


============================================================ ======================== Version 6.11.204 Improvements *) Reproduction of operations plan Now, at the end of the function, one question asks if we want to keep or not the associativity with the initial file. *) 659104, Chronogram, MISSLER A new option appears in the configuration of the simulation of the chronogram making possible to see or not the conflicts of axes during simulation. A word of configuration (ZMI_CHRONO_SEE_AXIS_CONFLICTS) makes possible to specify the default value of this parameter. *) Optimize 2d (contouring) The new functionality “Optimization 2d” available with the cycles is now also open with the contouring on holes (Thread milling, contouring on holes). Please remember that in that case, all the cycles are broken and all the points are optimized. QA37901, Mouse facing, KODAMA Fix a problem with the compensation in corrected mode. 664368, Simulation, MISSLER Fix a simulation problem. 656972, Collision, NCDATA AG Fix a collision detection problem with the tool holder in the drilling cycles. 665275, Reproduction of operations plan, TECHSOFT Fix a big problem when we have some profiles inside the Cam file. 664904, Multi pockets, BEMET Fix a starting Z problem. QA37884, Mouse facing, KODAMA Fix a sequence creation problem. In that case, we forgot to apply the compensation. 661304, 4 axis sweeping, CIM SOLUTIONS Fix a big problem with the direction of the rotation axis. ,Swarf machining, MISSLER Improvement of the discretization of the tool path in parametric mode 663083,Swarf machining, PROTECH It’s now possible to lock one rotation axis with a value. In that case, a message appears to indicate to the user whom the machined geometry was modified. The user can then activate or not the operation. 664643, Swarf machining, COMDATA Fix a problem with the last radial pass when the depth of cut is null. 664630, Simulation, ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS From now on, the feed rate of the current movement is well displayed in the bar of state. QA37787, Process (Cam and wire), KODAMA The button “Change process” during the execution of an interactive process did not function. QA37888, Mouse facing, KODAMA The stock update was not done when ZMI_PART_UPDATE_STOCK_NEW_METHOD was defined in 1 663550, Part - Propagation, MISSLER During a part propagation with positioning in another document, the bolts of operations were not propagated. 664138, Tool holder, MISSLER Fix a big problem if we tried to use the sort option. 663159, Turning – Misc. operations, MISSLER Fix a problem when the C axis (rotation axis around Z) was used. 662848, Sheets, MISSLER Fix a load problem with a dft document. QA37889, Mouse facing, KODAMA Fix a shift Z problem with the sequence. QA37887, Mouse facing, KODAMA Fix a sequence problem on machine with a B axis. QA37894, Mouse facing, KODAMA Fix a problem. 663583, Mouse facing, MISSLER Fix a problem when we try to modify a point of the tool path. 656649, Turn roughing with mill, ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a problem with the change of tool in the dialog box of turn roughing with mill operation. 662840, Thread milling, WEST In thread milling, there was not the possibility of specifying a negative value of the starting altitude. QA37861, Multi pockets, KODAMA It was impossible to assign value 0 to the parameter “lateral offset. 658299, Back contouring, NC DATA Fix a feed rate problem. QA37874, Back to the tool change point, KODAMA When we want to add a return to the point of change tool, the combo with the list of all the operations was false when there was a comma in the comment of an operation. 663517, Turning - Roughing, MOLDTECH Fix an approach problem. 663260, Simulation, ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS The simulation of the approach was not correct. QA37453, Drillings, KODAMA Fix a problem with the « undo ». 658994, Modifiers, BEMET At the time of the copy of an operation in the operation manager, we correctly did not carry out the copy of the modifier (change feed rate). Neutral point, MISSLER Fix an undo problem with the Cam operations. 654083- 657359-663206, Repositioning, NC DATA – MOLDTECH - MISSLER It was not possible any more to select the faces of the stock in order to make a realistic positioning. QA37512,Swarf machining, KODAMA Addition of the visualization of the tool in machining with curves and update of the visualization of the tool during the change of the angles. 659213, Radial centering, COMDATA Fix a problem with the research of the holes of the same cylinders diameter. 660942, Drillings, MISSLER Since version 6.10.240, when the user changes the model of feature on the part TopSolid' Design, one carries out a research to find the element of feature which can be machined by the operation of drilling. In this case, the feature of origin comprised 2 elements (hole and tapping). Following the modification, the feature comprises nothing any more but one element (boring). The replacement is carried out all the same… even if the operation of tapping of origin will make a boring!!! 662147, Simulation, MISSLER The simulation of the approach was not correct. Dialog boxes, MISSLER Fix a problem when we try to save one default value. 654437, 658339, Drillings, MISSLER The management of the associativity of drillings (modification of the diameter) was incorrect on points. QA37778, Swarf machining, KODAMA Addition of the number of selected faces 662355, F4, MOLDTECH Fix a problem with the retract (save problem). QA37769, QA 37772, Swarf machining, KODAMA Fix a problem with the maximum angle limitation. QA37451, , Contour milling operation on holes, KODAMA Correction of the duplication of this operation. Thread milling, MISSLER Fix a helical lead in problem (bad pitch) QA37425, Process, KODAMA Fix a problem a problem when a process was launched with two different geometry. QA33840, Visualization, KODAMA Fix a visualization problem with the custom lead in/out when the machine parameter « Rapid movements follow a straight line » was not checked. QA37783, Repositioning, KODAMA Fix an undo problem. QA37500, Features analyze, KODAMA Pocketing. KODAMA Fix an information problem with the topology of the hole. KODAMA Fix a problem when the hole was defined with several faces. KODAMA Correction of the mechanism of update of the stock when the user activates it only for some specific operations. TECHSOFT It’s now possible to select the standard curves without using the detection icon. MISSLER There was a fatal error when a particular operation 3D was edited. QA37627. Process. on propagated features when the number of instance was fxed to 0. KODAMA It’s no more possible to define our custom lead in/out distance as we must start in the center of the hole. QA37678. QA36993. Forms analyze. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a problem when the part is updated. ============================================================ ======================== Version 6. Contouring . Contour milling operation on holes. Stock update. Mouse facing.11. Contour milling operation on holes. *) 3D Contouring. Multiple Contouring. MISSLER Services It’s now possible to use the computing method “following the curve with contact mode”. . 661167. KODAMA Fix a compensation problem. QA36500. KODAMA Fix a lead in distance problem. 662106.208 Improvements *) Z level. QA37790. Mouse facing. QA37535. Groove contouring. *) 664820. MISSLER The calculation of the cuts of the Z level is now paralleled according to a new more effective method with considerable profits this time. 669546. PROTECH Fix a re execute problem (only with windows XP).Fix a user interface problem when we want to change the process to use to machine a feature. . MISSLER The 3D contouring was not accessible by the menus/icons with a 2D code. QA38160. Thread milling. KODAMA Fix a problem with the drilling “Optimized list update in dialog box” check. the retraction was incorrect and generated a collision with finished. COMDATA The application failed the re-execution of operations when the option collision with “Others machine elements” was activated. QA37909.3D Contouring. 661473. KODAMA An error was not managed correctly during the execution of a process of milling on a conical face. QA38001. Roughing-Z level. KODAMA Suppression of the modification made following QA37230 which was not correct. A system error occurred systematically in this case of figure. Collision. In addition. 668224. topological Chamfering. QA38136. NC DATA The material side direction was badly calculated. Contouring. Re-execution. KODAMA The plans visualizing the zone to be machined in certain operations 3D were clickable. KODAMA The element of feature machined by the operation of contouring of holes was not the good one. [File] [Properties]. Contouring of holes. 668525. in edition mode. but the re-execution generated 2 times same machining. KODAMA Fix a re-execute problem when one operation with a process has decided to not update the stock. QA38158. During the construction of the tool path. Contouring. 3T grooving. we could so use them like surfaces of limitation. the operation is made inactive. MISSLER Fix a problem with the calculation of the first solution. it was not possible to move continuation twice the same point if this one were fixed on a cylindrical face. KODAMA It was not possible to hook a face.QA38165. we had an error message “line by 2 points impossible” if the same point twice were clicked. Swarf machining. 668247.QA38161. NCDATA. if an error occurs during the creation of the tool path of thread milling. . MISSLER The maximum slope of machining was not accessible in the process.Mouse facing. KODAMA The calculation of Z max of stock is replaced by another calculation more precise but slower. Z level .668253. QA38017. QA37966. COMDATA Fix an arc problem. QA38176. NCDATA Initially the breaking edge has created 2 different machining with a common vertical face. COMDATA In some cases. 668251. Breaking edges. KODAMA From now on. 668227. Execution of the processes. . following an error in the analysis of the face. Mouse facing. Drilling. QA35656. . Thread milling. QA38082. 649870. TopPdb. TopPdb.[Part] [Delete] . Tools. Operations manager. MISSLER The addition of technological points in the 4axis tool path did not function. 667967. KODAMA Pdb did not generate any more the FACE_XYZ when the coordinates correspond to the CTUR_XYZ. a window of confirmation is appeared to see if we wish to redefine a point in this same pocket. MISSLER With radiused cutters. 657911. KODAMA Now we make a loop on these functions when we have more than one part. KODAMA The machining of the vertical walls found some material in the corners which didn’t exist. 3D roughing.[WCS] [List] . MISSLER Fix a problem with material which was not removed. MISSLER . if the security distance is modified the operation is now define with the re-execute state. QA33797. QA38078. MISSLER In the operations manager. 666162. 663455. the management of the retract points was false and involved collisions with stock. MISSLER Fix a police problem with the new resize of the dialog boxes.667571. Dialog boxes. QA38105. Processes. Plunge machining transformation. Z level. 667975.[WCS] [Create]. KODAMA The default settings of [Turn] [Basic operation] [Coordinates movement] were not taken into account.[Part] [Visualize] . QA37850. Thread milling. MISSLER Henceforth. MISSLER The information making it possible to change the compensation in the tool path into zigzag mode was badly placed. KODAMA Fix a problem with the contact mode in planar faces when additional cuts were used. 666374. 3D roughing. QA36382. KODAMA Fix some problems with the check box “Do not sort”. 667970. 5 axis drilling. [Part] [Creation] . QA37058. 3D roughing. MISSLER The step of the helical lead in of the operation of thread milling was not correct in shifted mode. KODAMA A new button in the interactive bar (in neutral point) is now available to modify all the directions of a 5a axis drilling operation. COMDATA The selection of a clamp face with an important extra thickness involved a fatal error during the execution of the 3D roughing. when we define manually a plunge point in a pocket. Default settings. in the “Cutting conditions” tab. TECNOCIM. KODAMA The maximum exit distance of the component was not taken into account. Operation modifiers. KODAMA The aligned points with different feed rate are not eliminated any more. Mouse facing. Multi pockets. Open pocket. KODAMA Fix a direction and a plunge problem. MOLDTECH. Compare and replace. Mouse facing. QA38069. 3D ULTRA SURFACES Fix a problem with the default value for the position of the curve. Simulation. Compare and replace.radial grooving. MISSLER It was not possible to modify the spindle rate.652955. Mouse facing. . it was not possible to select a tool with a filter on the tool holder name. COMDATA Fix a problem with in successive contouring with a tool diameter 16 and a radial pass of 15. 666978. QA38048. Open pocket. NC DATA During the creation of a machining. MISSLER Fix a problem with the propagated parts which were not connected with the new part. Turning . Contouring. Dialog boxes. 666408. 663659. this one was missing in the tool path. 625096. the check of the strokes was not correct on a 4/5 axis machine with an axis on the head. MISSLER Fix a big problem with the management of the angular solutions. MISSLER The manual WCS based on a face were not updated correctly on the new part. QA37697. KODAMA It’s now possible to use “Original” in the compensation in the cutter compensation method. 666148. 5 axis drilling. 658502. NC DATA With an external tool database (not TopTool). 663691. MISSLER Fix a problem with the [GLOBAL] section. MISSLER The size of the dialog box of the analysis of the cylinders and 3D contouring 3D was not correctly restored. 666298. Check the strokes.666420.(especially in mode “Incremental Value” and “No value”). Default settings. 666939. 3/4 drilling. Open pocket in sweeping mode. KODAMA With the integrated contouring option. KODAMA The stock update after this operation was not correct when the Z axis of the WCS was not collinear with the absolute Z. QA37346.666923. 666626.Fix a problem with the clearance plane in Z which were not correctly taken into account in the sequences. MISSLER Fix a topological problem. MISSLER It was not possible to edit the first feed rate. 666919. 3D ULTRA SURFACES Fix a simulation problem with the lead in. Helical contouring. Chamfering. TECNOCIM Fix a dialog box information problem. Choice of tool. MISSLER The second movement of a tool path of mouse facing was a “Movement to the lead in point” instead of a “plunge movement”.5. We indicated that n turns was done instead of n+1 in the tool path. Chamfering. 665204.11. 662278. MISSLER ITALIA Fix a dialog box information problem. 663667. only the points aligned on rapid movements are eliminated.QA37993. the button “delete” is no more shown in the neutral mode when we select a WCS. TopPdb. MOLDTECH The tool path which machined the residual was incorrect (bad material side direction) 665212. QA37850.216 Improvements *) Compare and replace. the default name proposed by TopSolid is now the name of the document with “.new” to be sure that by default we don’t overwrite the initial file. KODAMA When the two operations were re-executed. QA38038. For that. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS There was a bad movement of plunge in rapid at the Z6 in the file. 2D Residuals. ============================================================ ======================== Version 6. that which was used for duplication became incorrect 665357. KODAMA The machine axes were not correctly defined for the new go back to the tool change point. Pocket. All the matter was not removed. TECNOCIM Fix a problem with the number of turns when we edit the tool path (one turn more was badly added) 662164. TopPdb. Contouring. MISSLER Fix a lead in problem with the CTUR. WCS. *) QA35846. 662006. Reproduction of operations plan. Duplication. TopPdb. MISSLER Fix a problem with the type of some synchronization points (were not MIDDLE). 664637. MISSLER At the end of the function. MISSLER ITALIA It was impossible to re-execute or edit an operation with an andrea head with an angular solution of B=180° in the WCS. COMDATA The result was false. Helical contouring. 661450. Helical contouring. KODAMA The strictly aligned points were generally eliminated. We indicated that n turns was done instead of n+1 in the tool path. MISSLER Fix a big problem. 4 axis pocket. KODAMA . NC DATA Fix a lead in problem. Turning. MISSLER It’s now impossible to delete the main WCS without deleting the part. 665955. when we save the file. 664542. Henceforth. Chamfering. Geometry. Localization. the number of pass in Z and the area to be machined were different from the machining of origin. 669388. Feed rate.In Part / Profiles. 670479. Pocket. NCDATA Decrease feed rate in angle was not good in corrected mode. TopPdb. MISSLER Fix a clearance plane problem. TECHSOFT Update of topzcam. 669919. 2D grooving. QA36062. MOLDTECH Fix a collision problem with the option “go up if necessary”. TopPdb. 669427. QA38218. KODAMA Fix a stock update problem. Turning – Contouring. BEMET Fix an associativity problem with Part / Stock / Change stock 670300. Sheets. Turning. Stock. QA38113. KODAMA Fix a problem on propagated operations when we try to fix a specific lead in. 667276. Compare and replace. MISSLER The compensation is now available for 5axis operation. MISSLER Fix an edit problem on profiles. Mouse facing. MISSLER On the propagated machining of a facing operation. F4. MISSLER Fix a problem. Facing. KODAMA Fix a multi-z problem. QA38215.dic for the German version. KODAMA Fix a problem with "hook another face". It was no more possible to modify the first and last entities. MISSLER Fix a starting point problem. KODAMA Fix a problem with the 3D parameters . Turning. copy of the sheet metal function “Extraction of segments” (to remove in a profile some chamfer for example) . 669575. BEMET Fix a problem with wireframe entities which were not reconnected to the new model. 669324. . QA38160. Mouse facing. KODAMA Fix a problem 669102. Reproduction of operations plan.673084. Drilling.MISSLER Fix a simulation problem in the lead in movement. KODAMA Fix a problem when we try to change the solution of the WCS used in the operation. Contouring. QA36500. KODAMA The automatic over length to the stock can entered in collision with the part. Operations manager. MISSLER It was not possible to edit the geometry of an open pocket. KODAMA Fix a problem. 673048. Drilling. we did not have any more the defaults comments for the origin in the WCS. Contouring. . Dialogue boxes. MISSLER There was a position problem with the value “Feed rate per tooth” in the cutting conditions tab. Comments. Mouse facing. KODAMA Fix a problem with the lead in distance. KODAMA Addition of a new message when we edit a drilling operation created via a process. Drilling. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a copy/paste problem when we use a propagated operation. QA38201. 668147. MISSLER If we use the config folder coming from a version 6. Groove contouring. QA37769-QA37772. QA37263. Process. MISSLER The link with the initial file was not completely broken. QA37669. Compare and replace. 5 axis contouring. 668712. MOLDTECH Fix a problem. KODAMA . Swarf machining. 668256.QA38211. of which the depth is “until stock” and the part is defined without stock. Plunge contouring. 668185 . KODAMA Fix a problem with the back spot facing. Open pocket. Now we activate the WCS used for the operation to be sure to use it for the lead in/out point definition. Operations manager. 5 axis sweeping. QA37418. QA37033. KODAMA Fix a warning message error problem. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a problem in conventional milling direction with the lead out.11. QA37907. QA38196.10 in a version 6. KODAMA Fix an optimization problem. 672523. MISSLER Fix an edit problem. Drilling. Simulation. MISSLER Fix a problem in 3D with the Pp word. KODAMA Fix a clearance plane problem. 667248. COMDATA . QA36196. 667397. Drilling. KODAMA Fix a hole selection problem with the holes “under” the finish. KODAMA Fix a lead in problem with the holes “under” the finish. QA37064. KODAMA Fix an “air cutting” problem when we ask to add a radius in the cuts for the Z level. Facing. Pocket. QA38320. 4 axis roughing. KODAMA Fix a problem in the integrated contouring with the corrected and shifted mode. Contouring. KODAMA Fix a bmp problem for the custom lead in/out. QA36903. QA38182. Chamfering. 4 axis pocketing. KODAMA Fix a problem with the comment of the operation. QA37869. KODAMA It was impossible to make invisible surface which was used to modify the feed rate QA37577. Drilling. QA36703. KODAMA Fix a problem with the HSM alpha loop on the first pass. QA37566. QA36459. Revolve parallel plane. KODAMA Fix a feed rate problem in lead in/out in tangential mode. KODAMA Fix a problem when we edit the tool path to add additional faces. KODAMA Fix a lead in problem with the integrated contouring. QA38355. QA37570. QA37546. QA38345. QA37845. Pocket. Super finishing. KODAMA Fix a warning message problem when we edit the operation if the lead in over length was defined. Z level. Pocketing (pocket finishing). KODAMA Fix a starting Z problem with the slave parts. KODAMA Fix a problem with the optimized mode. KODAMA It was not possible to edit the tool path.The link between passes doesn’t take into account the cylinder clearance block. Pocket. KODAMA Fix a problem. KODAMA Fix a default value problem with the profile. QA37657. Constant scallop height. KODAMA . QA38142. QA37280. 4 axis contouring. Drilling. KODAMA Fix a problem with maximum distance between points. QA36842. 3D sweeping. Pocketing (pocket finishing). QA38062. Chamfering. KODAMA Fix a collision problem. QA38075. 3D->5X. KODAMA In sweeping zigzag the HSM optimized mode is disable (make no sense). 5 axis contouring. KODAMA Fix a problem. QA38344. QA34532. KODAMA Fix a problem. Pocket. . That arrives during the inclusion of a component which also makes propagation. 3D contouring. 671055. 3D roughing. Z level. MISSLER Fix a lead in/out problem. Open pocket. KODAMA Fix a maximum distance between points problem. KODAMA Fix a problem when we try to change a Wcs by another one (bad clearance values) 670825. KODAMA Fix a problem with the maximum distance between points. MISSLER Now we use the Design function to find all the faces of propagation when this propagation has a number of instances higher than the number of its definition. QA36355. Z level – constant scallop height. NC DATA Fix a duplication problem. 4 axis roughing. KODAMA Fix a tolerance problem. QA37292. QA37237. Process. 3D->5X. Thread milling. KODAMA Fix a re execution problem with propagated operations. Open pocket. SOLARTECH The open pocket with the extension to stock found areas to be machined which were not good. MOLDTECH Fix a problem with the areas to machine. QA37660. KODAMA Fix a tool update problem. Z level. Tool holder. 671353. COMDATA Fix a problem. NCDATA Fix a depth calculation problem. COMDATA Fix a problem with the areas to machine. 672230. QA37581. KODAMA Fix a driven point problem. KODAMA Fix a problem with the helical lead in. QA38332. MISSLER BRAZIL Fix a problem with the pockets path order. QA37662. 669303. KODAMA Fix a problem with the comments. Drilling. Open pocket. . QA36037. QA38320. QA37081. Open pocket. 3D roughing. 672300. KODAMA Fix a problem. Z level.It’s now possible to see the step of this operation in the sheets. QA37595. 671285. Open pocket. 3D->5X. cfg the keyword ZMI_MACHINE_USE_INITIAL_POS 1 Intel In X64 we take now into account the optimized Intel Dll. MOLDTECH Fix a problem with the lateral stock to leave. 3D. Pocketing. 676885. ============================================================ ======================== Version 6.671105. QA38500. Feed rate modification. With the keyword "ZMI_MACHINE_WORKING_TOOLHOLDER_LIST". a manual movement gives us these entire axis. 673994.220 Improvements *) 673451.11. 677765. Tool length management. KODAMA Fix a problem with the modifier feed rate modification with removing material. MISSLER Fix a problem. 5axis drilling. Misc operations. 653368. open pocket. 677807. MISSLER Fix a clearance problem with the security block. The calculation of the WCS takes this angle into account. MISSLER On a machine with lots of axis. Multi pockets. MISSLER . MISSLER It’s now possible to take into account an initial angle rotation in the machine definition which is different than 0. 655986. 5 axis sweeping. MISSLER Fix a problem with the symmetrical propagation. 676471. 675805. MISSLER EVRY Integrated contouring is now available with this function. To activate this new improvement. 670354. CIM SOLUTIONS Fix a problem with the step over link which movements which were not constraint by the curves defined by the user. BEMET Fix a problem with the island. Machine. it’s possible to just see the axis define with the part holder. it is necessary to add the in top. 4 axis pocketing. MISSLER Fix a localization problem with the father and son when the parameter “show the name of machining in local language in info” was checked. 672179. Now we launch the simulation even if it’s not good. Drilling. 675117. Reproduction of operations plan. 669649. Operation propagation. MISSLER There was a big problem when we switched between the automatic and manual list. Material left removal. ¾ drilling. 669720. 2D optimization. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS The sequence between the axial and radials drillings during simulation was not correct. Swarf. 3D optimization. Tools. MISSLER Fix a problem with the spindle rotation (M3. 675573. TECHSOFT Fix a problem (remove too much material) 675809. Simulation.Fix a part propagation problem with the gap defined in TopSolid’Electrode. Now the comments are no more deleted. NC DATA It was not possible to invert the material side direction of the profile. KODAMA Fix a problem in the drilling of the pocket entries. MISSLER Fix a problem when the user decided to never see the question to trim the analyze on an area of the part. MISSLER Fix a problem with the position of the M0 in the Iso code. 675006. Part propagation. Too many points were used. Limitation of the analyze of a part. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS The optimization of the drillings did not give the shortest tool path for holes located on the same angle machine in the axial and radial drillings. MOLDTECH Fix a problem with the definition of the direction of the feature creation. 673574. MISSLER Fix a pocketing calculation problem with symmetrical part propagation. Engraving. MISSLER Fix a simulation problem (go back to C0 which was not defined in the operation) 675208. 672177. KODAMA It was no more possible to use it for 3D finishing operations. KODAMA Fix a problem with the propagated operations. MISSLER Fix a simulation problem when the Y is not defined in a turning machine and the tool is not at Y=0. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a problem on the file when we try to reload it. 675550. Back spot facing. . Features analyze. Turning – machine on 2 turrets. QA38501. NC DATA. 670170. Simulation. 675901. M4 or M5) when we try to change it. 674790. QA38568. Radial and axial drillings. QA38451. 674916. Contouring. 675640. Simulation. 675146. MISSLER Fix a tool simulation problem with 3D operations which were duplicated. 674619. MISSLER Fix a problem when we machine on face. BEMET Fix a problem with the re execution. 679600. MISSLER.674862. 662723. CLEAR CUT SOLUTIONS Fix an inch problem in the cutting condition tab of the operations manager. MISSLER Fix an origin problem when the axis used for part propagation is modified. 670881. Roughing – Z level. . KODAMA Fix a problem linked to this specific file.CAM » is updated to have the chuck at 0. KODAMA Some information with CTRL+I were not updated.11. QA38377. Part. 678494. Database.2D / Roughing / 3D finishing. Drilling. MISSLER Fix a multithread optimization (fatal errors) problem when we take into account the tool length management. 670253. 678250. 670929.0.0. Drilling. Part – Propagation. KODAMA It’s now possible in the integrated contouring option to use it only on the pass in Z. ============================================================ ======================== Version 6. 674797. MISSLER EVRY Fix a load problem on X64 if the file contains 2 parts which share the same stock. Limitation of the analyze of a part. MISSLER The machine « database\Machines\OKUMA\LB 15\OKUMA_LB_15. MISSLER Fix an edit problem. Open pocket. Propagation with open pocket. File. MISSLER Fix big problems (fatal errors) with the multithread optimization. Modifier YTOC. KODAMA Fix a problem linked to the file with the creation of the WCS of the hole. MOLDTECH When we validate an action in Part / modify instead of ending the function we call it again.244 Improvements QA38829. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS . Operations manager. Thread milling. the F value in the Z level and parallel planes operations was not good. QA38569. KODAMA When one operation with back to the tool change point was defined as optional. Process. 679235. Plunge machining. Super finishing. Contouring. Part propagation. KODAMA When there were several passes. the retract movement between passes was incorrect. Intersection of drillings. Operations manager. MISSLER It was not possible to simulate correctly a threading operation. KODAMA Fix a problem with the plunge method with a conical tool. QA38672. KODAMA Fix a HSM loop problem. Simulation. Simulation. Edition of the geometry. QA38922. 667135. QA38871. QA38926. KODAMA The properties of the document for the process were not saved with each document. KODAMA The symmetrical propagation of the plunge machining did not work correctly.The propagation of this machining in symmetry mode did not preserve the type of compensation (G41 became G42) QA38826. CLEAR CUT SOLUTIONS It was not possible to fix the plunging point. QA38576. . KODAMA The detection of the intersections of drillings was not correct (not taking into account of conical face of the tool). the line back to the tool change point was not optional QA38867. QA38656. KODAMA In specific case. Simulation. MISSLER Fix a simulation problem with axial drillings. KODAMA During the simulation. 679668. QA38750. QA38764. QA38001. Now we don’t see them anymore QA38674. KODAMA The function making it possible to select a machining to recover of it its geometry in the picking of the operations of radial cycles was not implemented. Pocket. Multi contouring. KODAMA Fix a stock visualization problem on symmetrical propagated part. KODAMA. some cuts (debug cuts) can appear. KODAMA The dialog box which allows to limit the hole detection in a specific area of the part was not available for the form analyze. KODAMA Now a message appears when it’s not possible to make the tool path. QA38855. Radial drillings. KODAMA It was not possible to lock operations when we also selected the line “Back to the tool change point”. Process. QA38676. Operations manager. QA38765. KODAMA The edition of the geometry for plunge open pockets did not work. Chamfering. Limitation for the part analyze. KODAMA Fix a problem with specific character in the comment of the operation. QA38876. Parallel planes. Z level – Parallel planes. MISSLER Fix a HSM problem with the alpha loop (fatal error). Pocket. we add a keyword in top. 661980 678458. Z level. 2D roughing finishing operation. MISSLER It’s no more necessary to re execute the operation when we only change the cutting speed in the cutting conditions tab. 668052. We machine where it was already machined. 3D roughing. KODAMA Fix a collision problem in sweeping mode. QA38844. NC DATA Fix a problem with the spiral and sweeping mode. KODAMA Fix a stock update and verify problem when we use a skippable tool by rotation. Mouse facing. Back spot facing. QA38717. MOLDTECH Fix a problem linked to a face. multi pockets. KODAMA We have fixed a problem in the tool length management to get by default for the diameter of link. 678441. 678333. WCS. KODAMA Fix a problem with the maximum distance between points. QA38648. QA38778. MOLDTECH. Tools. QA37218. MISSLER Fix a problem (fatal error) when a parallel plane was launch after a Z level with the tool length management. KODAMA Fix a problem with the driven point of the tool (upper or lower) QA38804. So if the TopTool database is not fine we can have some trouble in TopSolid. KODAMA Fix a stock update problem. Reference tool material left removal. Operations manager. QA38782. So. to have the 2 solutions. Facing. Back spot facing. QA38716. KODAMA Fix a big simulation problem with a pocketing operation which uses a finishing tool. the diameter stored in the pocket diameter of the linked tool instead of the diameter of the first link. KODAMA Fix a WCS calculation problem with the multiple angular solutions. .679118. 619461. Simulation. MOLDTECH Fix an offset problem. KODAMA Fix a unit problem with the step of the operation. Drillings. QA38808. 619721. 638487. we are like before and use the diameter of the first link. KODAMA Fix a depth calculation problem with the parameter “until the finish” QA38783. Sheets.cfg: ZMI_DIAMPOKY_FOR_TOOL_LENGTH 0 Default value. MOLDTECH Fix a problem with machine planar faces. 676987. ZMI_DIAMPOKY_FOR_TOOL_LENGTH 1 To use the diameter stored in the pocket diameter of the linked tool. KODAMA Fix a topological problem. 3D sweeping. QA37869. MISSLER. MISSLER Fix a problem with the optimized retract when the clearance plane was smaller than the maximum Z. KODAMA The combo box for the kind of execution (automatic. QA38496. Turning. QA38735. Helical contouring. form or feature analyze was not updated if the configuration was modified. MISSLER EVRY Fix a default value problem (over length) which was not good. Swarf machining.11. MOLDTECH Fix a problem with the calculation of the HA/VA on the specific secondary turrets. QA38708. KODAMA Add in top. KODAMA Fix a problem with the kind of execution in Edit/Options and the same in File/ Properties. Configuration. QA35800. we should have for example "$offset_side||offset_part" without the parenthesis (). ============================================================ ======================== Version 6. …) in the cylinder. . Analyze. KODAMA Fix a problem with the sequences in the approach feed rate. MOLDTECH Fix a problem with multiple radial passes with an unique starting point. manual. MISSLER Fix a syntax problem with the old sheets. KODAMA Fix a problem with the clearance plane which was relative to the Z of the face instead of the current WCS.cfg the keyword : ZMI_VERIFYEXTERN_VERICUT_TOOLID_MODE 1 to obtain for the identifier of the tool the tool number. For the multiple variables. QA38725 . 650199. Mouse facing. QA38471. VERICUT.677190. QA38196. KODAMA Fix a merge problem. It’s working for on machines where the tool number is unique. 677506. Stock update.232 Improvements QA38415. Mouse facing. 677265. KODAMA Fix a stock update problem if we try to apply a specific approach (F4) on propagated operations. Sheets. Cylinder analyze. cfg: ZMI_DIAMPOKY_FOR_TOOL_LENGTH 0 Default value. MISSLER Fix a problem when the additional faces of this operation were deleted manually by the user. MISSLER Fix a problem at the beginning and at the end of the tool path. ¾ drilling. Parallel planes. we add a keyword in top. QA39148. MOLDTECH Fix a problem when some fixtures which were identical to the finish part were added. 682057. 3D roughing. WEST The delta value of the optimized security plane was not modifiable. 646030. the diameter stored in the pocket diameter of the linked tool instead of the diameter of the first link. 675890. 3T grooving. 3D roughing. 3D ULTRA SURFACES Fix a hole WCS calculation problem. ZMI_DIAMPOKY_FOR_TOOL_LENGTH 1 To use the diameter stored in the pocket diameter of the linked tool. 646068. KODAMA Fix a problem when the ratio length/width was too small. Part propagation. TECHNIPROD Fix a problem with the HSM loop (we machine in specific areas for nothing) 668400. the main WCS of the propagated part was not good (it was in the same origin point as the initial part) 683481. Mouse facing. 681411. 681613. we are like before and use the diameter of the first link. KODAMA We have fixed a problem in the tool length management to get by default for the diameter of link. MOLDTECH. MOLDTECH Fix a cutting condition problem on symmetrical propagated operations. MISSLER Fix a problem. 3D roughing. 681559. HESOTEC. MOLDTECH The delta value of the optimized security plane was not modifiable. Z level. MISSLER With a simple mirroring part propagation. DDS SOFTWARE SOLUTION. 670139. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a problem with the slot mill and the parameter trim the path to the contact area. . Files. 3D residual. So. WCS.QA37218. 671202. MISSLER Fix a problem when we load the file. Constant scallop height. 680985. MISSLER Fix a cutting condition problem. Tools. 665033. MISSLER BRAZIL. 680136. So if the TopTool database is not fine we can have some trouble in TopSolid. MISSLER Fix a big problem in pocket mode (some passes were missing) 661675. 683284. QA39093. 682216. MISSLER Fix a re execute problem. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS. MISSLER. 680998. MISSLER. MOLDTECH Some faces were not machined correctly. Z level. MOLDTECH Fix a climbing direction problem. 670509. 682150. 680091. 3D roughing. 682570. 682738. Parallel planes. 2D automatic machining. to have the 2 solutions. 662399. Propagated operations. KODAMA. QA38917. 3D roughing. QA38868. MISSLER Fix a compensation problem when this operation was propagated in another Cam document. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a precision problem. 648809. 681029. . Optimizations. 5axis sweeping. QA39120. KODAMA Fix a problem with the open pockets. MISSLER The default values were not used. 647611. KODAMA Fix a problem when we try to change an insert and exit the function with cancel. Breaking edges. it was not necessary to re execute the operation. Super finishing. MISSLER Fix a problem with the Z level and parallel planes when we try to use the tool shape with D2 > D1 and Z2> Z1. we also hide the finish part which was not a good idea. They were calculated on the center of the tool and not the bottom. Cutting conditions. Part. KODAMA The "stock to leave on side" was not used with the open pockets in spiral mode. Multiple pockets. Compare and replace. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a problem when we modify the angle. 3D roughing. QA38856. Fix a problem with the turning part visualization and facets. KODAMA Fix a problem with the optimization. 3D finishing. Multiple pockets. Insert change. If it was not possible to draw the turning view. QA39119. 5axis sweeping. WEST Fix a 3D optimization problem with the Z level with radiused or slot mill. 680485. 653912. 680559. Pocket finish. WCS. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a Z min/max problem. 649199. it was no more possible after to edit the geometry. KODAMA Fix a problem when we modify the chamfer value. MISSLER Fix a problem to edit this operation when a forced tool was used. QA39033.661040. KODAMA After a compare and replace. F4. 646405. Holes contouring. MOLDTECH Fix a big problem with the cuts in Z which needs to be in the same pockets. QA38848. KODAMA Fix a localization problem in the cutting conditions tab of the operation manager. 681943. KODAMA When we edit a F4 movement. CADAM SOLUTIONS Fix a problem with the work offset value (it was for example not possible to use 5) QA39023. 682693. MISSLER Fix a problem. Worm conveyor. it was modified even if no modification was made. BEMET Fix a problem with the 3D sweeping operations. Some tangential lead in were false (done in the vertical plane) 654285. if some operations were inactivated. Edit geometry. When the operation was re executed we lost the optimization. 645575. 3D optimize. KODAMA The custom lead in/out which were not supported are no more available. Z level. KODAMA Fix a problem with the tool shape. ============================================================ ======================== Version 6. QA38913. Sheets.11. . Forms analyze. MISSLER Fix a problem when we load the file. KODAMA It was not possible to delete one element of the propagation. QA38759. MOLDTECH. 4axis roughing. Z level. 640978. 633885. MISSLER It’s now possible with a double click on a basic operations set to define which operations we want to include in the set.QA38850. 636972. Tool change management. Sheets. 661908. AUTO SOLUTION TECHNOLOGY The angular limitations with radiused tools were not good. MISSLER Fix a problem when we try to update an existing sheet when the sheet model has been updated. 679567. Turning. NC DATA Fix a specific problem with the contouring of a spiral profile. 664063. MISSLER Fix a problem with the total levelling method. MISSLER Fix a problem with the automatic 5axis angle calculation to remove some angular solutions which were not fien. Z level. 646787. 667432. 3D contouring. Parallel planes. MISSLER Fix a problem with the security plane value.236 Improvements 676412. 680649. KODAMA The lead in/out defined by the user were not used if the tool driven point was not the center. MISSLER Fix a problem with the conical tools (multi treading problem) 640216. Contouring. 683666. 5axis. Turning – groove roughing. KODAMA Fix a precision problem. Breaking edges. 643621. 636483. QA38582. 3D contouring. Projected pocket. MISSLER Fix a problem (some passes were missing with the 360 degrees cuts) . Files. COMDATA Fix a problem with the angle of the WCS on a 45 degrees machine. MISSLER.Edit. MISSLER Fix a problem with the HSM radius. MISSLER. QA38820. Propagation . COMDATA The angular limitations with radiused tools were not good. 636672. 674874. MISSLER Fix a stock update problem. MISSLER An application error occurred systematically during calculation (in multithread) of a projected pocketing tool path with a conical tool. when those are almost “horizontal”. QA39159. KODAMA. MISSLER . a Z approach movement with a value equal to the security distance of the operation is now added on the orthogonal and tangential approach. QA37546. 683729. Drilling. KODAMA Fix a problem when the feature is coming from TopSolid' Mold. KODAMA Fix a problem when the feature is made up of several faces. QA39201. Projected pocket path. Counter sinking. 4axis contouring. MISSLER A modification is done to not start inside the hole in rapid mode. Part propagation. MOLDTECH Fix a problem in the order of manual drillings when a collision is detected. Process. Thread milling. KODAMA The clearance plane was not active when the option “check the holes under the finish” was activated. the main WCS of the propagated part was not good (it was in the same origin point as the initial part) 684613. 676365. Reaming – spot facing. 3/4 drilling. QA39193. QA39288. we don’t take anymore into account the depth of the chamfer for the calculation depth. Drillings. KODAMA Fix a lead in problem when the option “check the holes under the finish” was activated. Cylinders analyze. TopPdb. the machined face was not correct. 676358. MISSLER With a simple mirroring part propagation. 684759. MISSLER For a reaming or spot facing operation made by selecting a chamfer face. 676640. when the flag “ZMI_ANGULAR_STEP_DECOMP_4AXIS” is activated (equal to 5° for example). MISSLER For the 3D operations. KODAMA A fast movement was not split.3D operations. QA38164. MISSLER The cylinders analyze didn’t group correctly some holes. QA38923. KODAMA Fix a refresh problem when the dialog box of the selected operation was activated. QA38755. Contour milling on holes. DESIGNCELL. Parallel planes. MISSLER BRAZIL. 684522. 666158. 680799. F4. 676488. QA38766. MISSLER Fix a visualization problem when a shoulder was defined. 682967. 680062. MISSLER. Simulation. QA39212.Groove. Operations manager. it’s necessary to use another face and use projection. MISSLER Fix a fatal error problem when for a relative movement we try to change the Wcs to machine or part. 684779. 682537. Z level left material. 684487. 678738. 684368. Technological points. 680467. MISSLER The message used to ask the user to select the contact faces was not the good one. KODAMA. Basic operation set. it was not possible to modify the direction when the validation was done. WEST It was no more possible to load a Cam file where an additional face used by the parallel planes was deleted by the user.On a contour milling operation on hole with an optimization. 679436. KODAMA. 674992. KODAMA The visualization of the rapid movements between the drilling cycles (if in the machine the rapid movements were not defined as following a straight line) was not correct. MOLDTECH Fix a problem with a roughing operation made on faces. Chronogram. MOLDTECH The loop mode is working again. Turning . MOLDTECH Fix a problem. Counter sinking. 670934 671112. 679326. DESIGNCELL Fix a problem when we try to machine one intersected face. Turning . the stock was not updated correctly. 684160. MOLDTECH When we stop the simulation with ESC. TopPdb. Parallel planes. 678732. Parallel planes. In all the case. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS With the option follow the curve. Visualization. the compensation side (G41/G42) was not fine when we start the Pp outside TopSolid. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a default value problem with the parameter optimize the tool path. Simulation. Verify.Process. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS One feed rate modifier was not taken into account. 685028. 677914. 685012. 674258. MISSLER Fix a spindle direction problem on basic operations set. 3D sweeping. MOLDTECH The edition of the cutting conditions in the operations manager (cutting conditions tab) was not correctly validated on the operations with multiple geometries (holes contouring). NCDATA Fix a refresh problem in the wireframe simulation QA38904. MISSLER. MOLDTECH. 3B DESIGN. 684316. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS . KODAMA. ISICOM Fix a copy/paste problem with the crossed parallel planes. KODAMA Fix a problem with the optimization when the bottom face was not a cylinder. QA39046. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a problem when we try to unselect some contact faces.11. QA39164. MISSLER As a specific plunge feed rate can’t be used. this option is no more available in the dialog box. KODAMA Fix a problem. MISSLER This operation doesn’t force anymore the first and the last angular position to zero. KODAMA Fix a simulation problem in the retract of an optimized operation. 3D roughing. Parallel planes. QA39165.240 Improvements . Simulation. Edition of the geometry. Machine additional faces only. Features analyze. KODAMA Fix a problem with the intersection detection. KODAMA Fix a problem with the slave part. 4axis roughing. Z level left material. 677985. 671203. QA38971. MISSLER Fix a problem with the HSM loop in the rapid movements. KODAMA Fix a problem with the spiral contour milling operation. KODAMA It was not possible to hide this parameter and to also to use it with a process. QA39065. 683762. 673577. KODAMA Fix a problem with the tool life management.The default value for the parameter “optimization of the tool path” was not used. QA38690. QA39202. QA39002. MISSLER Fix a tolerance problem. Turning-Profiling. Too many points were generated for nothing. ============================================================ ======================== Version 6. 4axis sweeping. 3/4 drilling. Features analyze. Reproduction of operations plan. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a problem with the option break the associativity with the initial file. 679430. Constant scallop. Now we exit the function before (make no sense to use this function in that case!) . Operations manager. KODAMA Fix a problem to find all the planar faces. TOPPDB. Turning . 3D ULTRA SURFACES Fix some problems which can appear after some re-execute manipulations. MISSLER Fix a graphic problem on the file (the starting point was not visible) 686521. MISSLER When the YTOC modifier was deleted we forgot to delete also the Pp word “Y_TO_C”.Max 684664. COMDATA Fix a Z clearance problem in table/Head. QA39403-QA39494. this movement was not duplicated. F4. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS When we changed the diameter of the stock in the top file. MISSLER A 3D roughing with a part with no stock and no finish we had a fatal error during the tool selection. 3D -> 5D . 687455. KODAMA Fix a "S9" problem in Prog. NC DATA The comments of the propagated operations with the '-' character were no more fine after a re-execute. Operation modifier .Contouring. 685932. QA39423. Turning . MISSLER When we duplicated an operation which contained a specific approach “F4”. 682869. Inter-operations. Retract. MISSLER Fix a problem linked to the file. 678041. KODAMA When an initial angle was inputted in the machine definition. QA39474. Stock update. 676903. BEMET When we had more than 98 files of approach or retract. MISSLER Fix a big problem (fatal error…) when we try to use the ESC key during the cuts calculation. Turning – Roughing divide by 2. MOLDTECH A retract movement between 2 operations on different WCS was done in automatic even if in the machine definition we have defined one specific retract. Contour milling on holes. 683595. Planar faces machining. it was no more possible in the operations manager to use one specific approach/retract. 3D roughing. 3D roughing. MISSLER Fix a feed rate value problem. 684609.Y to C. 682656.propagations. 683244. Operations . This '-' character was removed from the comments. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS After a part repositioning some attributes of the stock (like the color) were not correctly affected. 687661.Contouring. Turning – Roughing divide by 2. when we re-executed the turning-drilling operations the diameter of the stock was no more the new one. 678520. Repositioning. MISSLER It was not possible to apply a divide a propagated roughing operation. the back to the tool change point movement didn’t propose the good value for this angle.688270. 686331. BEMET The last axial depth was not good. KODAMA Fix a movement problem in this operation. Operations manager. WCS. AM Engineering Fix a problem with the compensation. Features analyze. NC DATA. QA36608. the tool path was not updated. we used verify to have a comparison and after we tried to edit the same operation.Roughing. One bad GOTO was defined. KODAMA Fix a depth calculation problem with conical faces. the origin of the part returned to its initial place. Forms methods. QA39337.QA39460. KODAMA Fix a Missler round problem in the comment of the operations. Drilling pocket plunge points. Open pockets. the operations manager remained to be played again. KODAMA Fix a problem. Re execute. QA39387. MISSLER An instance of a propagated feature which was not included in the analyze limitation was machined. Turning . ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a bad calculation problem (sign problem) on the calculation of some WCS (on a table with an angle lower than 2. 682933. 686717. the “Simulation” option didn’t take into account this new point. KODAMA When we edited the tool to change the driven point. QA39326. QA39376. 685972. TOPPDB. MISSLER Fix a retraction problem with the radiused end mill tool. 686706. QA39261. KODAMA Fix a re execute problem with the last axial depth path of an inter-active open pocket process. 687213. 39009. Multi pockets. Forms methods. 4axis radial contouring. Process. QA39072. QA36847. 667571. Stock update. Process. Plunge machining. KODAMA When we changed the wrap tolerance. KODAMA The use of the key [*] during simulation did not function (to jump to the next Z level). KODAMA Fix a collision problem in sweeping mode. after the validation. 686195. BEMET In spite of the re-execution. . KODAMA.5 degrees) QA39388. Process. KODAMA It was not possible to use the print function if the cutting conditions tab was selected. NC DATA Fix a stock update problem with the axial operations when we change the driven point. MISSLER If after having changed the position of the origin of the propagated part. 86611. Simulation. 685171. KODAMA Fix a problem if on the machine definition we have a W axis (no primary) and another axis with AXIS_1. Propagation. Tool changer management. MISSLER Fix a Missler round problem. Turning – Basic operations. Pocket with integrated contouring. KODAMA Fix a problem when we try to insert an empty operation. KODAMA Fix a depth calculation problem with “until the stock”. KODAMA Fix a problem with the parameter radiusing according to an angle (not the same behavior as in 2D). QA39716. KODAMA Fix a stock update problem.============================================================ ======================== Version 6. QA39741. Turning – Basic operations. KODAMA Fix a problem in the link between passes.Par in the [Plunge] section we can define the tools to use for the plunge machining. Chamfering. 4 axis open pocket. QA39650. QA39683 688473. KODAMA . KODAMA The 2 parameters external contouring and islands contouring give the same result. QA39694. KODAMA For the external tool database and the reduced one. in the ToolOp. Tools. Turning – Radial tapping. The parameter along the curvature was not good. Chronogram. QA39739. Pocketing. KODAMA Fix a problem with the overlap when the stock is a faceted stock. Turning. Contouring. QA39601. 4 axis contouring.244 Improvements QA39705. QA39680. KODAMA Fix a problem with the over length in the lead in /out. QA39558. KODAMA Fix a problem with an external stock defined to 0.11. QA39693. now only one parameter is available. QA39651. KODAMA Fix a localization problem with the state of the steady. WEST gmbh Fix a left/right problem with very small tolerances (<1µm) 684530. MISSLER Update to manage the origins. QA39713. Basic operations. MISSLER Fix a leveling problem with the ramping mode. QA39709. 685559.Fix a problem with the simulation of 3 synchronized operations. 3D roughing. under cut Z level. KODAMA Fix a problem with go up if necessary. TopPdb. MISSLER Fix a simulation problem when we put an angle movement. Turning – Axial and radial drillings. QA37608. 686368. VERICUT. WEST gmbh Fix a problem. 3D contouring. . KODAMA Fix a problem if after a reproduction of operations plan we try to delete some turning operations. Tool length management. KODAMA Fix a problem with the optimized XY_Z in the part WCS. Turning . 4D CORPORATION Fix a problem with the multi-core. Stock update. KODAMA Fix a problem when the origin of the part WCS is modified. QA39579. 3T grooving. 684720. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a problem 684909. KODAMA In 3D the modification of the RPM is now available. Reproduction of operations plan. KODAMA Fix a problem when we try to change the tool. 3D residuals. MISSLER Fix a problem with the engraving function. Default values. Some passes were missing. 691182. 3B DIZAYN. QA39711. 3D roughing. 685523. QA39146. 690692. 3D roughing. MISSLER Fix a stock update problem with a custom tool. KODAMA Fix an update of the list when we change the direction of the operation. WEST gmbh Fix a problem 685790. 3D roughing. 689801. NCSimul. 685672. 4axis roughing. MISSLER Fix a problem with the multi-core. 3D ULTRA SURFACES Fix a tolerance problem. MISSLER Fix a problem on the Z level with circular lead in. 687277. QA39560. F4. MISSLER Update to manage the not cutting part of the tool. 660363.Roughing. WCS. Some passes were missing. QA39547.11. QA39919. Now we don’t force anymore the comment of the initial operation. KODAMA Fix a problem. ============================================================ ======================== Version 6. 5axis sweeping. QA39135. Propagation.689502. QA39472. 686399. TopPdb. Grooving. Contour milling. MISSLER Fix a problem with the angular tolerance. Turning .Radial spot facing. 689505. Reproduction of operations plan. 689758. Process. Mouse facing. KODAMA The width of the groove is available in the process. 666165. CADAM SOLUTIONS Fix a re-execute problem with the comment of the propagated operations. 689117. the T number are the same. TopPdb. KODAMA The areas to avoid are now available in the process. KODAMA The parameter "use_real_tool" was not available in 3D processes.252 Improvements QA38374. KODAMA Fix a F4 problem to give the good custom name. Counter sinking. KODAMA When the new machine is the same as the initial one. KODAMA Fix a problem. QA37152. Pocketing. MOLDTECH Fix a problem when we search for similar holes. MISSLER Fix a problem with the sequences. . QA39541. MISSLER Fix a problem with the loops. AQS Fix a problem with the End Face mill tool QA39224. MOLDTECH Fix a problem with the curves limitation in contact mode. 693916. QA39963. 693808. Features analyze. KODAMA Fix a problem to detect the propagated counter sinking. 79861. Z level. MISSLER Fix a problem on variable stock to leave. 693590. . 695272. QA39613. QA40079. used to compare and replace 2 parts. QA39963. KODAMA Fix a printing problem with the cutting conditions tab. MISSLER Fix an approach and retract problem (bad over length) 692706. Features analyses. Contouring. QA39955. 692537. Sys. 694146. KODAMA Fix a problem with the user lead in /out points when we modify the main operation. 689673. File. Breaking edges. Operations manager. 680391. Verify. KODAMA Fix a dialog box problem (the field radius of the loop was not disabled on the island facing strategy in sweeping mode. Compare and replace. MISSLER Fix a TopPdb problem is wire when the Pp is launch with TopPpExec (X64) 639956. 680289. QA39947. 687693. Facing. KODAMA Fix an extend problem with the open groove. Features analyze. Turning – Axial contouring. QA39660.Contouring. Turning . 695449. * • Fix some problems in the features analyze • New improvement to decrease the time calculation. Grooving. NCDATA Fix an associativity problem with the Coord. 686061. QA40005. KODAMA Fix a problem when a feature was defined by more than one face (simple hole with 2 faces for example) QA39261.696182. Operations manager. MISSLER Fix a problem to load a file. 691708. TopPdb. MOLDTECH Fix a problem with the lead in/out to be able to calculate a tool path. QA40111. 691011. KODAMA Fix a problem with negative stock to leave on side with 2 radial passes. 696240. Multi contouring. 4 axis contouring. 673965. MOLDTECH In verify it was not possible to save the stock if before we open the list of collisions. Back to the tool change point. MISSLER It was really too long to edit a direct block machine. 691240. KODAMA Fix a problem with this function when this movement was inserted between 2 operations on the same WCS. Worm conveyor. QA39908. KODAMA Fix a problem with the residuals calculation. it was no more possible to execute a process with a direct block machine. Operations manager. 683625. KODAMA Fix a clearance problem with the ¾ deep drilling operation. Z level. topological mode. 4 axis sweeping. KODAMA Fix a problem. 690563. Groove. Turning – Axial drilling. TopPdb. Aeronautical shape operation. KODAMA Fix a problem with the merging tolerance (closed to 100%) on close faces (some path were missing) QA39742. Multi pockets. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a problem. KODAMA The minimal distance between points was not used in this operation. QA39786. KODAMA In turning. Dynamic collisions. QA39643. KODAMA It’s now possible to edit the width of the groove operation.690035. 4 axis roughing. Simulation. QA39941. Turning . MISSLER Fix a problem with the visualization of the part holder. QA39887. MISSLER Fix a problem with the gun drilling operation when the Pp is launched outside TopSolid (like in X64) QA38492. QA39499. CIM SOLUTIONS Fix a problem with the function one Iso file per part. KODAMA Fix a simulation problem with the drilling operation with pecking. KODAMA Fix a problem to recognize some grooves. QA39664. QA39770. Process. Verify. QA39946. 686485.Process. KODAMA It was not possible to use the 3D function on a part without a finish. QA39434. Turning – Axial helical contouring. KODAMA Fix an approach problem. KODAMA Fix a problem if we try to use a really small distance between points. KODAMA Fix a cutting conditions problem when during the re execution we try to change one tool by another one. Optimization Y to C. KODAMA Fix a simulation problem with the reference points operations (probe cycles) QA39675. Simulation. QA39736. 3D sweeping. KODAMA . 3D sweeping. QA39600. KODAMA The check boxes “Show the tool holder” and “Show tool position” are no more available in this function (which is not 5axis) QA39622. 3D. KODAMA Fix a default value problem with the lead in/out distances. QA39626. 687043. KODAMA The maximum angular value and the split were not available for this 5axis function. QA39681. QA39688. 687739. 688956. MOLDTECH Fix a problem. KODAMA Fix a helical and slope lead in problem. 5axis sweeping. Aeronautical shape operation. 686188. Sheets. ============================================================ ========================== Version 6. QA39872.11. KODAMA Fix a problem with the machining direction in spiral mode. KODAMA The first WCS used is now available in the document header. QA39665. KODAMA Fix a collision problem with a vertical turning machine. KODAMA Fix a problem with the list of operation and the stock to leave. 686047. Super finishing. KODAMA Fix a problem with the inter-active processes. 702777. 687264. Operations manager. MISSLER Fix a problem with the HSM loops when we use a radiused end mill tool. Roughing. QA39844. PROTECH Fix a problem. QA39540. Possible only if we don’t have any islands because we don’t check the collision with the islands. Simulation COMDATA Fix a simulation problem (loop problem) QA40424. Modification of the enclosed stock. Enclosing block. BEMET Fix a problem with the curves limitation. 4D CORPORATION Fix a problem if we try to select all the operations (CTRL+A) and use one Iso file per part. 691745. KODAMA . MISSLER Fix a problem when trim the tool path in contact mode was defined with the default values. NC DATA It’s now possible to use a slop plunge. Back to the tool change point. Aeronautical shape operation. Sheets. Roughing. CIM SOLUTIONS Fix a problem in the Z level of the super finishing function. Turning – Counter spindle movement. 686958.Fix a simulation problem.260 Improvements *) 4 axis pockets. COMDATA Fix a problem with the enclosed beam block. Aeronautical shape operation. Z level . super finishing – Z level. QA39599. Roughing – additional faces. QA39629. KODAMA The hole tip angle was not good with an axial drilling. Turning . Simulation. 690721. Features analyze. KODAMA Fix a starting Z problem in an open pocket. QA39966. QA39969. MISSLER Some roughing passes were incomplete at the edge of the part… Same as 698915. KODAMA The contextual menu in the geometry list is available. 3D roughing. 689051. KODAMA It was no more possible to edit the geometry. 703265. QA39740. MISSLER SOFTWARE BRASIL Fix a problem with the additional faces. TECHSOFT The breaking edges did not make inactive the operations which did not generate tool path. MISSLER Fix a problem with the cutting condition tab (when we have operations coming from a process). Breaking edges. KODAMA The over length in sweeping mode was not active in roughing. Axial/radial tapping. Process. Operations manager. Features analyze. Pocketing by duplication. 4 axis grooving. KODAMA Fix a problem with the value of the hole tip angle. 699246. 3D roughing. 5 axis. 696516. ¾ drilling. QA39330. 688673. KODAMA Fix a turning problem which created two groups of basic operations instead of only one. 691571. SOLARTECH Fix a problem when we try to use a conical tool. KODAMA The feed rate shown during the simulation on a 4 axis tool path was not good. QA39648. QA40282. QA40380. Verify. the spindle rate is now disabled if the spindle is stopped (M5).Fix a problem with the calculation of the X value. KODAMA .5). 3D ULTRA SURFACES Fix a big problem in the pocketing by duplication. 5 axis drilling. Swarf machining. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Fix a lead in/out problem with the turning operations. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS Control collision in turning did not detect a collision between operation 6 and 7 700095.CLEAR CUT SOLUTIONS Fix a problem with the curve limitation. . QA39749. MOLDTECH The profiles resulting from a sketch were not supported (close the application). QA40339. 693398. QA39621. QA39518. KODAMA Addition of the visualization of the cylinder of security. KODAMA In this operation. Undercut Z-level. 694874.control collision. Process. MISSLER Fix a problem on an old part (TopSolid 6. Breaking edges. We come to the behavior of version 6. 697389. QA39472. MISSLER Fix a problem with the direction of one operation. 696766. Stock update. KODAMA The default values for the comment and Pp remark were not taken into account.QA40165. 688679. KODAMA The features analyze did not detect features containing of conical tappings QA37042. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS The research of the identical faces did not function. MISSLER Fix a problem if a chamfering operation was detected. Back spot facing. KODAMA The features analyze did not detect all the faces of feature. 692672. TopPdb. 697608. QA40110. Y to C.Roughing. the tool path went down too low on the last pass. QA40224. Swarf machining. Turning – Move the counter spindle. MISSLER External roughing was incorrect. MOLDTECH It was no more possible to modify the parameter “altitude final”. F4. KODAMA The use of the modifier Y to C involved an error in the positions of the machine. QA40288. MISSLER ITALIA Simulation did not launch out on a machining 3D. Pocket. QA35680. Features analyze. Holes contouring. Forms methods. QA40276. Turning . the calculation of the axial pitch was not good. KODAMA The tools resulting from the reproduction of operations plan were not correctly assembled in the good sites of the tool manager. 690530. Features analyze. QA39990. Operations manager.11 on the operation of back spot facing (addition of a distance from exit. KODAMA Fix a F4 problem when the machine has collinear axis. 693973. The approach of the following operation was then incorrect.10. Reproduction of operations plan. KODAMA Fix a problem with some 3D sweeping operations which were not defined correctly with the coolant. KODAMA Fix a simulation problem with go back to the tool change point. 689958. 697697. Back spot facing. TECHSOFT When the final axial depth was null. 3D roughing. MOLDTECH Fix an approach/ retract problem in the integrated contouring when we use the optimized mode. request n°646793) was not possible. Holes contouring. MOLDTECH Residual matter areas were machined whereas they did not exist. MOLDTECH Fix a problem. 646348. 684332. MOLDTECH The improvement carried out in version 6. . Simulation. KODAMA The update of stock failed after the addition of the modifier Y to C. ADEQUATE SOLUTIONS The circle representing the diameter of the tools was shown in the perspective view even if we invalidated this circle in the operations manager. . Simulation.668423.
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