
March 23, 2018 | Author: Tod A. Wulff | Category: Helicopter Rotor, Electrical Connector, Flight Test, Electrical Wiring, United States Army



TM 55-1520-244-PMTECHNICAL MANUAL PHASED MAINTENANCE CHECKLISTS AH-1E/F/P/S HELlCOPTER Approved for public release: Distribution is unlimited. This manual supersedes TM 55-1500-220-PM, 22 September 1978. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 30 APRIL 1990 TM 551520.244 C8 CHANGE NO. 8 PHASED MAINTENANCE CHECKLISTS AH-1E/F/P/S HELICOPTER DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. TM 55-1520-244-PM, 30 April 1990, is changed as follows: 1. Remove and insert pages as indicated below. New or changed text material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin. An illustration change is indicated by a miniature pointing hand. Remove pages 1-1 through 14 2-13 and 2-14 3-4.1/(3-4.2 blank) 4-3 and 4-4 4-13 and 4-14 7-4.1/(7-4.2 blank) 7-27 and 7-28 7-41 and 7-42 7-57 through 7-60 7-77 and 7-78 7-87 and 7-88 7-107 and 7-108 Insert pages 1-1 through 1-4 2-13 and 2-14 3-4.1/(3-4.2 blank) 4-3 and 4-4 4-13 and 4-14 7-4.1/(7-4.2 blank) 7-27 and 7-28 7-41 and 7-42 7-57 through 7-60 7-77 and 7-78 7-87 and 7-88 7-107 and 7-108 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON, D.C., 31 August 1996 TM 55-1520-244-PM C7 CHANGE No. 7 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON, D.C., 31 October 1995 PHASED MAINTENANCE CHECKLISTS AH-1E/F/P/S HELlCOPTER DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited TM 55-1520-244-PM, 30 April 1990, is changed as follows: 1. Remove and insert pages as indicated below. New or changed text material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin. An illustration change is indicated by a miniature pointing hand. Remove pages 2-1 through 2-4 3-1 through 3-4 3-4.1/(3-4.2 blank) 4-1 through 4-4 5-1 through 5-4 5-4.1/(5-4.2 blank) 6-1 through 6-4 6-4.1/(6-4.2 blank) 7-1 through 7-4 7-61 and 7-62 7-81 and 7-82 7-89 and 7-90 Insert pages 2-1 through 2-4 3-1 through 3-4 3-4.1/(3-4.2 blank) 4-1 through 4-4 5-1 through 5-4 5-4.1 and 5-4.2 6-1 through 6-4 6-4.1/(6-4.2 blank) 7-1 through 7-4 7-61 and 7-62 7-81 and 7-82 7-89 and 7-90 TM 55-1520-244-PM C7 Remove pages 7-101 and 7-102 7-105 and 7-106 Insert pages 7-101 and 7-102 7-105 and 7-106 2. Retain this sheet in front of manual for reference purposes. By Order of the Secretary of the Army: DISTRIBUTION: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-31-E, block no. 1163, requirements for TM 55-1520-244-PM. is changed as follows: 1. An illustration change is indicated by a miniature pointing hand. 31 August 1994 CHANGE NO.. 6 TECHNICAL MANUAL PHASE13 MAINTENANCE CHECKLISTS AH-1E/F/P/S HELlCOPTER DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release.TM 55-1520-244-PM C6 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY.1/(2-4. Remove and insert pages as indicated below.2 blank) 4-5 and 4-6 4-13 and 4-14 5-3 and 5-4 2-4. C. 30 April 1990. distribution is unlimited TM 55-1520-244-PM. D.2 blank) 4-5 and 4-6 4-13 and 4-14 5-3 and 5-4 .1 /(4-4.2 blank) 2-5 and 2-6 2-13 through 2-15/(2-16 blank) 3-3 and 3-4 3-13 through 3-18 4-3 and 4-4 4-4.1/(2-4.1/(4-4. New or changed text material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin. WASHINGTON.2 blank) 2-5 and 2-6 2-13 and 2-14 3-3 and 3-4 3-13 through 3-18 4-3 and 4-4 4-4. Remove pages 1-3 and 1-4 2-3 and 2-4 Insert pages 1-3 and 1-4 2-3 and 2-4 2-4. ..2 blank) 6-5 and 6-6 7-3 and 7-4 7-4.2 blank) 7-51 through 7-56 7-65 and 7-66 7-69 and 7-70 7-75 through 7-78 7-81 and 7-82 7-85 and 7-86 7-97 and 7-98 7-101 through 7-104 7-113 and 7-114 7-39 and 7-40 7-47 and 7-48 .1/(7-4..TM 55-1520-244-PM C6 Remove pages 5-17 and 5-18 6-3 and 6-4 6-4. Retain this sheet in front of manual for reference purposes..7-51 through 7-56 7-65 and 7-66 7-69 and7-70 7-75 through 7-78 7-81 and 7-82 7-85 and 7-86 7-97 and 7-98 7-101 through 7-104 7-113 and 7-114 2.1/(7-48....7-7 through 7-10 7-17 through 7-20 7-31 and 7-32 7-35 and 7-36 Insert pages 5-17 through 5-19/(5-20 blank) 6-3 and 6-4 6-4.1/(6-4.1/(6-4.2 blank) 6-5 and 6-6 7-3 and 7-4 .2 blank) 7-7 through 7-10 7-17 through 7-20 7-3-1 and 7-32 7-35 and 7-36 7-39 and 7-40 7-47 and 7-48 7-48. TM 55-1520-244-PM C6 By Order of the Secretary of the Army: Official: GORDON R. 1163. SULLIVAN General. block no. United States Army Chief of Staff Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army 07378 DISTRIBUTION: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-31-E. . requirements for TM 55-1520-244-PM. An illustration change is indicated by a miniature pointing hand. IT SHOULD BE INSERTED IN THE MANUAL AND USED. is changed as follows: Remove and insert pages as indicated below.. 1. 5 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON.URGENT THIS CHANGE HAS BEEN PRINTED AND DISTRIBUTED OUT OF SEQUENCE. 30 April 1990. D. Insert pages 7-75 and 7-76 Retain this sheet in front of manual for reference purposes. 15 SEPTEMBER 1992 PHASED MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST AH-1E/F/P/S HELICOPTER TM 55-1520-244-PM. Remove pages 7-75 and 7-76 2. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release. URGENT . NOTICE : TM 55-1520-244-PM C5 CHANGE NO. UPON RECEIPT OF THE EARLIER SEQUENCED CHANGE ENSURE A MORE CURRENT CHANGE PAGE IS NOT REPLACED WITH A LESS CURRENT PAGE. distribution is unlimited.C. New or changed text material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin. requirements for TM 55-1520-244-PM. United States Army Chief of Staff MILTON H.TM 55-1520-244-PM C5 By Order of the Secretary of the Army: GORDON R. . block no. 1163. SULLIVAN General. HAMILTON Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army 02555 DISTRIBUTION: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-31-E. .1/3-4. 4 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON. 30 April 1990.TM 55-1520-244-PM C4 CHANGE NO.1/2-4.2 3-17 and 3-18 4-3 and 4-4 4-4.C. distribution is unlimited. D. An illustration change is indicated by a miniature pointing hand.1/4-4.2 2-11 through 2-14 3-3 and 3-4 3-4. Remove pages 1-1 through 1-4 1-11 and 1-12 2-3 and 2-4 ----2-11 through 2-14 3-3 and 3-4 ----3-17 and 3-18 4-3 and 4-4 ----Insert pages 1-1 through 1-4 1-11 and 1-12 2-3 and 2-4 2-4. is changed as follows: 1. . 15 September 1992 PHASED MAINTENANCE CHECKLISTS AH-1E/F/P/S HELICOPTER TM 55-1520-244-PM. New or changed text material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin. Remove and insert pages as indicated below.2 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release. Insert pages 4-13 and 4-14 5-3 and 5-4 5-4.1/5-4.2 6-13/6-14 7-3 and 7-4 7-7 and 7-8 7-15 through 7-18 7-23 through 7-26 7-39 through 7-42 7-49 and 7-50 7-55 through 7-60 7-63 through 7-66 7-73 and 7-74 7-89 and 7-90 7-95 and 7-96 7-111 through 7-114 Retain these sheets in front of manual for reference purposes. .TM 55-1520-244-PM C4 Remove pages 4-13 and 4-14 5-3 and 5-4 ----5-15 through 5-18 6-3 and 6-4 ----6-13 and 6-14 7-3 and 7-4 7-7 and 7-8 7-15 through 7-18 7-23 through 7-26 7-39 through 7-42 7-49 and 7-50 7-55 through 7-60 7-63 through 7-66 7-73 and 7-74 7-89 and 7-90 7-95 and 7-96 7-111 through 7-114 2.1/6-4.2 5-15 through 5-18 6-3 and 6-4 6-4. block no.TM 55-1520-244-PM C4 By Order of the Secretary of the Army: Official: MILTON H. HAMILTON Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army 03207 GORDON R. SULLIVAN General. . 1163. PM requirements for tm 55-1520-244-PM. United States Army Chief of Staff DISTRIBUTION To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-31-E. 3 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON. is changed as follows: 1. D.C. New or changed text material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin. URGENT . An illustration change is indicated by a miniature pointing hand.. Remove pages 7-89 and 7-90 2. Remove and insert pages as indicated below. Insert pages 7-89 and 7-90 Retain this sheet in front of manual for reference purposes.URGENT TM 55-1520-244-PM C3 CHANGE NO. 9 December 1991 PHASED MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST AH-1E/F/P/S HELICOPTER TM 55-1520-244-PM. 30 April 1990. block no. .TM 55-1520-244-PM C3 By Order of the Secretary of the Army: GORDON R. HAMILTON Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army 00027 DISTRIBUTION : To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-31-E. PM requirements for TM 55-1520-244-PM. United States Army Chief of Staff O f f i c i a l : MILTON H. 1163. SULLIVAN Genera/. New or changed text material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin. is changed as follows: 1. An illustration change is indicated by a miniature pointing hand. 2 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON. Remove and insert pages as indicated below.C. Remove pages 1-1 through 1-4 2-3 through 2-6 2-11 through 2-14 3-3 and 3-4 3-11 through 3-18 4-3 through 4-6 4-11 through 4-14 5-3 and 5-4 5-11 and 5-12 5-15 through 5-18 6-3 through 6-6 Insert pages 1-1 through 1-4 2-3 through 2-6 2-11 through 2-14 3-3 and 3-4 3-11 through 3-19/3-20 4-3 through 4-6 4-11 through 4-14 5-3 and 5-4 5-11 and 5-12 5-15 through 5-18 6-3 through 6-6 . 30 April 1990..TM 55-1520-244-PM C2 CHANGE No. D. 15 November 1991 PHASED MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST AH-1E/F/P/S HELICOPTER TM 55-1520-244-PM. .TM 55-1520-244-PM C2 Remove Pages 6-11 through 6-14 7-3 through 7-6 7-9 through 7-12 7-19 and 7-20 7-23 through 7-28 7-31 through 7-40 7-43 through 7-62 7-77 and 7-78 7-89 through 7-96 7-103 and 7-104 2. Insert pages 6-11 through 6-14 7-3 through 7-6 7-9 through 7-12 7-19 and 7-20 7-23 through 7-28 7-31 through 7-40 7-43 through 7-62 7-77 and 7-78 7-89 through 7-96 7-103 and 7-104 Retain these sheets in front of manual for reference purposes. 1163. .TM 55-1520-244-PM C2 By Order of the Secretary of the Army: GORDON R. HAMILTON Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army 00283 DISTRIBUTION: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-31-E. United States Army Chief of Staff MILTON H. SULLIVAN General. block no. PM requirements for TM 55-1520-244-PM. Remove and insert pages as indicated below. D. An illustration change is indicated by a miniature pointing hand. Remove pages 1-1 and 1-2 7-1 through 7-4 7-7 through 7-16 7-19 through 7-60 7-63 through 7-114 2. Insert Pages 1-1 and 1-2 7-1 through 7-4 7-7 through 7-16 7-19 through 7-60 7-63 through 7-114 Retain this sheet in front of manual for reference purposes. 30 April 1990. is changed as follows: 1. 1 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON.C. . 12 October 1990 PHASED MAINTENANCE CHECKLISTS AH-1E/F/P/S HELICOPTER TM 55-1520-244-PM.. New or changed text material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin.TM 55-1520-244-PM C1 CHANGE NO. VUONO General. . PM requirements for AH-1E/F/P/S Helicopter. SIKORA Brigadier General. Attack. United States Army Chief of Staff Official: THOMAS F.TM 55-1520-244-PM C1 By Order of the Secretary of the Army CARL E. United States Army The Adjutant General DISTRIBUTION: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-31. WHEN A DIFFERENT INSPECTION INTERVAL IS SPECIFIED IN THE PMCS.*TM 55-1520-244-PM HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON. THE USE OF SPECIAL LETTERING TO EMPHASIZE MANDATORY SAFETYOF-FLIGHT INSPECTION ITEMS IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS AUTHORITY FOR DEFERRAL OF OTHER INSPECTIONS. THE PM AND PMD SHALL BE USED TO PERFORM ALL DAILY AND/OR PHASE INSPECTIONS EXCEPT WHERE THE INSPECTION IS REFERENCED TO THE APPROPRIATE SUBSYSTEM TM. THE AIRCRAFT CONDITION STATUS SYMBOL WILL BE IMMEDIATELY CHANGED TO A RED "X". THE CUMULATIVE EFFECTS OF INSPECTION DEFERRALS ARE UNKNOWN AND COULD RESULT IN CATASTROPHIC FAILURE OR INCREASED MAINTENANCE AT A LATER DATE. IN THIS CASE THE PMCS TABLES IN THE SUBSYSTEM TMs SHALL BE USED. *This manual supersedes TM 55-1500-220-PM. NOTE: INSPECTION ITEMS CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL ARE CONSIDERED THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR PERFORMING A DAILY INSPECTION AND MUST BE PERFORMED. AND THE INSPECTION INTERVALS CANNOT BE EXCEEDED. IN THE EVENT THESE INSPECTIONS CANNOT BE ACCOMPLISHED AT THE SPECIFIED INTERVAL. THESE TYPE INSPECTION ITEMS ARE PRECEDED BY "MANDATORY SAFETY-OF-FLIGHT INSPECTION ITEM". D. THIS MANUAL MAY DUPLICATE INSPECTION DATA CONTAINED IN THE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) TABLES IN THE SUBSYSTEM TMs OR THE INSPECTION CRITERIA INCLUDED IN THE PM AND PMD MAY DIFFER FROM THAT INCLUDED IN THE SUBSYSTEM TMs. 22 September 1978. 30 APRIL 1990 PHASED MAINTENANCE CHECKLISTS AH-1 E/F/P/S HELICOPTER GENERAL INFORMATION AND SCOPE WARNING: CERTAIN INSPECTIONS ARE MANDATORY SAFETY-OF-FLIGHT REQUIREMENTS..C. 1-1 Change 4 . THE PM AND PMD WILL TAKE PRECEDENCE. THEREFORE. armament missile and avionic checks have been included. Ii addition to the 150hour checklist. Special and calendar inspections recorded on DA 1-2 Change 8 .TM 55-1520-244-PM SECTION I . 50. limits or instructions for special troubleshooting to find causes for malfunctions. it is the prerogative and responsibility REQUIREMENTS. 75. 125 and will be completed at 150 combat phase inspections be performed sequentially. It is the and TM 55-1520-236-23 (AH-1 E/F/P) Maintenance Manuals. Under no circumstances will two based on recording 25. Commanders will assure that the aircraft status symbol reverts inspection. Inspection Record) items that are due. operated beyond the normal inspection due time because of such emergency situations. As the 25. environmental 1-7. for example. 75.mine (Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance Record) until such time as the unsatisfactory conditions. inspections are to be completed once for each 150 hour cycle of the 600 hour phase cycle. Neither does it contain tolerance. A preinclude authority) must be entered in block 16 and 17 of DA Form 2408-13 inspection MTF to duplicate nonhazardous equipment problems. This publication is stationed in a combat environment. Inspect Phase No’s column along with the DA Form 2408-18 (Equipment TM 55-1500-220-PM shall be completed (150 cycle) using that publication.W.) dictate. and 125 hour inspections are special 1-4. When aircraft are hours.A. they may be accomplished within a plus or minus 10 percent adjustment or other means of rectifying conditions. The checklist does not contain instructions for repair. 25. An aircraft that is in phase maintenance I. a circled red X status symbol and an appropriate statement (to 1-6. or TM will be implemented at the 75 hour inspection interval. EXCEEDING THE PHASED SCHEDULE. PRE-INSPECTION MAINTENANCE TEST FLIGHT (MTF). The maintenance the applicable armament. deter. The inspections prescribed by this accomplishment at least once. Each 150 hour requirement included herein is designated for 1-3. missile or avionic maintenance manuals. 50. shall to a red X and that delayed inspections are accomplished immediately upon be the responsibility of the unit Maintenance Officer. however. The decision to perform the preinspection MTF. termination of the actual emergency. special tolerances. type of mission personnel. etc. is inspection is complete. CHANGEOVER FROM SUPERSEDED TM 55-1500-220-PM and emergencies are conditions of combat or disaster which necessitate flight to implementation of this publication: This TM will be implemented at the next evacuate aircraft or personnel. etc. Those inspections annotated by a "C" in the 25 hour inspection interval. When unusual local conditions (utilization. 100.. checklist contains requirements for inspection of all AH-1 E/F/P/S aircraft on a phased schedule having a 600 hour (flight hours) cycle with 150 hour phases.GENERAL INFORMATION of the Maintenance Officer to increase the scope and/or frequency of maintenance or inspection as necessary to ensure safe operation (TM 11-1. SPECIAL AND CALENDAR INSPECTIONS AND LUBRICATION conditions. 100. 75. operational 1-5. but not more than four times during the 600 checklist will be accomplished at specific times by Aviation Unit Maintenance hour cycle. Commander’s responsibility to determine (on an individual aircraft basis) when inspection intervals may be exceeded. inspections. MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES. periods of inactivity. When inspections are delayed to meet emergency recommended prior to start of aircraft disassembly for phased maintenance requirements. For this purpose. Such data will be contained from the latest issue of 1-2. this inspections required on helicopters scheduled for imminent deployment to. and 125 hour (AVUM) activities with assistance of Aviation Intermediate Maintenance airframe. 100. that is 65 hours out of phase maintenance. PHASED SCHEDULE This phased maintenance inspection 1500-238-23). constitute the MINIMUM mandatory For an aircraft. Airframe inspection intervals designated are the maximum and shall not be exceeded data will be obtained from the latest issue of TM 55-1520-234-23 (AH-1 S) except in actual operational emergencies as explained herein. determine equipment operation problems. These (AVIM) and Depot Maintenance activities when required. LIMITATIONS. 50. the Technical Inspector or designated supervisor shall verify that all applicable forms and records have been properly updated. Copies of Supplemental sheets (DA Form 4676-R) may be used to record and sign off the maintenance operational checks performed. The MTF shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of TM 1-1500-328-23 and TM 55-1520-244-MTF or TM 551520-236-MTF as applicable. The TI stamp can be used in lieu of the inspector’s initials lAW FM 1-500. refer to DA PAM 738-751. All uncorrected faults shall be entered on DA Form 2408-13. Those areas are titled as shown. Figure 1-2 reflects the inspection areas of the AH-1 E/F/P/S aircraft. At the end of the six month period. a daily inspection in accordance with TM 55-1520-244-PMD will be performed on the aircraft to permit performance of a Maintenance Test Flight (MTF) if required. 1-10. these records will be destroyed per the disposition instructions in DA PAM 738-751. The inspector verifying the final records check shall enter his initials adjacent to the indicated form or record on Final Records Checklist. A rotor smoothing record (figure 1-4) is provided at the end of Section 1. When the 150-hour (phase) inspection is completed. Figure 1-3 shows the location of access doors and panels which require removal at various phased maintenance inspections. MOC shall be performed on that system to determine the effectiveness of the maintenance actions performed and to verify the proper operation of that system. a check will be made of components and their remaining operating hours prior to removal. The initials entered shall be registered on the Signature Sheet (table 1-1) adjacent to that person’s signature. These MOC shall be performed in accordance with TM 1 -1500-328-23. SIGNATURESHEET. USING THE INSPECTION CHECKLISTS. 1-12. CHECKLIST DISPOSITION. After all corrective actions have been completed and following completion of the phased inspection. 1-14. The booklet should be maintained in the aircraft’s historical files as one unit. 1-13. 1-8 TIME BETWEEN OVERHAUL (TBO) AND RETIREMENT UFE ITEMS CHECK. After the completion of any required corrective actions to any of the components of a functional system of the aircraft. using the MTF form in the MTF technical manual. MAINTENANCE TEST FLIGHT. 1-11. The latest issue of TM 55-1520-234-23 or TM 55-1520-236-23 and DA Form 2408-16 shall be referred to for a complete listing of components and their TBO and retirement life. 1-3 Change 8 . When all required inspections have been accomplished and initialed in accordance with the above procedure. 1-9. All personnel performing inspection and/or maintenance tasks shall place their signature and initials on the signature sheet (Table 1-1). A signature sheet is included at the end of each section. Prior to start of the applicable phased maintenance inspection. For use of the phased inspection checklist. 1-15. FINAL RECORDS CHECK. MAINTENANCE OPERATIONAL CHECKS (MOC). the entire booklet with all six completed inspections is attached to the DA Form 2408-13(S) or 2408-13-1(S) on which completion of the 150-hour inspection is recorded and filed for the six month period as required by DA PAM 738-751. A Final Records Checklist (table 1-2) is provided to ensure forms and records have been inspected for completeness and accuracy prior to release of the aircraft from the maintenance inspection. or 2408-13-1 prepared for that date or to the DA Form 2408-14.TM 55-1520-244-PM Form 2408-18 shall be reviewed and accomplished in accordance with the inspection due requirements specified. The purpose of the signature sheet is to provide a correlation between initials entered on the individual checklist sheets and the actual names of the personnel accomplishing these tasks. INSPECTION AREAS. Instructions for sending an electronic 2028 may be found at the back of this manual immediately preceding the hard copy 2028. and the uncorrected fault/inspection does not exceed a mandatory Safety.louisemh7.TM 55-1520-244-PM the component will be inspected in accordance with the current phase (either that phases the receiving aircraft is in or if in between phase. the last phase performed). ATTN: AMSAT-I-MP. When compo. REPORTING ERRORS AND RECOMMENDING IMPROVE. the uncorrected fault/inspection may be transferred to DA Form 2408-13 and the system or subsystem assigned a proper rating status per AR 700-138. Mail your letter. please let us know. You may also submit your recommended changes by E-mail directly to <mpmt%avma28@st. US Army Aviation and Troop Command. 1-17. If you find any mistakes or if you know of a way to improve the procedures. A reply will be furnished to you.Of-Flight criteria or affect the flight safety of the aircraft. 1-4 Change 8 . Upon installation. 4300 Goodfellow Blvd. or DA Form 2028-2 located in the back of this manual.>. directly to I Commander.MENTS You can help improve this manual. MO 63120-1798. Louis.nents are being removed from an aircraft. INSPECTION OF REMOVED COMPONENTS.. all inspections required by the next phase maintenance inspection must be accomplished prior to either immediate reuse or storage. In the event a fault/inspection cannot be corrected/completed during phase. Uncorrected faults/inspections should be corrected as soon as possible thereafter. and that it will be properly interfaced with the receiving aircraft phase sequence. DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms). 1-18 UNCORRECTED FAULTS/INCOMPLETE INSPECTIONS. This will ensure that a re-used component will not overfly any PM inspections. This may be accomplished in order to perform MOC or MTF to get the aircraft flyable. Example of Using Phased Maintenance Checklist (Sheet 1 of 3) 1-5 . Figure 1-1.TM 55-1520-244-PM “FOD REMINDER” Check area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection. TM 55-1520-244-PM “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection. Figure 1-1. Example of using Phased Maintenance Checklist (Sheet 2 of 3) 1-6 . TM 55-1520-244-PM Figure 1-1. Example of Using Phased Maintenance Checklist (Sheet 3 of 3) 1-7 . Signature Sheet Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp Signature of Maintenance Supervisor Signature of Technical Inspector Signature of Maintenance Officer Initial Initial Initial 1-8 .TM 55-1520-244-PM Table 1-1. Final Records Checklist This checklist is provided to ensure the indicated forms and records listed have been inspected for presence. 1-9 .TM 55-1520-244-PM Table 1-2. completeness legibility and accuracy prior to releasing the aircraft from a phase inspection. Verification of inspection will be indicated by placing the initials of the inspector in the appropriate initial block. 1-10 . Inspection Areas.TM 55-1520-244-PM Figure 1-2. TM 55-1520-244-PM Figure 1-3. Model AH-1 Access and Inspection Provisions (Sheet 1 of 2) 1-11 Change 4 . 7. 8. 4. 37. 68. 34. 67. 28. 55. Electronics Equipment and Cooling Fan Door (LH only) Avionics. 59. Electronics Equipment and Cooling Fan Door (LH only) Tailboom Attaching Fitting Barrel Nut (LH and RH) Wing Leading Edge Access Panel (LH and RH) SU-130 Laser Sensor Detectors (LH and RH) (After MWO 55-1520-236-50-23) Figure 1-3. 62. 20. 5. 74. 27. 54. Hydraulic Lines Access Panel Armament Turret Access Panel (LH Side) Control Linkage Access Door Cooling Fan Access Door Tail Rotor Drive Shaft Forward Cover Tail Rotor Drive Shaft Center Cover Tail Rotor Drive Shaft Aft Cover 42 Degree Gearbox Cover Tail Rotor Drive Shaft Cover 90 Degree Gearbox Fairing and Cover Tail Rotor Control Linkage Access Cover AH-1P Tail Rotor Control Linkage Access Cover AH-1P Tail Structure and Tail Skid Access Cover (LH only) Tail Structure Fairing Tail Skid Attach Point Access (LH and RH) Avionics.TM 55-1520-244-PM 39. 71. 18. 1. Telescopic Sight Unit Upper Fairing Telescopic Sight Unit Side Fairing (Left and Right) Flight Controls Outer Panel (Left and Right) Flight Controls Outer Panel (Left and Right) Flight Controls Outer Panel (Left and Right ) Tow Interface Unit Access Panel (RH Only) Fuel Cell Access Panel Forward Pylon Fairing Hydraulics Access Door (LH and RH) Center Pylon Fairing (LH and RH) Transmission Cowl Rotating Controls Access Door (LH and RH) Engine Oil Tank Aft Pylon Fairing Engine Cowl Assembly (LH and RH) Tail Pipe Fairing Battery Access Panel (RH only) Oil Cooler Access Panel (RH only) External Power Receptacle Door (LH only) Oil Cooler Duct Panel (LH only) Lower Transmission Access Panel (LH and RH) Interface Control Unit Access Panel Outer Fuel Cell Panel (Left Access) Telescopic Sight Unit Wiring Access Panel Ammunition Compartment Door (LH and RH) Turret Access Door Turret Fairing Controls Access Panel (LH and RH) Telescopic Sight Outer Fairing (LH and RH) Telescopic Sight Unit Access Plate and Plug Ammunition Compartment Upper Panel Avionics Wiring Access Panel (AH-1P) Forward Fuel Cell Sump Panel Forward Fuel Drain Panel Pylon Hydraulic and Electrical Access Panel (Left) TOW Hydraulic and Electrical Access Panel (Left) TOW Hydraulic and Electrical Access Panel (Left) Aft Fuel Cell Drain Cover Control Linkages Access Panel Fuel Sump Drain Door APN 209 Antenna Jack Opening (LH only) Antenna and SCAS Control Tube Electrical Cables Lower Skin Panel Antenna AT 256/A Aft Crosstube Supports Fairing Aft Fuel Cell Sump Panel TOW Hydraulic and Electrical Access Panel (Right) TOW Hydraulic and Electrical Access Panel (Right) Pylon Hydraulic and Electrical Access Panel (Right) Control Linkages Access Panel Avionics Wiring Access Panel (AH-1P) Forward Crosstube Support Fairing SCAS Transducer. 13. 56. 70. 75. 3. 33. 43. 6. 47. 2. 35. 65. 25. 69. 36. 22. 49. 46. 16. 60. 48. 17. 29: 30. 24. 44. 9. Model AH-1 Access and Inspection Provisions (Sheet 2 of 2) 1-12 Change 4 . 40. 53. 15. 31. 42. 10. 52. 12. 26. 72. 45. 58. 21. 38. 66. 73. Electronics Equipment and Cooling Fan Door (LH only) AH-1P) Rain Removal Valve (LH and RH) Pitot Static Line/Pedal Support Access Panel Avionics. 32. 14. 11. 19. 63. 51. 57. 61. 64. 41. 23. 50. Rotor Smoothing Record 1-13/(1-14 blank) .TM 55-1520-244-PM Figure 1-4. 25 HOUR INSPECTION 2-1 .TM 55-1520-244-PM SECTION II . TM 55-1520-244-PM 2-2 Change 7 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 2-3 Change 7 . TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 1-1500-328-23 2-4 Change 7 . 1/2-4.TM 55-1520-244-PM 2-4.2 blank) Change 6 . TM 55-1520-244-PM TM I General MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Inspect for missing. 24. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools end parts after completion of maintenance and inspection A Form 4676-R. or broken parts. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). Deleted. Ensure that visible wiring harness and intercabling is free from cuts and breaks and is properly connected to M65 units. Inspect and clean all equipment. Dec 84 2-5 Change 6 . Ensure component casing are not punctured or cracked. (TM 9-1425-473-20) 24. distorted.1 25. loose. Remove rust or corrosion. cracked. 1 (25 Hour) DATE AREA AND INSP REQ NO INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 23. Deleted. spot paint as required. With window cover removed. (TM 9-1425-47320) 27. TSU (without LAAT) Ensure that optics are not cracked or broken. Visually inspect LEU for physical damage.) INSPECTION NO 1 (25 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ No AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTlON TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 26. (TM 9-1 425-473-20) TSU (with LAAT) Ensure that eyeshield is not cracked or brittle. Dec 84 2-6 . see DA Pamphlet 738-751. nicks or coating deterioration. ensure that if window has scratches. Ensure that connectors are secure as required. With laser window cover removed. nicks or coating deterioration. Ensure that laser window cover is instaIled. Ensure that small window cover is installed and that the four snap slides are safety wired. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). it is not to the extent that it impairs view and field of vision. Ensure that eyeshield is not cracked or brittle. it is not to the extent that it impairs view and field of vision. ensure that if window has scratches. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE lNSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. (TM 9-1425-473-20) 29. Ensure that track control stick is free from abnormal looseness. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 2-7 .) (TM 9-1 425-473-20) AH-1E/P/S Ensure that indicator glass is PSl not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside glass. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG).TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. securely ACQ/TRK/STOW switch is set to STOW. Check mounting brackets for firm support. Ensure connector is securely attached.) INSPECTION NO 1 (25 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO AREA NAME AND NUMBER TM DATE Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS I STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 28. Ensure that switches are SHC free from binding. Check mounting bracket for firm support. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. Ensure connector is (Ensure attached. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. (MODE SELECT switch to be set to OFF). (TM 9-1425-473-20) “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and pane after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. Dec 84 2-8 . AH-1E/P/S Ensure that switch is MSP/MSI free from binding. (MISSILE SELECT switch rotates only CW).TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. TCP Ensure that controls and switches are free from binding. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. Ensure that indicator glass in not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass.) INSPECTION NO 1 (25 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO I FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 30. (TM 9-1425473-20) 31. sea DA Pamphlet 738-751. 34. Clean filter. Ensure connectors are securely attached. "FOD REMINDER" Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 467-R. Ensure that filter vent is free of foreign objects. Ensure connectors are securely attached. (TM 9-1425-473-20) 33. (TM 9-1425473-20) Ensure that indicator glass SCA is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass.) INSPECTION NO 1 (25 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 32. Dec 84 2-9 . (TM 9-1425-473-20) MCA Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Ensure connectors are securely attached.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Ensure that indicator glass EPS is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Ensure that filter vents are free of foreign objects. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). Inspect debris director assemblies and forward tube assemblies for visual abnormality. clean with isopropyl alcohol.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Ensure that guide pins are secure and not bent of broken. (TM 91425-473-20) Ensure that self locking EER swing bolts are free from binding. Apply lubricant to lug assemblies. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. Visually inspect all TML TML components. "FOD REMINDER" Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 467-R. (TM 9-1425473-20) 36. Ensure that TML harness receptacle.) INSPECTION NO 1 (25 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO AREA NAME AND NUMBER I Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA 35. Replace TML items that could impair performance. Apply lubricant to TML harness connector. Ensure that TML harness receptacle and launcher harness connector pins are not bent or broken and phenolic isolators are intact. and umbilical connectors are free of corrosion. launcher harness connector. Dec 84 2-10 . the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). P8 and S8 AH-IS. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). Check that feeder delinks rounds. or loose parts. Ensure that connectors are free of contaminants or corrosion. “FOD REMINDER’ Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA form 4676-R. cracked. If undue pressure is required or dummy rounds are found to be damaged repair the feeder. Cycle seven dummy rounds through feeder. ejects links into link chute. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL Electrical connectors: 20P8 and 20S8 AH1E/F/P.) TM DATE INSPECTION NO 1 (25 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 37. Dec 84 2-11 Change 2 . clean with isopropyl alcohol. Inspect rounds for cuts or dents. (TM 9-1425-473-20) AH-1 P/S DELINKING FEEDER MAU-56/A Inspect feeder for dented. (TM 9-1090-203 Series) 38. and expels rounds using hand pressure applied to feeder gear. see DA Pamphlet 738-751.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Inspect electrical cables for damage. Wires and insulation should not be cut or frayed. (TM 9-1090-203 Series) ELECTRICAL CABLES (TURRET AREA. AMMUNITION COMPARTMENT AREAS) AH-1P/S Check cable assemblies for secure connections. I I TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 39. Inspect connectors for evidence of cross-threading or damage. 41. . (TM 9-1270220-23&P) ELEVATION DRIVE CLUTCH AH-1E/F Release elevation drive motor brake and move barrel cluster up and down two or three times to make certain that elevation drive system is free to move. Check beamsplitter for freedom of movement. 40. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. (TM 9-1090-203) AH-1F HUD (M76) Set HUDS PWR switch to STBY. REFLEX SIGHT M73 AH-lE/P/S Inspect reflex sight for damaged components. SP fan should run and be audible. see DA pamphlet 738-751. 42. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG).) TM DATE INSPECTION 1 (25 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ No AREA NAME AND NUMBER AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Perform clutch slip check (TM 9-1090-206-20 Series). Dec 84 2-12 Change 4 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 2-13 Change 8 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 2-14 Change 6 . TM 55-1520-244-PM Signature Sheet (25 Hour Inspection) Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp Signature of Maintenance Supervisor Signature of Technical Inspector Signature of Maintenance Officer Initial Initial Initial 2-15/(2-16 blank) Change 6 . TM 55-1520-244-PM SECTION Ill - 50 HOUR INSPECTION 3-1 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 3-2 Change 7 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 3-3 Change 7 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 3-4 Change 7 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 3-4.2 blank) Change 8 .1/(3-4. cracked. Remove rust or corrosion. (TM 9-1425-473-20) TSU (without LAAT) Ensure that optics are not cracked or broken. Inspect for missing. or broken parts. A Form 4676-R.) INSPECTION NO 2 (50 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA I FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN 25. nicks or coating deterioration. Inspect and clean all equipment. Dec 64 3-5 . spot paint as required.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. (TM 9-1425-473-20) . 27. see DA Pamphlet 736-751. Ensure that eyeshield is not cracked or brittle. loose. With window cover removed. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 26. rhe proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). Ensure that small window cover is installed and that the four snap slides are safety wired. ensure that if window has scratches. distorted. Ensure component casing are not punctured or cracked. Ensure that visible wiring harness and intercabling is free from cuts and breaks and is properly connected to M65 units. it is not to the extent that it impairs view and field of vision. ensure that if window has nicks. TSU (with LAAT) Ensure that eyeshield is not cracked or brittle. With laser window cover removed.) (TM 9-1425-473-20) 29.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Ensure that track control stick is free from abnormal looseness. Visually inspect LEU for physical damage. Ensure that connectors are secure as required. Ensure that laser window cover is installed. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts alter completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. it is not to the extent that it impairs view and field of vision. (TM 9-1425-473-20) Ensure that switches are SHC free from binding. deterioration. see DA Pamphlet 736-751. Check mounting brackets for firm support. Dec 84 3-6 . (Ensure securely ACQ/TRK/STOW switch is set to STOW.) INSPECTION NO AREA AND INSP REQ NO AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 28. or coating scratches. Ensure connector is attached. Dec 84 3-7 . Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. AH1-E/P/S Ensure that indicator glass is PSI not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Check mounting bracket for firm support. Ensure connector is securely attached. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts alter completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). (TM 9-1425-473-20) 31. (TM 9-1425-473-20) AH-1S Ensure that switch is free MSP from binding.) TM DATE INSPECTION NO 2 (50 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 30.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. see DA Pamphlet 736-751. TCP Ensure that controls and switches are free from binding. (TM 9-1425473-20) 33. Ensure connectors are securely attached. (MODE SELECT switch to be set to OFF). Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this term. (TM 9-1425-473-20) EPS Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. see DA Pamphlet 736-751. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). Ensure that filter vent is free of foreign objects. Dec 84 3-8 . (MISSILE SELECT switch rotates only CW).) INSPECTION NO 2 (50 Hour) IREA AND NSP REQ NO AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 32. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for took and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R.) INSPECTION NO 2 (50 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 34. (TM 9-1425-473-20) Ensure that indicator glass MCA is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Ensure connectors are securely attached. (TM 9-1425-473-20) STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 35. Dec 84 3-9 .TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS SCA Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Clean filter. see DA Pamphlet 736-751. Ensure that filter vents are free of foreign objects. Ensure connectors are securely attached. isopropyl alcohol. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. (TM 9-1425473-20) 37. Inspect debris director assemblies and forward tube assemblies for visual abnormality. launcher harness connector. Replace TML items that could impair performance. and umbilical connectors are clean with free of corrosion.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Ensure that TML harness receptacle and launcher harness connector pins are not bent or broken and phenolic isolators are intact. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). Apply lubricant to lug assemblies. (TM 91425-473-20) Ensure that self locking EER swing bolts are free from binding. Ensure that TML harness receptacle. Ensure that guide pins are secure and not bent or broken. Dec 84 3-10 . Apply lubricant to TML harness connector. see DA Pamphlet 736-751. Visually inspect all TML TML components.) INSPECTION NO 2(50 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA I AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS I STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 36. Check that feeder delinks rounds. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG). AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL Electrical connectors: 20P8 and 20S8 AH1E/F/P. Dec 84 3-11 Change 2 . (TM 9-1090-203 Series) 39. P8 and S8 AH-1S. and expels rounds using hand pressure applied to feeder gear. If undue pressure is required or dummy rounds are found to be damaged repair the feeder. (TM 9-1425-473-20) AH-1 P/S DELINKING FEEDER MAU-56/A Inspect feeder for dented. ejects links into link chute. Cycle seven dummy rounds through feeder. or loose parts.) TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA INSPECTION NO 2 (50 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 38. cracked. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. Inspect rounds for cuts or dents. Ensure that connectors are free of contaminants or corrosion. clean with isopropyl alcohol.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Clean and lubricate. Inspect electrical cables for damage. Check beamsplitter for freedom of movement. (TM 9-1270220-23&P) 41. or twisting. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. AH-1E/P/S REFLEX SIGHT M73 Inspect reflex sight for damaged components.) TM DATE INSPECTION NO 2 (50 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament I INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS I AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO I FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS I TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA 1 ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 40.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. 42. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). SP fan should run and be audible. binding. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. (TM 9-1090203 Series) AH-1F HUD (M76) Set HUDS PWR switch to STBY. (TM 9-1090-203/206) AH-1P/S FLEXIBLE SHAFT ASSEMBLY (TURRET AREA) Inspect shaft assembly for evidence of wear. Dec 84 3-12 Change 2 . Check shaft housing for cuts and possible separation at connectors. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL INTERVALOMETERS (FUSELAGE AND ENGINE AREA. LEFT AND RIGHT SIDES (P/S) Perform check for ground at all rocket launcher firing contacts using multimeter or rocket system tester. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. Clean and lubricate. 44. (TM 9-1090-206 Series) MACHINE GUN DRIVE ASSEMBLY. (TM 9-1055-460-13&P) RECOIL ADAPTER (E/F) Perform recoil adapter preload check. Dec 84 3-13 Change 2 . M134 (P/S) Check gears for chipped or missing teeth and electrical cable for cuts or fraying. if rocket pods are installed. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG)) TM DATE INSPECTION NO 2 (50 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 43. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. 45. (TM 9-1090-203 Series).TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. and lubricate the launcher. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). Deleted. (TM 91090-203 Series) 47. or loose parts. DYNAMIC BRAKE TRANSDUCER L AH-1P/S Test the dynamic brake transducer in accordance with TM 9-1090-203 Series. AREA NAME AND NUMBER General INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO. (A definite effort required cock to moves launcher. ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL GRENADE LAUNCHER. 48. M129 (P/S) Inspect for cracked. Dec 84 3-14 Change 6 . INSPECTION NO 2(50 HOUR) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 46. dented.TM 55-1520-244-PM TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R.) slide Check assembly freely. cycle is Using the dummy ammo launcher and see manually through fire that the feed Clean grenade to one complete cycle. INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS Deleted. Dec 84 3-15 Change 6 . ELEVATION DRIVE CLUTCH AH1E/F Release elevation drive motor brake and move barrel cluster up and down two or three times to make certain that elevation drive system is free to move. AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO. Perform clutch slip check. (TM 9-1090-206-20 Series) STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA MANHOURS INITIAL “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R.TM 55-1520-244-PM TM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). 50. AREA NAME AND NUMBER INSPECTION NO 2(50 HOUR) General AREA AND INSP REQ NO 49. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. and deterioration. Check covers for cracks. and damaged threads. tears. 54. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. AREA AND INSP REQ NO 51. Check spindles and retainers for cracks. (TM 9-1090206 Series) TURRET ASSEMBLY Lubricate assembly. (TM 9-1090-206 Series) I AMMUNITION FEED SYSTEM AH-1 E/F Clean and lubricate assembly (TM 9-1090206) GUN DRIVE ASSEMBLY AH-1 E/F Clean and lubricate assembly (TM 9-1090206) 52. deformation. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG) ) 1 I TM AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO I DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA INSPECTION NO 2 (50 Hour) AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS I . Check housing for elongated mounting holes. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. Clean and lubricate spindles. if defective replace. FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL RECOIL ADAPTER AH-1 E/F Clean and lubricate recoil adapter slider assemblies. Dec 84 3-16 Change 2 . 53. cracked. if defective replace.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. and damaged threads. M129 (40MM) AH-1 P/S Inspect and lubricate. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG) ) INSPECTION NO 2 (50 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 55. (TM 9-1090203) Quick check boresight. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armmament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MAN HOURS INITIAL AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTA HOURS THIS AREA ROCKET LAUNCHER AH-1 E/F Inspect and check alignment (TM 9-1090-203) 56. and lubricate. (TM 9-1090-203) 57. inspect. M129 (40MM) AH-1 P/S Clean and lubricate assembly (TM 9-1090203) FLEXIBLE DRIVE SHAFT. (TM 9-1090-203) ELECTRICAL CABLES (TURRET AND AMMUNITION COMPARTMENT) AH-1 P/S Inspect in accordance with TM 9-1090-203 MACHINE GUN. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. 59. M134 AH-1 P/S Clean. 60. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. Dec 84 3-17 Change 6 . GUN DRIVE ASSEMBLY. 58. 1 8 Change 6 . see Pamphlet 738-751. the proponent agency is Deputy chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG) ) INSPECTION NO 2 (50 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 61. Dec 84 3 . Perform system functional check. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armmament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA AIM-1/EXL AH-1F.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. 9-1090-203 Series) operational Perform 328-25 maintenance checks. Check boresight of AIM-1/EXL aiming light. (TM 63. (MOC) IAW TM 1-1500- “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. (TM 9-1090-203 Series) 62. TM 55-1520-244-PM Signature Sheet (50 Hour Inspection) Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp Signature of Maintenance Supervisor Signature of Technical Inspector Signature of Maintenance Officer 3-1 9/(3-20 blank) Change 2 . . TM 55-1520-244-PM SECTION IV 4-1 TM 55-1520-244-PM 4-2 Change 7 TM 55-1520-244-PM 4-3 Change 8 TM 55-1520-244-PM 4-4 Change 7 TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE lNSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form see DA Pamphlet 733-751; the proponant agency is Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG).) INSPECTION 3 (75 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 22.5 C NO. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Avionics INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO. TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL I AH-1F (After MWO 55-1520-236-50-23) Laser detectors SU-130 (Forward pylon, left and right sides) Inspect for dirty, scratched, cracked, broken, or fogged window. Inspect for loose or missing detector head assembly. (TM 11-1520-236-23) “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and Inspection 4-4.1/(44.2 blank) Change 6 spot paint as required. AREA AND INSP REQ No 23. see DA Pamphlet 738-51. Remove rust or corrosion. DA Form 4676-R. INSPECTION RETIREMENTS STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL Inspect and clean all equipment. Deleted. (TM 91425-473-20) 24. loose.TM 55-1520-244-PM TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. cracked. Inspect for missing. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG). Dec 84 4-5 Change 6 . Deleted. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection.1 25. INSPECTION NO 3 (75 Hour) AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO. Ensure that visible harness and intercabling is free from cuts and breaks and is properly connected to M85 units. distorted or broken parts. 24. Ensure component casing are not punctured or cracked. TM 55-1520-244-PM . Ensure that small window cover is installed and that the four snap slides are safety wired. nicks or coating deterioration. MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Visually inspect LEU for physical damage. the proponent agency IS Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG) ) INSPECTION NO 3 (75 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 26. Dec 84 4-6 .. nicks or coating deterioration. Ensure that eyeshield is not cracked or brittle. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. it is not to the extent that it impairs view and field of vision. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA TSU (without LAAT) Ensure that optics are not cracked or broken. With laser window cover removed. ensure that if window has scratches. Ensure that laser window cover is installed. Ensure that connectors are secure as required. it is not to the extent that it impairs view and field of vision. With window cover removed. (TM 9-1425-473-20) TSU (with LAAT) Ensure that eyeshield is not cracked or brittle. ensure that if window has scratches. (TM 9-1425-47320) 27 I 1 “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. Dec 84 4-7 .TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Check mounting brackets for firm support. Ensure connector is (Ensure attached.) (TM 9-1 425-473-20) AH-1E/P/S PSI Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL SHC Ensure that switches are free from binding. 30. Check mounting bracket for firm support. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG) ) INSPECTION NO 3 (75 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 28. securely ACQ/TRK/STOW switch is set to STOW. (TM 9-1425-473-20) 29. (TM 9-1425-473-20) AH1-S Ensure that switch is free MSP from binding. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Ensure that track control stick is free from abnormal looseness. Ensure connector is securely attached. (TM 9-1425473-20) STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS I I INITIAL 32 “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS Ensure that controls and TCP switches are free from binding. the proponent agencyIS Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG) ) INSPECTION NO 3 (75 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 31. (MISSILE SELECT switch rotates only CW). (MODE SELECT switch to be set to OFF). see DA Pamphlet 738-751. Dec 84 4-8 . Ensure that filter vent is free of foreign objects.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Ensure connectors are securely attached. (TM 9-1425-473-20) Ensure that indicator glass EPS is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Ensure connectors are securely attached.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Clean filter. Dec 84 4-9 .” “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL Ensure that indicator glass SCA is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Ensure connectors are securely attached. (TM 9-1425-473-20) Ensure that indicator glass MCA is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Ensure that filter vents are free of foreign objects. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG) ) INSPECTION NO 3 (75 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 33. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. (TM 9-1425-473-20) 34. (TM 91425-473-20) Ensure that self locking EER swing bolts are free from binding. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG) ) INSPECTION NO 3 (75 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 35.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. launcher harness connector. Apply lubricant to lug assemblies. Inspect debris director assemblies and forward tube assemblies for visual abnormality. Ensure that guide pins are secure and not bent or broken. Ensure that TML harness receptacle and launcher harness connector pins are not bent or broken and phenolic isolators are intact. Ensure that TML harness receptacle. and umbilical connectors are with corrosion. (TM 9-1425473-20) 36. clean free of isopropyl alcohol. Apply lubricant to TML harness connector. Replace TML items that could impair performance. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL Visually inspect all TML TML components. Dec 84 4-10 . FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. see DA Pamphlet 73&751. Inspect rounds for cuts or dents. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA Electrical connectors: 20P8 and 20S8 AHlE/F/P. Ensure that connectors are free of contaminants or corrosion. ejects links into link chute. Check that feeder delinks rounds. Dec 84 4-11 Change 2 . clean with isopropyl alcohol. (TM 9-1090-203 Series) 38.) INSPECTION NO 3 (75 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 37. and expels rounds using hand pressure applied to feeder gear. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. P8 and S8 AH-IS. (TM 9-1425-473-20) DELINKING FEEDER MAU-56/A Inspect feeder for dentad. cracked. or loose parts. Cycle seven dummy rounds through feeder.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). If undue pressure is required or dummy rounds are found to be damaged repair the feeder. (TM 9-1 090-203/206). (TM 9-1270220-13&P) 40. SP fan should run and be audible.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. Deleted. 41. Check beamsplitter for freedom of movement. AH-1F HUD (M76) Set HUDS PWR switch on STBY. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG) ) INSPECTION NO 3 (75 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 39. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA REFLEX SIGHT M73 AH-1 E/P/S Inspect reflex sight for damaged components. Inspect electrical cables for damage. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. Dec 84 4-12 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 4-13 Change 4 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 4-14 Change 8 . TM 55-1520-244-PM Signature Sheet (75 Hour Inspection) Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp Signature of Maintenance Supervisor Signature of Technical Inspector Signature of Maintenance Officer 4-15/(4-16 blank) Initial Initial Initial . . 5-1 TM 55-1520-244-PM SECTION V . TM 55-1520-244-PM 5-2 Change 7 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 5-3 Change 7 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 5-4 Change 7 . 1 Change 7 . 5-4.TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 1-1520-328-23. TM 55-1520-244-PM (TM 11-1520-236-23).2 Change 7 . 5-4. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG) ) INSPECTION NO 4 (100 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 25. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. nicks or coating deterioration. With window cover removed. Ensure that small window cover is installed and that the four snap slides are safety wired. Remove rust or corrosion.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. distorted or broken parts. Inspect for missing. spot paint as required. (TM 9-1 425-473-20) 26. Ensure that eyeshield is not cracked or brittle. loose. ensure that if window has scratches. (TM 9-1425-473-20) TSU (without LAAT) Ensure that optics are not cracked or broken. 27. Ensure that visible wiring harness and intercabling is free from cuts and breaks and is properly connected to M65 units. Dec 84 5-5 . it is not to the extent that it impairs view and field of vision. Ensure component casing are not punctured or cracked. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL Inspect and clean ail equipment. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. cracked. Ensure that track control stick is free from abnormal looseness. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). ensure that if window has coating scratches. it is not to the extent that it impairs view and field of vision. Visually inspect LEU for physical damage. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS TSU (with LAAT) Ensure that eyeshield is not cracked or brittle. (Ensure securely ACQ/TRK/STOW switch is set to STOW. Ensure connector is attached. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. nicks. With laser window cover removed. Ensure that connectors are secure as required. Check mounting brackets for firm support. or deterioration. (TM 9-1 425-473-20) Ensure that switches are SHC free from binding.) INSPECTION NO 4 (100 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 28. Ensure that laser window cover is installed. Dec 84 5-6 . see DA Pamphlet 736-751.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form.) (TM 9-1 425-473-20) STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 29. TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Dec 84 5-7 .) INSPECTION NO 4 (100 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 30. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM TOTAL HWRS THIS AREA FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS I INITIAL AH-1E/P/S Ensure that indicator glass is PSI not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. (TM 9-1 425-473-20) 31. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. Check mounting bracket for firm support. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of StalI for Logistics (DCSLOG). Ensure connector is securely attached. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. (TM 9-1425-473-20) AH-1S Ensure that switch is free MSP from binding. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). (TM 9-1425473-20) STATUS I AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE I TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA 1 I I FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS I ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 33. 1 1 I I I “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts alter completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS Ensure that controls and TCP switches are free from binding. (MISSILE SELECT switch rotates only CW). Dec 84 I 5-8 .) INSPECTION NO 4 (100 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 32. Ensure that filter vent is free of foreign objects. (MODE SELECT switch to be set to OFF). (TM 9-1 425-473-20) Ensure that indicator glass EPS is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. see DA Pamphlet 738-751.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Ensure connectors are securely attached. (TM 9-1425-473-20) STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 1 35. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS Ensure that indicator glass SCA is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). see DA Pamphlet 738-751. Dec 84 TM 55-1520-244-PM 5-9 5-9 . Ensure connectors are securely attached. (TM 9-1425-473-20) Ensure that indicator glass MCA is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Ensure that filter vents are free of foreign objects. Ensure connectors are securely attached. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. Clean filter.) INSPECTION NO 4 (100 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 34.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. (TM 91425-473-20) Ensure that self locking EER swing bolts are free from binding. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). and umbilical connectors are clean with free of corrosion.) INSPECTION NO 4 (100 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 36. Ensure that TML harness receptacle. Inspect debris director assemblies and forward tube assemblies for visual abnormality. . (TM 9-1425473-20) STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO I FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA I. Dec 84 5-10 . Replace TML items that could impair performance. Ensure that TML harness receptacle and launcher harness connector pins are not bent or broken and phenolic isolators are intact. Apply lubricant to TML harness connector. launcher harness connector. isopropyl alcohol. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 1 I I I 37. Apply lubricant to lug assemblies. Ensure that guide pins are secure and not bent or broken. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS TML Visually inspect all TML components. TM 55-1520-244-PM 5-11 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 5-12 Change 2 . “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 5-13 .TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Clean and lubricate. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS INTERVALOMETERS (FUSELAGE AND ENGINE AREA. M134 (P/S) Check gears for chipped or missing teeth and electrical cable for cuts or fraying.) INSPECTION NO 4 (100 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 43. (TM 91090-203 Series) STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA I m FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 44. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). (TM 9-1055-460-13&P) RECOIL ADAPTER (E/F) Perform recoil adapter preload check. 45. (TM 9-1090-206 Series) MACHINE GUN DRIVE ASSEMBLY. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. LEFT AND RIGHT SIDES) (P/S) Perform check for ground at all rocket launcher firing contacts using multimeter or rocket system tester. Clean and lubricate the launcher. dented. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS GRENADE LAUNCHER. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. Dec 84 5-14 . M129 (P/S) Inspect for cracked. (A definite effort is required to cock and fire the launcher). Using dummy ammo manually cycle the grenade launcher through one complete cycle. inspect. and lubricate. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. M89 FEEDER Disassemble. (TM 9-1090-206 Series) AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO I STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA I ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 47. clean. 48. the proponent agency is Deputy Chef of Stall of Logistics (DCSLOG). (TM 91090-203 Series) DYNAMIC BRAKE TRANSDUCER AH-1 P/S Test the dynamic brake transducer in accordance with TM 9-1090-203 Series. or loose parts.) INSPECTION NO 4 (100 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 46. Check to see that feed slide assembly moves freely.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS M197 CANNON E/F Disassemble. inspect. and lubricate the M197 Cannon.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Manually cycle six linked rounds of dummy ammo through the M89 feeder to the Cannon (TM 9-1090-206 Series) ELEVATION DRIVE CLUTCH AH1E/F Release elevation drive motor brake and move barrel cluster up and down two or three times to make certain that elevation drive system is free to move. see DA Pamphlet 738-761. Perform clutch slip check. Dec 84 5-15 . clean. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. (TM 9-1090-206-20 Series) AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO I STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA I ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 50.) INSPECTION NO 4 (100 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ No 49. TM 55-1520-244-PM 5-16 Change 4 . and lubricate (TM 9-1090-203) GUN DRIVE ASSEMBLY AH-1 E/F Inspect.62) AH-1 P/S Disassemble. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG) INSPECTION NO 1 (25 HOUR) AREA AND INSP REQ NO I I AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament I I STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM I I ACTION TAKEN DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA I MANHOURS INITIAL lNSPECTION REQUIREMENTS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS 54. clean and lubricate (TM 9-1090-203) AMMUNITION FEED SYSTEM AH-1 E/F Inspect. (TM 9-1090-203 Series) 55. 56. M134 (7. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. 59. clean. and lubricate (TM 9-1090-203) Quick check boresight. GENERAL) AH-1P/S Inspect (TM 9-1090-203) MACHINE GUN. clean. clean. clean. 56.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. clean. 60. M1 29 AH-1 P/S Inspect. 57. FLEXIBLE DRIVE SHAFT M129 AH-1P/S Inspect. and lubricate (TM 9-1090-203) GUN DRIVE ASSEMBLY.1. M129 AH-1 P/S Inspect. 59. and lubricate (TM 9-1090-203) ELECTRICAL CABLES (TURRET. Dec 84 I I 5-17 Change 6 . “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. AMMO COMPARTMENT. and lubricate (TM 9-1090-203) FLEXIBLE DRIVE SHAFT. AIM-1/EXL AH-1F. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG) TM DATE TOTM HOURS THIS AREA INSPECTION NO 4 (100 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO I AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO 1 FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS I INITIAL 61. (TM 9-1 090-203) Perform maintenance operational checks. 63. Dec 84 5-18 Change 6 . see DA Pamphlet 738-751.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Check boresight of AIM-1/EXL aiming light. (TM 9-1090-203) Perform system functional check. "FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. (MOC) IAW TM 1-1500328-25 62. TM 55-1520-244-PM Signature Sheet (100 Hour Inspection) Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp Signature of Maintenance Supervisor Signature of Technical Inspector Signature of Maintenance Officer Initial Initial Initial 5-19/5-20 (blank) Change 6 . TM 55-1520-244-PM SECTION VI 6-1 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 6-2 Change 7 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 6-3 Change 7 . TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 1-1500-328-23. 6-4 Change 7 . 1/(6-4.2 blank) .TM 55-1520-244-PM (TM 11-1520-236-23) 6-4. 24. Remove rust or corrosion. spot paint as required. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). see DA Pamphlet 738-751. AIRCRAFT NAME AND NO.TM 55-1520-244-PM TM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Ensure that visible wiring harness and intercabling is free from cuts and breaks and is properly connected to M65 units. Inspect for missing. Deleted. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools end parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 6-5 Change 6 . Deleted.1 25. cracked. INSPECTION Inspect and clean all equipment. (TM 91425-473-20) STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA MANHOURS INITIAL 24. distorted or broken parts. 5(125 Hour) Armament AREA AND INSP REQ NO 23. INSPECTION NO AREA NAME AND NO. Ensure component casing are not punctured or cracked. loose. ensure that if window has scratches. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. Ensure that small window cover is installed and that the four snap slides are safety wired. it is not to the extent that it impairs view and field of vision. With laser window cover removed. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. nicks or coating deterioration. Ensure that laser window cover is installed. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS TSU (without LAAT) Ensure that optics are not cracked or broken. With window cover removed.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Visually inspect LEU for physical damage. ) INSPECTION NO 5 (125 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 26. ensure that if window has scratches. Ensure that eyeshield is not cracked or brittle. it is not to the extent that it impairs view and field of vision. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). (TM 9-1425-47320) STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA — FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 27. Dec 84 6-6 . (TM 9-1425-473-20) TSU (with LAAT) Ensure that eyeshield is not cracked or brittle. nicks or coating deterioration. Ensure that connectors are secure as required. INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS Ensure that switches are SHC free from binding.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Ensure that track control stick is free from abnormal looseness. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). (Ensure is securely ACQ/TRK/STOW switch is set to STOW. Check mounting brackets for firm support.) (TM 9-1425-473-20) AH-1 E/P/S PSI Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Ensure connector is securely attached. Ensure connector attached. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection I DA Form 4676-R. see DA Pamphlet 738-751.) INSPECTION NO 5 (125 Hour) I AREA AND No 28. Dec 84 I 6-7 . (TM 9-1425-473-20) AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament I STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TOTAL HO 1 FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN HOURS MAN- INITIAL I 29. Check mounting bracket for firm support. ) INSPECTION NO 5 (125 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL 30. (MISSILE SELECT switch rotates only CW). Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Dec 84 6-8 . Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. see DA Pamphlet 738-751. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). (TM 9-1 425-473-20) 31. (TM 9-1425473-20) Ensure that controls and TCP switches are free from binding. AH-1 E/P/S Ensure that switch is MSP/MSl free from binding.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. (MODE SELECT switch to be set to OFF). see DA Pamphlet 738-751. I I I 34. Clean filter. (TM9-1425-473-20) AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO I STATUS FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL I I I 33. Ensure connectors are securely attached. (TM 9-1425-473-20) MCA Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass.) INSPECTION NO 5 (125 Hour) AREA AND INSP REO NO 32. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. Ensure that filter vent is free of foreign objects.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. Ensure connectors are securely attached. Dec 84 6-9 . Ensure connectors are securely attached. (TM 9-1425473-20) Ensure that indicator glass SCA is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Ensure that filter vents are free of foreign objects. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS Ensure that indicator glass EPS is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Replace TML items that could impair performance. clean with isopropyl alcohol. the proponent agency is Deputy Chief of Stall for Logistics (DCSLOG). Inspect debris director assemblies and forward tube assemblies for visual abnormality. launcher harness connector. Ensure that TML harness receptacle and launcher harness connector pins are not bent or broken and phenolic isolators are intact. AREA NAME AND NUMBER Armament INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO TM DATE TOTAL HOURS THIS AREA FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS ACTION TAKEN MANHOURS INITIAL TML Visually inspect all TML components. Apply lubricant to TML harness connector. Dec 84 6-10 . see DA Pamphlet 738-751. Ensure that guide pins are secure and not bent or broken.) INSPECTION NO 5 (125 Hour) AREA AND INSP REQ NO 35. Apply lubricant to lug assemblies. and umbilical connectors are free of corrosion. Ensure that TML harness receptacle. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection DA Form 4676-R. (TM 9-1425473-20) 36.TM 55-1520-244-PM MAINTENANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) (For use of this form. (TM 91425-473-20) EER Ensure that self locking swing bolts are free from binding. TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 9-1425-473-20 TM 9-1090-203 6-11 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 9-1090-203/206 TM 9-1270-220-23&P 6-12 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 9-1090-203/206 6-13 (6-14 blank) Change 4 . TM 55-1520-244-PM Signature Sheet (125 Hour Inspection) Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp Signature of Maintenance Supervisor Signature of Technical Inspector Signature of Maintenance Officer Initial Initial Initial 6-15/(6-16 blank) . THE PRE-INSPECTION MTF SHOULD BE CONDUCTED BY A MAINTENANCE TEST PILOT FOLLOWING A REVIEW OF THE AIRCRAFT FORMS AND RECORDS AND A BRIEFING FROM THE REGULAR FLIGHT CREW OF THE AIRCRAFT. THE MTF IS RECOMMENDED TO ASSESS THE AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE AND IDENTIFY DEFICIENCIES THAT SHOULD BE CORRECTED WHILE THE AIRCRAFT IS UNDERGOING PHASED INSPECTION.TM 55-1520-244-PM SECTION VII . ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE MTF SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE UNIT MAINTENANCE OFFICER.150 HOUR INSPECTION NOTE PRIOR TO START OF THE PHASED (150 HOUR) MAINTENANCE INSPECTION. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT A PRE-INSPECTION MAINTENANCE TEST FLIGHT (MTF) BE CONDUCTED. 7-1 . 7-2 Change 7 .TM 55-1520-244-PM (Table 1-2). TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-3 Change 7 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-4 Change 7 . 2 blank) Change 8 .1/(7-4.TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-4. Heater (ECU) ducts for cracks. PHASE NO. Inspect Phase No’s ALL NOSE -1 m Aircraft Serial No. Check azimuth indicator for damage and security. Access 27 “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-5 . I I ALL 3. Nose exterior skin for cracks. 71 ALL 5. Antenna mounts for damage and security. punctures loose or missing rivets. Telescopic sight unit. condition of bearings and security.3 4. condition and security. Paint for chipped or peeling condition. Check TSU window for cleanliness and excessive scratches. cuts. tears. (TM 9-1425-473-20) Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial 1 2. Access 27 I 1.TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No. Access 27. Tail rotor control bellcrank for damage. Date I Inspection Requirements 1. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-6 Change 2 . Access 24 ALL 5. Date PHASE NO. damage. Phase No's ALL 1. All turret mounting hardware for corrosion and security. or twisting. dents and other damage. AIM-1/EXL aiming light for corrosion. security and cleanliness.TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No. 2. FLEXIBLE SHAFT ASSEMBLY (P/S) Inspect shaft assembly for evidence of wear. binding. Ammunition compartment doors for cracks. scratches and cracks. (TM 91090-203 Series) Access 24 7-7 Change 6 . Door seals for bonding separation and tears. Check shaft housing for cuts and possible separation al connectors. Clean and lubricate. TURRET AND AMMUNITION COMPARTMENT -2 Aircraft Serial No. ALL 4. Door latch mechanism for wear and proper operation. (AH-1F) AIM-1/EXL aiming light front window for cleanliness. Turret fairing for cracks and security. Door support cables for broken strands and wear. 1 1 3. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-8 Change 1 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-9 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 9-1090-203 TM 9-1090-206 TM9-1090-203 TM-1090-203 7-10 Change 6 . TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 9-1090-203 TM 9-1090-206 TM 9-1090-203 TM 9-1090-203 7-11 . TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 9-1090-203 TM 9-1090-203 TM 9-1090-206 TM 9-1090-106 TM 9-1090-206 TM 9-1090-206 7-12 . Pilots door latch for wear and proper operation. Inspection Requirements Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial ALL 1. Pilots door hinge for wear. — ALL 3. CREW COMPARTMENT -3 (REAR) m Aircraft Serial No. Canopy frame for cracks and damage. cracks and security. cuts and tears.TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No.3 5. 1. b “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-13 . Date PHASE NO. ! ALL 2. Pilots door for proper alignment and damage. Pilots door seal for bonding separation. A A ALL 4. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-14 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-15 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-16 . CREW COMPARTMENT -3 (REAR) I Inspect No’s ALL 21. Electrical relays for security. ALL 25. corrosion. I ALL 24.TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No. Electrical wiring for chafing and loose or corroded connections. Cockpit floor for damage and cleanliness. Inspection Requirements Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Intial Aircraft Serial No. ALL 22. Cabin structure for cracks. tears. loose or missing rivets. ALL 23. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-17 . Data PHASE NO. condition and security. cuts. Heater (ECU) ducts for cracks. . Check circuit breakers switches and knobs for security and proper operation ALL 27. general condition. Check all control panels and heads for completeness. 4 28. security a n d c l e a n l i n e s s . Cracks are not allowed) ALL 29. Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass (TM 9-1425473-20) “FOD REMINDER” _ _ _ Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-18 Change 6 . (TM -1270-220-23&P) I I ALL 30.2 AH-1E/P/S MSP/MSl: Ensure that switch I is free from binding. Ensure lights work properly. and 2. Ensure instrument lights operate properly. CREW COMPARTMENT -3 (REAR) Aircraft Serial No.1 AH-1F HUD (M76): Set HUDS PWR switch to STBY. Check frequency Cards. security and cleanliness. Date ALL 26. decals. stencils.TM 55-1520-244-PM PHASE No. SCAS Sensor Amplifier: Check for completeness. SP fan should run and be audible. Check all instruments (indicators) for completeness. Area Name and No. ALL 30. security and cleanliness. ALL c 30. general condition. (Dents are allowed if operable. general condition. TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 11-1520-236-23 TM 11-1520-236-23 TM 11-1520-236-23 TM 9-1090-207-13&P TM 9-1270-212-14 & P TM 9-1270-212-14 & P TM 9-1090-203/206 7-19 . 7. 33. Gunners door seal for bonding separation. Gunners door hinge for wear. (TM 9-1425-473-20) . “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-20 Change 6 . cuts and tears. Gunners door latch for proper alignment and damage.8. Inspect Phase No's ALL – Aircraft Serial No. ALL 34. ALL 35. ALL 36. PHASE NO. Deleted. ALL I ALL 37. cracks and security. Check mounting bracket for firm support. Date CREW COMPARTMENT -3 (FRONT) Inspection Requirements I Status I Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial 33. Canopy frame for cracks and damage.TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No. AH-1E/P/S PSl: Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Gunners door for proper alignment and damage. Ensure connector is securely attached. 38. TM 55-1520-244-pm 7-21 . . Inspect No’s ALL I Area Name and No. Control boot for cuts. Data I Action Taken I Faults and/or Remarks I Intial Inspection Requirements 44. Attachment fittings for corrosion and security. Gunners inertia reel for security. I CREW COMPARTMENT -3 (FRONT) Status Aircraft Serial No. Instrument panel glare shield for damage. Gunners shoulder harness for cuts or fraying. positive locking. binding.TM 55-1520-244-PM PHASE NO. ALL 45. "FOD REMINDER" Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-22 . unlocking and cracks. ALL 46. and security. ALL 47. tears. ALL 48. Gunners armor plate for damage and security. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-23 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM TM9-1270-219-13&P 7-24 Change 4 . TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 9-1270-212-14&P TM 9-1425-473-20 TM 9-1425-473-20 7-25 Change 2 . TM55-1520-244-PM TM 9-1425-473-20 7-26 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-27 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-28 Change 8 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-29 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-30 . TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 9-1090-203/206 7-31 . 3 14. worn bearings. FORWARD FUSELAGE -4 (LEFT SIDE) Inspection Requirements Status Faults and/or Remarks Aircraft Serial No. Access 3. condition of bearings and security. corrosion and security. Exterior skin for cracks. Flight control bellcranks and supports for damage. punctures. Flight control push-pull tubes for damage C binding. Paint and decals for chipped or peeling condition. Throttle control push-pull rods for damage. corrosion and security. Date PHASE NO. Access 3. 5 1. 4.3 C 15. C binding. 13. 4.TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No. Access 3. cracks. 5 ALL 1. Inspect Phase No’s 1 12. 5 “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-32 Change 6 . 4. 4. worn bearings. Access 3. and loose or missing rivets. corrosion and missing or stripped fasteners. 5 ALL 16. Side structural panels for punctures. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-33 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-34 . FORWARD FUSELAGE . security. Inspect Phase No’s Area Name and No. and cleanliness. Deleted. (Dents are allowed if operable. “FOD REMINDER” Check work ares for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-35 Change 6 . Date PHASE NO. Cracks are not allowed) 27.TM 55-1520-244-PM Aircraft Serial No.4 (LEFT SIDE) Inspection Requirements Status I Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial 2.4 26. general condition. VHF Filter: Check for completeness. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-36 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-37 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-38 . 38. 52 ALL 19. Inspect Phase No’s Status Action Taken Initial ALL 15. 33. Fuselage structure for cracks. cracks and deterioration. Hydraulic lines and hoses for leakage. 52 1 16. 43. 50. Cross tube attachment clamps for wear. damage and security. 52 Check work for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-39 Change 6 . 43. Electrical wiring for chafing and loose or corroded connections. 50. 38.45. bumpers for wear. 45. Date PHASE NO. corrosion. Rubber cracks. 43. 38.46. Access 32.TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No.45. 50. Access 45. LANDING GEAR AND BOTTOM FUSELAGE -5 Inspection Requirements Faults and/or Remarks Aircraft Serial No. corrosion and security. 33. cracks and corrosion. Cross tube support castings for damage. Access 32. Access 32. Access 45. chafing. 52 ALL 18. 46.46. 52 1 17. 33. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-40 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-41 Change 4 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-42 Change 8 TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-43 TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 9-1055-460-13&P TM 9-1090-203/206 7-44 TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-45 TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-46 TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 9-1055-460-13&P 7-47 . clean with isopropyl alcohol. C 32. - I I . AH-1E/F/P. I I . Ensure that electrical connectors P321.TM 55-1520-44-PM Area Name and No. clean with isopropyl alcohol. (TM 9-1425-473-20). (TM 9-1425-473-20). J321 and J322 are free of contaminants or corrosion. I FORWARD FUEL CELL AND LOWER PYLON . ALL 31. P322. Ensure that electrical connectors 20P1. 20P2.6 (LEFT SIDE) Faults and/or Remarks Initial Inspection Requirements ALL C . nspect Phase No’s Aircraft Serial No. AH-1S. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-48 Change 6 . 20J1 and 20J2 are free of contaminants or corrosion. PHASE NO. TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No. WINGS -7 (RIGHT SIDE) Status Faults and/or Remarks Aircraft Serial No. Date PHASE NO. Phase No’s 2, 4 Inspection Requirements 1. Wing exterior surfaces for cracks, punctures, loose or missing rivets. Paint and decals for chipped or peeling condition. Action Taken Initial 2, 4 2. Access panels for punctures, cracks, corrosion and missing or stripped fasteners. 4 3. Hydraulic lines and hoses for leakage, chafing, damage, and security. Access 47, 48 ALL 4. Electrical wiring for chafing and loose or corroded connections. Access-Wing leading edge panels 4 5. Stores and ejector rack, disassemble to extent necessary to replace packings, and inspect. Note The ejector rack explosive cartridges and associated hardware shall be removed and inspectact at the beginning of all phases. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-48.1/(7-48.2 blank) Change 6 TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 9-1425-473-20 TM 9-1055-460-&13&P TM 9-1055-460-13&P 7-49 TM 55-1520-244-PM TM 9-1055-460-13&P TM 9-1055-460-13&P TM 9-1055-460-13&P TM 9-1425-473-20 TM 9-1425-473-20 7-50 TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No. PHASE NO. Aircraft Serial No. Date WINGS -7 (RIGHT SIDE) Inspection Requirements Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial Inspect Phase No’s ALL C 11. HYDRA 70 (M158A1) Check that modification strap nuts are properly torqued. (TM 9-1055-460-13&P) ALL C 12. HYDRA 70 (M 158A1 ) Check that screws on detent plate are safety wired and there is no lengthwise movement of tubes. (TM 9-1055 -460-13&P) 13. Deleted. 14. Deleted. I 15. Deleted. I “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-51 Change 6 TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No. PHASE NO. lnspect Phase No’s WINGS -7 (LEFT SIDE) Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial . Aircraft Serial No, Date Inspection Requirements 2, 4 16. Wing exterior surfaces for cracks, punctures, loose or missing rivets. Paint and decal for chipped or peeling condition. 2, 4 17. Access panels for punctures, cracks, corrosion and missing or stripped fasteners. 4 18. Hydraulic lines and hoses for leakage, chafing, damage and security. Access 35, 36 ALL 19. Electrical wiring for chafing and loose or corroded connections. I Access-wing leading edge panels. 4 20. Stores and ejector racks, disassemble to extent necessary to replace packings, and inspect. Note: The ejector rack explosive cartridges and associated hardware shall be removed and inspectad at the beginning of all phases. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-52 Change 6 TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-53 Change 2 . (TM 9-1055-460-13&P) I I I ALL c 29.TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No. Date PHASE No. WINGS -7 (LEFT SIDE) Inspection Requirements Status Faults and/or Remarks Aircraft Serial No. HYDRA 70(M260-261 Series) Check continuity and isolation of individual tubes and J1 and J2 connectors. (TM 9-1055-460-13&P) “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-54 Change 6 . HYDRA 70 (M158A1-200 Series) Check that modification strap nuts are properly torqued. (TM 9-1055-460-13&P) I ALL 28. Inspect Phase No’s ALL C Action Taken Initial 25. (TM 9-1055-460-13&P) ALL C I ALL C 26. (TM 9-1055-460-13&P) ALL c 29. HYDRA 70 (M158A1-200 Series) Check continuity and isolation of individual tubes.1 HYDRA 70(M260-261 Series) Apply a coat of lubricant. HYDRA 70 (M158A1) C Check that screws on detent plate are safety wired and there is no lengthwise movement of tubes. (TM 9-1055-460-13&P) 27. HYDRA 70 (M158A1-200 Series) Check suspension lugs for proper adjustment. “FOD REMINDER” Check work for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-55 Change 6 .TM 55-1520-244-PM PHASE NO. Inspect Phase No’s Inspection Requirements Area Name and Number WINGS -7 (left Side) Status Faults and/or Remarks Aircraft Serial No. Date Action Taken Initial ALL C 30. 32. Deleted. Deleted. Test wing stores jettison system with multimeter 31. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-56 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-57 Change 8 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-58 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-59 Change 8 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-60 Change 4 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-61 Change 7 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-62 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-63 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-64 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-65 Change 6 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-66 Change 4 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-67 Change 1 TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No Aircraft Serial No. Date PHASE NO. Inspect Phase No’s Inspection Requirements PYLON-9 (LEFT SIDE) Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial 1,3 36. Lift link for nicks, cracks, worn bearings and security. Access 11 ALL 37. Transmission oil lines and hoses for chafing, leakage and security. Access 11 ALL 38. Electrical wiring for chafing and loose or corroded connections. Access 11, 12 1,3 39. Pylon mounts for deterioration, security and evidence of bottoming out. Access 11 1,3 40. Pylon mount boots for cuts, tears and security. Access 11 “FOD REMINDER” 7-68 TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-69 Change 1 TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-70 Change 6 TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-71 Change 1 Access 12 ALL C 56. Access 12 ALL C 55. Access 12 ALL C 57. worn bearings.9 (LEFT SIDE) Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial 1. Collective damage and security. Droop compensating control rod for damage. Bearings for binding or excessive wear. Access 11 “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection. 7-72 Change 1 . Bearings and bushings for binding or excessive wear.3 C lever assembly for 54.TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No. Swashplate and support for damage and security. corrosion and security. Inspect Phase No’s Inspection Requirements PYLON . Aircraft Serial No Date PHASE NO. binding. Swashplate breakaway force checked at control horn with swashplate disconnected. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-73 Change 1 . Check studs for looseness or distortion. P/N 209-010 -460-1 requires full inspection. Trailing edges and scarf joints for nick. ALL C 3. Upper mast boot for cuts. and security only (flourescent penetrant inspection not required. dents. Mast assembly (exposed portions) for chafing. (Metal blades). nicks. I Date Inspect Phase No’s 4 1. cleanliness. Check stud retention nuts for looseness. Bearings for excessive radial or axial play. tears. 4. corrosion and security. erosion and corrosion. Remove tip cap. corrosion. MAIN ROTOR . Conduct fluorescent penetrant inspection for cracks and perform total in-line runout inspection. ALL C 2. Main rotor blades upper and lower surfaces and blade tips for cracks and visible indications of voids or bond separations.TM 55-1520-244-PM PHASE NO.3 “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-74 Change 4 . P/N 209-010-518-101 damage. 5. Area Name and No. Pitch change tube for damage. ALL C 1. scratches. cracks and security. corrosion.10 Aircraft Serial No. and collet sleeve debonding. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-75 Change 6 . Engine deck drains for clogged condition. Pylon aft fairing for cracks and missing or stripped fasteners. ALL 3. tears and bonding separation. corrosion and proper adjustment. Access 14 A L L 5. Seals for cuts. Access 14 .TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No PHASE NO. Access 12.. corrosion and loose or missing rivets. Access 14 - 2. Access 14 “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-76 .11 (RIGHT SIDE) Inpsection Requirements Status ! Faults and/or Remarks Action Team Initial Aircraft Serial No Date 2 1. Latches for proper operation. Engine area structure for cracks. Engine access door hinges for wear. ALL 2. 14 .. cracks.. dents and proper alignment. Engine access doors for cracks. Inspect Phase No's ENGINE .4 4. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-77 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-78 Change 8 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-79 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-80 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-81 Change 7 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-82 Change 7 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-83 Change 1 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-84 Change 1 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-85 Change 1 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-86 Change 6 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-87 Change 8 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-88 . TM 55-1520-244-PM I (TM 55-2840-229-23) Aircraft without 7-89 Change 7 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-90 Change 7 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-91 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-92 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-93 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-94 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-95 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-96 Change 4 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-97 Change 6 . 7-98 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-99 Change 1 . Electrical wiring for chafing and loose or corroded connections. corrosion and loose or missing rivets. Access 55 7-100 Change 1 . Paint and decals for chipped or peeling condition. 69. Access 55. Electrical components for security. 67.68. punctures and loose or missing rivets. Access 68. Mounting for proper adjustment and security. PHASE NO. Elevator for cracks. Tail boom exterior skin for cracks. 68. punctures and loose or missing rivets. 56. Date 15.69. 69. 4 16.72 ALL C 18. 72 ALL 17.56.67. TAIL BOOM AND FIN -14 (LEFT SIDE) Inspect Phase No’s ALL Inspection Requirements Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial Aircraft Serial No. Access 55.TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No. Remove blower motor and inspect bulkhead (BS 122.33) for cracks in web around blower mounting holes. Tail boom structure for cracks. 72 ALL C 19. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-101 Change 6 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-102 Change 7 . If in a moist or salty climate. (TM 9-1425-473-20) 33. PHASE NO. 72 32. EER's: Ensure that seff locking swing bolts are free from binding. (TM-9-1425-473-20). MCA: Ensure that indicator is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visiable inside the glass. inspect Phase No’s ALL 30. 69. Ensure that filter vents are free of foreign objects. wiring. Ensure that guide pins are secure and not bent or broken. Access 65 ALL ARMAMENT LRUs: Inspect for security. weights can be edge sealed with proseal to control corrosion. 34. EPS: Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. 31. Access 68. Remount weights and apply standards torque to blots. Remove ballast weight. (TM 9-1425-473-20). hardware. Clean filter. Ensure that filter vent is free of foreign objects. Ensure connectors are security attached. Inspect mounting inserts for security and honeycomb panel for voids or cracking.14 (LEFT SIDE) I Aircraft Serial No. Date C C A U C A U C A U C C 7-103 . SCA: Ensure that indicator glass is not cracked or broken and that moisture is not visible inside of glass. Inspection Requirements Status Faults and/or Remarks Actions Taken Initial TAIL BOOM AND FIN . If chaff dispenser system has been installed this inspection is not required. Ensure connectors are securely attached (TM 9-1425-473-20). 35. Ensure connectors are securely attached.TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-104 Change 2 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-105 Change 1 . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1996 .TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-106 Change 7 U.119/40003 .755 .S. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-107 Change 8 . TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-108 Change 8 . Inspect Phase No's LUBRICATION Aircraft Serial No. 7-109 Change 1 . . Date Inspection Requirements Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial ALL C 1.TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintentance and inspection. PHASE NO. Lubricate in accordance with lubrication chart contained in the maintenance manual. TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No. Engine ground run to check for proper operation. Aircraft Serial No. ALL C 2. . . Particle separator overboard vent during engine operation for smooth airstream flow. ALL C 3. listen for unusual noises due to possible internal binding or rubbing. Data PHASE NO. During engine coastdown. Combustion chamber drain valve for proper operation during engine operation.) 2 5. Main fuel filter for caution panel indication of clogged element condition (fuel boost pumps on. Fuel low level warning light system checked for proper operation. Check for no fuel while operating but some drainage at shutdown. 7-110 Change 1 . ALL C 4. POWER ON CHECKS Inspect Phase No’s Inspection Requirements Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial ALL C 1. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintentance and inspection. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-111 . Date PHASE NO. in accordance with the requirements of TM 1-1500-328-23. FINAL INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS Inspection Requirements Status Faults and/or Remarks Aircraft Serial No.TM 55-1520-244-PM Area Name and No. ALL C 3. “FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection 7-112 Change 4 .1. As certain that all entries on forms. Perform a daily inspection in accordance with TM 55-1520-244-PMD. Post-Inspection Maintenance Test Flight (MTF) required in accordance with TM 1-1500-328-23 and TM 55-1520-244 MTF or TM 55-1520-236-MTF as applicable. ALL C ALL C 3. Inspect Phase No’s Action Taken Initial ALL C 1. Perform Post-Inspection Maintenance Operational Checks (MOC). ALL C 4. records and worksheets have been completed or updated and new forms initiated as required and/or have been carried forward on DA Form 2408-13 or DA Form 2408-14. 2. Perform TSGMS in accordance with TM 9-1425-473-34. as required. TM 55-1520-244-PM 7-113 Change 8 . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1996 .S.755-025/400227 7-114 .TM 55-1520-244-PM Signature Sheet (150 Hour Inspection) Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Signature of Maintenance Supervisor Signature of Technical Inspector Signature of Maintenance Officer Initial Initial Initial TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp TI Stamp *U. 5. DA Form 2028 1. NSN: 5 22. Line: 4 21. Total: 123 27. 16. 4. Paragraph: 3 20. Submitter Rank: MSG Date Sent: 19-OCT-93 8. 3. The subject line must be exactly the same and all fields must be included. From: Joe Smith 2. Figure: 7 24. St: MO 6. 9. Pub Title: TM 10. Pub no: 55-2840-229-23 9. Change Number: 7 12. 15. Address: 4300 Park 4.These are the instructions for sending an electronic 2028 The following format must be used if submitting an electronic 2028. 8. Item: 9 26. From: To: Subject: "Whomever" <whomever@avma27. Table: 8 25. Unit: home 3. Publication Date: 04-JUL-85 11. Submitter LName: Smith 16. Reference: 6 23. City: Hometown 5. 7. Submitter Phone: 123-123-1234 17. however only the following fields are mandatory: 1. Submitter FName: Joe 14. 13. Submitter MName: T> mpmt/oavma28@st-louis-emh7. Zip: 77777 7. and Text: This is the text for the problem below line 27. Problem: 1 18. . 6. Page: 2 19. 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . 280.8 feet 1 1 1 1 1 1 centiliter = 10 milliters = . centimeter = 100 sq.94 inches 1 meter = 10 decimeters = 39. feet 1 sq.196 .1 short tons 1 sq.764 1. dekameter (are) = 100 sq. millimeters = .52 ounces 1 kilogram = 10 hectograms = 2.46 pounds 1 metric ton = 10 quintals = 1.155 sq.573 .315 1.034 2.028 .609 6. ounce deciliter = 10 centiliters = 3. meter = 1000 cu. decimeter = 100 sq.37 inches 1 dekameter = 10 meters = 32.47 acres 1 sq.946 3.113 1. hectometers = .31 cu.205 1. dekameters = 2.035 ounce 1 dekagram = 10 grams = .38 fl.39 inch 1 decimeter = 10 centimeters = 3. centimeters = 15.11296 ounce-inches centimeters meters meters kilometers square centimeters square meters square meters square kilometers square hectometers cubic meters cubic meters milliliters liters liters liters grams kilograms metric tons newton-meters inches feet yards miles square inches square feet square yards square miles acres cubic feet cubic yards fluid ounces pints quarts gallons ounces pounds short tons .785 28.42 gallons kiloliter = 10 hectoliters = 264.102 Temperature (Exact) °F Fahrenheit temperature 5/9 (after subtracting 32) Celsius temperature °c .349 .076. kilometer = 100 sq.2 pounds 1 quintal = 100 kilograms = 220.007062 .914 1. inch 1 sq. centimeter = 1000 cu.305 . decimeter = 1000 cu.264 .308 .18 gallons Square Measure 1 centigram = 10 milligrams = .454 .155 10.057 .08 feet 1 kilometer = 10 hectometers = 3. hectometer (hectare) = 100 sq.356 . millimeters = .540 .386 sq. meters = 1. inches 1 cu. decimeters = 35.54 grains 1 gram = 10 decigram = .280 1. decimeters = 10. inch 1 cu.094 .4 sq.02 cu.8 feet 1 hectometer = 10 dekameters = 328.451 .394 3.15 grain 1 decigram = 10 centigrams = 1.76 sq.590 .35 ounce 1 hectogram = 10 dekagrams = 3.06 cu.836 2. centimeters = 61.621 .765 29.64 gallons hectoliter = 10 dekaliters = 26.5 sq. ounces liter = 10 deciliters = 33. meter (centare) = 100 sq. feet Approximate Conversion Factors To change To Multiply by ‘To Change To Multiply by inches feet yards miles square inches square feet square yards square miles acres cubic feet cubic yards fluid ounces pints quarts gallons ounces pounds short tons pound-feet pound-inches centimeters meters meters kilometers square centimeters square meters square meters square kilometers square hectometers cubic meters cubic meters milliliters liters liters liters grams kilograms metric tons newton-meters newton-meters 2.34 fl.907 1. inches 1 sq.81 fl.386 2.471 35.473 .035 2. ounces dekaliter = 10 liters = 2. feet 1 sq.093 .405 .The Metric System and Equivalents Linear Measure Liquid Measure 1 centimeter = 10 millimeters = . mile Cubic Measure 1 cu. . PIN: 067711-008 . chudov.. army and government manuals Why do I do it? I am tired of sleazy CD-ROM sellers. This document was made by the US Government and is NOT protected by Copyright. please provide a link to liberatedmanuals. who take publicly available information. Was brought to you by me: Liberated Manuals>Free Military and Government Manuals</A> – Sincerely Igor Chudov http://igor.liberatedmanuals. Those masters of search engine manipulation make sure that their sites that sell free information.. fees or handouts.. If you . Feel free to share.. I am not asking you for come up first in search engines. so that free manuals come up first in search engines: <A HREF=http://www. Why should they get your money? Why are not letting you give those free manuals to your friends? I am setting this document FREE. They did not create it..This fine document. slap “watermarks” and other junk on it. and sell it.. They did not even scan it. sell and so on.
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