Toshiba 32av502r
Toshiba 32av502r
March 17, 2018 | Author: heladiomontesdeoca | Category:
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S.M.A.R.T.Service Material and Reference Tips Product: LCD Date: 7/01/2009 Models: 26AV52R, 26AV502R, 32AV52R, 32AV502R, 37AV52R, 37AV502R Doc Ref/File: SMART2009-LCD509-V4 Purpose: The purpose of this document is to give the service provider troubleshooting information designed to expedite the diagnosis and service process to modular/sectional level for Toshiba products. [The information contained within the document will evolve over time so a version number has been indicated in the document name. The servicer should always use the latest version available.] Table of Contents Section l Section ll Section lll Chassis Layout and Plug location Chassis and Plug Layout…....…………....…..….2 Interconnect………………….………...................3 Modular Troubleshooting Flowcharts Dead Set …………………………………………...4 Video Problems …………………....……….......5,6 Audio Problems …………………...………………7 Technical Aids Firmware Updates…………………………….…8,9 Factory Mode……………………………………..10 Parts List…………………………….………...…..11 Feedback: Please provide any comments or suggestions about this document to
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When commenting, please provide the document and version number on all correspondence. © 2009 Toshiba America Consumer Products, LLC. SMART2009-LCD509-V4 Page 1 of 11 DISPLAY T-CON INVERTER CN101 P802 PWR CN11 ALT LVDS (26 in) CN8 PWR CN3 LVDS CN5 IR-REC/LED POWER PCB P803 INV CN2 SPKR P801 AC MAIN PCB MANUAL KEYS AND FRONT JACKS SMART2009-LCD509-V4 Page 2 of 11 . 5V<** 2. 24V< 5. BL On 5V< ALT LVDS (26 in) CN1 CN3 C N 8 LVDS Pins 2.Wiring Interconnect 26/32/37AV52R 26/32/37AV502R Key Standby** Pin 1 Flow <-out >-in Power Supply In/Out 1. LED Green (Power) P 8 A 0 C 1 SPEAKERS Main PCB SMART2009-LCD509-V4 Page 3 of 11 M A N U A L K E Y S A N D F R O N T J A C K S . BL On 5V< 13. NC 12. 4. Gnd 8. Gnd 2. 12V> 9. On (Enable) 2. 24V< 6.1 to 3V< 16. Dim .07V> 15. Gnd 8. GND 4. Gnd 7. 24V Aud> 4. 24V< 4. 5V>** 13. Dim . Gnd 3.(PWR Good) . Gnd 7. Gnd 10. 24V< 3. 24V Aud> 5. Gnd 11. 6.)> 10. 12V(Panel Pwr. Pwr. 8 – 12V Panel Power CN10 BLANK CN5 CN2 IR REC/LED P802 P 8 0 3 Inverter 1. NC Power PCB LED/IR 1. 24V< 2. Gnd 6. Gnd 9.4V< 14. AC Det. LED Logo 5.1 to 3V< 14. 5V>** 11. IR> 3. 5V>** 12. and 12 of CN8 on the main module when AC is applied? No Is the Power Good (AC Detect) level less than .Dead Set (No Sound and No Picture or No LED) Yes Yes Yes Does the secondary 12 volt source appear at pin 8 of CN8 when the on/off button is pressed? Does a 2.07V at pin 14 of CN8 when AC is applied? Yes Suspect a problem with the SYSCON circuit located on the Main module. Is 5 VDC present at pins 10. 11. SMART2009-LCD509-V4 Page 4 of 11 .4 volt on off signal appear at pin 13 of CN8 when the on/off button is pressed? No No Suspect a problem with the standby 5 volt supply on the power supply module. Suspect a problem with the Main module. No Suspect a problem with the power supply module. is the on screen display clear and normal? YES NO Using the power distribution diagram. *** When the input button is pressed on the receiver or remote.No or distorted video YES NO Does the back light function normally when the unit is turned on? YES Is the screen discolored or does it have streaks and dark areas on the screen? NO YES Troubleshoot for backlight problelms. Replace the Main Module. If it is not present replace the main PCB.toshiba. If this does not help. NO Suspect the power supply module. This signal viewed from LVDS connector referencing cold ground. are the voltages normal at CN8 of the power supply module? Check for LVDS activity at CN3. SMART2009-LCD509-V4 Page 5 of 11 . Examples If the LCD Control Board (T-con) is available. try it. replace the LCD display panel. *** Warranty Authorization required if display is replaced in warranty – Go to www7. If it is present suspect a problem with the display control board (Tcon).com for instructions. SMART2009-LCD509-V4 Page 6 of 11 . If this does not help.5VDC present at pin 16 of P802 shortly (. try one or both inverters. replace the LCD display.toshiba. Does 24 volts return when AC is reapplied and the unit is turned on? YES Replace the display.Backlight Troubleshooting NO NO Replace the Power supply module. *** Does the back light function and then turn off or is there a dark horizontal area on the screen? YES If it is available .com for instructions.5 sec) after the unit is turned on? NO Replace the Main module. *** YES Is 4. then unplug the LVDS cable(s). YES *** Warranty Authorization required if display is replaced in warranty – Go to www7. NO Is 24 VDC present at pins 1 through 5 of P803 on the power PCB when the unit is turned on? Remove AC. Will this restore audio? YES Problem solved. Does the power supply generate the audio supply voltages (24 VDC at pins 3 and 4 of CN8) when the unit is turned on? YES Replace the Main module SMART2009-LCD509-V4 Page 7 of 11 .No Audio NO Using the remote or the manual keyboard. NO Replace the power supply module. access the audio menu to assure the speakers are on and the input selection is a known good source. SMART2009-LCD509-V4 Page 8 of 11 . SMART2009-LCD509-V4 Page 9 of 11 . and update procedures shown below can be accessed in this unit using the supplied remote control transmitter. To end this function. then Exit. Factory Mode The factory mode. necessary adjustments. you must press “Left Arrow (<). press exit or simply turn the television off. SMART2009-LCD509-V4 Page 10 of 11 . then Enter” within approximately two seconds. To enter the factory mode. Model 26AV502R 26AV52R 32AV502R 32AV502R 32AV52R 32AV52R 37AV502R 37AV52R Model Detail #Sharp Panel used ## Samsung Panel used # Sharp Panel used ## Samsung Panel used Power 75014406 75014406 75014421 75014421 75014421 75014421 75014435 75014435 LCD5‐09 Major Parts List Main IR Rec Remote 75014400 75014224 75010932 75014400 75014224 75010932 75016190 75014224 75010932 75014866 75014224 75010932 75016190 75014224 75010932 75014866 75014224 75010932 75014430 75014224 75010932 75014430 75014224 75010932 ** Display 75014399 75014399 75014913 75014414 75014913 75014414 75013685 75013685 Keyboard NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Inverter *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** T‐Con *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** # Sharp Panel used during manufacture. "S" in last two digits of serial number.com for warranty authorization *** Contact Toshiba Parts Dept for part number and availability. ** Contact Toshiba at www7.tacp. SMART2009-LCD509-V4 Page 11 of 11 . "K" in last two digits of serial number. ## Samsung Panel used during manufacture.
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