Times Leader 05-07-2011

March 26, 2018 | Author: The Times Leader | Category: Piracy, Wilkes Barre, Eastern Orthodox Church, Relic, Al Qaeda



C M Y K6 09815 10011 WILKES-BARRE, PA SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 50¢ timesleader.com The Times Leader 2 8 4 7 2 9 Signupnowat nepadailydeals.com FOR $ 20 $ 10 @ ONLY N E P A ! DAILY DEAL TODAY’S DEAL Kirby sets upcoming schedule that includes Diana Ross NEWS, 3A She’s coming out, in Wilkes-Barre Paper selects Democratic candidates for county council EDITORIAL, 11A Times Leader endorsements Nearly a million dollars in cam- paign contributions has been raised for 14 of the 16 Luzerne County judicial candidates, ac- cording to campaign finance re- ports filed with the county elec- tion bureau Friday. Of that, about $817,000 has gone back out the door funding billboards, fundraising events, campaign material and television advertisements, the reports show. Only two of the14 – Jim Haggerty and Mark Bufalino – have committees that owe nothing. The remaining dozen candi- dates owe a combined $598,300. In most cases, this debt is carried by the candidates themselves be- cause they loaned their own funds to the campaign. In addition to Haggerty and Bufalino, the following judicial candidates had finance reports available Friday: Dick Hughes, Joe Sklarosky Jr., Vito DeLuca, Michael Blazick, Paula Radick, L U Z E R N E C O U N T Y B E N C H Million-dollar judicial race is under way Reports for 14 of the 16 hopefuls running for six seats show where money is going. By JENNIFER LEARN-ANDES [email protected] See JUDICIAL, Page 9A WILKES-BARRE – The race for city mayor is not fueled with money, but is running on the en- ergy of the challengers who are depending on door-to-door, face- to-face meetings with voters to earn support. Why hasn’t the public heard more from Tom Leighton’s five opponents – espe- cially Democratic challenger Char- lotte Raup, who cancelleda planned press conference Thursday? Can she defeat the two-term Democratic incum- bent by just going door-to-door? Meanwhile Leighton has been holding press conferences and town hall meetings at a notice- ably greater frequency to get his message out. The mayor said he is running on his record – a record he says shows a revitalized downtown and refreshed neighborhoods. “We’re campaigning hard get- WILKES-BARRE MAYOR’S RACE Challengers seek door to success People who would like to replace Tom Leighton try to meet voters face to face. By BILL O’BOYLE [email protected] DON CAREY/THE TIMES LEADER Wilkes-Barre Mayor Tom Leighton stresses im- provements he has made to the city during his two terms in office. On Friday he displayed a recently filled sink hole on Grebe Street. The campaign so far has seen challengers focusing on knocking on doors and meet- ing voters in their homes. See MAYOR, Page 12A INSIDE A NEWS: Local 3A Nation & World 5A Obituaries 2A, 8A Editorial 11A B SPORTS: Scoreboard 2B Baseball 4B Business 10B Stocks 11B C AT HOME: Birthdays 6C TV/Movies 10C Crossword 11C D CLASSIFIED: Funnies 24D WEATHER Sophie Ashley Swiderski Partly sunny, cool. High 68. Low 46. Details, Page 12B WILKES-BARRE–The Jewish Community Center of Wyoming Valleyis ponderinga moveacross the Susquehanna River to King- ston. Project Home Run LLC, a part- nership of three prominent local Jewish businessmen and their families, purchased in April and plans to develop the vacant King- ston Plaza shopping center off Third Avenue into medical offic- es, senior citizens’ apartments and possibly a new home for the center. “The Jewish community is in the process of considering what its future plans are,” said David Schwager, attorney for Project Home Run. Headded, “whether theJewish community decides to be a part of it or decides not to be a part of it, I think it will be an asset to the Kingston community.” Project Home Run is owned by JCC considering move to former shopping plaza site in Kingston Kingston Plaza could become offices, apartments and possibly new home for center. By MATT HUGHES [email protected] AIMEE DILGER/THE TIMES LEADER Project Home Run LLC’s plans for the former Price Chopper site are shown in these illustrations. See CENTER, Page 12A ISLAMABAD — Pakistan’s military paints a far different pic- turethantheUnitedStatesof Osa- ma bin Laden’s final days: not the terror mastermind still trying to strike America, but an aging ter- rorist hiding in barren rooms, short of money and struggling to maintainhis grip onal-Qaida. Threeof binLaden’swiveswere living with him in the compound and are being interrogated by Pakistani au- thorities, who took them into custody after Monday’s raid, along with 13 children, eight of thembinLaden’s. Their accounts couldhelpshed light on the U.S. military oper- ationthat killedtheal-Qaidalead- er and reveal how he was Bleak image is painted of bin Laden’s last days Statement from al-Qaida to reassure followers also confirms leader’s death. bin Laden INSIDE: For more, see pages 2A, 7A. See BIN LADEN, Page 7A The Associated Press WILKES-BARRE – Despite the lack of visible campaign activity, two local political analysts think Mayor Tom Leighton could be vulnerable in the May17 primary. Municipal elections often don’t command large voter turnout, but this year a crowd- ed ballot may attract more voters. Besides the race for mayor, there are 21City Council candi- dates running in the five city districts and seven candidates running for the district judge seat in District 11-1-01. The city controller’s spot is also up for grabs. Four of the five mayoral challengers have been conduct- ing door-to-door campaigns, and they each report that most of the people that they have talked to say they are dissatis- fied with Leighton’s perform- ance. “If there’s a very large turn- out, which I’mnot anticipating, Analysts: Incumbent could face a risk By BILL O’BOYLE [email protected] See INCUMBENT, Page 12A W-B stabbings involving 5 people probed AIMEE DILGER/THE TIMES LEADER A woman surrounded by young people cries Friday night after a reported stabbing of a woman in a third-floor apart- ment on the corner of Airy and Stanton streets in Wilkes-Barre while police investigate the scene on the balcony on the rear of the building. Another stabbing on Coal Street involved four people. For the story, see Page 2A. Associate degrees • Associate in Arts in Letters, Arts, and Sciences: Shaina M. Verbonitz, Hazle Township; and Maria Zapotocky, Drums. • Associate in Electrical Engineering Technology: Kyle A. Bragalone, Hazleton; Scott F. Farber, Mahanoy City; Charles R. Karchner, West Hazleton; Jason R. Kava- naugh, Freeland; Narcis Regep, Wilkes- Barre; Timothy M. Schechterly, Blooms- burg; and Joseph Weisenberger, Levittown. • Associate in Mechanical Engineering Technology: Muhamed Jaffal, Hazleton; Alyssa A. Lawall, Barnesville; Jonathan M. Lawler, Drums; Timothy M. Schechterly, Bloomsburg; and Adam A. Soares, Strouds- burg. • Associate in Science in Business Administration: Jillian M. Paskey, Shenan- doah. • Associate in Science in Medical Laboratory Technology: Allyson M. Cerasa- ro, Lehighton; Stephanie M. Karpe, Por- tland; Mallori E. Kistulentz, Hazle Town- ship; Teah L. Motsney, Ashland; and Cody N. Shomper, Hegins. • Associate in Science in Physical Therapist Assistant: Elizabeth H. Ameigh, Dalton; Tanya L. Bell, Freeland; Amy L. Carachilo, Carbondale; Janell K. Carl, Drums; Melissa A. Chesonis, Shenandoah; Andrew B. Clemens, Lebanon; Kaitlin A. Correale, Weatherly; Hannah E. Derr, Sunbury; Joseph A. Dougherty, New Ringgold; Evan C. Emala, Catawissa; Jennifer L. Evans, Barnesville; Heather L. Farmer, Tafton; Melissa K. Filer, Wyomiss- ing; Tiffany A. Fogarty, New Ringgold; Erik R. Forsberg, Mountaintop; Nicholas Genti- lezza, Scranton; Mark J. Giglio, Old Forge; Chadd D. Gray, Ephrata; Charles A. Haikes, Scranton; Christina K. Helton, Lattimer; Mallory J. Hoegg, Hazleton; Amy L. Hosk- ing, Kunkletown; Edward V. Ivanchenko, Dauphin; Daniel A. Knappenberger, Le- highton; Brittany M. Koons, Danville; Stacie L. Kratovich, Marion Heights; Chelsea L. Laurenson, Williamsport, Joseph B. Mart- zen, Conyngham; Alyson G. Midwinter, Trucksville; Brooke L. Norris, Bellefonte; Alyssa M. Opiary, Drums; Michael A. Prebich, Carbondale; David R. Rarick, Coal Township; Alyssa Rodzewich, Freeland; Ryan Scarcella, Hazleton; Karla A. Schoen- berger, Tresckow; Michael A. Serra, Hanov- er Township; Randall R. Shatto, William- sport; Joshua Skibiel, Pottsville; Beth A. Swankoski, Coaldale; Jaron J. Talotta, West Hazleton; Robert D. Wallace, Mountaintop; Phillip Weaver, Nesquehoning; Brett R. Webster, Rock Glen; Tessy A. Wesolowski, and Plymouth. Baccalaureate degrees • Bachelor of Arts in Law and Society: Shannon M. Gurski, Hazleton. • Bachelor of Arts in Administration of Justice: Christopher J. Wagner, Pocono Lake. • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology: Shannon L. Brennan, Freeland; Cassandra I. Decusatis, Mountaintop; Sarah J. Har- grave, Tobyhanna; Michele M. Zukowsky, Hazle Township. • Bachelor of Arts in Letters, Arts, and Sciences: Kaitlyn F. Brigante, Mount Pocono; Lawrence J. Cinicola, Summit Hill; Ashley E. Donnelly, Berwick; Charles J. Klingle, Lehighton; Daniel A. Knappenberg- er, Lehighton; Dawn L. Larock-Sharrer, Freeland; Natalia M. Lolo, Milford; Sarah M. Nonnemacher, Jim Thorpe; Roxann D. Ulceski, Mount Carmel; and Daniel P. Yachera, Drums. • Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology: James R. Han- nan, Nescopeck. • Bachelor of Science in Information Sciences and Technology: Michael C. Bogansky, Freeland; Robert T. Donahue, Sybertsville; Matthew P. Griffin, Closter, N.J.; Curtis J. Jones, Hazleton; Keith E. MacDermott, Stillwater; Marvin Serrano, West Hazleton; and Michael K. Yanick, Weatherly. • Bachelor of Science in Business: Frederick J. Ackers, Freeland; Cody L. Barry, Mountaintop; Thomas J. Boretski, Beaver Meadows; Rebecca M. Burger, Hazle Township; Corey J. Chalumeau, Irvington, N.J.; Christine M. Gabriel, Hazleton; Marco L. Gonzalez, Hazleton; Stephanie L. Harris, Drums; Harry E. Hinkle, Hazleton; Steven M. Homanko, Beaver Meadows; Michael J. Hugger, Clover, S.C.; Tiffany J. Katz, Hazleton; Sean D. Landis, Drums; Paul W. Makuta, West Hazleton; Karen R. Metzger, Lancaster; Christopher T. Morales, Newark, N.J.; Nicole M. Pietkiewicz, Drums; Rodney J. Rejuney, Shenandoah; Dustin T. Roth, Lehighton; Raymond A. Tulanowski, Hazleton; and Keith M. Wagner, Hazleton. Frank C. Kostos Awards Carl S. Frankel, assistant professor of biology, announced the Frank C. Kostos Award recipients who achieved the highest grade-point averages in their respective degree programs: • Sophomore Brett H. Corl, an engi- neering science major, received the honor for the full-time sophomore enrolled in a Penn State degree program. • Curtis J. Jones, who earned a bache- lor of science degree in Information Sciences and Technology, was honored as the graduate earning the highest grade point average in a Penn State Hazleton baccalaureate degree program. • Timothy M. Schechterly, who earned dual Associate degrees in Electrical Engineering Technology and Mechanical Engineering Technology, was recognized for the highest grade-point average of a graduate in a Penn State Hazleton associ- ate degree program. THE GRADUATES SUGARLOAFTWP. –Students received degrees and awards Fri- daynightatPennStateHazleton’s 41st annual commencement cere- mony. Interim Director of Faculty Af- fairs Thomas W. Smialek and In- terim Director of Academic Af- fairs Elizabeth J. Wright present- edcandidates toChancellor Gary M. Lawler, whoconferred66asso- ciate degrees and 45 baccalau- reatedegreesat aceremonyinthe campus gymnasium. Maureen A. Gaffney, president of the Penn State Hazleton Facul- ty Senate, served as the faculty marshal and led the academic processional. Betty M. Corcoran, president of thePennStateHazle- ton Council, extended greetings and congratulations from the campus advisory board. Harold W. Aurand Jr., president of the Greater Hazleton Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association, inducted the graduates into the association. The keynote address was delivered by Hazle- ton native John B. “Jack” Curcio, a leader and pio- neer in the commercial vehicle sector for more than 50 years. He retired as CEO, president and chairman of the board of MackTrucksInc. in1989. Curcio told the gradu- ates they should be espe- cially proud of their ac- complishments, consid- ering the “extraordin- ary” financial times. He saidtheir lives would be “fraught with diffi- culties but also great opportuni- ties,”andhewantedtoleavethem with one concept that he hoped wouldhelp. “It’s …aphraseusedmost often at MackTrucks: Youmakethedif- ference. Thosefour words put the emphasis and the responsibility exactly where it belongs, on you as individuals,” he said. Curcio said it’s easier to blame misfortune and failure on others, “but cop-outs are a dime a dozen, and you owe yourself something better than a lifetime of excuses. … It is you who must per- form; be a participant andnot a spectator.” Curcio told them not tobeafraidtofail oncein awhile, notingthat Babe Ruth struck out 1,330 times but also hit 714 home runs. “Don’t wor- ry about failure, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try. Your grasp should al- ways exceedyour reach.” He suggested that each gradu- ate “associate yourself with orga- nizations and those who take pride in what they do and help other people.” Curcio ended his speech with one last piece of advice: “If you give the world the best you have, the best will come back to you. … Andjust likeaMackTruck, revup your engines, move out andshow the world you can make a differ- ence.” Take charge of your life, PSU Hazleton graduates are told PETE G. WILCOX/THE TIMES LEADER Penn State Hazleton graduate Charles Haikes of Scranton re- ceives a hug fromBeverly Labosky at Friday’s commencement. By STEVE MOCARSKY [email protected] “It is you who must perform; be a par- ticipant and not a spectator.” John B. Curcio Former Mack Trucks CEO K PAGE 2A SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com Allabaugh, William Claudio, Samantha Elko, Miriam Fischer, Eleanore Gawlas, Bernard Hoban, Eugenia Kaskey, Mary Lentini, Angelo Lewis, Dorothy McAndrew, Emily McCrea, Rev. Kenneth McMullen, Juliet Karavis, Christina Rodella, Frank Savoroski, Jerome Sr. Sims, Clarissa Spittel, Janice Twyman, Anthony Vojtek, Marilyn Zagropski, Joseph Jr. OBITUARIES Page 2A, 8A BUILDING TRUST The Times Leader strives to correct errors, clarify stories and update them promptly. Corrections will appear in this spot. If you have information to help us correct an inaccu- racy or cover an issue more thoroughly, call the newsroom at 829-7242. HARRISBURG – One player matched all five winning numbers drawn in Friday’s “Pennsylvania Cash 5” and will receive $345,560. Lot- tery officials said 144 players matched four numbers and won $184 each and 5,126 players matched three num- bers and won $8.50 each. LOTTERY MIDDAY DRAWING DAILY NUMBER 2-2-3 BIG FOUR 0-1-5-7 QUINTO 3-3-3-1-6 TREASURE HUNT 18-22-23-27-28 NIGHTLY DRAWING DAILY NUMBER 3-2-2 BIG FOUR 4-4-7-5 QUINTO 9-8-2-7-7 CASH FIVE 09-11-15-23-24 MEGA MILLIONS 6-18-26-37-41 MEGA BALL 9 DETAILS ➛ timesleader.com Missed Paper........................829-5000 Obituaries ..............................829-7224 Advertising...............................829-7101 Classified Ads.........................829-7130 Newsroom..............................829-7242 Vice President/Executive Editor Joe Butkiewicz ...............................970-7249 Asst. Managing Editor Anne Woelfel ...................................970-7232 Editorial Page Editor Mark Jones.....................................970-7305 Features Editor Sandra Snyder................................970-7383 Director, Interactive and New Media Nick DeLorenzo ..............................970-7152 Photo Editor Clark Van Orden ..............................970-7175 Community News.........................970-7245 E-MAIL News tips: [email protected] Community News: [email protected] WHO TO CONTACT Advertising 829-7293 [email protected] Newsroom 829-7242 [email protected] Circulation Jim McCabe – 829-5000 [email protected] Delivery Monday–Sunday $3.50 per week Mailed Subscriptions Monday–Sunday $4.35 per week in PA $4.75 per week outside PA Published daily by: Wilkes-Barre Publishing Company 15 N. Main St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 Periodicals postage paid at Wilkes-Barre, PA and additional mailing offices Postmaster: Send address changes to Times Leader, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 +(ISSN No. 0896-4084) USPS 499-710 Issue No. 2011-127 M iriam A. Elko, 88, of Larksville, passed into eternal rest Thurs- day evening, May 5, 2011. Born Au- gust 22, 1922, in Plymouth, she was a daughter of the late Albert and Ann Fertal Wychulis. Miriam was a graduate of Ply- mouth High School, class of 1940, and was a member of All Saints Par- ish of Plymouth. Earlier in her life, she was employed at the Plymouth National Bank for several years. She was a member of the Trinity House, the Silver and Gold Club and the Senior Citizens Friendship Club. Throughout her life, she greatly enjoyed bingo and playing cards, especially bridge. She was in- volvedwithmanycardclubs all over the area. Miriamand her husband, Joseph, enjoyed spending time with their family and friends at their dock at Harveys Lake. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joseph, who passed away on November 30, 2008. Surviving are her nieces and ne- phews, Christine Mustick of Larks- ville; Cindy Korus and her husband, John, of Larksville; Barry Leonard of Stroudsburg, Pa.; Lewis Williams and his wife, Nita, of Forty Fort; and Bonnie Kalish and her husband, William, of Beaumont; as well as 10 great-nieces and great-nephews. Funeral will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday morning from the S.J. Grontkowski Funeral Home, 530 W. Main St., Plymouth, followed by Mass of Christian Burial at 10:30 a.m. in All Saints Parish, Plymouth. Interment will be in St. Stephen’s Cemetery, Lehman Township. Friends may call from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday evening. In lieu of flowers, contributions maybe made toAll Saints Parish, 66 Willow St., Plymouth, PA 18651 (570) 779-5323; or the Plymouth Public Library, 107 W. Main St., Ply- mouth, PA18651 (570) 779-4775. Please visit www.sjgrontkowski- funeralhome.com for directions or to submit online condolences to Mi- riam’s family. Miriam A. Elko May 5, 2011 More Obituaries, Page 8A FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. — Brimming with pride, President Barack Obama embraced the U.S. commandos he sent after terror mastermind Osama bin Laden, saluting them Friday on behalf of America and people all over the world. “Job well done,” he declared. Speaking to a hangar full of cheering soldiers, Obama said: “Thanks to the incredible skill and courage of countless individ- uals — intelligence, military over many years — the terrorist leader that struck our nation 9/ 11 will never threaten America again.” The president addressed the larger group after meeting pri- vately with the full assault team — Army helicopter pilots and Navy SEAL commandos — who executed the dangerous raid on bin Laden’s compound and killed the al-Qaida leader in Pakistan early Monday. At an Army post whose troops have sustained heavy losses in an Afghanistan war that has grown on his watch, Obama said: “We are ultimately going to defeat al- Qaida.” Still, he warned that the fight against terrorists still rages. Capping an extraordinary week for the military, the nation and himself, he called the bin La- den raid one of the most success- ful intelligence and military op- erations in America’s history. Vice President Joe Biden joined Obama in a briefing and in thanking the members of the mission behind closed doors. He emerged to the broader audience of troops and put it bluntly: “We just spent time with the assaul- ters who got bin Laden.” Obama to assault team: ‘Job well done’ President calls bin Laden raid one of the most successful in America’s history. By JIMKUHNHENN Associated Press AP PHOTO President Barack Obama greets military personnel Friday prior to addressing troops at Fort Campbell, Ky. WILKES-BARRE – Five peo- ple were injured Friday night in two separate reports of stab- bings. Four of them were involved in an altercation outside a house in the 200 block of Coal Street around 9:30 p.m. While police were investigat- ing that case they were dis- patched to the report of another stabbing in an apartment build- ing on the corner of Airy and Stanton streets around 10 p.m. A woman was reportedly stabbed in the neck when she tried to intervene in an argu- ment, according to a 13-year-old boy who said he witnessed the attack. The victim was taken from the scene in an ambulance to a local hospital. Neither the identities nor the conditions of any of the victims were known at press time. The witness to the stabbing in the apartment said a man and woman were arguing and the victim tried to jump in to stop it. At Coal Street, a man who would not identify himself said the people involved in the alter- cation were drinking beer to celebrate their deceased moth- ers in honor of Mother’s Day. The man said he came to visit his cousin and was watching a young child while the cousin went to buy beer. The man said he was in her house when the attack happened and did not see it. “I have no clue,” said the man as to who stabbed the victims. Police retrieved a knife from the front porch of the house. Emergency medical personnel were attending to one of the victims who was shirtless and bleeding from the head while sitting on wall near the house. Another victim was bandaged and resting on a stretcher in an ambulance. A woman on the scene said her father, two brothers and fiancé were injured. Police said both cases are un- der investigation. 5 hurt as stabbings erupt in W-B AIMEE DILGER/THE TIMES LEADER Police and EMS workers speak with a man Friday night after a reported multiple stabbing on Coal Street in Wilkes-Barre. Police respond to Coal Street, where four are injured, and to Airy Street for a single injury. By JERRY LYNOTT [email protected] Times Leader endorse- ments fill the editorial page today. Doonesbury and Mal- lard Fillmore are on Page 7A EDITOR’S NOTE PITTSTON-- Luzerne County 911informationsaidPittstoncity firefighters were fighting a blaze at161S. MainSt that brokeout at approximately9:37p.m. Friday. According to televised reports several were displaced and at least one person was taken to a hospital. No further information was availableat press time. Pittston city firefighters battle blaze short-term or seasonal hiring or presi- dential transition jobs. Marino calls it a “responsible” freeze that would include “common-sense” ex- ceptions in cases of war or if there are federal agencies. It would not impact the U.S. Postal Service, which is self- funding throughthe sales of stamps and other products, federal law enforce- ment positions, intra-agency transfers, “The time for talk is over; now is the time for action. We must stick to the trifecta of down- sizing Washington, cutting spending, and keep- ing taxes low. If we do, we will see extraordinary results.” U.S. Rep. Tom Marino R, Lycoming Township WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Tom Ma- rino says a federal hiring freeze should play a key role in what he calls a fiscal discipline “trifecta.” In his first stand-alone legislative pro- posal, the Lycoming Township Repub- lican is seeking to freeze the hiring of most federal employees until the bud- get deficit is erased. The freshman lawmaker, who arrived inCongress ona platformof cutting fed- eral spending and the size of the federal government, said his proposed federal hiring freeze would include nearly all law enforcement or national security concerns raised that require hiring new federal workers. “The time for talk is over; now is the time for action,” Marino said in a state- ment. “We must stick to the trifecta of downsizing Washington, cutting spend- ing and keeping taxes low. If we do, we will see extraordinary results.” Marino said that the hiring freeze should be part of the push to cut federal spending and the size of government. That’s the wrong approach, said Max Stier, presidentandCEOof theWashing- R E D U C I N G T H E D E F I C I T Freshman congressman says proposal part of fiscal discipline ‘trifecta’ Marino wants gov’t hiring freeze By JONATHAN RISKIND Times Leader Washington Bureau See MARINO, Page 4A C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 3A LOCAL ➛ timesleader.com HARRISBURG Kavulich backs alcohol bill State Rep. Sid Michaels Kavulich, D-Taylor, has introduced a bill that would require colleges to report to the stu- dents’ parents or legal guardians when their underage children are caught consuming alcohol. Failure to do so could result in a fine of up to $10,000. Kavulich said he wants H.B1073 to raise awareness of the problem of underage drinking, not just on college campuses, but among high school and middle school stu- dents as well. Kavulich said that with the prom and graduation party season upon us, all parents need to be reminded that un- derage drinking is against the law. He said the bill has bipartisan support in the House and is currently before the House Liquor Control Committee for consideration. WILKES-BARRE W-B paving under way The 2011 Pennsylvania Infrastructure Bank paving program began Friday, Mayor Tom M. Leighton announced. The paving program includes 11 city streets from South Wilkes-Barre to Miners Mills. The paving program is funded by a loan and the total cost is estimated at just over $300,000. They include: Cat- lin Avenue, from Old River Road to Thayer Street; McCarragher Street, High Street to Farley Lane; West Ross Street, South Franklin to South Main; New Elizabeth Street, Carey Avenue to Old River Road; Conwell Street, New Elizabeth to Old River Road; Corlear Street, Carey Avenue to Old River Road; Cork Lane, Moyallen Street to Prospect Street; Beekman Street, Old River Road to Carey Ave- nue; Thayer Street, Catlin to dead-end; Mayock Street, East Main to township line; and Pine Ridge Drive, Brazil Street to cul-de-sac. WILKES-BARRE County supports food drive The Luzerne County commissioners have signed a proclamation declaring May 14 as “National Association of Letter Carriers’ Food Drive Day” and urging all county residents who are able to support the upcoming food drive, which will help stock the shelves of more than 30 food banks and pan- tries throughout the county. Postal customers who receive a flier about the food drive in their mailbox are asked to place non-perishable food items in a bag near their mailbox on the morning of May 14. Local co-sponsors and assisting with the drive are the U.S. Postal Service, United Way of Wyoming Valley, Com- mission on Economic Opportunity and the Greater Wilkes-Barre Labor Coun- cil AFL-CIO. HANOVER TWP. Dog show set May 21 The Hanover Township Leo Club will hold its fourth annual “Hawkeye- Minster” dog show on Saturday, May 21, at the Hanover Area High School. Dogs will be evaluated by a group of judges, with awards given in numerous categories. Each dog that enters will be given a goodie bag of dog treats. The show will also feature a demonstration by the K-9 unit from the Luzerne Coun- ty Correctional Facility at 11 a.m. The entry fee is $5, which benefits community projects sponsored by the Leo Club, the student organization of Lions Club International, a worldwide organization that assists the blind and sight impaired. Registration forms and guidelines can be found and downloaded on the Hanover Area website (www.hanov- erarea.net) or picked up at the high school. Pre-registration is appreciated, al- though walk-ons will be accepted the morning of the show. Completed en- tries with fee must be mailed by May 14 to Hanover Area Jr./Sr. High School, Attn: LEO Club, 1600 Sans Souci Parkway, Hanover Township, PA 18706. Checks/money orders should be made to Hanover Area LEO Club. For more information, email Richard Gav- lick at [email protected] or call 831-2300, Ext. 310. I N B R I E F Kavulich Leighton WILKES-BARRE -- What do Motown legend Diana Ross, Monty Python’s “Spa- malot,” comedian Paula Poundstone and bunnysiblings MaxandRubyhave incom- mon? Answer: They’re all part of the season theF.M. KirbyCenterstaff hasput together in celebration of the performing arts cen- ter’s 25th anniversary. This September will mark a quarter century since the once-derelict theater reopened, re- stored to its gleaming Art Deco splendor, thanks to a drive spear- headed by entrepreneur Al Boscov and other community leaders. “Without the support of the community, we would not be here,” Ex- ecutive Director Mari- lyn Santarelli said. “We just want to say thank you to the community.” Indeed, it seems 25th- anniversary season will have something for everyone in the com- munity–aseriesof freemovies–“thebest” of the past 25 years – a play that math in- structors can use as a teaching tool, even theoccasional “randomact of culture,”dur- ingwhich, say, amusical groupmight show up in an unexpected public place and give what seems like an impromptu perform- ance. As for what will be on stage, here is the list so far: • Diana Ross concert, 8 p.m. Sept. 30. • George Thorogood and the De- stroyers, blues/rocklegends, 8p.m. Oct. 4. • Max & Ruby: Bunny Party based on Nickelodeon show, 6:30 p.m. Oct. 12. • Paula Poundstone comedy show, 8 p.m. Oct. 14 • Monty Python’s “Spamalot”: 2 p.m. See KIRBY, Page 4A Kirby Center celebrating anniversary with legends Performance schedule boasts big names such as Diana Ross as well as movies and magic shows. By MARY THERESE BIEBEL [email protected] Ross Poundstone NANTICOKE–WhenU.S. Army Col. David W. Sutherland enters a building, part of him can’t help but think how he anda teamof armedsoldiers might take it over. Standing telephone poles and work- ing street lights sometimes leave him bewildered. Sutherland, a veteran of both Iraq wars, has been shot at, bombed and not long ago witnessed a suicide bomber kill 20 people before his eyes, less than 10 feet away. Normal life isn’t quite nor- mal for him any more. At Luzerne County Community Col- lege on Friday, Sutherland commanded the attention of more than 80 represen- tatives of organizations and agencies in Luzerne, Lackawanna and A warrior’s toughest battle: getting some help for the veterans DON CAREY/THE TIMES LEADER Col. David W. Sutherland, special assist- ant to the chair- man of Joint Chiefs of Staff and combat veteran of two Iraq wars, is the author of a report that says access to edu- cation, health care and em- ployment are vital for return- ing veterans. He addressed area care providers on Friday. A military man and support expert outlines problems in a meeting with area care providers. By MATT HUGHES [email protected] See VETERANS, Page 4A Military personnel, veterans and their family members seeking assistance from Tri-Vets Community Task Force can con- tact the Family Service Association of Wyoming Valley at 570-823-5144 or Helpline at 1-888-829-1341. F O R A S S I S TA N C E WILKES-BARRE -- St. Alexis brought the power of communication to the Wyoming Valley when he be- came the first priest of Holy Resurrec- tion Orthodox Cathedral in Wilkes- Barre more than a century ago. The 102nd anniversary of the Repose (death) of St. Alexis of Wilkes-Barre will be observed today, with Bishop Tikhon, of the Dio- cese of Eastern Pennsylva- nia of the Orthodox Church in America, as a main cele- brant. It was the power of the written word that helped bring St. Alexis’ Austrian-Hungarian people, who came to the Wyoming Valley to find work in the mines and mills, together to a religious welcom- ing not only in the Wyoming Valley but also in North America. “He came to America, and there was no bishop for the Eastern Rite,” said the Rev. Martin Browne, of St. John’s Orthodox Church, Edwards- ville, who will lecture on the life and history of St. Alexis of Wilkes-Barre at today’s service. “This was the late 1870s, and at that time people were talking about how American the church shall be.” At this point, St. Alexis was working with immi- grants in Minneapolis, Minn. Browne said this was the first step in St. Alexis’ duties in Ameri- ca, known officially as Alexis of Wilkes-Barre, Confessor and Defender of Orthodoxy in America. “The consensus is, by his efforts, 15,000 people came into the Orthodox Church in 18 years. That’s nearly 1,000 Death of legendary Orthodox pastor will be marked today CLARK VAN ORDEN/THE TIMES LEADER The reliquary holds a relic of St. Alexis of Wilkes-Barre. The 102nd anniversary of his death will be marked today. In the early 20th century he served as pastor of Holy Resurrection Orthodox Cathedral in Wilkes-Barre. W-B saint recalled CLARK VAN ORDEN/THE TIMES LEADER The Altar of St. Alexis of Wilkes- Barre inside Holy Resurrection Or- thodox Cathedral honors the saint. By JOHN KRISPIN [email protected] See ALEXIS, Page 4A What: The 102nd Repose of St. Alexis of Wilkes-Barre and Divine Liturgy. When: 9:30 a.m. todayWhere: Holy Resurrection Ortho- dox Cathedral, 591 N. Main St., Wilkes- Barre. I F YO U G O : C M Y K PAGE 4A SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com GET THE PUNCHLINE THIS SUNDAY. JOKE OF THE WEEK: JOKE OF THE WEEK: Fill in your joke and mail this ad to: The Times Leader, Joke of the Week, 15 N. Main St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. NAME: ______________________________________ PHONE: _____________________ ADDRESS/CITY/STATE: _____________________________________________________ JOKE: __________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________________ PUNCHLINE: _____________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ NUMBER ONE AUDITED NEWSPAPER IN LUZERNE COUNTY _ __ _ _ _ _ N AUD NEWS IN LUZERN What’s a plumber’s favorite vegatable? This week’s joke from: Denise Kazmierski of Kingston LAWNMOWERS R R Your Authorized Full Service Dealer VALLEY POWER EQUIPMENT & RENTAL WILKES-BARRE Rt. 309, W-B Twp. 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Stier said that while spending cuts areneeded, “thejobcalls for a scalpel, not a sledgehammer. An across-the-board hiring freeze is theeasythingtodo, but it preemp- ts strategic decision-making.” “As welearnedinthe1990s, this approach can lead to uneven ca- pacity and impair government’s ability to deliver results for the American people -- and that is a recipe for government waste, not government effectiveness,” Stier said. Marino’s proposal is not unique among House Republicans, but the idea of a federal hiring freeze hasn’t gottenveryfar intheDemo- cratic-controlled Senate. President Obama ordered a two-year pay freeze for federal workers last year but did not ex- tendthepayfreezeinhisproposed budget for 2012. Obama’s fiscal commission made recommenda- tions as part of its report last year on ways to reduce federal spend- ing by trillions of dollars – which has not been put into effect – to trim the federal work force by 10 percent, which would be about 200,000 employees, through attri- tion. In February, U.S. Rep. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyoming, re-intro- duced legislation that would im- pose a federal hiring freeze, but Lummis exempted the depart- ments of defense, veterans affairs and homeland security. Her bill, which she first introduced last summer, would allow the federal government tohireonenewfeder- al worker for every two who leave their jobs. While Marino’s bill does not ex- plicitlyexempt thedepartmentsof defense, veterans affairs and homeland security, his exceptions could apply to those agencies if it was shown that more workers were needed during a time of war or for national security reasons, according to a Marino spokeswo- man. House Republicans also includ- edaproposednon-securityfederal worker net hiring freeze as part of their “Pledge to America” cam- paign platform prior to the 2010 elections. Marino said the current federal work force numbers 2.8 million, citing White House Office of Man- agement and Budget figures, at a cost of almost $590 billionannual- ly. “We cannot allow the federal government to growat record lev- els whileweaskour business own- ers and families to be more frugal andtoget bywitha lot less,” Mari- no said. Marino does not yet have any co-sponsors for the measure, whichheunveiledThursdaynight before headingbacktothe district for theweekend. Heplanstospeak with fellow lawmakers about co- sponsoring the measure when he returns to Capitol Hill next week, a Marino spokeswoman said Fri- day. Stier said the total federal work force isn’t any bigger, relative to the size of the overall U.S. popula- tion, these days than decades ago. However, there has been an in- crease in recent years in the num- ber of federal workers devoted to homeland security needs, Stier said. MARINO Continued from Page 3A Wyoming counties about how they can better aid returning military and veterans’ transition to civilian life. The symposium was part of a new collaborative initia- tive called the Tri-Vets Community Task Force aimed at doing just that. Sutherland is now the special assistant to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff with the principal focus on War- rior and Family Support. He has served in the mil- itary for 28 years and in 2008 and 2009 was regional division chief in the J5 Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate, making him responsible for strategic planning and advising the chair- man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on issues relating to the Middle East. Michael Zimmerman, execu- tive director of Family Service Association of Wyoming Valley, said the initiative grew out of a conference hosted by his associ- ation last year addressing the impact of trauma on military personnel and their families. Zimmerman said a report co- authored by Sutherland acted as a guide for the Tri-Vets initiative. The report names education, ac- cess to health care and employ- ment as the most essential fac- tors in successful reinte- gration for returning mil- itary personnel. “We said, ‘Why try to reinvent something?’ The objectives that he had were very clear, and we borrowed them,” Zimmerman said. According to Suther- land, 40 percent of sol- diers returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom have been diag- nosed with a mental health is- sue, and returning military suf- fering from post-traumatic stress disorder or depression are signif- icantly more likely than their ci- vilian counterparts to struggle with addiction, become home- less or commit suicide. In 2009, America lost more soldiers and veterans to suicide than were killed in Iraq and Af- ghanistan. Military families also “strug- gle with the challenge of never being able to exhale.” The di- vorce rate for military personnel is double the civilian rate, and children of service members on average score lower on standar- dized test scores. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With just a little help, “they thrive,” Sutherland said. “They’re phenomenal members of society.” Increasing public awareness of their special needs, building community support and promot- ing community services are key to improving the nation’s sup- port network for returning mil- itary and veterans, he said, and the more organizations and agencies can collaborate to get them the help they need, the bet- ter. “We recognize that govern- ment cannot solve all problems,” Sutherland said. “We recognize that organizations coming to- gether can make an impact.” Zimmerman called Suther- land’s speech “an awakening” for area organizations. Barbara A. Riggs, veterans ser- vice director for the Pennsylva- nia Department of Military and Veterans’ Affairs, applauded the Tri-Vets partnership. “I’d like to see other areas take on this kind of project. This could be a role model for other areas of the state.” VETERANS Continued from Page 3A DON CAREY/THE TIMES LEADER Col. David W. Sutherland ad- dresses repre- sentatives of local non-profits and agencies at Luzerne County Community Col- lege on Friday about helping returning soldiers adjust to civilian life. He said 40 percent of sol- diers returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom have been diag- nosed with a mental health issue. To see video, visit www.times leader.com and 8 p.m. Oct. 15 • Haunted Illusion magic show, 2 p.m. Oct. 23 •ClassicAlbumsLive: TheBeatles’ “Ab- bey Road,” entire albumpresented by trib- ute band, 7:30 p.m. Nov. 3 • Idina Menzel of “Wicked” and “Glee” sings, 7:30 p.m. Nov. 8 •Thomas Friedman, Pulitzer Prize-win- ning author and foreign-affairs columnist for The NewYorkTimes, 7:30p.m. Nov. 16 • Mannheim Steamroller “promises to rockyouintothat holiday spirit,” 7:30 p.m. Nov. 29 •ABBA: Arrival, an ABBAtribute band fromSweden, 7 p.m. Jan. 8 • Kathleen Madigan: Gone Madigan comedy show, 8 p.m. Jan. 27 • “Charlotte’s Web,” children’s perform- ance, 2 p.m. Jan. 29 •“La Boheme” opera presented by Tea- tro Lirico D’Europa, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 3 • “Fiddler on the Roof,” 7:30 p.m. Feb. 15-16. • The Pink Floyd Experience, tribute band, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 21 • “Proof,” a play about fathers and daughters, genius and insanity, 8 p.m. Feb. 25 •LadysmithBlackMambazo, theSouth African a capella group known for work on Paul Simon’s “Graceland” album, 7:30p.m. March15 • Best of Second City improv, 8 p.m. March 23 • Vicki Lawrence and Mama: A Two- Woman Show. Emmy Award-winning co- median known for her work on the “Carol Burnett Show,” brings her alter-ego, 8 p.m. May 4. • Young People’s Theater events, in ad- dition to “Charlotte’s Web,” are “Fish Face (The Kids of the Polk Street School)” at 10 a.m. March 27; “Treasured Stories/The Best of Eric Carle” at 10 a.m. April 12; and “Alice in Wonderland” at 10 a.m. and12:15 p.m. May 18, 2012. Tickets will goonsaletoKirbymembers at 10 a.m. May 16 and to members of the general public at 10 a.m. June 1. KIRBY Continued from Page 3A new members a year,” said Rev. Browne. He didn’t just do his duties in Wilkes-Barre. From the Midwest states through the New England states, he spread and professed the faith at “a great personal cost.” “He suffered by virtue of be- coming. There was a lot of name-calling and accusations made against him, and that gave him the title of confessor after suffering for his faith,” said Browne. “He defended the church, therefore giving him the name ‘defender’ of the faith in his name.” The service will start at the main altar, where the liturgy is celebrated, and reliquary that holds a relic of St. Alexis will be used during a song or prayer. He was a mitered arch priest, which was the highest level of priest- hood before becoming a bishop. “They (his altar and relic) pro- vide a physical connection and manifest his connection in a physical way. As a sign of respect and love, the hymn will be sung before his essence.” Browne said. “This event is a way to localize the day of prayer for saints, but because he is one who is here in our midst, this is a special feast.” St. Alexis was canonized in 1994. Every year since, the church has celebrated this day as its feast day. To Browne’s knowl- edge, St. Alexis is the only Or- thodox saint from Wilkes-Barre. ALEXIS Continued from Page 3A K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 5A ➛ N A T I O N & W O R L D CAPE CANAVERAL, FLA. Shuttle flight delayed again T he next-to-last space shuttle flight has been delayed again, this time to at least the middle of May for extra electrical tests. Mission managers decided Friday that shuttle Endeavour would blast off no earlier than May 16. The space station delivery mission led by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ astro- naut husband has been on hold for a week. A heater malfunction halted the countdown April 29, and the trouble was traced to a switch box in Endeav- our’s engine compartment. The box was removed, and this week engineers discovered a blown circuit inside. NASA spokeswoman Candrea Tho- mas said testing will be conducted throughout the weekend to find out if the circuitry problem was in the old box or somewhere in the external wir- ing that’s still in the shuttle. A new unit was installed Wednesday. Commander Mark Kelly will lead Endeavour’s six-man crew to the In- ternational Space Station. They will deliver a $2 billion particle physics detector along with station spare parts. ABIDJAN, IVORY COAST President finally takes oath Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouat- tara took the oath of office Friday, five months after the election that nearly ripped the African nation in two and left hundreds dead when the country’s strongman refused to concede defeat. Ouattara spent much of that time barricaded inside a hotel, surrounded by troops loyal to Laurent Gbagbo, who used the army to terrorize the population. Gbagbo was removed mili- tarily last month and is now under house arrest in a remote town 420 miles (700 kilometers) north of Abid- jan. The price of installing the country’s democratically elected leader was steep. More than a 1,000 civilians were killed, first by the army controlled by Gbagbo and later by a former rebel group allied with Ouattara that seized control of the country and toppled Gbagbo. BEIJING Sailors safe from pirates Twenty-four Chinese sailors were rescued Friday after the Indian navy warned off pirates who hijacked the cargo ship a day earlier in the Arabian Sea, China and India said. An Indian navy maritime reconnais- sance plane was dispatched based on a distress call and the plane crew used communication channels to tell the pirates Indian warships were on the way, said M. Nambiar, an Indian navy spokesman. The crew also alerted NATO ships nearby, he told The Asso- ciated Press. After the warning, the pirates used their skiff to return to their mother ship. “The pirates fled from the mer- chant vessel,” Nambiar said. NEWARK, N.J. Not-guilty plea in dog case A New Jersey woman pleaded not guilty in court Friday to charges of starving and abandoning a 1-year-old pit bull that has since become an In- ternet celebrity. The judge in the case judge warned animal advocates that he would not let emotion rule the case. Kisha Curtis entered her plea through an attorney during a brief hearing in state Superior Court attend- ed by several news outlets and some members of an advocacy group that is seeking stronger animal abuse laws. About 40 people demonstrated outside Essex County Veterans Courthouse in support of the dog, nicknamed Patrick because he was found the day before St. Patrick’s Day. I N B R I E F AP PHOTO Horsing around at Kid’tucky Derby Jennie Rogers Elementary School kindergartner Nicholas Mintch wins a race Friday during the annual Kid’tucky Derby in Danville, Ky. MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The Coast Guard closed a section of the swollen Mississippi to barge traffic to protect a Missouri town from floodwaters Friday as police in Memphis went door to door urging residents to leave nearly 1,000 homes that could be swamped by the mighty river. Emergency workers handed out bright yellowfliers in English and Span- ish that read, “Evacuate!!! Your proper- ty is in danger right now.” All the way south into the Mississippi Delta, people faced the question of whether to stay or go as highwater kept on rolling down the Mississippi and its tributaries, threateningtosoakcommu- nities over the next week or two. The flooding has already broken high-water records that have stood since the1930s. The Coast Guard closed a five-mile stretch of the Mississippi on Friday to protect Caruthersville, Mo., and said ship traffic could be banned for up to eight days. The concernis that the wake from big boats could push water over a floodwall and into the town. In Tennessee, where local officials do not have the authority to order people to evacuate, they hoped the fliers would persuade them to leave. Bob Nations, director of emergency management for Shelby County, which includes Mem- phis, said there was still plenty of time. The river is not expected to crest until Wednesday. “This does not mean that water is at your doorstep,” Nations said of the door-to-door effort. “This means you are in a high-impact area.” Shelby County Division Fire Chief Jo- seph Rike said about 950 households in Memphis and about 135 other homes in Shelby County were gettingthe notices. Shelters have been opened, and the fliers include a phone number to ar- range transportation for people who need it. Graceland, Elvis Presley’s home and one of the city’s best known landmarks, is about a20-minutedrivefromtheriver and in no danger of flooding, spokes- man Kevin Kern said Friday. “We’re on a hill, high and dry and open for business and will stay open,” Kern said. Police go door-to-door to warn residents in Memphis as river breaks records Part of Mississippi closed The Associated Press AP PHOTO Jeanette Twillie holds an evacuation sign delivered by Memphis Police. TOKYO — Japan urged a pow- er company Friday to suspend all three reactors at a coastal nuclear plant while a seawall and other structures are built to ensure a major earthquake or tsunami does not cause a secondradiation crisis. The move came as the govern- ment is conducting a safety re- view of all Japan’s 54 nuclear re- actors after the Fukushima Dai- ichi nuclear plant was crippledby the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that left more than 25,000 people dead and missing on the northeast coast. The Hamao- ka nuclear plant just 110 yards (100 meters) off the Pacific coast in central Ja- pan is the only one so far where the government has asked that operations be halted until the utility canimplement safety mea- sures. Chubu Electric Power Co. said ina statement it will “swiftly con- sider” the government’s request. The statement gave no further details. Government officials es- timate the work could last two years. Prime Minister NaotoKansaid at a news conference Friday eve- ning he requested the shutdown for safety reasons, citing experts’ forecast of a 90 percent probabil- ity of a quake with magnitude of 8.0 or higher striking central Ja- pan within 30 years. “It was a decision made after thoroughly considering people’s safety,” Kan told a news confer- ence. The government asked Chubu Electric to suspend two running reactors and a third already shut for a regular inspection at the plant in Shizuoka, around 124 miles (200 kilometers) west of Tokyo. “If an accident occurs at Ha- maoka, it could create serious consequences,” Kan said. Japanese reactors may close Construction of seawall will ensure future quakes, tsunamis don’t create a crisis. By SHINO YUASA Associated Press Kan TRIPOLI, Libya — Moammar Gad- hafi’s forces may have committed war crimes in the rebel-held city of Misrata and the humanitarian situation is rapid- ly deterioratingthere because of regime attempts to tighten its siege and block access by sea, Amnesty International said Friday. Libyan troops have indiscriminately fired heavy artillery, rockets and cluster bombs at residential areas of Libya’s third-largest city during a two-month siege, in a clear breach of international humanitarianlaw, the groupsaidina re- port. “Weapons designed for the battle field and not for residential areas are be- ing launched into residential neighbor- hoods, killing civilians and really just creating a situation of terror,” said Am- nesty’s Donatella Rovera. Earlier this week, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court told the U.N. Security Council he would seek arrest warrants against three Li- byans for crimes against humanity com- mitted in Libya. He did not name the suspects. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rod- ham Clinton, meanwhile, said killing Gadhafi wasn’t the objective of the in- ternational military mission in Libya, but that his death was not inconceiva- ble. “The objective is to protect civilians,” she told an Italian program. Amnesty International: Gadhafi’s troops suspected of war crimes AP PHOTO A rebel fighter prays Fri- day at a check point in Ajdabi- ya, Libya. Some of the na- tion’s heaviest fighting has raged in Misrata, the main rebel stronghold. By KARIN LAUB Associated Press BEIRUT — Syrian security forces opened fire Friday on thousands of pro- testers demanding regime change, kill- ing more than 30 people in a sign that President Bashar Assad is prepared to ride out a wave of rapidly escalating in- ternational outrage. The U.N. said it is sending a teaminto Syria to investigate and the European Union is expected to place sanctions on Syrian officials next week —both signif- icant blows toAssad, a British-educated, self-styled reformer who has tried to bring Syria back into the global main- stream over his 11 years in power. In Washington, State De- partment spokesman Mark Toner said the U.S. was pressing the Syrian govern- ment to cease “violence against innocent citizens who are simply demonstra- ting and trying to state their aspirations for a more democratic future.” Friday’s protests spanned the nation of 23 million, from the capital to the Mediterranean coast and the arid north- east. The bloodshed was the latest spasm in what has become a weekly cy- cle of mass protests followed by a swift and deadly crackdown. But pressure was mounting on Assad, who insists the unrest is a foreign con- spiracy carriedout by “terrorist groups.” More than 580 civilians and100 soldiers have been killed since the revolt began, rights groups say. “What it looks like here is a systematic attack on a civilian pop- ulation, a political deci- sion to shoot to kill un- armed demonstrators and that could very well be a crime against hu- manity,” Human Rights Watch counsel Reed Bro- dy told AP Television News. Assad, who inherited power from his father in 2000, is determined to crush the revolt that has nowbecome the grav- est challenge to his family’s 40-year dy- nasty. He has tried a combination of brute force, intimidation and promises of re- form to crush the unrest, but his at- tempts have failed so far. Still, Syria is a highly unpredictable country, in part because of its sizable mi- nority population, the loyalty of the mil- itary and the regime’s web of allegiances to powerful forces including Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Shiite powerhouse Iran. Syrian forces kill 30 protesters U.N. will send a team to investigate the incident and European Union considers sanctions on officials. By ZEINA KARAM and ELIZABETH A. KENNEDY Associated Press Assad is determined to crush the revolt that has now become the gravest challenge to his family’s 40-year dynasty. HUMOR CATCHES HIM OFF GUARD AP PHOTO A Vatican’s Swiss Guard jokes with a child trying on his colorful helmet Friday prior to the swearing-in cere- mony of 34 new recruits at the Vatican. The centuries-old elite group does ceremonial duty, assists at Vat- ican functions and helps protect the pope. The guards are famous for their blue-and-gold uniforms, halberds and crimson-plumed helmets. The ceremony is held each May 6 to commemorate the 147 Swiss Guards who died protecting Pope Clement VII during the 1527 Sack of Rome. C M Y K PAGE 6A SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 7A ➛ N E W S 2 8 1 8 3 3 BEL L ES C O N S TRUC TIO N C O . PA012959 C a ll 824- 7220 W INDO W S AL E FREE Trip le Pa ne Up gra d e o n a ll L ifestyle W ind o w s (570) 970 - 1615 92 S. Empire St. W-B, PA 18702 www.thepoolfactory.com FACTORYDIRECT $AVING$ $ 3,799 18’ Round w/ 5’ x 13’ Fan Deck In Ground Pool Kits DECK POOL SALE MADE INAMERICA Starting at $ 4,969 LOW PRICE GUARANTEE!* Construction Services A1 *ROOFING SPECIALISTS* Flat – Metal – Rubber FREE 301-6040 ESTIMATES Gen Contractor-Licensed-Insured-PA-071996 *Contractor Quality* *Lifetime Warranties - References* CHEAPEST ROOFS! Skovish Brothers, Inc. 369 Main St. Luzerne, Pa 18709 (570) 288-1025 Hrs. 10am-8:30pm • 7 Days A Week 840 Sans Souci Pkwy, Hanover Twp. 706-8877 Corals, Saltwater Fish, Invertebrates, Live Rock, Aquarium Supplies & More The Aquarium Shop D O O N E S B U R Y M A L L A R D F I L L M O R E LONDON — Pipe bombs, a targeted car crash, a lone gun- man: Western intelligence offi- cials said Friday they are seeing increased Internet and phone chatter about cheap, small-scale terror attacks to avenge the death of 9/11 mastermind Osa- ma bin Laden. More than 100 protesters, meanwhile, gathered Friday outside the U.S. Embassy in London shouting, “USA, you will pay!” and warning of such revenge attacks. European security officials say there is no specific plot to justify raising the threat level in Eu- rope. But one of their biggest fears is the possibility of a Mum- bai-style attack like the 2008 shooting spree that killed 166 people and paralyzed India’s business capital for days. Many of the Indian police who initially responded to the attack were unarmed. Most of Britain’s police force is also unarmed, while other European police officers usually carry lighter arms than their North American counterparts. Interpol has asked law en- forcement agencies in 188 coun- tries to be on alert for retal- iatory attacks. Communities have been warned to report anything suspicious. Embassies and some American businesses have added new security mea- sures. “Is it likely that people who follow bin Laden’s ideology will try to avenge his death,” one European intelligence official told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of his work. “There is an increase in chatter, but that doesn’t mean the threat has increased for now.” Europe has been the target of numerous terror plots by Isla- mist militants. The deadliest was the 2004 Madrid train bombings, when shrapnel-filled bombs exploded, killing 191 people and wounding about 1,800. A year later, suicide bom- bers killed 52 rush-hour commu- ters in London aboard three subway trains and a bus. And in 2006, U.S. and British intelli- gence officials thwarted one of the largest plots yet — a plan to explode nearly a dozen trans- Atlantic airliners. Europeans on the lookout for potential revenge attacks By PAISLEY DODDS Associated Press able to avoid capture for nearly 10 years. Meanwhile, a statement, writ- ten in typical al-Qaida style and in the name of the organization’s General Command, was re- leased and seemed mostly in- tendedto reassure followers that the terror group remains vigor- ous and intact, while also con- firming bin Laden’s death. One of the wives, identified as Yemeni-born Amal Ahmed Ab- dullfattah, told interrogators she had been staying in bin Laden’s hideout since 2006andnever left the upper floors of the large but sparsely furnished building, said a Pakistani intelligence official, speaking on condition of ano- nymity in line with the agency’s policy. The official did not indicate whether bin Laden was with her the whole time, a period in which the Pakistani military says the al-Qaida chief’s influen- ce and financial status eroded. Disputes over money between bin Laden and his No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahri, led the group to split into two factions five or six years ago, with the larger faction con- trolled by al-Zawahri, according to two senior Pakistani military officials. Bin Laden was “cash strapped” in his final days, they said. The officers spoke to a small group of Pakistani reporters late Thursday, and their comments were confirmed for The Associ- ated Press by another top mili- tary official, speaking on condi- tion of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issues. The offi- cer didn’t provide details or say how his agency knew about bin Laden’s financial situation or the split with his deputy. The image coming out of Washington based on informa- tion seized from bin Laden’s compound was far different. The confiscated materials revealed al-Qaida plans for derailing an American train on the upcoming 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, U.S. counterterrorism officials say. They believe the plot, which seemed to be formulated in Feb- ruary 2010, was only inthe initial planning stages, and there was no recent intelligence about any active plan for such an attack. The FBI and Homeland Security issued an intelligence bulletin withdetails of the planto lawen- forcement around the country. The bulletin, marked “for official use only,” was obtained by the AP. Already tense military and in- telligence relations between the U.S. and Pakistan have been fur- ther strained by the raid that killed bin Laden. The al-Qaida statement was dated Tuesday, the day after bin Laden’s death. Its authenticity could not be independently con- firmed, but it was posted on mil- itant websites Friday by the al- Fajr Center, al-Qaida’s online media distribution network. “The blood of the holy warrior sheik, Osama bin Laden, God bless him, is too precious to us and to all Muslims to go in vain,” the statement said. “We will re- main, God willing, a curse chas- ing the Americans and their agents, following them outside and inside their countries.” “Soon, God willing, their hap- piness will turn to sadness,” it said, “their blood will be min- gled with their tears.” The confirmation by al-Qaida should remove doubt among all but the most die-hardconspiracy theorists that bin Laden is in fact dead. BIN LADEN Continued from Page 1A AP PHOTO Abdul Qadir, right, leader of the Pakistani religious party Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam addresses a pro-Osama bin Laden rally in Ku- chlak, 16 miles north of Quetta, Pakistan, Friday. K PAGE 8A SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ O B I T U A R I E S The Times Leader publish- es free obituaries, which have a 27-line limit, and paid obituaries, which can run with a photograph. A funeral home representative can call the obituary desk at (570) 829-7224, send a fax to (570) 829-5537 or e-mail to tlo- [email protected]. If you fax or e-mail, please call to confirm. Obituaries must be submitted by 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Obituaries must be sent by a funeral home or crematory, or must name who is hand- ling arrangements, with address and phone number. We discourage handwritten notices; they incur a $15 typing fee. O B I T U A R Y P O L I C Y G enetti’s AfterFu nera lLu ncheons Sta rting a t$7.95 p erp erson H otelBerea vem entRa tes 825.6477 In Loving Memory Beverly McCarthy Ferner 8/18/32 ~ 5/7/10 Tragically killed and taken way too soon. Sadly missed but Always in Our Hearts Love, Your Four Roses Happy Birthday In Heaven MICHAEL R. REESE 5/7/83 - 6/7/10 Love, Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Daughter, Family & Friends BIALAUS – Bernadine, funeral 10 a.m. today from the Stanley S. Stegura Funeral Home Inc., 614 S. Hanover St., Nanticoke. Mass of Christian Burial at 10:30 a.m. in the secondary site of St. Fausti- na’s Parrish, formerly St. Mary of Czestochowa Church, Hanover Street, Nanticoke. CHIAMPI – Patricia, funeral 9 a.m. Monday from the Anthony L. Recupero Funeral Home, 406 Susquehanna Ave., West Pittston. Mass of Christian Burial at 9:30 a.m. in Corpus Christie Parish/ Immaculate Conception Church, 605 Luzerne Ave., West Pittston. Friends may call 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. GORYEB – Emil, celebration of life 9 a.m. today from McLaughlin’s, 142 S. Washington St., Wilkes-Barre. Funeral Mass at 10 a.m. in the Church of Saint Ignatius Loyola, North Maple Avenue in Kingston. GROSS- Billie, funeral 12:30 p.m. today at the Independent Bible Church, Duryea. JONES – Mary, memorial service 11 a.m. today in the Reyburn Bible Church, Shickshinny. Graveside military services by the Shick- shinny American Legion Post. KNAPP – Ronald, funeral 11 a.m. today at the Sunshine Full Gospel Church, Sunshine Road, Shick- shinny. Friends may call at the church 9 a.m. until the time of services. KOHAN – Peter Jr., funeral with Panachida 9:30 a.m. today from the John V. Morris-Charles J. Leagus Funeral Home, 281 E. Northampton St., Wilkes-Barre. Office of Christian Burial with Divine Liturgy at 10 a.m. in St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church, 526 Church St., Wilkes-Barre Township. KOREY – George, prayer service 2 p.m. May 28 at the Mercy Center Chapel, Misericordia University campus, Dallas. All are welcome. KOSSA – Frank, funeral 4 p.m. today from the Harold C. Snow- don Funeral Home Inc., 140 N. Main St., Shavertown. Friends may call today 2 p.m. until the time of services at the funeral home. MOSHIER- Mary Lou, memorial Mass 11 a.m. today in St. Jude’s Church, Mountain Top. OKO – Stasia, funeral 9:30 a.m. today from the Mark V. Yanaitis Funeral Home, 55 Stark St., Plains Township. Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. in St. Benedict Church, Austin Avenue, Wilkes-Barre. THOMAS – Fannie, funeral 1:30 p.m. today from the Hugh B. Hughes & Son Inc. Funeral Home, 1044 Wyom- ing Ave., Forty Fort. Friends may call 12:30 p.m. until the time of services. VALESHA – Anthony, funeral 9:30 a.m. today from the Hugh B. Hughes & Son Inc. Funeral Home, 1044 Wyom- ing Ave., Forty Fort. Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. in St. Therese’s Church, Shavertown. YOUNGBLOOD – Joseph, funeral 9:30 a.m. Monday from the Harold C. Snowdon Funeral Home Inc., 140 N. Main St., Shavertown. Mass of Chris- tian Burial at 10 a.m. in St. Therese’s Church, Shavertown. Friends may call 4 to 7 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. FUNERALS J oseph Paul Zagropski Jr., 41, of Plymouth, passedaway peaceful- ly surrounded by his loving family Thursday, May 5, 2011, at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Pa. BorninPlymouth, he was a sonof Barbara Bogdon Zagropski, of Ply- mouth, and the late Joseph Paul Za- gropski Sr., of Duryea. Joseph was a graduate of West Side Area Vocational Technical School. Prior to his illness, he worked at Sears Warehouse, Pride Mobility and Altec. Throughout his life, his interests were in fly fishing and working on vehicles. In addition to his father, he was preceded in death by maternal grandparents, Michael and Julia BodzioBogdon; andpaternal grand- mother, Mariam Bubrick Zagrop- ski. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his sons, Joseph Mi- chael, and Blayze Thomas Zagrop- ski; his sister, Joanne Zagropski Yoder, and her husband, Daniel, of Clearwater, Fla.; as well as numer- ous aunts, uncles and cousins. A private funeral will be held at the convenience of the family. Funeral arrangements are en- trusted to the S.J. Grontkowski Fu- neral Home, Plymouth. Please visit www.sjgrontkowski- funeralhome.com to submit online condolences to Joseph’s family. The family requests that flowers are omitted. Joseph Paul Zagropski Jr. May 5, 2011 M arilyn L. Vojtek, of the Parsons section of Wilkes-Barre, peace- fully passed away Friday, May 6, 2011, at her home. She was born in Wilkes-Barre, a daughter of the late Maldwyn and Marion Jones. A graduate of Coughlin High School, she was employed by the Wilkes-Barre Area School District. Marilyn was a member of the Irem Legion of Honor Ladies. She was a devoted and loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and aunt who adored her family. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her sis- ters, Carol Pearce and Lois Reese; and a nephew, Maldwyn Bzura. Surviving are her husband of 48 years, WilliamA. Vojtek; daughters, Lisa Malloy and her husband, John, Wilkes-Barre, and Sandie Bigus, Forty Fort; grandchildren, Ryan Voj- tek; Heather Burke and her hus- band, Michael, Taylor Malloy; and Kaedin McArdle; brothers, Lee Jones and his wife, Eleanor, and James Jones and his wife, Theresa; sister-in-law, Janet Wychock; broth- er-in-law, Kenneth Reese; as well as nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday from E. Blake Collins Funeral Home, 159 George Ave., Wilkes-Barre. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10 a.m. in St. Benedict’s Church, Austin Avenue, Wilkes-Barre. Interment will be in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ha- nover Township. Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. Monday. Memorial donations may be made to Shiners’ Hospital for Chil- dren, 3551 N. Broad St., Philadel- phia, PA19140-4131. Condolences can be sent to the family at www.eblakecollins.com. Marilyn L. Vojtek May 6, 2011 A nthony A. Twyman, 14, of Nanti- coke, passed away Wednesday afternoon, May 4, 2011, at the Her- shey Medical Center, Hershey, Pa. Born in Wilkes-Barre, on January 18, 1997, he was a son of Wattina Twyman of Nanticoke. Anthony loved football and had played for both the Nanticoke Jr. Trojans and the Meyers Mini Mo- hawks. He was preceded in death by his maternal grandmother; maternal great-grandmother; and by one un- cle. Surviving are mother, Wattina Twyman, Nanticoke; maternal grandfather, Harold Jennings; sis- ters, Andrea and Alyssa; brothers, Richard and Rohan; as well as sever- al aunts, uncles and cousins. AMemorial Service will be held at 7 p.m. Monday from the Bednar- ski & Thomas Funeral Home, 27 Park Ave., Wilkes-Barre, with the Rev. Donald Hartshorne officiating. Friends may call from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday at the funeral home. Imme- diately following the services, friends are invited to return for re- freshments to the home of Antho- ny’s aunt, Dee Twyman, 21Price St., Kingston. Anthony A. Twyman May 4, 2011 J erome J. Savoroski Sr., of West Pittston, passed away Thursday, May 5, 2011, in Wilkes-Barre. Born November 8, 1948, in Exeter, he was a son of the late Linda (Ferretti) Sa- voroski and Albert Savoroski. He was the husband of Linda (Ferretti) Savoroski. Jerry graduated from Exeter High School, and he served as a member of the U.S. Navy. He was preceded in death by rela- tive Steven Savoroski. Surviving are a son, Jerome Jr., and Shelley Savoroski, Wexford, Pa.; brother, Albert and Cindy Savo- roski, Dalton, Pa.; sisters, Elizabeth and David Balint, Exeter, and Joanne and John Reedy, Exeter; and a grandchild, Addison Savoroski. Jerry is an inspiration to every- one. He was always the life of the party and a very giving and caring man who always put a smile on ev- eryone’s face. Jerry was a devoted member of St. Cecelia’s Church in Exeter. He worked for N&BEnterprises, Wyoming Sand and Stone, and American Asphalt before retiring. Jerry was a tireless worker who was committed to his job. The family wouldlike to thank all of the staff on the 6th floor, and also the intensive care unit at Geisinger Wyoming Valley for their outstand- ing care of Jerry. They would also like to thank the Frank and Doroth- ea Henry Cancer Center at Geisin- ger. Funeral Services will be han- dled by Graziano Funeral Home Inc., Pittston Township. Call- ing hours will be held from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at St. Cecelia’s R.C. Church at 9:30 a.m. Monday, 9 a.m. from funeral home. Rev. Fox will officiate. Interment services will follow at Italian Independent Cemetery, Wyoming. Jerome J. Savoroski Sr. May 5, 2011 FRANK RODELLA, of Acade- my Street, Wilkes-Barre, died Fri- day morning, May 6, 2011, at home. Funeral arrangements will ap- pear in the Sunday edition of The Times Leader. AFuneral Mass will be held Monday morning at a time to be announced at. St. Nicolas Church, Wilkes-Barre. Arrange- ments are by McLaughlin’s, 142 S. Washington St., Wilkes-Barre. J uliet T. (Locascio) McMullen, 90, of Pittston, passed away Friday, May 6, 2011, inKingston. She was the wife of the late Henry McMullen. Born December 6, 1920, in Pitt- ston, she was a daughter of the late Rosalie (Forte) Locascio and Carme- lo Locascio. Surviving are a brother, Salvatore Locascio; grandchildren, Daniel Bra- zil and Geoffery Adamo; sisters, Frances Walsh, Pittston, and Serafina Lucchino, Pittston; as well as several great-grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by brothers John Locascio and Vincent Locascio; a sister, Florence Marriggi; and sons, Carmen Adamo, Phillip Adamo, and Tommy Adamo. Funeral services will be handled by Graziano Funeral Home Inc., Pitt- ston Township. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at St. Rocco’s Ro- man Catholic Church at noon Mon- day. There will be no calling hours. Presiding will be the Rev. Paul McDonnell. Interment will follow at Denison Cemetery, Swoyersville. Juliet T. McMullen May 6, 2011 D orothy J. Lewis, 56, of the Lee Park Section of Hanover Town- ship, passed away Thursday evening, May 5, 2011, at the Wilkes-Barre Gen- eral Hospital. Born in Camp Bussac, France, on April 13, 1955, she was a daughter of the late Edward and Virginia (Go- lightly) Shelley. She was a graduate of GAR High School and Allied Med- ical and Technical Institute, King- ston. She was a member of Parson’s First Baptist Church. She was formerly employed by the late Dr. Ray Bonita as a phlebotomist and EKG technician. Dorothy enjoyed doing crafts, spending time gardening and loved her cats. She is survived by her husband of 19 years, Frederick W. Lewis; sons, Adam Perrin, Allentown, Pa., and Joshua Perrin, Wilkes-Barre; daugh- ter, Shelley Puzzetti, Freeland; step- children, Frederick Lewis, Hanover Township; Laurie Ann and husband Brian Lessing, Arizona; Ann Marie and husband Willie Roark, Tennes- see; andMary BethandDavidRoane, Virginia; grandchildren, Reilly Colle- ran, SethPerrinandKaitlynPuzzetti; three step-grandchildren; four step- great-grandchildren; brothers, Garry Shelley and his wife, Patti, Laurel Run, and Edward Shelley, Georgia; sister, Charmane Colleran, Hudson; as well as several nieces and neph- ews. Family and friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday evening at Kniffen O’Malley Funeral Home Inc., 465 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Condolences may be sent at www.BestLifeTributes.com. Dorothy J. Lewis May 5, 2011 MARYKASKEY, 90, formerly of Larksville, diedThursday evening, May 5, 2011, at Manor Care, Sec- ond Avenue, Kingston. Funeral arrangements are pending fromKielty-Moran Funer- al Home Inc., 87 Washington Ave., Plymouth. CHRISTINA KARAVIS, 64, for- merly of Larksville, passed away Wednesday, May 4, 2011. She was a graduate of Larksville High School. Chris enjoyed spending time with her grandson, Ian. She was preceded in death by parents, Edward and Marie Oblick; and husband, Stanley. Surviving are son, Mark A. Karavis, and wife April, with whom she resided in Stewartstown, Pa.; and grandson, Ian. Funeral will be held at 9 a.m. Mondayfromthe S.J. Grontkowski Funeral Home, Plymouth, with Mass at 9:30 a.m. in St. Robert’s Parish (St. Aloysius Church), Wilkes-Barre. Interment will be in St. Casimir’s Cemetery. Calling hours will be from5 to 7 p.m. Sun- day. Visit www.sjgrontkowskifun- eralhome.com to submit condo- lences. EUGENIA A. HOBAN, 65, of Bear Creek, died Friday, May 6, 2011, at the Wilkes-Barre General Hospital. Arrangements are in progress. Complete obituary information will be published in Sunday’s edi- tionof The Times Leader andlater today at www.celebrateherlife- .com. B ernard C. Gawlas, 88, of Wyom- ing, passed away Friday morn- ing, May 6, 2011, in the Hospice Community Care Inpatient Unit, Geisinger South Wilkes-Barre. Born in Swoyersville, he was a son of the late Joseph and Frances Lashinska Gawlas. He was a gradu- ate of Swoyersville High and attend- ed Wilkes University. He was a U.S. Army veteran of WorldWar II, servinginthe Military Police. Mr. Gawlas receivedmilitary awards while serving in the Europe- an Theater. After World War II, he was em- ployed by the Veterans Administra- tion and the U.S. Postal Service. For many years he was employed at the West Pittston Post Office as an as- sistant superintendent. Prior to his retirement, he served as postmaster of the Dallas Post Of- fice for nine years. He was employed at the Metcalfe and Shaver Funeral Home for 18 years. He was a member of St. Joseph’s Church of St. Monica’s Parish of Wyoming and the St. Alphonso Re- treat League; life member of the Wyoming Hose Co. No. 1, where he held various positions; Catholic War Vets of Swoyersville Post No. 1601; and was a member of the American Red Cross. Preceding him in death were brothers, Joseph, John, Leo, Ed- ward and Daniel. Surviving are his wife of 62 years, the former Eleanor Podwika; daughters, Mary Ann Sullivan, Wyoming, and Judith Ann Ludzia and her husband, Peter, Atco, N.J.; four grandchildren, four great- grandchildren, as well as nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Monday from the Metcalfe and Shaver Funeral Home Inc., 504 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming, with a Mass of Christian Burial at 9:30 a.m. in St. Joseph’s Church of St. Monica’s Parish, Wyoming. In- terment will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Carverton. Friends may call from 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday. In lieu of flowers, memorial con- tributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 712 S. Keyser Ave., Taylor, PA 18517; or Hospice Community Care, 601 Wyoming Ave., Kingston, PA18704. Bernard C. Gawlas May 6, 2011 WILLIAM L. ALLABAUGH, of Hanover Township, passed away Wednesday, May 4, 2011. Born in Wayne, Mich., he was a son of Pa- tricia Allabaugh and the late Lor- ing Allabaugh. In addition to his mother, he is survived by sister, Donna Henry; and brother-in-law Sam Hentay, Mechanicsburg, Pa.; niece Nickie Henry; aunts, Betty Harris, Wilkes-Barre, and Theresa Harris, Fayetteville, N.C.; and an uncle, Ed “Buddy” Gilroy, Wilkes- Barre. Funeral services were held May 6, 2011. Interment was held in Hanover Green Cemetery, Hanov- er Township. Arrangements are by the Mamary-Durkin Funeral Ser- vice, 59 Parrish St., Wilkes-Barre. Angelo John Lentini, 91, passed away Sunday, April 24, 2011, at the VNA Hospice House of Se- bastian, Fla. He was born August 6, 1919, in Wilkes-Barre, a sonof the late Bartolomeo andBri- gida Lentini. Angelo was a graduate of Mans- field State Teachers College and East Stroudsburg College. He re- tired after a lengthy career in edu- cation from the Northport School District in Long Island, N.Y. He was a World War II veteran serving in the U.S. Army under the com- mand of General George Patton in the African, European, and Middle Eastern theaters. He was preceded in death, in ad- dition to his parents, by his wife, Elizabeth Schutz Lentini; daugh- ter Mary; brother, Michael Lentini; and sisters, Nell Krajcsik and Jane Bartorillo. Angelo is survived by his son, Mi- chael Lentini, and wife Nina, Vero Beach, Fla.; daughters, Gina Dobitas and husband, Keith, Mountain Top, and Lois Kennedy and husband, Rob- ert, Wilkes-Barre; brother, Dr. Joseph Lentini andwife, Edi, Pittston; grand- children, Nicole and Robert Kenne- dy, and Keith Dobitas, all of Pennsyl- vania, Amy Walsh, NewJersey, Chris- tine Leverette, Virginia, and Patrick, Kyle, and Casey Lentini, Florida; sev- en great-grandchildren; as well as nieces, nephews, and cousins. A Memorial Service will be held at 7 p.m. Monday at the First Welsh Presbyterian Church, 74 S. Meade St., Wilkes-Barre. Relatives and friends are invited to call from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at the church. In- terment will be in St. Mary’s Ceme- tery, Hanover Township, and will be at the convenience of the family. McCune Funeral Home, 80 S Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top, is in charge of the arrangements. View obituaries online at www.mccunefuneralserviceinc.com. Angelo John Lentini April 24, 2011 E leanore Z. Fischer, 83, of Moun- tain Top, entered into eternal rest Friday, May6, 2011, at her home surrounded by her loving family. Born in Wilkes-Barre, she was a daughter of the late Martin and Ma- ry (Perkowsky) Zugarek. Eleanore was retired from Amer- ican Brands located in the Crest- wood Industrial Park. She was a member of the St. Jude, St. Theresa, and the Father Nahas Senior Clubs. She was also a member of St. Jude Parish, Mountain Top, where she was a member of its Altar and Ros- ary Society. Eleanore was the loving wife of 63 years to her husband, Stanley, and the couple enjoyed spending the winter months in Naples, Fla., for the last 20 years. She was preceded in death, in ad- dition to her parents, by her sister, Dolores Bannon. Eleanore is survived by her hus- band, Stanley; her daughters, Mary Ellen Butkiewicz and husband James, Elkton, Md.; Sister Ellen “Sandra” Fischer, S.C.C., Jersey City, N.J.; and Diane Smith, Moun- tain Top; her brother, Martin Zuga- rek, Pittston; sisters, Lucille Conrar- dy, Blackstone, Mass.; Theresa Ma- son, Saco, Maine; and Ruth Oravitz, MountainTop; grandchildren, Amy, Chris and Brian Smith; Allison Aton, Jessica Metrick, Erica Gib- bons, and Lauren Butkiewicz; great- grandchildren, Logan and Emma Gibbons; as well as nieces, nephews and cousins. The Funeral will be held at 9:30 a.m. Monday from the McCune Fu- neral Home, 80 S. Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. at St. Jude’s Church, MountainTop. Inter- ment will immediately followin Sa- cred Heart Cemetery, Dallas. Rela- tives and friends are invited to call from4 to7 p.m. Sunday at the funer- al home. View obituaries online at www.mccunefuneralserviceinc- .com. Eleanore Z. Fischer May 6, 2011 SAMANTHA V. CLAUDIO, 17, of Edwardsville, passedawayMon- day, May 2, 2011. Born in Jersey City, N.J., on September 9, 1993, she was a daughter of Lisa and Da- vid Hernandez. She was a smart, loving and determined person. Sa- mantha attended the alternative learning center in Edwardsville and volunteered her time at the Volunteers of Medicine, Wilkes- Barre. Samantha hada large family and a ton of friends who will love and miss her dearly. Surviving, be- sides her mother and father, are her step-father, Edwin; siblings, Jessica, Gilbert, Juan and Tabatha; and five nephews and one niece. Funeral Services will be held at noon Monday fromthe Yeosock Funeral Home, 40 S. Main St., Plains Township, with the Rev. Timothy Hall officiating. Inter- ment will be held in Maple Hill Cemetery. Friends may call from 10 a.m. until service time Monday. EMILY MCANDREW, 94, for- merly of Plymouth, died Tuesday evening, May 3, 2011, at the Coun- try Meadows Nursing Center, Al- lentown, Pa. Funeral arrangements are pendingfromthe WilliamA. Reese Funeral Chapel, rear 56 Gaylord Ave., Plymouth. THE REV. KENNETH MCCREA, of Wilkes-Barre, died Friday morning, May 6, 2011, at the Wilkes-Barre General Hospi- tal. Funeral arrangements are pendingfromthe WilliamA. Reese Funeral Chapel, rear 56 Gaylord Ave., Plymouth. CLARISSA “TOOTSIE” SIMS, 60, a life resident of the Wyoming Valley and formerly of Larksville, died Wednesday, May 4, 2011. Born in Luzerne, she was a daugh- ter of the late George F. and Chris- tina E. Harvey Sims. She was for- merly employed in the cigar and dress industries. Tootsie was pre- ceded in death by her grand- daughter Lilian. Surviving are son, Michael, and wife Danielle, Forty Fort; brothers, Richard, George, Leo, and Rodney; sisters, Tina, Rose, and Lisa; and grandchildren Natasha, Michael, Anastasia, and Olivia. Funeral Services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday from the Yeo- sockFuneral Home, 40S. MainSt., Plains Township, with the Rev. Dennis Gray officiating. Interment will be held in Chapel Lawn Me- morial Park, Dallas. Friends may call from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday. JANICE M. SPITTEL, a resi- dent of Plainsville sectionof Plains Township, died Friday, May 6, 2011, inRiverstreet Manor, Wilkes- Barre, following an illness. Funeral arrangements will be announced by the H. Merritt Hughes Funeral Home Inc., 451 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, in the Sun- day edition of The Times Leader. More Obituaries, Page 2A C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 9A ● ➛ N E W S WILKES-BARRE Kidder Street Pine Mall (Across from Toys R Us) 570-821-6959 QUAKERTOWN 190 North Westend Blvd. (Trainers Corners Next to Kohls) 215-529-0906 SCRANTON Rt. 6 Dickson City (Across from Burger King) 570-342-2434 ALLENTOWN Valley Plaza Shopping Center 1896 Catasauqua Rd. 610-266-9756 EASTON 837 S. 25th Street Palmer Town Center 610-923-0101 Hours: Mon. - Sat. 10-6 WE SELL BAGS, BELTS & FILTERS FOR ALL VACUUM BRANDS NOW AUTHORIZED TO SELL EdenPURE ® HEATERS More & Vacuums STORE SALE ENDS SATURDAY! SALE ENDS SATURDAY! ORECK Air Conditioner • Dehumidifier • 2 Speed Fan 3 MACHINES IN 1 INDEPENDENTLY OPERATES AS • ACW200C: 8,000 BTU Cooling power per hour • New AutoDrain Technology – eliminates the need to drain the unit. • Very Compact Footprint • Remote Control • LED screen and electronic control panel • 2 speeds • Washable air flter collects large dust particles and prevent bacteria build-up • Built-in castors for easy moving • Full thermostat control 60 ~ 90 Degrees F ACW200C SALE PRICE $ 389 99 MSRP $ 549 99 • Zone heating technology • Heats evenly from foor to ceiling • Infrared quartz heat produces a natural, uniform and comfortable heat that feels like it penetrates the body more effectively. • Electronic thermostat with digital LED display makes the unit easy to use. • Quiet operation • An extended 3-year warranty. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! $ 199 99 $ 449 ORECK Element! Limited Time Offer $199 99 *SALE ON UPRIGHT ONLY ONE PER CUSTOMER FOR A LIMITED TIME WE MATCH ALL ORECK OFFERS! WE NOW CARRY Vac TUNE-UP $ 39 99 Reg. $ 49 99 Bag & Belt Included. Must Present This Ad Come in and see these Powerful & Innovative Vacuums AUTHORIZED MIELE SALES AND SERVICE ORECK Element! • Lightweight 9-lb. vacuum • Single speed • Wide cleaning path and low profle design • Helping handle provides ease of use • Saniseal ® System Jim McMonagle, Michael T. Vough, Molly Hanlon Mirabito, Joseph F. Saporito Jr., Lesa Gelb, Fred A. Pierantoni and Jennifer Rogers. Candidates had to file the re- ports with the state, but courtesy copies were supplied by most candidates to the county. Fi- nance reports for judicial candi- dates John Aciukewicz and Tony Ross were not furnished by the county election bureau on Fri- day. Ross said his campaign trea- surer mailed a courtesy copy to the county on Wednesday, and he said the committee has spent roughly $60,000 on his cam- paign. Six judicial seats are up for grabs this year. Pierantoni’s committee raised and spent the most during the re- porting period, collecting $163,186 and dishing out $155,876. His largest single expenditure was to Tom Musto Productions, Kingston Township, for advertis- ing, including television com- mercials. The committee spent a total $77,000 in six installments on the advertising. Pierantoni’s committee carries $130,000 in debt from loans he made to the committee, and he still has about $7,300 in the bank. Saporito’s committee banked and spent the second highest amounts – collecting $150,582 and spending $131,020. The com- mittee’s largest payment $105,833 – was to Lavelle Strate- gy Group, Scranton, for strategic advertising, marketing and pub- lic relations. The committee carries $41,749 in debt -- $25,000 loaned to the committee by Saporito and $16,749 owed to Lavelle. Sklarosky’s campaign carries the most unpaid debt of the 14 candidates -- $155,972. Sklarosky loaned the committee $74,972. Hazleton resident Thomas L. Kennedy also loaned the com- mittee $81,000, according to his report. The committee’s $79,166 in ex- penses included $70,642 to Pre- cision Design, Hazleton, for out- door advertising, signs, televi- sion ads and campaign material. A summary of the other judi- cial committees: • Vough: Spent $97,875 and carrying $70,000 in debt from loans Vough made to the com- mittee. The major expenditure was $79,945 to Ed Mitchell Commu- nications, Wilkes-Barre, for polit- ical consulting and media adver- tisements. • Mirabito: Spent $3,499 and carrying $16,569 in debt. Most of the debt stems from loans made by Michael Mirabito to fund bill- boards, signs, other advertising and sign permits. • Hughes: Spent $72,141 and carrying $15,000 in unpaid debt from loans he made to the com- mittee. One of his largest single ex- penses -- $17,990, was for postage to send campaign mailers. The committee paid Pathfinder Com- munications, Malvern, $19,000 for consulting services, signs, campaign handouts and mailers. • Rogers: Spent $46,194 and carrying $5,000 in debt from a loan supplied to the committee. The committee’s largest ex- pense was to Ink Engaging Com- munications, Shavertown. The company was paid $27,370 for a range of advertising, including billboards and social media ven- ues. • Gelb: Spent $104,500 and carrying $105,000 in debt from loans Gelb made to the commit- tee. The committee’s highest pay- ment -- $85,975 -- was to The Ar- temis Media Group, Wyoming, for graphic design and printing and campaign advertising. • McMonagle: Spent $7,872 and carrying $3,000 in debt from loans he made tot eh committee. The committee’s expenses in- cluded a $3,163 campaign man- agement fee to Red Stag Enter- prises Inc., Peckville. • Radick: Spent $15,326 and carrying $7,600 in debt from loans she made to the commit- tee. The committee’s expenses in- cluded $4,000 to Corcoran Print- ing, Wilkes-Barre, for signs and other campaign material and $6,000 to Corcoran Communica- tions, Wilkes-Barre, for bill- boards and campaign items. • Blazick: Spent $24,403 and carrying $35,000 in debt from loans he made to the committee. The committee’s highest ex- pense was $16,198 to Dan Simrell Advertising, Scranton, for adver- tising. • DeLuca: Spent $12,599 and carrying $13,459 in debt from loans DeLuca made to the com- mittee to cover television and ra- dio advertisements. The committee’s expenses in- cluded $4,900 for billboards. • Haggerty: Spent $9,409 and is carrying no debt. The committee’s highest ex- penditure was $4,570 to Jaworski Sign Co. for signs. • Bufalino: Spent $56,714 and carrying no debt. The committee’s expenditures included $10,400 to T & L Mar- keting, Scranton, for advertising and $3,500 to Scranton political consultant James B. McNulty. JUDICIAL Continued from Page 1A Campaign finance reports filed in the Luzerne County Council race showed little big-money ac- tivity, with one exception: the committeepromotingaslateof11 union-endorsed Democrats. The Working Families for Bet- ter Government Committee brought in $31,793 and spent $16,207 on the candidates during the reporting period, which ran fromApril 11to May 2, according to a finance report filed in the county election bureau. The money was primarily spent on food and other costs as- sociated with fundraisers and meet-and-greet events, and bum- per stickers, candidate cards and other campaign material, the re- port shows. Roughly $27,264 of the donations ex- ceeded $250, and the list of donors largely read like a who’s who of unions. The Mid-Atlantic Laborer’s Po- litical League, Reston, Va., pro- vided $10,000, and the Washing- ton, D.C.-based I.B.E.W.-C.O.P.E. kicked in $5,000. Some other donors: Local 44 Sheet Metal Workers Political Ac- tion League, Wilkes-Barre, $2,500; andtheEasternPALabor- er’s LPL, Trexlertown, $2,000. Three unions donated $1,000 each–the UnitedAssociationLo- cal Union 524 Steamfitters/Pipe- fitters/Plumbers, Scranton; As- bestos Workers Political Action Committee, Lanham, Md.; and theIUPATDistrict Council 21Po- litical Action Committee, Phila- delphia. As of May2, thecommitteehad $15,586 in the bank to fund other campaign activities. The 11 endorsed candidates are: LindaMcCloskyHouck, John Nadolny, Theresa Morcavage, JaneWalsh-Waitkus, SalvatoreLi- cata, John Livingston, Brian Overman, Joe Padavan, FrankSo- rokach, Michael Collins and Mi- chael Chrobak. Finance reports filed by other candidates didnot exceedseveral thousand dollars, with many re- porting no fundraising activity andminimal expenses. Manycan- didates filed no reports because they didnot hit the $250that trig- gers the filing of a report. Atotal 49candidates –33Dem- ocrats and 16 Republicans – are seeking nominations in the May 17 primary. Republicans and Democrats will each choose 11 candidates to advance to the November gener- al, which means that the Novem- ber ballot will include at least 22 candidates from both parties in addition to any Independent and third-party candidates who se- cure the nearly 1,000 nomination signatures needed to get on the ballot. Thechosen11will takeofficein January and oversee the county’s historicswitchtoahomerulegov- ernment system. Council members will be paid $8,000 to serve. Union slate outspends others in county council race By JENNIFER LEARN-ANDES [email protected] KINGSTON – For the sec- ond time this year, the same man was arrested on charges he assaulted a woman. Lamar Russell Bobbett, 25, of Charles Street, Wilkes-Barre, punched a woman in the head while interrogating her about money he believed she owed him early Friday morning, ac- cording to charges filed. Kingston police charged Bobbett with rob- bery, simple as- sault, terroristic threats, unlawful restraint and ha- rassment. He was arraigned by Dis- trict Judge Paul Roberts and jailed at the Luzerne County Correction- al Facility for lack of $50,000 bail. In an unrelated case, Hanover Township police charged Bobbett with punching a woman inside a nightclub on Feb. 18, accord- ing to arrest records. Bobbett was free without bail, after he was charged by Hanover Township police, when he was arrested by King- ston police. According to the latest crim- inal complaint: Police responded to 24 ½ Payne Ave. to investigate a hang-up call to 911 at about 3:40 a.m. A woman with bruises on her face opened the door and told police Bobbett arrived at her residence around 3 a.m. demanding money for a televi- sion that was broken two years ago. She said she told Bobbett she did not have money to give him. Bobbett fol- lowed the woman to a bedroom and stole $80, punching her in the head and telling her he wanted more money, the com- plaint says. Bobbett forced the woman in the middle of the night to call friends and family for $300. When she told Bobbett she was unable to get the rest of the money, Bobbett called a fe- male friend and gave her direc- tions to the Payne Avenue house. The woman feared that Bobbett called his friend to assault her. She called 911 and hung up when Bobbett was on his cell phone, accord- ing to the com- plaint. When police ar- rived at the resi- dence, Bobbett told the woman, “I will murder you; get them out of here,” the complaint says. Police said they removed the woman and another female from the residence for their safety. Bobbett is facing simple as- sault and harassment charges in county court for the alleged attack on a woman inside a Hanover Township nightclub. In that case, a woman stated she was talking to two friends when Bobbett told her, “Shut up. I will punch you in the mouth,” before punching her in the mouth and knocking her unconscious, arrest records say. A preliminary hearing on the latest charges is scheduled for Wednesday before Roberts. W-B man to face more assault counts Free without bail in February incident, Bobbett jailed for allegedly punching woman. By EDWARD LEWIS [email protected] Bobbett Lamar Russell Bob- bett, 25, of Charles Street, Wilkes- Barre, punched a woman in the head while interrogating her about money he believed she owed him early Friday morning, according to charges filed. C M Y K PAGE 10A SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com “Handmade Lovelies” Jewelry, pottery, handbags, original art and unique gifts 68 Main Street Dallas, PA 18612 (570) 690-6399 Open Monday through Saturday 10-5:30 BUY LOCAL! BUY HANDMADE! facebook.com/earthandwears • lyncarey.etsy.com Scranton 343-7710 Wilkes-Barre 822-6122 Peckville 383-0500 www. audi ol ogy hear i ng. com Remember when listening was effortless? David A. Wadas, Au.D • Denise Prislupski, Au.D • Doctors of Audiology Audiology & Hearing CENTERS • Reduce listening effort in noisy environments • Improve listening to music & TV • Help phone calls sound better • No whistle or buzz • Fit comfortably, customized for your ears • Call for your FREE consultation Introducing The New by “May is Better Hearing Month” ™ Eliminate Your Bifocals Premium Lens Implants Call: 1-877-DR-BUCCI Paul Adamshick, Harveys Lake Charles Albert, Jr., Reeders Mary Lynn Alden, Hazleton Marie Alexander, Forest City Rose Andreas, Berwick Marilyn Andres, Clarks Summit Nancy Andrews, Forest City Kay Andrukaitis, Wilkes-Barre Patricia Austin, Sweet Valley Baljit K. Bailey, Hunlock Creek Marcia Balestek, McAdoo Gloria Balliet, Wapwallopen George Barna Jr., Freeland Isabel Bartley, East Stroudsburg Marilyn Bartoli, Mountain Top Nancy Bednar, Mountain Top Theresa Belcastro, Wilkes-Barre Geraldine Berger, Hazleton William Bevan, Jr. Harveys Lake Valerie Bigelow, Shickshinny Matilda Bittenbender, Myerstown Patricia Botsko, Hanover Twp. Michael Bott, Neumberg Tony Botyrius, Pittston Gail Braddock, White Haven Marilyn Bradley Louis Brienza, Bushkill Helen Brigido, Pittston Carolyn Broadt, Bloomsburg Marie Brogna, Pittston Theresa Buckley, Wilkes-Barre Louise Burger, Hanover Twp. Joann Burns, Dallas Neil Busti, Hawley Catherine Butkiewicz, Eyon Margaret Butsavage, Forty Fort Anthony Calabrese, Nazareth Susan Cantwell, Pottsville Thomas Capone, Shavertown Frank Carden, Pittston Maureen E. Carey, Wyoming Linda Cernovsky, Bloomsburg Cheryl Chabalko, Hazleton JoAnn Cheesman, Freeland Mark Cheesman, Freeland Karen Chepolis, Nanticoke Karen Chesla, Shenandoah Patricia Chicalese, Hazleton Beth Chrusch, Jermyn Frank Ciliberto, Wilkes-Barre Charles Colarusso, Pittston Sharon Colarusso, Pittston Paulette Condon, Stroudsburg Joseph Connors, Scranton Louise Cookus, Wilkes-Barre James Corley, Bloomsburg Geraldine Cornelius, Mountain Top Joseph Costa, Hazleton Pamela Costa, Hazleton Neil Craig, Hazleton Elias Cross, Plains Doloires Crossley, Exeter Dianne Curry, Edwardsville David Cybuck, Kingston Joseph Czekalski, Wilkes-Barre Vada Dale, Tobyhanna Terry Daley, Latterimer Mines Barbara Davis, Wilkes-Barre Patrick DeLorenzo, Hazleton Marilyn S. Denman, Kingston Phyllis DePolo, Mountain Top Anna Derrick, Danville Jill Ditchkus, Lake Ariel Marjorie Douglas, Mountain Top Len Dugan, Monroeton David H. Dulebohn, Sweet Valley Donna Dzugan, Nanticoke Shirley Emswiler, Swiftwater Barry Erick, Dallas Robert Ernestine, Dallas Elizabeth Estrada, Scranton Edith Evans, Wilkes-Barre Norma E. Evans, Mountain Top Beverly Fedder, Berwick Gayle Fenton, White Haven Margaret Filbert, Wapwallopen Elsie Floray, Zion Grove Eunice Frederick, Sugarloaf Mary Frederick, Drifton Juergen Friedrich, Conyngham Melissa Futch, West Wyoming Theodore Gabriel Sr., Trucksville JoAnne Gagliardi, Hanover Twp. James Galdieri, Clarks Green Janet Gammaitoni, Plains Leo Gammaitoni, Plains Ronald Garbett, Nanticoke Maude Geary, Harvey’s Lake Barbara George, Avoca Kathleen Geraghty, Shavertown William Geurin, Shickshinny Angelo Giannone, Pittston Barbara Gilbert, Clarks Summit Edward Golanoski, Mountain Top Elaine Golaszewski, Wilkes-Barre Edward Golden, Wilkes-Barre Charles Gordon, Dallas Robert Gordon, Benton Paul Gottleib, Plains Twp. Laraine Grande, East Stroudsburg Carol Grant, Effort James Gravatt, Pocono Pines Mary Jean Greco, Drums Arthur Gregoire, Hazleton Charlene E. Griffth, Luzerne Carolyn Gwozdziewycz, Honesdale Charles Hardik, Luzerne Harry Harmon, Berwick Betty J. Harkleroad, Dalton Kay Harmon, Berwick Joseph Healy, Hazleton Paul Herstek, Harvey’s Lake Connie Hildebrand, Wapwallopen Joyce Hocko, Mountain Top Jennie Hodick, Hanover Twp. Roy Hoffman, Pocono Lake Elizabeth Hogar, Shenandoah Joan Hopper, Dingmans Ferry Joan Hudak, Forty Fort Rosalie Hughes, White Haven James Humenick, Beaver Meadows Marianne Infantino, Wilkes-Barre Gertrude Johnson, Berwick Irene Joseph, Wilkes-Barre Simona Juzwiak, Plains Carol Ann Kasper, Kingston Sylvia Keber, Nanticoke Stephanie Keffer, Berwick Shirley Keenan, Moscow James Kennedy, Hazleton Renee Kennedy, Hazleton Beth Kerr, Harvey’s Lake Emily Klem, Plains John Klimczak, Lake Ariel Joyce Kocis, Plymouth Lisa Koehler, Weatherly Cecilia Kondrchek, Bloomsburg John Kondrchek, Bloomsburg John Koscelnick, Mountain Top Paula Koscelnick, Mountain Top Dennis Kravitz, Mechanicsburg Anita Kretchic, Hawley Edward Krubitzer, Dallas Joan Kryzanowski, Peckville Leo Kujawa, Edwardsville “Debbie” Kukorlo, Bloomsburg Kevin Kwiatek, Glen Lyon Marcella Kwiatkowski, W. Hazleton Joan Lally, Forty Fort Molly Landmesser, Wilkes-Barre Jerry Laudeman, Ringtown Betty Lawrence, Clarks Summit Toby Lovinger, Clarks Summit Lucille Loyack, Exeter Lorraine Lecce, Montoursville Kenneth Legg, Exeter Joseph Lehman, White Haven Patricia Lewis, Danville Roseann Libus, Nanticoke Joseph Ligotski, Askam Colleen Lindsay, Moosic Eugene Lippi, Wyoming Joseph Litchman, Kingston William Lowe, Exeter Al Manganello, Bloomsburg Jane Malinowski, Mountain Top Ayn Lynn Malkin, Lansford Robert Marsh, Dupont Darlene Martin, Lightstreet Delphine Mattei, Dupont Ronald May, Zion Grove Marian A. Mazza, Carbondale Marian Mazza, Scranton Georgia McDonald, Lake Ariel Georgiana McDonald, Lake Ariel Mary Ellen McDonough, Scranton Patricia McElhattan, Bloomsburg Pat McGill, Keyaryes Mary Anne Medalis, Kelayres Helene Megargel, Lake Ariel Grace Merlino, Hudson Walt Michaels, Shickshinny Patricia Miles, Avoca David Minnier, Mountain Top Marie Montecalvo, Berwick Paul Montgomery, Nicholson Deborah Moran, Wilkes-Barre Judi Morgan, Femington, NJ Joan Moss, West Pittston George Mullen, Avoca Anthony Mulvey, Wilkes-Barre Lorraine Mursch, Scranton Mary O’Hara, Scranton Judith O’Melia, Lake Harmony Al Olhanoski, Hazleton Colette Orlando, Pittston Mary Ann Pachick, Cape Coral, FL Helen M. Parker, Dallas Robert E. Parker, Dallas Lucille Parrell, Macadoo Dorothy Pembleton, Bloomsburg Eleanor Petrucci, Scranton Marcella Petuch, Beaver Meadows Emidio Piccioni, Pottsville Sylvia Poltrock, Freeland Jean Porter, East Stroudsburg Joyce Preston, Myrtle Beach, SC James Price, Bushkill Falls Mary Priddy, Honesdale Joan Rakowski, Hunlock Creek Sharon Reichard, Bloomsburg John Reno, Harvey’s Lake Joann Rice, Emmaus Stephen Rish, Dallas Richard Rimple, Berwick Barbara Rogers, Harveys Lake JoAnn Rogers, Williamsport Christine Rossnock, Bloomsburg Majorie Rough, Bloomsburg Ronald Royek, Wilkes-Barre Twp. Frank Rudolph, Forest City Jo Anne Rushton, Mountain Top Esther Saba, Kingston James Saba, Kingston Joseph Samson, Pringle Stanley Savitsky, Swoyersville Stanley G. Savitsky, Swoyersville Stephen Selenski, Wyoming Kathleen Semanek, Wilkes-Barre Gary Seymour, Towanda Robert Samuels, West Wyoming Barbara Sauls, Mountain Top Stanley Schab, Old Forge Joanne M. Schmidt, Mountain Top Bonnie Shaner, Turbotville Lynn Shaw, Benton Ann Sica, Old Forge Marian Sickler, West Pittston Frances Sireno, Ashley Evelyn Smith, Dallas Paul Smith, Vandling Thomas Soboleski, Swoyersville Andrea Sokash, Kingston Jude Spellman, Wilkes-Barre Joseph Steber, Beaver Meadows Anthony L. Stec, Wapwallopen Lisa Steltz, Mountain Top Stephen Stont, Miffinville Carl Stoodley, Mountain Top Naomi Strasburger, Scranton Mary Strizki, Uniondale Richard Strizki, Clifford Twp. Catherine Sunday, Hanover Twp. Leonard Swida, Wilkes-Barre Mary Ann Thompson, Dunmore Roberta Titus, Shickshinny Mark Tomassoni, Old Forge Barbara Tomko, Nanticoke Larry Tomko, Courtdale Maria Torres, Wilkes-Barre Ruth Trapane, Bloomsburg Diane Truman, Montrose Donna Vanvliet, Wilkes-Barre Al Vargo, Ranson Nancy Venturi, Mountain Top John M. Vinton, Mountain Top Ronald Vital, Wapwallopen Edward Walkowiak, Wilkes-Barre Veronica Warner, Stroudsburg Pauline Watkins, Towanda Wayne Watkins, Plymouth Anna Wegrzynowicz, Ashley Helen Weiss, Forty Fort Lorraine White, Scranton Bonnie Whitesell, Hunlock Creek Raymond Wilde, Wilkes-Barre Donald W. Wilmot, Sterling Steven Wilmoth, Edwardsville Christine Wilson, Duryea Bonnie Wrazien, Stroudsburg Charles Wrobel, Factoryville Nancy Yalch, Nanticoke Kathleen J. Yodock, Bloomsburg Bonnie Yurko, Hazleton Phyllis Zehner, Drums Tricia Zielen, Larksville Meet Dr. Bucci, find out how to eliminate your bifocals. Free Educational Seminar May 18th Wilkes-Barre. For a Seminar location near you go to www.BucciVision.com 887Wyoming Avenue •Wyoming • 693-2584 887W i A W i 693 2584 Mon. - Fri 9a.m - 7 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 9a.m - 6 p.m. Visit us on Facebook www.kasardagreenhouse.com $ 5.95 6” Non Stop Begonia WILKES-BARRE – Long be- fore he was on the verge of be- coming a saint in the Roman Ca- tholic Church, Pope John Paul II engaged in what philosopher Jo- hann Georg Hamann dubbed “the mother tongue of mankind”: poetry. Today area residents can listen to English translations of verse the late pontiff wrote during his days as student, quarry worker and parish priest. “Not too many people realize John Paul II was a poet,” said He- len Grebski, a member of The Polish Room Committee at Wilkes University, the sponsors of a poetry reading today at 6 p.m. “We feel we’re bringing a rare focus on part of him that most people are not aware of.” John Paul II published poetry in Polish periodicals under the penname Andrzej Jawien, Grebs- ki said. Many of those pieces were col- lected into books published after his election as pope in 1978. To- day’s readings come from those books: “Easter Vigil and Other Poems,” 1979; “The Place With- in,” 1982, and “Roman Trip- tyk Media- tions,” 2003. “We’re plan- ning on doing eight poems,” Grebski said. “There’ll be an introduction prior to each poem, to sort of give the meaning and reason behind it.” John Paul II wrote of very hu- man concerns, Grebski noted, in- cludinghis time as a quarrywork- er and poems about his mother. In “The Quarry,” for example, he talks of a body carried away: “How violently his time halted.” “Basically, the poems reflect different times of his life,” Grebs- ki said. Light refreshments will be served after the readings, includ- ing two of the late pope’s favorite deserts, cheesecake and szarlot- ka, whichGrebski describedas “a Polish apple cake.” The reading comes one week after John Paul II was beatified in Rome, a major step toward can- onization as a saint – reason enough to hold the event. But Grebski said the idea dove- tails perfectly with the mission of the Polish Room, established in 1950. The Polish Room is both a literal place in the school’s Farley Library and a community effort to preserve and explore the re- gion’s Polish heritage. Pope John Paul II’s poetry to be read Late pontiff penned reflections on life. His verses will be read at Wilkes event. By MARK GUYDISH [email protected] John Paul II HAZLE TWP. – School board members held a special finance committee meeting at Hazleton Area Career Center on Thursday to review department cuts made by the board motion that called for a 5.5 percent reduction. De- partment heads explained to the board how they could or could not cut anything within their de- partments. The board is trying to make up a $3.5 million to $4.5 million def- icit due to pending state budget cuts. After a long process of listen- ing to each department head try- ing to make cuts, board member Brain Earley made a PowerPoint presentation on how to plug the deficit. Earley said the budget must be resolved by June 30. He said the deficit can be solved if looked at openly and honestly. The district’s salaries, pension and benefits make up 67 percent of the budget, Earley said. He proposed to return all salaries to the June 30, 2010, level for all em- ployees. This would create a savings of $2,421,683, according to Ear- ley.Earley also proposed a wage freeze for all employees for the 2011-12 year that he said would generate $2,360,312. Anincreaseinhealthinsurance co-pays would affect only the 628 employees who make more than $40,000 a year and receive bene- fits, he said. The employees’ co-pay now is $40. This would increase by $120 to $160 per month. This savings, he said, would be $904,320. Hazleton Area reviews reductions By JIMMORRISSEY Times Leader Correspondent K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 11A ➛ S E RV I NG T HE P UB L I C T RUS T S I NC E 1 8 81 Editorial C HOOSING THE PEOPLE who will guide Luzerne County’s gov- ernment as members of its first county council shouldn’t be a haphazard exercise – the ballot box equivalent of playing darts while blindfolded. Yet you and other voters understandably might feel in the dark on primary election day, May 17, when faced with so many choic- es. Forty-nine candidates – 33 Democrats and 16 Republicans – are vying to be among their respective political party’s 11 picks to advance to the November general election and possibly gain a seat on the council. You probably won’t have an opportu- nity to meet all of them, much less pep- per each with questions for a half hour. We did. At least, we did our best. An endorsement panel at The Times Leader spoke with46council candidates this spring; three others either didn’t ac- cept our invitation or were unable to at- tend due to scheduling conflicts. Partici- pants provided us with overviews of their educational and career highlights. They outlined personal qualities and skills that might be pertinent to oversee- ing a government with nearly 1,700 workers and an annual budget of about $125 million. And they described their viewpoints on several of the major is- sues: appointing a county manager, ad- ministering periodic property reassess- ments andcopingwiththe county’s mas- sive debt. Our panel evaluated the candidates based on their answers (or lack thereof), their credentials andtheir abilitytocom- municate, the latter of which will be key as part of an 11-person council charged with making decisions that impact 300,000-plus people. Thenwepickedthe men and women best positioned to lead Luzerne County. Our endorsements of Democratic Par- ty contenders appear on this page. (Our endorsements of Republican Party can- didates were printedinFriday’s edition.) The panel believed it important to dis- tinguish between the endorsed candi- dates by using three categories: “strong- ly recommended,” “recommended” and “adequate.” Chiefly, that’s because the candidates displayed wide variations in, among other things, their level of under- standing of county government’s oper- ations and scope. You might have prior knowledge of a handful of this year’s county council can- didates; you already might have decided to vote for two or three whom you con- sider especially well-qualified, or with whom you are friends. Or maybe you consider a fewto be duds who definitely won’t get your vote. Our endorsements are intended to help you and other conscientious voters sort out the muddle in the middle: all those candidates about whomyou know little or nothing. We devoted considera- ble hours to this process because of its importance in determining Luzerne County’s future direction. A majority of voters last November supported the home rule charter initiative and wanted to see change; this race is part of that change. If you vote by relying on name recog- nitionalone, youcoulddoa disservice to yourself and other county residents and taxpayers. Ditto for picking candidates at random. Use our endorsements, continuing news coverageof thecampaigns andoth- er resources to familiarize yourself with the field. If desired, view our panel’s in- terviews withsome or all –if youhave 23 hours to spare – of the candidates. (Visit www.timesleader.com.) Go to candidates’ webpages and cam- paign events, too. Our endorsement panel can’t convey to you each candidate’s strengths, much less their opinions on every weighty top- ic, within the space of a single editorial page. Or even two. But we can relay to you how we – through our prism as newspaper employees, county taxpayers and homeowners who met with the can- didates individually – rank the choices. We took this task very seriously. We hope you do, too. OUR ENDORSEMENT: LUZERNE COUNTY COUNCIL – DEMOCRATS Democrats, here are 1 1 deserving candidates Use our endorsements, continuing news coverage of the campaigns and other resources to familiarize yourself with the field. If desired, view our panel’s interviews with some or all – if you have 23 hours to spare – of the candidates. (Visit www.timesleader.com) Zowie! Why all these candidates? Luzerne County voters in November adopted a new, home-rule form of govern- ment. Instead of three com- missioners, the county will be guided beginning in January 2012 by a Luzerne County Council consisting of 11 peo- ple. The contest to determine those council members has, so far, attracted a whopping 49 candidates. The top 11 Democratic vote-getters in this month’s primary election will face off in the fall against the top 11 Republican conten- ders, plus an as-yet unknown number of independent candi- dates. Clip and carry our picks to poll The Times Leader recom- mends these 11 Democratic candidates for Luzerne Coun- ty Council receive your votes. James Bobeck Elaine Maddon Curry Bruce J. Simpson Harry Skene Stephen A. Urban Edward Brominski Michael Giamber Tim McGinley Wayne Wolfe Brian K. Overman Jane Walsh-Waitkus Democratic field deserves credit These 22 Democratic candi- dates didn’t win our endorse- ment panel’s support but they did earn our respect merely for running: John Adonizio, Michelle Bednar, Michael A. Chrobak, Michael G. Collins, Casey Evans, Mario J. Fioruc- ci Jr., Stanley Knick Jr., Tho- mas W. Ksiezopolski, Salva- tore Licata, John Livingston (not interviewed by our pan- el), Linda McClosky Houck, Michael McGlynn (not in- terviewed), M. Theresa Mor- cavage, John T. Nadolny, Joseph Padavan, Thomas Mark Rome, Thomas Rovin- ski, Frank Sorokach, Eileen Sorokas, Fred Stuccio, Wil Toole and Robert G. Webb. All demonstrated real de- sire to help Luzerne County thrive. Don’t overlook our endorsements Read all of The Times Leader’s endorsements for the May 17 primary election. Also, watch the candidates’ interviews with our endorse- ment panel and find related news articles on our website, www.timesleader.com. Wednesday: Wilkes-Barre mayor, Republican Party Thursday: Wilkes-Barre may- or, Democratic Party Friday: Luzerne County Council, Republican Party • TODAY: Luzerne County Council, Democratic Party Sunday: Luzerne County judges HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Tim McGinley The Kingston resident, 64, a former chemistry teacher, works as director of administration for the Commission on Economic Opportunity, based in Wilkes-Barre. “I think between my education and work experience, I bring a lot to the table,” he said. Michael Giamber The Fairmount Township resident, 57, previously held management posi- tions in the federal government, first working for various Navy installa- tions, and later as deputy chief of facilities and operations at the Na- tional Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. He was a vocal home rule ad- vocate. Edward Brominski The Swoyersville resident, 71, served in the early 1980s as a Luzerne Coun- ty commissioner. His public service also includes stints in the county assessor’s office (for about nine years) and as Swoyersville’s mayor (for five years). “I’m excited about the prospect of change for the bet- ter,” he said. Wayne Wolfe The Plymouth Township resident, 45, who once worked in banking, is director of staffing and volunteer services for the American Red Cross, Wyoming Valley Chapter. He serves on several community boards and as an elected auditor for Plymouth Township. RECOMMENDED James Bobeck The Kingston resident, 31, practices law for a firm in Plymouth, acting as an administrative law judge for the state Bureau of Hearings and Appeals. He chairs Luzerne Coun- ty’s Home Rule Transition Committee, a group preparing policies for consideration in January by the first county coun- cil. Harry Skene The West Pittston resident, 49, is an attorney with a law office in Forty Fort. He formerly worked as solicitor for then- Luzerne County Controller Steve Flood. “One of the main things an attorney does – and I don’t think people necessarily recognize this – is we solve problems,” he said. Bruce J. Simpson The Wilkes-Barre resi- dent, 57, formerly worked for the federal govern- ment, first in the Mine Safety and Health Admin- istration. He retired in 1998 as chief of collec- tions for the U.S. Trea- sury Department in Washington, D.C. Stephen A. Urban The Wilkes-Barre resident, 58, has served as a Lu- zerne County commis- sioner since 2000. He participates on the coun- ty’s Home Rule Transition Committee. “I think the council is going to need someone with experience, someone (who) knows the county and knows how it operates.” ADEQUATE Elaine Maddon Curry The Butler Township resident, 63, is employed as supervisor of library services for the Greater Hazleton Health Alliance. She is a Luzerne County Community College board member and served for eight years on the Hazle- ton Area School Board. Brian K. Overman The Plymouth resident, 48, is an assistant professor of architecture at Luzerne Coun- ty Community College, Nanti- coke, where he serves as faculty president. “I’m not a politician,” he said. “I’ve never run for public office, so I come in with the spirit of being a public servant.” Jane Walsh-Waitkus The Dorrance Township resident, 62, works as an English and American studies professor at Penn State Hazleton. She for- merly owned a real estate com- pany and previously served as president of Laflin’s borough council. “I think I’m very well- rounded,” she said. C M Y K PAGE 12A SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ N E W S The race for Wilkes-Barre mayor is not fueled with money, rather it is running on the energy of the chal- lengers who are depending on face- to-face meetings with voters. Campaigning away Small home gardens are in style FEATURES: Working to welcome vet- erans home VIDEO: businessmen Charles Cohen, owner of Benco Dental in Pitt- ston; Paul Lantz, owner of A. Rif- kin and Co. in Hanover Town- ship; and Robert Friedman, own- er of FriedmanElectric inWilkes- Barre. All three are longtime Jew- ish Federation board members. The group purchasedthe King- ston Plaza shopping center, for- merly occupied by a Price Chop- per supermarket, on April 1 at a Luzerne County Sheriff’s mort- gage foreclosure sale for $1,113.11, the cost of advertising and holding the sale. There were no back taxes owed on the prop- erty. But $1.98 million in mort- gage payments were owed on it. Project Home Run is the mort- gage holder, according to the Sheriff’s Department. The shopping center has been vacant for nearly a decade. The project will receive a por- tion of a $1million grant awarded to the municipality of Kingston from the state gambling revenue local share assessment account. The grant, approved by the Com- monwealth Financing Authority on Thursday, will also be used for the purchase of two dump trucks, two police vehicles and a truck- mountedvacuumsweeper for the municipality. Though the proposed center would be larger than its existing 60,000-square-foot home, Cohen said the local Jewish community is considering the project as a way of dealing with its shrinking population. “The buildings that the Jewish communityowns are large, larger than we need, and in various states of disrepair, so we’re look- ing at a holistic way of solving those problems,” he said. Replacement plans Cohen said the project would replace not only the existing Jew- ish Community Center on River Street in Wilkes-Barre but also the school the center now oper- ates, formerly United Hebrew In- stitute, and the offices of Jewish Family Services and the Jewish Federation. Plans on display in the lobby of the JCC, drafted by Murray Jay Miller Architecture, Wilkes- Barre, show the new one-story center where the existing super- market and attached strip mall now stand. The proposed center has a 7,000-square-foot gymnasium, a 5,400-square-foot fitness center, men’s and women’s locker rooms/health clubs, two 5,000- square-foot auditoriums connect- ed by a removable wall, a four- lane swimming pool, a 2,000- square-foot kitchen, a 1,400- square-foot library, an attached school with nine classrooms and its own library, an indoor rock climbing wall and squash court, and an outdoor tennis court, in addition to community rooms and offices. Senior housing units A 3,200-square-foot office building and four 7,200-square- foot senior housing units would be built in a currently undevel- oped wooded area on the north- east border of the existing shop- ping center’s parking lot, accord- ing to the plans. Cohen stressed that the Jewish community has yet to decide whether it will pursue the pro- ject, but said that either way, the Kingston community will benefit from redevelopment of the now blighted property. Times Leader archives show the shopping center opened in 1981 with Shoprite supermarket as its anchor. ShopRite closed in 1992 and within weeks Price Chopper replaced it. In 2002, Price Chopper moved to a new building in the West Side Mall in Edwardsville, and the anchor store has been empty ever since. CENTER Continued from Page 1A AIMEE DILGER/THE TIMES LEADER The site of the former Price Chopper in Kingston might become the new site for the Jewish Community Center. Leighton could be vulnerable be- causeit couldmeanthat manyvot- ers are disgruntled enough to vote,” said Thomas Baldino, polit- ical science professor at Wilkes University. “A low turnout sug- gests that the voters are content with the status quo and Leighton should be retained.” Dave Sosar, political science professor at King’s College, said Leighton’s defeat in last year’s state Senate race damaged his po- litical swagger. “If the six to seven thousand votes he got came from the city wards, he may feel pretty good,” Sosar said. “Whenever you’ve been around serving in office, you earn supporters as well as detrac- tors. The number of opponents he has ontheDemocratic sideas well as the Republican side tells me that a lot of factions believe he is vulnerable.” Baldino said the campaign thus far is about what he expected. He said the Democratic primary is a referendum on the incumbent mayor’s record, and so Leighton has been spending his time tout- ing his accomplishments directly to the people in the neighbor- hoods, rather thanusinganexpen- sive, mass media campaign. “By this time, everyone who is likelytovoteintheprimaryknows him; his goal is to remind themof his successes,” Baldino said. “If any candidate were to invest in a mass media campaign, much of the money would be wasted be- cause the Wilkes-Barre media market is so much larger than just the city.” ‘Retail politics’ Baldinosaidchallengersarebet- ter off spending on yard signs and other, very targeted local ads or signs. “Thechallengersprobablydon’t have either the money or inclina- tion to go the mass media route, whichforcesthemtodostrictlyre- tail politics, i.e., going door-to- door, or small group meetings,” Baldino said. Sosar said none of the candi- dates appears to be spending any significant moneyandhe offereda fewreasons for that. “Many of the candidates may not have much to spend,” he said. “They may be running the cam- paign out of their own money at least throughtheprimary. As new- comers to the political arena, they are not familiar withall the tactics that are available tothemtouse to spread their word.” Sosar said it could very well be more of a defensive campaign tac- tic. He said the candidates might just feel that they know where their support lies and they feel it may be sufficient to win the nomi- nation. “Goingtoofarwithpressconfer- ences, debates, etc., may be feared as a means of getting in trouble or saying the wrong thing,” he said. “In this case it’s better to let the voters vote on what they already knowabout you, rather thanmake a mistake or have others attack your record, views, or lack of views on important subjects.” Lack of experience Baldino said the challengers in the mayoral race don’t have much political experience, causing some voters to view them as un- qualified for the job. “Any person who runs for office for the first time may appear un- qualified,” he said. “If successful, however, the person suddenly be- comes qualified.” Baldino said Leighton didn’t draw a challenger with greater name recognition or with more impressive credentials, such as leadership experience in govern- ment or business, because such people probably saw Leighton as difficult to defeat. “Leighton’s perceived weak- nesses are just that – perceived,” Baldino said. “Objectively, his ac- complishments are considerable especially considering where the city was when he was first elect- ed.” Sosar said most prospective candidates stay out of the political arena because they don’t want to get involved with issues like mu- nicipal debt andotherproblemsci- ties are facing today. INCUMBENT Continued from Page 1A ting our positive message out,” Leighton said. “We’re running this campaign as we have in the past, and that’s going out door to door, attending events and meet- ing as many people as possible. My record speaks for itself.” Leighton stages events Leighton held another press conference Friday. This one an- nounceddetails of the Pennsylva- nia Infrastructure Bank (PIB) street paving program. There wasn’t much new “news” at the conference–thePIBprogramhas been publicized before. But in a campaign almost ab- sent of candidate press confer- ences, Leighton took advantage of the coverage. In addition to calling attention to the PIB program paving pro- ject, he also invited the media to the site of a sinkhole that opened up on Grebe Street near Gordon Avenue. A crew was there filling the hole and gave Leighton a re- port on the other sinkholes filled earlier Friday morning. It all seemed like routine city work. Yet Leighton turned it into a press opportunity to help fuel his campaign. He wasn’t cam- paigning, but he received cover- age of the two issues. Heading into this campaign, many political observers expect- ed more issue-oriented cam- paigning spiced with some at- tacks on the incumbent’s record. Not only has there been zero negative campaigning, there hasn’t beenmuchcampaigningat all. With just 10 days left before the primary, there has not been a mayoral debate, and challengers have not issued press releases on major issues facing the city. Gary DiBileo is a former Scran- ton city councilman who twice lost to Mayor Chris Doherty in Democratic primaries. He once garnered42 percent of the vote in a mayoral write-in campaign in the 2009 General Election. DiBileo knows how to cam- paign. ‘Get your message out’ “Door-to-door is effective,” Di- Bileo said. “But you have to get your message out to the voters any way you can. People need to have a reason to vote for you.” DiBileo, 55, owns an insurance and financial services business in Scranton. He has also served on the Scranton School District’s board as a director and is a cur- rent candidate for Lackawanna County controller. While serving on Scranton City Council, DiBi- leo ran unsuccessfully against Dohertyin2005and2009, receiv- ing 47 percent of the vote each time. “I went door-to-door andadver- tisedonTVanduseddirect mail,” DiBileo said. “I held press confer- ences and I had volunteers do phone calling. Campaigning is hard, but youhavetodowhatever you can to raise the issues.” He said that with a down econ- omy, candidates arehavingadiffi- cult time raising the necessary funds for a campaignandthey are less willing to use their own funds. DiBileo said successful candi- dates must get the issues out. He said a challenger must show a clear distinction from the incum- bent. “Issues are the reasons you run,” DiBileo said. “Voters need to know how you are different from the incumbent and what makes you a better candidate.” Leighton challengers Raup and the three GOPcandi- dates – Karen Ceppa, Lisa Cope and Frank Sorick – all said door- to-door campaigning is the cen- tral part of their campaigns. All said they have been well-received and most people are eager to dis- cuss issues. Another Democratic candidate on the ballot – Nick Punko – has not participated in the campaign, declining an edito- rial board interview and a photo- graph for use in preview stories. “I just can’t believe how many know who I am,” Raup said. “I was in Goose Island one night and I don’t know anybody down there, but they sure know me. The response I’ve been receiving has been overwhelming.” Raup said she hadn’t planned tousecampaignsigns, but shede- cidedtoplaceafewlargesigns –3 feet by4feet –instrategicareas of the city. She said one of the signs was stolen on Spring Street. “And I’m sure more will be gone soon,” Raup said. “But I’m still very encouraged by the re- sponse I’ve been getting.” Raup then offered a comment on her chances against a two- term incumbent. “No mayor was ever mayor be- fore they were mayor,” she said. MAYOR Continued from Page 1A DON CAREY/THE TIMES LEADER American Asphalt workers prepare New Elizabeth Street in Wilkes-Barre for paving. Work is progressing on several deterio- rated streets throughout the city under the Pennsylvania In- frastructure Bank paving program. Ceppa Copa Raup Sorick WILKES-BARRE – In a field of six, incumbent Democrat Tom Leighton has the biggest war chest to use in the race for city mayor. Only Leighton and Republican Party challenger Karen Ceppa fil- ed campaign finance reports by Friday’s 4 p.m. deadline. The other four candidates – Democrats Charlotte Raup and Nick Punko, and Republicans Li- sa Cope andFrankSorick-- either didnot receive enoughdonations to require filing a financial report or did not solicit donations. Leighton’s report shows $26,005was carriedover fromhis last report and he raised $79,725 during the current cycle, for a to- tal of $105,730 on hand. There were expenditures of $40,989, the two largest being $24,000 to Ed Mitchell Communications for political advertising/consulting and $8,180.50 to S&BRestaurant (The Woodlands) for a fundrais- ing event. That leaves Leighton with $64,741.95 cash on hand. In comparison, Ceppa’s report shows receipt of $1,305 and $1,139.50inexpenditures todate, leaving her with a balance of $165.50 going forward. Leighton’s report shows $3,200 in donations of $50 or less; $27,275 in donations rang- ing from $50.01 to $250; $44,250 in donations over $250; $6,550 from political committees, in- cluding $5,000 fromPAFuture of Philadelphia, and $1,000 fromCi- tizens for Action, Wilkes-Barre. His largest donors include: •$5,000 – Al Boscov, Reading; William B. Sordoni, Forty Fort. • $2,000 – Frank and Molly Hoegen, Kingston. • $1,500 – Colen-O’Connor At- torneys, Philadelphia. •$1,250–AnthonyandSandra Bartolomew of Pennoni Associ- ate, Philadelphia; Nelson Shaffer of Pennoni Associates, Philadel- phia; •$1,000–MelindaM. Whiteof Frontier Communications, Ven- ice, Calif.; AndrewJ. Sordoni, III, Forty Fort; WilliamSordoni, Sha- vertown; AlfredKriger, Scranton; Evelyn and Seymour Holtzman, Palm Beach, Fla.; Robert and Ar- lene Stella, Plains Township; Paul Pasonick of Pasonick Engi- neering, Wilkes-Barre. • $750 – Alfred and Lois Krig- er, Scranton; Joseph and Patrice Persico, Shavertown; Murrayand Margery Ufberg, Kingston. • $500 – Ruth and Cliff Mel- berger, West Pittston; Ann Kro- gulski, Shavertown; Albert Fam- ily, Wilkes-Barre; Marc and Kris- ten Holtzman, Colo.; Alan Wohl- stetter, Glenside, Pa.; Fox Rothschild, Philadelphia; Robert and Patricia Frankelli, Wilkes- Barre; JeffreyKing, Wilkes-Barre; Mark Oley, West Wyoming; Ge- orge Albert, Pittston; Ray DiPie- tro, Shavertown; Mark and Kim Popple, Bear Creek Township; Rob and Colleen Glander, Moun- tain Top; Gregory E. Fellerman, Kingston; Wayne and Marie Tho- mas, Sweet Valley; James T. O’Hara, Moscow; Joseph and Ann Toole, Wilkes-Barre; Ri- chard and Linda Adams, King- ston; Christopher andKarenBor- ton, Forty Fort; James and Mar- garet Valentine, Pittston; James and Janet Oschal, Shavertown; DonaldBrobst, Shavertown; Don Rogers, Wilkes-Barre; William and Mercedes Vinsko, Wilkes- Barre; Charles and Christine Jen- sen, Wilkes-Barre; Edward Cia- rimboli, Shavertown; Falzone Re- alty, Kingston; John and Mary Metz, Dallas; Daniel and Mary EllenMcCormick, Kingston; Wil- liam and Marjorie Host, Dallas; AndrewPasonickof PasonickEn- gineering; Richard Smith, Wilkes-Barre; SeanHiggins, Dun- more; John Panzitta, West Pitt- ston; John and Carol Anstett, Wilkes-Barre. Leighton has largest campaign war chest in W-B mayor’s race By BILL O’BOYLE [email protected] C M Y K SPORTS S E C T I O N B THE TIMES LEADER SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 timesleader.com THE BLACK CURTAINS covering the front of Todd Pletcher’s barn on the back- stretch at Chur- chill Downs were lowered all at once, as if on cue. At that same moment, half a mile north as the crow flies, the Kentucky Derby-winning trainer and Mike Repole, owner of Un- cle Mo, sat glumly behind a table in a windowless room just off the paddock. “It’s very, very, very, very, very disappointing,” Pletcher began. “Honestly, I’ve never had a horse as good as Uncle Mo,” he added. “To not make it here is a big letdown. I take it as a person- al failure.” The scene was eerily familiar. Only the names and ailments had changed. Uncle Mo, the juvenile cham- pion and second favorite, was laid low by a bad stomach less than 36 hours before today’s race. A year ago, Pletcher called a news conference six days out to announce he was pulling Eskendereya, the best horse in the field, because of what turned out to be a career-ending leg injury. The year before that, heavily favored colt I Want Re- venge was scratched by Jeff Mullins the morning of the race because of a bum ankle. Back at the barns Friday morning, three-time Derby win- ner Bob Baffert stuck his hands deep inside the pockets of his vest. Bad news traveled fast. “Charlie Whittingham used to say the horses are like straw- berries; they can go bad over- night,” Baffert said, referring to the late dean of the training fraternity. “The worst is when you get to the barn in the morning and someone says, ‘Come look at this.’ So when people say how come there’s so little woofing in your sport,” he added, “I say that’s because we don’t want to jinx ourselves.” Many obstacles to success Another 100 yards up the way, two-time Derby winner Nick Zito was already taking precau- tions. Alongside him was close pal and owner Robert LaPenta. In a stall off to their left rested Dialed In, the dark bay colt and morning-line favorite. Zito looked back over his shoulder, then leaned over a fence railing into the sunlight and kept knocking on every piece of wood within reach. LaPenta followed suit. “Failure is the norm,” LaPenta said. “You’re explaining failure 90 percent of the time,” Zito paused, reaching over to tap the wood sign affixed to the wall of his barn. “It shows how tough our business is, and how un- fortunate it is, too. “We all would have liked to see him run. It’s devastating.” It can be less devastating, if like Pletcher, you bring multiple horses to the race. Last year, a day after pulling Eskendereya, he ruled out a horse named Rule. Two days after that, he withdrew yet another entry, Interactif. For all that, Pletcher still sent four horses to the starting gate and snapped his 0-for-24 streak at the Derby with Super Saver. Repole no doubt was hoping that his trainer had some mojo left. “As bad as I want to win this race in my life,” said the 42-year- old owner, who made his fortune selling his company, Vitaminwa- ter, to Coca-Cola for $4 billion, “I trust this guy more than anyone JIM LITKE O P I N I O N For best, Derby trip a big test See LITKE , Page 8B LEHMAN TWP. — The Lake-Lehman bench had seen this script before. Meyers found life with a late-inning rally and was threateningtofight all the wayback, just as the Mohawks had done on this same field in last season’s district semifinals. But this time around, the Black Knights squashed the Mohawks’ momentum, an- swering a three-run top of the sixth with five runs of their own in the home half. Instead of an extra-innings nailbiter, the Knights closed out Friday’s game 11-4 at Lake-Lehman High School, setting up a tight final two weeks in the race for the H . S . B A S E B A L L Lehman tightens Division II race PETE G. WILCOX/THE TIMES LEADER Lake-Lehman’s Bryan Mathers (right) rounds third after hitting a two-run homer in the third inning. Black Knights answer with five runs in the sixth to pull within a half-game of Meyers with two weeks left to play. By DEREK LEVARSE [email protected] See LEHMAN, Page 8B LOUISVILLE, Ky. —The pockmarked road to the Kentucky Derby claimed another vic- timFriday when Uncle Mo was scratched due toa mysterious stomachailment, further dim- ming a race already short on star power and speed. Uncle Mo’s defection also threw the Derby wide open. “You’re never safe until you put that saddle on because anything can happen,” Hall of Fame trainer Bob Baffert said. Owner Mike Repole announced the deci- sion to scratch second favorite Uncle Mo about 40 minutes before wagering opened for H O R S E R A C I N G With Uncle Mo sidelined, Derby looks wide open Mysterious ailment stops Pletcher’s horse; Dialed In is lukewarm favorite. By BETH HARRIS AP Racing Writer See DERBY , Page 8B 137TH KEN- TUCKY DERBY When: 6:24 p.m. post time, today, NBC, WBRE-28 Where: Churchill Downs, at Louis- ville, Ky. Odds: Dialed In, 9-2 Nehro, 6-1 Twice the Appeal, 8-1 Archarcharch, 12-1 Midnight Interlude, 13-1 Stay Thirsty, 17-1 U P N E X T CHARLOTTE, N.C. — After blaming himself for allowing the Charlotte Check- ers to score the game-winning goal in Game 4 on Wednesday night, Chris Col- lins said he wanted to atone for the play when the two teams took to the ice for Game 5 on Friday. A game-winning goal is a pretty good way to do that. Collins scored the game’s only goal at 8:54 of the third period as the Penguins staved off elimination to beat the Check- ers 1-0. The victory sends the series back to Mohegan Sun Arena for Game 6 to- night, with the Penguins trailing 3-2 in the best-of-seven series. The must-win score also lifts a huge weight off Collins’ back. “I took Game 4 pretty hard,” he said. “To go in there and get that game-winner tonight I can’t tell you how good it feels. It’s incredible.” Friday’s game marks the second con- secutive one-goal contest between the two teams. Coming into Game 5, each teamscored a mere six goals in the series – certainly not what one would expect from two teams that ranked second and third, respectively, in goals per game dur- ing the AHL regular season. “It was like every other game of the se- ries,” said Penguins goaltender Brad Thiessen, who made 23 saves for his sec- ond shutout of the postseason. “It feels tense out there. Both teams are battling sohard, it’s funtobe a part of. That’s play- off hockey.” Collins’ goal, his third of the playoffs, came when Bryan Lerg shot the puck in from the point one second after a Pen- guins power play expired. Collins was stationed in front of the net and tipped the shot past Charlotte goaltender Mike Murphy, who contested the goal, arguing that Collins’ stick was high. Collins admitted that immediately af- PENGUINS 0 0 1 - 1 CHECKERS 0 0 0 - 0 Pens stay alive SAM SHARPE/WWW.THESHARPEIMAGE.COM Charlotte players look to keep Penguins winger Nick Petersen (40) away froma rebound out in front of Checkers goalie Mike Murphy in Game 5 on Friday night. The Penguins answered a 1-0 shutout in Game 4 with one of their own. Collins scores game-winning goal By TOMVENESKY [email protected] Penguins goalie Brad Thiessen (39) makes one of his 23 saves Friday to earn his second postseason shutout as defenseman Joey Mormina clears the crease. See PENGUINS, Page 8B MOOSIC — Friday night was the first fireworks night of the season at PNC Field. Scranton/Wilkes-Barre put on its own display of explosiveness. The Yankees eruptedfor11hits and10 runs ina10-1blowout over Pawtucket in front of 7,108 fans. The run output was the most SWB scored at home this sea- son in 10 games. The team’s previous high of runs scored in a home game was six on April 14 in a winover Buffa- lo. The win also moved the Yan- kees 2.5 games ahead of the Red Sox and Lehigh Valley in the In- ternational League North. “We had a great offensive night,” said right- fielder Dan Brewer, who rejoined the team from Trenton on Friday and reached base four times and scored two runs hitting out of the leadoff spot. “Everyone was locked in. The whole lineup was driving in guys…It just seemed to all kind of click for us tonight.” The bulk of the Yankees of- fense came late in the game. They erupted for a combined seven runs in the sixth and sev- enth innings. SWBbatted around in the sixth, scoring four runs with the big blow being a bases loaded triple by Doug Bernier. The fourth run in the frame scored on a passed ball to put the Yankees ahead 7-0. Then in the seventh, the team scored three more runs on a three-run double by Jordan Par- raz. The Yankees scored all three of those runs before an out was recorded to go up 10-0. “We came up with those hits that we’ve been talking about, es- pecially Dougy’s triple there and then Jordan’s double,” Yankees manager Dave Miley said. The hitting wasn’t the only sto- ry for the Yankees on Friday as starting pitcher David Phelps on- lyallowedonehit insixinnings of work to run his record to 2-3 and I . L . B A S E B A L L Yankees put on their own fireworks Scranton/Wilkes-Barre erupts for 10 runs in the home romp over Pawtucket. By DAVE ROSENGRANT [email protected] 10 YANKEES 1 RED SOX See YANKEES , Page 8B K PAGE 2B SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ◆ BUILDING TRUST The Times Leader strives to correct errors, clarify stories and update them promptly. Sports corrections will appear in this spot. If you have information to help us correct an inaccuracy or cover an issue more thoroughly, call the sports department at 829-7143. ➛ S C O R E B O A R D CAMPS CLINICS Crestwood Comet Boys Basketball Camp, under the direction of head coach Mark Atherton, is now accepting applications. The camp will be held the week of June 27 to July 1. The morning sessions will be for boys entering third through fifth grade. The afternoon session is for boys entering grades sixth through ninth. Both sessions will be held at the Crestwood Middle School. For information, call Coach Atherton at 825-4116 or email him at [email protected]. Holy Redeemer Boys Basketball Clinic for boys grades 4 through 9 will be held June 23 through 25. For information, contact coach Mark Belenski at 262-9562. (This is the correct number). GOLF Northeast Gymnastics Academy Athletic Association will hold its inaugural benefit golf tournament on Sunday, May 22, at the Blue Ridge Trail Golf Club, Mountain Top. The format is captain and crew. All money raised will be used to benefit the gymnastic team at Northeast Gymnastics. Regis- tration will be from12:30-1:15 p.m., with a shotgun start at 1:30. Ken Pollock Nissan has donated a car to be won for a hole-in-one on a designated hole. There will be raffles during play, along with dinner and prizes following golf. Dress is casual and soft spikes only. For information, contact Steve Brecher at 261-1981. Third Annual Grace Episcopal Golf Tournament will be held June 6 at Sand Springs Country Club in Drums. The captain-and-crew event will begin with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. The cost is $80 per golfer or $35 for the dinner only. Deadline for registration is May 31. Hole sponsorships are available from $3,000 to $100. For informa- tion, call Nancy at 287-8440. Wilkes-Barre Fire Department Athletic Association is having its 22nd annual charity golf tourna- ment June 5 at Ron Jaworski’s Edgewood in the Pines Golf Course in Drums. The cost per golfer is $80 and includes a premium dinner buffet, 18 holes of golf, motorized cart, assorted beverag- es, snacks and optional chances for lots of prizes. The tournament is a captain-and-crew format and begins with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. Special prizes are being offered for closest to the pin and longest drive for both men and women. To register or for more information, contact tournament chairman Shawn Williams at 885- 3026. MEETINGS Hanover Area Boys Basketball Booster will have an election of officers meeting at 7 p.m. Monday at Major League Sports Bar. All parents are encouraged to attend. Pittston Area Boys Basketball Booster Club will meet at 7 p.m. on May 12 at Tony’s Pizza in Pitt- ston. For information, call Carl or Maria Stravinski at 883-7220. South Wilkes-Barre Mini Mohawks monthly organizational meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Monday at Riverside Cafe, Old River Road, Wilkes-Barre. Parents and coaches are urged to attend. West Side United Soccer Club will hold its monthly coaches/parents meeting at 6:30 p.m. today at the Kingston Rec Center. West Side United is a recreational club that participates in the Wyoming Valley Youth Soccer Association. For information, contact Matthew at 779-7785. REGISTRATIONS/TRYOUTS Nanticoke Youth Soccer will hold registration from 9 a.m. to noon on May 7, 14, 21 and 28 at the Lower Broadway field. The cost is $40 per child and $75 per family. Wilkes-Barre Cosmos Soccer Club will hold registration for the fall season on from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday at the concession stand at Coal Street Park. Players must be 4 years old by Aug. 1, 2011. For information, call Tom at 823-5488 or email wilkes- [email protected]. Wilkes-Barre Girls Softball League has three open roster spots for girls born between July 1, 1993 and Dec. 31, 1997. The division opens play May 31 and plays on Tuesday or Thursday. Anyone interested should call Gary at 822-3991 or log onto www.wbgsl.com. UPCOMING EVENTS Lake-Lehman Baseball Booster Club is running an Atlantic City bus trip on June 5 with a 7 a.m. departure from Thomas’ Market parking lot in Shavertown and a 7:15 a.m. departure from the Sears parking lot at the Wyoming Valley Mall. The bus will go to The Trump Plaza in Atlantic City and will return home from Atlantic City at 6:30 p.m. Soda, water and snacks will be provided. BYOB if you so choose. The trip cost is $35 per person, with a $20 rebate. A 50/50 drawing and movie will be shown on the bus. To reserve seats, contact Chris at 606-1961 or Stan at 805-889-6671. Bulletin Board items will not be accepted over the telephone. Items may be faxed to 831-7319, emailed to [email protected] or dropped off at the Times Leader or mailed to Times Leader, c/o Sports, 15 N, Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA18711-0250. BUL L E T I N BOARD Results from the singles competition in the Valley West- Berwick tennis match were in- correctly reported in Friday’s paper. The results should have read Steve Brand (WVW) def. Caleb Fetterolf, 6-0, 6-0; Tyler Ryman (WVW) def. Derek Vokel, 6-2, 6-3; and Anthony Molino (WVW) def. Brandon Heych, 6-4, 6-1. BASEBALL Favorite Odds Underdog American League ORIOLES 8.0 Rays RED SOX 9.0 Twins Tigers 7.5 BLUE JAYS ROYALS 8.5 A’s RANGERS 10.0 Yankees ANGELS 7.0 Indians MARINERS 6.5 White Sox National League Reds NL CUBS CARDS 8.5 Brewers PHILLIES 8.5 Braves PIRATES 8.0 Astros METS 7.5 Dodgers MARLINS 8.5 Nationals PADRES 6.5 D’backs GIANTS 7.5 Rockies NBA Favorite Points Underdog GRIZZLIES 3 Thunder CELTICS 3 Heat NHL Favorite Odds Underdog CANUCKS -210/ +175 Predators Home teams in capital letters. AME RI C A’ S L I NE By ROXY ROXBOROUGH INJURY REPORT: On the NBA board, Boston forward Paul Pierce is probable, guard Ray Allen is probable and guard Rajon Rondo is probable. T H I S W E E K E N D ’ S L O C A L C A L E N D A R Today's Events H.S. GIRLS SOCCER North Pocono at Wyoming Seminary, 5 p.m. W H A T ’ S O N T V AUTO RACING 7 a.m. SPEED — Formula One, qualifying for Turkish Grand Prix, at Istanbul 7 p.m. FOX — NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Southern 500, at Darlington, S.C. COLLEGE BASEBALL 3 p.m. FSN — Kansas at Oklahoma COLLEGE SOFTBALL Noon ESPN — Tennessee at Florida GOLF 8:30 a.m. TGC — European PGA Tour, Open de Espana, third round, at Barcelona, Spain 1 p.m. TGC — PGA Tour, Wells Fargo Championship, third round, at Charlotte, N.C. 3 p.m. CBS — PGA Tour, Wells Fargo Championship, third round, at Charlotte, N.C. TGC — Champions Tour, The Tradition, third round, at Birmingham, Ala. HORSE RACING 11 a.m. VERSUS — NTRA, Kentucky Derby Undercard, at Louisville, Ky. 4 p.m. NBC — NTRA, Kentucky Derby, at Louisville, Ky. MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 1 p.m. FOX — Regional coverage, Minnesota at Boston, Cincinnati at Chicago Cubs, or Tampa Bay at Balti- more 8 p.m. MLB—Regional coverage, N.Y. Yankees at Texas or Arizona at San Diego (start time 8:30 p.m.) 9 p.m. WGN — Chicago White Sox at Seattle MEN'S COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL 7 p.m. ESPN2 —NCAA Division I tournament, champion- ship match, teams TBD, at University Park, Pa. MOTORSPORTS 10 p.m. SPEED — Supercross, at Las Vegas NBA BASKETBALL 5 p.m. ESPN — Playoffs, conference semifinals, game 3, Oklahoma City at Memphis 8 p.m. ABC — Playoffs, conference semifinals, game 3, Miami at Boston NHL HOCKEY 12:30 p.m. NBC — Playoffs, conference semifinals, game 5, Tampa Bay at Washington (if necessary) 8 p.m. VERSUS—Playoffs, conference semifinals, game 5, Nashville at Vancouver (if necessary) SOCCER 9:55 a.m. ESPN2 — Premier League, West Ham vs. Black- burn, at London 11 p.m. ESPN2 — MLS, New York at Los Angeles T R A N S A C T I O N S BASEBALL American League BOSTON RED SOX—Recalled RHP Alfredo Aceves from Pawtucket (IL). KANSASCITYROYALS—Selected the contract of 1B Eric Hosmer from Omaha (PCL). Optioned 1B Kila Ka’aihue to Omaha. MINNESOTA TWINS—Selected the contract of C Rene Rivera from Rochester (IL). NEWYORK YANKEES—Claimed RHP Jess Todd off waivers from Cleveland. Designated INF Kevin Russo for assignment. TAMPA BAY RAYS—Placed RHP Jeff Niemann on the 15-day DL. Recalled OF Brandon Guyer from Durham (IL). TEXAS RANGERS—Activated RHP Neftali Feliz from the 15-day DL. Optioned C Taylor Teagarden to Round Rock (PCL). National League LOS ANGELES DODGERS—Placed RHP Jonath- an Broxton on the15-day DL. Recalled RHPKenley Jansen from Chattanooga (SL). ON THE MARK By MARK DUDEK Times Leader Correspondent It’s time for the 137th running of the Kentucky Derby, and I am goingwiththe Rosie Napravnik-riddenPants OnFire totake the mon- ey. TheKellyBreen-trained3-year-oldhas theperfect tactical speedto sit just off the pace and avoid all the slamming and banging to score the big upset. Shackleford has had some great workouts and comes into this race fit, and I see him getting the place. Flying from the clouds for third will be Nehro. Good luck to all on what should be a very exciting Derby. Keep in mind that today’s live harness racing card at the Mohegan Sun at Pocono Downs has a special post time of 5 p.m. BEST BET: ADAMS MATE A (3RD) VALUE PLAY: REAL MOTIVATION (8TH) POST TIME 5 p.m. All Races One Mile First-$4,600 Clm.Pace;clm.price $5,000 7 Lil Western Dude G.Napolitano 1-3-3 Nap takes the opener 4-1 1 Little Rock Spur J.Pavia 3-3-8 Takes money from the pole 5-1 3 Bullvillelightning L.Stalbaum 2-4-2 Just missed from 8 hole 3-1 8 Glors Boys B.Simpson 3-2-5 A gamer 7-2 4 Summerhill Chris J.Taggart 5-7-3 Gets a better post 8-1 5 Pure Class M.Kakaley 6-2-2 Toss last and he’s solid 9-2 2 The Badlanderosa A.Napolitano 7-3-3 Very competitive opener 10-1 6 Lifetime Louie M.Romano 4-3-5 Fills out the field 12-1 Second-$4,600 Clm.Pace;clm.price $5,000 4 Stand Up Front G.Napolitano 2-8-1 Keeps on going 7-2 6 Chomp N Stomp B.Simpson 1-2-x Deserving favorite 5-2 7 Pulsation N A.Napolitano 3-4-3 Meadows import 6-1 3 Don’t Tell Barbara T.Buter 2-3-3 Hit board 3 straight 4-1 1 American Fury J.Pavia 4-2-5 Again Pavia gets rail 8-1 5 Frank Lloyd L.Stalbaum 5-6-2 Drops a bit in price 5-1 2 Jellis As Hecht M.Kakaley 7-9-7 Typically gaps out 12-1 8 Woodmere Sonicboom J.Taggart 9-3-1 Carved up 20-1 9 Konjo N M.Romano 4-5-3 I’ll pass 15-1 Third-$8,600 Clm.Pace;clm.price $10,000 1 Adams Mate A G.Napolitano 1-2-1 Hard to go against 2-1 5 Urjokin A M.Kakaley 2-8-2 Main danger 3-1 4 Baby Teeth J.Pavia 7-7-4 Third is up for grabs 6-1 2 Austin’s Best J.Taggart 6-7-5 Little since the claim 7-2 3 Out Of My Pocket L.Stalbaum 5-6-4 Keep it tucked in 5-1 6 Imposter A M.Romano 7-6-5 Romano trains and steers 10-1 7 Art Glass T.Buter 5-6-7 Smashed 12-1 Fourth-$19,000 Clm.Hndcp Trot;clm.price $20-25,000 7 Berto Kevin G.Napolitano 2-1-5 Time to make amends 5-2 1 Colin Power L.Stalbaum 1-2-2 The challenger 7-2 3 Commander Richards Tn.Schadel 4-2-5 Often overlooked 12-1 8 You’re Next J.Pavia 1-7-6 Knows this track well 8-1 9 Jabez M.Kakaley 4-1-8 Hard used last wk 4-1 6 Dr Cal B.Simpson 3-7-4 Gait problems 6-1 4 Zero Boundaries D.Ingraham 6-2-4 Not the same trotter 5-1 2 Berndt Energy W.Mullin 2-8-7 Mullin with rare drive 20-1 5 Rookie Mistake A.Napolitano 8-3-7 Not live on the board 15-1 Fifth-$13,000 Clm.Pace;clm.price $15,000 4 Persuader Raider G.Napolitano 1-5-2 George in for big night 4-1 6 Snap Out Of It A.Napolitano 5-2-5 Right behing big bro 15-1 9 Pappy J.Pavia 3-6-2 Late on the scene 8-1 1 I Ride Western M.Kakaley 7-7-7 2nd start since the purchase 7-2 2 Wholeftthegateopen B.Simpson 7-4-9 Simpson the new pilot 9-2 3 Fox Valley Breeze J.Thompson 9-3-1 Thompson in for the day 3-1 5 Rascan Matt A.Santeramo 2-6-2 Missed a few turns 10-1 7 Sri Panka L.Stalbaum 6-9-1 Little since that win 20-1 8 Basilio Blue Chip T.Buter 8-6-2 Stops badly 6-1 Sixth-$15,000 Cond.Trot;n/w $10,000 last 5 2 Fancy Shot J.Pavia 1-1-1 Rolls right on 5-2 3 MM’s Lucky Boy B.Simpson 4-1-5 From strong Miller barn 4-1 1 Whosgoinwhosstayin K.Sizer 3-8-1 Merits a look 5-1 4 Ginger Tree Jimmy L.Stalbaum 2-1-3 Found his stride 7-2 9 Gimme The Loot T.Buter 4-3-3 Post kills 12-1 6 Phantom Prince Tn.Schadel 5-1-2 Sent by team Schadel 6-1 8 Four Starz Credit M.Kakaley 7-5-3 Declined 8-1 7 Maple Point G.Napolitano 1-7-7 Off since Oct. 15-1 5 Flashy Lady D.Ingraham 6-6-4 Nothing to look at 20-1 Seventh-$8,600 Clm.Pace;clm.price $10,000 8 Military Stratcom G.Napolitano 3-2-3 He’s due 7-2 4 Frontier A.Napolitano 2-7-1 Faurot hot trainer at Mea 9-2 6 Southwind Tyrant M.Kakaley 1-1-1 Been beating up cheaper 3-1 1 Vigorous L.Stalbaum 3-2-5 Disappointing pacer 8-1 5 Chase The Sun K.Sizer 1-1-2 Big late burst 4-1 7 Artifact K J.Taggart 2-9-3 2nd start since recent claim 10-1 2 Eoos B.Simpson 8-9-1 Races better at Chester 6-1 3 Mcardles Star T.Buter 4-7-3 Slim shot 15-1 9 Joans Bad Boy J.Pavia 5-4-4 Lives up to name 20-1 Eighth-$19,000 Clm.Hndcp Pace;clm.price $20-25,000 5 Real Motivation D.Ingraham 7-6-2 Fits in here 9-2 3 Raven Rocket M.Romano 4-2-2 Fan favorite 3-1 2 I’m An Eyre NZ J.Pavia 5-2-4 Has tactical speed 8-1 8 Inform A.Napolitano 7-4-1 Too little, too late 5-1 1 Native Lightning G.Napolitano 8-5-5 Weaker Pena trainee 7-2 4 Somethingsgotagive M.Kakaley 7-5-3 Folds tent 4-1 6 San Antony-O K.Sizer 8-6-4 The Spurs are done 10-1 7 Marks Pacific L.Stalbaum 4-8-7 Off the mark 12-1 Ninth-$16,000 Clm.Pace;clm.price $20,000 5 Zander Massimo J.Pavia 1-1-4 Coast to coast 3-1 2 Caviart Spencer M.Kakaley 3-7-3 Must be respected 9-2 6 Cole Hard Cash A.Napolitano 2-3-1 Worthy of a solid look 5-2 1 Multiple Choice B.Simpson 2-4-8 A hot commodity 4-1 4 Prestissimo L.Stalbaum 5-5-3 Asher barn cooled off 6-1 3 Artist Point T.Buter 7-2-2 Yet to win this season 10-1 8 Major Suit G.Napolitano 6-5-6 Out of answers 12-1 7 Boo’s Boy M.Romano 9-9-4 Way off 15-1 Tenth-$29,000 Open Pace 2 Cash Cab T.Buter 1-3-5 Has the ace measured 5-2 1 Amillionpennies M.Romano 1-4-2 Takes all the money 2-1 3 Cheyenne Knight L.Stalbaum 6-1-6 Likes to make one late run 7-2 4 Power Of A Moment B.Simpson 2-2-3 Closing in on $500k life 5-1 6 Sailing Cruise J.pavia 5-8-1 Tough level for him 6-1 5 CC Racy S.Chiodo 7-4-8 Not happening 10-1 Eleventh-$4,600 Clm.Pace;clm.price $5,000 4 Hand Me No Lines G.Napolitano 7-4-2 Rallies right by 4-1 5 Crazy Character L.Stalbaum 3-2-1 Rolls on the throttle 2-1 6 Mon Ami Hall J.Pavia 4-5-8 Pavia drives for Mann 10-1 7 Savvy Hawk J.Taggart 5-3-5 Not the best of races 8-1 2 Beckys Dreamboat M.Kakaley 4-6-5 Does have a nice post 5-1 3 My Tractors Sexy B.Simpson 4-7-7 Falters 3-1 1 Zippy Jax M.Romano 5-7-7 Bounced around 12-1 8 Caiden’s Colt A.Santeramo 9-3-8 …. next race please 15-1 Twelfth-$21,000 Clm.Hndcp Pace;clm.price $25-30,000 5 Beauty And A Beast J.Thompson 1-2-6 Never better 3-1 4 Lightning Elvis B.Simpson 1-1-1 Claimed from Pena 5-2 6 Andreoli Hanover M.Kakaley 5-1-3 From potent Burke stable 9-2 3 Thunderfist T.Buter 3-3-1 Lacks knockout punch 7-2 1 Rusty Tank G.Napolitano 6-5-2 Huff not a hot trainer 8-1 2 Three New Dawns A.Napolitano 2-6-5 Chased winner in most recent 6-1 7 Johnny Walker L.Stalbaum 5-4-2 Steps backwards 12-1 Thirteenth-$8,600 Clm.Pace;clm.price $10,000 4 Matt’s Pick A.Napolitano 4-1-5 Sits and pops 4-1 5 Mountain Rocket M.Kakaley 4-1-4 In good hands 6-1 1 Imperious L.Stalbaum 1-2-5 Northfield invader 5-1 2 Red River B G.Napolitano 9-2-1 Beaten chalk 2 straight 5-2 3 Cole Combustion B.Simpson 3-3-1 Fusco-Simpson team up 3-1 9 Western Artwork Tn.Schadel 8-5-4 Looking for a check 15-1 8 Yanzhou J.Taggart 8-5-5 Best work done at Chester 12-1 7 Four Star Tommy T.Buter 4-3-5 Ready for cheaper 10-1 6 Flak Jacket N H.Parker 8-8-7 Pummeled 20-1 Fourteenth-$21,000 Cond.Pace;n/w $20,000 last 5 2 Mr Excellent H.Parker 4-1-1 Pocket rocket 5-2 1 Four Trumps A L.Stalbaum 4-5-3 Sets a slow pace 8-5 5 Drive All Night A.Napolitano 3-3-1 Having a good season 3-1 4 Rockin The House M.Kakaley 5-5-1 Getting used hard 5-1 3 Mighty Young Joe S.Chiodo 2-6-8 One more race to go 8-1 Fifteenth-$4,600 Clm.Pace;clm.price $5,000 1 Southwind Jason M.Kakaley 1-8-6 Steals the nightcap 7-2 6 Rolling On L.Stalbaum 5-4-5 Looks for live cover 5-1 5 Eyes On Kassa G.Napolitano 6-4-5 Rounds out the tri 3-1 3 Nothingcanshakeme A.Napolitano 8-6-4 ANap trains and reins 4-1 2 Seafood Prince A.Santeramo 8-6-7 Best of rest 9-2 4 Four Starz Boat J.Pavia 6-6-7 First start since Jan 10-1 7 Black Jack Davey D.Ingraham 2-8-7 Another off long layoff 12-1 8 Bold Guy T.Buter 9-5-6 See you on Tuesday 8-1 B A S E B A L L International League At A Glance All Times EDT North Division W L Pct. GB Yankees ................................... 17 10 .630 — Lehigh Valley (Phillies) ........... 15 13 .536 2 1 ⁄2 Pawtucket (Red Sox) .............. 15 13 .536 2 1 ⁄2 Rochester (Twins) ................... 12 14 .462 4 1 ⁄2 Buffalo (Mets)........................... 13 16 .448 5 Syracuse (Nationals)............... 9 17 .346 7 1 ⁄2 South Division W L Pct. GB Durham (Rays)......................... 16 12 .571 — Gwinnett (Braves) ................... 14 13 .519 1 1 ⁄2 Charlotte (White Sox) ............. 11 16 .407 4 1 ⁄2 Norfolk (Orioles) ...................... 11 17 .393 5 West Division W L Pct. GB Columbus (Indians)................ 22 6 .786 — Louisville (Reds) .................... 16 12 .571 6 Toledo (Tigers)....................... 14 15 .483 8 1 ⁄2 Indianapolis (Pirates) ............. 9 20 .310 13 1 ⁄2 Friday's Games Yankees 10, Pawtucket 1 Charlotte 8, Toledo 7 Buffalo 4, Louisville 0 Rochester 7, Gwinnett 5 Columbus 10, Lehigh Valley 7 Syracuse at Durham, 7:05 p.m. Norfolk 8, Indianapolis 2 Saturday's Games Pawtucket at Yankees, 1:05 p.m. Louisville at Buffalo, 1:05 p.m. Syracuse at Durham, 5:05 p.m. Charlotte at Toledo, 7 p.m. Gwinnett at Rochester, 7:05 p.m. Lehigh Valley at Columbus, 7:05 p.m. Indianapolis at Norfolk, 7:15 p.m. Eastern League At A Glance All Times EDT Eastern Division W L Pct. GB New Hampshire (Blue Jays)... 16 9 .640 — Reading (Phillies) .................... 17 10 .630 — New Britain (Twins) ................. 15 11 .577 1 1 ⁄2 Trenton (Yankees)................... 13 14 .481 4 Binghamton (Mets).................. 9 15 .375 6 1 ⁄2 Portland (Red Sox).................. 9 16 .360 7 Western Division W L Pct. GB Bowie (Orioles) ........................ 15 13 .536 — Harrisburg (Nationals)............. 14 13 .519 1 ⁄2 Altoona (Pirates) ...................... 13 13 .500 1 Akron (Indians)......................... 13 14 .481 1 1 ⁄2 Richmond (Giants) .................. 13 15 .464 2 Erie (Tigers) ............................. 11 15 .423 3 Friday's Games New Britain 10, Portland 7 Bowie 12, Erie 6 New Hampshire 7, Binghamton 3 Reading 7, Harrisburg 4 Richmond 5, Altoona 3 Trenton at Akron, late Today's Games New Britain at Portland, 1 p.m. Trenton at Akron, 1:05 p.m. Bowie at Erie, 1:05 p.m. Binghamton at New Hampshire, 1:35 p.m. Altoona at Richmond, 6:35 p.m. Reading at Harrisburg, 7 p.m. B A S K E T B A L L NBA Playoff Glance All Times EDT FIRST ROUND (Best-of-7) (x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE Chicago 4, Indiana 1 Saturday, April 16: Chicago 104, Indiana 99 Monday, April 18: Chicago 96, Indiana 90 Thursday, April 21: Chicago 88, Indiana 84 Saturday, April 23: Indiana 89, Chicago 84 Tuesday, April 26: Chicago 116, Indiana 89 Miami 4, Philadelphia 1 Saturday, April 16: Miami 97, Philadelphia 89 Monday, April 18: Miami 94, Philadelphia 73 Thursday, April 21: Miami 100, Philadelphia 94 Sunday, April 24: Philadelphia 86, Miami 82 Wednesday, April 27: Miami 97, Philadelphia 91 Boston 4, New York 0 Sunday, April 17: Boston 87, New York 85 Tuesday, April 19: Boston 96, New York 93 Friday, April 22: Boston 113, New York 96 Sunday, April 24: Boston 101, New York 89 Atlanta 4, Orlando 2 Saturday, April 16: Atlanta 103, Orlando 93 Tuesday, April 19: Orlando 88, Atlanta 82 Friday, April 22: Atlanta 88, Orlando 84 Sunday, April 24: Atlanta 88, Orlando 85 Tuesday, April 26: Orlando 101, Atlanta 76 Thursday, April 28: Atlanta 84, Orlando 81 WESTERN CONFERENCE Memphis 4, San Antonio 2 Sunday, April 17: Memphis 101, San Antonio 98 Wednesday, April 20: San Antonio 93, Memphis 87 Saturday, April 23: Memphis 91, San Antonio 88 Monday, April 25: Memphis 104, San Antonio 86 Wednesday, April 27: San Antonio 110, Memphis 103, OT Friday, April 29: Memphis 99, San Antonio 91 L.A. Lakers 4, New Orleans 2 Sunday, April 17: NewOrleans109, L.A. Lakers100 Wednesday, April 20: L.A. Lakers 87, New Orleans 78 Friday, April 22: L.A. Lakers 100, New Orleans 86 Sunday, April 24: New Orleans 93, L.A. Lakers 88 Tuesday, April 26: L.A. Lakers106, NewOrleans 90 Thursday, April 28: L.A. Lakers 98, NewOrleans 80 Dallas 4, Portland 2 Saturday, April 16: Dallas 89, Portland 81 Tuesday, April 19: Dallas 101, Portland 89 Thursday, April 21: Portland 97, Dallas 92 Saturday, April 23: Portland 84, Dallas 82 Monday, April 25: Dallas 93, Portland 82 Thursday, April 28: Dallas 103, Portland 96 Oklahoma City 4, Denver 1 Sunday, April 17: Oklahoma City 107, Denver 103 Wednesday, April 20: Oklahoma City 106, Denver 89 Saturday, April 23: Oklahoma City 97, Denver 94 Monday, April 25: Denver 104, Oklahoma City 101 Wednesday, April 27: Oklahoma City 100, Denver 97 CONFERENCE SEMIFINALS (Best-of-7) EASTERN CONFERENCE Chicago 2, Atlanta 1 Monday, May 2: Atlanta 103, Chicago 95 Wednesday, May 4: Chicago 86, Atlanta 73 Friday, May 6: Chicago 99, Atlanta 82 Sunday, May 8: Chicago at Atlanta, 8 p.m. Tueseday, May 10: Atlanta at Chicago, 8 p.m. x-Thursday, May 12: Chicago at Atlanta, TBA x-Sunday, May 15: Atlanta at Chicago, TBA Miami 2, Boston 0 Sunday, May 1: Miami 99, Boston 90 Tuesday, May 3: Miami 102, Boston 91 Saturday, May 7: Miami at Boston, 8 p.m. Monday, May 9: Miami at Boston, 7 p.m. x-Wednesday, May 11: Boston at Miami, 7 p.m. x-Friday, May 13: Miami at Boston, TBA x-Monday, May 16: Boston at Miami, 8 p.m. WESTERN CONFERENCE Dallas 2, L.A. Lakers 0 Monday, May 2: Dallas 96, L.A. Lakers 94 Wednesday, May 4: Dallas 93, L.A. Lakers 81 Friday, May 6: L.A. Lakers at Dallas, late Sunday, May 8: L.A. Lakers at Dallas, 3:30 p.m. x-Tuesday, May 10: Dallas at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m. x-Thursday, May 12: L.A. Lakers at Dallas, TBA x-Sunday, May 15: Dallas at L.A. Lakers, 3:30 p.m. Memphis 1, Oklahoma City 1 Sunday, May 1: Memphis 114, Oklahoma City 101 Tuesday, May 3: Oklahoma City 111, Memphis 102 Saturday, May 7: Oklahoma City at Memphis, 5 p.m. Monday, May 9: Oklahoma City at Memphis, 9:30 p.m. x-Wednesday, May 11: Memphis at Oklahoma City, 8 or 9:30 p.m. x-Friday, May 13: Oklahoma City at Memphis, TBA x-Sunday, May15: Memphis at Oklahoma City, TBA H A R N E S S R A C I N G Pocono Downs Friday's Results First - $6,100 Pace 1:57.1 3-Prairie Ganache (Pa Berry) 16.40 9.40 4.00 4-Star Of India (Br Sears) 5.40 3.80 8-Rusty’s Martini (Ge Napolitano Jr) 4.00 EXACTA (3-4) $95.40 TRIFECTA (3-4-8) $1,735.00 SUPERFECTA (3-4-8-5) $1,118.60 Second - $6,100 Trot 1:59.4 3-Smooth Vintage (Ge Napolitano Jr) 5.40 4.40 3.40 7-Crushproof (Jo Pavia Jr) 8.40 3.60 5-Keystone Maxwell (Da Ingraham) 2.80 EXACTA (3-7) $88.00 TRIFECTA (3-7-5) $194.00 SUPERFECTA (3-7-5-6) $536.40 DAILY DOUBLE (3-3) $102.80 Third - $13,000 Trot 1:57.2 7-Nightime Flash (Br Sears) 5.20 3.00 3.00 3-Andoversure (Da Ingraham) 26.00 15.60 5-Fortissimo (Ma Kakaley) 4.40 EXACTA (7-3) $88.40 TRIFECTA (7-3-5) $249.80 SUPERFECTA (7-3-5-ALL) $552.60 Fourth - $6,100 Trot 1:57.3 5-Investor Springs (La Stalbaum) 15.80 9.40 6.60 8-Persistent Spur (To Schadel) 16.00 10.60 6-Bobo’s Express (Br Sears) 4.00 EXACTA (5-8) $234.60 TRIFECTA (5-8-6) $766.40 SUPERFECTA (5-8-ALL-ALL) $1,605.20 Fifth - $11,000 Pace 1:53.1 5-Forever Wild (Br Sears) 6.80 4.00 3.20 4-Outlaw Blues (An Napolitano) 3.60 4.20 9-Grinning Breed (Jo Pavia Jr) 6.20 EXACTA (5-4) $17.00 TRIFECTA (5-4-9) $133.80 SUPERFECTA (5-4-9-8) $550.80 PICK 3 (7-5-5) $149.00 Sixth - $9,000 Trot 1:57.0 6-Austin’s Jon Jon (Br Simpson) 4.20 3.00 3.20 2-Bigpepper (Dr Chellis) 5.40 3.60 9-Reputation (To Schadel) 4.40 EXACTA (6-2) $14.00 TRIFECTA (6-2-9) $162.20 SUPERFECTA (6-2-9-3) $637.40 Seventh - $9,000 Pace 1:53.3 4-Bunkmeister (Jo Pavia Jr) 5.20 3.80 3.00 3-Dreams Are Real (Br Simpson) 10.60 6.80 8-Sadies Legacy (Ke Sizer) 8.60 EXACTA (4-3) $69.00 TRIFECTA (4-3-8) $634.80 SUPERFECTA (4-3-ALL-ALL) $41.40 Eighth - $6,100 Trot 1:56.2 1-Celebrity Caviar (Ty Buter) 2.80 2.60 2.80 3-Jeff’s Night Out (An Napolitano) 9.60 5.20 7-Mitleh Hadeed (La Stalbaum) 16.20 EXACTA (1-3) $26.60 TRIFECTA (1-3-7) $1,039.20 SUPERFECTA (1-3-7-4) $1,954.40 Ninth - $13,000 Pace 1:53.1 4-Stormin Rustler (An McCarthy) 49.40 13.20 6.80 2-Master Of Wars (Ro Pierce) 5.40 5.40 3-Lightning Moon (Ge Napolitano Jr) 2.80 EXACTA (4-2) $140.60 TRIFECTA (4-2-3) $418.60 SUPERFECTA (4-2-3-ALL) $609.80 PICK 4 (6-4-1-4 (4 Out of 4)) $2,772.00 Tenth - $29,000 Trot 1:54.1 6-All About Justice (Ti Tetrick) 11.40 5.80 4.20 2-Calchips Brute (Br Sears) 3.60 3.20 4-And Heez Perfect (An McCarthy) 5.60 EXACTA (6-2) $52.60 TRIFECTA (6-2-4) $211.80 SUPERFECTA (6-2-4-1) $715.40 Eleventh - $13,000 Pace 1:51.4 8-Wesley Snip (Ge Napolitano Jr) 4.60 3.00 2.60 3-Skeleton Key (Br Sears) 13.00 6.60 5-Night Train Shane (Ma Kakaley) 4.60 EXACTA (8-3) $85.60 TRIFECTA (8-3-5) $431.60 SUPERFECTA (8-3-5-4) $823.80 Twelfth - $9,000 Trot 1:57.0 1-Lord Darby (Ge Napolitano Jr) 10.40 4.40 4.00 2-Our Last Photo (An Miller) 2.80 2.10 4-Southern Beauty (Ty Buter) 3.20 EXACTA (1-2) $31.20 TRIFECTA (1-2-4) $97.00 SUPERFECTA (1-2-4-5) $130.60 PICK 3 (6-8-1) $145.60 Thirteenth - $9,000 Pace 1:53.0 5-Shadows Dream (Ma Kakaley) 6.60 4.60 4.40 4-Windsong Destroyer (An Napolitano) 11.40 6.60 3-Thee Town Hero (Ke Sizer) 8.60 EXACTA (5-4) $55.80 TRIFECTA (5-4-3) $760.20 SUPERFECTA (5-4-3-8) $2,982.20 Fourteenth - $6,100 Trot 1:57.3 3-Bar None (Ma Romano) 15.00 8.00 5.60 5-Alpha Entura (Ge Napolitano Jr) 6.00 5.20 9-Vijay Star (Ma Kakaley) 7.60 EXACTA (3-5) $55.60 TRIFECTA (3-5-9) $380.20 SUPERFECTA (3-5-9-6) $2,139.40 Fifteenth - $9,500 Pace 1:54.4 8-Ronettica (An McCarthy) 11.80 3.60 3.40 4-Cheyenne Ina (Ro Pierce) 3.40 2.80 6-Behind The Scenes (Ma Kakaley) 2.80 EXACTA (8-4) $37.60 TRIFECTA (8-4-6) $189.40 SUPERFECTA (8-4-6-7) $528.60 Sixteenth - $9,500 Pace 1:54.4 5-Busybeingfabulous (An Miller) 3.20 2.40 2.60 8-Artsy Princess (Ro Pierce) 4.20 2.80 2-Keystone Kismet (To Schadel) 4.20 EXACTA (5-8) $13.20 TRIFECTA (5-8-2) $49.60 SUPERFECTA (5-8-2-9) $208.40 LATE DOUBLE (8-5) $17.40 Total Handle-$253,988 G O L F PGA Tour Wells Fargo Championship Par Scores Friday At Quail Hollow Club Charlotte, N.C. Purse: $6.5 million Yardage: 7,469;Par 72 Second Round Pat Perez............................................67-65—132-12 Bill Haas.............................................64-70—134-10 Jonathan Byrd....................................66-68—134-10 Phil Mickelson ...................................69-66—135 -9 Lucas Glover .....................................67-68—135 -9 Vijay Singh.........................................68-68—136 -8 Carl Pettersson .................................68-68—136 -8 Stewart Cink ......................................71-65—136 -8 Brian Davis.........................................70-67—137 -7 Webb Simpson..................................70-67—137 -7 Steve Marino .....................................70-67—137 -7 Kevin Na.............................................69-69—138 -6 Bo Van Pelt ........................................71-67—138 -6 John Senden .....................................74-64—138 -6 Sergio Garcia ....................................69-69—138 -6 David Toms .......................................66-72—138 -6 Ryan Moore .......................................69-69—138 -6 Jason Bohn........................................71-67—138 -6 Andres Romero.................................71-67—138 -6 Tim Herron.........................................70-69—139 -5 Ryuji Imada........................................69-70—139 -5 Davis Love III.....................................70-69—139 -5 Matt Jones..........................................70-69—139 -5 Billy Horschel.....................................73-66—139 -5 Steven Bowditch...............................71-68—139 -5 Bobby Gates ......................................69-70—139 -5 Robert Garrigus ................................72-67—139 -5 Alex Cejka..........................................71-68—139 -5 Charles Warren.................................72-68—140 -4 Tag Ridings .......................................71-69—140 -4 Rickie Fowler.....................................68-72—140 -4 Bubba Watson ...................................72-68—140 -4 Martin Kaymer ...................................70-71—141 -3 Padraig Harrington ...........................69-72—141 -3 John Rollins.......................................73-68—141 -3 Jeff Overton.......................................70-71—141 -3 Kent Jones.........................................72-70—142 -2 Hunter Mahan....................................72-70—142 -2 J.B. Holmes .......................................70-72—142 -2 Chez Reavie......................................69-73—142 -2 Billy Mayfair........................................69-73—142 -2 Chad Campbell .................................71-71—142 -2 Michael Thompson...........................73-69—142 -2 Jim Herman........................................68-74—142 -2 David Mathis ......................................73-69—142 -2 Cameron Tringale.............................70-72—142 -2 Brandt Jobe .......................................69-73—142 -2 Zach Johnson....................................73-69—142 -2 Jarrod Lyle.........................................71-71—142 -2 Chris Stroud.......................................72-71—143 -1 Boo Weekley .....................................71-72—143 -1 Gary Woodland .................................72-71—143 -1 Robert Allenby ..................................72-71—143 -1 D.J. Trahan........................................70-73—143 -1 Brendon de Jonge ............................75-68—143 -1 Richard S. Johnson..........................74-69—143 -1 Kyle Stanley.......................................72-71—143 -1 James Driscoll ...................................74-69—143 -1 Brendan Steele .................................77-66—143 -1 Rory Sabbatini ...................................72-71—143 -1 Heath Slocum....................................73-70—143 -1 Arjun Atwal.........................................72-71—143 -1 Trevor Immelman..............................73-70—143 -1 Alex Prugh .........................................75-68—143 -1 Joe Ogilvie.........................................72-71—143 -1 Edoardo Molinari...............................72-71—143 -1 Mathew Goggin .................................70-74—144 E George McNeill .................................73-71—144 E Justin Rose........................................71-73—144 E Nathan Green ....................................73-71—144 E Johnson Wagner...............................73-71—144 E Bill Lunde ...........................................73-71—144 E Hunter Haas ......................................72-72—144 E Scott Stallings ...................................70-74—144 E Michael Putnam................................71-73—144 E Charles Howell III..............................73-71—144 E J.J. Henry...........................................73-71—144 E H O C K E Y NHL Playoff Glance All Times EDT CONFERENCE SEMIFINALS (Best-of-7) EASTERN CONFERENCE Tampa Bay 4, Washington 0 Friday, April 29: Tampa Bay 4, Washington 2 Sunday, May 1: Tampa Bay 3, Washington 2, OT Tuesday, May 3: Tampa Bay 4, Washington 3 Wednesday, May 4: Tampa Bay 5, Washington 3 Boston 4, Philadelphia 0 Saturday, April 30: Boston 7, Philadelphia 3 Monday, May 2: Boston 3, Philadelphia 2, OT Wednesday, May 4: Boston 5, Philadelphia 1 Friday, May 6: Boston 5, Philadelphia 1 WESTERN CONFERENCE Vancouver 3, Nashville 1 Thursday, April 28: Vancouver 1, Nashville 0 Saturday, April 30: Nashville 2, Vancouver 1, 2OT Tuesday, May 3: Vancouver 3, Nashville 2, OT Thursday, May 5: Vancouver 4, Nashville 2 Saturday, May 7: Nashville at Vancouver, 8 p.m. x-Monday, May 9: Vancouver at Nashville, TBA x-Wednesday, May11: Nashvilleat Vancouver, TBA San Jose 3, Detroit 1 Friday, April 29: San Jose 2, Detroit 1, OT Sunday, May 1: San Jose 2, Detroit 1 Wednesday, May 4: San Jose 4, Detroit 3, OT Friday, May 6: Detroit 4, San Jose 3 Sunday, May 8: Detroit at San Jose, 8 p.m. x-Tuesday, May 10: San Jose at Detroit, TBA x-Thursday, May 12: Detroit at San Jose, TBA AHL Playoff Glance All Times EDT (x-if necessary) DIVISION FINALS BEST OF 7 EASTERN CONFERENCE Binghamton 4, Portland 2 Wednesday, April 27: Binghamton 3, Portland 2 Thursday, April 28: Binghamton 5, Portland 3 Saturday, April 30: Portland 3, Binghamton 2 Monday, May 2: Binghamton 6, Portland 1 Tuesday, May 3: Portland 6, Binghamton 2 Friday, May 6: Binghamton 3, Portland 0 x-Saturday, May 7: Binghamton at Portland, 7 p.m. Charlotte 3, Penguins 2 Thursday, April 28: Charlotte 3, Penguins 2 Saturday, April 30: Penguins 3, Charlotte 0 Monday, May 2: Charlotte 2, Penguins 1, OT Wednesday, May 4: Charlotte 1, Penguins 0 Friday, May 6: Penguins 1, Charlotte 0 Saturday, May 7: Charlotte at Penguins, 7:05 p.m. x-Monday, May 9: Charlotte at Penguins, 7:05 p.m. WESTERN CONFERENCE Hamilton 2, Manitoba 2 Thursday, April 28: Hamilton 4, Manitoba 1 Sunday, May 1: Hamilton 4, Manitoba 2 Tuesday, May 3: Manitoba 5, Hamilton 4 Wednesday, May 4: Manitoba 2, Hamilton 1, 2OT Friday, May 6: Hamilton at Manitoba, late Sunday, May 8: Manitoba at Hamilton, 7:30 p.m. x-Monday, May 9: Manitoba at Hamilton, 7:30 p.m. Milwaukee 2, Houston 2 Friday, April 29: Milwaukee 3, Houston 1 Sunday, May 1: Houston 2, Milwaukee 0 Tuesday, May 3: Milwaukee 5, Houston 3 Thursday, May 5: Houston 3, Milwaukee 2, OT Friday, May 6: Milwaukee at Houston, late Sunday, May 8: Houston at Milwaukee, 6 p.m. x-Tuesday, May 10: Houston at Milwaukee, 8 p.m. N A S C A R Nationwide Royal Purple 200 Results Friday At Darlington Raceway Darlington, S.C. Lap length: 1.366 miles (Start position in parentheses) 1. (1) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 147 laps, 145.1 rating, 0 points, $38,825. 2. (16) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 147, 121.9, 0, $24,250. 3. (6) Elliott Sadler, Chevrolet, 147, 120.8, 42, $28,768. 4. (12) Justin Allgaier, Chevrolet, 147, 103.8, 41, $22,443. 5. (7) Steve Wallace, Toyota, 147, 97.9, 39, $21,143. 6. (2) Clint Bowyer, Chevrolet, 147, 98.6, 0, $14,725. 7. (4) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 147, 119.7, 0, $12,585. 8. (5) Reed Sorenson, Chevrolet, 147, 102, 36, $18,913. 9. (11) Jason Leffler, Chevrolet, 147, 92.7, 35, $18,643. 10. (8) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, 147, 104.5, 34, $20,643. 11. (19) Kenny Wallace, Toyota, 147, 84.7, 33, $18,693. 12. (20) Joe Nemechek, Toyota, 146, 81.2, 32, $19,618. 13. (31) Scott Riggs, Dodge, 146, 68.9, 31, $19,268. 14. (13) Josh Wise, Chevrolet, 146, 74.9, 30, $18,018. 15. (23) Mike Wallace, Chevrolet, 146, 72.6, 29, $21,893. 16. (24) Danny Efland, Ford, 146, 65.2, 28, $18,043. 17. (17) Chris Buescher, Ford, 146, 72.9, 27, $17,793. 18. (26) Blake Koch, Dodge, 146, 62.5, 26, $18,743. 19. (27) Timmy Hill, Ford, 146, 54.9, 25, $17,693. 20. (3) Carl Edwards, Ford, 144, 101.5, 0, $11,875. 21. (39) Kevin Lepage, Chevrolet, 143, 51.1, 23, $11,100. 22. (33) Morgan Shepherd, Chevrolet, 143, 47.7, 22, $17,518. 23. (30) Dennis Setzer, Chevrolet, 140, 42.7, 21, $17,868. 24. (25) Derrike Cope, Chevrolet, 135, 49.7, 20, $17,418. 25. (14) Ryan Truex, Toyota, 132, 68.6, 19, $17,818. 26. (29) Jeremy Clements, Chevrolet, transmis- sion, 110, 63.4, 18, $17,493. 27. (10) Brad Keselowski, Dodge, accident, 99, 87.3, 0, $11,800. 28. (9) Aric Almirola, Chevrolet, accident, 95, 76.5, 16, $17,193. 29. (15) Brian Scott, Toyota, accident, 94, 71.8, 15, $17,158. 30. (21) Mike Bliss, Chevrolet, accident, 94, 67, 14, $17,818. 31. (18) Michael Annett, Toyota, accident, 89, 75.4, 13, $17,063. 32. (42) Jennifer JoCobb, Ford, clutch, 42, 35.5, 12, $10,550. 33. (32) Carl Long, Ford, brakes, 29, 48.3, 11, $10,530. 34. (35) Jeff Green, Chevrolet, vibration, 26, 43, 10, $10,510. 35. (34) Tim Andrews, Ford, brakes, 19, 41.4, 9, $10,465. 36. (22) Eric McClure, Chevrolet, oil pump, 12, 46.8, 8, $16,913. 37. (38) Johnny Chapman, Ford, clutch, 12, 35.1, 7, $10,425. 38. (28) Scott Wimmer, Chevrolet, handling, 11, 39.6, 6, $10,350. 39. (37) MatthewCarter, Chevrolet, engine, 9, 33.5, 5, $10,315. 40. (41) John Jackson, Toyota, vibration, 8, 30.6, 4, $10,290. 41. (36) Mike Harmon, Chevrolet, carburetor, 7, 31.6, 3, $10,265. 42. (40) David Green, Chevrolet, engine, 2, 32.4, 0, $10,235. 43. (43) James Hylton, Chevrolet, rear end, 2, 30.8, 0, $10,188. C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 3B ➛ S P O R T S DALLAS — Marc Noyalis came through with a two-run double with two outs in the bottom of the sixth to rally Dallas past Berwick 5-4 on Fri- day in a Wyoming Valley Confer- ence Division I West game. Trailing 4-2 in the sixth, Paul Narcum reached on an infield single to load the bases and Travis DeBona drew a walk to make it 4-3. Noyalis, who finished 3-for-4, then put the Mountaineers (6-4) ahead for the first time in the game with the double. Zack Dirsa kept Berwick off the board in the seventh to finish off a complete-game victo- ry. Kevin Muldoon added a solo home run. T.J. Lashock led the Bulldogs (3-7) at the plate, going 3-for-4 with a home run. Berwick Dallas ab r h bi ab r h bi Fnstrmchr ss 4 1 2 0 Narcum c 4 1 2 0 Soboleski cf 4 1 2 1 DeBona cf 3 0 2 1 Lashock 3b 4 2 3 2 Noyalis 1b 4 0 3 2 DCalovi C 3 0 0 0 Dirsa p 0 0 0 0 Kuchka rf 3 0 0 0 Stepniak dh 3 0 0 0 Witchey rf 0 0 0 0 Petorak 2b 4 0 0 0 Berube 1b 0 0 0 0 Patel ss 3 1 1 0 DeNoia dh 3 0 1 0 Muldoon lf 2 2 2 1 Miller p 3 0 2 1 Saba 3b 3 1 1 0 Cadman 2b 2 0 0 0 Ivoska rf 3 0 0 1 McDanel lf 3 0 1 0 Totals 29 411 4 Totals 29 511 5 Berwick..................................... 301 000 0 — 4 Dallas........................................ 020 003 x — 5 2B – Noyalis, Patel, Saba; HR – Lashock, Muldoon IP H R ER BB SO Berwick Miller (L, 0-3) ............ 6.0 11 5 5 3 5 Dallas Dirsa (W, 3-1)........... 7.0 11 4 3 0 4 Wyoming Valley West 11, Crestwood 3 Joe Pechulis (double) and Chris Clocker each drove in three runs as the Spartans erased a 3-2 deficit with six runs in the top of the sixth to earn the road win. Mike Leonard and Tommy Alexander both had three hits including a double for Valley West (8-3). Tyler Potoski finished 2-for-5 with a double and two RBI, and Zane Stelevich struck out five in four innings of relief and earned the win. Jesse Quintiliani had two hits for the Comets (2-9). Steve Brynok doubled and drove in a run. Wyoming Valley West Crestwood ab r h bi ab r h bi Dosiak ss 4 2 1 1 Aigeldingr p 3 1 1 0 Leonard 2b 5 3 3 0 Polinchak p 0 0 0 0 Pechulis 3b 4 1 2 3 Kaster p 0 0 0 0 Clocker p-1b 3 1 1 3 ERinhmr ph 1 0 0 0 Alexndr 1b-lf 5 1 3 0 Snyder ss 3 0 0 1 Potoski c 5 0 2 2 Brynok 1b 3 0 1 1 Shillabeer lf 2 0 0 0 Berg c 3 0 1 0 Stelevich p 2 1 1 0 Quintiliani lf 3 0 2 0 Yuhas rf 3 1 0 0 Williams pr 0 0 0 0 Zielen cf 4 1 2 0 Petrchko 3b 0 0 0 0 Sartini dh 3 0 0 0 Caladie 2b 2 0 0 0 Miale ph 1 0 0 0 Beshada rf 3 1 1 0 Ritz cf 3 1 1 0 Totals 371115 9 Totals 28 3 7 2 Wyoming Valley West ......... 100 106 3 — 11 Crestwood ............................. 002 010 0 — 3 2B – Leonard, Potoski, Alexander, Pechulis, Beshada, Brynok IP H R ER BB SO Wyo. Valley West Clocker ...................... 3+ 5 2 2 1 0 Stelevich (W, 1-0).... 4.0 2 1 1 0 5 Crestwood Aigeldinger (L, 0-2).. 5.2 10 7 1 1 1 Polinchak .................. 0.2 4 4 2 1 2 Kaster ........................ 0.2 1 0 0 1 1 West Side Tech 10, MMI Prep 8 Nick Eck hit a two-run triple in the top of the seventh and threw a complete game on the mound, striking out nine to help the Titans earn their first league win of the season. Chris LaBar (2-4, three RBI), Shane Kocher (2-5, double) and Jordan Doleman (double, two RBI) also contributed at the plate for the Titans (1-8). The Preppers (4-6) got two hits apiece from Charlie Karchn- er and Fran Swankoski. Ryan Forte and Alec Andes both had two RBI. West Side Tech MMI Prep ab r h bi ab r h bi Eck p 4 2 2 2 Forte cf 3 1 1 2 Kocher cf 5 1 2 0 Krchnr p-2b 4 2 2 0 Romanoski lf 3 1 0 0 Hornak ss 4 0 1 1 CLaBar c 4 1 2 3 Swankski c 4 2 2 1 Jugus 3b 3 1 0 0 Yamulla rf-p 4 0 1 0 Doleman 1b 2 2 1 2 Andes 1b 3 0 1 2 Andrscvge ss 2 1 1 1 AMuir pr 0 0 0 0 RWalsh 2b 2 1 0 0 MMuir lf 3 0 0 0 OConnell rf 0 0 0 0 JDriscoll ph 1 0 0 0 Nelson dh 3 0 0 2 McCoy 2b-rf 3 2 1 0 Kupsho 3b 3 1 0 0 Totals 2810 810 Totals 32 8 9 6 West Side Tech.................... 110 141 2 — 10 MMI Prep............................... 330 001 1 — 8 2B – Kocher, Doleman; 3B – Eck IP H R ER BB SO West Side Tech Eck (W, 1-3) ............. 7.0 9 8 6 0 9 MMI Prep Karchner (L, 3-1) ..... 5.0 6 7 4 3 3 Yamulla ..................... 2.0 2 3 3 2 0 H I G H S C H O O L B A S E B A L L Late rally lifts Dallas past Berwick; WVW crushes Crestwood The Times Leader staff WILKES-BARRE—Maureen Lisman scored a goal with one assist to lead Meyers to a 3-2 victory on the road over GAR. Leanne McManus contributed offensively with a goal and an assist, and Ingrid Ritchie netted a goal as well. Keeper Alivia Weidler fin- ished with 14 saves. For GAR, Emilee Bubblo scored a goal with an assist, and Kaleigh Bubblo had another goal. Juliana Leko recorded 15 saves. Meyers............................................................. 1 2 — 3 GAR................................................................. 1 1 — 2 First half: 1. MEY, Maureen Lisman (Brandilee So- to) 2:07; 2. GAR, Kaleigh Bubblo (Emilee Bublo) 35:42. Second half: 1. MEY, Ingrid Ritchie (Leanne McManus) 16:09; 2. MEY, McManus (Lisman) 30:46; 3. GAR, E. Bubblo (Alicia Rigsbee) 30:27. Shots: MEY18, GAR16; Saves: MEY14(Alivia Weidler), GAR 15 (Juliana Leko); Corners: MEY 3, GAR 2. Pittston Area 2, North Pocono 1 Liz Mikitish and Sara Ruby each scored an unassisted goal to lead Pittston Area to a victory against North Pocono. Keeper Jordan Cumbo recorded 10 saves. For the Trojans, Alissa Kincel scored the lone goal for her team while Meghan Utter had five keeper saves. Pittston Area................................................... 2 0 — 2 North Pocono ................................................. 0 1 — 1 First half: 1. PA, Liz Mikitish 15:00; 2. PA, Sara Ru- by 12:00. Secondhalf: 1. NP, AlissaKincel (SarahWicker 32:00. Shots: PA7, NP11; Saves: PA10(JordanCum- bo), NP 5 (Meghan Utter); Corners: PA 2, NP 5. Coughlin 1, Holy Redeemer 0 Nora Fazzi kicked the only goal of the game in the second half to seal a victory for Cough- lin over Holy Redeemer. Aman- da Sax recorded two saves in goal. For the Royals, Sarabeth Ko- lodziej had 18 saves in the net. Coughlin.......................................................... 0 1 — 1 Holy Redeemer .............................................. 0 0 — 0 Second half: 1. Nora Fazzi (Olivia Spagnola) 7:54. Shots: COU 28, HR 4; Saves: COU 2 (Amanda Sax), HR 18 (Sarabeth Kolodziej); Corners: COU 16, HR 0. Honesdale 9, MMI 0 Randi Jo Kowalczyk and Seneca Propst each scored three goals to lead Honesdale to a rout of MMI. Natalie Hoff contributed with two goals, and Carmen Francesco added an- other goal late in the second half. For MMI, keeper Erin Kislan had 13 saves. MMI .................................................................. 0 0 — 0 Honesdale....................................................... 3 6 — 9 First half: 1. HON, Randi Jo Kowalczyk (Natalie Hoff) 37:10; 2. HON, Kowalczyk (Rhea Fowler) 34:56; 3. Kowalczyk (Fowler) 28:23. Second half: 1. HON, Hoff 33:59; 2. HON, Hoff (Kowalczyk) 33:02; 3. HON, Seneca Propst 32:10; 4. HON, Propst (Taylor Corbin) 28:33; 5. HON, Propst (Fowler) 26:14; 6. HON, Carmen Francesco (Ally Welsh) 2:25. Shots: MMI 1, HON 26; Saves: MMI 13 (Erin Kislan), HON 1 (Nicole Mollings); Corners: MMI 1, HON 2. H I G H S C H O O L S O C C E R Meyers and Pittston trip up WVC rivals The Times Leader Staff TUNKHANNOCK—Kyle Christy and Jordan Herbert finished with wins in first and second doubles, respectively, as Tunkhannock cruised to a 5-0 victory over Crestwood in the first round of the District 2 Class 3A tournament on Friday. Josh Herbert added a win in third singles. Mark Swick and Brent Christy contributed with a win in first doubles, and Rob- bie Hug and Corey Dulsky picked up the win in second doubles. SINGLES -- 1. TUN: Kyle Christy def. Alex Machalick 6-0, 7-6; 2. TUN: Jordan Herbert def. Ross Gladey 4-6, 6-0, 6-1; 3. TUN: Josh Herbert def. Joe Pickett 6-2, 6-3. DOUBLES -- 1. TUN: Mark Swick & Brent Christy def. Niel Patel & Niikhil Patel 6-3, 6-2; 2. TUN: Robbie Hug & Corey Dulsky def. Briley Marchetti & Steven Waskie 6-2, 6-2. Wyoming Valley West 3, Berwick 2 Steve Brand, Tyler Ryman and Anthony Molin won first, second and third singles, respectively, to lead Wyoming Valley West to a victory against Berwick. The Bulldogs won the two doubles matches. SINGLES -- 1. WVW, Steve Brand def. Caleb Fetterolf 6-0, 6-0; 2. WVW, Tyler Ryman def. Derek Volkel 6-2, 6-3; 3. WVW, Anthony Molin def. Brandon Haydt 6-4, 6-1. DOUBLES -- 1. BER, Eric Pangelinian & Todd Kern def. James Yozviak & Sabri Aboutanos 6-1, 6-0; 2. BER, Alrinson Reyes & Mike Torres def. Tomy Derby & Chris Bloom 6-0, 6-0. H I G H S C H O O L T E N N I S Tigers advance in D2 tourney The Times Leader staff Top-seed Misericordia Uni- versity scored at least one run in seven innings on 16 hits to post a 13-4 win over fourth-seeded King’s College in the Freedom Conference baseball tournament Friday afternoon at Memorial Park in Quakertown. Kenny Durling, Jeff Slanovec and Andres Gonzalez powered Misericordia’s offense, as Dur- ling finished the game going 4-for-5 with two home runs. Gonzalez went 2-for-3 with three RBI, and Slanovec finished 3-for-4 and drove in a pair of runs. For the Monarchs, Chris Sweeney finished 3-for-4 at the plate with two home runs and three RBI, and Matt Pritchard went 2-for-4 with a double and one RBI. Misericordia will play the winner of Friday’s game two between second-seed DeSales and No. 3 FDU-Florham today at 3 p.m. King’s will play the loser today at 11 a.m. COLLEGE SOFTBALL Lady Monarchs reach conference title game In its opener, third-seeded King’s overcame a 1-0 deficit to pull out a 2-1 victory over sec- ond-seeded FDU-Florham. The Lady Monarchs then held on for a 4-2 victory over top-seeded DeSales to advance to today’s championship game. Brittany Baynes was 2-for-3 in game one while Kaitlyn Sieg- fried and Rachel Zinni each had one hit. Amanda Cardone con- tributed with a game-winning two-run home run, her first of two homers on the day. In game two, King’s could only manage five hits (Jenn Harnischfeger, Gretchen Tho- len, Kayla Rutkoski, Cardone and Baynes), but that proved to be enough. Annie Erndl picked up the win on the mound, allow- ing two runs on six hits. Britta- ny Haight converted a four-out save opportunity. COLLEGE TENNIS Wilkes teams to learn NCAA tourney assignments Wilkes University’s men’s and women’s tennis teams will see where and who they will play on Monday, when the NCAA an- nounces the Division III tennis championship pairings. The Colonels and Lady Colonels each received automatic bids to the NCAA event by winning the Freedom Conference tourna- ment last Saturday. The women won their fifth straight conference crown, send- ing them to the NCAA cham- pionships for the fifth year in a row. The Lady Colonels are ranked 17th in the latest In- tercollegiate Tennis Association Atlantic South regional rank- ings. Meanwhile, this will be the fourth straight trip to the NCAA championships for the men’s team, as the Colonels have won the Freedom Conference tourna- ment each of the past four sea- sons. COLLEGE TRACK & FIELD MAC Championships Ashlee Ward won a pair of events to lead the Misericordia University women’s track and field team on the second day of the MAC Championships. Ward won the high jump (1.61 meters, the discus (38 meters) and finished ninth in the shot put (10.75 meters). Jill Dunn finished second in the long jump and qualified for the finals of the 100 hurdles and 400 hurdles. Stacey Perrins (100m, 200m), Steph Grow (200m, 400m), Marina Orrson (800m) and Bridget Comiskey (800m) qualified for the finals. A R E A C O L L E G E R O U N D U P Top-seed Misericordia dominates King’s in Freedom baseball tourney The Times Leader staff NANTICOKE—Katie Wolfe was 4-for-4 with two home runs to lead Nanticoke Area to a 10-2 victory over Coughlin in Wyom- ing Valley Conference softball action on Friday. Sammy Gow was 3-for-3 with a home run and a double, and Kayley Schinski was 2-for-3. Hannah Rubasky pitched four innings of one-hit ball to pick up the win. Coughlin............................... 000 000 2 — 2 Nanticoke Area.................... 103 501 X — 10 WP – Hannah Rubasky 4IP, 1H, 0R, 0ER,0BB, 5 K; Brooke Chapin 3IP 3H, 2R, 2ER, 0BB, 3K. LP –Jess Luton 6P, 14H, 10R, 10ER, 0BB, 2K. 2B—NAN: Sammy Gow, Katie Wolfe, Allie Matulewski, Katie Kowalski.. 3B—. HR—NAN: Sammy Gow, Katie Wolfe 2. . Top hitters –NAN: Sammy Gow 3-for-3 with home run and double; Katie Wolfe 4-for-4 with two home runs and a double; Kayley Schinski 2-for-3. COU: Kendra Hayward, Cassie Vaknovich both singled. Lake-Lehman 5, Meyers 4 Morgan Decker and Sarah Stacey each hit a double to power Lake-Lehman to a victo- ry over Meyers. Tiffany Oplin- ger contributed on offense, finishing 3-for-3 at the plate with a RBI. For Meyers, Sarah McCann (one RBI) and Chrissy Shonk each hit a triple. Meyers .................................... 000 400 0 — 4 Lake-Lehman......................... 000 320 0 — 5 WP – Brianna Headman, 3.2 IP, 1H, 0R, 0ER, 0BB, 3K; LP – J. King, 6 IP, 6H, 5R, 3ER, 2BB, 2K; 2B—LEH: Morgan Decker, Sarah Stacey. 3B—MEY: Sarah McCann, Chrissy Shonk. Top hitters – LEH: Tiffany Oplinger 3-for-3 (1 RBI), Stacey 1-for-2 (1 RBI); MEY: McCann 2-for-3 (1 RBI). Dallas 15, Holy Redeemer 0 Kristen Baker had a big day for Dallas, going 3-for-4 at the plate with a double and a home run to lead Dallas to a four- inning shutout win against Holy Redeemer. Baker also picked up the win on the mound, striking out six in four innings. For Holy Redeemer, Eliza- beth Eaton and Sydney Kotch each had a hit. Dallas............................................... 237 3 — 15 Holy Redeemer.............................. 000 0 — 0 WP – Kristen Baker, 4 IP, 2H, 0R, 0ER, 0BB, 6K; LP – Stacey Warga, 3.1 IP, 12H, 12R, 9ER, 0BB, 0K; 2B—DAL: K. Baker. HR—DAL: K. Baker. Top hitters – DAL: K. Baker 3-for-4, Taylor Baker 3-for-4, K. Komitz 3-for-4. Pittston Area 14, Wyoming Valley West 6 Pittston Area broke open the game with eight runs in the bottom of the sixth inning in beating Wyoming Valley West. Grace O’Neil (three) and Aly Slomba (two) combined for five RBI for the Patriots, and Anto- nette Scialpi scored three times. Wyoming Valley West ........ 410 010 0 — 6 Pittston Area ........................ 302 018 x — 14 WP – Alyssa Talerico, 7 IP, 7H, 6R, 3ER, 6BB, 1K; LP -- Owens, 6 IP, 17H, 14R, 10ER, 1BB, 1K; 2B— PA: Mundenar. 3B— PA: Nardone, O’Neill. Top hitters – PA: Scialpi 3-for-5 3 runs, Keener 2-for-3, O’Neill 2-for-3 3 RBI, Aly Slomba 2-for-4 2 RBI; WVW: Daniel Grega 2-for-5. H . S . S O F T B A L L Wolfe blasts two home runs in Nanticoke victory The Times Leader Staff BOSTON — Milan Lucic scored twice, Johnny Boychuk got the go-ahead goal, and the Boston Bruins stopped any chance of another historic comeback by the Philadelphia Flyers with a 5-1 win Friday night that completed a sweep of the Eastern Conference semi- final series. In this round last year against Philadelphia, the Bruins be- came just the third NHL team to lose a series after winning the first three games. Boston even held a 3-0 lead at home in Game 7 before the Flyers rallied again for a 4-3 victory. Kris Versteeg lifted Philadel- phia into a 1-1 tie on Friday at 13:22 of the second period after Lucic scored at 12:02 of the first. Boychuk put Boston ahead at 2:42 of the third, Lucic connected again at 15:03, and Brad Marchand and Daniel Paille added empty-net goals. The Bruins are in the confer- ence finals for the first time since 1992 and will have home- ice advantage against the Tam- pa Bay Lightning. Philadelphia was swept 4-0 for the first time since losing to Detroit in the 1997 Stanley Cup finals. Boston has won seven of eight games and is aiming for its first Stanley Cup title since 1972. Tampa Bay won it all in 2004. The Bruins began rolling after losing the first two games of their first-round series at home to Montreal. They won the next three games, lost Game 6, and advanced with an overtime win in Boston in Game 7. Their offense took off against the Flyers. The Bruins won the opener 7-3, then took the sec- ond game 3-2 in overtime be- fore returning home for a 5-1 win on Wednesday night. Now, with Vezina Trophy finalist Tim Thomas perform- ing brilliantly, they’ve reached the round that eluded them last year. But nine of the 20 players who suited up on Friday night, including Thomas, didn’t play in the four losses to Philadel- phia a year ago. Boychuk’s game-winner was his second goal of the playoffs. The defenseman got the puck after a faceoff in the left circle. He quickly fired a hard shot to the near side that goalie Sergei Bobrovsky couldn’t grab with his glove. Bobrovsky, who started Game 1 of the series, got the start again with the season on the line. He replaced Brian Boucher, who had been ineffective in the other losses. Red Wings 4, Sharks 3 DETROIT — Darren Helm scored with 1:27 left in the third period, lifting the Detroit Red Wings to an elimination-avoid- ing win over the San Jose Sharks in Game 4 of the West- ern Conference semifinal series. The Sharks will take their 3-1 series lead back home with a chance to advance on Sunday night to the NHL’s final four. Detroit is trying to become the fourth NHL team to win a series after trailing 3-0. Veteran defenseman Nicklas Lidstrom scored twice in the first period to help the Red Wings take a three-goal lead that they let slip away. Logan Couture had a goal 15 seconds after Lidstrom’s sec- ond, Dan Boyle scored midway through the middle period to pull San Jose within 3-2, and Dany Heatley tied it early in the third. Helm put Detroit back ahead for good, scoring from the left circle off a cross-ice pass from Patrick Eaves, who got the puck off a long rebound follow- ing Brian Rafalski’s shot. Jimmy Howard made 25 saves for the win. San Jose’s Antti Niemi stopped 26 shots. The second-round rematch has mirrored last year’s match- up between the teams. San Jose won the first three games by a goal each time, but couldn’t complete the sweep. N H L P L AYO F F S Bruins bury collapse, sweep Flyers The Associated Press AP PHOTO The Bruins’ Johnny Boychuk (55) is congratulated by teammate Andrew Ferrence after scoring a goal against the Flyers. C M Y K PAGE 4B SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ M A J O R L E A G U E B A S E B A L L PHILADELPHIA —Derek Lowe took a no-hitter into the seventh inning and the Atlanta Braves won their sixth straight game, beating Philadelphia 5-0 on Friday night despite Cliff Lee’s 16 strikeouts for the Phil- lies. Shane Victorino singled to start the seventh for the first hit off Lowe, and Placido Polanco followed with a double. The right-hander then came out of the game with an apparent leg or foot injury. Lowe (3-3) appeared to hurt himself in the top of the seventh after singling and going to sec- ond on Chipper Jones’ single. Brian McCann had a pair of doubles and an RBI, and Alex Gonzalez had three hits and an RBI for the Braves. Lee (2-3) set the major league high for strikeouts this season, coming within one of the fran- chise record. The big league mark for a nine-inning game is 20. Cardinals 6, Brewers 0 ST. LOUIS —Jaime Garcia carried a perfect game into the eighth inning and finished with a two-hitter, dominating the punchless Milwaukee Brewers in a victory for the St. Louis Cardinals. Garcia (4-0) issued a four- pitch walk to Casey McGehee with one out in the eighth. On the next pitch, Yuniesky Be- tancourt grounded a solid single to left to end the no-hit bid. Garcia threwa four-hit shut- out to beat the Padres in his first start, but hadn’t gone longer than six innings in any of his next five outings. Mets 6, Dodgers 3 NEWYORK—Andre Ethier became the first player in two years to extend a hitting streak to 30 games, but Jason Pridie’s three-run homer in the sixth inning carried the NewYork Mets past the Los Angeles Dodgers in the opener of a weekend series between base- ball’s most financially troubled teams. Pridie, a 27-year-old with just four big league at-bats before this year, hit his first career home run April 24 against Ari- zona —also a three-run drive. With the Mets trailing 3-2 on Friday, he homered off a bullpen roof in right-center against Hiroki Kuroda (3-3) following an intentional walk to Ike Davis. Astros 3, Pirates 2 PITTSBURGH—Wandy Rodriguez allowed two runs over seven innings to win his fourth consecutive start against the Pirates and the Houston Astros scored twice in the eighth to snap a three-game losing streak. Houston managed only five hits over seven innings against Paul Maholm, but the first three batters of the eighth reached against a Pittsburgh bullpen that entered with the second- best ERA (2.63) in the National League. Nationals 3, Marlins 2, 10 innings MIAMI —AdamLaRoche hit a tiebreaking sacrifice fly in the top of the 10th and the Washing- ton Nationals escaped a jamin the bottomof the inning to break a three-game losing streak by beating the Florida Marlins. Washington won despite striking out 15 times. Reds 5, Cubs 4 CHICAGO—Jay Bruce hit a three-run homer, Brandon Phil- lips made some key defensive plays at second base and the Cincinnati Reds won their third straight game, beating the Chi- cago Cubs. N AT I O N A L L E A G U E R O U N D U P Lowe, Atlanta blank Phillies The Associated Press ARLINGTON, Texas — Curtis Granderson homered twice into the upper deck, rookie Ivan Nova limited the Texas Rangers to two singles while pitching into the eighth inning, and the New York Yan- kees ended their season-worst three-game losing streak with a 4-1 victory Friday night. Even before Nova (3-2) threw his first pitch, Gran- derson put the Yankees ahead to stay. His 433-foot drive into the second level of seats high above the Rangers’ bullpen in right-center made it 2-0 in the first. He hit his AL-leading 10th homer in the seventh, a tower- ing solo shot closer to the right-field line but still in the upper deck. Twins 9, Red Sox 2 BOSTON — Trevor Plouffe hit his first homer of the sea- son and Scott Baker pitched eight strong innings for the Minnesota Twins, who capital- ized on several Boston blun- ders in a win over the Red Sox. Minnesota scored twice on balks and took advantage of a pair of errors by the Red Sox, who have allowed to 21 runs in their last two games. Baker (2-2) allowed seven hits, struck out eight and walked one for the Twins, who have won three straight for just the second time this season. Rays 6, Orioles 2 BALTIMORE — James Shields pitched three-hit ball into the eighth inning, Bran- don Guyer homered in his first big league at-bat, and the Tam- pa Bay Rays beat the Baltimore Orioles. Johnny Damon also connect- ed for the Rays, who are 17-6 since a 1-8 start that included three straight losses to Balti- more to open the season. Shields (3-1) gave up one run, struck out five and walked three while improving to 3-0 with a 1.12 ERA in his last five starts. The most glaring flaw in his performance was a homer by Derrek Lee in the sixth. In his previous three games against the Orioles, Shields was 0-3 with a 6.48 ERA. Blue Jays 7, Tigers 4 TORONTO — Adam Lind homered and drove in two runs, Jesse Litsch struck out a career-high nine and the Toron- to Blue Jays beat the Detroit Tigers 7-4 on Friday night. Lind had an RBI single off Phil Coke (1-5) during a three- run first and added a solo drive to center in the eighth, his seventh of the season. Toron- to’s first baseman extended his hitting streak to 11 games and is batting .477 (21 for 44) over that span. Athletics 3, Royals 2 KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Gio Gonzalez pitched seven effec- tive innings and the Oakland Athletics ruined Eric Hosmer’s much-anticipated major league debut with a victory over the Kansas City Royals. Gonzalez (4-2) settled down after allowing Alex Gordon’s homer in the first, holding Kansas City to two runs and four hits. He lasted at least six innings for the sixth time in seven starts. A M E R I C A N L E A G U E R O U N D U P Granderson homers as Yanks beat Texas The Associated Press STANDINGS/STATS AMERICAN LEAGUE Thursday's Games Detroit 6, N.Y. Yankees 3 Tampa Bay 3, Toronto 1 L.A. Angels 11, Boston 0 Kansas City 9, Baltimore 1 Cleveland 4, Oakland 3, 12 innings Seattle 3, Texas 1 Friday's Games Tampa Bay 6, Baltimore 2 Toronto 7, Detroit 4 Minnesota 9, Boston 2 N.Y. Yankees 4, Texas 1 Oakland 3, Kansas City 2 Cleveland at L.A. Angels, 10:05 p.m. Chicago White Sox at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. Saturday's Games Minnesota (Duensing 2-1) at Boston (C.Buchholz 2-3), 1:10 p.m. Tampa Bay (Hellickson 2-2) at Baltimore (Guthrie 1-4), 1:10 p.m. Detroit (Verlander 2-3) at Toronto (R.Romero 2-3), 4:07 p.m. Oakland (McCarthy 1-2) at Kansas City (Hochevar 3-3), 7:10 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (Colon 2-1) at Texas (Holland 3-1), 8:05 p.m. Cleveland (White 0-0) at L.A. Angels (Weaver 6-1), 9:05 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Floyd 3-2) at Seattle (Fister 2-3), 9:10 p.m. Sunday's Games Detroit at Toronto, 1:07 p.m. Minnesota at Boston, 1:35 p.m. Tampa Bay at Baltimore, 1:35 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Texas, 2:05 p.m. Oakland at Kansas City, 2:10 p.m. Cleveland at L.A. Angels, 3:35 p.m. Chicago White Sox at Seattle, 4:10 p.m. Monday's Games Detroit at Toronto, 7:07 p.m. Minnesota at Boston, 7:10 p.m. Oakland at Texas, 8:05 p.m. Chicago White Sox at L.A. Angels, 10:05 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE Thursday's Games Cincinnati 10, Houston 4 N.Y. Mets 5, San Francisco 2 St. Louis 6, Florida 3 Philadelphia 7, Washington 3 Atlanta 2, Milwaukee 1 Arizona 3, Colorado 2, 11 innings Friday's Games Cincinnati 5, Chicago Cubs 4 Atlanta 5, Philadelphia 0 Houston 3, Pittsburgh 2 N.Y. Mets 6, L.A. Dodgers 3 Washington 3, Florida 2, 10 innings St. Louis 6, Milwaukee 0 Arizona at San Diego, 10:05 p.m. Colorado at San Francisco, 10:15 p.m. Saturday's Games Cincinnati (Arroyo 3-3) at Chicago Cubs (C.Cole- man 1-2), 1:10 p.m. Milwaukee (Gallardo 2-2) at St. Louis (Lohse 4-1), 4:10 p.m. Atlanta (Teheran 0-0) at Philadelphia (K.Kendrick 1-2), 7:05 p.m. Houston (Norris 2-1) at Pittsburgh (Morton 3-1), 7:05 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Garland 1-2) at N.Y. Mets (C.Young 1-0), 7:10 p.m. Washington (Gorzelanny 1-2) at Florida (Volstad 2-1), 7:10 p.m. Arizona (D.Hudson 2-4) at San Diego (Moseley 1-3), 8:35 p.m. Colorado (Rogers 3-1) at San Francisco (Bumgar- ner 0-5), 9:05 p.m. Sunday's Games L.A. Dodgers at N.Y. Mets, 1:10 p.m. Washington at Florida, 1:10 p.m. Houston at Pittsburgh, 1:35 p.m. Milwaukee at St. Louis, 2:15 p.m. Cincinnati at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 p.m. Arizona at San Diego, 4:05 p.m. Colorado at San Francisco, 4:05 p.m. Atlanta at Philadelphia, 8:05 p.m. Monday's Games L.A. Dodgers at Pittsburgh, 7:05 p.m. Philadelphia at Florida, 7:10 p.m. Cincinnati at Houston, 8:05 p.m. San Diego at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m. N.Y. Mets at Colorado, 8:40 p.m. T H U R S D A Y ’ S L A T E B O X E S Mariners 3, Rangers 1 Texas Seattle ab r h bi ab r h bi Kinsler 2b 4 0 1 1 ISuzuki rf 4 0 2 1 Andrus ss 4 0 1 0 LRdrgz 3b 4 0 1 1 MiYong dh 2 0 1 0 AKndy dh 4 0 0 0 ABeltre 3b 4 0 0 0 Olivo c 4 0 0 0 Napoli 1b 2 0 0 0 Smoak 1b 4 1 3 1 C.Davis ph 1 0 0 0 Lngrhn lf 4 0 0 0 DvMrp lf 4 0 0 0 JaWlsn 2b 3 1 1 0 Torreal c 4 0 1 0 MSndrs cf 1 0 0 0 Morlnd rf 3 0 1 0 Ryan ss 3 1 1 0 Borbon cf 3 1 1 0 Totals 31 1 6 1 Totals 31 3 8 3 Texas.................................. 000 000 010 — 1 Seattle ................................ 011 000 10x — 3 E—C.Lewis (2). DP—Seattle 2. LOB—Texas 6, Seattle6. 2B—Kinsler (10), L.Rodriguez (4), Smoak (8), Ryan (4). HR—Smoak (5). SB—Andrus (9), Borbon (4). S—M.Saunders. IP H R ER BB SO Texas C.Lewis L,2-4 .......... 8 8 3 3 1 11 Seattle Vargas W,2-2 .......... 7 2 ⁄3 6 1 1 2 3 J.Wright H,8............. 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 League S,9-9........... 1 0 0 0 0 2 Umpires—Home, Larry Vanover;First, Tony Ran- dazzo;Second, Dan Bellino;Third, Brian Gorman. T—2:26. A—14,205 (47,878). Diamondbacks 3, Rockies 2, 11 innings, Colorado Arizona ab r h bi ab r h bi Fowler cf 4 0 3 0 CYoung cf 6 2 3 1 Herrer 2b 5 0 1 0 KJhnsn 2b 6 0 1 0 CGnzlz lf 5 0 0 0 J.Upton rf 5 0 1 1 Tlwtzk ss 4 0 0 0 S.Drew ss 4 0 0 0 Helton 1b 5 1 1 0 Monter c 2 0 0 0 S.Smith rf 5 1 1 0 Mora 3b 4 0 1 0 Stewart 3b 3 0 0 0 Mirand 1b 4 0 1 0 Belisle p 0 0 0 0 GParra lf 5 1 2 1 JMorls c 3 0 1 2 IKnndy p 1 0 0 0 Hamml p 2 0 0 0 Demel p 0 0 0 0 RBtncr p 0 0 0 0 RRorts ph 1 0 0 0 Street p 0 0 0 0 Vasquz p 0 0 0 0 MtRynl p 0 0 0 0 Patersn p 0 0 0 0 Lndstr p 0 0 0 0 Nady ph 1 0 0 0 Giambi ph 1 0 0 0 Putz p 0 0 0 0 FMorls p 0 0 0 0 DHrndz p 0 0 0 0 JoLopz 3b 0 0 0 0 Branyn ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 37 2 7 2 Totals 40 3 9 3 Colorado .................... 010 100 000 00 — 2 Arizona....................... 000 000 002 01 — 3 Two outs when winning run scored. E—Stewart (2), K.Johnson (1). DP—Arizona 1. LOB—Colorado 8, Arizona 13. 2B—Helton (8), S.Smith (9), C.Young 2 (9). 3B—Fowler (2). HR— C.Young (8), G.Parra (2). SB—C.Young (2). CS— Fowler (2). S—Hammel, Montero, I.Kennedy. SF— J.Morales. IP H R ER BB SO Colorado Hammel .................... 7 4 0 0 3 4 R.Betancourt H,9 .... 1 0 0 0 1 2 Street BS,1-12 ........ 2 ⁄3 2 2 2 0 2 Mat.Reynolds........... 0 1 0 0 0 0 Lindstrom................. 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 F.Morales................. 1 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 2 0 Belisle L,2-2............. 1 ⁄3 2 1 1 0 1 Arizona I.Kennedy................. 6 6 2 2 3 5 Demel ....................... 1 1 0 0 0 1 Vasquez................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 Paterson................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 Putz........................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 D.Hernandez W,2-0 1 0 0 0 1 2 Mat.Reynolds pitched to 1 batter in the 9th. WP—I.Kennedy. PB—J.Morales. Umpires—Home, Doug Eddings;First, Dana De- Muth;Second, Kerwin Danley;Third, Paul Nauert. T—3:59. A—18,695 (48,633). N A T I O N A L L E A G U E Braves 5, Phillies 0 Atlanta Philadelphia ab r h bi ab r h bi Prado lf 5 1 2 1 Rollins ss 3 0 0 0 AlGnzlz ss 5 1 3 1 Victorn cf 4 0 1 0 C.Jones 3b 5 1 2 1 Polanc 3b 3 0 1 0 McCnn c 4 1 2 1 WValdz pr-3b 1 0 0 0 Uggla 2b 4 0 1 1 Howard 1b 4 0 0 0 Fremn 1b 4 0 0 0 BFrncs rf 2 0 0 0 Mather rf 4 0 0 0 Ibanez lf 3 0 0 0 Venters p 0 0 0 0 Orr 2b 2 0 0 0 Kimrel p 0 0 0 0 Mrtnz ph-2b 1 0 0 0 McLoth cf 4 0 0 0 Schndr c 3 0 0 0 D.Lowe p 2 0 1 0 Cl.Lee p 2 0 0 0 OFlhrt p 0 0 0 0 JRomr p 0 0 0 0 Heywrd rf 1 1 1 0 Mayrry ph 1 0 0 0 Baez p 0 0 0 0 Totals 38 512 5 Totals 29 0 2 0 Atlanta ................................ 003 000 002 — 5 Philadelphia....................... 000 000 000 — 0 LOB—Atlanta7, Philadelphia4. 2B—Ale.Gonzalez (7), McCann 2 (3), Uggla (6), Polanco (8). SB— Heyward (2). IP H R ER BB SO Atlanta D.Lowe W,3-3 ......... 6 2 0 0 1 4 O’Flaherty H,5......... 1 0 0 0 0 3 Venters H,8.............. 1 0 0 0 0 2 Kimbrel ..................... 1 0 0 0 1 1 Philadelphia Cl.Lee L,2-3............. 7 9 3 3 1 16 J.Romero ................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 Baez.......................... 1 3 2 2 0 1 D.Lowe pitched to 2 batters in the 7th. Umpires—Home, Scott Barry;First, John Hirsch- beck;Second, Wally Bell;Third, Laz Diaz. T—2:40. A—45,495 (43,651). Cardinals 6, Brewers 0 Milwaukee St. Louis ab r h bi ab r h bi Weeks 2b 4 0 1 0 Theriot ss 1 2 1 0 CGomz cf 4 0 0 0 Descals ph-3b 1 1 0 0 Braun lf 3 0 0 0 Rasms cf 3 1 2 1 Fielder 1b 3 0 0 0 Pujols 1b 3 0 1 3 McGeh 3b 2 0 0 0 Hollidy lf 4 0 1 1 YBtncr ss 3 0 1 0 Craig rf 4 0 0 0 C.Hart rf 3 0 0 0 Jay rf 0 0 0 0 Lucroy c 3 0 0 0 YMolin c 4 1 2 1 Wolf p 1 0 0 0 Punto 3b-2b 4 0 0 0 BBoggs ph 1 0 0 0 Greene 2b-ss 2 1 0 0 McClnd p 0 0 0 0 JGarci p 2 0 0 0 Nieves ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 28 0 2 0 Totals 28 6 7 6 Milwaukee.......................... 000 000 000 — 0 St. Louis............................. 102 300 00x — 6 DP—Milwaukee 1, St. Louis 1. LOB—Milwaukee 2, St. Louis 4. 2B—Weeks (7), Holliday (10). 3B—Rasmus (3). HR—Y.Molina (2). SB—Descal- so (1). S—J.Garcia. SF—Pujols. IP H R ER BB SO Milwaukee Wolf L,3-3 ................ 5 7 6 6 1 2 McClendon .............. 3 0 0 0 0 5 St. Louis J.Garcia W,4-0........ 9 2 0 0 1 8 HBP—by Wolf (Theriot, Greene, Descalso). Umpires—Home, Rob Drake;First, Gary Darling- ;Second, Bruce Dreckman;Third, Paul Emmel. T—2:02. A—35,552 (43,975). Mets 6, Dodgers 3 Los Angeles New York ab r h bi ab r h bi Carroll ss 4 1 1 0 JosRys ss 4 2 3 0 Sands lf 4 1 1 0 DnMrp 2b 4 0 0 0 Hwksw p 0 0 0 0 DWrght 3b 3 0 0 0 Kuo p 0 0 0 0 Beltran rf 2 1 1 1 Jansen p 0 0 0 0 Bay lf 4 0 2 1 Gions ph 1 0 1 0 I.Davis 1b 3 2 1 1 Ethier rf 5 0 3 0 Pridie cf 4 1 1 3 Kemp cf 4 0 1 1 Thole c 4 0 1 0 Uribe 3b 5 0 0 1 Niese p 2 0 0 0 Loney 1b 3 0 1 0 Igarash p 0 0 0 0 Barajs c 4 1 2 1 Hairstn ph 1 0 0 0 Miles 2b 4 0 0 0 TBchlz p 0 0 0 0 Kuroda p 2 0 0 0 Isrnghs p 0 0 0 0 GwynJ lf 1 0 0 0 Harris ph 0 0 0 0 FRdrgz p 0 0 0 0 Totals 37 310 3 Totals 31 6 9 6 Los Angeles....................... 110 010 000 — 3 New York ........................... 110 003 10x — 6 DP—Los Angeles 1. LOB—Los Angeles 11, New York 8. 2B—Jos.Reyes (11), Beltran (12), Thole (4). 3B—Jos.Reyes 2 (5). HR—Barajas (6), I.Davis (7), Pridie (3). SB—Jos.Reyes (12). SF—Beltran. IP H R ER BB SO Los Angeles Kuroda L,3-3............ 5 2 ⁄3 7 5 5 3 3 Hawksworth ............. 1 1 1 1 2 0 Kuo ........................... 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Jansen...................... 1 1 0 0 1 3 New York Niese ........................ 5 2 ⁄3 7 3 3 3 5 Igarashi W,2-0......... 1 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 T.Buchholz H,3 ....... 1 1 0 0 1 2 Isringhausen H,6..... 1 0 0 0 0 0 F.Rodriguez S,8-9 .. 1 1 0 0 0 0 WP—F.Rodriguez. Umpires—Home, Ed Rapuano;First, Brian O’No- ra;Second, Alfonso Marquez;Third, Ed Hickox. T—3:17. A—35,948 (41,800). Astros 3, Pirates 2 Houston Pittsburgh ab r h bi ab r h bi Bourgs lf 5 1 3 0 AMcCt cf 2 0 0 0 Bourn cf 4 1 1 0 Tabata lf 4 0 0 0 Pence rf 4 1 2 2 Hanrhn p 0 0 0 0 Ca.Lee 1b 4 0 2 1 Diaz rf 3 0 0 0 Melncn p 0 0 0 0 Resop p 0 0 0 0 Hall 2b 4 0 0 0 Veras p 0 0 0 0 AngSnc 3b 2 0 0 0 GJones ph-rf 1 0 0 0 Barmes ss 4 0 1 0 Walker 2b 4 1 1 1 Towles c 4 0 0 0 Snyder c 4 0 1 0 WRdrg p 3 0 0 0 Overay 1b 4 1 1 0 WLopez p 0 0 0 0 BrWod 3b 3 0 2 1 Abad p 0 0 0 0 Cedeno ss 2 0 0 0 Wallac ph-1b 0 0 0 0 Mahlm p 2 0 0 0 Paul rf-lf 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 3 9 3 Totals 29 2 5 2 Houston.............................. 100 000 020 — 3 Pittsburgh .......................... 000 010 100 — 2 E—Br.Wood (1). DP—Houston 2, Pittsburgh 1. LOB—Houston 10, Pittsburgh 4. 2B—Pence (10), Overbay (6), Br.Wood (2). HR—Walker (4). SB— Bourgeois (12), Bourn 2 (13). S—A.McCutchen. SF—Pence. IP H R ER BB SO Houston W.Rodriguez W,2-3 7 5 2 2 2 4 W.Lopez H,3............ 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 Abad H,7 .................. 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Melancon S,1-2....... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Pittsburgh Maholm.................... 7 5 1 1 3 4 Resop L,1-1 BS,1-1 0 1 2 2 1 0 Veras ........................ 1 2 0 0 0 1 Hanrahan.................. 1 1 0 0 1 1 Resop pitched to 2 batters in the 8th. WP—Maholm. Umpires—Home, Jeff Nelson;First, Marty Foster- ;Second, Lance Barrett;Third, Tim Tschida. T—2:57. A—12,728 (38,362). Reds 5, Cubs 4 Cincinnati Chicago ab r h bi ab r h bi Stubbs cf 5 0 0 0 Fukdm rf 4 0 0 0 Renteri ss 3 2 1 0 Barney 2b 5 1 1 0 Votto 1b 3 1 1 1 SCastro ss 5 0 1 0 Phillips 2b 4 0 1 1 ArRmr 3b 4 0 1 1 Bruce rf 4 1 1 3 ASorin lf 3 1 0 0 JGoms lf 4 0 1 0 K.Wood p 0 0 0 0 Masset p 0 0 0 0 Byrd cf 4 1 2 0 Corder p 0 0 0 0 C.Pena 1b 1 0 0 0 RHrndz c 4 0 1 0 Soto c 4 0 1 1 Janish 3b 3 1 1 0 Garza p 2 1 1 0 Volquez p 2 0 0 0 RJhnsn ph 0 0 0 0 LeCure p 0 0 0 0 Mateo p 0 0 0 0 Heisey lf 1 0 0 0 Marshll p 0 0 0 0 Colvin lf 1 0 0 0 Totals 33 5 7 5 Totals 33 4 7 2 Cincinnati ........................... 000 320 000 — 5 Chicago.............................. 001 111 000 — 4 E—Renteria (4), Janish (2). DP—Cincinnati 3. LOB—Cincinnati 6, Chicago 8. 2B—J.Gomes (5), Janish (6). HR—Bruce (7). SB—Barney (2). S— Volquez. IP H R ER BB SO Cincinnati Volquez W,3-1 ........ 5 6 4 3 4 3 LeCure H,1 .............. 2 1 0 0 0 2 Masset H,3 .............. 1 0 0 0 0 2 Cordero S,5-5.......... 1 0 0 0 1 0 Chicago Garza L,1-4.............. 6 6 5 5 2 7 Mateo........................ 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 Marshall ................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 K.Wood .................... 1 2 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 Volquez pitched to 2 batters in the 6th. HBP—by LeCure(Re.Johnson), by Garza(Janish). WP—Volquez 2. PB—R.Hernandez. Umpires—Home, Vic Carapazza;First, Jerry Lay- ne;Second, Bob Davidson;Third, Hunter Wendel- stedt. T—3:10. A—35,471 (41,159). Nationals 3, Marlins 2, 10 innings, Washington Florida ab r h bi ab r h bi Espinos 2b 4 0 0 0 Coghln cf 5 0 0 0 Cora 3b 5 0 0 0 Bonifac lf 3 1 1 0 Werth rf 2 1 0 0 HRmrz ss 4 0 1 0 L.Nix lf 5 0 1 0 GSnchz 1b 3 0 1 1 SBurntt p 0 0 0 0 Stanton rf 4 0 0 0 AdLRc 1b 4 1 1 1 Dobbs 3b 4 1 2 0 IRdrgz c 5 1 1 0 OMrtnz pr 0 0 0 0 HrstnJr cf 3 0 3 1 J.Buck c 4 0 2 0 Dsmnd ss 2 0 0 1 Hayes pr 0 0 0 0 Zmrmn p 2 0 1 0 Infante 2b 3 0 0 1 Stairs ph 1 0 0 0 Nolasco p 2 0 0 0 Clipprd p 0 0 0 0 Hensly p 0 0 0 0 Morse ph 1 0 0 0 Choate p 0 0 0 0 Storen p 0 0 0 0 R.Webb p 0 0 0 0 Bixler lf 0 0 0 0 Cousins ph 1 0 0 0 LNunez p 0 0 0 0 MDunn p 0 0 0 0 Helms ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 34 3 7 3 Totals 34 2 7 2 Washington.................. 010 100 000 1 — 3 Florida........................... 000 011 000 0 — 2 DP—Washington 1. LOB—Washington 9, Florida 5. 2B—L.Nix (2), HairstonJr. 2(4), J.Buck (7). SB— Werth (4). CS—J.Buck (1). S—Desmond. SF— Ad.LaRoche, Desmond, Infante. IP H R ER BB SO Washington Zimmermann ........... 6 5 2 2 2 6 Clippard.................... 2 0 0 0 0 6 Storen W,2-1........... 1 2 ⁄3 2 0 0 0 1 S.Burnett S,4-6 ....... 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Florida Nolasco.................... 7 6 2 2 2 11 Hensley .................... 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 Choate...................... 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 R.Webb.................... 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 L.Nunez.................... 1 0 0 0 1 1 M.Dunn L,2-2 .......... 1 1 1 1 1 2 Umpires—Home, Fieldin Culbreth;First, Gary Ce- derstrom;Second, Lance Barksdale;Third, Adrian Johnson. T—3:21. A—15,325 (38,560). A M E R I C A N L E A G U E Yankees 4, Rangers 1 New York Texas ab r h bi ab r h bi Jeter ss 4 1 1 0 Kinsler 2b 4 0 0 0 Grndrs cf 4 2 2 3 Andrus ss 4 0 0 0 Teixeir 1b 4 0 0 0 MiYong dh 4 0 0 0 AlRdrg 3b 4 0 1 0 ABeltre 3b 4 0 0 0 Cano 2b 4 0 1 0 DvMrp lf 3 0 1 0 AnJons rf 3 0 0 0 Napoli c 2 1 0 0 Posada dh 3 0 0 0 Morlnd rf 3 0 0 0 Martin c 1 1 0 0 C.Davis 1b 3 0 1 0 Gardnr lf 4 0 0 0 Borbon cf 3 0 1 1 Totals 31 4 5 3 Totals 30 1 3 1 New York ........................... 210 000 100 — 4 Texas.................................. 000 000 010 — 1 E—Teixeira (2), Harrison (3). DP—New York 1, Texas 1. LOB—New York 7, Texas 3. HR—Gran- derson 2 (10). IP H R ER BB SO New York Nova W,3-2.............. 7 1 ⁄3 2 1 0 1 1 R.Soriano H,9.......... 2 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 M.Rivera S,12-14.... 1 0 0 0 0 2 Texas Harrison L,3-4 ......... 6 4 3 2 5 3 Tucker ...................... 1 1 1 1 0 1 Eppley ...................... 1 0 0 0 0 2 M.Lowe..................... 1 0 0 0 2 1 WP—M.Lowe 2. Umpires—Home, Tim Welke;First, Jim Reynolds- ;Second, Mike DiMuro;Third, Andy Fletcher. T—2:47. A—49,069 (49,170). Twins 9, Red Sox 2 Minnesota Boston ab r h bi ab r h bi Span cf 5 0 2 2 Ellsury cf 4 0 2 0 Plouffe ss 4 3 2 1 Pedroia 2b 3 0 0 0 Mornea 1b 4 1 1 0 AdGnzl 1b 4 1 1 1 Kubel dh 3 0 1 0 Youkils 3b 3 0 1 0 Tosoni pr-dh 0 0 0 0 Ortiz dh 4 0 0 0 Cuddyr rf 4 2 2 0 J.Drew rf 4 1 1 1 Valenci 3b 5 2 2 2 Lowrie ss 3 0 0 0 Revere lf 5 1 1 0 Crwfrd lf 3 0 1 0 Butera c 4 0 1 0 Sltlmch c 3 0 1 0 ACasill 2b 4 0 0 0 Totals 38 912 5 Totals 31 2 7 2 Minnesota.......................... 130 041 000 — 9 Boston................................ 010 100 000 — 2 E—Lowrie 2 (4). DP—Minnesota 2, Boston 2. LOB—Minnesota 7, Boston 4. 2B—Kubel (10), Va- lencia (6), Saltalamacchia (5). HR—Plouffe (1), Ad- .Gonzalez (3), J.Drew (2). SB—Plouffe (1). CS— Ellsbury (4). IP H R ER BB SO Minnesota S.Baker W,2-2......... 8 7 2 2 1 8 Nathan ...................... 1 0 0 0 1 0 Boston Wakefield L,0-1....... 4 1 ⁄3 9 8 6 4 1 Aceves ..................... 4 2 ⁄3 3 1 1 1 2 Balk—Wakefield, Aceves. Umpires—Home, Angel Hernandez;First, Paul Schrieber;Second, Chad Fairchild;Third, Joe West. T—2:37. A—37,798 (37,493). Blue Jays 7, Tigers 4 Detroit Toronto ab r h bi ab r h bi AJcksn cf 3 0 1 0 RDavis rf 5 1 1 0 Kelly ph-cf 2 0 1 0 CPttrsn cf 5 0 3 2 SSizmr 2b 4 0 1 1 YEscor ss 4 1 1 0 Boesch lf 5 0 0 0 Lind 1b 5 2 2 2 MiCarr 1b 3 0 0 0 JRiver lf 4 1 3 1 VMrtnz dh 3 1 1 0 Arencii c 4 0 2 2 Raburn pr 0 1 0 0 Encrnc dh 4 1 1 0 Ordonz rf 4 0 1 0 McCoy 3b 4 1 1 0 JhPerlt ss 4 1 2 1 JMcDnl 2b 4 0 1 0 Avila c 4 0 0 0 Inge 3b 4 1 1 2 Totals 36 4 8 4 Totals 39 715 7 Detroit................................. 000 100 003 — 4 Toronto............................... 301 000 12x — 7 E—Inge (5), Y.Escobar (2). LOB—Detroit 8, Toron- to 9. 2B—Ordonez (2), Inge (7), C.Patterson 2 (6), Arencibia (4), Jo.McDonald (2). HR—Lind (7). CS—C.Patterson (4). IP H R ER BB SO Detroit Coke L,1-5............... 6 11 4 4 0 5 Villarreal ................... 1 2 ⁄3 3 3 3 0 1 Thomas .................... 1 ⁄3 1 0 0 1 1 Toronto Litsch W,3-2 ............ 6 1 ⁄3 4 1 1 3 9 Frasor H,3................ 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Rauch ....................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 Camp........................ 2 ⁄3 4 3 0 0 0 F.Francisco S,2-2 ... 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 WP—Rauch. Umpires—Home, Dale Scott;First, Jerry Meals;Se- cond, C.B. Bucknor;Third, Dan Iassogna. T—2:52. A—19,711 (49,260). Rays 6, Orioles 2 Tampa Bay Baltimore ab r h bi ab r h bi SRdrgz 2b 5 0 0 0 BRorts 2b 4 0 0 0 Zobrist rf 3 1 1 0 Markks rf 4 0 0 0 Damon dh 5 1 1 2 D.Lee 1b 3 1 1 1 Longori 3b 4 2 2 0 Guerrr dh 4 1 2 0 BUpton cf 5 1 2 1 Scott lf 4 0 1 1 Guyer lf 3 1 1 2 AdJons cf 4 0 1 0 Joyce ph-lf 1 0 0 0 Wieters c 3 0 0 0 Shppch c 3 0 0 0 MrRynl 3b 2 0 0 0 DJhnsn 1b 2 0 0 0 Andino ss 2 0 0 0 Ktchm 1b 2 0 2 1 EJhnsn ss 3 0 1 0 Totals 36 610 6 Totals 30 2 5 2 Tampa Bay......................... 030 000 012 — 6 Baltimore............................ 000 001 001 — 2 E—Longoria (1), Britton (1). DP—Tampa Bay 2, Bal- timore 1. LOB—Tampa Bay 8, Baltimore 4. 2B—Longoria (2), B.Upton (6), Guerrero 2 (4), Scott (4). HR—Damon (5), Guyer (1), D.Lee (3). SB—E.Johnson (2). S—E.Johnson. IP H R ER BB SO Tampa Bay Shields W,3-1.......... 7 1 ⁄3 3 1 1 3 5 Jo.Peralta H,3 ......... 1 1 ⁄3 2 1 1 0 1 B.Gomes.................. 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Baltimore Britton L,5-2............. 5 1 ⁄3 4 3 3 1 4 Berken...................... 1 1 ⁄3 3 0 0 1 2 Rapada..................... 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Accardo.................... 1 1 1 1 2 2 Uehara ..................... 1 2 2 2 0 2 WP—Berken. Umpires—Home, Mark Carlson;First, Tim Tim- mons;Second, Jeff Kellogg;Third, Eric Cooper. T—3:11. A—20,694 (45,438). Athletics 3, Royals 2 Oakland Kansas City ab r h bi ab r h bi Crisp cf 3 0 0 1 Aviles 2b 3 0 1 1 DeJess rf 4 0 1 0 MeCarr cf 4 0 0 0 CJcksn 1b 4 0 0 0 Gordon lf 4 1 1 1 Matsui dh 4 0 0 0 Butler dh 4 0 0 0 KSuzuk c 3 1 1 0 Francr rf 4 0 1 0 Sweeny lf 3 1 1 0 Hosmer 1b 2 0 0 0 AnLRc ss-3b 3 1 1 1 Betemt 3b 4 0 1 0 M.Ellis 2b 3 0 1 0 Dyson pr 0 0 0 0 Kzmnff 3b 2 0 0 1 Treanr c 3 1 0 0 Wlngh ph 1 0 0 0 AEscor ss 3 0 1 0 Pnngtn ss 0 0 0 0 Totals 30 3 5 3 Totals 31 2 5 2 Oakland.............................. 000 030 000 — 3 Kansas City ....................... 101 000 000 — 2 DP—Oakland 1, Kansas City 1. LOB—Oakland 1, Kansas City 6. 2B—Francoeur (10). 3B—Aviles (2). HR—Gordon (3). SB—Aviles (8), Hosmer (1), Dys- on (8). CS—Crisp (3). IP H R ER BB SO Oakland G.Gonzalez W,4-2.. 7 4 2 2 4 6 Balfour H,8............... 1 0 0 0 0 1 Fuentes S,8-10 ....... 1 1 0 0 0 1 Kansas City O’Sullivan L,1-2....... 8 5 3 3 1 0 Collins....................... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Umpires—Home, Phil Cuzzi;First, Bill Miller;Se- cond, Alan Porter;Third, James Hoye. T—2:22. A—30,690 (37,903). L O N G E S T H I T T I N G S T R E A K S The longest consecutive-game hitting streaks in a single season in baseball history, including 1876-1900 (x-active): Through May 6 Player, Team, Year ...............................................No. Joe DiMaggio, New York (A), 1941 .................... 56 Pete Rose, Cincinnati, 1978 ................................ 44 Willie Keeler, Baltimore (N), 1897....................... 44 Bill Dahlen, Chicago (N), 1894............................ 42 George Sisler, St. Louis (A), 1922...................... 41 Ty Cobb, Detroit, 1911 ......................................... 40 Paul Molitor, Milwaukee, 1987............................. 39 Tommy Holmes, Boston (N), 1945..................... 37 AP PHOTO Atlanta’s’ Martin Prado celebrates with Chipper Jones, left, after Prado scored during the ninth inning against the Philadelphia on Friday night. The Braves won 5-0. S T A N D I N G S AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away New York ....................................... 18 12 .600 — — 6-4 W-1 12-6 6-6 Tampa Bay..................................... 18 14 .563 1 — 7-3 W-2 9-10 9-4 Toronto........................................... 15 17 .469 4 3 5-5 W-1 7-5 8-12 Baltimore........................................ 14 17 .452 4 1 ⁄2 3 1 ⁄2 5-5 L-2 7-9 7-8 Boston............................................ 14 18 .438 5 4 4-6 L-3 8-9 6-9 Central Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Cleveland....................................... 21 9 .700 — — 8-2 W-1 13-2 8-7 Kansas City ................................... 17 15 .531 5 1 5-5 L-1 14-7 3-8 Detroit............................................. 15 18 .455 7 1 ⁄2 3 1 ⁄2 3-7 L-1 9-7 6-11 Minnesota...................................... 12 18 .400 9 5 4-6 W-3 4-6 8-12 Chicago.......................................... 11 21 .344 11 7 3-7 L-2 5-11 6-10 West Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Los Angeles .................................. 18 14 .563 — — 6-4 W-2 6-7 12-7 Oakland.......................................... 17 16 .515 1 1 ⁄2 1 1 ⁄2 6-4 W-1 8-8 9-8 Texas ............................................. 17 16 .515 1 1 ⁄2 1 1 ⁄2 3-7 L-2 11-6 6-10 Seattle ............................................ 15 17 .469 3 3 7-3 W-1 7-9 8-8 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Philadelphia................................... 21 10 .677 — — 6-4 L-1 12-6 9-4 Florida............................................ 19 12 .613 2 — 5-5 L-2 10-6 9-6 Atlanta............................................ 19 15 .559 3 1 ⁄2 1 1 ⁄2 8-2 W-6 9-7 10-8 Washington ................................... 15 17 .469 6 1 ⁄2 4 1 ⁄2 5-5 W-1 9-7 6-10 New York ....................................... 14 18 .438 7 1 ⁄2 5 1 ⁄2 5-5 W-2 7-10 7-8 Central Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away St. Louis......................................... 19 14 .576 — — 7-3 W-2 9-8 10-6 Cincinnati ....................................... 17 15 .531 1 1 ⁄2 2 1 ⁄2 6-4 W-3 10-9 7-6 Pittsburgh ...................................... 15 17 .469 3 1 ⁄2 4 1 ⁄2 5-5 L-1 4-9 11-8 Chicago.......................................... 14 17 .452 4 5 4-6 L-1 6-9 8-8 Houston ......................................... 13 19 .406 5 1 ⁄2 6 1 ⁄2 5-5 W-1 7-9 6-10 Milwaukee...................................... 13 19 .406 5 1 ⁄2 6 1 ⁄2 2-8 L-7 8-5 5-14 West Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Colorado........................................ 18 11 .621 — — 5-5 L-1 7-6 11-5 San Francisco ............................... 15 16 .484 4 4 5-5 L-1 4-5 11-11 Arizona........................................... 14 16 .467 4 1 ⁄2 4 1 ⁄2 6-4 W-1 10-9 4-7 Los Angeles .................................. 15 18 .455 5 5 3-7 L-3 9-9 6-9 San Diego...................................... 12 19 .387 7 7 4-6 L-1 5-13 7-6 C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 5B ➛ S P O R T S 110 Lost LOST CAT Long Hair Black & Grayish/Tan Stripes & Swirls. White On Mouth, Chest, Belly & Paws. Fluffy Tail, Green Eyes. Has Orange Collar But May Have Lost It. Kingston By Gate- way Apartments & Northampton St. 570-881-7771 150 Special Notices MONTY MONTY SA SAYS YS The Blue Pelican is the hottest spot on the lake...Don't go to the dark side when you can hang out with the worlds tallest bartender instead. LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! 412 Autos for Sale ‘09 Yaris, 26K ‘08 Malibu LT ‘06 Civic EX, 62K ‘07 FJ Cruiser ‘06 F-150 XCab, 4x4 `04 F-150 Xcab, 4x2 `03 Windstar LX `03 Tacoma KELLY AUTO SALES 875 W. Market St. Kingston, PA. 570-287-2243 CARS 4x4’s/ Trucks All vehicles serviced & warrantied 412 Autos for Sale MINI COOPER `08 Clubman. Black & White. Sunroof. 30K miles. Leather inte- rior, fully loaded. 6 speed. Excellent condition. 40 MPG. $20,500. Call 570-262-8811 527 Food Services/ Hospitality NIGHT AUDITOR Apply in person. Knights Inn 310 Route 315 Pittston, PA 18640 570-654-6020 533 Installation/ Maintenance/ Repair HANDYPERSON/ GARDNER Part time. Must be reliable, organ- ized, detailed and likes dogs. Lazy person need not apply. Call 570-709-2481 Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! 538 Janitorial/ Cleaning The Wyoming Valley West School District has the following positions available SUBSTITUTE CUSTODIANS $60.00 per day ........................... CLEANING PERSONS as per contract To work 4 hours per day, 5 days per week after school hours and summer cleaning. Please submit a let- ter of interest, Act 34, Act 151 and Act 114 clearances and application to: Charles R. Suppon Superintendent of Schools Wyoming Valley West School District 450 N. Maple Ave. Kingston, PA Deadline: May 23, 2011 542 Logistics/ Transportation CLASS A CDL DRIVER/WAREHOUSE Apply at Huttig Building Products 350 Lasley Ave. Hanover Twp, PA DRIVERS Fanelli Brothers Trucking has established new and increased driv- er pay package and an increased sign on bonus. Due to additional business, Fanelli Bros. Truck- ing Co. is adding both regional and local drivers to our Pottsville, PA termi- nal operation. Dri- vers are home most nights throughout the week. Drivers must have 2-3 years of OTR expe- rience, acceptable MVR and pass a criminal background check. The new pay pack- age offers: • .38 cpm for qualified drivers • $1,500 sign on bonus • Paid vacations and holidays • Health/Dental/ Vision Insurance • 401K Plan Contact Gary Potter at 570-544-3140 Ext 156 or visit us at 1298 Keystone Blvd., Pottsville, PA LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! DRIVERS NOW HIRING SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Best pay. Will train if necessary. Pace Transportation 570-883-9797 HUNLOCK CREEK 288 Sweet Valley Rd. Saturday, May 7 8am - 2pm Children’s and tod- dler items, house- hold, lawn items. Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! SPRING BROOK TOWNSHIP 73 Buck Run (off OHara Rd) Saturday 5/15 8-1 & Sunday 5/15, 8-1 Household, holiday, Xmas items, Dansko clogs, Vera Bradley, furniture, antiques. WILKES-BARRE NORTH St. Luke’s United Church of Christ Corner of 471 N. Main St. / Hollenback Ave. Saturday, May 7 9am - 6pm Monday, May 9 9am - 6pm Half-Price Day Tuesday, May 10 9am - 2pm Bag Day Dishes, Toys, cloth- ing, furniture, shoes, rugs, jewelry, books and homemade foods, including chili, whimpies, pizza, potato salad, haluski & pie. WILKES-BARRE TOWNSHIP New Street (Georgetown) Saturday May 7th 9:00AM - 1:00PM Children's items, household items, fishing, PS2 games. Something for Everyone! 815 Dogs AMERICAN BULLDOGS NKC registered. Both parents show champions. White with eye patches. $800 and up. 570-430- 8420 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! ITALIAN CANE CORSO Mastiff Puppies Registered and ready to go! Parents on premises. Blue & blue fawn. Vet Checked 570-617-4880 POMERANIAN PUPPIES Parents on premises Shots Current. $500. 570-401-1838 906 Homes for Sale LAFLIN 9 Main Street 2-3 bedroom, 1 full bath home on large fenced lot. 1 car detached garage, living room, dining room, eat in kitchen and newly added 14x16 deck. Washer, dryer & fridge incl- uded. New water heater and windows throughout.Full walk out basement. Hardwood floors in every room. Many updates, a must see! $89,000. 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Perez went from watching a great round to playing one him- self Friday in the Wells Fargo Championship. Four shots be- hindas he stoodonthe13thtee, he ran off five birdies over the last six holes for a 6-under 65 and a two-shot lead going into the weekend. “That’s not what I had in mind when I stepped on the 13th tee, let me tell you that much,” Perez said. Everyone was paying atten- tion to Lucas Glover, who was 6 under through 10 holes and in the lead. Perez started making every putt, finishing with a 30- footer on the 17th and firing at the back left flag on the18th for an 8-foot birdie. He was at 12-under 132, giv- ing him even more confidence about the overhaul of his swing earlier in the year. Jonathan Byrd rallied from a double bogey on the 14th — he went bunker to bunker to water — for a 68 that put him two shots behind along with Bill Haas, who finally made a bogey on the 35th hole of the tourna- ment and shot 70. Phil Mickelson delivered more excitement and saved par from the water for the third time this time. Most of his great shots were for birdie on this day, andthe three-time Masters champion wound up with a 66 to position himself nicely for the weekend. Mickelson was at 9-under 135 along with Glover, whose two late bogeys made him settle for a 68. Perez was popular earlier this week for all the wrong reasons. He was the third player in the group at NewOrleans last week that featured a profanity-filled argument between Rory Sabba- tini and Sean O’Hair during the tournament. Perez has turned down several reporters’ re- quests for comment, saying it didn’t involve him. Even so, he was happy to get back to the golf this week. “Sean O’Hair is one of the greatest guys in the world. I love playing with him,” Perez said. “And Rory has his mo- ments. I’ve always gotten along with Rory. I know how to deal withhim. For the most part, Ro- rydoesn’t evenbother meinthe least. It was a tough situation, and I’m hoping it never hap- pens again because you never like to see two players go at it. “But yeah, it was great to be on the course, and I knewI was playingwell,” he said. “Just nice to have peace on the course, and having some laughs and all that kind of stuff. It was nice. It was fun.” G O L F AP PHOTO Pat Perez, the 36-hole leader at 12-under 132, tips his visor on the 18th green at the Wells Far- go Championship golf tournament at Quail Hollow Club in Charlotte, N.C., on Friday. Perez up by 2 in Charlotte Overhauled swing pays off as he makes 5 birdies on last 6 holes in Wells Fargo. By DOUG FERGUSON AP Golf Writer INDIANAPOLIS — A.J. Foyt doesn’t mind being The Replace- ment as long as he gets to lead the Indianapolis 500. On Friday, the four-time race winner accepted an invitation to stepinfor DonaldTrumpas thece- lebrity pace-car driver, ending a controversybeforetheMay29race. It was anobvious choice. “I never knewofficially who was going to drive it. I knew they said DonaldTrump, but, No. 2canwind up winning the race and I’ve done that before,” Foyt said in a tele- phone interview while attending festivities at the Kentucky Derby. “SoifIoutdueledhim, I’mveryhap- pyabout it.” Foyt, Rick Mears and Al Unser are the only four-time winners in racehistoryandthisyearmarksthe 50th anniversary of Foyt’s first win at Indy. He made a record 35 con- secutive starts in the 500, and this will be the 54th consecutive year he’scompetedat thetrackasadriv- er or anowner. Plus, Foyt was one of the most vocal supportersof theIndyRacing Leaguefollowingthesplit fromthe rival and now defunct Champ Car series. Once Trump withdrew Thurs- day, that openedthe door for Foyt. Indianapolis Motor Speedway president and CEO Jeff Belskus saidheconsultedwithIndyCaroffi- cials, representatives of Chevrolet, manufacturer of the 2011 Camaro Convertible that will lead the cars, and the speedway’s board of direc- tors before making a formal invita- tion. “A.J. is the perfect choice.” Bel- skus said. “There’s a whole lot of considerations that go into it. Say- inghe’stheperfectchoicethat’sJeff Belskus’ perspective onthis.” The decision allows race orga- nizers to switch the focus from Trump’s poten- tial presidential aspirations back tothecentennial celebration of the first Indy 500. Trump was chosen as the pace-car driver last month, but backed out after oppo- nents called him too divisive and toomuchof a distraction. Those that wanted The Donald out included Indiana Rep. Jeb Bar- don, a Democrat who represents the area around the historic 2.5- mile oval. He gave a floor speech lastweekintheIndianaLegislature calling for a change. A Facebook pagededicatedtodumpingTrump drewmore than18,000followers. Trump drew criticism for ques- tioning whether President Obama wasbornoutsidetheUnitedStates. He also has questioned whether Obamawas qualifiedtoattendtwo IvyLeague schools. Belskus said he never anticipat- edthebacklash—orTrump’spolit- ical views — becoming an issue leading up to next Sunday’s open- ingday. “Mr. Trump is a remarkable per- sonandpeople seemtoeither love himor hatehim, but it’s passionate in both directions,” Belskus said. “Hehasalotofsupporters. Partofit is with the things he’s been doing over the past month, six weeks with the potential presidential bid that hasbrought lotsof attentionto it and that, frankly, we didn’t ex- pect.” It’s the first time the speedway has changedpace-car drivers since 2001, when injured golfer Greg Normancouldnotdrive.Raceorga- nizers then put Elaine Irwin Mel- lencamp in the car as the first fe- male todrive the car. WhenFoytfinishesthehonorary pace laps, he will likely get out of thecar, walkbacktohis spot onpit row and put on his headset so he can talk to his two drivers —Vitor Meira and Bruno Junqueira, both Brazilians. A U T O R A C I N G Foyt fills Trump’s seat in Indy 500 pace car Controversy over, as 4-time champ takes over as celebrity driver for the May 29 race. By MICHAEL MAROT AP Sports Writer Foyt MADRID — Tennis will be without a top-10 American man or woman next week for the first time in the 38-year history of the sport’s rankings. Serena Williams is ranked10th but is projected to drop out. She hasn’t playedsince winningWim- bledon because of injuries and could drop as lowas No. 19 in the WTArankings depending on this week’s Madrid Open. The rankings Monday will mark the first time since the men’s list was createdin1973 and the women’s list in 1975 that no American is represented. Bethanie Mattek-Sands of the U.S. is ranked 41st and will im- prove to No. 38 after reaching the quarterfinals of the Madrid tour- nament this week. She said the U.S. needs to change the way it develops players and points to a variety of reasons for the low rankings, from pressure to bur- nout to work ethic. Mardy Fish dropped from the No. 10 spot last week to leave no American male player in the top 10. Former No. 1 Andy Roddick has bounced in and out but cur- rently sits12th—one better than Fish. Williams has yet to returnfrom two foot operations and treat- ment for a blood clot in her lung. Sister Venus Williams, currently No. 16, will dropdownafter being sidelined since the Australian Open with a hip injury. The sev- en-time Grand Slam champion is expected to return at Eastbourne next month in preparation for Wimbledon, while13-time Grand Slam winner Serena has said she will return sometime in the sum- mer. The U.S. is the most successful country when it comes to top- ranked players. The Williams sis- ters are among seven former top- ranked women, while Roddick is the last of six top-ranked players on the men’s side. T E N N I S No U.S. men or women in top 10 The Associated Press C M Y K PAGE 6B SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ S P O R T S 2 6 2 9 1 4 Ava Jones of Plains Age: 5 months OH BABY! Cute baby of the week: NUMBER ONE AUDITED NEWSPAPER IN LUZERNE COUNTY N AUD UUD AU A D NEWS NEW NEWS NEWS IN LUZERN LUZERN IN Send your baby photos to: The Times Leader, Oh Baby! 15 N. Main Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 Please include age and hometown. You may also e-mail photos to [email protected] OH BABY! RT. 309 Wilkes-Barre Twp. Blvd (Near Home Depot) 822-2025 Prices expire 5-13-11 We Now Accept The Access Card DAYS A WEEK 7AM - 9PM ICE CREAM STAND NOW OPEN LARGE SLICING TOMATOES 99 ¢ WOW! SAHLEN’S HAM OFF THE BONE $ 3 99 LB. AMERICAN CHEESE $ 2 99 LB. 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Your commitment to The Times Leader Newspapers In Education program does more to educate children throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania than simply place newspapers in classrooms. It helps foster literacy, and throughout the school year the program provides teachers with monthly periodicals on current events and access to special online lesson plans. The NIE program is also responsible for the presentation of the annual Times Leader/Scripps NEPA Regional Spelling Bee. Cornelio Catena, FACHE Chief Executive Officer Wyoming Valley Health Care System Thank You! Mon. - Fri 9a.m - 7 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 9a.m - 6 p.m. 887Wyoming Avenue •Wyoming • 693-2584 887W i A W i 693 2584 $ 3.95 6” Gerbera Daisies Visit us on Facebook www.kasardagreenhouse.com PITTSBURGH — The Cham- pion sports apparel company has ended its endorsement deal with Pittsburgh Steelers running back Rashard Mendenhall over Twitter remarks the player made criticiz- ing people for celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported Friday that Champion “strongly disagreed” with the tweets and ended a new four-year contract the player recently signed. Mendenhall on Monday ques- tioned the public celebrations of binLaden’sdeath, andwhether the World Trade Center towers were really brought down on Sept. 11, 2001, only by crashing two hi- jacked airliners into the buildings. P R O F O O T B A L L Mendenhall’s endorsement deal ends The Associated Press C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 7B ➛ N A S C A R 868-GOLF 260 Country Club Drive, Mountaintop www.blueridgetrail.com Tuesday thru Friday Play & Ride for Just $ 33.00 Weekday Special Must Present Coupon. One coupon per foursome. Cannot be used in tournaments or with any other promotion. 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Ask about our Scholarship Incentive Program for graduate students in education, and our Advisory Board Scholarships for health care administration! º M.S. |n Hea|th Oare Adm|n|strat|on º Graduate cert|fcate |n Pub||c Hea|th Adm|n|strat|on |on-||neì º Graduate cert|fcate |n ES| Other graduate programs include: DARLINGTON, S.C. — Tem- pers were still raging Friday be- tween Juan Pablo Montoya and Ryan Newman, who had a heated discussion at Darlington Race- way about an extended on-track feud. It was evident there’s a grow- ing animosity between the two drivers, despite their halfhearted efforts to downplay their latest flare-up in their morning media sessions. A later meeting moder- ated by NASCARdid not go well. The two were called in to dis- cuss their actions last Saturday night at Richmond, where New- man wrecked Montoya early in the race, and Montoya later retal- iated by intentionally crashing Newman. “We did have a meeting with both Ryan and Juan relative to their incident, and we made it clear to them that this is their fi- nal warning. We also made it clear that we will be watching them closely,” NASCAR spokes- man Kerry Tharp said. “The meeting did not go as well as we had hoped it would.” NASCAR told the two drivers the discussion is not finished. Asked after qualifying if ru- mors that Newman had punched him during the NASCAR meet- ing were true, Montoya would not say. “I don’t know, ask him,” Mon- toya said. “I could tell you either way, couldn’t I? I could make something up. Let’s leave it at that.” Newman didn’t comment, ei- ther, whenaskedif the discussion turned physical. “That’s just speculation,” he said. “It was a private meeting. That’s why we had it at the haul- er. Withconflict there are varying opinions, that’s what causes the conflict. I’m past it.” Next up is tonight’s event at Darlington Raceway, where the short fuses that highlighted the Richmond race could again come into play. “Don’t you only hope,” seven- time Darlington winner Jeff Gor- don joked about all the side- shows. Although Kyle Busch and Den- ny Hamlin had an uneventful 1-2 sweep for Joe Gibbs Racing last weekend, much of the excite- ment came further back in the field. Martin Truex Jr. and Kurt Busch directed expletive-laden rants at their crews over their in- car radios, and both got the re- sults they desired. Truex has four new pit crew members after his team botched the final stop at Richmond, and Busch said there’s been behind-the-scenes personnel shuffling at Penske Racing that has him hopeful his complaints have been heard. Busch acknowledged Friday it may not have been the best way to deliver his message, but he was confident his meltdown had finally achieved results. “It wasn’t the best forum to go out there on Saturday and talk about things,” Busch said. “In my mind, toseethings deteriorate— and I’ve held it in —and it wasn’t the right spot to do so. But now with people listening, I think we’re going to make some good strides and try to advance it.” The tight confines of short- track racing has been prone to bringout the worst indrivers. Ac- cidental contact — sometimes intentional — can cause drivers to fight both on and off the track. Throw in the frustration that comes from an ill-handling race car, and drivers can spend most of the race staving off a tantrum. Fallout from the Richmond fracas carries over to Darlington Raceway Growing animosity between Montoya and Newman results in warning from officials. JENNA FRYER AP Auto Racing Writer Scranton/Wilkes-Barre 10, Pawtucket 1 Pawtucket SWB ab r h bi ab r h bi Nava, lf 3 0 0 0 Brewer, rf 2 2 1 0 Sutton, 2b 4 0 0 0 Dickerson, lf 4 1 3 1 Reddick, cf 2 0 0 0 Montero, c 5 0 1 1 Sheely, ph 1 0 0 0 Vazquez, 1b 4 2 1 0 Luna, 3b 4 0 0 0 Maxwell, cf 4 1 1 1 Anderson, 1b 4 1 2 0 Laird, 3b 4 2 2 0 Thomas, dh 3 0 1 0 Parraz, dh 4 0 1 3 Spears, rf 4 0 1 1 Nunez, 2b 3 1 0 0 Exposito, c 4 0 1 0 Bernier, ss 4 1 1 3 Iglesias, ss 2 0 0 0 Totals 31 1 5 1 Totals 341011 9 Pawtucket ........................ 000 000 001 — 1 Scranton/Wilkes-Barre... 102 004 30x — 10 2B – SWB: Dickerson, Maxwell, Parraz 3B – SWB: Bernier IP H R ER BB SO Pawtucket Weiland (L, 2-3)....... 5.1 6 5 5 3 7 Santeliz..................... .2 2 4 3 4 0 Rice........................... 2 3 1 1 0 4 SWBe Pehlps (W, 2-3) ....... 6 1 0 0 1 7 Pope ......................... 1 1 0 0 0 0 Sisco......................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 Kontos ...................... 1 3 1 1 0 1 C M Y K PAGE 8B SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ S P O R T S else in my life. “We’re going to be around for a while. I got 25 2-year-olds and he can take as many as he wants. I have 100 friends and family here. Andat the endof the day,” he add- ed, “I still got someone else in the race.” With that, Repole punctured the somber mood by taking off a ballcap with “Uncle Mo” stitched across the front and replacing it with another reading “Stay Thir- sty” over the bill. “I always wondered why some- one gave me two Derby horses in the same year,” he said. “I think I just found out why.” It’s not always that easy, to be sure. LaPenta, who’s been in the racket since throwing in with Louisville basketball coach Rick Pitino in 1998, could provide chapter and verse about that. “I have a shirt from every Der- by, every Preakness, every Bel- mont with all of the horses listed. Eighty percent of the horses that run in the Derby, you may never see again,” LaPenta said. “The stress of getting to the Derby and the stress of that race, when they aren’t built to run a mile-and-a- quarter, it knocks them out. They’re done.” To illustrate the point, LaPenta andZitostart alternatingsentenc- es in tales of horses whose Derby chances were compromised dur- ing the race by a thrown shoe, or short-circuitedby a fluke accident even before they reached the track. Most memorably, War Pass never raced again after the plane carrying the juvenile champion bouncedonalandingstripinNew York, opening a wound in the horse’s neck that required 18 sta- ples to close. “Of the 35,000 (horses) bred in one year, 20 go into the starting gate,” LaPenta said. “That’s why it’s a great sport, though. The highest highs. What you’ve got to try and do is modulate your emo- tions, because you kind of have to expect youarenot goingtobesuc- cessful.” He paused long enough to tap the wooden railing one final time. “We don’t knowwhat’s going to happen tomorrow,” he aid. “Let’s hope all of us come out healthy.” LITKE Continued from Page 1B Jim Litke is a national sports colum- nist for The Associated Press. Write to him at [email protected] the 137th Derby, set for today at 6:24 p.m. EDT. The colt has been bothered by a stomach problem, but vets couldn’t find a reason for his decreased appetite, energy and poor-looking coat. “I’m actually relieved and now I’mreally concerned and worried about Uncle Mo,” Repole said. “My hope is Uncle Mo gets healthy. He is a superstar.” Uncle Mo’s absence reduced the already less-than-dazzling field to 19 horses, with Dialed In as the 9-2 favorite for two time- winning trainer Nick Zito. Already lost in one of the flu- kiest Triple Crown seasons in memory were Premier Pegasus, The Factor, Jaycito, To Honor and Serve and Toby’s Corner, among others. Today marks the 20th anniver- sary of Zito’s first Derby victory, when Strike the Gold came from off the pace in 1991. Dialed In, who won his debut at Churchill Downs inNovember, shares a similar running style. “He’s a closer and that’s the way he needs to run,” Zito said. “Therearefour or fivehorses that look good, but you have to beat all of them.” Dialed In won the Florida Der- by in a woefully slowtime —and that was no exception. The speed figures used to rate a horse’s past performance indicate this year’s crop of Derby contenders is lack- ing in zip. “Slow, fast or in-between, as long as he gets the distance what do we care?” Zito said. “If he does what we ask himto do, what’s the difference really?” Arkansas Derby winner Ar- charcharch posted the highest speed figure in the major Derby preps, but will have a difficult time duplicating that coming out of the troublesome No. 1 post on the inside rail. The uncertainty hovering over the race dovetails with a messy run-up that saw a slew of conten- ders sidelined by injuries and poor performances. “There’s so much parity,” said Baffert, a three-time winner who will saddle Midnight Interlude, whowill try tobuckhistory tobe- come the first horse since Apollo in 1882 to win without having raced as 2-year-old. “When you have a lot of equal horses and there’s no standout, everybody thinks, ‘Well, maybe it’s not that tough of a field,’ but I think it’s a tough field,” he said. Without Uncle Mo, Repole and trainer Todd Pletcher still have a shot at winning with Stay Thir- sty, who will try to rebound after fading to seventh in the Florida Derby. Comma to the Top, Shackle- ford and Soldat figure to be among the early pacesetters. Sol- dat couldbenefit most if the race- day forecast of a 60 percent chance of rain holds since he trained well over the sloppy dirt track earlier in the week. “Soldat is going to be tough on the outside,” Baffert said. “He’s got me a little worried, along with the 18 others.” Nehro, who’s won once in five starts, will try to end trainer Steve Asmussen’s 0-for-9 skid. DERBY Continued from Page 1B Wyoming Valley Conference Di- vision II title. “We playedvery well fromstart to finish,” Lehman coach Mark LeValley said. “Tyler (McGov- ern) gave us a great effort on the hill” in his first WVC start of the season, striking out eight in six innings for the win. Withthe victory, Lake-Lehman (8-1) split the regular-season se- ries with Meyers (9-1) and pulled within a half-game of the Mo- hawks for the Division II lead. The Knights have five games remaining and the Mohawks have four, including a road game against third-place Hanover Area on Tuesday. Should the teams finish the regular season tied, they would meet again in a special playoff game to decide the Division II champion and, in all likelihood, the top seed in the District 2 Class 2A tournament. Lehman earned both of those honors last year, but it was Meyers who knocked off the Knights ontheir homefieldinthe playoffs and went on to win the district title. Meyers had also handed the Knights their only WVC loss of 2011, winning 12-2 at Gibby Field last month. On Friday, the Mohawks trailed 6-1 headed into the sixth inning before C.J. Szafran and Victor Garcia both drew two-out walks to start a rally. Dakota Owen and Robert Reilly followed with back-to-back doubles that made it 6-4. The Knights, however, were unfazed. With one out in the bottom of the sixth, Cole Barbacci doubled and Ryan Murphy drew his third walk of the game to set the table for the heart of the order. Josh Everett (3-4, double, four RBI) drove in a run with a base hit. Bryan Mathers (home run, three RBI) knocked in another with a sacrifice fly. After McGov- ern was hit by a pitch, Zack Yur- sha blasted a three run homer to center to break the game open at 11-4. “We answered the bell,” LeVal- ley said. “We answered immedi- ately and took the momentum right back, which was great.” Meyers had jumped out in front in the top of the first on an RBI triple by Garcia. Lake-Leh- mangot it backinthe secondona run-scoring single by Curt Bar- bacci. An RBI single by Everett in the third was followed by a two-run homer by Mathers to left that made it 4-1. Everett knockedintwomore in the fourth with a double to push the lead to 6-1 before Meyers ral- lied. “I’mproud of my kids,” Meyers coach Matt Skrepenak said. “The big difference was our pitchers kept the ball up in the strike zone and their pitchers kept it down in thestrikezone. Theyjust tookad- vantage of that.” Skrepenak and the Mohawks were missing a significant piece of their last twowins against Leh- man, however, as senior standout John Nargoski missed his sev- enth straight game with an inju- ry. Nargoski, an Iona recruit, threwthree shutout innings of re- lief for the win in last year’s semi- finals andalsobeat theKnights in their first meeting this season, striking out 10 in four innings. Skrepenak said he remains day- to-day. The Knights, meanwhile, got hits from seven different players on Friday, with an eighth, Mur- phy, reaching base three times. “We don’t have the power that we had last year, but we have more depth one through nine,” LeValley said. “Not that we didn’t have good depth in the past, but this is a deeper (lineup), and it even goes through hitters 10, 11 and 12.” Meyers Lake-Lehman ab r h bi ab r h bi DiMaggio ss 4 0 0 0 Murphy lf 1 3 0 0 Szafran 2b 1 2 0 0 Everett 2b 4 2 3 4 Garcia 3b 2 1 1 1 Mathers ss 3 1 1 3 Owen c 3 1 1 2 McGvn p-1b 3 1 1 0 Reilly rf 3 0 1 1 Yursha cf 4 2 2 3 DeMarco 1b 3 0 1 0 Bean 1b-p 0 0 0 0 Zionce lf 0 0 0 0 Paulsks dh 2 0 1 0 Amesbury dh 3 0 0 0 CuBrbcci 3b 3 0 1 1 Dubil p 1 0 0 0 Shurites rf 3 0 0 0 Morrash p 2 0 1 0 CoBrbcci c 2 2 1 0 Lavan cf 3 0 0 0 Totals 25 4 5 4 Totals 25111011 Meyers ................................... 100 003 0 — 4 Lake-Lehman........................ 013 205 x — 11 2B – Owen, Reilly, Yursha, Everett, CoBarbacci; 3B – Garcia; HR – Mathers, Yursha IP H R ER BB SO Meyers Dubil (L, 4-1)............. 3.2 7 6 6 3 0 Morrash..................... 2.1 3 5 5 2 3 Lake-Lehman McGovern (W, 2-0) . 6.0 4 4 4 3 8 Bean........................... 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 LEHMAN Continued from Page 1B chants of “MVP! MVP” from a hefty contingent of Bulls fans. The Hawks’ fans began head- ing for home. Jeff Teague was about the only highlight for At- lanta, scoring 21 points. That wasn’t nearly enough against the D-Rose onslaught. He made 16 of 27 shots from the field, in- cluding four treys. He dished out seven assists, grabbed five rebounds, came up with a steal —heck, he even blocked a shot. MVP, indeed. After struggling to put away Indiana in the opening round and losing at home in the open- er of this series, the Bulls looked every bit like the team that won 62games duringthe regular sea- son. While everyone will point to Rose’s performance, the Chi- cago benchplayeda key role ina decisive second-quarter spurt. And everyone chipped in on the boards, leadingthe Bulls toa 47- 34 edge that included 18 offen- sive rebounds. ATLANTA—Finally, the real Chicago Bulls showed up in the playoffs. Naturally, Derrick Rose led the way. Looking every bit like an MVP, Rose sliced up Atlanta for a career-high 44 points as the Bulls seized control of the East- ern Conference semifinals with their best performance of the postseason, romping to a 99-82 victory over the Hawks in Game 3 Friday night. The Bulls lead the series 2-1, putting Atlanta in must-win po- sition heading into Game 4 Sun- day night. Rose was dominant from the opening tip, slashing into the lane for a basket that prompted Atlanta to call a timeout before the game was a minute old. He finished off the Hawks midway through the fourth with back-to- back three-pointers, hopping down the court, serenaded by N B A P L AYO F F S AP PHOTO The Bulls’ Derrick Rose shoots as the Hawks’ Josh Smith, top, defends during Game 3 of an NBA playoff series. Rose pours in 44 as Bulls roll The Associated Press lower his ERAto 3.47. Three oth- er pitchers and Phelps combined to hold the Red Sox to just eight baserunners in the victory. Pawtucket only had five hits and drew one walk. The other two batters to reachbase were hit batsmen. The only run Pawtuck- et scored was in the top of the ninth on three singles. “Today, my mechanics were clicking. I was making pitches. It was definitely my best stuff,” Phelps said. “When we’re click- ing, there’s not a lot of teams that can beat us.” Chris Dickerson (3-for-4) post- ed an RBI-double in the first to put the Yankees up 1-0. They went up 3-0 in the third on a run- scoring single by Jesus Montero and a double to drive in a run from Justin Maxwell. NOTES • Friday’s game pitted former Notre Dame teammates squaring off against each other with the Yankees’ David Phelps against Pawtucket’s Kyle Weiland. Both pitchers graduated from the Fighting Irish program in 2009. Today is University of North Carolina daywitha pair of former Tar Heels teammates taking the hill in AndrewMiller for the Paw- Sox and Adam Warren for Scran- ton/Wilkes-Barre. Miller and Warren were teammates in 2006 and 2007 • Jorge Vazquez (1-for-4) and Brandon Laird (2-for-4) were on base for Bernier’s and Parraz’s bases-loaded hits. FRED ADAMS/FOR THE TIMES LEADER Yankees pitcher David Phelps delivers a pitch to Pawtucket’s Tony Thomas, who sets up for a bunt in the fourth inning. YANKEEES Continued from Page 1B Next Game: 1:05 p.m. today Probable Pitchers: Pawtucket LHP Andrew Miller (1-1, 1.40) vs. Yankees RHP Adam Warren (1-0, 3.75) On Deck: The short four-game homestand ends Sunday with an afternoon contest. SWB hits the road again on Monday. Radio: All games can be heard on THE GAME (1340-AM) with Mike Vander Woude L O O K I N G A H E A D MOOSIC – A flurry of trans- actions occurred for the Yankees on Friday when the team needed to make a few moves after being shorthanded for Thursday’s game. Ramiro Pena was pulled from the loss against Pawtucket in the second inning of Thursday’s game to get called up to New York, and pitcher Josh Schmidt was sent to Trenton on Wednes- day. On Friday, New York claimed pitcher Jess Todd off waivers from Cleveland and sent him to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre,and Kevin Russo was designated for assign- ment by the Triple-A Yankees. Two other moves announced were Dan Brewer rejoining SWB after being sent to Trenton two weeks ago and Kevin Castro was assigned to Scranton/Wilkes- Barre from Charleston. Schmidt was 2-1 with a 1.17 ERA in four appearances for SWB. Pena hit .233 in Triple-A with two home runs and seven RBI. He was needed in New York after Eric Chavez went on the disabled list with a broken bone in his foot. Russo hit .233 for Scranton/Wilkes-Barre with nine extra-base hits in 100 at bats this season. In his first stint with Triple-A earlier this season, Brewer, an outfielder, hit .438 (7-for-16) with three stolen bases in three games. For Single-A Charleston, Cas- tro, a third baseman, hit .264 with three homers and 11 RBI in 18 games. Russo was designated to make room on the 40-man roster for Todd. Todd comes over from Colum- bus where he posted an ERA of 11.00 in eight games for the Clip- pers, pitching in nine innings, allowing 18 hits, 11 earned runs and six walks. Yanks forced into moves By DAVE ROSENGRANT [email protected] ter the goal he wasn’t sure if he tipped the puck with a high stick. “As soonas I tippedit I looked right at the ref and he looked right at me and signaled goal,” Collins said. “Once he put that armdown I was pumped. It was definitely close, but I think it was below my shoulders.” The series has evolved into a matchup of the league’s top two playoff goalies, andthefirst peri- od proved it. Both teams ex- changed several good scoring chances, and on each Thiessen and Murphy came up big. Thiessen’s biggest save came when he stoned Michal Jordan in the slot. Murphy kept the Penguins off the board when he gloved a shot from Brian Strait, who was alone in the left circle. Down1-0with10minutes left, Charlotte’s offense went full tilt at Thiessen. He made saves on deflections in front, stopped Bryan Rodney in the slot and Jon Matsumoto at the corner to preserve the shutout. “He’s in a goaltender battle with Murphy, which is nice to see,” Penguins coach John Hynes said. “The goaltenders are playing exceptional, both teams are extremely committed defensively and it’s tough to get quality scoring chances. You’re looking at two teams with great goaltending and guys in front that are competing extremely hard on both sides.” Just how good has the goal- tending been in the series? ComingintoGame5, Thiessen’s goals-against average was 1.60 and it dropped to 1.45 with the shutout. Murphy saw his GAA drop from1.73 to 1.65. The key for Thiessen, he said, is not tothinkabout the fact that allowing a single goal could end the Penguins’ season. “Once the puck’s coming your way, you’re not thinking that this couldbe the one that ends it for us,” he said. “You’re just try- ing to do your job and stop the puck.” The win gives the Penguins a huge momentum boost as they take the series back to the Wilkes-Barre area where they hope to even things up tonight at three games apiece. “To get back and play in front of our home crowd on a Satur- day night in Wilkes-Barre… you can’t ask for anything more,” Collins said. If the Penguins win tonight, Game 7 will be played at Mohe- gan Sun Arena on Monday. But Hynes said his team isn’t looking that far ahead. “(Tonight) is another life for us. We want to live to fight an- other day, but we can’t look at winning two at home,” he said. “We’re looking at winning one (tonight).” PENGUINS Continued from Page 1B Game 5, East Division Finals Penguins 1, Charlotte 0 (Charlotte leads series, 3-2) Penguins.................................................. 0 0 1 — 1 Charlotte .................................................. 0 0 0 — 0 First period—Scoring: None. Penalties: CHA, He- rauf (slashing) 5:57; WBS, Craig (high-sticking) 6:28; WBS, Thompson (interference) 11:02. Second period—Scoring: None. Penalties: WBS, Strait (interference) 1:52; CHA, Matsumoto (high- sticking) 15:48; CHA, Terry (hooking) 17:57; WBS, Walker (charging) 19:31; CHA, Borer (tripping) 19:49. Third period—Scoring: 1. WBS, Chris Collins 3 (Lerg, Craig) 8:54. Penalties: CHA, Rodney (hook- ing) 6:53; WBS, Strait (boarding) 9:18. Shots on goal—Penguins, 15-6-12-33; Charlotte, 6-3-14-23 Power-play opportunities—Penguins, 0-of-5; Charlotte, 0-of-4 Goaltenders—Penguins, Brad Thiessen 6-5 (23 saves-23 shots); Charlotte, Mike Murphy 6-3 (32-33) Starters—Penguins, G Brad Thiessen, D Corey Potter, DSteve Wagner, LWTimWallace, CBryan Lerg, RW Chris Collins; Charlotte, G Mike Murphy, DJustin Fulk, DBryan Rodney, LWZach Boychuk, C Brett Sutter, RW Zac Dalpe Three stars—1. WBS, Brad Thiessen (23 saves, shutout); 2. CHA, Mike Murphy (32 saves); 3. WBS, Chris Colliins (game-winning goal) Referees—Ryan Fraser, Chris Ciamaga. Lines- men—Mike Sheehan, Alex Stagnone Attendance—6,646 C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 9B ➛ S P O R T S 2 8 1 9 6 8 2011 Brightest & The times leader Best Each year The Times Leader Best & Brightest program honors local high school students for their scholastic achievements and community service. Listed here are this year’s fnalists. The fnal winners for each category will be announced at The Times Leader’s 2011 Best & Brightest Awards Ceremony to be held at The Woodlands Inn & Resort on Wednesday, May 11, 2011. ART: Neil Mattern Loren Schott Rachel Spect Delilah Van Gorden BUSINESS SKILLS: Brandon Harding Alexandra Petsuck Sara Lynn Kathryn Tressa COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY: Jacob Daniels Sergey Ivanov Karisa Nicole Calvitti FOREIGN LANGUAGES: Brianna Winter Jackeline Torres Amanda Lara Samantha Martin Cicely Hazell PERFORMING ARTISTS: Jillian A. Puhalla Meghan Hourigan Courtney Prozeralik Katie Joyce Amanda Urbanski ENGLISH & LITERATURE: Rebecca Ann Richards Caitlin Vitale Joseph Hornak SCIENCE & ENVIRONMENT: Letitia Warunek Carly Sokach Alexandra Elizabeth Chapin Sara Brozena Pierce Donovan SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY: Linnae Homza Courtney Sult Morgan Elise McGrane Erin Ryan Ronald Klepadlo MUSIC: Megan Gallagher Kelcie Lushefski Molly Allan Eric Petterson II Julia Kundratic ATHLETICS: Selena Adamshick Michael Papi Shelley Black Lauren Skudalski JOURNALISM: Brianna Wise Matthew Morgis Rebecca Farrell MATHEMATICS: Timothy Yurish Noah James Long Danielle Phillips Katelyn Arcelay Ami Patel CIVICS: Thomas Hogan Omeed Firouzi Samantha Snyder Gabrielle Richards Robert Kost NUMBER ONE AUDITED NEWSPAPER IN LUZERNE COUNTY – AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS (ABC) E ne N AUD NEWS IN LUZERN – AUDIT 2 8 4 0 2 5 3400 N. Main Ave, SCRANTON www.ToyotaScionofScranton.com 344444400 00 00 00 00 00 00 NNNNNNN..... 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OVER 460VEHICLES AVAILABLE! $ 17,999 58 58 AAVAILABLE 2011 COROLLA LE NEW $ 209 * LOWPAYMENT! per mo. for 36 mos. lease with $1,999 down Model #1838 Stock# 42555 MSRP: $18,360 STARTING AS LOWAS: $ 22,399 55 55 AAVAILABLE 2011 CAMRY LE NEW $ 229 * LOWPAYMENT! per mo. for 36 mos. lease with $1,999 down Model #2532 Stock# 41616 MSRP: $23,460 STARTING AS LOWAS: $ 23,999 106 106 AAVAILABLE 2011 RAV4 AWD NEW $ 279 * LOWPAYMENT! per mo. for 36 mos. lease with $1,999 down Model #4432 Stock# 42375 MSRP: $24,835 STARTING AS LOWAS: $ 20,805 43 43 AAVAILABLE 2011TACOMA DOUBLE CAB NEW $ 269 * LOWPAYMENT! per mo. for 36 mos. lease with $1,999 down Model #7503 Stock# 41701 (V6 Engine) MSRP: $21,190 STARTING AS LOWAS: $ 30,995 39 39 AAVAILABLE 2011TUNDRA DOUBLE CAB NEW $ 439 * LOWPAYMENT! per mo. for 36 mos. lease with $1,999 down Model #8339 Stock# 42526 (4.6L V-8) MSRP: $32,360 STARTING AS LOWAS: NEW YORK — Major League Baseball and its players’ association are considering a formal plan for dealing with alcohol-related inci- dents in the next collective bargain- ing agreement. Two baseball officials confirmed the negotiations to The Associated Press on Friday, speaking on condi- tion of anonymity because the talks are considered confidential. Alcohol usehasbecomeahot-but- ton issue in baseball, following a spate of six drunken-driving inci- dents involving high-profile players already this season. The current CBA, which expires Dec. 11, has provisions for dealing with “drugs of abuse” such as co- caine and marijuana, but does not provide Commissioner Bud Selig withtheauthoritytodisciplineplay- ers for alcohol-related offenses. Instead, players arrested for DUI and other incidents are typically of- fered confidential counseling and treatment on a case-by-case basis. According to one baseball official, the league and the players’ union simply want to “codify” the current process. The plancouldmirror the one al- ready in place for players who test positive for drugs like marijuana — theyfacemandatorycounselingand possiblesuspensionif theyrefuseto cooperate. The officials saidthe unionis not opposed to including alcohol in the next CBA. “This is something we have plannedtodiscuss, alcohol ingener- al,”leaguespokesmanPatCourtney said Friday. “It’s been brought up andwill continuetobebrought up.” Los Angeles Dodgers manager DonMattinglysaidFridaythat alco- hol abuseshouldbetreatedinamat- ter similar to drug abuse. USA Today and the Daily News have reportedonthe talks previous- ly. OnMonday, Clevelandoutfielder Shin-Soo Choo became the latest player arrested when he failed field sobriety tests in Sheffield Lake, Ohio. Choo was released without bond and was driven home. He made the Indians’ trip to Oakland, andafter apologizing to teammates and the fans, he was in the starting lineup Tuesday. M A J O R L E A G U E B A S E B A L L Plan to address alcohol abuse mulled The Associated Press C M Y K T h e W e e k A h e a d Inflation watch The government’s April reports on inflation will measure how fast prices for gas and food are rising. The Producer Price Index is due on Thursday, and the Consumer Price Index on Friday. Many businesses have been passing along their price increases to customers. Economists are concerned that this will slow eco- nomic growth. Details, please When Cisco Systems releases its earnings report on Wednes- day, investors will want more than income and revenue num- bers. They want details of the “bold steps” Cisco says it’s taking to narrow its focus and raise its profits. The maker of computer networking equipment has had three disappointing quarterly reports. And CEO John Chambers has vowed he’ll take those bold steps to change the company. Mickey vs. gas prices Walt Disney’s first-quarter earnings report on Tuesday is expected to show whether the entertainment conglomerate’s theme parks were hurt by rising gas prices and harsh winter weather. Disney World in Florida in particular is a popular destination for students on winter breaks. The company will also be giving an update on the TV advertising market, which has been improving since the recession. Price-to-earnings ratio: 19 based on past 12 months’ results Dividend: $0.40 Div. Yield: 0.9% 30 35 40 $45 2Q ’10 Operating EPS 2Q ’11 est. $0.48 $0.57 DIS $43.06 $35.34 ’10 Source: FactSet Source: FactSet Price-to-earnings ratio: 13 based on past 12 months’ results Dividend: $0.24 Div. Yield: 1.4% 15 20 25 $30 3Q ’10 Operating EPS 3Q ’11 est. $0.42 $0.37 CSCO $17.56 $26.55 ’10 ’11 Source: FactSet 0.1% 0.4 N D J F M A Consumer price index Month-over-month change est. 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 ’11 BP offshore gas deal OK’d Azerbaijan’s parliament has cleared BP to develop an offshore gas field that may hold up to 500 billion cubic me- ters of natural gas. Parliament deputy speaker Valekh Aleskerov said Friday that the produc- tion-sharing agreement with the state energy company includes a four-year exploration period and will be valid for at least 30 years. The block covers an area of around 425 square miles and has not previous- ly been explored. BP Exploration Azerbaijan Ltd. and Azerbaijan’s state-owned SOCAR will each control a 50 percent interest in the Shafag-Asiman concession. Credit card use up Consumers used their credits card more in March, marking only the sec- ond increase in more than two years since the height of the financial crisis. The Federal Reserve said consumers increased their borrowing by $6 billion in March, the sixth consecutive month- ly gain. Consumers borrowed more to finance car loans for the eighth straight month. And a category of borrowing that includes credit card use rose for only the second time since August 2008. More frequent credit card purchases could be a sign that consumers are feeling more confident about the econ- omy. The 3 percent overall increase pushed consumer borrowing to a sea- sonally adjusted annual level of $2.43 trillion, still just 1.3 percent higher level than a nearly four-year low of $2.39 trillion hit in September. Indonesia slaps Citibank Indonesian’s central bank has banned Citibank from issuing new credit cards and hiring debt collectors for two years after a customer’s death. Budi Rohadi, a deputy governor of Bank Indonesia, said Friday the major U.S. bank also cannot receive new Citigold clients, those depositing 500 million rupiah ($58,000) or more in one year. The bans were imposed after a cus- tomer was allegedly interrogated roughly by Citibank debt collectors in March at a Jakarta bank branch and died. Also in March, a senior vice presi- dent with Citibank Indonesia was ar- rested over a $1.7 million embezzle- ment of customers’ funds. Canadian jobs increase Canada’s economy created 58,300 jobs last month, bringing the unem- ployment rate down to 7.6 percent, matching the lowest jobless level since the early months of the recession. Statistics Canada said Friday that most of the gains were in the service sector, and almost all of them were in Ontario. Economists had expected a more modest 20,000-job pickup after a weak March. The agency said the job gains were enough to recover all the full-time jobs that were lost in the recession. I N B R I E F $3.98 $2.90 $3.69 $4.06 07/17/08 BUSINESS S E C T I O N B THE TIMES LEADER SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 timesleader.com DOW 12,638.74 +54.57 S&P 1,340.20 +5.10 NASDAQ 2,827.56 +12.84 WALL STREET LOSANGELES—Warner Mu- sic Group Corp., the world’s third-largest recording company with such artists as Eric Clapton, Michael Buble and Paramore, is being sold for about $1.3 billion as a global decline in CD sales weighs down the industry. Len Blavatnik’s Access Indus- tries is paying $8.25 a share and will take on about $2 billion in Warner debt and $320 million in cash. The total values the compa- ny at about $3 billion. The deal, announced by the companies Friday, comes as U.S. record- ed music sales are half what they were about a decade ago. Gains in dig- ital sales have started to flatten, and CD sales continue to fall. That means Bla- vatnik will have to cut staff and other expenses further and hope that a new wave of innovation will carry digital music sales higher. “I am excited to extend my longstanding involvement with Warner Music,” Blavatnik, 53, said in a statement. “It is a great company with a strong heritage and home to many exceptional artists.” Blavatnik is a former board member who was part of the group that bought the company in 2004. He has about a 2 percent stake in the company. The sale ends a seven-year run by investors led by Chief Execu- tive Edgar BronfmanJr., whopur- chased the company from Time Warner Inc. with private equity backing for $2.6 billion. Those in- vestors slashed payrolls and took other measures to cope with mu- sic’s decline. They took the com- pany public a year later to helpre- coup their investment. There are now just 3,700 employees, down from 5,100 in late 2003. Sold to the tune of $1.3B By RYAN NAKASHIMA AP Business Writer The sale ends a seven-year run by investors led by Chief Exec- utive Edgar Bronfman Jr., who purchased the company from Time War- ner Inc. for $2.6 billion. H AZLETON — The reflections coming from the precious and semi-precious gems she stares at on a daily basis are not the cause of the sparkle inCeleste FellinKosko’s green eyes. That sparkle, it appears, comes fromworking beside her two daughters at the family’s jewelry business. Her daughters, Mary Celeste Kosko, 58, and Andrea Kosko, 54, have followed in their mother’s footsteps by working in Fellin’s Jewelry and Gifts. “It is more that just a family business, it is a vocation,” Andrea, of Conyngham, said. “It is very personal to uphold the name inmemory of the generationbefore us.” Runninga business canbe difficult, but when it intertwines with a relationship with your mother, the relationship can take on new meaning. “Working for someone else, yes, you want to do a good job so you do not get fired,” Andrea said. “But when you work for your mother, you want to do a really good job so you do not disappoint her.” The three women drawon each other’s strengths while using their mother to guide themthrough the rough patches of business. “Mother is like the North Star,” Mary Celeste, of Hazleton, said. “She has a great perspective.” When faced with a business problem, Andrea said, her mother will step back and say, “This is how you do this.” Working with her daughters, Celeste, 84, of Hazleton, said, is a very rewarding experience. “Maryis verytraditional,” Celestesaid. “Andrea is more trendy. Accepting both ways keeps me in line with the times.” When disagreements do occur, Andrea said, they are handled respectfully and discussed in a professional manner. She admitted her outspokenness and tenden- cy to make quick decisions sometimes make riffs. But Mary Celeste and her mother’s ability to take time and think things through keep her balanced. Today, bothdaughters havefoundtheir own niche in the family business. Andrea prefers to be behind the scene managing the business, while Mary Celeste offers customer service. And Celeste, with ladylike demeanor, calmly watches and guides them both. MOTHER’S DAY PETE G. WILCOX PHOTOS/THE TIMES LEADER Celeste Fellin Kosko, center, with her daughters, Mary Celeste, left, and Andrea Kosko, all enjoy working together at the family business, Fellin’s Jewelry and Gifts in Hazleton. Always mother’s day Celeste Kosko displays a piece of dia- mond jewelry at Fellin’s Jewelry and Gifts in Hazleton. She says working with her daughters is rewarding. By EILEEN GODIN Times Leader Correspondent Celeste Kosko, center, with her daugh- ters, Mary Celeste, left, and Andrea Kosko all work as a team at the family jewelry store. NEW YORK — T-Mobile USA lost a record number of subscrib- ers in the first three months of the year, posing a conundrum for reg- ulators as they look at whether to let AT&TInc. buy the smaller car- rier for $39 billion. The argument against the deal is that it would eliminate one com- petitor in the wireless industry. But judging by results reported Friday, T-Mobile isn’t competing successfully. T-Mobile, the smallest of the four national carriers, lost a net 471,000 subscribers on contract- basedplans. It was able toaddsub- scribers throughwholesalers, who pay much less than contract-sign- ing customers, but it still lost 99,000 overall. Both figures are re- cordlosses for T-Mobile, the Belle- vue, Wash.-based subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom AG of Germa- ny. “There’s no bright spot in these numbers,” said Roger Entner, a telecommunications analyst at Re- con Analytics. T-Mobile’s quarterly revenue fell tothe level it was at three years ago, just before it got a boost by buying a small regional carrier. In the same period, AT&T’s wireless revenue grew 29 percent (it, too, was aided by some minor acquisi- tions). AT&T announced the deal to buy T-Mobile in March. Regula- tors are expected to spend a year or more scrutinizing the deal be- fore deciding whether to block it or allow it to proceed with sub- stantial conditions. Among the top four wireless carriers, the first quarter’s sub- scriber results line up neatly in or- der of carrier size. Verizon Wire- less, No. 1, didthebest, followedin descending order by AT&T Inc., Sprint Nextel Corp. and T-Mobile. The seven largest carriers pro- vide service to 307 million devices in a country that has 309 million people. To gain high-paying subscrib- ers, phone companies have to poach themfromrivals. The large- st carriers have better access to the most attractive phones — the iPhone accounts for much of the pull at Verizon Wireless and AT&T. They also have more mon- ey to upgrade and expand their networks. The No. 3 and No. 4 carriers, T- Mobile and Sprint, are losing sub- scribers. Sprint was ailing for years while T-Mobile didrelatively well. Sprint is turning around, but its results are far from matching those of AT&T and Verizon Wire- less. T-Mobile started losing sub- scribers a year and a half ago, a trend that seems to be accelerat- ing. That puts regulators who want to stimulate competition in a diffi- cult position. If they block the merger to preserve competition, they risk watching T-Mobile de- cline into irrelevance. “Almost theworst thingthat can happen for the subscribers of T- Mobile is the merger not happen- ing,” Entner said. T-Mobile USA posts record subscriber losses By PETER SVENSSON AP Technology Writer WASHINGTON — American companies are on a hiring spree. Businesses delivered a jolt of strength to the econ- omy by creating 268,000 jobs in April, the biggest monthly total inmore thanfive years. The gains were solid across an array of industries, even beleaguered construction. It was the third month in a row of at least 200,000 new jobs. The private sector has added jobs for 14 consecutive months. Even a slight rise in the unem- ployment rate to 9 percent appears to be a quirk. The job growth was better than economists ex- pected and perhaps the strongest sign yet that what theycall a “virtuous cycle” has takenhold: Whenpeo- ple spend more, corporate earnings rise, leading to more hiring and then more spending. Companies have added more than 200,000 jobs for three months in a row. “This was really a good report because ultimately it is all about jobs,” said Joel Naroff, president of Na- roff Economic Advisors. “More and more, it is look- ing as if the recovery is on track despite the head- winds it is facing.” Those include higher prices for crude oil and gas. But energy prices fell sharply earlier this week, ap- parently reflecting lower consumption in the United States and a stronger dollar. More jobs created By JEANNINE AVERSA AP Economics Writer C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 11B ➛ T H E M A R K E T I N R E V I E W DOW 12,638.74 +54.57 NASDAQ 2,827.56 +12.84 S&P 500 1,340.20 +5.10 6-MO T-BILLS .06% ... 10-YR T-NOTE 3.15% -.01 CRUDE OIL $97.18 -2.62 GOLD $1,491.20 +10.30 p p q q p p q q q q n p p p p EURO $1.4337 -.0193 1,150 1,200 1,250 1,300 1,350 1,400 N M D J F M A 1,320 1,360 1,400 S&P 500 Close: 1,340.20 Change: 5.10 (0.4%) 10 DAYS 2,400 2,500 2,600 2,700 2,800 2,900 N M D J F M A 2,800 2,860 2,920 Nasdaq composite Close: 2,827.56 Change: 12.84 (0.5%) 10 DAYS Advanced 2012 Declined 1015 New Highs 130 New Lows 15 Vol. (in mil.) 4,302 Pvs. Volume 4,714 1,994 2,181 1548 1008 66 37 NYSE NASD DOW 12759.23 12579.93 12638.74 +54.57 +0.43% t s s +9.17% DOW Trans. 5518.39 5450.32 5471.78 +17.66 +0.32% t s s +7.15% DOW Util. 433.33 427.77 429.81 +1.90 +0.44% s s s +6.13% NYSE Comp. 8524.26 8389.89 8425.90 +28.50 +0.34% t t s +5.80% NASDAQ 2859.25 2818.65 2827.56 +12.84 +0.46% t s s +6.58% S&P 500 1354.36 1335.58 1340.20 +5.10 +0.38% t s s +6.56% S&P 400 1000.65 984.73 988.90 +2.45 +0.25% t s s +9.00% Wilshire 5000 14353.75 14148.08 14206.93 +58.85 +0.42% t s s +6.34% Russell 2000 843.53 829.21 833.34 +4.10 +0.49% t t s +6.34% HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. WK MO QTR YTD StocksRecap Combined Stocks A-B-C 27.58 16.01 ABB Ltd 1.12 26.05 +.26 +16.0 30.98 20.03 AEP Ind ... 28.44 +.11 +9.6 13.50 8.82 AES Corp ... 12.93 ... +6.2 59.54 39.91 AFLAC 1.20 55.09 -.08 -2.4 41.96 34.21 AGL Res 1.80 41.42 +.38 +15.5 17.88 11.34 AK Steel .20 14.91 -.18 -8.9 8.98 5.44 AMR ... 6.56 -.05 -15.8 43.97 18.64 ASM Intl ... 41.75 -.55 +19.3 45.92 24.64 ASML Hld .58 40.33 -.79 +5.2 31.94 23.78 AT&T Inc 1.72 31.26 +.04 +6.4 53.75 44.59 AbtLab 1.92 52.52 -.05 +9.6 74.82 29.94 AberFitc .70 73.54 +.26 +27.6 21.13 15.87 AcadiaRlt .72 20.24 -.20 +11.0 58.21 36.05 Accenture .90 55.15 +.22 +13.7 84.50 20.00 AcmePkt ... 76.83 +.48 +44.5 2.60 1.95 ActionSemi ... 2.32 -.01 +7.9 12.65 9.99 ActivsBliz .17 11.44 +.18 -8.0 11.70 8.00 AdamsEx .51 11.27 +.07 +4.9 35.84 25.45 AdobeSy ... 33.40 +.46 +8.5 4.35 1.43 AdvBattery ... 1.46 +.01 -62.1 9.78 5.53 AMD ... 8.92 +.05 +9.0 31.31 21.25 Aeropostl ... 20.79 -.50 -15.6 2.68 .93 AEterna g ... 2.25 +.10 +30.8 42.89 25.00 Aetna .60 41.86 +.06 +37.2 50.76 26.68 Agilent ... 49.73 +.56 +20.0 88.20 54.12 Agnico g .64 62.65 -.30 -18.3 96.00 64.13 AirProd 2.32 92.50 +.35 +1.7 54.65 32.64 AkamaiT ... 34.62 -.55 -26.4 6.63 2.25 AlcatelLuc ... 6.07 -.19 +105.1 18.47 9.81 Alcoa .12 17.15 +.14 +11.4 25.94 13.18 AlignTech ... 23.46 +.28 +20.1 81.97 56.26 Allergan .20 81.06 -.48 +18.0 8.50 7.36 AlliBInco .48 7.67 +.01 -3.3 40.68 29.20 AlliantEgy 1.70 40.23 +.66 +9.4 34.40 26.86 Allstate .84 33.43 +.01 +4.9 68.05 32.00 AlphaNRs ... 51.21 -.52 -14.7 49.59 21.97 AlteraCp lf .24 48.15 +.21 +35.3 27.15 19.20 Altria 1.52 26.96 +.28 +9.5 33.10 17.82 AmBev s 1.16 32.81 +.74 +5.7 17.48 1.89 Amarin ... 15.60 +.14 +90.2 203.42 105.80Amazon ... 197.60 +.49 +9.8 29.93 23.09 Ameren 1.54 29.09 +.21 +3.2 59.63 44.82 AMovilL .52 51.72 -.53 -9.8 59.68 44.51 AMovilA .51 51.54 -.93 -9.9 16.20 6.67 AmAxle ... 11.75 -.12 -8.6 10.85 4.16 AmCapLtd ... 10.31 -.06 +36.4 17.46 11.35 AEagleOut .44 14.58 -.21 -.3 37.94 28.17 AEP 1.84 36.33 +.13 +1.0 50.09 37.13 AmExp .72 50.20 +.68 +17.0 52.67 26.90 AmIntlGrp ... 30.70 -.09 -36.4 29.76 17.42 AmerMed ... 29.71 -.01 +57.5 38.88 11.00 AmSupr ... 11.80 -.45 -58.7 56.84 38.09 AmTower ... 52.41 -.55 +1.5 29.91 19.41 AmWtrWks .88 29.28 +.08 +15.8 51.50 35.00 Amerigas 2.96 46.59 +.51 -4.5 65.12 34.68 Ameriprise .92 61.20 +1.14 +6.3 42.50 27.09 AmeriBrgn .40 41.47 +.44 +21.5 47.00 25.33 Ametek s .24 44.62 +.62 +13.7 58.74 50.26 Amgen ... 57.63 +.21 +5.0 85.50 34.54 Anadarko .36 75.14 +.84 -1.3 8.20 2.94 Anadigc ... 3.09 +.03 -55.4 18.54 14.09 Annaly 2.62 17.95 +.01 +.2 12.58 5.21 A123 Sys ... 5.74 +.06 -39.8 134.13 81.94 Apache .60 124.21 +1.37 +4.2 364.90 199.25Apple Inc ... 346.66 -.09 +7.5 16.93 10.27 ApldMatl .32 15.23 +.27 +8.4 23.79 16.52 AquaAm .62 22.56 +.13 +.4 44.95 23.71 Arbitron .40 39.75 +.66 -4.3 39.93 26.28 ArcelorMit .75 35.39 +.30 -7.2 36.99 19.09 ArchCoal .44 30.90 -.07 -11.9 38.02 24.22 ArchDan .64 33.97 -.11 +12.9 32.18 9.50 ArmHld .09 29.27 +1.76 +41.1 53.53 40.30 AstraZen 2.55 50.55 +.10 +9.4 16.80 4.50 Atmel ... 14.89 +.46 +20.9 35.25 25.86 ATMOS 1.36 34.20 +.25 +9.6 54.96 26.46 AutoData 1.44 53.59 +.05 +15.8 10.11 1.68 AvalRare n ... 8.12 -.01 +30.1 5.80 1.31 AvanirPhm ... 4.07 +.01 -.2 43.52 30.89 AveryD 1.00 42.33 +.31 0.0 36.20 25.00 Avon .92 29.04 +.33 -.1 3.77 1.34 Axcelis ... 1.96 +.02 -43.4 35.72 21.72 BB&T Cp .64 26.98 +.32 +2.6 104.59 58.38 BHP BillLt 1.82 95.50 +1.95 +2.8 52.38 36.19 BJs Whls ... 51.20 -.01 +6.9 53.81 34.24 BMC Sft ... 51.02 -.24 +8.2 52.00 26.75 BP PLC .42 44.28 +.80 +.2 131.49 85.01 BP Pru 8.93 110.17 +1.57 -12.9 156.04 62.50 Baidu s ... 141.26 +1.07 +46.3 79.24 35.62 BakrHu .60 69.27 -.47 +21.2 2.51 1.31 BallardPw ... 1.83 +.06 +22.0 47.47 30.00 BallyTech ... 39.65 +.28 -6.0 22.54 13.79 BcoBrades .81 19.48 +.46 -4.0 13.75 8.65 BcoSantSA .79 11.67 -.21 +9.6 15.66 9.82 BcoSBrasil .70 11.42 +.23 -16.0 18.15 10.91 BkofAm .04 12.31 +.01 -7.7 53.63 42.94 BkHawaii 1.80 48.17 -.18 +2.0 32.50 23.78 BkNYMel .52 28.59 +.04 -5.3 2.73 .60 BkAtl A h ... .89 -.01 -22.6 144.88 22.95 Bar iPVix rs ... 24.84 -.51 -34.0 23.20 8.45 BarnesNob ... 14.37 +1.66 +1.6 55.74 39.67 BarrickG .48 46.84 +.01 -11.9 58.40 40.25 Baxter 1.24 57.79 +.50 +14.2 7.08 3.10 BeazerHm ... 4.19 -.01 -22.3 131463 102751BerkHa A ... 120280 +925 -.1 87.65 68.48 BerkH B ... 80.21 +.55 +.1 46.72 28.09 BestBuy .60 31.00 +.09 -9.6 44.44 27.82 BigLots ... 39.31 -.05 +29.1 126.89 80.00 BioRadA ... 123.06 +.26 +18.5 19.63 8.93 Blackstone .40 17.81 +.06 +25.9 18.99 10.13 BlockHR .60 17.24 +.04 +44.8 80.65 59.48 Boeing 1.68 79.31 +.86 +21.5 9.85 4.70 Boise Inc .80 8.42 +.14 +6.2 18.20 6.08 BonTon .20 12.24 +.16 -3.3 7.96 5.04 BostonSci ... 7.72 +.16 +2.0 14.85 6.70 BoydGm ... 9.64 -.05 -9.1 37.87 13.45 BrigExp ... 28.33 +.74 +4.0 28.95 22.24 BrMySq 1.32 28.64 +.15 +8.2 47.39 29.05 Broadcom .36 34.14 +.29 -21.6 6.88 4.64 BrcdeCm ... 6.13 -.02 +15.9 20.06 11.63 BrkfldPrp .56 19.07 -.32 +8.8 71.67 45.00 Buckeye 3.95 63.57 +1.01 -4.9 25.68 17.70 CA Inc .16 24.37 ... -.3 29.88 12.81 CB REllis ... 26.73 +.20 +30.5 27.72 12.26 CBS B .40 26.57 -.13 +39.5 54.44 37.75 CH Engy 2.16 52.85 +.41 +8.1 47.74 29.12 CIGNA .04 46.88 -.30 +27.9 20.14 14.09 CMS Eng .84 20.15 +.32 +8.3 8.34 4.30 CNO Fincl ... 7.70 -.08 +13.6 21.89 14.87 CSS Inds .60 17.15 +.12 -16.8 80.42 46.51 CSX 1.44 78.60 +.77 +21.7 37.43 26.84 CVS Care .50 37.02 +.23 +6.5 10.74 5.58 Cadence ... 10.36 +.28 +25.4 10.01 4.99 CalaStrTR .63 9.68 +.01 +4.5 44.81 20.70 Cameco g .40 28.40 -.18 -29.7 63.16 31.42 Cameron ... 48.07 -.14 -5.2 37.59 32.66 CampSp 1.16 33.62 +.19 -3.3 52.04 30.00 CdnNRs gs .36 43.62 +.95 -1.8 55.64 36.10 CapOne .20 53.79 +.65 +26.4 8.21 3.87 CapitlSrce .04 6.29 -.05 -11.4 13.48 8.12 CapsteadM1.52 13.21 ... +4.9 2.14 .62 CpstnTrb h ... 1.75 ... +82.3 45.08 29.69 CardnlHlth .86 44.58 -.06 +16.4 37.02 18.62 CarMax ... 31.81 -2.04 -.2 48.14 29.68 Carnival 1.00 40.18 -.76 -12.9 116.55 54.89 Caterpillar 1.76 110.34 +.95 +17.8 20.53 10.99 CedarF .33 20.49 +.49 +35.2 1.05 .43 CelSci ... .67 -.03 -18.4 8.42 5.35 CeleraGrp ... 8.05 ... +27.8 63.46 48.02 Celgene ... 59.30 +.45 +.3 .61 .21 CellTher rsh ... .30 -.05 -18.1 11.42 7.17 Cemex .43 8.04 +.07 -21.9 18.83 12.75 CenterPnt .79 18.72 +.12 +19.1 25.59 14.03 CFCda g .01 21.08 +1.13 +1.7 24.00 19.00 CVtPS .92 23.03 +.10 +5.4 20.76 8.25 CentAl ... 16.72 +.45 +7.7 46.87 32.11 CntryLink 2.90 40.98 +.50 -11.2 81.11 54.15 Cephln ... 79.71 -.03 +29.1 23.50 16.07 Checkpnt ... 18.09 -.25 -12.0 34.00 21.56 Cheesecake ... 30.39 +.22 -.9 35.95 19.62 ChesEng .30 30.95 +.09 +19.5 109.94 66.83 Chevron 3.12 102.88 +.26 +12.7 15.62 8.22 Chicos .20 14.42 -.25 +19.9 4.36 3.50 Chimera .66 3.91 -.03 -4.9 83.08 59.44 ChurchDwt 1.36 78.90 -3.10 +14.3 6.98 2.51 CIBER ... 6.26 +.01 +33.8 29.24 11.86 CienaCorp ... 27.06 -.42 +28.6 25.48 8.59 Cirrus ... 16.49 +.34 +3.2 27.69 16.52 Cisco .24 17.56 +.08 -13.2 5.15 3.53 Citigrp ... 4.52 +.04 -4.4 8.82 4.63 Clearwire ... 4.86 +.03 -5.6 102.48 44.20 CliffsNRs .56 88.93 +.92 +14.0 72.43 60.56 Clorox 2.20 68.63 +.19 +8.5 60.63 33.75 Coach .60 59.67 +.56 +7.9 68.47 49.47 CocaCola 1.88 66.90 +.20 +1.7 29.01 16.65 CocaCE .52 27.61 +.17 +10.3 37.59 13.96 Coeur ... 27.70 +.55 +1.4 83.48 45.85 CognizTech ... 76.77 +.25 +4.7 85.86 73.12 ColgPal 2.32 84.88 -.02 +5.6 27.16 16.30 Comcast .45 25.44 -.12 +16.3 25.40 15.58 Comc spcl .45 23.95 -.12 +15.6 44.17 33.11 Comerica .40 37.47 -.07 -11.3 28.95 21.33 CmtyBkSy .96 23.89 -.28 -14.0 42.50 22.33 CmtyHlt ... 30.63 +.96 -18.0 56.61 39.61 CompSci .80 43.51 +.04 -12.3 25.82 21.02 ConAgra .92 25.17 +.10 +11.5 28.27 20.00 ConnWtrSv .93 24.87 -.03 -10.8 81.80 48.06 ConocPhil 2.64 72.94 +.97 +7.1 56.32 31.08 ConsolEngy .40 49.13 +.13 +.8 53.12 41.52 ConEd 2.40 53.10 +.35 +7.1 15.00 8.10 ConsolWtr .30 9.30 -.10 +1.4 37.36 27.64 ConstellEn .96 35.99 +.33 +17.5 27.73 16.05 CooperTire .42 25.24 ... +7.0 57.91 28.70 CornPdts .56 53.54 -.04 +16.4 23.43 15.45 Corning .20 20.30 +.19 +5.1 81.50 53.41 Costco .96 80.45 +.84 +11.4 56.82 35.12 Covidien .80 54.58 ... +19.5 21.59 8.50 Crocs ... 21.00 +.33 +22.7 46.27 34.25 CrwnCstle ... 41.96 +.06 -4.3 40.00 22.45 CrownHold ... 39.08 +.07 +17.1 121.49 58.91 Cummins 1.05 117.24 +1.35 +6.6 11.45 6.65 CybrOpt ... 9.84 +.04 +15.2 23.93 9.73 CypSemi ... 21.42 +.49 +15.3 D-E-F 5.89 3.61 DCT Indl .28 5.64 -.09 +6.2 10.24 5.00 DNP Selct .78 9.75 +.12 +6.7 15.20 9.41 DR Horton .15 11.93 -.12 0.0 51.66 43.00 DTE 2.35 51.16 +.32 +12.9 19.35 8.95 DanaHldg ... 18.21 +.33 +5.8 56.09 35.24 Danaher s .08 54.22 +.08 +14.9 50.84 37.08 Darden 1.28 48.43 -.50 +4.3 15.89 7.13 DeanFds ... 10.97 -.24 +24.1 99.80 52.73 Deere 1.40 91.53 -.01 +10.2 16.46 11.34 Dell Inc ... 16.01 +.13 +18.2 14.54 8.91 DeltaAir ... 11.21 -.01 -11.0 26.03 14.02 DenburyR ... 21.16 +.42 +10.8 56.24 25.78 Dndreon ... 39.14 +1.09 +12.1 14.94 8.84 DevelDiv .16 14.41 -.12 +2.3 93.56 58.58 DevonE .68 83.62 +.16 +6.5 81.96 55.90 Diageo 2.46 82.14 +1.36 +10.5 81.19 54.70 DiaOffs .50 69.77 -.11 +4.3 12.63 7.76 DiamRk .32 10.95 -.05 -8.8 37.12 18.26 Diebold 1.12 32.82 +.07 +2.4 49.64 31.00 DirecTV A ... 48.57 +.28 +21.6 136.95 31.58 DrSCBr rs ... 35.70 -.57 -23.8 94.95 37.05 DirFnBr rs ... 41.25 -.30 -12.7 45.55 18.03 DrxEMBull .84 39.68 +1.37 -3.9 71.55 12.55 DrxEBear rs ... 15.64 -.14 -30.6 35.53 17.05 DrxFnBull ... 29.15 +.21 +4.7 96.25 31.50 DirxSCBull ... 84.70 +1.28 +16.9 93.27 22.18 DirxEnBull .05 73.40 +.69 +25.6 25.11 12.11 Discover .24 24.29 +.28 +31.1 29.95 17.33 DishNetwk ... 29.21 -.07 +48.6 44.34 30.72 Disney .40 43.06 +.37 +14.8 47.43 38.05 DomRescs 1.97 46.92 +.38 +9.8 22.42 14.87 DonlleyRR 1.04 19.25 +.32 +10.2 4.17 1.03 DoralFncl ... 1.65 +.12 +19.6 69.25 40.50 Dover 1.10 65.42 +.26 +11.9 42.23 22.42 DowChm 1.00 39.72 +.49 +16.3 6.44 3.28 DryShips ... 4.55 -.01 -17.1 57.00 33.66 DuPont 1.64 54.63 +.76 +9.5 19.00 15.47 DukeEngy .98 18.72 ... +5.1 15.63 10.19 DukeRlty .68 14.63 -.11 +17.4 18.23 7.30 Dycom ... 14.60 +.07 -1.0 6.85 2.76 Dynegy rs ... 6.41 +.19 +14.1 18.13 11.15 ETrade rs ... 15.92 +.06 -.5 35.35 19.06 eBay ... 32.72 +.04 +17.6 28.73 17.10 EMC Cp ... 27.12 +.12 +18.4 53.80 35.10 ENI 2.67 49.63 -.71 +13.5 121.44 85.42 EOG Res .64 107.44 +3.09 +17.5 46.41 33.14 Eastgrp 2.08 45.05 -.32 +6.5 6.39 2.75 EKodak ... 2.88 +.03 -46.3 56.49 31.48 Eaton s 1.36 51.78 +.23 +2.0 39.80 30.37 EdisonInt 1.28 39.49 +.71 +2.3 19.67 10.17 ElPasoCp .04 18.51 +.01 +34.5 8.43 4.25 Elan ... 7.87 +.03 +37.3 20.23 14.45 EldorGld g .10 15.96 -.15 -14.1 21.72 14.06 ElectArts ... 21.75 +.07 +32.8 64.56 42.69 EmersonEl 1.38 55.66 +.63 -2.6 34.58 19.01 EnbrEPt s 2.06 32.09 +.38 +2.9 35.25 26.02 EnCana g .80 32.41 +.28 +11.3 12.75 3.07 EndvSilv g ... 9.30 +.68 +26.7 65.44 40.25 Energen .54 60.78 +.72 +25.9 77.09 49.25 Energizer ... 75.59 -.30 +3.7 7.34 1.72 EngyConv ... 1.76 -.05 -61.7 55.50 40.06 EngyTsfr 3.58 50.59 +.75 -2.4 60.31 33.33 ENSCO 1.40 54.52 +.02 +2.1 14.82 4.97 Entercom ... 10.09 +.03 -12.9 81.96 64.72 Entergy 3.32 69.33 +.63 -2.1 44.35 27.85 EntPrPt 2.39 41.36 +.82 -.6 13.96 4.31 EntropCom ... 9.42 +.28 -22.0 6.19 3.33 EnzoBio ... 3.84 -.01 -27.3 15.40 9.51 EricsnTel .37 14.86 +.08 +28.9 49.28 17.05 EtfSilver ... 35.13 +.73 +14.3 21.04 13.25 ExcoRes .16 20.36 +.07 +4.8 44.49 37.24 Exelon 2.10 41.27 +.16 -.9 29.85 18.30 Expedia .28 25.26 +.53 +.7 58.77 37.75 ExpScrip s ... 57.93 +.53 +7.2 88.23 55.94 ExxonMbl 1.88 82.69 +.07 +13.1 50.33 23.08 FMC Tch s ... 42.04 -.61 -5.4 21.02 7.71 FairchldS ... 19.94 +.14 +27.7 69.75 44.64 Fastenal 1.04 66.36 +.44 +10.8 98.52 69.78 FedExCp .48 95.65 +.36 +2.8 15.75 10.64 FifthThird .24 12.99 +.17 -11.5 46.09 11.98 Finisar ... 25.36 +.04 -14.6 13.75 9.15 FstHorizon .04 10.99 +.05 -6.7 26.88 3.24 FMajSilv g ... 18.24 +1.41 +25.6 15.10 11.23 FstNiagara .64 13.86 -.04 -.9 175.45 100.19FstSolar ... 129.96 +2.05 -.1 42.13 33.57 FirstEngy 2.20 41.58 +.34 +12.3 6.47 1.13 FlagstB rs ... 1.46 +.04 -10.4 8.50 4.86 Flextrn ... 7.02 +.07 -10.6 75.76 41.20 Fluor .50 70.87 +5.18 +7.0 37.58 14.36 FocusMda ... 36.54 +.44 +66.6 22.05 11.59 FootLockr .66 21.69 -.08 +10.6 18.97 9.75 FordM ... 15.11 +.03 -10.0 35.15 24.17 ForestLab ... 34.26 +.06 +7.1 40.23 22.85 ForestOil ... 30.22 +.17 -20.4 6.97 2.70 Fortress ... 5.79 +.03 +1.6 65.48 37.05 FortuneBr .76 63.82 +.32 +5.9 39.75 20.33 FosterWhl ... 34.16 +.58 -1.0 61.35 28.36 FMCG s 1.00 50.17 +.32 -16.4 28.60 19.23 FDelMnt .20 26.77 -.04 +7.3 9.84 6.96 FrontierCm .75 8.43 +.06 -13.4 32.37 11.38 FrontierOil .24 26.85 +1.02 +49.1 2.95 .98 FuelCell ... 1.52 +.02 -34.2 11.91 8.15 FultonFncl .16 11.48 ... +11.0 G-H-I 17.15 11.60 GabDvInc .84 16.55 -.05 +7.7 6.55 4.32 GabelliET .52 6.12 +.04 +7.9 18.24 10.04 Gafisa SA .29 11.13 +.20 -23.4 26.94 17.70 GameStop ... 25.46 -.41 +11.3 11.20 5.09 GamGld g ... 9.62 +.08 +17.5 18.93 11.65 Gannett .16 15.15 -.09 +.4 26.04 16.62 Gap .45 22.60 -.33 +2.5 39.05 26.11 Garmin ... 35.14 +.15 +13.4 78.27 55.46 GenDynam1.88 74.44 +.75 +4.9 21.65 13.75 GenElec .60 20.01 +.11 +9.4 16.85 13.30 GenGrPr n .40 15.92 -.15 +2.8 39.32 33.11 GenMills s 1.12 38.67 +.26 +8.7 39.48 29.17 GenMot n ... 31.91 -.11 -13.4 4.85 3.35 GenOn En ... 3.75 +.04 -1.6 35.35 16.69 Gentex .48 30.96 +.20 +4.7 18.19 10.26 Genworth ... 11.47 -.16 -12.7 16.57 10.52 Gerdau .25 10.73 +.19 -23.3 42.93 31.73 GileadSci ... 41.01 +.39 +13.2 43.94 32.15 GlaxoSKln 2.11 42.99 +.12 +9.6 9.75 4.50 GlimchRt .40 9.26 -.12 +10.2 10.23 4.05 GloblInd ... 6.72 -.55 -3.0 18.70 12.16 GoldFLtd .19 15.92 +.02 -12.2 56.20 38.07 Goldcrp g .41 48.92 +.20 +6.4 6.01 2.69 GoldStr g ... 2.76 -.04 -39.9 175.34 129.50GoldmanS 1.40 150.10 -.31 -10.7 18.68 9.10 Goodyear ... 17.56 +.10 +48.2 5.55 1.00 Gramrcy ... 2.70 -.02 +16.9 5.66 2.85 GraphPkg ... 5.69 +.18 +46.3 3.32 1.56 GrtBasG g ... 2.30 +.04 -22.3 5.04 .64 GtPanSilv g ... 3.31 +.09 +17.8 78.45 21.83 GreenMtC s ... 75.88 +2.21 +130.9 67.02 50.00 Greif A 1.68 62.08 +.54 +.3 3.25 1.87 GpoTMM ... 2.12 ... -15.2 34.74 30.36 HCA Hld n ... 34.25 -.09 +10.4 40.75 28.53 HCP Inc 1.92 37.74 -.38 +2.6 59.14 43.25 HSBC 1.80 53.04 -.12 +3.9 51.45 21.10 Hallibrtn .36 46.67 -.18 +14.3 15.61 12.87 HanJS 1.14 14.69 +.02 -2.7 43.15 21.26 HarleyD .50 37.78 +.79 +9.0 15.73 8.80 HarmonyG .07 13.91 +.21 +10.9 53.39 40.24 HarrisCorp 1.00 48.16 +.52 +6.3 36.78 19.89 Harsco .82 34.29 +.26 +21.1 15.84 8.42 HarteHnk .32 8.89 -.08 -30.4 31.08 18.81 HartfdFn .40 27.48 +.38 +3.7 26.40 21.07 HawaiiEl 1.24 26.00 +.37 +14.1 11.65 6.13 HltMgmt ... 11.30 -.01 +18.4 11.56 4.52 HeclaM ... 8.09 +.11 -28.2 51.84 40.00 Heinz 1.80 51.18 +.03 +3.5 70.47 32.34 HelmPayne .24 57.67 -.76 +19.0 6.99 2.05 HercOffsh ... 5.96 +.05 +71.3 58.20 44.75 Hershey 1.38 56.06 -.21 +18.9 17.47 8.36 Hertz ... 16.85 +.10 +16.3 87.40 48.70 Hess .40 77.47 +.95 +1.2 52.95 37.32 HewlettP .32 40.81 +.01 -3.1 23.24 13.22 Hologic ... 22.30 +.05 +18.5 39.38 26.62 HomeDp 1.00 36.99 -.02 +5.5 62.28 37.89 HonwllIntl 1.33 60.95 +.80 +14.7 60.49 48.69 Hospira ... 56.50 +.57 +1.5 19.88 12.64 HostHotls .08 17.36 +.12 -2.9 13.48 9.27 HudsCity .32 9.44 -.06 -25.9 7.70 5.04 HuntBnk .04 6.64 -.01 -3.3 21.52 8.17 Huntsmn .40 20.68 +.71 +32.5 8.25 3.00 Hydrognc ... 5.07 +.14 +34.8 7.78 .90 Hyperdyn ... 3.58 +.26 -27.8 23.38 15.27 IAMGld g .08 19.72 +.02 +10.8 6.33 5.10 INGPrRTr .31 6.26 +.12 +10.0 13.92 3.26 ION Geoph ... 9.90 -.18 +16.7 15.39 11.32 iShGold s ... 14.57 +.19 +4.8 28.36 18.26 iSAstla .82 26.88 +.47 +5.7 81.77 57.18 iShBraz 2.53 74.02 +1.17 -4.4 34.57 22.75 iSCan .50 32.28 +.24 +4.1 29.05 17.97 iShGer .29 27.47 -.06 +14.7 20.24 14.08 iSh HK .45 19.03 +.15 +.6 11.63 9.15 iShJapn .14 10.52 +.06 -3.6 69.99 40.65 iSh Kor .44 66.65 +.48 +8.9 64.65 45.12 iShMex .54 60.91 +.33 -1.6 14.56 10.47 iShSing .43 13.84 +.13 -.1 16.08 10.81 iSTaiwn .29 15.83 +.15 +1.3 19.22 13.25 iSh UK .43 18.23 +.03 +5.0 48.35 16.73 iShSilver ... 34.48 +.76 +14.2 47.99 36.24 iShChina25 .63 43.78 +.43 +1.6 137.64 88.42 iSSP500 2.46 134.61 +.48 +6.6 50.43 35.21 iShEMkts .64 48.25 +.62 +1.3 109.34 88.14 iShB20 T 3.99 95.07 -.42 +1.0 64.35 45.85 iS Eafe 1.42 61.60 +.03 +5.8 77.00 54.60 iSR2KV 1.24 74.02 +.12 +4.1 99.40 55.63 iSR2KG .53 94.96 +.75 +8.6 86.81 58.66 iShR2K .89 83.27 +.44 +6.4 62.67 43.16 iShREst 1.98 60.98 -.33 +9.0 64.00 42.05 ITT Corp 1.00 57.90 +.37 +11.1 58.79 40.33 ITW 1.36 58.15 +.75 +8.9 21.15 8.50 Incyte ... 19.80 +.74 +19.6 56.49 22.10 Informat ... 52.43 +.90 +19.1 51.57 32.42 IngerRd .48 50.08 +.83 +6.3 20.45 14.00 InglesMkts .66 18.29 +.06 -4.7 23.86 17.60 Intel .72 23.25 -.36 +10.6 173.54 116.00 IBM 3.00 168.89 +1.18 +15.1 14.50 3.59 Intl Coal ... 14.45 ... +86.7 21.85 13.65 IntlGame .24 17.70 -.03 +.1 32.42 19.33 IntPap 1.05 31.77 +.44 +16.6 13.35 6.86 Interpublic .24 11.32 +.10 +6.6 15.78 9.80 Intersil .48 15.04 +.11 -1.5 29.95 16.37 Invesco .49 24.27 +.13 +.9 26.30 16.33 ItauUnibH .67 22.81 +.60 -4.6 J-K-L 6.82 3.73 JAlexandr ... 5.90 +.04 +12.4 51.73 37.00 J&J Snack .47 49.53 -.63 +2.7 10.24 4.22 JA Solar ... 6.16 +.05 -11.0 29.12 9.05 JDS Uniph ... 21.55 +.17 +48.8 48.36 35.16 JPMorgCh 1.00 45.04 -.13 +6.2 23.09 10.17 Jabil .28 20.99 +.52 +4.5 2.45 .18 JacksnHw h ... .19 -.01 -91.5 14.57 8.63 JanusCap .20 11.63 +.05 -10.3 9.85 7.55 JpnSmCap .08 8.57 -.02 -4.5 7.60 5.14 JetBlue ... 5.90 -.06 -10.7 66.46 56.86 JohnJn 2.28 65.27 +.26 +5.5 42.53 25.56 JohnsnCtl .64 39.62 +.15 +3.7 103.44 44.25 JoyGlbl .70 89.49 -.29 +3.2 45.01 22.25 JnprNtwk ... 37.14 -.40 +.6 19.33 9.43 KB Home .25 11.88 -.15 -11.9 19.16 8.64 KKR n .73 17.73 +.08 +24.9 51.83 26.69 KLA Tnc 1.00 44.96 +.44 +16.4 45.69 31.25 Kaydon .76 38.14 +.39 -6.3 57.50 47.28 Kellogg 1.62 56.75 +.20 +11.1 6.67 3.03 KeryxBio ... 4.59 -.01 +.2 18.93 7.86 KeyEngy ... 16.16 -.14 +24.5 9.77 7.13 Keycorp .04 8.53 +.03 -3.6 67.30 59.57 KimbClk 2.80 66.88 +.05 +6.1 19.80 12.51 Kimco .72 19.07 -.27 +5.7 78.00 57.40 KindME 4.56 74.62 +1.68 +6.2 19.90 14.27 Kinross g .10 15.01 +.23 -20.8 7.70 2.43 KodiakO g ... 6.18 +.10 -6.4 58.00 44.07 Kohls 1.00 52.22 -.57 -3.9 34.00 27.49 Kraft 1.16 34.08 +.69 +8.2 8.14 3.25 KrispKrm ... 5.54 +.04 -20.6 24.93 19.08 Kroger .42 24.23 -.07 +8.4 11.62 5.25 Kulicke ... 11.98 +.53 +66.4 11.96 6.78 L-1 Ident ... 11.21 -.19 -5.9 15.10 4.97 LDK Solar ... 10.31 +.14 +1.9 7.50 3.89 LSI Corp ... 7.52 +.22 +25.5 59.10 35.33 LamResrch ... 48.63 +1.07 -6.1 64.72 43.28 LancastrC 1.32 60.43 +.30 +5.6 55.47 18.08 LVSands ... 43.29 +.61 -5.8 13.06 6.93 LawsnSft ... 11.07 +.01 +19.7 18.95 9.51 LeapWirlss ... 16.88 +.34 +37.7 3.81 .95 LeeEnt ... 1.10 -.07 -55.3 37.82 24.94 LeggMason .32 34.37 -.09 -5.2 21.54 11.93 LennarA .16 18.53 -.19 -1.2 39.14 18.80 LeucNatl .25 36.29 +.13 +24.4 1.84 .83 Level3 ... 1.65 +.06 +68.4 18.18 10.08 LibtyMIntA ... 18.34 +.81 +16.3 38.64 32.02 LillyEli 1.96 38.39 +.20 +9.6 8.97 3.57 LimelghtN ... 6.55 +.17 +12.7 41.90 21.78 Limited .80 41.07 +.65 +33.6 32.68 20.65 LincNat .20 29.87 +.09 +7.4 36.14 26.25 LinearTch .96 34.74 +.11 +.4 9.39 3.90 LizClaib ... 6.05 -.12 -15.5 4.86 2.88 LloydBkg ... 3.45 -.03 -16.1 86.98 67.68 LockhdM 3.00 79.95 +.14 +14.4 12.40 6.25 LaPac ... 8.88 -.04 -6.1 27.93 19.35 Lowes .44 25.64 -.12 +2.2 48.12 14.86 LyonBas A .10 41.08 -.57 +19.4 M-N-0 96.15 72.03 M&T Bk 2.80 86.43 +.28 -.7 14.96 5.24 MBIA ... 10.05 +.42 -16.2 15.04 9.19 MEMC ... 11.00 -.09 -2.3 8.64 6.14 MFA Fncl .94 8.14 +.04 -.2 7.23 5.96 MMT .53 6.75 -.01 -2.2 11.79 6.48 MGIC ... 8.34 -.01 -18.2 16.94 8.92 MGM Rsts ... 14.45 +.13 -2.7 26.88 16.93 Macys .20 26.08 -.27 +3.1 23.23 8.48 Manitowoc .08 19.45 -.16 +48.4 19.50 10.60 Manulife g .52 18.04 +.82 +5.0 54.33 28.97 MarathonO1.00 49.57 +.02 +33.9 64.62 45.88 MktVGold .40 56.09 -.02 -8.8 43.16 26.06 MktVRus .18 38.03 +.66 +.3 44.86 24.25 MktVJrGld 2.93 36.86 +1.07 -7.6 57.93 35.56 MktV Agri .33 54.36 +.42 +1.5 42.78 28.94 MarIntA .40 36.29 +.78 -12.6 31.10 20.21 MarshM .84 29.74 +.01 +8.8 9.45 4.62 MarshIls .04 7.79 -.02 +12.6 22.01 13.87 MarvellT ... 14.68 +.11 -20.9 16.70 9.94 Masco .30 13.36 +.17 +5.5 17.39 12.35 MassMCp s1.20 17.23 +.56 +12.8 71.19 25.85 MasseyEn .24 61.48 -.42 +14.6 27.73 20.14 Mattel .92 26.65 +.01 +4.8 28.44 15.67 MaximIntg .84 27.88 +.42 +18.0 5.61 2.60 McClatchy ... 2.96 -.02 -36.6 49.97 37.18 McCorm 1.12 48.77 -.06 +4.8 26.14 9.93 McDrmInt s ... 21.85 +.17 +5.6 80.94 65.31 McDnlds 2.44 78.70 +.10 +2.5 41.01 26.95 McGrwH 1.00 41.09 +.30 +12.9 84.68 57.81 McKesson .72 82.74 -.10 +17.6 19.80 8.63 McMoRn ... 16.73 +.13 -2.4 34.74 17.17 Mechel ... 26.19 +.77 -10.4 65.39 43.45 MedcoHlth ... 62.55 +.55 +2.1 44.31 30.80 Medtrnic .90 42.69 +.45 +15.1 10.98 3.42 MelcoCrwn ... 10.63 +.13 +67.1 37.68 30.70 Merck 1.52 36.39 +.14 +1.0 27.42 15.19 Meritage ... 22.37 -.45 +.8 57.94 15.30 Mesab 2.41 30.41 +.42 -21.0 48.72 35.38 MetLife .74 44.83 +.08 +.9 18.23 7.12 MetroPCS ... 17.32 -.39 +37.1 11.95 6.36 MicronT ... 10.87 -.04 +35.5 31.06 22.73 Microsoft .64 25.87 +.08 -7.3 19.31 14.74 MdsxWatr .73 18.20 +.20 -.8 23.51 17.58 MobileTele 1.06 19.95 +.35 -4.4 51.11 39.89 MolsCoorB1.12 45.02 +.51 -10.3 79.16 12.10 Molycorp n ... 68.93 +.47 +38.1 76.69 44.61 Monsanto 1.12 65.27 +.48 -6.3 25.90 10.01 MonstrWw ... 16.61 +.11 -29.7 46.46 29.95 Moog A ... 41.53 +.48 +4.3 46.25 30.16 Moog B ... 42.08 +.92 +5.7 31.04 22.40 MorgStan .20 25.24 +.10 -7.2 89.24 37.68 Mosaic .20 71.17 +1.01 -6.8 47.64 36.52 MotrlaSol n ... 46.02 +.70 +20.9 36.54 22.56 MotrlaMo n ... 24.79 -.19 -14.8 5.75 2.21 MuellerWat .07 4.23 +.03 +1.4 78.16 48.14 MurphO 1.10 68.64 +.07 -7.9 25.46 16.55 Mylan ... 23.90 -.14 +13.1 25.32 19.27 NBT Bcp .80 21.81 -.10 -9.7 20.62 11.30 NCR Corp ... 19.24 -.10 +25.2 46.32 32.36 NII Hldg ... 43.43 +.17 -2.8 25.19 18.22 NRG Egy ... 24.09 +.37 +23.3 15.48 11.18 NV Energy .48 15.45 +.13 +10.0 41.18 26.42 NYSE Eur 1.20 39.98 +.41 +33.4 32.47 15.54 Nabors ... 27.40 -.24 +16.8 3.03 1.48 NBkGreece .29 1.40 -.08 -16.7 75.75 42.83 NatFuGas 1.38 70.96 +1.96 +8.1 51.69 33.82 NatGrid 7.04 50.39 +.45 +13.5 82.80 32.18 NOilVarco .44 68.60 -.10 +2.0 24.26 11.84 NatSemi .40 24.26 +.06 +76.3 61.02 30.00 NetApp ... 53.30 +1.80 -3.0 254.98 90.00 Netflix ... 229.47 -.84 +30.6 10.69 7.00 NewAmHi .78 10.30 +.03 +3.4 11.95 4.66 NwGold g ... 9.73 +.22 -.3 45.59 34.07 NJ Rscs 1.44 43.84 +.28 +1.7 19.33 14.40 NY CmtyB 1.00 16.19 -.07 -14.1 11.72 7.06 NY Times ... 8.01 -.22 -18.3 8.85 2.00 Newcastle ... 5.80 +.10 -13.4 20.38 14.14 NewellRub .20 18.65 -.12 +2.6 65.50 50.05 NewmtM .80 53.72 -.97 -12.6 9.91 5.12 NewpkRes ... 8.76 -.01 +42.2 18.13 11.61 NewsCpA .15 17.51 +.16 +20.3 19.08 13.27 NewsCpB .15 18.46 +.25 +12.4 27.94 17.20 Nexen g .20 24.53 -.04 +7.1 9.26 3.64 NexstarB ... 8.01 -.13 +33.7 57.66 47.96 NextEraEn 2.20 57.39 +.34 +10.4 19.98 14.13 NiSource .92 19.44 -.11 +10.3 92.49 66.34 NikeB 1.24 82.02 -.59 -4.0 46.72 26.23 NobleCorp 1.06 39.46 -.18 +10.3 12.28 7.73 NokiaCp .55 8.44 -.03 -18.2 48.70 28.44 Nordstrm .92 47.39 -.11 +11.8 75.00 50.03 NorflkSo 1.60 72.95 +.73 +16.1 35.99 24.83 NoestUt 1.10 35.30 +.04 +10.7 33.98 11.72 NthnO&G ... 20.39 +.59 -25.1 3.54 2.41 NthgtM g ... 2.70 +.03 -15.6 72.50 53.50 NorthropG 2.00 64.45 +.30 +9.7 50.86 41.90 NwstNG 1.74 44.61 +.06 -4.0 52-Wk Fri YTD High Low Name Div Last Chg %Chg 52-Wk Fri YTD High Low Name Div Last Chg %Chg 52-Wk Fri YTD High Low Name Div Last Chg %Chg Interestrates The yield on the 10-year Treasury note was unchanged at 3.15 percent Friday. Yields affect interest rates on con- sumer loans. NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO 3.25 3.25 3.25 .13 .13 .13 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS YEST 6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO 3-month T-bill ... t t t .10 2-year T-note .54 0.56 -0.02 t t t .76 10-year T-note 3.15 3.16 -0.01 t t t 3.40 30-year T-bond 4.29 4.28 +0.01 t t t 4.16 5-year T-note 1.86 1.89 -0.03 t t t 2.11 52-wk T-bill .16 0.17 -0.01 t t t .32 6-month T-bill .05 0.05 ... t t t .15 NET 1YR BONDS YEST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO Barclays LongT-BdIdx 3.98 3.97 +0.01 t t t 3.98 Bond Buyer Muni Idx 5.47 5.47 ... t t t 5.07 Barclays USAggregate 2.84 2.88 -0.04 t t t 3.31 Barclays US High Yield 6.69 6.71 -0.02 t t t 8.34 Moodys AAA Corp Idx 4.94 5.00 -0.06 t t t 5.03 Barclays CompT-BdIdx 2.05 2.07 -0.02 t t t 2.14 Barclays US Corp 3.75 3.79 -0.04 t t t 4.27 InterestRates 16.90 5.81 NovaGld g ... 10.95 +.11 -23.3 60.60 43.48 Novartis 2.53 59.89 +.33 +1.6 41.82 22.88 Novlus ... 35.58 +.17 +10.1 49.24 35.71 Nucor 1.45 44.21 -.49 +.9 71.69 51.80 NustarEn 4.30 64.82 +.83 -6.7 12.81 9.05 NuvFloat .68 12.57 +.06 +6.4 15.50 11.89 NvMAd .99 13.40 +.18 +2.4 14.91 12.37 NvPA .91 13.33 +.13 0.0 26.17 8.65 Nvidia ... 19.32 +.66 +25.5 10.48 1.79 OCZ Tech ... 6.77 -.30 +40.5 117.89 72.13 OcciPet 1.84 106.42 +.46 +8.5 7.10 3.36 OfficeDpt ... 4.33 +.13 -19.8 19.79 8.95 OfficeMax ... 9.33 +.26 -47.3 167.37 89.48 OilSvHT 2.36 147.58 -.49 +5.0 11.95 6.07 OnSmcnd ... 11.24 +.22 +13.8 118.66 36.88 OpenTable ... 90.70 -.28 +28.7 29.48 13.25 OplinkC ... 18.29 +.01 -1.0 36.50 21.24 Oracle .24 34.87 +.20 +11.4 40.41 24.63 OshkoshCp ... 30.58 -.01 -13.2 35.72 24.92 OwensIll ... 31.79 +.55 +3.6 21.60 1.52 Oxigne rsh ... 3.56 +1.21 -23.9 P-Q-R 6.75 4.66 PDL Bio .60 6.45 -.03 +3.5 82.80 67.00 PECO pfA 3.80 70.91 -.09 +1.3 48.63 34.95 PG&E Cp 1.82 45.76 -.15 -4.3 36.40 27.18 PICO Hld ... 30.48 +.01 -4.2 5.35 1.71 PMI Grp ... 1.83 +.08 -44.5 69.68 49.43 PNC 1.40 62.52 +.02 +3.0 97.81 59.01 PPG 2.28 90.39 +.72 +7.5 28.14 23.75 PPL Corp 1.40 27.53 +.14 +4.6 10.00 7.08 Pacholder .72 9.66 +.01 +14.3 1.27 .37 PacEth h ... .41 +.01 -43.2 59.50 31.84 PallCorp .70 54.99 -.27 +10.9 43.06 22.21 PanASlv .10 33.21 +.28 -19.4 4.52 1.15 ParaG&S ... 2.83 +.16 -29.1 29.20 9.76 PatriotCoal ... 23.89 +.27 +23.3 31.79 11.85 PattUTI .20 28.21 +.17 +30.9 33.91 24.65 Paychex 1.24 31.99 -.17 +3.5 73.95 34.89 PeabdyE .34 62.22 +.47 -2.8 17.42 11.98 PennMill ... 17.33 +.51 +31.0 40.49 22.35 PnnNGm ... 37.66 -.86 +7.1 29.11 18.00 PennVaRs 1.92 26.24 +.28 -7.3 28.98 16.00 PennWst g1.08 24.91 +1.33 +4.1 39.73 19.42 Penney .80 37.28 -.18 +15.4 17.35 10.03 PenRE .60 15.27 +.13 +5.1 15.60 12.17 PeopUtdF .63 13.51 +.01 -3.6 19.82 15.13 PepcoHold 1.08 19.55 +.23 +7.1 69.94 60.32 PepsiCo 2.06 69.27 +.44 +6.0 4.14 1.25 PeregrineP ... 2.31 +.07 +.4 27.30 13.89 Petrohawk ... 25.14 +1.00 +37.8 37.83 27.37 PetrbrsA 1.34 30.46 -.11 -10.9 42.75 31.21 Petrobras 1.34 34.35 -.13 -9.2 31.47 19.50 PetRes 1.27 29.41 +.15 +8.8 21.20 14.00 Pfizer .80 20.55 +.16 +17.4 69.92 42.94 PhilipMor 2.56 68.60 +.21 +17.2 14.24 9.11 PimcoHiI 1.46 14.21 +.02 +11.8 15.23 11.72 PimcoMuni .98 13.15 +.20 +4.3 44.24 32.31 PinWst 2.10 44.15 +.31 +6.5 106.07 54.72 PioNtrl .08 89.08 +.37 +2.6 26.36 19.06 PitnyBw 1.48 24.63 -.08 +1.9 40.06 19.28 PlainsEx ... 35.54 +.04 +10.6 44.28 33.11 PlumCrk 1.68 41.69 -.39 +11.3 61.70 25.38 Polycom ... 57.85 -.24 +48.4 4.11 2.37 Popular ... 3.07 -.03 -2.2 64.05 27.95 Potash s .28 53.45 +1.18 +3.6 13.04 5.90 Power-One ... 8.67 +.74 -15.0 32.02 20.84 PwshDB ... 28.60 -.09 +3.8 35.58 22.85 PS Agri ... 32.42 +.04 +.2 25.84 20.84 PS USDBull ... 21.43 +.16 -5.6 59.34 41.55 PwShs QQQ.39 58.47 +.19 +7.4 4.87 1.35 Powrwav ... 4.05 -.25 +59.4 108.45 72.70 Praxair 2.00 103.60 +.70 +8.5 44.19 21.51 PrideIntl ... 41.37 ... +25.4 35.00 21.19 PrinFncl .55 31.41 +.23 -3.5 39.12 19.49 PrUShS&P ... 20.36 -.16 -14.3 95.90 48.14 ProUltQQQ ... 93.16 +.72 +14.4 104.65 47.55 PrUShQQQ rs... 48.94 -.30 -15.9 56.94 31.00 ProUltSP .39 54.46 +.44 +13.3 45.68 29.77 ProUShL20 ... 34.38 +.27 -7.2 41.65 14.32 ProUSSP500 ... 15.29 -.18 -21.2 164.80 12.83 ProUSSlv rs ... 23.11 -1.23 -41.2 64.80 32.32 PrUltCrde rs ... 46.86 -.98 -6.2 93.70 35.58 PrUShCrde rs... 47.48 +.93 -6.6 382.08 54.30 ProSUltSilv ... 186.56 +7.22 +17.6 26.41 15.99 ProUShEuro ... 17.29 +.42 -14.9 66.95 39.37 ProctGam 2.10 65.27 -.61 +1.5 48.24 37.13 ProgrssEn 2.48 47.04 -.02 +8.2 22.13 18.41 ProgsvCp 1.40 21.68 +.11 +9.1 16.70 9.15 ProLogis .45 15.85 -.21 +9.8 99.80 39.02 ProUSR2K rs ... 42.36 -.44 -15.7 8.70 4.57 ProvFnH .04 8.10 ... +11.9 67.52 48.56 Prudentl 1.15 63.70 +.71 +8.5 34.93 29.02 PSEG 1.37 32.30 +.25 +1.5 118.88 85.04 PubStrg 3.80 116.03 +.07 +14.4 13.46 6.13 PulteGrp ... 7.96 -.06 +5.9 6.98 5.07 PPrIT .71 6.57 ... +4.6 20.10 14.30 Qlogic ... 17.34 -.66 +1.9 59.84 31.63 Qualcom .86 56.57 +.44 +14.3 24.18 17.01 QuantaSvc ... 19.58 +.25 -1.7 59.39 40.80 QstDiag .40 56.74 +.69 +5.1 15.98 10.53 QksilvRes ... 13.87 +.08 -5.9 14.83 10.48 Quidel ... 13.98 -.07 -3.3 4.17 1.30 RAIT Fin .03 2.20 -.02 +.5 5.93 3.32 RCM ... 5.61 -.12 +21.2 8.48 3.65 RF MicD ... 6.13 +.09 -16.6 26.00 16.07 RPM .84 22.99 +.02 +4.0 14.87 5.27 RadianGrp .01 5.57 -.11 -31.0 23.38 13.61 RadioShk .25 16.15 +.22 -12.7 90.57 53.90 Ralcorp ... 90.34 +.14 +39.0 17.92 1.80 RareEle g ... 13.16 +.08 -18.1 59.74 42.65 Raytheon 1.72 49.44 +.52 +7.6 49.00 26.69 RedHat ... 45.79 +.19 +.3 17.98 1.69 Rdiff.cm ... 12.62 +.03 +138.6 8.96 5.12 RegionsFn .04 7.09 -.02 +1.3 15.34 4.91 ReneSola ... 8.31 +.09 -4.9 24.00 15.50 Renren n ... 16.80 -.07 -6.7 4.09 1.62 RepFBcp ... 2.57 -.05 +5.3 32.95 27.65 RepubSvc .80 31.89 +.30 +6.8 72.19 42.53 RschMotn ... 45.99 -1.30 -20.9 18.79 9.22 Revlon ... 16.15 -.05 +64.1 37.47 18.18 ReynAm s 2.12 37.46 +.33 +14.8 76.67 39.30 RioTinto 1.08 67.49 +.75 -5.8 1.49 .86 RiteAid ... 1.15 +.01 +30.2 44.70 12.57 Riverbed s ... 34.34 +.22 -2.4 44.83 20.44 Rowan ... 37.62 +.03 +7.8 49.99 21.97 RylCarb ... 40.69 -1.27 -13.4 77.97 49.16 RoyDShllA 3.36 71.83 -1.01 +7.6 S-T-U 16.86 9.85 SLM Cp .40 16.54 +.33 +31.4 57.83 32.41 SLM pfB 4.63 57.40 -.05 +31.0 128.63 96.17 SpdrDJIA 3.00 126.27 +.63 +9.2 153.61 113.08 SpdrGold ... 145.30 +1.83 +4.7 184.97 122.05SP Mid 1.55 179.52 +.43 +9.0 137.18 101.13S&P500ETF2.34134.20 +.59 +6.7 19.58 13.59 SpdrHome .31 18.72 +.02 +7.6 28.25 21.19 SpdrKbwBk .15 25.21 +.02 -2.7 53.82 34.92 SpdrRetl .50 52.72 +.12 +9.0 65.76 37.02 SpdrOGEx .49 57.97 +.68 +9.9 77.44 43.71 SpdrMetM .41 70.83 +.42 +3.0 87.13 50.80 SPX Cp 1.00 81.72 +.47 +14.3 25.37 18.73 Safeway .48 24.25 -.02 +7.8 33.43 17.04 StJoe ... 25.49 -.08 +16.7 54.18 34.00 StJude .84 52.36 +.05 +22.5 12.97 6.60 Saks ... 11.27 ... +5.3 53.61 33.03 SanDisk ... 47.15 -.19 -5.4 13.34 3.87 SandRdge ... 10.36 -.31 +41.5 40.75 28.01 Sanofi 1.63 39.56 +.25 +22.7 20.26 12.83 SaraLee .46 19.28 ... +10.1 48.70 34.25 SaulCntr 1.44 42.20 -.43 -10.9 23.46 8.52 SavientPh ... 8.83 +.26 -20.7 39.36 14.47 Savvis ... 39.21 +.03 +53.6 95.64 51.67 Schlmbrg 1.00 82.66 -.18 -1.0 23.99 12.16 SchoolSp ... 13.77 -.20 -1.1 19.72 12.64 Schwab .24 18.06 +.24 +5.6 52-Wk Fri YTD High Low Name Div Last Chg %Chg 19.20 9.84 SeagateT .72 17.33 +.23 +15.3 125.42 59.21 SearsHldgs ... 78.07 -.01 +5.9 17.50 4.92 SelCmfrt ... 16.60 +.04 +81.8 36.81 24.14 SemiHTr .57 36.54 +.16 +12.3 55.88 43.91 SempraEn 1.92 54.86 +.50 +4.5 8.20 4.69 Sequenom ... 7.75 +1.07 -3.5 11.95 7.09 ServiceCp .20 11.44 -.01 +38.7 41.62 27.61 ShawGrp ... 38.22 +.54 +11.7 18.41 13.16 SiderurNac .81 14.45 +.16 -13.3 146.74 82.74 Siemens 3.72 136.92 -.60 +10.2 8.54 1.18 SifyTech ... 5.86 -.36 +159.3 47.60 17.00 SilvWhtn g .12 35.82 +.67 -8.2 16.32 5.86 SilvrcpM g .08 11.14 +.37 -13.2 147.12 32.00 Sina ... 125.19 +2.93 +81.9 9.67 1.91 SinoCEn rs ... 2.10 -.49 -68.2 2.17 .86 SiriusXM ... 2.22 +.10 +36.2 23.25 4.98 Sky-mobi n ... 14.80 +.89 +177.0 37.82 13.75 SkywksSol ... 29.61 -.21 +3.4 24.93 13.34 SmithfF ... 21.90 -.20 +6.2 75.81 53.27 Smucker 1.76 74.04 +.15 +12.8 62.51 39.23 SnapOn 1.28 59.99 -.01 +6.0 109.37 40.05 Sohu.cm ... 94.02 +2.53 +48.1 4.16 2.21 Sonus ... 2.94 -.04 +10.1 39.75 32.04 SouthnCo 1.89 39.50 +.21 +3.3 50.35 25.56 SthnCopper1.83 35.49 +.30 -27.2 30.00 20.00 SoUnCo .60 28.36 +.27 +17.8 14.32 10.42 SwstAirl .02 12.11 +.20 -6.7 45.25 30.61 SwstnEngy ... 41.91 +.10 +12.0 29.24 18.57 SpectraEn 1.04 28.07 +.44 +12.3 10.63 3.67 SpectPh ... 8.12 +.10 +18.2 5.35 3.70 SprintNex ... 5.20 +.01 +22.9 23.00 9.75 SprottSilv ... 16.05 +.86 +14.1 13.96 10.65 SprottGold ... 12.73 +.27 +3.1 41.28 27.67 SP Matls 1.23 39.35 +.32 +2.4 35.67 27.49 SP HlthC .61 35.50 +.25 +12.7 31.71 24.95 SP CnSt .81 31.44 +.08 +7.3 41.02 28.64 SP Consum .56 40.29 +.03 +7.7 80.97 48.56 SP Engy 1.05 74.80 +.33 +9.6 17.20 13.29 SPDR Fncl .16 16.11 +.08 +1.0 38.98 26.79 SP Inds .64 38.07 +.33 +9.2 27.09 20.01 SP Tech .33 26.48 +.05 +5.1 33.61 25.76 SP Util 1.31 33.29 +.19 +6.2 78.19 48.76 StanBlkDk 1.64 73.59 -.41 +10.0 23.97 17.45 Staples .40 20.89 -.03 -8.3 5.12 1.07 StarScient ... 3.88 +.14 +99.0 38.21 22.50 Starbucks .52 36.53 +.03 +13.7 65.51 39.60 StarwdHtl .30 58.71 +.11 -3.4 50.26 32.47 StateStr .72 46.55 +.67 +.5 29.67 18.39 Statoil ASA1.10 25.99 -.10 +9.3 20.70 12.89 StlDynam .40 16.88 -.26 -7.8 25.90 10.52 StillwtrM ... 19.61 +.01 -8.1 65.21 42.74 Stryker .72 59.69 -.02 +11.2 58.99 39.16 SubPpne 3.41 53.95 +1.63 -3.8 48.53 27.65 Suncor gs .44 41.50 +.55 +8.4 46.98 26.93 Sunoco .60 41.09 +1.03 +1.9 22.60 9.61 SunPowerA ... 21.41 -.09 +66.9 13.94 7.05 Suntech ... 8.64 +.29 +7.9 33.14 21.79 SunTrst .04 28.17 +.15 -4.5 15.18 7.06 Supvalu .35 10.60 +.07 +10.1 11.43 3.99 SwisherH n ... 6.08 -.61 +28.0 19.82 12.04 Symantec ... 19.42 +.17 +16.0 3.40 1.94 Synovus .04 2.43 -.03 -8.0 31.99 27.13 Sysco 1.04 28.51 -.14 -3.0 5.53 4.67 TCW Strat .39 5.47 +.01 +4.8 22.90 14.53 TD Ameritr .20 21.14 +.24 +11.3 38.59 23.85 TE Connect .64 37.03 +.77 +4.6 19.49 14.46 TECO .85 19.27 +.15 +8.3 7.79 3.33 THQ ... 4.37 +.02 -27.9 54.00 39.56 TJX .76 52.72 -.65 +18.8 13.85 9.30 TaiwSemi .47 13.75 +.20 +9.6 25.21 14.70 TalismE g .27 22.07 +.49 -.5 60.97 48.23 Target 1.00 50.51 +.17 -16.0 7.90 1.50 TastyBak .20 3.98 ... -37.3 65.37 28.37 TeckRes g .60 50.25 +.84 -18.7 18.56 7.21 Tekelec ... 8.49 +.24 -28.7 19.22 12.87 TelNorL ... 16.82 +.16 +14.4 63.27 47.92 Teleflex 1.36 62.41 +.13 +16.0 27.61 17.74 TelefEsp s 1.98 24.49 -.38 +7.4 19.09 13.00 TelMexL .83 18.15 -.03 +12.5 9.44 4.60 Tellabs .08 4.69 +.01 -30.8 26.21 15.48 TempleInld .52 23.27 +.29 +9.6 32.75 21.26 TmpDrgn 1.24 30.43 +.19 -1.0 7.70 3.92 TenetHlth ... 6.53 +.06 -2.4 46.81 19.06 Tenneco ... 43.30 +.98 +5.2 19.19 8.84 Teradyn ... 16.09 +.15 +14.6 38.50 16.79 Terex ... 31.96 +.31 +3.0 28.74 10.40 Tesoro ... 24.91 +.64 +34.4 60.78 44.86 TevaPhrm .78 47.08 -.17 -9.7 36.71 22.65 TexInst .52 35.23 +.21 +8.4 28.87 15.88 Textron .08 24.99 +.28 +5.7 61.72 41.74 ThermoFis ... 60.36 +.64 +9.0 97.95 67.98 3M Co 2.20 95.60 +.68 +10.8 30.45 10.03 TibcoSft ... 28.74 +1.18 +45.8 49.20 29.92 THorton g .68 49.11 +.87 +19.1 79.21 47.89 TW Cable 1.92 76.71 +.82 +16.2 38.62 27.99 TimeWarn .94 36.25 +.24 +12.7 22.93 13.80 TitanMet ... 18.98 -.15 +10.5 18.23 6.92 TiVo Inc ... 9.56 +.19 +10.8 89.80 62.92 TorDBk g 2.64 84.69 +.43 +15.5 64.44 43.07 Total SA 3.16 59.04 -.61 +10.4 52-Wk Fri YTD High Low Name Div Last Chg %Chg 93.90 67.56 Toyota .58 79.10 -.46 +.6 43.89 25.80 TrCda g 1.68 42.71 +.26 +12.3 3.99 2.27 TrnsatlPet ... 2.33 ... -30.0 85.98 41.88 Transocn .79 67.79 -.98 -2.5 64.12 47.69 Travelers 1.64 63.43 +.43 +13.9 52.30 26.73 TrimbleN ... 43.87 -.13 +9.9 31.89 14.85 TrinaSolar ... 26.84 +1.15 +14.6 15.20 5.77 TriQuint ... 13.16 +.48 +12.6 53.38 34.00 TycoIntl 1.00 48.76 -.07 +17.7 20.12 14.59 Tyson .16 18.89 -.33 +9.7 20.08 12.26 UBS AG ... 19.17 -.03 +16.4 26.46 17.78 UDR .74 25.29 -.41 +7.5 33.53 24.30 UGI Corp 1.04 32.23 +.18 +2.1 12.26 5.70 US Airwy ... 9.69 -.13 -3.2 9.87 3.26 US Gold ... 7.51 -.02 -6.9 6.35 3.90 USEC ... 4.30 -.01 -28.6 53.85 37.10 UltraPt g ... 46.00 -1.47 -3.7 37.91 29.03 UniSrcEn 1.68 37.53 +.06 +4.7 33.64 26.02 UnilevNV 1.17 32.51 +.14 +3.5 104.14 65.99 UnionPac 1.90 102.34 +.63 +10.4 41.32 17.04 Unisys ... 28.19 +.77 +8.9 29.75 17.13 UtdContl ... 25.65 -.14 +7.7 3.75 2.49 UtdMicro .08 2.82 +.05 -10.8 77.00 56.47 UPS B 2.08 74.10 +.14 +2.1 28.94 20.44 US Bancrp .50 25.19 -.01 -6.6 17.68 10.02 US NGs rs ... 11.00 +.01 -8.2 45.60 30.93 US OilFd ... 38.87 -.45 -.3 64.03 36.93 USSteel .20 45.66 -.46 -21.8 90.67 62.88 UtdTech 1.92 89.21 +.68 +13.3 50.20 27.13 UtdhlthGp .50 50.12 +.54 +38.8 27.16 19.30 UnumGrp .37 26.23 +.22 +8.3 V-W-X-Y-Z 37.25 23.58 Vale SA .90 31.02 +.11 -10.3 32.57 19.89 Vale SA pf .90 27.76 +.12 -8.1 55.00 13.67 ValeantPh .38 50.00 +.90 +76.7 1.84 .64 ValenceT h ... 1.29 +.03 -23.2 31.12 15.49 ValeroE .20 26.79 +.48 +15.9 4.50 1.55 ValpeyFsh ... 3.29 +.07 -2.9 7.67 1.41 ValVis A ... 6.22 -.01 +1.8 19.73 8.88 ValueClick ... 17.94 -.03 +11.9 50.92 35.30 VangEmg .82 48.74 +.65 +1.2 2.26 .99 VantageDrl ... 1.68 +.03 -17.2 61.43 24.40 VarianSemi ... 61.20 ... +65.5 58.88 15.62 VeriFone ... 49.79 +.69 +29.1 37.57 24.59 Verisign 5.75 35.57 +.93 +8.9 38.95 25.79 VerizonCm1.95 37.28 +.16 +4.2 56.70 31.25 VertxPh ... 54.54 +1.35 +55.7 1.99 1.21 VestinRMII ... 1.29 -.02 -11.0 59.12 34.09 ViacomA .60 58.35 +.11 +27.2 51.50 30.24 ViacomB .60 50.32 +.05 +27.0 31.29 14.65 VirgnMda h .16 32.02 +1.01 +17.5 91.27 64.90 Visa .60 79.41 +.71 +12.8 19.36 6.29 VishayInt ... 16.82 +.29 +14.6 13.68 4.69 Vivus ... 7.74 -.02 -17.4 32.70 18.21 Vodafone 1.33 27.55 -.38 +4.2 5.39 1.45 Vonage ... 4.78 -.11 +113.4 97.93 68.59 Vornado 2.76 94.00 -.20 +12.8 13.17 5.00 Wabash ... 10.31 +.07 -13.0 57.90 47.77 WalMart 1.46 55.02 -.05 +2.0 47.11 26.26 Walgrn .70 42.34 -.16 +8.7 143.76 57.62 WalterEn .50 131.08 +4.50 +2.5 25.32 15.19 WarnerCh s8.50 23.50 +1.31 +4.2 8.15 4.00 WarnerMus ... 8.18 +.28 +45.3 39.69 31.11 WsteMInc 1.36 38.71 +.14 +5.0 28.11 12.34 WeathfIntl ... 20.19 +.26 -11.4 41.56 32.56 WeisMk 1.16 39.61 -.06 -1.8 78.59 46.52 WellPoint 1.00 77.96 +.47 +37.1 34.25 23.02 WellsFargo .48 28.25 +.12 -8.8 5.43 3.83 WendyArby .08 4.91 +.01 +6.3 27.17 19.67 WernerEnt .20 25.93 -.24 +14.7 3.93 1.26 WestellT ... 3.54 -.03 +8.3 42.09 23.06 WDigital ... 38.08 +.41 +12.3 19.50 4.01 WstnRefin ... 16.23 +.70 +53.4 22.03 14.65 WstnUnion .28 20.72 +.08 +11.6 25.33 12.43 Weyerh .60 22.09 -.01 +16.7 75.91 35.61 WhitingPt s ... 62.38 +.41 +6.5 66.87 33.96 WholeFd .40 61.57 +1.62 +21.7 33.47 17.53 WmsCos .50 30.85 +.09 +24.8 14.40 6.02 Windstrm 1.00 12.86 +.14 -7.7 31.87 23.42 WiscEn s 1.04 31.13 -.30 +5.8 28.72 20.08 WT India .15 23.77 +.42 -9.9 21.93 12.00 Worthgtn .40 20.45 +.23 +11.1 35.50 19.44 Wyndham .60 33.62 +.06 +12.2 25.43 15.59 XL Grp .44 23.45 +.10 +7.5 24.67 19.81 XcelEngy 1.01 24.29 +.04 +3.1 12.08 7.67 Xerox .17 10.25 +.10 -11.0 35.90 22.75 Xilinx .76 35.73 +.12 +23.3 15.58 1.19 YRC Ww rs ... 1.31 -.04 -64.8 18.64 12.94 Yahoo ... 18.65 +.22 +12.1 13.43 9.16 Yamana g .12 11.80 -.11 -7.8 69.95 25.57 Youku n ... 58.84 +1.24 +68.1 54.98 37.54 YumBrnds 1.00 53.64 +.39 +9.4 3.21 1.01 Zalicus ... 2.34 ... +48.1 67.36 46.27 Zimmer ... 67.50 +1.18 +25.7 59.71 23.07 ZollMed ... 57.57 -.02 +54.6 3.67 2.88 Zweig .36 3.42 +.02 +2.1 3.96 3.28 ZweigTl .40 3.45 +.01 -3.1 52-Wk Fri YTD High Low Name Div Last Chg %Chg USD per British Pound 1.6370 -.0009 -.05% 1.6189 1.4786 Canadian Dollar .9692 +.0002 +.02% 1.0004 1.0617 USD per Euro 1.4337 -.0193 -1.35% 1.4045 1.2602 Japanese Yen 80.58 +.39 +.48% 81.32 89.10 Mexican Peso 11.6489 -.0720 -.62% 12.2000 12.8560 CURRENCY CLOSE PVS. %CH. 6MO. 1 YR. Copper 3.96 3.98 -0.55 +0.49 +26.59 Gold 1491.20 1480.90 +0.70 +6.72 +23.24 Platinum 1786.40 1778.20 +0.46 +0.99 +7.24 Silver 35.28 36.23 -2.62 +31.93 +91.45 Palladium 716.20 710.70 +0.77 +4.65 +40.65 METALS CLOSE PVS. %CH. 6MO. 1 YR. Foreign Exchange & Metals The dollar rose against other currencies Friday after a strong jobs report reassured investors about the U.S. economic recovery. The dollar hit multi-year lows earlier this week. C M Y K PAGE 12B SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ W E A T H E R 2 7 9 0 4 5 1 9 6 6 0 0 Find the car you want in your own backyard. timesleaderautos.com m 21 ROCKY RIDGE LANE, NESCOPECK GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9AM - 5PM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Greenhouse 379-3828 Family Owned and Operated since 1969! ocky idge reenhouses Good Selection Of VEGETABLE PLANTS & FLOWERS (bedding plants) Mix or Match – Most Flats 72 Plants Per Flat C ee er FFllat L A R G E VAR I E T Y Variety Of GERANIUMS From MountainTop Area: Take 309 South to I-80 West, Go 6 miles, Get off Exit 256 and Take Rt. 93 North for 3.5 miles, Turn Left at Nescopeck Township Firehall (Zenith Road). 1 Mile on Left - Watch for Sign. 1/2 Mile from Country Folk. COMBINATION PLANTERS www.rockyridgegreenhouses.com ALMANAC REGIONAL FORECAST NATIONAL FORECAST For more weather information go to: www.timesleader.com National Weather Service 607-729-1597 Forecasts, graphs and data ©2011 Weather Central, LP Yesterday 67/39 Average 68/45 Record High 90 in 1949 Record Low 34 in 1910 Yesterday 12 Month to date 52 Year to date 6079 Last year to date 5597 Normal year to date 6025 *Index of fuel consumption, how far the day’s mean temperature was below 65 degrees. Precipitation Yesterday 0.01” Month to date 1.64” Normal month to date 0.67” Year to date 18.59” Normal year to date 11.18” Susquehanna Stage Chg. Fld. Stg Wilkes-Barre 14.56 -1.94 22.0 Towanda 9.12 -1.21 21.0 Lehigh Bethlehem 3.73 1.41 16.0 Delaware Port Jervis 6.50 -0.48 18.0 Today’s high/ Tonight’s low TODAY’S SUMMARY Highs: 63-69. Lows: 40-45. Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers today. Partly cloudy skies tonight. The Poconos Highs: 63-71. Lows: 48-50. Partly to most- ly cloudy with showers north today. Partly cloudy tonight. The Jersey Shore Highs: 56-65. Lows: 38-44. Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers today. Becoming partly cloudy tonight. The Finger Lakes Highs: 70-71. Lows: 50-52. Partly cloudy and pleasant today. Partly cloudy skies tonight. Brandywine Valley Highs: 70-73. Lows: 51-57. Partly cloudy and pleasant today. Partly to mostly cloudy skies tonight. Delmarva/Ocean City Anchorage 50/38/.00 50/36/pc 52/38/sh Atlanta 73/50/.00 79/61/pc 83/61/pc Baltimore 72/40/.00 72/53/pc 70/53/sh Boston 71/46/.00 68/51/sh 62/49/pc Buffalo 62/40/.00 56/44/sh 61/44/pc Charlotte 71/45/.04 77/54/pc 80/56/t Chicago 67/44/.00 56/51/sh 59/52/pc Cleveland 62/50/.02 63/48/sh 63/48/pc Dallas 84/53/.00 91/70/pc 92/72/pc Denver 78/47/.00 82/50/pc 84/48/pc Detroit 64/52/.01 64/48/sh 62/48/pc Honolulu 76/71/.09 85/72/sh 86/70/sh Houston 86/56/.00 87/70/pc 90/73/pc Indianapolis 67/50/.04 65/55/t 70/54/pc Las Vegas 95/67/.00 93/65/s 84/57/pc Los Angeles 65/58/.00 65/57/s 63/54/pc Miami 81/71/1.77 87/72/pc 87/74/s Milwaukee 66/47/.00 50/42/sh 54/45/pc Minneapolis 70/45/.00 63/47/c 63/51/sh Myrtle Beach 72/52/.00 76/62/s 77/57/pc Nashville 71/50/.00 76/59/t 82/58/pc New Orleans 82/56/.00 83/68/s 85/68/s Norfolk 73/48/.00 75/57/pc 71/55/sh Oklahoma City 85/44/.00 90/66/pc 92/71/t Omaha 79/41/.00 75/50/pc 80/61/t Orlando 83/63/.00 88/62/s 90/64/s Phoenix 96/68/.00 99/70/s 94/68/s Pittsburgh 64/39/.00 65/50/sh 68/46/c Portland, Ore. 55/49/.01 58/45/sh 57/46/sh St. Louis 72/49/.00 73/56/t 79/59/t Salt Lake City 70/50/.00 74/51/pc 63/42/sh San Antonio 87/64/.00 91/71/pc 94/74/pc San Diego 68/59/.00 66/55/s 65/56/pc San Francisco 58/50/.00 58/50/pc 56/47/pc Seattle 54/46/.00 55/45/sh 56/45/sh Tampa 80/72/.26 86/67/s 87/68/s Tucson 94/60/.00 95/61/s 92/61/s Washington, DC 70/46/.00 74/54/pc 71/54/sh City Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Yesterday Today Tomorrow Amsterdam 73/43/.00 75/53/pc 74/57/sh Baghdad 97/70/.01 95/72/pc 93/72/t Beijing 81/46/.00 79/57/s 73/57/sh Berlin 70/32/.00 72/49/s 68/49/pc Buenos Aires 70/39/.00 73/49/s 65/41/s Dublin 63/50/.00 62/54/sh 57/48/sh Frankfurt 73/45/.00 75/50/s 75/49/s Hong Kong 86/77/.00 85/75/t 86/75/t Jerusalem 79/56/.00 72/53/s 71/51/s London 77/48/.00 74/58/pc 64/52/sh Mexico City 81/52/.00 83/57/t 82/57/t Montreal 61/41/.00 60/45/c 61/43/s Moscow 59/50/.00 66/52/sh 64/49/sh Paris 77/46/.00 79/57/pc 74/55/sh Rio de Janeiro 88/73/.00 82/70/s 84/71/s Riyadh 104/72/.00 104/79/s 106/81/s Rome 68/48/.00 75/52/s 75/53/s San Juan 82/74/.00 88/75/pc 86/75/t Tokyo 66/55/.00 68/58/sh 75/59/pc Warsaw 59/34/.00 62/43/pc 63/46/sh City Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Yesterday Today Tomorrow WORLD CITIES River Levels, from 12 p.m. yesterday. Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sn-snow, sf-snowflurries, i-ice. Philadelphia 71/52 Reading 70/48 Scranton Wilkes-Barre 64/45 64/44 Harrisburg 70/49 Atlantic City 69/48 New York City 67/52 Syracuse 65/43 Pottsville 68/46 Albany 68/46 Binghamton Towanda 64/43 64/41 State College 67/45 Poughkeepsie 67/45 91/70 56/51 82/50 94/60 63/47 65/57 61/49 78/56 67/45 55/45 67/52 64/48 79/61 87/72 87/70 85/72 54/39 50/36 74/54 Sun and Moon Sunrise Sunset Today 5:54a 8:07p Tomorrow 5:53a 8:08p Moonrise Moonset Today 9:04a none Tomorrow 10:08a 12:18a First Full Last New May 10 May 17 May 24 June 1 Since March 1 I've measured 16.8 inches of rain. In the Poconos the total is 19.3 inch- es and in Williamsport this spring the rain- fall is 11.5 inches above normal. So it's safe to say we've had enough and that we can easily afford a stretch of dry weather. In fact, that appears to be in the cards. Now there might be a light shower in some spots today as a trough passes through, but starting tomor- row a blocking pattern will begin to take shape and this should afford us a stretch of dry weather early next week. Temperatures will trend near normal along with a more pos- itive trend in our overall opinion of the weather. - Tom Clark NATIONAL FORECAST: Showers will linger over much of the Northeast as a result of low pressure over the region. A second storm system will produce scattered showers and thunderstorms from the Lower Great Lakes and Ohio Valley to the mid-Mississippi Valley. Low pressure will move into the Northern Rockies with scattered showers. Showers will also be likely over the Pacific Northwest. Recorded at Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Int’l Airport Temperatures Heating Degree Days* Precipitation TODAY Partly sunny, cool SUNDAY Mostly sunny, light winds 68° 44° TUESDAY Mostly sunny 73° 42° WEDNESDAY Mostly sunny 75° 47° THURSDAY Sun, a shower 75° 55° FRIDAY Sun, a T-storm 75° 55° MONDAY Sunny 70° 45° 68 ° 46 ° C M Y K AT HOME S E C T I O N C THE TIMES LEADER SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 timesleader.com B lame it on the Kentucky Derby. And maybe my irrational, un- researched support for a horse named Comma To The Top. Hey, like many folks, to me it’s all about the moniker, and if given 22 to choose from, I’m likely to back the one named after a punctuation mark. But, seriously, history has proven the Derby is anyone’s race – and this year more than ever that might be so – so why fuss over who, on paper, has the best shot when you can just go with the coolest name? Lately I’ve been thinking about ap- plying the same close-your-eyes-and- point philosophy to domestic life. Be- cause, let’s face it, I can labor over product reviews and ratings until Be- ssie and all the baby cows come home, can study all kinds of specifications, energy ratings and, well, you name it. But at the end of the day, the fact is my long-thought-out washer can just up and stop washing, or dryer stop drying, or toaster stop toasting for no apparent reason. It’s too tired. Too hot. Too cold. Too lazy. Or it just plum felt like it. Pedigree hardly matters either. In fact, sometimes the higher the pedi- gree, the greater the risk. Case in point: I just sold an old bag- style Eureka vacuum cleaner at my streetwide garage sale for $7. My buyer was a pleased-as-punch man, so much so he made me question my sanity in letting this thing go. “It’s kind of loud,” I told him. “How loud?” I fired it up for him. “That’s not loud at all,” he said, hap- pily handing over the $7 and explain- ing he really has no use for bagless vacuum cleaners anymore. (They are kind of a pain to clean, I agree.) Who’s the smart one? That very day, in my basement, my expensive Hoover sat dismantled, the still-unfinished object of my anything-but-affection in the throes of a failed D-I-Y repair. I give up, I told the thing. I admit defeat. What’s in a name, after all, especially in the mergers-and-acquisi- tions-gone-wild era, when the big guys have swallowed up so many little guys but let them keep their old names that you hardly know what brands you can trust anymore? (The Maytag man and I have lamented this over coffee, except, wait, he no longer works for “Maytag.”) Anyway, I say, if you’re going to buy based on a name, at least make sure it’s a secondary name and not a surname. Just roll the dice on something that sounds cool. Heck, in this day and age, named technology is obviously the next big thing. Even a fancy new MRI machine has been advertised on a road sign in Kingston: “The Titan is here!” Now is it me, or does that make an imaging appointment sound like a trip to the amusement park? Maybe you can even buy a T-shirt at the end: I survived The Titan. Works for me. I only recently paid for an expensive dryer repair, so I expect the washer to konk out next. (Its latest antics include a lazy spin cycle that tends to leave clothes sopping wet.) So I Googled some choices and im- mediately ruled out anything that contains numbers and letters. The DRXVB23? What does that mean? But the Maytag Maxima? Well, that sounds imposing. Even niftier is the Maytag Bravos, in fire-engine red! If it expires prematurely, at least it’ll look pretty. Next up will be the dishwasher, I’m sure. When half the powdered deter- gent sits clumped in the dispenser after a two-hour cycle, you kind of suspect a problem. I might have to call in a Bosch Ascenta, to take me to new heights. Or maybe an Integra, which beguiles me with a notion of integrity. I’m a beaten woman, aren’t I? I’ve lost all my senses and fight. Maybe not. If tonight a horse called Comma hap- pens to prevail in Louisville, you’ll all see how smart I really am. SANDRA SNYDER W A L L T O W A L L Arbitrary is the name of this guessing game Reach Sandra Snyder, the editor of At Home, at 831-7383 or [email protected]. W e have the cure for winter’s lingering wrath: a weekend porch makeover. Landscape architect Joann Schwarberg of Mission Hills, Kan., leads us through a weekend action plan for transforming our dead-leaf-riddled outdoor spaces into true retreats —including a celebratory drink at the fin- ish line. She recently tackled her neighbors’ porch and patiosothecouplewill beall set tobehosts for acoming class reunion. “Like many of our homes, these ar- eas neededtobe readyfor adult enter- taining and relaxing,” Schwarberg says. “They needed cleaning fromthe crudof winter. Furniture hadtobe up- graded, pots needed to be bigger, and color needed to be added through cushions and plants.” ••• THE TIMELINE Friday after work: Make a plan Determine the scope of the project. The good thing about a weekend ma- keover is that the change can be as simpleaspositioningfurnitureandre- distributing accessories. Truly updating the space can cost a lit- tle more, says interior designer Stephen Saint-Onge in his book “No Place Like Home” (Wiley; $20). “This is something you could do alone, as a fun family project or with a group of friends,” Saint-Onge writes. “In- stead of a book club, how about forming a makeover club?” Take digital photos. Land- scape architect Joann Schwar- MCT PHOTOS A home in Mission Hills, Kan., before and after a patio makeover transformed the backyard into a showplace. Bye-bye, winter blues: A patio makeover can be a one-weekend wonder By STACY DOWNS McClatchy Newspapers See MAKEOVER, Page 3C I t’s maybe the next best thing to Christmas shopping: spring and summer treasurehunting. There’sjust nothinglikearompthrough the lawn-and-garden aisles of a local store or a trip to an entire lawn-and-garden business to lift a spirit out of the winter doldrums. A cool patiopiececanbrightennot onlyitsowner’sdaybut thedayof any who pass by the house where the piece is placed. If you haven’t had time to hit the stores yet, Times Leader features writer Sara Pokorny has done some shopping for you. Photos by Sara Pokorny Local businesses show off their outdoor decor pieces C M Y K PAGE 2C SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ A T H O M E 2 8 0 8 2 3 Call Now For Spring Projects Stone Walls Stone Walks Stone Patios Brick Pavers Garden Ponds Rock Gardens Landscape Lighting Raised Planting Beds and More! Fully Insured Free Estimates Design & Installation 570-262-6212 Serving Luzerne County Since 1992 Expert Hardscaping PA Registered Contractor PA019927 GRUMPO’S WAREHOUSE 171 RACE ST., W-B (Off Hanover Street) Website www.grumposwarehouse.com 825-9166 $ 1 00 $ 1 29 $ 6 99 $ 1 00 $ 1 00 $ 7 99 8 FLAVORS 11 0UNCE CAKES 20 PIECES 2 SIZES 12” X 18” INDOOR - OUTDOOR 2 STYLES PACK OF 6 2 - 12 INCH 2 - 18 INCH 2 - 24 INCH 5 X 7 2 99 6 X 8 3 99 8 X 10 6 99 8 X 12 7 99 10 X 10 7 99 10 X 12 9 99 8 X 15 10 99 12 X 12 12 99 8 X 10 8 99 10 X 10 10 99 10 X 12 12 99 12 X 16 20 99 10 X 20 21 99 12 X 22 24 99 15 X 25 35 99 20 X20 35 99 20 X 30 55 99 20 X 40 74 99 30 X 30 79 99 25 X 40 89 99 24 X 50 99 99 30 X 60 129 99 40 X 60 149 99 8 X 10 12 99 9 X 12 17 99 10 X 12 18 99 8 X 20 22 99 12 X 16 23 99 10 X 20 24 99 15 X 20 41 99 20 X 20 58 99 15 X 30 64 99 20 X 30 68 99 24 X 30 74 99 20 X 40 89 99 30 X 30 92 99 30 X 40 99 99 12 X 16 13 99 8 X 20 13 99 10 X 20 15 99 12 X 22 17 99 15 X 30 22 99 15 X 25 24 99 15 X 30 31 99 20 X 25 32 99 20 X 30 37 99 20 X 40 52 99 30 X 30 54 99 24 X 40 61 99 25 X 45 63 99 30 X 40 79 99 30 X 50 99 99 40 X 60 119 99 EACH EACH 100 PACK BIRD SUET U.S.A. FLAG SILHOUETTE LIGHTS BUNGIE CORDS BLUE POLY TARPS WITH GROMMETS PREMIUM HEAVY DUTY GREEN SILVER TARPS WITH GROMMETS 12 X 12 CROSS WEAVE PREMIUM HEAVY DUTY SILVER TARPS WITH GROMMETS 14 X 14 CROSS WEAVE PUNKS KEEPS GNATS FLEAS INSECTS AWAY PLANT AND GARDEN CLIPS SPING-SUMMER AND PATRIOTIC GARDEN FLAGS 2 8 6 1 3 8 MARTIN O’MALIA GREENHOUSES 747 North Main Street, Hilldale, (Plains Twp.) Mums • Logs • Pots • Hanging Baskets • Vegetable & Bedding Plants Mother’s Day Flowers Wholesale & Retail One Location Only Open Mon.-Sat. 9AM-6PM Sunday 9AM-5PM 824-0490 DIRECTIONS: Take N. Main St. from light in Plains, go up hill approx. 1 1/2 miles to Hillside baseball dia- mond. From Wyoming, over 8th St. Bridge, right at light over tracks, make 1st left, straight at stop sign. THE BACK YARD REVOLUTION 2011 www.dundeegardensinc.com Take I-81 to Exit 164 to Nanticoke (Exit 3) SANS SOUCI PARKWAY, HANOVERTWP, PA 735-5452 THE ULTIMATE GRILLING EXPERIENCE Featuring Spirit - Genesis - Summit Weber Q Series and Weber Quality Charcoal Grills Ask About Our Stainless Steel Upgrades 2 1 1 2 6 4 DARLING & SONS’ FARMS & GREENHOUSES “Growing Quality Is A Family Business Since 1930” MOTHER’S DAY MON - SAT 9-5 • 675-2080 1/2 Mile Off Rt. 309, Dallas, Hildebrandt Rd. (200 yards north of Dallas Elementary School) Hanging Baskets • Gerber Daisy • Geraniums Herbs • Bedding • Veggie Plants Combination Pots • Cemetery Logs • Potting Soil Humus • McCutcheon’s Canned Goods OPEN MOTHER’S DAY 9-4 MATTRESS GUY Gateway Shopping Center • Edwardsville 570-288-1898 www.mattressguydeals.com Q: We are ready to gut our children’s bathroom. They are getting to the ages where they’ll be showering more frequently, and our 80-gallon electric hot water heater isn’t enough to allow for five showers in a row. We are consid- ering a separate hot water heat source just for their shower. I’ve read about instant heaters on- line, but a plumber recommended we get a second 80-gallon tank, which I feel is overkill and would be too ex- pensive. We have been told the electric tank- less models aren’t satisfactory per- formers. We do have propane for our fireplace and grill, so that’s an option. What is the best option for this situation? A: I’m not sure any system — con- ventional or on-demand, gas or elec- tric — will be able to provide enough hot water for five showers in a row, but that’s just the skeptic in me, be- cause I’m usually the third in line with a 50-gallon water heater. The answer depends on to whom you speak. I have no preference either way, but our present “standing” heat- er doesn’t seem to be a major ex- pense, compared with the sump pump in the spring or basement dehumid- ifier in the summer. There are differences of opinion among plumbers, who appear to favor conventional storage heaters, and the electric and gas on-demand manu- facturers, who seem more interested in emphasizing the drawbacks to their competitors’ products than in helping consumers. A “neutral” source of information, the U.S. Department of Energy, says the following: Demand water heaters heat water directly; they avoid the standby heat losses associated with storage water heaters. When a hot water tap is turned on, cold water travels through a pipe into the unit. Either a gas burner or an electric element heats the water. With a demand water heater, you don’t need to wait for a storage tank to fill up with enough hot water. However, its output limits the flow rate. Typically, demand water heaters provide hot water at a rate of two to five gallons per minute — those that are gas-fired produce higher flow rates than electric ones. Yet even the large- st gas-fired model cannot supply enough hot water for simultaneous, multiple uses in large households. To overcome this problem, you can install two or more demand water heaters, connected in parallel for simultaneous demands of hot water. You also can install separate de- mand water heaters for appliances, such as a clothes washer or dishwash- er. For homes that use 41 gallons or less of hot water daily, demand water heaters can be 24 percent to 34 per- cent more energy efficient than con- ventional storage-tank water heaters. They can be 8 percent to 14 percent more energy efficient for homes that use a lot of hot water — around 86 gallons per day. You can achieve even greater energy savings of 27 percent to 50 percent if you install a demand water heater at each hot water outlet. You’ll need to go to the manufactur- ers to figure out what you’ll need. It might be as simple as two electric on-demand heaters in sequence. If you want to go gas, you’ll need to deter- mine whether your propane supply is sufficient and, if not, the monthly cost of an adequate supply. ••• Q: Are you aware of any successful ways to remove stink bugs from homes? We, like many of our friends, have an infestation in our walls. A: Stink bugs are harmless but annoying. The National Pest Manage- ment Association suggests: • Sealing cracks around windows, doors, electrical outlets, ceiling fans and light switches. • Screening attic and crawl-space vents and replacing outdoor lighting with yellow bulbs, which are less attractive to stink bugs. • Repairing damaged window screens. • Using a vacuum to eliminate stink bugs indoors. Seal the vacuum’s contents in a plastic bag and dispose of it immediately. YOUR PLACE A L A N H . H E A V E N S Large family seeks reliable water heater to withstand five hot showers in a row Questions? E-mail Alan J. Heavens at ahea- [email protected] or write to him at The Inquirer, Box 8263, Philadelphia, PA19101. Volume prohibits individual replies. S weeping front and rear raised porches, delicate- lydetailedrailingsandan abundance of fireplaces give this farmhouse, Plan HMA- FAPW00660 from Homeplan- s.com, its distinctive character. The three-bedroom plan in- cludes 2,203 square feet of fin- ished living space, with a 597- square-foot unfinished third floor that can be completed in- to a bonus roomand office. Designedto accommodate a relatively narrowbuilding site, the efficient floor plan delivers livability for an active family. Both the formal living room and dining room have corner fireplaces, as does the family room. This cozy room opens completelytothelargecountry kitchen, which has an abun- danceof workspace, aseatedis- land, a planning desk and easy access to the utility room. Sliding doors open to the full-width back porch. On the second floor, you’ll find the master retreat, with yet another fireplace, and an expansive bathing and dress- ing suite, including a separate seated vanity. Soak in the whirlpool tub. Across the hall, two more large bed- rooms share a full bath. Head up another level to find the spa- cious optional rooms: a home of- fice area, built-in cabinets, andalarge bonus room that could be used as a theater, exercise room or art studio. Attic access up here provides even more storage space. AP ILLUSTRATIONS A wide front porch welcomes guests to this spacious country home. COOL DIGS Bedrooms: 3 Baths: 2-1/2 Upper floor: 1,083 sq. ft. Main floor: 1,120 sq. ft. Total living area: 2,203 sq. ft. Unfinished third floor: 597 sq. ft. Porches: 480 sq. ft. Standard basement: 1,120 sq. ft. Dimensions: 40-0 x 40-0 Exterior wall framing: 2x6 HMAFAPW00660 DETAILS: To receive the study plan for this home, visit www.houseofthe- week.com/study-plans or call (866) 772-1013. On the shelf Kelly Coyne and Erik Knutzen are extreme do-it-yourselfers. They’re part of the radical homemaking movement, a return to a simpler, self-suffi- cient lifestyle that rejects mate- rialism and emphasizes home- made goods. The two help oth- ers embrace that lifestyle in their new book, “Making It: Radical Home Ec for a Post- Consumer World.” The book is filled with in- structions for projects, from making tooth powder to grow- ing vegetable gardens and even slaughtering chickens. Projects are arranged by how often they need to be done and how long they’ll take, so readers can start with simple projects and devel- op the skills for more complex undertakings. “Making It” is published by Rodale Books and sells for $19.99 in softcover. What’s new Mothers are suckers for the kids’ creations. But you don’t have to stick Mom with a lumpy vase or a wrinkled watercolor this Mother’s Day. Online retailer the Great Remember turns kids’ artwork into lockets and contemporary mosaic art pieces. Digital imag- es of the art are used, so the originals aren’t destroyed. The company also makes applique artwork from clothing or other fabric keepsakes. For Mother’s Day, it’s offering a special ”Look Ma!” heart-theme art piece that features a favorite quotation from a child. Prices are $99 to $1,500. Mother’s Day orders should be placed by Monday at www.the- greatremember.com. Q&A Q: I need to have my metal kitchen cupboards refinished. I have discovered that they need to be repainted like a car is — i.e., to have an electric charge put through them, and then to be sprayed with a metallic paint. Do you have any leads on local companies that do this work? A: Metal cabinets don’t neces- sarily need to be painted elec- trostatically, said Bob Cusuma- no, president of Coatings Con- sultants Inc. in Jupiter, Fla., and a consultant to the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America. He answers consumer questions through the orga- nization’s tech support line, 877-344-8594. Cusumano said electrostatic painting is a very efficient meth- od of spray-painting metal sur- faces, because it creates an attraction that draws paint to metal. However, he said it doesn’t necessarily make the paint adhere better. Any painting contractor who specializes in residential paint- ing and uses an air-assisted sprayer should be able to paint your cabinets, he said. The cabinets probably have a hard, glossy factory finish, which needs to be sanded to dull it and help the new paint adhere, Cusumano said. Any bare or rusted spots should be sanded well and coated with a rust-inhibiting primer. He said the painter should use the same kind of finish that is on the cabinets now, either an alkyd enamel or an epoxy finish. If you can, take a cabinet door to a paint store so the salesper- son can recommend a primer and finish. If you can’t take off a door, Cusumano suggested sanding a small, inconspicuous spot on a cabinet, painting it with either type of paint and letting it cure a couple of days. Then stick a piece of adhesive tape onto the paint, rub it on well and pull it off. If the paint comes off with the tape, it’s the wrong kind, he said. IN BRIEF C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 3C ➛ A T H O M E Auto • Home • Business • Life 383 Wyoming Ave • Kingston • 288-2004 Stop and visit us today. You can have peace of mind knowing that your home and family are protected. Get The Most For Your Money While Protecting Your Family & Home TAL PHILLIPS INSURANCE AGENCY INC. [email protected] 310 Allegheny Street, White Haven 570.956.1174 570.443.8769 Located in “That Corner Mall” Wednesday 5pm - 8pm Saturday 12pm - 5pm Sunday 10am - 3pm and by appointment any day of the week Allegheny Furniture Showroom They’ll Only Think You Spent a Fortune... Reconditioned Quality Furniture at Affordable Prices Unique Pieces From Antique to Modern Delivery Available Offering Layaway Specializing in Above & Inground Pools! Tom Kehler • (570) 696-9700 29 North Memorial Hwy., Shavertown, PA 18708 Pools • Spas • Liners Chemicals • Accessories Starting At $ 999! COMPLETE POOL PACKAGES 2 8 2 7 9 2 SANTARELLI Ready Mixed Concrete & Vibrated Block Company WE DO MORE THAN POUR! Call Mark Oley 693-2200 966 Shoemaker Avenue West Wyoming www.santarellireadymix.com 2 8 4 6 0 4 2 8 4 6 2 8 4 6 2 8 4 6 2 8 4 6 2 8 4 6 2 8 4 6 2 8 4 6 2 8 4 6 6 4 6 2 8 4 6 2 8 4 6 4 6 2 8 4 6 2 8 4 6 66 4 6 4 6 2 8 4 6 6 2 8 4 6 4 6 6 2 8 4 6 6 2 8 4 6 2 8 4 6 8 4 2 8 4 2 8 4 2 8 222 0 4 4 0 4 0 4 4 Remodeling FREE ESTIMATES! CALL US FOR ALL YOUR INTERIOR & EXTERIOR REMODELING NEEDS FREE Shipping! to our store when you order from TrueValue.com. • Browse thousands of products online • Click the Ship-to-Store option • Pick up your order in our store Visit us online 24/7 at TrueValue.com for project tips and ideas. Main Hardware 642 S. Main Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 570-823-3938 RAVE DISCOUNT PLANT CENTER 621 Valley View Rd./Edinger Rd., Dallas 675-4537 • Anytime Delivery Available OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 am-5 pm (Across from Valley View Trailer Park) AZALEAS RHODODENDRON ARBOR VITAE FORSYTHIA Ready To Bloom Red • Pink • White Fast Growing Flowering $ 9 95 $ 9 95 $ 9 95 $ 9 95 $ 18 95 $ 18 95 6-7’ Tall 4’ + Tall $ 25 $ 25 3 gal. 3 gal. 887Wyoming Avenue •Wyoming • 693-2584 887W i A W i 693 2584 Mon. - Fri 9a.m - 7 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 9a.m - 6 p.m. Visit us on Facebook www.kasardagreenhouse.com $ 12.95 Large Hanging Baskets Mon. - Fri 9a.m - 7 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 9a.m - 6 p.m. 887Wyoming Avenue •Wyoming • 693-2584 887W i A W i 693 2584 $ 3.95 6” Gerbera Daisies Visit us on Facebook www.kasardagreenhouse.com Watch For Us On WNEP’s Home & Backyard • Room Layouts • Color, Fabric, and Finish Selections • Procurement of Furniture & Accessories • Custom Drapery & Window Treatments by Hunter Douglas and Graber To Schedule An In-Home Consultation 570-430-1366 • [email protected] David J. Fritz, Designer Distinctive Design with a Creative Flair! Vist Victoria Rose Design on Facebook 2 8 6 7 3 2 ENERGY COSTS ARE RISING... IT’S TIME FOR REPLACEMENT WINDOWS WE BEAT ALL ADVERTISED PRICES! NOWOPEN 1325 RIVER ROAD, WILKES-BARRE, TUFT TEX PLAZA 235-1264 berg documents projects by tak- ing photographs from different angles. The “before” photos help pinpoint problems. For example, even though her neighbors’ cov- ered porch is attached to the house, it seemed a little removed. “Onewaytogiveit moreof aco- cooning feeling is to use simple outdoor drapery panels,” Schwar- berg says. “Fabric envelops the space, makes it morewelcoming.” Make a list of tasks and suppli- es. Schwarberg creates spread- sheets of tasks to be performed. She includes the fun: newpillows and plants. And the mundane, in- cluding cleanup. ••• Early Saturday: Clean like mad Empty pots and clear out fur- nishings. “They need to be out of the way so you can clean the area and visualize something new,” Schwarberg says. Christine Stephan, who assists Schwarberg, hoses off the rings of dirt outside of pots and washes the interiors with water and a drop of disinfectant. “You don’t want this year’s plants catching last year’sdiseases,”Stephansays. Spruce up. Prune nearby trees andshrubs. Clear thegutters. Add mulch to existing nearby land- scaping. Power wash or hose downtheareaof thehousegetting the makeover, including the walls and pavement. If necessary, apply touch-up paint on the house. Make sure all the lighting works. ••• Saturday afternoon: Shop around Assess your furniture. “If the old stuff has to make it another year or two but looks pretty run down, consider painting it with one of the special spray paints made for metal or plastic furni- ture,” Schwarberg says. “This will shine it up and maybe add a new fun color. Remember to clean it thoroughly first, or the paint will flake and chip.” Another option if you have a patio set worth keeping — or if youfindagreat set at afleamarket or estate sale —is to take it to an auto-body paint shop and ask themtogive it a newlife, she says. Consider newcushions and pil- lows. For cushions, Schwarberg advocates a solid neutral color. “That neutral could be a blue, lime greenor whatever,” she says. “You want the cushions to be fine for anytypeof party, whether it’s a luau or fiesta. So the (accent) pil- lows can be the fun patterns, but you don’t want to get sick of the cushions.” Or perhaps all that’s neededis a newumbrella. Buy pots, plants and rugs. You might already have an outdoor- grade rug in your house that you can use on the patio. ••• Sunday after breakfast: Race to the end Plant pots. Schwarberg’s sys- tem: Place about aninchor two of gravel in the bottom of large pot. Smoothit out soaplasticliner sits level on top of it. Make sure pot andliner have holes inthe bottom to drain the soil of excess mois- ture. Insert the plastic liner pot (about aninchsmallerthanthece- ramic or claypot) andlayer the in- side with an inch of gravel, filter cloth, organic potting soil and your main plant, tree or shrub; add annuals and herbs around edges. Use Styrofoam packing peanuts to fill in the gap between pot and liner — this prevents shrinking andswelling of soil that cracks pots. Add a finishing touch of sheet moss at the top to retain moisture. Arrange furniture. Schwarberg likes toplaceclubchairs onadiag- onal to create outdoor conversa- tion areas. If you also have lounge chairs, set theminthe lawnfacing the patio, she says. “This gives an additional viewof theyardandex- tends your entertaining space be- yond the paving.” Place the pillows and pots. At her neighbors’ house, Schwarberg added a pedestal with a potted bear’s claw fern in one of the cor- ners, which softens the severe squared angles of the brick porch. Eat, drink and have fun. Sit back, relax and toast your hard work. Your weekend makeover will pay off all season. MAKEOVER Continued from Page 1C MCT PHOTOS Potted plants are used as wall art. The back door is given the same treatment as a front door. A buffet table is in the right spot along a large wall expanse. Tall plants help soften the sharp edges. In this most delightful patio and porch season, The Times Leader wants to see the area’s coolest, most comfortable, prettiest, most original (or whatever other cate- gory you can think of) outdoor spaces. If you have an outdoor area you absolutely love, or you know someone else who does, and would welcome a Times Leader reporter and photographer, please send an email to ssnyder@time- sleader.com or call 570-831- 7383. HEY, READERS! POTS Before: Little pots tend to make the space feel cluttered. After: Large pots help define space, even in small areas, and they soften hard edges. Schwarberg’s rules of thumb: Use only pots taller than 18 inches. “You can’t really get an impact or sizable planting in anything less.” Twenty-four inches is great for any space. A 30-inch pot will hold a large shrub or small tree, like a varie- gated Japanese maple. To make container plants easier to maintain, install a small drip- irrigation system to water the pots. Emitters at the end of spaghetti-thin tubes provide adequate humidity. Drip systems are available at home ware- houses. PATHWAYS Before: Furniture was shoved up against the wall and didn’t seem to belong. After: A buffet with potted plants above creates an attrac- tive, functional area. Schwarberg’s rule of thumb: The path to the terrace should be clear and unhindered by furniture or piles of items close to the doorway. Make it welcom- ing and easy to get outside. FURNITURE Before: The delicate iron furni- ture looked dated. After: Thicker aluminum furniture adds sub- stance. Schwarberg’s rule of thumb: Use the style of your house as a guide. “The iron furniture was ornate and would look better at a Victorian home. This brick house has a lot of heft, so it needed furniture that’s more solid.” BRIGHT IDEAS • Create an outdoor coffee table: Schwarberg used two woven plastic outdoor trunks from Pier 1 Imports to create a square coffee table. The pieces can store pillows. Also, think of your coffee table as you would inside with decor: a bowl of moss balls and an orchid make the space more inviting. • Outdoor draperies might be the answer: They add coziness and make the exterior an exten- sion of the interior. A simple bar was attached to the porch eaves, concealed by a pocket at the top of the draperies. Velcro ties on the draperies attach to the iron railing to prevent them from flapping around in the wind. The draperies can also be used to conceal an air condition- er. • Give your patio front-door treatment: Flank your back door with a pair of large plant- ers. If you have a single door, consider a wide mat to visually expand the space. “This combi- nation makes the whole en- trance look more generous in scale,” Schwarberg says. She often uses casters for massive pots. BEFORE AND AFTER C M Y K PAGE 4C SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ A T H O M E Where family and friends enjoy Mexican Cuisine at its best. COFFEE MUG GIVEAWAYS for Moms! Margarita Specials All Day! HAPPY HOUR 7-9 P.M. 12 oz. Drafts. Live entertainment by SOULED OUT at 8 P.M. outdoor patio now open Now Serving an expanded menu with new dishes and margaritas Mon.-Thurs. 11am-10pm Fri.-Sat. 11am-11pm Sun. 12pm-9:30pm 200 Mundy Street Wilkes-Barre 825-5001 Celebrate Mother’s Day and every special occasion with us. the times leader By me... Precocious Special to The Times Leader W e are counting the hours! After a long winter and chilly, rainy spring the girls and I are anxiously waiting for the Big Day. Farm Manager Chuck says the grass needs to be a “bit higher” before our work days are spent wondering through the sweet-scented rolling pastures. Soon the farm will be once again bursting with color- ful brilliant tomatoes, cucum- bers, beans, broccoli and my favorite, humble lettuce. During the time spent in the Dairy Barn I often heard visi- tors wish out loud for “enough” room to grow fresh vegetables. You know, being a farmer does not have to be difficult or use lots of land. I remember last summer our Greenhouse Anne had amazing vegetables growing in all types of funky containers. Anne even had to- matoes and cucumbers thriving on top of the Big Stone Wall! Why not create your own Edible Landscape? Here’s how: 1. Find a sunny spot in your yard, on your deck or along a fence; like us, plants need the sun’s warmth and energy 2. Fill containers (large flower pots, a kiddie pool, even a hanging canvas shoe organizer) with a mix of soil and compost; carefully add young plants 3. Don’t be concerned with a perfect garden; plant what you enjoy eating 4. Kids often enjoy having a Pizza Garden; plant tomatoes, garlic, basil, oregano and sweet peppers 5. If you are really tight on space think up not out; plant beans, cucumbers, zucchini and other vine supported vegetables In as little as six weeks you will be enjoying the sight, smell, taste and crunch of your masterpiece. If you have any questions about your backyard garden please send an email to PrecociousKnows@theland- sathillsidefarms.org. If your question appears in my column you will receive a $10 gift cer- tificate to the Dairy Store! You Can be a Farmer! 2 8 5 7 4 2 887Wyoming Avenue •Wyoming • 693-2584 887W i A W i 693 2584 Mon. - Fri 9a.m - 7 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 9a.m - 6 p.m. Visit us on Facebook www.kasardagreenhouse.com $ 5.95 6” Non Stop Begonia We Always Make A Great Deal Out of Mother’s Day FREE $10 GIFT CARD WITH DINNER PURCHASE TO EVERY MOTHER ON SUNDAY Serving Noon ‘Til Midnight Sunday, May 8th • PITTSTON • 304 Kennedy Blvd. 654-6883 • SCRANTON • 701 N. Washington Ave. 346-6883 2 8 6 6 8 0 2 8 6 6 8 0 2 8 6 6 8 0 2 8 6 6 8 0 596 Mercer Ave. Kingston 283-2050 REGULAR MENU AVAILABLE AFTER 4:30PM Call for Reservations for Mother’s Day Buffet Sunday, May 8 noon - 3:30 $ 17 95 Adult $ 6 95 Children 5-12 Under 5 Free N ow that virtually all the winter’s snow has melted and it’s easier to navigate the streets, let’s consider something calculated to get people slamming on the brakes: Curb appeal, that special something that makes prospective buyers stop for a better look at a house for sale. Innormal market times, theNa- tional Association of Realtors says, 49 percent of buying deci- sions are based on curb appeal. These are not normal times — in fact, some Realtors call current market conditions the “new nor- mal.” Yet curbappeal is still of ma- jor importance, especially with so many houses for sale. It’s unlikely to get you more money for your house. But it will get buyers’ eyes on your prize. In effect, curb appeal is “out- door staging,” said Center City Realtor Joanne Davidow, of Pru- dential Fox & Roach. Even if the interior decor is BuckinghamPal- ace-quality, no one will ever know if the place isn’t appealing from the street — because no one will ever ring the doorbell to see it. In fact, Davidow said, she is working on a listing now where the interior is wonderful, but the doorbell is hanging off. “You need to pay attention to outside as well as the indoors,” she said. Still, MarilouBuffumof Eichler & Moffly, Realtors in Philadel- phia’s Chestnut Hill neighbor- hood, whoconcentratesonNorth- west Philadelphia properties, cau- tioned that curb appeal “depends upon what a buyer is looking for.” “If you have an urban-oriented buyer, a house with a lovely lawn isn’t highonthelist,” Buffumsaid. “Clean windows, paint that isn’t peeling, an attractive front door, nice plantings, leaves raked, and the lawns mowed set the tone of what the buyer thinks the house should be.” Late fall to early spring —right now, in other words — is the toughest time to make the view more pleasing. All the flowers, ex- cept perhaps pansies, are dead; all but the evergreen trees are leaf- less, and the grass is brown and sparse. With short days and the sun at such a low point in the sky, the light that provides accent and fo- cus to the appearance of a yard and house in spring and summer is temporarily unavailable. Therearechallenges tocurbap- peal everywhere. “The city is the best place to live, and I wouldn’t live anywhere else,” said Prudential Fox & Roachagent Jeff Block, whofocus- es on the Center City real estate market. “But city properties do deal with unique curb-appeal is- sues. “One is simply windblown bags, wrappers, and leaves,” he said. “You can sweep your side- walk every day, but if the wind blows right before an appoint- ment, the buyer doesn’t know that.” Also affecting curb appeal may be the condition of neighboring houses. “We deal mostly with town- houses andtwins,” Blocksaid, “so sellers can point their brick, paint their door andtrim, andthehouse can look perfect. But it does not help if the attached house is bea- ten up.” Said Buffum: “You have to look at your neighbor’s house when considering curb appeal. If there are issues, and you get along well withyour neighbor, youmight ask if they wouldn’t mind trimming hedges or cleaning their yards.” Insome cases, sellers have even paid to have the house next door painted, she said. “Remember, you are selling your neighbor- hood, not just your house.” Among the easier-to-fix curb- appeal issues are the weeds that pop up between pavers on side- walks and patios, said Weichert Realtors agent CarolynL. Sabatel- li. Most plants and shrubs are still several weeks shy of bloom, “so color is at a premium” in late win- ter, said Sabatelli, who works out of Weichert’s Media office. “Bushes should be trimmed neatly, and plant beds should be trimmed out,” she said. “If drive- ways are asphalt, they should be nice and clean, and, if needed, an- other coat of blacktop applied.” Think mulch, agents say. Fresh dark mulch adorning even barren landscapes gives them a warmer look. Except for when a property cries out for professional help, boosting curb appeal does not havetobeexpensive, Buffumsaid. “A fresh coat of paint or win- dows washed and fixed don’t add up to much of an expense,” she said. “Will you get the money back on your investment? Not neces- sarily, but you are making your house more appealing to buyers,” she said. “It gives buyers the im- pression that you care. ...” Some agents recommend hav- ing at the ready photos that show how your house looks in other, more colorful seasons. In fact, Buffum and other agents make booklets of such pictures and leave them inside the house for prospective buyers to see. But “I don’t think you should put thosephotographs intheMLS (Multiple Listing Service), be- cause buyers will see right through it,” she said. “Not only that, but if it is winter and the photo of the house was taken in the spring, people will thinkthehousehasbeenlingering on the market for that long.” Curbside appeal: Economy requires, season hinders MCT PHOTO If a house doesn’t have curb appeal, such as this one in Drexel Hill, you can’t get a buyer up on the front porch, let alone out of the car or off the sidewalk. By ALAN HEAVENS The Philadelphia Inquirer C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 5C ➛ A T H O M E 2 4 0 3 4 8 SVC., PC PSYCHIATRIC & COUNSELING EARLY Nick Telincho Therapist Dr. S. Rahman, M.D. Psychiatrist Accepting Medical Assistance, Medicare, BC/BS, Geisinger & most insurances Expertise in Family/ Marital/Couple/Grief/ Phase of Life Counseling • Anger Management • Childhood Abuse • Drug/Alcohol/Smoking Cessation • Hypnotherapy Expertise in Panic Attack Depression, Anxiety, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD, ADHD Now accepting new patients for medicaton management. Patients of all ages welcome. SHAVERTOWN (Back Mountain) 674-3939 BLOOMSBURG 784-5663 DANVILLE 275-0390 HAZLETON 454-2545 MOUNTAIN TOP 474-0100 Directions To Nescopeck From Berwick take Rt. 93 S. 5 ml. from Nescopeck. Turn right at Nescopeck Twp. Firehouse watch for our signs. From Hazleton take Route 93 N. 9 ml. from Laurel Mall. Turn left at Nescopeck Twp. Firehouse, watch for our signs. Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-5pm Sunday 12pm-5pm *Some restrictions. *In stock only. Does not apply to prior purchases. 550 Zenith Rd. Nescopeck, PA. 18635 (570) 379-3176 www.countryfolk-gifts.com Country Folk’s PPPst Mother’s Day is Sunday May 8 th In honor of all of our Mothers, Daughters and Grandmothers Country Folk will be accepting donations to the “Women’s Center” starting Friday April 29 th . Needed is toilet paper and cleaning supplies, and of course monetary donations are also accepted. To thank you for your contributions you will receive a 25% off coupon good towards Purses, all Pottery and Prints. Coupons are good toward “in stock” product only, but selections have never been better so shop early for Mom, save 25% and help the neighborhood Women’s Center! Closed Sunday May 8th to celebrate all Mothers! Rich’s Golf & Fun Center Driving Range Mini Golf Arcade Ice Cream Mini Go Carts Bumper Boats Batting Cages Birthday Parties & Group Rates Available BUY ONE GET ONE FREE of equal or lesser value w/ad WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON EXCEPT FOR THE DRIVING RANGE Family Fun Without The Travel Save Gas & Money Golf Lessons by GENE ROSS (Weather Permitting) Located Rear of Victory Pig – Wyoming Avenue Across from Midway Shopping Center, Wyoming 693-1608 GOLOMB’S GREENHOUSES PLAINS Geraniums, Hanging Baskets, Herbs, Vegetable & Bedding Plants Directions: Go North on River St. 1/2 mile past Burger King turn left. Across fromTownhouse Entrance Open Daily 8AM - 6PM • 825-4072 MOTHER’S DAY FLOWERS 2 8 6 7 5 3 THE MUSIC BOX DINNER PLAYHOUSE 196 Hughes St, Swoyersville, PA 18704 CALL: 283-2195 OR 800-698-PLAY FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS May 6 to 8, 12 to 15, 19 to 22 Dinner and Show and Show-Only Tickets Now On Sale www.musicbox.org LEXINGTON, Ky. — We de- serve a pat onthe back. In general, we’re doing a much better job of eating local. But we candobetter. Wecangrowourown vegetables. “Galloping Gourmet” Graham Kerrhashadalongcareerasacook- ingandnutritionteacher, buthead- mits: “I have cooked just about ev- erything that grows, but I’ve never growna thingI’ve cooked.” Kerr decided to start a garden plotandwriteaboutit. “Growingat theSpeedofLife”(Perigee, $27.50) takes readers throughthefirst year inKerr’s kitchengarden. You say your back yard is too small for vegetable growing? Or, youdon’t have a backyard? That’s noexcuse. You can grow potatoes, toma- toes or saladgreens ina bagof pot- ting soil, and most vegetables can be grown in containers, according toRodalecolumnistJeanNick. You cansalvageoldcontainerstouseas planters: bushel baskets, wooden boxes, washtubs, plasticbags, large food cans, leaky buckets, garbage cans with holes, an old wheelbar- row, reusable totes or the kiddie pool. Green onions, radishes or beets can even be grown in a cake pan. They are fairly easy to handle and provide adequate space for root growth, according to the Texas AgriLife ExtensionService. Thesizeof thecontainerwill var- y according to the crop selection and space available. The container should be at least 8 inches deep, andyoucancut or drill holes inthe bottom so excess water can drain freely. Potsfrom6to10inchesindiame- ter are satisfactory for green on- ions, parsley and herbs. For toma- toes, peppers and eggplant, you will find that 5-gallon containers arethemost suitablesize;1to2gal- lon containers are best for chard anddwarf tomatoes. Addingabout 1inchofcoarsegravelinthebottom of thecontainerwill improvedrain- age. The drain holes work best whenthey are alongthe side of the container, about ¼ to ½ inch from the bottom. Good soil is the single most im- portant ingredient for a good gar- den. And raised beds give you an immediate advantage over a regu- lar garden because you can fill it with a blend of soil that’s superior to the native soil in your yard. Soil that’sloose, andrichwithnutrients and organic matter, will allow the roots of your plants to grow freely and will ensure that they have ac- cesstothewaterandnutrientsthey needtosustainhealthygrowth. Fertilize every two weeks with a water-soluble fertilizer for vegeta- bles, or add controlled-release fer- tilizer at planting time, supple- mented with a water-soluble fertil- izer when needed. For large con- tainers, mulching with straw or bark conserves moisture. One thing to keep in mind is that black containers heat up in the sun, and the plant roots don’t like that. The amount of sun or light on your growing area is probably the most important limiting factor, ac- cording to Gardeners.com, so check out the light situation first, remembering that you can move the containers around to catch the sunif necessary. If theamount of sunlight islimit- ed, trylettuce, cabbage, kale, leeks, spinach, swiss chard and/or mus- tardgreens (alsoherbs suchas par- sleyandchives). Rootcropssuchas green onions, beets, carrots and turnips need more light but toler- ate some shade. With full sun (at least 6 hours) you can grow snap beans, cucumbers, eggplant, on- ions, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes andsquash. Eachyear, seedcompaniescome out withnewvegetableplant varie- ties that are suitable for container gardens. Look for key words like bush, compact and space saver. In- formationonplantingasmall back- yard garden is abundant on the In- ternet, andmany sites will provide detailed instructions along with howmuch soil to buy, or howlong the planks should be for a raised gardenbed. If that’s toostrenuous, takeatrip toa nearbyfarmers market. Tiny yard? No yard? You can still grow edibles FOTOLIA.COM PHOTO The size of the container will vary according to the crop selection and space available. By SHARON THOMPSON McClatchy Newspapers ELLISON CARPET $589 3 ROOMS PLUSH CARPET • INSTALLED WITH PAD • FREE ESTIMATES MARKET ST., NANTICOKE Call (570) 436-1500 Based On 40 Sq. Yds. 2 8 1 7 3 2 NEW! NEW! Coal Street Park E m p ir e S t ir e S S h e r id a n S t S t S h S M e a d e S e S t a n t S t a S t S S h e r m a n S t m a n S AA m c a d e m e m y S t y S t t NNN PPP e n e n e n s n s y l y l y a v a v NNN WWW B a BB r r e l B l B vv ilk e s - B a B a B a r r r r r r eee l B l B l B vvv B dddddd S h e r m a n S t N S h S h H ig h l H ig h l WWW i l k e s - B a r r e i l k e s - B a r r e T o T o w n s h i p B l v w n s h i p B d A m b e r L n A m b e r L n L a u r e l S t a u r e l S t PP i n e L n i P i n e S t S t n e S t C o a l S t K id d e r S E R o s s S t o s s BB u u t l t l l ee r e rr SS SS ttt BB u u t l t l l ee r e rr SSSS tt E N o E N o N r t t h S t h S t S Sc Scott St tt St ot ott ott R o s e L n S t S t S W a s h in g t oo H i c k o r y S t H u t s o n S t T a T f t S t H i l l s i d e S t H HH a z e l A v A v A ee M e M e t c a lf S t c a lf S M o y a lle n S t S P a r r is h S t H o r t o n S t C o n w e ll S t t t r e r S t Carey Carey Av Av A eee W o o d S t E l i z a b e t h S t H a n o v e r S t L o c k h a r t S t S W ilk e s - B a r Hill St High St a s h in g t o n S t SS F r F r a n k a n k lin S t lin S t S R iv e r S t S R iv e r S t E d i s o n S t C h a r l e s S t O l d R i v e r R d W R iv e r S t t S t S a m b o u r n e S t PP e n n s y lv a n ia B lv e n n s y lv a n ia B lv a B dd R a c e S t S B a r n e y S t B o B o B w m a n S t w m a n S t L o g a n S t N F u lt o n S t R e n o L n W ilk e s L n WWilk ilk l es-Barr e e GGG r GG aaa n G r G r G r G r G r aaaaa n SS H a n c ccc o kkkkk S t c c o c o c o c kkkkk S a r k e t S t e t S t M a r k a r k P a a rr k r k r k r kk v A v A v A v eeeee o n S t o n S t n S t a r r e B lv d N W a s h 7 5 Add to route 140 S Grant Street, Wilkes-Barre Check out our local garage sales map at timesleader.com! We’ll help you find the exact location of all the listed garage sales. You can even customize your map search by city or sale date. Just go to timesleader.com and click the Garage Sales icon at the top of the page. . FF.M .M M.. Ki Ki Ki Ki Ki Ki Ki b rb rb rb rb rb rb rbyyyyyyyyy PPPPPar aa k BBB i B i B i B i B irr c r c hh S t RR i R i R i R i R i ivvvvvv ee r e r e r e r rs i s i s i s iddd e D r M in e r S SSSSSS R i R i R i ee v e v e v e v e v rrrrr S t S t S t S Find Your Garage Sales On The Map! Find Your Garage Sales On The Map! Find Your Garage Sales On The Map! at timesleader.com t timesleader com a ADVERTISE YOUR GARAGE SALE WITH THE TIMES LEADER! CALL 829-7130. You’ll get a position on our map, a garage sale listing in The Times Leader’s classified section and online, a rain date guarantee, 9 days of advertising for your left over items, stickers, a sign, a FREE McDonald’s breakfast and more! . BEL L ES C O N S TRUC TIO N C O . PA012959 824- 7220 RO O FING S IDING W INDO W S & C ARPENTRY THE BES T C M Y K PAGE 6C SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com Photographs and information must be received two full weeks before your child’s birthday. To ensure accurate publication, your information must be typed or comput- er-generated. Include your child’s name, age and birthday, parents’, grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ names and their towns of residence, any siblings and their ages. Don’t forget to include a daytime contact phone number. We cannot return photos submitted for publication in community news, including birthday photos, occasions photos and all publicity photos. Please do not submit precious or original professional photographs that require return because such photos can become damaged, or occasionally lost, in the production process. Send to: Times Leader Birthdays, 15 North Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711- 0250. GUIDELINES Children’s birthdays (ages 1-16) will be published free of charge ➛ C O M M U N I T Y N E W S If your child’s photo and birthday announcement is on this page, it will automatically be entered into the “Happy Birthday Shopping Spree” drawing for a $50 certificate. One winner will be announced on the first of the month on this page. WIN A $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE Bu yingGoldJewelry D ia m onds,Pla tinu m , Pu reS ilver,S terling, Indu stria l & Coin S ilver A ntiqu eJewelry(Brok en OK) Dental Gold,Gold Filled Eyeglasses,Etc. K IN G T U T ’S G O L D R E PA IR H U T 824-4150 322 N. PENN A VE. W -B $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 8 1 9 5 3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Ayden Joseph Sweet, son of Mary Beth Williams and Allen Sweet, Wilkes-Barre, is cele- brating his second birthday today, May 7. Ayden is a grand- son of Michael and Karen Zak, Ashley, and Lydia Calcarame, Wilkes-Barre. He has two broth- ers, Landon, 8, and Damon, 6. Ayden J. Sweet Layla Nicole Tweed, daughter of Lorie Ameika and Peter Tweed, Fleetville, is celebrating her first birthday today, May 7. Layla is a granddaughter of Leonard and Theresa Ameika and Tom and Louise Stoddard. She is a great- granddaughter of Vince Chess- lock; the late Bernie Chesslock; the late Walter Ameika; and the late Carol Ameika. Layla N. Tweed Addison Rose Rosenko, daughter of Nadine Nat and Scott Ro- senko, Wilkes-Barre, is cele- brating her fourth birthday today, May 7. Addison is a grand- daughter of Thomas and Rose Nat, Wilkes-Barre, and Michael and Marie Rosenko, Carteret, N.J. She is a great-granddaught- er of Angie Jones, Larksville; the late Harold Jones; the late Leda and Joseph Zapotok; and the late Helen and Martin Nat. Addi- son has a sister, Breanna, 8. Addison R. Rosenko Brandon Patrick Tinney, son of Wendy Bralczyk and Joseph Tinney, Glen Lyon, is celebrating his second birthday today, May 7. Brandon is a grandson of Tho- mas Bralczyk and the late Kathy Bralczyk, Glen Lyon, and Lee and Patty Crumrine, Mechanicsville, Md. He is a great-grandson of Donald Turner and the late Louise Turner and Rosemary Bralczyk and the late Adam Bralczyk, all of Glen Lyon; and the late Joan Tinney. Brandon P. Tinney Calvary Bible Church, 186 Sambourne St., in Wilkes-Barre is celebrating 70 years of ministry throughout May. Homecoming Sunday will begin at 10 a.m. on May 22 followed by a free dinner. Reservations are required and may be made by calling the church at 824-5868. An afternoon service will follow at 1:30. The church began in the late 1930s with services held every night for two years in the YMCA building on North Main Street before it was razed in 1940. Parishioners relocated to South Franklin Street and built the Gospel Center Tabernacle, leasing the property from a railroad for $15 a month. The church incorporated in 1941 as the Gospel Center. After receiving a 30-day notice in 1950 to vacate the property, which is now Schiel’s Market parking lot, the church purchased property at its current site and became Calvary Bible Church. Parishioners, first row, are Teresa Goodwin and Nassir, Erma Edmondson, Marybeth Garnett, Jeremiah, Susan, David Jeremiah, Giana Kupstas, Debbie Lanning, Barbara Williams, Helen Jones, Annette Bardar, Ann, John, Alice Fisher and Mykala, Serenity, Barb Borovich and Dylan Romanowski, Joe Borovich III and Alexa Romanowski, Stephenie Borovich, and Joe Borovich Jr. Second row: Ronald Kolc, Diamond and Harrison Kolc held by his mother, Skye Miller, Shiann Robertson, Sarah Kolc, Kirstie Robertson, Sam and Sherri Garnett, Lillian Pinheiro, Debbie Dinstel, Betty Lewis, Joan Bartek, Mary Rose Scott, Kaori Scavone, Richard and Joyce Harringack. Third row: Warren Kolc, Keith Robertson, Adam Garnett, Bobby Robertson, Christina and Derrick Blaine, Joselyn Robertson, Deanna Garnett, Emily Garnett, Diane Voyak, Rose Ann De Pasquali, Freddy Pinheiro, Margaret Goeringer (hidden), Harriet Barnes, Valerie Barnes, Lauren Carmendello, Fred Keast, and Debbie Wilk. Calvary Bible Church will celebrate 70 years of ministry at Homecoming Sunday Anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one is invited to a new eight-week series sponsored by the Healing Hearts Bereave- ment Support Group scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. on Tuesday. The session will take place at St. John the Evangelist Church, 35 Wil- liam St., Pittston. For more information, call 654-0053. Members of the group, from left, are Theresa Schubel, Nancy Baiera, Bill McMa- hon, and Nancy Poder. Healing Hearts group offers 8-week series St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church will hold a Night at the Races on May 14 in the Social Hall, 522 Madison St., Wilkes-Barre. Doors open at 6 p.m. with post time at 6:45. Admission is $5 and includes door prizes and all-you-can- eat food and beverages. For information call the parish office at 822-6028. Members of the planning committee, first row, are Walter Dorzinsky, Marge Dorzinsky, Cel Yachim, Joe Yachim, Jennifer Terza, Rich Terza and the Rev. James Hayer, pastor. Second row: Joe Bealla, Linda Bealla, Andy Kopcho, Linda Kopcho, Sue Bonick, Joan Slawich, Joe Bonick, Norton Shoemaker, Kathy Hall, Deacon Basil Soroka, Bill Hall and Mike Macynski. St. Mary Byzantine holding Night at the Races May 14 The Rev. Daniel Schwebs, OSJ, will celebrate his 25th anniversary in the priest- hood on May 22 with a Mass of Thanks- giving at 2 p.m. in St. Rocco’s Church, Pittston. A reception will follow in St. Anthony’s Parish Center, Exeter. Schwebs was born in Detroit, the only child of Clarence and Lillian Schwebs. He entered the Oblates of St. Joseph Seminary in August 1978 and com- pleted his pre-theolog- ical studies at King’s College and was accept- ed into the novitiate. After completing his theological studies in Rome, he professed his perpetual vows in Au- gust 1985 and was or- dained a deacon later that year. Schwebs was ordained into the priest- hood on May 24, 1986, by the Most Rev. James C. Timlin, former bishop of Scranton, in St. Anthony of Padua Church, Exeter. Following his ordination he resided at the Oblates of St. Joseph Seminary, Laflin, and served briefly as vocation director. He served as assistant pastor of St. Rocco’s Church, Pittston, as assistant pastor and pastor at St. Sebastian’s Church, Middletown, Conn., as pastor of St. Anthony’s of Padua Parish, and as pastor of St. Rocco’s Church with a brief tenure as adminis- trator of Mt. Carmel Parish, Pittston. He serves as vice rector of the Oblates of St. Joseph Seminary. Tickets to the reception are not re- quired but reservations are and can made by contacting any of the Oblate staffed parishes of the Greater Pittston Area, St. Rocco’s Church, 654-2914; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, 654-6902; or St. Anthony of Padua Church, 654-2103. NAMES AND FACES Schwebs C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 7C 2 8 6 7 5 7 LUZERNE COUNTY COUNCIL LUZERNE COUNTY JUDGE WILKES-BARRE MAYOR The Times Leader endorsement board is interviewing the candidates for these important races. Watch the interviews at timesleader.com. These candidates want your vote. Who are they? NUMBER ONE AUDITED NEWSPAPER IN LUZERNE COUNTY – AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS (ABC) IN LUZERN – AUDIT C M Y K PAGE 8C SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ C O M M U N I T Y N E W S 2 8 4 2 4 1 2 8 5 4 6 0 l Physician heart experts l Local atrial fibrillation survivor l Panel discussion with physicians l Free health screenings l Light refreshments Wednesday, May 11 5 : 15 - 7 : 30 p.m. Hazleton Health & Wellness Center 50 Moisey Drive, Hazleton, PA Registration is required by May 10. To register, please call 570-501-6204 or visit ghha.org. FREE HEALTHSCREENING&EDUCATIONAL EVENT If Your Heart Races… TurnOfAtrial Fibrillation, TurnonYour Heart Presented by Featuring physicians from the Greater Hazleton Health Alliance and Lehigh Valley Health Network with expertise in diagnosing and treating atrial fibrillation. A bingo sponsored by the Altar & Rosary Society of St. Bellarmine Parish will take place from1 to 5 p.m. May 15 at St. Aloysius Church, Barney and Division streets, Wilkes-Barre. Tickets are $5 and will be sold at the door. There will be food, snacks and beverages available. Coffee is free for all players. Orga- nizing the event, seated, are Pat Kashmer, co-chairwoman, Mary Kirkpatrick, Linda Ciechoski, Ellie McGlynn Barbara Elgonitis, Caroline Domanski, and Ann Middleton. Standing: Judy Shutt, Peg Warmouth, Arlene Perillo, Catherine Smith, Joan Kryger, Sandy Klemash, chairwoman, Jean Korba, Rachel Holko, Dolores Wallace, Jessie O’Boyle, Betty Missal, and Sandra Snook. Altar & Rosary Society of St. Bellarmine Parish sponsoring May bingo The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Youth Group raised money for the Catherine McAuley House by con- ducting a Super Bowl collection. The presentation was made during the group’s Agape dinner (Supper of Love) that they prepared for their parents and other family members. Participants, first row, are Kelsey Brunn, and John Evans. Second row: Sara Dule, Cole Mayhue, Stephen Dule, Emily Evan, Sara Lavanda, Destiny Castrignano, Chrissy Kratz, Debby Castrignano, youth leader, Sister Marie Larkin, director, Cathe- rine McCauley House, and the Rev. Andrew Sinnott. Third row: Susan Dule, youth leader, the Rev. John Galli, Dominic Adameck, Tina Adameck, Christopher Evan, Mary Kate Penczowski and Alyssa Arnone. Exaltation of the Holy Cross Youth Group makes donation to McAuley House St. Ignatius Holy Name Society hosted its annual Easter egg hunt for all children of the parish on the grounds at St. Ann’s Chapel. Children collected eggs and prizes were distributed. Some of participants, first row, are John McGuire, Jared McGuire, Jillian Bonczewski, Abby Bonczewski, Grant Stanton, Owen Percoski, Anna Elliott, and Nicholas Mirigliano. Second row: Molly McFarland, Michael Hungarter, the Easter Bunny holding Chase Williams, Jenna Williams, and Milana Daiute. Third row: Holy Name Society members Walt Poplawsk, chairman, Bob Wasilewski, Tom Havrilak, Tom McDonnell, the Rev. John Lap- era, pastor, Bob Sulitka and Pat Castellani. St. Ignatius society sponsors egg hunt at St. Ann’s Chapel Members of the St. Joseph’s Homeschool Co-op expressed their appreciation for priests at the an- nual Chrism Mass celebrated at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Scranton. Students and parents participating are Theresa Huffman, Anne Therese Walters, Mary Huffman, Joe Ciaccia, Becky Huffman, Terese Ciac- cia, Kristen Ciaccia, Clare Ciaccia, Paul Ciaccia Jr., Paul Ciaccia III, Angelina Huffman, Grace Ciaccia. St. Joseph’s Homeschool Co-op attends Chrism Mass C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 9C ➛ C O M M U N I T Y N E W S Baptist Religious Service Calendar To AdvertiseYour Church, Call Tara at 970-7374 Apostolic Baptist Bible Episcopal Lutheran Orthodox Presbyterian United Methodist Apostolic Faith Tabernacle http://ww/apostolicfaith.net 536 Village Rd, Orange Pastor Chorba 333-5172 Worship, Sunday School 10 a.m. Messages-To-Go Ministry Sun. Eve. Worship 7 p.m. Bible Study Wed 7:30 p.m. Apostolic New Life Church 207 Boston Ave., West Pittston 693-1423 Youth & Adult Praise Team, Energetic & friendly atmosphere Sunday 10am & 6:00pm Wed. 7:30pm Pastor Philip Webb Come Worship with Us! Assembly of God Back Mountain Harvest Assembly 340 Carverton Rd. Trucksville Pastor Dan Miller 570-696-1128 www.bmha.org Saturday Evening Worship 6:30PM Sunday Morning Worship 8AM 9:45AM & 11AM Sunday School 9:45AM Sunday Evening Worship 6:30PM Wednesday Mid-Week 7:00PM Other meetings, ministries and events for children, youth, men, and women. Please call for days and times Baptist Tabernacle A family oriented church 63 West Division St., W-B Pastor: Kenneth P. Jordan Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. First Baptist 52 E. 8th Street, Wyoming Sunday School All Ages 9:30 Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Tues 7 p.m. prayer meeting Pastor: Jeffery Klansek 693-1754 Visitors Welcome First Baptist Church Water Street Pittston 654-0283 Rev. James H. Breese, Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. Children’s Sun School 9:30 a.m. Adult/Teen Sun School 10:45 a.m. Bible Study/Prayer Meeting Wed at 7:15 p.m. Chairlift Available MEADE ST. BAPTIST 50 S. Meade St. Wilkes-Barre, PA Chester F. Dudick, Pastor (570) 820-8355 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30 a.m. PRAYER, BIBLE STUDY & PIONEER CLUB Wed 6:30 p.m. WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP 2nd Tuesday of the month 6:30 p.m. AFTERNOON FELLOWSHIP 12 noon last Sunday of the Month Dallas Baptist S.B.C Harvey’s Lake Highway Dallas • 639-5099 Pastor Jerry Branch Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sun. Worship 9:15 & 11 a.m. Wed. Eve. Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Bible Christ Community Church 100 West Dorrance St. Kingston, PA 18704 Sunday School/ABF 9:30 a.m. Sun Worship 10:30 a.m. Radio Ministry “Searching the Scriptures” Sunday 7:30-8:30 AM WRKC 88.5 FM website: www.ccchurchtoday.org Pastor: John Butch Phone: 283-2202 Cross Creek Community Church Sunday Services 9am & 10:45am With Jr. Church & Nursery Available. Wed 6:30 Family Night with Awana for ages 18 months - 6th grade. College & Career, CrossRoads for Teens, Deaf Ministry, Small Groups, Men’s & Women’s Ministry, Groups. Celebrate Recovery for Hurts, Habits, Hang-Ups - Tuesday’s 6:30pm Discover the difference! 370 Carverton Road, Trucksville 696-0399 www.crosscreekcc.org Grace Community Church A Bible Teaching Ministry Memorial Hwy. Dallas Sunday Services: 11 a.m., 6 p.m. (570) 675-3723 www.gracechurchdallas.org Nebo Baptist Church of Nanticoke 75 Prospect St. Nanticoke 735-3932 Pastor Tim Hall www.nebobaptist.org Worship Service Sun. 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sun School 9:45 a.m. Nursery Junior Church Youth Groups Great Bible Seminars Everyone is Welcome Welsh Bethel Baptist Parish & Loomis St. W-B Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Bible Study Wed 6:30 p.m. Pastor Don Hartsthorne 822-3372 First Baptist 48 S. River St. W-B Pastor Shawn Walker 822-7482 Sunday Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. “The Place for a New Beginning..” River Of Life Fellowship Church 22 Outlet Road Lehman, PA 675-8109 www.rolfministries.org Sunday School 9:15am Service 10:30am Nursery provided Thursday Night 6:30pm Bible study & Youth Groups Coffee house Fridays 6 to 9 pm with live music. Living Hope Bible Church Please Come Join Us For Sunday Worship 35 S. Main St. Plains, PA Pastor Mark DeSilva Sunday Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 9:00 a.m. Youth Group & Women’s Bible Study Call for Information 570-822-0700 Mt. Zion Baptist Church 105 HILL ST...WILKES-BARRE Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Service 11 a.m. We offer Children’s Church Prayer Service Wednesday 7p.m. Bible Study Wednesday 8 p.m. Rev. Michael E. Brewster, Pastor Christian Wyoming Ave. Christian 881 Wyoming Ave., Kingston 570-288-4855 Interim Pastor Norman Beck Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. ELEVATOR AVAILABLE The Italian Christian Church Corner Of E. Oak & LeGrange St., Pittston Pastor, Rev. Peter Caprari SUNDAY Sunday School: 9 am Worship: 9:30 a.m. Choir Practice: 10:30 MONDAY - 7:30 pm Service/Social Hour: Alternate Weeks WEDNESDAY - 7:30 pm Prayer Meeting 1st and 3rd Wednesday Worship Service 2nd Wednesday Bible Study 4th Wednesday All followed by Choir Practice Office: 654-6425 Leave a message “A Place For A New Beginning” Catholic Catholic Church Of Christ Uniting Church of Christ Uniting MERGED PRESBYTERIAN & METHODIST Corner of Market St. & Sprague Ave. Kingston 570-288-8434 Devotional Line: 570-288-2334 Rev. Dr. Carol Ann Fleming Rev. Dr. James L. Harring Morning Worship 10:00 AM Youth Sunday School During Worship Adult Sunday School 11:30 AM Child Care Provided Choirs - Children, Adult, Bell Ringers Air Conditioned www.churchofchristuniting.org Catholic Community of North East Wilkes-Barre Come worship with us at one of three convenient locations! If you are on the North Side of Town Worship with us at: SACRED HEART OF JESUS/ ST. JOHN CATHOLIC CHURCH 601 N. Main St. Weekend Schedule: Vigil Saturday 4 p.m. Sunday 10:30 a.m. Confessions: 3 to 3:30 Saturday Lenten Mass 12:10 p.m. Tues., Wed., Thurs. & Fri or ST. STANISLAUS KOSTKA CHURCH 668 N. Main St. Weekend Schedule: Vigil Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. Weekday Mass: 8 a.m. T,W,Th,F No Daily Mass on Monday Confessions by Appointment Only If you are on the East Side of Town Worship with us at: HOLY SAVIOUR CHURCH 54 Hilliard Street (Overlooking Home Depot) Weekend Schedule Vigil Saturday 4 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. or 11 a.m. Weekday Mass: 7 a.m. M,T,Th,F No Daily Mass on Wednesday Confessions: Saturday 3-3:30 p.m. PARISH OFFICE 666 N. Main St. Wilkes-Barre, PA Phone: 823-4988 E-mail: [email protected] Episcopal Holy Cross Episcopal Church 373 N. Main Street, W-B Father Timothy Alleman, Rector SUNG SUNDAY EUCHARIST - 9:00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:00 AM SATURDAY HOLY EUCHARIST - 4:30 PM WEDNESDAY - 7:00 PM HEALING SERVICE & HOLY EUCHARIST St. Martin In-The-Fields 3085 Church Rd., Mountaintop Rev, Dan FitzSimmons Choral Eucharist 10 a.m. HEALING SERVICE Last Sunday each month. Serving through Faith, Praise & Good Works Evangelical Free Church Fellowship Evangelical Free Church “God’s Glory Our Passion” 45 Hilderbrandt Rd. (Near the Dallas Schools) Sundays WORSHIP - 10:30 a.m. Fellowship - 10:00 a.m. Discipleship Class - 9 a.m. Wednesday Evenings Pioneer Clubs (K-5th) 6:30 p.m. Women’s Study - 6:30 p.m. (Nursery provided For All) Thursdays Women’s Study - 9:30 a.m. TNT (Youth 6th-12th Grade) 6 p.m. For More Information Please call 675-6426 or Visit Us Online at www.fellowshipfreechurch.org Senior Pastor: Marc Ramirez Friends & Quakers Friends & Quakers Wyoming Seminary Lower School 1560 Wyoming Ave. Forty Fort 570-824-5130 10am Adult Discussion 11am Worship Child Care Provided http://northbranch.quaker.org ST. CLEMENT & ST. PETERS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 165 Hanover St., W-B 822-8043 Holy Eucharist 10a.m. Sunday School 10:00a.m. WELCOME ALL TO GROW IN GODS LOVE www.stclementstpeter.org Episcopal St. Stephen’s Episcopal Pro- Cathedral 35 S. Franklin St., W-B Holy Communion 8:00 Church School 10:00 Choral Eucharist 10:30 Nursery 9:00 - 12:15 Call 825-6653 for information about Worship Music Programs and Community Ministries Independent Second Welsh Congregational Church 475 Hazel St., Wilkes-Barre 829-3790 Sunday Services 9:30 a.m., 10:45 a.m. Sunday School 6 p.m. Sunday Eve Wednesday 7 p.m. Bible Study Prayer and Youth Groups Limited Van Service Available, Please Call. Independent... Fundamental... Friendly Lutheran Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 190 S. Main Street, W-B Pastor Peter D. Kuritz Pastor Janel D. Wigen Saturday Service 6:00 p.m. Sunday Worship 8:30 and 11 a.m. Church School 9:45 a.m. 570-824-2991 Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 813 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston Saturday Contemporary Holy Communion 5:30 Sunday Holy Communion 10:00 Rev. Paul Metzloff Handicapped Accessible Messiah Lutheran Church 453 S. Main Street, W-B Rev. Mary E. Laufer Sunday Holy Communion 8:00 and 10:45 a.m. St. John’s Lutheran Church 410 S. River St. Wilkes-Barre Sunday Worship 10:30 AM Sunday School 9:15 AM Office Phone 823-7139 Pastor: Robert F. Sauers St. Marks Lutheran Church 56 S. Hancock St., W-B Pastor - Rev. Mary Lauffer Sunday Worship 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. St. Matthew Lutheran Church 667 N. Main St., W-B 822-8233 Worship Schedule: Sun 7:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Adult Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Rev. Gary Scharrer Chairlift Available Missouri Synod St. Paul Lutheran Church Dallas, PA 309 N. to 415 left on 118, 1st right Rev. Charles Grube Saturday Worship 5:30 p.m. Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. 675-3859 St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 1000 S. Main St., W-B 823-7332 Pastor Michael Erickson Sun. Worship - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School & Adult Bible Study 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Missouri Synod Mennonite Nanticoke Christian Fellowship 112 Prospect St. Sunday Celebration 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - Sept. - May 9:00 a.m. Pastor D. Pegarella 735-1700 Nazarene Mountain View Church Of The Nazarene WE HAVE MOVED!! 667 N. River St., Plains Pastor Bryan Rosenberg Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. Children’s Church & Child Care Provided. 570-821-2800 Everyone is Welcome! Non- Denominational Holy Resurrection Cathedral Orthodox Church In America 591 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre Very Rev. Joseph Martin, Pastor 822-7725 Saturday Vespers 5 p.m. Sunday Divine Liturgy 9:00 a.m. Feast Day Vespers 6 p.m. Feast Day Divine Liturgy 9:00 a.m. ALL ARE WELCOME web site: www.oca.org St. John Baptist Orthodox Church 106 Welles St. (Hanover Section) Nanticoke, PA 570-735-2263 www.stjohnsnanticoke.org [email protected] Saturday Great Vespers 4 pm Sunday Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Fr. Adam Sexton Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 32 E. Ross St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 Phone: 570-823-4805 Father George Dimopoulos Sunday Orthos 8:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy 9:45 a.m. www.greekorthodox.com Saint Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church 905 South Main Street Wilkes-Barre Very Rev, David Hester Deacon John Karam Saturday - Great Vespers 6 p.m. Sunday - Divine Liturgy 10 a.m. Parish Office 824-5016 All Are Welcome Website: www.antiochian.org Presbyterian First United Presbyterian Church 115 Exeter Ave., West Pittston 654-8121 Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Child Care Available Rev. James E. Thyren, Pastor First Presbyterian Church S. Franklin & Northhampton Sts., W-B 10:00 a.m. Worship Rev. Dr. Robert M. Zanicky, Minister Nursery provided Handicapped Access John Vaida - Minister of Music Pamela Kerns - Christian Education Director A Friendly Inclusive, & Welcoming Church Audio Sermons available on web @ www.fpcwb.com Forty Fort Presbyterian Church 1224 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort Pastor William Lukesh 287-7097 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 6 p.m. Praise Band Handicap Accessible Nursery Provided Air Conditioned Visitors Welcome Trinity Presbyterian 105 Irem Road, Dallas Worship Service 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Pastor Roger Griffith Nursery Provided 675-3131 Primitive Methodist New Life Community Church 570 South Main Rd., Mountaintop, PA 868-5155 Pastor Dave Elick Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Bible Services Thurs. 7 p.m. All Are Welcome Seventh Day Adventist Seventh Day Adventist Church 17 Second Ave., Kingston Saturday Services Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Children SS 9:45 a.m. Worship Hour 11 a.m. Fellowship Lunch 12:15 p.m. Guests Are Welcome Every Sabbath United Methodist Central United Methodist 65 Academy Street, W-B Pastor John Laskowski SUN. WORSHIP SERVICE 8:15 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Child Care Provided For Infants & Toddlers Sanctuary Air Conditioned 822-7246 Dallas United Methodist 4 Parsonage Street, Dallas Pastor: Rev. Earl W. Roberts III 675-5701 Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Church Services 10:30 a.m. Bible Studies, Tuesday, 7 p.m. Choir, Wednesday, 7 p.m. 675-0122 Handicapped Accessible First United Methodist West Pittston “A Place Where All Are Welcome” 400 Wyoming Ave. Worship 10 a.m. Sun School 11:15 a.m. Rev. Janet Tiebert, Pastor Air Conditioned, Handicapped Accessible Nursery Provided 655-1083 Firwood United Methodist Church Cor. Old River Rd. & Dagobert St. Rev. Barbara Pease Nursery Available Safe Sanctuary Policy Morning Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Communion Service Wed 12:15 Handicap Elevator Available You are invited to attend. 823-7721 Forty Fort United Methodist Church Church Office 287-3840 Wyoming & Yeager Ave Pastor Donald A. Roberts, Sr. HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE Worship 10 a.m. Traditional 7 p.m. Contemporary Praise Worship 5:30 Youth Fellowship 9am to 9:45am Sunday School- Nursery- 12th grade Prayer Line 283-8133 Plains United Methodist Church 133 N. Main, Plains Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Rev. Dr. Paul Amara 822-2730 Luzerne United Methodist Church 446 Bennet St., Luzerne Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Church School during Worship Carol E. Coleman Pastor 287-6231 Shavertown United Methodist Church shavertownumc.com 163 N. Pioneer Ave., Shavertown Phone-a-prayer 675-4666 Pastor: Rev. M. Lynn Snyder Organ/Choir Director Deborah Kelleher Saturday Service 5:30 p.m. Chapel Service Sunday Service 9:30 a.m. Worship Service Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Prayer & Praise Service - 2nd Monday of the Month at 7 p.m. Nursery Care Available during Sunday Service For more information call the Church Office at 570-675-3616 Trucksville United Methodist Rev. Lori J. Steffensen, Pastor Dr. Stephen L. Broskoske, Director of Music “Making Disciples for Jesus Christ” Sunday Schedule 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Church School for all ages 9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Church Road off Route 309, Trucksville Phone: 696-3897 • Fax: 696-3898 Email: offi[email protected] Maple Grove United Methodist Rev. Kenneth Brown Main Rd. Pikes Creek 477-5216 Sunday Services 9:45 a.m. Sun School 11:00 a.m. Worship Contemporary Worship 4th Wednesday at 7 p.m. Youth Groups Grades 7-12, 1st Monday 6pm; Grades K-6 every other Monday 6:30pm Wyoming United Methodist Wyoming Ave Rev. Dr. Gordon E. Weightman Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. [email protected] Ample Parking 693-2821 United Church Of Christ St. Luke’s UCC 471 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre 822-7961 Rev. Justin Victor Sun. Worship 10 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Contemporary Service Wed. 7 p.m. Rides Available: Call Unitarian Universalist Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Wyoming Valley Worship & Children’s Program Sunday 10 a.m. 20 Church Road; Kingston Twp. For Directions go to: www.uucwv.org Unity Unity: A Center for Spiritual Living 140 S. Grant St., W-B Rev. Dianne Sickler Sunday Service & Children’s Church 10 a.m. Church 824-7722 Prayer Line 829-3133 www.unitynepa.com St. John The Baptist Church 126 Nesbitt St. Larksville, PA 18651 570-779-9620 A WELCOMING, GROWING, FAITH COMMUNITY Saturday 4 p.m. Sunday 7 a.m., 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Ample, Easy Parking Handicapped Accessible Confessions: Saturday 3 p.m. Sunday Eucharist Quiet Rite II 8:00 a.m. Christian Education for Children 9:45 a.m. Choral Eucharist Rite II 10:00 a.m. The Rev. John Franklin Hartman, Rector VALLEY CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH BRINGING HOPE TO THE VALLEY Independent, Fundamental & Bible Believing SUNDAY morning 11 AM SUNDAY eve 6 PM WEDNESDAY EVENING, Bible Study &Prayer 7 PM Nursery Provided For All Services 233 E. 8th St. Wyoming PA (Near the 8th St. Bridge) www.valleycitiesbaptist.com • 570-338-2648 [email protected] 11:00 am Sunday School Loyalville United Methodist Church Loyalville Rd., Lake Township Sunday Worship 9:30 am Community Dinner 2nd Saturday Each Month. Call For Menu 570-477-3521 St. John’s Lutheran Nanticoke 231 State St. www.stjohnslutheranchurch.net Holy Communion Sunday 8 am & 9:30 am Office 735-8531 Christian Education 10:30 am ONE-HOLY- CATHOLIC-APOSTOLIC WHERE GOD’S GRACE IS TRANSFORMING LIVES SUNDAY SERVICES: 9:30 AM - Bible Studies for all ages 10:30 AM - Worship & Rootz Children’s Ministry 6:00 PM - Pulse Youth Ministry DURING THE WEEK: Small Group Bible Studies Vertical Parenting Ministry Men’s Fraternity JAM - Jr. High Ministries Cub Scouts .......................................... 1919 Mountain Road Larksville, PA 18651 Phone (570) 371-4404 www.highpointchurch.info H i g h P o i n t B a p t i s t C h u r c h 220 Wyoming Ave., Kingston, PA 18704 (Across from Walgreens) Pastor Nurudeen I. Adeojo Please come join us: Sunday Worships 10 a.m. Tuesday Prayer meeting 6:30 p.m. Children’s Church & Child Care provided Need more information call 570-817-3962 Windows of Heaven Christian Church Non-Denominational & Multi-Ethnic Assembly Wyoming Presbyterian Church Wyoming Ave. at Institute St., 570-693-0594 Laura Lewis, Pastor Worship Service: 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. American Presbyterian Church 1700 Wyoming Ave Forty Fort Sunday Morning Worship, 10:30 Bible School 11:45 Teaching the Reformed Faith 570-693-1918 Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church Orthodox Church In America 401 East Main St., W-B Phone: 825-6540 Rev. David Shewczyk Sunday Divine Liturgy 9:00 a.m. Feast Days 9:00 a.m. Saturday Vespers: Summer 6:00 p.m. - Winter 4:00 p.m. REACHING & CHANGING ONE LIFE AT A TIME Faith Bible Church Pikes Creek Intersections of Route 118 & 29 1406 State Route 29 South SUNDAY SERVICES 10:30AM & 6:00PM Youth & Prayer Meeting Wednesday @ 7pm 570-256-3945 email: [email protected] Rich Metcalf Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES Celebration Service 9 & 10:45AM Christian Education 9AM Kidz Church 10:45AM Intercessory Prayer 8:15AM TUESDAY Women’s Bible Study 10AM WEDNESDAY Family Night Ministries 7PM THURSDAY Evidence Youth Group 6:30PM 570-829-0989 www.wilkesbarreag.com First Assembly Of God 424 Stanton Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 First Presbyterian Church 14 Broad St. Pittston Sun Worship 9:15 am Rev. William N Lukesh All Are Welcome SAINT MARY’S CHURCH 134 S. Washington St. Wilkes-Barre, PA Saturday: 4:00PM Sunday: 8AM, 10AM, 12:10PM & 7PM OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Monsignor Thomas V. Banick, Pastor 2 7 8 7 2 3 2 7 8 7 2 3 ALL JUNK CARS & TRUCKS WANTED V&G 570-574-1275 Free Removal. Call Anytime. Highest Price Paid In Cash! 164 UNITED PENN PLAZA KINGSTON 283-5116 MON-SAT 10-5 CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES OAK ST • PITTSTON TWP. 654-1112 Sat. H.H. 8 to 10 WHO KNOWS, 9 to 1 Hosted by Kevin Neary, Comedian Lionshead Pints $1.50 COMEDY NIGHT Kitchen Open ‘til 12 Tues. 8 to 11 KINGSTON: “Searching the Scriptures” can be heard from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. every Sunday on King’s College’s radio sta- tion WRKC-FM 88.5. The bible-based discussion pro- gram is presented by Christ Community Church, 100 West Dorrance St. For more information call 283-2202 or visit www.ccchurchtoday.org or to hear past programs. KUNKLE: A Mother’s Day Breakfast will be served from 8 a.m. to noon Sunday at the Kunkle Fire Company Hall. Tickets will be sold at the door and cost $7 for adults and $4 for children. Reservations can be made by calling 675-3334. MOUNTAIN TOP: Christ United Methodist Church, 175 S. Main Road, is collecting aluminum tabs in the lobby and the Sunday School is collecting pennies. Donations may be deposited in the con- tainers provided on the black book case in the lobby. As an ongoing fundraiser old cell phones are being collected. They will be refurbished and given to homeless people to use in emergencies. For more information, call the church office at 474-6060 before 2 p.m. weekdays. Boy Scout Troop 106 will sponsor a multi-family yard sale from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on May 28. Table spaces are still available for $15; bring your own table. The scouts will also have a car wash and a bake sale. Contact Mary Jo Givens at 262-7295 to participate. PLYMOUTH: The Catholic churches of Plymouth, St. Mary’s, St. Stephen’s and St. Vincent’s, will conduct a Mother’s Day carnation sale today and Sunday at All-Saints Parish, Willow Street, to raise funds for an anti-abortion center in Wilkes-Barre. Donation is $1 per carna- tion. The flowers may also be left at the church in memory of a loved one. SWOYERSVILLE: The Confraternity of Catholic Women of Holy Trinity Parish will have its annual May Breakfast on May 15 in the school cafeteria. Reservations can be made by calling Chris- tal at 288-4660 or Fran at 288-1708 by Sunday. Members will assemble in the church hall by 8:15 a.m. to attend the 8:30 a.m. Mass then proceed to the school cafeteria where breakfast will be prepared and served by the parish’s Holy Name Society. The crowning of the Blessed Mother statue will take place and dues for 2011 will be accepted. Donat- ed door prizes will be accept- ed the morning of the break- fast. To join or be reinstated, contact Madeleine Barush or any officer of the Confraterni- ty. A special invitation is ex- tended to friends of the Con- fraternity who helped during the recent spring rummage sale. WILKES-BARRE: The 102nd anniversary of the Re- pose of Saint Alexis of Wilkes- Barre will be observed at 9:30 today with a Divine Liturgy at Holy Resurrection Orthodox Cathedral, 591 N. Main St. Bishop Tikhon of the Dio- cese of Eastern Pennsylvania of the Orthodox Church in America is the main celebrant. The Very Rev. Daniel Kovalak, dean of the Wilkes-Barre Deanery, the Very Rev. Joseph Martin, pastor, and local Or- thodox clergy will assist. A light lunch will be served and a lecture on Saint Alexis by the Rev. Martin Browne of St. John’s Orthodox Church, Edwardsville, will follow. IN BRIEF Tuesday MOUNTAIN TOP: Mountain Top Area Knights of Columbus at 7:30 p.m. at the council home. Nomi- nation of officers for the next fraternal year will be held and Grand Knight Drew Zavada asks all members to attend. Thursday MOUNTAIN TOP: Men’s Ecumenical Breakfast group of Christ United Methodist Church at 7:30 a.m. at the Chalet Restaurant, state Route 309. All men from any denomination are invited. May 15 PITTSTON: St. John the Evangelist Parish Community Holy Name Society at 11 a.m. in the parish center dining room. New mem- bers are invited. PLAINS TWP.: Women’s Society of SS. Peter and Paul Church at 8 a.m. at the church to recite the rosary and attend the 8:30 a.m. Mass. May 16 PLAINS TWP.: Women’s Society of SS. Peter and Paul Church at 6 p.m. in the courtyard to recite the rosary. A May Queen will be selected to crown the Blessed Virgin Mary. Members are asked to bring a long-stemmed flower. The meeting will follow. Hosts are Irene Martin, Patricia Mravchak and Lillian McGrady. MEETINGS C M Y K PAGE 10C SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ T E L E V I S I O N ALL JUNK CARS & TRUCKS WANTED VITO & GINO 288-8995 • Forty Fort Highest Prices Paid In Cash. Free Pickup. Call Anytime. 570-674-7677 HOURS: M-F: 10AM-6PM • THUR. 10AM-8PM • SAT. 10AM-5PM GAS CARD *minimum $50 precious metal buy. With this ad. HIGHEST RECORD PRICES PAID! $ Also Buying Platinum, Silver, Coins, Gold Chains, Dental & More... AT ROUTE 309, DALLAS • www.americangoldbuying.com A G B MERICAN OLD UYING, Inc. $ FREE $ 10 You must be 17 with ID or accompanied by a parent to attend R rated features. Children under 6 may not attend R rated features after 6pm NO PASSES THOR THOR (XD 3 ) (PG-13) 11:50AM, 2:30PM, 5:10PM, 7:50PM, 10:30PM AFRICAN CATS (DIGITAL) (G) 12:30PM, 2:45PM, 5:00PM, 7:15PM, 9:40PM ARTHUR (DIGITAL) (PG-13) 11:40PM DIARY OF A WIMPY KID 2: RODRICK RULES (DIGITAL) (PG) 12:05PM FAST FIVE (DIGITAL) (PG-13) 11:30AM, 11:55AM, 12:40PM, 1:25PM, 2:20PM, 2:55PM, 3:40PM, 4:25PM, 5:15PM, 5:55PM, 6:40PM, 7:25PM, 8:10PM, 9:00PM, 9:45PM, 10:25PM, 11:05PM HOODWINKED TOO! HOOD VS. EVIL (3D) (PG) 11:45PM, 1:55PM, 4:05PM, 6:15PM, 8:20PM INSIDIOUS (DIGITAL) (PG-13) 2:40PM, 5:10PM, 7:40PM, 10:10PM JUMPING THE BROOM (DIGITAL) (PG-13) 11:55AM, 2:35PM, 5:15PM, 7:55PM, 10:35PM KILL THE IRISHMAN (DIGITAL) (R) 11:40AM, 2:15PM, 4:50PM, 7:25PM, 10:00PM PROM (DIGITAL) (PG) 11:35AM, 12:55PM, 2:10PM, 3:25PM, 4:40PM, 5:50PM, 7:10PM, 8:25PM, 9:40PM RIO (3D) (G) 11:50AM, 2:15PM, 4:40PM, 7:05PM, 9:35PM SOMETHING BORROWED (DIGITAL) (PG-13) 1:00PM, 2:10PM, 3:30PM, 4:45PM, 6:05PM, 7:20PM, 8:30PM, 9:50PM, 11:00PM SOUL SURFER (DIGITAL) (PG) 10:50PM THOR (3D) (PG-13) 11:35AM, 12:30PM, 2:20PM, 3:15PM, 4:55PM, 6:00PM, 7:35PM, 8:45PM, 10:15PM THOR (DIGITAL) (PG-13) 1:30PM, 4:10PM, 6:55PM, 9:35PM TYLER PERRY’S MADEA’S BIG HAPPY FAMILY (DIGITAL) (PG-13) 10:45PM WATER FOR ELEPHANTS (DIGITAL) (R) 1:50PM, 3:15PM, 4:35PM, 6:00PM, 7:30PM, 8:55PM, 10:25PM MET OPERA LIVE: CAPRICCIO ENCORE 5/11 ONLY AT 6:30 Don’t just watch a movie, experience it! All Stadium Seating and Dolby Surround Sound 825.4444 • rctheatres.com • 3 Hrs. Free Parking At Participating Park & Locks with Theatre Validation •Free Parking at Midtown Lot Leaving After 8pm and All Day Saturday & Sunday. “R” Rating Policy Parents and/or Guardians (ages 21 & Older) must accompany all children under age 17 to an R Rated Feature. *No passes accepted to these features. **No restricted discount tickets or passes accepted to these features. ***$2.50 Additional Charge for 3D Attractions.*** No passes, rain checks, discount tickets accepted to these features (Parenthesis Denotes Bargain Matinees) All Showtimes Include Pre-Feature Content Avoid the lines: Advance tickets available from Fandango.com ALL FEATURES NOW PRESENTED IN DIGITAL FORMAT • FIRST MATINEE SHOW ALL SEATS $5.25 UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS MET: Live in HD - Die Walkurie Saturday May 14 - 12:00pm *Thor - PG13 - 120 Min. (2:00), (4:35), 7:35, 10:05 ***Thor 3D - PG13 - 120 Min. (1:30), (2:25), (4:00), (5:05), 7:05, 7:55, 9:35 **Jumping the Broom - PG13 - 120 Min. (2:20), (5:00), 7:40, 10:05 *Something Borrowed - PG13 - 120 Min. (1:50), (4:20), 7:10, 9:40 Fast Five DBox Motion Seating - PG13 - 140 Min. (1:55), (4:50), 7:35, 10:20 Fast Five - PG13 - 140 Min. (1:30), (1:55), (4:20), (4:50), 7:10, 7:35, 8:25, 9:55, 10:20 *Prom - PG - 110 Min. (2:00), (4:25), 7:15, 9:35 *Hoodwinked Too! Good vs. Evil 2D - PG 95 Min. (1:45), (4:05), 7:00 Water for Elephants - PG13 - 125 Min. (2:05), (4:40), 7:30, 10:00 Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy Family - PG13 - 110 Min. (1:50), (4:00), 7:50, 10:15 Rio - PG - 100 Min. (2:10), (4:20), 7:35 Soul Surfer - PG - 110 Min. (1:30), (3:50), 6:10 Insidious - PG13 - 110 Min. (1:40), (4:40), 7:25, 9:55 Dylan Dog: Dead of Night - PG13 - 115 Min. 9:45 Scream 4 - R - 110 Min. 9:10 Your Power Equipment Headquarters CubCadet • Stihl • Ariens Troybilt • Gravely Lawntractors • Mowers • Trimmers Blowers and more 687 Memorial Hwy., Dallas 570-675-3003 Blowers and more 0 6 3003 EQUIPMENT 2 8 5 4 6 9 with Fuel Up Fuel Up Fuel Up You Could Win A $25 Gas Card Or The Grand Prize A $500 Gas Card. Enter at these locations. BRING THIS COUPON TO NATIONAL PAINT &SUPPLY AND GET TO PPLYY $ 5off per gallon of any finish of Breath Safe™ One coupon per household. Cannot combine with any other offers. Maximum of $25 off. Valid thru 5-31-11. 1154 WYOMING AVE., WYOMING • 288-1408 7 George Ave. (PARSONS SECTION) Wilkes-Barre • 270-3976 30 Hanover Street Wilkes-Barre • 970-4460 Fred... Frank... Food & Fun! 2 dozen wings & 2 large pies 1 dozen wings & 1 large pie $24 95 $12 75 Cannot be combined with any other offer. Must present coupon. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Must present coupon. 1428 N.Washington St., Wilkes-Barre Call us at 823-9431 May not be used with any other offers. Expires 6-15-11 BRING THIS COUPON! GET $10 OFF EXPRESS HAND WAX 295 Mundy St. Wilkes-Barre 570-270-WASH Car wash required Oversized vehicles $10 extra REG. PRICE $39.99 See Official Rules At timesleader.com No purchase necessary. Prizes have no cash value and are nontransferable. Winners agree to having their name and photo used for publicity. Copies may be examined at our 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre office. The winners will be determined through random drawing from all entries received during duration of promotion. This newspaper cannot answer or respond to telephone calls or letters regarding the contest. Sponsors’ employees and their immediate families are not eligible to enter. Please return completed entry form to a participating store by May 26, 2011 at noon. Winners will be chosen through a random drawing. with Fuel Up Fuel Up Fuel Up Name: _____________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________State: _____ Zip: ____________ Phone:_____________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________ Would you like to subscribe to The Times Leader? ❑Yes ❑No ❑I am already a subscriber. NUMBER ONE AUDITED NEWSPAPER IN LUZERNE COUNTY – AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS (ABC) Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-4 Convert Your Broken & Unwanted Gold Jewelry Into CASH Dental, Platinum, Gold Filled, Sterling Silver, .999 etc. Premium Antique Jewelry, Coins, Paper Money Larger Diamonds, Costume Jewelry, Old Toys and All Type Military Items RAINBOW JEWELERS 789 Wyoming Ave. Kingston 570-287-6257 YOUR SOURCE FOR HIGHEST PRICES PAID! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ BEFORE YOU SELL CALL RAINBOWTO MAKE SURE THAT YOU’LL GET TOP $$$ FOR YOUR GOLD!!! m RICES PAID! RICES PAID! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 887Wyoming Avenue •Wyoming • 693-2584 887W i A W i 693 2584 Mon. - Fri 9a.m - 7 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 9a.m - 6 p.m. Visit us on Facebook www.kasardagreenhouse.com $ 4.95 1 gal. Perennials CURRYS DONUTS at participating locations with this coupon. 1 coupon per customer Expires 6/30/11 3 DONUTS FOR $1.00 1 - 12 oz. COFFEE & DONUT $1.00 -OR- ® MOVIE LISTINGS @ WWW.GARDENDRI VEIN.COM OPEN FRI, SAT, &SUN 2 SCREENS WITH DOUBLE FEATURES MOVIE ADMISSION: $6 ADULTS - $3 CHILDREN FLEA MARKET SUNDAYS 6AM-3PM FIND US ON FACEBOOK OR FOLLOW US ON TWITTER DRIVE-IN RT. 11 HUNLOCK CREEK (570) 735-5933 RT. 11 HUNLOCK CREEK (570) 735-5933 SCREEN 1 Fast Five (PG-13) Your Highness (R) SCREEN 2 Thor (PG-13) True Grit (PG-13) $6 Adults - $4 Children FLEA MARKET SUNDAYS 6AM-3PM FIND US ON FACEBOOK OR FOLLOWUS ON TWITTER Daily grid contains updated information (PA) Parental advisory (N) New programming MOVIES 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 0 News World News Paid Prog. Backyard (:15) NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Boston Celtics. Eastern Confer- ence Semifinal, game 3. From TD Garden in Boston. News Without a Trace Maude (TVPG) Maude (TVPG) All in the Family All in the Family Spring Fever Benny Hill Benny Hill Benny Hill Newswatc h 16 Seinfeld (TVPG) Three Stooges Three Stooges 6 Paid Prog. Evening News Entertainment Tonight (N) (TVPG) NCIS “Freedom” (CC) (TVPG) CSI: Miami “G.O.” (CC) (TV14) 48 Hours Mystery (N) (CC) The Closer “Red Tape” (CC) (TV14) < (4:00) 137th Kentucky Derby (N) Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! Chase “Roundup” (N) (CC) (TV14) Law & Order: LA “Reseda” (TV14) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit News SNL F Ugly Betty (Part 2 of 2) (CC) (TVPG) Sportshow Great Out- doors Bones (CC) (TV14) House “Detox” (CC) (TV14) FOX 56 News News 10:30 House Pitcher’s bro- ken arm. (TV14) L The Lawrence Welk Show (TVG) WVIAAuction Homegrown Concerts U TMZ (N) (CC) (TVPG) MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Philadelphia Phillies. From Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia. (N) (Live) Love-Ray- mond According- Jim Scrubs (TV14) Family Guy (CC) X Paid Prog. Raceline (TVPG) NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup Series: Showtime Southern 500. From Darlington Raceway in Darlington, S.C. (N) (Live) (CC) Fringe (TV14) ∞ Spy Game (5:30) (R, ‘01) ›› Robert Red- ford, Brad Pitt. The Pink Panther (PG, ‘06) ›› Steve Mar- tin, Kevin Kline. Premiere. Maverick (PG, ‘94) ››› Mel Gibson, Jodie Foster, James Garner. # News Evening News Entertainment Tonight (N) (TVPG) NCIS “Freedom” (CC) (TVPG) CSI: Miami “G.O.” (CC) (TV14) 48 Hours Mystery (N) (CC) News Criminal Minds ) King of Queens King of Queens How I Met How I Met House “Detox” (CC) (TV14) House Pitcher’s bro- ken arm. (TV14) Bones (CC) (TV14) Access Blue Deadly Catch + News Old Chris- tine MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at New York Mets. From Citi Field in Flushing, N.Y. (N) (Live) (CC) (TVPG) PIX News at Ten Jim Watkins. (N) Family Guy (CC) Family Guy (CC) 1 Two and Half Men Two and Half Men MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Philadelphia Phillies. From Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia. (N) (Live) Phillies Post Phl17 News Friends (TV14) Family Guy (CC) AMC 88 Minutes (R, ‘07) › Al Pacino, Alicia Witt, Leelee Sobieski. (CC) Reindeer Games (R, ‘00) ›› Ben Affleck. An ex-convict is involved in a scheme to rob a casino. Eraser (R, ‘96) ›› Arnold Schwarzenegger. (CC) AMER Roller Boogie (PG, ‘79) › Linda Blair, Jim Bray, Beverly Garland. Bye Bye, Love (PG-13, ‘95) › Matthew Modine, Randy Quaid, Paul Reiser. Music Row Inside Mu- sic Bye Bye, Love › AP Cats 101 (CC) (TVG) Too Cute! Kittens (CC) (TVPG) It’s Me or the Dog (N) (CC) (TVPG) My Cat From Hell (N) (CC) (TVPG) Must Love Cats (CC) (TVPG) It’s Me or the Dog (CC) (TVPG) ARTS Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Parking Wars “Furi- ous Face-Offs” Parking Wars Parking Wars CNBC Paid Program Money in Motion Debt Do Us Part American Greed “Mark Weinberger” The Suze Orman Show (N) (CC) Debt Do Us Part Debt Do Us Part American Greed “Mark Weinberger” CNN Situation Room CNN Presents: Foot- steps CNN Presents (CC) Piers Morgan Tonight Newsroom CNN Presents (CC) COM Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle American Pie (‘99) ››› Jason Biggs. Teens agonize over losing their virginity. Chris Rock: Never Scared (CC) (TVMA) Dane Cook Vicious Circle The comic performs. (CC) (TVMA) CS SportsNite Phillies Club. World Poker Tour: Season 9 Boxing Cristian Favela vs. Jessie Vargas. (Taped) SportsNite (CC) State- Union Tennis CTV (4:00) Beatification of Pope John Paul II Be- atification Mass for Pope John Paul II. Therese: My Vocation Is Love Behind Scenes In Celebration of the The Journey Home (TVG) DSC Dual Survival (CC) (TV14) Dual Survival (CC) (TV14) Dual Survival “Buried Alive” (TVPG) Dual Survival (CC) (TV14) Dual Survival (CC) (TVPG) Dual Survival “Buried Alive” (TVPG) DSY Lemonade Mouth (5:00) (‘11) Bridgit Mendler. Suite Life on Deck (:35) Shake It Up! (CC) Lemonade Mouth (‘11) Bridgit Mendler, Adam Hicks. Five high-school students form a music group. Shake It Up! (CC) (TVG) Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie E! The Voice “Blind Auditions, Part 1” Hopefuls perform for the judges. (TVPG) Private Parts (R, ‘97) ››› Howard Stern, Robin Quiv- ers, Mary McCormack. Khloe & Lamar The Soup Chelsea Lately ESPN NBA Basketball: Thunder at Griz- zlies Sports- Center 30 for 30 Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) College Volleyball NCAA Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) Strongest Man Strongest Man World’s Strongest Man Competition MLS Soccer: Red Bulls at Galaxy FAM Along Came Polly (PG-13, ‘04) ›› Ben Stiller, Jennifer Aniston. Paul Blart: Mall Cop (PG, ‘09) ›› Kevin James, Jayma Mays. Premiere. Happy Gilmore (PG-13, ‘96) ›› Adam San- dler, Christopher McDonald. FOOD Challenge “Ultimate Cookie Clash” Bobby Flay Bobby Flay Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Iron Chef America FNC America’s News HQ FOX Report Huckabee Justice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large (CC) (TVPG) Journal Editorial FOX News HALL Back to You and Me (5:00) (‘05) (CC) Accidentally in Love (‘10) Jennie Garth, Ethan Erickson, Fred Willard. (CC) Three Weeks, Three Kids (‘11) Anna Chlum- sky. Premiere. (CC) Three Weeks, Three Kids (‘11) HIST Custer’s Last Man: I Survived Little Big Horn (CC) (TVPG) Wyatt Earp (PG-13, ‘94) ›› Kevin Costner, Dennis Quaid, Gene Hackman. Portrait traces him from boy to lawman. (CC) H&G Designed To Sell Hunters Int’l House Hunters Sarah- Summer Curb/Bloc k Secrets, Stylist Antonio House Hunters House Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l LIF Little Girl Lost: The Delimar Vera Story Taken From Me: The Tiffany Rubin Story (‘11) Taraji P. Henson. (CC) Sins of the Mother (‘10) Jill Scott, Nicole Be- harie. (CC) Little Girl Lost: The Delimar Vera Story MTV Made (TVPG) True Life Tourette’s Syndrome. The Real World (CC) (TV14) 16 and Pregnant “Jennifer” (TV14) 16 and Pregnant “Jamie” (TV14) America’s Best Dance Crew NICK Big Time Rush Big Time Rush iCarly (TVG) iCarly (TVG) Big Time Rush (N) Supah Ninjas Victorious iCarly (TVG) My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids George Lopez George Lopez OVAT What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (PG-13, ‘93) ›› Johnny Depp, Juliette Lewis, Mary Steenburgen. Cry-Baby (PG-13, ‘90) ››› Johnny Depp, Amy Locane, Susan Tyrrell. Cry-Baby (PG-13, ‘90) ››› Johnny Depp, Amy Locane. SPD (5:00) NASCAR RaceDay (N) (Live) On the Edge (N) Test Drive Speedmakers “Lotus Evora” Speedmakers (TVG) AMA Supercross Special “Las Vegas” From Sam Boyd Stadium, Las Vegas. (N) SPIKE Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones (4:20) (PG, ‘02) ›› Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith (7:47) (PG-13, ‘05) ››› Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman. Star Wars: Episode III-Revenge of Sith SYFY Anacondas: Hunt Ferocious Planet (‘11) Joe Flanigan, John Rhys-Davies, Dagmar Döring. Almighty Thor (‘11) Cody Deal. The young hero, Thor, protects the Earth. Thor: Hammer of the Gods › (CC) TBS Seinfeld (TVPG) Seinfeld (TVG) King of Queens King of Queens Race to Witch Mountain (PG, ‘09) ›› Dwayne Johnson, AnnaSophia Robb. Mean Girls (PG-13, ‘04) ››› Lindsay Lo- han, Rachel McAdams, Tina Fey. TCM Back From Eternity (5:15) ›› (CC) Moguls and Movie Stars: History Hwd The Bicycle Thief (‘48) ›››› Lamberto Maggiorani, Lianella Carell. Salt of the Earth (‘54) ››› Rosaura Revueltas. Southernr TLC Dateline: Real Life Mysteries (TV14) Dateline: Real Life Mysteries (TV14) Dateline: Real Life Mysteries (TV14) Dateline: Real Life Mysteries (TV14) Dateline: Real Life Mysteries (TV14) Dateline: Real Life Mysteries (TV14) TNT The Guardian (4:00) (PG-13, ‘06) ›› The Bourne Supremacy (PG-13, ‘04) ››› Matt Damon, Brian Cox. (CC) Body of Lies (R, ‘08) ›› Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe, Mark Strong. (CC) Bourne Suprm. TOON Advent. Time Advent. Time Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster (PG, ‘10) Robbie Amell. King of the Hill King of the Hill Venture Brothers Family Guy (CC) Boon- docks Boon- docks TRVL Food Truck Paradise (CC) (TVG) Pizza Paradise (CC) (TVPG) Ghost Adventures (CC) (TV14) Ghost Adventures (CC) (TVPG) Ghost Adventures (CC) (TVPG) Ghost Adventures (CC) (TV14) TVLD Sanford & Son Sanford & Son All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family Love-Ray- mond Love-Ray- mond Love-Ray- mond Love-Ray- mond Love-Ray- mond Love-Ray- mond USA How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (PG-13, ‘03) ›› Kate Hudson, Matthew McConaughey. (CC) National Treasure: Book of Secrets (PG, ‘07) ›› Nico- las Cage, Jon Voight, Harvey Keitel. (CC) In Plain Sight (CC) (TVPG) VH-1 Behind the Music “T.I.” T.I. (TV14) Behind the Music “Lil Wayne” (TV14) Behind the Music “50 Cent” (TV14) Mob Wives (CC) (TV14) Saddle Ranch Audrina (TVPG) One Hit Wonders of the ’90s WE Hope Floats (PG-13, ‘98) › Sandra Bullock, Harry Connick Jr. (CC) American Joy (N) (CC) Braxton Family Val- ues (CC) (TV14) Braxton Family Val- ues (CC) (TV14) Braxton Family Val- ues (CC) (TVPG) WGN-A The Unit “In Loco Par- entis” (TV14) Bones (CC) (TV14) Chairman: 30 Sox Warm-Up MLB Baseball Chicago White Sox at Seattle Mariners. From Safeco Field in Seattle. (N) (Live) (CC) WYLN Chef Lou Sweets Beaten Path Viewpoint ECHL Hockey Kelly Cup, Semifinals: Teams TBA. (Taped) Classified Asia Golf PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO Spider-Man 2 (4:45) (PG-13, ‘04) ››› To- bey Maguire. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (PG-13, ‘10) ››› Michael Cera. A slacker contends with his new girlfriend’s exes. (CC) Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden The singer per- forms in New York. (N) (TVMA) Game of Thrones “Lord Snow” (CC) (TVMA) HBO2 Sherlock Holmes (5:15) (PG-13, ‘09) ›› Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law. (CC) Hung (CC) (TVMA) Treme Antoine con- templates a move. (CC) (TVMA) Treme Antoine plans to form a band. (CC) (TVMA) True Blood An heir- loom reminds Eric of his past. (TVMA) Big Love Alby’s purifi- cation of Juniper Creek. (CC) (TV14) MAX Clash of the Titans (CC) The Wolfman (R, ‘10) ›› Beni- cio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt. (CC) The Transporter (8:15) (PG-13, ‘02) ›› Ja- son Statham. A mercenary changes his mind- set after meeting a woman. The Losers (PG-13, ‘10) ›› Jef- frey Dean Morgan, Zoe Saldana. Premiere. (CC) House- wives MMAX Duplicity (4:30) ››› Valentine’s Day (6:45) (PG-13, ‘10) ›› Jessica Alba, Kathy Bates. Los Angeles residents wend their way into and out of romance. (CC) Couples Retreat (PG-13, ‘09) › Vince Vaughn. Four Midwestern couples descend on an island resort. (CC) Lingerie (CC) (TVMA) Half Baked › (CC) SHO Triage (5:15) (R, ‘09) Colin Farrell, Paz Vega. iTV. (CC) The Borgias (iTV) Della Rovere strikes a bargain. (CC) Nurse Jackie (TVMA) United States of Tara The Back-up Plan (PG-13, ‘10) › Jennifer Lopez. A single woman becomes pregnant, then meets her ideal man. (CC) Nurse Jackie (TVMA) United States of Tara STARZ The Men Who Stare at Goats ›› Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (PG- 13, ‘10) ›› Jake Gyllenhaal. (CC) Salt (PG-13, ‘10) ››› Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber. Premiere. (CC) Eat Pray Love (10:50) ›› (CC) TMC Play the Game (4:30) › Inglourious Basterds (6:25) (R, ‘09) ››› Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent. Jewish-American soldiers seek Nazi scalps in German-occupied France. Night of the Living Dead (‘68) ››› Duane Jones, Judith O’Dea. Premiere. (CC) The Thirst (10:40) (‘06) Clare Kramer, Matt Keeslar, Jeremy Sisto. (CC) 6 a.m. 44.2 PCN Tours 6 a.m. CNBC Options Action 6 a.m. FNC FOX and Friends Sat- urday 7 a.m. 3 The Early Show Revenge; controlling spending; snacks under 80 calories; TV moms; Michael Psilakis; Plan B performs. (N) 7 a.m. 28 Today The Kentucky Derby; mansions; middle-aged wom- en and eating disorders; Ginnifer Goodwin. (N) 7 a.m. 53 The Hunt Doctor 8 a.m. 16 Good Morning America (N) 8 a.m. 44.2 Degrees that Work Using atoms and molecules for product development and medical research. 8:30 a.m. 44.2 Degrees that Work 11 a.m. 44.2 State of Pennsylvania 4 p.m. 53 Extra (N) (TVPG) 5:30 p.m. 44.2 InnerVIEWS With Ernie Manouse Emmy-winning actress Holland Taylor discusses her play about Gov. Ann Richards. (TVG) 6 p.m. CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer TV TALK C M Y K THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 11C ➛ D I V E R S I O N S UNIVERSAL SUDOKU MINUTE MAZE W I T H O M A R S H A R I F & T A N N A H H I R S C H CRYPTOQUOTE GOREN BRIDGE B Y M I C H E A L A R G I R I O N & J E F F K N U R E K JUMBLE B Y H O L I D A Y M A T H I S HOROSCOPE CROSSWORD PREVIOUS DAY’S SOLUTION HOW TO CONTACT: Dear Abby: PO Box 69440, Los Ange- les, CA 90069 For more Sudoku go to www.timesleader.com O N T H E W E B Dear Abby: My husband and I were together 11 years — since we were 12 — and married for four. He was killed in a car accident, and I am now a 23-year-old widow. I was in the passenger seat when he died. I sustained multiple injuries, but none as great as the mas- sive anxiety I can’t seem to shake. I have had a great deal of support from friends and family. However, two months after my husband died I began talking to “Brian,” a fam- ily friend who is going through a divorce. We’d stay up for hours talk- ing about the things we were going through. I have developed love for Brian that is beyond anything I have felt before, built on a great deal of strength and heartache. We moved fast because of our mu- tual need to have someone there for us. I feel guilty, however, that I have this relationship so soon after my husband’s death. On top of all this, I have huge anxiety, the result of guilt, PTSD and my fear of abandonment. I feel isolated because I’m so much younger than most widows I meet. Also, because I have the complicating factor of Brian’s divorce (with two kids) going on now, I’m afraid my anxiety will never decrease. I can’t reject the love I have for him. We’ve been there for each other through a time of great hardship. I want to be able to relax and enjoy it, not stress out and destroy it. Can you give me any advice? — Young Widow in Pain Dear Young Widow: After what you have been through, it’s understand- able that you would experience the feelings you have been having. But if you are going to move on in the right direction, I urge you to discuss your current situation with a mental health professional — preferably one who specializes in post-traumatic stress and anxiety. While it’s wonderful that you have met someone so soon, I urge you to make no permanent decisions for at least a year. You and Brian can support each other, but each of you is needy right now, and that’s not a basis for a healthy relationship. With time, the anxieties will ease and what’s causing them will lessen. If you’ll forgive the baseball vernacular, my advice is to bunt rather than try to swing for a home run now. It will improve your odds of not striking out. Dear Abby: My wife likes to sun- bathe in the nude in our side yard. Anyone walking by on the sidewalk, or riding by on a bike or in a car can easily see her over our 3-foot-tall picket fence. She is a beautiful woman and has nothing to be ashamed of, but know- ing strangers can see her in the buff makes me uncomfortable. She says I should get over it. Should I? — Embarrassed On Elm Street Dear Embarrassed: Your wife as- sumes that your neighbors and passersby are as open-minded as she is. Please remind her that if a mother should walk by with a child, she could be offended, call the police and your wife could be charged with indecent exposure. A tall hedge in the front of your side yard would screen her from public view. DEAR ABBY A D V I C E Young widow finds both comfort and guilt in her new relationship To receive a collection of Abby’s most memo- rable — and most frequently requested — po- ems and essays, send a business-sized, self- addressed envelope, plus check or money order for $3.95 ($4.50 in Canada) to: Dear Abby’s “Keepers,” P.O. Box 447, Mount Mor- ris, IL 61054-0447. (Postage is included.) ARIES (March 21-April 19). You have already learned what you need to do. Now the question is whether you are at liberty to do so. Do you have the resources? This is your day to take stock. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). A cranky person may be funny for a while, especially if you don’t know this person very well. But after continued exposure, the attitude gets old fast. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You lis- ten carefully to your loved ones. Your attention is a precious com- modity, and hopefully they will value it as such. It’s hard to rec- ognize the value yourself until you’re in a situation where no one is listening. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Your recent experience has you feel- ing a little wiser and older, but in no way does this mean that you are old. Your state of mind gets more youthful with every new thing you learn. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You may have felt unmotivated for the past few days, but that changes now, as you understand what it is you must do. Your focus on an end result will help you at the start and middle of the project. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Chinese mystic philosopher Lao Tzu said, “Being deeply loved by some- one gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you cour- age.” You’ll feel both sides of the statement today. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Seek the truth. Some will try to eliminate the competition through nega- tive press — a sure sign that they themselves are insecure about what they have to offer. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). There is no such thing as “easy money.” You’ll do yourself a favor by avoiding all promises that have to do with making a fast buck. Talk to the savvy people you know about how to maximize your financial efforts. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The focus is on a relationship that is still in the early stages. Whether the relationship is oriented toward business or pleasure, you’ll look at a person’s heart before you determine whether to go forward. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). No one knows what to do with pity. It’s not something you can wear or eat. Make sure that when you give your help, you are giving something more concrete. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Much of what you like or don’t like is personal, familial or cultural. You will open your heart to those who are very different in their preferences and add some color to your world. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your strong voice and confident way of moving will tell a story about how well you know yourself. Your self-assurance will make others certain about you, too. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (May 7). The bonds of friendship and love will be strengthened. This year brings enjoyable times with those who share your humor and taste. You’ll make deals through an educational or familial net- work. You’ll attain a personal goal in July. November brings financial luck. Gemini and Libra people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 25, 19, 40 and 11. C M Y K PAGE 12C SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com • Local & Nationwide Delivery Available • Visit our showroom or visit us online at www.sugar-plum.com to see other Mother’s Day Gift Ideas 88 Dilley St. • Forty Fort 288-0559 www.sugar-plum.com Mon.-Fri. 9-6 • Sat & Sun 10-2 $ 24 95 THE BLOOMING CHOCOLATE BOUQUET T E L L M OMYOU LO V E H E R W ITH A SWEE T G I F T F R O M SUGAR P L U M C HOCOLATES HEROLD’S FARM MARKET FAMILY RUN FOR OVER 100 YEARS Daily 9-7 1/8 Mile Past Hanover Mall Sans Souci Pkwy, Hanover 735-2918 FLOWER HER WITH LOVE ON MOTHER’S DAY • Hanging Baskets Perfect for Mom! • Large Selection of Flowering Pots • Cemetery Logs • Potted Perennials • Vegetable Plants 2 8 3 2 4 8 SVC., PC PSYCHIATRIC & COUNSELING EARLY Nick Telincho Therapist Dr. S. Rahman, M.D. Psychiatrist Accepting Medical Assistance, Medicare, BC/BS, Geisinger & most insurances Expertise in Family/ Marital/Couple/Grief/ Phase of Life Counseling • Anger Management • Childhood Abuse • Drug/Alcohol/Smoking Cessation • Hypnotherapy Expertise in Panic Attack Depression, Anxiety, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD, ADHD Now accepting new patients for medicaton management. Patients of all ages welcome. SHAVERTOWN (Back Mountain) 674-3939 BLOOMSBURG 784-5663 DANVILLE 275-0390 HAZLETON 454-2545 MOUNTAIN TOP 474-0100 636 Market St. • Wilkes-Barre, PA 18704 570.718.1268 Take $35 OFF Any Purchase of $100 or More Good from April 28-May 8, 2011. You’ll Always Find The Perfect Gift. Simon & Co. J E W E L E R S Inground Pool Special $19,500 16 x 32 Grecian Pool includes Steps, Hayward Sand Filter, Maintenance Kit, Solar Cover and Winter Cover The Pool Guys Pool Mother’s Day Celebration Sun. 11am-4pm Mon.-Fri 10am-6pm Sat. 11am-4pm Blowout 2 8 6 4 3 3 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 1D WHEELS HE TIMES LEADER 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale You’d think that after reaping the harvest of cool new station wagons cultivated over the past few years, an auto writer could begin look- ing to the future instead of thinking about the past. Not this one. Every time I get a new wagon to evaluate, I can’t help but think back to when I was station wagons were a common sight on the nation’s roads. Seeing Acura’s new-for-2011 TSX Sport Wagon for the first time launched me again on one of those metaphysical trips back in time. For some reason, my brain started digging through its collection of videotapes and began playing back one of a road trip from Pennsylvania to Florida. We were traveling in separate vehicles with another family, mine in a minivan and the other family in an early-1980s Chevrolet Caprice Estate station wagon. That thing was so big its rear bumper was still in Pennsyl- vania when the front end crossed the North Carolina border. And it was as ugly as it was big, a bloated blob of sheet metal, glass and that self-stick vinyl stuff that actually looks a tiny bit like wood until the sun starts to fade it. (Which happened about six minutes after the vehicle left the dealer showroom.) I have no clue how my brain works, but in this case I’m pretty sure the TSX Sport Wagon’s stunning styling triggered my memories. Cadil- lac CTS Sport Wagon fans might dis- agree, but I think the TSX is the first vehicle that looks better as a wagon than a sedan. If I were Ralph Lauren or Frank Lloyd Wright, I might be able to explain why the TSX Sport Wagon’s lines and curves and creases work so well together. But I’m just a schlub who looks at the TSX Sport Wagon and sees cool… elegant… sporty. I see that inside the TSX as well as out. At the risk of getting all Frank O. Gehry-ish on you, I love the way metallic accents swoop up from the console and center stack to a sensu- ously curved dashboard, creating the imagery of a seagull effortlessly glid- ing through the air. Acura doesn’t allow form to trump function. The TSX’s instruments are legible at a glance, its switches and controls easy to reach and operate. Even its multifunction dial – one of those features nobody needed that nevertheless became nearly ubiqui- tous in luxury vehicles – is in a great spot and works intuitively. So does the rest of the TSX Sport Wagon. Honda has always been known for building well-mannered and smartly engineered and equipped vehicles, and it created the Acura brand to push handling and luxury a bit further. Those qualities are all reflected in the TSX Sport Wagon. For example, the Sport Wagon is available in only two configurations: Well-equipped and really well- equipped. For its $31,000 base price, the Sport Wagon delivers a slew of goodies. These include leather uphol- stery, satellite radio with USB audio input, heated power front seats, hands-free cell phone link, heated door mirrors, auto-dimming rearview mirror, fog lights, xenon headlights and a power moonroof. The only upgrade available is a $3,650 Technology Package. The package consists of a power tailgate, rearview camera, navigation system with 8-inch display and real-time traf- fic and weather, and an audiophile- caliber surround-sound system. The 10-speaker system includes a DVD- Audio player and a 15-Gb hard drive SCOTT WASSER W H E E L S Going back to the future in Acura TSX wagon Acura’s TSX Sport Wagon is one of the latest attempts by automakers to convince American car buyers that station wagons can be cool. The TSX wagon is as sleek and stylish inside as it is outside. ACURA Page 2 WHAT IS IT? 2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon, a styl- ish, sporty and luxurious alternative to small SUVs and crossovers. WHAT DOES IT COST?: Starting price is $30,960, and the only option/upgrade is the $3,650 Technol- ogy Package included on the test car. As-tested MSRP was $35,470. WHAT I LIKED BEST: Styling, utility, performance, fuel economy. WHAT I LIKED LEAST: Not a lot of low-end thrust, no AWD option. WHO’S IT FOR?: Anyone in the market for a compact touring sedan who can appreciate the extra cargo carrying capacity and flexibility of a wagon. IMPORTANT NUMBERS: 2.4-liter, 16-valve, iVTEC in-line four cylinder produces 201 horsepower, 170 lbs-ft of torque. 5-speed automat- ic. 106.4-inch wheelbase. 3,599-lb curb weight. 0-60 in 8.0 sec. (stop- watch). 22 city/30 highway mpg (EPA). Cargo space: 25.8/60.5 cu. ft. with rear seatbacks up/folded. NUTS AND BOLTS SCOTT WASSER is the Times Leader’s Auto Reviewer. His column appears Sat- urdays. To contact him, e-mail: swass- [email protected] experience>>the exhilaration experience>>the difference At Bennett Infniti Wilkes-Barre...you’ll feel the difference. Our helpful, knowledgeable staff is dedicatedto gettingyou in the drivers seat of a newor pre-ownedvehicle. The hardest part about buyinga car with us...is controllingyour excitement. Give us a call or stopin today because your satisfaction is what drives us. 39 Month Lease. 10,000 allowable miles per year. Total due at delivery $4800. Tax &tags additional. Must be approvedthru IFS or Tier 0 or 1 guidelines. MAY LEASE OFFERS Artwork for illustration purposes only. Not responsible for typographical errors. G25X&G37XSedans EX35 G25X w/sunroof $329/mo. +tax $36,640 MSRP G37X w/ premiumpackage $389/mo. +tax $40,570 MSRP G37 Convertible w/premiumandnavigationpackages $549/mo. +tax $51,005 MSRP M37X w/ premiumpackage $549/mo. +tax $53,785 MSRP EX35Journey$439/mo. +tax $39,530 MSRP FX35 Deluxetouringw/premiumpackage$599/mo. +tax $52,740 MSRP QX56w/ theater package$865/mo. +tax $64,865 MSRP QX56 FX35 M37X G37 Coupe G37 Convertible experience>> >> the difference At Bennett Infniti Wilkes-Barre...you’ll feel the difference. Our helpful knowledgeable staff is dedicatedto gettingyou in the Our helpful, knowledgeable staff is dedicatedto gettingyou in the drivers seat of a newor pre-ownedvehicle. The hardest part about buyinga car with us...is controllingyour excitement. Give us a call or stopin today because your satisfaction is what drives us. 39 Month Lease. 10,000 allowable miles per year. Total due at delivery $4800. Tax &tags additioonal. Must be approvedthru IFS or Tier 0 or 1 guidelines. Artwork for illustration purposes only. Not responsible for typographical errors. G25X&G37XSedans EX35 G25X w/sunroof $329/mo. +tax $36,640 MSRP G37X w/ premiumpackage $389/mo. +tax $40,570 MSRP G37 Convertible w/premiumandnavigationpackages $549/mo. +tax $51,0 005 MSRP M37X w/ premiumpackage $549/mo. +tax $53,785 MSRP 9 EX35Journey$439/mo. +tax $39,530 MSRP FX35 Deluxetouringw/premiumpackage$599/mo. +tax $52,740 MSRP QX56w/ theater package$865/mo. +tax $64,865 MSRP QX56 FX35 M37X G37 Coupe G37 Convertible Highway 315, Wilkes-Barre | 570.829.6500 | www.infinitiofwilkesbarre.com | Hours: M-Thurs 9am-8pm Fri 9am-6pm Sat 9am-5pm PAGE 2D SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com 250 General Auction 250 General Auction 250 General Auction 250 General Auction PUBLIC AUCTION June 11, 2011 - 10:00 AM BACK MOUNTAIN MUNICIPAL ALLIANCE 3RD ANNUAL EQUIPMENT AUCTION Held in Jackson Township 2211 Huntsville Rd. Shavertown, PA Police cars, dump trucks, trailers, construc- tion equipment. CONSIGNMENTS BEING TAKEN To consign equipment CALL LEO AT 570-817-6147 LAGAUCTION SERVICES (570) 883-1276 or (570) 655-5366 Lic.# AU002629L BUYER’S PREMIUM Cash Accepted Business Check with Bank Letter of credit only. NO CREDIT CARDS PUBLIC AUCTION MAY 7, 2011 - 10:00 AM VALLEY CREST NURSING HOME Wilkes-Barre, PA (Rt. 315 next to Wyoming Valley Mall) VEHICLES:Cars, Trucks, Vans OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Fax Machines, Printers, Room Divider, File Cabinet, etc. Chairs and Tables L.A.G. AUCTION SERVICES (570) 883-1276 or (570) 655-5366 Lic.# AU002629L BUYER’S PREMIUM CASH ONLY 457 Wanted to Buy Auto 468 Auto Parts 457 Wanted to Buy Auto 468 Auto Parts $$$ HIGHEST PRICE PAID $$$ FOR JUNK VEHICLES PICKED UP 570-876-1010 570-346-7673 AS ALWAYS ****HIGHEST PRICES***** PAID FOR YOUR UNWANTED VEHICLES!!! DRIVE IN PRICES Call for Details (570) 459-9901 Vehicles must be COMPLETE !! Plus Enter to Win $500.00 Cash!! DRAWING TO BE HELD MAY 31 Harry’s U Pull It www.wegotused.com BUYING JUNK VEHICLES $300 and Up $125 extra if driven, pulled or pushed in. NOBODY Pays More 570-760-2035 Monday thru Saturday 6 am-9 pm Sunday 8 am - 68 pm AUTO SERVICE DIRECTORY 468 Auto Parts All Junk Cars & Trucks Wanted Highest Prices Paid In CA$H FREE PICKUP 570-574-1275 BEST PRICES IN THE AREA CA$H ON THE $POT, Free Anytime Pickup 570-301-3602 570-301-3602 CALL US! TO JUNK YOUR CAR 472 Auto Services $ WANTED JUNK $ VEHICLES LISPI TOWING We pick up 822-0995 VITO’S & GINO’S Like New Tires $15 & UP! Like New Batteries $20 & UP! Carry Out Price 288-8995 WANTED Cars & Full Size Trucks. For prices... Lamoreaux Auto Parts 477-2562 LAW DIRECTORY Don’t Keep Your Practice a Secret! Call 829-7130 To Place Your Ad 310 Attorney Services ADOPTION DIVORCE CUSTODY Estates, DUI ATTORNEY MATTHEW LOFTUS 570-255-5503 BANKRUPTCY FREE CONSULT Guaranteed Low Fees Payment Plan! Colleen Metroka 570-592-4796 DIVORCE No Fault $295 divorce295.com Atty. Kurlancheek 800-324-9748 W-B Line up a place to live in classified! 310 Attorney Services Divorce, Custody, Support, PFA FREE Consultation. Atty. Josianne Aboutanos Wilkes-Barre 570-208-1118 Free Bankruptcy Consultation Payment plans. Carol Baltimore 570-822-1959 FREE CONSULTATION for all legal matters Attorney Ron Wilson 570-822-2345 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY Free Consultation. Contact Atty. Sherry Dalessandro 570-823-9006 310 Attorney Services Attorney Keith Hunter Bankruptcies MAHLER, LOHIN & ASSOCIATES (570) 718-1118 MARGIOTTI LAW OFFICES BANKRUPTCY Free Consult Payment Plans (570) 970-9977 Wilkes-Barre (570) 223-2536 Stroudsburg Looking for Work? Tell Employers with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 Line up a place to live in classified! 100 ANNOUNCEMENTS 110 Lost ALL JUNK CARS WANTED!! ŠCALL ANYTIME ŠFREE REMOVAL ŠCA$H PAID ON THE SPOT 570.301.3602 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! ALL JUNK CAR & TRUCKS WANTED Highest Prices Paid!!! FREE REMOVAL Call V&G Anytime 288-8995 LOST BEAGLE: 7 months old, 11 1/2 “ high, black back with white belly and legs. Last seen in Falls, Coolbaugh Mountain Road on Wednesday 4/27. REWARD. Call 570-388-2775 or 570-388-3239 LOST BLACK CAT. 1 yr old, a few white hairs under chin. Near Carverton Road and 8th St. REWARD!! Please call 570-696-1309 LOST CAT Long Hair Black & Grayish/Tan Stripes & Swirls. White On Mouth, Chest, Belly & Paws. Fluffy Tail, Green Eyes. Has Orange Collar But May Have Lost It. Kingston By Gate- way Apartments & Northampton St. 570-881-7771 LOST RING Anniversary Diamond Band in vicinity of Wood- land’s on 4/29. Please call 570-814-0004. LOST, male Jack Russell Terrier named Sam. Black & white. Lost on Monday April 11 in Krispin Road Dallas Area. If seen, please call 570-718-4050 570-714-1698 120 Found FOUND - Keys for SUBARU on RIver St. 570-417-3689 FOUND, Brown and white Beagle in St. Mary’s cemetery in Hanover Township on Easter. Please call Nick to identify. (570) 407-0833 135 Legals/ Public Notices LEGAL NOTICE DEADLINES Saturday 12:30 on Friday Sunday 4:00 pm on Friday Monday 4:30 pm on Friday Tuesday 4:00 pm on Monday Wednesday 4:00 pm on Tuesday Thursday 4:00 pm on Wednesday Friday 4:00 pm on Thursday Holidays call for deadlines You may email your notices to mpeznowski@ timesleader.com or fax to 570-831-7312 or mail to The Times Leader 15 N. Main Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 For additional information or questions regard- ing legal notices you may call Marti Peznowski at 570-970-7371 or 570-829-7130 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! INVITATION TO BID The Commission on Economic Oppor- tunity (CEO), in con- junction with the Scranton Lacka- wanna Human Dev- elopment Agency (SLHDA), will accept sealed bids for the following building supplies: HYBRID HEAT PUMP WATER HEATERS Interested bidders may obtain a speci- fication package by telephoning or mail- ing the Weatheriza- tion Director, Com- mission on Eco- nomic Opportunity, 32-34 West Union Street, Kingston, PA 18704; telephone number (570) 288- 8458. Bids must be received in the CEO Main Office, 165 Amber Lane Wilkes- Barre, PA 18702, by CERTIFIED OR REG- ISTERED mail not later than 5:00 p.m. EST on May 25, 2011. All envelopes must be clearly marked “BID FOR WEATHERIZATION MATERIALS”. Bids will be opened at 3:00 p.m. on May 26, 2011at the CEO Main Office. CEO reserves the right to reject any or all bids; otherwise the bid will be awarded to the low- est responsible bid- der whose bid con- forms to all the materials terms and conditions of this invitation within 45 days of the bid opening. 135 Legals/ Public Notices ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Evangeline V.R. Zola a/k/a Evangeline Zola, Deceased. Late of the City of Hazleton, Luzerne County, PA. D.O.D. 2-18-11. Let- ters Testamentary on the above Estate have been granted to the undersigned, who request all per- sons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent to make known the same and all persons indebted to the de- cedent to make payment without delay to Sandra Urban, Executrix, 683 Weston Rd., Sugarloaf, PA 18249. Or to her Atty.: Bridget M. Whitley, Skarlatos Zonarich LLP, 17 S. 2nd St., 6th Fl., Har- risburg, PA 17101- 2039. 140 Personals Looking for single female companion in Kingston Area. Call 714-1975 or cell 709-0984 after 4pm. Ask for Mike. 150 Special Notices ADOPT We can give your infant love and security, you can help make us a family. Expenses paid. Please call Denise & Howard 1-877-676-1660. ADOPT: Adoring Mom, Dad, Big Brother would like to share a lifetime of hugs & kisses in our loving home with a newborn. Please Call Lynda & Dennis 888-688-1422 Expenses Paid ADOPTION A loving married teacher couple with so much to offer would love to adopt your newborn. We can provide a lifetime of happi- ness, security & educational opportunities. Expenses paid. Nancy/Kevin 1-866-254-3529 www.nancykevin 2adopt.com Line up a place to live in classified! Yellow wedding gowns seen as a sign that the bride may cheat! bridezella.net DO YOU ENJOY PREGNANCY ? Would you like the emotional reward of helping an infertile couple reach their dream of becoming parents? Consider being a surrogate. All fees allowable by law will be paid. Call Central Pennsylvania Attorney, Denise Bierly, at 814-237-6278 ext. 226 GUARDIAN ANGEL Hardtimes uponyou? Down on your luck? Need help & don’t know where to turn? We care and are willing to help. Serious problems only. Write to: PO Box 3238, W. Pittston, PA 18643 STOP BY: Fresh juice Martinis they are catching on unbelievably. 150 Special Notices ALL JUNK CAR & TRUCKS WANTED Highest Prices Paid!!! FREE REMOVAL Call V&G Anytime 288-8995 Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! MONTY MONTY SA SAYS YS The Blue Pelican is the hottest spot on the lake...Don't go to the dark side when you can hang out with the worlds tallest bartender instead. P PA AYING $500 YING $500 MINIMUM DRIVEN IN Full size 4 wheel drive trucks ALSO PAYING TOP $$$ for heavy equip- ment, backhoes, dump trucks, bull dozers HAPPY TRAILS TRUCK SALES 570-760-2035 542-2277 6am to 8pm PP&L CUSTOMERS... Save money each month on your resi- dential or business electricity and help the environment by switching to GREEN energy. Nothing to buy, same reliable energy, no con- tracts,cancel any- time, no cancella- tion fees, receive one bill. For details call toll free 855-256-4454 lynnbythelake@ hotmail.com 150 Special Notices Wyoming County Chorale presents: “OLD TIME AMERICANA” Saturday May 7, 7:30PM in Tunkhannock Middle School. Special guests “The Coal Town Rounders” and featuring songs from “O Brother Where Art Thou” plus many other bluegrass, folk and gospel numbers. Tickets $8 (12 and under free) available at door or www.wyoming countychorale.org 380 Travel BROADWAY SHOWS That Championship Season 5/21-NEW!; Jersey Boys 7/20 & 9/10; Sister Act 7/23—NEW!; Lion King 8/6; Phantom of the Opera 8/6; Wicked 10/19 1-800-432-8069 W WOULD OULD Y YOU OU LIKE LIKE TO TO GO GO TO TO NY? NY? Call us to make your reservation! 570-824-2228 570-793-1769 Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! YANKEES SPECIAL Yanks vs Boston Sunday, 5/15 @ 8pm Section 212 $126.00 ticket/bus 1-800-432-8069 YANKEES TRIP TO CINCINNATI June 20, 21 and 22 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) Catch the Yankees take on the Reds at The Great American Ballpark in Cincin- nati, Ohio Trip Includes: *Round trip bus transportation *Beer, soda & food on the bus *Great box level seats to two games (Mon & Tues night) *Hotel accommoda- tions at the Millenni- um Hotel. Just three blocks from stadium and walking dis- tance from Cincin- nati Zoo and other downtown attrac- tions Price: $350 Call 570-287-9701 for more info. 406 ATVs/Dune Buggies QUARTER MIDGET RACE CAR 76 inch Bull Rider, Honda 120 motor, Kirkey seat, new brake system, A-Main feature wins Asphalt/Dirt, Many Extras, Value $6,000, Sell for $2,999 Call (570) 954-2749 SUZUKI`09 KING QUAD 750AXI Hunter green. 214 miles. Excellent condition. 50” Moose plow with manual lift included. Asking $5,900 (570) 299-0560 YAMAHA`04 RHINO Excellent condition, 200 hours. Priced to sell. $6,500 or best offer. Call Keith 570-971-4520 409 Autos under $5000 CADILLAC `94 DEVILLE SEDAN 94,000 miles, automatic, front wheel drive, 4 door, air condi- tioning, air bags, all power, cruise control, leather interior, $3,300. 570-394-9004 Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! PONTIAC `00 SUNFIRE 4 door, auto, 87K. Runs great. $3,300. DEALER. Call (570) 868-3914 SATURN ‘99 SC1 3 door coupe. Only 122,000 miles. Cd player, AC, Moonroof, leather interior, alloy rims, Like New tires. Fresh detail and Full of GAS... ONLY $2,999 For more pics or information, call (570) 301-7221 advertisinguy @gmail.com 409 Autos under $5000 VOLKSWAGEN `01 PASSAT GLS WAGON Satin Silver Metallic. 1.8L 4 cylinder turbo. Cold weather package & traction control. 101,700 miles. Great condi- tion. Asking $4,300 (570) 417-7678 412 Autos for Sale 2004 VOLVO XC70 Cross Country, All Wheel Drive $11880 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 2007 PONTIAC G6 GTP 1 OWNER LEATHER AND MOONROOF $14950 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 ACURA `08 RDX Good Condition. 53,000 miles. AWD, Full Power, AM/FM, CD Changer, Blue Tooth, XM Radio, Leather Interior & Sunroof $20,000 (570) 814-8398 Call after 9:30 a.m. Audi `02 A4 1.8 Turbo, AWD, Automatic, white with beige leather interior. 84,000 Miles. Very Good Condition. $8,900 (570) 696-9809 (570) 690-4262 BMW `02 330 CONVERTIBLE 83K miles. Beautiful condition. Newly re-done interior leather & carpeting. $13,500. 570-313-3337 412 Autos for Sale AUDI `02 A4 3.0, V6, AWD automatic, tiptronic transmission. Fully loaded, leather interior. 92,000 miles. Good condi- tion. Asking $9,500. Call (570) 417-3395 AUDI `05 A4 Turbo, Navy Blue with grey leather interior, fully loaded automatic. 93,000 miles. All records. Excellent condition. 4 new tires & new brakes. Asking $10,000 or best offer. Call for info 417-2010 Days 779-4325 Nights 09 Impala LS $11,995 08Taurus SEL $12,995 09JEEP PATRIOT $12,995 08 DODGE RAM $10,995 04 BLAZER 4X4 $7,995 04FREESTAR 60K $6,995 Full Notary Service T-Tags, Title Transfers BEN’S AUTO SALES RT 309 W-BTwp. Near Wegman’s 570-822-7359 BMW `04 325i 5 Speed. Like New!! New Tires, tinted windows, sun roof, black leather interior. Only 57,000 Miles!!! PRICE REDUCED TO $14,000!! For more info, call (570) 762-3714 BMW `07 328xi Black with black interior. Heated seats. Back up & navigation sys- tems. New tires & brakes. Sunroof. Garage kept. Many extras! 46,000 Miles. Asking $19,500. 570-825-8888 or 626-297-0155 Call Anytime! CHEVY `06 COLORADO Extended cab. Auto. Power steering, a/c. 40k miles. 2 wheel drive. $12,600, negotiable. 570-678-5040 412 Autos for Sale BMW `93 325 IC Convertible, Metallic Green Exterior & Tan Interior, 5 Speed Transmission, Heated Seats. 2nd Owner, 66k Miles. Excellent Condition, Garage Kept, Excellent Gas Mileage. Carfax available. Price reduced $7,995 or trade for SUV or other. Beautiful / Fun Car. 570-388-6669 CHEVROLET `88 MONTE CARLO SS V8, automatic, 51,267 miles, MUST SELL $9,200 OBO (570) 760-0511 412 Autos for Sale BUICK ‘07 LUCERNE One Owner. Leather, CD, Alloy Wheels $15,580 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 CHRYSLER ‘06 300C HEMI Light green, 18,000 miles, loaded, leather, wood trim, $24,000. 570-222-4960 leave message Line up a place to live in classified! Looking for Work? Tell Employers with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 Selling Your Car? We’ll run your ad until the vehicle is sold. Call Classified 829-7130 ad until s sold. fifieedd 00 drive capable of storing over 3,500 songs, according to Acura. A different type of storage is likely to be of more interest to Sport Wagon buyers: The TSX has 25.8 cubic feet of cargo space behind its rear seat and 60.5 cubic feet of cargo capacity with its 60/40 split rear seatbacks fold- ed. There’s also an additional 2.5 cubic feet of under-floor storage space and three smaller covered cubbies in the rear of the TSX. You won’t find that much space in the Audi A4 or BMW 3-Series wagons, which figure to be the TSX’s main competitors. Perhaps more impor- tantly given America’s love affair with SUVs and crossovers, the Acura’s cargo capacity compares very favorably with most small versions of those vehicles. Since it is shorter, sleeker and lower than most SUVs and crossovers, the TSX Sport Wagon outdoes them in driving dynamics and fuel economy. The TSX lives up to the “Sport” in its name by delivering terrif- ic handling characterized by a beautiful- ly weighted, responsive and linear steer- ing system. The steering is communica- tive and accurate, enabling a driver to take advantage of a suspension system that keeps the Sport Wagon planted on the choppiest and curviest roads. That kind of handling prowess can often take a toll on ride comfort, but that’s not the case with the Sport Wagon. And the TSX absorbs outside noise about as well as it soaks up bumps. The acoustic damping techniques Acura applied to the windshield and bodywork appears to have paid dividends. So did the work Acura did to tweak a bit more mileage from the 2.4- liter, in-line, four-cylinder engine found in the Sport Wagon. The EPA rating of 22 city/30 highway mpg is pretty good, but I was more impressed with averag- ing around 28 mpg after a week behind the wheel (especially considering my heavy right foot). I was a little less impressed with the engine’s thrust. It responds instantly and generally feels pretty peppy, but like many Honda power plants it prefers high revs. It’s not unfair to expect at least a little more low-end thrust in an upscale vehicle. The 280-horsepower V6 avail- able in the TSX Sedan delivers that, but Acura doesn’t offer that engine or the sedan’s available six-speed manual gearbox in the Sport Wagon. To its cred- it, the wagon’s smooth and fluid five- speed automatic won’t shift until the driver tells it to when its in manual over- ride mode. But I have to believe the six- speed manual could wring even more performance and better mileage out of the engine. In addition to a bit more low- end power, I wish the TSX were avail- able with all-wheel drive. But there’s lit- tle else I’d ask for from Acura’s TSX Sport Wagon. It’s the type of vehicle that could help bring America’s past of utili- tarian station wagons back to the future. a collision at speeds up to 19 mph with vehicles in front that stop suddenly – seem so 2010 by comparison. And the new S60 T6 AWD is so far beyond its Volvo ancestors that it can be considered a new branch sprout- ing from the family tree. If this first model produced since Volvo was acquired by China’s Geely Holding Group is any indication, I can’t wait to see what else grows on that branch. Acura TSX FROM PAGE 1 NORTHEAST PA TOP JOBS The following companies are hiring: Your company name will be listed on the front page of The Times Leader Classifieds the first day your ad appears on timesleader.com Northeast PA Top Jobs. For more information contact The Times Leader sales consultant in your area at 570-829-7130. Meadows Nursing & Rehabilitation Center GWC Warranty Wyoming Valley West School District We Need Your Help! Anonymous Tip Line 1-888-796-5519 Luzerne County Sheriff’s Office TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 3D K E N P OL L OCK N IS S A N THE NUM BER 1NIS S AN DEAL ER IN THE NE AND C ENTRAL PA REGIO N 229 M UN DY S TRE E T W IL K E S -BA RRE , P A . 1-8 66-70 4-0 672 K E N P OL L OCK w w w.ke n polloc kn is s a n .c om N IS S A N Th e #1 N is s a n De a le rin N .E. PA *Ta x a nd Ta g a d d itio na l. Prio rSa les Ex c lu d ed . N o tR es po ns ib le fo rTypo gra phic a l Erro rs . All Lea s es 12 k M iles PerYea rw / 1s t pa ym ent, ta gs & fees d u e a td elivery. All reb a tes & inc entives a pplied . **0 % APR in lieu o f reb a tes . As k fo rd eta ils . YO UR NO M O NEY DO W N L EAS ING DEAL ER! S C AN HERE FO R S ERVIC E S PEC IAL S T H E T E N T S A R E U P A N D P R I C E S A R E D O W N Annual Tent Sale P ER M O. ** 2011 NISSAN MAXIMA 3.5S SEDAN 2011 NISSAN MAXIMA 3.5S SEDAN $0 D ow n L e a s e STK# N19810 M O DEL# 16111 V6, CVT , A/ C, S u n ro o f, PW , PDL , Allo ys , Pw r S ea t, F lo o rM a ts & S p la s h Gu a rd s ! M SR P $31,910 B U Y FOR $ 27,995 * w / $1000 Rebate + TAX P ER M O. $ 319 * OR L EAS E FOR *39 M o n th L ea s e; 12,000 M iles PerY ea r; Res id u a l= $18,826; M u s tb e a p p ro ved thru NM AC @ T ier1; $0 ca s h d o w n o rtra d e eq u ity & regis tra tio n fees . $1,000 L ea s e Reb a te in clu d ed . $581.00 d u e a t d elivery in clu d es 1s tm o n th p ym ta n d ta g fees . S a le p rice p lu s ta x & ta gs in clu d es $1000 reb a te. P ER M O. ** 2011 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 SDN SPECIAL EDITION 2011 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 SDN SPECIAL EDITION STK# N20139 M O DEL# 13111 4 Cyl, CVT , A/ C, AM / F M / CD, Allo ys , F o g L ights , S p o iler, All Po w er, F lo o rM a ts & S p la s h Gu a rd s ! M SR P $23,890 B U Y FOR $ 20 ,795 * w / $1250 Rebate or $500 NM A C C ash & 0% + 60 m os in lieu of rebate + TAX P ER M O. $ 239 * OR L EAS E FOR *39 M o n th L ea s e; 12,000 M iles PerY ea r; Res id u a l= $13,617; M u s tb e a p p ro ved thru NM AC @ T ier1; $0 ca s h d o w n o rtra d e eq u ity & regis tra tio n fees . $0 L ea s e Reb a te in clu d ed . $470 d u e a td elivery in clu d es 1s tm o n th p ym ta n d regis tra tio n fees . S a le p rice p lu s ta x & ta gs in clu d es $1250 reb a te. $0 D ow n L e a s e 16 S p e c ia l Ed ition s Ava ila b le ! P ER M O. ** 2011 NISSAN FRONTIER SV 4X4 CREW CAB 2011 NISSAN FRONTIER SV 4X4 CREW CAB $0 D ow n L e a s e M SR P $29,595 B U Y FOR $ 24,695 * includes $3000 Rebate + TAX P ER M O. $ 329 * OR L EAS E FOR *39 M o n th L ea s e; 12,000 M iles PerY ea r; Res id u a l= $17,461; M u s tb e a p p ro ved thru NM AC @ T ier1; $0 ca s h d o w n o rtra d e eq u ity & regis tra tio n fees . $0 L ea s e Reb a te in clu d ed . $562.00 d u e a td elivery in clu d es 1s tm o n th p ym ta n d ta g fees . S a le p rice p lu s ta x & ta gs In clu d es $3000 Reb a te. 5 M a xim a s @ This P ric e ! STK# N20364 M O DEL# 32411 V6, Au to , Prem iu m Utility Pkg, PW , PDL , AM / F M / CD, Cru is e, T ilt, Allo yW heels , F lo o rM a ts ! 10 Fron tie rs Ava ila b le ! P ER M O. ** 2011 NISSAN ROGUE SV w/ SL PKG 2011 NISSAN ROGUE SV w/ SL PKG STK# N20275 M O DEL# 22411 4 Cyl, CVT , L ea ther, Na viga tio n , Ba ck-Up Ca m era , Bo s e S o u n d , Allo ys , S p la s h Gu a rd s & F lo o rM a ts !! M SR P $26,695 B U Y FOR $ 23,8 95 * w / $500 NM A C C ash & 2.9% For 60 M os! + TAX P ER M O. $ 349 * OR L EAS E FOR *39 M o n th L ea s e; 12,000 M iles PerY ea r; Res id u a l= $16,629; M u s tb e a p p ro ved thru NM AC @ T ier1; $0 ca s h d o w n o rtra d e eq u ity & regis tra tio n fees . $1,000 L ea s e Reb a te in clu d ed . $623 d u e a td elivery in clu d es 1s t m o n th p ym t& ta g fees . S a le p rice p lu s ta x & ta gs in clu d es $500 NM AC Ca s h. 15 S L R ogu e s Ava ila b le ! TO P $$$FO R YO UR TRADE 0% APR AVAIL ABL E** P ER M O. ** 2011 NISSAN MURANO “S” AWD 2011 NISSAN MURANO “S” AWD STK# N19771 M O DEL# 23211 V6, CVT , A/ C, PW , PDL , Cru is e, T ilt, F lo o rM a ts & S p la s h Gu a rd s M SR P $31,540 B U Y FOR $ 27,995 * w / $500 Rebate or G et 1.9% + 60 m os or 2.9% + 72 m os in lieu of rebate + TAX P ER M O. $ 359 * OR L EAS E FOR *39 M o n th L ea s e; 12,000 M iles PerY ea r; Res id u a l= $17,347; M u s tb e a p p ro ved thru NM AC @ T ier1; $0 ca s h d o w n o rtra d e eq u ity & regis tra tio n fees . $750 L ea s e Reb a te in clu d ed . $621.00 d u e a td elivery in clu d es 1s tm o n th p ym ta n d ta g fees . S a le p rice p lu s ta x & ta gs in clu d es $500 reb a te. $0 D ow n L e a s e $0 D ow n L e a s e 25 M u ra n os Ava ila b le P ER M O. ** 2011 NISSAN CUBE 1.8 SL 2011 NISSAN CUBE 1.8 SL STK# N20295 M O DEL# 21211 4 CY L , CVT , Allo ys , Preferred Pkg, Na viga tio n , In terio rDes ign , Ba ck-Up Ca m era , All Po w er F lo o rM a ts & S p la s h Gu a rd s M SR P $20,940 B U Y FOR $ 19,495 * *S a le p rice p lu s ta x & ta gs in clu d es $0 reb a te. 6 Cu b e s Ava ila b le ! $0 D ow n L e a s e P ER M O. ** 2011 NISSAN X-TERRA S 4X4 2011 NISSAN X-TERRA S 4X4 STK# N20189 M O DEL# 24011 4 Cyl, CVT , L ea ther, Na viga tio n , Ba ck-Up Ca m era , Bo s e S o u n d , Allo ys , S p la s h Gu a rd s & F lo o rM a ts !! M SR P $29,320 B U Y FOR $ 25,495 * w / $2000 Rebate *S a le p rice p lu s ta x & ta gs in clu d es $2000 Reb a te. 6 X - Te rra s Ava ila b le $0 D ow n L e a s e 2011 NISSAN TITAN 2011 NISSAN TITAN SV 4X4 CREW CAB SV 4X4 CREW CAB ONLY ONE!! ONLY ONE!! SPECIAL KEN POLLOCK SPECIAL KEN POLLOCK ALL TERRAIN EDITION! ALL TERRAIN EDITION! STK# N19917 M O DEL# 36411 V8, Au to m a tic, A/ C, All Po w er, Pro -Co m p 6” S u s p L ift w / W a rra n ty, Pro -Co m p Chro m e W heels , Pro -Co m p T ires , Cu s to m Pa in ted F la res , Aw es o m e T ru ck! M SR P $47,050 B U Y FOR $ 38 ,995 * w / $3500 Rebate *S a le p rice p lu s ta x & ta gs in clu d es $3500 Reb a te. PAGE 4D SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com *ALL PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG, & TITLE. FINANCING AVAILABLE WITH APPROVED CREDIT. PRIOR SALES EXCLUDED. DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. WARRANTY ON SELECT MAKES AND MODELS. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. UNITS MAY BE SOLD PRIOR TO PRINTING. OFFERS EXPIRE 05/31/11. Call 1.866.356.9383 MotorWorld Drive, Just Off Interstate 81, Wilkes-Barre Cc|| ¡e|| Free 1·8óó·35ó·º383 º MeIerWer|d Drìve 1usI O|| |nIersIcIe 81, Wì|kes·8crre SHOP 24/7 @ MOTORWORLDGROUP.COM SALES HOURS MON – FRI: 9AM-8PM SAT: 9AM-5PM SUN: OPEN FOR OUTDOOR BROWSING NOON-5PM STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: K11833A H26171A P14809B K11889A L11157A T26956A K11898A M7824A CH5396A T27950A H26310A K11906A DP15253 H26396A H25638A CH5394A H26363B H26304A T26966A T27451A H26362A A10764A K11632B T27877A H26441A H26053A L11133A B9027B CH5398A H25603A H26457A CP15174 H25899A KP15216 P15214 T27498A TP15235 J4558A H25664A K11916A T27987A M7758A TP15207 T27788A D0194A J4567A A10725A H26118A T27677A H25659A H26325B J4539A H25755A L11063A JP15132 H26246A H26177A P15213 T27622A T27346A J4513A T27979A J4502A T27602B T27158B H26455A H25760A H26122A HP15148 H26370A T27415A DP15244 DP15245 H25977A H26104A H26073A T27878A T27706A CP15135 H26183B T27805A H26328A H25563A A10710B H26353A T27985A H26184A D0183A T27960A L11180A H25961A T27075A K11706A KP15215 H26340A BP15177A T27791A H26233A H26065B BS0322A JP15250 A10729A T27946A P15254 H26289A T27682A J4420A AP15222A H26186A K11830A T27820A H26389A 2003 2000 2006 2005 2003 2005 2004 2008 2006 2007 2005 2008 2005 2008 2007 2006 2010 2008 2009 2007 2008 2009 2004 2008 2007 2007 2003 2007 2008 2008 2008 2010 2007 2010 2008 2009 2009 2004 2008 2008 2010 2008 2009 2009 2008 2007 2008 2008 2007 2007 2009 2008 2007 2006 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2008 2006 2007 2005 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2010 2010 2007 2007 2008 2005 2008 2007 2010 2008 2007 2007 2004 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2005 2008 2009 2010 2011 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2006 2008 2006 2008 2009 2006 2008 2008 2010 2007 2006 2007 2008 Hyundai.... 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Honda....... Toyota....... Toyota....... Chrysler.... Honda....... GMC.......... Honda....... Honda....... Toyota....... Toyota....... Toyota....... Honda....... Dodge....... Toyota....... Lexus........ Honda....... VW............. Ford........... Hyundai.... Lexus........ Honda....... Toyota....... Ford........... Hyundai.... Lexus........ Jeep.......... BMW......... Mazda....... Subaru...... Honda....... Honda....... Honda....... Honda....... Honda....... Toyota....... Toyota....... Honda....... 4dr Sdn GLS Manual ......................... 4dr Sdn GS ........................................ 4dr Sdn 2.3........................................ 4dr Sdn GT Auto................................ 2dr Cpe LS......................................... 4dr Sdn LE Auto................................. 4dr GLS 4WD Auto 2.7L V6............... 2dr Cpe S........................................... 2dr 2.5L Manual ................................ 4dr Wgn Touring................................ 4dr Laredo 4WD................................ FWD 4dr LT........................................ 4dr GLS 4WD 3.5L Auto.................... 5dr Wgn Auto XR .............................. 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 2dr Cpe Standard .............................. 2dr Cpe SE......................................... 4dr Auto LX........................................ 4dr Sdn Auto LE................................. 4dr Sdn XL......................................... 4dr Man LX........................................ 4dr Sdn I4 SE FWD............................ 4dr Auto............................................. 4dr Auto LX........................................ 2dr AT EX........................................... 4WD 4dr AT EX.................................. 4dr Sdn.............................................. 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 4dr Sdn Touring FWD........................ 4dr Auto LX........................................ 4dr Auto LX........................................ 4dr Sdn Limited................................. 4WD 4dr Auto S................................ ........................................................... ........................................................... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. Ext Cab 143.5” WB 4WD LS ............. 4dr Auto EX ....................................... 4dr Sdn V6 Auto SE........................... 2dr Auto LX........................................ 4WD 4dr XLS..................................... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. AWD 4dr LS....................................... 4WD 4dr Laredo................................ 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 4dr I4 Auto EX ................................... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl Limited ...................... 4WD 5dr EX....................................... 4dr Auto LX........................................ 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 4WD 5dr EX....................................... 4dr Sdn.............................................. 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 4WD 5dr LX....................................... 4WD 4dr V6....................................... ........................................................... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 4dr Base 4-cyl 4WD.......................... 4WD 4dr Limited............................... Supercab 133” XLT 4WD................... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 4dr I4 Auto EX ................................... 4dr I4 Auto EX-L PZEV....................... ........................................................... 5dr HB................................................ AWD 4dr SXT.................................... 4dr Sdn SXT....................................... 4dr Sdn SXT....................................... 4WD 5dr EX-L.................................... 4WD 5dr EX-L.................................... 4dr V6 Auto EX-L............................... 4dr V6 4WD Limited w/3rd Row....... Dbl 4.7L V8 5-Spd AT SR5................. 4dr Sdn 300C RWD........................... 4WD 5dr Auto LX .............................. 4WD 4dr SLE1................................... 4WD 5dr EX....................................... 4WD 5dr EX....................................... 4dr SR5 V8 Auto 4WD....................... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT.................... 5dr 7-Passenger Van LE AWD........... 4WD 5dr EX....................................... 4WD Mega Cab 160.5” SLT.............. 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT Ltd.............. 4dr Sdn.............................................. 4WD 5dr EX-L.................................... 4dr Wgn SE ....................................... 2dr Cpe Premium............................... 4dr Sdn 2.4L Auto GLS...................... 4dr Sdn.............................................. 4WD 5dr EX-L.................................... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl Sport.......................... 2dr Conv Deluxe................................ AWD 4dr Auto GLS ........................... 4dr Sdn.............................................. 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 325i 4dr Sdn RWD............................. 2dr Conv PRHT Auto Touring............. ........................................................... RTS AT............................................... 4WD 5dr Auto EX.............................. 4WD 5dr EX-L w/Navi....................... 4WD 5dr LX....................................... 4WD 4dr EX....................................... 4dr Sdn Limited................................. 4WD 4dr V6 Limited.......................... 4WD 4dr VP....................................... Elantra......... GrandMarquis Milan........... Elantra......... Monte Carlo Camry ......... Santa Fe...... Focus........... New Beetle . PT Cruiser... GrandChero HHR............. Santa Fe...... Matrix.......... Camry ......... Mustang...... Focus........... Civic ............ Corolla ........ Avalon......... Civic ............ Fusion ......... RAV4 ........... Civic ............ Civic ............ Element....... GS 300 ........ Compass..... Sebring ....... Civic ............ Civic ............ Sebring ....... Xterra.......... Sonata......... Altima ......... Camry ......... Camry ......... Silverado1500 Civic ............ Sonata......... Civic ............ Outlander.... Camry ......... Camry ......... Endeavor .... GrandChero Camry ......... Accord......... RAV4 ........... CR-V............ Civic ............ Liberty......... CR-V............ ES 330......... Liberty......... CR-V............ Mariner ....... Altima ......... Camry ......... Camry ......... Liberty......... RAV4 ........... Liberty......... F-150............ Camry ......... Liberty......... Accord......... Accord......... Accord......... Prius............ Journey....... Avenger ...... Avenger ...... CR-V............ CR-V............ Accord......... Highlander.. Tundra 4WD 300-Series... Element....... Envoy.......... CR-V............ CR-V............ 4Runner ...... RAV4 ........... Sienna......... CR-V............ Ram 1500.... RAV4 ........... ES 330......... CR-V............ Routan ........ Mustang...... Sonata......... ES 330......... CR-V............ RAV4 ........... Mustang...... Santa Fe...... ES 330......... Liberty......... 3-Series....... MX-5 Miata. Impreza....... Ridgeline..... Element....... CR-V............ CR-V............ Pilot ............. Avalon......... RAV4 ........... Pilot ............. 39,969 35,466 68,535 69,910 52,039 67,434 85,649 45,966 40,542 24,802 70,722 53,997 49,819 61,988 44,326 46,467 39,233 30,041 33,842 42,738 46,117 42,405 65,591 26,385 15,558 56,262 57,067 59,732 18,008 33,011 28,674 24,973 65,037 26,861 37,675 12,394 32,059 79,104 45,453 29,542 19,143 40,232 23,755 23,987 41,089 47,201 39,412 20,651 56,948 52,311 22,078 28,610 32,978 54,703 29,605 28,571 23,676 35,986 24,930 34,098 27,749 39,878 46,140 69,185 40,522 38,583 21,693 24,073 32,207 34,820 53,116 17,470 18,141 47,834 35,158 32,704 64,256 71,440 39,233 21,335 44,468 19,479 27,940 50,988 19,811 54,187 30,341 55,974 45,728 44,758 46,857 21,595 23,110 14,767 50,341 44,842 47,276 33,367 48,539 58,841 29,691 52,090 19,680 35,279 50,771 57,462 48,864 10,326 39,473 56,998 47,581 35,088 MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES $8,989 $8,995 $9,989 $9,995 $10,989 $11,195 $11,489 $11,989 $11,995 $12,989 $12,995 $13,489 $13,989 $13,989 $14,100 $14,489 $14,489 $14,595 $14,795 $14,800 $14,989 $14,989 $14,989 $14,995 $14,999 $15,200 $15,489 $15,489 $15,999 $15,999 $15,999 $16,395 $16,489 $16,995 $17,095 $17,395 $17,395 $17,489 $17,499 $17,979 $17,979 $17,995 $17,995 $17,995 $17,995 $17,995 $17,999 $18,295 $18,295 $18,499 $18,499 $18,795 $18,995 $18,995 $18,995 $18,995 $18,995 $18,995 $18,995 $18,995 $18,995 $18,995 $18,999 $18,999 $18,999 $18,999 $19,095 $19,195 $19,195 $19,479 $19,499 $19,499 $19,499 $19,795 $19,895 $19,965 $19,989 $19,995 $19,995 $19,995 $19,995 $19,995 $19,995 $19,995 $19,995 $19,999 $20,295 $20,295 $20,479 $20,489 $20,499 $20,499 $20,499 $20,499 $20,499 $20,499 $20,499 $20,499 $20,499 $20,499 $20,499 $20,499 $20,499 $20,499 $20,499 $20,499 $20,900 $20,979 $20,995 $20,995 $20,995 $20,995 STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: STK: T27892A JP15255 H25918A P15243 D0308A CP15257 J4543A T27642A H26263A P15164 CP15175 H25980A H26326A T27123A H25661A TP15236 A10687A H26295A DP15246 A10766A K11794A JP15256 B9055A H25653A H25556A H26123A T27703A H26324A AP15205 T27867A DP15200 H26377A D0282A H26115A CP15249 DP15178 T27376A T27738A P15179 T27976A A10664A H26099A L11033B L11140A B8782B L11148B L11174B H25996A A10695A T27392A K11896A L11203A H26453A H26106A A10548A T27895A T27948A T27694A L11034A A10702A H24986A L11127A T27626A L11108A L11156A T27909A H26381A L11175A T27766A H26120A T27776A LP15225 T27531A B9062A A10768A JP15232 S0675A BP15057A JP15247 JP15248 T27983A M7813A BS0325 T27569A L11017A L11149A L11126A AP15239 T27961A A10750A AP15242 A10755A H26402A L11125A L11178A BP15119 L11186A TP15218 BP15102 BP15153 BP15121 BP15152 C3390A T27847A A10688A P15127 L11183A T27671A L10953B H26002A LP15237 B9034A 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2008 2007 2007 2010 2008 2007 2008 2009 2008 2007 2008 2010 2007 2008 2008 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2010 2010 2008 2006 2008 2010 2010 2008 2008 2010 2009 2007 2008 2008 2007 2010 2006 2007 2010 2008 2010 2009 2010 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2008 2009 2008 2008 2010 2008 2008 2008 2010 2008 2010 2010 2008 2008 2010 2010 2008 2011 2010 2008 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2011 2009 2009 2008 2008 2010 2007 2008 2009 2008 2009 2009 2008 2009 2010 2007 2008 2008 2008 2009 2010 2008 2008 2007 2008 2010 2010 2009 2010 Ford........... Jeep.......... Honda....... Nissan....... Chrysler.... Chrysler.... Jeep.......... Honda....... Honda....... Cadillac..... Chrysler.... Honda....... Honda....... Toyota....... Honda....... Toyota....... Acura........ Honda....... Dodge....... Toyota....... Jeep.......... Jeep.......... Toyota....... Honda....... Honda....... Honda....... Honda....... Honda....... Acura........ Ford........... Dodge....... Honda....... Dodge....... Honda....... Chrysler.... Dodge....... Toyota....... Toyota....... Chevrolet. Nissan....... Lexus........ Honda....... Cadillac..... Lexus........ Chevrolet. Lexus........ Lexus........ Toyota....... Lincoln...... Toyota....... Honda....... Toyota....... Chevrolet. Ford........... Chevrolet. Lincoln...... Honda....... Toyota....... Lexus........ Honda....... Honda....... Lexus........ Dodge....... Lexus........ Lexus........ Chevrolet. Ford........... Lexus........ Toyota....... Nissan....... Toyota....... Lexus........ Toyota....... Honda....... GMC.......... Jeep.......... Chevrolet. Volvo......... Jeep.......... Jeep.......... Toyota....... Chevrolet. MB............. Chevrolet. Lexus........ Lexus........ Lexus........ Acura........ Toyota....... Acura........ Acura........ Nissan....... Acura........ Lexus........ Lexus........ MB............. Lexus........ Audi .......... MB............. MB............. MB............. MB............. BMW......... Toyota....... Lexus........ Cadillac..... Lexus........ Toyota....... MB............. BMW......... Lexus........ MB............. 4WD 4dr V6 Auto XLT ....................... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 4WD 4dr VP....................................... 4dr Sdn V6 CVT 3.5 SE...................... 4dr Wgn Touring................................ 4dr Wgn Touring................................ 4WD 4dr Limited............................... 4WD 4dr EX....................................... 4WD 5dr EX-L.................................... 4dr Sdn Luxury I................................. 4dr Wgn Touring................................ 4WD 5dr EX....................................... 4WD 4dr EXL..................................... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT Ltd.............. 4dr V6 Auto EX-L............................... 4dr Sdn.............................................. AWD 4dr............................................ 4WD 4dr EX....................................... 4dr Wgn SXT..................................... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl Limited ...................... 4WD 4dr Limited............................... 4WD 4dr Laredo................................ 4WD 4dr Auto ................................... 4WD 4dr SE....................................... 4WD 4dr SE....................................... 4WD 4dr SE....................................... 4WD 4dr SE....................................... 5dr EX................................................ 4dr Sdn Auto ..................................... 4WD 4dr XLT ..................................... 4WD Crew Cab Bighorn/Lonestar..... 4WD 4dr SE....................................... 4dr Mega Cab 160.5 4WD SLT.......... 4WD 4dr EX-L.................................... 4dr Wgn Touring................................ 4WD Crew Cab Bighorn/Lonestar..... Dbl 5.7L V8 6-Spd AT SR5................. Dbl 5.7L V8 6-Spd AT Grade.............. 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LT..................... 4WD Crew Cab SWB Auto SE .......... 4dr Sdn.............................................. 4WD Crew Cab RTL w/Lthr............... AWD 4dr V6 ...................................... 4dr Sdn.............................................. 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LS .................... 4dr Sport Sdn Auto............................ 4dr Sport Sdn Auto AWD.................. 4WD 4dr V6 5-Spd AT Ltd................. AWD 4dr............................................ 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT Ltd.............. 4WD 4dr EX....................................... 4dr Sdn Limited................................. 4WD Ext Cab 134.0” Work Truck *Ltd Avail*.... 4WD SuperCab 158” FX4.................. 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LTZ................... AWD 4dr............................................ 4WD Crew Cab RTL........................... Dbl 5.7L V8 6-Spd AT Grade.............. 4dr Sdn.............................................. 4WD 4dr EXL..................................... 5dr EX-L w/RES................................. 4dr Sdn.............................................. 4WD Quad Cab 140.5” SLT............... 4dr Sdn.............................................. 4dr Sdn.............................................. 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LT w/1LT.......... 4WD SuperCab 145” STX ................. 4dr Sdn.............................................. 4dr Wgn I4 AWD............................... 4WD 4dr V6 LE.................................. 5dr 7-Pass Van XLE Ltd AWD............ 4dr Sdn.............................................. 4WD 4dr V6 Base.............................. 4WD 5dr EX-L w/Navi....................... AWD 4dr SLT1................................... 4WD 4dr Laredo................................ 4WD Crew Cab 143.5” LS................. 4dr Wgn w/Snrf ................................ 4WD 4dr Laredo................................ 4WD 4dr Laredo................................ 5dr 7-Pass Van XLE FWD .................. 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LT..................... 4dr Sdn 3.0L Sport 4MATIC............... 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LT..................... AWD 4dr............................................ 4dr Sport Sdn Auto AWD.................. AWD 4dr............................................ 4dr Sdn Auto Type-S ......................... 4WD 4dr V6 SE.................................. 4WD 4dr Sport Pkg............................ 4dr Sdn Auto Type-S ......................... AWD 4dr LE....................................... 4WD 4dr Tech Pkg............................. AWD 4dr............................................ AWD 4dr............................................ 4dr 3.5L 4MATIC................................ AWD 4dr............................................ 2dr Cpe Man quattro 2.0L Premium Plus.. 4MATIC 4dr 4.7L................................ 4MATIC 4dr 3.5L................................ 4dr 3.5L 4MATIC................................ 4MATIC 4dr 3.5L................................ AWD 4dr 30i...................................... 4WD 4dr V6 Limited.......................... 4WD 4dr ............................................ AWD 4dr............................................ 4dr Sdn.............................................. 4WD 4dr LV8 6-Spd AT Ltd................ 4MATIC 4dr 3.5L................................ AWD 4dr 30i...................................... 4dr Sdn AWD .................................... 4MATIC 4dr 5.5L................................ Escape......... Liberty......... Pilot ............. Altima ......... T&C............. T&C............. GrandChero Pilot ............. CR-V............ DTS ............. T&C............. CR-V............ Pilot ............. RAV4 ........... Accord......... CamryHybrid RDX............. Pilot ............. GrandCaravan RAV4 ........... Commander GrandChero FJ Cruiser.... Pilot ............. Pilot ............. Pilot ............. Pilot ............. Odyssey...... TL ................ Escape......... Dakota......... Pilot ............. Ram 2500.... Pilot ............. T&C............. Dakota......... Tundra 4WD Tundra 4WD Silverado1500 Frontier ....... ES 350......... Ridgeline..... SRX............. ES 350......... Silverado1500 IS 350 .......... IS 250 .......... RAV4 ........... MKX............ RAV4 ........... Pilot ............. Avalon......... Silverado1500 SprDutyF-250. Silverado1500 MKX............ Ridgeline..... Tundra 4WD ES 350......... Pilot ............. Odyssey...... ES 350......... Ram 1500.... ES 350......... ES 350......... Silver2500HD F-150............ ES 350......... Venza........... Pathfinder ... Sienna......... ES 350......... Highlander.. AccrdCrosstour Acadia......... GrandChero Silverado1500 XC70............ GrandChero GrandChero Sienna......... Silverado1500 C-Class........ Silverado1500 RX 350......... IS 250 .......... RX 350......... TL ................ Highlander.. MDX............ TL ................ Murano....... MDX............ RX 350......... RX 350......... R-Class........ RX 350......... A5................ GL-Class ...... M-Class....... R-Class........ M-Class....... X3................ 4Runner ...... GX 470 ........ Escalade...... LS 460 ......... Sequoia....... R-Class........ X5................ LS 460 ......... GL-Class ...... MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES MILES $20,999 $20,999 $21,479 $21,499 $21,499 $21,499 $21,875 $21,900 $21,979 $21,995 $21,995 $21,995 $21,995 $21,995 $21,995 $21,995 $21,999 $22,275 $22,479 $22,479 $22,499 $22,499 $22,595 $22,895 $22,895 $22,900 $22,995 $22,995 $22,999 $22,999 $23,400 $23,499 $23,499 $23,499 $23,499 $23,595 $23,995 $24,600 $24,995 $24,995 $24,999 $25,995 $25,995 $25,995 $25,995 $26,479 $26,499 $26,950 $26,995 $26,995 $27,479 $27,499 $27,499 $27,499 $27,995 $27,995 $27,995 $27,995 $28,479 $28,479 $28,479 $28,979 $28,995 $28,995 $29,479 $29,499 $29,499 $29,499 $29,979 $29,995 $29,995 $29,995 $29,995 $29,995 $29,995 $30,495 $30,499 $30,499 $30,979 $30,979 $31,479 $31,499 $31,895 $31,995 $31,995 $31,995 $31,995 $31,995 $32,195 $32,479 $32,479 $33,499 $33,979 $34,479 $34,979 $34,995 $34,995 $35,499 $35,995 $35,995 $36,479 $36,995 $37,499 $38,995 $39,950 $39,995 $40,479 $42,495 $44,995 $45,995 $49,479 $77,479 23,870 32,636 32,721 36,106 44,445 44,787 52,552 35,013 31,772 31,363 17,933 32,684 51,202 26,864 28,972 18,432 46,680 32,049 26,203 34,442 60,057 42,709 42,948 31,247 34,157 38,604 45,038 14,799 29,753 30,966 13,123 50,648 61,835 54,276 24,665 12,321 62,285 41,984 21,185 19,582 42,416 20,439 35,319 18,905 6,691 46,809 46,239 13,017 31,903 9,438 27,032 24,654 11,684 51,841 34,286 29,326 21,548 35,571 31,761 39,561 33,319 26,270 37,344 15,710 29,967 19,269 6,866 33,950 10,590 9,592 38,265 22,761 15,950 12,568 28,824 15,821 4,275 34,206 14,138 14,422 21,438 13,714 13,001 1,932 30,245 12,011 30,174 21,301 18,492 41,865 38,182 16,333 36,667 24,613 34,832 25,472 30,806 31,760 29,502 25,172 31,982 24,282 11,080 15,603 19,709 32,519 26,277 15,288 14,493 21,554 25,773 14,023 Pre-Owned Superstore 14 Brands p Pre-Owned Sup 14 Brands OVER 300 VEHICLES IN STOCK ON A 77 ACRE CAMPUS MODELS 20 MPG or Better!! MODELS 30 MPG or Better!! MODELS 40 MPG or Better!! 180 46 7 BRANDS 14 “70% of Cars in Stock – Only 1 Owner” “Free Carfax available on Every Vehicle” TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 5D 412 Autos for Sale ACME AUTO SALES 343-1959 1009 Penn Ave Scranton 18509 Across from Scranton Prep GOOD CREDIT, BAD CREDIT, NO CREDIT Call Our Auto Credit Hot Line to get Pre-approved for a Car Loan! 800-825-1609 www.acmecarsales.net 07 CHYSLER 300C Hemi, AWD, Slate grey, grey int 06 CHYSLER 300 BLACK, AUTO, V6 06 PONTIAC G-6 Silver, 4dr, auto 05 FORD 500 AWD, grey, 4dr, V6 05JAGUAR X-TYPE 3.0, hunter green, tan leather (AWD) 05 CHEVY MALIBU green, 4 door, auto 03 HYUNDAI ACCENT White, 4 door, 4cyl. 66,000 miles 04 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER GT, slvr,blk lthr, auto, sunroof 01 NISSAN ALTIMA 4 dr, slvr, auto, 4cyl 01 AUDI S8 QUATRO Burg./tan lthr., Nav., 360 HP, AWD 01 AUDI A8 L cashmere beige, tan lthr., nav., AWD 00 NISSAN ALTIMA GXE Blue/grey leather, auto, 4cyl. 00 MERCEDES-BENZ S-430 slvr/blck lthr., 64,000 miles 00 SUBARU OUTBACK STATION WAGON, AWD (Burgundy/tan leather, sunroof) 98 HONDA CIVIC EX, 2 dr, auto, silver 77 Pontiac Firebird Black V6, T-Tops 73 VW BEETLE CONV. olympic blu, blck top, 4 speed SUVS, VANS, TRUCKS, 4 X4’s 08 CADILLAC ESCALADE Blk/Blk leather, 3rd seat, Navgtn, 4x4 07 CHEVY EQUINOX LT grey, V6 AWD 07 DODGE NITRO SXT, garnet red, V6, 4x4 06 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN ES, red, 4dr, entrtnmt cntr, 7 pass mini van 06 JEEP COMMANDER Slvr, 3rd seat, 4x4 06 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT, quad cab, hemi, blk, 4 dr., 4x4 06 DAKOTA QUAD CAB SLT, silver, auto., V6, 4x4 06 JEEP LIBERTY SPORT white, V6, 4x4 05 MAZDA TRIBUTE S, green, auto, V6, 4x4 05 GMC SIERRA X-Cab, blk, auto, 4x4 truck 05 MERCURY MOUNT- AINEER PREMIUM, Silver, black leather, 3rd seat, AWD 05 CHEVY EQUINOX Silver, 4 door, 4x4 05 FORD EXPLORER XLT, white 4 door 4x4 04CHEVY SUBURBAN LS, pewter silver, 3rd seat, 4x4 04 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO, Special Edition. Grey, sunroof, 4x4 04 CHEVY TRAILBLAZ ER, seafoam grn/tan lthr., 4x4 04 GMC ENVOY XUV slvr., 4 dr., V6, 4x4 04 DODGE DURANGO LIMITED, Sandstone, tan leather, 3rd seat, 4x4 04 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS, white, V6, 4x4 04 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO gold, 4 dr., V6, 4x4 03 FORD WINDSTAR LX, green, 4 door, entertainment sys. 7 pass. minivan 03 CHEVY 1500, V8, X-cab, white, 4x4 02 DODGE RAM 1500 Quad Cab, SLT, Red auto 4x4 truck 02 MERCURY MOUNT- AINEER PREMIUM, white, tan leather, 3rd seat, 4x4 02 MAZDA TRIBUTE White, auto, 4x4 01 DODGE RAM 1500 regular cab, 4x4, with cap 98 FORD F-150, regular cab pick up green, auto 4x4 98 FORD RANGER, Flairside, reg cap truck, 5 spd, 4x4 copper CADILLAC ‘06 STS AWD, 6 cylinder, Sil- ver, 52,600 miles, sunroof, heated seats, Bose sound system, 6 CD changer, satellite radio, Onstar, park- ing assist, remote keyless entry, elec- tronic keyless igni- tion, & more! $17,600 570-881-2775 CADILLAC `04 SEVILLE SLS Beige. Fully loaded Excellent condition. Runs great. New rotors, new brakes. Just serviced. 108,000 miles. Ask- ing $8,000. (570) 709-8492 CHEVROLET `05 TAHOE Z71 Silver birch with grey leather interior, 3rd row seating, rear A/C & heat, 4WD automatic with traction control, 5.3l engine, moonroof, rear DVD player. Bose stereo + many more options. Imm- aculate condition. 76,000 adult driven miles. $15,600. Call (570) 378-2886 & ask for Joanne CHRYSLER `02 PT CRUISER Inferno Red, flame design. Chrome wheels. 47,000 miles, one owner. Looks and runs great. New inspec- tion. $5,800 Call (570) 472-1854 412 Autos for Sale CHEVROLET `86 CORVETTE 4x3 manual, 3 over- drive, 350 engine with aluminum heads. LT-1 exhaust system. White with red pearls. Custom flames in flake. New tires & hubs. 1 owner. 61,000 origi- nal miles. $8,500 (570) 359-3296 Ask for Les CHEVROLET ‘06 CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE Silver beauty, 1 Owner, Museum quality. 4,900 miles, 6 speed. All possible options including Naviga- tion, Power top. New, paid $62,000 Must sell $45,900 570-299-9370 CHRYSLER `07 300 55,600 miles, auto- matic, 4 door, anti- lock brakes, air con- ditioning, air bags, all power, AM/FM radio, CD player, new new brakes. $10,900. 570-760-6983 CHRYSLER ‘00 CIRRUS LX 4 dr., 4 cyl., auto $1,850. DEALER FORD ‘97 EXPLORER 2 dr., 6 cyl., auto 4x4, $1,850 FORD ‘96 TAURUS 4 dr. 6 cyl., auto 98k. $1650 DEALER Current Inspection on all vehicles 570-825-8253 DODGE `01 STRATUS SE 4 door, automatic Power windows, seats & locks . V6, Asking $2,900. Call (570) 819-3140 or (570) 709-5677 FORD `04 MUSTANG Mach I, 40th ANNIVERSARY EDITION V8, Auto, 1,200 miles, all options, show room condi- tion. Call for info. Asking $24,995 Serious inquiries only. 570-636-3151 FORD `07 MUSTANG 63,000 highway miles, silver, runs great, $11,500. negotiable. 570-479-2482 FORD `07 MUSTANG GT Premium package, silver, black leather interior, 5 speed manual. 20,000 miles. $18,900 (570) 868-3832 FORD `98 TAURUS Gold. Good condi- tion Runs great. 87,000 miles, R- title, Recently inspected. $2,700. Call (570) 814-6198 FORD ‘02 FOCUS WAGON Low mileage, One owner $6,995 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 FORD ‘02 MUSTANG GT CONVERTIBLE Red with black top. 6,500 miles. One Owner. Excellent Condition. $18,500 570-760-5833 FORD ‘05 EXPLORER SPORT TRAC XLT 1/2 Ton, 4WD, automatic, V6 $15,992 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 HONDA `06 CIVIC EX 2 door, 5 speed, air, power windows & locks, sun roof, CD, cruise & alloys. Excellent condition, very well main- tained with service records, remaining Honda warranty. 65K, $10,500. 570-706-0921 HONDA `07 CIVIC EX. 34k miles. excellent condition, sunroof, alloys, a/c, cd, 1 owner, garage kept. $13,000. Call 570-760-0612 HONDA `07 CIVIC Sport SI. Red, with black interior, 75,000 miles. 6 speed, spoiler and body kit. Tinted win- dows, Reduced $11,900 (570) 714-0384 HYUNDAI `04 TIBURON GT Blue, 5 speed manual, CD, Air, factory alarm, power windows & locks. 38K. $7,500 negotiable. Call 570-540-6236 412 Autos for Sale VITO’S & GINO’S Wanted: Junk Cars & Trucks Highest Prices Paid!! FREE PICKUP 288-8995 HYUNDAI ‘11 SONATA GLS, automatic. Only 2,400 miles. $19,880 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 JEEP `04 GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED 4WD, 6 cylinder auto. Moonroof. Fully powered. New brakes & tires. 94,000 highway miles. $11,500 (570) 822-6334 ‘09 Yaris, 26K ‘08 Malibu LT ‘06 Civic EX, 62K ‘07 FJ Cruiser ‘06 F-150 XCab, 4x4 `04 F-150 Xcab, 4x2 `03 Windstar LX `03 Tacoma KELLY AUTO SALES 875 W. Market St. Kingston, PA. 570-287-2243 CARS 4x4’s/ Trucks All vehicles serviced & warrantied Say it HERE in the Classifieds! 570-829-7130 KIA `08 RONDO Maroon with beige interior. All options. 78,000 miles. Still under warranty. Received 60,000 mile servicing. New tires. KBB Value $8,500. Asking only $7,900. A Must See! (570) 457-0553 LANCE MOTORS 565 E. Main St. Plymouth, PA 570-779-1912 04 Nissan X-Terra $8995 02 Plymouth Grand Voyager $3995 02 Chevy 4x4 $5995 01 Pontiac Grand Am $3895 00 Ford F-150 4x2 $3995 00 Saturn Sedan $3195 99 Jeep Grand Cherokee $5495 99 Jeep Cherokee Red $3895 99 Chrysler Sebring LX, 78K $4495 99 Chevy Suburban, 4x4 $4495 95 Plymouth Acclaim $2495 93 Jeep Wrangler $3395 See Pictures On Our Website lancemotors.com LEXUS `95 ES 300 Beautiful, mint condition. Grey with leather interior. 2 owners.New brakes rotors & shocks. Ice cold AC. Fully loaded. 112K. Asking $4,900 (347) 452-3650 Mountain Top LEXUS `98 LS 400 Excellent condition, garage kept, 1 owner. Must see. Low mileage, 90K. Leather interior. All power. GPS naviga- tion, moon roof, cd changer. Loaded. Asking $10,000. Call 570-706-6156 LINCOLN `00 LS 1 owner. Low miles. V6, All leather. Ask- ing $5,800. Call (570) 819-3140 (570) 709-5677 LINCOLN`06 TOWN CAR LIMITED Fully loaded. 46,000 miles, Triple coated Pearlized White. Showroom condition. $18,900. 570-814-4926 or (570) 654-2596 WANTED! ALL JUNK CARS! CA$H PAID 570-301-3602 412 Autos for Sale MAZDA `04 RX-8 Hunter Green, 80,000 miles. New brakes & rotors. New alignment. Two new rear tires. No accidents. PRICE REDUCED $8,000 or best offer. For more information, call (570) 332-4213 MERCEDES `95 SL 500 Convertible. Low mileage. Hard top included. Leather interior. Excellent condition, fully loaded. $11,000. Call 619-884-2266 or 570-696-1271 MERCEDES BENZ `74 450 SE SOLID CAR! Interior perfect, exterior very good. Runs great! New tires, 68K original miles. $5,500 FIRM. 570-905-7389 Ask for Lee Rare, Exclusive Opportunity To Own... ‘26 FORD MODEL T Panel Delivery 100 point Concours quality restoration. Red with black fend- ers. Never Driven. 0 miles on restoration. RARE! $40,000 $38,000 $36,500 2002 BMW 745i The Flagship of the Fleet New - $87,000 Midnight Emerald with beige leather interior. 61K miles. Mint condition. Loaded. Garage Kept. Navigation Stunning, Must Sell! $20,000 $18,600 1993 CADILLAC ALANTE 2 Door Convertible Exquisite Candy Apple Red black soft top. 13,000 original miles. All available options, including gold alloy wheels. Garage Kept. 1 owner. Final Model Year. Gorgeous Automobile! $31,000 $29,900 $27,900 From an Exotic, Private Collection Call 570-650-0278 MERCEDES-BENZ `01 C-240 Loaded, automatic, AC, heated leather seats, 4 door. $4,700 Call 570-388-6535 To place your ad call...829-7130 MERCEDES-BENZ `05 240C 4Matic, V6 - Gray, 77K highway miles, Excellent condition, dealer serviced. Sun roof, heated seats. $15,500. Call 570-288-3916 MERCEDES-BENZ `06 C-CLASS Silver with leather interior. Good condi- tion. 34,000 miles. $15,000 Negotiable (570) 885-5956 MERCEDES-BENZ `95 SL 500 Convertible, with removable hard top, dark Blue, camel interior, Summer Driving Only, Garage Kept. Very Good Condition, No Accidents. Classy Car. Price Reduced! $13,995 or trade for SUV or other. 570-388-6669 MERCEDES-BENZ `97 SL320 Blue, convertible, 40th Anniversary Model. 47,000 miles. Minor repairs. $7,500 or best offer. Call 973-271-1030 MERCURY `95 GRAND MARQUIS 4 door, V8, fully loaded, moon roof, new tires & brakes. Interior & exterior in excellent shape. 2 owners. Call (570) 822-6334 or (570) 970-9351 MINI COOPER `08 Clubman. Black & White. Sunroof. 30K miles. Leather inte- rior, fully loaded. 6 speed. Excellent condition. 40 MPG. $20,500. Call 570-262-8811 412 Autos for Sale MINI COOPER S `06 GARAGED Pure silver metallic. Roof & mirror caps in black. Tartan red cloth / panther black leather interior. Black bonnet stripes. Automatic. Steptronic paddles. Dual moon roofs, Cockpit chrono package, conven- ience, cold weather (heated seats) & premium packages. Dynamic stability control. Xenon headlights, front and rear fog lights. Parking distance control. Harmon- Kardon sound sys- tem. Chrome line interior. Mint condi- tion. 17,000 miles. Must Drive! $21,500 570-341-7822 NISSAN ‘05 ALTIMA Auto, one owner, Local trade $11,435 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 PONTIAC `06 SOLSTICE Only 16,000 miles! Garage kept, 2.4 liter, manual 5 speed transmission, black, a/c, cd play- er, leather interior. Real Nice. Fun Ride. Asking $16,500 (570) 301-3433 PONTIAC ‘69 FIREBIRD 400 CONVERTIBLE Blue/white top & white interior. Recent document- ed frame-off restoration. Over $31,000 invested. will sell $21,500. 570-335-3127 PORSCHE `02 BOXSTER S Great convertible, black top, 6 speed manual transmis- sion, carbon fiber dash, leather interi- or, front & rear trunk, fast & agile. $18,000 or best offer. Call 570-262-2478 SUBARU `02 IMPREZA WRX Low mileage, 57,000 miles, 5 speed, all-wheel drive, 4 door, anti- lock brakes, air conditioning, air bags, power locks, power windows, power mirrors, cruise control, AM/FM radio, CD changer, rear defroster, new Blitz Stainless Exhaust, AEM Cold Air Intake, TURBOXS Blowoff Valve & Boost Control. $10,500. (201) 704-8640 Call before 7:30 pm GET THE WORD OUT with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 SUBARU `05 LEGACY SPORT AWD Air, new tires & brakes, 31,000 miles, great condition. $11,995. 570-836-1673 SUBARU `94 IMPREZA L Sudan, Automatic, Air, Stero, Runs & Looks Excellent. 25 mpg $1,275 (570)299-0772 SUZUKI ‘08 SX4 5 door hatchback, All wheel drive $12,874 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 SUZUKI ‘10 SX4 5 door hatchback, Only 8,600 miles $15,892 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 TOYOTA `05 COROL- LA LE Automatic, Air, Cruise, Till, Power windows & door locks, AM/FM stereo & CD. Runs & looks excellent! $9,000. (570) 654-3135 (570) 760-5519 TOYOTA `05 PRIUS 65,000 miles, good condition, keyless entry, cassette/ radio + snow tires. $12,500 570-474-5268 TOYOTA `10 Camry SE. 56,000 miles. Red, alloy wheels, black cloth interior. Will consid- er trade. $14,200 (570) 793-9157 412 Autos for Sale TOYOTA `06 AVALON New tires, new brakes, Inspected March 4, AC, AVPS, Fully loaded, 18,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. 90,000 miles. $12,900. (570) 881-3712 TOYOTA `93 MR2 T-top, 5 speed. AM/FM/CD, AC, power antenna. New tires. No rust. Great condition. $5,000 (570) 708-0269 after 6:00PM TOYOTA ‘09 SCION TC Automatic, moon roof, low miles. $17,945 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 VOLKSWAGEN `01 GTI Great running condition. Red with cloth interior, power door locks, power windows, power moon roof, 5 speed, just serviced, 117k. Asking $5,300 570-885-2162 VOLKSWAGEN `04 BEETLE CONVERTIBLE Blue. AM/FM cas- sette. Air. Automat- ic. Power roof, win- dows, locks & doors. Boot cover for top. 22k. Excel- lent condition. Garage kept. Reduced $14,000 570-822-1976 Leave Message Line up a place to live in classified! VW `05 JETTA Silver with black interior. Auto. Sun- roof. All options. Excellent condition. 1 owner. 33K miles. Asking $12,800. Call 570-693-2129 Leave Message VW ‘07 BEETLE Leather Interior, Alloys, Moon Roof $12,990 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 415 Autos-Antique & Classic CADILLAC `80 COUPE DEVILLE Excellent condition, $3,000 located in Hazleton. 570-454-1945 or 561-573-4114 CHEVROLET `68 C10 New 350 motor and new transmission. REDUCED TO $5,000 FIRM (570) 906-1771 CHEVROLET `69 NOVA SS clone. 350 engine, 290 Horse- power. 10 bolt posi- rear. PowerGlide transmission. Power disc brake kit. Over $20,000 invested, sacrifice at $8,500. (Wilkes-Barre) Call 732-397-8030 CHEVROLET `72 CHEVELLE Two door hard top. 307 Motor. Needs work. Comes with additional 400 small block & many parts. $5,000. Serious inquires only. (570) 836-2574 CHEVROLET `76 PICKUP Very Good Condition! Low miles! $7500. FIRM 570-905-7389 Ask for Lee CHEVROLET `79 CORVETTE L-48 All Corvette options, all original, new Good Year tires, new mufflers, just tuned. 46,000 miles. $6,500 or best offer 570-262-2845 or 570-239-6969 CHEVY `68 CAMARO SS 396 automatic, 400 transmission, clean interior, runs good, 71K, garage kept, custom paint, Fire Hawk tires, Krager wheels, well maintained. $23,900 Negotiable 570-693-2742 415 Autos-Antique & Classic CHEVY`75 CAMARO 350 V8. Original owner. Automatic transmission. Rare - tuxedo silver / black vinyl top with black naugahyde interior. Never damaged. $6,000. Call 570-489-6937 Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! CHRYSLER `49 WINDSOR Silver / gray, 4 door sedan. 6 cylinder flathead, fluid drive. 45,000 original miles. Just like new! REDUCED $15,000 Call Jim: 570-654-2257 CORVETTES WANTED 1953-1972 Any Condition! Courteous, Fast Professional Buyer. Licensed & Bonded corvettebuyer.com 1-800-850-3656 FORD `52 COUNTRY SEDAN CUSTOM LINE STATION WAGON V8, automatic, 8 passenger, 3rd seat, good condition, 2nd owner. $9,500. 570-579-3517 FORD `66 Mustang Coupe. Pearl white, pony interior. Pristine condition. 26K miles. $17,000 or best offer. (570) 817-6768 LINCOLN `66 CONTINENTAL 4 door, Convertible, 460 cu. engine, 67,000 miles, 1 owner since `69. Teal green / white leather, restorable, $2,500 570-287- 5775 / 332-1048 LINCOLN `88 TOWN CAR 61,000 original miles, garage kept, triple black, leather interior, carriage roof, factory wire wheels, loaded, excellent condition. $5,500. Call Mike 570-237-7660 MAZDA `88 RX-7 CONVERTIBLE 1 owner, garage kept, 65k original miles, black with grey leather interior, all original & never seen snow. $8,900. Call 570-237-5119 MERCEDES-BENZ `73 450SL Convertible with removable hard top, power windows, AM /FM radio with cas- sette player, CD player, automatic, 4 new tires. Cham- pagne exterior; Ital- ian red leather inte- rior inside. Garage kept, excellent con- dition. $31,000. Call 825-6272 MERCEDES-BENZ `88 420 SEL Silver with red leather interior. Every option. Garage kept, show- room condition. $7,000. (570) 417-9200 OLDSMOBILE `68 DELMONT DRASTICALLY REDUCED!! This model only produced in 1967 & 1968. All original 45,000 miles, Color Burgundy, cloth & vinyl interior, 350 rocket engine, 2nd owner. Fender skirts, always garaged. Trophy winner at shows. Serious inquiries only, $7,500. 570-690-0727 PONTIAC `68 CATALINA 400 engine. 2 barrel carburetor. Yellow with black roof and white wall tires. Black interior. $4,995. Call (570) 696-3513 PONTIAC 1937 Fully restored near original. New paint, new interior, new wiring, custom tint- ed glass, new motor & transmission. Spare motor & trans. 16” wide white walls car in excellent condition in storage for 2 years. $14,000 or best offer. Serious inquiries ONLY. Call 570-574-1923 VW CLASSIC `72 KARMANN GHIA Restoration Vehicle. Family owned, garage kept, good shape. Needs some interior work, new seats, needs carburetor work. Only 58,000 miles. Asking $12,000. serious inquiries only! Call 570-343-2296 415 Autos-Antique & Classic WANTED: PONTIAC `78 FIREBIRD Formula 400 Berkshire Green, Originally purchased at Bradley-Lawless in Scranton. Car was last seen in Abington-Scranton area. Finder’s fee paid if car is found and purchased. Call John with any info (570) 760-3440 421 Boats & Marinas CUSTOM CREST 15’ Fiberglass boat with trailer. Out- board propul- sion. Includes: 2 motors Erinmade, “Lark II series” PRICE REDUCED! $2,400 NEGOTI ABLE 570-417-3940 STARCRAFT ‘80 16’ DEEP V ‘90 Evinrude out- board 70hp with tilt & trim— ‘92 EZ loader trailer. With ‘00 Tracker Series 60lbs foot pedal, 2 downriggers, stor- ages, gallon tanks, 2 fish finders and more. MUST SEE. Make Best Offer. Call 866-320-6368 after 5pm. 427 Commercial Trucks & Equipment CHEVY ‘08 3500 HD DUMP TRUCK 2WD, automatic. Only 12,000 miles. Vehicle in like new condition. $19,000. 570-288-4322 DUMP TRAILER ‘05 10 yards, 4 ton limit, very good condi- tion. Asking $3,900 Also, E-350. Cheap For more info, call 973-906-8404 FORD ‘99 E350 BUCKET VAN Triton V8. 2 speed boom; 92,000miles; $9999 or best price. Great condition. Call 570-675-3384 or 570574-7002 439 Motorcycles HARLEY ‘01 DAVIDSON Electra Glide, Ultra Classic, many chrome acces- sories, 13k miles, Metallic Emerald Green. Garage kept, like new condition. Includes Harley cover. $12,900 570-718-6769 570-709-4937 Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘05 SCREAMING EAGLE V-ROD Orange & Black. Used as a show bike. Never abused. 480 miles. Excellent condition. Asking $20,000 or best offer. Call 570-876-4034 HARLEY DAVIDSON ` 06 SOFTTAIL NIGHTTRAIN Dark gray metallic, new rr tire & brakes, many extras. $10,900 (570) 592-4982 HARLEY DAVIDSON `01 Road King 19,000 miles, new tires, lots of extra chrome. Like New. $12,900. Call 570-639-1989 or 570-760-1023 HARLEY DAVIDSON `03 100th Anniversary Edition Deuce. Garage kept. 1 owner. 1900 miles. Tons of chrome. $38,000 invested. A must see. Asking $20,000. Call 570-706-6156 HARLEY DAVIDSON 01’ SPORTSTER 883 cubic inch motor, Paco rigid frame, extended & raked. Low miles. $6,000 or best offer.(973) 271-1030 HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘03 DYNA WIDE GLIDE Golden Anniversary. Silver/Black. New Tires. Extras. Excel- lent Condition. 19,000 miles $12,000 negotiable 570-639-2539 439 Motorcycles HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘04 SOFT TAIL DEUCE LIMITED EDITION. Radical paint, only 200 produced, Rhinehardt pipes, lots of chrome. Beautiful bike! Asking $9,500 or best offer. 570-474-0154 HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘10 SPORTSTER 1200 A MUST SEE! Custom Paint. Only driven under 10 miles!! Asking $8,900 or best offer. For info, call 570-864-2543 or 215-379-1375 HARLEY DAVIDSON 2006 NIGHTTRAIN SPECIAL EDITION #35 of 50 Made $10,000 in acces- sories including a custom made seat. Exotic paint set, Alien Spider Candy Blue. Excellent con- dition. All Documen- tation. 1,400 Asking $25,000 or best offer. Call 570-876-4034 HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘92 ULTRA CLASSIC Many extras, Garage kept, 2 tone blue. 17,600 miles. REDUCED PRICE $8,400 Lehman area. (570) 760-5937 KAWASAKI ‘05 NINJA 500R. 3300 miles. Orange. Garage kept. His & hers helmets. Must sell. $2400 570-760-3599 570-825-3711 KAWASAKI `08 NINJA 250 cc, blue, like new, under 1,000 miles. Great starter bike. $2,800 Seri- ous inquiries only. Call 570-331-4777 KAWASAKI `10 CONCOURS 14 Sport/Touring with ABS/traction control, showroom new, 400 miles, metallic blue, 6 year warranty included. $12,000. 570-331-3674 Selling your Camper? Place an ad and find a new owner. 570-829-7130 KAWASAKI ‘ 99 ZX6R 600CC, Muzzy Exhaust. Great condition. Asking $3,100 CALL FRANK 570-301-7221 theadvertisinguy @gmail.com SUZUKI `07 C50T CRUISER EXCELLENT CONDITION Windshield, Bags, Floorboards,V&H Pipes, White walls,Garage Kept. 6K Miles $5,200 (570) 430-0357 SUZUKI ‘04 GSXR 1000CC Less than 1,000 miles. Team colors with matching hel- met & jacket. Fend- er eliminator kit. Scorpion exhaust. $6,000. Call Dave after 5 pm 570-825-0394 SUZUKI ‘77 GS 750 Needs work. $1,500 or best offer 570-822-2508 SUZUKI 97 GSXR 600 Blue & White, smoked wind screen. Great bike, runs great. Helmet & kevlar racing gloves included. $2995. Call for info (570) 881-5011 TRIUMPH ‘02 SPEED TRIPLE 955 CC 7,000 miles. Very fast. Needs nothing. Blue, never dropped. Excellent condition. $4,200 Negotiable. (570) 970-0564 YAMAHA `04 V-STAR 1100 Custom. 5800 miles, light bar, cobra exhaust, windshield, many extras, must sell. $4,900. Call 570-301-3433 YAMAHA `97 VIRAGO 750cc. 8,000 miles, saddlebags, wind- shield, back rest, Black & Pearl, Excellent Condition. Must See. Asking $2,499. Call after 4. 570-823-9376 YAMAHA ‘1975 80 Antique. Very good condition. Must see. Low milage. Road title. Asking $1,260 Call (570) 825-5810 Leave Message YAMAHA` 08 R1 BEAUTIFUL BIKE Perfect condition. 3700 miles, new rear tire, undertail kit, cover. Price negotiable $7,600 570-852-9072 442 RVs & Campers DUTCHMAN 96’ 5TH WHEEL with slideout & sun room built on. Set up on permanent site in Wapwallopen. Comes with many extras. $7,000. (570) 829-1419 or (570) 991-2135 FLAGSTAFF `08 CLASSIC Super Lite Fifth Wheel. LCD/DVD flat screen TV, fire- place, heated mat- tress, ceiling fan, Hide-a-Bed sofa, outside speakers & grill, 2 sliders, aluminum wheels, water purifier, awning, microwave oven, tinted safety glass windows, raised panel fridge & many acces- sories & options. Excellent condition, $22,500. 570-868-6986 NEWMAR 36’ MOUNTAIN AIRE 5th wheel, 2 large slides, new condition, loaded with accessories. Ford Dually diesel truck with hitch also available. 570-455-6796 90’ SUNLINE CAMPER JUST REDUCED! 35 ft. Well kept. On campground on the Susquehanna River near great fishing. Attached 12X22” carpeted room. Brick heater, covered by metal roof with large breezeway. Shed & many extras includ- ed. Call for more information. (570) 237-7076 SUNLINE `06 SOLARIS Travel Trailer. 29’, mint condition, 1 slide out a/c-heat. Stove, microwave, fridge, shower inside & out. Many more extras. Reduced. $13,500. Call 570-842-6735 SUNLITE CAMPER 22 ft. 3 rear bunks, center bathroom, kitchen, sofa bed. Air, Fully self con- tained. Sleeps 6. New tires, fridge awning. $4500. 215-322-9845 TRAVEL TRAILER 33 ft Rear queen master bedroom, Walk thru bathroom. Center kitchen + dinette bed. Front extra large living room + sofa bed. Big View windows. Air, awning, sleeps 6, very clean, will deliver. Located in Benton, Pa. $4,900. 215-694-7497 451 Trucks/ SUVs/Vans 2008 TOYOTA MATRIX 1 Owner $13880 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 BUICK `05 RENDEZVOUS CX AWD, Fully loaded, 1 owner, 18,000 miles. 6 cylinder. New inspection, tires & brakes. Like new, inside & out. $16,900. Call (570) 540-0975 CHEVR0LET`02 EXPRESS CONVERSION VAN Loaded. Low miles. Excellent condition. $18,900 570-674-3901 CHEVROLET `05 AVALANCHE Dark red with tan leather interior. LT Z71 package. Sunroof. 82,000 miles. Must See! Asking $18,000 (570) 362-4143 CHEVROLET `05 SIL- VERADO LT Z71 Extended cab, automatic. Black with grey leather interior. Heated seats. 59,000 miles. New Michelin tires. $16,500 (570) 477-3297 CHEVROLET `05 TRAILBLAZER LT Black/Grey. 18,000 miles. Well equipped. Includes On-Star, tow pack- age, roof rack, running boards, remote starter, extended warranty. $16,000 (570) 825-7251 CHEVROLET `10 SILVERADO 1500 Extended Cab V71 Package 4x4. Bed- liner. V-8. Red. Remote start. 6,300 miles $27,000 negotiable (570) 639-2539 PAGE 6D SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com 2011 C HE V Y S IL V E RAD O 1500 2W D RE G UL AR C AB Stk. #11570,4.3L V 6 4 Sp eed A utom atic,A ir C ond itioning,L ocking R ear D ifferential, 17” SteelW heels,Stabilitrak w / T raction C ontrol M S R P $22,560 F o r60 M o s F o r60 M o s F o r60 M o s 0 % 0 % 0 % A P R A P R A P R S TAR TIN G AT $ 1 8 ,3 9 9 ** EX IT 170 B O FF I-8 1TO EX IT 1. B EAR R IG HT O N B USIN ESS R O UTE 3 0 9 TO SIX TH LIG HT. JUST B ELOW W YO M IN G V ALLEY M ALL. w w w .va lleych evro let.co m The Bes tP rices In The V a lley! 821- 2772 •1- 800- 444- 7172 601 KIDDER STREET, W ILKES-BA RRE, PA M O N .-THUR S. 8 :3 0 -8 :0 0 pm ; FR I. 8 :3 0 -7:0 0 pm ; SAT. 8 :3 0 -5 :0 0 pm V AL L EY CH EV R OL ET www.v alleyc hev ro let.c o m K EN W AL L ACE’S THE B EST COV ER AG E IN AM ER ICA. 100,000-M IL E 5 Y EA R PO W ERTRA IN LIM ITED W A RRA NTY 100,000-M IL E S 5 Y EA RS O F C O URTESY TRA NSPO RTA TIO N 100,000-M IL E S 5 Y EA RS O F RO A DSIDE A SSISTA NC E W hichever com es first.See dealer for lim ited w arranty details. the W E W A N T YOUR TRA DE ! $TOP DOL L A R$ V IS IT US 24/7 W W W .V A L L E YCHE V ROL E T.COM *Tax & Tags additional. LowAPR to qualified customers. See dealer for details. Select vehicles may not be GM Certified. Photos may not represent actual vehicle. Prior use daily rental on select vehicles. Not responsible for typographical errors. *Tax & tags additional. ** Price includes all rebates and Ally down Payment Assistance (must finance through Ally) to qualified buyers. LowAPR in lieu of rebates. CRUZE: lease for 39 mos at $159 per month plus tax and tags, 12K miles per year, Security deposit is waived, $2519 due at signing to qualified buyers; MALIBU: lease for 39 mos at $179 per month plus tax & tags, 12K miles per year, $1949, first payment, security deposit and tags due at lease due at signing to qualified buyers. EQUINOX: lease for 39 mos at $269 per month plus tax & tags, 12K miles per year, $2459 due at signing (includes security deposit) to qualified buyers. Prior sales excluded. Artwork for illustration purposes only. Must take delivery by May 9, 2011. 10 CHE V Y IM P A L A L T #Z2387,13K M iles ....................................... $ 19,388 * 06 P ON TIA C TORRE N T S UV #Z2323,49K M iles........................................ $ 16,999 * 06 CHE V Y M ON TE CA RL O L T #Z2342,36K M iles........................................ $ 14,995 * 10 BUICK E N CL A V E CXL A W D #Z2316,17K M iles....................................... $ 34,900 * 06 HUM M E R H3 #10549C ,62K M iles...................................... $ 19,999 * 07 CHE V Y COL ORA DO W /T #Z2320,O nly 32K M iles.................................. $ 18,999 * 06 CHE V Y COBA L T S S #Z2381,O nly 4K M iles................................... $ 20,875 * 05 GM C S A V A N A CA RGO V A N #Z2415,38K M iles........................................ $ 16,999 * 06 GM C S IE RRA DUM P TRUCK #Z2373,29K M iles........................................ $ 23,999 * N EW 2011 S IL V E RAD O HD D URAM AX D IE S E L S IN S TO C K !! 2011 C HE V Y IM P AL A L S S E D AN M S R P $25,490 Stk. #11173,3.5L V 6 A utom atic,D ual Z one A ir C ond itioning,Stabilitrak,Six-W ay Pow er D river Seat, PW ,PD L ,T ilt,O nStar,X M Satellite R ad io 2011 C HE V Y S IL V E RAD O 1500 E X T C AB 4W D Stk. #11230,4.8L V 8 4 Sp eed A utom atic,Stabilitrak, D eep T inted G lass,A ir C ond itioning,F old ing R ear Seat,17” SteelW heels,40/20/40 Seating M S R P $3 0,620 L S • LT • LT Z AL L N E W 2011 C HE V Y C RUZE 2011 C HE V Y M AL IBU 1L S S E D AN M S R P $22,7 3 5 Stk. #11735,2.4L D O H C M F I A utom atic, A ir,R em ote K eyless E ntry,A M /F M /C D / M P3,PW ,PD L ,O nStar,X M Satellite O nSta r O nSta r O nSta r Tu rn-B y-Tu rn Tu rn-B y-Tu rn Tu rn-B y-Tu rn N a viga tio n N a viga tio n N a viga tio n 4 5 4 5 4 5 AV A ILA B LE AV A ILA B LE AV A ILA B LE IN -STO C K & IN -STO C K & IN -STO C K & IN -B O U N D IN -B O U N D IN -B O U N D O R O R M S R P $1 7 ,1 7 5 2011 C HE V Y S IL V E RAD O 1500 4W D C RE W C AB Stk. #11099,4.8L V 8 A uto.,A ir C ond itioning,Stabilitrak, PW ,PD L ,K eyless E ntry,O nStar,X M Satellite R ad io, C hrom e W heels,Pow er H eated M irrors,A M /F M /C D M S R P $3 4,505 2011 C HE V Y TRAV E RS E FW D & AW D Stk. #11517 M S R P $3 0,43 9 L S • LT • LT Z M S R P $42,7 95 2011 C HE V Y TAHO E L S 4W D Stk. #11370,5.3L V 8 A utom atic,C lim ate C ontrol, Stabilitrak w / T raction C ontrol,PW ,PD L , B luetooth,A uto L ocking D ifferential,8 Passenger Seating,T hird R ow Seat,O nStar,X M Satellite F o r7 2 M o s F o r7 2 M o s F o r7 2 M o s 0 % 0 % 0 % A P R A P R A P R F o r60 M o s F o r60 M o s F o r60 M o s 0 % 0 % 0 % A P R A P R A P R F o r60 M o s F o r60 M o s F o r60 M o s 0 % 0 % 0 % A P R A P R A P R F o r60 M o s F o r60 M o s F o r60 M o s 0 % 0 % 0 % A P R A P R A P R F o r60 M o s F o r60 M o s F o r60 M o s 0 % 0 % 0 % A P R A P R A P R In clu d es AAR P R eb a te $ 1 6 ,9 9 5 ** S TAR TIN G AT P er M o . L EAS E F OR $ 1 5 9 $ 1 8 ,4 9 9 ** S TAR TIN G AT P er M o . L EAS E F OR $ 1 7 9 S TAR TIN G AT $ 2 0 ,2 9 9 ** 2011 C HE V Y C AM ARO C O UP E 1LT • 2LT • 1SS • 2SS O R D ER Y O UR O R D ER Y O UR O R D ER Y O UR C A M A R O C A M A R O C A M A R O C O N V ER TIBL E C O N V ER TIBL E C O N V ER TIBL E TO D AY ! TO D AY ! TO D AY ! $ 2 2 ,9 9 9 ** S TAR TIN G AT Stk. #10531,4.8L V 8,A ir,C argo Sid e D oor,C ustom C loth Seats,A M /F M Stereo,F ull F loor C overing,16” W heels 2010 C HE V Y E X P RE S S 2500 C ARG O V AN M S R P $27 ,63 5 F o r60 M o s F o r60 M o s F o r60 M o s 0 % 0 % 0 % A P R A P R A P R $ 2 2 ,9 9 9 ** S TAR TIN G AT $ 2 4 ,9 9 9 ** S TAR TIN G AT S TAR TIN G AT $ 2 7 ,4 9 5 ** $ 2 7 ,9 9 9 ** S TAR TIN G AT $ 3 8 ,4 9 9 ** S TAR TIN G AT 2011 C HE V Y E Q UIN O X AW D a n d FW D L S • LT • LT Z • 4 C yl. • 6 C yl. ST K #11458 O R M S R P $23 ,490 $ 2 3 ,4 9 0 ** S TAR TIN G AT P er M o . L EAS E F OR $ 2 6 9 In clu d es AAR P R eb a te sa les ev en t 1 .9% A s L ow A s E n d s M a y 3 1st N E W S E RV ICE HOURS O PEN SATUR D AY 8 AM -12 N O O N M O N . -FR I. 8 AM -6 :3 0 PM 2 2 1 Co nyngha m Ave., W ilk es -B a rre 5 70 .8 2 1.2 778 07 DODGE CA L IBE R R/T #11544A ,O nly 27K M iles................................ $ 15,999 * U S E D S A L E 0% AP R u p to 60 m os . O N S E L E CT V E HICL E S 9 M O DELS O VER 30 EPA EST M PG HW Y 8’ Bo x 2010 CHE V Y HHR P A N E L L S #Z2438 B L OW OU T P R ICE ! $ 15,850 * $ 15,850 * L OW M IL E S 5 A V A IL A B L E 32 M P G (HW Y) S ta rtin g A t 2008 P ON TIA C G6 GT CON V E RTIBL E #Z2380 B L OW OU T P R ICE ! $ 21,495 * $ 21,495 * ON L Y 24K M IL E S 3.9L Sport P a c ka ge 2006 CHE V Y TRA IL BL A ZE R #Z2227 B L OW OU T P R ICE ! S ta rtin g A t L OW M IL E S 12 Tra ilbla z er’s To Ch oose F rom $ 15,995 * $ 15,995 * 2008 S A TURN A URA XE B L OW OU T P R ICE ! $ 14,877 * $ 14,877 * #Z2429 ON L Y 25K M IL E S S ta rtin g A t 2008 CHE V Y CA N YON 4W D E XT. CA B ON L Y 25K M iles B L OW OU T P R ICE ! $ 20,850 * $ 20,850 * ON L Y 25K M IL E S #Z2414 2008 S A TURN V UE A W D ON L Y 24K M iles B L OW OU T P R ICE ! $ 19,875 * $ 19,875 * #Z2444 2006 P ON TIA C S OL S TICE CON V E RTIBL E #Z2379 B L OW OU T P R ICE ! $ 16,888 * $ 16,888 * P ow er P a c ka ge 45K M iles 2009 CHE V Y COBA L TS CP E S •S DN S #Z2359 B L OW OU T P R ICE ! $ 11,967 * $ 11,967 * L OW M IL E S 16 Coba lts To Ch oose F rom S ta rtin g A t 07 CHE V Y S IL V E RA DO 1500 4W D #Z2440,O nly 28K M iles.................................. $ 20,887 * 08 CHE V Y A V E O H/B #Z2063,22K M iles............................................ $ 9,999 * 08 CHE V Y M A L IBU L T #11458A ,24K M iles...................................... $ 15,995 * 10 CHE V Y COBA L T L T 4DR #Z2336,25K M iles....................................... $ 13,699 * 07 CHE V Y S IL V E RA DO 2500HD #10630B,Diesel,65K M iles............................ $ 27,500 * 06 P ON TIA C G6 GT #11537A ,39K M iles...................................... $ 14,999 * 07 CHE V Y S IL V E RA DO 2500 4W D E XT #Z2418,20K M iles........................................ $ 27,924 * 07 S A TURN OUTL OOK XE #Z2328,A W D,31K........................................ $ 25,999 * 07-08 CA DIL L A C S RX A W D #Z2218,Low M iles..........................S ta rtin g A t $ 25,999 * 04 CHE V Y CA V A L IE R CP E #11355A ,Low M iles.......................................... $ 7,495 * 07 HYUN DA I S ON A TA #11611A ,Low M iles...................................... $ 14,295 * 07 JE E P COM M A N DE R 4X4 #11010A ,Low M iles...................................... $ 16,950 * 07 CA DIL L A C S TS #Z192,28K M iles......................................... $ 23,995 * 08 N IS S A N 350Z N IS M O #11116A ,M ust See! 17K M iles......................... $ 29,999 * TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 7D M ATT BURNE H O NDA M ATT BURNE H O NDA M ATT BURNE H O NDA 1110 WYOMINGAVE. • SCRANTON • 1-800-NEXT-HONDA www.MattBurneHonda.com *BAS E D ON 2008-2009 E PA M IL E AGE E S T IM AT E S , RE F L E CT ING NE W E PA F UE L E CONOM Y M E T HODS BE GINNING W IT H 2008-2009 M ODE L S . US E F OR COM PARIS ON PURPOS E S ONL Y . DO NOT COM PARE T O M ODE L S BE F ORE 2008. Y OUR ACT UAL M IL E AGE W IL L VARY DE PE NDING ON HOW Y OU DRIVE AND M AINT AIN Y OUR VE HICL E . AL L OF F E RS E XPIRE 5/ 31/ 11. 1.9% FOR 24-36 M ON THS OR 2.9% FOR 37-60 M ON THS ON A L L N E W 2011 HON DA A CCORD, CR-V , ODYS S E Y, A N D P IL OT M ODE L S . $ 249/M O.** $ 249/M O.** $ 249/M O.** • M odel#RE4H3BEW • 180-hp,DO HC i-V TEC ® 4-cylinder engine • 5- speed autom atic transm ission • RealTim e TM 4W D system • V ehicle Stability A ssist TM (V SA ® ) w ith traction control• A nti-lock braking system (A BS) • Dual-stage,m ultiple-threshold front airbags (SRS) • Front side airbags w ith passenger-side O ccupant Position Detection System (O PDS) • Side curtain airbags w ith rollover sensor • C D Player • Pow er W indow s/Locks/M irrors • A /C **LEAS E 3 6 M ONTHS , 3 6K THROUG H AHFC . $0 DOW N. 1S T PAY M ENT AND TAG S DUE AT DELIV ERY . RES IDUAL $14,709.50 LEAS ES BAS ED ON APPROV ED C REDIT TIER 1 THRU AHFC . G AS M ILEAG E 16CITY/ 22HW Y $ 329/M O.**** $ 329/M O.**** $ 329/M O.**** 2011 Hon d a P IL OT L X • M odel#Y F4H2BEW • 250-hp,3.5-Liter,24-V alve SO HC i-V TEC ® • V -6 Engine V ariable Torque M anagem ent® • 4 W heelDrive System (V TM -4® ) • A nti-Lock Braking System (A BS) • V ehicle Stability A ssist TM (V SA ® ) w ith Traction C ontrol• Front and Rear A ir C onditioning • A M /FM /C D A udio System w ith 7 Speakers Including Subw oofer 60/40 Split • Flat-Folding, Sliding and Reclining 2nd-Row Bench Seat • 60/40 Split Flat-Folding 3rd-Row Bench Seat • Dual-Stage M ultiple-Threshold Front A irbags (SRS) • Front Side A irbags w ith Passenger-Side O ccupant Position Detection System (O PDS),Three-Row Side C urtain A irbags w ith Rollover Sensor • Pow er W indow s/Locks/M irrors • Rem ote Entry System ****LEAS E 3 6 M ONTHS , 3 6K THROUG H AHFC . $0 DOW N. 1S T PAY M ENT AND TAG S DUE AT DELIV ERY . RES IDUAL $17,646.50 G AS M ILEAG E 23CITY/ 34HW Y $ 229/M O.*** $ 229/M O.*** $ 229/M O.*** 2011 Hon d a A CCORD L X • M odel#C P2F3BEW • A uto • A ir • A M /FM /C D • 6 A ir Bags • PW • PL • C ruise ***LEAS E 3 6 M ONTHS , 3 6K THROUG H AHFC . $0 DOW N. 1S T PAY M ENT AND TAG S DUE AT DELIV ERY . RES IDUAL $13 ,183 .40 G AS M ILEAG E 18CITY/ 27HW Y 2011 Hon d a ODYS S E Y L X $ 309/M O.* $ 309/M O.* $ 309/M O.* *LEAS E 3 6 M ONTHS , 3 6K THROUG H AHFC . $0 DOW N. 1S T PAY M ENT AND TAG S DUE AT DELIV ERY . RES IDUAL $18,005.40 • M odel#RL5H2BEW • 248-hp,3.5-liter,SO HC i-V TEC ® V -6 Engine • 5-Speed A utom atic Transm ission • Front and Rear A ir C onditioning • Pow er W indow s/ Locks/M irrors • C D Player • V ehicle Stability A ssist TM (V SA ® ) w ith Traction C ontrol • A BS • Dual-stage,m ultiple-threshold Front A irbags (SRS) • Front side A irbags w ith Passenger-Side O ccupant Position Detection System (O PDS) $0DO W N G AS M ILEAG E 21CITY/ 27HW Y $0DO W N 2011 Hon d a CR-V L X $0DO W N $0DO W N $0DO W N A ll N e w 2012 Civic s Ha ve A rrive d !! (570) 341 -1 400 • 1 -800-822-21 1 0 (570) 341 -1 400 • 1 -800-822-21 1 0 (570) 341 -1 400 • 1 -800-822-21 1 0 M onda y - T hu rs da y 9-8:00 • F rida y 9-5 & S a tu rda y 9-3:30 M onda y - T hu rs da y 9-8:00 • F rida y 9-5 & S a tu rda y 9-3:30 1 1 1 0 W Y O M I N G A V E . • S C R A N T O N , PA 1 8509 1 1 1 0 W Y O M I N G A V E . • S C R A N T O N , PA 1 8509 w w w .m a ttbu rnehonda .com D isclosure:1.9% - 36 m os,2.9% - 60 m osthru A .H .F.C .W -A -C on C ertified A ccords.C ertified H onda’shave 1yr - 12k B asic W arranty.B alance of7yr - 100K P ow ertrain W arranty from in-service date. 08 PILO T EX S ilver,44K........................................NO W $21,750 08 PILO T V P B lack,26K........................................NO W $21,950 07 PILO T EX B lack,38K........................................NO W $22,500 08 PILO T SE-DV D G ray,37K............................NO W $22,750 08 PILO T EX G ray,27K..........................................NO W $22,950 08 PILO T EX S ilver,22K........................................NO W $23,500 09 PILO T EXL-DV D C herry,52K......................NO W $27,750 09 PILO T EXLC herry,40K....................................NO W $27,950 09 PILO T EX S ilver,7K..........................................NO W $28,500 11 PILO T EX G ray,19K..........................................NO W $29,950 PIL OT 4W D VIE W AT M ATTBURNE H OND A.COM VIE W AT M ATTBURNE H OND A.COM CAL L 1-800-NE XTH OND A CAL L 1-800-NE XTH OND A M ATT B U R N E H O N D A PR E -O W N E D CE N TE R M ATT B U R N E H O N D A PR E -O W N E D CE N TE R H O N D A fina ncing a s lo w a s 1.9% * DUE TO THE SUCCESS OF APRIL’S NEW CAR SALE... DUE TO THE SUCCESS OF APRIL’S NEW CAR SALE... W E HAVE SOM E NICE CHOICE TRADE INS & OFF LEASE VEHICLES ON SALE W E HAVE SOM E NICE CHOICE TRADE INS & OFF LEASE VEHICLES ON SALE 97 C HEV Y LUM INA LS SDN W hite,88K M iles $4,995 02 HO NDA C IV IC LX SDN S ilver,100K M iles $7,950 03 HO NDA C RV EX 4W D G old,92K M iles $9,999 03 NISSA N M A XIM A SDN S ilver,80K M iles $9,999 06 NISSA N SENTRA S SEDA N W hite,59K M iles $10,750 05 HY UNDA ISA NTA FE G LS 4W D M erlot,59K M iles $10,950 06 HY UNDA I SO NA TA G LS V 6 SDN LtB lue,54K M iles $11,750 04 M ERC EDES C 240 4M A TIC SDN P ew ter,63K M iles $12,500 07 FO RD FUSIO N SE V 6 A W D B lack,52K M iles $14,750 07 JEEP G RA ND C HERO KEE LA REDO 4X4 B lack,53K M iles $16,250 08 SUBA RU LEG A C Y 2.5IA W D SDN B lack,21K,5 S peed $16,250 06 TO Y O TA RA V 4 LTD 4W D W hite,41K M iles $18,500 08 M ERC URY M A RINER V 6 4W D S ilver,31K M iles $18,500 03 V W PA SSA T G L S/W G ray,111K M iles $7,950 02 HO NDA C IV IC LX SDN S ilver,57K M iles $9,750 07 TO Y O TA C O RO LLA LE SDN G ray,74K M iles $10,500 06 PO NTIA C G 6 G T SDN W hite,65K M iles $10,500 04 HO NDA A C C O RD LX SDN G old,75K M iles $10,950 05 FO RD ESC A PE 4W D B lue,82K M iles $11,500 05 HO NDA A C C O RD LX SDN S ilver,47K M iles $12,750 08 M A ZDA TRIBUTE ISPO RT 4W D R ed,68K M iles $14,950 07 M ITSUBISHI ENDEA V O R LS 4W D S ilver,60K M iles $14,950 03 TO Y O TA 4RUNNER SR5 4W D S ilver,55K M iles $16,950 07 G M C ENV O Y 4W D W hite,34K M iles $17,950 08 JEEP LIBERTY SPO RT 4W D B lue,21K M iles $18,950 09 JEEP LIBERTY SPO RT 4W D B lack,19K M iles $19,950 07 HY UNDA I SO NA TA LTD SDN S ilver,50K M iles $12,950 08 TO Y O TA Y A RIS HB R ed,36K M iles $12,850 08 O DY SSEY LX S ilver,48K..............................NO W $18,500 08 O DY SSEY EXL-DV D B lack,43K..............NO W $22,950 08 O DY SSEY EXL-DV D S ilver,37K..............NO W $23,950 09 O DY SSEY TO URING D V D ,N avi,S ilver,34K.NO W $29,950 ODYS S EY 07 C RV EX S ilver,72K.............................................NO W $16,950 08 C RV LX G old,34K..............................................NO W $18,500 07 C RV EX R ed,55K...............................................NO W $18,950 08 C RV EX B lack,32K.............................................NO W $19,750 09 C RV LX R ed,38K...............................................NO W $19,950 09 C RV LX B row n,18K...........................................NO W $20,500 10 C RV LX B lack,8K...............................................NO W $21,500 09 C RV EX Lt B lue,21K...........................................NO W $21,750 09 C RV EX N avy,22K.............................................NO W $21,750 08 C RV EXLG reen,38K.........................................NO W $22,250 CRV 4W D H O N D A ’S ACCORDS 08 A C C O RD LX SDN R ed,31K......................NO W $17,250 08 A C C O RD LX SDN B lack,27K....................NO W $17,250 08 A C C O RD LXP SDN S ilver,33K.................NO W $17,500 09 A C C O RD LXP SDN G old,30K..................NO W $18,250 09 A C C O RD LX SDN S ilver,18K....................NO W $18,250 08 A C C O RD EX SDN S ilver,44K....................NO W $18,950 08 A C C O RD EXL SDN B lack,27K.................NO W $19,350 08 A C C O RD EXL SDN R ed,23K...................NO W $19,950 09 A C C O RD EX SDN G ray,18K.....................NO W $20,500 09 A C C O RD EXL SDN B lack,18K.................NO W $21,750 11 A C C O RD EX C PE (5SPD) B lack,3K....NO W $21,950 2.9% 60 m os 1.9% 36 m os CIV IC 08 C IV IC LX SDN B lack,52K........................NO W $14,250 08 C IV IC LX SDN B lue,45K..........................NO W $14,500 08 C IV IC LX SDN R ed,45K..........................NO W $14,750 09 C IV IC LX SDN G ray,42K.........................NO W $16,250 08 C IV IC EX SDN S ilver,45K........................NO W $16,250 08 C IV IC EX SDN G ray,12K.........................NO W $17,500 11 C RZ HY BRID (5SPD)S ilver,9K......NO W $18,950 CRZ PAGE 8D SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com 451 Trucks/ SUVs/Vans CHEVROLET `06 SILVERADO 1500 4X4 pickup, extend- ed cab, 6 1/2 ft. box, automatic. Pewter. 48,000 miles. Excellent condition. $15,000 Negotiable (570) 954-7461 CHEVROLET `09 EQUINOX LS Low mileage, 15000 miles, automatic, all-wheel drive, 4 door, anti-lock brakes, air condi- tioning, air bags, power locks, power windows, power mirrors, cruise con- trol, AM/FM radio, cassette player, CD player, keyless entry, rear de- froster, rear wind- shield wiper, tinted windows. $17,500. (570) 954-9333 Call after 9:00 a.m. CHEVROLET `97 SILVERADO with Western plow. 4WD, Automatic. Loaded with options. Bedliner. 55,000 miles. $9,200. Call (570) 868-6503 CHEVY `04 EXPRESS 2500 Series. 6.0 Litre V8. Heavy Duty version. Excellent cargo van. 85K miles. Excellent condition. $8,700 570-829-4548 or 570-417-5991 CHEVY `05 EQUINOX LT (premium pack- age), 3.4L, 47,000 miles. All wheel drive, power moon- roof, windows, locks & seats. Leather interior, 6 cd chang- er, rear folding seats, keyless entry, onstar, roof rack, running boards, garage kept. $14,750. 570-362-1910 CHEVY `10 SILVERADO 4 Door Crew Cab LTZ. 4 wheel drive. Excellent condition, low mileage. $35,500. Call 570-655-2689 CHEVY `94 GLADIATOR Custom Van. 67K miles. Interior has oak wood trim, car- peting, storage areas, TV, rear seat convertible to dou- ble bed, curtains. Seats 7. Power win- dows & seats. Cus- tom lighting on ceil- ing. New exhaust system. New rear tires. Recently inspected. Excellent condition. $4,200 or best offer. Call 570-655-0530 CHEVY ‘07 TRAILBLAZER LT On-Star, Leather. Satellite Radio. $14,990 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 CHEVY`05 TRAILBLAZER REDUCED!!! ASKING $9,999 JUST REDUCED! SAVE MONEY! GET READY FOR THE WINTER! Don’t pay dealer prices! White with grey interior. Looks and runs like it just came off the lot. Four Door, 4 wheel drive, 84,900 miles, new tires, tow package, anti lock brakes, driver and passenger airbags, power windows, power mirrors, power locks, rear window defroster and wiper, privacy tint, air conditioner, cruise control. CD, keyless entry and much more. Call 570-332-4999 CHRYSLER `07 PACIFICA Silver. Only 83K miles. All wheel drive, 4.0L V6. All Power. A/C. Loaded. Must Sell. $11,995 or best offer. Call 570-417-7937 DODGE `00 RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 4X4, V8 automatic. New tires & brakes. Fully loaded. Lea- ther interior. Many extras. Must see. Excellent condition. (570) 970-9351 DODGE `04 RAM 1500 Too many extras to list. Low Mileage. $10,000 (570)709-2125 DODGE `10 GRAND CARAVAN Only 17k miles. Fully loaded. Excellent condi- tion. Factory & extended war- ranty. $17,995 (570) 690-2806 451 Trucks/ SUVs/Vans DODGE `94 DAKOTA with cap. 1 owner, garage kept, very good condition. Many extras includ- ing lift & back seat. 29 MPG gas. $4,000 or best offer (570) 868-0944 DODGE `97 RAM 1500 LARAMIE MARK 3 82,000 miles, auto- matic, chrome step up and mirrors & leather interior. Good Condition. Drums Area. $4,500 401-524-9763 DODGE `99 RAM 1500 CLUB CAB Good condition. Runs great. New tires. Asking $4,000 or best offer. (570) 239-3950 FORD `04 EXPLORER SUV, V6, 4x4, auto- matic, 85,000 miles Black Beauty. Garage kept. Must sell. $8,700 (570) 883-2754 FORD `05 WHEEL CHAIR LIFT VAN Seating capacity for 7 plus 2 wheel chairs. 140,000 miles. Great condi- tion. Asking $7,000. For more details, Call 570-589-9181 FORD `97 DIESEL Cummins engine, 8-L. 49,049 miles. 33,000 gross wt. 6,649 light wt. $19,500 Must see! (570) 829-5886 FORD `99 E250 Wheelchair Van 78,250 miles. Fully serviced, new bat- tery, tires & rods. Seats 6 or 3 wheel- chairs. Braun Millen- nium lift with remote. Walk up door. Front & rear A/C. Power locks & windows. Excellent condition. $9,500. 570-237-6375 FORD ‘68 BRONCO 302 V8 engine. 3-speed on the floor transmission. 34X9.50 swamper tires. Racing seats, roll cage. $9,500 For more pics or information, call (570) 301-7221 advertisinguy @gmail.com GMC `99 SUBURBAN Champagne exterior, leather interior, power windows & locks, 4 wheel drive. $4,850. Call for condition and known issues. 570-362-4080 HONDA `02 CR-V EX. Silver. Loaded. 1 owner, very clean, meticulously main- tained. 123,000 highway miles. $7,500 570-646-3334 or 570-762-3294 HONDA `10 ODYSSEY Special Edition. Maroon, Fully loaded. Leather seats. TV/DVD, navigation, sun roof plus many other extras. 3rd seat . Only 1,900 Miles. Brand New. Asking $37,000 (570) 328-0850 HUMMER ‘05 H2 Yellow with black leather interior. Front & rear heated seats. Many chrome accessories. $28,500 or best offer. Call (570) 788-9826 or (570) 956-8547 Leave Message HYUNDAI ‘10 TUCSON LTD Navigation, Blue Tooth, XM Radio $21,880 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 INTERNATIONAL ‘95 DUMP TRUCK Refurbished, rebuilt engine, transmis- sion replaced. Rear-end removed and relubed. Brand new 10’ dump. PA state inspected. $12,900/best offer. 570-594-1496 451 Trucks/ SUVs/Vans JEEP `00 WRANGLER TJ, Black with grey interior. 4 cylinder, 5-speed manual transmission. CD player, hardtop, full doors, sound bar. 4” Skyjacker Suspension lift with steering stabilizer. Like new BF Goodrich 35’s with Full size spare. Only 85,000 miles. $6,999 (570) 301-7221 JEEP `02 GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO Triple black, eco- nomical 6 cylinder. 4x4 select drive. CD, remote door opener, power win- dows & locks, cruise, tilt wheel. 108k highway miles. Garage kept. Super clean inside and out. No rust. Sale price $6,895. Scranton. 570-466-2771 JEEP `02 LIBERTY Blue/grey, new rebuilt engine with warranty, new tires & brakes, 4,000 miles. $5,900 or best offer. 570-814-2125 JEEP `02 Wrangler Sport Hard / soft top, remote start, garage kept. 6 cylinder, auto. $10,000 570-430-1396 or 570-655-5156 JEEP `06 COMMANDER 4X4 Lockers, V-8. Heat- ed leather. All power. Navigation, Satellite, Blue tooth, 3rd row, More. 69,000 highway miles. $14,900. Call (570) 855-3657 JEEP `07 WRANGLER X 4x4, stick shift, soft top. Red exterior, well maintained, garage kept. 11,500 miles, one owner. AC, CD player, cruise control. Tow package with cargo carrier. Excellent condition. $18,700 Call 570-822-9680 JEEP `89 GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO White 74,330 miles, $5,000 fully loaded, eco- nomical 6 cylinder, clean, garage kept, great condi- tion. $5,000. 570-288-9843 JEEP ‘02 WRANGLER Low Miles $13,980 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 JEEP ‘06 COMMANDER 4WD, Only 38K $15,990 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 KIA `02 SEDONA EX, Van, Sunroof. 61,000 miles. Loaded. Good condition. $5000 or best offer. 570-606-7654 LEXUS `06 GX 470 Cypress Pearl with ivory leather interi- or. Well maintained, garage kept. All service records. Brand new tires. All options including premium audio package, rear climate control, adjustable suspen- sion, towing pack- age, rear spoiler, Lexus bug guard. 42,750 miles. $28,950 (570) 237-1082 MERCEDES-BENZ `99 ML 320 Sunroof, new tires, 115,930 miles MUST SELL $7,200 OBO (570)760-0511 451 Trucks/ SUVs/Vans LEXUS `96 LX 450 Full time 4WD, Pearl white with like new leather ivory interi- or. Silver trim. Garage kept. Excel- lent condition. 84,000 miles, Ask- ing $10,750 570-654-3076 or 570-498-0005 MAZDA ‘08 TRIBUTE Utility, 4WD $18,655 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! MITSUBISHI `95 MONTERO SR 4WD 177,102 miles, auto- matic, four wheel drive, 4 door, anti- lock brakes, air con- ditioning, air bags, power locks, power windows, power mirrors, power seats, cruise con- trol, AM/FM radio, cassette player, CD changer, leather interior, sun roof, rear defroster, rear windshield wiper, new Passed inspec- tion, new battery. $2,500 (570) 868-1100 Call after 2:00 p.m. MITSUBISHI `97 15’ CUBE VAN Cab over, 4 cylinder diesel engine. Rebuilt automatic transmission. Very good rubber. All around good condition inside & out. Well maintained. Ready to work. PRICE REDUCED! $6,195 or best offer Call 570-650-3500 Ask for Carmen NISSAN ‘09 ROGUE AWD, low miles, automatic, remote start, back up sensors $20,880 560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA www.wyoming valleymotors.com 570-714-9924 PONTIAC `04 MONTANA 95,000 miles, well maintained. Excell- ent overall condi- tion. Keyless entry, built in baby seat, dual climate con- trol. Rear air. Seats 7. Recent inspec- tion & tires. KBB over $6300. Asking $5,000 firm. Call (570) 417-9884 SUZUKI `07 XL-7 56,000 miles, automatic, all-wheel drive, 4 door, air condi- tioning, all power, CD player, leather interior, tinted windows, custom wheels, $13,000 Call 570-829-8753 Before 5:00 p.m. TRACTOR TRAILERS FREIGHTLINER ’97 MIDROOF 475 CAT & 10 speed transmission. $12,000 FREIGHTLINER ’99 CONDO 430 Detroit, Super 10 transmission. Asking $15,000. ‘ 88 FRUEHAUF 45’ with sides. All aluminum, spread axle. $6,500. 2 storage trailers. 570-814-4790 VOLVO `08 XC90 Fully loaded, moon roof, leather, heat- ed seats, electric locks, excellent condition. New tires, new brakes and rotors. 52,000 miles highway $26,500/ best offer. 570-779-4325 570-417-2010 till 5 TRUCKS FOR SALE Ford, GMC, International-Prices starting at $2,295. Box Truck, Cab & Chassis available. Call U-haul 570-822-5536 457 Wanted to Buy Auto ALL JUNK CAR & TRUCKS WANTED Highest Prices Paid In Cash!!! FREE REMOVAL Call V&G Anytime 288-8995 506 Administrative/ Clerical ANSWERING SERVICE Seeks one part time position. Evenings and weekends. 570-208-7705 SECRETARIAL POSITION Professional firm in Scranton seeks reli- able part to full-time secretary with good people and organi- zation skills. Must be proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel and Power- Point. Photoshop knowledge a plus. Starting $10-$12/ hour based on experience. Full healthcare benefits & paid vacation. Please fax resume to Nina Ciarla at 570-207-9305 or email to: nciarla@ facilitydesignltd.com 509 Building/ Construction/ Skilled Trades CARPENTER Experienced. Full time position. Please forward resume to: employment@ ruckno.com or send to: PO Box 1227 Kingston, Pa 18704 518 Customer Support/Client Care CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES Will train reliable, friendly and dependable person. Call 570-822-7730 LUBRICATION DISTRIBUTOR HAS OPENING FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE PERSONNEL Craft Oil Corpora- tion is looking for a p r o f e s s i o n a l with excellent cus- tomer service skills. This is a telephone intensive position and requires strong oral commu- nication and com- puter skills. Applicants must be dependable, highly motivated and good at multi-tasking. Minimum 3 years experience in cus- tomer service. We offer a competi- tive starting rate and full benefit package including comprehensive health benefits and 401k. Send resume to: Craft Oil Corporation Attn: Human Resource Dept. P.O. Box 5066 Avoca, PA 18641 Or Email: jmcginty@ craftoilcorp.com No Phone Calls Please. EOE Looking for Work? Tell Employers with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 522 Education/ Training LUZERNE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE POSITION OPENINGS Luzerne County Community College invites applications for the following positions: FT MICROBIOLOGY/ BIOLOGY LAB ASSISTANT Please send a cover letter and resume to Luzerne County Community College, John Thomas Sed- lak, Dean of Human Resources, Attention: Human Resources Dept., 1333 S. Prospect St, Nanticoke, PA 18634-3899 or e- mail [email protected] no later than Friday, May 13, 2011. No phone inquires please. For additional infor- mation on these positions, please visit our web site at (www.luzerne.edu). Equal Opportunity Employer. Candi- dates representing all aspects of diver- sity are encouraged to apply. 527 Food Services/ Hospitality DELI CLERKS Gerrity’s Supermar- kets is now hiring Part Time Deli Clerks. Looking for dependable and customer oriented individuals. Sales Commission Bonus. Apply at: 2020 Wyoming Ave. Wyoming; or 801 Wyoming Ave. West Pittston, or at: www.gerritys.com 527 Food Services/ Hospitality Harveys Lake BAR SERVERS AND COOKS Experience preferred but not necessary. Servers must be 18 or older. Apply in person. NO PHONE CALLS NIGHT AUDITOR Apply in person. Knights Inn 310 Route 315 Pittston, PA 18640 570-654-6020 533 Installation/ Maintenance/ Repair HANDYPERSON/ GARDNER Part time. Must be reliable, organized, detailed and likes dogs. Lazy person need not apply. Call 570-709-2481 Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! 538 Janitorial/ Cleaning The Wyoming Valley West School District has the following positions available SUBSTITUTE CUSTODIANS $60.00 per day ........................... CLEANING PERSONS as per contract To work 4 hours per day, 5 days per week after school hours and summer cleaning. Please submit a let- ter of interest, Act 34, Act 151 and Act 114 clearances and application to: Charles R. Suppon Superintendent of Schools Wyoming Valley West School District 450 N. Maple Ave. Kingston, PA Deadline: May 23, 2011 542 Logistics/ Transportation CLASS A CDL DRIVER/WAREHOUSE Apply at Huttig Building Products 350 Lasley Ave. Hanover Twp, PA DISPATCHER PART TIME The Luzerne County Transportation Authority is seeking a part time Dis- patcher. The candi- date must have the ability to communi- cate properly with employees & LCTA’s transit riders. Must also be familiar with two-way radio com- munication system and basic computer skills. Position will be “as needed”. Hours of operation are 4:30AM– 7:00PM, Monday through Friday and 8:00AM—6:00PM on Saturdays. The LCTA adheres to a strict drug and alcohol policy regu- lated by the Federal Transit Administra- tion (FTA). The suc- cessful candidate must pass a pre- employment drug & alcohol screening. The LCTA is an equal opportunity employer & offers a competitive salary. You must apply at: The Luzerne County Transportation Authority 315 Northampton St Kingston, PA 18704 DRIVERS Fanelli Brothers Trucking has established new and increased driv- er pay package and an increased sign on bonus. Due to additional business, Fanelli Bros. Truck- ing Co. is adding both regional and local drivers to our Pottsville, PA termi- nal operation. Dri- vers are home most nights throughout the week. Drivers must have 2-3 years of OTR expe- rience, acceptable MVR and pass a criminal background check. The new pay pack- age offers: • .38 cpm for qualified drivers • $1,500 sign on bonus • Paid vacations and holidays • Health/Dental/ Vision Insurance • 401K Plan Contact Gary Potter at 570-544-3140 Ext 156 or visit us at 1298 Keystone Blvd., Pottsville, PA DRIVERS NOW HIRING SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Best pay. Will train if necessary. Pace Transportation 570-883-9797 542 Logistics/ Transportation DRIVERS Well established distribution compa- ny seeks Full-Time (40 plus hours per week) drivers. Valid Class A CDL, mini- mum 5 years all- season driving experience, clean driving record, and no DUIs are a must. Flatbed experience helpful. Drivers are assigned dedicated weekly runs and regional travel including some overnights in sleep- er. Positions require some moderate to heavy lifting, good communication skills, attention to detail, commitment, punctuality. Posi- tions include com- petitive compensa- tion and benefits package. Please send resume to: c/o Times Leader Box 2540 15 N. Main Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0250 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! DRIVERS CONTRACT DRIVERS Put your vehicle to work part-time and earn extra income delivering packages to nursing homes. Great supplemental income. Great tax benefits. Great Company to work for! Fuel-Surcharge Protection as fuel costs rise. Routes are round-trip from Wilkes-Barre, PA. You must have a winning attitude, appearance, and a fuel-efficient cargo van or car. Call 800-818-7958 for a personal interview! www.scriptfleet.com GET ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS! McLane, a $28 billion supply chain services leader, is looking for qualified Class A Drivers to become part of our valued team. McLane’s uniformed drivers are well recog- nized and trusted throughout the U.S. for their knowledge, accuracy, and professionalism. Do you have what it takes to help drive our team? CLASS A DRIVERS • Earn more money with more at-home time • “We’re here to stay” –as a McLane team- mate, you’ll be working in a stable, secure environment • Multi-stop deliveries prima- rily located in Pennsylvania and New Jersey • Great pay and benefits - $55,000 to $60,000 in the first year; medical, dental, vision, life and 401(k) Requirements: • HS diploma or GED • Two years driving experience • Clean driving record and great customer service skills Find out more or apply to become a valued Teammate by contacting: John Hart, McLane People Department by phone: (570) 330-8400, or email: jfhart@ mclaneco.com. EOE, M/F/D/V Eastern Penn Sup- ply (EPSCO) is seek- ing a qualified indi- vidual for Ware- house/Local Deliv- ery driver for our Wilkes-Barre Coal St. location. Must be self motivated, have a clean driving record, be organ- ized, computer liter- ate & have the abili- ty to work in a fast paced environment. We offer: • A full time position • Competitive hourly wage • Full benefit package including: • Family Health Care • 401k • Life insurance • Dental/Vision • Vacation time based on longevity/ Holiday pay/ Sick/ Personal. Qualified persons are encouraged to apply in person to: Eastern Penn Electric Supply Attn: Marc Malvizzi 395 Coal Street Wilkes-Barre, Pa 18702 542 Logistics/ Transportation ROLLBACK DRIVERS Opening for Rollback Drivers. First & Second Shifts Must Have Good Driving Record. We Offer Top Wages & Benefits Package. Apply in Person Falzone’s Towing Service, Inc. 271 N. Sherman St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 570-823-2100 545 Marketing/ Product PART-TIME MARKETING In search of a dynamic person with great commu- nication skills and ability to multi-task. The successful can- didate will be punc- tual, organized, reli- able, creative, con- scientious, and per- sonable. Must have prior marketing experience. Must be a self-starter with reliable trans- portation. Computer skills a must. Will- ingness to work Saturdays a must. Positive attitude and high energy a must. Fax resume to 570-822-3446. No phone calls please. 548 Medical/Health CAREGIVER Part Time in-home care for female adult in Dallas. Must reside nearby. Bathing required. Call 570-675-2539. DENTAL ASSISTANT Back Mountain Office is looking for enthusiastic Full Time Dental Assis- tant. Must be organ- ized, people person, with excellent com- munication skills. If you are interested in joining our friendly team, please send resume to: Dr. David Spring 661 N. Memorial Hwy Dallas, PA 18612 DIETARY AIDES Healthcare Services Group at Highland Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is currently accept- ing applications for part time Dietary Aides. Also hiring Full & Part time House- keeping & Laundry Aides. Apply in per- son Monday - Friday between the hours of 9am-4pm at: 750 Schooley Ave. Exeter, PA 18643 FT ELECTIVE SURGERY COUNSELOR We need a friendly, outgoing, enthusias- tic person who will be conscientious in scheduling and edu- cating patients on their elective sur- gery options. If you consistently strive to do high quality work efficiently while providing friendly service, we want you to become part of our team. Extensive on the job training will be pro- vided. APPLY ONLINE: www.icare specialists.com SUBMIT RESUME: HR Dept. 703 Rutter Ave. Kingston, PA 18704 Fax: 570-287-2434 * OPTI CAL * •Machine Operator •Lens Coating Benefits for full time employees. SEND RESUME OR APPLY IN PERSON Monday-Friday 8:30a - 6pm to: Luzerne Optical 180 N. Wilkes- Barre Blvd. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 RNS, LPNS, CNAS Full Time, Part Time, and Per Diem. All shifts available. SOCIAL WORKER Part Time UNIT MANAGER FULL TIME RN LTC Experience Preferred. Apply in person to: Mountain Top Senior Care and Rehabilitation Center 185 S. Mountain Blvd Mountain Top, PA. 18707 (570) 474-6377 Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! 557 Project/ Program Management ASSISTANT MANAGER TRAINEE 3 people needed to assist manager. Duties will include recruiting, training & marketing. Will train. Call Mr. Scott (570)288-4532 E.O.E 566 Sales/Retail/ Business Development DOOR TO DOOR SALES Local company is seeking individuals for door to door sales. Must be out- going, self motivat- ed & flexible. Please email resume to: reliablesales@ ptd.net INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENCY Local Insurance Agency is looking to hire a Commercial Lines Customer Service Agent to handle existing book of business. At least (3) to 5 years experience is pre- ferred, position available in our Wilkes-Barre office. Salary commensu- rate with experi- ence, Benefit Pack- age includes, Health Benefits, Life Insur- ance, 20 day PTO Time & 401k plan. Please forward resume to: Eastern Insurance Group Attn: Renee Valenti, 613 Baltimore Drive, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18702. INSIDE SALES Wholesale Distribu- tor seeks an inside salesperson. HVAC experience a plus. Pre-drug test. Apply in person at Sid Harvey Industries 1052 Hanover St. Sugar Notch SALES Can you sell ADS? For Commission ONLY? Get a performance DRAW, and PAID Training!!! Email your great resume: careers@ adsonaglass.com Swift Kennedy & Assoc. specializes in Group Employee Benefits Plans and has an opening in our Wilkes-Barre office. Candidate must have prior group sales experi- ence and be licensed to sell insurance. Compen- sation is based on experience. Send resume to jerry@ swiftkennedy.com 573 Warehouse ASSISTANT WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR Plant seeking can- didate with strong leadership, organi- zation and com- munication skills. Will work hands- on to direct and manage staff for busy high volume Logistics depart- ment. Must have previous supervi- sory experience in a warehouse facil- ity including all function of ship- ping/receiving/ inventory, union and ISO experi- ence a plus. Com- puter literate, abil- ity to multi-task, meet deadlines, attention to detail a must. Schedule will be every other weekend commit- ment. Full time with competitive wage and bene- fits. Qualified can- didates please for- ward resume WITH SALARY REQUIREMENTS a must to: AEP Industries, Inc. Attn: Human Resources 20 Elmwood Ave. Mountaintop, PA 18707 Fax 570-474-9257 email: Lynottm@ aepinc.com We are a drug- free workplace EOE 600 FINANCIAL 610 Business Opportunities BEER & LIQUOR LICENSE FOR SALE For More Info, Call 570-824-7041 BEER DISTRIBUTOR License available with option to lease building or sold separately. 570-954-1284 CREATIVE & EXCITING Paint your own pottery studio franchise. Low start up & local training. POKE-A-NOSE POTTERY Inspiration is Within Call Jason 570-730-7855 or email: pnpfranchise @yahoo.com DRIVE-SHAFT FABRICATER Willing to train. Will sell stock or equip- ment seperately. For more info, call (570) 823-0245 610 Business Opportunities JAN-PRO COMMERCIAL CLEANING OF NEPA Be Your Own Boss Work Full or Part time Accounts available NOW throughout Wilkes Barre, Scranton, and Hazleton. We guarantee $5,000 to $200,000 in annual billing. Small investment We’re ready - Are you? For more info Call 570-824-5774 Janproofnepa.com Liquor License Luzerne County Priced to sell Cordora Business Network 570-287-7013 RESTAURANT FOR SALE Inside Church Hill Mall, high traffic area. Established 15 years. RENT IS FREE. Serious inquiries call 570-582-5208 630 Money To Loan “We can erase your bad credit - 100% GUARAN- TEED.” Attorneys for the Federal Trade Commission say they’ve never seen a legitimate credit repair opera- tion. No one can legally remove accurate and timely information from your credit report. It’s a process that starts with you and involves time and a conscious effort to pay your debts. Learn about manag- ing credit and debt at ftc. gov/credit. A message from The Times Leader and the FTC. 700 MERCHANDISE 702 Air Conditioners AIR CONDITIONER $40 570-740-1246 708 Antiques & Collectibles $ ANTIQUES BUYING $ Old Toys, model kits, Bikes, dolls, old gun Mining Items, trains &Musical Instruments, Hess. 474-9544 AUTO PARTS. 1930- 1931 Model “A” Ford Parts for sale. Many parts, too many to list. Call for list. $1000 for all. 570-655-0607 Leave message. BARBIE DOLL: 1997 Mattel Hallmark Special Edition Bar- bie Doll. Fair Valentint; 12” tall; Pink & Torquoise 1870’s dress. New in box $20.735-0191 Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! COLLECTIBLE Sea- gram’s Mirror – 1908 Stanley Cup $50. Call Mark at 570- 301-3484 or Allison at 631-6635. COLLECTIBLE: 1963 Topps Mike Ditka Football Card- Great Shape-Make an offer. $50.00 570-824-1180 DINING ROOM SET 1949 Leuis Burg Chair and Furniture Company Mahogany dining room set consisting of rectangle drop leaf table with swirled legs, 4 padded chairs, hutch with 8 draw- ers, corner cabinet with glass top and bottom drawer, telephone stand with swirled legs. All in very good condition. $1200. or best offer 570-239-7846 FOOTBALL CARDS. Philadelphia Eagles. 127 cards, $10. MUST SELL 570-313-5214 PICTURES: Pittston St. Johns pictures of the school fire of 1960 copies & some originals. also, the 1964 St. Johns year book. both for $20. Add also King’ col- lege year book of 1980. $20. BOOKS on 5 great women of our times”Jack & Jackie” A portrait of an American mar- riage in the Kennedy family. “Living His- tory” a book on Hillary Clinton. “Going Rogue” A amazing life of Sarah Palin. “My Turn” Memoirs of Nancy Reagan. “A Secret Life of Mari- lyn Monroe” $10. each. 655- 9474 email bing [email protected] TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 9D Rob Kosco Salesperson 24 Yrs. with Ford CALL NOW 823-8888 CALL NOW 823-8888 1-800-817-FORD 1-800-817-FORD Overlooking Mohegan Sun Overlooking Mohegan Sun 577 East Main St., Plains 577 East Main St., Plains Just Minutes from Scranton or W-B Just Minutes from Scranton or W-B .*Tax and tags extra. Security Deposit Waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. See salesperson for details. All payments subject to credit approval by the primary lending source, Tier 0 rate. Special APR financing cannot be combined with Ford cash rebate. “BUY FOR” prices are based on 72 month at $18.30 per month per $1000 financed with $2,500 down (cash or trade). Photos of vehicles are for illustration purposes only. Coccia Ford is not responsible for any typographical errors. No Security Deposit Necessary. See dealer for details. Sale ends Steve Mizenko Service Manager 14 Yrs. at Coccia Rudy Podest Parts & Service Director 26 Yrs. at Coccia Pat McGinty Parts Manager 19 Yrs. at Coccia Barry Williams Finance Manager 23 Yrs. at Coccia Jim Bufalino Salesperson 18 Yrs. at Coccia US AIR FORCE Toni Grasso Salesperson 8 Yrs. at Coccia Joe Skrutski Salesperson 11 Yrs. at Coccia US MARINES Marcus Ossowski Salesperson 1 Yr. at Coccia Frank Vieira Director of Internet Services Victor DeAnthony Salesperson 3 Yrs. at Coccia Kevin Uren Salesperson Automatic, Advanced Trac with Electronic Stability Control, Side Curtains, AM/FM/CD, Pwr. Door Locks, Remote Keyless Entry, Air, Tilt Wheel, Pwr. Mirrors ** 72 Mos. 3.7 V6, XL Plus Pkg., Cruise, AM/FM/CD, MyKey System, Pwr. Equipment Group, Pwr. Mirrors, 40/20/40 Cloth Seat, XL Decor Group ** 72 Mos. *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11. All Wheel Drive, Air, CD, Safety Canopy, Side Impact Safety Pkg., Pwr. Driver’s Seat, Rear Cargo Convenience Pkg., Fog Lamps, Privacy Glass, 16” Alum. Wheels, Roof Rack, Auto., Sirius Satellite Radio, PW, PDL, Keyless Entry, ** 72 Mos. ** 24 Mos. George Geiges Service Manager 24 Yrs. with Ford Greg Martin General Manager 20 Yrs. at Coccia US MARINES Joe “Bobo” Nocera Used Car Manager 25 Yrs. at Coccia US NAVY Doug Brown Salesperson 3 Yrs. at Coccia Ginny Kutzer Salesperson 19 Yrs. at Coccia US AIR FORCE Jason Kilduff Salesperson Lenny Santarsiero Body Shop Manager MPG *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11. ** 24 Mos. All Wheel Drive, SEL, Auto., ABS, V6, PDL, Air, Remote Keyless Entry w/Keypad, Rear Spoiler, Anti-Theft Sys., CD, PW, Safety Canopy, Side Impact Air Bags, Personal Safety Sys., Reverse Sensing, Sirius Satellite Radio, Convenience Group, Auto. Headlamps, 18” Alum. Wheels, Pwr. Seat, MyKey, Dual Elect. Climate Cont, MyFord LCD Display, Cruise ** 72 Mos. MPG *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11. Auto., 6 Disc CD, Anti-Theft Sys., Tilt, Alum. Wheels, Sirius Satellite Radio, Pwr. Seat, Safety Pkg., Side Impact Air Bags, Message Center, Keyless Entry, MPG ** ** 72 Mos. 24 Mos. *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11. ** 24 Mos. Auto., 3.5L V6, 18” Alum. Wheels, AM/FM/CD, Anti-Theft Perimeter Alarm, Reverse Sensing System, Keyless Entry with Keypad, PDL, PW, Sirius Satellite Radio, MPG ** 72 Mos. Front Wheel Drive, Auto., AC, 16” Steel Wheels, Keyless Entry w/Remote, PDL, Safety Canopy, Side Air Bags, PW, Cargo Cover, Roof Rails ** 72 Mos. Kyle Wesley Salesperson Abdul Alsaigh Sales Manager 3 Yrs. at Coccia Terry Joyce Sales Manager 33 Yrs. at Coccia Tom Washington Sales Manager 14 Yrs. with Ford MPG *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11. Auto., AM/FM/CD, Anti-Theft Sys., AC, Side Curtain Air Bags, 16” Steel Wheels, Tilt Wheel, Instrument Cluster, Message Center, PL, PW, Keyless Entry, Pwr. Side Mirrors, Fog Lamps, MyKey, Convenience Pkg., Cruise, Control, Map Light, Perimeter Alarm, MyFord, SYNC, Sirius Satellite Radio ** 24 Mos. *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11. Auto., AC, Pwr. Mirrors, Advanced Trac with Electronic Stability Control, Side Curtains, AM/FM/CD, Pwr. Door Locks, Tilt Wheel, SYNC, Sport Appearance Pkg., Rear Spoiler, Cruise Control, 15” Alum. Wheels, Winter Pkg., Heated Seats, Keyless Entry w/Keypad ** Remote Keyless Entry, Air, AM/FM/CD, Pwr. Locks, Side Curtain Air Bags, Anti-Theft Sys., Side Impact Air Bags, Message Center, MyKey ** 72 Mos. 24 Mos. PAGE 10D SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com 290 M U N D Y S TR EET, W IL K ES - B AR R E AT TH E W YOM IN G VAL L EY M AL L CAL L 30 1- CAR S H U R R Y, H U R R Y, S A L E EN D S S A L E EN D S TH IS W EEK EN D ! TH IS W EEK EN D ! B U Y N ATIO N W ID E B U Y N ATIO N W ID E A N D S AV E A N D S AV E TH O U S A N D S ! TH O U S A N D S ! n a tion w id e c a rs a le s .n e t CH ECK OU T OU R FU L L IN VEN TOR Y OF B OTH L OCATION S AT M on d a y- Frid a y 9a m - 8 p m S a tu rd a y 9a m - 5p m ALL SALES PLUS TAX, TAG AND FEES. ALL PAYMENTS BASED ON 5.99% FOR 72 MONTHS WITH $2000 CASH OR TRADE EQUITY DOWN. SUBJECT TO BANK APPROVAL. SALE ENDS 4/30/11. DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHIC ERRORS. ARTWORK FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. **PAYMENTS INCLUDE TAX & TAGS W/ $2000 CASH DOWN OR TRADE EQUITY. VIS IT OU R 2N D L OCATION AT 2 M ER ED ITH S TR EET, CAR B ON D AL E, P A 2010 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS STK# 18028,Auto,A/C, P.W indow s,Keyless Entry $ 15,490 * 2008 JEEP LIBERTY STK# 18047,Skyroof,V6,4x4, Alloys,One Ow ner $ 17,593 * 2010 TOYOTA CAROLLA LE STK# 18065,Pow erW indow s CD,30 M PG $ 16,360 * 2009 FORD FOCUS SE STK# 18067,Auto,CD, P.W indow s,P.Locks $ 14,998 * ARE OUR BUS INE S S FR EE W ITH EVER Y VEH ICL E AM ERICA’S NEW CAR ALTERNATIVE AM ERICA’S NEW CAR ALTERNATIVE O U R CU S TO M ER S O U R CU S TO M ER S O U R C U S TO M ER S 2009 M ERCEDES C300 4M ATIC AW D $ 29,988 * STK# 18041, M oonroof,Leather, Heated Seats,Low M iles STK# 18025, P.W indow s,P.Locks, Alloys,3 To Choose From $ 20,869 * 2011 KIA SORRENTO LX AW D 2010 M AZDA 3 STK# 18029,Alloys,CD, P.W indow s,Low M iles $ 16,240 * 2010 DODGE CALIBER SXT STK# 18031,Alloys,CD, P.W indow s,Keyless Entry $ 15,988 * STK# 18032,2nd Row Captain Chairs,P.Sliding Doors,7 Pasenger $ 19,690 * 2010 CHRYSLER TOW N N COUNTRY STK# 18008,SR5-V6,4x4, Alloys,Only 7K M iles 2010 TOYOTA TACOM A DOUBLECAB $ 27,970 * 2008 VOLKSW AGON PASSAT STK# 18052,Leather,M oonroof Alloys,One Ow nerLow M iles $ 17,960 * $ 15,689 * STK# 18039,Auto,V6, P.W indow s,P.Locks, Alloys,2 To Choose From 2010 CHEVY IM PALA LT STK# 18010, Sunroof, Leather,6 Disc, Alloys 2008 ACURA RLAW D $ 25,425 * STK# 18020,Auto, A/C,CD,35 M PG 2009 HYUNDAI ACCENT $ 12,496 * STK# 18012,Alloys, Auto,P.W indow s, Cruise 2010 CHEVY HHR LT $ 14,374 * STK# 17950A,Alloys,PW ,PL,CD,4x4 $ 18,688 * 2007 HUM M ER H3 2008 HONDA ACCORD EXL STK# 17962,Leather, M oonroof,Alloys, CD,Only 26K M iles $ 18,360 * STK# 18058,4 Cyl,P.W indow s, P.Locks,Great On Gas 2010 PONTIAC VIBE STK# 18059,M oonroof,AW D, Alloys,Low M iles 2009 SUBARU IM PREZZA PREM IUM STK# 18074,AW D,Leather,M oonroof, Heated Seats 2007 ACURA RDX TURBO 2010 DODGEAVENGER RT STK# 18077,Leather,Alloys,CD Don’t M iss This One! 2011 HYUNDAI SONATA GLS STK# 18069,30 M PG,P.w indow s, P.Locks,Keyless Entry,CD, 6 To Choose From $ 16,989 * JOIN N ATION W ID E CAR S AL ES FAM ILY OF S ATIS FIED CU S TOM ER S 2010 CH RYS L E R S E BRING 2010 CH RYS L E R S E BRING CONV TOURING CONV TOURING S tk# 17919 Alloys, P W , P L , P wrTop M S RP M S RP W H E N W H E N NE W NE W $ 29 , 9 60 $ 29 , 9 60 Is The Word “ NE W” Worth$ 12, 000? OUR P RICE $ 17, 9 60 S CAN THIS QR COD E F OR M ORE ON OUR S EBRING CONVERTIBL E * M ANAGER’S SPECIAL 2006 S UBARU TRIBE CA L IMITE D $ 16, 894 * $ 16, 894 * $ 16, 894 * S TK #17970A, L eather, Navigation , S u n roof, AW D ONL Y 15 K $ 18,998 * $ 18,380 * $ 15,579 * $ 19,985 * TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 11D The TImes Leader -Edition e Luzerne County’s #1 newspaper. Minus the paper. timesleader.com Now you can read your favorite local paper online the same way you would in print. W hether from your desktop, Sony Reader, Nook, Kindle, or your iPad, you can now view and print stories, ads, coupons and promos... just as they appear in the paper. Translate stories into several languages or have the articles read to you. Stream them now or download them for later. Your newspaper. When you want it. How you want it. f r e e 708 Antiques & Collectibles YEARBOOKS: Coughlin H.S. 1926, 1928, 1932, 1937, 1940, 1961, 1963, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1949. G.A.R. H.S. 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1945, 1946, 1951, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1961, 1965, 1966, 1970, 1980, 1985, 2005, 2006. Meyers H.S. 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1960, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977. Kingston H.S. 1938, 1939, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1949. Plymouth H.S. 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1938, 1943, 1944, 1959, 1960. Hanover H.S. 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1960. West Pittston H.S. Annual 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1931, 1932, 1959. Luzerne H.S. 1951, 1952, 1956, 1957, 1959. Berwick H.S. 1952, 1953, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1967, 1968, 1969 ,1970. Lehman H.S. 1973, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1980. Nanti- coke Area H.S. 1976, 2008. Dallas H.S. 1966, 1967, 1968. Bishop Hoban H.S. 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975. West Side Central Catholic H.S. 1965 - 1974, 1980, 1981. Westmoreland H.S. 1952, 1953 - 1954 G.A.R. H.S. 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976 Pittston H.S. 1936, 1951, 1954, 1963 Pittston Hospi- tal School of Nurs- ing, J.O.Y. of 1957, 1959 West Pittston H.S. 1950, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1960 Hazleton H.S. 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1945, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964 Hazle Twp H.S. 1951, 1952 570-825-4721 710 Appliances A P P L I A N C E PA R T S E T C . Used appliances. Parts for all brands. 223 George Ave. Wilkes-Barre 570-820-8162 DRYER. GE Electric. White, 6 cycle, heavy duty. Excel- lent condition. $130. 570-881-2384 MICROWAVE: GE, all options, with turntable, excellent condition. $40. REFRIGERATOR, small college size, good condition $40/ 570-675-4383 REFRIGERATOR, Kenmore, white side by side with ice and water in door. Excellent condition $450. Call 570-654-3135 or 570-760-5519 710 Appliances GENE’S RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES 60 Day Warranty Monday-Friday 8:00PM-5:00PM Saturday 8:00AM-11:00AM Gateway Shopping Center Kingston, PA (570) 819-1966 REFRIGERATOR. Kenmore, Almond. 21.6 cf, ice maker, filtered water. Excellent condition. $300. AIR CONDI- TIONER. Whirlpool, 6000 BTU, energy efficient. $80 570-868-6018 WASHER AND DRYER. Extra large capacity, white, like new. $100 each. 570-814-5689 WASHER. Maytag. Fabric-matic. Heavy duty, extra large capacity top loader. 25 1/2” wide. White. Good condition. $325 570-885-1338 WASHER/DRYER. Whirlpool,electric. Excellent, $350. REFRIGERATOR, Roper, 18.2 cu ft. Excellent. $200. 570-474-5188 Why Spend Hundreds on New or Used Appliances? Most problems with your appli- ances are usually simple and inex- pensive to fix! Save your hard earned money, Let us take a look at it first! 30 years in the business. East Main Appliances 570-735-8271 Nanticoke 712 Baby Items BABY ITEMS: New- born swing $50. Childcraft crib $75. Childcraft oak 4 drawer chest $50. Oak dresser combo changing table $100. Newborn-12 month clothing - girl $5. each 570-825-0569 Say it HERE in the Classifieds! 570-829-7130 BASINET, for baby, blue & white, excel- lent condition. $50.; BABY BATHTUB $10; BABY SWING, Oraco $40. Call 570-829-2599 712 Baby Items BASSINET: With canopy, mobile, music, vibration. Storage area under- neath. Light green/ cream pattern for boy or girl. Excellent conditions. Extra sheets, mattress pad included. $40. 570-855-9221 Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! CRIB, convertible, complete. $350 or best offer 570-474-0614 716 Building Materials DOOR. 36”x80” solid wood, 6 panel. Exterior or interior. Natural oak finish, right or left with hardware. $200. Call 570-735-8730 or 570-332-8094 DOORS 2 used Lar- son storm doors 30” & 36” white. $50 each. 570-417- 4188 leave mes- DOORS: (2) sliding closet doors, 24x80 wood with natural finish $50. DOOR (1) 30x80 natural finish. $40. Excellent con- dition. 675-4383 GLASS DOOR. 3 way glass door for bath tub. $25 570-331-8183 SINKS: 2 new Arlington double bowl sinks with slight imperfection (almond). $30. or best offer. For details 457-6380 WINDOWS Re- placement new 1- 16”x27.5” & 1- 18”x27” white vinyl double hung insulat- ed glass 1/2 screen $65. each. (2) 16”x16” concrete chimney caps $10. each. 720 Cemetery Plots/Lots CEMETERY PLOTS Plymouth National Cemetery in Wyoming. 6 Plots. $450 each. Call 570-825-3666 CEMETERY PLOTS (3) together. Maple Lawn Section of Dennison Cemetery. Section ML. $550 each. 610-939-0194 OAKLAWN CEMETERY 4 grave sites, fabulous location. Purchased 20 years ago. $2,450 610-838-7727 726 Clothing BABY GIRLS clothes (0-18 months) tons of outfits, like new $150. Maternity clothes, over 20 pieces $40. 570-212-2347 CLOTHING. Great Buys! Girls, like new. Sizes 10-12. Large box $25, Size 14 $25 box. Misses women’s, Medium $20, X-large $25. 570-474-6028 JACKET - Mens Brown Leather Jacket. Medium. Long. Good Condi- tion. $10. 675-0920 JACKETS. Leather. Boys black size 14. Genuine Italian stone. $25 each. 570-868-6018 WOMEN’S size 3X - 4x clothing including pants and tops, some with new tags. $5 for new and $2 for slightly used. Great for gifts. Size 20W mauve evening dress for $10. Excel- lent condition. Call between 10 am & 9pm. 570-288-9936 728 Commercial/ Industrial Equipment GENERATOR Honda EB 2500 $400 570-674-7034 730 Computer Equipment & Software COMPUTER SYS- TEM COMPAQ XP PRO SP3, Includes mouse, keyboard, monitor. Still a year left on warranty. $75. 570-457-6610 DESK. Computer Desk $50. Call 735- 8730 or 332-8094 732 Exercise Equipment EXERCISE BIKE: “Half Price” Nordic- track exercise bike. 16 levels. Like new. $125. 204-4449 742 Furnaces & Heaters COAL STOVE: Eng- lander. 27-3000 heats approximately 2600-2800 square feet. Burns chestnut coal. Firebrick-lined, built in blower sys- tem, large glass viewing area, 6” top or rear exhaust, 610 lbs. Must pick up. $500. 570-497-4132 OIL: Home heating oil. Approximately 150+ gallons. Must remove from tanks. $2.00 a gallon Located in Jermyn. 570-877-3861 742 Furnaces & Heaters HEATER: Timberline vent-free propane gas heater with fire- log. Wall mounted. 15,000 to 25,000 BTUs, sells for $250 asking $99. Excel- lent condition. 570-328-5611 570-328-5506 744 Furniture & Accessories ARMOIRE. For com- puter. Excellent condition. $100 570-256-7208 BEDROOM SET 4 piece Basset, white, dresser with 3 drawers, desk with matching chair & lighted bookshelf, single bed with con- vertible canopy. Excellent condition. $350. 287-8711. BEDROOM SET 5 piece, complete, dark wood, like new queen size, 7 ft. dresser with double mirror. Asking $599. 655-5404 BEDROOM SET mis- sion oak wood twin size complete & cabinet never used! $175. 905-5602 BEDROOM SET: Four piece solid oak bedroom set pur- chased at Ashley Furniture approxi- mately 4 years ago for $2,800. In excel- lent condition, like new. $900. Call after 4 p.m. 570-466-3169 CURIO CABINET: solid oak, three glass shelves and two lights for display $200. Bridal Pre- cious Moment knick knacks $5 to $35. Hunter green couch reclines on both sides, drawer in center bottom and hidden pull out table with cup holders $150. 570-704-8117 DAY BED white wicker Henry Link with trundle, desk, chair, mirror, night stand, 6 draw dresser, removable bookcase, ward- robe, magazine stand $500. or call for individual prices 570-498-0977 DESK, Computer corner desk Gray,light oak, excellent condition. $75 570-868-6018 DESK, Secretary drop down top 3 drawers, pecan fin- ish, excellent condi- tion. $100. 287-2517 DINETTE SET: round top on pedestal bot- tom, with 4 match- ing chairs in solid maple. Mint Condi- tion Less than one year old. Four cush- ions included. $175. 570-288-5835 744 Furniture & Accessories DESK: O’Sullivan Corner Work-center 5.5’x5’.5 finished in pine laminate, in excellent condition, sells for $250. ask- ing $99. E-mail photo available. Call 570-328-5611 or 570-328-5506 DRESSER 5 drawer oak, very good con- dition $50. 570-878-2849 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER. Cherry, real wood. 57” wide. $20. 570-674-2985 GOLDEN LIFT CHAIR, weight capacity 375 lbs. Medium brown, never used, $450. Call 570-388-6044 KI TCHEN TABLE, small, oak. Sides fold down. $50. Call (570) 829-2599 LAMP - Parlor stand up lamp. Very good condition. Grey metal color. $25. 570-740-1246 LIVING ROOM SET. Couch, 2 matching swivel rockers and Ottoman. $350 570-474-5188 LOVESEAT & OTTOMAN solid sand colored cush- ioned, excellent shape $200. 570/824-7807 or 570-545-7006 AFFORDABLE MATTRESS SALE We Beat All Competitors Prices! Mattress Guy Twin sets: $149 Full sets: $169 Queen sets: $189 All New American Made 570-288-1898 MIRROR large full size wall mirror 30” x 52” great for salon or gym $50. or best offer. 570-905-5602 MIRRORS: 2 mirrors that fit on dressers. $50 for both. 570-313-5213 PANTRY/CABINET: 6 1/2ft tall, 3ft wide with shelves and lots of storage space. White with light wood trim. Excellent condition. $50. 570-855-9221 PATIO SET: 7 piece white, rectangle table, new cushions that are 1 year old $250. 883-5640 ROCKER with Ottoman. $75 or best offer. 570-474-0614 ROCKER. Maple. 6 months old. $30 570-824-2571 SOFA. Green sec- tional w/sleeper and recliner. $100 570-417-9280 744 Furniture & Accessories SOFA TABLE: 48” medium shade of wood, $40. Childs wood high back bench with cut out hearts on sides and back, $15. 3 light green metal planters, hook on top of deck railing, 24” long, $12. for all. 570-301-8515 752 Landscaping & Gardening 1st Choice Landscaping See our ad in the Call an Expert sec- tion under Category 1165 - Lawn Care BITTO LANDSCAPING & LAWN SERVICE See Our Ad In The Call An Expert Section 1162 Bruce’s Lawn Service See our ad under Call An Expert 1165 Lawn Care GET THE WORD OUT with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 CHIPPER, shredder, mulcher, bagger. Craftsman 5 HP. 3 cutting stages. Very good condition. $325. 675-4383 COUNTRY GENTLEMAN TOTAL YARD CARE See our ad under Call An Expert 1162 Landscaping & Gardening Keller’s Lawn Care See our ad under Call An Expert 1162 Landscape & Garden Lawn Maintenance See our ad under Call An Expert 1165 Lawn Care LAWN MOWER - Yard machine, 5.75 H.P., 22” cut, mulches, high wheeled, good con- dition. $85. 570-881-7116 LAWNMOWER Craftsman /Honda motor includes bag not self propelled, new blade runs good $150. after 3pm 655-3197 MOWER Craftsman 6.75 hp, self propelled bag- ging mower, key start, fully services $165. 878-2849 NEED YOUR LAWN CUT OR TRIMMED? See the ad for Cole’s Lawn Care Call An Expert Section 1165 Patrick & Deb’s Lawn Care See our ad under Call An Expert 1162 Landscape & Garden 752 Landscaping & Gardening Peter’s Lawncare See our ad under Call an Expert 1165 Lawn Care 754 Machinery & Equipment HAULMARK ‘07 TRAIL- ER 6’X14’ Like new with electric brakes, new tires and reinforced tongue. $2700. 570-239-5457 756 Medical Equipment LIFT CHAIR. Pride. Elegance series Model 550. 3 posi- tion, 375 lb capacity. Marine blue, less than 2 years old. $175. 954-9883 POWER CHAIR: Jazzy. With leg sup- ports. Red, comes with charger. May need a new battery. $350.00. 570-331-0632 WHEELCHAIR. Trac- er IV by Invacare. Heavy duty, extra wide, 450 lbs seat, 18” deep x 24” wide back 18” high. $400 cash only. 570-288-9936 between 10am-9pm 758 Miscellaneous AB-DOER In box never opened, $70. VCR Magnovox with all hookups, on screen display record & timer $20. DVD player $15. 570-822-8957 ALUMINUM CAP: Black. For 6 foot truck bed. $200.00. 570-283-5142 AQUARIUM: 30 gal- lon. With all needed accessories $50. 570-829-1541 BARREL, wooden. 53 gallon. Excellent condition $195. 570-876-3830 BATHROOM SINK SET: Gerber white porcelain bathroom sink with mirror and medicine cabinet. Matching set. $80. 570-331-8183 BEAUTY SALON two chairs beige color hydraulic lift & swivel $50 each 570-905-5602 BEER MEISER Dans- by, holds 1/4 keg. $225. 283-2047 DISHES. 2 sets of china, Service for 12. $100. Yellow set, service for 8, $40 570-824-2571 758 Miscellaneous BEDLINER: 89 Chevy S10 truck bedliner, standard cab $30. 2000 Chevy Cavalier LS rear trunk spoiler, black $10. Four barrel carb running from Chevy motor $50. 3 suitcases in excellent shape $40. 570-740-1246 BLU TOOTH used 12 volt $50. 12 volt travel cooler $35. 12 volt refrigerator $35. Jack LaLanne power juicer $50. Sharp SF 7320 copy machine. $150 570-675-7024 BUMPER rear chrome 88-98 Chevy/GMC fullsize pickup. Mint condi- tion $200. Tailgate 88-98 cChevy full- size pickup, no rust or dents. Good con- dition. $75. Call after 3pm 655-3197 CANES & WALKING STICKS - Uniquely made from the roots of Slippery Elm trees. Over 16 avail- able. $4 & 5 each. Call 570-735-2081. CEILING FAN white, very good condition $15. Anderson window- 36”w X38”H double hung, grills & screen included, very good condition. $75. or best offer. 826-1702 CHILTON & Motor Manuals for auto/ truck repair, ranging from 1960 to 1980. each $12. Truck door for 1973-1980 passenger side Dodge Pickup new, never used. $100. Pinto trailer hook for dump truck. $40. Radiator for 1950/ 54 model Chevy truck. $75. Tail Lights, new, for Ford dump or box truck, brackets included. 2 for $25. 570-823-6829 CHOCOLATE SET - Rose Theme. 5 piece. Small Repair. $20. Dinnerware - 8 place setting. Royal Staffordshire Ameri- can Legend. With extras. $100. 570-675-0920 COFFEE MAKER. Restaurant style, 2 pot Bunn Pour O Matic. $80. PUMP, windshield, for Jeep Wrangler, $50 570-709-2926 DISHES Apple dish- es 12 place setting with salt/pepper shakers, butter dish and matching canis- ter set $25. Call 570-631-6635 9am- 5:30pm or 570-283- 5958 After 5:30. HUTCH, Mahogany. $50. STOVE, Camp- ing, $30. LANTERN, camping $25 570-287-8092 758 Miscellaneous FIREPLACE, elec- tric, built in heater, $300, TRAVEL CASE, Golf club, $10.WIRING, 250” roll 12/3, $50 570-675-7024 GARAGE SALE ITEMS. LUGGAGE RACK, for top of car, $40. ENTERTAIN- MENT CENTER, oak with glass doors, $40. CHAIR, rock- ing, wood, $15 570-868-8449 IRONING BOARD $8; WAFFLE MAKER $10; (2) LAMPS, $15 each; ITALIAN POTTERY $30 for all. Call 570-829-2599 LAWN ORNAMENT cement yard donkey with flower cart 3’ x3” planter for flow- ers. sell for $90. ATTIC CLEANED OUT !!! many, many items ( over 100 ! ) christmas decora- tions, candles, flow- ers. lamps, suitcas- es all for $ 75. call 570-735-2081 SEWI NG FABRI CS Lots of Them WALLPAPER 1,000’s of patterns WALLPAPER & BLIND WAREHOUSE 30 Forrest St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 570-970-6683 SHOES - Capezio, tan, size 8W, new in box/never worn, $25. 570-675-6377 SLEEPING BAGS. 3 childrens’. $7.50 570-474-6028 STEAMER: Large. On Wheels. $50. 570-313-5213 TIRES -4 Dayton Timberline P255/ 70/R16 good tread $150. 570-824-7015 TIRES. Various sizes. $145 to $240. Call for details 570-969-1481 TIRES: Four (4) Good tread. 255/70/R16 $100.00 570-824-7015 TRAILER HITCH with hardware, fits 2005- 2008 Escape, Mer- cury Mariner, Mazda Tribute $110 or best offer. 570-466-1214 TRUCK BOX. Kobalt aluminum. Fits small truck. $85 Call Mark at 570-829-1478 Line up a place to live in classified! 760 Monuments & Lots GRAVE LOT Near baby land at Memorial Shine in Carverton. $400. Call 570-287-6327 PAGE 12D SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com 2 8 6 9 8 2 Ken Pollock SAVE NOW! DRIVE NOW! INTERSTATE ROUTE 315 KEN POLLOCK SUZUKI 81 ROUTE 315 EXIT 175 * ALL PRICES +TAX & REGISTRATION. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. ALL REBATES AND DISCOUNTS INCLUDED. **BASED ON SUZUKI NATIONAL SALES VOLUME REPORTS FOR 2010. THIS IS A COMBINED OFFER. MAKE YOUR BEST DEAL ONA PACKAGE PRICE. ***OWNER LOYALTY REBATE, MUST HAVE OR OWN SUZUKI VEHICLE IN HOUSEHOLD. CLOSE TOEVERYWHERE! WE’RE EASY TOFIND! JUST OFF EXIT 175 RTE I-81 • PITTSTON A TOP 10 IN THE NATION SUZUKI SALES VOLUME DEALER.** 2011 SUZUKI GRAND VITARA 4WD Stk#S1368 Premium Package, Navigation, Power Windows/Locks, Auto MSRP $ 23,749* Ken Pollock Sale Price $ 22,399* Manufacturer Rebate - $ 1,250* Suzuki Owner Loyalty - $ 500*** EVERY NEWSUZUKI IN STOCK PRICEDTO SELL NOW 2011 SUZUKI KIZASHI S Power Windows/Locks, CD, Keyless Entry, Tilt, 6 Speed MSRP w/ Add Ons $ 20,711* Ken Pollock Sale Price $ 19,499* Manufacturer Rebate - $ 1,000* Suzuki Owner Loyalty - $ 1,000*** 2011 SUZUKI SX4 SEDAN Stk#S1490 Power Windows/Locks, Keyless Entry, CD, Tilt, Automatic SALE PRICE $ 15,149* MSRP $ 17,999* Ken Pollock Sale Price $ 16,899* Manufacturer Rebate - $ 1,250* Suzuki Owner Loyalty - $ 500*** 2011 SUZUKI EQUATOR EXT CAB 4x4 Stk#S1565 Automatic, V6, AM/FM/CD, Power Windows/Locks MSRP $ 26,899* Ken Pollock Sale Price $ 25,299* Manufacturer Rebate - $ 2,000* Suzuki Owner Loyalty - $ 500*** SALE PRICE $ 20,649* SALE PRICE $ 22,799* UP TO 27 MPG UP TO 34 MPG UP TO 36 MPG UP TO 26 MPG SCAN THIS QR CODE FOR MORE ON OUR GRAND VITARA SCAN THIS QR CODE FOR MORE ON OUR KIZASHI SALE PRICE $ 17,499* 2011 SUZUKI SX4 CROSSOVER AWD Stk#S1477 Power Windows/Locks, Keyless Entry, CD, Tilt, 5 Speed MSRP $ 17,999* Ken Pollock Sale Price $ 16,899* Manufacturer Rebate - $ 1,000* Suzuki Owner Loyalty - $ 500*** SALE PRICE $ 15,399* UP TO 36 MPG SAVE ON PRICE & AT THE PUMP! TOP $$$ FOR YOUR TRADE HUGE SELECTION LOW FINANCE RATES GREAT SERVICE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 13D 551 Other 566 Sales/Business Development 548 Medical/Health 551 Other 566 Sales/Business Development 548 Medical/Health 551 Other 566 Sales/Business Development 548 Medical/Health 412 Autos for Sale 548 Medical/Health 412 Autos for Sale 548 Medical/Health www.Tun kA utoM a rt.c om W E HA ND PIC K THE BEST NEW C A R TRA DE-INS & LEA SE TURN-INS & SELL THEM RIG HT HERE IN TUNKHA NNO C K A T A FRA C TIO N O F THEIR O RIG INA L PRIC E. THEY DRIV E LIKE NEW & SO M E SM ELL LIKE NEW BUT C O ST THO USA NDS LESS. DON ’T RIS K PA YIN G TOO M UCH S OM EW HERE EL S E! DON ’T RIS K PA YIN G TOO M UCH S OM EW HERE EL S E! S OL D S OL D S OL D N OW $ 13,883 2009 HON DA FIT S tk #110329A N OW $ 15,9 77 2009 V W JE TTA S E L S tk #110224J 06 JE E P GRA N D CHE ROK E E $13,337 L o ca l T ra d e, Ca rfa x Certified , 6 Cyl................................ $13,337 $13,337 08 DODGE N ITRO S XT 4X4 $17,998 On ly 27,346 M iles , On e Ow n er, Au to m a tic...................... $17,998 $17,998 08 JE E P GRA N D CHE ROK E E 4X4 $19,976 29,058 M iles , 6 Cyl, L o ca l T ra d e................................... $19,976 $19,976 $15,977 $15,977 $15,977 Prices a re Plu s T a x, Regis tra tio n F ees a n d Do cu m en ta tio n F ees . All p a ym en ts a re fo r72 m o n ths to q u a lified b u yers w ith excellen tcred it@ 6.99 APR. Y o u rra te m a y va ry d ep en d in g o n cred itra tin g s ta tu s . $2499 d o w n p a ym en to rtra d e eq u ity. In a d d itio n to ta x a n d regis tra tio n , d o c fees . M u s tta ke d elivery b y 5/ 13/ 11. S to ck Nu m b er’s A11088, A1030E , a n d A1013B a re p a ym en ts w ith a term o f60 m o s . A S L OW A S $ 19 4 A S L OW A S $ 229 2 8 1 0 0 6 Earn Extra Cash For Just A Few Hours A Day. Deliver To find a route near you and start earning extra cash, call Rosemary at 570-829-7107 Laflin/Hudston $920 Monthly Profit + Tips 225 daily papers / 240 Sunday papers Chamberlain Street, Driftwood Drive, Hilldale Drive, Jason Drive, Lombardo Drive Duryea $560 Monthly Profit + Tips 149 daily papers / 141 Sunday papers Adams Street, Blackberry Lane, Cherry Street, Columbia Street, Cranberry Terr., Evans Street West Pittston $760 Monthly Profit + Tips 183 daily papers / 186 Sunday papers Exeter Ave., Ann Street, Clear Spring Ct., Ledgeview Drive, Susquehanna Ave., York Ave. Dallas $400 Monthly Profit + Tips 92 daily papers / 144 Sunday papers Baldwin Avenue, E. Center Hill Road, Claude Street, Midland Drive, Saginaw Street Parsons $965 Monthly Profit + Tips 194 daily papers / 222 Sunday papers Wyoming Street, Auburn Street, West Chestnut Street, East Elm Street, John Street Available routes: ( No Col l ect i ons) ( N ( Noo Co Col l l l ec ect i t i on ons) s) Inside Sales Representative GWC Warranty, a national vehicle service contract provider, is looking for an Inside Sales Representative to market our products to quality new and used dealers. Qualified candi- dates must have 2 to 4 years experience in B2B and/or tele- sales, be energetic, self-starting and possess the ability to effectively communicate over the phone. Knowledge of the auto industry is a plus. The Company offers a competitive starting salary plus com- missions and comprehensive benefits package including medical, life insurance, long-term disability and 401(k). Interested applicants should send their resume, along with references to gnilon@gwcwarranty or fax to 570-456-0967. For more information regarding our Company please visit our website at: www.gwcwarranty.com Director of Med-Surg The Berwick Hospital Center is seeking an experienced, self-motivated, dynamic individual to manage our Med-Surg department. PA RN License required. Three years of acute care experience and two years of management experience preferred. Medical-Surgical experience required. Strong leadership skills and a commitment to customer service excellence required. BSN or MSN preferred. OB RN Previous OB/GYN experience required. Minimum of two years hospital or medical office setting experience required. We offer an excellent salary and benefit package. Please apply on-line at www.berwick-hospital.com or send resume to: Berwick Hospital Center Human Resources Department 701 E. 16th Street • Berwick, PA 18603 E-mail: [email protected] Fax# 570-759-5035 E.O.E. RN’s W E M AK E IT EAS Y! Ca ll M a rc u m M otors 570 - 693- 30 76 w w w .m a rc u m m otors .c om All Ve hic le s Com e w ith 2YR - 24,0 0 0 M ile W a rra n ty N e e d a Ca r? B a d Cre d it N o Cre d it 2 8 4 4 4 7 197 West End Road, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18706 825-7577 YOMING VALLEY AUTO SALES INC. AA SERVICED, INSPECTED, & WARRANTIED FINANCING AVAILABLE www.WyomingValleyAutos.com MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 04 CHEVY CAVALIER $ 4,850 01 FORD ESCORT ZX2 $ 4,550 06 SUZUKI FORENZA $ 7,995 05 DODGE NEON SXT $ 6,550 $ 3,975 02 HYUNDAI SONATA $ 4,995 01 HYUNDAI ACCENT PW, PDL, Moonroof, 78K Miles Air, AM/FM, Tilt PW, PDL, Air, 34K Miles PW, PDL, Air, 61K Miles PW, PDL, Air, Moonroof, 65K Miles “GAS SAVER SPECIALS” Air, AM/FM, R. Wiper 2 8 2 7 4 4 MOTORTWINS 2010 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming 718-4050 CALL STEVE MORENKO NEW LOW PRICES! 02 Ford Escape $ 6,490 * ‘97 Plymouth Breeze $ 2,890 * 4 Dr, 4 Cyl, A/C ‘99 Buick Custom 4Dr $ 4,990 * 59K Miles 03 Ford Windstar $ 6,990 * *All Prices Plus Tax & Tags. 2000 GMC Jimmy 4x4 $ 4,990 * ‘02 Hyundai Elantra GLS 4Dr $ 4,990 * Loaded! Loaded w/ 66K Miles The Meadows Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Positions Available CNA’s CNA’s 7-3 Shift Part Time (5-9 days bi-weekly) with benefits 11-7 Shift Part Time (5-9 days bi-weekly) with benefits CNA’s can apply on line at: https://home.eease.com/recruit/?id=296360 * Individualized orientation program. * Competitive starting rates * Vacation, Holiday and Personal Days * Tuition Reimbursement * Health insurance and Pension Plan * Child Day Care on premises Meadows Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 55 West Center Hill Road, Dallas PA 18612 [email protected] e.o.e. 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health Children's Behavioral Health Services, Inc. is currently looking for: BEHAVIORAL SPECIALIST CONSULTANTS Must have a a Master’s Degree in a Clinical field. Full-Time Therapeutic Staff Support Workers Bachelor’s Degree/Associate Degree in Human Services. Provide 1:1 interventions & support to children. Full-time TSS are guaranteed a minimum of 35 hours per week. Full-time benefits include: competitive pay, health insurance, paid holidays and vacation days. EOE If you are outcome oriented and a team player seeking a challenging opportunity, please send, fax or e-mail your resume & letter of interest to: Children’s Behavioral Health Services Attn: Susan Hurd 104 Woodward Hill Rd., Edwardsville, PA 18704 Email: [email protected] or fax to 714-7231 762 Musical Instruments CLARINETTE 42, solid state 3 piece, stereo, phono & eight track stereo tape player with speakers. Albums & tapes available. $50 (570) 735-6167 To place your ad call...829-7130 762 Musical Instruments DIGITAL PIANO Roland RP-101-MH Digital Piano with cabinet and bench. Excellent condition - hardly used. Paid $2400 $1500. 570-417-1734 762 Musical Instruments PIANO Baldwin con- sole with matching bench $995. tuned a440 almost mint, hardly used, excel- lent, delivered. call 570-474-6362 Say it HERE in the Classifieds! 570-829-7130 762 Musical Instruments PIANO/SPINET brown, great for students $75. 570-417-9280 Let the Community Know! Place your Classified Ad TODAY! 570-829-7130 PAGE 14D SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com 762 Musical Instruments PIANO Beautiful Story & Clark console piano with matching bench. Excellent condition. $750. Call 570-287-8711 PIANO KEYBOARD Casio WK-200 76- key piano keyboard. Over 500 different sounds/tones. In excellent condition. Comes with every- thing you need, bench, stand, sus- tain pedal.$200 or best offer. 570-824-1114 766 Office Equipment PRINTER, Fax, Copi- er, Scanner. 4 in 1 HP Series 2200. Excellent condition $50. 570-675-4383 770 Photo Equipment BACK UP CAMERA 12 volt, used $50. 570-675-7024 772 Pools & Spas LADDER: “A” Frame for above ground pool. Purchased last year for $180. Sell for $100. Optional conversion kit $15. 570-574-2149 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! POOL 4’x15’ above ground pool $600. includes heavy duty ladder, large filter, solar cover, all accessories. 570-779-2079 SWIMMING POOL: 24ft round, 4ft deep. Plains. YOU dismantle and remove. Pump/filter not included. $350. 570-823-2958 774 Restaurant Equipment MIXER. Hobart, 20 quart. Excellent condition. $850 570-288-5571 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT, 8x12 walk in cooler $2300; 8x8x10 walk in freezer $3800; Pizza oven with stones $2000; Stainless steel kitchen hood $3000; Stainless steel pizza oven hood $4000; bread pan rack $100; 2 soup warmers for $100; 2 door sandwich prep table $500. All equipment is sold as is. For more info, call 570-847-0873 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT, Somerset Dough Sheeter, Model CAR-100. Only 1 available. $1,500 Call for more info 570-498-3616 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT, SOMERSET TURN OVER MACHINE - model SPM45, $500; ALSO, Bunn Pour Over Coffee Machine, Model # STF15, $225 For more info, call 570-498-3616 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT, AMERICAN EAGLE MIXER, 20 quart mixer, Model AE-20, with timer and guard, $1300. ALSO, Bev Air 2 door refrigerator/ sandwich prep table, Model SP48-12, $1300. Call 570-498-3616 for more details. 776 Sporting Goods 08 LOWE 14 Foot Aluminum Boat. Hand Galvanized Trailer. 40 pd Thrust Electric Motor. $900. 570-675-3171 BASEBALL EQUIPMENT:USED. CATCHERS MITT, youth, Rawlings new $25. Men’s Nike tan catchers Mitt, used $15. Youth Pro Nike catcher leg guards, used $10. Youth Louisville Slugger outfielders glove, used $10. Omaha Little League bat (gold), used $15. Call 570-868-6134 BASKETBALL HOOP, portable. great condition. paid $150 asking $60. price nego- tiable. 814-4064 BICYCLE. Boy’s 20” Pacific DS2, 6 speed. $30. Boy’s 20” Magna Excitor, 21 speed. $40 570-868-6018 BICYCLE: 26” Sears ladies 3 speed bicycle, in very good condition, helmet included. $35. 570-696-1703 BOWLING BALL: NEW 16 pound Brunswick Groove Blue/burgundy. This ball is new in the box $15.00. 570-829-2695 CAMO HUNTING- BLIND. Portable For single person. $50 570-829-1541 CROSS BOW by Weider (over 65 exercises) $75. 570-654-2396 776 Sporting Goods GOLF CART BAG, Mizuno, brand new $50. PSE Com- pound bow with soft case, excellent con- dition $50. 50lb. automatic deer feeder $20. Bow Flex XLT with lat bar & leg extension, all cables, bars, and instructions includ- ed $200. Sit up bench with leg hold- er $20. Outdoor sun shelter 9x13 $25. 570-212-2347 GOLF CLUBS Arnold Palmer irons, 2 thru 9, good condition $50. BACKPACK, hiking, large, navy, excellent condition $50. 570-675-4383 GOLF CLUBS men’s left-handed complete set taylor - made driver #3, 4, 5 fairway metals #3 adams hybrid adams graphite irons #5 wedge put- ter $100. 655-1582 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! GOLF EQUIPMENT. Clubs, cart. 13 vari- ous irons, woods, etc plus other items. $50. 72 golf balls, $10, 2 bags of tees, $3. 570-474-6028 HELMETS one XL red, Surround ATV helmet $50. One XXL Camo-Surround ATV helmet $50. One large black vector sport ATV helmet $25. 570-735-7742 PALOMINO 1988 COLT POP UP STOVE COOLER CONVERTOR, good tires, new springs $950. 693-0140 POOL TABLE antique solid slate with everything included business type excellent con- dition $950. 570-208-3888 780 Televisions/ Accessories TELEVISION: GE. 28” works good, needs remote $90. 570-740-1246 TV Curtis 13.3” LCD A/V, HDMI and VGA inputs, remote, like new in box. $50. 570-833-2598 TV: Sony 27” Trini- tron color with Sauder entertain- ment center meas- ures 55h x 22w, 51 l $100. Mintek DVD Player $15 570-829-4776 782 Tickets TICKETS: Glee Concert, 2 tickets, June 8, Floor. 4-Row 2 Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia. $250. 570-690-6003 786 Toys & Games GAME TABLE SET. 10 in 1. Pool, hockey basketball, etc. Approximately 4x6 $45. 570-868-6018 LITTLE TYKES play house good condi- tion $175. 704-8117 788 Stereo/TV/ Electronics BLU-RAY disc player sony model bdp- 650 blu-ray disc player, wifi for bd- live & auto updates, remote, like new, in box. $75. Toshiba model DVR-670 DVD recorder/hifi vcr, two-way dub- bing, remote, like new in box. $75 570-833-2598 792 Video Equipment DVD PLAYER Toshi- ba all region, model sd-590. Plays dvd”s from any country. Remote. Like new in box $50. 833-2598 794 Video Game Systems/Games XBOX 360 250gb slim system. Holiday bundle. $199. Eric 609-433-5660 (in Wilkes-Barre) 796 Wanted to Buy Merchandise BUYING SPORT CARDS Pay Cash for baseball, football, basketball, hockey & non-sports. Sets, singles & wax. 570-212-0398 Mr. Baseball, buying all sports cards and memorabilia. 203-557-0856 SILVER & GOLD BUYING Silver or gold coins, silver flatware sets & pieces, gold jew- elry, broken jewelry, boullion, antique sil- ver & gold chains, earrings, watches, etc. Visit Jack-O’s at Merchant Village, Pittston. Old Wal-Mart Store Booth 162 570-328-3428 or 570-855-7197 796 Wanted to Buy Merchandise The Vi deo Game St or e 28 S. Main W.B. Open Mon- Sat, 12pm – 6pm 570-822-9929 / 570-941-9908 $$ CASH PAID $$ VI DE O GAME S & S YS TE MS Highest $$ Paid Guaranteed Buying all video games & systems. PS1 & 2, Xbox, Nintendo, Atari, Coleco, Sega, Mattel, Gameboy, Vectrex etc. DVD’s, VHS & CDs & Pre 90’s toys, The Video Game Store 1150 S. Main Scranton Mon - Sat, 12pm – 6pm 570-822-9929 VITO’S & GINO’S Wanted: Junk Cars & Trucks Highest Prices Paid!! FREE PICKUP 288-8995 WANTED JEWELRY WILKES BARREGOLD ( 570) 991- 7448 ( 570) 48GOLD8 1092 Highway 315 Blvd ( Pl aza 315) 315N . 3 mi l es af t er Mot orwol d Mon- Sat 10am - 8pm Cl osed Sundays Highest Cash Pay Outs Guaranteed We Pay At Least 78% of the London Fix Market Price for All Gold Jewelry Visit us at WilkesBarreGold.com Or email us at wilkesbarregold@ yahoo.com WANTED: Free or very cheap televi- sion for woman in nursing home with- out one. Approx. 20” screen thats in good working con- dition. Call (570) 654-3291 Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! 800 PETS & ANIMALS 810 Cats CAT - Female Calico free to a good home. 5 years old, spayed & litter trained. Needs a loving home ASAP. Also free kittens. 570-762-1015 CATS & KI TTENS 12 weeks & up. Shots, neutered, VALLEY CAT RESCUE 824-4172, 9-9 only. 815 Dogs PAWS TO CONSIDER.... ENHANCE YOUR PET CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE Call 829-7130 Place your pet ad and provide us your email address This will create a seller account online and login information will be emailed to you from gadzoo.com “The World of Pets Unleashed” You can then use your account to enhance your online ad. Post up to 6 captioned photos of your pet Expand your text to include more information, include your contact information such as e-mail, address phone number and or website. 815 Dogs AKC ALASKAN MALAMUTE PUPPIES! Very beautiful, excellent blood- lines. Family raised. 1st shots, wormed. $625 each. Call 570-374-2190 or 570-259-8503 AKC DOBERMAN PUPPIES Black/Rust, 5 males, Parents OFA certified. VWD cleared, thyroid done, Ready 5/28. $600. Approved homes only. For info (570) 974-1047 AKC GREAT PYRENEES PUPS Both parents calm, well mannered & loving. Raised with children. 1st shots, wormed, heath guarantee. $500. (570) 937-4154 AMERICAN BULLDOGS NKC registered. Both parents show champions. White with eye patches. $800 and up. 570-430-8420 COCKER SPANIEL PUPPY FOR SALE 3 months old, with papers. All shots & records. Crate trained. Comes with crate & all supplies. $600 or best offer. (570) 212-2335 ENGLISH SETTER PUPPIES Registered. Vet checked, $350 Ready to go. 570-443-9189 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, AKC Shepherds By Fanti 25 Yrs. Experience Family Raised Black/Tan, Black/Red. M/F Hasenborn-Arminus 570-825-5597 570-239-5498 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS AKC shots, wormed www.mountain hauskennels.com 570-746-1689 GOLDEN RETRIEVER & LAB PUPPIES Yellow $350. Black $250. Wormed. 570-836-1090 GOLDENDOODLE PUPPIES looking for good home. Family raised and socialized. Vet check and vaccina- tions. Parents are ACA registered. Tootsie Roll (the mother) is our family pet. $500. 570-837-1980 Cell 570-713-8170 ITALIAN CANE CORSO Mastiff Puppies Registered and ready to go! Parents on premises. Blue & blue fawn. Vet Checked 570-617-4880 POMERANIAN PUPPIES Parents on premises Shots Current. $500. 570-401-1838 POMERANIANS AKC, 16 weeks, All Shots & wormed. Vet checked. $275 570-864-2643 PUPPIES Chihuahuas, Poms, Dachshunds, Beagles, Shih Tzus, Bostons, Maltese, Toy Fox, Puggles, Westies, Labs & more! 570-453-6900 or 570-764-2578 SHIH TZU PUPPY AKC registered White in color, 5 months old, all shots,$550, moving must sell. 954-4656 SHILOH SHEPHERD Rare breed. Male, white plush coated. 19 months old, excellent tempera- ment. $800 570-288-5571 S ST T. B . BERNARD ERNARD P PUP UP ACA. 1 Female. Wormed & shots $500 570-274-5099 835 Pets- Miscellaneous CHAMELEON cage (new) with all accessories. $45. Call 570-631-6635 9am-5:30pm or 570-283-5958 After 5:30. CHINCHILLA. With cage. 4 ft. high. $100 570-417-9280 840 Pet Services WOOF WOOF PAW SPA Hunlock Creek, PA Now accepting spring appoint- ments. Full service salon. In home grooming - call for rate. Mention this ad for 10%. 570-592-8968 We’re on Facebook! 845 Pet Supplies FISH TANK, 30 gallon. Includes everything you would need. With wooden stand. $100 Call (570) 762-1015 845 Pet Supplies PET CARRIER, Pet- mate Pet Taxi Deluxe, small size, 18” L x 10” H x 10” W, heavy duty plas- tic shell with latches to lift off top, side ventilation, metal pinch latch door for easy opening, excellent $10. 570- 709-3146 in Laflin. Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! 900 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 906 Homes for Sale Having trouble paying your mort- gage? Falling behind on your payments? You may get mail from people who promise to forestall your foreclosure for a fee in advance. Report them to the Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s con- sumer protection agency. Call 1-877- FTC-HELP or click on ftc.gov. A mes- sage from The Times Leader and the FTC. PLAINS 433 N. Main St, REDUCED! Large home in advanced stage of remodel ready for drywall and your choice of extras to be installed. Studded out for vaulted master suite with 2 closets,separate tub/shower and 2 more bedrooms, even an upstairs laundry planned! Large foyer & kitchen, formal Din- ing Room. Ready for new furnace/ water heater. Can lights, outlets already placed! Large lot with room for garage/deck/ pool. MLS# 10-4611 $99,900 Call Amy Lowthert at (570)406-7815 COLDWELL BANKER RUNDLE REAL ESTATE WILKES-BARRE 89 Simpson St., This well kept 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home offers an open living room/ dining room floor plan. Master bed- room with its own office area. Plenty of closets in addi- tion to the walk-up attic for storage! Off-street parking, large deck over- looking the fenced rear yard. Just move right in! $83,900 Jill Jones 696-6550 ASHLEY 16 Hazleton St Conveniently located to Rt. 309 and 81. Off street parking in front and rear. Two-story, 3 bedroom, modern kitchen, Pergo flooring in living room and dining room, modern bath, low gas utility bills. MLS#10-3703 . Price reduced to $68,500. Call Maribeth Jones at 696-6565 ASHLEY 29 Brown St. Solid 2 story home with 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, vinyl sided, large carport and fenced yard. Convenient loca- tion. Home needs updating by great potential. For more informa- tion visit www. atlasrealtyinc.com $79,900 MLS 11-74 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 906 Homes for Sale AVOCA REDUCED! 314 Packer St. Newly remodeled 3 bedroom home with 1st floor master, 1.5 baths, detached garage, all new sid- ing , windows, shin- gles, water heater, kitchen and bath- rooms. A must see house! $109,900 MLS 11-73 Call Tom 570-262-7716 BACK MOUNTAIN Stately Brick Tudor home. Approx. 3900 sq. ft. on a corner lot in Sunrise Estates. Features 2 family rooms, 4 bed- rooms, 2.5 baths, central A/C & over- sized garage. Beautiful hardwood floors & a brick fireplace. $334,900 MLS# 11-529 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 BEAR CREEK 2360 Laurel Run Rd. Very well main- tained Log home and serene proper- ty awaits you. This home features 3 bedrooms, including a very spacious 22x12 master bed- room. Open floor plan allows for great entertaining. Stone fireplace in keeping with the rustic theme. Full walk-out basement gives the potential for more living space. 17x15 deck overlooks the woods. $219,000 MLS #10-2433 Call Tracy Zarola 570-574-6465 570-696-0723 LEWITH & FREEMAN BEAR CREEK 3 bedroom Ranch with 1.5 baths on a large lot with an office & 3 season porch. Fireplace in the Living room. $129,000 MLS# 10-3262 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! BLAKESLEE 37 Chestnut Road (Old Farm Estates) Custom built solid brick 4 bedroom, 3.5 baths Colonial style home with an open floor plan on 1+ acre lot in the Poconos. A few of the amenities include central A/C. 2 Master bedrooms each with bath room and fireplace, ultramodern kitchen, hardwood floors throughout, cathedral ceiling and 2 car garage. MLS #11-653 $469,900 Call Kim 570-466-3338 DALLAS (Newberry Estate) 3 bedroom, 2 bath first floor condo offers a spectacular golf course view! Central a/c. Fire- place. Huge closets. 3 patios. Garage. Pool, tennis, golf. Many extras. $149,900 Ask for Bob Kopec Humford Realty 570-822-5126 906 Homes for Sale DALLAS NEW LISTING! Desirable upscale Dallas neighborhood. Attention to detail at every turn in this 5000+SF home on three floors. Oversized cherry kitchen with granite island and upgrad- ed appliances. Tray ceiling, crown and panel moldings, family room with vaulted ceiling and gas fireplace. First floor den/library, 5 bedrooms, 5 baths, finished lower level, 1 year new 20x42 Oasis in-ground pool, 3-car garage on a 1+/- acre lot. MLS#11-1067 $619,900. Call Maribeth Jones 696-6565 DALLAS 119 Midland Drive Custom Built Ranch Home -The ranch home is IN DEMAND! This one offers everything you are looking for! Plenty of space for in-law quarters, 4 bedrooms, cherry kitchen, sunroom, recreation room with 12 seat oak bar. This home includes an attached 2 car garage plus a detached custom garage that can fit up to 12 cars or boat storage, only 5 miles to beautiful Harveys Lake - 1 yr Home Warranty. All this on 4 ACRES of serenity in the heart of Dallas $419,000 MLS #11-155 Call Tracy Zarola 570-574-6465 570-696-0723 LEWITH & FREEMAN DALLAS 152 Pine Drive Bright & Open floor plan - 4 year old two story home set on 2.26 private ares - Fabulous modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances. 4 bed- rooms, 2.5 baths. Detailed moldings & hardwood floors. Walk out basement $345,000 MLS# 11-901 Call Geri 570-696-0888 570-696-3801 LEWITH & FREEMAN DALLAS 17 Roosevelt Street Wonderful country cottage style features elegant decor. Living room & dining room with hardwoods, Modern cook's kitchen with pleasant breakfast area, 2 story family room with fireplace, 1st Floor office, 4 bedrooms, 2 full and 2 half baths. Master bedroom with walk in closet, whirlpool, double vanities. Finished lower level family room. Gas heat, central a/c. $369,900 MLS# 11-164 Call Cathy (570) 696-5422 Smith Hourigan Group 570-696-1195 Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! DALLAS AREA Conveniently located just off Dallas Highway on 1.25 wooded acres. Currently duplex or convert to single, good condition. $117,500. Negotiable 570-287-5775 or 570-332-1048 906 Homes for Sale DALLAS Cottage Style Cape Cod on over 1 acre in a very private setting with a 1 car garage & 2 baths. $144,800 MLS# 11-437 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! DALLAS Estate like 6.35 acre setting in Northwoods. 5,000 sq. ft. in all. Classic brick home features Summit Pointe Builders attention to detail at every turn. 2 story family room with accent windows & fire place, modern maple kitchen with cherry finish, den with Oak built-ins, impressive oak entry. Elegant master with whirlpool overlook- ing wooded lot. Formal living room, 4 bedrooms, 5 baths. 4 car garage & 2,500 sq. ft. barn/shop for car enthusiasts or other use. $650,000 Call Kevin 570-696-1195 or 570-696-5420 SMITH HOURIGAN GROUP DALLAS Fantastic home with a large family room with fireplace. You will love the kitchen and get ready for “Summer Fun” in the private in ground pool. MLS# 11-1141 $257,500 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 DALLAS New construction on 1 acre lot. 2500 sq. ft. 2 story, 4 or 5 bedrooms, 2.5 bath, Great room with cathedral ceiling, fire place, dual zone gas heat & central air, 2 car garage, REDUCED Now!! NOW $284,900. Call 570-675-4805 DALLAS Nice 2 bedroom ranch in Great Neighborhood! Large Living Room, sunny eat-in kitchen & oversized bath. Perfect place to start out or down- size to. $62,900 MLS# 10-4624 Five Mountains Realty 570-542-2141 DALLAS Propsed new construction “Ranch Condo” in Green Briar with a 2 car garage, community pool & tennis in a great adult community. $229,900 MLS# 10-1105 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 DALLAS RR 1 Box 384 Just Reduced! Ranch Home with detached 2 car garage. Needs work. MLS# 10-4251 $ 64,900 Call Jill Shaver Hunter Office: (570) 328-0306. 906 Homes for Sale DALLAS SCHOOL DISTRICT 4 bedroom bi-level with open floor plan. Large eat-it kitchen, 2 baths & fantastic great room all on 2 private acres. Ideal Mot her/ daught er home. NEW PRICE $209,900 MLS# 10-2022 Call Jeannie Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 DALLAS This Deck House offers post and beam construction and unique proper- ty! Nestled on 2 acres, this 3-4 bedroom home features custom hickory kitchen with garland range, granite topped island, mahogany floored dining room, 2 fireplaces, Florida room with hot tub, deck with DCS grill, oversized 2 car garage, car port and all with in a mile of Rt 309! $389,900 Contact Judy Rice 570-714-9230 MLS# 11-1221 Looking to buy a home? Place an ad here and let the sellers know! 570-829-7130 DALLAS TWP. Two homes for the price of one in very good condition with a 2 car garage. Live in one & allow the tenant to help pay the mortgage. $174,900 MLS# 10-3750 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 DRUMS 37 Ironmaster Road Beautiful Bi-Level home in very good “move-in condition” surrounded by the natural decorating of Sleepy Hollow Estates features 2500 sq. ft. Home features brick front with vinyl siding, oversize one car built in garage, large rear deck, large cleared lot, public sewers, private well. Modern kitchen with appli- ances, dining area, living room, 2 full baths and 1/2 bath, a fantastic sound system. Lower level has entry door to the garage and also to the side patio. Home features gas forced air, also cen- tral air ducts are already to install. many features MLS#11-860 $214,000 Call John Vacendak 570-823-4290 570-735-1810 see www. capitol- realestate.com for additional photos DUPONT Brick ranch on a corner lot, large family room with a fireplace plus 1 3/4 baths! PRICE REDUCED $129,500 MLS# 11-18 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 906 Homes for Sale DUPONT PRICE REDUCED NEW LISTING 6 Ivy Lane Lovely 3 bedroom Rancher with 2 full baths, granite kitchen counters, walk-in closet in Master bedroom.Separate shower in Master bath. Laundry room on main level and much more! MLS #10-3285 $239,000 Jay A. Crossin 570-288-0770 Ext. 23 Crossin Real Estate 570-288-0770 DUPONT Quality 3 bedroom ranch home on large lot. Family room with cathedral ceiling, gas fire- place, 2 car garage. Access to flagstone patio from family room and master bedroom. Above ground pool with deck. $165,000 MLS# 10-2905 Call Arlene Warunek 570-650-4169 Smith Hourigan Group (570) 696-1195 DUPONT Single family home for sale in quiet neighborhood- Beautiful 2400 Sq. Ft. with 6 bedroom, 2 full baths, 2 story home, fully air con- ditioned, oil & gas heat, renovated kitchen, full unfin- ished basement, 2 enclosed porches, 15 x 20 deck with power awning cover – generous size lot, off street parking, first floor washer & dryer. All appliances included. JUST REDUCED $168,000 Call 570-421-0587 or [email protected] use “Dupont Home” in email subject line. Job Seekers are looking here! Where's your ad? 570-829-7130 and ask for an employ- ment specialist DURYEA Blueberry Hill. 3 bedroom ranch. Large lot with pool. Lease To Buy. For more details, call (570) 655-8118 EDWARDSVILLE 122-124 Short St. Very nice double- block in Edwardsville on a quiet street and out of the flood zone. Good income prop- erty for an investor or live in one side and rent the other to help pay the mortgage! Make your appointment today! MLS #11-438 $69,900 Mary Ellen Belchick 570-696-6566 EDWARDSVILLE 66 East Grove St., Time to purchase your first home! Why keep paying rent, this ½ double is a great starter home! Nice size rooms, eat-in kitchen, 1st floor laundry, attic pull down for storage, some replacement windows & a fenced in yard. Take a look & make your offer! $27,800 MLS#10-3582 Jill Jones 570-696-6550 Find the car you want in your own backyard. t i m e s l e a d e r a u t o s . c o m Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! Line up a place to live in classified! Find Something? Lose Something? Get it back where it belongs with a Lost/Found ad! 570-829-7130 Find Something? Lose Something? Get it back where it belongs with a Lost/Found ad! 570-829-7130 Job Seekers are looking here! Where's your ad? 570-829-7130 and ask for an employ- ment specialist TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 15D 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale R.J. BURN E 1205-1209 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton (570)342-0107 •1-888-880-6537 www.rjb urn e .c om Mon-Thurs 9-8 • Sat 9-4 W YOM IN G A V E . E X P W A Y 8 1 From Cla rks S um m it/S c ra n ton E xpre s s wa y - L e fton W yom in g A ve . From W ilke s -Ba rre to S c ra n ton E xpre s s wa y 8 Bloc ks on W yom in g A ve n ue C adillac C ertified C adillac C ertified $ 28,998 BL A C K ,BL A C K L E A THE R , S UN R OOF ,A M /F M /C D ,ON S TA R , A L L W HE E L D R IVE ,XM ,BE A UTY ! 2008 -2010 CTS by Ca dilla c Tim e L e ft On W a r r a n ty 5/31/20 14 M ile s L e ft o n W a r r a n ty 71,0 71 A c tu a l M ile s o n C TS 28,929 10 TO CHOOS E FROM 172 172 POIN T POIN T CHECK CHECK S P E CIA L RE DUCE D $ 28,998 R E D F IR E /C A S HM E R E ,BOS E , L E A THE R ,S UN R OOF ,C HR OM E W HE E L S ,M E M OR Y /HE A TE D S E A TS ,XM ,ON S TA R ,A W D 2008 STS AW D by Ca dilla c Tim e L e ft On W a r r a n ty 12/27/20 13 M ile s L e ft o n W a r r a n ty 79,253 A c tu a l M ile s o n S TS 20 ,747 3 TO CHOOS E FROM 1.9 % 1.9 % FIN AN CIN G FIN AN CIN G AV AILAB LE AV AILAB LE S P E CIA L RE DUCE D $ 26,998 THUN D E R G R A Y /L E A THE R ,A W D , UL TR A VIE W R OOF ,M E M OR Y / HE A TE D S E A TS ,C R UIS E , ON S TA R ,XM ,1 OW N E R 2008 SRX AW D by Ca dilla c Tim e L e ft On W a r r a n ty 1/30 /20 14 M ile s L e ft o n W a r r a n ty 64,175 A c tu a l M ile s o n S R X 35,80 5 4 TO CHOOS E FROM R EM AIN D ER OF R EM AIN D ER OF 6 YR /10 0 ,0 0 0 M I 6 YR /10 0 ,0 0 0 M I LIM ITED LIM ITED W AR R AN TY W AR R AN TY S P E CIA L RE DUCE D $ 44,998 S UN R OOF ,N A VIG A TION ,22” C HR OM E W HE E L S ,E N TE R TA IN M E N T S Y S TE M ,M E M OR Y S E TTIN G S , HE A TE D S E A TS ,A M /F M ,6 D IS C C D 2008 ESCALADE AW D by Ca dilla c Tim e L e ft On W a r r a n ty 5/31/20 14 M ile s L e ft o n W a r r a n ty 71,0 71 A c tu a l M ile s o n C TS 28,929 3 3 PAYM EN TS PAYM EN TS ON G M ON G M S P E CIA L RE DUCE D CAD IL L AC CERTIF ICATION 6YEAR/ 100,000M IL ES L IM ITED W ARRANTY •24HOUR ROAD S ID E AS S IS TANCE •COURTES Y TRANS P ORTATION •$0D ED UCTIBL E •ONS TAR 3M ONTH TRIAL •D IRECTIONS & CONNECTIONS •XM RAD IO 3M ONTHS •172P OINT INS P ECTION AND RE- COND ITIONING P ROCES S C A DILLA C C ER TIFIED P R E-O W NED SA LES EVENT G eneralM otors W ill P ay Y our 1st 3 P A Y M ENTS up to $500 per paym ent plus 1.9% A P R M US T BE APPROVE D BY AL L Y BANK S ,A, OR B T IE R 1.9% F INANCING F OR 36 M ONT HS & 3.9% UP T O 60 M ONT HS . *M US T F INANCE T HRU AL L Y BANK S ,A OR B T IE R W / APPROVE D CRE DIT . 2 8 6 9 8 6 KEN POLLOCK PRE-OWNED SUPER CENTER KEN POLLOCK SUPER CENTER PRE-OWNED Ken Pollock k AT 339 HWY 315, PITTSTON, PA Hours M-F 9-8pm Sat 9-5pm 1-800-223-1111 www.kenpollocksuzuki.com CLOSE TO EVERYWHERE WE’RE EASY TO FIND JUST OFF EXIT 175 RTE I-81 • PITTSTON Ken Pollock LOCATED AT * Tax & Tags Additional. Artwork for illustration purposes only. Not responsible for typographical errors. ** See Salesperson for complete details. ***Based on 3 Month District Avg from Suzuki Survey Statistics. The power of engineering. Value Vehicle Outlet • 3 Day or 150 Mile Money Back Guarantee** • 30 Day/1000 Mile Limited Warranty** • All Value Vehicle Outlet Cars Pass PA State Inspection** GOLD CHECK CERTIFIED VEHICLES Number 1 in Service Customer Satisfaction*** 2004 FORD F150 SUPER CAB 4X4 Stk# P14306, Alloy Wheels, V8, Automatic, A/C, CD $ 13,995 * 2003 CHEVROLET TRACKER 4X4 Stk# S1451A, Automatic, 4 Cylinder, A/C $ 6,995 * Stk# P14253A, Alloy Wheels, Power Windows/Locks, Keyless Entry, CD $ 8,795 * 2007 CHEVROLET HHR 2003 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER 4X4 $ 9,695 * Stk# S1444A, LS Package, Power Windows/Locks, Keyless Entry, CD 2010 SUZUKI KIZASHI GTS ONLY 3 LEFT AT THIS PRICE $ 18,995 * 2004 NISSAN PATHFINDER LE 4X4 Stk# P14280, Leather, Sunroof, Alloys, CD, Platinum Edition $ 12,995 * 2001 CHEVROLET EXPRESS VAN Stk# S1493A, 5 Passenger Cargo, Automatic, Power Windows/Locks $ 8,495 * 2001 TOYOTA RAV4 4WD Stk# P14264, Power Windows/Locks, Automatic, A/C, Alloy Wheels $ 7,995 * 2003 HYUNDAI SONATA GLS SEDAN Stk# P14300, Alloy Wheels, Automatic, Power Windows/Locks, CD $ 6,995 * 2007 SUZUKI GRAND VITARA 4X4 Stk# S1439A, Power Windows/Locks, Keyless Entry, Automatic $ 11,995 * 2003 SUBARU LEGACY SEDAN AWD Stk# S1476A, Sunroof, Automatic, Power Windows/Locks $ 7,995 * 2006 JEEP LIBERTY SPORT 4X4 Stk# P14295, Power Windows/Locks, Keyless Entry, Auto, CD $ 12,395 * 2009 SUZUKI GRAND VITARA LUXURY 4WD Stk# S1427A, Leather, Sunroof, Auto, Alloys, PW, PL $ 17,795 * 2008 HONDA ACCORD EX-L COUPE Stk# S1420A, Leather, Sunroof, Automatic, V6 $ 20,795 * 2010 DODGE CALIBER SXT Stk# P14278, Alloy Wheels, Automatic, CD, Power Windows/Locks $ 14,995 * 2010 SUZUKI SX4 CROSSOVER AWD Navigation, Alloy Wheels, Auto, Power Windows/Locks $ 15,995 * 2010 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 4X4 STK# P14266, POWER SEAT, CD, POWER WINDOWS/LOCKS, A/C, KEYLESS ENTRY $ 20,995 * 2010 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SXT Stk# P14243, Power Windows/Locks, 2nd Row Buckets, 3rd Row $ 17,595 * 2010 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY VAN Stk# P14236, Touring Edition, Alloy Wheels, Dual Power Doors, Power Lift Gate $ 18,595 * 2009 SUBARU FORESTER AWD Stk# S1382A, Power Windows/Locks, Automatic, CD, A/C, Cruise $ 19,395 * 2010 CHRYSLER SEBRING TOURING SEDAN Stk# P14281, Power Windows/Locks, Keyless Entry, Auto, CD $ 13,995 * 2010 MAZDA 3 SEDAN Stk# P14279, Power Windows/Locks, CD, A/C, Automatic $ 15,695 * 2008 HUMMER H3 4X4 Stk# P14273, Sunroof, Power Windows/Locks, CD, Automatic $ 20,895 * 2010 KIA RIO SEDAN Stk# P14311, Automatic, Airbags, AM/FM/CD, A/C $ 11,995 * 2010 CHEVROLET HHR LT Stk# P14309, Power Seat, Auto, CD, Power Windows/Locks, Keyless Entry $ 13,895 * 2010 KIA FORTE SEDAN Power Windows/Locks, Keyless Entry, Auto, CD, 2 To Choose From $ 13,995 * 2010 JEEP COMMANDER 4X4 Stk# P14251, 3rd Row, Power Windows/ Locks, CD, Alloy Wheels $ 20,995 * 2008 SUZUKI XL7 AWD Stk# P14239A, 3rd Row, Leather, Sunroof, Automatic, CD $ 18,995 * 2008 CHEVROLET MALIBU LT Stk# S14070A, Automatic, Power Windows/ Locks, CD, Power Seat $ 14,895 * 2009 KIA BORREGO SUV 4X4 Stk# P13777, LX Pkg, Power Windows/ Locks, 3rd Row $ 19,995 * 2006 HONDA ACCORD Stk# S1471A, Alloy Wheels, Automatic, 4 Cylinder, CD, Power Windows/Locks $ 12,495 * 2009 GMC ACADIA 4X4 Stk# P14271, Sunroof, Leather, 2nd Row Bucket Seats, 3rd Row $ 29,995 * PAGE 16D SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 548 Medical/Health 412 Autos for Sale 548 Medical/Health A Benson Family Dealership LOADED WITH LOCAL TRADES PLEASE CALL FOR FULL DESCRIPTION - Trades Coming in Daily - Don’t Miss These HOURS: Monday Thru Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm Friday & Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm A Benson Family Dealership All Prices Plus Tax & Tags, Customer Must Qualify for All Rebates. See Salesperson for Details. See dealer for details. Some restrictions apply. Dealer may discontinue program at any time. 2007 BUICK LACROSSE CXL Local Trade, 48K Miles, Extra Clean! $ 12,995 2002 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4X4 Local Trade, Leather, Moonroof, Extra Clean! $ 12,995 2007 BUICK LUCERNE $ 16,995 36K Miles, CXL, We Sold It New! 2010 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 4X4’S Choose From 2, Miles As Low As 13K Miles $ 23,995 From 2006 FORD F150 CREW CAB 4X4 One Owner, XLT, 5.4L, Tow Pkg, 53K Miles $ 19,995 2008 SUBARU OUTBACK WAGON Just Traded, 43K Miles, “Too Many Options To List!” $ 17,995 2007 INFINITI FX35 This One Must Be Seen, All Wheel Drive $ 23,995 2010 FORD EXPLORER 4X4 XLT 14K Miles, 7 Passenger Seating $ 24,995 2011 CHEVY SUBURBAN LS 4X4 $ 37,995 Silver Beauty, Only 14K Miles, “Can Not Be Told From A New One!” 2010 DODGE DAKOTA QUAD CAB 4X4 Big Horn Edition, 12K Miles, Power Galore $ 23,995 “Limited Package”, Heated Leather Seating, Moonroof, “Too Many Options To List!” $ 13,995 2005 TOYOTA TUNDRA CREW CAB 4X4 2006 CHEVY COBALT LT White Beauty, Local Trade, “Great Starter Car!” $ 8,995 2009 CHEVY AVEO LT SDN Choose From 2, Tons of Warranty $ 9,595 2003 AUDI ALLROAD Just Traded, All Wheel Drive, Only $ 9,850 2009 KIA SPECTRA EX Preferred Equipment Pkg, Just 34K Miles $ 9,995 2007 VW JETTA Stunning Low Miles $ 11,995 2009 CHEVY COBALT LS COUPE Local One Owner Trade, 26K Miles $ 11,995 2008 KIA RIO SDN A Real Gas Miser! $ 8,995 2006 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER 4X4 Local Trade, High Miles, Low Low Price! $ 6,995 2004 HYUNDAI SANTA FE 4X4 GLS Pkg, Local Trade, 94K Miles $ 8,995 NEW 2010 FORD MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE One Owner, Only 20K Miles $ 20,995 NEW 2010 FORD MUSTANG PREMIUM COUPE Only 21K Miles, Leather Seating, Extra Sharp! $ 18,995 NEW 2010 CHEVY CAMERO LT COUPE Orange Burst Beauty, Sport Stripe Pkg, Just 13K Miles, Tons of Warranty!! $ 24,995 NEW 2010 DODGE CHALLENGER SE COUPE Black Beauty, Only 12K Miles, “Can Not Be Told From A New One!” $ 22,995 2011 KIA SORRENTO AWD Choose From 3, Miles As Low As 15K From $ 23,995 Part Time 7-3 & 11-7 Accepting applications for Per Diem RNs all shifts Full Time 11-7 Part Time 3-11 Accepting applications for Per Diem LPNs all shifts Full Time 3-11 Part Time 7-3, 3-11 & 11-7 Per Diem All shifts Available How to Apply? Call 877-339-6999 x1 Fax: 866-854-8688 Email: [email protected] Complete Application in Person 395 Middle Road, Nanticoke Located directly across from LCCC on LCTA Bus Route AMAZING SHIFT DIFFERENTIALS & PAY RATES 2nd shift $1.75 3rd Shift $1.00 Weekend Days - $1.00 RN’s LPN’s CNA’s 906 Homes for Sale EXETER NEW LISTING! 871 EXETER AVE. Architecturally attractive design built to accommo- date a busy corner location. Great building will lend itself to most retail users, used car lot, mini mart, restau- rant. Call for your appointment! Pat Silvi 283-9100 x21 MLS#11-803 Sale price $150,000 Lease price $1500/month Find Something? Lose Something? Get it back where it belongs with a Lost/Found ad! 570-829-7130 906 Homes for Sale EXETER Vinyl sided 4 bed- room spacious home with a great eat in kitchen, 1 3/4 baths & much more. Near the local schools. $132,500 MLS# 11-1144 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 Job Seekers are looking here! Where's your ad? 570-829-7130 and ask for an employ- ment specialist EXETER What a wonderful townhome! Newer furnace, central air conditioning, great kitchen & a home you will be very proud to own. $129,900 MLS# 11-1409 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 17D 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale SATURDAY, APRIL 7TH KINGSTON/WEST SIDE & SURROUNDS Larksville 37 E. Luzerne Ave. 10AM-2PM Realty World Tom Hart Realty HAZLETON & SURROUNDS Conyngham 20 Lissa Lane 1-3PM Century 21 Bernstein Real Estate Drums Lot 17 Louis Circle 12:30-2PM Lewith & Freeman Tresckow 72 E. Maple St. 12-2PM Jerry McGuire Butler Twp. Valley ViewTownhomes 1-3PM MS Pecora Drums Sand Springs 12-5PM Daily Sand Springs Dev. Corp. SUNDAY, MAY 8TH PITTSTON/NORTH & SURROUNDS Laflin 35 Laflin Rd. 12-1:30PM Atlas Realty Scranton 710 S. Keyser Ave. 12-2PM Atlas Realty Exeter 24 Circle Dr. 12-1:30PM Atlas Realty Pittston 107 Johnson St. 12-1:30PM Atlas Realty Avoca 314 Packer St. 12-2PM Atlas Realty Pittston Twp. 40 Gain St. 2-4PM Atlas Realty Exeter 1019 Wyoming Ave. 2-4PM Atlas Realty West Wyoming 536 W. 8th St. 2:30-4PM Atlas Realty Exeter 269 W. Grant St. 12-1:30PM Lewith & Freeman Jenkins Twp. Insignia Point Courtyards 1-3PM Lewith & Freeman Laflin 206 Haverford Dr. 1-3PM Eileen R. Melone Real Estate Duryea 413 Stephenson St. 1-2:30PM ERA One Source Realty WILKES-BARRE & SURROUNDS Plains Twp. 220 Iroquois Ave. 1-2:30PM Classic Properties KINGSTON/WEST SIDE & SURROUNDS Kingston 34 First Ave. 1:30-3PM Century 21 Smith Hourigan Group Larksville 78 Pace St. 1:30-3:30PM Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate Kingston 589 Charles Ave. 1-3PM Prudential Poggi & Jones Plymouth W. Main St. 12-2PM Bell Real Estate BACK MOUNTAIN & SURROUNDS Trucksville 244 Carverton Rd. 2-3:30PM Lewith & Freeman Dallas 401 Upper Demunds Rd. 1-2:30PM Lewith & Freeman Jackson Twp. 2585 Huntsville Rd. 1-3PM Century 21 Smith Hourigan Group Dallas 197 Scenicview Dr. 1-3PM Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate Dallas 14 Mapleseed Dr. 1-4PM Prudential Poggi & Jones MOUNTAINTOP & SURROUNDS Mountaintop 192 S. Main Rd. 1-3PM Prudential Poggi & Jones HAZLETON & SURROUNDS Sugarloaf 6 Chrissy Lane 1:30-3:30PM Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate Hazle Twp. Hazle Springs 1-4PM Spring Pond Homes Drums Sand Springs 12-5PM Daily Sand Springs Dev. Corp. OPEN HOUSES - SATURDAY, MAY 7TH & SUNDAY, MAY 8TH, 2011 906 Homes for Sale FORTY FORT 151 Fort Street Recently remodeled 3 bedroom home, 2 baths, all new amenities, lots of closet space, nice corner lot with off street parking, garage, new car- pet, windows & door. Gas heat. $129,900.00 Call (570) 852-9142 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! FORTY FORT 65 West Pettebone St. Beautiful remod- eled home in nice neighborhood. 4 bed, 3 bath, new carpeting new kitchen, stainless appliances. A must see. PRICE REDUCED $169,500 Leave Message 570-881-8493 FORTY FORT 92 W. Pettebone St. A Single family 2 story home with 3 bedrooms, bath, walk out basement, has been complete- ly gutted & insulat- ed. New dry wall, new wiring, electri- cal service, plumb- ing, new roof, cen- tral air. Hardwood floor refinished. Detached garage. All work inspected and approved by code officials. Appliances Included Asking $135,000. MLS# 10-2409 Call Theresa Vacendak, CRS, GRI 570-650-5872 CENTRAL REAL ESTATE (570) 822-1133 FORTY FORT Charming home with hardwood floors, fireplace & Built in's, formal dining room, 2 car garage, sunporch & neat as a pin throughout! Nice location on a tree lined street away from the hustle & bustle! REDUCED PRICE $129,900 MLS# 10-4472 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 906 Homes for Sale FORTY FORT GREAT DEAL! NEW PRICE 1509 Wyoming Ave. Freshly painted and insulated, immacu- late and sitting on almost half an acre this 3 bedroom 1.5 bath home can be yours. Features include a modern kitchen, central A/C. laundry room, office and free standing fireplace. All appliances included. Just move right in! For more details and photos visit: www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 11-604 $177,900 Call Kim 570-466-3338 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! FORTY FORT Great starter home in nice neighbor- hood. 2 story, 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Dining room, living room, kitchen. Large fenced yard. Car port & detached 2 car garage. $79,900 Call (570) 954-4074 or (570) 906-7614 FORTY FORT REDUCED 25 Center St. Affordable single family 3 bedroom, 1 and 3/4 bath home located in a nice area of Forty Fort. Ample size and freshly painted rooms, walk up attic for storage, rear deck, 2 car detached garage to name a few! MLS 11-947 $69,900 Jay A. Crossin 570-0770 Ext. 23 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 GLEN LYON You’ll look long & hard to ever find a beautiful Double like this one! Huge 120x130 lot with detached 2 car garage & loft , modern kitchens, 1.5 baths , pocket doors & so much more! $118,500 MLS# 11-1167 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 906 Homes for Sale HANOVER TOWNSHIP 83 Pulaski St, Two story home in good condition fea- tures three bed- rooms, formal din- ing room, detached one car garage at a great price. MLS# 11-875 $ 34,200 Call Tracy L. McDermott, Broker Owner Office: (570) 696-2468 Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! HANOVER TOWNSHIP Reduced! Bi-Level. 1,750 sq ft. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1 car garage. New carpeting, paint, etc. Large lot. Asking $112,500. Deremer Realty 570-477-1149 HANOVER TWP 112 Regal Street 2 family. Renovated bath & kitchen, low taxes, new boiler, 50 x 150, over sized Garage, $84,000. Call 570-825-7588 or 718-360-7283 HANOVER TWP 2-story home with generous room sizes. Features hardwood & tile floors, 3-season sunroom & 1st floor family room with coal stove. Finished lower level with built-in bar area. 4 bedrooms & 4 baths. $385,000 MLS# 10-4091 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 HANOVER TWP Double block near public trans- portation with a 2 car garage. Fully rented. What's your pleasure? REDUCED PRICE $75,000 MLS# 09-4475 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 906 Homes for Sale HANOVER TWP. 146 Brown St. NEW PRICE! Beautiful outside as inside - This 2 story offers too many amenities & upgrades to mention. Resort living in your back yard with inground pool & cabana. A must see property! PRICE REDUCED $199,900 MLS# 10-1670 Call Geri 570-696-0888 570-696-3801 LEWITH & FREEMAN HANOVER TWP. 275 Phillips Street Well kept 2 bedroom ranch with new kitchen, fenced yard, one car garage. $79,900 MLS #11-638 Call Tracy Zarola 570-574-6465 570-696-0723 LEWITH & FREEMAN HANOVER TWP. 476 Wyoming St. Nice 3 bedroom single home. Gas heat. COnvenient location. To settle estate. Affordable @ $39,500 Call Jim for details Towne & Country Real Estate Co. 570-735-8932 or 570-542-5708 Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! HANOVER TWP. 8 Diamond Ave. Loads of space in this modernized tra- ditional home. 3rd floor is a large bed- room with walk-in closet. Modern kitchen, family room addition, deck over- looking large corner lot. Not just a starter home but a home to stay in and grow! For more informaton and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #11-622 $127,900 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 906 Homes for Sale HANOVER TOWNSHIP Price Reduction! Nice raised ranch in quiet neighborhood. Attached 3 car garage; plenty of off-street parking, utility room with 3/4 bath. Walk up stairs to eat-in kitchen with balcony, hard- wood floors, living room, bedrooms and full bath. Bright 3rd floor attic ready to finish. Seller anx- ious to sell. All appliances and Coldwell Banker Home Protection Plan included. MLS # 10-2673 $99,900 Call Amy Lowthert at (570)406-7815 COLDWELL BANKER RUNDLE REAL ESTATE It's that time again! Rent out your apartment with the Classifieds 570-829-7130 HANOVER TWP. Buttonwood 581-583 Plymouth St. Perfect for owner occupied. Well maintained, bright & spacious two family. Each identical unit has Approx. (1300 sq ft.) with 3 bed- rooms, bath, large living & dining rooms & eat in kitchen. Clean neu- tral décor with wall to wall carpet throughout. Newer roof & tilt-in win- dows. Each side has a full attic & basement with washer & dryer hook-ups. Gas heat. 581 side has a private fenced rear yard & was rented for $695 Month & now vacant . 583 side rents for $600 Month with a long time tenant. Separate utilities. $98,750 MLS# 11-1293 973-476-1499 HARDING 310 Lockville Rd. SERENITY Enjoy the serenity of country living in this beautiful 2 story home on 2.23 acres surrounded by nature the prop- erty has it’s own private driveway. Great entertaining inside & out! 3 car garage plus 2 car detached. A MUST SEE! MLS#11-831 $279,900 call Nancy 570-237-0752 HARDING Nice split level on large lot, recently renovated. On Rte 92, past the Gulf station. Call Stephen, 613-9080 $145,900. 906 Homes for Sale HARVEYS LAKE Entertaining is a “must” in this waterfront com- pound! Spacious room sizes accom- modate family and friends in this five bedroom, 3500SF beauty. Old world charm includes living room with knotty pine walls, beamed ceilings and a gas stone fireplace Dining room includes two built-in corner cupboards and sitting area with stone fireplace Game room with mahogany flooring, Five bedrooms, including fabulous views of the lake in the spacious mas- ter and fifth bed- room (presently an office). Lush gar- dens with perenni- als and annuals. 84’ of lakefront with two-story boat- house! “Low taxes”. MLS#11-1083 $850,000. Call Maribeth Jones 570-696-6565 HARVEYS LAKE “NEW LISTING” Bi-Level Home with plenty of room on a private wooded 2 acre lot in Dallas School District near Harveys Lake. Features a 1 car Garage, 3 Bedrooms, 1 3/4 Bath and nice updates. REDUCED PRICE $172,000 Call Cindy King 570-690-2689 www.cindykingre.com 570-675-4400 HUNLOCK CREEK 1267 Main Rd JUST REDUCED! Lovely raised ranch with in ground pool in woodsy setting. MLS# 11-6 $39,800 Call Tracy L. McDermott, Broker Owner Office : (570) 696-2468 GET THE WORD OUT with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 HUNLOCK CREEK Main Road Country Living At It’s Best. Well Maintained farmhouse on 6+ acres. Garage, stream. Easy access to Route 11. Affordable at REDUCED TO $159,500 Call Jim Towne & Country Real Estate Co. 570-735-8932 or 570-542-5708 906 Homes for Sale HUNLOCK CREEK New construction, 3 bedroom, 2 bath tan brick ranch on 1 acre. Features include pella windows, oak hard- wood floors, car- peted bedrooms, tiled kitchen & baths, maple kitchen cabinets, hanstone counter- tops, propane fire- place, walk up attic, tray ceiling in living room & attached 2 car garage. $279,900 MLS# 10-4527 Five Mountains Realty 570-542-2141 Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! JENKINS HIGHLAND HILLS Stylish Bi-Level, 3 bedrooms, granite, stainless appli- ances, heated in ground pool. $219,900 Call 570-655-8034 JENKINS TWP REDUCED! 1717 River Road Compact 2 story home with 3 bed- rooms, 1st floor bath with laundry, large kitchen. Park- ing in rear with alley access. $39,900 MLS 11-99 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 JENKINS TWP. 2 W Sunrise Dr. Well maintained bi-level continually cared for by the original owners. Upgraded kitchen with granite counter tops and breakfast bar. Four bedrooms and two baths. Large veranda over the garage. Lower level recreation room with fireplace and wet bar. 27’ x 10’ 3-season room…. A great place to entertain. Motivated sellers! Come and tour this lovely home in a great neighborhood! MLS#11-1031 $239,500 Mary Ellen Belchick 696-6566 906 Homes for Sale JENKINS TWP. 23 Mead St. Newly remodeled 2 story on a corner lot with fenced in yard and 2 car garage. 4 bed- rooms, 1 bath, 1,660 sq. ft. For more information and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com $89,900 MLS 10-3684 Call Bill 570-362-4158 JENKINS TWP. 250 Susquehan- nock Drive Immaculate Cape Cod home features 1st floor master suite with office and 3/4 bath. 2nd floor has 2 large bed- rooms with walk in closets and adjoin- ing bath. 1st floor laundry and 1/2 bath, modern kitchen with bam- boo floors, living room with stone fireplace. 2 tier deck overlooks above ground pool, ready for summer fun! For more infor- mation and photos, please visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #11-657 $299,000 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! JENKINS TWP./ INKERMAN 45 Main St. Own this home for less than $400 a month! Large 3 bedroom home with formal dining room, off street parking and large yard. For more information and photos, log onto www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS#09-2449 $64,900 Call Charles 906 Homes for Sale KINGSTON 129 S. Dawes Ave. 4 bedroom, 1 bath, large enclosed porch with brick fireplace. Full con- crete basement with 9ft ceiling. Lots of storage, 2 car garage on double lot in a very desir- able neighborhood. Close to schools and park and recre- ation. Walking dis- tance to downtown Wilkes-Barre. Great family neighbor- hood. Carpet allowance will be considered. $159,900 MLS #11-1434 Call Tom 570-262-7716 KINGSTON 290 Reynolds St. Very roomy 2 story on lovely street in Kingston. 4 bed- rooms, 3 baths, wood burning fire- place in living room. Large eat-in kitchen as well as formal dining room. Freshly painted, carpets cleaned and numer- ous updates makes this move-in ready! Call for your private showing. MLS #11-364 $159,900 Mary Ellen Belchick 570-696-6566 Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! KINGSTON DRASTIC REDUCTION!!!!! 543 Westmoreland Ave. Stately 5 bedroom home in prestigious neighborhood. Yearning to be restored to its origi- nal splendor. Porch, rec room, sun room and inground pool. Huge Reduction $145,000 Call Jay Crossin Ext. 23 Crossin Real Estate 570-288-0770 KINGSTON Spacious Split Level with 2.5 baths, 2 family rooms & a 11 x 32 all-season sunroom which overlooks the 18 x 36 in-ground pool. $264,900 MLS# 11-692 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 906 Homes for Sale KINGSTON TWP. PRICE REDUCED 8 Circle Drive Only one lucky fami- ly will be able to make this home their own! Beautiful- ly kept Ranch with 2 car garage, new bath, partially fin- ished basement, 3 season room, almost 1 acre in Dallas School Dis- trict. Home Warran- cy included. For more information and photos visit our website at www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #11-370 $174,900 Call Charlie 570-829-6200 VM 101 KINGSTON Very attractive home with 1.5 baths, formal dining room & modern kitchen, vinyl siding & neat as a pin throughout! Great floor plan. Move right in! $134,700 MLS# 11-260 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 KINGSTON Very attractive home with a 2 car garage, new family room & stainless steel appliances. Ample off street parking. NEW PRICE $148,000 MLS# 10-4452 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 Looking to buy a home? Place an ad here and let the sellers know! 570-829-7130 LAFLIN 7 Hickorywood Dr. Wonderful 4 bed- room Ranch with sweeping views of the valley. Master bedroom with walk- in closet and bath, ultra modern eat-in kitchen with granite counters and cherry cabinets with large island and stainless steel appliances. 2 car garage, full unfinished base- ment with walk-out to yard. For more informa- tion and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #10-4060 $269,900 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 Job Seekers are looking here! Where's your ad? 570-829-7130 and ask for an employ- ment specialist Find the perfect friend. Call 829-7130 to place your ad. The Classified section at timesleader.com ONLYONE LEADER. ONL NNNL NL NNNNLYONE NNNNNNNNNN LEA LE LLLE LE LE LE LE E LE LE LE E DER DDD . timesleader.com LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! Job Seekers are looking here! Where's your ad? 570-829-7130 and ask for an employ- ment specialist Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! PAGE 18D SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com 906 Homes for Sale 548 Medical/Health 412 Autos for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 548 Medical/Health 412 Autos for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 548 Medical/Health 412 Autos for Sale 906 Homes for Sale OFFICENTERS - Pierce St., Kingston Professional Office Rentals Full Service Leases • Custom Design • Renovations • Various Size Suites Available Medical, Legal, Commercial • Utilities • Parking • Janitorial Full Time Maintenance Staff Available For Rental Information Call: 1-570-287-1161 Long Term Care Berwick Retirement Village Come be part of our RNAC team. Full Time Position Monday through Friday MDS/PPS experience preferred Long term care experience preferred Must have valid PA RN license in good standing We offer competitive rates, health benefits, shift differential, paid vacation, sick and holiday time, tuition reimbursement, 401K pension plan, life insurance and long term disability. For more information you may call 570-759-5033. Please apply on-line at www.berwick-hospital.com or send resume to: Berwick Hospital Center Human Resources Department 701 E. 16th Street • Berwick, PA 18603 E-mail: [email protected] Fax# 570-759-5035 E.O.E. RN Assessment Coordinator [email protected] www.yourcarbank.com ÐUV MEME º PAV MEME º ÐUV MEME DO IT NOW! WVON¡MO VALLEV AT Down payments from $295 Weekly payments from $49 415 Kidder Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 570.822.8870 [email protected] www.yourcarbank.com (Tax and Tags extra) 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health DENTIST POSITION AVAILABLE PA Department of Corrections currently has a Dentist position available in Luzerne County at the State Correc- tional Institution at Retreat in Hunlock Creek. This is a permanent, full-time position with a salary range of $78,827 - $113,546. No evening or weekend hours; insurance indemnification provided. Comprehensive health insurance; prescription, vision, and dental plan coverage (after six months); liberal retirement/pension plan with eligibility for full retirement at age 50/55. Paid vacation, personal and sick leave, paid holidays, group life insurance, and much more. Employees perform pro- fessional dental work in the examination, diagnosis, treatment, and care of inmates in the dental clinic at SCI- Retreat. You must possess a license to practice dentistry issued by the PA State Board of Dentistry and complete a Civil Service application. SCI Retreat is designated a Health Professional Shortage Area with education loan repayment options. For an employment application and additional information contact Carl Kmiec, Human Resources, SCI-Retreat, 660 State Route 11, Hunlock Creek, PA 18612 570-735-8754. www.cor.state.pa.us Equal Opportunity Employer 906 Homes for Sale LAFLIN 9 Main Street 2-3 bedroom, 1 full bath home on large fenced lot. 1 car detached garage, living room, dining room, eat in kitchen and newly added 14x16 deck. Washer, dryer & fridge incl- uded. New water heater and windows throughout.Full walk out basement. Hardwood floors in every room. Many updates, a must see! $89,000. (570) 898-2581 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! LAKE SILKWORTH Enjoy year-round Living and Deeded Lake Access at Lake Silkworth! Charming 2 bed- room Lake Cottage with 1 car garage, original fireplace, private double lot, walking distance to lake. Many recent improvements. JUST REDUCED $84,000 Call Cindy King 570-690-2689 www.cindykingre.com 570-675-4400 LAKE SILKWORTH Older Cottage with Lakeview in Fair Condition. New Bathroom, New 100Amp Breaker, & Furnace re-done in 2006. Great Location for At-Home Business with Sign location right on Rt. 29. $34,900 Call Cindy 570-690-2689 www.cindykingre.com 570-675-4400 906 Homes for Sale LARKSVILLE 111 Falcon Drive Brand new since 2004, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, central air, 2 car garage, shed, 6 car driveway. Roof, kitchen, fur- nace, a/c unit and master bath all replaced. Modern kitchen with granite island, tile floors, maple cabinets. Fireplace in family room, large closets, modern baths. Stamped concrete patio. For more information and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #11-1166 $279,900 Call Tom 570-262-7716 LARKSVILLE Beautiful Bi-Level with Oak Hardwood Floors in Living room, Dining room, Hallways & Staircase. Upgrades Galore, central air, gas heat, 16x32 in-ground pool surrounded with Perennial Gardens & Fenced yard with Hot Tub, shed, deck, oversized driveway, 1 car garage. 1 year warranty. $189,900 MLS# 10-3677 Call Nancy Palumbo 570-714-9240 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! LARKSVILLE MOUNTAIN NEW LISTING! Stunning view of the Wyoming Valley architecturally built on pristine 1 acre lot…grape vines, fruit trees, fish pond, raised gar- dens, contemporary home with Great room fireplace, beamed ceilings, hardwood flooring and much more! MLS#11-1079 $325,000. Call Maribeth Jones 696-6565 906 Homes for Sale LARKSVILLE Spacious ranch on a large corner lot in Birchwood Estates. 2 full baths, beautiful kitchen, Central A/C 2 decks to enjoy, & a 3+ car garage. REDUCED PRICE $229,000 MLS# 11-176 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! MESHOPPEN Novak Road Lovely nearly com- pleted renovated Victorian farmhouse sits high on 7.81 acres featuring panoramic pastoral views, high ceilings, original woodwork, gutted, rewired, insulated and sheet- rocked, newer roof, vinyl siding, kitchen and baths. Lots of potential with TLC. Elk Lake School Dis- trict. $175,000 MLS# 11-525 Call 570-696-2468 WILKES-BARRE MINERS MILLS NEW LISTING! Charming two-story home with hard- wood and pine floors, modern kitchen and baths, formal living room and dining room, 3 bedrooms, gas heat, separate 330SF of office space. Detached garage and carport, updated windows, roof and furnace. Zoned business commercial. MLS#11-1010 $129,000 Call Maribeth Jones 570-696-6565 906 Homes for Sale MOUNTAIN TOP 850 LAKEVIEW DR Enjoy the beauty in this beautiful 2- story on approxi- mately one acre in Laurel Lakes! Hard- wood floors, tile and granite kitchen, 4 bedrooms and 3 baths – including a spacious master bath with Jacuzzi and separate show- er. This 10-room home has a great layout, including a lower level with recreation room and an additional room for a den or office. Call us today to arrange your pri- vate showing! MLS#11-1216 $329,500 Mary Ellen Belchick 696-6566 Walter Belchick 696-2600 ext. 301 MOUNTAIN TOP BUTLER TWP. 109 North St. 4 bedroom ranch with large updat- ed kitchen, open floor plan, living room with fire- place, hardwood floors in living room, bedrooms and kitchen. Updated bath. Sunroom over- looks state game lands. Walk out lower level, easily finished-only needs carpet. This is a must see! $164,500 MLS# 11-1349 Call Michael Pinko (570) 899-3865 Smith Hourigan Group 570-474-6307 Mountain Top Unbelievable VALUE! 14 Oaklawn Ave, Mountain top PA 18707 cape cod, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath- rooms, dining room, office/study, family room, finished basement, .38 acre, deck. At Your Ser- vice Realty Inc. Lisa Poholek $85,450 Call (570)902-9983 Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! NANTICOKE 330 State Street Very spacious 3 story home with nice size rooms & many recent updates. $2,000 seller assist available. PRICE REDUCED $93,000 MLS# 09-3712 Call Lynda (570) 696-5418 Smith Hourigan Group 570-696-1195 906 Homes for Sale NANTICOKE Gorgeous Original Woodwork & Hard- wood floors. 4 bed- rooms, 2 baths, 1st floor laundry area, built-in drawers/ cabinets in 2nd floor hallway. Dou- blestairs leading from upstairs into foyer & kitchen. Walk-up finished attic with 2 more rooms. New furnace (‘07), Deck, Drive- way, Much restora- tion & remodeling done. $99,900. Call Nancy Palumbo 570-714-9240 Find Something? Lose Something? Get it back where it belongs with a Lost/Found ad! 570-829-7130 NANTICOKE HOME FOR SALE Single home, 3 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, electric heat, unfinished basement, deck. Extremely well- maintained two- story, 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, eat in kitchen, very large dining/living room combination, den, front porch , deck, and nice size yard; electric heat; safe neighborhood; move-in condition for the right buyer; no realtors or bro- kers; $132,999. call 570-878-2424 after 10:00 a.m. NANTICOKE REDUCED 25 West Washington St. Move right into this very nice 3 bed- room 1 bath home. Lots of natural woodwork and a beautiful stained glass window. Kitchen appliances and wall to wall car- peting approxi- mately 1 year old. Home also has a one car detached garage. $83,900 MLS 11-347 Call John 570-704-6846 Antonik & Associ- ates, Inc. 570-735-7494 NANTICOKE With 1876 sq. ft of living space this 4 bedroom, 1.75 bath 2 story is a great buy. 1st floor includes a Front room, Living room, Dining room, Kit, 3/4 bath & laundry room. A tiered rear deck leads into the fenced back yard. Off street parking for 2+ cars in the rear off alley. Priced to sell. $30,900 Anne Marie Chopick 570-760-6769 GEORGE T. BELL REAL ESTATE 570-288-6654 NOXEN 101 Main Street. READY FOR BED & BREAKFAST. Totally updated spacious 2 story with extra large living room, 4 suites, family room and screen porch conveniently locat- ed on Main St. Noxen. $195,000. ERA BRADY ASSOCIATES 570-836-3848 NUANGOLA Summer is just around the corner, now is the time to make the invest- ment! 50' of lake- front on a motor- boat lake! With a newer roof, remod- eled kitchen and bath, not much left for you to do but relax and enjoy the Lake views from the sunroom, dining room, bedrooms or patio. This home makes a perfect summer getaway or year round home. MLS #10-3124 $269,900 Call Jill Jones 570-696-6550 906 Homes for Sale PARDEESVILLE 738 PARDEESVILLE RD CORNER LOT Single family built in 2005. 2.5 baths, two story with attached garage. Oil furnace with central air. 90 x 140 corner lot. Kitchen with cen- ter cooking island, dining room, raised ceiling with glass door entry & hardwood floor. Carpeting thru out home. Tiled kitchen and bath. Kitchen appli- ances included. NICELY PRICED $219,900 (570) 233-1993 PITTSTON 107 Johnson St. 4 bedroom Ranch home with hard- wood floors, large room sizes, gas heat and central air, garage and carport. Nice home, corner lot, large unfinished basement. For more information and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 11-1209 $129,900 Call Charlie 570-829-6200 PITTSTON 118 Church Dr JUST REDUCED! Three story with three bedrooms, two baths also features family room and den. MLS#11-401 $ 60,400 Call Tracy L. McDermott, Broker Owner Office: (570) 696-2468. PITTSTON 3 bedroom, 1 bath, semi modern kitchen with stove and fridge. Nice yard, one car garage. Priced to sell. MLS 11-1298 $59,900 Call Lu-Ann 570-602-9280 Job Seekers are looking here! Where's your ad? 570-829-7130 and ask for an employ- ment specialist PITTSTON 52 W. Columbus Ave. Large 2 story home with balcony off master bedroom showing views of the valley. A great place to see the fireworks! Full bath plus 3/4 bath, eat in kitchen, enclosed porch, first floor laundry. Corner low maintenance lot. For more informa- tion and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 11-930 $115,000 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 PITTSTON Cozy ranch home on a deep lot with 2 detached garages. Very convenient location & affordable too! $64,900 MLS# 11-1303 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 906 Homes for Sale PITTSTON TWP. 120 Parnell St. Classic Ranch in great location. 3 bedroom, 3 baths, high quality throughout. 3 sea- son porch over looking private rear yard. Owners says sell and lowers price to $219,900. For more information and photos please visit our website at www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #10-2817 Call Charlie for your private showing. VM 101 PITTSTON TWP. PRICE REDUCED 40 Gain St. Be the first occu- pants of this newly constructed Ranch home on a low traf- fic street. All you could ask for is already here, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, hardwood and tile floors with granite and stainless steel kitchen, gas fire- place, central air, 2 car garage and rear patio and full basement. For more information and photos, log onto www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #10-3676 $219,900 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 PLAINS 1610 Westminster Rd PRICE REDUCED! Gorgeous estate like property with log home plus 2 story garage on 1 acres with many outdoor features. Garage. MLS# 11-319 $325,000 Call Charles PLAINS 2 story apartment building near all conveniences. Front unit is a modern 1 bedroom & the rear unit is a spacious 2 bed- room with large kitchen & living room. Heat and electric split. $59,800 MLS# 10-3422 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! PLAINS 20 Nittany Lane Convenience! Loca- tion! Easy Living! This home has it all. 3 floors of living space w/hardwood floors and gas fire- place in living room. Open floor plan, lower level family room w/laundry and 3/4 bath. 3 bed- rooms w/2 full baths on upper level. Deck and patio for outdoor living! 2 zone heat, central a/c, inter- com and stereo plus central vac system, 2 car garage. What more could you want? MLS #11-782 $199,900 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 906 Homes for Sale PLAINS Absolute Must See River Ridge Townhouse! 264 Burke Street No maintenance fees. Many upgrades. Move in condition. 2,000 sq. ft. Berber, ceramic tile & hardwood. 2 bedroom, 2.5 baths. All appli- ances, washer & dryer & window treatments includ- ed. Walk in closet. No units in front of or behind. 1 car garage. Very private. Near all interstates. REDUCED TO $179,900 Call 570-829-3162 PLAINS Spacious 2 story with old world charm, hardwood floors, wood stair- case, stained glass windows and more. Amenities include a Formal Dining Room, eat in kitchen, 1st floor laundry, den, 3 bed- rooms, 1.5 baths, partially finished attic & a 1 car garage all on a 100’ x 200’ lot. $69,900 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE. Anne Marie Chopick GEORGE T. BELL REAL ESTATE 570-288-6654 570-760-6769 PENDING Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! PLAINS TWP For Sale By Owner Plains Township Mill Creek Acres 4 Lan Creek Rd Close to Mohegan Sun & Geisinger, 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, Fireplace, 2 Car Garage. Excellent Condition. All Appli- ances Included. Large yard. Go To www.plainsre.com for details. Asking $219,900 Call 570-817-1228 for showing 906 Homes for Sale PLYMOUTH 401 W. Shawnee Ave Beautifully redone 4 bedroom, 2 bath bi- level with garage on cozy corner lot near Valley West High School. New Paint, Carpeting, Appli- ances & more. $139,900. Call 570-706-5496 Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! PLYMOUTH 44 Church St 46 Church St. Rear Package Deal, sold together for $115,000. 2 units. MLS 10-3634 MLS 10-3635 Maria Huggler CLASSIC PROPERTIES 570-587-7000 PLYMOUTH Ready for occupancy, 2 unit with store front in nice condition. Set up shop & live in 3 bedroom apartment & let the rent from 2nd apartment help pay the bills. Ideal opportunity for the smart investor! DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTION! $59,900 MLS# 11-165 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 SCRANTON 103 Arnold Avenue AFFORDABLE PRICE Cape Cod with 1st floor master bed- room, 3 season porch, attached garage. MLS# 10-1069 $84,900 call Nancy 570-237-0752 906 Homes for Sale SHAVERTOWN 13 Lehigh St., N. Lovingly cared for 2 bedroom, 1 bath bungalow with many improve- ments done includ- ing new (2 yrs. old) central air and fur- nace. 1 car garage with attached cus- tom built carport. This property is a “must see”! MLS #10-3624 $139,000 Donald Crossin 570-288-0770 Crossin Real Estate 570-288-0770 SHAVERTOWN 138 Wakefield Road Inviting contempo- rary with breathtak- ing sunsets fea- tures an open floor plan, ultra kitchen, hardwoods throughout, two- sided gas FP, spa- like master bath, very generous room sizes, 5 bed- rooms, 4 baths, fin- ished walk-out lower level. $583,000 MLS #11-952 Call Tracy Zarola 570-574-6465 570-696-0723 LEWITH & FREEMAN SHAVERTOWN 375 Greenpond Rd. Well kept Ranch in Midway Manor with 7 rooms, 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage, newer furnace. MLS #10-4474 $162,900 Call Tom 570-262-7716 SHAVERTOWN 5 bedrooms, 1 & 3/4 baths, 2 car garage, family room plus den or office. On a dead end street. Big Price Reduction!! $169,500 MLS# 11-960 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! Find a newcar online at timesleader.com ONLYONE LEADER. ONL NNL NNL NNNL NNLYONE NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN LEA LE LLLE LE LE LLE LEEE LE DER D . timesleader.com LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! Looking for Work? Tell Employers with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 19D CCC ll oal oal Str Street eet PPark ark F.M. Kirby Park S t S t AA m c a d e m e m y S t y S t k S t SS r e r h e h e h n a n m a mm t S t S S N S SS hh w n s h ip B lv w n s h ip B d A m b e r L n A m b e r L n e L n P i n e n e S t S t S t S t nn e t C o a l S t E R o s s S t o s s t S t Sc Scott ott S St tt St St ot ott ott R o s e L n a r kk e k e t e t SS t t e t t SS S t MM a M a r a r kk r a r kk P a rk S WW h s h a s h a s n g in g in g n to n to t S t S t S n to n o S S n S t S S t S t S t H o rto C o n w e ll S tt B i B irc hh S t S t Riv Riveersidee DD r M in e n e r S S tt Carey Carey Av Av A eee W o o d S t E liz a b e th S t H a n o v e L o c k h a rt S t S W ilk e s -B a rre B lv d Hill St High St NN WW h a s h in g in to n S t SS F r F r k n k a n k a n k n k a n k a n n lin lin l S t S t S n lin li S t S t S R S R S e iv e iv S r S t R S R S R iv e iv e iv S r S r S tt d i E d i E d E n s o n s o s S t S t S h a C h a C h C le r le r l S s S ss ttt O ld R i R i R i r e r v e r v d R d R d R R W R W R W e iv e iv e S r S r S ttt SS tt S a m b o u rn e S t n n s y lv a n ia B lv n n s y lv a n ia B lv a B dd R a c e S t S S R S R iv e iv r S t B o B o B w m a n S t w m a n S L o g a n S t N F u lto n S t R e n o L n ilk e s L n WWWWWWWilkkk il il il ilkkk ll es es es BB -BBar ar arrrr e eee G raa n t n t n tt nn SS G raa n SSSS H S H H c n c a n c k c k o c k o c k oo S t S c k c k o c k o c k o c o S rkkk A v A v A v A v v eeee 5 Add to route 140 S Grant Street, Wilkes-Barre GARAGE & YARD SALES The listed Garage Sales below can be located on our new, interactive Garage Sale map at timesleader.com. Create your route and print out your own turn-by-turn directions to each local sale. COURTDALE Courtdale United Methodist Church 225 Courtdale Ave., Thursday & Friday May 5 & May 6 9 am to 8 pm Saturday, May 7 9 am-1 pm Saturday is bag day DALLAS & CRAFTS 15 Foster St. behind CVS Drugs Saturday, May 7 9am - 3 pm Inside & out, rain or shine! Lunch avail- able, Welsh cookies DALLAS 119 Jackson Street Saturday May 7th 8:00AM - 1:00PM Contents of upscale home. Lots of good stuff. CHEAP! DALLAS 27 Hamilton Road Haddonfield Hills Household, women & teen clothing. Dolls, toys, Korg electric piano, Bar- bie's, Polly Pockets all excellent condi- tion. Golf clubs, bowling balls & 27’ above ground pool. Friday & Saturday 9am-1pm DALLAS 310 A Overbrook Rd Saturday 9-2 Men’s American Eagle Shorts, Children's Clothing and Toys, Purses, Washer and Dryer, and Many Household Items DALLAS 45 Maplewood Ave. (Off Huntsville Rd) Saturday, May 7th 9 am to 2 pm Furniture, designer clothes, rugs. Something For Everyone DALLAS ELM CREST Birch Street Saturday May 7th 8:00AM to 2:00PM Kids clothes, house hold items, shaker cupboard, changing table,camping gear, & much more. DALLAS Saturday Only 8AM-2PM 62 Country Club Rd. Everything for baby, girls clothing, infant to 3T, infant and toddler toys washer/dryer and more HUNLOCK CREEK 127 Old Tavern Rd Toys, odds and ends & much more! Saturday, May 7 Starting at 9am EDWARDSVILLE 100 Savage St Longaburger, cloth- ing, nurse uniforms, collectables, baby & kid stuff, house- hold items. If you want it - we have it! Friday & Saturday 9am-2pm EXETER 10 HOME FOX MEADOWS Turn on Schooley & follow signs. Saturday, May 7th 8 am to 1 pm Children's items, Furniture, house- hold, bikes, & much much more. PLUS Free Items!! FALLS 277-2351 Rt. 292 Saturday May 7th 9:00AM -4:00PM Clothes, videos, kitchen items, plumbing supplies, Xmas decorations , baby items, collectibles & more. HANOVER TOWNSHIP 27 Tryba Lane Hanover Green Clothes, baby items, crib, toys, bikes, household, Rock Band DJ Hero and More! Saturday May 7; 8-2 HANOVER TOWNSHIP 47 Highland Dr. May 6, 7, 8. Friday, 8-5; Saturday, 8-1; Sunday, 9-12. Take S. Main to Knox to Highland. Huge sale! Too much to list! HANOVER TWP Betsy Ross Drive & 108 Red Coat Lane Liberty Hills Saturday May 7th 7:00AM - 3:00PM Fishing, designer clothes, shoes & western boots, auto, XMas, cds tvs, vcr, tv stands, exercise, sewing machine, ceramics, household & more HUNLOCK CREEK 288 Sweet Valley Rd. Saturday, May 7 8am - 2pm Children’s and tod- dler items, house- hold, lawn items. Kingston 167 N. Dawes Ave Saturday May 7th 9:00AM - 2:00PM Household items, miscellaneous items & much more! LUZERNE LUZERNE CRITERIUM (Bike Race) nepacycling.com Sunday, June 12 12:00PM - 7:00PM Call Karen For Info (570) 287-4333 VENDORS WANTED KINGSTON 261 Pringle Street Saturday, 8am-5pm Multi-Family. New merchandise. Kid’s clothes. French doors, gameboy, PS2 games, hot tub, household, Steelers Jerseys, furniture & much more! BEAUMONT May 7 & May 8 10AM - 5 PM Rooster collect- ibles, garden & outdoor items, stained glass, Victorian furniture, primitives, pottery & much more. 1103 Old Hwy. Rd Directions: turn at Kunkle corners from Route 309, right at Saab Dealer, 1 mile on blacktop. 570-675-3447 BIG RED BARN BIG RED BARN Antiques & Fabulous Junque LARKSVILLE 360 Vine St Dining room & other furniture, refrigera- tor, washer, gas stove & other house hold items! ALL CONTENTS MUST GO! Saturday 8am-3pm LUZERNE 67 Seebold St. off of Bennett St. Toys, Tools, House- hold items, Piano, Wishing Wells, Bird Houses, Records, Clothes, Shoes, Jewelry, Avon & more! EARLY BIRDS WELCOME! Saturday 7am-3pm Mountain Top 56 Valley View Dr. Saturday May 7th 8:00AM - 2:00PM Boys & girls clothes toys, ceiling fans, outdoor lighting, household & more. MOUNTAIN TOP Saturday May 7th 8:00AM - 2:00PM 1010 Aspen Drive Laurel Lakes VIllage (Take I-81, Exit 159) Too Many Items To List, Everything Priced To Sell MOUNTAINTOP 100 Brookfield Way (Maplewood) Saturday, May 7st 9 am to 12 pm Boys clothes, household items, toys, books, women’s small & large clothes, shoes. Something For Everyone!! MOUNTAINTOP 721 Ice House Dr. Nuangola Rd to Ice Harvest to Ice House Dr. Something for everyone! Saturday, May 7 8am-2pm Wanna make a speedy sale? Place your ad today 570- 829-7130. NANTICOKE 1333 S. PROSPECT STREET 13TH ANNUAL LCCC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FLEA MARKET & COLLECTIBLES SHOW SATURDAY MAY 7 8AM TO 2 PM MORE THAN 60 VENDORS Free Admission Free Parking NANTICOKE 279 East Grand St Fishing Equipment, Antiques & much much more! RAIN OR SHINE. EARLY BIRDS WELCOME Friday & Saturday 8am-2pm NANTICOKE 302 ESPY STREET May 7th @ 8 am - 12 pm Household items, toys, clothes, much more.May 7th 8am SHAVERTOWN 106 Village Dr. Saturday, May 7th 9:00am to 1:00 pm Lots of beautiful things for Mom & Prom, plus luggage bedding, books, loads of household items & more INDOOR SALE SPRING BROOK TOWNSHIP 73 Buck Run (off OHara Rd) Saturday 5/15 8-1 & Sunday 5/15, 8-1 Household, holiday, Xmas items, Dansko clogs, Vera Bradley, furniture, antiques. SWOYERSVILLE 355 Kossack St. (off Main St.) Saturday, May 7 9am -1pm Wide selection WEST PITTSTON 30+ Family Sale Saturday May 7 8 am to 3 pm Trinity Church 220 Montgomery Avenue More Vendors Welcome. $10 Space. Must RSVP 570-654-3261 WILKES-BARRE 24 Miner Street Saturday: 5/7 9AM -2PM Many books, boys (newborn to 3T) baby items/clothes, electronics, apt microwave, dinner- ware, knick knacks, ceramics, kids games/puzzles, dresses, women’s shoes, collectibles. Job Seekers are looking here! Where's your ad? 570-829-7130 and ask for an employ- ment specialist WILKES-BARRE 315 Moyallen St. Saturday, May 7th 9:00am - 2:00pm Chain saw, mower, generator, yard tools, electronics, household, skin care products,rugs vaccuums, clothes, dehumidifier, wheels & tires, etc. WILKES-BARRE 381 Park Avenue Sat. May 7, 9AM-3 Household items, linens, clothing & more. Something for everyone! WILKES-BARRE 52 Mallery Place Saturday May 7th 9:00AM - 2:00PM Infant & toddler toys & clothes, household, holiday decor & more! WILKES-BARRE 71 S Sherman St Puritan Congregational Church Furniture, seasonal, toys, books, cloth- ing & house wares Friday, May 6 9-3 Saturday, May 7 9-2 1/2 PRICE SATURDAY WILKES-BARRE 906 S. Main St. SA SATURDA TURDAY Y, MA , MAY Y 7TH 7TH 8:00-4:00 8:00-4:00 Directions: South of Blackman St. Entire contents of nice older home. Furniture including beautiful sofas, bedroom furniture, glassware, kitchen- ware, jewelry, very large antique ornate frame, beer can collection, linens, holiday decorations, Maytag washer and dryer,lots of hand tools, lots of electrician supplies, lawn and garden, Craftsman lawn tractor and much more. CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED! Sale by Cook & Cook Estate Liquidators www.cookand cookestate liquidators.com WILKES-BARRE Barney Farms 88 Reliance Drive, Sat. 5/7/11, 9-2pm Coordinating Love- seat/Chairs, coffee table/end table set, lamps, formal wing chairs, wall decor, PS2 gaming station/ games, children's books, VCR tapes, bookshelves, ping pong table, antique dining room table/ chairs/server, car- pet cleaner, girl's bedding, assorted build-a-bears & accessories, assorted crystal/ glassware WILKES-BARRE FLEA MARKET VENDORS WANTED MAY 21, 9-3 Dan Flood PTO FLEA MARKET & CAR CRUISE. 706-0622/472-1943 WILKES-BARRE NORTH St. Luke’s United Church of Christ Corner of 471 N. Main St. / Hollenback Ave. Saturday, May 7 9am - 6pm Monday, May 9 9am - 6pm Half-Price Day Tuesday, May 10 9am - 2pm Bag Day Dishes, Toys, cloth- ing, furniture, shoes, rugs, jewelry, books and homemade foods, including chili, whimpies, pizza, potato salad, haluski & pie. WILKES-BARRE SOUTH 73 Amherst Avenue (Off Old River Rd) Saturday, May 7 8am - 1pm Lots of toys & chil- dren’s items. Cloth- ing (including little girl’s juniors and boys size 6). Video games, Household, Books, Collectibles & much more! WILKES-BARRE TOWNSHIP New Street (Georgetown) Saturday May 7th 9:00AM - 1:00PM Children's items, household items, fishing, PS2 games. Something for Everyone! WILKES-BARRE TWP. Saturday 9am-4pm 230 Pulaski St Take Shannon St off E. Northampton and proceed to Pulaski. Contents of resi- dence to include 2 great living room suites, fancy lamps, exquisite tables & cario stand, kitchen set, hutch, loads of new items still in boxes, glassware, xmas items, tons of linen and clothing - hats, purses, new shoes, costume jewlry and so much more! BUYING US/FOREIGN COINS & CURRENCY HIGHEST PREMIUMS FOR SILVER DOLLARS & BETTER ITEMS GOLD & SILVER JEWELRY & WATCHES ALL TYPES OF STERLING SILVER Old Postcards & Local Photo’s, Lead Soldiers & Old Toys, Mining & Military Stuff, Old Crocks, Jugs & Bottles, China & Glassware, Local Advertising STAMPS PAYING RECORD CA$H PRICES HERITAGE GALLERIES DALLAS, PA Across from Dallas Agway on Rt. 415 Look for blue & white signs Tues-Sat, 10-5 570-674-2646 ADVERTISE YOUR GARAGE SALE WITH THE TIMES LEADER! CALL 829-7130. You’ll get a position on our online garage sales map, a listing in The Times Leader and timsleader.com Classifieds, a rain date guarantee, nine days of advertising for your left over items, a sign, stickers, a FREE McDonald’s breakfast and more! R Wanna make a speedy sale? Place your ad today 570- 829-7130. 906 Homes for Sale SHAVERTOWN PRICE REDUCED! Move right into this 3 Bedroom,1 3/4 Bath Split level on a cul de sac in Sutton Hills. Modern eat in kitchen, oak cabi- nets, Living room, wood, Fireplace with new Stainless Steel liner, Lower Level family room, laundry, Bath. Private back yard, deck, garage. New roof, lifetime leaf- less gutters, drive- way expanded, shelving in garage. Quiet, private, Lake Lehman schools. $169,900 MLS# 10-2545 Call Sue Barre 570-696-5417 SMITH HOURIGAN 570-696-1195 SHAVERTOWN Raised ranch in “Midway Manor” with very nice kitchen, 3 bed- rooms, 1.5 baths, lower level family room & large fenced yard with in-ground pool to enjoy!! $154,900 MLS# 11-33 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 SHAVERTOWN Roomy 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has been family owned & well maintained for 30 plus years. 3 season room, a large family room with fireplace, 2 car garage on a great corner lot in “Midway Manor!” $179,000 MLS# 11-1319 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 SHAVERTOWN SUNDAY MAY 1st 12:00PM-2:00PM 1071 Meadowcrest Drive Every corner of this ranch home has been beautifully upgraded. Wood floors, new kitchen with granite and stainless. Gas fire- place, tiled baths, neutral decor, completely finished lower level (800 additional square feet!), just move right in! Lake Lehman schools $219,000 MLS #11-306 Call Tracy Zarola 570-574-6465 570-696-0723 LEWITH & FREEMAN SHICKSHIINY Nestled in the country on 2.86 acres yet only minutes from Rt. 11. Ranch home with new high efficiency Harmon Wood/coal boiler, windows, 200 amp service, ductless A/C & more. Don’t hesitate or you’ll be too late! $178,500 MLS# 11-1143 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 SHICKSHINNY Completely remodeled 3 bed- room, 1.75 bath brick & aluminum ranch on over 4 acres with Pond. New stainless steel appliances, 2 car attached and 1 car built-in garage, paved driveway, open front porch, 3 season room, rear patio, brick fireplace & property goes to a stream in the back. $199,900 MLS# 10-4716 Five Mountains Realty 570-542-2141 906 Homes for Sale SHICKSHINNY Nice 24'X50' Doublewide on 1 acre featuring 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, living room, dining room, kitchen & laundry plus 1 car detached garage with paved driveway. $58,900 MLS# 10-4613 Five Mountains Realty 570-542-2141 Let the Community Know! Place your Classified Ad TODAY! 570-829-7130 SWOYERSVILLE 2 Unit Duplex & Double Block with a 4 Bay Garage. Family owned for many years. BIG REDUCTION $110,000 MLS# 09-1643 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 SWOYERSVILLE 236 Poland St. Cute 2 bedroom starter home in need of some cos- metic updating. Great for first time homebuyers. Huge lot, patio, newer windows, shed, nice location. MLS #11-772 $65,000 Call Karen Ryan 570-283-9100 SWOYERSVILLE 327 Shoemaker St Very nice 2-story with large front porch, level back yard and off-street parking. Three bed- rooms and one full bath (remodeled in 2007). Kitchen with center island and laminate floors in both kitchen and dining room Base- ment is partially fin- ished, including plumbing and can be finished for addi- tional living space. New hot water heater in 2010 and updated electric in 2004. A GREAT BUY AT A GREAT PRICE! Call us today to arrange your private show- ing! MLS#11-1337 $99,900 Mary Ellen Belchick 696-6566 Walter Belchick 696-2600 ext. 301 SWOYERSVILLE Investors Wanted! Stone front 2 bed- room, 2 story on nice lot. Open 1st floor with nice eat-in kitchen. 2nd floor needs tlc. Gas heat. Space Heaters. $32,000. Call Pat 570-885-4165 Coldwell Banker Gerald L. Busch Real Estate, Inc. SWOYERSVILLE REDUCED! 184 Owen St. Roomy 2 story, 4 bedroom, 1.75 bath single family home on a large lot with large modern eat in kitchen. Large living and dining rooms. 1st floor laundry room, ductless air conditioning on 1st floor, vinyl siding, carport, off street parking and much more. MLS 11-432 $149,900 Jay A. Crossin Ext. 23 Crossin Real Estate 570-288-0770 THORNHURST 2 or 3 bedroom home in Country Club Estates. 1.5 bath with lots of storage space. For info & pics, 1061fairway. weebly.com Call 570-472-3032 906 Homes for Sale TUNKHANNOCK Enjoy the spectacular view of all seasons from this lovely “Colonial“ situated on over 4 acres of pure country living PLUS privacy, yet only 15 minutes from Dallas. Great kitchen, 2.5 baths & attached 2 car garage. $299,500 MLS# 11-1238 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 WEST PITTSTON 322 SALEM ST. Great 1/2 double located in nice West Pittston loca- tion. 3 bedrooms, new carpet. Vertical blinds with all appli- ances. Screened in porch and yard. For more information and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS#10-1535 $59,000 Charlie VM 101 WEST PITTSTON Well cared for and nicely kept. A place to call home! Com- plete with 2 car oversized garage, central air, first floor laundry, eat in kitchen. Convenient to shopping, West Pittston pool and ball fields. $152,500 MLS 11-583 Call Judy Rice 570-714-9230 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! WEST WYOMING 438 Tripp St SUNDAY 1:00PM-3:00PM Completely remod- eled home with everything new. New kitchen, baths, bedrooms, tile floors, hardwoods, granite countertops, all new stainless steel appliances, refrigerator, stove, microwave, dish- washer, free stand- ing shower, tub for two, huge deck, large yard, excellent neighborhood $154,900 (835.00 / 30years/ 5%) 570-654-1490 WEST WYOMING HOME FOR SALE 545 5th Street Manor, ranch, sin- gle family, 3 bed- rooms, 2 bath- rooms, double car attached garage, eat-in kitchen, din- ing room, living room, fireplace, forced air furnace, central air, unfin- ished basement, 82x150 lot size and spacious, deck. Great location. Nice yard. Perfect neighborhood. Must see. $219,000 Call (570)885-4900 before 9:00 p.m. to set an appointment WEST WYOMING TOY TOWN SECTION 148 Stites Street CHARMING BUNGALOW $74,500 650 sq. ft. On corner lot with 2 car garage. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, walk up attic & full heated basement, hardwood floors with three season room. Freshly paint- ed & move in condi- tion. 570-446-3254 906 Homes for Sale WILKES-BARRE 108 Simpson St. Cute and well cared for home. Enclosed patio on back, off street parking for 4 cars. Nice big yard, privacy in rear. MLS 09-3505 $49,900 Call Jay Crossin Ext. 23 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 WILKES-BARRE INVESTMENT! 123 S. Main St., Great downtown Wilkes-Barre opportunity for investor! Ideal for student housing! First floor tenant is a successful restaurant with a lease. Plus 4 large, 2 bedroom apart- ments on the sec- ond and third floors. Off-street parking for 3 cars. MLS#11-829 $154,900 Ted Poggi 283-9100 ext. 25 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! WILKES-BARRE 156 Sherman Street HANDYMAN SPE- CIAL. Extra Large duplex with 7 bed- rooms, 2 baths, fire- place, screened porch, full basement and 2 car garage on double lot in Wilkes- Barre City. $59,500 ERA BRADY ASSOCIATES 570-836-3848 WILKES-BARRE 191 Andover St. Lovely single family 3 bedroom home with lots of space. Finished 3rd floor, balcony porch off of 2nd floor bedroom, gas hot air heat, central air and much more. Must see! MLS 11-59 $69,900 Jay A. Crossin 570-288-0770 Ext. 23 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 WILKES-BARRE 195 Mclean St. Off street parking with carport, nice rear yard, first floor laundry, updated electrical, some replacement win- dows, why not take a look at this home!!!! 3 Bed- rooms, large eat in kitchen, lower level has a 1/2 bath and a built in bar area, would make a nice game room! Call for your appointment today! MLS #11-453 $67,500 Call Jill Jones 570-696-6550 WILKES-BARRE 313 N. River Street Nice 2 bedroom single home, A/C, well maintained. Near courthouse & colleges. Affordably Priced @ $44,900. Call Jim Towne & Country Real Estate Co. 570-735-8932 or 570-542-5708 Job Seekers are looking here! Where's your ad? 570-829-7130 and ask for an employ- ment specialist PAGE 20D SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished 944 Commercial Properties 944 Commercial Properties 962 Rooms 962 Rooms 2 8 7 0 9 5 EAST MOUNTAIN APARTMENTS The good life... close at hand • 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. • Total Air-Conditioning • Washer & Dryer • Community Building • Spa & Pools • Hi-Tech Fitness Center • Tennis & Basketball Courts • Private Entrances Monday - Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-1 680 Wildflower Drive Plains, PA 18702 www.EastMountainApt.com email:EMA@The ManorGroup.com • 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apts. • Total Air-Conditioning • Gas Heat & HW Included • Swim Club, Heated Pools • Hi-Tech Fitness Center • Shopping Shuttle • Full -Size Washer & Dryer • Private Entrances Regions Best Address 200 Gateway Drive Edwardsville, PA 18704 288-6300 822-4444 www.GatewayManorApt.com email:GA@The ManorGroup.com Monday - Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-1 Monday - Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-1 Monday - Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-1 IN THE HEART OF WILKES-BARRE Immediate Occupancy!! MARTIN D. POPKY APARTMENTS 61 E. Northampton St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 • Affordable Senior Apartments • Income Eligibility Required • Utilities Included! • Low cable rates; • New appliances; laundry on site; • Activities! • Curb side Public Transportation Please call 570-825-8594 TDD/TTY 800-654-5984 CEDAR VILLAGE Apartment Homes Ask About Our Holiday Specials! $250 Off 1st Months Rent, & $250 Off Security Deposit With Good Credit. 1 bedroom starting @ $690 F e a t u r i n g : ‹ Washer & Dryer ‹ Central Air ‹ Fitness Center ‹ Swimming Pool ‹ Easy Access to I-81 Mon – Fri. 9 –5 44 Eagle Court Wilkes-Barre, PA 18706 (Off Route 309) 570-823-8400 cedarvillage@ affiliatedmgmt.com M ond a y - Frid a y 9 -5 Sa tu rd a y 1 0-2 W IL KE SW OOD 822-27 1 1 w w w .liv ea tw ilk esw ood .com 1 Bedroom Sta rting a t$675.00 • Includes gas heat, w ater,sew er & trash • C onvenient to allm ajor highw ays & public transportation • Fitness center & pool • P atio/B alconies • P et friendly* • O nline rentalpaym ents • Flexible lease term s APARTM E NTS *RestrictionsAp p ly PROVINCIAL TOWER - S. MAIN Great Commercial Store Front, & Inside Suites Available Steps from New Intermodal Hub & Public Parking FREE RENT - Call For Details Today! 570-829-1573 Starting at $650 utilities included WILKES-BARRE Rooms starting at Daily $39.99 + tax Weekly $169.99 + tax Microwave Refrigerator WiFi HBO (570) 823-8027 www.casinocountrysideinn.com [email protected] Bear Creek Township C o u n t r y s i d e I n n C a s i n o 906 Homes for Sale WILKES-BARRE 35 Hillard St. Great neighborhood surrounds this updated 2 story with original woodwork. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 1,500 sq.ft. oak eat-in kitchen, wood floors, stained glass windows, large room sizes, fenced yard, deck. $89,000 MLS #10-3023 Call Tracy Zarola 570-574-6465 570-696-0723 LEWITH & FREEMAN Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! WILKES-BARRE 387-389 North Hampton St. Three Unit. Great Location. Great Income. Tenants pay all utilities. Good condition. $95,000 Call (616) 379-1165 WILKES-BARRE 39 W. Chestnut St. Lots of room in this single with 3 floors of living space. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath with hardwood floors throughout, natural woodwork, all windows have been replaced, laundry/pantry off of kitchen. 4x10 entry foyer, space for 2 additional bed- rooms on the 3rd floor. Roof is new. MLS 11-325 Jay A. Crossin 570-288-0770 Ext. 23 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 WILKES-BARRE 455 S. Main St. Charming traditional home. Four bed- room, very large liv- ing room, finished attic, beautiful woodwork, French doors & fenced in back yard. MLS # 11-1117 $75,000 George Sailus (570) 407-4300 TRADEMARK REALTORS WILKES-BARRE 73 Richard Street 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath Traditional in Very Good Condition. Open Layout. Off Street Parking, Yard & Shed. Many Updates. Asking $47,900 Call 570-762-1537 for showing 906 Homes for Sale WILKES-BARRE 84 Madison Street Nice duplex. Renovated 2nd floor. Great invest- ment or convert back to single. 3 bedroom, 1 bath on 1st Floor. 2 bedroom, 1 bath 2nd floor. Detached garage. $79,000 MLS# 11-1095 Call Jeff Cook Realty World Bank Capital 570-235-1183 WILKES-BARRE Affordable Newly built 3 bedroom home. 20-year no-interest mortgage. Must meet Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity eligibility requirements. Inquire at 570-820-8002 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! WILKES-BARRE Centrally located this charming 3 bedroom, 1 Bath 2 story, with hard- wood floors, eat in kitchen, fenced yard. Is an ideal starter home. Good potential at $24,900 Anne Marie Chopick 570-760-6769 GEORGE T. BELL REAL ESTATE 570-288-6654 WILKES-BARRE Centrally located, this triplex is fully occupied and has 2 bedrooms in each unit. Nicely main- tained with one long term tenant on 3rd floor and off street parking. An annual income of $17,520 makes it an attrac- tive buy. MLS 11-825 Anne Marie Chopick GEORGE T. BELL REAL ESTATE 570-288-6654 570-760-6769 WILKES-BARRE If you need a 4 bedroom home with generous room sizes, 1.5 baths & detached garage, then this is the one! 3 season sunroom & neat basement. VERY NICE CONDITION! REDUCED PRICE $88,000 MLS# 10-1191 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 WILKES-BARRE Large Modern Bi Level. Newly remodeled, hard- wood floors, 2 story addition. Deck, garage, large fenced yard. Quiet neighborhood. Extra amenities. $190,000 Call 570-814-5948 906 Homes for Sale WILKES-BARRE NEW LISTING! 54 CORLEAR ST. Well maintained home on a double lot, on a lovely resi- dential street. Walk to the River Com- mon Park. Close to schools. 1st floor bedroom and ½ bath. 2nd floor 2 or 3 bedrooms and a full bath. Although not currently fin- ished, the base- ment is heated and can be finished for additional living space. Call for your private showing. MLS#11-1142 $115,000 MaryEllen Belchick 696-6566 or Walter Belchick 696-2600 ext. 301 Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! WILKES-BARRE INVESTMENT! 133-135 Old River Rd Designed and con- structed as a 4-unit apartment building. Solid brick and masonry exterior. Each apartment contains 1300+/-SF of living space with 6 rooms, 2 bed- rooms and one bath. Full concrete basement and off- street parking for 6 cars. MLS#11-1232 $124,900 Ted Poggi 283-9100 ext.25 WILKES-BARRE REDUCED 116 Amber Lane Very nice Bi-level home with 2-3 bed- rooms, open floor plan, built in garage, driveway, on corner lot. Lower level family room with pellet stove. Move in condition home. For more informa- tion and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com $95,000 MLS 10-4538 Call Colleen 570-237-0415 906 Homes for Sale WILKES-BARRE Updated double ready to rent & Owner occupied for many years. Newer kitchens, baths & vinyl siding makes this a great investment! $59,000 MLS# 11-1299 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 WYOMING 530 Dennison Ave. REDUCED Great 3 bedroom Cape Cod with charm & character, 1 3/4 baths, nice yard. MLS# 10-342 $139,900 call Nancy 570-237-0752 WYOMING NEW LISTING! 104 5TH ST. Great location to invest in with this duplex, you can have a tenant help with your mortgage or just collect the rents. 2 bedrooms in each unit. Semi- modern kitchens and baths. Both units have access to the basement for storage. First floor has gas fireplace, ductless A/C units and laundry area. Large garage with workshop area. Take a look and bring your offers! MLS#11-1038 $109,900 Jill Jones 696-6550 YATESVILLE 20 Osborne Drive Buy a newer 2 story in the growing Willow View Devel- opment. This home has 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, formal dining and sitting room, family room with wood burning fireplace, finished room in lower level, electric heat and central air. 2 car garage, level lot. NEW REDUCED PRICE. MLS 10-2379 $246,000 Call Lu-Ann 570-602-9280 Line up a place to live in classified! YATESVILLE PRICE REDUCED 12 Reid st. Spacious Bi-level home in semi-pri- vate location with private back yard. 3 season room. Gas fireplace in lower level family room. 4 bedrooms, garage. For more informtion and photos visit wwww.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 10-4740 $159,900 Call Charlie 570-829-6200 VM 101 YATESVILLE REDUCED! 61 Pittston Ave. Stately brick Ranch in private location. Large room sizes, fireplace, central A/C. Includes extra lot. For more information and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #10-3512 PRICE REDUCED $198,900 Call Charlie 570-829-6200 VM 101 906 Homes for Sale NEAR HARVEYS LAKE RR2 Box 200 Well maintained, 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, eat-in kitchen, spacious living room, front & back porches on 1.58 acres. $123,800. Call Jeannie Brady ERA BRADY ASSOCIATES 570-836-3848 Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! 909 Income & Commercial Properties AVOCA 25 St. Mary’s St. 3,443 sq. ft. masonry commer- cial building with warehouse/office and 2 apartments with separate elec- tric and heat. Per- fect for contractors or anyone with stor- age needs. For more information and photos log onto www.atlas realtyinc.com. Reduced to $89,000 MLS #10-3872 Call Charlie 570-829-6200 VM 101 DALLAS Commercial space for lease. $10/sq. ft. Physician's office ready to occupy approx 7500 sq. ft. Various suites up to 20,000 sq. ft. also available. State of the art amenities. Ample parking. Contact Judy Rice 714-9230 MLS# 10-4102 DURYEA 622 Donnelly St. Double Block in good condition. Great investment property. Come take a look. $96,000 MLS# 10-2668 Call Karen Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate 570-474-2340 EDWARDSVILLE 62-67 ½Thomas St This would make an awesome family compound. No shortage of parking on this unique prop- erty. One single home, one duplex and an extra lot all included. Homes are right on the Edwardsville/Larksvi lle border. $129,900 11-252 Call Betty (570) 510-1736 Smith Hourigan Group 570-287-1196 EDWARDSVILLE Lawrence St. Nice 3 unit property. Lots of off street parking and bonus 2 car garage. All units are rented. Great income with low maintenance $159,900 MLS# 10-2675 Call Karen Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate 570-474-2340 909 Income & Commercial Properties FORTY FORT 138-148 Welles St. DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTION! Be part of the Welles Street Revitalization! 2 buildings with offices & ware- house/garage areas. Zoned M-1. Office space for lease. Call agent for more details. 138- 142 Approx 9784 sq. ft. & 144-146 approx 5,800 sq ft. $335,000 Contact Judy Rice 714-9230 MLS# 11-4293 FORTY FORT Commercial Property with approx. 5000 sq. ft. with an office, storage & a 2nd floor apt in a high traffic area. $196,000 MLS# 11-945 Four Star McCabe Realty 570-674-9950 FREELAND 1017-1019 Centre St. SUNDAY MAY 15 Spacious well maintained double home with 4 bed- rooms on each side. 1017 side is owner occupied with ductless AC, oil or coal heat, modern living rooms, kitchen & baths. Fenced in back yard with shed. Great oppor- tunity to live in 1017 & pay your mort- gage with 1019 rental property $99,952 MLS# 11-1229 Call Stanley (570) 817-0111 Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate 570-474-2340 JENKINS TOWNSHIP May Street Former Parrish Center Hall with kitchen & parking. For more informa- tion and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS#08-2954 $179,900 Call Charlie KINGSTON 47 N. Thomas St. Well maintained duplex in a nice area of Kingston. 2nd floor unit is occupied. New roof, new heating system, brand new in ground pool recently installed. Laundry hook-up for both units in base- ment. Newer roof and exterior recently painted. MLS 11-1199 $144,500 Jay A. Crossin 570-288-0770 Ext. 23 CROSSIN REAL ESTATE 570-288-0770 KINGSTON Custom leases from $8.00-$12.00/sqft + NNN based on terms. Space available from 300-4300 sqft. Established busi- ness on-site, prop- erty fronts 4 lane traffic and is only minutes from Wilkes-Barre City. MLS# 10-2064 Call Cindy 570-690-2689 www.cindykingre.com 570-675-4400 909 Income & Commercial Properties KINGSTON Highly visible office building w/ample off street parking. Executive office on 1st level. Potential for 2 tenants in lower level. $449,000 MLS #11-995 Call Tracy Zarola 570-574-6465 570-696-0723 LEWITH & FREEMAN MOUNTAINTOP S. Mountain Blvd. Best location in Mountaintop. 7,700 sq. ft. building with 250’ frontage. Currently an automotive center. Building is adaptable to many uses. $595,000 Call Dave 570-474-6307 SMITH HOURIGAN GROUP Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! NANTICOKE FOR SALE MULTI-UNIT PROPERTY Available immedi- ately. Commercial property has 2 apartments and large office area, lots of storage, multi “bay” heated garage, large yard, ample off street parking; all units rented; Close to Rt 81 and Cross Valley expressway; off- street parking. Seri- ous inquiries only. No brokers/real estate agents! $189,999 Call (570) 878-2424 after 10:00 a.m. PITTSTON 1011-1015 Oak St Available 2 buildings on site. #1011 is a 2 story office building with approximately 3800 square feet. #1015 is a single story building with approximately 3000 square feet. $489,000 MLS# 11-445 Call Pat Guzzy 570-407-2480 570-586-1111 PITTSTON 144 S. Main St. Busy downtown location, perfect for your business. Be a part of the Down- town Revitalization. Located across from the Tomato Festival lot, current- ly has a 3 story building on the property. When removed, would leave a 30x120 building lot that backs on Wharf Street.REDUCED MLS 10-2742 $14,900 Call Lu-Ann 570-602-9280 PITTSTON 5 UNIT MULTI FAMILY 2 Buildings. 4 Car garage. Prime location with over 6,000 sf. 3 New furnaces in last 2 years. New roof in ‘08. Separate utilities. Close to churches, parks & town. Fully rented - gross income over $25,000!! $169,000 OBO 570-563-1261 PITTSTON 2 Unit through 8 Unit apartments for sale in the Greter Pittston area. Call 570-655-1606 909 Income & Commercial Properties PITTSTON Township Blvd. MAKE AN OFFER! Ideal location between Wilkes- Barre & Scranton. Ample parking with room for additional spaces. Perfect for medical or profes- sional offices. Con- tact agent to show. Contact Judy Rice 570-714-9230 MLS# 10-1110 PLAINS 107-109 E. Carey St. High traffic, high potential location with enough space for 2 second floor apartments. Large front windows for showroom display. Basement & sub- basement for additional storage or workspace. PRICE REDUCED $110,000 MLS# 10-1919 Call Stanley (570) 817-0111 Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate 570-474-2340 PLAINS TWP. LAND! HIGHWAY 315 2 acres of commer- cial land. 165 front feet. Driveway access permit and lot drainage in place. WIll build to suit tenant or avail- able for land lease. For more informa- tion and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS 11-17 Price Negotiable Call Charlie 570-829-6200 VM 101 Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! PLYMOUTH 155 E Walnut St. Good investment property knocking on your door. Don't miss out, come and see for yourself. Also included in the sale of the property is the lot behind the home. Lot size is 25X75, known as 147 Cherry St. $82,000 MLS# 10-2666 Call Karen Coldwell Banker Rundle Real Estate 570-474-2340 SWEET VALLEY REDUCED PRICE! Start your own business in the heart of Sweet Valley! Showroom, fireplace, pole building, storage building, paved parking, fenced rear, well & septic. Prime location, high traffic area. Lot next door is going with the property. NOW LISTED AT $115,000 MLS# 08-3297 Five Mountains Realty 570-542-2141 WEST WYOMING 10 Maple Ave. Great neighbor- hood! 4 bedrooms (2 up, 2 down). Computer room. Replacement win- dows. Cedar closet. Aluminum siding. Gas heat. Enclosed front porch. Garage. Extras! $89,900. MLS 11-1508 Bob Kopec HUMFORD REALTY 570-822-5126 909 Income & Commercial Properties WILKES-BARRE 819 North Washington St. 2020 Sq. Ft, Commercial build- ing on corner lot with parking. Prime location. Lower level street entrance. Close to major highways. PRICE REDUCED $147,000 MLS# 10-3225 Call Jeff Cook Realty World Bank Capital 570-235-1183 WILKES-BARRE Commercial Property 1 block from Courthouse, College & Hospital. Needs Renovation. N. River Road $18,500. Call 570-991-7571 WYOMING 14 West Sixth St. Former upholestry shop. 1st floor in need of a lot of TLC. 2nd floor apartment in good condition & rented with no lease. Stor- age area. Off street parking available. $79,500 Contact Judy Rice 714-9230 MLS# 11-572 WYOMING Affordable Building waiting for your business to occupy it! It also offers income from 2 bed- room apartment above. Off street parking. Offers con- sidered! MLS 11-572 $79,500 Call Judy Ross 570-714-9230 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! WYOMING PRICE REDUCED! 285 Wyoming Ave. First floor currently used as a shop, could be offices, etc. Prime location, corner lot, full base- ment. 2nd floor is 3 bedroom apartment plus 3 car garage and parking for 6 cars. For more information and photos go to www.atlas realtyinc.com MLS #10-4339 $174,900 Call Charlie VM 101 912 Lots & Acreage DALLAS TWP. Lot 48 Springview Court 4.05 acre Wooded Lot on Cul-de-sac in the Goodleigh Manor development No sign on proper- ty. Lot requires on site well & septic. $142,500 MLS# 10-2755 Call Cindy 570-690-2689 www.cindykingre.com 570-675-4400 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It’s a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! DURYEA 44.59 ACRES Industrial Site. Rail served with all utilities. KOZ approved. For more information and photos visit www.atlas realtyinc.com $2,395,000 MLS#10-669 Call Charlie HARVEYS LAKE Lake View Hard to find this one! Buildable lot with view of lake. $32,900 MLS# 10-2523 Call Cindy 570-690-2689 www.cindykingre.com 570-675-4400 JENKINS TOWNSHIP New Section in Highland Hills, Charles Place Open! Four 1+ acre lots available. Call 570-498-9244 PRICES REDUCED EARTH CONSERVANCY LAND FOR SALE 46+/- Acres Hanover Twp., $89,000 10+/- Acres Hanover Twp., $69,000 28+/- Acres Fairview Twp., $85,000 61+/- Acres Nuangola $125,000 40+/- Acres Newport Twp. $180,000 32 +/- Acres Wilkes-Barre Twp. See additional Land for Sale at www. earth conservancy.org 570-823-3445 WILKES-BARRE 1 Kidder & Walnut Buildable 1.5 acre lot in Wilkes-Barre Township. Utilities available. Lot is located in a residential area. $39,500 MLS 11-583 Call Judy Rice 570-714-9230 915 Manufactured Homes ASHLEY PARK Laurel Run & San Souci Parks, Like new, several to choose from, Financing&Warranty, facebook.com/ MobileOne.Sales Call (570)250-2890 Job Seekers are looking here! Where's your ad? 570-829-7130 and ask for an employ- ment specialist Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! Job Seekers are looking here! Where's your ad? 570-829-7130 and ask for an employ- ment specialist Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! Looking for Work? Tell Employers with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 21D 930 Wanted to Buy Real Estate WE BUY HOMES Any Situation 570-956-2385 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished AVOCA 3 rooms, wall to wall carpeting, appli- ances, coin-op laun- dry, off street park- ing, security. No pets. $410/month (570) 655-1606 BACK MOUNTAIN 3 large 1 bedroom apts, 3 kitchens with appliances, 3 baths. Apts. have access to one another. No lease. $795 for all 3 apts ($265 per apt.) Convenient to all colleges and gas drilling areas. Call for more info 570-696-1866 BEAR CREEK New furnished 3 room apartment Includes water, sep- tic & most of the heat. No smoking & no pets. $750/ month. + security, references. Could be unfurnished. Call (570) 954-1200 CARBONDALE Large, partially fur- nished 1 bedroom, all utilities included. $750 / month. Call 570-267-0855 DALLAS 2 apartments Modern 1st floor 2 bedroom apartment & large 2nd floor 3 bedroom apart- ment. Washer & dryer. Gas heat. Off street parking. No pets. $600 - $690. Call Joe 570-881-2517 DALLAS PRISTINE 2 BEDROOM. APT. Available June 1st Taking applications now. $700/month. + security. Includes appliances, sewer & trash. No smok- ing & no pets!! Off Street Parking, References & background check required. Call 570-675-8627 leave message DALLAS Short term or month to month as needed. 2 bed- room, completely furnished apartment in beautiful area. Includes all appli- ances, utilities, cookware, dishes etc. Carport includ- ed. $800 month. 570-675-2486 DALLAS TWP CONDO FOR LEASE: $1,800. 2 bedroom/ 2 Bath. Call Us to discuss our great Amenity & Mainte- nance program! Call 570-674-5278 Dallas, Pa. MEADOWS APARTMENTS 220 Lake St. Housing for the elderly & mobility impaired; all utilities included. Federally subsidized program. Extremely low income persons encouraged to apply. Income less than $11,900. 570-675-6936, 8 am-4 pm, Mon-Fri. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE DURYEA Modern 2 bedroom, 2nd floor. Quiet location. Appliances & garbage included. Off street parking. No pets. $485 + security. Call 570-479-1203 EXETER 1st floor, 2 bedroom, eat in kitchen, enclosed heated porch. Large refin- ished basement. 1 car carport. Gas heat. Central air. $700 + utilities & security. Will consid- er reduced rent for maintenance work. Call 570-760-6277 Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! EXETER Smaller 2 bedroom apartment, 2nd floor with sun porch and garage. Stove and fridge included. $425/month plus utilities. Call Charlie 570-829-6200 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished PERFECTLY CHARMING FORTY FORT - SECOND FLOOR, Immaculate 4 rooms with appli- ances, laundry, porch, parking. Management pro- vided, 2 YEAR SAME RENT $465 + UTILITIES, NO PETS/SMOKING/ EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION REQUIRED. AMERICA REALTY 570-288-1422 AMERICA REALTY QUALITY COLONIAL FORTY FORT - FIRST FLOOR DUPLEX. UNIQUE $595 + UTILITIES. Cook’s kitchen with built-ins, formal din- ing room, front/rear enclosed porches, custom window coverings. TWO YEAR SAME RENT, NO PETS/SMOK- ING/EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION Managed AMERICA REALTY 570-288-1422 Looking to buy a home? Place an ad here and let the sellers know! 570-829-7130 HUGHESTOWN 4 Room/2 bedroom, wall to wall carpet, appliances, wash- er/dryer hookup, off street parking, security, no pets. $470.570-655-1606 JENKINS TWP./PITTSTON 2nd floor, newly renovated, 2 bed- rooms, carpet, nice yard, easy parking. Small Pets okay. Heat/Water includ- ed. $650/month. Credit check & ref- erences required. Cell (917) 753-8192 KINGSTON 1 bedroom, $425 month plus electric & security. Now available. Call 570-829-0847 KINGSTON 168 S. MAPLE AVE Carriage house apartment, com- pletely remodeled, five large rooms with 2-bedrooms, bath with separate tub and shower. 1300SF. 1-car garage in private location. Central A/C. MLS#11-895 $1,000/Month plus utilities Ted Poggi 283-9100 x25 KINGSTON 2 bedroom, second floor, off street parking, stove & refrigerator. No Pets. $520./month Includes water (570) 779-1684 KINGSTON 2 bedroom. $675/ month. Includes gas heat. Security & ref- erences required No pets. Call 570-288-4200 KINGSTON 3rd floor studio apartment. $475 a month. Around 500 sq ft. Ready to rent, Just painted. Tenant only pays Garbage/ Cable. No Pets. Call 1-877-531-3100 ext 104 Muriel or email muriel@dipa oloproperties.com KINGST KINGSTON ON A A GREA GREAT T PLACE!!! PLACE!!! LIKE NEW!! LIKE NEW!! 2 bedroom apartment in great neighbor- hood. 2nd floor. Includes new kitchen (with new stove, dishwash- er & microwave) & bath w/washer dryer hookup. Hardwood throughout with ceramic tile in kitchen and bath. $695/mo + utili- ties and security. No Pets, refer- ences required. Call Scott (570) 823-2431 Ext. 137 KINGSTON Charming 2 bed- room, 2nd floor apartment, features a fireplace, built-in bookcases, large living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, sun room & much more! $525 + utili- ties. Available June 1. Please call 570-714-8568 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished KINGSTON E. WALNUT ST. Light, bright, 1st floor, 2 bedrooms, elevator, carpet- ed, Security system. Garage. Extra storage & cable TV included. Laundry facilities. Heat & hot water furnished. Fine neighborhood. Convenient to bus & stores. No pets. References. Security. Lease. No smokers please. $840. 570-287-0900 KINGSTON Large 2 bedroom. Newly painted. Stove & fridge included. Washer/ dryer hookup. $650; heat included. Call 570-814-0843 or 570-696-3090 To place your ad call...829-7130 KINGSTON Pringle St. 2 bedroom, 2nd floor. $595 + utilities ASHLEY - 2 apts. Ashley St. 2 bedroom, 1st floor $595 + utilities. 2 bedroom, 2nd floor, $550 + utilities SHAVERTOWN Roushey St. 2 bedroom, 2nd floor. $595 + utilities PLAINS Carey St. 3 bedroom, 1/2 double. $795/mo. + utilities. For info, (570) 814-9700 KINGSTON SDK GREEN ACRES HOMES 11 Holiday Drive Kingston “A Place To Call Home” Spacious 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts 3 Bedroom Townhomes Gas heat included FREE 24hr on-site Gym Community Room Swimming Pool Maintenance FREE Controlled Access Patio/Balcony and much more... Call Today or stop by for a tour! Now Offering Move In Specials 570-288-9019 LARKSVILLE Very clean, 1st floor 3 Bedroom with modern bath and kitchen. New floor- ing, large closets. Off Street Parking, fenced yard. Water & garbage included. Tenant pays electric & gas service. $575/month. No pets. One year lease. 570-760-5573 MOUNTAIN TOP 1 Bedroom apart- ments for elderly, disabled. Rents based on 30% of ADJ gross income. Handicap Accessi- ble. Equal Housing Opportunity. TTY711 or 570-474-5010 This institution is an equal opportunity provider & employer. MOUNTAIN TOP WOODBRYN 1 & 2 Bedroom, available immediately, No pets. Rents based on income start at $395 & $430. Handicap Accessi- ble. Equal Housing Opportunity. Call 570-474-5010 TTY711 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. NANTICOKE 1st floor, 1 bedroom. Heat, water, garbage & sewage included. Off street parking. All appli- ances included. $530 + security. Call 570-406-5221 NANTICOKE 353 East Ridge St 1 person apartment. 1st floor. Heat, water, sewage & garbage included. All appliances & parking. $540/ month. Call 570-301-3170 NANTICOKE Modern 3 room, wall to wall carpet, washer/dryer hookup, fridge & range. Water sewer, garbage& off street parking included. $430/mo. No pets. Call 570-735-3479 NANTICOKE Spacious 1st floor, 1 bedroom apartment. Hardwood floors. Full kitchen. Large dining room. No pets. $450. Water, sewer & trash included. Call 570-262-5399 NANTICOKE Spacious 2 bed- room apartment. Wall to wall carpet, coin operated laun- dry on premises, Garbage & sewer included. $600/mo. + security. Credit check & references required. Call Monica Lessard 570-287-1196 Ext. 3182 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished PARSONS 2nd floor, 2 bed- rooms, washer, dryer, fridge, stove & heat included. $685/month + security. Call 570-332-9355 PARSONS Newly renovated 1st floor, 1 bedroom. Nice neighborhood. Appliances includ- ed. Washer/dryer hookup. No pets. Security & lease. $435/month + all utilities. Call 570-690-3086 PITTSTON 2nd floor, 2 bed- room, new win- dows, recently painted. Tile & wall to wall, laundry hookup. Gas heat & hot water. $475 + security & utilities. Call (570) 417-2063 PLYMOUTH 2 bedroom apt. Heat, water, stove & fridge included. Near bus stop. $500/mo. No smoking or pets. Security & references required. Call (570) 592-2902 PLYMOUTH Available May 15th 1 bedroom, 2nd floor, modern bath, water included. No pets. $400/month + security. Call 570-575-2868 PLYMOUTH Nice, recently reno- vated 1st floor 1 bedroom. Stove & Fridge included. $500 + electric & garbage. Lease, security, references Call for appointment and application. 570-417-0088 SHAVERTOWN 2 bedroom, 2nd floor.Includes water, sewer & garbage. Off street parking. No smoking or pets. Available June 1st. $550/mo.+ security. Call (570) 709-3288 SHEATOWN Beautiful 1st floor, 2 1/2 bedroom. Stove and fridge. Large kitchen, on-site laundry room. Off street parking. $600 + Cooking Gas & Electric, security, lease & background check. Call 570-417-0088 for appointment WILKES-BARRE Handicap equipped. Large 2 bedroom. Includes electric lift, oversized doors, large sit in shower. Appliances. Heat, hot water & much more. Available immediately. Refer- ences requested. Call (570) 417-3299 Need to rent that Vacation property? Place an ad and get started! 570-829-7130 SUGAR NOTCH 675 Main St 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 2nd floor, electric heat, refrigerator and stove included. No pets. $550/month + utilities & security Call 570-371-2030 West Pittston, Pa. GARDEN VILLAGE APARTMENTS 221 Fremont St. Housing for the elderly & mobility impaired; all utilities included. Federally subsidized program. Extremely low income persons encouraged to apply. Income less than $11,900. 570-655-6555, 8 am-4 pm, Monday-Friday. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE WILKES-BARRE Mayflower Crossing Apartments 570.822.3968 - Light & bright open floor plans - All major appliances included - Pets welcome* - Close to everything - 24 hour emergency maintenance - Short term leases available Call TODAY For AVAILABILITY!! www.mayflower crossing.com Certain Restrictions Apply* WILKES-BARRE / KINGSTON Efficiency 1 & 2 bedrooms. Includes all utilities, parking, laundry. No pets. From $390. Lease, security & references. 570-970-0847 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished WILKES-BARRE 1 Bedroom, 1st floor apartment. Wash- er/dryer hookup. Off street parking. Wall to wall carpet. No Pets. $375/month + utilities & security. (570) 822-7657 WILKES-BARRE 1 bedroom, water & sewer included, stove, fridge, $400 plus security & reference. Call 570-301-8200 WILKES-BARRE 2 bedroom apart- ment. Excellent condition, large storage area. $650/ month includes heat, water & sewage. No pets. Security & references required 570-283-3887 WILKES-BARRE 2 bedrooms apt. 2nd floor, stove, fridge, fenced in yard, $500 + gas, electric & water. 570-417-0088 for appointment & application. Doyouneedmorespace? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way tocleanout your closets! You’re in bussiness with classified! WILKES-BARRE 264 Academy St 2 bedrooms, newly renovated building. Washer & dryer. $600/per month includes heat, hot water and parking. 646-712-1286 570-328-9896 570-855-4744 WILKES-BARRE 3 BED/1.5 BATHS HEAT, WATER, SEWER & TRASH INCLUDED, secure building, washer/ dryer on-site,wood floors, yard, parking. $825. (570) 899-8034 WILKES-BARRE 3 bedrooms, gas heat with washer/ dryer hookup. $525 + security & utilities. No pets. Credit/ background check. Call (570) 262-9645 WILKES-BARRE 447 S. Franklin St. MUST MUST SEE! SEE! 1 bedroom, study, off street parking, laundry. Includes heat and hot water, Hardwood floors and appliances. Trash removal. $575/per month, Call (570) 821-5599 WILKES-BARRE APARTMENTS FOR RENT! 425 South Franklin Street. For lease. Available immedi- ately, washer/dryer on premises, no pets. We have stu- dio, 1, 2 bedroom apts. On site park- ing. Fridge, stove provided. We have a 24/7 security cam- era presence and all doors are electroni- cally locked. $450- 650/per month, water & sewer paid, One month/security deposit. Call (570) 793-6377 after 10:00 a.m. to set an appointment or email shlomo_voola @yahoo.com. wilkesliving.com WILKES-BARRE Barney Street 3rd floor, 2-3 bed- room attic style apartment. Eat in kitchen, private entrance. Includes hot water & free laundry. Pets ok. $450 / month. Secu- rity, references. 570-237-0124 WILKES-BARRE Clean, 2 bedroom, 2nd floor duplex. Stove, hookups, parking, yard. No pets/no smoking. $475 + utilities. Call 570-868-4444 WILKES-BARRE Close to Kings, Wilkes & Downtown. Efficiency, 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms. Heat & hot water included. No pets, non-smok- ing. $410 to $950. 1 year lease & securi- ty. 570-825-2427 WILKES-BARRE EFFICIENCY ALL INCLUSIVE, secure building, washer/dryer on-site, yard, parking. $125/wk. 570-899-8034 WILKES-BARRE LAFAYETTE GARDENS SAVE MONEY THIS YEAR! 113 Edison St. Quiet neighborhood. 2 bedroom apart- ments available for immediate occu- pancy. Heat & hot water included. $625 Call Aileen at 570-822-7944 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished Formerly The Travel Lodge 497 Kidder St., Wilkes-Barre Rooms Starting at: Daily $44.99 + tax Weekly $189.99 + tax Microwave, Refrigerator, WiFi, HBO 570-823-8881 www.Wilkes BarreLodge.com WILKES-BARRE WILKES-BARRE LODGE LODGE WILKES-BARRE Scott Street 2nd floor, 5 rooms, heat & hot water furnished. Stove, fridge, off-street parking, no pets. $400/month + secu- rity & references. Call 570-696-3381 Wilkes-Barre SOUTH Charming 2 bed- room, 2nd floor, duplex, 1 1/2 baths, laundry room, wall to wall, stove & refrigerator. Heat & Water included. $575 Call 570-824-4904 WILKES-BARRE SOUTH SECURE BUILDINGS 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Laundry facility. Off street parking avail- able. Starting at $440. 570-332-5723 Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! WILKES-BARRE Š1 & 2 bedrooms ŠLaundry facility ŠStove, fridge ŠSecure building ŠCommunity Rooms. ŠElevator Š2 fully handicap accessible apts. also available RECENTLY RENOVATED Call Christy 570-417-0088 FRANKLIN GARDENS SENIOR LIVING WILKES-BARRE West River St. Large 3-4 bedroom apartments. Heat & hot water included. Balcony. Off street parking. Washer dyer hookup. Pets OK. Call 570-237-0124 Wilkes-Barre Wilkes University Campus Studio up to 4 bed- room. From $400. All utilities included. 570-826-1934 Wilkes-Barre Š2 bedroom single, exceptional Nanticoke Š2 bedroom, large, water included Pittston ŠLarge 1 bedroom water included Plymouth Š3 bedroom half double Wilkes-Barre Š1 bedroom, water included Š2 bedroom, water included Wyoming Š3 bedroom exceptional Old Forge Š2 bedroom exceptional water included McDermott & McDermott Real Estate Inc. Property Management 570-821-1650 (direct line) Mon-Fri. 8-7pm Sat. 8-noon WYOMING BLANDINA APARTMENTS Deluxe 1 & 2 bed- room. Wall to Wall carpet. Some utili- ties by tenant. No pets. Non-smoking. Elderly community. Quiet, safe. Off street parking. Call 570-693-2850 WYOMING Clean & efficient 1st floor 1 bedroom. Includes stove, fridge, sewer & garbage. Laundry facilities. Private setting. Security & references. No pets, non smoking. $495/month. Call (570) 466-4176 or (570) 388-6468 944 Commercial Properties ASHLEY Hazleton St. Modern office for lease only. Visible from Rt309 & I-81 with easy access to both. Adaptable to many uses. Tenant pays utilities. $5,000/month Contact Judy Rice 714-9230 MLS# 11-851 COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL RET RETAIL AIL SP SPACE ACE 800 to 2400 sq. ft. available starting at $750/month Established Wilkes-Barre Shopping Center 973-265-4234 DOLPHIN PLAZA Rte. 315 2,000 SF Office / Retail Next to Gymboree 4,500 SF Office Showroom, Warehouse Loading Dock 4 Acres touching I81 will build to suit. Call 570-829-1206 DURYEA Up to 7,500 SF Warehouse. Includes offices and baths. 20’ ceilings. 3 overhead doors with loading dock. Much paved off street parking. Reduced to $800-$2,100/mo. Call 570-885-5919 COMMERCIAL SPACE KINGSTON FOR RENT 620 Market St. Newly Renovated Prime Space. 1,250 sq. ft., Near Kingston Corners. Great location for retail or business office. Easy Access and parking. Call Cliff 570-760-3427 OFFICE SPACE 18 Pierce St Kingston, PA Available Immedi- ately, Off street parking. Security required. 3 room Suite $300/month, includes utilities. 570-690-0564 570-823-7564 OFFICE SPACE 239 SCHUYLER AVE, KINGSTON 2,050 sf office space. 2nd floor. Modern, four sep- arate offices, large reception area, break room, conference room, private bathroom. $795 month + utilities Call 706-5628 OFFICE SPACE West Pittston Wyoming Ave. High traffic location. Office space with Character. 885 sq. ft. Great for busi- ness, retail or spa. Rent includes heat & water. Call for more details at 570-655-9325 OFFICE SPACE Wyoming 900 Sf. Utilities included. Approx 21.5’x40’ $900/month 570-430-4396 OFFICE, RETAIL OR WAREHOUSE SPACE WILKES-BARRE Starting at $300.00/month. First month free. 570-829-0897 PAD WITH DRIVE THRU Available on busy corner. 2500 sq. ft. Wilkes-Barre 973-879-4730 PITTSTON 328 Kennedy Blvd. Modern medical space, labor & industry approved, ADA throughout, 2 doctor offices plus 4 exam rooms, xray and reception and breakrooms. Could be used for any business purpose. Will remodel to suit. For lease $2,200/MO. Also available for sale MLS #11-751 $595,000 Call Charlie VM 101 944 Commercial Properties PLAINS TWP 7 PETHICK DRIVE OFF RTE. 315 1200 & 700 SF Office Available. Reasonable. 570-760-1513 RETAIL SPACE EXETER $675. per month For appointment & further information call 570-237-6070 315 PLAZA 1750 & 3200 SF Retail / Office Space Available 570-829-1206 WAREHOUSE/LIGHT MANUFACTURING OFFICE SPACE PITTSTON Main St. 12,000 sq. ft. build- ing in downtown location. Ware- house with light manufacturing. Building with some office space. Entire building for lease or will sub-divide. MLS #10-1074 Call Charlie 570-829-6200 VM 101 WILKES-BARRE 1,500 sq. ft. restau- rant space for rent on Hazle & Park Ave. All equipment included. Includes upstairs apartment. For more info, call (570) 822-7414 WILKES-BARRE Lease this free- standing building for an AFFORDABLE monthly rent. Totally renovated & ready to occupy. Offices, conference room, work stations, kit and more. Ample parking and handi- cap access. $1,750/ month. MLS 11-419 Call Judy Rice 5701-714-9230 Wyoming Office/retail. 800 Sq. feet. Recently remodeled. Great Location. $500/month + utilities. Water & sewer included. Call 714-7272 947 Garages GARAGE SPACE 2,500 sf. Zoned Commercially in Kingston. Two over head garage & entrance doors. Private bath. Located on private road. Gas Heat. $875/month + utilities, security & references. 570-706-5628 950 Half Doubles EDWARDSVILLE Recently remodeled large Victorian half double. 3 bed- rooms. Walk-out basement. Private yard. Porch swing. Washer dryer hookup. $700. Call 570-237-0124 KINGSTON NEWLY RENOVATED 1st floor. 3 bed- rooms, 1.5 baths, new carpet, wash- er/dryer hook-up, dishwasher. $650 + utilities. Call 570-814-3838 KINGSTON Newly renovated. 2 bedroom. Base- ment, attic, yard. $500 + utilities, security & lease. Call 570-287-5491 KINGSTON Park Place Beautiful, 3 bed- room, 3 floors, garage, hardwood floors, full basement Back yard. $950 + utilities & security. Call (570) 762-2878 KINGSTON Spacious 3 bed- room, 1 1/2 baths. large eat-in kitchen, carpeted, finished attic, parking, no pets. $675 + utili- ties, security, lease. 570-288-2867 leave message LARKSVILLE 3 bedroom, 1 bath half double, Freshly cleaned & painted. Tenant pays all utili- ties including sewer. $550 plus security. Call (570) 332-5723 LUZERNE 2 bedrooms, 5 rooms. Porch. Yard. Off street parking. $475 + utilities. Call 570-824-7354 950 Half Doubles NANTICOKE 55 Loomis St 3 bedroom, wall to wall carpet, full basement & attic, stove, fridge & water included. No pets. $630 plus security 570-814-1356 PLYMOUTH Large 1/2 double, off street parking & yard. 2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, $575 + security. Utilities by tenant. Call 570-690-6289 SUGAR NOTCH 3 bedrooms, quiet street, yard. Fresh paint. $525/month + utilities, lease, security. No pets. Call 570-332-1216 or 570-592-1328 WILKES-BARRE 178 Charles St Available Now! 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, Townhouse style. No Section 8. $550/month + utili- ties. References & security required. Call 570-301-2785 WILKES-BARRE 3 bedroom 1/2 dou- ble. Nice neighbor- hood. Wall/wall car- pet. Washer/dryer hookup. A/C. Fenced Yard. No Pets. No Pets. $650 + utilities. Security & refer- ences. After 5, call 570-822-8657 WILKES-BARRE/SOUTH Sunny 3 bedroom, 1/2 double, painted, w/w carpet, yard, washer/dryer hook- up, basement, stove, refrigerator. No Pets. Non Smokers. Credit check/references. $525/month + 1 1/2 months security (201) 232-8328 It's that time again! Rent out your apartment with the Classifieds 570-829-7130 953Houses for Rent BACK MOUNTAIN 2 bedroom, 2 bath home in beautiful rural setting next to Friedman Farms. $1,100 monthly. Call 570-822-2992 DUPONT Large completely remodeled 2 bed- room styled town- house. Stove & fridge included. Private interior attic & basement access. Washer/ dryer hookup. Heat included. Nice yard. $750. No pets. 570-479-6722 HANOVER TOWNSHIP 3 bedroom single family. 1 1/2 baths. Driveway, yard, nice area. $800 + utilities Call 570-332-5723 HARVEY’S LAKE 2 bedroom home. All appliances, water, sewer & trash. NO PETS. Security and lease. 570-762-6792 HUNLOCK CREEK Retreat. 3 bed- room home. 2 baths. Hardwood floors. 1 car attached garage. 3 car detached garage. Pool, hot tup & appliances included. $950 + utilities. Available Immediately. Call 386-873-1879 KINGSTON 46 Zerby Ave Sunday 1pm-3pm Lease with option to buy, completely remodeled, mint, turn key condition, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, large closets, with hardwoods, carpet & tile floors, new kitchen and baths, gas heat, shed, large yard. $134,000, seller will pay closing costs, $5000 down and monthly payments are $995/month. WALSH REAL ESTATE 570-654-1490 KINGSTON 54 Krych St. Single: 3 bed- room, 1.5 bath, gas heat, wall to wall, kitchen with stove & refrigera- tor. Quiet street. No pets. Not Sec- tion 8 approved. $675/mo. 570-288-6009 LUZERNE 6 room single family home, gas heat. Fenced yard. $600 + utilities & security. Call (570) 650-4628 MOUNTAINTOP 2 Bedroom Cottage in quiet setting. $875 + utilities, security, application & lease. 570-592-1241 953Houses for Rent MOUNT MOUNTAINT AINTOP OP 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, living room, dining room, study, large finished base- ment, 2 fireplaces, , 3/ season room, 2car garage, shed, fenced in yard with nice patio in quiet neighborhood cen- trally located to shopping and schools. All Appli- ances included. $1,300 / per month + utilities. Security deposit rental appli- cation & references required. Call (570)-575-2293 or email: selenasnyder@ yahoo.com MOUNTAINTOP HOUSE FOR RENT Bowcreek, available immediately, 5 bed- rooms, 3 bath- rooms, stove pro- vided, washer/dryer hookup, double car attached garage, no pets. Bonus second Master bedroom, Great room with sky lights, Study room, Modern Kitchen with Granite counter tops, large Deck, $1900 /per month, plus utilities, One month rent/security deposit. Call (570) 406-0231 before 9:00 p.m. to set an appointment or email leamonvin @yahoo.com. NANTICOKE 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath single. 1st floor laundry. Many extras. All new, inside and out. Rent to own. Owner financing available. 570-817-0601 Leave message with phone number LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! NANTICOKE Desirable Lexington Village Nanticoke, PA Many ranch style homes. 2 bedrooms 2 Free Months With A 2 Year Lease $795 + electric SQUARE FOOT RE MANAGEMENT 866-873-0478 NANTICOKE HANOVER SECTION Small single family home, 2 bedrooms, all appliances pro- vided, no pets, Sewer and Garbage Paid. $525 plus security/per month Call (570)793-3412 NANTICOKE/WEST Single family, 2 bed- room home. 1.5 baths, modern kitchen with appli- ances, yard, partial- ly fenced in. Off street parking. Next to park & bus stop. Includes sewer & garbage. $600.00 + utilities No pets. Security & references required Call 570-735-8544 PITTSTON James Street Single family home, freshly painted, brand new gas fur- nace, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, off street parking. No pets, no smoking. $675 / month + utili- ties. Call Betty at Century 21 Smith Hourigan Group 570-287-1196 ext 3559 or 570-714-6127 SHAVERTOWN IMMACULATE 2 bedroom Cape Cod with eat-in kitchen, hardwood floors, gas heat, detached garage. $950 month + utili- ties & security deposit. 570-675-3178 WILKES-BARRE MONARCH RENTALS 3 bedrooms, all appliances provided. Call 570-822-7039 WILKES-BARRE Parsons 143 Stucker Ave. 3 Bedroom 1-1/2 Bath. 1,900 square foot Modern Home in Great Neighbor- hood. Includes all Appliances. Large fenced in yard with deck & shed. Off Street Parking. No smokers / pets. $875 / month + utili- ties. Security, Cred- it Check & Refer- ences Required. 570-332-6003 WILKES-BARRE Riverside Dr. Stately brick, 4 bedroom, 2 bath & 2 half bath home. Hardwood floors, spacious rooms, beautiful patio, all appliances included. $1,600/ month + utilities. MLS#10-2290 570-696-3801 Call Margy 570-696-0891 WILKES-BARRE Whole house for rent. $1300/per month, utilities included, Call 845-224-9151 Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! Find Something? Lose Something? Get it back where it belongs with a Lost/Found ad! 570-829-7130 Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! PAGE 22D SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com THE TIMES LEADER IS ONE OF THE TOP10 FASTEST GROWING NEWSPAPERS IN THE NATION. timesleader.com Source: Audit Bureau of Circulations *For growth in combined print and online audience from March 11, 2010 to March 11, 2011. TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 PAGE 23D CALL AN EXPERT Professional Services Directory CALL AN EXPERT 1012 Alterations/ Tailoring Pattern Making, Grading, Markers Freelance service can make patterns from your specs or samples and trans- mit patterns and markers worldwide. Any Lines - Fast Service “FRONT STREET APPAREL SERVICES” For more information contact John Vezzuto at 570-441-4140 skyhawk36@ verizon.net 1015 Appliance Service KIRBY VACUUMS WHOLESALE PRICES Sales, service, supplies. Over 30 years experience 570-709-7222 LEN HOSEY Appliance Service Washer/Dryer Range/Dishwasher. Whirlpool, Maytag, Kitchenaid & Roper 287-7973 1024 Building & Remodeling ALL OLDER HOMES SPECIALIST 825-4268. Remodel / repair, Interior painting & drywall install Look for the BIA symbol of quality For information on BIA membership call 287-3331 or go to www.bianepa.com Building or Remodeling? DAVE JOHNSON Expert Bathroom Remodeling, Whole House Renovations, Interior & Exterior Carpentry. Kitchens and Basements Licensed &Insured 570-819-0681 DA DAVID A JONES VID A JONES BUILDING & REMODELING Additions, garages, sheds, kitchens, bathrooms, tile floor, finished basements, decks, siding, roofing, windows, doors, custom built oak stairs & trim. Licensed & insured. No job too small. 570-256-7567 or 570-332-0933 PA #0001719 Driveways, Side- walks, Stone Work All top Masonry. Bahram, 855-8405 NICHOLS CONSTRUCTION All Types Of Work New or Remodeling Licensed & Insured Free Estimates 570-406-6044 Northeast Contracting Group Decks, Roofs, Sid- ing, Masonry, Driveways, Patios, Additions, Garages, Kitchens, Baths, etc (570) 338-2269 Shedlarski Construction Home improvement specialist, Licensed, insured, PA registered.Kitchens, baths, vinyl siding & railings, replacement windows & doors, additions, garages, all phases of home renovations. 570-287-4067 Job Seekers are looking here! Where's your ad? 570-829-7130 and ask for an employ- ment specialist 1024 Building & Remodeling WWW.CHESHIRE CONSTRUCTIONSERVICES.COM Kitchens, Baths, Finish Basements, Decks, Porches Handyman Jobs. 570-357-8631 1039 Chimney Service A-1 ABLE CHIMNEY Rebuild & Repair Chimneys. All types of Masonry. Liners Installed, Brick & Block, Roofs & Gutters. Licensed & Insured 570-735-2257 COZY HEARTH CHIMNEY Chimney Cleaning, Rebuilding, Repair, Stainless Steel Lin- ing, Parging, Stuc- co, Caps, Etc. Free Estimates Licensed & Insured 1-888-680-7990 1042 Cleaning & Maintainence Looking for someone Reliable & Dependable to clean your home? SAME PERSON EVERY TIME! (570) 793-0776 Residential / Commercial Cleaning by Lisa. Pet Sitting also available. Call Today! 570-690-4640 or 570-696-4792 1054 Concrete & Masonry D. Pugh Concrete All phases of masonry & concrete. Small jobs welcome. Senior discount, Free estimates Licensed & Insured 288-1701/655-3505 GMD MASONRY All types of All types of concrete, concrete, masonry and masonry and stucco stucco Licensed/Insured Free Estimates 570-451-0701 gmdmasonry.com WYOMING VALLEY MASONRY Concrete, stucco, foundations, pavers, retaining wall systems, dryvit, flagstone, brick work. Senior Citizen Discount. 570-287-4144 570-760-0551 1057Construction & Building GARAGE DOOR Sales, service, installation & repair. FULLY INSURED HIC# 065008 CALL JOE (570)606-7489 (570)735-8551 1078 Dry Wall MIKE SCIBEK DRYWALL Hanging & finishing, design ceilings. Free estimates. Licensed & Insured. 570-331-2355 MIRRA DRYWALL Hanging & Finishing Drywall Repair Textured Ceilings Licensed & Insured Free Estimates (570) 675-3378 1084 Electrical DNF ELECTRIC Affordable & Reasonable Rates No Job Too Small. Licensed & insured. Free estimates. 570-574-6213 570-574-7195 SLEBODA ELECTRIC Master electrician Licensed & Insured Bucket truck to 40’ 8 6 8 - 4 4 6 9 1084 Electrical ECONOLECTRIC All Phases Electrical work No Job Too Small. Residential & Commercial Free Estimates Licensed-Insured PA032422 (570) 602-7840 GRULA ELECTRIC LLC Licensed, Insured, No job too small. 570-829-4077 1093 Excavating All Types Of Excavating, Demolition & Concrete Work Large & Small Jobs FREE ESTIMATES (570) 760-1497 1105 Floor Covering Installation CARPET REPAIR & INSTALLATION Vinyl & wood. Certified, Insured. 570-283-1341 HARDWOOD FLOOR REFINISHING & INSTALLATION Recoat your hard- wood floors starting at $1. A SQ. FT. For free estimate call 570-793-4994 1129 Gutter Repair & Cleaning GUTTER 2 GO, INC. PA#067136- Fully Licensed & Insured. We install custom seamless rain gutters & leaf protection systems. CALL US TODAY ABOUT OUR 10% OFF WHOLE HOUSE DISCOUNT! 570-561-2328 GUTTERS CLEANED & REPAIRED Window Cleaning. Regulars, storms, etc. Pressure washing, decks, docks, houses,Free estimates. Insured. (570) 288-6794 1132 Handyman Services ALL MAINTENANCE We Fix It Electrical, Plumbing, Handymen, Painting Carpet Repair & Installation All Types Of Repairs 570-814-9365 DO IT ALL HANDYMAN Painting, drywall, plumbing & all types of home repairs, also office cleaning available. 570-829-5318 1135 Hauling & Trucking A A C L E A N I N G A1 Always hauling, cleaning attics, cellar, garage, one piece or whole Estate, also available 10 &20 yard dumpsters.655-0695 592-1813or287-8302 AAA CLEANING A1 GENERAL HAULING Cleaning attics, cellars, garages. Demolitions, Roofing &Tree Removal. FreeEst. 779-0918or 542-5821; 814-8299 A.S.A.P Hauling Estate Cleanouts, Attics, Cellars, Garages, Fire & Flood Damage. Free Estimates, Same Day Service! 570-822-4582 S & S TOWING & GARBAGE REMOVAL Free estimates. Clean out attics, basements, estates We buy junk cars too! 570-472-2392 1135 Hauling & Trucking ACTION HAULING You Call Today, Job Gets Done The Same Day!! Cleaning Houses, Garages, Yards, etc Call Mike, 570-826-1883 570-826-1883 AFFORDABLE JUNK REMOVAL Cleanups/Cleanouts Large or Small Jobs FREE ESTIMATES (570) 814-4631 ALL KINDS OF HAULING & JUNK REMOVAL Estate Cleanouts TREE/SHRUB TREE/SHRUB REMOV REMOVAL AL Free Estimates 24 HOUR SERVICE 570-823-1811 570-239-0484 CASTAWAY HAULING JUNK REMOVAL 823-3788 / 817-0395 Charlie’ Charlie’s s Hauling Hauling Residential & Commercial, Licensed & Insured. Free estimates. Whole estates, yard waste, construction Spring cleanup. 570-266-0360 or 570-829-0140 WILL HAUL ANYTHING Clean cellars, attics, yards & metal removal. Call John 570-735-3330 1162 Landscaping/ Garden BASIL FRANTZ LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE Residential & Commercial Shrub Trimming & Mulching. Junk Removal. Free Est. (570) 855-2409 or (570) 675-3517 BITTO LANDSCAPING & LAWN SERVICE Over 25 years experience, landscape designs, retaining walls, pavers, patios, decks, walkways, ponds, lighting, seeding, mulch, etc Free Estimates. 570-288-5177 Power rake your yard, dethatching aeration, shrubbery trimming & spring clean ups. 570-639-2711 Free estimates. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN TOTAL YARD CARE Lawns-Shrubs - Tilling-Mulch. Senior Discount. Free Estimates Family Owned 570-287-3852 GARDEN TILLIN 570-709-1021 KELLER’S LAWN CARE Mowing, mulching, Spring cleanup, gravel & trimming. Commercial & Residential. 570-332-7016 MOWING, TRIMMING EDGING, SHRUBS & HEDGES. LAWN CARE. FULLY INSURED Reliable and Afford- able FREE ESTIMATES 570-814-0327 Say it HERE in the Classifieds! 570-829-7130 1162 Landscaping/ Garden Patrick & Deb’ Patrick & Deb’s s Landscaping Landscaping Landscaping, basic handy man, house cleaning & help moving. We even do inside painting. Any salvageable items can be picked up for free. Free estimates. Call 570-793-4232 Or 570-793-4773 QUALITY LAWN & LANDSCAPE Spring Clean Ups, Mulching, Grass Cutting,Fertilization, Tree & Shrub Maintenance & Installation Experienced, Affordable, Reliable Free Estimates (570) 592-4847 Rainbow Landscaping & Lawn Service Spring & Fall Cleanups. Trimming, mulching, complete landscape installa- tion. Lic. & Insured. Call 570-674-2418 Spike & Gorilla’s Lawn Care & Out- door Maintenance We do it all! Lawn Care - Summer packages available, concrete patios, tree trimming & removal. Custom dog Kennels. 570-702-2497 1165 Lawn Care 1ST Choice Landscaping Com- plete Lawn Mainte- nance, Landscaping, Junk Removal. Free Estimates. 570-288-0552 BRUCE’S LAWNSERVICE Established 1988. Fully insured. Free estimates. 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