Total-safety Data Sheet

March 24, 2018 | Author: Nadeem Khalid | Category: Combustion, Water, Chemistry, Chemicals, Waste



Safety Data SheetProduct name : SDS n° :31312-33 GENLUB TDX Version :3.11 Page : 1/6 Version of : 2008-11-09 This sheet supersedes the one dated : 2008-04-16 PRODUCT LABELS LABELLING (standard or EU): R-phrases : S-phrases : TRANSPORT LABELLING: Concerned R-52/53 Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. S-61 Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety Data Sheets. Not applicable. 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY UNDERTAKING Name of the product : Code No. : Product application : Supplier : GENLUB TDX HO2 Engine oil TOTAL LUBRIFIANTS 562 avenue du Parc de l'Ile 92029 Nanterre CEDEX Tel: +33 (0)1 41 35 40 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 41 35 84 71 [email protected] ORFILA / Tel : Emergency telephones : See local details at end of sheet : 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Health effects : Environmental impact : This product does not present a danger of intoxication. May cause sensitisation. Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. Do not discharge this product into the environment. No special risk of fire or explosion under normal conditions of use Physico-chemical hazards : 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS PREPARATION Chemical nature : Petroleum-derived severely refined mineral-base product in which the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCA or PAH) content, measured by IP 346, is less than 3% Substances presenting a health hazard Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate Alkylphenol EC No. 272-028-3 310-154-3 CAS No. 68649-42-3 121158-58-5 Content <1,5 % <0,2 % Symbol(s) Xi ,N Xn ,N R-phrases R-38, 41, 51/53 R-38, 50/53, 62 See section 16 for explanations of R-phrases : 4. FIRST AID MEASURES IN CASE OF SERIOUS OR PERSISTENT CONDITIONS, CALL A DOCTOR OR EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE. Quick-FDS [15066-39061-28809-011212] - 2009-03-31 - 10:51:01 Personal protection : After spillage / leakage : Ensure good ventilation. Recover with mechanical means such as pumps and skimmers. If inflammation or irritation persists. Transport the person into fresh air.11 Page : 2/6 Version of : 2008-11-09 This sheet supersedes the one dated : 2008-04-16 Inhalation : Inhalation of heavy concentrations of vapour.not recommended: Do not use water jets (stick jets) for extinguishing fire. Insulated breathing apparatus must be worn in confined premises with heavy concentrations of fumes and gases. All combustion residues and contaminated water from fire-fighting should be disposed of according to local regulations. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES See sections 8 and 13. Do not induce vomiting to avoid the risk of aspiration into the respiratory tract.suitable: Foam. Vapours are heavier than air and may spread on the ground to sources of ignition. powder. aldehydes and soot. take the person to hospital for immediate care.2009-03-31 . seek medical advice. These may be highly dangerous if inhaled.On water: Floating absorbant material. Wash the affected area immediately and repeatedly with soap and water. then mechanical recovery. Specific hazards : Protective measures for firefighters : Other : 6. carbon dioxide (CO2). FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash point: See heading 9 Extinguishing media : . Keep eyes open and rinse immediately and repeatedly with water for at least 15 minutes. . If the product is spilt into rivers or sewers. Do not smoke. various hydrocarbons. may cause mild irritation of the throat.On land: Surfaces on which the product has been spilled may become slippery. carbon dioxide. Incomplete combustion and thermolysis may produce gases of varying toxicity such as carbon monoxide. . Do not allow the product to enter sewers or rivers or contaminate the soil. notify the authorities of the possible presence of surface effluent. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING : Quick-FDS [15066-39061-28809-011212] . Remove sources of ignition. Ingestion : Skin contact : Eye contact : Aspiration : 5. If the product is believed to have entered the lungs (in case of vomiting. Give nothing to drink Immediately remove all soiled or stained clothing. .10:51:01 .Safety Data Sheet Product name : SDS n° :31312-33 GENLUB TDX Version :3. as this may help the spread of flames. 7. keep warm and allow to rest. Vapours can build explosive mixtures with air. fumes or spray. Possible risk of vomiting and diarrhoea. for example). it is recommended that the user tests the gloves. keep away from food and beverages. protected against contact with water and moisture. for 8 hours Impermeable hydrocarbon-proof gloves. in case of risk of splashing. Don't wear rings. neoprene. joints. Incompatible products : Packaging materials : 8. watches or anything similar which can retain the product and may give rise to skin conditions.10:51:01 . There is a fire hazard associated with rags.2009-03-31 .. Dangerous reaction with strong oxidizing agents. notably to products in use or to wastes.Safety Data Sheet Product name : SDS n° :31312-33 GENLUB TDX Version :3. When working on enclosed place (tanks. wear a face mask. pipes.. mechanical load. . The break through times of the same type of glove of different manufacturers can be very different . hydrocarbon-proof clothing. fumes. make sure that atmosphere is not suffocating and/or wear recommended equipment. and away from any source of ignition. Prevention of fire and explosion : Precautions : STORAGE : Technical measures : Storage precautions : Make the necessary arrangements to prevent water and soil pollution.Suitable: Store at ambient temperature. .).Recommended: Use only hydrocarbon-resistant containers. Keep away from combustible substances. strength and duration of exposition). for 15 minutes . Avoid static electricity build up with connection to earth. Before choosing suitable gloves. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Technical measures : Use the product in a properly ventilated atmosphere. and safety boots (when handling drums). Keep containers closed when not in use . for example).g. Goggles. Avoid accumulation of these: they are to be disposed off safely after use. Make all the necessary arrangements in order to reduce exposure risk. recommended material: nitrile . oil mist : 10mg/m3. Set up machinery and equipment so as to avoid the risk of accidental spills or splashes onto hot machine parts and electrical contacts (on joint failure. Therefore the break through times have to be found out from the manufacturer of the protective gloves themselves. oil mist : 5mg/m3. Occupational exposure limit : Hand protection : Eye protection : Skin and body (other than the hands) protection : Quick-FDS [15066-39061-28809-011212] . paper or any other material used to remove spills which become soaked with product. reservoirs. etc. The demands on the gloves are determined by the conditions in practice (e.even if the layer thickness is similar.To be avoided: Do not store exposed to the elements. temperature.11 Page : 3/6 Version of : 2008-11-09 This sheet supersedes the one dated : 2008-04-16 Prevention of user exposure : Ventilate extensively if the formation of vapours. Keep in original container if possible. mists or aerosol is a risk. As required. multiple use. Empty containers may contain flammable or explosive vapours. . 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance : Colour : Odour : Density/specific gravity : Flash point : Température d'auto-inflammation : Comments on autoignition temperature : Comments on explosivity : Solubility : Liquid. flames.5 mm2/s Temperature (°C) 100 Partition coefficient (log Pow) : Viscosity : 10. no important effect observed. in case of ingestion of larger amounts: abdominal pain. products : The product is stable at normal storage. various hydrocarbons. Characteristic. ignition points. . diarrhea. Yellow to amber. sparks. Skin contact. wash the affected area immediately and copiously with soap and water.11 Page : 4/6 Version of : 2008-11-09 This sheet supersedes the one dated : 2008-04-16 Hygienic work practices : Avoid prolonged and repeated contact with the skin. In case of ingestion of small quantities. static electricity Avoid contact with strong oxidizers Incomplete combustion and thermolysis produces potentially toxic gases such as carbon monoxide. Do not use abrasives.). STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability : Conditions to avoid : Materials to avoid : Hazardous decomp. Not classified according to the criteria of classification in force. If the product comes into contact with the organic solvents : Soluble in many common solvents. 11. Do not dry hands with rags that have been contaminated with product. drink or smoke whilst handling the product. . TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute toxicity / Local effect : Inhalation.Safety Data Sheet Product name : SDS n° :31312-33 GENLUB TDX Version :3. comments: Ingestion. comments: Quick-FDS [15066-39061-28809-011212] . Not applicable .. Heat (temperatures above flash point).. aldehydes and soot. especially with used or waste product Immediately remove all soiled or stained clothing. Do not put product contaminated rags into workwear pockets.. solvents or water : Insoluble and immiscible..2009-03-31 . 885 kg/m3 Temperature (°C) 15 >= 200 °C (ISO 2592) > >250°C (ASTM E 659) ºC (ASTM E 659) This temperature may be significantly lower under particular conditions (slow oxidation on finely divided materials. handling and use temperatures.10:51:01 . Do not eat. carbon dioxide. Log Pow Log Pow (Mineral oil) > 6 Temperature (°C) (20°C) 14. Inhalation of high concentrations of vapour or aerosols may cause irritation of the upper respiratory tract. comments: Not classified according to the criteria of classification in force. 75-633 of 15. it spreads on the surface of the water 13.12. Regulations concerning the collection of used oils: Decree 79-981 of 21. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Comments about ecotoxicity : Mobility : Harmful to aquatic organisms. .Soil: Given its physical and chemical characteristics. Road (ADR) / Rail (RID) : Class : Transport by barge (ADNR) : Marine (IMO-IMDG) : Not restricted for transport. Used motor oils have been shown to cause skin cancer in mice following repeated application and continuous exposure.Water: The product is insoluble. . Decree No.11 Page : 5/6 Version of : 2008-11-09 This sheet supersedes the one dated : 2008-04-16 CHRONIC TOXICITY OR LONG-TERM TOXICITY : Skin contact : Carcinogenicity : Characteristic skin affections (oil blisters) may develop following prolonged and repeated exposure through contact with stained clothing During use in engines.77 relative to the regulation for the dumping of oils and lubricants into surface waters.France : See wastes nomenclature (JOCE : L 349 from the 31/12/2001). 88-1261 of 30.11.01. the product generally shows little mobility in the ground. The specification of the waste classification should be in arrangement with the authorised waste disposal company.07. TRANSPORT INFORMATION Not concerned by the transport regulations below. may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. Brief or intermittent skin contact with used motor oil is not expected to have serious effects in humans if the oil is thoroughly removed by washing with soap and water. Proceed in compliance with the prevailing regulations. relative to the elimination of wastes and the recovery of materials. 77-254 of 08.88 concerning the import. in accordance with local regulations. collection by an authorised waste contractor and regeneration or incineration at an approved installation.Air: there is a slow loss by evaporation. Law No. . Law No. Quick-FDS [15066-39061-28809-011212] . The waste classification mentioned here represents only a recommendation. contamination of oil with low levels of combustion products occurs.79 and rules of 28. The waste producer is responsible for the correct specification of the waste. .99 relative to their collection and the conditions for their elimination. 12. export and transit of wastes. 13 02 05 The waste classification is dependant on the composition of the product at the time of disposal. Waste class : Disposal of contaminated packaging : National regulations : 14.75 amended.2009-03-31 .10:51:01 .Safety Data Sheet Product name : SDS n° :31312-33 GENLUB TDX Version :3.03. If need be. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste disposal : Dispose of in a safe manner. 20. may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.72.21.91.Rennes 02.461-6.47 This sheet is in compliance with the standards defined by the directives 91/155/CEE.Safety Data Sheet Product name : SDS n° :31312-33 GENLUB TDX Version :3. Hazardous preparations directive 1999/45/EC modified (Directive 2001/60/EC).It is the user's responsibility to ensure that he is subject to no other obligations than those mentioned.37.Lille 03.74. The information contained herein is given in good faith and is accurate to the best of knowledge at the date indicated above.41. 93/112/CEE.2009-03-31 . This list is not to be considered complete and exhaustive. 2008-11-09 2008-04-16 Revision date: Supersedes the data sheet of: * Information revised since the previous version of the SDS : This safety data sheet serves to complete but not to replace the technical product sheets.99. R-41 Risk of serious damage to eye. .56. in case of poisoning call the Antipoison Centre (if possible in your area) and/or the SAMU (15).40. annexe A. OTHER INFORMATION For France.44.10:51:01 . 34 .11.Art.80 .83.Nancy 03.32.11 . Quick-FDS [15066-39061-28809-011212] .48 .Lyon 04.The user bears sole liability for the precautions required when using the product. No.44 .77.The information given herein in no way dispenses the user from knowing and applying all provisions regulating his activity.1977 (special medical surveillance). may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.25 .Toulouse 05. may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.Art. Explanations of R-phrases in section 2 : R-38 Irritating to skin. Refer to special instructions/Safety Data Sheets.05. R-62 Possible risk of impaired fertility. decree of 07. R-50/53 Very toxic to aquatic organisms.Bordeaux 05. 36.36 . D.37 . S-61 Avoid release to the environment.59. R 241-50.75. see ORFILA number below Tel : Angers 02.69. n° 601.40.48. 2001/58/CE and the article 14 of the directive 1999/45/EC.61.Paris 01.36. R-51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms.11.48.21 .22 . 16.88.96.Strasbourg 03.25.It is understood by the user that any use of the product for purposes other than those for which it was designed entails potential risk.44. Art.22.Marseille 04.The regulatory texts indicated herein are intended to aid the user to fulfil his obligations.461-1. REGULATORY INFORMATION Risk phrases : Safety phrases : EU directives : Social Security code : Labor code : R-52/53 Harmful to aquatic organisms. n° 15 Table of occupational illnesses and diseases No. L.37.11 Page : 6/6 Version of : 2008-11-09 This sheet supersedes the one dated : 2008-04-16 Air (ICAO/IATA) : 15.
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