
March 27, 2018 | Author: sicspty5 | Category: Reading Comprehension, English Language, Applied Psychology, Semiotics, Learning



Assignment – CMTRPSUBJECT ASSIGNMENT: CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES AND REFLECTIONS ON PRACTICE GENERAL INFORMATION: The subject assignment consists of doing eight short exercises. To do so, leave the activities’ statements where they are and just answer below them. This assignment must be done in groups of three or four (the corresponding tutor will choose the group members during the tutorials) and the work must fulfil the following conditions: - Length: between 8 and 10 pages (without including cover, index or appendices –if there are any-). Type of font: Arial or Times New Roman. Size: 11. Line height: 1.5. Alignment: Justified. The assignment has to be done in this Word document. In order to make the correction process easier, please, do not write the answers in bold, and it will then be easier to distinguish between them and the activities’ statements. On the other hand, the assignment must still fulfil the rules of presentation and edition, and follow the rubric for quoting and making bibliographical references as detailed in the Study Guide. Also, it has to be submitted following the procedure specified in the Study Guide. Sending it to the teacher’s e-mail is not permitted. All members of the group have to send the assignment. In addition to this, it is very important to read the assessment criteria, which can be found in the Study Guide. 1 How you come to school? . mate. Justify your answers. Group work Closed-ended teacher questioning Individual work Choral responses Collaboration Student initiates.Oh. of course! . . . .you’re Peter. . . Decide whether each interaction is either more student-centred or more teacher-centred. pronunciation.I go always to France for my holidays. appropriacy. aren’t you? (rising intonation on aren’t you).She suggested us to go home. teacher answers Full-class interaction Teacher talk Self-access Open-ended teacher questioning Task 2 Categorise each of the following errors under one of these headings: grammar. . 2 . Task 1 Look at Ur’s list of patterns of interaction below.(student in pub) Give me a beer.I don’t like travelling by sheep. Justify your answers. . meaning.(Mike speaking to his boss) That’s a load of rubbish.She went to the library to buy a book.Assignment – CMTRP Assignment: Do the following exercises and justify or explain your answers where appropriate. 4.Assignment – CMTRP Task 3 Look at the following situations and decide if you would correct or not. Students are checking a grammar exercise in open class. Response to listening. all practising the material the class has recently learned. each student is asked to select and do one set. completes it and then takes another. each student does them on his or her own. Readers. of varying difficulty. work on and exchange cards freely. 4. If so. The teacher has prepared a number of work-cards based on different language skills and content. Students are discussing role-playing a public meeting after reading a text. Textbook questions in class. Students are giving the teacher examples of the target structure ‘used to’ and the teacher is writing these examples on the board. but each different. 1. Students are debating on the rights of women in an open class focus. 3. Students are giving the answer to a listening comprehension exercise in class feedback. and do as much as they can in the time allotted. The teacher plays a recorded text on a topical issue. and another corner available for quiet talk. 3. A pile of workcards prepared by the teacher is put in the centre of the class. 2. Explain your answer. 5. say when you would do so. There is a cassette recorder in one corner with headsets for listening tasks. Textbook exercises for homework. in theory. Students choose individual simplified readers. allow for individualisation in the language classroom. Workcards. from a school library. 1996:236) Explain your answers. Students are discussing the question of pollution in small groups. The class has been given a set of questions from the textbook to answer in writing. To what extent does each cater for individualised learning? What advantages and what drawbacks can you identify with each ‘procedure’ if you were to use them with your own classes? (Ur. 2. Students select. 7. on a passage that has been read in class. and asks the class to note down points they understood. The teacher gives three sets of comprehension questions from the textbook. Students are writing a paragraph about a holiday in ones or twos. 1. 6. 3 . The teacher distributes worksheets which all practise the same grammar point. Varied tasks. 7. Worksheets. Each student chooses one. Task 4 Below is a list of classroom ‘procedures’ (activity types) which will. The students choose which sections they want to do. but containing various sections with different kinds of practice tasks and topics. 5. of varied level and topic. 6. and read quietly in class. and are preparing their side of the argument. 1. especially those which have made the phrase ‘mixed-ability’ seem almost old-fashioned or unnecessary? Task 6 Say whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. formulate a collective report. 2. Instructions should always be given in both languages . 6. Students should be allowed to ask the teacher (in English) if they may say something or ask something in their own language.ability groups always result in more successful SLA for learners? Or can the opposite seem to be true? Why? Draw on your own experience as a teacher or learner in order to prove or disprove each of her statements. Research. you deprive students of an important opportunity to be exposed to natural L2 use. The teacher asks the students to form groups of four in order to carry out a web-quest. to later share with the other group members. Teachers could sometimes use mother tongue texts with students. and all other use of their mother tongue should be prohibited. The group will then arrive at a consensus. 3. Justify your answers. Task 7 4 .Assignment – CMTRP 8. and present their findings to the class. Task 5 a) To what extent do you agree with each of Ur’s statements in your materials? What are your own views on the issue of mixed-ability? Do you think that mixed. but comprehension tasks should always require students to produce English. If you give instructions for activities in the mother tongue. providing concrete examples of classroom experiences/activities. based on an environmental issue. 5. Can you add any other advantages to her list? b) What other considerations have now come into play regarding this issue. 4. If students translate the meaning of new vocabulary they will develop the mistaken idea that there is a one-to-one correspondence between words in English and in their own language. Translation should never be used with young learners.but in English first. Each student is given a specific role and asked to find out particular aspects of the topic from internet sources. the way in which the market shift to young and very young learners has changed the way we think and teach. the relevance of the new ‘key competences’ to language teaching and classroom management. Try to predict how the topic will evolve in the future. There is always a mismatch between a teachers ‘espoused’ theories and his/her real classroom behaviour. which are formed early in life. 3. Task 8 Take any other two issues from the materials – for example:        segregation of low-track students. Our beliefs as teachers affects our classroom management more than any other factor in the classroom. group dynamics (the 6 types). or three paragraphs for each of the two topics. 6. 1. Taking into account the affective climate in a classroom is likely to affect a teacher’s classroom management decisions. Examining our pre-. 7. 2. but also to what effect the way we think has on our teaching. 8.Assignment – CMTRP Are the following statements true or false? Justify each of your answers. but each topic should occupy roughly one page. ‘Teacher thinking’ refers not just to the way we think as teachers. and discuss them separately. inter. 5 . any other which has attracted your attention. and this view is related to how the teacher believes languages are learned.and post-active decisions as teachers is the best way to investigate our thinking as teachers. Say why you have chosen the topics from a personal perspective. 4. 1. A teacher will usually have a deeply-rooted (possibly unconscious) view about who his/her learners are. the usefulness of web-quests. Try to be concise. Explain their importance with reference to the general framework of classroom management and 3. are very difficult to change. As teachers we are doomed to repeat teaching behaviour that we ‘learnt’ through our ‘apprenticeship of observation’. 5. Multiple intelligences. Teachers’ beliefs. 2. Assignment – CMTRP Name and surname(s): Login: Group: Date: 6 .
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