Tibco Hawk Implemenration

March 25, 2018 | Author: Abhishek Gupta | Category: Server (Computing), Email, Password, Directory (Computing), Computer File



White Paper on TIBCO Hawk ImplementationWhite Paper On TIBCO Hawk Implementation Author: Creation Date: Version: Status: Wipro 08 17, 2009 0.1 Reviewed Page 1 of 36 White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation CHANGE RECORD Date Aug 17,2009 Author Wipro Version 0.1 Change Reference Initial version Page 2 of 36 White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation CONTENTS Change Record ..................................................................................................................2 1.Purpose..........................................................................................................5 2.Assumptions...................................................................................................6 3.Introduction....................................................................................................6 4.Product Versions.............................................................................................7 5.Hawk Configuration.........................................................................................8 5.1 Configure Domain Hawk Agent......................................................................................9 5.2 Rename Default Hawk Agent ........................................................................................9 5.3 Monitor And Manage EMS Server From Hawk............................................................10 5.4 Monitoring Event Service from Hawk ..........................................................................11 5.5 Restart Hawk Services................................................................................................11 5.6 Configure Hawk Display For EMS transport (On Windows)...........................................12 6.Rulebases.....................................................................................................13 6.1 Pre-requisites...............................................................................................................13 6.1.1 Folder Structure........................................................................................................13 6.1.2 Command Procedures...............................................................................................13 6.1.3 Variables Configuration File......................................................................................14 6.2 Rulebase: BusinessWorks Process Engine....................................................................15 6.2.1 Requirements...........................................................................................................15 6.2.2 Implementation Details ....................................................................................15 6.2.3 Load The Rulebase..................................................................................................19 6.2.4 Migration Across Environments.................................................................................19 6.2.5 Template Rulebase...................................................................................................19 6.3 Rulebase: File Adapter.................................................................................................20 6.3.1 Requirements...........................................................................................................20 6.3.2 Implementation Details.............................................................................................20 6.3.3 Load The Rulebase....................................................................................................21 6.3.4 Migration Across Environments.................................................................................21 6.3.5 Template Rulebase...................................................................................................22 Page 3 of 36 .......................................................................................24 6...................23 6.......8..................................2 Implementation Details................25 6.....................................................White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation 6.......................22 6........9 Rulebase: Hawk Agent ..3 Load The Rulebase.....8.........27 6.............................................28 6...............................32 6...4 Migration Across Environments..25 6.....................................................................33 6.................................................................................................................................5 Template Rulebase.........................................................................22 6................3 Load The Rulebase..........................3 Load The Rulebase.2 Implementation Details...........................................5 Template Rulebase...........8.8.......1 Requirements......................................23 6...........7....34 6............................5.....................................1 Requirements.....................................................................................2 Implementation Details...................................................................................................................................................................7..........................................................................................................................................................................6 Rulebase: EMS Queues....1 Requirements.....2 Requirements.....8 Rulebase: Client Connections to the EMS server....................................2 Implementation Details...................................26 6........................................................................................................1 Configuration on Machine B.................................3 Load The Rulebase.1 Requirements....................................................................................32 6...........35 Page 4 of 36 ................................4 Migration Across Environments.......................23 6...5 Rulebase: EMS Server....................................................9.......................................33 6..............................7..............6.............................5 Template Rulebase.32 6............................................7..............................7...................................4 Migration Across Environments..................................30 6..........1 Requirements..6......28 6...32 6.........................................................4..........................6...................25 6....................5...................................................................................................................9...4 Rulebase: ADB Adapter ..........................2 Implementation Details..............6...................31 6......................................................................................................................4 Migration Across Environments........................................................24 6............5 Template Rulebase.......8...............................................................................................33 6..............................................................................................5....................................................24 6....................4 Migration Across Environments......................5..........4....................................3 Load The Rulebase...................................................................4...........................7 Rulebase: EMS Durable Topics.........................................................................................6..23 6...............................24 6........27 6..4.............................28 6.............4............25 6.......30 6............ ... Page 5 of 36 ................35 6.......35 6.10 General Guidelines...........................................................................White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation 6..........9......35 6................................6 Template Rulebase..........................4 Load The Rulebase.....................................................35 6................3 Implementation Details.................36 1...............................................9.......................9.......................................................................................................9......................5 Migration Across Environments.................... PURPOSE This document talks about the configuration and the implementation details for monitoring and management of following TIBCO components using TIBCO Hawk......... the TIBCO Enterprise Messaging Service (EMS) will be used for messaging. TIBCO Hawk is able to scale and has the flexibility to allow individual managed entities to be added or modified without the need to re-configure or re-start any other parts of the system. TIBCO Hawk is an event-based system built around the concept of a distributed. Unlike other monitoring solutions. File Adapter 3. ADB Adapter 4. Page 6 of 36 . EMS server 5. With this structure.transparent product components that are simple to configure. These benefits include a flexible architecture. this document can be used as a reference for getting started on TIBCO Hawk implementation. so there is no centralized console or frequent polling across the network. enterprise-wide scalability. ASSUMPTIONS The following assumptions were made in the writing of this document:  Reader must be very knowledgeable with TIBCO Hawk to understand the rulebase layouts. In this particular implementation. INTRODUCTION TIBCO Hawk is a tool for monitoring and managing distributed applications and operating systems. and location. However. Hawk Agent As the monitoring and management requirements vary from project to project. EMS queues 6. The software is designed specifically for monitoring distributed systems. Reader is knowledgeable with other TIBCO products  3. autonomous smart agent that operates on each managed machine. EMS durable topics 7. Client connections to the EMS server 8.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation 1. The work required to monitor applications is performed by TIBCO Hawk agents. the requirements listed in this document may not hold good for every project. TIBCO Hawk software uses TIBCO Messaging software for communication and inherits many of its benefits. 2. BusinessWorks Process Engines 2. TIBCO Hawk Display does not store centralized monitoring intelligence. The TIBCO Hawk Display application subscribes to alert messages generated by TIBCO Hawk rulebases and presents them in an organized view. Adding more instances of the Display application requires no additional network overhead or configuration. Alerts are color-coded to indicate the severity of a reported problem. it simply offers a view of events from the monitored systems. Each agent uses collections of locally loaded rules organized into rulebases to apply monitoring logic. Clicking on a node displays the error message along with a recent history of problems on the node. A rulebase tells an agent how to monitor particular application or system resources and what actions to take when specific conditions are detected.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation TIBCO Hawk Agent runs on each node in the TIBCO domain and monitors local conditions. PRODUCT VERSIONS Page 7 of 36 . FIGURE 1 HAWK ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM 4. and will display the alerts under the individual machines in the TIBCO domain. The TIBCO Administrator also subscribes to the alert messages. there will be 2 Hawk agent services.4. TIBCO Hawk Agent is an autonomous process that monitors applications and systems activity.7.11. In this particular implementation.0 5.0 TIBCO Runtime Agent 5. EMS server is used as the messaging transport for communication across Hawk Agent. In order to do this both networks must have an EMS server running.4. Page 8 of 36 .White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation Given below are the TIBCO products and their versions used in this particular implementation. Hawk Display and Hawk Event services. Messages from one network are routed to the other via the EMS server instead of the rvrd The only disadvantage is that EMS server will be single point of failure unlike Rendezvous daemon. one comes with TIBCO Admin domain and another one comes with standalone Hawk installation. The advantage in using EMS transport is that Hawk Display from any subnet can be used to monitor the agents. EMS servers can be configured to route messages between networks where rvrd is not setup to do so. Each administration server has a corresponding TIBCO Hawk Agent.3 TIBCO Hawk 4. which hold the logic that determines how monitoring and management will take place.0 TIBCO ADB Adapter 5. A Hawk Agent runs on the machine that hosts the administration server and on each machine that is part of the administration domain.3 TIBCO File Adapter 5.2 TIBCO EMS Server 4. alerts and rulebases as long as Hawk Display is connected to the right EMS server.4. HAWK CONFIGURATION This section talks about the configuration steps.5. The TIBCO suite is installed on HP-UX B.5. In general. domain Hawk agent is used for all monitoring purposes. The Hawk Agent monitors activity by processing rulebases.       TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.23 ia64 operating system. In this implementation. Hawk agent that comes with standalone installation is renamed so that the two Hawk agents (one that comes with standalone Hawk installation and another one that comes with TIBCO Admin domain) can be distinguished in the Hawk Display.0. Page 9 of 36 .cfg” file in a text editor b) Under “ems_transport” property. add the ami_rvd_session that matches with that of Hawk event service’s ami_rvd_session.1 CONFIGURE DOMAIN HAWK AGENT In this step. a) Open the “<tibco_root>/tra/domain/<domain_name>/hawkagent.1 tcp:8500 d) Save the changes. specify the EMS server connection details -ems_transport tcp://<EMS server host>:port <user id> “#!encrypted password” d) Save the changes. Note: The encrypted password can be generated by running the Hawk utility program tibhawkpassword located in your hawk/bin directory: tibhawkpassword -encrypt password where password is the current password 5. -agent_name <machine-name>_default c) Under the ems_transport. -ami_rvd_session 8500 127. shown below. specify the EMS server connection details as. Domain Hawk agent is configured to use EMS server as its transport and also to communicate with Hawk event service.2 RENAME DEFAULT HAWK AGENT In this step. (Steps to configure the Hawk event service with the same parameters is mentioned in a later section) For example. -ems_transport tcp://<EMS server host>:port <user id> “#!encrypted password” c) In order to communicate with Hawk event service.cfg” file in a text editor b) Change the agent name as mentioned below. a) Open the “<tibco_root>/hawk/bin/hawkagent.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation 5.0. HawkController has been used. Please refer to Hawk documentation for the procedure on Windows.hma” file in the TIBCO EMS installation directory under the <tibco_root>/ems/samples/admin/hawk subdirectory and copy it to TIBCO TRA Hawk plugins directory. methods for managing the EMS server are available in the TIBCO Hawk display.tibco. and copy it into the TIBCO TRA Hawk plugins directory. In this implementation.cfg” file in a text editor and specify the -hma_plugin_dir option to include the directory where your TIBCO Hawk plugins are located. Usually. -hma_plugin_dir "<tibco_root>/tra/domain/ <domain_name>/plugin" Save changes to “hawkagent. a) Locate the “tibjmsadmin.tibjms.3 MONITOR AND MANAGE EMS SERVER FROM HAWK To use TIBCO Hawk to manage the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server.jar in the ems/clients/java subdirectory. f) Specify the username and password and server URL to use to connect to the TIBCO EMS server in the appropriate <arg> elements For example: <arguments> <arg>-user</arg> <arg>admin</arg> <arg>-password</arg> <arg>MyPassword</arg> <arg>-server</arg> <arg>tcp://<EMSServerHost>:<port></arg> <arg>-timeout</arg> Page 10 of 36 . In this implementation. TIBCO TRA Hawk plugins directory <tibco_root>/tra/domain/<domain_name> /plugin is located in b) Locate tibjmsadmin.admin. the HawkController classes have been loaded. com. Once the classes are loaded. Installing the classes is different for UNIX and Windows platforms.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation 5. c) Open the “<tibco_root>/tra/domain/<domain_name>/hawkagent. load the HawkController or HawkListenerclasses provided into the TIBCO Hawk agent.hawk.cfg” d) Navigate to plugins directory and open the “tibjmsadmin.hma” file in a text editor e) Specify the TIBCO Hawk microagent class you wish to use in the <classname> element. Given below are the steps for installing the classes in UNIX. specify –encryptedPassword instead of -password. -ems_transport tcp://<EMS server host>:port <user id> “#!encrypted password” c) Also specify the TIBCO Rendezvous session used by the TIBCO Hawk event service for AMI communications. As the value for -encryptedPassword.0. Page 11 of 36 . Hawk event service is configured to use EMS server as its transport and also to communicate with Hawk agent service.4 MONITORING EVENT SERVICE FROM HAWK The TIBCO Hawk Event Service is a process that records TIBCO Hawk alerts and changes in agent status. the TIBCO Hawk Event Service is installed on a minimal number of computers in the network.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation <arg>5</arg> </arguments> You should use specify the predefined admin user or a user that is a member of the $admin group. When communication with an agent is lost.hma”. Alerts and notifications can be recorded to log files or a database.5 RESTART HAWK SERVICES Save all the above changes and restart the following services so that the changes will be effective. For example.1 tcp:8500 d) Save the changes.cfg” file in a text editor b) Under the ems_transport. Note: To use an encrypted password. Typically. In this step. the Event Service can invoke a user-provided script.0. supply the output you obtain by running the Hawk utility program tibhawkpassword located in your hawk/bin directory: tibhawkpassword -encrypt password where password is the current password 5. specify the EMS server connection details. 5. a) Open the “<tibco_root>/hawk/bin/hawkevent. -ami_rvd_session 8500 127. Save changes to “tibjmsadmin. 1 c) Click “Ok” Page 12 of 36 .cfg” b) In the Transport tab. Open the “Hawk Configuration” window from menu and configure the following.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation a) Hawk agent service that comes with standalone installation b) Domain Hawk agent service c) Hawk event service 5.6 CONFIGURE HAWK DISPLAY FOR EMS TRANSPORT (ON WINDOWS) In this particular implementation. a) Ensure that Hawk Domain name matches with that of domain name mentioned in the Domain Hawk agent’s “hawkagent. This should be the same EMS server that was configured in Step 5. select the Primary Transport as EMS and provide the EMS server connection details. Hawk Display running on Windows is configured to use EMS transport. sh and RemoveFile.2 COMMAND PROCEDURES The BW and ADB Adapter rulebases use Command Procedures to perform some actions.enabled and .1. Now open the Hawk Display from menu to verify that all the changes are done successfully.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation d) Click “No” on the dialogs that ask for restarting the Hawk related services.1 FOLDER STRUCTURE under TIBCO domain root (i. RULEBASES 6.1. need to be separate from the core TIBCO and Hawk products. Hawk rulebase will identify the status of BW process engine or ADB adapter based on the availability of one or both of these files and takes the necessary action. This will allow TIBCO Hawk to be upgraded independently from the custom components and vice-versa. After copying the files. Page 13 of 36 . change the permissions of CreateEmptyFile. 6.e. using these Command Procedures. command procedures.sh will be used for creating and deleting the appropriate files.sh and RemoveFile.running files) -scripts (Location of custom command procedures) 6.sh and RemoveFile.sh RemoveFile.enabled and . Create the following folder structure <tibco_root>/tra/domain/ <domain_name>) ----Accelerator -flags (Location of . etc.sh scripts to “tibco_root>/tra / domain/ <domain_name> /Accelerator/scripts” folder. To track the status of BW process engine or ADB adapter .sh Copy the CreateEmptyFile. At any point of time. CreateEmptyFile. Given below are the prerequisites for the rulebases. 6.running files will be created and deleted in the “flags” folder.sh to 777 so that these can be invoked from the rulebases.1 PRE-REQUISITES The many new Hawk rulebases. If running on Windows the equivalent batch scripts need to be prepared. UNIX shell script files namely CreateEmptyFile. MAIL_TO: Any email recipient defined in this variable will be emailed on any email sent from Hawk. The variables file should already be set to the correct value. TRA_ROOT: This is the root location of the TIBCO domain. MAIL_FROM: The email address defined in this variable will be used as from address on any email sent from Hawk MAIL_CC: Any email recipient defined in this variable will be CCed on any Hawk alert sent. The variables file should already be set to the correct value.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation 6. DOMAIN_NAME: This should be set to the name of the TIBCO Administration domain CONFIG_ROOT: This is the location of all of the scripts and config files for Hawk.3 VARIABLES CONFIGURATION FILE TIBCO Hawk has the capability to use external variables within the Hawk rulebases. The HawkAC_variable. All of the values will be configured for each machine/environment in this file.dat. There are some fields that will be used in all rulebases.da t Page 14 of 36 . The <tibco_root>/tra/domain/<domain_name>/Accelerator/scripts/HawkAC_variables. rulebase specific variables also can be added. Please keep in mind that if any changes are done in the HawkAC_variables. Some of the fields will be common. The recommendation would be to add the variables for all rulebases at once.1. Standard Variables to include: • • • • • • • • • MAIL_SERVER: This is the mail server used for sending emails.dat will hold all of the variables. to avoid restarting the Hawk agent service for several times. Note: Apart from above variables. The variables file should already be set to the correct value. and several e-mail related values. FLAG_ROOT: This is the location of the Hawk enable flags. Every agent can read only one configuration file. Domain Hawk agent service need to be restarted to make the changes effective. log file locations. MAIL_SUBJECT: The prefix used in the subject of email is defined in this variable.dat file need to be placed in the “<tibco_root>/ tra/domain/ <domain_name>/ Accelerator/scripts” directory HawkAC_variable. These include certain directory locations. others will not. appropriate alerts and/or emails should be sent from the rulebase. The rulebase name is "BWEngine-CISCommon-CISCommonProcesses.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation The TRA hawkagent. 6.dat Save the changes. and the name and location of the variables file appended to the parameter.2 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS Given below are the implementation details for “CISCommon” BW process engine.2 RULEBASE: BUSINESSWORKS PROCESS ENGINE This section will discuss on the Hawk Rulebase to monitor and manage the TIBCO BusinessWorks Process engines.1  REQUIREMENTS If the engine is started or stopped from the TIBCO Administrator.hrb Given below is the sequence diagram which describes the high level implementation of this rulebase. then the rulebase should attempt to start the engine for once. then Hawk rulebase should not start the engine.cfg configuration file must be modified to include the variables file. At each step. -variables <tibco_root>/tra/domain/<domain_name>/Accelerator/scripts/HawkAC_variable. The naming convention followed for this kind of rulebase is “BWEngine-DeploymentComponent.hrb”. The –variables line must be uncommented. Here Deployment is the Enterprise Archive name and Component is the process archive name in the BW project. Restart Domain Hawk agent service. 6.2. If the engine is stopped abruptly due to some reason.  6.hrb" BWEngine-CISComm on-CISCommonProcesses.2. Page 15 of 36 . White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation FIGURE 2 BW PROCESS ENGINE RULEBASE FLOW Page 16 of 36 . The rule will check for the . This test is performed every six seconds. This rule has several steps depending on if the service is running. then the “error” post condition is set.enabled” file exists in “flags” directory. then the “enabled” post condition is set.running file: This rule will test to see the “CISCommonCISCommonProcesses. If the file does not exist. then the “no_error” post condition is set. This post condition is used later in the rulebase to help Hawk determine if the BW Process Engine has successfully started previously. The rule will:   Page 17 of 36 . Check for the .enabled file every 5 seconds. If the file does not exist.running” file exists in “flags” directory. The rule will check for the .White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation The rules include:  Check for the . This post condition is used later in the rulebase to decide whether the rulebase need to take some action or not This rule checks to see if the BW Process Engine is running. If the file exists. If the file exists.getComponentStatus Hawk microagent.running file every 2 seconds. then the “disabled” post condition is set. also using the TRA.enabled file: This rule will test to see the “CISCommonCISCommonProcesses. sh” script with appropriate parameters such that “CISCommon-CISCommonProcesses. This signifies that BW Process Engine is being stopped via TIBCO Administrator.sh” script with appropriate parameters to remove the “CISCommon-CISCommonProcesses.enabled” file is created and there by “enabled” post condition is set.running” file is created and there by “no_error” post condition is set. The rule will run the “RemoveFile. This signifies that BW Process Engine is no longer running. This will prevent Hawk from attempting to restart the BW Process Engine. the BW Process Engine has successfully started.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation o Check to see if the BW Process Engine has a state of INITIALIZING. Check to see if the BW Process Engine has a state of RUNNING. The rule will run the “RemoveFile. Check to see if the BW Process Engine has a state of STOPPED and “enabled” post condition is set. and run the “CreateEmptyFile. the BW Process Engine is being started via the TIBCO Administrator.sh” script with appropriate parameters to remove the “CISCommon-CISCommonProcesses. Check to see if the BW Process Engine has a state of STOPPING and enabled post condition exists. This signifies that BW Process Engine got Page o o o o 18 of 36 .sh” script with appropriate parameters such that “CISCommon-CISCommonProcesses. If it does. The rule will send an informational notification and email that it is running. If it does.enabled” file to ensure that “disabled” post condition is set.running” file to ensure that “error” post condition is set. The rule will run the “CreateEmptyFile. It could be stopped via TIBCO Administrator or due to some error. Check to see if the BW Process Engine has a state of STOPPED.  Apply the rulebase only when the BW process engine is down. 6.  Before redeploying a new Enterprise Archive for a BW process engine that is being monitored by this rulebase. please keep in mind the following items.dat”. The rule will send a low alert that the Hawk rulebase will not attempt to start the BW Process Engine. The rule will also run the “RemoveFile. The rule will send a low alert stating the BW Process Engine is not running.  This rulebase need to be applied only after verifying that a BW Process Engine has been started successfully once in TIBCO Administrator.2.3 LOAD THE RULEBASE Before sending the rulebase (from the rulebase editor) to the selected machine. Same rulebase can be moved from one environment to another environment without any changes.2.  6.1 Page 19 of 36 . If the BW process engine is not stopped before redeployment. a high alert will be sent stating that the BW Process Engine is still down.sh” script with appropriate parameters to remove the “CISCommon-CISCommonProcesses.4  MIGRATION ACROSS ENVIRONMENTS Since this rulebase depends on the variables defined in “HawkAC_variables.running” file to ensure that “error” post condition is set.sh” script with appropriate parameters to remove the “CISCommon-CISCommonProcesses.enabled” file to ensure that “disabled” post condition is set. The BW Process Engine will be disabled to prevent the rule from attempting to start it again. The rule will also run “RemoveFile. if the BW process is not started.5 TEMPLATE RULEBASE Given below is the template rulebase that has been implemented with the requirements mentioned in section 6. After 90 seconds. preventing Hawk from attempting to restart the BW Process Engine. After applying the rulebase start the BW Process Engine from TIBCO Administrator. o Check to see if the BW Process Engine has a state of STOPPED and “disabled” post condition is set. please ensure that the values for these variables are correctly defined as per the respective environment configuration. the engine will get killed and the rulebase will try to start the engine again.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation terminated abruptly due to some error. and will attempt to start the engine. please STOP the BW Process engine manually in TIBCO Administrator and ensure that it is not running.2.2. 6. If the File adapter is stopped abruptly due to some reason.3.hrb Following changes have to be done. The naming convention followed for this kind of rulebase is “FileAdapter-DeploymentComponent. then also the rulebase should send alerts and emails.2 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS Given below are the implementation details for a Payment File Adapter. Here Deployment is the Enterprise Archive name and Component is the File Adapter archive name in the BW project. The rulebase name is "FileAdapter-Finance-FinancePaymentFileAdapter. 6. Finally. prior to using this rulebase for a BW Process Engine.hrb" Page 20 of 36 . AuthorName need to be replaced with the author of the rulebase HostName(IPAddress) need to be replaced with a corresponding value DateTime need to be replaced with the current date time BWEngineDesc needs to be replaced with appropriate description of the BW Process Engine. then the Hawk rulebase should send alerts and email notifications.1  REQUIREMENTS If the File Adapter is started or stopped from the TIBCO Administrator.  DeploymentName need to be replaced with the EAR name defined in the BW Project ComponentInstanceName need to be replaced with Process Archive name defined under the EAR. 6.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation BWEngine-Deployme ntName-ComponentInstanceName.hrb”. the rulebase file name need to be changed with actual values of DeploymentName and ComponentInstanceName       6.3.3 RULEBASE: FILE ADAPTER This section will discuss on the Hawk Rulebase to monitor and manage the TIBCO File Adapter. hrb The rule will:  Check for the existence of the Payment File Adapter microagent.3. please ensure that the values for these variables are correctly defined as per the respective environment configuration. The rule will check the microagent count for every 5 seconds. Page  21 of 36 . a notification and email will be sent saying that Payment File Adapter is up and running.dat”. Based on the current state of the File Adapter.3. an alert and email will be sent. If the number of microagents becomes zero. sends a high alert along with an email mentioning that Payment File Adapter is down. If the number of the microagents becomes one. 6.4  MIGRATION ACROSS ENVIRONMENTS Since this rulebase depends on the variables defined in “HawkAC_variables.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation FileAdapter-FinanceFinancePaymentFileAdapter.3 LOAD THE RULEBASE This rulebase can be sent to the machine at any point of time. 6. Same rulebase can be moved from one environment to another environment without any changes. FileAdapterDesc needs to be replaced with appropriate description of the file adapter.hrb”. AuthorName need to be replaced with the author of the rulebase HostName(IPAddress) need to be replaced with a corresponding value DateTime need to be replaced with the current date time FileAdpaterMicroagentName property needs to be defined with appropriate value in the “HawkAC_variables. it is recommended to add a prefix to this property name. prior to using this rulebase for a File Adapter.hrb Following changes have to be done.3.dat” file.4. Finally. Here Deployment is the Enterprise Archive name and Component is the ADB Adapter archive name in the BW project.  DeploymentName need to be replaced with the EAR name defined in the BW Project ComponentInstanceName need to be replaced with File Adapter Archive name defined under the EAR. The naming convention followed for this kind of rulebase is “ADBAdapter-DeploymentComponent.1 FileAdapter-Deploym entName-ComponentInstanceName.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation 6.1 REQUIREMENTS Page 22 of 36 . 6. the rulebase file name need to be changed with actual values of DeploymentName and ComponentInstanceName        6.4 RULEBASE: ADB ADAPTER This section will discuss on the Hawk Rulebase to monitor and manage the TIBCO ADB Adapter.5 TEMPLATE RULEBASE Given below is the template rulebase that has been implemented with the requirements mentioned in section 6.3. In general as there will be more than one file adapter in the properties file. hrb 6. appropriate alerts and/or emails should be sent from the rulebase.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation  If the ADB Adapter is started or stopped from the TIBCO Administrator. At each step.4.1 ADBAdapter-Deploy mentName-ComponentInstanceName. The rulebase name is "ADBAdapter-WaterQualityLIMS. then the rulebase should attempt to start the adapter for once. then Hawk rulebase should not start the adapter.4.2 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS The implementation details for a LIMS ADB Adapter are similar to that of BW Process Engine defined in section Migration rules are same as that of BW Process Engine defined in section 6. AuthorName need to be replaced with the author of the rulebase HostName(IPAddress) need to be replaced with a corresponding value DateTime need to be replaced with the current date time Page     23 of 36 .  DeploymentName need to be replaced with the EAR name defined in the BW Project ComponentInstanceName need to be replaced with ADB Adapter Archive name defined under the EAR.4.4. If the ADB Adapter is stopped abruptly due to some reason.  6.4 Given below is the template rulebase that has been implemented with the requirements mentioned in section 6.4.3 6.hrb Following changes have to be done. prior to using this rulebase for an ADB adapter.4 6.hrb" ADBAdapter-WaterQ uality-LIMS.2.5 LOAD THE RULEBASE MIGRATION ACROSS ENVIRONMENTS TEMPLATE RULEBASE Loading rules are same as that of BW Process Engine defined in section 6.2. If the EMS server could not be brought back. the rule will check whether the EMS server is running or not. The naming convention followed for this rulebase is “EMSServer-Status. If the EMS server could not be started successfully then an appropriate alert and email should be sent.5.3 LOAD THE RULEBASE This rulebase can be sent to the machine at any point of time. Finally. a notification and email should be sent. the rulebase file name need to be changed with actual values of DeploymentName and ComponentInstanceName  6.hr b For every 10 seconds.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation  ADBAdapterDesc needs to be replaced with appropriate description of the ADB adapter. The rulebase name is "EMSServer-Status. a low alert and email will be sent and rulebase will attempt to start the EMS server. rulebase should send an alert and email and try starting the EMS server.hrb" EMSServer-Status.5. Page 24 of 36 . 6.5. In case the EMS server is not running. If the EMS server is not running. an alert and email will be sent. If the EMS server is brought back successfully then notification and email will be sent.  6. rulebase will attempt to start it. 6. Based on the current state of the EMS server.hrb”.1  REQUIREMENTS If the EMS server is not running.5 RULEBASE: EMS SERVER This section will discuss on the Hawk Rulebase to monitor and manage the TIBCO EMS server. alert and email will be sent. If the EMS server is up and running.2 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS Given below are the implementation details for an EMS server. 2 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS Given below are the implementation details for an EMS queue in Contact project. At any point of time.6 RULEBASE: EMS QUEUES This section will discuss on the Hawk Rulebase to monitor and manage the TIBCO EMS queues. Same rulebase can be moved from one environment to another environment without any changes.hrb" EMSQueueTopic-Con tact.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation 6.hrb The rule will: Page 25 of 36 .hrb”.  6. if the pending message count exceeds the limit (even though the corresponding BW Process Engine is up and running) an alert and email should be sent. please ensure that the values for these variables are correctly defined as per the respective environment configuration.1  REQUIREMENTS For a queue.4  MIGRATION ACROSS ENVIRONMENTS Since this rulebase depends on the variables defined in “HawkAC_variables.5.6. This check need to be repeated for every subsequent one hour and up to 12 hrs. Here Deployment is the Enterprise Archive name. The naming convention followed for this rulebase is “EMSQueueTopic-Deployment. if the pending message count exceeded the limit an alert and email should be sent.6.  6. The rulebase name is "EMSQueueTopic-Contact. 6. Here the limit is defined based on the message load and the monitoring interval.dat”. then the “not_running” post condition is set. Get the pending message count: This rule gets the queue properties for every 60 seconds. Once the condition is satisfied then for every subsequent one hour (and up to 12 hrs) this check will be performed and if the condition exists at that instance of time an alert and email will be sent. If the file exists. If the file does not exist.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation  Check for the . This post condition is used later in the rulebase to decide whether the rulebase need to take some action or not. and accordingly an alert and email will be sent. If the file exists.enabled” file exists in “flags” directory. then the “enabled” post condition is set.enabled file every 5 seconds. This post condition is used later in the rulebase.enabled file: This rule will test to see the “ContactContactProcess. It verifies whether the pending message count is greater than 1 and BW Process Engine is running (both enabled and running post conditions exist).running file every 4 seconds. Page .3 LOAD THE RULEBASE 26 of 36 This rulebase can be sent to the machine at any point of time. The rule will check for the . The rule will check for the .6. If this condition is satisfied then an alert and email will be sent stating that there are “n” pending messages in the queue. then “running” post condition is set.running file: This rule will test to see the “ContactContactProcess. then the “not_enabled” post condition is set. If the file does not exist. Check for the .running” file exists in “flags” directory.   6. It will check the current state of the queue. dat”. ProjectName property needs to be defined with appropriate value of BW project name in the “HawkAC_variables.        Page 27 of 36 . ProcessName property needs to be defined with appropriate value of BW process name in the “HawkAC_variables.4  MIGRATION ACROSS ENVIRONMENTS Since this rulebase depends on the variables defined in “HawkAC_variables. please ensure that the values for these variables are correctly defined as per the respective environment configuration. prior to using this rulebase for monitoring an EMS queue.dat” file.1 EMSQueueTopic-Depl oymentName(Q). In general as there will be more than one queue in the properties file.5 TEMPLATE RULEBASE Given below is the template rulebase that has been implemented with the requirements mentioned in section 6.hrb Following changes have to be done.dat” file. In general as there will be more than one project name in the properties file. AuthorName need to be replaced with the author of the rulebase HostName(IPAddress) need to be replaced with a corresponding value DateTime need to be replaced with the current date time QueueName property needs to be defined with appropriate value of queue name in the “HawkAC_variables.  DeploymentName need to be replaced with the EAR name defined in the corresponding BW Project ComponentInstanceName need to be replaced with Process Archive name defined under the EAR.6.6.6. it is recommended to add a prefix to this property name. it is recommended to add a prefix to this property name.dat” file. it is recommended to add a prefix to this property name.  6.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation 6. Same rulebase can be moved from one environment to another environment without any changes. In general as there will be more than one process name in the properties file. 2 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS Given below are the implementation details for an EMS durable topic in WAA project. 6.hrb”. This check need to be repeated for every subsequent one hour and up to 12 hrs. if the pending message count exceeded the limit an alert and email should be sent.hrb The rule will: Page 28 of 36 . an alert and email should be sent.7.7 RULEBASE: EMS DURABLE TOPICS This section will discuss on the Hawk Rulebase to monitor and manage the TIBCO EMS durable topics. Finally.1  REQUIREMENTS For a durable topic.7. This check need to be repeated for every subsequent one hour and up to 12 hrs. The rulebase name is "EMSQueueTopic-WAA.   6. Here the limit is defined based on the message load and the monitoring interval. Here Deployment is the Enterprise Archive name. Also if the durable count for this topic does not match with the expected durable count. if the pending message count exceeds the limit (even though the corresponding BW Process Engine is up and running) an alert and email should be sent.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation  MaxPendingMessages is the maximum number of messages in the queue and if the messages exceed this limit an alert and email will be sent. The naming convention followed for this rulebase is “EMSQueueTopic-Deployment. At any point of time. the rulebase file name need to be changed with actual value of DeploymentName  6. This needs to be replaced with appropriate number based on the requirement.hrb" EMSQueueTopic-WA A. enabled file: This rule will test to see the “WAA-WAA. The rule will check for the . then “running” post condition is set. then the “enabled” post condition is set. This rule checks for the pending message count and the durable count for this topic.enabled file every 5 seconds. then the “not_running” post condition is set.running file every 4 seconds. The rule will check for the . If the file does not exist. This post condition is used later in the rulebase to decide whether the rulebase need to take some action or not.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation  Check for the . This test is performed every 30 seconds. If the file does not exist. then the “not_enabled” post condition is set. If the file exists. The rule will:   Page 29 of 36 .running” file exists in “flags” directory. If the file exists.enabled” file exists in “flags” directory. Check for the . This post condition is used later in the rulebase.running file: This rule will test to see the “WAA-WAA. If the durable count is not equal to 2. and accordingly an alert and email will be sent. an alert and email will be sent.7. If this condition is satisfied then an alert and email will be sent stating that there are “n” pending messages in the queue.7. o 6.3 LOAD THE RULEBASE This rulebase can be sent to the machine at any point of time. Once the condition is satisfied then for every subsequent one hour (and up to 12 hrs) this check will be performed and if the condition exists at that instance of time an alert and email will be sent. It will check the current state of the topic. Once the condition is satisfied then for every subsequent one hour (and up to 12 hrs) this check will be performed and if the condition exists at that instance of time an alert and email will be sent. Get the pending message count: This test verifies whether the pending message count is greater than 5 and the BW Process Engine is running (both enabled and running post conditions exist). 6.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation o Get the durable count: This test verifies whether the durable count is equal to 2 or not.4 MIGRATION ACROSS ENVIRONMENTS Page 30 of 36 . White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation  Since this rulebase depends on the variables defined in “HawkAC_variables.  6.dat”. ProcessName property needs to be defined with appropriate value of BW process name in the “HawkAC_variables.dat” file. prior to using this rulebase for monitoring an EMS durable topic.  DeploymentName need to be replaced with the EAR name defined in the corresponding BW Project ComponentInstanceName need to be replaced with Process Archive name defined under the EAR.hrb Following changes have to be done.1 EMSQueueTopic-Depl oymentName(T). DurSubCount is the durable subscriber count for this topic.dat” file. In general as there will be more than one queue in the properties file. Same rulebase can be moved from one environment to another environment without any changes. Page         31 of 36 . In general as there will be more than one project name in the properties file. it is recommended to add a prefix to this property name. If the durable count doesn’t match with this number then an alert and email will be sent.dat” file.7. it is recommended to add a prefix to this property name.7. please ensure that the values for these variables are correctly defined as per the respective environment configuration.5 TEMPLATE RULEBASE Given below is the template rulebase that has been implemented with the requirements mentioned in section 6. In general as there will be more than one process name in the properties file. This needs to be replaced with appropriate number based on the requirement. it is recommended to add a prefix to this property name. AuthorName need to be replaced with the author of the rulebase HostName(IPAddress) need to be replaced with a corresponding value DateTime need to be replaced with the current date time TopicName property needs to be defined with appropriate value of topic name in the “HawkAC_variables. ProjectName property needs to be defined with appropriate value of BW project name in the “HawkAC_variables. 1  REQUIREMENTS This rulebase should monitor the connections established to the EMS server and if a connection has been established from a unknown machine (that is not part of the allowable machines).hrb”. but will generate alert and email when such connection is established. The rulebase name is "EMSServerUnauthorizedConnections.  6. the rulebase file name need to be changed with actual DeploymentName  6.8.8 RULEBASE: CLIENT CONNECTIONS TO THE EMS SERVER This section will discuss on the Hawk Rulebase to monitor the unauthorized client connections established to TIBCO EMS server. followed for this rulebase is “EMSServer- 6. an alert and email should be sent. This needs to be replaced with appropriate number based on the requirement. Note: This rulebase will not prevent the connection from an unauthorized machine to the EMS server. The naming convention UnauthorizedConnections.2 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS Given below are the implementation details for monitoring the unauthorized client connections to EMS server.hrb" EMSServer-Unauthor izedConnections.8.8. then an alert and email will be sent.3 LOAD THE RULEBASE Page 32 of 36 . The list of allowable machines should be prepared in advance as this list should be included in the rulebase. Finally. If there is at least one machine that is not in the list of allowable machines. 6.hrb The rule will get the list of EMS server connections for every 60 seconds and verifies the host name of the machines that are connected.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation  MaxPendingMessages is the maximum number of messages in the queue and if the messages exceed this limit an alert and email will be sent. Page 33 of 36 . It will check the existing EMS server connections. prior to using this rulebase for monitoring unauthorized connections to EMS server.  6.5 TEMPLATE RULEBASE Given below is the template rulebase that has been implemented with the requirements mentioned in section 6. rulebase need to be modified before deploying on each environment. 6.4  MIGRATION ACROSS ENVIRONMENTS Since this rulebase depends on the variables defined in “HawkAC_variables. The naming convention followed for this rulebase is “MonitorHawkAgent. Hawk agent running on machine A (having hawk domain as “domainA”) will be monitored from a rulebase that is deployed on machine B (with hawk domain as “domainB”).dat”.8.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation This rulebase can be sent to the machine at any point of time. This section will discuss on the Hawk Rulebase to monitor the TIBCO Hawk agent service. none of the rulebases will be active and the monitoring functionality will cease.hrb”.hrb Following changes have to be done. 6. and accordingly an alert and email will be sent.     AuthorName need to be replaced with the author of the rulebase HostName(IPAddress) need to be replaced with a corresponding value DateTime need to be replaced with the current date time machine1 to machine9 need to be replaced with actual machine names. Since the allowable machine names vary from one environment to another. So it is essential to know the status of the Hawk agent service.9 RULEBASE: HAWK AGENT If the Hawk agent service goes down. Based on the requirement.8.8. please ensure that the values for these variables are correctly defined as per the respective environment configuration. the number of machines has to be changed in the rulebase.1 EMSServer-Unauthor izedConnections. a) Ensure that Hawk Domain name matches with that of domain name mentioned in the Domain Hawk agent’s “hawkagent. 2. there is some configuration required to the “hawkevent. c) Save the changes.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation 6. Page 34 of 36 . open the “<tibco_root>/hawk/bin/hawkevent. b) In the Transport tab. On a Windows machine. d) Restart the Hawk Event service on machine B.1 CONFIGURATION ON MACHINE B 1. c) Click “Ok” d) Click “No” on the dialogs that ask for restarting the Hawk related services.cfg” on machine B (hawkevent. specify the EMS server connection details.cfg” (of the domain Hawk agent) on machine B to point to EMS server running on machine B. -ems_transport tcp://<EMS server host>:port <user id> “#!encrypted password” Here the EMS server details are same as that of mentioned in section 5.9. -ems_transport tcp://<EMS server host>:port <user id> “#!encrypted password” Here machine B’s EMS server details need to be provided. In order to communicate with the Hawk agent running on machine A.4.cfg” of machine B.cfg on machine B needs to be configured with the EMS of machine A.) a) On machine B.cfg” file in a text editor b) Under “ems_transport” property.cfg” file in a text editor b) Under the ems_transport. open the “Hawk Configuration” display from menu and configure the following to connect to the Hawk agent running on machine B. shown below. c) Save the changes d) Restart the Hawk Agent service on machine B. 3. select the Primary Transport as EMS and provide the machine B’s EMS server connection details. specify the EMS server connection details as. a) Open the “<tibco_root>/tra/domain/<domain_name>/hawkagent. Configure the “hawkagent. and accordingly an alert and email will be sent. The lost communication with the Hawk agent running on machine A could be due to any of the reasons like machine A itself is down.9.9. So once the alert/email has been generated.hrb” MonitorHawkAgent. prior to using this rulebase for monitoring the Hawk agent service.h rb The rule will be triggered whenever the communication with the Hawk agent running on machine A goes down or is established. 6. 6.5  MIGRATION ACROSS ENVIRONMENTS Since the machine name and Hawk domain name changes from one environment to another.9. 6.6 TEMPLATE RULEBASE Given below is the template rulebase that has been implemented with the requirements mentioned in section 6.2  REQUIREMENTS If the Hawk agent running on machine A is expired or up and running. The rulebase name is “MonitorHawkAgent.9.9. It will check the status of Hawk agent.1 MonitorHawkAgent. network issues. In either case an alert/notification and email will be sent.h rb Following changes have to be done. Page 35 of 36 . then the rulebase running on machine B should send an alert/notification and email.4 LOAD THE RULEBASE This rulebase can be sent to the machine at any point of time.3 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS Given below are the implementation details for monitoring the Hawk agent. 6.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation Now open the “Hawk Display” from the menu and you should see the machine B’s domain Hawk agent. rulebase need to be modified before deploying on each environment.9. analysis needs to be done to find the root cause. EMS server is down or agent itself is down. 6. Rulebase need to be modified for permanent fix.   6. please check the availability of . 2.White Paper on TIBCO Hawk Implementation     AuthorName need to be replaced with the author of the rulebase HostName(IPAddress) need to be replaced with a corresponding value DateTime need to be replaced with the current date time HawkDomainName need to be replaced with the domain name of monitored Hawk agent.org and postmaster3.org need to be replaced with the right email address and SMTP server. AgentBeginsWith need to be replaced with the beginning part of the monitored Hawk agent.enabled and . the rulebases that are no longer required have to be undeployed manually.abc. [email protected] files (where applicable) and accordingly create or delete these files manually to fix the problem temporarily.10 GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. Since the rulebases will not be undeployed automatically while undeploynig a TIBCO component. Page 36 of 36 . If there is any issue with the rulebase.
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