
April 4, 2018 | Author: ahmedwww | Category: Warehouse, Sap Se, Business Process, Inventory, Case Study



R/3-System Release Enterprise 4.7 Author: Stefan Kroeger TPLM30 September 2003 Case Study Plant Maintenance Instructor Guide ....................................................................... 3 1................ 3 User ID and Passwords for course participants ..................................... 3 4...................................................... 3 Duration.................................................................. 3 Course Materials and Other Materials .................................................................................................................................................................... Requirements in the Subject Areas ........................................................................................................................ 3 Course Details ......................................................................................................... 3 Technical Hints .................................................................................. 3 Work in IMG (Customizing) .................. 3 Course Instructor Profile ............................... 3 2........................................................................................................................... 3 Level of Knowledge Required ......... 3 Training System...................................................................................... 3 CATTs and Example ABAPs......................................................................................................................... Description of Sport Motorcycle AG Group ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Country-Specific Units ......................................................................................................... 3 5..................... Basic Data in the System ...................................................... General Introduction ................. 3 Page 2 ............................................... 3 User ID and Passwords for instructor ...............................SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study Contents: SAP Contact(s)...... Background information on Sport Motorcycle AG .............................................................. 3 3.......................................................... PLM305. PLM315 and PLM316 can be used as a reference for certain parts of the case study. SCM510. Recommended courses for preparation: SCM500.00 Certification – 1 day Friday – depending on local schedule Course Materials and Other Materials Manual for course particpants Instructor guide Instructor guides of standard courses PLM310. Level of Knowledge Required Instructor must be familiar with the following courses in detail: PLM300. LO810. Country-Specific Units None Course Instructor Profile Experienced instructor or consultant who is capable of teaching and demonstrating the complete scope of SAP PM with its integration aspects. 10. PLM316 or as an alternative the corresponding courses of R/3 Rel.00 to 17. SCM525.Thursday 9.6C: LO100. LO805. SCM550 Page 3 . They are available via SAPNet. 4. PLM310. LO816 plus Delta course D47PM Also. LO815.00 to 17. the instructor must have detailed knowledge of the processes in Materials Management as the integration between Plant Maintenance and Materials Management is one of the major topics of this course.SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study SAP Contact(s) Walldorf Stefan Kroeger Ruediger Keilbach Michael Wieland Course Details Duration 5 days Case Study – 4 days Monday. PLM315.00 Tuesday . User ID and Passwords for course participants Create users TPLM30-00 to TPLM30-20 for the course participants using transaction ZUSR (from template user PM_TRAINING) with password INIT CATTs and Example ABAPs None Technical Hints None Page 4 .SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study Training System Client Only one client needed – all participants work in the same client Data Required Most data within Plant Maintenance will be created by participant during case study Data within Materials Management required in Plant Maintenance (plants. A hint is given for every implementation step about which data to use.) will not be created by participant but rather used as offered by the IDES system. This user already exists in the master system. BOMs etc. storage locations. User ID and Passwords for instructor Instructors should logon as user TPLM30 with password INIT. Work in IMG (Customizing) Execute report ZSENQOFF using transaction SE38 so that participants can work in IMG simultaneously. company code etc. materials.) will be created by participant during case study Data within Financial Accounting and Controlling (Controlling area. cost center. However. Page 5 .SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study Structure and Flow The case study is structured into the following parts: General introduction Background information on Sport Motorcycle AG Description of Sport Motorcycle AG Group Basic data in the system Requirements in the subject areas Maintenance Organization Management of Technical Objects Maintenance Processing Preventive Maintenance Controlling in Plant Maintenance Optional (Reporting and analyses) Note: As participants work as project teams – and therefore at their own pace – there is no fixed schedule for the different steps within the case study. all project teams must have finished their work until mid-day of day four so that presentations can take place in the afternoon of day four. continued Presentations of project teams Day Five Approximate Times Including Exercises Contents: Units and Topics Certification Page 6 .continued Day Four Approximate Times Including Exercises until mid-day Contents: Units and Topics Implementation of requirements of Sport Motorcycle in the system .SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study Day One Approximate Times Including Exercises 30 min Contents: Units and Topics General Introduction Background information concerning Sport Motorcycle Inc. Start with implementation of requirements of Sport Motorcycle in the system Days Two and Three Approximate Times Including Exercises Contents: Units and Topics Implementation of requirements of Sport Motorcycle in the system . Prepare junior consultant for his/her later work within a case study that allows him/her to set up business processes in plant maintenance according to customer requirements 2. expectations of the course and so on) Breaks Advice on parking Training documentation Course objectives Course Objectives The course has two objectives: 1. 4. This is meant to be the starting point for participants from where to analyze the fundamental organizational requirements from a real life scenario and to “translate” them into SAP objects and settings. This simulates the situation in which project teams implementing SAP Plant Maintenance often find themselves in: the customer already has introduced financial accounting. Background information on Sport Motorcycle AG In this unit participants receive general information about their future customer and about the customer’s motivation to implement SAP Plant Maintenance. Prepare junior consultant for certification 2. Page 7 .SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study 1. 3. controlling and materials management and therefore has already made a decision about the major organizational units. Basic Data in the System In this unit participants receive fundamental organizational data that have already been fixed and therefore do not have to be defined during the implementation of SAP Plant Maintenance (these data are provided by the IDES system). General Introduction List of Topics in the Unit: Presentation of the particpants and the instructor (Previous experience with SAP and PM. The objective here is to put participants into a realistic context which is typical for their future work as consultants. This is normally also true for the plants in manufacturing and materials management. Description of Sport Motorcycle AG Group In this unit participants receive detailed information about the company’s structure in general and about the specific requirements of maintenance organization. General Controlling area Business area Company code Purchasing organization: Factory calendar 1000 EUROPE 1000 Mechanical engineering 1000 IDES AG 1000 IDES Germany 01 Germany Plant Maintenance Cost center for technical 4110 Technical assets objects Class for oil pumps Serial number profiles Costing variant Costing sheet ED113 (class type 002 – equipment class) PM1.SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study However. as the plants play an important role in maintenance organization as well. Therefore they have not been predefined in this case study. PM2 PM01 COPM Materials Management Material type Activate quantity and value update for material type Activate valuation category C for each plant HIBE (Operating Supplies) Transaction OMS2 Transaction OMWC Page 8 . it is essential for PM consultants to be familiar with the handling of plants and storage locations. refurbished C3 – defective Page 9 .as new C2 .SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study Valuation types for refurbishment C1 . Objects to be Created – Organization Plant I Hamburg-Lockstedt Plant II Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg Maintenance planner Materials warehouse at plant I Mechanical workshop Electronics workshop HL## HW## P## ML## ME## EL## Page 10 . it is essential that the required work centers are defined with the necessary settings and are assigned to the right plant. Also.SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study 5. Requirements in the Subject Areas In this unit participants will find the detailed requirements within the different areas and business processes: Maintenance Organization Management of Technical Objects Maintenance Processing Preventive Maintenance Controlling Reporting (optional) Maintenance Organization In this section it is essential to define the necessary plants with the required settings and practice again the relationship between maintenance plant and planning plant. the required steps and settings are available to participants. As the definition of plants and storage locations has mainly to do with materials management. C2 and C3 DI-##. As the creation of plants and storage locations is not part of the PM courses the instructor can give hints to participants. this should not be demonstrated from the start.SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study Objects to be Created – Technical Objects / Materials Functional Location structure Equipments Coolant lubricant pump material Batches (valuation types) of coolant pump KP## for split valuation Spare parts BOMs ? ? KP## C1. Page 11 . Participants should rather work on this requirement first. AN-## ? Customizing Steps Required for Materials Management Enterprise Structure > Definition > Define storage location Materials Management > Maintain Storage Location Logistics – General > Material Master > Basic Settings > Material Define quantity and value update Types > Define Attributes of Material Types Materials Management > Valuation and Account Assignment > Account Determination > Account Define account determination Determination Without Wizard > Group Together Valuation Areas (entry without valuation grouping code) Material Management > Inventory Maintain plant parameters for Management and Physical inventory management Inventory > Plant Parameters The following list contains the sequence of steps for creating a new plant and a new storage location as areference for the instructor. FL-##. However. Define account determination > enter valuation grouping code 0001 for valuation areas HL## and HW## Materials Management > Valuation and Account Assignment > Account Determination > Account Determination Without Wizard > Group Together Valuation Areas 10.SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study 1. Assign purchasing organization to plant Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Materials Management > Assign purchasing organization to company code 6. Define quantity and value update (for material type HIBE in valuation areas (=plants in this case) HL## and HW##) Logistics – General > Material Master > Basic Settings > Material Types > Define Attributes of Material Types 9. The structures created by participants are to be discussed during the presentations on Page 12 . check plant 2. Define plant parameters for MRP > copy parameters of plant 1000 Materials Management > Consumption-Based Planning > Plant Parameters > Carry Out Overall Maintenance of Plant Parameters Maintenance Organization .Technical Objects / Materials Participants have to develop an appropriate structure consisting of functional locations. Assign standard purchasing organization to plant Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Materials Management > Assign standard purchasing organization to plant 7. equipments and BOMs to meet the requirements of Sport Motorcycle AG. copy. Assign plant to company code Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Logistics – General > Assign plant to company code 5. Maintain plant parameters for inventory management (use plant 1000 as a reference) Material Management > Inventory Management and Physical Inventory > Plant Parameters 11. Define plants HL## and HW## Enterprise Structure > Definition > Logistics – General > Define. Activate split valuation > split valuation by status (C) for both plants Materials Management > Valuation and Account Assignment > Split Valuation > Activate Split Valuation 12. Define storage location in plant HL## Enterprise Structure > Definition > Materials Management > Maintain Storage Location 4. Maintain planning plant Enterprise Structure > Definition > Plant Maintenance > Maintain maintenance planning plant 3. Assign maintenance planning plant to maintenance plant Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Plant Maintenance > Assign maintenance planning plant to maintenance plant 8. delete. Enter valuation category C (status) into tab strip Accounting 1.Others can be used together with movement type 501. C2 and C3 can be created by adding material KP## again with tab strip Accounting 1 selected.assign necessary paramters to new notification type ## . the instructor guide of standard course PLM315 can be used as a reference.SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study day four. Hints for equipments created automatically during goods receipt: . equipment category Z is predefined . In more detail. Material KP## (Coolant pump) Make sure the material is prepared for refurbishment already during the creation of the material master.make sure to enter correct maintenance plant in equiment master .create new notification type ## .make existing order type (PM04 . The maintenance processing part consists of the following parts: .if serial number profile PM2 is used in material KP00.create new order type IH## . Make sure you bring up Organizational levels to be able to make an entry in the field valuation type Availability check for coolant pump (KP00): Make sure you enter a value for the availability check in the material master (MRP3): either daily requirements (01) or individual requirements (02).assign necessary paramters to new order type IH## . Goods receipt . Make sure you enter valuation type C1 on tab strip Material after you have specified plant HL## and storage location ML##. Goods receipt of coolant pump KP00: In transaction MIGO.complete parameters for order type PM04 in the new planning plant If questions arise in this part.refurbishment) available in the new planning plant . There is no model solution provided in the system. the following data have to be created by participants: Page 13 . After saving the material master valuation types category Z uses a user status profile where status PLA and status TST do not allow installation of equipment into a functional location >>change user status to PRD before trying to install equipment Maintenance Processing In this section maintenance processing has to be set up according to the requirements of Sport Motorcycle. That means that notification processing as well as order processing has to be defined. SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study Objects to be Created – Maintenance Processing Notification type Code group for internal damage Code group for internal cause codes Code group for internal object parts Code group for internal activities (actions) Internal catalog profile Order type ## S## U## O## T## BS## IH## Specific Customizing Steps .Maintenance Processing Production > Shop Floor Control > Integration > Define Valuation of Goods Received Define condition-valuation Entry in the new maintenance (refurbishment) planning plant with the same valuation variant as that for plant 1000. 007) Plant Maintenance and Customer Service > Maintenance and Service Processing > Maintenance and Service Orders > Functions and Documentation on goods movements Settings for Order Types > Goods Movement for Order > Define for the order Documentation for Goods Movement for the Order (Entries are similar to those for order type PM04 in plant 1000) Page 14 . In more detail.Preventive Maintenance General task list Change number for task list Time-based maintenance plan ? ? ? Performance-based maintenance plan ? Specific Customizing Steps .Refurbishment Hints for refürbishment: .complete settings for order type PM04 and plant HL##: scheduling. costing parameters.Preventive Maintenance Check / modify existing maintenance ? plan categories Define sort field Define Default Order Types for Maintenance Items ? IH## Page 15 .change master batch in serial number to C3 before executing transaction IE4N (dismantling of equipment / moving to stock) .. the following objects have to be created and the following customizing steps have to be performed: Objects to be created .assign oder type PM04 to planning plant HL## . completion confirmation Preventive Maintenance In this section preventive maintenance has to be implemented according to the requirements of Sport Motorcycle. The central issue here is to properly schedule different maintenance plans.SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study Maintenance Processing . check / modify existing costing PM04 sheet or create new one Default settlement rule order types ? IH##.SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study Controlling in Maintenance In this section the settings for costing and settlement of an order have to be made according to the requirements of Sport Motorcycle. This has to be done both for the new order type IH## as well as for order type PM04 (refurbishment).value check / modify existing assignment category Costing variant order types IH##. PM04 Settlemente profile order types IH##.Controlling Assignment cost elements . check / modify existing variant or PM04 create new one Costing sheet order types IH##. check / modify existing profile or PM04 create new one Page 16 . Objects / Customizing steps . Following you find an example : Create an exception For example. Area – Periodic analyses > Activate for periodic analyses. Send mail > Enter R/3 user > Save exception Create a periodic analysis Early warning system-Periodic analysis-Analysis area-Create > Determined by the system > Create variant (with maintenance plant HL##) Schedule an exception in periodic analysis Early warning system-Periodic analysis-Schedule Set date/time and periodic values (for example. Maintenance plant > Characteristic values > for example. Page 17 . then set currency (Euro) > Follow-up processing button > Area – Standard analysis > Color in list > Set to 3 (red). for example. execution hourly) Create an order and enter a completion confirmation.000) Show the mail after an hour.000 Euros > Logistics-PIant maintenance-Information system Early warning system-Exception-Create > Enter number and description > Info structure.000. HL## > Requirements button > Select indicator.000. for example S061 or S115 > Select characteristics. Total planned costs > Define Requirement button > Threshold value analysis > Enter requirement. for example. total planned costs in maintenance plant HL## exceed 1. which fulfils the exception criterion (planned costs > 1.SAP AG TPLM30 Case Study Optional (Reporting and Analyses) In this section an exception in the Early Warning System (EWS) has to be created based on the planned costs in the new planning plant.
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