Titanium Alloy Guide

May 6, 2018 | Author: Patrick Dominguez | Category: Titanium, Alloy, Metals, Annealing (Metallurgy), Corrosion



TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDECompany An RTI International Metals, Inc. Company CONTENTS Page Introduction - Facts About Titanium and the Periodic Table .............................................................. 1 Why Select Titanium Alloys? ...................................................... 2-5 Guide to Commercial Titanium Alloys and Their Mill Product Forms ...................................................... 6-7 Basic Titanium Metallurgy .......................................................... 8-9 Machining Titanium ................................................................ 10-11 Forming Titanium .................................................................... 12-14 Welding Titanium .................................................................... 14-15 Properties of Commercially Pure Titanium and Titanium Alloys ................................... 16-36 Guaranteed Minimum Properties RMI 6Al-4V Alloy Products................................................... 37 Properties After Heat Treatment of Various RMI Titanium Alloys ....................................... 38-42 RMI Service and ISO Approvals .................................................. 43 References .................................................................................... 44 RMI Capabilities .......................................................................... 45 INTERNET WEBSITE This publication is also available for viewing or reproduction purposes on our website at: www.RMITitanium.com. PROPERTIES OF PURE ELEMENTAL TITANIUM AT ROOM TEMPERATURE ATOMIC NUMBER ATOMIC WEIGHT BOILING POINT ˚C MELTING POINT ˚C 22 3289 1670 4.51 (Ar)3d24s2 Titanium 47.9 4,3 OXIDATION STATES Ti SYMBOL DENSITY ELECTRON CONFIGURATION hcp Crystal Structure Lattice Parameters Atomic Volume Covalent Radius Color Hardness Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Electrical Resistivity Thermal Conductivity Heat of Fusion c=0.468 nm a=0.295 nm 10.64 cm3/mol 1.32Å Dark Grey 70 to 74 BHN 8.4 x 10-6/˚C 42 µohm-cm 20 W/m•˚K 292 kJ/kg Cover and Back Photo Descriptions 1.– Heat Exchangers 2.– Offshore Drilling Platform 3.– F-22 Fighter 4.– Recreational Applications 5.– Commercial Aerospace 6.– Medical Implants 7.– Automotive Applications 8.– Naval Vessels Heat of Vaporization 9.83 MJ/kg Specific Heat 518 J/kg ˚K Magnetic Susceptibility 3.17 x 10-6 cm3/g Magnetic Permeability 1.00005 Modulus of Elasticity 100 GPa Poisson's Ratio 0.32 Solidus/Liquidus Temp. 1725˚C Beta Transus Temp. 882˚C Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross Section 5.6 Barnes Electronegativity 1.5 Pauling's Cover Back 1. 5. 2. 6. 7. 4. 8. 3. TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 1 INTRODUCTION Titanium has been recognized as an element (Symbol Ti; atomic number 22; and atomic weight 47.9) for at least 200 years. However, commercial production of titanium did not begin until the 1950’s. At that time, titanium was recognized for its strategic importance as a unique lightweight, high strength alloyed, structurally efficient metal for critical, high-performance aircraft, such as jet engine and airframe components. The worldwide production of this originally exotic, “Space Age” metal and its alloys has since grown to more than 50 million pounds annually. Increased metal sponge and mill product production capacity and efficiency, improved manufacturing technologies, a vastly expanded market base and demand have dramatically lowered the price of titanium products. Today, titanium alloys are common, readily available engineered metals that compete directly with stainless and specialty steels, copper alloys, nickelbased alloys and composites. As the ninth most abundant element in the Earth’s Crust and fourth most abundant structural metal, the current worldwide supply of feedstock ore for producing titanium metal is virtually unlimited. Significant unused worldwide sponge, melting and processing capacity for titanium can accommodate continued growth into new, high-volume applications. In addition to its attractive high strengthto-density characteristics for aerospace use, titanium’s exceptional corrosion resistance derived from its protective oxide film has motivated extensive 1 application in seawater, marine, brine and aggressive industrial chemical service over the past fifty years. Today, titanium and its alloys are extensively used for aerospace, industrial and consumer applications. In addition to aircraft engines and airframes, titanium is also used in the following applications: missiles; spacecraft; chemical and petrochemical production; hydrocarbon production and processing; power generation; desalination; nuclear waste storage; pollution control; ore leaching and metal recovery; offshore, marine deepsea applications, and Navy ship components; armor plate applications; anodes, automotive components, food and pharmaceutical processing; recreation and sports equipment; medical implants and surgical devices; as well as many other areas. This booklet presents an overview of commercial titanium alloys offered by RMI Titanium Company. The purpose of this publication is to provide fundamental mechanical and physical property data, incentives for their selection, and basic guidelines for successful fabrication and use. Additional technical information can be found in the sources referenced in the back of this booklet. Further information, assistance, analysis and application support for titanium and its alloys, can be readily obtained by contacting RMI Titanium Company headquartered in Niles, Ohio, USA, or any of its facilities and offices worldwide listed in this booklet. 2 H 3 4 22 Be 12 Li 11 Ti 24 25 26 PERIODIC TABLE 5 6 7 8 9 He 10 B 13 14 C 15 N 16 O 17 F 18 Ne Ar 36 Na 19 20 Mg 21 27 28 29 30 31 Al 32 Si 33 P 34 S 35 Cl Br 53 54 K 37 38 Ca 39 Sc 40 41 V 42 Cr 43 Mn 44 Fe 45 Co 46 Ni 47 Cu 48 Zn 49 Ga 50 Ge 51 As 52 Se Te 84 85 Kr Xe 86 Rb 55 56 Sr 57 Y 72 Zr 73 Nb 74 Mo 75 Tc 76 Ru 77 Rh 78 Pd 79 Ag 80 Cd 81 In 82 Sn 83 Sb Bi I At Cs 87 88 Ba 89 La 104 Hf 105 Ta 106 W 107 Re 108 Os 109 Ir 110 Pt Uun 64 Au Hg Tl Pb Po Rn Fr Ra Ac Rf 58 Db 59 Sg 60 Bh 61 Hs 62 Mt 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Ce 90 91 Pr 92 Nd 93 Pm 94 Sm 95 Eu 96 Gd 97 Tb 98 Dy 99 Ho 100 Er 101 Tm 102 Yb 103 Lu Lr Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No The information provided on the following pages is intended for reference only. Additional details can be obtained by contacting the Technical staff of RMI Titanium Company through its Sales Department or through the website at www.RMITitanium.com. TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 2 WHY SELECT TITANIUM ALLOYS? Attractive Mechanical Properties Titanium and its alloys exhibit a unique combination of mechanical and physical properties and corrosion resistance which have made them desirable for critical, demanding aerospace, industrial, chemical and energy industry service. Of the primary attributes of these alloys listed in Table 1, titanium’s elevated strength-toTable 1. Primary Attributes of Titanium Alloys Figure 1 · Elevated Strength-to-Density Ratio (high structural efficiency) · Low Density (roughly half the weight of steel, nickel and copper alloys) · Exceptional Corrosion Resistance (superior resistance to chlorides, seawater and sour and oxidizing acidic media) · Excellent Elevated Temperature Properties (up to 600˚C (1100˚F)) density represents the traditional primary incentive for selection and design into aerospace engines and airframe structures and components. Its exceptional corrosion/erosion resistance provides the prime motivation for chemical process, marine and industrial use. Figure 1 reveals the superior structural efficiency of high strength titanium alloys compared to structural steels and aluminum alloys, especially as service temperatures increase. Titanium alloys also offer attractive elevated temperature properties for application in hot gas turbine and auto engine components, where more creepresistant alloys can be selected for temperatures as high as 600˚C (1100˚F) [see Figure 2]. The family of titanium alloys offers a wide spectrum of strength and combinations of strength and fracture toughness as shown in Figure 3. This permits optimized alloy selection which can be tailored for a critical component based on whether it is controlled by strength and S-N fatigue, or toughness and crack growth (i.e., critical flaw size) in service. Titanium alloys also exhibit excellent S-N fatigue strength and life in air, which remains relatively unaffected by seawater (Figure 4) and other environments. Most titanium alloys can be processed to provide high fracture toughness with minimal environmental degradation (i.e., good SCC resistance) if required. In fact, the Figure 2 Figure 3 Cyclic Stress Amplitude (ksi) 100 (MPa) 600 Ti6Al-4V Air Steam NaCl Solution Figure 4 80 60 400 40 Air 12 Cr Steel 200 20 NaCl Solution 12 Cr Steel 0 0 103 105 107 Cycles to Failure 109 TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 3 lower strength titanium alloys are generally resistant to stress corrosion cracking and corrosion-fatigue in aqueous chloride media. Table 3 (see page 5) provides an overview of a myriad of chemical environments where titanium alloys have been successfully utilized in the chemical process and energy industries. and in HF solutions at all concentrations. This metal protection extends from mildly reducing to severely oxidizing. Titanium is especially known for its elevated resistance to localized attack and stress corrosion in aqueous chlorides (e.. erosion-corrosion. CODAP. and from highly acidic to moderately alkaline environmental conditions. the presence of common background or contaminating oxidizing species (e. Some common pressure design codes include the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (Sections I. 19. such as moderately or highly concentrated solutions of HCl. acidic solutions (e. is highly tenacious. and/or higher molybdenum (>3. Stoomwezen and Merkblatt European Codes. wet Cl2 or Cl2-sat. titanium alloys generally offer useful resistance to significantly larger ranges of chemical environments (i. HBr.g. and chemically stable. 17.e. since the same protective oxide surface film is formed. For pressure-critical components and vessels for industrial applications.3 Pressure Code. nickel (Ni). titanium alloys containing minor levels of palladium (Pd).. More detailed corrosion data and application guidelines for utilizing and testing titanium alloys in these and other environments can be found in the reference section in the back of this booklet. turbulent fluids. the ANSI (ASME) B31. and VIII). can often maintain or dramatically extend the useful performance limits of titanium in dilute-to-moderate strength reducing acid media. 20. 28. Some examples of these more corrosion-resistant titanium alloys include ASTM Grades 7. and H3PO4.5 wt.g.. 12. 11.g.% Mo) should be considered. Titanium alloys are also recognized for their superior resistance to erosion. oxygen. which is primarily TiO 2 . ruthenium (Ru).. The useful resistance of titanium alloys is limited in strong. air.g. Figure 5 Corrosion and Erosion Resistance Titanium alloys exhibit exceptional resistance to a vast range of chemical environments and conditions provided by a thin. However. H2SO4. highly-oxidizing. brines. stainless steels and copper. copper. This film. and 29. invisible but extremely protective surface oxide film. Therefore. cavitation.. brines). pH and redox potential) and temperatures compared to steels. ferrous alloy metallic corrosion products and other metallic ions and/or oxidizing compounds). particularly as temperature increases. FeCl3 and nitric acid solutions) where most steels. 18. III. and impingement in flowing. heataffected zones and castings for most titanium alloys. the BS-5500. adherent. titanium alloys are qualified under numerous design codes and offer attractive design allowables up to 315˚C (600˚F) as shown in Figure 5. and to hot. Where enhanced resistance to dilute reducing acids and/or crevice corrosion in hot (≥75˚C) chloride/halide solutions is required.and nickelbased alloys can experience severe attack. This exceptional wrought metal corrosion and erosion resistance can be expected in corresponding weldments. . seawater) and other halides and wet halogens (e. 16. even in concentrations as low as 20-100 ppm. and can spontaneously and instantaneously reheal itself if mechanically damaged if the least traces of oxygen or water (moisture) are present in the environment. highly-reducing acid media.and nickel-based alloys. sweet or sour brines. 26. even at high temperatures. and the Australian AS 1210 and Japanese JIS codes. stainless steels and aluminum-. 27. These minor alloy additions also inhibit susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking in high strength titanium alloys exposed to hot. turbulent fluids (i.g.. transportable military equipment). dynamic offshore risers. and other types of heat exchangers for process fluid heating or cooling. this obviously translates into much lighter and/or smaller components for both static and dynamic structures (aerospace engines and airframes. Alpha and alpha-beta titanium alloys possess very low ductile-to-brittle transition temperatures and have. When irradiated. Its rather high melting point is responsible for its good resistance to ignition and burning in air. Other Attractive Properties of Titanium Alloys · Exceptional erosion and erosioncorrosion resistance · High fatigue strength in air and chloride environments · High fracture toughness in air and chloride environments · Low modulus of elasticity · Low thermal expansion coefficient · High melting point · Essentially nonmagnetic · High intrinsic shock resistance · High ballistic resistance-to-density ratio · Nontoxic. ferrous. shafts. Heat Transfer Characteristics Titanium has been a very attractive and well-established heat transfer material in shell/tube. smooth.. zero corrosion allowance). Exchanger heat transfer efficiency can be optimized because of the following beneficial attributes of titanium: · Exceptional resistance to corrosion and fluid erosion · An extremely thin. Titanium is essentially nonmagnetic (very slightly paramagnetic) and is ideal where electromagnetic interference must be minimized (e. This increased elasticity (flexibility) means reduced bending and cyclic stresses in deflection-controlled applications. means twice as much metal volume per weight and much more attractive mill product costs when viewed against other metals on a dimensional basis. electronic equipment housings. titanium walls can be thinned down dramatically to minimize heat transfer . titanium and its isotopes exhibit extremely short radioactive half-lives. especially in seawater coolers. well logging tools). These alloys possess coefficients of thermal expansion which are significantly less than those of aluminum. and will not remain “hot” for more than several hours. Stemming from the unique combination of high strength. Reduced component weight and hang-off loads achieved with Ti alloys are also key for hydrocarbon production tubular strings and dynamic offshore risers and Navy ship and submersible structures/components. military applications) than most other engineering materials. impellers. dental fixtures. its conductivity is still approximately 1020% higher than typical stainless steel alloys. difficult-to-adhereto surface · A surface that promotes condensation · Reasonably good thermal conductivity · Good strength Although unalloyed titanium possesses an inherent thermal conductivity below that of copper or aluminum. centrifuges. and in food processing. prosthetic devices and jewelry.e. low modulus and low density.. making it a choice lightweight armor material for military equipment. agitators. Titanium’s inherent nonreactivity (nontoxic. Together with higher strength. which is 56% that of steel and half that of nickel and copper alloys. plate/frame. fans).TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 4 Other Attractive Properties Table 2.g. body implants. nonallergenic and fully biocompatible) with the body and tissue has driven its wide use in body implants. making it ideal for springs. been attractive materials for cryogenic vessels and components. This low expansivity allows for improved interface compatibility with ceramic and glass materials and minimizes warpage and fatigue effects during thermal cycling. With its good strength and ability to fully withstand corrosion and erosion from flowing. conductive oxide surface film · A hard. while its inherent ballistic resistance reduces susceptibility to melting and burning during ballistic impact..g. moving engine parts. nonallergenic and fully biocompatible · Very short radioactive half-life · Excellent cryogenic properties Titanium’s relatively low density. nickel and copper alloys. bellows. titanium alloys are intrinsically more resistant to shock and explosion damage (e. therefore. drill pipe and various sports equipment. Titanium alloys exhibit a low modulus of elasticity which is roughly half that of steels and nickel alloys. and lower stresses for lighter rotating and reciprocating components (e. 1. or brominated alkanes.2 Copper 1. Br2. and pressures.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hours Relative rates of water distilled from a 3. phosphates. N2O4 H2. wet Cl2. NO Cl2. Ca(OH)2. avoid HF solns. Al. SO2. can cause SCC. H2CrO4. CaCl2. — Need at least traces of water (>10-100 ppm) for passivity. Chemical Environments Where Titanium Alloys Are Highly Resistant and Have Been Successfully Applied GENERIC MEDIA TYPICAL EXAMPLES GUIDELINE FOR SUCCESSFUL USE Acids (oxidizing) Acids (reducing) HNO3.8 1. adipic. nitrates. Avoid molten Zn. Avoid dry halogens. Br2. sweet and sour crude oil and gas Chloro-.or Ru-enhanced alloys if necessary. CuCl2. Ni-containing. Li.5% sodium chloride solution. amines ClO2.or Ru-enhanced. . etc. — Hydrocarbons Halogenated hydrocarbons Liquid metals Hydrolyzable metal halide solutions Oxidizing metallic halide solns.. alkenes. F2 Alkanes. NH3. etc. HI. (1) (1) Observe temp. noncorroding. chlorate. Titanium’s smooth. HBr. glycols Sulfates. formic. CO2. esters. NO2. NH4OH. (>75-80˚C). K. KOH. guidelines. I2. sulfites. Aerated. and select Pd. thereby enhancing condensation rates in cooler/condensers compared to other metals as indicated in Figure 6. Rates of distillation and condensation are high for titanium compared to other metal exchanger surfaces.6 Titanium 1. ethanol. Observe temp./conc. Titanium condenses: 33% more than Type 304 stainless steel 29. or dry halogen gases or red-fuming NO2(N2O4). Hg MgCl2. aromatics./temp. Mg. Excessive hydrogen pickup and/or corrosion rates at higher temps. contaminated. trichloroacetic acids Methanol. KCl. Organic acids Other organic compounds Salt solutions Seawater — (1) Select Pd. NiCl2. perchlorates. Cl2. ethers. or aromatics Na. CO. cyanates. The ability to design and operate with high process or cooling water side flow rates and/or turbulence further enhances overall heat transfer efficiency. HClO4 HCl.0 Type 304 0. H3PO4. Excessive hydrogen absorption in dry H2 gas at higher temps. glycols NaOH. or slightly acidified condition (1) (1) (1) — Observe acid conc.3% more than copper 20% more than Type 316 stainless steel Table 3. Pb.8 0. tannic acids Aldehydes. Sn. AlCl3. limits. or Cd. acetic. LiCl O2. Fe2(SO4)3 TPA. oxalic. and/or Mo-rich titanium alloys to prevent localized (crevice) corrosion when temperatures exceed 75-80˚C. All of these attributes permit titanium heat exchanger size. hypochlorites. This surface promotes drop-wise condensation from aqueous vapors. alkenes. (1) Alcohols Alkaline solutions (strong) Alkaline solutions (mild) Bleachants Chloride brines Gases Gases (other) Halogens Avoid dry (anhydrous) methanol.6 0. need to be moist (wet) for good resistance. chloro-fluoro-.4 0. guidelines for formic acid. Ga. deaerated./conc. H2SO4. I2. making titanium heat exchangers more efficient and cost-effective than those designed with other common engineering alloys. Avoid F2 and HF gases. H2S. wet Br2.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 5 resistance (and cost). LiOH Mg(OH)2.4 Liters of Water Distilled Figure 6 Type 316 1. hard-to-adhere to surfaces maintains high cleanliness factors over time. (1) Observe temp. ketones. sulfamic. stearic. ZnCl2 FeCl3. bromates NaCl. limitations. — Ignition/burning possible in pure or enriched O2 gas. tartaric. N2. carbonates. material requirements and overall initial life cycle costs to be reduced. propanol. CuSO4. offering elevated resistance to dilute reducing acids and crevice corrosion in hot halide (brine) media. Bar*. FP. exhibiting the lowest density and highest modulus of all commercial Ti alloys. HE. (Grade 7) Most resistant Ti alloy to corrosion in reducing acids and localized attack in hot halide media. Seamless Pipe. AD. CG. HR. HE. Approved for sour service use under the NACE MR-01-75 Standard.15Pd [Ti-Pd] Ti-0. Ru-containing alternative for Ti Gr. Plate. Bar*. MI.5V with equivalent physical and mechanical properties and fabricability. CP. Ru-enhanced version of Ti-3Al-2. Strip. Billet. Wire* Ingot/Bloom. Welded Tubing. PB (Grade 11) Ti-0. Pd-enhanced version of Ti-3Al-2. Plate. Foil* SeamlessTubing*. Welded CP. CG. CP. Billet. Billet. Plate. DS. Billet. Wire*. Strip. Welded Pipe. with physical/mechanical properties equivalent to Gr. Strip. CP. HR. Wire* Moderate strength unalloyed Ti with excellent weldability. Welded Tubing. Bar*. OP. oxidizing media with or without chlorides and high weldability. Billet. SR Ti-3Al-2. Strip. PB AC. Highly creep-resistant. Welded PD Tubing.5V [Ti-3-2. Wire* Ingot/Bloom. and similar corrosion resistance. PB. NS AC. Billet. Plate. and reduced ductility and cold-formability. Extra low interstitial version of Ti-5Al-2. Billet. Bar*. PP. Strip. HE. high-strength Ti alloy for use up to 455˚C. Strip. Billet. Welded PD Tubing. Wire* Ingot/Bloom. DS. non-ageable Ti alloy offering highest strength and design allowables under the pressure vessel code. Strip. Bar*. Welded Tubing. Bar*. Tubing. Ingot/Bloom. Wire* Ingot/Bloom. Welded Pipe. HE HR. Billet. PB. HE. 2. HE. CG. hot brine crevice corrosion. . Welded Pipe. formability properties equivalent to Gr. AD. Welded Tubing. 7 with equivalent Ingot/Bloom. HR. AP. suited for cryogenic vessels for service as low as -255˚C.5-Ru] Ingot/Bloom. OP. Welded Tubing. DS. Bar*. Seamless Pipe. and 3. 11 with equivalent physical/mechanical properties (soft grade) and fabricability and similar corrosion resistance. CP. Plate. HR. offering elevated resistance to dilute reducing acids and crevice corrosion in hot halide (brine) media. with physical. Approved for sour service use under the NACE MR-01-75 Standard. Seamless Tubing*. “workhorse” and “garden variety” Ti grade for industrial service with excellent resistance to mildly reducing to highly oxidizing media with or without chlorides. Plate. 1 Ti (soft grade) and excellent weldability. and impact toughness. CP COMMERCIALLY PURE GRADES MODIFIED WITH Pd OR Ru Ti-0. non-ageable. PB AC. Bar*. Lower cost. Plate. Plate.5V-Pd(Grade 18) [Ti-3-2. Strip Ingot/Bloom. CP. HR. Ru-containing alternative for Ti Gr. Welded Tubing. Welded Pipe.8Ni(Grade 12) [Ti-12] CP. Strip. high interstitial version of Grades 2 and 3 Ti with reasonable weldability. GB. NS. high strength Ti alloy offering excellent strength. 11 with equivalent physical/mechanical properties and fabricability (soft grade) and similar corrosion resistance. Strip. Welded Tubing.5Sn exhibiting an excellent combination of toughness and strength at cryogenic temperatures. unalloyed Ti grade with highest ductility. Billet. Billet. stability.15Pd AC. AU. Welded Tubing. Bar*. Plate. Bar*. Plate. AP. Billet. 7 with equivalent physical/mechanical properties. FP. with good weldability and cold fabricability for mildly reducing to mildly oxidizing media.1Ru [TiRu-27®] (Grade 26) Lower cost. Wire* Lower cost. weldable.5] (Grade 6) Ti-5Al-2. non-ageable. DS. MI. Billet. PB AC. CP. Welded Pipe Lower cost. Plate. Ingot/Bloom. Weldable.5V with equivalent physical and mechanical properties and fabricability. Welded Pipe.05Pd (Grade 16) Ti-0. with excellent resistance to mildly reducing to highly Bar*. Billet.3Mo-0. HE. Sheet Ingot/Bloom. Welded Pipe. Highly weldable and fabricable Ti alloy offering improved strength and pressure code design allowables. and creep resistance to temperatures as high as 550˚C.1Si [Ti-6-2-4-2-S] Ingot/Bloom. PP Ti Grade 2 Ti Grade 3 Ti Grade 4 Much stronger. Pipe. Slightly stronger version of Gr. Tubing. Welded Tubing. Welded TubTubing.5 ELI] Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V [Ti-8-1-1] Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0. Billet GT SS Ti-5Al-2. AP. strength. HE. HR. PB AC. Welded Pipe Ingot/Bloom. Most resistant Ti alloy to corrosion in reducing acids and localized attack in hot halide media.5Sn [Ti-5-2. HE. OP. Bar*.5-Pd] Ti-3Al-2.5Sn ELI [Ti-5-2. PB AC. Bar*. Foil* Ingot/Bloom. Welded Pipe AC. HE. AR. Welded Pipe. physical/mechanical properties and fabricability and similar corrosion resistance. NS. softest. HR. and fabricability. Seamless Pipe Ingot/Bloom. leaner Pd version of Ti Gr. Strip. Welded Pipe Ingot/Bloom. Wire* AC. Billet.05Pd (Grade 17) Ti-0. DS. Medium strength. and reducing acid resistance compared to Ti Grades 1. DS. cold formability.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 6 A Guide to Commercial Titanium Alloys and Their Mill Product Forms Alloy Composition (ASTM Grade) [Common Name] COMMERCIALLY PURE (UNALLOYED) TI GRADES Alloy Description Available Product Forms Typical Applications Ti Grade 1 Lower strength. GB. DS. 2 Ti. Welded Pipe ing. high-strength alloy offering good high temperature stability. DS. Wire* Ingot/Bloom. CP. Plate. Billet. mechanical. Welded Tubing. Wire* (Grade 27) ALPHA AND NEAR-ALPHA ALLOYS Ti-0. oxidation and creep resistance. GT Size capabilities listed on back inside cover. Strip. Plate. NS. Sheet Ingot/Bloom. Strip. Approved for sour service use under the NACE MR-01-75 Standard. OP Ti-3Al-2. CP. GB. Welded Pipe. and excellent weldability/fabricability. Strip. 2 Ti with similar corrosion resistance with good weldability and reasonable cold formability/ductility.5V-Ru(Grade 28) [Ti-3-2. Plate. Ingot/Bloom. Welded CP. HE.5] (Grade 9) AD. Billet. SR CP. Welded Pipe. DS. cold formability. Weldable. Bar*. AP.1Ru [TiRu-26®] Ti-0. Sheet GT AF. Pipe. leaner Pd version of Ti Gr. high strength Ti alloy with strength and fracture toughnessto-strength properties superior to those of Ti-6Al-4V. PD Legend for Typical Applications AC AD AF AP AR AU BA CG CP DS FP GB Anode/cathode/cell components Aircraft ducting. GT. Airframe components Air pollution control equipment Architectural. Heat-treatable.1Ru (Grade 29) Extra low interstitial. and limited weldability. for use up to 400˚C offering an excellent combination of high strength. Sheet. with exceptional hot-die forgeability. BA. Sheet CP. brine concentration/evaporation Food processing/pharmaceutical Geothermal brine energy extraction GT HE HR LG MI NS OP PB PD PP SR SS Gas turbine engine components Hydrometallurgical extraction/electrowinning Hydrocarbon refining/processing Landing gear components Medical implants/devices. Plate. Billet. Ingot/Bloom. Billet. Wire* GB. Ti-6Al-7Nb Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn [Ti-6-6-2] High strength Ti alloy with good toughness and ductility. Seamless Pipe. Billet GT Ingot/Bloom. SS AF. Billet. PD. missile components Size capabilities listed on back inside cover. Billet. OP. Heat-treatable. Wire* Ingot/Bloom. Wire*. Wire*. toughness. SR. deep hardenable. Can be used in mill annealed or in the aged (very high strength) condition. most commercially available Ti alloy (“workhorse” alloy for aerospace applications). [Ti-6-4-Ru] toughness in air. *Signifies products not currently produced by RMI. roofing Automotive components Ballistic armor Consumer products (watches. Sheet. very high strength Ti alloy with superior strength and creep resistance over Ti-6Al-4V to temperatures as high as 400˚C. very high strength Ti alloy [Ti Beta-C™] (Grade 19) possessing good toughness/strength properties. Plate. combined with good ductility and fatigue resistance. CG. Seamless Pipe GB. Approved for sour service use Pipe. seawater. and limited weldability. along with resistance to localized corrosion Plate. LG. Approved for sour service under the NACE MR-01-75 Standard. GB.5Si [Ti-550] Ti-6Al-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr-0. SS GT Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al [Ti-10-2-3] Ingot/Bloom. deep section hardenable. LG Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Zr-4Mo A heat-treatable. along with excellent toughness. LG. very high strength Ti alloy with improved strength to temperatures as high as 450˚C. Plate. and ductility in cryogenic service as low as -255˚C. Billet. Bar*. high strength forging alloy with good strength and creep resistance to temperature as high as 400˚C. HE. SS Ti-6Al-4V ELI [Ti-6-4 ELI] (Grade 23) Extra low interstitial version of Ti-6Al-4V offering improved ductility and fracture toughness in air and saltwater environments. NS. Heat-treatable. NS. hydraulic. Bar*. PD MI AF Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo [Ti-6-2-4-6] Ti-4Al-4Mo-2Sn-0. NS. Seamless Tubing*. MI. deep section hardenable. SS Ingot/Bloom. with limited weldability. Bar*. Heat-treatable. Bar*. but with significantly enhanced resistance to stress and localized corrosion in high temperature brines. Billet. Billet GT AF. DS. Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Zr-4Mo-0. but limited weldability. SR. and ductility along with good weldability and fabricability. Typically used in a non-aged condition for maximum toughness. Plate. Plate. Heat-treatable. very high strength Ti alloy possessing superior fatigue and strength/toughness combinations. Bar*. misc. high-strength Ti alloy with higher strength and section hardenability than Ti-6Al-4V. Bar*. Wire* under the NACE MR-01-75 Standard. Sheet Ingot/Bloom. Approved for sour service under the NACE MR-01-75 Standard. Ru-containing version of Ti-6Al-4V offering improved fracture Ingot/Bloom. CG. BA. Billet AF. Seamless in sweet and sour acidic brines as high as 330˚C. but with lower toughness and ductility. Heat-treatable. tubing. etc. high-strength. strength. GT. NS. high strength Ti alloy with superior strength and exceptional hot and superplastic formability compared to Ti-6Al-4V. Billet.05Pd A Pd-containing version of the Ti-38644 alloy (Beta-C/Pd) possessing [Ti Beta-C/Pd] (Grade 20) equivalent physical/mechanical properties. Ingot/Bloom. surgical instruments Navy ship components Offshore hydrocarbon production/drilling Pulp/paper bleaching/washing equipment Hydrocarbon production/drilling Power plant cooling system components Sports/recreational equipment Space vehicles/structures. . AU. PD. eye glass frames. Heat-treatable.15Si [Ti-6-22-22] Ti-4. Bar*.5Al-3V-2Mo-2Fe [SP-700] Ti-5Al-4Cr-4Mo-2Sn-2Zr [Ti-17] NEAR-BETA AND BETA ALLOYS Ingot/Bloom. Ti-6Al-4V-0. Sheet. Bar*. used primarily for medical implants stemming from its excellent biocompatibility. OP. Seamless Pipe. Wire* Ingot/Bloom. Foil* AF. Bar*. deep-hardenable.) Chemical processing equipment Desalination. Ingot/Bloom. AD. AF. Bar*. SS Seamless Tubing*. Sheet. Foil* Ingot/Bloom. Billet. Bar*. Billet. with excellent superplastic formability and thermal stability.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 7 A Guide to Commercial Titanium Alloys and Their Mill Product Forms Alloy Composition (ASTM Grade) [Common Name] ALPHA-BETA ALLOYS Alloy Description Available Product Forms Typical Applications Ti-6Al-4V [Ti-6-4] (Grade 5) Heat treatable. and brines. low elastic modulus and elevated resistance to stress and localized corrosion in high temperature sweet and sour brines. but commercially available. Bar*. Bar*. Billet Ingot/Bloom. the alpha phase … characterized by a hexagonal closepacked crystalline structure … is stable from room temperature to approximately 882˚C (1620˚F). a higher percentage of the beta phase is retained at room temperature.. vanadium … stabilize the beta phase by lowering the temperature of transformation (from alpha to beta). Such two-phase titanium alloys can be Alpha Alloys The single-phase and near single-phase alpha alloys of titanium exhibit good ..5Sn 200X Alpha Alloy Hot roll 51mm (2 in. Some elements … notably tin and zirconium … behave as neutral solutes in titanium and have little effect on the transformation temperature. Although each of these three general alloy types requires specific and different mill processing methodologies. each offers a unique suite of properties which may be advantageous for a given application. i. raise the temperature at which the alloy will be transformed completely to the beta phase. niobium. molybdenum. acting as strengtheners of the alpha phase. Air Cool (Mill-annealed condition) Effects of Alloying Elements The selective addition of alloying elements to titanium enables a wide range of physical and mechanical properties to be obtained. 3. A group of alloys designed with high amounts of alpha stabilizers and with a small amount of beta stabilizers are alphabeta alloys. Air Cool (Mill-annealed condition) Alpha-Beta Alloys The addition of controlled amounts of beta-stabilizing alloying elements causes some beta phase to persist below the beta transus temperature. weldability.C). Basic effects of a number of alloying elements are as follows: 1. notably aluminum and interstitials (O. usually called high alpha or near alpha alloys.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 8 BASIC TITANIUM METALLURGY RMI titanium mill products. A description of the various types of alloys and typical photomicrographs of various mill products manufactured are illustrated. Unalloyed Ti 200X Commercially pure plate. As larger amounts of beta stabilizers are added. Most alloying additions … such as chromium. The beta phase in pure titanium has a body-centered cubic structure and is stable from approximately 882˚C (1620˚F) to the melting point of about 1688˚C (3040˚F). tend to stabilize the alpha phase. iron. Certain alloying additions. manganese. 0. This temperature is known as the beta transus temperature.. 2. alpha-beta. Ti-Pd 100X ASTM Grade 7 Sheet 704˚C (1300˚F)/20 Min.. N. The generally high aluminum content of this group of alloys assures excellent strength characteristics and oxidation resistance at elevated temperatures (in the range of 316-593˚C (600 . Alpha alloys cannot be heat-treated to develop higher strength since they are singlephase alloys. Titanium alloy microstructures are characterized by the various alloy additions and processing. available in both commercially pure and alloy grades.e.) round bar 816˚C (1500˚F)/2 Hr. Even small amounts of beta stabilizers will stabilize the beta phase at room temperature.1100˚F)).03% iron 732˚C (1350˚F)/30 Min. can be grouped into three categories according to the predominant phase or phases in their microstructure … alpha. tantalum. In pure titanium. Air Cool (Mill-annealed condition) Ti 5Al-2. down to room temperature … resulting in a twophase system. and beta. copper. bar 816˚C (1500˚F)/15 Min.) bar 1016˚C (1860˚F)/20 Min..063 in.) dia. Air Cool (Mill-annealed condition) Beta Alloys The high percentage of beta-stabilizing elements in this group of titanium alloys results in a microstructure that is metastable beta after solution annealing.) plate 788˚C (1450˚F)/15 Min.. followed by an aging cycle at a somewhat lower temperature.. Air Cool (Mill-annealed condition) Ti-6Al-4V 200X Alpha-beta alloy 38mm (1.) sheet 788˚C (1450˚F)/15 Min.5Al-3V-2Mo-2Fe (SP700) 500X Alpha-beta alloy 46mm (1.031 in..) plate 788˚C (1450˚F)/2 Hr. Air Cool + 510˚C (950˚F)/10 Hr. The aging cycle causes the precipitation of fine alpha particles from the metastable beta. Ti-6Al-4V 100X Alpha-beta alloy 8mm (0.625 in. bar 816˚C (1500˚F)/30 Min..) dia..TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE significantly strengthened by heat treatment … quenching from a temperature high in the alpha-beta range. 9 Ti-6Al-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo2Cr-Si 200X Alpha-beta alloy 1. Air Cool (Transformed-beta condition) Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Zr-4Mo 250X Beta alloy 16mm (0. Air Cool (Solution treated and aged condition) . Extensive strengthening can occur by the precipitation of alpha during aging.5 in. imparting a structure that is stronger than the annealed alpha-beta structure.. Air Cool (Solution treated and aged) Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-Si 200X Near alpha alloy 230mm (9 in. Air Cool (Mill-annealed condition) Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Zr-4Mo 100X Beta alloy 16mm (0..625 in. The transformation of the beta phase … which would normally occur on slow cooling … is suppressed by the quenching. Air Cool (Solution treated condition) Ti-6Al-4V 100X Alpha-beta alloy 38mm (1.6mm (.) round billet (As forged condition) Ti-4.5 in..8 in.) sheet 900˚C (1650˚F)/30 Min. Air Cool + 566˚C (1050˚F) /6 Hr. minimizing chip “welding”. it is usually because of chipping. Carbide tools should be used wherever possible for turning and boring since they offer higher . The cutter mills only part of each revolution. the cutter is in contact with the thinnest portion of the chip as it leaves the cut.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 10 MACHINING TITANIUM Titanium can be economically machined on a routine production basis if shop procedures are set up to allow for the physical characteristics common to the metal. and for face milling. grinding and cutting titanium and its alloys can be found in RMI’s comprehensive booklet "MACHINING. i. the work should move in the same direction as the cutting teeth. or all aluminum grades have identical characteristics. do not have identical machining characteristics.e. The use of a water-base coolant is recommended. thus requiring proper application of coolants. The increase in cutting speeds of 20-30% which is possible with carbide tools compared with high speed steel tools does not always compensate for the additional tool grinding costs. Drilling Successful drilling is accomplished by using sharp drills of proper geometry and by maintaining maximum drilling force to ensure continuous cutting. Where high speed steels are used. but they are vital to successfully machining titanium. For slab milling. commercially pure and various alloys. Milling The milling of titanium is a more difficult operation than that of turning." production rates and longer tool life. the super high speeds are recommended. any more than all steels. when the cutting edge fails. Like stainless steel. Tool deflection should be avoided and a heavy and constant stream of cutting fluid applied at the cutting surface. The different grades of titanium. On the next contact. It is important to avoid having the drill ride the titanium surface since the resultant work hardening makes it difficult to reestablish the cut. Thus. with the alloy grades of titanium being somewhat harder to machine. it is advisable to try both high speed steel and carbide tools to determine the better of the two for each milling job. instead of conventional milling. the teeth should emerge from the cut in the same direction as the work is fed. The factors which must be given consideration are not complex.. Specific information on machining. This problem can be alleviated to a great extent by employing climb milling. Good tool life and successful machining of titanium alloys can be assured if the following guidelines are observed: • Maintain sharp tools to minimize heat buildup and galling • Use rigid setups between tool and workpiece to counter workpiece flexure • Use a generous quantity of cutting fluids to maximize heat removal • Utilize lower cutting speeds • Maintain high feed rates • Avoid interruptions in feed (positive feed) • Regularly remove turnings from machines The machinability of commercially pure grades of titanium has been compared by veteran shop men to that of 18-8 stainless steel. Consequently. the results with carbide tools are often less satisfactory than with high speed steel. Turning Commercially pure and alloyed titanium can be turned with little difficulty. In milling titanium. when the chip is knocked off. the tooth may be damaged. Live centers must be used since titanium will seize on a dead center. the low thermal conductivity of titanium inhibits dissipation of heat within the workpiece itself. and chips tend to adhere to the teeth during that portion of the revolution that each tooth does not cut. In this type of milling. standard practices for sawing titanium are established. Sections up to three inches have been cut and the process is relatively unaffected by differences in hardness of the titanium workpiece.g. and it is important to flood the work when using these oilbase coolants. As with titanium machining operations. This portion of the drill should be no longer than necessary to drill the required depth of hole and still allow the chips to flow unhampered through the flutes and out of the hole. high quality equipment should be used incorporating automatic. Both aluminum oxide and silicon carbide wheels are used. but these can present a fire hazard. positive feeding. Sawing Two common methods of sawing titanium are band sawing and power hacksawing. Another problem is the smear of titanium on the land of the tap. A high speed jet containing entrained abrasive is very effective for high cutting speeds and for producing smooth burr-free edges. Chem Milling Chem milling has been used extensively to shape. Cutting fluids are required. Grinding Titanium is successfully ground by selecting the proper combination of grinding fluid. jet engine housings). These aqueous etching solutions typically consist of HNO3-HF or dilute HF acids. Abrasive sawing is also commonly employed with titanium. Rigid. Electric Discharge Machining Though not common. The dielectric fluid often consists of various hydrocarbons (various oils) and even polar compounds. A water-sodium nitrite coolant mixture gives good results with aluminum oxide wheels. Feeds should be light and particular attention paid to the coolant. However. this problem can be simplified by using a gun-type tap with which chips are pushed ahead of the tap. High speed steel drills are satisfactory for lower hardness alloys and for commercially pure titanium but carbide drills are best for most titanium alloys and for deep hole drilling. Considerably lower wheel speeds than in conventional grinding of steels are recommended. Tapping Percentage depth of thread has a definite influence on success in tapping titanium and best results in terms of tool life have been obtained with a 65% thread. which can result in the tap freezing.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 11 Another important factor in drilling titanium is the length of the unsupported section of the drill. especially for aerospace applications (e. abrasive wheel. Care must be taken to avoid or remove any subtle surface contamination in fatigue sensitive components. An adequate supply of cutting fluid to the cutting zone is also important. High speed steel blades are effective but for specific blade recommendations and cutting practices the blade manufacturers should be consulted. Silicon carbide wheels operate best with sulfochlorinated oils.. An activated cutting oil such as a sulfurized and chlorinated oil is helpful in avoiding this problem. Rubber bonded silicon carbide cutoff wheels are successfully used with water-base coolants flooding the cutting area. complex titanium components with fine detail can be produced via EDM. . such as deionized water. in tapping through-holes. Water Jet Water jet cutting is a recent innovation in cutting titanium. machine or blank fairly complex titanium components. as well as rapid drill removal to clear chips and drill re-engagement without breakage. This permits application of maximum cutting pressure. Chip removal is a problem which makes tapping one of the more difficult machining operations. with the HNO 3 content adjusted to minimize hydrogen absorption depending on the specific alloy. or binding in the hole. and wheel speeds. e. This necessitates more generous bend radii and less allowance for stretch formability when cold forming. To prevent edge cracking. A great deal of published information exists on titanium forming practices in the common commercial forming processes. Gas fired furnaces are acceptable if flame impingement is avoided and the atmosphere is slightly oxidizing. which may contain graphite or moly disulfide additives for cold forming. Surface oxides can lead to cracking during cold forming and should be removed by mechanical or chemical methods. These acid pickle solutions are typically maintained in the 5:1 to 10:1 volume % HNO3 to HF ratio (as stock acids) to minimize hydrogen pickup depending on alloy type. Heated forming dies or radiant heaters are occasionally used for low temperature forming while electric furnaces with air atmospheres are the most suitable for heating to higher temperatures. machining or grinding to ensure total alpha case removal. This is generally followed by pickling in HF-HNO3 acid solutions. where required. and permits maximum deformation with minimum annealing between forming operations. molten hot alkaline salt descale). low-alloy alpha and unaged beta titanium alloys can be cold formed within certain limits. All scratches deeper than the finish produced by 180-grit emery should be removed by sanding. Surface Preparation Before titanium sheet is formed it should be clean and free of surface defects such as nicks.. The room temperature ductility of titanium and its alloys is generally less than that of the common structural metals including stainless steels.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 12 FORMING TITANIUM Titanium and its alloys can be cold and hot formed on standard equipment using techniques similar to those of stainless steels. The following is basic information on forming titanium. sliding contact with tooling surfaces during forming calls for the use of lubricants. Plate products should be free of gross stress raisers.and/or fracturecritical components. Any hot forming and/or annealing of titanium products in air at temperatures above approximately 590-620˚C (11001150˚F) produces a visible surface oxide scale and diffused-in oxygen layer (alpha case) that may require removal on fatigue. Mild warm forming of most grades of titanium is carried out at 204-316˚C (400-600˚F) while more severe forming is done at 482-788˚C (900-1450˚F). Heating titanium increases its formability. grit-blasting or grinding) or by chemical descale treatment (i. the ductile. scratches or grinding marks. The amount of cold forming either in bending or stretching is a function of the tensile elongation of the material.. in brake bending and dish forming) compared to plate with as-grit blasted and/or asground surface finishes. This results in greater springback during forming and requires compensation either during bending or in post-bend treatment. very rough. Oxide scale removal can be achieved mechanically (i.. titanium possesses certain unique characteristics that affect formability. reduces springback. burred and sharp edges should be radiused. Titanium in contact with itself or other metals exhibits a greater tendency to gall than does stainless steel. However. Titanium has a relatively low modulus of elasticity. and solid film lubricants (graphite. about half that of stainless steel. irregular surface finishes. Experience has shown that pickled plate often exhibits enhanced formability (e. Cold Versus Hot Forming Commercially pure titanium. visible oxide scale and brittle alpha case (diffused-in oxygen Stress Relief and Hot Sizing Cold forming and straightening operations produce residual stresses in titanium that sometimes require removal for reasons of dimensional stability and restoration of properties. and these must be considered when undertaking titanium forming operations.e. heavy oil and/or waxy types. Thus. moly disulfide) or glassy coatings for higher temperature forming. layers) to achieve reasonable cold or warm formability. . Tensile elongation and bend data for the various grades of titanium sheet and plate can be found in ASTM Specification B265.g. Effective lubricants generally include grease. The reader is urged to consult the references in the back of this booklet and other qualified sources before undertaking a titanium forming operation for the first time. Titanium sheet alloys that are commonly superplastically-formed include the Ti6Al-4V and Ti SP-700 alpha-beta alloys. Spinning produces only minor thickness changes in the sheet. the speed of forming (metal strain rate). z-sections. Stretch forming can be done cold using inexpensive tooling or. Brake Forming In this operation. allowing production of complex structural efficient. eliminating the need for welding. channels and circular cross sections including pipe. The part is suitably fixtured such that controlled pressure is applied to certain areas of the part during heating. Hot closed-die and even isothermal press forging is commonly used to produce near-net shape components from titanium alloys. hemispheres) using pressure on a rotating workpiece. whereas shear-forming involves significant plastic deformation and wall thinning. warm or hot processes shape titanium sheet or plate metal into seamless hollow parts (e.g. The lower strength. and to form skins to special contours. Even explosive forming has been successfully employed to form complex titanium alloy sheet/plate components. cylinders.) pressing operations can be less expensive than that utilizing conventional mating "hard die" tooling. . more often. Stretch Forming Stretch forming has been used on titanium sheet primarily to form contoured angles.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 13 Stress relieving can also serve as an intermediate heat treatment between stages of cold forming. Spinning and Shear-Forming These cold. and alloy/ product type. cones. lightweight and cost-effective component configurations. This type of forming is accomplished by gripping the sheet blank in knurled jaws. Seam-welded unalloyed titanium piping can also be bent cold or warm on standard equipment utilizing internal mandrels to minimize buckling. including welded tubing and pipe. They are representative of operations in which bending and stretching of titanium occur. This high temperature sheet forming process (typically 870-925C˚(1660-1700˚F)) is often performed simultaneously with diffusion bonding (solid-state joining) in argon gas-pressurized chambers. Superplastic Forming (SPF) SPF of titanium alloys is commonly used in aircraft part fabrication. The forming can be done cold. Trapped-rubber forming of titanium sheet in cold or warm (540˚C (1000˚F) max. loading it until plastic deformation begins. often in conjunction with compression forming using heated dies.. Other Forming Processes Titanium alloy sheet and plate products are often formed cold. whereas higher strength alloy seamless piping can be successfully bent in steps via hot induction bending. bending is employed to form angles. the intended degree of bending or stretching. Creep forming is used in a variety of ways with titanium. brazing. Typical Forming Operations Following are descriptions of several typical forming operations performed on titanium. hat sections. more ductile titanium alloys can be roll-formed cold as sheet strip to produce long lengths of shaped products. The tooling consists of unheated dies or heated female and male dies. Welded or seamless tubing can be bent cold on conventional mandrel tube benders. Hot sizing is often used for correcting springback and inaccuracies in shape and dimensions of preformed parts. sizing or stress relief in complex parts. Drop hammer forming is best suited to the less high strain ratesensitive alpha and leaner alpha-beta titanium alloys. The choice is governed by a number of factors among which are workpiece section thickness. warm or hot in gravity hammer and pneumatic drop hammer presses involving progressive deformation with repeated blows in matched dies. This fixtured unit is placed in a furnace and heated at temperatures and times sufficient to cause the metal to creep until it conforms to the desired shape. then wrapping the part around a male die. The temperatures employed lie below the annealing ranges for titanium alloys. warm or hot. it is done warm by using heated tooling and preheating the sheet blank by the tooling. They generally fall within 482-649˚C (900-1200˚F) with times ranging from 30 to 60 minutes depending on the workpiece configuration and degree of stress relief desired. Zsections and channels. titanium cannot be welded to most other metals because of formation of embrittling metallic compounds that lead to weld cracking. certain welding processes such as shielded metal arc. The most common method of joining titanium is the gas tungstenarc (GTAW) process and. WELDING TITANIUM Commercially pure titanium and most titanium alloys are readily welded by a number of welding processes being used today. secondarily. nitrogen and hydrogen and exposure to these elements in air or in surface contaminants during welding can adversely affect titanium weld metal properties. are made by pulling a sheet blank over a radius and into a die. the vast majority of welding is done in air using inert gas shielding. . Corrugated titanium section formed with heated dies on a brake press. The sheet blank is often preheated as is the tooling. Others include electron beam and more recently laser welding as well as solid state processes such as friction welding and diffusion bonding. To achieve sound welds with titanium. Tungsten arc welding is done using DC straight polarity (DCSP) while reverse polarity (DCRP) is used with the metallic arc. primary emphasis is placed on surface cleanliness and the correct use of inert gas shielding. Argon is the preferred shielding gas although argonhelium mixtures occasionally are used if more heat and greater weld penetration are desired. flux cored arc and submerged arc are unsuitable for welding titanium. It is therefore necessary to consider the compressive and tensile yield strengths of the titanium when designing the part and the tooling. the gas metal-arc (GMAW) process. Molten titanium reacts readily with oxygen. In addition. The Boeing Company While chamber or glove box welding of titanium is still in use today. The Boeing Company Welding Environment Hot-forming a titanium contoured hat stringer in a drop hammer. The techniques for welding titanium resemble those employed with nickel alloys and stainless steels.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 14 Deep Drawing This is a process involving titanium bending and stretching in which deep recessed parts. During this operation buckling and tensile tearing must be avoided. Conventional welding power supplies are used both for gas tungsten arc and for gas metal arc welding. As a consequence. highly ductile grades of unalloyed titanium are often cold pressed or stamped in sheet strip form to produce heat exchanger plates. anodes or other complex components for industrial service. The softer. often closed cylindrical pieces or flanged hat-sections. Titanium and its alloys also can be joined by resistance welding and by brazing. The same requirements apply to welding wire used as filler metal. Dark blue oxide or white powdery oxide on the weld is an indication of a seriously deficient purge. weld quality should be evaluated by tension shear testing of the first welds. The backup shield can take many forms. F-14 welded wing carry-through assembly TIG torch with trailing shield . it is essential that the weld joint surfaces be free of any contamination and that they remain clean during the entire welding operation. Satisfactory welds are possible with a number of combinations of current. Various techniques are used to provide these trailing and backup shields and one example of a typical torch trailing shield construction is shown below. Any weld discoloration should be cause for stopping the welding operation and correcting the problem. sometimes accompanied by tensile tests. Care must be taken to ensure that inert atmosphere protection is maintained until the weld metal temperature cools below 426˚C (800˚F). One commonly used for straight seam welds is a copper backing bar with gas ports serving as a heat sink and shielding gas source. The first or primary shield gas stream issues from the torch and shields the molten puddle and adjacent surfaces. radiography and/or ultrasound are normally employed in accordance with a suitable welding specification. The welding should be stopped. At the outset of welding it is advisable to evaluate weld quality by mechanical testing. Weld Joint Preparation Titanium weld joint designs are similar to those for other metals. The third or backup shield protects the weld underside during welding and cooling. This is accomplished by maintaining three separate gas streams during welding. Before beginning a production run of spot or seam welding.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 15 Inert Gas Shielding An essential requirement for successfully arc welding titanium is proper gas shielding. A good rule to follow is to start with the welding conditions that have been established for similar thicknesses of stainless steels and adjust the current. Bright silver welds are an indication that the weld shielding is satisfactory and that proper weld interpass temperatures have been observed. Light straw-colored weld discoloration can be removed by wire brushing with a clean stainless steel brush. Light surface oxides can be removed by acid pickling while heavier oxides may require grit blasting followed by pickling. The secondary or trailing gas shield protects the solidified weld metal and heat-affected zone during cooling. time or force as needed. non-destructive examination by liquid penetrant. Complex workpiece configurations and certain shop and field circumstances call for some resourcefulness in creating the means for backup shielding. grease and fingerprints should be removed with detergent cleaners or non-chlorinated solvents. Before welding. For the finished weld. Resistance Welding Spot and seam welding procedures for titanium are similar to those used for other metals. weld time and electrode force. and the edge preparation is commonly done by machining or grinding. As with arc welding. This often takes the form of plastic or aluminum foil enclosures or “tents” taped to the backside of the weld and flooded with inert gas. Contaminants such as oil. the cause determined and the oxide covered weld should be completely removed and rewelded. Weld Quality Evaluation A good measure of weld quality is weld color. the surfaces to be joined must be clean. This often takes the form of weld bend testing. and the welding can be continued. The inert-gas shielding required in arc welding is generally not required here. TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 16 TITANIUM ALLOY ASTM GRADE (UNS NO.78 mm (0.2. B862. B338.0) 20.000 (250) 1.6 (4. 93˚C (200˚F) 204˚C (400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) Min. 0.T.5 . at Temp.R.T. Billet & Forging only OTHER MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Stress to Rupture in Time Shown Stress & Time to Produce Elongation Shown (creep) Stress Time-Hrs. Approx. Bend Radius Welded Bend Radius Nominal Hardness PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Nominal Beta Transus 0-100˚C (32 -212˚F) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 10-6/˚C (10-6/˚F) Density Melting Point. F67 0-315˚C (32-600˚F) 0-538˚C (32-1000˚F) 0-648˚C (32-1200˚F) 0-816˚C (32-1500˚F) g/cm3 (lbs/in3) ˚C (˚F) 10 ohm•cm (10 ohm•in) GPa (10 ksi) GPa (103 ksi) W/m•˚C (BTU/hr•ft•˚F) J/Kg•˚C (BTU/lb•˚F) 3 -6 . Modulus of Elasticity – Tension Modulus of Elasticity – Torsion Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat Weldability Industry Specifications -6 95 .124) Excellent ASTM .000 (250) 90 (13) 1.51 (0. 0. 0. 0.3) 9. Electrical Resistivity @ R. (˚C) Creep (%) Joules (ft-lbs) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) (%) (%) (wt.5 x Thickness 2.120) 1.162 (70 . values unless range is shown) TENSILE PROPERTIES Ultimate Strength Yield Strength. 241 (35) 262 (38) 200 (29) 159 (23) 172 (25) 24 30 138 (20) 40 97 (14) 38 83 (12) 48 195 (28) 10. B861. (˚C) Stress Time-Hrs.2 (5.5) 4. B363.20Fe.000 (100) 152 (22) 10. B381.Bar.070") thick 1.9) 41 (6.5) 9. B337.2% offset Elongation in 51 mm (2") gage length Reduction in Area .163) 1670 (3040) 54 (21) 103 (14.18O. %) COMMERCIALLY PURE/UNALLOYED GRADE 1 (R50250) 0.8) 9.015H Typical Elevated Temperature Properties Guar. 0.T.9 (5.B265.070") and over ˚C (˚F) 890 (1630) 8.0 x Thickness 70 HRB Under 1.5 (5.8 (12.08C.78 mm (0. B348. at Temp.9 (5.000 (200) 97 (14) 1.1) 9.0 x Thickness 1.03N.) Chemical Composition (Max.0 Charpy V-Notch Impact @ R.0) 520 (0. B363.51 (0.6) 10.000 (25) 10.T.000 (250) 103 (15) 1.000 (25) 1.6 (4.5 .1 (5. B862.0 1. 0.35O. 0.163) 1660 (3020) 56 (22) 103 (15) 43 (6. 0.8 (12. B363.30Fe.000 (315) 1.0 24 .1 (5.R. B348. B861. B381. B337.1) 9.51 (0.000 (250) 1.4) 10.000 (100) 10. Min.2.05N. 0.0 x Thickness 2. 345 (50) 276 (40) 20 30* Typical Elevated Temperature Properties 93˚C (200˚F) 204˚C (400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 393 (57) 276 (40) 28 40 283 (41) 166 (24) 41 55 221 (32) 103 (15) 38 75 COMMERCIALLY PURE/UNALLOYED GRADE 3 (R50550) 0.3.T.015H Guar.0) 520 (0. 0.R.30Fe.2 (5.2) 19.000 (100) 209 (30) 1.000 (150) 179 (26) 1.6 (4.163) 1660 (3020) 56 (22) 103 (15) 41 (6.6) 10.5 x Thickness 2. F67.0 241 (35) 83 (12) 131 (19) 1. 0.48 (18 .000 (25) 1.000 (200) 1.000 (250) 283 (41) 100 (25) 1.B265. 0.0) 20.5 x Thickness 2.08C.8) 9.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 17 COMMERCIALLY PURE/UNALLOYED GRADE 2 (R50400) 0. and AMS 4900 .000 (250) 1.7 (5.0 . 0.5 . F67 and AMS 4902 920 (1690) 8.03N.8) 9.2 (5.1 (5.82 (30 .1) 9.0 400 (58) 300 (43) 228 (33) 138 (20) 1.7 (11.3.000 (150) 1.6) 4.124) Very Good ASTM .7 (5.0 240 (35) 10. B338. B338. B862.1 (5.0 x Thickness 82 HRB 2.0 117 (17) 1. B337.60) 2. Typical Elevated Temperature Properties Min. B381.35) 1.124) Excellent ASTM .0 x Thickness 90 HRB 913 (1675) 8.015H Guar. 93˚C (200˚F) 204˚C (400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 426˚C (800˚F) 448 (65) 379 (55) 18 30* 469 (68) 338 (49) 24 310 (45) 207 (30) 35 262 (38) 138 (20) 33 207 (30) 117 (17) 22 276 (40) 10.0 40 .B265.6) 4.08C.25O.4) 520 (0.4) 10. B348.5 x Thickness 2. B861. 1) 9.1 13 . 0.50Fe. Bend Radius Welded Bend Radius Nominal Hardness PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Nominal Beta Transus 0-100˚C (32 -212˚F) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 10-6/˚C (10-6/˚F) Density Melting Point. 0. at Temp.0 x Thickness 100 HRB 0.T.Bar.1 (5.T.08C.2) 45 (6.1 (5. Typical Elevated Temperature Properties Min.05N.27 (10 . 0. Electrical Resistivity @ R.000 (100) 283 (41) 188 (27) 1.78 mm (0.000 (200) 1.6) 4.2 (5.3 (10.) Chemical Composition (Max.5) 17.4) 10. values unless range is shown) TENSILE PROPERTIES Ultimate Strength Yield Strength.0 x Thickness 3.0 Charpy V-Notch Impact @ R.000 (315) 10.000 (315) 1. B348.20) 2.6 (4.7 (5.070") and over ˚C (˚F) 949 (1740) 8.5. Modulus of Elasticity – Tension Modulus of Elasticity – Torsion Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat Weldability Industry Specifications -6 Under 1.015H Guar. at Temp.000 (25) 1. B381.0) 540 (0.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 18 TITANIUM ALLOY ASTM GRADE (UNS NO.000 (25) 10.T. 93˚C (200˚F) 204˚C (400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 426˚C (800˚F) 552 (80) 483 (70) 15 25 538 (78) 421 (61) 23 365 (53) 255 (37) 25 283 (41) 172 (25) 28 214 (31) 145 (21) 26 462 (67) 330 (48) 200 (29) 241 (35) 1.6) 10.000 (100) 1.1 1.0 0.129) Good ASTM . 0.R.78 mm (0.40O.8) 9.070") thick 1. (˚C) Creep (%) Joules (ft-lbs) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) (%) (%) (wt.2% offset Elongation in 51 mm (2") gage length Reduction in Area . 0.B265.0 . Approx. AMS 4901 and 4921 0-315˚C (32-600˚F) 0-538˚C (32-1000˚F) 0-648˚C (32-1200˚F) 0-816˚C (32-1500˚F) g/cm3 (lbs/in3) ˚C (˚F) 10 ohm•cm (10 ohm•in) GPa (10 ksi) GPa (103 ksi) W/m•˚C (BTU/hr•ft•˚F) J/Kg•˚C (BTU/lb•˚F) 3 -6 . F67.163) 1660 (3020) 60 (24) 105 (15.5 x Thickness 3.51 (0.000 (250) 116 (17) 200 (29) 1. %) COMMERCIALLY PURE/UNALLOYED GRADE 4 (R50700) 0. (˚C) Stress Time-Hrs. Billet & Forging only OTHER MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Stress to Rupture in Time Shown Stress & Time to Produce Elongation Shown (creep) Stress Time-Hrs. 0 40 .015H Guar.30Fe.9 (5.R.15Pd GRADE 7 (R52400) 0. B381.163) 1660 (3020) 56 (22) 103 (15) 41 (6.9 (5. B337.03N.5 x Thickness 2. 0.5) 4.6 (4. 345 (50) 276 (40) 20 30 Typical Elevated Temperature Properties 93˚C (200˚F) 204˚C (400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 393 (57) 276 (40) 28 40 283 (41) 166 (24) 41 55 221 (32) 103 (15) 38 75 Ti .5 x Thickness 2. 0. B363.0 240 (35) 10.R.000 (100) 152 (22) 10.1) 9.08C.3) 9.8 (12.2.8) 9.0 195 (28) 10.4) 10. 0.000 (150) 1.163) 1670 (3040) 54 (21) 103 (14.6) 4. 0.0) 520 (0.08C.000 (100) 209 (30) 1.T. 0.000 (25) 1. 0.51 (0.0.5) 9.5 (5. Typical Elevated Temperature Proproperties Min. 0.000 (200) 97 (14) 1.82 (30 .25Pd.2 (5.000 (250) 90 (13) 1. B338.124) Excellent ASTM .60) 2.1 (5.B265. 0.9) 41 (6.000 (250) 103 (15) 1.5 .03N. B381.T.6 (4.3.000 (150) 179 (26) 1.20Fe.8) 9.120) 1.12-0.6) 10.0) 20.0 x Thickness 1.7 (5. B337. B363.162 (70 .1) 9. B348. 0. B338.0 x Thickness 82 HRB 95 . 0.0 117 (17) 1.25O.8 (12.1 (5.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 19 Ti . 93˚C (200˚F) 204˚C (400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 241 (35) 172 (25) 24 30 262 (38) 138 (20) 40 200 (29) 97 (14) 38 159 (23) 83 (12) 48 276 (40) 10.12-0.0) 20.15Pd GRADE 11 (R52250) 0.B265.5 .000 (250) 1.0 x Thickness 2. Min.124) Excellent ASTM .0. B861 and B862 .000 (250) 1.015H Guar.25Pd.51 (0. B861 and B862 890 (1630) 8.18O. B348.0 x Thickness 70 HRB 913 (1675) 8.0) 520 (0.2 (5. 1) 9.B265.0) 20.0 40 .05Pd GRADE 16 (R52402) 0. Billet & Forging only OTHER MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Stress to Rupture in Time Shown Stress & Time to Produce Elongation Shown (creep) Stress Time-Hrs.000 (150) 179 (26) 1.03N.000 (250) 103 (15) 1. 0.82 (30 .3.8 (12.5 x Thickness 2.25O. Bend Radius Welded Bend Radius Nominal Hardness PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Nominal Beta Transus 0-100˚C (32 -212˚F) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 10-6/˚C (10-6/˚F) Density Melting Point.0 Charpy V-Notch Impact @ R. (˚C) Creep (%) Joules (ft-lbs) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) (%) (%) (wt. B338.0) 520 (0.78 mm (0.30Fe.6) 4. (˚C) Stress Time-Hrs.T.04-0.T. 0.0 x Thickness 2.163) 1660 (3020) 56 (22) 103 (15) 41 (6. forgings only 276 (40) 10.08Pd.6) 10.8) 9.000 (25) 1. billet. B363. B381. 0. 0.Bar. Modulus of Elasticity – Tension Modulus of Elasticity – Torsion Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat Weldability Industry Specifications -6 Under 1. 0.60) 2. B348.2 (5.1 (5.T.7 (5.08C.000 (100) 209 (30) 1. 0. at Temp. at Temp.4) 10.5 .0.124) Excellent ASTM . Approx.070") thick 1. Electrical Resistivity @ R. %) Ti .51 (0.R. values unless range is shown) TENSILE PROPERTIES Ultimate Strength Yield Strength.000 (250) 1.) Chemical Composition (Max. B861 and B862 0-315˚C (32-600˚F) 0-538˚C (32-1000˚F) 0-648˚C (32-1200˚F) 0-816˚C (32-1500˚F) g/cm3 (lbs/in3) ˚C (˚F) 10 ohm•cm (10 ohm•in) GPa (10 ksi) GPa (103 ksi) W/m•˚C (BTU/hr•ft•˚F) J/Kg•˚C (BTU/lb•˚F) 3 -6 .070") and over ˚C (˚F) 913 (1675) 8.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 20 TITANIUM ALLOY ASTM GRADE (UNS NO.0 117 (17) 1.2% offset Elongation in 51 mm (2") gage length Reduction in Area . B337.78 mm (0.000 (150) 1.0 x Thickness 82 HRB 240 (35) 10. Min.6 (4.1 (5.015H Guar. 345 (50) 276 (40) 20 30* Typical Elevated Temperature Properties 93˚C (200˚F) 204˚C (400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 393 (57) 276 (40) 28 40 283 (41) 166 (24) 41 55 221 (32) 103 (15) 38 75 *Bar. 241 (35) 172 (25) 24 30* Typical Elevated Temperature Properties 93˚C (200˚F) 204˚C (400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 262 (38) 138 (20) 40 200 (29) 97 (14) 38 159 (23) 83 (12) 48 Ti .000 (250) 103 (15) 1.5 x Thickness 2.0) 20. Min. 0.000 (250) 90 (13) 1.18O.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 21 Ti .08C.000 (150) 1. 0.0 117 (17) 1.T. B348.0) 520 (0. 0. B337.3) 9. B861 and B862 913 (1675) 8.14Ru.60) 2.08C.26®) GRADE 26 (R52404) 0.9 (5. 0.163) 1670 (3040) 54 (21) 103 (14. B363.6) 4. B381.1 (5. B337. 0.9 (5.124) Excellent ASTM .6 (4.T.2.015H Guar.05Pd GRADE 17 (R52252) 0.5) 4. 0.0.30Fe.2 (5.4) 10.1) 9.1) 9. B338. 0. B338. B861 and B862 .000 (250) 1.124) Excellent ASTM . Min.163) 1660 (3020) 56 (22) 103 (15) 41 (6.0.8 (12.08-0.015H Guar.0 x Thickness 2.0 276 (40) 10.51 (0.82 (30 .51 (0.2 (5.8 (12.5 .120) 1.6) 10.R.3. B363.9) 41 (6. 0.B265. B348.5 x Thickness 2.0 x Thickness 70 HRB 40 .0 x Thickness 82 HRB 890 (1630) 8.04-0.1 (5.03N.R.8) 9. 0.7 (5.000 (100) 209 (30) 1.0 x Thickness 1.0) 520 (0.5) 9.8) 9.08Pd.03N.000 (25) 1.000 (200) 97 (14) 1. B381.0 240 (35) 10.000 (100) 152 (22) 10.6 (4.0) 20.162 (70 .25O.0 95 . 0. 345 (50) 276 (40) 20 30* Typical Elevated Temperature Properties 93˚C (200˚F) 204˚C (400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 393 (57) 276 (40) 28 40 283 (41) 166 (24) 41 55 221 (32) 103 (15) 38 75 195 (28) 10.000 (150) 179 (26) 1.1Ru (TiRu .000 (250) 1.20Fe.B265.5 (5.5 . 1) 9.27®) GRADE 27 (R52254) 0. Approx.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 22 TITANIUM ALLOY ASTM GRADE (UNS NO.Bar.03N.0 x Thickness 1.5) 9. Electrical Resistivity @ R.070") and over ˚C (˚F) 890 (1630) 8.9 (5.2% offset Elongation in 51 mm (2") gage length Reduction in Area .9) 41 (6.5 (5. values unless range is shown) TENSILE PROPERTIES Ultimate Strength Yield Strength.T.5 . 0. 0. 241 (35) 172 (25) 24 30 Typical Elevated Temperature Properties 93˚C (200˚F) 204˚C (400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 262 (38) 138 (20) 40 200 (29) 97 (14) 38 159 (23) 83 (12) 48 195 (28) 10.162 (70 .1Ru (TiRu . 0.120) 1. 0. B338.124) Excellent ASTM . (˚C) Creep (%) Joules (ft-lbs) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) (%) (%) (wt.2. Min.000 (200) 97 (14) 1.R. Bend Radius Welded Bend Radius Nominal Hardness PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Nominal Beta Transus 0-100˚C (32 -212˚F) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 10-6/˚C (10-6/˚F) Density Melting Point. Modulus of Elasticity – Tension Modulus of Elasticity – Torsion Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat Weldability Industry Specifications -6 95 . %) Ti . 0.0) 520 (0.08C.T.3) 9. B861 and B862 0-315˚C (32-600˚F) 0-538˚C (32-1000˚F) 0-648˚C (32-1200˚F) 0-816˚C (32-1500˚F) g/cm3 (lbs/in3) ˚C (˚F) 10 ohm•cm (10 ohm•in) GPa (10 ksi) GPa (103 ksi) W/m•˚C (BTU/hr•ft•˚F) J/Kg•˚C (BTU/lb•˚F) 3 -6 .) Chemical Composition (Max.0) 20. B363.000 (100) 152 (22) 10. B381.5 x Thickness 2.T.78 mm (0.14Ru. B337.0 Charpy V-Notch Impact @ R.2 (5. at Temp.78 mm (0.08-0.8) 9.5) 4. B348.015H Guar.8 (12.9 (5. Billet & Forging only OTHER MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Stress to Rupture in Time Shown Stress & Time to Produce Elongation Shown (creep) Stress Time-Hrs. at Temp.20Fe.000 (250) 1.163) 1670 (3040) 54 (21) 103 (14.070") thick 1. 0.18O.0.B265.0 x Thickness 70 HRB Under 1.000 (250) 90 (13) 1.51 (0.6 (4. (˚C) Stress Time-Hrs. 51 (0.0-3.0 48 .3) 9.5V GRADE 9 (R56320) 0. 565 (82) 448 (65) 23 Typical Elevated Temperature Properties 93˚C (200˚F) 149˚C (300˚F) 204˚C (400˚F) 483 (70) 414 (60) 25 424 (61) 365 (53) 27 359 (52) 303 (44) 30 Ti . 662 (96) 552 (80) 23 50 149˚C (300˚F) 204˚C (400˚F) 534 (77) 448 (65) 26 55 510 (74) 428 (62) — — *Cold-worked + stress relieved. red. B381.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 23 Ti . B862 and.25Fe.6-0. 0.25O..5 x Thickness 25 HRC 1.B265. 0.0 16 . Mill Ann.0 x Thickness 88 HRB 0.9 (5. B861.36 1.08C.015H Guar. 0.6 (5.5 (5.000 (315) 0.0 890 (1634) — 9.2) 19 (11.0.000 (250) 10. B348. B338.30Fe.000 (93) 100.9 (5. 483 (70) 345 (50) 18 25 Typical R. B862 specs.8Ni GRADE 12 (R53400) 0.5-3. R. 2.0V.2-0.162) 1700 (3100) 126 (50) 107 (15.* 860 (125) 725 (105) 10 — Typical Elevated Temp. B337. 2.05 0.5) 9. 620 (90) 483 (70) 15 (12)** 25 (20)** C. 0. AMS 4943 and 4944 .13) Excellent ASTM .000 290 (42) 221 (32) 221 (32) 103 (15) 379 (55) 262 (38) 421 (61) 1. B348. ** Transformed-beta condition only.15O.08C.R.B265.0 x Thickness 3.000 (177) 1.T.20) 2.W.3Al .75) 2.0 1. billets and forgings 379 (55) 100. Prop.) R.T.000 (315) 1. B861. 0.3. 0.015H Guar. 0.3) 8.5 .5) 44 (6.8) 544 (0.0. AMS 4902 935 (1715) 9.5) — — 4.000 (250) 400 (58) 207 (30) 10.102 (35 . 0. Min. 0.3 (4.0 x Thickness 3.0 1.3) — — — 4.13) Very Good ASTM .9Ni.4Mo.0 x Thickness 2.48 (0.03N.S.000 (150) 10.5 x Thickness 3.27 (12 . B337.3Mo .T. 0. in only for tubing area min only for bar.163) 1660 (3020) 52 (21) 103 (15) 43 (6.000 (250)100.000 (25) 1.5Al.0) 544 (0.2. Min. (Mill Ann. B338.T.14 100. R.03N. B381. 9 (5. only for bar.0 x Thickness 3.B265.5) 9. B348.0-3.75) 2. (˚C) Creep (%) Joules (ft-lbs) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) (%) (%) (wt.W.102 (35 . 0.5V .0 207 (30) 100. B861 and B862 0-315˚C (32-600˚F) 0-538˚C (32-1000˚F) 0-648˚C (32-1200˚F) 0-816˚C (32-1500˚F) g/cm3 (lbs/in3) ˚C (˚F) 10 ohm•cm (10 ohm•in) GPa (10 ksi) GPa (103 ksi) W/m•˚C (BTU/hr•ft•˚F) J/Kg•˚C (BTU/lb•˚F) 3 -6 .05Pd GRADE 18 (R56322) 0.000 (315) 1. (˚C) Stress Time-Hrs.3) 8. %) Ti .3) 9.48 (0.5-3.5Al.5) 44 (6.5 x Thickness 25 HRC 400 (58) 1. 2. 0. Electrical Resistivity @ R.3 (4. red. B381.5 x Thickness 3. values unless range is shown) TENSILE PROPERTIES Ultimate Strength Yield Strength. Billet & Forging only OTHER MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Stress to Rupture in Time Shown Stress & Time to Produce Elongation Shown (creep) Stress Time-Hrs. 0. at Temp. Prop. in only for tubing area min.78 mm (0. B363. R.0 262 (38) 100.Bar.25Fe.78 mm (0. B338.0 Charpy V-Notch Impact @ R.000 (250) 1. billets and forgings 421 (61) 1. Min.04-0.000 (250) 379 (55) 100.T. 0. 0.03N.0.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 24 TITANIUM ALLOY ASTM GRADE (UNS NO. Approx.0 48 .) Mill Ann. C.* R.000 (177) 1.T. ** Transformed-beta condition only.015H Guar.000 (93) 1.9 (5. 0.3Al .2% offset Elongation in 51 mm (2") gage length Reduction in Area . B337.08C.5 (5.15O. Bend Radius Welded Bend Radius Nominal Hardness PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Nominal Beta Transus 0-100˚C (32 -212˚F) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 10-6/˚C (10-6/˚F) Density Melting Point.08Pd. 2.2. 149˚C (300˚F) 204˚C (400˚F) 620 (90) 483 (70) 15 (12)** 25 (20)** 860 (125) 725 (105) 10 — 662 (96) 552 (80) 23 50 534 (77) 448 (65) 26 55 510 (74) 428 (62) — — *Cold-worked + stress relieved. at Temp.R. Modulus of Elasticity – Tension Modulus of Elasticity – Torsion Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat Weldability Industry Specifications -6 Under 1. (Mill Ann.8) 544 (0.070") and over ˚C (˚F) 935 (1715) 9.5) — — 4.T. Typical Elevated Temp.S.T.0V.13) Very Good ASTM .162) 1700 (3100) 126 (50) 107 (15.070") thick 1.) Chemical Composition (Max. 315˚C (600˚F) 427˚C (800˚F) 538˚C (1000˚F) 827 (120) 793 (115) 10 25 565 (82) 448 (65) 18 45 538 (78) 407 (59) 18 45 462 (67) 379 (55) 19 45 *Cold-worked + stress relieved. 4.4910.1 (5.1Ru GRADE 28 (R56323) 0.0 x Thickness 3. B348.020H (bar). 2.T.0175H (billet).0 x Thickness 34 HRC 935 (1715) 9. 2.000 (250) 379 (55) 262 (38) 400 (58) 207 (30) 435 (63) 1.5Al.000 (93) 100. B337.20O .5 (5.5Sn GRADE 6 (R54520) 0.5) 44 (6.0) 7.75) 2.0 48 . 0.15O.015H Guar. B348. B338.5) 530 (0.9 (5.1 100. Min. 4953. ** Transformed-beta condition only.127) Good ASTM . B381.0V.5 x Thickness 3.0 . 0.000 415 (60) 1.3) 9.2) 9. in area min. Temp.25Fe.R.1 14 (10) 140 (20) 1. billets and forgings only for tubing 421 (61) 1.5 x Thickness 5.102 (35 . 0. 0.6.0 1. only for bar. Min.162) 1700 (3100) 126 (50) 107 (15.3) 9.000 (177) 1. 2.8) 544 (0.) Mill Ann.B265.0-3.4 (5.0Al.08C. 620 (90) 483 (70) 15 (12)** 25 (20)** C.0 x Thickness 4. AMS .5-3.000 330 (48) 100 0.08-0. 0. MIL-T .14Ru. 662 (96) 552 (80) 23 50 149˚C (300˚F) 204˚C (400˚F) 534 (77) 448 (65) 26 55 510 (74) 428 (62) — — Ti . red.03N.T.08C.4) 10.5) 9.0 4.5Al .13) Very Good ASTM .9 (5.000 (315) 1.2.000 62 (9) 100 0.0.162) 1600 (2910) 160 (406) 110 (16) -124 (18) 48 (7.2. R.5V .5 (5. 4926.6) 4.0 1.3) 8.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 25 Ti . 0.7 (5. Typical Elev. B381.0-3. 0.3Al .5 (5.W.* 860 (125) 725 (105) 10 — R.B265.9046 and .48 (0.5) — — 4.0Sn.S.000 (250) 100. B861 and B862 1038 (1900) 9. R. 0.5 x Thickness 25 HRC 1.48 (.50Fe.T. (Mill Ann.020H (sheet) Typical Elevated Temperature Properties Guar.05N.3) 9. Prop.9047 . 4966. 0.0-6. 0.3 (4.8 (4. 5) 10.070") and over ˚C (˚F) 1038 (1900) 9.0125H (billet & bar).1 (5.48 (0.0) 7.4 (5.13O.25Fe.9047 0-315˚C (32-600˚F) 0-538˚C (32-1000˚F) 0-648˚C (32-1200˚F) 0-816˚C (32-1500˚F) g/cm3 (lbs/in3) ˚C (˚F) 10 ohm•cm (10 ohm•in) GPa (10 ksi) GPa (103 ksi) W/m•˚C (BTU/hr•ft•˚F) J/Kg•˚C (BTU/lb•˚F) 3 -6 . Approx.5) 530 (0.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 26 TITANIUM ALLOY ASTM GRADE (UNS NO.78 mm (0.2.7-5.T. -196˚C (-320˚F) -253˚C (-423˚F) 724 (105) 690 (100) 10 25 1310 (190) 1210 (175) 16 1580 (229) 1420 (206) 15 Charpy V-Notch Impact @ R.78 mm (0. Electrical Resistivity @ R. %) Ti .75Al.0 – 5. at Temp.7 (5. 0.Bar.6) 4.ELI (R54521) 0.3) 9.070") thick 1.T. 0.T. R. 4.2) 9.9046 and .5 (5. 0.5Sn . Modulus of Elasticity – Tension Modulus of Elasticity – Torsion Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat Weldability Industry Specifications -6 20 (15) 4. Bend Radius Welded Bend Radius Nominal Hardness PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Nominal Beta Transus 0-100˚C (32 -212˚F) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 10-6/˚C (10-6/˚F) Density Melting Point.03N.5Al .127) Very Good AMS 4909. 2.0 x Thickness 4.2% offset Elongation in 51 mm (2") gage length Reduction in Area . MIL-T . 0. Typical Cryogenic Properties Min.0 x Thickness 33 HRC Under 1.0Sn. 0. values unless range is shown) TENSILE PROPERTIES Ultimate Strength Yield Strength.5 x Thickness 4.) Chemical Composition (Max.162) 1600 (2910) 160 (406) 110 (16) -124 (18) 48 (7. Billet & Forging only OTHER MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Stress to Rupture in Time Shown Stress & Time to Produce Elongation Shown (creep) Stress Time-Hrs. 4924. (˚C) Stress Time-Hrs.0150H (sheet) Guar. (˚C) Creep (%) Joules (ft-lbs) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) (%) (%) (wt.0-3.7 (5.8 (4. 0. at Temp.4) 9.08C. 5) 8.120) Fair AMS .2 124 (18) 100 0.2Sn .5) 46 (6.11) Fair AMS .5Zr.3) 8.37 (.0 x Thickness — 34 HRC 414 (60) 100 0. 315˚C (600˚F) 427˚C (800˚F) 538˚C (1000˚F) 996 (130) 827 (120) 10 25 655 (95) 517 (75) 15 40 588 (85) 483 (70) 20 55 517 (75) 414 (60) 25 65 396 (57.54 (0.Min.4975.2 400 (58) 1000 0.5 x Thickness 6. 0. MIL-T . 0.1 (4.0 x Thickness 36 HRC 4.25) 4. 0.05N.75-1.1 345 (50) 50 83 (12) 1000 0.1 (5.1Mo .9047 *See Ti-6-2-4-2-S heat treatment information in back of booklet .75Mo.0) 10. MIL-T .0.08C. 7.010H(billet).. 0. 0.7 (4.7 (4.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 27 Ti .T.0125H (billet).5Al. 4976.Ann.75V. 0.12O.5) — 7.75-2.3) (5.34 (15 .1 1038 (1900) 8.5 (4. Typical Elevated Temperature Properties Dup.0 x Thickness 4.9046 and .7) — 4. 316˚C (600˚F) 427˚C (800˚F) 538˚C (1000˚F) 931 (135) 827 (120) 10 745 (108) 550 (80) 20 52 100 (690) 520 (75) 20 55 595 (86) 450 (65) 28 70 Ti .75-2.5 x Thickness 5. 1. 3.0 (5. 4973.5) 8 683 (99) 100 0. 4972.2 20 .7) 9.5) 502 (0.5-6. Min.7) 6 (3. 0. 0.164) 1704 (3100) 185 (470) 114 (16.05N.1 (4.0125H (bar).9046 and . 0. 999 (1830) 7.6Al .R.12O.4915. 0.1Si (R54620) 0.4Zr .5) — — 4.T.5-8.2Mo .10Si max.25Mo. 4916.08C.5Al. . 0.158) 1538 (2800) 197 (500) 128 (18.9047 *See Ti-8-1-1 heat treatment information in back of booklet Note: STA in thin sections only.015H (sheet) Guar. 1.6) (10.5-4.8Al .3) 460 (0.0 – 10.0125H(bar) Typical Elevated Temperature Properties Guar. 5.1V (R54810) 0.75-1.25Sn. 4919.25 Fe. Not widely used. 0.R. (˚C) Stress Time-Hrs. 4928. 0.) Chemical Composition (Max.* 150˚C (300˚F) 260˚C (500˚F) 370˚C (700˚F) 896 (130) 827 (120) 10 25 845 (121) 724 (105) 16 35 758 (110) 641 (93) 17 40 690 (100) 565 (82) 18 45 * Mill-Annealed Condition (MA) 724 (105) 1000 (315) 483 (70) 100 (315) 0.0) 9.6) 10.070") and over ˚C (˚F) 996 (1825) 9. 0.43 (. at Temp.160) 1650 (3000) 171 (434) 114 (16.2% offset Elongation in 51 mm (2") gage length Reduction in Area .6Al .070") thick 1.20) 4. Modulus of Elasticity – Tension Modulus of Elasticity – Torsion Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat Weldability Industry Specifications -6 Under 1. values unless range is shown) TENSILE PROPERTIES Ultimate Strength Yield Strength. at Temp.20O.T.T. Approx. B381.Bar.05N.5) 42 (6. 0.4911.1) 6. Billet & Forging only OTHER MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Stress to Rupture in Time Shown Stress & Time to Produce Elongation Shown (creep) Stress Time-Hrs. AMS . 4935.0150H (sheet) Typical Elevated Temperature Properties Guar. 5.8) 565 (0.0 (5. 0.0 -10.135) Very Good ASTM .78 mm (0.R. 3. 4965 and 4967.78 mm (0. Min.1 20 .TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 28 TITANIUM ALLOY ASTM GRADE (UNS NO. B348.75Al.0 x Thickness 33 HRC 620 (90) 1000 (400) 296 (43) 100 (371) 0. %) Ti . (˚C) Creep (%) Joules (ft-lbs) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) (%) (%) (wt.9046 and .4V GRADE 5 (R56400) 0. F467 and F468. MIL-T . 0.9047 *See Ti-6-4 heat treatment information in back of booklet 0-315˚C (32-600˚F) 0-538˚C (32-1000˚F) 0-648˚C (32-1200˚F) 0-816˚C (32-1500˚F) g/cm3 (lbs/in3) ˚C (˚F) 10 ohm•cm (10 ohm•in) GPa (10 ksi) GPa (103 ksi) W/m•˚C (BTU/hr•ft•˚F) J/Kg•˚C (BTU/lb•˚F) 3 -6 . 0.1 Charpy V-Notch Impact @ R.0125H (bar). Electrical Resistivity @ R.3) 10. 0.1) 4.1 (5.08C. B861.5V. Bend Radius Welded Bend Radius Nominal Hardness PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Nominal Beta Transus 0-100˚C (32 -212˚F) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 10-6/˚C (10-6/˚F) Density Melting Point.25Fe.5-4.6 (3.9) 11.0100H (billet).50-6.5 (5.T.B265.27 (15 .0 (6.6 (5.5 x Thickness 5.0 x Thickness 6. Typical Elevated Temperature Properties **** Min.5(6. B861 and B862 .8 (6.13O.5Al.5 x Thickness 5. B862 andF136.1 (5. 5.T.8 (6.10 x Thickness 32 HRC 24. 0.015H Typical Elevated Temperature Properties ** Guar.40 (18 .TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 29 Ti . 0.43 (0. Guar.4V .6) 10.5-4.5) 42. R.5 (5. B363.2) 7.8) 10.5-6.43 (0.2 (5.3) 10.03N. B381.4mm **** ELI grade *Mill-annealed condition ** Transformed-beta condition 770 (112) 640 (93) 15 723 (105) 587 (85) 16 678 (98) 532 (77) 16 770 (112) 640 (93) 15 723 (105) 587 (85) 16 678 (98) 532 (77) 16 13 13 24. B337.T.4 (5.5V.08C. 0.0) 4.0)***] 25 15 *** For sections ≥ 25.03N.T.5 (5. 5.8 (6.1Ru**** GRADE 29 (R56404) 0.135) Very Good ASTM .08-0.5(6. AMS .*** 93˚C(200˚F) 149˚C(300˚F) 204˚C(400˚F) 260˚C(500˚F) 862 (125) 827 (120) 833 (121) 793 (115) 759 (110) 712 (103) 10 [7.0 x Thickness 6 .25Fe.2) 565 (0.14Ru.** 93˚C(200˚F) 149˚C(300˚F) 204˚C(400˚F) 260˚C(500˚F) 827 (120) 827 (120) 833 (121) 759 (110) 759 (110) 712 (103) 10 [7.2 (5.25Fe.6) 10. 0.T. 0.135) Very Good ASTM .3) 10.0125H Guar. Min.4V ELI* GRADE 23 (R56407) 0. 4930 and 4956 982 (1800) 9.4 (5.5) 42.8 (6. R. B381.5V.10 x Thickness 32 HRC 982 (1800) 9.B265.40 (18 .0)]**** 25 15 *** Per ASTM "B" product specifications **** Transformed-beta condition *Extra low interstitials ** Per ASTM F136 specification Ti .30) 4. 0.1) 9.** Min.30) 4.160) 1650 (3000) 165 (65) 114 (16. 0. 3. B348.B265.* Min.08C.6Al .0.0) 4.6Al . B861.2) 565 (0.0 x Thickness 6 . R. 0. 3.5Al.8) 10.5-6.1 (5. B348.5 x Thickness 5.13O.1) 9. Guar. R.5-4.3 (4.3 (4.160) 1650 (3000) 165 (65) 114 (16. 0.4907.2) 7. 14) 4. Modulus of Elasticity – Tension Modulus of Elasticity – Torsion Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat Weldability Industry Specifications -6 16 .TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 30 TITANIUM ALLOY ASTM GRADE (UNS NO.T.35-1.5Sn.04N.6Al . 1.0Al.1) 4. Electrical Resistivity @ R.2 Charpy V-Notch Impact @ R.5 (5. at Temp. %) Ti .T.3) 10.19 (12 .351. 0.* 204˚C (400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 427˚C (800˚F) 1034 (150) 965 (140) 10L.015H (bar. Billet & Forging only OTHER MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Stress to Rupture in Time Shown Stress & Time to Produce Elongation Shown (creep) Stress Time-Hrs.T. 5.0V.0) 10.R.3 (5. 4936.070") thick 1.54 (0.2) 9. plate) Guar. Bend Radius Welded Bend Radius Nominal Hardness PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Nominal Beta Transus 0-100˚C (32 -212˚F) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 10-6/˚C (10-6/˚F) Density Melting Point.155) Limited AMS 4918.7 (6.9 (6. 0. (˚C) Creep (%) Joules (ft-lbs) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) (%) (%) (wt.20O. Approx.5-2. condition) Under 1.) Chemical Composition (Max.2Sn (R56620) 0. Annealed Condition 1070 (155) 930 (135) 1000 (145) 827 (120) 930 (135) 793 (115) 655 (95) 100 (315) 0.2 124 (18) 100 (427) 0.0 x Thickness 4. 5. 0.08C.0 Cu. sheet.0Fe.) Min. Typical Elevated Temperature Prop. 4971. (Ann.0) 9. 0.78 mm (0. 15T * For sections ≤ 51mm. values unless range is shown) TENSILE PROPERTIES Ultimate Strength Yield Strength.1704 (3100) 157 (398) 114 (16.Bar.0-6.070") and over ˚C (˚F) 946 (1735) 9.5) — 5.9047 * See Ti-6-6-2 heat treatment information in back of booklet 0-315˚C (32-600˚F) 0-538˚C (32-1000˚F) 0-648˚C (32-1200˚F) 0-816˚C (32-1500˚F) g/cm3 (lbs/in3) ˚C (˚F) 10 ohm•cm (10 ohm•in) GPa (10 ksi) GPa (103 ksi) W/m•˚C (BTU/hr•ft•˚F) J/Kg•˚C (BTU/lb•˚F) 3 -6 .2) 635 (0.5 x Thickness — 38 HRC (Ann.0 (5. 0.2% offset Elongation in 51 mm (2") gage length Reduction in Area . (˚C) Stress Time-Hrs.5 (3.164) 1650 (3000) . 0.6V . 4978 and 4979. 8T 20L.0125H (billet). at Temp.9046 and . 0.2 276 (40) 100 (370) 0.78 mm (0. MIL-T .0-6. 5-6. 15T 1103 (160) 896 (130) 10 30 1069 (155) 862 (125) 10 30 931 (135) 724 (105) 15 50 Ti . 1.2 979 (142) 100 (204) 841 (122) 100 (204) 0. (Duplex Ann. 0.05C. Typical Elevated Temp.65 (0.T.3 (5. 3.2) 10. 1.168) 1593 (2900) .4Zr .83142A Comp 11 Frg Amin.2Cr . MIL T .7 (4.20Si.25Sn. 0.03N. 5.2 276 (40) 100 (482) 0.164) N/A N/A 117 (17.) Min.5) Duplex Ann. 1.T.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 31 Ti .5-4.25Cr.25-6.5-6.9047G AMS 4898 960 (1760) — 9.65 (0.25Al. 0. 0.0125H Guar.04C.R.0 910 (132) 100 (315) 827 (120) 100 (315) 0.6Al . 1.6 (5.1 483 (70) 100 (427) 0.2Zr . — 7.4 (5.0125H Typ.2 841 (122) 100 (427) 572 (83) 100 (427) 0. 0.12) Limited AMS 4981B.1) — — — 4.75-2.8) 10. 0. 0. Typical Elevated Temperature Properties Prop.8) 10.25Fe.2 (5.7) N/A N/A Limited .5Zr.12-0.75-2.25Sn. (STA) 204˚C (400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 427˚C (800˚F) 1172 (170) 1103 (160) 12 20 100 (145) 807 (117) 19 33 965 (140) 738 (107) 20 35 896 (130) 690 (100) 21 40 758 (110) 100 (482) 690 (100) 70 (315) 0. MIL F 8314 Comp 11 Frg Ht.6Mo (R56260) 0.15Fe.0.5Mo.9) 4.2 16 (12) 4.7) 10.14O. R.2Sn .75-2. MIL F .2Mo .04N.4) 500 (0.(Dplx) 315˚C (600˚F) 427˚C (800˚F) 538˚C (1000˚F) 1172 (170) 1103 (160) 10L. 0.5O.2 39 HRC 946 (1735) 9. 5.25Mo. Prop.75-2. 0.4 (5.75-2.5 5.2Sn .4 (5.25Zr.5Al. 5.15Si (UNASSIGNED) 0.0) STA 46 (6. 1.6Al .1677 (3050) 200 (508) 114 (16. 8T 20L. 5-4.168) N/A N/A 114 (16. Typical Elevated Temperature Properties (STA) Min. Electrical Resistivity @ R. R.13O Guar. 0.T.65 (0.7 (5. Bend Radius Welded Bend Radius Nominal Hardness PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Nominal Beta Transus 0-100˚C (32 -212˚F) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 10-6/˚C (10-6/˚F) Density Melting Point.2 — — — — 40 HRC 890 (1635) — 9.5Zr.2% offset Elongation in 51 mm (2") gage length Reduction in Area .5Mo.5) Dynamic — N/A N/A — AMS 4995 896 (130) 1000 (315) 690 (100) 1000 (315) 0.T.4Cr (Ti .2 993 (144) 841 (122) 14 46 965 (140) 807 (117) 12 48 917 (133) 745 (108) 13 47 Charpy V-Notch Impact @ R.2Zr .) Chemical Composition (Max. at Temp. 0.5Al. Modulus of Elasticity – Tension Modulus of Elasticity – Torsion Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat Weldability Industry Specifications -6 Under 1.Bar. %) Ti .4Mo .5Cr.2 690 (100) 7500 (427) 241 (35) 150 (427) 0. at Temp. (˚C) Stress Time-Hrs.78 mm (0.78 mm (0.070") and over ˚C (˚F) 0-315˚C (32-600˚F) 0-538˚C (32-1000˚F) 0-648˚C (32-1200˚F) 0-816˚C (32-1500˚F) g/cm3 (lbs/in3) ˚C (˚F) 10 ohm•cm (10 ohm•in) GPa (10 ksi) GPa (103 ksi) W/m•˚C (BTU/hr•ft•˚F) J/Kg•˚C (BTU/lb•˚F) 3 -6 .4) — — — 4.5-4.17) (R58650) 4. 3.04N. 3. 0.08-0. 1.5Al .5-2.* 204˚C (400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 371˚C (700˚F) 1165 (169) 1110 (161) 10 32 * Alpha-Beta processed 965 (140) 800 (204) 793 (115) 2200 (204) 0. (˚C) Creep (%) Joules (ft-lbs) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) (%) (%) (wt.0125H.070") thick 1.3Fe. values unless range is shown) TENSILE PROPERTIES Ultimate Strength Yield Strength.2Sn .5-2. 0.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 32 TITANIUM ALLOY ASTM GRADE (UNS NO. Approx. Billet & Forging only OTHER MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Stress to Rupture in Time Shown Stress & Time to Produce Elongation Shown (creep) Stress Time-Hrs.5-5.5Sn. 0.T. 1. T.lbs. 0.7) — 9.7-2.15O.) (STA) (130) (120) 10 25 1023 (148) 972 (141) 19 60 1295 (188) 1177 (171) 13 30 Ti .5-3. R.01H.015H Guar.5-2.0Al. 1.2 (5. 1. R.005Y Typical R.9) — 6.9) 9. 0. R.7 (4.05 14 .20) ft.35) — Limited .20O.5Si (Ti-550) (UNASSIGNED) 3.Min.3V .0) 4.1) 10. 3.5) — 7.3Fe.0-5.05N.T. 0.5 x Thickness 5.08C.6 (0.54 (0. (Ann.0Mo.8-2.166) — 159 (63) 114 (16. -47 and -48.2Fe (SP .0-5.0.2Mo.5V. 0.27 (10 .10 Hot formable only Hot formable only — 37 HRC 900 (1650) 7.6) — — 4.16-0. 0. Typical Typical Elevated Temperature Properties Min.4. 0.0Al.0) 502 (0.164) 1593 (2900) 164 (65) 110 (15.03N. 1.2Sn . 0.10 23 (17) 0.5 (4.10 100 (300) 1000 (300) 0.700) (UNASSIGNED) 4.T. 975 (1787) 8. Properties Guar.5Al .) (Ann.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 33 Ti .0.3-0. 93˚C (200˚F) 204˚C (400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 1103(160) 1145(166) 958(139) 1021(148) 9 20 12 36 1096(159) 938(136) 15 — 979(142) 800(116) 16 — 876(127) 683(99) 17 — — — 752 (109) 1000 (100) 0.4Al .0 (5.T.1 (5.5Sn. .9 (4.7Si.8 (4.12Fe.0-5. 4. 0. 0.12) Good AMS 4899 TA-46.2Mo .0 x Thickness — 34 HRC 710 (103) 703 (102) 841 (122) 100 (399) 517 (75) 100 (399) 0.4Mo .3) — 8. 2. 0.5 (4.05C. T. Min.05C.6-2. (˚C) Creep (%) Joules (ft-lbs) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) (%) (%) 1 Ti . Approx.070") thick 1. values unless range is shown) TENSILE PROPERTIES Ultimate Strength Yield Strength.070") and over ˚C (˚F) 812 (1495) 9.05N.0V.Bar. 0.110 (12 .) Chemical Composition (Max. (STA)* 204˚C (400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 827 (120) 724 (105) 22 65 738 (107) 600 (87) 22 63 (STA)1 (STA)2 1193 (173) 1103(160) 965 (140) 1103 (160) 1000 (145) 896 (130) 4 6 6 10 2 8 20 High Toughness High Strength 620 (90) 170 (370) 690 (100) 10 (316) 0.41 HRC 172 (25) 100 (370) 0. Modulus of Elasticity – Tension Modulus of Elasticity – Torsion Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat Weldability Industry Specifications -6 Under 1. 4983A.2 69 (10) 2300 (480) 124 (18) 100 (480) 0. 2.6-3. 0.015H R.10V .2% offset Elongation in 51 mm (2") gage length Reduction in Area . 1.T. 0. at Temp.4) — — — — 4. Billet & Forging only OTHER MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Stress to Rupture in Time Shown Stress & Time to Produce Elongation Shown (creep) Stress Time-Hrs.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 34 TITANIUM ALLOY ASTM GRADE (UNS NO. 4987 0-315˚C (32-600˚F) 0-538˚C (32-1000˚F) 0-648˚C (32-1200˚F) 0-816˚C (32-1500˚F) g/cm3 (lbs/in3) ˚C (˚F) 10 ohm•cm (10 ohm•in) GPa (10 ksi) GPa (103 ksi) W/m•˚C (BTU/hr•ft•˚F) J/Kg•˚C (BTU/lb•˚F) 3 -6 .16) STA 41 (6) N/A N/A Fair AMS 4986.78 mm (0.0-11. 0. Bend Radius Welded Bend Radius Nominal Hardness PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Nominal Beta Transus 0-100˚C (32 -212˚F) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 10-6/˚C (10-6/˚F) Density Melting Point. Prop.T.2Fe.168) N/A N/A 83 .78 mm (0. Electrical Resistivity @ R. at Temp.13O.3Al (UNASSIGNED) (wt.26 — — — — 32 . 4984.65 (0.7 (5.2 Charpy V-Notch Impact @ R. (˚C) Stress Time-Hrs. (STA) Typical Elevated Temp. 0. %) 9.2Fe .4Al. 05C.T.03N.5Mo.2 (3.5Cr. B337.0) 6.3Al .5-8. 0.45 HRC 730 (1350) 8.0Al.0).123) Fair ASTM B265.5-4.T.4 (6. 0. B348.6) 515 (0. B337.5-8. 0.2 10.3Fe.0.5 (ST) 4.9047.3Fe.5-6.8V .3 (8 .3Al .T. ASTM B265.6) 9.12O.5-4. 0.8 .02H Guar. B363.5Cr.08Pd.5-6.6Cr . 93˚C(200˚F) 204˚C(400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 793(115) 1172(170) 1227(178) 1172(170) 759(110) 1103(160) 1138(165) 1069(155) 15 — 6 — 9 30 9 35 1117(162) 1007(146) 9 32 1069(155) 972(141) 9 30 1020 (148) 500 (260) 952 (138) 750 (260) 0. 0.8 .6) 9.* Typical Elevated Temperature Properties (STA) (S.0).174) 1650 (3000) 160 (63) ST: 93-96 (13. 0.4Mo . 3.0) 6.3 (4.04-0.2 965 (140) 100 (315) 517 (75) 170 (370) 0.45 HRC 670 (100) 100 (315) 0.T.12) 3.8V . R.T.5Zr.0Al.4Zr .05C. B363. 3.7 (5.8) 41.5-4.02H Guar.12O.16.5Mo.9046 and .6) 515 (0.) (STA) R.16.5-14.0 (ST) — 30 .8) 41.3 (8 . R.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 35 Ti .6Cr . STA: 102 (14.T.174) 1650 (3000) 160 (63) ST: 93-96 (13. Typical Elevated Temperature Properties (STA) (S. 3.0-4. MIL-T .3) 9.5 (5. 7.3 (4.5V. B381 and B861 . 93˚C(200˚F) 204˚C(400˚F) 315˚C (600˚F) 793(115) 1172(170) 1227(178) 1172(170) 759(110) 1103(160) 1138(165) 1069(155) 15 — 6 — 9 30 9 35 1117(162) 1007(146) 9 32 1069(155) 972(141) 9 30 Ti . 0. 0.5 (5. B381 and B861 * See Ti Beta-C™ heat treatment information in back of booklet 730 (1350) 8.03N. 3.5Zr.82 (0. 5. 0.7 (5.2 1020 (148) 500 (260) 670 (100) 100 (315) 0.5V.0-4.82 (0.5-14.4) — — 4.2 (3.05Pd (Ti Beta-C™/Pd) GRADE 20 (R58645) 3.123) Fair AMS 4957 and 4958.) (STA) R.12) 3.Min.3) 9.4 (6.0 (ST) — 30 .4) — — 4.2 10.2 952 (138) 750 (260) 0. 0. STA: 102 (14. 0.5 (ST) 4.5-4.Min.4Mo . 5. B348.4Zr (Ti Beta-C™) GRADE 19 (R58640) 3. 7.2 965 (140) 100 (315) 517 (75) 170 (370) 0. 0. Modulus of Elasticity – Tension Modulus of Elasticity – Torsion Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat Weldability Industry Specifications -6 Under 1.7Nb 0.5Al.05N.) Chemical Composition (Max. 0.T.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 36 TITANIUM ALLOY ASTM GRADE (UNS NO. (˚C) Stress Time-Hrs.5-6.) 6. (˚C) Creep (%) Joules (ft-lbs) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) (%) (%) (wt.163) N/A — 105 (15.08C.2) N/A — — Good Medical Implant Alloy ASTM . %) Ti . Bend Radius Welded Bend Radius Nominal Hardness PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Nominal Beta Transus 0-100˚C (32 -212˚F) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 10-6/˚C (10-6/˚F) Density Melting Point.5) 800 (116) 10 25 * Bar Product Only — — — — — — — — — — 1021 (148) 910 (132) 15 42 979 (142) 883 (128) 14 41 Charpy V-Notch Impact @ R.009H Typical R.Min. R. .2% offset Elongation in 51 mm (2") gage length Reduction in Area OTHER MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Stress to Rupture in Time Shown Stress & Time to Produce Elongation Shown (creep) Stress Time-Hrs.T.50Ta. Approx. 19-71 mm dia. 0.T. 0. Not all products listed and/or heat treat conditions are offered by RMI.3-19 mm dia.78 mm (0.52 (0.070") and over ˚C (˚F) 1010 (1850) N/A — — — — 4.T.* (Ann.070") thick 1. 900 (130. Annealed Properties* Guar.20O. 0.78 mm (0.25Fe. values unless range is shown) TENSILE PROPERTIES Ultimate Strength Yield Strength. at Temp. 6. 0.5Nb.6Al . 5.F1295 0-315˚C (32-600˚F) 0-538˚C (32-1000˚F) 0-648˚C (32-1200˚F) 0-816˚C (32-1500˚F) g/cm3 (lbs/in3) ˚C (˚F) 10 ohm•cm (10 ohm•in) GPa (10 ksi) GPa (103 ksi) W/m•˚C (BTU/hr•ft•˚F) J/Kg•˚C (BTU/lb•˚F) 3 -6 Data provided for informational purposes only. at Temp.5-7. Electrical Resistivity @ R. 10 8 Reduction in Area% Long.43 (0. 4. STRIP AND PLATE Heat-Treat Cycle 899-954˚C (1650-1750˚F)/5 Min.8 (0.2% Offset MPa (ksi) 1069 (155) 1034 (150) 1000 (145) 965 (140) 896 (130) 965 (140) 931 (135) 896 (130) 965 (140) 896 (130) 827 (120) Elong in 4D % Long.4(16) 1069 (155) Over 25.6 (4.4(16) 896 (130) SOLUTION TREATED AND AGED (STA) Ti 6Al-4V SHEET.2% Offset MPa (ksi) 1000 (145) 1000 (145) 1000 (145) 1000 (145) 1000 (145) 965 (140) 931 (135) Elong in 50.8(12) 965 (140) 1 (25.4 to 50.) Ultimate Tensile Strength MPa (ksi) Yield Strength 0.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 37 Guaranteed Minimum Properties RMI 6Al ." Data provided for informational purposes only.in.)% 3 4 5 8 8 6 6 * Time from furnace to water should be less than 6 seconds ** For comprehensive details of this alloy see RMI Titanium Co.5) and Under 101.0 to 25.8 (1 to 2) 152.2% Offset MPa (ksi) 827 (120) 827 (120) Elong in 4D% Long.81 (0.4(16) 965 (140) (3 to 4) Over 50.4 (1) and Under 406.84 (0.76 (0.8 (1 to 2) Over 50.4(16) 965 (140) 25..8 to 101.6 Over 25.4 (0. Over 12.6 (2 to 4) 406.000) 1 2 2 2 Ultimate Tensile Strength MPa (ksi) 896 (130) 896 (130) Yield Strength 0.8 to 76. Over 19.8 (1 to 2) 406.016 to 0. 25 15 103cm (16 sq.4 to 50.1875 to 0. .2% Offset MPa (ksi) 869 (126) 869 (126) 869 (126) 869 (126) 827 (120) Elong in 50.032) to 1.032) excl.1875) excl.7 to 25.0 (0.2 to 101.6-101.2 (2 to 3) 304.6 (4) 1138 (165) Over 12.6 (0. 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 10 12.5 T 4.4V BAR AND BILLET Thickness or Diameter mm (inches) 47.008) to . Over 25.5 T 5.500 to 0.1875) excl.4 to 50.43 (0.017) excl. STRIP AND PLATE Thickness mm (inches) .750 to 1.8 (1 to 2) 101.000 to 2. Ultimate Tensile Strength ksi (MPa) 1103 (160) 1103 (160) 1103 (160) 1103 (160) 1103 (160) 1034 (150) 1000 (145) Yield Strength 0. 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 Tran. 25 25 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 Tran.2 (2 to 3) Diameter or Thickness as Heat-Treated mm (inches) Max Cross Sect. 10 8 Trans.4V SHEET. 25 20 Trans.500) incl.4(16) 1034 (150) Over 25. . inch) maximum 413cm2 (64 sq.5 T 4.6 (4) 1034 (150) Over 25.78 (0.84 to 1.81 (0. inch) maximum MILL ANNEALED Ti 6Al .033) excl.8mm (2 in.4V** MILL ANNEALED Ti 6Al .8 (1.4 to 50.0 T — SOLUTION TREATED AND AGED (STA) Ti 6Al .050) excl..4V BAR Heat-Treat Cycle 954˚C (1750˚F)/1Hr.8mm (2 in.4(16) 1034 (150) Over 76.4 (1) and Under Over 25. 4.41 to .1875) to 101.070) to 4.050 to 0.20 (0. Air Cool Diameter or Thickness as Rolled or Forged mm (inches) 25.750) incl.4 (1) and Under 406.4 (6) 1000 (145) Over 50.000) incl. Bend Radius 4.5 to 1) 101. .017) to .76 (0.7 to 19. 1.7 (0.070) excl. Water Quench* 482-593˚C (900-1100˚F)/4 to 8 Hrs. Not all products listed and/or heat treat conditions are offered by RMI.3 to 4.8 to 12.4 to 50.000) incl. . Ultimate Tensile Strength MPa (ksi) 924 (134) 924 (134) 924 (134) 924 (134) 896 (130) Yield Strength 0.7 (. 1 Over 101. to 1Hr. Water Quench* 482-593˚C (900-1100˚F)/4 to 8 Hrs.000) incl.8 (1 to 2) 406. Air Cool Thickness mm (inches) .6 (4) 1103 (160) 25.4 to 50.4) and Under 406.. )% 6 8 10 10 10 Min.78 (0. 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 Reduction in in Area % Long.4 (.033 to 0..3 (0.1875-4. 1.000) incl.8 to 76. brochure entitled "RMI 6Al-4V.6 (4. mm2 (sq. ..................) incl. Air Cool Ti 8Al-1Mo-1V PROPERTIES AFTER HEAT TREATMENT: BAR over 63.........5 in..025) in.....) incl. 931MPa (135ksi) Elong...8mm (2 in.properties and low creep to 317˚C (700˚F) Heat-Treat Cycle 788˚C (1450F)/1-8 Hrs.64mm (0... temp.... 931MPa (135ksi) Yield Strength 0.... Ultimate strength ..5mm (2.... in 50...8mm (2 in....64mm (0.) 10 (Over ...... Ultimate strength .... Air Cool Duplex Anneal 896MPa (130ksi) 827MPa (120ksi) 10 20 Duplex Anneal 827MPa (120ksi) 758MPa (110ksi) 10 20 Data provided for informational purposes only.) (%) .........) (%) ...2% offset .. properties and Air Cool (or Quench) Yield Strength good creep resistance Reheat at 982-1010˚C 0.8mm (2 in..... Reduction in Area (%) ...........025) in........025) incl...025) incl.....) Ti 8Al-1Mo-1V PROPERTIES AFTER HEAT TREATMENT: BAR to 63..) (%) ..0 in.... For maximum room 566-593˚C(1800-1850˚F)/1 Hr......... 8 to (..64mm (0.64mm (0. Reduction in Area (%) . properties and Air Cool (or Quench) Yield Strength good creep resistance Reheat at 982-1010˚C 0. 827MPa (120ksi) Elong.. in 50..) to 101. to 538˚C (1000˚F) (1050-1100 ˚F)/8 Hrs.... .......) (%) ..... Elong. Furnace-Cool Tensile Properties: Guaranteed Minimum Ultimate strength ........ or thickness For maximum room 566-593˚C(1800-1850F)/1 Hr... dia.. Not all products listed and/or heat treat conditions are offered by RMI... Elong...... 1000MPa (145ksi) Yield Strength 0..) Duplex Anneal For high fracture toughness Single Anneal Plus 788˚C (1450˚F)/15 Min....8mm (2 in...... to 538˚C (1000˚F) (1050-1100˚F)/8 Hrs. thickness or dia... in 50...........2% offset .2% offset . temp..5 in.... Air Cool Ultimate strength ... in 50.2% offset .....TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 38 Properties After Heat Treatment Ti 8Al-1Mo-1V PROPERTIES AFTER HEAT TREATMENT: SHEET Type of Treatment Single Anneal Desired Characteristics For maximum room temp.....6 (4..........5mm (2. 8 to (...) 10 (Over .. 4 (1) to 50.4 (1) and Under 25.070) excl.4 (1) to 50.00) incl.8 (2) 25.) (%) Long.8 (2. Over 1.025) excl. 6 8 8 8 6 Reduction in Area% Long.4 (1) and Under Over 25.187) to 38. Not all products listed and/or heat treat conditions are offered by RMI.00) incl.00) to 101.6 (4) Over 4.2% Offset MPa (ksi) 965 (140) 931 (135) 896 (130) 103cm2 (16 sq.1 (1.5 T — — Min.64 (0.2% Offset 1172 (170) 1172 (170) 1103 (160) 1103 (160) 1069 (155) 1000 (145) 1069 (155) 1034 (150) 1000 (145) 965 (140) 1103 (160) 1034 (150) Elongation in 50.5) to 63.00) incl.00) 1 2 2 Ultimate Tensile Strength MPa (ksi) 1034 (150) 1000 (145) 965 (140) Yield Strength 0. Bend Radius Ti 6Al . 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Data provided for informational purposes only.025) to 1.6 (4) Plate Thickness Over 4.8mm (2 in. 20 15 15 4.0 T 4.187) to 38.2 (3) Over 76.6V .8 (2.4 (1) and Under Over 25.070) to 4.2Sn SHEET AND PLATE PROPERTIES (ANNEALED) Thickness mm (inches) Up to . 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Reduction in Area (%) Long.4 (1) to 50.1 (1.6 (4.8 (0. 8 6 6 Trans.6V . 8 10 10 10 8 Elongation in 4D% Long.8 (2) Over 50. 20 20 15 Trans.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 39 Properties After Heat Treatment Ti 6Al .4 (1) to 50. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 Tran. Over 50.2 (3) to 101.5) Ultimate Strength MPa (ksi) 1241 (180) 1241 (180) 1172 (170) 1172 (170) 1138 (165) 1069 (155) 1138 (165) 1103 (160) 1069 (155) 1034 (150) 1172 (170) 1103 (160) Yield Strength MPa (ksi) 0.4 (1) and Under Over 25.2% Offset MPa (ksi) 1000 (145) 1000 (145) 1000 (145) 965 (140) 931 (135) Elongation in 50. . .5) Over 38. 1 Over 101. Air Cool Tensile Properties: Guaranteed Minimum Thickness as Rolled or Forged mm (inches) 25.5 (2.2Sn PROPERTIES (STA CONDITION) Heat-Treat Cycle 857-913˚C (1575-1675˚F)/1Hr.4 (1) and Under Over 25.8 (2. 4.8 (0.8 (2) to 76. Over 50.8 (0. inches) maximum 413cm2 (64 sq.5 (2.1875) excl.2 (3) Over 76.1 (1.8 (2) Over 50.8 (2) to 76.8 (2) to 76. Water Quench 482-593˚C (900-1100˚F)/4 to 8 Hrs.2 (3) 25.0 T 4.6 (4.7 (0.8 (2.6V .6 (4.1875) to 50.5) Over 38. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 Tran.5) to 63..8 (2) Over 50.2 (3) to 101. inches) maximum Ti 6Al ..8mm (2 in.7 (0.00) to 101.) or 4D(%) Long.2Sn BAR AND BILLET PROPERTIES (ANNEALED) Thickness or Diameter inches Up to 50.00) incl.1 (1.64 (0. Ultimate Tensile Strength MPa (ksi) 1069 (155) 1069 (155) 1069 (155) 1034 (150) 1000 (145) Yield Strength 0.5) Thickness as Heat-Treated mm (inches) 25.8 (0. 10 8 8 Trans. .51 (.0 T — — Duplex Anneal 899˚C (1650˚F)/30 Min...00) incl.4 (1.2% Offset 1103 (160) 1103 (160) 1069 (155) 1069 (155) Elongation in 50. Air Cool or faster plus 593˚C (1100˚F)/4-8 Hrs.8mm (2 in.5 (2.2Mo BAR AND BILLET (DUPLEX ANNEALED) Elongation Ultimate Yield Strength Thickness or Diameter in 4D% Tensile Strength 0.00) incl. 15 15 12 12 Forgings Bar and Wire Bar Bar and Forgings 1 Alternate cycle sections over 25.063in. heat to 14˚C (25 ˚F) below Beta Transus Temperature — 1-2 Hrs.070) to 4..2 (3. Tensile Properties: Guaranteed Minimum Ultimate Strength MPa (ksi) 1172 (170) 1172 (170) 1138 (165) 1138 (165) Yield Strength MPa (ksi) 0.1875) excl.78 (. Over 63. Air Cool Product Diameter or Distance Between Parallel Sides mm (inches) Up to 76.2Mo ..TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 40 Properties After Heat Treatment Ti 6Al .00) incl.00) incl. Air Cool plus 593˚C (1100˚F)/8Hrs. Not all products listed and/or heat treat conditions are offered by RMI.. Air Cool Duplex Anneal 899˚C (1650˚F)/1 Hr..78 (.) and heavier 10% minimum Triplex Anneal minimum properties — Sheet only — Duplex Anneal plus 593˚C (1100˚F)/2 Hrs.2 (3) incl. To 50.2% Offset mm (inches) MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) Long. 20 20 15 896 (130) 896 (130) 896 (130) 827 (120) 827 (120) 827 (120) 10 10 8 10 8 8 2 3 Duplex or solution treatment plus stabilization treatment 954˚C (1750˚F) (or Beta Transus minus 28˚C (50˚F)) 1 Hr.2Sn PROPERTIES (STA CONDITION) Heat-Treat Cycle 1 : 843-899˚C (1550-1650˚F)/1Hr.. Over 50. 4.020) to 1.. 1 2 3 4 2 Ultimate Tensile Strength MPa (ksi) 931 (135) 931 (135) 931 (135) 896 (130) Yield Strength 0.00) 1 3 2 Reduction in Area% Long.6 (4.5) incl. Air Cool 1.76 (. Fast Air Cool plus 802-857˚C (1475-1575˚F)/1-4 Hrs. 896 MPa (130 ksi) yield.5 T 5.6mm (0.. 10 10 8 8 Tran.01 Si SHEET AND PLATE (DUPLEX ANNEALED) Thickness mm (inches) ..070) excl. Over 25. 8 8 6 6 Reduction in area (%) Long.6V .) or 4D% 8 10 10 10 3 Minimum Bend Radius 4.00) to 101.76 (. Air Cool plus 593˚C (1100˚F)/8 Hrs.8 (2.4 (1.5 (2. Over 101. Air Cool 965 MPa (140 ksi) ilt.4mm (1 in). 20 20 15 15 Tran..8mm (2 in. Over 76. 25 20 20 Trans. 8% elongation Ti 6Al .00) to 76. . Air Cool plus 788˚C (1450˚F)/15 Min. Up to 63.2% Offset MPa (ksi) 862 (125) 862 (125) 862 (125) 827 (120) Elongation in 50.6 (4) incl. Trans. 1.8 (2.4Zr . Air Cool Ti 6Al ..2Sn 4Zr . Fast Air Cool 593˚C (1100˚F)/4 to 8 Hrs.) (%) Long. Air Cool 103cm2 (16 square inches) maximum 206cm2 (32 square inches) maximum Data provided for informational purposes only.1875) to 25.6 (4.2 (3) incl.2Sn .5) to 76..2 (3) to 101. 1 Higher strength levels with reduced ductility may be achievable using solution treat and cold work + age processing.) (%) Long.. Air Cool S.0.7 (0.A.8 (2) incl..A.A.. 4.8V ..0 Reduction in Area % — 35 30 KIC (ksi in. minimum.5) to 38.0 17..6 (77) 89. Over 50.8mm (2 in.* Ultimate Strength MPa (ksi) 1241 (180) 1241 (180) 1241 (180) 1310 (190) 1241 (180) 1172 (170) 1241 (180) Minimum Tensile Properties Yield Strength 0.4 (6) incl.2Sn .TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 41 Properties After Heat Treatment Ti 6Al .BETA PROCESSED + STA CONDITION) Product Sheet Plate Billet Ultimate Tensile Strength MPa (ksi) 1331 (193) 1207 (175) 1207 (175) Yield Strength MPa (ksi) 1193 (173) 1131 (164) 1089 (158) Elongation % 7.6 (9) incl.0 5. — — — 15 15 15 20 Tran.0 7..15Si (BETA PROCESSED + STA CONDITION) Product 50.5) to 76.5 12.15Si (ALPHA . + 30% Cold Drawn + Age 510˚C (950˚F)/6 Hrs.5 (65) KIC (ksi in.2Sn .A.A.1875) to 50.6Cr .5) incl.0 14. 12.0 20. Over 76.Solution Anneal . .9 (0. Air Cool 1 Ultimate Strength MPa (ksi) Double Shear MPa (ksi) 634 (92) 862 (125) 848 (123) 834 (121) 862 (125) 834 (121) 952 (138) 924 (134) 7.A.4Zr WIRE PROPERTIES (VARIOUS CONDITIONS) Typical Room Temperature Tensile Properties Yield Strength Elongation Reduction 2% Offset in 50.8mm in Area MPa (ksi) (2 in.4Mo .0 (0.8 (0.8 (0. Not all products listed and/or heat treat conditions are offered by RMI.) Billet Ultimate Tensile Strength MPa (ksi) 1158 (168) 1103 (160) 1131 (164) Yield Strength MPa (ksi) 1020 (148) 979 (142) 1014 (147) Elongation % 10 10 9 Reduction in Area % 16 14 13 Ti 3Al .0 8.9 (89) Ti 6Al .0 15.7 (0.300) 6.0 49.0 6.500) 12.8V . Air Cool Thickness Product as Heat-Treated mm (inches) Up to 4.816˚C (1500˚F)/15 Min.. — — — — 15 5 20 Sheet Plate 1 Bar and Billet *Test forged samples 3:1 minimum upset.7 (0.) Plate 152. Over 76. Air Cool S.) (%) (%) 16.0 (61) 71. Air Cool Data provided for informational purposes only.2% Offset MPa (ksi) 1172 (170) 1172 (170) 1172 (170) 1241 (180) 1172 (170) 1103 (160) 1172 (170) Elongation in 50.2Mo .0 8.6mm (4 in.2Mo . Air Cool S..4Mo . Air Cool S.1 (1.0. + 30% Cold Drawn + Age 538˚C (1000˚F)/4 Hrs.500) 7.0 6.6 (4) incl. Air Cool S.7 (..2Zr .0 Size mm (inches) Condition Solution Annealed 816˚C (1500˚F)/15 Min. + 30% Cold Drawn + Age 482˚C (900˚F)/6 Hrs.0 21. Air Cool S. Air Cool S.238) 1 S.312) 896 (130) 876 (127) 1503 (218) 1413 (205) 1448 (210) 1289 (187) 1641 (238) 1532 (222) 1572 (228) 1448 (210) 1386 (201) 1276 (185) 1606 (233) 1510 (219) 1675 (243) 1613 (234) 12.A. 6 8 8 8 8 6 10 Tran.500) 12.6 (0. + Age 427˚C (800˚F)/6 Hrs.2 (3) to 152. ) MPa m 84.) Plate 101. + 39% Cold Drawn + Age 482˚C (900˚F)/6 Hrs. plus 427-538˚C (800-1000˚F)/8 Hrs. 6 8 6 — 6 3 10 Reduction in area (%) Long.8mm (2 in.0 6.1 (81) 97.2Zr . Over 38.2Cr . .1 (1.0 10.A.1875) excl.8 (2) to 101.7 5.2 (3) incl. + 59% Cold Drawn + Age 482˚C (900˚F)/6 Hrs.4Zr PRODUCT PROPERTIES (STA CONDITION) Heat-Treat Cycle: 816-927˚C (1500-1700˚F)/1Hr. Ti 3Al . + Age 482˚C (900˚F)/6 Hrs.2Cr . ) MPa m — 67. Air or Water Quench.6Cr ..0 24.2 (3) to 228.4mm (6 in. 850˚C (1560˚F)/1 hr/W.0 10.C.2%YS UTS MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) 972 (141) 917 (133) 1114 (162) 1240 (180) 1023 (148) 966 (140) 1213 (176) 1377 (200) El (%) 19.C.8 13.0 Bend Factor (R/t) — — <2.) 13 (0. Anneal STA STA TITANIUM ALLOY SP-700 15mm PLATE 0.8 14.0 (0.2 14.0 720˚C (1328˚F)/1 hr.0 20. +510˚C (950˚F)/6 hr/A.118) 3.031) 2.2%YS MPa (ksi) 1005 (146) 1023 (148) 920 (133) 945 (137) 951 (138) 939 (136) 949 (138) 929 (135) UTS MPa (ksi) 1063 (154) 1073 (156) 978 (142) 983 (143) 1010 (146) 1010 (146) 1025 (149) 1015 (147) El (%) 11.83) TITANIUM ALLOY SP-700 BAR (MILL ANNEALED CONDITION) 0.150) Direction L T L T L T L T 0. round bar Data provided for informational purposes only. TITANIUM ALLOY SP-700 SHEET (MILL ANNEALED CONDITION) Thickness mm (inches) 0.8 (0.6 28.078) 3.51) 21 (0.Q +560˚C (1040˚F)/6 hr/A.8 21.5mm dia.8 (0.6 39.0 (0.0 22.6 16.6 RA (%) 61.8 Diameter mm (in.5 <2.2% YS UTS MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) 1006 (146) 956 (139) 1048 (152) 1025 (149) El (%) 19 25 Superplastic Formability of SP-700 Mill-annealed 13.C.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 42 Properties After Heat Treatment Heat Treatment Mill Anneal Recry. Not all products listed and/or heat treat conditions are offered by RMI./A.C. 850˚C (1560˚F)/1 hr/A.5 <2.5 <2.5 2.0 14.3 1.9 61.4 11. .C. 800˚C (1470˚F)/1 hr/A. machining and other fabricating procedures. Testing and Inspection In addition to the chemical analysis and mechanical property requirements specified by our customers. provide metallurgical consultation. ISO APPROVALS EN29002/ISO 9002/BS 5750 APPROVED BY BVQI NADCAP . Ultrasonic Inspection conventional and multizone 2. extrusion. Fabrication Control Control mechanisms in the fabrication stages. Microstructure Examination 5. superplastic forming). Dye Penetrant 6.g. seamless pipe production. welding. Eddy Current Inspection 3. EDAX micro-chemical analysis.Laboratory . Surface Roughness For specialized material evaluation. Control parameters are fixed for all operations and inprocess tests are taken to verify product quality. are centered around the use of standardized process procedures. RMI can provide scanning electronic microscopy. plate. strip. RTI's global fabrication and distribution service centers also offer metal processing services including hot-forming (e. bar. A strong Technology Department. rod. That's what is meant by "RMI Service" … quality in every step of manufacture and satisfaction in every transaction. other subsidiaries under the RTI International Metals corporate umbrella manufacture and distribute titanium and specialty metal mill products and extruded shapes. and to advise on forging.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 43 RMI SERVICE RMI Company offers a complete range of titanium and titanium alloy mill products in sheet.Sonic NADCAP . billet. Here are some of the steps taken at RMI to assure this kind of performance. In addition. designers and end-users in the application and selection of titanium grades. extrusions and tubulars. This team is backed by the most modern and extensive production and mill fabricating facilities available anywhere. Macro Etch Examination 4. other tests are conducted as required or specified to further ensure the quality of our products as follows: 1. water jet and saw cutting. as well as engineered systems for energyrelated applications. Final verification testing and inspection is geared in a large degree to the specific customer specification. as in earlier process stages. These technologists are available to assist fabricators. formability and corrosion testing. and machining. including R & D and Process Control and Metallurgy is a key part of the RMI organization. texture analysis. W. pp. Edited by M. RMI Titanium Co. For Metallurgy/Mechanical Properties: • RMI Metallography Brochure. OH. 838-848. 1988. ASM International Materials Park. • Titanium – A Technical Guide. Eighth Edition.The Theory and Practice . pp. Jr. OH • R. 487-540. Niles. OH. RMI Titanium Co. Houston.. 1990. OH. 493-506. Philadelphia. • RMI Machining Brochure. FL. 13-Corrosion. Vol. . Third Edition. Materials Park. • Metals Handbook. RMI Titanium Co.. “Titanium”. RMI Titanium Co. OH • Materials Properties Handbook Titanium Alloys. Part 2. ASM International Materials Park. 1988. Forming and Forging. 669-706. “Corrosion of Titanium and Titanium Alloys”. Miami. 592-660. Volume 14. W. 1986. TX. Metals Handbook-Ninth Edition . 1980. Materials Engineering Institute. Schutz. ASM International Materials Park. pp. Volume 2. OH. Donachie. • Stress-Corrosion Cracking Materials Performance and Evaluation. For Corrosion Testing Guidelines: • Titanium and Its Alloys. ASM International. Process Industries Corrosion . Ninth Edition. • Metals Handbook. ASTM Manual Series: MNL 20. E. Materials Park. ASM International.) • Titanium and Titanium Alloys – Source Book ASM International Materials Park.. National Association of Corrosion Engineers. 1982.TITANIUM ALLOY GUIDE 44 REFERENCES For Corrosion Data/Application Guidelines: • R. pp. OH. Volume 4. July 1992. (Developed in cooperation with Titanium Development Association. American Welding Society. pp.. Cincinnati. Volumes 1 & 2. OH. Niles. • Welding Handbook. 1987. OH. Materials Park. Schutz. Tenth Edition Properties and Selection: Non-Ferrous Alloys and Special Purpose Materials. Corrosion Tests and Standards: Application and Interpretation . • R. 1994. Schutz and D. For Fabrication Guidelines: • Machining Data Handbook. OH. OH • RMI 6Al-4V Brochure. Niles. pp. pp. Thomas. ASTM. Metcut Research Associates. Home Study and Extension Course. 503-527. Metals Park. Inc. ASM. 1994. ASM. OH • RMI Welding Brochure. OH. 1988. Materials and Applications. “Titanium” (Chapter 52). Machinability Data Center. 1995.. W.J. Niles. 265-297. PA. 5-40 12. ≤96" width. 2.4 cm Ø (9545 kg) 76. ≤762 cm length 0.188" thick.188-4. 18. 5-40 Tubing Seam-Welded Capability list includes most common mill products. ≤610 cm length 4. Ti-3Al-2. 10.016-0. ≤152 cm width. ≤60" width. 17. 27.020-0. 2. ≤720" length. 16.188" thick.7-60. ≤240" length 1.78 mm thick. 28 All unalloyed and modified C.40-4. . ≤350" length Most high-strength aero alloys Strip Aircraft Quality 1.5V≤300" length based alloys Most high-strength 0. 27. 24-48" width. and most high-strength alloys 1.P.0" thick.4 cm Ø (6364 kg) 91.P.78-102 mm thick.RMI TITANIUM COMPANY: TITANIUM ALLOY MILL PRODUCT CAPABILITIES Product Form Type Alloy Grades English Units Sizes Offered Metric Units Ingot VAR-Double Melted Most aero alloys and unalloyed C.25" thick).0" thick. ≤1829 cm length. ≤200" length (for >2.75" Ø ≥3" 3-14" thick. 5-40 19-203 mm OD.0-28.4 cm Ø (9545 kg) 106.5" wall 0.78 mm thick 61-122 cm width.2 cm Ø (4545 kg) 91. 0. 4.000 lbs) 36" Ø (14.000 lbs) 30" Ø (10. Sch. 26. 2. 9 Industrial Quality 1.51-4. alloys ≤60" width. 7.000 lbs) 36" Ø (21. 12.075" thick.25" thick) All unalloyed and 0. Contact RMI Titanium Sales for any other product.75-8" OD.P.83-91.000 lbs) 42" Ø (21. 12. (Industrial Quality) Sheet Alloy (Aircraft Quality) 0. grades.188-4. 16.020-0. ≤640 cm length Sch.51-1.7 cm Ø (9545 kg) 10. 9. modified C. ≤610 cm length 0.2 cmØ (4545 kg) 91.4 cm Ø (6364 kg) 91. 7. 3. Sch. ≤152 cm width. 18.2-213 cm width 152-356 mm (across flats) 4. 24-48" width.P.4-38 mm wall Pipe Seamless Seam-Welded 0. 3.000 lbs) 36" Ø (21. 11.5 cm OD. 61-122 cm width.91 mm thick. 26.375" OD. ≤240" length 0. grades.000 lbs) 36" Ø (14. 3. 6. ≤889 cm length Plate Alloy (Aircraft Quality) C.2-73 cm Ø ≥76 mm 76-356 mm thick. alloys VAR-Triple Melted Most high-strength aero alloys for critical rotating components Billet Rounds Squares Rectangles + Slabs Octagons All All All All 30" Ø (10.3 mm OD. 4-84" width 6-14" (across flats) 76. ≤252" length Sch. alloy grade or shape not listed. ≤610 cm length 4. 17. size. 5-40 0. ≤240" length (for ≤2. ≤244 cm width.78-121 mm thick. 28 0. 11.50-2.9-36" OD.000 lbs) 4. 9.25-1. 4. Jan/2000 www. Medio River Circle Sugar Land. Inc. Ohio 44446 2700 Freedland Road Hermitage. PA 16148 3350 Birch Street. Texas 77478-5312 Riverside Estate Fazeley.Company An RTI International Metals.RMITitanium. Suite 210 Brea. CA 92821-6267 1422 N. Tamworth Staffordshire B78 3RW England Telephone: (330) 544-7633 FAX: (330) 544-7796 Telephone: (724) 342-1011 FAX: (724) 342-5635 Telephone: (714) 524-9911 FAX: (714) 579-0110 Telephone: (281) 980-1056 FAX: (281) 980-1057 Telephone: 44-1-827-262266 FAX: 44-1-827-262267 © Copyright 2000 All rights reserved.com . Company SALES OFFICES: 1000 Warren Avenue Niles.
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