Traffic Offences and Penalties in India

April 2, 2018 | Author: Hardik Patel | Category: Vehicle Insurance, Traffic, Road Transport, Land Transport, Transport



Traffic IndiaOffences and Penalties in The Indian Road rules, titled "Rules of the Road Regulation", were brought into effect since July, 1989. These rules are germane to the Indian drivers (all inclusive of two, three and four wheelers), while on the road to ensure an orderly traffic and a safer journey. Violation of these "Rules of Road Regulation" is a punishable transgression as per the city specific traffic police rules and the "Motor Vehicle Act". Enforcement of these traffic laws - rules, regulations and acts can bear out the road accidents. These laws are enforced by issuing challans in the name of the offenders and teaching them a lesson by making them pay penalties. An indicative list of the possible offences and their respective penalties is formulated below: 1. OFFENCES RELATED TO DOCUMENTS S.NO 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 OFFENCES Driving without a Valid License MAXIMUM PENALTY Rs. 500/- and /or imprisonment ( 3 months) SECTION 3 r/w 181 MVA 5 r/w 180 MVA 130(3) r/w 177 MVA 130 r/w 177 MVA 130 r/w 177 MVA 130 r/w 177 MVA 39 r/w192 MVA Allowing vehicle to be driven by a Rs. 1000/- and/or person who does not possess a imprisonment ( 3 months) Valid License. Not carrying documents as required. Driving without Valid Insurance. Driving without Valid Permit. Driving without Valid Fitness. Vehicle without R.C. Rs. 100/Rs. 1000/- and/or imprisonment ( 3 months) Rs. 5000/- ( not less than Rs. 2000/-) Rs. 5000/- ( not less than Rs. 2000/-) Rs 2000/2. OFFENCES RELATED TO DRIVING S.NO 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.1.9 OFFENCES Driving by Minor . MAXIMUM PENALTY Rs. 500/- SECTION 4 r/w 181 MVA 5 r/w 180 MVA 129 r/w177 MVA 138(3) 177 MVA 184 MVA CMVR Allowing Unauthorized person to Rs. 1000/drive . Driving without Helmet. Seat Belts not fastened. Rough/Rash/Negligent Driving . Dangerous or hasty Driving. Not Driving in Proper Lane. Rs. 100/Rs. 100/Rs. 1000/- Rs.1000/and/or imprisonment 112-183 MVA ( 6 months) Court Challan 66 r/w 192 MVA 2 RRR r/w 177 MVA 17 (i) RRR 177 MVA Driving in the center and not to left Rs.100/side. Driving against One Way. Rs.100/- Violation of Mandatory Signs . Carrying persons on Footboard. 4500/- 39/192 MVA CMVR 177 MVA 112(G) 177 MVA 105 A (2) (ii) DMVR Vehicle Light Related Offences Improper use of headlights/tail light Rs. 100/uniform. 100/MVA RRR Traffic Signal Related Offences Disobeying Board.3. Disobeying manual Traffic Signal. Trippling.10 2.100/crossing a Stop Line.3 2. 100/119/177 MVA 113(1)/177 DMVR 119/177 MVA CMVR 177 MVA 105 (2) (ii) Number Plate Related Offences Use of Offensive Number Plate for Rs.100/for vehicle used in driving.100/Carrying persons causing hindrance Rs.5 2.2 2.100/to the driver.5.1.19 2. Failing to decelerate at intersection.100/vehicle used in driving. 100/Horn Related Offences Driving without Horn. Traffic signal / Sign Rs. Failing to take precaution while Rs.16 2. 100/- MMVR 177 MVA 12 177 MVA 3 177 MVA 8 177 MVA 2 177 MVA 123-177 MVA 125-177 MVA 128/177 MVA RRR 177 MVA RRR 177 MVA 233 RRR Taking “U” turn during outlawed Rs.1.2. Improper horn usage while driving.1 2. Rs. Rs.4.1 RRR RRR Stopping at pedestrian crossing or Rs.1 2.100/island.1.2 2.2 2. 100/Rs. Driving against Police Signal.2 2.2 2.2. Beam where not Rs.3 2.12 RRR 2.100/Failing to carry on left of traffic Rs. 100/Rs.17 2.100/taking a “Turn”.1.14 2.7 2.1.11 Reversing attention.5. Driving on Footpath.2.1.1 2.2.100/- 2. Displaying 'Applied For'. Rs.1 2. 100/Rs.100/119(1)/177 CMVR CMVR 177 MVA 119 22(a) 177 MVA 119 r/w 177 MVA 239 22(a) 177 MVA 22(b) 239 177 MVA MMVR RRR 105 (2) (ii) Traffic Police Related Offences Disobeying Traffic Police Officer in Rs. 100/Rs. Road Marking Related Offences Violation of Yellow Line.6 2. 100/Rs.4.3 Rs.1.1 2. Rs.15 2.4 2. Rs. Using High required.1. Violation of Stop Line.2 2. Rs.1. without due careand Rs.7.18 2.100/hours.13 2. 100/RRR MMVR .1. 1 3.1 2.200/Rs.2 2. Truck. ( 6 months) Using Mobile Phone while Driving.3 OFFENCES Two Wheeler.2 2.1 4.2000/Driving under influence of Alcohol / and/or imprisonment 185 MVA Drugs. Silencer/muffler making noise. Pollution Not Under Control.100/Rs. the prescribed Speed Rs.8. OFFENCES RELATED TO POLLUTION S.7. Driving without Silencer. Exceeding Limits.2 3. Auto Rickshaw. MVA 112/183(2) MVA 6 (a) RRR r/w 177 MVA 7 177 MVA RRR 6/1/177 MVA 132/179 MVA RRR Abetment for Over Speeding .1 2. Car .3 2.100/- 121 177 MVA 119/177 MVA RRR Speed and Overtake Related Offences Up to Rs.600/SECTION RRR 177 MVA RRR 177 MVA RRR 177 MVA 4.8. Jeep.500/SECTION 86(1)(5)/177 DMVR 99(1)(a)/177 DMVR 119 CMVR 190(2) MVA 96(1)/177 DMVR CMVR 120 190(2) MVA 115 CMVR 190(2) MVA .9.2. MAXIMUM PENALTY Rs. Tanker. Taxi. In case of a minor Accident. Rs.100/Overtaking. 100/Rs.3 2.5 2.NO 4.9 2.300/Rs. 100/Rs. Fixing multi-toned/shrill horn. Leaving engine. Jumping Signal.500/Rs.4 2. Smoky Exhaust.2 4. 3.5 4.4 4.8. 100/Other Offences Rs. MAXIMUM PENALTY Rs.9.2 2.8. Disobeying Lawful Directions.3 2.9.NO 3. 1000/Rs.8 2. Overtaking from Wrong Side .3 4. Playing music while Driving.9.9 Failing to give Signal. Overtaking perilously.100/Rs. 100/Rs. Trailor. 100/184 MVA 126-177 MVA 122 177 MVA 184 MVA 102/177 MVA 120/190(2)/177CMVR 186 MVA Leaving vehicle in unsafe position. Driving when mentally or physically Court Challan unfit.4 2.500/Rs. vehicle in unoccupied Up to 1000/Rs. Blowing Pressure Horn.100/Rs.6 OFFENCES Smoking in Public Transport.7 2. 100/Rs.8.5 2. 100/Rs.8 2. 500/- Rs.1000/Rs. Failing to confer way to sanction Rs.6 OFFENCES RELATED TO TOWING OF VEHICLES S. Failing to display public carrier Rs.3 OFFENCES Plying in 'NO ENTRY' Time Violation of Time Table High and Long / Load in Vehicles Carrying animals in MAXIMUM PENALTY Upto 2000/Court Challan Rs.15 5.1 6. 177 MVA 52/191 MVA.9 5.66/192 MV Act 100 CMVR 177 MVA 236 MMVR 177 MVA 116 MMVR 177 MVA MMVR 177 MVA 21(18) 93(u)(i) RRR SECTION When motor vehicle is out of Rs.4 5.100/plate.100/- No indication board on left hand Rs. 5000/( not less than Rs.100/SECTION 115/194 MVA 11/177.7 Using horn in Silence Zone.8 5. OFFENCES RELATED TO COMMERCIAL VEHICLES S.12 177 MVA 5.100/Rs. 2000/-) Any sort of misconduct with passengers. 1000/. Rs.6 5. 2000/-) Rs.100/uniform/not displaying badge. printed on Rs.300/of Act. Rs. for Rs. 2/177.100/- 21(ii) RRR 177 MVA 5. 100/goods Rs. in Unsafe MAXIMUM PENALTY Court Challan 192 MVA 47-177 MVA 84(G)-177 MVA CMVR 101 5.4.14 5. Vehicles fitted glasses/sun films. 66/192 MVA 29 RRR/177 MVA MMVR 83 .5 5.3 5. 3000/177 MVA Infringement conditions. Rs. 7/177 MVA CMVR 94 120.100/board. Particulars to be transport vehicles. 6.13 5. Without Wiper Without Side Mirror. 32/192.NO 5. with dark Rs.7 5.for MMVR every additional ton. Sale of motor vehicle/alteration of motor vehicle in contravention Rs.100/state for more than 12 months.NO 6.4 5. Overloading a goods vehicle.100/Rs. OFFENCES RELATED TO MOTOR VEHICLES S. not wearing Rs. 100/97(2)/177 DMVR Use of Colored light on Vehicle 6. 5000/-( not less than Rs. of permit Imprisonment and/or fine of Rs.1 5.2 6.2 5. Defective tyres.16 OFFENCES Using Vehicle Conditions.10 5.100/- Driving without proper number plate/ illuminating rear number Rs.12 5.11 5. Using private vehicle commercial purposes. 177 MVA Carrying goods in a dangerous or Imprisonment and/or fine of 29 hazardous manner. 2000/-plus Rs.100/drive vehicle.100/Rs. 100/- 177 MVA MMVR 108 177 MVA 229 MMVR 29 RRR 177 MVA MMVR 202 177 MVA MMVR 93(u) (i) 177 MVA 113/194(1) MVA 114/194(2) MVA MMVR 202 177 MVA 11(3)/177 DMVR 11(8)/177 DMVR 11(8)/177 DMVR 11(9)/177 DMVR 7/177 DMVR 22(1)/177 DMVR 23(1)/177 DMVR 22(1)/177 DMVR 66/192 MVA 207(1) MVA Carrying goods more than 11 feet Rs.vehicles in contravention of rules. 100/- .5 6.9 6.4 6.11 6.7 OFFENCES MAXIMUM PENALTY 22(a) RRR 177 MVA 15(2) RRR 177 MVA 15(2) RRR 177 MVA 15(2) RRR 177 MVA 15(2) RRR 177 MVA 15(1) RRR 177 MVA 15(i) RRR 177 MVA SECTION Parking in the direction of flow of Rs.100/Rs.16 6. 100/Rs.1 7. 100/Rs.10 6.100/vehicles. Goods in Passenger Vehicles Dangerous projection of goods. Conductor without Uniform. Over Charging Driver. 100/Rs. Driver without Badge.6 7.14 6.100/Rs.NO 7.39 or Court Challan 66(1) MV Act. 100/Rs.100/traffic.4 7.5 7.15 6. 100/manner. 100/Rs.18 Carrying persons dangerously or carrying persons in goods Rs. 100/Court Challan Charging without Meter. 100/Rs.12 6. Parking in not any prescribed Rs. Parking away towards road. by Taxi/TSR Court Challan Rs.6 6. 100/Rs. Carrying goods unsecured. 100/Rs.17 6. Rs. Driver refuses to weigh vehicle. Driver without Uniform.100/Rs. 6. 7. OFFENCES RELATED TO PARKING S. 6. Parking on a Taxi Stand. Misbehavior by Taxi/TSR Driver.100/high. Conductor without Badge. from footpath Rs. Rs.2 7.4. Refusal by Taxi/TSR Driver. Parking at any Corner.3 7. Parking causing Obstruction. Load on Tail Board.100/Rs. 100/- Parking against flow of traffic.7 6. Stopping without Bus stop Power to detain Vehicle used in contravention of section 3.14 6. 6. Limit Of weight and limitation on Court Challan Use. 6.13 6. 100/- 15(2) RRR 177 MVA 15(2) (i) RRR 177 MVA 15(i) RRR 177 MVA 15(2) RRR 177 MVA 15(2)(iii) RRR 177 MVA 15(2)(ii) RRR 177 MVA 15(2)(viii) RRR 177 MVA 15(1) RRR 177 MVA RRR: Rules of MVA: Motor Vehicles MMVR: Maharasthra Motor CMVR: Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 Road Vehicles Regulations Act Rules 1989 1988 1989 Besides these provisions. Parking in front of a gate. Parking at Traffic Island. 100/Rs. on Rs. 100/Rs. 100/Rs. Parking in “No” Parking Area. 100/Rs.10 7. Parked on Pedestrian Crossing. it is mandatory for every driver driving.8 7.7. to carry the following documents while driving: [http://www. 100/ 7. 100/Rs. Parking on Footpath.indiandrivingschools.14 7. 100/Rs. Parking on Bridge.php ] .15 Parking within 15 meters either side of Bus Stop.13 7.9 7. Parking causing obstruction.11 7.
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