March 26, 2018 | Author: Shweta Chaturvedi | Category: Oral Hygiene, Advertising, Mass Media, Marketing, Brand



A Research Report On “ROLE OF ELECTRONIC MEDIA IN PROMOTION OF TOOTH PASTE”Submitted to: Director, RBMI Greater Noida 0721170034 Submitted by: Mahendra Singh M.B.A. 4th Sem. Roll No. Rakshpal Bahadur Management Institute Plot no. 4, Knowledge Park-3, Greater Noida-201308 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With a profound sense of gratitude, I record my indebtedness to Mrs. Madhvi Upadhyaya, project guide, Apeejay institute of technology, school of Upadhyaya management for providing me the support to undergo this project. The nurturing and blossoming of this present work was mainly due to his valuable guidance, astute judgment, constructive criticism and an eye for perfection. But for his overwhelming interest, the present work would not have seen the light of days. And last but not the least; I am thankful to all the helpful people who were not even aware of the contribution they made towards the completion Of this project. PRADEEP GUPTA 2 PREFACE Many Managers thinks of marketing as a company department whose job is to analyses the market, discern opportunities, formulate marketing strategies, develop specific strategic and tactics, propose a budget and establish a set of control but there is more to marketing. Marketing must push the rest of the company to be consumer oriented and market driven. Marketing must convince every one in the company and in its larger network to create and deliver superior customer values. Marketing is also a process, which involves formulating a broad strategies and redefining it in to a detailed marketing mix and action plan, evaluating the results, and making further improvements Market share of a particular brand falls down mainly because of three reasons: 1. 2. 3. They want a change from traditional. The product price rises. The better alternative came up. A satisfied consumer needs production of product along with good distribution proper exchange and excellent promotion. 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The main purpose of this Study was to know the media awareness among people; to measure the effective of electronic media; to analyze the media behavior of the people; and to identify the first source of information for consumer products. The study has been conducted to collect the information about the scope and effectiveness of advertising media mix for a particular group, and the role of different source of information in buying a product. That’s why the study has been conducted by taking a special reference like toothpaste. Because toothpaste is generally used by every individual and almost in every home. How the consumers come across to know a particular brand of toothpaste? What was the source of information? If that information has been got from electronic media like television, radio, cinema, internet or newspaper, then at what extent that information was effective? Are consumers purchasing the particular product because of awareness got by the electronic media or from elsewhere? Can the consumers recall any advertisement? These are the basic questions, which have been focused to solve in this study. Effective advertising and awareness is much more emphasis in this study. 4 Table Of Contents  Industry history  Objective of the study  Scope of the study  Importance of the study  Over view of Indian tooth market  About the Electronic Media  Research Methodology  Analysis and Discussion  Limitations of the study  Conclusion  Bibliography  Annexure – A Questionnaire Annexure – B List of Table 5 . The number and varieties of toothpaste being manufactured by high street chemists started to decline as large scale manufacturing chemists were able to supply such outlets with mass produce toothpaste sold in metal tubes. packaged in their own printed pots. Colgate introduced aromatic toothpaste in a jar in the U.Industry History The history of toothpaste goes back to 300-500 years before the birth of Christ but toothpaste and powder first appeared in printed pots round the 1860's. The date of the first manufactured toothpaste was 1873 but it was not until 1896 that a product similar to that on the market today appeared in 1873. Toothpaste today is chiefly packaged in plastic (latitudes) rather than metal tubes and the choice of flavors in fairly uniform.S. in 1896 Colgate dental cream was the first to be packaged in collapsible tubes similar to those in use today. By the 1880's many chemists were making their own toothpaste. 6 . which have been focused to solve in this study. radio. Because toothpaste is generally used by every individual and almost in every home.Objective Of The Study The main purpose of this Study was to know the media awareness among people. to analyze the media behavior of the people. That’s why the study has been conducted by taking a special reference like toothpaste. internet or newspaper. The study has been conducted to collect the information about the scope and effectiveness of advertising media mix for a particular group. Effective advertising and awareness is much more emphasis in this study. How the consumers come across to know a particular brand of toothpaste? What was the source of information? If that information has been got from electronic media like television. then at what extent that information was effective? Are consumers purchasing the particular product because of awareness got by the electronic media or from elsewhere? Can the consumers recall any advertisement? These are the basic questions. cinema. in the summer forms we can illustrate have the main objectives of the study as follows: 7 . to measure the effective of electronic media. and to identify the first source of information for consumer products. and the role of different source of information in buying a product. So.  To identify the change in attitude of the consumer due to electronic media.  To identify first source of information.  To measure the effectiveness of electronic media.  To identify the factors which affects the change in decision?  To analyze the media distribution of the respondents. It is expected that this study would be above to expose many hidden facts of media effectiveness in advertising. The study would be immense interest to advertising agencies engaged in promoting consumer products through various electronic media.  To analyze the media habits of the respondents. 8 . To know the media awareness among the people.  To analyze the Media behavior f the people. The essence of lies in conveying the target audience the wants satisfying quantities of a product or service. 9 . the success of the company’s product development as well as other marketing activities is closely tied up with the success of its advertising programs. offers a quick and effective way for any marketer to tell the people that he has designed a new product or improved his product or that he deals in this product or provides that service. The business world has consistently been searching for ways and means to improve the products or services that one buys. but the information regarding these improvements as well as great deal of prodding and pushing come from the advertising end of the business.Scope of the Study Media has emerged as a potent means of mass communication. As a matter of fact. It is a million tongued salesmanship and the very fact that it is carried over mostly by mass media shows that it is likely to reach many people at some time or the other. infect. It. since to cover all aspects would have been preposterous. For the purpose of this study. It is worth pointing out here that some attempts have been made from time to time to measure the effectiveness of electronic media. The present study is also a modest attempt in the same direction. however. there is no dearth of literature on media research. 10 . how much effective an electronic media has been or to what extent the advertiser has been able to convey the meaning to the target audience has been more a matter of conjecture.However. Many researchers have developed various techniques and have taken different aspects of media for measuring effectiveness. In fat. it was considered prudent to confine to only some aspects. The major criterion for selecting these media was that they were commonly used for advertising toothpaste in this country 11 . Now a day’s Internet becomes important segment of the electronic media. it was proposed to measure the effectiveness of different media among rural and urban people in the content of this product. internet. a careful review of different advertisement though electronic media was made to locate a particular product using all the media. magazine. radio. cinema etc. It was found that toothpaste was utilizing almost all the important media. The selected electronic media for this study were television. In order to know the media to which people are exposed. to know the media about which they were aware. Despite there growing importance. and to know the media which influence customer buying behavior. radio.Importance of the Study Since independence newspaper. It is equally difficult to measure the effectiveness of such media in terms of Sale increase as it is not certain whether the sale accrued due to an electronic media or because of other reasons. Hence. cinema. Television and Internet are being used increasingly by companies for sailing their products. it is difficult to determine what effect a particular advertisement media makes on the mind of a consumer. Balsara Hygiene's Promised was able to achieve a product break through with it's positioning of the product on clove oil ingredient. The rest of the market was fragmented and some of the better known brands at that time were Bianca. 12 . Dabur's Lal Dant manjan red toothpowder and Bandar Chaap Black toothpowder manufactured by the unorganized segments were the two well known brands. Signal and Closeup in the toothpowder segments. Babool at a significant price discount catering to the lower end of market.Overview Of Indian Toothpaste Market The oral care sector consists of three main segments  Toothpaste  Toothpowder and  Toothbrush Prior to the 80's Colgate was the dominant player in the Indian toothpaste market with its leading brand namely Colgate dental cream. In the early 80's. Forhans. Indians have been traditionally using clove as a household remedy for cavity problems. Vicco. Balsara Hygiene introduced another product. Close up was re launched in 1988 with the proposition of gel and mouthwash. Also. 13 . The toothpaste market is dominated by white toothpaste followed by gel and then stripes.e. Hindustan Lever was a minor player who had launched close UP. Worldwide annual per capital consumption of toothpaste averaged 363 grams while consumer in India used only 107 grams of toothpaste annually. Forhans was withdrawn from the Indian market in 1987 due to problems with fluoride formulations. a10% drops in prices could lead to a 30% increase in consumption. recent studies have indicated a high price elasticity of almost 300% for certain mass consumer products: i. The average annual per capital consumption of toothpaste in India is lower than the worldwide average due to a lower than the worldwide average due to a lower average personal income and a lack of consumer education.The late 80's witnessed a significant shift in industry structure and positioning platforms. In 1987. 90% 32.70% 14 .90% 6.The major player and their market shares in the 90. Tooth paste market Players Colgate Palmolive HLL Balsara Hygiene Others Source:CPIL Market Share 50.50% 9.000 tons Toothpaste market is given below. toothpowder and other conventional methods for oral care. Mode Of Oral Care and % of Population Mode Toothpaste Toothpowder Conventional Methods Source: A & M Usage(%) of total Population 47% 23% 30% 15 .The following shows the percentage of population who use toothpaste. reach of media. Among toothpaste users about 15% of consumers brush twice a day. purchasing power and urbanization. 47. Penetration levels of Toothpaste ALL INDIA URBAN RURAL Source: Equity master. These products are largely manufactured by unorganized sector.Toothpaste has been primarily perceived as an urban product. and black powder for cleaning their teeth. it is titled heavily in favor of large metros this could be due to higher education.0% 35.0% 73. tobacco. Form a recent survey it has been found that the upper class consumers in urban areas are looking for specialized product with cosmetic promises like fresh breath. preventing cavity etc. white teeth and functional benefits of controlling plaque.0% Consumers in the lower end of the market in rural/semi urban areas use toothpowder and natural products such as neem. availability 16 . The growth in the Toothpaste market demand can be attributed to a number of factors. Perhaps the two most important are rising penetration higher intensity of use. Penetration is driven by purchasing power. low unit price packs in small sizes and conducting oral care education in the rural areas are being undertaken by leading players. Pepsodent. They are broadly classified into four segments. Various initiatives such as distribution of free samples. are Colgate dental cream. This segment largely comprises of family.(recently this brand was sold for a sum of around Rs. which are sold under this proposition.3.6 Crore to and undisclosed buyers ) Social Interaction 17 . Protection The value proposition offered to this segment is protection of teeth & gums from germs. The brands. The cumulative of above initiatives had been to increase the consumer awareness in rural areas and conversion of non-users to branded product.and also price. Segmentation The Toothpaste market in India can also be segmented on the basis of benefits sought from the product. preventing cavity and controlling plaque. Growth in rural areas is driven by conversion of non users. Forhans. Paralleling these trends had been dramatic increase in Advertising expenditure and new value proposition introduced by the players in the market. Aqua fresh. for sales contribution from each segment see table. Brands like Anchor.The price have significant importance in this segment. Therapeutic This is a niche segment.The sale is on proposition of fresh breath and White teeth. Babool etc are the toothpastes sold in this segment. The brands like Mentadent. The toothpaste is positioned to offer medicinal benefits. The brand which are very prominent in this segment are Close up gel. Promise. Ajanta and Babool are capturing volumes on the value for money platform. Pepsodent-G etc. Economic The toothpaste sale is on "Value for Money" proposition for families with low to medium level of income . Gels which are marketed on parameters of freshness and energy are estimated to have market share of 20 . Segment &sales contribution 18 . They offer protection from aliments like bleeding of gums. with equal spending promotions and better trade margins than the biggies. prevention of tooth decay etc. Colgate gel and Anchor gel etc. Particularly teens and young adults seek these benefits.35% of the total market. This segment is dominated by gel toothpaste. Aqua-Fresh. use etc. cavity. the technological advancement has changed the role of packaging in Toothpaste industry from a carrier and protector to that of a marketing tool. plaque control. the size and prices of toothpaste were important attributes. and plaque 65% 35% 5% Product Toothpaste is formulated to provide varied value propositions like protection from bad breath. Toothpaste is marketed as squeeze tubes manufactured using HDPE. performing a vital role in brand communication and on shelf differentiation.fresh breath. 19 . cavity prevention. In a recent study it has been found that 80% of the families share the same toothpaste for all the members of the family. All the players in the market offer toothpaste in various sizes designed for varied purpose like traveling. The performance characteristics of toothpaste include white teeth . Over the years.Protection & Economy Social Interaction Therapeutics Source: Indiainfoline. For the brands switchers. family. LLDPE and PP polymers. The toothpaste market has recorded an 8% CAGR in the last five Years.02 billion and population growth rate of 1-2%. protection & economy segment is growing at 5-6% p. Competition Profiles of some leading competitors in the toothpaste industry are given below. Annexure a gives the SKUs and prices Demand With a population of 1. Demand for toothpaste in urban area has been growing at 2-3% p. Whereas the social interaction segment is growing at a fast pace of 10-12%p.a. India provides a huge potential market for toothpaste. and the intensity of usage. whereas in rural areas it is about 12-14%. 20 .The packaging size and prices vary for different brands. Estimate for the rate of future growth of toothpaste vary but all observers agree that growth penetration. widely. Amongst various segments.a.a. has been a leading player in oral care category for over 5 decades in India with sales of 9. social interaction and economy segment CPIL drives around 85% of its revenues from the oral care category. But still Colgate continues to be the numero-uno in this sector and its brand Colgate was adjusted as India’s #1 brand across all 21 . Colgate has the market share of about of 65% till the late 80’s with the increased competition.but Colgate’s market share continued to fall and currently stands at around 50. Colgate is the dominant player in the oral care market with a market share of 50. Colgate’s market share was considerably hit in the early 90’s and so to salvage it’s position Colgate took over ciba Geigy’s.Colgate has significant persons in protection.6% in the toothpaste.1billion Colgate-Palmolive Company.9B and net income of $1. In its successful drive the new “Social interaction” segment and this segment recorded strong growth with Closeup maintaining leadership and Colgate gel at no 2 position.COLGATE PALMOLIVE (I) LTD Colgate Palmolive (India) ltd. Colgate managed to gain a 2% market share in FY00 after considerable advertising but its bottom line got hilt in the process and it reverted back to its lower ad spend regime.8% in toothbrush segment . USA.6% from a high of 65% in 1995.42B in FY03. a 51% subsidiary of US$9. Cibaca brand (4%share) oral care business . (CPIL). 45% in toothpowder and 30. the company distributes for free an average of 7 million toothbrushes every year to initiate toothpaste usages. it is losing a larger proportion of consumers at the upper end than it 22 . encouragement of the habit of brushing twice a day and meeting the evolving needs of consumers by providing a variety of differently formulated toothpaste offering unique benefits. The campaign will include wall paintings. 4 crore every year to preach the value of using branded oral care products to villagers. covering 7800 villages per anum. Colgate spends Rs.categories in seven out of the last eight years by A&M Magazine’s annual survey of India’s top brands. In toothpowder. the company maintained a rural thurst to bring non-users into the consumption bracket and Colgate has also launches toothpaste and toothpowder in sachets with a free toothbrush thrown into offer an entry pricing point for the low spending customer. The company has novel ways to enhance awareness of oral hygiene in the interior areas of the country. rural van operations. puppet shows. CPIL’s focus in urban markets is primarily on conversion of non-users. using 72 vans. Trouble is. This thrust has brought Colgate dental cream a distribution reach of 46 percent in rural markets versus close up’s 20 percent and pepsodent’s 12 percent. Its traditional strategy of targeting non users in rural India and converting them into consumers of toothpaste has been one of Colgate’s strong points. Using a 30 minute film as its communication vehicle. 50% in 99. Thus. Fresh mint and fresh stripes due to poor market share and introduce new variants.30 % in 95 to 68. 23 . The company had invested Rs 20-25 crore in these four brands Colgate dental cream and Colgate herbal. Colgate’s rural market share has fallen from 70. Colgate double protection adding at the entry-level. Colgate Palmolive India then decided to withdraw four sub brands of its toothpaste.Colgate launched fresh stripe gel nationally in May 1998 with its alternating red and white stripes with red gel containing actirinse fort fresh breathe and white stripes containing actiwhilte to lend sparkle to teeth. Colgate Palmolive-toothpaste segments Toothpowder segments Economy segments Natural segments Regular paste segments Breathe freshness segments Oral hygiene segment Colgate tooth powder Colgate cibaca top Colgate herbal Colgate dental crème Colgate gel Colgate sensitive care Top end users Whitening toothpaste segments Colgate total Colgate sensation whitening HISTUSTAN LEVER LTD 24 .PRODUCTS OF COLGATE Based on their positioning the products can be classified into the following segments. 25 .Availability near the consumer through a wide distribution network is another crucial success factor.daily use as product are of small value . detergents . is the largest FMCG Company. hair care . beverages and specially chemicals. The company’s business sprawls from personal and household care products to cream and other culinary products. 51. with a turnover of Rs 118bn. Two pillars strong brand equity and a wide distribution network characterize the fast moving consumer goods business. In 1987. The oral care segment contribution about 4%to its revenues buts its bottom line has been hit due to the heavy adverting costs and sales promotions.frequently purchased . Forbes Global has placed Hindustan lever limited at the top among the best consumer household products companies world wide for the current year. it is also the leading player in food products such as packaged tea.6% subsidiary of Unilever Plc.Hindustan Lever Limited. which are market leaders in their respective categories.color cosmetics. The company has a dominating market share in most categories that it operates in such as toilet soaps.etc. Brand equities are built over a period of time by technological innovation. Hindustan lever was a minor player who had launched with 5%market share represents mainly by close –up. aggressive advertisement and marketing . The leading business magazine. HLL is strong on both these fronts with leading brands. and a1 m n strong direct retail reach. consistent high quality. HLL has emerged as a strong no 2 player with 32. Pepsodent etc.some other strong brands are close up super fresh close up oxy fresh. But Pepsodent could achieve only 4-5% market 26 . After 87 HLL has been consistently gaining market and in oral care segment.9 % market share. HLL has about 100 manufacturing facilities all over India and also has manufacturing arrangement with third parties. HLL has strong presence in all the segments with Pepsodent G being prominent in therapeutic segment . HLL has been a small player in the oral care sector untill1987when it repositioned close up as a gel and mouthwash targeted at the youth.HLL’s other brand signal had a negligible share and was later withdrawn with a 65%share. HLL launched Pepsodent in direct competition to Colgate’s flagship product Colgate dental cream. PRODUCTS OF HLL In 1993. It was the first toothpaste with a unique antibacterial agent to be launched to address the consumer need of checking germs even hours after brushing. In August 97. HLL added an anti-bacterial agent triclosan to its Pepsodent brand. which was also used by Colgate in its costller Colgate total brand. The aggressive marketing of new Pepsodent against Colgate dental cream led to a marketing war between the two.Pepsodent G was relaunched as Pepsodent G gum care ‘toothpaste . Triclosan is a proven anti-bacterial agent.2% content of triclosan in its toothpaste brand. Pepsodent is positioned on oral health platform of’ check germs even hours after brushing. which received tremendous provide long lasting protection from germs as well as long lasting fresh breath through is cool mint. Colgate questioned the claim of pepsodent’s superiority and the matter was referred to MRTP commission to determine the validity of HLL’s claim. In April2002. In 1995 pepsodent’s proposition was changed to ‘Germicheck protection’ (an extended protection from germs). based on the 0. In re-launched the new Pepsodent on the Germicheck platform with claims of 102% superiority to any other ordinary toothpaste.share.with attractive golden stripes. Colgate’s CDC witnessed a rapid decline in market share (by over 5-6% points) during this period Pepsodent on the other hand has gained strength and currently has a market share of 15%. Technology. Pepsodent 2in1 is a unique combination of paste and gel in one toothpaste . this gum protecting variant is now 27 . Launched in 1993. available in contemporary new packaging, clearly outlining the benefits it offers..Pepsodent G gum care is an internationally renowned specialist brand in the HLL oral care portfolio known for its enhanced protection against gum problems. It is targeted at all health conscious adults who either suffer from or seek reliable protection against gum problem’s and bleeding. Pepsodent in India is also available as a toothpowder with proven antibacterial agents. It gives protection against germs and is excellent cleaning due to effective abrasive system for strong teeth and healthy gums. Pepsodent has conducted various programmers across the country to promote oral care and hygiene amongst its customers and the community. Pepsodent Jadui Chikitsa is one such initiative to increase awareness of oral hygiene in rural areas. A poster on brushing technique, which was translated into local languages, was printed on tin plate as a lasting impression of Pepsodent Jadui Chikitsa for the rural areas. A poster on proper brushing technique, which was translated into languages, was printed on tin plate as a lasting impression of Pepsodent jadui chikitsa for the rural areas. 28 Close-up, the youth brand, was the first gel toothpaste to be launched in India in1975 and has remained the category leader ever since. The brand arose out of a universal need for confidence in asocial situation, starting with fresh breath. Close-up was relaunched in1988 with the proposition of gel and mouthwash. The new look close-up was positioned as the toothpaste ,enhancing social interaction ,offering value propositions like good breath ,white teeth etc and was backed by an extremely successful advertising campaign. Close up market share rose consistently thereafter from 5% (1987) to 22%. In 2002 close up was relaunched in two variant- close up tingly red and close up eucalyptus waves. This toothpaste with their superior formulation provides superior cleaning, enhanced flavor and a freshness that extends from nose to throat. The communication for close up focuses on the base line, ‘Jee Ke Dekho Yaar’, which encourages young people to go out and get a life. The new flavours are in line with HLL’s endeavour to continuously innovate and offer new advance products to the consumers these flavours have been special designed to win over competition consumers. Recently close-up whitening, the tooth-whitening variant, was introduced with a unique self check device called ‘’shade-card’’. This helps consumers identify how ‘’yellow’’ their teeth really are also to track the improvement in teeth 29 colour as use the paste. The toothpaste helps teeth get whiter in 4 weeks of regular use. This tooth-whitening segment is having total market share of 6%of the total toothpaste market. DABUR INDIA LTD. 30 Dabur India ltd is the fourth largest FMCG Company in India with interests in healthcare, personal care and food products. building on a legacy of quality and experience for over 100years, today Dabur has a turnover of Rs.1232 crore with powerful brands like Dabur Amla,Vatika ,Hajmola &Real. Dabur is an important player in oral care segment with revenue of Rs.1000.3 crore and net income of 77.6 crore .the oral care contribution about 12% to the revenue of Dabur in 99. in 1970 ,Dabur expanded its personal care portfolio by adding oral care products. Dabur Lal Dant manjan was relaunched and its captured the Indian rural market. Sales in 1999 recovered a sharp 19%yoy decline in volumes, which are marketed aggressively by MNC had bought the Bianca brand in1997.Dabur boasts of a transnational distribution network serving 1.3 million retail outlets and product availability in 50 countries around the globe. The quality of Dabur products has been its greatest strength throughout and to support this Dabur research foundation (DRF), an independent company is setup to spearhead Dabur’s multi-faceted research PRODUCTS OF DABUR Dabur Red Toothpaste 31 pudina. Powder. Kapoor and Tomer Seed.Dabur red toothpaste is positioned as toothpaste. It is therefore the first ever toothpaste which keeps all your dental problems away. Dabur Lal Dant Manjan Dabur Lal Dant manjan. Kasni. which helps prevent bad breath. other natural ingredients. for extra sparkling teeth tangy daylong fresh breath. which kills harmful germs. to jeetoge baazi” It is being advertised as start your day with the freshness of cool. and tomar. Garlic. which has lavang (clove) that helps prevent toothache. That’s the coolest way to add zing to your day. pudina satva. Bianca fresh toothpowder – “Saanse ho taazi. Sunthi. the red tooth powder contains laung ka tail. cool mint. BALSARA HYGIENE PRODUCTS LTD 32 . pippali. Use Bianca fresh toothpowder. Sugandhi Dravya. It contains calcium and extra mint. kali mirch. thereby providing you strong teeth. The business was transferred to Balsara Hygiene Products Ltd.Balsara Hygiene Products limited founded in 1925. Balsara derives 60% of the sales from its oral care products. and gel and for sensitive teeth.31 bn and income of Rs 8mn. Balsara supplies a wide range of personal and household care products to 40 countries around the world. The Balsara group is professionally managed. The company has a domestic annual sales turnover of Rs 1. operated as a family owned and controlled private enterprise till 1980. In the international market. with manufacturing.000 retail outlets. It is one of the lowest cost producers of toothpaste and manufactures a wide range of toothpaste formulations such as natural. The company’s flagship brand. It also has a rapidly growing international sales turnover of Rs 350 mn. is marketed in 29 countries. sales. in July ’80. herbal. the largest in India. High volumes and low input costs due to in house availability of product ingredients and package materials from companies with in Balsara group. allow Balsara to provide quality product at extremely 33 . Promise toothpaste. The Balsara group has a toothpaste manufacturing capacity of 38. Fluoride. tartar control. baking soda.000 tons pa. The company has a national sales and distribution network of 600. distribution and administrative operations located throughout India and internationally. Balsara groups have presence in economy and protection segment. 34 . Balsara hygiene quickly garnered 12% market share. By introducing promise . The prominent brands are Babool. Promise and Babool together had a market share of about 15% till 1987. promise etc.competitive rates. traditionally known for its beneficial oral care properties and trusted by dentist’s the world over.‘Tooty-Fruity’ and ‘fruit & mint’. The product’s natural antiseptic and germ killing properties protect teeth and gums from harmful bacteria promise gel’s sweet and spicy flavours provides’ wake-up freshness’ right through the day. Promise ‘just for kids’ Promise ‘just for kids’ is sparkling gel toothpaste for children available in two exciting flavours. making it suitable for use by children. Promise toothpaste was awarded le monde world selection gold medals in London and Amsterdam for superiority in product quality. Promise ‘just for kids ‘toothpaste has been awarded accreditation by the British dental health foundation (BDHF). Recently.PRODUCTS OF BALSARA HYGIENE: Promise toothpaste Promise toothpaste is unique toothpaste containing natural and time-tested clove oil. Promise Gel Promise gel comes packed with all the natural and time tested goodness of clone. The scientifically proven antiseptic and bactericidal properties of clove oil help keep teeth strong and gums healthy. 35 . Promise became the world’s first and only toothpaste to receive international accreditation from the British dental health foundation (BDHF). This toothpaste is specially formulated to protect tender tooth enamel. the famous. toothbrush tree’ used for centuries. Babool Babool toothpaste is natural toothpaste containing the ayurvedic and medicinal benefits of the Babool tree.Meswak toothpaste is scientifically formulated from pure extract of the Meswak plant.’ Acacia Arabica’ the Babool herbal extract in super Babool toothpaste helps prevent swelling & bleeding of gums .keeping healthy and teeth strong. ‘salvadore persica’. The astringent and bactericidal properties of Meswak help reduce tooth decay fight plaque and prevent gum disease. 36 . company will be having 30 million people as primary target audience. Rs 19 for 100gms and Rs 11 for 50gms.The paste claims to be wholly vegetarian. which has a moderate presence in homeo based products-the most famous being arnica shampoo has launched dental clean toothpaste with 100 gm for Rs. bad breath and toothaches. Aimed garnering 15% of this population.OTHER PLAYERS Shri Niranjan Ayurved Bhavan Limited a rural tooth powder marketing outfit based at Tumsar. Maharashtra. It was the only lemon flavored toothpaste in homeopathic market. This product is segmented to strict vegetarian in the country (an estimated 1/5 of the total population). Dental cleaner contains antiseptic homeopathic formulations which treat dental ailments such as bleeding gums. The other players in this segment are lordent from lord homeopharmacy and homeo dent from sharda bioron. which gives the paste its consistency and uses its abrasive power to clean teeth.22 and 50 gm for Rs 12. Earlier cibaca launched lemon flavored toothpaste but failed in the market place. launched herbal toothpaste – Niranjan . Delhi based ralson visionary formulation. Price at Rs 32 for 200gms. Company used calcium rich pipal as a substitute for bone ash. 37 . which could be associated with their brand and product. Whereas the television brought the visuals along with the audio effects. In this harsh environment. this company must appeal to high-income pessimists.About Electronic Media The electronic media would include radio and the television. But companies that want to avoid the high cost of national advertising can find other ways to insert their brands into consumers’ physical world. The Internet makes consumer industries far more competitive and dynamic than they were in the past. Talking of India. As a gardening supplier. IMPACT ON VARIOUS MEDIA Up till now. This was a revolution and the print media found it being sidelined as far as advertising went. The advent of the radio allowed the advertisers the liberty of using certain ‘jingles’ and music. but this is what it will take to win mainstream consumers. Start-ups may not like the prospect of investing in non-Internet marketing channels. where mainstream consumers account for roughly half audience. the companies 38 . an 800 number (free calling system available in USA) and the web site address where consumers can buy the plants and tools they see. the Cable TV boom in the early nineties added to the choices available to the advertiser on a regional segment. Yet every article includes a shopping list. the best way to build a mainstream brand is to advertise on television. companies must learn to compete in world of Dynamic Trade. 39 . but it does nothing to secure the future of the company. even one that has millions of dollars in marketing budget behind it. In other word. One way to do this is to build a brand based on consumer experiences. Cutting prices by 50 per cent and running Super Bowl advertisements create huge short-term growth. A projected image. where the apparent supply to consumers rises and companies must heed the signals of current demand. will not stand up unless the every day experience of the consumers on the internet reinforce the brand. Companies that ignore this truth will find that they are not just wasting half of their advertising budget. They must build a unique value. what companies want now? Dynamic Trade will make consumer industries more efficient and on the whole less profitable than they were in the past. As the Internet matures.that intend to thrive in the long run must build a defendable strategic position. the companies need to build an advantage that other companies do not have in the marketplace. Having a hot IPO or a high stock price may help. but it won’t suffice. The companies that ultimately will win the battle for Internet consumers see now that profitable growth can not go on forever and simply being “a dotcom” does not constitute a strategic advantage. a careful review of different advertisement through electronic media was made to locate a particular product using all the media. In order to know the media to which people are exposed. and to know the media which influence customer buying behavior. The major criterion for selecting these media was that they were commonly used for advertising toothpaste in this country. radio. internet. Hence. Purposive sampling technique was used for selecting the It was intentionally decided to select NOIDA AND 40 . The present study is basically descriptive in nature the major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs at the exists at present situation . Selection of sample: The sample consisted of 100 respondents – 80 of them were resident of Lucknow and remaining 20 from adjoining areas of Lucknow. respondents. It was found that toothpaste was utilizing almost all the important media. The selected electronic media for this study were television.A research design is purely & simple the framework or plan for a study that guides the collection & analysis of data . cinema etc. to know the media about which they were aware. it was proposed to measure the effectiveness of different media among rural and urban people in the context of this product.Research Methodology Descriptive Design. Questionnaire and personal interview techniques were followed to collect the information. questionnaire & personel interview. I contacted the people who were anxious to participate in this study. Primary data. 41 . To make the sample uniform and representative.GREATER NOIDA in NCR because it included all types of socio economic groups. The ratio of respondents between urban and rural areas was 1:3 as the toothpaste consuming habits of people in a rural area is different from that in an urban area. Although this ratio was decided upon judgment and experience.primary data collected from field survey I collected primary data through survey method . Type of data. People in the village use relatively less toothpaste as other substitutes such as Datun. it was kept in mind that selected persons should be either purchasing the toothpaste or influencing the purchase decision. yet every effort was made to make the sample uniform and representative.primary data &secondary data are used in the present research . One individual (not less than 16 years of age) in each home was interviewed. Mud are available in abundance. Because of poor memory factor. a few retailers of toothpaste brand were contacted to get primary information. A nondisguised. This was asked mainly to know the brand in which the respondent was taking more interest. Moreover. The questionnaire was prepared to seek information both urban and rural people regarding the first source of information about toothpaste brands which the respondents were using. their reading and listening habits of electronic media. they were given restricted choice to specify that media which influenced their buying behavior about the present brands. The questionnaire were kept short. added recall and unpadded recall were given due place in the construction of questionnaire. influence of these media on their buying behavior. Each respondent was asked to mention the toothpaste brand being used at present and brand he was using before. Respondents were to mention the first source of information for brands. the advertisements which they had come across about the same brand or any other. 42 . and less factors and directly related were excluded to solicit better response.Formulation of Questionnaire: For the preparation of questionnaire. etc. structured questionnaire was prepared. They were asked to mention the names of media from which they read pr listened or viewed advertisements about the present brands. 43 . the respondent was added by the various electronic media. The role of unaided recall was to know the depth of knowledge of respondent and to avoid any bias. he was unable to express his views. unaided recall method was used. question was asked purposely (not get forced choice) to name one electronic media only. Unaided were sought to the extent possible. It naturally brought the advantages of personal interview. For recalling the source of advertisement. Aided recalls also helped in getting the pointed reply firm the respondent for a particular question. but because of insufficient knowledge about ingredients and intricacies of advertisement media. But for recalling the source of media which One influenced the buying behavior. Further the respondent was given add only when it was clear that the respondent knew the answer.Interview Procedure: The response of respondent was recorded on questionnaire at the place or interview. marital status. 20% respondents belong to the age group of 21-25 years and 10% belongs to the age group of 16 – 20 years. 40% belong to the age group of 26 – 30 years. 30% respondents are age group of above 30 years. 44 . sex. education and income are given as follows: Age & Sex of the respondents: There are 53% male and 47% female. There is a great impact of electronic media over the age and sex and slightly differ in number. it is because of exposure to the media. Out of these respondents 20% respondents belong to the rural areas. among which the research has been conducted.Analysis and Discussion Profile of respondent: The general profile of respondents in terms of age. of respondents 10 20 40 30 Total 53 47 100 45 .Table 1: Distribution of the respondents according to their age and sex. Age Group 16-20 21-25 26-30 Above 30 Male 6 13 18 16 Female 4 7 22 14 No. of respondents 65 35 100 Education level of the respondents: The percentage of the respondents having post graduate level education is 41% and the percentage of graduate level of education is 47% while 12% respondents have the intermediate level education.Marital status of the respondents: 65% of the total respondents among males and females are married while 35% of the total respondents are unmarried. Table 2 Distribution of the respondents according to their marital status Marital status Married Unmarried Total No. Exposure and effectiveness of electronic media vary with the education level as highly educated and urban based are much exposed than that of rural and low qualified respondents. Table 3 Distribution of the respondents according to their 46 . The percentage of married male and female respondents is higher in urban areas than in rural areas. education level Education Level Intermediate Graduate Post Graduate Total No. the rest number of respondents from professional background. of respondents 47 . of respondents 12 47 41 100 Profession of the respondents: When the respondents were asked about their profession following data were obtained. The maximum numbers of respondents were from the teaching background (42%). followed by the housewife for (27%). The respondents were also student for (19%) and it was followed by the businessperson (12%). Table 4 Profession Background Distribution of the respondents according to their professions No. Govt. 28% respondents belong to the income group of Rs. 3001-6000 while 5% of respondents belong to the income group of below Rs. 55% respondents have the income more than Rs. 9000. of respondents . This group has been done keeping in the view the purchasing power on the one hand and likely Business House wife Student 42 12 27 19 Total 100 Income group of the respondents Family income is considered as the basis for the purpose of making groups. Table 5 Distribution of the respondents according to their income groups Income Level 48 No. 3000. desires and aspiration of the respondents on the other hand. 6000-9000 and 12% respondents belong to their the income group of Rs. and 5% respondents consume other brands like Babool. 3%respondent consume Anchor. 15% respondents consume Close-up . 4% respondents consume cibaca .9001 &above 6001 to 9000 3001 to 6000 below 3000 Total 55 28 12 5 100 PRESENT BRAND OF TOOTHPASTE USED After having established the fact that the respondents have been consuming toothpaste for some period. they are also asked the name of present brand used. 32% respondents consume Colgate. Neem etc. This indicates that the premium brands having high exposure through various electronic media are used very frequently. This is the mix-up response from both rural and urban areas. Table 6 Distribution of the respondents according to their present brand used 49 . 30% respondents consume Pepsodent. Toothpaste brands Pepsodent Close-Up Colgate Cibaca Anchor Miswak Other Total No. of respondents 30 15 32 04 03 05 11 100 Distribution of the respondents 32 30 35 30 25 15 20 15 5 10 4 3 5 0 11 ep so de nt C lo se -U p C ol ga te C ib ac a A nc ho r M is w ak O th er P Series1 50 . the toothpaste brand of high exposure with the benefits are used very much than that of low exposure of toothpaste brand. Of respondents 24 76 100 51 . It is because. Table 7 Distribution of the respondents according to their time duration of present brand used Time Duration Less than 6 months More than 6 months Total No.Time Duration of the present brand used: 24% respondents have been using the present brand for less than six months while 76% respondents have been using the present brand for the more than six months. of respondents Colgate Pepsodent Close-up Others 52 48 28 14 10 .tim d e uration of present brand used 24% Less th 6 an m th on s M th 6 ore an m th on s 76% Earlier used Brand: Prior to the present brand 48% respondents used Colgate. Anchor. Electronic media created a large gap between the prior brand used and present brand used. 14% respondents used close-up while 10% respondents used other toothpaste brand like Cibaca. Table 8 Earlier brand used by the respondents Present Brand No. Miswak and Babool. 28% respondents used Pepsodent. Consumers are very much affected through the various electronic media sources and change their decision on behalf of the different aspect. Neem. family and cultural environment. 32% respondents say that they change the earlier brand because of taste in toothpaste. Exposure to the advertisement is the most important because by the exposure of advertisement the consumer could know very easily about price.Total 100 Reason to change in the Earlier Brand: Consumer changes their preferences in brand at time to time. These factors may be internal or external. In the external factors advertisement and promotional schemes play a vital role. There were several factors/reasons which play an important role in changing the brand and selection of new brands. 6% respondents changed their earlier brand because of price. In internal factors their come the taste. 7% respondents changed their earlier brand because of promotional schemes and 25% respondents say that there are other reasons for change like change and involvement of the family member. 30%respondents changed their earlier brand because of advertisement. 53 . price. Of respondents 32 06 30 07 25 100 Promotional Schemes Others Total 54 . In the whole discussion the effectiveness of electronic media could be easily understood. Table 9 Response of reasons to change in earlier brand by the respondents Earlier Brand Taste Price Advertisement No.taste and promotional schemes. Brand of reputed company is also important segment and 17% respondents are very much affected by this Statement. Table 10 Factors affect the change in decision 55 . 20% respondent’s emphasis on the statement that there are herbal ingredients consists in the present brand of toothpaste. Only media especially electronic media provides such types of information to the consumer and consumer takes their decision.Factors affect the change in decision: Change in the decision always occurred when different options are present and several factors affect the decision-making. In other factors 7% respondents the earning consumer are very affected by the likings of children and family member. In overall discussion these information could only be known when the respondents are asked to the advertisement. 56% respondents feel that by using the present brand of toothpaste they could maintain healthy gums and strong teeth. Factors affecting decision Herbal ingredients Healthy gums & Strong teeth Reputed brand Other Total No. of respondents 20 56 17 07 100 H rb l e a in re ie t g d ns H a h g m& e lt y u s Sro g e t t n t eh R p t d ra d e ue b n Oh r te 56 . Newspaper is the second important source of 57 . information.First Source of Information: Table 11 reveals that the most important first source of information is the Television for 79% of the respondents followed by Newspaper (12%). This indicates that most of the respondents are very much exposed to the Television in rural as well as urban areas because of the cheapest source in the present scenario. In rural areas the most important first source of information is shopkeepers and the radio. Shopkeeper (5%) and the relatives (4%). of respondents 05 79 12 04 100 Total 58 .Table 11 Relative distribution of first source of information First Source of Information Shopkeeper Television Newspaper Relatives No. 38%espodents have not seen the advertisement of present toothpaste brand. This indicates that advertisements of the toothpaste brands are very much effective by the different electronic media. Table 12 Responses of the respondents whether they come across any advertisement Effectiveness of advertisement Yes No Total No.62% respondents have seen the advertisement about the toothpaste brand presently being used by them.Exposure to the present brand: The respondents are asked after knowing the first source of information as to whether they could come Across any advertisement about the brand presently Being used by them because the advertisement appeals the use of brand. of respondents 62 38 100 RELATIVE MEDIA DISTRIBUTION 59 . In response to the question regarding the media of advertising the respondents were asked about the media. radio. In rural areas the Newspaper and Radio is important segment of electronic media. This shows that the appearance of the advertisements on Television is very much effective and that's why it is important segment of electronic media. 79% respondents say that they come across the advertisement of the present toothpaste brand by the television. Internet. 1 5% respondents come across to Radio and followed by cinema (6%). of respondents 79 . Table 13 Responses of the respondents regarding relative distribution of media Effectiveness of advertisement Televisions 60 No. newspaper and cinema. In the electronic media there are Television. Internet News papers Radio Cinema Total 0 0 15 6 100 EFFECTIVENESS OF ADVERTISEMENTS ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA 61 . The advertisement. This effectiveness leads to the brand selection. which appears on television. It is concluded that the advertisements are very much effective which appear on Television to the rural and urban consumer point of view. 69% respondents say that there is great impact on brand preference because 62 . of respondents 76 24 100 Impact on brand preference: After the appearance of the advertisement on Television. Table 14 Responses of the respondents regarding effectiveness of advertisement on electronic media Effectiveness of advertisement Very Much Average Total No. 76% respondents' say that the advertisement appears on television is very much effective while 24% respondents select the average effectiveness of the advertisements. the effectiveness leads to the brand preference. that may or may not be effective to the consumer point of view. In some cases it is not true. advertisement appeal. These appealed are known to consumer through electronic media. Star appeal is an important segment of this appeal This again reflects the importance and effectiveness of electronic media. 63 . While 31% This again reflects the importance and effectiveness of electronic media.of the effectiveness of the advertisement on Television. of respondents 69 31 100 Factors Appealed: Those who have impact on brand preference because of advertisement are appealed to toothpaste brands like punch-line. and herbal ingredients. simplicity. respondents’ refuse of impact on brand preference. Table 15 Responses of the respondents regarding impact of advertisement on brand preference Responses Yes No Total No. Responses No. the respondents gave their responses. the interesting advertisement are easily recalled. This result indicate that the advertisement which are exposed frequently before the consumer and are interesting they could easily recall. Important point is that the advertisement of star appeal are easily recalled because of this. Out of total respondents 76% respondents can recall the advertisement of toothpaste brand but 24% respondents can’t recall any advertisement of any toothpaste brand. of respondents 64 . respondents faced difficulty in recalling the media as it was long time that they had been using the present brand of toothpaste. recalling of the advertisement is in the urban areas as Maximum compare to rural areas. In some cases. however less exposed advertisement can’t easily recalled.Advertisement Recall: In response to the question regarding the recall of advertisement electronic media. Table 16 Responses of the respondents regarding recalling of advertisement of toothpaste on electronic media. Out of 76% respondents.Yes No Total 76 24 100 Brand of the Toothpaste: The advertisement which could be recall very frequently is very much popular for the respondents. It is because of the effectiveness of electronic media. the respondents are using those brands. 29% respondents are consuming Pepsodent brand of toothpaste while 11% respondents are consuming other brand of toothpaste 65 . 36% respondents are consuming the Colgate brand of toothpaste. The advertisements which are passed before the consumer. Cinema. In the electronic media segment Television. Radio and Newspaper are important. 90% respondents say that they have seen the advertisement of toothpaste brand on Television which could be recalled and find much interesting. In today’s scenario Television is the most important and common segment. That’s why it is highly effective segment of electronic media. 6% respondents say that recalled advertisement was listened by them at radio while 4% respondents say that they have seen the 66 .Table 17 Brand of toothpaste (Out of 76 respondents) No. of respondents 36 29 11 76 Toothpaste Brand Colgate Pepsodent Close-up Total Exposure to the Media: Advertisements are through the various media channels. This mix-up response of the respondents because Television is not available in almost every rural areas but rural people has the radio facility. Table 18 Exposure to the media Responses Television Radio Cinema Total No.advertisement in the cinema. of respondents 90 06 04 100 67 . 68 . it is found that television is watched by almost every respondent. 44% surf the internet regularly. the respondents were given free choice to indicate all those media to which they were exposed. radio. This is very scare media which is not easily found in the rural areas. In answering this question. the respondents were asked to give their opinion regarding their habit relating to different media such as newspaper. Finally. 69 . If we take serious consideration of media habit. television. how much they exposed to the media which is available to that areas. In the media habit. and cinema. Second most common media habit was radio and respondents of such type were 52%. when the respondents are asked about the media habits. One respondent has multiple media habits and frequently passed through time to time.Media habits of the respondents: To study the media habits. Second common habit was surfing internet and followed by listening to radio and less effective media habit was the cinema. The response threw some light about hose respondents who were exposed to some media but did not care the advertisement in those media. a respondent has not passed all four media habit except the cinema. 100% respondents watch the Television regularly because of cheapest and easily available media. of respondents 100 44 58 52 70 .Table 19 Media habit of the respondents (Multiple Choice) Habits Watch the television regularly Go to cinema regularly Surfing the internet regularly Listen to radio regularly No. 1. 2. all the possible factors influencing media effectiveness could not be considered. The present study was confined to Lucknow city and its adjoining areas. Due to limitation of time and resources. 4. The limitations and biasness of sampling techniques used in this study may influence the findings of this study. The findings of this study may not applicable to other areas. The study of electronic media effectiveness may not hold well over a period of time due to various improvements in the present electronic media.Limitation of the study The effectiveness of various electronic media is measured in keeping in mind the constraints and limitation given below . 71 . 3. he takes the decision on the basis of those information’s. So. Urban respondents were more exposed to advertisement and had favorable response towards advertisement appearing through various electronic media than the rural respondent. they will definitely helpful in changing the attitudes of the consumer at large extent. are very much used. The brands which are much exposed before the people through various electronic media are used at large. concluded the study by the following manner. whatever information’s will be exposed on the electronic media. This clearly shows the effectiveness of electronic media. to know the media awareness and media behavior of the people. to study the media habit of the people to measure the effectiveness of various electronic Media.Conclusion The main purpose of this study was to identify the first source of information of toothpaste brand. Some brands like Pepsodent and Colgate are frequently exposed with good illustration. We can summarize and 72 . Whatever information the consumer gets from advertisement which appears on various electronic media. So. When the advertisement is exposed on electronic media. After collecting information 88% respondents came across the advertisement about that brand. 73 . simplicity and contents make the advertisement effective. Out of 88% respondent’s maximum number of the respondents was exposed with the television followed by the radio and cinema. because of this reason the brand is preferred.Television and newspaper were important source of information in the urban areas. Consumer responded that advertisement which appears on television were very much effective and such type of respondents are 62% and rest 38% respondent in average affectivity. Punch-line. Shopkeepers and relatives are other first source of information. Radio and cinema were also first source of information for a very few people. these factors are highly considered to create effectiveness. so they are also considered as integral part of the media. that’s why maximum companies are taking help from television in exposure of their brands. television is the best media exposure and was very effective to the consumer point of view. Now a days television is much popular in rural areas as well as urban areas. And this affectivity leads to a consumer for impact on brand preference. Surfing internet and listening radio was the second and third media habit of the respondents respectively. and Internet. available only in the urban areas and because of this reason it is not effective media habit for all the respondents. Concluding the topic of the study “Effectiveness of the electronic media with a special reference of toothpaste” It is said that the respondents are very much affected by the media especially Television. The respondents who had the media habit of watching television regularly were 100%. Radio is highly effective in both rural and urban areas. Every respondent had multiple media habits. Newspaper.Recalling of the advertisement by the maximum number of respondents shows the effectiveness of the electronic media. Radio. Cinema. Cinema and internet were Cinema is the fourth effective media habit. 74 . Out of these electronic media the most effective media was television which is available almost in every home and people are very much exposed to it. That’s why television is the best media habit for the respondents. It happens only when the advertisement is exposed in a good manner and on a good track which leads towards the change in consumer’s attitude of buying and awareness. K. Singh. Journal Asia-pacific business review Asia –pacific institute of Management New Delhi 75 . R. R. M. Tandon. Kothari D. R. Upadhaya. R.Bibliography Books: Research Methodology Advertising C. : Male / Female ………………………………… : ………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………. : Married / Unmarried 16 – 20 yrs. …………………… Education Level : Primary …………………… Matriculation …………………… Intermediate …………………… Graduate …………………… Post Graduate …………………… Other (Specify) …………………… Profession : Student …………………… Govt.Annexure (A) Questionnaire Name Sex Address Marital Status Age Group : :…………………………………………………………. Service …………………… Business …………………… House Wife …………………… 76 . …………………… 26 – 30 yrs.. …………………… 21 – 25 yrs.. …………………… Above 30 yrs. ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… 77 .Income Group : Below 3000 …………………… 3001 – 6000 …………………… 6001 – 9000 …………………… 9001 & Above …………………… (I) Which toothpaste brand are you using at present?          Pepsodent Close – Up Colgate Anchor Neem Miswak Babool Cibaca Others (II) Since when have you been using the present brand?   Less than 6 months More than 6 months (III) Which toothpaste brand were you using prior to this present brand? Please specify the brand name. (IV) Why have you change the earliest Toothpaste brand? Because of …………      Taste Price Advertisement Promotional Schemes Other (Specify) ………… (V) Which factor/s affects your change in decision?      It is certified by dental association It consist of herbal ingredients It maintains healthy gums & Strong teeth Brand of reputed company Other(Specify) …………………………………………………………… (VI) What was the source of information for the present brand?       Friend Shopkeepers Television Newspaper Relatives Other(Specify) …………………………………………………………… 78 . what was the media?     Television Internet Radio Cinema (VIII)In your opinion how effective was the advertisement appearing on television?     Very Much Average Below Average (IX/A) Was there any impact on your brand preference?   Yes No (B) If yes. what appealed you? Plea specify ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… 79 .(VII/A) After collecting information from above sources did you come across any advertisement about this brand?   Yes No (B) If yes.     Watch the television regularly Go to cinema regularly Surfing internet regularly Listen to Radio regularly (XII/A) Can you recall any advertisement about any toothpaste brand. which you find more interesting?   Yes No 80 . name the toothpaste brand? ………………………………………………………………… (c) Where have you seen this?     Television Internet Radio Cinema (XI) Tick which ever is more applicable in your case.(X/A) Can you recall any advertisement about any another toothpaste brand of electronic media?   Yes No (B) If yes. name the toothpaste brand? ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… (C) Specify the media?     Television Internet Radio Cinema Pepsodent Close – Up Colgate Anchor Neem Miswak Babool Cibaca The advertisement of which brand you like most         Others 81 .(B) If yes. (B) List of the Table Table 1 Distribution of the respondents according to their age and sex. Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 Table 12 Table 13 Table 14 Table 15 Distribution of the respondents according to their marital status Distribution of the respondents according to their education level Distribution of respondents according to their profession Distribution of the respondents according to their income group Distribution of the respondents according to their present brand used Distribution of the respondents according to their time duration of present brand used Earlier brand used by the respondents Response of reasons to change in earlier brand by the respondents Factors affect the change in decision Relative distribution of first source of information Responses of the respondents whether they come across any advertisement Relative distribution of media Effectiveness of advertisement according to the respondents Responses of the respondents regarding impact of advertisement on brand preference 82 . Brand of toothpaste (Out of 76 respondents) Exposure to the media Media habit of the respondents (Multiple Choice) 83 .Table 16 Table 17 Table 18 Table 19 Responses of the respondents regarding recalling of advertisement of toothpaste on electronic media.
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