Times Leader 07-19-2011

March 21, 2018 | Author: The Times Leader | Category: David Petraeus, Workers' Compensation, Lottery, Wilkes Barre, Precedent



C M Y KWILKES-BARRE, PA TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 50¢ timesleader.com The Times Leader 3 0 0 9 1 1 $ 20 VOUCHER FOR ONLY $ 10 Rupert Murdoch’s hold on News Corp. slipping. BUSINESS, 8B Losing a media empire? Back Mountain bashes Plains, 10-0, in Legion Baseball. SPORTS, 1B Winning the winner’s bracket WILKES-BARRE – About 15 children were playing Monday at the splashless Coal Street Park. As temperatures and humidity climbed, attendance at city parks dropped off as kids chose to stay in air conditioning or head to pri- vately owned swimming pools. As boys and girls swung on swings and slid on sliding boards, the site of the city’s soon- to-open splash pad sat idle. A fence has been erected around the site to keep children and adults fromfalling into the 6-foot hole that awaits a new vault for the pad. “A splash pad would be great in this weather,” said Maria Ko- rona of Wilkes-Barre. “The kids would be able to cool off. The city has done a great jobwiththis No big splash at Coal Street Park W-B facility waits for splash pad while attendance at city parks drops off due to heat. By BILL O’BOYLE [email protected] PETE G. WILCOX/THE TIMES LEADER Construction of the splash pad at the Coal Street Park in Wilkes- Barre has come to a halt. See SPLASH, Page 12A IS LOCKOUT ON WAY OUT? People familiar with talks to end the NFL lockout say that if an agreement is ratified by Thursday, team executives will be updated on the deal’s terms that day. The people said the league’s 32 clubs were told Monday that topics would include the rookie salary system and guidelines for player trans- actions. 1B SPORTS SCOREBOARD NATIONAL LEAGUE CUBS 6 PHILLIES1 MARLINS 4 METS1 BRAVES 7 ROCKIES 4 AMERICAN LEAGUE YANKEES 5 RAYS 4 RED SOX15 ORIOLES10 SCRANTON– Scranton’s Community Medical Center andGeisinger HealthSystemareexpectedtodaytoreveal plans to merge. A source says the deal, anticipated to be the subject of an11:15 a.m. press conference, would mean an infusion of $158.6 million for capital projects at CMC. Among the planned upgrades would be new operating suites, im- provements to the intensive care unit and the addition of an electronic health records system. Included in the merger would be CMC-owned Mountain View Assisted Living Center at Montage Mountain inScrantonandtwophysical therapy centers, one in Clarks Summit and one in the Green Ridge section of Scranton. Matthew Van Stone, a spokesman for Geisinger, declined comment Monday. CMC spokeswoman Wendy K. Wilson declined to provide specific details but offered a brief assessment of the pending announcement. Geisinger, CMC merging Source says the joining is expected to bring major upgrades for Scranton’s Community Medical Center. By ANDREWM. SEDER [email protected] First reported at 3:33 p.m. timesleader.com See MERGER, Page 12A 6 09815 10011 HORIZON CITY, Texas — The cinderblocks that make up Maria Teresa Escamilla’s new home will do little to shield her from the triple-digit heat that has been scorching West Texas. She has no electricity yet, and the roof is not proper- ly attached, leaving the interi- or exposed to the elements. Escamilla has been living in an air-conditioned apartment that she can no longer afford. But when the lease ends in two weeks, she has to move — a day she dreads because it means she’ll have no escape from the searing temper- atures. As America’s midsection bakes, poor face life-and-death dilemma By JUAN CARLOS LLORCA Associated Press AP PHOTO Amarion Jordan, 5, of Des Moines, Iowa, battles the heat by playing in a fountain. See HEAT, Page 12A Two lawsuits connected to Steve Flood’s actions as Luzerne County controller followed him to his death, but a controversial 2004 juvenile detention center trade secrets lawsuit against himwas quietly discontinued in December, court records show. One of the pending suits was filed by for- mer county pension fund money manager ASCO Financial Group Inc. and its president, Donald Williamson, over statements made by Flood on a November 2002 radio program. This libel suit is scheduled for jury trial at10a.m. onSept. 26be- forecountyJudgeThomasBurke, according to court records. NewJerseyattorneyCraigHill- iard, who is representing ASCO, and Wyomissing attorney Ken- neth A. Goodman, who repre- sents Flood, couldnot be reached for comment Monday on what, if any, impact Flood’s death will have on the proceeding. Flood, 67, of Dorrance Town- ship, died Saturday afternoon af- ter suffering a second stroke. Kingston attorney Joseph Gio- vannini, who is assisting Hilliard, said Monday he believes the trial will proceed as planned because an oral deposition of Flood under oath may be presented in court. The suit alleges Flood made false and defamatory statements about WilliamsonandASCOdur- ingaNov. 13, 2002, interviewona talk radio show hosted by Kevin Lynn on WILKradio. ASCO Financial and William- son were among several county retirement fundmoneymanagers fired by Flood and other retire- ment board members in Septem- ber 2002as part of the fund’s reor- ganization. Flood libel suit still on schedule It is not known what impact the former county controller’s death will have on the case. By JENNIFER LEARN-ANDES [email protected] See FLOOD, Page 12A Flood HOOP, HOOP, HOORAY! FRED ADAMS/FOR THE TIMES LEADER Z oe Kanellis, 11, of Edwardsville, gets six hula hoops going at the ‘Funday Monday’ event on Public Square in Wilkes- Barre. The program, now in its third season, presents fun activities for children each Monday from 4:30 to 7 p.m. during the summer. For information, call event organizer DeRiel Hernandez at 793-3447. Anewreport issuedMondaysays Pennsyl- vania’s middle class is an endangered spe- cies, and its authors touted ways to save the groupbut saidthere is noovernight fixtothe situation. “Under Attack: Pennsylvania’s Middle Class and the Job Crisis,” a 13-page report compiled by the Keystone Research Center and left-leaning, New York-based think tank Demos, outlines how Pennsylvanians are facinga lackof goodjobs, decliningaccess to benefits, higher costs to raise children and decreasing access to college. They also said there now is a legislative climate that has contributed to the econom- ic recession. Anthony F. Liuzzo, a professor of business at Wilkes University, said he does not need toreadareport toknowthat themiddleclass is “being squeezed.” “It’s a fact,” he said. And as the debate in Washington over whether to raise the debt ceiling rages on, he said it’s becoming clearer to him that things will likely get worse before they get better. Report: State’s middle class under siege Job and benefit loss, child-raising costs and reduced access to college are cited. By ANDREWM. SEDER [email protected] See MIDDLE, Page 12A INSIDE A NEWS: Obituaries 2A, 8A Local 3A Nation & World 5A Editorials 11A B SPORTS: 1B B BUSINESS: 8B Stocks 9B C HEALTH: 1C Birthdays 3C Crossword/Horoscope 5C Television 6C Movies 6C Comics 8C D CLASSIFIED: 1D WEATHER Angelina Holliday Mostly sunny, hot. High 88, low 68. Details, Page 10B K PAGE 2A TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com Brzozowski, Irene Edwards, Jacqueline Figlock, Mary Flood, Stephen Garbus, Julia Golden, Diane Keiner, Elsie Layaou, Beatrice Pascale, Nancy Pisano, Genevieve Refolo, Joseph Roberts, Jacklyn Samson, Genevieve Spivey, Darren Weber, Frederick OBITUARIES Page 2A, 8A A CLARIFICATION NEEDS to be made in an article that ran in the Sunday, June 26, edition of The Times Leader about homicide cases settled in Luzerne County. William Perrego was con- victed of third-degree murder in March 2008 and sentenced to life in prison in the fatal beating of Lewis Jones on March 14, 2007, in Wilkes- Barre. Perrego is appealing the conviction. BUILDING TRUST The Times Leader strives to correct errors, clarify stories and update them promptly. Corrections will appear in this spot. If you have information to help us correct an inaccu- racy or cover an issue more thoroughly, call the newsroom at 829-7242. HARRISBURG (AP) — Tues- day’s “Pennsylvania Cash 5” jackpot will be worth at least $330,000 because no player matched the five winning numbers drawn in Monday’s game. Lottery officials said 66 players matched four num- bers and won $272 each; 2,235 players matched three numbers and won $13.50 each; and 28,533 players matched two numbers and won $1 each Thursday’s “Pennsylvania Match 6 Lotto” jackpot will be worth at least $700,000 because no player holds a ticket with one row that matches all six winning numbers drawn in Monday’s game. LOTTERY MIDDAY DRAWING DAILY NUMBER – 8-3-7 BIG 4 – 0-0-8-1 QUINTO - 7-0-5-5-1 TREASURE HUNT 01-03-05-22-29 NIGHTLY DRAWING DAILY NUMBER - 0-9-5 BIG 4 - 8-1-4-2 QUINTO - 8-9-0-8-1 CASH 5 04-13-22-32-42 MATCH 6 LOTTO 03-05-11-19-36-44 DETAILS ➛ timesleader.com Missed Paper........................829-5000 Obituaries ..............................829-7224 Advertising...............................829-7101 Classified Ads.........................829-7130 Newsroom..............................829-7242 Vice President/Executive Editor Joe Butkiewicz ...............................970-7249 Asst. Managing Editor Anne Woelfel ...................................970-7232 Editorial Page Editor Mark Jones.....................................970-7305 WHO TO CONTACT Newsroom 829-7242 [email protected] Circulation Jim McCabe – 829-5000 [email protected] Delivery Monday–Sunday $3.50 per week Mailed Subscriptions Monday–Sunday $4.35 per week in PA $4.75 per week outside PA Published daily by: Impressions Media 15 N. Main St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 Periodicals postage paid at Wilkes-Barre, PA and additional mailing offices Postmaster: Send address changes to Times Leader, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 +(ISSN No. 0896-4084) USPS 499-710 Issue No. 2011-200 HANOVER TWP. – Hanover Area School Board is considering going green with a solar array on a small hill outside the high school that, accordingtoonecon- sultant who talked at a work ses- sion Monday, could be built at no cost or risk to the district. Jane Heiple of Lyceum Group Inc. told the board an array could be built through a “power pur- chase agreement.” Aninvestor or companywouldpayconstruction andmaintenance costs, while the district bought the power at a guaranteed rate for a set number of years, typically 15 to 20. If done right, Heiple said, the contract assures a lower rate than the district is payingnow, andthe rate rises more slowly than what commercial providers charge, so savings grow over time. Heiple said the average increase of elec- tricity charges was about 5 per- cent per year while the business was heavily regulated, but that since government deregulation took hold, some are projecting cost increases to hit 30 percent annually. Heiple said Power Purchase Agreements are particularly at- tractive to companies right now because the federal government offers tax credits and grants that can cover up to 50 percent of the cost. She noted a key incentive, which covers about 30 percent of cost, is set toexpire inDecember. Stressing that all estimates are rough guesses until a company comes in and does more rigorous engineering research, Heiple said it looks as though the field where the array would be located could produce about 320 kilo- watts. Neither she nor district of- ficials knew how much the dis- trict currently uses, but Heiple said that would be below the maximum need. If the district opted to build such an array on its own, Heiple said a rough cost estimate would be between $1.2 million to $1.5 million. But building it through a purchase power agreement means the company contracted would assume all risks and re- sponsibilities, including mainte- nance. The district would simply buy the power at the pre-set rates. The board could negotiate op- tions at the end of the contract, such as having an option to buy the array or have the company come and remove it. The board took no action, but members generally voiced sup- port for drawing up and publiciz- ing a “request for proposals” that would invite companies to offer costs and contract terms for a power purchase agreement. The board would either have to call a special meeting to vote on doing that or wait until its regular Au- gust meeting. Hanover Area considering solar power The school district could buy power at a lower rate, a consultant says. By MARK GUYDISH [email protected] Mark Guydish, a Times Leader staff writer, can be reached at 829-7161. Problems with the press caused delivery of The Times Leader to be late in some areas and forced us to eliminate some features. We apologize to our readers for the inconvenience. Fea- tures missing from the Monday paper are included in today’s edition. E D I T O R ’ S N O T E J acklyn (Audi) Roberts, 59, of Taylor, passed away Sunday, July 17, 2011, in the Hospice Community Care, Dunmore, after a brief illness, surrounded by her loving family. Born in Wilkes-Barre, on October 17, 1951, Jacklyn was a daughter of Jack and Alice Audi. She graduated from Riverside High School and Millersville Uni- versity. Jacklyn was employed as a read- ing specialist for 33 years at the Riv- erside School District, and retired in 2007. Left to cherish her memory are her husband of 34 years, Joseph Ro- berts, Taylor; son, Michael Roberts, and his wife, Amanda, Duryea; daughter, Alyson Roberts, at home; parents, Jack and Alice Audi, Moos- ic; sister, Cathy Audi, Yatesville; brother Attorney John Audi and his wife, Terrie, Jenkins; brother Mi- chael Audi and his wife, Sandy, Ya- tesville; nephew, Nicholas Audi; nieces, Emily Audi and Nicole Audi; and numerous cousins, relatives and friends. Aside from her love of teaching, Jacklyn loved nothing more than gathering together with her extend- ed family and friends. She enjoyed sharing travel, vacations, special events and simple get-togethers with those she loved. Among her many retirement pleasures were casino gambling and QVCshopping. Awomanof tremen- dous and abiding faith, she was a member of St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church, Wilkes-Barre. Jacklyn was a devoted wife and mother who dedicated her life to nurturing her family, as well as a wonderful daughter, sister, aunt and friend. She will be deeply mourned and missed by all who knew and loved her. A funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday from the Mamary-Dur- kin Funeral Service, 59 Parrish St., Wilkes-Barre. Services will be held at 11:30 a.m. in St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church, 905 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Interment will be held at the parish cemetery, Hanov- er Township. Friends may call from 4 to 7 p.m. today at the funeral home. Donations in Jacklyn’s memory may be made tothe Multiple Sclero- sis Research Institute, established by Dr. Jeffery I. Greenstein, 1341 N. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19125. Jacklyn Roberts July 17, 2011 J ulia Barbara Banaszek Garbus, 88, of Glenmoore, formerly of Glen Mills, passed away Saturday, July 16, 2011, surrounded by her family, after a long illness. She was the wife of the late Allen W. Garbus with whom she shared 65 years of marriage before his death in 2008. BorninDupont, she was a daugh- ter of the late Francis and Eleanor Sieraszewska Banaszek. Julia was a graduate of Columbia School of Nursing with an RN de- gree andservedas a visitingnurse, a World War II U.S. Army nurse, and was a 35-year participant in the Har- vard Nursing Study. She was a passionate gardener andbirdwatcher, anavidreader and a gourmet cook. Among her many civic activities, she served on the Board of the Cam- den Day Care, was Sunday School Director for the Philadelphia Ethi- cal Society, president of ARC of Chester County, president of the Locksley Garden Club, and pio- neered the Thornbury Recycling Center. She and her husband, Allen, who shared her love of gardening, volun- teered for 20 years at the Colonial Plantation at Ridley State Park. Julia was a devoted supporter of many charities including Special Olympics, the Arbor Foundation, Chester County Library, The Na- ture Conservancy, and the Gettys- burg and Monticello Memorials. In addition to her husband, she was predeceased by her sisters, Ma- ry and Natalie; and brother, Stanley. Julia is survived by her three daughters, Catherine Garbus, Tunk- hannock; Barbara Garbus and her husband, Chuck Broyles, and Amy Jo Garbus, all of Glenmoore; three grandchildren, Emelyn Fuhrman and her husband, Jeffrey, Pitts- burgh; Jesse Smith, currently serv- ing in Iraq; and Alyda Heeman, Tunkhannock; two great-grandchil- dren, Brock McClain and Evange- line Fuhrman; three sisters, Ann and Helen, Syracuse, N.Y., Gene, Wilkes-Barre; two brothers, Edward and Hank, Wilkes-Barre; and many beloved nieces and nephews. A celebration of the lives of JuliaandAllenwill beheldpri- vately. A donation in Julia’s memory may be made to Special Olympics’ of Chester County, 458 E. King Road, Malvern, PA 19355, or if you are in town, just stop by her favorite spot, the Exton Diner, and order a cup of soup in her honor. To send online condolences, please visit, www.wentzfuneral- home.com. Arrangements are by Wentz Funeral Home, Coatesville. Julia B. Garbus July 16, 2011 More Obituaries, Page 8A LEHMAN TWP. -- The board of supervisors announced Monday that the township re- ceived a compliance notice from the Luzerne County Con- servation District regarding the way in which the township has been clearing the berm of the roads. On July 13, representatives from the district inspected the berms and noted the township failed to provide effective ero- sion and sedimentation con- trols. Chairman Dave Sutton said the district is cracking down on all municipalities and is requiring corrective mea- sures that aren’t practical and are dangerous. Sutton said the district is re- quiring the township to put up silt fences or line the berms with hay bales, which he said would pose a risk to motorists. Township crews have been clearing the berms to help con- trol runoff and flooding for the past several weeks on several township roads. He said the board plans to discuss the mat- ter with the district. “We’ll try to explain that what they’re asking us to do isn’t practical,” he said. “It could cause a real safety is- sue.” Supervisor Doug Ide said crews from drilling company Encana are working to reclaim the exploratory natural gas well pad at the Salansky site on Zosh Road in Lake Township. Once the company finishes the work and truck traffic is gone from the area, the company will begin to repair the roads it damaged. The affected roads are Outlet, Meeker, Meeker- Outlet, Slocum and Ide roads. The board opened bids for construction of a new roof for the municipal building. Only two bids were received which were from out-of-town contrac- tors. Ark Builders Corp., of Al- lentown presented a bid of $37,730 and Spotts Brothers Inc., of Schuylkill Haven, sent in a bid in for $21,460. No local firms sent proposals for the job, despite advertising in The Times Leader and The Citi- zens’ Voice newspapers on two occasions, said Treasurer Al Cragle. The township engineer will review the bids and make a recommendation. In other business, the board granted temporary permits to: • Lake Silkworth Volunteer Fire Department for its annual bazaar on the grounds of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church from July 29 through July 31. • Dallas Cross Country Booster Club for the Annual “Run for the Fallen” at Penn State Wilkes-Barre campus on Aug. 17. • Penn State Wilkes-Barre for its annual cross-country meet on Sept. 17. Lehman Twp. disputes claim road work improper Luzerne County Conservation District rules are impractical and dangerous, official says. By CAMILLE FIOTI Times Leader Correspondent SALEM TWP. — The town- ship supervisors and the plan- ning commission are examining a proposed townhouse project that might be scheduled for con- struction in 2012 on a tract of landformerly knownas the Bow- er farm off Bomboy Lane. It has been named “The Salem Township Project.” Marr Rentals LLC of Blooms- burg has submitted a plan for 32 units intended, according to in- formation provided at a public hearing in May, for people 55 years old and older. Kristan Mertz, rental administrator for Marr LLC, said on Monday that the proposed project has met with initial adverse reaction from residents on East 7th, 8th, 9th and 9th streets and an amended plan has been pre- pared by S.M. Design Architects of Wilkes-Barre. The amended plan must still be submitted to and approved by township officials. Mertz said the hearing attract- ed a capacity crowd, and for the most part, objection was raised about traffic, although concern was raised about the units being rented to people other than Marr’s stated clientele. Original- ly she said ingress and egress was designed for East 9th Street, but has since been changed to Luzerne Avenue. It was said that part of the mo- tivation for the proposed project is a demographic study that sug- gests that there is a high number of seniors in the Berwick-Salem area who are in need of such rental housing and, in addition, there are prospects of a third unit being constructed at PPL’s Susquehanna Steam Electric Station. According to plans presented to township officials, the intent is for one- and two-bedroom apartments designedfor individ- uals and couples, not families. Each unit, Mertz said, will be one floor with an attached ga- rage. She said rental rates will be between $750 and $950 per month. Nancy J. Marr, is listed as the president and owner of Marr As- sociates, as well as an associated firm, Heidorn Development. Salem Twp. studying 32-unit townhouse project By TOMHUNTINGTON Times-Leader Correspondent SCRANTON – A Catholic priest has been removed from ministering as pastor of St. Michael the Archangel parish pending the outcome of an in- vestigation into his allegedly providing alcohol to a minor. According to a statement re- leased by the Diocese of Scranton, diocesan officials were informed on Sunday that the Rev. Michael O’Leary, a member of the Priestly Frater- nity of St. Peter, allegedly fur- nished alcohol to two individ- uals, including an underage young adult and a minor. The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter is a Clerical Society of Apostolic Life in the Church, established by Pope John Paul II in 1988 to offer the Traditional Latin Rite of the Mass and the sacraments to the faithful. At the time the incident was reported, O’Leary was serving as pastor at St. Michael’s in Scranton, where Masses are offered in the Traditional La- tin Rite. He has served in that capacity since January 2010. Diocesan officials have spo- ken with the parents of the two individuals and reported the matter to law enforce- ment. The incident was also reported to the appropriate superiors from the Fraternity of St. Peter. “O’Leary has been removed from ministry and from St. Mi- chael’s Parish pending the out- come of the investigation. Diocesan officials remain committed to fully cooperat- ing with law enforcement in the investigation,” the state- ment said. The Rev. Eric Flood, North American District Superior for the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, could not be reached for comment on Monday. A supervisor with Scranton police did not immediately re- turn a message Monday seek- ing more information. According to the diocese website, O’Leary was or- dained in 1993. He had been residing at St. Michael’s Rec- tory, 1703 Jackson St., Scran- ton. Diocese removes Scranton-area pastor The Rev. Michael O’Leary allegedly gave alcohol to an underage adult and a minor. By STEVE MOCARSKY [email protected] WILKES-BARRE – City police reported the following: • Two men were charged with burglary and criminal trespass after police responded to a burglary in progress on Monday. Police said they found Jo- seph Bevan, 27, of Laurel Street, Wilkes-Barre, inside a building at 123 Hazle St. and placed him under arrest when they responded there shortly after 2 p.m. Jeremy Bevan, 23, of Cam- eron Street, Plymouth, alleged- ly fled the building and was arrested after a short foot chase, police said. The burglary victim was identified as Marion Nardone. • Steve O’Connor, of 300 Parkview Circle, on reported receiving harassing phone calls from an unknown male on Thursday. • John Kashuba reported that someone threw eggs on his 2009 Chevrolet while it was parked near 389 S. Empire St. on Monday. •William Neeley, 28, of Plymouth, was charged with retail theft after he allegedly was caught taking sunglasses valued at $24 from Boscov’s Department Store, 15 S. Main St., on Monday, police said. • Tawana Lovell, of 40 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, reported on Monday that someone smashed the rear driver’s side window on her Ford Expedition while it was parked near 17 W. Ross St. • Robert Kuhn reported that someone smashed a window at 58 Wyoming St. on Monday. POLICE BLOTTER C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 3A LOCAL ➛ timesleader.com PHILADELPHIA Cardinal Rigali resigns P ope Benedict XVI has accepted the resignation of Philadelphia Archbishop Cardinal Justin Rigali and will name a replacement as early as today, according to a published re- port. Michael Sean Winters, of the National Catholic Reporter, indicated the move could come as early as this week. The region includes the Diocese of Scran- ton. Church law mandated that Rigali submit his resignation on turning 75, which he did earlier this year. But it was not known if the Vatican would accept it. Rigali is the head of the Arch- diocese of Philadelphia, which has been rocked with recent revelations of child abuse at area churches. A grand jury report issued in Feb- ruary determined the archdiocese did not follow its own procedures when clergy members were suspect- ed or found to have abused children. The grand jury criticized the arch- diocese for leaving priests suspected of abuse in ministerial positions. Three priests and a teacher were charged this year by the grand jury with rape of children. A monsignor in the archdiocese was also charged with endangering children by trans- ferring the suspected priests. The Associated Press PITTSTON TWP. Airport will hold exercise The Wilkes-Barre/Scranton In- ternational Airport will hold a live major aircraft accident response exercise on Saturday morning start- ing at 8:30. The drill will involve airport fire- fighters, emergency fire and medical equipment from surrounding com- munities and area agencies including the emergency management agen- cies of Lackawanna and Luzerne counties and the American Red Cross. The drill will have no effect on airline operations and all flights will operate as scheduled. The airport says that every effort will be exerted to make the drill as realistic as pos- sible, including the use of sirens on emergency vehicles. This type of exercise is required at least once every three years by the Federal Aviation Administration. HERSHEY Teens go to Honors Camp Blake Donovan of Shavertown and Reid Skiro of Plains Township are among a group of 48 teenagers from across Pennsylvania at the State Police Academy in Hershey this week learning about state police operations and government through the annual Commissioner’s Honors Camp. The cadets, age 13-18, were select- ed from among more than 1,500 boys and girls who participated in local Camp Cadet programs last summer. Troopers teach Honors Camp cadets about criminal investigations, police skills, use-of-force and related topics. The Honors Camp continues through Saturday, ending with a graduation ceremony at the State Police Academy. KINGSTON School Board will meet Wyoming Valley West School Board will hold an emergency meet- ing today at 8:30 a.m. in the Middle School auditorium. The school is located on Chester Street, Kingston, and is handicapped accessible from the side of the building. The meeting was advertised for “special purposes,” meaning actions must be limited to agenda items. LUZERNE O’Donnell hired as officer The borough council voted unani- mously at a special work session on Monday to hire Patricia O’Donnell as a part-time officer for the month of August. The special meeting was called because O’Donnell’s name was not announced prior the formal vote to hire additional officers at the regular July meeting. N E WS I N B R I E F Rigali WILKES-BARRE – Louise Olenik thought Monday would bring some closure to a year- old case in which her niece was scheduled to plead guilty to taking $107,000 from the 79- year-old. But now, Olenik, who had to put her home up for sale and sell all her belongings, has to wait another two months, after her niece’s attorney on Mon- day asked for a continuance in scheduled proceedings. Olenik’s niece, Marisa Har- len, was scheduled to enter a guilty plea to one felony count of receiving stolen property af- ter police said she began tak- ing the money after assuming Olenik’s power of attorney. Harlen, 29, of Kingston, who was charged in September, said in November at a court ap- pearance that she intends on paying back the money to her aunt and will plead guilty be- cause of a gambling addiction. “She’s waiting for me to die,” Olenik said Monday. “That’s what she’s doing. That was my first thought.” Olenik said Monday shortly after hearing the proceeding had been rescheduled to Sep- tember that she thought some closure would come, but now she has to wait even longer. When reached Monday by telephone, a secretary for at- torney Joseph Yeager, when asked about Monday’s contin- uance, said “no comment.” “I’m so furious, I can’t even speak. I’ll make it and she’ll spend her time in jail,” Olenik said. Olenik’s home nurse, Mi- chelle O’Neill, said Olenik be- gan to cry after being told about the September court date. “It’s gonna be a bad day,” Olenik said Monday. “But, to- morrow will be better.” Most of Olenik’s belongings were sold last weekend in an estate sale at her Sondra Drive, Larksville, home. There is also a buyer for the house that was listed for sale in Janu- ary for $230,000. Olenik said she put her home and belongings on the market because she is no long- er able to afford the house and the 24-hour at-home nurse’s aid she requires. Olenik said she and her hus- band, Edward, who died in De- cember, worked their entire lives -- he as a carpenter, plum- ber and mechanic and she as a government employee. They saved their money and eight years ago bought the Sondra Drive house where they planned to live the rest of their lives. Olenik is now temporarily staying at her brother’s Har- veys Lake home until she can move in with another relative in Tunkhannock. 2-month trial delay pains victim Louise Olenik is selling her house. Her niece is accused of taking her money. By SHEENA DELAZIO [email protected] Harlen Olenik Sheena Delazio, a Times Leader staff writer, may be reached at 829-7235. WILKES-BARRE – The city has filed another appeal of a court ruling that scuttled its efforts to recoup part of a $500,000 settlement paid to a police of- ficer who was injured when his cruiser was struck by another vehicle. The appeal, filed in the case of officer George Cole, is the latest in a long, con- voluted legal battle the city has waged relating to access to assets that remain in Cole’s bankruptcy estate. Legal fees associated with the court battle have cost the city $78,000 as of June, according to copies of invoices ob- tainedthrougha Right toKnowrequest. The decision to file a new appeal was criticized by Cole’s attorney, Paul Perl- stein, who contends it is pointless as the city has no legal basis to continue the legal fight. The case focuses on the city’s right to attach a $500,000 settlement Cole re- ceived from the driver of the other car involved in a 1996 collision with his po- lice cruiser. Cole never received the money, which has been held in escrow by the trustee appointed to oversee the bankruptcy filing Cole made in 2007. The city has been attempting to ac- cess that money to recoup part of the $450,000 in Heart and Lung benefits it paid Cole, who was off the job for nine years before returning to work in 2005. Pennsylvania law allows an employer to attach workers’ compensation bene- fits if an employee recovers money from the third party who caused the injury. There has been a dispute over whether that same provision applies to Heart and Lung benefits, which are similar to workers’ compensation. In 2009, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Heart and Lung and workers’ compensation were essentially the same, therefore city was entitled to seek the money. But that decision was negated in May by a ruling issued by U.S. District Judge James Munley. Munley’s decision was based on a state Supreme Court ruling issued in Ja- nuary that said Heart and Lung benefits are not subject to attachment. The city had argued that ruling should not apply to Cole’s case because it was issuedafter Third Circuit decision. But Munley, citing a previous U.S. Su- preme Court rulinginanother case, said federal law states that he must base his decision on the state law that was in ef- fect at the time the federal case was be- ing reviewed. Cole’s case, which had been returned to Munley for a ruling in a separate mat- ter bythe ThirdCircuit Court, remained active. That meant the January ruling by the state Supreme Court did apply to Cole’s case, Munley said. The city appealed Munley’s latest rul- ing to the Third Circuit Court in June. Perlstein said the city continues to ar- gue Munley did not have authority to negate the Third Circuit’s ruling, but has failed to cite any case law support- ing its position. The U.S. Supreme Court ruling is irrefutable, he said, therefore he believes any further ap- peals are pointless. In a prepared statement released by the city, Thomas MacNeely, the city’s at- torney, said he is confident the city will prevail in the latest appeal. MacNeely said the case is important to the city be- cause it will set a precedent that could affect future cases. “Far fromwastingthe taxpayers’ mon- ey, the city is acting in the best interests of its taxpayers by not only asserting its rights to the funds that are at issue in this case, but also by protecting its rights in similar cases that may arise in the future,” MacNeely said. Perlstein disputed that. He said all fu- ture cases involving Heart and Lung benefits will be ruled upon based on the precedent set by the January ruling is- sued by the state Supreme Court. Cole’s case will have no bearing. “I understand they don’t like losing, but I don’t know what the basis of their appeal is,” Perlstein said. W-B again appeals ruling it can’t claim officer’s cash The long-running case grows out of a 1996 collision involving a police officer and his settlement money. By TERRIE MORGAN-BESECKER [email protected] WILKES-BARRE – The Luzerne County Coroner’s Office has identified two of the three people who died as a result of crashes early Monday morn- ing, includingaCrestwoodHighSchool student. Coroner John Corcoran said16-year- old Brian Madry died after a crash around1a.m. along Lake Road in Fair- viewTownship. Madry was a Crestwood la- crosse player, ac- cordingtoTheTimesLeader’sarchives. There will be anautopsy at 9a.m. to- day, Corcoran said. Madry’s age was one factor in the autopsy decision, but Corcoran would not elaborate on oth- ers. Shavertown resident Darren Spivey, 44, died from multiple traumatic inju- riesafterhismotorcyclecrashedonEast Franklin Road in Kingston Township around 7 a.m. Athirdperson, whodiedafter a1994 Dodge truck hit a tree along Route 115 inBuckTownshipabout1milenorthof Thornhurst Roadaround5:30a.m., had not been identified as of Monday eve- ning, Corcoran said. Hesaidall familymembersof thevic- timhad not yet been notified. State police at Wyoming said the truck was northbound on Route 115, struck a roadsignandspuninto a near- by wooded area. Corcoran said three unrelated fatali- ties withinafewhours intheabsenceof foul weather was atypical. “We’ve had it happen before, but it is unusual. Thank God we had the man- power and everyone was able to dedi- cate the time necessary,” he said. Two killed in crashes identified By SHEENA DELAZIO [email protected] First reported at 2:58 p.m. timesleader .com DURYEA – Would you be concerned if you saw a picture of a lion wearing a crown or a pair of pitchforks drawn on your teenager’s notebook? Howabout a star with the number 5 or 6 in the center drawn on the wall in his or her bedroom along with some groups of letters? Some of these symbols – combined withother factors suchas certaintypes of behavior – could be signs that your child is in a gang or wants to be, said two agents withtheFederal Bureauof Investi- gation’s Safe Streets Task Force, who gave a gang awareness presentation to more than 50 area parents, residents and members of law enforcement Monday at the borough municipal building. Sponsored by the Duryea Neighbor- hoodCrime Watchandthe Duryea Police Department, the presentationwas aimed at educating residents about gangs so they could help police if signs of gangs appear, said crime watch representative Trina Moss. Duryea Police Chief Nick Lohman said he didn’t think Duryea has a gang prob- lem, but hewants residents tobeawareof signs of gangs in case they do crop up. “We’re directly in the middle between Scranton and Wilkes-Barre and there are a lot of drug arrests on Main Street. (Drug traffickers) think if they stay off the Interstate and take side roads, they can avoid state police. So we want to make our officers aware of the gang pres- ence in the area, as well as officers from other communities,” Lohman said. The FBI task force agents, who asked that their names not be published be- PETE G. WILCOX/THE TIMES LEADER Leonard Scarantino of Duryea, left, and Ed Gross of Wilkes-Barre look over a pamphlet on a Parents’ Guide to Gangs at Monday night’s community meeting about gangs held at the Duryea borough building. Signs of gang activity discussed FBI agents help parents identify indications of youth involvement. By STEVE MOCARSKY [email protected] See GANGS, Page 10A C M Y K PAGE 4A TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ N E W S SENIORS Nanticoke, Glen Lyon, Hanover, and Plymouth Area , y , , y , y , , y BIRCHWOOD REHABILITATION AND NURSING CENTER invites you to attend “NO COST TO PLAY” BINGO on July 28, 2011 - 5:30 PM located at the center This NO COST event features great prizes, Food and Desserts RSVP by July 25, 2011 (Seating is limited to 40 guests) 570-735-2973 Look for our series of “free senior events” to follow! Mark your calendars! 395 Middle Road Nanticoke, PA 18634 3 0 1 2 9 1 WILKES-BARRE – City coun- cil canexpect tobeobservedat its next meeting. According to Mary Catherine Roper, staff attorneyfor theAmer- ican Civil Liberties Union Penn- sylvania office, the organizationis looking for a volunteer among its active membership to attend the next council meeting. Council is scheduledtomeet inworksession Aug. 9andinregular sessionAug. 11. “Our volunteer won’t engage in any question-and-answer ses- sion.” Roper said. “He (or) she will be there just to be our eyes andears andreport backtoour of- fice.” Roper responded to e-mails from Mark Robbins, the Forty Fort manwhospokeat last week’s council meeting alleging a kick- back and bribery scheme among the city’s contracted towing com- pany, LAG Towing, Mayor Tom Leighton and the city’s police chief. Robbins contends he was overcharged for the tow. He also took exception to the way he and other people, such as Bob Kadlu- boski, the city’s former towing contractor, are treated at council meetings. When contacted Monday, Roper said she will write a letter to city council regarding com- plaints she has received. “The letter will be a lecture on groundrules,” Roper said. “Hope- fully, theywill get theletter before they enact newrules.” Council Chairwoman Kathy Kane is proposing changes to the protocol for public input at coun- cil meetings. She said she is con- cernedaboutthedecorum, orlack of it, at recent meetings. Kanesaid she has asked the city attorney to offer language for a resolution that would call for possible sanc- tions or penalties for people who show a pattern of disruptive be- havior at meetings. “You can’t require people to act with decorum,” Roper said of Kane’s idea. “Adversarial condi- tions are never productive, but people – including those holding elective office – are protected by the First Amendment.” Ropersaidtimelimitsonpublic comment are common with most public entities. “There are norules that require elected officials to respond at all topubliccomment orthat theylis- tenattentively,”shesaid. “Theon- ly requirement is that they allow the public to speak.” Melissa Melewsky, media law counsel for the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association, said the Sunshine Act contains guidelines for the way public meetings should be conducted. “Five minutes seems to the common time for public input,” she said. “But there should be some flexibility. If a person needs more time to air their concerns, depending on the circumstances, additional time should be grant- ed. A stopwatch type of adminis- trationof that typeof policycanbe problematic.” Roper said a person addressing council should not be cut off be- causeof what heor shechooses to talk about, unless it’s “completely unrelated to council business.” She also talked about the issue of name calling at meetings. Kadluboski was called “cup- cake” byKaneandbyLeightonon separate occasions. “I am sorry if the gentleman is insulted by being called a cup- cake, but that’snot alegal matter,” Roper said. ACLU will observe W-B council The planned visit was sparked by disputes over public comment at the meetings. By BILL O’BOYLE [email protected] PITTSBURGH — A western Pennsylvania woman filed a law- suit claiming that local officials improperly seized her newborn son after a positive drug test re- sulted from her having eaten sal- ad dressing containing poppy seeds. The lawsuit is the second in a year accusing Lawrence County Children and Youth Services and Jameson Hospital of improperly taking a newborn because of flawed drug testing. Eileen Ann Bower, a Lawrence County resident whose residence and age were not provided, gave birth to a son, Brandon, on July 13, 2009, according to a com- plaint filed Friday. She had re- ceived prenatal care and passed every drug test, and was stunned when a blood test at Jameson Hospital came back positive for opiates, according to the lawsuit. Her son was taken into foster care three days after birth and re- turned 75 days later, according to the complaint, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press. Bower saidshe hadeatena pas- ta salad made with Salad Su- preme dressing withpoppy seeds immediately before going into la- bor. She is suing the county agen- cy, a caseworker and Jameson Health Systemfor negligence, in- vasion of privacy and violation of due process. Messages left by The Associat- ed Press for Lawrence County Children and Youth Services Di- rector Jane Gajda and for Jame- son Hospital were not immedi- ately returned Monday. Litigation in a similar lawsuit filed by another mother last year is ongoing. Pa. mother blames poppy seeds for failed drug test The Associated Press K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 5A ➛ N A T I O N & W O R L D LONDON Scandal hits police force B ritain’s tabloid phone-hacking scan- dal enveloped the London police force Monday with the rapid-fire resig- nations of two top officers and claims of possible illegal eavesdropping, brib- ery and collusion. U.K officials immedi- ately vowed to investigate. Prime Minister David Cameron, feeling the political heat from his own close ties to individuals within Rupert Murdoch’s media empire, cut short his trip to Africa and called an emergency session of Parliament for Wednesday. U.K lawmakers today will grill Mur- doch, his son James and Rebekah Brooks, the ousted chief executive of Murdoch’s U.K. newspaper arm, in a public hearing. A whistleblower on the phone hack- ing — former News of the World jour- nalist Sean Hoare — was found dead Monday. Police said the death was being treat- ed as unexplained but was not consid- ered suspicious, according to Britain’s Press Association. TRIPOLI, LIBYA Report: Meeting with U.S. The Libyan government spokesman said Monday that representatives of Moammar Gadhafi’s embattled govern- ment held face-to-face talks with U.S. officials on repairing ties between the nations. There was no independent confirma- tion that such a meeting took place and the United States has been a strident opponent of Gadhafi’s government throughout the civil war with rebel forces based in the east of the country. Spokesman Moussa Ibrahim told reporters in Tripoli that the purported talks were held Saturday but he refused to say where or which officials took part. ROCHESTER, N.Y. Police: Bus tire blew out A tour bus likely had a front tire blowout just before it veered off a high- way and overturned, killing two pas- sengers and injuring 35 people, three seriously, state police and a company spokesman said Monday. The driver of the Niagara Falls- bound bus, which was carrying Indian nationals from Washington, D.C., lost control Sunday and ran off Interstate 390 into woods near Avoca, 55 miles south of Rochester. The bus driver, 58-year-old John Dinardo Jr., had no history of driving violations or criminal activity and his logbook was in order, New York State Police Superintendent Joseph D’Amico said. “There is no evidence of any excess speed, of any alcohol, of any driver fatigue or of any other violation,” D’Amico said. WASHINGTON Nuke safety changes urged Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory Jaczko is urging his agency to decide within 90 days how to proceed with safety changes intended to improve the U.S. nuclear industry’s response to catastrophic events such as the tsunami that crippled a nuclear plant in Japan. A task force appointed by the NRC said last week that nuclear plant oper- ators should be ordered to re-evaluate their earthquake and flood risk. The task force also recommended adding equipment to handle simultane- ous damage to multiple reactors and ensuring electrical power and instru- ments are in place to monitor and cool spent fuel pools after a disaster. I N B R I E F AP PHOTO So, what’s the buzz? Beekeeper Wang Dalin is covered with tens of thousands of bees Sunday during a contest against another bee- keeper in Longhui County of Shaoyang City, central China’s Hunan Province. Wang won in the hour-long duel with 57 pounds of bees covering his body, Xinhua News Agency said. KABUL — A new U.S. com- mander, Gen. John Allen, for- mally took control of the war in Afghanistan on Monday, in- heriting a nearly decadelong conflict that has cost the lives of at least 1,668 American troops. Allen succeeds Gen. David H. Petraeus, who is leaving to head the CIA. Petraeus had been in command for only a year, hastily taking the helm after President Barack Obama forced out Gen. Stanley McChrystal after Rolling Stone magazine reported in- temperate comments by his staff about the administra- tion’s civilian leadership. Petraeus’ tenure coincided with the arrival of a “surge” of U.S. troops, and the military said the extra manpower yielded battlefield dividends, particularly in Afghanistan’s south. But senior command- ers have described these gains as fragile and reversible, and some military officials have voicedfears that the American drawdown that began this month will leave remaining troops particularlyvulnerable. Moreover, the danger level has steadily increased for Af- ghan civilians. The United Na- tions reported last week that noncombatant deaths jumped by15 percent inthe first half of the year. Insurgents were blamed for four-fifths of those fatalities, but many Afghans lay the responsibility for the growing danger of daily life at the doorstep of foreign troops. Allen takes command at a time when many U.S. lawmak- ers are looking for ways to cur- tail the U.S. presence in Af- ghanistanandNATOallies are looking for ways to scale back their presence. Afghan troops aretakingsecuritycontrol this month of seven cities or areas, a process that began this week with the formal transfer of re- sponsibility in Bamiyan, one of Afghanistan’s safest prov- inces. New commander takes over war Gen. John Allen replaces Gen. David H. Petraeus By LAURA KING Los Angeles Times AP PHOTO U.S. Gen. David Petraeus, the outgoing commander in Af- ghanistan, greets new commander U.S. Gen. John Allen. WASHINGTON — Baby boomers say their biggest health fear is cancer. Given their wais- tlines, heart disease and diabetes should be atop that list, too. Boomers are more obese than other generations, a new poll finds, setting them up for un- healthy senior years. And for all the talk of “60 is the new 50” and active aging, even those who aren’t obese need to do more to stay fit, according to the Associated Press-Life- GoesStrong- .com poll. Most baby boomers say they get some aerobic exercise, the kind that revs up your heart rate, at least once a week. But most adults are supposed to get 2 1 ⁄2 hours a week of moderate-intensity aerobic ac- tivity—things likea briskwalk, a dance class, pushinga lawnmow- er. Only about a quarter of boom- ers polled report working up a sweat four or five times a week. Worse, 37 percent never doany of the strengthtrainingneededto fight the muscle loss that comes with aging. Walking is their most frequent formof exercise. The good news: Walk enough and the benefits add up. Based on calculation of body mass index from self-reported height and weight, roughly a third of the baby boomers polled are obese, comparedwithabout a quarter of both older and young- er responders. Only half of the obese boomers say they are regu- larly exercising. An additional 36 percent of boomers are overweight, though not obese. The nation has been bracing for a surge in Medicare costs as the 77 million baby boomers, the post-war generation born from 1946 to 1964, begin turning 65. Obesity — with its extra risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis — will further fuel those bills. “They’re going to be expensive if they don’t get their act togeth- er,” said Jeff Levi of the nonprofit Trust for America’s Health. He points toastudythat foundMedi- care pays 34 percent more on an obese senior than one who’s a healthy weight. About 60 percent of boomers polled say they’re dieting to lose weight, and slightly more are eat- ing more fruits and vegetables or cutting cholesterol and salt. But it takes physical activity, not just dieting, to shed pounds. That’s especially important as people start to age. Poll finds obesity is a boomer problem Staying fit with age will be a challenge for a giant segment of the population. By LAURAN NEERGAARD AP Medical Writer But it takes physical activity to shed pounds. WASHINGTON — With the deadline swiftly approaching for a deal to resolve thedebt-ceilingcrisis, thevolumeonCapi- tol Hill is about to be cranked up to “11.” House Republicans are pushing ahead with votes this week on a proposal backed bychamber conservativesthat wouldraise the debt ceiling the required $2.4 trillion but would ultimately cap government spendingat18percent of thenation’s gross domestic product, require Congress to pass a balanced budget each year, and slash more than $110 billion fromthe 2012 fiscal year budget. The measure, which may pass the Housebyamajorityvotebut isexpectedto go nowhere after that, is either a final, de- fiant —albeit symbolic —standby House Republicans before acceding to a compro- mise on the debt ceiling or a formal show of intransigence that illustrates how diffi- cult it will be for the House to sign off on any deal that includes President Barack Obama’s signature. The White House Monday wasted no time twisting the dial, with the president threatening to veto the House bill, even though there’s little chance it can pass the Senate. At anyrate, it appears that withtheAug. 2 deadline for a debt-limit increase loom- ing, things will slow down for a bit before they speed up. Republican leaders in the HouseandSenatehaveindicatedthat they want tofoldintime for a floor debate inor- der to mollify conservatives on both ends of the Capitol, who are certain to squawk long and hard about any final deal that does not include the kind of significant spending cuts they seek. That doesn’t meanbothsides have stop- pedtalking. Senateleaders areworkingon a budget proposal that would cut $1.5 tril- lion, while other reports have House Speaker John Boehner and the White Housestill workingonsomeversionof the “grandbargain” that couldwipeout $4tril- lionor morefromthebudget over thenext decade but wouldalso likely include some elements of entitlement-program reform as well as a some accord on modifying the tax code. Then there is the in-case-of-emergency- break-glass optionthat was floatedbySen- ateMinorityLeader MitchMcConnell last week, which involves a dose of procedural flim-flammery that would provide the White House with a debt-ceiling increase tostaveoff economic calamitywhilehand- ingtheGOPsomepolitical coverbyvoting on the record against the increases. But the attention, at least for the next couple of days, will fall on the House. The proposal being offered would force federal spending to fall below 20 percent of GDP by 2021, which would require massive spending cuts, likely including the Penta- gon or entitlement programs or both. U . S . D E B T C R I S I S AP PHOTO Pamela Donehower, of Middleburg, Va., left, John Holman, of Denver, Colo., center, and others with the group No Labels rally Monday in Washington to urge Congress and the president to find a bipartisan solution to the fiscal crisis. GOP works on proposal President threatens to veto House bill even though Aug. 2 deadline for a debt-limit increase is looming. MCT News Service ORLANDO, Fla. — Casey Anthony’s whereabouts for her first week of freedom were a closely guardedsecret Monday, known only to a select few as she tries to start a newlife after being acquitted of killing her daughter. One of her lawyers says an elaborate plan was made to protect her from peo- ple with “the lynch-mob men- tality.” Her options for starting a new life could be limited by lawsuits pending against her, the scorn of multitudes who think she was guilty of the kill- ing and a criminal record from her convictions for lying to po- lice. She walked out of jail on Sunday, shortly after midnight. Her attorney Cheney Mason told NBC’s “Today Show” on Monday that he’s confident in Anthony’s safety, but declined to answer questions about where she was. “She’s gone, she’s safe and elaborate plans had to be made to keep the people away from her,” Masonsaid. “Her lifeis go- ingtobe very difficult for a very longtime as longas there are so many people of the lynch-mob mentality.” Asked about how Anthony was paying for her fresh start, Mason replied that many vol- unteers have offered their help. Her notoriety couldalso help her earn money. Experts who havehelpedother notorious de- fendants through rough times say she will have opportunities, but it won’t be easy for the 25- year-old, who was found not guilty of killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, but convict- ed of lying to investigators. In response to a question about whether Anthony planned to cash in on her fame, her lead attorney, Jose Baez told Fox News Channel late Sunday that she has “certain rights as an individual in this country.” Attorneys planned to handle Anthony’s affairs in a “dignified manner,” he said. “If she decides she wants to speak publicly about it, she’ll make that decision,” he said. Another former Anthony lawyer, Terry Lenamon, said he had no clue where she was headed, and that probably only a few people close to her knew. Lawyer: Elaborate plans made for Casey Anthony’s safety Acquitted woman’s whereabouts after jail release are kept secret. By MIKE SCHNEIDER and MATT SEDENSKY Associated Press AP PHOTO Casey Anthony, right, climbs into an SUV with her lawyer Jose Baez, left, after her release early Sunday. C M Y K PAGE 6A TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ N E W S CALL AN EXPERT Professional Services Directory CALL AN EXPERT 1006 A/C & Refrigeration Services STRISH A/C Ductless / Central Air Conditioning Free Estimates Licensed & Insured 570-332-0715 1015 Appliance Service LEN HOSEY Appliance Service Washer/Dryer Range/Dishwasher. Whirlpool, Maytag, Kitchenaid & Roper 287-7973 1024 Building & Remodeling 1st. Quality Construction Co. Roofing, siding, gutters, insulation, decks, additions, windows, doors, masonry & concrete. Insured & Bonded. State Lic. # PA057320 570-606-8438 ALL OLDERHOMES SPECIALIST 825-4268. 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TREE PRUNING. TILLING. LAWN CARE. MULCHING. FULLY INSURED. CALL & SAVE 10% OFF LAST BILL. FREE ESTIMATES 570-814-0327 Patrick & Deb’ Patrick & Deb’s s Landscaping Landscaping Landscaping, basic handy man, house cleaning & help moving. We even do inside painting. Any salvageable items can be picked up for free. Free estimates. Call 570-793-4232 Or 570-793-4773 Rainbow Landscaping & Lawn Service Spring & Fall Cleanups. Trimming, mulching, complete landscape installa- tion. Lic. & Insured. Call 570-674-2418 Reynolds Landscaping & Power Washing 570-751-6140 JOHN’S “Picture Perfect” LANDSCAPING Bobcat : Grading Excavator : Digging Shrub/Tree Trimming, Install or Removal “Be safe, not sorry.” Edging/Mulch/Stone Lawns, Tilling & more Hauling / Removal Handyman, all types. Fencing / Deck Wash Blinds/Closets & more! 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Free estimates. 570-288-0733 Serra Painting Book Now For Summer & Save. All Work Guaranteed Satisfaction. 30 Yrs. Experience Powerwash & Paint Vinyl, Wood, Stucco Aluminum. Free Estimates You Can’t Lose! 570-822-3943 1213 Paving & Excavating EDWARD’S ALL COUNTY PAVING & SEAL COATING 3 Generations of Experience. Celebrating 76 Years of Pride & Tradition! Licensed and Insured. Call Today For Your Free Estimate 570-474-6329 Lic.# PA021520 Mountain Top PAVING & SEAL COATING Patching, Sealing, Residential/Comm Licensed & Insured PA013253 570-868-8375 GET THE WORD OUT with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 1234 Pressure Washing RUSSELL’S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Licensed & insured. 30+ yrs experience. POWER WASHING, PAINTING, CARPENTRY & ALL HOME REPAIR. Free Est. 570-406-3339 1249 Remodeling & Repairs D & D REMODELING From decks and kitchens to roofs, and baths, etc. WE DO IT ALL!!!!!!! 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Licensed-Insured EMERGENCIES Mister “V” Mister “V” Constr Construction uction Year Round Roof Specialist Specializing In All Types of Roofs, Siding, Chimneys & Roof Repairs Low Prices Free Estimates Licensed & Insured 28 Years Experience 570-829-5133 SUMMER ROOFING Special $1.29 s/f Licensed, insured, fast service 570-735-0846 1336 Window Cleaning Professional Window Cleaning & More. Gutters, carpet, pressure washing. Residential/com- mercial. Ins./bond- ed. Free est. 570-283-9840 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! HANOVER TWP. – Three people were taken to a local hospital Sunday after a two-vehicle crash on the Sans Souci Parkway. Township police said a vehicle driven by Donald Morningstar, of Wilkes- Barre, and a vehicle driven by Deborah Yatko, of Ha- nover Township, collided approximately 200 yards south of Main Road. Police said Morningstar’s vehicle rolled onto its roof and struck an advertising sign, while Yatko’s car stop- ped along the road. Yatko and her passenger, John Minkiewicz, were taken to Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center, as well as Morningstar. HANOVER TWP. – Township police, in con- junction with the Luzerne County Drug Task Force, said Christopher Green, also known as “Slim,” 29, of Willow Street, Wilkes-Barre, was arrested after a car crash in Forty Fort. Police said they learned Green was wanted on a warrant from Hanover Township. Green was taken to the county prison to await arraignment early Monday morning. Police the charges stem from the alleged deliv- ery of crack cocaine in the parking lot of the Parkway Plaza in January. Police said Green is fac- ing three related charges, including possession with intent to deliver. EAST UNIONTWP. – A Sheppton woman reported to state police at Frackville that a Sugarloaf man took her 1999 Subaru from her home without permission. State police said Barbara Wolk, 68, reported Robert Wolk, 18, of Sugarloaf, took the vehicle from her resi- dence around 2 a.m. Mon- day and fled in an unknown direction. State police said charges will be filed. Any- one with information is asked to call state police at Frackville at 874-5300. HANOVER TWP. – Township police reported the following, unrelated incidents: • A store manager at the Dollar General on the Sans Souci Parkway reported Friday that a woman tried to remove items from the store. Police said the wom- an was seen walking in the parking lot of a nearby bank and was later identified as Lisa Mager, 40, of Wilkes- Barre. Police said Mager will be charged with retail theft. • Joann Graf, of New- town, Hanover Township, reported to police that Ronald Belcastro damaged two doorways of her home Thursday. Police said charg- es are pending a damage estimate. • Shirley Gasper, of Warrior Run, reported to police that while shopping at the Gerrity’s Supermar- ket in the Hanover Mall on Saturday afternoon, a wom- an reached into her purse and took her wallet. An investigation is continuing, police said. • Gail Shaver, of Hanover Village, reported to police on Sunday that someone entered her house through a window and a video game console was taken. • Township police said they are investigating an attempted break-in at the EzExpress along the Sans Souci Parkway on Sunday. Police said a door was dam- aged by a rock and a securi- ty system caught the in- cident on tape. Police said Thomas Lewis, of Ashley Street, was arrested for alleged possession of a small amount of marijuana and drug paraphernalia after he was stopped while walking on the Sans Souci Parkway near the attempted break-in. Police said charges will be filed. • Police said they arrest- ed Ashley Long, of Oak Street, Wilkes-Barre, early Monday morning for alleg- edly driving under the influence. Police said they found Long sleeping behind the wheel at a stop sign on Carey Avenue. Police said charges are pending the results of a blood-alcohol content test. • Donald Decker, of Hanover Township, report- ed Monday someone stole his son’s Huffy Free Style bicycle while the family was away on vacation. • Scott Parkhurst report- ed Monday that someone shot out the front window of his business with a BB gun on Hazle Street around 8 a.m. • Nicholas Marsellas, of Hanover Township, report- ed both of his mirrors on his 1997 Chrysler vehicle had been broken off some- time overnight. WILKES-BARRE – City police reported the follow- ing incidents: • Police said Bernard Gayoski and Ronald Kukow- ski, both of Austin Avenue, were cited with harassment after police responded to a neighbor dispute late Sun- day. • Police arrested a 17- year-old juvenile after a traffic stop on Highland Drive late Sunday. Police said the juvenile will be charged with possession with intent to deliver, resist- ing arrest, providing false identification, forgery and sale and use of air rifles. Police said he was taken to a juvenile facility in North- ampton County. POLICE BLOTTER WILKES-BARRE – A city man will stand trial in November on charges he fired a gun and injured a person. Craig Hickson, 21, of Academy Street, will stand trial on Nov. 29 on four charges relating to the July 2010 shooting. Hickson, who is repre- sented by attorney Joe Yeager, faces charges of discharging a firearm, pos- session of a firearm, and two counts of reckless en- dangerment. Assistant District At- torney Michael Vough is prosecuting the case. Judge Tina Polachek Gartley said no further continuances will be granted in the case. Police said a man in his 20s was arguing with others in front of 184 Academy St. and brandished a handgun. The suspect then fired shots towards 184 Academy St., a detached house. A bullet traveled through a front window and struck a 21- year-old man in the head, police said. The victim, whom police did not identi- fy, was taken to Wilkes- Barre General Hospital for treatment. Police later identified Hickson as the alleged shooter. WILKES-BARRE – A West Wyoming man was sentenced Monday to six to 23 months in county prison on a robbery charge stem- ming from a home invasion in Larksville. Gary Jones, 18, of Shoe- maker Street, was sen- tenced on the charge by Luzerne County Senior Judge Joseph Augello. He pleaded guilty to the charge in June. According to court pa- pers, in August 2010, Jones and two other men conspir- ed to break into the Wash- ington Avenue residence and steal a video game system, video games, mon- ey and other items. A man at the home was assaulted during the robbery, police said. Ryan O’Donnell, 20, of Wyoming, pleaded guilty and was sentenced in March to six months proba- tion on one count of receiv- ing stolen property. Nathan Wynn, 18, of West Pittston, pleaded guilty to a burglary charge in February and is awaiting sentencing. COURT BRIEFS HARVEYS LAKE – The Luzerne County Republican Party will host a charity dinner in remembrance of longtime party member and com- munity volunteer Jonathan Bales- ter, who was stabbed to death in- side his home in May. Dave Baloga, second vice chair- man for the local political organiza- tion, said he got the idea for the benefit after speaking to several of Balester’s friends, who wanted to do something to honor his memo- ry. “Jonathan was very adamant about being a friend to anyone who was in need. He was always con- cerned about doing the work of the Lord,” Baloga said. “This is a nat- ural extension of something we can do to remember him.” Balester, 56, was found dead in- side his Kingston Township home on May 27. An autopsy determined he died of multiple stab wounds. His death, whichhas beenruleda homicide, remains under investiga- tion, according to the Luzerne County District Attorney’s Office. Baloga said he got to know Bal- ester through his work with Wyom- ing Valley Chapter of Pennsylva- nians for Human Life Crisis Preg- nancy Center. Net proceeds from the dinner will benefit the organiza- tion. “It was something that was very dear and important to him. Every- one of his friends had the same sen- timent that this was a worthy cause to support,” Baloga said. The dinner, a Southern-style bar- beque, will be at 5 p.m. Aug 13 at the Lakeside Skillet, 279 Lakeside Drive, Harveys Lake. The dinner will include chicken, barbequed pulledpork, vegetables, strawberry shortcake and iced tea. The benefit will also feature mu- sic andactivities, as well as a basket raffle. Numerous political candi- dates for the upcoming election are also expected to attend. Reservations withpayment must be made by Aug. 10. Make checks payable to the Luzerne County Re- publicanParty, 41S. MainSt., Suite 14, Wilkes-Barre, PA18702. For more information, contact Baloga and 570-477-3177. GOP will honor the late Jonathan Balester Stabbing victim was a longtime party member and community volunteer. Times Leader staff C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 7A ➛ N E W S 2 7 8 7 2 3 2 7 8 7 2 3 ALL JUNK CARS & TRUCKS WANTED V&G 570-574-1275 Free Removal. Call Anytime. Highest Price Paid In Cash! (570) 970 - 1615 92 S. Empire St. W-B, PA 18702 www.thepoolfactory.com FACTORYDIRECT $AVING$ $ 3,799 18’ Round w/ 5’ x 13’ Fan Deck In Ground Pool Kits DECK POOL SALE MADE INAMERICA Starting at $ 4,969 PICK YOUR OWN BLUEBERRIES DYMOND’S FARM O pen D aily 8am -5 pm BraceR d .,O ran ge,PA 6 7 5 -16 96 •333-5 011 Your Power Equipment Headquarters CubCadet • Stihl • Ariens Troybilt • Gravely Lawntractors • Mowers • Trimmers Blowers and more 687 Memorial Hwy., Dallas 570-675-3003 Blowers and more 0 6 3003 EQUIPMENT 3 0 0 5 2 6 ROOF SPECIALIST YEAR ROUND Mister “V” Construction 829-5133 LOW PRICES FREE ESTIMATES Specializing in all types of Roofs, Siding, Chimneys and Roof Repairs Licensed & Insured • 29Years Exp. 601 Wyoming Ave Kingston • 287-8649 www.Hearing-Center.net If you have hearing loss or a problem with your present hearing device... I can help you. Dr. Louis Sieminski, Ph.D. Audiologist If you have difficulty hearing or problems with your present hearing aid why not make an appointment with Dr. Louis Sieminski, Board Certified Audiologist of THE HEARING CENTER in Kingston. Dr. Sieminski will expertly evaluate your hearing and provide solutions to improve your ability to hear. All major insurances accepted. SUMMER SPECIAL Bring in or mention this ad and receive $200 OFF And Lifetime Batteries With Any Hearing Device Purchase LEHMAN TWP. – The Lake- LehmanSchool Boardhireda new high school teacher, furloughed another andappointedseveral em- ployeesat itsmeetingMondayeve- ning. Michael Nonnenburg of Scran- ton was hired as the secondary in- dustrial technology teacher for the 2011-12school year witha salary of $41,841. Nonnenburg served as a long-term substitute with the dis- trict last year after the retirement of Daniel Williams. The board also appointed the following employees for the 2011- 12 school year: Valerie Williams as district substitute caller with a sti- pendof $3,500; JohnMcDonaldas in-school suspension monitor at a rate of $13.55 per hour, 7 ½ hours per day, 181 days per year; Jeffrey Shook as school and community resource officer at a rate of $15.15 per hour; and Molly Company as part-time teacher associate at a rate of $10.30 per hour, five hours per day, 181days per year. Theboardalsoapprovedthefur- lough of Christine Sakoski, ele- mentary library aide, effective June13. Theboardcut theposition during the budgeting process, which included curtailing pro- grams inthe secondary school and elementary schools. The board dedicated the ele- mentaryspecial educationroomin Lehman-Jackson Elementary School astheFarrell LearningCen- ter. The roomwas named in mem- ory of the late boardmember John Peter Farrell, who died in a car ac- cident earlier this year. Lorraine Farrell, who replaced her latehusbandontheboardafter his death, saidhe wouldhave been “humbled” by the honor. Board President Mark Kornoski said the board wanted to honor Farrell in some way and felt his dedication to special education should be recognized. Inotherbusiness, JohnnaEvans, president of the Lake-Lehman Foundation, said the organiza- tion’s golf tournament on July 15 was a success and announced an upcoming Battle of the Bands fun- draiser, to be held July 30. Evans also mentioned the foun- dation has been able to send six students, three high school and three elementary, to summer camps due to a partnership with Misericordia University. She said next year the foundation will also have the opportunity to send ju- nior high students to camps at Wilkes University. L-L hires teacher, other employees An elementary library aide is furloughed, the result of program changes. By SARAH HITE [email protected] The next meeting of the Lake- Lehman School Board will be at 7 p.m. Aug. 15 in the library of Ross Elementary School in Sweet Val- ley. W H AT ’ S N E X T WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta raised more than $258,000 in campaign cash during the year’s second quar- ter, and the Hazleton Republi- can soon may have a formal opponent against whom to spend all that money. Democrat William Vinsko Jr., a lawyer with his own prac- tice and an assistant city attor- ney for Wilkes-Barre, said Monday in a phone interview he plans to soon make an an- nouncement about whether he will challenge Barletta in 2012. Vinsko said a “decision has been made,” but would not re- veal his plans. It appears, how- ever, that Vinsko is poised to make a run against Barletta. Barletta had $229,581 on hand as of June 30 after raising $258,287 during the quarter, according to his campaign fi- nance report filed Friday. Bar- letta’s campaign committee al- so carries a debt of about $74,000. The freshman Republican defeated longtime incumbent Paul Kanjorski last year. Pennsylvania Republicans will be looking to shore up Barletta’s 11th congressional district when the post-census lines are drawn this year, but Democrats believe the district will remain Democratic-lean- ing in its makeup. The nonpartisan, Washing- ton-based Cook Political Re- port as of July 14 rated Barlet- ta’s district as one of 10 GOP- held “tossup” seats for the 2012 campaign. Meanwhile, U.S. Rep. Tom Marino, R-Lycoming Town- ship, last quarter raised con- siderably less money than Bar- letta. But Marino, a freshman lawmaker who won his seat in 2010 by defeating Democrat Chris Carney, also seems to face less political pressure, at this point, in his 10th congres- sional district. Marino raised $107,518 dur- ing the second quarter and had $124,913 on hand as of June 30. He has no announced oppo- nent and the Cook Political Report so far does not place Marino on its list of compet- itive House races for 2012. Carney may be eyeing an- other run, but not necessarily against Marino, said one local Democrat. Depending on how lines are drawn, Carney could run against Barletta, setting up a potential primary battle to take on Barletta if Vinsko an- nounces in the next few weeks that he is in the race. Carney could not be reached for comment. The Cook Political Report notes that its “ratings are sub- ject to dramatic changes as new maps are finalized in 2011 and 2012.” Vinsko may challenge Barletta in 2012 Barletta may need campaign cash raised if Democratic lawyer enters the race. By JONATHAN RISKIND Times Leader Washington Bureau NUANGOLA — Borough council acted Monday evening to implement a $3 million bank loan for a sanitary sewer sys- tem that has been proposed for construction in 2014, but at the same was informed of the pos- sible revocation of a $3.2 mil- lion federal grant that is part of $6.2 million in the overall fund- ing for project. Under what Council Chair- woman Regina Plodwick called Ordinance No. 2, council voted 6-0 to underwrite the Fulton Bank of Lancaster loan package that will be issued to the Nuan- gola Sewer Authority. The sys- tem is projected to traverse through Rice and Dorrance townships. In a letter from Susanne K. Gantz, community programs director for the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture dated June 27, it was alleged that the bor- ough has failed to act in a time- ly manner. Gantz specifically took issue with a 2014 start. Gantz set a moratorium that construction bids must be ad- vertised no later than Nov. 1, 2011, and they be awarded by Jan. 31, 2012. She said that if these dead- lines are not met, the grant funds will be “de-obligated” and returned to the federal gov- ernment, with Nuangola hav- ing no recourse for other feder- al funding. Part of Gantz’ commentary referred to the borough’s failure to secure support funding, but it was noted that that issue was resolved through the loan agreement signed with Fulton Bank. Councilman John Ko- chan, chairman of the sewer au- thority, said also the authority has a new plan that he said was formulated by Quad 3 Engi- neers of Wilkes-Barre and “we are moving forward.” Council said these actions contradict Gantz. In addition, Melissa Weber, secretary-treasurer, said she has been in communication with the office of U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta, R-Hazleton, and she has a preliminary commitment from him that he will act to sus- tain Nuangola’s grant funds. The sewer systemdominated comment at the session, al- though, in conjunction with the project, Plodwick said council met in executive session to dis- cuss litigation filed by Milnes Engineers of Tunkhannock and issues relating to $309,000 in funding from Citzens Bank. Attorney Patrick Healy of Lancaster served as Fulton Bank representative for the signing of official documents implementing the loan to the sewer authority. Nuangola scrambles to avoid grant loss At stake is $3.2 million in sewer funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. By TOMHUNTINGTON Times-Leader Correspondent K PAGE 8A TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ O B I T U A R I E S The Times Leader publish- es free obituaries, which have a 27-line limit, and paid obituaries, which can run with a photograph. A funeral home representative can call the obituary desk at (570) 829-7224, send a fax to (570) 829-5537 or e-mail to tlo- [email protected]. If you fax or e-mail, please call to confirm. Obituaries must be submitted by 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Obituaries must be sent by a funeral home or crematory, or must name who is hand- ling arrangements, with address and phone number. We discourage handwritten notices; they incur a $15 typing fee. O B I T U A R Y P O L I C Y G enetti’s AfterFu nera lLu ncheons Sta rting a t$7.95 p erp erson H otelBerea vem entRa tes 825.6477 In Loving Memory Of James (Jamie) Oliveri III July 19, 1966 ~ Feb. 27, 2004 Happy Birthday In Heaven! Deeply Loved and Sadly Missed by Mom & Dad, Sister, Family & Friends IRENE BRZOZOWSKI, 91, of Pittston, passedawaySaturday, Ju- ly16, 2011, inWilkes-BarreGeneral Hospital. Funeral arrangements are pending from the Anthony Recup- ero Funeral Home, West Pittston. J oseph John Refolo, 91, of Wyom- ing, passed away peacefully Sat- urday, July 16, 2011, at the Depart- ment of Veterans Affairs Medical Center Hospice Care Unit, Plains Township. Joseph was born December 15, 1919, in Union City, N.J., and was a son of the late Antonio and Anita Refolo. He resided in Union City with his family and was co-owner of Refolo Bros. Construction with his late brother, Michael. Josephandhis wife, Dolly, retired to Vero Beach, Fla., for 25 years. Fol- lowing his wife’s death, Joseph relo- cated to Pennsylvania to live with his children. He was U.S. Army Veteran of World War II serving in MASHUnit overseas. Preceding himin death is his lov- ing wife of 60 years, Dorothy “Dolly” (Simone) Refolo, and his brothers Michael andErnest Refolo. Surviving are his sisters, Concet- ta Delsini, Secaucus, N.J.; Angela Rizzo, Union City, N.J.; brother John Refolo and his wife, Florence; Rutherford, N.J.; sisters-in-law, He- lenRefolo, Ft. Lee, N.J.; JoanRefolo, Rockaway, N.J.; and many cousins; children, Hope Sinibaldi-Ozturk and Arlene Refolo-McDonald, Wyoming; son Joseph and his wife, Irene, Pocono Lake; Joseph has eight grandchildren, Charles, Mi- chael and Gregory Sinibaldi; Mi- chele and Eric Refolo; Kristina, Me- lissa and Joseph-Michael Refolo; four great-grandchildren, Ariana Me- na, Christopher and Steven Sinibaldi, and Michael-Peter Sinibaldi; as well as many nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 5 p.m. Wednesday in the Met- calfe and Shaver Funeral Home Inc., 504 WyomingAve., Wyoming, withFa- ther Joseph J. Adonizio officiating. Friends may call from 2 p.m. until the time of service Wednesday at the fu- neral home. The family expresses their deepest gratitude for the compassion and care given to their father by the dedicated staff at the Hospice Unit of the VA Medical Center. In lieu of flowers the family is re- questing donations to be made in the memory of Joseph John Refolo to: Wilkes-Barre Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center Attn: Voluntary Unit (Hospice Unit) 1111 East End Blvd., Wilkes-Barre, PA18711. Joseph Refolo July 16, 2011 D iane M. Golden, 74, of Wilkes- Barre, entered into eternal rest on Monday, July, 18, 2011, at Hos- pice Community Care, Geisinger South Wilkes-Barre. Born in Wilkes-Barre, she was a daughter of the late Alexander and Elizabeth (Thomas) Sadowski. Diane was a member of the Welsh Presbyterian Church, Warrior Run. She lovedtogotothe oceanandwas passionate and devoted to animals especially her pet bulldogs. Diane will be sadly missed but fondly re- membered by her family and friends. She is survived by her husband of 56 years, Thomas Golden; son, Tho- mas R. Golden, and his wife, Judith; her daughter, Vicki Golden, Wilkes- Barre; sister, Victoria Brandt, Wilkes-Barre; nephew, Gary Brandt and his wife, Tracey, Ashley; and cousins, Mary and Joseph Slavoski, Sugar Notch. Diane’s funeral arrangements are under the care of McCune Fu- neral Home, 80 S. Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top, and will be held at theconvenienceof thefamily. There will be no public viewing. Memorial donations for Diane can be made to the Plains Animal Hospital, which is under the caring direction of D.J. Ayers, V.MD, 242 S. River St., Plains Township, PA 18705. View obituaries online at mccu- nefuneralserviceinc.com. Diane Golden July 18, 2011 G enevieve J. Pisano, 98, formerly of Hazle Street, Wilkes-Barre, passed away on Saturday, July 16, 2011, at the Little Flower Manor in Wilkes-Barre. She was born April 25, 1913 in Wilkes-Barre, a daughter of the late Vincenzo and Josephine Cessa Gui- da. She attended GAR Memorial High School. Genevieve was a member of Holy Rosary Church in Wilkes-Barre, where she was a member of its Sa- cred Heart and Rosary Society. She was also a member of the St. Nicho- las Senior Citizens Club. She was preceded in death by her husband, Carmen Pisano, in 1981; and by her son-in-law, Peter Campi- sano, in 2007. She was also preced- ed in death by sisters, Mary Guida and Christine Pisano; and by broth- ers, Michael, Salvatore and Louis Guida. Surviving her are daughter, Joan Campisano, North Brunswick, N.J.; son, Joseph Pisano and his wife, Pa- tricia, Drums; seven grandsons, An- thony Campisano and his wife, Ja- net; Christopher Campisanoandhis wife, Pat; Carmen Pisano and his wife, Mary Beth; Peter Campisano and his wife, Jo Jo; Joseph Pisano and his wife, Judy; Michael Campi- sano and his wife, Amy; Ernie Pisa- no and his wife, Sarah; 19 great- grandchildren; and numerous niec- es and nephews. Genevieve’s family wishes to thank the entire staff at Little Flow- er Manor for the loving, compas- sionate and spiritual care that they provided for their mother and for their entire family. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 1 p.m. Friday in the Chapel of Little Flower Manor, 200 S. Meade St., Wilkes-Barre. Inter- ment will be inSt. Mary’s Cemetery, Hanover Township. Friends may call from5 to 8 p.m. Thursday at the Nat & Gawlas Funeral Home, 89 Park Ave., Wilkes-Barre, and from noon to 1p.m. Friday at the Little Flower Manor. Memorial donations may be made to Little Flower Manor, 200 S. Meade St., Wilkes-Barre, PA18702. Online condolences may be sent to www.natandgawlasfuneralhome- .com. Genevieve Pisano July 16, 2011 F rederick J. Weber Sr., 88, of Wilkes-Barre, passed away Sat- urday evening, July 16, 2011, at the Department of Veteran Affairs Med- ical Center Hospice Unit, Wilkes- Barre. Born in Wilkes-Barre on Decem- ber 12, 1922, he was a son of the late John Jacob and Augusta (Schadel) Weber. Frederick was a lifelong member of the Messiah Lutheran Church, Wilkes-Barre, where his parents helped build the church and made wine for communion. He attended Wilkes-Barre area schools. He served in the U.S. Air Force in the 22nd Bomb Squadron, 341st Bomb Group (M) China-Bur- ma-India. Frederick was a member of the IBEWLocal 163, retiringin1984. He was also a member of the Plains American Legion Post 558. He also enjoyed gardening. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his brothers, George Weber, Carl Weber, Harry Weber; sisters Bertha Weber, Ruth Schwartz Buck and Helen Craig. He is survived by his loving wife of 62 years, Pauline (Gronski) Web- er; sons, Frederick J. Weber Jr. and his wife, Linda, MountainTop; John A. Weber and his wife, Alicia, Wil- liamsburg, Va.; grandchildren, Ni- cholas and Ryan Weber, Alicia (Weber) Shaughnessy and her hus- band, Steve; Christina Weber; great- grandchildren, Alec and Michaela Shaughnessy, Dristan Groupe; sis- ter Marian Zawilski; sister-in-law, Helen Knapp and her husband, Jo- seph; special family friend, Debi Jenkins; several nieces and neph- ews; and several great-nieces and great-nephews. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday in Kniffen O’Malley Funeral Home Inc., 465 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. The Rev. Mary E. Laufer will be officiating. Interment will follow at Chapel Lawn Memorial Park, Dallas. Fam- ily and friends may call from 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Condolences may be sent at www.BestLifeTributes.com. In lieu of flowers, family request memorial contributions may be made to the VMACHospice, 1111E. End Blvd., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 or Messiah Lutheran Church 453 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA18701. Frederick Weber July 16, 2011 MARY FIGLOCK, 88, Hudson sectionof Plains Township, passed away peacefully Monday, July 18, 2011, following an illness. Born in Tobyhanna, she was a daughter of the late Charles and Anna Yakaita Fedish. Mary was a graduate of Coolbaugh High School, Class of 1941, and worked as a saleswoman in local department stores until her retirement. She was preceded indeathby her husband, Henry, on February 28, 1996. Mary is sur- vived by a son, daughter-in-law, two grandchildren, two sisters, and several nieces and nephews. Mary requested a private fu- neral with no calling hours. Ar- rangements were entrusted to Ya- naitis Funeral Home, Plains Town- ship. NANCY PASCALE, of Mano- rCare Nursing Center, Kingston, formerly of Ridge Avenue, King- ston, diedMonday, July18, 2011, in Wilkes-Barre General Hospital. Funeral arrangements are pending from the Lehman Family Funeral Service Inc., 689 Hazle Ave., Wilkes-Barre. E lsie Pearl Keiner passed away Sunday, July 17, 2011, two days shy of her 99th birthday. Elsie was born July 19, 1912 in Slocum. She was a daughter of the late William (Frank) and Bertha (Deets) Rinehimer. Before moving to Hunlock Creek to live with her daughter, Elsie re- sided in Pond Hill for over 70 years. She retired from Luzerne Outer- wear. Elsie was the caretaker of Pond Hill Cemetery for several years, and was active in the Pond Hill Ambu- lance Association. She was an active member of St. Mark’s United Church of Christ, Pond Hill. Elsie will always be remembered by all who knew her, as someone who was willing to give a helping hand. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her hus- band of 50 + years, Paul (Pete) Kein- er; brothers, Harry, Edward, Clar- ence and Howard; sisters, Ethel and Ellen. Elsie is survived by brothers, El- wood, Glen Lyon; James, Vernon, N.Y.; children, Patricia Nickett and her husband, George (Warrington), and their children, Brian, Scott and Gregory; son, James Keiner, and his wife, Carol, Wapwallopen, and their children, Jason, Jeffrey and Kandie; daughter, Debra Kernag, and her husband, Robert, Hunlock Creek, andtheir children, Tricia Hollos and Timothy. She will be greatly missed by her nine great-grandchildren, James (Ritt) Nickett, Laina Nickett, Grace Nickett, George Nickett, Abigail Keiner, Nathan Keiner, Haylee Ker- nag, Cassidy Hollos, and baby Kein- er due in September. Funeral arrangements are made through Heller’s Funeral Home, Nescopeck. Friends andfam- ily may call at 10 a.m. Wednesday, with the funeral to followat noon at Elsie’s request. The Rev. C. Glenn Neely, pastor of Reyburn Bible Church, Shickshinny will be presid- ing. In lieu of flowers, Elsie requested that all donations be made to St. Mark’s UnitedChurchof Christ, 285 Pond Hill Mountain Road, Wapwal- lopen, PA18660. Elsie Keiner July 17, 2011 S tephen L. Flood of Mountain Top and formerly of Hanover TownshippassedawaySaturday, Ju- ly 16, 2011, at Mercy Special Care, Nanticoke. Born November 14,1943, in Wayne, he was a son of the late John and Irma Loche Flood. Stephen was a graduate of Devon Preparatory School, Devon, Class of 1962, attended Villanova and alum- ni of Wilkes College. As an U.S. Army veteran serving with the 402nd MP-POW-CP, he achieved the rank of sergeant and was heavilyinvolvedwiththe Agnes Flood recovery. Formerly, Stephen was employed by Kingston National Bank, CFO of Wilkes Pools, CEO of A.A.G. Inter- national, a military antiques recov- ery auction house, CEOof Prospect Harbor Trading Company of Pros- pect, Maine, anindependent lobster wholesale distributor, and former Luzerne County Controller. Steve was a member of Nanticoke Kiwanis, Devon Prep Alumni Asso- ciation and Wilkes College Alumni Association. He is survived by his longtime partner, Heather Paulhamus of Mountain Top; brother, David A. Flood Sr., of State College; neph- ews, David Flood Jr., of Canal-Win- chester, Ohio; Robert Thomas John- son of Duryea; nieces, Lisa Smith of Indiana, Pa.; Victoria Gallagher of Libertytown, Md.; Deborah Miller of Wilkes-Barre; Anne Marie Namey of Wilkes-Barre, and Theresa John- son of Allentown; along with many grandnephews and grandnieces. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday in the Mamary-DurkinFuneral Service, 59 ParrishSt., Wilkes-Barre. Interment will follow in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Hanover Township. Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Eulogy and reli- gious service will be performed by Father Richard S. Wyzykiewicz of Devon Preparatory School. In lieu of flowers, donations in Stephen’s name may be made to the American Stroke Association by calling1-800-242-8721or by visiting www.strokeassociation.org. Stephen L. Flood July 16, 2011 GENEVIEVE SAMSON, 97, a guest at Kingston Commons, died Saturday, July 16, 2011. Funeral arrangements are pending from the Yeosock Funeral Home, 40S. MainSt., Plains Town- ship. DARREN W. SPIVEY, 44, of Shavertown, passed away Mon- day, July 18, 2011, at Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center, Plains Township, after incurring injuries ina motorcycle accident in Shavertown. Funeral arrangements are pending from The Richard H. Dis- que Funeral Home Inc., 672 Me- morial Highway, Dallas. B eatrice Mae Layaou, 83, a resi- dent of Forty Fort, passed away on Sunday afternoon, July 17, 2011, at the Wilkes-Barre General Hospi- tal. Her belovedhusbandwas the late Chester A. Layaou Sr., who passed away on July 10, 2002. Together, Chester and Beatrice shared 56 years of marriage. Born on September 6, 1927, in Wilkes-Barre, Beatrice was a daugh- ter of the late William and Cathe- rine (Davis) Thomas. Prior to her retirement, Beatrice was employed as a seamstress for the former Hill Handbag, Forty Fort. Prior to her employment with Hill Handbag, Beatrice was employ- ed for 10 years by the former Blue Ribbon Bakery, Kingston. Devoted to her faith, Beatrice was a member of Grace Episcopal Church, Kingston. Active within her church, Beatrice was a longtime member of the church’s Altar Guild. At the age of 65, Beatrice proudly earned her Graduation Equivalency Diploma and was presented with a plaque for her hard work and deter- mination in acquiring her diploma. For 10 years, Beatrice volun- teered with the Foster Grandparent Program, Wilkes-Barre. A woman of many enjoyments, Beatrice especially enjoyed cooking and baking for family and friends. She was known for her blueberry muffins, which were her specialty. Beatrice loved when her family and friends would stop in to visit her. Always the gracious host, she would have a meal waiting for whoever was coming to visit with her. One of her famous lines was “Al- ways set an extra plate because you never know who may stop by.” Family was the center of Bea- trice’s life and she cherished every moment she had with her loved ones. Her grandchildren were the highlight and joy of her life and she was a constant support tothem. She never missed attending one of her grandchildren’s functions, taking great pride in all of the accomplish- ments they have made. In addition to her parents, William and Catherine Thomas, and her hus- band, Chester, Beatrice was preceded in death by her son, WilliamJ. Layaou, who passed away on January 2, 2010; five sisters; and two brothers. Beatrice is survivedby her children, Chester A. LayaouJr. andhis wife, Bar- bara, Lake Carey; Pamela Paculavich, South Glens Falls, N.Y.; Deborah Sgar- let andher husband, David, Forty Fort; Francis Layaou and his wife, Donna, Wyoming; Donna Layaou, Forty Fort; 14 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchil- dren; and many nieces and nephews. Relatives and friends are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral which will be conducted at 10 a.m. Thursday in the Grace Episcopal Church, 30 Butler St., Kingston, with the Rev. John Franklin Hartman, rec- tor, officiating. Interment will follow in Chapel Lawn Memorial Park, Dal- las. Family and friends may call from4 to 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Wroblew- ski Funeral Home Inc., 1442 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort, and also from 9 a.m. until the time of funeral service Thurs- day at the church. For additional information or to send the family of Mrs. Beatrice Lay- aou an online message of condolence, you may visit the funeral home web- site, www.wroblewskifuneralhome- .com. The family requests that flowers be omitted and memorial contributions be made in Beatrice’s memory to Grace Episcopal Church, 30 Butler Street, Kingston, PA18704. Beatrice Layaou July 17, 2011 ANDRUZIS – Blanche, funeral 9:30 a.m. today from the Kiesinger Funeral Services Inc., 255 McAl- pine St., Duryea, with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Dupont. Friends and family may call from 8:30 a.m. until time of service today. The AM Vets honor guard of Dupont will provide military honors. CARMADELLA – Ann Marie, funer- al 9:30 a.m. Wednesday from the Thomas P. Kearney Funeral Home Inc., Old Forge, with a 10 a.m. Mass of Christian Burial and Committal Rites in St. Lawrence O’Toole Church, Prince of Peace Parish, Old Forge. Relatives and friends may pay their respects from 5 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. CLONAN – Ann, funeral 9 a.m. Wednesday in the Baloga Funeral Home Inc., 1201 Main St., Pittston, (Port Griffith), with a Mass of Christian Burial at 9:30 a.m. in St. John the Evangelist Church, William St., Pittston. Friends may call from 5 to 8 p.m. today in the funeral home. JONES – Helen, a Mass of Christian Burial 10 a.m. today in St. Ignatius Loyola Church, 339 N. Maple Ave., Kingston. Family and Friends may call from 9 a.m. until the time of the Funeral Mass at the church. KLORAN – Marjorie, services 11 a.m. today from the Sheldon-Kukuch- ka Funeral Home, 73 W. Tioga St., Tunkhannock. The family will receive friends from10 a.m. until the time of the service. LOVE – Blanche, funeral 11 a.m. July 30 in the Mehoopany Methodist Church followed by a luncheon in the church basement. POLMOUNTER – Catherine, funeral 9:30 a.m. Wednesday in the Fierro Funeral Home, 26 W. Sec- ond St., Hazleton, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at the Holy Rosary Church, Hazleton. Friends may call from 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. ROBERTS – Jacklyn, funeral 11 a.m. Wednesday in the Mamary-Durkin Funeral Service, 59 Parrish St., Wilkes-Barre. Services at 11:30 a.m. in the St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church, 905 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Friends may call from 4 to 7 p.m. on today in the funeral home. STEFONETTI – Rosaria, funeral Wednesday in the Solfanelli- Fiorillo Funeral Home Inc., 1030 N. Main Ave., with Mass of Christian Burial at 9:30 a.m. in the Immac- ulate Conception Church, 801 Taylor Ave. All attending the funeral are asked to go directly to church. Friends may call from 4 to 7 p.m. today at the funeral home. WASNICK – John, Funeral Mass 1 p.m. Wednesday in the Chapel at Little Flower Manor, 200 S. Meade St., Wilkes-Barre. Vis- itation in the Chapel from12:30 to 1 p.m. YUSKO – Joanne, funeral 8:45 a.m. Wednesday in the Wroblewski Funeral Home Inc., 1442 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial to be celebrated at 9:30 a.m. in Ss. Peter and Paul Church, 13 Hudson Road, Plains Township. Family and friends are invited to call from 5 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. FUNERALS J acqueline Teresa (Curley) Ed- wards, 85, of Exeter, passedaway Sunday evening, July17, 2011, inthe Hospice Community Care Inpatient Unit of Geisinger South Wilkes- Barre. Born October 17, 1925, in Wilkes- Barre, she was a daughter of the late John and Dorothy McNey Curley. Jacqueline graduated from Coughlin High School. Following graduation, she enlisted in the Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps and served as a surgical technician. Af- ter War World II, she worked in re- tail women’s wear until her mar- riage after which she devoted her time to family life. She was also an avid reader. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her son, John J. Edwards, a Marine Lance Cpl., killed in Vietnam. Surviving are her are husband, Ralph, with whom she celebrated 64 years of marriage; son Ralph Ed- wards III and his wife, Lorraine, Jen- kins Township; grandson, BrianJames Edwards, West Pittston; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday in the Met- calfe and Shaver Funeral Home Inc., 504 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming, with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. in St. Cecilia’s Church of St. Barbara’s Parish. Interment will be in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Hanover Township. Friends may call from5 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Jacqueline Edwards July 17, 2011 More Obituaries, Page 2A C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 9A ➛ N E W S 2 8 6 1 7 2 Get Jazzy #1 Physician Appro√ed FLEXIBLE MOBILITY Inc. 1325 River Road, Plains Tuft Tex Complex 824-6620 • 1-800-214-9566 DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS WHEEL CHAIRS • POWER CHAIRS • LIFT CHAIRS SCOOTERS • STAIR GLIDES • HOSPITAL BEDS • RAMPS INSTALLATION AVAILABLE DON’T CLIMB STAIRS Grab Bars 2 8 9 3 8 9 Play at these courses: Applewood Golf Course 454 Mt. Zion Road, Harding, PA (570) 388-2500 Arnold’s Golf Course 490B. West Third St., Nescopeck, PA (570) 752-7022 Blue Ridge Trail Golf Club 260 Country Club Dr., Mountain Top, PA (570) 868-4653 Briarwood “East” & “West” Golf Clubs 4775 West Market Street, York, PA (717) 792-9776 Emanon Country Club Old State Road, RR#1 Box 78, Falls, PA (570) 388-6112 Fernwood Hotel Resort Route 209, Bushkill, PA (888) 337-6966 Hollenback Golf Course 1050 N. 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P resents ED D IE D AY & THE STAR FIR ES AN D TO M SLICK & THE G R EASE SLAPPER S SATURDAY, JULY 23 -8 PM TO M IDNIGHT IR EM CO UN TR Y CLUB Free B eer-So d a -Pizza -Ho tD o gs Ca s h B a r-$2 5 pertic k et(N o tix s o ld a td o o r) Available atHossGarden Hut,M emorialHighway, Ranch W agon,Shavertown AllJoe Nardone Gallery ofSound Stores orcall6 3 9 -13 9 8 or6 3 9 -19 19 “AllLCB LawsApplied” SCRANTON & PITTSTON COOPER’S SEAFOOD HOUSE WHAT’S t h e c a t c h COME TO SEA! www.coopers-seafood.com Private dining in our Cabana in Pittston, Lighthouse in Scranton and private rooms at both locations for showers, rehearsal parties, lunches, dinners, after funeral or any reason you have a private affair. Stop by and see the rooms or call catering at 346-7049 for details. WED. LINE DANCING OAK ST • PITTSTON TWP. 654-1112 FRI. DJ SAT. 9-1 PHYLLIS HOPKINS BAND BEAR CREEK TWP. -- Stu- dents will need an extra nickel to get a breakfast or lunch at the Bear Creek Community Charter School, and school of- ficials said newgovernment re- quirements are to blame. The school’s board of trust- ees voted Monday to increase the price of breakfasts from $1 to $1.05, while lunches will go from$1.75 to $1.80, a move the school’s CEOJimSmith said is necessary to comply with the requirements of the Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010. Smith said that even though the school’s meal programruns efficiently enough to generate a small surplus, the new act sets aspecific formulafor pricing. Under that formula, he said, the meals are underpriced and need to be increased, which will likely increase the surplus. He said the surplus of a few thou- sanddollars is reinvestedintothe program through things like spe- cial free lunch days and small equipment purchases. The board discussed other op- tions to compensate for the price increase, such as increasing por- tionsizes, but Smithsaidthe gov- ernment also regulates portion sizes and the types of foods that are served. The board also: •Ratified the purchase of 22 Dell OptiPlex 790 ultra small form factor student computers/ monitors with Microsoft licens- ing and four years of support for $27,608. •Ratified the purchase of one Dell PowerEdge R710 server, Mi- crosoft Server 2008 and a three year service plan for $5,466. •Approved the Bear Creek Foundation’s request to replace the school’s front door and side- lights for a cost of $7,525. The Foundation owns the school building. •Accepted the resignation of Paulette Ashton. •Approved the hiring of Jillian Everett as a full-time language arts instructor for fifth and sixth grade at salary of $33,000. Price hike on menu for charter school meals The increase of five cents a meal will meet a federal rule, the school CEO says. By JANINE UNGVARSKY Times Leader Correspondent HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom Corbett’s transportation funding commission on Monday en- dorsed a mixture of revenue sources to generate about $2.5 billion in additional annual spending for Pennsylvania’s roads, bridges and mass transit. There were no “no” votes cast and only a single abstention as the commission voted to recom- mend increased wholesale taxes on oil companies, higher vehicle and driver registration fees and to dedicate a fraction of sales tax- es for mass transit needs. Its final report to the governor, due Aug. 1, will lay the ground- work for potential talks between Corbett and the Legislature after Labor Day on a long-term ap- proachtotransportationfunding. A key element of those talks will be a list of the projects the state could complete over the next decade if the money is ap- proved. That list is currently be- ing developed internally by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, with input from local and regional transportation planning organizations, and could be on the PennDOT web- site by the end of August, said Transportation Secretary Barry Schoch. “I think everybody deserves to say, ‘If you are charging me, what do we get for it?’ ” said Schoch, who presided over the meeting. The Transportation Funding Advisory Commission, all Cor- bett appointees, consisted of gov- ernment officials, people who work in the transportation indus- try, representatives of mass tran- sit and others. They were direct- ed at the start not to consider raising the gasoline tax that driv- ers pay at the pump. Panel proposes funding mix to fix roads, bridges By MARK SCOLFORO Associated Press C M Y K PAGE 10A TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ N E W S 2 4 1 3 0 6 PA066033 As Low As $898 Complete! www.BackMountainDental.com 210 Carverton Road, Trucksville Find us on Facebook 570.763.4364 Sedation Dentistry and make your dream of a great smile a reality with For more information or to schedule a complimentary consultation call us at RELAX Get your virtual smile makeover at BEL L ES C O N S TRUC TIO N C O . PA012959 824- 7220 NATIO NAL AW ARD W INNING C O M PANY S EL EC T S HING L E M AS TER ABO VE AL L THE BES T RO O F! 3 0 1 2 5 5 3 0 1 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 cause they are involved in under- cover operations, noted that a U.S. Department of Justice re- port released in March indicated that New York- and New Jersey- based gangs were migrating and strengthening operations in Northeastern Pennsylvania and are recruiting members. Much of their presentation on Monday was focused on helping parents identify signs of gang in- volvement by their children. Jackie Stefanowicz of Duryea questioned the agents about lo- cally employing gang deterrent tactics used in Los Angeles, such as having marked patrol vehicles with volunteers patrol areas where gang members and drug traffickers would likely hang out. The agents said such initia- tives are good ideas, but finding local funding can be an issue. Adam Chase of Old Forge said his children attend school in Du- ryea andhe thought the presenta- tion would be a “good opportuni- ty to learn something about the potential for trouble from gangs. … You can’t get enough informa- tion. Information is powerful.” The agents gave a slide pre- sentation showing some of the symbols and numbers associated with gangs, including sports items and graffiti, tattoos and hand signs, and gang-influenced music and movies. They also dis- cussed changes in behavior that could be indicative of gang invol- vement. GANGS Continued from Page 3A What to look for Early adolescent years (ages 12 to 14) are a crucial time when youths are exposed to gangs and may consider joining a gang. Youths who are becoming involved in a gang may exhibit the following behaviors: • Negative changes in behavior such as withdrawing from family, declin- ing school attendance, staying out late without reason, unusual desire for secrecy, confrontational behav- ior, sudden negative opinions about law enforcement or authority fig- ures. • Unusual interest in one or two particular colors of clothing or a logo. • Interest in gang-influenced music, videos and movies. • Use and practice of hand signals to communicate with friends. • Peculiar drawings or gang symbols on school books, clothing, notebooks or even walls. • Drastic changes in hair or dress style and/or having a group of friends with the same hair or dress style. • Withdrawal from longtime friends. • Presence of firearms/ammunition or other weapons. • Non-accidental physical injuries (indicative of accepting a beating for gang initiation). • Unexplained cash or goods, such as clothing or jewelry. What parents can do • Talk to your children about gangs and ways to avoid them and let them know you disapprove of gangs and do not want to see them hurt or arrested. • Tell your children not to associate with gang members, not to hang out where gangs congregate, not to attend any party or social event sponsored by gangs, not to use any kind of hand or finger signs that may be meaningful to gangs and not to wear clothing that may have mean- ing to gangs in your area. • Get to know your children’s friends and the friends’ parents. • Talk to your children about ways to deal with pressure from friends. • Set firm limits with your children and teens. • Plan family time. • For more information, visit time- sleader.com for a links to the Par- ents’ Guide to Gangs from the Na- tional Gang Center or call (850) 385-0600, extension 224. A N T I - G A N G T I P S F O R PA R E N T S PITTSTON TWP. -- There is a new policy in the yard waste program for res- idents. The program has an over- whelming demand and the supervisors are changing the schedule so that it will be picked up the second Friday of each month in Up- per and Lower Browntown, Cork Lane including Te- drick and Markets streets west of the By-Pass. It will also be collected from Stauffer Heights, Center Street, Laurel Street, Doty Street, Mill Street, Horizon Estates and Stauffer Pointe. The fourth Friday of each month will include Butler Heights and Highway 315, Suscon, Langans Road, Poco- no Ridge Estates, Houston City, Packer Street, Glen- dale, Route 502 and Quail Hill. Supervisors reminded resi- dents that tree branches must be bundled and tied. Any other yard waste must be in containers that do not weigh more than 30 pounds. Residents must call the township building to arrange to have their yard waste picked up between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled pickup date as stated above. Supervisor Stephen Rinal- di wanted residents to know that “whatever they can pick, they can dispose of.” In other matters, residents asked the supervisors if they can add more officers to the police department staff. Supervisors said they are doing everything they can to add more police. Residents also said they wanted the many potholes on the corner of Armstrong and Suscon to be patched. Rinaldi said all work that needs to be done is being ad- dressed and will be complet- ed on a timely basis. A minor subdivision on West Chapman Street was ap- proved by supervisors. The planning and zoning were in line, and this led the supervisors to approve the subdivision. Pittston Twp. changes pickup schedule The supervisors say they are working to beef up the police force. By JIMMORRISSEY Times Leader Correspondent PARIS—Alarge studyinolder veterans raises fresh concern about mild brain injuries that hundreds of thousands of Amer- icantroops havesufferedfromex- plosions in recent wars. Even concussions seem to raise the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia later in life, researchers found. Closed-head, traumatic brain injuries are a legacy of the Af- ghanistanandIraq wars. Body ar- mor is helping troops survive bombblasts, but thelong-termef- fects of their head injuries are un- known. The study, reportedMonday at the Alzheimer’s Association In- ternational Conference in France, challenges the current view that only moderate or se- vere brain injuries predispose people to dementia. “Even a concussion or a mild brain injury can put you at risk,” saidLaurie Ryan, a neuropsychia- trist who used to work at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and now oversees Alzheimer’s grants at the U.S. National Institute on Aging. The study was led by Dr. Kris- tine Yaffe, a University of Califor- nia professor and director of the Memory Disorders Clinic at the San Francisco VA Medical Cen- ter. The U.S. Department of De- fense and the National Institutes of Health paid for the work. “It’s by far the largest” study of brain injury and dementia risk, she said. “It’s never been looked at in veterans specifically.” Researchers reviewed medical records on 281,540 veterans who got care from Veterans Health Administration hospitals from 1997 to 2000 and had at least one follow-up visit from 2001-2007. All were at least 55 and none had been diagnosed with dementia whenthe study began. This older group was chosen because de- mentia grows more common with age, and researchers needed enough cases to compare those with and without brain injuries. Records showed that nearly 5,000of the veterans hadsuffered a traumatic brain injury, or TBI, ranging from concussions to skull fractures. Researchers don’t know how long ago the injuries occurred. Many participants were Vietnam War vets and their injuries were during active duty. None were due to strokes — those cases were weeded out. Over the next seven years, more than 15 percent of those who had suffered a brain injury were diagnosed with dementia versus only 7 percent of the oth- ers — a more than doubled risk. Injury is linked to dementia Study of older veterans raises concerns about brain injuries from explosions during war. By MARILYNN MARCHIONE AP Medical Writer “He was a superhero when it came to fighting corruption. He could see troubles in elected officials and in those who lurk behind the scenes but whose hands control all.” Harry W. Skene The Forty Fort attorney eulogized former Luzerne County controller Steve Flood, who died Saturday at age 67. Skene had worked as Flood’s solicitor during an often contentious tenure beginning in 2002 in which Flood challenged county officials on several hiring and spending issues. Writer sees no debate on risks of ‘fracking’ T he natural gas companies in the Mar- cellus Shale region pose two very strong marketing weapons. They have advanced the perception that they offer a real solution to the problem of foreign energy dependence and they have man- aged to brand themselves as the cleanest and greenest of today’s fossil fuels. Neither of these contentions has proven to be true. It’s no longer a secret that Che- sapeake and other major natural gas play- ers have sold large slices of their oper- ations to the Chinese to satisfy the raven- ous energy demand in that part of the world. We apparently will see little benefit in the way of energy independence from domestic exploration. As to the clean and green issue, we have seen the evidence and heard the testimony of those people who have been wronged by these operations, and only the blind and ignorant among us do not appreciate the real horrors of the hydrofracturing process. Many people argue that there are two sides to this debate. I’m sorry, but there are not. “Fracking” contaminates ground- water, threatens the health of families and renders fresh water supplies useless. No debate there. The drillers employ a strategy that if you repeat a lie frequently enough, it becomes a truth. This strategy is effective but it cannot erase the trail of environmental destruction left by these profiteers wherev- er they choose to blast the shale. Land- scape is destroyed, wildlife is uprooted and the agencies put in place to protect our environment are bypassed. Ignorance of the facts might have served as an excuse in the early days of this issue but it can no longer offer sanctuary to those people who choose to turn their heads. This mining practice is horrific and destructive. It’s not too late to get involved. Contact your representatives and demand a mora- torium on fracking until we have time to study its consequences. JimSkrypek Dallas Obama’s telling words, but who will own ‘pain’ I really thought President Obama’s quote after a recent debt crisis session was illuminating: “Everyone acknowledged that pain will be involved politically on all sides.” I’m not sure if it would be the Repub- licans or Democrats who are willing to forfeit the largest portion of their salaries, health benefits and pensions. Gregory M. Suda Nanticoke A corporate takeover now unfolding in nation I t’s about time. After listening to the Republican Congress members constant- ly accusing President Obama and the Democrats of not submitting cost-cutting measures to reduce the country’s deficit, finally, Obama called their bluff. They are like a spoiled child stating, “I will cut only these programs and will not discuss raising taxes – or I’ll leave the discussions.” This selfish attitude has gone on long enough, and the American people are weary of their representatives in Con- gress playing a tit-for-tat game of politics while millions of families are losing their homes, losing their jobs and barely able to pay their bills. It’s about time these congressional mem- bers enact laws that will encourage banks and corporations to begin hiring people and begin getting this economy back on track. The longer the unemployment rate stays high and the housing market lags behind because banks that are profiting from the stimulus refuse to grant loans to reliable American families, the longer the economic downturn will continue. With the number of foreclosures, you would think the banks would change their attitudes and encourage some of the home- owners to pay smaller amounts on the existing mortgages to help them through these tough economic times. But if one watches the stock market returns daily, many large banks are profiting tremen- dously and unfortunately are not feeling “patriotic” enough to share some of the profits. An example of corporations and political pawns showing contempt for the middle class or poor of this nation is the recent decision by the Republican-loaded Su- preme Court that favored Wal-Mart over working-class women. If one doesn’t be- lieve that corporations are being given favorable treatment, research how many of those same judges voted to let corpora- tions have a big say in American elections. When President Obama called them out for that law when he delivered his State of the Union address, the judges said it was “unethical” for the president to do so. So the next time you chose a candidate to vote into office, please take the time to find out who or what corporation is back- ing him or her. Many of the recent Repub- lican governors (Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida, etc.) were put into office through vast amounts of money donated by the sly Koch brothers, billionaires who recently had a meeting of their “puppet” governors in Vail, Colo., to give them marching or- ders. All this to create a situation that will continue to allow these corporate giants to have laws enacted in their favor that allow pollution to continue, and more important to stop the Democrats from winning elec- tions with the help of union-backed funds. In this way our country eventually will be run by aristocratic corporate giants, be they industry, banks or Wall Street enti- ties; and instead of a fair playing field for the American worker, they will become slaves of these giants running the govern- ment purely for profit without any consid- eration for the crumbling middle class or poor. M. Sivilich Dallas Kids should be cared for, not put on picket line I t is expected that taxpaying adults some- times will picket regarding issues that affect their jobs, taxes and lives; but it is disgusting to see children with signs. Aren’t 7- and 8-year-old children a little old for kindergarten? Parents who use their children as an excuse to solve their problems should be ashamed. Children shouldn’t be used as pawns to negotiate for full-day kindergarten at a cost the property owners cannot afford. If parents have to work to sustain their style of living, then they should be respon- sible for arrangements with a day care, not at taxpayers’ expense via the school sys- tem. Elaine Givens Plymouth Government actions don’t add up to much ‘cents’ T he government makes no “cents.” Newspapers, according to the law, print property listings from the tax claim office regarding people who owe back taxes, the first step in sheriff’s sale. We give millions in foreign aid to other nations. We are building roads, bridges and schools in Iraq, Afghanistan and else- where. Millions of Americans are receiving rent subsidies. Middle-class Americans pay their own mortgages and taxes. A young man or woman joins the mil- itary, serves one or two tours in Iraq or Afghanistan, comes home to find their parents home up for sheriff’s sale while he or she was helping to build schools, roads, bridges – with Americans tax dollars. The government makes no “cents.” George J. Kochis Kingston MAIL BAG LETTERS FROM READERS Letters to the editor must include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number for verification. Letters should be no more than 250 words. We reserve the right to edit and limit writers to one published letter every 30 days. • E-mail: [email protected] • Fax: 570-829-5537 • Mail: Mail Bag, The Times Leader, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA1871 1 SEND US YOUR OPINION K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 11A I T’S A SHAME that Camp- bell Soup Co. couldn’t find a better recipe to serve up higher profits than to put more salt into its soups to ratch- et up their taste. The Camden-based company hopes to whet the finicky appe- tite of consumers, who have found its healthier soup varie- tiesthat containlesssodiumless appetizing. But most Americans already consume more than the maximum 2,300 milligrams of sodium recommended daily. Campbell’s spokesman An- thony Sanzio said Friday that the company plans to raise the salt level from480mgto650mg in some varieties. It will still of- fer lower-sodium versions. The announcement was greeted warmly by business analysts, who predict more salt will again have consumers saying “M’m M’m good.” But it’s disappoint- ing that a company with a dem- onstrated record of social re- sponsibility is retreating on ef- forts to cut sodium. Most salt in food comes not from the shaker, but from proc- essed products. There has been some conflicting research, but most studies have linked in- creased sodium levels to high blood pressure – a risk factor for stroke, heart attack and other ailments. Light on the salt, please. The Philadelphia Inquirer OTHER OPINION: SALTY SOUPS Campbell’s move leaves bitter taste B OTHERED BY rude- ness and unruly con- duct at recent public meetings, certain Wilkes-Barre council mem- bers, including Chairwoman Kathy Kane, say something needs to be done to ensure ci- vility. No question. For starters, council mem- bers, rather than drafting a new ordi- nance aimed at fur- ther policing city res- idents and other peo- ple whoapproachthe podiumtovoicetheir thoughts, can modify their own sometimes boorish behavior. No more clock-watching during a citizen’s allotted5-minute com- ment period. No more exasper- ated looks or whispered ex- changes behind the council ta- ble. And definitely no more name calling. Kane’s dismissal of one speaker during a May meeting by saying, “See you, Cupcake” was not merely unprofessional; it was immature. Sure, we realize that these city council members, as with elected officials on township commissions and school boards, seldom get the credit they deserve for their roles in upholding democracy and in helping people. They certainly don’t deserve to be treated as stand-ins for the circus clown who repeatedly takes a pie in the face. But they should fully expect to hear from disgruntled con- stituents, whose gripes might or might not be legitimate. Free speech, for better or worse, is free to everyone, in- cluding the louts, the loud- mouths and the loons. Espe- cially the loons – whose “ludi- crous” ideas today might later become vindicated. In Wilkes-Barre, council members seemingly could ben- efit by improving their conduct. Per- haps each citizen speaker at the next city council session should hoist a large mir- ror, allowing coun- cil members to view themselves duringthepublicpresentations and literally reflect on their postures and composures. Make eye contact and listen intently. Give as much cre- dence to the person who is crit- ical or questioning as to the person delivering praise. Pay more attention to the speaker’s message thantohowmany sec- onds he, or she, has remaining before the 5-minute limit ex- pires – a “deadline” that shouldn’t be firmly followed. If a speaker becomes bellig- erent or otherwise misbehaves, let the police intervene. If the problempersists, yes, other ac- tion might be warranted. However, before Wilkes- Barre’s council draws up new sanctions and possibly dishes out temporary suspensions to rules breakers, it should first try extending more of this: Re- spect. OUR OPINION: W-B DECORUM Advice to council: Do unto others Give as much credence to the person who is critical … as to the person delivering praise. QUOTE OF THE DAY RICHARD L. CONNOR Editor and Publisher JOSEPH BUTKIEWICZ Vice President/Executive Editor MARK E. JONES Editorial Page Editor PRASHANT SHITUT President/Impressions Media EDITORIAL BOARD MALLARD FILLMORE DOONESBURY ➛ S E RV I NG T HE P UB L I C T RUS T S I NC E 1 8 81 Editorial C M Y K PAGE 12A TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ N E W S BOTHERED BY rudeness and unruly conduct at recent public meetings, certain Wilkes-Barre council members say something needs to be done to ensure civility. Making a change County remembers Steve Flood PHOTOS: Out for the day at the Big Tent Bazaar CLICK: “In my opinion, (it) will be one of the most significant invest- ments in health care in the greater Scranton region,” Wilson said. This isn’t the first time the two entities talked about combining. In August 2009, they signed a non-binding letter of intent to ex- plore possible ways to work to- gether, but four months later the talks ended with no partnership in place. If the merger does occur, it will be the latest reshaping of the health care landscape in North- eastern Pennsylvania, which would be led by two health sys- tems: Danville-based Geisinger and Franklin, Tenn.-based Com- munity HealthSystems, whichis a for-profit company. Geisinger operates two hospi- tals inLuzerneCounty-- Geisinger Wyoming Valley in Plains Town- ship and Geisinger South Wilkes- Barre. In recent years, CHS has target- ed this region for purchases. InMarch, aLackawannaCounty judge approved the $150 million sale to CHS of Scranton’s Mercy Hospital and affiliated facilities in Nanticoke and Tunkhannock. In May 2009, CHS purchased the Wyoming Valley Health Care System, which includes Wilkes- Barre General Hospital, for $271 million. Part of that deal included the promise of major upgrades, in- cluding a $50 million expansion that includes a newemergency de- partment. Ground was broken for that project last month. The merger wouldrequire anin- vestigation by the state Attorney General’s Office since CMC is a not-for-profit entity. The office would make sure no anti-trust is- sues would be raised and that the hospital’s donations andcharitable assets are protected. A message left with that office Monday was not immediately returned. Gladys G. Bernet, regional di- rector for marketing and public re- lations for the three CHS hospitals that were purchased from Mercy this year, declined comment on the potential merger. More changes may be instore in the region’s health care. Last month, Geisinger and Bloomsburg Health System an- nounced the signing of a non- binding letter of intent to explore the potential merger of the small- er Bloomsburg system into Geis- inger. MERGER Continued from Page 1A Andrew M. Seder, a Times Leader staff writer, may be reached at 570- 829-7269. The suit argues Flood’s state- ments were inaccurate and hurt the business. Flood had main- tained that his comments were justified. Sued over fees The other outstanding suit was filed in 2010 by a Philadel- phia law firm against Flood and his partner andguardian, Heath- er Paulhamus, claiming that the firm is owed $205,696 in legal fees for representing Flood in the libel suit. Wilkes-Barre attorney Robert C. Trichilo, who is representing Flood and Paulhamus, said Monday that the suit is still in the beginning stages of discov- ery. Trichilosaidhe andother law- yers at Brady&Grabowski, P.C., may be filing a separate suit against the county on behalf of Flood or his estate arguing that the county is responsible for the legal fees. The lawyers are re- searching a statute governing the payment of legal fees for county employees and depart- ment heads, he said. The county Retirement Board had initially voted to pay for Flood’s legal defense in the libel suit but reversed the decision shortly after Flood lost his bid for re-election in 2005. Thelawfirmseekingpayment – Schnader, Harrison, Segal & Lewis – also represented the re- tirement board in a 2003 racke- teering suit filed against past county officials and pension fund managers. A federal judge dismissedthat suit inNovember 2007. The county controller, com- missioners and treasurer sit on the retirement board, which oversees the employee pension fund. Publicized lawsuit The trade secrets lawsuit that ended in December had been highly publicized because it was filed against Flood and two state welfare officials challenging the release of a draft audit critical of the county’s $58 million, 20-year lease of PA Childcare’s Pittston Township juvenile center. The detention center was at the center of corruption charges later filed against former judges MarkCiavarellaandMichael Co- nahan, former center co-owner Robert Powell and center build- er Robert Mericle. Conahan had sealed the trade secrets suit, but the state Superi- or Court overturned that deci- sion after an appeal by The Times Leader. Federal authorities said Cona- han’s sealing without a hearing was one example of fraud com- mitted by Conahan in exchange for a bribe, according to an in- dictment against Conahan and Ciavarella. Court paperwork says PA Child Care discontinued and endedthe trade secrets suit with prejudice, which means it can’t file the claimagain in the future. PA Child Care’s Pittsburgh at- torney, Bernard M. Schneider, declined comment Monday on the reason for ending the suit. Allstate Insurance Co. also dropped a legal action against FloodandPAChildCareinJanu- ary, court records showed. The company’s suit argued that Flood’s personal umbrella insur- ance policy didn’t require the in- surer to defend Flood or provide any monetary compensation in the trade secrets suit. Flood, who served as controll- er from 2002 through 2005, has been credited by many for un- covering information and spark- ingthe federal investigationthat ledtocharges against Ciavarella, Conahan, Mericle and Powell. Flood’sobituaryisonPage8A. FLOOD Continued from Page 1A Luzerne County commissioners ordered the county courthouse flag at half staff Monday in honor of former County Controller Steve Flood, who died Saturday. The flag will remain at half staff until Flood’s funeral on Thursday, Urban said. C O U R T H O U S E H O N O R Though he declined to pin- point blame, Liuzzosaid“most of the fixing requires a shift in the psychology of lawmakers.” Role of politics Bob Herbert, a Demos distin- guished senior fellowand former NewYorkTimes columnist, mod- erated the media teleconference and also talked about the role of politics in creating the problem. “We have ideology and politics standing in the way,” Herbert said. “Three generations ago, Amer- ica created our single greatest in- vention, not theInternet or thein- ternal combustion engine or the lightbulborthesolarpanel. Itwas the vast American middle class,” Herbert said. “This middle class didn’t just happen. It was the re- sult of agrandbargainamonggov- ernment, businesses and ordi- nary workers who all agreed on a set of shared values that basically said, ‘We believe that all Ameri- cans should have a decent life.’ ” Herbert said the agreements made it possible to have good- paying, meaningful jobswithben- efits, pensions and paid time off. He said chief executive officers typically earned 25 times the av- erage salary of his or her employ- ees. That hasnowrisento200times that average salary, and boards of directors and government- backed tax cuts and incentives have begun to take their toll on what Herbert called “The Ameri- can Dream.” To start to swing the momen- tumbacktoastrongmiddleclass, Herbert said the nation needs to refocus on job growth, investing ininfrastructureandcreatingsus- tainable jobs inindustries suchas alternative energy. And policies that help – and not harmthe mid- dle class – are essential. The report addresses several factors contributing to strains on the middle class of Pennsylvania. Among them are stagnant wages and an increased cost of college tuition. Overthelast 30years, inflation- adjusted median annual earnings for Pennsylvania workers (ages 18-64) have fluctuated with changes in the economy, the re- port shows. Pennsylvania’s median earn- ings peaked at $36,750 in 2003, beforefallingandthenrecovering in the last few years to $36,050. Though wages are below their 2003 level, they have grownsince 1980instepwiththerest of thena- tion. While annual earnings have in- creased in the past few years, the increase translates to a little over $2 more per hour. This is not in line with increased costs in ener- gy, education, food, gasoline and insurance. TuitioninPa. high The average college tuition in the state was at $10,761 for 2009- 10 academic year. That’s well above the national average of $6,829. Tuition costs have in- creasedexponentially inPennsyl- vania over the past generation, more than tripling over the past 25 years. This has an impact on the mid- dle class because a college degree makesabigdifferenceinearnings potential. In 2010, median earnings for workersage25to34withatleasta bachelor’sdegreewere$45,900in Pennsylvania -- more than 62 per- cent higher than the $28,356 a typical high school graduate in the same age range was earning. “College is more inaccessible than ever,” said Stephen Herzen- berg, theexecutivedirector of the Keystone Research Center. And it’s only getting more cost- lybecauseof statebudget tighten- ing that’s meant less funding for state-run or state-related univer- sities. For the 2011-12 school year, the state legislature reduced spend- ing at the 14 Pennsylvania State Systemof Educationuniversities, which includes Bloomsburg and East Stroudsburg, by about $70 million, or 14.5 percent. The state-related universities, such as Pittsburgh, Temple and Penn State, saw 19 percent funding cuts. Asaresult, tuitionratesaresky- rocketing at those schools next semester. Temple University is raising in-state undergraduate tuitionrates ninepercent this fall. As a point of reference, the cur- rent rate on inflation is 3.6 per- cent. And for those who do go to col- lege, their debt is high compared to their counterparts across the country. Seventy two percent of college graduates in Pennsylvania en- teredthe labor force withstudent debt in 2009, and their average debt —$27,066— was the sev- enthhighestinthenation, accord- ing to the report. While the CEOs and govern- ment were mentioned as contrib- utors, Herbert declined to place the blame on just one group. “There are a lot of people re- sponsiblefor thefixthat we’rein,” Herbert said. But to fix the problems, Liuzzo said, it will likelymeanhighertax- es. And that will hurt the middle class even more. “The rich will pay more, but they can afford it. The poor can’t pay it and so the middle class will befootingthebill,”hesaid. Thisis the trend of the past fewdecades. Andtheendresult, Liuzzosaid, is that “the rich get richer, the poor get richer and the middle class gets a little bit richer.” MIDDLE Continued from Page 1A park – until now.” Korona said she and her friends will take their children over to Kingston’s HamiltonPark, but she said getting there could be diffi- cult. “We walk everywhere,” she said. “It’s difficult to take a lot of kids on a bus.” Korona said a nearby newgated playground for toddlers is unusa- ble because of the construction project. “It’s all pretty frustrating,” she said. At last week’s City Council meeting, Councilman Tony Tho- mas Jr. said the concrete at the new$145,439 splash pad installed at the renovated park didn’t cure properly. Thomas said the con- crete had to be removed. ParrishPools, Hunt Valley, Md., is the subcontractor that did the original work, according to Drew McLaughlin, the city’s administra- tive coordinator. He said the general contractor is Bitting Recreation Co., Harris- burg. Parrish Pools was hired as a sub-contractor by Bitting through the COSTARS program, McLaughlin said. “The city is as eager to openthe splash pad as any resident or park visitor,” said Mayor Tom Leight- on. “The forecasted hot weather this week is exactly why I prior- itized building the splash pad for Coal Street, but the city was not going to accept or pay for work that was sub-par. The city is push- inghardfor it tobe openedintime for the end of the summer sea- son.” By the looks of things at Coal Street, the splash pad is weeks away from being completed. Vis- itors there said they haven’t seen workbeingdoneonthesplashpad since the beginning of July. Allen Schmidt, who brought three of his children to the park, saidhe was looking for something fun for the kids to do on a hot and humid day. “It’s so hot,” Schmidt said. “And no splash pad open, well, that’s not good. And nothing is being done. The city can’t get anything right.” William and Jacquelyn Morris of Wilkes-Barre brought there 22- month-old daughter, Ava, to the park. “A splash park is still a great idea,” Morris said. “At least it will be available next year.” Randy Bitting was unavailable for comment Monday anda call to Parrish Pools was not returned. McLaughlin said Bitting handled the firing of the previous subcon- tractor, and he is conducting the search for a new one. McLaughlin said the city will have a ribbon-cutting for the com- pleted recreational improve- ments, such as the basketball courts and toddler playground, in the near future. The city said the concrete vault failed an inspection by the city’s building code office. The vault holds the water filtration system and all of the plumbing that con- trols and operates the splash pad. McLaughlin said it would not cost the cityanyadditional money to correct the problem. Thomas saidthe splashpadwill be a welcome addition to Coal Street Park, which has undergone a$14millionfacelift inthelast two years. A splash pad is an area for water play that has no standing water and doesn’t require a life- guard or other supervision. Lydia Naperkowski said there could be water at Coal Street soon. “Maybe it will rain,” she said. SPLASH Continued from Page 1A PETE G. WILCOX/THE TIMES LEADER Damiana Schimdt, 8, of Wilkes-Barre, gets a push on the swings from her dad, Allen Schimdt, as her sister, Brooklyn, 6, looks on. The National Weather Service said it will be hot and humid all week, with temperatures in the 90s every day. Thursday’s high is expected to hit 97 degrees and the high on Friday will be 96. Temperatures will moderate next week when the high is expected to dip to 82 degrees on Monday. H O T T I M E S A H E A D “This is what I have to look forward to,” she said. There will be no air conditioning and an unbearable number of mosqui- toes at night. With much of the nation in the grip of a broiling heat wave, few people are hit as hard as the poor, and few places are poorer than the ramshackle communi- ties along the Texas-Mexico border known as “colonias.” The misery was widespread Monday, with the worst condi- tions blanketing a broad band from Texas to Minnesota and Dakotas. Seventeen states is- sued heat watches, warnings or advisories. And the heat index easily surpassed 100 degrees in many places: 126 in Newton, Io- wa; 120 in Mitchell, S.D.; and 119 in Madison, Minn. The high temperatures were nearly certain to persist for the entire week. Forecasters ex- pected the extreme discomfort to spread soon to the East Coast. In towns large and small, the withering heat was cruelest to those who could not afford air conditioning. Built at the edge of the des- ert, the colonias often lack elec- tricity and running water. Peo- ple bought the land before zon- ing regulations were adopted, hoping that utility services would follow. To finance her house, Esca- milla, who is 62, had to take out a loan against her funeral ser- vices and buy building materi- als recycled from demolition sites in Ciudad Juarez, across the border from El Paso. Norma Salazar, who shares a tiny trailer home with her hus- band and six children in Hori- zon City, on the outskirts of El Paso, has to rely on an evapora- tive cooler, a cheap alternative to air conditioning that sucks the hot, dry desert air through a mesh of water-soaked fibers. But it only cools half of the trailer, and when the heat climbs above 100, not even that. In downtown Minneapolis, where the heat index reached 106 degrees, the Salvation Ar- my’s Harbor Light Center threw open its doors for anyone who needed to cool off and drink a glass of ice water. Executive Director Bill Miller said he allowed about 200 peo- ple who slept at the shelter Sun- day night to stay instead being asked to leave in the morning. “We don’t have them leave when it’s this hot,” he said. “It’s hot enough to get dehydrated, especially if you’re drinking. In this heat, it could kill you.” Chicago officials opened six cooling centers, many of them in lower-income neighbor- hoods, along with hundreds of air-conditioned public build- ings such as libraries, park facil- ities and police stations. HEAT Continued from Page 1A C M Y K SPORTS S E C T I O N B THE TIMES LEADER TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 timesleader.com W ith a proud, gleeful trot, Shane Victorino rounded third base and headed for home. It was only then that Victorino dis- covered his high, arcing shot over the left field wall Sunday at Waterfront Park had been ruled a foul ball. “I said, ‘Thanks for letting me get all the way around third before telling me,’ ” Victorino said. So for the second time this month, Victorino’s game told a tale of blunder. He tripped while throwing fromthe outfield against the Toronto Blue Jays on July 3, which is howhe landed on the disabled list with an injured right thumb and why he spent this past week- end completing a minor league rehabil- itation assignment with Double-A Reading. “Another embarrassing moment. Why not?” Victorino said. “Two weeks to the day.” Yet, the today the Phillies get so much stronger, even boasting the best record in baseball, because Victorino returns Philadelphia’s lineup. Late-inning relief specialst Brad Lidge isn’t far behind. After throwing15 of his 16 pitches for strikes while working a scoreless sev- enth inning for Reading on Sunday, Lidge figures he’s one more rehab out- ing away fromresuming his role as the Phillies closer. He spent the first half of this year recovering froma right rotator cuff strain. But it’s Victorino’s absence that’s put a real strain on the Phillies, which is why his return may have the biggest impact on the team. The high-energy All-Star center fiel- der was hitting .303 with nine home runs and 34 RBI at the time of his in- jury. But more importantly, he solidi- fied the middle of the Phillies lineup after recently dropping to the team’s No. 5 hitter fromhis second slot in the batting order. Victorino’s presence behind cleanup man Ryan Howard gives a scoring- challenged Phillies offense much more potential and punch. Even if he’s not about to punch any- thing just yet with his still ailing thumb. “There’s going to be pain,” Victorino said. “There’s going to be some discom- fort there. I’ve just got to play through it.” He’s never just playing around. Anybody who’s watched Victorino can’t help admiring his all-out, all-the- time hustle and his penchant for deliv- ering in big moments. Remember his game-changing grand slamagainst C.C. Sabathia in the 2008 National League playoffs? Or Victori- no’s lunging grab of a shot to the gap against the Reds in last year’s postsea- son? He didn’t slowdown much during his rehab stint with Reading, hitting .500 in two games – even without his disputed long ball. “I thought it was over (in fair territo- ry),” Victorino said of his first-inning blast that hugged the left field line. “Obviously the umpire didn’t.” That didn’t stop himfromspending the rest of his Sunday hustling through center field and around the base paths. “That’s howI play the game,” Victori- no said. “I kind of play it at one speed.” It’s a non-stop ball of energy Phillies fans truly appreciate. Victorino is back in Philadelphia and heading toward the plate again. And this time, nobody’s going to stop him. PAUL SOKOLOSKI O P I N I O N This shot is just what the Phillies need ARCHBALD – Kingston/For- ty Fort took full advantage of the term ‘double elimination’ in the Section 5 Little League Tourna- ment. Despite losing its first game to AbingtonNational, it rebounded to defeat Archbald by a score of 5-1 in the major baseball losers’ bracket final at the Archbald Athletic Com- plex. King- ston/Forty Fort has al- lowed just two runs in the past two games. Hunter Max- well was terrif- ic on the bump for Kingston/ Forty Fort. He tosseda complete game, allowing just one run on four hits. He struck out five and walked just two Archbald hit- ters. Kingston/Forty Fort contin- ues play in the Section Five Lit- tle League Tournament today. It will have a rematch with Abing- ton National, it lost to11-7 in the opening round of the tourna- ment. Kingston/Forty Fort got on the board in the top of the sec- ond. Withtwoouts inthe inning, Julian Simons drew a walk and advancedwhenSeanJudge reac- hed on an infield single to short- stop. Maxwell helped himself out with an RBI single to left- center field. With one out in the third in- ning, Eric Latoski drew a walk. Zack Sott then belted a two-run L I T T L E L E A G U E Maxwell, KFF post key win Team defeats Abington National to avoid elimination in Section 5 Tournament. By JOSH HORTON For The Times Leader See KFF, Page 4B 5 KINGSTON/ FORTY FORT 1 ARCHBALD BLOOMSBURG – During the first two games of the Region 5 American Legion Baseball Tournament, Steve Ruch blis- tered the baseball with the bat leading Back Mountain to a pair of wins. On Monday in the winner’s bracket fi- nal against Plains, the Holy Redeemer grad showed what he could do on the mound. The right-hander tossed a complete- game, six-hit shutout and stayed hot with the bat as well going 2-for-3 with two RBI as Back Mountain defeated its Wyoming Valley American Legion League com- rade, 10-0 in a game that ended in eight innings instead of nine. Ruch is now hitting .643 (9- for-14) at the plate in the double-elimination event. “Steve Ruch, what a great pitcher. He doesn’t hurt himself and he makes the other teambeat him,” Back Mountain manager Tom Evans said. Back Mountain has now defeated Plains all five times the teams have played this season, including two in the regular seasonandnowthree times inthe postseason. With Monday’s win, Back Mountain (22-4) – which has scored 44 runs inthree games –is guaranteeda spot in Wednesday’s regional championship no matter what happens in today’s game against Cantonat 4:30p.m. at Central Co- lumbia High School. If Back Mountain wins today, it plays Wednesday at 11 a.m. With a loss, the WVALL champions will playsWednesday after the completion of the first game. Plains (18-9) falls into the loser’s brack- et and will take on Green Ridge at 1 p.m. today to try to stave off elimination in the tourney. Withawintoday, Plains will play AMERI CAN L EGI ON BASEBAL L RUCH TOSSES A GEM DON CAREY/THE TIMES LEADER Eric Ringsdorf of Back Mountain waits for the ball as Jordan Bone #7 of Plains dives into first base during a game in Bloomsburg Monday. . Back Mountain pitcher shuts out Plains 10 BACK MOUNTAIN 0 PLAINS See LEGION, Page 4B By DAVE ROSENGRANT [email protected] FRANKFURT, Germany — Once the Americans get over the disappointment of coming up just short at the Women’s World Cup, they’ll find plenty of reasons for optimism. The U.S. team pulled together amid a series of challenges that, just a fewyears ago, would have broken it apart. And while the illustrious careers of captain Christie Rampone, Shannon Boxx and maybe Abby Wambach are nearing their end, Lauren Cheney, Alex Morgan and MeganRapinoe provedinGermany they are more thanable successors. There’s also another major title to be wonat next summer’sLondonOlympics, andqualifyingstartsinjustafewmonths. “It’s just unfortunate, just a bummer,” Carli LloydsaidaftertheAmericanswere stunned by Japan in a riveting final Sun- W O M E N ’ S W O R L D C U P AP PHOTO U.S. soccer teammember Megan Rapinoe answers questions after she and other members of the U.S. soccer teamarrived in Times Square on Monday after a Japan’s win over the United States in the Women’s World Cup. U.S. team faces new challenges, including the 2012 Olympics By NANCY ARMOUR AP National Writer See SOCCER, Page 6B finish line,” NFLPA spokesman Ge- orge Atallah said in Washington. “There still are things that can get you tripped up, and we’re going to push through.” Owners are set to hold a special meet- ing in Atlanta on Thursday, whenthey could ratify a new agreement — if there is one. Execu- tives from all 32 teams then would be briefed there Thurs- day and Friday on howthe terms would affect league busi- ness, two people fa- miliar with the plan told The Associated Press. The people said the clubs were told Monday that top- ics would include the 2011 NFL calen- dar, rookie salary system and guide- lines for player transactions. They spoke to the AP on condition of ano- nymity because the process is sup- posed to remain confidential. Any tentative agreement also must The NFL told club executives they could be schooled in the ins and outs of the new labor contract as early as Thursday, and the players’ association summoned its leader- ship for a potential vote — the strongest signs yet the lockout might be nearing an end. Lawyers for both sides met 8 1 ⁄2 hours Monday in New York, including 3 1 ⁄2 with a court-appointed mediator, to try to close a deal to resolve the sport’s first work stoppage since 1987. Talks were scheduled to continue today. “Making progress,” said NFL Players Association outside counsel Jeffrey Kessler, who also rep- resents locked-out NBA players. Commissioner Roger Goodell and NFLPA head DeMaurice Smith spoke to each other on the telephone Mon- day andplannedtostay inregular con- tact. “Nobodycheers for youat Mile25of a marathon. You still have to cross the N F L Ready for some football? It may be around corner The Associated Press “Nobody cheers for you at Mile 25 of a marathon. You still have to cross the finish line. There still are things that can get you tripped up, and we’re going to push through.” George Atallah NFLPA spokesman See NFL, Page 4B C M Y K PAGE 2B TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ S C O R E B O A R D It’s yet another big16-race slate this evening at the MoheganSunat Pocono Downs. Every race has at least nine entries, andmost of them look highly competitive for sure. So without further hesitation, let’s get right down to business…….. BEST BET: FILLY BAY (9TH) VALUE PLAY: M A ROY (12TH) POST TIME 6:30 p.m. All Races One Mile First-$15,000 Clm.Hndcp Trot;clm.price $12-15,000 1 Credit Score B.Simpson 4-1-2 Allard has him ready 4-1 7 The Windsurfer A L.Stalbaum 2-2-8 First off the gate 3-1 5 Carpathian Hooray G.Napolitano 2-1-1 Deadly consistent 5-2 9 Colin Power T.Buter 4-7-2 First start off the claim 6-1 8 Speculation A.Napolitano 8-2-9 Tries another new barn 12-1 3 Like A Lexis B.Clarke 1-9-9 Broke last two starts 10-1 6 Captain Brady C.Norris 1-3-3 Bumps up off the win 15-1 2 Money Machine J.Pavia 7-5-8 Off form 5-1 4 Fortysecondstreet M.Kakaley 6-2-6 Never in it 20-1 Second-$4,800 Clm.Pace;clm.price $5,000 7 Swingopolitan G.Napolitano 7-7-4 Drop in class does it 4-1 8 Bullvillelightning L.Stalbaum 5-4-5 Back to level of last win 7-2 3 Great Balldini J.Pavia 6-8-7 Sits close to the pace 3-1 4 Mon Ami Hall W.Mann 8-4-8 Best of the rest 6-1 5 Glors Boys H.Parker 8-2-7 Veteran not the same 9-2 1 Jellis As Hecht M.Kakaley 5-8-6 Very weak race 8-1 2 I Am So Glad K.Sizer 9-9-8 Back from Tioga 10-1 6 Highview Fella N J.Taggart 7-7-7 One worse than seventh 15-1 9 Listen To Your Art D.Ingraham 8-7-3 Stalls out 20-1 Third-$12,000 Cond.Trot;n/w $6,500 last 5 9 Definitely Mamie J.Pavia 3-7-7 Finds the right field to beat 7-2 4 Folk Tail M.Kakaley 8-7-2 From the Burke stable 6-1 8 NF Quotable L.Stalbaum 5-6-2 Cook a warm trainer 8-1 2 Spice It Up Lindy M.Simons 2-6-6 Racing decent at the Big M 3-1 7 Smedshammer G.Napolitano 5-6-5 Does pick up Napolitano 4-1 6 Gimme The Loot A.Spano 5-3-5 Not won in 2011 9-2 3 Donnegal G.Wasiluk 5-2-4 11yr old keep plugging 10-1 1 Andoversure D.Ingraham 7-3-7 Often a long price 15-1 5 Conway Lane K.Sizer 6-2-7 Not a factor 20-1 Fourth-$10,000 Clm.Pace;clm.price $15,000 8 Viper Hanover T.Buter 2-3-1 Knocks the door down 9-2 6 Pride And Glory D.Ingraham 1-1-3 Pacer in good form 7-2 1 Iron Train G.Napolitano 3-7-5 Rail a big plus 3-1 7 Loadedupntruckin J.Pavia 7-6-8 Does have solid early foot 6-1 4 Sandy Absolut M.Kakaley 2-7-6 Filly tries to tackle boys 4-1 3 Top Notch Hanover A.Napolitano 6-8-5 Overclassed most of year 10-1 2 My Edward M.Simons 1-8-7 Jogged against lesser at Tioga 15-1 5 Purple Mcrain Tn.Schadel 2-4-6 Longtime maiden 8-1 9 Marty B Shady J.Taggart 3-6-6 Stomped down 20-1 Fifth-$20,000 The Stallion Series 9 Orange Bigi M.Kakaley 1-1-2 Makes it three straight 4-1 2 Can Do It T.Smedshammer 3-3-6 Trond having great year 7-2 1 Lady Ridge J.Pavia 1-5-2 Meadows invader 8-1 7 Migisi J.Taggart 2-8-4 Nice catch driver for Jim 9-2 6 Mynah Hanover S.Schoeffel 1-2-6 Tends to tire late 3-1 8 Broadway Starlet T.Buter 9-7-9 Disappointing filly 10-1 3 Jogging Home C.Norris 5-6-4 Legs give out 6-1 4 Red Rum Lass M.Simons 6-3-6 Take another 15-1 5 Abundala D.Ingraham 6-7-8 Off since May 20-1 Sixth-$14,000 Clm.Pace;clm.price $25,000 2 Panamanian M.Simons 1-6-5 Repeat in sight 7-2 1 Dragon AHS M.Kakaley 4-5-6 Takes loot from inside 3-1 3 Pandapocket H.Parker 3-6-4 Sherman barn doing stout 4-1 4 Pams Legacy J.Pavia 4-2-1 Fairly steady 6-1 5 Running Ron G.Napolitano 5-4-5 Needs live cover 9-2 7 Town Treasure M.Romano 2-7-3 Note the driver change 8-1 9 Black Ace Hanover T.Buter 7-6-8 Struck down 10-1 6 A Fool For Mark D.Ingraham 6-7-2 Sent by team Ingraham 15-1 8 Stonebridge Deco J.Antonelli 7-8-5 Well back 20-1 Seventh-$20,000 The Stallion Series 2 Madam Stacey T.Smedshammer 7-5-4 Tackles a little easier 9-2 7 Lady’s Night D.Palone 1-1-2 The one to beat 3-1 3 Sephora De Vie G.Wright 3-2-5 Kicks it in too late 7-2 8 Amourus J.Rattray 4-1-1 Fallen back to earth 4-1 5 Kelpie Hanover J.Taggart 7-4-1 Taggart does well for Wollam 6-1 9 Quantum Glidingby C.Norris 2-3-1 Much better since lasix 10-1 1 Shacklesonmyfeet J.Johnson 8-5-3 Yet to remove the key 15-1 4 Gasoline M.Kakaley 9-6-7 Burned 8-1 6 Abundaspice D.Ingraham 5-4-3 Has never hit the board 20-1 Eighth-$14,000 Cond.Pace;n/w $9,000 last 5 3 Lislea Moran J.Pavia 5-4-8 Pavia winds him up 7-2 7 He’s Great D.Palone 3-1-3 Live pacer 3-1 6 Cessna Flight M.Kakaley 1-5-5 More than capable if right 3-1 1 Last Conquest G.Napolitano 3-1-6 Back from Saratoga 4-1 2 Literate Hanover T.Buter 2-5-9 Buter the new pilot 8-1 5 Polaris N M.Simons 6-8-10 Better earlier in year 9-2 8 Caerleon Hanover L.Stalbaum 4-1-7 Speed folds tonight 10-1 9 Rusty Tank M.Romano 2-6-6 Post the main setback 15-1 4 Caviart Spencer K.Sizer 8-5-3 Fallen on hard times 20-1 Ninth-$20,000 The Stallion Series 3 Filly Bay D.Palone 1-1-2 Has plenty in reserve 5-2 7 Im A Centerfold M.Kakaley 7-5-2 Hard one to gauge 6-1 4 Linnea P T.Buter 7-4-1 Drops from Reynolds 7-2 6 Miss Caviar T.Smedshammer 4-6-5 Watch the tote action 8-1 5 My Good Side S.Schoeffel 3-1-4 In from the fairs 4-1 8 Devoutly Hanover G.Napolitano 5-8-3 Long road to haul 12-1 2 Lady Taggetha C.Norris 3-4-4 Fades away 5-1 9 Ginger Tree Lexie M.Simons 5-4-3 Not from this spot 15-1 1 Newtech D.Ingraham 4-8-7 Same results 20-1 Tenth-$24,000 Clm.Hndcp Pace;clm.price $25-30,000 6 Expensive Toy M.Kakaley 2-7-7 Fits perfect in here 7-2 8 Three New Dawns G.Napolitano 9-1-1 Back to level of claim 4-1 9 Four Starz Elder B.Simpson 1-3-1 Become hot commodity 3-1 4 Lucky Lucky Leo L.Stalbaum 7-8-8 Big price on the board 15-1 1 Lap Hanover J.Pavia 5-2-1 2nd start since the claim 9-2 2 Royal Cam-Hall A.Napolitano 6-1-3 Bounced off career mile 6-1 3 Blissfullcavalcade D.Ingraham 7-1-2 Back in with claimers 8-1 5 Triple Major M.Simons 5-6-7 Winless in 18 prior 20-1 7 Totally Empressive P.Berry 7-8-3 Didn’t fire at Vernon 10-1 Eleventh-$9,700 Cond.Trot;n/w $4,000 last 5 2 Credit Approved G.Napolitano 8-4-8 Fires down the road 7-2 6 Showmeyourstuff H.Parker 3-9-3 Tries out the hopples 3-1 4 R Sam J.Taggart 3-6-9 Rounds out the triple 9-2 5 American Cool D.Ingraham 3-8-1 New to the Case stable 20-1 8 St Giannis M.Kakaley 5-8-8 In live hands 4-1 1 Overdraft J.Pavia 4-5-7 Not the best track record 8-1 9 Perfect Chance M.Simons 4-1-9 Looking for flat mile 10-1 7 Rap’s Legacy T.Buter 8-7-4 Needs big turn-around 6-1 3 Corky Duke J.Groff 5-5-4 Groff has just 1 win 15-1 Twelfth-$9,700 Cond.Pace;n/w $4,000 last 5 7 M A Roy M.Kakaley 6-2-7 Takes care of soft field 6-1 3 Sir Beach Dragon D.Ingraham 4-6-4 Makes for nice exacta box 7-2 6 Thee Town Hero L.Stalbaum 3-7-7 Bomber having solid campaign 3-1 5 Up Front George P.Berry 4-4-3 Jersey import 15-1 8 Rush Of Fools B.Simpson 3-9-10 New on the scene 4-1 4 Kingofthecastle G.Napolitano 6-6-4 Wrong part of town 9-2 1 The Real Dan A.Santeramo 5-3-5 Santeramo ice cold 8-1 2 Art Star D.Palone 5-6-1 Demoted 10-1 9 Artist Point T.Buter 5-7-3 Comes off scr-vet injured 20-1 Thirteenth-$9,800 Clm.Trot;clm.price $10,000 5 Litigator T.Buter 3-6-4 Sneaks it out 4-1 2 A Real Laser G.Napolitano 1-1-4 Certain favorite 5-2 4 Clear The Air M.Simons 2-8-3 First off the claim 5-1 3 Instant Photo J.pavia 1-4-1 Just dusted similar 7-2 7 Southern Beauty M.Kakaley 7-3-5 Use in superfecta 6-1 1 Dynamic Preacher L.Stalbaum 8-2-4 Moves back inside 8-1 6 Pinnochio D.Palone 4-3-3 Not even Palone can help 12-1 8 Funny Briefs A.Santeramo 3-4-3 Winless in prior 42 tries 15-1 9 Credit Limit A.Napolitano 4-4-5 Dusted 20-1 Fourteenth-$9,700 Cond.Trot;n/w $4,000 last 5 9 Rookie Mistake L.Stalbaum 7-4-2 With one big swoop 7-2 6 Aviewtoakill T.Buter 2-3-3 Buter-Raymer solid duo 3-1 2 Lost In The Fog M.Romano 3-3-7 Romano gets catch drive 8-1 1 I’ve Got It All M.Kakaley 9-4-5 Meadowlands shipper 6-1 8 Calchips Muscle J.Pavia 2-5-8 Lacks that stamina 4-1 7 Katie’s Kiss J.Taggart 4-6-3 One of two mares in here 15-1 3 Alarming Quick M.Simons 3-5-5 The other gal 10-1 4 Zero Boundaries B.Simpson 2-9-9 I’ll pass on 9-2 5 Money Man K D.Ingraham 4-7-3 Out of cash 20-1 Fifteenth-$9,700 Cond.Pace;maidens 2 Redside Manner G.Napolitano 8-7-2 Starts off late double 4-1 6 A Fool House M.Kakaley 8-3-3 Raced well here in the past 3-1 8 Showtime Shark T.Buter 5-5-3 Lightly raced colt 9-2 5 Hey Scoob A.Napolitano 3-2-3 Lacks the late presence 7-2 7 Fox Valley Renoir B.Simpson 9-2-4 Chicago invader 6-1 1 Solanos Dragon J.Taggart 1-3-8 Eligible at time of entry 10-1 3 Lookout Josh M.Simons 7-3-3 Been a maiden for some time 8-1 4 Cancun Prize H.Parker 5-2-8 ….next 15-1 9 Odin Blue Chip L.Stalbaum 6-5-6 One more race to go 20-1 Sixteenth-$10,000 Clm.Pace;clm.price $15,000 8 Patient Major J.Taggart 4-4-2 Upset in the finale 9-2 3 Ifeelthelight L.Stalbaum 9-9-2 Grabs the pocket 7-2 7 Bungleinthejungle H.Parker 7-1-6 Tough, if you back to the Q 15-1 4 Real Liberator J.Pavia 4-4-1 Vulnerable chalk 3-1 5 Giant Cooper W.Mullin 4-7-9 Mullin again steers 6-1 2 Bring Them Home M.Kakaley 6-4-7 Rough spot for this filly 4-1 1 Beckys Dreamboat M.Simons 2-2-3 Ohio shipper 8-1 6 Kingofthehighlands G.Napolitano 5-8-3 Chances are low 10-1 9 Here To Stay P.Berry 6-3-9 See you tomorrow 20-1 On the Mark By Mark Dudek For the Times Leader Restaurante. Any questions or concerns, please call Tony at 430-7571. Hanover Area Football Booster Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday at the football stadium. All mem- bers are asked to attend. New members are welcome. Swoyersville Lille League will meet this Wednesday, July 20, at 7:30 p.m. at the Rec Room on Hughes Street. All are urged to attend to help plan the year end banquet. Fall ball sign ups will take place at 7 p.m. prior to the meeting. Cost is $30 per player. REGISTRATIONS/TRYOUTSAL’s Wyoming Valley Baseball League is seeking teams. Play starts Au- gust 20 and players must be ages 12-14. For more information or to register, please contact Alb at 287-1223 or 881-2626. Nanticoke Area High School Boys’ Soccer will hold registration at 4 p.m. on Thursday at the West Side Park. Any boy entering grades 9 through 12 this fall interested in playing soccer for Nanticoke Area may signup at this time. Plains Little League will have regis- tration for Fall Baseball Sunday July 24, and Sunday July 31 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. at Tokatch Field. Cost is $35 and is for ages six and up. UPCOMING EVENTS A Double Elimination Softball Tournament will be held July 29, 30, and 31at the Pittston Little League fields on Church Street in Pittston. Proceeds will benefit “Fallen Officers Remembered”. If you have a team or can put one together to take part in this event, contact Neil Murphy at 570-237- 0059. Entrance fee is $150 per team. Hours will be Friday 6 p.m. - 11 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. – 10 p.m., and Sunday approximately 9 a.m. – 5 or 6 p.m. The All-American Girls Fast-Pitch League will host its 4th annual Fall League beginning August 27th at the 17th Street Lighted Field in Hazleton. All age groups are avail- able, including an open division for girls over the age of 18. (10u, 12u, 14u, 16, 18u, OPEN). There will be divisions for high school teams, travel teams and recreation teams. Players may also register as indi- viduals and be placed on a team. Teams will be able to create their own schedule, choosing to play as few as two games or as many as 20 games. Our lighted field allows for evening games. Both weekend and week day games are available to suit your schedule. Already four teams who have won high school or ASA State Championships are registered. For an application or more information, contact Vince Trivelpiece at 570-233-3925, 570- 788-7777 and [email protected]. CAMPS/CLINICS King’s College will host the Boy’s High School Pre-Season Team Camp August 1-5 from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. at the Robert L. Betzler Athletic Com- plex in Wilkes-Barre Township. This camp is designed specifically to prepare and improve your team for the upcoming high school soccer season. The staff will emphasize technical and tactical training while incorporating attacking and defend- ing principles into each day of team training. Coaches will emphasize the importance of implementing the day’s training into the night’s 60 minute competitive matches. The camp staff will assume the role of instructor in hopes to prove your team’s likelihood of experiencing success throughout the fall season. A camp team champion and Top Eleven will be recognized at the end of camp. The camp will be under the direction of King’s College Men’s Soccer Coach Mark Bassett. For more information or a printable brochure, go to www.kingscolle- geathletics.com. Information can also be obtained by contacting Coach Bassett at markbas- [email protected] or call 570-208- 5900 ext 5334. King’s College will host the Little Monarch Soccer Camp at the col- lege’s Robert L. Betzler Athletic Complex in Wilkes-Barre Township August 1-5 from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and is open to boys and girls ages six though twelve. This camp is geared towards the enjoyment of soccer for all involved with technical instruction incorporated into the games. The technical instruction will include the passing, dribbling, shoot- ing and receiving of the ball as needed to develop into an improved player at this age. During camp the staff will emphasize fun in an upbeat enthusiastic manner that will pro- vide for a great week of camp for your son or daughter. The camp will be hosted by King’s Men’s Soccer Coach Mark Bassett. For more in- formation or a printable brochure, go to www.kingscollegeathletic- s.com. Information can also be obtained by contacting Coach Bas- sett at [email protected] or call 570-208-5900 ext 5334 King’s College Football Camp will be held Saturday July 30, at the Robert L. Betzler Athletic Complex. The one day camp is available for students entering 8th grade and above and will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Cost is $50 per person. The camp staff will teach the funda- mentals of each position with a heavy emphasis on technique and individual teaching drills. The camp is geared to quarterbacks, wide receivers, running backs, tight ends, offensive lineman, defensive line- man, linebackers, and defensive backs. For a printable camp bro- chure go to www.kingscollegeathlet- ics.com. For additional information contact coach Jeff Knarr at 570- 208-5900, ext 5378 or by email at [email protected]. MEETINGS Crestwood Football Booster Club will meeting at 7 p.m. Aug. 8 at King’s Bulletin Board items will not be accepted over the telephone. Items may be faxed to 831-7319, dropped off at the Times Leader or mailed to Times Leader, c/o Sports, 15 N, Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA18711- 0250. BUL L E T I N BOARD BASEBALL Favorite Odds Underdog American League BLUE JAYS 8.0 Mariners TIGERS 8.5 A’s Red Sox 9.5 ORIOLES Yankees 8.5 RAYS TWINS 8.0 Indians White Sox 9.0 ROYALS Rangers 7.5 ANGELS National League Reds 8.5 PIRATES MARLINS 7.0 Padres METS 8.0 Cards Phillies NL CUBS Nationals 7.5 ASTROS ROCKIES 8.5 Braves Brewers 9.0 D’BACKS GIANTS 6.5 Dodgers AME RI C A’ S L I NE By Roxy Roxborough BOXING REPORT: In the WBA/IBF junior welterweight title fight on July 23 in Las Vegas, Nevada, Amir Khan is -$500 vs. Zab Judah at +$400. For the latest odds & scores, check us out at www.americasline.com. T R A N S A C T I O N S BASEBALL Major League Baseball MLB—Announced Boston DH David Ortiz and Bal- timore RHP Kevin Gregg had their four-game sus- pensions reduced to three games. American League BALTIMORE ORIOLES—Signed SS J.J. Hardy to a three-year contract extension. Placed RHP Alfre- do Simon on the restricted list. Recalled 3B Josh Bell fromNorfolk (IL). Selected the contract of RHP Mark Worrell from Norfolk. Recalled INF Josh Bell from Norfolk. BOSTON RED SOX—Activated OF Carl Crawford from the 15-day DL. Optioned INF Drew Sutton to Pawtucket (IL). CLEVELAND INDIANS—Placed OF Grady Size- more on the 15-day DL. Recalled RHP David Huff from Columbus (IL). NEWYORKYANKEES—Placed INF Ramiro Pena on the15-day DL. Recalled INF Brandon Laird from Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (IL). TAMPA BAY RAYS—Recalled C Robinson Chiri- nos, RHP Alex Cobb and LHP Alex Torres from Durham(IL). Designated RHPAdamRussell for as- signment. Placed C Jose Lobaton and RHP Juan Cruz on the 15-day DL. TORONTO BLUE JAYS—Reinstated RHP Jesse Litsch from the 15-day DL and optioned him to Las Vegas (PCL). American Association AMARILLO SOX—Signed RHP Cody Evans. Re- leased RHP Gary Perinar. EL PASO DIABLOS—Signed RHP Jorge Crespo and RHPJosh Grady. Released RHPRigoberto Al- monte, RHP Jose Sanchez, INF Kevin Smith and LHP Roberto Martinez. FARGO-MOORHEAD REDHAWKS—Signed LHP Kevin Light and INF Jake Krause. FORT WORTH CATS—Released RHP Tim Haines. GRAND PRAIRIE AIRHOGS—Signed RHP Kyle Gunderson. LINCOLN SALTDOGS—Signed RHP Vince Bon- giovanni. Acquired LHP Jino Gonzalez from Lake County (North American) for future considerations. Released RHP James Garcia. ST. PAUL SAINTS—Released INF Jake Krause. Signed INF Justin Snyder. Sold the contract of OF Brandon Tripp to the Philadelphia Phillies. SHREVEPORT-BOSSIER CAPTAINS—Signed C Scott Thomas. Released C Andrew Kuhn. WINNIPEGGOLDEYES—Released RHP Eugene Wright. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association INDIANA PACERS—Named Jim Boylen assistant coach. FOOTBALL National Football League HOUSTONTEXANS—PromotedMikeMaccagnan to director of college scouting. Named Dale Strahm a national college scout. HOCKEY National Hockey League ANAHEIM DUCKS—Signed D Mathieu Carle to a one-year contract. ST. LOUIS BLUES—Signed Forward Ryan Reaves to a one-year contract. WINNIPEGJETS—Agreedtoterms withRWBlake Wheeler, D Brett Festerling, C Riley Holzapfel, D Arturs Kulda, RW Spencer Machacek, C Ben Max- well and RW Kenndal McArdle on new contracts. SOCCER Major League Soccer COLUMBUS CREW—Named Clark Beacom vice president of ticket sales. NEW ENGLAND REVOLUTION—Announced the resignation of MF Ousmane Dabo. NEW YORK RED BULLS—Traded MF Austin da Luz to D.C. United to complete an earlier trade. COLLEGE ATLANTIC 10 CONFERENCE—Named Drew Dickersondirector of mediarelations andcommuni- cations. ABILENE CHRISTIAN—Named Joe Golding men’s basketball coach. BAYLOR—Named Grant McCasland men’s assist- ant basketball coach. BRADLEY—Promoted Jennifer Jones to senior woman administrator and associate director of ath- letics for academics and student affairs. CLEMSON—Announced the addition of women’s golf starting in 2013-14. COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON—Signed men’s soccer coach Ralph Lundy to five-year contract ex- tension through 2015. DAYTON—Named Paul Ivkovich strength and con- ditioning coach for men’s and women’s basketball and golf teams. DELAWARE—Named Tenaya Tucker assistant softball coach. FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON—Promoted men’s as- sistant basketball coach Marcus Toney-El to asso- ciate head coach. Named Damon Francis men’s as- sistant basketball coach. FORDHAM—Named Kevin Leighton baseball coach NEW MEXICO—Named Ben Wallis men’s assist- ant volleyball coach. QUINNIPIAC—Signed men’s basketball coach Tom Moore to a contract extension through the 2015-16 season. SOUTHERN CAL—Suspended TB Marc Tyler from all team activities and the season opener for comments he made to TMZ. W H A T ’ S O N T V CYCLING 8 a.m. VERSUS — Tour de France, stage 16, Saint-Paul- Trois-Chateaux to Gap, France MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 7 p.m. ROOT — Cincinnati at Pittsburgh YES --- N.Y. Yankees at Tampa Bay SNY --- St. Louis at N.Y. Mets 8 p.m. CSN — Philadelphia at Chicago Cubs WNBA BASKETBALL 7 p.m. ESPN2 — Seattle at Chicago I N T E R N A T I O N A L L E A G U E North Division W L Pct. GB Lehigh Valley (Phillies).......... 56 39 .589 — Pawtucket (Red Sox) ............. 52 43 .547 4 Yankees.................................. 49 44 .527 6 Buffalo (Mets) ......................... 41 54 .432 15 Syracuse (Nationals) ............. 40 53 .430 15 Rochester (Twins).................. 36 58 .383 19 1 ⁄2 South Division W L Pct. GB Gwinnett (Braves) ................... 53 42 .558 — Durham (Rays)......................... 52 42 .553 1 ⁄2 Charlotte (White Sox) ............. 48 48 .500 5 1 ⁄2 Norfolk (Orioles) ...................... 36 59 .379 17 West Division W L Pct. GB Columbus (Indians)................ 61 34 .642 — Louisville (Reds) .................... 50 46 .521 11 1 ⁄2 Indianapolis (Pirates) ............. 48 48 .500 13 1 ⁄2 Toledo (Tigers)....................... 42 54 .438 19 1 ⁄2 Saturday's Games Durham11, Pawtucket 8 Rochester 4, Buffalo 2 Toledo 7, Yankees 4 Lehigh Valley 8, Syracuse 6 Gwinnett 4, Norfolk 3, 11 innings Columbus 7, Indianapolis 5 Louisville 4, Charlotte 2, 12 innings Sunday's Games Durham13, Pawtucket 3 Norfolk 4, Gwinnett 2 Charlotte 7, Louisville 6 Syracuse 8, Lehigh Valley 4 Columbus 6, Indianapolis 4 Toledo 7, Yankees 6, 11 innings Buffalo 13, Rochester 4 Monday's Games Gwinnett 5, Louisville 2 Durham 4, Rochester 1 Pawtucket 4, Lehigh Valley 1 Indianapolis 4, Charlotte 3 Toledo 9, Norfolk 3 Columbus 5, Yankees 2; btm 4th inning Buffalo at Syracuse; ppd Today's Games Buffalo at Syracuse, 7 p.m. Charlotte at Indianapolis, 7:05 p.m. Lehigh Valley at Pawtucket, 7:05 p.m. Durham at Rochester, 7:05 p.m. Louisville at Gwinnett, 7:05 p.m. Yankees at Columbus, 7:05 p.m. Toledo at Norfolk, 7:15 p.m. E A S T E R N L E A G U E Eastern Division W L Pct. GB New Hampshire (Blue Jays)... 53 40 .570 — Trenton (Yankees)................... 50 44 .532 3 1 ⁄2 New Britain (Twins) ................. 48 44 .522 4 1 ⁄2 Reading (Phillies) .................... 49 45 .521 4 1 ⁄2 Binghamton (Mets).................. 38 57 .400 16 Portland (Red Sox).................. 36 57 .387 17 Western Division W L Pct. GB Harrisburg (Nationals) ........... 55 38 .591 — Bowie (Orioles)....................... 50 42 .543 4 1 ⁄2 Richmond (Giants) ................. 48 44 .522 6 1 ⁄2 Akron (Indians) ....................... 49 46 .516 7 Erie (Tigers) ............................ 45 49 .479 10 1 ⁄2 Altoona (Pirates)..................... 39 54 .419 16 Saturday's Games New Britain 5, Portland 4 Bowie 9, Richmond 2 Akron 11, Harrisburg 5 Altoona 11, Erie 8 Reading 13, Trenton 2 Binghamton 2, New Hampshire 1 Sunday's Games New Britain 9, Portland 7 Erie 9, Altoona 3 Binghamton 4, New Hampshire 3 Reading 4, Trenton 3 Harrisburg 9, Akron 7 Bowie 6, Richmond 1 Monday's Games Portland 7, Binghamton 4 Bowie 4, Harrisburg 2 New Britain 11, Richmond 6 Reading 3, New Hampshire 2 Erie 5, Trenton 4 Altoona 1, Akron 3; btm 7th inning Today's Games Binghamton at Portland, 7 p.m. Bowie at Harrisburg, 7 p.m. Reading at New Hampshire, 7:05 p.m. Richmond at New Britain, 7:05 p.m. Erie at Trenton, 7:05 p.m. Altoona at Akron, 7:05 p.m. N E W Y O R K - P E N N L E A G U E McNamara Division W L Pct. GB Staten Island (Yankees).......... 21 7 .750 — Hudson Valley (Rays) ............. 16 13 .552 5 1 ⁄2 Brooklyn (Mets) ....................... 16 14 .533 6 Aberdeen (Orioles).................. 8 22 .267 14 Pinckney Division W L Pct. GB Batavia (Cardinals) .................. 17 13 .567 — Jamestown (Marlins)............... 17 13 .567 — Mahoning Valley (Indians)...... 17 13 .567 — Williamsport (Phillies) ............. 16 14 .533 1 Auburn (Nationals)................... 15 15 .500 2 State College (Pirates) ............ 8 22 .267 9 Stedler Division W L Pct. GB Vermont (Athletics) ................. 16 11 .593 — Connecticut (Tigers) ............... 13 15 .464 3 1 ⁄2 Lowell (Red Sox) ..................... 13 17 .433 4 1 ⁄2 Tri-City (Astros) ....................... 12 16 .429 4 1 ⁄2 Monday's Games Connecticut 8, Hudson Valley 3 Lowell 11, Brooklyn 5 Staten Island 12, Tri-City 5 Jamestown 6, Mahoning Valley 5 State College 5, Williamsport 1 Auburn 4, Batavia 3 Aberdeen 7, Vermont 4; btm 8th inning Today's Games Connecticut at Tri-City, 7 p.m. State College at Mahoning Valley, 7:05 p.m. Batavia at Jamestown, 7:05 p.m. Staten Island at Hudson Valley, 7:05 p.m. Brooklyn at Aberdeen, 7:05 p.m. Vermont at Lowell, 7:05 p.m. Auburn at Williamsport, 7:05 p.m. Wednesday's Games Connecticut at Tri-City, 11 a.m. Brooklyn at Aberdeen, 7:05 p.m. Staten Island at Hudson Valley, 7:05 p.m. Batavia at Jamestown, 7:05 p.m. Vermont at Lowell, 7:05 p.m. State College at Mahoning Valley, 7:05 p.m. Auburn at Williamsport, 7:05 p.m. S O C C E R 2011 Women's World Cup (Top two nations in each group advance) GROUP A GP W D L GF GA Pts x-Germany............ 3 3 0 0 7 3 9 x-France................ 3 2 0 1 7 4 6 Nigeria................... 3 1 0 2 1 2 3 Canada.................. 3 0 0 3 1 7 0 x-advanced to quarterfinals Sunday, June 26 At Sinsheim, Germany France 1, Nigeria 0 At Berlin Germany 2, Canada 1 Thursday, June 30 At Bochum, Germany France 4, Canada 0 At Frankfurt Germany 1, Nigeria 0 Tuesday, July 5 At Moenchengladbach, Germany Germany 4, France 2 At Dresden, Germany Nigeria 1, Canada 0 GROUP B GP W D L GF GA Pts x-England.............. 3 2 1 0 5 2 7 x-Japan ................. 3 2 0 1 6 3 6 Mexico................... 3 0 2 1 3 7 2 New Zealand ........ 3 0 1 2 4 6 1 x-advanced to quarterfinals Monday, June 27 At Bochum, Germany Japan 2, New Zealand 1 At Wolfsburg, Germany Mexico 1, England 1 Friday, July 1 At Leverkusen, Germany Japan 4, Mexico 0 At Dresden, Germany England 2, New Zealand 1 Tuesday, July 5 At Augsburg, Germany England 2, Japan 0 At Sinsheim, Germany New Zealand 2, Mexico 2 GROUP C GP W D L GF GA Pts x-Sweden.............. 3 3 0 0 4 1 9 x-United States..... 3 2 0 1 6 2 6 North Korea.......... 3 0 1 2 0 3 1 Colombia............... 3 0 1 2 0 4 1 x-advanced to quarterfinals Tuesday, June 28 At Leverkusen, Germany Sweden 1, Colombia 0 At Dresden, Germany United States 2, North Korea 0 Saturday, July 2 At Augsburg, Germany Sweden 1, North Korea 0 At Sinsheim, Germany United States 3, Colombia 0 Wednesday, July 6 At Wolfsburg, Germany Sweden 2, United States 1 At Bochum, Germany North Korea 0, Colombia 0 GROUP D GP W D L GF GA Pts x-Brazil .................. 3 3 0 0 7 0 9 x-Australia............. 3 2 0 1 5 4 6 Norway.................. 3 1 0 2 2 5 3 Eq. Guinea............ 3 0 0 3 2 7 0 x-advanced to quarterfinals Wednesday, June 29 At Augsburg, Germany Norway 1, Equatorial Guinea 0 At Moenchengladbach, Germany Brazil 1, Australia 0 Sunday, July 3 At Bochum, Germany Australia 3, Equatorial Guinea 2 At Wolfsburg, Germany Brazil 3, Norway 0 Wednesday, July 6 At Frankfurt Brazil 3, Equatorial Guinea 0 At Leverkusen, Germany Australia 2, Norway 1 QUARTERFINALS Saturday, July 9 At Leverkusen, Germany France 1, England 1, France won 4-3 on penalty kicks At Wolfsburg, Germany Japan 1, Germany 0, OT Sunday, July 10 At Augsburg, Germany Sweden 3, Australia 1 At Dresden, Germany United States 2, Brazil 2, U.S. won 5-3 on penalty kicks SEMIFINALS Wednesday, July 13 At Moenchengladbach, Germany United States 3, France 1 At Frankfurt Japan 3, Sweden 1 THIRD PLACE Saturday, July 16 At Sinsheim, Germany Sweden 2, France 1 CHAMPIONSHIP Sunday, July 17 At Frankfurt Japan 3, United States 1 Major League Soccer EASTERN CONFERENCE W L T Pts GF GA Philadelphia ................. 8 4 7 31 24 16 New York...................... 6 4 11 29 34 24 Columbus..................... 7 5 7 28 21 19 Houston........................ 5 6 9 24 24 23 Sporting Kansas City.. 5 6 8 23 24 25 D.C. ............................... 5 5 8 23 24 29 Chicago ........................ 2 6 12 18 20 25 Toronto FC................... 3 9 9 18 17 36 New England................ 3 9 7 16 16 27 WESTERN CONFERENCE W L T Pts GF GA Los Angeles ................ 10 2 9 39 27 16 Seattle .......................... 10 4 8 38 32 23 FC Dallas..................... 10 5 5 35 26 19 Real Salt Lake............. 8 3 6 30 23 12 Colorado...................... 6 6 9 27 25 27 Chivas USA................. 5 7 8 23 24 23 San Jose...................... 5 6 8 23 22 21 Portland........................ 6 9 3 21 22 31 Vancouver ................... 2 10 8 14 19 28 NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie. Saturday's Games Seattle FC 4, Colorado 3 Vancouver , Real Salt Lake Columbus 0, San Jose 0, tie Portland 1, Chicago 0 Houston 1, Sporting Kansas City 1, tie FC Dallas 0, D.C. United 0, tie Chivas USA 0, New York 0, tie Sunday's Games Philadelphia 3, New England 0 Wednesday, July 20 New England at D.C. United, 7:30 p.m. FC Dallas at Toronto FC, 8 p.m. New York at Colorado, 9:30 p.m. Columbus at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m. Vancouver at San Jose, 10:30 p.m. Saturday, July 23 FC Dallas at New York, 6 p.m. Portland at Columbus, 8 p.m. Toronto FC at Sporting Kansas City, 8:30 p.m. New England at Colorado, 9 p.m. San Jose at Real Salt Lake, 10 p.m. Houston at Chivas USA, 10:30 p.m. Arena Football League NATIONAL CONFERENCE West Division .................................................. W LT Pct PF PA z-Arizona..................................15 20.8821059 787 Spokane................................... 9 80.5291002 952 Utah.......................................... 8 90.47110061048 San Jose.................................. 7100.412 9781023 Central Division .................................................. W LT Pct PF PA x-Chicago ................................13 40.765 916 779 x-Dallas....................................11 60.6471012 952 Tulsa......................................... 7100.412 823 834 Kansas City ............................. 6110.353 799 903 Iowa.......................................... 5120.294 8571053 AMERICAN CONFERENCE South Division ..................................................... W LT Pct PF PA z-Jacksonville............................13 40.7651083853 Georgia ......................................10 70.588 944872 Orlando.......................................10 70.588 939889 Tampa Bay ................................. 6110.353 745949 New Orleans.............................. 3140.176 782955 Eastern Division ....................................................... W LT Pct PF PA Cleveland .....................................10 70.588835766 Pittsburgh..................................... 8 90.471809924 Milwaukee .................................... 6110.353818826 Philadelphia................................. 6110.353866908 x-clinched playoff spot z-clinched conference Friday's Games Milwaukee 83, Iowa 49 Cleveland 67, Pittsburgh 55 Kansas City 49, Jacksonville 48, OT Saturday's Games Georgia 58, Tampa Bay 40 Orlando 85, Tulsa 49 Chicago 53, Dallas 44 Utah 62, New Orleans 58 Spokane 63, San Jose 61 Friday, July 22 Pittsburgh at Philadelphia, 7:05 p.m. Utah at Cleveland, 7:30 p.m. Spokane at Jacksonville, 8 p.m. Saturday, July 23 New Orleans at Orlando, 7:30 p.m. San Jose at Tampa Bay, 7:30 p.m. Milwaukee at Chicago, 8 p.m. Tulsa at Kansas City, 8 p.m. Georgia at Iowa, 8:05 p.m. Arizona at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. F O O T B A L L Canadian Football League EAST DIVISION W L T Pts PF PA Montreal ..................................... 3 0 0 6 109 68 Winnipeg.................................... 2 1 0 4 66 53 Hamilton..................................... 1 2 0 2 59 55 Toronto....................................... 1 2 0 2 56 83 WEST DIVISION W L T Pts PF PA Edmonton................................. 3 0 0 6 103 55 Calgary ..................................... 2 1 0 4 76 75 B.C. ........................................... 0 3 0 0 75 97 Saskatchewan.......................... 0 3 0 0 56 124 Thursday's Game Calgary 21, Winnipeg 20 Friday's Game Montreal 40, Toronto 17 Saturday's Games Hamilton 33, Saskatchewan 3 Edmonton 33, B.C. 17 Friday, July 22 Hamilton at B.C., 10 p.m. Saturday, July 23 Winnipeg at Toronto, 4 p.m. Edmonton at Calgary, 7 p.m. Sunday, July 24 Saskatchewan at Montreal, 7 p.m. B A S K E T B A L L Women's National Basketball Association All Times EDT EASTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB Indiana............................ 10 5 .667 — Connecticut.................... 8 5 .615 1 New York ....................... 9 6 .600 1 Chicago.......................... 7 8 .467 3 Atlanta............................. 4 9 .308 5 Washington.................... 3 10 .231 6 WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB Phoenix .......................... 10 4 .714 — Minnesota ...................... 9 4 .692 1 ⁄2 San Antonio ................... 8 4 .667 1 Seattle............................. 7 6 .538 2 1 ⁄2 Los Angeles................... 6 7 .462 3 1 ⁄2 Tulsa............................... 1 14 .067 9 1 ⁄2 Sunday's Games New York 88, Tulsa 57 Connecticut 76, Indiana 71 Washington 89, Los Angeles 85, OT Monday's Games San Antonio at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m. Today's Games Indiana at Atlanta, 12 p.m. Seattle at Chicago, 7 p.m. New York at Connecticut, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday's Games Atlanta at Washington, 11:30 a.m. Minnesota at Phoenix, 3:30 p.m. C Y C L I N G Tour de France (After 15 stages) 1. Thomas Voeckler, France, Europcar, 65 hours, 24 minutes, 34 seconds. 2. Frank Schleck, Luxembourg, Leopard-Trek, 1:49. 3. Cadel Evans, Australia, BMC, 2:06. 4. Andy Schleck, Luxembourg, Leopard-Trek, 2:15. 5. Ivan Basso, Italy, Liquigas-Cannondale, 3:16. 6. Samuel Sanchez, Spain, Euskaltel-Euskadi, 3:44. 7. Alberto Contador, Spain, Saxo Bank Sungard, 4:00. 8. Damiano Cunego, Italy, Lampre-ISD, 4:01. 9. Tom Danielson, United States, Garmin-Cervelo, 5:46. 10. Kevin De Weert, Belgium, Quick Step, 6:18. 11. Rigoberto Uran, Colombia, Sky Procycling, 7:55. 12. Jean-Christophe Peraud, France, AG2R La Mondiale, 8:20. 13. Rein Taaramae, Estonia, Cofidis, 9:02. 14. Pierre Rolland, France, Europcar, 9:20. 15. Haimar Zubeldia, Spain, RadioShack, 9:50. 16. Peter Velits, Slovakia, HTC-Highroad, 10:01. 17. Arnold Jeannesson, France, Francaise des Jeux, 10:05. 18. Nicolas Roche, Ireland, AG2R La Mondiale, 10:56. 19. Sandy Casar, France, Francaise des Jeux, 11:54. 20. Jelle Vanendert, Belgium, Omega Pharma-Lot- to, 12:06. B O X I N G Fight Schedule July 20 At Sydney Entertainment Centre, Sydney, Danny Green vs. Antonio Tarver, 12, for Green’s IBOcrui- serweight title. July 22 At Morongo Casino Resort, Cazabon, Calif. (ESPN2), Anthony Dirrell vs. KevinEngel, 10, super middleweights; Lenard Lane vs. Joseph Elegele, 10, welterweights. At Doubletree Hotel, Ontario, Calif., Juan Carlos Burgos vs. Gilbert Sanchez Leon, 10, feather- weights. July 23 At Oriley Events Center, Springfield, Mo., B.J. Flores vs. Nick Iannuzzi, 10, cruiserweights. At Mandalay Bay Events Center, Las Vegas (HBO), Amir Khan vs. Zab Judah, 12, for Khan’s WBA and Judah’s IBF junior welterweight titles; Peter Quillin vs. Tarvis Simms, 10, middleweights. At Ciudad Obregon, Mexico, Roman Gonzalez vs. Omar Salado, 12, for Gonzalez’s WBA flyweight ti- tle. At Guadalajara, Mexico, Ulises Solis vs. Omar Nino Romero, 12, for Solis’ IBF light flyweight title and in- terim WBA World super featherweight title. July 29 At Homebush, Australia, Billy Dib vs. Jorge Lacie- rva, 12, for the vacant IBF featherweight title; Junior Talipeau vs. Zac Awad, 12, super middleweights. At South Point Hotel Casino, Las Vegas, Beibut Shumenov vs. Danny Santiago, 12, for Shumenov’s WBA World light heavyweight title. At Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas (ESPN2), Victor Cayo vs. Lamont Peterson, 12, IBF super light- weight eliminator; Edison Miranda vs. Yordanis Despaigne, 10, light heavyweights. July 30 At Cibubur, Indonesia, Muhammad Rachman vs. Porsanwan Porpramuk, 12, for Rachman’s WBA strawweight title; Ali Rochmad vs. Petchtrang Sor Yuphinda, 12, super flyweights; Afrizal Cotto vs. Frans Yarangga, 12, super featherweights. At San Jose, Costa Rica, Brian Magee vs. Jaime Barboza, 12, for the vacant WBA interimsuper mid- dleweight title; Bryan Vazquez vs. Jose manuel Osorio, 10, super featherweights; Elvin Perez vs. Juan Ruiz, 10, light welterweights. Aug. 5 At Chumash Casino, Santa Ynez, Calif. (ESPN2), Tim Coleman vs. Vernon Paris, 10, light welter- weights. C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 3B ➛ M A J O R L E A G U E B A S E B A L L CHICAGO — Aramis Rami- rez and Carlos Pena homered to back a dominant start by Rodrigo Lopez, and the Chi- cago Cubs beat Philadelphia 6-1 Monday on a night when Phillies ace Roy Halladay left the game because of the heat. Halladay doubled over and was visited by a trainer after Starlin Castro led off the fifth inning with a single. Drew Carpenter came in to replace him. Halladay was drenched in sweat on a humid night in which the game-time temper- ature was 91. The heat clearly affected him. He gave up three runs and seven hits and took his first loss since May 15. Halladay had his first outing since starting for the National League in last week’s All-Star game and pitching two per- fect innings. Marlins 4, Mets 1 NEW YORK — Clay Hen- sley came off the disabled list to win his first major league start in three years, leading the resurgent Florida Marlins past the New York Mets. Mike Stanton hit a two-run double and slumping Mike Cameron followed with an RBI single for the Marlins, who have won nine of 10 to put themselves on the brink of climbing out of last place in the NL East. Florida improved to 15-9 under 80-year-old manager Jack McKeon, who took over after Edwin Rodriguez abrupt- ly resigned late in the team’s 1-19 June swoon. In the makeup of a May 17 rainout, Hensley (1-2) allowed one hit over five scoreless innings against a depleted Mets lineup. It was his 41st big league start — but first since July 24, 2008, for San Diego at Pittsburgh. Nationals 5, Astros 2 HOUSTON Michael Morse and Ryan Zimmerman home- red and Zimmerman drove in the go-ahead run in the ninth inning to give the Washington Nationals a in over the Hous- ton Astros. Laynce Nix added a pair of insurance runs with an RBI single after Zimmerman’s hit in the ninth. Braves 7, Rockies 4 DENVER — Freddie Free- man homered and drove in three runs and right-hander Derek Lowe handcuffed the Colorado Rockies over 6 1-3 innings in the Atlanta Braves’ 7-4 win Monday night. Lowe must have felt right at home in the unusually warm night in Colorado, and the sunshine actually helped him beat the Rockies for the second time in two weeks. N AT I O N A L L E A G U E R O U N D U P Halladay leaves start in loss The Associated Press Mets: Reyes likely off DL today NEW YORK Jose Reyes appears ready to come off the disabled list. The New York Mets star doubled and played six innings at shortstop Monday in a rehab game for Class-A Brooklyn. Mets manager Terry Collins says it looks as though Reyes will be activated Tuesday in time for the opener of a three-game series against St. Louis. Leading the majors with a .354 batting average and 15 triples, Reyes has been sidelined since July 3 with a strained left hamstring. He was eligible to come off the disabled list Monday, but the Mets wanted him to test his leg in a game first. Reyes went 1 for 3 and scored a run in Brooklyn’s 11-5 loss to Lowell. ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Russell Martin drew a basebs- loaded walk with two outs in the top of the ninth inning, giving the New York Yankees a 5-4 victory over the Tampa Bay Rays on Monday night. Robinson Cano, Mark Teixei- ra, Brett Gardner and Eduardo Nunez also drove in runs for the second-place Yankees, who rallied from a 4-1 deficit to remain 1 1 ⁄2 games behind the Boston Red Sox in the AL East standings. Rookie left-hander Alex Torres (0-1) yielded the win- ning run in his major league debut after New York loaded the bases on Curtis Grander- son’s single, an intentional walk to Nick Swisher and an- other walk to Andruw Jones. Martin worked Torres to a full count, fouled off a pitch and then took ball four to push Granderson across the plate. Red Sox 15, Orioles 10 BALTIMORE — Dustin Pedroia doubled in two runs to spark an eight-run eighth in- ning, and the Boston Red Sox got home runs from Jarrod Saltalamacchia and Josh Red- dick in a rout of the Baltimore Orioles. Pedroia, Kevin Youkilis and Darnell McDonald had three RBIs apiece for the Red Sox, who have won 13 of 15. The run includes a 16-inning affair against Tampa Bay on Sunday night in which Boston mus- tered only five hits. Showing very little signs of fatigue, the Red Sox banged out 16 hits in rolling to their seventh straight victory over the Orioles. Indians 5, Twins 2 Indians 6, Twins 3 MINNEAPOLIS — Lou Marson hit a tiebreaking solo homer in the seventh inning and the Cleveland Indians completed a doubleheader sweep with a 6-3 victory over the Minnesota Twins, kicking off the important four-game series with a pair of victories at sweltering Target Field. Marson also doubled and scored in the fifth against Scott Diamond, who turned in a decent major league debut for the Twins but took the defeat. Fausto Carmona (5-10) came off the disabled list and won for only the second time in his last 12 starts, beating the heat to finish six innings with two runs allowed. Asdrubal Cabre- ra hit a three-run homer to lift the Indians to a 5-2 win in the matinee and added an RBI single in the nightcap. White Sox 5, Royals 2 KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Mark Buerhle lasted seven innings in another impressive start, and the Chicago White Sox capital- ized on an error by young shortstop Alcides Escobar to beat the Kansas City Royals on a steamy. Buehrle (7-5) hasn’t allowed more than three earned runs in his last 14 starts going back to April 22, though his modest record doesn’t indicate how well he’s been pitching. The veteran left-hander, in the final year of a four-year, $56 million contract, allowed five hits while winning for the first time since June 9. Buehrle struck out three and walked one while throwing 111 pitches in 95-degree temperatures. A M E R I C A N L E A G U E R O U N D U P Yankees rally from 3 down to beat Rays The Associated Press STANDINGS/STATS AP PHOTO Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Roy Halladay lifts his cap as trainer Scott Sheriday talks to himon the mound during the fifth inning of a game against the Chicago Cubs Monday in Chicago. Halladay left the game. S T A N D I N G S All Times EDT AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Boston .......................................... 58 36 .617 — — 9-1 W-3 28-17 30-19 New York...................................... 56 37 .602 1 1 ⁄2 — 6-4 W-3 30-19 26-18 Tampa Bay ................................... 50 44 .532 8 6 1 ⁄2 3-7 L-3 22-24 28-20 Toronto......................................... 47 49 .490 12 10 1 ⁄2 5-5 L-2 21-24 26-25 Baltimore ...................................... 38 55 .409 19 1 ⁄2 18 2-8 L-1 24-25 14-30 Central Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Cleveland ..................................... 51 44 .537 — — 5-5 W-2 27-18 24-26 Detroit ........................................... 50 45 .526 1 7 5-5 W-1 28-21 22-24 Chicago ........................................ 47 49 .490 4 1 ⁄2 10 1 ⁄2 4-6 W-1 21-25 26-24 Minnesota .................................... 44 51 .463 7 13 6-4 L-2 23-22 21-29 Kansas City.................................. 38 58 .396 13 1 ⁄2 19 1 ⁄2 3-7 L-3 24-28 14-30 West Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Texas......................................... 55 41 .573 — — 10-0 W-11 31-18 24-23 Los Angeles.............................. 51 45 .531 4 6 1 ⁄2 6-4 L-2 26-22 25-23 Seattle........................................ 43 52 .453 11 1 ⁄2 14 1-9 L-9 23-26 20-26 Oakland..................................... 42 54 .438 13 15 1 ⁄2 4-6 W-2 26-22 16-32 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Philadelphia................................. 59 36 .621 — — 6-4 L-1 34-15 25-21 Atlanta........................................... 57 39 .594 2 1 ⁄2 — 7-3 W-2 30-19 27-20 Washington.................................. 48 48 .500 11 1 ⁄2 9 5-5 W-1 28-18 20-30 New York...................................... 47 48 .495 12 9 1 ⁄2 4-6 L-2 20-25 27-23 Florida........................................... 47 49 .490 12 1 ⁄2 10 9-1 W-3 22-28 25-21 Central Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Milwaukee .................................... 51 45 .531 — — 6-4 W-2 33-14 18-31 Pittsburgh..................................... 49 44 .527 1 ⁄2 6 1 ⁄2 7-3 W-1 23-22 26-22 St. Louis ....................................... 50 45 .526 1 ⁄2 6 1 ⁄2 5-5 L-1 25-21 25-24 Cincinnati...................................... 47 48 .495 3 1 ⁄2 9 1 ⁄2 4-6 W-1 25-22 22-26 Chicago ........................................ 39 58 .402 12 1 ⁄2 18 1 ⁄2 4-6 W-1 22-29 17-29 Houston........................................ 31 65 .323 20 26 2-8 L-2 15-36 16-29 West Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away San Francisco.............................. 55 41 .573 — — 7-3 W-1 28-16 27-25 Arizona ......................................... 51 44 .537 3 1 ⁄2 5 1 ⁄2 6-4 W-2 25-20 26-24 Colorado....................................... 45 51 .469 10 12 4-6 L-3 24-25 21-26 Los Angeles................................. 42 53 .442 12 1 ⁄2 14 1 ⁄2 5-5 L-2 23-27 19-26 San Diego..................................... 41 55 .427 14 16 2-8 L-1 20-30 21-25 AMERICAN LEAGUE Sunday's Games Detroit 4, Chicago White Sox 3 N.Y. Yankees 7, Toronto 2 Baltimore 8, Cleveland 3 Minnesota 4, Kansas City 3 Oakland 9, L.A. Angels 1 Texas 3, Seattle 1 Boston 1, Tampa Bay 0, 16 innings Monday's Games Cleveland 5, Minnesota 2, 1st game Boston 15, Baltimore 10 N.Y. Yankees 5, Tampa Bay 4 Chicago White Sox 5, Kansas City 2 Cleveland 6, Minnesota 3, 2nd game Tuesday's Games Boston (Weiland 0-0) at Baltimore (Guthrie 3-13), 7:05 p.m. Oakland (Moscoso 3-4) at Detroit (Porcello 8-6), 7:05 p.m. Seattle (Pineda 8-6) at Toronto (Cecil 2-4), 7:07 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (Colon 6-5) at Tampa Bay (Hellickson 8-7), 7:10 p.m. ChicagoWhiteSox (Peavy 4-3) at Kansas City (Duf- fy 1-4), 8:10 p.m. Cleveland (Masterson 8-6) at Minnesota (Liriano 6-7), 8:10 p.m. Texas (Ogando 9-3) at L.A. Angels (Chatwood 5-5), 10:05 p.m. Wednesday's Games Boston at Baltimore, 12:35 p.m. Cleveland at Minnesota, 1:10 p.m. Oakland at Detroit, 7:05 p.m. Seattle at Toronto, 7:07 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Tampa Bay, 7:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m. Texas at L.A. Angels, 10:05 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE Sunday's Games Philadelphia 8, N.Y. Mets 5 Cincinnati 3, St. Louis 1 Atlanta 9, Washington 8 Pittsburgh 7, Houston 5, 11 innings Florida 7, Chicago Cubs 5 Milwaukee 4, Colorado 3 San Francisco 4, San Diego 3, 11 innings Arizona 4, L.A. Dodgers 1 Monday's Games Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, 7:05 p.m. Florida 4, N.Y. Mets 1 Chicago Cubs 6, Philadelphia 1 Washington 5, Houston 2 Atlanta 7, Colorado 4 Milwaukee at Arizona, (n) L.A. Dodgers at San Francisco, (n) Tuesday's Games Cincinnati (Leake 8-4) at Pittsburgh (Ja.McDonald 5-4), 7:05 p.m. San Diego (Stauffer 5-6) at Florida (Ani.Sanchez 6-2), 7:10 p.m. St. Louis (Lohse 8-6) at N.Y. Mets (Gee 8-3), 7:10 p.m. Philadelphia (Cl.Lee 9-6) at Chicago Cubs (Garza 4-7), 8:05 p.m. Washington (Zimmermann 6-7) at Houston (Happ 3-11), 8:05 p.m. Atlanta (Beachy 3-1) at Colorado (Jimenez 5-8), 8:40 p.m. Milwaukee (Gallardo 10-6) at Arizona (Enright 1-3), 9:40 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (R.De La Rosa 3-4) at San Francisco (Bumgarner 4-9), 10:15 p.m. Wednesday's Games Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, 12:35 p.m. Washington at Houston, 2:05 p.m. Philadelphia at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 p.m. L.A. Dodgers at San Francisco, 3:45 p.m. San Diego at Florida, 7:10 p.m. St. Louis at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m. Atlanta at Colorado, 8:40 p.m. Milwaukee at Arizona, 9:40 p.m. N L B O X E S Cubs 6, Phillies 1 Philadelphia Chicago ab r h bi ab r h bi Rollins ss 4 1 1 1 Fukdm rf 4 1 1 1 Mrtnz 3b 4 0 1 0 SCastro ss 5 0 2 0 Utley 2b 3 0 0 0 ArRmr 3b 3 1 1 2 Howard 1b 4 0 0 0 C.Pena 1b 3 1 3 2 Ibanez lf 4 0 0 0 Byrd cf 4 0 2 0 Ruiz c 3 0 1 0 ASorin lf 4 0 0 0 DBrwn rf 3 0 0 0 Smrdzj p 0 0 0 0 Mayrry cf 4 0 2 0 Marml p 0 0 0 0 Hallady p 2 0 0 0 K.Hill c 3 1 0 0 DrCrpn p 0 0 0 0 Barney 2b 4 1 2 1 Orr ph 0 0 0 0 RLopez p 1 1 1 0 BFrncs ph 1 0 0 0 JRussll p 0 0 0 0 Herndn p 0 0 0 0 Campn lf 1 0 0 0 Totals 32 1 5 1 Totals 32 612 6 Philadelphia....................... 000 100 000 — 1 Chicago.............................. 102 002 10x — 6 E—A.Soriano (6), Barney (9). DP—Chicago 1. LOB—Philadelphia 7, Chicago 8. 2B—Mayberry (11), Fukudome (15), Byrd (11), Barney (12). HR— Rollins (9), Ar.Ramirez (17), C.Pena (20). SB— S.Castro (11), K.Hill (1). CS—S.Castro (2). S— R.Lopez 2. SF—Ar.Ramirez. IP H R ER BB SO Philadelphia Halladay L,11-4....... 4 7 3 3 1 1 Dr.Carpenter ........... 2 3 2 2 2 1 Herndon ................... 2 2 1 1 0 2 Chicago R.Lopez W,2-2........ 6 2 ⁄3 5 1 1 0 3 J.Russell .................. 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Samardzija............... 1 0 0 0 0 1 Marmol ..................... 1 0 0 0 2 2 Halladay pitched to 1 batter in the 5th. HBP—by R.Lopez (Utley). Nationals 5, Astros 2 Washington Houston ab r h bi ab r h bi Berndn cf-lf 3 1 1 0 Bourn cf 4 0 1 0 Espinos 2b 3 0 0 0 AngSnc ss 3 1 1 0 Zmrmn 3b 4 2 2 2 Kppngr 2b 4 0 0 0 Morse 1b 4 2 3 1 Pence rf 4 0 0 0 Werth rf 3 0 0 0 Ca.Lee 1b 3 0 2 1 L.Nix lf 4 0 1 2 Michals lf 4 1 1 0 Ankiel pr-cf 0 0 0 0 CJhnsn 3b 4 0 0 0 WRams c 4 0 0 0 Corprn c 4 0 2 1 Dsmnd ss 3 0 0 0 Lyles p 2 0 0 0 Marqus p 3 0 0 0 WLopez p 0 0 0 0 Storen p 0 0 0 0 FRdrgz p 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 5 7 5 Totals 32 2 7 2 Washington ....................... 000 010 103 — 5 Houston.............................. 000 011 000 — 2 DP—Houston 2. LOB—Washington 2, Houston 6. 2B—Ca.Lee 2 (27), Michaels (5), Corporan (6). HR—Zimmerman (5), Morse (16). S—Espinosa, Ang.Sanchez, Lyles. IP H R ER BB SO Washington Marquis W,8-4......... 8 6 2 2 1 9 Storen S,25-28........ 1 1 0 0 0 3 Houston Lyles L,0-5............... 8 1 ⁄3 5 4 4 1 6 W.Lopez................... 0 2 1 1 1 0 Fe.Rodriguez........... 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 W.Lopez pitched to 3 batters in the 9th. Umpires—Home, Bill Welke;First, Jeff Nelson;Se- cond, Vic Carapazza;Third, Marty Foster. T—2:37. A—28,975 (40,963). Marlins 4, Mets 1 Florida New York ab r h bi ab r h bi Bonifac 3b 4 1 1 0 Pagan cf 4 0 0 0 Infante 2b 3 0 1 0 Harris 2b 3 0 2 0 Morrsn lf 4 0 1 1 DnMrp 3b 4 1 0 0 Wise lf 0 0 0 0 Hairstn rf 1 0 0 0 HRmrz ss 4 1 2 0 Evans 1b 2 0 1 0 GSnchz 1b 3 1 0 0 Duda 1b-rf 2 0 0 0 Stanton rf 4 1 1 2 Bay lf 2 0 0 1 Camrn cf 4 0 1 1 Thole c 2 0 0 0 J.Buck c 4 0 0 0 RPauln ph-c 2 0 0 0 Hensly p 1 0 0 0 RTejad ss 3 0 0 0 MDunn p 1 0 0 0 Capuan p 2 0 0 0 Mujica p 0 0 0 0 Beato p 0 0 0 0 Choate p 0 0 0 0 Pridie ph 1 0 0 0 LNunez p 0 0 0 0 Igarash p 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 4 7 4 Totals 28 1 3 1 Florida ................................ 000 300 010 — 4 New York ........................... 000 000 001 — 1 E—Bonifacio (5). DP—Florida 2. LOB—Florida 4, NewYork 6. 2B—Stanton (18), Harris (9). SB—Bo- nifacio (18), H.Ramirez (17), Harris (4). S—Infante. SF—Bay. IP H R ER BB SO Florida Hensley W,1-2 ........ 5 1 0 0 2 3 M.Dunn H,9 ............. 1 2 ⁄3 1 0 0 1 1 Mujica H,8................ 1 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 3 Choate...................... 1 ⁄3 1 1 1 2 0 L.Nunez S,27-30..... 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 New York Capuano L,8-9 ........ 7 2 ⁄3 7 4 4 2 5 Beato......................... 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Igarashi .................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 Umpires—Home, Angel Hernandez;First, Greg Gibson;Second, ToddTichenor;Third, Gerry Davis. T—2:54. A—32,411 (41,800). A L B O X E S Yankees 5, Rays 4 New York Tampa Bay ab r h bi ab r h bi Jeter ss 5 0 1 0 Damon dh 4 1 1 0 Grndrs cf 3 2 2 0 Zobrist rf 3 1 1 0 Teixeir 1b 5 0 1 1 Longori 3b 3 1 1 2 Cano 2b 5 1 1 1 Ktchm 1b 4 0 2 1 Swisher rf 3 1 1 0 BUpton cf 5 0 0 0 Dickrsn rf 0 0 0 0 SRdrgz 2b 5 0 1 0 Posada dh 2 0 0 0 Ruggin lf 3 0 1 0 AnJons ph-dh 1 0 0 0 Fuld ph-lf 1 0 1 0 Martin c 4 0 1 1 Chirins c 3 1 1 0 Gardnr lf 3 1 1 1 EJhnsn ss 4 0 0 0 ENunez 3b 4 0 0 1 Totals 35 5 8 5 Totals 35 4 9 3 New York ........................... 100 010 021 — 5 Tampa Bay......................... 310 000 000 — 4 E—A.J.Burnett (4), S.Rodriguez (7). DP—New York 1, Tampa Bay 1. LOB—New York 12, Tampa Bay 11. 2B—Longoria (17), Ruggiano (4), Chirinos (1). SB—Granderson 2 (17), Gardner (27). CS— S.Rodriguez (4). IP H R ER BB SO New York A.J.Burnett ............... 5 1 ⁄3 8 4 3 6 4 Noesi ........................ 1 2 ⁄3 1 0 0 1 2 Robertson W,3-0 .... 1 0 0 0 0 2 Ma.Rivera S,24-28 . 1 0 0 0 0 1 Tampa Bay Cobb......................... 6 3 2 1 4 3 Jo.Peralta H,13....... 2 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 C.Ramos H,3........... 2 ⁄3 1 2 2 2 1 Farnsworth BS,3-21.................... 2 ⁄3 2 0 0 0 1 Al.Torres L,0-1 ........ 1 1 1 1 3 1 WP—Cobb. Umpires—Home, Ed Hickox;First, Ed Rapuano- ;Second, Dan Iassogna;Third, Alfonso Marquez. T—4:01 (Rain delay: 0:18). A—22,471 (34,078). Indians 5, Twins 2 First Game Cleveland Minnesota ab r h bi ab r h bi Brantly lf 4 1 2 0 Revere cf 4 0 0 0 ACarer ss 4 1 1 3 ACasill 2b 4 0 0 0 Hafner dh 4 0 1 0 Mauer 1b 4 1 3 0 CSantn c 4 0 1 0 Cuddyr rf 4 1 1 2 LaPort 1b 4 0 0 0 Thome dh 3 0 0 0 T.Buck rf 3 0 0 0 DYong lf 4 0 1 0 Kearns rf 1 1 1 1 Valenci 3b 3 0 1 0 Valuen 2b 4 0 0 0 Butera c 3 0 0 0 Chsnhll 3b 3 1 0 0 Nishiok ss 3 0 1 0 Hannhn 3b 1 0 0 0 Carrer cf 3 1 1 1 Totals 35 5 7 5 Totals 32 2 7 2 Cleveland........................... 004 000 001 — 5 Minnesota.......................... 000 000 002 — 2 E—Chisenhall (3), A.Casilla (10). DP—Cleveland 2. LOB—Cleveland 4, Minnesota 5. 2B—D.Young (13). HR—A.Cabrera (17), Kearns (2), Cuddyer (14). SB—Carrera (1). IP H R ER BB SO Cleveland D.Huff W,1-0............ 7 5 0 0 2 5 Sipp........................... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Durbin....................... 0 2 2 2 0 0 Pestano S,2-5.......... 1 0 0 0 0 1 Minnesota Swarzak L,2-3......... 6 6 4 3 0 4 Mijares...................... 2 0 0 0 1 2 Capps....................... 1 1 1 1 0 0 Durbin pitched to 2 batters in the 9th. Umpires—Home, Gary Darling;First, John Tumpa- ne;Second, Alan Porter;Third, Rob Drake. T—2:44. A—39,768 (39,500). Indians 6, Twins 3 Second Game Cleveland Minnesota ab r h bi ab r h bi Brantly lf 4 1 3 1 Revere cf 5 0 0 0 ACarer ss 4 0 1 1 ACasill ss 4 1 1 0 Hafner dh 5 0 2 2 Mauer c 4 0 3 1 Valuen pr-dh 0 1 0 0 Cuddyr 1b 4 0 1 0 CSantn 1b 5 0 1 1 DYong dh 4 0 0 0 OCarer 2b 5 0 0 0 Valenci 3b 4 1 2 1 Kearns rf 3 0 1 0 LHughs 2b 4 0 0 0 Hannhn 3b 4 0 1 0 Plouffe rf 3 1 1 1 Marson c 4 2 2 1 Repko lf 3 0 0 0 Carrer cf 3 2 0 0 Thome ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 37 611 6 Totals 36 3 8 3 Cleveland........................... 000 020 202 — 6 Minnesota.......................... 001 001 001 — 3 E—J.Smith (1), Valencia (12). LOB—Cleveland 8, Minnesota 7. 2B—Brantley (17), Marson (6), A.Ca- silla (16), Mauer (6). 3B—C.Santana (1). HR—Mar- son (1), Valencia (11), Plouffe (5). SB—Carrera (2). CS—Kearns (3). S—Brantley. IP H R ER BB SO Cleveland Carmona W,5-10 .... 6 7 2 2 0 1 R.Perez H,9............. 1 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 J.Smith H,6.............. 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 C.Perez .................... 1 1 1 1 0 1 Minnesota Diamond L,0-1......... 6 1 ⁄3 7 4 3 2 1 Dumatrait.................. 0 1 0 0 0 0 Al.Burnett ................. 1 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 James....................... 1 3 2 2 0 1 Dumatrait pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. HBP—by Carmona (Plouffe). Balk—James. Umpires—Home, Bruce Dreckman;First, Alan Por- ter;Second, Rob Drake;Third, John Tumpane. T—3:03. A—38,491 (39,500). Red Sox 15, Orioles 10 Boston Baltimore ab r h bi ab r h bi Ellsury dh 4 3 3 1 Hardy ss 5 2 2 3 Pedroia 2b 5 1 2 3 Markks rf 5 0 1 2 AdGnzl 1b 5 1 1 1 AdJons cf 5 2 2 1 Youkils 3b 6 1 2 3 Wieters c 5 2 2 0 Reddck cf 4 2 1 1 D.Lee 1b 4 1 2 2 Crwfrd lf 5 2 2 1 MrRynl 3b 4 0 0 0 Sltlmch c 5 2 2 1 Reimld dh 5 0 1 2 J.Drew rf 3 0 0 0 Pie lf 2 1 0 0 DMcDn ph-rf 1 1 1 3 J.Bell ph-lf 1 1 1 0 Scutaro ss 5 2 2 0 Andino 2b 3 1 1 0 Totals 43151614 Totals 39101210 Boston.............................. 003 210 180 — 15 Baltimore.......................... 200 050 030 — 10 E—D.Lee (5). LOB—Boston 7, Baltimore 6. 2B—Pedroia (22), D.McDonald (3), Reimold (2). 3B—D.Lee (1). HR—Reddick (4), Saltalamacchia (7), Hardy (14), Ad.Jones (16). CS—Pie (2). SF— Ellsbury. IP H R ER BB SO Boston Wakefield................. 4 2 ⁄3 9 7 3 2 3 Wheeler W,2-1........ 2 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 3 Williams.................... 1 3 3 3 1 1 F.Morales................. 1 0 0 0 0 3 Baltimore Bergesen ................. 5 8 6 4 0 3 Patton H,1 ................ 1 1 ⁄3 1 1 1 1 2 Berken BS,2-2......... 0 1 0 0 0 0 M.Gonzalez L,1-2... 1 1 3 3 2 0 Worrell ...................... 0 2 3 3 1 0 Jakubauskas............ 1 2 ⁄3 3 2 2 1 1 Berken pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. Worrell pitched to 3 batters in the 8th. WP—Williams. PB—Saltalamacchia 2. Umpires—Home, Chris Guccione;First, Mike Mu- chlinski;Second, Mike Winters;Third, Mike Everitt. T—3:37. A—27,924 (45,438). White Sox 5, Royals 2 Chicago Kansas City ab r h bi ab r h bi Pierre lf 5 1 2 1 Maier lf 4 0 0 0 AlRmrz ss 4 1 1 1 MeCarr cf 4 1 1 1 Konerk 1b 4 0 1 1 Butler dh 4 0 2 1 A.Dunn dh 3 0 0 0 Francr rf 3 0 0 0 Quentin rf 4 0 1 0 Hosmer 1b 4 0 0 0 Lillirdg pr-rf 0 1 0 0 B.Pena c 4 0 0 0 Rios cf 4 0 0 0 Mostks 3b 3 0 0 0 Przyns c 1 1 1 0 AEscor ss 3 1 2 0 Bckhm 2b 4 1 1 1 Getz 2b 2 0 0 0 Teahen 3b 4 0 0 1 Morel 3b 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 5 7 5 Totals 31 2 5 2 Chicago.............................. 101 002 010 — 5 Kansas City ....................... 000 020 000 — 2 E—A.Escobar (11), Moustakas (4). LOB—Chicago 7, Kansas City 5. 2B—Konerko (15), Butler 2 (24). 3B—Pierre (4). SB—Lillibridge (10). CS—Pierre (11). S—Getz. SF—Al.Ramirez. IP H R ER BB SO Chicago Buehrle W,7-5......... 7 5 2 2 1 3 Crain H,13................ 1 0 0 0 0 2 Thornton H,11......... 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 S.Santos................... 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Kansas City Davies L,1-9 ............ 5 1 ⁄3 5 4 2 3 9 Teaford..................... 1 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 L.Coleman ............... 2 1 ⁄3 1 1 1 1 1 Bl.Wood ................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 HBP—by Buehrle (Moustakas), by Davies (Pier- zynski). WP—L.Coleman. Umpires—Home, CB Bucknor;First, Dale Scott- ;Second, Jerry Meals;Third, Mark Ripperger. T—2:37. A—17,190 (37,903). HOUSTON — Tests done Monday on Texas Rangers President Nolan Ryan showed no new heart prob- lems for the Hall of Fame pitcher, who was hospital- ized after experiencing discomfort over the week- end. Ryan, 64, “continues to improve,” the Rangers said in a statement. He is ex- pected to be released from a Houston hospital in a day or two. Ryan has a pre-existing heart condition that will continue being treated with medication, according to the team’s statement. He had a double-bypass oper- ation in 2000 and has a family history of heart dis- ease. He sought treatment after experiencing discomfort Sunday morning while at his home in Georgetown, located about 170 miles northwest of Houston. Ryan had been expected to join the Rangers in Ana- heim, Calif., on Tuesday night for the start of a three-game series between his AL West-leading club and the Angels, who are in second place, four games back. He was scheduled to throw out the ceremonial first pitch and to take part in a ceremony inducting Gene Autry, the Angels’ late owner, into the team’s Hall of Fame. Ryan holds the records for most no-hitters (seven) and strikeouts (5,714). He’s been running the Rangers since 2008 and became part-owner last summer. Texas went to the World Series for the first time last fall. Tejada leaves game with possible injury SAN FRANCISCO — San Francisco Giants shortstop Miguel Tejada has left Mon- day’s game against the Los Angeles Dodgers with a possible groin injury. Tejada had attempted to field Rafael Furcal’s sharp grounder in the third in- ning, but bobbled it for an error then slid to the turf. A team trainer came out to check on Tejada, as did San Francisco manager Bruce Bochy, before the three walked off the field together. Tejada, who was replaced by rookie Brandon Craw- ford, struck out in his only at-bat against the Dodgers’ Chad Billingsley. N O T E S Tests show no new issues for Nolan Ryan The Associated Press Braves 7, Rockies 4 Atlanta Colorado ab r h bi ab r h bi Schafer cf 4 0 0 0 CGnzlz lf 4 2 1 1 Prado 3b 5 0 2 0 M.Ellis 2b 5 0 1 0 McCnn c 5 1 2 0 Helton 1b 3 0 1 2 Fremn 1b 5 2 3 3 Tlwtzk ss 5 0 2 1 Uggla 2b 5 1 1 0 S.Smith rf 4 0 1 0 Hinske lf 3 2 2 1 Wggntn 3b 4 0 0 0 WRmrz lf 1 0 0 0 Iannett c 4 0 2 0 AlGnzlz ss 5 0 1 1 Fowler cf 3 1 0 0 McLoth rf 2 0 0 0 Hamml p 1 0 1 0 D.Lowe p 4 1 1 0 JHerrr ph 1 0 0 0 OFlhrt p 0 0 0 0 Stults p 0 0 0 0 Venters p 0 0 0 0 Splrghs ph 0 1 0 0 Kimrel p 0 0 0 0 Brothrs p 0 0 0 0 Alfonzo ph 1 0 0 0 RBtncr p 0 0 0 0 Totals 39 712 5 Totals 35 4 9 4 Atlanta ................................ 023 011 000 — 7 Colorado ............................ 001 000 300 — 4 E—Helton (3). DP—Colorado 1. LOB—Atlanta 9, Colorado 9. 2B—Hinske (5). 3B—S.Smith (5). HR—Freeman (14), Hinske (9). SB—C.Gonzalez (16). SF—Helton. IP H R ER BB SO Atlanta D.Lowe W,6-7 ......... 6 1 ⁄3 8 4 4 2 2 O’Flaherty H,18....... 2 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 Venters H,20 ........... 1 0 0 0 1 0 Kimbrel S,29-34...... 1 0 0 0 1 3 Colorado Hammel L,5-9.......... 5 8 6 4 3 1 Stults......................... 2 3 1 1 1 2 Brothers ................... 1 0 0 0 0 2 R.Betancourt ........... 1 1 0 0 0 3 S U N D A Y ’ S L A T E B O X Red Sox 1, Rays 0 Boston Tampa Bay ab r h bi ab r h bi Ellsury cf 8 0 0 0 Damon dh 6 0 1 0 Pedroia 2b 7 0 3 1 Zobrist rf 5 0 0 0 AdGnzl 1b 7 0 1 0 Longori 3b 5 0 1 0 Youkils 3b 4 0 0 0 Ktchm 1b 5 0 0 0 D.Ortiz dh 4 0 0 0 BUpton cf 6 0 0 0 Sutton pr-dh 2 0 0 0 Loaton c 3 0 0 0 J.Drew rf 3 0 0 0 Ruggin lf 3 0 0 0 DMcDn ph-rf 1 0 0 0 SRdrgz 2b 6 0 1 0 Reddck lf 5 1 0 0 Fuld lf 2 0 0 0 Varitek c 6 0 0 0 Joyce ph 1 0 0 0 Scutaro ss 5 0 1 0 Shppch c 2 0 0 0 Brignc ss 6 0 0 0 Totals 52 1 5 1 Totals 50 0 3 0 Boston ...... 000 000 000 000 000 1 — 1 Tampa Bay............. 000 000 000 000 000 0 — 0 LOB—Boston 17, Tampa Bay 6. 2B—Pedroia (21). SB—Pedroia (17), Damon (8). S—Varitek, Shop- pach. IP H R ER BB SO Boston Beckett ..................... 8 1 0 0 0 6 D.Bard....................... 1 1 0 0 1 1 Albers....................... 1 2 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 2 F.Morales................. 1 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Aceves W,5-1.......... 3 0 0 0 0 2 Papelbon S,21-22... 1 0 0 0 0 1 Tampa Bay Niemann................... 8 2 0 0 2 10 Farnsworth............... 1 1 0 0 2 1 Jo.Peralta................. 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 Howell....................... 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 3 0 McGee...................... 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 J.Cruz....................... 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 C.Ramos.................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 B.Gomes.................. 3 0 0 0 2 3 A.Russell L,1-2........ 1 2 1 1 1 0 Howell pitched to 2 batters in the 11th. HBP—by Aceves (Longoria, Kotchman), by B.Gomes (Youkilis). Umpires—Home, Chad Fair- child;First, Andy Fletcher;Second, Mike DiMu- ro;Third, Jim Reynolds. 1909 —Cleveland shortstop Neal Ball pulled off the first unassisted triple play in modern major league history. 1910 —Cy Young registered his 500th career victo- ry as the Cleveland Indians beat the Washington Senators 5-4 in 11 innings. 1933 — Rick Ferrell of the Boston Red Sox hit a home run off brother Wes, pitching for the Cleve- landIndians. Wes alsohomeredinthat game, mark- ing the only time the two connected in the same contest. 1974 — Dick Bosman of the Cleveland Indians pitched a no-hit, 4-0 victory over the world cham- pion Oakland A’s. 1982 — In the first Old-timer’s All-Star Classic, played at Washington’s RFK Stadium before 29,000 fans, the AL won 7-2. Luke Appling, 75, led off for the AL and hit a home run over the shortened left-field fence off Warren Spahn. T H I S D A T E I N B A S E B A L L C M Y K PAGE 4B TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ S P O R T S The Back Mountain Ameri- can Little League minor base- ball team is on a roll. The squad, comprised of 9 and 10 year-olds, won four consecutive games last weekend to claim the District 31 and Section 5 championships at North Poco- no. Now, the team has a chance to capture a state champion- ship. Coach Jeff Doggett’s team opens first-round play at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in Milton against Warwick, the defending state champion in the age brack- et. “Warwick won the District 6 sectional tournament and they are a very strong team,” Dog- gett said. “They make plays in the field and run well. They also have good pitching.” According to Doggett, the two teams match well and he’s confident that Back Mountain American will be tough to beat. “Our biggest advantage is that we can hit,” he said. “We score a lot of runs and we also have very good pitching. I’m confi- dent we’re going to put runs on the board.” American had its back against the wall last week in the double- elimination tournament but re- sponded like champions. After dropping a 7-3 decision to North Pocono in the opener, American bounced back by win- ning four games. The team beat Wallenpaupack and North Poco- no, then posted two straight wins over Plains to lock up the title. “We have 12 kids that are a distinct privilege to coach,” Doggett said. “They’re very un- selfish and tough between the ears. They don’t get caught up in nonsense. They’re a credit to themselves, their families and our league.” American (8-1) also prides it- self by displaying sportsman- ship, he added. “We shake hands with the op- ponents, coaches and the um- pires after every game. It’s a ve- ry unselfish group of kids,” Dog- gett said, He credits assistant coaches Scott Answini and Mike Luksic for playing a key role in the team’s success. Doggett said the key to Wednesday’s game is to strike first. “We pitch and defend well enough to stay ahead,” he said. “We feel like we belong in the state tournament. We earned it by playing a lot of tough teams.” YO U T H B A S E B A L L SUBMITTED PHOTO Pictured are teammembers fromthe Back Mountain American’s 9-10 baseball team. First row, from left: Michael Doggett, Mason Gattuso, Kyle McAndrew, John Betzko, Michael Collins, Darren Ker- desky and Derek Answini. Second row, fromleft, Michael Luksic, Michael Anderson, Ethan Zawatski, Dalton Simpson, and Zane Nardone. Third row: Coaches: Mike Luksic, Jeff Doggett and Scott Answi- ni. American set for state tourney By VAN ROSE [email protected] Back Mountain American roster • Michael Anderson, pitcher-third base • Derek Answini, second base • John Betzko, right field • Michael Collins, left field • Michael Doggett, catcher-third base • Mason Gattuso, shortstop • Darren Kerdesky, right field-third base • Mike Luksic, pitcher-third base • Kyle McAndrew, right field • Zane Nardon, left field • Dalton Simpson, first base-pitcher • Ethan Zawatski, center field, pitcher Click: American Legion playoffs Joe Shag (center) with Michelle and JimGraziosi at the Plains- Back Mountain Leion baseball game in Bloomsburg Monday. Francis Gavin (left), and Dave Bienias at the Plains-Back Moun- tain Leion baseball game in Bloomsburg Monday. DON CAREY PHOTOS/THE TIMES LEADER Gary Okun (left) and Dave Marriggi at the Plains-Back Mountain Leion baseball game in Bloomsburg Monday. be approved by the players, of course, including star quarter- backs TomBrady, Peyton Man- ning and Drew Brees and the other plaintiffs ina federal anti- trust suit against the league. Members of the NFLPA ex- ecutive committee and repre- sentatives of every team were heading to Washington by Wednesday, in preparation for possible decisions on re-estab- lishing a union and signing off on a tentative pact with own- ers. Atallah said the players would be gathering “with the hope they have something to look at, and with the hope we can move forward on this.” Owners locked out players on March12, when the old col- lective bargaining agreement expired, leaving the country’s most popular professional sports league in limbo. The sides are trying to forge a set- tlement intime tokeepthe pre- season completely intact. The exhibition opener is supposed to be the Hall of Fame game be- tween the St. Louis Rams and Chicago Bears on Aug. 7. The regular-seasonopener is scheduledfor Sept. 8, whenthe Super Bowl champion Green Bay Packers are to host the New Orleans Saints. Philadelphia Eagles quarter- back Michael Vick tweeted Monday: “Soundlike we gonna be back to work so soon!!!” One issue standing in the way of a resolution, according to a person from each side of the dispute andspeakingtothe AP on condition of anonymity: Players want owners to turn over $320 million in unpaid benefits from the 2010 season. Because there was no salary cap that season, the old collec- tive bargaining agreement said NFL teams were not required to pay those benefits. On a separate matter, one of those people, as well as a sec- ond person familiar with the negotiations, also told the AP that a proposal currently under consideration would set up nearly $1 billion over the next 10 years in additional benefits for retired players. That would include $620 million in pen- sion increases, long-term care insurance and disability pro- grams. Representatives of re- tiredplayers are expectedto be in New York for Tuesday’s talks; that groupcomplainedto the court recently that it had been excluded from negotia- tions. At federal court in Minneso- ta, where the players’ antitrust suit is pending, their lawyers filed a motion Monday asking for a summary judgment that the lockout is illegal and that players are entitled to damag- es. The NFL, meanwhile, asked the court for a week’s ex- tension to file their formal re- sponse tothe lawsuit; the origi- nal deadline was Monday. Those filings were neces- sary, procedural moves that would be rendered moot if an agreement is reached before the Aug. 29 hearing date. Later Monday, the NFL and retired players filed a joint request to delay the hearing for at least a month to allow owners “to fo- cus on the continuing media- tion.” Atallah called the current players’ filing “an obligation to protect the members of the class.” “Obviously, if we come to a settlement, it all canbe liftedat any time,” he said. NFL Continued fromPage 1B WILKES-BARRE – John Paul Yost tripled and doubled as part of a three-hit effort that led Hanover to a 14-6 victory over Back Mountain National in the major baseball Wilkes- Barre Rec tournament. Anthony Vitali and Kyle Windt joined Yost with 3-for-4 performances. Winning pitcher Tony Molitoris produced two doubles. Kyle Archer doubled for Back Mountain National. BABE RUTH U8 SOFTBALL Luzerne County Chaos 17, Audubon 14 The Chaos captured the state championship after win- ning three consecutive games. Aleigha Parnell scored two runs for the Chaos. Jenna Bar- on, Madison Hooper and Lind- sey Mendygral powered the offense. The Chaos travels to Upper Merion on July 29th for the Mid-Atlantic Regional tourna- ment where they will face state champions from Maryland, Delaware, New York and New Jersey. W-B REC MINOR BASEBALL Hanover 12, West Side 8 Collin Cook struck out four in a relief appearance to pick up the win for Hanover. Hanover’s Shaun Gurnari (two hits, triple, two runs), Brett Stevens (double, two runs) and Cook (two hits, double, two runs) led the offen- sive attack. For West Side, Nate Baranski netted two hits and a run. Jake Packer scored twice, and Zach Davis singled. EXETER CLASSIC 8-9 BASEBALL Exeter 15, Pittston 5 Gavin Lahart pitched 4 2/3 strong innings allowing just five hits to record the win.Ca- leb Graham pitched the last inning for the save. Joe Gilroy, Kevin Claudio, Conner Spudis, Tristen Chro- nowski and Robin Wroblewski led the Exeter offense. Pittston statistics were not made available by the home team. YO U T H B A S E B A L L R O U N D U P Yost leads Hanover with extra base hits The Associated Press homer over the left-center field fence. The Kingston/Forty Fort lead was 3-0 after three innings. David McCue continued to swinga hot bat withanRBI dou- ble to center field. Maxwell scored from first after reaching on an infield single. The McCue double extended Kingston/For- ty Fort’s leadto 4-0 inthe fourth. Archbald got one back in the bottom half of the fourth. Ron- nie Yanoski led off the inning with a rocket double to left-cen- terfield. Mike Laboutillier then drew a walk to give Archbald runners onfirst andsecondwith nobody out. Evan Carey hit a ball toward left-centerfield gap, but Judge made a terrific catch at short- stop, then threwto first base for the double play. Blake Evans then put Archbald on the board with an RBI single to right field. However, one run was all Arch- bald produced in the fifth, as well as in the game. Judge extended the King- ston/Forty Fort lead to 5-1 with a solo shot way over the center- field fence. Judge, Maxwell and McCue led the Kingston/Forty Fort of- fense with two hits each. Mason Black pitched well in the losing effort for Archbald. He got his teamout of a big first inning jam by getting Zack Sott to fly out to left. He struck out three and walked just two. KFF Continued fromPage 1B at 11 a.m. Wednesday against the winner of the Back Mountain- Canton game. “Our backs are against the wall andI hopethekids comeout with some fire (today) because now we got nothing to lose,” Plains manager Don Stark said. “We felt goodcomingintoday, but we had some lapses and we need to fix those lapses.” The only inning whichRuchal- lowed two hits was the first. Plains only got one hit in the third, fourth, seventh and eighth. He struck out just four batters, but got a lot of help from his de- fense. The Back Mountain de- fense turned two double-plays. Third baseman Marc Noyalis started one of the twin-killings and also made a pair of back- handed grabs to save extra bases and get a groundout. “I had a fastball working today and I was throwing a two-seamer a little bit and I was getting them tohit it intothegroundandI have a great defense behind me which helps a lot in a nine-inning game,” Ruch said. “They (the de- fense) has been doing it all year behind our pitching and the pitching thanks them a lot.” Back Mountain jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the top of the first when Paul Narcum (3-for-5) and Deep Patel (2-for-3) started off the game with back-to-back dou- bles. Patel’s hit scored Narcum and then he scored on an RBI-sin- gle by Noyalis. That was more than enough of- fense for Ruch, but Back Moun- tain was far from finished as it scored one run in the third and sixth and put up three in the fourth and eighth to end the game early. Putting up double digit runs and getting strong pitching is how Plains won its first two games of the tournament as it played just 14 innings entering Monday’s game. But Monday wasn’t the best game for Plains. Starter Bob Sorokas only last- ed three-plus innings giving up eight hits. And Plains hurt itself witherrors withthe defense com- mitting three miscues. “They hit Bobby pretty well. He didn’t hit his spots like he wanted to and we didn’t help him out defensively either,” Stark added. Jim Graziosi was the lone mul- tiple hitter for Plains going 2- for-3 and had the only extra-base hit for the team with a double. Josh Everett (2-for-4) joined teammates Narcum, Patel and Ruch as multiple hitters for the winners. Back Mountain 10, Plains 0 (8 inn) Back Mountain Plains ab r h bi ab r h bi Narcum c 5 3 3 1 Bone rf 3 0 1 0 Patel 2b 3 3 2 2 Sorokas p 3 0 1 0 Ruch p 3 0 2 2 DParsnik ph 1 0 0 0 Noyalis 3b 4 0 1 2 Savkns 3b 3 0 1 0 Rngsdrf 1b 4 0 0 0 Martinez ph 1 0 0 0 Ritsick lf 3 0 0 1 Gulius c 3 0 1 0 Yursha cf 5 1 1 0 Grillini 1b 3 0 0 0 Everett rf 4 1 2 0 JParsnik ss 3 0 0 0 Condo ss 3 2 1 0 Graziosi cf 3 0 2 0 Concini lf 1 0 0 0 Ell p 1 0 0 0 Okun p 1 0 0 0 Sod 2b 2 0 0 0 Emmett 2b 1 0 0 0 Totals 341012 8 Totals 29 0 6 0 Back Mountain.................... 201 301 03 — 10 Plains ................................... 000 000 00 — 0 2B – Narcum, Patel 2, Ruch, Condo, Graziosi IP H R ER BB SO Back Mountain Ruch (W)................... 8 6 0 0 1 4 Plains Sorokas (L) ............... 3+ 8 5 5 1 0 Ell ............................... 3 3 2 2 1 3 Castellino.................. 1 0 0 0 0 2 Okun.......................... 1 1 3 3 4 0 LEGION Continued fromPage 1B Monday’s Games (at Central Columbia H.S.) Winner’s Bracket Back Mountain 10, Plains 0 (8) Loser’s Bracket Green Ridge 16, Danville 9 Canton 15, Jersey Shore 4 Today’s Games Winner’s Bracket Back Mountain vs. Canton, 4:30 p.m. Loser’s Bracket Green Ridge vs. Plains, 1 p.m. Wednesday’s Games Championship Game, 11 a.m. *If another game is needed for championship, it will begin 30 minutes after conclusion R E G I O N 5 T O U R N A M E N T COLUMBUS, Ohio — Mon- day night’s game in Huntington Park between the Columbus Clippers and Scranton/Wilkes- Barre was not completed by press time. In a game which included a rain delay of one hour, 54 min- utes, the Clippers led 6-2 going into the bottom of the fifth in- ning TODAY’S GAME —The sec- ond game of this four-game se- ries is expected to feature Ivan Nova on the mound for the Yan- kees. No pitcher has been an- nounced for Columbus. Nova is 1-1witha3.07ERAintwogames started with Scranton/Wilkes- Barre and is 8-4 with a 4.12 ERA in17 games for NewYork. NOTES —The Yankees have made 14 transactions involving 11 players during the first five days since returning from the Triple-A all-star break. Outfiel- der Greg Golson was optioned back to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre on Sunday and was in the lineup Monday. I L B A S E B A L L Rain holds up Yanks EDITOR’S NOTE: At press time, the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Yan- kees had just rallied for four runs in the top of the ninth inning to tie the Columbus Clippers, 6-6. For a complete details from Mon- day night’s game, visit www.times- leader.com. By JARROD ULREY For the Times Leader WASHINGTON(AP) —Next stop for the World Series cham- pion San Francisco Giants? The White House. President Barack Obama will open the White House to the Gi- ants on Monday in honor of their first World Series title since the franchise moved West in 1958. San Francisco finished off the Texas Rangers in five games last year to win it all. “It’s going to be very special,” manager Bruce Bochy. Series champion Giants headed to White House C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 5B ➛ S P O R T S 110 Lost LOST: ABYSSINIAN CAT Jesse, reddish brown, yellow eyes, female, microchip, near Yalick farms $500. REWARD. 570-690-1808 135 Legals/ Public Notices LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of the Fictitious Names Act of December 16, 1982, P.L. 1309, as amended and as supplemented (54 Pa. C.S.A. §301 et seq.), Keat’s Pub, INc., 92 Govier Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pennsylva- nia, has filed with the Office of Secre- tary of the Com- monwealth at Har- risburg PA on April 18, 2011, an Applica- tion to conduct business under the assumed or ficti- tious name of: Keat’s Pub The principal office/place of busi- ness to be carried on in the nature of a tavern and restau- rant business, under or through the fictitious name is: 114 Bowman Street, Wilkes-Barre Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18705. Joseph S. Falchek, Esquire 412 Mill Street Plains PA 18705 150 Special Notices ADOPTION A happily married couple longs to share our hearts and home with a newborn. Finan- cially secure and loving extended family will offer your child every opportunity for a lifetime of happi- ness. Expenses paid. Please call Helen and John 1-800-604-1992 150 Special Notices BOWLING PARTY JULY 31, 2011 1 TO 6 PM AT STANTON LANES TO BENEFIT THE R.A.D. SCHOLARSHIP $10 TICKETS WILL GET YOU 3 GAMES OF BOWLING WITH SHOE RENTAL AND RAFFLE TICKET Also available RAD Bracelets Face Painting provided by Lollipop Services RAD Shirts and Basket Raffles DJ MO PERFORMING Celebrity Bartender in the lounge at Stanton Lanes! All tips will go the R.A.D. Scholarship Fund! 470 Stanton St. Wilkes-Barre For details call 570-824-4661 and ask for Terry or visit the Athea DeGraffenreid Memorial page on Facebook Benefits the Remember Athea DeGruffenreid Scholarship Fund To place your ad call...829-7130 412 Autos for Sale BMW `00 323I Black w/ tan leather interior. All power. 6 cylinder. Sun roof. Recently inspected. New tires. 140K miles. $6,800 (570) 868-6986 SUBARU `98 OUTBACK WAGON 155,000 miles. New Tires. $5,000. (570) 899-8725 509 Building/ Construction/ Skilled Trades CARPENTERS LABORERS & ROOFERS Local construction company is seeking experienced carpenters with valid driver’s license. Apply at 197 Courtdale Ave. Courtdale, PA 18704 Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! 522 Education/ Training DAYCARE STAFF NEEDED Experience a must. Early Childhood Education a plus. 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No pets. 570-237-1719 WILKES-BARRE RENOVATED 1 BEDROOM 216 Carlisle St. Available immedi- ately, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, refriger- ator and stove pro- vided, HEAT, HOT WATER, SEWER INCLUDED. New carpets, new stove, cabinets, floors (kitchen and bath- room), fresh paint, new ceiling fans. , $600/per month, $600/security deposit. Call (215) 565-6761 or email Alexander [email protected]. 950 Half Doubles KINGSTON NEWLY RENOVATED 1st floor. 3 bed- rooms, 1.5 baths, new carpet, wash- er/dryer hook-up, dishwasher. $650 + utilities. Call 570-814-3838 950 Half Doubles PRINGLE 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, front & back porch, off street parking. Washer, dryer, stove & fridge included. Heat, water, sewer & garbage includ- ed. $625/month + security. Call after 4pm (570) 852-3954 746 Garage Sales/ Estate Sales/ Flea Markets GET THE WORD OUT with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 creasingly hard to pick a favorite heading into the last week of the Tour. “It’s still abit strangebecauseI think people still look at the Schleck brothers as favorites, but they’re two minutes down,” Evans said Sunday after British sprinter Mark Cavendish won the15th stage. “So it’s still about Voeckler for now. We’ve got some more hills, some more rac- ing and a time trial to go.” Evans is third overall, 2:06 be- hind Voeckler, 17 seconds be- hind second-place Frank Schleck, nine seconds ahead of Andy Schleck — the runner-up toContador inthelast twoTours — and 1:54 ahead of Contador. “Voeckler is in incredible form,” Contador said. “He has a big lead, it will be hard to make that up.” None of the Tour contenders managed to cut loose in the three Pyrenean mountain stages last week, and someone has to make a big move in three puni- shing Alpine stages that loom. “I don’t want to arrive in Paris with regrets,” Contador said af- MONTPELLIER, France — Withthe Tour de France heading toward its decisive stages, there is still no favorite in a wide open race that is fueling the passions of French fans who hope Tho- mas Voeckler holds his lead against all odds. When racing resumes Tues- day after a rest day, Voeckler will open the 16th stage nearly two minutes ahead of Frank Schleck — supposedly a weaker rider than his younger brother, Andy — and four minutes ahead of three-time champion Alberto Contador. Voeckler remains fiercely ada- mant he has a “zero percent chance” to become the first French Tour winner since Ber- nard Hinault in 1985, while doubts persist about Contador’s troublesome right knee. Even the Schleck brothers seemunde- cided who is No. 1on their team, while two-time runner-up Cadel Evans is conspicuously staying out of the limelight. All of this means that it was in- ter Cavendishracedtohis fourth stage victory of the race — and 19th overall in the Tour — by beating American sprinter Tyler Farrar on a119.6-mile stage from Limoux to Montpellier. There should be plenty of op- portunities for Contador to at- tack the 32-year-old Voeckler in the punishing Alps later this week. But if the Frenchmandoes not crack, then the race is going to be decided on the penulti- mate stage time trial. Not that cycling fans are com- plaining. Voeckler’s unexpected rise to the top adds an extra layer of in- trigue because it has been 14 years since a Frenchman even got on the podium — let alone won the race. Voeckler has also become an extra, surprise, and welcome contender. Last year’s Tour was a duel be- tween Contador and Schleck, the year before it was Contador beating Schleck again, with sev- en-time champion Lance Arm- strong completing the podium. No great surprises there, even with Armstrong’s hyped return. T O U R D E F R A N C E AP Saxo bank Sungard cycling team director Bjarne Riis of Denmark, left, and three-time Tour de France winner Alberto Contador of Spain, right, discuss as they ride during a training on the sec- ond rest day of the cycling race in Rochegude, southern France. Voeckler has French fans excited By JEROME PUGMIRE AP Sports Writer NEWYORK—Lance Arm- strong’s attorneys say illegal government leaks of grand ju- ryinformationhavesulliedthe cyclist’s reputation, and have asked a court to order federal agents to discuss their con- tacts with the media. In a 20-page notice of al- leged violations filed Wednes- day in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, lawyers for the seven-time Tour de France winner cited more than a doz- en articles in many media out- lets from May 2010 through last month about an ongoing grand jury investigation into whether Armstrong used per- formance-enhancing drugs in violation of U.S. law. Thecyclist’s attorneys argue that only someone in the gov- ernment could be responsible for the leaks, and a judge should order the government toexplainwhyit shouldnot be held in contempt. In a last re- sort, the lawyers said, the court couldforce journalists to reveal their sources. “The leaker in this case has, fromthebeginning, actedwith the obvious intent of legitimiz- ing the government’s investi- gation of a national hero, best known for his role in the fight against cancer,” the court pa- pers said. “Each leak has been designed to propagate public support for this investigation by smearing Armstrong and tarnishing his reputation. The tactical nature of these leaks cannot be ignored as it strong- ly suggests an underlying par- tisanship inherent in govern- ment agents.” Armstrong’s lawyers ac- cused The Associated Press, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Sports Il- lustrated and CBS’ “60 Min- utes” of reporting illegally leaked information. Oneof Armstrong’slawyers, John W. Keker, at- tached a statement detailing 26 media re- ports that reported the alleged illegal leaks. Responding to the notice, Lou Ferrara, AP’s managing editorforsports, said: “TheAP has been aggressive in cover- ingthis important story. APre- porters will continuetopursue the truth. This action will not stop us.” FiledbythesameCalifornia- based lawyers who represent- ed the Major League Baseball Players Association and suc- ceeded in having the govern- ment’s seizure of player drug tests and records declared ille- gal, the request for an order to show cause asks a federal court to require that all agents involved in the probe provide sworn statements detailing their contacts with media. The filing has 17 references to Jeff Novitzky, a Food and Drug Administration special agent who, in his prior job as anIRSspecial agent, ranthein- vestigation into the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative (BALCO). That probe led to theseizureof thebaseball drug list and the indictment of homerunkingBarryBonds. A prosecutor, Doug Miller, is named in the filing but no oth- er agent. Armstrong’s lawyers say the leaker was “potentially Novitzky himself.” “The leading government advocate for the Armstrongin- vestigation, Novitzky, was re- cently connected to an investi- gation riddled with leaks to some of the same reporters in- volved in this case and has a documented history of overre- aching and disregarding indi- vidual’s privacy rights,” Arm- strong’s lawyers wrote. Armstrong wants feds to discuss media talks By RONALD BLUM AP Sports Writer Armstrong SANDWICH, England — Dar- ren Clarke’s bleary, bloodshot eyes told it all. The party began shortly after he walked off the 18th green at Royal St. George’s with the claret jug in hand. Beer and red wine flowedthroughthe night, the rev- elry not letting up until Clarke had to return Monday morning for a few more interviews and some picture-taking at the spot where he tapped in the final putt to win the British Open. “I have not been to bed yet,” Clarke said. “I probably won’t get any sleepuntil tomorrowat some stage. You have to enjoy it while you can. “It’s been,” he added mischie- vously, “a very good night.” Clarke sure earned it. No one had ever gone more than15 British Opens before win- ning. Clarke did it on his 20th try at 42, making himthe oldest first- time major winner since Roberto de Vicenzo in1967. But that only tells part of the story. Clarke lost his wife, Heath- er, to cancer five years ago, leav- ing him to raise two young boys. Not surprisingly, his focus on the course wavered, which sent him plummeting out of the top 100 in the world. It had been a decade since he was a serious contender in a major —he didn’t even qual- ify for the three majors that pre- ceded the Open. “I definitely appreciate an aw- ful lot more what I’ve achieved,” Clarke said. “Ten years ago, I did take an awful lot of things for granted.” His parents and new love, fian- ceeAlisonCampbell, wereat Roy- al St. George’s to cheer him. Clar- ke’s two boys stayed home in Northern Ireland, but he phoned them shortly after his three- stroke victory over Americans Phil Mickelson and Dustin John- son. “Tyrone, myoldest one, wasve- ry pleased, very proud,” Clarke said. “He was going to tell every- body his dad was Open cham- pion.” And Conor, his youngest? “He wanted to know what he could spend all the money on,” Clarke said, breaking into a grin. That’s not surprising. Clarke has always been a guy who lived life to the fullest, so it’s only ap- propriate that he passed on that attitude to his children. Thenagain, givenall that’s hap- pened, Clarke plans to handle the spoils of this triumph a bit more prudently than he would have, say, 10 years ago. His Open prize was nearly $1.5 million, andthere will undoubtedly be a flood of new endorsement opportunities. “I actually don’t have anything in mind because I’ve been there, done all that before,” Clarke said. “I’ve had the opportunity to buy whatever I want to buy and all that. This time, I’m a little bit ol- der and a little bit more sensible. If I can put a little bit more aside for my boys’ future, then that’s what I’ll do, as opposed to look- ing after myself.” Clarke has long been a stalwart of the European Ryder Cup team, and he’s made no secret of his de- sire to serve as captain one day. He may have to put off those am- bitions for a few years. Turns out, this guy can still play. “Playing,” he said, “is much better than being a nonplaying captain.” Clarke became the third golfer fromtinyNorthernIrelandtowin in the last six majors, following U.S. Open champions Rory McIl- roy and Graeme McDowell. The Americans haven’t won any dur- ing that span, their longest drought of the modern Grand Slam era, though they did have five of the top seven at Royal St. George’s. Mickelson played the first 10 holes Sunday at 6 under and ac- tually claimed a share of the lead at one point, only to fade down the stretch when his putter fal- tered. Johnson was in contention again at a major but made anoth- er huge blunder, knocking a shot out of bounds just five holes from the finish. “NorthernIreland...... Golf cap- ital of the world!!” McIlroy tweet- ed, andthere will undoubtedly be a pushtoaddthat country’s Royal Portrush club to the rotation of nine courses that regularly host the British Open. “We’re all very aware of the fact that threewinners fromNorthern Ireland increases the interest lev- el in this,” R&A chief Peter Daw- son said Monday. “I have agreed to take a look.” In1951, Royal Portrushbecame the only course outside Scotland and England to hold the cham- pionship. But the Royal & An- cient is concerned that a lack of hotels and major roads would make it difficult tohost sucha big event in the modern era. “The usual mixture of a great course and plenty of infrastruc- ture combined with the prospect of commercial success is what’s needed,” Dawson said. FromClarke’s point of view, the course at Royal Portrush is al- ready worthy of a major. But he understands other factors must be considered. G O L F Clarke lets the good times roll British Open upset champion remains in celebratory mood day after winning Claret Jug. By PAUL NEWBERRY AP National Writer AP PHOTO Darren Clarke and fiancee Ali- son Campbell hold the Open Golf Championship trophy at Royal St George’s Monday. C M Y K PAGE 6B TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ S P O R T S KIRBY PARK TENNIS JUNIOR CAMPS 3 Sessions, 16 hrs. Instruction FREE RACKET, T AND BAG 570-714-9697 www.KIRBYPARKtennis.net Stone Meadows Golf Course 18 Holes Buy One Round of Golf at Regular Price, Get One FREE www.stonemeadowsgolf.com Expires 8/31/11 Rt. 115, Just South of Bear Creek! Must present coupon (570) 472-3870 $ 29 Weekday $ 38 Weekend GOLF COURSE (570) 222.3525 See website or call for TWILIGHT and SPECIALS Wednesdays Thru August 7-11AM • 18 holes and cart $22.00! Regular $34.00 panoramagc.com 3 0 0 6 8 2 868-GOLF 260 Country Club Drive, Mountaintop www.blueridgetrail.com Tuesday thru Friday Play & Ride for Just $ 33.00 Weekday Special Must Present Coupon. One coupon per foursome. Cannot be used in tournaments or with any other promotion. TL Monday Special $32 Senior Day Mon-Thurs $28 Ladies Day Thursday $28 Weekends After 1 p.m. $36 GPS CART INCLUDED 27 Unique Holes One Breathtaking Course Holy Redeemer High School NowAccepting Applications for • Head Coach: Jr. High Field Hockey • Assistant Coach: Jr. High Field Hockey Send Resume To: Holy Redeemer Athletic Department 159 S. Pennsylvania Blvd. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 Let’s begin by not overstating the case. Predictions of a soccer boom in America have done more to hamstring the development of the world’s game here than all those well-orga- nized, well-meaning parents who became youth coaches with no more than a vague idea of how it’s played. And just so we’re clear, there will be no explosion this time, either. After the U.S. women stunned Brazil and just about everybody else in a quarterfinal match at the Women’s World Cup, I wrote that if Americans didn’t fall in love with soccer after that, well, maybe they never would. They did. For exactly a week. But that’s how plenty of love affairs go: torrid one day, indiffer- ent the next. Plenty of Americans already love soccer. Anybody who doubts that should check out the exhibi- tions being played here this month featuring several of Eu- rope’s top clubs — among them, Manchester United, Barcelona and Real Madrid. Most of their games will draw crowds that make last week’s MLB All-Star exhibition look like the softball game at a company picnic. The overnight TV rating for the finale was 8.6, more than tripling Sunday’s marquee event for the boys — the British Open — yet still finishing well behind the 11.4 eventually posted in the 1999 cup-clinching win over China. If you didn’t get enough of the U.S. women last week, don’t worry. They’ll be on the late- night and early morning TV circuit this week. Traffic on so- cial media was more eye-popping still, generating at its peak more tweets-per-second than either Britain’s royal wedding or the announcement of Osama Bin Laden’s death. But there’s no need to waste time wondering whether soccer will ever be as popular on these shores as the big three of foot- ball, baseball and basketball. It won’t, for the next decade at least, for reasons we’ll get to below. Since long-term relationships are built on learning, the better question is what Americans learned that they didn’t know after all the previous predictions of booms that never material- ized: two previous U.S. women’s cup wins (1991 and1999), play- ing host to the men’s cup in1994, the creation of domestic leagues for both sexes.. If we’re being optimistic, the answer is this: We finally saw a U.S. team playing a style that we could call our own. If asked, every coach and ball- player will concede a team learns more from a loss than a win. So it was again Sunday, when a determined Japanese team used the same grit and hustle that’s been the hallmark of every U.S. soccer team, men or women, on a superior squad of Americans. That’s how the U.S. women beat Brazil and then in the semifinal, France, teams that featured more talented individuals and a better understanding of the game. But a funny thing happened on the way to the final. U.S. coach Pia Sundhage, a Swede who played for her nation- al team, knew only too well how fast the gap was closing between the American women and the rest of the world in terms of resources, organization and even quality athletes. She had already laid the groundwork for her squad to rely less on athleticism and more on technique; to play the way the best of the rest of the world does by moving the ball quickly and accurately under pressure. That Sundhage moved the strategy from the training ground to the pitch for the big- gest match of their careers shows how much faith she had in this bunch. Even more than Amer- ican football, soccer is a game of possession and finishing a few scoring chances.. The U.S. wom- en succeeded at the first task, but came away with nothing too many times from the opening minute of the match through the final penalty kick. Even so, they came away with something. Up until now, the closest thing to a coherent playing style any American squad displayed on a world stage is what the English used to call “hit and hope.” It involves defending countless attacks as if your life depended on it, then booting the ball up the field and hoping a teammate latches onto it — and somehow beats a crowd of defenders to score. But this one time, even in a loss, the U.S. women stuck their foot in the door and let their countrymen glimpse a wider world of possibilities. Given their legacy and continuing success, it’s only fitting that they’d be the first to break through soccer’s glass ceiling in America. The guess here is that you’ll see the benefits as soon as next summer, at the London Olympics, and not just because the U.S. women will be out for vengeance. They never lacked for motivation and they’ve already learned the game’s most important lesson. Now it’s the men’s turn. It’s been a black mark on their re- cord that a nation of 300 million has yet to produce even one striker good enough to sit on the bench of world powers like Spain, Brazil, Argentina, England or the Netherlands, let alone play in the first team. Anyone who thinks they’re getting their fair share of elite athletes should consider what the NBA’s dozen best point guards could do with a soccer ball if they grew up play- ing the game. So it’s long past time to hope we hit that jackpot. It’s time to start developing players who can tame the ball with their feet, move it and get it back with enough time and space to carve the same wide swath through the World Cup as their female coun- terparts. There will be plenty of time before then to start talking about a soccer boom. Despite U.S. run, soccer boom on hold OPINION J I M L I T K E Jim Litke is a national sports colum- nist for The Associated Press. Write to him at jlitke(at)ap.org. tobeat Brazil inthequarterfinals in a thrilling match, and then grindingdownFrance. But asen- tertaining as they may be, the Americans have been making things harder on themselves thanthey needtobe for almost a year now. They were upset by Mexico in regional qualifying, forced to beat Italy in a playoff to get the very last spot in Germany. They dropped their first game of the season, to Sweden, then lost to England for the first time in 22 years — so long ago Morgan hadn’t even been born yet. After winning their first two games in Germany handily, they lost to Sweden, thefirst U.S. losseverin WorldCup group play. “In the past, we’d always won everything,” Rampone said. “Those losses made our team what it is today. We need each other and you feel that, fromthe locker room to the time we step onthe field.” But the Americans need more than a can-do attitude to keep pace ina game that is improving andevolving. Sundhage wants the U.S. to play a possession-oriented style similar to the one Japan and France worked to near perfec- tion in Germany, saying the tra- ditional American gameplan of grindingopponents downonde- fense and sending long balls up to the forwards is too predict- able. Theoffenseshoulddevelop through the midfield, not start up front. By working from flank to center and back out with se- ries of multiple passes, the Americans can probe the de- fense for weaknesses and create moreopportunities—including chances for players who wouldn’t normally score. The style also helps on de- fense. Opponents can’t score whentheAmericansarekeeping the ball for large chunks of the game. “I thinkof it as a nice hybridof the way the U.S. national team usedtoplayandthewaythat the game is evolving into much like the men’s game, a possession, Barcelona-esque style,” Wam- bach said. “It hasn’t been with- out troubles. It’s sometimes got- ten the best of us because we have some players, like myself, whoareoldschool andliketoget theball inamorephysical, direct style. Andwhenthings aren’t go- ingwell, IliketogobacktowhatI know.” day night, losing 3-1 in penalty kicks after twice blowing leads in a 2-2 tie. “But there’s another WorldCup infour years.” For some. The majority of the teamwill remain intact through London, but Rampone (36) and Boxx (34) are likely to call it quits after that. Wambach said it’stooearlytosaywhat she’ll do, but she is 31, and her body is showing the wear and tear from thefearlessplayingstylethathas earnedher thirdplace onthe all- timeWorldCupscoringlist with 13 goals. Wambach passed Michelle Akers (12) for top U.S. honors withherheaderinthe104thmin- uteSunday, herfourthgoal of the tournament. “I’m not thinking about that right now,” Wambachsaidwhen asked about her future. “I just want to spend some time with myteammates. This has beenan emotional roller coaster ... and the Olympics are right around the corner. We’ll move on.” Part of what has always made the U.S. so strong is the smooth transition from one generation to another, and the U.S. might have its most promise since the days of Mia Hamm, Julie Foudy, Brandi Chastain. Solo, winner of the Golden Glove as the tournament’s top goalkeeper, is intheprimeof her career at 29. Morgan and Che- ney, both just 22, each finished the tournament with two goals. Cheney also had three assists while Morgan had one. Rapinoe displayed the accuracy and touch on the flanks so critical in coachPiaSundhage’sdesirefora possession-based offense, and has the energy and spunk to shoulder theburdenof beingthe face of the team behind Wam- bach. No team found a way to con- tain speedy Heather O’Reilly, who makes a nice complement to Rapinoe on the opposite side of thefield. Lloydseemedtogain confidence in directing the of- fense as the tournament wore on, havingone of her best games against Japan. That’s not to say there aren’t issues. The Americans achieved cult status with their grit and resil- ience in Germany, coming back SOCCER Continued from Page 1B SHANGHAI — If China is feeling any pressure to maintain its superpower status in diving, it sure isn’t showinginthe world championships. The host country won its fourthgoldmedal andfifthover- all in the outdoor pool Monday, thrilling fans who cheered and chanted “China!” each time their divers appeared on the boards. Wang Hao and Chen Ruolin led all every round in easily win- ning the women’s 10-meter syn- chro after Li Shixin won the men’s 1-meter springboard and teammate He Min took the sil- ver. Wang and Chen totaled 362.58 points. It was Chen’s third consecu- tive world title in synchro plat- form, including 2009 in Rome when she also teamed with Wang. China has won six straight world titles in the event. Since Chinese diving super- star Guo Jingjing retired in Ja- nuary, Chen has been consid- ered her successor. “I don’t want to think too much about it,” she said. “My performancewill beaffected. Al- though the 10-meter platform individual gold is also impor- tant, it is not my goal. My goal is the London Games.” Australia’s Alexandra Croak and Melissa Wu earned the sil- ver at 325.92 — their country’s fourth runner-up finish in the event. “It definitely built the confi- dence that we got a medal,” said Wu, who finished second in 2007. “The competition is in- tense. It’s hard sometimes when you have to rely on someone else to do as well as you.” ChristinSteuer andNora Sub- schinski claimed Germany’s second bronze of the day with 316.29. “Our opponents are all on a high level, especially the Ger- man and Australia duo,” said Chen, who has been on China’s national team since 2003. “It’s very important to be in control and perform our best.” Wang and Chen received one perfect 10 for synchronization on their second dive. After end- ing the five-dive final with a backward2 1 ⁄2 somersault with1 1 ⁄2 twists that barely created a splash, the women climbed out of the pool and hugged. D I V I N G ASSOCIATED PRESS China’s Wang Hao, left, embraces Chen Ruolin after winning the gold medal in the women’s 10-meter Synchro Platform final at the FINA Swimming World Championships in Shanghai. China strengthens superpower hold By BETH HARRIS AP Sports Writer Southern California tailback Marc Tyler has been suspended from all team activities and the Trojans’ season opener for com- ments he made to TMZ that im- pliedhe gets paidtoplayfor USC. When asked by TMZ whether he could make more money at USC or in the NFL, Tyler said, “USC, they breaking bread,” making a gesture indicating a large stack of money. USC coach Lane Kiffin sus- pended his leading rusher Mon- day for the Sept. 3 opener against Minnesota and possibly longer. The fifth-year senior is facing po- tential discipline fromthe school after what he said were two alco- hol-related problems in April. “I am disappointed that I let down all the people who have supported me as I have been working through some personal issues,” Tyler said in a statement released by the school. “I realize how my behavior and my state- ments, even though I was joking, can reflect poorly on so many people. As a veteran player, I should know that my job is to be an example for the younger guys.” USC is entering the second year of a postseason ban during four years of NCAA probation stemming from illegal benefits provided to Reggie Bush. TMZ recorded Tyler’s com- ments last Thursday outside Voy- eur, a West Hollywood nightclub. Tyler, who turns 23 in Septem- ber, also made a distasteful com- ment to TMZ about Kim Kar- dashian, Bush’s ex-girlfriend. “That is not the waythat we ex- pect our players torepresent USC and our team,” Kiffin said. “Al- though Marc may find this puni- shment severe, it is imperative we continue to have a high stan- dard for player behavior. Marc needs to work hard to show us that he can meet the standards of being a USC football player.” Athletic director Pat Haden said Tyler “stepped way out of line. He did not represent him- self, his university or his teamthe way we expect. Marc has a lot to do to prove he belongs on our team. We hope Marc learns from this and comes back a changed and better person.” Last month, Tyler said he had appeared before the school’s Of- fice of Student Judicial Affairs to discuss two complaints made against himinApril. Tyler was ac- cused of spitting on a female stu- dent while intoxicated, and later touching another female student inappropriately at a bar near USC’s downtown campus. C O L L E G E F O O T B A L L USC’s Tyler suspended after comments to TMZ By GREG BEACHAM AP Sports Writer LONDON—Security prepara- tions for the 2012 Olympics will not be harmed by the resigna- tions of London’s top two police officers a year before the games, the British government said Monday. Scotland Yard chief Paul Ste- phenson and Assistant Commis- sioner John Yates, Britain’s top anti-terrorist officer, have re- signed amid an intensifying scan- dal involving phone hacking and alleged police bribery. Bothindicatedthat theyquit to ensure the police force had stable leadership and no distractions in the run-up to the first Olympics inLondonsince1948, whichhave a 757million-pound($1.2billion) security budget. And Olympics minister Hugh Robertson insisted that much of the security framework was al- ready in place before counterter- rorism minister Pauline Neville- Jones left her job in May . “I am not concerned about the resignations in relation to Olym- pics security,” Robertson said Monday in statement to The As- sociated Press. “Pauline Neville- Jones made a massive contribu- tion to get this in a good place. The appointment of Chris Alli- son, as the Met assistant commis- sioner in charge of all of this, has alsoreally drivenit forward. He is the point manonOlympic securi- ty and I am100 percent confident that we are where we ought to be.” Sebastian Coe, the organizing committee chairman for the Lon- don Games, also said he wasn’t concerned about the resigna- tions. L O N D O N O LY M P I C G A M E S Minister: Resignations won’t affect security plans By ROB HARRIS AP Sports Writer C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 7B C M Y K T o d a y Keeping up with iPad orders? Apple’s earnings report for its fiscal third quarter will show whether the company has recovered from short- ages of its iPad. Demand for the tablet computer has been so strong that Apple hasn’t been able to keep up with orders. But financial analysts say the iPad is on track to make more money for Apple than the entire Mac division by the end of the year. Bank of America earnings The nation’s largest bank is expected to report a net loss of $8.6 billion to $9.1 billion for the second quarter. That’s the result of an $8.5 billion settle- ment with investors over poor- quality mortgage bonds that were sold as securities and that went sour in the financial crisis. Investors want to know if there’s more bad news – such as a drop in trading income that hurt other banks’ revenue during the quarter. A gradual improvement Economists expect the Commerce Department to report an incremen- tal rise in the number of homes that builders broke ground on last month. But the number of housing starts will still be down from its high point this year, in January. And that means it’s likely to be less than half the annual rate of 1.2 million that’s considered a healthy housing market. Econo- mists agree that any significant improvement won’t happen until unemployment falls sharply. Price-to-earnings ratio: 18 based on past 12 months’ results 240 290 340 $390 3Q ’10 Operating EPS 3Q ’11 est. $3.51 $5.82 AAPL $373.80 $251.45 ’10 ’11 Source: FactSet Price-to-earnings ratio: N/A based on past 12 months’ results Dividend: $0.04 Div. Yield: 0.4% 8 13 $18 2Q ’10 Operating EPS 2Q ’11 est. $0.27 BAC $9.72 $15.39 ’10 ’11 Source: FactSet Housing Starts Annualized rate in thousand 450 500 550 600 Source: FactSet J F M A M J est. 575 -$0.85 Debt worries hit shares Europe’s banking troubles and an impasse over lifting the U.S. govern- ment’s borrowing limit dragged down stock markets in the U.S. and Europe. Gold rose above $1,600 an ounce as investors sought safe places to park money. The results of stress tests on Europe- an banks came under more scrutiny. Eight banks failed the test to measure how well they would hold up under additional financial strain. But the tests didn’t take into account how banks would fare if Greece or Italy defaults.In the U.S., the debt limit debate remains at a standstill. The limit must be raised by Aug. 2 or the government risks a default. Duncan, Lester promoted Dale A. Duncan, publisher of The Times Leader from1986 to 1994, has been named to the newly created position of president of Maine- Today Media. Duncan will keep responsibility of the Kennebec Jour- nal and Morning Senti- nel, but will now be “spending more time in Portland helping me run the company,” said MaineToday Media CEO Richard L. Connor. Connor preceded Duncan as publish- er of The Times Leader and returned in 2006 to purchase the newspaper from The McClatchy Co. In addition to his role at MaineToday Media, Connor is The Times Leader’s editor and pub- lisher. Connor also said Michelle Lester has been promoted to senior vice president of advertising at MaineToday Media. Before joining the Maine operations, Lester was classified advertising direc- tor at The Times Leader. Table games pull in $500M Tax revenue from table games at Pennsylvania casinos totaled $81.4 million in the fiscal year that ended June 30, the state Gaming Control Board announced Monday. Table gam- ing was launched at nine casinos July 8-18, 2010 and SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia opened with slot ma- chines and table games last September. Mohegan Sun at Pocono Downs ranked sixth in the state with $38.6 million in table games revenue in the period, yielding state tax payments of $5.4 million and local share assessment of $771,607. Statewide, table games revenue was $508 million. No bids for Borders Borders Group is seeking court ap- proval to liquidate its 399 stores after it failed to receive any bids that would keep the 40-year-old chain in operation and canceled an auction process. Liquidation sales could start as soon as Friday. The U.S. Bankruptcy Court of the Southern District of New York is set to approve the move on Thursday Borders had been seeking a new white knight bidder after a $215 mil- lion bid dissolved late last week. Cred- itors and lenders argued the chain would be worth more if it liquidated. I N B R I E F Duncan $3.68 $2.64 $3.59 $4.06 07/17/08 BUSINESS S E C T I O N B THE TIMES LEADER TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 timesleader.com DOW 12,385.16 -94.57 NASDAQ 2,765.11 -24.69 S&P 1,305.44 -10.70 WALL STREET IF YOU’RE ONE of the many Netflix customers who was put out by the an- nouncement that Netflix was increas- ing prices, Block- buster wants to make an offer you can’t refuse: If you’re now a Netflix customer, Blockbuster is offering you a month for free, plus a slightly dis- counted monthly rate (which is cheaper than the equivalent Netflix plans). But it might be a good idea to wait before you decide to jump ship in righteous indignation over the villai- nous Netflix plan – the services differ substantially. According to Netflix, what they’ve actually done is split their DVD and web-streaming services. So while you were paying $9.99 per month for one DVD at a time and unlimited stream- ing movies, you’ll now end up paying $15 per month for two services – DVD by mail at $7.99, and unlimited streaming video for $7.99. For me, this plan actually works out better – I have Netflix but I only use their streaming service. I can send off for a DVD, but I’ve never had any reason to. If you only need their DVD service, it’s also cheaper – you’re only paying $7.99 a month. However, Blockbuster offers a substantially different product that includes Blu-Rays with its DVD plans. Netflix charges extra – not a big deal for people who want to view movies online, but maybe a game changer for those of you who prefer receiving movies in the mail. Block- buster also includes Xbox360, Play- station and Wii game rentals by mail in their plans – Netflix doesn’t offer the service. And Blockbuster allows you to return and exchange videos at a physical store location, where your plan will net additional discounts. I should mention that at present, Blockbuster offers fewer titles than Netflix. So while Netflix’s increased rates may be better or worse for you, depending on how you use the ser- vice, Blockbuster does offer addition- al value for your dollar. Personally, given how I use Netflix, it works out better for me to stick with the ser- vice – but as always, your experience will differ, and your mileage may vary. TECH TALK N I C K D E L O R E N Z O Nick DeLorenzo is director of Interactive and New Media for The Times Leader. Write him at [email protected]. NETFLIX DVD Only: 1 DVD, $7.99/ mo. 2 DVDs, $11.99/ Month Streaming: $7.99/mo., unlimited BLOCKBUS- TER Total Access streaming plus: 1 DVD, $11.99/mo. ($10 for Netflix customers) 2 DVDs, $16.99/mo. ($15 for Netflix customers) 3 DVDs, $19.99/mo. DVD Only: 1 DVD, $8.99/mo. 2 DVDs, $13.99/mo. 3 DVDs, $16.99/mo. COMPARING THE PLANS Netflix & Blockbuster try to outdeal each other NEW YORK -- News Corp.’s Rupert Murdoch is struggling to control the destiny of the company he began build- ing six decades ago after a trusteddepu- ty was arrested and Scotland Yard’s top official quit over ties to a suspect in the phone-hacking probe. Independent directors of New York- based News Corp. have begun question- ing the company’s response to the crisis and whether a leadership change is needed, said two people with direct knowledge of the situation who wouldn’t speak publicly. Rebekah Brooks, the former News International chief who Murdoch backed until last week, was arrested Sunday in London. “The shell of invulnerability that Rup- ert Murdoch had around him has been cracked,” said James Post, a professor at Boston University’s School of Management who has written about governance and busi- ness ethics. “His credibility and the company’s credibility are hemorrhag- ing.” Murdoch and his 38-year-old son, James Murdoch, are spending most of their time with advisers preparing for today’s hearing before a British parlia- mentary committee. They will face questions over their role in and respon- sibility for phone hacking that took place at their now-defunct News of the World tabloid. The company took out advertisements in national British newspapers this weekend to apologize for the scandal. Before Monday, News Corp. shares had lost 17 percent since July 4, when the Guardian reported that News of the World employees had intercepted the voice mail of Milly Dowler, a schoolgirl who was later found murdered. The slump has shaved more than $6 billion off the combined value of the Class A shares and the Class Bvoting stock that gives the Murdochs control over the company. News Corp.’s independent directors, whoholdnineof 16boardseats, haveex- pressed frustration over the quality and quantity of information they’ve re- ceived about the scandal and concern about management’s ability to handle the crisis given how slowly the compa- ny has responded, the person said. Some directors said Murdoch, the company’s 80-year-old chairman and chief executive officer, appearedto be in denial over the fallout from the scandal in an interview he gave last week to the Wall Street Journal, one of News Corp.’s newspapers. News Corp.’s independent directors, including Dinh, Perkins and former British Airways CEO Rod Eddington, may have limited influence, given the Murdochs’ stock holdings, said Charles Elson, director of the John L. Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance at the University of Delaware. “Rupert Murdoch controls the votes of the company through the Class B shares,” Elson said in an interview. “He can just replace them if he wants. They may do something, but it will be tempo- rary. Maybe he becomes chairman, but this is still his company and he can do what he wants. When he controls the stock, he controls the board.” Murdoch attempts to control News Corp. By CAROL HYMOWITZ, JEFFREY MCCRACKEN and AMY THOMSON Bloomberg News Murdoch GM INVESTING IN FLINT PLANT WITH NEWTRUCKS AP PHOTO L ine worker Randee Boose assembles a Chevrolet Silverado pickup Monday at the General Motors Flint Assembly plant in Flint, Mich. GM says it will spend $328 million to update a factory in Flint that will build new Silverado and GMC Sierra trucks. The investment will create or preserve 150 jobs at the site, which now employs 2,047 people. The investment is part of $2 billion GM is spending to create or retain about 4,000 jobs in eight states over the next 18 months. ST. LOUIS — As the economic re- covery sputters forward, banks contin- ue to bleed revenue in such mainstays as commercial lending and, of course, mortgages. So they are increasingly catering to the only customers who have survived the Great Recession rel- atively unscathed: rich folks. Customers with more than $1 mil- lion in liquid assets can expect some extracoddlingthesedays, as banks are adding services and staff to their wealth management divisions. The new focus for many banks stems largely from a simple lack of other options — as historic govern- ment bailouts winddownandsobered consumers and businesses grow in- creasingly allergic tonewdebt. Nearly a fourth of Americans are underwater on their homes, and so won’t be needi- ng a mortgage; and starting or ex- panding a business into the current headwinds takes a brave and well-cap- italized soul. Simultaneously, banks have seen their bedrocks of revenue from debit card and overdraft fees eroded by new federal regulations. By contrast, the 3.4 million people in North America holding more than $1 million in liquid assets actually grew their wealth by 9.1 percent last year, to $11.6 trillion, according to Merrill Lynch’s World Wealth Report released last month. The number of high-net-worth individuals in North America has also risen, growing 8.6 percent last year. Bank of America’s Global Wealth and Investment Management divi- sion, whichserves highnet worthindi- viduals through its Merrill Lynch and U.S. Trust business units, sawits first- quarter revenue jump 11 percent, to $4.5 billion. When it released its wealth report, Merrill Lynch said high-net-worth in- dividuals were expected to continue to shed their real estate investments and increase their equity and com- modities allocations. So banks would be foolish not to fol- low the money, said Joe Hoffmeyer, principal of St. Louis-based Phoenix Financial Services Consulting and a former manager of First Banks’ wealth management division. “Everyboardof directors of every bank in the world wants tofocus onwealthmanagement now,” he said. PNCBank is working onnewonline services for its wealth management customers so they can access income projections on their smartphones and contact PNC’s wealth management staff with questions about their ac- counts via email or text message. Those services are expected to be rolled out by the first quarter of 2012. Banks zero in on aiding ultra-rich By LISA BROWN St. Louis Post-Dispatch C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 9B ➛ T H E M A R K E T I N R E V I E W McGrwH 42.15 -.19 +15.8 McMoRn 18.38 +.22 +7.2 MeadWvco 33.11 -.04 +26.6 MedcoHlth 53.82 -.18 -12.2 Medtrnic 36.48 -.64 -1.6 MelcoCrwn 14.39 -.08+126.3 Merck 35.49 -.44 -1.5 Meritage 21.49 -.41 -3.2 Mesab 30.85 -3.41 -19.8 MetLife 40.48 -1.09 -8.9 MetroPCS 16.80 -.19 +33.0 Microchp 31.97 -.37 -6.5 MicronT 7.23 -.18 -9.9 Microsoft 26.59 -.19 -4.7 MdsxWatr 18.55 -.40 +1.1 Monsanto 73.21 -.85 +5.1 Moodys 35.52 -.93 +33.8 Moog A 41.94 -.60 +5.4 Moog B 41.63 -.86 +4.6 MorgStan 20.69 -.40 -24.0 Mosaic 66.46 -.29 -13.0 MotrlaSol n 43.74 -.22 +15.0 MotrlaMo n 21.69 +.57 -25.5 Mylan 23.13 -.44 +9.5 NABI Bio 1.89 -3.74 -67.4 NCR Corp 18.81 -.26 +22.4 NRG Egy 24.19 -.11 +23.8 NV Energy 15.08 -.14 +7.3 NYSE Eur 34.07 -.28 +13.6 Nabors 26.04 -.28 +11.0 NatFuGas 70.49 -.02 +7.4 NatGrid 48.33 -.50 +8.9 NOilVarco 77.91 -.65 +15.9 NatSemi 24.80 -.02 +80.2 NetApp 50.18 -.48 -8.7 Netflix 279.00 -7.93 +58.8 NewAmHi 10.89 -.07 +9.3 NwGold g 11.10 +.15 +13.7 NJ Rscs 44.70 -.66 +3.7 NY CmtyB 14.83 -.27 -21.3 NY Times 8.42 -.25 -14.1 Newcastle 5.82 -.06 -13.1 NewellRub 15.15 -.23 -16.7 NewfldExp 69.02 -.76 -4.3 NewmtM 58.09 +.71 -5.4 NewsCpA 14.97 -.68 +2.8 NewsCpB 15.40 -.69 -6.2 Nexen g 23.67 -.21 +3.4 NextEraEn 56.36 -.44 +8.4 NiSource 20.26 -.18 +15.0 NikeB 90.64 -1.06 +6.1 NobleCorp 36.73 -.66 +2.7 NokiaCp 5.42 -.12 -47.5 NA Pall g 4.75 +.03 -31.6 NoestUt 34.29 -.67 +7.6 NorTrst 43.39 -.90 -21.7 NthgtM g 3.37 +.23 +5.3 NorthropG 64.37 -.25 +9.5 NwstNG 45.68 -.42 -1.7 NovaGld g 10.49 +.46 -26.5 Novartis 60.82 -.72 +3.2 Nucor 38.92 -.57 -11.2 NustarEn 63.23 -.56 -9.0 NuvFloat 12.11 -.03 +2.5 NvMAd 13.90 -.06 +6.3 NvPA 14.08 ... +5.6 Nvidia 13.80 -.31 -10.4 OcciPet 105.26 -.08 +7.3 OfficeDpt 3.56 -.20 -34.1 OfficeMax 6.58 -.30 -62.8 OilSvHT 152.95 -.71 +8.8 Oilsands g .34 +.01 -20.0 Omnicom 47.49 +.20 +3.7 OnSmcnd 8.94 -.39 -9.5 OplinkC 18.06 +.11 -2.2 Oracle 31.49 -.60 +.6 OwensIll 24.30 -1.35 -20.8 PDL Bio 6.32 +.06 +1.4 PECO pfA 74.42 ... +6.3 PICO Hld 27.64 -.83 -13.1 PMC Sra 7.04 -.10 -18.0 PMI Grp 1.11 -.16 -66.4 PPG 88.71 -.96 +5.5 PPL Corp 27.54 -.24 +4.6 Paccar 48.39 -.89 -15.6 Pacholder 9.50 -.04 +12.4 PallCorp 52.92 -1.57 +6.7 PatriotCoal 23.93 +.45 +23.5 PattUTI 32.82 -.68 +52.3 Paychex 29.40 -.67 -4.9 PeabdyE 59.90 +.29 -6.4 PennVaRs 27.21 -.43 -3.9 Penney 31.36 -.21 -2.9 PeopUtdF 13.40 -.16 -4.4 PepcoHold 19.12 -.28 +4.8 PeregrineP 1.81 -.07 -21.3 Petrohawk 38.17 ...+109.2 PetrbrsA 29.23 -.46 -14.5 Petrobras 32.32 -.44 -14.6 PetRes 29.61 -.29 +9.6 Pfizer 19.64 -.11 +12.2 PharmPdt 30.74 +2.88 +13.3 PhilipMor 66.83 -.10 +14.2 PimcoHiI 12.87 -.14 +1.3 PimcoMuni 13.20 +.02 +4.7 PinWst 43.33 -.57 +4.5 PitnyBw 21.87 -.26 -9.6 PlainsEx 39.21 -1.15 +22.0 PlumCrk 40.20 -.30 +7.3 Polycom s 30.74 -.28 +57.7 Popular 2.49 -.06 -20.7 Potash s 58.77 -.43 +13.9 PS USDBull21.48 +.05 -5.4 PSPrivEq 10.00 -.33 -7.0 PwShs QQQ57.54 -.31 +5.7 Praxair 105.86 -1.17 +10.9 PrinFncl 27.64 -.77 -15.1 ProLogis 34.40 -.39 +8.5 ProShtS&P 41.30 +.34 -5.8 PrUShS&P 21.00 +.35 -11.6 PrUlShDow 17.14 +.25 -17.2 ProUltQQQ 89.86 -.94 +10.4 PrUShQQQ rs49.30+.49 -15.2 ProUltSP 51.71 -.89 +7.6 ProUShL20 33.33 +.60 -10.0 ProUltR2K 45.86 -1.46 +7.4 ProUSSP50015.92 +.40 -18.0 ProUSSlv rs13.25 -.97 -66.3 PrUltCrde rs42.76 -1.25 -14.4 PrUShCrde rs47.43+1.31 -6.7 ProUShEuro17.64 +.08 -13.1 ProgrssEn 47.05 -.52 +8.2 ProgsvCp 19.97 -.09 +.5 ProUSR2K rs42.60+1.28 -15.2 ProvFnH 8.23 -.01 +13.6 Prudentl 59.78 -.98 +1.8 PSEG 31.58 -.26 -.7 PubStrg 118.09 -1.10 +16.4 PulteGrp 6.94 -.15 -7.7 PPrIT 6.42 +.03 +2.2 QiaoXing 1.42 +.32 -49.8 Qlogic 15.85 +.02 -6.9 Qualcom 55.28 +.32 +11.7 QstDiag 58.02 -.04 +7.5 Quidel 15.53 -.14 +7.5 RCM 5.60 +.04 +21.0 RF MicD 5.82 -.20 -20.8 RPC s 26.12 -.28 +44.2 RPM 22.16 -.22 +.3 RadianGrp 3.50 -.56 -56.6 RadioShk 12.48 -.28 -32.5 RangeRs 61.00 -.78 +35.6 Raytheon 45.43 -.62 -1.2 RegalEnt 11.23 -.50 -4.3 RegionsFn 5.84 -.15 -16.6 Renren n 10.95 +.69 -39.2 RepFBcp 2.06 -.06 -15.6 RepubSvc 29.31 -.34 -1.8 RschMotn 26.68 -.84 -54.1 Revlon 18.73 -.40 +90.3 ReynAm s 37.05 -.13 +13.6 RioTinto 69.51 -1.22 -3.0 RiteAid 1.24 -.04 +40.4 Riverbed s 38.77 -.80 +10.2 Rowan 36.70 -.38 +5.1 RoyDShllA 71.42 -.48 +6.9 SAIC 16.28 -.18 +2.6 SpdrDJIA 123.62 -.94 +6.9 SpdrGold 156.57 +1.37 +12.9 S&P500ETF130.61-1.08 +3.9 SpdrHome 17.31 -.27 -.5 SpdrKbwBk 22.70 -.37 -12.4 SpdrKbw RB24.67 -.36 -6.7 SpdrRetl 53.74 -.56 +11.1 SpdrOGEx 61.60 -.55 +16.8 SpdrMetM 69.29 +.15 +.7 SPX Cp 79.91 -1.14 +11.8 Safeway 23.62 -.13 +5.0 StJoe 17.85 -.25 -18.3 StJude 46.40 +.48 +8.5 SanDisk 40.50 -1.12 -18.8 SandRdge 11.19 -.01 +52.9 Sanofi 38.36 -.85 +19.0 SaraLee 19.36 -.14 +10.6 SaulCntr 39.89 -.07 -15.8 Schlmbrg 87.21 -.78 +4.4 SchoolSp 12.94 -.48 -7.1 Schwab 14.97 -.04 -12.5 SeagateT 16.53 -.28 +10.0 SearsHldgs 73.70 -.53 -.1 SeattGen 17.90 -.97 +19.7 SemiHTr 32.29 -.29 -.7 SempraEn 51.55 -.55 -1.8 ServiceCp 11.06 -.20 +34.1 ShawGrp 25.49 -.51 -25.5 ShengInno 3.45 +.82 -39.9 SiderurNac 10.97 -.22 -34.2 Siemens 129.28 -2.16 +4.0 SifyTech 6.28 +.19+177.9 Slcnware 5.03 -.13 -15.5 SilvWhtn g 39.69 +.89 +1.7 SilvrcpM g 11.83 +.45 -7.8 Sina 121.01 +3.84 +75.8 SinoClnEn 2.37 +.34 -64.1 SiriusXM 2.23 -.10 +37.1 SkyWest 12.30 -2.42 -21.3 SkywksSol 22.23 -.45 -22.4 Smucker 76.66 +.36 +16.8 SnapOn 61.40 -.21 +8.5 Sonus 2.98 -.10 +11.6 SouthnCo 39.99 -.23 +4.6 SthnCopper 36.00 +.01 -26.1 SoUnCo 43.33 -.06 +80.0 SwstAirl 10.46 -.26 -19.4 SwstnEngy 47.04 -.49 +25.7 SpectraEn 27.13 -.30 +8.6 SpectPh 10.71 +.08 +55.9 SprintNex 5.19 -.16 +22.7 SprottGold 13.92 +.02 +12.8 SP Matls 39.10 -.47 +1.8 SP HlthC 34.93 -.26 +10.9 SP CnSt 31.16 -.20 +6.3 SP Consum39.90 -.39 +6.7 SP Engy 76.60 -.26 +12.2 SPDR Fncl 14.65 -.20 -8.2 SP Inds 36.13 -.41 +3.6 SP Tech 25.83 -.09 +2.5 SP Util 33.04 -.32 +5.4 StanBlkDk 68.61 -1.08 +2.6 Staples 15.13 -.07 -33.6 Starbucks 39.40 -.40 +22.6 StarwdHtl 54.84 -1.02 -9.8 StateStr 42.95 -.88 -7.3 StlDynam 15.43 -.30 -15.7 StillwtrM 17.13 -.15 -19.8 Stryker 58.26 -.17 +8.5 SubPpne 50.63 -.79 -9.7 Suncor gs 39.15 -.70 +2.2 Sunoco 41.26 -.66 +2.4 SunTrst 23.95 -.69 -18.8 Supvalu 8.91 -.07 -7.5 SwiftTrns n 13.23 -.59 +5.8 Symantec 18.87 -.11 +12.7 Synovus 2.00 -.06 -24.2 Sysco 30.64 -.27 +4.2 TCW Strat 5.36 -.02 +2.7 TD Ameritr 18.07 +.05 -4.8 TE Connect 34.48 -.72 -2.6 TECO 18.61 -.07 +4.6 THQ 3.32 -.03 -45.2 TaiwSemi 12.14 -.08 -3.2 TalismE g 19.28 -.19 -13.1 Target 50.59 -.50 -15.9 TeckRes g 51.23 -1.19 -17.1 Teleflex 61.38 -.40 +14.1 TelefEsp s 21.86 -.25 -4.2 TelMexL 15.86 -.22 -1.7 Tellabs 4.01 -.11 -40.9 TempleInld 30.85 -.58 +45.2 TmpDrgn 30.22 -.19 -1.7 TenetHlth 6.01 -.01 -10.2 Tenneco 42.25 -1.43 +2.6 Teradata 56.70 -1.07 +37.8 Teradyn 13.48 -.21 -4.0 Terex 25.74 -1.13 -17.1 Tesoro 23.19 -.29 +25.1 TevaPhrm 47.30 -.67 -9.3 TexInst 30.48 -.34 -6.2 Textron 21.44 -.37 -9.3 ThermoFis 62.50 -.72 +12.9 3M Co 94.60 -.87 +9.6 TibcoSft 27.27 -.42 +38.4 THorton g 48.24 -.27 +17.0 TimeWarn 34.80 -.83 +8.2 TorDBk g 81.57 -1.54 +11.3 Total SA 53.92 -.27 +.8 Toyota 83.36 -.49 +6.0 TrCda g 41.81 -.61 +9.9 Transocn 62.08 -.90 -10.7 Travelers 56.52 -1.38 +1.5 Travelzoo 84.91 +7.82+105.2 TrimbleN 37.62 -.94 -5.8 TrinaSolar 17.91 -.54 -23.5 TriQuint 9.48 -.27 -18.9 TwoHrbInv 10.16 -.07 +3.8 TycoIntl 46.84 -.65 +13.0 Tyson 18.16 -.27 +5.5 UBS AG 16.26 -.54 -1.3 UDR 26.07 +.09 +10.8 US Airwy 7.03 -.41 -29.8 US Gold 7.02 +.35 -13.0 USEC 3.08 +.05 -48.8 UniSrcEn 37.21 -.59 +3.8 UnilevNV 31.89 -.27 +1.6 UnionPac 100.50 -.24 +8.5 Unisys 24.95 -.34 -3.6 UtdContl 20.45 -.40 -14.1 UPS B 72.42 -.66 -.2 US Bancrp 24.43 -.31 -9.4 US NGs rs 11.41 -.03 -4.8 US OilFd 37.59 -.54 -3.6 USSteel 42.16 -.85 -27.8 UtdTech 87.62 -.70 +11.3 UtdhlthGp 51.95 -.02 +43.9 UnumGrp 24.86 -.45 +2.6 Vale SA 32.33 -.11 -6.5 Vale SA pf 29.39 -.04 -2.7 ValeantPh 55.01 +.01 +94.5 ValenceT h 1.11 +.08 -33.9 ValeroE 25.12 -.14 +8.7 ValpeyFsh 2.84 -.02 -16.2 ValVis A 7.49 -.49 +22.6 VangTSM 67.65 -.63 +4.2 VangEmg 47.19 -.54 -2.0 VangEur 49.77 -1.02 +1.4 Verisign 33.24 -.42 +1.7 VertxPh 49.57 -1.11 +41.5 VestinRMII 1.35 -.03 -6.9 ViacomA 55.42 -1.79 +20.8 ViacomB 49.41 -1.26 +24.7 VimpelCm 11.82 -.07 -21.4 VirgnMda h 26.66 -.86 -2.1 Visa 88.07 -.68 +25.1 Vivus 8.17 -.17 -12.8 Vodafone 25.45 -.32 -3.7 Vornado 92.32 -1.20 +10.8 WalMart 53.32 -.31 -1.1 Walgrn 41.67 -.26 +7.0 WalterEn 118.55 +7.61 -7.3 WsteMInc 35.73 -.43 -3.1 WeathfIntl 18.33 -.20 -19.6 WebMD 32.48-14.00 -36.4 WellPoint 74.25 -.65 +30.6 WellsFargo 26.88 -.30 -13.3 Wendys Co 5.24 -.08 +13.4 WernerEnt 24.91 -.44 +10.2 WestellT 3.34 -.04 +2.1 WstnRefin 20.78 -.35 +96.4 WstnUnion 19.13 +.04 +3.0 Weyerh 21.38 -.27 +12.9 WmsCos 30.04 -.33 +21.5 Windstrm 12.49 -.11 -10.4 WiscEn s 31.07 -.24 +5.6 Worthgtn 22.35 -.27 +21.5 Wynn 164.89 +2.27 +58.8 XL Grp 20.81 -.38 -4.6 XcelEngy 23.76 -.27 +.9 Xerox 9.92 -.09 -13.9 Xilinx 33.28 -.20 +14.8 YRC Ww rs 1.21 -.10 -67.5 Yahoo 14.42 -.27 -13.3 Yamana g 13.28 +.18 +3.8 YingliGrn 6.98 -.22 -29.4 Youku n 33.01 -1.55 -5.7 YumBrnds 54.85 -.66 +11.8 Zagg 15.76 +.44+106.8 Zhongpin 10.25 -.99 -49.8 Zimmer 63.22 -.46 +17.8 ZionBcp 22.79 -.38 -5.9 ZollMed 56.24 -.49 +51.1 Zweig 3.32 +.02 -.9 ZweigTl 3.38 ... -5.1 DOW 12,385.16 -94.57 NASDAQ 2,765.11 -24.69 S&P 500 1,305.44 -10.70 6-MO T-BILLS .06% +.01 10-YR T-NOTE 2.90% ... CRUDE OIL $95.93 -1.31 GOLD $1,602.10 +12.30 q q n n p p q q q q p p q q q q EURO $1.4090 -.0046 1,230 1,260 1,290 1,320 1,350 1,380 J J F M A M J 1,280 1,320 1,360 S&P 500 Close: 1,305.44 Change: -10.70 (-0.8%) 10 DAYS 2,560 2,640 2,720 2,800 2,880 J J F M A M J 2,720 2,800 2,880 Nasdaq composite Close: 2,765.11 Change: -24.69 (-0.9%) 10 DAYS Advanced 454 Declined 2598 New Highs 37 New Lows 94 Vol. (in mil.) 3,696 Pvs. Volume 3,921 1,728 1,785 540 2033 36 71 NYSE NASD DOW 12475.26 12296.23 12385.16 -94.57 -0.76% t s s +6.98% DOW Trans. 5341.77 5255.85 5283.92 -58.62 -1.10% t s s +3.47% DOW Util. 431.99 426.69 427.76 -4.26 -0.99% t t s +5.62% NYSE Comp. 8227.04 8081.54 8135.53 -91.51 -1.11% t s t +2.15% AMEX Index 2405.19 2370.88 2384.15 -21.04 -0.87% s s s +7.96% NASDAQ 2783.76 2743.79 2765.11 -24.69 -0.89% t s t +4.23% S&P 500 1315.94 1295.92 1305.44 -10.70 -0.81% t s s +3.80% Wilshire 5000 14000.73 13775.28 13868.34 -132.39 -0.95% t s s +3.80% Russell 2000 828.77 811.85 815.97 -12.81 -1.55% t s s +4.12% HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. WK MO QTR YTD StocksRecap Matthew Craft, Kristen Girard • AP U.S. government debt is considered one of the safest bets around. A default would shake the confidence of in- vestors around the world. Economists say a default would also drive up borrowing costs for everyone. Treasury yields would rise to compen- sate buyers for their higher risk. Treasurys are used to set interest rates throughout the economy. So mortgages and borrowing by companies and local governments would be- come more expensive for people. Financial analysts say it’s nearly impossible to predict ex- actly how a default would play out in the stock, bond and cur- rency markets. They do say the immediate aftermath for stocks might look like the financial crisis in September 2008. In the month after Lehman Brothers' bankruptcy, the S&P 500 lost 28 percent. Bonds could also fall after a default — they’ll have lost their reputation for safety. Few investments would be considered safe. Fear has driven traders into precious metals, but gold is at $1,600 an ounce, so it’s not cheap. Some analysts say a default could freeze the short-term lending markets that keep money moving throughout the fi- nancial system. Treasurys and other government debt are widely used as collateral for loans in these markets. Adefault would shake the trust in that collateral. Lenders could respond by demanding more. That would force borrowers to sell other investments to meet those demands. Asimilar selling cycle spread turmoil across markets when Lehman collapsed. Panic selling might force Washington to quickly agree to raise the debt limit. Think back to 2008. After the House re- jected a bailout for banks on Sept. 29, the Dow fell 777 points. Four days later, Congress approved a bailout. What if? Mutual Funds Alliance Bernstein BalShrB m 14.68 -.09 +6.3 CoreOppA m 12.63 -.09 +9.7 American Beacon LgCpVlInv 18.76 -.20 +1.2 LgCpVlIs 19.78 -.21 +1.4 American Cent EqIncInv 7.36 -.07 +3.2 GrowthInv 27.15 -.18 +5.1 IncGroA m 25.24 -.21 +5.8 UltraInv 24.39 -.16 +7.7 American Funds AMCAPA m 19.68 -.15 +4.9 BalA m 18.54 -.11 +4.5 BondA m 12.39 -.01 +3.5 CapIncBuA m50.64 -.43 +3.3 CapWldBdA m21.05 -.03 +4.9 CpWldGrIA m35.60 -.50 +1.2 EurPacGrA m41.68 -.63 +0.7 FnInvA m 37.84 -.41 +3.8 GrthAmA m 31.43 -.27 +3.3 HiIncA m 11.39 -.01 +5.0 IncAmerA m 16.99 -.12 +4.7 IntBdAmA m 13.58 ... +2.4 IntlGrInA m 31.30 -.41 +2.2 InvCoAmA m 28.41 -.26 +1.8 MutualA m 26.27 -.22 +5.0 NewEconA m 26.41 -.23 +4.3 NewPerspA m29.22 -.33 +2.1 NwWrldA m 54.55 -.63 -0.1 SmCpWldA m39.27 -.46 +1.1 TaxEBdAmA m12.13 ... +4.9 USGovSecA m14.15 -.01 +2.8 WAMutInvA m28.76 -.24 +6.9 Artio Global IntlEqI 29.89 -.49 -0.8 IntlEqIII 12.39 -.22 -0.6 Artisan Intl d 22.42 -.29 +3.3 IntlVal d 27.21 -.58 +0.4 MdCpVal 21.48 -.25 +7.0 MidCap 36.37 -.45 +8.1 Baron Asset b 58.80 -.84 +6.4 Growth b 55.46 -.88 +8.3 SmCap b 26.27 -.33 +10.5 Bernstein DiversMui 14.51 ... +3.5 IntDur 13.98 -.02 +4.0 TxMIntl 15.12 -.29 -3.9 BlackRock EqDivA m 18.42 -.15 +5.5 EqDivI 18.47 -.15 +5.7 GlobAlcA m 20.02 -.11 +3.1 GlobAlcC m 18.63 -.10 +2.7 GlobAlcI d 20.14 -.11 +3.3 CGM Focus 32.18 -.10 -7.5 Mutual 27.78 -.03 -5.7 Realty 29.30 -.22 +9.6 Calamos GrowA m 56.17 -.40 +5.2 Cohen & Steers Realty 64.93 -.55 +11.9 Columbia AcornA m 30.46 -.44 +5.3 AcornIntZ 40.29 -.54 +0.9 AcornZ 31.44 -.45 +5.5 DivBondA m 5.08 ... +3.3 DivrEqInA m 10.27 -.11 +2.4 StLgCpGrZ 13.94 -.11 +12.2 TaxEA m 13.21 ... +6.2 ValRestrZ 51.05 -.55 +1.6 DFA 1YrFixInI 10.36 ... +0.6 2YrGlbFII 10.22 ... +0.7 5YrGlbFII 11.31 +.01 +4.0 EmMkCrEqI 21.71 -.27 -1.5 EmMktValI 34.53 -.48 -4.1 IntSmCapI 17.08 -.29 +0.4 USCorEq1I 11.48 -.13 +4.9 USCorEq2I 11.40 -.14 +4.4 USLgCo 10.30 -.09 +4.9 USLgValI 20.90 -.27 +4.5 USMicroI 14.42 -.21 +4.9 USSmValI 26.48 -.43 +3.7 USSmallI 22.59 -.34 +6.0 DWS-Scudder EnhEMFIS d 10.55 -.03 -0.7 HlthCareS d 27.52 -.23 +13.0 LAEqS d 47.87 -.51 -9.9 Davis NYVentA m 34.55 -.36 +0.6 NYVentC m 33.28 -.35 +0.2 NYVentY 34.96 -.36 +0.8 Delaware Invest DiverIncA m 9.41 ... +4.6 Dimensional Investme IntCorEqI 11.11 -.19 +0.3 IntlSCoI 17.20 -.26 +1.3 IntlValuI 17.88 -.34 -0.8 Dodge & Cox Bal 71.52 -.62 +3.0 Income 13.45 -.01 +3.8 IntlStk 35.10 -.59 -1.7 Stock 109.58 -1.28 +2.5 Dreyfus Apprecia 41.10 -.23 +7.6 EmgLead ... ... -0.4 TechGrA f 33.08 -.37 +1.8 Driehaus ActiveInc 11.07 -.02 +1.6 Eaton Vance HiIncOppA m 4.44 -.01 +5.6 HiIncOppB m 4.44 -.01 +4.9 LrgCpValA m 18.27 -.16 +0.8 NatlMuniA m 9.15 +.01 +6.0 NatlMuniB m 9.15 +.01 +5.6 PAMuniA m 8.85 +.01 +6.2 FMI LgCap 16.34 -.19 +4.7 FPA Cres d 27.47 -.19 +3.5 NewInc m 10.81 ... +1.8 Fairholme Funds Fairhome d 30.69 -.45 -13.7 Federated KaufmanR m 5.52 -.06 +0.4 Fidelity AstMgr20 13.03 -.04 +2.8 AstMgr50 15.73 -.11 +2.9 Bal 18.80 -.11 +4.0 BlChGrow 48.32 -.31 +6.5 Canada d 60.58 -.36 +4.2 CapApr 26.32 -.23 +3.9 CapInc d 9.59 -.04 +4.9 Contra 71.18 -.36 +5.2 DiscEq 23.41 -.23 +3.9 DivGrow 29.06 -.32 +2.2 DivrIntl d 30.24 -.44 +0.3 EmgMkt d 26.12 -.24 -0.9 EqInc 44.66 -.50 +1.7 EqInc II 18.46 -.20 +1.9 ExpMulNat d 22.44 -.19 +2.9 FF2015 11.71 -.06 +3.6 FF2035 11.81 -.10 +3.4 FF2040 8.25 -.07 +3.4 Fidelity 34.02 -.24 +5.9 FltRtHiIn d 9.82 ... +1.8 Free2010 14.02 -.07 +3.6 Free2020 14.24 -.09 +3.7 Free2025 11.88 -.09 +3.5 Free2030 14.19 -.11 +3.5 GNMA 11.72 -.02 +4.1 GovtInc 10.63 -.01 +3.1 GrowCo 92.03 -.65 +10.7 GrowInc 18.70 -.19 +2.9 HiInc d 9.07 -.01 +4.8 Indepndnc 25.60 -.23 +5.1 IntBond 10.78 -.01 +3.9 IntMuniInc d 10.20 ... +3.8 IntlDisc d 32.82 -.50 -0.7 InvGrdBd 7.57 -.01 +4.2 LatinAm d 56.57 -.47 -4.2 LevCoSt d 29.08 -.47 +2.3 LowPriStk d 41.23 -.41 +7.4 Magellan 72.26 -.59 +1.0 MidCap d 28.74 -.39 +4.7 MuniInc d 12.60 ... +5.1 NewMktIn d 15.92 -.02 +4.8 OTC 59.74 -.53 +8.8 Overseas d 32.74 -.59 +0.8 Puritan 18.57 -.09 +4.6 RealInv d 28.64 -.24 +11.5 Series100Index 9.11 -.06 +4.2 ShTmBond 8.53 -.01 +1.6 SmCapStk d 19.44 -.46 -0.8 StratInc 11.30 -.02 +4.8 StratRRet d 9.90 -.02 +4.8 TotalBd 10.95 -.02 +4.1 USBdIdxInv 11.53 -.03 +3.5 Value 69.66 -.96 +1.4 Fidelity Advisor NewInsA m 20.89 -.11 +4.8 NewInsI 21.12 -.11 +5.0 StratIncA m 12.63 -.03 +4.7 ValStratT m 26.71 -.42 +3.2 Fidelity Select Gold d 51.46 +.77 +0.7 Pharm d 13.84 -.13 +14.5 Fidelity Spartan 500IdxAdvtg 46.23 -.37 +4.9 500IdxInv 46.23 -.37 +4.9 ExtMktIdI d 39.83 -.58 +5.7 IntlIdxIn d 35.35 -.58 +0.8 TotMktIdAg d 38.18 -.36 +5.1 TotMktIdI d 38.17 -.36 +5.1 First Eagle GlbA m 48.45 -.32 +4.5 OverseasA m 23.54 -.14 +3.9 FrankTemp-Franklin CA TF A m 6.89 ... +5.3 Fed TF A m 11.73 +.01 +5.9 GrowB m 44.57 -.37 +4.1 Growth A m 46.67 -.38 +4.5 HY TF A m 9.96 ... +6.4 Income A m 2.21 -.01 +5.1 Income C m 2.23 -.01 +4.7 IncomeAdv 2.19 -.01 +4.7 NY TF A m 11.47 ... +4.7 RisDv A m 35.02 -.29 +6.6 US Gov A m 6.83 ... +3.4 FrankTemp-Mutual Beacon Z 12.65 -.13 +2.8 Discov A m 29.59 -.33 +1.4 Discov Z 29.99 -.33 +1.6 QuestZ 18.16 -.15 +2.7 Shares A m 21.15 -.23 +2.5 Shares Z 21.34 -.23 +2.6 FrankTemp-Templeton Fgn A m 7.12 -.14 +2.0 GlBond A m 13.84 -.04 +4.5 GlBond C m 13.86 -.04 +4.1 GlBondAdv 13.80 -.04 +4.6 Growth A m 18.48 -.31 +3.9 World A m 15.23 -.22 +2.6 Franklin Templeton FndAllA m 10.68 -.11 +3.6 GE S&SProg 41.63 -.35 +3.5 GMO EmgMktsVI 13.74 -.17 +1.5 IntItVlIV 21.95 -.37 +2.5 QuIII 21.36 -.13 +7.4 QuVI 21.37 -.12 +7.5 Goldman Sachs HiYieldIs d 7.32 -.01 +4.6 MidCapVaA m36.82 -.55 +2.6 MidCpVaIs 37.16 -.55 +2.8 Harbor Bond 12.35 -.01 +3.3 CapApInst 39.89 -.32 +8.6 IntlInstl d 61.54 -1.15 +1.6 IntlInv m 60.86 -1.14 +1.4 Hartford CapAprA m 33.34 -.42 -3.7 CapAprI 33.39 -.42 -3.6 CpApHLSIA 42.12 -.54 -0.6 DvGrHLSIA 20.16 -.19 +3.4 TRBdHLSIA 11.28 ... +3.5 Hussman StratGrth d 12.33 +.03 +0.3 INVESCO CharterA m 16.93 -.12 +4.7 ComstockA m16.09 -.19 +3.0 ConstellB m 21.79 -.15 +4.1 EqIncomeA m 8.73 -.06 +2.5 GlobEqA m 11.37 -.14 +5.9 GrowIncA m 19.54 -.18 +2.2 PacGrowB m 22.02 -.21 -1.3 Ivy AssetStrA m 26.37 -.18 +8.0 AssetStrC m 25.53 -.17 +7.6 JPMorgan CoreBondA m11.68 ... +3.7 CoreBondSelect11.67 ... +3.8 HighYldSel d 8.22 -.01 +4.5 IntmdTFSl 11.01 ... +3.9 ShDurBndSel 11.03 ... +1.4 USLCpCrPS 21.15 -.17 +2.3 Janus BalJ 25.94 -.17 +4.5 OverseasJ d 44.78 -.62 -11.6 PerkinsMCVJ 23.42 -.21 +3.8 TwentyJ 65.68 -.62 -0.1 John Hancock LifAg1 b 12.65 -.14 +3.0 LifBa1 b 13.25 -.10 +3.5 LifGr1 b 13.24 -.13 +3.1 RegBankA m 13.74 -.18 -6.1 SovInvA m 16.31 -.13 +4.4 TaxFBdA m 9.78 ... +5.0 Lazard EmgMkEqtI d 21.23 -.22 -2.5 EmgMktEqO m21.59 -.22 -2.7 Legg Mason/Western CrPlBdIns 10.99 -.01 +4.0 MgdMuniA m 15.59 +.01 +6.0 Longleaf Partners LongPart 30.39 -.50 +7.5 Loomis Sayles BondI 14.81 -.03 +6.5 BondR b 14.75 -.04 +6.3 Lord Abbett AffiliatA m 11.53 -.12 0.0 BondDebA m 7.98 -.01 +5.5 ShDurIncA m 4.60 ... +2.4 ShDurIncC m 4.63 ... +2.0 MFS MAInvA m 19.98 -.16 +4.4 MAInvC m 19.30 -.15 +4.0 TotRetA m 14.42 -.08 +3.4 ValueA m 23.40 -.22 +3.3 ValueI 23.50 -.23 +3.4 Manning & Napier WrldOppA 8.79 -.13 +2.1 Merger Merger m 16.11 -.03 +2.1 Metropolitan West TotRetBdI 10.47 -.02 +3.5 TotRtBd b 10.48 -.01 +3.4 Morgan Stanley Instl IntlEqI d 13.98 -.26 +2.7 MdCpGrI 41.04 -.46 +9.9 Natixis InvBndY 12.46 -.02 +5.4 StratIncA m 15.37 -.04 +6.7 StratIncC m 15.45 -.04 +6.3 Neuberger Berman GenesisIs 50.40 -.52 +9.7 GenesisTr 52.16 -.54 +9.5 SmCpGrInv 19.93 -.25 +11.5 Northern HYFixInc d 7.40 ... +5.4 MMIntlEq d 10.00 ... +0.6 Oakmark EqIncI 29.08 -.18 +4.8 Intl I d 19.20 -.33 -1.1 Oakmark I d 43.24 -.50 +4.7 Old Westbury GlbSmMdCp 15.85 -.18 +4.4 Oppenheimer CapApA m 45.92 -.32 +5.4 CapApB m 40.38 -.27 +4.9 DevMktA m 34.82 -.31 -4.5 DevMktY 34.50 -.30 -4.4 GlobA m 62.33 -.86 +3.2 IntlBondA m 6.67 -.02 +3.8 IntlBondY 6.66 -.03 +3.8 MainStrA m 32.92 -.25 +1.6 RocMuniA m 15.53 ... +5.5 RochNtlMu m 6.89 ... +8.3 StrIncA m 4.33 -.02 +4.4 PIMCO AllAssetI 12.46 -.05 +5.0 AllAuthIn 10.91 -.03 +5.0 ComRlRStI 9.16 -.03 +6.7 DevLocMktI 10.95 -.03 +4.3 DivIncInst 11.60 -.02 +4.6 HiYldIs 9.38 -.01 +4.9 InvGrdIns 10.71 -.03 +5.1 LowDrA m 10.49 -.01 +2.0 LowDrIs 10.49 -.01 +2.2 RealRet 11.81 -.01 +6.7 RealRtnA m 11.81 -.01 +6.5 ShtTermIs 9.89 -.01 +1.0 TotRetA m 11.02 -.02 +3.2 TotRetAdm b 11.02 -.02 +3.3 TotRetC m 11.02 -.02 +2.8 TotRetIs 11.02 -.02 +3.4 TotRetrnD b 11.02 -.02 +3.3 TotlRetnP 11.02 -.02 +3.4 Parnassus EqIncInv 27.41 -.23 +4.8 Permanent Portfolio 49.36 +.02 +7.7 Pioneer PioneerA m 41.86 -.40 +2.6 Principal L/T2020I 12.17 -.10 +4.4 SAMConGrB m13.54 -.13 +3.2 Prudential Investmen 2020FocA m 16.90 -.14 +6.4 BlendA m 18.22 -.19 +5.9 EqOppA m 14.45 -.18 +4.1 HiYieldA m 5.57 -.01 +5.2 IntlEqtyA m 6.32 -.12 +2.1 IntlValA m 20.77 -.37 +0.8 JenMidCapGrA m29.69-.26 +8.4 JennGrA m 19.57 -.16 +8.4 NaturResA m 57.58 -.32 +0.9 SmallCoA m 21.79 -.24 +7.3 UtilityA m 10.84 -.10 +7.0 ValueA m 15.19 -.17 +3.1 Putnam GrowIncA m 13.81 ... +2.5 GrowIncB m 13.56 ... +2.0 IncomeA m 6.90 ... +5.0 VoyagerA m 22.97 -.32 -3.1 Royce LowStkSer m 19.06 -.10 +4.4 OpportInv d 12.05 -.22 -0.2 PAMutInv d 12.33 -.14 +5.8 PremierInv d 22.02 -.21 +8.2 TotRetInv d 13.70 -.15 +4.5 ValPlSvc m 13.96 -.12 +4.0 Schwab 1000Inv d 39.00 -.35 +4.9 S&P500Sel d 20.52 -.16 +4.9 Scout Interntl d 32.43 -.51 +0.7 Selected American D 41.71 -.44 +0.7 Sequoia Sequoia 143.80 -1.16 +11.2 T Rowe Price BlChpGr 40.88 -.24 +7.2 CapApprec 21.28 -.13 +4.8 DivGrow 23.89 -.20 +5.1 DivrSmCap d 17.44 -.24 +10.2 EmMktStk d 34.78 -.37 -1.4 EqIndex d 35.19 -.29 +4.8 EqtyInc 24.06 -.25 +2.4 FinSer 13.28 -.21 -6.3 GrowStk 33.96 -.21 +5.6 HealthSci 35.94 -.41 +18.7 HiYield d 6.84 -.01 +4.9 IntlBnd d 10.32 -.03 +5.2 IntlDisc d 45.13 -.60 +2.8 IntlGrInc d 13.62 -.25 +2.3 IntlStk d 14.28 -.23 +0.4 IntlStkAd m 14.22 -.24 +0.3 LatinAm d 51.02 -.60 -10.0 MediaTele 56.12 -.51 +8.5 MidCapVa 24.51 -.27 +3.4 MidCpGr 61.50 -.64 +5.1 NewAmGro 34.78 -.35 +5.4 NewAsia d 19.68 -.11 +2.6 NewEra 53.35 -.39 +2.3 NewHoriz 37.13 -.45 +10.9 NewIncome 9.59 -.02 +3.0 OrseaStk d 8.53 -.15 +2.3 R2015 12.36 -.08 +4.0 R2025 12.51 -.11 +3.9 R2035 12.71 -.12 +3.9 Rtmt2010 15.93 -.10 +3.8 Rtmt2020 17.08 -.13 +3.9 Rtmt2030 17.96 -.16 +3.9 Rtmt2040 18.09 -.17 +3.8 ShTmBond 4.86 ... +1.5 SmCpStk 37.08 -.46 +7.7 SmCpVal d 37.74 -.49 +4.5 SpecInc 12.54 -.04 +3.7 TaxFHiYld 10.63 ... +5.2 Value 24.03 -.27 +3.0 ValueAd b 23.77 -.26 +2.9 Templeton InFEqSeS 20.11 -.36 +0.3 Third Avenue Value d 50.49 -.67 -2.5 Thornburg IntlValA m 28.41 -.37 +2.0 IntlValI d 29.04 -.38 +2.2 Tweedy Browne GlobVal d 23.79 -.32 -0.1 VALIC Co I StockIdx 25.97 -.22 +4.7 Vanguard 500Adml 120.34 -.98 +4.9 500Inv 120.33 -.98 +4.8 AssetA 25.35 -.23 +4.3 BalIdxAdm 22.11 -.14 +4.6 BalIdxIns 22.11 -.14 +4.6 CAITAdml 11.04 ... +5.3 CapOp d 33.44 -.35 +0.6 CapOpAdml d77.28 -.80 +0.7 CapVal 10.86 -.21 -1.5 Convrt d 13.47 -.11 +2.0 DevMktIdx d 10.13 -.16 +0.7 DivGr 15.19 -.14 +6.7 EmMktIAdm d39.34 -.55 -1.3 EnergyAdm d133.56 -.71 +10.4 EnergyInv d 71.11 -.38 +10.4 ExplAdml 73.16 -1.21 +7.8 Explr 78.56 -1.29 +7.7 ExtdIdAdm 43.74 -.64 +6.0 ExtdIdIst 43.74 -.63 +6.0 ExtndIdx 43.69 -.63 +5.9 FAWeUSIns d94.22 -1.43 +0.4 GNMA 10.96 -.01 +3.9 GNMAAdml 10.96 -.01 +3.9 GlbEq 18.44 -.27 +3.2 GrowthEq 11.53 -.08 +6.9 GrowthIdx 33.23 -.25 +5.7 GrthIdAdm 33.23 -.25 +5.8 GrthIstId 33.23 -.25 +5.8 HYCor d 5.80 -.01 +5.8 HYCorAdml d 5.80 -.01 +5.8 HltCrAdml d 58.44 -.45 +14.0 HlthCare d 138.47 -1.06 +14.0 ITBondAdm 11.53 -.01 +5.5 ITGradeAd 10.06 -.01 +4.9 ITIGrade 10.06 -.01 +4.9 ITrsyAdml 11.70 ... +4.7 InfPrtAdm 26.85 +.02 +7.3 InfPrtI 10.94 +.01 +7.4 InflaPro 13.67 +.01 +7.3 InstIdxI 119.53 -.97 +4.9 InstPlus 119.53 -.98 +4.9 InstTStPl 29.77 -.29 +5.2 IntlExpIn d 16.36 -.28 -1.9 IntlGr d 19.58 -.32 +1.2 IntlGrAdm d 62.34 -1.01 +1.3 IntlStkIdxAdm d26.44 -.39 +0.3 IntlStkIdxI d 105.78 -1.59 +0.3 IntlVal d 31.73 -.58 -1.3 LTGradeAd 9.51 -.08 +5.0 LTInvGr 9.51 -.08 +5.0 LifeCon 16.74 -.09 +3.3 LifeGro 22.71 -.22 +3.6 LifeMod 20.12 -.15 +3.7 MidCapGr 20.53 -.26 +8.1 MidCp 21.52 -.28 +6.0 MidCpAdml 97.75 -1.26 +6.1 MidCpIst 21.59 -.28 +6.1 MidCpSgl 30.85 -.40 +6.1 Morg 19.08 -.15 +5.8 MuHYAdml 10.37 ... +5.4 MuInt 13.62 ... +4.8 MuIntAdml 13.62 ... +4.8 MuLTAdml 10.97 ... +5.3 MuLtdAdml 11.10 ... +2.2 MuShtAdml 15.92 ... +1.1 PrecMtls d 26.37 +.02 -1.2 Prmcp d 68.09 -.69 +3.5 PrmcpAdml d 70.68 -.72 +3.5 PrmcpCorI d 14.32 -.14 +4.0 REITIdx d 20.22 -.16 +11.7 REITIdxAd d 86.31 -.67 +11.8 STBond 10.66 ... +2.2 STBondAdm 10.66 ... +2.2 STBondSgl 10.66 ... +2.2 STCor 10.78 ... +2.0 STGradeAd 10.78 ... +2.1 STsryAdml 10.80 ... +1.6 SelValu d 19.59 -.18 +4.4 SmCapIdx 36.84 -.55 +6.0 SmCpIdAdm 36.89 -.56 +6.1 SmCpIdIst 36.89 -.56 +6.1 SmGthIdx 23.82 -.36 +8.7 SmGthIst 23.88 -.36 +8.8 SmValIdx 16.53 -.25 +3.3 Star 19.57 -.17 +3.5 StratgcEq 20.12 -.26 +9.8 TgtRe2010 23.23 -.13 +4.1 TgtRe2015 12.90 -.08 +3.9 TgtRe2020 22.93 -.17 +3.8 TgtRe2030 22.50 -.20 +3.8 TgtRe2035 13.58 -.13 +3.7 TgtRe2040 22.29 -.23 +3.7 TgtRe2045 14.00 -.14 +3.7 TgtRetInc 11.61 -.04 +4.2 Tgtet2025 13.09 -.11 +3.7 TotBdAdml 10.77 -.01 +3.5 TotBdInst 10.77 -.01 +3.5 TotBdMkInv 10.77 -.01 +3.4 TotBdMkSig 10.77 -.01 +3.5 TotIntl d 15.80 -.24 +0.3 TotStIAdm 32.91 -.32 +5.1 TotStIIns 32.92 -.31 +5.2 TotStISig 31.77 -.30 +5.1 TotStIdx 32.91 -.31 +5.1 TxMCapAdm 65.83 -.59 +5.2 TxMIntlAdm d 11.65 -.20 +0.6 TxMSCAdm 28.93 -.40 +6.5 USValue 10.74 -.10 +6.3 ValIdxIns 21.42 -.21 +4.2 WellsI 22.41 -.12 +5.1 WellsIAdm 54.30 -.29 +5.2 Welltn 31.87 -.23 +3.9 WelltnAdm 55.04 -.41 +3.9 WndsIIAdm 47.16 -.43 +4.6 Wndsr 13.51 -.18 +0.7 WndsrAdml 45.60 -.58 +0.7 WndsrII 26.57 -.24 +4.6 Yacktman Yacktman d 17.54 -.20 +6.0 YTD Name NAV Chg %Rtn YTD Name NAV Chg %Rtn YTD Name NAV Chg %Rtn YTD Name NAV Chg %Rtn YTD Name NAV Chg %Rtn YTD Name NAV Chg %Rtn 52-WEEK YTD HIGH LOW NAME TKR DIV LAST CHG %CHG 52-WEEK YTD HIGH LOW NAME TKR DIV LAST CHG %CHG Combined Stocks ABB Ltd 24.74 -.78 +10.2 AEP Ind 27.91 -1.11 +7.6 AES Corp 12.29 -.25 +.9 AFLAC 44.33 -1.02 -21.4 AGL Res 40.79 -.58 +13.8 AK Steel 15.24 -.31 -6.9 AMR 4.91 -.10 -37.0 ASM Intl 29.89 -1.19 -14.6 ASML Hld 34.21 -.11 -10.8 AT&T Inc 30.12 -.19 +2.5 AbtLab 52.54 -.50 +9.7 AcadiaRlt 21.21 -.02 +16.3 Accenture 59.98 -.72 +23.7 ActionSemi 2.04 -.08 -5.1 ActivsBliz 11.70 -.21 -5.9 AdamsEx 11.01 -.08 +2.5 AdobeSy 28.77 -.52 -6.5 AdvBattery 1.18 +.09 -69.4 AMD 6.18 -.25 -24.4 Aetna 42.95 -.41 +40.8 AgFeed 1.60 +.13 -45.6 Agilent 45.46 -1.62 +9.7 AkamaiT 29.06 -.79 -38.2 AlcatelLuc 4.85 -.24 +63.9 Alcoa 15.17 -.31 -1.4 AlignTech 23.04 -.43 +17.9 AllegTch 64.47 -1.83 +16.8 Allergan 82.52 -.85 +20.2 AlliBInco 7.88 +.03 -.6 AlliantEgy 40.12 -.68 +9.1 AllscriptH 18.45 -.22 -4.3 Allstate 28.01 -1.46 -12.1 AlphaNRs 45.32 -.23 -24.5 AlteraCp lf 42.55 -.12 +19.6 Altria 26.60 -.09 +8.0 Amarin 13.99 +.36 +70.6 Amazon 211.53 -1.34 +17.5 Ameren 28.36 -.45 +.6 AMovilL s 25.97 -.14 -9.4 AMovilA s 25.85 -.26 -9.6 ACapAgy 29.01 -.26 +.9 AmCapLtd 9.70 -.11 +28.3 AEagleOut 13.57 -.11 -7.2 AEP 37.11 -.37 +3.1 AmExp 51.33 -.48 +19.6 AmIntlGrp 27.65 -.58 -42.7 AmOriBio 1.09 -.06 -54.6 AmSupr 7.22 -.48 -74.7 AmWtrWks 29.14 -.39 +15.2 Ameriprise 53.15 -.90 -7.6 Ametek s 43.19 -.75 +10.0 Amgen 54.66 -.39 -.4 Amylin 12.59 -.24 -14.4 Anadarko 79.23 -.96 +4.0 AnalogDev 35.46 -.31 -5.9 AnglogldA 45.24 +1.38 -8.1 ABInBev 55.40 -.74 -3.0 Ann Inc 27.08 +.43 -1.1 Annaly 17.79 -.17 -.7 ApolloInv 9.55 -.38 -13.7 Apple Inc 373.80 +8.88 +15.9 ApldMatl 12.30 -.15 -12.5 Arbitron 39.58 -.83 -4.7 ArcelorMit 31.29 -.91 -17.9 ArchCoal 26.36 -.14 -24.8 AresCap 15.16 -.47 -8.0 AriadP 12.59 +.01+146.9 ArmHld 27.72 +.16 +33.6 ArmourRsd 7.34 -.06 -6.0 ArrowEl 35.65 -1.32 +4.1 AssuredG 14.85 -1.26 -16.1 AstraZen 48.73 -1.07 +5.5 Atmel 12.56 -.34 +1.9 ATMOS 33.26 -.61 +6.6 Autodesk 35.33 -.82 -7.5 AutoData 52.34 -.77 +13.1 AveryD 37.81 -.60 -10.7 Avnet 28.78 -.97 -12.9 Avon 27.90 -.21 -4.0 BB&T Cp 24.98 -.34 -5.0 BHP BillLt 89.65 -1.43 -3.5 BJs Whls 50.26 -.08 +4.9 BP PLC 44.31 -.02 +.3 BP Pru 113.80 -.67 -10.1 BPZ Res 3.98 +.18 -16.4 Baidu 148.13 +1.20 +53.5 BakrHu 77.00 +1.51 +34.7 BallardPw 1.47 -.03 -2.0 BallyTech 39.74 -.79 -5.8 BcBilVArg 9.95 -.25 -2.2 BcoBrades 17.95 -.54 -11.5 BcoSantSA 10.08 -.20 -5.4 BcoSBrasil 9.66 -.43 -29.0 BkHawaii 44.92 -.45 -4.9 BkIrelnd 1.08 -.16 -59.2 BkAtl A h .87 -.04 -24.3 Barclay 13.48 -1.03 -18.4 Bar iPVix rs 23.64 +.48 -37.1 BarnesNob 17.23 -.06 +21.8 BarrickG 49.03 +.72 -7.8 Baxter 60.31 -.49 +19.1 BedBath 59.17 +.51 +20.4 BerkHa A 112650 -400 -6.5 BerkH B 75.11 -.25 -6.2 BestBuy 28.96 -.65 -15.5 BigLots 33.73 -.06 +10.7 BioRadA 116.98 -1.39 +12.6 Blackstone 15.39 -.51 +8.8 BlockHR 15.14 -.23 +27.1 Boeing 69.55 -1.73 +6.6 BostonSci 6.92 -.09 -8.6 BrigExp 31.92 -.49 +17.2 BrMySq 28.66 -.31 +8.2 Broadcom 32.65 -.62 -25.0 BrcdeCm 6.22 -.09 +17.6 Buckeye 64.59 -.14 -3.4 Buenavent 41.37 +1.05 -15.5 CA Inc 21.81 -.17 -10.8 CB REllis 23.07 -.22 +12.6 CBS B 27.37 -.28 +43.7 CH Engy 52.75 -.75 +7.9 CMS Eng 19.44 -.26 +4.5 CNO Fincl 7.18 -.27 +5.9 CSS Inds 20.18 -.70 -2.1 CSX s 25.19 -.13 +17.0 CblvsNY s 25.64 -.27 +8.3 CalaStrTR 9.41 -.06 +1.6 CampSp 33.57 -.35 -3.4 CapOne 48.35 -.15 +13.6 CapitlSrce 5.77 -.13 -18.7 CapsteadM 13.27 +.11 +5.4 Carnival 34.73 -.46 -24.7 Caterpillar 107.80 -1.10 +15.1 CedarF 20.05 -.66 +32.3 CelSci .49 -.01 -40.3 Celgene 59.14 -1.53 0.0 Cemex 7.73 -.10 -24.9 CenterPnt 19.40 +.01 +23.4 CentEuro 10.10 -.55 -55.9 CFCda g 23.98 +.52 +15.7 CVtPS 35.10 -.02 +60.6 CntryLink 37.83 -.59 -18.1 ChkPoint 61.17 +4.59 +32.2 Checkpnt 17.10 +.03 -16.8 Cheesecake32.70 +.01 +6.7 CheniereEn 9.57 -.40 +73.4 ChesEng 32.89 -.07 +26.9 Chevron 106.23 +.04 +16.4 Chicos 15.45 -.07 +28.4 Chimera 3.18 -.07 -22.6 ChurchD s 42.18 -.41 +22.2 CIBER 5.34 -.32 +14.1 CienaCorp 15.61 -.66 -25.8 Cisco 15.44 -.16 -23.7 Citigrp rs 37.74 -.64 -20.2 CleanDsl rs 6.55 +.48 -31.0 Clearwire 3.09 -.17 -40.0 CliffsNRs 97.77 -.23 +25.3 Clorox 73.04 -1.51 +15.4 CocaCE 27.93 -.24 +11.6 Coeur 28.29 +.21 +3.6 ColgPal 87.99 -1.02 +9.5 Comc spcl 23.19 -.17 +12.0 Comerica 32.31 -.28 -23.5 CmtyHlt 25.07 -.42 -32.9 Compuwre 9.33 -.12 -20.1 ConAgra 26.23 -.14 +16.2 ConnWtrSv 25.60 -.04 -8.2 ConocPhil 75.44 -.98 +10.8 ConsolEngy53.54 +1.20 +9.8 ConEd 52.53 -.72 +6.0 ConsolWtr 8.96 -.15 -2.3 CooperTire 18.36 -.84 -22.1 CornPdts 55.29 -.83 +20.2 Corning 16.50 -.24 -14.6 Covidien 51.57 -.57 +12.9 CSVS2xVxS21.98 +.97 -66.0 CSVelIVSt s16.07 -.40 +34.4 CredSuiss 35.29 -1.57 -12.7 Cree Inc 30.23 -.88 -54.1 CrownHold 36.67 -1.40 +9.9 Ctrip.com 43.61 -.45 +7.8 Cummins 103.50 -1.18 -5.9 CurEuro 140.59 -.36 +5.6 CybrOpt 9.28 -.02 +8.7 CypSemi 20.48 -.50 +10.2 CypSharp 12.67 -.30 -1.9 DCT Indl 5.24 -.11 -1.3 DNP Selct 10.00 -.05 +9.4 DR Horton 11.29 -.19 -5.4 DTE 49.79 -.54 +9.9 Danaher 52.48 -.14 +11.3 Darden 52.52 -.08 +13.1 DeanFds 11.21 -.36 +26.8 Deere 79.80 -1.89 -3.9 Dell Inc 16.79 -.18 +23.9 DeltaAir 8.06 -.35 -36.0 DenburyR 19.20 -.31 +.6 DeutschBk 50.78 -1.73 -2.4 DevelDiv 14.36 -.18 +1.9 DevonE 79.97 -.49 +1.9 Diageo 79.54 -1.04 +7.0 Diebold 30.86 -.43 -3.7 DirecTV A 51.68 -.48 +29.4 DrSCBr rs 35.63 +1.59 -23.9 DirFnBr rs 49.71 +1.93 +5.2 DirLCBr rs 35.47 +.96 -19.1 DrxEMBull 34.35 -1.28 -16.8 DirEMBear 18.87 +.63 -7.0 DrxFnBull 22.63 -.95 -18.7 DirxSCBull 78.20 -3.82 +8.0 DirxEnBull 77.35 -1.15 +32.3 Discover 25.80 +.37 +39.2 DishNetwk 30.67 -.10 +56.0 Disney 38.75 -.52 +3.3 DomRescs 48.00 -.46 +12.4 Dover 65.67 -.30 +12.4 DowChm 34.27 -.68 +.4 DrPepSnap 39.77 -1.06 +13.1 DryShips 3.96 -.08 -27.9 DuPont 53.47 -.62 +7.2 DukeEngy 18.63 -.22 +4.6 Dycom 17.03 -.21 +15.5 Dynegy 5.99 -.16 +6.6 ECDang n 11.05 -.79 -59.2 E-Trade 12.48 -.43 -22.0 eBay 32.70 -.12 +17.5 EMC Cp 26.64 -.17 +16.3 ENI 42.75 -.93 -2.3 EOG Res 101.52 +.33 +11.1 EQT Corp 59.06 +1.56 +31.7 Eastgrp 43.36 -.56 +2.5 EKodak 2.52 -.22 -53.0 ElPasoCp 20.12 -.01 +46.2 Elan 12.34 +.27+115.4 EldorGld g 18.43 +.55 -.8 ElectArts 23.61 +.01 +44.1 EmersonEl 54.86 -.51 -4.0 EnbrEPt s 29.55 -.16 -5.3 EnCana g 30.60 -.23 +5.1 EndvSilv g 10.83 +.25 +47.5 Ener1 .90 +.11 -76.3 Energen 59.15 -.40 +22.6 Energizer 78.60 +.20 +7.8 EngyConv 1.13 +.04 -75.4 EngyTsfr 47.99 -.33 -7.4 Entergy 67.22 -.12 -5.1 EntPrPt 42.88 -.13 +3.1 EntropCom 7.51 -1.05 -37.8 EnzoBio 4.08 -.20 -22.7 EricsnTel 13.59 -.25 +17.9 ExcoRes 16.21 -.21 -16.5 Exelon 43.11 -.26 +3.5 Expedia 29.75 -.51 +18.6 ExpScripts 51.72 -.25 -4.3 ExxonMbl 82.65 -.35 +13.0 Fastenal s 33.62 -.68 +12.2 FedExCp 90.46 -1.74 -2.7 FifthThird 11.99 -.06 -18.3 Finisar 16.98 -.19 -42.8 FstHorizon 9.35 -.25 -20.6 FMajSilv g 24.47 +1.90 +68.5 FstNiagara 12.89 -.22 -7.8 FirstEngy 42.88 -.40 +15.8 FlagstBcp 1.16 -.05 -28.8 Flextrn 6.15 +.01 -21.7 Fonar 2.04 +.08 +56.6 FootLockr 23.11 -.15 +17.8 FordM 12.90 -.19 -23.2 FordM wt 4.43 -.14 -45.6 ForestLab 37.95 -.51 +18.7 ForestOil 24.69 -.24 -35.0 FortuneBr 62.45 -.47 +3.7 FMCG s 55.05 -.29 -8.3 FDelMnt 26.31 -.84 +5.5 FrontierCm 7.58 -.13 -22.1 FuelCell 1.26 -.04 -45.5 FultonFncl 10.40 -.04 +.6 GT Solar 14.60 -.54 +60.1 GabDvInc 16.29 -.11 +6.1 GabelliET 5.96 -.10 +5.1 GameStop 23.42 -.17 +2.4 Gannett 13.01 -.47 -13.8 Gap 18.84 -.07 -14.5 GenElec 18.29 -.12 0.0 GenMills 37.40 -.35 +5.1 GenMot n 29.10 -.66 -21.1 GenOn En 3.98 -.12 +4.5 Gentex 29.68 -.84 +.4 Genworth 9.06 -.75 -31.1 Gerdau 9.23 -.26 -34.0 GileadSci 40.81 -.19 +12.6 GlaxoSKln 42.93 -.35 +9.5 GlimchRt 9.62 -.23 +14.5 GluMobile 5.78 -.05+179.2 GoldFLtd 15.57 +.12 -14.1 Goldcrp g 55.04 +.91 +19.7 GoldStr g 2.91 -.07 -36.6 GoldmanS129.33 -.83 -23.1 Goodyear 17.29 -.55 +45.9 Google 594.94 -2.68 +.2 Gramrcy lf 2.81 -.19 +21.6 GrtBasG g 2.24 +.06 -24.3 GtPanSilv g 3.96 +.03 +40.9 Greif A 63.37 -1.43 +2.4 GrifolsSA n 7.78 +.09 +1.7 GpoTMM 1.68 -.10 -32.7 Guess 39.26 -.27 -17.0 GulfportE 33.95 +1.95 +56.6 HSBC 47.66 -.77 -6.6 Hallibrtn 53.12 +.04 +30.1 HanJS 15.14 -.06 +.3 HarleyD 41.41 -.43 +19.4 HarrisCorp 41.83 -.69 -7.7 Harsco 30.76 -1.45 +8.6 HartfdFn 23.47 -.91 -11.4 Hasbro 39.40 -1.97 -16.5 HawaiiEl 23.82 -.29 +4.5 HeclaM 8.45 +.26 -25.0 HercOffsh 4.89 -.12 +40.5 Hertz 14.78 -.10 +2.0 Hess 72.49 -.44 -5.3 HewlettP 35.02 -.07 -16.8 HomeDp 35.69 -.22 +1.8 HonwllIntl 56.57 -.68 +6.4 Hospira 52.71 -.75 -5.4 HostHotls 16.49 -.31 -7.7 HudsCity 8.02 -.23 -37.0 HumGen 23.08 -.12 -3.4 HuntBnk 6.09 -.05 -11.4 Hydrognc 6.21 -.15 +65.2 IAMGld g 21.45 +.29 +20.5 ING 10.07 -.66 +2.9 INGPrRTr 6.06 -.05 +6.5 iShGold 15.69 +.13 +12.9 iSAstla 24.60 -.25 -3.3 iShBraz 68.79 -.81 -11.1 iSCan 31.60 -.36 +1.9 iShGer 25.30 -.39 +5.7 iSh HK 18.00 -.09 -4.9 iShJapn 10.53 -.13 -3.5 iSh Kor 64.50 -1.12 +5.4 iSMalas 14.85 -.37 +3.3 iSPacxJpn 45.37 -.54 -3.4 iSTaiwn 14.70 -.18 -5.9 iSh UK 17.29 -.21 -.5 iShSilver 39.47 +1.23 +30.8 iShChina25 41.21 -.12 -4.4 iShEMkts 46.12 -.54 -3.2 iShB20 T 95.24 -.93 +1.2 iS Eafe 57.32 -.86 -1.5 iSSPMid 96.17 -1.30 +6.0 iSR1KG 60.78 -.44 +6.1 iShR2K 81.48 -1.33 +4.1 iShREst 60.64 -.55 +8.4 ITT Corp 55.25 -1.15 +6.0 Immucor 26.83 -.04 +35.3 Informat 53.70 +.17 +22.0 IngerRd 43.54 -1.21 -7.5 InglesMkts 16.63 -.13 -13.4 Intel 22.28 -.09 +5.9 IBM 175.28 -.26 +19.4 IntlGame 17.74 -.27 +.3 IntPap 29.30 -.57 +7.6 Interpublic 11.86 -.26 +11.7 Intersil 11.83 -.35 -22.5 Intuit 48.40 -.96 -1.8 Invesco 21.43 -.76 -10.9 ItauUnibH 20.10 -.36 -15.9 JAlexandr 6.40 -.11 +21.9 J&J Snack 50.12 -.83 +3.9 JA Solar 4.45 -.14 -35.7 JDS Uniph 14.38 -.54 -.7 JPMorgCh 39.83 -.15 -6.1 Jabil 19.29 -.50 -4.0 JanusCap 8.66 -.22 -33.2 JpnSmCap 8.35 -.14 -6.9 JetBlue 5.42 -.19 -18.0 JohnJn 67.09 -.36 +8.5 JohnsnCtl 40.59 -.26 +6.3 JnprNtwk 30.03 -.60 -18.7 KB Home 9.23 -.12 -31.6 Kaydon 37.05 -.11 -9.0 Kellogg 54.97 -.27 +7.6 Keycorp 7.73 -.20 -12.7 Kimco 19.19 -.16 +6.4 KindME 73.19 +.14 +4.2 Kinross g 17.66 +.26 -6.9 KodiakO g 6.13 -.45 -7.1 Kohls 55.11 -.64 +1.4 KrispKrm 9.17 -.13 +31.4 Kroger 25.41 -.07 +13.6 Kulicke 9.30 -.30 +29.2 LDK Solar 6.32 -.20 -37.5 LSI Corp 6.53 -.16 +9.0 LamResrch 41.41 -.65 -20.0 LancastrC 62.07 -.88 +8.5 LVSands 44.17 -.83 -3.9 LennarA 17.37 -.37 -7.4 LeucNatl 32.91 -1.06 +12.8 Level3 2.26 -.09+130.6 LibtyMIntA 16.44 -.71 +4.2 LillyEli 38.05 -.28 +8.6 Limited 39.58 -.26 +28.8 LincNat 26.70 -.46 -4.0 LinearTch 30.07 -.41 -13.1 LizClaib 5.38 +.24 -24.9 LloydBkg 2.62 -.21 -36.3 LockhdM 77.44 -.93 +10.8 LaPac 7.99 -.11 -15.5 Lowes 22.50 -.22 -10.3 LyonBas A 36.84 -1.25 +7.1 MBIA 9.80 -.40 -18.3 MEMC 7.41 -.21 -34.2 MF Global 7.29 -.05 -12.8 MFA Fncl 7.70 -.09 -5.6 MMT 6.85 -.05 -.7 MGIC 4.62 -1.38 -54.7 MGM Rsts 14.79 -.14 -.4 Macys 29.69 -.29 +17.4 MagHRes 7.50 +.21 +4.2 Manulife g 16.25 -.52 -5.4 MarathnO s 31.40 -.28 +39.7 MarathP n 39.12 -.04 +.3 MktVGold 60.58 +.86 -1.4 MktVRus 37.92 -.74 0.0 MktVJrGld 39.07 +1.03 -2.1 MarIntA 34.24 -.70 -17.6 MarshM 29.47 -.40 +7.8 MarvellT 14.63 -.24 -21.1 Masco 11.32 -.05 -10.6 MassMCp s16.51 -.01 +8.0 Mattel 26.87 -.42 +5.7 MaximIntg 23.01 -.49 -2.6 McClatchy 2.46 -.17 -47.3 McCorm 49.02 -.21 +5.4 McDrmInt s 19.85 -.20 -4.1 McDnlds 85.40 -.08 +11.3 Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD The boutique investment bank post- ed a 22 percent rise in second quar- ter profit as financial advisory reve- nue increased. The women’s clothing seller is re- portedly in talks to sell its overseas Mexx stores to private equity firms. The president of the insurer’s strug- gling home and auto insurance unit is leaving the company immediately, with no explanation Europe's banking troubles and an impasse over lifting the U.S. government's borrowing limit helped drag stock prices sharply lower Monday. The fears also sent gold prices to a record high market price. Eight European banks failed tests to measure how well they would hold up under additional financial strain. The S&P 500 index fell 0.8 percent. The Dow Jones industrial aver- age fell 0.8 percent. The Nasdaq composite in- dex fell 1.2 percent. 25 30 $35 A J M J Allstate ALL Close: $28.01 -1.46 or -5.0% $26.86 $34.40 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 13.1m (3.0x avg.) $14.65 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 11.4 3.0% 4 5 6 $7 A J M J Liz Claiborne LIZ Close: $5.38 0.24 or 4.7% $4.07 $7.90 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 5.3m (2.0x avg.) $508.9 m 52-week range PE: Yield: ... ... 40 50 60 $70 A J M J Greenhill GHL Close: $46.50 unchanged or 0% $45.47 $84.51 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 2.1m (4.8x avg.) $1.38 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 44.3 3.9% Story Stocks Stocks of Local Interest 98.01 68.54 AirProd APD 2.32 92.92 -1.37 +2.2 30.70 20.82 AmWtrWks AWK .92 29.14 -.39 +15.2 51.50 41.60 Amerigas APU 2.96 43.98 -.61 -9.9 23.79 18.50 AquaAm WTR .62 21.79 -.36 -3.1 38.02 26.50 ArchDan ADM .64 29.63 -.67 -1.5 302.00 201.90 AutoZone AZO ... 295.36 -1.92 +8.4 15.31 9.88 BkofAm BAC .04 9.72 -.28 -27.1 32.50 23.78 BkNYMel BK .52 24.64 -.46 -18.4 17.49 6.08 BonTon BONT .20 9.59 -.32 -24.2 52.77 30.06 CIGNA CI .04 51.61 -.05 +40.8 39.50 26.84 CVS Care CVS .50 36.74 -.08 +5.7 68.89 51.92 CocaCola KO 1.88 67.12 -.41 +2.1 27.16 16.76 Comcast CMCSA .45 23.94 -.20 +9.4 28.95 21.76 CmtyBkSy CBU .96 24.30 -.40 -12.5 42.50 22.33 CmtyHlt CYH ... 25.07 -.42 -32.9 38.39 25.61 CoreMark CORE ... 36.92 -.20 +3.7 13.63 4.97 Entercom ETM ... 8.03 -.22 -30.7 21.02 7.71 FairchldS FCS ... 16.25 -.25 +4.1 9.84 7.25 FrontierCm FTR .75 7.58 -.13 -22.1 18.71 13.09 Genpact G .18 17.38 -.27 +14.3 13.74 7.59 HarteHnk HHS .32 8.26 -.30 -35.3 55.00 44.35 Heinz HNZ 1.92 53.13 -.31 +7.4 58.20 45.31 Hershey HSY 1.38 56.37 -.43 +19.6 36.02 28.56 Kraft KFT 1.16 35.18 -.19 +11.6 27.45 19.35 Lowes LOW .56 22.50 -.22 -10.3 95.00 72.03 M&T Bk MTB 2.80 84.85 -.71 -2.5 86.46 68.59 McDnlds MCD 2.44 85.40 -.08 +11.3 24.98 19.27 NBT Bcp NBTB .80 22.17 -.35 -8.2 9.26 3.64 NexstarB NXST ... 7.10 -.29 +18.5 65.19 49.43 PNC PNC 1.40 55.93 -.89 -7.9 28.38 24.10 PPL Corp PPL 1.40 27.54 -.24 +4.6 17.72 11.98 PennMill PMIC ... 16.62 -.03 +25.6 17.34 10.03 PenRE PEI .60 15.47 -.46 +6.5 71.89 61.71 PepsiCo PEP 2.06 68.00 -.53 +4.1 71.75 49.20 PhilipMor PM 2.56 66.83 -.10 +14.2 67.72 59.17 ProctGam PG 2.10 64.55 -.28 +.3 67.52 48.56 Prudentl PRU 1.15 59.78 -.98 +1.8 17.11 10.24 SLM Cp SLM .40 15.93 -.12 +26.5 60.00 32.41 SLM pfB SLMpB 4.63 55.83 -.67 +27.4 43.62 22.02 SoUnCo SUG .60 43.33 -.06 +80.0 12.45 7.06 Supvalu SVU .35 8.91 -.07 -7.5 55.94 39.56 TJX TJX .76 55.08 -.18 +24.1 33.53 26.28 UGI Corp UGI 1.04 31.18 -.70 -1.3 38.95 26.41 VerizonCm VZ 1.95 36.71 -.11 +2.6 57.90 49.09 WalMart WMT 1.46 53.32 -.31 -1.1 42.20 32.99 WeisMk WMK 1.16 41.16 -.41 +2.1 34.25 23.02 WellsFargo WFC .48 26.88 -.30 -13.3 USD per British Pound 1.6048 -.0075 -.47% 1.5979 1.5307 Canadian Dollar .9595 +.0038 +.40% .9927 1.0540 USD per Euro 1.4090 -.0046 -.33% 1.3392 1.2947 Japanese Yen 79.05 -.06 -.08% 82.54 86.71 Mexican Peso 11.7442 -.0041 -.03% 12.0450 12.9312 CURRENCY CLOSE PVS. %CH. 6MO. 1YR. Copper 4.40 4.41 -0.20 -0.51 +49.91 Gold 1602.10 1589.80 +0.77 +17.10 +35.58 Platinum 1774.40 1755.00 +1.11 -2.69 +17.56 Silver 40.33 39.06 +3.25 +39.56 +130.03 Palladium 793.35 779.40 +1.79 -1.86 +78.90 METALS CLOSE PVS. %CH. 6MO. 1YR. Foreign Exchange & Metals C M Y K PAGE 10B TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ W E A T H E R Attention Lo.iouorro c Lu:.rr. Court· Ho¬. Our.rs FHA Title I is now available through approved lenders to oualitied applicants tor home repairs up to $ 25,000 No Monev Down* No Eouitv Reouired* Attro:.c otti:.ot:ors u:ii oo:. uori .o¬ti.t.c o· o ouoi:t· .r.u tro::c.c o·: Homeowner Resource Center R.tio..¬.rt V:rcous · H.ot:r. S·st.¬ V:r·i S:c:r. · Roo/:r. · Irsuiot:or · Arc Mor.. *All applications will be numbered and processed on a frst come frst serve basis. Sorry, No Exceptions www.hrchelp.com For More Information Call: 1-866-465-4620 contractor #: PA001581 For More Information Call: 1-877-917-8844 ALMANAC REGIONAL FORECAST NATIONAL FORECAST For more weather information go to: www.timesleader.com National Weather Service 607-729-1597 Forecasts, graphs and data ©2011 Weather Central, LP Yesterday 89/66 Average 83/62 Record High 98 in 1953 Record Low 49 in 1956 Yesterday 13 Month to date 146 Year to date 354 Last year to date 471 Normal year to date 278 *Index of fuel consumption, how far the day’s mean temperature was above 65 degrees. Precipitation Yesterday 0.00” Month to date 1.84” Normal month to date 2.28” Year to date 28.45” Normal year to date 20.45” Susquehanna Stage Chg. Fld. Stg Wilkes-Barre 0.83 -0.15 22.0 Towanda 0.64 -0.07 21.0 Lehigh Bethlehem 2.86 0.54 16.0 Delaware Port Jervis 3.08 -0.01 18.0 Today’s high/ Tonight’s low TODAY’S SUMMARY Highs: 83-88. Lows: 60-63. Partly cloudy, chance of scattered thunderstorms. The Poconos Highs: 84-89. Lows: 69-72. Partly cloudy, scattered showers and thunderstorms. The Jersey Shore Highs: 84-88. Lows: 58-67. Becoming mostly sunny. The Finger Lakes Highs: 89-91. Lows: 64-72. Partly cloudy, chance of isolated thunderstorms. Brandywine Valley Highs: 84-95. Lows: 66-75. Partly to most- ly cloudy, chance of isolated thunderstorms. Delmarva/Ocean City Anchorage 64/53/.03 64/47/pc 66/51/pc Atlanta 87/72/.00 95/73/t 94/75/t Baltimore 94/70/.00 93/70/t 92/76/s Boston 86/75/.00 86/67/pc 86/74/s Buffalo 84/74/.11 85/67/pc 88/73/s Charlotte 90/69/.00 95/73/t 96/75/t Chicago 92/80/.01 88/76/t 94/78/pc Cleveland 92/74/.07 84/72/pc 88/75/s Dallas 101/82/.00 101/79/pc 101/80/pc Denver 93/65/.00 95/64/t 91/64/t Detroit 95/75/.59 90/74/pc 92/77/s Honolulu 86/75/.00 89/74/s 88/74/s Houston 92/79/.14 95/79/t 95/78/t Indianapolis 92/75/.00 92/75/t 95/78/s Las Vegas 104/80/.00 103/82/pc 103/81/pc Los Angeles 74/62/.00 75/65/pc 75/63/s Miami 93/78/.02 89/79/t 90/80/t Milwaukee 94/74/.00 83/72/s 91/76/s Minneapolis 98/80/.00 96/80/t 95/77/s Myrtle Beach 86/66/.00 91/76/s 93/77/t Nashville 92/71/.09 96/76/pc 96/76/t New Orleans 82/75/.78 92/77/t 93/78/t Norfolk 89/71/.00 95/75/t 95/76/s Oklahoma City 100/79/.00 101/82/pc 105/82/s Omaha 99/80/.00 99/79/s 99/80/s Orlando 89/74/.00 93/74/pc 96/78/pc Phoenix 111/90/.00 109/86/t 109/86/pc Pittsburgh 87/69/.00 89/68/t 91/71/pc Portland, Ore. 72/57/.01 72/58/c 71/57/c St. Louis 96/78/.00 99/79/pc 102/84/pc Salt Lake City 91/78/.00 93/68/t 89/69/pc San Antonio 99/78/.00 96/77/t 96/75/pc San Diego 74/64/.00 77/69/pc 75/67/s San Francisco 74/57/.00 68/53/s 75/52/s Seattle 70/50/.00 70/56/pc 67/53/sh Tampa 92/77/.00 92/74/pc 93/78/pc Tucson 102/77/.00 100/78/pc 101/80/pc Washington, DC 91/73/.00 93/74/t 93/76/s City Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Yesterday Today Tomorrow Amsterdam 63/57/.00 66/56/sh 64/54/sh Baghdad 109/88/.00 110/85/s 113/86/pc Beijing 84/70/.00 85/71/t 87/70/t Berlin 73/55/.00 75/61/pc 69/59/r Buenos Aires 55/46/.00 54/43/sh 56/40/s Dublin 61/54/.00 61/49/sh 61/48/pc Frankfurt 68/55/.08 71/58/sh 68/56/sh Hong Kong 91/79/.00 88/81/t 89/81/t Jerusalem 91/70/.00 90/68/s 88/67/s London 66/55/.00 70/55/sh 68/54/sh Mexico City 75/57/.00 73/57/t 71/57/t Montreal 82/70/.00 79/64/s 87/70/pc Moscow 82/63/.00 85/65/pc 84/65/t Paris 66/57/.00 66/54/sh 68/54/sh Rio de Janeiro 77/66/.00 78/63/s 77/64/s Riyadh 109/82/.00 114/87/s 114/86/s Rome 81/66/.00 84/65/sh 81/63/s San Juan 88/79/.00 90/78/t 90/79/t Tokyo 91/81/.00 84/76/r 83/76/t Warsaw 75/59/.04 79/64/t 78/62/t City Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Yesterday Today Tomorrow WORLD CITIES River Levels, from 12 p.m. yesterday. Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sn-snow, sf-snowflurries, i-ice. Philadelphia 91/72 Reading 91/67 Scranton Wilkes-Barre 87/61 88/62 Harrisburg 91/66 Atlantic City 87/70 New York City 89/70 Syracuse 88/62 Pottsville 89/63 Albany 85/63 Binghamton Towanda 87/60 87/59 State College 88/62 Poughkeepsie 88/63 101/79 88/76 95/64 98/77 96/80 75/65 68/55 97/79 100/65 70/56 89/70 90/74 95/73 89/79 95/79 89/74 60/49 64/47 93/74 Sun and Moon Sunrise Sunset Today 5:47a 8:32p Tomorrow 5:48a 8:32p Moonrise Moonset Today 10:33p 10:17a Tomorrow 10:57p 11:16a Last New First Full July 23 July 30 Aug. 6 Aug. 13 This will likely be our hottest week of the summer and the peak of the heat will arrive on Thursday. What lies ahead will not be the worst heat wave we’ve ever had which occurred in July back in 1936. That’s when we had six straight record breaking days with tem- peratures rang- ing from 95 to 103 degrees. Today, the chance for a stormwill be much less than on Monday now that a front has moved south of here. Starting tomorrow, the heat will intensi- fy and on Thursday, read- ings here in town could reach 100. The above aver- age temps should last into next week and by then, I’ll be more than ready for some relief. - Tom Clark NATIONAL FORECAST: Scattered showers and thunderstorms will be spread throughout the eastern United States today. Look for a chance of thunderstorms from portions of the Midwest, across the Ohio Valley and Mid-Atlantic and down to the Gulf Coast. Some storms near the Ohio Valley have the potential to be strong to severe. Recorded at Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Int’l Airport Temperatures Cooling Degree Days* Precipitation TODAY Mostly sunny, hot WEDNESDAY Sunny, hot 90° 60° FRIDAY Sun, a T- storm 95° 73° SATURDAY Mostly sunny 90° 69° SUNDAY Sun, a T- storm 85° 65° MONDAY Partly sunny 85° 65° THURSDAY Hotter, humid 95° 68° 88 ° 68 ° K HEALTH S E C T I O N C THE TIMES LEADER TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 timesleader.com 2 9 7 0 0 6 Independent Members of the Medical Staff The highly skilled orthopaedic surgeons at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital are experienced in advanced techniques, including the region’s only PiGalileo™ computer-assisted knee replacement surgery. Fromsports medicine to advanced bone and joint care, relief is closer than you think! Find a skilled orthopaedic surgeon at WVHCS.org. Thomas J. Allardyce, M.D. Michael P. Banas, M.D. Thomas W. Byron, M.D. William Charlton, M.D. Peter A. Feinstein, M.D. Eugene D. Kim, M.D. James Mattucci, M.D. Frank D. O’Brien, M.D. Michael C. Raklewicz, M.D. George Ritz, M.D. 10 great reasons more people choose us for orthopaedic care. When The Quiz sees an article titled “Have a Brewski! Help Your Health” — on the Amer- ican Dietetic Association’s “Eat Right” page on the web- site of Men’s Health, no less — well, we can’t help but click on it. Take our quiz based on the article, written not by Homer Simpson but by a real-life registered dietitian. 1. According to the Journal of the American Dietetic Associ- ation, people who drink one to two alcoholic drinks of any kind are less likely to suffer from what condition? a) Heart disease b) Colon cancer c) Sobriety 2. Why, says the article, is beer good for heart health? a) By “lowering one’s resting heart rate, especially post- exercise, thus reducing the chances of a cardiac ‘event.”’ b) By “replenishing lost fluids and electrolytes during the summer months, when re- search has shown many heart attacks occur.” c) By “making blood less sticky so it’s less likely to clot by increasing levels of ‘good’ HDL cholesterol while low- ering unhealthy LDL choles- terol.” 3. What is the secret ingredient that makes light beer lower in calories and carbohydrate content? a) Folic acid b) Ethanol c) Caffeine 4. According to a Tufts Uni- versity study, men who drank one to two beers a day had hip-bone densities how many times greater than nondrink- ers? a) Slightly more than two times b) About four times c) 10 times ANSWERS: 1. a; 2. c; 3. b; 4. b From The Times Leader wire service NUTRITION QUIZ: Beer Q: I was diagnosedwith “esophageal achalasia.” I didnot have anyre- fluxissues —just diffi- cultywithfoodenter- ingmystomach. I haven’t hadanytreat- ments inseveral years andfoodstill hesitates at the point of stomachentry. Is soft diet the best cure? A: Achalasia is a coordinationproblem withthe muscles involvedinswallowing. There’s supposedtobe a contractionof the lower esophageal muscles, followed bya relaxationof the lower esophageal sphincter as foodapproaches. If there’s damage or degenerationtothe nerves that control all this, achalasia will result. Symptoms of achalasia not onlyinclude difficultywithswallowingbut alsomay include chest painafter eating; heartburn; cough; regurgitationof food; andweight loss. Althoughwe can’t repair damagedor degeneratednerves, we caninsert dilat- ingtubes of graduallyincreasingdiameter tostretchopenthe sphincter. There are alsoinflatable tubes whichdothe same thing. Success is seeninupto75percent of folks for a periodof several years, but there’s a 3percent riskof rupturingthe esophagus. Botox, the same drugusedto treat facial wrinkles, has beeneffective for one year in60percent of folks. Surgerytocut throughsome of the constrictingesophageal muscles is the treatment of last resort. Moistenedsmall mouthfuls of soft foodmayhelptoget past a constrictedopening, but a sphinc- ter’s tone maybe toostrongtoallowfood toget through. Acidblockers shouldbe takenafter anytreatment intervention. Q: Couldyouplease write about the dangers of moldinthe home? A: Molds, whichare a fungus, will grow anywhere indoors where there’s moisture. Molds produce allergy-provokingsub- stances, irritants andmaycontaintoxic substances that canmake us sick. Fatigue, headaches, wateryeyes, irritatedlungs, shortness of breath, asthma anda myriad of healthconditions canbe linkedto fungal toxins. Stachybotrys moldis consideredtobe the prototypical “toxic” mold. Youmay have seenthis greenish-blackmoldgrow- ingoncellulose fiberboardor sheetrockin your dampbasement. Air conditioning ducts andwhole-house humidification units needtobe watchedfor moldas well. If you’ve foundmoldinyour home, it’s not important toidentifythe type of mold. Treat all moldas beingpotentially harmful. The first thingthat needs tobe done is tofixor cleanupanyleaks, and put a dehumidifier unit inyour home. It’s impossible toget ridof all moldandmold spores; some spores are airborne. For more information, here’s a linktoanEPA guide tomold: www.epa.gov/mold/ moldguide.html. ASK DR. H D R . M I T C H E L L H E C H T Surgery is last option to treat throat disorder Dr. Mitchell Hecht is a physician specializing in internal medicine. Send questions to him at: “Ask Dr. H,” P.O. Box 767787, Atlanta, GA 30076. Personal replies are not possible. Elder program set St. Luke’s Villa, formally Heri- tage House Retirement Commu- nity, will host a Meet-n-Greet at 2 p.m. on Thursday in the main lounge, 80 E. Northampton St., Wilkes-Barre. The guest speaker is Brenda D. Colbert, a certified elder law attorney from the Law Firm of Marshall, Parker, & Associates. Colbert will discuss essential estate planning tools, including wills, trusts, powers of attorney and advanced care planning. To register, call 826-1031. Red Cross benefit set The American Red Cross will benefit from an all-you-can-eat- and-drink event from 3 to 7 p.m. on Saturday at the Triple K Saloon, Main Street, Edwards- ville. There will be entertain- ment, a Chinese auction and prizes. Tickets are $25 per per- son, with all proceeds bene- fitting the Wyoming Valley chapter’s local Disaster Relief Fund. The event was created by Woody Meixsell, a past recipient of Red Cross’ assistance. Meix- sell’s home was affected by fire nearly a year ago. For more information or to purchases tickets, contact Meixsell at 332-3085. Go to bat for lung health The American Lung Associ- ation is participating in the State Farm Go to Bat program. The program, in which support- ers play an online baseball game, benefits nonprofit orga- nizations based on the amount of participants and points scored. Supporters are asked to visit www.statefarm.com/gotobat, select American Lung Associ- ation and play the game. Partici- pants may play three consec- utive times per day. State Farm will donate $18,000 to the char- ity with the highest game bat- ting average once a week for 10 consecutive weeks. Also, an individual winner who goes to bat for the winning charity will be randomly select- ed and receive a trip for two to Games 3 and 4 of the 2011 World Series. A total of 10 win- ners will be drawn throughout the program, which will con- clude on Sept. 26. The program will culminate during the World Series with a pre-game ceremo- ny. State Farm will announce and present a $25,000 donation to the charity that finishes the campaign with the highest Go to Bat batting average. The local chapter of the American Lung Association asks all supporters to add the event information to their Facebook pages. IN BRIEF Health briefs are limited to nonprofit entities and support groups. To have your health-oriented announcement included, send information to Health, Times Leader, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes- Barre, PA18711-0250; by fax: 829- 5537; or e-mail health@timeslead- er.com. Information must be received at least two weeks in advance. Parentsseekinghealthierres- taurant meals for their kids can start to look beyond chicken nuggets and macaroni-and- cheese. At least 19 restaurant chains — including Burger King, Chili’s, Outback Steak- house, Cracker Barrel, Denny’s and Friendly’s — said Wednes- day that they will include healthier options on their chil- dren’s menus. At least 15,000 restaurant locations will in- creaseservingsof fruitsandveg- etables, lean proteins, whole grains and low-fat dairy. The items will have less fats, sugars andsodium. Less healthy foods like burg- ers and fries will still be on the menu, but the restaurants say they will do more to promote healthier options. Chili’s, for ex- ample, will highlight a chicken sandwich with a side of pineap- ple or mandarin oranges on their kids’ menu. Burger King has recently reformulated chil- dren’s chicken nuggets so they include less sodium, and em- ployees taking orders will now ask if customers want healthier apple fries instead of the stan- dard“fries withthat?” Theeffort is part of anewNa- tional Restaurant Association initiative. To be part of the pro- gram, restaurants must include atleastonekids’ menuitemthat is 600 calories or less and meet other nutritional requirements. Aside dish worth less than 200 calories must also be included. The federal government will also soon require restaurants to post calories ontheir menus. Eateries will improve kids menus By MARY CLARE JALONICK Associated Press The womeninside the Webster Groves, Mo., studio looked as though they were channeling Muhammad Ali, Mikhail Ba- ryshnikov and any of a dozen Hollywood starlets who have long lean torsos (think Gwyneth Paltrow). They stood, feet apart, abdomens sucked in, punching the air with their right fists. Their left hands were raised to their left ear in a protective manner as in- structor Kristin Dabney egged them on. “Cellphones, ladies. Keep your left hand up near your ear,” she yelled over thumping music. “Punch punch punch punch.” The air inside The Scoop — A Pilates Studio was taking a brutal beating. Piloxing is the latest group cardio exer- cise craze. It’s an interdisciplinary pro- gram that combines the sculpting and flexibilityof Pilates withthe power, speed and agility of boxing. It also adds a healthy dose of dance moves including hip-hop, salsa and especially ballet, re- quiring immense core strength, balance and coordination. In Pilates, all movement should begin in what practitioners call the powerhouse — the hips, abs, lower and upper back, buttocks and inner thighs — and flow outward to the limbs. That explains why many of Piloxing’s moves have controlled ballet-like movements that work the low- er body. WhenJosephPilates createdhis fitness program in the early 20th century, he ini- tially calledit Contrology andhis first stu- dents were dancers who helped build on his ideas. Coincidentally, or not, Piloxing was created by Viveca Jensen, a Swedish dancer and trainer to Hollywood celebri- ties, to “physically and mentally empow- er women through fitness.” St. Louis Fitness Club on Hampton Avenue, Main Street Gym in St. Charles and the Jewish Community Center in Creve Coeur and Chesterfield also offer Piloxing classes. During the Piloxing class at Scoop, Dabney led the class through a routine that went fromboxing andhip hop moves to squatting with the knees turned out in- toa modifiedplie, as inballet. Thepartici- pants raised their left legs repeatedly in a controlled manner, first out in front, then to the side and finally to the back, until lactic acid burned in their right thighs. Then they switched to the other side and did the same. Sometimes they raninplace withchop- py, rapid-fire foot falls while punching so quicklythat their hands were practicallya blur. Several women wore weighted gloves to help further tone the arms and maximize the cardiovascular effects. “Pilates movement fundamentals help you find your balance and recruit your muscles more efficiently,” said Dabney. “But there was one woman at the JCC who is a workout fanatic, and she said ev- ery muscle in her body was sore the next day. You recruit a whole set of muscles you don’t use in other workouts.” She compares building muscles with Pilates and Piloxing to opening a Russian nesting doll from the inside out — you start by working the small internal mus- cles in the core which help with balance and move outward to larger muscle groups. “Andas we age, that element of balance becomes morecritical soit’s prettyimpor- tant for everybody,” she said. MCT PHOTOS Viveca Jensen, right, the creator of Piloxing, and her instructor Sara Vorce lead a class in the Toluca Lake, Calif., studio. Piloxing a new cardio craze By CYNTHIA BILLHARTZ GREGORIAN St. Louis Post-Dispatch Kristin Dabney demonstrates piloxing, which combines Pilates with boxing. C M Y K PAGE 2C TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ H E A L T H LOOKINGFOR a holistic way to reduce stress, cholesterol and obesity? Get a pet. Statistics show that 62 percent of Ameri- can households own a pet. Ac- cording to a national survey, most pet owners say companion- ship, love, company and affec- tionaretheNo. 1benefits toown- ing a pet. We know that pets make good companions and decrease loneli- ness, but numerous studies have shown other profound health benefits of owning a pet: 1. Pets help recovery from heart attacks. A National Insti- tutes of Health study of 421 adults found that dog owners had a better one-year survival af- ter a heart attack, compared to those who did not own dogs. 2. Pets help us calm down. A study of 240 married couples showed that pet owners had low- er heart rates and blood pressure as compared to those without pets. 3. Pets help reduce stress bet- ter than our human companions. Pet owners had less stress and quicker recovery from stress when they were with their pets as compared to when they were with their spouse or friend. 4. Pet owners have less obesi- ty. A study looking at 2,000 adults found that pet owners who walked their dogs had less rates of obesity and were more physically active than those without pets. 5. Pet owners have better mo- bility in their golden years. An- other NIHstudy looking at 2,500 adults aged 71-82 showed that adults who regularly walked their dogs had more mobility in- side the house thannon-pet own- ers. 6. Pets increase opportunities for socialization. Many studies have shown that walking a dog leads to more conversations and socialization. 7. Pets can help your choleste- rol. TheCenters for DiseaseCon- trol and Prevention states that owning a pet can decrease cho- lesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. 8. Pets can help comfort chil- dren. Child psychologists have found that pets can be very com- fortingtochildrenandhelpthem developempathy. Theyhavealso been found to help autistic chil- dren with socialization. So for those of you with pets, continue to enjoy the hidden health benefits of your furry friends. And for those of you thinking of getting one — do so. Pet ownership may be a path to your good health. Surveys say pet owners may be healthier, happier By DRS. KAY JUDGE AND MAXINE BARISH-WREDEN McClatchy Newspapers BACK MOUNTAIN FREE MED- ICAL CLINIC: 6:30 p.m. Fridays, 65 Davis St., Shavertown. Volun- teers, services and supplies needed. For more information, call 696-1 144. BMWFREE COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC: 6-8 p.m., second Thursday, New Covenant Christian Fellowship Church, rear entrance, 780 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Free basic care for people without health insurance and the underserved. Call 822- 9605. CARE AND CONCERN FREE HEALTH CLINIC: Registration 5-6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, former Seton Catholic High School, 37 William St., Pittston. Basic health care and information provided. Call 954-0645. THE HOPE CENTER: Free basic medical care and preventative health care information for the uninsured or underinsured, legal advice and pastoral counseling, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Mondays; free Chiropractic evaluations and vision care, including free re- placement glasses, for the uninsured or underinsured, 6-8 p.m. Thursdays; Back Mountain Harvest Assembly, 340 Carv- erton Road, Trucksville. Call 696-5523. PEDIATRIC HEALTH CLINIC for infants through age 1 1, former Seton Catholic High School, 37 William St., Pittston. Regis- trations accepted from 4:30- 5:30 p.m. the first and third Wednesday of each month. Parents are required to bring their children’s immunization records. For more information, call 855-6035. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday, 190 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Wilkes-Barre. Primary and pre- ventive health care for the working uninsured and under- insured in Luzerne County with incomes less than two times below federal poverty guide- lines. For appointments, call 970-2864. WILKES-BARRE FREE CLINIC: 4:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday, St. Ste- phen’s Episcopal Church, 35 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre. Ap- pointments are necessary. Call 793-4361. Physicians, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, RNs, LPNs and social workers are needed as well as receptionists and interpreters. To volunteer assistance leave a message for Pat at 793-4361. FREE MEDICAL CLINICS LUZERNE COUNTY: The Wyom- ing Valley Chapter of the Amer- ican Red Cross hosts communi- ty blood drives throughout the month. Donors who are 17 years of age or older, weigh at least 1 10 pounds and are in relatively good health or 16 years old and have a parental permission form completed, may give blood every 56 days. To learn more about how to donate blood or platelets or to schedule a blood donation, call 1-800-REDCROSS (733-2767). In addition to those listed below, blood drives are conducted at the American Red Cross Regional Blood Center, 29 New Commerce Blvd., Hanover Industrial Estates, Ashley, Mon- days and Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m.; Fridays and Sat- urdays from 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m.; and Sundays from 7:30 a.m.- noon. Appointments are sug- gested but walk-ins are accept- ed. Platelet appointments can be made by calling 823-7164, ext. 2235. Blood Drives also take place from 9 a.m.-noon on the first and third Monday of each month at the Hazleton Chapter of the American Red Cross,165 Susquehanna Blvd., Hazleton. For a complete donation schedule, visit: REDCROSSBLOOD.ORG or call 1-800-REDCROSS (733- 2767). Area blood donation sites include: Today, noon-6 p.m., Thomas P. Saxton Medical Pavilion, 468 Northampton St., Edwardsville; 12:30-6 p.m., Veterans of For- eign Wars Post 4909, 403 Main St., Dupont. Thursday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Depart- ment of Veterans Affairs Med- ical Center, 1 1 1 1 East End Blvd., Plains Township. Sunday, 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Our Lady of Victory Church, Second Street and Route 415, Harveys Lake. Monday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Geisinger Wyoming Valley, 1000 E. Moun- tain Drive, Plains Township; 12:30-6:30 p.m., Irem Country Club, 397 Country Club Road, Dallas Township. July 26, 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Jewish Community Center, 760 S. River St., Wilkes-Barre; noon-6 p.m., American Legion Post 644, 259 Shoemaker St., Swoyersville; 1-6 p.m., Wright Township Fire Hall, 477 S. Main Road, Mountain Top. BLOOD DRIVES TUESDAY GASTRIC BYPASS SUPPORT: 5-8 p.m. Dorranceton United Methodist Church, 549 Wyom- ing Ave., Kingston. Call 864- 3289. GENTLE YOGA CLASS FOR CANCER PATIENTS & OTH- ERS: 5:30-6:45 p.m., Candy’s Place, 190 Welles St., Forty Fort. Free to cancer patients (doctor’s note required for all patients); $5 per class or $30 per month for all others. Call 714-8800. INFERTILITY SUPPORT GROUP: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Area RESOLVE peer-led support group, 7 p.m., Kistler Learning Center, Geisinger Wyoming Valley, 1000 East Mountain Blvd., Plains Township. Visit www.resolve.org or contact Stacey at 814-6552 or [email protected]. WEDNESDAY ALZHEIMER’S & DEMENTIA SUPPORT: for family, friends and professionals, 6:30 p.m., Oakwood Terrace, 400 Gleason Drive, Moosic. Call Sylvia at 451-3171, ext. 1 16, for more in- formation. CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: 4 p.m., Wilkes-Barre General Hospital, radiation-oncology department, 575 N. River St., Wilkes-Barre. Call 552-1300 to register. EXERCISE CLASS: 10:15-1 1:30 a.m., standing strong chair class, Candy’s Place, 190 Welles St., Forty Fort. Free to cancer patients (doctor’s note required for all patients); $5 per class or $30 per month for all others. Call 714-8800. PARKINSON’S SUPPORT: for those with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers, 4 p.m., board room, Charles Luger Outpatient Center, Allied Ser- vices, Moffat Drive, Scranton. For information, call 348-1407. THURSDAY CHEMOTHERAPY SIDE EF- FECTS: 6-7:30 p.m., Candy’s Place, 190 Welles St., Forty Fort. Call 714-8800 for reservations. HIV CLINIC: for Wilkes-Barre residents only, 2-4 p.m., Kirby Health Center, 71 N. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre. Call 208-4268 for information. LUPUS SUPPORT GROUP: in- cluding an autoimmune disease support group with the ob- jective of overcoming obstacles creatively with art, 1 1 a.m., Lupus Foundation of PA, 615 Jefferson Ave., Scranton. Call (888) 995-8787 or visit www.lu- puspa.org. SPINA BIFIDA SUPPORT GROUP: 7-9 p.m., Mercy Hospi- tal, second floor meeting room, Scranton. Call Christine Warner at 586-0925 to register. MONDAY ADDICTION HELP: confidential one-on-one discussion about drug and alcohol addiction and referrals, 7:30 p.m., Stickney building, 24 S. Prospect St., Nanticoke. Call 762-4009 for an appointment. NAMI CONNECTIONS: a consum- er support group for people living with mental illness, 6-7:30 p.m., Suite 6 (second floor), Thomas C. Thomas building, 100 E. Union St., Wilkes-Barre. HEALTH CALENDAR The health calendar is limited to nonprofit entities and support groups. To have your health-oriented event listed here, send information to Health, Times Leader, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA18711-0250; by fax: 829-5537; or e-mail [email protected]. New and updated information must be re- ceived at least two weeks in ad- vance. To see the complete calen- dar, visit www.timesleader.com and click Health under the Features tab. Selecting a healthier version of ice cream can be confusing with all the options in today’s stores. Here’s some advice from Gloria Tsang, a registered diet- itianandauthor of the newbook “Go Undiet”: • Go easy on premium ice cream. “Premium” means higher fat — typically, between 250 and 280 calories per serving com- pared to 180 calories for regular ice cream. That’s not necessarily badif youcankeepportionsizeto about half a cup. But choose a lower-fat version if you need sev- eral scoops to be happy. •Don’t write off low-fat prod- ucts. If you tried one of these ice creams years ago and hated it, try again. New whipping tech- nology has made many brands much creamier. • Avoid mix-ins and syrups. Extra toppings add up quickly: an ounce of chocolate syrup adds 75 calories, for example, while a blob of whipped cream might be another 45. •Skipthe shakes. Large milk- shakes from fast-food and chain restaurants can pack as many as 1,500 calories. They also tend to be loaded with fat, sugar and even salt. • Try ice cream alternatives. Frozen yogurt and gelato typi- callyare made withmilkinstead of cream, which can save 40 to 50 calories per half cup. Most sherbet (about 105 calories per half cup) and sorbet (about 100 calories) is made of fruit puree, sugar and water; sorbet is milk- free, while sherbet has low-fat milk added. Choose one that lists fruit puree as the first or second ingredient. Make ice cream a healthy snack By ALISON JOHNSON Daily Press (Newport News, Va.) 2 0 5 0 1 4 760-4797 Professional Work That Is Guaranteed! Licensed and Insured - Ask for References LOTS CLEARED - TREES REMOVED DRAINAGE PROBLEMS SOLVED WALLS, WALKS & DRIVEWAYS DEMOLISHED SPECIALIZING IN - INGROUND POOL FILL - IN COMPLETE LANDSCAPING NEW LAWNS - YARD PROJECTS TOP SOIL, FILL & GRAVEL SPREAD PAVERS, FIELD STONE, FLAGSTONE AND CONCRETE SHRUBS & BUSHES REMOVED LANDSCAPING AND EXCAVATING RED TREES REMOVED 4 Rittenhouse Place Drums, PA 18222 570-401-6013 [email protected] Owner: Stephane Cloud ISSA Certified Personal Trainer Guess what is the No. 1 Athletic activity in the World? It is Weight Training to Build Muscle and Lose Weight. Guess how many people perform weight training exercises correctly? Less than 10%. More people are choosing Cloud9 or an Effective Weight Training program and reaching their Muscle Building and Weight Loss Goals. And now it is your turn. Don’t Let any more life pass away without results!!!, Let us be your guide to a ftter you...... 520 Third Ave • Kingston CALL 714-6460 TODAY! www.pinnaclerehabilitation.net Attention Golfers! Is A Golf Injury Affecting Your Game? Kevin M. Barno, MPT K. Bridget Barno, PT PINNACLE REHABILITATION ASSOCIATES MASSAGE THERAPY NOW AVAILABLE Kevin M. Barno, MPT • K. 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Click on the Garage Sales icon at the top of our home page to get started! WB g s t o n F o rty-F o rt Dallas 8 2 6 -170 0 W ilk es -B a rre Dr. S helleyEs k in Dr. Fra n k Ga zd a Dr. M eg a n W es n a k 2 8 8 -74 71 W yo m ing Dr. Lew E. Lis s es 6 75 -8 8 8 8 D a lla s Dr. M eg a n W es n a k 9 6 1-14 0 0 Sc ra nto n Dr. M a rk Pen s a k Dr. M eg a n W es n a k 8 3 6 -3 70 0 Tu nk ha nno c k Dr. M a rk Pen s a k & A s s ocia tes WILKES-BARRE IMAGING CENTER HIGH-FIELD MRI OPEN MRI CT and DIGITALX-RAY WILKES-BARRE IMAGING CENTER 146 MUNDYSTREET WILKES-BARRE, PA18702 Contact a Patient Service Representive Today Same Day Appointments • Same Day Report Turnaround 570-824-9242 www.tristateimaging.com AreYou Suffering With Pain,Tingling, or Numbness inYour Feet or Ankles? Do what Ed Labatch did…He Called The Neuropathy Center! FREE Consultation “I had very little feeling in my legs and feet that I couldn’t even drive. After treatment at the Neu- ropathy Center I can not only drive again but enjoy life like I used to… without pain.” I had neuropathy in my legs and had very little feeling to the point that I couldn’t even drive my car. I suffered for about three years. I couldn’t stand very long or do many of the regular activities that I loved to do with my wife. I found that I sat around a lot. After meeting with the professional staff at the Neuropathy Center I knew that there was hope for me. After just my second treatment I felt life in my legs again. I couldn’t believe it! My experience has been terrific! Now my wife Betty and I can continue to enjoy our active life doing the things we love including Polka dancing!! I would highly recommend anyone who is suffering from Neuropathy pain to make an appointment today.Their caring staff were never to busy to answer any & all of my questions… in fact we always look forward to our visit. NEUROPATHY CENTER KINGSTON AT THE NEUROPATHY CENTER - CALL 287-5560 TODAY Ed Labatch Michele Holincheck CRNP • Charles Stevens MSPT 250 Pierce St. • Suite 108 • Kingston • 287-5560 Going on now through July 23rd C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 3C Photographs and information must be received two full weeks before your child’s birthday. To ensure accurate publication, your information must be typed or comput- er-generated. Include your child’s name, age and birthday, parents’, grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ names and their towns of residence, any siblings and their ages. Don’t forget to include a daytime contact phone number. We cannot return photos submitted for publication in community news, including birthday photos, occasions photos and all publicity photos. Please do not submit precious or original professional photographs that require return because such photos can become damaged, or occasionally lost, in the production process. Send to: Times Leader Birthdays, 15 North Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711- 0250. GUIDELINES Children’s birthdays (ages 1-16) will be published free of charge ➛ C O M M U N I T Y N E W S If your child’s photo and birthday announcement is on this page, it will automatically be entered into the “Happy Birthday Shopping Spree” drawing for a $50 certificate. One winner will be announced on the first of the month on this page. WIN A $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Meghan Katherine Hines, daugh- ter of Katherine and Robert Hines, Mountain Top, is cele- brating her 14th birthday today, July 19. Meghan is a grand- daughter of Dorothy Farrell, Wilkes-Barre; the late Gene Farrell; and the late Robert Hines and the late Anna Hines. She has two sisters, Elizabeth, 12, and Erin, 10. Meghan K. Hines Emma J. Solomon, daughter of Jenny and Rick Solomon, Lu- zerne, is celebrating her seventh birthday today, July 19. Emma is a granddaughter of Helen Solo- mon, Forty Fort, and Ralph and Alice Lepore, Exeter. She is a great-granddaughter of Ralph and Regina Lepore, Exeter. Em- ma has a sister, Ava, 3. Emma J. Solomon Matthew Mark Richards II, son of Matthew and Jennifer Richards, Dallas, celebrated his sixth birth- day on July 18. Matthew is a grandson of Ann Etter and Bruce and Catherine Richards, Wilkes- Barre. He is a great-grandson of Sandy Richards, Luzerne; the late Stanley and Helen Szczup- ski, Wilkes-Barre Township; the late Fred and Brenda Phillips, Wilkes-Barre; and the late John and Christine Richards, Luzerne. He has a brother, Tyler, 2. Matthew M. Richards II LUZERNE COUNTY: The Luzerne County Commission- ers and the Luzerne County Veteran Affairs office is orga- nizing a free chartered bus trip for Luzerne County veterans interested in attending the Recruit Military Opportunity Expo job fair taking place July 28 at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia. This is a free hiring event for veterans who already have civilian work experience, men and women who are transition- ing from active duty to civilian life, members of the National Guard and reserves, and mil- itary spouses. For reservations and for more information, contact Jim Spagnola, director of Luzerne County Veteran Affairs, at 706-3975. Participants must also preregister for the job fair at recruitmilitary.com. PITTSTON: Ruth Gonzalez, veterans’ employment repre- sentative from the PA Luzerne County CareerLink, will be at the Veterans of the Vietnam War Headquarters, 603 S. Township Blvd., from1:30 to 3:30 p.m. on July 26. Gonzalez will help veterans with unemployment, job searches, state and federal civil service opportunities, local jobs, resume assistance, in- formation on education train- ing options and more. Appoint- ments are not required. Call 1-800-843-8626 for more in- formation. NEWS FOR VETERANS PETS OF THE WEEK Name: Mikayla Sex: female Age: 1 year old Breed/type: Turkish angora/Maine Coon mix Name: Sandy Sex: female Age: 2 years old Breed/type: Welsh corgi-Sheltie mix How to adopt: Call or visit the Hazle- ton Animal Shelter, 101 North Poplar St. (corner of Hemlock) in Hazle- ton. Phone 454-0640. Hours for adoptions are Monday through Saturday from1 to 4 p.m.; Sunday 1 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. Business hours are Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wish List: donations of cat food, cleaning supplies, paper products, and blankets are in need. The 58th anniversary of the end of the Korean War will be com- memorated by the Korean War Veterans Association of Wyoming Valley at 1 1 a.m. on Saturday on the south lawn of the Luzerne County Courthouse, North River Street, Wilkes-Barre. In the event of inclement weather the ceremony will take place inside the cour- thouse. The principal speaker is Dr. Jere Packard, a Marine Corps veteran and past president of Wyoming Seminary Preparatory School. Special remarks will be provided by Vince Riccardo, staff assistant to the director of the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Plains Township. The ceremony will pay special homage to prisoners of war, the wounded and the 142 servicemen from Luzerne County who were killed in action during the three- year ‘Forgotten War,’ and the 33 soldiers from the federalized 109th Field Artillery, Pennsylvania National Guard, who were enroute for deployment when killed in a train wreck in Ohio. Committee mem- bers organizing the event, from left, are Neno Sartini; Joe Sincav- age, commander; Victor Habib; and Bob Alper, public affairs officer and ceremony chairman. Ceremony will commemorate Korean War ending Holy Redeemer High School students hosted two interna- tionally known speakers during an assembly on ‘Chastity – A Choice for Life.’ Speakers were Molly Kelly and Mark Houck, from The King’s Men in Quakertown. Caroline Jones, a student at Holy Redeemer, also participated. She is an award winner in the regional History Day contest and will compete in the state contest with her performance ‘Norma McCorvey’s Per- sonal Struggle: A Monologue Regarding the Pro-Choice/Pr-Life Debate,’ and will be a speaker at the Pennsylvanians for Life’s Pro-Life Dinner later this year. From left are Anita Sirak, Holy Redeemer principal; Jones; Houck; Kelly; Catherine Podczaski, Holy Redeemer theology faculty member and Pro-Life Club adviser; and the Rev. John Victoria, Holy Redeemer chaplain. Redeemer students attend presentation on chastity Employees from the Woodlands Inn & Resort and Evolution night club won $500 and earned second place in a ‘Bartender Olympics.’ The bartenders donated their winnings to the American Diabetes Association. ‘Team Woodlands’ presenting the check to Dawn Fer- nandez, associate director, American Diabetes Association, are Jen Chang, marketing intern; Simone Allen, bartender; Jason Harris, bartender; Kimberly Eckhar, bartender; Melissa Reynolds, bartend- er; and Jeanne Stanton, manager. Team Woodlands places in ‘Bartender Olympics’ The 109th Artillery Heritage Association and Applebee’s in Wilkes-Barre Township will host ‘Car Cruz’ events from 6-9 p.m. Aug. 15 and Sept. 19 to raise awareness about the 109th Field Artillery’s rich history. There will be various giveaways, prizes awarded for Best on Display, and members of the Heritage Associ- ation will be available to answer questions about the field artillery unit. Applebee’s manager Neil Marcen was presented the Amer- ican Patriot Award in recognition of his sustained support of Army National Guard soldiers. For more information on these events, call Bob Daubert at 824- 7015 or visit the 109th Artillery Heritage Association on Face- book for event photos. Repre- sentatives, first row, are Billy McGuiness, Marcen, Sgt. 1st Class John Paul Karpovich, and Sgt. 1st Class Bob Lemanski. Second row: Jerry Yakobitis, Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Lipo, David Kline, and Daubert. ‘Car Cruz,’ Applebee’s raising awareness of 109th unit’s history EDWARDSVILLE: The Edwardsville Senior Center, 57 Russell St., will host glaucoma screenings by the Association of the Blind from10 to 11:30 a.m. today. For more information, call Jim at 287-3381. KINGSTON: Kingston Se- nior Center, 680 Wyoming Ave., will have a “Show and Tell” event at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday. Thursday is Country West- ern Day. Members are encour- aged you to dress accordingly. Lunch begins at 11:40 a.m. “Dedra and Al” will provide entertainment from noon to 1 p.m. New members are being accepted. For more informa- tion, call 287-1102. MOUNTAIN TOP: An AARP Driver Safety refresher class sponsored by the Marian Suth- erland Kirby Library from10 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Thursday at NEWS FOR SENIORS See SENIORS, Page 4C Editor’s Note: Information for this column may be sent to peo- [email protected] or Senior News, The Times Leader, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA1871 1. To ensure accuracy, information must be typed or computer- generated. The deadline is each Thursday at noon for all copy. For more information, contact Mi- chele Harris at 829-7245. C M Y K PAGE 4C TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ C O M M U N I T Y N E W S Bu yingGoldJewelry D ia m onds,Pla tinu m , Pu reS ilver,S terling, Indu stria l & Coin S ilver A ntiqu eJewelry(Brok en OK) Dental Gold,Gold Filled Eyeglasses,Etc. K IN G T U T ’S G O L D R E PA IR H U T 824-4150 322 N. PENN A VE. W -B $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 9 5 9 3 9 2 9 6 5 2 1 AAANNNYYYTTTHHHIIINNNGGG OOOFFF VVVAAALLLUUUEEE HIGHEST CASH PAID Always Buying: Gold, Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Broken Jewelry, Costume Jewelry, Antiques, Coins 476 Bennett Street, Luzerne • 570-288-1966 Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 11-6 y, y, y, y, AAntiq iq qqqquue ess, ,, C Cooins ns WATCH BATTERIES ONLY $4 INSTALLED! Coo CCost sttum ummeeee Je JJewee w lr lr WE CARRY BIAGI ITALIAN BEAD BRACELETS! SPECIALIZEDINBUYING&SELLINGLARGE DIAMONDS Receive your best offer and come visit us! Visit Us On Facebook 2 9 9 6 3 0 Does Hearing Aid Advertising HaveYou Confused? Come to the hearing experts for common sense answers to your questions. Your hearing deserves the best. • Knowledge and Experience- Doctors of Audiology, over 60 years of combined service • Convenient DownTown Locations-ParkingValidated • FullTime Service- Monday through Friday Call us and arrange a no obligation consultation AUDIOLOGY&HEARING CENTERS www.audiologyhearing.com WILKES-BARRE 34 S. MAINST PROVINCIALTOWERS 822-6122 PECKVILLE 1339 MAINST BESEN MEDICAL BLDG 383-0500 SCRANTON 321 SPRUCE ST BANK TOWER 343-7710 the library. This course is open only to anyone who took the course approximately three years ago. Cost is $14 per person, with a $2 discount for AARP members. Students should bring a light lunch for the half-hour break. Coffee, tea, and a snack will be available. To register, contact instructor Pat Pisaneschi at 868-6732 or [email protected]. MOUNTAIN TOP: The Moun- tain Top Social Club will meet July 26 in the Father Nolan Hall Day Room at St. Jude’s Church. Doors will open at 12:30 pm. Anyone age 50 or older can join. The club will travel to the Rainbow Theatre, Lancaster, on Aug. 17. The bus will pickup Wilkes-Barre area residents at St. Aloysius Church, Barney Street. For reservations or more in- formation call Otto at 474-0641. PITTSTON: The Pittston Se- nior Center, 441 N. Main St., is forming a walking group to meet at 9:30 a.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For more information, call 655-5561. PITTSTON: Tobyhanna Army Depot retirees will meet at 8 a.m. on Wednesday at Perkins Restau- rant & Bakery, state Route 315. All TAD retirees and current employees are invited. For more information call Bernie Petrasek at 287-9093 or 239-1682 bjpe- [email protected]. PLAINS TWP.: Plains Senior Citizens, Project Head, will meet at 1 p.m. on Wednesday in the cafeteria at SS. Peter and Paul School, Hudson Road. Refresh- ments start at noon. Guest speaker attorney Matt Cart- wright will discuss seniors’ rights. Upcoming trips will be revealed by coordinator Michael Boncheck. Hosts Jean Curtis, Sophie Czachor, Carmella DeBonis, Marie Dominick, Eleanor Donato and Mary Drew are asked to arrive by 11:30 a.m. to setup the refreshments. New members are invited to join. The group will have a table to enlist new members at the “Night Out” event planned from 5 to 9 p.m. on Aug. 2 at the Leo Solomon School, Abbott Street. TUNKHANNOCK: The Wyom- ing County Senior Center, 101 Dymond Terrace, will host the Sadie Green Sales Jug Band at 3:30 p.m. today. Glaucoma screenings by the Greater Wilkes-Barre Association for the Blind will be offered Wednesday. Thursday is Country Day. Members are invited to dress in western attire. An identity theft program pre- sented by representatives of the attorney general’s office and state Rep. Karen Bobeck will take place Friday. Refreshments will be served. For more information, call 836-2324. The shuffleboard team will play at Tunkhannock on Monday. WILKES-BARRE: Glaucoma screenings by the Greater Wilkes- Barre Association for the Blind will be offered at 10 a.m. today at the Charles T. Adams Senior Center, 5 E. Market St. Thursday from noon to 4 p.m. is Country Day. A Christmas in July Party will take place Monday. For more information, call 825-3484. WILKES-BARRE: The Rain- bow Seniors of Wilkes-Barre will meet at 1 p.m. today at Albright United Methodist Church, Dana and Grove streets. Servers are Bernice Krasnahill, Ted and Joan Krasnahill, and Betty Krasnahill. New members are invited to attend. WILKES-BARRE TWP.: The RCA Nipper Club will convene at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Old Country Buffet, East End Centre. WYOMING: The Wyoming- West Wyoming Seniors will have its annual picnic today at the Daley Park pavilion, Shoemaker Avenue, West Wyoming. Dinner will be served at noon. Bingo and games will be played. There will be no meeting. The next meeting is at 1:30 p.m. on Aug. 2 at St Monica Parish. Servers are Ann Koaloski, Mary Mattani and Char- lotte Piezala. New members are invited. Parking is available for the handicapped. Members celebrated the birth- day of Ann Stashak at a recent meeting. Fifty-fifty winners were Mickey DeSalvo, Paul Delaney, Theresa Kennedy and Eleanor Seneski. The jackpot winner was Donna Pocceschi. SENIORS Continued fromPage 3C Allied Services Integrated Health System sponsored a Lee Silverman Voice Treatment certification course on campus. Sixty physical therapists, physical therapy aides, and occupational therapists who will practice at Heinz Rehab, Wilkes- Barre Township, Allied Rehab and Allied Skilled Nursing and Rehabil- itation Center, Scranton, and the Home Health Division and at out- patient clinics throughout the re- gion participated. LSVT BIG is a proven treatment for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Instructors with representatives of the Allied Ser- vices divisions, from left, are Jenny Tuccitto, instructor; Cynthia Fox, Ph.D., instructor; Mike Irizarry, home health therapist; Michelle Donahoe, outpatient therapist; Angela Prushinski, skilled nursing therapist; Michelle Hyde, inpatient therapist; Kathy Chupka, inpatient therapist; Michelle Stark, outpatient therapist; Heather Cianci, instructor, Kathleen Salik, therapist. Allied conducts certification course on Parkinson disease for 60 area therapists Several classes at St. Jude School presented a musical program for parents and grand- parents who volunteer at the school. Two of their selections were ‘Hukilau,’ a Hawaiian song about a fishing party, and ‘The Pirate Adventure,’ about trea- sure hunting. Some of the mem- bers of the second- and third- grade classes, first row, are Ashleigh Button, Sarah Stettler, Ella Urosevich, and Tea Amer- ise. Second row: Gabrielle Tam- marine, Aubrey Ayre, Anna Capaci, Aaliyeh Sayed and Lauren Patrick. Third row: An- thony Strish, Cameron Chalk, Dominic Alberti and Alex Ry- mar. St. Jude students serenade parents, grandparents who volunteer at school C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 5C ➛ D I V E R S I O N S UNIVERSAL SUDOKU MINUTE MAZE W I T H O M A R S H A R I F & T A N N A H H I R S C H CRYPTOQUOTE GOREN BRIDGE B Y M I C H E A L A R G I R I O N & J E F F K N U R E K JUMBLE B Y H O L I D A Y M A T H I S HOROSCOPE CROSSWORD PREVIOUS DAY’S SOLUTION HOW TO CONTACT: Dear Abby: PO Box 69440, Los Ange- les, CA 90069 For more Sudoku go to www.timesleader.com O N T H E W E B Dear Abby: I loaned money to a couple of family members when I was overseas. They had fallen behind on their bills, so I sent them each $1,000 to get caught up. It’s two years later, and I have yet to see a dime from either one of them. I have sent them both letters asking to have “some” money paid back; both sent me excuses about why they can’t pay anything. However, on Facebook they write about how they went shop- ping, joined a gym and so on. What can I do to get this settled? — Taken Advantage of in Minnesota Dear Taken Advantage Of: Try this ... post on your Facebook page: “It’s funny what short memories some people have. I loaned ‘Tom’ and ‘Geri’ $1,000 two years ago when they fell behind on some bills. Instead of repayment, I have received nothing but excuses — and all the while I see their postings about shopping at the mall and going to the gym. What DEADBEATS!” Maybe it will shame your relatives into paying up. Dear Abby: Do I have to stop wear- ing my wedding ring? My husband died three years ago. We had been married 53 years and 12 days. Abby, I pledged “until death do us part.” I just can’t seem to make myself take off the ring he put on my finger so many years ago. I’m tired of being told that I “have” to give up something so precious to me. Is there a time limit, or is it OK for me to go ahead with wearing the ring and ignore the people who pester me about taking it off? Maybe a time will come when I’ll want to, but not now, not yet. Please give me some sound advice. — Arizona Widow Dear Widow: Please accept my sym- pathy for your loss. Widows and wid- owers usually remove their wedding ring at the point when they decide they would like to begin dating again. When they do, some of them choose to move the ring from their left to the right hand. Others put it away as a treasured keepsake. There is no set time at which your wedding ring “must” come off. If and when you feel the time is right, it will happen — or not. Dear Abby: I’m 15 years old, and I’m afraid to kiss! I won’t date anyone be- cause I’m afraid my kiss will suffer by comparison. I know no one becomes an expert without practice, but I don’t want anyone to be my first kiss. Several guys are into me, but I can’t date them because eventually they’ll want to kiss. It would be so embarrassing to be horrible at it. Any advice? — Too Freaked Out to Make Out Dear Freaked Out: Kissing isn’t a competitive sport, so stop worry- ing that you won’t measure up. A kiss doesn’t have to be the way it’s portrayed in the movies, with heavy breathing and mouths agape. Wheth- er a guy wants to kiss you isn’t as im- portant as whether you WANT him to kiss you. If you do, all you have to do is close your eyes, tilt your head a bit to the side and lean in. He will take care of the rest. DEAR ABBY A D V I C E Not-so-friendly Facebook post might prompt family debtors to pay up To receive a collection of Abby’s most memorable — and most frequently re- quested — poems and essays, send a busi- ness-sized, self-addressed envelope, plus check or money order for $3.95 ($4.50 in Canada) to: Dear Abby’s “Keepers,” P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Postage is included.) ARIES (March 21-April 19). You know how to deal with passion- ate, intemperate people, and you’ll use this knowledge to suc- ceed. You’ll read the signs and stay your distance until you feel kindness beckoning you forward. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Some are content to kill time, but you will strive for a much more ami- cable arrangement. You want time to favor you, to stop for you once in a while, and of course, you want to be able to borrow from it when you come up short. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ll have a grievance or two. Some of the people around you need a wakeup call, and you’re the alarm clock. Once you get a few things off your chest, you’ll enjoy yourself much better. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Let the little joys add up while you let the little disappointments slip into the cracks. This is pretty easy. All you have to do is catch the joys and hold on to them so that your hands are too full to clasp any negativity. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You some- times equate wealth with hard work, but the reality is that often it doesn’t happen that way at all. Stay open to the possibility that good fortune may come without effort. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your body may send you signals that are more intelligent than those your mind sends. You will stum- ble upon an arrangement that is a perfect fit for you. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’re very independent now, and you refuse to get carried away with anyone else’s ideology. The oth- ers want you on their side, but you feel an even stronger calling to do your own thing. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Busy people are the toughest to attract. Whether the relationship is business or personal, the rule is the same: The other person has to have room for you; other- wise, it won’t work. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Visit face to face whenever pos- sible. You never know where the conversation will lead. You’ll likely wind up doing something that’s slightly out of character for you but so much fun! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You have a personal stake in what you’re doing. As for the oth- ers, they may need help getting involved. Invite them to increase their level of participation. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Malls and casinos are purposely designed for visitors to get lost in them. This day will seem simi- larly patterned to delight, dis- tract and tempt you away from your original plans. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You may rise with a conflict already brewing in the recesses of your mind. Two ideas are at war with each other. You always have a right to adapt and change your position. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (July 18). You quickly learn what you need to learn in order to make a situation work. This may mean communicating differently with someone or adding new skills to your arsenal. Capricorn and Sagittarius people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 3, 15, 49, 11 and 26. C M Y K ● PAGE 6C TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ T E L E V I S I O N Daily grid contains updated information (PA) Parental advisory (N) New programming MOVIES 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 0 News World News Newswatc h 16 Inside Edi- tion Wipeout “At Full Tilt” (CC) (TVPG) 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show (N) Combat Hospital “Hells Bells” (TV14) News (:35) Nightline 3’s Com- pany 3’s Com- pany Good Times Good Times Married... With Married... With All in the Family All in the Family Newswatc h 16 Seinfeld (TVPG) Mad Abt. You Mad Abt. You 6 Judge Judy Evening News The Insid- er (N) Entertain- ment NCIS A girl is kid- napped. (TVPG) NCIS: Los Angeles (CC) (TV14) 48 Hours Mystery (CC) (TVPG) Access Hollyw’d Letterman < News Nightly News Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! (N) It’s Worth What? (N) (CC) (TVPG) America’s Got Talent Twelve of the top 48 acts perform. (N) (Live) (CC) (TVPG) News at 11 Jay Leno F Extra (N) (TVPG) Paid Prog. MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Tampa Bay Rays. From Tropi- cana Field in St. Petersburg, Fla. (N) (Live) 90210 “Best Lei’d Plans” (CC) (TV14) Shedding for the Wedding (TVPG) L PBS NewsHour (N) (CC) Call the Doctor History Detectives (N) (CC) (TVPG) Frontline “Kill/Cap- ture” (TVPG) POV (N) (CC) (TVPG) Nightly Business Charlie Rose (N) U Judge Mathis (CC) (TVPG) Home Garden Paid Prog. MLB Baseball Philadelphia Phillies at Chicago Cubs. From Wrigley Field in Chicago. (N) (Live) Are You Smarter? Are You Smarter? X The Office (CC) Two and Half Men The Office (CC) Two and Half Men Hell’s Kitchen (N) (CC) (TV14) MasterChef (N) (CC) (TV14) News First Ten News 10:30 Love-Ray- mond Love-Ray- mond ∞ Without a Trace (CC) (TV14) Without a Trace (CC) (TV14) Without a Trace (CC) (TV14) Criminal Minds (CC) (TV14) Criminal Minds (CC) (TV14) Criminal Minds “Roadkill” (TV14) # News Evening News Entertain- ment The Insid- er (N) NCIS A girl is kid- napped. (TVPG) NCIS: Los Angeles (CC) (TV14) 48 Hours Mystery (CC) (TVPG) News Letterman ) How I Met How I Met MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Tampa Bay Rays. From Tropi- cana Field in St. Petersburg, Fla. (N) (Live) (CC) The 10 O’Clock News (N) (CC) Are You Smarter? Are You Smarter? + Family Guy (CC) Family Guy (CC) Two and Half Men Two and Half Men 90210 “Best Lei’d Plans” (CC) (TV14) Shedding for the Wedding (TVPG) PIX News at Ten Jodi Applegate. (N) Seinfeld (TVPG) Seinfeld (TVPG) 1 My Wife and Kids Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Phillies Pregame MLB Baseball Philadelphia Phillies at Chicago Cubs. From Wrigley Field in Chicago. (N) (Live) Phillies Post Phl17 News AMC The Matrix (5:00) (R, ‘99) ››› Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne. (CC) Caddyshack (R, ‘80) ›› Chevy Chase, Rod- ney Dangerfield, Bill Murray. (CC) Caddyshack (R, ‘80) ›› Chevy Chase, Rod- ney Dangerfield, Bill Murray. (CC) AMER Beach- combers Beach- combers Chicago Hope (CC) (TVPG) Cycles South (GP, ‘71) ›› TBA The Ray Lucia Show (TVG) AP Untamed and Uncut (CC) (TV14) Untamed and Uncut (CC) (TV14) Swamp Wars (TVPG) Man-Eating Super Snake (CC) (TV14) Drug Kingpin Hippos (N) (TVPG) Man-Eating Super Snake (CC) (TV14) ARTS Family Jewels Family Jewels Gene Simmons Family Jewels (CC) Family Jewels Family Jewels Gene Simmons Family Jewels (CC) Gene Simmons Family Jewels (N) Family Jewels Family Jewels CNBC Mad Money (N) The Kudlow Report (N) Dangerous Liaison: What Happened in 60 Minutes on CNBC CNBC Titans “Ted Turner” Mad Money CNN Situation Room John King, USA (N) In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight Tatum O’Neil. Anderson Cooper 360 (N) (CC) COM Scrubs (TV14) Scrubs (TV14) Daily Show Colbert Report Futurama South Park Tosh.0 (TV14) Tosh.0 (TV14) Tosh.0 (TV14) Worka- holics Daily Show Colbert Report CS Sport- sNite ’net IM- PACT Ball Up Streetball Winning Golf State- Union DNL Primetime SportsNite (CC) Sports Stories ’net IM- PACT CTV Choices We Face Albania: Grind Daily Mass The Holy Rosary Our Faith...Our Dio- cese The Annual Solemn Novena to St. Ann Threshold of Hope (TVG) Fulton Sheen Women of Grace DSC Cash Cab (CC) Cash- Chicago Deadliest Catch (CC) (TV14) Deadliest Catch “The Island” (TV14) Deadliest Catch (N) (CC) (TV14) Alaskan Monster Hunt: Hillstranded Deadliest Catch (CC) (TV14) DSY Phineas and Ferb (TVG) Good Luck Charlie Babysit- ter’s a Vampire A.N.T. Farm (TVG) Good Luck Charlie Shake It Up! (CC) (TVG) Finding Nemo (G, ‘03) ››› Voices of Albert Brooks, Ellen De- Generes. (CC) (:45) Fish Hooks (TVG) A.N.T. Farm (TVG) Babysit- ter’s a Vampire E! E! Special (TVPG) E! News (N) Sex and the City Sex and the City Kardashi- an Kardashi- an Kardashi- an Kardashi- an Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) E:60 (N) 2011 World Series of Poker Down to 9, Part I. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ESPN2 Around the Horn Interrup- tion WNBA Basketball Seattle Storm at Chicago Sky. (N) (Live) (CC) SportsNation (CC) 2011 ESPY’s (CC) FAM The Nine Lives of Chloe King (TV14) Pretty Little Liars (CC) (TV14) Pretty Little Liars (N) (CC) (TV14) The Nine Lives of Chloe King (TV14) Pretty Little Liars (CC) (TV14) The 700 Club (N) (CC) (TVG) FOOD Iron Chef America Jose Andres. Restaurant: Impossi- ble “La Stanza” Cupcake Wars “Work of Art” (N) Monster Donuts (N) Chopped “Ladies First!” (N) Tough Cookies Un- wrapped FNC Special Report With Bret Baier (N) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) HALL Little House on the Prairie (CC) (TVPG) Little House on the Prairie (CC) (TVPG) Little House on the Prairie (CC) (TVPG) Frasier (TVPG) Frasier (TVPG) Frasier (TVPG) Frasier (TVPG) Frasier (TVPG) Frasier (TVPG) HIST Modern Marvels (CC) (TVPG) Modern Marvels (CC) (TVPG) Swamp People (CC) (TVPG) Swamp People (CC) (TVPG) Swamp People (CC) (TVPG) Swamp People (CC) (TVPG) H&G Property Virgins Property Virgins Hunters Int’l House Hunters My First Place (N) My First Place Property Virgins Property Virgins House Hunters Hunters Int’l For Rent (TVG) Property Virgins LIF Unsolved Mysteries (CC) (TV14) Pawn Stars Pawn Stars American Pickers (CC) (TVPG) American Pickers (CC) (TVPG) Hef’s Runaway Bride (CC) (TV14) Roseanne’ s Roseanne’ s MTV That ’70s Show That ’70s Show 16 and Pregnant (CC) (TV14) Teen Mom “Taking It Slow” (TVPG) Teen Mom “To Be With You” (TVPG) Teen Mom “The Last Straw” (TVPG) Awkward. (N) Teen Mom NICK Sponge- Bob Sponge- Bob Sponge- Bob Sponge- Bob Brain- Surge My Wife and Kids George Lopez George Lopez That ’70s Show That ’70s Show The Nan- ny The Nan- ny OVAT Fame (CC) (TVPG) Fame (CC) (TVPG) Tupac: Resurrection (R, ‘03) ››› The life and music of rapper Tupac Shakur. Tupac: Resurrection (R, ‘03) ››› SPD Pass Time Pass Time NASCAR Race Hub (N) Am. Trucker Pass Time (N) Barrett-Jackson Spe- cial Edition Speedmakers (TVPG) Am. Trucker Pass Time SPIKE Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Repo Games Repo Games SYFY Star Trek: Enterprise (CC) (TVPG) Underworld: Evolution (R, ‘06) ›› Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman. Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (R, ‘09) ›› Michael Sheen, Bill Nighy. Skinwalkers (PG-13, ‘07) › TBS King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld (TVPG) Seinfeld (TVPG) The Office (CC) The Office (CC) The Office (CC) The Office (CC) The Office (CC) The Office (CC) Conan (N) (TV14) TCM Hotel (5:45) (GP, ‘67) ››› Rod Taylor, Catherine Spaak, Kevin McCarthy. Caesar and Cleopatra (‘46) ››› Vivien Leigh, Claude Rains. Dream Wife (10:15) (‘53) ›› Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr, Walter Pidgeon. TLC Toddlers & Tiaras (CC) (TVPG) Cake Boss Cake Boss Surprise Homecom- ing (TVPG) 19 Kids- Count 19 Kids- Count Little Cou- ple Little Cou- ple Surprise Homecom- ing (TVPG) TNT Law & Order “Execu- tioner” (TV14) Law & Order (CC) (TV14) Rizzoli & Isles “Living Proof” (TV14) Memphis Beat (N) (CC) (TV14) HawthoRNe (N) (CC) (TV14) Memphis Beat (CC) (TV14) TOON World of Gumball Johnny Test Johnny Test Scooby- Doo Looney Tunes World of Gumball King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy (CC) Family Guy (CC) TRVL Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern TVLD Sanford & Son Sanford & Son Sanford & Son All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family Love-Ray- mond Love-Ray- mond Love-Ray- mond Love-Ray- mond Cleveland Happily Divorced USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit White Collar (N) (CC) (TVPG) Covert Affairs (N) (CC) (TVPG) Necessary Roughness (CC) (TVPG) VH-1 Behind the Music “Usher” (TVPG) Behind the Music Ice Cube. (TV14) Single Ladies (TVPG) Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew Basketball Wives (TV14) WE Charmed “Womb Raider” (TV14) Charmed “Witch Way Now?” (TVPG) Braxton Family Values (CC) (TVPG) Braxton Family Values (CC) (TV14) Braxton Family Values (CC) (TV14) Braxton Family Values (CC) (TVPG) WGN-A Dharma & Greg Dharma & Greg America’s Funniest Home Videos (CC) Old Chris- tine Old Chris- tine How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N) (CC) Scrubs (TV14) Scrubs (TV14) WYLN Chef Lou I.N.N. News Beaten Path Tarone Show Rehabili- tation Sweets Press Box Let’s Talk Local News (N) Classified Topic A PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO The Losers (5:30) (PG-13, ‘10) ››, Zoe Saldana (CC) Mak. The Town The Kids Are All Right (R, ‘10) ››› Ju- lianne Moore, Annette Bening, Mark Ruffalo. (CC) Curb Your Enthusi- asm REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel (N) (CC) (TVPG) True Blood Alcide helps Sookie look for Eric. (TVMA) HBO2 Knight and Day (5:00) (PG-13, ‘10) ›› Tom Cruise. Crazy Heart (R, ‘09) ››› Jeff Bridges, Robert Duvall. A small-town reporter inspires an aging country-music star. (CC) Real Time With Bill Maher (CC) (TVMA) Entourage (TVMA) Entourage (TVMA) Entourage (TVMA) Entourage (TVMA) MAX Waterworld (6:15) (PG-13, ‘95) ›› Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper, Jeanne Tripplehorn. A loner navigates a future world. (CC) Four Christmases (PG-13, ‘08) ›› Vince Vaughn, Reese Wither- spoon. (CC) Happy Gilmore (PG-13, ‘96) ›› Adam Sandler, Christopher Mc- Donald. (CC) (:35) Femme Fatales MMAX Illegal Tender (5:15) (R, ‘07) ›› Rick Gon- zalez. (CC) Cop Out (7:10) (R, ‘10) › Bruce Willis, Adam Brody. Two NYPD detectives must retrieve a valuable baseball card. (CC) Sex and the City 2 (R, ‘10) ›› Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis. Carrie Bradshaw and the gals visit Abu Dhabi. (CC) Cyrus (R, ‘10) ››› SHO Knowing (5:00) (PG- 13, ‘09) ›› Nicolas Cage. iTV. (CC) Outsourced (7:15) (PG-13, ‘06) ››› Josh Hamilton, Ayesha Dharker. iTV. A man trains his replacement in India. (CC) Weeds (CC) (TVMA) The Big C “Boo!” (TVMA) Weeds (CC) (TVMA) The Big C “Boo!” (TVMA) Web Ther- apy (TV14) The Real L Word (TVMA) STARZ The Crazies (5:45) (R, ‘10) ›› Timothy Olyphant. (CC) Undercover Brother (PG-13, ‘02) ››› Eddie Griffin. (CC) Step Up 3 (PG-13, ‘10) ›› Rick Malambri, Adam G. Sevani, Sharni Vinson. (CC) The Bourne Identity (10:50) ››› TMC Dark Storm (5:10) Next Day Air (6:40) (R, ‘09) › Donald Faison, Mike Epps, Wood Harris. (CC) Spoken Word (8:05) (‘09) ›› Kuno Becker. A poet returns home and reverts to the ways of his youth. (CC) Before I Self Destruct (R, ‘09) 50 Cent, Clifton Powell, Ira Berkowitz. (CC) Changing Lanes ALL JUNK CARS & TRUCKS WANTED VITO & GINO 288-8995 • Forty Fort Highest Prices Paid In Cash. Free Pickup. Call Anytime. You must be 17 with ID or accompanied by a parent to attend R rated features. Children under 6 may not attend R rated features after 6pm NO PASSES HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS, PART 2 HARRY POTTERANDTHE DEATHLY HALLOWS, PART 2 (XD 3 -3D) (PG-13) 10:40AM, 1:35PM, 4:30PM, 7:25PM, 10:20PM HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS, PART 2 (3D) (PG-13) 11:50AM, 2:45PM, 5:40PM, 8:35PM HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS, PART 2 (DIGITAL) (PG-13) 11:15AM, 12:25PM, 1:00PM, 2:10PM, 3:20PM, 3:55PM, 5:05PM, 6:15PM, 6:50PM, 8:00PM, 8:55PM, 9:10PM, 9:45PM, 10:55PM WINNIE THE POOH (DIGITAL) (G) 11:20AM, 1:15PM, 3:10PM, 5:05PM, 7:00PM BAD TEACHER (DIGITAL) (R) 12:40PM, 3:00PM, 5:15PM, 7:40PM, 10:10PM BRIDESMAIDS (DIGITAL) (R) 7:50PM, 10:40PM CARS 2 (3D) (G) 11:25AM, 2:00PM, 4:40PM, 7:20PM, 9:55PM CARS 2 (DIGITAL) (G) 10:40AM, 1:20PM, 4:00PM, 6:40PM, 9:20PM GREEN LANTERN (3D) (PG-13) 10:45PM HORRIBLE BOSSES (DIGITAL) (R) 11:55AM, 1:25PM, 2:30PM, 3:45PM, 5:00PM, 6:10PM, 7:30PM, 8:45PM, 10:05PM LARRY CROWNE (DIGITAL) (PG-13) 10:50AM, 1:30PM, 4:15PM, 6:55PM, 10:30PM MIDNIGHT IN PARIS (DIGITAL) (PG-13) 11:00AM, 1:10PM, 3:50PM MONTE CARLO (DIGITAL) (PG) 11:05PM, 1:55PM, 4:30PM MR. POPPER’S PENGUINS (DIGITAL) (PG) 11:10AM, 2:05PM, 4:35PM SUPER 8 (DIGITAL) (PG-13) 7:35PM, 10:15PM TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON (3-D) (PG-13) 10:55AM, 2:25PM, 5:50PM. 6:30PM, 9:25PM, 10:00PM TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON (DIGITAL) (PG-13) 12:05PM, 1:05PM, 3:35PM, 4:45PM, 7:05PM, 8:15PM, 10:35PM ZOOKEEPER, THE (DIGITAL) (PG) 11:40AM, 12:55PM, 2:15PM, 3:25PM, 4:40PM, 5:55PM, 7:10PM, 8:25PM, 9:40PM Don’t just watch a movie, experience it! All Stadium Seating and Dolby Surround Sound 825.4444 • rctheatres.com • 3 Hrs. Free Parking At Participating Park & Locks with Theatre Validation •Free Parking at Midtown Lot Leaving After 8pm and All Day Saturday & Sunday. ***$2.50 Additional Charge for 3D Attractions.*** No passes, rain checks, discount tickets accepted to these features D-Box Motion Seats are the admission price plus an $8.00 surcharge (Parenthesis Denotes Bargain Matinees) All Showtimes Include Pre-Feature Content Avoid the lines: Advance tickets available from Fandango.com ALL FEATURES NOW PRESENTED IN DIGITAL FORMAT • FIRST MATINEE SHOW ALL SEATS $5.25 EXPERIENCE D/BOX MOTION ENHANCED SEATING ON SELECT FEATURES ***Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 2 in 3D - PG13 - 140 Min. (1:20), (4:20), 7:20, 10:20 *Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 2 - PG13 - 140 Min. (12:40), (1:00), (2:00), (3:30), (3:55), (5:00), 7:00, 7:40, 8:10, 9:55, 10:30 *Winnie The Pooh - G - 80 Min. (1:10), (3:00), (5:00), 7:00 Horrible Bosses - R - 110 Min. (1:25), (3:45), 7:30, 9:10, 10:00 **The Zookeeper - PG - 115 Min. (12:50), (1:20), (3:15), (3:45), 7:00, 7:20, 9:25, 9:45 Larry Crowne - PG13 - 110 Min. (1:15), (3:45), 7:15, 9:50 ***Transformers 3D - PG13 - 170 Min. (12:45), (4:05), 7:25, 10:45 Transformers - PG13 - 170 Min. (12:30), (1:00), (3:50), (4:30), 7:10, 8:00, 10:30 Cars 2 - G - 125 Min. (1:00), (3:40), 7:00, 9:40 *Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 2 3D in D-Box Motion Seating - PG13 - 140 Min. (1:20), (4:20), 7:20, 10:20 FREE SUMMER KIDDIE MOVIE SERIES Tuesday July 19th & Wednesday July 20th DESPICABLE ME - PG - 95 Min. Doors open at 9am and the Movie starts at 10am 308 Lincoln St. • Duryea • WindowWorld.com CHAMPION POOLS & SPAS 79 East Main St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa 18705 (MINERS MILLS) 823-3095 STORE HOURS: M-TH 10-7, FRI. 10-6 SAT. & SUN. 10-4 POOL SALE 15’ x 52” 18’ x 52” 24’ x 52” 15’ x 30’ x 52” Package Deal Package Deal Package Deal Package Deal 1999 00 2099 00 2399 00 3199 00 Swimming Pool Openings Starting at $ 95 AVENUE SALON 779 WYOMING AVE. • KINGSTON 283.5610 • 287-4715 gwensalon.com G W E N ’S Goldwell Hair Color Starting at $40 2 9 5 9 4 6 C o nfidentia lO ffers Riverside Commons, 575 Pierce St., Suite 201 • Kingston 570-331-8100 www.dr-gmn.com gg We accept CareCredit Call My Dentist, Dr. Gary Nataupsky Your Summer Tan Will Look Alot Better with a Brighter Smile. Summer is Here! CURRYS DONUTS at participating locations with this coupon. 1 coupon per customer Expires 8/31/11 3 DONUTS FOR $1.00 1 - 12 oz. COFFEE & DONUT $1.00 -OR- ® Taste It! Unlike some other bagged ice, No chemical taste to alter your favorite beverage Bayo’s Ice… Manufactured Locally YOU CAN’T! 2 5 6 1 2 7 Drop off or return this completed form with your photo to: The Times Leader, We Salute You, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Please include name on back of photo. Any photo wishing to be returned must be picked up at The Times Leader office. Name: ______________________________________________ Phone:___________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________________ State: _______ Zip:______________ Branch : _____________________________________ Rank: __________________________________ War or battle fought (if applicable): _________________________________________________________ Years Served: _______________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________ Each Sunday, we’ll run a photo with the person’s name, hometown, branch, rank, years served and if applicable, the war or battle fought. Submit your 200 dpi digital photo to [email protected] or mail your photo and information to us with the form below. Old or current photos will be accepted. Color or black and white photos will be accepted. The Times Leader reserves the right to use or not use any submitted photos. One photo per week will be selected. Photos without names and branch will not be considered. to with the anch, rank, e, the war or 0 dpi digital ader.com or ion to us with WE SALUTE YOU. SEND A PHOTO OF A VETERAN OR AN ACTIVE DUTY MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY. WE SALUTE YOU. Your photo and information may be displayed in a special active duty/veterans tent at this year’s Luzerne County Fair. C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 7C ➛ D I V E R S I O N S UNIVERSAL SUDOKU MINUTE MAZE W I T H O M A R S H A R I F & T A N N A H H I R S C H CRYPTOQUOTE GOREN BRIDGE B Y M I C H E A L A R G I R I O N & J E F F K N U R E K JUMBLE B Y H O L I D A Y M A T H I S HOROSCOPE CROSSWORD PREVIOUS DAY’S SOLUTION HOW TO CONTACT: Dear Abby: PO Box 69440, Los Ange- les, CA 90069 For more Sudoku go to www.timesleader.com O N T H E W E B Dear Abby: “Keep- ing It Real in Laguna Beach, Calif.” (May 27), who is embar- rassed by the dialects of his Southern relatives, should learn some Southern hospitality! Yes, we may say “Ma and Pa,” “y’all,” “yonder” and “I reckon,” but we would not laugh or be embar- rassed if a California relative came to visit. We’d be overjoyed and welcoming. “K.I.R.,” get off your high horse and get over yourself! If you visited, we’d show you around town, take you to see friends and relatives, and smother you with affection. We’d have big fam- ily gatherings, sit on the front porch and drink lemonade. We would never ridicule your different accent. Come spend some time with us “hicks.” We welcome everyone and are glad to have you. We’ll serve you white gravy and homemade butter- milk biscuits, pecan pie and sweet tea. And when you leave, we’ll give you a big, air-constricting hug and some “sugar” (Southern slang for kisses) and say, “Y’all come back now, ya hear?” — Georgia Girl Dear Georgia Girl: To heck with “K.I.R.” — invite me! You’ll be pleased to know your fellow south- erners came out in force against “K.I.R.’s” uppity attitude. Read on: Dear Abby: “Keeping It Real” is liv- ing in a fantasy world — a sad one at that. Our country is made up of all kinds of people. How can he not see the charm in a simple, down-home ac- cent? Using different regional phrases or expressions doesn’t make a per- son stupid or uneducated — a fact “K.I.R.” might understand if he were more educated himself. I adore my Southern heritage. I love being able to tell the difference between the drawl of someone from the Carolinas versus the Cajun tones of folks from Louisiana. There’s rich- ness to those voices. You can almost hear the history by listening to someone speak. I’d much rather hear about “Ma and Pa” than be repeatedly subjected to words like “dude” or “gnarly.” All I can say to “K.I.R.” is — bless your heart! — Proud Belle in Arkansas Dear Abby: Why would “K.I.R.” as- sume that because his Southern fam- ily doesn’t live in an “uneducated” area, their accents are “fake”? His generalizations show how little he knows about the rich and varied Southern culture. He should read Tennessee Williams, Eudora Welty or Truman Capote, or watch a documen- tary about the South. In other words, educate HIMSELF to keep from com- ing off as embarrassingly shallow in front of his relatives. — Southern Yankee in Texas Dear Abby: I’m guessing the country folk are having fun with him. I have a master’s degree in English and can quote Milton and Yeats. But around snobs like this, I’d go all “Jed Clam- pett” so fast he’d think he’s been slog- walloped by a she-critter without no young-uns. — Brian in North Carolina Dear Abby: That fool can kiss my grits! — Kaye in Virginia DEAR ABBY A D V I C E Southern readers rise in force to defend their use of the word ‘y’all’ To receive a collection of Abby’s most memorable — and most frequently re- quested — poems and essays, send a busi- ness-sized, self-addressed envelope, plus check or money order for $3.95 ($4.50 in Canada) to: Dear Abby’s “Keepers,” P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Postage is included.) ARIES (March 21-April 19). You have terrific social instincts. You’re likely to pull a quality new friend into your world just because you were the one who said “hi” when no one else did. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Osho, a great spiritual teacher of the 20th century, said that all artis- tic activity is on the way toward becoming religious. Today your creativity will lead you to a sacred place in your own soul. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You may have trouble relating to some- one until you broaden your base of acceptable commonalities. You are of the same species on the same planet, and there is enough to agree on right there. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Being loved by another person is not nearly as fulfilling as loving another person. You will be hap- pily occupied in the activities that demonstrate your affection. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You know that by engaging a passionate person who is already in a cer- tain kind of mood, you are asking for trouble. However, as a risk- taker, you may find it irresistible anyway. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Sure, there are aspects of your history that you tend to glamorize. And yet, it is your firm opinion that the future will hold ever-more amazing treasures. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You deserve to deal strictly with people of integrity. Therefore, the ones who tell you to buy what you don’t need have to go. Also, there’s no time to entertain those who wouldn’t do the same for you. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The one who said “truth does not blush” was not paying close enough attention. The truth can be very uncomfortable to hear today, and it will provoke a visceral response. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). People are talking about you and saying just what you wanted them to say. But this should come as no surprise to you. You’ve been working pretty dili- gently to form a certain public image, and now your work is paying off. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Once a stressful situation passes or a problem is resolved, you will feel better than new. Indeed, you will be better than new, having grown in strength and confi- dence from the experience. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). What you physically can or cannot do might affect your plan and your thinking. But don’t let it affect your opinion of yourself. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Avoid twisting yourself up into a knot to prove how flexible and willing to please you are. Instead, walk tall. It’s better to err on the side of rigidity now. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (July 19). Your tenacity and stamina are marvelous attributes that you’ll apply to remarkable feats. Through the next five weeks, good fortune comes by way of community projects and sales. You’ll be shown affection and will enjoy a large number of friends and acquaintances. Libra and Gemini people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 20, 14, 12 and 30. F U N N I E S TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SALLY FORTH CLASSIC PEANUTS STONE SOUP BLONDIE BEETLE BAILEY THATABABY FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE GET FUZZY CLOSE TO HOME ARGYLE SWEATER B.C. PICKLES PARDON MY PLANET MARMADUKE HERMAN DRABBLE GARFIELD HAGAR THE HORRIBLE MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM TUNDRA TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 1D MARKETPLACE 150 Special Notices 412 Autos for Sale 150 Special Notices 412 Autos for Sale 150 Special Notices 412 Autos for Sale 150 Special Notices 412 Autos for Sale 150 Special Notices 412 Autos for Sale 150 Special Notices 412 Autos for Sale 150 Special Notices 412 Autos for Sale 150 Special Notices 412 Autos for Sale 150 Special Notices 135 Legals/ Public Notices 150 Special Notices 135 Legals/ Public Notices LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Harveys Lake Zoning Hearing Board will hold a pub- lic meeting on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 7:00 PM at the Harveys Lake Borough Building. 1. Harveys Lake Zoning Hearing Board will hear testimony on the application of Kate Finnerty regarding a property at 47 O’Donnell Lane, Harveys Lake, PA 18618. Applicant is requesting relief from Section 503.4 (C) (E), front and side yard setback, in the R-2 zoning district. 2. Harveys Lake Zoning Board will hear testimony on the application of Kevin and Julie Carty regarding a property at 202 Lakeside Drive, Harveys Lake, PA 18618. Applicant is requesting relief from both the height and rear yard setback limits for an unattached accessory building in an R-2 zoning district. Regulations are detailed in Section 302.2 (A) (B). Copies of the applications can be reviewed at the Harveys Lake Municipal Building during regular business hours. Andy Luzetski Zoning Officer LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Harveys Lake Zoning Hearing Board will hold a pub- lic meeting on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 7:00PM at the Harveys Lake Borough Building. Harveys Lake Zoning Hearing Board will hear testimony on the application of Mela- nia & James Serfass regarding a neigh- boring property at Pole-9, Harveys Lake, PA 18618. Applicant is appealing the deci- sion of the Zoning Officer and contends that the Zoning Officer should take action to require the owner of Pole-9, Jay & Molly Crossin, to alter construction solely on information received from the applicant. Copies of the applications can be reviewed at the Harveys Lake Municipal Building during regular business hours. . Andy Luzetski Zoning Officer Celebrations Area Businesses To Help Make Your Event a Huge Success! To Advertise Call Tara 570-970-7374 BEVERAGES WYO. VALLEY BEVERAGE Rt. 11 Edwardsville YUENGLING Dolphin Plaza 1159 Rt. 315 Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 (570) 208-2908 gymboreeclasses.com PARTIES FOR CHILDREN 5 & UNDER PARTIES BEST CRAFT BEER SELECTION AROUND! G&B Tent Rentals LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED 570-378-2566 FROM 40 X 160 WEDDING TENTS TO 20 X 20 BACKYARD BARBEQUE TENTS. TENT RENTAL MUSIC Harpist Music for Banquets, Weddings, Christmas Parties & More! Sherri L. Trometter 570-988-1972 [email protected] BIRTHDAY PARTIES The Snack Shack 750 Wilkes-Barre Twp Blvd Wilkes-Barre (570)-270-2929 Business Parties We Deliver Complete Party Packages including Ice Cream, Food, Face Painting, Party Host and Lifeguards. DUNDEE BEVERAGE Keyco Plaza San Souci Parkway WITHOUT A DOUBT AREA’S COLDEST BEER OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT CHRISTMAS BEVERAGES BIRTHDAY, BACHELOR & BACHELORETTE PARTIES PARTIES Club 79 Banquet room available for Parties! Birthdays, Sweet 16s, Baby Showers & More! Bring your own food. Bartender Available. 825-8381 * 793-9390 $200 for 4 hours “Free Pool Wed. & Fri. 8pm-10pm” DJ The Lesser Evil DJ • Weddings • Parties • Dances • Karaoke www.TheLesserEvilDJ.com Check us out on Facebook! (570) 954-1620 Nick (570) 852-1251 Allen CATERING We specialize in Italian/American Cuisine Banquet facility at West Wyoming Hose Co. #1 or we’ll bring it to you! 570-407-2703 Rates start at $10.95pp $12.99 PREMIUM & LIGHT 12 OZ., 24 PK. CANS A Benson Family Dealership HOURS: Monday Thru Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm Friday & Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm A Benson Family Dealership NEW CARS All Prices Plus Tax & Tags, Customer Must Qualify for All Rebates. See Salesperson for Details. See dealer for details. Some restrictions apply. Dealer may discontinue program at any time. NEW 2011 BUICK REGAL TURBO $ 27,764 NEW 2011 GMC ACADIA DENALI You Pay $ 42,391 3 At This Price The Sharpest Sport Utility Made, Stop In And See It NEW 2011 GMC SIERRA 1500 EXT CAB 4X4 STK#1703 MSRP $30,720 STK#1729 MSRP $46,190 STK#1554 5 IN STOCK $ 29,255 NEW 2011 GMC YUKON 4X4 $ 38,391 NEW 2011 BUICK ENCLAVE NEW 2011 GMC TERRAIN AWD $ 26,026 STK#1718 MSRP $27,060 STK#1713 MSRP $43,955 STK#1721 MSRP $39,570 $ 35,976 WVON¡MO VALLEV 415 Kidder Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 570.822.8870 [email protected] www.wyomingvalleyautomart.com *For qualified Buyers. Bi-weekly payments greater than 17 1/2% of monthly net income, additional down-payment may be required. Costs to be paid by Buyer at delivery: registration, taxes, title, doc fee. 0 $ DOWN* ÐUV MEME º PAV MEME º ÐUV MEME 08 Sa tu rn Au ra 08 Sa tu rn Au ra 4 D r 4 D r JO -D A N M O TO RS JO -D A N M O TO RS 1339 N .R iver R d .,P lain s,PA • 829-2043 Tax,tag,title,d oc fee extra. w w w .jo-d an m otors.com JO -D A N M O TO RS JO -D A N M O TO RS SPECIAL OF THE W EEK $ 11,995 $ 11,995 O UR O UR PRICE PRICE N ADA Book Price $ 14 ,97 5 N ADA Book Price $ 14 ,97 5 4 D r,A utom atic,CD,Cruise, 6 Cyl,A lloys,XClean,P ow erSunroof You r Frie n d In The Ca r B u s in e s s P a rtia lL is ting ! 260 S ou th R ive r S t, P la in s , P A • 570 - 8 22- 210 0 1 4 3 7 3 8 H OM E OF L OW M IL EAGE QU AL ITY VEH ICL ES W W W .AU TOB U D D IES ON L IN E.COM 1995 FO RD M USTA NG C O BRA 5.0,5 S peed,50K M iles.......................$9,995 1996 FO RD M USTA NG G T A uto,82K M iles ..............................$6,995 2002 DO DG E STRA TUS SDN 85K M iles ....................................$6,995 2004 KIA O PTIM A SDN 110K M iles...................................$6,495 2002 KIA SEDO NA V A N 98K M iles ....................................$5,995 2004 DO DG E G RA ND C A RA V A N 135K M iles ..................................$7,995 2006 A C URA TSX 76K M iles................................$17,995 3 M on th P ow e rtra in W a rra n ty OVER 50 VEH ICL ES IN S TOCK ! 100 ANNOUNCEMENTS 110 Lost ALL JUNK CARS WANTED!! ŠCALL ANYTIME ŠFREE REMOVAL ŠCA$H PAID ON THE SPOT 570.301.3602 110 Lost FOUND: Black Cocker Spaniel. Red flea collar. No tags. Found near Hillside Ice Cream on 7/11/11. Please call (570) 779-5701 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! LOST CAT: FEMALE CALICO lost July 9th, area of Parish & High St. Yellow eyes, purple collar. Please call 570-704-6196 110 Lost LOST: ABYSSINIAN CAT Jesse, reddish brown, yellow eyes, female, microchip, near Yalick farms $500. REWARD. 570-690-1808 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! 110 Lost LOST: Chihuahua Name - Princess. Brown. White paws with brown freckles. White stomach up to chin & white around nose. Thin white stripe bet- ween eyes. Brown tail with white tip. Please return, was raised since a puppy and dearly missed. Last seen on Friday 7/8/2011 2:30 pm by play- ground in center of Mayflower Crossing Apt. Complex wear- ing a pink collar. 570-582-7672 REWARD $500 120 Found FOUND female Bea- gle, tan. nylon leash on 400 block of Mclean St.819-0448 Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! RAT TERRIER F O U N D : W e l l Trained. White, with black markings. Pittston Area. Call 570-655-8071 135 Legals/ Public Notices NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Articles of Incorporation for American Landscaping, Inc. were filed with and approved by the Department of State of the Common- wealth of Pennsyl- vania, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on June 29, 2011. The corporation has been incorporated under provisions of the Pennsylvania Business Corpora- tion Law of 1988, as amended. Joseph S. Falchek, Esquire 412 Mill Street Plains, Pennsylvania 18705-2818 135 Legals/ Public Notices LEGAL NOTICE DEADLINES Saturday 12:30 on Friday Sunday 4:00 pm on Friday Monday 4:30 pm on Friday Tuesday 4:00 pm on Monday Wednesday 4:00 pm on Tuesday Thursday 4:00 pm on Wednesday Friday 4:00 pm on Thursday Holidays call for deadlines You may email your notices to mpeznowski@ timesleader.com or fax to 570-831-7312 or mail to The Times Leader 15 N. Main Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 For additional information or questions regard- ing legal notices you may call Marti Peznowski at 570-970-7371 or 570-829-7130 Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! 135 Legals/ Public Notices LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of the Fictitious Names Act of December 16, 1982, P.L. 1309, as amended and as supplemented (54 Pa. C.S.A. §301 et seq.), Keat’s Pub, INc., 92 Govier Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pennsylva- nia, has filed with the Office of Secre- tary of the Com- monwealth at Har- risburg PA on April 18, 2011, an Applica- tion to conduct busi- ness under the assumed or ficti- tious name of: Keat’s Pub The principal office/place of busi- ness to be carried on in the nature of a tavern and restau- rant business, under or through the ficti- tious name is: 114 Bowman Street, Wilkes-Barre Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18705. Joseph S. Falchek, Esquire 412 Mill Street Plains PA 18705 Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! NORTHEAST PA TOP JOBS The following companies are hiring: Your company name will be listed on the front page of The Times Leader Classifieds the first day your ad appears on timesleader.com Northeast PA Top Jobs. For more information contact The Times Leader sales consultant in your area at 570-829-7130. East Coast Logistics & Distribution LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! PAGE 2D TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com 468 Auto Parts 468 Auto Parts AS ALWAYS ****HIGHEST PRICES***** PAID FOR YOUR UNWANTED VEHICLES!!! DRIVE IN PRICES Call for Details (570) 459-9901 Vehicles must be COMPLETE !! Plus Enter to Win $500.00 Cash!! DRAWING TO BE HELD JULY 31 Harry’s U Pull It www.wegotused.com BUYING JUNK VEHICLES $300 and Up $125 extra if driven, pulled or pushed in. NOBODY Pays More 570-760-2035 Monday thru Saturday 6am-pm Happy Trails! LAW DIRECTORY Don’t Keep Your Practice a Secret! Call 829-7130 To Place Your Ad 310 Attorney Services ADOPTION DIVORCE CUSTODY Estates, DUI ATTORNEY MATTHEW LOFTUS 570-255-5503 BANKRUPTCY FREE CONSULT Guaranteed Low Fees Payment Plan! Colleen Metroka 570-592-4796 DIVORCE No Fault $295 divorce295.com Atty. Kurlancheek 800-324-9748 W-B GET THE WORD OUT with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 310 Attorney Services Divorce, Custody, Support, PFA FREE Consultation. Atty. Josianne Aboutanos Wilkes-Barre 570-208-1118 Free Bankruptcy Consultation Payment plans. Carol Baltimore 570-822-1959 FREE CONSULTATION for all legal matters Attorney Ron Wilson 570-822-2345 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY Free Consultation. Contact Atty. Sherry Dalessandro 570-823-9006 310 Attorney Services Attorney Keith Hunter Bankruptcies MAHLER, LOHIN & ASSOCIATES (570) 718-1118 MARGIOTTI LAW OFFICES BANKRUPTCY Free Consult Payment Plans (570) 223-2536 Stroudsburg AUTO SERVICE DIRECTORY 462 Auto Accessories AUTOMOTIVE 12 volt back up camera kit $40. 12 volt blue tooth $40. 12 volt travel refrigerator holds 6 six packs $35. 570-675-7024 TRUCK CAP for small pickup truck, excellent condition. $275.570-760-4830 468 Auto Parts All Junk Cars & Trucks Wanted Highest Prices Paid In CA$H FREE PICKUP 570-574-1275 Need a Roommate? Place an ad and find one here! 570-829-7130 468 Auto Parts BEST PRICES IN THE AREA CA$H ON THE $POT, Free Anytime Pickup 570-301-3602 570-301-3602 CALL US! TO JUNK YOUR CAR 472 Auto Services $ WANTED JUNK $ VEHICLES LISPI TOWING We pick up 822-0995 VITO’S & GINO’S Like New Tires $15 & UP! Like New Batteries $20 & UP! Carry Out Price 288-8995 WANTED Cars & Full Size Trucks. For prices... Lamoreaux Auto Parts 477-2562 Need a Roommate? Place an ad and find one here! 570-829-7130 135 Legals/ Public Notices LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Articles of Incorporation for KEAT’S PUB, INC. were filed with and approved by the Department of State of the Com- monwealth of Penn- sylvania, Harris- burg, Pennsylvania on April 18, 2011. The corporation has been incorpo- rated under the provisions of the Pennsylvania Busi- ness Corporation Law of 1988, as amended. Joseph S. Falchek, Esquire 412 Mill Street Plains, Pennsylvania 18705-2818 ESTATE NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters of Administration have been issued to Wesley Alan Lauer of Palm Beach Gar- dens, Florida, Administrator of the Estate of Bruce M. Lauer, Deceased, who died on June 24, 2011, late of Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsylva- nia. All creditors are requested to pres- ent their claims and all persons indebted to the decedent will make payment to the aforementioned Administrator or his attorney. ROSENN, JENKINS & GREEN- WALD, LLP 15 South Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0075 150 Special Notices ADOPT ADOPT Loving family offers your precious child a life time of love and happiness. 1-888-600-6341 ADOPT: A t r ul y happy, devoted, married couple will give your newborn endless love, warmth & a bright future. Expenses paid. Call Christine & John 1-855-320-3840 ADOPT: Adoring Mom, Dad, Big Brother would like to share a lifetime of hugs & kisses in our loving home with a newborn. Please Call Lynda & Dennis 888-688-1422 Expenses Paid ADOPTION A happily married couple longs to share our hearts and home with a newborn. Finan- cially secure and loving extended family will offer your child every opportunity for a lifetime of happi- ness. Expenses paid. Please call Helen and John 1-800-604-1992 Adoption Adoption is a choice you’ve made out of love. We dream of giving your newborn a safe, secure lifetime of love. Expens- es paid. Please call Theresa & Steve @ 1-877- 801-7256 or visit The r e s a AndSt e v e . s hut t e r f l y. c om Let the Community Know! Place your Classified Ad TODAY! 570-829-7130 Let the Community Know! Place your Classified Ad TODAY! 570-829-7130 ADORING FAMILY OF 3 hoping to become 4 promises your new- born a bright, secure future filled with endless love. Denise & Tony 1-888-515-9347 150 Special Notices BOWLING PARTY JULY 31, 2011 1 TO 6 PM AT STANTON LANES TO BENEFIT THE R.A.D. SCHOLARSHIP $10 TICKETS WILL GET YOU 3 GAMES OF BOWLING WITH SHOE RENTAL AND RAFFLE TICKET Also available RAD Bracelets Face Painting provided by Lollipop Services RAD Shirts and Basket Raffles DJ MO PERFORMING Celebrity Bartender in the lounge at Stanton Lanes! All tips will go the R.A.D. Scholarship Fund! 470 Stanton St. Wilkes-Barre For details call 570-824-4661 and ask for Terry or visit the Athea DeGraffenreid Memorial page on Facebook Benefits the Remember Athea DeGruffenreid Scholarship Fund A Korean wed- ding procession includes ducks since they mate for life. bridezella.net LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! DO YOU ENJOY PREGNANCY ? Would you like the emotional reward of helping an infertile couple reach their dream of becoming parents? Consider being a surrogate. All fees allowable by law will be paid. Call Central Pennsylvania Attorney, Denise Bierly, at 814-237-6278 ext. 226 ALL JUNK CAR & TRUCKS WANTED Highest Prices Paid!!! FREE REMOVAL Call V&G Anytime 288-8995 P PA AYING $500 YING $500 MINIMUM DRIVEN IN Full size 4 wheel drive trucks ALSO PAYING TOP $$$ for heavy equip- ment, backhoes, dump trucks, bull dozers HAPPY TRAILS TRUCK SALES 570-760-2035 542-2277 6am to 8pm 330 Child Care DAYCARE in my Kingston home. Licensed. Accepting Lackawanna & Luzerne CCC. 570-283-0336 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! 340 Health Care Services Caregiver for the Elderly My Speciality is providing care for Alzheimer’s Patients. Assisting with personal care, housekeeping, cooking meals & companionship. Accommodating Kingston & Wilkes-Barre Area. 570-606-6551 Leave a message 350 Elderly Care Assisting the Elderly & Disabled in their homes. Flexible hours - bachelors degree in social work. Contact Nancy at 570-824-3417 leave message if not available. 406 ATVs/Dune Buggies HONDA`09 RECON TRX 250CC/Electric shift. Like New. $3,800. (570) 814-2554 TOMAHAWK`10 ATV, 125 CC. Brand New Tomahawk mid size 125cc 4 wheel- er. Only $995 takes it away!. Call 386-334-7448 Wilkes-Barre YAMAHA`02 GRIZZLY 660, Limited edi- tion, 22 inch ITP, Chrome wheels. $3,500 Or best offer. (570)333-4236 YAMAHA`04 RHINO Excellent condition, 200 hours. Priced to sell. $6,500 or best offer. Call Keith 570-971-4520 409 Autos under $5000 CADILLAC `94 DEVILLE SEDAN 94,000 miles, automatic, front wheel drive, 4 door, air condi- tioning, air bags, all power, cruise control, leather interior, $3,300. 570-394-9004 CHEVY `01 CAVALIER 71K miles. 4 door. A/C. CD. New brakes / service. $4,195 or best offer. 570-704-8685 FORD `01 WINDSTAR VAN New Inspection, runs well. $1,695 or best offer (570) 474-5504 409 Autos under $5000 FORD ‘02 FOCUS ZTS 2 door. Hatchback. Emerald green. New inspection. $4,495 GMC ‘96 JIMMY SLE 4WD, Hunter Green, 4 door, CD, 168,000 miles. $2,100 obo. (570) 262-7550 PONTIAC `98 GRAND PRIX SE 112,000 miles, $1,750 (570) 655-5404 SAAB `89 CONVERTIBLE White with tan inte- rior. New top, very good condition. no rust, no accidents, all service records. 81k miles $4,000 (570)474-5283 412 Autos for Sale AUDI `02 A4 3.0, V6, AWD automatic, tiptronic transmission. Fully loaded, leather interior. 92,000 miles. Good condi- tion. Asking $9,500. Call (570) 417-3395 08Mariner 4x4$13,995 09Escape xlt $12,995 09 IMPALA LS $11,995 08Taurus SEL $12,995 08RAM 1500 $12,995 05EXPLORER4X4$11,995 Full Notary Service Tags & Title Transfers BEN’S AUTO SALES RT 309 W-BTwp. Near Wegman’s 570-822-7359 BMW `00 323I Black w/ tan leather interior. All power. 6 cylinder. Sun roof. Recently inspected. New tires. 140K miles. $6,800 (570) 868-6986 BMW `01 X5 4.4i. Silver, fully loaded, tan leather interior. 1 owner. 103k miles. $12,999 or best offer. Call 570-814-3666 BMW `02 330 CONVERTIBLE 83K miles. Beautiful condition. Newly re-done interior leather & carpeting. $13,500. 570-313-3337 BMW `03 530 I Beige with tan leather interior. Heated seats, sun- roof, 30 MPG high- way. Garage kept. Excellent condition 86,000 miles. Asking $11,000. (570) 788-4007 Selling your Camper? Place an ad and find a new owner. 570-829-7130 BMW `04 325i 5 Speed. Like New!! New Tires, tinted windows, sun roof, black leather interior. Only 57,000 Miles!!! PRICE REDUCED TO $14,000!! For more info, call (570) 762-3714 BMW `07 328xi Black with black interior. Heated seats. Back up & navigation sys- tems. New tires & brakes. Sunroof. Garage kept. Many extras! 46,000 Miles. Asking $20,500. 570-825-8888 or 626-297-0155 Call Anytime! BMW `93 325 IC Convertible, Metallic Green Exterior & Tan Interior, 5 Speed Transmission, Heated Seats. 2nd Owner, 66k Miles. Excellent Condition, Garage Kept, Excellent Gas Mileage. Carfax available. Price reduced $7,995 or trade for SUV or other. Beautiful / Fun Car. 570-388-6669 BMW `99 M3 Convertible with Hard Top. AM/FM. 6 disc CD. 117 K miles. Stage 2 Dinan sus- pension. Cross drilled rotors. Cold air intake. All main- tenance records available. $16,695 570-466-2630 BUICK `98 LESABRE 4 door. All leather. 114,000 miles. Great shape. $2,600. Call 570-819-3140 or 570-709-5677 412 Autos for Sale ACME AUTO SALES 343-1959 1009 Penn Ave Scranton 18509 Across from Scranton Prep GOOD CREDIT, BAD CREDIT, NO CREDIT Call Our Auto Credit Hot Line to get Pre-approved for a Car Loan! 800-825-1609 www.acmecarsales.net 11 AUDI S5 QUATTRO Convertible. Sprint blue, 2 tone black/brown leather int. 19” alloys, 330HP turbo (AWD) 08 CHRYSLER 300 SILVER V6 08 FORD FUSION SE grey, auto, V6 08 CHEVY IMPALA LT Dove grey, alloys, V6 08 BUICK LACROSSE CXL, Silver/grey leather, sunroof 07 AUDI S4 QUATTRO silver, black leather, 6 speed, 4.2v8, (AWD) 06 DODGE STRATUS XXT RED. 05 CHEVY MALIBU Maxx White, grey learther, sunroof 05 JAGUAR X-TYPE 3.0, hunter green, tan leather (AWD) 04 NISSAN ALTIMA SL 3.5 white, black leather, sun roof 01 VOLVO V70 STATION WAGON, blue/grey, leather, AWD 01 AUDI S8 QUATRO Burg./tan lthr., Nav., 360 HP, AWD 01 AUDI A8 L green, tan leather nav., AWD 00 CADILLAC CATERA silver/blk leather, sunroof, 56K 00 NISSAN ALTIMA GXE Blue/grey leather, auto, 4cyl. 99 CHRYSLER CONCORDE gold 98 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS black 98 SUBARU LEGACY SW white, auto, 4 cyl. (AWD) 98 HONDA CIVIC EX, 2 dr, auto, silver SUVS, VANS, TRUCKS, 4 X4’s 08 CADILLAC ESCALADE Blk/Blk leather, 3rd seat, Navgtn, 4x4 07 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SXT Blue grey leather, 7 passenger mini van 06 BUICK RENDVEOUS Ultra blue, tan leather, 3rd seat AWD 06 PONTIAC TORRANT Black (AWD) 06 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN ES, red, 4dr, entrtnmt cntr, 7 pass mini van 06 JEEP COMMANDER Slvr, 3rd seat, 4x4 06 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT, Quad cab, slvr, 5.7 hemi, auto, 4x4 06 DAKOTA QUAD CAB SLT, silver, auto., V6, 4x4 06 JEEP LIBERTY 4X4 SPORT white, V6, 05 GMC ENVOY SLT grey, black leather, 4x4 05 CHEVY EQUINOX LS Black, AWD 05 GMC JIMMY ENVOY SLE, Silver, 3rd seat, 4x4 05 FORD ESCAPE XLT Silver 4 x4 05 BUICK RANIER CXL gold, tan, leather, sunroof (AWD) 05 GMC SIERRA X-Cab, blk, auto, 4x4 truck 04 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS blue, 4x4 04 DODGE DURANGO SLT hemi, blue/ grey, 3rd seat, 4x4 04 CHEVY SUBURBAN LS, pewter silver, 3rd seat, 4x4 04 LINCOLN AVIATOR pearl white, grey leather, 3rd seat, AWD 04 FORD F-150 Heritage, X-cab, blk, auto, 4x4 04 NISSAN XTERRA SE blue, auto, 4x4 03 FORD XLS ESCAPE yellow, 4x4 03 FORD WINDSTAR LX blue, 4 door mini van 3 CHEVY 1500, V8, X-cab, white, 4x4 7 pass. mini van 01 VOLVO V70 AWD, station wagon, blue grey leather, 84k miles. 99 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO, grey, auto, 4x4 98 EXPLORER XLT Blue grey leather, sunroof, 4x4 95 CHEVY 1500 XCAB TRUCK, green 4 x 4 95 GMC JIMMY 2 door, purple 4x4 CADILLAC `02 DEVILLE 84K miles. Charcoal with tan leather interior. Recent head gaskets & water pump. Drives great. $3,750. Call 570-417-5979 CADILLAC `04 SEVILLE SLS Beige. Fully loaded Excellent condition. Runs great. New rotors, new brakes. Just serviced. 108,000 miles. Ask- ing $8,000. (570) 709-8492 CADILLAC ‘06 STS AWD, 6 cylinder, Sil- ver, 52,600 miles, sunroof, heated seats, Bose sound system, 6 CD changer, satellite radio, Onstar, park- ing assist, remote keyless entry, elec- tronic keyless igni- tion, & more! $17,000 570-881-2775 CHEVY `06 COLORADO Extended cab. Auto. Power steering, a/c. 40k miles. 2 wheel drive. $12,600, negotiable. 570-678-5040 412 Autos for Sale Rare, Exclusive Opportunity To Own... 2002 BMW 745i The Flagship of the Fleet New - $87,000 Midnight Emerald with beige leather interior. 61K miles. Mint condition. Loaded. Garage Kept. Navigation Stunning, Must Sell! $20,000 $18,600 ‘26 FORD MODEL T Panel Delivery 100 point Concours quality restoration. Red with black fend- ers. Never Driven. 0 miles on restoration. RARE! $40,000 $38,000 $36,500 1954 MERCURY MONTEREY WOODY WAGON 100 point restora- tion. $130,000 invested. 6.0 Vortec engine. 300 miles on restoration. Cus- tom paint by Foose Automo- tive. Power win- dows, a/c, and much more! Gorgeous Automobile! $75,000 $71,000 $69,900 From an Exotic, Private Collection Call 570-650-0278 CENTRAL CITY MOTORS 319 W. Main St. Plymouth, PA HIGHEST QUALITY VEHICLES All Guaranteed Bumper to Bumper For 30 Days 570-779-3890 570-829-5596 CHEVROLET `00 CORVETTE V-8. 5.7 liter. 345 Horse Power. Automatic. 56,000 miles. Pewter metallic. Hatch Back. Glass top. Air conditioning. Leather interior. Power seat, locks & windows. Bose AM/FM stereo. Cassette/CD Player. Very good to excel- lent condition. $19,700 SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY (570) 696-0424 Boat? Car? Truck? Motorcycle? Air- plane? Whatever it is, sell it with a Classified ad. 570-829-7130 CHEVROLET `03 IMPALA 97,000 miles, $3,300. 570-592-4522 570-592-4994 CHEVROLET `05 TAHOE Z71 Silver birch with grey leather interior, 3rd row seating, rear A/C & heat, 4WD automatic with traction control, 5.3l engine, moonroof, rear DVD player. Bose stereo + many more options. Imm- aculate condition. 76,000 adult driven miles. $15,600. Call (570) 378-2886 & ask for Joanne CHEVROLET `86 CORVETTE 4x3 manual, 3 over- drive, 350 engine with aluminum heads. LT-1 exhaust system. White with red pearls. Custom flames in flake. New tires & hubs. 1 owner. 61,000 origi- nal miles. $8,500 (570) 359-3296 Ask for Les CHEVROLET `98 CAMARO Excellent condition. 3.8L, V8 automatic with overdrive. T-top convertible. Bright purple metallic with dark grey cloth interior. Only 38,200 miles. New battery. Tinted windows. Monsoon premium audio system with DVD player. $6,500 (570) 436-7289 CHEVROLET ‘06 CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE Silver beauty, 1 Owner, Museum quality. 4,900 miles, 6 speed. All possible options including Naviga- tion, Power top. New, paid $62,000 Must sell $45,900 570-299-9370 412 Autos for Sale CHEVY `03 BLAZER LS 4WD 2 door $6,280 MARSH MOTORS 1218 Main St. Swoyersville, PA 570-718-6992 Buy-Sell-Trade CHEVY `04 CAVALIER Sedan. 4 cylinder auto. Green. 128k miles. A/C, cruise, power locks, ABS. $4,499 or best offer. Call 570-704-8685 CHEVY `05 EQUINOX LT (premium pack- age), 3.4L, 47,000 miles. All wheel drive, power moon- roof, windows, locks & seats. Leather interior, 6 cd chang- er, rear folding seats, keyless entry, onstar, roof rack, running boards, garage kept. $13,750. 570-362-1910 GET THE WORD OUT with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 CHRYSLER `05 SEBRING LX Low mileage, blue, 2 door, automatic. Excellent condition $7,000 (570) 740-7446 CHRYSLER `92 LEBARON CONVERTIBLE Needs engine seals 56K Original Miles. Radiant Red. Mint condition, new paint, automatic, new battery, tune up, brakes, top. Runs well, needs some work. $1,400 firm (347) 452-3650 (In Mountain Top) CHRYSLER ‘06 300C HEMI Light green, 18,000 miles, loaded, leather, wood trim, $24,000. 570-222-4960 leave message ‘10 DODGE CARAVAN SXT 32K, Power sliding doors, Factory warranty! $18,399 ‘09 DODGE CALIBER SXT 2.0 Automatic, 24k Factory Warranty! $13,899 ‘08 HONDA RIDGELINE RTL 32K, Factory Warranty, Leather Sunroof $24,399 ‘08 JEEP LIBERTY SPORT 4X4 34K, Red $16,399 ‘08 CHEVY IMAPALA LS 4 door, only 37K! 5 Year / 100K Factory Warranty! $13,599 ‘07 CHEVY IMPALA LS 4 door, only 45k / 5 Year 100K Factory Warranty! $11,499 01 LINCOLN TOWN CAR, Executive, 74K $6,899 CROSSROAD MOTORS 570-825-7988 700 Sans Souci Highway W W E E S S E L L E L L F O R F O R L L E S S E S S ! ! ! ! TITLE TAGS FULL NOTARY SERVICE 6 MONTH WARRANTY DODGE `06 STRATUS Only 55K. Brand new tires, plugs, wires, oil. Excellent Condition. $7,495 (570) 562-1963 FORD `04 MUSTANG Mach I, 40th ANNIVERSARY EDITION V8, Auto, 1,300 miles, all options, show room condi- tion. Call for info. Asking $24,995 Serious inquiries only. 570-636-3151 FORD `05 RANGER X-Cab V6 Auto 2WD; $5,980 MARSH MOTORS 1218 Main St. Swoyersville, PA 570-718-6992 Buy-Sell-Trade FORD `07 MUSTANG 63,000 highway miles, silver, runs great, $11,500. negotiable. 570-479-2482 FORD `87 F150 116k, rebuilt trans- mission, new radia- tor. Runs great. $1,250. Call 570-864-2339 412 Autos for Sale FORD `90 MUSTANG GT Must See. Sharp! Black, new direc- tional tires, excel- lent inside / outside, factory stock, very clean, must see to appreciate. $9,000 or best offer. For more information, call 570-269-0042 Leave Message FORD ‘02 MUSTANG GT CONVERTIBLE Red with black top. 6,500 miles. One Owner. Excellent Condi- tion. $18,500 570-760-5833 FORD ‘08 MUSTANG GT convertible. 23k low miles. 1 owner. $13,500 MARSH MOTORS 1218 Main St. Swoyersville, PA 570-718-6992 Buy-Sell-Trade FORD ‘08 MUSTANG V6 convertible. Auto. Power win- dows & locks. 44K. Very Clean. $14,980 MARSH MOTORS 1218 Main St. Swoyersville, PA 570-718-6992 Buy-Sell-Trade HARLEY DAVIDSON `08 NIGHTSTER Orange / Black, low miles $7,700 MARSH MOTORS 1218 Main St. Swoyersville, PA 570-718-6992 Buy-Sell-Trade HONDA `07 CIVIC EX. 34k miles. excellent condition, sunroof, alloys, a/c, cd, 1 owner, garage kept. $13,000. Call 570-760-0612 VITO’S & GINO’S Wanted: Junk Cars & Trucks Highest Prices Paid!! FREE PICKUP 288-8995 Job Seekers are looking here! Where's your ad? 570-829-7130 and ask for an employ- ment specialist 1518 8th Street Carverton, PA Near Francis Slocum St. Park HYUNDAI ‘03 ELANTRA 4 cylinder, automatic, cd, 1 owner. Economy Car! $3,995 Call For Details! 570-696-4377 HYUNDAI `04 TIBURON GT Blue, 5 speed manual, CD, Air, factory alarm, power windows & locks. 38K. $7,500 negotiable. Call 570-540-6236 KIA `08 RONDO Maroon with beige interior. All options. 78,000 miles. Still under warranty. Received 60,000 mile servicing. New tires. KBB Value $8,500. Asking only $7,900. A Must See! (570) 457-0553 KIA ‘08 RIO LX Sedan, automatic, low miles $11,650 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 PONTIAC ‘99 SUNFIRE 4 door, 4 cylinder, automatic. $1,950 FORD ‘96 RANGER Pickup, 4 cylinder, automatic, $1,650 OLDSMOBILE ‘99 INTRIGUE 4 door, 6 cylinder, automatic, $1,650 FORD ‘95 EXPLORER 4 door, 6 cylinder, automatic, 4 wheel drive, $1,650 Current Inspection On All Vehicles DEALER 570-825-8253 LEXUS `08 IS 250 AWD Sedan. 17,200 miles. No accidents. Perfect condition. Black with leather. V6 Automatic. Moonroof. 27 MPG. Never seen snow. $26,800 (570) 814-1436 412 Autos for Sale LEXUS `98 LS 400 Excellent condition, garage kept, 1 owner. Must see. Low mileage, 90K. Leather interior. All power. GPS naviga- tion, moon roof, cd changer. Loaded. $9,000 or best offer. 570-706-6156 LINCOLN`06 TOWN CAR LIMITED Fully loaded. 46,000 miles, Triple coated Pearlized White. Showroom condition. $18,900. (570) 814-4926 or (570) 654-2596 WANTED! ALL JUNK CARS! CA$H PAID 570-301-3602 MAZDA `08 MIATA MX-5 CONVERTIBLE Red. Power steer- ing, auto, AC, CD. ONLY 5,300 MILES. $18,500 (570) 883-0143 MAZDA 2 `11 Low mileage, 197 miles. Selling due to death in family. Lime green. Loaded. $15,500. Call 570-788-4354 SUBARU `05 LEGACY SPORT AWD Air, new tires & brakes, 31,000 miles, great condition. $11,995. 570-836-1673 412 Autos for Sale MERCEDES-BENZ `02 SLK-320 Red with black interior, hardtop/ convertible. REAL SHARP! Accepting Offers (570) 740-8900 MERCEDES-BENZ `06 C-CLASS Silver with leather interior. Good condi- tion. 34,000 miles. $15,000 Negotiable (570) 885-5956 MERCEDES-BENZ `95 SL 500 Convertible, with removable hard top, dark Blue, camel interior, Summer Driving Only, Garage Kept. Very Good Condition, No Accidents. Classy Car. Price Reduced! $13,995 or trade for SUV or other. 570-388-6669 MERCURY `95 GRAND MARQUIS 4 door, V8, fully loaded, moon roof, new tires & brakes. Interior & exterior in excellent shape. 2 owners. Call (570) 822-6334 or (570) 970-9351 MERCURY ‘01 GRAND MARQUIS 58k miles. 1 owner $5995. ‘09 HONDA ACCORD 12k miles, 1 owner. $18,900 570-655-3344 570-362-1644 TOYOTA `03 SOLARA Coupe. Auto. Silver. Power windows & locks. A/C. Satellite radio, CD. $6,200. Call 570-899-5076 Sell your own home! Place an ad HERE 570-829-7130 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 3D FREE STATE INSPECTION AS LONG AS YOU OWN THE CAR! Most with Cruise Control, AM/FM/CD, Air Conditioning, Moonroof, Keyless Entry, Tilt Wheel, Traction Control, ABS, Roof Rack Most with Cruise Control, AM/FM/CD, Air, Leather Seats, Keyless Entry, 3rd RowSeat, TowPackage TO CHOOSE FROM Most with Cruise Control, AM/FM/CD, Air, Leather Seats, Keyless Entry, Heated Mirrors, Parking Sensors, ABS AU1639- Cruise Control, CD, Air Conditioning, Keyless Entry, Rear Air, Moonroof, DVDPlayer, Navigation System STARTINGAT STARTINGAT LOWMILES! STARTINGAT STARTINGAT LOWMILES! STARTINGAT STARTINGAT TO CHOOSE FROM LOWMILES! TO CHOOSE FROM STARTINGAT STARTINGAT LOWMILES! Most with Pwr. Leather Heated Seats, Moonroof, Keyless Entry, ABS, Rear Defogger, 6 Disc CD, Satellite Radio TO CHOOSE FROM STARTINGAT STARTINGAT LOWMILES! STARTINGAT STARTINGAT TO CHOOSE FROM MILES UNDER 10K! Most with Pwr. Leather Heated Seats, Keyless Entry w/Keypad, Rear Defogger, 6 Disc CD, Parking Sensors, Heated Mirrors, Cruise CALL NOW 823-8888 CALL NOW 823-8888 1-800-817-FORD 1-800-817-FORD Overlooking Mohegan Sun Overlooking Mohegan Sun 577 East Main St., Plains 577 East Main St., Plains Just Minutes from Scranton or W-B Just Minutes from Scranton or W-B VISIT US AT WWW.COCCIACARS.COM *Tax and tags extra. Security Deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. See salesperson for details. All payments subject to credit approval by the primary lending source, Tier 0 rate. Special APR financing cannot be combined with Ford cash rebate. “BUY FOR” prices are based on 72 month at $18.30 per month per $1000 financed with $2,500 down (cash or trade). Photos of vehicles are for illustration purposes only. Coccia Ford is not responsible for any typographical errors. No Security Deposit Necessary. See dealer for details. Sale ends JULY 31, 2011. 63 MOS. 15K MILES! 72 MOS. TO CHOOSE FROM STARTING AT TO CHOOSE FROM 24K MILES! 14K MILES! 15K MILES! 15K MILES! 33K MILES! 63 MOS. 63 MOS. 14K MILES! 4,200 MILES! 22K MILES! TO CHOOSE FROM STARTING AT 12K MILES! PAGE 4D TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 5D 412 Autos for Sale MINI COOPER `06 Chili red, with white bonnet stripes, roof and mirror caps. Origi- nal owner with 29,000 mi. Auto. Cold Weather Pkg. Dynamic Sta- bility Control. Front fog lamps. Rain-sensing wipers. Black leather interior. Asking $14,900 FUN TO DRIVE! 570-674-5673 MINI COOPER S `06 GARAGED Pure silver metallic. Roof & mirror caps in black. Tartan red cloth / panther black leather interior. Black bonnet stripes. Automatic. Steptronic paddles. Dual moon roofs, Cockpit chrono package, conven- ience, cold weather (heated seats) & premium packages. Dynamic stability control. Xenon headlights, front and rear fog lights. Parking distance control. Harmon- Kardon sound sys- tem. Chrome line interior. Mint condi- tion. 17,000 miles. Must Drive! $21,500 570-341-7822 MINI COOPER`08 CLUBMAN S Sparkling silver metallic. Roof and mirror caps in black. Black leather interi- or. Automatic step- tronic paddles. Dual moon roof. Cold weather package. Dynamic stability control. Excellent Condition. 33,600 miles. Just Ser- viced. 30 MPG City. Factory warranty to 50K miles. $20,995 (570) 472-9909 (570) 237-1062 1518 8th Street Carverton, PA Near Francis Slocum St. Park PONTIAC ‘03 VIBE GT 4 cylinder, 6-speed, cd, sunroof, 1 owner. Sharp Sharp Car! $5,495 Call For Details! 570-696-4377 PONTIAC `05 GRAND PRIX Sedan. White. Great condition. Sunroof, tan leather interior. Recently main- tained. 70k miles. $5,000. Call 570-954-7459 Find Something? Lose Something? Get it back where it belongs with a Lost/Found ad! 570-829-7130 PONTIAC ‘07 VIBE Automatic, moon- roof, AWD $10,740 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 PONTIAC ‘69 FIREBIRD 400 CONVERTIBLE Blue/white top & white interior. Recent document- ed frame-off restoration. Over $31,000 invested. will sell $21,500. 570-335-3127 PORSCHE `02 BOXSTER S Great convertible, black top, 6 speed manual transmis- sion, carbon fiber dash, leather interi- or, front & rear trunk, fast & agile. $18,000 or best offer. Call 570-262-2478 1518 8th Street Carverton, PA Near Francis Slocum St. Park SATURN ‘05 ION 4 cylinder, automatic, cd, 1 owner. Extra Clean! $3,995 Call For Details! 570-696-4377 SUBARU `98 OUTBACK WAGON 155,000 miles. New Tires. $5,000. (570) 899-8725 SUBARU ‘05 LEGACY 2.5i Limited AWD, Excellent Condition, Dark Blue, Loaded with features such as sun roof and heated seats. Manual 5-speed transmission. 116,000 accident- free highway miles. Asking $7,500. Call 570-575-0656 412 Autos for Sale TOYOTA `10 Camry SE. 56,000 miles. Red, alloy wheels, black cloth interior. Will consid- er trade. $14,200 (570) 793-9157 TOYOTA `10 COROLLA LE. Grey. 20K miles. Auto. Air. Keyless entry. Power. War- ranty. Like new. $14,900. Call 570-878-9234 TOYOTA ‘07 CAMRY LE 4 cylinder sedan, automatic $15,545 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 VOLKSWAGEN `01 GTI Great running condition. Red with cloth interior, power door locks, power windows, power moon roof, 5 speed, just serviced, 117k. Asking $5,300 570-885-2162 VOLKSWAGEN `04 BEETLE CONVERTIBLE Blue. AM/FM cas- sette. Air. Automat- ic. Power roof, win- dows, locks & doors. Boot cover for top. 22k. Excel- lent condition. Garage kept. Reduced $14,000 570-822-1976 Leave Message VOLVO `01 XC70 All wheel drive, 46,000 miles, bur- gundy with tan leather, complete dealer service histo- ry, 1 owner, detailed, garage kept, estate. $9,100. 570-840-3981 VOLVO ‘04 XC70 Cross Country, All Wheel Drive $9,982 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 415 Autos-Antique & Classic CADILLAC `80 COUPE DEVILLE Excellent condition, $3,000 located in Hazleton. 570-454-1945 or 561-573-4114 CHEVROLET `69 NOVA SS clone. 350 engine, 290 Horse- power. 10 bolt posi- rear. PowerGlide transmission. Power disc brake kit. Over $20,000 invested, sacrifice at $7,500 Firm. Call 732-397-8030 (Wilkes-Barre) CHEVROLET `76 PICKUP Very Good Condition! Low miles! $7500. FIRM 570-905-7389 Ask for Lee CHEVROLET `81 CORVETTE Very good condi- tion. 350 engine, classic silver with black bottom trim, all original, regis- tered as an antique vehicle, removable mirror tops. 66,000 miles, chrome wheels & tires in very good shape, leather interior, garage kept. Must see to appreciate. Asking $9,000 or willing to trade for a newer Pontoon boat. Call 570-545-6057 CHEVY `68 CAMARO SS 396 automatic, 400 transmission, clean interior, runs good, 71K, garage kept, custom paint, Fire Hawk tires, Krager wheels, well maintained. $23,900 Negotiable 570-693-2742 CHEVY`75 CAMARO 350 V8. Original owner. Automatic transmission. Rare - tuxedo silver / black vinyl top with black naugahyde interior. Never damaged. $6,000. Call 570-489-6937 FORD SALEEN ‘04 281 SC Coupe 1,000 miles document. #380 Highly collectable. $28,500 570-472-1854 415 Autos-Antique & Classic 1949 DESOTO CUTOM 4 DOOR SEDAN 3 on the tree with fluid drive. This All American Classic Icon runs like a top at 55MPH. Kin to Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth, Imperial Desoto, built in the American Midwest, after WWII, in a plant that once produced B29 Bombers. In it’s original antiquity condition, with original shop & parts manuals, she’s beautifully detailed and ready for auction in Sin City. Spent her entire life in Ari- zona and New Mexico, never saw a day of rain or rust. Only $19,995. To test drive, by appointment only, Contact Tony at 570-899-2121 or penntech84th@ gmail.com FORD `52 COUNTRY SEDAN CUSTOM LINE STATION WAGON V8, automatic, 8 passenger, 3rd seat, good condition, 2nd owner. REDUCED TO $6,500. 570-579-3517 LINCOLN `66 CONTINENTAL 4 door, Convertible, 460 cu. engine, 67,000 miles, 1 owner since `69. Teal green / white leather, restorable, $2,500 570-287- 5775 / 332-1048 LINCOLN `88 TOWN CAR 61,000 original miles, garage kept, triple black, leather interior, carriage roof, factory wire wheels, loaded, excellent condition. $5,500. Call Mike 570-237-7660 MAZDA `88 RX-7 CONVERTIBLE 1 owner, garage kept, 65k original miles, black with grey leather interior, all original & never seen snow. $7,995. Call 570-237-5119 MERCEDES BENZ `74 450 SE SOLID CAR! Interior perfect, exterior very good. Runs great! New tires, 68K original miles. $5,500 FIRM. 570-905-7389 Ask for Lee MERCEDES-BENZ `73 450SL Convertible with removable hard top, power windows, AM /FM radio with cas- sette player, CD player, automatic, 4 new tires. Cham- pagne exterior; Ital- ian red leather inte- rior inside. Garage kept, excellent con- dition. $31,000. Call 825-6272 MERCEDES-BENZ `88 420 SEL Silver with red leather interior. Every option. Garage kept, show- room condition. $7,000. (570) 417-9200 OLDSMOBILE `68 DELMONT DRASTICALLY REDUCED!! This model only produced in 1967 & 1968. All original 45,000 miles, Color Burgundy, cloth & vinyl interior, 350 rocket engine, 2nd owner. Fender skirts, always garaged. Trophy winner at shows. Serious inquiries only, $7,500. 570-690-0727 PONTIAC `68 CATALINA 400 engine. 2 barrel carburetor. Yellow with black roof and white wall tires. Black interior. $4,995. Call (570) 696-3513 PONTIAC 1937 Fully restored near original. New paint, new interior, new wiring, custom tint- ed glass, new motor & transmission. Spare motor & trans. 16” wide white walls car in excellent condition in storage for 2 years. $14,000 or best offer. Serious inquiries ONLY. Call 570-574-1923 STUDEBAKER ‘31 Rumble seat, Coupe Good condition. Call for details (570) 881-7545 415 Autos-Antique & Classic PORSCHE ‘78 911 SC TARGA 60,000 miles. 5 speed. Air. Power windows. Metallic brown. Saddle Inte- rior. Meticulous original owner. Garaged. New Battery. Inspected. Excellent Condition. $25,000. OBO (610) 797-7856 (484) 264-2743 VW CLASSIC `72 KARMANN GHIA Restoration Vehicle. Family owned, garage kept, good shape. Needs some interior work, new seats, needs carburetor work. Only 58,000 miles. Asking $5,000. Serious inquiries only! Call 570-343-2296 WANTED: PONTIAC `78 FIREBIRD Formula 400 Berkshire Green, Originally purchased at Bradley-Lawless in Scranton. Car was last seen in Abington-Scranton area. Finder’s fee paid if car is found and purchased. Call John with any info (570) 760-3440 421 Boats & Marinas ALUM V-TRAILER 14” 15 Evinrude/55 lb. min. anchor, oars, seats, etc. Ready to go, just add poles & bait. $2,995. 570-751-8689 CUSTOM CREST 15’ Fiberglass boat with trailer. Out- board propul- sion. Includes: 2 motors Erinmade, “Lark II series” PRICE REDUCED! $2,400 NEGOTI ABLE 570-417-3940 STARCRAFT ‘80 16’ DEEP V ‘90 Evinrude out- board 70hp with tilt & trim— ‘92 EZ loader trailer. With ‘00 Tracker Series 60lbs foot pedal, 2 downriggers, stor- ages, gallon tanks, 2 fish finders and more. MUST SEE. Make Best Offer. Call 866-320-6368 after 5pm. BOAT SPACE NEEDED Looking for a place near Harveys Lake to park boat for summer. 570-784-8697 424 Boat Parts/ Supplies LADDER Folding boat ladder, three steps, in excellent condition, $10 Call 570-328-5611 or 570-328-5506 RIGGERS: 2 can- non uni troll down riggers - swivel bases & weights avail. - $250. FISH FINDER - hummingbird wide 100. $40 firm. GAS TANK: 3 gallon quicksilver plastic gas tank with fuel line $20. 570-262.0716 427 Commercial Trucks & Equipment CHEVY ‘08 3500 HD DUMP TRUCK 2WD, automatic. Only 12,000 miles. Vehicle in like new condition. $19,000. 570-288-4322 DUMP TRAILER ‘05 10 yards, 4 ton limit, very good condi- tion. Asking $3,900 Also, E-350. Cheap For more info, call 973-906-8404 FORD ‘99 E350 BUCKET VAN Triton V8. 2 speed boom; 92,000miles; $9999 or best price. Great condition. Call 570-675-3384 or 570574-7002 439 Motorcycles ‘96 HONDA American Classic Edition. 1100 cc. 1 owner, under 20,000 miles. Yel- low and white, extra chrome, VNH exhaust, bags, lights, MC jack, bat- tery tender, hel- mets. Asking $3500 570-288-7618 BMW ‘07 K1200 GT Low mileage. Many extras. Clean. $9,500 (570) 646-2645 HARLEY DAVIDSON `01 Road King 19,000 miles, new tires, lots of extra chrome. Like New. $12,900. Call 570-639-1989 or 570-760-1023 439 Motorcycles HARLEY ‘01 DAVIDSON Electra Glide, Ultra Classic, many chrome acces- sories, 13k miles, Metallic Emerald Green. Garage kept, like new condition. Includes Harley cover. $12,900 570-718-6769 570-709-4937 HARLEY DAVIDSON `03 100th Anniversary Edition Deuce. Garage kept. 1 owner. 1900 miles. Tons of chrome. $38,000 invested. A must see. Asking $18,000. OBO 570-706-6156 HARLEY DAVIDSON `07 Road King Classic FLHRC. Burgundy / Cream. Driver & Passenger back rest, grips, battery tender, cover. Willie G accessories. 19k miles. $14,400 or best offer. Call 262-993-4228 HARLEY DAVIDSON 01’ SPORTSTER 883 cubic inch motor, Paco rigid frame, extended & raked. Low miles. $5,000 or best offer.(973) 271-1030 HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘03 DYNA WIDE GLIDE Golden Anniversary. Silver/Black. New Tires. Extras. Excel- lent Condition. 19,000 miles $10,000. 570-639-2539 HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘05 SCREAMING EAGLE V-ROD Orange & Black. Used as a show bike. Never abused. 480 miles. Excellent condition. Asking $18,000 or best offer. Call 570-876-4034 HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘05 V-ROD VRSCA Blue pearl, excellent condition, 3,100 miles, factory alarm with extras. $10,500. or best offer. Tony 570-237-1631 HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘08 SPORTSTER XL 1200 Low Rider. 6,700 miles. Lots of chrome & extras. Perfect condition. $8,000 or best offer (570) 709-8773 HARLEY DAVIDSON 2006 NIGHTTRAIN SPECIAL EDITION #35 of 50 Made $10,000 in acces- sories including a custom made seat. Exotic paint set, Alien Spider Candy Blue. Excellent con- dition. All Documen- tation. 1,400 Asking $20,000 or best offer. Call 570-876-4034 HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘80 Soft riding FLH. King of the High- way! Mint origi- nal antique show winner. Factory spot lights, wide white tires, biggest Harley built. Only 28,000 original miles! Never needs inspec- tion, permanent registration. $8,500 570-905-9348 HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘92 DAYTONA DYNA SPECIAL EDITION Bike #770 of 1,770 made. Many extras. Must sell. 13,300 miles. Get on this classic for only $6,995 570-477-1109 HONDA 2005 SHADOW VLX600, White, 10,000 miles & new back tire. $3,000 (570) 262-3697 or (570) 542-7213 KAWASAKI `08 NINJA 250 cc, blue, like new, under 1,000 miles. Great starter bike. $2,800 Seri- ous inquiries only. Call 570-331-4777 KAWASAKI ‘05 NINJA 500R. 3300 miles. Orange. Garage kept. His & hers helmets. Must sell. $2400 570-760-3599 570-825-3711 POLARIS ‘00 VICTORY CRUISER 14,000 miles, 92 V-twin, 1507 cc, extras $6000. 570-883-9047 Q-LINK LEGACY `09 250 automatic. Gun metal gray. MP3 player. $3,000. Great first motorcy- cle. 570-696-1156 439 Motorcycles Kawasaki` 93 ZX11D NINJA LIKE NEW 8900 Original miles. Original owner. V@H Exhaust and Com- puter. New tires. $4,100. 570-574-3584 SUZUKI `07 C50T CRUISER EXCELLENT CONDITION Windshield, Bags, Floorboards,V&H Pipes, White walls,Garage Kept. 6K Miles $5,200 (570) 430-0357 SUZUKI ‘77 GS 750 Needs work. $1,200 or best offer 570-855-9417 570-822-2508 UNITED MOTORS ‘08 MATRIX 2 SCOOTER 150cc. Purple & grey in color. 900 miles. Bought brand new. Paid $2,000. Asking $1,600 or best offer. (570) 814-3328 or (570) 825-5133 YAMAHA `04 V-STAR 1100 Custom. 5800 miles, light bar, cobra exhaust, windshield, many extras, must sell. $4,900. Call 570-301-3433 YAMAHA ‘1975 80 Antique. Very good condition. Must see. Low milage. Road title. Asking $1,260 Call (570) 825-5810 Leave Message YAMAHA ‘97 ROYALSTAR 1300 12,000 miles. With windshield. Runs excellent. Many extras including gunfighter seat, leather bags, extra pipes. New tires & battery. Asking $4,000 firm. (570) 814-1548 YAMAHA ‘97 ROYALSTAR 1300 12,000 miles. With windshield. Runs excellent. Many extras including gunfighter seat, leather bags, extra pipes. New tires & battery. Asking $4,000 firm. (570) 814-1548 442 RVs & Campers ‘96 SUNLINE TRAILER 23’. Excellent con- dition. Sleeps 3 or 4 people. $6,000 negotiable. 570-453-3358 DUTCHMAN 96’ 5TH WHEEL with slideout & sun room built on. Set up on permanent site in Wapwallopen. Comes with many extras. $6,500. (570) 829-1419 or (570) 991-2135 EQUIPMENT/BOBCAT TRAILER Brand new 2010 tandem axle, 4 wheel electric brakes, 20’ long total, 7 x 16 wood deck, fold up ramps with knees, remov- able fenders for oversized loads, powder coat paint for rust protection, 2 5/16 hitch coupler, tongue jack, side pockets, brake away switch, battery, 7 pole RV plugs, title & more!! Priced for quick sale. $2,995 386-334-7448 Wilkes-Barre FLAGSTAFF `08 CLASSIC Super Lite Fifth Wheel. LCD/DVD flat screen TV, fire- place, heated mat- tress, ceiling fan, Hide-a-Bed sofa, outside speakers & grill, 2 sliders, aluminum wheels, water purifier, awning, microwave oven, tinted safety glass windows, raised panel fridge & many acces- sories & options. Excellent condition, $22,500. 570-868-6986 NEWMAR 36’ MOUNTAIN AIRE 5th wheel, 2 large slides, new condition, loaded with accessories. Ford Dually diesel truck with hitch also available. 570-455-6796 SPEEDWAY TRAILER 4’x8’, steel. 12” wheels. Built-in Loading ramps. 3,000 lb gross weight. $350. Call 570-655-1129 442 RVs & Campers SUNLINE `06 SOLARIS Travel Trailer. 29’, mint condition, 1 slide out a/c-heat. Stove, microwave, fridge, shower inside & out. Many more extras, includ- ing hitch equipment and sway bars. Reduced. $12,500. Call 570-842-6735 SUNLITE CAMPER 22 ft. 3 rear bunks, center bathroom, kitchen, sofa bed. Air, Fully self con- tained. Sleeps 6. New tires, fridge awning. $4500. 215-322-9845 TRAVEL TRAILER 33 ft Rear queen master bedroom, Walk thru bathroom. Center kitchen + dinette bed. Front extra large living room + sofa bed. Big View windows. Air, awning, sleeps 6, very clean, will deliver. Located in Benton, Pa. $4,900. 215-694-7497 451 Trucks/ SUVs/Vans BUICK `05 RENDEZVOUS CX HARD TO FIND!! AWD, Fully loaded, 1 owner, 20,000 miles. Small 6 cylinder. New tires. Like new, inside & out. $14,900. Call (570) 540-0975 CHEVROLET `05 SILVERADO LT Z71 Extended cab, automatic. 4x4. Black with grey leather interior. Heated seats. 59,000 miles. New Michelin tires. $16,000 (570) 477-3297 CHEVROLET `09 EQUINOX LS Low mileage, 16,000 miles, auto- matic, all-wheel drive, 4 door, anti- lock brakes, air con- ditioning, air bags, power locks, power windows, power mirrors, cruise con- trol, AM/FM radio, Sirius radio, On-Star, cassette player, CD player, keyless entry, rear de- froster, rear wind- shield wiper, tinted windows. REDUCED PRICE $16,500. (570) 954-9333 Call after 9:00 a.m. CHEVROLET `10 SILVERADO 1500 Extended Cab V71 Package 4x4. Bed- liner. V-8. Red. Remote start. 6,300 miles $26,000 (570) 639-2539 CHEVROLET `97 SILVERADO with Western plow. 4WD, Automatic. Loaded with options. Bedliner. 55,000 miles. $9,200. Call (570) 868-6503 1518 8th Street Carverton, PA Near Francis Slocum St. Park CHEVY ‘00 ASTRO CARGO VAN Automatic, V6 1 owner Clean Work Van! $3,995 Call For Details! 570-696-4377 1518 8th Street Carverton, PA Near Francis Slocum St. Park CHEVY ‘05 BLAZER 2 Door. Auto. V-6. CD. Extra Sharp. $5,995 Call For Details! 570-696-4377 CHEVY `00 SILVERADO 1500. 4x4. 8’ box. Auto. A/C. 121K miles. $5,995. 570-332-1121 CHEVY `04 EXPRESS 2500 Series. 6.0 Litre V8. Heavy Duty version. Excellent cargo van. 85K miles. Excellent condition. $8,700 570-829-4548 or 570-417-5991 CHEVY `10 SILVERADO 4 Door Crew Cab LTZ. 4 wheel drive. Excellent condition, low mileage. $35,500. Call 570-655-2689 CHRYSLER `07 PACIFICA Silver. Only 83K miles. All wheel drive, 4.0L V6. All Power. A/C. Loaded. Must Sell. PRICE REDUCED $10,500 or best offer. Call 570-417-7937 451 Trucks/ SUVs/Vans CHEVY ‘03 TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4WD, V6, leather, auto, moonroof $11,990 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 CHEVY 06 EQUI NOX LT $12,880 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 CHEVY ‘95 BLAZER 4 door. Teal. 92K miles. New inspection. $3,895 CHEVY ‘99 S10 PICKUP Extended cab. 4x4. Excellent condition. $4,295 CHEVY`05 TRAILBLAZER NEW PRICE $9,500 OR BEST OFFER JUST REDUCED! SAVE MONEY! GET READY FOR THE WINTER! Don’t pay dealer prices! White with grey interior. Looks and runs like it just came off the lot. Four Door, 4 wheel drive, 84,900 miles, new tires, tow package, anti lock brakes, driver and passenger airbags, power windows, power mirrors, power locks, rear window defroster and wiper, privacy tint, air conditioner, cruise control. CD, keyless entry and much more. Call 570-332-4999 1518 8th Street Carverton, PA Near Francis Slocum St. Park DODGE ‘06 DAKOTA QUAD CAB SLT 4X4 Automatic, CD Tool Box Like New! $8,995 Call For Details! 570-696-4377 DODGE `00 RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 4X4, V8 automatic. New tires & brakes. Fully loaded. Lea- ther interior. Many extras. Must see. Excellent condition. (570) 970-9351 To place your ad Call Toll Free 1-800-427-8649 DODGE `05 DAKOTA SLT Club Cab. 4 wheel drive. V8 auto. Blue. 49k miles. Many extras. Garage kept. Excel- lent condition. $14,000 negotiable 570-430-1396 DODGE `94 CARAVAN 6 cylinder, auto, front wheel drive, excellent condition. Asking $2,800 or best offer (570) 655-2664 DODGE `99 CARAVAN SE. 2 sliding doors. Very clean. Runs great. 107k miles. $2,500. Call 570-709-5677 or 570-819-3140 DODGE `99 DAKOTA SPORT 4 X 4, extended cab, 117,000 miles, new inspection, just serviced, oil, trans flushed, new fluid transfer case & axels, cooling sys- tem flushed. $6,599.00 Call 693-1262 after 5:00 PM 451 Trucks/ SUVs/Vans DODGE `99 DURANGO SLT 5.9 V8, Kodiak Green, Just serv- iced. New brakes. Tow package. AC. Very good condi- tion. Runs & drives 100%. 68,000 miles. Asking $6,850 or best offer (570) 239-8165 DODGE `99 RAM 1500 CLUB CAB Good condition. Runs great. High miles. Asking $2,700 (570) 239-3950 DODGE ‘02 CARAVAN Silver Ice Cold Air $4,295 DODGE 05 MAGNUM Clean Car. Local Trade-in. $12,861 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 DODGE ‘07 NITRO Low Mileage! $17,448 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 1518 8th Street Carverton, PA Near Francis Slocum St. Park FORD ‘97 F-150 4X4 Automatic, 4.2L V6, AC Economical Work Truck! $4,995 Call For Details! 570-696-4377 FORD `03 EXPLORER Low mileage, 63,500 miles, automatic, all-wheel drive, 4 door, anti-lock brakes, air conditioning, air bags, power locks, power windows, power mirrors, power seats, all power, cruise control, AM/FM radio, CD changer, keyless entry, leather interior, sun/ moon roof, rear defroster, rear windshield wiper, tinted windows. $12,500. (570) 362-0938 FORD `04 EXPLORER SUV, V6, 4x4, automatic, 85,000 miles Black Beauty. Garage kept. Must sell. $8,700 (570) 883-2754 FORD `04 FREESTAR Limited. Leather. 7 passenger.Remote doors. DVD player, premium sound. Rear A/C. 57,800 miles. $8,995. Call 570-947-0771 FORD `04 FREESTAR Automatic, front wheel drive, 4 door, anti-lock brakes, air bags, power locks, power windows, power mirrors, power seats, cruise control, AM/FM radio, CD player, rear defroster, rear windshield wiper, tinted windows, new starter, just inspected, $3,900. 570-594-4992. Call after 4:30 p.m. FORD `05 WHEEL CHAIR LIFT VAN Seating capacity for 7 plus 2 wheel chairs. 140,000 miles. Great condi- tion. Asking $7,000. For more details, Call 570-589-9181 FORD `06 EXPLORER 78,400 miles, auto- matic, four wheel drive, 4 door, anti- lock brakes, air conditioning, air bags, power locks, power windows, power mirrors, power seats, cruise control, AM/ FM radio, CD changer, DVD play- er, keyless entry, leather interior, moon roof, rear defroster, rear windshield wiper. $16,000 (570) 954-5462 Call after 9 a.m. 451 Trucks/ SUVs/Vans FORD `97 DIESEL Cummins engine, 8-L. 49,049 miles. 33,000 gross wt. 6,649 light wt. $19,500 Must see! (570) 829-5886 FORD `99 E250 Wheelchair Van 78,250 miles. Fully serviced, new bat- tery, tires & rods. Seats 6 or 3 wheel- chairs. Braun Millen- nium lift with remote. Walk up door. Front & rear A/C. Power locks & windows. Excellent condition. $7,500. 570-237-6375 FORD ‘03 TARUS SES Moonroof. Air conditioning. 1 year warranty. New inspection. $4,995 Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! GMC `04 4500 Duramax Diesel engine. Aluminum 16’ft Mickey box truck; allison auto- matic transmission; heavy duty tuck-a- way lift gate with roll up rear door; translucent roof; exhaust brakes; inside adjustable mirrors; Oak floor; new heavy duty bat- teries and new tires; under CDL. Excel- lent condition. 114k miles. $17,500 OBO Trailmobile Storage Trailer 53 ft long. Coupler height - 47.5’; height 13’6’’; width 96’’. Inside height 10’. Shelving inside length of trailer. Two 36” out swinging double doors. $2,400 OBO (570) 855-7197 (570) 328-3428 GMC `93 PICKUP SLE Package. Very Clean. 105,000 miles. $3,500. (570) 283-3184 GMC `99 SUBURBAN Champagne exterior, leather interior, power windows & locks, 4 wheel drive. $3,685. Call 570-362-4080 GMC `99 TRUCK SLE PACKAGE 2 wheel drive 84,000 original miles $5,900. or best offer 570- 824-3096 HONDA `10 ODYSSEY Special Edition. Maroon, Fully loaded. Leather seats. TV/DVD, navigation, sun roof plus many other extras. 3rd seat . Only 1,900 Miles. Brand New. Asking $37,000 (570) 328-0850 HONDA 08 ELEMENT Only 6,000 miles! $19,820 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 INTERNATIONAL ‘95 DUMP TRUCK Refurbished, rebuilt engine, transmis- sion replaced. Rear-end removed and relubed. Brand new 10’ dump. PA state inspected. $12,900/best offer. 570-594-1496 PAGE 6D TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com 522 Education/ Training 533 Installation/ Maintenance/ Repair 512 Business/ Strategic Management 522 Education/ Training 533 Installation/ Maintenance/ Repair 512 Business/ Strategic Management 522 Education/ Training 533 Installation/ Maintenance/ Repair 515 Creative/Design 515 Creative/Design 515 Creative/Design 515 Creative/Design 522 Education/ Training 522 Education/ Training We are an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity in the workplace. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJoooooobbbbbbssssssssssssss ooooooob JJJJJJJJJJJJ Autos THE TIMES LEADER timesleaderautos.com PARTTIME IMAGING POSITION Saturday & Sunday Nights • Experience in Photoshop a must! • Experience in scanning and toning of photos. • Knowledge of both PC and MAC platforms. • Page proofng required. • Knowledge of typesetting and plating software a plus. • Must be willing to work nights and weekends. Pre-employment drug screening and background check required. Interested candidates should send letter of interest, resume and salary history to: The Times Leader Human Resources Department 15 N. Main Street • Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 [email protected] No Telephone Calls Please! Nursing DNP Assistant Professor Wilkes University invites applicants for an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice Program. Wilkes University is an independent institution of higher education with approximately 2,000 undergraduate and over 2,000 full time equivalent students at the graduate and first professional levels. For more information about Wilkes Universi- ty, please visit www.Wilkes.edu. The School of Nursing’s Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs are accredited by CCNE. The DNP is an on-line pro- gram. This is a tenure-track faculty position with a major responsibility to assist in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the DNP Program cur- riculum. This position requires online teaching expertise in higher educa- tion, record of success in scholarship, participation in community and uni- versity service, and student advising. In addition, the successful candidate must possess the ability to communicate effectively. Integration of technol- ogy in nursing education is also essential. This position requires a master’s degree with a major in nursing, plus an earned Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) or an earned doctorate in nurs- ing (PhD, DNS, DNSe). The candidate must hold advanced practice certi- fication as a Clinical Nurse Specialist or Nurse Practitioner, preferably in Adult-Gerontology or Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing and an unencum- bered RN license in the state of Pennsylvania. To apply send a letter of interest, curriculum vita, transcripts and three let- ters of reference to: Wilkes University DNPAssistant Professor Search Reference # F00286 P O Box 3924, Scranton, PA 18505-0924. To apply by email, send application materials as listed above to: [email protected]. Include the reference # on the mailing envelope, or in the email subject line. Indicate in your letter where you found out about the position vacancy. Please make sure to include the reference # or the appli- cation will not be processed. Wilkes University is constantly seeking to become a more diverse commu- nity and to enhance its capacity to value and capitalize on the cultural rich- ness that diversity brings. The University strongly encourages applications from persons with diverse backgrounds. Automation/Controls Technician Advanced Automated Controls, Inc., a leader in the industrial automa- tion industry, has openings for Electrical Controls System Technicians. One (1) full time & one (1) part time position will be available and will be offered out of our Greater Scranton Corporate Office. Applicants will work closely with project leaders and managers and be responsi- ble for the programming, installation, and commissioning of electrical controls and automation systems in the manufacturing industry. The position will include off-site development and engineering assis- tance at our Greater Scranton Facility and on-site installation services at our customer facilities throughout Eastern PA. Applicants must possess a basic knowledge of Variable Frequency Drives, HMIs and PLCs. SCADA system knowledge is a plus. Responsibilities Include: • Interfacing with customers and AAC project managers to assure successful development and implementation of projects. • Capability of editing ACAD drawing utilized in the project design phase. • Development and modifications to new and existing control systems programs utilizing PLC, HMI, & Drive Systems software. • Field installation and design modifications of control systems. The individual must also possess strong communication skills and work well with others in a team environment. We offer competitive benefits including Blue Cross/Blue Shield, dental, vision, 401K, and vehicle reimbursement. AAC, Inc. is entering its 13th year of operation and has grown signif- icantly on a consistent basis as our reputation for supplying high qual- ity automation solutions to the manufacturing industry has made us a leader in the industry. Interested candidates should submit their resume and compensation requirements to [email protected]. Visit us on the web www.AAC247.com EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Wyoming Valley Children’s Association, a local non-profit organization, is seeking a highly motivated, seasoned professional to manage approximately 35 employees. •Develop strategies and plans for the welfare of the organization. •Coordinate with the board of directors to devel- op and implement programs designed to meet the organizational goals and objectives. •Manage the organization’s resources within budget guidelines.. •Supervise management and general operations of the agency. •Assure the organization & its mission, programs, products and services present a positive image. •Oversee the quality of programs, products and services. At least 3 to 5 years experience in the administra- tion of a human service agency. Degree in human service or related field. Evidence of relevant experience in interagency relationships, planning, fiscal management, fund raising, and human resources administration Please send resume and salary requirements in strict confidence to: C/O Times Leader Box 2620 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 or Fax (570) 829-8663 451 Trucks/ SUVs/Vans HYUNDAI `05 TUCSON 61,000 miles, auto- matic, four wheel drive, 4 door, anti- lock brakes, air con- ditioning, air bags, power locks, power windows, cruise control, AM/FM radio, cassette play- er, CD player, key- less entry, sun/ moon roof, rear defroster, rear windshield wiper, new towing pack- age, auto start. $9,500 (570) 762-4543 1518 8th Street Carverton, PA Near Francis Slocum St. Park JEEP ‘99 GRAND CHEROKEE 6 cylinder, automatic, sunroof, CD Excellent runner! $4,995 Call For Details! 570-696-4377 JEEP `02 GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO Triple black, eco- nomical 6 cylinder. 4x4 select drive. CD, remote door opener, power win- dows & locks, cruise, tilt wheel. 108k highway miles. Garage kept. Super clean inside and out. No rust. Sale price $6,895. Scranton. 570-466-2771 JEEP `02 LIBERTY Blue/grey, new rebuilt engine with warranty, new tires & brakes, 4,000 miles. $5,900 or best offer. 570-814-2125 JEEP `03 LIBERTY SPORT. Rare. 5 speed. 23 MPG. 102K highway miles. Silver with black interior. Immaculate condition, inside and out. Garage kept. No rust, mainte- nance records included. 4wd, all power. $6,900 or best offer, trades will be considered. Call 570-575-0518 JEEP `06 COMMANDER 4X4 Lockers, V-8. Heat- ed leather. All power. Navigation, Satellite, Blue tooth, 3rd row, More. 69,000 highway miles. $14,900. Call (570) 855-3657 JEEP 09 COMMANDER $19,880 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 KIA 05 OPTIMA LX $6,980 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 LEXUS `06 GX 470 Cypress Pearl with ivory leather interi- or. Like new condition, garage kept. All service records. Brand new tires. All options including premium audio package, rear climate control, adjustable suspen- sion, towing pack- age, rear spoiler, Lexus bug guard. 46,000 miles. $27,950 (570) 237-1082 LEXUS `96 LX 450 Full time 4WD, Pearl white with like new leather ivory interi- or. Silver trim. Garage kept. Excel- lent condition. 84,000 miles, Ask- ing $10,750 570-654-3076 or 570-498-0005 MAZDA ‘08 TRIBUTE Utility, 4WD $16,450 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 451 Trucks/ SUVs/Vans 1518 8th Street Carverton, PA Near Francis Slocum St. Park MAZDA ‘04 TRIBUTE LX Automatic, V6 Sunroof, CD 1 owner Extra Clean! $5,495 Call For Details! 570-696-4377 MERCURY `07 MARINER One owner. garage kept. Showroom condition fully loaded, every option 34,000 mi. $16,500 (570)825-5847 MERCURY ‘09 MILAN 4 cylinder, automatic, Only 9,800 miles $16,875 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 Line up a place to live in classified! MINI ‘08 COOPER 2 door, automatic, leather, sky roof, boost cd, fogs $19,945 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 MITSUBISHI `08 RAIDER VERY GOOD CONDITION! 29,500 miles. 2- 4X4 drive option, 4 door crew cab, sharp silver color with chrome step runners, premium rims, good tires, bedliner, V-6, 3.7 liter. Purchased at $26,900. Dealer would sell for $18,875. Asking $16,900 (570) 545-6057 MITSUBISHI `95 MONTERO SR 4WD 177,102 miles, auto- matic, four wheel drive, 4 door, anti- lock brakes, air con- ditioning, air bags, power locks, power windows, power mirrors, power seats, cruise con- trol, AM/FM radio, cassette player, CD changer, leather interior, sun roof, rear defroster, rear windshield wiper, new Passed inspec- tion, new battery. $2,500 (570) 868-1100 Call after 2:00 p.m. MITSUBISHI `97 15’ CUBE VAN Cab over, 4 cylinder diesel engine. Rebuilt automatic transmission. Very good rubber. All around good condition inside & out. Well maintained. Ready to work. PRICE REDUCED! $6,195 or best offer Call 570-650-3500 Ask for Carmen NISSAN `03 XTERRA Black with grey inte- rior. 196k highway miles. 4x4. Power windows & locks. New tires, brakes, rotors. Great condi- tion. $4,850. Call 570-574-7140 NISSAN ‘06 ALTIMA S Automatic, CD, Local Trade $11,880 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 NISSAN 08 ALTIMA SE Sporty 2 Door $19,790 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 Pontiac ‘02 Montana 1 Owner. Exception- ally well maintained - very good condi- tion. Fully loaded. Trailer hitch. Seats 8. 126K highway miles. $4,800 (570) 650-3368 TRUCKS FOR SALE Ford, GMC, International-Prices starting at $2,295. Box Truck, Cab & Chassis available. Call U-haul 570-822-5536 451 Trucks/ SUVs/Vans SATURN ‘09 VUE XE 4WD, automatic Moon Roof $16,770 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 SUZUKI `07 XL-7 56,000 miles, automatic, all-wheel drive, 4 door, air condi- tioning, all power, CD player, leather interior, tinted windows, custom wheels, $13,000 Call 570-829-8753 Before 5:00 p.m. SUZUKI 06 AERIO SX Hatch $8,888 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 TRACTOR TRAILERS FREIGHTLINER ’97 MIDROOF 475 CAT & 10 speed transmission. $12,000 FREIGHTLINER ’99 CONDO 430 Detroit, Super 10 transmission. Asking $15,000. ‘ 88 FRUEHAUF 45’ with sides. All aluminum, spread axle. $6,500. 2 storage trailers. 570-814-4790 457 Wanted to Buy Auto ALL JUNK CAR & TRUCKS WANTED Highest Prices Paid In Cash!!! FREE REMOVAL Call V&G Anytime 288-8995 506 Administrative/ Clerical ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT Individual needed to support leading non-profit organiza- tion. Must be detail- oriented, able to multi-task, work well in a team environ- ment, and have experience in recording minutes of meetings. Associ- ates degree in sec- retarial science/ office management or equivalent expe- rience and a mini- mum of 3 years’ experience in a sim- ilar position are required. Microsoft Office proficiency necessary. Compet- itive salary and ben- efits package. Send resume by July 26th to: Times Leader C/O Box 2640 15 N. Main St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 BOOKKEEPER Part-time. 30-40 hours/week. Benefits. Duties include A/R, A/P, & payroll. Knowledge of Peachtree/Excel a plus. Salary com- mensurate with experience. Fax resume to: 570-823-3352 Attention Donna or email: PioneerAgg@ yahoo.com MEDICAL SECRETARY Experience necessary. Send resume to: P.O. Box C Lehman, PA 18627 506 Administrative/ Clerical PART TIME OFFICE ASSISTANT General office duties. Experience in Microsoft Word, Excel & Quick- Books. 3 hours/day. Please fax resume to 570-331-3088 SECRETARY POSITION Computer experi- ence. Detail-orient- ed. Knowledge of building trades helpful. Send resume to: HR 197 Courtdale Ave. Courtdale, PA 18704 507 Banking/Real Estate/Mortgage Professionals RENTAL MANAGER Vacation rental dept manager, PA real estate license required. Salaried position plus bonus. Benefits. Call Pocono Resorts Realty 800-444-3721 x 11 or send resume to [email protected] 509 Building/ Construction/ Skilled Trades CARPENTERS LABORERS & ROOFERS Local construction company is seeking experienced carpenters with valid driver’s license. Apply at 197 Courtdale Ave. Courtdale, PA 18704 GAS DRILL SITE APPARATUS/ EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Immediate Opening 24 Hour Operation located on gas drilling sites is seek- ing a qualified indi- vidual to operate excavator and maintain a piece of machinery. Individ- ual must be willing to work outside for all day & night shifts, as well as weekend. Valid drivers license required. Contact Brian @ Harvis Interview Service for application or Q’s 570-542-5330 or susquehanna.harvis @gmail.com. E.O.E. 518 Customer Support/Client Care CUSTOMER SERVICE/ INSIDE SALES Full-Time. Growing Medical Equipment Sales & Svc. com- pany.Greater W-B Area. Responsibili- ties include: Clerical Duties, Customer Svc. & Inside Sales. Must be detail ori- ented and possess strong computer (MS Office) & phone skills. Competitive Salary and Benefits. Send resume to: c/o Times Leader Box 2645 15 N. Main Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0250 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! TELEPHONE OPERATORS Early morning hours. Saturdays a must. Must type 35 words per minute. Call between 10am- 2pm. 570-474-7705 521 Editorial/ Writing FREELANCE SPORTS / NEWS CORRESPONDENTS Abington Journal Clarks Summit The Abington Journal has immediate open- ings for freelance writers/news and sports correspon- dents to attend and report on local meetings and sports events in the newspaper coverage area. Gain clips and valuable experi- ence for your future in journal- ism or writing. Report and write byline stories con- cerning sports, local government, school board and other public meetings. Pay commensur at e with experience. Writing experi- ence preferred. Please send resume and writing samples to: The Abington Journal Attention: Kristie Grier Ceruti, Editor 211 South State St Clarks Summit PA 18411 Email: kgrier@ theabington journal. com Fax: 570-586-3980 No phone calls please. 522 Education/ Training DAYCARE STAFF NEEDED Experience a must. Early Childhood Education a plus. To inquire call Scott at 570-655-1012. 527 Food Services/ Hospitality COOK Part Time Experienced cook with excellent communication skills to assist our Dietary Depart- ment with prepar- ing delicious meals. Healthcare experience is a + Great Pay, PTO & Benefits Email: Jobs@ horizonhrs.com Fax: 866-854-8688 Please complete application Birchwood Nursing & Rehab 395 Middle Rd., Nanticoke, PA Wilkes-Barre Area 533 Installation/ Maintenance/ Repair AUTO COLLISION SHOP Now taking applications for an Auto Body Painter. Set up and painting. Must have valid PA license & minimum of 3-5 years experience. Call for appointment. 823-2211; 8:30a-5p, Monday-Friday. EXPERIENCED GARAGE DOOR INSTALLER Growing local com- pany needs polite, honest, customer & quality oriented, self-motivated team player. Full Time Crew Leader posi- tion with benefits & salary based on your experience. Contact Rowe Door Sales @ 570-655-7701 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! TYPEWRITER REPAIR Needed to repair Royal Manual Circa 1960. 283-0575 533 Installation/ Maintenance/ Repair MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN 2nd shift opening for experienced maintenance tech with strong mechanical skills set to troubleshoot, repair and maintain factory production equipment. *Also available Maintenance Apprentice position Send resume to: Kappa Graphics, 50 Rock Street, Pittston, PA 18640. Fax: 570-655-8379 MAINTENANCE/ GARDNER Part time. Kingston area. Experienced, or retired contractor preferred. Must be reliable, organized, detailed and likes dogs. Lazy person need not apply. Call 570-472-1110 MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR PERSON Subcontractor. Must have experience. Neat in appearance. Call 570-287-9631 Ask for Nancy or Pat MECHANICS Mavis Discount Tire/ Cole Muffler is actively hiring expe- rienced A or B level Mechanics. Must be PA certified inspec- tor, have own tools and be experienced in brakes, suspen- sion, front-end work and alignments. Call 914-804-4444 or e-mail resume to cdillon@ mavistire.com SERVICE ADVISOR/ COUNTERPERSON Award winning dealership has immediate openings in our parts and service department. Experienced per- sons are needed to fill these positions. Prior Ford motor company certifica- tions in these areas are a plus. We offer an excellent pay & benefits package. Contact: Rudy Podest Parts & Service Director email: rpodest@ cocciacars.com Coccia Ford Lincoln 577 East Main St Wilkes-Barre, PA 570-823-8888 SERVICE MANAGER Opening for Experi- enced Service Man- ager- 2nd shift. We Offer Top Wages & Benefits Package. Call For Interview and Ask for Jon: Falzone Towing Service, Inc. 271 N. Sherman St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 570-823-2100 TRUCK MECHANIC Opening for Experi- enced Full time Truck Mechanic. Must Have Own Tools/PA Class 8 Inspection License a Plus. We Offer Top Wages & Benefits Package. Call For Interview and Ask for Jon: Falzone Towing Service, Inc. 271 N. Sherman St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 570-823-2100 539 Legal LEGAL SECRETARY/ RECEPTIONIST Full time position. Must have legal experience and be able to use a dicta- phone. Salary & benefits commen- surate with experi- ence. Send resume to: c/o The Times Leader Box 2650 15 North Main St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0250 542 Logistics/ Transportation CDL CLASS B DRIVER/ LABORER For commercial rear load route. Experi- ence preferred, but will train the right person. Paid BC/BS and Dental insur- ance. Paid Holidays. EOE. Pre-employ- ment drug screen. Ellsworth Disposal Inc. 570-693-1514 NES RENTALS NES RENTALS, a leader in a multi-billion dollar rental industry for con- struction is look- ing to make immediate hires for the following positions in the PITTSTON, PA area: DRIVER You will operate multi-dimension- al construction equipment, delivery trucks, including tractor trailer combina- tions to pick up and deliver equipment to and from cus- tomer work sites, and is able to train in safe usage of the equipment. H.S. diploma (or equivalent), the ability to lift 70 lbs., have a valid CDL license, sat- isfactory driving record, and knowledge of federal motor carrier regula- tions is required. Two years of commercial driv- ing experience involving the movement of trucks and con- struction equip- ment including oversized loads required. Knowl- edge of safety procedures for securing and transporting cargo is also essential. NES RENTALS offers competi- tive wages, medical/ dental, vision, tuition reim- bursement, and 401(k). For considera- tion, apply online at our Careers center at www. nesrentals. com/careers. NES recognizes and values diversity. We are an EOE/AA/M/F/D/V employer. Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! DRIVERS CDL drivers needed Experience a must. Background check and drug screening required. Please visit ceankiewicz.com to complete application Fax 570-868-3654 Email ceatrucking@ frontier.com. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY FORKLIFT OPERATORS AND EXPERIENCED CLAMP TRUCK MUST HAVE 1 YEAR EXPERIENCE. BENEFITS AFTER 90 DAYS. 401K, Health Insur- ance, Aflac. Paid Holidays, Vacation after 1 year. Apply in person East Coast Logistics & Distribution 140 Industrial Drive Pittston, PA (old Techneglas building) R Sponsored by: timesleader.com THE ONE AND ONLY. CALL 800-273-7130 OR VISIT TIMESLEADER.COM 24/7 TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD. GET DIRECTIONS TO GARAGE SALES AT TIMESLEADER.COM! Find the best deals with timesleader.com’s Garage Sales Map. Customize your search by city or date. It’s simple. Click on the Garage Sales icon at the top of our home page to get started! WB g s t o n F o rty-F o rt Dallas TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 7D 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 551 Other 548 Medical/Health 542 Logistics/ Transportation 551 Other 548 Medical/Health 542 Logistics/ Transportation 551 Other 548 Medical/Health 545 Marketing/ Product 548 Medical/Health 545 Marketing/ Product SAFETY DIRECTOR Martz Trailways is currently interviewing candidates for the position of Safety Director. The successful candidate will possess: • A minimum, of 5 years leadership/management experience • In depth knowledge of all DOT regulations and policies • Accident investigation experience • Driver Training experience • CDL • Excellent communications skills, verbal and written. This is a highly visible position reporting to the General Manager. We offer a competitive compen- sation and benefits package. Interested candidates should send resumes including salary history to: Martz Trailways 239 Old River Road Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 or email [email protected] Martz is an equal opportunity employer by choice SOCIAL MEDIA SPECIALIST – AD AGENCY - FULL TIME Top integrated advertising agency in North- eastern PA is seeking a Social Media Special- ist. Our ideal candidate has current social media experience and a strong understanding of the strategies and related planning tactics necessary for harnessing a multitude of new media options and putting them to work for our clients. Can you build a Facebook page that will max- imize our “Likers,” drive “Comments” and produce “Leads” for our clients? Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit and a strong inde- pendent work ethic? If the answer is “yes,” please consider joining our team! Multi-task- ing skills are a must with the ability to devel- op new client strategies and monitor existing clients on a daily basis. The ability to develop results-driven content for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Yelp that will increase client vis- ibility is a must. Additional position requirements: • Advertising agency experience a plus. • Familiarity with syndicated research and social media monitoring tools to measure results and outcomes of efforts. • Client communication, strong analytical and presentation skills. • Ability to supervise the social media team. • Bachelor's degree in advertising, marketing, communications, or equivalent, relevant experience The Social Media Specialist reports to the VP of Marketing and is also responsible for assist- ing in the development and execution of the agency’s social media and online community strategies. Qualified candidates need only apply. Forward resume with cover letter to [email protected]. Alzheimer’s Association- Greater Pennsylvania Chapter Family Services Coordinator, Northeast Regional Office, Wilkes-Barre, PA Seeking a professional with two or more years experience in the human service field, prefer- ably with the aging population. Primary responsibilities include coordination of regional support groups, care consultation with families and presentations of educational programs within the community. Knowledge of dementia and healthcare delivery systems and issues such as: Medicare, Medicaid, man- aged care, HMO’s ect. A Bachelor’s degree with experience in social work, gerontology or related field is required. Position involves travel throughout service area. Interested can- didates should forward a cover letter with salary requirements & resume to Alzheimer’s Association – Greater Pennsylvania Chapter, 3544 North Progress Avenue, Suite 204, Har- risburg, PA17110, Attn: Erica Hood or e-mail to [email protected] No phone calls. EOE Full-Time OT Home Health Excellent salary & benefits offered, home health experience preferred to work for this JCAHO- accredited, well-established home health agency with excellent patient outcomes. Call Complete Home Care @ 287-4711, ask for Lynn or Kathy. Earn Extra Cash For Just A Few Hours A Day. Deliver To find a route near you and start earning extra cash, call Rosemary at 570-829-7107 Mountain Top/ Wapwallopen $900 Monthly Profit + Tips 159 daily papers / 192 Sunday papers Saint Mary’s Road, Blue Ridge Trail, Pond Hill Mountain Road, Lily Lake Road, Yocum Road Dallas $370 Monthly Profit + Tips 83 daily papers / 107 Sunday papers Baldwin Ave., East Center Hill Rd., Midland Dr., Southside Ave. Shavertown $800 Monthly Profit + Tips 172 daily papers / 207 Sunday papers Carverton Road, Frangorma Drive, Highland Avenue, Meadowcrest Apartments, Staub Road, Terrace Avenue Exeter $430 Monthly Profit + Tips 89 daily / 98 Sunday / 66 Pittston Dispatch Aster Court, Bluebell Court, Buttercup Court, Donnas Way, Fairway Drive Pittston $700 Monthly Profit + Tips 167 daily / 160 Sunday / 124 Pittston Dispatch LaGrange St., Nafus St., Swallow St., Tedrick St., Market St., Vine St., Pine St. Available routes: ( No Col l ect i ons) 2 9 5 7 2 8 MOTORTWINS 2010 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming 718-4050 CALL STEVE MORENKO NEW LOW PRICES! $ 4,990 * 2002 Hyundai Elantra GLS $ 4,990 * 4DR, Sunroof, Air, All Power 2003 Kia Spectra LS $ 5,990 * Air, 4-Cyl, Auto, 4DR 1993 Toyota Four Runner SR5 $ 3,490 * *All Prices Plus Tax & Tags. 2000 Dodge Stratus SE $ 3,490 * 1999 Buick Century 2002 Ford Focus SE $ 4,990 * 5 Speed 4x4, V6, 4DR Wagon 4 Door, 4-Cyl, Air, 82K Miles 6-Cyl, Air, All Power, 59K Air, Auto, 4-Cyl, 4DR, 72K RN Supervisor Part Time Day Shift, Every Other Weekend LPNs Per Diem 7-3, 3-11 & 11-7 CNAs Full Time, Part Time & Per Diem 7-3, 3-11 & 11-7 For More Information Or To Schedule an Interview Contact 877-339-6999 x1 Or Come Visit Our Beautiful Facility 395 Middle Road, Nanticoke Pa Wilkes-Barre Area Competitive Pay Rates, Benefits & Shift Differentials 542 Logistics/ Transportation CLASS A CDL DRIVERS CDS Transporta- tion, a subsidiary of Valley Distribut- ing & Storage Company, offers you the miles to make more money with our regional runs! At CDS, CDL truck drivers are offered job stabili- ty, opportunity, and are treated like a member of the family. Our company driv- ers are presented a full benefit pro- gram and late model equipment. If you are an owner operator, CDS offers you a partnership with weekly settle- ments to protect your cash flow. Requirements include a minimum 23 years of age, two years T/T experience, and a good driving record. To Apply: CDS Transportation Diane Chapin One Passan Drive, Laflin, PA. 570-654-6738 dchapin@ cdstransportation. com On line at www. cdstransportation. com Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! DRIVERS Fanelli Brothers Trucking has established new & increased driver pay package and an increased sign on bonus. Due to addi- tional business, Fanelli Brothers Trucking Co. is adding both regional and local drivers to our Pottsville, PA terminal operation. Drivers are home most nights throughout the week. Drivers must have 2-3 years of OTR experience, acceptable MVR and pass a criminal background check. The new pay package offers: • .38 cpm for qualified drivers • $1,500 sign on bonus • Paid vacations and holidays • Health/Dental/ Vision Insurance • 401K Plan Contact Gary Potter at 570-544-3140 Ext 156 or visit us at 1298 Keystone Blvd., Pottsville, PA 542 Logistics/ Transportation DRIVERS What sets us apart from the rest? Employee Owned! COMPANY DRIVERS & OWNER OPERATORS • Established East Coast Lanes • Flexible Home Time • Personal Dispatch 24/7 • Full Benefits Package Email: drive@ pennsbest.net Apply online at www. pennsbest.net PENN’S BEST INC. 800-233-4808 548 Medical/Health CNA’S Full Time 3-11 CNA’S & NURSES Per Diem All Shifts Competitive Salary & Benefits Package Golden Living Center Summit 50 N. Pennsylvania Avenue Fax 570-825-9423 or pamela.smith2@ goldenliving.com EOE M/F/D/V Say it HERE in the Classifieds! 570-829-7130 DENTAL HYGIENIST Full time position. No nights or weekends. Call 570-822-3040 DIRECT CARE WORKER Allied Services In- Home Services Divi- sion has part-time day shift hours available in Luzerne County. Minimum of one (1) year home- care experience required. If interested, please apply online at: www.allied- services.org or call Trish Tully at (570) 348-2237. Allied Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 548 Medical/Health FULL TIME LPN/ MED ASSISTANT Private Med office Send resume to 824 McAlpine St. Avoca, PA 18641 MEDICAL SECRETARY Cardiology back- ground a plus. Front desk duties includ- ing typing reports. Monday-Friday 7:30am to3:30pm Send resume to: Mary King, Manager Cardiovascular Diagnostic Center 1099 S. Township Blvd., Pittston. PA 18640 Job Seekers are looking here! Where's your ad? 570-829-7130 and ask for an employ- ment specialist RNS & LPNS Part time or week- ends. Openings on all shifts. Short shifts avail- able in evenings. Lakeside Nursing Center 245 Old Lake Road Dallas, PA 18612 (570) 639-1885 E.O.E SERVICE REP Lincare, leading national respiratory company seeks car- ing Service Rep. Service patients in their home for oxy- gen and equipment needs. Warm per- sonalities, age 21+, who can lift up to 120 lbs should apply. CDL with DOT a plus or obtainable. Growth opportuni- ties are excellent. Stop by our office to fill out application: Lincare, Inc. 1574 Highway 315 Plains Twp.PA 18702 Drug-free workplace. EOE. SURGICAL TECH/ MEDICAL ASSISTANT Part time position available in west side plastic surgery office. Fax resume to 570-288-4080. 551 Other GOLF COURSE LABORERS SEASONAL POSITIONS Golf course experience preferred. Apply in person at the Wyoming Valley CC 551 Other SUNDA SUNDAY Y INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT CONTRACT CONTRACT HAULERS HAULERS To deliver the Times-Leader to single copy loca- tions, this includes stores and coin racks. Delivery hours are 3 am to 7 am. Must have reliable vehicle with capa- bility to haul a minimum of 2000 lbs. Call Rosemary at 570-829-7107 557 Project/ Program Management ASSISTANT MANAGER TRAINEE 3 people needed to assist manager. Duties will include recruiting, training & marketing. Will train. Call Mr. Scott (570)288-4532 E.O.E 566 Sales/Retail/ Business Development BUSINESS OPENER Responsible, reli- able person to open business. Part time. Apply in person 8am-2pm CONVENIENT FOOD MART 610 Main St., Avoca GET THE WORD OUT with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 600 FINANCIAL 610 Business Opportunities A Better Career Starts Here! Your chance to build your own business with a JAN-PRO Cleaning Systems franchise. ‰ Extensive Training ‰ Guaranteed Customers ‰ Guaranteed Financing ‰ No Selling Needed Just $950 starts your career, so call 570-824-5774 today! BEER DISTRIBUTOR License available with option to lease building or sold separately. 570-954-1284 FLORAL SHOP The only shop in the area! 1,300 sq/ft retail & 1,300 sq/ft storage $63,000 Includes established sales, all equipment, showcases, inventory & memberships to FTD, Tele-Floral & 1-800-FLOWERS. Willing to train buyer. Owner retiring after 25 years in business. Room for potential growth. CALL 570-542-4520 Pictures available. Landscaping Business For Sale Must have 5 years experience in land- scape design, retaining walls and all aspects of paver work. Includes dump truck, mini excavator, 2 skid- sters, trailer & 2 snow plows with a great current snow contract. Serious inquiries only. 570-233-6880 PA LIQUOR LICENSE For Sale. $25,000. Please Call Anna, 570-540-6708 630 Money To Loan “We can erase your bad credit - 100% GUARAN- TEED.” Attorneys for the Federal Trade Commission say they’ve never seen a legitimate credit repair opera- tion. No one can legally remove accurate and timely information from your credit report. It’s a process that starts with you and involves time and a conscious effort to pay your debts. Learn about manag- ing credit and debt at ftc. gov/credit. A message from The Times Leader and the FTC. 700 MERCHANDISE 702 Air Conditioners AIR CONDITIONER: Gibson 13,500 btu 3 years old 110v w- remote $125. 570-901-1084 AIR CONDITIONER: Gibson Low profile 6000 BTU Quiet operation energy efficient. Excellent condition $115. 570-261-5161 AIR CONDITIONER: Window 12,000 BTU. Gibson model GAX12841A1. Used one season then kept in storage. Works like new. $175 or best offer. 570-574-8766 AIR CONDITIONERS (2) Fedders 10,000 BTU & GE 8,000 BTU. Both are in very good condition have remotes, out- door brackets & produce ice cold air. $100. 788-5030 708 Antiques & Collectibles $ ANTIQUES BUYING $ Old Toys, model kits, Bikes, dolls, old gun Mining Items, trains &Musical Instruments, Hess. 474-9544 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! COINS. Washington Quarters 1934-D, 1836-0, 1937-D, 1939-D, 1940-D, $115. 570-287-4135 COLLECTORS ITEM Newspaper copies of the 1972 flood in Wyoming Valley. Hundreds of pic- turesand stories. Quite a few copies. Sell all for $100. call Jim 655 9474 COMIC BOOKS - Gen 13-1, X-files, Spiderman & many others, $1 each. NEON SIGN - Elec- tric, Camel sign, 30 years old, $150. RECORDS - LP’S, 78’S, 45’S From 40’S, 50’S, 60’S & 70’S. $1 each. 570-829-2411 DOLL HOUSE 1960’S tin doll house made by Superior Toy Co. Very good condition, has some furniture &original assembly instruc- tions. $150. or best offer. 570-239-6622 DOLL HOUSE made from scratch, not a kit, & fully lighted. $500.570-288-5491 SWING. Wicker, 72” hanging on original enclosed porch circa 1940’s. Un- touched by modern chemicals, waiting to be restored. Ask- ing $180 or best offer. Call. 570-477-0899 TROLLEY: San Fran- cisco music box company collectible trolley, retired $40. Authentic traf- fic signals $50. 570-760-4830 VINTAGE RECORD PLAYERS (3) 1977 Sound design stereo with 8 track player & AM/FM stereo, mint condition $275. 1973 Console turn- table AMFM stereo, 8 track player $375. 1940 RCA Phonograph plays 33 & 45. $1,250. Call 570-885-1512 WATERFALL BED- ROOM FURNITURE consists of war- drobe, dresser, van- ity with seat & small wooden bedroom chair Circa 1920- 1940. $400, or best offer. 570-239-6622 708 Antiques & Collectibles YEARBOOKS: Coughlin H.S. 1926, 1928, 1932, 1934, 1943, 1944, 1946, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1961, 1963; GAR H.S.: 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1945, 1946, 1955, 1956, 1961, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1984, 1980, 2005, 2006; Meyers H.S.: 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1950, 1957, 1960, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977; Old Forge H.S.: 1966, 1972, 1974; Kingston H.S.: 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1948, 1949, 1962, 1964; Ply- mouth H.S.: 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1938, 1960; Han- over H.S.: 1951, 1952, 1954; Berwick H.S.: 1952, 1953, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1967, 1968, 1969; Lehman H.S.: 1973, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1980; Dallas H.S.: 1966, 1967, 1968; Westmore- land H.S.: 1952, 1953, 1954; Nanti- coke Area H.S.: 1976, 2008; Luzerne H.S.: 1951, 1952, 1956, 1957; West Pittston H.S. Annual: 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1931, 1932, 1959, 1960, 1954; Bishop Hoban H.S.: 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975; West Side Central Catholic H.S. 1965, 1975, 1980, 1981, 1984; Pittston H.S.: 1963; Hazleton H.S.: 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1945, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964; Hazle Twp. Senior H.S.: 1951, 1952. 570-825-4721 710 Appliances A P P L I A N C E PA R T S E T C . Used appliances. Parts for all brands. 223 George Ave. Wilkes-Barre 570-820-8162 DISHWASHER Whirlpool original price $450. like new, only used 4 months, white, ask- ing $200. Frigidaire microwave, over range, uses stan- dard outlet, white $35. 570-690-5145 DRYER: electric, 6.0 G.E. white, 4 years old, works great needs a timer knob, asking $60. 570-762-1015 DRYER: Kenmore electric, works great, some scratches. Good Deal $75. 266-1478 GENE’S RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES 60 Day Warranty Monday-Friday 8:00PM-5:00PM Saturday 8:00AM-11:00AM Gateway Shopping Center Kingston, PA (570) 819-1966 GRILL electric ceramic 12”x12” nonstick. Smoke free. New in box. $15. 570-655-2154 MICROWAVE $20. 570-474-5188 MICROWAVE OVEN 21”lx15”dx11”h, Ken- more, glass turn- table $25. Wooden microwave stand on wheels $5. 570- 829-4776 MICROWAVE: GE, all options, with turntable, excellent condition. $30. 570-675-4383 REFRIGERATOR compact Magic Chef, used only one month, great for dorm room, small freezer, shelves, small on door stor- age, crisper, etc. $100. 570-824-1062 REFRIGERATOR. office sized black, like new, $45. DEHYDRATOR, Ronco food, like new, $40. MICRO- WAVE Amana, $30 570-824-7807 REFRIGERATOR: small cube, very good condition, brown $35. 570-675-4383 Retired top loading Whirlpool, Kenmore & Maytag Washers, Gas & Electric Dry- ers Repairman. 570-833-2965 STOVE Magic Chef, gas, super capacity, beige, like new $175. 824-0600 STOVE, G.E., elec- tric. $100. 570-235-6137 Why Spend Hundreds on New or Used Appliances? Most problems with your appli- ances are usually simple and inex- pensive to fix! Save your hard earned money, Let us take a look at it first! 30 years in the business. East Main Appliances 570-735-8271 Nanticoke 712 Baby Items BASSINETT off white fabric with small ani- mals on it. Can be used for boy or girl. good condition $20. 570-793-5499 LITTLE TYKES shopping cart $8. Little Tykes pink & white doll high chair $8. Today’s kids child’s desk $15. Little Tykes blue & white child’s rocker $20. Call after 2pm 570-283-2920 NEWBORN SWING $40. NEWBORN CLOTHING girl’s up to 12 months $5. or less. 570-825-0569 716 Building Materials BATHROOM SINK SET: Gerber white porcelain bathroom sink with mirror and medicine cabinet. Matching set. $80. 570-331-8183 CONCRETE PAVERS: Red/Grey Most pavers are 6 1/8” x 6 1/8” x 2 1/2”. Approximate 225 sq ft. Removed from backyard patio for pool. $375. 570-474-9766 DOOR. 36”x80” solid wood, 6 panel. Exterior or interior. Natural oak finish, right or left with hardware. $200. SINK, stainless steel, $50. Mailbox, wrought iron, includes stand. $100 Call 570-735-8730 or 570-332-8094 KITCHEN CABINETS & GRANITE COUNTERTOPS 10 ft.x10 ft., 1 year old, Maple kitchen. Premium Quality cabinets, under- mount sink. Granite tops. Total cost over $12,000. Asking $3,890 570-239-9840 LIGHTS 3 emer- gency power failure lights, 2 lights on each unit, 3 for $125. 570-636-3151 To place your ad call...829-7130 PORCH RAILING. New, solid wrought iron, two 10’ long plus 2 gates with plates $175. KITCHEN SINK heavy duty, stain- less, excellent con- dition $45. 570- 822-1227 after 1pm SINK, new bath- room sink & vanity 33” wide white $125. New Ameri- can standard toilet complete white $75. 570-693-1678 STORM DOORS Forever, white, 1 left 1 right hand, good condition 36” wide, all hardware includ- ed.$80. 814-4315 STORM WINDOWS 5 used 29x53.5” $50. all. 740-1246 VANITY. Bathroom. 24” medium oak. Sink, brass faucet and drain. $60. Like new. 570-817-8981 720 Cemetery Plots/Lots CEMETERY PLOTS FOR SALE (4) Four plots, all together. Crestlawn Section of Memorial Shrine Cemetery in Kingston Twp. $600 each. Willing to split. For info, call (570) 388-2773 CEMETERY PLOTS Plymouth National Cemetery in Wyoming. 6 Plots. $450 each. Call 570-825-3666 CEMETERY PLOTS (3) together. Maple Lawn Section of Dennison Cemetery. Section ML. $550 each. 610-939-0194 MEMORIAL SHRINE CEMETERY 6 Plots Available May be Separated Rose Lawn Section $450 each 570-654-1596 726 Clothing BATHING SUITS girl’s 2 & 3 year old $1. each. 474-5653 726 Clothing LEATHER JACKET: (Wilsons) Small. $50 570-262-1615 or 570-215-0215 LOOKING TO GET RID OF OLD HALLOWEEN COSTUMES? Your donations will go to under privileged children to enjoy a halloween party and a fun night of trick or treating! Please help bring a smile to a child’s face!!! Call Megan 570-674-3002 to donate! PURSE - Liz Clai- borne, white, 13”W x 10”H, 2 handles, 3 zipper compart- ments, pocket on side, retails at $67, asking $20. 570-333-4325 WEDDING GOWN, New, tags on, ivory strapless, size 10, beautiful bead work, beaded veil to match & slip. Paid $600. asking $100. 570-287-3505 730 Computer Equipment & Software COMPUTER Gate- way desk top 512 ram win xp $125. 570-991-8962 DESK. Computer Desk $50. Call 735- 8730 or 332-8094 LAPTOP: Gateway m405, excellent condition, centrino cpu. win xp. 1gb ddr ram. dvdrw. ac adapter, good bat- tery. delivery. $140. HP WS17E flat panel monitor, excellent condition, power cord, video cable included, built-in speakers. best offers welcome. $65. 570-905-2985 SPEAKERS: Gate- way computer speakers they work like there brand new $50. 570-288-2224 732 Exercise Equipment WEIGHT BENCH/ Weights as is. $20. or best offer 570-417-3251 742 Furnaces & Heaters FIREPLACE, corner, electric, heater or no heat $300. neg. Brass fireplace accessories $25. 570-675-7024 FURNACE. Hot air propane. heats 6 room house. $200. Stove pipe, 9” $6 each, 12”, $8 each. 570-735-8730 or 570-332-8094 HEATER Timberline vent-free propane gas heater with fire- log, wall-mounted, in excellent condi- tion. E-mail photo is available, 15,000 to 25,000 BTUs (Sells for $250) asking $99. 570-328-5611 or 570-328-5506 HEATER. Corona Kerosene Portable. Excellent for garage. $30. 570-824-7807 HEATERS (3) elec- tric, Lasko 3’ base- board type, digital control, hardly used $35. each. 570-675-3328 OIL BOILER runs great $100. 570-760-4830 744 Furniture & Accessories ANTIQUE Wardrobe Cabinet 1950s vin- tage, light wood color cedar lined good used condition $100. call 655-3197 BEDROOM SET Rustic, dark wood, twin captain’s bed, dresser with mirror, chest of drawers, desk with hutch & chair, very good condition $300. neg. 570-868-6613 We Need Your Help! Anonymous Tip Line 1-888-796-5519 Luzerne County Sheriff’s Office PAGE 8D TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com 752 Landscaping & Gardening 752 Landscaping & Gardening 796 Wanted to Buy Merchandise 796 Wanted to Buy Merchandise NEED TOP SOIL? Screened & Blended. Delivery Available. Call Back Mountain Quarry 570-256-3036 39 Prospect St • Nanticoke 570-735-1487 WE PAY THE MOST INCASH BUYING 10am to 6pm 744 Furniture & Accessories BED: girl’s twin bed with lighted doll- house bookcase headboard, good condition $100. Couch & oversized chair. Light brown/ grey microfiber. good condition, no rips or holes, from a smoke free home- $220. 868-5863 BEDROOM SET. 9 piece ivory color lacquer color wood. modern. $700. call for sizes & details. 570-288-9843 BOOKCASE with glass doors, $25. 570-824-6770 BOOKSHELF Sauder vcr/book shelf with 12 interchangable shelves, excellent condition $15. 570-829-4776 CHEST OF DRAW- ERS, solid wood $125. 675-3328 COFFEE TABLE oval [1]. End tables oval [2]. Maple finish six months old $79 each. 825-8289 CURIO CABINET: maple, etched wood, 3 sides of glass, mirrored back, 4 shelves, electric lighting, 71 H x 21 W, $80 or best offer. 868-5886. DESK O’Sullivan Corner work center pine 5.5’x 5’.5, like new, (sells for $250) asking $99. E-mail photo available. 570-328-5611 or 570-328-5506 DESK, black, wood. $15. FUTON, frame, mattress & 2 cov- ers. $150. 570-235-6137 DESKS drop down top 3 drawers, pecan finish, $85. Computer with pull- out for keyboard, shelf for tower $15. 570-287-2517 DINING TABLE solid wood $25. Sofa 3 seater reclining $25 570-696 3368 END TABLE cherry, traditional Queen Anne style, may want to refinish $10 & dark pine wooden chair $10. Good condition. 675-1277 END TABLES, 2 wooden. $25. NIGHTSTAND, $20. TV STAND, $10. CORNER SHELF & BOOKCASE, $20. 570-883-0568 or 570-239-2699 FIREPLACE SCREENS (2) new, still in box, glass bi- fold. New $400 sell- ing $100. each. 570-829-2022 FURNITURE: Match- ing Desk & Dresser $50; Antique Armoire $100; Oak End Tables $50; Dresser with 6 drawers $20 570-262-1615 or 570-215-0215 FUTON contempo- rary piece, like new, asking $50. Call 570-472-4027 or 570-283-5141 FUTON, steel frame complete with cover, nice condi- tion $60. 474-6947 HEADBOARD, oak twin, $50. Oak night stand $50. 570-825-0569 KITCHEN SET - table with chairs, white back & legs. White Hutch, light colored wood trim. $250. 256-4450 KITCHEN SET maple, 4 chairs good condition $50. 570-829-2778 KITCHEN TABLE, medium colored wood, 30”X45” $20. 570-814-9845. KITCHEN TABLES: medium colored oak with leaf $50. Wal- nut colored kitchen table with leaf $75. Light oak twin bed complete $25. CEDAR CHEST $25. 570-287-8107 LAMPS (2) grey metal & black. $25 each. 570-740-1246 LIFT CHAIR, dark mauve excellent condition $125. 570-693-1678 Selling Your Furniture? Do it here in the Classifieds! 570-829-7130 LIVING ROOM SET 3 piece matching set includes love seat, wing chair with matching ottoman, green & camel plaid, very good. $275. 288-0691 AFFORDABLE MATTRESS SALE We Beat All Competitors Prices! Mattress Guy Twin sets: $159 Full sets: $179 Queen sets: $199 All New American Made 570-288-1898 PATIO SET - 36 in. diameter table and 4 chairs, wooden, foldable. Like New. $50. 570-824-0591 PRAYER KNEELERS. (2) $100 each. 570-735-8730 or 570-332-8094 RECLINER, very good condition with electric lift & mas- sage feature. $100. Picnic Table with benches, very good condition. $50. 570-446-8672 RUG beige oriental wool $100. Beige Lazyboy recliner $50. Sage ottoman $25. 570-287-7379 744 Furniture & Accessories SCHOOL TABLE / 6 chairs, very sturdy built, paid over $400. asking $100. CORNER PATIO STORAGE UNIT $20. CLAY FIRE PIT used 2 times, $40. DINING TABLE, solid wood, very nice, 8 chairs & hutch paid 1800. asking $400. 570-417-3251 SOFA 90” sage/ green/beige $150. PATIO SET 4 chairs, 2 lounges, round table, umbrella & matching cushions for all $150. 570-474-5188 GET THE WORD OUT with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 SUNROOM FUR- NITURE beveled glass top 1/2” thick table, 3’1/2’ x7’ , rat- tan base,cream, 8 parson custom cov- ered chairs, high- back, pleated bot- tom,cream & yellow $690. SOFA 7’ x 3’ cream & floral $200. CLUB CHAIR cream with yellow stripes $200. HIGHBACK CHAIR with rattan frame cream & floral matching ottoman $200. GLASS TOP COCKTAIL TABLE, rattan base, cream $100. GLASS SIDE TABLE, rattan base, cream $50. RATTAN, CREAM SHELVES, 2 shelves 5’ 8” 1 shelf 2’11” $100. 2 MASLAND AREA RUGS 8’ x 10” cream & yelllow pat- tern $100 each. 570-654-8385 TABLE: 48” long sofa table, medium color wood $35. 2 seater child high back bench $14. 2 country wood shelves $4 each. Chrome clothes tree $5. Large assortment of coun- try sunflower items including dishes, pictures, shower curtain set, flower arrangements, tiny tea set, metal bas- kets and much more $.25 to $8. each item. PERFUME SETS: Eternity Calvin Klein $40. Mackie Bob Mackie $20., Mambo Liz Claiborne $40. Wings Giorgio $25., White Diamonds Elizabeth Taylor $5., all new in boxes. 570-868-5275 or 301-8515 TV Armoire. Fits 27” TV, light finish, made by Broyhill, excellent condition. $100. 570-868-6365 WICKER SET, 4 piece white, asking $85. KITCHEN DIN- ING SET 5 piece walnut, table 60” round, cast iron & wood, chairs, paid $600. asking $200. Both good condition and you must see! 570-822-1094 LUZERNE CTY. FAIR GROUNDS July 2, 9, 16, 23 9AM TO 2PM 10 FT. FOR ONLY $10. VENDOR SET UP 8AM NO PRE- REGISTRATION REQUIRED! RAIN OR SHINE Mountaintop 25 Pine Tree Burger King to High- land Woods, Farm- house to Pine Tree WEDNESDAY, July 20 9:00-3:00 LAST MINUTE beau- tiful contents sale! Living room, fabu- lous dining room, kitchen, Brass king size bed and suite, Family room , holi- day, many smalls. All beautiful, Too much to list, all priced to sell. 748 Good Things To Eat PICK YOUR OWN BLUEBERRIES! 8am to 8pm Closed Sundays Sickler Blueberry Farm - Vernon 570-333-5286 752 Landscaping & Gardening BLOWER GAS, McCollough, runs good. $40. 570-288-9940 CANNA PLANTS. Tall red potted, bloom until frost. Have 25 at $4.50 each.570-288-9843 752 Landscaping & Gardening CHIPPER, SHREDDER VACUUM Troy Bilt 4-in-one chipper, shredder, vacuum w/ hose, 5.5HP (used 5 times) $250 MOWER John Deere 6.5HP, self- propelled lawn mower (model JS 63C) $75. 570.262.0716 CHIPPER, shredder, mulcher, bagger. Craftsman 5 HP. 3 cutting stages. Very good condition. Recently serviced. $350. 675-4383 LAWNMOWER Troy- built 4hp mulcher runs good $65. WHEELBARROW contractor edition, large steel tub, good condition $35. 570-655-3197 LAWNMOWER, Toro 20” mulcher, rear bagger with bag, 4.5 H.P. Briggs & Stratton engine, rear wheel drive, new spark plug, air filter, oil change, blade sharpened, runs & looks new. $115. 696-2008. Patrick & Deb’s Lawn Care See our ad under Call An Expert 1162 Landscape & Garden YUCCA PLANTS FREE YOU DIG EM OUT. 570-675-7024 754 Machinery & Equipment HAULMARK ‘07 TRAILER 6’X14’ Like new with electric brakes, new tires and reinforced tongue. $2700. 570-239-5457 Motor, 6HP Single phase 220 electric motor. $300. or best offer. 570-239-6622 SNOWBLOWER new used 1 season , wont start, I don’t have time to mess with, Troy-Built storm 7524 $75. or best offer. 417-3251 756 Medical Equipment DIAPERS adult size XL originally $14 a package on sale for $5 a package. 570-696-2856 HOSPITAL BED electric complete $75. 570-287-8107 POWER CHAIR Jazzy Select, $500. Walker - $25. 570-829-2411 ROLLATOR Medline Guardian Deluxe Rollator, black, new never out of box. $75. 570-788-5030 SCOOTER By Pride. Revo. Blue. Front & back baskets. 6 months old. $2,000. Vehicle lift also included. Call 570-288-1879 WALKER, maroon chrome on wheels with seat, $15. Also raised toilet seat, $2 Call 570-823-4941 WALKERS( 1) new $12. (1) folding $20. (1) folding with wheels $25. Com- mode aid, like new $20. 4 prong cane $20. (2 other canes) $10 & $15.825-2494 WHEELCHAIR Rolls Invacare, perfect condition. $200. 570-735-8730 or 332-8094 Say it HERE in the Classifieds! 570-829-7130 758 Miscellaneous BASKETS, planters & vases, .25 & .50 cents. Dishes, 2 sets $10 each. 570-823-4941 BATTERY Motor- craft 735 cca top mount battery $25. 570-740-1246 BEDLINER: 89 Chevy S10 truck bedliner, standard cab $30. Four bar- rel carb running from Chevy motor $50. 5 storm win- dows $50.740-1246 BICYCLES ladies 26” $50. Girls 20” $40. large bicycle seat $10. 570-822-4251 CANES & WALKING STICKS. New batch Different sizes and shapes. Made from the roots of Slippery Maple Trees. Over 20 available at $4. & & $5. 735-2081. CANNING JARS 1 dozen quart with rims $4. 1 dozen pint jars $3. 474-5653 COFFEEMAKER- Krups 10 cup. white $10. TELEVISION- color 13’ with remote $15. Both excellent condition. 570-852-0675 COINS/ foreign coins from all over the world total of 120 coins in good condition all for $20. 570-735-6638 758 Miscellaneous FENCE Chain link 60’ with gate & hardware $100. 570-288-5788 FISH TANK, 20 gal- lon w/stand $50. PICTURES, $10 each. 570-883-0568 or 570-239-2699 GARAGE SALE LEFT OVER ITEMS Antique claw foot cast iron tub $100. Hard plastic dog crate $20. Plastic coated medium dog crate $20. Re- placement window rectangular, brand new in box $25. Antique wooden beveled mirror $25. Wooden antique side mirrors 1 pair $20. pair. Old wood- en windows double hung $8 each. Old window weights $2. each. Custom built dog cage with accessories, hinged shingled roof, dou- ble compartment, insulated $50. 570-814-6443 GARAGE SALE LEFT OVER ITEMS DRILL PRESS Grizzley $200. DATYON, HEATER TORPEDO & GAS TANK $115. TOYOTA TACOMA 2009 BED COVER 6’ box. $250. 822-8658 GARAGE SALE LEFTOVER ITEMS Golf clubs & bag, very good $75. Golf club set, new grips, very good condition $100. Ping Pong table & net, excellent con- dition $100 firm. Head Hunter bowling ball $20. Alpine slider - skier- never used, NEW $25. AB Roller with video $20. Two alloy car rims & tires 205 60R/16 $150. nego- tiable. 570-288-1181 GARAGE SALE LEFTOVER ITEMS Women’s clothing size 6 .50 each. Men’s Chico pants, size 38-40 $2. each. Boys suits $8. each. Boys navy blaz- ers $5 each. Army over coat $15 Glass vases .50 each. Green bath- room sink with mounts $3. 12” TV color with remote $5. Yahama digi- tal percussion instrument $35. 570-822-5560 GIRL’S BICYCLES: 2 16” $17.00. Girl’s bicycle 20” $25.00. Negotiable. 570-457-3879 GLASS DOOR. 4 way glass door for bath tub. $25 570-331-8183 GRILL/GAS small, good condition $35. neg. 570-510-7763 HEATER small for a bedroom or efficien- cy apartment, brand new, only used once this past winter $100. 288-2224 KNITTING machine, used once. $25 Homedies sound machine, $10. Call 570-333-4539 LUMBER/USED 2” solid oak, ideal for truck, side boards, like new condition, 8 pieces $250. call for sizes 570-466-0239 MINI BIKE old school 3hp motor runs good $200 firm after 3pm 655-3197 MOTORCYCLE HEL- METS: (3) $20 each 570-262-1615 or 570-215-0215 PATIO SET Red- wood, 4 piece, 1 rocker, 1 chair ,1 lounger & 1 small table set is in good condition all for $20. 570-735-6638 POLICE SCANNER, 200 channel hand held. Excellent Con- dition. $75. Firm. 570-371-3367 PORTAPOTTI for trailer or boat, $10. Call 570-328-5611 or 570-328-5506 RAMPS: steel ramps for loading quad, 2 pieces good condi- tion $60. firm Bicy- cle men’s Trek large frame model 750 good condition $175. 570-655-3197 RELIGIOUS ITEMS - Hand made Rosaries, $5. Pope John Paul II Memori- blia. 570-829-2411 ROMAN SHADE. 72”x72”. Still in box. Natural color, looks like bamboo. $25 570-829-2022 SAFE DEPOSIT BOX, heavy duty $150. 570-825-5847 SAW, 10” Miter, $40. HEATER, Kerosene, $50, TOW BAR, folding, $50, BIKE CARRIER, holds 3 bikes, fits 2” receiv- er, $50, COM- FORTERS, King (1) gray, $30, (1) Black & White. $10. MIR- RORS, clip on adjustable towing. $40. 570-817-5289 TELESCOPE Bush- nell Sky Tour 114 mm-#78-9945 new in box with audio tour talking handset. Cost $250. will sell for $99. 570-822 4787/570-510- 0587 TOMATO STAKES. 3-4.5’, $.50 each, TRUCKS, Hess, new in box 2000-2008 $50-$90. 570-675-4383 758 Miscellaneous TYPEWRITER $5 Cat litter box with lid + food dishes $6. Canister set + spice rack duck design $5 570-696 3368 VACUUM portable Pronto 2 in 1 Elec- trolux with charger & stand $20. 570- 735-8730 or 570- 332-8094 WARMER Creators brand counter top warmer for pop- corn, nachos etc. 44”hx28”dx36”w, lighted inside slide doors front & back, very good condition $795. 570-636-3151 760 Monuments & Lots GRAVE LOT Near baby land at Memorial Shine in Carverton. $400. Call 570-287-6327 762 Musical Instruments ACCORDION “ “Excelsior” white, marbilized, multi grand $650. Stand- ing microphone $150. 735-0289 DRUM SET WJM percussion 5 piece set complete with cymbals, throne, metallic blue, slight- ly used. $229. Radio Shack MD-1121 syn- thesizer with stand like new $125. 570-574-4781 ORGAN old reed organ Mason & Hamlin $150 or best offer. 570-822-1227 PIANO: Kimbell con- sole, excellent con- dition with padded bench, recently tuned. $350. 570-497-9940 TRUMPET. Yamaha, hard case $675. KEYBOARD $125. call 570-675-9481 WINTER PIANO in really good condi- tion. Recently tuned. Asking $100. Call 570-288-5491 766 Office Equipment PRINTER scanner, copier, printer, Lex- marx used once call for more info $25. 570-288-2224 770 Photo Equipment MANFROTTO MONO-POD model 681B excellent con- dition $50.00 or best offer 570—788- 2388 after 5:00 PM 772 Pools & Spas HOT TUB COVER brand new 84”x84” blue vinyl with latest insulation installed. Light weight, great buy. $345. Firm. 570-574-4854 POOL FILTERS Intex, (disposable) type A, brand new $6. each. Filter for Intex blowup pool $15. 570-696-4020 774 Restaurant Equipment RESTAURANT CHAIRS $10 each. 570-825-5847 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Bev Air 2 door refrigerator/ sand- wich prep table, Model SP48-12, $1300. For details Call 570-498-3616 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT SOMERSET TURN OVER MACHINE - Model # SPM45, $500; ALSO, Bunn Pour Over Coffee Machine, Model # STF15, $225 For more info, call 570-498-3616 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Somerset Dough Sheeter, Model CAR-100. Only 1 available. $1,500 Call for more info 570-498-3616 776 Sporting Goods BACK PACK. Hiking, navy canvas, $40, 570-675-4383 BASKETBALL HOOP; Great condi- tion, asking $90. Call 570-331-8183 BIKE, 26” girls bike. Rode only 5 times. Paid $120. Asking $90. 570-883-0568 or 570-239-2699 BIKE, black beach cruiser. $15. 570-235-6137 BIKE, girls Schwinn, 26” $65. (570) 654-2657 BOOTS: Burton snow board boots, size 9. Excellent Condition $60. Call Mark at 570-301- 3484 or Allison 570- 631-6635. CLEATS: men’s Under Armour base- ball cleats, size 11, almost new $20 Ladies softball cleats, size 9 $15. 570-760-4830 CROSS BOW LEG- END exercise machine, very good condition, sacrifice $200.570-788-2388 DRYER, electric. 3 months old. $250 570-883-0568 or 570-239-2699 GOLF CART. Pull along. $25 570-675-4383 776 Sporting Goods GOLF CLUB travel case. $10. 570-675-7024 GOLF CLUBS: youth, complete - 5,6,7,8,9, SW, driv- er, 3 wood hybrid, putter, stand up bag. $75. 570.262.0716 GOLF. Hybrids, Tay- lor Made R7 Draw. Senior/Ladies Flex 22,25,28, $30 each. WEDGE Titleist Vokey. 58, $35. CHIPPER, Maxfli, 42, $10 570-735-4824 PING PONG TABLE $75. 570-825-5847 SUN TENT good for beach or yard, 2 people, side win- dows, open front. $10 Firm. 570-255-6056 778 Stereos/ Accessories KARAOKE SYSTEM 13” color TV, CD and G player AM/FM tuner & dual cas- sette $75. 570-675-3328 780 Televisions/ Accessories TELEVISION: GE. 28” works good, needs remote $90. 570-740-1246 TV 21” color , works great, white $25. 570-829-4776 TV 32” Sony tv/ stand & remote 100. or best offer. 570-417-3251 TV Daewoo 13” with remote, works great, $35. 570-899-7384 782 Tickets Baseball Tickets 16 Tickets for SWB Yankees against LV Iron Pigs. August 1st game. Includes Lux- ury Box, Suite 11 with food & drink. $500 or best offer. (570) 332-2252 TICKETS: 2 Phillies Tickets, August 28, 2011, Phillies vs Florida, 1:35 pm Sec 310 Row 5 Seats 13 & 14 $60. 570-498-4556 U2 TICKETS MEADOWLANDS Stadium, NJ Wednesday July 20th 4 Tick- ets $445. Row 4 Section lower level 113, seats 11,12,13,14 Cash only 570-954-2749 784 Tools KENT, 15” floor buff- ing & rug scrubbing machine, heavy duty 1740 RPM with 3 brushes. 40’ Heavy duty cord. Excellent condition. $250. 570.881.1822 LAWN EDGER Craftsman, runs great, 4 cycle $75. BANDSAW Crafts- man 10” with table mount, extra blades & manual, like new! $100. 878-2849 SAW, Skill circular, $25. 570-735-8730 or 570-332-8094 SAW: Black& Deck- er table saw used very little $250. or best offer. 417-3251 SAW: Craftsman 10” radial arm saw free standing new condi- tion $75 firm call 570-655-3197. 786 Toys & Games LITTLE TIKES End- less Adventures Fold N Store picnic table, ages 2-8. $50. 570-696-4020 PINBALL: Pinball two player electron- ic $95.00 570-814-3673 POKER TABLE. Portable Oak. Sits 8 players. $200 570-735-8730 or 570-332-8094 POOL TABLES: 2 Slate top pool tables, disassem- bled, $200 each or best offer. Call 570-262-1615 or 570-215-0215 TRAIN SET: Lionel Dodge Motorsport Set LIO11933 O27 Gauge. Brand New, $125. 570-574-4781 TV TEDDY + 6 videos $18. Girl’s Disney princess var- ious items for $10. 570-696 3368 788 Stereo/TV/ Electronics RECEIVER Direct Tv Digital receiver with remote brand new $40. 570-288-2224 SONY 5 piece speaker & base unit $25. 570-824-7807 / 570-545-7006 790 Swimming Pools/Hot Tubs SWIMMING POOL. 21’ x 54” deep. GREAT condition, new cover, newer pump and filter. Complete with all chems and vacuum. Lots of extras plus custom fit. Pressure treated deck. $800. 570-654-3767 leave message. 794 Video Game Systems/Games NINTENDO DSI black, like new $75. Rockband II with all instruments for Xbox 360, like new $60. 407-2775 NINTENDO DSI, Light Blue, perfect screen, hardly used, has multiple games. $115. 570-822-2948 PLAYSTATION 2 GAME SYSTEM. Playstation 2, Gui- tar Hero World Tour Complete With Game & Wireless Guitar & 5 Games For Playstation 2 $125. 288-7533 Line up a place to live in classified! 796 Wanted to Buy Merchandise BUYING SPORT CARDS Pay Cash for baseball, football, basketball, hockey & non-sports. Sets, singles & wax. 570-212-0398 The Vi deo Game St or e 28 S. Main W.B. Open Mon- Sat, 12pm – 6pm 570-822-9929 / 570-941-9908 $$ CASH PAID $$ VI DE O GAME S & S YS TE MS Highest $$ Paid Guaranteed Buying all video games & systems. PS1 & 2, Xbox, Nintendo, Atari, Coleco, Sega, Mattel, Gameboy, Vectrex etc. DVD’s, VHS & CDs & Pre 90’s toys, The Video Game Store 1150 S. Main Scranton Mon - Sat, 12pm – 6pm 570-822-9929 VITO’S & GINO’S Wanted: Junk Cars & Trucks Highest Prices Paid!! FREE PICKUP 288-8995 WANTED JEWELRY WILKES BARREGOLD ( 570) 991- 7448 ( 570) 48GOLD8 1092 Highway 315 Blvd ( Pl aza 315) 315N . 3 mi l es af t er Mot orwol d Mon- Sat 10am - 8pm Cl osed Sundays Highest Cash Pay Outs Guaranteed We Pay At Least 78% of the London Fix Market Price for All Gold Jewelry Visit us at WilkesBarreGold.com Or email us at wilkesbarregold@ yahoo.com 800 PETS & ANIMALS 810 Cats CAT - Young Mom & Kittens (2 tortoise- shell females, 1 gray tiger female & 1 light gray male). Aban- don in flood waters. Free to good home. (570) 239-8040 810 Cats CATS & KI TTENS 12 weeks & up. Shots, neutered, VALLEY CAT RESCUE 824-4172, 9-9 only. CATS. FREE. URGENT. Loveable, friendly, spayed, shots. Will trans- port. All colors. Can- not keep. 570-299-7146 KITTEN, male, orange, 3 months old, very friendly, checked by Vet. Free to good home. 570-696-1620 570-945-3581 KITTENS - FREE. Ranging from 8-12 weeks. Males & Females. Long & Short Hair. Vary in color. 570-704-7214 Please leave a mes- sage. KITTENS 6 beautiful & playful kittens available for FREE to GOOD HOME only! call 570-332-5705 KITTENS, fluffy angora kittens. Free to good home. (570) 270-3811 KITTENS. Free to good home 6 weeks old, litter trained and eating solid food. 570-735-2243 815 Dogs PAWS TO CONSIDER.... ENHANCE YOUR PET CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE Call 829-7130 Place your pet ad and provide us your email address This will create a seller account online and login information will be emailed to you from gadzoo.com “The World of Pets Unleashed” You can then use your account to enhance your online ad. Post up to 6 captioned photos of your pet Expand your text to include more information, include your contact information such as e-mail, address phone number and or website. AKC Cocker Spaniel Pups - chocolate & black. Vet checked, inoculated. (570) 343-7386 Akita, Doberman Bernese Mt Dog, English Bull Dog, Great Pyrenees, Golden, Shephard, Roty, SIberian, Bas- set, Boxer, 22 more breeds. CATS. 570-650-3327 AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPS Beautiful pups, 1 AKC litter, 1 non reg- istered litter. Ready now. $200-$500. 570-925-2951 BRAZILIAN MASTIFF PUPPIES Fila. The ultimate family guard dog! 4 males, 3 females. Ready to go! $600 570-328-2569 CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES Lots of color. Adorable lap dogs. Vet certified. Females- $375, Males- $350. No papers. Will hold with deposit. Ready 7/24. Please Call 570-648-8613 Grand Opening! Chihuahuas, Poms, Dachshunds, Beagles, Shih Tzus, Bostons, Maltese, Rotties, Yorkies, Westies, Labs, Huskies & more! 570-453-6900 or 570-389-7877 IRISH SETTER PUPPIES Extraordinary com- panions/hunters 610-378-0121 or 610-488-9273 ITALIAN CANE CORSO Mastiff Puppies Registered and ready to go! Parents on premises. Blue. Vet Checked 570-617-4880 NEWFOUNDLAND/LAB Cross puppies. Great water dogs. Vet Certified. Will hold with deposit. Ready 7/31. $500. Call 570-648-8613 Olde English Bulldogge Puppies. CKC regis- tered. Vet checked. Parents on premis- es. Ready for good home. 570-637-0749 PITT BULL PUPPIES Born May 10, 2011 3 males, 3 females. Brown & white; gray & white; tan & white; black & white; white & tan with black ears. Females $175 OBO Males $150 OBO (570) 606-7240 (570) 357-2173 815 Dogs SHIH-TZU PUPPIES Parents on premises Shots Current. $500 -Shih-Tzus $400 -Shih-Tzu mix’s 570-401-1838 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! Standard Poodle Puppies. Pure bred. Vet checked. First shots & de- wormed. Males & Females $250. Family Raised. 570-954-5903 Weimaraner AKC Puppies Grand Champion Sire; Champion mother + grandpar- ents. Hunting, obe- dience, agility, show potential. Excep- tional quality pups for approved homes. For informa- tion: (267) 664-4941 845 Pet Supplies CAGE, large steel/wicker. $40. SNAKE TANK, 10 gallon. $15. 570-235-6137 FISH TANK. 29 gal- lon includes stand & everything needed for a start up. Ask- ing $100. 762-1015 FISH TANK: 45 gal- lon with all acces- sories $50. 570-287-8107 900 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 906 Homes for Sale Having trouble paying your mort- gage? Falling behind on your payments? You may get mail from people who promise to forestall your foreclosure for a fee in advance. Report them to the Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s con- sumer protection agency. Call 1-877- FTC-HELP or click on ftc.gov. A mes- sage from The Times Leader and the FTC. ASHLEY 82 Manhattan St Great house in a great neighbor- hood, just waiting for a new owner!! 3 bedrooms, hard- wood floors, built- ins, 4 season sun- room, 1 &1/2 bath, covered deck, stone bar-b-que & a fenced yard. Family of 5 lived comfortably in this home. Contractor owned and nicely cared for. A lot of house for the money. MLS 11-225 $68,000 Ask for Holly EILEEN R. MELONE REAL ESTATE 570-821-7022 AVOCA REDUCED! 314 Packer St. Newly remodeled 3 bedroom home with 1st floor master, 1.5 baths, detached garage, all new sid- ing , windows, shin- gles, water heater, kitchen and bath- rooms. A must see house! For more info and pho- tos visit: www.atlas realtyinc.com $109,900 MLS 11-73 Call Tom 570-262-7716 BACK MOUNTAIN 133 Frangorma Dr Bright & open floor plan. 5 year old 2 story. 9' ceiling 1st floor. Custom kitchen with stain- less steel appli- ances. Family room with 14' ceiling & fireplace. Conve- nient location. MLS# 11-2572 $359,000 Call Geri 570-696-0888 570-696-3801 LEWITH & FREEMAN 570-288-9371 906 Homes for Sale BACK MOUNTAIN 912 Lewis Road Remodeled kitchen, hardwood floors, master bedroom with French doors out to deck, lower level finished w/tiled bath. Private 1 acre lot. MLS# 11-2057 $165,000 Call Geri 570-696-0888 570-696-3801 LEWITH & FREEMAN BEAR CREEK 241 Laurie Lane Privacy within walking distance of swim/rec area in historic Bear Creek Village. This 3,954 s.f., 5 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath home offers living room with fireplace, hardwood floors, family room with stone fireplace & vaulted ceiling; dining; granite kitchen with break- fast room; studio with cathedral ceil- ing, 2nd kitchen & greenhouse. Paneled rec room in lower level. All this plus a lake view. $390,000 MLS# 11-1646 Call Joe Moore 570-288-1401 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! BEAR CREEK 2992 Laurel Run Rd Stunning jewel snuggled on 1 acre lot bordering state game lands. Rec room can be re-converted to garage. Stylish 4 bedroom, 3 bath modern home can be heated for only $700/year. Entertain or relax in our 600 S/F + family room featuring a coal stove, built in aquarium, and full wet bar. State of the art alarm sys- tem. Enjoy serenity on the patio or the 10x17 deck and only minutes from town. Sold “AS-IS” MLS 11-555 $164,900 Call Sandy Rovinski 570-288-0770 Ext. 25 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 BEAR CREEK 475 East Ave. Top to bottom re-do for this beautiful 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath, 2 story home locat- ed in the Meadow Run Lake communi- ty of Bear Creek. Tranquil setting, modern interior all re-done, granite countertops in the kitchen, exterior with new landscap- ing and stone patio with lake frontage to name a few! MLS 11-1643 $329,900 Call Jay A. Crossin 570-288-0770 Ext. 23 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 BEAR CREEK 6650 Bear Creek Blvd Well maintained custom built 2 story nestled on 2 private acres with circular driveway - Large kitchen with center island, master bedroom with 2 walk-in closets, family room with fireplace, custom built wine cellar - A Must See property! $299,900 MLS# 10-4312 Call Geri 570-696-0888 570-696-3801 LEWITH & FREEMAN 746 Garage Sales/ Estate Sales/ Flea Markets Need a Roommate? Place an ad and find one here! 570-829-7130 Motorcycle for sale? Let them see it here in the Classifieds! 570-829-7130 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 9D 906 Homes for Sale BEAR CREEK A A RARE FIND RARE FIND This contemporary 2 story is rare find for the price. Enter in through French doors into a dramat- ic entrance foyer with wood floors and staircase. Off the foyer is an office, G r e a t r o o m w i t h s t o n e fireplace & wet bar lead- ing onto rear deck. Just off the great room is a custom kitchen with maple cabinets, granite tops, island and desk area. The 1st floor master bed- room offers a full tile bath with Jacuzzi and walk in tile shower, plus spa- cious walk in closet. Three additional bedrooms and 2 full baths Plus an over- sized 3 car garage all nestled on 2+ acres just off Route 115. $389,900 Ann Marie Chopick 570-760-6769 BELL REAL ESTATE 570-288-6654 P E N D IN G Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! BEAR CREEK VILLAGE 333 Beaupland 10-1770 Living room has awesome woodland views and you will enjoy the steam/ sauna. Lake and tennis rights avail- able with Associa- tion membership. (membership optional). Minutes from the Pocono's and 2 hours to Philadelphia or New York. $299,000 Maria Huggler CLASSIC PROPERTIES 570-587-7000 BLAKESLEE NEW PRICE 37 Chestnut Road (Old Farm Estates) Custom built solid brick 4 bedroom, 3.5 baths Colonial style home with an open floor plan on 1+ acre lot in the Poconos. A few of the amenities include central A/C. 2 Master bedrooms each with bath room and fireplace, ultramodern kitchen, hardwood floors throughout, cathedral ceiling and 2 car garage. MLS #11-653 $435,000 Call Kim 570-466-3338 DALLAS (Franklin Twp.) Orange Road Lush setting on almost 5 acres with magnificent stone walls, fish pond, house, garage, barn and separate offices with storage area. 4,400 SF with 9 rooms, 4 bed- rooms and 3 full baths, 2 half baths on 3 floors. Reduced to $379,000 MLS# 11-1628 Maribeth Jones 570-696-6565 906 Homes for Sale DALLAS 119 Midland Drive Custom Built Ranch Home -The ranch home is IN DEMAND! This one offers everything you are looking for! Plenty of space for in-law quarters, 4 bedrooms, cherry kitchen, sunroom, recreation room with 12 seat oak bar. This home includes an attached 2 car garage plus a detached custom garage that can fit up to 12 cars or boat storage, only 5 miles to beautiful Harveys Lake - 1 yr Home Warranty. All this on 4 ACRES of serenity in the heart of Dallas $419,000 MLS #11-155 Call Tracy Zarola 570-696-0723 LEWITH & FREEMAN DALLAS 20 Fox Hollow Drive Well maintained two story with fully finished lower level awaits its new family. 4 bed- room, 3.5 bath, 2 fireplaces. One year home warranty included. Wonderful neighborhood. Double lot. $310,000 MLS #11-1806 Call Tracy Zarola 570-696-0723 LEWITH & FREEMAN DALLAS 20 OAK DRIVE WOW! This home offers replacement windows, newer hot water heater, gas fireplace, hardwood floors, sun porch, large fenced rear yard, flagstone patio, heated in- ground pool, fin- ished lower level, located in the Lehman School Dis- trict. Just minutes from Harveys Lake, why not join the Beach Club this summer! It is a MUST SEE HOME! MLS#11-1258 $159,500 Bob Cook 696-6555 Jill Jones 696-6550 Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! DALLAS 211 Hillside One Enjoy the comforts & amenities of living in a beautifully maintained town- house, 3/4 Bed- rooms, family room with fireplace out to deck. Bright & airy kitchen, finished lower level, Tennis, Golf & Swimming are yours to enjoy & relax. Mainte- nance free living. PRICE REDUCED! $210,000 MLS# 10-1221 Call Geri 570-696-0888 570-696-3801 LEWITH & FREEMAN DALLAS 25 Walnut Lane 2 story contempo- rary with lodgy appeal. Sets on 9+ acres. Home fea- tures ultra modern kitchen, family room & living room with field stone fire- place. Master bed- room with master bath. In ground pool with deck, 1st floor laundry, gazebo, 2 car garage. Zoning agricultural for new buyers various types of use. MLS# 11-1789 $ 350,000 Call Lynda (570) 696-5418 Smith Hourigan Group 570-696-1195 906 Homes for Sale DALLAS 3 Crestview Dr. NEW LISTING! Well-constructed and maintained sprawling multi- level with 5,428 square feet of living space. Living room & dining room with hardwood floors & gas fireplace; eat-in kitchen with island; florida room. 5 bedrooms, 4 baths; 2 half-baths. Lower level rec room with wet bar & fireplace. leads to heated in-ground pool. Beautifully landscaped 2 acre lot. $575,000 MLS# 11-1798 Call Joe Moore 570-288-1401 DALLAS 400 Shrine View Elegant & classic stone & wood frame traditional in superb location overlooking adja- cent Irem Temple Country Club golf course. Living room with beamed ceiling & fireplace; large formal dining room; cherry paneled sun- room; 4 bedrooms with 3 full baths & 2 powder rooms. Oversized in-ground pool. Paved, circular drive. $550,000 MLS# 11-939 Call Joe Moore 570-288-1401 Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! DALLAS 6 Morris Circle “Best Buy”…Not the store, but this ele- gant home in Over- brook Estates, Dal- las. Recently reduced! Three fin- ished floors with over 5,000SF from the grand two-story foyer and hardwood staircase to the fin- ished lower level with gym, game room, guest bed- room and bath. Your purchase will be an investment in luxury! One year new 20x42 Skovish Brothers in-ground kidney shaped pool. Cherry kitchen with upgraded appli- ances. 5 bedrooms, 5 baths, first floor den. A must see! MLS#11-1067 $599,000 Maribeth Jones 696-6565 DALLAS DALLAS 67 Country Club Rd Ranch, 3 bed- rooms, 2 bath- rooms, double car attached garage, fireplace, forced air furnace, central air, finished basement, 1/2 acre, 1/2 bath in laundry room, screened-in porch, private well, shop area. Walking dis- tance to MU. Move in condition! Negotiable Price! $150,000 Call (570) 675-0544 for a private showing DALLAS 705 The Greens Impressive, 4,000 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 5 1/2 bath condo features large living room/dining room with gas fireplace., vaulted ceilings and loft; master bedroom with his & hers baths; 2 additional bed- rooms with private baths; great eat- in kitchen with island; den; family room; craft room; shop. 2 decks. ''Overlooking the ponds'' $499,000 MLS# 11-872 Call Joe Moore 570-288-1401 906 Homes for Sale DALLAS Nice 2 bedroom ranch in Great Neighborhood! Large Living Room, sunny eat-in kitchen & oversized bath. Perfect place to start out or down- size to. REDUCED PRICE $50,000 MLS# 10-4624 Five Mountains Realty 570-542-2141 DALLAS Private setting, con- temporary home with 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, attached garage, living room, dining room, mod- ern eat in kitchen, fireplace in family room,large deck. MLS 11-210, $259,000 Call Susan Pall @ (570) 696-0876 LEWITH & FREEMAN DALLAS REDUCED PRICE! Secluded on a hill but part of High Point Acres. 2 story Colonial, 4 bed- rooms, 2.5 baths. Large family room with fireplace and sliding door to screened porch. 2 car garage. Central AC. Wooded lot. $265,000. 11-1077 Besecker Realty 570-675-3611 DRUMS Sand Springs 12 Sand Hollow Rd. Nearly new 3 bed- room, 2.5 bath town home. Huge Master with 2 clos- ets full bath. 1 car attached garage, wooded lot, end unit. Cul-de-sac. Great golf community. MLS 11-2411 $172,000 Call Connie Eileen R. Melone Real Estate 570-821-7022 DURYEA 122 Lackawanna Ave Just a few more finishing touches will complete the renovations. This home has a new kitchen, new drywall & new carpeting. $59,000 MLS #11-1502 Call Tracy Zarola 570-696-0723 LEWITH & FREEMAN Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! EDWARDSVILLE 9 Williams St. Large 4 bedroom home with nice rear deck, replacement windows, off street parking. Possible apartment in sepa- rate entrance. Loads of potential. For more info and pictures visit: www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 11-2091 $69,900 Call Tom 570-262-7716 906 Homes for Sale EXETER Sunday 1pm-3pm 362 Susquehanna Ave Completely remod- eled, spectacular, 2 story Victorian home, with 3 bed- rooms and 1.5 baths, new rear deck, full front porch, tiled baths and kitchen, granite countertops, all Cherry hardwood floors throughout, all new stainless steel appliances and lighting, new oil furnace, washer dryer in first floor bath. Great neigh- borhood, nice yard. $174,900 Owner financing available. 570-654-1490 FACTORYVILLE Gorgeous 4 bed- room colonial, Din- ing room, family room, hardwood floors, central air and vac, Jacuzzi. On over 0.5 acre. Move in ready. $264,800 Shari Philmeck ERA BRADY ASSOCIATES 570-836-3848 FALLS REDUCED! RR1, Box 297 MAJESTIC VIEW! 3 bedroom brick Ranch home nes- tled on approxi- mately an acre of well groomed river- front land with breathtaking scenic views, cascading tree lines and the legendary cliffs of Falls. Beautiful bird and wildlife to daz- zle the eye and excellent fishing and hunting for your enjoyment. Living room w/fireplace, family room, full heated basement, riverfront deck, central A/C and much more. A one of a a kind find. Must see! MLS #10-3751 $182,000 Call Debbie McGuire 570-332-4413 Crossin Real Estate 570-288-0770 Need to rent that Vacation property? Place an ad and get started! 570-829-7130 FORTY FORT 1301 Murray St. Very nice duplex, fully rented with good return in great neighborhood. For more information and photos visit: www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 11-2149 $129,900 Call Charlie 570-829-6200 FORTY FORT GREAT DEAL! NEW PRICE 1509 Wyoming Ave. Freshly painted and insulated, immaculate and sitting on almost half an acre this 3 bedroom 1.5 bath home can be yours. Fea- tures include a modern kitchen, central A/C. laundry room, office and free standing fire- place. All appli- ances included. Just move right in! For more details and pho- tos visit: www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 11-604 $177,900 Call Kim 570-466-3338 P E N D I N G 906 Homes for Sale GOULDSBORO This is a must see large mobile. Only five years old with master bath Jacuzzi. This is located in the Beau- tiful Community of Indian Country quiet and peaceful. This home backs up to State Game lands. Also the outdoor pool is across the street. The property is on one half acre of land. The price is $99,900. includes all furnishing which is in great shape all you have to do is move right in. To see all the picture of the rooms go to www.HomesIn ThePoconos.com and go to feature listings. Thomas Bourgeois 516-507-9403 Classic Properties 570-842-9988 HANOVER TOWNSHIP 599 Shawnee St This Duplex will let you live in one unit and rent out the other to help with the mortgage pay- ment. It was once a single family home and can most likely be converted back. Desirable location. This is an estate and there is no seller’s disclosure. 11-1223 $69,500 Call Karen Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate 570-474-2340 To place your ad call...829-7130 HANOVER TOWNSHIP 710 Church Street Exceptionally well care for home in move in condition. Everything is new, roof, siding, win- dows, porches, kitchen and baths. MLS 11-2309 $129,000 Jay A. Crossin CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 ext. 23 HANOVER TOWNSHIP Reduced! Bi-Level. 1,750 sq ft. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1 car garage. New carpeting, paint, etc. Large lot. Asking $99,900. Deremer Realty 570-477-1149 HANOVER TWP 86 Allenberry Dr. FOR SALE BY OWNER Bright 1,700 sq ft 3 story townhome with great wooded views. Deck & patio. 2 bedroom, 2 bath with finished lower level. Nicely landscaped yard. Move in condition. $121,900 570-574-3192 HANOVER TWP. 146-148 Regal St Š Newer kitchens Š Large baths Š Tenant occupied Š 3 bedroom each side. Call for appointment $74,900 MLS# 10-4598 Call Vieve Zaroda (570) 474-6307 Ext. 2772 Smith Hourigan Group 570-474-6307 HANOVER TWP. 2 story in good condition with 3 bedrooms, 1 full bath, eat-in kitchen, 2 car garage, fenced yard & new gas heat. MLS # 10-4324 $49,900 Call Ruth at 570-696-1195 or 570-696-5411 SMITH HOURIGAN GROUP 906 Homes for Sale HANOVER TWP. 26 Spring Street Š Corner lot with semi fenced yard. Š Hardwood floors Š Lots of updates including windows Š Detached garage Š Paved parking for two cars $79,900 MLS# 10-4482 Call Vieve Zaroda (570) 474-6307 Ext. 2772 Smith Hourigan Group 570-474-6307 HANOVER TWP. 275 Phillips Street Well kept 2 bedroom ranch with new kitchen, fenced yard, one car garage. $79,900 MLS #11-638 Call Tracy Zarola 570-696-0723 LEWITH & FREEMAN Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! HANOVER TWP. PRICE REDUCED! 290-292 Lee Park Ave. Very nice all brick double block has front and back porches. Beautiful yard with mature plantings, 3 bed- rooms, 1 bath, detached 1 car garage in back of the home. MLS#11-1988 $134,000 Christine Pieczynski 696-6569 HANOVER TWP. 8 Diamond Ave. Loads of space in this modernized tra- ditional home. 3rd floor is a large bed- room with walk-in closet. Modern kitchen, family room addition, deck over- looking large corner lot. Not just a starter home but a home to stay in and grow! For more informaton and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #11-622 $122,900 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 HANOVER TWP. Large windows accent this bright spacious 2 bed- room, 2 bath townhouse in a quiet setting of Hanover Township. Motivated sellers! All reasonable offers considered. $98,000 MLS# 10-2685 Call Arlene Warunek 570-650-4169 Smith Hourigan Group (570) 696-1195 HANOVER TWP. PRICE REDUCED! 103 Claymont Ave. Just starting out or looking to down- size? This is the home for you! This 3 bedroom home offers a finished lower level with coal stove, large fenced rear yard, spacious kitchen/dining area. Worth a look! MLS#11-1793 $124,900 Jill Jones 696-6550 906 Homes for Sale HARDING 105 Circle Drive Well maintained Bi-Level on nicely landscaped corner lot. Finished lower level with gas fireplace & sliding doors to private patio. Totally fenced yard, 1 car garage. $149,900 MLS# 11-1271 Call Cathy (570) 696-5422 Smith Hourigan Group 570-696-1195 HARDING 310 Lockville Rd. SERENITY Enjoy the serenity of country living in this beautiful 2 story home on 2.23 acres surrounded by nature the prop- erty has it’s own private driveway. Great entertaining inside & out! 3 car garage plus 2 car detached. A MUST SEE! MLS#11-831 $279,900 call Nancy 570-237-0752 HARDING LARGE SPLIT LEVEL ON 2.8 ACRES 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. $135,000. 570-760-0049 HARVEYS LAKE 13 Carpenter Road Make it your own! The potential has not yet been fully realized with this home. Some reno- vations were start- ed, now bring your hammer and finish it up. This home is on a large lot locat- ed just a short walk from the lake and beach area. MLS#11-1442 464,900 Jill Jones 696-6550 Looking to buy a home? Place an ad here and let the sellers know! 570-829-7130 HARVEYS LAKE 143B GROVE ST., Like to entertain? This floor plan lends itself to that with a large kitchen, formal dining and living rooms. A car enthu- siast? This garage will hold 4 cars comfortable. Enjoy a hot tub, this workout room has one and French doors open- ing to the rear yard. Spacious bed- rooms, wood burn- ing fireplace. The list goes on and on! Did I mention you are just ¼ of a mile from the lake?! MLS#11-1994 $249,900 Jill Jones 696-6550 HARVEYS LAKE Pole 131 Lakeside Drive Lake front home with 2-story livable boathouse! Year round home offers fireplace, cathedral ceiling, cedar panel- ing. Boat house has a patio for grilling, open dock space as well as enclosed area for your boat. 2nd floor is a studio style kitchenette/ living room, full bath plus a deck. Take a look! MLS#11-1379 PRICE REDUCED! $384,900 Bob Cook 262-2665 Jill Jones 696-6550 906 Homes for Sale HARVEYS LAKE Pole 165 Lakeside Drive A truly unique home! 7,300 sq.ft. of living on 3 floors with 168' of lake frontage with boathouse. Expansive living room; dining room, front room all with fireplaces. Coffered ceiling; modern oak kitchen with breakfast room; Florida room; study & 3 room & bath suite. 5 bedrooms & 4 baths on 2nd. Lounge, bedroom, bath, exercise room & loft on 3rd floor. In-ground pool & 2- story pool house. AC on 3rd floor. $1,149,000 MLS# 10-1268 Call Joe Moore 570-288-1401 HARVEYS LAKE Ridge Ave Modern 2 story home on 1 acre. Duplex. Excellent starter home, retirement home, or investment property. Public sewer,deep well. $99,900 Negotiable MUST SELL TO SETTLE ESTATE! 570-287-5775 or 570-332-1048 HARVEYS LAKE POLE 265 LAKESIDE DRIVE 44’ of lakefront! This home offers recently remodeled kitchen with Cherry cabinetry, granite counters. Hard- wood floors through the kitchen and din- ing area. Stone fire- place, enclosed porch to enjoy the lake view! The boathouse has a second level patio, storage area, plus dock space. A must see! MLS#11-2018 $369,900 Bob Cook 570-262-2665 HUGHESTOWN 169 Rock St. 3 bedroom, 2 story home with many updates including newer furnace and some new win- dows. Large concrete front and rear porch- es, large private yard. For more info and photos visit us at: www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 11-1786 $89,900 Call Charlie 570-829-6200 P E N D I N G HUNLOCK CREEK Main Road Country Living At It’s Best. Well Maintained farmhouse on 6+ acres. Garage, stream. Easy access to Route 11. Affordable at REDUCED TO $159,500 Call Jim Towne & Country Real Estate Co. 570-735-8932 or 570-542-5708 Job Seekers are looking here! Where's your ad? 570-829-7130 and ask for an employ- ment specialist HUNLOCK CREEK New construction, 3 bedroom, 2 bath tan brick ranch on 1 acre. Features include pella windows, oak hard- wood floors, car- peted bedrooms, tiled kitchen & baths, maple kitchen cabinets, hanstone counter- tops, propane fire- place, walk up attic, tray ceiling in living room & attached 2 car garage. $279,900 MLS# 10-4527 Five Mountains Realty 570-542-2141 906 Homes for Sale INVESTOR’S SPECIAL 4 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Priced to sell at $17,000. KELLER WILLIAMS REAL ESTATE, 610-867-8888 Call Tai DeSa at 570-406-0857 JENKINS TOWNSHIP 2 Owen Street This 2 story, 3 bed- room, 1 1/2 bath home is in the desired location of Jenkins Township. Sellers were in process of updating the home so a little TLC can go a long way. Nice yard. Motivated sellers. MLS 11-2191 $95,000 Call Karen Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate 570-474-2340 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! JENKINS TWP 1717 River Road Compact 2 story home with 3 bedrooms, 1st floor bath with laundry, large kitchen. Parking in rear with alley access. $39,900 MLS 11-99 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 S O L D JENKINS TWP. (Eagle View) Home/Lot Package Beautiful custom built home with a stunning river view overlooking the Susquehanna River and surrounding area. Custom built with many ameni- ties included. A few of the amenities may include central A/C, master bed- room with master bath, ultramodern kitchen, hardwood floors, cathedral ceiling, and a 2 car garage. There are are many other floor plans to choose from or bring your own! For more details & photos visit: www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 11-2642 $375,000 Call Kim 570-466-3338 JENKINS TWP. 23 Mead St. Newly remod- eled 2 story on a corner lot with fenced in yard and 2 car garage. 4 bed- rooms, 1 bath, 1,660 sq. ft. For more informa- tion and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com $89,900 MLS 10-3684 Call Bill 570-362-4158 P E N D I N G JENKINS TWP. 250 Susquehan- nock Drive Immaculate Cape Cod home features 1st floor master suite with office and 3/4 bath. 2nd floor has 2 large bed- rooms with walk in closets and adjoin- ing bath. 1st floor laundry and 1/2 bath, modern kitchen with bam- boo floors, living room with stone fireplace. 2 tier deck overlooks above ground pool, ready for summer fun! For more infor- mation and photos, please visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #11-657 $299,000 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 Motorcycle for sale? Let them see it here in the Classifieds! 570-829-7130 GET THE WORD OUT with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 Find Your Ideal Employee! Place an ad and end the search! 570-829-7130 ask for an employ- ment specialist PAGE 10D TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com 906 Homes for Sale JENKINS TWP. 297 Susquehannock Drive Settle into summer with this great 2 story home on quiet cul de-sac with pri- vate back yard and above ground pool. Deck with awning overlooking yard! 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bath home in Pittston Area School District with family room, eat in kitchen, cen- tral a/c and garage. Full unfinished basement MLS 11-2432 $259,900 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 JENKINS TWP./ INKERMAN 45 Main St. Own this home for less than $400 a month! Large 3 bedroom home with formal dining room, off street parking and large yard. For more information and photos, log onto www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS#09-2449 $64,900 Call Charles KINGSTON 121 W. Vaughn St. Well cared for 3 bedroom, 1 bath home on nice street. Brand new drywall and trim in front 2 rooms. Vinyl windows, gas heat and newer 200 amp electric serv- ice. Great location with park just a few doors away! MLS 11-1380 REDUCED $99,000 Mark R. Mason 570-331-0982 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 KINGSTON 125 3rd Ave Well kept 2 story with 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths situat- ed on a nice street in Kingston. Newer roof, furnace, water heater, electric service. Replace- ment windows throughout. Base- ment has high ceil- ings, ideal for re-fin- ishing or workshop! MLS 11-2167 $144,000 Jay A. Crossin CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! KINGSTON 167 N. Dawes Ave. Move in condition 2 story home. 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths, hardwood floors, ceramic throughout. Finished lower level, security system MLS 11-1673 $159,900 Call Tom 570-262-7716 KINGSTON 40 N. Landon St. Residential area, 4 bedroom plus 2 in attic totaling 6. 1 1/2 baths. Half block from schools. All new rugs and appliances, laundry room, two car garage, off street parking, $139,900. Call 570-829-0847 906 Homes for Sale KINGSTON 46 Zerby Ave Sunday 2pm-5pm Lease with option to buy, completely remodeled, mint, turn key condition, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, large closets, with hardwoods, carpet & tile floors, new kitchen and baths, gas heat, shed, large yard. $134,000, seller will pay closing costs, $5000 down and monthly payments are $995/month. WALSH REAL ESTATE 570-654-1490 KINGSTON 510 Gibson Ave PRICE REDUCED! Well constructed all brick 2 story tudor on a beautiful landscaped corner lot. Includes hard- wood floors, double crown moldings, ultra-modern kitchen, built ins, woodburning fire- place, rear stair- case, patio with pergola, sprinkler system, waterfall and pond. Heated garage. Impeccable condition inside and out. $349,900 MLS# 10-3870 Call Cathy (570) 696-5422 Smith Hourigan Group 570-696-1195 KINGSTON 549 Charles Ave. A quality home in a superior location! Features: large living room; formal dining room with parquet flooring; oak kitchen with breakfast area; 1st floor master bedroom & bath suite; bedroom/ sitting room; knotty pine den; half-bath. 2nd floor: 2 bedrooms & bath. Finished room in lower level with new carpeting & wetbar. Central air. 2-car garage. In- ground concrete pool with jacuzzi. $324,900 MLS# 10-1633 Call Joe Moore 570-288-1401 Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! KINGSTON 621 Gibson Avenue BY OWNER. Brick Cape Cod on a quiet street. 3 bedroom, family room, 2 bath, living room with fireplace, two car garage with loads of storage, partially finished basement. $185,900 Call (570) 333-5212 No Brokers Please. KINGSTON 663 Westmoreland Avenue Charming 2-1/2 story with 3 bed- rooms on 2nd + a 4th (12x24) on 3rd, full bath upstairs, half bath with laun- dry on 1st floor, lots of closet space, fin- ished walk-out basement and much more! MLS 11-2340 $214,900 Jay A. Crossin CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 ext. 23 906 Homes for Sale KINGSTON 76 N. Dawes Ave. Very well main- tained 2 bedroom home with updated kitchen with granite counter. Large sun- room over looking private back yard. Attached garage, large unfinished basement. MLS 11-2278 $139,900 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! KINGSTON Chester St Duplex Clean, modern, recently remodeled with Tile, Pergo, new carpeting & paint throughout. 2.5 car detached garage. Off street parking for 7 cars total. Top: 2 bed- rooms, 1 bath, sun- room. Bottom: 1 bedroom, 1 bath, formal dining room. $119,000. Owner financing possible. 570-301-7221 KINGSTON Rutter Ave. End Unit Townhouse Owner Relocating. 1st floor open plan with living room, dining area & kitchen, plus pow- der room. Lower level finished with 3rd bedroom, laun- dry room & storage area. 2 bedrooms & 2 baths on the 2nd floor. MLS # 11-1267 $279,500 Call Ruth 570-696- 1195 / 570-696-5411 SMITH HOURIGAN GROUP KINGSTON TWP. PRICE REDUCED 8 Circle Drive Only one lucky family will be able to make this home their own! Beautifully kept Ranch with 2 car garage, new bath, par- tially finished basement, 3 season room, almost 1 acre in Dallas School District. Home Warrancy includ- ed. For more information and photos visit our website at www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #11-370 $174,900 Call Charlie 570-829-6200 VM 101 S O L D KINGSTON TWP. PRIVACY & SERENITY! This 40 acre estate features: living room with fire- place & hardwood floor; family room with vaulted ceiling & fireplace; 1st floor master bedroom & bath with jetted tub & stall shower; pan- eled den; dining room with stone floor & skylight; 3 additional bedrooms & 2 baths. Central A/C, 3 out buildings. MLS#11-2101 $725,000 Call Joe Moore Nancy Judd 570-288-1401 906 Homes for Sale LAFLIN 3 Main Street Historic 120+ year old home, many original details, new roof, updated elec- trical and a huge garage. Currently a gift shop. Corner lot, newly paved park- ing area. $170,000 MLS 11-2115. Call Betty at Century 21 Smith Hourigan Group 570-287-1196 ext 3559 or 570-714-6127 LAFLIN 44 Fordham Rd Oakwood Park Over 5,000 sf of gracious living in this completely redone all brick home. Two first floor guest suites. New hardwood, tile and granite floors throughout. 5 bed- rooms, 4 full baths and 3 half baths. Lovely master suite. Five zoned heat. All this on private large lot with in ground pool and great views. See virtual tour on www. l ewi t h- f r eeman. c om MLS#11-1085 $599,000 Call Marcie at (570) 714-9267 LEWITH & FREEMAN LAFLIN 5 Fairfield Drive Don’t travel to a resort. Live in your vacation destination in the 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with gourmet kitchen and fabulous views. Enjoy the heated in- ground pool with cabana, built-in BBQ and fire pit in this private, tranquil setting. For more info and pho- tos visit: www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 11-1686 $319,900 Call Keri 570-885-5082 LAFLIN 7 Hickorywood Dr. Wonderful 4 bed- room Ranch with sweeping views of the valley. Master bedroom with walk- in closet and bath, ultra modern eat-in kitchen with granite counters and cherry cabinets with large island and stainless steel appliances. 2 car garage, full unfinished base- ment with walk-out to yard. For more informa- tion and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #10-4060 PRICE REDUCED $267,500 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! LAFLIN SUBURBAN OASIS! Two story 4 bed- rooms with 3.5 baths. Fully finished lower level with home theater. 2 car garage. Central air. Eat-in kitchen. Price: $379,000 Please call (570) 466-8956 906 Homes for Sale LARKSVILLE 11 Michael Dr. You'll be impressed the moment you enter this well-maintained home, conveniently located. This lovely home features eat-in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, formal dining room, 3-season porch, large deck. The expansive lower level family room features large bar. 1 year warranty included. This home is priced to sell! PRICE REDUCED $169,900 MLS# 10-4639 Barbara Young Call 570-466-6940 COLDWELL BANKER, RUNDLE REAL ESTATE 570-474-2340 Ext. 55 LARKSVILLE 111 Falcon Drive Brand new since 2004, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, central air, 2 car garage, shed, 6 car driveway. Roof, kitchen, fur- nace, a/c unit and master bath all replaced. Modern kitchen with granite island, tile floors, maple cabinets. Fireplace in family room, large closets, modern baths. Stamped concrete patio. For more information and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #11-1166 $279,900 Call Tom 570-262-7716 Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! LARKSVILLE 2340 Mountain Rd Architecturally built split level on one acre lot with stun- ning Wyoming Val- ley views. Great room with fireplace, formal dining room, eat-in kitchen. Potential 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths, detached 2-car garage. Green- house, fish pond, raised gardens, beautifully mani- cured 1 acre lot. REDUCED to $299,000 MLS# 11-1079 Maribeth Jones 570-696-6565 LEHMAN Immaculate inside and out! 3 bedroom 1.5 bath raised ranch on approx 9 scenic acres. Central air, 6 car garage with 6 garage door open- ers, 2 out buildings, paved driveway, inground pool with gas & solar heat with 12X18' cabana, many fruit trees and more. $410,000 MLS# 11-1629 Five Mountains Realty 570-542-2141 LUZERNE 864 Charles Street Home For Sal e by Owner/Bui l der All brick home with 12 inch concrete walls with rebar on both faces and foundation. Two 2- bedroom apart- ments. All appli- ances. Central Air. Fireplace. Off street parking. Must See! (570) 338-2451 (570) 301-9110 906 Homes for Sale MESHOPPEN Novak Road Lovely, nearly com- pleted, renovated Victorian farmhouse sits high on 7.81 acres featuring panoramic pastoral views, high ceilings, original woodwork, gutted, rewired, insulated and sheet- rocked, newer roof, vinyl siding, kitchen and baths. Gas rights negotiable. Lots of potential with TLC. Elk Lake School District. $165,000 MLS# 11-525 Call 570-696-2468 MOUNTAIN TOP 122 Kestrel Road Move in condition located in “Forest Pointe”, this 2-story home with an open floor plan has 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms and 3 baths, a duel sided stone fire- place separates the family room and liv- ing room. Enjoy your summer on the spacious deck and in the 16x34 in- ground swimming pool Make an appointment today! MLS#11-1822 PRICE REDUCED $289,500 Karen Altavilla 570-283-9100 x28 MOUNTAIN TOP 3071 Ablerdeen Rd Immaculate home on nearly 1 acre. Beautifully land- scaped. In ground pool with solar heat. Custom cherry kitchen. Fantastic mountain view! 1 mile to golf course. Minutes to Rt. 80. Motivated sellers! MLS 11-1483 $225,000 Linda Cuono 570-715-7743 Smith Hourigan Group 570-474-6307 MOUNTAIN TOP 460 S. Mtn Blvd. NEW PRICE! Large well cared for home! 4 bed- rooms, lots of storage. Enjoy your summer in your own 18x36, In-ground, Solar Heated Pool, complete with diving board and slide. Pool house with bar and room for a poker table! Large L-shaped deck. Don't worry about the price of gas, enjoy a stay- cation all summer long! Family room with gas fireplace. 4 zone, efficient, gas hot water, baseboard heat. Hardwood floors. Huge eat-in kitchen with large, movable island. Large, private yard. Replace- ment windows. Home warranty included. $222,900 MLS# 11-382 Call Michael Pinko (570) 899-3865 Smith Hourigan Group 570-474-6307 MOUNTAINTOP 7 STREAM VIEW COURT NOT A DRIVE BY! Wonderful post & beam construction and beautiful wood throughout! 3 large bedrooms features master suite on 1st floor. Wrap around deck overlooks shaded babbling brook on a 3/4 Acre lot. Quiet cul de sac Crestwood Schools. Just 2 min. to the triangle in Mt. Top. MLS# 11-1984 $239,000 Call Pat 715-9337 LEWITH & FREEMAN REAL ESTATE 906 Homes for Sale MOUNTAINTOP OWNERS WILL CONSIDER LEASE/PURCHASE. Pristine. Spacious. Beautifully appoint- ed. 2 Story. 4,000 sf. Hardwood floors, gourmet kitchen, fireplace, large bedrooms, jacuzzi, 4 walk-in closets, 4 linen closets. Spacious finished walkout basement. “Man Cave” completely furnished included with right offer. PLUS MORE!! MLS#11-511 Dee Fields, Associate Broker 570-788-7511 LEWITH & FREEMAN RE, INC Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! NANTICOKE 129 Welles St Lovely 2 story, 3 bedroom single family home. Large master bedroom suite with walk in closet and addition- al closet and full time bath. Wall to wall carpeting throughout. Addi- tional 1 1/2 tile baths. Modern Kitchen with all appliances including laundry. Very large dining / living room area and extra first floor room for office or den. Nice back- yard and deck. Friendly neighbor- hood. Immaculate move-in condition. Don’t miss this one! Asking $137,500. Please call 570-650-3358 for more info and for an appoint to see this ‘beauty!’ No Realtors NANTICOKE 316 Pine Street Magnificent beauti- fully renovated for- mer church is a "one of a kind" resi- dence! Ultra mod- ern kitchen with furiture quality cabi- netry. Spectacular gathering room. Stone, stained glass,tile and fabu- lous wood elements come together to make an exquisite overall master- piece. Gorgeous master bedroom suite features an unbelievable beauti- ful master bath. Panoramic views from bell tower inti- mate seating area! Full finished lower level with two walk out ground level exits would easily host an in-home business. A steal at $289,000. MLS# 11-1624 Call Pat 715-9337 LEWITH & FREEMAN REAL ESTATE NANTICOKE Honey Pot Section 207 Garfield St Nice double block in Honey Pot sec- tion of Nanticoke. 2 car garage, cov- ered patio, off street parking. Each side has 3 Bedrooms. 1 side has updated kitchen and 1.5 baths. Used as single family, can be 2 units by removing doors. $59,900 MLS# 11-2202 Call Michael Pinko (570) 899-3865 Smith Hourigan Group 570-474-6307 NANTICOKE Rear 395 E. Washington St. 2 family home with 2 bedrooms each side, separate utili- ties, great income earning potential. One side occupied, one available for rent. MLS 11-2425 $59,900 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 906 Homes for Sale NANTICOKE REDUCED OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JULY 24 11AM - 1PM 8PM 25 West Washington St. Move right into this very nice 3 bed- room 1 bath home. Lots of natural woodwork and a beautiful stained glass window. Kitchen appliances and wall to wall car- peting approxi- mately 1 year old. Home also has a one car detached garage. $79,900 MLS 11-347 Call John 570-704-6846 Antonik & Associ- ates, Inc. 570-735-7494 NEW COLUMBUS 19 Academy St Peaceful living with easy drive to town. Beautifully main- tained 3Bedroom Ranch on 1.5 acres, 2 car garage, gas fireplace, hard- woods, large deck... Lots to see. Call today for a pri- vate showing. MLS 10-3480 $138,700 Five Mountains Realty 570-542-2141 NOXEN Country living on 1 acre outside of Noxen. 3 Bedroom mobile home - excellent condition - separate garage, 2 covered porches. Newer roof. Owner says SELL! $90,000 Shari Philmeck ERA BRADY ASSOCIATES 570-836-3848 PARDEESVILLE SINGLE FAMILY BUILT IN 2005 CORNER LOT 738 Pardeesville Road CORNER LOT 2.5 baths, 2 story with attached garage. Oil fur- nace with central air. 90x140 corner lot. Kitchen with center cooking island, dining room, raised ceil- ing with glass door entry & hardwood floor. Carpeting thru out home. Tiled kitchen & bath. Kitchen appl- iances included. GREAT PRICE! $219,900 (570) 233-1993 PARDESVILLE The charming cape is just minutes from Route 309 in Hazle Township and fea- tures a 1st floor bedroom with mas- ter bath, semi-mod- ern kitchen with dining area, spa- cious Living room plus a 1 car detached garage. 100% Vendee Financing REDUCED!! $37,900 Ann Marie Chopick 570-760-6769 BELL REAL ESTATE (570) 288-6654 Sell your own home! Place an ad HERE 570-829-7130 PITTSTON 10 Garfield St. Looking for a Ranch??? Check out this double wide with attached 2 car garage on a perma- nent foundation. Large master bed- room suite with large living room, family room with fireplace, 2 full baths, laundry room, formal dining room, vaulted ceil- ings throughout and MORE! MOS 10-2463 $89,900 Call Charlie 570-829-6200 906 Homes for Sale PITTSTON 12 George Street Two story single with 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, new windows, modern kitchen, some appliances includ- ed, electric service, some carpeting and hardwood floors. Call Rita for details $68,900 570-954-6699 Walsh Real Estate 570-654-1490 PITTSTON 136 Butler Street Lots of room and character in this 2 unit fixer upper. Nice yard. Walk up attics and enclosed porches. Property being sold in ''as is'' condition. MLS# 11-3302 $29,900 Call Patti 570-328-1752 Liberty Realty & Appraisal Services LLC PITTSTON 149 Butler St. Well maintained, 2 story, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths. Large eat-in kitchen, 1st floor laundry room, beautiful woodwork, off street parking. $134,900 (570) 655-1255 PITTSTON 150 Carroll St. Modern 3 bedroom home with large yard, off street parking with car- port, 1st floor laun- dry, new flooring, great condition. Move right in! For more info and pho- tos please visit: www.atlas realtyinc.com. MLS 11-1685 $89,900 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 PITTSTON 16 Defoe St. Lovely 2 story, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath home that features open floor plan with cathedral ceiling family room. Pristine hard- wood floors. 3 season sun room leads to patio, in ground pool and mani- cured vinyl fenced yard. $169,000 MLS 11-141 Call Terry 570-885-3041 or Angie 570-885-4896 S O L D GET THE WORD OUT with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 PITTSTON 44 Lambert St Beautiful, cozy home. Upstairs laundry, lots of clos- et space.Tastefully renovations. extra large driveway.low maintenance.ther- mostats in each room. all measure- ments approximate. MLS 11-2210 $89,900 David Krolikowski CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 PITTSTON 8 Butler St. Grand old home making it’s debut! Perched o a cor- ner lot, home fea- tures original woodwork, nice size rooms, 2nd floor balcony, 2 kitchens and walk up attic. Home needs updating but has loads of potential! MLS #11-731 $49,900 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 S O L D 906 Homes for Sale PITTSTON 88 Maple Lane Spacious 4 bed- room, 2.5 bath Cape Cod with great open floor plan, hardwood floors, first floor master bedroom and bath. Screened porch off kitchen and lower covered deck from walkout basement. Walk-in attic, oversize one car garage. All in a quiet desirable neighborhood. For more information and pictures go to: www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 11-2243 $159,000 Angie 885-4896 Terry - 885-3041 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! PITTSTON 89 Lambert St This pleasant brick 3 bedroom on a wide lot, sits nicely back from the street. Recently remod- eled. MLS 11-1080 $88,000. Call Betty at Century 21 Smith Hourigan Group 570-287-1196 ext 3559 or 570-714-6127 PITTSTON 95 William St. 1/2 double home with more square footage than most single family homes. 4 bed- rooms, 1.5 baths, ultra modern kitchen and remod- eled baths. Super clean. For more information and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc. com MLS 11-2120 $63,000 Call Charlie 570-829-6200 PITTSTON Duplex. Aluminum siding, oil heat, semi - modern kitchens, long term tenant. On a spacious 50’ x 150’ lot. Motivated Seller. $44,900 Anne Marie Chopick 570-760-6769 GEORGE T. BELL REAL ESTATE 570-288-6654 PITTSTON TWP. 120 Parnell St. Classic Ranch in great location. 3 bedroom, 3 baths, high qual- ity throughout. 3 season porch over looking pri- vate rear yard. Owners says sell and lowers price to $219,900. For more informa- tion and photos please visit our website at www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #10-2817 Call Charlie for your private showing. VM 101 P E N D I N G We Need Your Help! Anonymous Tip Line 1-888-796-5519 Luzerne County Sheriff’s Office Need a Roommate? Place an ad and find one here! 570-829-7130 GET THE WORD OUT with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 To place your ad Call Toll Free 1-800-427-8649 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 11D 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale OFFICENTERS - Pierce St., Kingston Professional Office Rentals Full Service Leases • Custom Design • Renovations • Various Size Suites Available Medical, Legal, Commercial • Utilities • Parking • Janitorial Full Time Maintenance Staff Available For Rental Information Call: 1-570-287-1161 906 Homes for Sale PITTSTON TWP. PRICE REDUCED 40 Gain St. Be the first occupants of this newly con- structed Ranch home on a low traffic street. All you could ask for is already here, 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths, hardwood and tile floors with granite and stainless steel kitchen, gas fireplace, cen- tral air, 2 car garage and rear patio and full basement. For more informa- tion and photos, log onto www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #10-3676 $219,900 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 S O L D PITTSTON TWP. STAUFFER POINT 42 Grandview Drive Just like new end unit condo, with 1st floor master bed- room and bath, Liv- ing room with gas fireplace, hardwood floors in living ,din- ing room and kitchen, granite countertops and crown molding in kitchen, w separate eating area, lst floor laundry, heated sun- room with spectac- ular view, 2 addi- tional bedrooms, full bath and loft on the 2nd floor , 2 car garage, gas heat and central air, priced to sell $277,000 MLS 11- 2324 call Lu-Ann 602-9280 additional photos and information can be found on our web site, www. atlasrealtyinc.com PLAINS 1610 Westminster Rd DRASTIC REDUCTION Gorgeous estate like property with log home plus 2 story garage on 1 acres with many outdoor features. Garage. For more info and photos visit: www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS# 11-319 $300,000 Call Charles Need a Roommate? Place an ad and find one here! 570-829-7130 PLAINS 17 CEDAR RD Birchwood Hills Charming, well maintained home on oversized lot. 40 ft. deck overlooks beautiful, private fenced yard with mature shrubs, flower gardens and in-ground pool. 4- bedrooms, 2.5 baths, security, fire and sprinkler sys- tem. Two zoned gas heat and cen- tral air. Agent owned. See pictures on www. l ewi t h- f r eeman. c om MLS#11-2239 $265,000 Call Marcie at (570) 714-9267 LEWITH & FREEMAN 906 Homes for Sale PLAINS 433 N. Main St, REDUCED! Large home in advanced stage of remodel ready for drywall and your choice of extras to be installed. Studded out for vaulted master suite with 2 closets,separate tub/shower and 2 more bedrooms, even an upstairs laundry planned! Large foyer & kitchen, formal Din- ing Room. Ready for new furnace/ water heater. Can lights, outlets already placed! Large lot with room for garage/deck/ pool. MLS# 10-4611 Price Reduced to $89,500! Call Amy Lowthert at (570)406-7815 COLDWELL BANKER RUNDLE REAL ESTATE PLAINS TOWNHOME Completely remod- eled In quiet plains neighborhood. 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath. with finished basement/3rd bed- room. Hardwood floors, central air, electric heat, new roof & appliances. $118,000 Motivated Seller! (570) 592-4356 PLYMOUTH 139 SHAWNEE AVE W Lovely home in good condition. 4 bedroom, 1.5 bath, spacious living room, formal dining room, Florida room w/stone fireplace & oak walls. Ceramic tile baths, lots of closet space, secu- rity system & 2 car garage. Perfect for a growing family! Nice neighborhood. MLS#10-3020 $127,000 Call Debra at (570) 288-9371 LEWITH & FREEMAN PLYMOUTH Spacious 1791 sq. ft. 1/2 double with wrap around porch, shed & garage. Semi modern kitchen and bath. 3 bedrooms with gas heat and plenty of storage. Anne Marie Chopick 570-760-6769 GEORGE T. BELL REAL ESTATE 570-288-6654 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! PRINGLE 372 Hoyt Street This two story home has 4 bedrooms with space to grow. First floor has gas heat and second floor has electric heat. Off street parking for one in back of home. MLS 11-640 $62,900 Call Karen Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate 570-474-2340 906 Homes for Sale PRINGLE 50 Broad Street. Solid, meticulous, 1500 S.F., brick ranch, containing 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms and 1 full bath on the main level and full bath in base- ment, situated on 1.03 Acres. NEW kitchen with granite counter tops, wood cabinetry, new stove, dishwasher, microwave, tiled floors. Bath has new tile floor and tub surround, dou- ble vanity and mir- rors. Lower level has summer kitchen, full bath and large, dry- walled area. Over- size, 2 car garage/ workshop and shed. Property has been subdivided into 4 lots. Call Pat for the details. $249,900. Pat McHale (570) 613-9080 SCRANTON 1504 Euclid Ave Charming 3 bed- room, 2 1/2 bath, oversized 2 car garage built in 2004 in the beautiful Tripps Park Devel- opment in Scranton. Modern eat-in kitchen with maple cabinets, tiled floor, center island and French doors lead- ing out to large deck overlooking the fenced yard. New hardwood floors in the family room. Formal living and dining rooms. Mas- ter bedroom with master bath and walk-in closet. 2nd floor laundry MLS 11-1841 $259,000 Marilyn K Snyder Real Estate 570-825-2468 SHADOWBROOK MOUNTAIN 3 bedroom bi-level with family room, 2 car garage and much more. Just 3 miles from Tunkhan- nock. $220,000 Shari Philmeck ERA BRADY ASSOCIATES 570-836-3848 Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! SHAVERTOWN 1195 Sutton Road Attractive, well- maintained saltbox on 2 private acres boasts fireplaces in living room, family room & master bedroom. Formal dining room. Large Florida room with skylights & wet bar. Oak kitchen opens to family room. 4 bedrooms & 3 1/2 baths. Finished lower level. Carriage barn $449,000 MLS# 10-3394 Call Joe Moore 570-288-1401 906 Homes for Sale SHAVERTOWN 12 Windy Drive New construction in the exclusive Slocum Estates. Stone & Stucco exterior. All the finest appoint- ments: office or 5th bedroom, hard- wood floors, crown moldings, 9' ceil- ings 1st & 2nd floor. Buy now select cabinetry & flooring. MLS #11-1987 $499,000 Call Geri 570-696-0888 570-696-3801 LEWITH & FREEMAN SHAVERTOWN 138 Wakefield Road Inviting contempo- rary with breathtak- ing sunsets fea- tures an open floor plan, ultra kitchen, hardwoods throughout, two- sided gas FP, spa- like master bath, very generous room sizes, 5 bed- rooms, 4 baths, fin- ished walk-out lower level. $532,000 MLS #11-952 Call Tracy Zarola 570-696-0723 LEWITH & FREEMAN SHAVERTOWN 142 Cedar Ave 4 bedroom cape cod with family room addition. Fin- ished basement. 2 ½ bath. 1 car garage. 120’ x 240’ lot. $130,000. Besecker Realty 570-675-3611 Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! SHAVERTOWN 2542 CHASE ROAD, New kitchen, new windows and doors and siding. All that is needed is a new owner! This 3 bed- room ranch offers a country feel, just off the beaten path while still in a con- venient location. Lower level has recreation room, ½ bath plus room for storage. Move right in! MLS#11-2009 $139,900 Jill Jones or Bob Cook 696-6550 SHAVERTOWN 57 Sara Drive Bright and open floor plan. This 6 year old home offers premium fin- ishes throughout. Beautiful kitchen with granite tops. Finished Lower Level with French doors out to patio. Set on private 1.16 acre lot. MLS# 11-1991 $432,000 Call Geri 570-696-0888 570-696-3801 LEWITH & FREEMAN 906 Homes for Sale SHAVERTOWN 91 GATES ROAD, Great 3 bedroom ranch home on over 2 acres of land! This home offers an oversized garage with carport in rear. A large tiled sun- room to enjoy year round. Master bed- room with ¾ bath. First floor laundry. Schedule your appointment today! MLS#11-1911 $157,900 Jill Jones 696-6550 SHAVERTOWN S P A C I O U S 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, Ritz Craft, set up on large corner lot in Echo Valley Estates. $49,900. 570-696-2108 or 570-885-5000 SHAVERTOWN 380 Lantern Hill Rd Stunning describes this impressive 2 story with views from every room. Architectural design which features gourmet kitchen with granite tops. Office with built-ins. Finished lower level with 2nd kitchen. Family room with French doors out to rear yard. 4 car garage. $ 775,000 MLS# 11-1241 Call Geri 570-696-0888 570-696-3801 LEWITH & FREEMAN Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! SHICKSHINNY 17 Main Road Lovely Country set- ting for the cute Bi- Level on 5.34 acres. Property features 4 Bedrooms, 1.75 baths, living room, kitchen, family room & laundry room. Plus 2 car attached garage, 30' X 35' detached garage and 14' X 28' shed. MLS 11-1335 $229,000 Five Mountains Realty 570-542-2141 SHICKSHINNY 52 Cherokee Dr Great ranch home situated on 1+ acre lot with Shickshinny Lake rights. Dock area to launch boat. This 4 bedroom home has an open floor plan with hard- wood floors and a stone fireplace. Home warranty is included. Heat is GEO Thermal with airduct. MLS 10-3213 $228,900 Call Karen Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate 570-474-2340 SHICKSHINNY Completely remodeled 3 bed- room, 1.75 bath brick & aluminum ranch on over 4 acres with Pond. New stainless steel appliances, 2 car attached and 1 car built-in garage, paved driveway, open front porch, 3 season room, rear patio, brick fireplace & property goes to a stream in the back. PRICE REDUCED $179,900 MLS# 10-4716 Five Mountains Realty 570-542-2141 906 Homes for Sale SHICKSHINNY DRASTICALLY REDUCED! OWNER SAYS SELL NOW!!! A spectacular sun- lit great room with floor to ceiling stone fireplace and vaulted ceiling adds to the charm of this 11 year young, 2400 sq ft. 2.5 bath 2 story situated on almost an acre of tranquility with fenced AG pool, rocking chair porch and a mountain view. There is a large living room, new kitchen w/din- ing area and a master suite com- plete with laundry room, walk in clos- et, and master bath with jetted tub. MLS #10-906 REDUCED TO $157,000 Don’t delay, call Pat today at 570-714-6114 or 570-287-1196 CENTURY 21 SMITH HOURIGAN GROUP Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! SPRING BROOK TWP 6 Williams St. Great value for the price on quiet street which is closed to all main roads is a must see. Also comes with home warranty. MLS 10-3210 $157,900 Thomas Bourgeois 516-507-9403 CLASSIC PROPERTIES 570-842-9988 SWEET VALLEY 23 Wesland Avenue Immaculate 2 story home in nice area with kitchen, living room, dining room, family room, laundry & 3/4 bath on 1st floor. 4 Bedrooms, full bath & walk-in closet on 2nd floor. Plus new roof, 2 tier deck, 2 car garage, paved driveway & above ground pool. MLS 11-1526 $230,000 Five Mountains Realty 570-542-2141 SWEET VALLEY 4 Oliver Road Located in the back part of Oliver Road in a very private part of North Lake in Sweet Valley. Yearn- ing to be restored, lake front cape cod in a very tranquil setting was formerly used as a summer home. MLS 11-2113 $110,000 Jay Crossin CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 ext. 23 SWEET VALLEY 570 Grassy Pond Rd Nice Country Bi- Level on 9.55 acres with 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, kitchen, living room, family room, office & laun- dry room. Plus attached oversized 2 car garage with workshop, rear deck & 3 sheds. MLS 11-1094 $229,900 Five Mountains Realty 570-542-2141 SWEET VALLEY Enjoy easy summer living in 2 bedroom adorable cottage with lake rights on North Lake. Motivat- ed seller. $79,900 Shari Philmeck ERA BRADY ASSOCIATES 570-836-3848 906 Homes for Sale SWEET VALLEY HUNLOCK CREEK COUNTRY COTTAGE Beautiful 1.14 acres with stream. 3 bed- rooms, 1.5 baths, hardwood floors, fireplace, wrap- around porch, sun- room, deck & carport, * BREATHTAKING * Asking: $145,000 Call (570) 477-3677 SWOYERSVILLE 171 Oliver St. Very well main- tained 2 story home. 3 bedrooms and a bath with gas heat. Front room was former store front which would make a nice size family room/den! Many possibilities MLS 11-1451 $74,000 Mark R. Mason 570-331-0982 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 SWOYERSVILLE 2 story home fea- turing 4000 sq ft. 5 bedrooms with master suite. 4 baths. 2 story open foyer & 2 car garage. 15x30 kitchen with break- fast bar. LR, DR, office and finished basement. Gas heat & central air. Pool, deck, patio and nice yard $272,000 (570) 881-7996 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Say it HERE in the Classifieds! 570-829-7130 THORNHURST A Great home in a Great Community Thornhurst Country Club Es Clubhouse Golf with all day play for only $10, tennis courts and outdoor pool. This home backs up to PA State Game lands. This home is an Easy commute to Wilkes-Barre and Scranton close to all major highways. This is a must see custom made home with Three Baths and 4 Bedroom. For more information go to HomesInThe Poconos.com $165,000 Thomas Bourgeois 516-507-9403 Classic Properties 570-842-9988 ext 1412 TRUCKSVILLE Seller will contribute toward closing costs on this 1997 Yeagley built home. Home is on a large, private lot but con- venient to every- thing. Bonus room in lower level. Built- in 2 car garage. $147,500 MLS# 10-4348 Call Betty (570) 510-1736 Smith Hourigan Group 570-287-1196 TUNKHANNOCK Almost new Colonial at Lake Carey. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, deeded lake rights. Large rooms, hard- wood floors, front porch with view of lake. Garage. Tree’d lot. Pull down stairs to attic. Oil forced air heat. View pho- tos on lakehouse.com $329,500 Call 570-836-9877 for a showing WANAMIE 950 Center St. Unique Property. Well maintained 2 story. 10 years old. Privacy galore. 3.5 acres. Pole Barn 30 x 56 for storage of equip- ment, cars or boats. A must see property. $289,000 MLS# 10-3799 Call Geri 570-696-0888 570-696-3801 LEWITH & FREEMAN 570-288-9371 906 Homes for Sale WAPWALLOPEN 359 Pond Hill Mountain Road This 4 bedroom home features a great yard with over 2 acres of property. Situated across from a playground. Needs some TLC but come take a look, you wouldn’t want to miss out. There is also a pond at the far end of the property that is used by all sur- rounding neighbors. This is an estate and is being sold as is. No sellers prop- erty disclosure. Will entertain offers in order to settle estate. MLS 11-962 $69,900 Call Karen Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate 570-474-2340 WEST PITTSTON 322 SALEM ST. Great 1/2 double located in nice West Pittston loca- tion. 3 bedrooms, new carpet. Vertical blinds with all appli- ances. Screened in porch and yard. For more information and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS#10-1535 $59,000 Charlie VM 101 WEST PITTSTON 329 Wyoming Ave. If a 3-4 bedroom move in ready property featuring large living room and dining room with hardwood floors, spacious modern tiled kitchen, spectacular bath w/walk in shower and jetted tub, 1st floor laun- dry and 3/4 bath, roomy master bed- room with double closets might be what you’re looking for - visit the Open House or call PAT for an appointment MLS 11-2424 $179,900 Pat Gazenski 570-954-9038 CENTURY 21 SMITH HOURIGAN GROUP 570-287-1196 Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! WEST PITTSTON 610 Fourth Street Stately 4 bedroom home, new ultra modern kitchen, 1- 3/4 baths, off street parking 1 car. Fenced yard, new windows, paint & carpet. Just move in! MLS#11-986 $127,000 Call Lynda (570) 696-5418 Smith Hourigan Group 570-696-1195 WEST PITTSTON NEW LISTING 101 Boston Ave. Quality home in great location w/custom features throughout. Won’t last long. $257,900. Call Joe or Donna, 613-9080 906 Homes for Sale WEST WYOMING 119 Lincoln Ave. Perfectly remodeled cape in toy town! Nothing to do but move in! Newer kitchen, bath, win- dows, carpet, elec- tric service and gas hot air furnace. Currently 2 bed- room, 1 bath with a dining room that could be converted back to a 3rd bed- room. Low taxes!! Great home for empty nesters, first time buyers! MLS 11-1630 $105,000 Call Mark R. Mason 570-331-0982 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 WEST WYOMING 438 Tripp St SUNDAY 1:00PM-3:00PM Completely remod- eled home with everything new. New kitchen, baths, bedrooms, tile floors, hardwoods, granite countertops, all new stainless steel appliances, refrigerator, stove, microwave, dish- washer, free stand- ing shower, tub for two, huge deck, large yard, excellent neighborhood $154,900 (835.00 / 30years/ 5%) 570-654-1490 WEST WYOMING NEW LISTING – Cozy cape cod with semi- modern kitchen and bath. 2 bedrooms on 1st floor with additional 3rd bed- room on 2nd floor ready to be com- plete. Fenced yard and drive. Needs updating but a great buy at $40,500 Ann Marie Chopick 570-760-6769 BELL REAL ESTATE (570) 288-6654 P E N D I N G WEST WYOMING REDUCED!!! 536 W. Eighth St. Nice starter home with 7 rooms, 3 bed- rooms, 1.25 baths. 1 car garage and car- port. Home has plenty of park- ing in rear with shed and great yard. MLS #536 $85,000 Call Tom 570-262-7716 P E N D I N G WEST WYOMING Toy Town Section 148 Stites Street INCREDIBLE BUY $71,000 On corner lot with 2 car garage. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, walk up attic & full heated basement, hardwood floors with three season room. Freshly paint- ed & move in condi- tion. 570-446-3254 WILKES-BARRE 108 Custer St. Move-in condition - New replacement windows, furnace & water heater - New deck & front porch - A must see prop- erty - Don't Delay! MLS#11-2201 $72,500 Call Geri 570-696-0888 570-696-3801 LEWITH & FREEMAN Looking to buy a home? Place an ad here and let the sellers know! 570-829-7130 WILKES-BARRE 129 & 131 Matson Ave Double Block, 6 rooms + bath on each side. $79,000 Call 570-826-1743 906 Homes for Sale WILKES-BARRE 134 Stanton Street Nicely kept 3 bed- rooms, 1 bath home. Fantastic price, also included is a home warranty with a service plus package. Don’t miss out. 10-3827 $44,000 Call Karen Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate 570-474-2340 WILKES-BARRE 1400 N. Washington St Nice 2 story in need of some TLC with low taxes, near the casino. Roof is 5 yrs young. Newer water heater (installed '09), replacement windows through- out, 100 AMP elec- tric, tiled bath, wall- to-wall carpeting entire 1st floor. MLS 11-2383 $58,900 Donald Crossin CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! WILKES-BARRE 156 Sherman Street HANDYMAN SPE- CIAL. Extra Large duplex with 7 bed- rooms, 2 baths, fire- place, screened porch, full basement and 2 car garage on double lot in Wilkes- Barre City. $59,500 ERA BRADY ASSOCIATES 570-836-3848 WILKES-BARRE 178 High Street Three unit property in good condition with first floor com- mercial store front with many possibili- ties. The second floor is a two bed- room apartment and the third floor is a 1 bedroom apart- ment. Additional lot included with sale for future growth and parking. MLS 10-3120. $63,500. Marilyn K Snyder Real Estate 570-825-2468 WILKES-BARRE 186 Old RIver Road Off street parking and single car garage with a shared driveway. This 4 bedroom, one bath home in a convenient location just needs a little TLC. MLS 11-1552 REDUCED! $41,000 Michelle T. Boice 570-639-5393 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 WILKES-BARRE 231 Poplar St. Nice 3 bedroom home in move-in condition. Hardwood floors in living & dining room. Upgraded appliances including stainless double oven, refrigerator & dishwasher. Great storage space in full basement & walk-up attic. REDUCED PRICE $75,000 MLS# 10-4456 Barbara Young Call 570-466-6940 COLDWELL BANKER, RUNDLE REAL ESTATE 570-474-2340 Ext. 55 Boat? Car? Truck? Motorcycle? Air- plane? Whatever it is, sell it with a Classified ad. 570-829-7130 Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! Purebred Animals? Sell them here with a classified ad! 570-829-7130 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! Looking to buy a home? Place an ad here and let the sellers know! 570-829-7130 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! Find Your Ideal Employee! Place an ad and end the search! 570-829-7130 ask for an employ- ment specialist PAGE 12D TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com 906 Homes for Sale WILKES-BARRE 254 N. Penna. Ave Not a drive-by. This clean, 3-4 bedroom has a newly added 1st floor laundry room and powder room. All new floor coverings, replace- ment windows. Interior freshly painted, updated electric, etc. Ready to move in. Off street parking for 2 cars and a large, fenced-in back yard w/storage shed. Across street from playground. MLS 11-1713 REDUCED! $44,500 Call Michelle T. Boice 570-639-5393 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 WILKES-BARRE 29 Amber Lane Remodeled 2 bed- room Ranch home with new carpeting, large sun porch, new roof. Move right in! For more info and photos please visit: www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 11-749 $89,900 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 WILKES-BARRE 35 Hillard Street Great neighborhood surrounds this updated 2 story home with orignal woodwork. 3 bed- room, 1 bath, 1,500 sq. ft. oak eat-in kitchen, hardwood floors, stained glass windows, large room sizes, fenced yard, deck. Zoned R1 Single Family Zone $59,000 MLS #11-599 Call Tracy Zarola 570-696-0723 LEWITH & FREEMAN WILKES-BARRE 35 Murray St. Large well kept 6 bedroom home in quiet neighborhood. Off street parking, good size back yard. Owner very motivated to sell. MLS 10-3668 $79,900 Call Don Crossin 570-288-0770 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 WILKES-BARRE 382 Parrish St 3 Bedroom 1 1/2 baths with natural woodwork and stained glass win- dows throughout. MLS 10-4382 $49,900 Marilyn K Snyder Real Estate 570-825-2468 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! WILKES-BARRE 39 W. Chestnut St. Lots of room in this single with 3 floors of living space. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath with hardwood floors throughout, natural woodwork, all windows have been replaced, laundry/pantry off of kitchen. 4x10 entry foyer, space for 2 additional bed- rooms on the 3rd floor. Roof is new. MLS 11-325 Jay A. Crossin 570-288-0770 Ext. 23 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 906 Homes for Sale WILKES-BARRE 46 Bradford St. Well maintained 3 bedroom home with off street parking and large side yard, newer roof, vinyl siding, porches, windows, furnace, hot water heat, and electrical panel. All the big ticket items have been replaced for you. Home is ready to move right in! MLS 11-510 $78,000 Call Terry Solomon August 570-735-7494 Ext. 301 Antonik & Associ- ates Real Estate 570-735-7494 Need to rent that Vacation property? Place an ad and get started! 570-829-7130 WILKES-BARRE 62 Schuler St 3 bedroom, 1 3/4 bath in very good condition. Hard- wood floors throughout, updat- ed kitchen and baths, natural woodwork, over- sized yard on a dou- ble lot. Off street parking. MLS 10-4349 $79,900 Marilyn K Snyder Real Estate 570-825-2468 WILKES-BARRE 73 Richard Street 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath Traditional in Very Good Condition. Open Layout. Off Street Parking, Yard & Shed. Many Updates. Asking $47,900 Call 570-762-1537 for showing WILKES-BARRE 74 Frederick St This very nice 2 story, 3 bedroom, 1 bath home has a large eat in kitchen for family gather- ings. A great walk up attic for storage and the home is in move-in condition. MLS 11-1612 $63,900 Call Karen Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate 570-474-2340 WILKES-BARRE 76 Moyallen Street An absolute “must see”. Charming home with many updates. Move-in condition on two lots. Granite and stainless kitchen, hardwood floors, and many great architectural fea- tures. Perfect for anyone looking for affordable gracious living. See pictures www. l ewi t h- f r eeman. c om MLS#11-1889 $84,000 Call Marcie at (570) 714-9267 LEWITH & FREEMAN WILKES-BARRE 84 Madison Street Nice duplex. Renovated 2nd floor. Great invest- ment or convert back to single. 3 bedroom, 1 bath on 1st Floor. 2 bedroom, 1 bath 2nd floor. Detached garage. Price Reduced!! $75,000 MLS# 11-1095 Call Jeff Cook Realty World Bank Capital 570-235-1183 WILKES-BARRE 9 Stark Street Well cared for 3 story home with 5 bedrooms. Move in condition. Come take a look. You don’t want to miss out on this one. MLS 10-3911 $69,900 Call Karen Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate 570-474-2340 906 Homes for Sale WILKES-BARRE Centrally located this charming 3 bedroom, 1 Bath 2 story, with hard- wood floors, eat in kitchen, fenced yard. Is an ideal starter home. Good potential at $18,900 Anne Marie Chopick 570-760-6769 GEORGE T. BELL REAL ESTATE 570-288-6654 P E N D I N G WILKES-BARRE Centrally located, this triplex is fully occupied and has 2 bedrooms in each unit. Nicely main- tained with one long term tenant on 3rd floor and off street parking. An annual income of $17,520 makes it an attrac- tive buy. $99,000 MLS 11-825 Anne Marie Chopick GEORGE T. BELL REAL ESTATE 570-288-6654 570-760-6769 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! WILKES-BARRE FREE informational workshop on how to qualify for a Habitat house Saturday July 23 10:30 am to 12:30 pm at Boscov’s downtown Wilkes-Barre Affordable newly built 3 bedroom home. 20-year no-interest mort- gage. Must meet Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity eligibil- ity requirements. Inquire at 570-820-8002 WILKES-BARRE Large, stately brick home in Historic Dis- trict. Large eat-in kitchen, dining room 2 fireplaces, 5 full baths & 2 half baths. Huge master with office. Large 3rd floor bedroom. 2 story attic. Custom woodwork & hard- wood floors.Leaded glass, large closets with built-ins. Needs some updates. With large income apt. with separate entrance. Call for appointment. ASKING $350,000 Call 570-825-3608 or 570-706-5917 WILKES-BARRE Miners Mills Section Gracious home with updated roof, fur- nace and kitchen. Three bedrooms, spacious living room, large dining room, updated eat- in kitchen, hard- wood and pine floors, offices attached (was den- tist). Separate 1-car garage and carport. Reduced for you! $119,000 MLS# 11-1010 Maribeth Jones 570-696-6565 WILKES-BARRE NOW REDUCED! 191 Andover St. Lovely single family 3 bedroom home with lots of space. Finished 3rd floor, balcony porch off of 2nd floor bedroom, gas hot air heat, central air and much more. Must see! MLS 11-59 $66,000 Jay A. Crossin 570-288-0770 Ext. 23 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 906 Homes for Sale WYOMING 5 Windy Hill Lane Well built, all brick rancher with spa- cious unique 2 car built-in garage, 4 season room, huge 2nd floor family room, hardwood floors throughout, private rear stone patio & yard. Large basement, 200 amp electric. MLS# 11-1664 Call Lynda (570) 696-5418 Smith Hourigan Group 570-696-1195 YATESVILLE PRICE REDUCED 12 Reid st. Spacious Bi-level home in semi-pri- vate location with private back yard. 3 season room. Gas fireplace in lower level family room. 4 bedrooms, garage. For more informtion and photos visit wwww.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 10-4740 $154,900 Call Charlie 570-829-6200 VM 101 Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! YATESVILLE REDUCED! 61 Pittston Ave. Stately brick Ranch in private location. Large room sizes, fireplace, central A/C. Includes extra lot. For more information and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #10-3512 PRICE REDUCED $189,900 Call Charlie 570-829-6200 VM 101 THINKING OF SELLING? FREE MARKET ANALYSIS! For a confidential evaluation of your home. CALL TODAY! 570 696-2468. Veteran’s Bring your VA Entitlement Certificate And If You Qualify, I Can Help You Find And Purchase A Home In Luzerne County! Right now there are hundreds of homes listed in our MLS in this county that may qualify for 100% VA financing. Give me a call at 788-7511 or email me at [email protected] Let’s sit down and talk, make a plan, and help you get ‘moving” into a home. Dee Fields, Associate Broker 570-788-7511 LEWITH & FREEMAN RE, INC 909 Income & Commercial Properties AVOCA 25 St. Mary’s St. 3,443 sq. ft. masonry commer- cial building with warehouse/office and 2 apartments with separate elec- tric and heat. Per- fect for contractors or anyone with stor- age needs. For more information and photos log onto www.atlas realtyinc.com. Reduced to $89,000 MLS #10-3872 Call Charlie 570-829-6200 VM 101 BACK MOUNTAIN Great Investment Opportunity Prime Location On Rt.118 - Turn Key Gas Sta- tion W/Convenient Mart. 2 Fuel Pumps, (1) Diesel. MLS # 11-1809 $299,000. Call Geri 570-696-0888 570-696-3801 LEWITH & FREEMAN DALLAS 678 Lehman Outlet Road Unusual Opportunity in Back Mountain. Ranch Home zoned Residential attached to Commercial Building (formerly print shop) with separate utilities on over 2 beautiful acres in Lake Twp. with plenty of parking. So many possibility's. Can be purchased as residential home. Call for more details. Property Type:RC: Residential with Commercial Function $165,000 MLS #11-42 570-242-2795 Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! DURYEA REDUCED 921 Main St. Over 2,000 S/F of commercial space + 2 partially furnished apartments, garage, and off street parking. Great convenient location. MLS #11-1965 $229,000 Call Tom 570-282-7716 EDWARDSVILLE 62-67 ½Thomas St This would make an awesome family compound. No shortage of parking on this unique prop- erty. One single home, one duplex and an extra lot all included. Homes are right on the Edwardsville/Larksvi lle border. $129,900 11-252 Call Betty (570) 510-1736 Smith Hourigan Group 570-287-1196 909 Income & Commercial Properties FORTY FORT 138-148 Welles St. DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTION! Be part of the Welles Street Revitalization! 2 buildings with offices & ware- house/garage areas. Zoned M-1. Office space for lease. Call agent for more details. 138- 142 Approx 9784 sq. ft. & 144-146 approx 5,800 sq ft. $335,000 Contact Judy Rice 714-9230 MLS# 11-4293 KINGSTON 6 unit apartment building. Each has 1 bath, bedroom, Parlor & Kitchen, Centrally located, all electric, good condition. Gross income $28,000, net $20,000. All offers considered. $114,900 570-829-0847 KINGSTON 7 Hoyt St Nice duplex zoned commercial, can be used for offices as well as residential. All separate utilities. Keep apt. space or convert to commer- cial office space. Adjacent lot for sale by same owner. MLS 11-2176 $85,900 Jay A. Crossen CROSSEN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 ext. 23 KINGSTON Wyoming Avenue Highly visible office building w/ample off street parking. Executive office on 1st level. Potential for 2 tenants in lower level. PRICE REDUCED $414,900 MLS #11-995 Call Tracy Zarola 570-696-0723 LEWITH & FREEMAN NANTICOKE 423 E. Church St. Great 2 family in move in condition on both sides, Sep- arate utilities, 6 rooms each. 3 car detached garage in super neighbor- hood. Walking dis- tance to college. For more info and photos visit: www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 11-1608 $127,500 Call Tom 570-262-7716 Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! PITTSTON 118 Glendale Road Well established 8 unit Mobile Home Park (Glen Meadow Mobile Home Park) in quiet country like location, zoned commercial and located right off Interstate 81. Con- venient to shopping center, movie the- ater. Great income opportunity! Park is priced to sell. Owner financing is available with a substantial down payment. For more details and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 11-1530 $210,000 Call Kim 570-466-3338 909 Income & Commercial Properties PITTSTON Township Blvd. MAKE AN OFFER! Ideal location between Wilkes- Barre & Scranton. Ample parking with room for additional spaces. Perfect for medical or profes- sional offices. Con- tact agent to show. Contact Judy Rice 570-714-9230 MLS# 10-1110 Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! PLAINS 107-109 E. Carey St. High traffic, high potential location with enough space for 2 second floor apartments. A stones throw away from the casino. Large front win- dows for showroom display. Basement & sub-basement for additional storage or workspace. PRICE REDUCED $110,000 MLS# 10-1919 Call Stanley (570) 817-0111 Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate 570-474-2340 WEST WYOMING 331 Holden St 10-847 Many possibilities for this building. 40 + parking spaces, 5 offices, 3 baths and warehouse. $425,000 Maria Huggler CLASSIC PROPERTIES 570-587-7000 WEST WYOMING 379-381 Sixth St. Perfect first home for you with one side paying most of your mortgage. Would also make a nice investment with all separate utilities and nice rents. Large fenced yard, priced to sell. Don’t wait too long. Call today to schedule a tour. MLS 11-1453 REDUCED!! $84,900 Mark R. Mason 570-331-0982 CROSS REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 WILKES-BARRE 819 North Washington St. 2020 Sq. Ft, Commercial build- ing on corner lot with parking. Prime location. Lower level street entrance. Close to major highways. PRICE REDUCED $147,000 MLS# 10-3225 Call Jeff Cook Realty World Bank Capital 570-235-1183 WYOMING 14 West Sixth St. Former upholestry shop. 1st floor in need of a lot of TLC. 2nd floor apartment in good condition & rented with no lease. Stor- age area. Off street parking available. PRICE REDUCED! $65,000 Contact Judy Rice 714-9230 MLS# 11-572 909 Income & Commercial Properties WYOMING PRICE REDUCED! 285 Wyoming Ave. First floor currently used as a shop, could be offices, etc. Prime location, corner lot, full base- ment. 2nd floor is 3 bedroom apartment plus 3 car garage and parking for 6 cars. For more information and photos go to www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #10-4339 $172,400 Call Charlie VM 101 Commercial Building for Sale 414 Front Street, Nanticoke (Hanover Section) Opening a new business? Relocating your business? Call me today for a personal tour - reduced to $99,900!! Modern Office building featuring 4 offices, conference room, reception room, supply room, kitchen, garage, full basement, A/C, handicap ramp & off street parking. Call Dee Fields Today! [email protected] 570-788-7511 LEWITH & FREEMAN RE, INC Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! 912 Lots & Acreage COURTDALE 175’x130’ sloping lot with some trees. Public sewer, water, gas. $9,500. Quick sale to settle Estate. 570-287-5775 or 570-332-1048 DRUMS Lot 7 Maple Dr. Private yet conven- ient location just minutes from inter- states. You can fish in your own back yard in the Nescopeck Creek or use the nearby state game lands. Perfect for your vacation cabin or possible year round home! MLS#11-1492 $19,900 Jill Jones 696-6550 DURYEA 44.59 ACRES Industrial Site. Rail served with all utilities. KOZ approved. For more information and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com $2,395,000 MLS#10-669 Call Charlie GOULDSBORO A great place for a hunting Cabin or Camper, short walk to state games lands. This lot comes with electric septic and well so just drop off your camper and you are all set to go. Only $20,000. Visit www.HomesIn ThePoconos.com Thomas Bourgeois 516-507-9403 Classic Properties 570-842-9988 HARDING 2.3 ACRES Assesed $42,000 Sacrifice $38,000. 570-760-0049 912 Lots & Acreage JENKINS TWP. Hospital St. Eagle View Great residential lot overlooking the Susquehanna River for a stunning view of the river and sur- rounding area. Build your dream home on this lot with the best river and valley views in Luzerne County. Gas, tele- phone, electric and water utility con- nections are available. For more details & photos visit: www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 11-2640 $125,000 Call Kim 570-466-3338 Looking to buy a home? Place an ad here and let the sellers know! 570-829-7130 MOUNTAIN TOP Crestwood Schools! 126 Acres for Sale! Mostly wooded with approx. 970 ft on Rt. 437 in Dennison Twp. $459,000 Call Jim Graham at 570-715-9323 570-474-9801 LEWITH & FREEMAN MOUNTAIN TOP Several building lots ready to build on! ALL public utilities! Priced from $32,000 to $48,000! Use your own Builder! Call Jim Graham at 570-715-9323 570-474-9801 LEWITH & FREEMAN NEWPORT TOWNSHIP 2 LOTS - 1 mile south of L.C.C.C. Estab- lished residential development, underground utili- ties including gas. 1 - Frontage 120’x 265’ deep $38,000. 2 - Frontage 210’x 158’deep $38,000 Call 570-714-1296 PLAINS TOWNSHIP 8.65 acres on end of cul-de-sac in Laurelbrook Estates 10 minutes from Blakeslee and Wilkes-Barre on Rt. 115. Perc certficate available. MLS 11-53 $127,000 Marilyn K Snyder Real Estate 570-825-2468 POTENTIAL RESIDENTIAL BUILDING SITES ESTATE SALE Dallas Heights Lot 4 $35,000; Lot 5 $28,000; Lot 6 $45,000, or all 3 lots for $89,000. Frontage 220x120. Call 757-350-1245 PRICES REDUCED EARTH CONSERVANCY LAND FOR SALE 46+/- Acres Hanover Twp., $89,000 28+/- Acres Fairview Twp., $85,000 32+/- Acres Wilkes-Barre Twp. REDUCED! 61+/- Acres Nuangola $118,000 JUST SOLD! 10+/- Acres Hanover Twp. See additional Land for Sale at www.earth conservancy.org 570-823-3445 SHAVERTOWN 1195 Lantern Hill Road Prime residential wooded lot with plenty of privacy. Gently sloping. $150,000 MLS# 11-1601 Call Joe Moore 570-288-1401 SHAVERTOWN LAND Harford Ave. 4 buildable residen- tial lots for sale indi- vidually or take all 4! Buyer to confirm water and sewer with zoning officer. Directions: R. on E. Franklin, R. on Lawn to L. on Harford. $22,500 per lot Mark Mason 570-331-0982 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 912 Lots & Acreage TOBYHANNAH This is a Contempo- rary Home located in an Amenity Filled Community. Locat- ed near two bus stops going to NYC. It is in move in con- dition so bring your furniture and move right in. Investors this could be a great rental property. Low heating cost with fireplace in Living room. Bring all offers owner is anx- ious. Visit www.HomesIn ThePoconos.com Thomas Bourgeois 516-507-9403 Classic Properties 570-842-9988 WEST PITTSTON Wyoming Ave 60’x150’ level lot Great Location Priced to sell Call Bernie 888-244-2714 Rothstein Realtors 570-288-7594 WILKES-BARRE 1 Kidder & Walnut Buildable 1.5 acre lot in Wilkes-Barre Township. Utilities available. Lot is located in a residential area. $39,500 MLS 11-583 Call Judy Rice 570-714-9230 930 Wanted to Buy Real Estate WE BUY HOMES Any Situation 570-956-2385 Find Something? Lose Something? Get it back where it belongs with a Lost/Found ad! 570-829-7130 938 Apartments/ Furnished PITTSTON FURNISHED FURNISHED 1 bedroom apart- ment, with patio, kitchen with appli- ances, refrigerator with ice maker, washer & dryer, microwave, trash compactor, garbage disposal, air, carpeting, furni- ture, off street parking, no pets, Year lease, $600 + security. Heat, water, sanitation and refuse incl. 570-883-7458 or 202-425-7388 PLYMOUTH FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT utilities all paid Call 570-881-0636 WILKES-BARRE FULLY FURNISHED 1 BEDROOM APT. ŠShort or long term ŠExcellent Neighborhood ŠPriv. Tenant Parking Š$595 includes all utilities. No pets. (570) 822-9697 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished ASHLEY Available Immediately Modern 2nd floor 2 bedroom apart- ment. Off street parking. Washer dryer hookup. Appli- ances. Bus stop at the door. $550. Water Included. 570-954-1992 AVOCA Spacious 2 bed- room, 2nd floor. No pets. $485 / month + security. Call 570-328-3773 BACK MOUNTAIN 3 large 1 bedroom apts, 3 kitchens with appliances, 3 baths. Apts. have access to one another. No lease. $795 for all 3 apts ($265 per apt.) Convenient to all colleges and gas drilling areas. Call for more info 570-696-1866 Find A NewFriend In The Times Leader Classified To place an ad call 829-7130 Find Your Ideal Employee! Place an ad and end the search! 570-829-7130 ask for an employ- ment specialist Wanna make your car go fast? Place an ad in Classified! 570-829-7130. Find homes for your kittens! Place an ad here! 570-829-7130 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 PAGE 13D 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished 2 9 6 2 3 1 NEWPORT TWP. PRIME APARTMENTS STILL AVAILABLE! ST. STANISLAUS APARTMENTS 143-145 Old Newport Rd., Newport Twp. Affordable, Accessible 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments Income Eligibility* Required. Rents: $455-$656 plus electric (*Maximum Incomes vary according to household size) • High Efficiency Heat/Air Conditioning • Newer Appliances • Laundry Rooms • Community Room • Private Parking • Rent Includes Water, Sewer & Refuse For more info or to apply, please call: 570-733-2010 TDD: 800-654-5984 Apply Today! Great, Convenient Location! IN THE HEART OF WILKES-BARRE Immediate Occupancy!! MARTIN D. POPKY APARTMENTS 61 E. Northampton St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 • Affordable Senior Apartments • Income Eligibility Required • Utilities Included! • Low cable rates; • New appliances; laundry on site; • Activities! • Curb side Public Transportation Please call 570-825-8594 TDD/TTY 800-654-5984 CEDAR VILLAGE Apartment Homes Ask About Our Holiday Specials! $250 Off 1st Months Rent, & $250 Off Security Deposit With Good Credit. 1 bedroom starting @ $690 F e a t u r i n g : ‹ Washer & Dryer ‹ Central Air ‹ Fitness Center ‹ Swimming Pool ‹ Easy Access to I-81 Mon – Fri. 9 –5 44 Eagle Court Wilkes-Barre, PA 18706 (Off Route 309) 570-823-8400 cedarvillage@ affiliatedmgmt.com EAST MOUNTAIN APARTMENTS The good life... close at hand Regions Best Address • 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. 822-4444 www.EastMountainApt.com • 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts. 288-6300 www.GatewayManorApt.com M ond a y - Frid a y 9 -5 Sa tu rd a y 1 0-2 W IL KE SW OOD 822-27 1 1 w w w .liv ea tw ilk esw ood .com 1 Bedroom Sta rting a t$675.00 • Includes gas heat, w ater,sew er & trash • C onvenient to allm ajor highw ays & public transportation • Fitness center & pool • P atio/B alconies • P et friendly* • O nline rentalpaym ents • Flexible lease term s APARTM E NTS *RestrictionsAp p ly 962 Rooms 962 Rooms Rooms starting at Daily $39.99 + tax Weekly $179.99 + tax WiFi HBO Available Upon Request: Microwave & Refrigerator (570) 823-8027 www.casinocountrysideinn.com [email protected] Bear Creek Township C o u n t r y s i d e I n n C a s i n o 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished DALLAS TWP CONDO FOR LEASE: $1,800. 2 bedroom/ 2 Bath. Call Us to discuss our great Amenity & Mainte- nance program! Call 570-674-5278 Dallas, Pa. MEADOWS APARTMENTS 220 Lake St. Housing for the elderly & mobility impaired; all utilities included. Federally subsidized program. Extremely low income persons encouraged to apply. Income less than $12,250. 570-675-6936, 8 am-4 pm, Mon-Fri. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE DUPONT Large completely remodeled 2 bed- room. Stove & fridge included. Private interior attic & basement access. Washer/ dryer hookup. Nice yard. $650. No pets. Call 570-479-6722 EDWARDSVILLE 2 apartments. Spa- cious. Each with 2 bedrooms, 2nd floor, off street parking. Washer/ dryer hook up & dishwasher, refrig- erator. $450/$600 month + 1 year lease /security, refer- ences & utilities. No pets. Non Smoking. Not approved for Section 8. Call Rudy at 570-288-6626 EDWARDSVILLE Spacious freshly painted 2 bed- rooms, 1 bath. Con- venient location. Refrigerator & stove provided, washer /dryer hookup, no pets, no smoking. $510/month Section 8 Accepted Call 570-357-3628 EXETER Newly remodeled. 2nd floor, 2 bed- room, all appli- ances, laundry hook up, off street park- ing. No Pets. $575/ month + utilities. Call (570) 417-4311 or (570) 696-3936 EXETER SENIOR APARTMENTS 222 Schooley Ave. Exeter, PA Accepting applica- tions for 1 bedroom apartments. Quality 1 bedroom apart- ments for ages 62 and older. Income limits apply. Rent only $437 month. * Utilities Included * Laundry Facilities * On Site Management *Private parking Call for appointment 570-654-5733 Monday - Friday 8am-12pm. Equal Housing Opportunity 1-2 BEDROOM RENTALS FORTY FORT. PROFESSIONALLY MANAGED, EMPLOYMENT\ VERIFICATION/ APPLICATION MANDATORY. No pets/smoking/ lease. All modern appliances, servic- es. Details upon request. Begin at $550 + utilities. Call For Availability AMERICA REALTY 570-288-1422 Sell your own home! Place an ad HERE 570-829-7130 HANOVER TOWNSHIP West End Road Clean & bright 3 bedroom apart- ments. Heat, water, garbage & sewer included with appli- ances. Off street parking. No pets, non smoking, not section 8 approved. References, securi- ty, first and last months rent. $725/month 570-852-0252 570-675-1589 HANOVER TWP. 1 bedroom, first floor, off street parking, stove & fridge included. No Pets. $390/month plus utilities NEWLY REMODELED. (570) 357-1138 HANOVER TWP. Kornkrest, 1 bed- room, heat, hot water, stove & fridge included. Security & lease. $550/month. Call 570-825-0146 HANOVER TWP. Lee Park 2nd floor, living room, eat in kitchen, 2 bedroom, wall to wall, rear porch, washer & dryer. Water, garbage & sewer included. No pets. $440/month + 1st, last, security, & references. 570-606-3256 HARVEYS LAKE 1 bedroom, LAKE FRONT apartments. Wall to wall, appli- ances, lake rights, off street parking. No Pets. Lease, security & references. 570-639-5920 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished KINGSTON - E. Bennett 1st Floor - 5 Rooms Ideal location. Clean Modern Fresh Paint Carpeted Gas Heat NOSmoking-NOPets $500/month + utilities Lease, References, Security. Ready Now 570-696-1847 KINGSTON 1 bedroom, all appli- ances. $450 + utili- ties & security. Available now. Call 570-829-0847 KINGSTON 121 Butler St Newly renovated 2 bedroom, 2nd floor apartment. AC, appliances including washer/dryer & storage. $900/month + utili- ties, security, lease. 570-283-3969 KINGSTON 1BR FOR LEASE 223 Zerby Ave. Available 08/01, 1 bedroom, 1 bath- room, refrigerator and stove provided, no pets, $475/per month, water and sewer paid, $475/ security deposit. Call (570) 472-5943 KINGSTON 1st floor, newly remodeled, off- street parking, washer/dryer hookup, yard. 1 or 2 bedroom. Lease. $525/month, plus utilities & security. Not Section 8 approved. 570-954-3637. KINGSTON 72 E. 72 E. W Walnut alnut St. St. 2nd floor, located in quiet neighborhood. Kitchen, living room, dining room, sun room, bath- room. 2 large and 1 small bedroom, lots of closets, built in linen, built in hutch, hardwood and car- peted floors, fire- place, storage room, yard, w/d hookup and new stove. Heat and hot water incl. 1 yr. lease + security $900/month 570-406-1411 KINGSTON AVAILABLE NOW! 2nd Floor, 1 Bed, 1 Bath, modern kitchen, living room, washer & dryer. Next to the Post Office, off street parking, $500 + utilities, water & sewer included, 1 year lease, security & references. No Pets. No Smoking. Call 570-822-9821 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! KINGSTON E. WALNUT ST. Light, bright, 1st floor, 2 bedrooms, elevator, carpet- ed, Security system. Garage. Extra storage & cable TV included. Laundry facilities. Heat & hot water furnished. Fine neighborhood. Convenient to bus & stores. No pets. References. Security. Lease. No smokers please. $840. 570-287-0900 KINGSTON Large 2 bedroom. Remodeled. Stove fridge & dishwasher. Washer/ dryer hookup. $675; heat included. Call 570-814-0843 or 570-696-3090 KINGSTON Modern spacious 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1st floor, off street parking, all appli- ances, laundry in unit, air, screened porch. No pets - No smoking. $750 + utilities. 714-9234 KINGSTON Rutter Ave. REDUCED! 1 bedroom 1st floor, large living room, neutral decor. Gas heat, water included. Off street parking. No pets. $410 plus security & lease. 570-793-6294 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished KINGSTON SDK GREEN ACRES HOMES 11 Holiday Drive Kingston “A Place To Call Home” Spacious 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts 3 Bedroom Townhomes Gas heat included FREE 24hr on-site Gym Community Room Swimming Pool Maintenance FREE Controlled Access Patio/Balcony and much more... Call Today or stop by for a tour! 570-288-9019 LARKSVILLE NEWLY REMODELED! First floor. 3 rooms and bath. Heat, hot water, garbage, sewer included. Off street parking. Bus stop at door. $475/month + $475 security & 1 year lease. No pets 570-779-2258 after 12pm LUZERNE 1 bedroom, wall to wall, off-street parking, coin laundry, water, sewer & garbage included. $495/ month + security & lease. HUD accepted. Call 570-687-6216 or 570-954-0727 LUZERNE Available August 1 2nd floor, 1 bed- room & bath. Heat, hot water & sewer included. AC, wash- er & dryer included. Newly painted. No pets, non smoking. Security, lease & references required. $575/month. Call (570) 288-4253 Leave message MOCANAQUA 3 bedroom 1/2 double, large modern bathroom and kitchen. Pergo floors throughout, large yard. $650/per month, plus utilities, security and lease. (570) 417-0137 MOUNTAIN TOP 1 Bedroom apart- ments for elderly, disabled. Rents based on 30% of ADJ gross income. Handicap Accessi- ble. Equal Housing Opportunity. TTY711 or 570-474-5010 This institution is an equal opportunity provider & employer. Mountain Top 1st floor. 1 or 2 bedrooms. Laundry, facilities, porch. No pets. $600/month + utili- ties, security, lease & credit check. (570) 868-6503 MOUNTAIN TOP WOODBRYN 1 & 2 Bedroom. No pets. Rents based on income start at $405 & $440. Handicap Accessible. Equal Housing Opportunity. Call 570-474-5010 TTY711 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. NANTICOKE 2 bedroom, wall to wall carpet, off- street parking, $495 per month+ utilities, security, lease. HUD accepted. Call 570-687-6216 or 570-954-0727 NANTICOKE REMODELED 2 bedrooms, 1 bath room, stove provid- ed, off-street park- ing. Remodeled. New kitchen/bath- room floors & car- peting, fresh paint, yard & deck includ- ed. $450/per month, plus utilities. Call (570) 916-2043 NANTICOKE Studio or 2 bed- rooms, 2nd floor, heat, water garbage, sewage included. no pets. $350-$525 + secu- rity. 570-735-3350 NANTICOKE Very clean. modern. 2 bedroom. Heat, hot water, stove, fridge, washer/ dryer, 2 air condi- tioners included. Large rooms. Clos- ets. Off street park- ing. Security. $675/month (570) 736-3125 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished PITTSTON 1 bedroom, 1 bath. Heat, water and sewer included. No Yard. NO PETS. $650 per month 570-443-0770 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! PITTSTON 1ST FLOOR MODERN 2 bedrooms, no pets, Newly painted with carpet and tile. $525/per month. Call (570) 357-1383 PITTSTON 2 bedroom, bath, kitchen, living room. Heat & water included. $560/ month. 1st month & security. No pets 570-451-1038 PITTSTON 2 bedroom. All appliances included. All utilities paid; electricity by tenant. Everything brand new. Off street park- ing. $750 + security & references 570-969-9268 PITTSTON 3 bedroom. Off street parking, on site laundry. Enclosed porch. Tenant pays elec- tric, sewage & trash. $650 + utilities. Security required. Call (570) 881-1747 PITTSTON Modern 1st floor, 1 bedroom, wall to wall carpet, newly painted, washer/ dryer hook-up, pri- vate drive. Water, sewer & garbage included. No pets. No smoking. $400 + security. 570-883-9384 PITTSTON Modern air condi- tioned 2 bedroom, 1st floor. Appliances included. Laundry hookup. Enclosed porch, heated garage, off street parking. Heat, sewer, water & garbage included. No pets. $695/mos. Security & lease. 570-430-0123 PLAINS 3 YEAR NEW - ONE FLOOR APARTMENT 32 Helen Street For lease, available immediately, 2 bed- rooms, 1 bathroom, all appliances pro- vided, washer/dryer on premises, off- street parking, no pets, Three year old single story apart- ment. Ideal for sen- ior citizen or those with limited mobility. Convenient to public transportation. All Maintenance Includ- ed. Modern, Central Air, Very Efficient, $775/per month, Sewer Paid, $775/ security deposit. Call (570) 417-8142 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished PLAINS Spacious two story 3 bedroom apt. P r o f e s s i o n a l l y cleaned & painted. New carpeting, hardwood floors, ceiling fans. Eat-in kitchen with stove /fridge/dishwasher, washer/ dryer hook- ups. Off Street Park- ing, Nice area. $700 plus utilities. S e c u r i t y / l e a s e . Sorry no smoking or pets. References required. Call (570) 824-9507 PLYMOUTH 1 bedroom apart- ment, $495/month + security & elec- tric. Available Now! Call 570-829-0847 PLYMOUTH 3 bedroom half dou- ble. Very quiet street. Off street parking. Pets negotiable. Washer/dryer hook- up. Fridge, stove water included. $595 Call 570-239-9840 PLYMOUTH Orchard St. 1 bedroom, ground floor, stove, fridge, w/d, large porch, no smoking or pets. Sewer included. $375/per month, plus security, & lease. Credit check required. (570)779-3472 S. WILKES-BARRE 3 bedroom, 1.5 baths, small yard, front porch, off street parking. $465/month security required. Tenant pays all utilities. 570-332-5723 Job Seekers are looking here! Where's your ad? 570-829-7130 and ask for an employ- ment specialist WEST PITTSTON 159 Elm St. 2 bedroom Town- house w/full base- ment. 1.5 baths, off street parking. $600/per month + utilities & security. No Pets 570-283-1300 M-F 570-388-6422 all other times WEST PITTSTON 1st floor, wall to wall, 3 rooms, 1 bedroom, $435 + utilities. No pets. No smoking. Includes washer. 570-335-3157 West Pittston, Pa. GARDEN VILLAGE APARTMENTS 221 Fremont St. Housing for the elderly & mobility impaired; all utilities included. Federally subsidized program. Extremely low income persons encouraged to apply. Income less than $12,250. 570-655-6555, 8 am-4 pm, Monday-Friday. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE WEST WYOMING AVAILABLE NOW!! 2nd floor 1 bed- room, nice kitchen with appliances, $450 month plus utilities and security deposit. No animals. No smoking. Call 570-693-1000 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished WILKES-BARRE Mayflower Crossing Apartments 570.822.3968 2, 3 & 4 Bedrooms - Light & bright open floor plans - All major appliances included - Pets welcome* - Close to everything - 24 hour emergency maintenance - Short term leases available Call TODAY For AVAILABILITY!! www.mayflower crossing.com Certain Restrictions Apply* WILKES-BARRE 179 Charles St 3 extra large, extra clean bedrooms. Heat & hot water included. No pets. $755/month + 1 month rent & secu- rity. Section 8 okay. SERIOUS INQUIRES ONLY. Call after 5pm 570-793-7856 570-793-4987 Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! WILKES-BARRE 2 bedroom, washer dryer hookup, off street parking, $425 + security & utilities. 570-822-7657 WILKES-BARRE 2 BEDROOMS / 1 BATH WATER / SEWER / TRASH INCLUDED, Newly renovated. Washer/dryer On-Site, Parking, Secure Building, $625/per month. Call (570) 899-8034 Wilkes-Barre 260 Carey Ave Small 1 bedroom, ground level, 1st floor. Heat & hot water included. Newly remodeled. $520/month. Call Jim 570-288-3375 For pictures visit www. dr eamr ent al s . net Wilkes-Barre Apartments Available SAI NT JOHN APARTMENTS 419 N. Main St Wilkes Barre Spacious 1 bedroom. Secured Senior Building. Applicants must be over age 62 & be income qualified. Rent start at $501 per month. Includes ALL utilities. 570-970-6694 Opportunity Equal Housing 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished WILKES-BARRE APARTMENTS FOR RENT! 425 S. Franklin St. For lease. Available immediately, wash- er/ dryer on premis- es, no pets. We have studio & 1 bed- room apts. On site parking. Fridge & stove provided. 24/7 security cam- era presence and all doors electronically locked. Studio - $450; 1 bedroom - $550. Water & sewer paid. One month / security deposit. Call 570-793-6377 or 570-208-9301 after 10:00 a.m. to sched- ule an appointment. Or email shlomo_voola @yahoo.com wilkesliving.com WILKES-BARRE HISTORIC WHEELMAN 439 S. Franklin St. 1 bedroom, hard- wood floors. A/C, marble bath. Secu- rity system. Laun- dry. $625 570-821-5599 WILKES-BARRE LAFAYETTE GARDENS SAVE MONEY THIS YEAR! 113 Edison St. Quiet neighborhood. 2 bedroom apart- ments available for immediate occu- pancy. Heat & hot water included. $625 Call Aileen at 570-822-7944 Formerly The Travel Lodge 497 Kidder St., Wilkes-Barre Rooms Starting at: Daily $44.99 + tax Weekly $189.99 + tax Microwave, Refrigerator, WiFi, HBO 570-823-8881 www.Wilkes BarreLodge.com WILKES-BARRE WILKES-BARRE LODGE LODGE LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! WILKES-BARRE Luxury apartment. $1,050/month. Newly renovated building. State of art “green” heating system. Brazilian cherry floors, gran- ite counters, w/d, microwave, dish- washer - all Maytag appliances. Enclosed porch. 1,300 square feet. Call for private showing. 212-580-8519 WILKES-BARRE Maffett St Just off Old River Road. 7 room, 3 bedroom, 2nd floor duplex. Off street parking, deck in rear. Ample closet / storage. Neutral decor. Appliances included. $625 + utilities, security & lease. No pets. 570-237-1719 WILKES-BARRE NICE! 1 bedroom 2nd floor. Heat, hot water, TV, parking, porch, oak kitchen. Lots of storage! $525/mo/lease. Call (570) 825-3004 Wilkes-Barre ONE AND TWO BEDROOM UNITS For lease, available immediately, 1 bath- room, refrigerator and stove provided, washer/dryer hookup, Washer and Dryer in one unit. 2nd floor. $500.00/per month, plus utilities, references/ security deposit. 570-735-4074 Leave message WILKES-BARRE RENOVATED 1 BEDROOM 216 Carlisle St. Available immedi- ately, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, refrigera- tor and stove pro- vided, HEAT, HOT WATER, SEWER INCLUDED. New carpets, new stove, cabinets, floors (kitchen and bath- room), fresh paint, new ceiling fans. , $600/per month, $600/security deposit. Call (215) 565-6761 or email Alexander [email protected]. WILKES-BARRE SOUTH 116 Simpson St. 2 bedroom 2nd floor, w/w, eat in kitchen w/appli- ances. Washer incl. Dryer hookup. Off street parking, no pets, no smoking. Water included. Tenant pays elec- tric and gas heat. $450 plus security 570-814-1356 WILKES-BARRE SOUTH SECURE BUILDINGS 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Starting at $440 and up. References required. Section 8 ok. 570-332-5723 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished WILKES-BARRE Totally gorgeous 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Newly renovated and waiting for the sophisticated ten- ant. Located in the Historic District of Central Wilkes- Barre is a stunning buIlding. $1200/mo plus security. No Pets. Call Eileen 570-821-7022 EILEEN R. MELONE REAL ESTATE 570-821-7022 WILKES-BARRE Very Large apart- ment located in desirable neighbor- hood. Within walk- ing distance to Wilkes & Kings. Spacious 3 bed- room, 2 bathroom includes a private balcony/deck over- looking an in- ground pool, off- street parking, hardwood floors, washer/dryer hookup and a room that could be used as a small 4th bed- room. No pets. $1,650/month + security deposit Email: cshovlin@fcla wpc.com or call (570) 718-1444 and ask for Chris. Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! WILKES-BARRE WILKES UNIVERSITY CAMPUS Studio, 1, 2, or 3 bedroom. Starting at $400. All utilities included. 826-1934 Wilkes-Barre Š2 bedroom single, exceptional Š1 bedroom, water included Š2 bedroom, water included Š3 bedroom single family exceptional Hanover Š4 bedroom, large affordable Duryea Š2 bedroom, affordable, water included Nanticoke Š2 bedroom, large, water included Pittston ŠLarge 1 bedroom water included Plymouth Š3 bedroom half double Old Forge Š2 bedroom exceptional water included McDermott & McDermott Real Estate Inc. Property Management 570-821-1650 (direct line) Mon-Fri. 8-7pm Sat. 8-noon WYOMING BLANDINA APARTMENTS Deluxe 1 & 2 bed- room. Wall to Wall carpet. Some utili- ties by tenant. No pets. Non-smoking. Elderly community. Quiet, safe. Off street parking. Call 570-693-2850 WYOMING Recently remodeled 2nd floor, 2 bed- room. New carpet- ing & Kitchen. Off street parking. $500 + utilities. No pets. Call 570-714-7272 WYOMING-1ST FLOOR 2 bedroom. Large living room. Sun- porch. Stove, fridge, washer dryer hookup. Very quiet building on quiet street. Includes heat, water, sewer & annual trash. Avail- able 8/1. Security, references & credit check. No pets. No smoking. $685 / month. Call 570-609-5133 944 Commercial Properties COMMERCIAL 422 North Main Street, Pittston Flexible commer- cial/office space on Main Street. Includes 4 separate offices, large room which could be used as a conference room and a rest- room. Very high traffic area. Locat- ed in a strip mall that is fully occu- pied. Parking avail- able. For more details and pictures, visit www.atlasreal- tyinc.com. MLS 11- 1832. $750/month + utilities. Call Kim at 570-466-3338. DOLPHIN PLAZA Rte. 315 2,000 SF Office / Retail 2,000 SF Restaurant/Deli with drive thru window 4,500 SF Office Showroom, Warehouse Loading Dock 4 Acres touching I81 will build to suit. Call 570-829-1206 FORTY FORT Free standing build- ing. Would be great for any commercial use. 1900 sq. ft. on the ground floor with an additional 800 sq. ft in finished lower level. Excel- lent location, only 1 block from North Cross Valley Expressway and one block from Wyoming Ave (route 11) Take advantage of this prime loca- tion for just $995 per month! 570-262-1131 Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! PITTSTON 328 Kennedy Blvd. Modern medical space, labor & industry approved, ADA throughout, 2 doctor offices plus 4 exam rooms, xray and reception and breakrooms. Could be used for any business purpose. Will remodel to suit. For lease $2,200/MO. Also available for sale MLS #11-751 Call Charlie VM 101 PITTSTON COOPERS CO-OP Lease Space Available, Light manufacturing, warehouse, office, includes all utilities with free parking. I will save you money! PLAINS TWP 7 PETHICK DRIVE OFF RTE. 315 1200 & 700 SF Office Furnished. 570-760-1513 RETAIL SPACE (start $650.) FORTY FORT WYOMING AVE. RETAIL SPACE IDEAL FOR SMALL BUSINESS, REPAIR SHOP, ETC. HIGH TRAFFIC, Profes- sionally Managed. AMERICA REALTY 570-288-1422 STOREFRONT 500 square feet. 560 Carey Ave, Wilkes-Barre, Busy location. $500 + utilities. Call 570-655-4915 315 PLAZA 1750 & 3200 SF Retail / Office Space Available 570-829-1206 WAREHOUSE/LIGHT MANUFACTURING OFFICE SPACE PITTSTON Main St. 12,000 sq. ft. build- ing in downtown location. Ware- house with light manufacturing. Building with some office space. Entire building for lease or will sub-divide. MLS #10-1074 Call Charlie 570-829-6200 VM 101 950 Half Doubles FORTY FORT 1/2 DOUBLE 80 Yates Street 2 bedrooms. Off- street parking, no pets. $900/per month, + utilities. 570-287-5090 FORTY FORT Listed is a beautiful half double in a very desirable residential environment. Only 5 minutes from the Cross Valley. In close proximity to all public amenities including employ- ment, shopping & schools. 1st floor features a spacious dining room and a living room with french doors lead- ing to a sunroom. Kitchen includes all appliances, or bring your own! In addi- tion, there’s a laun- dry room & a pow- der room to the rear of the kitchen. 3 bedrooms & a full bath on the 2nd floor with lots of storage on the 3rd floor. Nice hedge- lined yard with flag- stone patio & off street parking for 2 cars. 1 outside, and one in the garage! New sidewalks, new roof, vinyl siding, windows & a recent driveway. $700 / month + utilities. No smoking, no pets. Security & refer- ences required. Not Section 8 approved. Call 570-287-2157 After 3pm FREELAND Large 1/2 double. 5 bedrooms. Water and sewer included $750 per month 570-443-0770 GLEN LYON 3 bedrooms, wall to wall carpeting, laundry room, yard. $500 + utilities, security & refer- ences. No Pets Call 570-592-3100 KINGSTON $740/month New bath, kitchen, living room, dining, 2 1/2 bedroom. Full attic storage. Water, sewer, recy- cling included. Gas fireplace. Lease + security. New floor- ing & ceiling fans. Washer/dryer hookup. Call after 6pm 570-479-0131 KINGSTON LARGE MODERN 1/2 DOUBLE 3 bedrooms, near shopping, schools, parks. cook top stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, micro- wave, washer & dryer included. Flooring is new, upgraded carpeting, drapes, freezer, 2nd refrigerator offered. Yard. Off street parking. Owner pays sewer, recy- clables. $850 + utili- ties, credit check & references re- quired. After 5pm 570-899-3407 KINGSTON NEWLY RENOVATED 1st floor. 3 bed- rooms, 1.5 baths, new carpet, wash- er/dryer hook-up, dishwasher. $650 + utilities. Call 570-814-3838 NANTICOKE 3 bedroom half dou- ble. New carpet & kitchen cabinets. $600 + utilities. no pets. Call 570-855-2790 NANTICOKE 4 bedrooms, refrig- erator, stove and washer provided, Gas steam heat, $750/per month, + $750/security deposit. Call 570-736-6068 NANTICOKE Kosciuszko Street Nice, 2 bedroom $570/month + utilities & security. No pets. Call 570-474-6477 PITTSTON 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath. Private park- ing. yard. Washer / dryer hookup. Cable & Satellite ready. Front & back porch. Non smoking. $650 + utilities, first, last, Security, References Call 570-239-4293 PITTSTON 8 - 8 1/2 FRONT ST 6 rooms, 3 bed- rooms, 1 bathroom, washer/dryer hook up. Completely done over with wall to wall carpet, blinds and new shades. Great loca- tion - close to down- town area, church, bus stop & school! Tenant must have own appliances. Back yard and front patio porch. No pets. No smoking. Reference & securi- ty deposit. 1 year lease. Available 8/1/11. $650. (570) 654-4793 PITTSTON TOWNSHIP 2 bedroom in Great Location, Off-Street Parking. All appliances included. No Pets/ No Smoking. $600 + electric, security & last months rent. 570-237-6000 Need a Roommate? Place an ad and find one here! 570-829-7130 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! PAGE 14D TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com 1006 A/C & Refrigeration Services STRISH A/C Ductless / Central Air Conditioning Free Estimates Licensed & Insured 570-332-0715 1015 Appliance Service LEN HOSEY Appliance Service Washer/Dryer Range/Dishwasher. Whirlpool, Maytag, Kitchenaid & Roper 287-7973 1024 Building & Remodeling 1st. Quality Construction Co. Roofing, siding, gutters, insulation, decks, additions, windows, doors, masonry & concrete. Insured & Bonded. State Lic. # PA057320 570-606-8438 ALL OLDERHOMES SPECIALIST 825-4268. Remodel / Repair Masonry, stucco, & concrete Call the Building Industry Association of NEPA to find a qualified mem- ber for your next project. call 287-3331 or go to www.bianepa.com DAVE JOHNSON Expert Bathroom Remodeling, Whole House Renovations, Interior & Exterior Carpentry. Kitchens and Basements Licensed &Insured 570-819-0681 NICHOLS CONSTRUCTION All Types Of Work New or Remodeling Licensed & Insured Free Estimates 570-406-6044 Northeast Contracting Group Decks, Sunrooms, Additions, Garages, Roofs, Concrete sidewalks & Drive- ways, etc. (570) 338-2269 Roofing & Siding. Kitchens & Baths. Painting. All types of construction. Free Estimates. 35 years experience. 570-831-5510 570-332-5141 ROOFING, SIDING, DECKS, WINDOWS For All of Your Remodeling Needs. Will Beat Any Price 25 Yrs. Experience References. Insured Free Estimates 570-899-4713 1039 Chimney Service A-1 ABLE CHIMNEY Rebuild & Repair Chimneys. All types of Masonry. Liners Installed, Brick & Block, Roofs & Gutters. Licensed & Insured 570-735-2257 CAVUTO CHIMNEY SERVICE & Gutter Cleaning Free Estimates Insured 570-709-2479 Chimney Construction CONCRETE & STUCCO Chimneys rebuilt & repaired. Block, sidewalks, walls & steps. Estimates free. 570-457-5849 Licensed. & insured Line up a place to live in classified! 1039 Chimney Service CHIMNEY REPAIRS Parging. Stucco. Stainless Liners. Cleanings. Custom Sheet Metal Shop. 570-383-0644 1-800-943-1515 Call Now! CHRIS MOLESKY CHIMNEY SPECIALIST New, repair, rebuild, liners installed. Inspections. Con- crete & metal caps. Licensed & Insured 570-328-6257 COZY HEARTH CHIMNEY Chimney Cleaning, Rebuilding, Repair, Stainless Steel Lin- ing, Parging, Stuc- co, Caps, Etc. Free Estimates Licensed & Insured 1-888-680-7990 1042 Cleaning & Maintainence A+ CLEANING BY VERA Homes, apartments & offices. Day, evenings & weekends. 570-309-8128 or 570-709-3370 HOME HEALTH AIDE & HOUSEKEEPING Driving, house- keeping & com- panionship. Rea Rea- - sonable rates sonable rates & excellent & excellent references. references. Current Criminal Background Check (570) 639-2704 LOOKING FOR someone Reliable & Dependable to clean your home? SAME PERSON EVERY TIME! 570-793-0776 or 570-814-2685 RELAX THIS SUMMER Let Us Do The Cleaning!!! Christopher’s Cleaning Service Call Today 570-299-9512 or email us at: nepacleaning@ gmail.com Residential & Commercial CLEANING BY LISA Pet Services also available, including pick up & drop off. 570-690-4640 or 570-696-4792 1054 Concrete & Masonry Affordable General Masonry & Concrete NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL! Masonry /Concrete Work. Licensed & insured. Free est. John 570-573-0018 Joe 570-579-8109 D. Pugh Concrete All phases of masonry & concrete. Small jobs welcome. Senior discount, Free estimates Licensed & Insured 288-1701/655-3505 1057Construction & Building GARAGE DOOR Sales, service, installation & repair. FULLY INSURED HIC# 065008 CALL JOE 570-606-7489 570-735-8551 H-D Contracting Flooring, siding, decks & much more. Both large and small jobs. Free Estimates. Call Salvatore 570-881-2191 Find Your Ideal Employee! Place an ad and end the search! 570-829-7130 ask for an employ- ment specialist 1069 Decks DECK STAINING & PRESSURE WASHING Interior/Exterior Painting. Experienced, Reliable & Honest. 570-899-5759 1078 Dry Wall MIKE SCIBEK DRYWALL Hanging & finishing, design ceilings. Free estimates. Licensed & Insured. 570-328-1230 MIRRA DRYWALL Hanging & Finishing Drywall Repair Textured Ceilings Licensed & Insured Free Estimates (570) 675-3378 1084 Electrical GETZIE ELECTRIC Licensed & Insured. 100 & 200 amp service upgrades. No job too small! 570-947-2818 GRULA ELECTRIC LLC Licensed, Insured, No job too small. 570-829-4077 SLEBODA ELECTRIC Master electrician Licensed & Insured Bucket truck to 40’ 8 6 8 - 4 4 6 9 1093 Excavating EXCAVATING & MODULAR HOMES 6’-9’ ARBORVITAE Tree Planting Available Driveways, concrete pads & all types of Excavating! (570) 332-0077 1105 Floor Covering Installation CARPET REPAIR & INSTALLATION Vinyl & wood. Certified, Insured. 570-283-1341 NORTHEAST FLOORING SYSTEMS, INC Installing & Refinishing Hardwood floors. We install laminate flooring too! 570-561-2079 1129 Gutter Repair & Cleaning GUTTER 2 GO, INC. PA#067136- Fully Licensed & Insured. We install custom seamless rain gutters & leaf protection systems. CALL US TODAY ABOUT OUR 10% OFF WHOLE HOUSE DISCOUNT! 570-561-2328 GUTTER CLEANING Window Cleaning. Regulars, storms, etc. Pressure washing, decks, docks, houses,Free estimates. Insured. (570) 288-6794 1132 Handyman Services All in a Call Painting, Grass Cut- ting, floor mainte- nance, basements / attics cleaned. Free Estimates. Depend- able & Reliable. Package deals available. Call 570-239-4790 or 570-388-3039 Call Johnnie Need help with a project or small jobs done? Evenings & week- ends. References. 570-855-3823 DO IT ALL HANDYMAN Painting, drywall, plumbing & all types of home repairs, also office cleaning available. 570-829-5318 Say it HERE in the Classifieds! 570-829-7130 1132 Handyman Services ALL MAINTENANCE WE FIX IT Electrical, Plumbing, Handymen, Painting Carpet Repair & Installation All Types Of Repairs 570-814-9365 Licensed Contractor Free Estimates. No job too big or small! 10% off with this ad. Great prices. Call now. 570-852-9281 The Handier Man We fix everything! Plumbing, Electrical & Carpentry. Retired Mr. Fix It. Emergencies 23/7 299-9142 1135 Hauling & Trucking A A C L E A N I N G A1 Always hauling, cleaning attics, cellar, garage, one piece or whole Estate, also available 10 &20 yard dumpsters.655-0695 592-1813or287-8302 AAA CLEANING A1 GENERAL HAULING Cleaning attics, cellars, garages. Demolitions, Roofing &Tree Removal. FreeEst. 779-0918or 542-5821; 814-8299 AAA Bob & Ray’s Hauling: Friendly & Courteous. We take anything & every- thing. Attic to base- ment. Garage, yard, free estimates. Call 570-655-7458 or 570-905-4820 AFFORDABLE JUNK REMOVAL Cleanups/Cleanouts Large or Small Jobs FREE ESTIMATES (570) 817-4238 ALL KINDS OF HAULING & JUNK REMOVAL TREE/SHRUB TREE/SHRUB REMOV REMOVAL AL Estate Cleanout Estate Cleanout Free Estimates 24 HOUR SERVICE SMALL AND LARGE JOBS! 570-823-1811 570-239-0484 CASTAWAY HAULING JUNK REMOVAL 823-3788 / 817-0395 Mike’s $5 & Up We do cleanups - basements, garages, etc. Yard waste removal, small deliveries, cut grass & more. Same day service. 793- 8057 826- 1883 S & S TOWING & GARBAGE REMOVAL Free estimates. Clean out attics, basements, estates We buy junk cars too! 570-472-2392 WILL HAUL ANYTHING Clean cellars, attics, yards & metal removal. Call John 570-735-3330 1162 Landscaping/ Garden EARTHTONES HARDS CAPE Walkways, Paver Patios, Retaining Walls. Repairs Welcome. Creative, Reliable & Honest. 570-899-5759 MOWING, TRIMMING EDGING, SHRUBS & HEDGES. TREE PRUNING. TILLING. LAWN CARE. MULCHING. FULLY INSURED. CALL & SAVE 10% OFF LAST BILL. FREE ESTIMATES 570-814-0327 Patrick & Deb’ Patrick & Deb’s s Landscaping Landscaping Landscaping, basic handy man, house cleaning & help moving. We even do inside painting. Any salvageable items can be picked up for free. Free estimates. Call 570-793-4232 Or 570-793-4773 Rainbow Landscaping & Lawn Service Spring & Fall Cleanups. Trimming, mulching, complete landscape installa- tion. Lic. & Insured. Call 570-674-2418 Reynolds Landscaping & Power Washing 570-751-6140   JOHN’S   “Picture Perfect” LANDSCAPING Bobcat : Grading Excavator : Digging Shrub/Tree Trimming, Install or Removal “Be safe, not sorry.” Edging/Mulch/Stone Lawns, Tilling & more Hauling / Removal Handyman, all types. Fencing / Deck Wash Blinds/Closets & more! Reasonable & Reliable  570-735-1883  TOP SOIL SCREENED & BLENDED Delivery Available Hunlock Sand & Gravel 570-336-0411 1186 Miscellaneous WINDOWS INSTALLED FREE with small investment * Limited time only * 570-855-6127 1189 Miscellaneous Service Assisting the Elderly & Disabled in their homes. See ad in “Elderly Care” Section 350 VITO’S & GINO’S Wanted: Junk Cars & Trucks Highest Prices Paid!! FREE PICKUP 288-8995 VITO’S & GINO’S Wanted: Junk Cars & Trucks Highest Prices Paid!! FREE PICKUP 288-8995 Find homes for your kittens! Place an ad here! 570-829-7130 1195 Movers BestDarnMovers Moving Helpers Call for Free Quote. We make moving easy. BDMhel pers. com 570-852-9243 1204 Painting & Wallpaper A & N PAINTING Airplane Quality at Submarine Prices! Interior/Exterior, pressure washing, decks & siding. Commercial/Resi- dential. Over 17 years experience! Free estimates. Licensed & Insured 570-820-7832 A + CLASSICAL Int./Ext. Experts! Aluminum, Wood & Deck Staining Free Estimates Licensed-Insured 30 Years Experience Locally Owned Sinced 1990 570-283-5714 A&A Painting Single Home $1,100 Double - $2,300 &up Free Estimates. Call Bob 570-212-0266 A.B.C. Professional Painting 36 Yrs Experience We Specialize In New Construction Residential Repaints Comm./Industrial All Insurance Claims Apartments Interior/Exterior Spray,Brush, Rolls WallpaperRemoval Cabinet Refinish- ing Drywall/Finishing Power Washing Deck Specialist Handy Man FREE ESTIMATES Larry Neer 570-606-9638 DAVID WAYNE PAINTING Call about Interior & Exterior Specials, Drywall & Wallpaper 570-762-6889 JASON SIMMS PAINTING Interior/Exterior Power Washing Free Estimates 21 Yrs. Experience Insured (570) 947-2777 M. PARALI S PAI NTI NG Int/ Ext. painting, Power washing. Professional work at affordable rates. Free estimates. 570-288-0733 Serra Painting Book Now For Summer & Save. All Work Guaranteed Satisfaction. 30 Yrs. Experience Powerwash & Paint Vinyl, Wood, Stucco Aluminum. Free Estimates You Can’t Lose! 570-822-3943 WITKOSKY PAINTING Interior Exterior, Free estimates, 30 yrs experience 570-826-1719 or 570-288-4311 1213 Paving & Excavating EDWARD’S ALL COUNTY PAVING & SEAL COATING 3 Generations of Experience. Celebrating 76 Years of Pride & Tradition! Licensed and Insured. Call Today For Your Free Estimate 570-474-6329 Lic.# PA021520 Wanna make your car go fast? Place an ad in Classified! 570-829-7130. 1213 Paving & Excavating Mountain Top PAVING & SEAL COATING Patching, Sealing, Residential/Comm Licensed & Insured PA013253 570-868-8375 1234 Pressure Washing RUSSELL’S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Licensed & insured. 30+ yrs experience. POWER WASHING, PAINTING, CARPENTRY & ALL HOME REPAIR. Free Est. 570-406-3339 1249 Remodeling & Repairs D & D REMODELING From decks and kitchens to roofs, and baths, etc. WE DO IT ALL!!!!!!! CALL US FOR CALL US FOR ALL OF YOUR ALL OF YOUR INTERIOR AND INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR EXTERIOR REMODELING REMODELING NEEDS NEEDS 570-406-9387 Licensed/Insured YOU’VE TRIED THE REST NOW CALL THE BEST!!! 1252 Roofing & Siding J&F ROOFING SPECIALISTS All types of roofing. Repairs & Installation 25 Years Experience Licensed / Insured Free Estimates Reliable Service 570-855-4259 J.R.V. ROOFING 570-824-6381 Roof Repairs & New Roofs. Shingle, Slate, Hot Built Up, Rubber, Gutters & Chimney Repairs. Year Round. Licensed/Insured ŠFREE EstimatesŠ Jim Harden 570-288-6709 New Roofs & Repairs, Shingles, Rubber, Slate, Gutters, Chimney Repairs. Credit Cards accepted. FREE ESTIMATES! Licensed-Insured EMERGENCIES Mister “V” Mister “V” Constr Construction uction Year Round Roof Specialist Specializing In All Types of Roofs, Siding, Chimneys & Roof Repairs Low Prices Free Estimates Licensed & Insured 28 Years Experience 570-829-5133 SUMMER ROOFING Special $1.29 s/f Licensed, insured, fast service 570-735-0846 1336 Window Cleaning Professional Window Cleaning & More. Gutters, carpet, pressure washing. Residential/com- mercial. Ins./bond- ed. Free est. 570-283-9840 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! 950 Half Doubles PLAINS 2 bedroom. No pets. References & security deposit $500/mos + utilities Call (570) 430-1308 PLYMOUTH CHURCH ST 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, fenced yard, off street parking. $600 per month. 908-565-0840 Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! PRINGLE 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, front & back porch, off street parking. Washer, dryer, stove & fridge included. Heat, water, sewer & garbage included. $625/month + security. Call after 4pm (570) 852-3954 WEST PITTSTON 2 or 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, new tile kitchen, large yard, Off street parking. $700/month+utilities 570-237-2076 WEST PITTSTON 4 Nassau St. HALF DOUBLE 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, kitchen, dining room, off street parking, quiet neigh- borhood-Wyoming Area School District. NO PETS NO SMOKERS, $625/ + utilities & security Call Mike 570-760-1418 WEST WYOMING Half double. 2 bed- rooms, freshly painted, new car- peting, off street parking, big back yard, no smoking. Finished basement. Available August 1. $600 + utilities & security. Call 570-855-3008 WILKES-BARRE 2 Half Doubles Both located in nice neighborhoods. Off street parking. Large back yards. No pets. Security & all utilities by ten- ant. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, huge attic. $625/month. Also, Adorable 2 bed- room. $550/month 570-766-1881 Wilkes-Barre Convenient to Kings, Wilkes and downtown. 3 bed- room attached home. Wall to wall carpeting, stove, refrigerator, wash- er/dryer & dish- washer. Parking available. $690 plus utilities. Call Jim 570-288-3375 For pictures visit www. dr eamr ent al s . net WILKES-BARRE HEIGHTS SECTION 1 Month Free! Sunny 3 bedroom, 1 bath, painted, some carpeting, yard, washer/dryer, fridge & stove, basement. No Pets. Non Smokers. Credit check/references. $535/month + 1 1/2 mos security (201) 232-8328 953Houses for Rent DALLAS Spacious floor plan. Hardwood floors throughout. Recent- ly remodeled kitchen & master bath. Sunroom heated. Overlooking a beautiful waterfall. $1,500/month + utilities Call Geri 570-696-0888 570-696-3801 LEWITH & FREEMAN DALLAS TOWNHOME Living room, dining room, modern gal- ley kitchen. All appli- ances included. 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, deck, off street parking. No pets. $750/month + utilities. Call Kevin (570) 696-5420 EDWARDSVILLE 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 2 car garage, newer appliances including washer/ dryer. No pets. No smoking. Utilities by tenant. $625/month + security. 570-704-6457 FORTY FORT 277 River Street 3 bedroom, 2 bath. $1,200/month. Land lord pays all utilities. Available August 1st 570-690-2721 953Houses for Rent FORTY FORT Listed is a beautiful one bedroom, sin- gle story home with off street parking in a very desirable residential environ- ment. Only 5 min- utes from the Cross Valley. In close prox- imity to all public amenities including employment, shop- ping & schools. This home features a liv- ing room, dining room, full bath, eat in kitchen and a large laundry/ stor- age room. All appli- ances included. Enjoy the front porch overlooking your large front yard or relax on the patio and pick vegetables from your garden. No pets or smoking. Not approved for Section 8. $600 + utilities. Security deposit & refer- ences required. Call 570-287-2157 after 3pm FORTY FORT Modern, 6 room, 3 bedroom house for rent. Freshly paint- ed. Available imme- diately. No pets. $550/month. Refer- ences & security deposit required. (570) 704-6562 (570) 287-2405 HANOVER TOWNSHIP COZY HOUSE FOR RENT 263 Rear Lynd- wood Ave. Avail- able 8/1/11. 2 bed- rooms, 2 bath- rooms, refrigera- tor, stove and washer provided, no pets, Newly renovated, tile and hardwood through- out, new kitchen cabinets, large family room, walk- in attic and base- ment storage. Bath room/shower on each floor. Quiet neighborhood, small yard with pri- vate patio. $725/ per month/ Garbage, Sewer, $1st/last/security/ security deposit. Call 570-817-0129 to set an appoint- ment or email jjanick68@ hotmail.com HANOVER TOWNSHIP Lyndwood Section Single home, 1 bed- room, large living room, totally remodeled, gas heat, off street parking. Includes fridge & stove. No Pets. No Smoking. $625/month + secu- rity 570-793-5333 HARVEYS LAKE Single family home with built in 2 car garage. All remod- eled, new appli- ances, granite counters, new floor- ing, large deck. Two bedrooms, and two full baths. Country setting. No pets. $995 a month plus utilities. Call Betty at Century 21 Smith Hourigan Group 570-287-1196 ext 3559 or 570-714-6127 HARVEYS LAKE Stonehurst Cot- tages Weekly & monthly rentals. Lake priv- ilidges with private beach & docks. $525-$825/week. Call Garrity Realty (570) 639-1891 KINGSTON 54 Krych St. Single: 3 bed- room, 1.5 bath, gas heat, wall to wall, kitchen with stove & refrigera- tor. Quiet street. No pets. Not Sec- tion 8 approved. $675/mo. 570-288-6009 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! LARKSVILLE TOWNHOUSE 1 bedroom, all appli- ances, ample park- ing $525 month + security & refer ences. 570-406-9387 LUZERNE 6 rooms, useable loft, full basement, backyard, appli- ances provided. $575/month + utili- ties. 1 month secu- rity at time of sign- ing. Section 8 ok. Call (570) 592-5764 ask for Steve MOUNTAIN TOP CUTE & COZY 2 bedroom single home, located in Rice Twp. Electric, water & sewer included. Tenant pays oil heat & propane for cook- ing. Only minutes from I81 & Route 309. Fully insulated, new windows, large yard, deck. Avail- able August 1st. 1st, & last months rent + security required. $675 month. 570-474-0388 953Houses for Rent MOUNTAINTOP Private setting, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Hardwood floors, area rugs, large kitchen, dish- washer, stove & fridge. Office & sec- ond floor bonus areas. Laundry hook up in base- ment. Sewer, water & lawn mainte- nance included. No Smoking. $1,100/month + security, lease & background check. 570-678-5850 NANTICOKE 2 bedrooms, 2 bath single home. Freshly painted, hardwood floors, dishwasher, w/d hookup, porch. No pets or smoking. $565/per month, plus utilities, Call 466-6334 NANTICOKE Desirable Lexington Village Nanticoke, PA Many ranch style homes. 2 bedrooms 2 Free Months With A 2 Year Lease $795 + electric SQUARE FOOT RE MANAGEMENT 866-873-0478 Pittston Desirable 3 bed- room home. Drive- way, patio, gas heat $750 + utilities, first, last & security. 570-883-4443 WILKES-BARRE 3 bedroom. New rugs. Fresh paint. Refrigerator, stove, yard. $525 / month. Sewage included. No pets. Refer- ences & Security required. Call 570-283-3887 WILKES-BARRE HOUSE FOR RENT Wilkes-Barre TWP For lease, available immediately, 3 bed- rooms, 1 bath room, all appliances pro- vided, washer/dryer on premises, off- street parking, no pets, 2-3 bedroom fresh paint and new flooring thoughout garbage pickup included large yard, $600/per month, plus utilities, $600./ security deposit. Call 570-864-2493 before 6:00 p.m. to set an appointment WILKES-BARRE MONARCH RENTALS 3 bedrooms, all appliances provided. Call 570-822-7039 WILKES-BARRE NORTH 3 bedroom Town- house, yard. Permit parking. Section 8 welcomed. $595 + utilities & security. 570-735-2285 To place your ad Call Toll Free 1-800-427-8649 WYOMING For rent or sale. Nice neighborhood. New garage. $850/ month. Call Tom 570-693-2408 962 Rooms KINGSTON HOUSE Nice, clean furnished room, starting at $315. Efficiency at $435 month furnished with all utilities included. Off street parking. 570-718-0331 WEST WYOMING Room for rent. $350. Washer/ dryer. 845-616-1461 WILKES-BARRE Furnished rooms for rent. Close to down- town. $85/week + security. Everything included. Call 570-704-8288 968 Storage PITTSTON Prefect for contrac- tor. Approx 40x40. Concrete floor. Ground level for loading & unload- ing. Private secure entrance. $495/month with lease. 570-883-4443 971 Vacation & Resort Properties FOR SALE OR RENT! Adults Only Campground Fleetwood Cimarron 5th wheel. 36.5C. ‘88 model. In good condition. Located in beautiful 150 acre tree farm in Maine. Swimming pools, hiking trails, ponds, rec halls, potlucks & activities. Dogs wel- come. Beautiful site rental with huge maple tree in front & bubbling brook in back. For Rent: $350/weekly $1,000/monthly For Sale: $6,500 (570) 762-3747 HARVEYS LAKE STONEHURST COTTAGES Weekly & monthly rentals. Lake privi- leges with private beach & docks. $525-$825/week. Call Garrity Realty (570) 639-1891 971 Vacation & Resort Properties HARVEYS LAKE Summer Rental. Boat slip avail- able. Weeks in August still avail- able! Accepting applications for college students for September. Free wireless internet & cable TV 570-639-5041 for details. Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! Find homes for your kittens! Place an ad here! 570-829-7130
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