TM 55-4920-402-13&PTECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATOR’S, AVIATION UNIT AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE MANUAL (INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST) VIBREX BALANCING KIT PART NO. B4591 NSN 4920-01-040-7816 HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 15 AUGUST 1980 TM 55-4920-402-13&P C 9 CHANGE No. 9 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON, D.C., 30 JUNE 1993 Operator’s, Aviation Unit and Intermediate Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List) VIBREX BALANCING KIT PART NO. B4591 NSN 4920-01-040-7816 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. TM 55-4920-402-13&P, 15 August 1980, is changed as follows: 1. Remove and insert pages as indicated below. New or changed text material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin. An illustration change is indicated by a miniature pointing hand. Remove pages a/(b blank) i and ii 3-1 and 3-2 A-1/(A-2 blank) 2. Insert pages a/(b blank) i and ii 3-1 and 3-2 A-1/(A-2 blank) Retain this sheet in front of manual for reference purposes. By Order of the Secretary of the Army: Official: MILTON H. HAMILTON Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army 04482 GORDON R. SULLIVAN GeneraI, United States Army Chief of Staff DISTRIBUTION: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-31-E, block no. 2013, requirements for TM 55-4920-402-13&P. . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . Change 9 a/(b blank) . This unit contains delicate electronic components and assemblies which may be easily damaged if subjected to physical abuse due to improper handling. Before working inside the equipment. Do not look directly at the light. CAUTION Extreme care should he exercised when using the VIBREX test set. WARNING The flash tube is at several atmospheres pressure. Wear a safety shield or safety glasses. ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION is used in the operation of the Strobex. DEATH ON CONTACT may result if personnel fail to observe the safety precautions. turn power off and ground points of high potential before touching them. Learn the areas containing high voltage in each piece of equipment. Allow several minutes for flash tube to cool and the voltages to bleed off. Use gloves if available. Avoid twisting or bending the flash tube or the quartz glass with fracture. Be careful not to contact high voltage connections when installing or operating this equipment. The flash tube emits dangerous ultraviolet light that can damage the eyes.TM 55-4920-402-13&P WARNING HIGH VOLTAGE is used in the operation of this equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blink Finns). US Army Aviation and Troop Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release. . . . C. . . CHAPTER 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-4920-402-13&P HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON. . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 Trouble Analysis and Repair . . . . Preventive maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . storage. . . . . . . . distribution is unlimited. . IV. . . . . . . . A reply will be furnished to you. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mail your letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louis. . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 AVIATION INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE (CRC) INSTRUCTIONS Preparation for maintenance. . . . . . . . . . .C. . . . . . APPENDIX A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4300 Goodfellow Blvd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI. .3-14 Repair and replacement of authorized parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ATTN AMSAT-I-MP. . . . . . . D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Description and leading particulars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table of Contents Paragraph Page CHAPTER 1. . CHAPTER 4. . 3-4 Installation . III. . . . . . . . . . . . B4591 NSN 4920-01-040-7816 REPORTING ERRORS AND RECOMMENDING IMPROVEMENTS You can help improve this manual. . . . REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST . . . . . . CHAPTER 3. . . . Section I. . . . . and shipment . . . . . . . 3-1 3-1 3-7 3-11 3-12 3-12 4-1 4-1 4-7 A-1 B-1 C-1 Index-1 1-1 1-1 1-10 Change 9 i . . . . . . or DA Form 2028-2. . . . . 4-10 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . please let us know. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TM 5-4920-402-13&P TECHNICAL MANUAL No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V. . storage. . . . . 3-9 Inspection and service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and shipment . . . . INDEX INTRODUCTION General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . If you find any mistake or if you know of a way to improve the procedure. . . . . . 4-1 Theory of operation and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Test equipment. . B. . . . . . . . . . . located in the back of this manual directly to: Commander. and materials . . . . . . . .3-13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MO 63120-1798. . . . . . . . . . II. . . .. . . . 1-5 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS AVIATION UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS Preparation for use. II III. . 15 August 1980 OPERATOR’S AVIATION UNIT AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE MANUAL (INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST) VIBREX BALANCING KIT PART NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Operational checkout . . . . II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . special tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIBREX/Airframe Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:00. . . . Balancer Parts Location . . . . . . . . . .4 4-10. . . . . Strobex Test Points and Adjustments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tester Schematic Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4296-2. Balancer Test Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strobex Tracker 135 M11 . . Schematic Diagram . . . Phazor Test Points and Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4-8. . . . . . . . . Tester Controls and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cables A4296-l. . . . . . and A3319-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIBREX Tester 11 . . Typical VIBREX to Airframe Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strobex Controls and Indicators . 1-3 1-7 1-7 1-8 1-9 2-2 2-2 2-4 2-5 2-7 2-9 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 3-3 3-3 3-4 3-6 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 4-3 4-4 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8. . . . . . . . . . Gram Scale . . . . . . Signal Simulator B4305. . . . . . . . . . . . Balancer Test Points and Adjustments . . . . . . . Balancer Controls and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typical Balance Chart . . . . Accurate Tail Rotor Check . . . . . . . . .3 4-10. . .TM 55-4920-402-13&P LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 4-16 4-17 4-18 FO-1 FO-2 FO-3 VIBREX Balancing Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . Accelerometer. . . . . . . . . . Schematic Diagram . Balance Chart Clock Angle Corrector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balancer Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strobex waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strobex Focus Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phazor Simplified Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4-10. . . . . . . . . . Strobex Simplified Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00. . . . . . . . . . Strobex Schematic Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . Strobex Test Setup . Balance/Phazor 177M6A . Tester Test Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . Strobex Parts Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tester Interrupter Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reclocked Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 4-16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Magnetic Pickup Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balancer Simplified Diagram . and 9:00 O’clock . . . . . . . Logo at 12:00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Logo at 6:00 O’clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balance Chart Clock Angle Corrector Instruction Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Center-Decoder Test Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accelerometer 4177 B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIBREX Test Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phazor Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tester. . . .5 4-11 4-12 4-15 4-16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Logo at 1:30 and 7:30 O’clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 FO-1 FO-3 FO-4 ii Change 4 . . . . . . Phase-Lock Loop Test Setup . . . . . . . . Phase Relationships for Improperly and Properly Tuned Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3529. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 4-9 4-10 4-10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 4-10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIBREX Dimensions . . . . . . Leading Particulars . Balancer Voltage Checks . . . DC Cables Resistance Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Troubleshooting Procedures (Balancer/Phazor) . . . . . . . . Phazor Voltage Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 4-10. . . . . . . . . . . . Signal Simulator B4305 Resistance Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 4-8. . . . . . . . Strobex Resistance Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phazor Power Supply Resistance Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AccelerometerCables A4296-1 and A4296-2 Resistance checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accelerometer 4177B Resistance Checks . Balancer Controls and Indicators . . . . . . . . Inspection Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tester Controls and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strobex Controls and indicators . . . . . . Decode and Display Verification . . Balancer Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4-16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strobex Voltage Checks . . . . . Troubleshooting Procedures (Strobex/Tester) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 4-8. . . . . Magnetic Pickup Cable A3319-2 Resistance Checks . . . . . Strobex Oscillator Frequency Checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-12 4-12 4-16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4-10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consumable Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 4-10. . .5 Change 4 iii/(iv blank) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . .2 4-16. . . . . . . . . .TM 55-4920-402-13&P LIST OF TABLES Page Table Title 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 3-2 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 4-16 4-17 4-18 VIBREX Balancing Kit Components . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4-10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balancer Test Point Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 1-8 1-10 1-10 2-1 2-3 2-3 3-10 3-11 4-8 4-8 4-8. . . . . . . . . . . . Balancer Power Supply Resistance Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magnetic Pickup 3030AN Resistance Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provides the Balancer with an electrical representation of the physical motion of the point to which it is attached. The RPM dial of the St robex is accurately checked against the known rotor speed of the Tester motor. Used to calculate weight. The VIBREX analyzes the vibration induced by out-of-track. and then by plotting vibration amplitude and clock angle on a chart. Pickup device to provide magnetic impulses from rotor to Balancer. The VIBREX Tester (fig. d. VIBREX Tester 11.TM 55-4920-402-13&P CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Section l. pitch link. and on the main rotor to indicate rotor track and lead-lag. 1-3) (hereafter referred to as Strobex) is a small hand held lightweight combination power supply and strobe flash tube. records. Change 5 1-1 . Strobex Tracker 135M11.l-l) (hereafter referred to as VIBREX) is used to measure and indicate the level of vibrations induced by the main rotor and tail rotor of a helicopter. Following is a list of accessories (fig. The primary airframe mounted components are three Accelerometers 4177B and two Magnetic Pickups 3030AN. This unit contains delicate electronic components and assemblies which may be easily damaged if subjected to physical abuse due to improper handling. tab. The key feature of the Balancer/Phazor (fig. The Strobex Tracker (fig. the VIBREX is used in troubleshooting by measuring the revolutions-per-minute (RPM) or frequency of unknown disturbances. DESCRIPTION AND LEADING PARTICULARS 1-3. b. and reports which are to be used by maintenance personnel at all maintenance levels are listed and prescribed by DA PAM 738-751. 1-2. Forms and Records. or out-of-balance rotors.. It illuminates reflective targets on the tail rotor to measure tail rotor clock angle. Scope. Maintenance forms. CAUTlON Extreme care should be exercised when using the VIBREX test set. c. between a one-per-revolution Magnetic Pickup azimuth signal from the rotor and a vibration signal from the Accelerometer. Description. Balancer/Phazor 177M6A. Reflects Strobex flash pulses back to St robex operator. (2) Accelerometers. The Tester shakes (vibrates) the Accelerometer to measure vibration amplitude in inches-per-second (IPS) and rate (RPM) functions of the Balancer. The VIBREX Balancing Kit (fig. and Tester: (1) Magnetic Pickups and Interrupter Sets. The Phazor section contains a phase meter that reads clock angle. Phase or clock angle functions of the Phazor section are verified by a rotating interrupter plate and the Magnetic Pickup to provide double and single interrupt e r logic signals. which is indicative of the amount of the required change (track or balance). to correct rotor problems. or phase angle. The VIBREX is housed in a Carrying Case and consists of the components listed in table 1-1. 1-1 ) that are used with the Balancer. 1-4) (hereafter referred to as Tester) provides accurate calibration and complete functional check of the VIBREX. sweep. Accessories. electronic bandpass filter which is tuned to reject all but one frequency. a. the amount and location of rotor track or weight changes is determined. Section II. (3) Reflective and Tip Target Sets. Strobex Tracker 135M11. The main units of the VIBREX are Balancer/Phazor 177M6A. Strobex. GENERAL INFORMATION 1-1. or vibration under study. Magnetic Pickups are located on stationary platforms while Interrupter Sets are located on rotating platforms. The meter reads the level of vibration at the rate (RPM) of concern. and VIBREX Tester 11. etc. In addition. 1-2) (hereafter referred to as Balancer) is a tune able. (4) Balance and Tracking Charts. (6) Gram Scale. specifications. (7) Carrying Case. Table 1-2 provides the leading particulars that consist of the VIBREX main features. Provides installation and operating procedures for individual aircraft installations. 1-2 . Provides accurate weight measurement for weights to be installed on rotors. (10) Checklists. Also provides convenient storage space for VIBREX components. Provides a compact and secure method of transporting the VIBREX. and physical dimensions. (9) Brackets.TM 55-4920-402-13&P (5) Signal Simulator. 1-4. (8) Cables. Applies power to and interfaces VIBREX with airframe mounted components. Airframe mounting devices for Accelerometers and Magnetic Pickup. Figure 1-5 shows the physical dimensions and weights. characteristics. Leading Particulars. Provides signal simulation for troubleshooting the Balancer and Strobex. VIBREX Balancing Kit (Sheet 1 of 3) 1-3 .TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 1-1. TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 1-1. VIBREX Balancing Kit (Sheet 2 of 3) 1-4 . TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 1-1. VIBREX Balancing Kit (Sheet 3 of 3) 1-5 . VIBREX Balancing Kit Components Figure & Index No. Quantity Nomenclature Model Number 1-1-1 1-1-2 1-1-3 1-14 1-1-5 1-1-6 1-1-7 1-1-8 1-1-9 1-1-10 1-1-11 1-1-12 1-1-13 1-1-14 1-1-15 1-1-16 1-1-17 1-1-18 1-1-19 1-1-20 1-1-21 1-1-22 1-1-23 1-1-24 1-1-25 1-1-26 1-1-27 1-1-28 1-1-29 1-1-30 1-1-31 1-1-32 1-1-33 1-1-34 1-1-35 1-1-36 1-1-37 1-1-38 1-1-39 1-1-40 1-1-41 1-1-42 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 Balancer/Phazor Strobex Tracker VIBREX Tester Gram Scale Carrying Case DC Adapter Cable DC Adapter Cable DC Adapter Cable M/R and T/R Checklist Checklist Checklist Corrector Chart M/R Track and Balance Chart M/R Track and Balance Chart T/R Track and Balance Chart T/R Track and Balance Chart M/R Balance Chart T/R Balance Chart Tracking Chart Balance Chart Cable Ties Package Accelerometer Magnetic Pickup Accelerometer Bracket Accelerometer Bracket Magnetic Pickup Bracket Tip Target Set Tip Target Set Target Patches Backup Bar (used with B3159) Magnetic Pickup Bracket Flash Tube (Spare) Interrupter Set Signal Simulator Interrupter Set Magnetic Pickup Bracket Magnetic Pickup Bracket Interrupter Set Magnetic Pickup Cable DC Extension Cable Accelerometer Cable Accelerometer Cable Serial Number/Warranty Label 177M6A 135M11 11 47 34B B3140-1 B3140-5 B3140-9 4300 4280 4290 3597 4262 4273 3413 4020 3411 3438 3875 4471 4208 4177B 3030AN A3382 A3383 A3104 A3428-2 A3387 A3300 A3160 B3159 35S B3380 B4305 B3251 C4559 C4758 B3103 A3319-2 A3529 A4296-1 A4296-2 AW4756 1-6 Change 2 .TM 55-4920-402-13&P Table 1-1. TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 1-2. Figure 1-3. Strobex Tracker 135M11 1-7 . 6 Hz max POS D = 166.2 Hz max POS C = 16.6 Hz max POS E = 1666 Hz max Figure 1-4. Leading Particulars Item Characteristic Input power Power consumption Flash tube output Flash tube strobe rate +25 to +34 vdc (from aircraft) 100 watts maximum at +28 vdc (3.3 amps nominal) Approximately 2000 beam candle seconds per flash at 15 feet POS A = 60 Hz max POS B = 42.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Table 1-2. VIBREX Tester 11 1-8 . VIBREX Dimensions 1-9 .TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 1-5. TM 55-4920-402-13&P Section lll. TEST EQUIPMENT, SPECIAL TOOLS, AND MATERIALS 1-5. Test Equipment and Special Tools. Table 1-3 contains a list of test equipment required to service the VIBREX. Equivalent items may be used if the recommended equip- ment is not available. There are no special tools required. 1-6. Consumable Materials. Table 1-4 contains a list of consumable materials required to service the VIBREX. Table 1-3. Test Equipment Nomenclature Table 1-4 Consumable Materials Item Number Nomenclature Military Specification Part Number Function Generator (two required) Electronic Counter TEK MODEL FG502 NSN 6625-01-010-6783 Hp, Model 5345A NSN 4931-01-040-1496 Tektronic P/N 1 2 Solvent, Stoddard Enamel, Lusterless Black P-D-680, Type II TT-E-527, Color No. 37038 per FED-STD-595 Probs 10:1 (two required) Digital Multimeter Hp, Model 3490A NSN 6625-01-040-9255 NJE Corp, Model CS 36CR30 NSN 4931-00-962-2133 Tektronic, Model 5440 NSN 6625-01-034-3269 Power Supply (28 vdc) Oscilloscope/sys Display Graphical 1-10 Change 4 TM 55-4920-402-13&P CHAPTER 2 OPERATING 2-1. General. This chapter provides complete operating instructions for the VIBREX. Included are illustrations and fictional descriptions of all controls and indicators, operating procedures, and the use of balance and tracking charts. Troubleshooting techniques for the isolation of malfunctions, other than tracking and balancing rotor blades, are also discussed. CAUTION INSTRUCTIONS 2-2 Controls and lndicators. Figure 2-l and table 2-l illustrates and describes the controls and indicators for the Balancer, figure 2-2 and table 2-2 illustrates and destribes the controls and indicators for the Strobex, and figure 2-3 and table 2-3 illustrates and describes the controls and indicators for the Tester Extreme care should be exercised when using the VIBREX test set. This unit contains delicate electronic com- ponents and assemblies which may be easily damaged if subjected to physical abuse due to improper handling. Table 2-1. Balancer Controls and Indicators Figure & Index No. Control/Indicator Function 2-1-1 FUNCTION 3-position switch 2-1-2 2-1-3 2-1-4 2-1-5 2-1-6 IPS meter PUSH FOR SCALE 2 pushbutton RPM TUNE dial VERIFY TUNE pushbutton PHAZOR ring-of-lights 2-1-7 2-1-8 TEST pushbutton INTERRUPTER LOGIC switch 2-1-9 RPM RANGE 3-position switch 2-1-10 MAGNETIC PICKUP switch CHANNEL A accelerometer typically used to measure lateral one-per-revolution for main rotor balance. CHANNEL B accelerometer typically used to measure vertical one-perrevolution for main rotor track adjustment. Also used for tail rotor balancing. TRACK connects Magnetic Pickup signal to trigger Strobex. Reads vibration amplitude in IPS. Scale no. 1 reads 0 to 1.0 IPS. Scale no. 2 reads 0 to 10.0 IPS. Divides IPS meter reading by 10. IPS meter reads 0 to 10.0 IPS. Tunes band-pass filters to the exact rotor RPM. Switches the filter from normal to sharp peak con figuration. A phase meter that measures the phase, or clock angle, between the rotor azimuth angle derived from the Magnetic Pickup inputs and the Accelerometer. Also serves as power indicator light. Disconnects the Accelerometer inputs and applies the Magnetic Pickup inputs to Phazor. The SINGLE position is used when only one Interrupter is installed. The DOUBLE position is used if the swashplate has one Interrupter per blade, one of which is double to provide the one-per-revolution azimuth reference. Xl range is 999 RPM range maximum, X10 range is 9,990 RPM range maximum, and X100 is 99, 900 RPM range maximum. COMMON connects the two Magnetic Pickup inputs together so that both Accelerometer inputs are referenced to the same Magnetic Pickup pulse from the fixed swashplate. The INDEPENDENT position is used only if two Magnetic Pickups are used, as on the left and right propellers of an airplane. 2-1 TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 2-1. Figure 2-2. Strobex Controls and Indicators 2-2 Position D is also a free running oscillator that flashes the Strobex at a maximum rate of 10. Lights when the TRIGGER switch is in the ON position. but operates at a flash rate of 10. Trim pots for precise adjustments of RPM. Position E activates a locking oscillator as in position B. while locked to rotor rate by Magnetic Pickup pulses. 2-3-2 2-3-3 2-3-4 2-3-5 RPM switch MOTOR ON switch CAM RATE (RPM) trim pots Strobe disc 2-3 . causes the Strobex to flash at one-perblade rate. Switch for high and low cam rate (RPM). Table 2-3. produces a high intensity collimated beam. when RPM is accurately adjusted. Strobex Controls and Indicators Figure & Index No. Position C incorporates a free running oscillator to flash the Strobex at a maximum rate of 1000-per-minute for speed (RPM) measuring. under ordinary fluorescent room lights. Switch for dc to motor. Controls the flash rate of the Strobex in all positions except A. Strobe disc pattern on rotor disc shows a stopped image. The reflective targets on the blade tips or rotor grips are clearly visible under all outdoor weather conditions.000 per minute for tail rotor tracking and speed (RPM) measurements. Primarily used to track airplane propellers. Tester Cintrols and Indicators Figure & Index No. Removal of four screws converts disc to single interrupter configuration.000 flashes per minute. Control/Indicator Function 2-3-1 Double Interrupter Screws on edge of rotor disc serve as interrupters.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Table 2-2. Turns the +28 vdc power ON and OFF. Double interrupter configuration is shown. Control/Indicator Function 2-2-1 MODE 5-position switch 2-2-2 2-2-3 2-2-4 RPM dial TRIGGER switch FLASH TUBE 2-2-5 28 VDC POWER indicator Position A is used to operate the unit in a slave mode for main rotor tracking and tail rotor balancing. Position B is used for main rotor tracking. In its precision parabolic reflector. It incorporates a locking oscillator that. loose rivets. tail rotor vibrations are much fester. This is correctable by adding or subtracting weights at specific locations. 2-4. In general. but are not correctable by track or weight changes. Rotor Vibration. c. 20 to 60 Hz. because of this low vibration rate and fairly low forces. Vibration can generally be reduced to four sources: d. The following paragraphs describe the use of the VIBREX in performing actual vibration measurements. with button released. Figure 2-4 illustrates the relationship of the Balancer to airframe mounted components.. a. from normal to stagger-tuned will be seen as a sharp change in clock angle. main rotor vibrations are in a frequency range of 3 to 8 Hz and. orb y sweeping the blades. Pushing the VERIFY TUNE button switches the filter to its narrow mode. If the filter is not properly tuned. One-per-revolution lateral vibration in the plane of the rotor disc is induced by improper weight distribution around the center of rotation. .TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 2-3. The Accelerometer generates an electrical signal which is representative of all the mechanical motion (vibration) of the point to which it is attached. etc. either in the ring-of-lights. must be rejected. However. One-per-revolution vibration perpendicular to the plane of the main rotor disc is induced by a faulty track condition and is corrected by pitch link and/or tab adjustment. the Balancer is tuned by adjusting the RPM TUNE dial until there is no change observed in clock angle (Phazor or Strobex) whether the VERIFY TUNE button is pushed or released. This frequency range causes relatively little discomfort to the aircrew but results in greater darnage to the airframe. Multiples of one-per-revolution vibrations are generally induced by aerodynamic forces. Tester Controls and Indicators 2-3. b. The purpose of balancing and tracking a rotor is to reduce the vibration induced by the out-ofbalance rotor. In use. When properly tuned. all of the signal except that from the oneper-revolution of the rotor being worked. from staggertuned. due to the low frequency range. Vibratory forces are caused by shafts and accessories which are out -of-balance or out of alignment. pitch case bearings. worn bearings and rod ends. and rejects all other vibration frequency rates. To derive a useful signal. or board. i. In contrast. the filter passes only the signal at the RPM indicated by the Balancer’s RPM RANGE switch and RPM TUNE dial. The heart of the Balancer is its tuneable electronic band-pass filter. are not terribly damaging to the airframe. b. This is evident in terms of skin cracks. this type vibration causes great discomfort to the aircrew. a difference in phase shift through the filter. 2-4 Change 3 a.e. Tuning the Balancer. TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 2-4. 2-5 . however. h. along with the IPS meter reading. The display described in paragraph f must appear in the Phazor with the TEST button pushed. Once-per-revolution. no phase shift will be seen. NOTE per revolution which is not suitable for the Phazor. Observe steps a through c when using the Strobex. The Phazor requires a one-per-revolution pulse from the Magnetic Pickup on the fixed swashplate as a phase reference to measure the clock angle of the Accelerometer signal. one of which is double. e. The only Phazor controls is a TEST pushbutton to verify that it is receiving the correct Magnetic Pickup pulscs for phase reference. c. Therefore. and the two Tip Targets are displayed at each of the two positions in azimuth around the rotor disc. g. Typical phase relationships for improperly and properly tuned filters are shown in figure 2-5. has logic that looks only at the double pulse and ignores the single pulse. but the actual tuning should be accomplished by adjusting for no change in clock angle. the VERIFY TUNE button must be pressed and released for longer intervals when working at-low rotor RPM (4 or 5 seconds) for main rotors. only one lamp will be lit. The Strobex has a trigger in the pistol-grip handle for dc power switching. Adjust RPM TUNE only while VERIFY TUNE button is pushed. 2-6 . i. f. Thus. This causes the Magnetic Pickup to deliver two pulses Change 3 NOTE Focus on the flash focue tube in its parabolic reflector is essential. and filtered Accelerometer signal). The Strobex is used as the phase meter when measuring clock angle of tail rotors. Failure to stabilize after 10 to 20 seconds could be caused by improper gap between the Magnetic Pickup and Interrupters. b. To realize the above logic. or the VIBREX is not ready for use. with the TEST button pushed. Be sure to look directly over top of lamp (the reflected light comes back to the light source). from the Balancer. The Phazor. c. This indication is used when working main rotors. In summary. several seconds are required for the circuit to stabilize. d. c. 2-5. It is used with the Balancer to read the location of imbalance of main rotors. Refer to paragraph 3)10C for focus adjustment. The IPS is read from the Balancer meter. no clock angle change will be seen when the VERIFY TUNE button is pushed or released. the Strobex sees triggering pulses. the Phazor lights are not used. there should be little or no change in IPS whether the VERIFY TUNE button is pushed or released. so it flashes once per blade. This is the reason for fitting the rotating swashplate with one double and one single interrupter. When properly tuned. However. for establishing a clock angle on the Balance Chart. Be sure to use clean reflective targets. d. the INTERRUPTER LOGIC switch must be in the DOUBLE position. so it may be anywhere on the clock. i. it thinks it is receiving only the one-per-revolution reference signal it requires. the 12:00 o’clock and 6:00 o’clock lights will be seen. j. After application of the Magnetic Pickup pulses to the Phazor. Be sure the lamp is correctly focused. and that one is in response to the Accelerometer signal. Conversely. and a ten-turn RPM dial to adjust the flash rate. the Accelerometer input is disconnected and only the Magnetic Pickup pulse train is admitted. and the single pulse will light the 6:00 o’clock lamp. The Phazor section of the Balancer is a phase meter with a display in the form of a ring of 24 lights. Figure 2-4 illustrates the relationship of the Strobex to airframe mounted components. most helicopters are fitted with one Interrupter per blade so as to trigger the Strobex for tracking. When the TEST button on the Phazor is pushed. periodically shine the light on a wall 10 to 20 feet distant and check for a bright spot 1 to 2 feet in diameter. a. Further. determines the point to be plotted on the chart. NOTE When using the Strobex to determine the clock angle of the tail rotor. This should always be checked. Use of the Strobex. a. Time constants in the Strobex are such that it cannot see the difference between the double and single pulses. b. and a DOUBLE/SINGLE INTERRUPTER LOGIC switch to set the correct interrupter logic. a five-position function switch. The user observes which of the 24 lamps is lit and reads the hour or half-hour as from a clock face.TM 55-4920-402-13&P or the Strobex clock angle image. it may be worked more rapidly when doing tail rotors.e. Since there is only one Magnetic Pickup on the fixed swashplate. The Phazor section derives its inputs (Magnetic Pickup pulse. The double pulse causes the 12:00 o’clock lamp to light. The ringof-lights indicate clock angle which. Because of the lower circuit time constants. When the TEST button is released. Use of the Balancer. The brief tuning instructions on the Balance Charts are carefully worded. both the tracking and balancing requirements must be met by arranging the logic of the pulses. 2-6. Follow them exactly and you will find it an easy and effective process. TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 2-5. Phase Relationships for Improperly and Properly Tuned Filters 2-7 . defines a point on the Balance Chart for the rotor.0 at the outside. the tip pattern can be seen at twice as many points in azimuth. A set of ten concentric circles. and speed of rotors. pitch link. the Strobex operates at its higher intensity. . which are generally fitted with one interrupter-per-blade. the RPM is set to four times rotor rate and fine adjusted to cause the single Tip Target to appear as a stopped image of four. Mode B is used for main rotor track when the helicopter is fitted with one interrupter-per-revolution. pulsed by a single Interrupter. drawn over the clock face. Reading the Charts. 2-9. and location of change required to weight. When in Mode E. activates the free-running oscillator. the blades will still be seen at the same position. (1) This is a free-running oscillator as in Mode C. The electrical commands come from the Magnetic Pickup secured to the fixed swashplate. the Strobex operates at its higher intensity. 2-8. superimposed. In Mode C. or slightly less. if the RPM dial is set to a slightly lower rate. Mode A. a. The one-per-revolution signal from the Magnetic Pickup locks (or resets) the oscillator each revolution. Mode D is used for tail rotor tracking and speed (RPM) measurement. (3) If the brighter light is desired when working the smaller helicopters. It is used primarily t o track airplane propellers where the flash rate is set to three times propeller rate (for three blades). which in turn. direction. Mode A is used for main rotor track. This is typically used on five. the dial reading is multiplied by ten generating a flash rate to 10. The intersection of IPS circles and clock angle lines define a point on the chart. When in Mode A. b. Mode B is used. e. Strobex Modes of Operation. Mode B. with zero at the center and 1. the Strobex operates in a locking oscillator mode. (2) The oscillator is set by the ten-turn dial to flash once-per-blade. the Strobex operates at its lower intensity. the Strobex operates at its lower intensity. rotor RPM times number of blades times 0. together with vibration amplitude from the Balancer meter. provides the trigger pulse to the Strobex. or pitch link change to accomplish track. A graph over the clock face and IPS circles to indicate amount. but will be spread uniformly for each resolution.4). From this point.8 instead of 0. Mode E is used for tracking propellers. number of rotor blades. in response to the Accelerometer signal. The locking pulse always keeps the target in the same azimuth position. to-correct the problem. Balance Charts consists of the following. generates an electrical pulse to trigger the Strobex. in proximity to the Magnetic Pickup. which reads directly in RPM. For two and four blade tail rotors. etc. or less than. (1) In Mode B. or seven blade helicopters where superimposed targets are difficult to distinguish. d. Its maximum flash rate is 1000 per minute for measuring RPM in the range of 100 to 1000 RPM. When the Strobex is directed at the tip path. By setting the ten-turn dial to double the blade rate (use a multiplier of 0. times 0. and the oscillator 2-8 never fires the Strobex. at two points in azimuth. lines to the axes of a graph show the amount and location of weights (or main rotor sweep) required to accomplish balance. The rotating swashplate is fitted with only one Interrupter. Flash rate is controlled only by the ten-turn dial. However. Mode E activates a locking oscillator exactly as Mode B. or when a brighter light is required than provided by Mode A. The Tip Targets will be seen superimposed. whatever the geometry of the rotor represented. and for tail rotor balance. Figure 2-6 illustrates a typical Balance Chart. The following paragraphs discuss the criteria for mode selection. indicates corrective action. A clock face (12 radial lines) representive clock angle. and the Magnetic Pickup.000 flashes per minute. except it operates over the higher flash rate range to 10. Mode E. However. b.4). Mode C is used for speed RPM measurement. and the remaining operation is identical to Mode A except the light is about four times greater. tab. (2) Since no Magnetic Pickup is attached to the tail rotor. The tip pattern cannot be spread in Mode A because the Interrupters restart the oscillator each time a blade passes. The Balance Charts are computers that are used to plot the measurement of the vibration amplitude and clock angle and determine the weights required to balance the rotor. sweep. (1) In this mode. and disconnects any external signals. The mode of operation depends on the rotor being balanced (main or tail).4. (2) This mode is also used for tail rotor balancing where the Balancer. six. The rotor disc is viewed edge-on and the reflective Tip Targets are viewed for track.TM 55-4920-402-13&P 2-7. When in Mode B. the number of Interrupters. where the helicopter is fitted with one interrupter-perblade. tracking is accomplished by the free-running oscillator. Reading the charts is about the same. the Strobex operates at its lower intensity. Mode D. thus delivering a one-per-revolution pulse (not one-per-blade) to the Strobex. (The ten-turn dial is set to equal. The clock angle observed. to an accuracy of about ±2%.000 flashes per minute. at as many azimuth positions as there are blades. a. Balance and Tracking Charts. and each passage of an Interrupter. When in Mode D. Simply set the flash rate to the blade rate. c. Mode C. the Strobex is a slave only flashing once in response to each external command. c. locks the oscillator at one-per-revolution. One interrupter-per-blade of magnetic material is attached to the rot sting swashplate. both Tip Targets will be seen. representing IPS. The targets will be seen front and back on a two-blade helicopter.. TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 2-6. Typical Balance Chart 2-9 . Larger weights (5 grams or over) do not require the use of the vernier balance as the total range is a small percent of the weight being measured. when the two readings are plotted (1 and 2. Thus. Then. lf the chart and helicopter are not perfectly matched. Add the same 15 grams at B and nothing at A. and swing index A-B in the direction that the move line did go. it may be necessary to correct the chart for the particular rotor being worked. c. Differences in airframe sensitivity can cause the move line to be the wrong length. etc. rather than the 14 originally shown. it is important that it be set up out of the wind and very carefully balanced by the screw foot at the left end. are a function of the mechanical response of the airframe. Weights. The move line is now parallel to the arrow. This will have to be determined on a case by case basis as Airframes exhibit different flight characteristics due to a variety of factors. From this point. (1) Refer to figure . (4) Then. corresponding to the span weight change.7 IPS as indicated by point 2 and the move line is not parallel to the span arrow.2-10.0. In practice. for perfect balance. and adding 25 to A. the readings might be as follows: (2) Assume the same first reading of 5:00 o’clock and 0.8 IPS is plotted on the chart as point 1. Normally. Correction of this error is relatively simple since the length of the move line is in direct proportion to the amount of the weight change. refer to the instructions contained on the envelope. The point is labeled no. (5) We can also see that too much weight was added to B because plot point 2 is beyond the zero line. a reading of 0. the IPS reading should be divided by 2. there is some spread in measurements.. i. The Gram Scale is set up as shown in figure 2-11. rod end bearings. etc. Now. Because IPS and clock angle. too much weight was added. Use of VIBREX for Troubleshooting. after corrective action. b. and about 0. figure 2-9. the balance should be corrected. a. if the move line is too short. and the Balance Chart Clock Angle Corrector. to which the 15 had been added. As can be seen. Refer to figure 2-7. by subtracting about 4 from B. 3597 and place eyelet A on the first reading and align index A-C) in the direction the move line should have gone. b. Clock Angle. Clock angle error causes the chart to call for the weights in the wrong place (or in an incorrect ratio on a pair of points). the indicated weight changes must be multiplied by the same factor pre viously used (2 or 10. if the move line is too long. 2-10 Change 4 . the change was not actually made. If the IPS reading is off scale (vibration level too high) The PUSH FOR SCALE 2 button is pushed to take the reading. If small weights are to be weighed (less than 5 grams). The balancing is done with the pan attached and both the slide balance and the vernier balance at O. Additional readings are then taken. The following procedures will assist maintenance personnel in locating vibration problems in the aircraft that are caused by faulty linkages. lines are drawn to each of the two axes of the chart to determine the weight change required for balance. First. using the information derived from the Balancer/Phazor. We now see that we must subtract 1 hour from the clock numbers. or some number that will yield a result of less than 1. a point is plotted on the chart at the intersection of the clock angle line and the IPS circle. figure 2-8. d. A simple way to correct clock angle is to use the Balance Chart Clock Angie Corrector. This is illustrated in the following problem d. 2-12. or pitch link change required for track. we see that the move line is now in the correct direction.35 IPS. in response to a given out-of-balance condition. (3) Use Clock Angle Corrector No. Since the B reading is farther from the zero axis. Therefore. Clock Corrector.2 or better is acceptable. Balancing Problem Using Clock Angle Corrector. A reading of 5:00 o’clock at 0.. this calls for a weight addition of about 14 grams at A and 15 grams at B. Detailed instructions are covered in the following balancing problem. ‘Thus. Correction of Charts.TM 55-4920-402-13&P a. Then when the point is plotted on the chart.8 IPS might be plotted at 0. thus achieving final balance. addition of the 14 grams to A (chordwise) should move the plot point to the center of the chart.8 IPS. there is a mismatch. 2-10.) on the corrected chart.) c. 1. Use of Gram Scale. too little weight was used. The replotted line should now move to the zero axis line indicating no further changes is required to the axis to which the change was made. This indicates we need to add about 25 grams to A. Change only one axis fro the first move (select the one farthest from the zero axis line). and replotted on the chart. point 3. or 10. dampers. and since all airframes of a given helicopter type are not identical. This time our second reading is 6:30 o’clock and 0. If we track back to the chord axis (A and C) it indicates that a change was made there however.9 etc. we add 15 grams to B only and nothing to A. 2-11. The next plot point is shown as 2 and should be at 7:15 o’clock. To use the Balance Chart Clock Angle Corrector. transmission mounts.e. the chart correction used for hover balance will apply to in-flight balance. Now the indicated weight should be added to the other axis. 1. e. which should move its plotline to the center of the chart.g. Small weights are measured using both the slide balance and vernier balance. Check vibration levels on a “healthy” ship.1/(2-10.TM 55-4920-402-13&P NOTE Maintaining a record of imbalance amplitudes and their cause will greatly enhance troubleshooting procedures for like models of aircraft.2 blank) . Just because a component is inducing vibration do not assume the component is faulty. Change 4 2-10. Refer to applicable aircraft technical manual. . TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 2-7. Accurate Tail Rotor Check 2-11 . and 6 Blade Charts. not all airframes of the same type are identical. The CORRECTOR makes it simple. as is the ratio of the amounts of weight called for. the move line SHOULD go toward or through the center of the Chart.) If the Move Line is not as indicated. If the rotor does not respond in an orderly manner to balancing efforts. linkages.) but correction of the clock is more difficult. the Line would not be expected to go to the center. . use the CORRECTOR. etc. 1) If a pair of moves is made EXACTLY as called for. and the actual amounts of weight. but the other is only approximate. and re-label the Clock. Balance Chart Clock Angle Corrector Instructor Sheet 2-12 .TM 55-4920-402-13&P BALANCE CHART CLOCK ANGLE CORRECTOR #3597 Balance charts are made for each rotor of each helicopter type. The charts represent the best average of many samples. so no change should be indicated. (On 3. LOOK FOR PROBLEMS IN THE ROTOR (Bearings. mounts. Keep in mind that if one weight is changed exactly as called for. etc. Correction of weight is fairly straightfoward and obvious (if the Move Line is too long. In other words. However. To use the CORRECTOR it is important to understand the direction the move line should take on the chart. IF NOT. restore to the original condition and see if the first reading repeats. 2) If only one of the two weights is changed. use less weight. the Move Line should be PARALLEL to the fine lines extending from the UNCHANGED axis. consider only the “pie section” in which the first point lies. etc. The angle between the axes (heavy lines at edges) is determined by the geometry of the available weight attachment points. the weight on the second axis was not changed.). Differences in mechanical stiffness and resonant frequencies may call for different weights---AND DIFFERENT CLOCK ANGLE---(rotation of graph on clock) for some helicopters of a given type. are determined experimentally. rodends. The rotation of the graph on the clock. because of differences in manufacture or repairs. Figure 2-8. 5. Rotate corrector body so that A-O ponts in direction “MOVE LINE” should have gone. 5) Replot 2nd reading and proceed as usual. Change clock by writing new clock numbers around chart. SEE MANUAL FOR MORE DETAILS AND CAUTIONS. Balance Chart Angle Corrector 2-13 . Holding corrector body firmly. 3 4) Read required correction on scale.. using corrected chart. Part #3597 Use this Corrector if “MOVE LINE” is not in the correct direction. 1 2 Place eyelet “A” over 1t (previous) reading of “MOVE LINE”.TM 55-4920-402-13&P BALANCE CHART CLOCK ANGLE CORRECTOR. rotate index A-B so that it goes thru 2d (present) reading. Figure 2-9. Reclocked Chart 2-14 .TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 2-10. if the IPS meter reads some vibration level.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 2-11. the object is to measure the vibration rate of the disturbance and then match it against known rotation rates or harmonics or multiples of known rotation rates in the helicopter. When using the Balancer for troubleshooting. Searching or scanning the frequencies with the RPM TUNE dial must be done slowly at the low RPM ranges (Xl on the RPM RANGE switch) and may be done more rapidly at the higher ranges (X10 and X100). or stagger-tuned filter) and when the meter reads. push the VERIFY TUNE button (to the sharp filter position) and sharp tune for the maximum meter reading. b. Gram Scale a. 2-15/(2-16 blank) . In this manner. it is possible to read the vibration rate with an accuracy of about 2%. The Balancer meter will read only if its filter is tuned to coincide with the frequency (vibration rate) of a disturbance being measured along the axis of the Accelerometer. the Strobex need not be plugged in. Thus. making it easier to probe with the Accelerometer. the Accelerometer must be generating a signal at the frequency at which the falter RPM TUNE dial is act. Search with the VERIFY TUNE button released (broad. c. When using the Balancer for troubleshooting. . Testing of the following VIBREX items is required (1) Balancer (2) Strobex (3) Magnetic Pickup 3030AN (4) Accelerometer 4177B (5) Associated cables NOTE Testing of the VIBREX requires 24 to 30 vdc power source. i. a. Test Setup. Place Carrying Case in shipping container. 3-2. Section II. Perform all steps in paragraph 3-2 and the following a. Close Carrying Case. 3-4. Change 9 3-1 . and Cables in the top compartment of the Carrying Case (fig. The VIBREX may be damaged in shipping and. STORAGE.e. Magnetic Pickups. Accelerometers. b. For general technical information on preparation for storage and shipment. dents. Test Preparation. Return VIBREX through proper channels. l-l). c. crocks.. Open the Carrying Case and perform the following check (1) Check contents against packing slip. For regulatory requirement pertaining to equipment placed in administrative storage. This can be obtained from a battery. refer to TM 1-1500-204-23 (series). perform paragraph 3-8 below to isolate if the Balancer unit is at fault. AND SHIPMENT 3-1. a. 3-5. 3-3. therefore. Preparation for Storage. l-l). Strobex. OPERATIONAL CHECKOUT NOTE The VIBREX is performance checked and calibrated prior to leaving the factory. carefully open the shipping container.TM 55-4920-402-13&P CHAPTER 3 AVIATION UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS Section I. Brackets. Perform the instructions in this section prior to actual use of the VIBREX. c. and Gram Scale in their proper compartments in the Carrying Case (fig. Personnel should become thoroughly familiar with the entire procedure before attempting the test. must be returned through proper channels. refer to AR 750-1. Use the following procedure when preparing the VIBREX for storage: a. Preparation for Shipment. Balancer Checkout. 3-3A. Upon receipt of the VIBREX. If the following performance checks are not within specifications. (2) Check for obvious damage. This unit contains delicate electronic components and assemblies which may be easily damaged if subjected to physical abuse due to improper handling. etc. chips. b. b. Record missing or damaged components on the appropriate forms. b. the following procedures should be performed to ensure that no damage to internal components has occurred during shipment. aircraft source or portable DC power supply of at least 3 amps minimum. PREPARATION FOR USE. Refer to figure 3-1 for VIBREX test setup. NOTE Retain the shipping container. CAUTION Extreme care should be exercised when using the VIBREX test set. Test Requirements. Preparation for Use. Place the Balancer. CAUTION Ensure all cabling is correctly installed and equipment is connected to a stable 28 vdc source. Place the Tester. However. Testing of all functions of the Balancer is accomplished by the Tester. (1) Install two Accelerometers and a Magnetic Pickup on the Tester as shown in figure 3-2.TM 55-4920-402-13&P a. Tighten jam nut on pickup. The Magnetic Pickup must be very close because the small rotor diameter results in very low peripheral velocity. back out about one flat (1/6 turn) to provide clearance. Screw Magnetic Pickup in until it just touches the interrupter screws. Performance Ckecks. Dress the Accelerometer Cables around behind the Tester so them is no force from the cables that might pull the cam followers away from the cam. Then. NOTE (2) Connect Magnetic Pickup and Accelerometer Cables as shown in figure 3-2. 3-2 . Accelerometer and Magnetic Pickup Installation Change 4 3-3 .TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 3-1. Figure 3-2 Tester. adjust 900 RPM adjust (fig. . If segments are not 3-4 Change 4 stopped under 60 H Z fluorescent lighting. RPM RANGE to X10. Ensure rpm readings are still within ±2%. (C) RPM RANGE to X10. (c) Set Tester CAM RATE (RPM) and Balancer RPM Tune to 900. The tester strobe disc speed is Calibrated using the two inner rings of black and white segments. (b) Set CAM RATE (RPM) switch to 1800 and observe that the black and white outer ring of segments on the strobe disc appear to be stopped when illuminated by 60 Hz fluorescent room lights. The third ring from the outside will appear stopped when the strobe disc is turning 1714 rpm. If yhe segments are not stopped under 60 Hz fluorescent lighting. (5) Adjust Tester as follows: (a) Set MOTOR switch to ON. (4) Set Balancer controls as follows: (a) INTERRUPTER LOGIC to DOUBLE. (b) MAGNETIC PICKUP to COMMON. 3-2) until the outer ring of black and white segments appear to be stopped. Tester Interrupter Placement (3) Connect Balancer Power Cable to the Tester and ensure Tester Power Cable is still connected to +28 vdc power source. 2. The Balancer IPS meter reading shall be 0. The rpm settings of the Balancer and Strobex shall read 1714 and 923 instead of 1800 and 900 respectively. (d) Adjustment with 50 Hz power source for the fluorescent lights is the same as for 60 Hz with the following exceptions: 1. 3. 3-2) until thesecond ring of black and white segments appear to be stopped. RPM RANGE to Xl. (6) Set Tester rotor for double interrupter with all six screws in place (fig.47 @923 rpm. (e) FUNCTION to CHANNEL A. adjust 1800 RPM adjust (fig. The inner ring (fourth from the outside) will appear stopped when the strobe disc is turning 923 rpm. 3-3). (d) RPM TUNE to 180.75 @ 1714 rpm and 0. and IFS meter readings are still within ±10%.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 3-3. Observe that the second ring of black and white segments on the strobe disc appear to be stopped when illuminated by 60 Hz fluorescent room lights. (7) Set Tester CAM RATE (RPM) and Balancer RPM Tune to 1800 RPM. Repeat until there is no change whether VERIFY TUNE button is pushed or released. b. The Strobex is checked by the tester using Balancer unit. Change 4 3-5 . (b) Remove the two opposite pairs on interrupter screws on the Tester (four total) leaving only the two opposite single screws. Release VERIFY TUNE button and observe new clock angle. Performance Check of the Balance Mode.44 IPS and RPM TUNE dial reads between 882 and 918 RPM. (b) Release TEST button and observe clock angle of lighted lamp. All other controls are unimportant. Verify that the indication in the Phazor lights is between 8:30 and 9:30 o’clock. and the RPM TUNE dial reads between 176 and 184 RPM. (6) Set Tester MOTOR switch to ON and illuminate Tester rotor with the Strobex. No adjustments can be made. the IPS meter reads between 0.72 and 0. Push VERIFY TUNE button and adjust RPM TUNE dial to return lamp to clock angle observed before button was pushed. fig. (3) Set Balancer FUNCTION switch to A or B. and INTERRUPTER LOGIC switch to DOUBLE. b. Adjustments.TM 55-4920-402-13&P (8) Test Balancer with double interrupter as follows: (a) Run Tester at 1800 RPM and push and hold TEST button on Phazor section. All other controls are unimportant.44 IPS and the RPM TUNE meter reads between 882 and 918 RPM. After tuning. RPM RANGE to X1. but it need not be disconnected. (9) Test Balancer with single interrupter as follows: (a) Set INTERRUPTER LOGIC switch to SINGLE. RPM RANGE to X10 and push an hold TEST button on Phazor. Repeat steps (a) through (d). (c) push and hold VERIFY TUNE button and adjust RPM TUNE dial to return light to clock angle observed in above step. Verify that the 12:00.88 IPS. (c) Set Tester CAM RATE (RPM) and Balancer RPM Tune to 1800 RPM. When the Balancer is properly tuned. 34). and the RPM TUNE dial reads between 176 and 184 (1800 RPM). (5) Set Tester rotor for double interrupter (all six interrupter screws installed.88 IPS. 6:00. Push and hold VERIFY TUNE button and adjust RPM TUNE dial to return images to clock angle observed before button was pushed. (1) Set Balancer MAGNETIC PICKUP switch to COMMON. above. Set Tester CAM RATE switch to 900 RPM. (7) Note the clock angle of the stem of the h in the logo. 3-3). (g) Set Tester CAM RATE (RPM) and Balancer RPM TUNE to 900 RPM. Release VERIFY TUNE button and observe new clock angle. FUNCTION switch to TRACK. (e) Change RPM RANGE switch to Xl and RPM TUNE dial to 900. Release the TEST button and observe clock angle of lighted lamp. (4) Set Strobex MODE switch to A. Performance Check of the Track Mode. leave others as set in step (4). If the Balancer and Strobex checks are not within specifications perform paragraph 3-8 below: a.36 and 0. Read clock angle with the VERIFY TUNE button released. and 1:00 O’clock lamps light. Observe the same results as in step (7). NOTE (d) (e) (f) The Magnetic Pickup is not required. verify that the Phazor indicates between 2:30 and 3:30 o’clock.72 and 0. (8) Set Tester CAM RATE (RPM) and Balancer RPM TUNE to 900 RPM RANGE to Xl. (2) Set Tester CAM RATE switch to 1800 RPM. Repeat until there is no change between button pushed and released. 3-6. (1) Connect VIBREX and Tester as shown in figure. the stem of the h in the logo at the center of the disc appears stopped and double at 1:30 and 7:30 O’clock (fig. Repeat until there is no change whether VERIFY TUNE button is pressed or released. 3-1. (d) Release VERIFY TUNE button and observe new clock angle. Verify that the IPS meter reads between 0.36 and 0. Verify that the stem of the h in the logo appears stopped in two positions. Verify that the IPS meter reads between 0. Repeat steps (c) through (f) above. Strobex Checkout. the IPS meter reads between 0. Verify that only the 12:00 or 12:30 clock lamp lights. Set tester motor switch to ON. Set Balancer RPM TUNE to 180 and set balancer RPM range switch to the X10 scale. Operate Tester at 900 RPM and illuminate Tester disc with the Strobex. Set INTERRUPTER LOGIC switch to SINGLE. Run Tester at 1800 RPM and illuminate Tester rotor with the Strobex. Figure 3-5.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 3-4. Verify that the stem of the h remains at 6:00 o’clock but the 12:00 o’clock stem moves clockwise until about 2:00 or 2:30 o’clock. Set Tester CAM RATE (RPM) and Balancer RPM TUNE to 1800. Further deduction of the Strobex RPM dial setting causes. (2) (3) (4) (5) Set Strobex MODE switch[ to position E and RPM dial to 090. RPM RANGE to Xl. 3-3). Adjust Strobex RPM dial until the stem of the h appears stopped at 6:00 o’clock. Illuminate Tester rotor with Strobex. 3-6). (11) Reduce the Strobex RPM dial setting while observing the h image. (1) Remove interrupter screws from the Tester disc leaving only the one to which the stem of the h points (fig. (2) (3) (4) Set up Tester rotor for double interrupter (all six interrupter screws installed). (11) Shut off Tester. Set Strobex MODE switch to B and RPM dial to 180 (450 rotor RPM times one blade times 0. Set Strobex MODE switch to A. as stated on Strobex rear panel). RPM RANGE to X10. (5) (6) (6) (7) (8) (7) (9) (8) (10) Set Tester CAM RATE (RPM) and Balancer RPM TUNE to 900. RPM dial setting while observing the h image. Observe the same results. 3-5). . Run the Tester at 1800 RPM and illuminate the rotor with the Strobex. c. Reduce the Strobex. and 9:00 o’clock (fig. the image to become very erratic. Verify that the stem of the h in the logo appears stopped at 12:00. Adjust Strobex RPM dial until sterr of h appears stopped at 6:00 o’clock. Set Strobex RPM dial to 180 ( actual rotor rate) and adjust Strobex RPM dial until the stem of the h appears stopped at 12:00 and 6:00 o’clock.4. 3:00. Remove the two opposite pairs of interrupter screws on the Tester (four total) leaving only the two opposite single screws (fig. Shut off Tester. Performance Check of the Strobex Locking Oscillator Mode. Increase the Strobex RPM dial setting to slightly above 180 and verify that the image starts revolving counterclockwise. Observe the same results. Verify that the stem of the h remains at 6:00 o’clock and the 12:00 o’clock stem moves clockwise. 6:00. 3-6 Change 4 (9) (10) Set Strobex RPM dial to 360 and adjust until the stem of the h appears stopped at 12:00 and 6:00 o’clock. Verify that the stem of the h appears stopped at 12:00 and 6:00 o’clock. NOTE The older Balancer units (without the A suffix) are switched automatically to Double Interrupter Logic when the 135M-10 Strobex is plugged in. This will quickly isolate the fault to either the cables and transducers or the Balancer/Phazor circuits in unit. will be very useful as it quickly verifies all all functions of the Vibrex Text Set. hold button a minimum of 5 seconds due to slow reaction time of Phazor at lower RPM. with the exception of the flash tube focus adjustment (para. Set Tester CAM RATE (RPM) switch to 1800 RPM. Release TEST button. plus cables are checked during the Balancer checks in paragraph 3-5. (3) Set the following controls as follows: (a) FUNCTION to A CHANNEL. Logo at 6:00 O'clock d. Performance Check of the Strobex Free-Running Mode (Stopped Image). Verify that the RPM dial reads between 855 and 945. Verify that the Strobex RPM dial reads between 171 and 189 (1710 and 1890 RPM). NOTE In the free-running mode. (5) Press TEST button and check that the Phazor 12:00 clock light is lighted. and Magnetic Pickup Checkout. P/N B4305. Signal Simulator Field Operational Checkout. Verify that at least one lamp in Phazor ring of lights is illuminated. see Table 3-1).c). Check Periodically and retighten as necssary. NOTE No other cables are connected to the Balancer unit. e. (If not. NOTE When pressing VERIFY TUNE button. (b) MAGNETIC PICKUP to COMMON. (4) Adjust Balancer RPM TUNE dial to the lowest RPM (540) reading as shown on Signal Simulator nameplate. (c) RPM RANGE to X1. Set MODE switch to D and set Strobex RPM dial to 180 (1800 RPM). (1) (2) Set Strobex MODE switch to C and RPM dial to 900. Change 4 3-7 Figure 3-6. Illuminate disc with the Strobex and observe the logo in the center. Adjust the Strobex RPM dial for a single stopped image of the logo.TM 55-4920-402-13&P 3-8. the images will not be stopped except by precise adjustment of the Strobex RPM dial. Signal Simulator connectors may loosen on Balancer cable receptacles during testing. so as to realize the simple Interrupter Logic. 3-7. Therefore. (1) Connect Signal Simulator B4305 big cable connector into either accelerometer cable receptacle and small cable connector into magnetic pickup cable receptacle on Balancer unit. Phazor testing and tuning of Balancer unit must be accomplished without the Strobex plugged in. The Signal Simulator. If the Balancer performance checks are not within specifications perform paragraph 3-8 below. Balancer FUNCTION switch on positions A and B checks both accelerometers. (d) INTERRUPTER LOGIC to SINGLE. 3-10. Accelerometer . 3 amps minimum power source. Adjustment There are no internal adjustments to be made to the Strobex. (2) Connect Balancer power cable to 28 vdc. a. see Table 3-1). (If not. The accelerometer and magnetic pickup. Observe polarity pins A(-) and B(+) if portable dc power supply is used. Performance Check of Balancer/Phazor Circuit. Illuminate disc and adjust RPM dial for a stopped double image of the logo. Balancer TUNE meter will indicated between 513 and 567 RPM. (3) Push Trigger and Strobex should be firing a steady rate. hold VERIFY TUNE button and adjust Balancer RPM TUNE control for 3:00 O’clock. If not. No adjustments can be made except to the Strobex (See paragraph 3-10c). (8) (9) (10) Tap accelerometer with screw driver handle serveral taps should cause a momentary upscale reading on the IPS meter. c. Each pass should produce a flash of light from the Strobex when trigger is pushed. Balancer RPM TUNE meter will indicated between 1026 and 1134 RPM. (11) If failure develops. (12) IPS meter will indicate between . PHAZOR light should be between 2:30 and 3:30 when lighted. check magnetic pickup cable for open or shorted wires in cable. or place MODE switch to “A” position on Model 135M-11. Adjustments. Performance Checks of Magnetic and Accelerometer Pickups. Observe new unpushed clock angle. Reading will die out and meter will return to ZERO. plus Cables. IPS meter will indicated between 3.81 and . Press VERIFY TUNE button and hold. A bright 10” 15” diameter spot of light should be observed on some surface when 10-15 ft. (6) Pass a steel screwdriver blade over face of magnetic pickup by tapping pole piece. C or D on Model 135M-11.99 IS. (10) Set RPM RANGE to X10 position and RPM TUNE dial to the highest RPM (1080) reading as shown on Signal Simulator nameplate. Press VERIFY TUNE button and hold. adjustments. Do not perform performance check 3-8c. (9) Position Balancer controls as follows: (a) FUNCTION to a CHANNEL. (8) Connect accelerometer cable with accelerometer to Balancer A CHANNEL receptacle. to (7) (5) Set Balancer switch to Track and Strobex Oscillator switch to OFF on the Model 135M-10B. If not. hold VERIFY TUNE button and return to new unpushed clock angle remains the same whether VERIFY TUNE button is pushed or released. (13) Disconnect Signal Simulator. (c) RPM RANGE to X1. If clock light angle moves. 3-8 Change 4 . No adjustments can be made. d. If clock light angle moves. (1) Connect Strobex to Balancer unit.0 clock angle. away. hold VERIFY TUNE button and adjust Balancer RPM TUNE control to 1:30 and 7:30 clock angle. (7) If failure develops. Strobex tuning dial should change flash rate. Press PUSH for SCALE 2. check accelerometer cables for open or shorted wires in cable. hold VERIFY TUNE button and adjust RPM TUNE to return to unpushed clock angle. (11) PHAZOR lights should be at 1:30 and 7:30 clock angle ± 1. NOTE Balancer unit without the A Suffix will not operate at this higher RPM. (b) RPM TUNE dial to 500. (2) Set Strobex Oscillator switch on Model 135 M-10B to ON or set MODE switch to positions B. b. (4) Connect Magnetic pickup cable Balancer unit with magnetic pickup. If the results of the check are not within specifications return Vibrex to the AVIM or Calibration Repair Center (CRC).85 IPS. Only amplitude IPS meter can be checked.TM 55-4920-402-13&P (6) Observe PHAZOR light clock angle.15 and 3. Release VERIFY TUNE button. (1) Accelerometer is attached to or near the tail rotor gear box to sense tail rotor-induced vibrations.1 . c. a. Interrupters d. or D. Verify that Strobex begins firing Change 4 3-8. Brackets c. C. Tail Rotor. (3) Set MODE switch on the Strobex to B. (1) Magnetic Pickup is installed on the fixed swashplate. Checklists are also provided with the VIBREX for each type aircraft. self-adhesive targets are applied to one blade grip and to each blade tip. (3) Reflective Targets are installed on the blade tips. Pre-operational Checklist. (4) Accelerometers are installed on the airframe to sense main rotor-induced vibrations. INSTALLATION installation instructions for the following VIBREX accessories are illustrated and explained in applicable aircraft technical manuals. Detailed (2) Interrupter is installed on the rotating swashplate. (4) Pull trigger. b. Figure 3-7 illustrates a typical VIBREX to airframe interface. Strobex Check (1) Connect Strobex to Balancer. General. Cables e. Magnetic Pickups 3-10. a. Reflective Targets b. Main Rotor. Accelerometers f. (2) Reflective. 3-9. (2) Apply +28 vdc to system. This procedure is to be performed after preparation of the aircraft to verify that the equipment is correctly installed and ready for test.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Section III. TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 3-7. Typical VIBREX to Airframe Interface 3-8.2 Change 4 . TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 3-8. Strobex Focus Adjustment 3-9 . 3-10 Change 2 . Protective varnish or coating over reflector material. and the VIBREX is still not operative. (c) Energize the will and place MODE switch in position D and RPM dial to 500 to 600. Interrupter installed backwards or bent. perform the following: Table 3-1. Strobex and/or Balancer switched to wrong position. pin A is ground). pm-form the following focus instructions: (a) Remove six 4-40 screws and lockwashers from rear cover. approximately 3 feet in front of flash tube. Table 3-1 is a troubleshooting guide for the most common malfunctions. (b) Open rear cover (fig. (g) Accomplish final focus by projecting the beam on a wall approximately 15 to 20 feet away. No test pattern in Phazor when TEST button is pushed. When vibration level is low. (5) Direct lamp at ground and observe a bright 3 to 4 inch diameter spot of light or at a nearby (10 to 20 feet) flat surface and observe a bright 10. not tuned on. Replace flash tube.inch diameter spot of light. Unsteady tail rotor image when balancing. Unable to observe targets.TM 55-4920-402-13&P at a steady rate and turning dial on rear panel smoothly changes flash rate. and search in a W pattern along the tip path. Targets appear scattered when tracking main rotor. Check settings. Remove rear panel and adjust focus. and avoid handling reflective surface. Check polarity (pin B is hot +. Dc polarity wrong. Set to DOUBLE. Coating kills reflective properties of exposed bead material. Set Balancer and Strobex controls as required for the test being performed. Replace as necessary. Vibration level is very low. Look directly over top of 15. adjust nylon screws counterclockwise until a uniform 4-inch diameter spot is seen. Oscillator not in Mode A. Do not remove any other screws. Magnetic Pickup should read about 1000 ohms. Check oscillator switch. Circult breaker. Strobex oscillator ON. (f) If a small bright spot appears in a large light pattern. Flash tube cracked (weak blue flash). After reviewing table 3-1. Strobex out of focus. Troubleshooting Remedy Symtoms Probable cause No lights in Phazor. Strobex must be in Mode A when balancing tail rotor. Magnetic Pickup gap too large. to circuit in use. MUST be in A or B. (h) Install rear cover with six 4-40 screws and lockwashers. INTERRUPTER LOGIC switch set incorrectly. Controls. Adjust for a spot approximately 1 foot in diameter.. Check and repair or replace as required. Turn circuit breaker on. use an insulated screwdriver to turn the three nylon screws clockwise until a uniform bright spot appears (keep it about 4 inches in diameter). (e) If a dark center appears. Jittery image is indicator of good balance. If the spot of light is not as required. Not aiming Strobex correctly and/or not in line with light source. Refer to installation instructions. Faulty Magnetic Pickup Cable or Magnetic Pickup. Reflective Targets worn or dirty. 3-8). d. (d) Project beam on a dark surface. DO NOT COAT. Check gap between Magnetic Pickup and Interrupter. Most malfunctions may be readily traced to a defective part of to an improper adjustment. Replace. clock angle is uncertain. Troubleshooting the VIBREX While Installed on the Aircraft. 3-11. Removal of VIBREX from Aircraft.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Table 3-1. Inspection Chart Item Condition Remedy Outside surfaces Controls and switches Cables Inspect for scratches.. Bearings. but it can be plugged in backwards. c. then go negative to zero.. not operative. Correct or replace faulty components. dents. Tighten setscrews in knobs. cables are at fault. chips. Remove Cables. a. Magnetic Pickup Cable plugged into Magnetic Pickup backwards (wrong polarity). binding controls. This will isolate if the Balancer unit. refer to Chapter 4. restoring weights to original condition does not give same readings. Accelerometers or Magnetic Pickup. or other damage.e. cracks. It is not easy. DO NOT USE BALANCER WITH RPM TUNE DIAL SET BELOW 100. When the Balancer’s RPM TUNE dial is set below 100 (on any RPM RANGE) the circuitry is unstable and causes false readings on the IPS meter. Place Balancer and Strobex units in their proper b. After performing step a. The inspection should be performed after each use and prior to storage.Continued Symptoms Probable Cause Remed y Polarity of Magnetic Pickup incorrect. for bench testing and Brackets. False reading on Balancer’s IPS meter. Repair or replace as necessary. Disconnect 28 vdc power cable. Aviation Intermed. should all be rechecked. Table 3-2 provides a general guide for inspection of the VIBREX. Inspect cables for breaks. Mechanical components on rotor are faulty. repaint. Section IV. rod-ends. INSPECTION AND SERVICE 3-13. RPM RANGE switch set to wrong range. Check that indexing key is correctly lined up. dampers. diate Maintenance Instructions. bent or broken pins. Repair. of the VIBREX. and the VIBREX is still locations in the Carrying Case. Puke should first go negative. plus b. Accelerometers. Set RPM RANGE to Xl for mam rotor. Strobex. IPS and clock angle readings not repeatable. and place in Carrying Case. Inspect for loose knobs. Magnetic Pickups. or cracked meter. The VIBREX a. i. then sharply positive where Phazor triggers. Table 3-2. or replace as necessary. or missing hardware. Change 4 3-11 . etc. Connect VIBREX to helicopter 28 vdc power source and perform the field operational checkout in is removed from the aircraft as follows: paragraph 3-8. or repair or replace parts as necesssary. Troubleshooting . Inspection. Disconnect signal cables from VIBREX. 3-12. Touch up scratches and worn spots with black enamel. Wipe dry with 2 clean cloth. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 3-14. REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT OF AUTHORIZED PARTS 3-17. Maintenance Allocation Chart. Authorized repair of the Vibrex by Aviation In termediate Maintenance (CRC) personnel is indicated in Appendix B. Clean outside surfaces with a cloth dampened with a solution of mild detergent and water. Lubrication. Authorized repair of the Vibrex by Aviation Unit Maintenance personnel (AVUM) is indicated in Appendix B. Painting. Section VI. Cleaning. 3-18. Maintenance Allocation Chart.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Section V. Clean the compoments of the VIBREX whenever inspection indicates it is needed. 3-16. For Lubrication of the VIBREX Tester see paragraph 4-31. 3-12 Change 4 . 3-15. b. 4-3. Strobex. Change 4 4-1 . to produce a negative-going command at the output of U109B for each positive-going zero crossing of the filter output signal at U104A. The output of U109B is differentiated and the negative spike triggers U109A. When the filter is properly tuned. The electronics for the Balancer (fig. a monostable countdown circuit. CAUTION Extreme care should be exercised when using the VIBREX test set. a large difference in phase shift through the filter is indicated as a sharp change in clock angle. there is no phase shift and no clock angle change. When the VERIFY TUNE button is pushed. The operational amplifiers are a constantcurrent source to the t wo-st age isolation amplifier in the Accelerometer. c. c. it switches the filters from broad band (released) to narrow band (pressed). Accelerometers. respectively. U103A. and Gram Scale in their all steps in paragraph 4-2 and the following: . 4-4. THEORY OF OPERATION AND ANALYSIS Before perfoming the checkout and analysis. Balancer section of Balancer. The monostable countdown circuit. Basically. U103B. Return VIBREX through proper channels. a. Preparation for Shipment. in conjunction with PUSH FOR SCALE 2 pushbutton S1203 and VERIFY TUNE pushbutton S1202. b. U101B. Record missing or damaged components on the appropriate forms. Functional Theory of Operation. c. The two filters are stagger-tuned to broaden the pass-band to make tuning less critical and less subject to small changes in the input frequency. AND SHIPMENT Ensure that a 28 vdc and a 120 vat. and Cables in the top compartment of the Carrying Case (fig. and U104B. Place the Balancer. via U108A. With the VERIFY TUNE button released. and by C112 through Cl17 selected by RPM RANGE switch S1204. The filter is tuned to resonance by RPM TUNE dial R1201A. This unit contains delicate electronic components and assemblies which may be easily damaged if subjected to physical abuse due to improper handling. b. 4-1. 60 Hz power source is available for the test equipment listed in table 1-3. This loop consists of U106. The output of the second filter is from U104A to operational amplifier U108B. Inputs A and B from the Accelerometers are connetted to operational amplifiers U107A and U110A. preparation for Maintenance. and by C106 through C111 selected by RPM RANGE switch S 1204. automatically divides that rate by integer numbers so the output does not exceed 40 Hz. 4-2. U102A. l-l). The filter is tuned to resonance by RPM TUNE dial R1001B. changes the gain of the circuit to make the lPS meter read within scale. the Balancer consists of two tuneable narrow band filters. Magnetic Pickups. Place the Tester. Section II. 4-5. Perform the following procedure when preparing the VIBREX for storage: a. the filters are connected in such a manner that they result in a single stagger-tuned filter centered at the frequency (RPM) determined by the RANGE switch and RPM TUNE dial. The output of S1201 is applied to operational amplifier U107B that. whose output is rectified by a full wave bridge rectifier to drive IPS meter M1201. Brackets. Place Carrying Case in shipping container. the following simplified block diagrams and functional descriptions should be understood. The output of U107B is applied to the first active filter loop consisting of operational amplifiers U105. PREPARATION FOR MAINTENANCE. 4-1 and FO-1) are contained on the Balancer Circuit Card Assembly C4146. Preparation for Storage. U101A. and U102B. Use proper compartments in the Carrying Case (fig. e. If the filter is not properly tuned. The output of the filter at U102B is applied to U103A in the second active filter loop. d. STORAGE. a. Close Carrying Case. Disconnection of the two filters by VERIFY TUNE pushbutton S 1202 removes the staggertuned effect and narrows the pass-band to provide fine tuning. The output of U107A is applied to the A input of FUNCTION switch S1201 and the output of U110A is applied to the B input. for command rates higher than approximately 40 Hz. 1-l).TM 55-4920-402-13&P CHAPTER 4 AVIATION INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE (CRC) INSTRUCTIONS Section I. U109A provides the positive sample command to the Strobex and the Phazor circuits for phase indication. The output of U104A is also combined with the output of U106. a. The Phazor is a phase meter that displays the amount of lead-lag of one repetitive event with reference to anothe at the same frequency as a proportion of the time for a full cycle. The electronics for the Phazor (fig. 4-2 and FO-2) are contained on Phazor Circuit Card B4193. and the readout is from the illuminated lamp in the circle. calibrated with a clock face. The display is in the form of 24 lights.TM 55-4920-402-13&P 4-6. Phazor Section of Balancer. 4-2 . 4-3 .TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 4-1. TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 4-2. 4-4 . the Strobex operates in a slave mode. The positive pulse from U103B triggers unijunction oscillator Q103 and Q104 and resets binary counter U104 and JK flip-flop U105A. 4-7. because of the Phazor). only one single interrupter is secured to the rotating swashplate and the oscillator causes the Strobex to flash for the other blades. 4-2). superimposed.TM 55-4920-402-13&P b. The unique locking oscillator of position B is typically used for the larger rotors with four or more blades. the judgement of track is simple. the frequency is set to a certain repetition rate and is synchronized by a one-per-revolution signal from a Magnetic Pickup. is viewed from a distance with the Strobex. the output of the latch remains in the same state that appeared at the input at the time of the sample command. As a slave oscillator. b. but this is not useful except for ground tracking. The Balancer and Phazor have separate power supplies operating from +28 vdc input power. The +5 vdc is provided by series regulator transistors Q1101 and Q102 (fig. and the output of flip-flop U105A is applied to the J and K inputs of JK flip-flop U105B. In those cases. tors Q101. The rotating swashplate is fitted with two interrupters (one of which is double. The output of U101A is one negative pulse for each positive input pulse. When an Accelerometer is secured on the tail rotor gear box and connected to the Channel B input. the Strobex will flash twice-per-revolution. The network between U101A and U103B produces a positive pulse only for the double pulse when the cathode of CR102 is grounded by INTERRUPTER LOGIC switch S105.) Since one Tip Target has a reflective horizontal bar. and coil L101 operating as a constant-current source to zener diode CR114. The following paragraphs (1) through (5). The regulated +10 vdc is provided by constantcurrent source transistor Q101 and zener diode CR110. the oscillator operates at 24 times the reference input signal. This provides one input signal for each blade. Thus. The oscillator is comprised of transistors Q3 and Q4. secured to the rotor hub. TEST switch S1201 removes the one-per-revolution sample command from the Balancer and substitutes the reference input signal from the Magnetic Pickup. and SCR Q6 located on Blade Tracker Circuit Card C3984. illuminating each of the two blade tips when they pass the front of the helicopter (and also when they pass over the tail boom). and U103D to light one of the 24 light-emitting diode (LED) indicators that correspond to the phase relationship between the one-per-revolution reference input signal and the vibration signal from the Balancer. f. high intensity flash tube (Vl201) fired by an oscillator operating in one of three modes: slave. b. at the front of the helicopter. Thus. there is one pulse per blade. which counts to 12. U103C. e. and resets again. Q102. explain each of the five modes of operation: (1) Mode A. Position B is rdso used for main rotor tracking where higher intensity light is required. which also acts as a latch. Thus. except one blade will have a double pulse which is used as a reference. The Phazor power supply provides a regulated +5 vdc and +10 vdc for the Phazor circuits. The Strobex (fig. the target will appear stopped at some angle. Power Supplies. This is the clock angle to be entered on the Balance. locking. 4-3 and FO-3) contains a point source. The output of the quad latch is decoded by decoderdriver U107 and decoder-drivers U102A. The oscillator is operated in one of five modes of operation controlled by MODE switch S501B and S50lC. it is triggered by Accelerometer or Magnetic Pickup signals. resets. The +9 vdc is provided by transistors Q104 and Q105 operating as a constantcurrent source to zener diode CR115. As a locking oscillator. (2) Mode B. d. c. The binary state of counter U104 is applied to quad latch U106. The output of latch U106 is responsive to input signals from the counter only when a positive sample command from the Balancer is applied through U103A and U102D to enable the quad latch U106. The reference input from a Magnetic Pickup mounted to sense the rotation rate of the helicopter main rotor is applied through the MAG pickup jacks to operational amplifier U101A. or free-running. The output of oscillator Q 103 and Q104 is applied through driver U103E to the clock input of the binary counter U104. The Reflective Targets face inboard so they are viewed from the cabin. and the Strobex will flash onceper-revolution in response to the vibration signal induced by the out-of-balance rotor. the Balancer is switched to Mode B. Q103. The Balance-r power supply provides regulated +9 and -9 vdc for the Balancer circuits. Thus. When set to position A. either on the ground or in-flight. counts to 12. As a free-running oscillator. Flip-flop U105B is clocked by the positive sample command and its output remains in the same state. Chart and will tell where to change weight. When a Reflective Target. The clock display then is one light for each blade at the same angular positions as the blades. (They can also be seen over the tail boom. flashing only when commanded by the Balancer and is used for main rotor tracking and tail rotor balancing. Generally. Strobex. The -9 vdc is provided by a high frequency oscillator consisting of transis- . The integrator output determines the frequency of oscillator Q103 and Q104 so that the counter totals 24 counts (twice 12) when the next reset command is applied to U103B. 4-8. a. programmable unijunction transistor Q5. When the Balancer is set to TRACK. U103B is triggered at the one-per-revolution rate of the main rotor. the frequency is set by a potentiometer calibrated in RPM. By fine adjustment of the 4-5 a. The 12-count output of U104 causes U105A to change state and change the polarity of integrator driver U102C and integrator U101B. the two Tip Targets will be seen. and the other has a vertical bar. U102B. TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figrue 4-3. 4-6 . TM 55-4920-402-13&P Strobex RPM control, the blades may be spread for easy resolution. When applied to the two blade rotor system (Bell) where two interrupters are installed on the swashplate, position B is used for greater light output. The oscillator is set to flash at a rate slightly slower than bade rate (in accordance with the formula on the back of the Strobex, RPM=blade rate X 0.4). Then, the interrupter commands the Strobex before the oscillator, and it operates as if there were no oscillator. In this case, the targets cannot be spread. The oscillator may be set to double the blade rate, in which case the Tip Targets will be seen at twice as many positions around the rotor disc. For instance, the targets of a two-blade rotor are typically seen at 12:00 and 6:00 o’clock (as determined by location of Interrupters). If the oscillator is set to double the blade rate, the targets will also be seen at 3:00 and 9:00 o’clock. (3) Mode C Mode C is a free-running oscillator and is used as a tachometer for speed (RPM) measuring. All external signals are disconnected and the Strobex flashes only in response to its internal oscillator. Flash rate is adjustable from 100 to 1,000 RPM (flashes-perminute). (4) Mode D. Mode D is also a free-running oscillator and is used for tail rotor tracking and speed measuring. Since there is no Magnetic Pickup mounted on the tail rotor, the flash rate of the free-running oscillator is adjusted to double or four times the rotor rate (for a two-blade tail Section III. 4-10. Trouble Analysis. rotor), so the single Tip Target appears as a stopped image of two or four. Then, by viewing the rotor disc edge-on from the cabin door, reflective Tip Targets can be seen superimposed for a judgement of track. Flash rate is from 1,000 to 10,000 RPM. (5) Mode E. Mode E is a locking oscillator like Mode B, but operates at higher rates and is used for viewing the track of airplane propellers. It requires a Magnetic Pickup input pulse. 4-9. Tester. a. The circuitry in the Tester (fig. 4-4) includes a 2ampere fuse (F101) and a 36-volt zener diode (CR102). These components protect motor drive circuit (B1) in the event the unit is accidentally connected to an improper power outlet. b. CR101 is a polarity project diode which prevents reverse dc voltage from being applied to B1. If reverse polarity is applied, no damage will result, but the unit will not operate until polarity is corrected. c. Switch S101 selects either R102 or R104 to synchronize B1 motor speed. d. Switch S102 applies 28 vdc power to the B1 motor drive circuits. TROUBLE ANALYSIS AND REPAIR This section contains instructions and procedures for troubleshooting and repair of the VIBREX. Use of the Tester is the basis for isolation of a trouble to the Balancer, Strobex, airframe mounted components, or interface cabling. Normally, this will have been Figure 4-4. Tester Schematic Diagram Change 4 4-7 TM 55-4920-402-13&P accomplishlised in actual use of the equipment at the flight line. Therefore, at AVIM (CRC) maintenance, it will only he necessary to refer to the apllicable paragraph in this section that relates to the defective component,. Troubleshooting is presented in the same sequence as the VIBREX checkout procedures contained in Chapter 3, Section II. NOTE Aviation Intermediate Maintenance (CRC) will perform only the authorized maintenance which includes replacement and repair of components and end items indicated on the Maintenance Allocation Chart which can be accomplished efficiently with available skills, tools, and test equipment. Evacuate unserviceable circuit boards/components and end items beyond capability of CRC to the Depot. Balancer Tests. Perform performancc checks (a) thru (b) only when directed by the troubleshooting procedure Table 4-17 or when applicable. 4-11. c. Voltage Test. (1) Connect +28 vdc power supply only to Balancer as shown in Figure 4-6. (2) Set Balancer RPM Dial to 100. (3) Use VOM to measure voltages at test point in Table 4-2. Table 4-2. Ba1ancer Voltage Checks From (+) TP1 TP2 TP3 T’P4 TP5 TP6 TP7 TP8 TP9 TP10 TP11 TP12 TP13 TP14 To (-) Circuit ground Circuit ground Circuit ground Circuit ground Circuit ground Circuit ground Circuit ground Circuit ground Circuit ground Circuit ground Circuit ground Circuit ground Circuit ground Circuit ground Voltage 0 ± 0.5 vdc 0 ± .02 vdc 0 ± .02 vdc -7 ± 0.1 vdc +9 ± 0.9 vdc -9 ± 0.9 vdc 8 ± 1.0 vdc 0 ± .02 vdc 0 ± .02 vdc -8 ± 1.0 vdc 0 ± .02 vdc 0 ± .02 vdc 0 ± .02 vdc 0 ± .02 vdc a. Perform Balancer resistance checks as applicable in Table 4-1. Figure 4-5 shows the location of Balancer test points. b. Remove rear cover by removing four screws. CAUTION Disconnect + 28 vdc power source before making resistance checks with a multimeter. NOTE: CIRFUIT GROUND IS LOCATED ON R/H TER- MINAL OF C-123 Table 4-1. Balancer Power Supply Resistance Checks From (+) P1201 pin B P1201 pin A (gnd) P1201 pin A Chassis TP5 TP6 NOTE: RESISTANCE SHOWN AS To (-) P1201 pin A (grid) P1201 pin B Circuit ground Circuit ground Circuit ground Circuit ground READINGS MAY Resistance 4 to 6 k Greater than 1M 0 lK 3 K to 6 K 2 K to 20 K DIFFER FROM THOSL NON-LINEAR SEMICONDUCTORS EXH!B!T RESISTANCE CHARACTERISTICS 4-8 Change 4 TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 4 - 5 . Balancer Test Points and Adjustments Change 4 4-8.1 3 Hz. Verify that oscilloscope indication correspond to Table 4-3.M.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 4-6. (10) adjust output of function generator (do not change frequency) for a full scale indication on IPS meter. Verify that oscilloscope indications correspond to Table 4-3. and illustrated in Figure 4-5.66 ± 0. and R.P. Verify that frequency/period counter indicates 16. (6) Disconnect oscilloscope from function generator and set up oscilloscope to measure amplitude of signal at each test point listed in Table 43. Release VERIFY TUNE switch.M. R. (14) Adjust output of function generator (do not change frequency) for a full scale indication on IPS meter. (11) Disconnect oscilloscope from function generator and set up oscilloscope to measure amplitude of signal at each test point listed in Table 43. TUNE dial to 999. Release VERIFY TUNE switch. Release VERILY TUNE switch. (12) Set R. Part A. (5) Adjust output of function generator (do not change frequency) for a full scale indication on IPS meter. (16) If Functional tests indicate all circuits are functioning properly.P.33 Hz. (4) Press and hold VERIFY TUNE switch and adjust frequency of function generatar for a peak indication on IPS meter. (8) Connect oscilloscope to function generator and set function generator output to 16. TUNE dial to 100. Verify that VOM indicates 115 mV ± 5%. (17) Replace cover and disconnect equipment. (13) Press and hold VERIFY TUNE switch and adjust frequency of function generator for a peak indication on IPS meter.M. (7) Set R. peform adjustments in paragraph 4-20a to align balancer section.P.P. d. Verify that VOM indicates 11. Part C. Verify that frequency /peroid counter indicates 166. 4-8.6 ± 3.5 mV ± 5%.33 Hz. (2) Set Balancer FUNCTION switch to B. (1) Connect Balancer and test equipment as shown in Figure 4-6.2 Change 8 . (9) Press and hold VERIFY TUNE switch and adjust frequency of function generator for peak indication on IPS meter.66 ± 0. RANGE switch to X10. Verify that oscilloscope indications correspond to Table 4-3.M. (3) Connect oscilloscope to function generator output and set up function generator for a sine wave output of 166 Hz at 80 mV rms. Verify that frequency/period counter indicates 16. Part B.P. Functional Test.M. RANGE switch to X10 and R. RANGE switch to X1.5 mV. (15) Set up oscilloscope to measure amplitude of signal at each test point listed in Table 4-3.66 Hz at 11. peak-to-peak at 41. These tests will determine the operational capability of the Phazor. R. Phazor Power Supply Resistance Checks NOTE: READING SPECIFIED ARE THE APPROXIMATE PEAK-TO-PEAK mV INDICATIONS EXPECTED NOT INTENDED FOR CALIBRATION PURPOSES.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Table 4-3. (2) Set FUNCTION switch A. Sample Command Test. (1) Connect Balancer and test equipment as shown in Figure 4-8.4 blank) Phazor Tests.7 Hz. a. (1) Connect +28 vdc power supply only to Balancer as shown in Figure 4-8. Change 4 4-8. Figure 4-7 shows the location of Phazor test points. . Remove rear cover by removing four screws. 4-12. and INTERRUPTER LOGIC switch to SINGLE.3/(4-8. (1) Connect Balancer and test equipment as shown in Figure 4-8.P. e. RANGE switch to X10. (4) Disconnect oscilloscope from function generator and connect to TP3 (Figure 4-7). Phase-Lock Loop Tests.M. Verify that oscilloscope indication is a + 5 volt spike at 41. CAUTION Disconnect +28 vdc power source before making resistance checks with multimeter. Table 4-5. d. (2) Use VOM to measure voltages at test points in Table 4-5. Voltage Test. (3) Connect oscilloscope to function generator output and set up function generator for a square wave output of 600 m.7 Hz ± 1 Hz. b. Balancer Test Point Measurements Location Peak-to-Peak (mV) A TP1 TP8 TP12 TP11 TP2 TP14 TP13 TP3 B TP1 TP8 TP12 TP11 TP2 TP14 TP13 TP3 C TP1 TP8 TP12 TP11 TP2 TP14 TP13 TP3 30 to 40 30 to 40 63 to 77 810 to 990 81 to 99 450 to 550 5400 to 6600 2700 to 3300 36 to 44 36 to 44 63 to 77 79 to 99 79 to 99 540 to 550 540 to 660 2700 to 3300 285 to 315 285 to 315 76 to 84 95 to 105 95 to 105 475 to 525 570 to 630 2850 to 3105 c. Perform performance checks (a) thru (p) only when directed by troubleshooting procedure Table 4-17 or when applicble. Phazor Voltage Checks Table 4-4. Perform Phazor resistance checks as applicable with Table 4-4. (TEST switch depressed). . TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 4-7. Change 4 4-9 . (13) Connect oscilloscope input B to TP9 (Fig. RANGE switch to X10. The triangle wave and the input square wave are phased as follows: negative ramp of triangle simultaneous with negative half of input square wave.M.5 Hz.5 IPS. (3) Connect oscilloscope input B to function generator 1 and setup function generator 1 for a 55 Hz square wave output. Verify that oscilloscope indication is 24 sawtooth ramp signals for each input square wave and that bottom of ramp is approximately + 1. (6) Increase frequency of function generator 1 to slightly above 55 Hz until Phazor lamps step around in a counterclockwise direction in approximately 1 second with no skips or pauses. Verify that square wave at TP8 changes to 166 Hz and is in phase with input square wave in approximately 5 seconds. (9) Connect oscilloscope input B to TP7 (Fig 4-7). The amplitude of the cycle prior to the positive-going edge of the square wave should be approximately 75% of the amplitude of the rest of the cycles. and INTERRUPTER LOGIC switch to SINGLE. (6) Connect oscilloscope input B to TP5 (Fig. (2) Connect oscilloscope input A to function generator 2 and setup function generator 2 for a 55 Hz sine wave output at minimum output.P. +1. Square wave is 0 volts for 3 ms and 4 volts for 6 ms.0 vdc with a negative going pulse coincident with the square wave input rising edge. Verify the oscilloscope indication is+ 10 volts.Lock Loop Test Setup (2) Set FUNCTION switch to A. Verify that wave from at TP9 is a 4-volt square wave at twice input frequency. (11) Connect oscilloscope input B of TP8 (Fig.5 volts and peak is approximately +5 volts.2 to 0.M. Verify that lamps illuminate in sequence with no skips or pauses. (12) Set frequency of function generator to 166 Hz. Set frequency of function generator to 16 Hz. f. 4-10 Change 8 .TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 4-8. Verify that pulses at TP5 disappear. This two-to-one ratio exists for all frequencies from 16 to 166 Hz. TUNE dial to 330. Verify that oscilloscope indication is +8 ± 1 vdc with a 30 mV peak-to-peak triangle waveshape riding on it. (7) Set INTERRUPTER LOGIC switch to DOUBLE. (7) Change frequency of function generator 1 until rate of rotation is approximately one lamp per second. Phase . (8) Connect oscilloscope input B to TP6. 4-7). Verify that 5-volt square wave at TP8 is in phase with input square wave. Verify that lamps illuminate approximately one lamp per second. 4-7). Verify that oscilloscope indication is similar to TP4. 4-7). (1) Add a second function generator to test setup and connect to CHANNEL A accelerometer input as shown in figure 4-9.M. Rest INTERRUPTER LOGIC switch to SINGLE. Trigger oscilloscope from function generator. (4) Set R. (14) Set frequency of function generator to 55. RANGE switch to X10 and R.P. (5) Increase output level of function generator 2 until IPS meter indicates between 0.7 Hz. (10) Set frequency of function generator to 150 Hz. (5) Connect oscilloscope input B to TP4 (Fig.P. (3) Connect signal input A of function generator. 4-7). Counter-Decoder Tests. (4) Set up function generator for a square wave output of 600 mV peak-to-peak at 41. R. Verify that delevel at TP7 changes to +4 ± 1 vdc. (l) Connect +28 vdc power supply onlyto Strobex as shown in Figure 4-10. (2) Set MODE switch to A and RPM dial to 500. Perform performance checks (a) thru(d) only when directed bythe troubleshooting procedure Table 4-17 or when applicable. NOTE:RESISTANCE READINGS MAY DIFFER FROM THOSE SHOWN AS SEMICONDUCTORS EXHIBIT NONLINEAR RESISTANCE CHARACTERISTICS c. Table 4-7. Figure 4-11 shows the location of Strobex test points. Verify that correct Phazor lamp is illuminated. Perform Strobex resistance checks in accordance with Table 4-7. Remove six screws and lockwashers and pull rear cover out of case. Strobex Resistance Checks Table 4-6.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 4-9. These tests will determine the operational capability of the Strobex. Voltage Test. (3) Use VOM to measure voltage at test points in Table 4-8 (Trigger pulled). b.1 . (9) Replace cover and disconnect equipment. (8) Refer to Table 4-6 and carefully adjust phase of function generator 1 relative to function generator 2. Strobex Tests. Decode and Display Verification 4-13. a. CAUTION Disconnect +28 vdc power source before making resistance checks with a multimeter. Change 4 4-10. 4-10.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Table 4-8. Strobex Voltage Checks (4) Connect test equipment as shown in Figure 410. (5) Connect oscilloscope to function generator and set up function generator for a 40 Hz square wave output of 800 mV peak-to-peak. (6) Squeeze and hold trigger on Strobex. Figure 4-10. (7) Reduce function generator output until Strobex flashes erratically.2 Change 4 . Release trigger. Verify that function generator output is 600 mV peak-to-peak or less on oscilloscope. Verify that Strobex flashes steadily and that flash rate is 40 Hz on frequency/period counter. TM 55-4920-402-13&P d. adjust RPM dial to sync oscilloscope. NOTE Sync may be found at more than one point at each setting. e. Set up oscilloscope to sync on EX 60 Hz source and to measure a 400-volt signal with a 2 ms/division time base. Testing of Locking Oscillator.3 . (1) Connect Strobex and test equipment as shown in Figure 4-10. (2) Connect oscilloscope to TP10 (Fig. Oscillator Frequency Test. (2) Connect oscilloscope to function generator and set up oscilloscope to trigger from positive edge of function generator output. Change 4 4-10. Verify that RPM dial indicates value listed in Table 4-9 after syncing. RPM dial 180 360 540 720 900 720 720 MODE switch D D D D D C B Synced RPM dial 171 to 189 342 to 378 513 to 567 684 to 756 855 to 945 684 to 756 684 to 756 Table 4-9. 4-11). (1) Disconnect frequency/period counter and function generator. At each setting. Strobex Oscillator Frequency Check Figure 4-11. (3) Set RPM dial MODE switch to positions indicated in Table 4-9. TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 4-12.4 Change 4 . 4-10. f. (5) Squeeze and hold trigger. Change 4 4-10. (5) Set MODE switch to C. (1) Connect Strobex and test equipment as shown in figure 4-10. 4-11). Testing of High-Lo w Intensity Function. (10) Set MODE switch to C. Release trigger. C-5). g. (3) Set MODE switch to D and RPM dial to 100. (11) Squeeze and hold trigger. Release trigger. 4-11). Verify that oscilloscope display is as shown in figure 4-12D. Verify that oscilloscope display is within 1 volt of ground. (4) Set MODE switch to B and RPM dial to 395. (9) Squeeze and hold trigger. The ramp which fires at 60 ms is the oscillator. (8) Set MODE switch to D. (6) Squeeze and hold trigger.TM 55-4920-402-13&P (3) Set function generator output to 10 Hz at 1 volt peak-to-peak.5 . Verify that oscilloscope display is as shown in figure 4-12A. C-5) large capacitor at rear of case. (2) Set MODE switch to D and RPM TUNE dial to 500. (2) Connect oscilloscope to function generator and set up oscilloscope to trigger from positive edge of function generator output. (5) Disconnect oscilloscope from function generator and connect to TP-9 (Fig. Release trigger. (4) Squeeze and hold trigger. Verify that oscilloscope display is as shown in figure 4-12B. Release Trigger. (1) Disconnect frequency/period counter and function generator. fig. Testing of Trigger Circuit. Verify that oscilloscope display is as shown in figure a4-12C. fig. C-5) and L1202 (34) (Fig. (4) Disconnect oscilloscope from function generator and connect to TP10 (Fig. Set oscilloscope to internal trigger. Verify that oscilloscope display is as shown in figure 4-12E. Release trigger. negative slope. Figure 4-13. (3) Connect oscilloscope to rear terminal of C1201 (22. (7) Connect oscilloscope to junction of CR1203 (31. the ramp which fires at 100 ms is the square wave input signal (10 Hz = 100 ins). (6) Squeeze and hold trigger. Release trigger. This test will determine operational capability of the Tester. Set MOTOR switch to ON. Verify that third ring from outside appears stopped when rotor disc is turning at 1714 rpm. Verify that motor turns freely and that no grinding noises are evident. C-7) pass easily over the top of the Magnetic Pickup with no binding or sticking. NOTE Use of the Tester requires a facility illuminated by 50 or 60 Hz fluorescent lights to verify that the Tester is rotating at the exact speed required. If segments are not stopped. adjust 900 rpm adjustment until second ring of black and white segments appear to be stopped. Set CAM RA TE (RPM) switch to 900. Remove two screws and remove rotor disc. g. Connect Tester to +28 vdc supply.TM 55-4920-402-13&P (12) Replace cover and disconnect equipment. b. Install Magnetic Pickup. e. Verify that inner ring (fourth from outside) appears stopped when strobe disc is turning at 923 rpm. Step e explains the differences when using 50 Hz illumination. 4-10. These instructions assume 60 Hz power for the lights. 4-13). 4-14. a. h. d.0174 inch.6 Change 4 . Adjustment with 50 Hz power source for the fluorescent lights is the same as for 60 Hz with the following exception: The Tester rotor disc speed is adjusted using the two inner rings of black and white segments. Perform performance checks 4-14a thru h only when directed by the troubleshooting procedure Table 4-17 or when applicable. Verify that rotor disc screws (7. Fig. Set MOTOR switch to OFF. Verify that difference is between 0. adjust 1800 rpm adjustment until outer ring of black and white segments appear to be stopped. c. Use a precision micrometer caliper to measure difference between major and minor diameters of cam (Fig. Verify that black and white outer ring of segments on rotor disc appear to be stopped when illuminated by 60 Hz fluorescent room lights. If segments-are not stopped. Set CAM RA TE (RPM) switch to 1800/1714. Verify that second ring of black and white segments on rotor disc appear to be stopped. Tester Test.0166 and 0. CAUTION Do not correct the Tester to any voltage other than +28 vdc or it will damage the unit. f. Accelerometer 4177B Resistance Checks From (+) To (–) Resistance Pin A Pin A Pin B Pin A. or C Pin B Pin C Pin C 1/4-28 stud 2 to 3k More than 1 M More than 1 M More than 10 M b. Refer to Fig. Magnetic Pickup. or C Pin B (male end) Less than 1 ohm Less than 1 ohm Less than 1 ohm More than 10 M More than 10 M More than 10 M Figure 4-14. Refer to Figures 4-14 & 4-15 for schematic diagrams of the Accelerometer and Accelerometer Cables and perform resistance checks in accordance with Table 4-10 & 4-11. Schematic Diagram Change 4 4-11 . Accelerometer Cables A4296-1 and A4296-2 Resistance Checks From (+) To (–) Resistance Table 4-13. Accelerometer. a. Table 4-10. B. These tests will determined the operational capability of the Magnetic Pickup and Magnetic Pickup Cable. Table 4-11. Accelerometer 4177B.TM 55-4920-402-13&P 4-15. respectively. These tests will determine the operational capability of the Accelerometer and Accelerometer Cables. B. Magnetic Pickup Cable A3319-2 Resistance Checks Pin A (male end) Pin B (male end) Pin C (male end) Shell (male end) Shell (female end) Pin A (male end) Pin A (female end) Pin B (female end) Pin C (female end) Pin A. B. 4-15 for a schematic diagram of the Magnetic Pickup Cable and perform resistance checks in accordance with tables 412 & 4-13. respectively. Table 4-12. Accelerometer and Magnetic Pickup. Magnetic Pickup 3030AN Resistance Checks Table 4-11. or C Pin A. TM 55-4920-402-13&P Table 4-14. 4-12 Change 4 . Refer to figures 4-15 + 4-16. Wiring Checkout. DC Cables Resistance Checks 4-16. Signal Simulator B4305 Resistance Checks 4-17. Refer to figure FO-3 and perform additional resistance checks from the circuit card to related components. DC Cables. 4-18. These tests will determine the operational capability of the DC Extension Cable and DC Adapter Cables. Balancer. for schematic diagrams of the DC Extension Cable and DC Adapter Cables an perform resistance checks in accordance with Table 4-14. Refer to figures FO-1 and FO-2 and perform additiona resistance checks from the circuit cards to related components. NOTE: SHOWN RESISTANCE AS READINGS MAY DIFFER EXHIBIT FROM THOSE SEMICONDUCTORS NON-LINEAR RESISTANCE CHARACTERISTICS. Strobex Wiring Checkout. Table 4-15. TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 4-15. A4296-2.2 blank) . Cables A4296-1. and A3319-2 4-12 Change 4 4-12.1/(4-12. A3529. . These tests will determine the operational capability of the Signal Simulator. Table 4-12. Removal and Disassembly. circuit cards. DC Cables Resistance Checks From (+) I To (–) DC Extension cable A3529 I Resistance Pin A (male end) Pin B (male end) Shell (male end) Shell (female end) Pin A (male end) Pin A (female end) Pin B (female end) Pin A or B Pin A of B Pin B (male end) DC Adapter cable B3140-1 Less than 1 ohm Less than 1 ohm More than 10 M More than 10 M More than 10 M Silver pin (male end) Cold pin (male end) Shell (male end) Shell (female end) Pin A (female end) Pin A (female end) Pin B (female end) Pin A or B Pin A or B Pin B (female end) DC Adapter cable B3140-5 Less than 1 ohm Less than 1 ohm More than 10 M More than 10 M More than 10 M Black clip Red clip Shell (female end) Pin A (female end) Pin A (female end) Pin B (female end) Pin A or B Pin B (female end) DC Adapter Cable B3140-9 Less than 1 ohm Less than 1 ohm More than 10 M More than 10 M Pin A (female end) Pin B (female end) Shell (female end) Pin A (female end) 4-16.. Refer to figure FO-3 and P1-A P1-A P1-B P2-A P2-B P2-A P2-A P2-B P2-C P1-B P1 (Shell) P1 (Shell) P2-B P2-C P2-C P2 (Shell) P2 (Shell) P2 (Shell) 300 to 360 ohms 300 to 360 ohms Less than 1 ohm 50 to 56 k 2. Remove the meter as follows (fig.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Table 4-11. Refer to figures 4-9 and 4-10 for schematic diagrams of the DC Extension Cable and DC Adapter Cables end perform resistance checks in accordance with table 4-11. switches.e. is not authorized at this maintenance level. etc.4 k 50 to 56 k 50 to 56 k 2. REPAIR PROCEDURES The complete disassembly of VIBREX components. Signal Simulator.0 to 2. Balancer Wiring Checkout. Disassembly of Balancer. After performing the troubleshooting procedures in paragrapha 4-10 through 4-19. 4-18. i. Lamp Shell Lamp center conductor Pin A or B Pin B (female end) Less than 1 ohm Less than 1 ohm More than 10 M More than 10 M These tests will deterrrdne the operational capability of the DC Extension Cable and DC Adapter Cables. transformers. disassembly procedures in the following paragraphs. Disassemble only to extent necessary to accomplish repairs. 4-19.. 4-17. Signal Simulator B4305 Resistance Checks From (+) To (–) Resistance and FO-2 and perform additional resistance checks from the circuit cards to related components. DC Cables. Disassembly instructions consist of removal and replacement of the meter. Refer to figure 4-11 for a schematic diagram of the Signal Simulator and perform resistance checks in accordance with table 4-12. 4-12): 4-13 . perform the removal and 4-20. 4-21. Strobex Wiring Checkout.4 k Less than 1 ohm Section III. Refer to figures FO-1 perform additional resistance checks from the circuit card to related components.0 to 2. DC Adapter Cables B3140-1. and B3140-9 4-14 .TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 4-10. B3140-5. and (–) Negative lead to connector P2 pin C.5V ± 10%. Signal Simulator Tests. and channel B input to connector P1 pin A. with an amplitude of 2. Third sentence in first note should read: “Do not exceed 40 watts. Add: Entire page as shown on draft. b. Schematic Diagram 4-19. ± 5% with an amplitude of 90 mV peak-to-peak ± a. (4) Channel B wave from shall be a short pulse occuring at the negative stage of channel A sawtooth. Signal simulator B4305. determine operational capability of the signal Observe that channel A wave form is an exsimulator. (2) Connect oscilloscope leads from channel A input to connector Pin B. These tests will (3) Adjust power supply for + 9VDC. ” Change 4 4-15 . Perform Signal simulator check below: (19 Connect DC Power Supply (+) Positive lead to connector P2 pin A. ponential sawtooth with a period of 110 mS.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure 4-16. and Table 4-15 for resistance checks as necessary. Refer to figure 4-17 for schematic diagram 5%. The Strobex circuit card may be removed for repair. (12) Adjust R155 until IPS meter indicates full scale. 4-16 Change 4 . (8) Connect oscilloscope horizontal input to TP8 and vertical input to TP2. Use solder per Federal Specification QQ-S-571D.M. and R. RANGE switch to X10. a. (19) Position B a l a n c e r a n d f u n c t i o n generator controls as indicated in Table 4-16. Perform these procedures only when directed by the troubleshooting procedures (Table 4-17). b. Apply anti-fungus material (MIL-STD1250) after completion of repairs. microcircuits. Release switch. (1) Connect Balancer and test equipment as shown in Figure 4-8.67 Hz at 115 mV rms.P.TM 55-4920-402-13&P NOTE Soldering Techniques. (1) Connect Balancer and test equipment as shown in Figure 4-6.5 mV rms. Do not exceed 40 watts. TUNE dial to past 999 to 000. The following instructions. Repeat steps (9) thru (11) for optimum adjustment. or paragraph 4-11d (16). Observe readings as in dicated in Table 4-16 (See note below Table. transducers and semiconductors that can be easily damaged by excessive heat. (7) Set up function generator for a sine wave output of 166. (4) Connect VOM between TP2 and ground. Perform these procedures only when directed by the troubleshooting procedure (Table 4-17). (15) Connect oscilloscope horizontal input to TP8 and vertical input to TP2. Release switch. RANGE switch to X10.M. (18) Press and hold VERIFY TUNE switch and adjust R148 for a 90° phase shift display (circles). such as a solder sucker. Adjustment Procedures. R. Repairs to the Balancer circuit cards are made with the cards in place. and adjust R152 for a 0 ± 3 mV indication. Release switch. (9) Press and hold VERIFY TUNE switch and adjusat R114 for a 90° phase shift display (circle).P. (16) Press and hold VERIFY TUNE switch and adjust R126 for a 90° phase shift display (circles). (17) Connect oscilloscope vertical input to TP3. (6) Set FUNCTION switch to B and R. Perform these procedures only when directed by the troubleshooting procedures (Table 4-17). while unsoldering parts and heat sinks on transistor or diode leads when soldering or unsoldering. Use a stiff. NOTE Circuit Card Repair.M. (11) Press and hold VERIFY TUNE switch and adjust 135 for a 90° phase shift display (circle). Balancer Adjustments. (14) Set up function generator for a 16. or paragraph 4-11d (16). 4-20. (2) Set FUNCTION switch to A.67 Hz sine wave output at 11. TUNE dial to 100.P.. and INTERRUPTER LOGIC switch to SINGLE. Phazor Adjustments.M. R. TUNE dial to 100. Use resoldering equipment. i. (2) Set Balancer FUNCTION switch to TRACK. (10) Connect oscilloscope vertical input to TP3. and those in the preceding paragraph. Special soldering equipment is needed for solid state components. are applicable to the Balancer circuit cards and the Strobex circuit card. Repeat steps (16) thru (18) for optimum adjustment.P.e. Release switch.P. (5) Connect VOM between TP3 (Fig. nonmetallic bristle brush to clean antifungus material away from area to be unsoldered and soldering iron between 25 and 40 watts (600 to 900 degrees F). (3) Remove cover by removing 4 screws. (13) Set R. and adjust R152 for a 0 ± 3 mV indication.) (20) Disconnect equipment and replace cover.M. 4-5) and ground. 33 166. Table 4-16 will indicate approximate indications expected.67 83. (3) Set up function generator for a square wave output of 600 mV peak-to-peak at 41.8 59 118 118 590 1. (2) Connect + 28 vdc power suppply to Strobex. (6) Disconnect equipment and replace cover.7 Hz. Bottom of ramp is approximately 1.0 8. c.9 * 11. Use oscilloscope inut A to measure signal.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Table 4-16. 4-7) until peak of sawtooth ramp is 5 volts above ground.0 cannot be obtained on IPS meter. Ealancer Adjustments Function RPM Range sw~tch RPM Dial Tune IPS Meter Indication Generator Hz Digital Multi meter Mv xl xl Xlo Xlo Xlo Xloo Xloo Xloo 500 000 100 500 000 100 500 000 (Full CW) (Full Cw) (Full CW) 1.8 11. (1) Remove Cover. If one range is way out.0 1. (4) Connect oscilloscope to TP10 (Fig 4-11).0 1. Change 4 4-16.33 1666.15V * Could be off 30% due to low frequency NOTE: Frequency and MV readings may vary as much as ± 5% on test equipment listed above for different units tested to obtain 1. (3) Set Strobex MODE switch to D and RPM dial to 360.0 IPS on meter. (5) Connect oscilloscope input B to TP6 (Fig 4-7).67 16.1 .0 1. one or more of the intergrating capacitors C106 thru C117 could be faulty if 1. (6) Adjust R117 (Fig.0 1.67 833. Perform this procedure only when directed by the Troubleshooting procedures (Table 4-17). Set-up oscilloscope to Sync on EX 60 Hz source and to measure a 400 volt signal with a 2mS/division time base.33 16.0 1. (5) Squeeze and hold trigger and adjust R19 (Fig 4-11) until oscilloscope wave shape is synced.5 volts above ground. (8) Adjust R145 so that the last ramp prior to the positive-going edge of the square wave is 75% of the height of the other 23 sawtooth ramps.7 5.0 1. (Figure 4-10). (4) Remove cover by removing four screws. (7) Observe that there are 24 sawtooth ramps for each input square wave. Strobex Adjustments. (9) Disconnect Equipment and Replace Cover.67 166.0 1. Sheet 2) Improper Voltage at TP5 +9 vdc Power Supply Defective Improper Voltage at TP6 -9 vdc Power Supply Defective 4-11d(4) (5)(9) (10) (13) Improper Indications 4-11d (6) (11). Polarity of +28 1. (15) below if trouble not corrected) Accelerometer Input B Circuit Defective 4-16. Sheet 2) U108 (Fig 4-5). and associated components (Fig FO1. 3-8a(8). (11). Sheet 2) Q101.2 Change 4 . (12) 4-11c(3) Improper Indications 2. pin A to (-) 2. (Fig 4-5) and associated components (Fig FO-1. Q102. (15) Improper Voltage at TP1 Meter Circuit or Associated Cmponents (Perform 4-11d(6).TM 55-4920-402-13&P Table 4-17. Sheet 1 & 2) and Perform Para/Step as required Q104 and Q105 (Fig 4-5) and associated Components (Fig FO1. Q103. (9). 1. Troubleshooting Procedures (Balancer/Phazor) Para/Step 3-8a 3-8a(2) Probable Remedy Perform Signal Signal Simulator Field Operational Checkout before Performing troubleshooting procedure Phazor Lamp not illuminated 1. 2. Fuse on Balancer card blown Interrupter Logic switch incorrectly set Defective Phazor Card 2. (11). Change Polarity. Sheet 2) U110 (Fig 4-5) and associated components (Fig FO-1. 1201 (17) (Fig C2). Remove cover and replace fuse F101 (Fig 4-5) Check and reset switch to proper position Perform Phazor Tests (Para 4-12) Trouble Probable Cause 3-8a(5) 12:00 O’clock Lamp not illuminated 1. Defective Balancer Card Perform Balancer Tests (Para 4-11) Balancer-Section Improper Voltages (Table 4-2) Defective Components Associated components (Fig FO1. vdc is wrong pin B to (+). If voltage too high check U 101 through U107 (Fig 4-7). TP1l. U101 (Fig 4-7) and associated components (Fig FO-2). (15) Improper Voltages at TP8 Accelerometer Input A Circuit Defective 1.3 Improper Voltage at TP2 + 5 vdc Power Supply Defective 4-12d(4) Improper Indications at TP3 Sample Command Circuit 4-12e(5) Improper Indications at TP4 Phase-Lock Loop Defective (Magnetic Pickup Input Circuit) . Probable Remedy Improper Voltages at TP12. S1201. Associated components (Fig FO2) and Perform as required Para/Step below. Change 4 4-16.(29 Fig C2) and associated components (Fig FO-1. Improper Voltage at TP1 +10 vdc Power Supply Defective 2. Troubleshooting Procedures (Balancer/Phazor) (Continued) Para/Step Trouble Probable Cause Balancer-Section (Continued) 4-lld(6). (11). U109 (Fig 4-5) and associated components (Fig FO-1. TP2. Sheet 2. U103. TP3 Filter Loop Circuit Defective or Misadjusted 2. TP13. U107 (Fig 4-5). Sheet 1) U101 through U106 (Fig 4-5). S1204 (30 Fig C2) and associated components (Fig FO-1. 4-1ld (16) Phazor-Section 4-12c(2) Improper Voltages Table 4-5 Defective Components 3. Adjust Balancer (Para 4-20a) as necessary. and Fig FO2). U108. Sheet 1). 3. U102.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Table 4-17. Q101 (Fig 4-7) and associated components (Fig FO-2). 1. Q101 (Fig 4-7) and associated components (Fig FO-2). TP14. (Fig 4-7). TM 55-4920-402-13&P Table 4-17. U101 through U105. (12). (7). Q103 and Q104 (Fig 4-7) and associated components (Fig FO-2). Probable Remedy 4-12e(8). Fig C-2) and associated components (Fig FO2). (13). S1205 (32. Troubleshooting Procedures (Balancer/Phazor) (Continued) Para/Step Trouble Probable Cause Phazor-Section (Continued) 4-12e(6) Improper Indications at TP5 Phase-Lock Loop Defective (Double Pulse Detector Circuit) U103 (Fig 4-7). (10). U102 through J107 (Fig 4-7) and associated components (Fig FO-2). (8) Improper Indications Counter-Decoder Defective 4-16. (11). Adjust Phazor (Para 420b) if necessary. (9). (14) Improper Indications at TP6 through TP9 Phase-Lock Loop Defective or Misadjusted 4-12f(6).4 Change 4 . Q5 (Fig 4-11). F1 Fuse (Fig 411) Q1. Q2. (11) mproper Indications at TP9. Troubleshooting Procedures (Strobex/Tester) Para/Step 4-13c (3) Trouble mproper Voltages Table 4-8 Probable Cause Defective Components Probable Remedy Associated components (Fig C-5) and Perform Para 4-13 as required or Para/Step below 1. Adjust set screw (11 Fig C-7). S501 (24. f(5). A501 (24. Fig C-5) and associated components (Fig FO-3) Q3. Change 4 4-16. Junction of CR1203 and L 1202 Oscillator Defective or Misadjusted 4-14a 4-14b Tester-Section Perform 4-14a to Determine Operational Capability of Tester Motor does not run Blown Fuse or Defective Motor F101 Fuse (39 Fig C7). 1. S501B (11 Fig C-5) and associated components (Fig F03). TP10. e(5). Grinding Noise 4-14g Profile cam out of tolerance Cam follower rubs against profile cam Worn profile cam Rotor hub screws rubs against motor 4-14h Rotor Disc hits Magnetic Pickup Rotor disc improperly set Same as above 4-14g (2). 4-13d (3). Adjust Strobex (Para 420c)as necessary. (6).TM 55-4920-402-13&P Table 4-18. Loosen set screw (11. (9). Fig C-7). Q6 (Fig 4-11) A501. 2. 11. (7) mproper Voltage at TP6 Fuse F1 blown High Voltage Power Supply Defective mproper Indications Oscillator Defective Q4 (Fig 4-11). Replace profile cam (12. Fig C-5) and associated components (Fig FO-3) 4-13c (6). g(4). Rear Terminal C1201. 2. Fig C-7) and adjust height of rotor hub and rotor disc as required.5 . Motor B1 (28 Fig C-7) or associated components (Fig C-7). 10-turn dial (27). Remove reflector and flash tube C1201 (29) out through back. and tag and unsolder them where they connect to the MODE switch S501 (11) and connector P502 (5). Wear a safety shield or safety glasses. C-5). Remove circuit card (4) by grasping end and pulling out of connector (5). Remove rear cover (1) by removing four screws (2) and sliding cover off of chassis (51). Disassembly of Balancer (Fig. Remove R. TUNE potentiometer R1201 (21) as follows: (1) Tag leads for identification and unsolder from R1201. c. b. Tag and unsolder leads as necessary. b. c. part of (27). a. and springs (22). Replace components on the cards in accordance with instructions in Section VII. washers (19). h. Removal of Flash Tube (Fig. (3) Remove R1201 (21). Remove diode package (24) by removing three screws (25). (2) Remove three screws (18). Remove capacitors C1201 (22) and C1202 (23) by removing two screws (21) and clips (20). C-2). washers (24).P. Disconnect Strobex from Balancer and discharge capacitors C1201 (22) and C1202 (23) prior to any repair. WARNING The flash tube is at several atmospheres pressure and may cause injury if broken. Remove lens cover as indicated below. Handle flash tubes by metal ends. Remove four screws (30) and nuts (27) securing reflector (43) to case. nuts (25). six lock washers (2). 4-16. Move diode package out of case as far as leads permit. Remove handle assembly (49) by removing four screws (47) and washers (48) attaching handle to case (55). Wear safety shield or safety glasses. Remove rear cover (18) by removing six screws (l). NOTE The two circuit cards (8 and 12) are hard wired to the chassis. Remove lens (26) over reflector assembly (43) and flash tube V1201 (29) by removing four nuts (27). NOTE Do not remove red wire and clip from flash tube until flash tube is clear of case. and bracket (26) by removing two screws (23). d.M. g. Avoid touching glass envelope with fingers. CAUTION Avoid twisting or bending the flash tube as the quartz envelope will break. WARNING Dangerous voltages are present in the Strobex which may cause death or injury. a. Loosen three screws (50) from nuts (51) to separate handle (49). Remove IPS meter M1201 (17) as follows: (1) Disconnect red and black leads from meter. f. C-5). (4) Loosen two sesetscrews holding 10-turn dial (27) to shaft of R1201 (21) and separate 10turn dial from R1201. i. 4-22. The flash tube (29) is at several atmospheres pressure and may cause injury if it is broken. 4-23. Identify the three leads coming from the handle assembly (49). a. Avoid twisting or bending the flash tube or the quartz glass will fracture. and nuts (20) attaching meter to case. Body oils from fingerprints may cause etching of the glass when hot and may result in fracture. and six flatwashers (3) and sliding cover out of case (55) to length of electrical leads. from front panel. Tag and unsolder leads as necessary. Disassembly of Strobex (Fig. b.6 Change 4 .TM 55-4920-402-13&P 4-21. Remove meter (17) from chassis (51). e. Move C1201 and C1202 out of case as far as leads permit. Remove four nuts (27) attaching lens (26) to case (55). (2) Pull knob. Push in on the clamps securing two switches (41) and push switches through front panel. Leave wires attached to connector and circuit card unless it is necessary to replace these components. Do not be alarmed if the two parts of the motor separate. Remove two short metric screws (26) and two long metric screws (27). and separate Nidec motor (28) from base (25). and remove doubler (14). tag and unsolder leads. Leave the cable connected to the motor unless it is necessary to replace the motor. Remove four screws (15) and nuts (16). Remove red lead andd tube clip (28) from end of tube by inserting blade of small screwdriver between clip and metal end of tube. Remove four screws (18) and remove two cam followers (17). If so. and two springs (24). k. Remove setscrew (11) and remove rotor hub (lo). insert blade of large screwdriver in open slot on right side of gold plated tube clamp (41) and twist gently to open clamp. g. c. and remove rear panel (4). and six nuts (33). and remove bottom panel (l). Do not attempt to twist tube free of clip. and remove connector (30) and circuit card assembly (34 thru 40). If so. f. Remove two short screws (31). two long screws (32). h. i. Change 4 4-16.TM 55-4920-402-13&P c. Remove four metric bolts (20) and remove magnetic pickup bracket (19). Note position of properly focused old flash tube. a. Remove four screws (5) and nuts (6). Remove four screws (2) from front panel (47) and rear panel (4). Grasp flash tube C1201 (29) with fingers on metal end of tube and slide straight out of clamp. e. Remove eight screws (22) and remove four clamps (21). From switches unless it is necessary to replace them. l. If so. b. j.7 . tag and unsolder the leads. Remove two screws (9) and remove rotor disc (8) d. d. C-7). two accelerometer arms (23). Remove two screws (13) and remove profile cam (12). Disassembly of Tester (Fig. 4-24. Leave wires attached. tag and unsolder the leads. (3) Join the two handle halves with three screws (50) and nuts (51). washers (19). Install handle assembly as follows: (1) Place S1201 (52) and plate (53) in slot in one-half of handle (49). a.P. lockwashers (2). Ensure that switch and plate is in groove. b. CAUTION Thermal stress will cause lens (26) to break if nuts (27) are tightened against case (55). Attach rear cover (18) to case (55) with six screws (1). Body oils from fingerprints will cause etching of the glass when hot. Solder leads to capacitors C1201 (23) and C1201 (22) and instaall with two screws (21) and clips (20). cable leads to MODE switch S501 (11) and connector P502 (5). Tighten dial to R1201 shaft with two setscrews in dial. Solder leads to diode package (24) and install in case with three screws (25). Install circuit card C3984 (4) in connector (5) with components side to inside of case. Wipe dry with a clean lint-free cloth. (2) Feed cable (46) wires through hole in bottom of handle and feed remaining wires through the top of the handle. f.M. Avoid twisting or bending the flashg tube or the quartz glass will fracture.TM 55-4920-402-13&P 4-25.terminal. 4-27. NOTE Refer to Balancer schematic diagram(fig. and nuts (20). c. e. Wear a safety shield or safety glasses. 4-28. a. fig. resulting in fracture of the glass. b. WARNING The flash tube is at several atmospheres pressure and may cause injury if broken. This section provides instructions to assemble assemblies and subassemblies which have been repaired. FO-2) for connection of electrical leads. Attach to case with four screws (30) and nus (27). d. C-5). 4-16. (4) Assemble R1201. Tighten nuts and then turn back 1/4 turn. Install IPS meter M1201 (17) as follows: (1) Place meter in position on panel and secure with three screws (18). Installation of Flash Tube. a. (2) Connect red lead to + terminal of meter and black lead to . Install rear cover (1) with four screws (2). b. FO-1) and Phazor schematic diagram (Fig. TUNE resistor R1201 (21) as follows: (1) Assemble resistor to bracket (26) with nut and lockwasher provided with resistor. Remove lens if Nor-Previously Removed (423 b). FO-3) for connection of electrical leads. c. and 10turn dial to Balancer with two screws (23). and flatwashers (3). nuts (25). (3) Set 10-turn dial (27) to 000 and assemble dial to bracket (26) and R1201. Install reflector assembly (43) through rear of case. Assembly of Balancer/Phazor (Fig. (2) Turn shaft of R1201 fully counterclockwise. Install R. CAUTION Avoid touching glass envelope of flash tube with fingers. NOTE Refer to Strobex schematic diagram (fig. (5) Place trigger in position and attach bandle to case (55) with four screws (47) and washers (48). C-5) with a clean lintfree cloth dampened with a mild detergent and water solution. (6) Press knob on dial. C-2). and springs (22). 4-26. (6) Solder item 4. washers (24). bracket (26).8 Change 4 . Assembly of Strobex (Fig. Install lens (26) with four nuts (27). Assembly. g. (5) Solder leads to R1201. (4) Feed wires through hole in bottom of case (55). Clean reflector (43. Connect Strobex to a +28 vdc power source. solder wires to two switches (41) and push them through front panel (47) until their clamps snap into place (Fig. be sure it is passed between the contact area of the tube clamp. a. Connect high voltage tube clip (28) to small end of replacement flash tube V1201 (29). Install the magnetic pickup bracket (19) onto the top half of the Nidec motor (28) and secure with four metric bolts (20). 4-4) for connection of electrical leads. Mesh the two halves of the motor together. Use a screwdriver to spread tube clamp (41).9 . Install connector into front panel and circuit and behind connector. adjust clamp tension with pliers (without tube in clamp). approximately 3 feet in front of flash tube. a. solder wires to circuit card assembly (34 through 10) and connector (30). b. g. If necessary. Verify that a centered 4-inch diameter spot is seen. Slide new tube into clamp the same distance as old tube to facilitate focusing. Accomplish final focus by projecting beam on a wall approximate y 15 to 20 feet away. Assemble two springs (24). Install lens (26) with four nuts (27). clean. Remove rear cover (para 4-22a). 4-29. NOTE If tube clamp has been spread so that it no longer grabs the tube securely. a dark center appears. 3-8). d. Hold the clip between the fore and middle fingers and with the thumb. If necessary. and two short screws (31). If lamp has a trigger wire. f. c. Hold metal end of flash tube with clamp attached and push large end of tube into tube clamp. two accelerometer arms (23).TM 55-4920-402-13&P c. Install the doubler (14) onto the magnetic pickup bracket (19) and secure with four nuts (16) and screws (15). c. C-7). Secure with six nuts (33). lint-free cloth to wipe flash tube and reflector clean of fingerprints and dust. g. d. d. Strobex Focus Adjustment (Fig. or if a small bright spot appears in a large light pattern: (1) Use an insulated screwdriver to turn the three nylon screws (fig 3-8) clockwise until the correct indication is obtained. and four clamps (21 ) and secure them together with eight screws (22). f. Replace rear cover if removed. Focus flash tube in accordance with paragraph 4-29. Use a soft. CAUTION Thermal stress will cause the lens (26) to break if nuts (27) are tightened against case (55). Thighten nuts and then turn back 1/4 turn. NOTE Refer to Tester schematic diagram (fig. Note that two of the nuts are used as spacers between the connector and cidrcuit card. (2) Use an insulated screwdriver to turn the three nylon screws (fig 3-8) counterclockwise until the correct indication is obtained. Replace rear cover 4-27g). h. solder wires to Nidec motor (28) and mount bottom part of the motor to base (25) with two long metric screws (27) and two short metric screws (26). b. press small metal end of flash tube into clip. Change 4 4-16. e. e. Adjust the nylon screws to achieve a spot approximately 1 to 2 feet in diameter. Install the two cam followers (17) onto the accelerometer arms (23) and secure with four screws (18). If necessary. C-7). Release trigger. e. Squeeze and hold trigger (fig 3-8) and project beam on a dark surface. two long screws (32). Assembly of Tester (Fig. Perform the following if. 4-30. e. rotor disc (8) onto rotor hub (10) and secure with two screws (9). Magnetic Pickup.TM 55-4920-402-13&P h. Magnetic Pickup Cable Resistance Checks. DC Cables Resistance Checks. Magnetic Pickup Resistance Checks. Install rotor hub (10) and profile cam (12) onto motor shaft and secure with setscrew (11). Signal Simulator Resistance Checks. 4-32. fig. l. j. b. 4-16. Perform the diagnostic test procedures after repair and assembly to verify that the equipment is ready to be returned to service. Install. or a Signal Simulator is replaced. perform the following tests in TM 55-4920 -402-13 & P to verify that the unit is ready for service. Install rear panel (4) onto magnetic pickup bracket (19) and secure with four nuts (6) and screws (5). Apply a light coat of camera oil (or equivalent. Magnetic Pickup Cable. f. Accelerometer Resistance Checks. Apply a light coat of camera oil to cam (12) and assemble profile cam (12) to rotor hub (10) and secure with two screws (13). Accelerometer Cable. i. d. Accelerometer Cables Resistance Checks. to the cam (12. Testing. k. Assemble bottom panel (1) to front panel (47) and rear panel (4) and secure with four screws (2) 4-31. a.10 Change 4 . a DC Cable. Lubrication. c. If a new Accelerometer. C-7) of the Tester during assembly. 4-13 Figure 4-18.12 . fig.11/4-16. Strobex Parts Location Change 4 4-16. 4-12 Figure 4-17.TM 55-4920-402-13&P fig. . Clean reflector with a lint-free cloth dampened with a mild detergent and water solution. Wipe dry with a clean lint-free cloth. Connect tube clip (7) to small end of replacement flash tube V1201 (8). of Strobex. spread lamp extrusion (9). c. Install a new flash tube in the Strobex as follows: a. b. Tighten until nut contacts lens and then turn back one-quarter turn. CAUTION Avoid touching glass envelope of flash tube with fingers. 4-34. NOTE If tube clamp has been spread so that it no longer grabs the tube securely. d. Secure rear cover (1) with six screws (2). and lockwashers (4). Body oils from fingerprints will cause etching of the glass when hot. g. flatwashers (3). Slide new tube into clamp the same distance as old tube to facilitate focusing. Focus flash tube in accordance with paragraph 3-10 c. is passed between the contact areas of the tube Dissembly of Tester. Hold metal end of tube with clamp attached and push large end of tube into tube clamp. 4-17/(4-18 blank) . 4-33. Remove tube clip (7) from end of tube by inserting blade of small screwdriver between clip end metal end of tube. Use a soft lint-free cloth to wipe flash tube and reflector clean of fingerprints and dust. Be sure the trigger wire. e. Assembly clamp.TM 55-4920-402-13&P of the new flash tube. Grasp flash tube V1201 (8) with fingers on metal end of tube and slide straight out of clamp. so that the trigger wire is not pinched between the clamp and tube. resulting in fracture of glass. Do not attempt to twist tube free of clamp. Clean outside surfaces with a cloth dampened with a solution of mild detergent and water. Removal and replacement of components is not authorized at this maintenance level. Wipe dry with a clean cloth. f. Clean the components of the VIBREX whenever inspection indicates it is needed. Cleaning. CAUTION Thermal stress will cause the clear plastic lens (5) to break if nuts are tightened against it. on flash tube. 4-32. Insert blade of screwdriver m open slot on right side of gold plated lamp extrusion (9) end twist gently to open clamp. press the small metal end of the flash tube into the clip. With a screwdriver. Hold the clip between the fore and middle fingers and with the thumb. adjust clamp tension with pliers (without tube in clamp). Install clear plastic lens (5) with four locknuts (6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire Prevention and Protection AR 55-38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TM 55-4920-402-13&P APPENDIX A REFERENCES A-1. . . . DA PAM 25-30 . . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1993. . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance of Supplies and Equipment AR 750-1 . . . . . . . Dictionaries of Terms and Abbreviations. . . Mililitary Publications Posting and Filing DA PAM 738-751 . .S. . . . Procedures for the Destruction of Aviation Ground Support Equipment (FSC 4920) to Prevent Enemy Use *u. . . . . . . Calibration Requirements for the Maintenance of Army Materiel TM 750-244-I-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .7SS-02WI0294 Change 9 A-1/(A-2 blank) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AR 310-25 . . . . . . . . . . . . General Aircraft Maintenance Manual (series) TM 743-200-1 . . . Publication Indexes. . . . . . .Army Material Maintenance Concepts and Policies TM 43-0139 . . . . . . Authorized Abbreviations and Brevity Codes A-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First Aid for Soldiers TB 43-180 . . . . . . Reporting of Transportation Discrepancies in Shipments AR 700-58 . . . . . . . Consolidated Index of Army Publications and Blank Forms A-3. . . . . . . . . . Logistics and Storage. . . . Painting Operations Instructions for Field Use A-5. . . . . . . . . . . Dictionary of United States Army Terms AR310-50 . . Other Publications AR 420-90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TM 1-1500-204-23 . . . . . Storage and Materials Handling A4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functional Users’ Manual for The Army Maintenance Management SystemAviation (TAMMS-A) FM 21-11) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Packaging Improvement Report DA PAM 310-13 . . . . . . facilities required. Depot which corresponds to the D code in the Repair Parts and Special Tools List (RPSTL). Aviation Intermediate Maintenance (AVIM) and Depot Maintenance are depicted on the MAC as: AVUM which corresponds to the O code in the Repair Parts and Special Tools List (RPSTL). Evacuate unserviceable modules/components and end items beyond the repair capability of AVUM to the supporting AVIM.) Performs all maintenance functions authorized to be done at AVUM. Perform those tasks which consist primarily of preventive maintenance and maintenance repair and replacement functions associated with sustaining a high level of equipment operational readiness. Inspects. and equipment. This Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) assigns maintenance functions in accordance with the Three Levels of Maintenance concept for army aircraft. diagnoses. the requirement to conserve personnel and equipment resources and air mobility requirements). AVUM activities will be staffed and equipped to perform high frequency “On-Equipment” maintenance tasks required to retain or return equipment to a serviceable condition. [Assignment of maintenance tasks to divisional company size aviation units will consider the overall maintenance capability of the division. periodic and special inspections as authorized by the MAC or higher headquarters. intermediate. b. Perform servicing. functional adjustments. minor adjustments. calibrates. spot drilling. (2) Aviation Intermediate Maintenance (AVIM). and minor repair/replacement. tests. tools. servicing. INTRODUCTION (TMDE). Perform maintenance inspections and servicing to include daily. Provides quick response maintenance support. (a) Company Size Aviation Units. This level will perform special inspections which exceed AVUM capability. responsive “One Stop” maintenance support. Provides collections and classification services for a.TM 55-4920-402-13&P APPENDIX B MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART Section I. Authorized maintenance includes replacement and repair of modules/components and end items which can be accomplished efficiently with available skills. Maintenance Allocation Chart. and number of spaces and critical skills available. The maintenance to be performed below depot and in the field is described as follows: (1) Aviation Unit Maintenance (AVUM). Aviation elements organic to brigade. These maintenance levels: Aviation Unit Maintenance (AVUM). Establishes the Direct Exchange (DX) program for AVUM units by repairing selected items for return to stock when such repairs cannot be accomplished at the AVUM level. and technical assistance through the use of mobile maintenance contact teams. spot painting. tools and equipment. on-the-job-training. and aligns system modules/components. (Maintenance functions which are not conducive to sustaining air mobility will be assigned to depot maintenance. adjusts. fittings and items of common hardware. Built-InTest Equipment (BITE). Replace worn or damaged modules/components which do not require complex adjustments or system alignment and which can be removed/installed with available skills. Repair of equipment for return to user will emphasize support or operational readiness requirements. repairs. battalion headquarters and detachment size units are normally small and have less than ten aircraft assigned. AVIM provides mobile. installed instruments. Maintenance authorized operational readiness float. AVIM which corresponds to the F code in the Repair Parts and Special Tools List (RPSTL). Maintenance tasks performed by the aircraft crew chief or assigned aircraft repairman will normally be limited to preventive maintenance inspections. Repair functions will normally be accomplished by the supporting AVIM unit. The range and quantity of authorized spare modules/components will be consistent with the mobility requirements dictated by the air mobility concept. Module/component disassembly and repair will support the DX program and will normally be limited to tasks requiring cleaning and the replacement of seals. Unserviceable reparable modules/components and end items which are beyond the capability of AVIM to repair will be evacuated to Depot Maintenance. module/component fault diagnosis and replacement of selected modules/components. B-1. Identify the cause of equipment/system malfunctions using applicable technical manual troubleshooting instructions. or easy to use Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment B-1 . Perform operational and continuity checks and make minor repairs. troubleshoots. (b) Less than Company Size Aviation Units. The maintenance capability of the AVUM will be governed by the MAC and limited by the amount and complexity of support equipment. group. h. b. e. a. To clean. Operates a cannibalization activity in accordance with AR 750-50. Higher maintenance levels will perform the maintenance functions of lower maintenance levels when required or directed by the appropriate commander. cooling agents and air. stock. mechanical and electrical characteristics with established standards. A maintenance function assigned to a maintenance level will automatically be authorized to be performed at any higher maintenance level. Adjust. (2) If the lower level will require assistance or technical supervision and on-site inspection. b. to detect and adjust any discrepancy in the accuracy of the instrument or test equipment being compared with the certified standard. Definitions. B-3. The special tools. Replace. Use of the Maintenance Allocation Chart. To rectify to the extent necessary to bring into proper operating range. q. To determine the corrections to be made in the readings of instruments or test equipment used in precise measurement. or otherwise secure necessary repair parts will be as specified in the repair parts and special tools list appendix. d. (2) Time required. Organizational through depot maintenance of the US Army Electronics Command equipment will be performed by designated US Army Electronics Command personnel. equipment. If the lowest level of maintenance cannot perform all tasks of any single maintenance function (e. e. B-2. Changes to the MAC will be based on continuing evaluation and analysis by responsible technical personnel and on reports received from field activities. maintenance functions assigned to a maintenance level may. To adjust specified variable elements of an item to bring to optimum performance. Test. (3) Tools and test equipment required and/or available. Consists of the comparison of two instruments. test. A maintenance function that cannot be performed at the assigned level of maintenance for any reason may be evacuated to the next higher maintenance organization. Install. repair). d. f. then the higher maintenance level(s) that can accomplish anditional tasks will also be indicated. be specifically authorized by the maintenance officer of the level of maintenance to which the function is assigned. c. This transfer of a maintenance function to a lower maintenance level does not relieve the higher maintenance level of the responsibility of the function. to preserve. The assignment of a maintenance function will not be construed as authorization to carry the associated repair parts in stock.. Aline. subassemblies or parts. The higher level of maintenance has the authority to determine: (1) If the lower level is capable of performing the work. In cases of operational necessity. Calibrate. (The aircraft maintenance company within the maintenance battalion of a division will perform AVIM functions consistent with air mobility requirements and conservation of personnel and equipment resources. of maintenance to perform this function will be furnished by the maintenance level to which the function is assigned.TM 55-4920-402-13&P serviceable/unserviceable material. To replace unserviceable items with serviceable assemblies. Authority to requisition. Inspect. To set up for use in an operational environment such as an emplacement. Additional intermediate maintenance support will be provided by the supporting non-divisional AVIM unit). h. To determine serviceability of an item by comparing its physical. g. etc. lubricants. and to add fuel. one of which is a certified standard of known accuracy. B-2 Change 5 . Normally there will be no deviation from the assigned level of maintenance. on a one-time basis and at the request of the lower maintenance level. c. (3) If the authorization will be granted. required by the lower level a. Service. g. Only the lowest level of maintenance authorized to perform a maintenance function is indicated. to charge. To verify serviceability and detect incipient failure by measuring the mechanical or electrical characteristics of an item and comparing those characteristics with prescribed standards. The MAC assigns maintenance functions to the lowest level of maintenance based on past experience and the following considerations: (1) Skills available. site or vehicle. f. TM 55-4920-402-13&P i. and DEPOT are listed on the Maintenance Allocation Chart W. performance.19S9-6w031/53031 Change 5 B-3 . special tools. and strengthening. Standard functional group inge are not considered feasible for aviation ground support equipment due to variation and complexity. k. To restore an item to serviceable condition through correction of a specific failure or unserviceable condition. welding. Rebuild To restore an item to a standard as nearly as possible to the original or new condition in appearance. B-4. Tools and Test Equipment (Section III). Remarks (Section IV). and life expectancy. the tool number to aid in identifying the tool/device. Maintenance Categories and Work Times. Repair. repair or replacement of worn or unserviceable elements (items) using original manufacturing tolerances and specifications. variations to functional groupings may oCcur. j. This is accomplished through the maintenance technique of complete disassembly of the item. This includes. In addition.buwlwnc rmntt~ 0fEice. The maintenance categories (levels) AVUM.s. but is not limited to. the maintenance category authorized to use the device is listed along with the item National Stock Number (NSN) and. Overhaul To restore an item to a completely serviceable condition as prescribed by maintenance serviceability standards prepared and published for the specific item to be overhauled. replacing. Common tool sets (not individual tools). and subsequent reassembly of the item. AVIM. with an alphabetical code and other columnar notea identified by a number in parentheses. the columnar presentation shall indicate Maintenance levels higher than the level of maintenance indicated are authorized to perform the indicated function. Remarks contained in column 6. inspection. Work time presentations such as 0. preserving. test and support equipment required to perform maintenance functions are listed alphabetically with a reference number to permit cross-referencing to column 5 in the MAC. B-6. If a work time has not been established.1 indicate the average time it requires a maintenance level to perform a specified maintenance function. B-7. are listed to provide a ready reference to the definition of the remark/note. with individual columns that indicate the work times for maintenance functions at each maintenance level. inspection of all parta or components. riveting. Therefore. Functional Groups B-5. adjusting. if applicable. cleaning. 5 .2 . NOMENCLATURE ~ IND EVEMS MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART BALANCING KIT ..2 .5 1.2 5 .O .5 .0 1.2 .5 2.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Section Il.5 2.5 .5 .0 1 P- 1 2 P. 1 4.In~pect ‘Replace Test !Inspect Replace Inspect Replace Test Inspect Repair Replace Test Inspect Replace Test Inspect Repair Replace G 5 4.5 .5 .5 2.0 1.0 1.3 . VIBREX (1) GROUP COMPONENTIAWMLV NUMBERS (2) w MA INIENANa 44 MAINTENANCE CATEGOBV VOOLE AND SOUI?MENT REMARKS #s) (d PUNCVION AVUM * AVIM m?ot 01 VIBREX Balancing Kit Inspect Repair Replace Test Inspect Repair P.0 l.0 .5 1.5 1 2 A B .5 .5 .0 1.0 .5 .5 .5 . B 0101 Cable Assys 1 B 0103 Magnetic Pickups and Accelerometers 1 ~ )3 0105 0107 Brackets/Attachments Signal Simulator 1 1 0201 l?alancer/Phazor 1! A B 0203 lPS Meter 0301 Balancer Circuit Card As Sy 1 2 B Test 0401 Phazor Circuit Card Assy Inspect Repair Replace Test Strobex Tracker Assy Inspect Repair Rep lace Test 1 2 0501 B-4 Change 7 *AreaTMDE Support Team (ATST) PIN: 046643$-007 .eplace Test .0 .2 .2 .5 . 5 1 A B 0701 VIBREX Tester Assy 2.5 1 A 0601 [nspect ?epair Wplace rest [nspect Uq_x3ir ?eplace Pest .0 .TM 55-4920-402-13&P m COMwENf/ w) AsssmMY fq MAINTSNANCS CAYSOOW {9) @] REMARKS MAfflTtMAt9a ?UNCWOM TOOLS * AM AWISA Bsmx aOUIWNSNT 0503 Lamp and Lens Blade Tracker Circuit Assy %?phce .5 1 2 A ‘Area TMDE Support ‘Teams (l’i T&T) Change 6 B-5 .2 .2 1.5 .2 .0 . 1 2 0 F REF. TOOL KIT. MAINT.AVIM ELEC-INSTR TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENT NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER 5180-00-323-4915 4920-00-165-1453 TOOL NO. SC518099CLA06 SC492099CLA91ELAM B-6 .ELEC RPMN SHOP SET. CAT. NO.TM55-4920-402-13&P SECTION III. lens.TM 55-4920-402-13&P Section IV. IPS meter and splicing cables. B B-7/(B-8 blank) . plug in circuit card. REMARKS BALANCING KIT. VIBREX Reference Code A Remarks AVIM Repair limited to replacement of knobs. lamp. Operational test on equipment. . Maintenance. and Recoverability (SMR) code is a 5-position code containing supply requisitioning information. A list of spares and repair parts authorized by this RPSTL for use in the performance of maintenance. Parts lists are composed of functional groups in ascending alphanumeric sequence. and other special support equipment authorized by this RPSTL (as indicated by Basis of Issue (BOI) information in DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE column) for the performance of maintenance.TM 55-4920-402-13&P APPENDIX C REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST SECTION I. National stock numbers and part numbers are cross-referenced to each illustration figure and item number appearance. A list of special tools. b. The list also includes parts which must be removed for replacement of the authorized parts. INTRODUCTION C-1. Repair parts kits are listed separately in their own functional group within Section II. (Column (1)). issue. The Source. b. of all National stock numbered items appearing in the listing. special TMDE. special test. A list. this Repair Parts and Special Tools List is divided into the following sections: a. maintenance and recoverability (SMR) codes. and other special support equipment required for performance of Aviation Unit and Aviation Intermediate maintenance of the Vibrex Balancing Kit. Repair parts for repairable special tools are also listed in this section. It authorizes the requisitioning. SMR Code (Column (2)). In addition to Section I. in National item identification number (NIIN) sequence. Introduction. Section III. C-2. followed by a list in alphanumeric sequence of all part numbers appearing in the listings. repair parts and special tools as indicated by the source. Section II. a. and disposition instruction as shown in the following breakout: Change 5 C-1 . Item No. Special Tools List. General. C-3. special tools. Items listed are shown on the associated illustration(s) figure(s). Indicates the number used to identify items called out in the illustration. (Not applicable) c. Explanation of Columns (Sections II and III). This RPSTL lists and authorizes spares and repair parts. and disposition of spares. maintenance category authorization criteria. National Stock Number and Part Number Index. Scope. with the parts in each group listed in ascending figure and item number sequence. Section IV. Bulk materials are listed in item name sequence. Repair Parts List. measurement. and diagnostic equipment (TMDE). TM 55-4920-402-13&P Source Code Maintenance Code Recoverability Code How you get an item 3d position 4th position Who can do complete repair* on the item Who can install, replace or use the item Who determined disposition action on an unserviceable item *Complete Repair: Maintenance capacity, capability, and authority to perform all corrective maintenance tasks of the "Repair" function in a use user environment in order to restore serviceability to a failed item. (1) Source Code. The source code tells you how to get an item needed for maintenance, repair, or overhaul of an end item/equipment. Explanations of source codes follows: Code Explantion Stocked items; use the applicable NSN to request requisition items with these source codes. They are authorized to the category indicated by the code entered in the 3d position of the SMR code. **NOTE: Items coded PC are subject to deterioration. Items with these codes are not to be requested requisitioned individually. They are part of a kit which is authorized to the maintenance category indicated in the 3d position of the SMR code. The complete kit must be requisitioned and applied. Explanation Items with these codes are not to be requested/requisitioned individually. They must be made from bulk material which is identified by the part number in the DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) column and listed in the Bulk Material group of the repair parts list in this RPSTL. If the item is authorized to you by the 3d position code of the SMR code, but the source code indicates it is made at a higher level, order the item from the higher level of maintenance. C-2 Change 5 TM 55-4920-402-13&P Explanation Items with these codes are not to be requested requisitioned individually. The parts that make up the assembled item must be requisitioned or fabricated and assembled at the level of maintenance indicated by the source code. If the 3d position code of the SMR code authorizes you to replace the item, but the source code indicates the item is assembled at a higher level, order the item from the higher level of maintenance. Do not requisition an “XA’’-coded item. Order its next higher assembly. (Also, refer to the NOTE below.) XB - If an “XB” item is not available from salvage, order it using the FSCM and part number given. XC - Installation drawing, diagram, instruction sheet, field service drawing, that is identified by manufacturer’s part number. XD - Item is not stocked. Order an “XD’’-coded item through normal supply channels using the FSCM and part number given, if no NSN is available. NOTE: Cannibalization or controlled exchange, when authorized, may be used as a source of supply for items with the above source codes, except for those source coded “XA” or those aircraft support items restricted by requirements of AR 700-42. (2) Maintenance Code. Maintenance codes tells you the level(s) of maintenance authorized to USE and REPAIR support items. The maintenance codes are entered in the third and fourth positions of the SMR Code as follows: (a) The maintenance code entered in the third position tells you the lowest maintenance level authorized to remove, replace, and use an item. The maintenance code entered in the third position will indicate authorization to one of the following levels of maintenance. Code C O F H L D Application/Explanation -Crew or operator maintenance done within organizational or aviation unit maintenance. -Organizational or aviation unit category can remove, replace, and use the item. -Direct support or aviation intermediate level can remove, replace, and use the item. -General support level can remove, replace, and use the item. -Specialized repair activity can remove, replace, and use the item. -Depot level can remove, replace, and use the item. XA - (b) The maintenance code entered in the fourth position tells whether or not the item is to be repaired and identifies the lowest maintenance level with the capability to do complete repair (i.e., perform all authorized repair functions.) (NOTE: Some limited repair may be done on the item at a lower level of maintenance, if authorized by the Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) and SMR codes.) This position will contain one of the following maintenance codes. Change 5 C-3 TM 55-4920-402-13&P Code O F H L D Z B Application/Explanation -organizational or (aviation unit) is the lowest level that can do complete repair of the item -Direct support or aviation intermediate is the lowest level that can do complete repair of the item. -General support is the lowest level that can do complete repair of the item. -Specialized repair activity (designate the specialized repair activity) is the lowest level that can do complete repair of the item. -Depot is the lowest level that can do complete repair of the item. -Nonreparable. No repair is authorized. -No repair is authorized. (No parts or special tools are authorized for the maintenance of a “B” coded item). However, the item may be reconditioned by adjusting, lubricating, etc., at the user level. (3) Recoverability Code. Recoverability codes are assigned to items to indicate the disposition action on unserviceable items. The recoverability code is entered in the fifth position of the SMR Code as follows: Recoverability Codes Z O F Application/Explanation -Nonreparable item. When unserviceable, condemn and dispose of the item at the level of maintenance shown in 3d position of SMR Code. -Reparable item. When uneconomically reparable, condemn and dispose of the item at organizational or aviation unit level. -Reparable item. When uneconomically reparable, condemn and dispose of the item at the direct support or aviation intermediate level. -Reparable item. When uneconomically reparable, condemn and dispose of the item at the general support level. -Reparable item. When beyond lower level repair capability, return to depot. Condemnation and disposal of item not authorized below depot level. -Reparable item. Condemnation and disposal not authorized below specialized repair activity (SRA). -Item requires special handling or condemnation procedures because of specific reasons (e.g., precious metal content, high dollar value, critical material, or hazardous material). Refer to appropriate manuals directives for specific instructions. H D L A c. FSCM (Column (3)). The Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer (FSCM) is a 5-digit numeric code which is used to identify the manufacturer, distributor, or Government agency, etc., that supplies the item. C-4 Change 5 subfunctional group. (7) The usable on code. special TMDE. (6) When the item is not used with all serial numbers of the same model. when required. C-4. (8) In the Special Tools List section. the item you receive may have a different part number from the part ordered. and inspection requirements to identify an item or range of items. or an assembly. However. firm. when applicable (see paragraph C-5. and other special support equipment. specification standards. Explanation of Columns (Sect. Phy Sec C1 (C) . A “V” appearing in this column in lieu of a quantity indicates that the quantity is variable and the quantity may vary from application to application... ignore the first 4 digits of the NSN. This column includes the following information: (1) The Federal item name and. Part Number (Column (4)). e. f. company. or Government activity). This column lists the NSN by National item identification number (NIIN) NSN sequence.TM 55-4920-402-13&P d. which is prepared for a functional group. Phy Sec Cl (T) .Confidential. NOTE: When you use a NSN to requisition an item. the effective serial numbers are shown on the last line(s) of the description (before UOC). the total authorization is increased proportionately. (3) Items that are included in kits and sets are listed below the name of the kit or set. Indicates the primary number used by the manufacturer (individual. When density of equipments supported exceeds density spread indicated in the basis of issue. the complete NSN should be used when ordering items by stock number. Special Information). the basis of issue (BOI) appears as the last line(s) in the entry for each special tool. (5) Part numbers for bulk materials are referenced in this column in the line item entry for the item to be manufactured/fabricated. a. IV).g. (4) Spare/repair parts that make up an assembled item are listed immediately following the assembled item line entry. Change 5 C-5 . When using this NIIN column to locate an item. The QTY (quantity per figure column) indicates the quantity of the item used in the breakout shown on the illustration figure. (2) The physical security classification of the item is indicated by the parenthetical entry (insert applicable physical security classification abbreviation. National Stock Number (NSN) Index. Description and Usable On Code (UOC) (Column (5)). (9) The statement “END OF FIGURE” appears just below the last item description in Column 5 for a given figure in both Section II and Section III. The NIIN consists of the last nine digits of the NSN (i. QTY (Column (6)).Top Secret). a minimum description to identify the item. Phy Sec Cl (S) Secret. 5305-0l-674-1467). (2) Stock Number Column.e. corporation. e. which controls the design and characteristics of the item by means of its engineering drawings. This column lists the number of the figure where the item is identified located. C-6. The usabl on code appears in the lower left corner of the Description column heading. This is necessary since figures are prepared for assembly groups and subassembly groups. or Government agency. . (3) Stock Number Column. vertical arrangement of letter and number combination which places the first letter or digit of each group in order A through Z. Column.. b. Associated Publications. specifications standards. How to Locate Repair Parts. followed by the numbers 0 through 9 and each following letter or digit in like order). Index Numbers. Part numbers in this index are listed by part number in ascending alphanumeric sequence (i. Uncoded items are applicable to all models. determine the assembly group or subassembly group to which the item belongs. . The figures are in numerical order in Section II and Section III.TM 55-4920-402-13&P (2) Fig. (1) First. etc. Items which have the word BULK in the figure column will have an index number shown in the item number column. The item number identifies the item associated with the figure listed in the adjacent FIG. (5) Item Column. corporation. Not applicable. The Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer (FSCM) is a 5-digit numeric code used to identify the manufacturer. Find the figure covering the assembly group or subassembly group to which the item belongs. This column lists the NSN for the associated part number and manufacturer identified in the Part Number and FSCM Columns to the left. column. This index number is a cross-reference between the National Stock Number Part Number Index and the bulk material list in Section II. (4) FIG. Usable On Code. Use the following subparagraphs as applicable: a. Special Information. and listings are divided into the same groups. firm. or Government activity). Usable on codes are shown as "UOC: .. NOTE: Associated publications shall not be listed here in combined narrative and RPSTL manuals. and inspection requirements to identify an item or range of items.e. Indicates the primary number used by the manufacturer (individual. (1) FSCM Column. Column. that supplies the item." in the Description Column (justified left) on the first line applicable item description nomenclature. b. Part Number Index. (2) Part Number Column. The item number is that number assigned to the item as it appears in the figure referenced in the adjacent figure number column. C. This item is also identified by the NSN listed on the same line. C-6 Change 5 . Using the table of contents. (3) Item Column. C-5. distributor. which controls the design and characteristics of the item by means of its engineering drawings. (2) Second. This column lists the number of the figure where the item is identified located in Section II and III. When National Stock Num ber or Part Num ber is Not Known. a. Both indexes cross-reference you to the illustration figure and item number of the item you are looking for. Identify the item on the figure and note the item number.TM 55-4920-402-13&P (3) Third. (2) Second. b. After finding the figure and item number. verify that the item is the one you’re looking for. then locate the item number in the repair parts list for the figure. Using the Index of National Stock Numbers and Part Numbers. if assigned.).a(l)). Refer to the Repair Parts List for the figure to find the part number for the item number noted on the figure. (5) Fifth. The part numbers in the Part Number index are listed in ascending alphanumeric sequence (see C-4.b. Change 5 C-7 . When National Stock Num ber or Part Number is Knowm (1) First. Refer to the Part Number Index to find the NSN. find the pertinent National Stock Number or Part Number. The NSN index is in National Item Identification Number (NIIN) sequence (see C-4. (4) Fourth. TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure C-1. C-8 Change 5 . TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure C-1. Change 5 C-9 . C-10 Change 5 .TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure C-1. VIBRE CABLE.PHASER SEE FIGURE C-2 FOR BREAKDOWN TRACKER.VIBRE .PLUG.CONNECTOR.BAR.RECEPTACL .ELEC CABLE.SECTION II (1) (2) ITEM SMR NO CODE (3) FSCM TM55-4920-402-13&P (4) PART NUMBER (5) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) GROUP 01.VIBRE .ELECTRICAL CABLE.VIB SIMILAATOR. VIBREX BALANCING KIT FIGURE C-1.ELECTRI . VIBREX BALANCING KIT (6) QTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 XCOFF XCOFD XCOFF PBOFF XDOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ XAOZZ XAOZZ XAOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ XAOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ XDOZZ XDOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 96906 96906 99059 99866 83330 83330 76545 99866 96906 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 96906 96906 96906 99866 96906 96906 99866 96906 99866 99866 71468 177M6A 135M11 11 47 348 B3140-1 MS3102R16-11S MS3057-8A 7545C B3140-5 711BLACK 711RED 488 B3140-9 MS25231-313 41778 3030AN A3428-2 A3387 A3382 A3383 A3104 A3300 3159 A3160 35S B3380 B4305 B3251 C4559 C4758 B3103 B3103 A3529 MS3106A16-11P MS3106A16-11SC MS3057-8A A3319-2 MS3456W10SL-4P MS3057-4A A4269 MS3106A10SL4S A4296-1 A4296-2 CA3106A-10SL-3P BALANCER.ELEC .INSULATOR.ADAPTER.VIBRE .SPEC .VI TAPE.BEAM INDICATI CASE.VIB BRACKET.MAGNETIC.CLAMP.PLUG.ELEC .VIBREX TARGET SET.ELEC CABLE ASSEMBLY.BLACK .ADAPTER.CONNECTOR.ADAPTER.SPEC .MAGNETIC.PLUG REF 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 CHANGE 8 C-11 .SPEC CABLE ASSEMBLY.INSULATOR.CLAMP.RED .VI BRACKET.CONNECTOR.CLIP.VIBREX BRACKET.SIGNAL INTERRUPTER SET.EXTENSION .BLADE SEE FIGURE C-5 FOR BREAKDOWN STROBOSCOPE SEE FIGURE C-7 FOR BREAKDOWN SCALE.CABLE.CABLE.BACKUP LAMP.PLUG.CONNECTOR.ELECTRI CABLE ASSEMBLY.SPECIAL INTERRUPTER SET.VI .MAGENTIC.REFLECTIVE BRACKET.CONNECTOR.CONNECTOR.VIB TARGET SET.ELEC .ACCELEROMET BRACKET.MECHA PICKUP.ELECTRI .CONNECTOR.CABLE.VI INTERRUPTER SET INTERRUPTER SET CABLE.PLUG.CARRYING.RINGLOCK .INCANDESCENT ACCELEROMETER.LAMP.ACCELEROMET BRACKET.MAGNETIC.MAGNETIC.PLUG.CLAMP. TECHNICAL CHART.CLAMP.CONNECTOR.TECHNICAL MANUAL.TIEDOWN.PLUG .TECHNICAL MANUAL.TECHINCAL CHART.CORRECTOR SHEET.SHELL.TECHNICAL STRAP.SECTION II (1) (2) ITEM SMR NO CODE 46 47 48 49 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 PBOZZ PBOZZ XAOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ PAOZZ (3) FSCM 00613 77820 77820 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 96906 TM55-4920-402-13&P (4) PART NUMBER 10SL PT06P8-3S 10-150-913-8 4280 4290 4300 3597 3411 3413 3438 3875 4020 4262 4273 4173 MS3367-5 CHANGE 6 (5) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) .POTTING MANUAL.TECHNICAL SHEET.TECHNICAL SHEET.TECHNICAL CHART SHEET.TECHNICAL SHEET.ELECT END OF FIGURE (6) QTY 2 2 2 25 25 25 1 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 1 C-12/(C-13 BLANK)Change 6 .BALANCE SHEET.CABLE . . TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure C-2 C-14 Change 5 . ELECTRICAL-MEC .POWE .STANDOFF .BUSHING.RESISTOR.SECTION II (1) (2) ITEM SMR NO CODE (3) FSCM TM55-4920-402-13&P (4) PART NUMBER (5) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) GROUP 02.LUG .POST.SCREW.CONNECTOR.DIAL.NUT.CLAMP.SENSITIVE .PLAIN.SPECIAL PURPO .SWITCH.SWITCH.LOCK .VIBREX .ELEC .SPECIAL.CABLE ASSEMBLY.KNOB .CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB SEE FIGURE C3 FOR BREAKDOWN ..MACHINE .ASSEMBLED .SPECIAL SCALE .EX .SCREW.HELICAL.NUT.VARIABLE.HEXAGON .PUSH .MACHINE .PLAIN.CONNECTOR.MACHINE ..MACHINE . BALANCING/PHASOR FIGURE C-2.CABLE.CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB SEE FIGURE C4 FOR BREAKDOWN .SWITCH.SCREW.PLAIN.SCREW.CONNECTOR.METER.PUSH .COVER.ELECTRI .MACHINE .C .SPRING.PHASER .LOCK .VIB .MACHINE .MACHINE .RECEPTACL 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 4 4 4 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 4 4 2 CHANGE 6 C-15 .CONNECTOR.SWITCH.CABLE.MACHINE .ASSEMBLED .NUT..MOUNTING .SCREW.ACCESS .RECEPTACL .SWITCH.PLAIN.WASHER.PUSH BOI:1PER END ITEMS .ROTARY .W .SUPPORT.RECEPTACL .SCREW.NUT.ROTARY .WASHER.SELF-LOCKING.TERMINAL. BALANCER/PHASOR (6) QTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 PBOFF PBFZZ PAOZZ PBOZZ PBOZZ XDOZZ PBOZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ XOFFF PAFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ XOFFD PAFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PBFFF PAFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBOZZ PBFZZ PBOZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PAOZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PAOZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ 99866 99866 96906 99866 96906 81349 02660 99866 28520 99866 96906 99866 96906 99866 96906 83330 96906 83330 99866 96906 96906 02111 99866 96906 96906 96906 99866 02111 32767 71590 76854 09353 91929 09353 09353 80131 96906 78189 96906 96906 78189 96906 96906 78189 96906 177M6A C4125 MS51957-13B A4185 MS3106A16-11P M85049/41-8W 9779-513-6 A4335 6P-4 C4146 MS51957-28 A4381-1 MS51957-28B B4193 MS51957-28 8445 MS51957-28B 1410-14 A3307 MS35338-135 MS35649-244 534-202/202 A2047 MS51957-36B MS35333-71 MS21042-06 A4338 18-1-31 B506 PSA-214 399260-AM 8125W 1RA4 8125Z 8225Z 2N4918 MS51957-15B 511-041800-00 MS3102R14S5S MS51957-15B 511-041800-00 MS3102R10SL3S MS51957-158 511-041800-00 MS3102E10SL4S BALANCER.SWITCH..BRACKET.SCREW.SCREW.DIGITAL.TRANSISTOR .RUBBER .MACHINE .ASSEMBLED .NUT.PLUG.SCREW. SCREW.PLATE MICA END OF FIGURE (6) QTY 4 4 2 1 1 1 CHANGE 6 C-16 .LUG .MACHINE .PUSH BUTTON .ASSEMBLED .GUARD.INSULATOR.SWITCH .SECTION II (1) (2) ITEM SMR NO CODE 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 PAFZZ PAOZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ (3) FSCM 96906 78189 96906 95146 09353 81349 99866 13103 TM55-4920-402-13&P (4) PART NUMBER MS51957-15B 511-041800-00 MS77068-1 G12B 7527-2 JAN1N3613 C4124 43-77-7 (5) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) .VIBREX .FRONT.NUT.PLAIN.TERMINAL.SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .PANEL. TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure C-3 Change 5 C-17 . TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure C-3 C-18 Change 5 . RADIO FREQUENC .MICROCIRCUIT.RESISTOR.COIL.ELE .COMP .FILM .SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .FIXED.CER .MET .FIXED.FIXED.SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.CAPACITOR.MICROCIRCUIT.RESISTOR.COMP .CAPACITOR.RESISTOR.FIXED.CAPACITOR.FIXED. BALANCER CIRCUIT CARD ASSY FIGURE C-3.SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .LINEAR .PLA .COMP .MET .CER .PLA .CER .FIXED.RESISTOR.MET .FIXED.FIXED.CIRCUIT BOAR .GARTRIDGE .COMP .COMP .FIXED.CAPACITOR.FIXED.FIXED. BALANCER CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMBLY (6) QTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 PBFFF PBFZZ XDFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ 99866 81349 14752 60705 81349 26916 06676 81349 04713 56289 56289 81349 04713 04713 56289 56289 75915 76493 81349 04713 81349 01295 81349 81349 27556 27556 81349 27556 81349 27556 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 C4146 JAN1N483B 230B1B105J 563CY5SBA250EC10 3Z CK60AX471K 058-001691 1CN-083-S3-G JAN1N4464 2N3906 292P10252 292P10452 M39014/02-1350 1N4753A 2N3904 5GAS10 30D256G050CC2 275001 4668 JAN1N4460 MPSA56 JAN1N3613 1N459A M39003/01-3088 CK60BX101K BA2A602F BA2A543F M38510/10101BPC BA2A593F M39003/01-3006 XV2C274J M39003/01-2993 M39003/01-2966 RNC60K1002FS RCR32G391JS RCR07G332JS RCR07G104JS RCR07G222JS RCR07G103JS RCR07G223JS RCR07G102JS RCR07G150JS RCR07G473JS RNC60K1003FS RNC60K4992FS RCR07G822JS CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB .MET .FIXED.RESISTOR.ELE .CAPACITOR.CAPACITOR.LINEAR .SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .TRANSISTOR .ELE .TRANSISTOR .ELE .RESISTOR.FIXED.CAPACITOR.COMP .FIXED.CAPACITOR.RESISTOR.FUSE.FIXED.SOCKET.FIXED.CER .CAPACITOR.COMP .RESISTOR.RESISTOR.FIXED.CAPACITOR.SECTION II (1) (2) ITEM SMR NO CODE (3) FSCM TM55-4920-402-13&P (4) PART NUMBER (5) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) GROUP 03.CAPACITOR.RESISTOR.FILM .RESISTOR.FIXED.CAPACITOR.FIXED.MET .COMP .CAPACITOR.CAPACITOR.FIXED.SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .TRANSISTOR .FIXED.ELE .RESISTOR.CAPACITOR.CER .FILM .FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.COMP 1 11 2 24 1 8 10 2 2 2 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 8 4 4 2 4 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 9 2 8 3 8 1 1 7 3 1 CHANGE 6 C-19 .CAPACITOR.FIXED.CAPACITOR.RESISTOR.COMP .FIXED.SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC . VARIABLE.FIXED.FILM .RESISTOR.FIXED.COMP .FIXED.COMP .RESISTOR.VARIABLE.FIXED.FILM .FILM .FIXED.FILM .FILM .VARIABLE.FILM .RESISTOR.COMP .RESISTOR.CIRCUIT BOARD.RESISTOR.FIXED.RESISTOR.RESISTOR.FIXED.RESISTOR.FILM .RESISTOR.RESISTOR.N .FIXED.COMP .RESISTOR.RESISTOR.COMP .RESISTOR.FIXED.FILM .N .COMP .FIXED.RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.RESISTOR.RESISTOR.FIXED.VIBRE END OF FIGURE (6) QTY 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 6 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 CHANGE 6 C-20/(C-21 BLANK) .RESISTOR.RESISTOR.FIXED.RESISTOR.FILM .COMP .RESISTOR.RESISTOR.RESISTOR.N .FIXED.FIXED.RESISTOR.RESISTOR.COM P .FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FILM .FILM .FILM .FILM .SECTION II (1) (2) ITEM SMR NO CODE 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ XAFZZ (3) FSCM 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 73138 81349 81349 73138 81349 81349 81349 81349 73138 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 99866 TM55-4920-402-13&P (4) PART NUMBER RCR20G2R7JS RCR07G152JS RCR07G101JS RCR07G100JS RNC60K2003FS RNC60K3012FS RNC60K1004FS RNC60K2001FS RNC60K1102FS 72RXW2K RNC60K1912FS RNC60K2002FS 72RXW10K RNC60K2492FS RNC60K2493FS RNC60K2494FS RNC60K6043FS 72RXW50K RCR07G333JS RCR07G823JS RCR07G105JS RNC60K4991FS RNC60K4532FS RCR07G221JS AW4133 (5) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) . . TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure C-4 C-22 Change 5 . MICROCIRCUIT.SOCKET.FILM .FIXED.COMP .FIXED.LINEAR .CER .FIXED. PHAZOR CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMBLY (6) QTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 PBFFD PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBOZZ PBFZZ PBOZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBOZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ 99866 81349 81349 81349 81349 56289 14752 81349 81349 56289 78138 81349 60705 05079 81349 81349 04713 04713 14752 60705 81349 81349 04713 06776 81349 06776 56289 81349 04423 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 14655 04713 81349 81349 26916 06776 44655 81349 B4193 RCR07G473JS RCR07G103JS CK60AW102M JAN1N914 192P10352 230B1F472J CK60BX101K RCR07G475JS 292P10252 72RXW20K RNC60K2003FS 563CY5SBA250EC10 3Z HV3.MICROCIRCUIT.FIXED.RESISTOR.SOLENOID.FIXED.MET .COMP .TRANSISTOR .DIGITA .FIXED.FIXED.PLUG-IN ELEC .COMP .RESISTOR.COMP .MICROCIRCUIT.CAPACITOR.FIXED.RESISTOR.FIXED.RESISTOR.COMP .MET .PLA .CER .DIGITA .COMP 1 3 12 3 5 2 3 4 1 1 2 2 10 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 7 5 1 4 1 2 2 1 24 1 1 2 1 1 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHANGE 6 C-23 .FIXED.CAPACITOR.FIXED.COMP .RESISTOR.MIC .COMP .CAPACITOR.TRANSISTOR .PLA .FIXED.PLUG-IN ELEC .CAPACITOR.DIGITA .FIXED.LINEAR .FIXED.CAPACITOR.SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .MICROCIRCUIT.FIXED.DIGITA .FIXED.RESISTOR.CER .CAPACITOR.RESISTOR.COMP .FIXED.TRANSISTOR .ELE .MICROCIRCUIT. PHAZOR CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMBLY FIGURE C-4.RESITOR.FIXED.COMP .LIGHT EMITTING DIOD .RESISTOR.WIRE .SOCKET.COOMP .RESISTOR.FIXED.CAPACITOR.SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .COMP .CAPACITOR.9-450C4LP1 RNC60K4022FS RCR07G822JS 2N3906 2N4871 230B1C473J C016B102E271K JAN1N270 RCR07G472JS MC939L ICN-143-S3-G M38510/01501BEB ICN-163-S3-G 225P10494XD3 M38510/01005BEB 41-0118-01 M38510/00202BCB M38510/00303BCB RCR07G681JS RCR07G680JS M38510/10802BCB RCR07G102JS RCR07G221JS RCR07G104JS CD15FD501G03 2N3904 RCR07G562JS RCR07G392JS 058-001691 ICN-083-S3-G 4569 RCR07G390JS CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB .CER .RESISTOR.FIXED.RESISTOR.SOCKET.MICROCIRCUIT.RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.CAPACITOR.FIXED.FILM .DIGITA .ELECTRICAL .RESISTOR.RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.MICROCIRCUIT.COMP .CAPACITOR.CAPACITOR.PLA .FIXED.FIXED.RESISTOR.SECTION II (1) (2) ITEM SMR NO CODE (3) FSCM TM55-4920-402-13&P (4) PART NUMBER (5) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) GROUP 04.PLUG-IN ELEC . COMP .SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .COMP .RESISTOR.RESISTOR.CER .FIXED.FIXED.SECTION II (1) (2) ITEM SMR NO CODE 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ XAFZZ (3) FSCM 81349 81349 56289 81349 81349 81349 81349 99866 TM55-4920-402-13&P (4) PART NUMBER RCR20G122JS M39018/01-1018P 5GAS10 JAN1N3020B RCR07G220JS RCR07G105JS RCR07G332JS AW4200 (5) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) .FIXED.RESISTOR.CIRCUIT BOARD.CAPACITOR.FIXED.PHAZO END OF FIGURE (6) QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHANGE 6 C-24/(C-25 BLANK) .ELE .RESISTOR.COMP .CAPACITOR.FIXED.FIXED.COMP . . TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure C-5 C-26 Change 5 . .MACHINE .NUT..EXTRUSION.ELECTRICAL .BLADE ..DIODE ...FLAT .VARIABLE..CAPACITOR.ASSEMBLED ...VIBREX ..PAP .SPACER .BUSHING .SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC ...CAPACITOR..SCREW..HELICAL.FIXED.CASE ASSEMBLY.ROTARY .SUBASSEM ...LAMP ..SWITCH.SCREW..CONNECTOR.RECEPTACL ...CLIP.SCREW.VIBRE .C ..MACHINE .W .FIXED.RESISTOR.PAP .LAMP.CAPACITOR ..CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB SEE FIGURE C6 FOR BREAKDOWN ....LOCK .REACTOR .SPRING..RADIO FREQUENC ...SPECIAL .MACHINE ...SCREW.FIXED.INSULATOR...RETAINER.WASHER.SCREW..WASHER.SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC ..LIGHT .SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .COMP .COVER.LIGHT EMITTING DIOD ..TERMINAL.SECTION II (1) (2) ITEM SMR NO CODE (3) FSCM TM55-4920-402-13&P (4) PART NUMBER (5) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) GROUP 05.COVER ASSEMBLY.RESISTOR. STROBEX TRACKER (6) QTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 PBFOD PAOZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PBFFF XCFFF PBFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PBOZZ PAFZZ PBFFF PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ 99866 96906 96906 96906 99866 99866 96214 96906 99866 80294 49956 81349 71590 04423 34148 99866 96906 78189 96906 99866 99866 81349 99866 96906 81133 14655 99866 96906 99866 96906 75915 99866 96906 99866 81349 56289 81349 99866 83330 96906 96906 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 135M11 MS51957-13B MS15795-804B MS35333-70 A4006 C3984 537238-1 MS51957-17B A4175 3610S1-503 70-2WD2G JAN1N3613 PSA207 41-0118-01 FLS001 A3934 MS51957-28B 511-061800-00 MS35431-3 B3971 A4005 JAN1N5554 A3975 MS51957-27B 951-401404 OTBG205K A3993 MS51957-31B A1436-1 MS51865-1B 121002 35S MS51957-30B A3989 JAN1N5554 5GAS10 RCR20G105JS A2670-1 1099 MS51957-26 MS21042-06 A2604 A4253 A2510 A2047 A3988 A2917 TRACKER....SELF-LOCKING.CAPACITOR.REAR..CER .DIODE PACKAGE ..COIL.ADAPTER.MACHINE .LAMP CLAMP .PLAIN.KNOB .CA .REAR .HOLDER..LENS.SCREW.TERMINAL BOARD ..SCREW.MACHINE .REFLECTOR..LAMP CLAM ..LUG .EX ..MACHINE ..CABLE ASSEMBLY.MACHINE ..SPEC 1 6 6 6 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 8 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 Change 6 C-27 .FIXED.SELF-LOCKING... STROBEX TRACKER ASSEMBLY FIGURE C-5..NUT.NUT....... ELECTRI .STOP....PLATE.WASHER..SELF-LOCKING.PLATE..SECTION II (1) (2) ITEM SMR NO CODE 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PBFFF PBFFZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ (3) FSCM 96906 81349 99866 96906 96906 99866 99866 96906 96906 95146 99866 99866 99866 TM55-4920-402-13&P (4) PART NUMBER MS3106A14S5P M85049/41-16A A2916 MS51957-28B MS35333-71 A6839 D4597 MS51957-34B MS21042-06 MPA-904749 A4714 B4713 C3972 (5) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) ...CLAMP...EX ...VIBREX .HANDLE TRIGGER .SPECIAL ..CONNECTOR.LOCK .HANDLE AND TRIGGER .SWITCH.SCREW.SPECIAL PURPO .SCREW.MACHINE ..CABLE.CABLE...VIBREX END OF FIGURE (6) QTY 1 1 4 4 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 CHANGE 6 C-38/(C-29 BLANK) .CASE..MACHINE ....SWITCH.NUT.PLUG.VIBREX ...ELEC . . TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure C-6 C-30 Change 5 . TRANSISTOR .FIXED.COMP .CAPACITOR.COMP .RESISTOR.RESISTOR.RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.PLA .FIXED.MET .FIXED.FIXED.WIRE .FIXED.RESISTOR.COMP .CAPACITOR.FIXED.FIXED.CAPACITOR.MACHINE .CAPACITOR.COMP .ELE .SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .CLIP.COMP .SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .CER .COMP .RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.COMP .CAPACITOR.COMP .SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .MET .RESISTOR.FIXED. BLADE TRACKER CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (6) QTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ 99866 56289 44655 81349 25088 81349 04713 81349 81349 81349 56289 81349 81349 73138 81349 81349 81349 56289 81349 81349 04713 04713 04713 27556 81349 81349 81349 27556 96095 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 04713 99866 81349 79318 56289 99866 96906 78189 C3984 TVA1613 4642 JAN1N3613 B32231-22-10-400 RCR42G683JS 2N4443 M39003/01-3006 JAN1N4467 RCR07G103JS 292P15352 RCR07G222JS JAN1N914 72RXW10K RNC60K1912FS RNC60K1002FS RCR07G105JS 192P10352 RCR07G101JS CFR06ARB223FM 2N3906 MPU132 2N3904 BA2A204F RNC60K1003FS JAN1N483B RCR07G473JS BA2A663F BCD1-6-103GMV1KV RCR07G562JS RCR07G154JS RCR07G683JS RCR07G153JS RNC60K1503FS CFR06ARB223FM RCR20G105JS RCR20G102JS RCR20G272JS 1N5001 A3943 RCR07G332JS K19 TVA1311 A4421 MS51957-13 511-041800-00 CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB .FILM .FIXED.SCREW.CAPACITOR.SECTION II (1) (2) ITEM SMR NO CODE (3) FSCM TM55-4920-402-13&P (4) PART NUMBER (5) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) GROUP 06.CAPACITOR.FIXED.FIXED.COMP .FIXED.FILM .FIXED.FIXED. BLADE TRACKER CARD ASSEMBLY FIGURE C-6.CAPACITOR.TRANSISTOR .FIXED.MET .ASSEMBLED 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHANGE 6 C-31 .VARIABLE.ELE .PLAIN.FIXED.RESISTOR.RELAY.ELE .COMP .SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .RESISTOR.RESISTOR.SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .RESISTOR.RESISTOR.RESISTOR.CAPACITOR.MET .POWER .PLA .COMP .SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .FIXED.RESISTOR.NUT.RESISTOR.RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FILM .RESISTOR.RESISTOR.FIXED.COMP .ELECTRICAL .FILM .FIXED.FIXED.CAPACITOR.CAPACITOR.COMP .RESISTOR.FIXED.RESISTOR.FIXED.N .ELECTROMAGNET .MET .FIXED.COMP .TRANSFORMER.RESISTOR.FIXED.TRANSISTOR . SECTION II (1) (2) ITEM SMR NO CODE 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 PBFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ XAFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ (3) FSCM 81349 02735 96906 78189 81349 56289 99866 99866 99866 TM55-4920-402-13&P (4) PART NUMBER RWR80U3R90F 2N6292 MS51957-15 511-041800-00 FM02-125V-5A 292P10452 AW3983 A4085-1 A4085-2 (5) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) .HEATSINK.PLA .RESISTOR.CARTRIDGE.TRANSISTOR .FUSE.VIBREX .CIRCUIT BOARD.CAPACITOR.HEATSINK.NUT.VIBRE .FIXED.MACHINE .FIXED.SCREW.5A .ASSEMBLED .PLAIN.COMP .VIBREX END OF FIGURE (6) QTY 1 2 2 V 1 1 1 1 CHANGE 6 C-32/(C-33 BLANK) . . TM 55-4920-402-13&P Figure C-7 C-34 Change 5 . SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .V .VIBREX ..SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC .CIRCUIT BOARD.FRONT..RECEPTACL .SPECIAL.VIBREX .SCREW.SCREW.ASSEMBLED .MACHINE .ASSEMBLED .SCREW.VIB .NUT..VIBREX .VIBREX .PANEL.CABLE.MACHINE .BALANCE END OF FIGURE 1 1 4 1 4 4 6 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 4 2 4 1 4 8 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 CHANGE 6 C-35 .TOGGLE .ROTOR.DOUBLER..HUB.VIBREX .VIBREX . VIBREX TESTER ASSEMBLY FIGURE C-7.VIBREX .ASSEMBLED .PLAIN.NUT.ACCELERMETER ARM.CONNECTOR.MACHINE .V .SCREW.VIBRE .VIBREX ..MACHINE ..MACHINE .ROTOR.REAR.SWITCH.MACHINE .CLAMP.CONNECTOR.MACHINE .BOTTOM.NUT.PLAIN.SCREW.MACHINE ..CLAMP.PLUG.SPRING.CABLE.RESISTOR.BUSHING.MACHINE .BRACKET.CAM PROFILE.FUSE.SCREW.FLAT . VIBREX TESTER (6) QTY 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 56 PBOFF PBFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PBFFZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBOZZ XAFZZ XDFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ XDFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBFZZ PBOZZ 99866 99866 96906 99866 96906 78189 96906 99866 96906 99866 99866 96906 99866 96906 78189 99866 96906 99866 99866 96906 99866 99866 99866 99866 96906 96906 96906 78189 99866 73138 81349 81349 04713 81349 75915 99866 09353 28520 99866 96906 81349 02660 99866 99866 99866 11 B4578 MS51957-28B B4580 MS51957-28B 511-061800-00 MS51957-30 A4576 MS51957-15B A4577 C4264 MS51957-15B A4543 MS51957-28B 511-061800-00 A4536 MS51959-26 B4539 A4537 MS51957-28 B4540 A4538 B4541 NHM-5FTC MS3102R16-11S MS51957-15B MS51957-17B 511-041800-00 A4614 72RXW1K RNC60K1001FS RNC60K2001FS 1N4753A JAN1N3613 275-002 AW4581 7101-J3-ZG 6P-4 A4185 MS3106A16-11P M85049/41-8W 9779-513-6 A4335 B4579 A3471 STROBOSCOPE .CIRCUIT BOARD.CAM.PLAIN.POWE .FOLLOWER...MOTOR.FIXED..SCREW.ELECTRONICS.FILM .VIBREX CHART.SCREW.VARIABLE.MACHINE ..SUPPORT.SPECIAL PURPO .PANEL.PANEL.FIXED.ELEC .SECTION II (1) (2) ITEM SMR NO CODE (3) FSCM TM55-4920-402-13&P (4) PART NUMBER (5) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) GROUP 07.BASE.SCREW.VIBRE .RESISTOR.DISC.SCREW.N .RESISTOR.RUBBER .ELECTRI .MAGNETIC VI .VIBREX .FILM .CARTRIDGE .CABLE ASSEMBLE. SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX STOCK NUMBER 5910-00-007-2001 5910-00-007-2004 5940-00-050-2308 5935-00-050-5387 5305-00-054-5647 5305-00-054-5649 5305-00-054-6650 5305-00-054-6652 5305-00-054-6654 5961-00-059-2904 FIG C-3 C-3 C-5 C-5 C-6 C-6 C-5 C-2 C-2 C-7 C-7 C-2 C-3 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-5 C-7 C-7 C-3 C-7 C-5 C-6 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-6 C-4 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-4 C-1 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-6 C-3 C-4 C-6 ITEM 31 22 17 5 44 49 36 9 13 22 7 50 20 10 3 38 16 6 16 12 37 33 35 44 15 36 11 46 37 2 9 49 48 36 35 36 39 34 62 45 44 28 7 11 30 21 30 65 50 16 STOCK NUMBER 5905-00-116-8555 5905-00-116-8556 5905-00-118-4559 5905-00-119-3505 5905-00-126-6683 5905-00-126-6694 5905-00-135-3971 5905-00-135-3973 5905-00-135-6046 5905-00-137-0804 5905-00-138-1285 5905-00-140-7142 5905-00-141-0592 5905-00-141-0717 5905-00-141-0743 5905-00-141-0744 5905-00-141-1130 5905-00-141-1149 5905-00-141-1183 5905-00-142-0902 5905-00-142-0903 5961-00-147-9588 5961-00-147-9600 5905-00-154-0068 6240-00-155-8714 5961-00-158-4786 5961-00-162-9780 5999-00-177-1694 6210-00-181-2556 5360-00-182-5494 5305-00-182-9459 5910-00-186-9286 5905-00-189-2454 5905-00-189-2477 5905-00-192-3876 5905-00-192-3880 5905-00-192-3882 5940-00-192-9962 FIG C-6 C-3 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-4 C-6 C-4 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-4 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-7 C-3 C-6 C-4 C-3 C-4 C-6 C-4 C-4 C-6 C-6 C-3 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-3 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-1 C-3 C-3 C-5 C-5 C-2 C-5 C-5 C-7 C-4 C-3 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-3 C-5 ITEM 32 38 63 31 34 51 40 8 40 68 35 31 42 24 52 36 55 14 45 41 1 26 40 39 29 37 33 47 18 67 53 6 8 5 15 18 19 28 26 22 42 6 32 13 51 43 33 58 59 35 5310-00-063-7360 5961-00-089-3576 5905-00-104-5756 5905-00-104-8358 5905-00-105-7764 5905-00-106-1356 5905-00-106-3666 5905-00-106-3668 5905-00-107-0656 5905-00-110-0196 5905-00-110-0388 5905-00-110-7620 5975-00-111-3208 5905-00-111-4852 5905-00-113-4861 5910-00-113-5475 5910-00-113-5499 5910-00-113-9906 5905-00-114-0711 5905-00-114-5339 5905-00-116-8554 C-36 CHANGE 6 . SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX STOCK NUMBER 5905-00-195-6384 5935-00-199-3335 5935-00-201-7983 5945-00-201-8667 5905-00-208-4285 5950-00-211-2158 5961-00-232-3808 5930-00-240-6008 5305-00-242-7275 FIG C-3 C-1 C-2 C-7 C-5 C-6 C-3 C-6 C-5 C-3 C-5 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-3 C-2 C-4 C-3 C-4 C-4 C-2 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-5 C-7 C-4 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-2 C-2 C-5 C-5 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-5 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-3 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-4 ITEM 50 35 3 43 44 41 57 13 34 7 11 36 39 42 45 9 13 31 21 13 27 61 29 30 41 32 15 56 50 35 17 64 43 25 11 15 15 47 2 5 15 21 49 11 66 15 19 31 30 19 STOCK NUMBER 5305-00-494-7333 6240-00-498-2714 5910-00-506-7011 5910-00-506-7036 5935-00-539-2651 5310-00-550-3715 5961-00-556-2091 5961-00-568-8661 5910-00-577-1138 5940-00-578-9896 5962-00-595-8504 5910-00-615-4674 5975-00-616-0546 5310-00-616-3555 5961-00-618-9955 5355-00-628-4509 5950-00-645-3699 5340-00-678-6450 5961-00-682-0673 5940-00-682-2477 5935-00-686-0038 5310-00-687-6664 5935-00-688-4026 5961-00-728-6941 5962-00-740-5873 5305-00-763-6961 5930-00-779-6723 5920-00-782-6179 5910-00-783-7899 5310-00-807-1465 5935-00-807-9308 5920-00-811-8879 5910-00-821-5215 5910-00-822-3765 5961-00-826-9048 5910-00-828-5705 5905-00-833-4321 5310-00-836-3520 FIG C-2 C-5 C-1 C-5 C-6 C-3 C-4 C-1 C-5 C-4 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-2 C-4 C-6 C-2 C-2 C-5 C-6 C-2 C-3 C-1 C-6 C-2 C-1 C-5 C-1 C-1 C-2 C-4 C-7 C-2 C-6 C-6 C-2 C-5 C-5 C-2 C-7 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-4 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-2 C-2 ITEM 2 1 26 29 10 9 9 42 3 20 28 12 28 16 24 1 48 24 48 21 28 17 46 38 47 36 2 8 37 35 22 18 32 51 42 25 37 51 38 39 4 23 7 48 14 47 32 2 37 40 5961-00-247-1442 5961-00-274-2545 5962-00-324-2195 5905-00-365-5560 5962-00-369-7621 5962-00-378-0216 5935-00-400-4847 5905-00-426-7095 5905-00-426-7121 5305-00-428-0732 5905-00-432-6410 5961-00-433-5809 5905-00-435-6374 5905-00-436-2056 5305-00-448-6456 5305-00-448-6500 5305-00-448-6547 5905-00-451-7414 5905-00-451-7532 5910-00-463-9490 5961-00-469-2189 5305-00-469-5382 5910-00-494-6088 C-37 CHANGE 6 . SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX STOCK NUMBER 5310-00-836-3520 FIG C-2 C-2 C-6 C-6 C-7 C-4 C-4 C-6 C-4 C-1 C-7 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-4 C-6 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-6 C-2 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-4 C-6 C-5 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-2 C-7 C-6 C-5 C-5 C-4 C-4 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-6 C-5 C-6 C-2 C-3 ITEM 43 46 46 50 33 3 4 12 37 7 30 1 25 13 38 22 16 8 16 20 19 20 3 12 5 17 9 23 4 59 29 24 25 6 5 45 4 38 41 26 42 23 60 18 10 52 48 14 5 STOCK NUMBER 5962-01-039-9414 5962-01-040-1425 4920-01-042-8519 6240-01-043-3258 6240-01-043-3259 6930-01-043-9621 5930-01-044-4117 5950-01-044-8757 5910-01-045-0114 5970-01-045-0711 6625-01-045-7003 5950-01-045-7710 5905-01-045-8019 5910-01-045-8170 4920-01-046-7352 4920-01-046-7353 4920-01-046-7354 4920-01-046-7357 4920-01-046-7359 6150-01-046-7396 4920-01-046-7422 4920-01-046-7423 4920-01-046-8674 6150-01-047-7064 6150-01-047-8111 5905-01-048-4262 5910-01-055-7758 5910-01-055-8412 5962-01-057-7884 5930-01-061-8093 5935-01-064-1580 6635-01-070-9566 6625-01-077-8349 5935-01-079-3215 5935-01-083-4122 4920-01-086-1500 4920-01-086-1501 4920-01-086-1502 4920-01-086-1503 4920-01-086-1504 4920-01-086-1505 4920-01-086-1506 4920-01-086-1508 4920-01-086-1509 4920-01-086-1510 4920-01-086-1511 4920-01-086-1512 4920-01-086-1513 4920-01-086-1514 FIG C-4 C-4 C-2 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-3 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-2 C-6 C-5 C-5 C-2 C-2 C-5 C-1 C-1 C-2 C-7 C-4 C-3 C-5 C-5 C-1 C-2 C-6 C-6 C-3 C-2 C-4 C-1 C-7 C-1 C-4 C-7 C-7 C-3 C-7 C-7 C-5 C-1 C-5 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-5 C-5 C-1 ITEM 41 33 43 52 49 14 23 40 17 39 8 20 26 10 7 28 56 5910-00-838-9421 5961-00-842-9864 5910-00-852-4039 5935-00-878-6943 5961-00-892-0734 5961-00-892-8706 5920-00-908-1929 5961-00-931-0372 5310-00-933-8118 5310-00-934-9748 5910-00-937-1328 5910-00-965-9729 5355-00-994-3435 9390-01-004-5480 6670-01-005-8021 7610-01-006-4428 5910-01-006-7757 5910-01-007-4094 5910-01-008-6755 5910-01-014-3285 5365-01-018-5455 5910-01-022-5082 4920-01-023-5189 4920-01-023-5191 5910-01-027-9478 5935-01-028-9329 5305-01-029-8876 5905-01-030-2894 5910-01-031-1451 5910-01-032-1819 4920-01-037-4089 5961-01-039-7384 5340-01-039-8020 5962-01-039-9414 24 38 21 23 27 26 33 23 16 9 25 12 14 6 21 19 34 18 6 14 10 54 53 20 C-38 CHANGE 6 . SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX STOCK NUMBER 4920-01-086-1515 4920-01-086-1517 4920-01-086-1518 4920-01-086-1520 4920-01-086-1521 4920-01-086-1522 4920-01-086-1523 4920-01-086-1524 5995-01-087-0820 5995-01-087-0821 4920-01-087-1613 4920-01-087-1614 4920-01-087-1615 4920-01-087-1616 4920-01-087-1617 4920-01-087-1618 4920-01-087-1619 4920-01-087-1620 4920-01-087-1621 4920-01-087-1622 4920-01-087-1627 4920-01-087-4200 4920-01-087-4201 4920-01-087-4233 4920-01-087-9156 4920-01-089-0445 4920-01-089-0447 4920-01-089-0448 1615-01-089-8578 4920-01-093-4770 4920-01-093-4771 4920-01-093-4772 5970-01-094-1581 5360-01-094-6945 5930-01-095-2022 5930-01-095-2023 5910-01-095-2239 5930-01-095-2262 5999-01-095-2311 5930-01-095-4075 5910-01-095-6185 5905-01-095-9938 5905-01-095-9940 5905-01-095-9941 5310-01-096-7381 7610-01-123-3221 7610-01-123-3223 7610-01-123-3224 FIG C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-7 C-6 C-6 C-5 C-2 C-5 C-1 C-5 C-1 C-7 C-7 C-5 C-1 C-7 C-2 C-2 C-3 C-2 C-6 C-2 C-5 C-3 C-3 C-7 C-5 C-1 C-1 C-1 ITEM 29 19 18 22 24 31 30 21 43 44 17 8 10 23 25 1 47 4 1 27 7 42 54 55 51 49 27 55 52 28 17 24 34 31 27 30 43 29 22 54 62 34 27 60 58 53 STOCK NUMBER 7610-01-123-3225 7610-01-123-3226 7610-01-123-3227 7610-01-131-9691 7610-01-132-0157 7610-01-136-9822 5935-01-137-2305 5905-01-138-6236 7610-01-165-2799 4920-01-173-4537 4920-01-173-4538 5910-01-187-1629 5935-01-196-1068 5910-01-200-8343 5905-01-208-6335 6145-01-211-3376 FIG C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-5 C-4 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-6 C-6 C-1 C-4 C-4 C-2 C-7 ITEM 55 57 61 51 49 49 45 32 54 32 33 19 34 39 46 10 6 46 C-39 CHANGE 6 . SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER INDEX FSCM 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 PART NUMBER AW3983 AW4133 AW4200 AW4581 A1436-1 A2047 A2510 A2604 A2670-1 A2916 A2917 A3104 A3160 A3300 A3307 A3319-2 A3382 A3383 A3387 A3428-2 A3471 A3529 A3934 A3943 A3975 A3988 A3989 A3993 A4005 A4006 A4085-1 A4085-2 A4175 A4185 A4253 A4269 A4296-1 A4296-2 A4335 A4338 A4381-1 A4421 A4536 A4537 A4538 A4543 A4576 A4577 STOCK NUMBER FIG C-6 C-3 C-4 C-7 C-5 C-2 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-2 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-5 C-6 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-6 C-6 C-5 C-2 C-7 C-5 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-2 C-7 C-2 C-2 C-6 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 ITEM 53 69 52 40 26 22 42 41 38 34 46 22 25 23 17 38 20 21 19 18 56 34 14 39 20 43 24 54 55 7 40 41 43 44 6 46 26 10 43 17 21 24 14 8 10 6210-00-181-2556 5360-00-182-5494 4920-01-023-5191 4920-01-023-5189 5950-00-211-2158 6150-01-047-7064 4920-01-086-1520 9390-01-004-5480 6625-01-045-7003 6150-01-047-8111 4920-01-086-1514 4920-01-086-1524 4920-01-086-1517 4920-01-086-1518 4920-01-046-7359 4920-01-086-1506 5950-01-044-8757 5950-01-045-7710 5910-01-045-8170 6240-01-043-3259 6240-01-043-3258 4920-01-046-8674 4920-01-093-4772 4920-01-087-4233 4920-01-087-4200 4920-01-087-4201 4920-01-046-7354 6150-01-046-7396 5970-01-045-0711 5995-01-087-0820 5995-01-087-0821 6145-01-211-3376 4920-01-046-7352 4920-01-046-7353 5999-01-095-2311 4920-01-087-1613 4920-01-086-1503 5360-01-094-6945 4920-01-086-1501 4920-01-087-1614 4920-01-087-1615 CHANGE 6 C-40 . SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER INDEX FSCM 99866 99866 99866 27556 27556 27556 27556 27556 96095 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 25088 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 32767 71468 14655 81349 81349 81349 81349 60705 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 34148 81349 PART NUMBER A4614 A4714 A6839 BA2A204F BA2A543F BA2A593F BA2A602F BA2A663F BCD1-6-103GMV1KV B3103-1 B3103-2 B3140-1 B3140-5 B3140-9 B32231-22-10-400 B3251 B3380 B3971 B4193 B4305 B4539 B4540 B4541 B4578 B4579 B4580 B4713 B506 CA3106A-10SL-3P CD15FD501G03 CFR06ARB223FM CK60AW102M CK60AX471K CK60BX101K C016B102E271K C3972 C3984 C4124 C4125 C4146 C4264 C4559 C4758 D4597 FLS001 FM02-125V-5A STOCK NUMBER 4920-01-093-4771 4920-01-086-1513 4920-01-086-1505 5910-01-055-7758 5910-01-008-6755 5910-01-095-2239 5910-01-007-4094 5910-01-055-8412 5910-00-577-1138 4920-01-173-4537 4920-01-173-4538 4920-01-086-1509 4920-01-086-1511 4920-01-086-1510 5910-01-022-5082 4920-01-086-1515 4920-01-089-0447 4920-01-086-1508 4920-01-046-7422 4920-01-046-7357 4920-01-086-1504 4920-01-087-1616 4920-01-087-1617 4920-01-087-1618 4920-01-087-1619 4920-01-087-1620 4920-01-086-1512 5355-00-628-4509 5910-00-852-4039 5910-01-187-1629 5910-00-838-9421 5910-00-821-5215 5910-00-822-3765 5910-00-494-6088 4920-01-089-0448 4920-01-087-9156 4920-01-087-1621 4920-01-046-7423 4920-01-086-1500 4920-01-086-1523 4920-01-086-1522 4920-01-089-0445 5961-00-274-2545 5920-00-782-6179 FIG C-7 C-5 C-5 C-6 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-6 C-6 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-6 C-1 C-1 C-5 C-2 C-4 C-1 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-5 C-2 C-1 C-4 C-6 C-6 C-4 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-4 C-5 C-5 C-6 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-3 C-7 C-1 C-1 C-5 C-5 C-6 ITEM 53 23 25 27 24 27 28 32 33 6 10 14 4 29 27 18 12 28 19 23 25 1 47 4 54 28 45 37 19 34 3 4 23 7 19 55 4 51 1 8 12 30 31 49 13 51 CHANGE 6 C-41 . SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER INDEX FSCM 95146 05079 06776 06776 06776 81349 81349 81349 PART NUMBER G12B HV3.9-450C4LP1 ICN-083-S3-G ICN-143-S3-G ICN-163-S3-G JAN1N270 JAN1N3020B JAN1N3613 STOCK NUMBER 5975-00-616-0546 5910-00-186-9286 5935-01-028-9329 5935-01-064-1580 5935-01-083-4122 5961-00-556-2091 5961-00-826-9048 5961-00-059-2904 FIG C-2 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-2 C-3 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-3 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-6 C-5 C-5 C-4 C-6 C-6 C-4 C-5 C-3 C-6 C-5 C-2 C-5 C-5 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-1 C-7 C-1 C-5 C-1 C-2 C-7 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-5 C-2 C-5 C-2 ITEM 48 13 42 23 25 20 48 50 20 10 3 38 18 7 8 1 25 19 31 4 12 41 22 52 19 21 2 25 37 51 15 40 8 37 44 41 38 7 30 42 44 35 3 43 36 62 39 3 24 48 19 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 79318 04713 95146 04713 04713 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 JAN1N4460 JAN1N4464 JAN1N4467 JAN1N483B JAN1N5554 JAN1N914 K19 MC939L MPA-904749 MPSA56 MPU132 MS15795-804B MS21042-06 MS25231-313 MS3057-4A MS3057-8A MS3102E10SL4S MS3102R10SL3S MS3102R14S5S MS3102R16-11S MS3106A10SL4S MS3106A14S5P MS3106A16-11P MS3106A16-11SC MS3367-5 MS3456W10SL-4P MS35333-70 MS35333-71 MS35338-135 5961-00-158-4786 5961-00-232-3808 5961-00-147-9600 5961-00-892-0734 5961-00-469-2189 5961-00-842-9864 5945-00-201-8667 5962-00-740-5873 6930-01-043-9621 5961-00-162-9780 5961-00-618-9955 5310-00-687-6664 5310-00-807-1465 6240-00-155-8714 5935-00-688-4026 5935-00-400-4847 5935-00-807-9308 5935-00-878-6943 5935-00-539-2651 5935-00-201-7983 5935-00-199-3335 5935-00-686-0038 5975-00-111-3208 5935-01-196-1068 5310-00-550-3715 5310-00-616-3555 5310-00-933-8118 CHANGE 6 C-42 . SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER INDEX FSCM 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 PART NUMBER MS35431-3 MS35649-244 MS51865-1B MS51957-13 MS51957-13B MS51957-15 MS51957-15B STOCK NUMBER 5940-00-050-2308 5310-00-934-9748 5310-01-096-7381 5305-00-054-5647 5305-00-494-7333 5305-00-054-5649 5305-00-242-7275 FIG C-5 C-2 C-5 C-6 C-2 C-5 C-6 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-5 C-7 C-5 C-5 C-2 C-2 C-7 C-2 C-2 C-5 C-5 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-2 C-7 C-2 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-2 C-7 ITEM 17 20 27 44 2 1 49 36 39 42 45 9 13 31 6 32 36 21 9 13 22 11 15 15 47 2 5 15 7 30 25 50 23 18 47 29 30 27 24 26 33 31 30 28 7 22 11 46 45 4 44 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 MS51957-17B MS51957-26 MS51957-27B MS51957-28 MS51957-28B 5305-00-182-9459 5305-00-054-6650 5305-00-448-6547 5305-00-054-6652 5305-00-448-6500 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 96906 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 MS51957-30 MS51957-30B MS51957-31B MS51957-34B MS51957-36B MS51959-26 MS77068-1 M38510/00202BCB M38510/00303BCB M38510/01005BEB M38510/01501BEB M38510/10101BPC M38510/10802BCB M39003/01-2966 M39003/01-2993 M39003/01-3006 M39003/01-3088 M39014/02-1350 M39018/01-1018P M85049/41-16A M85049/41-8W 5305-00-054-6654 5305-00-469-5382 5305-00-448-6456 5305-00-428-0732 5305-01-029-8876 5305-00-763-6961 5940-00-682-2477 5962-00-369-7621 5962-00-378-0216 5962-00-324-2195 5962-00-595-8504 5962-01-057-7884 5962-01-040-1425 5910-00-007-2001 5910-00-113-9906 5910-00-113-5475 5910-00-007-2004 5910-00-113-5499 5910-01-200-8343 5935-01-137-2305 CHANGE6 C-43 . NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PAR TM55-4920-402-13&P PART NUMBER INDEX FSCM 99866 14655 71590 71590 77820 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 PART NUMBER NHM-5FTC OTBG205K PSA-214 PSA207 PT06P8-3S RCR07G100JS RCR07G101JS RCR07G102JS RCR07G103JS RCR07G104JS RCR076105JS RCR07G152JS RCR07G153JS RCR07G154JS RCR07G220JS RCR07G221JS RCR07G222JS RCR07G223JS RCR07G332JS RCR07G333JS RCR07G390JS RCR07G392JS RCR07G472JS RCR07G473JS RCR07G475JS RCR07G562JS RCR07G680JS RCR07G681JS RCR07G683JS RCR07G822JS RCR07G823JS RCR20G102JS RCR20G105JS RCR20G122JS STOCK NUMBER 4920-01-093-4770 5910-01-045-0114 5930-01-095-4075 5930-00-240-6008 5905-00-107-0656 5905-00-141-1183 5905-00-110-7620 5905-00-106-3666 5905-00-110-0388 5905-00-116-8554 5905-00-106-1356 5905-00-116-8555 5905-00-114-5339 5905-00-106-3668 5905-00-135-3973 5905-00-105-7764 5905-00-116-8556 5905-00-126-6683 5905-00-118-4559 5905-00-113-4861 5905-00-141-0743 5905-00-114-0711 5905-00-141-0717 5905-00-126-6694 5905-00-141-0744 5905-01-138-6236 5905-00-135-6046 5905-00-119-3505 5905-00-104-8358 5905-00-435-6374 5905-00-110-0196 5905-00-104-5756 5905-00-141-0592 FIG C-7 C-5 C-2 C-5 C-1 C-3 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-4 C-6 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-3 C-6 C-6 C-4 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-6 C-3 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-3 C-4 C-6 C-4 C-4 C-6 C-4 C-4 C-6 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-6 C-5 C-6 C-4 ITEM 28 23 29 11 47 48 47 18 39 34 37 2 9 35 36 40 46 32 30 49 68 35 36 11 38 34 51 40 63 44 40 21 41 1 26 8 39 29 32 31 31 44 15 64 36 33 35 45 CHANGE6 C-44 . SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER INDEX FSCM 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 56289 56289 27556 26916 06776 01295 04713 04713 91929 77820 00613 83330 99866 75915 99866 83330 99866 PART NUMBER RCR20G2R7JS RCR20G272JS RCR32G391JS RCR42G683JS RNC60K1001FS RNC60K1002FS RNC60K1003FS RCC60K1004FS RNC60K1102FS RNC60K1503FS RNC60K1912FS RNC60K2001FS RNC60K2002FS RNC60K2003FS RNC60K2492FS RNC60K2493FS RNC60K2494FS RNC60K6012FS RNC60K4022FS RNC60K4532FS RNC60K4991FS RNC60K4992FS RNC60K6043FS RWR80U3R90F TVA1311 TVA1613 XV2C274J 058-001691 1CN-083-S3-G 1N459A 1N4753A 1N5001 1RA4 10-150-913-8 10SL 1099 11 121002 135M11 1410-14 177M6A STOCK NUMBER 5905-00-111-4852 5905-00-141-1130 5905-00-141-1149 5905-00-154-0068 5905-00-432-6410 5905-00-426-7095 5905-00-137-0804 5905-00-189-2454 5905-00-142-0903 5905-00-192-3876 5905-00-140-7142 5905-00-138-1285 5905-00-426-7121 5905-00-451-7414 5905-00-192-3880 5905-00-192-3882 5905-01-030-2894 5905-00-195-6384 5905-00-142-0902 5905-00-451-7532 5905-00-189-2477 5905-00-365-5560 5910-00-783-7899 5910-00-615-4674 5910-01-006-7757 5962-01-039-9414 4920-01-086-1502 5961-00-247-1442 5961-00-089-3576 5961-00-682-0673 5930-00-779-6723 5340-00-678-6450 5940-00-192-9962 6625-01-077-8349 5999-00-177-1694 4920-01-037-4089 5940-00-578-9896 4920-01-042-8519 FIG C-3 C-6 C-3 C-6 C-7 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-7 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-7 C-6 C-2 C-1 C-1 C-5 C-1 C-7 C-5 C-1 C-5 C-2 C-1 C-2 ITEM 45 37 33 5 35 32 15 42 24 51 53 33 55 14 52 36 56 49 11 58 59 60 50 14 67 66 43 61 47 42 1 29 5 41 6 21 12 37 38 32 48 46 35 3 28 2 16 1 CHANGE6 C-45 . SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER INDEX FSCM 02111 56289 04713 04713 04713 04713 80131 02735 56289 14752 14752 14752 75915 75915 56289 56289 56289 56289 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 80294 99866 76854 99866 04423 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 13103 99866 44655 44655 76493 PART NUMBER 18-1-31 192P10352 2N3904 2N3906 2N4443 2N4871 2N4918 2N6292 225P10494XD3 230B1B105J 230B1C473J 230B1F472J 275-002 275001 292P10252 292P10452 292P15352 30D256G050CC2 3030AN 3159 34B 3411 3413 3438 35S 3597 3610S1-503 3875 399260-AM 4020 410-0118-01 4173 4177B 4262 4273 4280 4290 43-77-7 4300 4569 4642 4668 STOCK NUMBER 4920-01-087-1622 5910-00-965-9729 5961-00-892-8706 5961-00-931-0372 5961-00-147-9588 5961-00-433-5809 5961-00-728-6941 5961-01-039-7384 5910-01-027-9478 5910-01-031-1451 5910-01-014-3285 5920-00-811-8879 5920-00-908-1929 5910-00-506-7036 5910-01-032-1819 5910-00-506-7011 5910-00-463-9490 4920-01-093-4775 4920-01-086-1521 7610-01-123-3224 7610-01-165-2799 7610-01-123-3225 6240-00-498-2714 1615-01-089-8578 5905-01-045-8019 7610-01-123-3226 5930-01-095-2262 7610-01-123-3223 5961-00-568-8661 7610-01-123-3227 6635-01-070-9566 7610-01-006-4428 7610-01-123-3221 7610-01-136-9822 7610-01-132-0157 5970-01-094-1581 7610-01-131-9691 5905-00-436-2056 5905-00-833-4321 5950-00-645-3699 FIG C-2 C-4 C-6 C-3 C-4 C-6 C-3 C-4 C-6 C-6 C-4 C-2 C-6 C-4 C-3 C-4 C-4 C-7 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-6 C-6 C-3 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-5 C-1 C-5 C-1 C-2 C-1 C-4 C-5 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-2 C-1 C-4 C-6 C-3 ITEM 27 5 17 13 38 22 8 16 20 6 17 35 48 26 2 18 6 39 16 9 9 10 52 10 15 17 24 5 53 54 55 26 29 52 8 57 30 58 28 12 61 16 59 60 49 49 51 43 2 17 CHANGE6 C-46 . SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER INDEX FSCM 99866 76545 56289 78189 PART NUMBER 41 48B 5GAS10 511-041800-00 STOCK NUMBER 6670-01-005-8021 5910-00-828-5705 5310-00-836-3520 FIG C-1 C-1 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-6 C-6 C-7 C-5 C-7 C-7 C-2 C-5 C-3 C-4 C-2 C-7 C-5 C-7 C-1 C-1 C-7 C-3 C-6 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-2 C-1 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-5 C-2 C-7 ITEM 4 13 14 47 32 37 40 43 46 46 50 33 16 6 16 21 5 3 12 7 42 9 41 11 12 34 57 13 54 10 62 49 9 31 33 33 34 14 22 5 45 78189 02111 96214 60705 28520 49956 09353 83330 83330 73138 73138 73138 78138 73138 09353 99059 09353 09353 09353 09353 83330 81133 02660 511-061800-00 534-202/202 537238-1 563CY5SBA250EC10 3Z 6P-4 70-2WD2G 7101-J3-ZG 711BLACK 711RED 72RXW1K 72RXW10K 72RXW2K 72RXW20K 72RXW50K 7527-2 7545C 8125W 8125Z 8225Z 8225Z 8445 951-401404 9779-513-6 5310-00-063-7360 5905-01-048-4262 5935-00-050-5387 5910-00-937-1328 4920-01-087-1627 5355-00-994-3435 5905-01-095-9941 5905-00-208-4285 5905-01-095-9938 5905-01-208-6335 5905-01-095-9940 5930-01-044-4117 5935-01-079-3215 5930-01-095-2023 5930-01-061-8093 5930-01-095-2022 5930-01-095-2022 5340-01-039-8020 5910-01-095-6185 5365-01-018-5455 CHANGE6 C-47 . SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES FIG C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 49 51 FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX STOCK NUMBER FSCM 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 96906 96906 99059 99866 83330 83330 76545 99866 96906 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 96906 96906 96906 99866 96906 96906 99866 96906 99866 99866 71468 00613 77820 77820 99866 99866 99866 PART NUMBER 177M6A 135M11 11 47 34B B3140-1 MS3102R16-11S MS3057-8A 7545C B3140-5 711BLACK 711RED 48B B3140-9 MS25231-313 4177B 3030AN A3428-2 A3387 A3382 A3383 A3104 A3300 3159 A3160 35S B3380 B4305 B4305 B3251 C4559 C4758 B3103-1 B3103-2 A3529 MS3106A16-11P MS3106A16-11SC MS3057-8A A3319-2 MS3456W10SL-4P MS3057-4A A4269 MS3106A10SL4S A4296-1 A4296-2 CA3106A-10SL-3P 10SL PT06P8-3S 10-150-913-8 4290 4280 4300 6670-01-005-8021 4920-01-086-1509 5935-00-878-6943 5935-00-688-4026 5935-01-079-3215 4920-01-086-1511 4920-01-086-1510 6240-00-155-8714 6635-01-070-9566 6625-00-895-2086 4920-01-086-1518 4920-01-086-1517 4920-01-086-1514 4920-01-086-1524 4920-01-086-1520 9390-01-004-5480 4920-01-086-1521 6240-00-498-2714 4920-01-089-0447 4920-01-046-7357 4920-01-086-1515 4920-01-086-1515 4920-01-086-1523 4920-01-086-1522 4920-01-173-4537 4920-01-173-4538 4920-01-086-1506 5935-00-199-3335 5935-00-686-0038 5935-00-688-4026 6150-01-047-8111 5935-01-196-1068 5935-00-539-2651 5995-01-087-0820 5340-00-678-6450 7610-01-132-0157 7610-01-136-9822 7610-01-131-9691 C-48 CHANGE6 SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES FIG C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 ITEM 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX STOCK NUMBER FSCM 1615-01-089-8578 7610-01-123-3224 7610-01-165-2799 7610-01-123-3225 4920-01-046-7359 7610-01-123-3226 7610-01-123-3223 7610-01-006-4428 7610-01-123-3221 7610-01-123-3227 5975-00-111-3208 4920-01-042-8519 5970-01-094-1581 6150-01-046-7396 4920-01-087-1621 5305-00-494-7333 5935-00-199-3335 5365-01-018-5455 6145-01-211-3376 4920-01-087-1627 5305-00-054-6652 4920-01-046-7353 5305-00-448-6500 5305-00-054-6652 5340-01-039-8020 5305-00-448-6500 5940-00-578-9896 6625-01-045-7003 5310-00-933-8118 5310-00-934-9748 5905-01-048-4262 5360-00-182-5494 5305-01-029-8876 5310-00-616-3555 5310-00-807-1465 4920-01-046-7352 4920-01-087-1622 5355-00-628-4509 5930-01-095-4075 5930-01-095-2262 5930-01-095-2023 5930-00-779-6723 5930-01-061-8093 5930-01-095-2022 5961-00-728-6941 5305-00-242-7275 5310-00-836-3520 5935-00-807-9308 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 96906 99866 13103 99866 99866 96906 96906 81349 02660 99866 28520 99866 96906 99866 96906 99866 96906 83330 96906 83330 99866 96906 96906 02111 99866 96906 96906 96906 99866 02111 327867 71590 76854 09353 91929 09353 09353 80131 96906 78189 96906 PART NUMBER 3597 3411 3413 3438 A3471 3875 4020 4262 4273 4173 MS3367-5 177M6A 43-77-7 A4185 C4125 MS51957-13B MS3106A16-11P M85049/41-8W 9779-513-6 A4335 6P-4 C4146 MS51957-28 A4381-1 MS51957-28B B4193 MS51957-28 8445 MS51957-28B 1410-14 A3307 MS35338-135 MS35649-244 534-202/202 A2047 MS51957-36B MS35333-71 MS21042-06 A4338 18-1-31 B506 PSA-214 399260-AM 8125W 1RA4 8125Z 8225Z 2N4918 MS51957-15B 511-041800-00 MS3102R14S5S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 C-49 CHANGE6 SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES FIG C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 ITEM 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX STOCK NUMBER FSCM 5305-00-242-7275 5310-00-836-3520 5935-00-400-4847 5305-00-242-7275 5310-00-836-3520 5305-00-242-7275 5310-00-836-3520 5940-00-682-2477 5975-00-616-0546 5930-01-044-4117 5961-00-059-2904 4920-01-087-9156 4920-01-046-7423 5961-00-892-0734 5910-00-937-1328 5910-00-821-5215 5962-01-039-9414 4920-01-086-1502 5961-00-232-3808 5961-00-931-0372 5910-00-506-7036 5910-01-032-1819 5910-00-113-5499 5961-00-089-3576 5961-00-892-8706 5910-00-828-5705 5910-00-463-9490 5950-00-645-3699 5961-00-158-4786 5961-00-162-9780 5961-00-059-2904 5961-00-247-1442 5910-00-007-2004 5910-00-822-3765 5910-01-007-4094 5910-01-008-6755 5962-01-057-7884 5910-01-095-2239 5910-00-113-5475 5910-01-006-7757 5910-00-113-9906 5910-00-007-2001 5905-00-426-7095 5905-00-141-1149 5905-00-126-6683 5905-00-110-0388 5905-00-105-7764 96906 78189 96906 96906 78189 96906 96906 78189 96906 95146 09353 81349 99866 99866 81349 14752 60705 81349 26916 06776 81349 04713 56289 56289 81349 04713 04713 56289 56889 75915 76493 81349 04713 81349 01295 81349 81349 27556 27556 81349 27556 81349 27556 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 PART NUMBER MS51957-15B 511-041800-00 MS3102R10SL3S MS51957-15B 511-041800-00 MS3102E10SL4S MS51957-15B 511-041800-00 MS77068-1 G12B 7527-2 JAN1N3613 C4124 C4146 JAN1N483B 230B1B105J 563CY5SBA250EC10 3Z CK60AX471K 058-001691 1CN-083-S3-G JAN1N4464 2N3906 292P10252 292P10452 M39014/02-1350 1N4753A 2N3904 5GAS10 30D256G050CC2 275001 4668 JAN1N4460 MPSA56 JAN1N3613 1N459A M39003/01-3088 CK60BX101K BA2A602F BA2A543F M38510/10101BPC BA2A593F M39003/01-3006 XV2C274J M39003/01-2993 M39003/01-2966 RNC60K1002FS RCR32G391JS RCR07G332JS RCR07G104JS RCR07G222JS C-50 CHANGE6 SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES FIG C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 ITEM 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX STOCK NUMBER FSCM 5905-00-106-3666 5905-00-116-8556 5905-00-110-7620 5905-00-135-3971 5905-00-141-0717 5905-00-137-0804 5905-00-189-2477 5905-00-104-8358 5905-00-111-4852 5905-00-106-1356 5905-00-141-1183 5905-00-107-0656 5905-00-451-7414 5905-00-195-6384 5905-00-189-2454 5905-00-138-1285 5905-00-142-0903 5905-01-095-9938 5905-00-140-7142 5905-00-426-7121 5905-00-208-4285 5905-00-192-3880 5905-00-192-3882 5905-01-030-2894 5905-00-365-5560 5905-01-095-9940 5905-00-118-4559 5905-00-435-6374 5905-00-116-8554 5905-00-451-7532 5905-00-142-0902 5905-00-135-3973 4920-01-046-7422 5905-00-141-0717 5905-00-106-3666 5910-00-838-9421 5961-00-842-9864 5910-00-965-9729 5910-01-014-3285 5910-00-822-3765 5905-00-126-6694 5910-00-506-7036 5905-01-208-6335 5905-00-451-7414 5910-00-937-1328 5910-00-186-9286 5905-00-758-3436 5905-00-104-8358 5961-00-931-0372 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 73138 81349 81349 73138 81349 81349 81349 81349 73138 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 99866 99866 81349 81349 81349 81349 56289 14752 81349 81349 56289 78138 81349 60705 05079 81349 81349 04713 PART NUMBER RCR07G103JS RCR07G223JS RCR07G102JS RCR07G150JS RCR07G473JS RNC60K1003FS RNC60K4992FS RCR07G822JS RCR20G2R7JS RCR07G152JS RCR07G101JS RCR07G100JS RNC60K2003FS RNC60K3012FS RNC60K1004FS RCR60K2001FS RNC060K1102FS 72RXW2K RNC60K1912FS RNC60K2002FS 72RXW10K RNC60K2492FS RNC60K2493FS RNC60K2494FS RNC60K6043FS 72RXW50K RCRO7G333JS RCR07G823JS RCR07G105JS RNC60K4991FS RCR60K4532FS RCR07G221JS AW4133 B4193 RCR07G473JS RCR07G103JS CK60AW102M JAN1N914 192P10352 230B1F472J CL60BX101K RCR07G475JS 292P10252 72RXW20K RNC60K2003FS 563CY5SBA250EC10 3Z HV3.9-450C4LP1 RNC60K4022FS RCR07G822JS 2N3906 C-51 CHANGE 6 . SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES FIG C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 ITEM 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX STOCK NUMBER FSCM 5961-00-433-5809 5910-01-031-1451 5910-00-494-6088 5961-00-556-2091 5905-00-114-0711 5962-00-740-5873 5935-01-064-1580 5962-00-595-8504 5935-01-083-4122 5910-01-027-9478 5962-00-324-2195 5961-00-568-8661 5962-00-369-7621 5962-00-378-0216 5905-00-135-6046 5905-01-138-6236 5962-01-040-1425 5905-00-110-7620 5905-00-135-3973 5905-00-110-0388 5910-00-852-4039 5961-00-892-8706 5905-00-141-0744 5905-00-141-0743 5962-01-039-9414 5935-01-028-9329 5905-00-436-2056 5905-00-113-4861 5905-00-141-0592 5910-01-200-8343 5910-00-828-5705 5961-00-826-9048 5905-00-106-3668 5905-00-116-8554 5905-00-126-6683 4920-01-037-4089 4920-01-086-1505 4920-01-087-4233 4920-01-093-4772 6150-01-047-7064 6240-01-043-3258 5305-00-494-7333 5310-00-687-6664 5310-00-550-3715 5935-00-050-5387 5305-00-182-9459 4920-01-046-7354 5905-01-045-8019 5355-00-994-3435 04713 14752 60705 81349 81349 04713 06776 81349 06776 56289 81349 04423 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 14655 04713 81349 81349 26916 06776 44655 81349 81349 81349 56289 81349 81349 81349 81349 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 96906 96906 96906 99866 96214 96906 99866 80294 49956 PART NUMBER 2N4871 230B1C473J C016B102E271K JAN1N270 RCR07G472JS MC939L ICN-143-S3-G M38510/01501BEB ICN-163-S3-G 225P10494XD3 M38510/01005BEB 41-0118-01 M38510/00202BCB M38510/00303BCB RCR07G681JS RCR07G680JS M38510/10802BCB RCR07G102JS RCR07G221JS RCR07G104JS CD15FD501G03 2N3904 RCR07G562JS RCR07G392JS 058-001691 ICN-083-S3-G 4569 RCR07G390JS RCR20G122JS M39018/01-1018P 5GAS10 JAN1N3020B RCR07G220JS RCR07G105JS RCR07G332JS AW4200 135M11 A6839 A4006 A4005 A2917 A3989 MS51957-13B MS15795-804B MS35333-70 C3984 537238-1 MS51957-17B A4175 3610S1-503 70-2WD2G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C-52 CHANGE 6 . SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES FIG C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 ITEM 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 1 2 3 4 5 FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX STOCK NUMBER FSCM 5961-00-059-2904 5930-00-240-6008 5961-00-568-8661 5950-01-044-8757 5305-00-448-6500 5310-00-063-7360 5940-00-050-2308 4920-01-086-1508 5961-00-469-2189 5910-01-045-8170 5305-00-448-6547 5910-01-095-6185 5910-01-045-0114 4920-01-046-8674 5305-00-448-6456 6210-00-181-2556 5310-01-096-7381 5999-00-177-1694 6240-00-498-2714 5305-00-469-5382 5961-00-469-2189 5910-00-828-5705 5905-00-104-5756 5950-00-211-2158 5940-00-192-9962 5305-00-054-6650 5310-00-807-1465 4920-01-023-5189 5970-01-045-0711 4920-01-023-5191 5360-00-182-5494 6240-01-043-3259 5935-00-201-7983 5935-01-137-2305 5305-00-448-6500 5310-00-616-3555 4920-01-089-0445 5305-00-428-0732 5310-00-807-1465 6930-01-043-9621 4920-01-086-1513 4920-01-086-1512 4920-01-089-0448 5910-00-615-4674 5905-00-833-4321 5961-00-059-2904 5910-01-022-5082 5905-00-154-0068 81349 71590 04423 34148 99866 96906 78189 96906 99866 81349 99866 96906 81133 14655 99866 96906 99866 96906 75915 99866 96906 81349 56289 81349 99866 83330 96906 96906 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 96906 81349 99866 96906 96906 99866 96906 96906 95146 99866 99866 99866 99866 56289 44655 81349 25088 81349 PART NUMBER JAN1N3613 PSA207 41-0118-01 FLS001 A3934 MS51957-28B 511-061800-00 MS35431-3 B3971 JAN1N5554 A3975 MS51957-27B 951-401404 OTBG205K A3993 MS51957-31B A1436-1 MS51865-1B 121002 35S MS51957-30B JAN1N5554 5GAS10 RCR20G105JS A2670-1 1099 MS51957-26 MS21042-06 A2604 A4253 A2510 A2047 A3988 MS3106A14S5P M85049/41-16A A2916 MS51957-28B MS35333-71 D4597 MS51957-34B MS21042-06 MPA-904749 A4714 B4713 C3972 C3984 TVA1613 4642 JAN1N3613 B32231-22-10-400 RCR42G683JS C-53 CHANGE 6 . SECTION IV TM55-4920-402-13&P CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES FIG C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-7 C-7 ITEM 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX STOCK NUMBER FSCM 5961-00-147-9588 5910-00-113-5475 5961-00-147-9600 5905-00-106-3666 5910-00-506-7011 5905-00-105-7764 5961-00-842-9864 5905-00-208-4285 5905-00-140-7142 5905-00-426-7095 5905-00-116-8554 5910-00-965-9729 5905-00-141-1183 5910-01-187-1629 5961-00-931-0372 5961-00-618-9955 5961-00-892-8706 5910-01-055-7758 5905-00-137-0804 5961-00-892-0734 5905-00-141-0717 5910-01-055-8412 5910-00-577-1138 5905-00-141-0744 5905-00-114-5339 5905-00-119-3505 5905-00-116-8555 5905-00-192-3876 5910-01-187-1629 5905-00-104-5756 5905-00-110-0196 5905-00-141-1130 5961-00-682-0673 5950-01-045-7710 5905-00-126-6683 5945-00-201-8667 5910-00-783-7899 5999-01-095-2311 5305-00-054-5647 5310-00-836-3520 5961-01-039-7384 5305-00-054-5649 5310-00-836-3520 5920-00-782-6179 5910-01-032-1819 4920-01-087-4200 4920-01-087-4201 4920-01-093-4771 6150-01-046-7396 04713 81349 81349 81349 56289 81349 81349 73138 81349 81349 81349 56289 81349 81349 04713 04713 04713 27556 81349 81349 81349 27556 96095 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 04713 99866 81349 79318 56289 99866 96906 78189 81349 02735 96906 78189 81349 56289 99866 99866 99866 99866 99866 PART NUMBER 2N4443 M39003/01-3006 JAN1N4467 RCR07G103JS 292P15352 RCR07G222JS JAN1N914 72RXW10K RNC60K1912FS RNC60K1002FS RCR07G105JS 192P10352 RCR07G101JS CFR06ARB223FM 2N3906 MPU132 2N3904 BA2A204F RNC60K1003FS JAN1N483B RCR07G473JS BA2A663F BCD1-6-103GMV1KV RCR07G562JS RCR07G154JS RCR07G683JS RCR07G153JS RNC60K1503FS CFR06ARB223FM RCR20G105JS RCR20G102JS RCR20G272JS 1N5001 A3943 RCR07G332JS K19 TVA1311 A4421 MS51957-13 511-041800-00 RWR80U3R90F 2N6292 MS51957-15 511-041800-00 FM02-125V-5A 292P10452 AW3983 A4085-1 A4085-2 A4614 A4185 C-54 CHANGE 6 . TM55-4920-402-13&P SECTION IV CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES FIG C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-7 ITEM 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX STOCK NUMBER FSCM 6625-01-077-8349 4920-01-087-1618 5305-00-448-6500 4920-01-087-1620 5305-00-448-6500 5310-00-063-7360 5305-00-054-6654 4920-01-087-1614 5305-00-242-7275 4920-01-087-1615 4920-01-086-1500 5305-00-242-7275 4920-01-086-1501 5305-00-448-6500 5310-00-063-7360 4920-01-087-1613 5305-00-763-6961 4920-01-086-1504 4920-01-086-1503 5305-00-054-6652 4920-01-087-1616 5360-01-094-6945 4920-01-087-1617 4920-01-093-4770 5935-00-878-6943 5305-00-242-7275 5305-00-182-9459 5310-00-836-3520 5905-01-095-9941 5905-00-432-6410 5905-00-138-1285 5961-00-089-3576 5961-00-059-2904 5920-00-811-8879 4920-01-087-1627 5935-00-199-3335 5365-01-018-5455 6145-01-211-3376 4920-01-087-1619 99866 99866 96906 99866 96906 78189 96906 99866 96906 99866 99866 96906 99866 96906 78189 99866 96906 99866 99866 96906 99866 99866 99866 99866 96906 96906 96906 78189 73138 81349 81349 04713 81349 75915 99866 09353 28520 96906 81349 02660 99866 99866 PART NUMBER 11 B4578 MS51957-28B B4580 MS51957-28B 511-061800-00 MS51957-30 A4576 MS51957-15B A4577 C4264 MS51957-15B A4543 MS51957-28B 511-061800-00 A4536 MS51959-26 B4539 A4537 MS51957-28 B4540 A4538 B4541 NHM-5FTC MS3102R16-11S MS51957-15B MS51957-17B 511-041800-00 72RXW1K RNC60K1001FS RNC60K2001FS 1N4753A JAN1N3613 275-002 AW4581 7101-J3-ZG 6P-4 MS3106A16-11P M85049/41-8W 9779-513-6 A4335 B4579 C-55/(C-56 BLANK) CHANGE 6 . . . . . . . . . . . Disassembly of Strobex . . . . . . . .TM 55-4920-402-13&P INDEX Subject Paragraph Figure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balancer Wiring Checkout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 4-22 4-24 Index 1 . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14. . . . . . Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table Number A Accelerometer . . . . . . . . . . Controls and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 1-4 3-16 3-13 3-9 1-2 4-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functional Theory of Operation . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M Magnetic Pickup . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26 1-6 2-2 2-10 2-8 4-11 3-5 4-5 4-18 3-7. . . . . Disassembly of Balancer . . . . F Forms and Records . . . B Balance and Tracking Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubrication . . . . . . . Assembly of Balance . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Balancer Checkout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16 1-3 4-21 4-23 4-25 . . . . . . . . . . Disassembly of Tester . . D DC Cables . . . . Consumable Materials. . . . . . . . . .. . Assembly of Strobex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L Leading Particulars . . . . . . . . . . . . Vibrex Accessories . . . . . . . .. Correction of Charts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Balancer Section of Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Strobex Wiring Checkout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . T Tester . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . Power Supplies . . . . . . . Test Preparation . . . . 4-2 3-1 4-12 2-1 3-8 Index 2 . . . . . .TM 55-4920-402-13&P INDEX (continued) Subject Paragraph Figure. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . 4-3. . . . . . Test Equipment and Special Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Function . . . . . . . . . . Painting. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Removal and Disassembly. . . . .. . Preparation for Storage . . . . 4-9. . . . . . . . . . . . Strobex. . . . . R Reading the Charts . . . . . Removal of Vibrex from Aircraft . . . . . . . . . . . Phazor Section of Balance . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Preparation for Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vibrex . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signal Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Operational Instructions. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P Pre-operational Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table Number M Magnetic Pickup Checkout . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13 1-5 3-4 1-1 4-17 3-6 4-8 4-19 . . . . . 2-9 4-20 3-12 2-3 3-10 3-15 4-6 4-7 4-1 3-3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 3-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strobex Checkout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Preparation for Shipment . . . . . Rotor Vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O Operational Capability Test . . . . .. Preparation for Use . . . . . TM 55-4920-402-13&P INDEX (continued) Subject Paragraph Figure. Table Number T Troubleshooting the Vibrex while installed on the Aircraft Tuning the Balancer U Use Use Use Use of of of of the Balancer Gram Scale the Strobex Vibrex for Troub leshooting 2-5 2-11 2-6 2-12 3-11 2-4 Index 3 . . . . . . C. United States Army The Adjutant General DISTRIBUTION: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-31 Operator Maintenance Requirements for All Fixed and Rotor Wing Aircraft. *u. C.TM 55-4920-402-13&P By Order of the Secretary of the Army: E. United States Army Chief of Staff Official: J. MEYER General. PENNINGTON Major General.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1980--765035/2297 . . . . . . . . . . . WARNING The flash tube is at several atmospheres pressure. Allow several minutes for flesh tube to cool and the voltages to bleed off. Avoid twisting or bending the flesh tube or the quartz glass with fracture. a/(b blank) .TM 55-4920-402-13&P WARNING HIGH VOLTAGE is used in the operotion of this equipment. DEATH ON CONTACT moy result if personnel foil to observe the sofety precautions. Be careful not to contact high voltage connections when installing or operating this equipment. CAUTION Extreme care should be exercised when using the VIBREX test set. The flash tube emits dangerous ultroviolet light that can damage the eyes Do not look directly at the light. turn power off and ground points of high potential before touching them. Use gloves if available. ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION is used in the operation of the Strobex. This unit contains delicate electronic components and assemblies which may be easily damaged if subjected to physical abuse due to improper handling. Learn the areas containing high voltage in each piece of equipment. Before working inside the equipment. Wear a safety shield or safety plasses. . 046643-000 .>Free Military and o!ernment Manuals</A> – "incerely #$or %hudo! http://i$or.This fine document. Was brought to you by me: Liberated Manuals -.. *eel free to share# re&ublish# sell and so on..chudo! . Why should they get your money? Why are not letting you give those free manuals to your friends? I am setting this document *!++. They did not even scan it.liberatedmanuals. 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