Tilakiswaran Anak Lelaki Samurgam

March 18, 2018 | Author: Irfan Dekna Alya | Category: Vehicles, Electric Vehicle, Engines, Machines, Mechanical Engineering



DEVELOPMENT OF BATTERY POWERED TRICYCLET1LAKISWARAN A/L SAMURGAM A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PAHANG NOVEMBER, 2007 vi ABSTRACT Electrical energy is one of alternative energy used in automotive industry now days. A battery is a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells, which store chemical energy and make it available in an electrical form and used to move loads. Usage of electrical energy in automotive field has many advantages; it can reduce pollution, more quite and cheaper. The objective of this project is to design and develop a battery powered tricycle. The common problems faced by current tricycles have been identified. Methods of Finite Element Analysis (F.E.A) have been carried out to identify the strength of material .A prototype of Battery powered tricycle is fabricated at end of the period as a fulfilment of the project. Among the fabrication processes which are involve in this project are drilling, turning, bending and welding. The design and prototype of this project will be used to commercialize soon. A)' digunakan ke atas rekabentuk dan pengiraan dilakukan untuk membuktikan kekuatan bahan yang digunakan. Projek mi cuba mengkaji masalahmasalah yang dihadapai oleh trisikal sedia ada yang mengunakan kuasa bated.VI' ABSRAK Pengunaan tenaga eletrik merupakan salah satu altematif baru dalam industri automotif sekarang.E. . Objektifprojek mi adalah untuk menghasilkan sebuah trisikal yang menggunakan tenaga elektrik sepenuhnya. lebih senyap dan ianya adalah percuma.Rekabentuk dan produk akhir daripada projek mi akan dikomersialkan kelak. Antara proses pembuatan yang terlibat di dalam melaksanakan projek mi adalah proses menebuk lubang.Pengunaan tenaga elektrik mempunyai beberapa kelebihan seperti tidak mencemarkan alam sekitar.Tenaga elektrik yang disimpan dalam bated mempunyai keupayaan untuk mengerakkan beban. Satu prototaip trisikal dihasilkan di akhir tempoh sebagai memenuhi syarat projek. pembengkokan. dan kirnpalan. Kaedah 'Finite Analysis (F. 6 Summary 2 11 LITERATURE REVIEW 2 3 4 4 .4 Scope of the Project I 2 1.5 Examples of the Current Tricycle 1.1 Project Background 1.2 Problem Statement 1.3 Objective of the Project 1.viii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE TITLE PAGE 1 SUPERVISOR DECLARATION STUDENT DECLARATION DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT ABSTRAK TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF SYMBOLS 1 PAGE 'U 'V V Vi VII VIII XII Xw XVI INTRODUCTION 1. 4. Rigidity 10 2.3.6 Suspension System 26 2.6 2.5 Battery Life and Number of Deep Cycles Types of Batteries 14 2.3 Vibration 6 2.4.4 Requirement For A Battery Powered Tricycle 9 2.5 Brake System 22 Body / Chassis 9 2.3.1 Spokes Wheels 28 2.4 Electric DC Motor 15 19 Cost 5 6 2.1 Introduction 5 Battery Parameters 12 Important in Design Considerations 8 2.2.1 Drum Brakes 23 2.2 Body! Chassis Strength. Introduction 12 2.2 Common Problems Faced In Current Motorized Tricycle Brushed Electric DC Motor 20 2.7 Steering System 27 2.3.4 Stability 7 2.2 Weight 6 2.3.2 Disc Brakes 24 2.4 Battery Geometry 14 2.4.2 Disc Wheels 29 .3 Battery 12 2.3 How Does A Battery Powered Tricycle Works? 7 Wheels and Tires 28 2.3 Energy Stored 13 2.2 Brushless Electric DC Motor 20 Caliper Brake 26 2.8. 1 Tube Bending 48 Mathematical Model of Tricycle Performance: 30 31 Power Required Hill Climbing Force 2.2.1 40 Flow Chart Clinchers Rims 2.6.4 Acceleration Force 34 2.A process 46 3.1 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis 44 3.3 50 Machining .2 Linear Static Analysis 45 Cutting and Burning 49 3.7.7 Analysis 44 3.7.1 Build/Mesh a Model 46 3.E.9 Chain Drive 2.4.4 Introduction 39 3.2 Element and material Type 47 3.5 Total Tractive Effort 36 Acceleration performance parameters 3 29 37 37 METHODOLOGY 3.5.6 Modeling Vehicle Performance 2.1 31 2.7.3 Load Application 47 3.3 General Procedure of F.7.3 Force to Overcome Rolling Resistance 32 Analyze Model 47 3.4 Literature Review 43 Modeling 43 3.3 3.7.2 Gantt Chart Semester 1 41 Gantt Chart Semester 2 42 3.5 Conceptual Design! Sketching 43 3.8 Fabrication Process 48 3.2 Force to Overcome Wind Resistance 32 2.4. 10 Documentation 55 3.9.5 Painting 55 Final Assembly 55 3.3 Center of Gravity 59 4.3.2 Aerodynamic Drag 68 4.2 Discussion on finalized design and components selection 4.3. 10 Steering system 65 4.3.8 Battery 64 4.1 Weight 58 58 Welding 51 i.4.4 Grinding Wheel base and wheel track 60 4.7 Motor selection 61 62 4.6 Gear ratio determination and roller chain selection 4.3 Battery Powered Tricycle Modeling 67 4.8. 52 Shielded Metal Are Welding ii. Drilling Machine 51 Hill climbing force 69 4.1 introduction 57 4.4 Acceleration Force 69 .8.1 Lathe 50 3.10 Summary 56 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 4.2 Weight Distribution 59 4.3. Gas Metal Arc Welding 3.1 Rolling resistance 67 4.2.11 Braking system 66 Surface Treatment 4 53 54 54 3.5 Wind Drag 60 4. Accomplishment of Part 1 88 5.5 Modeling Vehicle acceleration 71 4.90 5.3 Motor 91 5.1 Introduction 87 5.4 Speed Controller 92 REFERENCES 94 APPENDICES 95 .1 Weight 90 5.8 Testing 86 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.2.3 Recommendation .2 Accomplishment 87 5.4.5 Total Tractive Effort 5 70 4.2 Accomplishment of Part 2 89 5.3.6 Static Analysis 77 Fabrication 86 4.2 Battery 91 5. 3 Torque needed for various loads 71 4.6 Von Misses stress on various load 81 4.xlii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO.8 Von Misses stress on various load of main body part 84 4. 12 2.9 Von Misses stress on various load of main body part 85 .2 Nominal battery parameters for lead acid batteries 65 4.2 Parameters Values for Coefficient of Rolling Resistance 33 4.5 Weight distribution for the various weights of rider 79 4.1 Comparison of material properties. TITLE PAGE 2.7 Von Misses stress on various load of main hollow pipe 82 4.4 Speed and time for various weight of rider 77 4.1 Dimension of selected standard roller chain 63 4. 23 2.xiv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO.11 Shock Absorber 27 2.13 Spokes wheel 29 .8 Drum Brake.1 Recent Recumbent Trike 4 1.3 Simple equivalent circuit of a battery 13 2.6 Diagram to explain the operation of the simple DC brushed motor 21 2.10 Caliper Brake 26 2.1 Important in design consideration 8 2.12 Single Wheel Steering 27 2.5 Li-Polymer Battery 19 2.4 A sealed lead acid battery 15 2. mounted to the fork and hub 25 2.2 Tn-i Tricycle 4 2.2 A hollow cylinder under torsion and bending loads 10 2.9 A front disc brake.7 Diagram showing the stator and rotor of a BLDC motor 22 2. TITLE PAGE 1. 2 Torque/speed for brushed DC motor 73 4.5 Illustration of GMAW welding process.3 The graph showing the acceleration of designed tricycle 75 4.1 Levels in accomplishment of project in part 1 88 5.1 Single wheel steering system 66 4.3 Illustration of Tube Bending Process 49 3.14 Engagement of a chain and sprocket.4 illustration of SMAW weld area 52 3.E.3 Motor speed controller circuit 93 .7 Stress Von Misses of main body roller pipe 81 4.16 The forces acting on tricycle moving along a slope 34 2.32 Gantt chart for FYP 2 42 3.A using ALGOR 46 3. 30 2.2 Levels in accomplishment of project in part 2 89 5.6 Stress Von Misses of fork 80 4. 53 4.2 General Procedure of F.4 Distance / Time graph for designed tricycle 76 4.1 Flow chart of FYP 40 3.8 Stress Von Misses of main body part 83 4.31 Gantt chart for FYP 1 41 3.15 Arrangement of electric vehicle transmission 31 2.17 Arrangement for connecting a motor to a drive wheel 35 3.9 Stress Von Misses of back frame 85 5.2.5 Free body diagram of designed tricycle 78 4. 7138 E Fixed voltage E Young's Modulus Fad Force to Overcome Wind Resistance Fhc Hill Fla Acceleration force FM Tractive effort G Elevation change over distance traveled G Rigidity modulus h Elevation above sea level.xvi LIST OF SYMBOLS A Frontal area a Acceleration C Amphour capacity Cd Coefficient of drag Cr Rolling resistance e 2. km I Second moment of the area J Polar moment of area L Length M Total mass of the tricycle P Power Pr Power consumed in overcoming bearing and friction Pu Hill climbing power climbing force . R Internal resistance Wheel radius Rw Force of the wind drag S Distance T Applied torque Urr Coefficient of rolling resistance V Different voltage W Work Maximum deflection 9 Angle of twist P Density of air 00 The initial velocity Vg Ground speed in meters per second Vr CO Relative speed in air Uniform weight/length . Today's concerns about the environment . bikes. Thi s vehicle is particularly targeted at fairly active retired people. but who do not travel so hurry and can be used inside a institution like large factories. Some of these have advanced sufficiently to be commercially available.CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. motors and controllers may swing the balance of electric vehicles. whilst others remain for the future. who still want to get about to see their friends. There are many types of electric vehicles such as railway trains. bicycles. . wheel chair and many more. fuel cells. airerafis.1 Project Background At present many exciting development in electric vehicle technology are taking place. The first demonstration electric vehicles were made in 1830s and commercial vehicles were available by the end of the 19th century. cars. particularly noise and exhaust emissions. coupled to new developments in batteries. ships. But in this project is focused on electrical powered tricycle which is categorized under Low Speed Vehicles (LVSs) are an environmentally friendly mode of transport for short trips. To design and develop a battery powered electric motor tricycle speed of 20km/h. and cost of an electrical vehicle. Besides that. Most tricycles have vibration problem due to inherent unbalance design. ii. The mass of an electrical vehicle has critical effects on the performance. . range. 1.The objective of the project is to design and develop a concept battery powered tricycle for multipurpose use and to choose the best concept to reduce the mass expensive batteries required.2 Problem Statement i. 13 Objective of the Project The main purpose of this project is to develop a battery powered electric motor tricycle which can be used as a simple transportation and for economy reasons. The objectives are: i. to design a tricycle with high efficiency and greater flexibility to place components in tricycle to optimize weight positioning and minimize aerodynamic drag. Battery powered tricycle normally expensive and required a lot of money. iii. To design a battery powered tricycle particularly suitable for shortdistance use (1-3km).4 Scope of the Project The scope of the project: i. iv. Mathematical simulation using Matlab program. Review various literatures about the tricycle designs. iii. iii. Testing the final product . and Algor. ii. To design a tricycle which is far more stable in braking turns by reducing the centre of the gravity. vi. Failure analysis on body structure to identify the maximum loading capability (50-70 kg) using Algor program. function and its components.3 ii. vii. Learn to use various kind of software like Solidwork. fabricate and assemble all parts of the tricycle. Develop. Model building using Solid work. 1. viii. Analysis on motor and battery performance to choose proper motor and battery. V. 5 Example of Tricycles Figure 1.1: Recent recumbent trike Figure 1.6 Summary This chapter is generally about project background. Objectives of the project and scope of the project in order to achieve the objectives as mentioned.2: Tr-1 Tricycle 1. .4 1. problem statement. The objective of the project is to design and develop a concept battery powered tricycle for multipurpose use and to choose the best concept to reduce the mass expensive batteries required. Besides that.2 Problem Statement i. . range. 1. iii. ii. Battery powered tricycle normally expensive and required a lot of money. The objectives are: i. Most tricycles have vibration problem due to inherent unbalance design. The mass of an electrical vehicle has critical effects on the performance. To design and develop a battery powered electric motor tricycle speed of 20km/h. and cost of an electrical vehicle. to design a tricycle with high efficiency and greater flexibility to place components in tricycle to optimize weight positioning and minimize aerodynamic drag. 13 Objective of the Project The main purpose of this project is to develop a battery powered electric motor tricycle which can be used as a simple transportation and for economy reasons. Testing the final product . Failure analysis on body structure to identify the maximum loading capability (50-70 kg) using Algor program. 1. Model building using Solid work. Review various literatures about the tricycle designs. v. Analysis on motor and battery performance to choose proper motor and battery. iv. function and its components. iii.3 ii. ii. fabricate and assemble all parts of the tricycle. iii. viii. Develop. Learn to use various kind of software like Solidwork. vii. and Algor. Mathematical simulation using Matlab program. To design a tricycle which is far more stable in braking turns by reducing the centre of the gravity. vi.4 Scope of the Project The scope of the project: i. To design a battery powered tricycle particularly suitable for shortdistance use (1-3km). 2: Tn-i Tricycle 1.4 1. objectives of the project and scope of the project in order to achieve the objectives as mentioned.6 Summary This chapter is generally about project background. .5 Example of Tricycles Figure 1.1: Recent recumbent trike Figure 1. problem statement. technical papers and web sites.co. magazines. journals. where it helps me to generate ideas on new design.html). I want to discuss all the in formations that I found from many sources.2 Common Problems Faced In Current Motorized Tricycle The common problems faced by consumers by using current motorized or battery powered tricycles can be divided into: .pashley. 2.1 Introduction The main purpose of this literature review is to get information about the project from the reference books. In this chapter.uk/gallery/tricycle.CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2. One of that was from (www. Naturally. range. of course the cost will double up.3 Vibration Most tricycles have vibration problem due to inherent unbalance design. a frame of tricycle designed to support heavy load like motor and battery. 2. Besides that it is also important to choose a better electric motor mass and proper battery mass that can reduce the weight of tricycle. are also subjected to vibration.2. If the tricycle is too heavy. and cost of an electrical vehicle. Furthermore. It also causes fasteners such as nuts . This is because the components that used for produce a tricycle normally are very expensive.6 2. The components consist of electric cells. increase transmission efficiency and double the vehicle range.2 Weight The mass of an electrical vehicle has critical effects on the performance. In this entire situation.2.1 Cost Manufacturing of battery powered tricycle normally expensive and required lot of money. battery charger. the electric motor will require more power to move. If the performance is high. strong and rigid tricycle framework which can reduce the total weight of the tricycle. the structure or components subjected to vibration can fail because of material fatigue resulting from the cyclic variation of the induced Stress. motor controller and power transmission system.2. The unbalance may be due to faulty design or poor manufacture. So it is important to design a light. 2. the vibration causes more rapid wear of tricycle parts such as bearings and gears also creates excessive noise. electric motor (DC or AC). These may have a mechanism such as a crank sensor to detect when the user is pedaling. Due to vibration. for this project. where the motor is activated by a handlebar mounted throttle. Some can be propelled by the motor alone if the rider chooses not to pedal. For maximum stability. Generally considered as a vehicle. where the electric motor is regulated by pedaling. its also causes some electrical parts fail to work. with perhaps the option of using the motor to effect regenerative braking or charging while being pedaled or rolling downhill. tricycles are usually powered by electric motors or small internal combustion engines and have function as electric bicycles.2. But. This is one area where the weight of the batteries can be beneficial. These are normally charged from the utility supply (mains). Electric bicycles are generally powered by rechargeable batteries.7 and bolts to become loose. or a more sophisticated torque Sensor. or pedelec (from pedal electric). wheels should be located at the vehicle extremities and the centre of gravity should be kept as low as possible. it is clearly important that a tricycle design should also be stable. making it extremely stable. 2. Electric motorized bicycles are either power-on-demand.4 Stability As well as being rigid and crash-resistant. as they can be laid along the bottom of the vehicle. . while in others the motor will only run if the rider pedals. 2.3 How Does A Battery Powered Tricycle Works? A motorized tricycle is a three wheeled bicycle with an attached motor used to assist with pedaling. no pedal is used to run the tricycle and fully powered by battery and electric. ctdcal and system tsp"acneframe Attractive- Mctor batteiy Figure 2. P" Process Ergomciic Weight (rrmre .1 Important in Design Considerations Comfo rtable In ^.1: Important in designing consideration .Important in Design Cusideration L Ecstatic r^ SM-MME-th of ) El:.3.8 2.
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