Topics of Vedic Astrology

March 23, 2018 | Author: Horacio Tackanoo | Category: Zodiac, Hindu Astrology, Astrology, Esoteric Cosmology, Technical Factors Of Astrology



Topics of Vedic Astrology - Sarvatobhadra Sarvatobhadra chakra (Sbc) is a technique for Nakshatra based prediction in Vedic astrology.Nakshatra based techniques prove to be very fruitful e.g. in Vimsottari or Kalachakra Dasa and in K system. Sbc is a good additional tool for chart reading and Dasa prediction. It gives valuable information about the birth chart and its Nakshatra based positive and negative features. Moreover it gives a key for Gochara (transit) predictions and can thus be used as valuable addition for timing of events. he Sarvatobhadra techni!ue is supposed to be very old. he fact that "bhi#it (the $%th Nakshatra ) plays a role in this techni!ue is a hint that it comes from ancient times. here are only spare references of Sbc in classical scriptures& e.g. a small chapter in Mantres'ars(s Phala Deepika. Most of the illustrious scriptures (like )ora Shastra& *ataka +ari#ata& Saravali or ,rihat *ataka) do not mention this techni!ue at all. Subsections of this page are Section Contents !asics of "ntroduction to the fundamentals. Sarvatobhadra lanets$ %eek days and &asis in #ompleting the #hakra Sbc. Vedhas '(planation of the Vedhas. )ochara (*ransits) +sage of Sbc for transit prediction. Sarvatobhadra - Basics Sbc uses a ,odiac of -. Nakshatras. his is a significant difference to other Nakshatra based chakras. Most of these classical chakras depend on a -odiac of $. Nakshatras& so they are trigonal because the number $. has only the divisors / and 0. So the presence of "bhi#it plays a key role and gives rise to a rectangular Nakshatra chart composed of 1 2 . 3 $% basic fields. Placement of Nakshatras Sarvatobhadra #hakra is dra%n in a rectangle of / 0 / 1 .2 fields. *he Nakshatras belong to upper and lo%er ro%$ resp. the left and right column. *he corners and the 3 0 3 sections in the center of the chakra are not occupied so far. he other Nakshatras (including "bhi#it) follo' in regular manner. It is 'ritten that the Nakshatra +adas in neighborhood to the corners are critical points and must be regarded in a special manner. he picture belo' sho's the 5hakra. Between Corner Pada Pada Corner Nakshatras Position Before After . *hey have special significance. The Corners *here are 4 corners in Sbc. he follo'ing table gives the -odiacal positions of the corners and their corresponding neighbourhood +adas.he counting is clock'ise. "s'ini is the 4th Nakshatra in the upper ro'. eo 8788 5 :7-8 :7-8 5 :7-8 Sco Sco 6748 Sco -8788 5 -:7-8 5 -:7-8 #ap -:7-8 #ap -6748 #ap -6748 9r The Role of Abhijit 9bhi=it is the -.&ight +pper &ight . • Second opinion places several degrees of +ttarashadha and Sravana into 9bhi=it. *hese squares are also assigned to the 3 star and is located bet%een +ttarashadha and Sravana.eo -7-8 . he sign of 6agna is another point of importance& e.eft +pper !harani 5 Krittika 9slesha 5 <akha Vishakha 5 9nuradha Sravana 5 Dhanishta -:7-8 5 -6748 9ri -6748 9ri 5 8788 *au -6748 #an 5 8788 5 8788 .o%er .Completing the Chakra PLAN TS AN! " #!A$S *he 3 planets are %ritten into the center of the chakra7 Saturn in the very center$ the other planets on his left (@upiter)$ right (SunA<ars)$ top (Venus) and bottom (<oon$ <ercury). eople of this group do not place any planet into this Nakshatra. So the last quarter of +ttarashadha and the first 2?th part of Sravana are regarded as belonging to 9bhi=it.eo 8788 .eft .o%er . • >irst opinion tries to eliminate this star. here are t'o main opinions about the usage of "bhi#it. for the health of the native. . %AS&S *he 2. L TT %S *he Sanskrit letters are placed in the empty squares (see chakra).g. Sarvatobhadra .&asis are placed around the planets (see chakra). he 'eekdays correspond to the native(s birthday. Vedhas Vedhas establish relationships bet%een Nakshatras resp. Sarvatobhadra . he picture belo' sho's the complete Sbc. points of the . 7edhas can be compared 'ith aspects.odiac. here are different types of aspects in classical 7edic "strology8 aspects bet'een 9asis (like Graha and 9asi Drishti) and aspects bet'een points of the -odiac (like Sputa Drishti). • >or%ard7 this Vedha appears if %e travers Sbc in diagonal manner until %e reach the ne(t .he letters correspond to the name of the native or the sub#ect of the !uery. Vedhas of Nakshatras 'ach Nakshatra has three Vedhas. he second degree of "s'ini has its opposite point in the second degree of +urvaphalguni (counted from the end)8 $1 6eo. 'A(PL S • • • • 9s%ini has for%ard vedha to &ohini$ opposite Vedha to urvaphalguni and back%ard Vedha to @yestha. Krittika has for%ard Vedha to Visakha$ opposite Vedha to Sravana and back%ard Vedha to !harani. :. urvashadha has for%ard Vedha to +ttarabhadra$ opposite Vedha to 9ridra and back%ard Vedha to Castha. >or%ard direction means movement in the sense of a planet in direct motion. counter clock%ise) direction. Vedhas of Individual Points in the Zodiac Vedhas of Nakshatras are only one %ay of interpretation.• • Nakshatra at the border of the chakra.odiac. S%ati has for%ard vedha to @yeshta$ opposite Vedha to Sathabish and back%ard Vedha to &ohini. :ach individual point of the -odiac has three 7edas.e. >or%ard motion means that %e have to go in positive (i. he vedha point is reached if 'e make a proportional consideration (rule of three) regarding the length of a planet. !ack%ard direction is the movement of a retrograde planet$ the opposite corresponds to a stationary planet. !ack%ard7 like for%ard Vedha$ but in negative (i.ontally (for Nakshatras on the left and right) or vertically (for Nakshatras on the top and bottom). *he argument of Vedhas can also be applied to individual points of the . Bpposite7 this is the Nakshatra %e reach if %e traverse the chakra hori. clock%ise) direction.g.e. . his kind of -odiac has the reference point in the stars.ibra) has opposite Vedha %ith 26748 9quarius. *he debilation point of @upiter (: #apricorn) has opposite Vedha %ith :8 *aurus$ etc. *his kind of calculation sets the point 8 aries (vernal point) to the position of the Sun at the time of spring equino(. here is a movement of the vernal point compared 'ith the stars. he speed of the movement (called precession) is given by *et +ropulsion 6aboratoy (Nasa) as . 'A(PL S • • • • • *he e(altation point of the Sun (28788 9ries) has opposite Vedha %ith 26748 .Astronomical &ss)es Destern astrology$ as %ell as astronomical ephemeris$ use the tropical . he actual value is about $/8>4& i. he point = aries is interpreted as the beginning of the sign "ries (or the Nakshatra "s'ini) in the sky. by taking the start and end point of the region. his kind of -odiac is called tropical or in sanskrit sayana.odiac. ropical -odiac plays only a small role in 7edic astrology.e. Ayanamsa .9egions of the -odiac can be calulated in a simplar manner& i. *he e(altation point of @upiter (: #ancer) has opposite Vedha %ith 8 Sagittarius.eo.e. this value must be deducted from the tropical length of each planet to get the sidereal length. *he debilation point of the Sun (28788 . "yanamsa is the difference bet'een tropical and sidereal -odiac.eo) has opposite Vedha %ith 6748 5 -6748 9ries. *he moolatrikona of the Sun (85-8 . 00< of calculations depend on the sidereal -odiac. 4 degrees for 6ahiri "yanamsa and *an ? ?0==)..ahiri (#hitra 2/88 -42?8-8..3 (#hitra) .? 2/88 2.42:8? @an 8.e.? 2/88 -2.ut 'e may get a different period if the precession is not constant and has long term fluctuations. (&evati) #alculat -27887?of !.8 2/88 -6.668/6 @an 8.? Refer Spica --7-37:3.8 -42?8-8. *he tolerance of E5 8.2/3 and -?332..g. he values for 6ahiri& 9aman and Arishnamurti are also the builtBin defaults of Maitreya. 27-:74.ibra Feta is -67-4746. Calculation of Ayanamsa 9ssumed that the precession given by astronomical ephemeris is correct$ there is only one key question for 9yanamsa calculation7 to determine the correct 9yanamsa value for a given date (reference date).V.84 arcsecActy implies that the correct value must be bet%een -?332.8 -42?8-8.7:/7:/.?8-./.46 +nkno% .46843 aksha) @an 8. 9eference date (called t=) can be any date& most "yanamsas refer to *an ? ?0==. he values are taken from s'iss ephemeris. t0 ayan_t0 Name t0 (JD) ayan_t0 (Date) (Deg) .8/.48-2 years.: (E5 8. $$8$.82444 @an 8..uce &aman +shashashi -42?8-8..326 years. .. 9ssumed that the precession is al%ays constant$ %e get a total period of -?332.84) arcsecAcentury i.? De .: degAcentury. &aman 2. he follo'ing table gives these values for some standard "yanamsas.. Differences bet'een standard "yanamsas can be measured in t= and ayan@t=. 9eference "yanamsa (called ayan@t=) is the "yanamsa value at the reference date (e.8 --. -27847?6 Science @an 8. .? Spica (#hitra) -478-7:2.2/88 Krishnamurti -42?8-8.? into 9qu in -223 *he Col 2/88 -42?8-8. Sri uktes!ar"s Vie! .2? @an 8.? belo%) -42?8-8. #omments on Sri Guktes%arIs 9yanamsa are given in the follo%ing section. '..8 2/88 -2.8 -2.8 -6. <ost popular 9yanamsas have slightly different versions.g.---. the value ayanHt8 of . Such an effect may be caused by unkno'n galatical phenomenons or fluctuations in gravitational fields.:6???6 -27-27?6 @an 8..ut this number can be 'rong if the motion of the vernal point has long term fluctuations.C)stom Periods *he astronomical model of precession asumes that the current movement of the vernal point is a constant motion./6:8/36 -67?3743.? D=%hal Khool Sri Guktes%ar #alculat of Krishna "ngress 2/88 vernal p -42?8-8. -.? years until the vernal point returns to its initial point./ --7-27?8 @an 8. his model guides to a period of $>.:6 -/78678? Virgo N*T S 2. Ayanamsa .84-84 @an 2 @N !hasin >agan5 !radley +nkno% -4::-.8 --.? 2/?8 -4.ahiri 9yanamsa is according to other sources --7-37?/ or --7-37??.-.:6:.8. 9ries 88 9ries (descending) *otal -4$888 #mulatin$ Sri uktes!ar"s Ayanamsa *his ayanamsa can be emulated %ith several methods. "ccording to the )oly Science the period for the movement of the vernal point is $1&=== years.isces D%apara -488 2. . #ancer -4 *aurus (descending) D%apara -488 -4 *aurus 2. Sri Cuktes'ar#i combines the movement of the vernal point 'ith the theory of the Cugas. Scorpio 88 . Scorpio (ascending) Satya 4.ibra (ascending) Satya 4. 9ries (descending) Kali 2-88 2. herefore 'e have the se!uence of Cugas sho'n in the table belo'. D!ration "erna# Point "erna# Point !ga ( ears) (Start) ($nd) Kali (ascending) 2-88 88 9ries 2.88 2.ibra 2. #ancer (descending) *reta :688 2. D'apara Cuga follo's and has double duration& each reta Cuga has /4== years and each Satya Cuga 1%== years.Sri Guktes%ar e(poses his vie% about the yugas and the movement of the vernal point in the first chapter of his illustrious book The Holy Science (Kalyana Darshanam).isces 86 9quarius (ascending) *reta :688 86 9quarius 2. "ccording to his vie' Aali Cuga(s duration is $1== years (ascending and descending each ?$==)& and the start of ascending Aali Cuga begins 'hen the vernal point is = "ries.88 88 . +. T/ A$ANA(SA "&T/ T/ AST%*N*(&CAL P %&*! >irst method of emulation is to take a fi(ed start date %ith kno%n 9yanamsa and use the astronomical period. "t assumes that the current precession is correct but has sigificant fluctuations that lead to a total period of -4$888 years. he speed must gro' in later periods to get the desired total period. around $4 +isces). Investigations regarding long term "yanamsa can be made taking old sources that rely on chitra paksha (i. 0. he current precession is too slo' to get a period of $1&=== years.e. +ossible positions for the minimum could be the point = "ries or the point in opposite to the supergalactic center (i. Disadvantage of this method is that long term predictions are not correct because the period is 'rong. *his is %hat the Sri Guktes%ar 9yanamsa of s%iss ephemeris does. -S&N. ! 1&N A (*V ( NT T/AT SAT&1& S AST%*N*(&CAL P% C SS&*N AN! T/ . Concludin$ Thau$hts "t is possible to give mathematical equations for the :rd method. Most contemporary . 2. 9 simple eliptic equation could be satisfiying for the first time.e. Disadvantage of the method is that the actual true movement of the vernal point is neglected. ! 1&N A C-ST*( P %&*! Second method is to take (again) a fi(ed start date %ith kno%n 9yanamsa$ but to use the period of -4$888 years given by Sri Guktes%ar.&V N P %&*! *his method is a mi( of the above methods. 6ahiri) ayanamsa. *his kind of calculation can be configured in <aitreya. So it must be near a minimum. Ayanamsa . 9eference is the chart of )is )olyness the ?1th Dalai 6ama& born *ul =4 ?0/> ??81> "M local time in 5hinghaiDAohonorD ibet ($081/N& 0?81?:). 6oss of residence is indicated by Moon and 7enus in ?$th house aspected by strong retrograde . he 9asi chart is given belo'. Ce lost his position and had to change his residenceJ many of his people died.authors do not rely on old sources and pretend that they are not correctly calculated.3amples *his section gives e(amples for the influence of 9yanamsa on chart calulation and Dasa prediction. Cis Colyness came into great diffculties %hen *ibet %as occupied by the #hinese army in 2/?/. Saturn& 9ahu in 1 and Sun (lord of ?$) afflicted by Aetu in ?=. he calculation for 7imsottari Dasa can be seen in the table belo'.eo @une 8/ 2/?8 4D Venus 6G 28< &aman --78:746 . *ataka +ari#ata (adhyaya ?. Moreover 7irgo is occupied by Mars& and the planets in the ?$th house give inauspicious influence during the #ump. 9t the time of mandukagama occurs$ the death of a revered person or of oneIs parents may happenJ or there may be danger from poison$ deadly %eapons$ fire$ fever or incendiary brigands. Vimsottari %asa *he chart has the <oon in the :rd ada of urva halguni.eo @une 82 2/4.ahiri -87:3782 . . -6D 6ahiri "yanamsa has MoonD7enus "ntardasa from *une ?0>% until the end of *anuary ?04= (similar Arishnamurti). .& Sloka 0>) gives the follo'ing interpretation of Manduka Gati in Aalachakra Dasa. 9aman "yanamsa has MarsD9ahu in ?0>0.? years$ Deha #apricorn and @eeva )emini. %oon&s Ba#ance at Start of %oon Ayanamsa Position Birth Dasa Venus /G 8< 9ugust 82 . his is a severe affliction.G 22< Krishnamurti -874-74. here 'as Manduka gati during the step of Aalachakra from 5ancer to 7irgo. &alachakra %asa *he chart of Cis Colyness has the <oon in the :rd ada of urva halguni$ therefore belonging to 9psavya chakra %ith *aurus 9msa$ aramayus of .eo -6D 2/?8 Venus . . Ayanamsa %oon&s Position Start of "irgo Dasa .eo 9pril -? 2/?&aman --78:746 .eo November -6 -888 7irgo Aalachakra dasa matches in 6ahiri and A+ "yanamsa.eo Bctober 22 2/?4 Krishnamurti -874-74.he calculation of the Moon(s length and 7irgo Aalachakra Dasa according to different "yanamsas is given in the table belo'. . 9aman "yanamsa sho's +isces Dasa from ?010 to ?0>0& preceded by Simhavalokana from Scorpio to +isces. 6ahiri "yanamsa gives for ?0>0 "ntardasas of "!uarius (afflicted by Saturn) and 5apricorn (Deha of the chart& therefore causing bodily pain).ahiri -87:3782 .
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