This House Believes That Internet Brings More Harm Than Good

March 26, 2018 | Author: Imron Wahyudi | Category: Facebook, Internet, Support Group, Adolescence, Earthquakes



THIS HOUSE BELIEVES THAT INTERNET BRINGS MORE HARM THAN GOODGood morning everybody… My honorable judges, my respectable teachers, my dear friends from negative team, and my all lovely audiences… Firstly, let me introduce my team. I am the first speaker, my name is Jeffrey. And here you are the second and third speakers named Merina and _______________. Well, I would like to say that I am absolutely agree with the motion of the debate in this morning that “internet brings more harm than good” Ladies and gentlemen… Then I would like to give obvious definition of internet itself. Internet's definition by wikipedia is a "network of networks". The Internet has brought a lot of good points, but as with any tool, I would like to add that misuse has made the Internet bad. Remember, the Internet is a useful tool, but all that glitters is not gold. Firstly, the Internet is a place which is NOT safe for children. This is basically because of threats of pop-ups, pornography and scams that can trick the child. The Internet is not only an unsafe place for children, but also a bad influence to young teenagers. Pornography from the Internet is leading to the rise of a society of perverts, pedophiles and freaks, who are unable to contain their sexual desires. The number of rape cases this year in Malaysia alone has shocked officials and even the Prime Minister. Ladies and gentlemen… Teenagers are the group targeted by the Internet. 28% of teenagers globally watch pornography. This might be a minority of people, but the way Internet has affected us in such a way is shocking. The bad effect on the younger generation, our future leaders, is undeniable. Do keep in mind that the presence of "net-nannies" and safe search programs does not deter our children as 20% of the so called "bad" side of the Internet is overlooked by safe search programs. However, 10% of non-harmful content such as "breast cancer" on the internet is filtered by the safe searches used to deter pornography. Clearly, we are unable to thwart the attempts of people to find what they want, as these days, even young children are IT educated and can build and dismantle firewalls with ease, as their parents struggle to build them to protect them. Pornographers have been going in overdrive due to the availability of the Internet, and it is used to spread the word of their porn sites. Following statistics by both secular and religious bodies, pornography is now more American than apple pie! 2006 and 2005 statistics show that the US porn revenue earns more than the top companies such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Amazon, eBay, Apple, Netflix and Earthlink put together! Ladies and gentlemen… I am going to close my speech, “It is true internet brings more harm than good”. THIS HOUSE BELIEVES THAT INTERNET BRINGS MORE HARM THAN GOOD Good morning everybody… My honorable judges, my respectable teachers, my dear friends from affirmative team, and my all lovely audiences… Firstly, let me introduce my team. I am the first speaker, my name is Melissa. And here you are the second and third speakers named Juliana and Shirly. Well, I would like to say that I absolutely disagree with the motion of the debate in this morning that “internet brings more harm than good” Ladies and gentlemen… The idea that the internet would be better off not existing because some people look at porn is like saying: "Cameras bring more harm than good because they are used to take photos of pornography". Pornography is just little issue touching the children which caused by the internet. This has little or no effect on big issues such as their education and religion. I find it INCREDIBLY ironic that you are using the internet to communicate your ideas about how you believe the internet is harmful. Before the internet, how would you communicate this idea to anyone? I can see that you obviously take the internet for granted. I would like to point out how the internet has changed our world: -It is good for communication. You can instantaneously transmit something from opposite sides of the world. It can transport ideas and information faster than ever. If an innovative idea shows up on one side of the world, the whole world can know about it. -It is very important for obtaining information. Before the internet, the only way you could quickly learn some fact or another that you are curious about is to go to the library, and that information is extremely limited compared to the internet. Say I watch a movie and I recognize an actor. I could go on in 5 seconds and learn who it was. -It has globalized the world. -It has helped the economy. Online business such as eBay allows people to sell stuff to each other easily. Using pay-pal, you can digitally transmit money from place to place. Ladies and gentlemen… There is no doubt that the internet has made life easier, all over the globe. Sure, a couple of people look at pornography, but I think the advantages far outweigh this. Anyone, with an internet access can come and look at these ideas we are now presenting. Now, let me close my speech with a sentence. We will be left far behind if we don’t have internet connection. So, I absolutely disagree with the motion that “internet brings more harm than good”. THIS HOUSE BELIEVES THAT INTERNET BRINGS MORE HARM THAN GOOD Good morning everybody… My honorable judges, my respectable teachers, my dear friends from negative team, and my all lovely audiences… I am the second speaker of the positive team would like to say that I totally agree with the motion given in this debate. “Internet is more harm than good”. Let me try to answer all questions given by the first speaker of negative team. When I say internet is more harm than good, it doesn’t mean that I cannot use it for my need. It doesn’t mean I should stop using it at all. I already know how to manage my time and protect myself from being uncontrolled in using internet. It is different from the cases happen to the children who are very easy to be tricked by irresponsible people. I would like to bring your attention to the case of online sexual predators. Many of us make use of the Internet's facilities to visit websites such as Facebook and Twitter. These websites have allowed us to communicate and get to know people who we have not known before. But have we ever considered if these websites on the Internet are reliable enough to be trusted. For example, many of us have thought that pictures being posted on facebook can be deleted permanently. However, no one knows that although the pictures have been deleted on facebook but the pictures on another website which supports facebook are not deleted. Can we still trust the internet with our personal information and chat with strangers online? Ladies and gentlemen… According to a newspaper article, "In a recent survey of young Internet users aged 10 to 17, one in five reported they had received unwanted sexual request online, ranging from sexually suggestive comments to strangers asking them to meet them in the real world for sex." The internet is supposed to be safe for the users. Putting ourselves in the victims' shoes, they have to through medical care by psychologists because the online predators have caused a long-term scar in both their hearts and brains which known as trauma. The positive impact of the internet is short-term. Everyone could be a victim! Therefore, I strongly agree that the internet does more harm than good. THIS HOUSE BELIEVES THAT INTERNET BRINGS MORE HARM THAN GOOD Good morning everybody… My honorable judges, my respectable teachers, my dear friends from affirmative team, and my all lovely audiences… I am the second speaker of this team would like to say that I absolutely disagree with the motion given in this debate. “Internet is more harm than good”. Well, the first I will try to rebate your arguments and answer your questions before. Internet is not 100% safe. No one ever said that it was. Neither is fire. But people everywhere still use it for cooking, to generate electricity, to heat themselves, etc. Expecting anything, anything at all, to be always 100% safe is naivety, if not foolishness. But still, affirmative team talks about the lives that are scarred because of the internet. But what about the lives that are saved? Reference one; lists 10 stunning examples of people whose lives were saved by the internet, from a man who used his smartphone to help himself during an earthquake, to a woman whose webcam viewers rescued her after a horse attack. Ladies and gentlemen… This kind of benefit is easily observable in natural disasters. More than 2.5 billion dollars were donated to Haiti to aid victims of the 2010 earthquake. Countless lives were saved. This is observable in many other disasters, like the 2004 tsunami and 2005 Katrina hurricane. And this is observable even on a daily basis. Non-profit organizations get a lot of their money from online donations. An estimated 22 billion dollars were donated in 2010, only in the US. And this figure is growing fast. Also, there are support groups online which are more accessible than their offline counterparts. Particularly for special cases of problems, be it for its rarity or because the afflicted person is ashamed of the condition, online support groups can offer the aid that community would never be able to. I believe these arguments shall suffice for showing that the internet can be a fountain of good deeds. I still believe the main benefit of the internet is the universal availability of knowledge, but as affirmative team insisted on arguing over its harm on people in need, I believe the arguments I showed in this round have better revise this false line of thought. THIS HOUSE BELIEVES THAT INTERNET BRINGS MORE HARM THAN GOOD Good morning everybody… My honorable judges, my respectable teachers, my dear friends from negative team, and my all lovely audiences… I am the third speaker of affirmative team would like to say totally agree with the motion of the debate today that “internet brings more harm than good”. Ladies and gentlemen… To answer question number one. Of course not all. But year by year shows that death caused by internet is increasing worryingly. a. Diablo 3: (2012) An 18-year-old from Taiwan died in an internet café after continuously playing for 40-hours non-stop. The reason for his death was due to a blood clot in his leg because he was seated in the same position over 40 hours. b. Defence of the Ancients: A 17-year-old Philippine teen murdered his 68- year-old grandmother for interrupting his game in a neighbourhood internet café. His grandmother was scolding him and he allegedly blacked-out and beat her to death. c. StarCraft: (2005) A South Korean man was totally addicted to the game, and he ended up spending all his time in front of the screen. This cost him his job and log-time girlfriend and spent all his money at the internet café to play the game, where he would spend 14 – 18 hours playing. One day, he went up to 50-hours non-stop, collapsed and died from exhaustion and dehydration. It is true that the Internet has not completely brought harm to the society. It is true that the Internet has improved the lives of others and even saved people from disaster. but, we cannot just overlook the harm and trust the Internet completely. Negative team talked about the good that the online support groups can offer the aid that community would never be able too. but have we ever thought if the websites are actually reliable? I assume that the negative team refers online support groups as the place where people can share their experiences, feelings and wisdom. A comfort zone for people dealing with the same health challenges. But can we really trust those websites completely and make use of the information there? the Internet is freedom of information[1]. we can publish whatever we want. We create a group and ask for donations because we make others think that we are reliable, trustable but what others do not know is that we have just published a whole chunk of unreliable facts to aid people. and we just receive the donations from them happily and put inside our pockets. Example of unreliable health website can be found here[2]. I'm saying this because people do not know how the Internet has turned from good to bad. the Internet has unreliable websites. Students learn and do research through the internet. thanks to the internet many things can be done easily. But not all the things online can be accepted. humans are ignorant. we may not know if the website's we are reading now is reliable. Other than unreliable websites, there have also been many cases of online addiction. we often find games as a way to escape from reality. we find games as fun and thrill. as we rise to a new level, the more tempted we are to continue discover the games till it ends. but we may have never thought that game addiction could actually cause death. according to a newspaper article, a Korean high school student was found dead in front of the computer for playing a popular games without sleeping and balance diet [3] and [4]for more same cases. Therefore, I believe that internet has brought more harm than good. [1] [2] [3] [4] THIS HOUSE BELIEVES THAT INTERNET BRINGS MORE HARM THAN GOOD Good morning everybody… My honorable judges, my respectable teachers, my dear friends from affirmative team, and my all lovely audiences… Here I will open to say I absolutely disagree with the motion of the debate today that “internet brings more harm than good”. Well then, let me add more arguments to support the former speakers. As the second speaker said before, internet is not 100% safe. When human kind discovered fire, we learned how to handle it, and created mechanisms to contain its dangers (firefighters, hydrants, fire extinguishers). Same with cars, people are taught how to handle them, and we have mechanisms to avoid their risks (seat belts, air-bags, traffic laws). The same thing is happening with the internet. It seems scarier, because transformations are happening too fast, and our culture is not keeping up with it. But laws and habits are, slowly, changing, and will eventually catch up. We will get used to explain to our children how to verify the credibility of information found online, and why they shouldn't trust everybody in the internet, the same way our parents told us not to get in a car with strangers or take drinks from someone we don't know. Ladies and gentlemen… In regard of the addiction argument, addictions have always existed, and will most likely continue to exist for a long, long time. Anything that is exciting or pleasurable can develop into an addiction, not only substances. Everybody has heard of someone with a gambling problem, or someone who is an workaholic, but there are also people addicted to sex, porn, buying, eating, exercising, almost every behavior can become addictive. Any of these activities can be healthily enjoyed by most people, but some will inevitably get addicted to them. This does not mean that the behavior by itself is inherently harmful. In conclusion, I believe the internet have brought enormous benefits for the mankind, and will continue to bring progressively more as we get adapted to this new reality. I would like to thank to honorable adjudicators and lovely audiences for listening our argument, and thank to the teachers who took the time to guide us. From negative team 1. If it is so harmful, then why do you have an internet connection in your house to create these debates? 2. If you say internet is not safe for children, why do many parents still trust internet to help their children’s study and education? 3. If internet contains porn sites, then will you stop linking the world? From negative team 4. Every day, there are million people death over the world. There are million children becoming victim of sexual deeds. Now, should we blame all of those cases to internet? Are they all because of internet? 5. You know that internet is kind of demand of times. Everyone in all over the world, almost in all age tend to use internet to ease their daily activities. Do you think it is possible to leave it away? From negative team 6. How do you say that some sites are unreliable? 7. Relevant to the cases of online addiction, I think this total mistaken perceive. You know that children have parents at home and teachers at school that always must be ready to protect them. How do you think about their roles? From positive team 1. As you told us that internet is good for communication. It is good to globalize the world, and… is it no problem for you to make your little brother or sister, your classmates, your young generation to be victims of bad influence of internet? 2. How could you say that the advantages of using internet more than the disadvantage. All the advantages you told us are only for temporary period, while the disadvantages are long-term scar, aren’t they? From positive team 3. Well, you compare internet with fire. I guess internet and fire are something very different. Fire is like water, air, soil, and light. Life cannot run without them. Example, you will die without drinking a couple days. My question, why were ancients still alive without internet? 4. You told us about online community which claim get donation to help other unlucky people because of disaster. Then how do you believe in them? From positive team 5. It seems that you agree with our argument. You said that people are scary because of the fast transformation. In your opinion, what should we do to anticipate the worse thing happen in the future to our generation? 6. Is that true you said that addiction was not harmful? How come you say that? Internet addicted is not simple problem. It is even more dangerous than death itself.
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