Think Tank

March 29, 2018 | Author: nieotyagi | Category: Think Tank, Political Science, Public Sphere, Politics, Government



10/21/13Think tank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A policy institute (often termed "think tank" by journalists) is an organization that performsresearch and advocacy concerning topics such as social policy, political strategy, economics, military, technology, and culture. Most policy institutes are non-profitorganizations, which some countries such as the United States and Canada provide with tax exempt status. Other think tanks are funded by governments, advocacy groups, or businesses, or derive revenue from consulting or research work related to their projects.[1] The following article lists global policy institutes according to continental categories, and then sub-categories by country within those areas. These listings are not comprehensive, given that more than 4,500 policy institutes exist world wide. Contents [hide] 1 History 2 Types 3 Criticism 4 Functional method in Latin America 4.1 Argentina 4.2 Brazil 4.3 Mexico 4.4 Venezuela 4.5 Peru 5 Asian think tanks 5.1 Bangladesh 5.2 People's Republic of China 5.3 Hong Kong 5.4 India 5.5 Iran 5.6 Japan 5.7 Republic of Korea (South Korea) 5.8 Malaysia 5.9 Pakistan 5.10 Philippines 5.11 Sri Lanka 6 European think tanks 6.1 Armenia 6.2 Belgium 6.3 Bulgaria 6.4 Croatia 6.5 Czech Republic 6.6 Finland 6.7 France 6.8 Germany 6.9 Greece 6.10 Ireland 6.11 Italy 6.12 Latvia 6.13 Netherlands 6.14 Poland 6.15 Portugal 1/22 10/21/13 Think tank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 6.16 Romania 6.17 Russia 6.18 Serbia 6.19 Slovakia 6.20 Spain 6.21 Sweden 6.22 Turkey 6.23 Ukraine 6.24 United Kingdom 7 United States think tanks 7.1 Government 8 Other countries 8.1 Azerbaijan 8.2 Australia 8.3 Canada 8.4 Ghana 8.5 Israel 8.6 Jamaica 8.7 Morocco 8.8 Uzbekistan 8.9 Somalia 8.10 South Africa 9 See also 10 Notes 11 Further reading 12 External links History [edit] While the term "think tank" with its present sense originated in the 1950s,[citation needed]such organizations date to the 19th century. The Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI) was founded in 1831 in London. The Fabian Society in Britain dates from 1884. The original Washington think tank, Brookings Institution was founded in Washington, D.C. in 1916 by philanthropist Robert Brookings. It was conceived as a bipartisan "research center modeled on academic institutions and focused on addressing the questions of the federal government." [2] After 1945, the number of policy institutes increased, as many small new ones were formed to express various issue and policy agendas. Until the 1940s, most think tanks were known only by the name of the institution. During the Second World War, think tanks were often referred to as "brain boxes"[citation needed] after the slang term for skull. The phrase "think tank" in wartime American slang referred to rooms where strategists discussed war planning. Later the term "think tank" was used to refer to organizations that offered military advice—such as, perhaps most notably, the RAND Corporation, founded originally in 1946 as an offshoot of Douglas Aircraft Corporation, and which became an independent corporation in 1948. For most of the 20th century, independent public policy institutes that performed research and provided advice concerning public policy were found primarily in the United States, with a much smaller number in Canada, the UK and Western Europe. Although think tanks existed in Japan for some time, they generally lacked independence, having close associations with government ministries or corporations. There has been a veritable proliferation of "think tanks" around the world that began during the 1980s as a result of globalization, the end of the Cold War, and the 2/22 this method of the study and assessment of policy institutes has been criticised by researchers such as Enrique Mendizabal and Goran Buldioski. others want to position themselves or the experts they fund for future government jobs. Funding sources and the consumers intended also define the workings of think tanks. Funding may also represent who or what the institution wants to influence. Eastern Europe. Central Asia. security studies. and parts of Southeast Asia. is collaboration between policy institutes in different countries.10/21/13 Think tank . Still others. large and diversified. one could use some of the following criteria: Size and focus: e. A recent survey performed by the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program underscores the significance of this effort and documents the fact that most of the think tanks in these regions have been established during the last 10 years. which promotes conservative principles. This will invariably affect the degree of academic freedom within each policy institute and to whom or what the institution feels beholden. while others want to push specific areas of research or education. Presently there are more than 4. having been created during the Cold War. the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace operates offices in Washington. and foreign policy. Corporate created or business affiliated think tanks. in the United States. sources of funding. and the Center for American Progress. Beirut.500 of these institutions around the world. Two-thirds of all the think tanks that exist today were established after 1970 and more than half were established since 1980.[6][7] Several authors have indicated a number of different methods of describing policy institutes in a way that takes into account regional and national variations.g. "Some donors want to influence votes in Congress or shape public opinion. are more partisan in purpose.[5] However. Some receive direct government assistance. Others.wikipedia.C. Global (or regional) think tanks (with some of the above) Alternatively.[3] The effect of globalization on the proliferation of think tanks is most evident in regions such as Africa. first (small). small and specialised."[4] A new trend. topical emphasis and prospective consumers. Brussels and Moscow. large and specialised. resulting from globalization. which emphasizes social and environmental topics.g. where there was a concerted effort by the international community to assist the creation of independent public policy research organizations.[9] 3/22 .[10] Evolution of stage of development: e. Director of the Think Tank Fund.[3] Also see the United Nations Development Programme definition. and third (larger and policy influence) stages. the free encyclopedia emergence of transnational problems. second (small to large but more complex projects). are more issue-oriented groups. For example from Diane StoneDiane Stone (2005) : Independent civil society think tanks established as non-profit organisations –ideologically identifiable or not[8] Policy research institutes affiliated with a university. such as the Cato Institute.[9] Political party think tanks and legacy or personal think tanks. assisted by the Open Society Institute.. For instance.[4] Some think tanks.[4] The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) at the University of Pennsylvaniaannually rates policy institutes worldwide in a number of categories and presents its findings in the "Global Go-To Think Tanks" rating index. D. are focused on international affairs. Types [edit] Think tanks vary by ideological perspectives. Governmentally created or state sponsored think tanks. a progressive organization. while others rely on private individual or corporate donors. Beijing. for example. Many of the more established think tanks. promote libertarian social and economic theories based onFriedrich von Hayek's idea of free markets and individual liberty. including the Tellus Institute.Wikipedia. such as the Heritage Foundation. [22] In the United States. 3. Orazio Bellettini from Grupo FARO suggests that they:[25] 1. subjects them to several cognitive biases (groupthink. in the intellectual sense: discussion only in a sheltered group protected from outside influence isolates the participants.10/21/13 Think tank . The result is that think tank "experts" are allegedly sometimes depicted as neutral sources without any ideological predispositions when. in Chile. purposefully attempt to alleviate this problem by selecting members from diverse backgrounds.[20] According to an internal memorandum from Philip Morris Companies referring to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). many think tanks during the 1990s seemed to endorse and maintain the legitimacy of policies implemented during the previous decade by the military dictatorship headed by Pinochet. It must be part of a larger mosaic that concentrates all the EPA's enemies against it at one time. However. This results in surprisingly radical and even unfeasible ideas being published. interest groups and other political players. confirmation bias) and fosters members' existing beliefs. and advocacy.wikipedia. including: Funding sources (individuals. in fact. foundations. Seek political support for policies.Wikipedia. sales/events)[10] and business model (independent research. en. which refers to the issue of independence (or autonomy) but also includes think tanks with formal and informal links to political parties. 2. The manner in which the research agenda is developed—by senior members of the think tank or by individual researchers. during the Pinochet dictatorship.The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition was formed in the mid-1990s to dispute research finding an association between secondhand smoke and cancer. "the credibility of the EPA is defeatable. they represent a particular perspective. both left-wing and right-wing policy institutes are often quoted and rarely identified as such. but Zufeng[18] provides a good framework for China). or by the think tank of their funders. contract work. historical development and relations to other policy actors.[10][13] Their various audiences of the think tanks (audiences as consumers and public -this merits another blog. endowments. soon) (again. Legitimize policies – This has been clearer in Ecuador. Functional method in Latin America [edit] Research done by Enrique Mendizabal[24] shows that Latin American think tanks play various roles depending on their origins. applied. advocacy)." For example. corporations. In this study. In Bolivia. Spaces of debate – In this case think tanks serve as sounding boards for new policies. In Chile. the government of Evo Morales has been working with Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and other research institutes to do the same. but not on the basis of ETS (environmental tobacco smoke) alone. Bolivia and Peru.[16] Their influencing approaches and tactics (many researchers but an interesting one comes from Abelson[17]) and the time horizon for their strategies: long term and short term mobilisation.[11][12][13][14][15] The balance between research. New governments in Ecuador and Peru have approached policy institutes for support for already defined policies.[19] Criticism [edit] In some cases.[23] A policy institute is often a "tank"."[21] According to the Fairness and Accuracy in Media. consultancy. The source of their arguments: Ideology. or theoretical or academic research (Stephen Yeo). think tanks are seen as spaces where politicians can test the soundness of their policies and government plans. empirical or synthesis research. many authors. donors/governments. the free encyclopedia Strategy. Many think tanks. corporate interests have found it useful to create "think tanks. and Affiliation. many left wing intellectuals and researchers found ‘asylum’ in think tanks. think tank publications on education are subjected to expert review by the National Education Policy Center's "Think Twice" think tank review 4/22 . however. values or interests. In Ecuador. This method has provided support to the system as a whole rather than individual CSOs..Wikipedia. research.wikipedia.has a tendency to get bogged down in the vexed question of defining what we mean by ‘think tank’—an exercise that often degenerates into futile semantics. empirical or synthesis research 3. assuring a pluralistic. Financial channels for political parties or other interest groups – In Ecuador and Bolivia. capacity development. Independent research: this would be work done with core or flexible funding that allows the researchers the liberty to choose their research questions and method. etc. evidence credentials. the degree and type of competition they have. it could emphasize a major policy problem that requires a thorough research and action investment.. 5/22 . the role of major think tanks is precisely that: host scholars for a few months or years and then lose them to government employ.777 were based in the United States and approximately 350 in Washington DC alone. policy institutes may base their work or arguments on: 1. policy institutes may work in or based their funding on one or more ways. Then the shape of the organisation should follow to allow this to happen. etc. How a policy institute addresses these largely depends on how they work. However. Consultancy: this would be work done by commission with specific clients and addressing one or two major questions.[26] It is better (as in the Network Functions Approach) to describe what the organisation should do. It is likely to be based on research based evidence emerging from independent research or consultancies.. Theoretical or academic research According to the National Institute for Research Advancement. Argentina ranks fifth in the number of these institutions worldwide. think tanks are "one of the main policy actors in democratic societies .[30] Argentine scientific and technological development think tanks include: Armed Forces Scientific and Technical Research Institute National Atomic Energy Commission National Space Activities Commission National Research Council National Agricultural Technology Institute en. Consultancies often respond to an existing agenda. Applied. networking. 3.). Influencing/advocacy: this would be work done by communications. and the context in which they operate (including funding opportunities.[29] Argentina [edit] Argentina is home to 122 think tanks.465 think tanks worldwide. As Simon James said in 1998. German foundations have been able to provide funds to think tanks that work with certain political parties. 2. decision-making and evaluation".. the free encyclopedia 4. It may be long term and could emphasize ‘big ideas’ without direct policy relevance. including:[27] 1. think tank staff left to form part of the new governments.10/21/13 Think tank . 1. This functional method addresses the inherit challenge of defining a think tank.S. In the U.. lobbying. many specializing in public policy and economicsissues. their staff.. values or interests 2. campaigns. "Discussion of think tanks. Expert cadres of policy-makers and politicians – In Peru after the end of the Fujimoriregime. Ideology. and in Chile after the fall of Pinochet. Second. open and accountable process of policy analysis. a Japanese policy institute. their ideology vs. The following framework (based on Stephen Yeo’s description of think tanks’ mode of work) is described in Enrique Mendizabal's blog "onthinktanks": First.[28] A study in early 2009 found a total of 5. Of that number. founded in 1998. and strengthening Mexico-U.covri. IMCO was created in 2004 with the goal of promoting public policies to boost Mexico's competitiveness -defined as a country's capacity to attract and keep investments and talent. a University-based Center at Tecnopuc inside the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. Instituto Liberdade is among the Top 40 think tanks in Latin America and the Caribbean.wikipedia. It offers regular courses of Economics. and has as principles innovation. PVBLICA works in a stem cell organizational structure. market economics. Brazil. pluralistic debate pursuing: the Rule of Law & Democracy. as well as to the evaluation and design of technically sound public policies. Mexico [edit] IMCO[32] – The Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad A. Among them is Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI).) is a think-tank that focuses on public-policy research and solutions. committed to the analysis of issues of relevance for Mexico and Latin America’s development.[31] a report from the University of Pennsylvania's Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP). Fundação Getulio Vargas (Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV or GV)) is a Brazilian higher education institution founded on December 20. Law.and private-sector management.S. non partisan think tank. Asociación Civil) is a not-for-profit think tank that undertakes research and proposes viable policy options for Mexico's economic and democratic development. Social Sciences and Information technology management. . Peru [edit] 6/22 Centro Internacional Miranda Centro de Divulgación del Conocimiento Económico para la Libertad (CEDICE). "public choice". Brazil hosts. Its original goal was to train people for the country's public. The researching lines are the "public policies". Other courses began to be offered as the institution grew. at the city of Porto Alegre. Fundación Ethos is a non profit. for example. Instituto Liberdade. and "economy". design and protection of diffuse interests.Wikipedia. Business Administration. Working on public policies. the free encyclopedia National Industrial Technology Institute Multidisciplinary Vegetable Biology Institute Leloir Institute Balseiro Institute Brazil [edit] Brazil hosts a wide range of think tanks. "democracy". The organization seeks to promote open. It is considered by Foreign Policymagazine to be a top-5 "policymaker think-tank" worldwide. the OECD and the Inter American Development Bank (IADB). CEBRI is one of the most important think tanks in Brazil and aims at the developing knowledge and promoting debate on topics of international relations. that engages in policy relevant research and advocacy. CIDE is one of the most important think tank institutes. social development. according to the 2009 Global Go To Think Tanks Index [. located in the South Region of the country. Venezuela [edit] Consejo Venezolano de Relaciones Internacionales (COVRI)www. PVBLICA is an independent think tank established in Florianópolis.C. IMCO regularly undertakes projects with various international organizations such as the World Bank and its Doing Business report. CIDAC[33] – The Center of Research for Development (Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo.10/21/13 Think tank . 1944. like Development Research Center of the State Council. those early think tanks established in the late 1980s and early 1990s focused on the political development including first direct Legislative Council members election in 1991 and the political framework of "One Country. who encourage students to do empirical research and gain first hand experience in public policy issues [citation needed]. no Indian think tank appeared in University of Pennsylvania's "Global 50 annual list for 2012". and a few are government sponsored. A number of these work on foreign policy and security issues [citation needed]. and social development of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region". a think tank based in Mumbai looks at the intersection of foreign policy and business . Other think tanks in India could be privately organisations with voluntary contributions from mutli-disciplinary professionals and academic or industry leaders. Among the think tanks set up by thegovernment. In 1984.[34] People's Republic of China [edit] In the People's Republic of China a number of think tanks are sponsored by governmental agencies. the government of Bangladesh issued an ordinance to define organogram and objectives of the think tank.[36] Many are based in New Delhi. Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) stands as one of the prime organizations that works to undertake and promote research and deliberation on international affairs. was established in Guangdong province. more and more think tanks were established by various groups of intellectuals and professionals. economic. the first non-official think-tank in China.wikipedia. There are few think tanks like Centre for Civil Society who promote liberal social and economic ideas and others like the Rakshak Foundation.Wikipedia. Gateway House: Indian Council on Global Relations . Vivekananda International Foundation another example[citation needed]. security and developmental issues of the country. undertaking research on economic social and political policies. South Non-Governmental Think-Tank.and how India's businesses are shaping India's interactions with the world. Most of these are based in Dhaka. After the transfer of sovereignty to China in 1997.[35] but still retain sufficient non-official status to be able to propose and debate ideas more freely. They have various missions and objectives including promoting civic education. Indian think tanks face several challenges such as — insufficient en.10/21/13 Think tank . Think tanks with a development focus are those like the National Centre for Cold-chain Development ('NCCD') which serve to bring inclusive policy change by supporting the Planning Commission and related government bodies with industry specific inputs .[citation needed] In January 2012. However. Most of the actualdiplomacy between China and the United States has taken the form of academic exchanges between members of think tanks. India [edit] India has the third largest number of think tanks in the world. Two Systems" manifested in the Sino-British Joint Declaration. India is ranked 4th with 269 think tanks. By way of total number. the free encyclopedia Consejo de Investigación Económica y Social (CIES) Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (Grade) Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP) Instituto Libertad y Democracia (ILD) Asian think tanks Bangladesh [edit] [edit] In the People's Republic of Bangladesh a number of think tanks are working on foreign policy and security issues. promoting "public understanding of and participation in the 7/22 . Hong Kong [edit] In Hong this case set up at the behest of the government to direct cold chain development. Soft Security Strategic Think tank.wikipedia. the National Research Council for Economics. Iranian National Think Tank launched in July 2013( Iranian National Think Tank . Japan [edit] Japan has over 100 think tanks. I. should help improve the quality of work done by think tanks.Wikipedia. Explanation strategic think tank (tabyin). Malaysian Strategic Research Centre (MSRC). if implemented properly.R. For the first time in the world.10/21/13 Think tank . foreign security issues. the free encyclopedia funding. South Korea. Most en. The NRCS was reorganized in 2005 through the merger of the Korea Council of Economic and Social Research Institutes and the Korea Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences established separately in 1999. Very few think tanks can afford a heavy investment in computing infrastructure. costs over Rs 10 lakh ($18. National e-Governance Plan (to automate administrative processes)[39] and National Knowledge Network (NKN) (for data and resource sharing amongst education and research institutions).000). Although theRight to Information Act addresses this to some extent. Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA) and Penang Institute (formerly Socio-economic and Environmental Research Institute (SERI)) . technology and so on. They focus on defence. access to quality data is difficult.[37][38] Initiatives such as National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP) ( to ensure systemic and semantic consistency of data collection and data sharing). Humanities and Social Sciences (NRCS) is a public institution that supported 23 related research institutes in their quest to achieve the effective management and improvement of their research environment under the Prime Minister. a single user licence for the TIMES suite. Institute for Pioneering of Education and Economic Excellence (INSPIRE) Pakistan [edit] Pakistan's think tanks mainly revolve around internal politics. Nano Health Think Tank. lack of skilled staff and limited support from the government. Their focuses have been to provide social managers and policies.‫ )اﺗﺎق ﻓﮑر ﻣﻠﯽ‬. Notable ones include the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS). and Sharif Think tank & Polytechnic Think Tank are some famous Think tanks in this region. but most of the think tanks are sponsored by the private sector. Malaysia [edit] Most Malaysia think tanks are government or political party related. a popular energy modelling software. it is still a time-consuming process for obtaining data. new ideas and constructive citizens.[38] Iran [edit] Several organizations established in Iran since the late 1990s offer a unique blend of interdisciplinary research. International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia . and regional geo-politics. Republic of Korea (South Korea) [edit] In Korea. with pages in English and Korean. Think tank is called "Andishkadeh" in the Persian language.I. The Center for Free Enterprise (Korea) is a free market think tank located in Seoul. Since Government departments are often reluctant to share data they collect. Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs(IDEAS). politicsm and policies. Atinegaar Think Tank. and consequently to analyze and deal with them. It was established with the objective of supporting and fostering research institutes in the area of economics and social science and systematically supervising them in their contributions to the production of high-quality national policy research and the development of a concrete knowledge industry. ASEF Think tank. based on idea of Abolfazl Zohoorian to provide space for gathering criticisms. Seywan Institute. suggestions. most of which cover not only policy research but also economy.‫( اﻧدﯾﺷﮑده ﯾﻘﯾن‬CBSDA). For example. Some are government related. IDEAS is Malaysia's first policy oriented classical liberal think 8/22 . justice. and national analysts. most of whom have studied or worked abroad. It was first conceptualized in September 2005 by a group of experts. institutes such as the National University of Sciences and Technology have embarked on creating industrial linkages to create think tanks focusing on industrial and economic growth issues. the organisation's clients include multinational firms. SDPI was founded in August 1992.10/21/13 Think tank . non-governmental and corporate organizations. women rights. These are centred throughout the country and work under the umbrella of the mammoth Jamaat-e-Islami with headquarters in Lahore and has immense global influence. It was also aimed at responding to the need to provide academics a venue for research to enrich teaching and to provide inputs to policymaking. the Pakistan Institute of International 9/22 .[42] Sri Lanka [edit] Sri Lanka has a number of think tanks that are in the form governmental. non-stock. and affiliations with reputable think tanks in Pakistan are not clear. diplomatic missions. providing strategic analysis and advice for governments and the private sector in Asia. Some notable Pakistani think tanks are the MEASAC Research Center. Verité Research is perhaps the best recognised interdisciplinary think tank in the country.Wikipedia. labour rights. heritage protection. Islamabad. or conducting workshops and lectures at colleges and universities. en. Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) is a think-tank in policy advocacy and research particularly in the area of environment and social development . and environmental protection. educated elite living. Founded by Dr. Nishan de Mel. However the Jamat is a political party. the free encyclopedia of these are centered around the capital. regional. It was founded by a group of academics from the University of the Philippines Diliman in April 1991. The Institute acts as both a generator of original research on sustainable development issues and as a knowledge disseminator.[40] The PIPVTR is an independent. which hold many former or present educators. also called Pakistan’s Agenda 21. a former senior Sri Lankan policy maker. It was established in response to the need for an ongoing evaluation and interpretation of the changes in national and international affairs by serious international. the Institute of Policy Studies. city development. non-governmental research organization officially registered at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on 29 November 2007 as Philippine Institute for Political Violence and Terrorism Research. on the recommendation of Pakistan National Conservation Strategy (NCS). non-profit. Other think tanks concern religion and how its influence could grow in an already religious country. academics and practitioners who see the need to establish a center in the Philippines dedicated to the study of political violence and terrorism and their implications for peace and security. Most are known to the general public through seminars and newspaper articles. PakistanKaKhudaHafiz and the Corporate Advisory Council (NUST). There are also think tanks concerning human rights. Philippines [edit] The Institute for Strategic and Development Studies (ISDS Philippines) is an independent non-profit. policy research and advocacy institution that is also involved in training activities in cooperation with other training institutions at home and abroad. such as those concerning the state of education in the country.[41] Think tanks in the Philippines could be generally categorized in terms of their linkages with the national government. reach and regard among more traditional Muslims. all headed by the country's urban dwelling.wikipedia. There remains a vacuum for former high ranking Government officials and party members to contribute to the think tank and policy advocacy process in these areas. multilateral agencies. There are several other think tanks as well. Several were set up by the Philippine government for the specific purpose of providing research input into the policymaking process. Most recently. ThinkYoung. innovativeness. Sport and Citizenship. politics. – budget and macroeconomy. the Friends of Europe.wikipedia. Croatia [edit] In Croatia.10/21/13 Think tank . International Center for Human Development (ICHD) and the Armenian International Policy Research Group are among the most active and well known think tanks in the country. en. The Institute of Policy Studies in Colombo is another policy planning related think tank. Bulgaria [edit] Bulgaria has a number of think tanks providing expertise and shaping policies.Bruegel.The research activities of CLS pursue academic depth while at the same time reacting to the current problems of the political. the Ministry of External Affairs of Sri Lanka (formerly known as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) established a "Foreign Policy Think Tank" to facilitate the professional advancement of the country's foreign policy and the conduct of its external affairs. It aims at changing the culture from being focused on redistribution of value to being focused on value creation. the Lisbon Council. The structure of government Think Tanks in Sri Lanka are structured with the help of many academics and intellectuals affiliated with the government. There are several other focus-research institutes throughout the country that may be referred to as Think Tanks. Other think tanks in Sri Lanka include the Islamic Think Tank and the Sri Lanka Think Tank – UK. Most active are: Institute of Modern Politics – focused on legislation and parliamentary conduct from human rights and good governance perspective. Among them there is the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS). and the Centre for the New Europe(CNE). the European Centre of International Political Economy (ECIPE). It features research divisions in economics. Belgium [edit] Brussels hosts most of the European Institutions. law and media. there are around 14 think tanks in Armenia of which the largest part is located in Yerevan. though based in 10/22 . Recently. Centre for Liberal Strategies . unorthodox thinking and questioning existing dogmas. The key target segments include: managers. Center for the Study of Democracy Institute on Market Economy – working on anti-corruption and judicial reform issues. hence a large number of international think tanks are based there. Many private and government universities in Sri Lanka have research-related think tanks. Although headquartered in the Netherlands the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) also maintains an office in Brussels. such as the Marga Institute of Sri Lanka. The Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies is a regionally acclaimed policystudies institute that is often referred to as a think tank. The International Center for Ethnic Studies (located both in Colombo and Kandy) is another research-related think tank. The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR).Wikipedia. the Global Governance Institute (GGI). Innovation Institute is a NGO with a mission to develop innovative potential by promoting creativity. economic and social life in Bulgaria and taking into account the context of today's global world. is a network of researchers based throughout Europe that contributes actively to European policy debates. the European Policy Centre (EPC). the free encyclopedia government agencies and civil society actors. European think tanks Armenia [edit] [edit] According to the Global Go Think Thank Report 2012. The Economic Development and Research Center (EDRC). PTT). The German Institute for International and Security Affairs is a prominent example of a German foreign policy think tank. OK Do is a socially-minded design thinking organization. and Atlantic Initiative U. are researched by Pellervo Economic Research (Pellervon taloustutk imus . after Chatham House (UK. Germany [edit] In Germany all of the major parties are loosely associated with research foundations that play some role in shaping policy.S. The Institute for Media and Communication Policy is the leading think tank in the realm of media. professionals. Each of these organizations often release forecasts concerning the national economy. associated with The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (Maa. 1920) and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sweden. which acts as think tank in addition to negotiating salaries with workers unions. the Prague Student Summit). Czech Republic [edit] The Association for International Affairs is the foremost Czech think-tank specializing in the field of international politics and diplomacy. there is the Finnish Business and Policy Forum (Elink einoelämän valtuusk unta. the Konrad-AdenauerStiftung(Christian Democratic Union-aligned). These include theFriedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Social Democratic Party-aligned). Furthermore. PT).[by whom?] The corporate world has focused their efforts to central representative organization Confederation of Finnish Industries. It focuses on three areas: education (with the largest educational project in Central Europe. Greece [edit] 11/22 en. the HeinrichBöll-Stiftung (aligned with the Greens). 1960). but generally from the more disinterested role of providing research to support policymakers than explicitly proposing policy. the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung (Christian Social Union-aligned).10/21/13 Think tank . France [edit] The French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) was founded in 1979 and is the third oldest think tank of western Europe. academics and students. The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (Suomen Ammattiliittojen Kesk usjärjestö. Agricultural and regional interests.V. The primary goals of IFRI are to develop applied research in the field of public policy related to international issues.wikipedia. Atlantic Community think tank is an example of independent. The foundation focuses on increasing the competitiveness of French SME's and aims to revive entrepreneurship in France. the free encyclopedia entrepreneurs.Vasemmistofoorumi researches the future of leftism.Wikipedia. Demos Helsinki is a think tank that researches future society andCulture Crisis Management is political artists' think tank. policy makers. France also hosts the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).org/wiki/Think_tank .ja metsätaloustuottajain Kesk usliitto. and opinion leaders. There are also a number of pro-business think tanks. Friedrich Naumann Foundation(Free Democratic Party-aligned) and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (aligned with Die Linke). This is mainly due to support granted by state for such activity. the largest political parties have their own think tank organizations. research (at its Research Center) and international outreach (currently in Belarus and other countries). In addition to specific independent think tanks. and foster interactive and constructive dialogue between researchers. non-partisan and non-profit organization set up as a joint project of Atlantische Initiative e. MTK) and the Centre Party. notably the Paris-based Fondation Concorde .[43] Finland [edit] Finland has several small think tanks that provide expertise in very specific fields. aParis-based agency of the European Union and think tank researching security issues of relevance for the EU. EVA). SAK) and the Social Democratic Party are associated with the Labour Institute for Economic Research (Palk ansaajien tutk imuslaitos . Catholic think 12/22 . There are several think tanks that are established and operate under the auspices of Universities. Centre for Public policy PROVIDUS is a non governmental and non partisan association. Netherlands [edit] All major political parties in the Netherlands have state-sponsored research foundations that play a role in shaping policy. or Defense research centre established in 1992 under the auspices of the National Academy of Defense.10/21/13 Think tank . Providus focuses their work (both research and advocacy) on topics especially relevant in transition and posttransition environments and Latvia in particular: good governance. the Balkans. en.. European Union policies. established in 1992. none of them stands out however. including its neighborhood policy and Eastern Partnership. Poland [edit] There is a large pool of think-tanks in Poland. [edit] Bruno Leoni Institute Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Future Italy Istituto Affari Internazionali Venezie Institute Sardegna Democratica Latvia [edit] While think tanks are not widespread in Latvia. The Dutch government also has its own think tank: theScientific Council for Government Policy. The Casimir Pulaski Foundation on foreign policy.[44] also called research organisations or institutes. CETS was established in 2000. Transatlantic relations. their research and advocacy mainly focuses on: Latvian foreign policy. established in 2002.The second oldest is the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) established in 1947.Wikipedia.wikipedia. the Caucasus and Central Asia. criminal justice policy. German West-Institut. Such as: Centre for European and transition studies is a think tank working under the auspices of the University of Latvia. Maastricht in the Netherlands is also the headquarters of the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) a "think and do tank" with a Europe and Africa focus. French: L'Institut Occidental). as opposed to single issue advocacy organizations. and multilateral and bilateral relations with Russia. the Turkey. The oldest state-sponsored think tank is The Western Institute in Poznań (Polish: Instytut Zachodni. Among the private think tanks the most important are: the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE) and Institute for Structural Research (IBS) on economic policy. One of the oldest think tanks in the Netherlands is the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam (1974). which specialises in the countries neighbouring Poland and in the Baltic Sea region. there are several noticeable institutions in the Latvian think tank landscape: The oldest think tank in Latvia is Latvian Institute of International Affairs . LIIA is a non governmental and non partisan foundation. Ireland Italy [edit] The Iona Institute is a conservative. tolerance and inclusive public policy and European policy. the free encyclopedia See also: List of Greek think tank s In Greece there are many think tanks.the largest public university in the country. The other most important state-sponsored think tank is the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW). theInstitute of Public Affairs (ISP) on social policy. Contraditório is a 13/22 .Wikipedia. the Institute adhered to high professional standards and to promote concrete. Since 2004. founded in 2005 by the Belgrade University’s Faculty of Economics. FREN has established itself as one of the leading economic think tanks in Serbia. the Center for International Affairs (CSM) andThe Sobieski Institute. IPP is a member organization of the Policy Association for an Open Society (PASOS) network.wikipedia. The Institute for Public Policy (IPP) is a think-tank established in 2001 with the aim to support the development of democratic processes in Romania through in-depth research. modernization of the civil service body. fiscal decentralization). analysis of electoral systems and processes. IPP motto is It's all about thinking. comprehensive debates and nonpartisan public policy analysis. IPP developed and consolidated a recognized expertise in the fields of public administration reform (public services reform. FREN's team comprises a network of over 30 associates who regularly and systematically monitor economic trends in Serbia. This was achieved by working with specialized personnel and by permanent collaboration with experts in the aforementioned fields. with the aim to contribute to a consolidation of the democratic system in Romania by promoting the idea of public policy designed in accordance with world know standards. Russia has 112 think tanks. which was founded in 1996.FREN. Slovakia [edit] Besides the international think tanks present in the surrounding countries as well (with Open Society Foundations being the most notable one) Slovakia has a host of its own think tanks as well. independent and non-partisan think tank. health reform. Its mission is to contribute to a better process of public policy formulation in Romania. conduct in-depth research and encourage and facilitate the exchange of information and availability of economic data. Since most of these organizations are generally en. public procurement. together with other similar organizations from 22 countries. [edit] Romania's largest think tank is the Romanian Academic Society (SAR). Thanks to the quality and relevance of its research. Russia [edit] According to the Foreign Policy Research Institute. the free encyclopedia demosEUROPA on EU affairs. while Russian think tanks claimed four of the top ten spots in 2011’s "Top Thirty Think Tanks in Central and Eastern Europe".[45] Notable Russian think tanks include: Carnegie Moscow Center Institute of World Economy and International Relations Moscow State Institute of International Relations Center for Economic and Financial Research Institute for US and Canadian Studies Council on Foreign and Defense Policy Independent Institute for Social Policy (in Russian) Serbia [edit] Serbia's best known think thank is the Foundation for the Advancement of Economics . with the latter concentrating on minority issues.10/21/13 Think tank . Portugal Romania [edit] Contraditório think tank was founded in 2008. objective and data-supported policy measures. political parties finance. such as Institute of Public Affairs (Inštitút pre verejné otázk y or IVO in Slovak) andForum Minority Research Institute (Fórum Kisebbségk utató Intézet or Fórum Intézet inHungarian and Fórum inštitút pre výsk um menšín or Fórum inštitút in Slovak). From its very inception. anti corruption policies. a lot of mayors and bureaucrats had been member of ESAM. a unique think tank in 14/22 . the free encyclopedia perceived to be associated with right-wing and liberal parties of Slovakia (with the perception being particularly strong among Slovak nationalists). In The Republic of Turkey. the Fundación Alternativas is independent but close to left-wing ideas. Ideologically it performs policies. focused on detecting social. Former Prime Minister José Maria Aznar presides over the Fundación para el Analisis y los Estudios Sociales (FAES). Sweden [edit] The two biggest think tanks in Sweden is the liberal oriented Timbro and center-left orientedAgora. Many of them are sister organizations of a political party or a company. 2 of the presidents. Dr. produce ideas and manage projects in parallel to Milli Görüş and have also influential effects on political parties and international strategies. like the Future Trends Forum from Bankinter Foundation . scientific and technological trends and analyzing their possible application and impact on current business models. SETA.10/21/13 Think tank . 4 of the prime ministers.Wikipedia. More specialized think tanks has also emerged in Spain during the past 10 years.. Also linked to the PP is the Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos (GEES). List of think-tanks in Turkey:http://tr. many members of the parliament. a policy institute that is associated with the conservative Popular Party (PP). SNS. and founder General Chairman of Saadet Party). The Socialist Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) has created a new think tank called the Fundación Ideas . Spain [edit] In Spain.and security-related research and analysis. University think tanks are not typical think tanks. ESAM has strong international relationships especially with Muslim countries and societies. FORES. Turkey [edit] Turkish think tanks are relatively new. which is known for its defense. although it is closely linked to (and receives funding from) the Socialist government in power. yet they play less important roles in policy making when compared with American think tanks. Tasam and the journal of Turkish weekly are the leading information sources. the Foreign Policy Spanish Edition and DARA (international organization). a group of democratic former heads of state and government. Most Turkish think tanks provide research and ideas. created in 2001 following the example of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) in the UK. Turksam. The public service radio channel P3 also hosts the programme Tankesmedjan. Other influential Turkish think tanks are the International Strategic Research Organisation (USAK). Konya and other cities. older main opposition party leader.wikipedia. For its part. There are at least 20 think tanks in the country. The founder Leader of Milli Görüş movement Prof. Others are Sektor3. economic.h. Civitas (Christian democratic oriented) and Cogito (Green oriented).[47]k. There are now at least 30 think tanks in the country. Currently the General Chairman of ESAM is a famous veteran politician Recai KUTAN (who is older Minister for two different ministries.[46] findings and proposals made by these organizations are generally resented or ignored by left-wing supporters and nationalists.Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi) which is established in 1969 and centrally based in Ankara. There are number of Think Tank organizations both independent and supported by government. The oldest and most influential think tank organization in Turkey is ESAM (The Center for Economic and Social Research .wikipedia. Arbetarrörelsens Tankesmedja (sociodemocratic oriented). and the Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE) established in 1999 by Diego Hidalgo and main driving force behind projects such as the Club de Madrid. Necmettin ERBAKAN was very concerned with activities and brainstorming events of ESAM. One of the most influential Spanish think tanks is the Elcano Royal Institute. variousürkiye'deki_düşünce_kuruluşları_listesi en. BİLGESAM etc. More independent but clearly to the left of the political spectrum are the Centro de Investigaciones de Relaciones Internacionales y Desarrollo (CIDOB) founded in 1973. think tanks are progressively raising their public profile. Bursa. There are also branch offices of ESAM in İstanbul. The average Centre’s yearly budget is approximately $600. political sciences. For example. Demos are three of the most significant think-tanks of the United Kingdom. land relations. foreign policy. The Centre has about 35 full-time employees. http://www.10/21/13 Think tank . law. national security and 15/22 . economic policy. state administration.razumkov. The Ukrainian-wide public opinion polls of Razumkov Centre Sociological Service are carried out by over 300 interviewers. the London-based think tank Chatham House and the Council on Foreign Relationswere both conceived at the Paris Peace Conference. recognized by scientific and expert community. attempting to shape policy.php United Kingdom [edit] See also: List of think tank s in the United Kingdom In Britain. Razumkov Centre united experts in the fields of economy.Wikipedia. presented on the web sites of the Thatcher's longest-serving Cabinet Minister Geoffrey Howe. CIVITAS. on the International Economic Forum in Krynica (Poland) Razumkov Centre was named the best nongovernmental organisation of Eastern Europe. energy. think tanks play a similar role to the United States. Centre for Strategic Research and Analysis (CESRAN). military security. is the oldest centre-right think tank and many of its members have gone on to serve as Members of Parliament or Members of the European Parliament. founded in 1951. some ministries and departments. listed as recommended for the students of Ukrainian universities. Past chairmen have included Conservative Party leader Michael Howard. 1919 and have remained sister organisations. en. and indeed there is some cooperation between British and American think tanks. land relations. history and philosophy. social policy. Analytical materials of Razumkov Centre are: recognized and used by different political forces. sociology. international relations. The Bow Group. It carries out research of public policy in the following spheres: domestic policy. international and regional security. the free encyclopedia Ukraine [edit] Razumkov Centre Razumkov Centre is a non-governmental think tank founded in 1994. Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont and former British Telecom chairman Christopher Bland. have high index of quoting in Ukrainian and foreign mass media and scientific literature.000. In 2004.wikipedia. and over 100 persons work on contractual basis. The Razumkov Centre is listed among top-25 think tanks of the Central and Eastern Europe. used as analytical and reference materials during the parliamentary heariings in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. They bring together the expertise and outlook of government. such as the National Planning Association (1934) and theCommittee for Economic Development (1943).000 these advisory committees are en. the Air Force set up the RAND Corporation in 1946 to develop weapons technology and strategic defense analysis. These FFRDCs include the RAND Corporation. Their data show that the most-cited think tank was the Brookings Institution.S. which later merged with two organizations to form the Brookings Institution. The Great Depression and its aftermath spawned several economic policy organizations. systems development. and academia to solve complex technical problems. Government [edit] Government think tanks are also important in the United States. are a form of think tank dedicated to advising the US Presidents or the Executive branch of government.Wikipedia.10/21/13 Think tank ."[49] In the following decades conservative policies once considered outside the political mainstream—such as abolishing welfare. The Twentieth Century Fund (1919. Powell Jr. and 16% liberal. They receive funding from private 16/22 .[48] In collaboration with the Douglas Aircraft Company. and the Council on Foreign Relations.[50][51] Think tanks help shape both foreign and domestic policy. deregulatingbanking. Institute for Homeland Security Studies. activities at approximately 30 Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs). sometimes referred to as commissions. and systems acquisition. FFRDCs. In 1971 Lewis F.S.[52]The FAIR report reveals the ideological breakdown of the citations: 37% conservative. FFRDCs typically assist government agencies with scientific research and analysis. was formed in 1916. unlike special interest groups these committees have come under some oversight regulation and are required to make formal records available to the public. and other organizations supporting various departments within the U. Approximately 1. Think tanks may feel more free to propose and debate controversial ideas than people within government. These include the Institute for National Strategic Studies. followed by the Council on Foreign Relations. Similar to the above quasi-governmental organizations are Federal Advisory Committees. at the National Defense University. and members of private organizations. the oldest American think tank is theCarnegie Endowment for International Peace. the Center for Naval Warfare Studies at the Naval War College and the Strategic Studies Institute at the U. They typically focus on a specific issue and as such. are unique independent nonprofit entities sponsored and funded by the U. the Aerospace Corporation. reshaping mass media and seeking influence in universities and the judiciary. Heritage Foundation.[48] The Institute for Government Research. particularly in the security and defense field. the Institute for Defense Analyses. and now known as the Century Foundation). industry.wikipedia. the free encyclopedia United States think tanks [edit] Main article: List of think tank s in the United States As the classification is most often used today. Government. the American Enterprise Institute. privatizing Social Security. the National Bureau of Economic Research (1920). the American Enterprise Institute and smaller tanks. and the Center for Strategic and International Studies. 47% centrist.S. wholly or in part. The government funds. Other early twentieth century organizations now classified as think tanks include the Hoover Institution (1919). government to meet specific long-term technical needs that cannot be met by any other single organization. However. noting that from 2006 to 2007 the number of citations declined 17%. Army War College. These groups. A database of articles released by these organizations can be found here: The Think Bank . urged conservatives to retake command of public discourse by "financing think tanks. the MITRE Corporation. and the Center for Technology and National Security Policy. The progressive media watchgroup Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) has identified the top 25 think tanks by media citations. the MIT Lincoln Laboratory. might be considered similar to special interest groups. the Heritage Foundation. founded in 1910. embracing preemptive war—were taken seriously and sometimes passed into law thanks to the work of the Hoover Institution. private and civil society and working with different networks both in local (EITI NGO Coalition. WTO NGO Network etc. non-profit organization.). including CIS. and is involved with policy research and capacity building. Azerbaijan.wikipedia. the free encyclopedia described in the FACA searchable database . CESD employs leading researchers prominent in their fields and enjoys a broad regional and international network. the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. the Australia Institute. Prominent leftist Australian think tanks include the McKell Institute. which are funded by private sources. the Productivity Commission or theCSIRO. ranked 21) were included in the list from Central and Eastern Europe and CIS countries. Only CESD (ranked 19) and the Center for Economic and Social Research (CASE). or CESD. CESD is the only think tank from the Caucasus and Central Asia included in the top think tanks rankings. Azerbaijan. in Azeri. Per Capita.CESD is also ranked as one of the top 25 domestic economic policy thinks tanks in the world. the Sydney Instituteand the Institute of Public Affairs. CESD has been set up to promote research into domestic and regional economic and social issues.[citation needed] Prominent Australian conservative think tanks include The Centre for Independent Studies. IBP. The Economic Research Center (ERC) is a policy-research oriented non-profit think tank established in 1999 with a mission to facilitate sustainable economic development and good governance in the new public management system of Azerbaijan. Public Coalition Against Poverty and etc. research and advocacy within a broader civics framework. It seeks to do this by building favorable interactions between the public. In recent years regionally based independent and non-partisan think tanks have emerged. program governance. The Center for Economic and Social Development. Lowy Institute and the Centre for Policy Development.Wikipedia. National Budget Group. Other countries Azerbaijan [edit] [edit] According to research done by the University of Pennsylvania. and others provide additional insight which complements not for profit organisations such as CEDA. ENTO. Commercial think tanks like the Gartner Group. and the Australian Institute of Company Directors to provide more targeted policy in defence. The Center was established in 2005.[5]According to the University of Pennsylvania rankings – a result of surveys from 1500 scholars and peer review evaluation – the Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) is one of the top 25 think tanks in Central and Eastern Europe. Access Economics. PASOS. think tanks based in Australia include: Ainslie Institute en. NGO based inBaku. Some such as the Illawarra's i-eat-drink-think engage in discussion. corporate governance and similar. İqtisadi və Sosial İnkişaf Mərkəzi (İSİM) is an Azeri think tank. the Melbourne Institute – or are government funded – for example. advocacy towards reforms and capacity building for the purpose to positively impact the policy making and improve the participation. there are a total of 12 think tanks in Azerbaijan. Listed in alphabetical order. CESD focuses on policy advocacy and reform. The Helmsman Institute. (Poland.10/21/13 Think tank .) and international levels (PWYP. CESD ranked as one of the top think tanks in the world by the University of Pennsylvania. However. 17/22 . There are also about 20–30 "independent" Australian think tanks.[citation needed] Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Azerbaijan Australia [edit] Most Australian think tanks are based at universities [53] – for example. in the past decade the number of think tanks has increased substantially. The bestknown of these think tanks play a much more limited role in Australian public and business policy making than in the United States. 10/21/13 Think tank . Nicholls Society Infrastructure Partnerships Australia Institute of Public Affairs International Energy Centre International Water Centre Issues Deliberation Australia/America Laboratory for Visionary Architecture Lowy Institute for International Policy Mannkal Economic Education Foundation The McKell Institute The Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research Menzies Research Centre National Civic Council New South Wales Institute for Educational Research Per Capita Samuel Griffith Society Strategic and Defence Studies Centre Sydney Institute Transport and logistics centre Western Australia Policy Forum Canada [edit] Canada has many think tanks (listed in no particular order). 18/22 . the free encyclopedia Air Power Australia AltSolved Commonwealth Think Tank Asia Education Foundation Asia Society (AustralAsia) Asialink Australia India Institute The Australia Institute Australian Fabian Society Australian Institute of International Affairs Australian Institute of Policy & Science Australian Strategic Policy Institute The Brisbane Institute Centre for Independent Studies Centre for Policy Development Chifley Research Centre Committee for Economic Development of Australia Crowther Centre for Learning and Innovation Development Policy Centre Doctors Reform Society of Australia Evatt Foundation Grattan Institute H. Each has their specific areas of interest with some overlaps: en. By the 1990s. Ghana.D Howe Institute Centre for International Governance Innovation The Conference of Defence Associations Conference Board of Canada Caledon Institute of Social Policy Council of Canadians Canada West Foundation Franco-Canadian Research Centre Fraser Institute Frontier Centre for Public Policy Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Institute for Public Economics Canadian Council on Social Development Institute for Research on Public Policy Canadian Employment Research Forum International Institute for Sustainable Development International Policy Forum Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Mowat Centre for Policy Innovation North-South Institute Canadian International Council Parkland Institute Canadian Labour and Business Centre Pembina Institute Public Policy Forum Canadian Tax Foundation Western Centre for Economic Research Centre for Trade Policy and Law Note: The Canadian Policy Research Networks (CPRN) is a Canadian think-tank that has disbanded. In particular it has organised Presidential debates every election year since the Ghanaian presidential election. 1996. the free encyclopedia Atlantic Institute for Market Studies Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada Broadbent Institute Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute Cardus C. set up various state-supported think tanks in the 1960s. The IEA undertakes and publishes research on a range of economic and governance issues confronting Ghana and Sub-Saharan Africa. a variety of policy research centers sprang up in Africa set up by academics who sought to influence public policy in Ghana. which was founded in 1989 when the country was ruled by the Provisional National Defence Council.10/21/13 Think tank .org/wiki/Think_tank 19/22 . Kwame Nkrumah. It has also been involved in bringing political parties together to engage in dialogue. One such think tank was The Institute of Economic Affairs.Wikipedia. Ghana [edit] Ghana's first president. Dr. en.wikipedia. The Hebrew University The Shalem Center Jamaica [edit] The Planning Institute of Jamaica is an agency of the Office of the Prime Minister that is "committed to leading the process of policy formulation on economic and social issues and external co-operation management to achieve en.Wikipedia.Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information The Milken Institute Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies. Ben Gurion University of the Negev IPCRI .wikipedia. the free encyclopedia Some of the active think tanks in Ghana include: Africa Centre for Development & Integrity (CeDI-Africa) IMANI Centre for Policy and Education The Institute of Economic Affairs. Tel Aviv University The Shalom Hartman Institute The Begin-Sadat Center – Bar Ilan University The Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Institute for Advanced Studies at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Jewish Arab Center (JAC). Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem International Institute for Counter-Terrorism – IDC Herziliya Israel Center for Third Sector Research.10/21/13 Think tank . University of Haifa The Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) The Maurice Falk Institute for Economic Research in Israel. Social and Economic Research (ISSER) Centre for Democratic Development (CDD) The Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC) Civil Society Platform on Oil and Gas The Institute for Health Policy and Research (IHPR ) Israel [edit] There are many think tank teams in Israel:[54] Shaharit: The Think Tank for New Israeli Politics Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies (JIMS) Neaman Institute Reut Institute The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Adva Center for Social Policy Israel Democracy Institute The Institute for National Security Studies The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies The Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute The Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute AIX Group-Joint Palestinian-Israeli-International Economic Working Group Floersheimer Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Harry 20/22 . Ghana (IEA) The Center for Policy Analysis (CEPA) Institute of Statistical. 21/22 . but also a platform of exchanges... meetings and North-South and South-South cooperation. It operates as a laboratory of ideas and a unique creator of debates. Key projects: Preparation of the National human development report for Uzbekistan. and places of achievement in promoting youth participation in projects related to urban culture and social development . a conception of culture for which the Institute Mazagan engages and advocates. founded in 2008 and based in Rabat. and a creator of debates.Wikipedia. AMAQUEN founded in 2003. FW de Klerk Foundation South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) South African Institute of Race Relations Centre for Development and Enterprise Helen Suzman Foundation Free Market Foundation sbp Business Environment Specialists Good Governance Africa Institute for Security Studies en.10/21/13 Think tank . forms. Awaken in them the notion of citizenship and social integration .. Indeed." Morocco [edit] The Amadeus Institute is an independent Moroccan think tank. Somalia [edit] Puntland Development Research Center Center for Research and Dialogue Heritage Institute for Policy Studies Somaliland Academy for Peace and Development Policy Analysis Centre South Africa [edit] Idasa: Frederik Van Zyl Slabbert. It also acts as the Voice of the South to communicate its vision and concerns at the global level. TheAmadeus Institute has a double role: analysis and creating debates. and Turkmenistan. stakeholders. the free encyclopedia sustainable development. dialogue proposition and consultancy. is one of the most influential associations in the field of education through its publications (rapports and international scientific journal"Quality in Education" ) and international events (CIMQUSEF ). It contributes to the Moroccan and Maghreban public debate. According toMarianne Republic [56] AMAQUEN is one of leadings think tank in the world.[55] Mazagan InstituteMazagan Institute promotes the development of intercultural dialogue. civil society and private sectors on the economic development matters. Tajikistan. a brainstorming platform. assistance in productive dialogue between the government. Preparation of an analytical report on export procedures optimization in Uzbekistan. various industry and marketing researches in Uzbekistan. It acts as a laboratory of ideas. audiences.. Uzbekistan [edit] CED[57] – Center for Economic Development (Центр Содействия Экономическому Развитию) is a think-tank whose major tasks are: analytic support in economic reforming and development in Uzbekistan. bringing people together through culture and the development of cultural activities based on the diversity of disciplines. thematic approaches. improving knowledge and skills of the subjects of economic development. Sociological "portrait" of the Uzbek businessman. It is at the same time a centre of reflection. and Alex Borain. org/wiki/Think_tank 22/22 .10/21/13 Think tank . the free encyclopedia AfriMAP Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection en.wikipedia.Wikipedia.
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