Toelatingsvereistes dokument 2015_.pdf



MINIMUM TOELATINGSVEREISTES VIR VOORGRAADSE STUDIEPOTCHEFSTROOMKAMPUS 2015 MINIMUM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES POTCHEFSTROOM CAMPUS 2015 INDEKS / INDEX Bladsy / Page Algemene toelatingsvereistes ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 General Admission requirements ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Toelatingsvereistes Cambridge- en ander stelsels ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Admission requirements Cambridge and other systems ............................................................................................................................................................ 14 Fakulteitspesifieke toelatingsvereistes / Faculty-specific admission requirements Fakulteit Lettere en Wysbegeerte ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Faculty of Arts ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 Faculty of Natural Sciences ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 40 Fakulteit Teologie ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 49 Faculty of Theology ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49 Fakulteit Regte ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 53 Faculty of Law ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 53 Fakulteit Opvoedingswetenskappe ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 55 Faculty of Education Sciences .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 55 Fakulteit Ingenieurswese ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 61 Faculty of Engineering ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 61 Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe ........................................................................................................................................................................ 64 Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences ....................................................................................................................................................................... 64 Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 70 Faculty of Health Sciences ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 70 MINIMUM TOELATINGSVEREISTES VIR VOORGRAADSE STUDIE (POTCHEFSTROOMKAMPUS) 2015 (VIR ALLE VORME VAN ONDERRIG) HOKR-belyning Soos alle ander Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite is die NWU tans besig om al hul kwalifikasies en programme te belyn met die Hoëronderwyskwalifikasiesubraamwerk, wat deel van die Hoëronderwyskwalifikasieraamwerk uitmaak. Hierdie projek is die sleutelmeganisme deur middel waarvan die Universiteit verseker dat akademiese programme oor die drie kampusse heen met mekaar belyn is. Al ons akademiese programme lei tot die toekenning van 'n spesifieke kwalifikasie, wat beteken dat op al die kampusse waar 'n spesifieke program aangebied word, dit in ooreenstemming moet wees met die doel, rasionaal, toelatingsvereistes, leeruitkomste, kredietstruktuur en assesseringskriteria van die betrokke kwalifikasie. Terwyl die programme by die kwalifikasiestandaarde van die spesifieke kwalifikasie moet hou, word 'n mate van 'n toegewing ten opsigte van die kontekstuele werklikhede op die onderskeie kampusse gemaak. Daar kan op die onderskeie kampusvlakke oor aangeleenthede soos spesifieke assesseringstake en die seleksie van keusemodules besluit word. 1. ALGEMENE TOELATINGSVEREISTES Met inagneming van die Algemene Reëls en Fakulteitsreëls soos vervat in die betrokke jaarboeke en met spesifieke verwysing na Reël A.5 (wat bepaal dat ‟n Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat* verwerf is en dat daar voldoen is aan die minimum statutêre vereistes vir toelating tot Diploma-** en/of B-graadstudie*** aan ‟n universiteit in die RSA), behou die Universiteit hom die reg voor om die volgende keuringsmodel toe te pas, aan die hand van welke resultate oorweging aan kandidate se aansoeke verleen sal word. * NSS-vereistes: ‟n Prestasie van “3” (40-49%) in drie vakke behaal (waarvan een ‟n amptelike taal op Huistaalvlak) en ‟n “2” (30-39%) in drie ander vakke, op voorwaarde dat ‟n portefeulje as bewys ingedien word van die skoolgebaseerde assesseringskomponent (KASS) van die (sewende) vak wat gedruip is. ** Diplomavereistes: ‟n NSS, gesertifiseer deur Umalusi, met ‟n prestasie van “3” (40-49%) in ten minste vier erkende 20-kredietvakke. *** B-graadvereistes: ‟n NSS gesertifiseer deur Umalusi, met ‟n prestasie van “4” (50-59%) of beter in ten minste vier 20-kredietvakke wat op die lys van aangewese vakke is en hoogstens twee erkende vakke. VERPLIGTE VAKKE – Groep A (Ook aangewese vakke) 1) Twee amptelike tale (Behaal ‟n “4” in die taal van onderrig op HT of EAT-vlak). 2) Wiskunde of Wiskundige Geletterdheid. 3) Lewensoriëntering (nie bereken in die APS nie en ook nie ‟n aangewese vak nie). AANGEWESE VAKKE (Behaal ‟n “4” (50-59%) in minstens vier van hierdie vakke) Rekeningkunde Inligtingstegnologie Landbouwetenskappe Tale (Slegs een addisionele taal (3de taal) bykomend tot die twee verpligte tale in Groep A mag aangebied word as ʼn aangewese vak vir universiteitstoelating) Besigheidstudies Lewenswetenskappe Verbruikerstudies Wiskundige Geletterdheid 2 Dramakunste Ekonomie Ingenieursgrafika- en Ontwerp Aardrykskunde/Geografie Geskiedenis Wiskunde Musiek Fisiese Wetenskappe Religiestudies Visuele Kunste ERKENDE VAKKE (Maksimum twee van hierdie vakke) Landboubestuurspraktyk Landboutegnologie Dansstudies **Tale (Amptelike tale op Tweede-Addisionele-Taalvlak en nie-amptelike tale) Ontwerp Siviele Tegnologie Meganiese Tegnologie Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie Elektriese Tegnologie Gasvryheidstudies Toerisme LYS VAN AMPTELIKE TALE Afrikaans Engels IsiNdebele IsiZoeloe SiSwati IsiXhosa LYS VAN NIE-AMPTELIKE TALE Sesotho Sepedi Setswana Xitsonga Tshivenda Arabies Duits (HT) Hebreeus Italiaans Portugees (HT) Tamil (HT) Oerdoe (HT) Frans Goedjarati (HT) Hindi (HT) Latyn Spaans Teloegoe (HT) Slegs een taal mag uit elk van die twee taalgroepe aangebied word: (a) IsiNdebele, SiSwati, IsiXhosa en IsiZoeloe. (b) Sepedi, Sesotho en Setswana. Neem asseblief kennis dat die Universiteit omrede spesifieke kapasiteitsbepalings hom die reg voorbehou om kandidate vir toelating tot bepaalde studierigtings te keur. Dit beteken dat voornemende studente wat aan die minimum toelatingsvereistes voldoen, nie noodwendig tot die betrokke kursusse toegelaat sal word nie. Weens kapasiteitsbeperkinge en die ooraanbod van studente in bepaalde studierigtings sal studente op grond van hulle skolastiese prestasie gekeur word vir toelating tot hierdie rigtings. 3 # Keuringsmodel: Bepaling van die Akademiese Prestasieskaal (APS) NSS-beoordelingswaarde 8 (90 -100%) 7 (80 - 89%) 6 (70 - 79%) 5 (60 - 69%) 4 (50 - 59%) 3 (40 - 49%) 2 (30 - 39%) 1 ( 0 - 29%) APS-telling 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1   Die prestasie wat in 6 vakke behaal is, word gebruik om die APS-telling te bereken. Die APS-punt wat vir Lewensoriëntering (LO) behaal is, word nie in berekening gebring by die berekening van die APS-telling nie. ‟n APS-punt wat in LO behaal is op skaal 5 of hoër sal alleenlik in aanmerking geneem word by die oorweging van grensgevalle of as aanbeveling vir toelating tot bepaalde programme.  ‟n Student wat een APS-skaalpunt minder behaal as wat vereis word vir ‟n bepaalde studierigting, kan op grond van die diskresie van die senaat voorwaardelik tot ‟n bepaalde studierigting toegelaat word. So ‟n student sal deur die suksesvolle aflegging van ‟n senaatsgoedgekeurde toelatingseksamen wat by die Matrikulasieraad geregistreer is, moet bewys dat hy/sy oor die vermoë beskik om tot universiteitstudies toegelaat te word.  ‟n Student wat voorwaardelike vrystelling verwerf, kan onder bepaalde voorwaardes tot sekere studieprogramme toegelaat word. 4 Geskiedenis. 4. Biologie (indien nie onder Groep III aangebied nie).2. Besigheidstudie of Rekeningkunde. 5.  Moet Engels as 1e of 2e taal aanbied. Natuur. ‟n Derde Taal goedgekeur deur die Komitee van Hoofde (wat nie vir doeleindes van Groep I of Groep II aangebied is nie). 5 .EN ANDER ONDERWYSSTELSELS 2. Rekenaarstudie. ‟n Tweede Taal goedgekeur deur die Komitee van Hoofde. GROEP I GROEP II GROEP III GROEP IV GROEP V ‟n Eerste Taal goedgekeur deur die Komitee van Hoofde.  Minstens een vak uit groep 1 of 2.en Skeikunde/Fisiese Wetenskappe (indien nie onder Groep III aangebied nie) of Wiskunde (indien nie onder Groep III aangebied nie).  Minstens twee vakke uit groep 3. Ekonomie. Biologie. (Moet dus ten minste 4 verskillende groepe aanbied)  Moet ten minste Wiskunde op IGCSE slaag om erkenning vir enige vak uit groep 5 as HIGCSE te kry. Ontwerp en Tegnologie. 1 x IGCSE (=SG-vakke). TOELATINGSVEREISTES TEN OPSIGTE VAN DIE CAMBRIDGE. Moet slaag in: 4 x HIGCSE (=HG-vakke). Natuur.1 ALGEHELE VRYSTELLING OP GROND VAN HIGCSE EN IGCSE VLAK EKSAMENS VAN UCLES Die Matrikulasieraad sal ‟n sertifikaat van volle vrystelling uitreik indien daar aan die volgende vereistes voldoen word:  Moet 5 vakke slaag.en Skeikunde of Wiskunde. Aardrykskunde/Geografie. APS 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NSS VLAK (%) 8 (90-100%) 7 (80-89%) 6 (70-79%) 5 (60-69%) 4 (50-59%) 3 (40-49%) 2 (30-39%) 1 (0-29%) SS HG A B C D E F G SS SG A B C D E F OMSKAKELINGSTABEL IGCSE/ GCSE HIGCSE / NSSC OL/ NSSC HL O-Level Gr-11 Gr.Ordinary Level AS – Advanced Subsidiary Level IB – International Baccalaureate (Higher Levels & Standard Levels) 6 IB SL 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 .12 1 2 3 A B C D/E F/G 4 NSS – Nasionale Senior sertifikaat (Voltooide Graad 12 in 2008 en daarna) SS HG – Senior Sertifikaat Hoërgraad (Voltooide Graad 12 voor 2008 ) SS SG – Senior Sertifikaat Standaardgraad (Voltooide Graad 12 voor 2008) HIGCSE – Higher International General Certificate of Secondary Education IGCSE – International General Certificate of Secondary Education A B C D E F G AS-Level A B C D E A-level IB HL A B C D E 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NSSC HL – Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (Higher Level) NSSC OL – Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (Ordinary Level) A-Level – Advanced Level O-Level . Hebreeus (indien nie aangebied onder Groep II). of vier goedgekeurde vakke. Biologie. GROEP IV : Kuns. Afrikaans. Grieks. 7 . Italiaans (indien nie aangebied onder Groep II). Chemie.2 ‘’A-LEVELS’’ Vir matrikulasievrystelling moet die kandidaat tydens een of meer aanbiedings van die eksamen slaag in ten minste vyf vakke wat vir hierdie doel goedgekeur word deur die Komitee van Hoofde. GROEP V : Rekeningkunde. waarvan drie Gevorderde-Vlak-vakke moet wees en die ander vak ‟n goedgekeurde GewoneVlak-vak kan wees. Italiaans. Chemie (indien nie aangebied onder Groep II). Biologie (indien nie aangebied onder Groep II). Die kandidaat moet in die genoemde vier of vyf vakke ten minste een vak insluit vanuit elk van die volgende groepe: GROEP I : GROEP II : GROEP lll : 2. Chemie. asook twee vakke uit twee aparte groepe nl. ‘’ADVANCED SUPPLEMENTARY AND ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY EXAMINATION’’ : Matrikulasievrystelling kan slegs verkry word deur ten minste vyf vakke te slaag op die Gevorderde Aanvullende Vlak en die Gewone Vlak of die Gevorderde Subsidiêre . Frans (indien nie aangebied onder Groep II). moet een vak uit Groepe 1 en 11 onderskeidelik insluit. Frans. GROEP III : ‟n Derde taal wat goedgekeur is deur die Komitee van Hoofde (wat nie aangebied word vir doeleindes van Groep I of II nie). Wiskunde. GROEP II : ‟n Tweede taal wat goedgekeur is deur die Komitee van Hoofde. Fisika. Hebreeus. Wiskunde (indien nie aangebied onder Groep II). Geskiedenis. IV of V. 2. Portugees (indien nie aangebied onder Groep II) en Dierkunde/Soölogie. waarvan ten minste twee goedgekeurde Gevorderde-Vlak-vakke moet wees en die res goedgekeurde Gewone-Vlak-vakke moet wees. Fisika-met-Chemie. Rekenaargeletterdheid. Nederlands (indien nie aangebied onder Groep II). 'n Leerder wat slegs drie vakke op die Gevorderde Vlak (AS-level) slaag. Ontwerp en Tegnologie of Verdere Wiskunde.en die Gewone Vlak. Nederlands. Plantkunde/Botanie. kan vir Senaatsdiskresionêre toelating in aanmerking kom / GROEP I : ‟n Eerste taal wat goedgekeur is deur die Komitee van Hoofde. Ekonomie. Wiskunde of Fisika. Duits. Groepe III. Portugees of enige ander taal wat deur die Komitee van Hoofde goedgekeur word.3 Engels. Musiek of Fisika (indien nie aangebied onder Groep II). Biologie. Besigheidstudies. Aardrykskunde/Geografie. Dié vier vakke (AS-level). of enige ander taal wat goedgekeur word deur die Komitee van Hoofde (indien nie aangebied onder Groep II).1 Erkende SAT-tellings tot Maart 2005 Die SAT-tellings wat aan die minimum toelatingsvereistes voldoen vir toelating tot voorgraadse studies in Suid-Afrika is soos volg: SAT l: Totale telling van 1050 uit die 1600 punte met ‟n subminimum van 500 vir Wiskunde asook die Verbale telling.4.2. Latyn (indien nie aangebied onder Groep II). of SAT ll: Totale telling van 1050 uit die 1600 punte met ‟n subminimum van 500 vir Engels asook Fisika of Chemie. waarvan vier op die Gevorderde Vlak (AS-level) geslaag moet word.4 ACE – SCHOOL OF TOMORROW 2. wat ingesluit word in die nuwe SAT om die belangrikheid van skryfvaardigheid te versterk.4. Wêreldgeskiedenis of Biologie met ‟n subminimum van 500 vir Engels en vir die ander vaktelling of  Vanaf Maart 2005: ‟n SAT I-telling van 1600 met ‟n subminimum van 550 vir Kritiese Lees en 500 vir Wiskunde en 500 vir die Skryfafdeling of 2.4. 2.‟‟ ACE School of Tomorrow NCSC‟‟ of die‟‟ ACE School of Tomorrow ICCE‟‟ en Stap 2: Geslaagde afhandeling van enigeen van die volgende vyf kombinasies van kwaliteitsversekeringstoetse:  SAT I-telling van 1050 met ‟n subminimum van 500 vir Wiskunde asook die Verbale telling of  SAT I-telling van 1050 vir Engels en een van Fisika. Chemie.2 Erkende SAT-tellings vanaf Maart 2005 Die volgende afsnypunte vir die nuwe SAT-toets vir die „‟ACE School of Tomorrow‟‟ sal aanvaar word:  ‟n Minimum totale telling van 1600 met ‟n subminimum van 550 vir die Kritiese Leesafdeling. Die nuwe SAT verskil van die SAT l in die opsig dat die nuwe SAT ‟n telling van 2400 het en die SAT l ‟n telling van 1600.2.4.3 Erkende SAT-tellings vanaf Januarie 2008 Vanaf 1 Januarie 2008 kan mense wat in besit is van „‟ACE School of Tomorrow‟‟-skoolkwalifikasies aansoek doen om toelating tot baccaleureusgraadstudies indien hulle aan die volgende HESA-toelatingsvereistes (par 31) voldoen: Stap 1: Geslaagde afhandeling van die „‟ACE School of Tomorrow Grade 12 Graduation Certificate‟‟. ten opsigte waarvan die volgende verskille geld:   ‟n Derde van die totale meting behels skryfvaardigheid. Vanaf Maart 2005 geld die nuwe SAT.4  AARP-toetstellings Vanaf September 2008 moet die volgende minimum rou tellings behaal word in die AARP-eksamen wat afgeneem word deur die Universiteit van Kaapstad se Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED) (Sentrum vir Hoëronderwysontwikkeling (SHO)): 8 . 500 vir die Wiskundeafdeling en 500 vir die Skryfafdeling.    PTEEP – Verbal Reasoning Test (Verbale-beredeneringstoets): MACH – Maths Achievement Test (Wiskundeprestasietoets): MCOM – Maths Comprehension Test (Wiskundebegripstoets): 60% 50% 45% of  Vanaf Januarie 2008 moet die volgende minimum rou tellings behaal word in die AARP-eksamen wat afgeneem word deur die Universiteit van Kaapstad se CHED (tipies in die geval van leerders wat nie aansoek doen om toelating tot fakulteite wat Wiskunde vereis nie):   PTEEP -Verbal Reasoning Test (Verbale-beredeneringstoets): RT .5  National Benchmark Test (NBT) (Nasionale normtoets) 'n Stap 1-gelyste skoolsertifikaat vir houers wat VANAF JANUARIE 2010 getoets is en wat aan een van die volgende twee stelle toetsvereistes volgens die onderskeie fakulteite voldoen:  Vir leerders wat aansoek doen by fakulteite wat Wiskunde vereis: Die volgende minimum routellings vir die HESA Nasionale Normtoetse (NNT) (Engels: National Benchmark Tests (NBT)).Reasoning Test (beredeneringstoets): 60% rou telling 58% rou telling of 2. uitgevoer deur die Universiteit Kaapstad se Sentrum vir Hoëronderwysontwikkeling (SHO):  Academic Literacy (Akademiese Geletterdheid) (AL): 65%  Quantitative Literacy (kwantitatiewe Geletterdheid) (QL): 52%  MATH (Wiskunde) (Mathematics): 48% of  Vir leerders wat aansoek doen by fakulteite wat nie Wiskunde vereis nie: Die volgende routellings vir die HESA Nasionale Normtoetse (NNT) . uitgevoer deur die Universiteit Kaapstad SHO:  Academic Literacy (Akademiese Geletterdheid) (AL): 65%  Quantitative Literacy (Kwantitatiewe Geletterdheid) (QL): 52% en 9 .4. word vrygestel van die verpligte Senaatsgoedgekeurde toelatingstoets. gekies uit die NS (V) Vlak 4-vakke. 10 .4.5 NASIONALE SERTIFIKAAT (BEROEPS-) VLAK 4 UITGEREIK DEUR RAAD VIR ALGEMENE EN VERDERE ONDERWYS EN OPLEIDING 'n Student moet: (a) Minstens 60% behaal in drie fundamentele vakke. insluitende die taal van onderrig en leer in die hoëronderwysinstansie. (c) Universiteitstoelatingseksamen .6 Universiteitstoelatingseksamen Implikasies vir individue wat in besit is van ‟n plaaslike ACE School of Tomorrow Graad 12-Kollegetoelatingsertifikaat en wat die nuwe SAT/AARP geskryf het. in ooreenstemming met die Senaatsdiskresionêre toelatingsroete. Inligting is onderhewig aan verandering. is dat hulle ook ‟n senaatgoedgekeurde toelatingstoets moet slaag om te kan kwalifiseer vir toegang tot voorgraadse studies op grond van die senaatsdiskresionêre toelatingsroete. NB Die ACE-skole se kandidate skryf vanaf 2012 die Nasionale Seniorsertifikaat eksamen en verwerf matriekvrystelling en toelating tot tersiêre studie normaalweg soos al die ander Nasionale Seniorsertifikaat-kandidate. 2. Studente wat die Nasionale Normtoets geskryf het. Skakel die Toelatingsafdeling vir die jongste inligting en besonderhede. (b) Minstens 70% behaal in vier beroepsvakke.die implikasie vir houers van die plaaslike Nasionale Sertifikaat (Beroeps-) Vlak 4 wat uitgereik is deur die Raad vir Algemene Onderwys en Opleiding is dat hulle ook 'n Senaatsgoedgekeurde toelatingstoets moet slaag ten einde te kwalifiseer vir toelating tot eerste graadstudies.Stap 3: 2. This project is the key mechanism by means of which the University ensures that its academic programmes are aligned with each other across the three campuses. credit structure and assessment criteria of that qualification. *NSC requirements: An achievement of “3” (40-49%) in three subjects (one of which is an official language at Home Language level) and a “2” (30-39%) in three other subjects. learning outcomes. 1. All our academic programmes lead to the award of a particular qualification. provided that a portfolio of evidence in the school-based assessment (CASS) component is submitted in the (seventh) subject failed. admission requirements. on the basis of which consideration will be given to a candidate‟s application. 3) Life Orientation (not taken in account for APS purposes and not a designated subject). rationale. Matters such as specific assessment tasks and the choice of elective modules could be decided on at the different campus levels. the NWU is currently busy with the alignment of all its qualifications and programmes with the Higher Education Qualifications sub-Framework. DESIGNATED SUBJECTS (Obtain a “4” (50-59%) in at least four of these subjects) Accounting Agricultural Sciences Business Studies Consumer Studies Dramatic Arts Information Technology Languages (Only one additional language (3rd) over and above the two compulsory languages in Group A may be offered as a designated subject for university admission) Life Sciences Mathematical Literacy Mathematics 11 . some allowance is made in terms of the contextual realities at the various campuses. *** B degree requirements: A National Senior Certificate (NSC) certified by Umalusi with an achievement of “4” (50-59%) or better in at least four 20-credit subjects that are on the list of designated subjects. the University reserves the right to apply the following screening model . which forms part of the National Qualifications Framework. While programmes must adhere to the qualification standards of the particular qualification.MINIMUM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES (POTCHEFSTROOM CAMPUS) 2015 (FOR ALL FORMS OF TUITION) HEQC-allignment As all other South African universities. which means that at all the campuses where a specific programme is offered it must be consistent with the purpose. ** Diploma requirements: A National Senior Certificate (NSC) certified by Umalusi with an achievement of “3” (40-49%) in at least four recognised 20-credit subjects. COMPULSORY SUBJECTS – Group A (Also designated subjects) 1) Two official languages (an achievement of “4” in the language of education at HL or FAL level).5 (which determines that a National Senior Certificate* must be obtained and that the minimum statutory requirements for admission to Diploma** and/or B degree # studies*** at a university in the RSA must be met). 2) Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy. GENERAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS With due cognisance of the General Rules and Faculty Rules as contained in the relevant calendars and with specific reference to Rule A. IsiXhosa and IsiZulu. the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain fields of study.59%) 3 (40 .39%) 1 ( 0 . Sesotho and Setswana.79%) 5 (60 . Please note that. # Screening model: Calculating the Academic Achievement Point Score (APS) NSC rating 8 (90 -100%) 7 (80 .Economics Engineering Graphics and Design Physical Sciences Geography History Music Religion Studies Visual Arts RECOGNISED SUBJECTS (Maximum two of these subjects) Agricultural Management Practices Agricultural Technology Dance studies **Languages (Official languages at 2nd Additional and non-official languages) Design Civil Technology Mechanical Technology Computer Applications Technology Electrical Technology Hospitality Studies Tourism * LIST OF OFFICIAL LANGUAGES Afrikaans English IsiNdebele IsiZulu SiSwati IsiXhosa Sesotho Sepedi Setswana Xitsonga Tshivenda **LIST OF NON-OFFICIAL LANGUAGES Arabic German (HL) Hebrew Italian Portuguese (HL) Tamil (HL) Urdu (HL) French Gujurati (HL) Hindi (HL) Latin Spanish Telegu (HL) Only one language from each of the language groups may be offered: (a) IsiNdebele.69%) 4 (50 . Because of the capacity limitations and the high demand from students for admission to particular fields of study. SiSwati.49%) 2 (30 . This means that prospective students who comply with the minimum requirements may not necessarily be admitted to the courses in question.29%) APS Score 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 . (b) Sepedi.89%) 6 (70 . students will be selected on the basis of their scholastic achievements for admission to these fields. owing to specific capacity constraints.  The results of 6 subjects are used to determine the APS score. A pass at level 3 is required to obtain an NSC. An achievement level of 5 in LO and higher will.  A student who obtains discretionary exemption may be admitted to certain study programmes on certain conditions. 13 .  A student who achieves one APS scale point less than required for a specific study course.  The achievement in Life Orientation (LO) will not be used in computing the APS score. be regarded as a recommendation for admission in boundary cases and admission to certain programmes. may at the discretion of the senate be admitted conditionally to a particular field of study. however. 1 FULL EXEMPTION ON THE BASIS OF HIGCSE AND IGCSE LEVEL EXAMINATIONS OF UCLES The Matriculation Board will issue a certificate of full exemption if the following requirements are met:  Must pass 5 subjects.2. Geography. History. Computer Science. (Must therefore offer at least 4 different groups).  At least one subject from group 1 or 2.  At least two subjects from group 3. GROUP I : GROUP II : GROUP III : GROUP IV : GROUP V : A First Language approved by the Committee of Principals. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CAMBRIDGE AND OTHER SYSTEMS 2. Biology (if not offered under Group III). Biology. 4. Economics. 5. Must pass in 4 x HIGCSE (=HG subjects). Physics and Chemistry or Mathematics. Business Studies or Accountancy 14 . Physics and Chemistry (if not offered under Group III) or Mathematics (if not offered under Group III).  Must pass at least Mathematics on IGCSE to get recognition for any subject from group 5 as HIGCSE. A Second Language approved by the Committee of Principals. A Third Language approved by the Committee of Principals (not offered for purposes of Group I or Group II). 1 x IGCSE (=SG subjects). Design and Technology.  Must offer English as 1st or 2nd language. 12 1 2 3 A B C D/E F/G 4 15 A B C D E F G AS-Level A B C D E A-level IB HL A B C D E 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 IB SL 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 .APS 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NSS LEVEL (%) 8 (90-100%) 7 (80-89%) 6 (70-79%) 5 (60-69%) 4 (50-59%) 3 (40-49%) 2 (30-39%) 1 (0-29%) SS HG A B C D E F G SS SG A B C D E F Conversion table IGCSE/ GCSE HIGCSE / NSSC OL/ NSSC HL O-Level Gr-11 Gr. German. Biology. Portuguese or any other language approved by the Committee of Principals. Greek. Hebrew. Hebrew (if not offered under Group ll). French (if not offered under Group ll). or any other language approved by the Committee of Principals (if not offered under Group ll). Chemistry.NSC – National Senior Certificate (completed Grade 12 in 2008 and thereafter) SC HG – Senior Certificate Higher Grade (completed Grade 12 before 2008) SC SG – Senior Certificate Standard Grade (completed Grade 12 before 2008) HIGCSE – Higher International General Certificate of Secondary Education IGCSE – International General Certificate of Secondary Education 2. Dutch. French. three of which shall be approved Advanced Level subjects and the remaining subject an approved Ordinary Level subject. Latin (if not offered under Group ll). Italian (if not offered under Group ll). Greek (if not offered under Group ll). German (if not offered under Group ll). or four approved subjects. Geology.2 NSSC HL – Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (Higher Level) NSSC OL – Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (Ordinary Level) A-Level – Advanced Level O-Level . Physics.Ordinary Level AS – Advanced Subsidiary Level IB – International Baccalaureate (Higher Levels & Standard Levels) A LEVELS For matriculation exemption a candidate must at one or more sittings for the examination obtain a pass in a minimum of either five subjects approved by the Committee of Principals for this purpose. at least two of which shall be approved Advanced Level subjects and the remainder approved Ordinary Level subjects. Latin. Portuguese (if not offered under Group ll) and Zoology. Such a candidate must include in the above-mentioned four or five subjects at least one subject selected from each of the following groups: GROUP l : GROUP ll : GROUP lll : English Language Afrikaans. Italian. Botany. General Science. Dutch (if not offered under Group ll). Physics-with-Chemistry. Mathematics. 16 . or SAT ll: Total score of 1050 in the 1600 point score with a subminimum of 500 for English as well as Physics or Chemistry. A second language approved by the Committee of Principals. Business Studies. IV or V. Economics. The new SAT differs from the SAT l in that the new SAT score adds up to 2400 instead of the 1600 of the SAT I. Geography. four of which have to be passed on the Advanced Level (AS Level). Chemistry. A third language approved by the Committee of Principals (not offered for the purpose of Group l or ll). Mathematics or Physics. and has been included in the new SAT to reinforce the importance of writing.2 Recognised SAT scores as of March 2005 The following cut-off points will be accepted for the new SAT Test for the ACE School of Tomorrow:  Minimum total score of 1600 with a sub-minimum of 550 for the Critical Reading section. Biology (if not offered under Group ll). 2. A student who passes only three subjects on the Advanced Level (AS Level) may be considered for Senate-discretionary admission GROUP l : GROUP ll : GROUP lll : GROUP lV : GROUP V : A first language approved by the Committee of Principals.4.3 Recognised SAT scores as from January 2008 As from 1 January 2008. Biology. Chemistry (if not offered under Group ll). Mathematics (if not offered under Group ll).4 ACE – SCHOOL OF TOMORROW 2. History.4. 2.4. 2. Accounting. Design and Technology or Further Mathematics. Computing.2.3 ADVANCED SUPPLEMENTARY AND ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY LEVEL EXAMINATION Matriculation exemption can only be obtained by passing at least five subjects on the Advanced Supplementary Level and the Ordinary Level or the Advanced Subsidiary and Ordinary Level. 500 for the Mathematical section and 500 for the Writing section. Art.1 Recognised SAT scores up to March 2005 The SAT scores recognised as meeting the minimum admission requirements for admission to first degree studies in South Africa are: SAT l: Total score of 1050 in the 1600 point score with a subminimum of 500 for the Mathematics as well as the Verbal score. Music or Physics (if not offered under Group ll). holders of ACE School of Tomorrow school qualifications may apply for admission to bachelor‟s degree studies if they have met the following minimum HESA admission requirements (par 31): 17 . in respect of which the following differences apply:   A third of the total score for skills involves writing. and two subjects must be passed from two different groups from among Groups III. The new SAT was introduced in March 2005. The four subjects (AS Level) must include one subject from Groups 1 and 2 respectively. Step 1: Completion of the ACE School of Tomorrow Grade 12 Graduation Certificate.4. World History or Biology with a subminimum of 500 for English and for the other subject score or  As from March 2005.4 AARP Test Scores:  As from September 2006 the following minimum raw scores apply for the AARP examinations conducted by the University of Cape Town‟s Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED):    PTEEP (Verbal Reasoning Test): MACH (Maths Achievement Test): MCOM (Maths Comprehension Test): 60% 50% 45% or  As from January 2008 the following minimum raw scores for the AARP examinations conducted by University of Cape Town‟s CHED (typical for learners not applying to faculties requiring Mathematics):   PTEEP (Verbal Reasoning Test): RT (Reasoning Test): 60% raw score 58% raw score or 18 . Chemistry. ACE School of Tomorrow NCSC or the ACE School of Tomorrow ICCE and Step 2: Successful completion of any one of the following five combinations of quality assurance tests  SAT I score of 1050 with a subminimum of 500 for the Verbal and Mathematics scores or  SAT I score of 1050 for English and one of Physics. a SAT I score of 1600 with a subminimum of 550 for Critical Reading and 500 for Mathematics and 500 for the Writing section or 2. Contact the Admissions Section for the latest information. Information is subject to change.4.The implication for holders of the local National certificate (vocational) level 4 issued by council for general education and training is that they also have to pass a senate-approved admission test in order to qualify for admission to first degree studie in accordance with the senate discretionary admission route.2. including the language of learning and teaching in the higher education institution.5 NATIONAL CERTIFICATE (VOCATIONAL) LEVEL 4 ISSUED BY COUNCIL FOR GENERAL AND FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING A student must: (a) Achieve at least 60% in three fundamental subjects. (c) University Admission Examination .6 University Admission Examination The implication for holders of the local ACE School of Tomorrow Grade 12 College Entrance Certificate taking the new SAT/AARP is that they also have to pass a senate-approved admission test in order to qualify for admission to first degree studies. chosen from the NC (V) Level 4 subjects.4.5  National Benchmark Test (NBT) A step 1–listed school cerfiticate for holders tested AS FROM JANUARY 2010 meeting one of the following two sets of test requirements according to respective faculties:  For learners applying to faculties requiring Mathematics: the following minimum raw scores for the HESA National Benchmark Tests (NBT) conducted by University of Cape Town‟s CHED:  Academic Literacy (AL): 65%  Quantitative Literacy (QL): 52%  MATH (Mathematics): 48% or  For learners applying to faculties not requiring Mathematics: the following raw scores for the HESA National Benchmark Tests (NBT) conducted by University of Cape Town‟s CHED:  Academic Literacy (AL): 65%  Quantitative Literacy (QL): 52% and Step 3: 2. Since 2012 the candidates of the ACE schools write their National Senior Certificate examinations and obtain matriculation exemption and admission to further tertiary study in the same way as all the other National Senior Certificate candidates. (b) Achieve at least 70% in four vocational subjects. in accordance with the senate discretionary admission route. 19 . 2. Keuringsprogram: Aansoeke sluit 30 Junie. APS Score: The results achieved in the at least four designated and two recognized NSC subjects are used to determine the APS score. Language requirement: A pass at level 4 (50-59%) in the language of instruction on either the Home or First additional Language level. owing to specific capacity constraints. verkieslik voor 31 Mei. preferably before 31 May. Taalvereiste: „n Slaagsyfer van 50-59% (vlak 4) in die taal van leer en onderrig op Huisstaal. Students are requested to apply for admission as soon as possible. Resultate behaal in Lewensoriëntering word nie in berekening gebring nie. Neem asseblief kennis dat die Universiteit omrede spesifieke kapasiteitsbepalings hom die reg voorbehou om kandidate vir toelating tot bepaalde studierigtings te keur. Weens kapasiteitsbeperkinge en die ooraanbod van studente in bepaalde studierigtings sal studente op grond van hulle skolastiese prestasie gekeur word vir toelating tot hierdie rigtings. 20 . Dit beteken dat voornemende studente wat aan die minimum toelatingsvereistes voldoen. Keuringsresultate word saam met die APS-telling oorweeg en bogenoemde moet dus slegs as minimum vereistes gesien word. Laat aansoeke sal op meriete oorweeg word. Studente word aangeraai om so spoedig moontlik. students will be selected on the basis of their scholastic achievements for admission to these fields.of Eerste Addisionele taalvlak.FAKULTEITSPESIFIEKE TOELATINGSVEREISTES / FACULTY SPECIFIC ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS FAKULTEIT LETTERE EN WYSBEGEERTE / FACULTY OF ARTS BEREKENING VAN APS-TELLING / CALCULATION OF APS SCORE 1 2 3 *¹ 4 APS-telling: Die prestasie behaal in „n minimum van vier aangewese en twee erkende NSS-vakke word gebruik om die APS-telling te bereken. This means that prospective students who comply with the minimum requirements may not necessarily be admitted to the courses in question. nie noodwendig tot die betrokke kursusse toegelaat sal word nie. The results obtained in Life Orientation will not be used in the computation of the APS score. Please note that. Late applications will be considered on merit. *¹Selection programme: Applications close 30 June. Because of the capacity limitations and the high demand from students for admission to particular fields of study. the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain fields of study. aansoek om toelating te doen. Selection results will be considered with the APS score and therefore the above should only be seen as minimum requirements. but is simultaneously interpreted in English (year level 1 . . maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk (jaarvlak 1 .3).GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BA Ontwikkeling en Bestuur BA Development and Management (3 jr/yrs) 1001331 VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST APS TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION - Openbare Bestuur en Regeerkunde Public Management and Governance 1001331 L304P 20 21 Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans.3). The language of instruction for this curriculum is Afrikaans. ECON121). ECON121) word minstens 'n vlak 3 (40% . 22 .59%) in 'n ander eksamen in Wisk.49%) in Wiskunde vir graad 12 vereis. Economics: To be admitted to Ecomonics (ECON111. maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk (jaarvlak 1 – 3). 20 Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans.59%) KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST APS 20 20 Ekonomie: Vir toelating tot Ekonomie (ECON111. vereis.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BA Ontwikkeling en Bestuur BA Development and Management (3 jr/yrs) vervolg/continue 1001331 Openbare Bestuur en Menslikehulpbronbestuur en Arbeidsverhoudinge Public Management and Human Resource Management and Labour Relations 1001331 L305P Openbare Regeerkunde en Politiek met Regsvakke Public Governance and Politics with Law Subjects 1001331 L306P Openbare Bestuur en Regering met Ekonomie Public Management and Governance with Economics 1001331 L307P VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wiskundige Geletterdheid vlak 4 (50 59%) Mathemetics literacy vlak 4 (50 . but is simultaneously interpreted in English (year level 1 – 3). 20 The language of instruction for this curricula is Afrikaans. wat die Senaat as gelykwaardig aan voorgenoemde ag. WISN113 of WISN123). at least a level 3 (40 – 49%) for mathemetics for grade 12 is required. in die graad 12 eksamen in Wisk ‟n punt van minstens vlak 3 (40% 49%) of minstens vlak 4 (50% . maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk (jaarvlak 1 – 3). but is simultaneously interpreted in English (year level 1 – 3). Openbare Bestuur en Regering met Sosiologie Public Management and Governance with Sociology 1001331 L308P TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulums is Afrikaans. Wiskundige tegniek Vir toelating tot Wisk Tegnieke (WISN112. The language of instruction for this curriculum is Afrikaans. but is simultaneously interpreted in English (year level 1 – 3). Frans. met die uitsondering van Engels.en Literatuurstudie BA Language and Literature Studies (3 jr/yrs) 1001401 Afrikaans en Nederlands en Engels plus Skryfkuns en/of Vertaal en Tolkstudie Afrikaans and Dutch and English plus Creative Writing and Translation and/or Interpretation Studies 1001401 L331P Afrikaans en Nederlands en Duits plus Skryfkuns en/of Vertaal en Tolkstudie Afrikaans and Dutch and German plus Creative Writing and Translation and/or Interpretation Studies 1001401 L332P Vir toelating tot Afrikaans: Taal sonder grense (AFNP111) en Afrikaanse en Nederlandse Taal. Duits en Setswana. with the exception of English. French. Afrikaans en Nederlands en Frans plus Skryfkuns en/of Vertaal en Tolkstudie Afrikaans and Dutch and French plus Creative Writing and Translation and/or Interpretation Studies 1001401 L333P 23 APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION 20 Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans. To be admitted to Afrikaans: Language without borders (AFNL 111) and Afrikaans and Dutch Language and literary studies (AFNL 121). . German and Setswana. The language of instruction for this curriculum is Afrikaans.en Literatuurstudie (AFNP121) word minstens 'n vlak 4 in Afrikaans as huistaal of 'n vlak 5 in Afrikaans as eerste addisionele taal vir graad 12 vereis.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Openbare Bestuur en Omgewing Public Management and Environment 1001331 L309P BA Taal. maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk (jaarvlak 1 – 3). The language of instruction for this curriculum is Afrikaans. 20 Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans. at least a level 4 for Afrikaans as home language or a level 5 for Afrikaans as first additional language for grade 12 is required. Frans.en Literatuurstudie (AFNP121) word minstens 'n vlak 4 in Afrikaans as huistaal of 'n vlak 5 in Afrikaans as eerste addisionele taal vir graad 12 vereis. Duits en Setswana. Engels en Frans plus Skryfkuns en /of Vertaal en Tolkstudie English and French plus Creative Writing and Translation and/or Interpretation Studies 1001401 L336P Engels en Setswana (derde taal) plus Skryfkuns en /of Vertaal en Tolkstudie English and Setswana (third language) plus Creative Writing and Translation and/or Interpretation Studies 1001401 L337P Duits en Frans plus Skryfkuns en /of Vertaal en Tolkstudie German and French plus Creative Writing and Translation and/or Interpretation Studies 1001401 L338P 24 APS 20 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans. The language of instruction for this curriculum is Afrikaans. German and Setswana. To be admitted to Afrikaans: Language without borders (AFNL 111) and Afrikaans and Dutch Language and literary studies (AFNL 121). at least a level 4 for Afrikaans as home language or a level 5 for Afrikaans as first additional language for grade 12 is required. .GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BA Taal. with the exception of English. French.en Literatuurstudie BA Language and Literature Studies (3 jr/yrs) vervolg/continue 1001401 Afrikaans en Nederlands en Setswana (derde taal) plus Skryfkuns en/of Vertaal en Tolkstudie Afrikaans and Dutch and Setswana (third language) plus Creative Writing and Translation and/or Interpretation Studies – 1001401 L334P Engels en Duits plus Skryfkuns en /of Vertaal en Tolkstudie English and German plus Creative Writing and Translation and/or Interpretation Studies 1001401 L335P VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Vir toelating tot Afrikaans: Taal sonder grense (AFNP111) en Afrikaanse en Nederlandse Taal. met die uitsondering van Engels. Duits en Setswana. German and Setswana. .en Tolkstudie SA Sign Language and language modules plus Creative Writing and / or Translation and Interpretation Studies 100140 L342P 25 APS 20 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans. Frans. at least a level 4 for Afrikaans as home language or a level 5 for Afrikaans as first additional language for grade 12 is required.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BA Taal. French. The language of instruction for this curriculum is Afrikaans. met die uitsondering van Engels. with the exception of English.en Literatuurstudie (AFNP121) word minstens 'n vlak 4 in Afrikaans as huistaal of 'n vlak 5 in Afrikaans as eerste addisionele taal vir graad 12 vereis. Setswana (eerste taal) plus taalmodules Setswana (first language) plus language modules 1001401 L341P SA Gebaretaal en tale plus Skryfkuns en / of Vertaal.en Literatuurstudie BA Language and Literature Studies (3 jr/yrs) vervolg/continue 1001401 Duits en Setswana (derde taal) plus Skryfkuns en /of Vertaal en Tolkstudie German and Setswana (third language) plus Creative Writing and Translation and/or Interpretation Studies 1001401 L339P Frans en Setswana (derde taal) plus Skryfkuns en/of Vertaal en Tolkstudie French and Setswana (third language) plus Creative writing and Translation and/or Interpretation Studies 1001401 L340P VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Vir toelating tot Afrikaans: Taal sonder grense (AFNP111) en Afrikaanse en Nederlandse Taal. To be admitted to Afrikaans: Language without borders (AFNL 111) and Afrikaans and Dutch Language and literary studies (AFNL 121). „n Diploma in Musiek of „n gelykwaardige kwalifikasie waarin die modules vir die finale jaar geslaag is met „n gemiddeld van ten minste 60% OF „n APS-telling van ten minste 21.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS BA Music and Society 3 jr/yrs) Only offered in English 1001481 L325P *¹ Keuring: Aansoeke sluit 31 Augustus Laat aansoeke sal op meriete oorweeg word. *¹ Selection: Applications close 31 August Late applications will be considered on merit. Candidates will be expected to write a placement test for music theory of which the level will be on par with Grade II Unisa or Grade III Royal Schools. Daar sal van kandidaat verwag word om „n plasingstoets in musiekteorie (gelykstaande aan Graad II Unisa of Graad III Royal Schools) te skryf. candidates will be required to perform at least three pieces that are on par with Grade III Unisa or Grade IV Royal Schools. Vir die praktiese oudisie sal daar van kandidaat verwag word om ten minste drie werke voor te dra wat gelykstaande aan die Graad III Unisa of Graad IV Royal Schools praktiese eksamens is. 26 APS 21 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Ja/ Yes English . „n Praktiese oudisie moet suksesvol afgelê word. For the practical audition. A Diploma in Music or an equivalent qualification in which the modules for the final year were passed with and average of at least 60% OR An APS of at least 21 and a music aptitude test as well as a practical audition must be completed successfully. GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BMus (4 jr/yrs) 1141011 L416P BA Gedragswetenskappe BA Behavioural Sciences (3 jr/yrs) 1001431 L300P VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS *¹ Keuring: Aansoeke sluit 31 Augustus Laat aansoeke sal op meriete oorweeg word. but it is simultaneously interpreted in English. or another equivalent standard in Music approved by the Senate. but it is simultaneously interpreted in English. Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans. or at least 60% (5) in Music as a designated NSC subject). Students who do not fully comply with the entry requirements. Graad VII in een instrument en graad V in teorie (UNISA). A practical audition and a theoretical placement test must be completed successfully. of ‟n ander gelykwaardige standaard in Musiek wat deur die Senaat goedgekeur word. maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. Studente wat nie ten volle aan die toelatingsvereistes voldoen nie. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. of minstens 60% (5) in Musiek as aangewese NSS-vak. *¹ Selection: Applications close 31 August Late applications will be considered on merit. Grade VII in one instrument and grade V in theory (UNISA). . could be considered for conditional entry into a bridging year. kan oorweeg word vir voorwaardelike toelating tot ‟n oorbruggingsjaar. Wiskundige Geletterdheid op vlak 4 (50%59%) 27 APS 21 20 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Ja/ Yes Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans. maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. ‟n Praktiese oudisie en ‟n teoretiese plasingstoets moet suksesvol afgelê word. GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS BA Erfenis.en Kultuurtoerismebestuur BA Heritage and Cultural Tourism Management (3 jr/yrs) 100176 L301P APS 20 28 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Afrikaans . ATSN121) inskryf nie. maar tog kommunikasieprobleme ondervind.121/ GERB 111. b) Die aanbied van die elektiewe modules AFNE211. maar 'n student moet wel oor 'n matrikulasievrystellingsertifikaat beskik. Ekstra werk in Nederlands tot die bevrediging van die vakgroep kan van hierdie studente vereis word. maar in die kurrikulums waar Geskiedenis as die hoofvak voorkom. c) Studente wat aan die toelatingsvereistes vir AFNP111 en AFNP121 voldoen. AFNE212 en AFNE213 in „n gegewe jaar kan beïnvloed word deur die aantal studente wat vir die module registreer asook. word verwys na die Voorsitter van die Vakgroep Afrikaans en Nederlands Afrikatale Studente wat 'n Sothotaal soos Setswana.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA B Sosiale Wetenskappe B Social Sciences (BSocSc) (3 jr/yrs) 9091001 Individu en Samelewing Individual and Society 9091001 L301P Sosiale Dinamika Social Dynamics 9091001 L302P Politiek en Samelewing Politics and Society 9091001 L303P Kultuur en Samelewing Culture and Society 9091001 L304P Omgewing en Samelewing Environment and Society 9091001 L305P Ekonomie en Samelewing Economics and Society 9091001 L306P VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Afrikaans en Nederlands a) Vir toelating tot Afrikaans: Taal sonder grense (AFNP111) en Afrikaanse en Nederlandse Taal. navorsingsverpligtinge en verlofreëlings van dosente. but there is no interpretation on third year level for curricula where History is the main module (thus in these curricula the modules on first and second year level are interpreted. kan nie vir die derdetaalkursusse van Setswana (ATSN111.word daar nie op die derde vlak getolk nie( maw die derdejaarvlak word nie getolk nie maar wel die eerste en tweede vlak) Interpretation is currently available for all curricula.en Literatuurstudie (AFNP121) word minstens 'n vlak 4 in Afrikaans as huistaal of 'n vlak 5 in Afrikaans as eerste addisio¬nele taal vir graad 12 vereis. Duits a) Voorkennis van Duits is nie 'n voorvereiste om vir GERM111. b) Ná suksesvolle aflegging van 'n toelatingstoets in sy/haar eerste studiejaar kan 'n student wat Duits as vak in die graad 29 APS 20 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Alle kurrikulums word tans getolk. Suid-Sotho (Sesotho) of Noord-Sotho (Sepedi) as huistaal in die graad 12-eksamen geslaag het of een van die tale as moedertaal het. but not the modules on third year level) .121 te registreer nie. 121/GERB111.49%) in Wiskunde vir graad 12 vereis. 121 of GERB111.221 is die suksesvolle voltooiing van GERM121 of GERB121. 121) word minstens 'n vlak 3 (40% . Die krediete vir GERM111. e) Krediete kan nie vir beide GERM111. 121 word in so 'n geval egter steeds slegs toegeken indien die student vir hierdie modules geregistreer het en hulle suksesvol voltooi het. English a) ENLL111 (Academic module): It is strongly recommended that students with a matriculation result of 60% or more in L2.321 is die suksesvolle voltooiing van GERM221. c) 'n Student wat 'n taalsertifikaat in Duits aan 'n taalinstituut (wat spesialiseer in Duits as 'n vreemde taal) verwerf het en/of oor voorkennis en kommunikasie vaardighede beskik wat ekwivalent is aan die uitkomsvlak van GERM111. Die student ontvang egter geen krediete vir die module waarvan hy vrygestel is nie. b) ENLL 121: To register for the second semester academic module (ENLL121). 221. d) Die registrasievoorvereiste vir GERM211.12-eksamen geslaag het vir GERM211.121 kan ná suksesvolle aflegging van 'n toelatingstoets erkenning ontvang vir GERM111/ GERB111 of GERM111 én 121/GERB111 én 121 en toestemming van die direkteur van die Skool vir Tale ontvang om in te skryf vir GERM121/GERB121 of GERM211. Ekonomie Vir toelating tot Ekonomie (ECON111. or a result of 50% or more in L1 should choose this course.121 verwerf word nie. 221 in sy/haar tweede studiejaar registreer. Students who fail to 30 .121 en GERB111. Die registrasievoorvereiste vir GERM 311. a student must have obtained a mark of 60% or more for the academic module of the first semester (ENLL111). 121/FREB111. However. moet óf in die graad 12 eksamen in Wiskunde ‟n punt van minstens 40% (vlak 3) of minstens 50% (vlak 4) in 'n ander eksamen in Wiskunde behaal het wat die Senaat as gelykwaardig aan voorgenoemde ag. word toegelaat om met FREN211. 31 . d) Krediete kan nie vir beide FREN111 en FREB111 en ook nie vir beide FREN121 en FREB121 verwerf word nie. Wiskunde 'n Student wat Wiskundige Tegnieke (WISN112. the English subject group retains the right to consider individual cases on merit. Hierdie registrasie mag eers vanaf die tweede studiejaar gedoen word. kan nie vir FREN111. 221 aan te gaan. Frans a) „n Student wat Frans as vak in die graad 12-eksamen geslaag het. b) Studente met voorafkennis van Frans sal toegelaat word om direk te registreer vir FREN211 ná die suksesvolle aflegging van „n toets. c) Studente wat FREB111 en 121 geslaag het.121 registreer nie. WISN113 of WISN123) wil neem.obtain 60% for their module mark of the first semester (ENLL 111) will be streamed into the service-/ practical module of the second semester (ENLS 122). GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BA (Grafiese Ontwerp) BA (Graphic Design) (4 jr/yrs) 1881011 Grafiese Ontwerp (Kunsgeskiedenis en Illustrasie) Graphic Design (History of Art and Illustration) 1881011 L401P Grafiese Ontwerp (Kommunikasie) Graphic Design (Communication) 1881011 L409P BA Kommunikasie BA Communication (3jr/yrs) 1001591 L327P VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS *¹ Keuringsprogram: Aansoeke sluit 15 Julie. Laat aansoeke sal op meriete oorweeg word. Late applications will be considered on merit. Late applications will be considered on merit. *¹ Keuringsprogram: Aansoeke sluit 30 Junie. *¹ Selection programme: Applications close 15 July. Keuring wat geskied aan die hand van ‟n fotoportefeulje van grafiese of kunswerke en „n vaardigheidstoets in praktiese projekte. Skool vir Kommunikasiestudies) Slegs „n beperkte aantal studente word toegelaat. and a skills test in practical projects. as well as an academic record and an interview. maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. Slegs 'n beperkte aantal studente word toegelaat. *¹ Selection programme: Applications close 30 June. Selection on the basis of a photo portfolio of graphics or works of art. 32 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION 22 Ja Yes Afrikaans 24 Ja Yes Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans. Laat aansoeke sal op meriete oorweeg word. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. APS . but it is simultaneously interpreted in English. (The guidelines for the selection application are set out in the prospectus of Graphic Design. (Die riglyne vir die keuringsaansoek is uiteengesit in die prospektus van Grafiese Ontwerp. School of Communication Studies) Only a limited number of students will be admitted. sowel as „n akademiese rekord en 'n onderhoud. en Literatuurstudie (AFNP121) word minstens 'n vlak 4 in Afrikaans as huistaal of 'n vlak 5 in Afrikaans as eerste addisio¬nele taal vir graad 12 vereis. but it is simultaneously interpreted in English. . A Portfolio must be submitted with the application. maar tog kommunikasieprobleme ondervind. Afrikaans en Nederlands a) Vir toelating tot Afrikaans: Taal sonder grense (AFNP111) en Afrikaanse en Nederlandse Taal. maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. Besonderhede van die portefeulje kan by die Toelatingskantoor aangevra word. word verwys na die Voorsitter van die Vakgroep Afrikaans en Nederlands 33 APS 20 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Afrikaans Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. c) Studente wat aan die toelatingsvereistes vir AFNP111 en AFNP121 voldoen. Ekstra werk in Nederlands tot die bevrediging van die vakgroep kan van hierdie studente geverg word. AFNE212 en AFNE213 in „n gegewe jaar kan beïnvloed word deur die aantal studente wat vir die module registreer asook navorsingsverpligtinge en verlof¬reëlings van dosente. b) Die aanbied van die elektiewe modules AFNE211.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BA Kommunikasie (vervolg) BA Communication (continued) (3jr/yrs) 1001591 L327P BA Geesteswetenskappe BA Humanities (3 jr/yrs) 1001351 Geografie en die Geesteswetenskappe Geography and the Humanities 1001351 L315P Geskiedenis en die Geesteswetenskappe History and the Humanities 1001351 L316P Kunsgeskiedenis en die Geesteswetenskappe History of Art and the Humanities 1001351 L317P Politieke Studie en die Geesteswetenskappe Political Study and the Humanities 1001351 L318P VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS „n Portefeulje moet saam met die aansoek ingehandig word. Particulars regarding the portfolio can be obtained at the Admissions Office. Only a limited number of students will be admitted. kan nie vir die derdetaalkursusse van Setswana (ATSN111. 221 in sy/haar tweede studiejaar registreer.321 is die suksesvolle voltooiing van GERM221.121 verwerf word nie.221 is die suksesvolle voltooiing van GERM121 of GERB121.121 kan ná suksesvolle aflegging van 'n toelatingstoets erkenning ontvang vir GERM111/ GERB111 of GERM111 én 121/GERB111 én 121 en toestemming van die direkteur van die Skool vir Tale ontvang om in te skryf vir GERM121/GERB121 of GERM211. Duits a) Voorkennis van Duits is nie 'n voorvereiste om vir GERM111. Suid-Sotho (Sesotho) of Noord-Sotho (Sepedi) as huistaal in die graad 12-eksamen geslaag het of een van die tale as moedertaal het. Die student ontvang egter geen krediete vir die module waarvan hy vrygestel is nie. 221. c) 'n Student wat 'n taalsertifikaat in Duits aan 'n taalinstituut (wat spesialiseer in Duits as 'n vreemde taal) verwerf het en/of oor voorkennis en kommunikatiewe vaardighede beskik wat ekwivalent is aan die uitkomsvlak van GERM111. 121 word in so 'n geval egter steeds slegs toegeken indien die student vir hierdie modules geregistreer het en hulle suksesvol voltooi het. Die krediete vir GERM111.121 te registreer nie. Die registrasievoorvereiste vir GERM 311.Sosiale Antropologie en die Humaniora Social Anthropology and the Humaniora 1001351 L319P BA Geesteswetenskappe BA Humanities (vervolg/continue) (3 jr/yrs) 1001351 Psigologie en Tale Psychology and Languages 1001351 L320P Afrikatale Studente wat 'n Sothotaal soos Setswana.121/GERB111.121/ GERB 111. 121 of GERB111. b) Ná suksesvolle aflegging van 'n toelatingstoets in sy/haar eerste studiejaar kan 'n student wat Duits as vak in die graad 12-eksamen geslaag het vir GERM211.121 en GERB111. e) Krediete kan nie vir beide GERM111. Ekonomie 34 . d) Die registrasievoorvereiste vir GERM211. ATSN121) inskryf nie. maar 'n student moet wel oor 'n matrikulasievrystellingsertifikaat beskik. Hierdie registrasie mag eers vanaf die tweede studiejaar gedoen word. However. Skryfkuns Toelating tot SKRK111 kan onderhewig gestel word aan die voorlegging van 'n kreatiewe skryfstuk wat deur die voorsitter van die vakgroep gekeur word.Vir toelating tot Ekonomie (ECON111.121 registreer nie. the English subject group retains the right to consider individual cases on merit. or a result of 50% or more in L1 should choose this course. Die tolkinternskap word onderneem by die Direktoraat Taalsake 35 . Vertaal. b) ENLL 121: To register for the second semester academic module (ENLL121). kan nie vir FREN111. b) Studente met voorafkennis van Frans sal toegelaat word om direk te registreer vir FREN211 ná die suksesvolle aflegging van „n toets. Students who fail to obtain 60% for their module mark of the first semester (ENLL 111) will be streamed into the service-/ practical module of the second semester (ENLS 122). Frans a) „n Student wat Frans as vak in die graad 12-eksamen geslaag het. c) Studente wat FREB111 en 121 geslaag het. 121/FREB111. tweede semester 'n keuse tussen LAPP321 en LAPP322. 221 aan te gaan. English a) ENLL111 (Academic module): It is strongly recommended that students with a matriculation result of 60% or more in L2.en Tolkstudie a) Studente het in hulle derde jaar.49%) in Wiskunde vir graad 12 vereis. 121) word minstens 'n vlak 3 (40% . d) Krediete kan nie vir beide FREN111 en FREB111 en ook nie vir beide FREN121 en FREB121 verwerf word nie. a student must have obtained a mark of 60% or more for the academic module of the first semester (ENLL111). word toegelaat om met FREN211. Wiskunde 'n Student wat Wiskundige Tegnieke (WISN112. moet óf in die graad 12 eksamen in Wiskunde ‟n punt van minstens 40% (vlak 3) of minstens 50% (vlak 4) in 'n ander eksamen in Wiskunde behaal het wat die Senaat as gelykwaardig aan voorgenoemde ag.van die NWU op die Potchefstroomkampus.en tolkstudie en studente behoort dus vaardig in Afrikaans wees ten einde die modules te kan neem. word aangeraai om reeds in hulle tweede jaar betrokke te raak by die tolkaktiwiteite van die Direktoraat Taalsake van die NWU op die Potchefstroomkampus. 36 . WISN113 of WISN123) wil neem. b) Studente wat van plan is om die internskap in tolkwerk (LAPP321) te volg. c) Afrikaans is die primêre teikentaal vir modules in Vertaal. Philosophy and Industrial Psychology 1001351 L325P 37 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Afrikaans .GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS BA Geesteswetenskappe BA Humanities (vervolg/continue) (3 jr/yrs) 1001351 APS 20 Sosiologie en Tale Sociology and Languages 1001351 L321P Etiek. Filosofie en Bedryfsielkunde Ethics. Politics and Economics (PPE) 100 135 L334P Etiek. Politiek en Ekonomie(PPE) Ethics. Philosophy. Philosphy and Languages 100 135 L332P Etiek. Philosophy and Industrial Psychology 100 135 L335P Etiek. Filosofie. Philsophy and Mathematics 100 135 L338P 38 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Afrikaans . Filosofie en Rekenaarwetenskap Ethics. Philopshy and Computer Science 100 135 L337P Etiek. Filosofie en Tale Ethics. Filosofie en Bedryfsielkunde Ethics. Philosophy and Social Sciences 100 135 L333P Etiek. Filosofie en Psigologie Ethics.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wiskunde en die Geesteswetenskappe Mathematics and the Humanities 1001351 L329P APS 20 Latyn en die Geesteswetenskappe Latin and the Humanities 1001351 L330P Geografie en die Geesteswetenskappe Geography and the Humanities 100 135 L331P Etiek. Filosofie en Wiskunde Ethics. Filosofie en Sosiale Wetenskappe Ethics. Philosophy and Psychology 100 135 L336P Etiek. Fisiese Wetenskappe. Mathematics passed with at least 50% in grade 12 or Mathematics passed with at least 60% in another exam which Senate deems to be the equivalent of the above-mentioned and at least one of the following subjects passed with at least 50% in grade 12: Information Technology. Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat of „n gelykwaardige kwalifikasie.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA Baccalaureus Artium (Taaltegnologie) Baccalaureus Artium (Language Technology) (4jr/yrs) 1911001 L425P Taaltegnologie met Rekenaarwetenskap Language Technology with Computer Science 1911001 L425P Taaltegnologie met „n Taalhoofvak Language Technology with a Language major 1911001 L426P Diploma in musiek (DM) Diploma in Music (DM) (3jr/yrs) 926100 L206P VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wiskunde in graad 12 geslaag met minstens 50% of Wiskunde met 60% geslaag in 'n ander eksamen wat die Senaat as gelykwaardig aan bogenoemde ag en minstens een van die volgende vakke met minstens 50% in graad 12 geslaag: Inligtingstegnologie. *¹ Keuringsprogram: Aansoeke sluit 31 Augustus Laat aansoeke sal op meriete oorweeg word. 39 APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST 24 15 TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Afrikaans Yes English . A student must successfully complete a musical aptitude test and an interview with the selection panel. Accountancy. *¹ Selection programme: Applications close 31 August Late applications will be considered on merit. Physical Sciences. National Snr Certificate or equivalent qualification. Rekeningkunde. „n Musikale aanlegtoets en onderhoud met „n keuringspaneel moet suksesvol afgelê word. APS Score: The results obtained in four prescribed designated and two NSC subjects are used for the calculation of the APS Score. Mathematics requirement: A student who wishes to follow any module in Mathematics. uitgesonderd Wiskundige Tegnieke (WISN112. met dien verstande dat persone wat langs hierdie weg toelating wil kry tot programme wat andersins vir hulle ontoeganklik sou wees. 'n Student wat Wiskundige Tegnieke (WISN112. kan in die tweede studiejaar toelating tot WISN111 verkry deur in die eerste studiejaar die module in Wiskundige Tegnieke (WISN112. in ag moet neem dat hulle moontlik nie hulle studie in die minimum tydperk sal kan afhandel nie. Taalvereiste: „n Slaagsyfer van 50-59% (vlak 4) in die taal van leer en onderrig op Huisstaal. they may be considered for admission to Mathematical modules. Statistiese en Wiskundige Wetenskappe aangebied word. WISN113 of WISN123). WISN113 or WISN123) in the first study year. can gain admission to WISN111 in the second study year by passing the module Mathematical Techniques (WISN112. moet óf in die graad 12-eksamen in Wiskunde ‟n punt van minstens 40% (vlak 3) of minstens 50% (vlak 4) in 'n ander eksamen in Wiskunde behaal het wat die Senaat as gelykwaardig aan voorgenoemde ag. Voornemende studente wat nie aan die graad 12-vereiste voldoen om vir WISN111 in te skryf nie. Indien sodanige studente voldoende presteer in die toetse wat tydens hierdie kursus afgeneem word. Prospective students who do not meet the grade 12 requirement for enrolling for WISN111. If such students perform satisfactorily in the tests taken during this course. maar in Wiskunde wel ‟n punt van minstens 50% (vlak 4) of minstens 60% (vlak 5) in ‟n ander eksamen in Wiskunde wat die Senaat as gelykwaardig aan bogenoemde ag. Language requirement: A pass at level 4 (50-59%) in the language of instruction on either the Home or First additional Language level. WISN113 of WISN123) te slaag. but who managed to obtain a Mathematics mark of at least 50% (level 4) or at least 60% (level 5) in another Mathematics exam considered by the Senate as equivalent to the above. WISN113 of WISN123) wil neem. en ook nie die opknappings. kan hulle in aanmerking kom vir toelating tot studie in Wiskundemodules. Opmerkings: Studente wat nie hieraan voldoen nie. and who have not attended the refresher course. Comments: Students who do not meet these requirements. word toegelaat tot 'n opknappingskursus in Wiskunde wat in Januarie deur die Skool vir Rekenaar-. moet in die graad 12 eksamen in Wiskunde „n punt van minstens 60% (vlak 5) of minstens 70% (vlak 6) in ‟n ander eksamen in Wiskunde wat die Senaat as gelykwaardig aan bogenoemde ag.kursus bygewoon het nie. provided that persons seeking to follow this route to obtain admission to programmes that would otherwise have been inaccessible to them. WISN113 or WISN123). must have obtained a mark of at least 60% (level 5) in the grade 12 Mathematics exam or at least 70% (level 6) in another Mathematics exam considered by the Senate as equivalent to the above. must have obtained a mark of at least 40% (level 3) in the grade 12 Mathematics exam or at least 50% (level 4) in another Mathematics exam considered by the Senate as equivalent to the above. behaal het. Wiskunde-vereiste: „n Student wat enige module in Wiskunde wil volg. are admitted to a refresher course in Mathematics presented in January by the School of Computer. A student who wishes to take Mathematical Techniques (WISN112. The results obtained in Life Orientation are excluded.FAKULTEIT NATUURWETENSKAPPE / FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES BEREKENING VAN APS-TELLING / CALCULATION OF APS SCORE 1 2 3 a) b) i) ii) iii) 4 a) b) i) ii) iii) APS-telling: Die prestasie behaal in vier aangewese en twee NSS-vakke word in die berekening van die APS-telling gebruik. 40 . behaal het.of Eerste Addisionele taalvlak. should take into consideration that they may not be able to complete their studies in the minimum period. WISN113 or WISN123). with the exception of Mathematical Techniques (WISN122. Statistical and Mathematical Sciences. Die punt behaal in Lewensoriëntering word nie in berekening gebring nie. the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain fields of study. owing to specific capacity constraints. Students are requested to apply for admission as soon as possible. Laat aansoeke sal op meriete oorweeg word. 41 . Because of the capacity limitations and the high demand from students for admission to particular fields of study. Studente word aangeraai om so spoedig moontlik. students will be selected on the basis of their scholastic achievements for admission to these fields.5 *¹ *¹ Keuringsprogram: Aansoeke sluit 30 Junie. preferably before 31 May. aansoek om toelating te doen. Dit beteken dat voornemende studente wat aan die minimum toelatingsvereistes voldoen. nie noodwendig tot die betrokke kursusse toegelaat sal word nie. verkieslik voor 31 Mei. Neem asseblief kennis dat die Universiteit omrede spesifieke kapasiteitsbepalings hom die reg voorbehou om kandidate vir toelating tot bepaalde studierigtings te keur. Selection programme:Applications close 30 June. Late applications will be considered on merit. This means that prospective students who comply with the minimum requirements may not necessarily be admitted to the courses in question. Weens kapasiteitsbeperkinge en die ooraanbod van studente in bepaalde studierigtings sal studente op grond van hulle skolastiese prestasie gekeur word vir toelating tot hierdie rigtings. Please note that. Sc. APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION 24 Afrikaans 24 Afrikaans Chemie-Fisika Chemistry-Physics 200190 N151P Chemie-Wiskunde .Chemie Physiology – Chemistry 200190 N177P BSc Rekenaar. Fisika-Rekenaarwetenskap Physics – Computer Science 200191 N153P 42 .Sc.en Wiskundige Wetenskappe BSc Computer and Mathematical Sciences (3jr/yrs) 200191 Wisk. Fisiese-Chemiese Wetenskappe B. Maths 200190 N155P Chemie – Biochemie Chemistry – Biochemistry 200190 N174P Fisiologie .Toeg. Mathematics level 5 (60-69%) and Physical Science at level 4 (50-59%). vlak 5 (60-69%) en Fisiese Wetenskap vlak 4 (50-59%).Wisk Chemistry-Mathematics .App. Physical and Chemical Sciences (3 jr/yrs) 200190 VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wisk. Mathematics level 5 (60-69%) plus level 4 (50-59%) in Physical Science.Wisk. Maths 200190 N152P Fisika-Wiskunde Physics-Mathematics 200190 N154P Fisika-Toeg.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA B. Physics.App. vlak 5 (60-69%) en Fisiese Wetenskap op vlak 4 (50-59%). Economics 200191 N175P Wiskunde – Ekonomie Mathematics – Economics 200191 N176P Inligtingstegnologie – Rekenaarwetenskap Information Technology – Computer Science 264100 N150P 43 .en Wiskundige Wetenskappe BSc Computer and Mathematical Sciences (3jr/yrs) 200191 VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wisk. Mathematics at level 5 (60-69%).GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BSc Rekenaar. 24 Afrikaans Wisk Vlak 4 (50-59%) 24 Afrikaans Rekenaarwetenskap – Statistiek Computer Science Statistics 200191 N156P Rekenaarwetenskap – Wiskunde Computer Science – Mathematics 200191 N157P Statistiek – Wiskunde Statstics – Mathematics 200191 N158P Wiskunde Mathematics 200191 N159P Rekenaarwetenskap – Ekonomie Computer Science . APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION 24 Afrikaans Wiskunde vlak 5 (60-69%). vlak 5 (60-69%) en Fisiese Wetenskap op vlak 4 (50-59%). Mathematics level 5 (60-69%) and Physical Science at level 4 (50-59%). Chemie-Plantkunde Chemistry-Botany 200118 N149P Dierkunde-Biochemie Zoology-Biochemistry 200118 N160P Dierkunde-Chemie Zoology-Chemistry 200118 N161P Mikrobiologie-Biochemie Microbiology-Biochemistry 200118 N167P Mikrobiologie-Chemie Microbiology-Chemistry 200118 N168P Plantkunde-Biochemie Botany-Biochemistry – 200118 N170P Geologie-Chemie Geology-Chemistry 200118 N180P 44 APS 24 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Afrikaans .en Biologiese Wetenskappe BSc Environmental and Biological Sciences (3jr/yrs) 200118 VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wiskunde vlak 5 (60-69%) en Fisiese Wetenskap vlak 4 (50-59%).GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BSc Omgewings. Mathematics level 5 (60-69%) and Physical Science level 4 (50-59%). Mathematics level 4 (50-59%) and Physical Science level 4 (50-59%).en Biologiese Wetenskappe BSc Environmental and Biological Sciences (3jr/yrs) 200118 VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wiskunde vlak 4 (50-59%) en Fisiese Wetenskap vlak 4 (50-59%). Mathematics level 4 (50-59%) and Physical Science level 4 (50-59%). Geologie-Geografie Geology-Geography 200118 N147P Geologie-Plantkunde Geology-Botany 200118 N148P Dierkunde-Geografie Zoology-Geography 200118 N162P Dierkunde-Mikrobiologie Zoology-Mirobiology 200118 N163P Dierkunde-Plantkunde Zoology-Botany 200118 N164 Geografie-Plantkunde Geography-Botany 200118 N165P 45 APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION 24 Afrikaans 24 Afrikaans . Wiskunde vlak 4 (50-59%) en Fisiese Wetenskap vlak 4 (50-59%).GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA Fisiologie – Dierkunde Physiology-Zoology 200118 N185P Fisiologie – Mikrobiologie Physiology – Microbiolog 200118 N186P BSc Omgewings. en Biologiese Wetenskappe (vervolg) BSc Environmental and Biological Sciences (continued) (3jr/yrs) 200118 VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wiskunde vlak 4 (50-59%) en Fisiese Wetenskap vlak 4 (50-59%). 24 Afrikaans Geografie-Rekenaarwetenskap Geography-Computer Science 200118 N166P Mikrobiologie-Plantkunde Microbiology-Botany 200118 N169P Geologie-Mikrobiologie Geology-Microbiology 200118 N181P Dierkunde-Geologie Zoology-Geology 200118 N182P BSc (Toerisme) BSc (Tourism) (3jr/yrs) 200119 Toerisme-Plantkunde-Dierkunde Tourism – Botany-Zoology 200119 N171P Toerisme-Geografie-Plantkunde Tourism–Geography-Botany 200119 N172P Toerisme–Dierkunde–Geografie Tourism–Zoology-Geography 200119 N173P 46 . Mathematcis level 4 (50-59%) plus Physical Science passed at level 4 (50-59%). Vlak 4 (50-59%) plus Fisiese Wetenskap op vlak 4 (50-59%). Mathematics level 4 (50-59%) and Physical Science level 4 (50-59%). 24 Afrikaans Wisk.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BSc Omgewings. APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION 24 Afrikaans Wiskunde vlak 4 (50-59%) en Fisiese Wetenskap vlak 4 (50-59%). Mathematics level 4 (50-59%) and Physical Science level 4 (50-59%). 32 Wiskunde vlak 6 (70-79%). but it is simultaneously interpreted in English.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BArt et Scien Beplanning BArt et Scien Planning (4jr/yrs) 118101 Ekonomie. Geografie en Omgewingstudies Economics. Mathematics level 6 (70–79%). 32 Afrikaans 47 Ja Yes TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans. *¹ Selection programme: Maths level 5 (60-69%). Mathematics level 6 (70–79%). 32 Afrikaans Wiskunde vlak 6 (70-79%). Mathematics level 6 (70–79%). Afrikaans Data-ontginning Data Mining 200168 N136P 28 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST . Geography and Environmental studies 118101 N183P BSc Kwantitatiewe Risikobestuur BSc Quantitative Risk Management (3 jr/yrs) 200166 Kwantitatiewe Risikobestuur Quantitative Risk Management 200166 N134P BSc Finansiële Wiskunde BSc Financial Mathematics (3 jr/yrs) 200167 Finansiële Wiskunde Financial Mathematics 200167 N135P BSc Data-ontginning BSc Data Mining (3 jr/yrs) 200168 VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS *¹ Keuringsprogram: 30 Junie Wisk vlak 5 (60-69%). APS Wiskunde vlak 6 (70-79%). maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. . kan vir ACCF111 registreer. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. Indien 'n student 65% behaal in ACCF121. Studente wat tussen 60% en 75% vir die basiese rekeningkunde kursus gekry het. 48 APS 32 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans. Mathematics level 6 (70–79%) Studente wat nie Rekeningkunde as skoolvak gehad het nie. kan die student vir ACCC111 in die eerste semester registreer. Studente wat wel rekeningkunde op Graad 12 vlak geslaag het. but it is simultaneously interpreted in English. maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. kan vir ACCC111 of ACCF111 registreer mits hulle aan die spesifieke graad se toelatingsvereistes voldoen. Studente wat minder as 60% vir die basiese rekeningkunde kursus gekry het kan net vir ACCS111 registreer. Dit is die student se eie verantwoordelikheid om laasgenoemde eksamenpunt onder die aandag van die Direkteur Sentrum vir BWI of die Sentrum Aktuaris te bring. Indien 'n student 65% of meer aan die einde van die eerste semester in ACCF111 behaal.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BSc Aktuariële Wetenskap BSc Actuarial Science (3 jr/yrs) 200123 Aktuariële Wetenskap Actuarial Science 200123 N137P VEREISTE NSS VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wiskunde vlak 6 (70-79%). kan hy die tweede eksamengeleentheid vir ACCC121 gaan skryf en sodoende vir moontlike gedeeltelike aktuariële vrystelling vir CT2 oorweeg word (mits die student ACCC121 en FINM211 elkeen met minstes 60% slaag). Studente word aangemoedig om met die Direkteur: Sentrum vir BWI hul bepaalde situasie te bespreek. kan die student tot ACCC121 in die tweede semester toegelaat word. Indien die basiese rekeningkunde kursus met 75% geslaag word. maar nie vir ACCC111 nie. moet die basiese rekeningkunde kursus aan die begin van die eerste semester in die eerstejaar neem. Neem asseblief kennis dat die Universiteit omrede spesifieke kapasiteitsbepalings hom die reg voorbehou om kandidate vir toelating tot bepaalde studierigtings te keur. 49 . This means that prospective students who comply with the minimum requirements may not necessarily be admitted to the courses in question.of Eerste Addisionele taalvlak. Dit beteken dat voornemende studente wat aan die minimum toelatingsvereistes voldoen.FAKULTEIT TEOLOGIE / FACULTY OF THEOLOGY BEREKENING VAN APS-TELLING / CALCULATION OF APS SCORE 1 2 APS-telling: Die prestasie behaal in vier aangewese vakke plus twee NSS-vakke word in berekening gebring. The results obtained in Life Orientation are excluded. Language requirement: A pass at level 4 (50-59%) in the language of instruction on either the Home or First additional Language level. Taalvereiste: „n Slaagsyfer van 50-59% (vlak 4) in die taal van leer en onderrig op Huisstaal. the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain fields of study. Die punt behaal in lewensoriëntering word nie in berekening gebring by die berekening van die APS nie. owing to specific capacity constraints. APS Score: The results obtained in four designated subjects and two NSC subjects are used in the computation of the APS score. Please note that. nie noodwendig tot die betrokke kursusse toegelaat sal word nie. students will be selected on the basis of their scholastic achievements for admission to these fields. Because of the capacity limitations and the high demand from students for admission to particular fields of study. Weens kapasiteitsbeperkinge en die ooraanbod van studente in bepaalde studierigtings sal studente op grond van hulle skolastiese prestasie gekeur word vir toelating tot hierdie rigtings. BTh (3 jr/yrs) 24 Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum vir kontakstudente is Afrikaans of Engels. Aansoek om toelating tot Kandidaatstudie sluit op 30 Junie van die vorige jaar. Aansoekvorms moet by die Teologiese Skool aangevra word. All distance. but it is simultaneously interpreted to English or Afrikaans. No late applications will be considered. Geen laat aansoeke sal oorweeg word nie. Prospective GKSA ministers must complete the necessary psychometric evaluation before the end of July of the previous year. Closing date for applications as Candidate student at the Theological School is 30 June of the previous year. Samewerkingsooreenkomste (SWO) en Afstandsleersentra (ALS) aansoeke en administrasie. Application forms are available at the Theological School. Die Eenheid vir Oop Afstandsleer: Teologie hanteer alle afstand-. The language of instruction for this curriculum for contact students is Afrikaans or English. Application must also be done at the Theological School for admission as a Candidate student. Bybeltale / Biblical Languages 341109 T301P Slegs voltyds/Only full-time Bybelwetenskappe / Biblical Studies 341104 T301P Voltyds/Afstand/SWO/ALS Full-time/Distance/CA/OLC Voornemende predikante van die Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika (GKSA) moet by die NWU aansoek doen om toelating tot die BTh Bybeltale-graad sowel as by die Teologiese Skool om toelating tot Kandidaatsudie. Kerkplanting / Church Planting 341105 T301P Voltyds/Afstand/SWO/ALS Full-time/Distance/CA/OLC 50 Voornemende GKSApredikante moet die nodige psigometriese meting ondergaan voor einde Julie van die vorige jaar. . maar dit word simultaan na Engels of Afrikaans getolk. Prospective GKSA ministers must apply at the NWU for admission to the BTh Bible Languages degree. Co-operation agreements (CA) or Off-Campus Learning Centres (OLC) applications and administration are handled by the Unit for Open Distance Learning: Theology. VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS GRAAD/DIPLOMA DEGREE/DIPLOMA BTh (3jr/yrs) APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION (vervolg / continued) Kerklike Bediening / Church Ministry 341106 T301P Voltyds/Afstand/SWO/ALS Full-time/Distance/CA/OLC Pastorale Berading/Pastoral Counselling 341107 T301P Voltyds/Full-time Teologiese Grondslae / Theological Foundations 341108 T301P Voltyds/Afstand//SWO/ALS Full-time/Distance/CA/OLC Engels English 341110 T301P SWO/ALS/CA/OLC NWU-programme in Teologie word by die onderstaande. Bible Institute of SA (Kalkbaai) Church Ministries Institute (CT) (Kaapstad) Church Ministries Institute (Gauteng) (Johannesburg) Dumisani Theological Institute and Bible School (King Williamstown) George Whitefield College (Muizenberg) John Wycliffe Theological College (Randburg) Mukhanyo Bible College 51 . afkampusleersentra’s aangebied: NWU programmes in Theology are available at the following off campus learning centres. These applications are handled by the Unit for Open Distance Learning: Theology. (KwaMahlanga) Greenwich School of Theology (Verenigde Koninkryk) Nairobi College of Intercultural Studies and Theology (Kenia) Reformed Theological College (Uganda) Trinity College of Nigeria (Nigerië) Hefsiba Christian Training Centre (Mosambiek) Auckland Park Teologiese Seminarium (Johannesburg) Taberna Dei Akademie (Polokwane) Kaleideo Gemeente (Kemptonpark) AGS van Suid-Afrika (Centurion) Africa School of Missions (Witrivier) St John's Anglican Seminary (Zambië)* Alfa y Omega (Mexiko)* FATESUL (Brasilië)* 24 BA in (3 jr/yrs) Pastorale Berading en Psigologie / Pastoral Counselling and Psyhology 100153 T302P 24 BA in (3 jr/yrs) Antieke Tale / Ancient Languages 100156 T301P 52 Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum vir kontakstudente is Afrikaans of Engels, maar dit word simultaan na Engels of Afrikaans getolk. The language of instruction for this curriculum for contact students is Afrikaans or English, but it is simultaneously interpreted to English or Afrikaans. Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum vir kontakstudente is Afrikaans of Engels, maar dit word simultaan na Engels of Afrikaans getolk. The language of instruction for this curriculum for contact students is Afrikaans or English, but it is simultaneously interpreted to English or Afrikaans. FAKULTEIT REGTE / FACULTY OF LAW BEREKENING VAN APS-TELLING / CALCULATION OF APS SCORE 1 3 APS-telling: Die prestasie behaal in vier aangewese vakke plus twee NSS-vakke word in berekening gebring. Die prestasie behaal in Lewensoriëntering word nie in berekening gebring nie. APS Score: The results obtained in four designated subjects and two NSC subjects are used in the computation of the APS score. The results obtained in Life Orientation are excluded. 2 Taalvereiste: „n Slaagsyfer van 50-59% (vlak 4) in die taal van onderrig en leer op Huistaalvlak of 60-69% (vlak 5) op Eerste Addisionele taalvlak. Language requirement: A Pass at level 4 (50-59%) in the language of teaching and learning on the Home Language level or a pass at level 5 (60-69%) in the Language of instruction on the First Additional Language level. *¹ Keuringsprogram: Aansoeke sluit 30 Junie. Studente word aangeraai om so spoedig moontlik, verkieslik voor 31 Mei, aansoek om toelating te doen. Laat aansoeke mag op meriete oorweeg word. Die keuringstoets word saam met die APS-telling oorweeg en bogenoemde moet dus slegs as minimum vereistes gesien word. *¹ Selection programme: Applications close 30 June. Students are requested to apply for admission as soon as possible, preferably before 31 May. Late applications may be considered on merit. The selection test will be considered with the APS score and therefore the above should only be seen as minimum requirements. Neem asseblief kennis dat die Universiteit omrede spesifieke kapasiteitsbepalings hom die reg voorbehou om kandidate vir toelating tot bepaalde studierigtings te keur. Dit beteken dat voornemende studente wat aan die minimum toelatingsvereistes voldoen, nie noodwendig tot die betrokke kursusse toegelaat sal word nie. Weens kapasiteitsbeperkinge en die ooraanbod van studente in bepaalde studierigtings sal studente op grond van hulle skolastiese prestasie gekeur word vir toelating tot hierdie rigtings. Please note that, owing to specific capacity constraints, the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain fields of study. This means that prospective students who comply with the minimum requirements may not necessarily be admitted to the courses in question. Because of the capacity limitations and the high demand from students for admission to particular fields of study, students will be selected on the basis of their scholastic achievements for admission to these fields. 53 GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA LLB 4-jarige voorgraadse kursus 4 year undergraduate course 607107 – R411P BA Regte BA Law (3 jr/yrs) VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS *¹ Keuringsprogram: 30 Junie *¹ Selection programme: 30 June APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST 26 Ja Yes *¹ Keuringsprogram: 30 Junie *¹ Selection programme: 30 June 26 Ja Yes *¹ Keuringsprogram: 30 Junie *¹ Selection programme: 30 June 30 Ja Yes Wiskunde vlak 3 (40-49%) word sterk aanbeveel. Mathametics level 3 (40-49%) is highly recommended. met regsvakke with law subjects 100145 R303P BCom Regte BCom Law (3jr/yrs) ■Ondernemingsbestuur of Ekonomie of Rekeningkunde Business Management or Economics or Accounting 500183 R302P Wiskunde vlak 4 (50-59%) is „n vereiste. Mathematics level 4 (50-59%) is required. ■Studente wat nie Rekeningkunde as skoolvak gehad het nie, moet die Basiese Rekeningkunde kortkursus aan die begin van die studies op die Potchefstroomkampus suksesvol aflê. Indien die kortkursus nie met „n minimum van 65% geslaag word nie, moet die student vir ACCS111 registreer. Students who did not have Accounting as school subject, must successfully complete the short course in Accounting at the Potchefstroom Campus. Should the short course not be passed with a minimum of 65% the student should register for ACCS111. 54 TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans, maar dit word opvoedkundig in Engels getolk. The language of instruction is Afrikaans, but it is educationally interpreted into English. Die onderrigtaal van die Regsmodules is Afrikaans, maar dit word opvoedkundig in Engels getolk. The language of instruction of the Law modules is Afrikaans, but is educationally interpreted into English. Die onderrigtaal van die Regsmodules is Afrikaans, maar dit word opvoedkundig in Engels getolk. The language of instruction of the Law modules is Afrikaans, but it is educationally interpreted into English. FAKULTEIT OPVOEDINGSWETENSKAPPE / FACULTY OF EDUCATION SCIENCES BEREKENING VAN APS-TELLING / CALCULATION OF APS SCORE 1 2 3 APS-telling: Die prestasie behaal in vier aangewese vakke plus twee NSS-vakke word in berekening gebring. Die prestasie behaal in Lewensoriëntering word nie in berekening gebring nie. APS Score: The results obtained in four designated subjects and two NSC subjects are used in the computation of the APS score. Life Orientation is excluded. Taalvereiste: „n Slaagsyfer van 50-59% (vlak 4) in die taal van leer en onderrig op Huisstaal- of Eerste Addisionele taalvlak. Language requirement: A pass at level 4 (50-59%) in the language of instruction on either the Home or First additional Language level. *Studente met ‘n APS-telling van hoër as 24, maar wat nie oor vrystelling beskik nie, kan na suksesvolle aflegging van keuringstoets, Senaatsdiskresionêr toegelaat word. * Students with an APS score higher that 24 but who do not have exemption, after completing a successful Senate-approved admission test can be admitted. 4 *¹Keuringsprogram: Aansoeke sluit 30 Junie. Studente word aangeraai om so spoedig moontlik, verkieslik voor 31 Mei, aansoek om toelating te doen. Laat aansoeke sal op meriete oorweeg word. *¹Selection programme: Applications close 30 June. Students are requested to apply for admission as soon as possible, preferably before 31 May. Late applications will be considered based on merit. Neem asseblief kennis dat die Universiteit omrede spesifieke kapasiteitsbepalings hom die reg voorbehou om kandidate vir toelating tot bepaalde studierigtings te keur. Dit beteken dat voornemende studente wat aan die minimum toelatingsvereistes voldoen, nie noodwendig tot die betrokke kursusse toegelaat sal word nie. Weens kapasiteitsbeperkinge en die ooraanbod van studente in bepaalde studierigtings sal studente op grond van hulle skolastiese prestasie gekeur word vir toelating tot hierdie rigtings. Please note that, owing to specific capacity constraints, the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain fields of study. This means that prospective students who comply with the minimum requirements may not necessarily be admitted to the courses in question. Because of the capacity limitations and the high demand from students for admission to particular fields of study, students will be selected on the basis of their scholastic achievements for admission to these fields. 55 The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. maar dit word opvoedkundig in Engels getolk. but is educationally interpreted into English. .GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BEd 4 jr/yrs) 422100 VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS *¹ Keuringsprogram: Sluitingsdatum: 30 Junie *¹ Selection programme: Closing date: 30 June APS 21 Grondslagfase (Graad R – 3) Foundation Phase (Grades R – 3) Grondslagfase Foundation Phase 422100 O300P 56 KEURINGSTOETS TAAL VAN ONDERRIG SELECTION TEST LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Ja Yes Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. but is educationally inter.preted into English. maar dit word opvoedkundig in Engels getolk. Tale: Afrikaans of Engels of Setswana Languages: Afrikaans or English or Setswana 422101 O174P Sosiale Wetenskappe Social Sciences 422101 O175P Lewensoriëntering Life Orientation 422101 O177P Kuns en Kultuur Arts and Culture 422101 O178P Wiskunde vir Grade 4 tot 7 Mathematics for Grades 4 to 7 422101 O179P Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans.preted into English Wiskunde vlak 4 (50-59%). but is educationally inter. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. Mathematics level 4 (50-59%). maar dit word opvoedkundig in Engels getolk. 21 57 Ja Yes .VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Intermediêre en Seniorfase (Graad 4 *¹ Keuringsprogram: – 9) Intermediate and Senior Phase Sluitingsdatum: 30 Junie (Grades 4 – 9) *¹ Selection programme: 422101 Closing date: 30 June GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA APS 21 KEURINGSTOETS TAAL VAN ONDERRIG SELECTION TEST LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Ja Yes Natuurwetenskappe Natural Sciences 422101 O172P Tegnologie vir die AOO fase Technology for the GET phase 422101 O173P Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. . The language of instruction for the program is Afrikaans.59%). Life Sciences level 4(50-59%). 21 Ja Yes 21 Ja Yes 21 Ja Yes Home language (Engels) – vlak 4 (50% .59%) First additional language – vlak 5 (60% .GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA Senior en Verdere Onderwys en Opleidingsfase (Graad 7–12) Senior and Further Education and Training Phase (Grades 7–12) 422102 VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS *¹ Keuringsprogram: Sluitingsdatum: 30 Junie *¹ Selection programme: Closing date: 30 June APS 21 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Ja Yes Onderwysafrikaans Afrikaans for Education 422102 O180P Onderwyslewenswetenskappe Life Sciences for Education 422102 O181P Onderwysinligtingstegnologie Information Technology for Education 422102 O182P Onderwysengels English for Education 422102 O183P Onderwysekonomie Economics for Education 422102 O184P Lewenswetenskappe vlak 4 (50.69%) Onderwysgeskiedenis History for Education 422102 O185P Onderwysgeografie Geography for Education 422102 O186P 58 Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. Fisiese Wetenskap vlak 4 (50-59%) en Wiskunde vlak 4 (50% . Mathematics level 5 (60 – 69%). Life Orientation level 4 (50-59%) (additional requirement to general APS requirements). Rekeningkunde vlak 4 (50-59%).59%.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA Lewensoriëntering Life Orientation 422102 O187P Onderwyskuns Art for Education 422102 O188P Onderwysbewegingskunde Movement Science for Education 422102 O189P Onderwys Fisiese Wetenskappe Physical Sciences for Education 422102 O190P Onderwysbesigheidstudies Business Studies for Education 422102 O191P Onderwysrekeningkunde Accounting for Education 422102 O192P Onderwysrekenaartoepassingstegnologie Computer Applications Technology for Education 422102 O193P Onderwyswiskunde Mathematics for Education 422101 O194P Onderwyssetswana (Moedertaal) Setswana for Education (Mother tongue) 422102 O196P VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Lewensoriëntering vlak 4 (50-59%) (bykomende vereiste tot algemene APSvereistes). The language of instruction for the program is Afrikaans.59 % . Physical Science level 4 (50-59%) and Mathematics level 4 (50% . Wiskunde vlak 5 (60 – 69%). Accounting level 4 (50-59%). Setswana for Education (mother tongue): vlak 4 (50 – 59%) Onderwyssetswana (Nie-Moedertaal) Setswana for Education (Non-mother tongue) 422102 O197P 59 APS 21 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Ja Yes Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. 21 Ja Yes 21 Ja Yes 21 Ja Yes 21 Ja Yes 21 Ja Yes 21 Ja Yes 21 Ja Yes 21 Ja Yes . but is educationally inter. maar dit word opvoedkundig in Engels getolk.preted into English. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans.en Opleidingsfase (VOO Tegnologie) Senior and Further Education and Training Phase (FET Technology) 422112 *¹ Keuringsprogram: Sluitingsdatum: 30 Junie *¹ Selection programme: Closing date: 30 June Meganiese Tegnologie Mechanical Technology 422112 O199P Siviele Tegnologie Civil Technology 422112 O200P Wiskunde vlak 3 (40-49%) Mathematics level 3 (40-49%) Elektriese Tegnologie Electrical Technology 422112 O201P APS *¹ Keuringsprogram: 30 Junie *¹ Selection programme: 30 June Wiskunde vlak 3 (40-49%) (Gr 11 of 12) Mathematics level 3 (40-49%) (Gr 11 or 12) 60 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Ja Yes 21 Ja Yes 21 Ja Yes Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. .GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Ingenieursgrafika en Ontwerp Engineering Graphics and Design 422102 O198P 21 Senior en Verdere Onderwys. FAKULTEIT INGENIEURSWESE / FACULTY OF ENGINEERING BEREKENING VAN APS-TELLING / CALCULATION OF APS SCORE 1 APS-telling: Die resultate behaal in vier aangewese vakke plus twee NSS-vakke word in berekening gebring. Weens kapasiteitsbeperkinge en die ooraanbod van studente in bepaalde studierigtings sal studente op grond van hulle skolastiese prestasie gekeur word vir toelating tot hierdie rigtings. nie noodwendig tot die betrokke kursusse toegelaat sal word nie. 61 . Selection programme: Applications close 30 June. preferably before 31 May. Because of the capacity limitations and the high demand from students for admission to particular fields of study. Studente word aangeraai om so spoedig moontlik. aansoek om toelating te doen. 2 Taalvereiste: „n Slaagsyfer van 60-69% (vlak 5) in die taal van onderrig en leer op Huistaal. 3 *¹ *¹ Keuringsprogram: Aansoeke sluit 30 Junie. Laat aansoeke sal op meriete oorweeg word. the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain fields of study.of Eerste Addissionele taalvlak. students will be selected on the basis of their scholastic achievements for admission to these fields. APS Score: The results obtained in four designated subjects and two NSC subjects are used in the computation of the APS score. Late applications will be considered on merit. Dit beteken dat voornemende studente wat aan die minimum toelatingsvereistes voldoen. Please note that. Students are requested to apply for admission as soon as possible. verkieslik voor 31 Mei. This means that prospective students who comply with the minimum requirements may not necessarily be admitted to the courses in question. owing to specific capacity constraints. Neem asseblief kennis dat die Universiteit omrede spesifieke kapasiteitsbepalings hom die reg voorbehou om kandidate vir toelating tot bepaalde studierigtings te keur. Language requirement: A Pass on level 5 (60-69%) in the language of teaching and learning on either the home or second language level. Electrical and Electronic Eng. Afrikaans or English level 5 (60-69%). Mathematics level 6 (70-79%) and Physical Sciences level 5 (60-69%). 31 Ja Yes Die onderrigtaal van hierdie programme is Afrikaans. maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. but it is simultaneously interpreted in English. Wiskunde: vlak 6 (70-79%) en Fisiese Wetenskap vlak 5 (60-69%) Afrikaans of Engels vlak 5 (60 – 69%).GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BIng BEng (4 jr/yrs) Skool vir Chemiese en Mineraalingenieurswese School for Chemical and Mineral Engineering Chemiese Ing Chemical Eng 7001051 I103P VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS *¹ Keuringsprogram: *¹ Selection programme: APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST 31 Ja Yes Die onderrigtaal van hierdie programme is Afrikaans.Afrikaans or English level 5 (60-69%). Rekenaar en Elektroniese Ing. Engels vlak 5 (60 – 69%). Elektroniese en *¹ Keuringsprogram: Rekenaar Ingenieurswese *¹ Selection programme: School for Electrical. but is simultaneously interpreted in English. The languages of instruction for these programs are Afrikaans. Mathematics level 6 (70-79%) and Physical 7001071 I203P Sciences level 5 (60-69%). maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. 7001081 I204P Elektromeganiese Ing Electromechanical Eng 700113 I205P 62 TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION . Electronic and Computer Engineering Wiskunde: vlak 6 (70-79%) en Fisiese Wetenskap vlak 5 (60-69%) Afrikaans of Elektriese en Elektroniese Ing. Computer and Electronic Eng. The languages of instruction for these programs are Afrikaans. Chemiese Ing met spesialisering in Mineraalprosessering Chemical Eng with specialisation in Minerals Processing 7001061 I104P Skool vir Elektriese. Skool vir Meganiese Ingenieurswese School for Mechanical Engineering Meganiese Ing Mechanical Eng 7001091 I303P Bedryfsing Industrial Eng 700112 I304P *¹ Keuringsprogram: *¹ Selection programme: 31 Wiskunde: vlak 6 (70-79%) en Fisiese Wetenskap vlak 5 (60-69%) Afrikaans of Engels vlak 5 (60 – 69%). 63 Ja Yes Die onderrigtaal van hierdie programme is Afrikaans. maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. Afrikaans or English level 5 (60-69%). but is simultaneously interpreted in English. The languages of instruction for these programs are Afrikaans. . Mathematics level 6 (70-79%) and Physical Sciences level 5 (60-69%). Life orientation is excluded. Weens kapasiteitsbeperkinge en die ooraanbod van studente in bepaalde studierigtings sal studente op grond van hulle skolastiese prestasie gekeur word vir toelating tot hierdie rigtings. Students are requested to apply for admission as soon as possible. Late applications will be considered on merit. nie noodwendig tot die betrokke kursusse toegelaat sal word nie. Dit beteken dat voornemende studente wat aan die minimum toelatingsvereistes voldoen. *¹ *¹ Keuringsprogram: Aansoeke sluit 30 Junie.of Eerste Addisionele taalvlak. Taalvereiste: „n Slaagsyfer van 50-59% (vlak 4) in die taal van leer en onderrig op Huisstaal. the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain fields of study. Because of the capacity limitations and the high demand from students for admission to particular fields of study.FAKULTEIT EKONOMIESE EN BESTUURSWETENSKAPPE / FACULTY OF ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES BEREKENING VAN APS-TELLING / CALCULATION OF APS SCORE 1 2 3 APS-telling: Die prestasie behaal in vier aangewese vakke plus twee NSC-vakke word in berekening gebring. preferably before 31 May. Please note that. 64 . Laat aansoeke sal op meriete oorweeg word. Studente word aangeraai om so spoedig moontlik. Neem asseblief kennis dat die Universiteit omrede spesifieke kapasiteitsbepalings hom die reg voorbehou om kandidate vir toelating tot bepaalde studierigtings te keur. Language requirement: A pass at level 4 (50-59%) in the language of instruction on either the Home or First additional Language level. This means that prospective students who comply with the minimum requirements may not necessarily be admitted to the courses in question. APS Score: The results obtained in four designated subjects and two NSC subjects are used in the computation of the APS score. Selection programme: Applications close 30 June. aansoek om toelating te doen. students will be selected on the basis of their scholastic achievements for admission to these fields. verkieslik voor 31 Mei. Die prestasie behaal in Lewensoriëntering word nie in berekening gebring nie. owing to specific capacity constraints. but is simultaneously interpreted in English.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BCom (3 jr/yrs) Ekonomie en Internasionale Handel Economics and International Trade 500130 E340P VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wiskunde vlak 4 (50-59%). 65 APS 24 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. . The languages of instruction for this program is Afrikaans. Mathematics level 4 (50-59%). maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION 24 Afrikaans 24 Afrikaans Bemarkingsbestuur Marketing Management 500203 E354P Bemarkings. 66 24 Ja Yes Afrikaans 24 Ja Yes Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. Mathematics level 3 (40-49%).en Toerismebestuur Marketing and Tourism Management 500182 E357P Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans. Wiskunde vlak 3 (40-49%). Mathematics level 3 (40-49%). .GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA Entrepreneurskap en Ondernemingsbestuur Entrepreneurship and Business Management 500142 E350P Toerismebestuur Tourism Management 500141 E355P Toerismebestuur en Rekreasiekunde Tourism Management and Recreation studies 500171 E356P VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wiskunde vlak 3 (40-49%). The language of instruction for this program is Afrikaans. Wiskunde vlak 3 (40-49%). maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. Bedryfsielkunde en Arbeidsverhoudinge Industrial Psychology and Labour relations 500153 E360P Kommunikasiebestuur Communication Management 500145 E353P Mensehulpbronbestuur Human Resource Management 500151 E361P *¹ Keuringsprogram: 30 Junie *¹ Selection programme: 30 June Wiskunde vlak 3 (40-49%). Mathematics level 3 (40-49%). Mathematics level 3 (40-49%). but is simultaneously interpreted in English. 121 at the beginning of the first year before starting with ACCF111. Risikobestuur en Beleggingsbestuur Economics. Risk Management and Investment Management 500134 E342P VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wiskunde vlak 5 (60-69%). ■Studente wat nie Rekeningkunde as skoolvak gehad het nie. . are encouraged to do the Special Accounting course ACCS111. / Students who did not have accounting as a school subject.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BCom (3 jr/yrs) ■Ekonomie. word sterk aangeraai om die spesiale Rekeningkunde kursus ACCS 111. Mathematics level 5 (60-69%). but it is simultaneously interpreted in English. maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. 121 in die eerstejaar te neem voordat daar met ACCF111 begin word. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. 67 APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION 28 Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans. moet die student vir ACCS111 registreer. moet die Basiese Rekeningkunde kortkursus aan die begin van die studies op die Potchefstroomkampus suksesvol aflê. Should the short course not be passed with a minimum of 65% the student should register for ACCS111. Indien die kortkursus nie met „n minimum van 65% geslaag word nie. APS 28 ■Studente wat nie Rekeningkunde as skoolvak gehad het nie. Wiskunde vlak 4 (50-59%) Matthematics level 4 (50-59%) 28 68 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Afrikaans . Students who did not have Accounting as school subject.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BCom (3 jr/yrs) ■Ekonomie en Risikobestuur Economics and Risk Management 500132 E341P ■Rekeningkunde en Informatika Accounting and Informatics 500162 E374P ■Finansiële Rekenmeesterskap (SAIPA) Financial Accountancy (SAIPA) 500156 E372P Ekonomie en Informatika Economics and Informatics 500135 E343P ■Landbou-Ekonomie en risikobestuur Agricultural Economics and Risk Management 500186 E301P VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wiskunde vlak 4 (50-59%) Mathematics level 4 (50-59%). must successfully complete the short course in Accounting at the Potchefstroom Campus. The language of instruction for this program is Afrikaans. If a student achieves 65% in ACCF121. he/she can write the second opportunity examination in ACCC121 and if the result is 55%. Students who did not have Accounting as school subject. kan toelating tot die tweedejaars GRRekeningkunde verkry word. . Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. Indien die kortkursus nie met „n minimum van 75% geslaag word nie. 69 APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION 30 Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BCom (3 jr/yrs) ■Bestuursrekenmeesterskap (CIMA) Management Accountancy)(CIMA) 500158 E373P ■Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesterskap vir GR (SA) Chartered Accountancy for CA (SA) 500155 E371P VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wiskunde vlak 5 (60-69%). must successfully complete the short course in Accounting at the Potchefstroom Campus. kan hy/sy die tweede eksamengeleentheid van ACCC121 gaan skryf. moet die student vir ACCS111 registreer. Indien „n student aan die einde van die eerste semester 65% in ACCF111 behaal kan die student tot ACCF/ACCC121 in die tweede semester toegelaat word. Should the short course not be passed with a minimum of 75% the student should register for ACCS111. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. Mathematics level 5 (60-69%). admission to the secondyear CA-accounting can be obtained. ■Studente wat nie Rekeningkunde as skoolvak gehad het nie. As die student 65% behaal in ACCF121. Students who achieved at least 65% in ACCF111 at the end of the first semester will be allowed to continue with ACCC121 in the second semester. but it is simultaneously interpreted in English. but it is simultaneously interpreted in English. maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. moet die Basiese Rekeningkunde kortkursus aan die begin van die studies op die Potchefstroomkampus suksesvol aflê. en indien 55% behaal word. maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. Taalvereiste Vlak 5. Language requirement Level 5 Studente wat nie Rekeningkunde as skoolvak gehad het nie. but it is sumultaneously interpreted in English . Students who did not have Accounting as school subject. maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BCom (3 jr/yrs) Forensiese Rekenmeesterskap Forensic Accountancy 500181 E379P VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wiskunde Vlak 5 (60-69%). Mathematics Level 5 (60-69%). moet die Basiese Rekeningkunde kortkursus aan die begin van die studies op die Potchefstroomkampus suksesvol aflê met „n minimum slaagsyfer van 75%. must successfully complete the short course in Accounting at the Potchefstroom Campus – and pass with a minimum of 75%. The language of instruction for this program is Afrikaans. 70 APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION 36 Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. students will be selected on the basis of their scholastic achievements for admission to these fields. Life Orientation is excluded.FAKULTEIT GESONDHEIDSWETENSKAPPE / FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES BEREKENING VAN APS-TELLING / CALCULATION OF APS SCORE 1 2 3 APS-telling: Die resultate behaal in vier aangewese vakke plus twee NSS-vakke word in berekening gebring. Weens kapasiteitsbeperkinge en die ooraanbod van studente in bepaalde studierigtings sal studente op grond van hulle skolastiese prestasie gekeur word vir toelating tot hierdie rigtings. the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain fields of study. APS Score: The results obtained in four designated subjects and two NSC subjects are used in the computation of the APS score. Because of the capacity limitations and the high demand from students for admission to particular fields of study. aansoek om toelating te doen. Late applications will be considered on merit. *¹ Selection: Applications close 30 June. Language requirement: A pass at level 4 (50-59%) in the language of instruction on either the Home or First additional Language level. Taalvereiste: „n Slaagsyfer van 50-59% (vlak 4) in die taal van leer en onderrig op Huisstaal. This means that prospective students who comply with the minimum requirements may not necessarily be admitted to the courses in question.of Eerste Addisionele taalvlak. Studente word aangeraai om so spoedig moontlik. Students are requested to apply for admission as soon as possible. 71 . preferably before 31 May. Neem asseblief kennis dat die Universiteit omrede spesifieke kapasiteitsbepalings hom die reg voorbehou om kandidate vir toelating tot bepaalde studierigtings te keur. owing to specific capacity constraints. Laat aansoeke sal op meriete oorweeg word. Please note that. Dit beteken dat voornemende studente wat aan die minimum toelatingsvereistes voldoen. *¹ Keuring: Aansoeke sluit 30 Junie. nie noodwendig tot die betrokke kursusse toegelaat sal word nie. verkieslik voor 31 Mei. Die resultate behaal in Lewensoriëntering word nie in berekening gebring nie. maar word simultaan in Engels getolk. 72 APS 16 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST Beste gemiddelde persentasie word bereken Best average percentage to be calculated Ja/Yes 22 Beste gemiddelde persentasie word bereken Best average percentage to be calculated Papierkeuring/Paper selection Ja/Yes TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA Diploma in Sportkunde Diploma in Sport Science (3 jr/yrs) 832100 G101P BA Gesondheidswetenskappe BA Health Sciences (3 jr/yrs) Menslike Bewegingskunde en Psigologie Human Movement Sciences and Psychology 100167 G301P Rekreasiekunde en Psigologie Recreation Science and Psychology 100167 G302P Rekreasiekunde en Toerismebestuur Recreation Science and Tourism Management 100167 G303P VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS 1 * Keuring sluit 30 Junie Laat aansoeke sal op meriete oorweeg word *¹ Selection programme: 30 June Late applications will be considered on merit Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat. Students should. but are simultaneously interpreted in English . National Senior Certificate Studente moet voor aanvang van studies in Sportkunde sy/haar mediese geskiktheid vir die fisieke komponent van die kursus bepaal. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. maar word simultaan in Engels getolk. prior to starting the course in Human Movement Sciences. has his/her medical fitness for the course determined. *¹ Keuringsprogram: 30 Junie Laat aansoeke sal op meriete oorweeg word *¹ Selection programme: 30 June Late applications will be considered on merit Studente moet voor aanvang van studies in Menslike Bewegingskunde sy/haar mediese geskiktheid vir die fisieke komponent van die kursus bepaal. but it is simultaneously interpreted in English Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. prior to starting the course in Coachig Science. Students should. has his/her medical fitness for the course determined. and simultaneously interpreted in English Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. maar dit word simultaan in Engels getolk. maar die Psigologie-modules word simultaan in Engels getolk. maar die Psigologie-modules word simultaan in Engels getolk. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. but the Psychology modules are simultaneously interpreted in English Die onderrigtaal van hierdie kurrikulum is Afrikaans. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS BA Psigologie en Afrikaans en Nederlands BA Psychology and Afrikaans and Dutch (3 jr/yrs) APS 22 Psigologie en Afrikaans en Nederlands Psychology and Afrikaans and Dutch 100169 G301P BA Psigologie en Arbeidsverhoudinge BA Psychology and Labour Relations (3 jr/yrs) 22 Psigologie en Arbeidsverhoudinge Psychology and Labour Relations 100170 G301P BA Psigologie en Engels BA Psychology and English (3 jr/yrs) 22 Psigologie en Engels Psychology and English 100171 G301P 73 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. but the Psychology modules are simultaneously interpreted in English . maar Psigologie-modules word simultaan in Engels getolk. and simultaneously interpreted in English Psigologie en Geografie en Omgewingstudie Psychology and Geography and Environment Study 100172 G301P GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS BA Psigologie en Setswana BA Psychology and Setswana (3 jr/yrs) APS 22 Psigologie en Setswana Psychology and Setswana 100173 G301P BA Psigologie en Sosiologie BA Psychology and Sociology (3 jr/yrs) 22 Psigologie en Sosiologie Psychology and Sociology 100174 G301P BA Psigologie en Toerismebestuur BA Psychology and Tourism Management (3 jr/yrs) 22 Psigologie en Toerismebestuur Psychology and Tourism Management 100175 G301P 74 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. en word simultaan in Engels getolk. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans and simultaneously interpreted in English . The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans and simultaneously interpreted in English Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans en word simultaan in Engels getolk. but the Psychology modules are simultaneously interpreted in English Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans en word simultaan in Engels getolk. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans.BA Psigologie en Geografie en Omgewingstudie BA Psychology and Geography and Environment Study (3 jr/yrs) 22 Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. Gesondheid. but it is simultaneously interpreted in English . maar word simultaan in Engels getolk. Students should.en Vryetydwetenskap) BA (Sport. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. has his/her medical fitness for the course determined 75 Beste gemiddelde persentasie word bereken Best average percentage to be calculated Ja/Yes Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans.BA (Sport-. prior to starting the course in Human Movement Sciences. Health and Leisure Science) (3 jr/yrs) Menslike Bewegingskunde en Rekreasiekunde Human Movement Science and Recreation Science 843100 G316P 22 Studente moet voor aanvang van studies in Menslike Bewegingskunde sy/haar mediese geskiktheid vir die fisieke komponent van die kursus bepaal. maar Psigologie. Psigologie en Rekenaar. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BSc Biologiese Wetenskappe BSc Biological Sciences (3 jr/yrs) Fisiologie en Biochemie Physiology and Biochemistry 200112 G301P VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wiskunde vlak 5 (60-69%) en Fisiese Wetenskap vlak 4 (50-59%).en Inligtingstelsels Psychology and Computer and Information Systems 200112 G305P Psigologie en Wiskunde Psychology and Mathematics 200112 G306P 76 . Mathematics level 5 (60-69%) and Physical Science level 4 (50-9%). APS 24 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. but the Psychology and Physiology modules are simultaneously interpreted in English.en Fisiologiemodules word simultaan in Engels getolk. Students should. but it is simultaneously interpreted in English. has his/her medical fitness for the course determined 77 Beste gemiddelde persentasie word bereken Best average percentage to be calculated Ja/Yes Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. . The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. maar word simultaan in Engels getolk. Mathematics level 3 (40-49%) and Physical Science level 4 (50-59%). APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST 24 TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. Studente moet voor aanvang van studies in Menslike Bewegingskunde sy/haar mediese geskiktheid vir die fisieke komponent van die kursus bepaal. Mathematics level 3 (40-49%) and Physical Science level 4 (50-59%). prior to starting the course in Human Movement Sciences. maar sekere modules word simultaan in Engels getolk.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BSc Gesondheidswetenskappe BSc Health Sciences (3 jr/yrs) Fisiologie en Psigologie Physiology and Psychology 200186 G301P BSc Menslike Bewegingskunde en Fisiologie BSc Human Movement Science and Physiology (3 jr/yrs) Menslike Bewegingskunde en Fisiologie Human Movement Science and Physiology 200187 G301P VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Wiskunde vlak 3 (40-49%) en Fisiese Wetenskap vlak 4 (50-59%). *¹ Keuringsprogram: Sluitingsdatum: 30 Junie *¹ Selection programme: Closing date: 30 June 24 Wiskunde vlak 3 (40-49%) en Fisiese Wetenskap vlak 4 (50-59%). but some modules are simultaneously interpreted in English. „n Gemiddelde persentasie hoër as 70% in Wiskundige geletterdheid sal in aanmerking geneem word. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. 28 Ja Yes Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans maar word simultaan in Engels getolk. but are simultaneously interpreted in English.of Landbou.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BSc in Verbruikerswetenskappe BSc in Consumer Sciences (3 jr/yrs) Verbruikerswetenskappe met Ondernemingsbestuur Consumer Sciences with Business Management 845100 G303P Verbruikerswetenskappe met Toerismebestuur Consumer Sciences with Tourism Management 845100 G304P Baccalaureus in Maatskaplike Werk Bachelor in Social Work (4 jr/yrs) 111101 G402P VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS *¹ Keuringsprogram: Sluitingsdatum: 30 Junie *¹ Selection programme: Closing date: 30 June APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST 22 Ja Yes Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans maar word simultaan in Engels getolk. but are simultaneously interpreted in English. At least one subject from the natural sciences passed on level 4 (50-59%) (designated natural science subjects: Mathematics or Physical Sciences or Agricultural or Life Sciences) An average mark above 70% in Mathematics literacy will be considered. Ten minste een natuurwetenskaplike vak op vlak 4 (50-59%) (erkende natuurwetenskaplike vakke: Wiskunde of Fisiese.of Lewenswetenskappe). *¹ Keuringsprogram: Sluitingsdatum: 30 Junie *¹ Selection programme: Closing date: 30 June 78 TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION . The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. maar word simultaan in Engels getolk. Psigiatriese. maar word simultaan in Engels getolk. *¹ Keuringsprogram: Sluitingsdatum: 30 Junie *¹ Selection programme: Closing date: 30 June Wiskunde vlak 4 (50-59%) en Fisiese Wetenskap op vlak 4 (50-59%). Verloskundige en Gemeenskapsverpleegkunde General. Mathematics on level 4 (50-59%) and Physical Science on level 4 (50-59%). but it is simultaneously interpreted in English Fisiese Wetenskap of Lewenswetenskap of Wiskunde geslaag op vlak 4 (50-59%). maar word simultaan in Engels getolk. Midwifery and Community Nursing Science VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS *¹ Keuringsprogram: Sluitingsdatum: 30 Junie *¹ Selection programme: Closing date: 30 June APS KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST 25 Ja Yes Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans.GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BCur (4 jr/yrs) 120101 G407P Algemene. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. Experience in the practical field („‟hospital shadowing”). but it is simultaneously interpreted in English. Physical Science or Life Sciences or Mathematics passed on level 4 (50-59%). BPharm (4 jr/yrs) Farmasie Pharmacy 800101 G413P Ondervinding in die praktyk (hospitaal skoliere program [“skaduverpleging”]). but it is simultaneously interpreted in English. *¹ Keuringsprogram: Sluitingsdatum: 30 Junie *¹ Selection programme: Closing date: 30 June BSc (Dieetkunde) BSc (Dietetics) (4 jr/yrs) 206101 G402P Wiskunde op vlak 4 (50-59%) en Fisiese Wetenskap op vlak 4 (50-59%). 28 Ja Yes 26 Ja Yes Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. Psychiatric. The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. 79 TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION . Mathematics level 4 (50-59%) and Physical Science on level 4 (50-59%). maar word simultaan in Engels getolk. Opgedateer 10 Februarie 2014 5 Maart 2014 18 Maart 2014 1 April 2014 20 Junie 2014 80 . The English qualification names in the guide are for practical purposes and do not imply that qualifications are necessarily offered in English medium as well. aanvaar die Raad en Senaat geen aanspreeklikheid vir foutiewe inligting wat hierin mag voorkom nie. APS 26 KEURINGSTOETS SELECTION TEST Ja Yes TAAL VAN ONDERRIG LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Die onderrigtaal van hierdie program is Afrikaans. but it is simultaneously interpreted in English Vrywaring: Die studierigting en minimum toelatingsvereistes in hierdie gids is onderhewig aan verandering en word jaarliks hersien. Disclaimer: The field of study and minimum admission requirements in this guide are subject to change and are reviewed annually. Although care was taken with the compilation of the information contained in this guide. Mathematics level 4 (50-59%) and Physical Science on level 4 (50-59%).GRAAD / DIPLOMA DEGREE / DIPLOMA BSc (Voedingkunde) BSc (Nutrition) (4 jr/yrs) 286100 G402P VEREISTE NSS-VAKKE PLUS KEURINGSVEREISTES REQUIRED NSC SUBJECTS PLUS SELECTION REQUIREMENTS *¹ Keuringsprogram: Sluitingsdatum: 30 Junie *¹ Selection programme: Closing date: 30 June Wiskunde vlak 4 (50-59%) en Fisiese Wetenskap op vlak 4 (50-59%). The language of instruction for this programme is Afrikaans. the Council and Senate cannot be held liable for any incorrect information. Die Engelse kwalifikasiebenamings in die gids is vir doelmatigheid en beteken nie noodwendig dat kwalifikasies ook deur medium van Engels aangebied word nie. Hoewel die inligting wat in hierdie gids verskyn so noukeurig moontlik saamgestel is.
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