken on disc. 2011-13:54:39 the printers and ease of reading. January 12. All printers shall be continuously online through directly or printer server 4. The bay unit shall acquire and process all data for the bay (Equipment status. and Re-Write (10X) operations. this shall receive the operation commands from station HMI and control centre. Write (24X). Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.e CD Writer & DVD Writer (Both). The All the data pertaining to Substation is to stored in a system year/ month / day wise. such as control commands. The printer enclosures shall be designed to protect the printers from accidental external contact & each should be removable from hinges at the back and shall be provided with lock at the front. All operational measured values.Each swith shall have atleast two spare ports for connecting bay level IEDs and one spare port for connecting station bus. In addition. Transfer Bus Coupler. The bidder shall keep provision of 100% spare capacity for employer use. alarms etc. 4. based on microprocessor technology. with Multi-Session capability.00Hrs to 24. The bay level unit.00Hrs. bay interlocking. data storage. It should support ISO9660.2 Bay level unit/Bay Control Unit The bay unit shall use industrial grade components.  One switch shall be provided to connect all IEDs for 2 Bays of 132 kV Switch yard Kiosk . Rockridge and Joliet File systems.4 Mass Storage Unit The mass storage unit shall be built-in to the Station HMI.) and transmit these to the other devices in sub-station automation system. The bay unit shall have the capability to store all the data for at least 24 hours. earth switches and 209 . All reports and graphics prints shall be printed on laser printer (preferably MFD). The facility of back up of data shall be inherent in the software. 4. It should support formatting and use under the operating system provided for Station HMI.1. One Dot Matrix Printer(DMP) shall be exclusively used for hourly log printing & events recording. event recording and shall provide inputs for status indication and outputs for commands. if required. During such requirement.0 Software structure The software package shall be structured according to the SAS architecture and strictly divided in various levels. OTI. all the drawings and configurations. event list. 5. 4. modify interlocking logics etc. January 12. The Bay level unit shall meet the requirements for withstanding electromagnetic interference according to relevant parts of IEC 61850. Necessary firewall shall be provided at suitable points in software to protect the system. during maintenance and commissioning or in case of contingencies when the Station HMI is out of service. The layout of equipment/panel shall be subject to Owner’s approval. The Bidder shall provide all necessary software tools along with source codes to perform addition of bays in future and complete integration with SAS by the user. data coming directly from the switchgear or from switchgear interlocking devices) and transmit commands for operation of the switchgear. for two bays in 132 kV Level and Four bays in 33KV level. for additional bays/equipment which shall be added in future. on line DGA Hydran Value is received through transducers to Bay Level Unit The digital inputs shall be acquired by exception with 1 ms resolution.100 % stand by air conditioners shall be provided in each kiosk. shall be provided for housing Bus bar Protection panels at suitable location in switchyard. The Bay level unit shall be equipped with analogue and binary inputs/outputs for handling the control. The air conditioner provided in Kiosk shall be controlled and monitored from substation automation system. add additional analogue variable. The I/O modules shall acquire all switchgear information (i.1 Input/Output (I/O) modules The I/O modules shall form a part of the bay level unit and shall provide coupling to the substation equipment.Location :: Lucknow. 210 . alarm/event list etc. alarm list. These software tools shall be able to configure IED. bay mimic. normal operation of the existing substation shall be unaffected and system shall not require a shutdown. relay and protection panels etc. with all bay interlocks in place. displayed shall be designed in such a manner that its extension shall be easily performed by the employer. 4. modification or an extension of components of any feeder may not force a shut-down of the parts of the system which are not affected by the system adaptation. 4. WTIs. One additional Kiosk for each voltage level. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. All bay level interlocks are to be incorporated in the Bay level unit so as to permit control from the Bay level unit/ local bay mimic panel. The measured values of SF6 Gas Pressures. An extension of the station shall be possible with lowest possible efforts. 2011-13:54:39 instrument transformer). During such event. Maintenance.2.3 Air-conditioned kiosk The Air-conditioned Kiosk offered shall house Bay level units. Failure of any single component within the equipment shall neither cause unwanted operation nor lead to a complete system breakdown. Graphical/MIMIC display is not required for 33 KV system. status monitoring and analogue measurement functions. The Kiosk shall be provided with fire alarm system with at least two detectors and it shall be wired to SAS.4 Extendibility in future Offered substation automation system shall be suitable for extension in future for additional bays. Operating Mechanism Pressures.e. Contact bouncing in digital inputs shall not be assumed as change of state. 1. 5.1.4 The Bidder shall provide each software in two copies in CD to load into the system in case of any problem related with Hardware/Communication etc. The application software within the control/protection devices shall be programmed in a functional block language. (c) Issue alarms when error conditions occurs (d) Provide facility to add and delete addresses and links 5. 211 . and error statistics for all managed links and devices and present this information via displays.2. engineering and system configuration. the software along with hardware shall be capable of automatically synchronising with the remaining system without any manual interface. (b) Maintain a graphical display of SAS connectivity and device status.2. which shall not be accessible by the application and maintenance engineer for modifications. The NMS shall (a) Maintain performance.3 Network Management System: The Bidder shall provide a network management system software for following management functions: a. They form part of a library.1. Performance Monitoring This system shall be used for management of communication devices and other IEDs in the system.1. This shall be demonstrated by Bidder during integrated system test.2 Human-machine interface (HMI) The base HMI software package for the operator station shall include the main SAS functions and it shall be independent of project specific hardware version and operating system. 5.2. The system shall support the generation of typical control macros and a process database for user specific data storage. and to adapt according to specific user requirements.2 Application software In order to ensure robust quality and reliable software functions. In case of restoration of links after failure.Location :: Lucknow. The lowest level shall assure system performance and contain basic functions. This NMS can be loaded in DR work-station and shall be easy to use.2 Bay level software 5.1 System software The system software shall be structured in various levels. January 12. The NMS shall monitor all the devices in the SAS and report if there is any fault in the monitored devices. This software shall be placed in a non-volatile memory.1.1. It shall further include tools for picture editing. 2011-13:54:39 5. the main part of the application software shall consist of standard software modules built as functional block elements. The functional blocks shall be documented and thoroughly tested. 5. Configuration Management b. to maintain.1.2. user friendly and menu based.1 Station level software 5. Fault Management c. periodic reports and on demand reports. resource usage. The system shall be easy to use. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Systems shall contain a library with standard functions and applications.1. Power Input: i. Commands iii. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 6. Electromagnetic Compatibility Test: i. Conducted Disturbances Tests induced by Radio Frequency Field vi. Emission (Radio interference level) Test.1 Control IEDs and Communication Equipment: . Auxiliary Voltage ii. Indication ii. Limits of operation ii. Current Circuits iii.1. Time resolution c. Electrical Fast transient Disturbance Test v. viii. Voltages iv. Accuracy Tests: i. Conducted Interference Test f.Location :: Lucknow. Dielectric Tests ii. Voltage Circuits iv. Function Tests: i. Measured value Acquisition iv. Indications b.0 TESTS The substation automation system offered by the bidder shall be subjected to following tests to establish compliance with IEC 61850 for EHV substation equipment installed in sheltered area in the outdoor switchyard and specified ambient conditions: 6. 1 MHZ. Influencing Quantities i. Permissible ripples iii. Interruption of input voltage e.1 Type Tests: a. Insulation Tests: i. Impulse Voltage withstand Test d. burst disturbance test ii. Magnetic Field Test vii. January 12. Operational Measurd Values ii. Display Indications 212 6. Currents iii. Radiated Electromagnetic Field Disturbance Test iv. Electrostatic Discharge Test iii. Environmental tests: i. If the FAT comprises only a certain portion of the system for practical reason. it has to be assured that this test configuration contains at least one unit of each and every type of equipment incorporated in the delivered system. The purpose is to ensure that the Bidder has interpreted the specified requirements correctly and that the FAT includes checking to the degree required by the user. Wet heat iv. Cold Temperature ii. the FAT shall be limited to sub-system tests. In such a case.3 Integrated Testing. Shock Factory Acceptance Tests: The supplier shall submit a test specification for factory acceptance test (FAT) and commissioning tests of the station automation system for approval. The operation of each item shall be verified as an integral part of system.Location :: Lucknow. For the individual bay level IED’s applicable type test certificates shall be submitted.3. The general philosophy shall be to deliver a system to site only after it has been thoroughly tested and its specified performance has been verified. two switches ( i. The integrated system test shall ensure the SAS is free of 213 6.2 Integrated System Tests: Integrated system tests shall verify the stability of the hardware and the software. During the tests all functions shall run concurrently and all equipment shall operate a continuous 100 Hours period. Applicable hardware diagnostics shall be used to verify that each hardware component is completely operational and assembled into a configuration capable of supporting software integration and factory testing of the system. Bump vii. 2011-13:54:39 g.1 Hardware Integration Tests: The hardware integration test shall be performed on the specified systems to be used for Factory tests when the hardware has been installed in the factory. All other switches for complete sub-station as detailed in section project shall be simulated as needed. as far as site conditions can be simulated in a test lab. Humidity (Damp heat Cycle) v. The integrated system tests shall be performed as detailed in subsequent clauses as per following configuration:  Redundant Station HMI. Dry Heat iii. 6. DR work station. The manufacturing phase of the SAS shall be concluded by the factory acceptance test (FAT). 6. for two diameter) along with all IEDs for the Dia and printers.2 . Vibration vi. January 12. 6. The equipment expansion capability shall also be verified during the hardware integration tests.e. If the complete system consists of parts from various suppliers or some parts are already installed on site.3. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. the complete system test shall be performed on site together with the site acceptance test (SAT). Each operational sequence shall be divided into single operation steps which are initiated by means of the function keys/WINDOW command by mouse. 2011-13:54:39 improper interactions between software and hardware while the system is operating as a whole. The above operation shall also be possible via WINDOWS based system by mouse. circuit breaker etc.0 POWER SUPPLY Power for the substation automation system shall be derived from substation 110V DC system. fault indications in the switchgear.e. operator prompting). the switchgear (i. execution of switching operations The summary information displayed in the message field shall give a rapid display of alarm/message of the system in which a fault has occurred and alarm annunciation lists in which the fault is described more fully.1 Field Tests: The field tests shall completely verify all the features of SAS hardware and software. The switching element selected shall then appear on the background that shall be flashing in a different color. and . The operator shall see the relevant meanings as function tests displayed in the command field (i. 6. All operations shall be performed with mouse and/or a minimum number of function keys and cursor keys. The operator prompting shall distinguish between:. The operation status shall be reset to the corresponding preceding step in the operation sequence by pressing one of the function keys.1 7. SYSTEM OPERATION Substation Operation NORMAL OPERATION Operation of the system by the operator from the remote RCC or at the substation shall take place via industry standard HMI(Human Machine interface) subsystem consisting of graphic colour VDU .1.Prompting of indications e.Location :: Lucknow. Only those switching elements shall be accessed for which control actions are possible. The coloured screen shall be divided into 3 fields : i) Message field with display of present time and date ii) Display field for single line diagrams iii) Navigation bar with alarm/condition indication For display of alarm annunciation. 8. All operations shall be verified.e. The offer shall include a comprehensive description of the system. shall be provided. Operator prompting shall be designed in such a manner that only the permissible keys are available in the command field related to the specific operation step. the operator prompting shall be supported by additional comments in the message field.Prompting of operational sequences e. January 12. If the operation step is rejected by the system. a standard keyboard and a cursor positioning device (mouse).g. For control actions. The function keys shall have different meanings depending on the operation.g. 214 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.4 7. lists of events etc a separate HMI View node.0 7. Incorrect operations shall be indicated by comments in the message field and must not be executed.) requested shall be selectable on the display by means of the cursor keys. 10.Location :: Lucknow.0 DOCUMENTATION The following documents shall be submitted for employer’s approval during detailed engineering: (a) System Architecture Drawing (b) Hardware Specification (c) Sizing Calculations of various components (d) Response Time Calculation (e) Functional Design Document The following documentation to be provided for the system in the course of the project shall be consistent.g.0 10. MAINTENANCE AND SPARES Training Bidder personnel who are experienced instructors and who speak understandable English shall conduct training. In the event of Power failure. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. and of similar look / feel. The Bidder shall arrange on its own cost all hardware 215     . Functional Design Specification and Guaranteed availability and reliability  Calculation for power supply dimensioning  I/O Signal lists  Schematic diagrams  List of Apparatus  List of Labels  Logic Diagram (hardware & software )  Kiosk layout drawing  GA of kiosk and GTP  Control Room Lay-out  Test Specification for Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)  Product Technical Manuals  Application Manuals  Assembly Drawing  Operator’s Manual  Testing and Commissioning Manuals  Complete documentation of implemented protocols between various elements  Listing of softwares and loadable in CD ROM  Other documents as may be required during detailed engineering Two sets of hard copy and Four sets of CD ROM containing all the as built documents/drawings shall be provided. SUPPORT SERVICES. printer etc. List of Drawings Substation Automation System Architecture Block Diagram Guaranteed Technical parameters. January 12. necessary safeguard software shall be built for proper shutdown and restart. 9.1 TRAINING. 2011-13:54:39 Inverter of suitable capacity shall be provided for station HMI and its peripheral devices e. CAD supported. All CAD drawings to be provide in “dxf” format and also acrobat format. or on similarly configured systems. failover hardware. (f) Operational Training: Practical training on preventive and corrective maintenance of all equipment.Location :: Lucknow. including the documents sent before the training courses as well as class handouts. perform preventive maintenance. maintenance techniques and practices. 10. (c) System Expansion: Techniques and procedures to expand and add equipment such as loggers. (b) Equipment Maintenance: Basic theory of operation. The Bidder shall provide all necessary training material. maintenance techniques and diagnostic procedures for each element of the computer system. For all training courses. boarding. and detailed contents of each course will be finalized during Employer and Bidder discussions. run diagnostic programs. configure the hardware.2 Computer System Hardware Course A computer system hardware course shall be offered. but at the system level only. This training shall be provided on Employer equipment. including use of special tools and instruments. LANs.. These materials shall be sent to Employer at least two months before the scheduled commencement of the particular training course. Classes shall include hands-on training for the specific subsystems that are part of Employer's equipment or part of similarly designed and configured subsystems. The following subjects shall be covered: (a) System Hardware Overview: Configuration of the system hardware. Class materials. All interfaces to the computing equipment shall be taught in detail. Configuration of all the hardware equipments.3 Computer System Software Course The Bidder shall provide a computer system software course that covers the following subjects: (a) System Programming: Including all applicable programming languages and all stand-alone service and utility packages provided with the system. (d) System Maintenance: Theory of operation and maintenance of the redundant hardware configuration. 10. The training course shall be designed to give Employer hardware personnel sufficient knowledge of the overall design and operation of the system so that they can correct obvious problems. e. monitors. 2011-13:54:39 training platform required for successful training and understanding in India. An introduction 216 . but for inhouse training and use only. Maintenance of protective devices and power supplies. Training offered shall be free of cost to the owner. Each trainee shall receive individual copies of all technical manuals and all other documents used for training. Hands-on training shall utilize equipment identical to that being supplied to Employer. and communication channels. diagnostic procedures. January 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. location. Lodging. processors. and (where applicable) expansion techniques and procedures. The schedule. and failover switches. The bid price offered is deemed to have included this. the travel and per-diem expenses will be borne by the participants. and communicate with contract maintenance personnel. auxiliary memories. (e) Subsystem Maintenance: Theory of design and operation. local transport and such other charges for the engineers sent for such training shall be borne by the bidder.g. routers and printers. Employer reserves the right to copy such materials. configuration control panels. shall become the property of Employer. The training shall include: (a) Overview: Block diagrams of the application software and data flows. and practice (d) Diagnostics: Including the execution of diagnostic procedures and the interpretation of diagnostic outputs. Effect of tuning parameters (OS software. 2011-13:54:39 to software architecture. (e) Software Documentation: Orientation in the organization and use of functional and detailed design documentation and of programmer and user manuals.Location :: Lucknow. (b) Operating System: Including the user aspects of the operating system. such as program loading and integrating procedures. database software etc. 10. No. and utility functions. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Name of Course 1 2 3 Computer System Hardware Computer System Software Application Software 217 . Programming standards and program interface conventions. (c) Software Development: Techniques and conventions to be used for the preparation and integration of new software functions. theory of operation. (f) Hands-on Training: One week.) on the performance of the system. January 12. Network software. management. 10. with allocated computer time for trainee performance of unstructured exercises and with the course instructor available for assistance as necessary. S. Associated maintenance and expansion techniques. (f) Hands-on Training: One week.5 Requirement of training: The Bidder shall provide training for two batches for two weeks each for following courses. (e) Software Documentation: Orientation in the organization and use of system software documentation. service. and system expansion techniques and procedures.4 Application Software Course The Bidder shall provide a comprehensive application software courses covering all applications including the database and display building course. and major algorithms. (d) Software Generation: Generation of application software from source code and associated software configuration control procedures. (b) Application Functions: Functional capabilities. scheduling. design. (c) System Initialization and Failover: Including design. with allocated computer time for trainee performance of unstructured exercises and with the course instructor available for assistance as necessary. 12. processor. tools.1 due to an event directly related to the SAS or unit of SAS. The SAS shall be designed to satisfy the very high demands for reliability and availability concerning:          Mechanical and electrical design Security against electrical interference (EMI) High quality components and boards Modular.0 11. for replacement or repair of all defective parts and shall have prime responsibility for keeping the system operational. test devices etc.0 RELIABILITY AND AVAILABILITY The SAS shall be designed so that the failure of any single component. Time less than 1/4th of an hour shall be counted as having duration of 1/4th of an hour. The time shall be counted to the nearest 1/4th of an hour. 2011-13:54:39 11. the consequent outage to SAS shall not be considered as outage for the purpose of availability. the owner has taken any equipment/ system other than Sub-station Automation System for schedule/forced maintenance. January 12. well-tested hardware Thoroughly developed and tested modular software Easy-to-understand programming language for application programming Detailed graphical documentation and application software Built-in supervision and diagnostic functions Security  Experience of security requirements  Process know-how  Select before execute at operation  Process status representation as double indications Distributed solution Independent units connected to the local area network Back-up functions Panel design appropriate to the harsh electrical environment and ambient conditions Panel grounding immune against transient ground potential rise      Outage terms 1) Outage The state in which substation automation system or a unit of SAS is unavailable for Normal Operation as defined in the clause 7.1 Maintenance Maintenance Responsibility during the Guaranteed Availability Period. 2) Actual outage duration (AOD) The time elapsed in hours between the start and the end of an outage. or device shall not render the system unavailable. the Bidder shall take continual actions to ensure the guaranteed availability and shall make available all the necessary resources such as specialist personnel. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. During Guaranteed Availability Period. In the event. spare parts. 218 .Location :: Lucknow. Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 3) Period Hours (PH) The number of hours in the reporting period. In a full year the period hour are 8760h (8784h for a leap year). 4) Actual Outage hours (AOH) The sum of actual outage duration within the reporting period AOH = ∑ AOD 5) Availability: Each SAS shall have a total availability of 99.98 % i.e. the ratio of total time duration minus the actual outage duration to total time duration. 12.1 Guarantees Required The availability for the complete SAS shall be guaranteed by the Bidder. Bidder shall include in their offer the detailed calculation for the availability. The Bidder shall demonstrate their availability guaranteed by conducting the availability test on the total sub-station automation system as a whole after commissioning of total Sub-station Automation system. The test shall verify the reliability and integrity of all sub-systems. Under these conditions the test shall establish an overall availability of 99.98%. After the lapse of 1000 Hours of cumulative test time, test records shall be examined to determine the conformance with availability criterion. In case of any outage during the availability test, the Bidder shall rectify the problem and after rectification, the 1000 Hours period start after such rectification. If test object has not been met the test shall continue until the specified availability is achieved. The Bidder has to establish the availability in a maximum period of three months from the date of commencement of the availability test. After the satisfactory conclusion of test both Bidder and employer shall mutually agree to the test results and if these results satisfy the availability criterion, the test is considered to be completed successfully. After that the system shall be taken over by the employer and then the guarantee period shall start. 13.0 13.1 Spares Consumables: All consumables such as paper, cartridges shall be supplied by the Bidder till the SAS is taken over by the owner. . 13.2 Availability of Spares: In addition to mandatory spares as listed in section project for SAS, the bidder is required to list the spares, which may be required for ensuring the guaranteed availability during the guaranteed availability period. The final list of spares shall form part of scope of supply and accordingly the price thereof shall be quoted by the bidder and shall be considered in the evaluation of the bids. During the guaranteed availability period, the spare parts supplied by the Bidder shall be made available to the Bidder for usage subject to replenishment at the earliest. Thus, at the end of availability period the inventory of spares with the Employer shall be fully replenished by the Bidder. However, any additional spares required to meet the availability of the system (which are not a part of the above spares supplied by the Bidder) would have to be supplied immediately by the Bidder free of cost to the Employer. 14.0 LIST OF EQUIPMENTS Quantity of equipments shall be decided by bidder in order to achieve guaranteed reliability and availability as declared by bidder. 219 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Station HMI (in Hot-stand by mode) of Latest Configuration and Latest OS Software with CD & DVD Multilayer Read, write, Rewrite with Possible all types of formats, Hard disk capacity of 120GB to 180GB, Key Board, Optical Mouse, integrated VGA, Integrated LAN, 25” or More TFT Monitor (4:3 Screen). DELETED Disturbance Recorder Work Station (Maintenance HMI/Laptop) List of Printers with / without Printer server 1. Black & white Laser Printer (A4) with MFD – 1 No. (Print, Scan, Fax & Photocopy) (For Reports & Disturbance records), 2. DELETED 3. Dot matrix printer Multi sheet paper Model – preferably TVS 5 in 1 Printer (For log sheets, regular parameters at 15 min duration, alarms and sequence of events). 4. Necessary Furniture. All interface equipment for gateway to RCC and ALDC/SLDC. 2 Ports for RCC & 2 Ports for ALDC/SLDC. Communication infrastructure between Bay level units, Station HMI, Printers, gateways, redundant LAN etc. as required.(FO Cables) as required. BCUs/RTUs for Sub Station Auxiliaries. DELETED DELETED Any other equipment as necessary. Specification of in Kiosk 15.0 Construction: The Kiosk shall be made of “RCC” instead of Steel for which detail designing is to be done by bidder. The size of the Kiosk shall be as follows. 1. 2. Kiosk for 132 KV 6m (L) x 3.5m (W) x 3m (H) - 2 Nos Kiosk for 33 KV 8 m (L) x 3.5m (W) x 3m (H) - 1 Nos NOTE: 1. Space for under frequency relay panel is to be provided which shall be procured separately by UPPTCL if required later on. 2. The earthing of the Kiosk shall be separate from the switchyard earthmat and it shall be earthed separately.The fault level for calculation of earthing of Kiosk shall be same as that of main earthmat. Main Control Room Annexure – A ( BOQ of Civil Page 2) 1. 2. 3. . 220 The size of the control room will be 8.0m x 5.0m. It will consist of SAS Panel,RTCC panel & ACDB. The size of the Battery room will be 5.0m x 4.0m. It will consist of batteries,battery charger & DCDB. The size of the JE’s room along with toilet will be 4.0m x 3.0m. Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 16.0 Air-Conditioning: The redundant air conditionings system shall be provided in the Kiosks to be used for housing panels having control and protection IED’s for performing sub-station automation and protection functions generally confirm to relevant IS codes as detailed in section GTR. These kiosks shall be placed in the switchyard area generally unmanned; therefore, the air-conditioning system shall be rugged, reliable, maintenance free and designed for long life. i. Operation: The air conditioning is required for critical application i.e. for maintaining the temperature for critical sub-station control and protection equipment. To provide redundancy for such critical applications, each kiosk shall be installed with environment control system comprising of two units of air conditioners working in conjunction through a micro processor based controller for desired operation. The system shall be designed for 24 Hours, 365 Days of the year to maintain the inside kiosk temperature for proper operation of the critical equipment. One of the air-conditioner shall be running at a time and on failure of the same or as described hereunder, the other unit shall start automatically. To ensure longer life of the system, the redundant units shall also be running in cyclic operation through the controller. However, during running of one air-conditioner unit, if inside temperature of the shelter reaches to a predefined (i.e. 35ºC), the other unit shall start running to maintain the temperature to specified value (i.e. 23 + 2ºC) and gives alarm for such situation. After achieving this temperature, the other unit shall again shut off. ii. Sequence of Operation of the Unit: Suitable arrangement shall be made to operate the unit in the following order. However, the actual operation arrangement shall be finalised during detailed engineering. 1. Evaporator Fan 2. Condenser Fan 3. Compressor iii. Construction: The air conditioning unit shall be completely self-contained. All components of the units shall be enclosed in a powder coated cabinet and colour of same shall be matched with kiosk colour. The unit shall be assembled, wired, piped, charged with refrigerant and fully factory tested as a system to ensure trouble free installation and start up. Suitable isolation or other by passing arrangement shall be provided such that any unit/component could be maintained / repaired without affecting the running standby unit. The maintenance of unit shall be possible from outside the kiosk. 221 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 iv. Required Features of Various Components: The compressor shall be very reliable, trouble free and long life i.e. hermitically sealed Scroll type of reputed make suitable for operation. Compressor should be installed on vibration isolated mountings or manufacturer’s recommended approved mounting. Valve shall be provided for charging/topping up of refrigerant. The bidder shall furnish details of their compressor indicating the MTBF, life of compressor and continuous run time of compressor without failure. The Bidder shall also furnish details of all accessories i.e. refrigeration system, evaporator coil, condenser coil, evaporator blower filter, cabinet, indoor supply and return grill etc. v. The kiosk shall be erected at least 300 mm above the finished ground level with suitable pedestal to avoid any entry of water. 17.0 Proto Testing: One kiosk meeting the specified requirement as described above, shall be fabricated at the factory and offered for proto inspection at the factory. This proto shall be equipped with all required accessories like air-conditioning system, fire and smoke detector, lighting, various cut outs etc. The offered kiosk shall be inspected for finish, all fittings and accessories, opening including doors and locks. The kiosk shall be tested for dust and rain protection to check out any leakage and air tightness. The following main tests shall be carried out: (a) Illumination inside the kiosk shall be switched off and it shall be checked that no light enters through panel joints, holes and other joints in the kiosk. (b) Water Leakage Test (with a water pipe with suitable pressure from all sides for one hour.) (c) Working and functional tests of all accessories like air-conditioning system, fire and smoke detector, lighting arrangements as per technical specification (d) Start up test for air conditioner. (e) Satisfactory operation of air conditioner installed on Kiosk. (f) The total heat load for panels and devices to be placed inside the kiosk including PLCC, all IEDs etc. shall be calculated and equivalent calculated heating load (maximum value from among the calculated values for various kiosk) shall be placed inside the kiosk and the kiosk shall be made operational for four hours with all accessories and inside & outside temperature of kiosk shall be recorded. On successful completion of proto testing, all other system shall be manufactured after incorporation of all alteration/modifications observed/suggested during/after proto testing. The detail test procedure shall be submitted by the Bidder and get it approved from the owner before commencement of proto testing. 222 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 Appendix-I Part-III INTEROPERABILITY PROFILE OF IEC 60870-5-101 PROTOCOL FOR WR This companion standard presents sets of parameters and alternatives from which subsets have to be selected to implement particular telecontrol systems. Certain parameter values, such as the number of octets in the COMMON ADDRESS of ASDUs represent mutually exclusive alternatives. This means that only one value of the defined parameters is admitted per system. Other parameters, such as the listed set of different process information in command and in monitor direction allow the specification of the complete set or subsets, as appropriate for given applications. This clause summarizes the parameters of the previous clauses to facilitate a suitable selection for a specific application. If a system is composed of equipment stemming from different manufacturers it is necessary that all partners agree on the selected parameters. The selected parameters should be marked in the white boxes as follows: □ Function of ASDU is not used ■ Function or ASDU is used as standardized (default) Note : In addition, the full specification of a system may require individual selection of certain parameters for certain parts of the system, such as the individual selection of scaling factors for individually addressable measured values. 1.1 SYSTEM or DEVICE (System-specific parameter, indicate the definition of a system or a device by marking one of the following with an ‘X’) □ System definition □ Controlling station definition (master) ■ Controlled station definition (Slave) 1.2 NETWORK CONFIGURATION (Network-specific parameter, all configurations that are used are to be marked with □) ■ Point-to-point ■ Multipoint-party line □ Multiple point-to-point □ Multipoint-star 1.3 PHYSICAL LAYER (Network-specific parameter) Transmission speed (control direction) : Unbalanced interchange circuit V.24/V.28 Standard □ 100 bit/s □ 200 bit/s ■ 300 bit/s ■ 600 bit/s Unbalanced interchange Balanced interchange circuit V.24/V.28 circuit X.24/X.27 Recommended if >1 200 bit/s □ 2 400 bit/s □ 2 400 bit/s □ 4 800 bit/s □ 4 800 bit/s □ 9 600 bit/s □ 9 600 bit/s □ 19 200 bit/s 223 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 ■ 1 200 bit/s (for unbalanced transmission only) Transmission speed (monitor direction) : □ 38 400 bit/s □ 56 000 bit/s □ 64 000 bit/s Unbalanced interchange Unbalanced interchange Balanced interchange circuit V.24/V.28 circuit V.24/V.28 circuit X.24/X.27 Standard Recommended if >1 200 bit/s □ 100 bit/s □ 2 400 bit/s □ 2 400 bit/s □ 200 bit/s □ 4 800 bit/s □ 4 800 bit/s ■ 300 bit/s □ 9 600 bit/s □ 9 600 bit/s ■ 600 bit/s □ 19 200 bit/s ■ 1 200 bit/s □ 38 400 bit/s (for unbalanced transmission only) □ 56 000 bit/s □ 64 000 bit/s 1.4 LINK LAYER (Network-specific parameter) Frame format FT 1.2, single character 1 and the fixed time out interval are used exclusively in this companion standard. Link transmission procedure □ Balanced transmission ■ Unbalanced transmission Address field of the link □ Not present (balanced transmission only) ■ One octet □ Two octets □ Structured ■ Unstructured Frame length 255 Maximum length L (number of octets) 1.5 APPLICATION LAYER Transmission mode for application data Mode 1 (Least significant octet first), as defined in clause 4.10 of IEC 870-5-4, is used exclusively in this companion standard. Common address of ASDU (system-specific parameter) ■ One octet □ Two octets Information object address (system-specific parameter) □ One octet □ Structured ■ Two octets ■ Unstructured □ Three octets Cause of transmission (system-specific parameter) 224 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 ■ One octet □ Two octets (with originator address) Selection of standard ASDUs (station-specific parameter) ■ <1> := Single-point information M_SP_NA_1 ■ <2> := Single-point information with time tag M_SP_TA_1 ■ <3> := Double-point information M_DP_NA_1 ■ <4> := Double-point information with time tag M_DP_TA_1 □ <5> := Step position information M_ST_NA_1 □ <6> := Step position information with time tag M_ST_TA_1 ■ <7> := Bitstring of 32 bit M_BO_NA_1 □ <8> := Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag M_BO_TA_1 ■ <9> := Measured value, normalized value M_ME_NA_1 □ <10> := Measured value, normalized value with time tag M_ME_TA_1 □ <11> := Measured value, scaled value M_ME_NB_1 □ <12> := Measured value, scaled value with time tag M_ME_TB_1 □ <13> := Measured value, short floating point value M_ME_NC_1 □ <14> := Measured value, short floating point value with time tag M_ME_TC_1 ■ <15> := Integrated totals M_IT_NA_1 □ <16> := Integrated totals with time tag M_IT_TA_1 □ <17> := Event of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TA_1 □ <18> := Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TB_1 □ <19> := Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TC_1 □ <20> := Packed single-point information with status change detection M_PS_NA_1 □ <21> := Measured value, normalized value without quality descriptor M_ME_ND_1 Process information in control direction (station-specific parameter) ■ <45> := Single command ■ <46> := Double command □ <47> := Regulating step command ■ <48> := Set point command, normalized value (required only for analog output command)* □ <49> := Set point command, scaled value □ <50> := Set point command, short floating point value □ <51> := Bitstring of 32 bit System information in monitor direction (station-specific parameter) ■ <70> := End of initialization System information in control direction (station-specific parameter) ■ <100> := Interrogation command ■ <101> := Counter interrogation command □ <102> := Read command 225 C_IC_NA_1 C_CI_NA_1 C_RD_NA_1 M_EI_NA_1 C_SC_NA_1 C_DC_NA_1 C_RC_NA_1 C_SE_NA_1 C_SE_NB_1 C_SE_NC_1 C_BO_NA_1 call file. call section ■ <123> := Last section. if GPS is used for time synch. of the RTU)* Command transmission (Required only when control command is envisaged)* 226 F_FR_NA_1 F_SR_NA_1 F_SC_NA_1 F_LS_NA_1 F_AF_NA_1 F_SG_NA_1 F_DR_TA_1 ■ Group 7 ■ Group 8 ■ Group 9 ■ Group 10 ■ Group 11 ■ Group 12 ■ Group 13 ■ Group 14 ■ Group 15 ■ Group 16 Addresses per group have to be defined . of the RTU)* Parameter in control direction (station-specific parameter) C_CS_NA_1 C_TS_NA_1 C_RP_NA_1 C_CD_NA_1 □ <110> := Parameter of measured value. ack section ■ <125> := Segment □ <126> := Directory 1.Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 ■ <103> := Clock synchronization command (optional. of the RTU)* □ <104> := Test command □ <105> := Reset process command ■ <106> := Delay acquisition command (optional. January 12. scaled value P_ME_NB_1 □ <112> := Parameter of measured value.6 BASIC APPLICATION FUNCTIONS Station initialization (station-specific parameter) ■ Remote initialization General interrogation (system or station-specific parameter) ■ Global ■ Group 1 ■ Group 2 ■ Group 3 ■ Group 4 ■ Group 5 ■ Group 6 Clock synchronization (station-specific parameter) ■ Clock synchronization (optional. may not be required)* (station-specific parameter) ■ <120> := File ready ■ <121> := Section ready ■ <122> := Call directory. if GPS is used for time synch. select file. normalized value P_ME_NA_1 □ <111> := Parameter of measured value. short floating point value P_ME_NC_1 □ <113> := Parameter activation P_AC_NA_1 File transfer (for downloading of database from RLDC. if GPS is used for time synch. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. last segment ■ <124> := Ack file. 2011-13:54:39 (object-specific parameter) □ Direct command transmission □ Direct set point command transmission ■ Select and execute command ■ Select and execute set point □ C_SE ACTTERM used ■ No additional definition Short pulse duration (duration determined by a system parameter in the outstation) Long pulse duration (duration determined by a system parameter in the outstation) Persistent output Transmission of integrated totals (station or object-specific parameter) ■ Counter request ■ Counter freeze without reset ■ Counter freeze with reset □ Counter reset □ General request counter □ Request counter group 1 □ Request counter group 2 □ Request counter group 3 □ Request counter group 4 Addresses per group have to be defined Parameter loading (object-specific parameter) □ Threshold value □ Smoothing factor □ Low limit for transmission of measured value □ High limit for transmission of measured value Parameter activation (object-specific parameter) □ Act/deact of persistent cyclic or periodic transmission of the addressed object File transfer (station-specific parameter) □ File transfer in monitor direction ■ File transfer in control direction (For downloading of database from RLDC. January 12.Location :: Lucknow. May not be required)* 227 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON IEC 60870-5-101 FOR WRLDC A.Q. f) Data Unit type as per IEC ASDU-9 Description as per IEC Measured value normalized value Single point information Data polling method By periodic Group scan Scan group Group-3 Transmitted after ClassX request Class 2 Info Obj. Telemetred Data and ASDU mapping The following table explains the type of the telemetred data and corresponding ASDUs used to transmit this data as per IEC 60870-5-101 protocol Type of power system Data Analog inputs(P. Address range 3001-4000 Digital inputs – Single status (Isolators.Location :: Lucknow. January 12. Class 1 after Group 1 scan Class 1 after exception 2001-3000 Same address range as above 5001-6000 Pulse accumulators ASDU-15 By periodic counter interrogation Group-1 (counter interrogat ion) Class 2 Analog Outputs (Setpoint) ASDU-48 Digital Control command (CB Trip/Close) Digital Control command (CB Trip/Close) ASDU-45 Set point command Normalized value Single command Double command ASDU-46 228 . Protection Signals) ASDU-1 ASDU. V. Class 1 after Group 1 scan Class 1 after exception 1-1000 1001-2000 ASDU-4 By exception (spontaneous) and on periodic Group scan By exception (spontaneous) Group 2 Class 1 after exception. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.2 (for SOE) Digital inputs – Double status (Circuit breaker) ASDU 3 Single point information with time tag Double point information Double point information with time tag Integrated totals By exception (spontaneous) and on periodic Group scan By exception (spontaneous) Group-1 Class 1 after exception. Class 1/2 data polling If supervisory control commands are envisaged. All single digital inputs are assigned to Scan group-1.reactors and Capacitors b) Voltage of all buses 229 .Interrogation of Scan group 1 command (all single status digital data) .Delay acquisition command * .Clock synchronization command * . transformers . 2011-13:54:39 B. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. then SBO procedure is to be used. This periodicity is ranging from 10-15 seconds based on the quantity of analogs and the communication channel bandwidth. DATA POLLING METHOD 1. Normal data polling is by Scan groups 3.Sub-station Automation System Rev 03 Page 1 of 1 List of IO Points to be transmitted to RSCC a) MW and MVAR for all lines .Location :: Lucknow.Reset of Link . * These features may not be required Appendix-I Part-IV Sub-station Automation System Rev 03 Sub-station Automation System Rev 03 Sub-station Automation System Rev 03 Sub-station Automation System Rev 03 Sub-station Automation System Rev 03 Sub-station Automation System Rev 03 Sub-station Automation System Rev 03 Sub-station Automation System Rev 03 Appendix-II Technical Specification . The RTU shall respond to the Master stations request for the at least the following commands as per the protocol: . January 12. all double digital inputs are assigned to Scan group-2 and all Analog values are assigned to Scan group-3 4. 5.Interrogation of Scan group 2 command (all double status digital data analog data) .Interrogation of Scan group 3 command (all analog data) . 2. Analog values are acquired periodically by using the Scan group-3 polling. Digital input state changes are reported spontaneously by RTU as class 1 data and a integrity scan is performed for all the digital inputs using Scan group-1 and Scan group-2 at every 10 minutes interval.Status of Link .General interrogation command . k) Temperature value per substation. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. transformers Units and Bus Bar i) Loss of Voltage signal for Bus bar j) All the points identified in point (e).Location :: Lucknow.(h) and (i) above as GPS Time stamped. January 12. l) Any other point decided during detailed engineering 230 . 2011-13:54:39 c) Frequency of all 400Kv and 765kV Buses d) Frequency of one 220Kv Bus e) All Breakers f) All isolators g) Tap Position for all transformers h) Master protection signal for all feeders. 2.1 STANDARDS The meters shall conform (for testing.5s.0 1.For Sub Racks and associated plug-in units.2s ACCURACY CLASS STATIC ELECTRONIC TRIVECTOR ENERGY METERS 1. in case of Rack Mounted Meters) Meters conforming to other national or international standards which ensure equal or better performance than the standards mentioned above shall also be considered. class 0. Degree of Protection – IS 12063 Climatic Proofing of Electrical Equipment – IS: 3202. Color for ready mixed paints IS:5 (For Metering Cubicle. IEC 297-3 .0 PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS S.Location :: Lucknow. 88 (with latest amendments issued) – specifications for AC Static Electricity Energy Meters. IEC 687:1992 . 2. i. January 12. (Applicable for 19” Rack mounted meters) CBIP Technical Report No. IS: 14697 (1999) AC static transformer operated Watt-hour and VAR-hour meters for class 0. salient points of difference between standards adopted and standards specified in this specification shall be clearly brought out in the relevant schedule and copy of such standards along with their English translation shall invariably be furnished along with the offer. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. IEC 1268(1995) Alternating Current Static Var hour meters for reactive energy. When the equipment offered by the Bidder conforms to standards other than those specified above. IEC 297-2. 2011-13:54:39 TS-9 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR MICROPROCESSOR BASED THREE PHASE FOUR WIRE 0.No. Item Type of Installation 231 Specification Indoor .2s and 0. performance and accuracy) in all respects the relevant Indian/International standards with latest amendments thereof unless otherwise specified.Alternating Current Static watt-hour meters for measurement of active energy. assembly. and testing before supply and delivery at site supply. in each successive 15 minute block. All meters shall have features for effectively compensating for the errors caused due to the lower accuracies of the existing CTs and VTs. 3. 232 .2s accuracy class energy meters .3 The material shall. and certain other functions. The metering system shall be capable for transferring all the required metering data of each sub station to remote computers on line and on real time basis. Such components and devices shall be deemed to be within the scope of Bidder’s supply irrespective of whether they are specifically brought out in the purchase order or not. iii. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. January 12. v. manufacturing. testing at site and successful commissioning of CT and VT operated microprocessor based 3phase 4-wire metering system with 0. along with accessories. design and workmanship and shall be capable of performing for continuous commercial operation in a manner acceptable to the Purchaser. and shall also be capable for implementing the Availability Based Tariff (ABT) on user configurable data. The metering system shall include a MODEM also for transferring all the relevant metering data of each sub station to remote computers. engineering. and associated Base Computer Software (as detailed in this specification) One static type composite meter along with one check meter shall be installed for each circuit. associated essential equipments.2 3. vii. (supply of computers is not under the scope of this specification and shall be arranged by the Purchaser) via PSTN /microwave/power line carrier communication network/SCADA/VSAT. using standard protocols.Location :: Lucknow. as described herein.0 3. iv. vi. 3. accessories and devices for effective and trouble free operation according to the specifications. detailed in the following paragraphs. installation. The offered equipment shall be complete in all respects including all components. 2011-13:54:39 ii. as a selfcontained device for measurement of power transmittals. This specification covers the design. (supply of computers is not under the scope of this specification) via VSAT (under Installation) to a central location. conform in all respects to the best industry standards of engineering.1 CT secondary VT secondary Auxiliary AC Supply Auxiliary DC Supply System frequency Earthing System 1A 110 V/  3 Volts 230 V+ 10 % to –15% 110 V/ + 10% 50HZ + 5% Solidly Grounded TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS The energy meters shall be indoor type connected with the secondary side of out door current and voltage transformers. however. who will interpret the meanings of drawings and specification and shall have the power to reject any work or material which in his judgment is not in accordance therewith. 6. 3. The meters shall be suitable for being connected directly through its terminal block to voltage transformers (VTs) having a rated secondary line.6 . 4-wire principle. and cumulative reactive energy (VARh) readings of the two registers shall be displayed on demand. The display shall preferably indicate direct values without having to apply any multiplying factor. Meters shall be suitable for working under balanced / unbalanced loads at full power factor range i. and store it in its memory. January 12. 4 wire principle with an accuracy as per class 0. It shall also display on demand the 15 . or with a +/. 3. and integrate the reactive energy (VARh) algebraically into two separate registers. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Any further transformers/transducers required for their functioning shall be in-built in the meters. the supplier may be required to coordinate with the prospective VSAT vendor to ensure that the supplied meters are successfully integrated with the VSAT system. with a minus sign if negative. 3. except those specifically modified by this specification.Necessary isolation and/or suppression shall also be built-in. 2011-13:54:39 If desired.sign or on separate registers. The meters shall compute the active energy and load import (W&Wh). active energy and load export (W&Wh) from the substation busbars during each successive 15 minute block.7 The meters shall fully comply with all stipulations in IEC Publication 687 1992-06 (Second Edition) for 0.sign) for the previous 15. and display the same on demand. and the other for the period for which the average RMS voltage is below 97. and to current transformers (CTs) having a rated secondary current of 1A.2 of IEC –687 1992-06 (Second edition). Additionally.51 V.0%. The current reactive power (VAR). The energy shall be computed directly in CT and VT secondary quantities. The meter shall also compute the reactive power (VAR) on 3-phase.2s class Static watt-hour meters. The reactive power and reactive energy transmittals shall be computed in VAR/VARh directly calculated in CT and VT secondary quantities.4 The active energy (Wh) measurement shall be carried out on 3 phase. the meter shall also display cumulative active energy import (Wh) and active energy export (Wh) using same option.line voltage of 110 V.minute block.Location :: Lucknow.5 The meter shall continuously compute the average of the RMS values (fundamental only) of the three line-to-neutral VT secondary voltage as a percentage of 63. and indicated in watt-hours. Zero lag-Unity-Zero lead. for protecting the meters from surges and voltage spikes that occur in the VT and CT circuits in extra high voltage switchyards. one for the period for which the average RMS voltage is 103% or higher. The reference ambient temperature 233 3. with an accuracy as specified in clause 5.minute energy (Wh) (Import and Export Shall be displayed in separate The readings of the two registers at each midnight shall also be stored in the meter’s memory. Lagging & Leading reactive power flow on both export and import events shall either be recorded through a +/.e. The meter display shall preferably be of dot matrix format Alfa numeric LCD (with back-lit) or LED type. shall be provided through a long life battery. The total burden imposed by a meter for measurement or operation shall not exceed 10 VA on any of the phases. which shall not require to be changed for at least ten years. Suitable. The data shall be retained even after the failure of 110V VT as well as 110V DC supply.9 3.13 . as well as in its memory. and for retaining all data stored in its memory. The design should enable the VT supply to be switched automatically between the VT or DC voltage. protected and sealable enclosure shall be provided for conveniently accessing all the metering data using soft keypad. In case any of these falls below a value likely to cause malfunctioning of the meter.10 3. The three line-to-neutral voltages shall be continuously.Location :: Lucknow. The date (day-month-year) and time (hour-min-sec) shall be displayed on the meter front on demand. which is available. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The meters shall normally operate with the power drawn through the VT supply. January 12. monitored. The metering system shall be capable to switch over to the DC auxiliary power supply (110V). 2011-13:54:39 shall be 27+/-02°C 3.11 3. Only limited clock adjustment by authorized users shall be possible at site. as detailed herein separately at Appendix. No data loss shall take place between supply change over and supply failure events shall also be logged. using the MRI or remotely using time synchronization signal through remote network. All clock corrections shall be registered in the meters memory and suitably shown on print out of collected data. All members supplied to UPPTCL as per this specification shall have their identification code starting 234 3. For reactive power (VAR) and reactive energy (VARh) measurement limits of errors for both active as well as reactive energy in all the four quadrants shall be in accordance to IEC 687. Each meter shall have a unique identification code. having an accuracy of +/02 minutes per year or better. The meters shall be supplied duly fitted with the batteries.12 Each meter shall have a built in calendar and clock. An automatic backup for continued operation of the meter’s calendar& clock. which shall be marked permanently on its front. in the event of auxiliary supply failure. The time blocks in which such a voltage failure occurs/persist shall also be recorded in the meters memory. The calendar and clock shall be correctly set at the manufacturer’s works. as long as total VT supply interruption does not exceed two years. depending upon. The system shall have a provision for power supply back up and shall continue to work even if any one of the above are present.8 Errors shall comply with CBIP recommendations for all power factor angles from 0 to 360 degrees. 3. a visual indication/display shall appear which shall go off if all three voltages become normal. which shall be capable of supplying the required power for at least two years.. 3. Instantaneous Phase Voltage. Cumulative Reactive energy for the voltage high condition. Cumulative Reactive energy for voltage low condition. Phase Sequence of voltages (alternatively. January 12.14 Each of the metering system shall measure and display the following quantities/ parameters as required: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Processor’s identification code and model: UP1234A. i) R Phase Line Current ii) Y Phase Line Current iii) B Phase Line Current. Net kVarh when RMS voltage <97%Vn. n) o) Instantaneous Frequency. Cumulative active energy export (kWh). Net kVarh when RMS voltage >103%Vn. (ie.Location :: Lucknow. (‘A’ being adopted to indicate 1Amp CT secondary). this may be provided at MRI/BCS end. i) m) R Phase ii) Y Phase iii) B Phase j) k) l) Instantaneous Line Currents (Amps). Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Last 15 minutes block average of the active power / load export. (ie. which shall not be used for any other supplies. further followed by a dash and “A”. Instantaneous Reactive Load in kVar. LED/LCD segment check Real Time Date dd-mm-yy Cumulative active energy import (kWh) Last 15 minutes block average of the active power / load import. UP shall be followed by a dash and a four digit running serial number.15 Other display on selection through key pad235 . p) q) 3. 2011-13:54:39 with “UP”. Instantaneous three phase average power factor with sign/display/legend for lag/lead. Instantaneous Active Load in Watt (kW). The BCS shall have the facility to give complete time synchronized load survey data both in numeric and graphic form. 7. 15-minute average of the above parameters shall be available for last at least 35 days.16 Each meter shall have a non-volatile memory in which the following shall be automatically stored: 1.17 Active energy import in 6 digits Active energy export in 6 digits BILLING PARAMETERS The metering system shall store following parameters corresponding to defined bill dates 1. Reactive high energy register Reactive low energy register Maximum Demand (Import and Export). Reactive Energy lead while active energy import. Active energy export. The load survey data should be available in the form of bar charts as well as in spreadsheets. Cumulative active energy export reading (kWh) of predefined date & time for monthly billing purpose. 3. 5. 10. Power off indication in each successive15 minute block. 2. 2011-13:54:39 a) b) Cumulative active energy import reading (kWh) of predefined date & time for monthly billing purpose. 3. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The meters shall store all the above listed data in their memories for a period of minimum thirty five (35) days. 3. Active Energy Import Active Energy Export Average frequency for each successive 15 minutes block Average load (kW import and Export) for each successive 15 minutes block Average system voltage Reactive Energy lag while active energy import. 3. 9. January 12. 4. The offered metering system shall store the midnight values of the following electrical parameters: 1.18 Each meter shall have an optical port on its front for tapping all data stored in 236 . 4. Reactive Energy import while active energy export.Location :: Lucknow. 3. Active energy import. 6. 5. 2. 8. 2. Reactive Energy lag while active energy export. via an independent communication bus architecture. Each meter shall also have a visual test output device having either a single switch able output device or two separate output devices for checking the accuracy of active energy (Wh) as well as reactive energy (Varh). 3. Errors arising out of CT. 3. The overall intention is to transmit the desired data on line in real time and also tap the data stored in the meter’s memories once a week/month. VT connecting leads. using the local PC.20 b) c) Transformer loss compensation facility to enable the metering system to be installed on the LT side of a bulk supply transformer while accurately measuring the HT side. This shall allow multiple ratios and phase adjustments to be applied for different load points per phase input of each meter. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The whole system shall be such as to provide a print out (both from the local PC.0 seconds. relative humidity etc. in case of failure of 237 3. They shall have not less than an IP-51 category of construction. and from remote central computer) in a user defined format to be informed later on.5 seconds shall not cause any damage to or mal-operation of the meters.21 The meters shall also withstand without any damage or mal operation. to be accurately compensated for phase in individual metering module. It shall also be possible to obtain a print out (hard copy) of all data collected from the meters. The BCS software shall be programmed to get customized outputs.19 The meters shall safely withstand the usual fluctuations arising during faults etc. Each meter shall have the capability / facility to compensatea) Linear Transformer correction to enable the measurement CT/VT errors (ratio and phase). and shall be capable of satisfactory operation in an indoor. The meters shall continue to function. The immunity to external magnetic field shall be strictly as per latest CBIP recommendations. and CT secondary current 150% of rated current applied continuously and 30 times of rated applied for 0. non-air-conditioned installation. Suitable pulsing rate shall be adopted for wh and varh measurements. There shall be linear adjustment which shall be applied across the complete measurement range of the transformer. reasonable mechanical shocks. 2011-13:54:39 its memory. January 12.22 . and dump the same via CMRI to a PC running the BCS software. earthquake forces. 3.Location :: Lucknow. ambient temperature variations. VT secondary voltage 115% of rated voltage applied continuously and 190% of rated voltage applied for 3. as specified above. Portable or hand held Common Meter Reading Instruments (CMRI) shall be used for this purpose to serve as the interface between the meters specified above and the local personal computers (PC). In particular. Non Linear Transformer correction facility to apply compensation to the current measurement transformer errors. Any time block contraction or elongation for clock correction shall also be duly accounted for. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. all features of the meter including remote communication via VSAT and CT. at least. In case of 238 3.23 The harmonics shall be filtered out while measuring Wh. In case of a complete VT supply failure. The installation of metering system shall not be treated as complete unless this feature is successfully demonstrated using sample curves. 3.26 4. Meters shall also be able for implementing the TOD consumption on multiple tariff rates on per day basis. The rating of the contact shall be 110/220 V DC. In case of occurrence of such an event a pulse output shall be given through a volt free contact. VAR and VARh. 2011-13:54:39 one or two phases of VT supply. DEMONSTRATION If desired by the Purchaser. 100mA.25 It is also desirable that the metering system shall provide a facility for automatically indicating and logging of those events also wherein the readings of main meter and check meter have deviated beyond certain limits prescribed by the user. January 12. ) Current Imbalance: The meter shall be capable of detecting and recording occurrence and restoration of unbalance of current. It shall be feasible at site itself to program/feed the EEPROM/flash BIOS of the meters responsible for holding the CT and VT error curves by the user through password authentication.24 3. Peak hours period will be intimated to the successful bidder. the computation of average frequency shall be done only for the period during which the VT supply was available in the 15 – minute block. It shall be possible to retrieve this data through communication ports. VT accuracy compensation feature shall be demonstrated by the bidder at a randomly selected site so as to ensure complete integration of the offered system with the proposed VSAT system of the Purchaser. the following anomaly: a) Potential Imbalance: The meter shall be capable of detecting and recording occurrence and restoration of unbalance of voltage. The meter should have features to detect the occurrence and restoration of. and only fundamental qualities shall be measured/computed. Meters shall be able to store reactive energy consumption during the specified peak hour period in addition to total active energy consumption. The system should be able to provide the following information pertaining to tampering events taken place since last demand reset. 3. 5.Location :: Lucknow.0 TAMPER AND ANOMALY DETECTION FEATURES The meters shall have an appropriate recording system whereby any attempt of tampering the meter is promptly registered with date and time tagging.0 b) . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The housing/panels/cubicles. Time of first occurrence of tampering.3 7. Tamper data shall be available in the specified format below: i) ii) iii) iv) v) 6. low smoke.1 HOUSING FOR METERING SYSTEM Suitable enclosures/panels/cubicles may be supplied to mount the meters and associated terminal blocks.5 . Logic for calculation of voltage and current imbalance shall be furnished by the Bidder. Last 20 such events shall be stored in the meter. mm. A suitable MODEM to communicate via PSTN/microwave/PLCC/VSAT/SCADA at a minimum speed of 56 kbps should be provided for data exchange with remote computer. The enclosure shall have a door switch and space heater controlled by thermostat and switch powered by 220V auxiliary AC supply. Number of occurrence of tampering events.5 Sq. the meter shall indicate the same with convenient means. power supply etc.0 7. 7. 100mA. PVC insulted color coded wires of 2.9 shall be suitably partitioned from main metering system.6 mm CRCA. 631 as per IS 5. MODEMS. The wiring shall be carried out with multi-core super flexible. In case of malfunctioning of any of the device and circuit.4 7.0 Date of first occurrence of tampering. SELF DIAGNOSTIC FEATURES The meter shall have the facility of continuous and automatic monitoring of the healthiness of its various electronic devices and circuits. The MODEM and the power supplies with suitable switching arrangement as described at 5. confirming to at least IP 55 degree of protection shall be properly treated and painted with light gray shade no. Time of first restoration of tampering. cross section and 1. The load bearing members and frames shall be made of 2 mm CRCA and doors and covers shall be fabricated from 1. Provision shall be made to enable a MODEM to communicate across all the meters in the same housing. Date of last restoration to normal condition. The rating of the contact shall be 110V DC. All meters within one enclosure shall be connected to a common data highway through a standard RS232C link. 2011-13:54:39 such a event a pulse output shall be given through a volt free contact. thereby providing remote access using PSTN lines.2 7.Location :: Lucknow. which shall be capable of supporting at least eight meters (Four main and four check) along with necessary hardware. January 12.1 kV grade. 239 7. fire retardant. The front side of the meter shall be clearly accessible for accessing the data directly or through the MRI. as a stand alone unit to be installed at each substation. 4 5. Suitable arrangement shall be provided for frequent access to meter readings only. table-18).2 5.6 5.4. 10.4 5.1 TESTS TYPE TESTS All the equipment offered shall be fully type tested by the Bidder as per the relevant standards. as well as the associated enclosure shall be able to be sealed including the optical communication port.3 5. Influence Test Of Influence Quantities Measurement Of Phase Current Test Of Electrical Requirements Test Of Power Consumption Test Of Influence Of Supply Voltage Test Of Influence Of Short Time Over currents Test Of Influence Of Self Heating Tests For Electromagnetic Compatibility Acceptance Routine Sub Clause Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes = Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - 5.2 (Refer Note)* 5.9 5.6. 9.0 10.6.2 5.5 2 - 3 - - 4 240 .2 6.0 GURANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS The guaranteed technical particulars as detailed in the specifications shall be guaranteed and a statement of guaranteed technical particulars shall be esentially furnished in the enclosed format at the respective schedule alongwith the offer.4 5.3 5.6. However. as detailed in the next page.6. (as per CBIP technical report-88. 2011-13:54:39 8. User shall have the option of completely sealing the metering system.Location :: Lucknow.8 5.No. January 12. The date of type test conducted shall be the latest and not earlier than 5 years as on the date of Bid opening.0 SEALING ARRANGEMENT Each meter.6 5. Sl.4. The Bidder shall furnish following type test reports.6.C. without requiring to fiddle system seals.4 5. A 1 Type Tests Type Tests For Meters Tests Of Insulation Properties Impulse Voltage Test A.1 5.6.4. along with the offer.6. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.6.4.4. Voltage Test Insulation Resistance Test Tests Of Accuracy Requirements Tests On Limits Of Error Test Of Meter Constant (If Applicable) Test Of Starting Condition Test Of No Load Condition Repeatability Of Error Test Test Of Ambient Temp. test 2.2 5. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. For type testing all the above tests are to be carried out except test 2. Following additional tests shall be carried out on meters as per CBIP Technical Report 88 on randomly selected samples.2.8 is applicable only for meters having additional features as per clause 6. 2.8 for which refer note 2 *However.3.6 (Of CBIP Recommendations). After any such modifications and final assembly. 5. i) ii) iii) iv) Shock Test Vibration Test Magnetic Induction of external origin (AC & DC) Tamper & Fraud Protection as per clause 5. 2011-13:54:39 Radio Interference Measurements Fast Transient Burst Test Test Of Immunity To Electromagnetic HF Fields. 10.1 10.2 5.4 AS PER IS 12062 6 B Notes: 1. 241 .5 5.3.2. Test For Immunity To Electrostatic Discharge 5 Tests Of Climatic Influences Dry Heat Test Cold Test Damp Heat. Cycle Test Tests Of Mechanical Requirements Vibration Test Shock Test Spring Hammer Test Test Of Protection Against Penetration Of Dust And Water Test Of Resistance to Heat And Fire Type Tests For Metering Cubicle Conformance For Degree Of Protection - - 5.5.2 If desired by the Purchaser.2.3 5.3 10.1 5.Location :: Lucknow.5 5.1 5.2. Acceptance & Routine Tests Acceptance Tests All acceptance tests as stipulated in the relevant standards shall be carried out by the supplier in the presence of Purchaser's representative. one (1) out of the ordered quantity of meters may be subjected to the complete range of type tests as per CBIP recommendations and IEC-687 1992-06(Second Edition). In case of any failure to pass all specified tests. the Bidder shall arrange to carry out the requisite modifications/replacements in the entire lot of meters at his own cost. January 12.3. two (2) meters selected out of the lot by the owner’s representative shall be subjected to the full range of type tests.3. after final assembly.3 5.2 Routine Tests All routine tests as stipulated in the relevant standards shall be carried out. The manufacturer shall further commence manufacturing only after these are successfully tested.2 5.5 5.3 Yes Yes -- - 5.17 10. 11. submit 30 prints and two goods quality reproducible copies of the approved drawings for Purchaser's use.0 ii) 11. modify the drawings and resubmit three copies of the modified drawings for approval.2 11. electrical connections. i) ii) iii) 10. terminal connector wiring arrangement etc.3.Location :: Lucknow.4 11. 2011-13:54:39 In addition. Approval of drawings/work by Purchaser shall not relieve the supplier of his responsibility and liability for ensuring correctness and correct interpretation of the drawings for meeting the requirements of the latest revision of applicable standards. if necessary. the following tests including tamper and fraud protection tests shall also be carried out and such routine test certificates shall be submitted for approval of the Purchaser. The Purchaser reserves the right of having other reasonable test (s) carried out at his own expense either before despatch. The equipment shall conform in all respects to high standards of engineering. Data downloading through MRI. One set of routine test certificate shall accompany each dispatch consignment.1 . rules and codes of practices.3 Display of all metering parameters.3 The supplier shall. 11. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. LIST OF DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS: The bidder shal funish the following along with the offer i) Two sets of drawings showing clearly the general arrangements. design. Technical leaflets (user mannual) giving operating instructions. workmanship and latest revisions of relevant standards at the time of ordering and Purchaser shall have the power to reject any work or materials which in his judgement is not in full accordance therewith.1 The manufacturing of the quipment shall be strictly in accordance with the approved drawings and no deviation shall be permitted without the written approval of the Purchaser. Remote communication capabilities. fitting details. The Purchaser shall communicate his comments/approval on the drawings to the supplier within two weeks. The supplier shall. The supplier shall within two weeks. Eight sets of operating manuals/technical leaflets shall be supplied to each consignee for the first instance of supply. or at site to ensure that the equipment complies with the requirement of this specification.4. January 12. submit three sets of final versions of all the drawings as stipulated in the purchase order for Purchaser's approval. 242 11. All manufacturing and fabrication work in conection with the equipment prior to the approval of the drawing shall be at the supplier's risk. within 2 weeks of placement of order. shall be provided. Where ever necessary. proper arrangement for lifting such as lifting hooks etc. the material should not get damaged during transit by rail/road. The fragile material shall be carefully packed and marked with the appropriate caution symbol. Principle of operation of the meter outlining the methods and stages of compulation of various parameters starting from input voltage and current signals including the sampling rate if applicable shall be furnished by the bidder. d.0 12. Each consignment shall be accompained with a detailed packing list containing the following information: a. The marking on each package shall be as per the relevant Standards. and suitable to withstand handling during transport and outdoor storage during transit. Name of the consignment. The supplier shall be responsible for any damage to the equipment during transit. PACKING & FORWARDING : The equipment shall be packed in crates suitable for vertical/horizontal transport as the case may be. .5 13. he should ensure the packing is such that.2 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Handling and packing instructions.0 b. however.Location :: Lucknow. Any material found short inside the packing cases shall be supplied imediately by supplier without any extra cost. January 12. The method adopted to transfrom the voltage and current to the desired low values with explanation on devices used such as CT. GENERAL The Bidder in his offer shall clearly elaboratea. e. due to improper and inadequate packing. Details of consignment Destination. Bill of Material indicating contents of each package. c.1 12. The packing shall be done as per the manufactuer's standard practice. 243 12. Total weight of consisgment.3 The supplier shall ensure that the packing list and bill of material are approved by the Purchaser before dispatch.2 The acceptance test certificates in case of pri dispatch inspection or routine test certificates in case where inspection is waived off shall be got approved by the Purchaser. VT or Potential divider as to how they can be considered superior in maintaining ratio and phase angle for variation of influence quantities during its service period. b. 12. 2011-13:54:39 11. f.4.4 12. The testing. duly laid on cable trenches directly from VT and CT secondary terminals for termination at the meter end to be terminated by the meter supplier. 14. January 12. They must have standard power source and standard equipment callibarted not later than a year (or as per standard practice). Installation and commissioning shall be in the scope of the meter supplier. Facilities available.1 INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING Purchaser shall provide CT and VT cables required for recording of energy. Offers without these details will be liable for rejection.2 244 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 14. 2011-13:54:39 c.Location :: Lucknow.0 14. Details of testing facilitiesThe manufacturer’s laboratory must be well equipped for testing of the meters. for conducting type tests may also be furnished. The details of testing facilities available for conducting (a) The routine tests and (b) acceptance tests shall be furnished in a statement. if any. 1 IS 1651-1979 IS 2069-1964 IS 226-1950 Lead Acid Battery with tubular positive plates. Capacity at 10 hour rate of discharge 200 AH 4. 1.1 POSITIVE PLATES The positive plates shall be of tubular type designed for maximum durability.2 TYPE : The battery shall be of lead acid type.2 GENERAL The year of manufacture of the battery & its expected at the end of which it is expected to give 80% of its capacity with normal maintenance shall be stenciled of each battery set. Type of cells Lead acid. 3. Final cell voltage 1. Indoor. i) ii) iii) 2. the battery should be supplied and subjected to Tests as prescribed in the latest edition of relevant Indian standards.0 2.0 1. Sulphuric Acid. 2011-13:54:39 TS-10(A) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR 110 VOLTS STATION BATTERIES 1. Nominal voltage 110 Volts.85 Volts.0 Volts. battery set shall conform to the requirement of the latest editions of relevant Indian Standards. If desired by the Purchaser.Location :: Lucknow. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 5. January 12.2. Nominal cell voltage 2. Batteries shall conform to the requirements specification as below: 2.2 3. 1. 2. The correct number of cells required for each battery shall be clearly specified by the Bidder. The design. TYPE AND RATING Battery shall have the following features.1 STANDARDS Except as modified by this specification. 3.1 3. Water for storage Batteries. 245 . manufacture and testing of the battery set covered by this specification shall comply with the following Indian standard unless otherwise specified in the specification.0 3. 3. 3. 3. January 12. 3.2. 2011-13:54:39 3. 3. .2. 3. double tier arrangement.2.10 ACCESSORIES The Battery set shall be complete with all accessories and devices per set of battery including but not limited to the following :- 1. 3.3 CONTAINERS The containers shall be of glass/hard rubber.4 VENT PLUG Sealed in type cells shall be provided with anti splash type vent plugs.5 ACID LEVEL INDICATOR Opaque containers shall be provided with built in acid level indicator.7 ELECTROLYTE The Electrolyte shall be battery grade sulphuric acid conforming to latest Indian standards.2.9 CONNECTORS All connectors shall be of lead plated copper only when the discharge current is high the lead plating shall be adequate and tenacious.Location :: Lucknow. 2.2. 110 V 230 Nos.2 NEGATIVE PLATE The negative plate shall be of pasted type and should posses good electrical characteristics.8 WATER The water required for preparation of the electrolyte shall conform to Indian standards.2. Glass separators shall not be used.2. 246 1 No. 3.6 SEPARATOR The separator shall be of wood or other acid resisting material. Wooden Battery stand of teak wood without the use of metal fastening & coated with three coats of antiacid paints suitable for accommodating the cells in double row.2. extra. Inter connection Hard rubber cell insulators with 20 Nos. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 3.2. 14. 1 No. 10. 3. 8. 1 No. 5. Four sets Each Battery set shall have a connector of the appropriate double scale to indicate load and trickle charging current. 1 No. 1 No. Year of order/ Manufacture.Location :: Lucknow. The Bidder shall furnish layout drawings for double tier arrangement indicating the space requirement. Name of manufacturer. 7.4 3. Each Battery set shall be laid in two tier arrangement in separate room. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. IDENTIFICATION PLATE The successful Bidder will be required to affix a plate on the battery inscribed with the following information: i) ii) iii) iv) Specification No. 3 Nos. 17. This ammeter shall be supplied with a suitable range selector switch for each battery set. Expected life. Syringe type hydrometer Thermometer along with thermometer stand with temperature correction scale for specific gravity. Spanner set Rubber syringe Acid resisting funnel Acid resisting jug 1 litre capacity Wall type teak wood holder Battery containers as spare Nuts & Bolts Electrolyte in non returnable containers. 18. 1 No. 6. 55 Nos. 16. As per actual requirement with 5% extra As per requirement with 10% extra 2 Nos. Cell teating voltmeter complete with leads. 1 No. January 12. 2 Nos. Rubber apron Rubber gloves 14 Nos. 11. 9.3 Stand insulators (PVC) with 2 Nos. Cell number plate with fixing pins 1 set. extra. 2011-13:54:39 4. 13.5 247 . 3. 12. 2 Nos. 15. All screws.C. nuts and bolts shall be rust proof and spring washers shall be provided wherever required. front.Location :: Lucknow. The charger shall be stand-alone. Terminal blocks should be easily accessible and transparent flexible top covers (easily removable) shall be provided to cover the live parts. January 12. 1. All the switches. ii. supply failure – Battery on load. rear and top. iii. Suitable support channels shall be provided inside the cubicle. 2011-13:54:39 TS-10(B) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR 110/30A BATTERY CHARGERS AND 110V/ 30A DC DISTRIBUTION BOARDS 1. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 50 Hz  5% separately or simultaneously. knob should be such mounted that only their operating handles protrude out of the panel. Battery set under trickle charge.2 1. floor mounted indoor type. The charger unit will be completely vermin proof and neoprene gaskets will be provided around the edges of the door.1 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Annunciation Following state of battery when the charger is in the must be suitably displayed as follows: i. Important identifications/ markings shall be made on anodized plate with etching process (not with screening process) which shall be riveted. Battery set under Boost charge.0 1. The panels shall consist of fabricated sheet steel enclosures on the sides. The rear door of panel shall be in the form of lockable.C. This shall also be displayed with a reset table audio beeper /alarm and center zero ampere meter without any scale multiplier. 248 . The front and rear sheets shall be folded construction for providing rigidity and strength (without using any frame works or screwed & bolted sheet steel sections) of not less than 14 SWG. A. hinged tight fitting flap door which should close and open without keys.1 REQUIREMENT OF BATTERY CHARGER TYPE & RATING Each battery charger shall be of 3 phase type which must be able to meet the above requirement plus 20 Amps station load current on both float and boost charging modes with a voltage variation from 350 V to 470 V A.2. The batteries shall automatically be placed on trickle mode upon full charge. Both ends of wiring shall have the numbered plastic ferrules for identification. Battery charger ON. input voltage variation of 350 to 470V A. limit 40 A) plus station load or 20 A. 1.C. The cubicle should be equipped with necessary links and HRC fuses of approved make as per annexure-II which shall be mounted on sheet steel brackets.85V per cell) in case battery is loaded for prolonged time. v. Additional switch and socket shall be provided for emergency D.2. light inside the control room.2. through the battery set. load on charger shall not be interrupted. During this change over. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. iii. The output current shall remain constant ( 30A 1%) on varying station load conditions and supply input variations as per 1.Location :: Lucknow. The internal wiring of charger shall be carried out with PVC insulated multi strand flexible copper cable or suitable size of 650V grade. 2011-13:54:39 iv. The inside surface of charger shall be painted with white synthetic paint after properly treating the same with suitable anti rusting treatment.C. ii.C. Out put overload protection both in float and boost mode. The dimension of the charger cubical should preferably match with the D. ( Not in the scope of supplier). step less type with charge current of 30A (max.2 The output of float charger shall be automatic so as to maintain float current of 30A regulated within  01% over an output D. for output ) 249 .C. station D.3. 1. Each fuse shall be identified with a suitable engraved label as per item 2. January 12. 631 of ISS.2. i. The output of boost charger shall be manual.2.2 above.2 above.3 1. The cubicle wiring shall be suitably branched and neatly tied up. vii. input frequency 50 Hz 5% and station D. vi.5 PROTECTIONS Following minimum protections will be provided.C.4 1.C. Output over voltage protection. Contactor circuit healthy. Input/Output under voltage protection ( 93 V D.C. Annunciation supply shall be 110 V D. Incoming supply voltage High/Low. distribution boards. One N/o and one N/C contact ( potential free rated not more than 5A shall be provided for remote annunciation. voltage between 0 to 140% . Battery out off indication to prevent deep discharge ( below 1. load variation from 5 to 20A. The output voltage of 20 A station load shall be 110 V  1%.C. The outer surface of charger shall be light gray as per shade no. Only powder coating paint will be accepted. Trickle charging system failure. Fine steel wire mesh of 16 SWG which can not be locked by the dust shall also be provided under the louvers so that any undesirable element/insects may not enter into the charger through louvers. so that it may be easily readable by a skilled man and their annunciation LED & relay should also be given same number duly marked on it ( refer drawing enclosed at annexure-I) in a similar fashion. packing should be made in such a way that panel may reach the destination without scratches/ damages in the paint.1 All HRC fuses will be of approved make and all fuses will be supervised by separate audiovisual annunciation.8 Any scratch in the paint even during transit shall be attended at site. All fuses may be numbered on metallic sheet ( not with sticker etc.9 1.2. 250 . ) and number should be so clearly put under each fuse.3 1. Height & width shall be so kept that all the components of the charger which has to be mounted on the sides of the charger panels.7 1. 1. Phase failure protection ( single phase prevention). 1. may be accommodated suitably & nicely so that no problem arises during maintenance and removal/replacement. All internal wiring of the charging unit shall be carried out with PVC insulated Multistoried/ single strand cable of 650 V grade. The size & rating of the fuse strip ( auxiliary fuse) shall be fixed by UPPTCL later on the recommendation of successful bidder. Both ends of each wire shall be. 2011-13:54:39 iv. Every marking/ identification of any component/any circuit shell be made on anodized plate (not on plastic sheet) prepared with itching process (not with screening process/ or paint) and should be reverted . marked with good quality ferrules. However. The dimensions of charger shall be as follows: a) b) Depth 600 mm ( can not be changed). Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. therefore. 1.10 1. height & width shall not be in any case less than 1500 mm respectively .2. v.2. All wires should be suitably bunched and clamped on suitable metallic support to give straight line /90 turning appearance. The battery if under full charge should be prevented from connecting with the boost charger in case of failure of trickle charging circuit. Fuse Each semi-conductor and thyristor shell be supervised by separate fuse and relays in addition to this all circuits shall also be supervised with individual fuses.3.2. vi.2. Output earth fault protection .Location :: Lucknow.6 Sufficient louvers shall be provided on the top side of the battery charger panel and on the back door of the panel. Indication circuits may be protected through a common single fuse. No louvers shall be provided on sides of battery charger. January 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. of the cells of the battery ( 42nd cell ) should under all conditions be connected to the load through 4 nos.5 . switches. distribution board. a provision should be made for an emergency operation under which it should be made for an emergency operation under which it should be possible to use the boost charger circuit for the purpose of trickle charging of battery and also supplying simultaneously the continuous load of the substation equipment. The inside surface of the cubicle shall be painted with white synthetic enamel paint. For 30A charger.2 2. Bidders may 251 1. Each of these diodes should independently provide necessary blocking.8 1. The charger cubicle shall be delivered complete with all relays. Necessary details required for such arrangement to be indicated. connected in series and parallel combinations. The dimensions of the charger cubicle should match with that of D. indicating lamps and other equipments duly mounted.20 for approval. Illuminated indication of main switch positions (i)Boost charging ON (ii) Float charging unit ON (iii) Battery I under Float ( iv) Battery IInd under float (V) both Battery under float ( vi) Battery Ist under Boost charge. contactor to meet any load demand to the load circuit beyond the rated capacity of the Float charger unit.5 All annunciation fuses ( auxiliary fuses ) shall be placed in side the panel. 2011-13:54:39 1. provision shall be such that during the period when either of the battery is in boost charging. Aesthetic view may also be kept in mind while placing the switches. instruments. However.4 1. Under the normal operation the boost charging and float charging of the battery should be done by the boast charger and float charger circuits respectively. 1.1 2. meters on front panel or inside the panel. UPPCTL decision shall be final.(vii)Battery IInd under Boost charge should be shown on facia window on the top of the cubicle of 30A chargers.0 2.4 2. 631 of ISS.3 2. After boost charging both the batteries of 30A charger have to be transferred on float charging for trickle charging. blocking diodes.3& 4 with a proposed list of Do’s and Don’t shall be submitted along with drawing referred under clause 7.9 2.C. Special arrangements have to be made so that two numbers of battery sets can be charged (boost charging) one by one through a special selector switch on boost charging section.2. Before paining the cubicle surface should be properly treated to make it rust resistant. In order to keep battery available to meet any heavy load condition when boost charging is on. a suitably selected no.6 1. The outside surface of the cubicle shall be synthetic enamel painted in light grey as per shade no.7 1.C.Location :: Lucknow. January 12. The drawings for plate No. other battery should be on trickle charge and also should be in the circuit through suitable D. 2 3. The capacity of transformer may be so rated that the voltage of each cell may be maintained from 2.8 Volt to 2. has also be enclosed along with the Bid positively. SEMI CONDUCTORS There will be two separate.5 3. Adjustment of the Voltages shall be step less.1. Necessary calculation for driving the capacity of the transformer showing wire size. There will be separate and individual transformer for float charging and boost charging section.e.2. 3.Location :: Lucknow. of turns. Capacity of the transformer may be so adjusted that the voltage of each cell of storage battery may be achieved from 1.1 TECHNICAL DETAILS OF IMPORTANT COMPONENTS TRANSFORMERS Charger should be suitable for working on 3 phase A. station load may vary from zero to 120% of rated current. output voltage of 119 1% during float charging. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. naturally air cooled as per ISS 2026: 1977.1. no.C. The core of the transformer shall be GKW grade. total weight etc.7 3. naturally cooled as per ISS: 2026:1977 with necessary taps on the primary winding as well as on secondary winding ( if required) for coarse and fine adjustment of the voltage in steps of 10% and 5% respectively. January 12. Transformer should be copper wound and before putting it into insulating varnish both.2 BOOST CHARGER UNIT Transformer suitably rated for full variation of voltages and frequency and must have two separate copper winding.1.1 .1 FLOAT CHARGER UNIT AC transformer shall be suitably rated and should have two separate copper windings.6 3.15V to 2. It can be switched ON only when full primary & secondary winding of the transformer are in the circuit. 3.2V at even maximum rated load current.1.1.8 Volts.1. flux density core size.C.3 Suitable interlocking switch maybe provided in the primary and secondary windings of the transformer so that at the time of switching of the charger.0 3. The capacity of the transformer shall be suitable for 120% of rated load.4 3. for float charging and boost 252 3. 2011-13:54:39 submit their drawings along with their offers. it should be dehydrated and varnish should be impregnated under pressure. supply where phase to phase voltage may vary from 310 V to 720 V and frequency variation may be up to  3% which may occur simultaneously or separately but charger should give constant D.1. 3. 3. full wave bridge i. iron core type and shell also be supervised and protected with separate fuse and annunciation. 3. Control with a continuous current rating suitable for full load. January 12. output with a variation of not more than  1% charger scheme should be so designed that boost charging. Choke provided in the filter circuit.7 3.6 3. 3. voltage shall be regulated electronically within  1% of rated output voltage (119 D.3 3.2 3.2 All semiconductors shall be provided with S.C.1 RIPPLE CONTENTS Float and boost unit of each charger should give smooth D.2.7.C.3 . shall be of copper wire.5. The boost charging unit shall be so suitably rated that with the help of coarse and fine adjustment the voltage of each cell may be achieved from 1.C.2 volts and please note load current may vary from zero to rated capacity. FLOAT CHARGING OUT PUT VOLTAGE REGULATION The out put of float charging unit shall be automatic type and D.5.C. CURRENT LIMITING Float charging unit and boost charging unit of charger should be provided with proper electronic current limiting features. unit and float charging unit both will remain simultaneously and continuously.C.7. 2011-13:54:39 charging.C.4 3.2. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Each semi conductor shall be mounted on separate suitably rate naturally air cooled heat sink.1 VOLTAGE REGULATION Battery charger’s float unit should be rated for 119 volts D. Calculation for selection of rating and type of heat sink shall also be submitted along with the other details. output with ripple content not more that  3% without connecting any load or Battery at full rated current and A. Voltage automatically by step less adjustment in such a way that the voltage of each cell may be maintained between 2. it necessary.3 3.7. Float charger should be capable to give rated D. 3. ) This automation shell be achieve with properly rated thyristors.R.5 3.2.8 V to 2. Voltage of 520 Volts.2 3.1 volt to 2.Location :: Lucknow.C.4 SURGE SUPPRESSOR UNIT Each semi conductor bridge shall be suitably protected with surge suppressor unit of proper rating 3.8 253 3. 7. meter in the boost charging circuit.C. load and batteries shell always be connected with the charger unit. The load shall be supplied by the float charging unit only and rated trickle charging current to the battery shall also be fed by the float charger unit.7. D.0 volt. volt meter ( moving coil type 144 X 144 mm) shall be provided on load side with a rotator switch capable of showing the voltages of float.0 Amp. which may be higher then 120 V. The range of voltage adjustment through dropping diodes may be from 148 V D.C. load shall be fed by the batteries and after restoring the A.C.14 254 .C.9 3. 3.11 3. Supply. Voltmeter ( 144 x 144 mm ) shall also be provided with a rotary switch capable of showing input voltage .7.7.7. A tap for connecting 42 nd cell shall provided to the load point through four number blocking diodes in series parallel combination.7. if not necessary than proposed method may be explained to achieve this requirement UPPTCL decision be final The rating of dropping diodes should be sufficiently rated. January 12.C.nearest 119 V D. For a short failure of A. Moving coil type A. power supply battery charging shall be done by the float/boast battery charger.C.10 3.4 Normally D.8 3. boost 42 nd position. supply.C. parallel and series combination of dropping diodes may be provided.C main fails hence proper interlocking shall be provided with the main A. contactor with over load protection along with a main switch.5 3.7. contactor when A.7 3. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.6 3. Ammeter (141X 144 mm ) shall also be provided on float and boost charger unit with a least count of 1. Also during boost charging of batteries the boost charger bus should remain isolated with float charger bus which connects the load. All switches used in the circuitry shall be of reliable manufacturer and of reasonable rating ( refer annexure –II) 3.C.12 3.13 3.7. Float and boost charger unit should be so designed that in the event of any damage to the float charger unit. 2011-13:54:39 volts.0 volt.C.C.Least count of the voltmeter should be 1.C. if necessary so that voltage may be adjusted accurately with course and fine arrangement . with D.Location :: Lucknow. The least count of the voltmeter should be 1. Supply for both the transformers shall be connected through separate A. The boost charger shall automatically be connected to the bus of float charger through a D. D. 2 Nos.7.C. 115 V D. A. separate suitable moving coil type D.C.7. dropping diodes position and off position.C.C. the battery shall be charged through boost charger manually and to adjust the voltage for load from battery . center zero type amp.7. 4.1 ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT FOR THYRISTOR CONTROLLED MODULE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD (P. 2011-13:54:39 3. not less than 2. The over voltage setting for float charger should be at 120 V D.2 OVER VOLTAGE Over voltage protection should be provided and individual audio. 3. 3.C 5. if round should not be less than 5 mm and if rectangular than illuminated area should not be less than 12.1.0 4.1 PROTECTION CURRENT LIMITING The circuit of the charger unit should be so designed the connected load may not draw the current beyond 110% of rated current of the charger.0 Volts D.C. January 12.35 mm.9.3 UNDER VOLTAGE Under voltage protection should be provided and individual audio.B. catalogue for finalization of rating of relays .7x 6.0 5.8 3.1 RELAY For audio alarm PLA/ OEN ( plug in type) relay should be used shall submit his Recommendations with manufacture technical data.9 3.C. and for boost charger 150 Volts. for electronic circuit shall be made of glass epoxy cooper laminated of thickness not less than 2.B. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. PUSH BUTTON All push buttons used shall be of approved make. 255 . Each thyristor/ semi-conductor of the rectifier must have individual relay for annunciation. Color of the lens should be red.7.C. Float charger unit should have automatic control while boost charger unit should have audiovisual indication on 110% and tripping arrangement on 120% of rated load.C. LED All lamps for annunciation circuit shall be infrared red colour LEDs of high illumination only. supply shall be provided with glass lens.5 mm at 20 mill amp or less with a wide angle lens ( not less than 150 ) The size of the LED.visual indication should come on both units and the setting should be 118. 4.Location :: Lucknow.10 4.) The P.visual indication should come on each unit.3 mm sheet and shall be of draw out module type so that at the time of servicing it can be taken out along with its presets ( pots) without de soldering any wire/ connection.15 Pilot lamp showing A. have also to be got approved from UPPTCL.5 5. catalogue number of all connected electronic components viz transistors.1 All annunciation should operate on110V D.4 5.Location :: Lucknow.Bs 256 5.1.C.3 7. The rating & make. 5. 7. Schematic & Wiring drawings of battery charger & DCDB. The decision of UPPTCL shall be the final and binding on successful bidder. 2.1.1 . Reference voltage sensing shall be done through IC-723/3140/324/741 metal pack only. ERECTION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS. Layout and list of components showing make & ratings including the components used on P. before proceeding for manufacturing. There should be a push button to test all annunciation circuit and a separate push button to accept the alarm/audio indication but visual indication should not go off till the fault is removed.C.2 DRAWING INSTRUCTION BOOKLETS. 3. January 12.sets of the following drawings shall be furnished for approval within one month from the date of order in quadruplicate 1.0 7.Surface mount devices will not be accepted . If there is another fault in between/before the removal of earlier fault.1. resistors and capacitor relays switches etc.C. ANNUNCIATION CIRCUIT Refer clause 2.B. the design should allow replacement at component level. UPPTCL reserves all rights to change/ suggest any component(s) as per Purchaser’s requirement/ suitability. still the circuit should be capable of giving its audiovisual annunciation.1. Sensing for under voltage/ over voltage shall also be done with any of the above IC ( Metal pack only).2 6. of each electronic control & power supply shall be separate & shall be mounted with Suitable edge connectors.C.0 6. 6.1. and size shall be got approved from UPPTCL .Optical isolators may also be used.6 6.B. 2011-13:54:39 The layout drawing of the P.1 6. General arrangement drawing of battery charger & DCDB. DRAWINGS The scheme of charger shall be strictly as per enclosed drawing at Annexure –I However successful bidder can submit his proposal with full justification for any change in the drawing/rating for improvement purposes. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.2 P. output taken from output terminal of the float charger.3.3 5. Layout of all annunciation LEDs & its description. within 15 days of the finalization of drawings referred under para 7.all fuses and annunciation circuit . Any other drawings if required by the Purchaser shall also be supplied by the Bidder Without extra charges.2 shall have important DO’s and DON’t in red colour. Plate no.The circuit should be so simple so that any body can understand and preliminary fault location like fuse failure etc.11 The list of DO’s and DON’ts shall be submitted along with drawings.2. can be attended by a skilled man at the substation. 5.B. The supplier shall submit the layout and component details of P.9 7.C. 2011-13:54:39 4.2 shall be riveted on front panel . Otherwise delivery shall not be accepted. 7.1 shall consists important circuitry . The Bidder shall submit the service diagram of electronic circuit showing all the important parameters viz currents and voltage within 10 days from the approval of the drawing of layout. All LEDs should also be mounted on anodised plate separately giving all details of indication. indicated by each LED (Para 7.4 7.10 7.3 Service diagrams.fuse cartage rating to facilitate at the time of replacement of blown fuse. Plate No. Plate no. Any amendment suggested by the Purchaser in the layout of P.12 Rating of all fuses used. The Bidder shall submit . January 12. 6. Drawing showing the format of this plate shall also be submitted along with the other relevant drawings. 257 .Location :: Lucknow.B and the components shall be acceptable to the Bidder. ANY DELAY IN APPROVAL OF DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE THE REASONS FOR EXTENSION IN DELIVERY The Bidder shall provide four number anodized plates of size not less than 500x300mm and plate shall be made with itching process.8 7.5 7. The Bidder shall also submit 1 set of drawing in the form of plastic reproducible of capable of producing clear legible prints to this office (Engineer of contract).the detailed drawing of equipment showing the rating and make of each component (Annexure-II) including connected electronic circuit.1 shall be riveted in side the back door panel and plate no. 7. should also be printed on separate plate showing fuse number and 1no. Plate no. Any change in the drawing by the Purchaser shall have to be accepted by the Bidder. 7.6 7. List of important DO’s& DON’TS Drawing including name plate drawing.7 7.C. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.2 of item 5).3&4 shall have the details of annunciation. 7. All ratings should be of continuous type. Voltage -Current characteristic. The successful bidder can submit his proposal for the rating with full justification and manufacturers catalogue Number. Conversion efficiency.1 RATING & MAKE Make of Important components shall be as per Annexure –II . i. Temperature rise. side.0 ROUTINE TESTS Routine tests listed below shall be conducted on each and every charger and DCDB along with acceptance test at manufacturers works at his cost as per latest ISS such as IS 3136-1965. i.7. High voltage test(2KV test) Inspection Charger shall be subject to general inspection for the quality of work-man ship and finish.relays electronic circuits.C.C. component on D. voltage . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The decision of UPPTCL shall be final and binding. vi vii viii ix D. 12.Current characteristics. CHARACTER OF LOAD Bidders attention is also drawn against clause 4.C. 2011-13:54:39 8. iv v.0 8.C.0 TYPE TEST Type test shall be conducted on minimum 10% chargers or two chargers which ever is higher at different interval and following tests shall be conducted during type tests. voltage –current characteristics for rated character of the load along with the Bid. iii. January 12. A.8 IS1540) Bidders shall provide D.Location :: Lucknow. In addition to above if any additional test is required by any relevant ISS shall also be conducted. High voltage Inspection Auxiliary devices. iv D. 9. 13. Automatic voltage regulation. 258 .3 of IS:4540:1968 character of load is counter emf load. iii. Type test shall also be conducted on transformer as per IS:2026(Part-I)1977.0 MEASUREMENT OF VOLATAGE REGULATION(CLAUSE 6.C.0 10. ii. Auxiliary devices:-Such as contactors . ii. 2011-13:54:39 12.C.0 3. One number circuit through suitably rated change over switch with HRC fuses for connecting respective battery charger. ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 3.110V D.5 . emergency light for 25Amps. protection. charger with 1 set of shall be used at each 132 KV substation. alarm and indication etc.C.2.C. January 12. 20 Nos.Bs shall be provided with at least the following: i) 1no. supply monitoring emergency light switching and space heater.C.C. 20 amp.4 fault condition. A. single phase fuse protected circuit for A.C. Two series bulbs with center tap earthed and other ends connected to the battery shall also be provided.C. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF D. emergency light in the event of A. distribution board shall be similar in construction to the charger having preferably the same height using 14SWG sheet steel. 230V single phase supply for connecting A. outgoing circuits with suitably rated ON/OF switches(HRC fuse protected). battery 3.1 DISTRIBUTION CIRCUIT FOR 200AH BATTERY 1 No.0 GENERAL The D.C. supply failure. The DCDB shall have single aluminum bus bar arrangement and arrangement for connecting the out put of charger. failure shall also be provided.C.3 3.circuit (HRC fuse protected) with suitably rates changeover switch for charger input.Location :: Lucknow. 1no. Audio and visual indication (230V AC operated ) will also be provided for D. Audio and visual indications shall be provided for tripping and under voltage D. 2. D. D.C. 1No.2 The battery charger capacity test may also be carried out at site at the time of commissioning of each set.2 Distribution board shall be provided with the following circuits with suitable rated Switches. DISTRIBUTION BOARDS 1.C. distribution board along with 1 no. (below 85% of 110V) conditions. 1no.C.C.D.C.C.emergency light circuit in the event of A. load with suitable rated rotary switch 259 3. contactor for switching on D.0 Each D. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Automatic switching of D. 6 20 numbers outgoing circuit for rated 15Amps. All outgoing circuits emergency light circuit shall be supervised with individual circuits to give audio-visual alarm for fuses failure Suitable earth fault on D. Two bulbs connected in series with center point earthed and the other ends of the two bulbs connected with the positive and negative bus bars shall also be provided.Location :: Lucknow.load with suitably rated ON/OFF switches. 2011-13:54:39 HRC fuses. system may also be provided. HRC fuses.7 3.C.9 260 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 3.8 3. January 12. 3. 3 . 50  5%Hz grounded A. Specification for factory built assemblies of switchgear and controlgear for voltage up to and including 1000V AC and 1200V DC. 261 2.I Front operated L. January 12.B. Particular requirements for bus bar trunking system.I ) General requirements for switchgear and Controlgear for voltages not exceeding 1000 Volts.-II) (h) IS-375 2. 4 wire. SWITCH BOARD 1.0 STANDARDS The switchboard shall conform to following specifications latest amendments thereof:(a) (b) IS-2516 (Part I&II/) IS-4237 Specification for alternating current C. Sec. system having a rupturing capacity of not less than 20KA at rated operating voltage.2 2.0 2. switchboard shall be as per enclosed sketch no. 2011-13:54:39 TS-11 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR 630 AMP 20KA 433 VOLTS L. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Control switches (Switching devices for control and auxiliary circuits including Bidder . Control switches (Switching devices for control and auxiliary circuits including Bidder . 3-phase. Markin and arrangements for switchgear bus bars main connections and auxiliary wiring.T.C.T. (c) IS-6875 (d) (e) IS-2705(Pt-II) IS-1248 (f) IS-8623 (g) IS-8623(Pt.1 LT SWITCH BOARD REQUIREMENTS The details and arrangement for the incoming and outgoing feeders on the L. The board shall be made of MS sheet steel clad totally enclosed . switchboard shall be operative on 433 10% volts.dust and vermin proof. AC & 1200V DC) Specification for current transformers. Specification for direct acting electrical indicating instruments.T.Location :: Lucknow. These shall be completely enclosed and adequately ventilated. No live parts of switch shall be accessible unless it has been put in ‘OFF’ position. Frame work shall be rigid without using any external bracings.8 2. BUS BARS The bus bars shall be made of copper with PVC sleeving having rectangular cross sectional area of one square inch.10 2. thickness. However 262 2.S.11 2. All equipments. as per table A&B shall be provided for all feeders.Location :: Lucknow. Brass cable glands. Neoprene rubber gasket shall be used at all joining surfaces to achieve dust tight and vermin proof sealing. ample space shall be provided in the cable duct for accommodating PVC insulated aluminum conductor cables with enough space for carrying out jointing works etc. earthling strips upto nearest earth bar etc. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The switch board shall be designed to facilitate inspection/cleaning/repairs.12 2. The switchboard shall be of sheet steel construction with M. All switches shall be suitable for front on board operation and interlocked with the doors.7 2. below with common bus bar chamber . The bus bar chamber shall be adequately ventilated and shall be provided with removable covers for easy access. bus bars with covers removed and other connections shall be easily accessible from the back or front. Connections between vertical bus bars and circuit terminals shall preferably be fully insulated or enclosed so as not to leave any exposed live parts.small wiring wherever required. 2011-13:54:39 2. Bimetallic connectors shall be used where aluminium to copper or vice-versa connections are required. Vertical bus bars shall feed the outgoing feeders. At T-off joints sticking tape /molded tape shall be used. sheet not less than 3mm.the switchboard shall be complete with foundation bolts . however. These shall be adequately designed and supported to withstand the electrodynamic forces arising from a short circuit in the system.4 Cubicle suitable for indoor floor mounting with separate compartments for individual feeders. The bus bars shall be PVC sleeved /taped except at T-off joints. suitable for PVC aluminium conductor cable of sizes. January 12.6 2.13 i) ii) iii) .5 2.9 2. It should be possible to work on the circuit outgoing connections with out any danger of accidental contacts with the live connections between vertical bus bar and circuit terminal. Switches shall be placed in multitier arrangements. The design of switchboard shall be such that it covers minimum floor space. 400/5A for metering having accuracy class 1 and instrument security factor 5.1 3. should be designed for quick make and quick break operations and shall be fitted with All equipments and fuses etc. operated thermo magnetic release for over load and short circuit protections.15VA burden and accuracy class 5P 10 for protection. Push button for emergency tripping. flush mounted ammeter suitably scaled.continuous.0 3. AIR CIRCUIT BREAKERS Tripple pole air circuit breakers shall be trip free manually operated horizontal draw out type fitted with mechanical ON and OFF indicator. Voltmeter selector switch. The A.B. terminal boards and instruments fuses etc. 1no. January 12. 3nos current transformer of ratio 400-200/5.3 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV . 2011-13:54:39 these shall not be considered for any uprating of the bus bar current rating due to sleeving / taping. when breaker is removed. 1 no. 1 no.T. neutral link 1 set of contacts to give audible and visual (mechanical flag indication) alarm in case of tripping of the circuit breaker on fault with alarm bell and cancellation switch. The detailed specification of air circuit breakers are as follows:Breaking capacity shall not be less than 20KA at rated operating voltage and breaker shall be rated for 630Amp. 1no. flush mounted voltmeters. auxiliary switch. Suitable for 3 cores. Set of mechanical interlocks with automatic safety shutter gear for completely shielding the stationary contacts. A meter selector switch.T. 400sq. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 3nos. mounted on circuit breaker cubicle should be properly wired 263 3.2 3. C.Location :: Lucknow.C. iv) The bus bar should be taped with suitable colour code for ready identification of phases. Lable inscriptions. 1no. PVC cable split type cable terminal box. Schienider/ LARSEN AND TUBRO/ ALSTOM make. Terminal block shall be of Kirlkoskar-Asea or Easun make. it shall be quick make/quick break type and trip free. The MOCB shall be provided with tripping device with inverse time current characteristics for overload protection and device for instantaneous protection against short circuits. The A. rating for phases and 400 Amp.3 264 . 2.rating moulded case type-1 No. Out going circuit with MOCBs of desired rating for following feeders. The main bus bar shall be of 800 Amps. DETAILD SPECIFICATION FOR L.2 5. 4. totally enclosed.T. shall be of CG.3 4. Making current capacity of MOCB shall be twice the short circuit rating The MOCB shall be manually operated with mechanical ON/OFF indicator. cubicle type switchboard. 3. Incoming circuit with 630Amp.4 4. SWITCHBOARD This switchboard is proposed to be installed at132KV substation for distribution of L. in case of failure of supply it shall be possible to energise the complete bus bar of the switchboard through either of the incoming switch.2 4. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. L.1 MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS / ISOLATOR The MOCB / isolator shall be suitable for flush mounted sheet steel clad. The bus isolator on the switch board shall be mechanically and electrically interlocked with the incoming switched on the board such that bus isolator is not closed if supply is being fed through both the incomers. It shall be possible to remove the switch for inspection or replacement from the face of the switch board such that connecting wirings are not disturbed. 4.0 4.ACB-2 Nos.B. The CTs ammeter and voltmeter etc.6 5.1 5.5 4.T boards shall have ACB and MOCB of same make only. for neutral and shall have following circuits:1. However.0 5. The rupturing capacity of each MCCB/ Isolator shall not be less than 20KA at rated operating voltage.-1. supply as per single line diagram shown in the enclosed sketch No.C.Location :: Lucknow. January 12.T. 2011-13:54:39 according to the equipments. The mounded case circuit breakers/isolators shall be of CG-Schiender /LARSEN AND TUBRO/ ALSTOM make. This switchboard shall be fed through two incoming circuits. Bus isolator 630Amp. shall be of reputed make well tried and proven by actual use. 95sq. The switchboard shall be provided with following indicating lamps:i. 7. (common). January 12. of fdrs. iii. switchboard and other associated equipment shall be assembled at the manufacturer’s works and shall be subjected to routine and other acceptance tests specified in the latest relevant Indian Standard specification. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 7.4 Thermal setting of MOCB of Fdrs. 5. 3-1/2 core PVCAlum cable 50sq. Coloured Green to give “ ALARM SCHEME 110 volts DC operated suitable audible and visual (Mechanical Flag indication) alarm scheme shall be provided to indicate tripping of ACB-1.1 6.1 ASSEMBLY AND TEST AT MANUFACTURER’S WORKS The L. the Bidder shall carryout temperature rise test on one of the L.T. Switchboard should be done through a link provided adjacent to respective ACB/ 1 6 2 Cable terminals to be suitable for. In addition to above routine and acceptance tests.B.2 Schematic diagram giving the details of operation of the required alarms and mechanical Flag indication have been shown in the sketch switchboard has been tested and has been found to be sound electrically and mechanically and is in working order in all respect and that it complies with the terms of the order .T. II enclosed. Coloured Red to give CB closed indication. 040Amp. Four copies of the certificates of the routine and acceptance tests on all the equipments shall be furnished by the Bidder to the “Engineer of the Contract” before dispatch for his approval showing that the L. 6. if so required. No. There should also be 3 sets of audible and visual (Mechanical flag indication) alarm for station transformer indications viz Buchholz alarm. 063Amp.T. 100Amp. The Bidder shall also provide facilities for the inspection of the routine and acceptance tests by the representative of the Purchaser. Coloured Yellow to give “DC supply healthy indication.Location :: Lucknow. 100Amp. ---------do---------50sq.T. winding temperature high alarm. In respect of all bought out components test certificates of their manufacturer must be submitted to the Purchaser. 2011-13:54:39 MOCB Rating 200Amp. ii.0 TESTS The successful Bidder shall be required to carry out the following tests at their works free of cost.0 6. switchboard of each category free of cost and shall submit test certificates for approval of the Purchaser. Details of 265 . open” indication. ---------do---------- Neutral termination of each incoming and out going feeder from L. 125 Amp.ACB-II and MOCBs. 10. Such test shall be carried out in consultation with the Bidder and shall be at the expenses of the Purchaser. Copy of test certificate from manufacturer of these instrument transformers shall be supplied. 9.frequency . rated voltage .current rupturing capacity. ACB and MOCB of different rating shall be supplied.make. this office Bid specification no. Routine tests shall be carried out on all the breakers which are to be supplied.0 LABELLING The equipment shall be dispatched fully labeled describing type . switchboard and other associated equipments shall be assembled and tested for accurate assembly and satisfactory operation at manufacturer’s works before dispatch. To achieve a durable finish. (5) TEST AT SITE The Purchaser reserves the right of carrying out at site such tests as he may decide upon.0 INTERCHANGEABILITY All parts shall be made to standard gauge wherever possible so as to facilitate replacement and repair. careful surface pretreatment shall be carried out at per following process: 266 . 8.0 PAINTING The switch board shall be synthetic enamel painted in light grey as per shade no. (3) INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS All instruments transformers shall be subjected to tests at manufacturer’s works in accordance with relevant Indian Standard Specifications. (4) METERING INSTRUMENTS High voltage tests shall be carried out on all meters. (2) SWITCH BOARD Each component parts of the L. provided the test levels are within the limit laid down in Indian Standard Specifications. year of order and substation for which purchased etc. 2011-13:54:39 these manufacturers shall be furnished to the Purchaser well in advance. (1) CIRCUIT BREAKERS Type test certificates on one breaker of each type i.Location :: Lucknow.631 of ISS. All corresponding parts of similar apparatus shall be interchangeable. Accuracy tests and calibration curves shall be submitted for one instrument of each type. January 12.e.T. Ratio and phase angle calibration curves shall be submitted for each type. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. zinc chrome primer. Spraying of final coat of air drying synthetic enamel paint of shade no. ix. ii. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 i.if any. Half liter paint of the same shade shall also be supplied with each board for final touch of boards or any minor scratches caused during transportation. Air drying completely. Rinsing with cold water for a final cleaning. Spraying of one coat of best quality zinc chrome primer on dry sheet. iii. xi xii 267 . January 12. Rubbing and cleaning with sand paper for complete removal of scales/rust. iv.631 of ISS of best quality ICC make. Removing minor surface flaws by rubbing and applying putty after first coat has air dried. Spraying of 2 nd. Removing of rust and corrosion by treating all sheet metal with acid.631 of IEC make . After acid treatment rinsing with cold water for removing traces of acid. vii. viii. Removal of surface flaws by applying putty and rubbing the sheet steel to a smooth level after the first coat has sufficiently air dried. x.Location :: Lucknow. v. Spraying of one coat of air drying synthetic enamel paint light gray colour as per shade no. vi. 2011-13:54:39 268 .Location :: Lucknow. January 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 269 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.Location :: Lucknow. January 12. In UPPTCL system.0 1.2 Capacitor Bank alongwith mounting racks shall be suitable for mounting on plinth in outdoor switchyard.1.0 meters. However.26 MVAR at 38KV.75 meters from the ground level as per enclosed drawings. Tenderers are advised to keep this aspect in mind while offering so that no problem is faced in electrical clearances and carrying out jumpring work and electrical connections. assembly.4 1. The height of supporting structures may be considered 2. Detailed dimensioned layout plan and sectional elevation drawings showing the arrangement of capacitor bank along. 1. Switching Reactors shall also be suitable for mounting on plinth. insulators& support insulators.1. supply. The rated continuous output of 10 MVAR. Other required associated equipments like be CTs/ NCTs/ VTs/ Isolators etc. foundation and fixing bolts & nuts and other auxliaries and accessories etc. the offer is liable to be rejected. Required inter-connecting materials. If such drawings are not submitted with the tender.Location :: Lucknow. supporting structures as specified and spares in accordance with the specifications as detailed hereinafter:“10 MVAR.6 1. junction boxes. testing at manufacturer’s work’s. height of gantry as well as width of bay for 33KV bus-bars are 6. January 12..1. are to be offered without mounting structure but these shall be suitable for mounting on UPPTCL structure as per applicable drawings enclosed.1.1. Capacitor banks shall be in two double star formation each double star protected through separate one number Neutral Current Transformer (NCT). 2011-13:54:39 TS – 12 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF 33 KV 10 MVAR C APACITOR BANK 1.” 1.1 1. 3. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.phase capacitor having internal fuse protection units and suitable for installation on 33KV Bus-bars having highest system voltage 36KV. elevating steel structures for these. duly hot galvanized and complete with bolts and nuts and foundation bolts and nuts be also quoted as OPTIONAL ITEM.3 1. Capacitor banks shall have internal fuse protection units. 33KV Bank shall be 13. bolts and nuts.1.1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS REQUIREMENT AND SCOPE This specification covers the design. Circuit breakers shall be offered complete with mounting structures. manufacture.7 270 . delivery.with associated equipments is necessary for submission with the tender.1. requisite number of bi-metallic terminal connectors. shall form a part supply and prices of such items and auxliaries and accessories shall included in the prices offered for the equipments .5 1. test and commissioning on supervisory basis of the following category of complete capacitor bank and associated equipments. Each capacitor bank shall be in two double star groups of 5MVAR each with separate one number manually operated. interconnecting materials. 3-ph. CT. OFF load type isolator with earthing switch for each group. 3-ph. General arrangements The capacitor banks shall be out door type suitable for operation in the climatic conditions as detailed on page S-2 Mounting steel racks to be supplied by the tenderer shall be suitable for mounting on plinth.1 2.5 MVAR rating at 33KV. 3-ph/ 1-ph voltage Transformers Qty./ 1-ph. Each capacitor bank shall be complete with all auxiliaries accessories and the following associated equipments:Sl. Only offers of the firm quoting for the complete equipment will be considered.1. January 12. manually operated OFF load isolators without earthing switch at bus bar side and with earthing switch at capacitor side. control & relay panel. No. The capacitor bank switching control shall be manual. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name of associated equipment 36KV. bi-metallic terminal connectors.Location :: Lucknow. necessary mounting racks.1. Current Transformer 36KV. Each bank shall be controlled by a suitable circuit breaker and other equipment as per scheme enclosed at Annexure-I. 2011-13:54:39 2. junction boxes and any other material required for satisfactory operation and installation. Isolator with earthing switch 36KV. 1 No 1/3 Nos. required for Bank 1 No 1 No 2 No 3 No 2 No 4/12 Nos. 1-ph. NCT. 1-ph Neutral Current Transformer 3-ph. Each group of 5MVAR shall be connected in double star formation with their neutral point ungrounded and protected through separate one number NCT. The Tenderers should offer compact design to occupy minimum ground area with least possible height. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The bank shall suitable for mounting under the bus bars drawn on ganturies having height as mentioned in clause 3. switching reactors. Each star formation shall be of 2. As per system condition. Switching reactor Control & Relay panel with relays 36KV. Circuit Breaker 36KV.0 2. insulators. 3-ph Isolator without earthing switch 36KV. VT. switching reactor for harmonic suppression are not required.1 CAPACITOR BANKS Main Components Capacitor banks detailed above shall be complete with the Capacitor unit controlling breaker.6 of technical specification with due consideration for required clearances. 271 . The number of parallel units in each series group shall be such that failure of one unit shall not preferable create. The tender shall be complete with drawing showings the arrangements. The Capacitor banks shall conform to latest edition of IS: 13925 (Part-I: 1998/IEC-70). rating of Bank shall be self contained. 2011-13:54:39 i) More than 5% voltage rise with internal fuse on other units in the bank. having two bushing to give the required total Bank Capacity at 50Hz. outdoor types. Atmospheric condition.PCB and the impregnation shall be carried out under high degree of vacuum and the unit shall be of totally sealed type. bolts & nuts. support insulators. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. foundation bolts and other hardware etc.25 KVAR. Mounting Racks. but should be amply proportioned with adequate safety margins. The creepage distance of bushing shall not be less than 25mm/KV of voltage stress appearing between the terminal and the case. The mounting racks be fabricated from suitable steel sections and shall be duly hot dip galvanized as per applicable 50 volts within less than 10 minutes after disconnection from supply. In case the sun-shade are needed. Interconnecting material and suitable bi-metallic terminal connectors for connection with other equipment shall also be provided. The bushing shall be suitable for heavily polluted.Location :: Lucknow. The Containers of capacitor units shall be of sufficiently thick sheet painted with suitable anti. for assembly into complete banks. Mounting racks along. Capacitor to be provided with additional external fuse should have arrangement for visual indication for detection of faulty units. 276. they will form part of the supply of the capacitors and prices be offered accordingly. Each capacitor unit shall be provided with internal discharge resistors designed to drain out the residual charge up. The imp regnant used shall be non. rack insulator support.rust synthetic enamel primer paint and the finishing coats of paint as per the standard practice. Terminal and mounting arrangement may be in accordance with manufacturer’s standard practice. January 12. INDIVIDUAL CAPACITOR UNIT Individual Capacitor Units of 5.485 KV. 272 . The bushing should be of metal coated porcelain and shall be joined to the case by solder sealing method. harmonic currents and manufacturing tolerance. Each capacitor unit shall be individually protected by fuse suitably rated for load current. Each unit shall satisfactorily operate at 130% rated KVAR including the factor of over voltage (referred to rated voltage). The racks shall be complete with insulators.with support insulators shall be suitable for mounting on plinth/ elevating structure. Tenders should clearly indicate whether sun-shade to protect the capacitors from direct sunrays during the hot part of the year is essential or not. The design of the Bank should be compact to occupy minimum ground area with least possible height. 273 .0 3. Over voltage protection. causing 105% over voltage on the remaining units.2 above. January 12. 2011-13:54:39 The height of the racks of capacitor bank shall be such that for making electrical connections with the other equipment. However.1 b) c) d) Requirement of each of the above protections are described below: a) Over current and Earth fault protection Combination of two IDMT Electromagnetic relays having 50-200% settings and one E/F relay of IDMT characteristic with 20-80% setting shall be used with suitable current transformer. The relays used should be provided with time delay device to prevent operation under transients and to allow individual fuses to isolate the faulty units.1 Capacitor Bank switching control equipment The automatic switching of capacitor bank due to voltage variation is not required as such MANUAL switching control scheme may only be offered. c) Unbalanced protection Shall be provided with current operated relay with separated one number NCT for each group of 5 MVAR. Setting shall be able to varied from 100% to 130% in steps of at least 1% to 2%. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Unbalance protection. Over voltage relay shall be energized from VT connected to the main bus bars on the source side of the circuit breaker controlling the capacitor banks. The rack shall comply with the requirement of para 3. Inverse time delay relays may be used. Under. the plinth mounted capacitor banks shall be enclosed inside the pale fencing to be provided by the purchaser.Location :: Lucknow. 3. 3.voltage / no volt protection.2. setting available on the relay should not be more than the voltage available to the relay when one or more fail. proper electrical clearance is maintained.1. Protection The capacitor banks shall be provided with the following protections: a) Over current and earth fault protection to cover bus faults between the capacitor banks and its controlling circuit breaker. The minimum. b) Over voltage protection Shall be provided with an inverse time characteristic. 1.2 Associated equipments The associated equipments as mentioned in clause 3. The general arrangements of equipments is shown in the single line diagram appended with this specification. The technical particulars of the circuit breaker shall be as follows: 274 .operation of under. 3.voltage relay under line fault conditions. 3. 2011-13:54:39 Calculations to show the number of capacitor units which when fail shall produce 105% over voltage on other units and settings to operate the relay on such failure of capacitor units should be appended failing which the tender shall be considered incomplete and is the relays used shall preferably able to provide an alarm in the event of failure one or two units before tripping is initiated for 105% over voltage on either units as above.1.2. without which the tender will be rejected.Location :: Lucknow. d) Under Voltage Protection Should be provided to disconnect the bank under low voltage conditions. be clearly mentioned in the offer.3 above of these Technical specification having detailed specification described hereinafter. A time delay relay must be included with adjustable setting of 0 to 10 minutes to provide a time lag before which the bank shall not be again switched on (to avoid closing of the circuit breaker on a trapped charge). 3.2.3 The under voltage protection should not operate in the event of the fault on `33KV lines to which may dip the bus bar voltage to 50%. There should be provision for adjustments in setting of voltage and time to co-ordinate the 33KV line protection with the under voltage protection to avoid mal.2. Number of units on failure of which alarm shall come and tripping is initiated.1 The circuit breaker offered shall be suitable for capacitor bank switching duties indicated below in the technical particulars. January 12.1 Circuit Breaker 3.2 The maximum fault current applicable for the calculation of protective relay setting may be considered as 25 KA on highest system voltage of 36 KV.2. 3.with the capacitor banks. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. shall be supplied along. However the test certificate from the same design of equipment made overseas shall not be acceptable except the test for which facility is not available in India. An authentic copy of the test certificate establishing the capacitor bank switching capability must accompany the tender. The tender without offering associated equipments shall be out rightly rejected. Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 5 1 6 9 o r 10 11 I 12 E 13 C 14 r e 15 c o 16 m m e 17 n 18 d a t i 19 o 20 n N o 21 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.3 General i) The circuit breaker shall be outdoor type suitable for rapid and smooth interruption of current under all condition. January 12. completely suppressing all 275 .26 MVAR. 22 5 Nominal system voltage Highest system voltage Rated normal current Type of circuit breaker System neutral earthing Installation Rated frequency Rated short circuit breaking current at specified site conditions 33KV 36KV 1250A SF6/Vacuum Effectively earthed Outdoor 50 Hz i) rms value of AC component of the rated short circuit breaking current 25 KA ii) DC component as per clause-6 IEC-56-2 Suitable for capacitor switching duties 20MVAR upto Control voltage 110 VDC Basic Impulse level 170 KV (peak) Auxiliary AC supply 230 V single phase No. Making capacitor Making capacitor 35 KA The circuit breaker shall conform in all respects to the latest edition of IS:2516 or IEC recomm 3. 38 KV) Capacitor bank Rated short time breaking current 25 KA for three secs.2.2. of poles 3 Rated duration of short circuit There second for rated short circuit breaking current (25KA) One minute power frequency test 70/80 KV voltage dry and wet Creepage distance a) Total 25mm/ KV b) Protected 50% of total (minimum) Circuit breaker Air clearance a) Phase to phase b) Phase to ground Safety clearance Suitability Be re-strike free As per IS Do do Do (sectional clearance) Breaker shall be suitable for frequent switching On/ OFF of 10 MVAR. 33 KV (13. mechanical strength and rigidity for satisfactory operation under the conditions specified. The porcelain used should be homogenous and free from cavities or other flaws. The mechanism should be strong.2.7 Operating Mechanism i) The circuit breaker should be suitable for remote control from the control room and in addition there should be provision for local electrical and manual operation of circuit breaker.6 Bushing and Insulators The basic level of the bushing and insulating porcelains should be as specified and they should preferably be suitable for installation in heavily polluted atmosphere having creepage distance of not less than 900 mm as per relevant ISS. All bushings of identical ratings should be interchangeable. January 12.. The operating mechanism along-with its accessories should be mounted in water-proof cabinet with hinged doors located near the breaker or 276 ii) iii) iv) .e. The puncture strength of the bushings should be greater than the flashover valve. All working parts in the mechanism should be corrosion resistant material and all bearings which require greasing should be equipped with pressure grease fittings.4 Mounting The circuit breaker shall be offered with necessary galvanized supporting steel structures along –with nuts and bolts.2. positive. ii) iii) The circuit breaker shall be free from re. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 3. The mechanism and breaker should be such that the failure of any part of the mechanism will not prevent tripping and will not cause tripping or closing operation.strike The circuit breaker shall be capable of performing its specified duties at its full rated values for a period of 3 year without any adjustment / maintenance etc. The circuit breakers should have a mechanical ‘Open/Close’ indicator in addition to the facilities for remote electrical indication. The mechanism should be trip free electrically and mechanically. and quick in action and should be removable without disturbing other parts of the circuit breaker.2. The prices of necessary structure should be included in the price of circuit breaker. for correct operation i. 3. Bushings should be designed to have ample insulation. 2011-13:54:39 undesirable phenomenon under the most severe and persistent short circuit conditions or when interrupting mall current or leading or lagging reactive currents.Location :: Lucknow. A suitable anti pumping feature should be incorporated in the breaker. no dis-assembly to the breaker should be done during this period. The operating mechanism should be of the motor operated or pneumatically operated type by electric control under normal operation. Closing coils should be designed to operate satisfactorily at any control voltage from 85% to 110% of the normal voltage.2. Tripping coils should be designed to operate satisfactorily at any control voltage from 70% to 110% of the normal voltage.2. 50 cycles.2. circuit breaker when not carrying current should be capable of operating satisfactorily when the control voltage at the terminals and trip coils is less than 50% of normal voltage. However. 3. the prices may be quoted.Location :: Lucknow. The local control switch and the breaker position indicator should be provided in this cabinet. 277 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. vi) vii) A local/remote switch should be provided in the operating mechanism of the circuit breaker to cut off the DC supply to trip or close coils from remote control so that the breaker cannot be operated from remote control switch. The circuit breaker should also be provided with means for manual operation for the maintenance purposes. viii) Power supply for auxiliaries will be available at 415V. if required. ix) Necessary cable glands for the cable of the operating mechanism should be provided along with a large common gland plate.10 Terminal connectors Requisite number of suitable and matching bi-metallic terminal connectors shall also be supplied along with the breaker and accordingly.2. 2011-13:54:39 accommodated in the steel frame work of the breaker itself. There should be provision to add a few auxiliary switches at a later date. 3-ph.8 Auxiliary switches Adequate number of silver coated auxiliary switches (contact) both of the normally open and normally closed types (along-with 6 NO and 6 NC as spare) should be provided in each circuit breaker for use in the remote indication and control scheme of the circuit breaker and for providing safety inter locking. A heater along with switch should be provided in the cubicle for connection to single phase 230 V AC supply to prevent moisture condensation. 3.2.2. 3. v) The control circuits should be designed to operate on 110 V DC and it should be possible to adopt it to work on any other required voltages by changing the operating coils of the breaker. But trip coils should be so connected that these receive a tripping command from the relays even after the remote control is disconnected. An operation counter should be provided in the mechanism housing.9 Interlocks Provision should be made to enable suitable interlocking with the opening or closing of the isolator when the breaker is closed. January 12. January 12.3.1 ISOLATORS (WITH AND WITHOUT EARTH SWITCH) The isolators (with and without earthing switch both) shall be outdoor. The blades shall rotated by 90 degree from their fully closed position so that the break in distinct and clearly visible from the ground level.2. The isolators shall be suitable for satisfactory operation with capacitors covered by this order. All non-ferrous contact parts are to be silver plated. The rated insulation strength of isolators and earthing switches shall not be lower than the levels specified in Table-2 of IS: 1818-1972 with maximum temperature rise of various part of the isolators shall be as per IS: 1818-1972 with ambient temperature not exceeding 50 degree C. The blade and contacts shall be liberally designed to withstand safely the highest short circuit currents of the system.4 3.3. These shall be suitable for mounting and fixing on UPPTCL structure a drawing no. 1000MVA. The male and female contacts assembly and blades shall ensure the following:A) B) C) Electrodynamics with stand ability during short circuits without risk of repulsion of contacts.6 3. The isolator shall have rotating blades and high pressure contacts.1 3. 2011-13:54:39 3. W04712. manually gang operated.2 3. 800 amps. Self alignment ensuring smooth closing of the switch.3. All clearance shall be as per latest edition of BS: 162 or corresponding IS.3.3.3. mechanical and electrical inter locks. but these shall be capable of handling satisfactorily capacitive and charging current of the capacitor banks. Thermal withstand ability during short circuits.8 D) E) 278 . The isolators are not required to operate on load.5 3. Constant contact pressure even when the live parts of the insulator stacks are subject to tensile stress due to linear expansion of connected bus bars or flexible conductor either due to temperature variations or strong wind. bi-metallic terminal connectors suitable for ACSR panther conductor all auxiliaries and accessories. Necessary bolts and nuts for fixing the isolators on structure shall be supplied with the isolators.2. double break.2.2. The isolator shall be suitable for upright mounting only with the movement of blades in a horizontal plane with supporting insulator arranged vertically. auxiliary supply shall be available at 110V DC.2. OFF load type. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 3 phase.3. 3.3 3. self aligning and high pressure contacts of modern design and made out of silver plated hard-drawn electrolytic copper.2.3. The isolators shall have heavy duty. For position indication of isolator on the indoor control panel and for electrical inter locking of isolator with circuit breakers and or / or other associated equipments.2.7 3. Wiping action during closing and opening.2. 50 Hz triple pole complying in all respects with the requirements of the latest edition of IS: 9921-1981 and complete with insulators.Location :: Lucknow.3. 36kV. 3.17 . Suitable cable glands for terminating the multi core cables shall be provided wherever required. wind pressure.3. Each NO and NC contacts shall consists of pair of terminals at which the contact is open or closed.2. January 12.14 3. All isolators shall be provided with auxiliary switches suitable for interrupting 5 amps.3. The interlocks shall be of robust design.3. All the auxiliary contacts shall be heavily silvered for proper contact. Detailed schematic drawing incorporating all necessary interlocking features shall be submitted.3.2. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.2. Provision shall be kept to add some more auxiliary contacts at later date. The isolators shall be provided with weatherproof vermin proof. Auxiliary switches shall have 6 normally open (NO) and 6 nos. DC at 110 Volts. Isolators with earthing switch shall be provided with earthing blades for earthing capacitors.3.2. mm size cable. Terminal of all NO and NC contacts shall be brought on terminal blocks. out door type operating mechanism box suitable for mounting on isolator supporting structure as per Drawing No.2.3. opening and interlocking contacts and auxiliary switches etc. vibration.16 3.10 Isolators shall be supplied complete with required no. reasonable shocks or accidental touching of connecting rods of the operating mechanism. of support insulators. easy to operate by single person and conveniently located for operation in switchyard.2. Suitable electrical interlock with breaker shall be provided.15 3. The operating mechanism box shall house terminal blocks.12 3. The isolators as well as their operating mechanism shall be such that they may not come out of their OPEN and CLOSED position by gravity. suitable for 110 VDC and enclosed in weather proof and dust tight housing. required numbers of cable glands shall from part of supply.2. The operating mechanism shall be complete with internal wiring and wires shall be provided with numbered ferrules.W-04712. Information regarding the size and number of cables to be used may be obtained from the Engineer of the contract. The insulators shall comply in all respects with the requirements of the latest edition of relevant IS.3.13 3.Location :: Lucknow. closing.3. The auxiliary switches shall be of robust construction and shall be housed in a water proof and dust proof box. In case of isolators with earthing switches 2 NO and 2NC contacts shall also be provided for remote indication of earthing switch position. The earthing blades shall be provided at the base with suitable counter weight and shall have sturdy operating mechanism with mechanical arrangement to interlock with main operating mechanism of the isolator so that earthing is possible only when main blades are in open condition.5 sq.2. These shall not open under the influence of short circuit current and shall be of robust construction.11 3. The operating mechanism shall be provided with ON and OFF position indication and padlocking arrangements for locking in the end positions to avoid unintentional operation. 2011-13:54:39 3.9 3. closed (NC) contacts. The terminals shall be suitable to accommodate up-to 3 cores of 2.2. Each isolator (with & without earthing switch) shall be provided with appropriate numbers of rigid type tinned copper bimetallic terminal connectors suitable for 279 3. 3. 1for metering 5 ohms 10 5 900 mm (Min) 450 mm (min) 3. All nuts and bolts used in current carrying parts shall be of stainless steel. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Bearing of rotating post shall be of tappered roller bearing type.18 All non-ferrous contact part shall be adequately silver plated.10 of IS: 1818-1972.3. other bolts and nuts. The terminal connector shall comply in all respects including temperature rise.3.10 mm dia. The terminal connectors shall have a minimum rating corresponding to isolators. resistance of secondary winding Accuracy limit factor (protection core) Instrument security factor (metering core) Cree page distance a)Total b)Protected 33 KV 36 KV Two Effective 400-200/1/1/A 170 KV (peak) 25 KA 1000 MVA 15 VA 5-P for protection. The current transformers shall have following ratings:- 3.3.1 3.2. 3. earthing switches and their operating device shall be provided with a weather proof and corrosion proof name plate containing the mandatory information in accordance with clause. Bearing shall be filled with first filling of grease and provided with grease nipples.3.Location :: Lucknow.19 3.3 3. checks.3. All current carrying part shall be designed to limit sharp point edges. Check nuts shall be provided on each bolts and nut to avoid loosing of nuts. resistance. tensile strength and short circuit current withstand capacity as specified in IS: 55561-1970 or the latest provision thereof. 50Hz.ageing electrical silicon laminated steel of low hystereisis loss and high permeability to ensure high accuracy at both normal and over current. Min. January 12. 2011-13:54:39 ACSR panther conductor. They should be suitable for use in areas subject to heavy lightning storms. oil immersed self cooled and suitable for operating in the climatic conditions as detailed on page G-2. Current Transformers The current transformers shall be of the outdoor dead tank type single phase.3 The core shall be of high grade.2 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Nominal system voltage Highest system voltage No.3. Isolators. of cores system earthing Transformation ratio Basic insulation level Short time current rating Fault level Rated output of each core Class of accuracy Max.2.3. washers and spring washers shall be hot dip galvanized as per applicable IS. 280 .3. non. required number of cable glands fixing bolts and nuts and other accessories.1 3. These shall be provided with oil level gauge and pressure relieving device capable of relieving abnormal internal pressures. The secondary terminals shall be brought out in a compartment on one side of the CT for easy access. The bushing shall comply with the latest edition of IS: 2099 and IS: 5347. The base plate size shall match with enclosed supporting structure Drawing No.3.3. 50 Hz. The terminal block should be ELMAX/TOSHA make and terminals shall be disconnecting type with shorting links.p 900 mm (min) 450 mm (min) 3. The current transformers shall be hermetically sealed to eliminate breathing and prevent air and moisture from entering the tank. Requisite number of junction boxes (one junction box per set of 3 single phase CTs) and suitable and matching bimetallic terminal connectors shall also be supplied along.3. self cooled and suitable for operating in the climatic conditions as indicated on page G-2. three phase / single phase.6 3. 1.3. The secondary terminal shall be provided with short circuiting arrangement. 281 .4.Location :: Lucknow.3.1.with the current transformers. 2011-13:54:39 3.5 3. junction box.4 3.4 The current transformer shall conform to the latest edition of IS: 2705 and IS: 3202. The saturation factor of metering core shall be low enough not to cause any damage to the measuring instruments in the event of maximum short circuit current.metallic terminal connectors. The voltage transformer shall have the following ratings:a b c d e f g h i j k l Nominal system voltage Highest system voltage Frequency System earthing No.4. one for meter and other for protection. The current transformer shall be complete in all respects. They should be suitable for use in areas subject to heavy lightning storms. bi. oil immersed. including oil. The bushing shall comply with the latest edition of IS: 2099 and 3347. of secondary windings per phase Ratio Basic insulation level Rated burden Rated voltage factor (continuous) Rated voltage factor (30sec. Voltage Transformers The voltage transformer shall be of outdoor type.4.3.) Class of accuracy Creepage distance a) Total b)Protected 33 KV 36 KV 50 Hz Effective one 33000/110 volts 3 / 3 170KV (peak) 100 VA 1. The CT shall have two cores. January 12. W-04747.2 3.5 3. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The rating of the secondary windings shall be 1A.3 The VTs shall conform to the latest edition of IS: 3156. 6 3.2 3. standing cubicle type. The voltage transformer shall be provided with pressure relieving device capable of releasing abnormal internal pressures. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.1 3. And accordingly the prices may be quoted. The front of the panels which accommodates most of the mountings shall be fabricated with sheet steel of thickness not less than 10 SWG. The voltage transformer shall be complete in all respects including oil.4 3.5.4. indoor free. Equipment meeting any other authoritative standard which ensures an equal or better standard than mentioned above may also be considered.3. non. silicon laminated steel of low hysteresis loss and high permeability to ensure high accuracy at both normal and over voltage.3 The panels shall be 2250 mm high.Location :: Lucknow. transformer ration 5/1 and accuracy class for the protection core shall 5 P 10.2 3.3. The neutral current transformer shall be as per specifications of CT except that it shall have single core.4. The rear of the panels shall be in the form of lockable hinged flap door. rear and top. 282 . 2011-13:54:39 3. Neutral Current Transformer Two NCTs shall be required for one set of capacitor bank. The primary winding of the voltage Transformer shall be connected in star with neutral point solidly earthed.3.5 3. The front and rear sheets shall be of folded construction for providing rigidity and strength without using any frame work or screwed or bolted sheet steel sections.6.5. The panels shall consist of fabricated sheet enclosures on the sides. earthing bar.3. The VT shall be suitable for protection as well as for metering.5. fuses links. 3. The mounting details shall match with the supporting structure drawing No. Control & Relay Panel The control and relay panels shall conform in all respects to relevant Indian standards.with the NCTs. The base plate size shall match with the enclosed supporting structure drawing no. front. 750 mm wide and 600 mm deep with door lock and complete with wiring. For the rest of the panel which carries no weight of the mountings. Required number of suitable and matching bimetallic terminal connectors alongwith required number of cable glands shall be supplied along. if any.3 3.6 3.6.1 3. The secondary shall be connected in star with neutral point solidly earthed. fixing bolts and nuts and other accessories. January 12. The control and relay panel shall be of floor mounted.ageing.3.4.3. bimetallic terminal connectors. sheet steel of thickness not less than 14 SWG should be used.3.8 3.4 The core should be of high grade. W04747. vermin proof fitments.7 3.4. W-04747. wiring fuses links etc.3.7 3. between conductors and earth.4 Ammeter with selector switch Voltmeter with selector switch CB control switch Manual control switch Indicating lamps Alarm bell Alarm cancellation relay MVAR meter PF Meter Push buttons and switches Relays and auxiliary relay Facia type annunciation scheme Semaphore indicator CB Semaphore indicator for isolator DC control switch ON/ OFF Test terminal block Hooter DC 110 V Hooter AC 230 V HCR fuse fittings/ links (as required) Space heater 100 watts. flexible cables of 650 V grade.6.6. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. un-drilled cable gland plate. The control and relay panels shall be delivered with all relay. 230 VAC with switch Panel illuminating lamp Door limit switch Disconnecting type terminal Non disconnecting type terminal Earth bus copper Any other item required to make the panel complete.6. 230 V AC with a switch.Location :: Lucknow. Panel wiring shall be suitably bunched and clamped to present a neat appearance. indicating lamps.3. a space heater rated 100 Watt.6 3. instruments. switches. indicating lamps etc. 75 mm channel iron plinth 100 mm high and accommodating following equipments suitable for 10 MVAR. All panel wiring should with stand 2KV.6. copper. The panel shall be equipped with necessary links and HRC type fuses of good quality which shall be mounted on sheet brackets. Both ends of wire shall have the numbered plastic ferrules for identification.6. The internal wiring of the panels shall be carried out with PVC insulated multistrand.8 .5 3. January 12.50 Hz. 33 KV Banks as applicable:a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t) u) v) w) x) y) z) 3. AC.3. For CT & 283 3. 2011-13:54:39 internal panel lighting arrangement operated by a door switch. duly mounted. All the relay should be accommodated suitable in the control panel complete with necessary indicating instruments control switches. Each fuse shall be identified with the suitable engraved plastic lable. RMS for 1 Min. All panel wiring terminations (but for CT and VT) for connecting external apparatus circuit shall be neatly terminated on ordinary terminal blocks.3.3. semaphore indicator etc. Indicating lamps shall be miniature switch board type suitable for panel mounting with rear terminal connections lamps shall be provided with series connected resistors. Semaphore indicators shall be so mounted on the mimic diagram that the close position shall complete the continuity of the mimic. 631 of IS. The terminal block shall be ELMEX/TOSHAS make. The inside surface shall be painted with white synthetic enamel paint.6. The indicating lamps and resistors shall withstand 120% of rated voltage on a continuous basis. Automatic semaphore indicators shall be provided for automatic indication in the mimic diagram of the position (open or close) of isolator and circuit breakers.15 Alarm annunciation system shall be provided for the control board by means of visual and audible alarm in order to draw the attention of the operator to the abnormal operating conditions or the operation of some protective device.6.6.Location :: Lucknow.6.3.12 3. instruments. The outside surface of the panels shall be synthetic enamel painted in light grey as per shade no. 20% terminal of each type shall be provided as spare in each panel for future use.10 3.3. 3.6. links terminal blocks to be used shall have links for disconnection and plugging in facility for testing purposes.3. January 12. The annunciation equipment shall be suitable for operation on DC supply. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Each relay. All equipment including relays.6. The supply for these lamps be from DC station battery unless stated otherwise. Mimic diagram and symbols showing the exact representation of the system complete with symbols and colour strips to represent the buses. shall be flush mounted. Specific number shall be assigned to various isolators and circuit breakers on the MIMIC diagram. shall be colored as: a) ‘Red’ b) ‘Green’ c) ‘Blue’ d) ‘White & amber’ For indicating close position of breaker For indicating open position of breaker For control supply monitoring For miscellaneous indications 3. The terminal shall be suitably labeled to readily identify the outgoing/ incoming wires.14 All colour covers shall be similar and inter changeable and all lamps be of same type and rating.3. 2011-13:54:39 VT termination. molded from heat resisting materiel. Lamps covered shall be screw type unbreakable. auxiliary relay. switches etc. lamps. The control switches shall be mounted alongwith the mimic diagram. When the breaker is tripped automatically audible annunciation shall be provided along with visual annunciation which shall be by flickering of a respective facia window 284 . shall be provided in front of the control panels.3.13 3.6. Their strips shall be of the same colour as of the associated mimic. Lamps shall be furnished 20% in excess of the actual number required and caps shall be furnished 10% in excess of actual number used for each colour. All the mountings shall be provided on the front side. should be identified both inside and outside the panel with suitable engraved plastic labels.11 3. The lamp covers. indicating instruments etc. 3 3. Switching Reactors The series reactor of small size is required for limiting the inrush due to parallel switching of capacitor bank on the same bus. The series reactors shall be of outdoor type.7.7. The tenderer should offer neutral side series reactor and it must be ensured that series reactors are capable of withstanding the short circuit currents. to draw the attention of the operator to the occurrence of an abnormal operating condition and then the tripping of the circuit breaker. 2011-13:54:39 provided on the panels. Series reactor may be installed on the plinth as such foundation bolts are also to be supplied. The relays shall have necessary contacts to be connected to either the alarm bell or to the annunciator available in the control panel for visual and audible indication of the trip circuit. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.) facia shall light up and the bell shall sound. Certain number of alarms under this category have to be time delayed with the time delay adjustment.7 3.1 3.16 Visual and audible annunciation for the failure of DC supply tro the panel shall also be provided and this annunciation shall operate on 240 volts AC supply with separate fuses.3.4 285 .7. Acknowledge” “Reset” and “Lamp Test” push buttons for the annunciation shall be provided. The trip circuit shall be supervised by means of relays. In case of other annunciation. The visual annunciation shall be provided by an annunciation facia flush mounted on the top row of the control panels. The scheme shall continuously monitor the trip circuit before closing and after closing of breaker. The lamps circuit shall include series resistor of adequate rating. They should be suitable for use in arias subjected to heavy lightning storms.2 3. an audible annunciation shall be provided.Location :: Lucknow.6. The visual annunciation shall be by flickering of the respective facia window.3.6. The scheme shall detect (I) failure of trip supply (ii) open circuit of trip wiring and (iii) failure of mechanism to complete the tripping operation. 15 Hz. January 12.3. The annunciator facia shall be provided with translucent glass or plastic cover plates of white colour with inscription in block letters. A separate voltage check relays (adjustable setting for the failure of supply shall be provided and if the failure of supply exists for more than 2 to 3 secs. air cooled and suitable for operation in climatic conditions as indicated in page G-2. Alarm inscription shall be engraved on each window.3. Necessary switching relay for the same shall be mounted inside the panel.7.3.3. 3. The tripped breaker shall be identified by the flickering the corresponding position indicating lamps. Each annunciation window shall be provided with two lamps in parallel to provided safety against lamp failure. oil cooled non-magnetically shielded.3. 3.17 3. A separate push button shall be provided for cancellation of this along but the facia window shall remain steadily lighted till the supply to the annunciation system is restored. 5 The series reactor shall be complete in all respects including oil. All equipment must be complete in all details whether mentioned in the specifications or not.4 3. 2011-13:54:39 3. should invariably be given.6 3. relays.Location :: Lucknow. IS:1367 IS:3231 3. spring washers etc.7. a b c d e f g h i j k Capacitor banks Circuit breaker Isolator CT & NCT VT Reactor Bushings & insulators Transformer oil Terminal connectors Nuts & bolts Relays IS:13925. Make Components The make of components. 3.3.5 3.8 Applicable standards The capacitor bank and the associated equipments shall conform the standards detailed below in accordance with their latest amendments if any. All ferrous parts shall be duly galvanized. such as switches. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. IS:3941 IS:5553 IS:2099. January 12. For equipments requiring both horizontal as well as vertical take off. IS:9921 IS:2075 IS:3156. provision shall be made for both. instruments auxiliary transformers. IEC No. required in the equipment or similar nature are to be provided by the contractor without extra cost.70 IS:2516. the loading shall be made by the purchaser:286 . IEC No. Fittings and accessories Any fittings or accessories which might not have been mentioned in the specifications but which are usual or are necessary.7 3. Terminal connectors Requisite number of suitable and matching bimetallic connectors shall be supplied for all the equipments offered for supply.9 Capitalization of losses The guaranteed quoted losses of capacitors and series reactors shall be without any positive tolerance and shall be capitalized as follows and accordingly for evaluating different tenders. bimetallic terminal connectors and other accessories and shall conform to the latest edition of IS: 5553. Guaranteed Technical Particulars The tendered shall submit guaranteed technical particular of all equipments including capacitor and associated equipments in the annexed schedule ‘R’ “Guaranteed Technical Particulars”. clamps. The connectors shall be complete with matching bolts nuts. fuses etc.56 IS:1818. to be used in the various equipments tendered. and shall be suitable for ACSR panther conductor. IS:3347 IS:335 IS:617 IS:1363. fixing bolts and nuts. The copper losses in series reactors shall be loaded by Rs. 3. If during testing the guaranteed dielectric losses in capacitors.89000/-per KW. The iron losses in series reactors shall be loaded by Rs. iron and copper losses in series reactors are found to exceed the guaranteed quoted values then the price reduction in accordance with the prices would be made from invoices of the successful tenderer.89000/-per KW.89000/-per KW. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.10 Identification plate The successful tenderer is required to affix a plate on the capacitor bank and associated equipment with the following information in addition to the rating plate:a) Specification no. 287 . b) Year of order/manufacture c) Name of manufacture. 2011-13:54:39 i) ii) iii) The dielectric losses in capacitors shall be loaded by Rs.Location :: Lucknow. January 12. Location :: Lucknow. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 288 . January 12. PVC Insulated (Heavy duty) Electric Cables. UNARMOURED COPPER CONROL CABLES AND ALLUMINUM POWER CABLES 1. PVC FRLS. 3. 12. manufacture and testing of cables covered under this specification shall comply with following standards (with subsequent amendments thereof) unless otherwise specified :1. ASTMD-2863 Oxygen index and temperature index tests. Standard for type tests for class IE Electric Cables. 5. PVC Insulation and sheath of Electric Cables. NEMA-WC-5 i) Accelerated water Absorption test. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 7. Flammability Test 9. Conductors for insulated Electric Cables and Cords. IEC 754-I Test method for acid gas generation. Test methods for insulation and sheath of electric cables and cords. 2011-13:54:39 TS-13 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF 1. 4. Current Ratings of Cables. 2. Standard test method for density of smoke from burning/decomposition of plastics. 14. 13. Swedish Standard SS 4241475 Class F-3 IEC 332-I ASTMD-2843 Test on electric cables under fire conditions. January 12. field Splices and connections for nuclear power generating stations.1 KV.Chapter-6. 8. 11.0 STANDARDS The design. 6. Extended solid di-electric insulated power cables for rated voltage from 1 KV to 30 KV.Location :: Lucknow. 15. BICC hand book for cables in fire regarding temperature index. IS:1554 (Part-I) IS:1554 (Part-II) IS:5831 IS:8130 IS:3961 IS:502 IEC-540 & 540A IEEE 383 PVC insulated (Heavy duty electric cables). 10. ii) Dielectric strength Retention test 289 . Type of cable Standard applicable CONDUCTOR (a) (b) (c) (d) Material Shape of conductor Size (Dia) nom... in mm. Standard drum length Extrusion of inner and outer sheath. PVC..0 1..5 2 2 2 mm mm mm mm2 1.5 4x2... Unarmoured control cables. 2..C.. conductivity Solid copper having circular cross section.. 8.5 6x2..... ... 0..) in mm.. FRLS Control Cables...m D..... PVC Type ST-1 of IS:5831 .. 2011-13:54:39 2..... 6. 7.. .... FRLS...9 ..... 500 metres + 5% ..1 KV grade...5 10x2...5 mm2) 7.) in mm.. Max. PVC Type-A of IS:5831. INNER SHEATH (a) (b) Type Thickness (min..... 2x2...1 KV GRADE FRLS CONTROL CABLES PRINCIPAL PARAMERERS S....... 1.. INSULATION (a) (b) Type Thickness (Nom...... IS: 1551 (Part-I)..... 5.41 .........Location :: Lucknow..... 2.. In two distinct separate extrusions..3 .......No. 1..........0 (10x2. 3...... January 12...m) in mm.. PVC Type ST-2 of IS:5831 .... Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday..8 ...) Plain annealed high copper as per IS:8130........ 1..78 ...... .. .. . 290 .... OUTER SHEATH (a) (b) Type Thickness (Nom.... resistance of conductor of completed cable at 200C (ohm/km...... 4....... Particulars Size of PVC... 0.......... Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 2.1 Control Cables shall be 1.1 KV grade, high conductivity, solid copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed and separate extruded PVC outer sheath overall having FRLS properties as per above standards, conforming to IS:1554 (Part-I) Two distinct sheaths i.e., inner and outer should be provided in two separate operations. Single operation sheathing shall not be accepted. The outer sheathing shall be designed to afford a high degree of mechanical protection against fire and also shall be oil, chemicals and weather resistant. Common acids, alkalies and saline solutions should not have any adverse effect on PVC sheathing materials used. The outer sheathing shall be of PVC having FRLS properties. The Control Cables shall be suitable for running in conduits, ducts, channels, racks and trays, covered trenches with removable covers in outdoor substations and also in ground. CONDUCTOR The conductor shall be made from plain annealed high conductivity solid copper having resistance and diameter specified in the technical particulars (on page TS-9). 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 INSULATION The PVC insulation shall be Type-A, extruded PVC 1.1 KV grade and free from voids. The insulation shall withstand mechanical and thermal stresses under steady state and transient operating conditions. It shall be of consistent quality and free from all defects. 2.6 INNER SHEATH The inner sheath shall be of extruded PVC (Type-ST1). The sheath shall be suitable to withstand the site conditions and the desired temperature. It shall be of min.m thickness as per technical particulars (page TS-9) and applied by a continuous process to produce a sheath of consistent quality and free from all defects. 2.7 OUTER SHEATH It should be of extruded PVC (Type ST 2) having min. m thickness as per technical particulars (page TS-9). Outer sheath shall be applied in distinct separate extrusion. It should be of consistent quality and free from all defects. Suitable additives are also applied to prevent attack by rodent and termites. The outer sheathing must be fire retardant and low smoke type. 2.8 NUMBERING OF THE CORES The colour code of cores shall be as per IS: 1554 and also each light grey core of 6 and 10 core cable shall be numbered and the colour of core printing shall contrast with the colour of insulation. The numbers shall be repeated at regular 291 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 intervals at every 10cm. of the entire length of cable. 2.9 2.9.1 CONSTRUCTION The cable shall have PVC fillers to provide a uniform circular cross section before the inner sheath is applied. The PVC fillers should be suitable for the operating temperature of the cable compatible with the insulating material. All materials used in manufacturing of cable shall be new, unused and of finest quality. All materials should comply with the applicable provisions of the tests mentioned in this specification, ISS, IER, Indian Electricity Act and any other applicable statutory provisions, rules and regulations. The PVC material used should be of reputed manufacturers. No recycling of PVC is permissible. The Purchaser reserves the right to himself to ask for documentary proof of the purchase of material to be used for the manufacture of the cables and to check that the manufacturer is complying with quality control. The workmanship shall be neat, clean and of highest grade. CURRENT RATINGS Current ratings and de rating factors under normal conditions of installation shall be as per latest amendment of IS: 3961 (Part-II). The current ratings shall be based on maximum conductor temperature depending on the type of insulation for continuous operation at the rated current. LENGTHS The control cables should be supplied in standard drum lengths of 500 metres for all the sizes with a tolerance of + 5%. Only 5% of ordered quantity may be accepted in non standard drum lengths but not less than 100 metres. However, in case allotted quantity for 6x2.5 & 10x2.5 cable is less than 500 metre for particular s/s, the drum length shall be as per allotment issued by Purchaser, without any extra cost, which may be beyond 5% limit specified above. 2.9.2 2.9.3 2.9.4 2.9.5 2.9.6 2.9.7 OPTICAL FIBRE CABLE Optical Fibre shall be of Dual Window Single Mode fibre type (ITU – TG 652) with minimum 24 core. 292 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 3.0 1.1 KV GRADE POWER CABLES PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS S.No. Particulars Sizes of PVC, FRLS, Power Cable 3½x400 3½x30 0 4 3½x95 5 3½x50 6 FRLS, 1 1. 2. 2 Type & make of the cable Conductor (a) Size of Conductor (in Main (b) Aluminium Grade Neutral 3 1.1 KV Grade, PVC, Unarmoured Power Cable 400 185 300 150 95 50 50 25 3. 4. Number of cores Insulation (a) Type (b) Thickness in mm. ----------- H4-------------As per IS:5831/1984 As per IS:1554(I) Extruded PVC IS:5831/1984 As per IS:1554(I) Extruded PVC Type-ST2 As per IS:1554(I) As desired by Purchaser vide allotment letter. IS:1554 (Pt-I) & other applicable standards with latest amendments. As per IS:3961 (Pt-II) 1967 12 x O.D. Two distinct extrusions. Type-ST1 of 5. Inner Sheath (a) Type (b) Thickness 6. Outer Sheath (a) Type (b) Thickness 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Standard drum length of cable on drum (in mtrs.) Standard specification to which the cable will conform. Rating factors under various conditions of installation. Minimum bending radius Inner & other sheath in single of two distinct extrusions. 293 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 The power cables of various sizes shall be of high conductivity stranded aluminum conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheath and black PVC overall sheath fire retardant low smoke 1100 V grade conforming to IS:1554 Part-I/1985 (with latest amendments). 3.1 CONDUCTOR The cable conductor shall be made from stranded aluminium to form compact sector shaped conductor having resistance within the limits specified. 3.2 INSULATION Insulation of the cable shall be designed and manufactured for the specified system voltage. The manufacturing process shall ensure that insulation shall be free from voids. The insulation shall withstand mechanical and thermal stresses under steady state and transient operating conditions. The insulation of the cables shall be in conformity with IS:5831-1984. 3.3 INNER SHEATH The inner sheath shall be of extruded PVC Type ST-1 as per IS:5831-1984. The sheath shall be suitable to withstand the site conditions and the desired temperature. It shall be of adequate thickness and applied by the continuous process to produce a sheath of consistent quality and free from all defects. 3.4 OUTER SHEATH Extruded PVC serving Type ST-2 of IS:5831/1984 shall be applied with suitable additives to prevent attack by rodents and termites. All servings must be given anti-termite treatment. The outer sheathing must be fire retardant and low smoke type. 3.5 3.5.1 CONSTRUCTION Cables shall have fillers of PVC to provide substantially circular cross section before the inner sheath is applied. The fillers should be suitable for the operating temperature of the cable and compatible with the insulating material. All materials used in the manufacture of cable shall be new, unused and of finest quality. All materials should comply with the applicable provisions of the test mentioned in this specification, Indian Standard specification, Indian Electricity Rules, Indian Electricity Act and any other applicable statutory provisions, rules and regulations. The PVC material used in the manufactures of cable should be of reputed manufacturer. No recycling of the PVC is permissible. The Purchaser reserves the right to ask for the documentary proof of the purchase of the material to be used for the manufacture of the cables and to check that the manufacture is complying with quality control as per this specification. Workmanship shall be neat, clean and of highest grade. 3.5.2 3.5.3 294 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 3.6 3.6.1 CURRENT RATINGS Rating factors of the cables under normal conditions of installation as per IS:3961 Part-II-1967 and subsequent amendments thereof should be mentioned. The rating factors for different conditions of laying installations should be furnished. The 1 sec. and 3 se. short circuit current rating should also be furnished. LENGTHS The cable shall normally be supplied in standard drum lengths as given below:- 3.7 S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Size of cable ( 3½ x 400 3½ x 300 3½ x 95 3½ x 50 Drum lengths (mtrs.) 150 or 200 400 150 300 or 400 Tolerance + 5% - do - do - do - 4.0 4.1 PACKING The cables will be supplied duly packed in standard non returnable wooden drums in conformity to relevant ISS, suitable for transport by goods train or truck and for storage at site. The wood used for construction of drum shall be properly seasoned and sound. All ferrous parts shall be treated with a suitable rust preventive finish. IDENTIFICATION Name of manufacturer, Specification No. SD--- ,year of manufacture, UPPTCL property shall be embossed at regular intervals of one meter in addition to the length in meters on the outer sheath of cable. Followings shall be stenciled on each drum:(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Reference to the Indian Standard. Manufacturer's Name, brand name or trade name Type of cable and voltage grade. Number of cores. Nominal cross sectional area of conductor. Cable code. Colour of core, if any. Length of cable on the drum. 295 4.2 5.0 5.1 5.2 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 (i) (j) (k) (l) 5.3 5.4 Numbers of lengths on a drum-preferable one only. Direction of rotation of drum-arrow mark. Gross weight. Year of manufacture/ Specification No. ESD-281 SERVICE CONDITIONS AND OPERATION Cables shall be suitable for installation in tropical monsoon areas and hot, humid climatic conditions of U.P. Cables shall be capable for being laid horizontally, inclined or even vertically. TESTS DURING MANUFACTURE During the manufacture of cables, manufacturer's standard tests shall be performed and copies of test certificates shall be furnished. 5.5 6.0 7.0 7.1 ROUTINE, ACCEPTANCE, TYPE AND SPECIAL TESTS After completion of manufacture of Cables, routine, acceptance, type and special tests shall be performed at their works, strictly as per provisions of this specification and relevant standard specifications. Test certificate shall be submitted and got approved before dispatch of the material. Approval of the test certificates will be issued within 10 days from submission. The Purchaser reserves the right to witness all tests and the supplier shall provide all facilities, to the Purchaser in this regard and shall inform the Purchaser to depute his representative to witness the same. ROUTINE AND ACCEPTANCE TESTS Following tests shall constitute Routine and Acceptance Tests:(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Annealing test (Copper) as per IS: 8130. Conductor resistance test as per IS: 8130. Test for thickness of insulation and sheath as per IS: 5831. Insulation resistance Test as per IS: 5831. High Voltage Test at room temperature IS: 1554 (Part-I) Tensile strength and elongation test for insulation and sheath as per IS: 5831. 7.2 7.3 Bidder shall submit routine test reports of cables for each drum and packing lists of drum along with his offer of inspection. During inspection, acceptance tests as per sampling plan specified in IS:1554 (Part-I) separately for each size of cable, shall be performed in presence of Purchaser's representative. Apart from above, conductor examination, check of dimensions & physical 296 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 conditions of cable and drum shall also be carried out as routine and acceptance tests. 7.4 TYPE TESTS Following tests shall constitute type tests:(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) Annealing test for copper as per IS: 8130. Conductor resistance test as per IS: 8130. Test for thickness of insulation and sheath as per IS: 5831. Tensile strength and elongation test for insulation and sheath as per IS: 5831. Ageing test for insulation and sheath as per IS: 5831. Loss of Mass test for insulation and sheath as per IEC-540 and IEC-502. Shrinkage test for insulation and sheath as per IS: 5831. Hot deformation test for insulation and sheath as per IS: 5831. Cold impact/cold bend test as per IS: 5831. Heat shock test for insulation and sheath as per IEC-540 and IEC-502. Thermal stability test for insulation and sheath as per IEC-540A. Test for bleeding and blooming of pigments for insulation and sheath as per IS: 5831. Flammability test on completed cables as per IS: 1554. Measurement of insulation resistance as per IS: 5831. High voltage test as per IS: 1554 including water immersion test (AC & DC). During inspection, type test shall be performed on one drum of each of 2 each size of cable in each lot. The tests shall be conducted as per methods elaborated in applicable standards and the results shall be in conformity with Schedules whether specified by the standard or not. The long duration type tests viz. ageing test (at Sl.No.5) loss of mass test (at Sl.No.6) Bleeding & Blooming test (at Sl.No.12) & D.C. High Voltage Water Immersion Test (at Sl.No.15) above shall be got conducted from some Government Laboratory like CPRI, ERDA etc. The samples for above test shall be sealed by inspecting officers during inspection. 7.5 SPECIAL TESTS 297 Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. IEEE-383 and IEC-332-I.7 The Purchaser reserves the right to modify/ delete or add any test. The Bidders shall confirm that all test equipments and testing facilities are available at their works for carrying out all above tests by them.Location :: Lucknow. 7. laboratories shall also be borne by the Bidder. Dispatch lengths shall be taken after deducting the length of the cable consumed in above tests. The tests shall be conducted as per methods elaborated in applicable standards and the results shall be in conformity with Schedule-S whether specified by standard or not. January 12.6 All expenditure incurred on such acceptance. 7. Acid Gas IEC-754-I Generation during fire of sheath as per Smoke Generation by sheath under fire as per ASTMD-2843. The compliance to the above test clause is pre qualifying condition for this Bid and the bidder shall confirm to carryout the specified tests. All expenses regarding testing charges including cost of cable sample & transportation there of etc. Type & special tests as well as cost of cable consumed during testing shall be to the supplier's account. Temperature Index test as per ASTMD-2863. 2011-13:54:39 Following shall constitute special tests :(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Oxygen Index test as per ASTMD-2863. in respect of type tests to be got conducted from Govt. Flammability test on finished cables as per Swedish Standard SS 4241475. Test for rodent and termite repulsion of sheath. 298 . During inspection the special tests shall be performed on one drum of each size of cable in each lot. (A) Tensile strength and elongation Before ageing (a) (b) Tensile strength 2 (Kg/Cm ) Min. (Max.m (mg/sq. at IS:5831 125 150 125 150 125 150 (B) After ageing at 800C/1000C For 168 hrs. 10. January 12. 2011-13:54:39 SCHEDULE-S COMPARATIVE PROPERTIES S. 7. Particulars Standard Requirement Insulation Type-A Inner sheath Type ST-1 Outer sheath Type-ST-2 1. Loss in Mass at 800C for 168 hrs.) Shrinkage Test (%) Max.) Heat Shock test at 1500C for 1 hr. 5. 8.Location :: Lucknow. Variation.) Colour shall not be transferred in either case. Bleeding and blooming test Cold bend test Cold Impact test Oxygen Index test ( . Thermal stability Test at 2000 C (Minutes) (Min.No. Elongation break(%) Min. 6. 3. 4. (a) (b) In tensile strength (%) (Max. No signs of cracks or scales . Hot deformation test thickness retained (%) Min. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.) In elongation at break (%) (Max.) IS:5831 IEC-540 IEC540A IS:5831 IS:5831 IS:5831 IS:5831 IS:5831 ASTMD 2863 299 -+ 20 + 20 2 shall not crack 80 4 50 + 20 + 20 2 shall not crack 40 4 50 + 25 + 25 2 shall not crack 80 4 50 9. cm. High Voltage Test As per IS:1554(I) 300 . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.) Index Test --- --- Acid Gas Generation (%) Max. 17. IS:1554 -- -- b) period of burning after removal of flame (Secs) Max.) i) 14. 13. 18. 2011-13:54:39 11. Rodent and repulsion property Flammability Test a) termite -- -- -- shall have repulsion property 50 12. At 270C 0 IS:1534 -- -- 60 1x1013 1x10 Swedish Standard SS4241475 and class F3 IEEE 383 IEE332-I -10 ---- --Should pass ii) At 70 C Flammability tests: 14. Volume Resistivity of Insulation (Ohm. Temperature (Min. Smoke (Min. Unaffected (uncharred) portion from the lower edge of the top clamp (mm.) (Min. January 12.Location :: Lucknow.) Generation Test - - Should pass Should pass ASTMD 3843 ASTMD 2863 IEC754-I -- -- 40% (Light Transmission) 2500C 20 16.2 15.) min.1 14. 2011-13:54:39 TS-14 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF LATTICE TYPE MAIN/ AUXILIARY STRUCTURES 1. January 12.0 Standard IS-2062 IS-6639. a) STEEL 301 . nuts for structures Specification for Plain washers Specification for hot dip galvanized coating on fasteners Specification for tolerances in fabrication Specification for testing of galvanizing Specification for process of hot dip galvanizing Specification for quality of zinc Code of practice for general construction in steel Specification for tests on galvanizing PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS The Bidder shall be fully and solely responsible for the procurement of all the raw material for fabrication of main / auxiliary structures.0 STANDARDS The finished structure shall conform to the latest revisions with amendments available of relevant standards rules and codes.2614 IS-2016 IS-5258 IS-7215 IS-2629 IS-2633 IS-209 IS-800 IS-4759 Title Steel for general Structural purposes Specification for Hexagonal bolts.Location :: Lucknow. some of which are listed herein for reference. The drawings for individual structures shall be made available by this office on demand of the bidder. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Sl.1363 IS-1367.No. Location :: Lucknow. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The steel shall be procured exclusively from the main steel Producers. The bidder should take into account any fabrication wastage while quoting rates and Employer shall not accept any liability in connection with wastage of steel during fabrication or otherwise. January 12. additional cost on account of using higher section shall not be payable to the Bidder. Spring washers shall be suitable for 16mm.6 for bolts and Clause 4 for nuts of IS: 1367-1972. These shall be galvanised as per IS: 1573. Bolts shall conform to IS 66391972 and nuts to IS 1363 with their latest amendment. excess consumption. The mechanical properties shall conform to Clause 4. Flat washers shall be 5 mm. Zinc shall conform to IS 209/1979 or its latest revisions. Rerolling of structural steel sections is done from billets of tested quality. 3. required for fabrication can be procured from Reroller provided the Bidder certifies with sufficient documents that : a) b) These are not available from Main Steel Producers. and. All wastage.95% shall be used. during galvanising or otherwise of zinc. However angle sections below 110x110x10 mm. Testing of bolts & nuts shall be as per above referred IS and IS: 2614. ii) c) BOLTS. Bolts and Nuts shall be duly galvanised as per IS: 1367 Part XIII/1983. NUTS & WASHERS Galvanized bolts & nuts required shall be of GKW make. nuts and washers are indicated in relevant 302 . thick non square section as per IS: 3063/-1972. size bolts. thick or as required and shall be made of mild steel and duly galvanised. as per IS : 2062 or any latest revision thereof. ii) iii) c) iv) If a particular section is not available in the market then Bidder shall use next available higher section with specific approval of the employer. b) ZINC i) Zinc of purity not less than 99. shall be to Bidder's account.5 mm. The quantity of various sizes of bolts. Rerolled sections are duly tested as per IS: 2062. 2011-13:54:39 i) Steel used for fabrication of structures shall be mild steel of tested quality. corrections required in the structures to make it conform to the approved drawings and requirements to this specification or standards. and. After approval of each model assembly. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. the fabrication shall be so programmed so as to make this possible on a regular basis .Location :: Lucknow. January 12. The Bidder shall be fully responsible for checking the drawings made available by the Employer and developing the shop drawing correctly. 4. however.0 DRAWING AND DATA The substation structures proposed to be procured against this specification. a) All parts of the structures shall be fabricated in accordance with the drawings approved by the employer and detailed shop drawings prepared by the Bidder. The employer. During mass fabrication. Main structures shall have bolted connections. 2011-13:54:39 drawings of the employer. Following points relevant to the fabrication work shall be complied by the Bidder. Standards Specification. Any modification. rectification. except connection of the bottom base plate with the leg members as per the 303 . Any approval of the model assemblies shall not relieve the Bidder in any way of his responsibility to supply correctly fabricated / galvanised structure in conformity with approved designs. 3. Typical drawings (Typical for guidance) are enclosed at annexes.Bidder's works. The Engineer shall check in detail such model assemblies and verify the bills of material of each. Mass fabrication of one type of structure may be required to be done at more than one time. Two copies of such shop drawings prepared by the Bidder shall be made available to the Employer. the Bidder shall ensure that complete structures of different types are made available to the employer @ 150 MT Per month.0 FABRICATION Based on the drawings of the employer and his own detailed shop drawings the Bidder shall prepare the model assembly of each structure within one month and send a call for inspection of the model assembly and also to verify the bill of material. However 3 copies of detailed bills of materials will be submitted by the Bidder to employer for Approval. Outline structural drawings of each structure shall be made available by the employer to the successful bidder for developing detailed shop drawings and actual bill of material. shall be made by the Bidder and get approved from the Engineer. reserves the right at all times to inspect the fabrication of structures at Bidder's or his sub . the mass fabrication of the structures shall be started by the Bidder as soon as employer’s approval is received by him and complete as per the approved delivery schedule. depending upon the site requirement of the employer. shall be as per the designs of the employer. shall be straightened. No rough edge shall be permitted any where in the entire structure. Cutting of members shall be effected by cropping. the adjacent surfaces are in close contact throughout. punching. Members over 12 mm thickness shall be drilled. 304 c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) . 2011-13:54:39 approved drawings. members up to 12 mm thickness may be punched. Holes adjacent to the bends shall to drilled or punched after bending. The surface so cut shall be clean. so that when assembled. shearing and drilling machines. unless. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. lobbed forms of holes shall not be permitted. However. No welding. made free from twists. before any work is done on them. filling or plugging shall be permitted unless previously approved. The holes shall be perpendicular to the plates or angles. January 12. Holes for bolts shall be circular or oval. All sections. using power driven cropping. plates and bars. flame cutting or sawing. otherwise previously approved by the employer for main structures. The diameter of hole shall be 1. For auxiliary structures angle or channel boxes may be required by welding as per the drawings of the employer. The flanges of the angle sections at the ends of members shall be properly chamfered. Hammering will not be permitted for straightening or flattening of members. smooth. reasonable square and free from any distortion. No other welding shall be permitted at any point. Members over 10mm thickness shall be sawn or flame cut followed by grinding. Drilled holes will be preferred. and the standard practices followed for such operations. The extent of various operations shall be governed by relevant Indian or any other approved standard specification. Holes in the members shall be either punched or drilled with the help of jigs and fixtures. b) Fabrication of structures shall be carried out in conformity with the latest practice employed in the manufacture of similar structures.Location :: Lucknow. All burrs left after drilling or punching shall be removed completely. Full interchangeability shall be guaranteed. carefully levelled and made true to detailed drawings by methods. Welding of two or more pieces to obtain length of a member will not be permitted.5 mm more than the diameter of bolts. which will not injure the materials. in case of small bends . TolerancesI) The maximum allowable difference in diameter of the hole on the two sides of plate or angles shall not exceed 0.Location :: Lucknow.As per IS 802 ( Part II ) Size of Bolts 12 mm 16 mm 20 mm Minimum Spacing 32 40 48 p) The minimum distance from center to center of any hole to any edge should be as shown below:Hole dia (mm) 13.6 mm. consistent with proper fit with the fillet of the outside angle. cold bending may be done with the prior approval of the Engineer. The tolerance on the overall length of member shall be within ±1. The thickness of the ground heel shall not be less than that of the leg.8mm . All the bending operations shall be done by pressure.5 305 Rolled Edge Distance (mm) 16 20 Sheared Edge Distance (mm) 20 23 Bolt dia (mm) 12 16 . Members shall be bent hot. provided no fracture of material occurs. Flat heeling will not be allowed. 2011-13:54:39 k) The accuracy of location of holes shall be such that for any group when assembled. heel of inside angle shall be rounded to the minimum possible radius. No bending of members shall be done for slope above 45 degree.5 mm. The tolerance cumulative and between consecutive holes shall be within ± 0.5 17. When members are spliced by a lap joint. The tolerance on back mark shall be within ±0. Detail of joints is available in structure drawings. January 12. it shall admit the bolt at right angles to the planes of connection. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. l) m) n) II) III) IV) o) The minimum spacing from center to center of bolt holes should be as shown below: .5mm. i) ii) 6. These erection marks shall be stamped near one end. b) c) CONNECTIONS a) For main structures: All the connections are bolted type. Magnetic particle examination as per ASTM E125-63. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. BTM. made with a steel punch and sufficiently indented with letters and figures. paint & loose scales etc. . in sizes. lack of penetration etc. CTM or other) for which the member is meant and numeral shall indicate the member mark as per drawing and approved bills of materials.0 WELDING a) Welding is to be resorted to only where indicated in the structural drawings. and. the details of which will be available in structure drawings supplied to the Bidder for developing detailed shop drawing and bills of materials except for bottom of members with the base plate which may be welded as per drawing.5 25 28 Holes shall be perfectly circular. 306 . All welds shall be free from defects like blow holes. slag inclusions. 2011-13:54:39 20 21. The letters shall indicate the type of structure (ATM.weld size need not exceed thickness of thinner part joined. All fillet welds shall be inspected for flaws by the following methods. January 12. Welds shall show uniform sections.0 MARKINGS All pieces covered under supply of the structures shall have distinct erection marks as given on the drawings and approved bills of materials. b) For auxiliary structures: The joints etc. The joints shall be prepared in accordance with the approved fabrication drawings.0 Radio graphic inspection. 7. so that these are clearly visible after galvanising. not less than 12mm x 18mm. 5. Surface to be welded shall be made absolutely free from grease.Location :: Lucknow. shall be specified in each drawing separately however they are either bolted or welded connections. in such a way that the mechanical properties of members are not affected. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 307 . The Bidder shall be entirely responsible for any disruption of work. All acceptance and routine tests as stipulated in the relevant standards shall be carried out by the supplier in the presence of employer’s representative. nuts & washers. Tests on the galvanised samples of fabricated material shall be carried out regularly in strict accordance with the IS . The galvanizing shall be done after all fabrication work is completed on the members.0 TESTS All materials offered shall be fully tested by the bidder as per the relevant standards. they shall also state the minimum and maximum percentage increase in the weight of the completely galvanized materials compared to their black weight and the quantity of zinc required per metric ton of the black steel weight of the fabrication structures.. 2011-13:54:39 and. Galavanising of bolts & nuts shall be in accordance with IS: 1367 Part XIII/63 and that for spring washers in accordance with IS: 1573.. the surface shall be free from all sharp edge and metal nodules and there shall be no clogging of bolt holes due to stay of zinc. If the galvanizing does not satisfy testing requirements. Material to be galvanized is to be kept free from grease and paint etc. After galvanising. In addition. strict inspection of the galvanised material shall be carried out by the Bidder before dispatch and any visible or suspected defect shall be rectified forthwith. 8. along with the devices and facilities available with them.0 GALVANISING i) All members of the structures and special structures along with its cleats. fixing attachments. Galvanising on fabrication member shall be done by hot dip process in full compliance with the latest revision of IS : 2629. or delay in completion of work of delay in payment of Bidder's bills on account of wrong erection marks. if any. bolts. ii) iii) iv) 9. the process of galvanizing adopted by them. shall be hot dip galvanised. For more authoritative and better control on quality of galvanizing. in the same relative position on each piece. during and after fabrication. The bidders shall submit with their bids. entire batch represented by the sample piece shall be rejected and regalvanised to satisfy the test requirement without any extra expenditure to the employer's account.4759. January 12. Special care must be taken to stamp the correct erection mark.Location :: Lucknow. The correct grade and quality of steel and zinc shall be used by the manufacturer. All gauges and templates necessary to satisfy the employer shall be supplied by the manufacturer. The Bidder will offer his material for inspection in following two stages. To ascertain the quality of steel / zinc used. g) On successful inspection. 2011-13:54:39 10. 2. January 12. 1. Defects which may appear during fabrication shall be made good with the consent of. f) Model assembly inspection Fully fabricated galvanized material inspection. 308 . get the material tested at an approved laboratory. according to the procedure laid down by the employer. the Bidder will submit to the employer manufacturer's test certificates inspection report etc. and will request for issue of dispatch clearance from the employer. The representative shall also carry out galvanized tests on the randomly selected pieces of galvanized structures. and. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.0 PACKAGING & FORWARDING i) Light angle sections shall be wire bundled and heavy angle sections may be sent loose. b) c) d) e) The employer representative shall inspect the Model assemblies offered for inspection and on being satisfied give clearance to the Bidder. once rejected shall be resubmitted for inspection. the following shall also apply:a) Should any member of the structure be found not to comply with the approved designs/ drawings or with the provisions of the specifications.4. of the cleared structure. 2. except in cases where the employer or his authorized representative considers the defect as rectifiable.0 INSPECTION In addition to the provisions in clause no. No member. for mass fabrication.0 of General conditions. it shall be liable to rejection. the inspector may at his discretion. 11.Location :: Lucknow. channels . hangers. bevel cuts etc. No extra charges for packing shall be admissible. Rate should also include transit insurance. Bidders may include its cost in their quoted rates. Bill of materials for each structure shall indicate this black weight. Any loss or damage during transit shall be made up/rectified by the Bidder at no extra cost to the employer. fabrication. for each individual structure to cater for wastage during erection of structures. 13. spring washers fasteners. forwarding. Bolts. step bolts. galvanising. The packing shall be made in such a way as to avoid losses / damages during transit. welding.0 MODE OF CALCULATION OF WEIGHT The weight of structure ordered against this specification mentioned in “quantity” clause is black weight of the structure which is defined as below:Black weight of the structure is the weight without galvanising and without deduction for holes. flat washers. plates.5 % extra bolts. U bolts etc. iii) iv) v) 12. packing. unloading & stacking at site (including transit up to site) including cost of MS angles. each bundle or package shall be appropriately marked.Location :: Lucknow. pack washers and similar loose pieces shall be nested and bolted together in multiples or securely wired together through holes.0 PRICE i) The rates quoted in the schedule shall be applicable on black weight of structure and are inclusive of cost of zinc and other raw materials. for irregular shapes the minimum size of the rectangle covering the irregular shape will be taken for weight calculations. January 12. 2011-13:54:39 ii) Cleat angles. notches. Any shortage / damage shall be made up/rectified by the Bidder with in one month time without any extra cost to the employer. nuts washers and other attachments shall be packed in non returnable double gunny bags and accurately tagged in accordance with contents. ‘U’ bolts. The price shall include supply of 2. 309 . plates. nuts & washers in nos. The Bidder shall transport the fabricated steel structure through rail / road or by any means of transport and shall be fully responsible for any shortage or loss during transit. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Punching / Drilling: i) ii) Indicate the facilities for Punching and drilling of holes.Location :: Lucknow. Bidder should clearly specify whether facility of radiographic inspection and magnetic particle Examination of welds are available. January 12. which can be cut by above machine. Section Cutting: Is there any facility for section cutting? If yes intimate the type of machine. 4. intimate the type of Machine. 1. Indicate the facility for cropping of plates Intimate the type of machine and the thickness and width it can be crop. 5. GALVANIZING: B: 310 . also intimate the maximum of thickness of angle flanges and diameter of round. 2011-13:54:39 INFORMATION ON ESSENTIAL FACILITIES AVAILABLE WITH THE FABRICATOR ( To be filled in by the bidder ) Straightening: Is there any facility for Straightening of section i. Cropping: i) ii) 3.e. 2. Facilities for checking design of structures including availability of qualified Personnel etc. Capacity of machine may also be intimated. Angles / Channels / Rounds etc? If yes . Welding / Gas cutting: Indicate the facilities available for performing this operation. Thickness of plates/angles flanges that can be punched or drilled may be intimated separately for punching and drilling machine respectively. Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 Is there any facility for hot dip galvanizing of structures available at your works? If yes then furnish the following information: a) b) The galvanizing plant is coal fired or oil fired. The dimensions of the galvanizing tank to assess the maximum size of the members that can be galvanized. Facilities for management and control of temperature of zinc during galvanizing process. Test facilities available for thickness of the coating of zinc on members. Test facilities to check gm/ sq.m coating of zinc on members. Availability of various IS codes pertaining to galvanizing at the test laboratory. Minimum and maximum percentage increase in weight of galvanized structure compares to their black weight. Quantity of zinc required per MT of black weight of steel structure. c) d) e) f) g) h) 311 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 TS-15 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF FOUNDATION ANCHOR BOLTS 1.0 STANDARDS : The finished foundation anchor bolts shall conform to the latest revisions with amendments available of relevant standards rules and codes, some of which are listed herein for reference. Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2.0 2.1 Standard IS-2062 IS-1608 IS-5624 IS-4218 IS-2614 IS-2629 IS-2633 IS-209 Title Steel for general Structural purposes Method of Tensile Testing Specification for markings Specification for Threading Specification for sampling & acceptance Specification for testing of galvanizing Specification for process of hot dip galvanizing Specification for quality of zinc PRINCIPAL PATRAMETERS All the raw material required for fabrication and partial galvanizing of the anchor bolts shall be procured by the Bidder. The MS rounds and MS plates used for manufacturing the anchor bolts shall be free from all rust, pitting, greasing etc. They should conform to technical parameters for Grade A steel of IS-2062. M/S GKW make nuts, or equivalent quality approved by the employer, shall be 312 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 supplied with anchor bolts. In case galvanized nuts are not available, the Bidder may purchase black nuts from M/S GKW and galvanize them as per relevant IS. 2.2 All the above anchor bolts shall be fitted and supplied with GKW make double nuts duly galvanized. DRAWING AND DATA The foundation anchor bolts proposed to be procured against this specification shall be as per the design of the employer and shall be fabricated as per the drawing enclosed as per drawing no. W-04921/1. 4.0 FABRICATION 1. The anchor bolts shall be fabricated out of tested quality MS-Rounds only, in accordance with the drawing provided with this specification. The threads shall conform to the metric series IS-4218 Part I corresponding to the nuts of size of M/S GKW make and shall be undercut by .0043 mm for galvanizing. The anchor bolts shall be supplied fitted with double nuts of M/S GKW make, or equivalent approved quality, duly galvanized. The top portion of anchor bolts including threads shall be galvanized as indicated in the drawing. All the anchor bolts shall be duly marked as per IS-5626. Welding shall conform to relevant ISS for fillet welding. 3.0 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.0 GALVANIZING The anchor bolts as well as nuts shall be galvanized by hot dip process conforming to latest revisions of IS-2629 and 2633. Minimum weight of coating of zinc during galvanizing shall be 305 gms. per sq.m. for threaded portion and 610 gms. per sq.m. for the other surfaces. The galvanized external threads shall not be recut. The zinc used shall be not less than 99.5% pure conforming to IS-209 and shall be free from sulfur, carbon or silica. The galvanizing shall be done at correct temperatures and shall provide for substantial diffusion of Hydrogen, maintaining the molten zinc bath free from impurities. The nuts and bolts shall be meticulously cleaned before galvanizing. The galvanized surfaces shall be free from defects like strain, dross , excessive projections or other imperfections, metals etc. which would impair serviceability ,quality, strength or finish of the anchor bolts. There should not be any clogging of threads due to staying of zinc on them during galvanizing. The threads must fit properly and freely throughout the threaded portion. This shall be specifically ensured before dispatch of the 313 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 material. 6.0 TESTS: All materials offered shall be fully tested by the bidder as per the relevant standards. The sampling and acceptance criteria of foundation bolts shall be in accordance with IS-2614 and test results shall conform to parameters as specified for Grade- A steel in IS 2062. 7.0 INSPECTION In addition to the provisions of General conditions, the following shall also apply :a) On successful inspection, the Bidder will submit to the employer manufacturer's test certificates for each lot purchased inspection report etc.and will request for issue of dispatch Clearance from the employer. 8.0 PACKAGING & FORWARDING: i) Nuts and other attachments shall be packed in non returnable double gunny bags and accurately tagged in accordance with contents. The packing shall be made in such a way as to avoid losses / damages during transit, Each bundle or package shall be appropriately marked. Any loss or damage during transit shall be made up/rectified by the Bidder at no extra cost to the employer. No extra charges for packing shall be admissible. Bidders may include its cost in their quoted rates. ii) iii) 9.0 PRICE : The price shall include cost of all raw materials including MS Rounds, nuts, plates ,zinc and including fabrication ,partial galvanizing, delivery at site, unloading and stacking and inclusive of wastage. Price shall be quoted per number as indicated in schedule. INFORMATION ON ESSENTIAL FACILITIES AVAILABLE WITH THE FABRICATOR ( To be filled in by the bidder ) 314 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 Straightening: Is there any facility for Straightening of section i.e. Angles / Channels / Rounds etc? If yes , intimate the type of Machine. 1. Section Cutting: Is there any facility for section cutting? If yes intimate the type of machine; also intimate the maximum of thickness of angle flanges and diameter of round, which can be cut by above machine. Capacity of machine may also be intimated. 2. Cropping: i) ii) 3. Indicate the facility for cropping of plates Intimate the type of machine and the thickness and width it can be crop. Punching / Drilling: i) ii) Indicate the facilities for Punching and drilling of holes. Thickness of plates/angles flanges that can be punched or drilled may be intimated separately for punching and drilling machine respectively. 4. Welding / Gas cutting : Indicate the facilities available for performing this operation. Bidder should clearly specify whether facility of radiographic inspection and magnetic particle Examination of welds are available. 5. Facilities for checking design of structures including availability of qualified Personnel etc. GALVANIZING: B: Is there any facility for hot dip galvanizing of structures available at your works? If yes then furnish the following information: a) b) The galvanizing plant is coal fired or oil fired. The dimensions of the galvanizing tank to assess the maximum size of the members that can be galvanized. 315 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 c) Facilities for management and control of temperature of zinc during galvanizing process. Test facilities available for thickness of the coating of zinc on members. Test facilities to check gm/sq.m coating of zinc on members. Availability of various IS codes pertaining to galvanizing at the test laboratory. Minimum and maximum percentage increase in weight of galvanized structure compares to their black weight. Quantity of zinc required per MT of black weight of steel structure. d) e) f) g) h) 316 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 317 8.Location :: Lucknow.0 STANDARDS The supply of items covered by this specification shall comply with the latest editions of the Indian Standards / IEC and codes of practice. Indian Standards IS:209 IS:398 ( Part – II ) Title Specification for Zinc Aluminium Conductor for overhead purposes. Some of the applicable standards are given below. 318 International Standards BS:343 IEC:209 ( Part – V ) 3 IS:617 4. 2011-13:54:39 TS-16 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR CLAMPS & FITTINGS 1. January 12. Electroplated coatings of Zinc on iron and steel. 2. Galvanised Steel Reinforced Aluminium Conductor Galvanised Steel Reinforced (Moose ). Sl. Specification for carbon steel forgings for general engineering purposes. Porcelain insulators for Overhead power lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000 V. 7. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Aluminium conductors. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy drawn tube for general engineering purposes. IS:1327 IS:1521 IS:1548 IS:1573 IS:2004 . Method of determination of mass of tin coating on tin plate. Manual on basic principles of lot sampling. IS:731 BS 137(Part 2) 5 IS:731 6. Aluminium and Aluminium alloy ingots and castings for general engineering purposes. 1. Method of tensile testing of steel wire. No. 10. 9. Black Heart Malleable iron casting Specification for conductors and earthwire accessories for overhead power lines. IS:2633 17. Metric Screw threads BS:3288 IEC-120 IEC .120 20. IS:9708 23. IS:3063 18. General requirements and Tests Dimensional requirements Locking devices Recommended practice for hot dip galvanising of Iron and steel. 12. IS 3138 IS:4218 White Heart Malleable iron casting. Hexagonal Bolts and Nuts. Method for testing uniformity of Zinc coating on Zinc coated articles. Specifications for spacers and spacer dampers for twin Horizontal Bundle conductors. 2011-13:54:39 11. 19. January 12. IS:8263 Galvanised coating on round steel wires. nuts and screw. 21. IS:10162 24. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.Location :: Lucknow. Methods for determination of weight of Zinc coating on Zinc coated Iron and steel articles. IS:1826 IS:6745 22. Armourods rods. Mid span joints and repair sleeves for conductor. Part ( I ) Part ( II ) Part ( III ) IS:2629 16. ISO/R68 ISO/R261 ISO/R262 ISO/R965 ASTMA:272-72a BS-443 BS:1473 BS:1490 BS:1452 NEMA :107 . IS:2107 IS:2108 IS:2121 Part ( I ) Part ( II ) Part ( III ) IS:2486 14. 15. Accessories for earthwire Specification for insulator fittings for overhead power lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000 V. Single coil rectangular section spring washers for bolts. binding wires and tapes for conductors. Method for radio interference 319 ISO/R947 & ISO/R272. Specification for stockbridge“vibration Damper” for overhead power lines. 13. Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 25. 26. IS : 5561 IS:5082 27. 28. IS:6639 tests on high voltage insulators. Electric Power Connector. Wrought Aluminium and aluminium alloys, bars, rods, tubes and section for electrical purposes. Hexagonal bolts for steel structures. Thermal Mechanical performance test and mechanical performance test on string insulator units. CISPR , IEC:437 IEC-575 2.0 2.1.1 PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS The surface of the equipment shall be smooth and free from sharp edges, burrs and other projections, which may be a cause for increasing corona losses and radio interference above acceptable levels. All castings shall be free from blow holes, surface blisters, cracks or any other casting defects. All sharp edges and corners shall be blurred and rounded off. All current carrying parts shall be designed and manufactured to have minimum contact resistance. Clamps and connectors shall be designed for corona control. Clamp shall be designed to carry the same current as the conductor and the temperature rise shall be equal or less than that of the conductor at the specified ambient temperature. The rated current for which the clamp or connector is designed with respect to the specified reference ambient temperature shall also be indelibly marked on each component of the clamp and connector except on the hardware. No part of a clamp or connector shall be less than 10 mm. thick. All items shall be designed to withstand the climatic conditions. Size of the terminal/ conductor for which the clamp/ connector is suitable shall be embossed/punched (i.e. indelibly marked) on each components of the clamp/ connector, except on the hardware. INTERCHANGEABILITY : All similar parts, particularly the removable ones shall be interchangeable with 320 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.2.0 2.2.1 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 one another. All bolts and nuts have the same standard wit-worth threads throughout where required, and nuts shall be locked in an approved manner. 2.3.0 2.3.1 INSULATOR FITTINGS (HARDWARE FITTINGS): Insulator fitting assembly normally consists of : I) Clamp (ii) Yoke plate (iii) Corona control rings (wherever required) (iv) Shackles (v) turn buckles (wherever required) (vi) Required no. of nuts & bolts (vii) Any other item if required. Insulator fittings components other than plates, angles and flats, shall be forged steel. Malleable cast iron components shall not be accepted. of 2.3.2 2.3.3 Insulator hardware assembly shall be designed for a 4000 kg. Tensile load per string for the switchyard with a factor of safety two(2). The insulators fitting shall have to be matched with the insulators. P.G. clamps shall be suitably designed according to requirements. GALVANISING: All ferrous parts including bolts and nuts shall be hot dip galvanized and shall be evenly and uniformly coated with zinc complying with IS: 2629. The uniformity of zinc coating shall be tested as per IS: 2633. The zinc coating shall be uniform; adherent, smooth, reasonably bright, continuous and free from imperfections such as flux, ash, rust, stains, bulky white deposits and blisters. The zinc used for galvanizing will have to be arranged by the fabricator and purity shall be of grade Zn 99.5 as per IS: 209. All ferrous parts including structural steel works and single pipe. supports shall also be galvanized after fabrication. All bolts, nuts, locknuts, washers etc. shall be hot dip galvanized. Excess spelter from bolts, nuts etc. shall be removed by centrifugal spinning. From bolt or nut. Threading after galvanizing, shall not be permitted. Nuts, however, may be tapped, but not to cause appreciable racking of the nuts on the bolts. Springs washers shall be electro- galvanized. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS: INSULATORS FITTINGS : Material 220 Kv Mild steel forged steel etc. (a)I )ACSR Zebra 132 Kv Mild steel forged steel etc. (a)I) AAC 33 Kv Mild steel forged steel etc. (a)I) AAC 2.3.4 2.4.0 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 3.0 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 Suitable for 321 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 conductor II) AAC Tarantulla conductor b) Fog type disc insulator (280x146 mm) 3.1.3 3.1.4 Tensile strength i)Maximum current ii) Fault current level 7000kg(70 Kn) 1250 A 40 Ka Tarantulla conductor II) ACSR Zebra III) ACSR Panther Conductor b)Fog type disc insulator (280x146 mm) 7000kg(70 Kn) 1250 A 31.5 Ka Tarantulla conductor II) ACSR Zebra III) ACSR Panther Conductor b) Fog type disc insulator 280x146 mm) 7000 kg(70 Kn) 1250 A 25 Ka 3.15 General criteria for using the conductor: refer clause 4.02 of “Technical specification for Handling, Erection, testing and commissioning.” DOUBLE TENSION INSULATORS FITTINGS FOR TWIN MOOSE BUNDLE CONDUCTOR WITH BOLTED TYPE TENSION CLAMP. Suitably designed insulator fitting with bolted type tension clamp shall be offered. The clamp should be suitable for two point anchoring. The fitting should normally have following components. The tension clamp shall be suitably designed to take a static tension of 4000kg. The clevis, ball and socket for the disk insulators shall be as per I.E.C. specification 16 mm type. The material of construction shall be as under: a) Shackles, Link socket clevis -Forged steel 3.2 b) Yoke plate c) Angle plate - Mild steel -do- Mild steel tube or Al. tube - Forged steel - Aluminum Alloy (Minimum thickness 1.6 mm) (Minimum thickness 2.5 mm) d) Corona control rings e) f) 3.3 Turn buckle Tension clamp SINGLE TENSION & SUSPENSION (STRING ) FITTINGS FOR MOOSE , PANTHER, ZEBRA ANDTARANTULLA CONDUCTORS The material i.e. mild steel forged steel or malleable iron for these fittings shall 322 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 be such that it gives the required mechanical strength. The clamps should be of Aluminum Alloy and shall be designed to carry the same current as the conductor. All forging and casting shall be of good finish and free from flaws and other defects. The edges on the outside of fittings shall be rounded. All ferrous fittings and the parts other than those of stainless steel shall be galvanised. Spring washers nuts etc. may be electro-galvanised. All parts of different fittings which are provided for inter-connection shall be made such that sufficient clearance is provided at the connection joints to ensure free movement and suspension of spring insulator assembly. Suspension clamps shall be so designed that the effects of vibration both on the conductor and fittings itself are minimized. The clamps shall permit the conductor to slip before the failure of the conductor occurs. The fittings shall have sufficient contact surface to minimize damage due to fault currents. All nuts shall be made in accordance of IS-1367 or equivalent. Pins shall be made of forged steel and security dips shall be of phosphor bronze or brass. These tension and suspension fittings should meet the requirement of IS-2486 parts I & II or equivalent. The size of ball and clevis and socket shall be of 16 mm as per IS / IEC specification. 3.4 CLAMPS AND CONNECTORS PARAMETERS: Bus-Post clamps, P.G.clamps, shall be suitably designed according to requirements. 3.4.1 a) Material For connecting ACSR/ AAC conductor 132/33 KV Aluminum alloy casting conforming to designation A6 of IS:617 and shall be tested for all tests as per IS:617 b) For connecting equipment terminals Bimetallic connectors made from made of copper or ACSR conductor aluminum alloy casting conforming to designation A6 IS : 617 with 4mm thick cast copper lines and shall be tested as per IS:617 c) For connecting G.I.Shield wire Malleable iron casting. Hot dip galvanising mild steel Electrogalvanised-suitable for at least 3 service conditions as per IS:3063 & IS:1573 d) Bolts, nuts and plain washers. e) Spring washers for items ‘a’ to ‘c’ 323 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 f) Misc. Mild steel. 3.4.2 Corona Extinction voltage 132 kV -- 33kV - 3.4.3 3.4.4 Fault current level Minimum thickness of any part of clamp or connector Other Details 1) 31.5 kA 10 mm 25 kA 10 mm 3.4.5 For bimetallic clamp and connectors, copper alloy liner of minimum thickness 2 mm shall be cast integral with aluminum alloy. Flexible connector braids or laminated straps shall be made from tinned copper sheets or aluminum laminates depending on the clamp. The terminal clamps for bus posts shall be suitable for the type of conductor used. Size of the terminal / conductor for which the clamp/connector is suitable shall be embossed / punched (indelibly marked) on each component of the clamp/connector except on hardware. Clamp shall be designed to carry the same current as the conductor and the temperature rise shall be equal or less than that of the conductor at the specified ambient temperature. The rated current for which the clamp / connector is designed with respect to the specified reference ambient temperature shall also be indelibly marked on each component of one clamp / connector except on the insulator fittings. 2) 3) 4) 4.0 4.1 TYPE AND ROUTINE TESTS: Clamps & Connectors The type tests shall include the following but shall not be limited to the following and shall be carried out on clamps and fittings without any extra cost to the Purchaser. i) ii) iii) Test for corona inception and extinction voltages with and without corona rings to be performed on completely assembled strings. Radio Interference voltage test. Corrosion and Galvanising test. 324 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 iv) v) vi) vii) viii) 4.2 Dynamic High current withstand test. Tension Test. Slip Test Electrical Resistance test. Heating cycle test. The reports of following type tests, on the complete insulators string with hardware fitting, shall need to be furnished. a) b) c) Power frequency voltage withstand test with corona control rings and arcing horns (I) dry (ii) wet. Power frequency voltage flashover test with corona control rings and arcing horns (I) dry (ii) wet. Power frequency voltage flashover test without corona control rings and arcing horns (I). Dry (ii). Wet. Switching surge voltage withstand (wet) test. Impulse voltage withstand test. Impulse voltage flashover test. Voltage distribution test. Corona and RIV test. Mechanical strength test. Vibration test. BS:137 BS:137 As per clause 7.0 d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 4.3 IEC-383 ) ) )As per clause7.0 ) ) ) Type Test – test on Insulator fittings only. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Visual Examination ( A ) Verification of dimensions ( A ) Electrical Resistance test for tension clamp. Heating cycle test on tension clamps. Magnetic Power Loss for suspension assembly. Corona Extinction Voltage RIV performance test. Slip Strength test for suspension and tension assembly. Microscopic test for grain size of forgings ( A ). Tensile strength test of components. ( A ). Magnetic particle inspection for forgings ( A ). 325 ) ) )IS:2486 ) As per clause 7.0 As per clause 7.0 IS:8263 IS:2486 IS:4748 As per clause 7.0 IS:3703& IS:7743 Location :: Lucknow; Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday, January 12, 2011-13:54:39 l) m) n) 4.4 Tests on locking devices for ball and socket coupling.(A) Hardness Test. ( A ). Galvanizing ( A ). IEC:372 IS:2108 IS:2633 & IS:2629 Acceptance Tests ( A ) marked tests shall be done as acceptance tests also. 5.0 5.1. 0 5.1.1 TESTING PROCEDURE INSULATORS AND HARDWARE FITTINGS : Power frequency voltage flashover tests without corona control rings and arcing horns (i) Dry ( ii ) Wet The procedure for this test will be the same as specified in BS137 except that the insulator string shall be tested without the corona control rings and arcing horns. Voltage distribution test : The power frequency voltage distribution across the various discs in the insulators string consisting of 25 discs shall be measured using 25 mm diameter sphere with 1 mm gap between them. The flashover voltage of this gap, say, ‘Vs’ is pre-determined. The terminals of the sphere gap shall be connected to the metal fittings of a disc insulator in the string and the voltage across the entire insulator string shall be raised gradually until a flashover takes place across the sphere gap. The procedure shall be repeated with the sphere gap connected across all the discs in the string successfully. The values of the voltages E1, E2, E3 ….. En across the entire string when the sphere gap is connected successively across the 1,2,3 …. nth disc shall be noted . The voltage ‘Vn across the nth disc as a percentage of the voltage across the string is given by the relation. Vn = Vs / En x 100 percent Max. potential across any disc of the string shall not exceed 9% of the voltage applied across the string. The total of the voltage distribution of all discs so computed shall be within 95% and 105%. If not, the test shall be repeated. The proportionate correction shall be made on the value so as to give a total of 100% distribution. In addition to above, voltage across the two max. stressed insulators so tested above, shall be rechecked by applying 242 ± 5% kV across the entire string and varying the sphere gap distance to determine the percentage voltage distribution. 5.1.2. 5.1.6. Mechanical Strength Test of Each Component: 326 Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 The load shall be so applied that the component is stressed in the same way as it would be in actual service and the procedure as given in clause no 7. Not less than three suspension assembly shall be tested. An alternating current over the range of 200 to 600 A shall be passed through each tube. The readings of the Wattmeter with and without two suspension assemblies along with the line side yoke plate.1. The value of loss corresponding to 300 A shall be read from the graph.7.Location :: Lucknow. 5. Magnetic power loss test for suspension assembly : Two aluminum tubes on 32mm. above should be followed.5% 5. The purity of zinc shall not be less than 99.1. 327 . The average power loss per suspension assembly shall be plotted for each value of current. The sample will be based on heat number and heat treatment batch. The details regarding test will be as discussed and mutually agreed to the Bidder and owner in Quality Assurance Program. January 12. cleviseye shall be recorded.1. Tests for Forgings : The chemical analysis hardness tests and magnetic particle inspection for forgings. 5. Chemical Analysis of Zinc Used for Galvanizing : Samples taken from the zinc ingot shall be chemically analysed as per IS:209. will be as per the internationally recognized procedures for these tests. diameter shall be placed 450 mm apart. during cementing.0 STANDARDS The supply of accessory items covered by this specification shall comply with the latest editions of the Indian standards / IEC and codes of practice. 2544 IS. 1. The cement shall not give rise to chemical reaction with metal fittings and its thickness shall be as uniform as possible.2 Particulars Disc insulators Porcelain Insulators Code of practice for phosphating Iron & Steel ACSR Conductor . January 12. thoroughly verified smoothly glazed and have brown colour. free from . The design of the insulators shall be such that stresses due to expansion and contraction in any part of the Insulator shall not lead to deterioration. 2. IS. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.0 - PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS GENERAL REQUIRMENT OF INSULATORS The Porcelain shall be sound. Cement used in the construction of Insulators shall not cause fracture by expansion. Some of the applicable standards are given below :- I.Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 TS-17 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF DISC INSULATORS AND CONDUCTORS ETC.1 2.3 2.4 328 . 226 2. or loosening by contraction.731 . 6005 IS.S. 398 IS.S No. S. and proper care shall be taken to locate the individual parts correctly. Bars Remarks Or any other equivalent International standard . The porcelain shall not directly engage with hard metal. anti-fog type disc insulators & without strain clamps & fittings. hot dip galvanized conforming to the latest IS specification. Single strain string shall be complete with 10 nos.6 2. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.7 REQUIREMENT OF ANTI-FOG TYPE DISC INSULATORS A ) 132 kV SWITCHYARD (i) Single suspension string shall be complete with 9 nos. The clips shall provide positive locking of the coupling. anti-fog type disc insulators and without suspension clamps & fittings. (ii) B ) FOR 33 kV SWITCHYARD Single strain strings shall be complete with 3 nos. 2011-13:54:39 2. 132 kV and 33 kV tension and suspension strings.8 PARAMETERS OF DISC INSULATORS These are required for 220 kV. For 132 kV & 33kV Busbar Strings i) ii) iii) iv) Types of insulator Electromechanical strength (kN) Size of Insulator (mm) Creepage distance a) Total mm b) protected mm v) Power Frequency Flashover Voltage 329 430 290 Anti-fog type 70 280 x 146 . The minimum guaranteed requirements of one unit of each type of insulators shall be as follows : Anti-fog type insulators shall be of ball and socket type. anti-fog type disc insulators and without clamps and fittings . January 12. 2.5 The cap and pin used in the manufacture of insulators shall be of malleable iron. 2. The security clips shall be made of suitable material of copper alloy.Location :: Lucknow. 50% Impulse 1.2/50 micro sec. 2011-13:54:39 a) Dry kV b) Wet kV vii) Power frequency with stand Test voltage a) Dry kV. The surface of the conductor shall be clear and dry . b) Negative polarity/ kV. Power Frequency Puncture Voltage kV. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The steel wire for ACSR conductor shall be manufactured from high tensile steel of 134 to 143 kg. It shall not contain sulphur or phosphorous exceeding 0.085 percent. The successful bidder shall submit all relevant test certificates to the Purchaser. The surface strands shall be smooth and free from burrs and other projections which may cause in creasing corona losses above those occurring on perfectly smooth conductor when used on extra high voltage lines. withstand test voltage. Size of in ball shank in mm Minimum corona extinction voltage kV.05 percent and total of sulphur or phosphorous shall not exceed 0. b) Wet kV. mm.5% pure electrolytic aluminum rods with 61% conductivity. January 12.S. Max. R.0 3. The bidder shall specify the guaranteed minimum and average values of conductivity. Flashover voltage (dry) a) Positive polarity / kV. RIV at 10 kV. quality produced either by the acid or basic open hearth process or by electric process.1 BUS BAR CONDUCTORS Aluminum strands for ACSR and all aluminum conductors shall be hard drawn from 99. RMS. 330 3.3 . viii) Impulse 1. / Sq.Location :: Lucknow.2 / 50 micro sec.2 3. 100 60 85 50 vii) 175 170 155 ix) 140 x) xi) 16 18 xii) 50 micro Volt 3. No wires drawn from Bessemer process steel shall be used.M. S.Location :: Lucknow. The earth resistivity of the soil will be intimated to the successful bidder who will lay the earth mats as per drawings duly approved by the Purchaser. rods of 36/40 mm dia shall be used for the earth mat.4 General criteria for using the conductors shall be as per clause 4. Erection.2 4. DRAWING AND DATA The bidder shall finish all relevant drawings and descriptive/illustrative literature. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. GENERAL DESCRIPTION/ REQUIREMENT OF EARTH MAT The earth mat required shall be laid at 700 /500 mm depth below ground level.02 of technical specifications for Handling.3 4. to be laid in the total area of the switch yard and 3 metre long M. January 12. The earthing of all the equipment/ structures placed in the switchyard will be done through suitable size riser of MS flats.0 6.S electrodes of 36mm/40 mm dia shall be fixed all along the boundary of the switch yard below the earth mat level. M.4 5.0 4.0 TESTS All the equipment offered shall be fully Type tested by the bidder as per the relevant standards All acceptance and routine test as stipulated in the relevant standards shall be carried out by the supplier in the presence of Purchaser’s representative 331 . Testing and Commissioning.1 4. 2011-13:54:39 3. 4. 667. portable & trolley mounted of various capacities. 3. January 12. SCOPE :This specification covers the requirements regarding materials. 2011-13:54:39 TS-18 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS A.1 1.2 CAPACITY :Trolley Mounted : 11 Kg. 1.5 Hz The capacity of extinguisher shall be the mass of carbon dioxide when it is filled in the container to the filling ratio of not more than 0. CARBON DIOXIDE TYPE . 4.2878/1986 (2nd Revision) 2. construction & performance test of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.5 Kg. CONTENTS :332 . 22. wall mounted 4. shape.Location :: Lucknow.PORTABLE AND TROLLEY MOUNTED ISS :- IS . Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. A discharge horn with suitable handle shall be provided.2 5. 4. Capacity extinguishers.5 Kg.5 cm size. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. printed in white colour centrally contained in a square of 4 cm size and a circle of 2 cm respectively & shall be coloured black.3 5.1 Discharge Fitting The nos. Each extinguisher shall be provided with carrying handle 5.1 CONSTRUCTION :Body :The typical shape showing cylinder with other components shall be furnished by Bidder with his bid.2.2 6. of not less than 100 mm dia shall be provided for 11 Kg. The letters 'B' & 'C' shall be 2.2 Discharge Valve or Operating head The valve shall be provided & it shall be squeeze grip type or wheel type. 6.2 5.). The filling ratio is the ratio of mass of liquefied gas in the container to the mass of water required to fill the container at 150C.667.4 7. 6.2. The extinguisher shall be marked with letters 'B' & 'C' fires as laid down in IS : 2190/1979 (2nd Ref.3 Trolley : The trolley wheel shall be 300x50x25mm with rubber covered over it.2. 22. 5.1 6. 2011-13:54:39 4. And 5 m for 22. 6.3 PAINTING :Each extinguisher shall be painted fire red confirming to shade No.536 of IS-5/1978 (3rd Rev.Location :: Lucknow. The paint shall confirm to is : 2932/1974 (1st rev.). January 12. A picture showing operation of extinguisher in the correct manner shall be provided on the body of extinguishers. 5. 5. The length of hose shall not be less than 2 m for 11 Kg. The extinguisher should be cleared internally & be filled with liquefied carbon di oxide to the filling ratio of not more than 0. The extinguisher of capacity mentained above shall have flat base.) PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS :- 333 .5 Kg.3 5.1 The Carbon di oxide gas shall confirm to IS 307/1996 (2nd Revision). & closed for 10 sec. January 12. The valve shall be opened for 3 sec.2 Intermittent Operation :An extinguisher shall be capable of being operated intermittently with out freeze up of the valve seat and causing any leak when conditioned at 270C + 20C. Discharge Time. 8. & the cycle shall be repeated & shall discharge at least 95% of the contents.5 Kg. Method of operation in prominent letters. Capacity. The word "CARBON DI OXIDE TYPE" in prominent letters. 12 20 Max.Location :: Lucknow.1 8MARKING :Every extinguisher without its attachment shall be shelved for 7 days after filling & shall be checked for weight at the end of the period. Years of manufacture and Source. 8. The following information of facilitate filling or recharging shall also be marked on the head of extinguisher or on the neck of the cylinder. (a) (b) Empty Wt. year of manufacture of the cylinder & its test pressure. Min. The following information shall be marked on the extinguishers : 8. 334 . 2011-13:54:39 7. 22. of Cylinder shown as EW and Filled Wt.1 Discharge Duration :The design & construction of the extinguisher shall be such that when operated at an angle of not more than 450C from vertical and at a temperature of 27 0 + 20C it shall not less than 95% of the contents in the form of continuous discharge with in the following period from the time of operating the value. 7. There shall be no loss of mass. Size of Extinguisher 11 Kg. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. There shall be no loss of mass.3 Leakage Test :The extinguisher without its attachment shall be shelved for 7 days after filling & shall be checked for weight at the end of the period. Sec.1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 8.1. 24 60 7.2 Manufacture's name & trade mark. of extinguisher shown ans FW.1. Capacity extinguisher in trolly mounted. PRINCIPAL :The dry chemical powder extinguisher extinguishes fire by beating displacement of air and decomposition of dry powder in to carbonate dioxide.1. CAPACITY :1X10 Kg. construction & performance test of Dry Chemical Powder (cardige) type. 45 Kg. 6. CONSTRUCTION :Body : The typical shape showing cylinder with other components in shown in the fig. (B) 1. 5. DRY CHEMICAL POWDER TYPE FIRE EXTINGUISHER ISS: 2171/1985 (3rd Rev) Ammendment No.1 2.5 Kg.2 Discharge Fitting : 335 . The outer cylinder dia shall be 175+5mm. The latest powder developed on a reaction product of urea & potassium bicarbonate. 2011-13:54:39 8. 6. SCOPE : This specification covers the requirement regarding material shape. chlorides Ammonium Phosphate & borates etc. 3 enclosed. 3.1 Discharge Vave : The valve shall be eithersqueez grip type or wheel type. capacity extinguisher are in the form of portable (wall mounted) and 22. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The extinguisher mentioned above shall have flat base. 6. TEST PRESSURE :The pressure shall be 236 Kg.3 The extinguisher may also be marked with the standard mark. Various composition of dry powder such as Sodium & Potassium carbonates and bicarbonates. January 12.Location :: Lucknow. The gas cartridge shall confirm to IS 4947/ 1977. 9. 3 6. 7. Each extinguisher shall be provided with carrying handle. 16mdia 71mm thick. A picture showing operation of extinguisher in the correct manner shall be provided on the body of extinguishers. Syphon tube of 1 mm thick & 16mm dia shall be provided.4 The neck ring dia of 75mm & length 16mm shall be provided. The paint confirm to IS 2932/1974 91st Rev. Liquid Tin Bronze 4 5 6 7 8. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. with port holes.4 6.3. January 12.3.Location :: Lucknow. The trolley wheel shall be 300x50x25mm with rubber covered over it.1 8. 1 2 3 Component Body Inner Container Neck Ring Material Mild steel sheet 1.536 of IS-5/1978 (3rd Rev.3 8.2 Syphon tube Hose Piercer/Spindle Spring Brass. Sl.2 6.) 8.3. The extinguisher shall be marked with letters 'B' & 'C' indicating their suitability for respective classes of fires as laid down in IS: 2190/1979 (2nd Rev. Trolley :The details of trolley shall be submitted by the Bidder with his bid.4 336 .1 6.25mm thick Brass sheet.).) The letters 'B' & 'C' shall be 2. 2011-13:54:39 6. MATERIAL:Following material is to be used for construction fire extinguisher. Aluminium.5 cm size printed in white colour centrally contained in a square of 4 cm size and a circle of 2 cm respectively & shall be coloured black. The minimum bursting pressure shall be 50 Kg/Cm2 Steel Steel (Plated) PAINTING :Each extinguisher shall be painted fire red confirming to shade No. Cartridge holder shall have female left handed threads corresponding to those of cartridge.3.No. 8. Copper. the pressure exerted shall not exceed 1. 10. MARKING : The following marking shall be marked on the extinguisher 12. STANDARD 337 . The word "DRY CHEMICAL POWDER" in prominent letters.4 11. EXPANSION SPACE :An air space shall be provided in the body above the specified liquid level & shall be of sufficient volume to ensure that when the discharge nozzle is temporarily closed and the extinguisher is put in to separation at a temp of (270 + 50C.) the jet should maintain a flow of 4m for 5 Kg Capacity & 6m for 10 kg capacity) extinguisher.1 TEST REQUIREMENT :Under normal condition operation (270 + 50C. In case of hydraulic burst test. mechanical failure should not occur at a pressure not less then 4.3 11. There should be 85% discharge with in a maximum period of 22 Sec. For 5 Kg. The expansion space static pressure shall be 1.5 Method of operation in prominent letters. 11. Capacity 45 Sec.5MN/M (15 Kgs/Cm)2. Test pressure & capacity in Kg. ANTI CORROSION TREATMENT :The body shall have all the internal surfaces completely coated with lead tin alloy having tin not less than 10% applied by hot dipping process.5 MN/M2 (45Kg/Cm2).2 11.4 12. 11. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF FIRE BUCKETS 1. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. for 25 Kgs.1 12. January 12.Location :: Lucknow.5 MN/M2 (15Kg/Cm2). The external surface shall be subjected to this anti corrosive treatment which shall be applied to a uniform thickness. Manufacture's name or trade mark.4 12.3 12. Capacity & 30 sec.2 12. Year of manufacture. 2011-13:54:39 9. 11. For 10 Kgs. The extinguisher body & the cap assembly shall be tested to an internal hydraulic test pressure of 3 MN/M2 (30Kg/Cm2). The handle and out side bottom portion shall be painted with black paint Only BRITISH. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. January 12.e. 3 CONSTRUCTION The fire bucket shall be round type i.Location :: Lucknow. 2 MATERIAL Galvanized mild steel shall be used. 4 PAINTING The bucket shall be first painted with one coat of red Oxide primer and then with two coats of synthetic enameled post office red paint from outside. Only Capital letters shall be used. its bottom portion shall be round & not flat type as in case of ordinary bucket.1 FIRE:On one side the "FIRE” in 100mm height shall be written & on other side the word ^^vkx^* in same height. Inside partition shall be painted with two coats of synthetic enameled white paint. 2011-13:54:39 ISS shall confirm to IS 2546/1974 1st Revision amendment No. shall be written. SHALIMAR paint shall be used.1 Galvanized mild steel fire bucket. The thickness of each alphabet in English as well as in Hindi shall be 050 mm. ASIAN. 338 . The upper diameter & length shall be 250mm & 300mm respectively. 1. Laying & termination of cables for all the above work Painting of light pole. thickness 5.5 meter long GI pole and all other associated work.3 1.1 1. The quantities of various items specified in Schedule of Quantities and prices are tentative.6 1. 2011-13:54:39 TS-19 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF LIGHTING 1.8 . Supply of all the required equipments/ material and any other work required to complete the work satisfactorily. Electrification of Control Room building and Store building.2 STEEL TUBULAR POLE The Steel tubular pole shall conform to IS-2713 It shall be 9M long in 3 portions.7 1.0 1. Electrification of switchyard by fixing light fixtures on 220/132/33 KV Columns.0 1.4mm & length 5M.5 1.4 1. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Electrification of Lawn in front of Control Room by grouting 2.The detailed layout & drawings for lighting work shall be issued by Executive Engineer of concerned Electricity Transmission Division and the quantities shall be finalized & paid for accordingly. January 12.Location :: Lucknow.2 1. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF OUTDOOR LIGHTING 1.7mm. 339 1. Bottom portion having dia 139.1 SCOPE Periphery lighting by erection of steel tubular pole of 9 meter long and fixing light fixtures on these. 2011-13:54:39 Middle portion having dia 114mm. LAWN LIGHT POLE This shall be made of G. the same shall be rejected.I. thickness 45 mm & length 2.5M with bend at one end at 30° in 0.0 .Location :: Lucknow. A nut bolt of suitable size should also be welded with pipe for earthing purpose at a place near the hole at same height. Pipe of 60mm dia having suitable cap welded at one end at angle of 30 deg from horizontal shall be fabricated which should exactly fit over the top portion of the pole. 3.0M. pipe bend of ‘B' class of 50mm dia and the total length of pipe shall be 1500mm. plate of 150x 150x4mm welded.I. The bend should be smooth and the pipe in no case develop crack. 1. pipe of 'B' class length being 2. 2. BEND FOR STEEL TUBULAR POLE This will be made of35mm dia G. G. BEND FOR JUNCTION BOX FITTED ON COLUMN This will be made of 35mm dia GI pipe of'B' class length being 2.I.I. 4.0M. One end of pipe shall have bend of 30° of radius 100mm such that the bended length is 200mm. Top portion having dia 88.I. In case of any crack. After welding of plate at bottom the same (plate) shall be painted with red oxide primer.5m length & other end threaded & fitted with a chuck nut for fixing it with Junction box fitted on 220/132/33 KV columns for yard lighting. The length shall be 2500mm with top end having a thread of 75mm long and bottom end having a M.0M with bend at one end at 30° of 0. A hole of 19mm dia shall be made in the pipe at a height of 1175mm from the bottom (without taking the thickness of plate). G.5 m length & other end having thread & fitted with a chuck nut for taking cable to junction box fitted on steel tubular pole for periphery lighting. G.9mm. 6.25mm & length 2. JUNCTION BOX (JB) 340 2.I BEND FOR LIGHT FITTING This will be made of G. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 5. pipe of' ‘B' class of 50mm outer dia & 4mm thick.I.1 G.3 M. January 12. thickness 3. BEND FOR CABLE FOR LAWN LIGHTING This will be made of25mm dia GI pipe of'B' class having total length of 600mm with bend at 200mm at 30° and other end threaded & fitted with a chuck nut.S.S. 3 6. GI pipe for cable entry shall also be fitted with Light Pole before concreting is done.5 6.Location :: Lucknow. Hole marking of 25mm dia 2 No.I. CABLE LAYING & TERMINATIONS The cable shall be laid 500mm below the ground in excavated trenches. 75mm thick ganga sand shall be laid first as pad for laying of cable over it.7 7 7. earthing shall be done by 8 SWG G. 2011-13:54:39 6.1 8. in 180x150xl00mm & 35m dia in 280x225x150 shall be made in bottom of JB. Junction Box on steel Tubular Pole shall be fitted at 1.3 .2 8.4 7. The light pole of 2.3 7. The Junction Box for Lawn Light shall be embedded in the Plinth above ground level with top surface of JB in level with plinth well. Earthed stud shall be provided on side of JB.2 7. One hole of 19mm dia marking shall also be done on the inside plate just above the HRC fuses to facilitate the entry of cable from light luminaries to JB. The Junction box shall be finished with smoke gray paint shade 631-ISS.6 6. CONCRETING Steel Tubular Pole shall be grouted in 1:4:8 ratio with cement. coarse sand & 40mm brick ballast in size 450x450x 190mm. Bricks on it's 75mm edge shall be laid continuously on both side of excavated 341 6.2 6.5M height from ground level.5m long shall be grouted in 1:2:4 cement sand coarse sand and 20mm granite with 225mm plinth above ground .1 7..4 6. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.5 7.6 8 8. The door complete with rubber gasket shall be hinged type provided with 2 No.. The Plinth shall be 300mm above ground level and shall be properly plastered in1:4 cement concrete ratio and shall be tapered from all four corners in 75mm.1 The Junction boxes shall be of size 180x150xl00mm & 280x225xl50mm and shall contain all required terminal blocks. Arrangement shall be made in JB for it's mounting on pole. fixed screws . pipe. fuses etc .. January 12. Only AI.5M long pole. In 2.6 8. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. PAINTING 3 Nos.2 9.9 9. The outlet shall be a ceiling rose in case of ceiling and exhaust fan points. lug of Dowell or Jainson make shall be used for termination. 342 .1 9.4 9. 8.Location :: Lucknow. 2011-13:54:39 trench after ganga sand is placed 75mm thick over the excavated trench. Then cable shall be laid over the sand bed between bricks and filled with sand and then brick in placed on its l25mm surface.450mm strips of Post Office red colour shall be made in 9M long street light pole with one strip of white colour in between. Pole Number shall also be painted on the steel Tubular Pole. The cable drum should not be damaged. strip length shall be 75mm. excluding rod pendant and socket outlet in case of plug points.5 (B) 1.8 8. 9. 2.:- 8.4 When more than one cable is running in same trench then each cable shall be segregated with ganga sand filled between two cables. Any civil work damaged by the Bidder during the course of cable laying shall be made good. Crimping of Al lug shall be done with the help of hydraulic crimping tool suitable for lug.5 8. All termination of cable & connection shall be done strictly as per drawing . and properly rammed and finally leveled. light points for fluorescent tube fittings and pendant fittings etc. No wastage is allowed in cable length only length required for termination & that too bare minimum required is allowed as wastage. Thereafter the earth is filled in layer of 20cm.3 9. Strict cleanliness of the work site shall be observed during the erection work.7 8. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR INTERNAL ELECTRIC WIRING These specifications cover the requirements for internal wiring work. For painting of plinth snowcem of colour as approved by the Engineer shall be applied in two coats. Definition of point-A "point" shall include complete wiring from branch distribution board to the outlet via the switch. Size. January 12. 8. 4. 1956. Unless the actual value of load is copper.50 sq. Layout of Wiring: The wiring shall be done on distribution system with main and branch distribution boards at convenient physical and electrical load centre and without isolated aluminium. The looping back of phase or live 343 6. The mininimum crosssectional area of conductor for final sub-circuit and for light and fan sub-circuit shall be 1. The wiring whether concealed or on surface. Cables and Flexible Cords: The conductors of cables. "Power" and "Heating" sub-circuits shall be kept separate and distinct from"Lighting" and "Fan" subcircuits. Medium pressure wiring and associated apparatus shall comply. . Exhaust fans shall be rated according to their capacity. Looping back : The wiring shall be done in looping back system without any connector or junction box on the line. 9.Location :: aluminium. shall be of copper or aluminium as specified. The minimum cross-sectional area of conductor for power wiring shall be 4 sq . The wiring shall be done 225mm below the ceiling as possible and shall be straight. Voltage and Frequency of Supply : All current consuming devices shall be suitable for the voltage and frequency of the supply to which these are to be connected. January 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Rating of lamps and Fans: As far as possible. The cross-sectional area of conductor for the wiring of high pressure mercury/sodium vapour lamp and exhaust fan shall be 2. except flexible cables or cords.5 sq. 5. 7.C. with the requirements of latest version of Rules 50. a light point shall be rated at 100 W in non-residential buildings and 60 W in residential buildings table fans and ceilings fans at 60 W. actual current carried by any conductor should be estimated. and 61-A of Indian Electricity Rules. shall be easily accessible for inspection. 2011-13:54:39 3. "Lights" and "Fans" shall be wired on separate circuits. insulated wire. Position of wiring run and points: The position of runs of wiring and the exact positions of all points and switch boxes shall be marked on the building plan or the building itself and approved by the Engineer-Incharge. aluminium or 2. Open type wiring shall not be done in air conditioned space and above the false ceiling or lofts under any circumstances. 61. Type of Wiring: The wiring shall be carried out in conduit on surface with P. 5 A socket outlet at 60 W and 15 A power outlet at 100 W. in all respects.5sq. 10. Only threaded type conduit accessories shall be used. all accessories like switches sockets.Heavy gauge rigid steel conduit. Metal Boxes: Metal boxes made of cast iron shall be 3mm thick. The gauge of conduits shall be not less than 1. with two coats of antirust paint. (I) Surface conduit wiring system . 14. as near as practicable to the termination of service line. such joints shall be made by means of proper connector. No junction box shall be provided specific difficulties should be referred to Engineer-In-charge for decision. January 12. This cable shall be drawn in heavy gauge rigid steel conduit. Single core PVC insulated (without sheath) cable shall be used. or 344 12. If the length of final sub-circuit. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. for conduit of size upto 32mm diameter and not less than 2mm (14 SWG) for conduit of size above 32mm diameter. 13. 11. sub~main or main is more than the length of standard coil and joint becomes unavoidable. In case of cables carrying alternating current the outgoing and return cables shall be drawn in the same conduit.5mm (16 SWG). The maximum number of PVC insulated 1100 volt grade aluminium conductor cables that can be drawn in conduit shall be specified. Pin grip or clamp type accessories shall not be used under any circumstances. shall be of piano type. solid drawn or lapwelded. 2011-13:54:39 conductor shall be done at the switch box and that of neutral at the light. Fixing of fittings and accessories: In case of conduit wiring. These shall be mounted on phenolic laminated cover fixed on cast iron or mild steel box of suitable size. with galvanized or stove enameled surface. joint shall be made bare or by twisting the conductors in through runs of' cables. call bell pushes regulators etc. Conduit Wiring System: This type of wiring can be used both for low voltage and medium voltage installation. There shall be no break on the neutral wire except at the switch gear. . These boxes shall be provided with a cover of phenolic laminated sheet. not less than 19mm in diameter. The accessories and regulators shall be mounted in flush type pattern or as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Control at a point of commencement of supply : A circuit breaker or a linked main switch with fuse on each live conductor shall be provided at the point of entry at an accessible place. These boxes shall have not less than four screwed holes for fixing the top cover and a earthing stud. The neural shall be distinctly marked. The conduit pipe shall be joined by means of screwed socket. not less than 3 mm thick. shall be used. These boxes shall be painted both inside and outside. fan or socket outlet.5mm (16 SWG) thick mild steel sheet.Location :: Lucknow. The sheet steel boxes shall be made of 1. In no case. couples. fastened to the box with not less than four number brass screws and washers. No fuse shall be provided in the earthed neutral conductor. The conduits shall be fixed on surface. The clips shall be not less than 19mm wide and 0. as required. If conduit pipes are liable to mechanical damage. secured over 12mm thick spacers of well seasoned teakwood/approved MDF. When passing through walls or floors. The entire conduit system shall be electrically and mechanically continuous and shall be tested for the same. 2011-13:54:39 accessories only. radius of such bends in conduit pipes shall be not less than 7. Threads on the conduit pipe shall be long enough to accommodate the pipe to full threaded portion of the couplers and accessories. elbows or similar fittings or by fixing cast iron or sheet inspection boxes as directed by Engineer-Incharge. The metal box shall be efficiently earthed with the conduit by 345 . The saddle shall be not less than 24 gauge thick for conduit pipe up to 15mm diameter and not less than 10 gauge thick for conduits of larger diameter. Where it is not possible to drill holes. When conduits have to be attached to irons or steel joints or pillars. No length of conduit shall have more than the equivalent of four quarter bends from outlet to outlet. The conduit of each circuit or section shall be completed before conductors are drawn in. Conduit fittings shall be avoided. The spacer shall be fixed to wall plug by flat headed wood screws. bends or similar other fittings. In order to minimize it all outlets of the conduit system shall be ventilated. at intervals not exceeding 60cm.90mm thick for conduit pipe up to 25mm diameter. All necessary bends in the system including diversion shall be done by bending pipe. Gas or water pipes shall not be used as earthing medium.I. Inspection boxes and inspection type couplers shall be provided at intervals not exceeding 6meters. The conduit pipes shall be fixed by heavy gauge steel saddles. suitable clamps with bolts and nuts shall be linked. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. if occurs. conduit pipes shall be continuous. they shall be adequately protected. on both sides of conduit between each wire and conduit. January 12. or by inserting suitable solid inspection type normal bends. The conduit pipe for each circuit shall be erected before any cable is drawn in. is drained out. A saddle shall be fixed within 10cm. The layout of the conduit shall be such that condensation or sweating inside the conduit. on conduit system exposed to weather. and terminated in the box with stud.45 mm (7SWG) diameter). For all sizes of clamping rod shall be 4. earth continuity wire of 8SWG size shall run along the full-length of the conduit and shall be fastened. The entire system shall be permanently connected to earth in general conformity to the requirement of earthing G. as far as possible. solid type fittings shall be used.Location :: Lucknow.5cm. where necessary. No burrs or sharp edges shall be left at the curt end of the conduit pipes to avoid damages to the insulation of the conductors while pulling. keeping covers of the inspection boxes exposed but flushed in level. suitable girder clips at intervals of 60cm shall be secured by means of ordinary clips or girders clips. 18. Fittings and accessories: (I) Ceiling roses and similar attachments: A ceiling rose shall not embody fuse terminals as integral part of it. turned downwards and properly bushed on the open ends. After completion of erection. one end of the earthing core of which shall be connected to the earthing pin and the other to earthing point of the current consuming device. pipe extending through the whole thickness of the wall. Not more than a total often light plug points or four to six fan points shall be provided in a sub-circuit. A ceiling rose or similar attachments shall be used in low voltage installations only. Main switches and switch boards : (1) All main switchgears shall be metal clad and shall be installed in dry situation. 346 . Every plug containing a fuse shall be nonreversible and shall be so arranged and connected that the fuse controls an outer phase conductor or the non-earthed conductor of the circuit. Capacity of Sub-Circuits: Light and fans shall be wired on separate sub-circuits.V.The load on a sub-circuit shall be restricted to 800 watts. In an earthed system of supply. A socket outlet shall not embody fuse terminal as an integral part of it but the fuse may be embodied in plug. 16. 15. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Standard conductors shall be preferred in conduit wiring. the remaining portion shall project out of entry of conduit pipe into the box. The clear depth of the box shall be not less than 6cm.C. 17. Only a portion of the box shall be sunk in the wall. the portion of the building damaged during the erection of the installation shall be repaired properly to meet the original finish and colour of the walls and ceiling etc. as near as practicable to the point of supply. the depth shall be increased to accommodate the fan regulator in flush pattern. The connection from such outlet to any current consuming device shall be done by means of 3 core flexible cords. they shall be taken through one piece of heavy gauge rigid steel conduit or porcelain pipe or corrugated or solid P. the portion exposed to weather shall be well mouthed. Passing through walls and floors : (I) When the conductors pass through walls. the pipe or conduit shall be of adequate six so that the wires pass through a straight line without any twist of cross in wires. Where fan regulator is also be accommodated. three pin type socket outlet..Location :: Lucknow. January 12. with the third pin connected to earth. (II) When the pipe extends outside the building. 2011-13:54:39 means of approved couplers. shall be used. (II) Socket outlet and plugs: Every socket outlet shall be controlled by a switch which shall be on the live side of the line and shall preferably by located immediately adjacent there to or combined therewith. The ends shall be bushed properly. The power sub-circuit shall be designed according to the said requirement of the subcircuit. Each outgoing circuits of the branch distribution board shall be provided with a fuse on the phase or live conductor..1 The main switch will have a fuse on each live conductor of supply mains.. 20. No fuse shall be provided in the earthed neutral.1 19.3 19. 19. Equipments which are on the front of a switch board shall be so arranged that inadvertent personal contact with live part is avoided during the maintenance of switch gear changing of fuse or like operations. January 12. At least one spare circuit of the same capacity shall be provided on each distribution board. Branch distribution boards shall be controlled by a linked switch fuse or circuit breaker.1 20. The switches shall be so arranged that fuses are not "alive" when the switch is in the .. The neutral wire shall be continuous except at the linked switch gear. evenly between the number of ways of the boards.4 18. OFF .Location :: Lucknow. in dry opened at a time and the metal case is marked "DANGER" "415 Volts" or installed in a room or enclosure accessible to authorized persons only. The earthed neutral conductor shall be connected to a common link and be capable of being disconnected individually for testing purpose. Wiring of distribution boards The load coming on the distribution board shall be divided as far as possible. The bottom of switch board shall be more than 1. vapour or gas. One spare circuit should be left for future extension. Main distribution boards shall be controlled either by a linked switch fuse or circuit breaker. 2011-13:54:39 18.. A danger notice plate shall be provided on switch boards connected to medium voltage supply and above. Main and branch distribution Boards: The main and branch distribution fuse boards shall be of metalclad type.2 19.. These shall be of weather proof type for exposed to whether or damp situation and flame proof type for situations exposed to explosive dust.4 20. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. position.3 18.25 metres above the floor level unless the front of switch board is completely enclosed by a door or the switch board is located in a position to which only authorized persons have access. The distribution fuse boards shall be installed as near the centre of load as possible.2 .2 18. All connections between pieces of apparatus or between apparatus and terminals 347 18. Each outgoing circuit shall be provided with a fuse on the phase or live conductor.5 19. The boards shall be provided with locking arrangement and earthing stud. The boards shall be securely fixed to the wall by means of rag bolts or wood plugs.5 20.6 20. exterior grades board shall be provided at the back. 2011-13:54:39 on a board shall be neatly arranged in a definite sequence following the arrangements of the apparatus mounted thereon. Boards for mounting switch gear: One of the following types of boards shall be used for mounting metal clad switch gear. The incoming and outgoing cables shall be neatly bunched and fixed properly permitting the board to swing back fully. No apparatus shall project beyond the edge of the board.D. Alternatively.F. fans and socket outlets shall be so located as to provide. The boards shall be painted with synthetic enamel paint over anti-rust priming coat. No fuse shall be mounted within 5mm of the board edge. Hinged type metal boards: These types of boards shall be used for low voltage installation for mounting metal clad switchgear consisting of not more than one switch fuse and one single phase and neutral distribution fuse board. a frame of angle iron of minimum size 35mm x 6mm or channel of minimum size 35mm X 25mm X 6mm for these boards shall be made and mild steel plate of 3mm thickness mounted on the front and 1. The joints shall be substantially welded. 21 Lighting fittings Lights. maximum comfort to the occupant and to enable him to utilize the electricity in the most economical manner. 20. January 12. These boards shall consist of a box made of sheet steel not less than 3mm thick. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.3 Cables should be connected to terminals only by soldered lugs crimped lugs or clamped securely without cutting away the cable strands. Every fitting shall be controlled by a switch which shall be 348 20.4 20. avoiding unnecessary crossings.8 .Location :: Lucknow. If so required in any work atleast 6mm thick wooden board of well seasoned polished M. All the conductors shall be rigidly fixed in such a manner that clearance of at least 25mm is maintained between conductors of opposite polarity or phases and between the conductors and any other materials other than insulating material. There shall be a clearance of 30mm minimum between the front and back covers.7 20.6mm thickness on the back. The current rating of fuse shall not exceed the current rating of the fuse carrier or the current rating of the smallest cable in the circuit protected by the fuse. Fittings Wire: These wires shall be of copper and shall be used only for internal wiring of fittings and shall be carried up to the termination of the light point.Location :: Lucknow.S. do 349 . Where control of the fitting at more than one point is necessary .: 3043.5 metres above the floor level. January 12. all wall mounting and pendent fittings inside the building shall be kept at a height of 2. Fluorescent tube fittings: These fittings shall be high power factor type i. In cases where tubes are not manufactured by the fittings manufacturers the fluorescent tube of any approved make as directed by the Engineer In charge shall be shall be done by as many two way and intermediate switches as there are control points.88(2) & 90. 61 A. For other details not covered in these specifications. Earthing shall generally be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Indian Electricity Rules. The fluorescent tube shall be of the same make as the fitting. 62. 22 EARTHING General-Earthing shall confirm to the following specifications. shall consist of necessary power factor improvement capacitor. 61. Lamp Holders: All lamp holders shall be bayonet cap type and shall be provided with shade carrier.S.e. Rod pendent fittings shall be suspended with heavy gauge rigid steel conduit pipe duly painted of appropriate size electroplated steel chains of required length as directed by the Engineer in charge. 1956 are particularly applicable 32. fittings etc.15 mfd. relevant Indian Standards shall be referred to I. 67. The following clauses of the Indian Electricity Rules.4 mfd for fittings suitable for single tube and 3. All fittings outside the building and on roads shall be fixed at the height as directed by the Engineer-in charge. 2011-13:54:39 in live conductor of the circuit. In the case of materials for which I. 51. Height of fittings : Unless desired otherwise.1965 (Code of Practice for Earthing).S. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. for fittings suitable for double tubes. 1956 as amended from time to time and the relevant regulations of the Electricity supply authority concerned. The capacitor shall be of 2. used in earthing shall confirm to the Indian standards specifications wherever these exist. All earth connections shall be visible for inspection. These shall be complete with all components supplied as original components with standard models and shall be assembled and wired by the manufactures at the factory. All materials. The fittings shall be of standard models complete with necessary number of tubes and not economical models.69. Normally. an earth electrode shall not be situated less than 1. are to be definitely avoided for location of the earth electrode. not covered by paint.I. G. TYPE OF EARTH ELECTRODES a) Pipe earth electrode.I. c) Earthing lead: Main earthing lead: The main earthing lead shall be of G. the earthing lead shall be not less than one-half of cross-sectional area of the largest conductor to be protected.I. enamel or poorly conducting material. For all electrical installations. conductor need not be used. b) Artificial treatment of soil The electrode shall be surrounded by charcoal/coke and salt in alternate layers not less than 150rnm thick.5 metres in length. wire or G. strip in case of G. the resistance may be upto eight ohms. The pipe shall be of one piece. pavements and roadways. Entrances. G.Location :: Lucknow. pipe shall be of 40mm dia 4. Watering arrangement:.I. A 300mm x 300mm cast iron cover frame with hinged cover having locking arrangement shall be suitably embedded in the masonary enclosure. except sub-stations and generating stations. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.In the case of pipe electrode a 40mm x 20mm reducer shall be used for fixing the funnel. January 12. enclosure not less than 300mm deep. plate earth electrode. as far as possible. The location of the earth electrode will be such where the soil has reasonable chance of remaining moist.5m away from any building. The watering funnel attachment shall be housed in masonary.I.I. pipe electrode shall be compared at the bottom and provided with holes of 12 mm dia drilled and spaced 75mm from each other up to 2 metres of length from in case of G.rnm nominal crosssectional area (2/0 SWG) in case of copper conductor and 150 sq. The pipe shall have a clean surface. the same will be approved by the Engineer-in-charge No earth electrode shall have a ohmic resistance greater than five ohms as measured by an approved earth testing apparatus. In rocky soils. 2011-13:54:39 not exist. The electrode shall be buried in the ground vertical with it's top not less than 20 cm below ground level. 350 . Galvanising of the pipe shall conform to relevant Indian Standards. A conductor larger than 100sq. d) Earth continuity conductor: The nominal cross sectional area of an earth continuity conductor not contained within a cable or flexible cord shall be 14 SWG copper or 12SWG G. both the addition and that part of existing installation relating thereto should be tested.1 TESTING OF INSTALLATION: General The following tests in sequence shall be carried out on completion and the defects revealed shall be made good: Polarity test.. or 4 sqmm aluminium wire. Protection of earthing lead.I... 24.I. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. or 12mm x 3mm copper or G.I. Where ever any addition is made to the fixed wiring of an earthing installation. The earthing of main board and other metal clad switches and distribution fuse boards with not less than 14 SWG copper or 12 SWG GI or 4sqmm aluminium wire lead from electrode onwards shall be suitably protected from mechanical injury by a 15mm dia G. The earthing lead shall be securely connected at the other end to the main board. Polarity test of non-linked single pole switch In a low voltage installation a test shall be made to that all non-linked. 23. wire. Insulation resistance test. pipe.. The earthing lead in the case of pipe earth electrode. 351 . All material used for connection the earth lead with electrode shall be of GI in case of G.. lead shall not be less than 8 SWG copper or G.I..I. single pole switches have been in the same conductor throughout and that such conductor has been connected to an outer or phase conductor or conductor or to the non-earthed conductor of the. 2011-13:54:39 The minimum size of main earthing.... bolts. shall be connected by means of a through G.. nuts and washers and cable sockets as indicated in the drawing. Loop earthing shall be provided for all mounting..Location :: Lucknow. Earth electrode resistance test.I.. pipe in case of wire.. COMPLETION REPORT After completion of the installation the test results and completion report of the installation work shall be submitted 24. Earth continuity test. January 12. strip.. It shall not exceed 500 volts for medium circuit. 2. the connection with the earth at any point in the earth continuity conductor in the installation shall not exceed 10 ohm. 1.0 GENRAL This specification covers the turnkey installation of 1 x 63kVA standby diesel generating system covering the diesel engine. TS . ventilation system. in direct supervision of whom the installation was carried. 2011-13:54:39 Insulation resistance test : (1) The insulation resistance shall be measured by applying between earth and the whole of conductor or any section thereof with all fuses and all switches closed and except in earthed electric wiring. engine control panel. The contractor shall assume full responsibility of co-coordinating the work with various sub-vendors and other contracting agencies at site and execute the work to the total satisfaction of the clients and statutory agencies.20 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR 63KVA DIESEL GENERATOR The scope of work includes the supply and installation of 1x 63kVA Diesel Generator (DG) set mounted inside the Substation generator room and associated works. countersigned by the certified supervisor. The outgoing cables shall be sized to suit the DG output. fuel and exhaust system.0 SITE CONDITIONS: Location : Various substation in Uttar Pradesh Design Maximum Ambient Temperature : 50 deg C Minimum Ambient Air Temperature in shade : 0 deg C 352 . Insulation resistance in meg-ohms of an installation (1) shall be not less than 50 divided by number of points on the circuit.Location :: Lucknow. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. acoustic enclosure and switchgear etc. Insulation of an electric installation (or an extension installation) a certificate shall be furnished by Bidder. January 12. The certificate shall be in a prescribed form as specified by the local electric supply authority Earth continuity path : The earth continuity of metal conduits and metallic envelopes of cables shall be tested for electric continuity and resistance of the same along with earthing including any added resistance or earth leakage measured from. associated accessories. cooling system. all lamps in position or both poles of installation otherwise electrically connected together a voltage of not less than twice the working voltage. alternator. provided that the installation need not be required to have insulation greater than one meg-ohm. g. Wind Load : 195 Kg/sq. January 12. of Phases Frequency Neutral earthing Control supply 4. 5. 3-phase + Neutral.1 ENGINE 353 . etc.Exhaust piping including supports. b. Hot and humid tropical climate conductive to rust and fungus growth. d. testing and commissioning of the following items. Exhaust stacks with steel supporting system. Testing and commissioning of the installation. Slismic Level : 0. 2-wire DC SCOPE OF WORK & EXCLUSIONS The scope of work shall include but not be limited to the supply. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.3g Isoceraunic Level : 50 days/Year Average Annual Rainfall : 1200mm Altitude : Not exceeding 1000 m. This shall include battery charging. Set mounted microprocessor based engine control panel.0 : 415V ±10% : 3 + Neutral : 50Hz ± 5% : Solidly Grounded : 12 / 24V.Location :: Lucknow.Any related work covering supply of installation materials. i. 2011-13:54:39 Relative Humidity : 100% Max. f. j. to render the system fully functional and conforming to the best engineering standards. installation. exhaust & fuel piping and ventilation before commissioning. 3.Thermal insulation for exhaust piping. Radiator cooling system. h. The supplier shall study the requirements stipulated in the specification and also to suit the site conditions and offer a complete system with guaranteed performance under the severest operating conditions specified. etc. 415V. 63kVA 1500 RPM. ventilation system. whether specified for not. e. Preparation of related schematic and GA drawings for DG installation. a. c.0 DIESEL ENGINE & ACCESSORIES 5. House keeping during the installation work and removal of debris and unwanted materials on a day to day basis and clearing the site on completion. DG set with accessories as specified. exhaust piping. Obtaining Diesel Engine manufacturer’s approval of the installation with specific emphasis on alignment. k.0 ELECTRICAL SUPPLY SPECIFICATIONS Nominal voltage No.m. consumables. viii) Turbo charger. Low lube oil pressure switch. d. g. iv) Fuel pump. The wiring should be clamped at regular intervals and terminated using lugs and terminals. multi cylinder. The diesel engines shall be of approved make. e. ii) Dry type air filter with clogged condition indicator. The governing system of the engine shall be electronic type and suitable to control frequency variation within ± 5% whenever the load is switched in or thrown off. f. h. All moving parts of the engine and other associated equipment shall be provided with guards to prevent accidental contact. d. f. The governor shall ensure that the speed of the set is regulated within 1% of the nominal speed under normal operating conditions. c. four stroke. Lube oil pressure indicator and temperature gauge. Over speed stop switch with contacts.Location :: Lucknow. c. turbo charged. v) Electronic governor. 2011-13:54:39 a. High water temperature alarm & trip xi) Wiring harness using temperature resistant insulation and flexible copper conductor wires.M and capable of developing requisite Brake Horse Power (BHP). Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. The DG set shall be capable of handling step load up to 70% of the capacity without dropping other loads due to voltage dips. b. e. j. The engine fittings shall include but not be limited to the following: i) Closed coupling and flywheel with guard. The engine supplied with first filling of oil of required quantity as recommended by the manufacture 354 . water cooled radiator type. i. The engine speed shall be regulated through an electronic governing system which shall also provide the over speed protection. Starting switch with key. direct injection. ix) 12 / 24V DC starter & battery charging alternator. xii) Stainless steel flexible for engine exhaust. vi) Dual fuel filter with online filter changing provision. operating at a nominal speed of 1500 R. The guard shall be designed to facilitate easy removal and reinstallation. oil cooler and filter. b. vii) Lube oil pump.P. xiii) Stop solenoid. January 12. Battery charging Ammeter. The unit shall be suitable for operation on high speed diesel oil available in the Indian market. x) Engine mounted microprocessor based control panel to display the following minimum engine and electrical parameters: a. Further the engine shall be capable of taking full load within 10 seconds of starting. The engine shall be electric start and shall be suitable for battery assisted manual / auto starting. The engine and the governing system shall be suitable for standby and Automatic Mains Failure (AMF) duty power generating application and shall conform to BS5514 / relevant ISS / IEC / ISO3046. Tacho meter for speed indication with hour meter. iii) Cooling radiator. Antivibration mounts of requisite capacity. alternator & battery parameters. continuous duty alternator with class TH. It shall not only display faults but also keep a record of faults. c.Electric driven lube oil priming pump complete with hosepipes and couplers. Continuous damper winding. h. 0. self excited. Batteries The batteries shall be of heavy duty. January 12. The battery shall be supplied complete with electrolyte and accessories. 150 kVA. 2011-13:54:39 5.F. valves.53mm thick sheet steel including first filling of diesel. An audible alarm shall be provided in the main panel to announce tripping of DG. The number and AH capacity shall be selected to suit the engine requirements. Capacity fabricated out of 1. The accessories shall include battery stand. d. f. Alarms :The following alarms shall be provided in the DG control Panel to indicate & protect against abnormal operations. g. The control panel shall display all the engine. the set will be stopped in emergency mode & for electrical faults it shall be stopped with a time delay for cooling down. The tank shall be further complete with overflow pipe. a. e. screen protected drip proof. double bearing. fuel level indicator. 50Hz.Location :: Lucknow. brushless. 355 . The charger shall get disconnected from the mains when the generator set is running. Control Panel The DG shall be supplied with an engine mounted Microprocessor based control panel. battery leads with terminal Tends acrylic top cover and inter battery connectors. high performance lead acid type of Exide make or equivalent.Diesel tank with capacity to last 12 hours on 100% load. horizontal foot mounted. 415V. insulation in IP22 enclosure incorporating the following. j. Battery shall be suitable for six successive starting attempts each of 10 seconds duration with a gap of 5 seconds between successive starts. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Condition Status Function Low Oil Pressure 2 stage Alarm Engine Stop High Water Temperature 2 stage Alarm Engine Stop Over Speed Alarm Engine Stop Low Fuel Level Day tank Alarm High Fuel Level Day tank Alarm Earth fault on Alternator Alarm Engine Stop Fail to start Alarm Battery charger fault Alarm 6.Residential silencer. For Engine faults. The charger shall allow the battery to be charged when the set is not running.2 ACCESSORIES The following accessories shall be supplied with the DG set. Each battery shall be rated 12 / 24V. b.Common base frame for the engine and alternator. self-regulated. star-connected. a. drain pipe. low level contact and alarm. b.Galvanized sheet steel trays beneath the engine and day tank to collect the leakage oil.8 P. One anti-condensation heater wired to a separate terminal box. 3-Phase. An emergency stop push button will be provided to stop the DG during emergency.0 ALTERNATOR 1500 RPM. Protective guards for all rotating parts. i. e. 2 sets of renewable parts of oil. which shall be handed over at the time of commissioning. 3 Phase sensing AVR with + 0.1 .The alternator shall be capable of carrying 10% overloading for one hour Tin any period of 12 hrs running. c. fuel & air filters 2 Nos. The unit shall be visually inspected for any transit damage. k.26 second or above.3 7. f. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. spare fuses of each type & size used 5 spare relays of each type 1 set of fuel injectors 1 No. After erection rust preventive painting must be essential.The field coil terminals shall be wired to terminal box for external speed control. b.The total harmonic distortion shall not exceed 3% and the design shall permit up to 30% unbalance between phases while in operation 6. 356 6. Service manual INSTALLATION The bidder shall undertake the installation work at site. After erection one coat of Dark Green color synthetic enamel must be applied.The inertia constant shall be 0. 6. d. DIMENSIONS As per drawing of Generator room to be developed by tenerder SPARES The DG set will be supplied with the following spares. j. A neutral CT of adequate ratio and class for REF relay for DG Protection. d.1 The Alternator shall further meet the following specifications: a. Painting' The entire system shall be coated with grey oxide paint. e.2 Performance Under normal operating conditions. January 12. g. The generator terminal voltage for this load variation should be maintained with + 5%.5% voltage regulation. the sound pressure levels when measured Tat a distance of one (1) metre outside the DG building shall be not more than 70 dB.0 8.The assembled DG set shall be installed on anti-vibration mounts.Location :: Lucknow.The alternator shall be suitable for 20% over speed for two minutes.The alternator shall be capable of carrying 50% overload for a duration of one minute.0 9. 2011-13:54:39 c.The alternator terminal voltage for any load variation should be maintained within + 5%.The alternator shall withstand a 3-phase short circuit at the terminals for a period of 3 seconds.0 9.The prime mover response should be such that with 150kW load throw TOFF / ON for the generator both transient and steady state frequency variation should be within + 3%. h. Pilot exciter.The alternator shall conform to BS2613. fan belts 5 Nos. i. Operators manual 1 No.Both ends of each phase winding shall be brought to the terminal box. The general scope of installation work shall include but not be limited to the following: Diesel Generator Set a. b. d.Operation of protective devices.The exhaust pipe shall be supported using spring suspension supports.2 b.1 10. The battery charger shall be heavy duty. e.0 10. e All tools and tackles used for the erection shall have valid safety certification.The exhaust piping and the silencers shall be insulated using 50mm thick mineral wool inside the container &up to the exhaust stack.s work in accordance with applicable Indian standards. b. The insulation shall be cladded with 24G aluminium sheet. The batteries shall be fully charged. Exhaust Piping' a. 2011-13:54:39 9. 9. b. d.Overload testing at 10% overload for one hour immediately after the full load test.The fuel oil day tank shall be installed over the drip tray at the location indicated.5-3mm thick mild steel Tpipes.s works the routine tests and full load test on Engine. Electrical Installation a. c. labour and consumables required for the testing.The contractor shall appoint an experienced full time engineer throughout the installation period till the set is handed over. However the DG control cabling from the DG to the DG Panel will be carried out by the DG vendor. c.Connecting block with wiring diagram shall be provided in the DG Panel for integrating with local LT system TESTING At Manufacturer. c.The contractor shall arrange for the inspection of the set by the diesel engine manufacturer. and Alternator shall be carried out at the manufacturer.The exhaust piping shall be fabricated from 1. 357 .Full load testing for 8 hours with load bank. The entire length including flanges.s representative before energisation. The contractor shall provide all testing equipment.3 10. The electrical power cabling from alternator to the panel will be carried out by the Ministry of Health (MOH) personnel. Three month maintenance from the date of commissioning shall be carried out by the DG vender.s authorized representative and obtain This approval before rolling the set.The shipping sections of the stack shall be welded at site and erected over the mild steel frame work. bolts and washers shall be aluminised inside and outside to inhibit corrosion. installed. A weather cowl shall be provided on top. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. and connected. The following tests shall be conducted: a. January 12.2 Site Testing' Following tests shall be conducted at site in the presence of the MOH. d.Location :: Lucknow. c.The contractor shall carry out the control cabling from the engine control panel to the breakers in the main panel. bad workmanship and poor quality of materials.Checking the Automatic Mains Failure (AMF) operation both on auto and manual mode. Checking the engine safeties for satisfactory operation. All the readings shall be logged to evaluate the fuel consumption. Insulation resistance test on alternator.Testing of individual protective devices on engine and alternator and ensuring that the wiring is carried out properly. MAINTENANCE The bidder shall be required to maintain the installation at no extra cost to the owner for a period of two year from the date of commissioning. k. g.1 12. 2011-13:54:39 a. i.One hour overload testing at 110% load shall be carried out at the end of the full load trial. 11.0 DOCUMENTATION 358 . c. h. l. GUARANTEE Diesel Generator Set The DG set and accessories shall be guaranteed for satisfactory operation for a period of 24 months from the date of commissioning or 5000 running hours from the date of supply whichever is earlier.Any deviation from the guaranteed parameters shall be made good and these performance parameters should be measured once again till the required results are achieved. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.The noise level at 1m from the enclosure and the temperature rise inside the enclosure shall be measured.0 11.5 %. d. Any defects noticed during this period shall be rectified free of cost.Location :: Lucknow. water & oil temperature vis-à-vis the electrical load. control panel and cabling / bus bar trunking.s representative and obtaining approval. During this period.Checking the alignment by engine manufacturer.The DG set shall be deemed to be commissioned after satisfactory performance of all associated equipment. HR with a tolerance of + 2. lube oil pressure. j. The same shall be proved during the load trial. b.0 13. e. The supplier shall indicate the type of records to be maintained so that the warranty claims if any are honoured by the manufacturer.Checking vibration levels.The guaranteed specific fuel consumption shall not exceed 150 grams / BHP.Full load running for 8 hours continuously. January 12. the contractor shall make good any defects caused due to faulty design. f. Spare parts list. January 12. operation and maintenance instructions for diesel engine and alternator. shall be clearly brought out in the tender.Exhaust fabrication drawing. 14. 2011-13:54:39 As a part of the equipment supply. IS : 5133 – 1969 (Part -I) Boxes for the enclosure of electrical accessories. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. c. g. d. Deviations if any.Layout of exhaust piping. IS : 3480 -1966 Flexible steel conduits for electrical wiring. IS : 13947 – 1993 General requirement for switchgear and control gear for voltage not exceeding 1000 Volts. b. IS : 1651 & 1652 – 1991 Stationary cell & batteries.Location :: Lucknow.Engine wiring diagram. IS : 5578 & 1984 Guide for marking of insulated conductors IS : 8130 -1984 Conductors for insulated electric cables and flexible cords 359 . General arrangement plan of DG set. e. IS : 1885 – 1971 Glossary of items for electrical cables and conductors IS : 2551-1982 Danger notice plates. 15. f. IS : 732 -1989 Code of practice for electrical wiring and installation IS : 1554 -1988 ( Part PVC insulated ( Heavy Duty) electric cables for working voltages-I ) upto and including 1100 volts. IEC60034 BS – 5000 Alternator IS : 694 -1990 PVC insulated Electric cable for working voltage upto and including 1100 volts. Installation. IS : 3043 – 1987 Code of practice for earthing.Test certificate for engine and alternator. following documentation shall be furnished a. lead acid type.0 STANDARDS IS : 9537 – 1981 Rigid Steel Conduits for electrical wiring (Second Revisions) IS : 10810 – 1988 Methods of test for cables. IS : 13947 – 1993 Degree of protection provided by enclosures for LV switchgear and control gear.0 SCHEDULE OF TECHNICAL PARTICULARS All the installation shall fully conform to the requirement stipulated and the tests shall be carried out as stipulated. Nasik M/S Heptacare. Gurgaon M/S ABB. Lucknow M/S Siemens Ltd. Noida M/S Emco. Meerut M/S ABB. Allahabad M/S Accurate Transformer Ltd. Kanpur M/S Continental. January 12.Indore M/S Vishal. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. 2011-13:54:39 Name of Approved Vendors for Supply of Major Equipmens Sl.Location :: Lucknow. Noida M/S Aditya Vidyut Appliance Ltd. Lucknow M/S Areva (T&D). Ghaziabad M/S Mehru. 1 Name of Major Equipment 132KV Power Transformer Name of Firm M/S ABB. Ahemdabad M/S PME Transformer(U) Ltd. Nagpur M/S ABB. Meerut M/S SCT. Sonepath M/S Kanohar Electrical Ltd. Bhiwadi (Rajsthan) M/S ITC. Lucknow M/S Siemens Ltd. Thane/Jalgoan M/S PME Transformer(U) Ltd. Lucknow M/S Asian Switchgear. Lucknow M/S Crompton Greaves Ltd.Distribution Panel 145KV CT 7 145KV PT . Gurgaon M/S BHEL. Mumbai M/S Universal. New Delhi M/S ECE. Lucknow M/S Areva (T&D). Meerut M/S Transformer Rectificers(I) Ltd. Lucknow M/S Crompton Greaves Ltd. Noida M/S Kanohar Electrical Ltd.T. Lucknow M/S CGL. Meerut M/S Victrans. No. Thane M/S BBL. Banglore M/S Areva (T&D). Lucknow 360 2 3 250 KVA Transformer 145KV Circuit Breaker 4 36KV Vacuum Circuit Breaker 5 6 L. Lucknow M/S Lamco. Hyderabad M/S S&S.Industries. Meerut M/S Floral. Baroda M/S Modern Insulators. Chennai M/S ABB M/S Areva (T&D) M/S Siemens Ltd M/s Essun Reyroll M/s Crompton Greaves Ltd Exide/HBL/Nife Chabbi/Calandyne/Statcon Paramount/Mayur/Krishna/Pasondia/Sam Reputed make 361 .S. Jaipur M/S G. Nasik M/S Oblum. January 12.Nandy & Company. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday. Meerut M/S Vishal.R. Khurja M/S Aditya Birla. Meerut M/S SCT. Jammu M/S G. Hyderabad M/S Electrolites. Hyderabad M/S Lamco Industries. Nasik M/S Heptacare. Hyderabad M/S Electrolit. Bhopal M/S W.Meerut M/S Electrified. 2011-13:54:39 8 33KV CT 9 33KV PT 10 145KV / 36KV Isolaors 11 120KV / 30KV Lightining Arresters 12 145KV / 36KV Post Insulators 13 Control and relay panel (SAS) 14 15 16 17 Batteries Battery charger Power & Control cable Cable glands & lugs M/S CGL. Kolkata M/S Rama Engg. Aabu Road M/S IEC. Jaipur M/S CJI. Hyderabad M/S Siemens Ltd. Jammu M/S Heptacare M/S Floral M/S Vishal. Chennai M/S Sarvana Industries. Ghaziabad M/S Mehru. Bhiwadi (Rajsthan) M/S BHEL.Power. Bulandshahar M/S CGL. Hyderabad M/S Heptacare. Meerut M/S Electrified. Works.Location :: Lucknow. Location :: Lucknow. spring washers. U bolts. nuts etc. specn Lightening fixtures/iiiuminatior Lightening pole Sundaries Pioneer/Aravali Infra/Global Smelter/N. 2878/1986 Supply of dry chemical power type fire extingusher of 5kg capacity confirming with IS 2171/1985 Supply of sand buckets as per tech. and any other required materials Anchor bolts of M/S round with plates. Etc. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.L. Meerut Metal . Sarvoch. nuts.step bolts. January 12. Shiam & Sons Sail/Indian Ispat Global smelter/Sail/Indian Ispat Sail/Indian Ispat Secure/L&T/ABB APAR/AMITA/Hindustan Vidyut Product/Shashi and equailants stadard make ASBES Co/ISE/EMI/ ALFA and equailants stadard make Sarwana/WSI/IEC/Aditya Birla/BHEL Reputed make Safex Fire/Zenith Fire/Minimas/Sefty Control & Devices Safex Fire/Zenith Fire/Minimas/Sefty Control & Devices 30 Safex Fire/Zenith Fire/Minimas/Sefty Control & Devices 31 Safex Fire/Zenith Fire/Minimas/Sefty Control & Devices 32 33 34 35 Safex Fire/Zenith Fire/Minimas/Sefty Control & Devices Crompton Greaves Ltd/Philips Ridhi poles/standard make As per IS make 362 .Engginers Rama Engineer. plates. 2011-13:54:39 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Main & Auxiliary Structure with MS angles channels.cap Supply of following fire extinguisher carbon dioxide as per IS specn No.2 accuracy class ABT energy meter Conductors Hardware Fitting Disc Insulators Clamps & Copnductors Fire fighting equipments Portable AFF mechanical loan type Fire Extingursher complete with intitial charge house pipe and all other accessories and fittings as perIS 1024 troliey mounted 45/50 lit. 40 mm MS rRod for Main Earthmat 40 mm dia 300 mm ms earth electrodes MS Flat for earthing 0. bolts. 2011-13:54:39 363 .Location :: Lucknow. January 12. Uploading Date And Time ::Wednesday.
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