Togakure Ryu Densho.pdf

March 26, 2018 | Author: raulrv1980 | Category: Kanji, Religion And Belief, Unrest



The secrets of the Ninja's breath control method"breathe in" "breathe out" The secret of the Ninja breath control method is just to "breathe in, breathe out, breathe out, breathe in, breathe in, breathe out" repetitively, fast and rhythmically. This breath control method can be used in sports as it meets the theories of modern sport sciences and also as it uplifts concentration. If you are an athlete, you should give it a chance. Hiding yourself by using a spell The Ninjas hid themselves from enemies by using a special spell. Before reciting the spell, cover your mouth and nose with your arm, and make sure that your breath is in a regular condition. Then, recite the spell "Onanichimarishieisowaka." !t is said that by doing this, nobody will notice your e"istence. The meaning of this spell is now unknown though the words are assumed to come from an ancient !ndian language. SHINOBI AR!I "Ninja methods for walking" #hinobi $ruki refers to the ninja%s ability to move stealthfully. $ccording to the &'th century encyclopedia of ninjutsu, called the Bansenshukai ("&),))) rivers flowing into the sea"*, there are our ways of $ruki+ ¢ ,alking with boards tied on the feet to travel over marshlands. ¢ ,alking using a secret gait to enter the adversary%s territory. ¢ ,alking in a silent manner to tread upon wooden floors. ¢ ,alking while using a scabbard to test one%s way. These methods are described in detail in the te"ts but are a bit difficult to interpret due to the fact that they are written in a poetic style. The #oninki, another reference te"t on ninjutsu, refers to &) methods for walking. These ten are called to as $shinami -ukka -o+ ¢ Nuki $shi silent steps by lifting the heel upward in a peeling fashion. ¢ #uri $shi silent walking with a short, gliding step. ¢ #hime $shi silent walking by setting the heel down first. ¢ Tobi $shi walking by doing a small jump with one%s toes. ¢ .ata $shi leaping using only one foot. ¢ / $shi walking with a long stride. ¢ .o $shi walking with a short stride. ¢ .i0ami $shi walking with a stride only one foot in length. ¢ ,ari $shi walking with the feet pointing in opposite directions. ¢ Tsune no $shi normal walking. One of the most well known methods for training in walking methods is called 1kimi no -utsu. 2any traditional martial artists today continue the training of wearing wooden or iron geta (thonged sandals* and walking on ice. This training teaches one to move from one%s hara, or the "belly". !t is easy to see the importance of this type of training when we speak in terms of Taijutsu applications. $fter all, two of the most important lessons for a beginner (and an advanced student, too* are those of moving from one%s hara and striking from the centerline, or spine. The most well known of all of the ninja%%s walking methods is called 3oko $ruki, "sideways walking" (also called .ani $ruki or "crab walking"*. Not only was this used for stealth and infiltration but it was also used in many of the practitioner%s Taijutsu applications. "Gokui no Ji" Gokui no ji" is the name given to this page. The "gokui" are "the secrets of an art, the secret principles or the mysteries". "Ji" are "poems". Some kanji presented here, have a special meaning or principle to it that we try to explain or translate. Most of them have a deeper meaning that is not easy to explain(, take the "nin" character for example. !e hope, however, yo" will enjoy them. The kanji on the left read# "Chihayafuru kami no oshie wa tokoshie ni tadashiki kokoro mio mamoruran" $t translates that "if one has a p"re heart, the gods will grant a happy life". This poem is recited in class %y Soke and other Japanese teachers %efore saying the "Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo". The kanji on the right read# "Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo" $t generally translates that "we seek to %ehold the &great light& or enlightenment". !hen provided with a more detailed translation $ will correct the one here. $bout kanji4 we use two ways of reading these characters. &. onyomi4 from chinese origins, 5many times combined with other on yomi reading characters6. 7)8 of professional writting in onyomi e". N!N, N!N-$ 9. kunyomi4 from japanese origins, 5mostly combined with other kun yomi reading characters67)8 of casual conversation in kunyomi e". shinobu, shinobikomu Takamatsu%s :ssay "The essence of all martial arts and military strategies is self protection and the prevention of danger. Ninjutsu epitomi0es the fullest concept of selfprotection through martial training in that the ninja art deals with the protection of not only the physical body, but the mind and spirit as well. The way of the ninja is the way of enduring, surviving, and prevailing over all that would destroy one. 2ore than merely delivering strikes and slashes, and deeper in significance than the simple outwitting of an enemy4 ninjutsu is the way of attaining that which we need while making the world a better place. The skill of the ninja is the art winning." "!n the beginning study of any combative martial art, proper motivation is crucial. ,ithout the proper frame of mind, continuous e"posure to fighting techni;ues can lead to ruin instead of self development. But this fact is not different from any other beneficial practice in life carried to e"tremes. 2edical science is dedicated to the betterment of health and the relief of suffering, and yet the misuse of drugs and the e"ultation of the physician%s skills can lead people to a state where an individual%s health is no longer within his or her personal control. $ nutritious well balanced diet works to keep a person alive, vital, and healthy, but grossly overeating, over drinking, or taking in too many chemicals is a sure way to poison the body. <overnments are established to oversee the harmonious inter working of all parts of society, but when the rulers become greedy, hungry for power, or lacking in wisdom, the country is subjected to needless wars, disorder, or civil and economic chaos. $ religion, when based on faith developed through e"perience, a broad and ;uesting mind, and an unflagging pursuit of universal understanding, is of inspiration and comfort to people. Once a religion loses its original focus, however, it becomes a deadly thing with which to deceive, control, and ta" the people through the manipulation of their beliefs and fears. !t is the same with the martial arts. The skills of self protection, which should provide a feeling of inner peace and security for the martial artist, so often develop, without a balance in the personality and lead the lesser martial artist into warped realms of unceasing conflict and competition which eventually consume him." "!f an e"pert in the fighting arts sincerely pursues the essence of ninjutsu, devoid of the influence of the ego%s desires, the student will progressively come to reali0e the ultimate secret for becoming invincible the attainment of the %mind and eyes of god%. The combatant who, would win must be in harmony with the scheme of totality, and must be guided by an intuitive knowledge of the playing out of fate. !n tune with the providence of heaven and the impartial justice of nature, and following a clear and pure heart full of trust in the inevitable, the ninja captures the insight that will guide him successfully into battle when he must con;uer and conceal himself protectively from hostility when he must ac;uiesce. The vast universe, beautiful in its coldly impersonal totality, contains all that we call good and bad, all the answers for all the parado"es we see around us. By opening his eyes and his mind, the ninja can responsively follow the subtle seasons and reasons of heaven, changing just as change is necessary, adapting always, so that in the end there is no such thing as surprise for the ninja." Toshitsugu Takamatsu == rd #oke 5grandmaster of Togakure >yu Ninjutsu6 Toga"ure Ryu #The Hidden $oor School% ¢ “Violence is to be avoided, and Ninpo is Bujutsu" ¢ "Sword to be peaceful, and protect family, country and nature" History of Toga"ure Ryu Ninjutsu &ount Hei'(an is )here the *nrya"uji #head+uarters% of Tendai monastery is sited, So'o )as a mon" at this place- but left to li.e for three years in a ca.e as an ascetic, It )as after a dream that he formed the Tendai Shugendo sect of Buddhism, These mon"s today still e/ist and some are still engaged in the !aihogyo #the proper name for the thing )hich e.eryone is refering to as Shugendo%, And it )as )ithin this sect in a small .illage called Toga"ure #no) Toga"ushi% in the prefecture of Nagano #close to the Nagano01unma'"en border% in 2yoshinsetsu National 3ar" in appro/imately 4456 $aisu"e Nishina )as born- a Samurai, It is )ithin the Tendai sect that 768 years later the 99rd So"e of the Ryu is supposed to become :an Abbot:- on &ount Hiei'(an, $aisu"e )as on the losing side of a battle in the 44;8s and )as forced to flee into Iga, Here he )as found by !ain $oshi #possible "no)n as !aga"ure $oshi%, He adopted $oshi's )arrior teachings to his o)n Shugendo and the beginnings of Toga"ure Ryu )here formed, Toga"ure Ryu had a official founding as some martial arts- just $aisu"e and Shima )ho )as also ali.e at the same time and )or"ed )ith $aisu"e, 1oro Toga"ure is recogni(ed as being the person )ho officially formed the family of Toga"ure into the Ninjutsu system that )e learn today, Of the first ; generations- 6 had the name of Toga"ure- as )ith most martial traditions it possibly passed from father to son, It is said that it continued in this )ay until the 4588s #<%, =hen the immediate family died out- the chief branch of the clan Toda too" leadership, The 99rd So"e Ta"amatsu- )as the last member of the Toda line, It )as interesting to note that the 44- 4> and 49th So"e of the Ryu are named after the main to)n of Iga- eno, It )as the tradition in those days to be named after the to)n or .illage that one came from, The >nd So"e of the Ryu- Shima !osanta &inamoto no !anesada- )as a Samurai retainer the ran" of !osho- for one of the most po)erful Samurai generals !iso ?oshina"a- )ho )as a general in the &inamoto army, The &inamoto )here in time #44;6% to become the first hereditary Shoguns, =hen he )as 45- Shima fought against the Tiara family- the ri.als of the &inamoto family, That battle too" place at A)a(u- ?oshina"a )as on the losing side, It is thought that Shima )as )ounded in the battle- and fled to one of the nearby mountainous areas near to the battle site, Shima only did this at the re+uest of ?oshina"a, !aga"ure $oshi- a Ninja of the Ha"uun Ryu found Shima and together they fled to Iga, !aga"ure )as also one of the teachers of $aisu"e Toga"ure- )ho later on too" Shima into his care, The Ha"uun Ryu of Ninjutsu )as founded by 1aryu $oji- but )as later completed by Ha"uun $oji )ho later ga.e the Ryu its name, 9>nd So"e of Toga"ure Ryu- Shinryu"en &asamitsu Toda )as also a master in the Bi"enshin Ryu and )as the s)ord instructor for the To"uga)a Shogunate in the mid 4@th century, So"e of Toga"ure Ryu Togakure >yu Ninjutsu?Ninpo @appo Bikenjutsu 5@idden Aoor #chool6 Aenkei ¢ #oo ¢ !kai ¢ @ogenbo ¢ #akabe Tendo ¢ @achiryu Nyodo 5Tennei :ra &&&)6 ¢ .imon @yobei 5Ninpei :ra &&B&6 CC :nno <yoja ¢ <akumon <yoja ¢ T0umo .aja 3oshiteru 5before &&7B6 ¢ <aryu Aoji ¢ @akuun Aoji ¢ 5.ain6 .agakure Aoshi &. Togakure Aaisuke 5aka Nishina6 5Oho :ra &&D&&&D96 9. #hima .osanta 2inamoto no .anesada 5&&7)6 =. Togakure <oro 5&9))6 E. Togakure .osanta B. .oga .isanta D. .aneko Tomoharu '. Togakure >yuho 7. Togakure <akuun F. .ido .oseki &). !ga Tenryu &&. 1eno >ihei &9. 1eno #enri &=. 1eno 2anjiro &E. !i0uka #aburo &B. #awada <oro &D. O0aru !ppei &'. .imata @achiro &7. .ataoka @ei0aemon &F. 2ori 1genta 9). Toda <ogei 9&. .obe #eiun 99. 2omochi .obei 9=. Tobari Ten0en 9E. Toda #eiryu Nobutsuna 5.wanyei :ra &D9E&DEE6 9B. Toda Gudo Nobuchika 52anji :ra &DB7&D7&6 9D. Toda .angoro Nobuyasu 5Tenna :ra &D7&&')E6 9'. Toda :isaburo Nobumasa 5@oyei :ra &')E&'&&6 97. Toda #hinbei 2asachika 5#hotoku :ra &'&&&'=D6 9F. Toda #hingoro 2asayoshi 5<embun :ra &'=D&'DE6 =). Toda Aaigoro Hhikahide 52eiwa :ra &'DE&7)E6 =&. Toda Aaisaburo Hhikashige 5Bunkwa :ra &7)E6 =9. Toda #hinryuken 2asamitsu 5B. &79E A. &F)F6 ==. Takamatsu Toshitsugu 1oh 5B. &77' A. &F'96 =E. @atsumi 2asaaki 53oshiaki6 5B. &F=& I Jresent6 Happo Bi"enjutsu 4, Taijutsu- Hichojutsu- Na)a')a(a, >, !arate- !oppojutsu- 2utaijutsu, 9, Sojutsu- Naginatajutsu, A, Bojutsu- 2ojutsu- Hanbojutsu, 6, Senban nage- !en Nagejutsu- Shuri"enjutsu, 5, !ajutsu- Suijutsu, 7, Bhi"ujo- 1unrya"u Heiho, ;, Onshinjutsu- &o"u'"a'to'"in'sui 1oton 2uppojutsu, @, !enpo- !odachi- 2uttejutsu- Tessenjutsu, The 4; forms of Toga"ure Bujutsu 4,Taijutsu ' narmed Bombat >,!enpo 0 Ninja !en ' S)ordsmanship 9,Bojutsu ' Staff fighting A,Shuri"enjutsu ' Blade thro)ing 6,!usarigama ' Sic"le and chain 5,?ari ' Spear 7,Naginata ' Halberd ;,Bajutsu ' Horsemanship @,Suiren ' S)imming 48,!aya"ujutsu ' 1unpo)der 44,Bo Rya"u ' Strategies 4>,Bhoho ' *spionage 49,Shinobi Iri ' Infiltration 4A,Intonjutsu ' Cying lo) 46,Hensojutsu ' $isguise 45,Tenmon ' &eteorology 47,Bhimon ' 1eography 4;,Seishin Te"i !yoyo D !yojitsu Ten"an Ho ' Spiritual refinement D 3hilosophy Aiet There is no formal diet, but general guidelines. 3our diet should not be so restrictive that if you had to eat a hamburger, it would not make you sick. ,hen we consider evolution, our genetic code has not caught up with our present lifestyles. Thus, our body is still designed for the "cave man" style diet in many ways. Try to eat unprocessed foods in their natural state if possible. Brown rice in peaceful times 5for health6 and white rice in times of war 5for energy6. Gree0e dried tofu was used by Takeda #hingen to give his soldiers lightweight combat rations. $s for ninja food 5ninja shoku6, there were at least four "field rations" that were designed to be light weight and not re;uiring fire to prepare for eating. These were known as+ hyorogan, kika atsugan, enmeigan, and suikatsugan. .ika atsugan took three years to prepareK @ere is the recipe for hyorogan+ &)) g wheat powder &)) g rice cake powder 5mochi6 == g garlic powder #immer in honey and sake until it thickens to a goo. Gorm the goo into small balls and let them dry.
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