April 2, 2018 | Author: Saravana Kumar | Category: Government, Politics, Crime & Justice, Justice, Social Institutions



The Tamil Nadu Public Property (Prevention of Damage and Loss) Act, 1992Act 59 of 1992 Keyword(s): Mischief, Political Party Amendment appended: 46 of 1994 DISCLAIMER: This document is being furnished to you for your information by PRS Legislative Research (PRS). The contents of this document have been obtained from sources PRS believes to be reliable. These contents have not been independently verified, and PRS makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In some cases the Principal Act and/or Amendment Act may not be available. Principal Acts may or may not include subsequent amendments. For authoritative text, please contact the relevant state department concerned or refer to the latest government publication or the gazette notification. Any person using this material should take their own professional and legal advice before acting on any information contained in this document. PRS or any persons connected with it do not accept any liability arising from the use of this document. PRS or any persons connected with it shall not be in any way responsible for any loss, damage, or distress to any person on account of any action taken or not taken on the basis of this document. -' \ the State Government . c 1 . (2) " mischief " shall have the m e meaning as in section 425 of the T ~ i i t i n nPenal Code . t b l & ' r n ~ . THIRUVALLUVAR AANMJ-2023 - -..I the Tamil Nadu State Elwtricity Board . 59 OF 1992. / I I I 4 I I 1 The following Acb of the Tamil Nadu Legidative Amembly received the assent of tlir President on the 14th December 1992 and is hereby published lor infor~uation :I aavsed . or I -- I ( b ) Iny local authority . AANQEERASA. 1992 MARO AZHI 9.~nlncc nnd Tlo&$ Act. i1 h h i s Act may be called the Tamil ~ n d u ~ ~ .I (1) " Government " means the State Government . a politiad party recognised by i he Election Commission under the Election Symbols (Reservation and kllotment) Order.TAMIL NADU G O V E R N M E N T GAZETTE ' EXTR AORDIN A RY PUBLISHEDBY AUTHORITY - 7311 MADRAS.- Part IV-Section T dN & A& (pnd &&ZWS-::~ c 2 . ( 4 )c p A 4 k ~ property " means any property movable or irnmovnble or ::lachinery owned by or in possession of. 9 2. I $. In this Act. I3U it enacted by the Le. --. -. ii! .run=*b/~t 8 1 I Q 4 4 1 ) ' ! . t o ACT No. c r(tI'r~vcn~ !icwof T).oislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fl. or ny University in this State . l 9 9 g ( 2 ) I t sl~allco111c into force a t once.cvs :1 . . unless the contelrb otherwise requires. DECEMBER 23. und nrctlers convected iherewidh.a I . or .\--tllirci]'car of the Republic of India as follo. or under the control t j I ( n ) the Central Bovernmenl! .. or (. i i o provide foo punishment and cornpen n ion thef Stclte o danir~e of Tamil atid Nadza loss I 7 1 4 . or . (3) " political party " means. WEDNESDAY.p .-.~l. . 1968 . ~~ *4b/q+ Short title and W .. a n y 1)nhlic.+ I i . impose a sentence of imprisonment for a term of less t b one year. Punishment for w h .I + 1. be deaged on bail 9OII hk OWII bond FU acllrion been an opportunity td oppoq the slpplica%io 1d e w . LV. x . or obstruction to. . C~-B-*/J Umunitting mischief in ' * .opment hank re* ~.'9$ . l t o nP"o11e hundred rupees or u p w d .$a ' a : .." motor vehicle shall h w e tbe aune meaning aq in clgase (28) of section 2 of the Motr -LO' '. Whoever commits or instigates.. ..fmSha& if afhil~.or ---# 1 ..: ' 6.-For the purpose of dhis section . 5. NO ~ e m mased n or convicted of an offence pmiqhablo A~.rrrn ~ 1983. .. 4..-*-- " .. for . __--_I-------- ( 0 ' L ' $ > \ : \ . (f) any so-operative society including a lapd dcveJ.c a thereby capt a damage or loss to s ~ ~ c ~ ~ r o p c r t the q amount.- TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY _ -. Provide4 that tho murk may. Whoever commits miscbief by f i e or any explosive suwance intend he will thereby cause damage to amount of one hundred rupees or upwards.m which shall not be less than one yem.adequa$e and special reaqon to 1)e mentioned in the judgment. 1983 .. s d ~u c mof tered or deemed to be regif$& under the Tamil N N a d n Co-operative Societies Act. bri* sod~bottleq or m y other material whatsoever upon uponpersona the persoIm travelling in any motor vehicle. incites or otherwise abets the act of throwing stonm. r e w n to be adequate and sp of imprisonment for a krn~ of lew 'than two yeam. v w n Vrm \ . " . . . 1938.. . &.IW I I I I S C I ~ ~ ~ L)Y T doing any act in respect of a n * proP e n . d ~ ~ or ~ e . .+v. ""t3 T \ w a b&?. -. less than six months. (iii) commits misphief by doing any act which render.. a . impose a sentence oi imprisonn~entfor a term of o .. p . i % $ thrt Central \{ kha . \ 1 _ : P-- .L. but which may extend to five yearsarci with &e : -.. & .. ----.. (ii) commits mischief by doing any act which causes or which he Icno~vs tu I Jlikely ~ to wusa a dimizutiod of the mpply of water to the pubilic or to any person for any purpose or an inundation of. natural or artificial impllssable or less safe for travelling or conveying property shall be puniehed with imprisonment lor a lcll. or ( 6 ) any corporate body constituted under any Act paased by Parliament or the Legislative A m b l y of this State . ----. ~d ~rovidon Ex~IQnotion. I - - 6L - . dmJ1 be punished wi3h imprisonbvdlin810 mont for a term which shall not be less than sir month but which may extend motor to five years and with f i e : Pehiclee. for any .-Y Mischief .: any public roacl. . Provided that'the Court may. or .---- - - .' 232 . I 7f". &all i for a krml which shall not be lesq t h a ~ yeam and with h e : -.spy adequate and apecia1 reason to be t r j i mentioned in the judgment. bridge. - c94 -%J 1 ~. or t ( h ) any other corporfition owned or controlled by flovemment ~ rthe l State Government . navigable channel. A c .les & . accused person has been so sentenced..s of revision.a. navigable channel. of cornpensation for m y 1:as j n j u v caused by the offence. t h e e -properby including any pel&& r o $ bridge.(a) in defraying expenses properly -incurred ia the-prose~ution+~ ( b ) in the payment. by way of compensation.) before the decision of the appeal. 1 (3) An ordeq under this section may alsp be made by an Appcllatc Court or by the Higbi Court when exercising its power. - -. --. 1 .U) Wheh imposing*a sentence of .) (*dn o RY the cou" may when passing jad&ii?%. I 4 - 1 (5) Save as o t h ~ i s e provided. .may. -'a !I / # ! KO court inferior to that of . or. h e fod an offence under this Act. . - EXTRA~RDINARY . . restoring to the previo~. when a court in~posesa. judgment. recovered to be applied+ / . 233 . (4239 ti: % Autlmdtyto . no quch nayment shall be made before the period allowed for presenting the appeal ilas elapsed. the Court ehallntakeinto accomi any sum pai& *ecorcre'd a : q compensation under this section 4/7 y '43 . order the whole or m y part of tho fie -tian.~U h ~ A L V A faused to the@propmt-t. deidem~ \YJ .*' r n . if an appeal be presented. t c L-LJ / (2) If the iine is imposed in ac case which is subject to' appeal. (4) At the time of awarding compensation in any ~ u m n civil t m relating to the same matkr. such amount as may be specified in the ordefl to the perkn who h ~ suffered s any 1 0 s or injury by reilson of the act for which J&M.---- - TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ______ IJAC~ . of hich fine does not! form a part. . the eourt. e .f' C ~~ O ~ LUG ~ mtim.e i(! "' .or artificial. to a n y p e m n . order thc accused person to pay. when passing. . and ' I ( b ) the extent of damage to the- proper$. @ate. shall have regard t G (a) the vgne of the quantum of eompensatlon ror uarrx-u -~s:J the audhority p ~ ~ c r i b e ud n d s sub-section (1 1. Chief Metrowlitan Magistrate or Coiu1-t of Session shall try any offence punishable under this A'cC a/ pOg&w \ I 1 SLIP-p- - - - - -- - qw~ 4 4 I 9 y . (c) in replacing or aa the w e may be. . 93 7. cs 4-* 3 .*(kC p nqtural . . f . 7 ~ . sentence. . sletive Assembly qnd. . i ~Q n c--mwd. I)Ossible after . " . s: I \--- .* . ' --. contain and fees if apy. (c) the authority to whom the claim for compensation 'has to he luaCe . . soon it is made or i w e d . Law I)epartl. _ - __ " I . .. secretary to Gover~tn~ent in-ccarge..---* _ _ _ ..yp&. MUNIlL4lIAN.eqcribed under sub-b-section (1) in deciding tkc c.\&~h CRLeed in l ~ ? i . sd. . 1908 for the nurpos".f(0) 11 '3~0 _ r t w. b [he authority prescribed under section I 1 1 and (f)any otlier matter which ih to be or mnay LC prescribed. (ej the procedure to be followed in deciding the claim for caonipclnsatior. ..ue& the rule or notificati )n shall tb. and not in dcrogaforce and nothing contained hcrein ' of investigatioa'or oDher. against him.lerii.laip for compensation shall follow such procedure ar may be prescribed.if. I - -- (3) The authority g. (3) Eyery mle made or notification issued under this Act shall.. 'SLIP- taking evidence on oath ..< of Destruction and frmil M..I 234 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORD~NARY -. _ _ .tiop of documents and matcrial objects . P?O&P ROE/ h & n 9 a . . in respect af the appllcatlon l u r cv. _ C _ . to be paid.. before the expiry of the sessic n in which' it'is so placed or the next ses&n. that auy such modifichtion or annulment &all be v. L ...r-- . + d r V & * ~ C j u n c ..\aL& 9Mx'v t?n ikth y sation . as the CBSK! may be.-2 ~ 2 7Ln \' A.crc&ftcr have effect only i q such modified form or be of no effect. 1 .. ---dul. so. * ..d9 &. 4 (4) The authority prescribed under sub-section (1) shall have all tho gowers of a Civil Court uncler the Code of Civil Procedure. the Legislative Assembly agrees in making any modification in apy such rule or notification or the Legislative Amemhly agrees that the vnle ox notification should not be niade or is.. . I "4. (d) the matters to be taken into account in arriving at the quuntiilll oi' compensation by the authority prescribed under nection 11 .o. be placed on the table of the 1~ck. ~Q@J91p3. . . hC----- -.ithout prejudice to thc validity of anything prev ~ w l y done under that r111e or notification. . Power to % Q I / . . in addition to..lnce of -~itn&ee.-. ) xh%L( +O\\W A m k e r u l a s . . +7Ufi*46/9q C94-94) (b) the form or a p . ( b ) rnforcin@: &e attend. .-.P'+~ch~dl\.. -. however. ... . . Bhava. . s . " the public property and the public ". ' . . . . . . (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Public Property (Prevention of Short title and Damage and Loss) Amendment Act. ' .. own:d by or in possession of. . : .I:_. . . >:.An ' Act to amend. commence.... I 1Nadu A c t B 2. . 1994 Aadi 24. for sub-section (I). (2) It shall come into force at once..1934 and ii hrrtby p3blishtkI for general ACT No.). or under the control of any ~ .. . AUGUST 9. . .' . 1994. _ :. for the words of 1992. 3. i ' I . . In section 1 of the principal Act. 1992. .. I ..(Price: Rs.Otdia4wxek Y 2 < . .2. .j .. G t o u p IV-2 ) ! Ex*(4 I 3). . * . the following sub-section Amendment of shall be substituted.. .. 'TAMIL NADU a : MADRAS. . 1992. movable or immov ble or machinery on including-" . the following shall be substituted.". ( .' ' '. : 9 . r ' n_ . ... 4... . I . 46 OF 1994. Tahil Ifadti Public Property (~revenffon~ of Damage and Loss) Act. . In section 2 of the principal Act. . .I Amendment of section 2 (1) for the opening portion beginning with the words "public property " and ending with the words " under the control of ". . *. Thiruvalluvar Aandu-2025 . the. . TUESDAY. In the long title to the Tamil Nadu Public Property (Prevention of Damage Amendment of long title. \. .iq:nt :on t b 4th A u u j t . i " * ' I. . namely :section 1. .i' .BEit enacted by the Legis!ative Assembly of the State of Tarmil Naciu in the Forty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follows :1. ment. . and Loss) Act. . . -.' .. . ' ' \ . Part IVLSection 2 . ' T a d N a h Acts and . in clause (4). . . .. The'fol~olvin~ Act of thz Tawnil Nldu Lsgislative Assmbly recaived the assent "of tbs Pcf. .--. '!. i .. : ' " (1) This Act may bc called the Tamil Nadu Property (Provantion of Damage and Loss) Act. I I . the words " any property and the public " shall be substituted.1 [ 331 ] L . 1992 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act). namely :- I " " property " means any property. . the word " proprfy" $ball places where they occur i n ~ l ~ ~ dthe be subst~tuted. (2) I11 deciding the appeal. . 11. for the words "public property " in two places where they occur. U~1 I~ section 3.-l70P tl~o~ I I IIOSCS I of this clnusc. " pubJJc proparly " In t h i n gmarginal heading.sectionshall be substituted. the following sub-. P . for the words "public property ". Secretary to Government. rtitu~d. for the words "for any damage or loss to the public property and on the application of the officer prescribed ".~ Amendment of section 11. - ---- --. .the word "property " JO. i (2) in sub-section (2). I I ~ I . Amendment of section 10.(1) for sub-section (I). In section 4 of the principal Act. $ / I ._ _ _ I . Laiv Depurtment.tttnlrd Ilx. U 8. ~ n . In section 9 of the principal Act. -.-(I) Any person aggrieved by an order made by the authoq~y prescribed under sub-section (1) of section 11 may. the following section shall be iuoencd. I r l socLIu11 3 of LJra jjr J r l f 11)alAct. Amendment of section 9. in clause (c). Appeal. A n ~ c n d m a of ~t section 4. the word' property" rball be substituted.. in sub-scction (l).. I I . the following sub-section shall be substituted..rrrtlllm. f. appeal to such authority as may be specified by the Government in this behalf. in two pluccs whoro tllcy occur including thc ~nnrginal hcadiny. 5. namely :" (1) Any claim for compensation for damage or loss caused to the property shall be made by(i) any person who has been affected by such damage or loss .I~lirrn.(1) for sub-section (I). tho following shn:l bo sub. (By order of the Governor) -/- -. the authority specified under sub-section (1) shall follow such procedure as may be prescribed and the decision of such authority on such appeal shall be final and shall not be called in question in any court of law. namely: " (1) Every claim for compensation for damage or loss caused to tho property shall be made to such authority as may be prescribed.the words "property including any road " shall be substituted. . within such period and in such manner as may be prescribed. : the words " public property ". words "public property including any public road ". for tlra v/or (J.* T n r . " . thc word " propcrty " shall be substituted. for the. 1 shall bo subatiti~ted. ..". ~ 7. for the words "public property".- - ----. namely : " 12-A.. MUNIRAMAN.(2) for sub-clause ( I ) ant1 the proviso theroundcr.--- M.l. . " cotnpnny " rnonl~sally body inoluda~ e l r ~ l :.. 9. In section 12 of the principel Act. o socicty or oll~cr clssoc~ation of individualb. -. the word " property " shall be substituted. section 12-A. Amendment of section 7. . c nh j ~ r j ~ -. After section 12 of the principal Act. 6. In ssction 7 of thc principal Act. or (ii sucll oficcr c~lipowcrcd by the authorities specified in sub-clauses (a) to Ci) OD' clause (4) o section 2 .".---- pnmWED AND PUBLTSFIEI) B f 1'fI': DIRFCTOR OF STAI'IONERY AND PRINTIEiCi MADRAS.the words" for any damage or loss to property and on the application of the person or tho officer prescribed " shall be substituted. In section 11 of the principal Act. Insertion of new 12. riamoly :- ' I &urjx). In section 10 of the principal Act.. I Amendment of section 12.".n. (2) in sub-section (2).
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