Tongue in Disease and Remedial Diagnosis – Science-based Homeopathy

March 23, 2018 | Author: Takpire DrMadhukar | Category: Health Sciences, Wellness, Clinical Medicine, Medicine, Diseases And Disorders



10/3/13Tongue in Disease and Remedial Diagnosis – Science-based Homeopathy Tongue in Disease and Remedial Diagnosis August 28, 201 2 · homeopathy Print Post Authors Dr. Nancy Malik BHMS Guest Post Written by Dr. Muhammed Rafeeque, BHMS The tongue (Lingua, Glossa) is a muscular organ in the oral cavity that is associated with the function of deglutition, taste and speech. It acts as an easily accessible mirror of the health of a person, and indicates the state of hydration of the body. Some characteristic changes occur on the tongue in some abnormal conditions or diseases. Hence, the examination of the tongue is very essential and will provide some hints for the clinical and remedial diagnosis. It is very easy to examine the tongue in a conscious patient. Difficulty may arise in unconscious patients and in non cooperative patients, especially the children. Small children may cry if we forcefully open their mouth, hence it can be easily examined by gently pressing above the mental-protuberance with the index finger and gradually opening the mouth, the baby will protrude the tongue automatically. Of course, it is a knack that can be gained only by experience. The clinical examination of the tongue should be done with consideration of following aspects such as shape, size, color, moisture, coating, nature of papillae and the movements. Appearance of tongue in some abnormal conditions: I. Movements: 1. Hemiplegia: Deviation towards the paralyzed side. 2. Tremors: Nervousness, Thyrotoxicosis, Delirium tremens and Parkinsonism. 3. Progressive Bulbar palsy: Wasting and paralysis of the tongue with fibrillation, eventually the tongue gets shriveled and lies functionless on the floor of the mouth. 1/7 glistening. 3. Color : 1. HIV infection – Hairy leukoplakia 7. Hypovolumic shock 6. drnancymalik. 6. Diarrhea 2. increased thirst. Severe anemia – Pallor IV.10/3/13 Tongue in Disease and Remedial Diagnosis – Science-based Homeopathy II. Water volume depletion in a person can lead to peripheral circulatory failure characterized by weakness. Secondary syphilis – Mucous patches that are painless. white.Thick white coating 2. Niacin and some other B-complex deficiency – Bright scarlet or beefy red tongue. Cause is unknown. 7.wordpress. Advanced uraemia (with brownish discoloration) 4. 7. restlessness.Papillae : 1. Coating : 1. Dryness of tongue is seen in: 1. vomiting. opalescent plazues which can’t be scraped off easily. nausea. 9. Hairy tongue – Due to elongation of filiform papillae which is provoked by poor oral and general debility . Diabetes mellitus and hypoadrenalism – Associated with white sloughing lesions. Riboflavin deficiency – Magenta color 6. 2. dry and parched tongue. Advanced uraemia – Brown color 4. 5. Leukoplakia – Keratotic white patch 6. Acute intestinal obstruction 5. Jaundice –Yellowish discoloration 3. Central Cyanosis – Bluish discoloration 2. Niacin and iron deficiency – Atrophic linguae papillae. Hyponatraemia (with hard reddish brown color) III. Geographic tongue – Irregularly shaped red and white patches resembling a map on dorsal and lateral surfaces. Folic acid deficiency – Macrocytic megaloblastic anaemia with glossitis. Vitamin A deficiency – Furrowed tongue 8. Iron deficiency and nutritional megaloblastic anaemia: Smooth tongue is encountered in both. Median rhomboid glossitis – Smooth nodular red area in the posterior mid-line of the tongue. Heat exhaustion 7. Acute illness – white furring V. Nutritional deficiency –Glossitis leading to papillary hypertrophy followed by atrophy. 2/7 . 4. smooth. Ketosis – Brown discoloration 5. Moistness: The moistness of the tongue gives some indication about the state of hydration of the body. Enteric fever. Candidiasis – sloughing white lesions 3. anorexia. Thiamine and riboflavin deficiency – Hypertrophied filiform and fungiform papillae. Later stages of severe illness 3. 4. Peritonitis – Furring of the tongue 8. it should be kept in mind that over-importance to one particular sign or symptom may not be always correct. drnancymalik. hydr. Aconite Napellus: a) Tongue is swollen and white coated.t. Carcinoma :. kali.c.m. thuj. 3.] The peculiar appearance of tongue in some important remedies dulc. phyt. Herpes Simplex :. In secondary syphilis. 2. wherein the miasms get blended and evolved and finally affect the vital organs.c. In Homeopathy. ran. loss of appetite and absence of thirst. tub. c) Cracks in the corners of the mouth. often multiple and grayish yellow with slightly undermining margin. Here the peculiar signs and symptoms will characterize the individual. and all patients with mapped tongue may not be Natrum mur! [Synthesis Repertory>> Mouth >> Mapped tongue: Ant.wordpress. The diseases are the dynamic morbid phenomena which are not different entities. However. However. 2. syph. need not expect a mapped tongue in all Natrum mur patients. we do not treat the diseases. 11. That is why the individualization is the sole mean for prescription .s. nit.Glossitis with macrocytic megaloblastic anaemia and peripheral neuropathy. Syphilis :. which is called strawberry tongue. The internal morbid process is expressed by means of abnormal sensations and functions followed by the appearance of structural changes.Acute vesicular eruption. merc.Shallow ulcers. Antimonium Crudum: a) Tongue coated thick white as if white ars. Tubercular ulcers:. VI. Here the nature of tongue can be taken in to consideration along with other characteristic signs. e) Desire for acids.Ulcers with everted edges and hard base.Syphilitic fissures are longitudinal in direction.m. but a continuous process in the life of an individual. lil. Hence. d) Bitter taste of everything except water. Scarlet fever – Bright red papillae standing out of a thick white fur. lyc. later the white coat disappear leaving enlarged papillae on a bright red surface. multiple shallow ulcers on under surface and sides. ox. cham. TARAX. 3/7 . sul. 4. d) Saltish saliva. Ulcers: 1. Cyanocobalamine deficiency. Hence. kali. Merely looking at one pathological condition and prescription does not come under the domain of Homeopathy. b) White furred appearance.10/3/13 Tongue in Disease and Remedial Diagnosis – Science-based Homeopathy 10. but the diseased individuals are treated by a holistic approach. nat. Hutchinson’s wart on the middle of dorsum of the tongue. ter. b) Tingling on the tip. c) Dryness with intense thirst. In Primary syphilis extra-genital chancre with enlarged submandibular and submental lymph nodes. some abnormal signs on the body can be helpful for the differential remedial diagnosis. lach. In tertiary syphilis Gumma is seen on the mid-line of dorsum. the peculiar nature of the individual should be perceived by taking the totality by exact observation and correct interpretation. d) Bitter taste in the mouth. Red hot and trembling. Apis Mellifica: a. 7. d. e.10/3/13 Tongue in Disease and Remedial Diagnosis – Science-based Homeopathy 3. b) White furred with red edges. c. h. g. Tongue is fiery red. b) Coated dark white. Arsenicum Album: a. Gangrene of tongue. yellow or dark brown. raw. Feels scalded. c) Large and flabby tongue. c) Strawberry appearance. Ulcerated with blue color. swollen. h) Stammering. Baptisia: a) Indicated in typhoid tongue. 8. g) Great thirst for cold 4/7 . Shriveled appearance. c. d) Dryness and heat in tongue. f) Mouth dry as if glazed. Vesicles with stinging and burning pain. b. c) Lips parched dry and cracked. f) Fetid breath with bitter taste in the mouth. Belladonna: a) Tongue is swollen and painful. and with vesicles. drnancymalik. d. e) Cracked and sore surface. d) Red and shining edges. c) Tongue feels scalded. b) Furred appearance with yellow dirty white coating. Thirst for small quantity of cold water in shorter intervals. f.clean and red. e) Erect papillae. d) Dryness with great thirst for cold water.wordpress. The edges and the tip has got redness. sore. 6. Blackish discoloration. Loss of appetite. can swallow liquids only. b) The edges are red. 5. but dread of drinking. b. e) Nausea and vomiting ameliorated by drinking very hot water. 4. e. Tongue is dry. Stinging and burning pain with thristlessness. g. Chelidonium : a) Yellowish tongue with imprint of teeth. Bryonia Alba: a) Marked dryness of tongue. Protrusion is difficult. e) White furred tongue with bitter taste. Muriatic Acid: a) Tongue is pale. Lachesis: a) Tongue is swollen. g) Indurated and looks like burnt. e) Foams at mouth.wordpress. f) Leather like appearance of tongue.10/3/13 Tongue in Disease and Remedial Diagnosis – Science-based Homeopathy 9. b) Heavy. e) Hard lumps can be felt. b) Shows imprint of teeth. c) Feels longer. g) Metallic taste in the mouth. Hyoscyamus: a) Tongue is red. b) Cracked at tip. e. c) Trembling with difficulty in moving. b) Deep ulcers with bluish red edges. red and dry. c) Dryness in the center.) Difficult to protrude. e) Blackish discoloration and softness. c) Scalded sensation. d) Ulcers with fetid odor from mouth. Mercurius: a) Furrow in the upper surface length wise.swollen. dry and cracked. thick with moist coating. 10. d) Fissures in the edges. 11. d) Smooth and polished appearance. f) Moist mouth with great thirst. c) Feels as if burnt. d) Paralysis of tongue. dry and leathery. 12. drnancymalik. e) Snake like protrusion is characteristic 13. Hydrastis: a) White swollen and flabby. c) Protruded with difficulty. 14. f) Cancer of tongue with hemorrhages. b) It is stiff and immovable. b) Fiery red appearance. d) Impaired speech. g) When 5/7 . Crotalus Horridus: a) Tongue red and small but feels swollen. goes to right side. d) It catches on teeth. black base. d) Red shining ulcers on the edges. c) Breath is horrible. d) Fever blisters around mouth. b) Sense of dryness and numbness with tingling. e) Herpes on the tongue. e) Bitter taste in the mouth. c) Dry and red at edges. c) Saliva looks like cotton. Taraxacum: a) Mapped tongue. d) Taste terribly fetid. c) Sensation of hair on the tip.wordpress. 20. b) Coated except red triangular space at the tip. b) White and cracked edges. 16. red. c) Feels raw. e) Sensitive even to soft food. Nux Moschata: a) Very dry and adheres to roof of mouth. g) Loss of taste. with bleeding. 17. red and wet with center furrow. e) pus like taste in mouth. c) Bitter taste in the mouth. Rhus Tox: a) Red and cracked. which comes off in patches leaving red spots. 21.10/3/13 Tongue in Disease and Remedial Diagnosis – Science-based Homeopathy 6/7 . Natrum mur: a) Frothy coating with bubbles on sides. b) Covered with a white film. d) Numb and paralyzed.clean. b) Clean. b) Smooth as if varnished. Pyrogen: a) Dry. c) Ulcers with splinter like pains. d) Mapped tongue. d) Bitter taste and bilious vomiting. 19. 18. drnancymalik. Nitric acid: a) Painful pimples on the sides. f) Red insular patches on the surface. f) Bloody saliva with fetor oris. Nux Vomica: a) First half clean and posterior half covered with deep fur.cracked. b) There is no thirst. f) Desire for milk. 10/3/13 Tongue in Disease and Remedial Diagnosis – Science-based Homeopathy 7/7 .
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