TM 11-6625-3135-24P_AN_USM-488_Oscilloscope_1985
TM 11-6625-3135-24P_AN_USM-488_Oscilloscope_1985
March 31, 2018 | Author: Wurzel1946 | Category:
Integrated Circuit
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TM 11-6625-31 35-24P0 TECHNICAL MANUAL . . ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT SUPPORT, AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST FOR ‘ OSCILLOSCOPE AN /USM=488 (NSN 6625=01 -1 87-7847) . . @ HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 12 SEPTEMBER 1985 TM 11-6625-3135-24 Technical Manual HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No. 11-6625-3135-24P Washington, DC, 12 September 1985 ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT SUPPORT, AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST FOR OSCILLOSCOPE AN/USM-488 (NSN 6625-01-187-7847) Current as of 1 April 1985 REPORTING OF ERRORS AND RECOMMENDING IMPROVEMENTS You can help improve this manual. If you find any mistakes or if you know of a way to improve the procedures, please let us know. Mail your letter, DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms), or DA Form 2028-2 located in the back of this manual direct to: Commander, US Army Communications-Electronics Command and Fort Monmouth, ATTN: AMSEL-ME-MP, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5007. A reply will be furnished to y o u . TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Section Group Sect ion I. II. 00 01 Ill. IV. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Repair parts list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oscilloscope AN/USM-488 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Circuit card assembly A1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...2-1 Special tools list (not applicable) National stock number and part number index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l-1 Illus Figure 1 2 i/(ii blank) special tools. of all National stock numbered items appearing in the listings. a n d o t h e r s p e c i a l s u p p o r t e q u i p m e n t r e q u i r e d f o r p e r f o r m a n c e o f o r g a n i z a t i o n a l .TM 11-6625-3135-24P SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1. d i r e c t support. and disposition of spares. Figure numbers are listed directly beneath the group header. A list of spares and repair parts authorized by this RPSTL for use in the performance of maintenance. SMR Code (Column (2)). b. and recoverability (SMR) code is a five-position code containing supply/requisitioning information. followed by a list in alphamerical sequence of all part numbers appearing in the listings. Repair Parts List. Scope This manual lists and authorizes spares and repair parts. as shown in the following b r e a k o u t : 1 . Not applicable. General This Repair Parts and Special Tools List is divided into the following sections: a. maintenance and recoverability (SMR) codes. Parts lists are composed of functional groups in ascending numeric sequence. b. and general support maintenance of the AN/USM-488. The list also includes parts which must be removed for replacement of the authorized parts. National stock numbers and part numbers are cross referenced to each illustration figure and item number appearance. National Stock Number and Part Number Index. issue. 3. 2. with the parts in each group listed in ascending item number sequence. Explanation of Columns (Section II and III) a. maintenance. repair parts and special tools as indicated by the source. Section III. in National item identification number (NIIN) sequence. (Column (1)). Indicates the number used to identify items called out in the illustration. It authorizes the requisitioning. Section IV. c. Special Tools List. and diagnostic e q u i p m e n t (T M D E ) . measurement. A list. Item No. and disposition instruction. maintenance category authorization criteria. The source. Section II. special test. The parts that make up the assembled item must be requisitioned or fabricated and assembled at the category of maintenance indicated by the source code. diagram.Item is not stocked. capability.TM 11-6625-3135-24P NOTE Complete repair: Maintenance capacity. The complete kit must be requisitioned and applied. Items with these codes are not to be requested/requisitioned individually. If the item is authorized to you by the third position code of the SMR code. XB . field service drawing. Items with these codes are not to be requested/requisitioned individually. but the source code indicates the item is assembled at a higher category. XC . They are authorized to the category indicated by the code entered in the third position of the SMR code. but the source code indicates it is made at a higher category. order it using the FSCM and part number given. ms with these codes are not to be requested/requisitioned individualIy. They are part of a kit which is authorized to the maintenance category indicated in the third position of the SMR code. (1) Source Code. XD . instruction sheet.If an “XB” item is not available from salvage. Explanations of source codes follows: Code Explanation Stocked items. The source code tells you how to get an item needed for maintenance.Installation drawing. If the disposition code of the SMR code authorizes you to replace the item. NOTE Items coded PC are subject to deterioration. or overhaul of an end item/equipment. if no NSN is available. 2 . XA . and authority to perform all corrective maintenance tasks of the “Repair” function in a use/user environment in order to restore serviceability to a failed item. order the item from the higher category of maintenance. Order an “XD” coded item through normal supply channels using the FSCM and part number given. that is identified by manufacturers part number. repair. O r d e r i t s n e x t h i g h e r a s s e m b l y . use the applicable NSN to request/requisition items with these source codes. They must be made from bulk material which is identified by the part number in the description and usable on code (UOC) column and listed in the Bulk Material group of the repair parts list.Do not requisition an “XA” coded i t e m . order the item from the higher category of maintenance. item. e.Direct support or aviation intermediate category can remove. (b) The maintenance code entered in the fourth position tells whether or not the item is to be repaired and identifies the lowest maintenance category with the capability to do complete repair (i. perform all authorized repair functions). and use an item. the item may be reconditioned by adjusting.Direct support or aviation intermediate is the lowest category that can do complete repair of the item. and use the L . and use the item. replace.Crew or operator maintenance done within organizational or O . at the user category.Specialized repair activity can remove. D . and use the item. The recoverability code is entered in the fifth position of the SMR Code as follows: 3 . except for those source coded “XA” or those aircraft support items restricted by requirements of AR 750-1. aviation maintenance. Recoverability codes are assigned to items to indicate the disposition action on unserviceable items. (No parts or special tools are authorized for the maintenance of a “B” coded item. The maintenance codes are entered in the third and fourth positions of the SMR code as follows: (a) The maintenance code entered in the third position tells you the lowest maintenance category authorized to remove. replace.TM 11-6625-3135-24P NOTE Cannibalization or controlled exchange.Depot is the lowest category that can do complete repair of the item.General support is the lowest category that can do complete repair of the item. L . etc.Specialized repair activity (designate the specialized repair activity) is the lowest category that can do complete repair of the item.General support category can remove. replace.Nonreparable. The maintenance code entered in the third position will indicate authorization to one of the following categories of maintenance. Code Application/Explanation C .Organizational or aviation unit category can remove. (2) Maintenance Code. F . z .No repair is authorized.. (3) Recoverability Code. when authorized. replace.Organizational or aviation unit is the lowest category that can do complete repair of the item..Depot category can remove. and use the item. may be used as a source of supply for items with the above source codes. replace. This position will contain one of the following maintenance codes: NOTE Some limited repair may be done on the item at a lower category of maintenance. F . H . No repair is authorized. ) However. H . item. lubricating. and use the D . B . Maintenance codes tell you the category of maintenance authorized to USE and REPAIR support items. replace. Code Application/Explanation O . if authorized by the Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) and SMR codes. . The Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer (FSCM) is a 5-digit numeric code which is used to identify the manufacturer. The NIIN consists of the last nine digits of the NSN. when required. firm. ignore the first four digits of the NSN. d. specifications. Explanation a. Reparable item.Reparable item. Refer to appropriate manuals/directives for specific instructions. condemn and dispose of the item at the direct support or aviation intermediate category. the item you receive may have a different part number from the part ordered. condemn and dispose of the item at the category of maintenance shown in the third position of SMR Code. Indicates the primary number used by the manufacturer (individual. and inspection requirements to identify an item or range of items. .. that supplies the item. etc. (1) Stock number column. which controls the design and characteristics of the item by means of its engineering drawings. high dollar value.Reparable item. of Columns (Section IV) National Stock Number (NSN) Index. Part Number (Column (4)). This column lists the number of the figure where the item is identified/located.Nonreparable item. When uneconomically reparable. Qty (Column (6)).. standards. 4 . When unserviceable. 4. or Government agency. or an assembly. (2) F i g . . or Government activity). When beyond lower level repair capability. When uneconomically reparable. e. precious metal content. a minimum description to identify the item. NOTE When you use a NSN to requisition an item. return to depot. corporation. Description and Usable on Code (UOC)(Column (5)). Condemnation and disposal not authorized below specialized repair activity (SRA). (1) The Federal item name and. Z O F H D L A c. condemn and dispose of the item at organizational or aviation unit category. When using this column to locate an item. condemn and dispose of the item at general support category. This column lists the NSN by National item identification number (NIIN) sequence. FSCM (Column (3)).Item requires special handling or condemnation procedures because of specific reasons (e. When uneconomically reparable. company. c o l u m n .g. This column includes the following information. Reparable item. The illustrations are in numerical sequence in sections II and III . or hazardous material).TM 11-6625-3135-24P Recoverability codes Application/Explanation . A “V” appearing in this column in lieu of a quantity indicates that the quantity is variable and the quantity may vary from application to application. subfunctional group. which is prepared for a functional group.Reparable item. Indicates the quantity of the item used in the breakout shown on the illustration figure. (2) The statement “END OF FIGURE” appears just below the last item description in Column (5) for a given figure in both section II and section III. When requisitioning items use the complete NSN (13 digits). f. distributor. . Condemnation and disposal of item not authorized below depot category. critical material. This column lists the National stock number for the associated part number and manufacturer identified in the part number and FSCM columns to the left. The item number identifies the item associated with the figure listed in the adjacent Fig. The item number is that number assigned to the item as it appears in the figure referenced in the adjacent figure number column. Until the NSN’S are established and published. US Army Communications-Electronics Command and Fort Monmouth. b. 6. (3) Third. (2) Part number column. . (1) F S C M c o l u m n . determine the assembly group or subassembly group to which the item belongs.TM 11-6625-3135-24P (3) I t e m c o l u m n . Find the figure covering the assembly group or subassembly group to which the item belongs. and listings are divided into the same groups. This is necessary since figures are prepared for assembly groups and subassembly groups. The publications listed below pertain to the AN/USM-488 and its components: TM 11-6625-3135-12. (2) Second. Special Information a. Part Number Index. column. (4) Fourth. 5. 5 . This column indicates the part number assigned to the item. Using the table of contents. When National stock number or part number is not known. Refer to the Repair Parts List for the figure to find the part number for the item number noted on the figure. Refer to the Part Number Index to find the NSN. Oscilloscope AN/USM-488 TM 11-6625-3135-40. column. How to Locate Repair Parts a. Identify the item on the figure and note the item number. if assigned. (5) Fifth. This item is also identified by the NSN listed on the same line. (1) First. National stock numbers (NSN’S) that are missing from P source coded items have been applied for and will be added to this TM by future change/revision when they are entered in the Army Master Data File (AMDF). Fort Monmauth. This column lists the Federal supply code for manufacturer (FSCM). Associated Publications. ATTN: AMSEL-MM. NJ 07703-5006 for the part required to support your equipment. (3) Stock number column. submit exception requisitions to: Commander. Part numbers in this index are listed by part number in ascending alphameric sequence. Oscilloscope AN/USM-488 b. This column lists the number of the figure where the item is identified/located in sections (5) I t e m c o l u m n . (4) Fig. National Stock Numbers. II and Ill. (2) Second. Abbreviations Not applicable. 7. verify that the item is the one you’re looking for. The NSN index is in National item identification number (NIIN) sequence (para 4a(1)). The part numbers in the part number index are listed in ascending alphameric sequence (para 4b). Both indexes crossreference you to the illustration figure and item number of the item you are looking for. After finding the figure and item number. find the pertinent National stock number or part number.TM 11-6625-3135-24P (1) First. then locate the item number in the repair parts list for the figure. 6 . Using the Index of National stock numbers and part numbers. TM 11-6625-3135-24P Figure 1. . TM 11-6625-3135-24P Figure 1. . TM 11-6625-3135-24P Figure 1. . TM 11-6625-3135-24P Figure 1. . PLAIN.CARTRIDGE 1-1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 PAGE 134 .ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR.PWR VISOR.EXTRACTO FUSE. OSCILLOSCOP COVER.BLANK DIAL.MESH SHIELD.KNOB SWITCH.RECEPTACL FUSEHOLDER.SHAFT PANEL.TIP CABLE ASSEMBLY.VARIABLE.CIRCUIT SOCKET NUT.CABINET CABLE ASSY.PLAIN.N CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB RESISTOR.PLASTIC CLIP.SPEC RESISTOR.CATHODE RAY T FRAME FILTER.SPRING TENSION GROMMET.ASSEMBLED CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB CLIP.REAR HANDLE.CARRYING FOOT.CONTROL KNOB KNOB KNOB KNOB KNOB PUSH BUTTON EXTENSION SHAFT INSERT.HEXAGON JACK.VARIABLE N EXTENSION SHAFT RESISTOR.SECTION II (1) ITEM NO (2) SMR CODE TM11-6625-3135-24P (3) FSCM (4) PART NUMBER PCN X43CXXC064R TM-CODE FS6 (5) (6) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) QTY GROUP 00 OSCILLOSCOPE AN/USM-488 FIG 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAOZZ PAHZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAOZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAOZZ 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 16428 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 73743 80009 80009 80009 80009 12697 80009 80009 80009 80009 8009 05129 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 78189 80009 80009 80009 80009 13511 80009 81349 200-2520-00 390-0790-11 200-2538-00 367-0289-00 348-0659-01 CH8352 016-0566-00 426-1765-02 378-0237-00 337-2775-01 154-0861-00 366-1391-03 670-8418-00 366-2146-03 366-2049-01 366-1146-00 2X-20319-402 136-0628-00 175-6140-00 311-2177-02 384-1576-01 CM41773 670-8407-00 670-8819-00 311-1183-02 358-0550-00 333-3109-00 461-S-70 366-1850-00 366-1840-03 366-2052-01 366-2148-01 366-1031-03 366-1480-03 384-1575-00 377-0512-00 214-3375-00 672-0111-00 119-1515-00 200-2519-00 211-041800-00 670-7615-00 344-0132-00 348-0555-00 344-0347-00 31-279 204-0833-00 F03B250V1A COVER.IMPLOSION ELECTRON TUBE KNOB CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB KNOB KNOB KNOB NUT.VARIABLE W BUSHING.LEVER CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB DELAY LINE CAP.OSCILLOSCOPE CABINET. ELECTRICAL LEAD.FUSE CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB PUSH BUTTON CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB SPACER.VOLTAGE TIP.ELECTRICAL LEAD.TEST PROD ADAPTER.FUSEHOLDER LINE FILTER ASSEMBL LEAD.CONN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 END OF FIGURE 1-2 PAGE 135 .ELECTRICAL RADIO FREQUE LEAD.TEST LEAD.PROBE LEAD.SECTION II TM11-6625-3135-24P (1) ITEM NO (2) SMR CODE (3) 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PBHHH PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAHZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAHZZ PCN X43CXXC064R TM-CODE FS6 (5) (6) FSCM (4) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) QTY 80009 80009 80009 54583 80009 78189 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 77820 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 95712 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 24931 80009 95712 200-2264-00 119-1788-00 195-0389-00 ZUB2203-00 195-5499-00 1224-02 200-1388-03 670-8404-00 670-8405-00 670-8406-00 366-2013-00 670-8444-00 129-0999-00 131-2844-00 9663-1 NT-34 010-6122-01 013-0107-04 195-1870-00 195-6176-00 175-3217-00 33600-1 010-6101-03 175-0124-01 175-0125-01 010-6101-02 015-0201-04 175-1661-01 28P224-1 206-0191-03 2048-2NT34 CAP.TEST COVER.POST CONTACT.ELECTRICAL WASHER.TEST PROD CABLE ASSEMBLY.ELECTRICAL CO LEAD.ELECTRICAL LEAD.LOCK COVER.ELECTRICAL CABLE ASSEMBLY.RADI PROBE SUBASSEMBLY TIP.RADI SHELL.ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR PROBE. . .TM 11-6625-3135-24P Figure 2. .TM 11-625-3135-24P FIGURE 2. .TM 11-6625-3135-24P FIGURE 2. TM 11-625-3135-24P Figure 2. . .TM 11-6625-3135-24P Figure 2. TM 11-6625-3135-24P FIGURE 2. TM 11-6625-3135-24P Figure 2. TM 11-6625-3135-24P FIGURE 2. TM 11-6625-3135-24P Figure 2. . .TM 11-6625-3135-24P Figure 2. TM 11-6625-3135-24P Figure 2. . CER CAPACITOR.CER CAPACITOR.CER CAPACITOR.FIXED.FIXED.ELE CAPACITOR.FIXED.FIXED.PLASTIC CAPACITOR.PLA CAPACITOR.CER CAPACITOR.FIXED.CER CAPACITOR.ELE CAPACITOR.ELE CAPACITOR.FIXED.ELE CAPACITOR.CER CAP.MIC CAPACITOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.CER CAPACITOR.CER CAPACITOR.ELE CAPACITOR.FIXED.CER CAPACITOR.FIXED.ELE CAPACITOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.SECTION II (1) ITEM NO (2) SMR CODE TM11-6625-3135-24P (3) FSCM (4) PART NUMBER PCN X43CXXC064R TM-CODE FS6 (5) (6) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) QTY GROUP 01 CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMBLY A1 FIG 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ FAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PCHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ DD81349 04222 80009 59660 51642 04222 80009 56289 80009 00853 54583 59660 04222 81349 80009 04222 80009 55680 04222 72136 04222 81349 56289 56289 04222 96733 04222 90201 04222 04222 04222 59660 80031 20932 19396 56289 0422 59660 56289 60935 56289 14752 80009 55680 55680 54473 55680 90201 M39014/05-2228 MA101C102MAR 281-0772-00 805534Y5D0152J T150-050NP0180J MA101A680KAA 281-0140-// 173D225X0020V 281-0500-00 D155F191F0 MA12C0G2A121J 301-000C0G0220K MA101A510JAA M39014/05-2237 281-0768-00 MA201C103KAA 281-0775-00 ULA1A220TEA MA101A4R7DAA DM15CD16R8D04CR 5R305SE474MAA M39014/02-1350 1C20C0G332J100B 173D335X9015V MA101A181JAA R3207 MA101A3R9DAA TAC105K035P02 GC101C182KAA MA101A6R8DAA MA101A150KAA 855-XXXY5E0222J 2502A0R503VP02F0 202EL200AT222K 223K02PT485 2C20Z5U104Z200B MA101A271KAA 878521SY5S102M 430P582 158/.FIXED.CER CAPACITOR.CER CAPACITOR.FIXED.CER CAPACITOR.FIXED.CER CAPACITOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.CER CAPACITOR.FIXED.CER CAPACITOR.FXD.PLA CAPACITOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.PLA CAPACITOR.ELE 2-1 6 25 8 2 1 3 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 10 19 4 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 PAGE 136 .CER CAPACITOR.FIXED.CER CAPACITOR.CER CAPACITOR.FIXED.MIC CAPACITOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.CER CAPACITOR.ELE CAPACITOR.FIXED.CER CAPACITOR.FIXED.VARIABLE CAPACITOR.CER CAPACITOR.ELE CAPACITOR.CER CAPACITOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.CER CAPACITOR.CER CAPACITOR.CER CAPACITOR CAPACITOR.FIXED.CER CAPACITOR.CER CAPACITOR.FIXED.FIXED.VARIABLE CAPACITOR.ELE CAPACITOR.FIXED.068/M/250/H 17D1149 230B1E105K 283-0481-00 ULB1E101MEA ULB1E102TFAANA ECE-A100V10L UHC2C330TFA VPR271N040E1E1C CAPACITOR.CER CAPACITOR.FIXED.CER CAPACITOR.FIXED. FILM RES.ELECTROMAGNET CORE.FILM RESISTOR.FIXED.STUD CONTACT.ELECTROMAGNET CORE.RECEPTACL COIL.COMP RESISTOR.RADIO FREQUENC TERMINAL.FILM 6 2 47 1 4 4 1 1 8 2 2 3 1 3 1 1 3 4 2 3 7 10 8 2 2 2 4 1 4 1 7 6 5 3 4 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 2-2 PAGE 137 .FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.FILM RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FXD.RADIO FREQUENC COIL.ELECTRICAL TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR DIODE TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR RESISTOR.SEMICONDU SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC LAMP.ELECTROMAGNET CONNECTOR.FILM RES.FIXED.FIXED.SECTION II TM11-6625-3135-24P (1) ITEM NO (2) SMR CODE (3) 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PCN X43CXXC064R TM-CODE FS6 (5) (6) FSCM (4) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) QTY 90201 59660 80009 14433 07263 81349 12969 07263 12969 12969 04713 43944 50434 34899 02114 56880 00779 80009 02113 22526 22526 04713 80131 04713 01295 04713 01281 04713 04713 17856 04713 04713 04713 04713 80009 04713 27014 80009 04713 80009 80009 03508 04713 04713 01121 81349 81349 91637 8009 91637 91637 91637 VPX841N012E1E1C 0301-080C0J0339C 152-0141-02 G866 FDH5004 JAN1N3191 UES1106 FDH2161 UTR308 UTR307 1N5817 A1B-3 HLMP3910 2743001111 56-590-65/4A6 J41405-TC 5-3809509 108-0420-00 B8724 48283-036 48283-029 SPS8223 2N3904 SRF 518 SKA6664 SPS8236 LT4403 SPS8317 SPS8608M J2012 SPS8224 SPS6868 SPS6866K SPS8246 151-0276-00 SPS8802-1 T07391E2 151-0347-00 SPS6700 151-0443-00 151-0164-00 C106B2X283 SJE389 MPT3N40 CB4305 RNC55H4020FS RNC55K1100FS MFF1816G464R0F 321-0223-0 CMF55116G19600F CMF55116G21500F MFF1816G187R0F CAPACITOR.ELE CAPACITOR.GLOW LIGHT EMITTING DIOD CORE.FILM RESISTOR.FIXED.CER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC RECTIFIER.FIXED.FXD. FXD.FILM RESISTOR.FILM RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.FILM RESISTOR.FILM RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.N RESISTOR.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FILM RES.FILM RESISTOR.FILM RESISTOR.FILM RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.VARIABLE.COMP RESISTOR.FILM RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR RESISTOR.FILM 2 3 6 4 6 2 23 5 6 2 6 2 1 2 6 5 1 2 2 3 3 3 2-3 RESISTOR R919 13 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 6 2 1 1 5 2 1 2 6 15 1 3 2 4 2 2 3 PAGE 138 .FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FILM RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.SECTION II TM11-6625-3135-24P (1) ITEM NO (2) SMR CODE (3) FSCM (4) PART NUMBER 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ 81349 81349 81349 81349 01121 81349 81349 81349 81349 73138 81349 81349 81349 91637 01121 91637 81349 81349 81349 01121 81349 80031 RCR07G820JS RCR07G242JS RCR07G182GS RCR07G510JS CB5115 RCR07G111JS RCR07G101JS RCR07G302JS RCR07G471JS 72-27-0 RCR07G911JS RNC60K6980FS RNC55K82R5FS MFF1816G274R0F CB4315 CMF55116G76R80F RNC55K2490FS RNC55K4870FS RNC55H1130FS CB33G5 RNC55K2002FS 5043CX10K00J 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHYZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ 81349 81349 81349 73138 32997 81349 81349 91637 75042 81349 91637 81349 75042 81349 81349 80009 01121 91637 81349 81349 81349 81349 32997 81349 81349 81349 81349 91637 81349 RCR07G221JS RCR07G360JS RCR07G821JS 72-23-0 3386X-T07-102 RCR07G273JS RNC55K6040FS MFF1816G137R0F CEBT0-6490F RNC60K7320FS CMF65116G39R20F RCR07G151JS CECT0-1500F RCR07G223JS RCR07G752JS 315-0621-00 CB5615 CMF55116G49R90F RNC55K7150FS RCR07G620JS RCR07G152JS RCR07G470JS 3352T-CK5-501 RNC55K1021FS RNC55J1000FS RNC55K5760FS RNC60K1821FS CMF55116G10000F RNR60C1581FS PCN X43CXXC064R TM-CODE FS6 (5) (6) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) QTY RESISTOR.FIXED.FXD.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.VARIABLE.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.FIXED.VARIABLE.FILM RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.COMP SELECTED BY TEST RESISTOR.FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.FILM RESISTOR.FILM RESISTOR.N RESISTOR.VARIABLE.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.N RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.FILM RES.FIXED.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.W RESISTOR.FIXED. FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FXD.FILM RESISTOR.FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.VARIABLE.FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FILM RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FILM RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.COMP SELECTED BY TEST RESISTOR.FIXED.SECTION II TM11-6625-3135-24P (1) ITEM NO (2) SMR CODE (3) FSCM (4) PART NUMBER 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ 91637 81349 80009 80009 81349 01121 81349 81349 81349 81349 57668 57668 81349 81349 81349 01121 81349 81349 011212 57668 81349 81349 81349 81349 01121 CMF55116G14300F RNC55J2942FS 321-0203-00 321-0274-00 RCR07G272JS CB6225 RNC55K3480FS RNC55K3400FS RNC60K4120FS RCR07G331JS NTR25J-E02K0 NTR25J-E750E RCR07G220JS RNC55K4123FS RCR07G121JS CB1305 RCR07G100JS RCR07G240JS CB2005 NTR25J-E200E RCR07G562JS RCR07G512JS RCR07G132JS RCR07G102JS CB1135 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ 01121 57668 81349 57668 81349 01121 81349 01121 81349 01121 81349 91637 81349 81349 81349 81349 813490 81349 01121 81349 81349 81349 01121 81349 57668 80009 CB2445 NTR25J-E47K0 RCR32G103JS NTR25J-E430K RCR07G823JS E4A205 RNC60K75R0FS CB1625 RCR07G104JS CB2705 RNC55K2210FS MFF1816G316R0F RNC60K7680FS RNC55K7320FS RNC55K2870FS RNC60K1691FS RCR07G392JS RCR07G301JS CB1245 RC707G391JS RCR07G222JS RCR07G432JS CB1535 RNC55J2212FS NTR25J-E680E 315-0332-00 PCN X43CXXC064R TM-CODE FS6 (5) (6) DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) QTY RES.FIXED.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.FILM RESISTOR.FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.FILM RESISTOR.FILM RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FILM RESISTOR.FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FILM RESISTOR FIXED FILM RESISTOR.FIXED.N RESISTOR.COMP 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 1 2 1 7 1 2 3 2 13 2 21 1 2-4 RESISTOR R919 3 4 5 2 2 2 2 1 5 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 8 3 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 PAGE 139 .FIXED.COMP RESISTOR.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED.FIXED. 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PLUG IN ELEC COVER.IDENTIFICATI CABLE ASSEMBLY.POWER SWITCH MARKER.RES CABLE ASSEMBLY.TRANSISTOR INSULATOR.ELECTRICAL LEAD.RF TRANSFORMER.POWER MICROCIRCUIT.LINEAR MICROCIRCUIT.LINEAR MICROCIRCUIT.HEAT SINK NUT.SPEC 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 57 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2-6 PAGE 141 .DIGITA MICROCIRCUIT.ASSEMBLED SPACER.SPEC CABLE ASSEMBLY.POWER TRANSFORMER.ELECTRICAL LEAD.LINEAR SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC SEMICONDUCTOR.DIGITA MICROCIRCUIT.SPEC CABLE ASSEMBLY.DIGITA MICROCIRCUIT.DIGITA MICROCIRCUIT.ELECTRICAL SOCKET.LINEAR MICROCIRCUIT.THERMAL SWITCH.DIGITA MICROCIRCUIT.DIGITA MICROCIRCUIT.SECTION II (1) ITEM NO (2) SMR CODE 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ PAHZZ TM11-6625-3135-24P (3) PCN X43CXXC064R TM-CODE FS6 (5) (6) FSCM (4) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) QTY 50157 31918 54937 54937 80009 80009 80009 81349 02735 02735 18324 80009 04713 07263 04713 04713 04713 07263 01295 01295 27014 01295 12969 04713 04713 04713 04713 14552 04713 04713 04713 57668 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 78189 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 2D1595 NE15/F2U103EE DMI 500-2044 5002573 120-1347-00 120-1594-00 155-0274-00 M38510/10101BPC CA3102E-98 CA3127E-98 MC1458N 234-0107-20 MC10198 96LS02 MC10H131 MC10H102 SN74LS132NDS 74LS74A SN74LS09 SN74LS03 GLEA134 TL594CN CMX647 SZG35009K3 SZG20012 SZ13294RL SZG30214RL TD3810983 SZG15RL SZ11738RL SZG35009K7 JWW-0200E0 195-7065-00 195-7064-00 195-7063-00 195-8235-00 136-0830-00 200-2735-00 334-2363-00 175-6139-00 342-0582-00 343-1025-00 343-0969-00 342-0555-00 407-2729-00 211-041800-00 361-1047-00 175-6137-00 175-6136-00 198-4819-00 175-6138-00 175-2546-01 RESISTOR.PLAIN.PLATE RETAINER.SPEC INSULATOR.PLATE BRACKET.DIGITA MICROCIRCUIT.SPEC CABLE ASSEMBLY.ELECTRICAL LEAD.LINEAR MICROCIRCUIT.LINEAR MICROCIRCUIT.TRANSISTOR RETAINER.ELECTRICAL LEAD.DIGITA MICROCIRCUIT.RADIO F TRANSFORMER.DEVIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC LEAD.LINEAR MICROCIRCUIT.LINEAR MICROCIRCUIT.SPEC CABLE ASSEMBLY.PUSH TRANSFORMER.VARIABLE. SPEC 1 END OF FIGURE 2-7 PAGE 142 .SECTION II TM11-6625-3135-24P (1) ITEM NO (2) SMR CODE (3) 306 PAHZZ PCN X43CXXC064R TM-CODE FS6 (5) (6) FSCM (4) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) QTY 80009 175-6141-00 CABLE ASSEMBLY. . ITEM STOCK NUMBER FIG. ITEM 5935-00-001-7558 5905-00-055-6118 5961-00-087-4063 5910-00-098-9281 5961-00-103-6748 5905-00-104-8362 5905-00-104-8363 5905-00-104-8368 5961-00-105-7681 5905-00-105-7764 5905-00-105-7768 5905-00-106-1248 5905-00-106-1249 5905-00-106-1356 5905-00-106-3668 5905-00-106-9357 5905-00-107-0656 5905-00-110-0388 5905-00-110-7620 5905-00-110-7622 5905-00-111-1679 5905-00-111-4727 5905-00-111-4750 5905-00-112-7039 5905-00-113-4860 5910-00-113-5499 5905-00-114-0710 5910-00-114-0805 5905-00-114-5343 5905-00-114-5344 5905-00-115-2261 5905-00-116-8556 5905-00-119-3504 5905-00-119-8768 5905-00-119-8811 5905-00-119-8812 5905-00-120-9154 5910-00-121-7849 5905-00-121-9932 5905-00-126-6692 5905-00-126-6698 5905-00-126-6705 5961-00-131-1196 5905-00-131-9729 5905-00-133-0440 5905-00-135-3972 5905-00-135-3973 5905-00-136-3890 5905-00-136-8406 5905-00-136-8431 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 118 225 94 203 193 172 137 107 20 187 74 112 54 17 190 34 153 245 191 208 219 146 158 69 159 200 119 95 241 148 87 86 106 151 93 230 83 188 96 130 73 147 16 149 183 97 212 217 247 121 46 176 54 14 72 174 101 144 51 197 139 184 104 143 164 223 168 185 175 221 173 156 194 192 186 22 161 15 103 233 207 136 128 125 134 166 109 1 196 142 124 251 53 108 224 170 123 232 102 198 5905-00-137-4277 5905-00-138-1285 5905-00-138-7530 5905-00-141-0742 5905-00-141-0743 5905-00-141-0744 5905-00-141-1132 5905-00-141-1183 5910-00-163-3938 5905-00-163-7092 5961-00-189-1266 5905-00-192-3461 5310-00-197-4505 5310-00-231-4954 5905-00-233-9202 5910-00-237-1196 5905-00-242-2546 5905-00-247-2970 5905-00-254-2451 5905-00-258-5403 5905-00-258-5882 5905-00-259-4433 5905-00-264-4330 5999-00-275-0213 5905-00-284-6076 5905-00-289-3920 5905-00-305-7959 5905-00-307-4104 5905-00-311-2351 5905-00-346-8062 5961-00-359-9493 5961-00-365-9935 5905-00-369-6931 5905-00-372-0039 5905-00-400-8999 5905-00-402-4258 5961-00-404-5537 5905-00-405-7784 5905-00-405-7790 5905-00-405-7803 5961-00-417-4107 5905-00-419-2845 5355-00-419-4032 5905-00-426-7129 5905-00-426-7144 5905-00-426-7708 5905-00-428-3857 5905-00-431-7827 5905-00-432-0370 5905-00-432-0402 I-1 PAGE 18 .TM11-6625-3135-24P SECTION IV PCN X43CXXC074R TM-CODE FS6 NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX STOCK NUMBER NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX FIG. TM11-6625-3135-24P SECTION IV PCN X43CXXC074R TM-CODE FS6 NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX STOCK NUMBER 5905-00-432-0408 5905-00-432-0410 5905-00-432-0425 5905-00-432-6378 5905-00-435-1718 5905-00-435-6374 5961-00-436-3317 5905-00-436-9884 5905-00-437-1696 5905-00-442-9356 5950-00-443-9512 5905-00-452-0736 5905-00-452-0764 5910-00-456-9019 6625-00-463-5241 5910-00-465-9742 5950-00-472-0426 5340-00-479-4346 5905-00-481-1330 5905-00-482-5044 5905-00-485-2918 5905-00-485-4554 5905-00-485-4648 5905-00-488-3277 5910-00-491-2446 5355-00-492-2316 5905-00-506-6563 5961-00-548-1964 5905-00-556-2944 5905-00-560-3132 6625-00-563-0090 5920-00-636-0963 5910-00-682-3287 5905-00-721-2376 5905-00-721-3736 5910-00-726-1024 5905-00-758-4802 5905-00-758-4840 5905-00-766-9392 5935-00-832-4946 5310-00-836-3520 5961-00-879-7450 5961-00-892-8706 5961-00-896-6805 5910-00-903-8336 5905-00-904-5676 5905-00-904-5689 5961-00-905-6871 5961-00-908-7598 NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX FIG. ITEM 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 243 157 135 89 283 81 28 279 264 126 132 285 72 59 58 254 145 210 90 77 261 17 3 61 33 18 231 229 85 60 155 165 76 74 205 70 47 49 88 82 122 46 7 75 63 16 68 44 26 55 246 204 129 117 228 181 78 238 140 169 63 113 220 7 73 32 66 43 239 114 120 111 177 189 31 33 160 282 110 127 71 48 9 215 141 10 213 211 115 69 41 299 84 71 57 12 195 199 56 52 5905-00-909-3954 5905-00-911-3757 5905-00-916-7739 5961-00-931-8250 5961-00-936-7720 5961-00-946-6635 5355-01-005-4089 5961-01-005-9751 5962-01-011-0382 5905-01-013-1415 5905-01-013-3179 6625-01-014-3446 6625-01-016-8693 5961-01-017-0390 5961-01-026-5373 5905-01-034-0704 5905-01-034-3413 5905-01-036-6416 5961-01-039-1194 6625-01-039-3503 5962-01-057-7884 5910-01-062-1968 5910-01-062-1970 5961-01-062-2704 5910-01-062-7224 5910-01-062-7349 5905-01-077-9702 5905-01-077-9708 5961-01-078-3606 6240-01-083-0238 5905-01-091-5481 5905-01-102-8712 6625-01-112-5250 6625-01-112-5966 5905-01-113-2859 6625-01-119-0155 5920-01-123-9854 5920-01-126-8941 5961-01-127-8397 5961-01-128-2797 5905-01-132-1353 5910-01-137-6341 5999-01-138-5897 6625-01-139-3375 5935-01-147-3771 5910-01-153-2519 5940-01-159-2407 5910-01-185-9359 5910-01-187-6085 5961-01-188-6042 I-2 PAGE 19 . ITEM STOCK NUMBER FIG. ITEM STOCK NUMBER 5910-01-189-9228 5910-01-191-9817 5961-01-192-0077 5961-01-192-1602 6625-01-197-1938 2 2 2 2 1 25 29 70 79 56 I-3 FIG.TM11-6625-3135-24P SECTION IV PCN X43CXXC064R TM-CODE FS6 NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX STOCK NUMBER NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX FIG. ITEM PAGE 20 . 620HM5PCT B8724 CA3102E-98 CA3127E-98 CB1135 CB1245 CB1305 CB1535 CB1625 CB2005 CB2415 CB2445 CB2705 CB3035 CB33G5 CB4305 CB4315 CB47G5 CB5115 CB5615 CB6225 CB6255 CEBT0-6490F CECT0-1500F CECT0-1652F CH8352 CMF55116G10000F CMF55116G12100F CMF55116G14300F CMF55116G19600F CMF55116G21500F CMF55116G49R90F CMF55116G59000F CMF55116G76R80F CMF65116G39R20F CMX647 CM41773 C106B2X283 DMI 500-2044 DM15CD16R8D04CR D155F191F0 ECE-A100V10L E4A205 FDH2161 FDH5004 F03B250V1A GB1545 GC101C182KAA GLEA134 G866 PCN X43CXXC084R TM-CODE FS6 STOCK NUMBER FIG.TM11-6625-3135-24P SECTION IV NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX FSCM PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER 53944 75042 02113 02735 02735 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 75042 75042 75042 16428 91637 91637 91637 91637 91637 91637 91637 91637 91637 12969 12697 03508 54937 72136 00853 54473 01121 07263 07263 81349 01121 04222 27014 14433 A1B-3 BW200. ITEM 6240-01-083-0238 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 60 252 67 262 263 176 195 167 199 184 170 228 177 186 243 120 93 115 251 105 139 157 230 131 135 214 6 150 218 152 98 99 140 209 116 133 276 22 90 256 20 10 46 182 56 53 48 244 29 274 52 5905-00-055-6118 5905-00-904-5676 5905-00-904-5689 5905-00-106-1248 5905-00-135-3972 5905-00-435-1718 5905-00-485-4648 5905-00-113-4860 5905-00-909-3954 5905-00-485-2918 5905-00-400-8999 5905-00-766-9392 5905-00-126-6705 5905-00-105-7768 5905-00-911-3757 5905-00-402-4258 5905-00-916-7739 5905-00-437-1696 5961-01-039-1194 5910-00-163-3938 5910-00-726-1024 5910-01-137-6341 5961-00-905-6871 5961-00-131-1196 5920-00-636-0963 5910-01-191-9817 5961-00-908-7598 I-4 PAGE 58 . ITEM 5961-01-062-2704 5961-00-087-4063 6625-01-014-3446 5961-00-436-3317 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 61 54 285 78 64 75 31 25 37 27 19 13 30 6 2 11 16 269 268 266 264 130 100 114 188 96 220 92 261 22 1 14 227 255 162 206 171 216 238 180 178 201 163 168 107 175 185 106 166 174 134 5910-00-491-2446 5910-01-189-9228 5910-01-153-2519 5962-01-011-0382 5905-00-405-7803 5905-00-482-5044 5905-00-405-7784 5905-00-405-7790 5905-00-452-0764 5962-01-057-7884 5910-00-113-5499 5910-00-121-7849 5910-00-098-9281 5905-00-436-9884 5905-00-107-0656 5905-00-141-1183 5905-00-110-7620 5905-00-110-0388 5905-00-369-6931 5905-00-119-8812 5905-00-104-8362 5905-00-119-8811 I-5 PAGE 59 .TM11-6625-3135-24P SECTION IV NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX FSCM PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER 50434 81349 57668 17856 56880 01281 04222 04222 04222 04222 04222 04222 04222 04222 04222 54583 04222 04713 04713 04713 18324 91637 91637 91637 91637 91637 91637 04713 81349 81349 81349 81349 24546 31918 57668 57668 57668 57668 57668 57668 57668 57668 57668 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 HLMP3910 JAN1N3191 JWW-0200E0 J2012 J41405-TC LT4403 MA101A150KAA MA101A181JAA MA101A271KAA MA101A3R9DAA MA101A4R7DAA MA101A510JAA MA101A6R8DAA MA101A680KAA MA101C102MAR MA12C0G2A121J MA201C103KAA MC10H102 MC10H131 MC10198 MC1458N MFF1816G137R0F MFF1816G187R0F MFF1816G274R0F MFF1816G316R0F MFF1816G464R0F MFF1816G56201F MPT3N40 M38510/10101BPC M39014/02-1350 M39014/05-2228 M39014/05-2237 NA60D2212F NE15/F2U103EE NTR25J-E02K0 NTR25J-E04K7 NTR25J-E200E NTR25J-E24K0 NTR25J-E39E0 NTR25J-E430K NTR25J-E47K0 NTR25J-E680E NTR25J-E750E RCR07G100JS RCR07G101JS RCR07G102JS RCR07G104JS RCR07G111JS RCR07G121JS RCR07G132JS RCR07G151JS PCN X43CXXC084R TM-CODE FS6 STOCK NUMBER FIG. ITEM 5905-00-106-1356 5905-00-141-0742 5905-00-114-5343 5905-00-114-5344 5905-00-106-3668 5905-00-135-3973 5905-00-105-7764 5905-00-116-8556 5905-00-442-9356 5905-00-136-8406 5905-00-111-4727 5905-00-119-3504 5905-00-111-4750 5905-00-131-9729 5905-00-114-0710 5905-00-126-6698 5905-00-141-0743 5905-00-136-8431 5905-00-104-8368 5905-00-120-9154 5905-00-106-1249 5905-00-111-1679 5905-00-136-3890 5905-00-133-0440 5905-00-141-0744 5905-00-126-6692 5905-00-110-7622 5905-00-141-1132 5905-00-104-8363 5905-00-119-8768 5905-00-435-6374 5905-00-485-4554 5905-00-115-2261 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 143 203 103 233 164 123 197 136 169 102 156 128 194 108 161 124 193 198 144 109 104 173 232 224 172 142 221 137 101 125 181 111 207 179 196 223 119 94 147 247 200 153 146 95 121 187 117 246 204 191 208 5905-00-121-9932 5905-00-106-9357 5905-00-305-7959 5905-00-138-7530 5905-00-419-2845 5905-00-432-0370 5905-00-289-3920 5905-00-242-2546 5905-00-259-4433 5905-00-307-4104 5905-00-432-0402 5905-00-163-7092 5905-00-432-6378 5905-00-432-0408 5905-00-432-0410 5905-00-254-2451 5905-00-258-5403 I-6 PAGE 60 .TM11-6625-3135-24P SECTION IV NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX FSCM PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 RCR07G152JS RCR07G181JS RCR07G182GS RCR07G184JS RCR07G220JS RCR07G221JS RCR07G222JS RCR07G223JS RCR07G240JS RCR07G242JS RCR07G272JS RCR07G273JS RCR07G301JS RCR07G302JS RCR07G331JS RCR07G360JS RCR07G392JS RCR07G432JS RCR07G470JS RCR07G471JS RCR07G510JS RCR07G512JS RCR07G513JS RCR07G560JS RCR07G562JS RCR07G620JS RCR07G682JS RCR07G752JS RCR07G820JS RCR07G821JS RCR07G823JS RCR07G911JS RCR07G912JS RCR32G103JS RC707G391JS RC707G750JS RNC55H1130FS RNC55H4020FS RNC55J1000FS RNC55J1432FS RNC55J2212FS RNC55J2942FS RNC55K1021FS RNC55K1100FS RNC55K2002FS RNC55K2210FS RNC55K2490FS RNC55K2671FS RNC55K2800FS RNC55K2870FS RNC55K3092FS PCN X43CXXC084R TM-CODE FS6 STOCK NUMBER FIG. ITEM 5905-00-284-6076 5905-00-264-4330 5905-00-481-1330 5905-01-102-8712 5905-00-758-4802 5905-00-137-4277 5905-00-258-5882 5905-00-346-8062 5905-00-432-0425 5905-00-721-3736 5905-00-233-9202 5905-00-452-0736 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 159 158 239 165 213 118 219 148 129 141 190 113 240 212 215 211 192 149 225 160 112 132 183 189 241 151 237 26 91 73 273 272 270 87 81 80 70 79 74 82 76 77 84 72 282 278 280 277 284 283 279 5905-00-428-3857 5905-00-721-2376 5905-00-758-4840 5905-00-112-7039 5905-00-426-7129 5905-00-138-1285 5905-00-506-6563 5905-00-192-3461 5905-01-013-3179 5905-00-426-7144 5905-00-488-3277 5905-00-311-2351 5905-00-372-0039 5910-01-187-6085 5961-00-417-4107 5961-00-359-9493 5961-00-946-6635 5961-01-192-0077 5961-01-192-1602 5961-00-189-1266 5961-01-128-2797 5961-00-879-7450 5961-00-103-6748 5961-00-548-1964 5961-00-936-7720 5961-01-005-9751 I-7 PAGE 61 .TM11-6625-3135-24P SECTION IV NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX FSCM PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 81349 91637 96733 04713 01295 01295 01295 04713 04713 04713 04713 04713 04713 04713 04713 04713 04713 04713 04713 04713 04713 04713 04713 04713 04713 04713 RNC55K3400FS RNC55K3480FS RNC55K3570FS RNC55K4123FS RNC55K4320FS RNC55K4870FS RNC55K5361FS RNC55K5760FS RNC55K6040FS RNC55K7150FS RNC55K7320FS RNC55K82R5FS RNC60K1002FS RNC60K1330FS RNC60K1331FS RNC60K1501FS RNC60K1691FS RNC60K1821FS RNC60K2001FS RNC60K4120FS RNC60K6980FS RNC60K7320FS RNC60K75R0FS RNC60K7680FS RNC60K8452FS RNR60C1581FS RS1A-90-R2J R3207 SJE389 SKA6664 SN74LS03 SN74LS09 SN74LS132NDS SPS6700 SPS6866K SPS6868 SPS8223 SPS8224 SPS8236 SPS8246 SPS8317 SPS8608M SPS8802-1 SRF 518 SZG15RL SZG20012 SZG30214RL SZG35009K3 SZG35009K7 SZ11738RL SZ13294RL PCN X43CXXC084R TM-CODE FS6 STOCK NUMBER FIG. ITEM 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 28 281 275 253 248 222 234 249 236 85 5 55 47 18 44 45 58 57 48 49 52 73 70 64 65 74 7 50 23 59 66 39 50 258 259 54 61 62 18 290 89 83 86 88 51 11 260 40 41 8 24 PAGE 62 .068/M/250/H 17D1149 173D225X0020V 173D335X9015V STOCK NUMBER 5961-01-078-3606 5961-01-188-6042 5910-01-062-7349 5910-01-185-9359 5961-01-026-5373 5961-00-896-6805 6625-00-463-5241 6625-01-119-0155 6625-01-112-5966 5999-01-138-5897 5961-01-017-0390 5950-00-472-0426 5310-00-197-4505 5961-00-931-8250 5961-00-404-5537 5961-00-365-9935 5961-01-127-8397 5961-00-105-7681 I-8 PCN X43CXXC084R TM-CODE FS6 FIG.TM11-6625-3135-24P SECTION IV NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX FSCM PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER 90201 14552 01295 57668 57668 57668 57668 57668 57668 27014 51642 12969 55680 55680 55680 55680 12969 12969 90201 90201 54583 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 59660 56289 04713 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 78189 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 60935 56289 56289 56289 TAC105K035P02 TD3810983 TL594CN TR50J-E 120E TR50J-E 4K7 TR50J-E 5K1 TR50J-E 510K TR50J-E2K TR50J-E82K T07391E2 T150-050NP0180J UES1106 UHC2C330TFA ULA1A220TEA ULB1E101MEA ULB1E102TFAANA UTR307 UTR308 VPR271N040E1E1C VPX841N012E1E1C ZUB2203-00 010-6101-02 010-6101-03 010-6122-01 013-0107-04 015-0201-04 016-0566-00 0301-080C0J0339C 1C20C0G332J100B 1N5817 108-0420-00 119-1515-00 119-1788-00 120-1347-00 120-1594-00 1224-02 129-0999-00 131-2844-00 136-0628-00 136-0830-00 151-0164-00 151-0276-00 151-0347-00 151-0443-00 152-0141-02 154-0861-00 155-0274-00 158/. ITEM 6625-00-563-0090 6625-01-016-8693 6625-01-139-3375 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 71 72 75 305 68 302 301 304 293 19 306 51 66 53 67 288 287 86 289 303 36 254 71 17 55 49 40 1 3 291 34 47 78 77 41 299 37 35 235 42 265 33 62 76 7 9 15 3 17 43 12 5905-01-034-0704 5961-00-892-8706 5310-00-231-4954 5920-01-126-8941 5910-00-237-1196 5920-01-123-9854 6625-01-039-3503 5310-00-836-3520 5910-01-062-7224 6625-01-112-5250 5910-00-456-9019 5910-00-682-3287 5910-00-114-0805 5910-01-062-1970 5910-01-062-1968 5910-00-903-8336 I-9 PAGE 63 .TM11-6625-3135-24P SECTION IV NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX FSCM PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 56289 50157 80131 73743 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 20932 80009 95712 80009 78189 175-0124-01 175-0125-01 175-1661-01 175-2546-01 175-3217-00 175-6136-00 175-6137-00 175-6138-00 175-6139-00 175-6140-00 175-6141-00 195-0389-00 195-1870-00 195-5499-00 195-6176-00 195-7063-00 195-7064-00 195-7065-00 195-8235-00 198-4819-00 2C20Z5U104Z200B 2D1595 2N3904 2X-20319-402 200-1388-03 200-2264-00 200-2519-00 200-2520-00 200-2538-00 200-2735-00 202EL200AT222K 204-0833-00 2048-2NT34 206-0191-03 211-041800-00 80009 19396 01121 14752 80009 80031 34899 24931 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 59660 214-3375-00 223K02PT485 23M909 230B1E105K 234-0107-20 2502A0R503VP02F0 2743001111 28P224-1 281-0140-// 281-0500-00 281-0768-00 281-0772-00 281-0775-00 283-0481-00 301-000C0G0220K PCN X43CXXC084R TM-CODE FS6 STOCK NUMBER FIG. 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ITEM 5905-00-247-2970 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 245 250 46 25 20 202 138 154 217 97 226 155 27 292 145 205 231 229 210 69 10 127 297 294 296 295 43 45 44 5 26 300 33 16 12 34 30 29 59 15 31 14 32 4 36 9 35 21 2 298 8 5935-00-001-7558 5905-00-431-7827 5905-00-426-7708 5905-01-091-5481 5905-01-034-3413 5905-01-113-2859 5905-01-077-9702 5905-01-077-9708 5905-01-036-6416 5935-00-832-4946 5905-00-560-3132 5340-00-479-4346 5355-00-492-2316 5355-00-419-4032 I-10 PAGE 64 . TM11-6625-3135-24P SECTION IV NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX FSCM PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER 56289 05129 22526 22526 00779 04222 54937 80031 19701 02114 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 80009 73138 73138 07263 59660 59660 59660 07263 77820 430P582 461-S-70 48283-029 48283-036 5-3809509 5R305SE474MAA 5002573 5043CX10K00J 5043CX510K0J 56-590-65/4A6 670-7615-00 670-8404-00 670-8405-00 670-8406-00 670-8407-00 670-8418-00 670-8444-00 670-8819-00 672-0111-00 72-23-0 72-27-0 74LS74A 805534Y5D0152J 855-XXXY5E0222J 878521SY5S102M 96LS02 9663-1 NT-34 STOCK NUMBER 5355-01-005-4089 5999-00-275-0213 5940-01-159-2407 5905-01-132-1353 5950-00-443-9512 6625-01-197-1938 5905-01-013-1415 5905-00-556-2944 5910-00-465-9742 5935-01-147-3771 I-11 PCN X43CXXC084R TM-CODE FS6 FIG. ITEM 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 39 28 69 68 65 21 257 122 242 63 42 56 57 58 23 13 60 24 38 126 110 271 4 32 38 267 63 PAGE 65 . . . . . . . . . . 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